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Top 15 Destinations in Israel

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Anton Petrus / Getty Images

Alluring and inimitable, Israel is one of those destinations that stirs up a myriad of contemplations when visiting. Located on the Mediterranean Sea and bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, this Middle Eastern country is known as the biblical Holy Land by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. For such a small country, there is much to see and do here, even if you’re more of a history buff than a religious devotee. From the incredibly diverse topography to the chronicles embedded in the streets of Jerusalem, to the modern seaside city of Tel Aviv, and to the ethereal tranquility of the Dead Sea, Israel has a way of engaging wanderers who seek depth in their travels. Keep reading to learn about the top things to experience while visiting this country.

Tel Aviv and Jaffa Port

  Ilan Shacham / Getty Images

Dining, shopping, and nightlife opportunities abound in the coastal beach city of Tel Aviv, which in many ways can feel like the American city of Miami. You’ll see vibrant graffiti art, modern architecture as well as the largest collection of Bauhaus buildings in the world, and plenty of boutiques selling everything from textiles to home goods to clothing to furniture. Walk along the beach promenade or take a tour of the area via bicycle or Segway. Be sure to visit Carmel Market to sample different types of Israeli foods and drinks, influenced by a multitude of cultures.

Explore the winding and narrow streets of Jaffa’s Old City, also known as Yafo, and its port. The contrast of the oldest port in the world, home to multiethnic communities, next to the modern city of Tel Aviv is stark. See the Jaffa Clock Tower, Saint Nicholas Monastery, the Great Mahmoudiya Mosque, the Old Jaffa Museum of Antiquities, and several gardens, squares, and courtyards.

Mount of Olives

 mbell / Getty Images

Located in east Jerusalem, near the Old City, Mount of Olives is a worthwhile place to visit to gain perspective of the land—you can see far and wide over the Kidron Valley to Jerusalem and Temple Mount when standing on this mountain. Olive groves once covered this Jewish burial ground, which has been the resting place for notable Jewish biblical figures for thousands of years. Dome of the Ascension, where Jesus is said to have made his last footprint on Earth, is located in these hills as is the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before crucifixion.  

Jerusalem’s Old City

 Wendy Altschuler 

The walled and historic Old City of Jerusalem has been at the epicenter for religious faith, sacred to millions of people for thousands of years. Tourists, entering through one of seven entrances (the New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod’s Gate, Lions’ Gate, Dung Gate, Zion Gate, and Jaffa Gate), explore the four uneven quarters—Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Armenian—within the stone walls. Visit religious sites, look for goods throughout the many stalls in the quarters, and dine out in any of the various eateries. The top must-see sites to experience here are the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and Temple Mount. Explore Jerusalem through one of our recommended tour companies .

The Western Wall

Also called the Wailing Wall or Kotel, Jerusalem’s Western Wall is a moving sight for people of any faith but particularly those of the Jewish religion. Millions of pilgrims make their way here each year to pray, read scripture, and write prayers and wishes on pieces of paper that then get wedged into the cracks of the limestone wall, the only remainder of the wall surrounding the Temple Mount and the site of the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem, which were destroyed first by the Babylonians and then by the Romans. The wall is divided for men and women in Prayer Plaza, and conservative dress is required to visit the free site.

Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock

roevin / Getty Images

The grounds of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque—known as Al Haram Ash Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary) to Muslims and Har Ha Bayit (Temple Mount) to Jews—is one of the holiest sites for Jews and Muslims. According to the Muslim faith, the Prophet Muhammad made the ascent to heaven at Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock sits, and Jews believe this is the site where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son. Visitors are allowed to view the area, however; only Muslims are allowed to go inside the temple. Modest dress is required.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre

You’ll see people in awe, crying, praying, and placing purchased objects on the Stone of Anointing, where Jesus’s body was prepared for burial, inside the Holy Sepulchre, a church built on the site of Jesus’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Located in the Christian quarter of the Old City, you’ll see two chapels—one Greek Orthodox and one Catholic—and the Aedicule, a smaller chapel housing the Holy Sepulchre. Be prepared for long lines as tourists make their way through the sections.

