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The Hangry Backpacker

Go Alone. Get Lost. Eat.

Baku, Azerbaijan: Complete Solo Travel Guide

April 6, 2019 By Hangry Backpacker 3 Comments

Solo travel is one of the best ways to see Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan. This fascinating city barely registers on most travel radars, and there are plenty of reasons, from food to history, to visit Baku.

Caspian Sea Baku Azerbaijan solo travel

Here is everything you need to know for a solo trip to Baku, complete with tips getting around, expenses, safety and what to do:

Practical Information for Solo Travel in Baku

Baku, azerbaijan.

Baku is a rapidly developing city. Azerbaijan is in the Caucasus region of Eurasia, with the Caspian Sea to the east, Iran bordering to the south and Armenia, Georgia and Russia forming borders to the north and west.

Travel to Baku primarily consists of foreigners visiting for work, with major international petroleum companies maintaining a presence in the area. The country has massive natural gas reserves that have fueled a boom in the capital city.

Baku Azerbaijan Hangry Backpacker

Solo travel to Baku and the rest of Azerbaijan has increased in recent years, with the city seeing an influx of independent travelers. Outside of Baku, the tourism industry in Azerbaijan remains in infancy. There is a lot of nature to enjoy, tons of great food and plenty of picturesque villages, but not a lot to offer for most tourists.

Heydar Aliyev International Airport

Baku’s Heydar Aliyev International Airport is Azerbaijan’s gateway of travel to the world. The airport is nice, shiny and new.

Entrance to Azerbaijan through Baku International Airport is fairly simple for solo travel. The process begins online, where you apply and pay ($25) for a visa. It takes about a week for confirmation. Upon arrival in Baku, immigration officials really have one concern: whether or not you’ve been to Armenia . After answering no, the official flipped through my passport to confirm, took my photo and fingerprints, then sent me on my way. Quick and simple.

Make sure to have a copy of your hotel booking. This is a visa requirement.

Before leaving the secure area, there is an ATM down the escalators, in the corner on the ground floor.

heydar aliyev international airport

Transportation to the city is easy. Solo travel on a budget in Azerbaijan will require a lot of public transportation, and the Airport Express to Baku city center is a deal.

DO NOT take a taxi. Prices for taxis are absolutely insulting. I was quoted no less than the equivalent of $50 for an official taxi to the city. Prices were not negotiable. This is legal robbery of unsuspecting visitors.

Instead, the Airport Express stops directly in front of the terminal. Tickets for the bus can be purchased at a small kiosk (cash only), outside the doors and next to a coffee stand. The bus departs every 30 minutes, heading to the city center with one stop along the way. The bus is air conditioned, clean and comfortable.

The Airport Express costs about 2 Azerbaijani manat (AZN). That’s barely more than $1. Don’t waste money on a taxi.

The bus unloads in the city center, at 28 May metro station, where you can take a subway, walk or find a more affordable taxi to your destination.

Baku, Azerbaijan Solo Travel Costs

While the rest of Azerbaijan lags behind, Baku is as incredibly expensive place to live, evidence by the designer shops and fancy high rise condominiums popping up across the city.

high rise condominiums Baku

For travelers, Baku isn’t the cheapest destination, but travel to “Little Dubai” can be done on a budget. There is not an abundance of hostels and guesthouses in the city center. Most foreigners, likely in Azerbaijan for business, wind up in one of the many luxury hotels of Baku.

Of the limited options available, travelers can expect to pay a per night average of 30-40 AZN (about $20 USD) on the low end. A room with air conditioning, which is not normally needed in Baku, will cost more.

However, in 2018, Baku experienced one of the hottest summers on record, with temperatures 20 degrees (Farenheit) above average. The surge in power demands caused massive blackouts in Baku and across Azerbaijan, even leading to the subway system losing power and shutting down.

Ride the Subways

Solo travel in Azerbaijan eventually leads to the subway in Baku. The Baku Metro is the best method for getting around the city. Riding on the Soviet-era subway trains is an uncomfortable, but fun ride. The trains are only about 50 years old, but you can feel every jolt, bolt, twist and turn as they blaze beneath the streets. Perhaps it is the rickety, old cars, but the Baku Metro feels faster than any other subway in my travel experiences.

Seriously, hold on.

The Baku Metro is typical of Soviet metro systems. Like others, it is incredibly far below city streets, effectively doubling as a bomb shelter. And it is beautiful. Despite everything else, the Soviets deserve credit for their subway systems. The detail and intricate design put into each station is impressive. There are also reminders on the walls of lessons learned about propaganda and communism, but that topic isn’t exactly cheerful.

28 May Station Baku Metro

The Baku Metro is good news for a travel budget. One ride on the subway is 0.2 AZN. A reloadable card is required, which costs 2 AZN. The card plus five rides will cost a mere 3 AZN. That’s less than $2 USD! Buses are even cheaper, making public transportation the easy choice for solo travel in Baku.

English is sparse in Baku, so plan your routes and know your stops before setting out for the day.

Solo travel in Azerbaijan is a thrill, but easy in Baku. Free from the constraints of prearranged group travel buses, solo travelers are able to go where they please on the speedy trains of Baku.

Safety in Baku

When hearing of solo travel to Baku, most people express confusion and concern that anyone would travel to Azerbaijan. In fact, many westerners are entirely unaware that Azerbaijan is a country.

That’s okay, though. What people lack in awareness of Baku is simply a better opportunity for off-the-beaten-path solo travel. With Baku off of most travel radars, the worry is that a solo traveler could be in danger in Azerbaijan.

Thankfully, there is no need to fear for safety in Baku. As long as you aren’t Armenian, Azerbaijan is a safe country. The two countries aren’t exactly best buds, and travel across the border is practically impossible.

Baku Azerbaijan Solo Travel Hangry Backpacker

Locals in Baku are out and about enjoying the city’s parks and are helpful to tourists. Any notion of being unwelcome is not apparent.

For visitors to Baku, the city is safe. Walking the wide, shiny promenades in the city center, it’s hard to imagine feeling any worry. Bakuvians enjoy their city and do not want any disturbance of the peace. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani government has worked hard – and done a great job – to eliminate any extremist groups that may hinder progress and harm a good reputation of safety.

How to Dress in Baku

The only area tourists should exercise caution in Azerbaijan is with clothing. Unlike some nearby Muslim nations, women in Azerbaijan dress freely. Baku is more liberal than the rest of the country, with women enjoying high fashion and dressing to impress.

Western women may encounter staring. Lots of uncomfortable staring. When it is warm out, it is tempting to wear a tank top and shorts, a skirt or something cooler. This is fine in Baku, and your safety is not at risk, but the stares can be uncomfortable. It is best to move along and ignore the onlookers.

For men, dress in Azerbaijan is peculiar. Men in several countries in the world wear long pants year-round. In Azerbaijan, men wearing shorts is particularly taboo. A few government officials have been outspoken about the issue. There are men in Baku bold enough to wear shorts, but not many.

Tourists get a pass on wearing shorts more than locals in Baku, but I recommend blending in as much as possible for solo travel anywhere.

Onward Solo Travel from Baku

Onward travel from Baku, heading elsewhere in Azerbaijan, is a simple, yet complex affair for solo travelers. If you’re going back to the airport, simply retrace your steps, starting where the Airport Express drops off at 28 May station. If further travel is via bus, travelers need to go to the main bus station.

The bus station is easy to reach from the Baku Metro. Take the Green Line from 28 May Station to Memar Əcəmi Station. There, switch to the Purple Line to Avtovağzal , which is one stop away. Avtovağzal means “bus station,” and that’s where you want to go.

Baku International bus station

Navigating the Baku bus station can be a headache for solo travelers that don’t speak the language. Hopefully for you, my headache will help you avoid the same frustration.

Tickets can be purchased at the station, inside in the back of the building . On the 3rd level. The back of the building appears empty, but there will be a few ticket windows open. Say the name of your destination and the employees will direct you to the appropriate window.

This doesn’t sound complicated, but in a massive, four-story international bus station with hundreds of shops – and did I mention no one speaks any English? – finding the right ticket window can be a nightmare. Get there early and be patient. Also, good luck.

What to See & Do in Baku

Gobustan petroglyphs.

Gobustan is a site of prehistoric petroglyphs dating back thousands of years. The rock carvings include Viking ships, Roman markings, as well as depictions thousands of years older.

The visitor center and museum at this UNESCO-designated site is informative, interesting and modern. Entrance is cheap, at 5 AZN.

Gobustan Rock Art

There are thousands of carvings spread out among the barren rocks, with paths leading around many of them. However, the carvings are underwhelming. Truthfully, pictures are sufficient. Sure, the carvings are interesting and anthropologically important, but they’re much smaller than images suggest. It’s fairly difficult to even get a decent photograph without a high-powered lens.

Consider that the drive to Gobustan takes at least an hour and hiring a car is the only practical option. Time is better spent in Baku for most tourists. If you have a spare day and anthropology excites you, wandering Gobustan for a few hours is the perfect activity.

Mud Volcanoes of Gobustan

If Gobustan is alluring, make sure to save time for a more interesting site nearby. Also in the Gobustan National Park are the famous mud volcanoes. The area is home to nearly half of the world’s mud volcanoes.

Gobustan Mud Volcanoes Azerbaijan

If you’re thinking massive mountains spewing mud, scale down your expectations. Mud volcanoes are large mounds in a geothermally active area.  Mud bubbles up and slowly oozes out, over time building up to these mini “volcanoes.”

The Gobustan mud volcanoes are a fascinating thing to see in Azerbaijan, but require a tedious journey from Baku that makes solo travel to the spot almost impossible for non-locals. Theoretically, it is possible to catch a bus to the nearest town. From there, drivers may or may not be hanging out by the road waiting for passengers. But the bus takes a long time and runs inconsistently.

The route to the mud volcanoes – it is not a road – winds along a dusty, bumpy path. Drivers have a deep trust in their cars, careless and fearless of the terrain. They drive straight through bumps and obstacles at a blistering pace in their old Soviet jalopies. As for off-roading in an old Soviet Lada, it’s pretty fun. Wear sunglasses and bring a cloth, though. It’s dusty.

Gobustan Mud Volcano Lada car

The site is not developed – it’s just there . On the day I visited the mud volcanoes, there were no other tourists in sight. A few locals were soaking in one of the bubbling pits of mud, which is supposedly therapeutic.

The Azerbaijan mud volcanoes are pretty cool, but it is best to think twice about making the solo travel venture to Gobustan from Baku. It’s a long way out for a short wander. Although the next time I visit Baku, I plan to have a mud soak of my own.

Ateshgah of Baku

The Ateshgah of Baku is a temple that has been home to fire-worshiping Hindus, Sikhs and Zoroastrians. The current complex is a few hundred years old, but there is evidence of use going back over one thousand years.

The temple is centered around a flame in the center that burned naturally from gas leaks for hundreds of years. The original flame finally burned out and the current flame is man-made, but the temple is still authentic.

Ateshgah Fire Temple Baku

The trip out to Ateshgah of Baku is like any solo travel in Azerbaijan – crowded buses and a lot of guessing, traveling on an indirect route to finally reach the destination.

With the cheap transportation mentioned above, and an admission cost of only 4 AZN, the Ateshgah of Baku is a great budget activity for a day. The best part of visiting the Ateshgah of Baku is seeing a side of the city few other tourists ever will. Bus 184 from Koroğlu metro station will (eventually) get you to the Fire Temple.

Yanar Dag is a another fiery attraction outside of Baku. This is an open, 50-foot-long flame coming out of the ground. There’s so much natural gas in Baku that it is literally leaking out of the ground. At some point, this gas leak ignited and has been burning for years.

Yanar Dag Fire Azerbaijan

Why Yanar Dag is often recommended to tourists is beyond me. It’s certainly intriguing, but to spend several hours bussing around Baku only to come upon a little bit of fire is a colossal waste of time.

The suburbs and towns the bus passes through are very different from the city. For window-watchers like myself, that is the cool part of this excursion. However, unless you are in need of some kind of solo travel day-challenge of navigation, stay in Baku.

Yanar Dag, it’s a fire. See the picture above. Save the time.

Exploring Old City Baku

Old City Baku is a real-life postcard before your eyes. The tiny, walled Old City is another UNESCO-designated site travelers can check off the list. The various buildings range from a few hundred to a thousand years old.

Old City Baku Azerbaijan

Among the narrow, winding streets of Old City Baku are mosques, museums, a palace and the iconic 12th century Maiden Tower.

