Deutscher Bundestag

Online registration, general information.

Current information on the options available to visitors, along with up-to-date entry requirements for the day of your visit can be found in German online under “Aktuelle Informationen zum Besuch beim Deutschen Bundestag” in the “Aktuell” section of the Bundestag's website (

Important information (please read before starting the online booking process!):

  • When registering to visit online , you can only submit booking requests for the various services offered by the Visitors’ Service; your visit has not been booked until you receive a booking confirmation from the Visitors’ Service by email, fax or post.
  • Please make sure – before you begin the process of registering online for one of our services for visitors – that you have each visitor’s last name, first name and date of birth ready, as you will need to create a list of visitors and provide this information during this process. Only after you have submitted this information can your request be processed and confirmed.
  • As a rule, requests for guided tours can only be submitted for the current month and the following two months.
  • Requests to visit the dome can only be submitted for the current month and the following month. Parliamentary business, special events in the Reichstag Building, specific weather conditions and the security situation all affect whether visits to the dome and the roof terrace can go ahead. We are therefore unable to guarantee that you will be able to visit the dome. It is sometimes necessary to cancel a visit to the dome at the last minute , even if the visit has been confirmed in advance. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to notify you of last-minute cancellations by email, telephone or fax.
  • Tourism businesses must register as commercial agencies . Submitting a request as an individual/private group or an organisation/company will result in the immediate cancellation of the request. If staff or agents of the tourism business, tour guides or similar wish to accompany the registered visitors onto the premises of the German Bundestag (including the dome of the Reichstag Building), they must also be registered (or will otherwise be denied entry).
  • Booking requests for the following year can only be submitted from the end of November of the current year .
  • Everybody registering for a lecture or guided tour must be able to understand the language selected when booking. No interpretation into foreign languages is provided in the galleries during the plenary sittings. Individual interpretation is not permitted during attendance at plenary sittings, lectures and guided tours.

Berlin kompakt

Ihr Guide in der Hauptstadt

Reichstagsführungen in deutsch und englisch

Entdecke ein Stück deutsche Politikgeschichte bei einer Führung durch das Parlaments- und Regierungsviertel in Berlin. Die Führung beginnt zwischen Paul-Löbe-Haus und Kanzleramt ,geht dann weiter durch das Parlaments- und Regierungsviertel, bis wir gemeinsam in das Reichstagsgebäude gehen.

Erfahre mehr über bekannten Regierungsgebäude und gewinne eine neue Perspektive auf die Sehenswürdigkeiten. Erhalte interessante Einblicke ins Reichstagsgebäude und seine komplizierte Lage zu Zeiten der Berliner Mauer.

Erklimme die Kuppel des Reichstags und erfahre mehr über die Aufgaben und Pflichten des Bundestags. Lausche der faszinierenden Geschichte des Reichstagsgebäudes und seiner Umwandlung in ein modernes Wahrzeichen.

Dabei basierte der Entwurf des Architekten Lord Foster auf einem interessanten ökologischen Konzept.

Erlebe Berlin von oben, genieße den Blick auf die Skyline und erfahre Wissenswertes über die Geschichte der Stadt.

reichstag building tour

Reichstagsführung mit Besuch im Gebäude und auf dem Dach

Genießen Sie eine Tour durch das Berliner Parlamentsviertel und besuchen Sie den Plenarsaal und das Dach (mit der Kuppel) des Reichstages. Erfahren Sie mehr über Geschichte, Architektur und Politik im Herzen des politischen Berlins.

reichstag building tour

Reichstag Tour with visit to the building and the rooftop

Enjoy a tour through Berlin's parliament district and visit the chamber and the rooftop (with the dome) of the Reichstag. Learn more about history, architecture, and politics in the heart of political Berlin.

Führungen durch das Regierungsviertel

Besuchen Sie mit uns das Regierungsviertel, wo die politischen Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Schlendern Sie mit uns entlang des alten Mauerstreifens und lassen Sie sich die interessanten Geschichten zu diesen besonderen Orten erzählen. Laufen Sie mit uns entlang der Spree, dem Kanzleramtsgebäude, dem Paul-Löbe-Haus, dem Reichstagsgebäude und vielen mehr. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Guides auf unterhaltsame und informative Art die Geschichten hinter den Gebäuden erzählen: Wie und wo arbeitet der Bundestag? Wo trifft sich der Kanzler mit seinen Gästen? Gibt es Tunnel? Was sagen die Kunstwerke im Regierungsviertel über die Kunst aus, wo gehen die Abgeordneten essen? Wie sieht die typische Architektur eines Arbeitsparlaments aus, muss sie repräsentativ sein oder nicht? Wir besuchen die wichtigsten Orte des Regierungsviertels und erläutern Ihnen, wie dort Politik gemacht und vermittelt wird.