Mahne Yehuda Market

Don’t be shy when you wander through this market full of delicious bites. Try the various types of halva, breads, nuts, dates, olives, hummus, pastas, and freshly squeezed juices. Take photographs of the tables with mounds of multi-hued spices. Watch locals haggle over prices on cuts of meat and fish. Take your time, sit at an outdoor café, and enjoy the great people-watching. This market is where everyone comes together to shop, eat, and relish each other’s company.

Via Dolorosa

julof90 / Getty Images 

Christian pilgrims make their way to Jerusalem’s Old City to walk the route Jesus walked from condemnation to crucifixion. Visitors walk and pray at 14 different Stations of the Cross including spots where Jesus was condemned, falls, meets his mother, is stripped of his garments, is nailed to the cross, and is put in the tomb. The Via Dolorosa, or Sorrowful Way, is an important historical and religious route not only for pilgrims and tourists, but also, for a Roman Catholic procession held each week.

City of David

Richard T. Nowitz / Getty Images

Archaeological digs still happen in the City of David, a settlement from the Canaanite period, and ancient relics from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age are constantly being discovered. See the Gihon Spring and the Pools of Siloam, and walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel, which are part of an archaeological park. Splash through the Siloam Tunnel where water from the early spring still flows. It’s worth noting that the site, occupied by Israel, is controversial in terms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Tower of David Museum

 Lucky-Photographer / Getty Images

Near the Jaffa Gate entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City, lies the Tower of David , where inside the citadel a museum sits. The museum hosts changing exhibits, cultural events and the well-loved nighttime showing of The Night Spectacular Sound and Light Show, which tells the story of Jerusalem’s history through the use of a laser projection system on the tower’s walls.

The Israel Museum

Glow Images/Getty

To learn about Israel’s art and archaeology, visit the Israel Museum. You’ll see the Shrine of the Book, which is where the Dead Sea Scrolls are located. Wander through the Archaeology and Fine Arts wings and explore the European, Modern, and Israeli art collections. Outside, walk around the large replica of the Second Temple Period.

Sarfoto / Getty Images

An ancient port city on Israel’s Mediterranean coast, built by Herod the Great, Caesarea is an archeological park which includes a large Roman amphitheater and remnants of a hippodrome where prisoners once fought wild animals, and horse-pulled chariots raced around a track. You’ll see ancient mosaics, created in intricate patterns, as well as a Roman aqueduct and palace remains.

Negev Desert

The vast Negev desert, which encompasses more than half of Israel’s land area, is home to the Makhtesh Ramon, a large erosion crater. Bedouins make their home throughout the desert, and some tours will allow you to meet a family in person. Jeep, camel, and hiking tours are popular in this area as is rappelling off of the edge into the Ramon crater.

Ten times saltier than the ocean and the lowest point on land, the Dead Sea is a well-visited destination in Israel and Jordan. People come for a spa vacation, to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and to float on top of the water in an otherworldly landscape. Cover yourself in mineral-rich mud and soak in the water—just be sure that you don’t get the water in your eyes or in a cut, because it will sting.

 Wendy Altschuler

Masada National Park, located about an hour south of Jerusalem on the edge of the Dead Sea, is one of the most visited destinations in Israel. King Herod the Great built this ancient fortress on a plateau, which was later occupied by Jewish rebels who were fighting against the Roman Empire. After seven years, the Jewish people committed mass suicide rather than fall into the hands of the Romans, which today is seen as a strong example of resolve. Hike up the path to the top or opt for the cable car and give yourself a couple of hours to roam the grounds.

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The Masa Experience

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The Ultimate Guide to Jewish Travel

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In a world where every corner holds a story, there’s a unique allure to journeys that connect us with our heritage and identity. Jewish travel isn’t just about visiting new places; it’s about walking the paths of ancestors, immersing oneself in rich traditions, and experiencing the vibrant tapestry of global Jewish life. It’s an invitation to explore not just the world, but also oneself. If you’ve ever felt the pull of ancient histories and modern cultures intertwining, then embarking on a journey with Masa Israel Journey might just be the life-changing adventure you’ve been seeking.

