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The Tourist


Lyrics submitted by piesupreme

The Tourist Lyrics as written by Edward John O'brien Colin Charles Greenwood

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the tourist radiohead lyrics

This is actually the first song on the album! bear with me here...

Johnny was obsessed with the idead of continuity when they were recording ok computer, so this album is a loop. at the end of tourist we hear the the triangle(or whatever it is) and we presume his car has crashed, but the "airbag" saves his life and he continues his life through the album until he gets to tourist again!

Did that make sense??

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God, I love those little secrets Radiohead throws onto their albums. It seems like nobody has really done that since the '70s.

Hey men solid down.

@Lumpy_custard I mean, the rest of the album doesn't seem to form a story (given that No Surprises is a story itself in which the guy most likely kills himself at the end) but yeah the connection between The Tourist and Airbag sounds about right.

In Fahrenheit 451, I'm pretty sure Montag says something like "it barks at no one else but me," maybe that exactly.

He's talking about the big scary mechanical hound: the one that's a metaphor for technology. It has almost immesurable potential for bettering the world, but it seems like it is mostly used for killing people. Montag is one of the few enlightened people in his world who understands this about technology, and whenever he's around it, it barks at him.

These themes are present throughout OK Computer. Draw your own conclusions...

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It's hot as a mug in England right now. Sometimes, I take iced lollies with me to the loo. It helps me think up new lyrics. Then Jonny would be banging on the door, yelling for me to get out. I'd tell the gorm to belt up, but it's like he's bladdered. It's always "Thom sing this", "Thom play this" or "Thom always writes the songs". I'm telling you, it's not like I want to do all the work.

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part of me secretly hopes that you are actually Thom Yorke<br /> because that would be blooming hilarious

I miss this guy.

I interpret this song as needing to enjoy life. When a tourist visits a place he usually feel like he has to do a lot to take in the sights. He is moving at a fast-pace. He is also uptight cause he doesnt know the place he's at, so the sparks are him being irritated a lot. This also applies to people always on the go as well.

I often think this song is 2nd to last and Airbag is really the last song on OK Computer (listen to the Airbag lyric. So I listen through the cd all the way and then listen to Airbag last. To me, it is like a rebirth, an awareness of life and doing things right this time cause you had a realization, however that came to be.

"The Tourist" was written by Jonny, who, explains Thom, was "in a beautiful square in France on a sunny day, and watching all theses American tourists being wheeled around, frantically trying to see everything in 10 minutes." Jonny was shocked at how these people could be in a place so beautiful and so special and not realize it because they weren't taking the time to just stop and look around.

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@a town like paris That's exact;y what I thought the song was about - Hey idiot slow down.....

Hey, man, slow down...

A few years back when I was living in a miserable ghetto apartment, unemployed, credit card debt piling up, uncertain about the present and the future, I'd go on road trips out of the city almost every weekend to camp, hike, ski, anything to get away from the concrete and the corner drug deals and the liquor stores and the drive-bys. I was listening to Radiohead heavily, as I'm still inclined to do when clinically depressed, and as the weekend came to a close, and we had been on the road for a few hours, and we entered the final maze of freeways, I'd always cue up OKC to The Tourist. Hey, man, slow down... think of the beautiful sights you saw this weekend. Remember the colors on the painted sand dunes... remember how that blast of heat felt coming from the black lava beds... the views of the smoky blue foothills from the summit... remember how the tent stakes crunched in the cinders, the quiet of the campsite... the smell of the pines... slow down...

Then we'd get home and hurriedly unpack the car in fear of getting jumped.

I think of this song a lot. When I'm biking and I nearly pass up a scenic spot in favor of making time - Hey, man, slow down. When I'm stressing at work, deluded into thinking that any of that sh*t actually matters - Hey, man, slow down. When I'm caught up in my troubles and forget how good it can be to stop on the way home and watch the sunset over the ocean - Hey, man, slow down.

Thanks for this one, Radiohead. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.

I found Tourist one of OK Computer's more difficult tracks to understand, but in the end I disagree with most of you (as much as you can disagree about interpretations).