Bitte beachten: Bei diesen Touren ist keine Innenbesichtigung von Reichstag und Kanzleramt geplant!

reichstag building tour

Regierungsviertel-Tour, rund um das Kanzleramt und den Reichstag

Entdecke ein Stück deutsche Politikgeschichte bei einer Führung durch das Parlaments- und Regierungsviertel in Berlin.

reichstag building tour

Guided Walking Tour around the Reichstag Building

On this guided tour of the parliament and government district of Berlin, you will get acquainted with some of Germany's political histor

weitere Führungen von uns können Sie auch hier buchen

reichstag building tour

Für mehr besuchen Sie auch gerne unsere Seite 

Berlin Tourist Information

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Guide to the Reichstag Building: Insider Tips, History, Dome…

The Reichstag Building in Berlin

The Reichstag Building on the Platz der Republik is the seat of the German Parliament and one of the most important landmarks of Germany.

A visit to the Reichstag is a must for every visitor to Berlin!

In our complete guide to the Reichstag Building, we provide you with everything you need to know and tips for your visit to the landmark. This includes admission, tickets & guided tours, things to do, the history of the building and much more.

Let's start!

Reichstag Visits and Guided Tours

Things to do at the Reichstag Building

The Reichstag Building on the Platz der Republik is one of the most important sights in Berlin.

Several historical events and turning points in German history are connected with the Reichstag, which is why it is also considered a mirror of German history.

See below which highlights you should not miss:

1. Admire the Exterior of the Reichstag

Designed by Paul Wallot in the Italian Renaissance style, the Reichstag Building impresses with its imposing architecture, which is a synthesis of Paul Wallot's historicism and the modern redesign of British architect Sir Norman Foster.

Along with the glass dome , the sandstone relief in the pediment with the imperial coat of arms and the imperial crown, as well as the dedicatory inscription "Dem Deutschen Volke" (To the German People) below it, immediately catches the eye.

Yet there are even more ornaments waiting to be discovered. If you look closely, you can see magnificent sandstone figures, ornaments and numerous motifs . Of particular note are the so-called "coat of arms trees ", two stone relief panels located on either side of the entrance, depicting the coats of arms of the German Empire, newly founded in 1871.

It is also interesting to note that the four corner towers , framed by 16 sculptures made of sandstone , represent the four kingdoms of Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria and Württemberg.

Kuppel des Reichstags in Berlin in Deutschland

2. Visit the Roof Terrace & Reichstag Dome

The subsequently designed glass dome above the plenary hall of the German Parliament has a diameter of 38 meters and a height of 23.5 meters. Today, it has a lasting impact on the cityscape and has become a much-visited attraction and, beyond that, a Berlin landmark.

The accessible glass dome is located on the 24-meter-high roof terrace of the Reichstag Building. On its inner side, two spiral ramps wind up to an observation deck 40 meters above the ground. Here you can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of Berlin.

In addition, the parliamentary history exhibition "From the Reichstag to the Bundestag" awaits you on the roof terrace, displayed in 12 showcases.

  • Tip: We highly recommend using one of the free audio guides that are available to visitors on the entrance to the rooftop terrace. They are available in eleven languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Polish and Russian) and offer 20 minutes of background knowledge about the Reichstag building, the German Bundestag and the attractions of Berlin that are visible from up here.  An audio guide for children is also available.

3. Join a Guided Tour of the Reichstag Building

If you want to delve deeper into the moving history of this impressive monument, you can take part in a guided tour of the Reichstag Building. During this tour, you will learn details about the workings and tasks of the German parliament, as well as information about the history and architecture of the Reichstag .

In addition to the classic house tours, guided tours with various thematic focuses are also offered, including art and architecture tours as well as family tours .

  • Important : In order to participate in a guided tour, prior registration is necessary.

4. Witness a Sitting in the Plenary Chamber

The historic building has not only been the seat of the German Bundestag since 1999, but is now also the most visited parliament in the world . Visitors from all over the world can visit a plenary sitting after prior registration.

The plenary hall is the heart of the German Bundestag. From the public gallery , you can get up close to members of the German Bundestag and closely follow all the debates taking place.

5. Dine in the Restaurant and Enjoy the View

The dome is not the only jewel of the roof terrace. The level is also home to Käfer's rooftop restaurant , which invites you to feast and linger on modern German cuisine.