Understanding the Essence of Jewish Travel

Imagine standing at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, feeling the weight of millennia of history pressing gently against your palms. Or perhaps wandering through the narrow, cobbled streets of Prague’s Jewish Quarter, where every building whispers tales of resilience and tradition. Jewish travel is a profound exploration of identity, a pilgrimage that intertwines personal growth with cultural discovery.

In recent years, heritage tourism has surged in popularity as more people seek meaningful experiences that transcend typical sightseeing. For Jewish travelers, this means reconnecting with roots, understanding the diaspora’s impact, and forging bonds with communities worldwide. It’s about more than just seeing; it’s about feeling, learning, and growing.

Top Jewish Travel Destinations Worldwide

While the world is dotted with places significant to Jewish history, few destinations resonate as deeply as Israel. As the heart of Jewish travel, Israel offers an unparalleled blend of ancient history and modern vibrancy. Walk through Jerusalem, where sacred sites like the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre stand as testaments to enduring faiths. In Tel Aviv, experience a city pulsing with energy, from its sun-soaked beaches to its dynamic arts scene. Haifa, perched on the slopes of Mount Carmel, invites you to explore its harmonious blend of cultures and breathtaking Bahá’í Gardens.

But Jewish travel isn’t confined to Israel alone. Europe holds a mirror to centuries of Jewish life. In Poland, cities like Kraków and Warsaw bear solemn witness to the tragedies of the past while celebrating the revival of Jewish culture. The haunting silence of Auschwitz-Birkenau serves as a powerful reminder of history’s darkest chapters, urging us never to forget. Spain beckons with the rich legacy of Sephardic Jews, where cities like Toledo and Córdoba reveal stories of a once-flourishing community. Meanwhile, Prague’s Jewish Quarter offers a journey through time, with synagogues and cemeteries that have stood for centuries.

jewish travel

Venturing further afield, the global tapestry of Jewish communities unfolds in unexpected places. Discover the ancient traditions of the Beta Israel community in Ethiopia, or explore the synagogues of Cochin and Mumbai in India, where Jewish life has woven itself into the local fabric. South America, too, holds vibrant Jewish communities, particularly in Argentina and Brazil, contributing to the diverse cultural landscapes of these nations.

Why Israel Stands Out for Jewish Travelers

There’s an undeniable magic in Israel that captivates every traveler, but for those on a Jewish travel journey, the connection runs even deeper. This is a land where history and spirituality are palpable, where every stone has a story, and every vista evokes a sense of belonging.

The historical significance of Israel is unparalleled. Walk the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where ancient footsteps once tread, or ascend to Masada, the mountaintop fortress symbolizing heroism and perseverance. The archaeological wonders scattered throughout the country, like the ruins of Caesarea and the mystical alleys of Safed, offer tangible links to the past.

Culturally, Israel is a melting pot. Its modern cities buzz with innovation, art, and a culinary scene that’s as diverse as its population. Savor the flavors of the Middle East with dishes like falafel, hummus, and shakshuka, best enjoyed in bustling markets like Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem or Carmel Market in Tel Aviv. The country’s festivals and events, from the joyous celebrations of Purim to the reflective observances of Yom Kippur, provide immersive experiences that enrich any Jewish travel itinerary.

Spiritually, Israel offers a profound sense of connection. Whether you’re participating in prayers at the Western Wall, exploring ancient synagogues, or engaging in study sessions, the opportunities for personal and religious growth are boundless.

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Jewish Travel Through Masa

At the heart of transformative Jewish travel experiences is Masa Israel Journey. Dedicated to strengthening the bonds between Jews worldwide and Israel, Masa offers programs that are more than just trips—they are journeys that foster personal development, professional advancement, and lifelong connections.

With over 200,000 alumni from more than 60 countries, Masa has a global impact. Participants don’t just visit Israel; they live it. They become part of communities, contribute to society, and immerse themselves in the culture and rhythms of Israeli life.

Comprehensive Programs Offered by Masa

Masa’s programs are as diverse as the interests of its participants, ensuring that everyone can find an experience that resonates with them.