I reckon it's kind of a follow-up to No Surprises where he'd decided to go for a fake life, and now here the cracks (or "sparks", as he calls them) are beginning to show. He panics ("overcharged") and begins to run madly away from where he was an in an unknown direction. I like the idea that he ends up brushing death, and we return to the beginning with "airbag". The danger of his wild and unplanned change of direction is expressed by the chorus, where he's told to slow down - to basically lie down before he hurts himself.

The pre-OK Computer period is known for excessive touring and the band's tiredness of it. Just imagine flying around to all the biggest cities of the world, mostly seeing airports and venues. The aircraft is what transports him 1000 feet/second. The part about the sparks is Thom's way of saying that there is too much energy, both for him personally and for the world. Too much energy used in a short amount of time. It would be reasonable to relax and save some of it for later. The title means he never feels at home and that the thing barking at him evokes a association to him being a ghost - he is lost from the world and unsure that he will ever get back from the state of tourist to a settled person (and if he never goes back to settled person, then he is like a ghost to those settled. Dogs always belong somewhere and probably the most settled animal in the world)

The sparks a-flowing goes with the spiritual feel of the album (karma, reincarnation etc) and suggests that the narrator has an aura that the animal can see.

I think Thom took his personal themes at that moment and converted it into something mystical, mythical and general.

Lol, of course the aircraft doesn't fly 1000 feet/second. Maybe he exaggerates to express how insanely rushed it feels like. The many sci-fi aspects of the album also allows for such exaggeration to fit in naturally.

Could 1000 feet per second refer to the speed of sound?

1000ft/s = 300m/s (more or less). Speed of sound = 330m/s.

With regards to previous comments...

Passenger aircraft don't usually fly at 1000ft/s. This would be near Mach 1. A typical passenger jet has a maximum cruise speed of around 900km/h = about 820ft/s.

Cars definitely do not drive at 1000ft/s. That's over 650mph. If you have a car that goes this fast, you should give Richard Noble a ring.

I mean, it's really blooming hard being the mastermind behind the group.

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Radiohead - The Tourist Lyrics

Artist: Radiohead

Album: OK Computer

Genre: Rock

the tourist radiohead lyrics

It barks at no one else but me Like it's seen a ghost I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin' No one else would know Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you see sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going At a thousand feet per second Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down

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Song Meanings and Facts

Song Meanings and Facts

The Tourist by Radiohead Lyrics Meaning – A Lyrical Journey Through Modern Alienation

by SMF AI · Published December 31, 2023 · Updated April 24, 2024

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Dissecting the Pulse of Progress: An Ode to the Overwhelmed

Through the eyes of a ghost: the isolation in acceleration, when sparks fly: the hidden electricity of ‘the tourist’, deciphering the tourist’s most memorable line: ‘hey man, slow down’, the clash of existential speed: ‘at a thousand feet per second’.

Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot, slow down Slow down

Sometimes I get overcharged That’s when you See sparks They ask me where the hell I’m going? At a thousand feet per second

Full Lyrics

In the pantheon of Radiohead’s discography, ‘The Tourist’ holds a particular weight, a somber closing track to the lauded ‘OK Computer’ album. Like the final act of a gripping novel, it does not beg for attention, rather it achingly unfolds the denouement of a record obsessed with technology, isolation, and the human condition.

Beneath its seemingly static surface, the song’s lyrics guide the listener through a narrative that is as much an internal monologue as it is an existential sermon. The simplicity of its repeated plea, ‘Hey man, slow down’, becomes a mantra for the modern age, a call to resist the breakneck pace of life that technology and progress demand.

The relentless progression of society and technology acts as an electric current through ‘The Tourist’, jolting the listener out of complacency. This song is less about the physical act of touring and more a commentary on the blistering speed at which we are expected to navigate our lives. The metaphor of a tourist becomes a sardonic illustration of someone out of sync with their surroundings, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds that should be marveled at.

Just as a tourist might miss the essence of a place by hurrying from one landmark to the next, so too the song suggests we are missing the substance of our lives. With ‘sparks a-flowin’,’ we are shown the friction of resistance as life moves too fast, a friction that occasionally ignites, revealing glimpses of the danger in our pace.

A haunting presence lingers throughout ‘The Tourist,’ epitomized by the dog that barks ‘like it’s seen a ghost’. Here, the mechanics of modern life render us ghost-like, present but not fully there, our essence dimmed by the demands of a fast-paced world. Even as others remain oblivious, the individual in the song feels the acute awareness of their own spectral existence.

