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Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May: Travel Tips, Weather, Difficulty and More

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  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May
  • Jan 14, 2022
  • Nepal Spirit Adventure

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Visit Annapurna Base Camp in May month is one of the best times while spring season: March, April, May months are popular for the trek to visit Annapurna Base Camp ( or Annapurna base camp trek in May ) this trek route in the Annapurna region is not difficulties compare another high altitude trek in Everest trek region. The ABC trek is suitable for all kinds of travelers, with the maximum high altitude at 4,130m 13,549 feet.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May , during the spring season: March , April and May the meadows and forest will be in full bloom with riots of colors of wildflowers specially rhododendron comes in great varieties from bush to tall trees. Regarding my previous experience from the ABC trek in May highly recommend this month to start the Annapurna Base Camp Trek for your life amazing trekking holiday experience.

What the trekkers expect in May in the Annapurna Region Trek ( or ABC trek in May ), incredible helpful article share through Nepal Spirit in the following.

In May, the climate-temperature would be neither much hot not too cold, the days are quite warm nor night with early morning will be chilling as well as shouldn’t worry about the rain and can find such beautiful weather during the May and can able to see a clear sky with wonderful visibility, the best weather condition can get along the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May .

During May Month, the average daytime temperature at lower altitudes is around +23 degrees Celsius during sunshine. The higher you go, the colder it gets. As you ascend over the higher zone above 4,000m would be cold in the evening and morning and approximately the temperature goes 10 degrees Celsius that in depending on the weather condition. Overall, the weather condition will be perfect in the Annapurna region in May.

Trip Highlights

  • Explore beautiful ethnic villages surrounding spring flora-fauna.
  • Trekking into lovely enchanting rhododendron and pine tree forest with daily amazing views.
  • Enjoying daily views of snowcapped mountains include 7 the highest Dhaulagiri & 8 the high Manaslu.
  • Wonderful overnight sleep at Annapurna base camp at 4130m.
  • Spectacular sunrise and best views of the glacier from ABC.
  • Natural treatment: A bathing in hot spring at Jhinu.
  • Enchanting sunrise and innumerable mountains view from Poon Hill.
  • Explore beautiful city POKHARA before & after the trek.
  • The scenic bus ride from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

Are you planning your Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May? Don’t hesitate to contact us to inform us of your requirements; we can help you to make your trip memorable.

How difficult is Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May?

Annapurna base camp trek is not difficult to compare to another trek route in Nepal Himalaya; it is a moderate trekking trail thru tropical Nepalese villages and does not require an advanced physical fitness level. Novice travelers can start this trek to Annapurna trek in May and enjoy the pleasing holiday adventure time with nature paradise in ABC foothill trip.

While May brings a dry, warm, and stable weather condition in the Annapurna region (or Annapurna base camp in May). Adding colors of wildflowers to the gorgeous green hills, affixes joy to the trek. So, there is no risk of any difficulties while trekking in ABC during May month.

If you are following the Ghorepani-Poon Hill trail to ABC , your part of your body gets adapted and acclimatized well with high altitude along the route. Previous experience trekkers can do this trip in short holiday and more easily. On this trek, you will reach the maximum highest elevation of 4,130 meters from the seas level. Some may feel symptoms of altitude sickness but if you trek slowly, maintain hydration and take proper rest you can walk easily to the base of the giant peaks.

Travel Tips

As my previous ABC trek experience please share with you guys the following tips about the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May do not hesitate to share also your wonderful experiences with others as much as possible share it.

Accommodation and Food

Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp trial in May will be a busy season. You can find almost similar lodes- teahouse (accommodation) while there are more than 56 lodges along the Annapurna base trail. A few villages also provide fancy hotels such as Ghorepani and Ghandrung and do not forget a good through the best local trek operator manages all standard lodes along the ABC trek period. If you are trekking to Annapurna base camp in May you are required to make the advance lodges booking because there a very less amount of teahouses after the Chomrung village.

Should not worry much about the food and beverage along the Annapurna Base Camp Trekking can easily find meals thru lodges and beverages at a local restaurant. It is also kind of rules through Annapurna lodges management committee breakfast and dinner must eat at the same lodge-place where you make the overnight sleep. Lunch can eat at different tropical local places, overall we can find Nepali hygienic food, as well as western continental Indian and Chinese food, can able to choose from the food menu.

On this trek, you require as much as possible drinks water, carrying a personal water bottle is top needed. Soft drinks, snacks, and beer are available in most tea houses. At least drinks 3-4 letters of water a day to avoid dehydration and altitude sickness and easily can get a bottle of mineral water from the lodges and cost $1-2 dollars for each litter.

Start Your Trek in Early

You require to walk every day 5-6 hours before reaching Annapurna Base Camp and you need also extra time for the daily lunch break, soft drink break if you start your trek every day early after breakfast as per your ABC trek itinerary you will get enough hours time for exploration even more details which is also top tips for you.

Requirement Permits

While you are planning a trek to Annapurna Base Camp in May , you need to obtain an Annapurna conservation area entry fee and a TIMS card both ABC trek permit you can make in Kathmandu and Pokhara city. Both trek route permit is top necessary without them no one can start your ABC trek.

Annapurna conservation entry costs you NPR 3000 in USD 26 per person it can be changed in dollars as per daily dollars conversion rate. TIMS costs you NPR 1000 in USD 9 per person it can be also changed in dollars as per daily dollars conversion rate.

Trek Equipment

Trekking equipment is a very important thing before starting your ABC trip, if you do not have the following recommended Annapurna base camp trek equipment you can also shop in Kathmandu after arrival in Kathmandu but time is important for lookup it, however, visit our Annapurna base camp trekking equipment for your better packing list.

Additional Tips

While you are planning high altitude zone, the weather climate could change frequently even at Annapurna base camp during the month of May who knows it. As per my previous ABC trek experience, highly advise you all to be prepared and carry the necessary trip equipment for your trek. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May would be busy as usual but sometimes lodges- teahouse can be booked after the Comrung villages due to the lack of lodges you may also have to stand in queues for meals. Possible book the accommodation in advance which can be fully prepared by your trek operator Nepal Spirit Adventure Nepal base local experience Trek Company.

Trek to ABC in May , the day is short and night will be a long hour that’s why better start your trek right after early morning breakfast. It helps you to reach your destination earlier and you could enjoy your trip. The cold morning and nights are harder to cope with so pack some warm clothes and other accessories during the trek.

Annapurna Base Camp trek is not harder than Everest Base Camp Trek but there was a problem after the Chumrung villages better you trek with guide and porter. Feel always positive and walk slowly as much as you can make it comfortable. Do not rush and it is not like a day hike. Drink at least 3-4 litters of water a day and hydrate yourself, the body dehydrates faster as you ascend the higher altitudes.

Pack with you some fruit juices or some energy chocolate bar but water can buy from every teahouse or local restaurant. In cases, you see any symptoms of Altitude Sickness do not hesitate to alert your trek guide of a partner as well as feel terrible headache immediately walk down to the lower altitude zone which is one the best treatment for high altitude sickness and rest till you are fine.

Do not forget to carry with you enough Nepalese rupees cash for the trek because there are no bank-ATM in the ABC trekking route. Public display of affection on not welcomed and wearing revealing dresses will earn you unwanted criticism. It is rude to click people's pictures without their permission ask them first if you wish to click their picture on your camera.

Our Favorite May Itineraries

Easy best mountain view trek-4days 15days Annapurna base camp trek 9days Annapurna view trek

Final Words

You can never say no when you get an invitation of delightful views of the majestic Himalayan in Nepal while May month is one of the best times visit to Annapurna Base Camp Trek. If you can spare your time to trek in May, you should surely go for it and definitely, this trek will be a lifetime highlight, and happy to share it with others.

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Table of Contents

Annapurna Base Camp trek is amongst the most popular trek routes in Nepal. And, Annapurna Base Camp trek in May shines in the fragrances of rhododendrons in the dry weather.

The trek takes you to the high points of the Annapurna region on the lap of mountains. Along the trek, you will be cherishing the magical views of admirable Himalayas: Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Machapuchare throughout the trail.

During May, the weather is so clear and stable. You will see the best of nature all along the trail. The rugged landscapes, terraced farmlands, and the lush jungles are charismatic. You will be lured by the immensely diverse flora and fauna in the region.

This remarkable trek into the beautiful Himalayas combines the nature in its genuine forms. While trekking, you will see the loveliest people who continuously shower their warm hospitality upon you. Interacting with locals of Gurung and Magar ethnicity is fun.

You will have a comfortable and an idle ABC trek in May. Trekking through the well-marked trails is much easier. You will have basic facilities for food and stay. This trek is full of nature, culture and lovable hospitality of local people.

What is The Weather Like in May for ABC Trek?

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

May, the last month of Spring season in Nepal is quite hotter. The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May experiences the hottest temperature while trekking.

May is the best time to walk under the Rhododendron blossoms accompanied by other wildflowers. The cascading waterfalls en route are alluring. You will see the sharpest views of the mountains and the surrounding landscapes because of the low precipitation.

During the trek, you will see variations on temperature and weather depending on the altitude. The daytime temperatures may rise up to 20°C at the lower altitudes. Whereas the temperature at nights is around 5°C. You will feel extremely hot weather during the daytime while trekking in lower sections. However, the nights are bearable.

While trekking in the lower altitudes, you will see a strange mist often appearing over the beautiful mountains. Likewise, at the high altitudes, the views are crystal clear. May is drier and has stable weather. So, you can see the crystal clear views even at the high altitudes. The monsoon starts showing its signs as May reaches its tail. So, you may see a few rainfalls and thunderstorms, mostly in the evenings. It is wiser to wear and carry waterproof accessories while trekking in late May.

Always expect extreme conditions while on the treks to the Himalayas. The weather there can change any time of the year.

Are you planning your Annapurna Base Camp Trek ? Don't hesitate to  contact us . Tell us your requirements, we can help you to make your trip memorable. 

Is It Wise to Go Solo Trek to ABC in May?

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a moderate level trek. The trek is absolutely safe for a solo traveler who is physically strong and determined.

May is amongst the best time to trek for ABC trek . You will experience stable weather condition while in May. There is the least chance of sudden weather changes. Also, the risks of avalanche, steep and icy trails, high precipitation, etc are very less.

During the May, the trek route is not as busy as in Autumn trails of ABC. So, it is much easier to find a place for accommodation and food. The trekking trails are well marked. But, do not forget to carry a route map. Also, you will see fellow trekkers en the route. So, do not worry about missing the trails.

During your solo trek, you are not alone. Your trek will be much safe although you trek solo. Millions of flora and fauna en route will lead you into rare and wild experiences with nature. The soft breezes and melodious chirps of birds are really awesome.

Trekking alone with nature not only fascinates you but also eases your trek. The solo Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is astonishing and absolutely doable.

However, trekking with a licensed guide or a porter is always wiser over trekking alone. They will assist you in conducting a safe trek. Also, they will help find the best place for accommodation and food at average cost.

Will I Get the Permits for ABC Trek in May?

You will require permits for the legal entrance to the Annapurna region. You can easily get the permits for ABC trek in May. For your permits, you have to submit your photos and copies of your passport at the Nepal Tourism Board. You can get them in Kathmandu or in Pokhara.

If you are traveling with a travel agency, they will get the permits for you. You just have to send them your photos and a copy of your passport.

There are two permits that you must have in hand before entering the Annapurna sanctuary. They are:

Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) permit: USD 20

Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card: USD 20

[Note: There are various checkpoints where you will have to verify your permits. So, pack them handy.]

Reasons to Visit Annapurna Base Camp in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

May is a beautiful time to visit the Annapurna Base Camp. It is the time of spring when nature exhibits its best scenic views. Here are some reasons for why you should visit Annapurna Base Camp in May:

  • The whole surrounding blooms in Rhododendrons and other wildflowers. You can see a wide floral and faunal vegetation in the region. The colorful hills are enticing.
  • You can enjoy the most beautiful rivers, villages, and the cascading waterfalls.
  • The freshly blooming vegetation and the lush forests offer the most beautiful and attractive photographs.
  • You can enjoy the magnificent panoramic views of the chained Himalayas in the region. You will see the Annapurna ranges, Mt. Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, GangaPurna, and Mardi Himal.
  • The several viewpoints en route offer the most alluring sunrise and the sunset views.
  • The pleasant weather encourages a pleasurable walk into the Himalayas.
  • May is the hottest month in the Annapurna region. It is the time of less humidity and low precipitation. You will catch the sharpest views of the rugged landscapes.
  • You need not worry about the mists and dark clouds covering your splendid mountain sceneries.
  • During May, you can go on the trek without worrying about the slippery and icy trails.
  • Unlike in the monsoon time, you should not worry about the insect's bites including leeches and mosquitoes.

What are Accommodations and Foods Like at ABC Trek in May?

While staying at the homestays and lodges during your trek, you can feel homely environment in the teahouses in the local villages.

You can find a lot of lodges on the lower altitudes. But as you get closer to the base camp, you'll have very few choices of lodges.

The lodges offer comfortable stay and rest. In a room, there are two beds. But, you won't have an individual toilet. You have to share it with a fellow mate.

In the food menu, you will have more options at the lower altitude. As you ascend to higher regions, the food menus are short lists.

They offer typical Nepalese food Dal-Bhat with seasonal vegetables. You can also have continental foods at some places. Indian and Chinese foods like MOMO (steamed dumplings), Chow Mein, noodles with soup etc.

For drinks, you can drink hot or cold water, tea or coffee. It is better not to drink alcohol and other beverages during the trek. You can get warm water for a drink at the teahouses.

Trek Difficulties at ABC in May

If you are an experienced trekker and have trekked above 3000 m, ABC trek route is more considerable for you.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a moderate level trek . You must not take too much stress regarding the difficulties and risks during the May trek. However, the weather at the Himalayas is mystical. You can never expect the weather to be perfect.

Here are some of the difficulties you might have while trekking to the Annapurna Base Camp in May:

  • May is the hottest time in the Annapurna Region. Trekking can get extremely hot and sweaty in the lower regions. You will feel a flood of sweat while trekking under the sunshine.
  • Afternoon clouds are common which can bring clouds and some downpours
  • At the end of May, clouds are common during the afternoon. You can also encounter occasional downpours. The dark clouds and rainy time is not so good for touring and sightseeing around the region.
  • Even though there are no particularly steep sections, but there are steep stone steps. So, be careful while walking over the steep stone steps especially after a rainfall (if any).
  • The Annapurna Base Camp takes you to an altitude of 4200 meters. So, you may feel symptoms of altitude sickness sometimes while ascending. Take more rest and maintain your pace while walking.
  • Cell phones may not work above Chomrong/Sinuwa. Prepare an alternative for this, if you have to.
  • As you go higher, the place is more remote. It is difficult to find shops or ATM’s. So, you must carry enough cash and all the essentials for the trek along with you.
  • Finding pure drinking water on the trail is hard. Bottled water is really expensive at higher altitudes. So, you can carry your own refillable water bottle and a water purifier.
  • May is a busy season. You might find difficulty in finding rooms in places where there are very few hotels for stay. Prebooking is the best choice.
  • Weather change in high altitude area is unpredictable. Bad weather can hit the Annapurna region even in May. Be ready for everything.

Some Extra Tips for ABC Trek in May

  • Wear a lightweight and comfortable trekking boot. This will ease your walk over rugged and difficult trails.
  • If you have heavy loads that are difficult to carry, hire a porter.
  • Take proper care of your body and health. Maintain your own steady pace while walking. There is nothing to rush for.
  • Your body dehydrates faster at higher altitudes. Hydrate yourself by drinking safe and non-polluted drinking water.
  • Carry some extra snacks with you. You can have the energy bars, chocolates, and other instant energy providing foods if you feel tired while walking.
  • In cases you see any symptoms of Altitude Sickness, walk down to lower altitude and rest till you are fine.
  • Carrying a waterproof map of Annapurna Base Camp is helpful, mostly during solo treks. This will ensure your safety.
  • Check your backpack. Have you included all the needy materials for your trek?
  • Pre-book hotels and lodges for your food and accommodation.
  • Late May brings light showers in the region. Bring a light rain jacket and backpack rain cover if you are trekking in late May. Plan your trek earlier, rather than later for May.
  • Carry with you your important documents like citizenship doc. photos, passport, and permits. This ensures that you are traveling legally.

What do You Need for ABC Trek in May?

Before starting your journey, review your backpack. Make sure you have included all the essential materials. Pack light so that your bag is easy to carry.

Listed below are the basic equipment that you must take with you for the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

  • Trekking Map
  • Trekking Cap/ Hat
  • Headlamp, emergency light
  • Hiking pants
  • Trekking T-shirt
  • A set of thermals
  • Breathable Underwears
  • First aid kit
  • Trekking Poles
  • Light down jacket
  • Comfortable trekking boots and two or more pairs of trekking socks.
  • A lightweight Sleeping bag
  • Sunglass, A hat/ cap.
  • Water bottle, water purification tablets
  • Sunscreen lotion, and sunscreen cream
  • Charger, Power bank
  • A First Aid Kit including Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)
  • Iodine tablets, airtight water bottle, long-sleeved shirt, lip balm.
  • Toiletries– Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, water purifiers, moisturizer, toothpaste, and toothbrush.
  • A map of Annapurna Base Camp
  • Snacks and entertainment like books, cards, an iPad etc.

Annapurna Base Camp trek in May has a lot to offer to enthusiastic trekkers like you. You will love the experience of trekking into the heart of Himalayas. Walking into beautiful forests, being surrounded by smiling Himalayas is a unique experience in itself.

Plan the trek wisely, be strong and determined. The Rhododendron blossoms in May along the Annapurna Base Camp route awaits your footprints wholeheartedly.

To book the trip with us, contact us .

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Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp in May: A Journey of a Lifetime


Annapurna Base Camp trek is one of the most popular trek routes in Nepal. And, the Annapurna Base Camp trip in May shines in the scent of azaleas in dry weather.

The trek will take you to the highest points of the Annapurna region on the mountainside. During the trip, you'll appreciate the wondrous views of the admirable Himalayas: Annapurna South, Hiunchuli and Machapuchare are all along the trail.

In May, the weather is clear and stable. You will see the best of nature along the trail. The rugged landscape, rice terraces and lush jungle are alluring. You will be captivated by the immense diversity of flora and fauna of the area. 

This incredible trek into the stunning Himalayas combines nature in its purest state. While trekking, you will come across the sweetest people who will constantly shower you with their warm hospitality. Interacting with Gurung and Magar residents is enjoyable.

In May, you will have a relaxing and leisurely ABC journey. It is much simpler to trek along the well-marked trails. You will have basic food and lodging amenities. This trek is rich in nature, history, and the warm hospitality of the locals.

annapurna base camp trek in may

Brief overview of Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal that takes you through diverse landscapes, ranging from lush forests to rocky terrains, culminating at the Annapurna Base Camp , which is located at an altitude of 4,130 meters. The trek starts from Nayapul, a small town located about an hour's drive from Pokhara, and takes about 7-12 days to complete, depending on the route chosen.

The trek is known for its stunning mountain views, including the Annapurna range, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail Mountain), and Hiunchuli. The trail passes through quaint villages and provides a glimpse into the local culture and traditions of the Gurung and Magar communities. Along the way, trekkers can stop at tea houses and lodges to rest and refuel.

The trek can be challenging, with steep ascents and descents, but the stunning views and the sense of accomplishment upon reaching the Annapurna Base Camp make it all worthwhile. The best time to undertake the trek is from March to May and September to November when the weather is mild, and the trails are less crowded compared to peak trekking season.

Top 5 Reasons to Trek to Annapurna Base Camp in May

  • Ideal Weather Conditions : May is one of the best months to trek to Annapurna Base Camp due to the pleasant weather conditions. The skies are clear, and the temperatures are mild, making it comfortable for trekkers to walk during the day and sleep at night.
  • Stunning Views of Rhododendron Flowers: May is the blooming season of rhododendron flowers, and the trek route is filled with colorful blooms. The sight of these flowers against the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas is a breathtaking experience that you do not want to miss.
  • Less Crowded Trails: While Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a popular route, May is considered an off-season month, and you will encounter fewer trekkers on the trail. This means you can enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the natural surroundings.
  • Wildlife Sightings: The warmer weather in May means that wildlife is more active and visible. You may spot animals such as Himalayan Thar, musk deer, and various species of birds.
  • Cultural Festivals: May is a month of cultural festivals in Nepal, such as Buddha Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. You can witness the cultural celebrations and experience the local traditions and customs.

These are merely a few justifications as to why hiking to Annapurna Base Camp in May is a wise choice. In order to embark on an unforgettable trip to the lap of the Himalayas, start making plans for your trek.

Preparing For The Trek

There are a lot of things to think about and get ready for before the Annapurna Base Camp Hike in May. Some of the most important things to concentrate on when arranging for the trek will be covered in this part.

annapurna base camp trek in may

Physical Fitness And Training

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May requires a lot of physical exercise and preparation. As you will be walking for several hours each day, climbing and descending steep hills and mountain passes, as well as adjusting to high altitudes, the trek demands a substantial amount of physical exertion.

It is advised to start training for the journey at least two to three months beforehand. Running, cycling, and swimming are excellent cardio activities for increasing stamina and endurance. Leg strength is necessary for both uphill and downhill trekking and can be developed through strength training activities like squats and weight lifting.

In addition to physical training, it is important to acclimate your body to the high altitude of the trek. This involves gradually increasing your altitude and spending a few days at higher elevations before proceeding further up. This helps your body to adjust to the lower oxygen levels and prevent altitude sickness.

Overall, building physical fitness and endurance through training is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable trek to Annapurna Base Camp. By preparing your body for the physical demands of the trek, you can increase your chances of reaching the destination and having a memorable experience.

Packing Essentials For Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

It's a good idea to get a second opinion before you make any decisions. The trek requires a significant amount of physical effort because you will be walking for several hours each day, ascending and descending steep hills and mountain passes, as well as acclimating to high altitudes.

It is suggested to begin your preparations for the trip at least two to three months in advance. Cardio exercises like running, cycling, and swimming are great for boosting energy and endurance. Leg strength can be built through strength training exercises like squats and weight pulling. Leg strength is required for both uphill and downhill trekking.

Here are some packing essentials for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May:

  • A warm sleeping bag: Temperatures can drop significantly at night, so a warm sleeping bag is essential to stay comfortable and warm while sleeping.
  • A down jacket: May is still relatively cold in the mountains, so a down jacket is necessary to stay warm and protected from the cold winds.
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket: The weather can be unpredictable, so a waterproof and windproof jacket is essential to protect yourself from rain, snow, and wind.
  • Trekking boots: Comfortable and sturdy trekking boots with good grip are essential for walking on uneven and slippery terrain.
  • Woolen socks : Thick woolen socks are essential to keep your feet warm and dry during the trek.
  • A hat: A warm hat is essential to keep your head and ears protected from the cold weather.
  • Sunglasses: UV rays can be intense at high altitudes, so it is essential to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  • Headlamp: A headlamp is essential for navigating during early morning or nighttime treks.
  • Water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial during the trek, so it is important to carry a water bottle with you at all times.
  • Snacks: Trekking can be tiring, so carrying some high-energy snacks, such as nuts, energy bars, or chocolate, is a good idea.
  • First aid kit: A basic first aid kit with necessary medications, bandages, and antiseptics is essential in case of minor injuries or illnesses during the trek.

Make sure to pack light and only bring the essentials, as you will have to carry your backpack throughout the trek.

Required Permits And Fees

Here are the required permits and fees for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May:

  • TIMS Card : The Trekker's Information Management System (TIMS) card is mandatory for all trekkers in the Annapurna region. It costs NPR 2,000 (about USD 17) for foreign trekkers and NPR 200 (about USD 1.50) for SAARC nationals.
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): The ACAP is required to enter the Annapurna Conservation Area. It costs NPR 3,000 (about USD 25) for foreign trekkers and NPR 1,000 (about USD 8.50) for SAARC nationals.
  • Restricted Area Permit (RAP): If you plan to trek to areas such as Upper Mustang or Upper Dolpo, you will need a RAP. The permit fee varies depending on the region.
  • Trekking agency fees: If you plan to use a trekking agency, they will charge a fee for their services. This fee usually includes permits, transportation, accommodation, meals, and a guide.

It is important to carry these permits with you at all times during the trek, as officials may check them at various checkpoints. Make sure to obtain the necessary permits in advance to avoid any delays or hassles during the trek.

Day-by-Day Itinerary

Detailed itinerary of annapurna base camp trek in may.

The following is a comprehensive day-by-day schedule for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May, emphasizing significant sites and attractions en route:

Highlighting The Key Landmarks And Attractions Along The Way

Highlighting the significant sites and attractions along the route is an important part of the day-by-day itinerary for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May. This comprises:

  • Modi Khoal : The Modi Khola River is a lovely river that winds through gorges and valleys, offering breathtaking vistas and a cool environment.
  • Jhinu Danda : After a strenuous day of hiking, Jhinu Danda's natural thermal springs provide a soothing experience.
  • Machhapuchhre Base Camp: Machhapuchhre Base Camp is a stunning location with breathtaking vistas of the mountain and its surroundings. It is also referred to as the "Fishtail" Base Camp.
  • Annapurna South: The world's tenth highest peak, and a breathtaking sight to witness.
  • Annapurna Base Camp: The trek's ultimate goal, located at an elevation of 4,130 meters and providing panoramic views of surrounding peaks such as Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Gangapurna, and Machhapuchhre.
  • Poon Hill: A famous location for sunrise and sunset views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges.
  • Gurung villages: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the Gurung people's traditional way of life, including their food, culture, and hospitality.

These are just a few of the key landmarks and attractions that can be included in the day-by-day itinerary for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May.

Challenges Faced During the Trek

Altitude sickness and ways to prevent it.

Altitude sickness is one of the biggest challenges faced during the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May, as the altitude can reach up to 4,130 meters. Some ways to prevent altitude sickness include:

  • Gradual ascent: It is critical to properly acclimate by progressively ascending to higher altitudes, with adequate rest and hydration.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids, such as water and herbal tea, can help avoid dehydration, which can exacerbate altitude sickness.
  • Proper nutrition: Eating a well-balanced diet rich in carbohydrates and protein can help keep energy levels up and avoid altitude sickness.
  • Medication: A doctor can prescribe medications such as Diamox to help avoid altitude sickness.
  • Rest : Rest and avoidance of over-exertion can help prevent mountain sickness.

Rough terrain, severe weather, and restricted access to necessities like food and shelter may be additional difficulties encountered during the trek. It is crucial to be ready for these difficulties by packing the necessary clothing and equipment and preparing both physically and psychologically for the demands of the trek.

Weather Conditions During May

May is considered to be one of the best months for trekking to Annapurna Base Camp due to favorable weather conditions. The temperature during the day ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius (59 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit) , with occasional rain showers. The nights can be cold, with temperatures dropping to around 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit).

It is important to be prepared for both hot and cold weather conditions by bringing appropriate clothing, such as lightweight breathable clothing for daytime trekking and warm layers for the evenings. It is also recommended to bring a rain jacket and waterproof pants in case of rain showers.

High And Low Temperature In The Annapurna Base Camp Route During May

Here is a table of the average high and low temperatures in the Annapurna Base Camp route during May:

Temperatures can vary based on the time of day and weather conditions, and these are only average temperatures. It is suggested that you verify the weather forecast and pack accordingly.

Staying Safe On The Trek

To guarantee a memorable and enjoyable trek to Annapurna Base Camp, it is crucial to stay safe. Here are some pointers to keep you secure while trekking:

Join a group or hire a guide for the trek to Annapurna Base Camp: Both options come strongly recommended. A guide can help you find your way around and give you useful local knowledge. Additionally, they can assist you in a situation.

  • Stay Hydrated: Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for preventing dehydration while trekking, particularly at higher altitudes. Altitude sickness and other health problems can result from dehydration.
  • Be mindful of altitude sickness: When trekking at higher altitudes, altitude sickness is a frequent problem. Headaches, nausea, vertigo, and exhaustion are some symptoms. To avoid altitude sickness, it's critical to be aware of the signs and take the proper precautions, like ascending gradually.
  • Wear appropriate clothing: It's essential to layer your clothing and dress for the weather. This includes apparel that is windproof and waterproof as well as warm garments for colder weather.
  • Respect the rules: It's crucial to abide by the trek's rules and regulations, which include acquiring the required permits and remaining on designated trails. This promotes environmental sustainability and guarantees everyone's safety while trekking.
  • Bring a first-aid kit: In case of minor injuries or illnesses, it is advised to travel with a first-aid box filled with basic supplies like bandages, antiseptic, and painkillers.

By following these tips and being prepared for the trek, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

Cultural Experience During Annapurna Base Camp Trek 

The Annapurna Base Camp trek not only provides breathtaking natural scenery, but also the chance to engage with locals and learn about their way of life. You will pass through a number of Gurung villages during the journey, who are renowned for their friendliness and distinctive culture.

Meeting The Locals And Experiencing The Local Culture

annapurna base camp trek in may

The chance to remain in regional teahouses is one of the highlights of the cultural experience on the Annapurna Base Camp trek. Trekkers can get a taste of the native way of life at these teahouses, which provide simple lodging and traditional Nepali food.

Along the route, there are numerous monasteries, temples, and stupas, among other cultural landmarks. These sites provide information about the local religion and history, as well as a chance to ask the locals about their traditions and beliefs.

A great method to learn about a culture is to interact with the locals. The Gurung people are renowned for their warmth and friendliness, and they enjoy sharing their customs and tales with outsiders.

Overall, the trek to Annapurna Base Camp offers a special and gratifying cultural experience. It offers the chance to experience the area's natural grandeur as well as to fully immerse oneself in its culture and way of life.

Learning About The History And Traditions Of The Region

On the trek to Annapurna Base Camp, learning about the region's past and customs is a crucial component of the cultural experience. Numerous ancient customs and habits that are still followed today are part of the region's rich historical and cultural heritage.

You will pass by a number of historically significant sites that shed light on the area's traditions and history as you travel the trekking path. Monasteries, temples, and stupas are a few of these historical sites; they are significant hubs of religion and culture and have existed for many years.

Additionally, the natives are delighted to tell guests about their customs and rituals. The Gurung people who live in the area are renowned for their distinctive customs and habits and have a long history and rich cultural heritage.

Trekkers can discover more about the Annapurna region's history and customs by interacting with the locals and stopping at the cultural hotspots along the route. It also improves the trek's overall experience by giving participants a deeper knowledge of local culture and way of life.

Overall, learning about the history and traditions of the Annapurna region is a fascinating aspect of the cultural experience on the Annapurna Base Camp trek, and adds to the richness and depth of the journey.

Festivals And Events In Annapurna Around May

In the Annapurna area, May is a month of religious and cultural celebrations. In and around Annapurna in May, the following festivals and activities are held:

  • Buddha Jayanti: Buddha Jayanti is a celebration held to remember the Lord Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and passing. The festival, which takes place in May, is observed nationwide in Nepal, including the Annapurna area.
  • Ghyalpo Losar : Ghyalpo Losar is a festival that the Gurung people in the Annapurna area observe. The celebration, which ushers in the Gurung New Year, is typically held in May.
  • Mani Rimdu: In the Annapurna area, the Sherpa people hold a three-day festival known as Mani Rimdu. Usually held in May, the celebration is held at the Tengboche Monastery.
  • Rhododendron Festival: The Annapurna Conservation Area hosts the Rhododendron Festival in May. The festival celebrates the blooming of the rhododendron flowers and includes cultural programs, food stalls, and guided tours.
  • International Everest Day: International Everest Day is celebrated on May 29th every year to commemorate the first successful ascent of Mount Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. The day is celebrated throughout Nepal, including in the Annapurna region.

The Annapurna region hosts a number of festivals and activities in May, just to name a few. In order to experience the distinctive cultural celebrations, be sure to verify the festival schedules if you're planning a trek to Annapurna in May.

Accommodation And Food

When making plans for the Annapurna Base Camp trek, accommodations and sustenance are crucial factors to take into account. You will encounter a variety of lodging and food options along the journey that are designed with hikers in mind.

Types Of Accommodation Available On The Trek

There are several types of accommodation available on the Annapurna Base Camp trek, ranging from basic teahouses to more luxurious lodges.

  • Teahouses : Teahouses are small guesthouses that offer basic accommodation to trekkers. They typically have shared rooms with basic amenities such as a bed, blanket, and pillow. Most tea houses also have a communal dining area where trekkers can enjoy meals together.
  • Guesthouses: Guesthouses are similar to teahouses, but they offer slightly more amenities such as private rooms, hot showers, and electricity. They are a popular choice among trekkers who prefer a bit more comfort.
  • Lodges: Lodges are larger and more luxurious accommodations that offer private rooms with en-suite bathrooms, hot showers, and other amenities such as WiFi and electricity. They are typically found in more popular trekking areas and can be more expensive than teahouses and guesthouses.
  • Camping: Camping is also an option for those who prefer to sleep in a tent rather than a guesthouse or lodge. However, this requires carrying camping equipment and supplies.

It is important to note that the quality of accommodation may vary along the trek and it is best to book in advance during peak season to ensure availability.