The Old City may be small, but it is worth spending at least a day wandering the area. Oddly, the streets are calm and quiet, while thousands of people walk the streets beyond the walls. There are several shops for tourists as well, selling everything from gaudy t-shirts to beautiful handmade rugs.

Maiden Tower Old City Baku

Restaurants in the Old City range from touristy Italian to fast food. There are a few restaurants serving local food, too. The prices are inflated, owing to the location, but the food is fantastic and is a great starting point for a curious eater.

Shopping in Baku

Travelers in search of cool trinkets and souvenirs will find plenty in the shops around Old City Baku. The rugs are a tempting spoil for any traveler to the region. But before you go and drop serious cash on an antique rug, buyer beware.

Azerbaijan Rugs Old City Baku

There are strict laws regulating the purchase of rugs. Souvenir rugs will (probably) cause no issue. But authentic, especially antique, rugs are not easily (read: legally ) transported. Old rugs that are eligible for tourist export are subject to serious taxes, sometimes effectively doubling the price. If you’re caught trying to bring an antique rug out of the country, expect a lot of grief, including fines, visa revocation and possibly criminal charges.

Oh, and locals may ignore the laws and sell rugs anyway. Customs officials will not be sympathetic to your plight, and trouble will ensue.

The tip: when in Baku, travel light and leave the rugs behind.

Eating Cheap in Baku

Baku is not an expensive city. Aside from the accommodation costs mentioned above, solo travel to Baku can be done on a budget. Food is not expensive, either.

Azerbaijani food

There is a growing industry of fine dining and expensive restaurants in Baku, but you can still eat great food elsewhere. Piti, a simple mutton and vegetable soup, is an Azerbaijani national treasure that is worth eating at least once. Other common foods include various lamb dishes, dushbara (Azerbaijani dumplings), an assortment of yogurt-based dishes and great pastries.

If you’re looking for something quick and cheap, there are few places in the world with as many shawarma stands and shops as Baku. In Baku and the greater region, for any sort of solo travel on a budget, shawarma is your best friend. They do it right in Azerbaijan. Ayran, a popular salty yogurt beverage in the wide world of shawarma, is always the perfect pairing.

eating cheap solo travel shawarma Baku Azerbaijan

Local bakeries are also a great source of cheap food. Freshness is the norm in Baku, and you can grab a few pastries to eat for the day for a few manat.

Finding cheap food is an important part of travel , and Baku is an easy place to turn your cash into plenty of delicious local food.

Azerbaijani Beer & Cheese

Azerbaijanis love their beer and consume more booze per capita than any other Muslim country in the world. (Technically, Kazakhstan consumes slightly more, but it has a considerable population of non-Muslims.) Xirdalan, the de facto national beer of Azerbaijan, is a drinkable brew readily available in Baku. Xirdalan is a soothing relief from the dry, windy air.

Xirdalan beer cheese AZN

Azerbaijanis eat cheese when they drink beer. The cheese is braided when made and served in strings. The chewy cheese comes in long, thin strings and has a slight smokiness to accompany the high saltiness. It may not be endemic to Azerbaijan, but it pairs perfectly with beer. And locals eat it, so join in!

The best part about beer in Baku is that it is really cheap. A giant mug of that delicious ice cold golden nectar from the gods can be yours for 1-2 AZN, about a dollar.

Baku is a destination barely on the radar of most tourists. Azerbaijan is often lumped in with the turmoil of surrounding areas, but the country is peaceful and safe. Foreigners are welcome and locals in Baku are receptive to tourists.

City Center Baku Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is changing, and Baku is at the forefront. Head-turning skyscrapers are just the beginning. Fortunately, Baku has a strong hold on its culture and visitors can enjoy the best of the city’s food and culture.

Despite a few expensive aspects of visiting Azerbaijan, it is generally an affordable destination, and solo travel in Baku is a wonderful experience.

Reader Interactions

sa travel baku

May 2, 2019 at 9:24 am

Hey I just wanted to say that I saw your recent collab on The Ninja Gypsy’s blog and just wanted to say that I am so glad to see other bloggers have the same positive sentiments about this country that I do! I’ve visited four times myself and fallen in love a little more each time. This country truly is one of the most underrated in the world.

sa travel baku

May 2, 2019 at 3:57 pm

Hey, thanks for checking it out! I couldn’t agree more. It’s a beautiful country and definitely underrated. Four times? That’s awesome! I can’t wait to go back myself.

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What’s it REALLY like to travel to Baku, Azerbaijan?

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Kate poses in a red dress in front of the white swooping curvy roof and glass wall of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan.

When I think back to my travels in Baku, Azerbaijan, one anecdote comes to mind. I’m driving through the highway as we speed past modern, silver buildings interspersed with sand-colored mosques and souks, set back against the arid landscape. My guide points out a cluster of buildings on one side of the highway.

“See those buildings?” he tells me. “Our journalists live there. They get to live there for free.”

I smile weakly and say, “Oh. For free. Cool.” Inside, I’m thinking, really? In exchange for what?

That’s what it’s like to grow up in a country without freedom of the press. Journalists living in government-provided housing is seen as something to extol to international visitors, rather than something that should be kept under wraps.

That’s not to say that Azerbaijan is horrifying. Far from it. I found Baku to be an intriguing destination, quite often perplexing, and well worth a three-day visit with my boyfriend before traveling on to Georgia and Armenia.

Table of Contents

Kate stands in front of the burning ground at Yanar Dag in Azerbaijan, wearing overalls and holding her hand up and using her fingers to mimic flames.

Azerbaijan: A Modern Land of Fire

Azerbaijan is known as the Land of Fire — this is a country where flames can and do burst out of the earth in unexpected places. There are places close to Baku where you can see eternal flames billowing out of the ground, or even from the water. And the reserves of natural gas cause unusual geological effects, like bubbling mud volcanoes.

And sitting in the middle of that fiery desert, on the banks of an inland sea, is one of the world’s most prolific collections of modern architecture. The most famous of which are three modern towers shaped like flames, lighting up with even more flames at night.

If you mention modern architecture set against a desert, where do you think of first? Dubai, maybe, or Doha, Qatar? I got a similar vibe from Baku. Azerbaijan is rich with oil money, thanks to its location next to the Caspian Sea, which had led to insane levels of recent development.

While Dubai and Doha have their share of modern buildings, Baku sprawls like neither city. As you’re driving around Baku, it seems borderline uncanny that you can cruise over so many hills and still see all kinds of modern, interesting buildings.

Within this unusual setting, there are a lot of cool places in Baku to explore and enjoy.

Three teenage girls in pink and red dresses sitting on a bench in the old city of Baku as a woman takes their photo.

Best Things to Do in Baku

The good thing about visiting a city like Baku is that there isn’t an established tourist trail — you don’t need to hop from sight to sight.

Have dinner overlooking the Flame Towers. On a whim, I ended up at Panoramic Restaurant . While most of the windows face away from the Flame Towers, there is a tiny outdoor patio with only three tables that has a view of the Flame Towers! Do what I did — go early in the day to check it out, then make a reservation for that exact table for sunset that evening.

Kate poses on a balcony in front of the three flame-shaped towers of Azerbaijan as the sky turns pink at dusk.

Explore the old city of Baku. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a place where the architecture differs enormously from the rest of the modern city. The old city dates back to the 6th century and it gives you an idea of the incredible cultural history in this region from Zoroastrian, Sasanian, Arabic, Shirvani, Persian, Ottoman, and Russian cultures. The Maiden Tower is a great spot for a view of the Flame Towers. And just outside the old city is the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum.

Piles of spices and dried fruits in perfectly conical piles in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Visit the markets. What struck me about Baku’s markets is how immaculate they are. I’m used to seeing piles of produce flung in every direction; it seems like Azerbaijanis make every effort to shape their produce into the most aesthetically pleasing piles. The conical shapes on the mango slices and dried flowers are perfect.

It extends to larger fruits, too. Apples were stacked in clean straight lines; perfect green watermelons made up the perimeter. One table even grouped tomatoes not just by type but by size, arranging them into perfect mounds!

Normally I’m a bit uneasy at markets because I feel guilty when I don’t buy anything, but I felt more relaxed here. That and men kept giving me macadamia nuts to sample — the best macadamia nuts I’ve ever tasted. (Did I buy any? Nope. Macadamias are one food that I avoid because if I have one, I’ll have a million.)

The swooping white curves of the modern Heydar Alivev Center, with people sitting on the grass in front of it.

Check out Heydar Aliyev Center.  In a city filled with modern architecture, this is one of the most famous buildings of all (and a symbol of Azerbaijan, named after its most beloved leader). The building contains a museum and conference center with rotating exhibitions. But even if you don’t go inside, it’s worth it, because it’s in the middle of a giant park, which becomes a place to see and be seen at sunset.

This is easily the best Instagram spot in Baku. I recommend coming around sunrise or sunset for the best light.

Two clear plastic large lattes with the milk and coffee swirling together, surrounded by ice.

Enjoy the cafe scene. While the old city was surprisingly more dead than I expected, I loved the neighborhood just east. This area was filled with all kinds of interesting cafes and restaurants, and I loved walking around and exploring.

People sitting at outdoor tables at a restaurant on the Caspian Sea.

Spend an evening down by the Caspian Sea. I was a bit surprised that there was so little seafood on the menus in Baku, despite being located on the sea. But there is one place where seafood is the star: Derya Fish House .

Once you step out of your cab, you arrive to a windy waterfront filled with locals celebrating the end of the day. Oh, and it’s cheap! The two of us had a whole fish, bread, a bowl of olives, eggplant caviar, lemons, pickled vegetables, cheese, and pomegranate sauce on the side for just $18.

Kate wears overalls and a pink shirt and poses with her hand behind her neck while sitting on a Soviet-era Russian Lada car. She's in the middle of the gray-brown dessert beneath a pale blue sky.

Best Day Trips from Baku

The best day trip from Baku is its most famous day trip — to Qobustan to see the mud volcanoes and petroglyphs.  Qobustan National Park (sometimes written as Gobustan) is just under an hour’s drive from Baku.

Qobustan is known for its mud volcanoes. To get to them requires an off-roading vehicle. When my car pulled to the side of the road, I assumed we’d be getting into some kind of jeep — but was I ever surprised when we got into a tiny Soviet-era Lada! It didn’t look like it would last a day in the desert, let alone go off-roading to mud volcanoes!

And soon we reached the mud volcanoes.

Four tiny people standing atop a mud volcano in the desert, making it look enormous.

The gurgling is a lot slower than I thought it would be — just a constant, slow BLURP! BLURP! every few moments. Like the volcano had eaten a lot of beans that day.

The landscape is beautiful and dramatic — but that wasn’t all we’d see.

The rocky entrance to the Qobustan petroglyphs.

Next up in Qobustan was the petroglyphs — ancient rock art. I’ve seen ancient rock art in other parts of the world, like Kakadu National Park in Australia , but this rock art is uniquely impressive. You see people dancing, people hunting, petroglyphs of animals. It has survived remarkably well, and this is why Qobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Seeing Qobustan was one of the highlights of my time in Azerbaijan, and I feel like you can’t go to Baku without making a stop here.  See tours to see Qobustan’s mud volcanoes and petroglyphs.

The temple at Ateshgah: a sand-colored temple set against a blue sky with a flame burning inside.

The other half of my day was spent touring the famous sites on the opposite side of Baku. Here you’ll find two more attractions that prove that Azerbaijan is the land of fire: Ateshgah, the Zoroastrian fire temple, and Yanar Dag, where the fire bursts from the earth.

Ateshgah is a temple on the outskirts of Baku. It was built in the 17th and 18th centuries, though ceremonies have taken place on the same site as early as the 10th century, and it has been a center of worship for Zoroastrians, Sikhs, and Hindus. The flame inside the temple is naturally occurring, but it actually went out in 1969 due to environmental destruction. The fire today is lit by Baku’s main gas supply.

A brown hillside at Yanar Dag where flames burst out of the earth at the bottom. It says #YANARDAG in white on the hill, in the style of the Hollywood sign.

At Yanar Dag, you can see a steady fire burning from the bottom of the hill. Fed by natural gas, this is another fire that never extinguishes. It was so toasty down by the fire — I have never wanted to have a stick and a bag of marshmallows so much in my life! (And let’s not kid ourselves, a bag of graham crackers and chocolate waiting by the table.)

Ateshgah and Yanar Dag are two places that show you how interesting of a natural environment Azerbaijan is. See tours to Ateshgah and Yanar Dag here.