This ghostliness extends beyond the metaphysical, manifesting in the disconnection from others. The repeated admonishments to ‘slow down’ are not just self-reminders but also a plea to humanity at large, one that often falls on deaf ears in a society dead-set on speeding ahead.

At the core of ‘The Tourist’ lies a paradox: the sparks that fly serve both as a warning and as evidence of life. While they signify the dangerous overcharge, they are also proof that the protagonist has not surrendered to the numbness of routine. It’s no mistake that the song oscillates between a sense of unease and a strange, kinetic beauty.

The sparks represent bursts of realization, moments when the veil of haste is lifted and the true shape of the world is glimpsed. They are beautiful yet volatile manifestations of the human spirit—a spirit that stubbornly persists even as the modern world tries to suppress it.

The seemingly simple refrain, ‘Hey man, slow down’, echoes like a distress signal throughout ‘The Tourist’. It serves as the thematic linchpin of the song, a reminder repeated with such urgency that it transcends its initially perceived simplicity. In this, the line captures a fundamental truth about our collective disorientation in a fast-forward culture.

This memorable line humanizes the critique of speed and disconnection. It is familiar and colloquial, yet it carries with it the weight of profound insight, becoming a call to arms, or rather, a call to pause, insisting on the importance of reflection and connection in a world obsessed with moving ahead.

With these potent lyrics, ‘The Tourist’ reaches a thematic climax, painting a vivid image of the velocity with which one is propelled through modern life—’At a thousand feet per second’. This haunting image encapsulates the human predicament within the ceaseless rush of progress, hurtling towards destinations unknown without time to process our trajectory.

The velocity is symbolic of the larger loss of control felt by individuals navigating a society where acceleration is synonymous with advancement. ‘The Tourist’ thus morphs into a timely compass for those wishing to recalibrate their internal rhythms and resists the gravitational pull of a world that venerates speed at the cost of substance.

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The Tourist letra

  • Released 1997
  • Author Thom Yorke , Jonny Greenwood , Colin Greenwood , Ed O'Brien , Phil Selway

The Tourist lyrics

It barks at no one else but me Like it's seen a ghost I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin' No one else would know

Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down

Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you see sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going At a thousand feet per second

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The Tourist by Radiohead

the tourist radiohead lyrics


  • This is the last song on OK Computer , and it deals with a reckless driver. The first song on the album is "Airbag," so this serves as a warning of impending disaster. >> Suggestion credit : rob - Newport Beach, CA
  • According to Q magazine (April 2008) this was written by Jonny Greenwood in response to seeing a group of tourists dash through a town in France. It was intended to be a song about the "speed you live your life with." Yorke later added lyrics that he'd written on holiday in Prague.
  • Jonny Greenwood (from Humo magazine July 22, 1997): "That is MY song. I was surprised that the other four let me do it. 'The Tourist' doesn't sound like Radiohead at all. It's a song where there doesn't have to happen anything every three seconds. It has become a song with space."
  • The "Hey man, slow down" line is something Thom Yorke came up with when the band was on tour in Germany. As usual, he was paranoid and didn't get much sleep. He walked out to get food, and a dog started barking at him. "I'm staring at this dog, and everyone else is carrying on," he told Rolling Stone. "That's where 'hey, man, slow down' comes from. It sounds like it's all about technology and stuff, but it's not."
  • Jonny Greenwood played the main melody on a Mellotron, a vintage keyboard that plays sounds recorded onto tape loops.
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Comments: 7

  • Hlemma from Phoenix One of the greatest closing tracks on any rock album. My favorite Radiohead song.
  • Garett from Aurora, Il On the album Greenwood gets sole authorship, while Pandora lists the entire band. Song is left off the sheet music book entirely when it is certainly in their top 20. A good song to end the album I agree.
  • Matt from Toronto, Canada Yeah, your definately right Anthony, Jonny Greenwood wrote it and it is about tourists he observed in france... it would be nice to change that WRONG songfact, but o well.
  • Anthony from Huntsville, Tn I read somewhere that Jonny Greenwood(the guitarist)was in Paris at the Louvre observing American tourist.Like they were running around trying to see everything in a short amout of time ("idiot slow down"). So he thought your in such a beautiful place with beautiful art just take your time slow down and enjoy it. It also speaks of how the tourist seems to get overcharged."They ask me where the hell im going, at a thousand feet per second",a reference to hearing the French language and not understanding it. I love Radiohead and "O.K. Computer" is one of my favorite albums.
  • Keegan from Richmond, England I was under the distinct impression that the entire album of OK computer was written as a near death experience and how your life is supposed to flash before your eyes i.e. Airbag- this is a car crash (the near death experience) all of the middle songs are different times or parts of this persons life which flash before his/her eyes e.g. No surprises- about a time when they contemplated suicide, Electioneering- politics etc and finnaly that the tourist being the last song was the moment just before the car crashes and airbag starts, so i suppose it could be seen as a cycle
  • Christine from Sunderland, England It's the perfect end song too finish the album.
  • Andrew from St. Louis, Mo This might be my favorite song off of OK beautiful.

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The Tourist

the tourist radiohead lyrics

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Radiohead are an English rock band from Abingdon, Oxfordshire, formed in 1985. The band consists of Thom Yorke (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Jonny Greenwood (lead guitar, keyboards, other instruments), Colin Greenwood (bass), Phil Selway (drums, percussion) and Ed O'Brien (guitar, backing vocals). more »

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Written by: Colin Charles Greenwood, Edward John O'Brien, Jonathan Richard Guy Greenwood, Philip James Selway, Thomas Edward Yorke

Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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  • #1 Let Me Entertain You
  • #2 Place Your Hands
  • #3 Bring It On
  • #4 Praise You
  • #8 She's in Fashion
  • #9 The Tourist
  • #11 Low Five
  • #12 Ain't That Enough
  • #13 Catch the Sun
  • #15 Pumping on Your Stereo
  • #16 Cosmic Girl
  • #17 Wonderwall
  • #18 Pure Morning
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  • #21 Swastika Eyes
  • #22 Save Me
  • #23 You Must Go On
  • #26 Teardrop
  • #29 Waiting for a Break
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Meaning of The Tourist lyrics by Radiohead

"The Tourist" by Radiohead is a song that can be interpreted in a number of ways, but the common theme among all interpretations is the concept of slowing down and taking it easy. In the first verse, the protagonist is being followed by something that he feels is only after him and no one else. This could be a metaphor for the stresses of life and the way that they can weigh us down and make us feel like we are the only ones experiencing them.

The chorus serves as a call to action, urging the protagonist to "slow down" and take things at a more relaxed pace. The repetition of the word "idiot" could be interpreted as the protagonist berating himself for getting caught up in the fast pace of life and not taking the time to slow down and appreciate the world around him.

The second verse reinforces this idea, with the protagonist feeling "overcharged" and seeing sparks as a result. This could be interpreted as him burning out and experiencing the negative consequences of living life in the fast lane. The repetition of the phrase "a thousand feet per second" reinforces the idea of speed and how it can be detrimental to our mental health and wellbeing.

Overall, "The Tourist" can be seen as a cautionary tale about the importance of slowing down and taking time to appreciate the world around us, rather than getting caught up in the rat race of life.

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  1. Radiohead

    The Tourist Lyrics: It barks at no one else but me / Like it's seen a ghost / I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin / No one else would know / Hey man, slow down, slow down / Idiot, slow down, slow

  2. Radiohead

    When I'm stressing at work, deluded into thinking that any of that sh*t actually matters - Hey, man, slow down. When I'm caught up in my troubles and forget how good it can be to stop on the way home and watch the sunset over the ocean - Hey, man, slow down. Thanks for this one, Radiohead.

  3. Radiohead

    No one else would know. Hey man, slow down, slow down. Idiot, slow down, slow down. Sometimes I get overcharged. That's when you see sparks. They ask me where the hell I'm going. At a thousand feet per second. Hey man, slow down, slow down. Idiot, slow down, slow down.

  4. Radiohead

    Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer It barks at no one else But me Like it's seen A ghost I guess it's seen the sparks A-flowin' No one else Would know Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot, slow down Slow down Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you See sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going? At a thousand feet per second Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot ...

  5. Radiohead

    Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! It barks at no one else But me Like it's seen A ghost I guess it's seen the sparks A-flowin' No one else Would know Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot, slow down Slow down Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you See sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going? At a thousand feet per second Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot ...