For those seeking academic enrichment, Masa partners with top Israeli universities like Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University, and Technion. Students can choose from a wide array of courses, from Jewish studies and Middle Eastern politics to engineering and environmental science, often with the opportunity to transfer credits back to their home institutions.

Professionals and recent graduates can dive into Israel’s dynamic industries through internships. Whether it’s the booming tech scene in Tel Aviv, innovative healthcare in Haifa, or non-profit work in Jerusalem, these internships offer hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and a chance to enhance one’s resume on an international stage.

Volunteering in Israel is another cornerstone of Masa’s offerings. Participants can engage in meaningful community service, working in education, environmental conservation, and social services. It’s a chance to give back while gaining a deeper understanding of Israeli society.

For young adults taking a gap year, Masa provides adventures that combine travel, learning, and personal growth. These programs are designed to foster independence, resilience, and a global perspective before embarking on higher education or careers.

Those interested in deepening their understanding of Jewish heritage can immerse themselves in intensive Jewish learning and leadership programs. Engage in the study of Jewish texts, history, and philosophy, and develop skills to become a leader within your community.

Specialized tracks cater to niche interests, from arts and culture to entrepreneurship and technology. Imagine collaborating with Israeli artists, joining a startup incubator, or participating in tech innovation seminars—all while experiencing the richness of Jewish travel .

The Masa Experience: More Than Just Travel

What sets Masa apart is its holistic approach to Jewish travel. It’s not just about where you go, but who you become along the way.

Participants often speak of profound personal growth. Living in a new country, navigating different cultures, and overcoming challenges fosters independence and confidence. The experiences push you out of your comfort zone, encouraging you to discover strengths and passions you never knew you had.

Community building is another integral aspect. You’ll forge lifelong friendships with peers from around the world, creating a global network bound by shared experiences and mutual understanding. These relationships often extend beyond the program, leading to collaborations and support systems that last a lifetime.

Professionally, the benefits are significant. Whether you’re interning at a leading company, volunteering in impactful projects, or engaging in academic research, the skills and experiences you gain are invaluable. Employers recognize the initiative and adaptability demonstrated by those who have lived and worked abroad, giving you a competitive edge in your career.

Planning Your Jewish Travel with Masa

Embarking on a journey with Masa is straightforward, with support provided every step of the way.

Start by exploring the various programs on the Masa Israel Journey website. Each program details its focus, duration, and eligibility requirements, helping you find the perfect fit for your goals.

The application process involves completing an online form, submitting necessary documents, and participating in an interview to discuss your aspirations. Masa is committed to making Jewish travel accessible, offering significant grants and scholarships based on factors like age, program duration, and country of origin. Information on financial aid is available during the application process.

Preparing for your journey includes practical steps like obtaining the appropriate visa, packing essentials, and familiarizing yourself with Israeli customs and etiquette. Masa provides comprehensive resources and support to ensure you’re ready for this exciting adventure.

Health and safety are paramount. With on-ground support staff, established emergency protocols, and included health insurance in most programs, you can embark on your journey with peace of mind.

Insider Tips for an Unforgettable Jewish Travel Experience

To truly make the most of your Jewish travel with Masa, immerse yourself fully in the local culture. Learning a few Hebrew phrases can enrich your interactions and show respect for the local community. Don’t hesitate to say “Shalom” (hello) or “Toda” (thank you) as you navigate your daily life.

Participate in local events and festivals. Celebrating holidays like Purim, with its colorful parades and costumes, or attending the Jerusalem Film Festival, offers unique insights into Israeli society and traditions. These experiences not only enhance your understanding but also create unforgettable memories.

Culinary exploration is a must. Israel’s food scene is a delightful fusion of flavors. Visit local markets to taste fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and traditional pastries like rugelach. Indulge in street food staples, and don’t miss out on a wine tour in regions like the Galilee, where vineyards produce some of the country’s finest wines.

Travel responsibly by practicing sustainable tourism. Be mindful of environmental impacts by recycling, conserving water, and respecting natural sites. Embrace cultural sensitivity by dressing modestly at religious sites and being aware of local customs.