Of course, you can also enjoy a fantastic view of the German capital from the restaurant.

  • Please note: Due to tightened security measures at the German Bundestag the restaurant also requires the surnames, first names and dates of birth from all guests at least 48 hours in advance . These will be forwarded to the police and security services. Reservations for the restaurant can be made by phone from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 030/227-9220 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Der Reichstag während der innerdeutschen Teilung

Registration for Your Reichstag Visit

Individuals and groups can register for a visit to the parliament. An online form is available for a convenient appointment request, and registration is also possible by fax or by mail (Deutscher Bundestag, Besucherdienst, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin), but must be received at least two working days in advance.

Short-term visitors, who would like to visit the dome spontaneously, can register in person for a dome visit at the service branch of the visitor center near the Reichstag building, next to the Berlin Pavilion on the southern side of Scheidemannstrasse. If space is available, personal access authorizations can be issued up to two hours before the visit time . It is also possible to obtain a visit appointment for the following two days.

  • Important : A valid identification document with photo is required for admission.
  • More details about the visit and guided tours are available here .

Entrance, Tickets & Tours for the Reichstag Building

  • Entrance : The dome of the Reichstag Building is open daily from 8:00 to 24:00. Last admission is at 22:00. It is closed on 12/24 (all day) and 12/31 from 4pm.
  • Tickets : Admission to the Reichstag building is free , but prior registration is mandatory. Details can be found under the " Registration" section above, as well as on the official website,
  • Tours :  Various free guided tours of the Reichstag Building are offered . Prior registration is required. You can find out more information here .
  • Travelers' Tips : If you would like to discover these and other highlights of the German capital flexibly and on your own, we recommend the audio guide app Best of Berlin Tour by YourMobileGuide .

How to get to the Reich stag?

Thanks to its central location, the Reichstag in the heart of Berlin can be easily reached via various routes.

The best way to get to the historic building is to take bus line 100, which stops directly at the Reichstag.

  • From the Central Station: Alternatively, you can easily take the U-Bahn U55 to the "Bundestag" stop.

FAQ about the Reichstag Berlin


The Reichstag Building has been the seat of the German Parliament (Bundestag) since 1999.


The Reichstag is located at the Platz der Republik, in the heart of Berlin in the district Mitte. The address is: Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin


Emperor Wilhelm II had the Reichstag Building built to provide a dignified seat of government for the newly founded parliament of the German Reich in 1871.

The architect Paul Wallot was commissioned. The architect for the first reconstruction was Paul Baumgarten. Sir Norman Foster was responsible for the second reconstruction and the glass dome.


Construction work on the Reichstag Building began in 1884. After a ten-year construction phase, the structure was completed in 1894.


The Reichstag fire occurred on February 27, 1933, barely a month after dolf Hitler and the NSDAP came to power. The plenary chamber and several surrounding rooms burned out completely.


In 1995, the Reichstag was covered with a huge silver tarpaulin for two weeks as part of the art project "Covered Reichstag" by the artist couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude. The art project received worldwide attention and attracted five million visitors over the course of the two weeks.

The Reichstag in the Second World War

History and Facts about the Reichstag

In order to provide a dignified seat of government for the newly formed parliament of the German Empire, founded in 1871, Emperor Wilhelm II had the Reichstag building constructed. After a ten-year construction phase, the building was completed in 1894. The building made history in 1918, when the Weimar Republic was proclaimed from the balcony of the Reichstag. From then on, until Hitler came to power, it served as the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic .

The Reichstag in the Third Reich & in the Second World War

A month after Adolf Hitler's appointment as Reich Chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Reichstag experienced one of its darkest hours: the Reichstag fire. The plenary chamber and several surrounding rooms completely burned out. The left-wing Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe was accused of the fire, but it is still not clear who the real arsonist was.

However, it is a fact that the NSDAP was the beneficiary, as the Reichstag fire marked the beginning of the Nazi dictatorship . Until the end of the Nazi dictatorship in 1945, the Reichstag functioned as a "sham parliament" with which the Nazi regime wanted to give the impression of being democratically legitimized. In fact, the Reichstag at that time was without any political significance and not democratic.

During World War II, the Reichstag building functioned as a military hospital and air raid shelter. Due to its high symbolic value, the capture of the building in 1945 took on an important role for the Red Army. During the Battle of Berlin, the Reichstag, which had already been partially destroyed by the Reichstag fire, was severely damaged.