On a plate, an eggplant and two kinds of peppers stuffed with minced beef.

Azerbaijan Food

What kind of food will you be eating in Azerbaijan? Delicious food. Surprisingly good food. The dishes I ate were most similar to Turkish cuisine, fresh and flavorful. While there were some similarities to their Georgian and Armenian neighbors, Azerbaijani food is very much its own thing. I was only in the country for a few days, so this is by no means an exhaustive guide, but it contains several of my top hits.

I ate a lot of dolma — vegetables stuffed with a mixture of rice and meat. While “dolma” can mean stuffed grape leaves or cabbage leaves in other cultures, in Azerbaijan it can mean any kind of stuffed vegetable.

Also popular are kebabs of all kinds, and plov, roasted rice and meat dishes.

A dish filled with Azerbaijani eggplant caviar, roasted eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes in a dip.

Eggplant dip was everywhere — made from roasted eggplant, peppers, and onions and mixed with a variety of herbs and spices. This was the perfect start to a meal. You eat it with bread.

My absolute favorite dish was at Panoramic Restaurant in the Old City — I can’t remember the name and REALLY should have written it down, but it was a skillet filled with chicken, cherries, potatoes, and chestnuts. It sounds like a winter dish but it was solely on a hot summer night.

A meal at Derya Fish house: fish, wine, and several vegetable dishes and bread.

While you don’t see a ton of fish on the menus in Azerbaijan, you will down at restaurants on the Caspian Sea like Derya Fish House . I recommend ordering a grilled white fish with pomegranate sauce on the side — it brings the same kind of acidity that you get from lemons.

As for Azerbaijani wine, it does exist and it’s worth sampling, but it’s nothing to write home about. Georgia and Armenia have much better wine.

Three pieces of baklava, one topped with an almond, one with a walnut, one with a hazelnut.

Azerbaijanis love sweets and pastries, and I tried a few different kinds of baklava — one made with walnuts, one made with almonds, one made with hazelnuts. I honestly think walnuts are king — they need that slightly bitter flavor to cut the sweetness. Hazelnut baklava was dangerously sweet!

And Azerbaijanis are crazy about tea. Tea breaks are important punctuation marks of the day. You can sweeten tea with jam, and they serve it with small pastries.

This is just a sample of the delicious food I ate in Azerbaijan.

Want to learn more about Azeri cuisine?

Go on a food tour in baku..

A string of modern gray buildings in front of a large green park with paths cutting across it.

Travel Azerbaijan with JayWay Travel

On this trip I traveled as a hosted guest of JayWay Travel , a boutique travel agency specializing in Eastern and Central Europe.  I’ve worked with JayWay Travel in Ukraine in the past and they do such a good job putting together bespoke itineraries where you don’t have to worry about a thing. JayWay recently added Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia as new destinations where they have local experts.

For my three-day trip to Baku, that meant pick-ups and drop-offs at the airport; a full-day private tour to Qobustan and the fire region, including a stop at a market; a local SIM card, and support throughout the trip. That was perfect for me — I knew my first day would be spent napping and taking it easy due to the weirdly timed flight (see more on that below), and I liked getting to do my own exploring on the final day.

As I always say, if you’re an experienced traveler, you don’t need JayWay in order to travel. But JayWay is perfect for your parents, older travelers, less experienced travelers, and experienced travelers who want someone else to plan their trip for a change. It’s an enormous time-saver when you’re busy, too.

The Caucasus is a fantastic travel destination, but it’s not nearly as easy to travel as Europe. Azerbaijan is a country just waking up to tourism, and they don’t have the established tourism infrastructure of other countries. It’s a good place to have a helping hand.

Learn more about JayWay’s Azerbaijan trips here.

One of the metal Flame Towers of Baku curls in the background; in the foreground is the traditional sand-colored Old Town.

Where to Stay in Baku

Most of the time when I visit a new city, I stay in the old town or old city because it’s usually the prettiest, most central part of town.  Baku’s old city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which made it seem like a slam dunk, and so I stayed at a hotel in the old city, the Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel.

While I had a good stay there, I actually don’t recommend staying in the old city of Baku. It’s beautiful but it’s mostly inaccessible to cars (to get an Uber or taxi, you need to walk a distance outside the old city); you are constantly going up and down stairs; there are lots of aggressive touts around the Maiden Tower; there aren’t as many cafes and restaurants as you would think. If you have mobility challenges, you should absolutely avoid staying in the old city.

If you do want to stay in the old city, the Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel is a nice midrange choice. It’s comfortable, the internet works well, it’s not too deep into the old city, and the staff are great. And the best thing about this hotel is that it has an Illy cafe in the lobby. Reliable quality coffee isn’t always easy to find!

So which Baku neighborhood is best? I recommend staying in a hotel just east of the old city. This area is home to lots of cool restaurants, cafes, parks, and nightlife. And because it’s part of the main city, cars can drive the streets and you can hail Ubers close to your hotel. Most of it is flat, though there are some steeper parts.

Recommended Baku Accommodation:

  • Luxury: JW Marriott Absheron Baku
  • Midrange: Passage Boutique Hotel
  • Budget: Renaissance Palace Hotel
  • Find deals on more Baku hotels here.

A rough desert landscape with telephone poles running across the sand.

Azerbaijan Visa

Azerbaijan requires a visa for most visitors. In the past it was difficult and expensive for most westerners to get an Azerbaijan visa for longer than a few days. Now it’s MUCH easier and cheaper — you can get an e-visa online for just $20! See the full list of nationalities eligible for the e-visa here.

You order the visa online, it takes around three days to process, and you print it out and bring it to immigration with your passport. Don’t keep it on your phone; bring an actual printed copy.

Order your visa directly from evisa.gov.az . NOTE: THIS IS THE CORRECT SITE; DO NOT BE FOOLED BY IMPOSTERS! There are many third party visa sites that mimic the layout of this site, then try to charge you $50 for the same exact thing. I almost got fooled by one of those sites.

Inside view of an Azerbaijan Airlines flight, Comfort Club. Larger dark blue metal seats separated by thick armrests with pillows and blankets.

Flying to Baku with Azerbaijan Airlines

I flew nonstop from New York to Baku on Azerbaijan Airlines.  This is the one direct flight from the United States to Azerbaijan. The flight takes 11 hours and currently flies twice per week.

While it’s awesome to fly nonstop, the flight leaves at an awkward time: it departs New York at 11:30 AM and arrives in Baku at 6:30 AM, which is 10:30 PM New York time. As a result, you probably won’t be able to sleep much if at all, and you’ll likely spend your first day in Baku in a jet-lagged stupor. Plan a low-key day for your arrival if you take this flight.

I was lucky to fly in Azerbaijan Airlines’s Comfort Club, as someone special upgraded me for my birthday. Comfort Club is like the stop between premium economy and business class.

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You get comfier seats and a TON more space (the seats go much further back but don’t lie flat), you’re served multiple courses for meals, and you get lounge access at the airport (in my case, the cheese-and-champagne-filled Air France lounge at JFK). I was able to stick my feet straight out without touching the seat in front of me (I’m 5’4″). I didn’t get into the entertainment but there was a decent selection of movies. For an 11-hour flight where I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep much, I was so glad to have this level of service!

If you’re coming from the US on another line, you can get connections on Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa. Azerbaijan Airlines flies to cities including Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Paris, London, Dubai, and several Turkish and Russian destinations.

Perfectly stacked, immaculate piles of apples, watermelons, and grapes at a market in Azerbaijan.

Travel to Azerbaijan BEFORE Armenia

If you’re planning to travel throughout the Caucasus, you should try to travel to Azerbaijan before Armenia. It will make your life much easier.

Azerbaijan and Armenia don’t have diplomatic relations, and all borders are closed. Armenians are not allowed to enter. (While Armenia doesn’t have diplomatic relations or border crossings with Turkey, Armenians are allowed to travel to Turkey anyway, so Azerbaijan is much stricter.)

When I arrived in Azerbaijan, I was asked if I had ever traveled to Armenia. I said no, and there was no evidence of Armenia in my passport. But I do know people who have been interrogated heavily for traveling to Armenia previously, regardless of their nationality.

If you have visited the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is Azerbaijani land currently occupied by Armenia, you will automatically be rejected. (They also ask you if you’ve traveled to Nagorno-Karabakh when you apply for your visa, which will also earn you a rejection if your answer is yes.)

However, Armenian immigration officials are more forgiving. They do ask you if you visited Azerbaijan and why, but if you only visited as a tourist, they don’t care and they let you in without any problems. This is why I recommend visiting Azerbaijan first and Armenia second. (It’s best to go via Georgia, either by land or by plane.)

Unfortunately, ethnic Armenians of different nationalities (whether they’re American, Russian, French, Lebanese, Argentine, or something else) are often rejected at the border based on their last name. From what I’ve researched, it seems to come down to the mood of the immigration officer, and I’ve heard that some people try to convince the immigration officials that their last name is Persian.

If you’re an ethnic Armenian who wants to travel to Azerbaijan, or a person whose last name ends in -ian or -yan, I recommend you do more research. This is beyond my pay grade.

Kate stands in the middle of an "I Love Baku" sign where the B is shaped like a heart. In the background is the swooping white roof of the Heydar Aliyev Center.

Traveling to Baku: The Takeaway

I’m very happy that I got to travel to Baku — but I think this is a one-and-done trip. Which is fine! Not every destination has to be an “I can’t wait to go back” destination. I’m so glad that I visited and had the experience this interesting city had to offer.

Looking back at my two-week trip to the Caucasus, I think that starting with Baku was a good idea. I was able to take advantage of the only nonstop flight to the Caucasus from New York, and then I moved on to Georgia and Armenia, which were both more impressive. I wouldn’t have done it any differently.

Chisinau and Minsk: Two Offbeat Soviet Cities

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Essential Info:  My trip in Baku was entirely organized by JayWay Travel , a travel company that organizes custom private tours in Central and Eastern Europe. They organize everything as soon as your feet touch the ground in your country, from flights and tours to airport pickups and a cell phone or SIM card. JayWay recently added Azerbaijan as one of their new specialties, along with Georgia and Armenia. In Baku I stayed at the  Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel . Rates from $56. When using Uber to get around Baku, be sure you check the license plate — some drivers here operate with a different car than the account they claim to have. Never get in a car unless they match. Travel insurance is essential before every trip — in case of an emergency, it could save your life and finances. I use and recommend  World Nomads  for trips to Azerbaijan.

Many thanks to JayWay Travel for hosting me on my Caucasus trip, including covering my expenses in Azerbaijan. All opinions, as always, are my own.

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Baku Holiday Travel is one of the leading companies in the field of tourism since 2013. Our company has the status of an IATA accredited travel agent. We work closely with Turkish Airlines, and we have more than a hundred partners around the world.

Various tourism services - organization of local and foreign tours, visa support, provision of tourism insurance, transfer, concierge, VIP services, M.I.C.E, and preparation of educational programs abroad are carried out by our team with many years of experience. This is what makes us one of the companies that are loved and chosen by our customers.

Ramil Rzayev

Ramil Rzayev

EY unveiled the winner of the ‘EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™’ competition at a special gala

EY unveiled the winner of the ‘EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™’ competition at a special gala. Ramil Rzayev, the founder of Baku Holiday Travel (BHT) has been announced as an overall winner of this year’s contest. He will now represent Azerbaijan in the ‘World Entrepreneur Of The Year’ (WEOY) contest slated to take place in Monaco in June and compete for the title along with the world’s most innovative and inspiring entrepreneurs.

This marks the fifth edition of the prestigious contest amongst entrepreneurs made possible with the support from the Main sponsor ABB, unwavering financial support from bp and Veyseloglu Group of Companies. Steadfast support stemmed from Export and Investment Promotion Agency of Azerbaijan, AZPROMO, and a Baku-based consultancy firm EKVITA.

The winner was determined by an independent judging panel made up of esteemed members of the business community, representatives of international finance institutions and renowned senior executives. The judges had a pool of 20 inspiring and courageous entrepreneurs with an impressive track-record to choose from.

EY and its esteemed partners announced the overall winner during a special award ceremony convened in Baku on 13 March. The event boasted the presence of high-ranking government officials and the leaders of the business community.

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Azerbaijan Travel Advisory

Travel advisory november 2, 2023, azerbaijan - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued after periodic review with general security updates.

Exercise increased caution in Azerbaijan due to  terrorism concerns and areas of armed conflict . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. 

Do not travel to:

  • The border region with Armenia.
  • The  Nagorno-Karabakh  region and surrounding territories due to recent hostilities.

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups that continue to plot attacks pose a risk in Azerbaijan. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas. 

Until September 2020 the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding territories were under Armenian control. Following armed hostilities in the fall of 2020 and fall of 2023, Azerbaijan took control of these seven territories and Nagorno-Karabakh. Further military activity could occur in the region.  

Read the  country information  page for additional information on travel to Azerbaijan.

If you decide to travel to Azerbaijan:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Azerbaijan.
  • Avoid demonstrations. 
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by foreigners. 
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.
  • Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Border with Armenia– Level 4: Do Not Travel There is the potential for fighting along the Azerbaijan-Armenia border as part of the ongoing armed conflict. U.S. citizens should avoid the area.  Exercise caution on roads near Azerbaijan’s border with Armenia. Be aware that some portions of the road may cross international boundaries without notice. Roads may be controlled by checkpoints or closed to travelers without notice. The U.S. embassy has prohibited embassy employees and their families from non-essential travel to the border region. 

Nagorno-Karabakh – Level 4: Do Not Travel The U.S. government is unable to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in and around Nagorno-Karabakh due to landmine contamination and restricted access.

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The World Was Here First

Is Baku Expensive? An Azerbaijan Trip Cost Guide

Last Updated on January 10, 2024

by Maggie Turansky

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase, we may make a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. For more information, see our privacy policy.

With a recent loosening in visa restrictions and an effort to be seen on an international scale, the small Caucasian nation of Azerbaijan is attracting more and more visitors each year. With the government investing thousands of its oil dollars to attract luxury travellers and the capital fancying itself as something of a new Dubai, many budget travellers will come to ask themselves the question: Is Baku expensive? And how much will a Baku or Azerbaijan trip cost?

While Baku certainly is trying to craft a luxe and grand image of itself, and the city has gained a reputation as the most expensive capital in the Caucasus region. However, at an average cost of €30-70 per person per day, it doesn’t have to break the bank at all..

Despite the grandiosity of the capital, it is an incredibly affordable place for Western travellers. Take a look at this detailed price breakdown to know how much you should plan to budget for a visit to the oil capital of the Caucasus.

The local currency in Azerbaijan is the Azerbaijani Manat, however, all prices are listed in Euro. To find the current exchange rate to your home currency, look at xe.com .

Baku skyline

Table of Contents

Accommodation Prices

When first considering your total Azerbaijan trip cost or just the prices in Baku for tourists, you’re going to need to figure out the price of accommodation — one of the most important factors of any travel budget.

The good news for travellers who are truly trying to pinch pennies and keep their overall travels costs as low as possible is that accommodation in Baku and Azerbaijan, in general, can be extremely affordable. This makes it a fantastic destination for budget backpackers.

While a perfunctory search of accommodation in Baku might lead to five-star hotels or luxury penthouse rentals, if you set your price filters lower, you will find that you can find some decent accommodation for truly agreeable prices. Hostels, for instance, are prevalent in Baku and can cost as little as €5 per night for a bed in a dorm.

If you’re looking for something a little more luxe than a hostel dorm bed, guesthouses and budget accommodation options are found throughout Baku and Azerbaijan and you can expect a double room in a traditional homestay or guesthouse to cost you somewhere around €15-25 per night.

Obviously, the more basic the room, the cheaper it will be. However, many times the nightly rate will also include breakfast. It is also likely that you will have to pay more if you would like an ensuite option or are after a room that is slightly nicer than just basic.

In Baku, there are also mid-range accommodation options available, where you can stay in a more traditional hotel instead of in a guesthouse or homestay. This is a better option for those who would like to have some more Western amenities.

You can expect a room in a mid-range hotel to set you back about €25-35 per night, depending on the type of room you choose. If it’s luxury you’re after, some of the top hotels start at around €50-60 per night, so it can be a great deal for those wanting good bang for their buck.

Outside of Baku, finding mid-range accommodation can become slightly more tricky and there is more of a gap between accommodation options. In smaller towns like Quba or Sheki , there are options for affordable homestays and guesthouses where you will rarely pay more than about €15-20 per night, however, if you’re after something a bit nicer, you will need to budget at least about €30-40 per night.

All in all, however, if you’re looking for anything from a basic room in a hospitable local’s home to a room in a nice, mid-range hotel, then plan to budget around €10-20 per person per night on accommodation.

Sheki, Azerbaijan

Transportation Prices

In many cases, transportation can take a massive portion of your overall travel budget, however, in Azerbaijan, this really is not the case. Even if you eschew public transport and plan to take taxis everywhere, you still won’t really see much of a sizeable dent in your transport budget.

If you only plan to visit Baku on your trip to Azerbaijan, it is possible not to pay for transportation at all and it to not be a factor in your Baku trip cost, as most of the tourist sites are within easy walking distance of each other and the centre is fairly small and walkable.

Even if you don’t plan on walking absolutely everywhere, transportation prices in Baku aren’t expensive at all. For example, the city is well-connected by an efficient metro system and a single ride is only about €0.25. Therefore, very affordable.

If you need to take a short taxi ride at any time while in Baku or elsewhere in Azerbaijan, expect a ride of about 5 kilometres or so to cost you around €2-4, depending on the distance. Longer distance taxi rides can obviously cost more. We also recommend using the Bolt app to call a taxi rather than hailing one off the street. This will quote you the price beforehand and will help you avoid getting overcharged.

Intercity travel is also quite affordable in Azerbaijan, with even some long bus journeys costing only about €4-5 for 5-6 hour trips. Buses tend to be more functional than comfortable, but they do get you where you need to go at incredibly low prices.

You can take shared taxis on longer journeys, but do expect them to cost a lot more than a bus ticket for a ride that won’t necessarily be more comfortable. Expect a longer, intercity, taxi ride to likely cost you roughly €0.25 per kilometre.

Another popular option in Azerbaijan is to hire a private driver. This can be more convenient than relying on public transport – which can be stressful, especially if you don’t have any Azeri or Russian skills – and doesn’t have to come with a steep price tag.

You tend to pay by car rather than per person in this area of the world and you would likely be looking at a starting point of €30-40 per basic car and driver per day in Azerbaijan. The more people sharing your vehicle, the smaller the per-person cost will be.

All in all, if you walk most places in Baku and take public transport or only short taxi rides, you needn’t plan to spend more than €1-2 per day, meaning that transport will barely affect your overall trip cost.

If you plan to visit a few more cities in Azerbaijan, transportation costs will go up slightly. Even so, you needn’t budget more than about €2-5 per day if you don’t move cities every day and walk most places while you are there.

Buses in Azerbaijan

Food Prices

One of the best things about travelling to new places is to sample the local cuisine, but just how much is that going to cost you in Baku or Azerbaijan as a whole? Well, if you do eat local, not much at all, as it turns out.

Sure, as the foreign visitor numbers in Baku grow, there are more and more restaurants near busy tourist areas charging inflated prices for local cuisine. However, if you do your research in advance, you will realise that local cuisine really doesn’t cost all that much and you can get quite a lot of food for only minimal prices.

In fact, like almost everything else on this list, food prices in Baku will not take a massive dent out of your total trip cost.

To give you an idea, even in a more tourist-friendly restaurant, you can expect a meal for two people including a salad, entrees and main dishes to only cost about €15, or €7.50 per person.

At more local restaurants, you can effectively cut that cost in half. There were times we ate out in Baku and ordered a reasonable amount of food and our bill, for two people, wouldn’t cost us more than €7-8, or €3.5-4 per person.

There are also a lot of fast food options available in Baku as well, meaning that you can eat even cheaper if you are keen to feat upon doner kebabs for most of your trip. Another great, money-saving option is to see if your accommodation will provide breakfast.

Often, accommodations will have a hearty breakfast included in the room rate, or available for a small extra charge — normally about €2.50. Some guesthouses will also provide dinner for an extra charge as well — normally about €5 per person.

Outside of Baku, expect prices to be around the same if you’ve stuck to more local joints in the city. In total, you needn’t plan to spend much more than about €10 per person per day in Baku and Azerbaijan, and it is very much possible to spend less as well.

Dushbara Soup in Azerbaijan

Activity Prices

In general, this is the area where you might see the biggest discrepancy in activity prices in Baku versus the prices outside of the city. In Baku, museum entry or admission into top tourist sites, for instance, can be more akin to prices in Western Europe than elsewhere in the Caucasus region.

On average, plan for paid entry into the main tourist sites in Baku to cost somewhere around €3.50-7.50 per person. That is a full-price estimate, however, and does not account for the significant discounts available for students, for example. You will also find that there is often a dual pricing structure in Azerbaijan, meaning that entry to attractions is cheaper for locals than it is for foreigners.

In Baku, it is popular to either hire a driver or to embark on a few day trips from the city, and you will find that there are many tour companies readily available that will take you to all of the fantastic attractions within reach of the capital. Often, navigating to a lot of areas can be very difficult (and often impossible) by public transport so taking an organised day tour is really a great option.

If you plan on going for an organised day tour from Baku, you can expect that to cost about €25 per person, not including entry into the sites. However, as these are outside of Baku, the most expensive that you will find will only cost €5 at full price.

Outside of Baku, entry into popular sites still will be a major factor into your total trip to Azerbaijan cost. You can assume entry fees to main attractions to cost around €1-5 just depending on where it is you are and how much demand there is to see the site.

Overall, activity prices are one of the biggest factors of any Baku, Azerbaijan travel budget. Therefore, if you want to gain admittance into some cultural sites or go on a day tour, plan to spend on average about €8-10 per person per day.

Maiden Tower in Baku

Entertainment Prices

While Azerbaijan is a Muslim-majority country, it is largely secular and there are no restrictions on the purchase or consumption of alcohol. You will see locals drinking beer and wine and it is not a faux-pax to order a glass of local red or white with dinner.

Young locals in Baku, as well, like to enjoy the bar and club scene in the city. That being said, however, Azerbaijan doesn’t have a heavy drinking or hard-partying culture. While you may see locals enjoying a beer or two, people are still far more likely to opt for another tea rather than another beer.

Because of this, you don’t really need to factor much into your entertainment costs in Baku or Azerbaijan. On average, a glass of local wine (Azerbaijan does have some tasty vintages!) will only cost about €2-3 depending on the quality. Expect a local draft beer to cost about €1-2.

If you want to forgo drinking but like to kick back in a cafe with a tea or coffee, that also won’t set you back too much either. A glass of tea, the absolute favourite drink of Azerbaijan, should only cost you about €0.50-1. An espresso drink, however, will cost a bit more at about €2 for a cappuccino or latte.

On the whole, your entertainment budget doesn’t need to take up a sizeable amount from your total trip cost. Expect to spend about €2-5 per day on entertainment costs in Azerbaijan, depending on your habits.

Ancient petroglyphs in Gobustan

Average Azerbaijan Trip Cost

All factors above considered, this is how much you should expect to spend per person per day while in Baku or Azerbaijan in general. This is assuming that you stay in budget accommodation, eat in local establishments, and use public transport rather than rely on taxis or private drivers.

Accommodation: €10-30 / night

Transportation: €3-20 / day

Food: €10 / day

Activities: €8 / day

Entertainment: €2-5 / day

All in all, you can expect your average daily Baku, Azerbaijan trip cost to be about €30-70 per person per day if you’re travelling in a budget-to-mid-range style. Your costs will go up if you choose to hire a private driver vs utilising the public transport system.

This can very easily be brought down if you opt for more affordable eating establishments or don’t eat every meal out, travel slower, and stay in more budget-friendly accommodation. It can also cost a lot more depending on your habits.

The truth of the matter is that, while Baku might be trying to brand itself as a luxury city for the rich and famous, it is still incredibly easy to travel there as a budget backpacker.

things to do in sheki

If you’ve been wondering if Baku is expensive or debating the cost of a trip to Azerbaijan, it can be helpful to see a detailed price breakdown. Like most everywhere in the world, if you’re smart about where you spend your money, you can find a Baku, Azerbaijan travel budget to suit your style.

Are you visiting Azerbaijan? Have questions about the prices? Let us know in the comments!

sa travel baku

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About Maggie Turansky

Maggie is a co-founder and writer for The World Was Here First. Originally from the US, she has lived in five different countries and has travelled to dozens more, both solo and with her partner, Michael. She particularly loves exploring Spain and spending time in the Caucasus and the Baltics. Read more about Maggie

Thank you Maggie 😊 See you

You’re welcome! Hope you have a great trip 🙂

Hey , Thanks for the sharing these details . It really helped us plan our journey .