Food Options And Dietary Restrictions

The food choices on the Annapurna Base Camp trek range from traditional Nepali dishes to western-style meals. Among the popular food choices are:

  • Dal Bhat: This is a traditional Nepali dish that consists of rice, lentil soup, and vegetables. It is a staple food for most Nepalis and is a great source of energy for trekkers.
  • Momos: These are dumplings filled with meat or vegetables and are a popular snack among trekkers.
  • Thukpa: This is a noodle soup that is commonly eaten in the Himalayan region. It is a great comfort food for trekkers during cold weather.
  • Pizza and Pasta: Many lodges and teahouses offer western-style meals such as pizza and pasta, which can be a nice change of pace for trekkers.

For those with dietary restrictions, it is important to inform your guide or teahouse owner in advance. Most lodges and teahouses are able to accommodate dietary restrictions such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets. However, the options may be limited in some areas and it is best to bring some snacks or energy bars as a backup.

Photography Tips

The Annapurna Base Camp trek offers stunning views of the Himalayan mountain range and the surrounding landscape, making it a photographer's paradise. 

Best Places For Photography Along The Trek

Here are some photography tips and the best places to capture breathtaking photos along the trek:

  • Pokhara: This is the trek's starting point and provides panoramic views of the Annapurna range. It is an excellent location for dawn and sunset photography.
  • Chomrong: This hamlet provides breathtaking views of the Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) mountain and surrounding valleys.
  • Bamboo: This is a dense forest region with a diverse flora and fauna, making it ideal for nature photography.
  • Machhapuchhre Base Camp: The ultimate destination before reaching Annapurna Base Camp. It provides breathtaking views of the Machhapuchhre mountain and the nearby glaciers.

Tips For Capturing The Stunning Landscape Of Annapurna

Tips for capturing stunning landscape photos:

  • Use a tripod: This will assist you in stabilizing your camera and capturing sharp images, particularly in low-light situations.
  • Shoot during golden hour: This is the hour after sunrise and before dusk when the light is soft and golden, giving the scenery a warm glow.
  • Try with various angles: To catch unique and interesting photos, experiment with various angles and perspectives.
  • Take a wide-angle lens: With a wide-angle lens, you can catch more of the landscape in a single shot.
  • Don't overlook the details : While photographing the breathtaking scenery, don't neglect to include tiny details such as flowers, streams, and rocks, which can add depth and interest to your images.

Following these guidelines and visiting the above-mentioned locations will allow you to take stunning photos of the Annapurna Base Camp trek that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Final Thoughts On The Annapurna Base Camp Trek In May

A difficult yet rewarding journey, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May is sure to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. This trek is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience due to its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural history, and welcoming people.

However, it's crucial to keep in mind that this trek demands adequate preparation, physical fitness, and mental toughness. Prior preparation, the appropriate equipment, and securing the required licenses and payments are all advised.

Be aware of potential difficulties on the trek, such as altitude sickness, and take the required safety measures. Try to learn and experience as much as you can while showing respect for the local customs and people.

With all of this in mind, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May i s a fantastic chance to push yourself, discover a new region of the globe, and make priceless memories.

Encouragement To Plan The Trek And Make It A Reality

Regulus Treks & Expedition P Ltd encourages you to plan and make the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May a reality. With our expert guidance and support, we can help you create a customized itinerary that suits your needs and preferences.

Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from experiencing this life-changing adventure. Our experienced team will be with you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and comfort while also providing opportunities for cultural immersion and exploration.

Imagine standing at the base of some of the world's highest mountains, surrounded by stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. This can be your reality with Regulus Treks & Expedition P Ltd.

So, take the first step and contact us today to start planning your Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May. Let us help you turn your dreams into reality.

FAQs For Trek To Annapurna Base Camp In May

Do you recommend may as a time to trek  to annapurna base camp.

A: The Annapurna Base Camp climb is recommended in May. Compared to the high trekking season, the weather is pleasant and there are fewer people on the trails.

What should I bring on my May trek to Annapurna Base Camp?

A: Warm apparel for the evenings and early mornings, a sturdy trekking jacket, cozy trekking shoes, sunscreen, a hat, a sleeping bag, and a first-aid box should all be included in your luggage. Snacks and a water container are also options.

Do you have to worry about altitude illness if you hike to Annapurna Base Camp in May?

A: Regardless of the month, altitude illness is a risk when hiking to Annapurna Base Camp. Altitude sickness can be avoided by correctly acclimatizing and staying hydrated.

Do the Annapurna Base Camp Trek age limits apply?

A: While there are no set age requirements for the trek, it is advised that participants be at least 16 years old and in excellent physical condition.

What types of lodging are offered on the trek?

A: Along the Annapurna Base Camp Trek path are tea houses and lodges. These lodgings provide standard comforts like a bed, a hot shower, and food.

What sort of cuisine is served during the trek?

The tea houses and lodges provide a range of dining choices, including Western and Nepali food. Typical fare includes dal bhat, noodles, and momos, which are all straightforward and substantial.

Are you preparing for your trek to Annapurna Base Camp ? Contact us without delay. Tell us what you need, and we'll work with you to make your journey special.


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Base Camp Adventure

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp trek is an incredible trekking adventure in the beautiful foothills of the Annapurna massif. May in the Spring season and is one of the best times to trek in the region. This exciting adventure provides you with a perfect trekking atmosphere and breathtaking views of the snow-capped mountains.

May is a peak season for trekking in Nepal and hundreds of trekkers flock in this region to trek magnificent Himalayan landscapes. The daytime weather is favorable and temperatures are moderate which makes it ideal for trekking. You can observe the awe-inspiring snow-capped mountain views of Annapurna I, Manaslu, Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre, Mt. Dhaulagiri, and others.

Moreover, this incredible trek passes through the Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) and its diverse flora and fauna. You can explore the rare and endangered animals of the Annapurna region including Snow Leopard, Himalayan Tahr, Danphe, and others. This trek also takes you on a cultural exploration of the Gurung, Tamang, and Magar community settlements.

Furthermore, trekkers will stay at the local tea houses and lodges. The warm welcome and hospitality of the local people will make you fall in love with the place. We are offering this spectacular trek at a reasonable price. Read on to know more about the Annapurna Base Camp trek in May and other related information in detail.

Highlights of the Trek

  • Awe-inspiring Himalayan sunrise views from the Poon Hill viewpoint
  • Breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains including Annapurna I, Machhapuchhare, Annapurna South, Dhaulagiri, Himchhuli, Manaslu, and others
  • Walking through diverse landscapes of Annapurna Sanctuary
  • Spotting rare and endangered animals of the region
  • Exploring the culture, heritage, and lifestyle of the local ethnic community
  • Hot water bathing at Jhinu danda hot springs
  • Incredible welcome and hospitality of the local people

Trekking Route

After an early morning flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, we will take a short drive to Syauli Bazar. The trekking journey starts with a hike from Syauli Bazar to Ghandruk. Thereafter, we will stay overnight at a community-run homestay in Ghandruk and trek to Sinuwa Danda via Chomrong the next day.

Furthermore, we trek to Deurali from Sinuwa Danda, passing through bamboo forests. We will start our ultimate trek to Annapurna Base Camp passing through the Machhapuchhre Base Camp. After exploring the area and taking beautiful pictures, we will rest in the evening and spend the night at ABC.

Finally, we will start our return trek from ABC to Bamboo. We will pass through various settlements to arrive at Jhinu from Bamboo passing through the various settlements. We will take a scenic drive back to Pokhara and stay at a hotel or return to Kathmandu on another 6-7 hour drive along Prithvi Highway.

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Why Go On Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May?

Annapurna Base Camp Trek In September

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May has many exciting aspects. Some of the major reasons to go on this trek are as follows:

Minimal precipitation and snowfall

May has stable weather conditions and fewer chances of rainfall or snowfall as it is a post-winter and pre-monsoon period. The dry trails allow trekkers to explore the region in all its glory.

Besides that, flight cancellations or delays are not common in this season. The green valleys and mountains landscapes look incredibly beautiful in May as well.

Breathtaking mountain views on clear skies

This incredible trek in May provides you with incredible views of snow-capped mountains and other natural beauties in a clear blue sky. The sharp views of peaks and surrounding vista will make you fall in love with the place.

May is also the peak spring season so the peaks look majestic. The golden sun rays falling over silver mountains are spectacular. The picturesque surroundings like green meadows, valleys, and water streams are the highlight of the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

Visit Annapurna sanctuary

You will trek through the beautiful landscapes of the Annapurna sanctuary. The rare and endangered animals of the Annapurna region and unique vegetation are highlights of this trek.

Some of the animals you can spot in this trek are Pandas, Foxes, Snow leopards, the Himalayan bear, Musk deer, and others. The animals also start to remain active in May.

Bustling Trails

It is also the peak season for trekking and traveling in the Annapurna region. The routes are bustling with trekkers from all around the world in May. The wildflowers blooming all over hills including Rhododendron will spellbind you.

The trek also provides you with an opportunity to go on a group trekking with fellow family and friends. Even if you trek solo, fellow trekkers will keep you company throughout. So, this is another excellent aspect of this trek.

How is the Weather Condition of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May?

May lies at the end of the Spring season in Nepal. The stable weather conditions with minimal precipitation are the highlight of the trek in May. A favorable trekking environment in May makes hundreds of trekkers flock to the Annapurna region.

May ranges around 20-degree Celsius in temperature at lower altitudes whereas higher altitudes are significantly lower. The temperatures in the mornings and nights drop around 5 degrees Celsius. Hence, you should pack well for a trek with warm clothes and proper trekking gear.

Moreover, the ABC trek is also known for harsh winds of around 10km/hr in higher elevations. There is minimal precipitation in the early parts of May in the Annapurna region but there are some occasional rainfalls in the latter parts of May. Hence, you should trek in early May as far as possible.

Food And Accommodation During Annapurna Base Camp Trek In May

Cost of Food and Drinks in Nepal

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek trail includes many tea houses and lodges. You can find many of these accommodations along the trail where you can stay overnight. They provide basic facilities for food and accommodation. Most of the rooms in these tea houses have two separate beds, a warm blanket, a mattress, a pillow, and a clean sheet.

They also provide hot water, charging, and Wi-Fi facilities in lower regions at an added cost. As you move along trails, you will find these facilities to decline gradually in higher elevations. The food facilities are quite basic with the local Nepali cuisine of Dal Bhat being most common.

The dish contains Dal, Bhat, vegetables, lentils, pickles, Gundruk, meat, and others. You will get served this dish twice a day for lunch and dinner. For breakfast, you will get bread toast, porridge, and eggs. And for drinks, tea, coffee, garlic soup are quite common. Some tea houses also provide momo, Chowmein, pizza, pasta, burger, and others in lower regions.

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How difficult is annapurna base camp trek in may.

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May is the peak season for trekking and traveling in the Annapurna region. However, there are some difficulties that you might have to face during the ABC trek in May. Some of them are as follows:

Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is one of the major difficulties of the trek. There is a lesser amount of oxygen and air pressure in high elevations which makes breathing difficult. Headache, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, difficulty in breathing, etc are some of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

If you can feel any of the symptoms you should stop your trek and descend at a lower altitude immediately. You should also inform your guide so that they can help you with the emergency evacuation if necessary. They will provide you with immediate first aid help as well.

Duration and Distance

The ABC Trek is generally 11 to 15 days long. Trekking for a long duration in remote regions is quite challenging. The itinerary can get changed based on your preference. A longer itinerary with proper acclimatization days is generally recommended for beginners.

A shorter itinerary means that you will have to work for a long duration and not get time for acclimatization and rest. Usually, a trek of around 5 to 6 hours with breaks in the middle is comfortable.

A short itinerary means that you will have to trek for 7 to 9 hours each day covering a 20 to 25 km distance . This can make your trekking journey harsh especially with no acclimatization.

Lack of Privacy

The route of this ABC trek in May will remain crowded as it is a peak season for trekking in Nepal. So, you might find it difficult to adjust if you love trekking in a quiet peaceful atmosphere . You will find fellow trekkers in every corner along the trail.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May can be quite challenging for these reasons. You will have to queue up for everything including toilet and meal facilities and cannot get a clear view without obstruction. The noise created by fellow trekkers along the trail is disturbing as well.

Packed Accommodation

There are a limited number of tea houses and lodges in the Annapurna region. So, they remain crowded and if you do not book in advance you will not find the best accommodation facilities.

May is a peak season and you might have to share rooms or even sleep in the dining hall due to the unavailability of rooms. Also, rooms will cost you more in these seasons.

Detailed Itinerary – Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Day 01: fly to pokhara and drive to syauli bazar (1,100 m), walk to ghandruk village (1,930 m)..

Flight duration: 35 minutes

Maximum altitude: 1,930 m

Trekking hours: 06 hrs

After breakfast, we will start our journey with a scenic flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara. You can also drive to Pokhara which takes around 6-7 hours. Pokhara is a beautiful lake city with many pristine lakes and provides magical views of snow-capped mountains including Annapurna and Machhapuchhre Himal.

You can go on a short sightseeing tour of Pokhara and then drive to Syauli Bazar from where you will start a short hike of around 2 hours to arrive at Ghandruk. Ghandruk is a famous Gurung village from where you can observe majestic views of snow-capped mountain peaks including Annapurna. You will spend the night at a community homestay in Ghandruk.

Day 02: Trek from Ghandruk to Sinwa Danda (2,355 m) via Chomrong (2,170 m).

Ghandruk Trek

Trek duration: 06 hrs

Maximum altitude: 2,355 m

After having breakfast, we will trek from Ghandruk passing through a stone-paved trail to arrive at the village of Sinuwa Danda. A trek of around two hours will take you to Chomrong Danda ridge. We will gradually descend downhill to arrive at the Chomrong River valley passing through a deep forest.

Terraced farmed hills and vast green fields along the trail will enchant you. After climbing a steep hill, we will arrive at Chomrong which is a scenic village settlement. From Chomrong, we will take downhill descent and continue trekking alongside the Chomrong river, before taking another sharp uphill to Sinuwa.

Sinuwa village on top of a hill provides you with awe-inspiring views of the snow-capped mountains of the Annapurna region. After exploring around the area and observing this incredible mountain vista we will rest and stay overnight at a teahouse in Sinuwa.

Day 03: Trek from Sinuwa Danda to Deurali (3,235 m).

Maximum altitude: 3,235 m

We will start trekking from Sinuwa to Deurali after having breakfast early in the morning. Trekkers will pass through the forest trail with dense wood and bamboo trees to arrive at Bamboo. Bamboo is a small temporary settlement where you can find many tea houses and lodges.

This trail then continues on a river gorge with many rhododendrons, bamboo, and pine trees. From Bamboo, we will descend gradually alongside the Modi River gorge to arrive at Dovan. You will arrive at the Himalaya Hotel after passing through many winding roads.

You can find a large Hinko cave along the trail beneath the mountain peaks of Annapurna South and Himchuli. We will trek downhill passing through the Modi River to arrive at Deurali where you can find many Alpine bushes along the trail. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Deurali.

Day 04: Trek from Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) (4,130 m).

Maximum altitude: 4,130 m

After breakfast, we will start our trek steeply alongside the Modi Khola and continue through forested trails. The trail then leads us to Machhapuchhre Base Camp located in the north face of the Machhapuchhre.

We will explore around Machhapuchhre Base Camp and take pictures before continuing our journey to the Annapurna Base Camp. We will pass through the Annapurna Sanctuary region that works in the conservation of flora and fauna of the region. Many up and down paths within the sanctuary will challenge all trekkers to their core.

After trekking for a few hours, we will arrive at the Base Camp. The Annapurna Base Camp located at an altitude of 4,130 m is also the highest point of the trek. The magical vista of Gangapurna, Vara-Shikhar, Annapurna South, and others will spellbind you. You can explore the ABC area and then stay overnight at the local teahouse in the Base Camp.

Day 05: Trek from Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo (2,345 m)

Maximum altitude: 2,345 m

We will wake up early in the morning to enjoy the glorious Himalayan sunrise overlooking the Annapurna range of mountains from the Base Camp. We will then have our breakfast, and continue our downhill trek of bamboo. The trail then takes us through tree lines and forested areas. We will spend the night at a local teahouse after arriving in Bamboo.

Day 06: Trek from Bamboo to Kyumi via Jhinu village (1,780 m) and drive to Pokhara.

Maximum altitude: 1,780 m

Trek duration: 07 hrs

We will have our breakfast early in the morning and then continue our trek to Chomrong. We arrive at Chomrong hilltop after trekking for a few hours and then continue to Jhinu village. Jhinu hot water springs are a prime attraction of this trek where many trekkers relax their muscles by dipping in hot water after trekking.

We then descend downhill for half an hour alongside the Modi-River, to arrive at Jhinu hot water springs. Thereafter, we arrive at Kyumi village after a trek of a few hours where you can find many green farms. Furthermore, we will then drive to Pokhara which takes around 2 hours, and then spend the night at a hotel.

Day 07: Drive or Fly back to Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel.

We will drive back to Kathmandu after having breakfast. You can also take a scenic flight back to Kathmandu . You can go on a sightseeing tour of the city or observe the bustling atmosphere of the Thamel area. Thereafter, you will stay overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu.

Factors to consider for Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

annapurna base camp trek in may

Some of the essential factors to consider for the ABC trek in May are as follows:

Advance Booking

Booking is essential, especially in peak season. You might have to sleep in the dining hall or camp outside in case the rooms get packed. If you travel with a trekking agency you don’t have to worry about these logistics. They will help you with accommodation booking and your behalf as most of the tea houses remain packed for the whole season.

Gradual walk

Walking gradually at a gentle pace is the most important tip while trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas. You should not take this trek as a race and trek in a slow manner. So, you should trek slowly exploring around the region, and taking your time to enjoy the moments during your trek.

Magnificent mountain peaks and colorful forests are highlights of this trek. You can also learn about the tradition, culture, and heritage of the people. Hence, you should trek gradually along the trail.

Hire a Guide or Porter

Hiring a professional trekking guide and porter is essential especially if you have not trekked in high altitude conditions. Trekking for a long duration carrying heavy backpacks is not a walk in the park.

The guide helps you with navigation along the trail as there are many many routes to Annapurna Base Camp. They also know all their shortcuts. They will also help you translate and learn about local culture.

Regular Hydration

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May requires regular hydration. Dehydration leads to altitude sickness and hence carrying a water bottle is essential as you can refill them in tea houses.

The bottled water costs are high in higher elevations and thus you should carry water purification tablets and purify them. However, boiled water may cost you extra along the trail. You should fill all your water bottles at the beginning of your trek as water resources are scarce.

Physical Training

Physical training will help you gain a basic level of fitness and stamina for the Base Camp. The moderate-level trek then leads you to remote and rugged terrains. However, you must remain physically and mentally fit, so that you can go on this incredible adventure with ease.

So, physical training is essential for this trek. The physical training exercise will build your strength and endurance. Running, swimming, cycling, hiking, and others are some of the cardiovascular activities that you can perform in your training regime. These exercises along with mental preparation at least two weeks before your trek will help you immensely during the trek.

Some Essential Tips For Trek

  • Proper acclimatization will help you tackle altitude sickness in high altitude conditions.
  • Check the weather forecast to plan for the trek.
  • Hydration at regular intervals is essential to tackle altitude sickness along trails.
  • Carry cash in Nepali money and beware of pickpockets.
  • Pack lightly with only those items that are essential during the trek.
  • Walk at a gentle pace with proper rest in the middle.
  • Hire professional trekking guides and porters.

Packing List of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Packing List

Some of the items required for the ABC Trek in May are as follows:

  • Trekking shirts
  • Windproof/waterproof jacket
  • Waterproof trekking pants
  • Thermal wears
  • Woolen trekking socks
  • Down jacket
  • Fleece jackets
  • Woolen gloves
  • Warm woolen cap
  • Trekking boots
  • Anti-nauseant medication
  • Mosquito and insect repellent
  • Rehydration salts
  • Water purifying tablets
  • Toilet paper
  • Quick-dry towel

Important documents

  • Necessary Permits
  • Travel insurance
  • Power Banks
  • Solar Chargers
  • Extra Chargers
  • Local SIM card
  • Reusable water bottles

Trips you may like:

  • Langtang Valley Trek 11 Days
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Annapurna Base Camp trek is an exciting trek in the beautiful landscapes of the Annapurna region. This trek passes through incredible mountain foothills and other natural landscapes. May is one of the best times to trek this outstanding region.

This magical view of snow-capped mountains and green valleys is highlighted in May. Overall, the Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is one of the best trekking adventures in Nepal. We hope you learned about this ABC trek in May in detail. Contact us for more information and book your trip now!

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

annapurna base camp trekking

One of the most popular treks worldwide, Annapurna Base Camp , is a vision of beauty. It has superb walking trails with magnificent scenery, which just looks fairly better in spring, especially during May. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May brings out the best of lush green farms and flowers in bloom.

It may not have the ideal spring weather, but May is not that bad for Annapurna Base Camp Trek. It also has pleasant climatic conditions with mild weather, making it comfortable for hiking. Days are balmy and full of sunshine, so walking the trail becomes a scenic walk in the month.

Annapurna Base Camp weather is hot and humid in May. With summer just around the corner, temperatures reach as high as 25 Degree Celsius. Most of the days are sunny with a clear sky and cool air.

However, the weather at Annapurna Base Camp isn’t consistent. Spring is almost at its end, while summer eases its way into the camp. As a result, the weather starts getting hotter from the mid of May.

Late May is scorching hot, so not many trekkers climb the base camp at the time. The trails are uncrowded, so you can travel the region without being bothered. Trekkers visiting Annapurna Base Camp in May have a wonderful view to enjoy. Unlike March, they can witness Machhapiuchhre, Manaslu, Pisang, and many other snow peaks without any hindrance.

You might like to read: ABC trek during February , March

Highlights of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

  • A pristine view of lofty snow peaks, including Annapurna massif, Dhaulagiri, Pisang Peak, and Paunga Danda
  • Traveling the old Gurung villages
  • Crisp and clear weather with beautiful sunshine
  • Discover the unique culture, customs, and traditions of local people
  • A scenic walk through the conservation area
  • Exploration of the rich biodiversity

Female solo annapurna trek

Reasons to do Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Trekkers of Annapurna Base Camp often have trouble picking the right spring month to visit the place. They’re in the puzzle of whether to hike the camp in April or May. So, here are some reasons why they should take Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May.

1. Moderate Weather

It’s no secret that the weather at Annapurna Base Camp is unforeseeable. Due to the high elevation, the weather here is constantly changing. But, May is probably one of the few times when the weather at the base camp is stable.

The weather is mildly warm throughout the month. Days are generally warm at the base camp, with temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 Degree Celsius. The weather does get cold at night but it’s not frosty.

In fact, the climate is mild and bearable. The end of the month may be slightly hot and humid due to summer temperatures. Walking down the route is comfortable in May as compared to June and July.

2. Great scenery

May is the perfect time to relish the incredible views of Annapurna Base Camp. It’s when the spring is in full swing with warmer weather and full-bloom flowers. The trees have their leaves back by the month and birds will return to the nest, putting forth a great show.

May’s crisp and clear weather allows visitors to capture the beautiful shots of Annapurna massif. It tends to offer them picturesque scenes of lush green farms, vibrant valleys, and mountains.

The warm and lovely weather of May makes any stroll through the forest a nature walk. Not to mention, the sun is out all day long in May, which makes hiking comfortable and easy. Also, its cloudless sky enables trekkers to view the sunrise from Poon Hill.

3. Rich culture

Trekking Annapurna Base Camp is as much about knowing a different culture as it’s about exploring places and enjoying views. So, what’s better than May to visit the place when the locals are in a full festive mood?

Festivals like Buddha Jayanti fall right in the month. So, it’s the perfect time to travel the region and get an inside look into the customs and traditions of the Himalayan people. They’ll also get to visit ancient Tibetan monasteries, chortens, and mani walls during the trek.

Apart from that, you also have a good chance of learning about multiple other traditions and practices since villages in the Annapurna region are multi-ethnic. They also have many religious sites and landmarks, which travelers can explore on their trip.

4. Increased daylight hours

Another perk of trekking Annapurna Base Camp in May is more sunlight and longer days. Due to the spring equinox, trekkers climbing Annapurna Base Camp in May get extra hours of daylight. It takes the pressure off hikers by giving them more time to get things done.

There’s no rush for trekkers to reach the final stop. They can relax and go easy on the trail as the sun is up till late evening. Provided the warm sunshine, it’s more comfortable walking the course in May.

Outline Itinerary:

Day 01: arrive in kathmandu and prepare for the trek, day 02: drive from kathmandu to pokhara.

Pokhara Altitude: 822 meters

Drive Duration: 7-8 hrs

Day 03: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul, then trek to Ghandruk

Nayapul Altitude: 1,071 meters / 2,723 ft

Drive Duration: 2-2.5 hrs

Ghandruk Altitude:1,940 meters / 6,364 ft

Trek Duration: 6 hrs

Day 04: Trek from Ghandruk to Chhomrong

Chhomrong Altitude: 2,170 meters / 7,119 ft

Trek Duration: 5-6 hrs

Day 05: Trek from Chhomrong to Bamboo

Bamboo Altitude: 2,310 meters / 7,578 ft

Trek Duration: 4-5 hrs

Day 06: Trek from Bamboo to Deurali

Deurali Altitude: 3,230 meters / 10,597 ft

Trek Duration: 6-7 hrs

Day 07: Trek from Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp via Machhapuchhre Base Camp

Annapurna Base Camp Altitude: 4,130 meters / 13,549 ft

Machhapuchhre Base Camp Altitude: 3,712 meters / 12,178 ft

Trek Duration: 7-8 hrs

Day 08: Trek from Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo

Bamboo Altitude: 2,310 meters / 7,570 ft

Trek Duration: 8 hrs

Day 09: Trek from Bamboo to Jhinu Danda

Jhinu Danda Altitude: 1,760 meters / 5,774 ft

Day 10: Trek from Jhinu Danda to Nayapul then drive to Pokhara

Day 11: drive from pokhara to kathmandu, day 12: final departure.

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What is the weather like at Annapurna Base Camp in May?

Late spring is one of the best times to visit Annapurna Base Camp. The weather is usually warm and sunny at this time around. Trekkers will experience a pleasant atmosphere for the most part, but by the end of the month, the weather gets hot.

Spring weather will persist till the mid of the month, causing trails to be busy-buzzy until then. Travelers are in a rush to reach the camp as the temperature starts to rise thereafter. Days are sunnier in May, while nights are mildly cold.

Trekkers can expect a clear sky with majestic scenery during the month. Of course, the warmer temperature helps flowers bloom inside the sanctuary and provides a breathtaking view. It’s likely that the May weather gives a summer vibe in the last few days before the summer.

With the increasing temperature, travelers will live out the hot weather. While the weather is super hot on days in the lower region, it’s cozy and warm at the base camp. The nights are not as cold as it is in April, which is likable. To avoid the extreme heat, most trekkers leave base camp by the end of the month.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in March

The temperature at Annapurna Base Camp in May

With summer starting to take off at the Annapurna Base Camp, the temperature rises in May. It’s hot and humid during the days while the nights are warm. The average temperature of Annapurna Base Camp is in the range of 10 to 14 Degree Celsius in May .

Temperatures rise steadily from the end of the month, reaching up to 25 Degree Celsius. Mid-May is pretty hot as well, with temperatures reaching 12 Degree Celsius . With temperatures dropping below 0 Degree Celsius , trekkers may experience winter-like conditions at night.

Pokhara – min temp: 5 degree celsius / max temp: 25 degree celsius

Ghorepani – min temp: 2 degree celsius / max temp: 22 degree celsius

Chhomrong – min temp: 2.4 degree celsius / max temp: 22 degree celsius

Annapurna Base Camp – min temp: -3 degree celsius / max temp: 19 degree celsius

What are the challenges of trekking Annapurna Base Camp in May

It’s true that the Annapurna Base Camp trek is a moderate hike with no technical climbs. Its trails are significantly easier to navigate than the other hikes. But, that doesn’t mean, trekkers will have no trouble ascending it. Even aside from elevation, travelers will face many challenges while hiking Annapurna Base Camp. Some of them are

1. Larger crowd

May is the last time trekkers will get to enjoy spring weather before summer heat takes the region. The weather gets only hotter from here on and makes hiking more difficult. As a result, trekkers pull out all the stops to reach the camp.

Since everyone is in a rush to get to the base camp, the trails are more crowded in May than ever. There’s a lot of chaos and traffic jams along the way. It also leads to a shortage of accommodation and food, which is daunting.

2. Trek Distance

Trails of Annapurna Base Camp may not seem a big deal compared to other challenging hikes. It does appear like a walk in the park, but it’s certainly not. The routes are pretty long and demanding with over 110 km to walk.

Trekkers will have to cover the journey of 15 to 20 km every day for at least two weeks. On a typical day, they’ll have to travel an average of 5-6 hours, which is quite exhausting. Along with the trek duration, they’re also required to maintain the momentum and go fast on the trekkers.

Trekkers can waste no time on the trail if they want to reach the camp on a due date. So, they’ll have to be real quick and stick to the itinerary. Visiting any other place that’s not mentioned in the travel schedule will cost you extra time and cause a delay on the trip.

3. Lack of physical fitness

A high-altitude trek is usually more strenuous and difficult than the regular hikes. They are physically more demanding and gruesome. Hence, trekkers must come prepared to overcome challenges on the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek has many inclines and steeps, which are incredibly tough to climb. Most of its trails are uneven with bumps and rocks. They pass through wild forests and a series of villages, which are long and tiring.

Therefore, travelers will have to improve their fitness level to beat the harsh terrains over the course of time. Travelers will have to take great care of their health before and during the trek. Since the journey gets more difficult with the increase in altitude, trekkers will have to have better stamina and endurance power.

4. Management of travel budget

One of the greatest challenges of trekking Annapurna Base Camp in May is a proper budget plan. With the increasing demand for accommodation, it can be complicated for trekkers to manage the budget, especially in the higher elevation.

Lodgings are generally pricey at a higher altitude due to few options. Apart from that, the extreme landscapes and lack of infrastructures also affect the price of dwellings. The budget is going to be slightly high during the peak season, like May.

Forget about the discount; it’s already hard to get rooms on the trekking route of Annapurna Base Camp in May. To not let that happen, make the reservations ahead of the trek. It will help you save money and not pay an extra price.

Another way of budget management is to go with simpler and easy options like teahouse as they are less expensive and have all the facilities required during the trek. The food and services are cheaper in the lower region, so stock whatever you need.

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Food and Accommodation

Even though May marks the end of Spring, the celebration continues at Annapurna Base Camp. Guesthouses and lodges are filled with guests. They are somewhat busy treating the visitors with delicious food and quality service. They endeavor to take the best care of travelers and make their stay in the region more comfortable and relaxing.

Teahouses are the most common accommodation found on trails of Annapurna Base Camp. They are very popular among trekkers, mainly due to the low price and improved accessibility. The facilities are pretty standard with shared bedrooms and only a toilet for all the visitors.

Each room has a comfy bed with a pillow, blanket, and a towel. They have no luxurious amenities, but if you agree to splurge extra bucks on the trek, then maybe we can arrange additional facilities for you like a hot shower, internet, and en suite rooms.

Each day, you’ll get to taste the authentic Nepali dish, rice, vegetables, and other staple foods that are healthy. The items that make into the plate include lentils, pickles, pulses, and more. Their lunch and breakfast have some great food as well.

You get too many items to choose from like bread, noodles, spaghetti, soup, muesli, and more. Apart from that, there are many lodges and guest houses that serve western and Asian cuisines, so you can have them to eat.

Trekking route

There’s no doubt that Annapurna Base Camp is one of the ideal trek destinations we have. It’s quite likable with easy walking trails that anyone can do. The routes are moderate and start right off from Nayapul, following a 7 hours drive via Pokhara.

Trekkers will have to take the steep and jagged routes off the hillside to arrive at Ghandruk. From here, they’ll pass several old villages and walk through the dense forests filled with pine and rhododendron.

Leaving the Chhomrong behind, the trail heads to Bamboo. While on the journey, trekkers have to cross the suspension bridge multiple times and trek through the Machhapuchhre Base Camp to get to the foot of Annapurna.

The trek is quite thrilling as they get to witness the pristine view of Annapurna massif, Dhaulagiri, Pisang, Manaslu, and Paunga Danda all through the way. The scenes from the camp are equally enticing, with diverse landscapes, rolling hills, and steep-sided valleys.

After the sightseeing, visitors will descend the trail to Jhinu Danda which is photogenic. There are green farms and meadows all along the way, putting a scenic display. You’ll then retrace the steps back to Nayapul and finally take a drive to Pokhara before returning to Kathmandu.

Preparation for Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Altitude sickness in Annapurna Base Camp Trek in February

Annapurna Base Camp is perhaps one of the most acclaimed treks in Nepal. It’s visited more than any other place here. But, hiking Annapurna Base Camp is no walk in the park. Steep walks, dramatic weather changes, rocky hills, and thin air are only a few factors that make the hike challenging and strenuous.

Beginners will find the base camp trek more difficult as they have to walk the mountainous terrains and also deal with the fluctuating temperature. Therefore, they have to be well-prepared before the hike.

Trekkers have to make sure that they are physically fit and strong enough to take on the course. Amateurs are required to improve their stamina and endurance to walk long-distance trails.

Physical Preparation

If you are to challenge the trails of Annapurna Base Camp, take ample time on training. Be informed of the workout plan and ensure that it fits your body. Do the exercise that prepares your body for long and steep walks.