After the victory of the Red Army on April 30, 1945, two Russian soldiers raised the red Soviet flag on the roof of the building, symbolizing the end of World War II in Europe as well as the end of the Nazi dictatorship .

The Reichstag During the Inner-German Division

After Berlin was divided into four sectors by the occupying powers in 1945, the Reichstag, the now almost completely destroyed Reichstag was located in West Berlin. Thus, the building was able to escape demolition, which was decided in 1947.

The building, which lay in ruins, was often used as a backdrop for speeches because of its symbolic value as a symbol of German unity. This symbolism was one of the reasons why the German Parliament in Bonn decided to rebuild the Reichstag building in 1955, even though its use in a divided Germany was uncertain. In 1961, the architect, Paul Baumgarten, was commissioned to plan and lead the reconstruction without the dome in a modernized form. The reconstruction was not completely finished until 1973.

Since the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, it ran directly along the east side of the Reichstag. During the division, the empty building housed a museum about the parliament and the history of the Reichstag building. Committee and parliamentary group meetings were held here at the time of the division.

After the Reunification

When it was decided in 1991 to move the parliament to Berlin and to use the Reichstag permanently as a parliament building, the building was fundamentally redesigned by the architect, Norman Foster. The characteristic glass dome was also created during this conversion work.

During the "Verhüllter Reichstag" art project by the artist couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the Reichstag building was covered with a huge, silver-colored tarpaulin for two weeks in 1995. The art action caused a worldwide sensation and attracted five million visitors during these two weeks.

Finally, on April 19, 1999, the keys were handed over to then Parliament President, Wolfgang Thierse, and the first plenary session took place. Since then, the German Parliament has been in session here.

In addition to changing exhibitions, the Reichstag Building also houses an important art collection.

Contact & Map

  • Address: Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin
  • Opening Hours - Dome: Daily from 8 a.m. to midnight; last admission: 10 p.m. Note: Visit by appointment only
  • Public Transport: U55 to "Bundestag" or bus 100 to "Berlin Reichstag/Bundestag".
  • Website :

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Sights Nearby

  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered under National Socialism
  • Soviet Memorial in the Tiergarten
  • Madame Tussauds
  • White Crosses Memorial
  • Federal Chancellery
  • Government district
  • Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Holocaust Memorial)

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Government district

Federal Chancellery in Berlin in warm light

Site of the German Gouvernment

The heart of Berlin's government district is the Reichstag building with its iconic glass dome . Visitors can tour the Reichstag and see the roof terrace which affords fantastic views over the city – but remember to register in advance. Nearby is the equally famous Brandenburg Gate , one of Berlin's most photographed landmarks which stands at the top of Unter den Linden , a tree-lined avenue packed with historic buildings. South of the Brandenburg Gate is Berlin's moving Holocaust Memorial ; 2,700 concrete columns arranged in rows. The Reichstag also overlooks the east end of the city's Tiergarten park where you can enjoy food and drink at one of the many beer gardens.

Reichstag and Gouvernment buildings in Berlin

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Bundesrat building

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Federal Chancellery in Berlin in warm light

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Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin: the freedom of art

reichstag building tour

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  2. Guided Tour: Government District and the Reichstag Building

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  3. Visit the Dome of the Reichstag During a Reichstag Tour

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  4. Don't Miss the Free Reichstag Building Tour in Berlin

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  1. Registering to visit the dome of the Reichstag Building

    Current information on visiting the German Bundestag Prior registration is required in order to visit the German Bundestag. An online booking request form can be found at online registration. Up-to-date entry requirements for the day of your visit can be found in German at current information. The roof terrace and dome of the Reichstag Building can be visited by members of the public, and ...

  2. German Bundestag

    Guided tours of the Reichstag Building are held in weeks when Parliament is not sitting: Daily at 9.00 hrs, 10.30 hrs, 12.00 hrs, 13.30 hrs, 15.30 hrs, 17.00 hrs,18.30 hrs, 20.00 hrs (deviations possible on weekends) Tour of the Reichstag Building for families (in German) For families with children aged six to 14, we offer tours designed for children about Parliament's tasks, working methods ...

  3. Deutscher Bundestag

    Visit the Bundestag. (© DBT/Simone M. Neumann) The roof terrace and dome of the Reichstag Building can be visited by members of the public, and offer spectacular views of the parliamentary and government district and Berlin's sights. Admission is free; advance registration required.

  4. Visiting the Bundestag

    If staff or agents of the tourism business, tour guides or similar wish to accompany the registered visitors onto the premises of the German Bundestag (including the dome of the Reichstag Building), they must also be registered (or will otherwise be denied entry). Booking requests for the following year can only be submitted from the end of November of the current year. Everybody registering ...