Appreciate your effort .

Thanks Best Regards

Happy this helped! I hope you have a great time in Baku 🙂

Thanks for your fantastic insight into Azerbaijan! Watching the 2021 Olympics we noticed the talent of Azerbaijan’s Rafael Aghayev, in karate. That, in turn, led us to your concise yet fact filled outline of how to travel in Azerbaijan, and specifically Baku. Looking forward to going to this history-rich part of the world, to meet the people and soak up the culture. Your information should prove invaluable.

Yours, from Northern California

Thanks for your comment, Scott! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been inspired to visit Azerbaijan — it is such a fascinating country with a lot to offer.

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Why Visit Baku Azerbaijan. Baku city skyline with three flame towers showcasing new architecture in Azerbaijan's capital city. Lights reflect red and yellow on the Caspian Sea.

Why and When to visit Baku Azerbaijan – A week’s first-timers itinerary

Why visit Baku, Azerbaijan you might wonder? Well, you’re searching for somewhere new to explore, a place with a mix of great food, ancient traditions but modern comforts. But you also crave a touch of ‘something new’ and creature comforts? Great, then why not get to know this magical city full of cultural fusions and modern pride and possibility.

I will admit I visited a very different Baku for the first time in 1999. At this time, Azerbaijan was hard at work shaping its forward path after independence from the Soviets, for the second time in a century.  I was lucky enough to live here in the 2000s for several years and always love returning to Azerbaijan most recently in 2023.  

Here’s our guide to spending a week in and around Baku, with practical tips to make the most of your visit. For many, it may be reassuring to know English is widely spoken by the younger generation and within Baku, main attractions are well sign-posted in English.  

Old City Baku with its many medieval buildings

Introduction to Baku

Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan may not top the lists of ‘countries visited yet, but hey that’s THE reason to go now.  It’s growing in popularity fast. With loads of unique things to do and see, a safe, family friendly culture and eating out pretty good value, Baku beats expectations! So, we really encourage you to explore this small, hospitable and beautiful part of the world. 

In a week in Baku, you can tour medieval palaces hidden in the heart of the walled city. After sightseeing, you can sip a cocktail overlooking the entire city from a different rooftop bar each night.

If you’re thinking about mountain hiking after spending time in Baku, you might encounter less English in smaller remote villages, but doesn’t this just add to the adventure?  

First, let’s cover some basics!

Where is Baku?

Azerbaijan views itself geographically as European – remember the country did win a recent Eurovision Song Contest! To the north lies Russia, to the west Georgia, and to the south Iran and Armenia.  There is also a very short 11-mile border with Turkey! We don’t get into politics on our blogs but be aware of the tensions and restrictions associated with historical and ongoing regional conflicts if you plan to travel between countries in region.  

Baku sits on the Caspian Sea, which is in fact a lake. In fact, it’s the largest inland lake in the world, measuring 149,200 square miles (386,400 square km)—larger than the area of Japan. Click here for more amazing facts about the Caspian.

There are resorts along the coast but I think the draw to coming to Azerbaijan is to explore the city, countryside and culture although an afternoon at the pool or beach is always a lovely break from sight-seeing.

Nightfall in Baku brings bright lights of the 3 Flame Towers and lights shimming on the Caspian Sea waters.

When’s the Best Time to Visit Baku?

For the best weather, plan to visit in May/June or wait until September/October. It can be very hot in July/August and you won’t enjoy walking around as much. Many Azeris escape to their country dachas (summer cabins) out of the city. Baku does have a breeze. Sometimes it can be quite windy but don’t let this put you off at all – it’s a plus in mid summer!

Although winters in Baku are mild and typically frost free, surprisingly it can snow occasionally in Baku (here’s our dog, Ellie, when she experienced her first  snowfall!)  There is a ski resort in Quba, north of Baku if you’re looking for a new alpine run!

Baku International Airport interior showing a shopping area

Good to Know: Azerbaijan Has 20+ Public holidays!

Azerbaijan is a country that loves Public Holidays.   There are over 20 public holidays in Azerbaijan listed here . On these dates, some public sites may be closed. Facilities like restaurants, parks, waterfront areas and shops may be busier as Azeri families spend time together.

Do I Need a Visa to Visit Azerbaijan?

Yes, BUT it’s so easy now as you just apply on-line for an e-visa! Here’s what you need to know.

Azerbaijan introduced an e-visa process a few years ago. Believe me, this has transformed the process of getting a tourist visa to enter the country.   Just go on-line and apply here and within 48 hours you’ll receive an email with your visa attached! A single visa is $20 USD (2023).

What’s the Currency of Azerbaijan?

The currency is the Azeri Manat (AZM) and credit cards are widely accepted. I find it is good to have a bit of cash to hand for entrance tickets, buying water or a coffee. Tips are not expected but appreciated. You can pick up cash at the airport on arrival or just ask at your hotel for the nearest ATM.

Most travellers will find prices in Baku good value unless you’re hitting the 5 star/luxury end in which case you will pay global prices.

How to Travel to Baku

Currently the best air routes from within Europe or USA are with Turkish Airlines via Istanbul.  Azerbaijani Airlines or Azal (the national airline) has a limited service but this includes direct flights from major hubs of New York, London and regional hubs including Qatar.  There are also sufficient regional carriers  if you fancy combining time in Azerbaijan with say Uzbekistan or Georgia.

Important Tip. If you have visited Armenia, you may be questioned about this before being permitted to enter Azerbaijan. 

There is not a metro or train service from the airport to town (30-40 mins) so either pre-book with booking.com or Uber once you arrive.  Most central hotels have good shuttle and transfer options too.

Airport Departures from Baku shows the regional and international routes to and from the capital.

Land Crossings/Trains To Baku

Unfortunately the international overnight train service between Tblisi, Georgia into Azerbaijan (Baku) has been suspended and at the time of writing does not appear to re-starting passenger border services  any time soon.  You can leave Azerbaijan into Georgia but cannot enter into the country.  It’s worth checking the status if you plan to travel independently, but reliable data can be sparse to come by.

Where to Stay in Baku

A photo of the staff at Royal Antique hotel, Baku

Just look on Booking.com and you will see the huge range of accommodation options available in Baku. Take your pick from the stunning seafront ‘Four Seasons’ to mainstream brands like Hilton and Marriott with great facilities, pools and central locations.

Our preference is to stay within the walled Old City; the historic heart of Baku. In 2023, we stayed at a small boutique hotel, Royal Antique. Use Booking.com or  contact them direct for best rates. Here’s the breakfast room with beautiful views and a wonderful eager to please, happy team!

Royal Antique Hotel Baku is a traditional building in the heart of the old city

What To Pack for a Trip to Baku, Azerbaijan

Above all, you want to be comfortable on your travels.  For a week in Baku and a couple of trips out of town there are a few items we urge you to pack including:

– comfortable shoes – walking is a must to explore the city’s cobbled streets, climb steps, and hike around on trips out of town;

– headscarf and knee length clothing if entering mosques

– sun-hat and sunscreen

– a little more ‘dressy’ clothing. Azeris dress well and are smart and outfits well put together. For evening dining, enjoy dressing up!

– shorts are becoming more ‘the norm’ but most Azeris do not wear shorts out and about!

– binoculars as city views are simply incredible!

Tips for Getting Around Baku

Central Baku where a lot of the tourist sights are, is easy to navigate on foot. There is a reliable and safe metro system which is cheap way to get across town if you need to. T he Azerbaijani Metro Guide site has a route map and instructions on buying tickets . The stations are well maintained and some are really beautiful.

Uber and Bolt taxi services are  available and, from our experience, are reliable and remove any need to bargain on fares. Your hotel can advise what works based on your location and destinations.

Beyond Baku, you will need to decide whether to take tours, hire a driver or rent a car.  Roads between the main cities are pretty good, but driving may not be what you are used to. If you want to head to some of the mountain villages, I strongly suggest you hire a driver or take a tour.

Uber service in front of Bibi Heybat Mosque Baku

Things to Do In A Week in Baku

This itinerary blends time in the heart of beautiful  Baku and sprinkles in 2 trips outside the city.  There are so many great places to eat across the city so we won’t recommend daily restaurants by day. However, we share some of our Baku favourites towards the post end!

Use our ideas as a baseline, or follow it as is! If you need help from a travel specialist, we highly recommend Regent Holidays who know this part of the world so well, and offer a range of organized trips to take the work out of your lap!

Day 1 – Introduction to Baku

Morning – old city walled city “icheri sheher”.

First, download a map of the city center.  Next, make your way to the double gates that are the main entrance into the UNESCO recognized 12th century, medieval city of Baku. It’s simply stunning with narrow streets leading to homes, museums, shops, parks, cafes, restaurants and hotels. 

Old Town Baku shop which curves around a cobbled street and displays local handicrafts

Book with Baku City Tours for a free city walking tour . We do this because despite having lived here, it’s a great way to keep updated. What’s more, we meet local residents who love their city! Arif was a fantastic guide and passionate about his country and its future. His company also offers other tours in Baku and beyond so check out their site above.

After a few hours of exploring, find yourself a traditional restaurant in the old city. 

Narrow street with stone pavement area in Baku.

Afternoon – Hop On-Hop Off Bus to Highland Park

Consider taking the Hop On/Hop Off bus to get your bearings around the broader city.  With 16 stops, this route takes around 1.5 hours to do a full circuit. Why not get off at the Highland park stop for a refreshment (ice cream anyone?) and soak in the panoramic views of the city and the sparkling waters of the Caspian.

Baku Hop On Hop Off Tour

You will see a mosque as you walk around the gardens at the top, and several memorials.  Take a walk down what is called Marty’s Alley, where etched faces of those lost in conflict decorate memorial graves. Whatever views you hold, this is a poignant place and a reminder of ongoing conflicts within the region.

Flame Towers of Baku

While you are here, you will be drawn to three massive towers rising out of the hillside.  These architectural icons dominate the skyline but at the same time, blend in with the old and remind us of the important role Baku played in the early energy sector development.  More on how to spend time here on Day 6!

A mosque minaret and glass tower in Baku

To return to the city, take the funicular down to the Boulevard at sunset for stunning views across the city and Caspian Sea.

Funicular in Baku

Day 2 – Magic Carpets and Ancient Palaces

Morning – visit the carpet museum.

Azerbaijan has a rich heritage of carpet weaving. If you want to buy an authentic souvenir, a hand-made rug will last you years. Before you start shopping though, visit the UNESCO supported National Carpet Museum. which was set up in 1972 and has thousands of beautiful exhibits.  The museum is near the  Boulevard and is designed to look like a rolled up carpet as you can see in the photo below!

A carpet museum in Baku was designed to look like a rolled up carpet.

Tip: If you want to see carpet making, head to Guba (a couple of hours north of Baku), where traditional weaving continues. You can even take a class!  When our Dad came to visit Baku, visiting the carpet weavers was one of his highlights and the carpet we bought remains bright and beautiful to the day! We also did some bargaining 🙂

A carpet store in Baku located in one of the many Old City underground buildings is filled with traditional rugs

Afternoon – Discover Palace of the Shirvanshahs

You likely walked past The Shirvanshahs Palace if you took our suggested walking tour yesterday. Now it’s time to get inside the ancient palace system and the royal way of life that existed here centuries ago.

Open from 10am to 6pm you can easily spend a hour or so here. Buy your ticket at the small booth as you enter through the main gate. Its 15AZM for foreigners and you can book onto a tour, if you enjoy getting more of the secrets and stories of which there are many!

medieval palace of shirvanshahs in Old City Baku dating back to 12th century

Just round the corner from the Palace, is the Miniature Book Museum, free to enter and open 11am-6pm.  It is closed Monday and Thursdays! Pop your head in for a few minutes and discover a library of tiny literature of every possible genre. It’s fun and fascinating and apparently in the Guinness Book of Records! And between the two, is a beautiful tea garden.

Image of a miniature book museum in central Baku

Stroll the Baku Boulevard

After a rest from all that exploring, why not stroll the waterfront Promenade. Exit the old city and cross the main road back towards the carpet museum and you will find yourself in a wide boulevard filled with life,

This is a 4km boulevard  with traditional tea cafes and small kiosks selling treats from candy floss to ice-cream. It’s a delight and full of families enjoying an evening out, especially at weekends. You will get amazing views of the Flame Towers dancing with colors as night falls and in the other direction, the Port of Baku shines out as a modern symbol of the prosperity of the country

Boulevard Baku is a 4km stretch of walkway adjacent to the Caspian Sea

Day 3 – Gobustan & Mud Volcanoes

Why not take a trip out of town and explore a couple of remarkable Azerbaijan sights?

The unique Gobustan National Park is around an hour south of Baku.

First, we recommend a stop at the impressive Bibi Heybat mosque. It’s right on the roadside as you head south. It’s modern but beautiful to visit en route. Many tours to Gobustan will make a stop here.

Gobustan National Park, Azerbaijan

Next you will arrive in Gobustan which is a small village, but just beyond is an important historic site. 

Start in the well-appointed museum to get an overview. Then drive on further to the site where the petroglyphs can be viewed up close.

It’s quite rough walking so wear shoes with a good tread. Put yourself back in time and imagine how life might have been here. It’s quite intriguing as you stand in what is really an arid desert.

Mud Volcanoes

Mud Volcano Absheron Peninsula, south of Baku Azerbaijan. These small volcanoes erupt routinely with bubbles of 'mud'.

After Gobuston, it’s on to the mud volcanoes, and if you have kids with you, they will LOVE these. They bubble and pop and are (I was informed) only to be found in Azerbaijan. When we visited in May 2023, a new walkway and viewing system was being constructed along with a mud spa, so that will be a new experience on offer soon!

This day is really best done with a tour because they will give you lunch and it will be around 7 hours door to door. There are limited restaurant facilities in these locations so bring a picnic if you’re traveling independently.

Day 4 – The Old, The New and The Pool

Morning- maiden tower.

Maiden Tower is an iconic medieval fortress in Baku, Azerbaijan measuring 29 meters tall.

You will likely have seen this on your first day city tour and subsequently as you walked around the Old City.  There is many a tale as to why this tower was built back in the 7 or 8 th century. Some regard it as a fortress lookout point as the sea came up here centuries ago; others love to share the tales that are the stuff of legends. You decide what to believe when you visit!

The entrance for foreigners is 15 AZM. There’s a booth next to the base of the tower where you can purchase a ticket. There’s a small museum inside and as you wind your way up the 29 meters of stone staircase, each floor has artifacts to browse over. On reaching the top, you will get great views of the city but a Perspex glass (new, since I lived here) makes taking photographs a little less pleasurable!

Next to the entrance of the Tower, you will find the shady, relaxing cafe called Qiz Qalasi. It’s a perfect spot to sip some Azeri tea with traditional nuts, and jam as you watch life go by. One of my favourite spots in Baku.

Drinking Azeri tea at Qiz Qalasi cafe

Heydar Aliyev Center

Next grab an Uber over to the ‘out of the world’ sensational Heydar Aliyev Center, designed by British Iranian architect Zaha Hadid. The brief was to create a building in the name of Heydar Aliyev (the previous president who is seen as the father of modern Azerbaijan), symbolizing the break away from Soviet times.

It truly is a stunning piece of design and hosts many events, exhibitions and international meetings. Entrance to the museum is currently 15 AZM – use the Heydar Aliyev Official site to buy an e-ticket for entry or buy at the door. 

Heydar Aliyev Center Baku

Afternoon – Relax before Evening of Azeri Culture

If you haven’t already snuck in a little time by the pool, then we suggest you take this afternoon to relax and soak up some rays. 

And now you’re all chilled, why not head out for some live music or theatre show. Baku has a rich arts culture, from galleries to jazz clubs, opera, ballet and an impressive state Philharmonic complex. Check local magazine guide Baku Life for what’s on during your visit. The Baku international jazz festival is a big pull – now in its 18th year.

Advert for Baku International Jazz festival shows performers and history of the event, now in its 18th year.

Day 5 – Day out in Quba Region

Book yourself on a tour that heads north of Baku on the M1 Highway. As you leave the city behind, you will get an appreciation for rural life as you see small settlements and stop off at local sights like the cute Candy Cane mountains.

Within an hour, you will be in Quba staring at the beauty of the Caucasus mountains and exploring small villages where life is so different from the city. Your guide will help you with ideas of things to do but some may be worth checking out ahead of time. It is possible to rent cabins and spend a few days here too. 

Candy Cane Mountains north of Baku are a colorful stripped feature with purple, red and yellow.

Maybe you’re an avid golfer? If so, Azerbaijan has invested millions to bring its clubs to international levels and you can book in for a round at the Guba Golf course w hich golfer friends speak highly of. There is also a course in Baku.

Beyond Quba, most tours keep going to the tiny settlement of Xınalıq. It is literally perched on top of a mountain and so remote that you can only get here in summertime. Baku City Tours have a great day out that combines these destinations o r check with your hotel.  Don’t miss Quba! It’s so relaxing and rejuvenating here.

Xinaliq Village Azerbaijan is remote and gives visitors an insight into rural life away from the capital Baku

Day 6 – A little shopping & sipping

Morning – bazaars and bargain hunting.

Living in Baku means visiting the local bazaar for the best food on offer. I used to love my Saturday morning trips to Yashil Bazaar (Green Market) which still is my favourite. You will find fresh produce, spices, herbs, pendir (local cheese), fresh pomegranates, juiced to order, meat, cakes – yes all you could possible want to eat.

This is a great place to buy spices, dried fruits and herbs to bring home. Be prepared to bargain a little – it’s the culture! Teze Bazaar is a Baku institution and been operating for over 80 years. It’s also a little more central.

Shop in Old City Baku

For a more modern shopping experience, head to one of the modern shopping malls in the city center. The flower shaped Deniz Mall has modern shops or head to the Port Baku area for your designer goods! Nizami street and Fountain Square are lined with retail options too – shoppers, you will love Baku.

Although touristy, I love hunting through the stores in the Old City for a gift or two.  If you find yourself drawn back here, try to make time to stop by the  renown poet Aligaga Vahid’s statute.  

Visit a Tea Cafe In Baku

Next door, is a small cafe which is a little tent full of traditional tea samovars. They have delicious teas, coffee and cakes to choose from and you’re looking right at the old city wall. This is how I like to spend an hour on my last afternoon in Baku.

Shops sell traditional jams and confectionary

Afternoon/Sunset at the Flame Towers

So, we’ve given you a little time in this itinerary to pack or visit another part of the city on your last afternoon. But before you head to the airport, we think a last night cocktail is needed at the Fairmont’s Bar 19, within one of the Flame Towers you’ve been admiring all week. 

Take an Uber and park yourself at the window area and just marvel at the city you’ve got to know.  They have a light bar menu too if you’d like to eat here. Enjoy as the city’s night lights start to sparkle beneath you.

Night time view from Fairmont Bar in Flame Towers Baku

Other Amazing Rooftop Bars

There are no excuses not to find yourself a rooftop bar spot during your week in Baku. Other great central spots for a cocktail with stunning vistas are the Hilton’s 360 Rotating Sky Bar or Infinity at the Marriott to toast the end of an incredible week in Baku! 

Baku Restaurants

Asian Chinar Restaurant

Gone are the days of heavy carb loaded food in this part of the world. Just check out Baku Restaurants on Trip Advisor and you’ll see what I mean!

The fusion of Persian, Russian and European flavors create a delight in local food options. Equally, you will find excellent Asian, Italian, Indian options from relaxed cafes to fine dining.  We recommend trying at least one traditional restaurant because the food will be authentic and more affordable. Qula or Old Baku Restaurant.

Around Nizami (Fountain Square) you will find restaurants for every taste. An interesting one is an old Cheese factory and the current menu is built on this concept! Fun.

Baku traditional restaurant

Restaurants to Street Food in Baku

If you want to venture out of the city center a little, grab a ride to White City which has erupted in recent years with designer shopping and elegant eating.

For Asian, Chinar (at the bottom of the Funicular ride) remains a top favourite, and Indian is available along with other regional delights including Iranian and Georgian.

Traditional Restaurant

My favourites are old city rooftop restaurants with striking vistas over the city and Caspian Sea.

Finally, don’t overlook street food like the always available Azeri Kebab. You will find many kiosks around Fountain square to buy this ever popular local snack.

Baku – A Fusion of Culture

Baku’s architecture reflects its unique mix of European, Islamic and Soviet influences. It’s a fascinating destination and although you can easily fill a week with this itinerary, there is so much more to discover.  Imagine:

-hiking in the rugged Caucasus mountains,

-joining the annual Baku Formula 1 Race Party (dates are 13-15 September in 2024),

– traveling west to Sheki staying overnight at its stunning caravanserai (ancient trading stop). While here, enjoying local baklava made from hazelnuts. You can even take a cooking class here to learn more about delicious Azerbaijan food. If you’re a foodie, you will love Azerbaijan!

City Night View of Baku with old city wall and Flame Towers lit up

Why Visit Baku Azerbaijan

Sheki ancient caravanserai from the silk days. The archways are where traders and camels slept.

So many destinations are ‘over visited’ these days! We feel Baku and Azerbaijan offer fresh travel adventures with an element of freedom to roam.

Finally, if you are interested in regional travel incorporating Baku:

How about a roadtrip around Georgia, a neighbour of Azerbaijan. We have a great post on what to see in Georgia from mountains to wine-tasting.

Equally, it’s only a short flight to Istanbul and with multiple flights a day Istanbul is easy to combine with Baku.  Check out Istanbul Highlights for First Time Visitors.

From the times I have spent living and visiting here over 15 years, I know you will leave Baku with new friends!  The Azeris are some of the most hospitable people on our planet. Go see for yourselves!

Thank you May god bless you We are heading to Baku for a week J founs your advice super useful

How exciting Nargiza. Have a wonderful time in Baku and do share any gems you discover.

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Insider Tips to Explore the Azeri Capital – Baku Travel Guide 

Last Updated: August 24, 2021

Skyscraper Baku

what to do in Baku

As per a ballpark figure, over a quarter of residents live in the capital city of Azerbaijan. Baku features a dramatic landscape — an architectural mix that reminds one of the graceful Paris and innovative Dubai. Add to this its unequalled cosmopolitan urban charm with well-cobbled streets, recently built subway and fast Wi-Fi. All of this is nestled up together in a clean, beautifully laid out city.

Embracing both tradition and modernity, it is a beautiful city that fits right in your bill. Thanks to the city’s groundbreaking development which manages to entertain all ages and interests. While couples can meander through the wooden parks holding hands, families can relish mouthwatering food at restaurants overlooking the sea.

Useful Things to Know Before You Visit Baku

Most people are aliens to Baku’s lifestyle. In fact, you may have many questions about this destination, such as: Is Baku cheap to travel to? Is Baku safe for travellers? How do we reach Baku? Do locals speak English? This Baku travel guide will answer all your queries in the simplest terms.

Best Time to Visit

Although the temperature is mild all year round, April-June (spring) and September –October (autumn) are the best times to visit Baku. You can have a whale of a time as the city is in full spring. It is dry and warm — the streets turn into a burst of colours and mountains wrapped in sunshine. The city fires up for celebrations and cultural explorers can sightsee their favourite destinations. Then from September to October, marvel at the sandstone and green landscapes with magical transformations of nature.

Get to Baku

Baku Azerbaijan Coastline Caspian

Now, since your holiday is planned, and things are booked, everything depends on how you reach this undiscovered gem of a city. It depends on several factors like budget, time and preferences.

To reach by plane, book tickets to Heydar Aliyev International Airport (GYD), which is located 15 miles out of town. There are no direct flights from the US and Asia, but you will have no issue finding a flight via Turkish or Middles Eastern Airlines. There are direct flights to Moscow, Frankfurt, Kiev and Minsk, while flights from other European cities may have one/ more stopovers. From there, you can hop on the express bus to reach Baku or hire a taxi that could be a tad expensive.

The train ride is an experience on its own. It will whiz you past the scenic fields and verdant landscape. There are cars that will offer comfort and privacy at higher budgets. You can pre-book to avoid delays. Alternatively, you can buy tickets for a public bus that connects Baku with the major cities and costs you less. There are international services from Russia and Iran as well.

Get Around Baku


One of the useful things to know before travelling to Baku is the mode of transportation that runs within the city. There are buses and subways that work in a widespread network to carry you to your desired places. Taxis are cheap with 1.30 for every mile, while car rentals can unsettle your budget by demanding 35 per day.

Religion and Language

Islam is the predominant religion in the country. There are other residing communities as well, such as minority Jewish and Orthodox Christians. Most people in Azerbaijan can’t speak English, so it comes in handy to know a phrase or two in their native language for easy conversations. The widely spoken languages are Azerbaijani and Russian.

Oil-Rich City

The history of Azerbaijan is revolved around oil and gas reserves. The second oil boom in 2006 brought another revolution that raised some of the exemplary architecture. Due to the cutting edge technology and unique vision, you get the opportunity to marvel at jaw-dropping masterpieces.

Major Tourist Attractions


The blue-glassed Flame Towers, the residence of the ruling dynasties Palace of the Shirvanshah, MOMA museum with bean-bags, tailor-made Carpet Museum, waterfront promenade Bulvar, the World Heritage Site of İçəri Şəhər, vantage point at Maiden’s Tower and the leafy piazza Fountains Square are must-visit tourist attractions in Baku. Then tick off Heydar Aliyev Centre, explore Yashil Bazar, visit Mud Volcanoes, and pay homage at Bibi-Heybat Mosque.

Currency Exchange

  • Another significant thing that you should know is that the official currency of Azerbaijan is manat (code: AZN; symbol:).
  • Exchange the foreign currency with the national currency for seamless transactions. The restaurants, shops and markets may accept the US Dollars but are hesitant about accepting the old banknotes issued before 1992.
  • It is handy to carry money in small denominations while shopping.
  • Always exchange the currencies in banks, airports or hotels, and do not deal with private individuals to avoid fraud.
  • Discuss the money with taxi drivers in advance, as they request you to pay in national currency.

Law and Order

  • The traffic on the roads is organised and scrutinised by the police all around. They help to maintain peace and order. So, it’s better to carry an identification card in case of any misunderstanding or problem.
  • Wear decent clothes that are not transparent or revealing to stay away from unwanted attention or fine. Wear walking/ hiking shoes for a comfortable excursion. It could get hot outside, so get those breathable shirts and dresses.
  • Being drunk on the streets is highly prohibited and could result in a punishable offence.

Accommodation in Baku

There is no dearth of fancy hotels and low-priced accommodations in Baku. It stands up to the expectations of being the luxurious capital city of Azerbaijan. You can let your hair down when you prefer to stay in the popular neighbourhoods of Baku, such as the UNESCO-recognised İçərişəhər, flower-crammed Khutor, and the buzzing market ofYaşıl Bazar.   The best-rated, contemporary hotels are Fairmont Baku offering 5-star services, Flame Towers with its rooftop pool, and the Sheraton Baku located in the vicinity of the airport. You are welcomed with warm hospitality and world-class facilities.

It does not harm to tip when eating in any of the restaurants of Baku. A tip of 10% looks friendly. Moreover, in a few restaurants and open-air cafes, if you tip in advance, you can enjoy some real fast services.

Baku is absolutely safe for tourists. Petty thefts are almost negligible. No brownie points for this — stay vigilant in a new destination and use local apps for navigation, to avoid any scam by taxi drivers.

As you browse the local markets and souvenir shops, haggling is encouraged to get the best prices.

Q1. What is BAKU?

BAKU is the capital city of Azerbaijan, a country located in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia.

Q2. What is the perfect time to explore BAKU?

The perfect time to explore BAKU is between April to June and September to October.

Q3. Name some key attractions in BAKU.

Some popular tourist attractions in BAKU include the Old City (Icheri Sheher), the Flame Towers, the Maiden Tower, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, and the Heydar Aliyev Center.

Q4. Is BAKU a safe city?

Yes it is generally a safe city.

Q5. What languages are spoken in BAKU?

The official language of Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, which is the most widely spoken language in BAKU. Russian and English are also widely spoken and understood, especially in tourist areas.

Baku is a city that will leave an incredible impression on your heart. All you got to do is to know a few things and follow these tips for a butter-smooth vacation.


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Shaheen Taj

Avatar for Shaheen Taj

Shaheen Taj is a freelance travel writer by profession. She is particularly fond of traveling and loves to jot down her experiences and cultural diversities of different countries.

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Switzerland / Germany / Netherlands / Belgium / France [EZP] • 10 Days 7 Nights Splendour of Italy [EVF10] • 10 Days 7 Nihts Southern Italy [EFF] • 10 Days 7 Nights Classic Southern France [EMM] • 10 Days 7 Nights Wonders of Greece [EAA] • 10 Days 7 Nights Scenic Iceland [ECS] • 10 Days 7 Nights Norway & Finland's Aurora [EOR] • 10 Days 7 Nights Amsterdam / Brussels / London [EAL] • 11 Days 8 Nights Eastern Europe + Poland [EBP] • 13 Days 10 Nights Highlights of Scandinavia [ECH] SPAIN & PORTUGAL • 10 Days 7 Nights Spain Highlights [EBM] • 12 Days 9 Nights Spain & Portugal [ESP] SWITZERLAND • 10 Days 7 Nights Scenic Switzerland [ESGZ] • 10 Days 7 Nights Southern Germany / Switzerland [ESMZ] • 14 Days 11 Nights Switzerland / Austria [ESZV] BALKANS • 10 Days 7 Nights Pearls of The Balkans - Slovenia / Croatia / Montenego / Bosnia-Herzegovina [EB10] • 15 Days 12 Nights Pearls of The Balkans - Romania / Bulgaria / Macedonia / Albania / Montenegro / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Croatia / Slovenia [EB15] TURKEY • 10 Days 7 Nights Turkey Highlights [TIH] KOREA - Spring/Summer • 6 Days 4 Nights Seoul / Gangwon-Do / Gyeonggi-DO [KSG] • 6 Days 4 Nights Seoul / Gangwon-Do / Gyeonggi-DO + Jeju Island [KSJ] JAPAN • 8 Days 6 Nights Classic Honshu [JKIX] ASEAN ----- MEDAN • 4 Days 3 Nights Medan / Lake Toba / Berastagi [IKK] Vietnam • 5 Days 4 Nights Hanoi / Halong Bay / Ninh Binh [VHN] CHINA ENGLISH SPEAKING TOUR • 6 Days 5 Nights Scenic Guangxi - Guilin/Lipu/Yangshuo/Longsheng [CKWL] • 7 Days 5 Nights Shaanxi - Xian/Huashan [CXIY] • 7 Days 5 Nights Beijing + Gubei Water Town [CPEK] • 7 Days 5 Nights Scenic Hunan - Changsha/Fenghuang/Zhangjiajie [CCSX] • 7 Days 6 Nights Shanghai Double Theme Park + Wuzhen - Shanghai/Suzhou/Wuzhen/Hangzhou/Huzhou [CPVG2T] • 7 Days 6 Nights Shanghai Huangshan + Qiandao Lake - Shanghai/Shaoxing/Hangzhou/Huangshan/Tunxi [CPVGHS] • 8 Days 7 Nights Best of Fujian - Xiamen/Huaan Tulou/Mt Wuyi/Fuzhou/Putian/Quanzhou [CXMN] NEPAL • 7 Days 6 Nights Kathmandu / Pokhara / Nagarkot [NKTM]

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A Definitive Guide for Vacation Travelling to Baku, Azerbaijan from Pakistan

Baku is a city of juxtapositions. The Old City is sprawled out with the Baku Flame Towers in the background. Old Soviet buildings neighbour modern Azeri ones. Azerbaijan has changed hands several times, but by international standards, it’s still a “new” country, finally gaining its independence from the Soviets in 1991. Baku is old and new, new and old. A week trip in Baku is enough to make your head spin.

But yes, we’re talking about the good kind of head spinning.

Directly translated as the “land of fire”, Azerbaijan is a natural resource-laden country whose main export is oil and gas. However, there’s a lot of cultural upheaval going on in this new-meets-old country that is quite fascinating. This transition is especially prevalent and visible in the capital city of Azerbaijan, Baku.

It is joyful and exciting to explore Baku. There’s a lot to unpack here, from the old marvels of the city to the strange contemporary buildings that have only just been built there. Throw in a slew of fascinating and unique natural attractions just outside the city limits. Brace yourself for the fun and exploration where the old and new gives you a ride to remember for the rest of your life.

Throughout your stay in Baku, you can experience the highlights of the city Azerbaijan is a beautiful country and one of the best destinations for Pakistani tourist and currently is gaining more and more popularity within the masses. Baku City is famous for Pakistani travel enthusiasts.

Azerbaijan is an ex-Soviet Muslim country and has a very interesting blend of East and west with a deep history, its culture is Soviet and the Middle East mixture. Getting Azerbaijan visa on Pakistani passport is very easy, the process is done online and the E-Visa is issued online within 3 days. The visa fees for adults is 20$ only.

Travelling to Azerbaijan requires a visa for citizens of most countries. The good news is that it’s a completely online process to obtain an Azerbaijan tourist visa.

The process is very simple, simply visit the Azerbaijan E-Visa website, click on the Application button and start the visa process online. You can pay the fees online as well with your credit card or your debit card and your Azerbaijan visa will be sent to you via email. Take a print of it and show it at the immigration officer at the airport. It’s that simple to get Azerbaijan visa on Pakistani Passport.

If you are visiting Azerbaijan on a visit visa or business visa in 2019, and looking forward to getting information about the Azerbaijan online visa requirements for Pakistani Passport and application process, Azerbaijan visa fees, documents requirements and processing time than you are at the right place. The whole process is given below.

Procedure to apply for Azerbaijan Baku Visa from Pakistan

Azerbaijan Tourist Visa Requirements for Pakistani Citizens: For Online Visa Applications • Passport Scanned Copy • Scanned Photo • Visit this website and fill the application online

How long will my eVISA be valid for? E-VISA holder is entitled to stay up to a maximum of 90 days for each visit in Azerbaijan.

How do I get started? For being the first time applicant, you are required to visit the website: https://evisa.gov.az/en/ Click Application, choose Pakistan as a country and select an ordinary passport.

Azerbaijan Visa Key Information Visa Type E-Visa

Validity of Passport 3 Months

Quantity of Photos 1

Size of Photos Passport Size

Processing Time (Normal Visa) 3 Days

Additional information:

• The e-Visa is issued within 3 (three) working days. • E-Visa applications can be created for an individual, for a family (minimum of 2 and maximum of 10 persons) or a group (minimum of 10 and a maximum of 300 persons). • The necessary data required for the e-Visa should be entered directly into the system. • The fee for the e-Visa is paid electronically via the system. • The e-Visa is sent to the e-mail address of an applicant.

Azerbaijan Visa Application Centers in Pakistan:

Visa is submitted online, Visit this website and fill the application online, there are no physical application centres for Azerbaijan visa,

Azerbaijan Visa Tracking:

You can check the status of your Azerbaijan Online Visa application on the official website where you fill in your visa application.

Azerbaijan Visa Rejection Appeal from Pakistan:

The rejection ratio is almost zero; however there is no appeal process, just apply for a new visa again properly with all the correct information and the required documents (clear scanned documents).

Disclaimer: Although the information in this blog has been prepared with the utmost care, we cannot accept any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.

How to Get In and Out of Baku

Flight: The easiest way to get to Baku from Pakistan is to fly into Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The airport has several flights a day, primarily from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. You can compare flight prices and search for the best deals on flights through multiple platforms available to help you find the right fit for example sastaticket.pk, sky scanner etc.

Currency and Payments in Baku

For currency, Azerbaijan uses the Manat (AZN). Even though there are card readers in lots of places, most transactions in Baku are made in cash. You can withdraw money from ATMs there, or simply exchange at one of the many exchange points throughout the city. Be sure to try and break your big bills when possible, as a lot of smaller restaurants and shops do not have much change.

Remember that 1 Manat equals to 91.76PKR, so when travelling keep the currency as per your requirements and plans in Baku, if you plan to do shopping, drop in some extra Manats before you start your travel.

Where to Stay in Baku

Budget: There are hostels in Baku which gives a homely feel. The dorm beds are comfortable and squeaky clean, and there’s a relaxed but open vibe about it that makes it easy to meet other travellers. Find a hostel that’s walkable from practically everything, and super close to the seaside boardwalk, you can get hostel at just a few USD per night, which is an amazing deal.

There are hotels available as well, according to the range you want to spend on your lodging for a mid-Range: Whether you prefer a private room or simply want a comfortable, private place to stay, the Viva Boutique Hotel is the perfect sport for you. It’s affordable, the rooms are clean and cosy, and it’s a very central location just a few minutes’ walks to the Old City and many other central areas.

If you are there to Splurge and If you’re looking for an exceptionally “Baku” luxury hotel, the Fairmont Baku Flame Towers is a perfect choice. It’s a 5-star property located in one of the iconic flame towers of the city. There’s also an incredible rooftop pool that you can enjoy while you stay with these hotels.

Getting Around in Baku

Walking: Central Baku is an extremely walkable place, and you’ll be able to get to many places within the city centre on your feet. Remember that Baku is in a desert, so in the spring and summer months, it can get pretty hot during the day. If you plan on walking a lot, be sure to stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, and bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.

Public Transportation: Baku also has a metro and bus system that’s ridiculously cheap to use. First, you need to buy a card to use, which costs 2 AZN. Then, you can fill it with however much money you want. Rides on both the buses and the metro (0.2 AZN) per ride.

Uber/Rideshare: Baku is the only capital city in the Caucasus to use Uber, and that makes getting around incredibly convenient. If you have access to Wi-Fi or cellular data, you can simply call an Uber-like you would in Pakistan and charge it automatically to your designated credit card. Most Ubers within the central city area cost 2-7 AZN.

Taxi: Taxis are abundant in Baku and you can simply hail one from the street or have your hotel/restaurant call you one. However, this is the most expensive way to get around Baku, so keep that in mind if you’re budget-conscious and just don’t want to spend a lot on transport.

Where to Eat in Baku

Surprisingly, there isn’t a huge food culture in Baku. You’ll find inexpensive kebab and döner shops, one of the prominent characteristic of the region. Which is pretty much available everywhere. There are also some traditional Azeri restaurants, but you’ll find when you visit one, it’s mostly fellow tourists and foreigners eating there.

Although they are mostly catered to tourists, I still think it’s worth trying a couple of Azeri restaurants during your stay to experience the traditional dishes of the region.

With that said, the people of Azerbaijan are very proud of their traditional Azeri breakfasts. You should try one while you’re in the city. For a traditional-style breakfast, the delicious cheeses and honey, and the historic atmosphere of the place are certainly worth it.

A Stroll on the Seaside

Arguably one of the coolest things about Baku is that it neighbours the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea isn’t a sea, rather the largest salt lake in the world. Off the coast, you’ll see deep blue water, with oil rigs dotting the horizon.

The best place to take a walk and experience the sights and sounds of the city is on the Baku Boulevard. This beautiful, big walking area is full of both tourists and locals and is a nice place to get a feel for the city. While there, you can stroll for a bit and grab dinner, or simply sit on a bench and admire the calmness of the Caspian Sea. There are also great views of the old city and the Flame Towers.

Exploring the City, Old and New

When visiting a new city, spend some time just walking and wandering around its main areas. And luckily, Baku is a VERY walkable city.

Like with any trip, you can’t accomplish everything in a couple of days, so choose few as priorities from your bucket wish list for each day and try to knock those out first.

Some of the main attractions in Baku that you might want to check out include:

• Baku Old City • Palace of the Shirvanshahs • Maiden Tower • Fountain Square • Philharmonic Hall • Palace of Happiness • Bibi-Heyat Mosque • Museums: Carpet Museum, Azerbaijani Literature, Art Museum, and National Museum of Azerbaijan • Funicular Car • Flame Towers • Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center (explore the inside museum AND the outside) • Upland Park (at sunset)

Sights included on the free walking tour, that you can see while exploring Baku on foot while wandering around the newly independent city that is an amazing combination of history and modernity.

If you’re in more of a ‘sit back and relax’ kind of mood, you can also opt for an organized Baku city tour they typically give you an insider’s perspective on the city, and include some quirky facts or fun stories to boot (these quirky facts about a place and connect you to the place, giving you a sense of familiarity of Baku).

At sunset, end your day by heading up to the Upland Park viewpoint. Upland Park is arguably the best place in the city to watch the daily light show, which happens around 8:30 PM. There’s also a magnificent view of the rest of Baku and the Caspian Sea down below. While there, you’ll probably share the space with wedding photographers, joggers, skateboarders, families, and other light show spectators. It’s a great place to do some sunset people-watching, too.

Mud Volcanoes, Gobustan, and Lots of Fire

After exploring Baku it is recommended to discover outside of Baku and sightsee some of the weirdest and most wonderful sights near the city. The easiest way to do this is to book a full day Baku tour, which will take you to the mud volcanoes, Gobustan National Park, Ateshgah Fire Temple, Yanar Dag, and the outside of the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center. You can also opt to hire a taxi and do this tour your own, but it will be MUCH more expensive.

The Mud Volcanoes

Baku is one of the few places in the world where you can see mud volcanoes. Some mud-volcanos are also present in Balochistan, it’s a rare phenomenon that only happens in certain areas, these naturally-formed bubbly mud pots look like mini volcanoes dotted across a flat area of dirt.

You probably won’t want to stay long here, but there are a few interesting things to note about these mud volcanoes:

They’re cold to the touch. In many places around the world, bubbling mud is caused by heat. However, in Baku, the mud volcanoes are cold because they’re caused by gas pockets under the ground.

They’re not just in Baku. There are mud volcanoes in a bunch of different places around Azerbaijan! The Baku ones are simply the easiest to see, especially if you have a short time in the country. Some people use them as mud masks. You’ll probably see such people when you visit.

Gobustan Petroglyphs

If you’re a natural history or archaeology nerd, you’ll love Gobustan National Park. First of all, it’s naturally very beautiful, with giant boulders are strewn about as if they were tossed into a pile by a child at play.

More importantly, on said rocks, there are ancient (I mean, 1,000+ years old) petroglyphs carved into the sides, depicting scenes from the daily lives of nomadic inhabitants of modern-day Azerbaijan.

Traditional Azeri Lunch Buffet

Try the Azeri lunch buffet which is full of every kind of food you read about when you google “foods to try in Azerbaijan.” Being a Pakistani, one thing can be surely said that we are food lovers and we appreciate some good food our way, even when we have to spend a little more on the meal.

Your day tour operator would guide you to a good Azeri Buffet where you can eat all, or if you are going on your own fetch some relevant information by reading online or talk to local/expert to get information about good food, so you don’t miss out on good food.

Ateshgah Fire Temple

A pilgrimage site for people of the Zoroastrian faith, the Ateshgah Fire Temple was built sometime between the 17th and 18th centuries. Here, you can learn more about the history of fire worship and the current practices and traditions around it, complete with somewhat creepy wax models and museum-like panels inside of the reconstructed historic site.

Of course, the actual fire is the main point of focus here. It sits in the centre of the temple complex in a small shelter and burns perpetually.

Yanar Dag is a special place, and while it’s not one where you’ll linger for a long time, you’ll probably want to see it for yourself. While Azerbaijan is known as the land of fire, Yanar Dag is the land that’s on fire. You see, here, natural gas is so abundant that it causes a natural fire on the hillside that burns forever and ever.

It looks like there’s burning charcoal leaking out the side of the hill…pretty cool huh?

The only reservation about going here with a day tour is that you’ll usually end up here in the heat of the afternoon, which is mildly unpleasant and not as epic to photograph. But if you can manage try to visit the site at sunset or night.

Day Trip to Xinaliq

If you’re itching to get outdoors, you can take a day trip from Baku to the highest-elevation village in Azerbaijan. You can book a tour as well to visit Xinaliq. The trip spans a full day (9 AM-9 PM+) and takes you to both Quba and Xinaliq. This is a great way to experience what life is like in Azerbaijan outside of Baku.

Day Trip to Gabala

Sometimes you just need an escape from the busy city, and Gabala can offer that to you. Gabala is a resort area popular with Azerbaijan’s locals, filled with lots of beautiful scenery and outdoor activities.

Don’t forget your travel insurance ! So it has your back in case of emergencies and any issue that you may face while to travel to this beautiful country, so before you embark on your journey, pack your bags don’t forget to pack your travel insurance with all the coverages!!

Khurram Zahid

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Champion Traveler

The Best Time to Visit Baku, Azerbaijan for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

The best times to visit Baku for ideal weather are

April 2nd to June 17th

September 3rd to november 18th.

based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more weather and travel details.

Baku Travel Guide


  • Perceived Temperature
  • Rain and snow
  • Humidity and wind
  • The busiest and least popular months
  • Overall travel experience by time of year

Other Baku Travel Info

Weather in baku.

Average temperatures in Baku vary drastically. Considering humidity, temperatures feel very nice much of the year, but hot in the summer and cold in the winter with a very low chance of rain or snow throughout the year. The area is somewhat temperate — in the 48th percentile for pleasant weather — compared to tourist destinations worldwide. Weeks with ideal weather are listed above . If you’re looking for the very warmest time to visit Baku, the hottest months are August, July, and then June. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally mid August where highs are regularly around 94.3°F (34.6°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 76.2°F (24.6°C) at night.

Baku Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Baku temperatures (celsius), “feels-like” temperatures.

The way we experience weather isn’t all about temperature. Higher temperatures affect us much more at higher humidity, and colder temperatures feel piercing with high winds. Our perceived temperatures factor in humidity and wind chill to better represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person.

Baku Perceived Temperature (F)

Baku perceived temperature (c), average baku temperatures by month.

Daily highs (averaged for the month) usually give the best indication of the weather. A significantly lower mean and low generally just means it gets colder at night.

Show Fahrenheit

Show celsius, precipitation (rain or snow).

If dry weather is what you’re after, the months with the lowest chance of significant precipitation in Baku are July, May, and then August. Note that we define “significant precipitation” as .1 inches or more in this section. The lowest chance of rain or snow occurs around early May. For example, on the week of April 30th there are no days of precipitation on average. By contrast, it’s most likely to rain or snow in late January and early February with an average of 2 days of significant precipitation the week of January 29th.

Chance of Precipitation

The graph below shows the % chance of rainy and snowy days in Baku.

Snow on the Ground

The graph below shows the average snow on the ground in Baku (in).

Average Rain and Snow by Month

Show inches, show centimeters, humidity and wind.

Baku has some very humid months, with other comfortably humid months. The least humid month is July (54.5% relative humidity), and the most humid month is February (77.5%).

Wind in Baku is usually calm . The windiest month is March, followed by February and April. March’s average wind speed of around 7.2 knots (8.3 MPH or 13.3 KPH) is considered “a gentle breeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in early to mid March where average top sustained speeds reach 13.2 knots, which is considered a moderate breeze.

Relative Humidity (%)

The graph below shows the average % humidity by month in Baku.

The graph below shows wind speed (max and average) in knots.

Average Wind Speeds

Show wind speeds.

All wind speeds are in knots. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH.

Show Relative Humidity by Month

Is it safe to travel to baku.

Our best data indicates this area is somewhat safe, but with extra warnings in a few regions. As of Dec 04, 2023 there are travel warnings and regional advisories for Azerbaijan; exercise a high degree of caution and avoid some areas. Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories . This advisory was last updated on Sep 18, 2023.

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

The busiest month for tourism in Baku, Azerbaijan is June, followed by May and July. Prices for hotels and flights will be most expensive during these months, though you can save if you purchase well in advance. Tourists are unlikely to visit Baku in November. Those willing to visit at these times will likely find it the least expensive month.

Estimated Tourism by Month

Most popular months to visit, overall baku travel experience by season, spring (march through may).

Humidity and temperatures combine to make this season feel moderate. Highs range from 83.1°F (28.4°C) and 48.4°F (9.1°C) with far warmer temperatures in the later months. Rain is rare with 1 to 3 days of significant precipitation per month. Spring is the second busiest for tourism, which makes it a good time for those looking for things to do.

Summer (June through August)

The middle-year months have very comfortable weather with high temperatures that are quite warm. These months see the least precipitation with 0 to 1 days of precipitation per month. June – August is the busiest season for tourism in Baku, so lodging and other accommodations may cost more than usual.

Fall (September through November)

Fall daily highs range from 85.4°F (29.7°C) and 52.2°F (11.2°C), which will feel comfortable given the humidity and wind. It rains or snows a normal amount: 2 to 4 days per month. Tourism is fairly slow during these months due to the weather, so hotels may be lower priced.

Winter (December through February)

Weather is too cold this time of year in Baku to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 52.8°F (11.6°C) and 40.3°F (4.6°C). On average, it rains or snows a fair amount: 3 to 6 times per month. These times of year are the slowest with tourists.

Best Times to Travel › Azerbaijan › Baku, Azerbaijan

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  11. SA Travel Baku (@satravelbaku) • Instagram photos and videos

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    The visa fees for adults is 20$ only. Travelling to Azerbaijan requires a visa for citizens of most countries. The good news is that it's a completely online process to obtain an Azerbaijan tourist visa. The process is very simple, simply visit the Azerbaijan E-Visa website, click on the Application button and start the visa process online.

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