Instead of following a hardcore fitness regimen, train for cardiovascular exercise like running, brisk walking, and swimming. They really help a lot to improve your balance and reduce the chances of knee pain.

To avoid getting injured, practice walking a few trails. They’ll boost your confidence and give you a preliminary idea of how to handle the different conditions. Trekking beforehand also supports the hikers to walk the mountainous terrains.

Mental Preparation

Mental preparation is as important as physical preparation. It helps you handle the pressure in unexpected circumstances. Mental toughness will provide you the strength to face difficulties more courageously.

If you want to maximize your abilities, try walking a few short and long-distance trails. Ensure that you have all the equipment required for the hike, as it’ll help you trek the base camp more comfortably.

Similarly, the weather and temperature at the base camp are generally harsh in May. Its low humidity and atmospheric pressure can affect the health of travelers. So take the weather forecast into consideration before heading to the camp.

Packing List

Breakdown of Annapurna Base Camp Trek Cost

Preparation for Annapurna Base Camp also requires trekkers to pack a few items that play along with the atmospheric conditions. Since the weather in May is slightly warmer than April, you’ll need light warm clothes. Daytime wear for the Annapurna Base Camp trek can range from short sleeve shirts to fleece sweaters and down jackets. Nights are generally cold at the base camp, so you need to bring some down jacket or insulated ones to keep yourself warm.

  • Long and short-sleeved shirts
  • Quick-drying t-shirt
  • Fleece jacket
  • Fleece trek pants
  • Breathable pants and trousers
  • Sun-shielding hat
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Bandana or buff
  • Hiking boots
  • Cotton socks
  • Trekking shoes

Other items

  • First-aid kit
  • Personal toiletries like hand sanitizer
  • Insect repellent
  • Extra batteries, memory card, and camera
  • Entry permit
  • Outdoor journal and pen

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek – Itinerary, Cost and Other Important FAQs

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Asia , Nepal


The Annapurna Base Camp trek is one of the most popular hikes in Nepal .

Quite simply put: the mountain scenery is incredible.

On this page, you will find a comprehensive and impartial guide to the Annapurna Base Camp hike. Get up close with one of the top 10 highest mountains in the world .

Annapurna Base Camp Hike

To name a few of the mountains you will be trekking amongst, there is Annapurna I (26,505 feet), Annapurna South (23,684 feet), Machapuchhre (22,943 feet) and Hiunchili (21,131 feet). These are arranged in a circle roughly 10 miles wide with a glacier-glazed amphitheatre at the centre which the locals, Gurungs, call the ‘Throne of the Gods' (much like  Greece's Mt Olympus ). It is more commonly known to Westerners as the  Annapurna Sanctuary .

Machapuchhre is considered sacred by Gurungs and climbing it is forbidden, although a British party came within 200 feet in 1957.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek usually takes 10 to 15 days, depending upon how relaxed you take it, and the trek is of moderate difficulty.

Although the valley floor affords good camping if the weather is fair, you will usually stay in one of many Nepal tea houses along the route. Please note that single rooms are rare. Cold showers are free, but hot ones must be paid for. Electricity to charge devices usually costs NPR100 per hour. 

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is the only hiking route in the region untouched by road construction. There are more than 100 kinds of mammal in the area, 60 kinds of reptile and amphibians, 450 kinds of birds and nine kinds of rhododendron!

The finest moments of this trek are at sunrise, when the sun dances across the mountains. You will occasionally be granted 360-degree vistas at some of the higher points along the trail.

Annapurna Regional Map

The Annapurna Conservation Area is located in the mid-western part of Nepal, from the Kali Gandaki River in the west to Marshyangdi in the east.


Recommended Annapurna Map

There are quite a few good maps available of the Annapurna region. The one we recommend is called Around Annapurna 1:125 000 . It provides full coverage of the Annapurna Conservation Area and Annapurna Sanctuary, with detailed trails, walking distances and altitudes.


Annapurna Base Camp Itinerary

Please note that there are several Annapurna Base Camp trek itineraries that can be done. Below we have laid out the most popular version – 11 days, including a pre and post stay in Kathmandu. It is possible to do the trek in a shorter time, but you would need to be very fit and well acclimatised. Equally, you could take a few more days and build in some time to rest and acclimatise. 


You will arrive in Kathmandu. Kathmandu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so there is much to do, and even if the many sights of cultural and spiritual significance fail to take your fancy, there is a plethora of wide-ranging markets, great bookshops and handicraft and novelty shops.

See here for things to do in Nepal as well as what to do in Kathmandu . 

You can either fly or get a bus to Pokhara, the second-largest city in Nepal, where the vistas of the Annapurnas are spectacular. Most treks either begin in Phedi or Nayapul, both of which take between 1-2 hours to drive to from Pokhara. Assuming you start from Nayapul, you will trek for 5-6 hours to Ghandruk (from Phedi, you would go to Landruk). Most of the trekking is uphill through amazing forests of mixed oak, rhododendrons and terraced fields.

annapurna base camp trek in may

From Ghandruk, the trail descends to a river where you will cross at New Bridge. At roughly 1,600 feet you start ascending again. The trail links to another from Landruk. A brief walk, including a stone staircase, will bring you to Chhomrung, a village where there is a gorgeous view of Machhapuchhre (Fish Tail) and Annapurna South. This day covers 5-6 hours of trekking and is quite undulating.

One more stone staircase takes you downwards to cross the Chhomrung Khola. You will follow the west bank of the Modi Khola, passing forests of oak, bamboo and rhododendron. You will then ascend to Kuldighar and make your way down a long stone staircase, ending up at the village of Bamboo where you will stay for the night. This is a shorter day (around 4-5 hours).

You will pass the remarkable limestone Hinku Caves. The path here is well-defined and undulating, with many stone steps on the way. You will then follow a winding stone path before arriving at the village of Deurali where you can stay for the night. Again, this is another short day which lasts for 3-4 hours.

Day 7 

Walking for two or three strenuous hours brings you to Machhapuchare Base Camp, a patch of dirt and rocks – a moraine, as it’s formally known – enclosed by the snow-capped peaks of Annapurnas I and III and Machapuchare. You will be dying for a break here before continuing on into the Annapurna Sanctuary. Shortly thereafter (2 hours), you will reach Annapurna Base Camp, the highest point of the trek (4,130m/13,545ft) where you will stay overnight. This campsite is rudimentary and there are no showers.

annapurna base camp trek in may

Most trekkers either return to Deurali on a different route that generally winds its way downhill or go all the way back to Bamboo. If you choose the latter, it will be about a 7–8-hour trek.

It is staircase time once more. This is another long one, with bamboo and rhododendron forests to either side. You go to Kuldighar and Sinuwa, then on to Modi Khola. The day ends with a sheer climb in the direction of Chhomrung, before descending to to Jhinu Danda, which takes about 5-7 hours of trekking. There are hot springs about a 20-minute walk from Jhinu Danda.

You will trek through villages and terraced fields, eventually reaching Syauli Bazaar, then Nayapul after another 6 hours of trekking. From Nayapul, the drive back to Pokhara takes about 1-2 hours.

The flight back to Kathmandu is spectacular, looking down on the Himalayas.


Annapurna Base Camp Trek FAQ

When is the best time to trek to annapurna base camp.

Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May) are are the main  Nepal trekking seasons and the best times to trek to Annapurna base camp. The rhododendron forests bloom in spring. Taking the trip in winter (December to February) will free you of crowds but the Base Camp is sometimes closed due to snow during this time. The monsoon season (June, July and August) is unpleasant and very wet with lots of leeches.

How much does the Annapurna Base Camp trek cost?

The Annapurna Base Camp trek cost ranges from $1,000 for an unsupported / non-commercial trek (assuming $100 a day is enough to cover all your accommodation needs, food, permits and perhaps some support from a local guide) to $2,500 upwards for an all-inclusive tour with a Nepal trekking company , generally including return flights from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

How difficult is the trek to Annapurna Base Camp?

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is of moderate difficulty. You will be trekking for 4-7 hours a day for over a week, so you will need to be relatively fit. The best way to prepare is to get as many miles as possible under foot on trails in your home country.


Are permits required for the Annapurna Base Camp trek?

Yes, permits are required for the Annapurna Base Camp trek. You'll need an Annapurna Conservation Area Project permit and Trekker Information Management System registration are in order to do the trek.

If you are joining an organised tour, these will be arranged for you by your tour operator. However, if you are looking to go it alone, you will have to bring four passport-sized photographs with you and go to the offices of the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu to apply. We recommend bringing copies of your passport and insurance policy. The offices follow government working hours and days and are not open on Sundays.

Is altitude sickness a risk on the Annapurna Base Camp trek?

Yes, altitude sickness is a risk on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek because it ascends to some high-altitude points. At its highest point, the Annapurna Base Camp, you will reach an altitude of 4,130 meters (13,545 feet). Luckily, because of the trek's length, the opportunities for acclimatisation are good; hence, the prevalence of moderate or severe altitude sickness is not high.

annapurna base camp trek in may

What gear do I need for an Annapurna Base Camp trek?

Trekking the Annapurna Base Camp requires a number of essential pieces of trekking gear and equipment. The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is relatively long and moderately hard. It exposes you to a range of altitudes where temperatures fluctuate significantly between night and day.

Here are some gear items you will need: 

  • a good quality 4-season sleeping bag
  • layered clothing including a base layer, good fleece and warm jacket
  • good quality hiking boots and at least 6 pairs of hiking socks
  • a warm beanie, sun hat, polarized sunglasses and good gloves
  • a 60-70 backpack
  • water bottle or hydration pack
  • trekking poles

Here is a complete  Annapurna Circuit Packing List that would also work well for the hike to Annapurna BC. 

What travel insurance do I need for the Annapurna Base Camp trek?

Trekking insurance for Nepal hikes is a good idea. This is particularly true on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek which is remote. If an accident should occur that requires medical assistance and evacuation, you will most certainly want the right trekking insurance that can cover the costs of air ambulance and further treatment.

Make sure to have insurance that covers you for any travel related risks, like damaged, lost, stolen or delayed baggage; flight delays and interruptions; and tour operators' default.


Are there any recommended guidebooks for the Annapurna Base Camp trek?

In terms of guidebooks, we highly recommend Trek to Annapurna Base Camp by Brian Lawrenson or Annapurna: A Trekker’s Guide by Sian Pritchard-Jones and Bob Gibbons.

For amazing photography, check out Annapurna Base Camp Trek: A Photographic Journey by Sanjeev Mathur.

For a super entertaining read on the Annapurna region, we recommend You Couldn’t Make it Up! Ordinary Guy, Extraordinary Life by Mike Freedman.


Can I explore more hikes in Nepal?

Absolutely! There are lots of other great hikes in Nepal which you can explore. Below are some of the most popular hikes in Nepal. 

Everest Base Camp

The Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular and iconic treks in Nepal. Trekkers get to retrace the early footsteps taken by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on their historic Everest expedition in 1953. 

Langtang Valley Trek

The Langtang Valley Trek is a relatively easy trek and is often far less busy than other popular treks in the Everest and Annapurna region. The trek can be done in seven days, however, it usually takes 10 to 12 days. 

Manaslu Circuit Trek

Robin Boustead, author of  No products found. "}"> Nepal Trekking & the Great Himalaya Trail: A Route & Planning Guide , pronounced, “Many would argue that the Manaslu Circuit trail is the best general trek in the country.”

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  • Annapurna Circuit Cost
  • Annapurna Weather
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Hike
  • Panchase Trekking Guide
  • Jomson Muktinath Hikes
  • Highest Mountains in the World
  • Best Thru Hikes Guide
  • Guide to Best Treks in the World

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About the author 

Mark Whitman

Mark has trekked extensively in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. He founded Mountain IQ in 2014 with the sole aim to be the best online information portal to some of the most popular mountain destinations around the world. When not writing for Mountain IQ, Mark is out exploring the outdoors with his wife!

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We are planning a trek to ABC via Poon Hill in May, 2020. Throughout this trip, we would want to book the best available accommodation options.

Before contacting any trek organizing company, I am trying to find out the names of the best guesthouses, preferably with attached toilet.

It would be a great help if you can suggest some names for places such as tikhedhunga, ulleri, ghorepani, tadapani, sinwa, deurali, bamboo, ABC, himalaya, and Jhinu.

We work with local guides to offer great value adventures at unbeatable prices

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Pokhara | Nepal

Max Altitude

Trekking Km

Moderate to Difficult

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30000 /person $ /person.

  • September-2024
  • October-2024
  • November-2024
  •  USD 480 +5% GST for Non-Indian
  • +5% GST (goods and services tax).
  • Services Pokhara to Pokhara Stay in Pokhara.
  • Transportation and Food is included.

Offload 4800

Backpack offload is optional

Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later.

Book off-load at least 10 days before the trek.

For offline bookings at the base camp, a convenience fee of Rs. 5500 applies.

In the event that you choose to cancel your trek prior to the departure date, you will receive a full refund.

For more information. Please complete this form.

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Trek Name: Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Adventure Type: Trekking

Base Camp: Pokhara

Season: Spring | Summer | Autumn |

Month: March | April | May | September | October | November |

Country: Nepal

Altitude: 13550 Ft.

Grade: Moderate to Difficult

Rail Head: -

Stay: Hotel & Teahouse

Food: Meals while on trek & at Hotel/Guesthouse (Veg & Eggs)

Location: Pokhara

Distance: 70 Km.

Trail Type: Point to point trail | Camping at the same location upon returning.

AirPort: Pokhara International Airport

Why Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a Must-Do trek ?

Panoramic Vistas:

  • The trek unfolds a mesmerizing panorama of the Annapurna Massif, including Annapurna I (8,091m), Machapuchare (6,993m), and Hiunchuli (6,441m).
  • Spectacular sunrise and sunset views over the snow-capped peaks create a magical atmosphere.

Diverse Landscapes:

  • Traverse through diverse landscapes, from lush rhododendron forests and terraced fields to alpine meadows, providing a kaleidoscope of natural beauty.
  • The trek offers a unique blend of subtropical climate in the lower regions and an alpine environment at higher elevations.

Cultural Encounters:

  • Engage with the rich cultural tapestry of the region by interacting with the friendly Gurung and Magar communities.
  • Visit traditional villages along the way, immersing yourself in the local customs, rituals, and hospitality.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Informative Video

Natural Hot Springs:

  • Soothe your tired muscles in the natural hot springs at Jhinu Danda, a refreshing break on the trek.
  • Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the geothermal waters while surrounded by the beauty of the Annapurna region.

Charming Teahouses:

  • Experience the unique hospitality of Nepalese teahouses, offering a cozy and warm atmosphere after a day of trekking.
  • Interact with fellow trekkers from around the world, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Flora and Fauna:

  • Encounter a diverse range of flora and fauna, from colorful rhododendron blooms in spring to elusive Himalayan wildlife such as the Himalayan tahr and pika.
  • The trek provides a unique opportunity for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts to witness the biodiversity of the Annapurna Conservation Area.

Challenging Yet Accessible:

  • Ideal for both novice and experienced trekkers, the ABC Trek offers a moderate level of difficulty, making it accessible to a wide range of adventure enthusiasts.
  • The sense of accomplishment upon reaching the base camp is a reward that transcends the physical challenges.

When we talk about the  Annapurna Base Camp , there is a sense of admiration that starts building up which leaves every trekker spellbound. There are very few treks that have this aura of making you fall in love with the landscapes and bring you closer to the base of 7,000 and 8,000-meter peaks in such a short period. The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular treks in the Annapurna region. The trail is a majestic one that takes you through rice paddies, lush rhododendron forests, and high-altitude landscapes with the Annapurna Range looming in front of you most of the time.

The Annapurna range has such stunning mountain views which are a buffet for every mountain lover. You will also be greeted with views of Machapuchare, Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli even before you set foot on the trek, which is one thing that is surely a bonus for all the trekkers. Views of different peaks of the Annapurna massif and Machapuchare will always be in sight of Sinuwa.

Accommodation on the Annapurna trail is organized in classic teahouses where delicious Nepali dishes are served. These tea houses are run by locals of the area who migrate from other parts of Nepal. The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is also known as the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek because you trek along the protected areas trail. A lot of floral and faunal species are also found in this area which will surely amaze you with the beauty it has to offer. From a height of 4,000 meters, you'll be able to see the entire sanctuary which is oval-shaped and surrounded by a ring of the Annapurna Mountains.

The starting point of the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is the beautiful city of Pokhara, which lies just 5 to 6 hours away from the capital. You can reach Pokhara city from Kathmandu via road or plane as well. The easy accessibility of the trek makes it an ideal choice for many trekkers as the chances of any flight cancellations or delays are greatly reduced. The trekking journey is also massively feasible with good communication services and safety. Annapurna Base Camp is a real trekking experience for all trekking enthusiasts.

  • Who can Participate
  • Important Links
  • How to Reach
  • Trek Essential

Who Can Participate

  • Age; 12 years +.
  • First timers can apply; previous trekking experience is more appreciated.
  • The climber must be fit and have sufficient stamina to cover 5 km of distance in 35 minutes without stress.
  • The climber should be able to carry a 10-15 kg backpack.

Arrival in Pokhara

  • Altitude: 825 m/ 2,700 ft.
  • Stay: in the hotel (check-in at 12 noon).
  • Briefing about the trek in the evening.
  • Sightseeing: Phewa Lake, Tal Barahi Temple, Himalayan Views, International Mountain Museum (not included in the cost).


After a pleasant flight journey, arrive in Pokhara. It is the hub of mountaineers that lies on Phewa lake. All the big expeditions and trekking start from here. Snow-capped peaks surround the locality and you can see stunning views of the Annapurna Ranges. Enjoy the Himalayan views, rice fields, and Nepalese culture around. If you didn’t know, Pokhara used to be a trade route between India and Tibet some 300 years ago. You may also spot paragliders soaring above the city. The tranquil setting of Pokhara gives you a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with nature.

In the evening you can go sightseeing around the local attractions in Pokhara like the Phewa Lake, Tal Barahi Temple, and International Mountain Museum. You will also receive a briefing from our team regarding the schedule of upcoming and everything entailed in the trek. Your trekking day starts tomorrow and it's a long journey ahead so rest well so that you are fresh and energized for tomorrow.

Pokhara to Sauli Bazar (Drive) and trek to Ghandruk

  • Altitude Ghandruk: 2,000 m/ 6,500 ft.
  • Altitude Sauli Bazar: 1,150 m/ 3,800 ft.
  • Pick-up time: 7:00 am.
  • Drive to Sauli Bazar: 40 km | around 2 hrs.
  • Trek Distance: 5 km | Duration 4-5 hrs.
  • Gradual ascend throughout.
  • Water source: Villages and teahouses on the route.
  • Views: Machapuchhare and Annapurna (South), Hinchuli, Gangapurna, and Annapurna - 3.
  • Visit the Old Gurung Museum in the evening.
  • Lunch on the way.
  • Stay: at teahouses.


After breakfast, you will have a ride of approximately 2 hrs to Sauli Bazar. The actual trekking begins henceforth to Ghandruk crossing Lower Ghandruk. The path is well paved having stairs intermittently. The trek has a gradual ascent taking 5-6 hours to reach our camping site. Once you cross the bridge over the Bhurgundi River on your way to Ghandruk, you will arrive at Birethanti where you are required to sign documents as part of formalities with the local authorities for the Annapurna Base Camp Trekking. Post this the trek begins to ascend towards Ghandruk.

From here, you will have to climb some stone steps to Kimche. After the stairs, the gradient of the road eases out a bit. From here it will take about 2 hours to reach Ghandruk. Ghandruk is considered the biggest village on the trek route. It is inhabited by stone-built small houses. The village is loaded with tea houses that serve typical Nepalese cuisine. The village also has a local museum that showcases the Gurung culture. In the south, you can notice Machapuchhare and Annapurna views on a clear day. Relax in your bed for a wonderful night in the mountains.

Ghandruk To Chhomrong

  • Altitude: 2,200 m/ 7,200 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 10 km | 6-7 hrs.
  • First 1-hour ascent then descent till lunch point followed by an uphill climb to Chhomorong.
  • Water source: Teahouses on the way.
  • Views: Annapurna (South), Gangapurna, Fishtail, Hinchuli, and Annapurna 3, amazing sunset view on sunset on Annapurna Mountain Range.
  • Chhomorong market is the last market on this trek after this no market is available.
  • Stay at tea houses.


The hike today is through a delightful muddy trail laid up with scenic villages on both sides. After a descent of 1 hour, you will reach Kimrong Khola. Kimrong is a small village located on the top of a ridge offering panoramic views of the Himalayan mountains all around. A beautiful array of snow-covered peaks, Annapurna South, Gangapurna, Fishtail, and Hinchuli, begin to appear. From Kimrong, you have to descend about 400 m sharply to Kimrong Khola, through dense covers of Oak and Rhododendron trees. The route henceforth goes uphill until Chhomrong (a 4-5 hours hike). Chhomrong is situated at the base of the Hiunchuli mountains and you will see picture-perfect hilly settlements surrounded by green banana fields, rhododendrons, ferns, etc., throughout. Chhomrong lies on a hilltop having stone paved stairs. It is the gateway to Annapurna Sanctuary and permits are granted here. You can also see Sinuwa Village on the opposite side of the mountain. The sights of Annapurna South become prominent. Again there are numerous tea houses and shops selling batteries, memory cards, and other accessories. Watch the peaceful sunset on the Annapurna range and rest for the day.

Chhomrong To Bamboo

  • Altitude: 2,300 m/ 7,600 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 10 km | 5-6 hrs.
  • Descend on stone steps to Chomrung Khola, then steeply ascend to Sinwa to Bamboo village.
  • No mountain view in Bamboo.
  • Lunch on the way in teahouses.
  • Bamboo is full of Bamboo trees.


Welcome another amazing morning in the lush green hilly setup. Start with a descent on 2500 stone-built stairs leading to a bridge. The hanging bridge then takes you to Chomrung Khola, which seems like entering into dense forests. The Sanctuary is flourished with rhododendrons, oak, and alpine trees. Therefore the trail looks lush and adorned with reddish-pink flowers.

Climb up the stairs to the other side of the mountain to Sinuwa Village. Below, you can see the Chomorng River gushing away with a torrential force. The trail is steep to Sinuwa village. Sinuwa is marked with a few teahouses and lodges. It is enclosed between thin forest cover. Past these points, the donkeys are not permitted on the trail and the goods are then carried by the porters from this point on. Annapurna III comes into clear visibility here. Another climb opens to Kulidhar then a downhill hike ends at Bamboo camp.

The bamboo campsite does not offer as many mountain views as other teahouse stops as it is at a lower altitude than the surrounding mountains. However, you may see a lot of Bamboo plants around the campsite. Rest well in Bamboo and tomorrow we will make our way to the stunning Machapuchhare Base Camp.             

Bamboo To Deurali

  • Altitude: 3,200 m/ 10,550 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 9 km | 5-6 hrs.
  • Moderate level of ascent crossing Modi Khola River.
  • Views: Machhapuchhre, Gangapurna, and Annapurna III.
  • Lunch is on the way.
  • Stay in teahouses.


Get all braced with enough energy as this is the strenuous day of the trek. Yet, the trail will show changing vegetation from sub-tropical to alpine and the sights will keep you revitalized. The height gain is close to 3000 feet, therefore take it slow and stay hydrated. In one hour the first village Dovan comes en route, identified by 5 lodges only. The tip of Machapuchhare mountain will be visible. Mix path of gradual ascends and descends with muddy trail lead to Himalaya. A wooden bridge and shrine will be the highlight of the trail. Himalaya has quaint tea houses. After the Himalayas, the terrain sees a change from dense alpine forests to a bouldered region. You might see some vegetation like Bamboo, grass, and ferns.

A few landslide and avalanche-prone areas will be seen on the path ahead. An overhanging cave called Hinku arrives after an hour of hiking up. The entrance to the cave is blocked. The trail begins to descend for about 10 to 15 minutes from here. From here the trail descends for another 15 minutes until you arrive at two big snow patches. Cross the snow patches and a stream crossing followed by a climb of about 20 minutes to reach Deurali. This is the camping spot for the night. Deurali is surrounded by lush greenery and offers panoramic mountain sceneries. You can see the Machapuchhre, Gangapurna, and Annapurna III from here.

Deurali To Annapurna Base Camp Via Machhapuchhre Base Camp

  • Altitude Annapurna Base Camp: 4,130 m/ 13,500 ft.
  • Altitude Machhapuchhre Base Camp: 3,700 m/ 12,200 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 8 km | 6 hr.
  • Moderate ascent till Annapurna Base Camp.
  • Views: Entire Annapurna range, panoramic views of Gangapurna, Gandharvachuli, Machapuchare, Annapurna (South), and view of mighty Annapurna I, get fantastic 360-degree views and beautiful sunrise and sunset.
  • Lunch at MBC.
  • Stay: in teahouses.


The trail that climbs out of Deurali is a bouldered section. From here the trail opens up to a valley with Modi Khola thundering past you. Another section of the rocky terrain of 40 minutes directs you to Bagar. From here, you will walk past some abandoned lodges, and in about one hour you will come across a bridge over Modi Khola, after crossing this bridge the next halt, Machapuchre Base Camp is 30 minutes away. Keep your eyes on the left and you will see astounding views of the Annapurna Ranges while in your front you will get to see the majestic Machapuchhare Range.

MBC is a stunning place well-known for the mesmerizing moon rise on Machapuchre mountain, do not miss this wonderful night sky. Along with it, other peaks seen are Mt. Hiunchuli, Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Annapurna III, Gandharvachuli, and Gangapurna. Since you will be climbing close to 3,000 ft today, so be aware of signs of AMS. The route takes a sharp 90-degree turn to the left for ABC. The initial trial has a steep ascend followed by a gradual ascend. You will be hiking above the tree line; hence no traces of trees will be seen.

Just as you get closer to the camp, the magnificent Annapurna I becomes bigger and bigger. The ABC is like being on an island encircled by giant peaks and huge never-ending ranges. 6000 and 8000 m peaks surround the base camp and it is an astounding sight to behold. 360-degree spectacles of the magnificent Annapurna range, Gangapurna, Gandharvachuli, and Machapuchare. Enjoy your lunch looking at the white clouds waving over these peaks. If you are lucky enough, you may even spot some Marmuts on your way to the campsite. Spend the rest of the day breathing with the mountains. Live every moment and sleep in their shelter.               

Annapurna Base Camp To Bamboo

  • Trek Distance: 13 km | 8-9 hrs.
  • Retracing the route with gradual ascend and descend.
  • Water source: Refill water bottles at teahouses


This is the longest day of the trek retracing the steps back to Bamboo. The trail as you know is mostly a descent so is quite easy. Wake up to an amazing sunrise over the Annapurna Massif. This is one of the best sunrises, you will see so try not to miss it. After watching a sunrise and a delicious breakfast, we will begin to head down towards Bamboo. The MBC, Deurali, Himalaya, and Dovan habitats will pop up again as you move down. Relax in your bed at Bamboo Lodge after a long day of walking.

Bamboo To Jhinu Hot Spring

  • Altitude: 1,700 m/ 5,600 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 8 km | 5-6 hrs.
  • A mixture of steep ascending and descending trails.
  • Water source: Refill water bottles at tea houses.


Again retrace your path to Sinuwa followed by a steep descent to Chomrung Khola. It should take around 45 minutes to reach Sinuwa. Cross the same hanging bridge towards Chomrung Khola. Another steep ascent will lead to Chomrung village. It will take about an hour to reach Chomrung Khola and 45 minutes more to Chomrung. Try to re-picture the sights you captured earlier and enjoy them.

From Chomrung take an ascending trail until you arrive at the fork where a signpost reads Jhinu. From here on, you have to take the steep descending steps, all the way, to Jhinu. It will take you around 1.5 hrs to reach Jhinu.

With downhill and then uphill hike Jhinu Danda settlement arrives. Jhinu is popular for its hot springs and you will see a lot of subtropical forests all around. Enjoy the refreshing hot springs of Jhinu 20 minutes away. Cherish your last night of the trek.

Jhinnu Hot Spring To Jhinnu Bridge And Drive To Pokhara

  • Altitude Jhinnu Bridge: 1,700 m/ 5,600 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 2 km | 45 minutes.
  • Drive Distance: 60 km | 3 hrs.
  • Easy trail to road-head, from road-head drive to Pokhara.
  • Check-in at the hotel in Pokhara.
  • Debriefing and certificate distribution in the evening.


From Jhinnu Hot Spring follow the descending trail to Kimrong Khola Bridge. It will take about 45 minutes. Keep walking on the trail along the houses and you will arrive at a roadhead. From here, you will board a vehicle to Pokhara. In about 3 hours you will reach your hotel in Pokhara. Spend the evening at your leisure in Pokhara. Your overnight accommodation is arranged in Pokhara as well.

  • Checkout time of the hotel is 10:30 am on day 10.
  • It is advisable to make any further travel plan on day 10 or after day 10.
  • Keep a buffer day in your travel plan.
  • If buffer day is not used in the travel then it can be used to Explore Pokhra.
  • Distance, Altitude, and Trekking hours are approximate and rounded off.
  • Keep the original and copy of ID proof handy.

Day-1: Arrival in Pokhara

Day-2: pokhara to sauli bazar (drive) and trek to ghandruk, day-3: ghandruk to chhomrong, day-4: chhomrong to bamboo, day-5: bamboo to deurali, day-6: deurali to annapurna base camp via machhapuchhre base camp, day-7: annapurna base camp to bamboo, day-8: bamboo to jhinu hot spring, day-9: jhinnu hot spring to jhinnu bridge and drive to pokhara.

  • Checkout time of the hotel is 12:00 Noon on day 10.
  • It is advisable to make any further travel plans on day 10 or after day 10.
  • If buffer day is not used in the travel then it can be used to explore Pokhra.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Maps

Pulse rate at rest must be in between (60 to 90 beats per minute).

Blood Pressure Reading must be in between (DIASTOLIC 70 – 90, SYSTOLIC 100 - 140 mm Hg).

Respiratory rate at rest must be in between (12 to 20 breaths per minute).

Should not have Liver and kidney issues.

Should not have Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma, Heart problems, Hypertension, etc.

No pacemaker implant.

People with Sinus issues, Epilepsy please contact to trek coordinator before booking the trek.

If your BMI is not normal, Please contact our Trek coordinator before Trek booking.

        Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

  • Government Employees can avail the benefit of Special Casual Leave (SCL) when they join us for a trekking expedition. As per the rules of the Pay Commission, Special Casual Leave can be availed for up to 30 days in a calendar year for trekking/mountaineering expeditions through a registered organization. Trek The Himalayas is a registered adventure tour operator by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) and the Ministry Of Tourism (MOT).
  • Trekkers have to apply for leave at least 20 days before the trek departure date.
  • This service is exclusive to Indian government employees and is applicable only for treks within India.
  • Do mail at info@trekthehimalayas to apply and mention your booked trek date and trek name.

Junior trekkers (below 15 years) should have a company of parents/guardians.

Trekkers between 15 to 18 years can come solo with the disclaimer form signed by parent/guardian.

  • Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

Exercise For Moderate to Difficult

Fitness Regime For:

Calculate Your Bmi

Your BMI value is

Congratulations, your body is in good conditions!

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click Here.

How To Reach

It is essential for everyone to arrive at Pokhara (1:00 pm).

Upon booking the trek, you are required to come to our hotel. Your trek coordinator will provide you with details such as the name of the Pokhra hotel, its location, and the contact person's number.

Options to reach Pokhara

Tribhuvan International Airport is the only International airport located in Kathmandu, Nepal. There is no Pokhara airport, although it has its own landing field. One can fly to Tribhuvan airport and then can take an additional flight to Pokhara. The distance between Pokhara and Kathmandu is around 200 kms and can be covered in 30 minutes. Popular airlines such as Buddha Air, Yeti Airlines, and Simrik Air serve this Pokhara route.

There is no train option travelling to Pokhara, Nepal. The closest railway stations which one can arrive at are Jaynagar, New Jalpaiguri or Gorakhpur (INDIA). From there crossing the corresponding borders of Panitanki or Sunauli, one can take a bus to Pokhara via Kathmandu.

One can directly travel to the cities like Gorakpur or Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, and by crossing the Sunauli border can catch a bus or book a private car to reach Pokhara. The journey will take upto 8 hours to complete. Or one can fly to Kathmandu and then take public or private transport to Pokhara. The distance between these two cities is 200 kms which may take upto 6 to 7 hours.

For your return journey from Pokhara, you have the flexibility to choose between road or air transport options. Please note that our services extend only to the hotel, and the standard hotel check-out time is 11:00 am.

How to Reach Annapurna Base Camp Trek Map

1. Accommodation (as per the itinerary):

  • Day 1 and Day 9 stay in a 3 star Hotel in Pokhara with Breakfast.
  • Day 2 to Day 8 Teahouse.

2. Meals (Veg + Egg):

  • Day 2 Lunch to Day 9 Lunch, Tea & Cookies on arrival at Tea Houses.
  • 3 Cups Tea/Coffee with Meal, Fresh Fruit after Dinner.

3. Support:

  • 1 Mountaineering & First aid qualified professional trek Leader.
  • Local experienced guides (Number of guides depending on the group size).
  • Enough support staff.

4. Trek equipment:

  • High-altitude sleeping bag.
  • Gaiters & Crampon (if required.)

5. First aid:

  • Medical kit.
  • Oxygen cylinder.
  • Blood pressure monitor.
  • Stethoscope.

6. Transportation (as per the itinerary):

  • Pokhra to Nayapul and return.

9. Permits:

  • Entire Administration and Local Taxes.
  • All necessary permits and entry fees, up to the amount charged for Indian Nationals.

10. Services from Pokhra to Pokhra.  11. Store room facility in Pokhra for extra luggage. 12. Insurance of Trekking Guide and porters. 13. ABC Trekking Map.

1. Any kind of personal expenses. 2. Porters for the personal bag. 3. Wi-Fi, charging batteries and hot showers, warm water for drinking. 4. Nepal entry visa (approximately USD 40) only for foreigners (Not for Indians). 5. Customary gratuities for guides & porters. 6. Unforeseen costs due to flight cancellation, weather conditions, etc. 7. Evacuation and medical expenses. 8. Drinks: Bottled water. 9. High-altitude Trekking Insurance is mandatory. 10. All costs not outlined under "What's included". 11. Permit and entry fee for Foreign Nationals/OCI/NRI.

Things can be provided on demand and availability (participant has to pay extra for these things). 1- Satellite phone/set phone - a type of mobile phone that connects via radio links via satellites orbiting the Earth instead of terrestrial cell sites like cellphones. Therefore, they can operate in most geographic locations on the Earth's surface.

2- Gamow/PAC HAPO Bag (Portable Hyperbaric Bag) - is a unique, portable hyperbaric chamber for the treatment of acute mountain sickness (AMS), also known as altitude sickness.

3- AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) -& are portable life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly.

Cancellation terms:

Cancellations prior to 25 days from the start of the Trip

Refund options

  • 5% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (any trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 24 days and 15 days to the start of the Trip

  • 30% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 85% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 14 days and 10 days to the start of the Trip

  • 50% deduction of trek fee
  • 80% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 70% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Book the same trek, in the same season, with any other batch

Cancellation less than 9 days to the start of the trek

  • No cash refund
  • 20% cash voucher for the same trip till one year
  • 10% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, same date) to your friend

Note- If a booking is made using a voucher or discount code, the policies related to vouchers and discounts cannot be modified.

In the unlikely event that TTH cancels a trek prior to the scheduled departure date:

While it is extremely rare for TTH to cancel a trek, we understand that unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters may occasionally require us to do so before the scheduled departure. These circumstances could include continuous rain or snow, thunderstorms, snowstorms, landslides, floods, earthquakes, or any other natural calamity that poses a risk to the safety of our trekkers. Additionally, unforeseeable events such as local riots, curfews, pandemics, lockdowns, government orders, or any similar situations that compromise the safety of the trekking experience may also necessitate a cancellation.

In the event of such a cancellation, TTH will provide you with a voucher equivalent to the amount you paid for the trek. This voucher can be redeemed for any of our treks within the next year, allowing you to still enjoy an adventure with us at a later date.

The issuance of a voucher is not applicable in situations where you are required to descend from the trek for any reason. The trek leader may make the decision to send you down from the trek due to factors such as insufficient fitness level, symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), high blood pressure, exceeding the designated turn-around-time, health concerns, or if you are found smoking, drinking, or violating the rules set for the trek. In such cases, the provision of a voucher does not apply.

In the rare event that TTH shifts a trek:

We would like to emphasize that weather conditions in high-altitude areas are highly unpredictable and can undergo sudden changes at any time, irrespective of the day. Additionally, circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, political unrest, pandemics, and lockdowns, may impact the feasibility of conducting a trek. In cases where we are unable to proceed with an event due to such circumstances that are beyond our direct control, we will make every effort to provide you with an alternative trek that is safer and more suitable.

In such situations, we will issue a voucher to offset the cost difference between the originally scheduled trek and the alternative trek. This voucher can be redeemed at any time within one year from the date of issue. Please note that a refund fee or reimbursement of the cost difference is not applicable in these cases.

  • Change of trek batch is dependent on the availability of seats in the batch
  • In case of transferring a trek to a friend, he/she should satisfy all the mandatory requirements put forward by TTH
  • TTH holds the right to change/cancel the policies, without prior notice
  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers

Cash Voucher Terms:

  • This is a non-transferable voucher
  • The voucher cannot be merged with any other offer of Trek The Himalayas
  • The voucher is valid for Trek booked directly with Trek The Himalayas in India
  • To avail the voucher please use your register phone number or e-mail id
  • All the other Terms of booking a trek with Trek The Himalayas are applicable to the voucher
  • Trek The Himalayas holds rights to add/remove any of the Terms and Conditions without prior notice

Itineraries are based on information available at the time of planning and are subject to change. "Trek The Himalayas" reserves the right to change expedition dates, people or itineraries as conditions warrant. If a trip must be delayed or the itinerary changed due to bad weather, road conditions, transportation delays, government intervention, airline schedules, sickness, or other contingency for which TTH or its agents cannot make provision, the cost of delays and/or other changes are the responsibility of the participant. TTH reserves the right to decline, or accept, any individual as a trip member for any reason whatsoever.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How to register/create an account with tth.

To register with TTH, visit our website - www.trekthehimalayas.com and create your account. To create your account you will need to use your email address and fill in all the details, set your unique password and your account is ready to use.

How to book a trek?

  • To book a trek with TTH, you first need to register with us and create an account.
  • Choose the trek that you want to do and click on available dates.
  • You will land at the login page, fill in the required details.
  • Add Participants, choose add-on services click on the Pay now button, choose your preferred payment method, and make the payment. TTH accepts multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and UPI.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from TTH with all the necessary details about the trek, including the meeting point, transportation, accommodation, and other important instructions.

Made a payment but did not receive any confirmation.

please send an email to us at [email protected] or reach out to the numbers provided in the Help and Support section of your Trek Page. We will ensure that your issue is promptly resolved.

How to book off-load luggage and transportation?

To book services such as off-load luggage and transportation, you can find them listed as add-ons. These additional services can be booked at the time of your initial booking. If you miss booking add-ons during the initial reservation, you can log in anytime and easily book 4 days before the departure date add-ons through the platform.

If I have booked the wrong trek or date, how can I make changes?

In such a situation, please log in to your account and transfer your trek or date to the desired one within 12 hours or drop us an email at [email protected] 10 days before the departure date of the trek. After the initial 12-hour period, any changes will be processed according to the cancellation policy.

I am a beginner and confused which trek to book.

We recommend visiting our "Suggest Me a Trek" page. By filling out the form, our experts will contact you with the best possible trek options based on your preferences and experience level. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] or give us a call using the numbers provided on our website for personalized assistance and recommendations.

How is family trek different from regular trek?

Family treks differ from regular treks by focusing on ease of difficulty, offering shorter durations for younger participants, Kid-friendly and easily digestible foods, child-friendly activities, maintaining a higher guide ratio for diverse age groups, and implementing additional safety measures for families.

Ideal treks for children.

Family Trek with Kids recommendation Only Dayara Bugyal and Chopta Chandrashila Trek.

Minimum age for children to trek with TTH.

Minimum age for TTH treks is typically 7 years, though this may vary depending on the specific trek.

Can we take children to high altitudes with their guardian?

Yes, you can take a kids to a high-altitude trek with a parent. Discuss with a trek expert before booking a trek.

Can we send kids without Parents/guardian?

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download medical and disclaimer form

How to prepare a child for a high altitude trek?

Physical Fitness: Ensure your child is physically fit. Engage them in regular exercise, outdoor activities, and hikes to build stamina and endurance. Hydration: Emphasize the importance of staying hydrated at high altitudes. Encourage your child to drink water regularly, even if they don't feel thirsty. Proper Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced diet with sufficient carbohydrates for energy and foods rich in iron to prevent altitude sickness. Adequate Sleep: Ensure your child gets enough sleep in the days leading up to the trek. Quality rest is crucial for altitude adaptation. Educate on Altitude Sickness: Teach your child about the symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Encourage them to communicate any discomfort immediately. Appropriate Clothing and Gear: Dress your child in layers to adjust to changing temperatures. Ensure they have appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy footwear. Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset. Encourage your child, and let them know it's okay to take breaks when needed. Medical Check-Up: Schedule a medical check-up before the trek to ensure your child is fit for high-altitude activities. Consult with a healthcare professional about any potential health concerns.

Kind of food will be served during the trek for children.

TTH takes special care to provide wholesome and nutritious food for children on treks. Here are some of the foods that are typically served for children: Breakfast: For breakfast, TTH serves a variety of options like porridge, cornflakes, bread, butter, jam, honey, boiled eggs, omelettes, and pancakes. Children can choose from these options to fuel themselves for the day's trek. Lunch: For lunch, TTH serves lunch which includes rotis, vegetables, rice, dal, and salad. The rotis are usually made fresh on the trek and are a good source of carbohydrates. The dal and vegetables provide protein and other essential nutrients. Snacks: TTH provides healthy snacks like fresh fruits, dry fruits, energy bars, cookies, and biscuits to keep the children energized throughout the day. Dinner: For dinner, TTH serves a hot and wholesome meal which includes soup, rice, dal, vegetables, and a non-vegetarian dish (if requested in advance). Children can also choose from a variety of desserts like custard, jelly, and fruit salad. Dietary requirements: If a child has any special dietary requirements, TTH can cater to those needs as well. For example, if a child is lactose intolerant or allergic to nuts, the kitchen staff can make arrangements to accommodate those requirements.

How to choose the right trek?

Choosing the right trek for a beginner can be a bit overwhelming as there are many factors to consider such as distance, elevation gain, terrain difficulty, weather, and time of year. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right trek for a beginner:

1. Determine fitness level:  Assess the fitness level of the beginner to understand their physical capabilities. This will help you select a trek that is challenging but not too difficult.

2. Choose a well-traveled trail:  A well-traveled trail will have more amenities such as signposts, water stations, and shelter. It is also safer as there will be other hikers on the trail.

3. Consider the length of the trek:  For beginners, it is recommended to start with a shorter trek that can be completed in a day or two. This will help them get acclimatized to trekking and build their confidence.

4. Look for gradual elevation gain:  Choose a trek with a gradual elevation gain rather than steep ascents. This will make the trek easier and more enjoyable.

5. Check the weather:  Check the weather forecast before selecting a trek. Avoid treks during the monsoon season or winter when the trails can be slippery or dangerous.

6. Research the trail:  Read about the trail to get an idea of the terrain, altitude, and difficulty level. This will help you select a trek that is suitable for the beginner.

7. Consult with an expert:  If you are unsure about which trek to choose, consult our trek expert Mr. Nitin (+91 70600 59773) between 10 AM to 6 PM (Tuesday - Friday). Mr. Nitin will provide you valuable advice and guidance.

Overall, it is important to choose a trek that is enjoyable, challenging but not too difficult, and suitable for the beginner's fitness level and experience.

Can a beginner choose a tough trek?

It is not recommended for a beginner to choose a difficult Himalayan trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally challenging, especially if you are not used to the high altitude, steep slopes, and rugged terrain. Choosing a difficult trek without the proper experience, fitness level, and preparation can be dangerous and put you at risk of altitude sickness, injury, and other hazards.

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to start with an easier trek and gradually build up your skills and experience. This will help you understand the challenges of trekking in the Himalayas, and also prepare you physically and mentally for a more difficult trek in the future. It is also important to choose a trek that matches your fitness level, experience, and interest.

What is the age limit for a beginner trekker?

There is no specific age limit for a beginner trekker. However, it is important to consider your physical fitness, health condition, and personal interests before embarking on a trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally demanding, and requires a certain level of physical fitness and endurance.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are above a certain age, it is recommended to consult with a doctor before embarking on a trek. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed during the trek to prevent exhaustion or injury.

If I am solo, can I join the trek in a group?

Yes, you can join the trek. We have fixed departure groups where you can simply book your trek and we will take care of curating a group.

How does my family get updated about my Trek?

Before you start the trek, it is recommended that you make all the necessary phone calls as during the trek you may or may not receive network coverage, once you come back to the Base Camp, you can reconnect with your family via phone once again. You can share your trek coordinator contact detail with your family members to get the latest updates about your trek batch.

What food can I expect?

At TTH, we provide wholesome and nutritious meals during the trek. The food is vegetarian and includes a variety of dishes such as rice, dal, vegetables, chapati, paratha, pasta, noodles, and soup. We also offer snacks such as biscuits, and salty, and dry fruits during the trek. Special dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten-free, or Jain food can also be arranged if informed in advance.

I am allergic to some foods.

If you are allergic to some foods, you need to let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements accordingly.

How safe is trekking with TTH?

TTH is a trekking company that prioritizes the safety of all its participants, including women trekkers. They have a comprehensive safety system in place, which includes a dedicated team of experienced and trained trek leaders and support staff who are equipped to handle emergency situations and provide first aid.

TTH also takes specific measures to ensure the safety and comfort of women trekkers. They have a separate tent accommodation for women trekkers, female trek leaders, and support staff. They also provide separate toilet facilities for women and encourage a safe and respectful environment for all trekkers.

Moreover, TTH has a strict policy against any kind of harassment and has a zero-tolerance policy towards such incidents. They have a designated Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to investigate and address any complaints related to harassment or misconduct. Overall, TTH has a good reputation for safety and responsible trekking practices, and women can feel comfortable and safe while trekking with them.

How TTH will manage if I am the only woman in the group?

In case you are the only women in the group, we provide a single sleeping arrangement. Also, during the trek, the trek leader will always remain by your side to provide optimum safety and reassurance.

How can I know that other women are in the batch?

You can reach out to the trek coordinator to inquire about the number of female trekkers and their respective states who have booked the trek. Please note that the trek coordinator cannot disclose personal details of any trekker. Once you've confirmed your booking, a WhatsApp Group will be created for all the trekkers in your batch. This allows you to connect with fellow trekkers before the trek begins.

Can I know in advance, which trek is led by a women Trek Leader?

While many of our treks are led by female trek leaders, however, it is not possible to know which trek leader is assigned to which group. But nonetheless, whether the trek leader is male or female you can be completely assured of your safety and security with us.

Can I trek with periods? If yes, then where can I dispose of the sanitary pad?

Yes, it is possible to trek with periods. However, it is important to take some extra precautions and preparations to ensure a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Here are some tips that can help you trek during your period:

1. Use menstrual hygiene products that you are comfortable with, such as tampons, pads, or menstrual cups. It is recommended to carry enough supplies for the entire duration of the trek.

2. Pack wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags to dispose of used hygiene products.

3. Wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows for easy movement and reduces friction. Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing that can cause discomfort.

4. Carry pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, in case of menstrual cramps.

5. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support your energy levels and overall health.

6. Take breaks as needed and listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any unusual symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

It is also recommended to consult with a doctor before going on a trek during your period, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication. By taking necessary precautions and being prepared, you can have a safe and comfortable trekking experience even during your period.

We provide proper disposal facilities for sanitary pad disposal during the trek.

How will the accommodation be during the trek?

We offer three person tents with twin-sharing for optimum comfort. A woman trekker will share a tent with another woman trekker and if you are the only woman in the group, you will be given a single accommodation for your comfort and privacy.

Are trek poles, Jackets and other equipment available for rent from Trek The Himalayas?

Yes, we do provide gears on rent. You can book it using you TTH account directly.

Who will be with us on the trek from Trek The Himalayas?

Mountaineering qualified Experienced and first aid certified Trek Leader, First Aid Certify local guide, Cook, helpers and supporting staff.

Who can not join the trek?

People suffering from Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Epilepsy (got faints), TB , Heart problem or on higher BMI side are strictly not allowed to go on any Himalayan trek. Apart from this if you had any medical history, please let us know.

When it gets really cold can I consume alcohol?

No. Alcohol and smocking isn’t allowed while on trek. It is totally misconception that it will keep you warm. Your body need to acclimatize properly and for that eat properly and drink enough water; these things will keep you warm.

What type of toilet facility is TTH providing at the trek?

Toilet tents provide a convenient solution for answering nature's call in the great outdoors. Dry toilets, in particular, offer a highly sanitary approach. By digging a pit and utilizing mud and a shovel, you can easily cover up your waste. This method ensures cleanliness and hygiene while camping or exploring in the forest. 

Remember to pack essential toiletries to complete your outdoor bathroom kit and maintain proper personal hygiene during your adventures. With these practices in place, you can enjoy nature while also respecting it.

How do I manage the negative temperatures on the trek at higher camps? Do I need special jackets?

Layer Up From Head To Toe Eat Full Meals, never sleep empty stomach You can keep warmee (if you’re more susceptible to cold). Use sleeping bag in right way and don’t leave free space in sleeping bag.

For upper body – Thermal layer – T-shirt (full-sleeves) – Fleece T-shirt (for extreme colds) – Fleece layer – Thick Jacket/Down Jacket – Waterproof or Windproof layer (outermost layer, when it is snowing or raining) - For Lower Body – Thermal layer – Hiking pants (normal) or Winter hiking pants

Based on how warm you feel you can skip any of the above layers. Your outer later should be windproof since it is windy at high altitude. The idea behind layering is that the more insulation you have the less cold you feel, and instead of wearing a very thick jacket if you wear multiple layers, your body will be better insulated against the cold.

Do you provide crampon/micro spikes and gaiters?

Yes, we provide micro spikes and gaiters, if required.

What documents need to carry on trek?

Mandatory documents: 2 xerox of ID having address (addhar card/driving license), 2 Passport size photographs, hard copy Medical form signed & sealed by doctor, disclaimer form sign by trekker and high altitude insurance.

If we come prior the trek date, Do you provide accommodation?

No. We don’t but we can suggest you good hotel/Stay nearby pick up location.

Do we get enough water for drinking?

Yes, trekker must carry 2 water bottles 1 litre each so they can refill it at campsite for drinking and keep themselves hydrate.

What kind of shoes we should buy for the trek?

You should buy shoes which has these three features –Good grip, Ankle Support and additional water resistant layers. Generally, we advise Quechua Trek 100, MH 500 and MH 100.

What happens if some members of the team need to turn back before the summit?

No one is forced to go on. There is always enough staff to split the party according to need and regroup later at the camp. Most people have no trouble reaching the highest campsite. If some members decide not to climb the final distance they can wait for the climbers to come back down the same way or take a lateral path to the descent route.

What Makes the Annapurna Base Camp Trek Special?

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek offers stunning views of the Annapurna range, Machapuchare, and other Himalayan peaks right from the start.

Accommodation in classic teahouses run by locals adds a unique charm to the trekking experience.

The trek passes through protected areas teeming with floral and faunal species.

 Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the Gurung and Magar communities, and visit traditional villages along the trail.

Relax and rejuvenate in the soothing geothermal waters of Jhinu Danda, surrounded by the beauty of the Annapurna region.

Who Can Participate in the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is suitable for individuals aged 12 years and above.

While previous trekking experience is appreciated, first-timers are welcome to join.

Participants should be physically fit, and able to cover 5 km in 30 minutes without stress.

What Is the Best Time to Trek to Annapurna Base Camp?

The best time to trek to Annapurna Base Camp is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these months, the weather is relatively stable, with clear skies and mild temperatures, making for ideal trekking conditions. Spring offers blooming rhododendrons and lush greenery, while autumn provides clear mountain views and comfortable temperatures.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated with the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

Altitude sickness is a potential risk due to the trek's elevation, with Annapurna Base Camp situated at over 4,000 meters above sea level. To minimize the risk of altitude sickness, it's essential to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and ascend gradually. Trekkers should be aware of symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing and inform their guide if they experience any discomfort.

Is Travel Insurance Necessary for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

Travel insurance is highly recommended for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek to cover unexpected medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and evacuation services. Ensure that your insurance policy includes coverage for high-altitude trekking and activities such as helicopter rescue if needed.

What is the accommodation like during the trek?

Accommodation during the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is primarily in teahouses or guesthouses along the trail. Teahouses offer basic but comfortable amenities, including dormitory-style or private rooms with shared bathrooms.

Can I Trek to Annapurna Base Camp Independently or Do I Need a Guide?

While it's possible to trek to Annapurna Base Camp independently, hiring an expert trekking company is highly recommended for safety, navigation, and cultural insights. The expert Trek Leaders and guides are familiar with the terrain, weather conditions, and emergency procedures, enhancing the overall trekking experience and minimizing risks.

What Is the Level of Fitness Required for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek requires a moderate level of fitness, with daily trekking durations ranging from 4 to 8 hours over varied terrain. Trekkers should be comfortable walking on uneven trails, ascending and descending steep sections, and carrying a daypack with essential items. Regular cardiovascular exercise and strength training prior to the trek can help improve endurance and reduce fatigue.

Are There Electricity Charging Facilities Along the Trek Route?

Many teahouses along the Annapurna Base Camp Trek route offer electricity charging facilities, either through solar power or generators. However, electricity availability may be limited or unreliable in remote areas, so it's advisable to carry a portable power bank or solar charger for backup.

What Safety Measures Should I Take During the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

Always trek with a licensed and experienced trekking organization that is familiar with the route and can provide assistance in case of emergencies.

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the trek to prevent altitude-related illnesses.

Follow a gradual ascent schedule to allow your body to acclimatize to higher elevations properly.

Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions and ensure you have adequate protection against cold temperatures and precipitation.

Carry a fully stocked first-aid kit, including medications for common ailments like headaches, upset stomach, and blisters.

Respect local customs and traditions, and adhere to any guidelines or regulations set by the conservation authorities.

Are There Restroom Facilities Along the Annapurna Base Camp Trek Route?

Teahouses and lodges along the trekking route typically have basic restroom facilities, including squat toilets or pit toilets. It's advisable to carry your supply of toilet paper and hand sanitizer as restroom amenities can vary in cleanliness and availability.

What Wildlife Can I Expect to See During the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

The Annapurna Conservation Area is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including Himalayan tahr, musk deer, snow leopards, langur monkeys, and various species of birds. While encounters with larger mammals are rare, trekkers may spot smaller wildlife such as birds, butterflies, and marmots along the trail, especially in forested areas and alpine meadows.

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

24th sep, 2023.

- himalayaheart

Embracing the Himalayan Blossom: Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Table of Contents

Trekking in the Himalayas is synonymous with adventure, and the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek in May is no exception. As the final month of spring, May is a medley of blossoming nature, fluttering prayer flags, and the melodious rhythm of trekking boots on mountain trails. Discover why embarking on this journey in May is an enriching experience enveloped in the Himalayan panorama.

Why Choose May for ABC Trek

Weather Wonders: May’s days are warm and nights pleasantly cool, a balance that offers comfortable trekking conditions. The occasional pre-monsoon shower brings a refreshing touch to the journey.

Floral Fantasia: The lower regions of the trail are ablaze with a variety of blooms, offering trekkers a botanical spectacle and painting the valleys in vibrant hues.

Mountain Majesty: The skies are generally clear in early May, offering stunning views of the Annapurna range, Machapuchare, Hiunchuli, and Dhaulagiri.

Starting on the Journey

The ABC trek in May commences from Pokhara, the gateway to the Annapurna region. As you traverse through terraced fields, picturesque villages, and dense forests, every step brings a new Himalayan revelation.

Cultural Kaleidoscope: Engage with the hospitable Gurung and Magar communities, experience their traditions, and savor the local cuisine, enriching your journey with cultural insights.

Biodiversity Bliss: May’s warmth awakens the diverse Himalayan fauna. Keep an eye out for exotic birds, colorful butterflies, and the elusive musk deer.

River Crossings & Waterfalls: The trail features several suspension bridge crossings over roaring rivers and visits to sparkling waterfalls, adding an adventurous flavor to the trek.

Preparation & Essentials Gears For ABC Trek

May’s trek requires specific preparation to ensure a seamless experience:

Apparel & Gear: Light layers, sun protection, a sturdy pair of trekking boots, and a rain jacket are essential. Equip yourself with a good quality camera to capture the landscape’s beauty.

Fitness & Acclimatization: Building stamina and acclimatizing properly are crucial. Regular breaks and staying hydrated help combat altitude sickness.

Permits & Documentation: Obtain the necessary trekking permits and ensure all documentation is in order. Researching and following the guidelines helps maintain the region’s ecological balance.

Accommodation & Cuisine For Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Teahouses along the route offer basic but comfortable accommodation. Enjoying a hot cup of tea and exchanging stories with fellow trekkers are part of the experience.

Indulge in local culinary delights like dal bhat, momos, and apple pies. Also, explore the variety of international cuisine available at the teahouses.

Sustainability & Responsible Trekking In ABC.

Preserving the pristine nature of the Annapurna region is a collective responsibility. Practice sustainable trekking by minimizing waste, respecting local customs, and contributing to the local economy.

An Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is more than just a trek; it’s a journey of discovery, a celebration of nature’s diversity, and a testament to the human spirit’s endurance. With every step, a story unfolds, a memory is created, and the Himalayan whispers echo in the heart of every trekker.

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Trekking in Nepal

Annapurna Base Camp Trek – The Definitive Guide

By Suraj Katwal

Updated On Jul 14, 2023

Annapurna Base Camp Trek also known as ABC Trek is undoubtedly one of the best high-altitude treks in Nepal. The spectacular range of Annapurna mountain lies in the Annapurna region, which is the western region of Nepal.

Nepal is home to 8 of the world’s highest peaks in the world, and one of them is the majestic massif of Annapurna mountain. Standing tall at a height of 8,089m, Annapurna I is the world’s tenth tallest mountain.

Annapurna Base Camp has been a significant attraction among trekkers around the world.

Annapurna is a massif that comprises six prominent peaks, and they are Annapurna I (8,091m), Annapurna II (7,937m), Annapurna III (7,555m), Annapurna IV (7,525m), Gangapurna (7,455m), and Annapurna South (7,219m).

The striking Machhapuchhre peak is also the southern part of the Annapurna massif. Trekkers can enjoy both Annapurna Base Camp Long Trek and Annapurna Base Camp Short Trek. The long trek is 12 days long, and the short trek completes in a week, i.e., 7 days.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Complete Guide

The Annapurna circuit takes you to the Annapurna Base Camp height of 4,130m. The circuit encircles numerous valleys, dense rhododendron forests, deep rivers, and mountain series.

The name of Annapurna mountain is derived from the name of the Hindu goddess ‘Annapurna’ which means ‘full of grains’ or ‘provider of food.’ Annapurna region has a thick settlement of Gurung and Magar ethnic groups.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Highlights

  • Spectacular view of the Annapurna range, Machapuchare, Hiunchuli, and other high peaks
  • Trekking across large waterfalls, rhododendron forests, bamboo forest
  • Varieties of animal species and distinct flora and fauna at different altitude
  • The local lifestyle of Gurung and Magar people
  • The traditional architecture of houses and temples

Best Time for Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The best time to do the trek to Annapurna Base Camp is from March to May and from September to December. The weather during these months is stable and the views are amazing.

However, even during the best months, the weather can be unpredictable. It can be sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. It can also be the other way around. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for all kinds of weather.

Related:  Best Season to Visit Nepal

Short Annapurna Base Camp Trek 

ABC short trek completes in 7 days and is equally enthralling as the long trek. ABC short trek is a moderate trek to the lap of the Annapurna range.

The trek starts from Kimche where we will reach Pokhara after 3 hours of driving.

Check out the Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Video on YouTube.

From Kimche, we walk an hour and reach the beautiful village of Ghandruk. We follow a bamboo forest trail and reach Chomrong village, another lovely village with a breathtaking landscape.

The walk along the Modi Khola will take us to the Hinku cave. The trekking trail for the short trek then encompasses Machapuchare Base Camp and finally Annapurna Base Camp.

Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Cost

Among many reasons for the question of why choose ABC Trek, one of the accountable factors for adventure lovers to go for is the cost.

ABC trek is reasonable and every penny of yours will be worth the episodes. Your total Annapurna base camp trek price will range around $900 – $1500. The price fluctuates in peak seasons.

Annapurna base camp trek 7 days cost is comparatively cheaper than 10 days . The pay for the guides and porters may range from $20 to $30 per day.

Annapurna III

It is cost-effective if you eat your meal where you stay. Dal Bhat is probably the cheapest meal and most filling option too. Around $25 will cover three meals per day, regardless of what you choose to eat, and adding hot beverages.

Annapurna base camp trek cost from Pokhara reduces the cost of the flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, which merely costs NRs. 9,000 to 10,000.

It takes 30 minutes from Kathmandu to land in Pokhara. The tourist bus fare may take 800 to 1200 rupees, and a local bus may cost 400 to 600 rupees, but it will take you 5 to 7 hours to reach Pokhara.

First of all, you need to fill out and submit TIMS (Trekker’s Information Management) form and ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project) Permit form to receive the TIMS card and ACAP card.

These two forms will cost 5000 rupees, i.e., the TIMS permit costs 2000 rupees, and the ACAP permit costs 3000 rupees. Without a TIMS card and ACAP card, you won’t be able to enter Annapurna Conservation Area.


The accommodation costs around 200-400 rupees per room in teahouses. Solo travelers can plan 1500-2000 rupees expense each day while it reduces for group travelers.

The Annapurna base camp trek cost for Nepali and Indians is the same except for foreigners.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Accommodation

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Difficulty

Regarded as a moderate trek in Nepal, Annapurna Base Camp Trekking does not require tough physical fitness as demanded by other adventurous treks in Nepal .

ABC Trek gives you an excellent opportunity to try various traditional cuisines of Gurung and Magar ethnic groups as well.

People trekking to ABC

It’s lovely to see Annapurna mountain covered with a snow blanket and most importantly, the fantastic view of sunrise from the hill. The best time to enjoy the Annapurna Base Camp trek should be considered if you want the weather to favor you.

Related Reading: Why is Annapurna so Deadly Mountain?

Trekking Tips for Trekking ABC

1. Prepare yourself physically and mentally

Annapurna Base Camp is a moderate type of trek as it doesn’t demand a high level of physical fitness, but it does require a certain level of fitness and enduring strength to complete the trek.

You need to train your body so you can endure the high altitude. Intense training and exercise are recommended 3 months before you head for the trek.

Muscle strength will help you walk for long hours during the trek. Training continuously will also help you prepare mentally. Try to run small uphills nearby and train your breathing.

2. Keep yourself hydrated

Trekking for long hours will definitely make you dehydrated, so you should carry a water bottle with you and drink it frequently. High altitude may cause you to suffer from AMS.

Drinking enough water will prevent you from feeling nauseous. While you train, drink enough water. Keep yourself hydrated daily. Eat lots of fruits and avoid junk foods.

3. Carry Annapurna Base Camp Trek Detailed Map

It is better to be aware of the paths, villages, trekking trails, places, rivers, and temples of Annapurna Base Camp beforehand. So carry the Annapurna trekking route map with you, and you’ll be on track while trekking. You’ll know where to go, and there will be less chance of getting lost for solo trekkers.

Also Read: Kathmandu to Annapurna Base Camp

Essential Trekking Gears and Packing List

Backpacking with Gear

  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek Route Map
  • Spare battery, Power Bank
  • A pair of gloves
  • Warm clothes
  • Down jacket, Down Pant
  • Sunglasses, hat
  • Few pairs of socks and underwear
  • Trekking boots
  • Energy bars and snacks
  • First aid kit and essential medicines
  • Toiletries, towel

Check out: Annapurna Base Camp Itinerary 10 days

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Altitude Profile

You start from the elevation of 1345m (from sea level) at Kathmandu. You fly from Kathmandu to Pokhara(820m) and trekking basically starts from Nayapul. The Chomrong village is at an elevation of 2170m. Machapuchare Base Camp is at an elevation of 3700m and finally, you reach an elevation of 4130m at Annapurna Base Camp.

That’s the highest elevation you’ll reach. After that, you’ll trek downhill to Bamboo at 2310m. Then, to Jhinu Danda at 1780m, back to Pokhara, and finally to Kathmandu.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Altitude Profile Map

Frequently Asked Questions

Read Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Frequently Asked Questions by Visitors. Here you can view a video or read about it.

How long is Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

ABC trek is designed in such a way that the trek embraces the beauty of the Annapurna region’s landscape, forest, and mountain series. ABC short trek can be completed in 7 days if you stick by the itinerary of the Annapurna Base Camp short trek. Annapurna Base Camp’s long trek can be completed in 12-13 days if there occurs no kind of delay in between. The altitude of 4130 m is the destination of Annapurna Base Camp. There are various trekking packages that you can choose according to your convenience.

How to go to Annapurna Base Camp from Pokhara?

If you want to go to Annapurna Base Camp from Pokhara, then it’s very easy. You can even apply for permits upon arrival in Pokhara. From Pokhara, we will take a ride to Nayapul, from where our adventurous trek begins to Annapurna Base Camp.

How difficult is the Annapurna base camp trek?

Annapurna Base Camp trekking can be categorized as a moderately easy high-altitude trek in Nepal . The Annapurna circuit is moderately difficult. The trekking paths are not offbeat making it one of the chosen trekking destinations among first-timers. First-time trekkers can garner a pleasant experience without much toil. ABC trek does not require tough physical fitness. Anyone with an average level of robustness can reach the base camp within the expected duration. The difficulty also depends upon which time of year you go for the trek. It might not be difficult for experienced trekkers. Annapurna Base Camp trek can be quite easy for experienced trekking lovers.

Is Annapurna Circuit dangerous?