  6. Lyrics for The Tourist by Radiohead

    It barks at no one else But me Like it's seen A ghost I guess it's seen the sparks A-flowin' No one else Would know Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot, slow down

  7. Radiohead

    Radiohead. It barks at no one else but me Like it′s seen a ghost I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowing. No one else would know Hey man slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down Sometimes I get overcharged That′s when you see sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going At a thousand feet per second Hey man slow down, slow down Idiot ...


    It barks at no one else but me<br>Like it's seen a ghost<br>I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin'<br>No one else would know<br>Hey man, slow down, slow down<br>Idiot, slow down, slow down<br>Sometimes I get overcharged<br>That's when you see sparks<br>They ask me where the hell I'm going<br>At ...

  9. Radiohead

    It barks at no one else but me. Like it's seen a ghost. I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowing. No one else would know. Hey man, slow down. Idiot, slow down. Sometimes I get overcharged. That's when you see sparks. They ask me where the hell I'm going.

  10. Radiohead

    All rights reserved to Radiohead and EMI Records Ltd.. I do not own the music, nor do I own the lyrics.Thanks for watching.

  11. The Tourist by Radiohead Lyrics Meaning

    The Tourist by Radiohead Lyrics Meaning - A Lyrical Journey Through Modern Alienation. by SMF AI · Published December 31, 2023 · Updated April 24, 2024. ... With these potent lyrics, 'The Tourist' reaches a thematic climax, painting a vivid image of the velocity with which one is propelled through modern life—'At a thousand feet per ...

  12. The Tourist lyrics

    Lyrics and video for The Tourist by Radiohead. It barks at no one else but me Like it's seen a ghost I guess it's seen the sparks a-flowin' No one else would know. Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down. Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you see sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going At a thousand feet per second. Hey man, slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down ...

  13. The Tourist lyrics by Radiohead

    It barks at no one else but me Like it's seen a ghost I guess it seen the sparks a-flowing No one else would know Hey man slow down, slow down Idiot, slow down, slow down

  14. The Tourist by Radiohead

    According to Q magazine (April 2008) this was written by Jonny Greenwood in response to seeing a group of tourists dash through a town in France. It was intended to be a song about the "speed you live your life with." Yorke later added lyrics that he'd written on holiday in Prague. Jonny Greenwood (from Humo magazine July 22, 1997): "That is MY ...

  15. Radiohead

    The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing: It barks at no one else But me Like it's seen A ghost I guess it's seen the sparks A-flowin' No one else Would know Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot, slow down Slow down Sometimes I get overcharged That's when you See sparks They ask me where the hell I'm going? At a thousand feet per second Hey man, slow down Slow down Idiot ...

  16. The Meaning Behind The Song: The Tourist by Radiohead

    The lyrics of "The Tourist" are enigmatic yet thought-provoking. The song begins with the lines, "It barks at no one else but me, Like it's seen a ghost.". These cryptic words immediately grab your attention and evoke a sense of mystery. Thom Yorke's haunting vocals, accompanied by delicate guitar melodies, create an ethereal ...

  17. Meaning of The Tourist by Radiohead

    Overall, "The Tourist" can be seen as a cautionary tale about the importance of slowing down and taking time to appreciate the world around us, rather than getting caught up in the rat race of life. This meaning interpretation was written by AI. Help improve it with your feedback. "The Tourist" by Radiohead is a song that can be interpreted in ...

  18. The Tourist (Remastered)

    Provided to YouTube by Beggars Group Digital Ltd.The Tourist (Remastered) · RadioheadOK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017℗ 2017 XL Recordings LtdReleased on: 2017-0...

  19. The Tourist

    Provided to YouTube by Beggars Group Digital Ltd.The Tourist · RadioheadOK Computer℗ 1997 XL Recordings LtdReleased on: 1997-05-28Associated Performer, Prod...

  20. The Tourist

    Listen to The Tourist by Radiohead. See lyrics and music videos, find Radiohead tour dates, buy concert tickets, and more!

  21. Radiohead

    Attention: I do NOT own this Material,everything in this video and all creditsbelong to the Artist and copyright holding company!Learn how to make easy money...

  22. Radiohead - Check out my best friend's AMAZING music video!

  23. Radiohead

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