FAQs About Jewish Travel

Program Specifics: Masa’s programs vary in duration, typically ranging from a few months to a year. While many programs are conducted in English, opportunities to learn Hebrew are plentiful. Accommodations are provided and vary by program, from dormitories to apartments.

Financial Queries: Program costs cover tuition, housing, insurance, and some activities. Masa offers flexible payment plans and significant financial aid to eligible participants. It’s advisable to budget for personal expenses, additional meals, and optional travel.

Support Services: Participants have access to on-site coordinators who assist with daily needs and emergencies. Mentorship programs connect you with professionals and community leaders, enhancing your experience. After completing a program, alumni enjoy continued support and networking opportunities.

A Recap of Jewish Travel

Embarking on a journey with Masa Israel Journey is an invitation to transform your life. Through immersive Jewish travel, you’ll explore not just a country, but also your own identity and place within a global community. Israel offers a unique backdrop where ancient history and modern innovation coexist, providing endless opportunities for learning and growth.

This is more than a travel experience; it’s a chance to forge lasting connections, gain invaluable skills, and contribute meaningfully to the world around you. Whether you’re seeking personal enrichment, professional development, or a deeper connection to your heritage, Masa provides the pathways to achieve your aspirations.

Your journey of a lifetime begins now. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Join Masa Israel Journey and step into a world where adventure, learning, and personal growth await.

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All the information you need to know before traveling to Israel

Dear friends.

Out of an abundance of caution over the new Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, as of November 28th, 2021, Israel has closed its borders to all tourists until December 13th, 2021. Only citizens of Israel and specific visa holders are allowed entry to Israel. If you had a trip scheduled during that time, even if you or your group had been granted a permit, you are no longer allowed to go as a tourist regardless of your circumstances. 

During this two week stop, the Ministries of Health and Tourism will work tirelessly to evaluate the current situation judiciously and make policies that reflect the best course forward given all available data.

For the most up-to-date information on tourist entry requirements, please go to the Israel Ministry of Health's Covid-19 website : .




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Photographers: Guy Yehieli, Adam Primer, Kfir Boltin, Linnea Andres, Kfir Sivan, Haim Yafim, Dana Fridlander, refael Ben Ari, Itamar Greenberg, Moshik Lindbaum, Ori Ackerman Video Credits: Israeli food channel, National Geographic



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NBA Draft Scouting Report: Israel's Ben Saraf 

Draft digest staff | 2 hours ago.

Ben Saraf

Player Info

Prospect profile, draft projection, 2025 big board.

Guard | Israel

Height: 6'6” | Weight: 200 lbs 

2025 Draft Age: 19.20

Ben Saraf

Saraf is a dynamic guard/wing who brings a lot to the table on both ends. Not only does he boast good positional size and natural tools, but his feel for the game is also very impressive. He plays with more craft than he does explosiveness, making him a unique jumbo playmaker. 

When the ball is in Saraf’s hands, good things generally happen. He has the ability to make plays for himself or others with his quality scoring package and connective upside as a passer. He often looks like a lead guard when he’s setting up teammates for open looks, but is the size of a wing. The 6-foot-6 prospect can finish well with both hands near the rim and also has soft touch in the midrange. 

One area he will need to improve upon is finding ways to impact the game when he doesn’t have the ball in his hands. Emerging as a threat off-ball in more of a complimentary role will be key for his transition to the NBA. He also needs to improve as a 3-point shooter. 

On the defensive end, Saraf leverages his high IQ and ability to process the game to generate turnovers. He’s a disruptive defender with the length to jump passing lanes and a good foundational skillset to enhance a team’s defense. He isn’t the quickest or most explosive athlete, but combats that with how he plays on that end. He provides defensive versatility given he can guard up to three positions. 

A highly talented Israeli prospect, Saraf has the chance to be one of the most versatile players in this entire draft class. Especially with how quickly his draft stock is rising, he will become a more commonly discussed name as June’s event continues to inch closer. Saraf has proven he’s a productive player in a variety of high-level settings around the world, which only further enhances his case as an NBA prospect. 

Late First or Early Second-Round Pick in 2025 NBA Draft.

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