  5. Reichstag in Berlin: German Bundestag

    City tours and guided tours with Reichstag. Explore the government district and learn more about Berlin´s history and the architecture of the Reichstag building during a city tour. Popular tickets among our visitors can be found at Insider Tour Insider Walk; Individual city tours; Hop On / Hop Off - Bus tours with a stop at the ...

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  7. Visit the Reichstag Dome with an Advance Reservation

    Visitors need to pre-register in order to see the dome of the Reichstag building in Berlin. Berlin's Reichstag dome is one of the most popular sights in Berlin. If you would like to visit the Reichstag and its dome, you must register via the visitor service. It was also possible to register spontaneously for a visit to the dome at the service ...

  8. Tour of the Reichstag and the Government District

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    Stops at the Reichstag: Hop-On Hop-Off City Tour by Bus; Guided Tour: Government District and the Reichstag Building; History of the Reichstag building. The Reichstag building was built from 1884 to 1894 based on plans by Paul Wallot. With the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871, Berlin became the imperial capital and the newly formed parliament needed a seat of government. Wallot wanted ...

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    The roof terrace and dome of the Reichstag Building can be visited by members of the public, and offer spectacular views of the parliamentary and government district and Berlin's sights. Direkt zum Hauptinhalt springen Direkt zum Hauptmenü springen Zur deutschen Startseite; EN. Arabic العربية Bulgarian български Chinese 中文 Danish dansk German Deutsch English English ...

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  12. Berlin kompakt

    Reichstag Tour with visit to the building and the rooftop. Enjoy a tour through Berlin's parliament district and visit the chamber and the rooftop (with the dome) of the Reichstag. Learn more about history, architecture, and politics in the heart of political Berlin. BOOK NOW. Führungen durch das Regierungsviertel . Besuchen Sie mit uns das Regierungsviertel, wo die politischen Entscheidungen ...

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  14. Guide to the Reichstag Building: Insider Tips, History, Dome…

    Entrance, Tickets & Tours for the Reichstag Building. Entrance: The dome of the Reichstag Building is open daily from 8:00 to 24:00.Last admission is at 22:00. It is closed on 12/24 (all day) and 12/31 from 4pm. Tickets: Admission to the Reichstag building is free, but prior registration is mandatory. Details can be found under the "Registration" section above, as well as on the official ...

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  16. Government district

    Site of the German Gouvernment. The heart of Berlin's government district is the Reichstag building with its iconic glass dome.Visitors can tour the Reichstag and see the roof terrace which affords fantastic views over the city - but remember to register in advance. Nearby is the equally famous Brandenburg Gate, one of Berlin's most photographed landmarks which stands at the top of Unter den ...

  17. Guided Tour: Government District and the Reichstag Building

    Tour details Season: Several times a week Length: 90 minutes Cost: 24 Euro per person (English with visit to the dome) Highlights: Guided tour from entrance to the Futurium through the government quarter to the Reichstag building; individual visit of the glass dome and roof terrace on the Reichstag building with a view of the sights in Berlin's city centre.

  18. A Guide to Visit the Dome of the Reichstag Building Berlin

    This video is a guide to visiting the Reichstag in Berlin, including how to get tickets and how to plan your visit and things to do nearby. First, the good n...

  19. German Bundestag

    Housing, Urban Development, Building and Local Government; Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid; Internal Affairs and Community; Labour and Social Affairs; Legal Affairs; Mediation; Petitions; Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure ; Sports; Tourism; Transport; Further bodies. Inquiry; Study; Scrutiny; Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development; Homepage; Visit ...

  20. Deutscher Bundestag

    Führungen durch den Deutschen Bundestag. (© DBT / Reinhard Görner) Sie können in der sitzungsfreien Zeit an verschiedenen 90-minütigen Führungen teilnehmen, die auf 24 Personen beschränkt sind. Besuchstermine können nur für den jetzt laufenden und die beiden nachfolgenden Monate angefragt werden.

  21. Guided Walking Tour around the Reichstag Building (English)

    Dates, tickets, info • Guided Walking Tour around the Reichstag Building (English) • Historische Touren • Platz der Republik 1• Order tickets online or by telephone over the event calendar on

  22. Deutscher Bundestag

    Kuppel und Dachterrasse des Reichstagsgebäudes können kostenlos besichtigt werden. Darüber hinaus gibt es ein breites Angebot des Deutschen Bundestages für Besucher.

  23. German Bundestag

    Homepage of the German Bundestag, the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany