
Ini Daftar 15 Agen Travel Terbaik di Kab. Tulungagung

Jika Anda berada di Kab. Tulungagung, Jawa Timur dan mencari Agen Travel terbaik, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Kami telah mengumpulkan daftar 15 Agen Travel paling populer di Kab. Tulungagung .

Dari Agen Travel dengan pelayanan prima hingga review dan rating tertinggi, pilihan kami akan membantu Anda menemukan tempat-tempat yang menawarkan servis terbaik di Kab. Tulungagung.

Agen Travel dengan Rating Tertinggi di Kab. Tulungagung

Daftar isi:


  • Alamat : Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.68, Kenayan, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66212, Indonesia
  • Google Map : Klik disini
  • Rating Google : 4.3 (236)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 355 325584
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.00–21.00 Selasa: 08.00–21.00 Rabu: 08.00–21.00 Kamis: 08.00–21.00 Jumat: 08.00–21.00 Sabtu: 08.00–21.00 Minggu: 08.00–21.00

5 Tanggapan pada Ini Daftar 15 Agen Travel Terbaik di Kab. Tulungagung

Pelayanan benar2 buruk. Harga mahal tapi kualitas sangat buruk. Mobil yg dikasih seperti angkot pedesaan + penumpang ditaruh dimobil dengan barang2 paketan berdus dus. Selain itu keterlambatan sampai 2 jam baru berangkat, orang kantor ditanya komunikasinya kurang jelas dan kurang ramah. Tolong diperbaiki.

Travel yang sudah berdiri sejak lama. Rute yang dilayani selain malang, ada Surabaya, jogja bahkan seperti nya ada rute ke Lampung. Melayani travel maupun pengiriman paket dan dokumen

Selamat malam , Mau kasih kritik dan saran aja buat buana travel , travel yg namanya udh besar Hari ini tptnya 18 juli. saya seharusnya nrima paket dari malang . Yg saya diinfo dari yg ngirim paket jam 9 mlm sampe..ternyata ketika saya dtg ke kantor buana , paket blm sampe .kemungkinan ikut yg jam 6 dan sampenya jam 11. Lalu saya akhirnya minta tolong mas2 stafnya untuk dikonfirmasikan dan dipastikan ke kantor malang katanya ga bs memastikan bahkan untuk sekedar menghubungi kantor malang mereka gak mau. Malah menyuruh saya untuk menghubungi sendiri kantor malang . Setelah saya telp kantor malang , staf sanapun tdk ada yg mau mengaku , mengenai info yg diberikan ke pengirim paket dan penerima paket. Jadi ini sebenarnya apakah begini standart pelayanan customer servicenya.. travel sebesar buana ??.

Kwalitas sopir buruk ,berhenti tidak pada tempatnya, sehingga menghambat lalu lintas , lokasi tanggulwelahan besuki .

Pelayanan cepat Travel amanah. Sangat puas dengan travel ini

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15 Agen Travel Pilihan di Kab. Tulungagung

Agen Travel (1) terbaik di Kab. Tulungagung

Po. Rosalia Indah

  • Alamat : Jl. Yos Sudarso No.69, Karangwaru, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66217, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.6 (179)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 355 332225
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.00–16.00 Selasa: 08.00–16.00 Rabu: 08.00–16.00 Kamis: 08.00–16.00 Jumat: 08.00–16.00 Sabtu: 08.00–16.00 Minggu: 08.00–16.00
  • Ulasan : Dari tulung agung kalau ke Jakarta saya paling senang naik rosalia ya, bangku nya paling nyaman di antara bus yang sejenis. Lalu rest area nya juga milik rosalia sendiri. Untuk PO nya di tulung agung letak nya strategis karena di pinggir jalan, hanya saja tidak ada parkiran untuk kendaraan roda empat. Jadi parkir nya harus di pinggir jalan. Kalau untuk kendaraan roda dua tersedia parkiran, PO nya sendiri memang tidak terlalu besar, namun staff di PO tulung agung ini ramah ramah dan baik. Tersedia toilet dan bersih juga toilet nya. Untuk harga bus lebih murah di antara bus sejenis dengan fasilitas yang sama menurut saya. ✭✭✭✭ By Kristina Dameria (11 bulan lalu) Disini kalian bisa pesan tiket, kirim paket yg koli-an yg tujuan jauh kek ke lampung, palembang. Harga pun terjamin ramah di kantong. Bus nya pun bener2 jempoll ✭✭✭✭✭ By HANGGANIS SEPTIASTUTI Puspitasari (2 bulan lalu) Semua tertata dan di atur sedemikian rupa untuk mekanisme pengoperasian armada juga bagus. Semoga kedepannya lebih baik lagi dengan inovasi barunya ✭✭✭✭✭ By ababil BF (Kanono) (3 bulan lalu) Salah satu agen perwakilan bus po rosalia indah yang ada didaerah tulung agung,lokasi dekat terminal tempatnya oke,bersih pelayanan ramah ✭✭✭✭ By Arief Priyanto (4 bulan lalu) Pelayanannya ramah. Bisa berangkat dari sini. Bis dateng nya tepat waktu. Keren ✭✭✭✭✭ By Deni Supriyatna (setahun yang lalu)

Agen Tiket PO. Harapan Jaya Tulungagung

  • Alamat : Terminal Bus Tulungagung Kios C7, Bago, Tulungagung, Karangwaru, Bago, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66218, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.3 (157)

Friends Travel Tulungagung

  • Alamat : Jl. Pattimura No.6, Tertek, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66216, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 3.9 (152)

Restu Mulya

  • Alamat : Jl. Mayor Sujadi No.110 B, Jepun, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66218, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.4 (46)


  • Alamat : Jl. RA Kartini No.7, Jepun, Kampungdalem, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66212, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.1 (31)


  • Alamat : Jl. Pandean, Kebon, Sumberejo Kulon, Kec. Ngunut, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66292, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.3 (29)

Travel Tulungagung Juanda Surabaya – NRRC Tranz

  • Alamat : Unnamed Road, Kudan, Tiudan, Kec. Gondang, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66263, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (29)

Travel Tulungagung Malang – Kalijaga Manunggal Tour And Travel

  • Alamat : Jl. Jambu, Tugu, Kepuh, Kec. Boyolangu, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66234, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (28)


  • Alamat : Jeruk, Jabon, Kec. Kalidawir, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66281, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4 (26)
  • Alamat : Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.60, Karangwaru, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66217, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (24)


  • Alamat : V2X4+CM6, Lingkungan 2, Ngunut, Kec. Ngunut, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66292, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.2 (21)


  • Alamat : Jl. Pandean, RT.03/RW.01, Kebon, Sumberejo Kulon, Kec. Ngunut, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66292, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.9 (17)

erick rentcar

  • Alamat : WX77+P3R, Demangan, Bendiljati Wetan, Kec. Sumbergempol, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66291, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.9 (13)
  • Alamat : Jl. KH Agus Salim No.10, Kenayan, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66212, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.5 (10)

Wijaya Tour dan Travel

  • Alamat : Jl. Raya Tunggangri No.RT. 1, RW.7, Ngrawan, Tunggangri, Kec. Kalidawir, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66281, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (10)

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5 Lokasi Duplikat Kunci Pilihan di Asemrowo

Jasa Dan Layanan Terdekat

Friends Travel Tulungagung - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur

  • Kontak / Tanya Jawab

Merupakan salah satu jasa tour & travel di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Kantor ini menyediakan berbagai macam paket liburan, wisata dan trip. Paket sudah termasuk tiket pesawat/kapal, akomodasi, transfortasi, makan, penginapan dan tour guide / pemandu wisata. Tersedia juga penjualan tiket pesawat dan laut.

Segera kunjungi tour travel terdekat ini untuk informasi lainnya seperti harga paket dan harga tiket.

Jam buka / kerja: Senin: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Selasa: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Rabu: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Kamis: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Jumat: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Sabtu: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Minggu: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Friends Travel Tulungagung beralamat di Jl. Pattimura No.6, Tertek, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66216, Indonesia.

Friends Travel Tulungagung dapat dihubungi melalui kontak nomor telepon (0355) 332277

Kode pos dari Friends Travel Tulungagung adalah 66216

Website Friends Travel Tulungagung dapat di akses online melalui http://friends-travel-blitar.business.site/

  • - Prima Wisata (Tour & Travel) - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
  • - Risma Jasa Tour & Travel - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
  • - Adiana Tour & Travel - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
  • - Kalijaga Manunggal Tour Rent and Travel - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
  • - Purnama Tour & Travel - Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
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Things to Do in Tulungagung

Visit these places, 40 most popular things to do in tulungagung.

So far, Tulungagung, a gem on the southern coast of Java, is famous for its marble production. However, it has numberless tourist attractions beyond anyone’s expectation.

If you think Yogyakarta and Bali are too boring, the city of marble would be such an awesome alternative to grab some new holiday experience. Here are 40 captivating destinations in Tulungagung you should never miss.

1. Aloon-Aloon Park of Tulungagung

An attraction used to be known as Kusuma Wicitra Park is located in the heart of the city, on Jalan R.A. Kartini. To get there, you can take the west route from Jalan Nasional III. It takes a 40-minute drive from Rejotangan to the Aloon-Aloon Park.

The shady trees and beautiful garden add the charm of Aloon-Aloon Park. Despite its limited area, it comes with complete facilities to ease the visitors such as a jogging track, an outbound venue, a couple of rides, a yard, and a skateboard arena.

Additionally, the visitors could enjoy the complimentary WiFi, reflexology pool, fish pond, and clean toilet. For those seeking selfie spot, be sure to show your pose before the 30-meter-tall effigy of Garuda and the fountain with colorful lights.

The great advantage of stopping at the public space which opens 24 hours is you are not charged any admission fees – just spend 2,000 IDR for the parking service.

2. Tulungagung Forest Park

Situated in the village of Keraton and a few minutes away from the city center, the Tulungagung Forest Park is one of the most likable alternative spots to spend weekend either for the locals or other visitors. To enter the site, you don’t get any charge. The opening hours are from 8 am to 5 pm.

When hitting the green space, you will be welcomed with a unique tunnel overgrown by vines. The verdant shade on the structure surely adds the exquisiteness of it and not to mention the shady thick bushes might draw everybody’s interest.

Aside of being a conservation park, the site is an area for relaxing and having a chill. Right at the center of it, it sits a research building which has a purpose to protect the nature of Tulungagung. 

To reach this park from the hub of the city, you can go by car and head straight to the capital’s railway station. Once you pass Jalan Pangeran Antasari and Jalan Sultan Agung, you will a road sign telling where the forest park is.

3. Kali Ngrowo Park

The establishement of Kali Ngrowo Park was eventually the government’s program to create an open green space at the small town. At a length of 6.7 kilometers and width of 2.68 hectares, the park is equipped with numerous facilities for public.

You can benefit the jogging track, playground, skateboard track, eatery, and café. Additionally, it embraces some cool spots to be perpetuated into your instagram collections. Take a couple hours working out, sprawling over the grassy river side, and feeling the serenity.

Kali Ngrowo Park is open for 24 hours. To get there from the city center, just take a route heading to south until you find the Gleduk crossroads. Taking a 500-meter walk, you will see the place. 

You are not charged any entrance ticket – waste your money for the parking service (2,000 IDR).

4. Susu Dinasty Village

Seeking an educative destination? Susu Dinasty Village (KSD in the local name), only 40 minutes away from the city center, is well-suited with the family travelers.

If you are about to see the place, taking a route from the west direction to Jalan Moh. Yamin is recommended. Once you notice the sport center of Lembu Peteng, continue your trip to Jalan Raya Tulungagung-Trenggalek and Jalan Sidem – make sure to gaze at the road sign.

KSD offers a holiday sensation which you can make an interaction with the cattle. Here, you can take an ample opportunity to learn how to milk the cows, take care of rabbits, and ride a horse. Some facilities such as a play ground, outbound arena, complimentary WiFi, praying room, and toilet are also included. 

The busy spot whose opening hours from 9 am to 5 pm has several shops selling dairy products for gift such as fresh milk and yogurt – each bottle costs 6,000 IDR. To enter the site, you are not charged the admission fee. If you love the horse riding, take that chance and pay 10,000 IDR for kids and 15,000 IDR for adults.

5. Star Fruit Argo Tourism

500 groups of family at a rural area named Dusun Clowok in Bono Village, rely on their life on star fruit farming. 2 tons of star fruits are frequently sent out of the village – one of the destinations is Jakarta. It’s no wonder; this rustic place is best known as the Tuluangung’s Star Fruit Argo Tourism.

To reach the spot from the city center, you can take a drive heading to west, 700 meters away. Once you hit the bridge of Lembu Peteng, turn left and continue your trip moving to south, 3 kilometers away to the exact location.

The parking lot offered by the charm is really spacious so that it fits with cars and buses. If you travel in a group, telling your arrival schedule to the managers is highly recommended. They will cater you in arranging tour of star fruit picking.

The visitors are free to pick and select their favorite fruits – they can have a bite on the site or take them as a gift. The advantage of the on-site picking is that you can save a lot of money. The juicy fruits are somehow far cheaper than others sold at a marketplace or fruit stall.

For the additional information, the space has long opening hours from dawn to dusk. There is no admission fee – you are only charged the parking service only.

6. Kedung Tumpang Beach

Beach and Tulungagung are inseparable things. The gem is not just about the marble or the Lodho chicken, the nature beauty of the sandy beaches on the southern coast can’t be overlooked – one of them is Kedung Tumpang.

What makes it impressive is the rock cliffs swept by the swell and the natural small ponds. Besides, the clear turquoise water has enticed both locals and foreigners to take time off in Kedung Tumpang.

It has difficult routing – you have to deal with the curves and poor roads. Thus, we recommend you to take a motorbike. To get there, start your fun journey from Tulungagung bus station to Desa Jabon Dusun Njeruk until you get to Molang Beach. Just head straight then Kedung Tumpang beach is just before you.

Once you hit the parking lot, take a 15-minute walk to the flabbergasting stretch of sand. There is no admission fee yet the parking service is not free.

7. Popoh Beach

Popo is one of the well-known beaches in East Java. At a 30 km distance away from the city center, the stretch of exotic sand is congested with multiplied tourists from Indonesia and abroad.

Due to the immense wave, the visitors are not allowed to swim. Yet, they can have a variety of activities such as strolling down the 500-meter-long coast, taking a relaxation under the shady trees, and overlooking the paradise.

To enter the site, you will be charged about 5,000 IDR. Some facilities such as a play ground, eateries, and tour boats are included. If you want to get around the bay, you will have an additional charge from 100,000 IDR to 200,000 IDR.

In Suro month (based on the Javenese calendar), Popoh beach hosts a ceremony named Labuh Semboyo. The locals release their offerings into the sea. To get there, you can go by either car or motorbike then take a route to Besuki, Tulungagung regency.

8. Molang Beach

Molang beach is so fascinating because of its sprawling white sand. Situated in the village of Pucanglavan, it has a range of breath-taking rock cliffs.

Despite its lack of facilities, the panoramic landscape does hypnotize the people to stop by.

The visitors could enjoy the breeze and take a selfie with the greenery backdrop. It’s totally free when entering this beautiful place – you are only charged 2,000 IDR for the parking service. The route to get there has never been so easy. Thus, traveling by scooter is definitely great.

To reach Molang, you can start your journey from the city center. Take a route to Ngunut Market then head to south until the Penjerejo Market is before you. Your journey has yet to finish – follow the track to Ngubalan village, Pucanglaban, and finally the destination.

9. Sidem Beach

Just 2 kilometers away from Popoh beach, it sits a beautiful beach called Sidem. Located within the area of PLTA, the retreat offers a vast sandy beach surrounded by a range of lush hills.

The visitors are only charged 5,000 IDR per person. Some facilities such as a vast parking lot, a rest area, a number of seafood restaurants, and clean toilets are included. Don’t forget to buy some gifts – the fish crackers and shrimp paste shouldn’t be missed. 

To reach the beach, the visitors can take a scooter and car. Start your trip from the city center and take a route to Besuki and Besole.

10. Sanggar Beach

Sanggar is one of the serene beaches in Tulungagung, best known as The Dreamland of Tulungagung. The dramatic spot indeed fascinates people due to its nature vibe. It’s no surprise; you will see it’s filled with an abundance of backpackers setting a tent.

The white sand, crystal clear water and rocks are just perfect. The visitors could see the tiny fish swimming over the coral reef and sea urchin moving on the water. The admission fee is about 5,000 IDR and the parking service is 2,000 IDR.

To reach Sanggar Beach, you can take a route heading to Popoh Beach. When your way ends at Campurdarat Market; turn left and go ahead. Some tracks passing through Tanggunggunung and SMPN1 Tanggunggungung should be taken. Once you hit a T-junction, turn right and head straight.

You will be welcomed by a huge gate with a poster telling the beach name. From there, take an hour walk to the paradise – going by scooter is surely faster than that.

11. Gerangan Beach

Gerangan beach features a calm wave and shady trees. The attraction is a tranquil bay presenting a panoramic view of Southern coast. It’s where you can feel peace and serenity.

A 100 meter long coastline has some beautiful estuaries. On the west side, it lays a coral cliff with concrete stairs while the east part is filled with thick bushes.

Although it has no admission fee, the charm is facilitated with a praying room, toilet, and shady area for weary visitors. The route to Gerangan beach is arguably accessible.

To get there, just take a route going to Popoh beach. Once you reach Campurdarat, turn left until you see the SMAN 1 Campurdarat. Keep following the track to Brumbun beach. In a walking distance from the charm, you finally get Pantai Gerangan.

12. Brumbun Beach

Only a few minutes from Gerangan beach, Brumbun would be a nice option when it comes to exploring paradise in Tulungagung.

Once you enter the site, your eyes will be pampered with the exquisiteness of the 500-meter-long stretch of sand and tiny delta. Situated on a cove with the calm wave, the beach is such a perfect spot for fishing. 

Taking a chill and feeling the fresh breath under the shady trees would be poor to be missed. It doesn’t stop at that; you can take your best pose with the backdrop of the beach in front of your camera

We suggest you to ride a scooter as you will face some curves and bumpy broken roads. Despite the bad condition, it’s quite accessible from the city center. Take the common track to Campurdarat and enjoy the beautiful retreat.

13. Pathok Gebang Beach

Can’t wait to see a strong tide crashing into rocks and dramatic splash? Hit the Patok Gebang beach to see the attraction. The perfect place to escape is one of the pristine coasts, situated 25 kilometers away from the city center.

It features a natural view with flat rock cliffs. From there, the visitors could take a comfy seat, overlook the mind-blowing ocean view, and feel the refreshing breeze.

It takes some efforts to reach this place. You have to pass through the mountainous area. After taking a 50-minute walk and hiking, you will be dazzled by the exotic charm of Pathok Gebang beach.

14. Lumbung Beach

Lumbung refers to the huge rock stranded alone at the shore. In Javanese, the boulder is usually called “watu lumbung”. In spite of its humongous size, you will find it unreachable. The visitors are only allowed to have a picture nearby.

Camping at the spot is highly recommended – it’s pretty spacious though. Although it’s set in a remote area and far from the dwellings, the toilet is available and reachable. 

To reach there, going by scooter is the only way. Start the trip the city center and take the main route to Blitar. Once you see the Ngunut Market, just turn right and go ahead. Take a notice on some marks like the T-junction with a traffic light and Luk Songo. Continue your way to Molang beach – a few minutes later, you reach your destination. 

15. Sine Beach

If Bali owns Sanur to savor the exotic sunrise then Tulungagung has the famous Sine to enjoy the dramatic view of the sunup over the horizon at dawn.

The locals often hold some cultural festivals such as puppet show and releasing some offerings into ocean to show gratitude to nature on the first day of Suro month. The local wisdom, as well as the exotic sunrise scenery has let the gem dubbed as the Tulungagung’s Bali.

To route comes with good infrastructures – going either by scooter or car is not a big deal. To get there, you can start the trip from Tulungagung bus Station to Gragalan crossroads. From the point you stand, turn right to the village of Kalidawir and keep on the track until you reach Sine beach. 

16. Klatak Beach

Klatak beach features some piles of river stones at the bank. When a strong wave crashes those rocks, it sounds like “klatak” (it’s kind of crashing sound). That’s how the spot is named.

Aside of the stones, it also highlights a dazzling array of crags and rocks. The calm wave allows the visitors to chill out, take a picture, and even go fishing on the rocks. If you want to see more, you can explore the shore by motor boat or trying some seafood at the nearby warungs.

There is no entrance ticket to enter this place. If you hit Popoh beach, you can get to Klatak beach by the boat – going through water seems a bit easier than the land route (you have to deal with the steep, unpaved roads). To reach there from the city center, just take a route to the village of Keboireng.

17. Dlodo Beach

Dlodo beach is located in Pucang Laban, 30 km away from Tulungagung. It offers an incredible view of dune (the locals call it “gumuk”).

Although the sun dune is not as tall as the one in Parangkusumo, Jogjakarta, the tourist object has more to offer – the white sand is definitely Instagrammable, suited for your selfie scene. To enter this place, you are not charged any admission fee.

Another attraction is the coastline spanning along 2 kilometers from the east to west and split by a beautiful creek. The interesting fact is that line is the longest of all in the region. Unfortunately, swimming is prohibited.

Additionally, Dlodo beach has strong and violent waves – the height can reach 7 meters during the good weather even more during the full moon. The beach can be reached from the route heading to Kedung Tumpang beach. From the city center, you can head straight to Gragalan crossroads then continue your trip to Kalidawir.

18. Sioro Beach

It seems endless speaking of the attractions of Tulungagung and Sioro beach located in Sioro village comes with no exception. It’s where the rock cliff gorgeously juts into the ocean. The panoramic view of it has fascinated people to come. Moreover, the towering rock hill at the middle of sea is another point of interest.

Due to the high waves, the visitors are not recommended to stay there. To enter this pristine nature wonder, you are not charged any fees.

Reaching Sindoro beach seems a bit hard. Take a route from the city center and head to Popoh beach. Once you are in the area close to SMAN 1 Campurdarat, just turn right to Tanggunggunung, a T-junction, and Brumbun beach. Take a few minutes’ drive until you get the Balai Desa Ngrejo.

If you have no idea where to go at Balai Desa, you can ask the locals about the direction. It’s quite difficult to find the spot as the beach is behind the thick corn and banana fields.

19. Coro Beach

Coro beach which literally means beach of cockroach sounds weird. Yet, the spellbinding view seems unbreakable. It features a beautiful stretch of white sand laded with lush cliffs letting everybody drop their jaws. 

The new place located in walking distance from Popoh beach has a number of facilities such toilets and a parking area. The scooter drivers will be charged about 5,000 IDR and 10,000 IDR for the car drivers. Surprisingly, the visitors are not charged for the admission fee.

The beautiful beach can be accessed from Popoh by both scooter and car. Once you get the place, take some wonderful pictures with the backdrop of the exotic Coro beach.

20. Godeg Beach

Some people say that Godeg beach is a hidden paradise of the marble city. It’s absolutely without evidence – the nature beauty and its uniqueness is a worthy alternative you should never skip out.

Aside of its exotic 50-meter coastline, the attraction boasts a group of trees protruding into the sea. In addition to the plants, the huge rock just the north of the beach can’t be looked down – interestingly, the natural object is shaking when the wave crashes into it.

Unfortunately, the ocean view can’t clearly be seen as the hills and islets block it especially when the sun sets. To get there, just take a track that heads to Sioro beach. As there is no road sign, you can ask the locals about the direction. The visitors are free to enter.

21. Pacar Beach

Once you escape to Molang beach, don’t miss on a chance to visit the Pacar beach. It’s close to shrimp ponds, noticeable from the main road.

Located in Pucanglaban, Pacar beach offers a wide array of panoramic views, as well as unique landscape. Additionally, a 3-meter waterfall right at the center of the sandy stretch is another highlight. The visitors could play water and swim the pool below it.

To enter the site, the visitors are not charged any admission fee. Be sure to check out the weather if you are about to go beach hopping. During rainy days, the flood usually occurs.

22. Sawah Ombo Beach

Some of beaches in Tulunganguns have yet to be exposed – one of them is Sawah Ombo beach. To escape to this hidden retreat, you need to take a route to Popoh beach and continue your trip to Brumbun beach.

When reaching Brumbun, you can park your vehicle at the beach or local resident’s yard. Then, take a leisure stroll, cross over the river, and go through the banana fields. After walking 2 kilometers, you will see Sawah Ombo beach.

Your effort will be paid off once you hit the remote place pointing up the typical beauty of Java’ southern coast. The visitors are not charged any fees.

Another point of interest is the rock gap to see the spurt of water. Besides, take your time saying hi to the tiny fish swimming over the corals.

23. Banyumulok Cliff

Instead of a sandy beach, Banyu Mulok Cliff spotlights a range of green hills filled with graceful green vegetations.

It’s called “banyu mulok” or the overflowing water since the cliff having a direct border to Indian Ocean is always crashed by the huge waves. When the swell is hitting it, the sea water brims and creates a beautiful spurt. On a rare occasion, you will glimpse a captivating rainbow.

Come at dawn to catch the amazing sunrise. If you want to sight the sea of stars, you can stay and camp for a night at the beach. It’s pretty interesting, isn’t it? Unfortunately, the charm is not equipped with some facilities like toilets and a praying room.

To reach this paradise, the visitors are not charged any fees. To get there, you can take a route that heads to Popoh and Reco Sewu (Coro beach). From the beach Coro, you can hike the hill on the left side of the beach.

24. Jambooland Waterpark

Who says that Tulungagung is only identical with the beaches? Like the rests of the regions in East Java, the city of marble has a modern theme park named Jambooland Waterpark. It’s where you can feel the great sensation of playing with water.

Aside of playing with water, the visitors are free to try the challenging ride like the rollercoaster – it’s great to trigger your adrenaline. The entrance ticket is only 35,000 IDR per person and the facilities include fun rides, toilets, a praying room and food court. 

There is nothing to be worried about if you travel in a group or family. The manager of Jambooland provides a vast parking area and venues to relax for the visitors’ convenience. The spot of which opening hours are from 8 am to 4 pm is always jammed by people.

It’s easy to find Jambooland Waterpark, the contemporary modern park is strategically located on Jalan Raya Srabah number 1. Take a route to Ngemplak Market or Waduk Wonorejo from the city center. After taking a 16-km drive, you will reach the place.

25. Splash Waterpark

Splash Waterpark is a modern attraction that owns 3 swimming pools with the depth from 0.5 meters (for kids) to 1.5 meters (for adults). The visitors are free to try a vast array of water rides ranging from waterslide, race slide, and spilling bucket.

It also features the giant aquarium, food court, toilets, and a play ground so that the people feel comfortable and stay longer. Coming with complete facilities, the vacationers are only charged about 10,000 IDR per person.

The opening hours of the park are from 8am to 5 pm. To get there, you can take a route heading to IAIN Tulungagung University. Then, go ahead until you notice a sign called Gragalan Pharmacy. Turn right and follow the track of Jalan Raya Wonorejo to Podorejo’s gas station. Within walking distance, you will see the spot.

26. Jurang Senggani Waterfall

Jurang Senggani waterfall is located at the slope of Mount Willis of which height is 1,200 meters above sea level. From the main entrance, the visitors must take a 9-km drive passing through the quiet and peaceful pine trees.

You have to step down the stairs covered by the dense bushes. In order to be safer, putting on hiking boots is highly recommended – the waterfall’s surrounding is creepily inhabited by some leeches, ready to suck your blood. Despite the effortful track, the nature beauty of the green valley truly soothes your weariness.

As the cascade is newly found, you won’t be charged any fees. The cars and scooters could be park in an area, 5 km away from where the charm sits in. To get there, take a route to Jalan Raya Karangrejo-Sendang from the city center for about 90 minutes. 

We recommend you to go by scooter when it comes to hitting Jurang Senggani waterfall because of the trail’s poor condition.

27. Coban Kromo Waterfall

Planning to dip in a natural infinity pool? Don’t miss having a visit at Coban Kromo, a unique waterfall in Pelem Campurdarat, 12 km away from the city center. To reach there, you can take a track to Campurdarat village from Jalan Ki Mangun Sarkoro.

You can park your scooter at the local resident’s yard and go for some walks. Once you hit in the location, you need to step up the stairs to see the cascade. Some wonderful natural ponds can be enjoyed whilst going up. 

The greatest activity you can do is soaking in the pool so that you can feel the tranquility and peace – not to mention savoring the amazing views of greenery and range of mountains matching with the blue horizon. Have fun at the mesmerizing paradise and don’t get bothered with the entrance charge (all is free).

28. Kedung Simin Waterfall

Kedung Simin waterfall highlights a 3 to 5-meter cascade with the incredible views you can’t overlook. Situated in Pucung Kidul Village, in walking distance to Selomangleng Cave, the hidden retreat is such a popular spot for backpackers.

To enjoy the nature beauty of Kedung Simin Waterfal, the visitors are free to enter – yet mind the parking service. To get there, you can take a route heading to south to Selomangleng Cave from Jalan Mastrip.

29. Pandan Wangi Waterfall

Pandan Wangi waterfall is situated within the area of Sumber Pandan tea plantation. The 30-meter-tall waterfall offers an unbelievable view of dense tropical jungle and mountains. Despite the steep and challenging trail, your hard effort will be paid off, once you reach the destination.

Pandan Wangi waterfall is located in the village of Nglurup, Sendang district, 30 km away from the city center. To see the free attraction, you can take a track to Jalan Raya Karang Rejo Sendang from Jalan Argowili until you take notice on the road sign of Nglurup village.

30. Alas Kandung Waterfall

Alas Kandung waterfall is situated on the outskirt of Alas Kandung, the village of Tanen, Tulungagung. To get there from the nearest dwellings, you need to walk 100 meters.

The waterfall has three levels with varied heights – the tallest one reaches 15 meters. Each section has 4 to 8-meter turquoise blue pools loaded with fresh water animals (this one is another reason why the travelers love escaping here).

It’s absolutely no admission fee to reach the site. You can take a route to Ngunut Market from the city center. When seeing the marketplace, just head to south to a T-junction then turn left until you find the road sign about the location.

31. Lawean Waterfall

Pandan Wangi waterfall, as well as Lawean is located at the slope of Mount Wilis. To reach the location, you should walk 3 kilometers, cross over 9 rivers, and pass the trail split the lush hills filled with thick bushes.

The locals believe that taking a bath at 100-meter Lawean waterfall is able to heal any kinds of disease. It’s definitely free to see the divided attraction owning the mind-blowing terraces. 

The waterfall is located in the village of Turi, Desa Geger, Sendang district, 25 km in the southwest of the city center. You can take a route to Jalan Raya Karang Rejo-Sendang from The Sumber Pandan tea plantation by scooter.

32. Penampihan Temple

Penampihan temple is the remains of the old Mataram emperor built in 898. The Hindu site is in walking distance from Lawean waterfall. Within the complex, it sits several sculptures which one of them is God Siva. Due to the damage, some are kept in the Museum of Trowulan of Mojokerto.

The ancient temple is guided by Ibu Winarti. To reach the place, the visitors are not charged any admission fees. Aside of seeing some relics, they can savor the nature beauty of Mount Wilis.

Both Lawean waterfall and Penampihan temple are accessible by scooter – start your trip from Sumber Pandan tea plantation.

33. Dadi Temple

Dadi Temple situated in Wajak Kidul village is a tiny part of the temple complex within the area. The interesting fact is that it is hidden on the top of hill – the ridge is actually the historic site. 

On the certain days mainly on the first day of Suro month, the locals often hold a unique ritual at the site. Aside of the old structure, the visitors could enjoy the surrounding nature beauty which looks so fascinating. Along the way, some spots are poor to be missed for your photography collection.

The visitors are definitely free to enter. You can take a scooter and head to Boyolangu district from the city center. Once you hit the village of Wajak Kidul, you will see a road sign about where to get the temple. Then, take some walks and go through the locals’ dwellings, bamboo forest, and hills.

34. Sanggrahan Temple

Sanggrahan temple is situated in the village of Sanggrahan, Boyolangu district and known as Cungkup temple. It used to be the praying room for Buddhist people. To anticipate being stolen or damaged, the Buddhist sculptures are well-kept at the guide’s house, a few minutes away from the site.

Once you see the historic place to worship, you will be mesmerized by the authentic relieves and ruins dating back to the period of Majapahit kingdom. The visitors are not charged any admission fees.

Either Sanggrahan temple or Dadi temple is accessible from the city center. Simply take a route to Jalan Mastrip and Boyolangu.

35. Jomblo Hill

For those seeking an update attraction for your instagram picture collection, Jomblo Hill situated in the area of Mount Pukis would be the best alternative. Aside of taking some pictures, the visitors could savor the exotic nature beauty of Gunung Pakis from a spot named Gardu Pandang.

To get there, you will be charged 2,000 IDR for the parking service. It’s quite accessible to reach the ridge from the city center. Just take the track to Bukit Hujan Jati from Campurdarat Market.

36. Batu Gedong

Do you want to soak in a natural pond? Come and see the Batu Gedong, one of the alternative destinations in Tulungagung, recommended for you. In addition to the morning dip, the visitors could enjoy an array of panoramic views around Batu Gedong.

If are about to escape to Batu Gedong, you have to know that the parking service is about 2,000 IDR. To get there, just take a 10-minute walk from the parking lot. Another option would be a route from Sebalor – simply ask the locals about how to be there.

37. Ranu Gumbolo

Ranu Gumbolo Tulungagung, is a beautiful lake, famously known as Waduk Wonorejo by the locals. This charm is located about 24 km away from the city center. While exploring here, you are not only pampered by the nature beauty.

The visitors could enjoy some facilities such as a play ground, fishing arena, and speedboat rental for the lake exploration. The entrance ticket is only 3,000 IDR per person.

To reach this place from the city center, you can take a track to Jalan Kawi, Wilis, and Jalan Raya Waduk Wonorejo. Just go ahead until you find the location.

38. Telaga Ngambal

The right time to stop at Telaga Ngambal is no other than in the afternoon. You will witness a dazzling rare natural phenomenon at the lake – the water looks so red. If you have that opportunity, take some pictures of it.

Aside of enjoying the chilling afternoon, the visitors are free to find the best spot for selfie – most of attractions are indeed instagrammable. To enter this beautiful place, you are not charged any admission fees – yet, a donation box is provided.

It’s pretty accessible to get to this spot. Take a route to Kalidawir village from the city center then you will see the road sign.

39. Kedung Tritis

Kedung Tritis is another great attraction that Tulungagung has to offer. It’s a 10-meter-deep turquoise blue pond, normally used for bathing. If you are non swimmers, don’t try swimming.

The stream originates from the nature spring from the village of Sukorejowetan. To get there from the city center, just take a route to Rejotangan district. As it’s not stated on the map and hidden in the middle of jungle, asking the locals about the direction is definitely great.

It takes a 10-minute walk from the parking lot to see the panoramic view of Kedung Dawuhan. The visitors are free to enter – they just pay the 2,000 IDR parking service.

40. Nyawangan Park

During the long weekends and holidays, the Nyawangan Park is crammed with a number of visitors who are on a hunt for selfie spots – one of them is the heart-shaped flower park.

In addition to that, a cool spot to enjoy the scenic view named Gardu Pandang is provided. To enter the site, the visitors are charged about 3,000 IDR per person.

It’s quite accessible to get there. You can take a route to Ngujang Bridge from the city center. Once you see the bridge, turn left until you find a crossroads. The park is just 300 meters away from it.

Those are 40 awesome attractions in Tulungagung that deserve a visit. Enjoy your vacation!

Attractions & Activities in Tulungagung

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Agen Travel Tulungagung Ke Kota Sekitar Harga Tiket Mulai 70K

Agen Travel Tulungagung

Agen Travel Tulungagung terdekat paling berpengalaman tarif harga tiket termurah jadwal keberangkatan mulai pagi siang sore malam door to door rute via jalan tol reservasi pemesanan tiket secara online

anda tinggal di tulungagung dan mau pergi ke berbagai kota tapi kehabisan tiket kereta api? mau menggunakan bus tapi jauh dari terminal? jangan khawatir karena masih ada solusi alat transportasi umum yang fleksibel, cepat, murah dan jadwalnya bisa di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan

pemilihan jasa Travel bisa menjadi solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan perjalanan anda, karena travel memiliki banyak keunggulan jika di bandingkan mode transportasi umum yang lain, diantaranya layanan door to door service atu layanan antar jemput di lokasi yan telah di tentukan oleh pihak pemesan

selain itu jadwal keberangkatan tiap jam selalu ada, bila di kira salah satu agen travel tidak memiliki waktu pemberangkatan yang sesuai anda bisa memilih agen travel tulungagung yang lain sesuia kebutuhan akan waktu yang anda pesan

kami melayani kerjasama bagi pemilik / perusahaan agen travel ingin beriklan atau ingin menjadi bagian dari sanjaya tour dengan cara menghubungi pada kolom komentar, atau chat E-mail

Daftar Alamt Agen Travel di Tulungagung

untuk mempermudah pencarian jasa agen travel di tulungagung kami telah memberikan daftar list agen travel yang memiliki ratingnya cukup bagus oleh beberapa pengguna yang bisa menggunakan jasa travel di sini dan tentunya dengan harga terjangkau

Baca juga: Rental Mobil di Tulungagung

1. Sanjaya Travel Tulungagung Juanda Surabaya

Sanjaya Travel merupakan jasa agent travel tulungagung yang menyediakan jasa layanan Travel dari Tulungagung ke bandara Juanda Surabaya dengan pelayanan yang siap 24 Jam, jadwal keberangkatan yang flexible, harga murah dan terjangkau oleh masyartakta baik untuk kalangan mahasiswa, pelajar, pekerja dan karyawan membuat Sanjaya travel menjadi salah satu travel terbaik khususnya bagi yang mau ke surabaya.

dengan di dukung oleh Customer Service yang ramah dan siap untuk melayani pemesanan 24 jam x 7 hari, membuat anda mudah untuk booking tiket apalagi di sni juga tersedia booking online bisa menggunakan format sms maupun chat vi aaplikasi whatsapp dengan format sebagai berikut


adapun syarat dan ketentunan yang telah di terapkan sebagai dasar dalam menjalankan bisnis agen travel di tulungagung sebagai berikut

Syarat Dan Ketentuan :

  • Rute perjalanan Reguler Kami sesuai Jalan Utama, apabila penjemputan/tujuan keluar dari rute maka ada biaya tambahan sesuai kesepakatan,atau cukup menunggu / turun di jalur rute kami.
  • Untuk Pembatalan kurang dari 12 jam akan tetap dikenakan tagihan tarif 100% sesuai Nama dan No. Telp / alamat pemesan.
  • Berlaku Kenaikan Tarif Arus Mudik & Balik Lebaran
  • Keamanan dan Kenyamanan Anda adalah yang Utama

Jadwal Keberangkatan Travel

2. citra trans agen travel tulungagung.

bagi warga tulungagung, blitar dan sekitarnya yang menuju ke Semarang, Jogja Solo dan kota lain sperti tuban, sidoarjo, gresik, lumajang, jember, malang, banyuwangi denpasa anda bisa menggunakan jasa agen travel tulungagung Citra Trans sebagai rekomendasi yang kami pilihkan untuk anda.

karena jasa agen travel ini menggunakan armada terbaru bisa di katakan terbaik karena salah satunya menggunakan mobil senis MPV yang aman dan nyaman, selain mengantarkan penumpang penitipan paket / barang / dokumen bisa dilakukan dengan tepat waktu,

penjemputan di lokasi yang telah di tentukan selalu tepat waktu, karena di dukung oleh sumber daya manusia / driver yang berpengalaman mengetahui akan kondisi dan medan jalan tau akan rute – rute tercepat dan pastinya selalu mengutamakan keselamatan para penumpangnya

Jam Keberangkatan Travel

3. friends agen travel tulungagung malang.

Friends Travel sebagai jasa travel memiliki beberapa rute tujuan dari tulungagung ke malang dan surabaya, dengan jadwal keerangkatan yang cukup banyak mulai dari dini hari, pagi siang sore dan malam hari

sebagai jasa transportasi kuhususnya travel tulungagung malang pp atau sebaliknya travel dari malang tulungagung yang mengutamakan ketepatan waktu, guna kepuasan pelanggannya, disisi lain armada yang di gunakannya pun menggunakan mobil keluaran terbaru jadi tak perlu khawatir akan trobel selama perjalanana.

bagi anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa agen travel tulungagung juanda surabaya juga telah membuka trip tersebut dengan layanan door to door service yang tepat waktu, oleh sebab itu travel ini sering di pilih warga mayarakat guna bepergian ke tempat tujuan yang telah di tentukan

bagi yang ingin mengirim paket atau dokumen secara cepat bisa juga di titipkan di sini, dengan “same day service” bisa jadi solusi pengiriman anda supaya cepat sampai karena barang tersebut akan di kirim di hari yang sama saat anda menitipkan barang tersebut untuk lebih jelasnya berikut kami informasi alamat dan kontak Friends Travel Tulungagung Malang Surabaya

Cara Pemesanan Agen

  • Hubungi marketing travel telephone / datang ke garasi
  • tentukan keberangkatan, tanggal jadwal penjemputan
  • berikan alamat penjemputan secara detail dan lengkap
  • pembayaran pembelian tiket
Baca juga: Obek Wisata di Tulungagung

Tips dari Agen Travel

  • tentukan tujuan kota mana yang akan anda tuju
  • pilih jasa travel yang sesui dengan tujuan
  • siapkan barang bawaan secukupnya
  • simpan barang berharga anda di tempat yang aman
  • bawalah obat masuk angin / mabuk perjalanan sebagai antisipasi
  • persiapkan diri anda minimal 30 menit sebelum penjemputan

*Keterangan: Harga tiket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

  • Ping-balik: Rental Mobil Tulungagung Harga Sewa Termurah Unit Baru | Sanjaya Tour
  • Ping-balik: Sewa Bus Tulungagung Harga Termurah Unit Keluaran Terbaru | Info Bus


12 Rekomendasi Travel Surabaya Menuju Ke Tulungagung, Ada Yang Tarif Promo Cuma 68 Ribu Lho!

Berbicara tentang transportasi seakan tidak akan pernah ada habisnya. Mengingat di Indonesia terdapat banyak kota yang kerap dilalui dan dikunjungi para masyarakat.

Dengan adanya layanan transportasi tersebut, pastinya akan sangat membantu kebutuhan moda masyarakat yang hendak bepergian.

Dan salah satu layanan transportasi umum yang kerap digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk menuju ke suatu tempat, kota atau daerah adalah jasa travel.

Tak heran bila sekarang ini terdapat banyak sekali pilihan agen travel dengan berbagai jurusan yang bisa kamu gunakan. Dan salah satunya adalah rute Surabaya – Tulungagung.

Dan berikut ini adalah daftar travel Surabaya – Tulungagung terbaik di tahun 2024 versi JejakPiknik yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi.

1. Mau Jadi Nomer Satu? Pasang Iklan Klik Disini ❤️

Alamat: Telepon: WhatsApp:

2. Friends Travel ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Kaliwaron No.116 A, Mojo, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60285
  • No.Telp/HP: 0857-7778-8893
  • Whatsapp: 0857-7778-8893
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.68.000
  • Armada: Luxio

Selanjutnya ada Friends Travel yang berlokasi di jalan Kaliwaron No.116 A, Mojo, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY. Ini adalah agen yang siap menemani perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung.

Friend Travel mematok harga promo hanya Rp.68 ribu saja untuk keberangkatan di hari senin, meskipun murah, syarat dan ketentuan tetap berlaku ya. Untuk tarif normal dan jam keberangkatannya kamu bisa langsung telepon ke nomor tersedia.

3. Bagus Travel ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Abdul Rahman No.51 Kec. Sedati Pabean Juanda, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
  • No.Telp/HP: 081556716345
  • Whatsapp: 081556716345
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.170.000/orang
  • Armada: Elf, Xenia,Hiace
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 11.00, 16.00, 19.00 WIB

Bagus Travel adalah sebuah biro jasa perjalanan yang juga menyediakan jasa angkutan dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung. Selain itu, agen tersebut pun melayani jasa carter, paket wisata serta kirim paket kilat, baik dokumen ataupun barang.

Agen Travel ini pun menawarkan berbagai kelebihan yang siap untuk memanjakan penumpang, diantaranya didukung driver handal dengan jam terbang tinggi, melayani antar jemput, memiliki harga bersaing dan selalu ontime.

4. Karya Nusantara ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Simo Pomahan Baru Barat No.07/40, Simomulyo,Sukomanunggal, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur
  • No.Telp/HP: 0813 5728 4370
  • Whatsapp: 0813 5728 4370
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.200.000 per orang
  • Armada: Apv, Luxio, Avanza
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 13.00, 16.00, 18.00

Biro perjalanan satu ini pun termasuk agen transportasi populer yang siap melayani penumpang dengan tujuan Surabaya – Tulungagung yang dapat dipesan tiap hari.

Tidak hanya layanan transportasi, travel ini juga menerima jasa pengiriman paket baik dokumen atau barang dengan tarif ongkos yang murah.

Dengan varian armada travel APV, Luxio dan Avanza yang berangkat setiap hari pukul 13.00, 16.00 dan 18.00 WIB dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung.

5. Travel Bambang ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Simorejo Sari B Gg. XIV, Simomulyo, Kec. Sukomanunggal, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur
  • No.Telp/HP: 081357284370
  • Whatsapp: 081357284370
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.130.000 per orang
  • Armada: Luxio, Elf
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 07.00, 16.00, 19.00 WIB

Agen travel satu ini juga menyediakan layanan transportasi penumpang dan pengiriman paket cepat dari kota Surabaya menuju Tulungagung.

Bambang Travel ini memiliki armada yang siap sedia kapan pun untuk antar jemput penumpang dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung dengan tarif ongkos mulai dari 130 ribuan per orang.

Info selengkapnya mengenai fasilitas yang disediakan, silahkan telepon, pesan, atau whatsapp ke nomor tersedia diatas.

6. Daffa Trans ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. H. Syukur No.51, Daras, Pabean, Kec. Sedati, Kab. Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
  • No.Telp/HP: 082234667528
  • Whatsapp: 082234667528
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.170.000 per orang
  • Armada: Xenia, Avanza, Hiace, Travello
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 16.00, 19.00 WIB

Kamu ingin melakukan perjalanan wisata atau urusan pekerjaan ke Tulungagung? Gunakan saja jasa Daffa Trans, dijamin perjalananmu akan aman, nyaman dan menyenangkan.

Sebab, travel ini menawarkan jaminan harga murah dengan sederet fasilitas yang memadai, dari layanan gratis antar jemput, free bagasi, snack, charger, full AC, audio, armada yang terbaru hingga driver handal dan berpengalaman.

7. Sambo Travel ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Kutisari Sel. No.54A, Kutisari, Kec. Tenggilis Mejoyo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60291
  • No.Telp/HP: 0856-4886-6400
  • Whatsapp: 0856-4886-6400
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.80.000 per orang
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 05.00, 17.00 WIB

8. NRRC Tranz ❤️

  • Alamat: Kudan, Tiudan, Kec. Gondang, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66263
  • No.Telp/HP: 0814-5610-0924
  • Whatsapp: 0814-5610-0924
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.150.000 per orang
  • Armada: Brio, Calya
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 04.00, 06.00, 10.00, 23.00 WIB

NRRC Tranz ini juga siap melayani jasa transportasi travel Surabaya Tulungagung atau sebaliknya setiap harinya.

Dengan harga tiket murah, mulai 150 ribuan per orang, kamu akan mendapatkan fasilitas terbaik untuk menunjang perjalanan seperti Mobil Full AC, Reclining seat dan ruang bagasi.

Selain memberikan layanan antar jemput door to door , sama seperti Buana dan Joy Travel, NRRC Tranz juga melayani pengiriman paket barang dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung dengan ongkos murah, sewa mobil, carter dan drop off .

9. Rahayu Travel Surabaya ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Tambak Dalam Baru III No.35, Asem Rowo, Kec. Asemrowo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60182
  • No.Telp/HP: 0882-1789-2320
  • Whatsapp: 0882-1789-2320
  • Harga Mulai: –
  • Armada: Isuzu Elf, Bus

Rahayu Travel ini juga bisa menjadi solusi yang pas untuk menemani perjalanan tugas maupun liburan keluarga kamu dari Surabya – Tulungagung.

Pasalnya, travel tersebut selalu mengutamakan layanan terbaik dan tepat waktu yang telah didukung driver handal dan kondisi armada yang baik sehingga membuat perjalanan kamu aman dan nyaman hingga ke tujuan.

Sama seperti PO Rukun Jaya, Rahayu travel ini juga tidak menyediakan fasilitas jemput ke alamat penumpang melainkan memiliki titik kumpul di pangkalannya.

10. Travel Juanda ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Simo Pomahan Baru Gg. 7 No.40, Simomulyo, Kec. Sukomanunggal, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60181
  • No.Telp/HP: 0815 5671 6345
  • Whatsapp: 0815 5671 6345
  • Harga Mulai: Rp.148.000 per orang
  • Armada: Elf, Hiace
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 13.00, 19.00 WIB

Travel Juanda adalah jasa biro perjalanan yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi travel di Bandara Juanda, Surabaya dan Sidoarjo.

Travel Juanda ini melayani jurusan perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Trenggalek. Selain itu biro perjalanan ini juga menyediakan layanan sewa/charter mobil Avanza, Xenia, Innova, dan Hiace.

Dengan membayar tarif yang tertera, kamu sudah bisa menikmati perjalanan Surabaya – Tulungagung yang nyaman dan cepat, karena rutenya via tol.

11. Travel Surabaya ❤️

  • Alamat: Jln. Simo Pomahan Baru Barat VII No.36, Simomulyo, Kec. Sukomanunggal, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60281
  • No.Telp/HP: 081252060056
  • Whatsapp: 081252060056
  • Armada: Luxio, Avanza, Avp
  • Jam Keberangkatan: Setiap Hari 06.00, 10.00, 14.00, 17.00, 19.00

Biro Perjalanan dan agen tiket mobil Travel Jurusan Surabaya ke Tulungagung menerima layanan untuk perjalanan antar kota dengan armada menggunakan Luxio, Avanza serta berbagai varian lainnya.

Jadwal pemberangkatan setiap hari pada pukul 06.00, 10.00 14.00, 17.00 dan 19.00, dan untuk pemesanan tiket dan reservasi dapat dilakukan setiap hari mulai pukul 08.00 – 20.00 WIB dengan menghubungi nomor telepon yang tersedia.

12. BM Trans❤️

  • Alamat: Jl Medayu Utara Gg III No.3, Kel. Medokan Ayu, Kec Rungkut, Surabaya Jl Yos Sudarso 156 , Tulungagung ( Samping Pom Bensin Terminal Gayatri Tulungagung)
  • No Telp: 085732549780 / 082125253231
  • Whatsapp: 085732549780

BM TRANS hadir untuk anda Travel Surabaya tujuan tulungagung PP Dengan jadwal pembrangkatan sebagai berikut : SBY-TA JAM: 10:00/14:00/17:00/20:00 TA- SBY JAM: 04:00/07:00/10:00/23:00

Dengan driver berpengalaman dan armada terbaik dari BM TRANS kami siap memberikan pelayanan perjalanan terbaik untuk anda. Kami juga menyediakan layanan sebagai berikut: Pengiriman barang via travel, Kurir, Sewa mobil plus driver, Jasa driver, Carter, Layanan Wisata Dll.

13. Travel Rukun Jaya❤️

Alamat: Jl. Mayor Sujadi 124 A, Tulungagung 66218 No. Telp: (0355) 322540 Whatsapp: 085204119999 Harga Mulai: Rp150.000 / Orang (Max. 4 Penumpang) Armada: New Innova Reborn Jadwal Pemberangkatan: T.Agung – Sby : Jam 04.00, 08.00, 12.00, 15.00 Sby – T.Agung : Jam 05.00, 10.00, 15.00, 19.00

Rukun Jaya menyediakan jasa sebagai berikut: – Travel jurusan T.Agung – Sby PP Via Tol – Travel jurusan T.Agung- Juanda PP Via Tol – Sewa Mobil – Sewa Bus Pariwisata – Pengiriman Paket

Kenyamanan dan keamanan terjamin dengan driver yang profesional serta mengikuti protokol kesehatan dengan maksimal 4 orang penumpang per mobil. Informasi/pemesanan bisa hubungi kontak yang tersedia setiap hari mulai pukul 07.00-20.00.

friend travel tulungagung

Oke, itu dia beberapa rekomendasi Travel Surabaya – Tulungagung yang bisa kamu pilih untuk menemani perjalanan kamu. Semoga bermanfaat!

15 Travel Malang Tulungagung, Jadwal dan Harga Tiket 2024

Fathur Cahyono

Senin, 4 Maret 2024 | 08:00 WIB

Travel Malang Tulungagung

Travel Malang Tulungagung  – Malang dan Tulungagung menjadi dua kota yang cukup dekat jika melihatnya dari Google Maps. Namun, tahukah Anda jika jarak tempuh keduanya membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 3 jam? Itulah alasan banyak masyarakat kerap menggunakan jasa travel .

Beruntungnya, travel Malang Tulungagung banyak tersebar di antara kedua kota tersebut. Terlebih, masing-masing juga menawarkan pelayanan, kenyamanan serta keselamatan para penumpang dengan harga kompetitif.

Selain efisiensi waktu maupun tenaga, harga yang ditawarkan jasa travel Malang Tulungagung sudah meliputi sejumlah fasilitas contohnya service door to door. Bahkan, beberapa biro perjalanan setempat juga memberikan pilihan jadwal sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan.

Supaya memudahkan Anda maupun masyarakat sekitar mengenai suatu keperluan antar kedua kota di Jawa Timur ini, berikut sudah kami sediakan sejumlah rekomendasi travel Malang Tulungagung terbaik.

Rekomendasi Travel Malang Tulungagung

Tidak hanya melayani keperluan wisata, Anda juga bisa menggunakan travel Malang Tulungagung untuk keperluan bisnis, kunjungan atau kepentingan lain. Sehingga adanya opsi jadwal keberangkatan ke sejumlah wilayah seperti Blitar, Batu dan lain sebagainya bisa di persiapkan secara matang.

Berikut adalah informasi alamat., nomor telepon, jam operasional, jadwal keberangkatan, armada, fasilitas, dan kisaran harga tiket travel Malang Tulungagung selengkapnya.

1. Friend Travel

Friend Travel Malang Tulungagung

Friends Travel Malang tak hanya menyediakan rute tujuan ke Tulungagung, Juanda, Perak hingga Surabaya. Melainkan menawarkan penyewaan beberapa unit mobil rental guna memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar.

Berikut informasi alamat maupun nomor telepon Friend Travel Malang Tulungagung:

  • Alamat : Jalan Raya Dermo Nomor 2, Dusun Bend. Landungsari, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65151
  • Hari Operasional: Senin – Minggu
  • Jam Buka : 06.00 – 22.00 WIB
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 04.00 -19.00 WIB
  • Armada: APV Arena, Luxio, Avanza, Xenia, Isuzu Elf
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Audio, Door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0812 5242 3238
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 55.000

Ketentuan terkait harga untuk 2 orang penumpang Friends Travel senilai Rp 100.000, sementara tiket PP per orang yakni Rp 80.000. Jika terdapat keperluan lain, silakan hubungi kontak tertera.

2. Wisnu Transport

Wisnu Transport Malang Tulungagung

Tak mau kalah dari kompetitornya, Wisnu Transport pun menyediakan jasa travel, rental mobil, pembelian tiket pesawat maupun kereta api. Bahkan, Anda bisa booking layanan carter beberapa kendaraan untuk berlibur bersama keluarga di biro perjalanan tersebut.

  • Alamat : Jl. Terusan Wisnu Wardana Kav.4, Sawojajar, Wiagan, Sekarpuro, Malang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65138
  • Jam Buka : 24 Jam
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 05.00 – 20.00 WIB
  • Armada: Isuzu Elf
  • Fasilitas: AC, Musik, Audio
  • Nomor Telepon: 0812 3369 2065
  • Kisaran Harga: –

Mengingat pihak pengelola Wisnu Transport tidak melampirkan informasi biaya tiket, silakan Anda hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

3. Buana Travel Malang

Buana Travel Malang

Buana Travel Tulungagung Malang siap menemani perjalanan Anda dengan nyaman, aman serta sampai tujuan tepat waktu. Selain itu, masyarakat dengan kebutuhan mengirim barang juga bisa menggunakan layanan kirim paket barang di biro tersebut.

  • Alamat : Jalan Bendungan Sutami Nomor 16C, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang, Jawa Timur 65145
  • Jam Buka : 08.00 – 21.30 WIB
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 04.00 – 19.00 WIB
  • Armada: Isuzu Elf, L300
  • Fasilitas: AC, Full Music, door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0341 5073 799
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 60.000 – Rp 110.000

Guna memastikan informasi perihal biaya tiket ataupun kiriman paket, silakan hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

4. Kalijaga Tour And Travel

Kalijaga Tour And Travel Malang Tulungagung

Kalijaga Tour And Travel menyediakan opsi perjalanan bagi masyarakat, tidak hanya sebagai biro perjalanan pada umumnya. Jasa travel tersebut juga menawarkan paket wisata ke Taman Nasional Gunung Bromo dengan pilihan paket. Berikut informasi alamatnya:

  • Alamat : Griya Tanjung Priok Jaya 1 Blok F, Bakalankrajan, Kecamatan Sukun, Malang, Jawa Timur 65148
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 03.00 – 07.00 – 16.00 (Tulungagung – Malang) & 08.00 – 15.00 – 17.00 (Malang – Tulungagung)
  • Armada: Toyota HiAce, Hiace Premio, Avanza, Xenia, Innova Reborn, Elf Long
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Musik, Audio, Video
  • Nomor Telepon: 0812 3333 0891
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 95.000

Selain bisa menggunakan jasa travel Malang Tulungagung dan sebaliknya, pelanggan juga dapat mengakses layanan tour guide, kirim paket dan lainnya. Adapun tarif pengiriman barang Kalijaga Tour and Travel mulai dari Rp 60.000.

5. Nahwa Travel

Nahwa Travel

Nahwa Travel menjadi biro perjalanan paling direkomendasikan untuk menemani perjalanan Anda dari Malang ke Tulungagung ataupun sebaliknya. Sebab, driver di tempat ini memiliki pengalaman terhadap medan tujuan antar kedua kota tersebut.

Selain itu, pelanggan Nahwa Travel juga akan menerima air mineral maupun snack gratis sebelum keberangkatan. Sehingga, dalam perjalanan menuju Malang ke Tulungagung ataupun sebaliknya, Anda tidak akan merasa lapar.

  • Alamat : Jalan Angkluk Blok H1 Nomor 5, Tunggulwulung, 
Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang, 
Jawa Timur 65143.
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 08.00 – 10.00 – 15.00 – 17.00 WIB
  • Armada: Kijang Innova, Innova Reborn, Hiace, Minibus, Avanza
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Audio, Musik, free snack dan air mineral
  • Nomor Telepon: 0822 3033 3144
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 110.000

Dengan segudang kelebihan serta pengalaman driver, Nahwa Travel menetapkan biaya sedikit mahal namun kualitas layanan tidak dapat dianggap remeh. Guna melakukan pemesanan tiket, silakan hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

6. Beruang Travel Malang

Beruang Travel Malang Tulungagung

Beruang travel menawarkan pelayanan kirim paket barang, kendaraan seperti sepeda motor serta perjalanan antar Malang Tulungagung atau sebaliknya. Selain itu, tarif yang dikenakan kepada penumpang pun relatif terjangkau. Berikut informasi lengkapnya.

  • Alamat : Kedungsingkil, Karangrejo, Kec. Boyolangu, Kab. Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66291
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 03.00 – 15.00 WIB (Tulungagung – Malang per 3 jam sekali) dan 06.00 – 08.00 – 12.00 – 15.00 – 18.00 WIB (Malang – Tulungagung)
  • Armada: Avanza, Xenia, Luxio, Isuzu Elf
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Musik, door to door
  • Nomor Telepon: 0821 8750 0766
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 100.000

Jika terdapat keperluan pemesanan ataupun menanyakan jadwal keberangkatan, silakan hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

7. Patria Jaya Travel

Patria Jaya Travel 1

Rekomendasi travel Malang Tulungagung berikutnya yakni biro perjalanan Patria Jaya, selain memprioritaskan pelanggan secara online, driver berpengalaman tempat ini pun cukup responsif dan komunikatif. Berikut informasi alamat serta nomor teleponnya:

  • Alamat : Genengan, Kec. Sanankulon, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur 66151
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 14.00 – 16.00 – 20.00 WIB
  • Armada: HiAce Premio, Avanza, Innova Reborn
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Audio, Video, door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0857 7777 5676

Apabila hendak memesan tiket secara online untuk tujuan Malang Tulungagung atau sebaliknya, silakan hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

8. Bali Nusa Trans

Bali Nusa Trans

Bali Nusa Trans tidak hanya melayani pelanggan travel Malang Tulungagung, sebab biro perjalanan ini menyediakan layanan carter drop, paket kilat pulau Jawa – Bali serta rental mobil. Untuk mempermudah Anda mendapatkan segala informasi, berikut alamat maupun nomor telepon Bali Nusa Trans.

  • Alamat : Jalan Simpang Wilis Indah, Gading Kasri, Klojen, Malang, Jawa Timur, Kodepos 65115
  • Jam Buka : 06.30 – 21.30
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 07.00 – 15.00 – 21.00 WIB
  • Armada: Avanza, Xenia, Luxio, APV
  • Fasilitas: Musik, Full AC, Reclining seat, door to door
  • Nomor Telepon: 0341 554 600 / 0856 0875 2999
  • Kisaran Harga: Rp 80.000

Guna menghindari kesalahpahaman terkait informasi yang Jaslan.co.id sampaikan, silakan validasi melalui nomor telepon di atas.

Baca Juga: 17 Travel Jogja Semarang 24 Jam Termurah Bisa Antar Jemput

9. Dieng Tour And Travel

Dieng Tour And Travel

Dieng Tour menawarkan layanan travel reguler, charter hingga sewa mobil untuk waktu 12 – 24 jam. Anda bisa bepergian secara nyaman dengan menggunakan biro perjalanan tersebut yang terletak di alamat berikut.

  • Alamat : Jalan Komud ABD. Saleh, Krajan, Asrikaton, Kecamatan Pakis, Kab. Malang, Jawa Timur 65111
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 07.00 – 20.00 WIB (Berangkat per 2-3 jam)
  • Armada: Toyota HiAce
  • Fasilitas: Full AC, Audio, Reclining seat, door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0811 3430 085

Untuk informasi harga, jadwal keberangkatan wilayah Malang Tulungagung silakan hubungi nomor telepon di atas.

10. Saalim Travel

Saalim Travel

Saalim Travel tidak hanya melayani pelanggan jurusan Malang maupun Tulungagung atau sebaliknya saja, melainkan masyarakat sekitar kota Jombang juga bisa menggunakan biro perjalanan tersebut dengan biaya terjangkau.

  • Alamat : Jalan Ronggo Lawe Nomor Kav. 27, Kesatrian, Kec. Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur 65126
  • Jam Buka : 07.00 – 21 WIB
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan: 06.00 – 15.00 WIB
  • Armada: Xenia, Avanza
  • Fasilitas: AC, Reclining seat, Musik, door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0813 3337 5656

Lantaran pada situs resmi Saalim Travel tidak melampirkan informasi biaya tiket, silakan Anda hubungi untuk memastikan tarif yang dikenakan untuk tujuan Malang Tulungagung.

11. BAI Trans

BAI Trans

BAI Trans sejatinya digunakan pelanggan untuk perjalanan Malang ke Kediri, namun meningkatnya permintaan masyarakat untuk menyediakan tujuan ke Tulungagung membuatnya kini membuka layanan rute tersebut. Berikut informasi alamat, nomor telepon serta armada travel BAI Trans.

  • Alamat : Jl. Tembesi Nomor 08, Rampal Celaket, Kecamatan Klojen, Malang, Jawa Timur 65111
  • Jadwal Keberangkatan:
  • Armada: Suzuki APV
  • Fasilitas: AC, Full Musik, Reclining seat, door to door service
  • Nomor Telepon: 0851 0786 1010

Informasi terkait harga tiket BAI Trans, silakan hubungi biro travel setempat melalui nomor telepon di atas.

Malang Ke Tulungagung Berapa Jam?

Pada umumnya, perjalanan dari Malang ke Tulungagung lewat Jalan Raya Tulungagung – Blitar akan memakan waktu selama 3 jam. Jika terdapat kemacetan lalu lintas, penggunaan travel bisa melebihi batas waktu hingga 30 menit bahkan 1 jam.

Selain itu, jarak dari Malang ke Tulungagung sendiri sekitar 102, 2 Kilometer. Tentu hal ini akan mengakibatkan rasa lelah ketika Anda memutuskan untuk mengendarai kendaraan pribadi. Maka dari itu, sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan biro perjalanan seperti travel Malang Tulungagung di atas ataupun transportasi umum seperti Kereta api, bus dan lain sebagainya.

Dari banyaknya pilihan biro perjalanan untuk tujuan Malang Tulungagung di atas, tentu Anda serta masyarakat bisa memilih jasa terbaik dengan penawaran paling menarik. Selain itu, pastikan juga untuk mempersiapkan dana berlebih guna mendapati biaya tambahan seperti bawaan koper, tas atau hal lain.

Perlu diingat, nominal harga tiket travel Malang Tulungagung di atas bisa saja berubah mengingat adanya hari libur akhir pekan ataupun libur nasional. Sekian informasi dari Jaslan.co.id, semoga bermanfaat.

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friend travel tulungagung

  • 1.1 By train
  • 2 Get around
  • 6.1 Tulungagung food
  • 6.2 Food stalls
  • 8.2 Mid-range

Tulungagung is a regency in East Java , on the south coast about 154 km southwest of the capital Surabaya . It is known as one of the largest marble-producing areas in Indonesia.


  • -8.062938 111.904438 1 Tulungagung Train Station ( Stasiun Tulungagung ), Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kampungdalem . Follow train schedule . There are some trains from Jakarta , KA. Singasari via Yogyakarta and KA. Brantas via Semarang . Furthermore, KA. Dhoho from Surabaya and KA. Kertanegara from Malang . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.073187 111.897312 2 Gayatri Bus Terminal , Karangwaru, Kutoanyar . Notable bus companies, PO. Gunung Harta and PO. Harapan Jaya, have the route from Jakarta to Tulungagung. ( updated Oct 2022 )

From Kediri go to the south for 35 km or an hour away drive.

It is more flexible to go to the tourist attractions by car or motorbike.

friend travel tulungagung

  • -8.302062 111.901438 1 Patuk Gebang Beach ( Pantai Patuk Gebang ), Jengglungharjo, Tanggunggunung . The high wave hitting the rock is one of the main attractions. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.239562 111.789687 2 Niyama Dam ( Terowongan Niyama ), Tumplak, Besuki . The dam was built during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.303313 112.010312 3 Kedung Tumpang Beach ( Pantai Kedung Tumpang ), Pucanglaban . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.307063 112.024062 4 Pacar Beach ( Pantai Pacar ), Pucanglaban . A white sand beach with a small waterfall. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.130187 111.926812 5 Dadi Temple ( Candi Dadi ), Krajan Tiga, Betak, Kalidawir . Dadi Temple is one of the architectural works of the Majapahit era, built around the end of the 14 century to the end of the 15 century, during the last reign of King Hayam Wuruk. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.115938 111.917187 6 Sanggrahan Temple ( Candi Sanggrahan ), Boyolangu . 08:00-15:00 . A Buddhist temple which is a relic of the Majapahit Kingdom, built around 1350 AD. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.304063 112.020187 7 Lumbung Beach ( Pantai Lumbung ), Pucanglaban . A white sand beach. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.005437 111.809188 8 Wonorejo Dam , Bantengan, Mulyosari, Pagerwojo . 07:00-17:00 . A reservoir surrounded by woods, trails, and viewing platforms on trees. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.102313 111.896687 9 Wajakensis Museum , Jl. Raya Boyolangu No.km 4, Gedang Sewu Selatan, Gedangsewu, Boyolangu . M-Sa, 07:00-14:00 . The Nandi statue, the Agastya statue, the Garudeya statue, and a replica of the ancient human skull fossil of Wajak Man ( Homo Wajakensis ), the two fossil human skulls discovered near Wajak, a village in Tulungagung, Indonesia (then Dutch East Indies) in 1888/90. The first was found on 24 October 1888 by mining engineer B.D. van Rietschoten who sent it to paleontologist Eugène Dubois who subsequently found the second skull in September 1890. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.064687 111.900688 1 Taman Aloon Aloon Tulungagung , Jl. RA. Kartini, Kampungdalem . A city park with pigeons. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.113812 111.881313 2 Nangkula Park , Rongganan, Kendalbulur, Boyolangu , ☏ +62 858 504 95881 . 09:00-21:00 . Large park with flower gardens, food stalls, plus views of rice paddies. ( updated Nov 2022 )

Buy the marble craft.

  • -8.164938 111.856938 1 Pusat Marmer Tulungagung , Blumbang, Campurdarat , ☏ +62 813 336 75088 . 07:00-21:00 . ( updated Oct 2022 )

Tulungagung food

  • Capar tape , fermented cassava with bean sprouts in peanut sauce.
  • Nasi patik , a rice with lodeh (veggies soup), urap (boiled veggies), tofu, and ikan asin (salted fish).
  • Punten pecel , a rice pudding with salad in peanut sauce.
  • Tape pecel , fermented cassava with salad in peanut sauce.

Food stalls

  • -8.054562 111.893313 1 Nasi Patik Bu Yanti , Jl. KHR Abdul Fattah No.58, Botoran, Mangunsari, Kec. Kedungwaru . 17:30-23:00 . Serves nasi patik . From Rp8,000 . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.048813 111.942563 2 Punten Pecel Bu Tarsih , Karangarum, Bangoan, Kedungwaru . Serves punten pecel . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.306938 112.024313 3 Warung Surockboyo Bakso Lobster , Pucanglaban ( near Pantai Pacar ). 08:00-18:00 . Serves bakso lobster , meatball soup with boiled fresh lobster. ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.044062 111.962563 4 Warung Kopi Pecel Mak Nyak , Jl. Ngantru - Srengat, Etan Supiturang, Srikaton, Ngantru , ☏ +62 857 357 27587 . Serves tape pecel . ( updated Dec 2022 )

Try kopi ijo , a coffee drink blended with mung bean powder.

  • -8.052563 111.862641 1 Warkop Waris , Jl. Lawu, Morangan, Bolorejo, Kauman . Start 05:00 . Serves kopi ijo . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.060562 111.900937 1 Narita Hotel , Jl. KH Agus Salim No.87-89, Kenayan , ☏ +62 355 321608 . Check-in: 14:00 . A 3-star hotel with Javanese decoration. From Rp417,000 . ( updated Nov 2022 )
  • -8.060688 111.902062 2 Lojikka Hotel , Jl. KH Agus Salim No.73-75, Kenayan , ☏ +62 355 332377 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . From Rp452,641 . ( updated Nov 2022 )
  • -8.067312 111.907187 3 Votel Hotel , Jl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai No.26, Bago , ☏ +62 355 331170 . Check-in: 14:00 . From Rp145,133 . ( updated Nov 2022 )
  • -8.042312 111.850063 4 Jamboo Kingdom Hotel & Resort , Jl. Wilis No.32, Srabah, Pucangan, Kauman , ☏ +62 355 333333 . From Rp805,860 . ( updated Oct 2022 )
  • -8.073313 111.904813 5 Crown Victoria Hotel , Jl. Supriadi No.41, Jepun , ☏ +62 355 331321 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . A 4-star hotel with an indoor pool. From 674,879 . ( updated Nov 2022 )

The dialing code for Tulungagung is 0355 .

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Experts recommend always having a ‘Plan B’ for summer travel

The vacationer reports that 82% of americans plan to travel this summer.

(InvestigateTV) — A 2023 Business Insider survey found that 38% of travelers bought insurance for their trip , meaning they saw at least the possibility of interruptions to their plans.

The report revealed the most common concern was flight disruptions, followed by health emergencies, but even smaller issues such as a lost credit card or travel costing more than expected can sour the trip.

One action that can help ameliorate issues that arise is creating and funding a vacation plan.

Cherry Dale, a financial coach with the Virginia Credit Union , said using a credit card for most purchases while on vacation is a form of security, but she also recommends that vacationers have cash and other credit cards on hand, just in case.

“If you are exchanging cash make sure it is a legitimate place. If you are at the airport, that’s often a great place to get in and if you’re traveling internationally and exchange there,” Dale suggested. “Often times it can be difficult if you’re in a foreign country to do those exchanges, even going to an ATM, you can make it happen, but often times it is more costly to do that.”

She said planning ahead of time how to access money on a trip is key. And she added that travel insurance is a really good idea as well.

“Making sure that where you’re going to stay is insured as well. And even if you’re flying, looking at if your flights are insured,” Dale noted. “How you’re going to get reimburse at the end of the day if it does not happen, as well.”

Dale advised people to contact their financial institution if they are getting ready to travel to another state or out of the country.

Credit card companies are often on the lookout for credit card fraud. So, setting a travel notice is a way to minimize the chance of your credit card company flagging a charge you authorized on vacation.

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The promise of travel in the age of AI

friend travel tulungagung

Every generation has its own “golden age” of travel, often defined by the widespread adoption of new technology—from the jet engine of the 1950s that drastically reduced travel times to the dot-com period of the 1990s that allowed customers to build their dream itineraries online. Today, a new era of digitally enabled travel is upon us. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), including generative AI (gen AI), and machine learning (ML) are equipping the industry to reimagine what it means to plan, book, and experience travel. This surge of innovation sets the stage for travel companies to rethink how they interact with customers, develop products and services, and manage operations.

Advances in technology have also transformed consumers’ expectations. Since 2013, time spent on digital devices has grown by 70 percent, and this trend only accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic as online interactions increasingly replaced in-person contact. 1 Based on data from U.S. Census Bureau and Statista. See State of travel 2023 , Skift Research, July 21, 2023. However, traditional travel is unique in that it is an inherently human-centric experience. The industry, therefore, has an opportunity—perhaps even a duty—to define what travel will look like in the digital age.

Most travel companies aim to provide exceptional service and deliver the perfect trip. But, instead of ease, excitement, and delight, travel operators too often fall short of meeting baseline expectations of timing and quality. In fact, nearly 80 percent of American travelers experienced at least one travel-related problem in the first half of 2023. 2 Lane Gillespie, “Survey: 77% of travelers plagued by travel problems amid booming season; more than half saw higher prices,” Bankrate, July 10, 2023.

In the 2021 report, Rebooting customer experience to bring back the magic of travel , McKinsey and Skift Research found that leisure travelers were eager to get back to the sky, water, and road—so much so, that they were often willing to overlook customer-service issues and inconveniences. Customer satisfaction ratings at the time were high, even in a period of intense disruption when negative sentiment was on the rise. 3 Rebooting customer experience to bring back the magic of travel , a joint report from McKinsey and Skift Research, September 2021.

Today, that window of acceptance may have passed. Customer expectations are rising, and tolerance is wearing thin. Despite this, people still aspire to travel and, according to McKinsey’s ConsumerWise  Sentiment Survey, nearly a third of consumers intend to “splurge” on travel expenses in the next three months. 4 McKinsey ConsumerWise Global Sentiment Survey, August 2023, n=4,000. Through both established and new technologies, companies have the opportunity to keep the aspiration to travel alive by closing the persistent gap between the promise and reality of travel.

While larger companies may have more resources to develop in-house capabilities, a robust ecosystem of service providers makes new technologies accessible to companies of all sizes. According to McKinsey Digital estimates, companies that holistically address digital and analytics opportunities throughout their organizations have the potential to see a 15 to 25 percent earnings improvement.

A new report , The promise of travel in the age of AI , produced by McKinsey and Skift Research offers use cases and success stories that detail how technologies are being used, drawing from interviews with executives at 17 companies across five types of travel business. It explores how companies apply advanced data science to better understand and serve customers, delves into how digital and analytics tools can improve products and services, and examines how new technologies augment workforce capabilities and unlock operational capacity. This article highlights some key findings.

Know your customers like you know your friends

Over the past two decades, the variety and volume of customer data that travel companies can capture has increased dramatically; new tools and technologies such as AI-powered assistants are only accelerating this trend. However, this data is often difficult to process and does not always paint a full picture of the customer. Companies may turn to third-party sources to complete their understanding—combining and distilling commercial, operational, financial, and behavioral inputs. Robust marketing technologies can then help distinguish the “signal” from the “noise” in the data to better predict customer behavior.

Having gained a clear and comprehensive understanding, companies can create customer segments to guide how they interact with and serve different customers. Depending on the data available and the analytics capabilities at hand, segmentation can range from grouping customers into segments based on a single macro characteristic (e.g., business versus leisure) to individual “segments of one,” known as hyper-segmentation.

Hyper-segmentation drills down to a ‘segment of one.’

Drilling down to segments of one can enable hyper-personalization, which is broadly defined as the ability to uniquely tailor touchpoints to an individual customer’s needs, preferences, and behaviors. At its core, hyper-personalization is not only about increasing conversion rates, but about providing the customer with an end-to-end experience adapted to their specific context. Considering the level of personalization that is becoming the norm in many aspects of daily life, companies are adopting an ongoing test-and-learn approach to ensure their offers and actions resonate with customers’ rising expectations.

Hyper-personalization can also help companies rebuild trust if operations have gone wrong. Personalized communication reassures customers that they are at the forefront of the company’s mind and instills confidence that a thoughtful recovery plan is in place. For example, companies may share real-time status updates in moments of disruption and provide tailored solutions, or even proactive compensation, to ensure customers feel individually taken care of.

Design your products to surprise and delight

Recent advances are pushing the boundaries of what technology can accomplish. Nothing illustrates this better than the meteoric rise of AI platforms like ChatGPT which garnered one million users in only five days. 5 Steve Mollman, “ChatGPT gained 1 million users in under a week. Here’s why the AI chatbot is primed to disrupt search as we know it,” Yahoo News, December 9, 2022. While this pace of adoption may feel unsettling, it provides an impetus for companies to reimagine their product design and delivery using AI and digitization.

Historically, capabilities such as language, creativity, and aesthetic judgment—once considered uniquely human—could not be scaled through technology. AI, particularly gen AI, offers a new way to augment and scale these capabilities with the potential for enormous benefits: according to McKinsey research , generative AI has the potential to unlock between $2 trillion and $4 trillion in annual value across industries. 6 The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier , McKinsey, June 14, 2023. In the travel context, gen AI could take the form of a digital assistant that interacts with customers throughout the journey. It can provide personalized trip itineraries during discovery and booking, offer tailored recommendations based on preferences and real-time constraints during the trip, and help resolve unexpected disruptions.

However, AI is only part of the answer. Established digital technology also helps companies deliver on commitments made to customers. Many of these digital assets and tools rely on common systems and capabilities, making them widely attainable—freeing up staff to provide better face-to-face services and build relationships through the human touch. Several such applications can boost guest satisfaction and reduce points of friction in hotels, including guest apps, digital check-ins, digital room keys, and in-room tech. The magnitude of these individual tools is amplified when seamlessly integrated together, making it easier for customers to use digital applications throughout their hotel stay.

Empower your workforce to follow through on promises made

An engaged and productive workforce enables the delivery of experiences and products that satisfy customers. However, the travel industry faces structural labor hurdles and high turnover which makes attracting, training, and retaining top talent challenging. Fortunately, the industry can enhance and scale the capacity of its existing workforce by equipping the frontline with the right tools at the right time. This can free up employees to focus on the things they enjoy most and that make the travel industry tick: quality personal interactions with customers, in essence, the human touch.

Two promising opportunities to improve workforce and operational performance through technology stand out across the travel industry: augmenting frontline capacity and upskilling talent.

In the travel industry today, complex decisions still rely on human expertise and outdated technology such as greenscreen or rudimentary interfaces. This leads to a best-guess approach, the risk of negative outcomes, and a steep learning curve. Travel companies are developing new tools  for the frontline to process complex inputs and help guide “day-of” decision making. For example, advanced simulation models such as digital twins allow companies to conduct rapid “what-if” analyses and provide real-time guidance to the frontline.

According to McKinsey research , new technology, including gen AI, is also shortening training times for new hires while rapidly upskilling the existing workforce. For instance, virtual and augmented reality are used to simulate real-life scenarios to prepare frontline employees to hit the ground running, and gen-AI-enabled "teaching assistants” provide personalized coaching based on individual performance. 7 “ The organization of the future: Enabled by gen AI, driven by people ,” McKinsey, September 19, 2023.

Travel is ripe for innovation

Checklist for the age of ai.

Some travel companies are already successfully deploying digital technology, AI, and ML to reshape how they interact with customers, develop and deliver products and services, and manage people and operations. They’ve taken the following actions—are you on track?

General considerations

  • created a digital wish list—as if the company had infinite time and resources
  • prioritized wish list based on potential short- and long-term benefits as well as the company’s strategic vision and available resources
  • assessed the skills and talent necessary to execute against the prioritized wish list
  • built the right team and identified roadmap to fill remaining gaps
  • inventoried existing internal customer data
  • determined which data variables drive customer behavior and predict customer buying decisions
  • identified relevant third-party data and integrated with internal data to build a complete customer picture
  • considered using a robust MarTech stack to continuously learn and evolve with customers
  • defined a dynamic segmentation and personalization approach based on customer personas
  • adopted test-and-learn mindset to continually implement and refine
  • mapped the end-to-end customer journey and identified pain points
  • used analytics to determine which pain points impact customers the most
  • considered new technology (like AI) to enhance and reimagine the customer journey
  • brainstormed improvements to current digital offerings that would minimize pain points (such as more timely communication)
  • built a product roadmap based on timing and importance of features
  • diagnosed top day-to-day employee pain points
  • determined if digital tools can resolve top pain points (for example, automate repetitive tasks)
  • provided workforce with real-time visibility into critical areas of daily operations
  • used simulation models to plan for multiple future-state scenarios
  • built decision-making tools (such as digital twins) to choose optimal solutions for complex problems
  • defined opportunities to improve training (using tools such as simulation training, VR, AR) and provide feedback (using smart-AI tool)

We believe this is a moment of optimism for the industry. Between reclaiming its historical share of GDP, benefiting from the ongoing corporate travel recovery, and catering to consumer demand for unique experiences, the stage is set for travel’s accelerated growth. Looking ahead, travel is forecasted to grow at an average of 5.8 percent a year through 2032—more than double the expected growth rate of the overall economy (at 2.7 percent a year). 8 “Travel & Tourism sector expected to create nearly 126 million new jobs within the next decade,” World Travel & Tourism Council, April 21, 2023.

This does not mean that travel companies can simply sit back and reap the benefits. Existing and new technologies provide an avenue for companies to capture their share of the industry’s anticipated growth by resetting how they interact with customers, deliver products and services, and empower their workforce. Fortunately, there are a growing number of ways—build, buy, or partner—to help companies get started. The only wrong move is no move.

Susann Almasi is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Carolinas office, Alex Cosmas is a partner in the New York office, Sam Cowan is a consultant in the Minneapolis office, and Ben Ellencweig is a senior partner in the Stamford office.

The authors wish to thank Skift’s Pranavi Agarwal, Seth Borko, and Wouter Geerts as well as McKinsey’s Marisa Ancona, Danielle Bozarth, Vik Krishnan, Nina Lind, Elena Patel, Alessandra Powell, Jules Seeley, and Nirva Vassa, for their contributions to this article.

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Have Métier, Will Travel! Melissa Morris Shares Her Travel Diary From a Once-in-a-Lifetime Nile Cruise

By Lilah Ramzi

Image may contain Appliance Device Electrical Device Steamer Transportation Vehicle Yacht Water and Waterfront

For Melissa Morris , the founder of luxury handbag label Métier, attention to detail is an art. Her made in Italy, designed in London leathergoods are more engineered than crafted; handbags are modular, and travel bags are pocketed to perfection. So it should come as no surprise that this approach carries over into all that she does, including how she celebrates her birthdays. On the agenda for her milestone 40th? A journey along the River Nile.

“Egypt has been somewhere I have longed to visit for so long now,” Morris tells Vogue . For her, traveling is not just about leisure but also an essential source of inspiration. “I love to explore new places that I have never been to. I think it’s so important to see the world—let alone inspiring—so I try to go to several new places each year.”

Morris’s itinerary was thoughtfully assembled with the help of her friend Philomena Schurer-Merckoll, who had recently fallen in love with Egypt. The journey began with three nights in a private villa at Al Moudira in Luxor, where Morris and her friends explored temples, the Valley of the Kings and Queens, and local artisanal shops. Despite missing out on a hot air balloon ride due to windy conditions, it was otherwise a smooth sail.

The adventure continued aboard the Set Nefru, a beautifully restored five-person boat originally built in the 1940s for the Egyptian royal family. Cruising down the Nile, they made stops at Edfu and Silsileh, soaking in the serene vistas of the riverbanks.

Along for the ride was a group that Morris had a hunch would get along. “I don’t have a group of friends, per se,” she says. “I have a lot of different friends from different places and parts of my life, so it's really fun to bring people together and watch the magic happen.”

Morris fondly recalls the camaraderie among her fellow travelers, epic backgammon battles, and discovering a new favorite pastime: dominos. Unexpected highlights included a dare that led her to leap into the Nile. “Everyone decided to go swimming in the Nile… Erik [Maza] and I thought we would watch from afar, which was my plan until our captain dared me to jump off,” she says. “And without a second thought, I did!”

The final leg of the trip took them to Cairo, where they stayed at the historic Immobilia apartments. Days were spent visiting local boutiques, art galleries like Tintera, and the breathtaking Ibn Tulun Mosque. The climax of the trip was a visit to the pyramids on Morris’s birthday—a fitting finale to a major celebration.

As for what Morris packed in her very chic Métier bags? A vacation wardrobe that mirrored her everyday style—minimalist with a mix of neutrals, linens, and vintage pieces. “I was excited for the trip, but I don’t think I had any idea of how special an adventure awaited us,” she adds. “The art and architecture blew my mind. I cannot believe how inventive and resourceful people have been for so long.”

Find a series of snapshots from Morris’s Egyptian holiday, below.

Image may contain Dining Table Furniture Table Cutlery Spoon Blade Knife Weapon Cup Accessories Glasses and Plate

Breakfast at Al Moudira.

Image may contain Dining Table Furniture Table Architecture Building Dining Room Indoors Room Cutlery and Fork

Al Moudira.

Image may contain Accessories Bag Handbag Chair Furniture Clothing Footwear Shoe Adult Person Glasses and Wedding

Max Southwell, Philomena Schurer-Merckoll, Sam Wathen, me, and Erik Maza at Al Moudira.

Image may contain Architecture Building Dining Room Dining Table Furniture Indoors Room Table Tablecloth and Art

Inside Al Moudira.

Image may contain Clothing Hat Sun Hat Accessories Bag Handbag Adult Person Beachwear Footwear Shoe and Shorts

Zöe Zimmer touring the sandstone quarries at Silsileh.

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    Selanjutnya ada Friends Travel yang berlokasi di jalan Kaliwaron No.116 A, Mojo, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY. Ini adalah agen yang siap menemani perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Tulungagung. Friend Travel mematok harga promo hanya Rp.68 ribu saja untuk keberangkatan di hari senin, meskipun murah, syarat dan ketentuan tetap berlaku ya.

  13. 15 Travel Malang Tulungagung, Jadwal dan Harga Tiket 2024

    Friends Travel Malang tak hanya menyediakan rute tujuan ke Tulungagung, Juanda, Perak hingga Surabaya. Melainkan menawarkan penyewaan beberapa unit mobil rental guna memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar. Berikut informasi alamat maupun nomor telepon Friend Travel Malang Tulungagung: Alamat: Jalan Raya Dermo Nomor 2, Dusun Bend. Landungsari ...

  14. Tulungagung

    The Nandi statue, the Agastya statue, the Garudeya statue, and a replica of the ancient human skull fossil of Wajak Man (Homo Wajakensis), the two fossil human skulls discovered near Wajak, a village in Tulungagung, Indonesia (then Dutch East Indies) in 1888/90. The first was found on 24 October 1888 by mining engineer B.D. van Rietschoten who ...

  15. Jadwal dan Tarif Bis Dari SURABAYA ke TULUNGAGUNG

    Kedatangan di Kantor friends travel tulungagung 18.:30 06:30 . Tarif Terjauh Rp 120 K-156 K Detail Info Bus. Lewat - Telp Agen - Note: jadwalbis.com membantu Anda dalam memperkirakan informasi tarif dan jadwal bus, namun TIDAK ADA JAMINAN ketepatan informasi jadwal,tarif maupun informasi lainnya.

  16. 6 Daftar Travel Tulungagung Malang Dengan Biaya Mulai Rp.60.000

    Travel tulungagung malang buana 2023 friends ke dari jadwal tarif malam harga as antar jemput biaya blitar batu bandara dr tiket info jurusan jasa friend mobil tujuan. ... Itulah beberapa pilihan travel Tulungagung Malang yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk perjalanan Anda. Setiap travel memiliki jadwal keberangkatan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga Anda ...

  17. Jadwal dan Tarif Bis Dari MALANG ke TULUNGAGUNG

    FRIENDS TRAVELKantor Friend Travel Malang - Kantor Friends Travel Tulungagung. Kelas: Daihatsu Luxio 0 . Keberangkatan Kantor Friend Travel Malang : 06:00 . Jadwal dari Kantor friend travel malang 06:00, 12:01, 16:00, 19:00 * Kedatangan di Kantor friends travel tulungagung 09.:00 03:00 ja menit .

  18. The Fabulous Four (2024)

    The Fabulous Four: Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse. With Susan Sarandon, Bruce Greenwood, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph. It tells the story of two friends who travel to be bridesmaids in a surprise wedding of their college girlfriend.

  19. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.


    Yuzhnaya Tribuna, Elektrostal: See traveler reviews, 5 candid photos, and great deals for Yuzhnaya Tribuna at Tripadvisor.

  21. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Jun 15 - Jun 16. Tonight. Jun 15 - Jun 16. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Jun 16 - Jun 17. Tomorrow night.

  22. Jadwal dan Tarif Bis Dari TULUNGAGUNG ke MALANG

    FRIENDS TRAVELKantor Friends Travel Tulungagung - Kantor Friend Travel Malang. Kelas: Daihatsu Luxio 0 . Keberangkatan Kantor Friends Travel Tulungagung : 08:00 . Jadwal dari Kantor friends travel tulungagung 08:00, 12:01, 16:00 * Kedatangan di Kantor friend travel malang 11.:00 03:00 ja menit .

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. Sports

  24. Experts recommend always having a 'Plan B' for summer travel

    The Vacationer reports that 82% of Americans plan to travel this summer. (InvestigateTV) — A 2023 Business Insider survey found that 38% of travelers bought insurance for their trip, meaning ...

  25. The promise of AI in the travel industry

    Every generation has its own "golden age" of travel, often defined by the widespread adoption of new technology—from the jet engine of the 1950s that drastically reduced travel times to the dot-com period of the 1990s that allowed customers to build their dream itineraries online. Today, a new era of digitally enabled travel is upon us. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), including ...

  26. Have Métier, Will Travel! Melissa Morris Shares Her Travel ...

    Melissa Morris, the founder of luxury handbag label Métier, celebrated her 40th birthday traveling through Egypt with a motley crew of friends.