Annapurna is one of the 8000s whose beauty attracts a vast number of trekkers every year. Trekkers choose Annapurna Base Camp to observe the heavenly beauty of Annapurna mountain and other striking mountains in the vicinity, but the rewarding destination costs lots of difficulties. Yes! You might encounter problems in the Annapurna Circuit while passing the dangerous Thorung La, which is the world’s highest mountain pass. The climate of Annapurna is a bit unpredictable. The climatic condition may bring difficulties at times. You should be well-equipped and Eveready to turn back if you see potential danger while crossing Thorung La (5416m). The bad weather, massive snowfall, or storms can block the Thorung La Pass. You don’t want to challenge your life at that time. It’s wiser to return to the lodge. Many trekkers might suffer from altitude sickness. The trekking trails might not be conventional for first-timers. The high altitude of Annapurna may cause Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), which brings difficulties in trekking. Once you elevate 3,500m, you’ll probably find difficulties in breathing.

Where is the Annapurna Base Camp?

Golden Hour at ABC

Is the Annapurna Base Camp trek safe?

Yes, Annapurna Base Camp is safe depending on the climatic condition. ABC can be attempted independently as it is safe. It is popular among solo trekkers too. It is a personal preference to go for a solo traveling to Annapurna Base Camp but traveling in a group is recommended. Traveling with a group has more benefits than traveling independently. The climatic condition of Annapurna is uncertain, so the uncertainty may bring difficulties while trekking. During such situations, being alone in the absence of networks can be dangerous.

Are there ATMs available on the way to ABC?

No, there are no ATMs on the ABC trek route. There are many ATMs in Pokhara and Kathmandu city. You can withdraw and exchange cash in Pokhara or Kathmandu as credit cards won’t work in the Annapurna Base Camp route. Don’t forget to carry enough Nepali currency.

Are the internet and charging accessible at ABC?

Yes. You will have enough internet access in some places but would cost you Rs. 200 a day for internet access. It is uncertain whether internet access in towns will be available and fast. Internet access may be slow and might shut down if the electricity goes out. If you are making an Annapurna base camp trek blog or vlog, then you are recommended to carry spare batteries for the camera. Do not depend on the electricity at ABC.

Is it necessary to hire Guides for Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

If you stick to the Annapurna Base Camp itinerary from the start till the end, it might not be necessary to hire a guide, but it solely depends on you. Annapurna Base Camp trek without a guide is appropriate for experienced trekkers but not strongly recommended for first-timers. The trekking guide will be sharing lots of facts and information during the trek. It would be a fun and exciting trek with the guide, and you would have to worry less about getting lost. The guide will be there during a problematic situation. An experienced guide will take care of your adventurous trek very well.

What about Annapurna base camp solo trekking?

Solo Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp

How much is Annapurna Base Camp Trek Budget? 

Annapurna base camp trekking price ranges from USD 1,000 to USD 1,200 for a 12-13 days trek. USD 500 might be enough for solo trekkers excluding other miscellaneous expenses. The price also depends upon the month you choose.

What are Annapurna Base Camp trek permits and cost requirements?

TIMS Card for Permit

At last, we are going to share quick tips, Annapurna Base Camp trek can be the best choice to utilize your holidays with nature. Annapurna Base Camp is also the most preferred trekking in Nepal due to its unmatched beauty and adventure.

There are numerous trekking agencies in Kathmandu, Nepal that provide various ABC trek packages with various trekking routes and itineraries so one can get confused about finding the best trekking agency in Nepal.

Many trekking agencies have Annapurna base camp trek travel blogs on their website for your convenience. You can check out and solve some of your queries.

When choosing a travel agency in Nepal, do check their authenticity. Review their packages, accommodation facilities, budget, reliability, etc., and if you’re satisfied, only after then book the packages.

Be aware of the trekking map of the package you pick. You can contact travel agencies via telephone or other social media and gain information.

While inquiring, learn about the trek that you’ll be dealing with. You should feel comfortable and have a good rapport with them.

Moreover, if you are considering trekking at Annapurna Base Camp then this guide is definitely going to help you. Also, please leave a comment/feedback if you have any regarding ABC Trekking.

Happy Trekking and Traveling.

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek - The Definitive Guide

Suraj Katwal

Suraj is a travel enthusiast who believes in finding solace in the heart of nature. He enjoys exploring new destinations, different culture, and encouraging people to travel.

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4 thoughts on “Annapurna Base Camp Trek – The Definitive Guide”

Very well explained. Thanks for wonderful and detailed blog.

Welcome and Thank you for visiting my blog.

I’m very glad to have found this blog! What a great blog. Thanks!!! Wish to see more in the coming days.

Nice blog, very informative. Thanks

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek: A Complete Guide

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek is one of the most popular treks in Nepal. It is quite easy and shorter trek than other high altitude treks in Nepal. This trek incorporates diverse terrain, culture, and wildlife. Along with the most spectacular and close up view of Annapurna range, Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, and Dhaulagiri.

In Spring, it showcases many beautiful flowers including the national flower of Nepal ­­­­– Rhododendron. Orchids, Machhapuchhre massif and the deepest gorge Kali Gandaki accompanies you during the trek.

You will spot at times high cascading waterfalls. And, you will get to learn about people of different ethnicity, especially Gurung people when visiting the Ghandruk museum.

Depending on which route you take, you may not pass through Ghandruk though. The trail is the same from Chomrung onwards but you can choose to include or not include Ghorepani Poon Hill and Ghandruk. Poon hill is a vantage point for the view of Annapurna plus other peaks and for sunrise and sunset.

Other highlights of this trek are the hot springs! Very relaxing and healing for your aching muscles.

Also, ABC passes through MBC (Machhapuchhre Base Camp). What a blissful moment. Visit two base camps in one trip!

Together with Annapurna Circuit, these trails welcome about seventy percent of the total trekkers visiting Nepal.

Table of Content

Trip Highlights

  • Spectacular and close view of Annapurna, Machhapuchhre and Dhaulagiri
  • Hot springs
  • Gurung Museum in Ghandruk
  • Exotic flora and fauna
  • Kali Gandaki is the deepest Gorge

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Earthquake Update for Annapurna Base Camp

The devastating earthquake of 25 April and 12 May was kinder to the Annapurna region. It suffered the least damage. According to Miyamoto International’s report on damage assessment, less than 1 percent of the route and 3 percent of guesthouses dismantled during an earthquake. Most of the damage occurred on the Annapurna Circuit trail rather than ABC trail. So, the region welcomed trekkers during the peak season of autumn (September-November).

Fixing minor damages the route regained its beauty by September the same year. Now, it is back to normal, as safe as it ever was.

When is the best time to do Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

You can go to Annapurna Base Camp trek any time of the year. Yet, the monsoon is not a good time. There is heavy rainfall during the evening or night but the dark clouds are ever present. This means bad to no view of the beautiful peaks. It also means leeches, mosquitoes, possible landslides and slippery roads. But, this is the time when animals are most active. If you are a keen biologist, then monsoon is best for you.

First, here are the seasons. In Nepal, there are six seasons but it translates as:

  • Spring (March to May)
  • Summer/Monsoon (June to August)
  • Autumn (September to November)
  • Winter (December to February)

Autumn is the best time to do this trek. Autumn is a dry season that offers clear blue sky and moderate temperature. This is the best time do any trek in Nepal and is, therefore, very crowded.

You could go during December if you would like it to be quieter. ABC is possible in winter as well. Dry air and clear sky with the  best visibility but, during winter, it will be very cold and will snow. If you plan to trek in December, you need to prepare well with appropriate packaging.

Starting from January, you need to be careful about the avalanche when traveling from Deurali to Machhapuchhre Base Camp. This stretch is prone to avalanche. Trekkers should be careful no matter what time in a year they are trekking when trekking from Deurali to MBC.

Spring is another best time to do Annapurna Base Camp trek. Watch out for the avalanche though. Listen to the locals for the news about the avalanche ahead. In spring, the trail will bloom with red and white rhododendrons and many other exotic flowers found in this region, a good time to go for botanists.

Annapurna Base Camp trek route/itinerary

There are 2/3 routes that you can take to ABC. From this, you can plan out many itineraries. All routes coincide at Chomrong and follow the same path to the base camp.

The trail can go straight to the Annapurna Base Camp or take a detour to Ghorepani Poon Hill or take a smaller detour to Ghandruk or both. You can make the climbing stop and returning stop at different villages. Of course, taking different routes causes plus or minus 3-4 days.

Here is a sample itinerary. This trail goes through Ghorepani Poon Hill. In general, the trek starts from Pokhara to Nayapul and ends like Phedi to Pokhara.

Elevation during Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Personally, I think Ghanduk is a prettier village but Pothana is no less beautiful. Also, it is better to go through Ghorepani than to do a straight march up to ABC and back.

Trekking Permits and Costs for Annapurna Base Camp

To trek to Annapurna Base Camp, you need two permits.

  • One is Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) card. This costs:

For SAARC nationals: Nrs.200 (about US $2)

For Others: Nrs.2000 (about US $20)

  • Second is Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card that costs NRS. 2000 (about US $20)

Trekking Gears or Trekking Equipment Required

What to pack for the trek is one of the important questions. Not having proper gears can prove troublesome. It may cause health issues or ruin your mood.

Here is a general idea of what you should bring to Annapurna Base Camp trekking.

  • A lightweight trekking boots . It is not impossible to do this trek in sneakers or trainers. Many people try it. Just that you will be walking in snow for some part of the trek and boots offer more safety. But, make sure that your shoes are well fitting, light and comfortable
  • A pair of crocs
  • Four pairs of liner socks . Two pairs for a warm climate and two pair for cold climate. Trekking/liner socks are better but it is okay if you only have the normal ones.
  • Few pairs of underwear. There is trekking underwear that you could buy at home. They are good for other outdoor activities as well. You can find normal underwear in Nepal.
  • A high-quality best ultralight packable down jacket and a down pant. You can buy or rent a good down jacket and a down pant in Nepal for cheap for a $1 or less per day.
  • T-shirts and trousers keeping in mind both cold and warm temperature you will be traversing.
  • A set of thermals. Or, you could layer up.
  • A light sleeping bag. You can either buy or rent in Nepal or bring from your country.
  • A trekking pole. Though easy, there are many ups and downs in this trek and a trekking pole can assist you. Else, you can find a sturdy stick en route and use it to support yourself.
  • Two pairs of Gloves. One for warm weather and one for the cold.
  • A woolen hat
  • A torchlight or a head torchlight
  • A First aid kit including Diamox and Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)
  • Toiletries– Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, water purifiers, sunscreen, moisturizer, toothpaste, and toothbrush.
  • A waterproof map of Annapurna Base Camp
  • Snacks you like and entertainment such as books, cards, an iPad etc.

Are you unsure of what equipment to buy in Nepal and what to bring from home?

For detail info, check this: buy trekking equipment at home or in Nepal .

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions answered to provide a clearer picture of Annapurna Base Camp Trekking.

1) How fit do I need to be to do this trek?

Annapurna Base Camp is a Grade B or a moderately difficult trekking route. So, any fit person can do this trek, even if you do not have any previous experience. You should be aware of what to expect and mentally prepare for it. Then, as long as you dare to, you can.

2) How long do we walk every day when doing Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

On average, you walk about 4 to 6 hours per day.  Sometimes your working hour is only 3/4 hours. While during pleasant and easy trails you walk for 6/7 hours.

3) What is the highest altitude reached in this trek?

The highest altitude reached is 4190m. This is the elevation of Annapurna Base Camp. ABC is the highest we will climb in this trek.

4) What about battery charging and hot shower facilities?

You can charge batteries en route. For this, you need to bring your charger. There are hot shower facilities as well. You may have to pay a certain amount for both ($1-$2). Negotiate. Also, hot water facility could be free at a lower elevation.

5) Are there ATMs on the way to Annapurna Base Camp?

No. There are no ATMs on this trek route. You have to draw enough cash from Pokhara or Kathmandu. There are many ATMs in these cities. Everything you do is in Nepali rupees. So, you need to carry enough Nepali currency before you set off for the trek.

6) What about internet access?

Yes. You will have enough Internet access in most places. Sometimes, there might be some technical problems. Internet in Nepal is not as fast as you in your home country and at losing connection is very common at times.

7) Is it necessary to hire Guides/trekking agency for Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

Not really!.

It depends on you. If you want, you can go solo on this trek.  You can hire a guide and a porter by yourself instead of going through an agency or not hire a guide at all. Although, not having a guide can be a little problematic during offseason.

It depends on you. Is it your first time in Nepal? How confident are you of being able to find your way around? How pressed on time are you? If you go through an agency, it will be costlier but they will plan everything for you. You come, trek and return. Simple!

8) How much do guides and porters cost?

For the Annapurna region, pay for guides range from $20 to $30 per day and porters take $15 to $25 per day.

9) How much should I tip guides and porters?

People have become used to receiving tips. However, there is no set amount as tipping is a westerner created culture. They will be happy to receive what you see fit to give. If you feel confused, trekkers have taken 15% of the total pay as the standard.

I.e. Say $20 per day times 10 days= $200 dollar. Therefore, 15% means $30 tip. This is quite enough. $30 = Nrs.3000 (roughly). So, you could tip anything from Nrs.2500 to Nrs.4000 depending on your satisfaction.

This is for guides and porters only. You do not need to tip taxi drivers or restaurant staffs. If you are adamant about tipping waiters, 10% of the bill is the standard pay. These are already included as a service charge though.

If there are other questions you like to inquire upon, please comment below. We would love to answer your queries.

Food, Accommodation and their Cost during Annapurna Base Camp trekking

Lodges cost around $2 per day. You can rent a private room with twin beds or a dorm room with 4-6 beds. They are small but cozy and tidy.

There are fancier hotels that cost much more but around $2 is the price for normal teahouses. Lodging in these fancy hotels refers to luxury trekking. They are costlier. ‘Comfort against weather’ wise, luxury trekking is not necessary at all for ABC trek.

Locals expect you to eat where you stay. Teahouses make money on food rather than lodging. You would agree that $2 is much lesser. There are different food options you can choose from. You can have eggs prepared in different ways, chapatti, cereals with milk, and sandwiches. Or, potatoes prepared in different ways, packet noodles, chowmein, momo, macaroni, pudding, Dal Bhat Tarkari and more. Dal Bhat is the cheapest and most filling option. For drinks, you can have tea, coffee, flavored hot drinks etc. They sell alcohols as well.

On average, $25 per day will cover three meals, no matter what you choose to eat, and many cups of hot beverage. This budget will not accommodate alcohols. If you drink, it is better to drink on your return trip. Alcohol and caffeine will make you vulnerable to AMS. Know below about  AMS:

What is AMS?

Anyone traveling over 2400m should know about AMS. AMS can be fatal.

Also known as altitude sickness, Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is the effect of high elevation on our body. Our body responds to the lower air pressure and lower concentration of oxygen at the heights.

You feel a headache, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, shortness of breath etc. Do not ignore the symptoms. It won’t get better in an instance. Rather, it will only get worse and turn into fatal conditions HAPE or HACE. if you do not take proper concern. You need to take proper rest and ascend downhill.

The best thing to do in case of AMS is to stop ascending. Turn back and descend or stay in the same elevation for the day. Most people acclimatize in a day, some people can take 2-3 days. Diamox helps in acclimatizing. If it does not get better, descend.

Annapurna Base Camp trek takes you over 4000m. So, it is very important to adopt preventive measures like staying hydrated, eating well, ascending slow etc.

Click here to know more about AMS prevention measures.

Some Tips for Annapurna Base Camp trekking

Here are some suggestions that may be of help while trekking.

  • If you order Nepali meal set or Dal Bhat Tarkari, you can take seconds and thirds for free, except for meat. Eat as much as you like.
  • Carry enough cash with you during the There are no ATMs in ABC trail.
  • Set aside about $150 to pay for transportation and entry fees for monasteries and museums.
  • Add some contingency days as you might need one more day for acclimatizing. Or, you may like to explore one more place.
  • Do not believe all the locals. Bad people can be anywhere. Let’s say, if you ask how far is place A, they may say you have reached place A to get you to stay in their tea house. Not all people are like that. Most are friendly and helpful.
  • You can rent the expensive gears instead of buying them if they will not be of use in the future.
  • Public display of affection is not welcomed and wearing revealing dresses will earn you unwanted criticism.
  • It is rude to click people without their knowledge. Ask them first, if it is okay to take their pictures.
  • Foods might take a little longer to cook. Order earlier.
  • Take proper precautions against AMS/altitude sickness.

Hope this helps in deciding on and planning out your trek to Annapurna Base Camp.

Happy journey.

Eagle Eye Treks And Expeditions

Eagle Eye Treks And Expeditions

annapurna base camp trek in may

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is perhaps one of the best times to go trekking. With the spring in full bloom, the trek feels and looks like a dream. The skies are mostly clear, the winter has far gone and the weather is just perfect.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May allows you to experience the beautiful landscape of the mountains during spring. The trails are full of greenery and beautiful forests full of rhododendron flowers.

A glorious view of the majestic Mt Annapurna awaits you at the end of your trek. Along with the view of Mt. Annapurna, you will also get to witness Annapurna 1 (8091m), Annapurna South (7273m) too. The Glacier Dome, Gangapurna (7454m), the unclimbed Fang (7647m), and Mt Machhapuchhre (6997m) are spectacular.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is also a photographer’s paradise. The panoramic views of the mountains in May is something that no one should miss. The crispy views of the mountain ranges and blue clear skies are going to leave anyone in awe.

May welcomes a lot of nature loving people and botanical researchers. The forests that lie on the trekking trails are full of unique biodiversity which are in full bloom during the spring. This is just another factor that adds to the beauty of the trekking trail this time of the year.

But, even though Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is one of the best months to go trekking to you will definitely have to look out on several aspects.

May is the final month of spring in Nepal so, by the end of the month, monsoon may welcome you. You may encounter some unexpected downpours. Be prepared for such unpredictables.

Highlights of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

annapurna base camp trek in may

Moderate Weather

The weather in may is neither too hot nor too cold. The weather can, however, get hotter and more humid during the last weeks.

Beautiful Landscapes

Spring brings about a lot of beautiful changes in the landscape. The trees are green, the snow melted and the forests become a paradise.

The magical rhododendron flowers are in bloom along with many other flowers. The smells of the flowers along the path are enough to captivate the trekkers.

Clear Skies

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is a blessing. It offers clear skies on most days. And even if there is a chance of rain, it is usually brief and it clears the sky.

You will get to experience with the crispest views and clean mountain breeze.

Best Time for Research

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is the perfect time for research. The exotic wildlife, as well as unique plants, are in full bloom. It is like a treasure chest for biodiversity research.

Frequent Flights

The suitable temperature and weather of early May support regular flights to Pokhara. The clear weather offers the best visibility. So, there are lesser chances of flight cancellations and flight delays.

Festivals in Nepal in May

Buddha Jayanti falls in May. If you’re in Kathmandu, you will witness a grand celebration. But if you are on your trek, you will be able to participate in the local celebration of this even at monasteries that are on your way.

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Weather of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

May in Annapurna Base Camp is one of the peak seasons for trekkers. This is mostly because of the moderate and favorable weather.

During the trek on a sunny day, the temperature in the trek region remains around 20-degree Celsius at lower altitudes.

The temperature in the higher altitudes does get quite colder. Whereas, it remains around 9 degree Celsius in the night.

Even though the weather of Annapurna Base Camp in May is nice it will be quite windy. In the higher altitudes, the winds are quite fast and can reach up to 10km/hr even in the spring.

The precipitation in the first weeks of May is quite low. But, if you do decide to trek in the later weeks of May, you may have to face the early monsoon rains.

Food and Accommodations During Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

annapurna base camp trek in may

The food available during the Annapurna Base Camp trek during May is almost the same as the food available during the other months. As you ascend higher there will be fewer choices and steeper prices of food.

You should carry some snack bars or energy boosting food. You have to make sure you are having a well-balanced meal so that you have enough energy for the challenging trek.

The most preferred and easily available food throughout the trek is the traditional Dal- Bhat. This meal is a well-balanced meal served with rice, lentil soup, and some veggies. It provides enough energy as well as the nutrients required for your body.

But, if you wish to try other delicacies, you have the option to choose from some cereals or porridge, or pancakes. You can also have fries, pasta, Momo( Nepali dumplings) etc as they are also available on the menu in most places.

Since summer is just around the corner, you will want to drink a lot of water. It is quite helpful. Keeping yourself hydrated will make your hikes a lot relaxing. It also suppresses altitude sickness.

Bottled water is easily available but could be a bit on the pricer side.


Spring is one of the peak seasons for trekking. This means that the teahouses, as well as the trekking routes, will be quite packed. But, this also means that most of the hotels and tea houses will be open.

Thus, you will enjoy a comfortable stay in. Just make sure you book them in advance.

But due to the high number of trekkers, the prices could go slightly higher than the offseasons.

The teahouses and hotels will provide you with the basic necessities such as blankets and extra pillows.

You may not get hot water in many of the places you stay at. But, don’t worry as the hotels and tea houses will happily provide the water for a few extra dollars if you ask.

You should also be aware that even though most hotels and tea houses in the lower altitudes will have western style toilets. You may not get them as you climb to higher altitudes. In the higher altitudes, squat toilets are more popular.

Difficulties During Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Here are a few difficulties that you may face during your Annapurna Base Camp trek in May.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek takes you to an altitude of 4130m, Annapurna Base Camp. Although it is a lower altitude, you could face some problems. A sudden change of altitudes may become a problem and cause altitude sickness.

You should make sure you plan your trek and include some days to rest and acclimatize. As you will be ascending to the varying altitudes in a short period of time the risk of altitude sickness is common.

You will also be less likely to get affected by altitude sickness if you keep yourself hydrated. Also, be sure to avoid things such as sleeping pills and/or alcohol.

Unpredictable Rain

The weather is mostly clear during the first weeks of the month of May. But, in the later weeks, as the monsoon approaches, you may have to face unexpected downpours. The weather might also get hotter and more humid.

The rain may make the trails slippery. But, it should not be much of a problem if you are well prepared with a raincoat, rain trousers and a pair of trekking boots with good grip.

Problem of Insects

The spring brings out many bugs and insects. So, you may have the problem of leeches and mosquitoes on your trek. This may be a problem that can be easily avoided if you carry anti-leech sprays and/or ointment.

You may also find the mosquitoes annoying in the lower part of the trekking trails. But they won’t be a problem as you ascend to higher altitudes.

Packing List for Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

annapurna base camp trek in may

To ensure you have a safe and sound trek, you should pack accordingly. Here is an outline of things for Annapurna Base Camp trek in May that you should not miss.

While packing, you should keep the monsoon rain in mind. A pair of rain jacket and trousers are a necessity during this trek. In addition to those, be sure you back trekking shoes with a good grip as the paths are quite muddy and slippery during the last weeks of May.

You will face humid weather, be sure to pack breathable pieces of clothing. And as the elevations increase the weather tends to get really cold. So warm clothes are also necessary.

It is also recommended to carry light, wind jackets suited for monsoons. This is to make sure you remain dry and comfortable during the treks.

Some accessories that you should not miss out are well-polarized sunglasses and a wide-brimmed sun hat. These will make your trek during the day more comfortable.

  • Waterproof backpacks (will protect your personal belongings and important documents from the rain)
  • Sleeping bag with a liner (for windy and cold nights)
  • Trekking Poles
  • Torchlight and extra batteries (for trekking during the early hours)
  • Water bottle
  • Insect repellant sprays, bands or ointment (mosquitoes and leeches may bother you)

Some Useful Tips for Annapurna Base Camp Trek in September

Check the weather forecast.

Do keep track of the weather, especially for flight timings. The skies are clear for the most part but the monsoon rain may cause flight delays or cancellation. This is especially important if you are planning your trek in the last weeks of May.

Have a Flexible Schedule

You might want to extend your trip if the mountain views are not clear at times. Having a flexible schedule is a very important thing in these type of situations.

Hire a Guide and a Porter

Hiring a porter and a guide is a good idea as it allows you to travel freely and be safer. Besides, having someone carry your luggage at high altitudes where there is a high chance of altitude sickness is a good idea.

Get a Travel Insurance

You will need this in case you need any medical attention or for the immediate helicopter rescue. Forgetting or losing your baggage is also a possibility. So, it is in your best interest that you get travel insurance from your home country to cover all the losses and inconveniences.

The Annapurna Base Camp is a delight and one of the most popular trekking destinations in Nepal. It is a good choice for people who want to experience the beauty of the mountains of Nepal without many difficulties.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May is a good choice as the weather is clear and the forests are in full bloom. This also means that there will be more crowds than usual. So, book your trek in advance for the best deals.

If you want to book your Annapurna Base Camp trek in May or any other months or if you have any queries, feel free to contact us .

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek (ABC)

Annapurna Base Camp Trek: 6, 7, and 10 Day Itinerary for ABC

Hayden Rue

  • September 28, 2022

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is categorized as one of the world’s most famous trekking trails. From the top of the world, the trek provides breathtaking views of the Annapurna Range. The trekking trails of the Annapurna Base Camp Trek goes through remote villages, beautiful valleys, alpine lakes, glaciers and lush forests. Annapurna Base Camp with an elevation of (4,130 m) is a go to trekking route for tourists in Nepal.

Deciding to undergo the journey to the Annapurna region will reward its visitors with immense charm, normal Nepali towns in transit, and the intriguing scenes of Nepali culture and religion. Moreover, as you are trekking you will find yourself in astonishing Rhododendron groves, surrounded by freshwater and bamboo backwoods, and engulfed by some of the tallest mountains in Nepal . Including the massive Annapurna Giants including Annapurna I (8091m), Annapurna South (7273m), Gangapurna (7454m), and Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) (6997m).

Annapurna Base Camp – The Journey begins

Starting with the transport venture from Kathmandu and leaving Pokhara , the trekking goes through a few regular cultural villages like Landruk, Tolka, Pothana Dhampus, Gandruk and most notably Poon Hill – which provides one of the most breathtaking views in all of Nepal.

Similarly moving onwards into ABC you will come across hot springs where you could take rest and a dip if so inclined. As the journey continues you will be engulfed by the magnificent peaks of the Annapurna range comprising of Hiunchuli, Annapurna South, Fang, Annapurna, Ganagapurna, Annapurna 3 and Machhapuchhare. As the Annapurna trek continues, you will later hit ABC. Considered as a medium degree trek, it does not demand superior physical ability or fitness to complete.

Annapurna Base Camp – How the Trek is

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek is one of the most notable treks in Nepal. Compared to other treks, It is considered a shorter and more attainable goal than the other high altitude mountains of the Himalayas. The trekking experience integrates elevated terrain, diverse culture, and natural wildlife.

In addition to the Annapurna giants that surround you, you will find a sense of refreshment with the now and again enormous flowing cascades. In addition to its natural beauty, the region offers wonderful experiences in terms of culture, particularly with the Gurung people when you are visiting the renowned Ghandruk museum.

However, contingent upon which trekking route you take, you may not find yourself in Ghandruk. The route is the same from Chomrung onwards, however if you want to add a day to the trek and experience Ghorepani Poon Hill and Ghandruk, which provide a spectacular vantage point  of the Annapurna range, we highly recommend it for sunrises and sunsets. 

A few other advantages of the trek or getting access to the hot springs to rest your aching muscles. Likewise, if you are looking for more adventure, ABC trek goes through Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC). Visit two above the cloud decks in a single excursion! Combined with the Annapurna Circuit, these paths welcome 70% of all trekking traffic visiting Nepal each year.

The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek is coveted by the base camp standing on a chilly glacial basin in the midst of an amphitheater of mountains. It is also referred to as the Annapurna safe-haven as the locale is a very well preserved region, which is home to 1,226 types of blossoming plants, 102 mammals, 474 different birds, 39 reptiles, and 22 amphibians. And if nature wasn’t enough, the whole area is considered a sacred place and home to Annapurna (8,091m) and Gangapurna (7,455m).

During the trek the greater part of your journey is inside the Annapurna conservation area. It starts at the warm and humid lower and mid-slopes and ends at the freezing mid-Himalayan mountains. The vast differences in vegetation and wildlife becomes clear as you progress on your trip from the low hills to the extreme heights of the mountains. The highest altitude you will climb during the journey is 4,130m. The trekking route is one of the most visited in Nepal and has ample amenities and housing for trekkers. Moreover, it is a straightforward trek and relatively safe for trekkers of all experience levels.

Make sure pay attention to your well being, by monitoring yourself for high altitude sickness . If you do not pay attention to your health, high altitude sickness can put you in a dangerous situation. For example, on Oct 14 2014, several trekkers lost their lives along the Annapurna Circuit. Check out my blog: Death on the Annapurna Circuit – where 43 people died.

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek Highlights:

  • From base camp you can have views of Hiunchuli (6,441m), Annapurna South (7,219m), Gangapurna (7,455m), Machhapuchhare (6,993m) and others
  • Add an additional day to your trek to go to Poon Hill to experience the sunrise or sunset over the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna
  • Take in a cultural experience from historic villages like Ghorepani, Tadapani, Landruk, and Dhampus. Home to the various communities of Gurung, Tamang, and Magar people
  • 70% of all trekkers in Nepal take on the Annapurna Base Camp trek
  • Access to hot springs along the way
  • Home to exotic fauna and flora

Best Time for Annapurna Base Camp Trek

You can take on the Annapurna Base Camp trek any time during the year. However, certain seasons are better than others. We have broken down the different seasons and benefits of each in the table below:

Annapurna Base Camp Trek:

Looking to take on ABC trek? I have compiled a few different trekking options depending on how much time you have to devote to your trek in Nepal.

Map showing the route trekkers will take while hiking the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

6 day – Annapurna Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Day 1: Drive from Pokhara to Siwai (about 2-3 hours) and hike to Chhomrong

Day 2: Trek from Chhomrong to Himalaya

Day 3: Hike from Himalaya to Annapurna Base Camp, via Machapuchare Base Camp (MBC)

Day 4: Trek from ABC to Sinuwa

Day 5: Trek to Siwai (about 3 hours) and drive from Siwai to Pokhara

Day 6: Pokhara to Kathmandu

7 day – Annapurna Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu or Pokhara – Nayapul – Ghandruk (2020m)

Day 2: Ghandruk – Chhomrong – Sinuwa (2340m)

Day 3: Sinuwa – Bamboo – Dovan – Himalayan – Deurali (3200m)

Day 4: Deurali – MBC – Annapurna Base Camp (4130m)

Day 5: Annapurna Base Camp – MBC – Deurali – Himalayan – Dovan – Bamboo

Day 6: Bamboo – Sinuwa – Chhomrong – Jhinu (1690 m)

Day 7: Mokyu – Nayapul – Pokhara – Kathmandu

10 day – Annapurna Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Day 1: Drive to Nayapul (2 hours), trek to Tikhedhunga (up to 4 hours) 1070m / 3510ft (Nayapul) 1540m / 5052ft (Tikhedhunga)

Day 2: Trek to Ghorepani (5 to 6 hours) 2880m / 9449ft

Day 3: Early morning hike to Poon Hill, trek to Tadapani (5 to 6 hours) 3193m / 10476ft (Poon Hill) 2630m / 8629ft (Tadapani)

Day 4: Trek to Chhomrong (5 to 6 hours) 2170m / 7119ft

Day 5: Trek Chomrong to Himalaya Hotel (5 to 6 hours) 2920m / 9580ft

Day 6: Trek to MBC then to ABC (6 to 7 hours) 3700m / 12139ft (MBC) 4130m / 13550ft (ABC)

Day 7: Trek to Bamboo (5 to 6 hours) 2300m / 7546ft

Day 8: Trek to Jhinu Danda (5 to 6 hours) 1780m / 5840ft

Day 9: Trek to Tolka (5 to 6 hours) 1700m / 5577ft

Day 10: Trek to Phedi (4 to 5 hours), drive to Pokhara (up to 2 hours) 1130m / 3707ft (Tolka) 827m / 2713ft (Pokhara)

How Much Does The Annapurna Base Camp Trek Cost?

The bulk of the trekking prices will come from accommodation and dining in Kathmandu and Pokhara. These two destinations are the two largest tourist cities in the country and have a lot to offer in terms of food and activities.

Depending on where you begin your trek, and if you work with a trekking agency, you will need to pay for transportation from Kathmandu to Pokhara, either by bus (USD $5 – $25)  or by plane (USD $70 – $100). 

Permits and Fees in Annapurna Region:

  • ACAP try permit fee for foreigners: 3,000 NPR (Approx. USD $30)
  • ACAP entry permit fee for SAARC nationals: 200 NPR
  • TIMS permit: 1,000 NPR (Approx. USD $10)

Trekking Agency:

A trekking agency can charge anywhere from USD $500 to $1,000 per person. Depending on the amenities that you want, and if you require a porter or not, will determine the price of your package.

How much does the Annapurna Base Camp Trek cost?

Best estimates put the price for trekking Annapurna Base Camp around USD $700 to $1,800. This would include everything you need to go trekking, minus the fee for an arrival visa in Nepal and air travel to Nepal.

Additionally, you will have to factor in the cost of trekking insurance as well. With insurance being mandatory to trek in Nepal, you will have to purchase coverage before you are able to get your permits and passes. For help with choosing insurance, check out my blog about the best trekking insurance !

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek in Nepal:

ABC is one of the most popular trekking destinations in Nepal and the world. With over 70% of the trekkers in Nepal each year visiting the region, it is something you don’t want to miss. With an easy and safe route, it is beginner friendly and ready for people of all skill levels. Additionally, if language barriers are holding you back from traveling to Nepal, or deciding to go on the Annapurna trek, you can feel comfortable as many Nepalis, in the tourist sector speak English.

The trek can be done by yourself or with a guide. Going it alone can be difficult if you are not familiar with the route, or when it comes to getting permits and transportation squared away. A guide will provide you with an easy trip, and take care of all of your worries! Additionally, a guide will have local knowledge and be able to show you the best spots, or tell you about extra routes that can be added to the trek.

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annapurna base camp trek in may

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime! May is one of the best times to embark on the thrilling Annapurna Base Camp Trek , where the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains and lush green forests will leave you breathless in more ways than one.

As you start your journey, you’ll be greeted by the stunning landscapes of the Annapurna region with towering peaks and rolling hillsides that stretch as far as the eye can see. The trail will take you through charming traditional villages where you’ll encounter warm and welcoming locals who will share their culture and way of life with you.

annapurna base camp trek

As you continue to climb higher and higher, you’ll be amazed by the stunning views of the snow-capped peaks of Annapurna , Dhaulagiri , and Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) looming majestically above you. You’ll also be surrounded by a rich and diverse array of flora and fauna including rhododendron forests, blooming wildflowers, and rare Himalayan wildlife such as the elusive snow leopard.

At night, you’ll relax in cozy teahouses, enjoying hearty meals and swapping stories with fellow trekkers from all around the world. And as you wake up each morning, you’ll be greeted by the breathtaking sunrise over the mountains filling you with a sense of awe and wonder.

So pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May!

Table of Contents

Weather Conditions at Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

May is generally considered one of the best months to trek in the Annapurna region. The weather is usually stable and clear with warm temperatures during the day and cooler nights. The average daytime temperature ranges from 12 to 18 degrees Celsius , while the nighttime temperature can drop down to around -5 degrees Celsius.

The chances of precipitation are relatively low during May with an average of only 4 rainy days in the month. However, it is important to note that weather conditions can change quickly in the mountains, and trekkers should be prepared for unexpected changes.

Despite the favorable weather conditions it is always a good idea to check the weather forecast before embarking on a trek to Annapurna Base Camp.

The crowd on the trail of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

Annapurna Base Camp is a popular trekking destination in Nepal attracting many visitors every year, especially during the peak season of spring and autumn. May is one of the busiest months in terms of crowds in the Annapurna region and the Annapurna Base Camp trek is no exception. In May, the weather in the Annapurna region is generally favorable for trekking with clear skies and mild temperatures. The trail is also at its best with blooming rhododendron forests and lush greenery adding to the scenic beauty of the trek. As a result, many trekkers choose to visit during this time making it a popular month for the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

annapurna base camp trek in may

The crowd at Annapurna Base Camp in May can be overwhelming, especially during the peak season. The trekking trail and the base camp can get very crowded with hundreds of trekkers, guides, and porters converging on the area each day. The accommodation and dining facilities can also be stretched to capacity during this time with long wait times and limited options.

However, the atmosphere in the Annapurna Base Camp in May is also lively and festive. The base camp is a melting pot of different cultures and nationalities with trekkers from all over the world coming together to experience the beauty of the Himalayas. The teahouses and lodges are abuzz with conversation and laughter and the shared experience of the trek creates a sense of camaraderie among the trekkers.

Route of Annapurna Base Camp

Here is a brief overview of the route for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek:

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu

Your trek starts with your arrival in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. You will be picked up from the airport and transferred to your hotel.


Day 2: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara

On the second day, you will drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara, which takes around 6-7 hours. Pokhara is a beautiful city located on the shores of Phewa Lake, and it serves as the starting point for the trek.

Pokhara View

Day 3: Pokhara to Nayapul, and Trek to Tikhedhunga

On the third day, you will drive to Nayapul, which takes around 1.5 hours, and then start trekking toward Tikhedhunga. The trek is relatively easy, and you will pass through small villages, terraced fields, and lush forests.

Also Check: Annapurna Base Camp Trek in April

Day 4: Tikhedhunga to Ghorepani

On the fourth day, you will trek from Tikhedhunga to Ghorepani, which takes around 7-8 hours. The trail is steep and challenging, but the stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges make it worth it.

annapurna base camp trek in may

Day 5: Hike to Poon Hill and Trek to Tadapani

On the fifth day, you will wake up early in the morning and hike to Poon Hill to watch the sunrise over the Himalayas. After enjoying the stunning views, you will trek to Tadapani.

Day 6: Tadapani to Chhomrong

On the sixth day, you will trek from Tadapani to Chhomrong, which takes around 5-6 hours. The trail passes through rhododendron forests and offers stunning views of the Annapurna South and Machhapuchhre.

Day 7: Chhomrong to Dovan

On the seventh day, you will trek from Chhomrong to Dovan, which takes around 6-7 hours. The trail is steep and challenging, and you will pass through dense forests and small villages.

Day 8: Dovan to Machhapuchhre Base Camp

On the eighth day, you will trek from Dovan to Machhapuchhre Base Camp, which takes around 6-7 hours.

annapurna base camp trek in may

The trail is steep and challenging, but the stunning views of the Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) Mountain and the surrounding peaks make it worth it.

Day 9: Machhapuchhre Base Camp to Annapurna Base Camp

On the ninth day, you will trek from Machhapuchhre Base Camp to Annapurna Base Camp, which takes around 3-4 hours.

Annapurna Circuit Trek

The trail is relatively easy, and you will pass through glacial moraines and snow-covered landscapes.

Day 10: Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo

On the tenth day, you will trek back from Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo, which takes around 7-8 hours. The trail is steep and challenging, but the stunning views of the Annapurna range make it worth it.

Day 11: Bamboo to Jhinu Danda

On the eleventh day, you will trek from Bamboo to Jhinu Danda, which takes around 5-6 hours. The trail passes through small villages.

May’s Annapurna Base Camp Trek is an exceptional adventure guiding you through the gorgeous landscapes of Nepal’s Annapurna region. This hike showcases magnificent vistas of the majestic Himalayan summits, quaint villages, and lush verdant forests, offering an unparalleled experience. Here are some of the highlights you can expect from the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May.

Stunning Views of the Himalayas:

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek offers some of the most stunning views of the Himalayas, including the towering peaks of Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), Hiunchuli, and Dhaulagiri. May is a great time to trek in this region because the weather is clear and the views are unobstructed.

Beautiful Rhododendron Forests:

May is the month when the rhododendron forests of the Annapurna region are in full bloom creating a beautiful sea of pink and red flowers. These forests are home to a variety of wildlife including monkeys, deer, and various species of birds.


Culture Experience:

The Annapurna region is home to a diverse mix of ethnic communities including Gurung, Magar, and Thakali. Trekking through these villages gives you the opportunity to experience their unique cultures and traditions including their music, dances, and festivals.

Natural Hot Springs:

You may unwind your sore muscles after a strenuous day of hiking by bathing in one of the local hot springs. It is said that these hot springs offer therapeutic qualities that might assist reduce tension and weariness.

Popular: Annapurna Base Camp Trek in February

Challenging Trekking Trails:

An excellent level of physical fitness is necessary for the difficult Annapurna Base Camp Trek. You will have to go across high-altitude passes and small mountain roads since the tracks are steep and rocky. The region’s beautiful scenery and breathtaking vistas, however, make the effort worthwhile.

Tea Houses and Local Cuisines:

There are numerous small eateries and tea houses spread out across the Annapurna region that offer delicious regional cuisine. As you savor a hot bowl of dal bhat or momos, you can also marvel at the awe-inspiring views of the Himalayas.

Flora and Fauna

The region is also known for its rich flora and fauna, particularly during the month of May when the trek is most popular.

The lower elevations of the trek are filled with lush vegetation including rice and wheat fields and dense forests of rhododendrons, oaks, maples, and pines. The rhododendron forests are particularly striking during May when the trees are in full bloom and create a vibrant and colorful landscape.

As the trek gains elevation, the vegetation becomes sparser with alpine vegetation dominating the landscape. The higher altitudes are characterized by rocky terrain and patches of moss, creating a rugged and barren environment. However, even in these harsh conditions, a variety of plant species can be found including hardy shrubs and grasses.

musk deer

The Annapurna area boasts a wide variety of fauna including the Himalayan tahr which is easily recognizable with its shaggy coat and curved horns and is often seen grazing on the steep hillsides in the alpine regions. The region is also home to the elusive and critically endangered snow leopard which is notoriously difficult to spot. Other animal species that can be found in the area include musk deer, langur monkeys, and Himalayan black bears.

Birdwatchers will be delighted with the variety of bird species in the Annapurna region. Woodlands are home to several species such as the colorful Himalayan monal with its metallic blue-green crown and the koklass pheasant known for its unique cry. Other species that can be spotted include the Himalayan buzzard and the white-throated laughing thrush.

Merits and Demerits

May is a popular time to embark on this trek, as it falls within the peak season of hiking in Nepal. However, like any trek, there are both merits and demerits to consider when planning a trip to Annapurna Base Camp in May.

  • Weather: May falls within the peak trekking season in Nepal, as the weather is generally warm and dry. This makes for clear skies and stunning views of the Himalayan Mountains.
  • Blooming Rhododendrons: May is also the time when the Rhododendrons bloom, covering the hillsides with vibrant red, pink, and white flowers. This adds to the natural beauty of the trek.
  • Easy to Find Guides and Porters: With the increased number of visitors finding a guide or porter is relatively easy in May. This means that you can easily hire an experienced guide to help you navigate the trail, carry your equipment, and ensure your safety.
  • High Altitude Sickness Risk: While the weather in May is generally favorable for trekking, it can also be quite warm during the day. This can increase the risk of altitude sickness which is a potentially dangerous condition that can affect hikers who ascend too quickly. It is important to acclimate slowly to the altitude, drink plenty of water, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness.
  • Trail Crowds: While May is less crowded than the peak season months, it is still a popular time for trekking in Nepal. This means that you may encounter more crowds on the trail, especially at popular stops such as Machhapuchhre Base Camp and Annapurna Base Camp.
  • Difficulty in Finding Accommodation: With the increased number of visitors, finding accommodation can be a challenge in May. It is important to book your accommodations well in advance or be prepared to camp if necessary.

Tips for Annapurna Base Camp Trek on May

Here are some tips for Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May:

Pack for changing weather:

The Annapurna Base Camp trek takes you through a diverse range of landscapes from lush forests to barren mountain landscapes, so it’s essential to pack appropriately for the changing weather. In May, the weather can be unpredictable and temperatures can vary greatly throughout the day. It can be hot and sunny during the day but temperatures drop at night. Therefore, it’s crucial to pack layers and bring warm clothing like a fleece jacket or down jacket as well as a rain jacket in case of rain.

Start early:

Starting your trek early in the morning has many benefits. In May, the days are longer, but the weather can be hot during the midday. Therefore, starting early helps you avoid the heat and allows you to reach your destination before sunset giving you more time to rest and acclimatize along the way. It’s also a good idea to start early to avoid the crowds that can build up on the trail later in the day.

Stay hydrated:

Staying hydrated is essential when trekking at high altitudes. In May, the weather can be warm and sunny making it even more important to drink plenty of water. Carry a refillable water bottle with you and consider using water purification tablets or a filtering system to ensure the water is safe to drink. Staying hydrated helps prevent altitude sickness and ensures that your body functions optimally.

Take your time:

The Annapurna Base Camp trek can be challenging, with steep inclines and high altitudes. Therefore, it’s essential to pace yourself and take your time, especially if you are not accustomed to the altitude. It’s crucial to take breaks and acclimatize properly. Rushing or pushing yourself too hard can increase the risk of altitude sickness and other health issues. Remember, the journey is more important than the destination.

Bring appropriate footwear:

Choosing the right footwear is essential when trekking. The Annapurna Base Camp trek involves hiking over a range of terrains, from rocky paths to uneven trails. Therefore, it’s essential to choose sturdy and comfortable hiking boots or shoes with good ankle support. Proper footwear ensures that you’re comfortable and prevents foot injuries along the way.

You may also like: Annapurna Base Camp in January

Carry essential items:

Bringing the necessities with you can improve your trek’s comfort and enjoyment. You must include things like sunscreen, sunglasses, bug repellant, a hat, and a first aid kit while traveling in May. You can repair minor wounds and illnesses with the use of these objects which also shield you from the sun and insects.

Hire a guide:

Hiring a guide or porter is a good idea, especially if it’s your first time trekking in Nepal. A guide can help you navigate the trail, carry your gear, and provide valuable insight into the local culture and history. Having a guide also means that you have a companion along the way making the trek safer and more enjoyable.

Book accommodation in advance:

May is a popular month for trekking in Nepal and accommodations can fill up quickly. Therefore, it’s recommended to book your accommodations in advance to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free trek. Booking in advance also means that you have more options and can choose accommodations that meet your needs.

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A Detailed Guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in Nepal

Mount Annapurna in Nepal

Guest post by Basanta Lamsal of www.nepalholiday.com

You may have heard of Mount Annapurna, the tenth tallest mountain in the world at 8,091 meters (26,538 ft). It’s been a magnet for nature lovers, hikers, and adventurers ever since Maurice Herzog and his first team conquered it in 1950. But since you’re probably not a professional mountain climber, the Annapurna Base Camp trek will be the next best thing to conquer this beast. 

Scientists say the Himalayas are getting about 4 millimeters taller every year. Annapurna Base Camp, nestled in this mountain range, is surrounded by towering peaks like Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Manaslu, Gangapurna, and Nilgiri. Due to the extreme altitude, trekkers have to take it slow and get used to the height as they go.

Annapurna gets its name from Nepali, meaning “Goddess of nourishment.” “Anna” stands for grains and “purna” for complete. So if you’re looking for an amazing Himalayan hike, this complete guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is for you!

This trek is often called the ‘Trekkers Wonderland’ and is a dream trip for many. Here you will find all the info you need to plan an amazing trip, from the tough parts of the journey to the breathtaking views, as well as the schedule, suggested gear, and travel planning.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Overview

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Note: this article contains affiliate links, which means that should you purchase something or get a quote through them I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps keep the site running with up to date information. I do not represent World Nomads or Booking.com. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy the product mentioned in this article.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is one of the absolute best treks in Nepal . It can be done on your own or part of an organized excursion. The information provided below is written to allow you to plan your own trek. If you go with an organized excursion, all the logistics will be taken care of for you.

It’s significantly more expensive to do it this way, but you get the peace of mind knowing that a local agency is planning everything for you. There are numerous companies that offer the full service Annapurna Base Camp trek and many people choose to go this route.

  • Distance – 110km/68 Miles
  • Days required – 10-12 days
  • Lowest Point – 895m / 2936 ft (Pokhara)
  • Highest point – 4,130m / 13,550 ft (Annapurna Base Camp)
  • Walking Per Day Approx. – 4-6 hours
  • Cost per day – US$63 (without flights) per person per day including permits and ground transportation.
  • Accommodation – Tea houses or guest houses
  • Best Season – Mar, April, May, Sep, Oct, Nov & Dec

Where in Nepal is Mt. Annapurna?

Mount Annapurna sits in the Gandaki province of Nepal, part of the Annapurna mountain range in the central north. It is positioned on a 34-mile ridge to the east of the Kali Gandaki River, which forms one of the deepest gorges.

Pokhara, Nepal - photo of a Buddhist stupe

The whole mountain and its surroundings are safeguarded within the Annapurna Conservation Area. This national park covers an area of 7,629 square kilometers (2,946 square miles). Check its location on the map below.

Outline Itinerary for Mount Annapurna Base Camp

  • Day 01: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara (820m / 2,690ft) – 7 to 8 hrs
  • Day 02: Drive From Pokhara to Tikhedhunga (1,570m), 2 hrs and trek to Ulleri (1,540m / 5,050ft) – 3 to 4 hrs
  • Day 03: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani (2,860m / 9,385ft) – 6 to 7 hrs
  • Day 04: Early morning hike to Poon Hill (3,210m / 10,525ft) and trek to Tadapani (2,630m) – 5 to 6 hrs
  • Day 05: Trek from Tadapani to Chomrong (2,165m) – 5 to 6 hrs
  • Day 06: Trek from Chomrong to Himalaya (2,890m) – 7 to 8 hrs
  • Day 07: Trek from Himalaya to ABC (4,130m / 13,550ft) via Machhapuchhare Base Camp – 6 to 7 hrs
  • Day 08: Trek from ABC to Bamboo (2,350m / 7,700ft) – 7 to 8 hrs
  • Day 09: Trek from Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (1,780m / 6,393ft) and nearby natural hot springs – 6 to 7 hrs
  • Day 10: Trek from Jhinu Danda to Ghandruk Phedi (1,150m / 3,770ft) – 2 to 3 hrs and drive to Pokhara (820m) via Nayapul – 3 to 4 hrs
  • Day 11: Drive from Pokhara (820m / 2,690ft) to Kathmandu (1,350m / 4,450ft) – 7 to 8 hrs

map of Annapurna base camp trek in Nepal

Is a Guide Mandatory to Trek to Annapurna Base Camp in 2024?

In Nepal, all trekkers must now hire a licensed guide. This rule is set by the Nepal Tourism Board and the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal. The main reason for this rule is to keep tourists safe and protect the environment.

Guides know the area well and can share interesting information about its history and culture. This makes trekking more enjoyable and educational for tourists. Additionally, having guides helps promote responsible trekking in Nepal.

This new rule also creates more job opportunities for the local population. It means more people can work as guides and porters in the tourism industry, which brings in more money for the country.

The amount of money you will need for your Himalayan trek depends on how long you plan to travel. The cost for the Annapurna Base Camp trek varies depending on how much you spend while you’re there. For Nepali citizens, it’s a bit cheaper than for foreigners.

Trekking trails generally have higher prices compared to cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara. Food is particularly pricey while trekking, and there’s a reason for that—it has to be carried from the road to the lodges.

Budget Breakdown for ABC Trek

You might be wondering what factors affect the cost of the Annapurna Base Camp Trek. No worries, we’ll cover every aspect and break down the total cost for the trek (costs provided for 2024/25 season).

Transportation Cost

To get from Kathmandu to Pokhara, you have a few options. You can take a domestic flight, which typically costs between $100 and $200. Another option is to take a public bus, which costs around $10 to $25. Alternatively, you can rent a private car for about $100 to $150.

Once you reach Pokhara, you’ll need to travel to Nayapul, the starting point of the hike. You can take a taxi, which will cost you between $10 and $25.

Accommodation Cost

You can select from luxury hotels that can set you back up to US$ 500 per night, or you can stay in economical hotels that start at US$ 10 in Pokhara and Kathmandu. You have a wide selection ranging from costly hotels to mid-range and affordable lodging.

You will stay in tea houses during the trek. The cost is between $2 and $5 per night. They are very cozy places. If you want Wi-Fi or a hot shower you have to pay extra charges. They might charge you around $2 for Wi-Fi and $3 for a hot shower. Charging your electronic devices is not free either, and it could cost between $2 and $5 depending upon the altitude. As you go higher up, the facilities get more basic, and you might have to pay more for basic services.

Food Expenses

You can select from continental, Indian, Chinese, and regional cuisines that will charge US$ 100, or you can have local foods that start at around US$ 10 in Pokhara and Kathmandu. In both locations, you have a selection ranging from the priciest foods to mid-range and local foods.

Menu at tea house in Nepal

To eat like a local, a simple Dal Bhat, a dish that is popular in the area, is what you want to try. The meal is available for between 5 and 7 dollars. Steamed rice, pickles, curry, fried lentils, veggies, and non-vegetables are all served on a platter of Dal Bhat. The interesting part of having Dal Bhat is that you can have unlimited filling.

You will get a chance to choose other popular foods like pasta, noodles, bread, dumplings, spaghetti, porridge, fried rice, and other foods. You may easily find bakeries and hot and cold beverage items along the trail. On average, these items cost between $3 and $7.

Drink Expenses

You will find water stations while trekking in Annapurna Base Camp. These water stations offer boiled potable water at prices ranging from 25 to 100 Nepalese Rupees. Alternatively, you can purchase bottled mineral water priced between NPR 25 and NPR 100.

However, it is strongly discouraged to opt for mineral water bottles due to their negative impact on the local habitat, caused by the disposal of plastic bottles. So, I strongly recommend taking the water purification tablet and refilling the water as you go.

Guide and Porter Fees

For the Annapurna Base Camp trek, it’s advisable to enlist both a guide and a porter. The price range will be around $25 to $35 per day for a guide and $15 to $20 per day for a porter. Hiring these local experts not only enhances your trekking adventure but also ensures a smoother journey.

A guide will serve as your friend and they offer guidance and insights throughout the trip. They bring valuable knowledge of the trekking route and the shade of local culture. They will also handle all the necessary planning and logistical arrangements. This allows you to focus mainly on enjoying the experience.

Gear and Equipment Cost

The total cost of acquiring all the essential gear and equipment for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek can fluctuate depending on your specific requirements and preferences. All the gear and types of equipment you need can be bought or rented within the Thamel region of Kathmandu.

The bustling streets are decorated with many vibrant stores, each stocked with a large number of hiking and climbing essentials. While some might opt to purchase these items, others may find it more economical to rent them. The rent prices might start as low as $2 per day.

However, a rough estimate places the cost between $300 and $500 if you are willing to buy it new. This range accounts for the potential expenses associated with acquiring or renting all the essential gear needed for a successful and comfortable trekking experience in the Annapurna Base Camp.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek typically ranges from $50 to $150 per person and is usually required if you book with a trekking guide. When hiking in Nepal, common health issues like sprained ankles, skin infections, hypothermia, and altitude sickness are common. If someone develops a serious medical condition like altitude sickness, they might need a helicopter rescue. Most insurance plans will offer helicopter rescue, but ensure that the one you purchase covers that before buying. 

World Nomads is a travel insurance company that offers coverage for more than 150 activities as well as emergency medical, lost luggage, trip cancellation and more. You can search for a plan using the link below. 

annapurna base camp trek in may

Nepal Visa Costs

Travelers from countries other than India need a visa to enter Nepal. But don’t worry, if you’re flying into Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport, you can get your visa when you arrive. Just use the kiosk machines to fill out the Arrival Card and Online Tourist Visa forms. You will then receive your visa right there.

  • USD 30 for 15 day Nepal Tourist Visa
  • USD 50 for 30 days Nepal Tourist Visa
  • USD 125 for 90 days Nepal Tourist Visa

Accommodations during the Annapurna Base Camp Trek differ greatly from those in Kathmandu. However, along the trekking routes, you’ll encounter various types of basic standard lodging options. Among these, teahouses are the most popular choice for many trekkers. They offer comfortable rooms and amenities at affordable rates.

a tea house in Nepal

Teahouses are strategically located along the route, allowing travelers to acclimatize and immerse themselves in the local communities. Typically, these teahouses provide wooden beds with basic bedding like mattresses, pillows, and blankets. They also have Bukhari-style stoves for heating the rooms and serving meals in the same space, creating a cozy ambiance.

Due to the remote locations, electricity in these teahouses is often powered by solar energy. This power source may be unreliable during bad weather like heavy rain or winter storms. Therefore, travelers should bring their own torch lights and power banks to ensure they have light and can charge their devices, especially if they want to avoid being in the dark.

If you’re looking for Michelin star restaurants, I”m afraid you’re out of luck. You will not have a professional chef to cook your food at such a high altitude. Your food is cooked by the local people and you have to rely on the food that is available in the teahouses. Most of the teahouses in the Annapurna circuit are basic in standards. Sometimes the teahouses will hire professional chefs, but that will only be during peak trekking season.

Dal Bhat in Nepal

The food in the lower section is varied and cheaper. But as you ascend into the higher trail the more expensive it gets. The food items will be limited because there is no proper transportation and refrigeration system at such a high altitude. So, it is always best to avoid the meat in the upper section of the trail.

There are a few options to reach Pokhara. These vary based on budget, travel style, time, and comfort. For those who have a good budget but less time and want to escape a day from a bustling city then domestic flight is the best option for you. It only takes 25 to 30 minutes over a mesmerizing view of hills and mountains.

Pokhara is where your journey to the base camp begins. You have various options like a tourist bus, local bus, flight, or even charter a helicopter from Kathmandu or other parts of Nepal. Once you are in Pokhara, you can either hire a cab or take a local bus to reach Tikhedhunga.

When you go trekking in the Annapurna region, you have to get two permits: one is the Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) permit and the other is the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). These permits are like tickets that you need to show at certain points along your trekking route.

Trekking Information Management System (TIMS)

The TIMS permit is a necessary requirement for anyone trekking in Nepal. It’s designed to keep track of trekkers’ details for their safety. The permit costs NPR 1,000 (equivalent to $20 USD) per person for group trekkers.

Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP)

If you’re planning to trek in the Annapurna Conservation Area, you’ll need to get an ACAP permit. You can get this permit from the ACAP office in either Kathmandu or Pokhara. Each person’s permit costs NPR 3,000, which is around $30 USD.

Insurance for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Exploring the majestic Himalayas is a dream for many adventurers, but it’s crucial to prioritize safety amidst the breathtaking scenery. Securing travel insurance is non-negotiable if you plan a trip to Nepal. Your insurance policy should provide all coverage, relating to both medical expenses and emergency evacuation, with a minimum recommended coverage of USD 100,000.

The allure of the Himalayas is certain, but it comes with its fair share of risks. Unforeseen circumstances can arise during the walk through rugged terrain or scaling towering peaks. That’s where travel insurance becomes your safety which ensures that you are prepared for any eventuality.

Mount Dhaulagiri in Nepal

The terrain can be challenging and medical facilities are limited, so having proper insurance is important. From sudden illnesses to altitude-related issues like acute mountain sickness (AMS), the need for emergency evacuation may arise. Helicopter rescue becomes the lifeline for providing swift evacuation from remote mountain areas.

Acquiring travel insurance is easier with numerous providers offering online services. Take the time to research and select a policy that meets your specific needs. The policy should cover medical emergencies and helicopter rescue.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek offers a perfect blend of breathtaking scenery and physical effort with a moderate level of difficulty. 

Altitude plays a crucial role in the Annapurna Base Camp Trek, which takes you to an elevation of approximately 4,130 meters (13,550 feet). This trek is not as extreme as some other high-altitude treks in Nepal, like the Everest Base Camp trek , but it still remains a concern. So, it is important to acclimatize gradually to prevent any altitude-related discomfort.

Duration is another thing to consider for this adventure. The trek could take for around 10 to 12 days depending on your chosen route and pace. This flexibility allows you to tailor the trek to suit your preferences and physical abilities. A longer duration permits ample time for rest and adjustment, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trekking experience.

The trek requires an average of 6-8 hours of walking each day which covers a total of 110 KM (68 miles) to reach base camp. Trekking guides adeptly adjust the pace according to individual capabilities and prevailing weather conditions, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling journey.

The trail is a diverse terrain, ranging from stone steps to rocky paths and uneven paths. The changing landscape demands adaptability and physical agility, particularly when traversing steep ascents and descents. Narrow sections and cliff edges provide exhilarating challenges that offer a true test of courage for those with a fear of heights.

In conclusion, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is for adventurers with its blend of natural beauty and physical challenge. This trek promises an unforgettable journey with careful preparation and a spirit of adventure into the heart of the Himalayas.

Exploring the Annapurna trek is an unforgettable adventure, but selecting the right time is crucial for an enjoyable experience. The best months for trekking to Annapurna base camp fall before or after the monsoon season, specifically March to May and late September to December.

During spring, the weather is optimal, offering comfortably warm days to relish the breathtaking landscapes. The lush forests burst with vibrant colors as rhododendrons and magnolias bloom along the trail. While the days are pleasant, be prepared for chilly nights as temperatures can plummet to as low as -8 degrees Celsius.

A trekker on the Annapurna base camp trek in Nepal

For those who are ready to trek in post-monsoon trekking the other best time to trek is around late September through December. This period is thought by many to be  the best time for this iconic journey. Autumn boasts moderate temperatures, with warm days and cool mornings and evenings, creating an ideal climate for outdoor activities. Daytime temperatures range from 12 to 20 degrees Celsius on average, providing optimal conditions for trekking without discomfort.

You are going to step into the land of amazing adventure with stunning views and unforgettable moments. Each step you take leads to the majestic Himalayas, which offer not just physical challenges but a chance to connect with the beauty of nature. The trail’s beauty and Himalayan panoramas will humble the soul and challenge the spirit. The below tips are the compass to navigate through safety, joy, and the touch of trekking fitness.

  • Prioritize your physical fitness before starting the trek. Before the trek starts you should do cardio training for at least 2 months before.
  • Choose comfortable and well-broken-in trekking boots. Pack suitable layers of clothing, including a high-quality down jacket.
  • Keep hydrated by consistently drinking water and fluids to stay energized during the trek.
  • It is always essential to move at a pace that matches your fitness level, so take your time ascending the mountains.
  • Carry a comprehensive first aid kit equipped with bandages, antiseptic wipes, blister plasters, pain relief medication, and any personal prescription medications.
  • Carry a fully charged mobile phone and cameras, and consider portable chargers or solar-powered devices for charging.
  • Securing teahouse accommodations becomes essential so that you will get the room in peak seasons.
  • Make sure to have Nepali Rupees in hand, especially in remote areas. Card facilities may be limited or unavailable during the trek.
  • Allow yourself adequate rest and recovery time after completing the trek to rest your body. Spending an extra day or two in the beautiful city of Pokhara is a great option before you finally fly back home.

Preventing Altitude Sickness (AMS) during the hike

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a health issue that arises when ascending to high altitudes, typically above 8,000 feet (3000 meters). This occurs due to reduced oxygen levels and atmospheric pressure at higher elevations.

The condition stems from inadequate oxygen saturation in the blood and manifests in symptoms such as breathlessness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and disrupted sleep patterns. In severe cases, altitude sickness can even be life-threatening.

A hiker reaching base camp of Annapurna mountain in Nepal

Altitude sickness can be further categorized into High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) and High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE). To mitigate the risk of altitude sickness during trekking or similar activities, here are some practical tips you can follow:

  • Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated
  • Intake of garlic and cloves to enhance the blood flow
  • Take time to acclimatize during the trek
  • Say no to alcohol and caffeine
  • Consider taking Acetazolamide to reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness
  • Carbs-rich foods allow you to use oxygen more efficiently and help maintain your energy levels.
  • Lemon juice and cinnamon will be best to mitigate symptoms
  • Descend if the symptoms get worse and seek medical help

Annapurna Base Camp trek offers various alternative routes to reach it. Once you pass Chomrong, the trail toward the base camp follows the Modi River. However, there are multiple options to reach Chomrong.

You can start the Annapurna Base Camp trek from Ghorepani Poonhill , Khopra Trek, or Mohare Danda. After completing the trek, you can explore other pristine villages like Sikles, Laung, and Dhampus.

Some adventurous trekkers even extend their journey by connecting Annapurna Base Camp with the Annapurna Circuit , concluding the trek via Mardi Himal for an ultimate adventure experience.

Take a moment to consider the specifics of your planned trek before you head to Nepal. The packing list also depends upon the time of year you will be visiting. Packing appropriately can significantly enhance your trekking experience. A well-prepared packing list ensures you have everything you need, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

vital items for trekking in the Himalayas

Head, Face & Neck:

  • Sun hat & woolen cap
  • Moisturizers
  • Neck gaiters

Upper Body:

  • Comfortable Backpack for trekking
  • Quick-dry and breathable T-shirts during the hike
  • Waterproof rain gear
  • Thermal inner
  • Fleece T-shirts and jacket
  • Down jacket for a night

Lower Body:

  • Undergarments
  • Stretchable, quick-dry, water-resistant trekking pants
  • Thermal inner for night
  • Fleece or wool pants for a night
  • Light gloves during the hike
  • Warm winter gloves, fleece or wool gloves (night)
  • Warm woolen & thin sock
  • Comfortable hiking boots
  • Knee support

Other essential Items:

  • Extra passport-size photos
  • Mobile phone & charger
  • Trekking pole
  • Headlamp with spare batteries
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Personal medicine
  • Water bottle
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Facial wash, soap & shampoo
  • Tissues / wet wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Quick-dry towel
  • Basic first aid kit

Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp is more than just seeing beautiful scenery. It is an opportunity to experience the very heart of Nepal’s natural and cultural glory. With every turn, a new wonder comes to light, form lush forests to majestic peaks. This walk has all to offer, weather your goals are adventure, peace, or immersion in another culture.

Put on your boots, accept the challenge, and allow the Himalayas to embrace you in its charm so that you can leave with lifelong memories. Set off on the incredible journey and let the awe-inspiring Annapurna range leave a lasting impression on your inner being. The climb to Annapurna Base Camp is waiting for you, eager to charm, inspire, and test you at every turn.

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Chris Heckmann

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna base camp, on the way to annapurna base camp, porters preparing their meal on the way, you can also, things to know before trip, trip introduction.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek  is the most popular trekking trip in the  Annapurna Region  of Nepal giving you an opportunity to treat yourself to amazing natural highlights along with great landscape views and cultural exploration with  Annapurna panoramas  as the backdrop. Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek offers tremendous trekking, exploring, and picturesque scenery; from lowland local settlements and terraced farmlands to alpine white glaciers.

Journey to Annapurna Base Camp

We begin our ABC Trek after your arrival at Kathmandu International Airport , by going for cultural sightseeing around  UNESCO World Heritage Sites  and completing the necessary trek preparations.

Initially, we fly to the scenic lake city of Pokhara from where we drive to Nayapul. Then we initiate our trekking activity towards Ulleri passing through beautiful local settlements, landscapes, and Himalayan views. Further trekking for around 5 hours takes us to Ghorepani and then an early morning hike the next day to the popular viewpoint of Poon Hill. The golden rays of the rising sun turn the snow-white mountains into a golden color; the magic happens and you will simply love the panoramas of the Himalayas like  Mt. Annapurna range, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Machhapuchre , and other neighboring peaks.

Then we descend towards Tadapani and trek further for a couple of days through Chhomrong, Bamboo, and Deurali witnessing the best of nature, rivers, forests, and  Gurung Culture  towards  Macchapuchre Base Camp . We climb across more avalanche paths and cross a moraine to reach here. Trekking further leads us to the heavenly Annapurna Base Camp (ABC), the heart of  Annapurna sanctuary . From here we get 360-degree views of the Himalayas that capture us in their beauty.

After accomplishing our goal, we descend down from ABC to Bamboo. Leaving behind Jhinu Danda, and Nayapul, and driving back to Kathmandu. While we are at Jhinu, there is an option of dipping in a natural hot spring and getting re-energized. This is quite a revitalizing experience after the successful completion of this amazing Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

Physical Fitness and the Best Season

Annapurna Base Camp Trek requires you to be in good health and fit. It is very important because you may face many challenges of uphill ascend and altitude problems. However, these 14 days of ABC Trek are a convenient way of embarking on the journey.

Do you wish to see most of the above highlights but have fewer days? Not a problem, we have  Short ABC Trek and ABC Trek in 11 days program too. We can personalize the program as per your specifications and requirements.

Therefore inquire with us, with details of the time you have available. And join this fabulous Annapurna Base Camp Trek 2024 with Nepal Mountain Trekkers. We are offering special discounts on Annapurna Base Camp Trek along with other packages. This is especially for promoting trekking in Nepal in 2024. As the Nepalese tourism industry has been highly affected by COVID-19 and the pandemic. So, grab this opportunity as soon as possible and explore the best of Nepal.

If this itinerary doesn’t suit your requirement or if you want to customize it, please feel free to contact us. This trek could be customized as per your required time frame and budget limits.

  • Day 1 Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300m/4,264ft):
  • Day 2 Kathmandu Sightseeing and Trek Preparation:
  • Day 3 Fly to Pokhara and trek to Ulleri [2,050 m/6,725 ft]: 30 min flight and 6 hrs :
  • Day 4 Ulleri to Ghorepani (2,750 m/ 9,020 ft): 4 – 5 hours :
  • Day 5 Ghorepani to Tadapani (2,700m/8,860ft) with a visit to Poon Hill: 6 – 7 hours:
  • Day 6 Tadapani to Chhomrong (2,170m/7,120ft): 6 hours :
  • Day 7 Chhomrong to Bamboo (2,310m/7,578ft): 4 – 5 hours:
  • Day 8 Bamboo to Deurali (3,230m/10,595ft): 3 – 4 hours:
  • Day 9 Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m/13,545ft) via Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,700m/12,135ft): 5- 6 hours:
  • Day 10 Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo: 7 – 8 hours:
  • Day 11 Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (1,760m/5,770 ft): 5 – 6 hours:
  • Day 12 Trek to Naya Pul then drive to Pokhara: 6 hours trek, 1 hour drive:
  • Day 13 Fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu:
  • Day 14 Departure Day:

Detail Itinerary

Day 1 : Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300m/4,264ft)::

The trek to the beautiful Annapurna region is just around the corner as you land at the Tribhuvan International Airport ( TIA ). Complete the formalities in the customs and you shall be greeted by our representative. You shall then be transferred to the hotel of your stay. Get rest in the hotel to your jetlagged body and enjoy the cuisine and hospitality of the hotel. If you are interested enough stroll around in the nearby streets of Thamel and introduce yourselves to the medieval Kathmandu city. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 2 : Kathmandu Sightseeing and Trek Preparation::

This day in our trek shall be dedicated to sightseeing and exploration of the Kathmandu valley , its heritage, and historical and cultural marvels. From the Hindu shrine of Pashupatinath Temple to the Buddhist pilgrimages of Boudhanath and Swayambhunath Stupas the sightseeing has a lot of ancient heritage. In Pashupatinath Temple, you shall see the holy men meditating and getting engaged in religious acts. In these heritages, Swayambhunath boasts of being the 14th-century old revered stupa while Boudhanath prides on being one of the largest stupas in the world. Other heritages are the architectural excellence in Patan Durbar Square, a complex with the royal palace, unique temples and rest places, and several artifacts. After exploring these sites listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site List, we shall interact with the trekking guide and obtain information regarding the trek. Get an answer to your queries and prepare your bags for the entertaining trek in the Annapurna region. Besides this interaction, in this meeting, you are also required to have a copy of your insurance and clear out the remaining dues as well. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 3 : Fly to Pokhara and trek to Ulleri [2,050 m/6,725 ft]: 30 min flight and 6 hrs ::

Beginning the trek in the Annapurna region, we shall have a short and scenic flight to the lake city of Nepal, Pokhara. We shall leave early in the morning for the city on a flight that takes us above the vast and diverse landscape, lush trails, and valleys, along with the vicinity of the majestic Himalayas that has withstood ages overlooking the beautiful region. After we land in the valley of Pokhara we shall drive to the starting point of the trek, Naya Pul, for the actual physical trekking in the region. This drive of an hour shall take us along the Pokhara-Baglung highway past beautiful landscapes, waterfalls, and small streams, past some famous settlements including Lumle, and the scene of the mountains overlooking the entire trail. After reaching Naya Pul, we start our walking. A short walk from Naya Pul we shall reach Birethanti by walking along the bank of the Modi Khola. From this village located at the confluence of Modi River and Bhurungdi River, we trek gradually upstream of Bhurungdi River through the dense rhododendron forest, and past the terraced fields, relatively flat trails, waterfalls, and small rivulets before we reach the settlements of Lamadwali, Sudame, and Hille successively. The trail ahead becomes more dramatic and steep as we head from Hille to Tikhedhungga crossing a suspension bridge in a twisting trail. The track becomes dramatic as we have to trek up to the destination of Ulleri past the hydropower plant and with the walkthrough lone stone steps, we reach the Magar village of Ulleri. Watch out for the train of mules and their owners and give way for them as you trek along the narrow trails. Expect warm hospitality from the locals and a test of patience from the long stone steps, marvelous views of the Annapurna massifs and Dhaulagiri Peaks, green forests, and diverse flora and fauna. Stay overnight in Ulleri.

Day 4 : Ulleri to Ghorepani (2,750 m/ 9,020 ft): 4 – 5 hours ::

In these beginning days of our trek in the Annapurna region, trekkers get into the habit of rural settings after they leave the small town of Ulleri to get the first sense of village life. Trekking along with the less steep stone steps, we move forward receiving the greetings of welcoming locals, exploring the dense forest adorned by pink rhododendron flowers and oak trees, shady trails, smaller streams, and the view of mountains such as Fishtail Mountain. The climate becomes cooler as we move ahead in the trail through the settlement of Banthati crossing a bridge and reach to another settlement of Nangethati after making a short final climb to this village. We continue trekking along the Bhurugdi River with the increasing altitude and thereby increasing strain on the trekkers, as we trek past the waterfalls and small streams, lush landscape, and beautiful views before we reach our destination for today, the village of Ghorepani. A village that seems to be stuck in watercolor painting by the divine authority, Ghorepani now serves as a resting hub for the trekkers, which was once a stoppage for traders heading for trade with Tibet. On a clear day, the towering Annapurna South stands firm, overlooking the green forested hills and lush valleys with blue roofs of the houses of the villages. Exploring the trail we have an overnight stay in this beautiful village.

Day 5 : Ghorepani to Tadapani (2,700m/8,860ft) with a visit to Poon Hill: 6 – 7 hours::

The views and sceneries till now will seem to you like a beginning after you witness the marvelous sunrise over Poon Hill early in the morning today. We leave Ghorepani at the hour of the day illuminated by the moon, equipped with the camera and lights in standby mode and backed by excitement, and reach Poon Hill after marching for about 45 minutes. Securing ourselves a place to view this wonder of nature, we slowly witness the magic unfolding before us. Starting with the silhouette of mountains, high hills, colorful forests, and crevasses covered with mists and clouds, villages and prayer flags extending themselves to the far-away places, we end up viewing the glorious mountains lit up by the golden rays of the sun. Capturing this phenomenal scenery and creating some memories we trek down to the foothill for lunch before heading further to Tadapani. The initial trek to Tadapani is warm due to the growing strength of the sun whereas the temperature drops significantly as we trek through the forests and descend to deep valleys marked by smaller streams, a variety of flora, and fauna, and picturesque landscapes. Emerging out of the forest we reach a grassy hillock that provides a marvelous view of the mountains trekking along the ridge takes us through a pass called Deurali Pass before we descend steeply to a village and streams and then to Tadapani through dense forest in rather long and winding trail. Take a rest in Tadapani. Overnight in Tadapani.

Day 6 : Tadapani to Chhomrong (2,170m/7,120ft): 6 hours ::

On another day of ascents and descents in this enriching and interesting trek in the Annapurna region, we trek mostly through a dense forest dotted with endless rhododendron trees, marvelous scenery, pristine streams, traditional villages, and towering Himalayas. The trek starts with a long descent through the dense rhododendron forests, cultivation fields, a view of green hills and lush valleys weaved by streams, and the village of Chui Le, a typical hilly village of Nepal with a rural lifestyle, to the Kimrong River. Be careful with this steep descent and avoid putting much strain on the knees and calves. After crossing the fast-flowing and beautiful Kimrong River over a suspension bridge, our trail becomes more uphill and so trekkers begin to climb on the landscape to the western bank of the Modi River. The trail passes through the settlement of Taulung where the trail to Jhinu Danda (a village famous for a hot spring with water believed to cure some skin diseases) and the trail to Annapurna Base camp meet. Ahead on the trail, we reach Chhomrong after the final climb trekking over a long staircase of stone accompanied by the lushness of the scenery and hills, we reach the destination of today. Stay overnight in Chhomrong.

Day 7 : Chhomrong to Bamboo (2,310m/7,578ft): 4 – 5 hours::

The trek today and tomorrow shall be a shorter one as compared to the previous day’s trek for the purpose of allowing the trekkers to adjust themselves to the increasing altitude. Trek starts with the descent to the Chhomrong River and crossing the river the hike leads to the small settlement of Tilche and Dalphuon on either side of the Modi River. Moving ahead in the trail you shall hike along the undulating trail as the ascent continues and inches more close to the river. En route are the villages of Sinuwa and Khuldigar before reaching the destination of today, the village of Bamboo. The climb to Sinuwa via Sinuwa Danda is quite strenuous on stone steps but the views from the place are more than rewarding, with the view of snow-capped mountains to the far beside deep gorges and lush hills as your watch the surrounding areas. The trek enters the Upper Modi Khola valley from which the forests dominate the landscape rather than cultivation areas. After Kuldi the trail is rather slippery with stone steps and through the dense forest, we reach Bamboo Village. Overnight stay in Bamboo Village.

Day 8 : Bamboo to Deurali (3,230m/10,595ft): 3 – 4 hours::

Today we shall have the shortest trekking in this entire trekking expedition as we depart from the last settlement on this trail to the base of Annapurna Peak. This gradual trek before reaching the Annapurna base camp serves as acclimatization for the trekkers. We start our trek early in the morning after having breakfast. With the bamboo, oak, and rhododendron forest on either side of the trail and the company of Modi River, we ascend gradually to Dovan after crossing a small stream and walking for some time. Further ahead in the trail, we trek past the Himalayan hotel, waterfall, and further ahead a cave known as Hinko or Hinku Cave which also has religious significance for the locals before we reach the destination for today, Deurali. The area before and a little ahead of Deurali is prone to avalanches as well due to which the trekkers may have to be careful. We can also see the Machhapuchhre River mixing with the Modi River. We get ourselves adapted to the surroundings and get prepared for the ascent to the Annapurna Base camp the next day. Overnight stay in Deurali.

Day 9 : Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m/13,545ft) via Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,700m/12,135ft): 5- 6 hours::

The climax is here! Today we shall go for the Annapurna Base camp through the rather nonexistent base camp of Fishtail Mountain or Machhapuchhre Mountain. Carefully trekking ahead of Deurali we step into the spot of Bagar, located at the confluence of Modi River and Machhapuchhre River. In the trail further ahead, we see that the vegetation becomes sparse and the boulders, rocky paths, and glacial rivers and lakes, waterfalls dominate the landscape. The trail gradually parts away from the torrential river and approaches the base of the sacred Fishtail Mountain. Climbing the Fishtail Mountain is prohibited and hence the base camp of this mountain serves as a stoppage for the trekkers heading towards Annapurna base camp. The view of the Annapurna Mountain range, Gaganpurna Mountain, Hiuchuli Peak, and of course the Machhapuchhre Mountain are visible from here, besides several other peaks. After some rest, the trek continues after crossing a glacial river and turns right along the gorge created between the lateral moraines of the South Annapurna Glacier and avalanche-prone mountain ridges. Finally, the base camp of the Annapurna massif arrives. Behold at the panoramic views of the mountains; huge and humongous rocks clad with snow seem to be right in front of your eyes and trekkers marvel at the sight dominated by glaciers and mountains, crevasses, and moraines. Explore the surrounding areas carefully before witnessing one of the best sunsets in this entire trek. Overnight stay in Annapurna Base Camp.

Day 10 : Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo: 7 – 8 hours::

With one of the best sunrises you will ever witness in the Himalayas, today trekkers shall wake up to view the sunrise from the Annapurna base camp over the Annapurna massifs and other numerous peaks. After capturing these moments where nature reveals its magic to humans, we retrace our steps from this wonderful landscape in the vicinity of the Himalayas. Trekking to the lower altitude requires lesser strain as compared to the stress while climbing up due to which we trek to the settlement of Bamboo. From the avalanche-prone areas and lap of the Himalayas, we enter the valley formed by the torrential Modi River. Following the trail previously beaten by us, we trek to the Bamboo village. The landscape, natural scenery, and diversity never fail to enchant the travelers; it’s the same level of attraction every time the travelers pass through this area. The descent should be rather cautious not to put more strain on their legs and ankles while trekking down. Stay overnight in Bamboo.

Day 11 : Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (1,760m/5,770 ft): 5 – 6 hours::

We start our trek with the Jhinu Danda in mind, the place famous for natural hot water springs where trekkers, visitors, and locals relax. The trail has some steep sections of the trek, yet the landscape of the region has outstanding beauty and diversity all along the route. Trekking along with the stone steps and rocky terrains crossing a couple of bridges, we reach the settlement of Taulung. The trek to the Jhinu Danda is a gradual descent. On reaching the spot, get into the spring for much-needed relaxation after strenuous trekking at higher altitudes. These springs are believed to have curing elements for some skin diseases including aches. After this, you may head to the guesthouse for your stay. Overnight in Jhinu Danda.

Day 12 : Trek to Naya Pul then drive to Pokhara: 6 hours trek, 1 hour drive::

Today we shall complete the trek hiking activity in the Annapurna region under this expedition as we complete the trek to Nayapul from Jhinu Danda. The trek shall be relatively easier though trekkers need to take on this walk gradually so as to put less pressure on the ankles and legs which have had much strain in the past few days. We shall trek through culturally rich villages inhabited by diverse communities, a variety of natural sceneries, fast-flowing streams, beautiful waterfalls, lush valleys, and rolling hills and hill towns before reaching the settlement of Naya Pul. After reaching this place, we shall get some refreshments and load our packing before heading to Pokhara. Reaching the hotel you may go strolling around the bustling Lakeside in the evening if you are interested. Stay overnight in Pokhara. *If the road construction connecting Jhinu Danda to Naya Pul is complete, driving from Jhinu Danda to Pokhara could be another option.

Day 13 : Fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu::

Get ready with your bags as we leave for Kathmandu after completing our adventure in the Annapurna region. The flight shall be generally early in the morning after having some breakfast over the vast landscape, rolling and high hills, lush and green valleys, serpentine-shaped rivers, and the view of the majestic Himalayas. On reaching Kathmandu, you shall be escorted to the hotel where you are staying. You have the rest of the day by yourself when you may go souvenir shopping and engage in any activity if you have booked with us. Stay overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 14 : Departure Day::

After completing the trekking expedition in one of the world’s best trekking destinations, you are finally ready to leave for your respective destinations. Go for some last-minute shopping if you have any and make sure you have packed all your belongings. You shall be transferred to the international airport for your onward destination in a private vehicle. We hope that this adventure has been of special importance and it has tempted you to come back for another adventure in this Himalayan nation. Have a safe and comfortable journey to your onward destination.

Price Includes

  • Airport Pick-up and drop service
  • 3 nights Hotel in Kathmandu ( Hotel Green Horizon or similar standard) with breakfast
  • 1-night Hotel in Pokhara
  • Sanitation: The accommodation we provide will be neat and clean with warm hospitality and quality services.
  • Single/Twin-sharing Accommodation (as per budget): Your group won’t have to share your accommodation with anyone else so your privacy is protected.
  • We provide hygienic and safe meals to re-energize you.
  • We request you not to waste your meals for it is difficult to transport food in the rural area.
  • You are not allowed to share your meals with anyone else from another group.
  • Transportation costs: One-way Domestic Flight(KTM-Pokhara) and Drive from Pokhara to KTM With other driving fares such as drive from Nayapul to Pokhara.
  • Local Staff: Our guides are locals of the region which ensures that you will surely get to explore a bit more during the trek than with any other guides.
  • Experienced: With the experience of more than a decade of working in this field, our trekking guides possess excellent knowledge on briefing during the trek as well as they are experts in handling all kinds of critical situations that might occur during the trek.
  • Insurance: Nepal Mountain Trekkers have an insurance policy for all our trekking staff.
  • Local Staff: The porters we hire belong to the same region where we trek in order to provide employment opportunities to the locals as well as to make you explore every prospect of the region.
  • Trekking permits: TIMS card and Annapurna Conservation Area( ACAP ) fees
  • Trekking gears like sleeping bags and down jackets are made available for rent
  • T-shirt, Duffel Bag, and Trekking Map with Company Logo
  • Rescue Arrangement Service
  • First aid medical box
  • 13% VAT and 10% service charge
  • Farewell Dinner

Price Excludes

  • Visa fee to enter Nepal ( Visa Information )
  • International flight tickets
  • Foods in Pokhara and Kathmandu
  • Extra night accommodation and meal costs in Kathmandu and Pokhara due to any change in the scheduled itinerary
  • Travel insurance / Rescue operation costs
  • All personal expenses(internet, laundry, battery charge, donation, etc)
  • All soft drinks and alcoholic beverages
  • Tips for guide and porters

Trip Gallery

annapurna base camp trek in may

  • Sun hat or scarf
  • Light balaclava or warm fleece hat
  • Cotton t-shirts or thermals
  • Fleece jacket
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Down jacket
  • Lightweight cotton pants (long)
  • Waterproof pants
  • Thin inner socks
  • Thick, warm wool hiking socks
  • Comfortable hiking boots


  • Sleeping bag rated to -10°C +
  • Trekking bag (Rucksack)
  • Large plastic bags (for keeping items dry inside trek bag)
  • Trekking poles (optional, recommended)
  • Water bottle or camel bag

Fixed Departures

  • 27/05/2024 2-10 No Book
  • 06/06/2024 2-10 Yes Book
  • 18/07/2024 2-10 Yes Book
  • 31/07/2024 2-10 Yes Book
  • 12/08/2024 2-10 Yes Book
  • 30/08/2024 2-10 Yes Book

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Clients review.

What our customers say about us

Shiva, best of all guides

We had a great experience with Shiva. He knew everyone at every Guest House, he gave us the best rooms in each of them, he explained everything we asked him about… If I go back, I would ask for him to be my guide 100%!

ABC Trek – Great experience!

Namaste! Super cool and friendly company. Very good organisation. Everything worked perfectly. My guide had everything under control en route and always had a perfectly flexible solution ready for any challenges. Very professional advice during the preparation of the trip and the best suggestions for changes. I can only recommend this agency. Flawless!!!

Wonderful experience!!!

It had been a wonderful time trekking to Annapurna Base Camp with Mingma, the guide from Nepal Mountain Trekkers. He was my guardian angel. I felt safe and secure all the way. Mingma is very kind, friendly, honest, supportive and in general a really nice person to be around. He is professional and knowledgeable about the region and the culture. And you can trust him with your life. I cannot thank him enough!

I also want to say thank you to the Nepal Mountain Trekkers team, especially Suman, who took care of everything from planning the itinerary, arranging the transportation, booking the lodges and ensuring our safety and comfort throughout the trek. I could just enjoy the journey without thinking of technicality. Suman also shared his insights and stories about the places we visited and made the trek more enjoyable and memorable.

I highly recommend Nepal Mountain Trekkers to anyone who wants to experience the beauty and adventure of Nepal, especially, the Annapurna region!

Thank you guys for the wonderful trip!

Unforgettable ABC experience

Amazing 9 day trekking to ABC, with the sunrise highlight. Prefect organized trip by Suman and our guide team! Taxi, flight, lodges and changes in our plans!

Solid trustworthy trekking company with strong management and a great team

Trekked ABC trek using Nepal Mountain trekkers. From initial discussions, the organization was made easy. They listened to what we wanted and also helped to arrange everything from flights to airport pickups and city tours for no cost (city guide was a charge). They are super knowledgeable, trustworthy and go above and beyond to give you a great trek. The team (guide and 2 porters) were excellent. Dependable, helpful, fun to be with (dancing, singing, would play cards in evenings with us) but would work so hard all the time to make sure you were comfortable and happy. Highly recommended. Management team work hard for the community and their clients. Above all they care. Thank you to the wonderful team.

ANNAPURNA BASE CAMP TREK – the best trek we could have hoped for with Nepal Mountain Trekkers

We picked Nepal Mountain Trekkers to support us in doing Annapurna Base Camp Trek at the beginning of spring break because they came highly recommended and had the trip advisor ratings to back it up. It was our 12 year old son’s first experience trekking in the Himalayas and we wanted someone we could trust. It proved to be a good decision because the day we left Pokhara he was really sick with a gastro issue. We set out anyway hoping he would recover. Without the support of the NMT team I don’t think we would have made it through the first few days. Our guide and porters were flexible and helpful in adapting our plans based on how things were going, his health, the weather etc. As a result of some good decisions we had the most amazing trekking experience, full of beauty, peace, challenge, fun and laughter. Just the best we could have hoped for. After we got back, there were some other things we wanted to do in Sarangot, Chitwan and Nagarkot. They advised us and helped us find and organize the rest of the trip at relatively little cost. We are already thinking about our next trip and it’s a no brainer for us to work with these guys again. A quick side note is that soon all trekkers will need a guide. There is a big difference between guys that you can trust and some of the other companies out there that might take advantage of you. Not saying there aren’t other good ones but just that there are some that think more about the money, than your welfare and what you need to have the best time possible.


I had an absolutely wonderful time on my trek. I had never been trekking before, and didn’t know what to expect. It was a truly tremendous experience, and I’m so happy I decided to go. My guide and Porter were excellent and answered any questions or concerns that I had. The views all along the trek were simply breathtaking. I highly recommend this company if you’re planning on doing any trekking while in Nepal. Everyone was fantastic to deal with from start to finish! 10/10

Am very happy I have chance to take trip with company because it’s really more than I think I was amazing trip with best guide Mr suman was nice person this trip he’s make everything special i be honest thank you so much for Mr suman just I want to let any one come to Nepal just joined with this company because was more than beautiful everything best thank you so much for Nepal Mountain Trekkers Team just I want to let know am coming back in month 9 thank you so much

Can’t go past Nepal Mountain Trekkers

Our Annapurna trek (9 days) was organised so perfectly that we didn’t have to think about much other than what to eat and when to be ready. All of which was explained to us every step of the way. TB (our guide and general boss man) and the porters were just delightful, always looking out for our wellbeing and general comfort (in somewhat uncomfortable environments at times) and they have become lifelong friends to the four of us (middle-aged women) who trekked together. Our time in Khatmandu and Pokhara (either side of the trek) was also organised perfectly from arriving at the airport to our departure 3 weeks later. TB was even prepared to ‘shop’ with us and help us navigate the complexity of retail in Nepal. Whilst barely noticeable, TB made changes on the trek and constantly sought out the best possible accomodation and routes to suit us and make sure we saw the majesty of the mountains and surrounds. Absolutely nothing was too much trouble and we felt so safe and secure in their capable hands, right down to the multi cups of tea to keep us warm and hydrated, ice water for sore feet, the odd massage, fires lit just for us, being lifted up steep terrain and virtually carried across the odd suspension bridge when fear might have stopped us moving on. I can’t recommend them highly enough, taking on such a challenging adventure requires true, experienced professionals and they were every bit of that. Thank you so much to the whole team.

Amazing experience with Shiva and Rajendra ! Thank you guys for the planning and service, always available and helpful ! Both were very calm and arranging which allowed us to customize and enjoy our trek as we liked…would definitely recommend !

Amazing time

TN Bhatta is the best quide I’ve met. Meals was very good, louges was fine. Amazing views and beatiful mountains. It was fantastic time.

Annapurna Jadę Camp.

TN Bhatta is the best Guide I have ever had in my travelling around the world. Thanks to him my first visit to the Himalayas was marvelous. He has not only shown me the mountains but also has given to me the sensor of security. I hope that I will come back nad hike with him as a guide. Agata Schlimgen from Poland

Agata Schlimgen

Annapurna trek (poon hill, ghandruk and dhampus).

I had an adventure of a life time in Nepal with Nepal Mountain Trekkers. The company was very professional and their staff were amazing especially Suman Gurung our guide. Suman was outstanding. I highly recommend this company to you

Great experience doing ABC Trekking with NMTrekkers

Since my first email to NMTrekkers until the last day I am in Nepal, NMTrekkers has provided me and my friend a very good experience.

Ramesh helped me to sort out my trekking itinerary and answered my questions promptly, weeks before my arrival in Nepal through emails.

Our guide for ABC Trek is Pralad, a gentleman with good command of English. There is no problem in our communication and plus, he can speak Bahasa Malaysia quite well. Pralad is knowlegeable on the general history of Nepal, about the local cultures and the safety precautions that we have to be aware of during our trek. We are very satisfied and I highly recommend him for trekking activities.

Due to bad weather, we are unable to trek to Poon Hill and to finish the ABC trek but still, NMTrekkers managed to adjust our itinerary to fill the remaining days.

Kudos to NMTrekkers!

Farhan Rahim

Namaste NMTrekker,

Generally speaking, this company has shown a very good enthusiasm in organising and making the best out for me and my friend..

It’s been the first time for the two of us visited Nepal and do trekking through ABC, and all went smoothtly since day 1..

Yes, a little dissapointment hit us when we are not able to reach Poon Hill and ABC as per our itinerary.. Nature is unpredictable.. That is what I can say.. Heavy snow stops us from doing so.. Above all, we are happy and still enjoyed the breathtaking views along the trekking period..

Plus, we are accompanied by an excellent guide named Pralad.. He was the best for us as he can speaks in many languages (Nepal, English, as well as Malay), and also has good trekking knowledges and warmth approach.. We got a lot of information about trekking tips and also the culture of Nepal through him..

We wished we had another time with NMTrekker to complete the ABC trekking or Annapurna Circuit Trekking in the future.. Nepal is a wonderful country and make us feel relax while trekking..

Really hope we can come accross again in other time.. We are looking forward to your good services..

Super trek à ABC

Je recommande chaleureusement cet agence de trek! De très bons conseils, très bonne organisation. J’ai passé deux excellentes semaines. Je recommande mon guide BJ qui a été attentif, attentionné, très investi dans son rôle de guide Il parle très très bien anglais!

Trek Annapurna Base Camp

Thank you Ramesh for once again organising my group trek. You are extremely efficient and have a great personality, you are easy to communicate with both via email and face to face. Congratulations for having a great team especially TB Ghale who is your Operations Manager and top guide. TB is known for his easy going manner. Always happy polite and one step ahead of his clients requirements. We always feel safe when he is leading us on our mountain adventure. On the ground your staff in the office are very efficient, road vehicles well maintained and always punctual. All accommodation suggested is clean and comfortable. See you all again next season

Nepal Mountain Trekkers is the perfekt agency

I did a trip to Kathmandu and some trekking to the Annapunda area. Even that I traveld allone, because a friend of mine got ill was no problem. I felt really save and good informed. Our guid Suman and our Potter Pralad made a perfect job. They fulfilled all my wishes and made a dream come true. It was an amazing trip and I would go by them anytime again! Thank you! Katharina

Nepal Mountain Trekkers eine Tolle erfahrung

Ich war mit den Nepal Mountain Trekkers Anfang April 2018 im Annapurna gebiet unterwegs. Unser Guide Suman Gurung und Träger Pralad Simkhada waren sehr nett und zu vorkommend, haben alles möglich gemacht und sich hervorragen um uns gekümmert, so dass wir einen sorgenfreien Urlaub genießen konnten. Selbst als ich durch eine Magenverstimmung aussetzen musste, wurde alles in die Wege geleitet das es mir wieder besser geht und ich den Treck beenden konnte. Großes Lob an die beiden. Wenn ich das nächste mal nach Nepal komme werde ich wieder mit Nepal Mountain Trekkers meine Reise / Treck planen. Die Guides kennen sich Hervorragend in der Gegend aus und haben viele persönliche Kontakte Stätten und Dörfern was sehr hilfreich sein kann.

Von mir gibt es da einen fetten Daumen nach oben!

Annapurna trekking

Geweldige trekking met een goede gids. De trekking was goed verzorgd. De gids, genaamd Dal, hield rekening met onervaren trekkers en was ook niet te beroerd om onze backpack te dragen.

Excellent !

C’est la deuxième fois que je profite de cette agence. C’est une équipe très professionnelle qui taille des treks sur mesure, bien qu’une multitude d’offres soit proposée. Le respect de l’environnement et de la population locale constitue également un atout majeur de cette agence. C’est excellent. Je recommande vivement !

Zum Ende meines dreimonatigen Aufenthalts in Nepal wollte ich nach meiner Arbeit an zwei Schulen wenigstens noch eine kurze Trekkingtour machen. Ramesh, Leiter der Agentur Nepal Mountain Trekkers, hat zwar den Mardi Himal Trek vorgeschlagen aber aus Zeitgründen habe ich mich dann für den Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek entschieden. Auch mein „alter“ Guide Krishna war zur geplanten Zeit frei. Die Tour vom 4. bis 11. Mai war begleitet von hoher Bewölkung und gelegentlichen Schauern am Nachmittag. Krishna drängte aber jeden Tag auf einen frühen Aufbruch und so hatten wir vormittags noch Sonne und gute Sicht und blieben von den Schauern am Nachmittag verschont. Im Base Camp gab es nachts Schneefall und dann am Morgen blauen Himmel mit einem wunderbaren Panorama. „Danke“ an Ramesh und Krishna für die perfekte Organisation und Durchführung.

Josef Maurus

The best two trips of my life, thanks to nepal mountain trekkers.

My first trip to Nepal was in 2010, I contacted with Mr Ramesh Dhakal in Thamel and had a great impression; I asked about the activities I wanted to do (Everest Base Camp trek, Annapurna trek, cultural visits to the cities in Kathmandu Valley, sports…). Ramesh explained to me very kindly about all these activities, very deeply, with all the recomendations about the gear, the food, the guide, and made feel very safe, so I felt convinced about doing the activities with the company and no soloing. He told me a very important thing to me: “Here in Nepal we are happy if you are happy, because if you are happy you´ll come back. We are not interested in cheating people in any means”. We discussed the prices and never felt cheated. After that I met my guide Min Nepali, who was with me almost the entire tiem I spent in Nepal, and we became best friends. Ramesh and Min are really wonderful people, taught me a lot and more about Nepal, the nature, the people, the cities, and moreover with their attitude I learned the beatiful people that are Nepali peoples. Also Mr Devaraj Dhakal, the manager of the hotel the company runs, and all the staff made my journey an experience to remember. From temples to jungle to mountain passes (Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Region, Chitwan, Helambu route, Kathmandu, Bakthapur, Patan, bungee jumping, elefant riding…).


I have been coming to Nepal since 2012 and on each visit Nepal Mountain Trekkers have been extremely helpful. Devaraj and Ramesh have always made me feel welcome when I return and go out of their way to make every trip memorable. I would recommend the Annapurna trek – it’s the most beautiful trek I have ever been on and, although parts are strenuous, is suitable for all abilities. Having a knowledgable helpful guide made it perfect. Hotel Horizon has become a home from home for me over the years and I look forward to returning there

Memorable Annapurna Sanctuary Trek

This was our first time (females, mid-20s) in Nepal and with trekking in general so we felt very overwhelmed. I mean, with travel agencies everywhere you look it’s hard not to be! Luckily, Nepal Mountain Trekker’s office was right beside our place of accommodation, Hotel Horizon. We were on a budget so we decided to only hire a guide for peace of mind. We got SO much more out of it then we could have imagined! The manager – Mr. Ramesh Dhakal, was very helpful in accommodating our needs and budget. He answered every concern we had and referred us to our guide, Min Bahadur. Min really made our experience during the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek memorable! There was no language barrier and Min always made sure we were safe and comfortable (i.e. checking our rental equipment, helping us bargain, making sure we ate well, motivating us, the list goes on). We cannot express how fortunate we felt! I would recommend this service which we found to be very honest and worthwhile and our guide for anyone planning to visit Nepal! Take care!

Best holiday in nepal

I was in nepal. I did trekking with mr. Tika dhakal annapurna 15days. Trekking was fentasfik and funy ‘ he is best fuide in my life. I will reccommend my friends mr. TOKA DHAKAL amd nepal mountain trekking company.

Enjoy trekking and make friends

The owners of Nepal Mountain Trekkers helped me to organize my trip in Nepal. They have not only good tours and prices, but are also very polite and friendly. It was 22 days trekking the Annapurna, wonderful mountains and other smaller trekkings like Nagarkot. I got all support and information during the trips but with attention to my individuality and liberty always . I had one of the best times in my life! I highly recommend these guys !



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The annapurna base camp (abc) trek is a ‘breath of fresh air’ in a region abundant with natural beauty. .

ABC is considered one of the best treks in the Himalayan region.

The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) (4130m)  is commonly known as the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek. This trek promises “in-your-face” unprecedented views of colossal mountain ranges, which include Hiunchuli, Machapuchare (Fishtail), and Annapurna South peaks.                 

The best time of year to trek in this region is in spring when Rhododendron forests are in full bloom (red, pink & white), their pink blossoms contrasting with the more rugged mountain scenery. Nevertheless, it is possible to do the Annapurna Base Camp trek all year round.

Here is a sample of soaring snow-capped peaks you will see along the trail: Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m), Mt. Annapurna I (8091m) Mt. Manaslu (8163 m), Mt. Annapurna II (7937 m.), Mt. Annapurna III (7555m), Mt. Annapurna IV (7525m), Mt. Annapurna south (7219m), Mt. Nilgiri (7041m), Mt. Machapuchare (6998m), Mt. Hiunchuli (6441m), Mt. Lamjung Himal (6986m) and Tukuche Peak (6920m). 

Some of the mountains seen from ABC are Tharpu Chuli (5663m), Singu Chuli (6501m), Hiunchuli (6441m), and South Annapurna (7219m). On the trail, you will see numerous chortens (Buddhist stone monuments), prayer flags, yaks grazing, bamboo and rhododendron forests, and the unique Tibetan style architecture of this region.

Key Features of Annapurna Base Camp Trek

  • 360-degree view of the Annapurna ranges, including Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Machapuchare & Gangapurna.
  • Experience the typical cultural Gurung village of Ghandruk and scenic with a close-up view of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli and Fishtail.
  • Trek through rich flora and fauna forests – especially the rhododendron forests.
  • Get a feel for the amazing culture & traditions of Ghandruk (2102m) – a Gurung village.
  • Sitting and relaxing in the therapeutic natural hot spring at Jhinu Danda –right beside the river.

Day 1 : Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara (8,50m) Duration: 6-7 hours.

Our journey begins with a 6-7 hour drive toward the Pokhara Valley and its beautiful Phewa Tal (lake) and then checking in to your hotel close to Phewa Tal. There is plenty to see and do along Lakeside with its many shops, bars and restaurants to choose from.

Day 2 : Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and trek to Ghandruk (1,940m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

After a 3 hour drive from Pokhara to Kimche via Nayapul and Birethanti (a tourist checkpoint) we being our trek to Kimche and then continue on to the Gurung village of Ghandruk – further 2-hour trek.

Day 3 : Trek from Ghandruk to Chomrong (2,210m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Our second day begins with a trek to Chomrong village which is the last settlement to the gateway of Annapurna base camp trek. The trek starts by descending down from the Ghandruk village to the Kyuri Khola and then following the trail which leads to Kimrong Danda. On the way, you will pass through the terrace farm and bypassing another hill will take you to Gurung which is the village of Gurung people, with an easy walk to Chomrong at an elevation of 2,170 m. We stay here overnight at a guesthouse.

Day 4 : Trek from Chomrong to Himalaya (2,840m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Today the trail drops down to the Chomrong Khola and again we continue climbing to Khuldighar- 2,380m, where ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area) check post used to be. As you go higher, you will notice the decreasing of the forest, from where the route travels steeply down to a rocky bank and then running through thickets of bamboo at the bottom of the gorge, keeping always on the west side of the river. We walk through bamboo, then rhododendron forests to the Himalayan Hotel (2920m). Overnight at a guest house.

Day 5 : Trek from Himalaya to ABC (4,130m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Today’s trek takes us to the Sanctuary (ABC) along a trail that is often covered in snow – depending on the season. We follow the trail that takes us by Hinku Cave and Deurali. From ABC you are blessed with mind-boggling views of Annapurna I (8091m) an enormous mountain right before your eyes! ABC has several teahouses where we can stop for a break and take in the magnificent views. We will stay here tonight.

Day 6 : Trek from ABC to Bamboo (2,400m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Leaving ABC we trek back through lush vegetation until we reach Bamboo Village where we stay for the night. Breakfast, lunch & dinner Included.

Day 7 : Trek from Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (hot spring) (1,760m) via Chomrong: Duration: 5-6 hours.

Leaving Bamboo in the morning we have a short climb to Sinuwa Village (2320m) and then on to Chomrong. After a short break at Chomrong we head uphill and then descend to Jhinu Danda. This is an excellent opportunity to relax your tired muscles in the hot spring just below the Modi River. We will stay here tonight. Breakfast, lunch & dinner Included.

Day 8 : Trek from Jhinu Danda to Nayapul & drive to Pokhara (8,20m) Duration: 6-7 hours.

This is our final day on the trail and after leaving Jhinu Danda we follow an easily traversed trail alongside the Modi Khola River for about 4 to 5 hours before reaching Birethanti Village. We then continue to Nayapul before driving back to Pokhara. Today’s trek and drive is about 6 to 7 hours.

Day 9 : Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu; Duration: 6-7 hours.

Today we head back on a 6 to 7 hour drive to Kathmandu with many fond memories of Nepal and its unique culture and geography. These memories will last a lifetime!

Day 10 : International departure from Kathmandu Airport.

Sherpa Expeditions & Trekking staff will transfer you to the airport for your final departure from Nepal. We hope that this epic trek will be firmly ingrained in your memory and will be enough to prompt you to consider your next trek with us!

Cost Included In Your Package

  • International Airport pick-up and drop by car.
  • Three meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner/ the main course) during the trek in the mountain.
  • One night standard accommodation in a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu in a twin-sharing basis including 1 breakfast.
  • 2 nights’ standard accommodation in a 3-star hotel in Pokhara in a twin-sharing basis including 2 breakfasts.
  • An experienced and Knowledgeable English-speaking Govt. registered trekking guide.
  • Strong, helpful Sherpa porters with proper safety equipment and walking equipment, his salary, food, accommodation, and insurance (one porter for two people).
  • All Food, Accommodation, Insurance, and transportation for porter and guide.
  • Annapurna conservation area permit 
  • TIMS card (Trekking Information Management System) 
  • Use of sleeping bag, down jacket, duffel bag and walking poles (if you don’t have your own, to be returned after trip completed).
  • Trekking lodge (Tea House) throughout the trek.
  • Assistant guide group size of more than 8 people in a group.
  • Transportation from Kathmandu-Pokhara-Nayapul-Pokhara-Kathmandu by bus.
  • Seasonal fresh fruits every day 
  • Appreciation of certificate after the successful trek
  • Sherpa Teams company T-shirt
  • Emergency rescue operation assistance in arranging in case of complex health condition (funded by travel insurance)
  • All government, Local taxes/ vat and official Expenses

Costs Exclude

  • Meals whilst you are in Kathmandu & Pokhara - lunch, and dinner.
  • Nepal entry visa fee (easy to obtain the visa on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport – Kathmandu). $25 USD for 15-day visa.
  • Personal travel and medical insurance.
  • International airfare.
  • Your personal expenses.
  • All the alcoholic and nonalcoholic, soup, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa, mineral water, extra food, cold and hot drinks on trek ( i.e. those you choose to purchase along the way and during evenings in the tea houses)
  • All desserts & sweet things like chocolate, cake, pie, pudding.
  • Hot shower and battery charging at the tea houses.
  • Tips for the guide, porter, and driver (tipping is expected)

The following information will give you some idea about what you need to bring for the trek. It is important you do not forget the essential items, as this will determine your comfort and safety on the trek. Equally important is that you do not burden yourself with unnecessary equipment on the trek.

  • All season sleeping bag and down Jacket (we can provide if you need it,  but has to be returned after the trek)
  • Duffle bag ( Sherpa Expedition & Trekking provide duffle bag during the trek but has to be returned after the trek)
  • A wind and waterproof thin layered jacket (a must-have for morning and evenings above 3,000m)

Upper Body- Head / Ears / Eyewear

  • A pair of half gloves
  • A warmer hat that covers the ears
  • Sunglasses 
  • Sunscreen (35 to 60 SPF)
  • Headlamp and an extra set of batteries
  • A pair of half gloves for walking poles(if you prefer)
  • Warmer shell gloves and liner
  • long sleeve t-shirts
  • Thermal tops
  • wool jacket or pullover
  • Sports bras for women and girls
  • Water and windproof shell jacket 
  • Thermal underwear (especially trousers)
  • windproof and waterproof trousers
  • warmer trousers
  • Comfortable trekking pants
  • Extra casual sport pants
  • A pair of good waterproof trekking boots
  • Pair of sandals
  • 4-5 pairs of woolen socks
  • Sock liners
  • Light shoes and sneakers
  • First Aid Kits and Medicines
  • Assorted adhesive bandages (fabric preferred)
  • Blister treatment cream or similar
  • Insect / anti-itch ointment
  • Ibuprofen or other pain-relief medication
  • Diamox (125mg to 250mg tablets for altitude sickness)
  • Warps, splints, and wound coverings butterfly bandage
  • Water purifying pills

(Note our company guide will carry the medicines and first aid kits during the trek. However, we recommend you bring your personal first-aid kit as well)

Miscellaneous - but must useful on the trek

  • 4  passport size photos with original passport
  • Water bottle & filter
  • Flight details (please make a copy and leave one pic at our office in KTM because in case you want to change your flight date)
  • Bathroom kit (conform, should be included toilet paper, plastic bags, hand wipes, towel, and soap, etc.)

Extra things

  • Comfortable trekking poles
  • Quality energy dry foods (up to you)
  • Power bank and music players 
  • Camera (memory card, chargers, and extra batteries)



You will be accommodated in 3-star hotels in Kathmandu. During the trek, we will be staying at lodges/ teahouses. You may find comfort and better quality teahouses - having attached bathroom at lower levels- until you reach higher elevations, where the accommodation is more basic with bare necessities. 

Meals during the trek

 In Kathmandu, your hotel includes breakfast, whereas all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be provided during the trek. A staple food of these regions is potatoes, oats, buckwheat, Sherpa stew and Tibetan bread. Sherpa’s’ started farming potatoes when the first seeds were introduced to the region in the early 90s. There is a limited choice of food at higher elevations and except many potato dishes. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates – an excellent source of energy needed at high altitudes.


We use a private car for sightseeing and for the airport to hotel pick and drop off. We use public transportation or local buses during the trek. 

Physical fitness

This can be a challenging trek where you often have to walk 6-7 hours a day. You don’t need past experience of hiking or trekking but if you have done any kind of trekking activities then it is always a plus! We have met people from all walks of life, shapes, and sizes who have completed the trek. The only difficult part is when altitude sickness strikes and the effect that it can have on your body. Before leaving for Nepal it is good if you can prepare yourself physically by increasing your stamina and oxygen intake. 

Remember – The better prepared – the more enjoyable your trek!



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I have never hike before, can i make it to annapurna base camp.

Yes, you can. No matter who you are, as long as you are reasonably fit, can walk for 5-6 hours a day and trek/hike a few uphill, Sherpa Expedition and Trekking team will support you to the fullest to transform your dream of standing at Annapurna Base Camp into reality.

What is the best Season for trek to Annapurna Base Camp?

The pre-monsoon (February, March, April and May) and post monsoon (late September, October, November and December) are considered the best for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek as the weather conditions become favorable during this time, providing you with good visibility and a suitable atmosphere for Annapurna Base Camp trekking.

Is there an age limit for Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

No, there is no age limit for the trek to Annapurna Base Camp but, you need to be in good physical shape and have a positive attitude. We also suggest you to prior to the excursion though we suggest you to please see your doctor and obtain necessary permission and advice, as well as medications for traveling in extreme altitude prior to the excursion.

What are the meals on the Annapurna Base Camp trekking like?

During trekking, you will be served meals in the teahouses. Typical meals are noodles, rice, pasta or potato dishes along with vegetables and egg/chicken/meat dishes. Other items mostly served as breakfasts include egg, pancake, bread, porridge, muesli, and toasts with peanut butter and honey.

What kind of accommodation will be provided during the Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

A teahouse trekking accommodation will be made for you for the Annapurna Base Camp trekking whereby you will be able to stay at tea house (Local lodge) and have wholesome food and neat and clean comfortable bed throughout your trekking journey. This form of arrangement also allows you to carry less baggage; you can trek at your own pace and enjoy the Annapurna panorama on your own schedule. It is also an eco-friendly way of trekking whereby trekkers can have more contact with the local people.

Are there toilet facilities at the tea houses? What opportunities will I have for shower during trekking?

Most of the teahouses on the Annapurna Base camp trail have squat toilet facilities but recently built lodges have western-style toilets as well. Nowadays, flush toilets are also being introduced with number of increasing foreign mountaineers each year. It is highly recommended to carry your own toilet paper and other required toiletries. Hot shower facilities are available. The most common type is a bucket shower, usual buckets with tap filled with hot water and placed in a shower room. Hot shower costs from US$ 2 to 5 per use and the price increases along with the elevation. Attached bathrooms and toilets are not available unless you book for a luxury lodge during the ABC trek.

What kind of clothes do we require for the trekking and is it possible to purchase it in Kathmandu before the start of the trip?

What you want to wear depends on you but we suggest you wear warm clothes during the Annapurna Base Camp trekking. A down jacket, thermal longs and top, comfortable trekking trousers, t-shirts, fleece, windproof jacket, hat, scarf, and gloves might be useful. There are numerous trekking shops in the Thamel area of Kathmandu where you can get all of these items in both local and branded stores alike. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking may also accompany and assist you if required.

Do I need to bring any bags for trekking? If yes, what kind?

During the Annapurna Base Camp trekking, you will be on a long journey for which you will need two bags to keep your belongings. A rucksack/duffle bag and a day bag for personal items. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking will provide you with a duffle bag (which is need to refund after the trek) that you can use throughout your entire journey and even afterward. These bags are durable and hence perfect for any kind of trekking journey. While the duffle bag will be carried by the potters, you will have to carry a day bag on your own. A day bag is a small backpack that has enough room for everything you will need on a day hike such as lunch, water, extra clothing and perhaps a few personnel items like camera, battery chargers, etc.

Do I need to bring any personal equipment like sleeping bags, down jackets, Trekking poles etc?

If possible, we suggest you bring your own equipment. However, sleeping bags and down jackets will be provided to you by Sherpa Expedition and Trekking. With regards to trekking poles, if you are used to walking with it then take them with you, as you will probably find them useful especially on the way down. They are not essential though and the walk is manageable without them. It is mostly a personal preference. If you prefer to take the trekking poles with you on the trekking then you can either bring your own pole or buy it from numerous options available in Kathmandu itself.

Is it possible for me to store extra clothing that I will not need?

Yes, if you have a bag of extra clothing for when you return from the trekking, you will be able to store it safely in Kathmandu Sherpa Expedition and Trekking office. The storage facility is provided by most hotels and lodges in Kathmandu or you can also store it in our office for the duration of the trekking.

What problems can arise on high altitude?

Our itinerary has been specially tailored to prevent any kind of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) while moving up to higher altitudes. Normally, altitude sickness starts from 3,600 meters and above. You will be trekking at a relatively slow and gradual pace as part of the acclimatization process. Cut off caffeinated, alcoholic and smoking items. Drink at least 4 liters of water a day. Trek slow. Don't skip the acclimatization days. Better to continue with Diamox (if any symptoms show up). Drink Garlic Soup. In the higher elevation, there is less oxygen in the air and this is more so while crossing high passes. Our expert guides will advise you on how to avoid AMS and treat it when/ if required.

Do I need insurance for Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

Make sure to have both medical and evacuation insurance before coming to Nepal for Annapurna Base Camp trekking. You should be careful in choosing a policy while traveling to a Himalayan country like Nepal as some insurance companies may make special exceptions for adventure travel. If you are confused about the insurance, please inform us and we will help you. It is usually better to arrange your insurance in your country before travel.

How long do I need to walk per day during my trek to Annapurna Base Camp?

The trekking will be 5-7 hours a day depending upon the landscape and destination.

How long will it take to reach Annapurna Base Camp?

It takes 4 to 11 days to reach Base Camp depending upon the mode of transportation and packages of Sherpa Expedition and Trekking offers.

How safe is Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

We at Sherpa Expedition and Trekking Team always have the safety, comfort, and satisfaction of our valued customers as our foremost priority at all times, and we assure you a wonderful and unforgettable time with us in our beautiful country. Sherpa team members of Sherpa Expedition and Trekking will be carrying all the necessary gear, equipment, and first aid kits and they have extensive first aid training. If a trekker falls sick on high altitude, the leader will decide whether to continue the trek. In case of emergency, Sherpa Expedition and Trekking have a rescue helicopter to bring you back from the higher elevation. Moreover, Sherpa Expedition and Trekking also provides oximeter to monitor the oxygen level at high altitude and offers regular health check-up facilities.

What are the mode of transportation?

You can either trek on foot or by a helicopter. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking offer exciting and reasonable Helicopter trek to Annapurna Base Camp for 5 days and 10 days. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking can also customize your tour as per your necessity.

What if my flight to and from Pokhara is cancelled or delayed?

The flights are usually regular between September and May. But due to high altitude, bad weather and unforeseen technical issues, you may experience a delay or cancellation of the flight. On the occurrence of such events, Sherpa Expedition and Trekking tourist bus will be arranged.

What is the luggage limit for porter and flight to Pokhara?

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking will provide one porter for two trekkers to carry 20 kgs of luggage (maximum 10 kg for each trekker). Please be sure your porters are not overloaded because they do not carry only your equipment but also lift your spirit to reach new heights, and your love, affection, and generosity can be the reason for them to work hard to take you to your destination. However, the weight limit on flights to the Annapurna region, basically to Pokhara is a total of 20 kgs including hand bag and you need to pay an extra amount per kg for the excess baggage. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking pays up to 5 kgs of extra baggage making your total to 20 kgs with your hand bag.

What types of liquid do I need to drink at high altitude?

Garlic soup is a must while trekking. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking recommend trekkers to drink green tea, lemon tea, hot lemon ginger tea and drink at least 2-4 liters of water a day. However, it is better to avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages, caffeinated items, and hot-chocolates at high altitude.

I am a vegetarian. Am I supposed to get enough meal on my trek?

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking won’t recommend non-veg items because the meat in such places may not hygienic and healthy. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking also encourage to avoid dairy and cheesy items and strongly suggest not to consume them during the trek. So, our packages are suitable for both vegan and vegetarians.

Do I need to tip my porter and guide?

Your guide and porters are a big reason why you got a chance to feel something very few can have. Apart from guiding and carrying your necessities and being mindful of your safety, they want to see you happily succeeded more than anyone like family and help you successfully complete the trek safely. So, your tips reflect gratitude towards them. So, tipping is a recommended culture for porters and guide in Nepal as a gesture of thankfulness.

Can I buy the gear in Nepal and sell it afterwards?

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking will introduce dozens of shops selling knock-off gear in Kathmandu. You can also barter those gears at the knock-off places but be sure you keep the receipt safely. Moreover, you can rent the needed gears if you do not want to buy them.

Is there Wi-Fi on the trek?

Yes, most guesthouses offer Wi-Fi, for a small charge. it cost USD$5 per day.

Are there ATMs available during the Annapurna Base Camp trekking?

ATM services are available only in Pokhaa. However, the services might not work or run out of cash. Therefore, we suggest you carry a small amount of money to buy snacks, etc during the trekking.

Will I be able to charge my batteries during trekking in the Annapurna Base camp?

Most of the tea houses/ lodges have electricity whereby you will be able to charge your iPod or camera batteries. Please note that lodges/tea houses will charge you some extra money for the services. The fee may vary from 1 USD to 5 USD per hour.

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Travel experiences of our clients who recently returned from their trips..

Based On 79 Reviews

December 10, 2023

Annapurna base camp trek.

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking are for travelers who are looking for sustainable tours and adventures. With the use of local guides all around the world, you experience true, authentic knowledge and culture with Sherpa Expedition and Trekking Team.

Nicolas Barsuglia

December 4, 2023, the best adventure with the best team.

I trekked up to the ABC last October and it was the best experience I could imagine! Sherpa expedition and trekking took care of all arrangements and permits as well as the accommodation and food during the trek so I just had to enjoy the trip. And they were very reactive when there was any inconvenience during my stay. This couldn't have been better, and I'm already planning to come back! I recommend this adventure 200%!

Netherlands Antilles

November 22, 2023, unforgettable trip.

The whole trip was very unforgettable and absolutely great. With the help of Sherpa Expedition and Trekking team, my trek to Annapurna Base Camp Trek was made successful. It was a very challenging and worthy trek.


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Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is one of the pioneers of Trekking, tour and expedition in Nepal which was established on January 07, 1977, with a motto: ‘Enhancing Tourism possibilities across the Globe’. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is proud to be recognized as the fifth Trekking and Adventure company authorized by the Tourism Board of Nepal.

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Guided Annapurna tour in Nepal

Guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek: All You Need to Know

Quick navigation, general route information for the annapurna base camp trek, annapurna base camp trek highlights, annapurna base camp trek difficulty, best ways to prepare for the annapurna base camp trek, annapurna base camp trek accommodations, food and drink along the annapurna base camp trek, health on the annapurna base camp trek, guided tours, itinerary notes, annapurna base camp trek sample itinerary (from pokhara), trekking in nepal articles, join our newsletter.

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Trekking in Nepal can be intimidating, thanks to the lofty peaks (um, Mount Everest) imposing shadows across the dipping valleys. But fun fact: beginner and regular trekkers can take on several treks across Nepal, including the Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

This stunning trek brings hikers up through magnificent alpine terrain to one of the gems of the Himalayas; the amphitheater of mountains known as the Annapurna Sanctuary. Also known as Annapurna Base Camp, this area is used as the basecamp for climbers intending to climb the namesake mountain or others in the area. Following a well-trodden path, and with many options for sleeping along the way, this trek is an easy choice for experienced and inexperienced trekkers alike.

You might feel frightened standing below the massive Annapurna mountain range, but as this trek only takes you to the base camp there is nothing to worry about! Advanced trekkers might scoff at this. However, the breathtaking scenery will sweep anyone off their feet!

Read on to learn everything you need to know about the Annapurna Base Camp Trek. Beware: you’ll add this one to your bucket list as soon as you reach the final paragraph.

Check out this list of great adventure tours in Nepal

Everyone needs to know the general route information before going on a trek, right? The following numbers and concrete info will only further convince you to add the Annapurna Base Camp Trek to your list of must-dos.

Start and End of the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek sets out from Pokhara, an adventurers’ paradise bordering Phewa Lake. It’s honestly worthwhile to do the Annapurna Base Camp Trek just to stay in Pokhara, where lively and colourful vibes await! Although, more majestic wonder awaits along the trails snaking through Annapurna.

annapurna base camp trek in may

Getting to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Fly into the international airport in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Then fly or bus to the major city of Pokhara. We strongly recommend that you take a few days to acclimatize to the high elevation by spending a few days in either Kathmandu or Pokhara. They are both also wonderful cities with very interesting cultures to explore.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Distance

The trail stretches across 115.0 km , but there's always the option to take a jeep at the start and end to cut back on some kilometres if you're short on time. Some people opt for a 60.0 km out-and-back excursion rather than 115.0 km . Expect to hike around six hours a day, covering around 10.0 km .

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Elevation

The Annapurna Base Camp sits at an altitude of 4,100 m . We touch more on combating altitude sickness below. Stay tuned! Back to elevation: you likely won’t surpass 1,300 m elevation gain in one day, with most days climbing a significantly lower elevation than that.

Views of the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Views of the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Number of Days for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Some people complete the trek in seven days, while others can take upwards of 14 to make their way from start to finish on this out-and-back route.

When to Trek to Annapurna Base Camp

The best times to trek the Annapurna Base Camp differ from typical European and North American meanders. First, it's essential to avoid the monsoon season! Instead, you'll find a dry and warm climate (most likely) later in October through November. If that time of year doesn't work for you, March and April, although wetter, make for a decent backup option.

Trail near Annapurna Basecamp

Trail near Annapurna Basecamp

The Annapurna Base Camp unveils natural bliss at every turn, but that doesn't mean there aren't some stand-out features worth looking out for! Revel in the four highest peaks towering high above the region: Annapurna I ( 8,091 m ), Annapurna South ( 7,219 m ), Machhapuchhre ( 6,993 m ), and Hiunchuli ( 6,441 m ).

But the winning highlight is the Jhinu Danda hot springs, which, since this is an out-and-back trek, grants the chance to rest your muscles in the relaxing water not once but twice.

Along the route, some well-earned highlights, such as Poon Hill, where the sunrise illuminates the soaring mountainscape.

Lastly, if you explore the Annapurna Base Camp Trek route in spring, expect to bask in rhododendron fields. These lovely purple flowers add a magical contrast to the scenery.

Valley on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Valley on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Most would rank the Annapurna Base Camp Trek as low-moderate difficulty! The trail length may seem daunting, and the heightened altitude may be tough to overcome for some, but the overall trail and minimal technicalities ease the overall difficulty. Most beginner trekkers will enjoy meandering this trail, where a green wonderland cemented by soaring peaks and quaint backcountry villages awaits.

If you’re feeling more of a challenge, the Annapurna Circuit Trek might suit your trekking ideals more than the Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

Beautiful scenery on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

Beautiful scenery on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

Step one for preparing for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek: get your packing list going. Some things to bring along, on top of the standard clothes, socks, backpack, trekking boots, etc., are:

  • Sleeping bag/sleeping bag liner—the teahouses may not wash them every night, so it's always nice to snuggle into your own bag
  • A steripen to sterilize water
  • Jacket for the evenings as it can get cold
  • Your own refillable water bottle—they stop selling plastic bottles along the trek
  • Lightweight towel as the teahouses will not provide you with one

Nature views on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

Nature views on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

If you forget to pack something, you may find it in Pokhara, the platform town for several escapades, so they know what's up! While you're in Pokhara, you'll also need to grab a TIMS card and permit from the tourist centre. You're required to hand over four passport photos to obtain these, but you can always get them snapped there.

Once on the trail, you might worry and wonder about altitude sickness. Thankfully, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek doesn't climb as high as the Mount Everest Base Camp Trek , so you won't have to stress as much about altitude sickness. Some ways to avoid it are staying hydrated, eating as much as possible, and gaining elevation slowly to acclimatize better. No need to spring up the mountain!

Find out how else to prepare for trekking in Nepal here !

Staircases on Annapurna Basecamp trail

Staircases on Annapurna Basecamp trail

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek will have you staying primarily in tea houses along the way. Enjoy mixing in with locals as you stay in villages for the first while, followed by more remote stays further along the trek. Most offer a dorm-room style, with two to eight beds in each room. You'll receive a pillow, blanket, and sheets, but, as we said above, you will need to bring your own sleeping bag - make sure you have a warm one!

You will need to eat wherever you stay, so keep this in mind!

Guesthouses on the Annapurna Base Camp hike

Guesthouses on the Annapurna Base Camp hike

Speaking of food, the tea houses mentioned above will supply almost all your meals along the trek. They serve pretty basic fare (both traditional and international styles), but the food will fulfill, energize, and please your taste buds. So, expect pasta, toast, noodles, rice, eggs, spring rolls, cereals, and dal bhat (lentil curry). These meals are made fresh when you arrive, which means lunch typically takes over an hour; plan accordingly.

For hydration, you can buy 1L of water from the teahouses or use your steripen to sterilize water from streams or taps further along the trek if you don't feel like buying water all the time. Remember that plastic bottles don't exist further up, so bring your refillable water bottle along.

Beautiful views from the guesthouse on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Beautiful views from the guesthouse on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

A major concern in any trip to the Himalayas is health. Trekkers should focus on two aspects of health: elevation and stomach bugs.

For many people the elevation will be quite difficult to deal with. Though you may not be covering an immense distance each day, the miles you do feel harder due to the elevation. It is hard to stress how important it is to take time and listen to your body when on this trek. Consider budgeting extra time for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek so that you can hike slowly and not gain too much altitude each day - ideally not more than 300 m gain from bed to bed each day. We also recommend going to a doctor before the trek and getting medication for altitude sickness. These drugs only help with symptoms of elevation, and don’t make your body acclimatize faster.

While in Nepal, it is worthwhile to be very careful of what you eat and drink to minimize the chances of stomach problems. We focus on ensuring everything is cooked thoroughly and served very hot and this has worked well in the past for us. We like fresh dal bhat, fried eggs and piping hot french fries. On our last trip to Nepal this is what we ate every day and we didn’t get sick once!

Prayer flags on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Prayer flags on the Annapurna Basecamp trail

Planning your Annapurna Base Camp Trek can be challenging, so why not consider booking a guided tour? By this point, you might be wondering if you need a guide to trek this route. The answer? No. This trek is well-signed, so the chances of getting lost are slim. However, if you feel nervous, you can hire your own guide or book a guided tour.

The benefit of booking a guided tour is that you don't need to think about anything; you can just show up with your backpack and trek! An excellent guided tour to consider booking is the Annapurna Base Camp Trek . This 16-day trek fuses culture and natural wonders. However, consider the Annapurna Circuit Trek guided tour if you're seeking a more challenging trek.

Another option is to hire a porter to carry some of your gear! But try not to bombard them with stuff you won't ever use along the trek. Of course, there's always the option to leave some stuff behind at your hostel in Pokhara.

Himalayas on the Annapurna Base Camp hike

Himalayas on the Annapurna Base Camp hike

The first part of the trek can be a bit dull, so you might like taking either a bus to Kimchi and starting from there or travel by jeep or taxi to Nayapul and start from there. Lastly, you can take a taxi to Gandruk from Nayapul before beginning your trek. You will have to stop at Birethanti and then Chomrong to register your permit!

You can either do the Annapurna Base Camp Trek as an out-and-back venture or stop in Jinhu and take a jeep to Pokhara. It's also possible to skip out on booking accommodations in advance, but if you're worried about missing out on a bed for the night, you can reserve a mattress. Not booking in advance gives you some flexibility along the trail, so it's up to you how you want to go about your trek.

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is one of the more popular backcountry trekking routes in Nepal —and for good reason. You can’t beat Nepal’s serene backdrop replete with a vibrant culture!

Staircase on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

Staircase on the Annapurna Basecamp hike

Staircase on the Annapurna Base Camp hike

1. Drive to Phedi and trek to Landrung ( 1,550 m ) 2. Chomrong ( 2,100 m ) 3. Himalaya hotel ( 2,850 m ) 4. Machhapuchhre Base Camp ( 3,700 m ) 5. Annapuran South Base Camp ( 4,130 m ) [easy day] 6. Doban ( 2,505 m ) 7. Ghangruk 8. Kimche then take jeep back to Pokhara

Thinking about a trek in Nepal?  Check out these guides to learn more and have an incredible trip to the Himalayas.

Nepal Trekking Guides

  • Guide to the Best Treks in Nepal
  • When is the best time to trek in Nepal
  • How to prepare for trekking in Nepal

Nepal Trekking Route Guides

  • Annapurna Basecamp Trek
  • Annapurna Circuit
  • Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Langtang Trek
  • Mustang Trek
  • Poon Hill Trek
  • Adventure Tours in Nepal

Check out this selection of great tours in Nepal, from classic bucket-list trekking tours, to unforgettable bike rides through the Himalayas.

  • Adventure Tours in Himalaya
  • Bike Tours in Nepal
  • Cultural Experience Tours in Nepal
  • Hiking Tours in Nepal

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Amateur Traveler

Trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal – Episode 492

Trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal - Amateur Traveler Episode 492

The five members of the Su family (Jonathan, Annie, Olivia, Nathan, and Joani) are on a larger adventure traveling along the Silk Road but took a detour to Nepal to hike this famous trek. The normal time to do this hike is 23 days, but by adding in some bone-crunching jeep rides they shortened it to fit into 8 days.

They hiked through rain, snow, and beautiful sunlit days that showcased the local mountains. They started in a forest full of fall colors and hiked far above the tree line.

They found Nepal well suited for long treks with tea houses or lodges every few kilometers, although the 43 hikers who perished the year before in a tragic snowstorm were not far from their minds.

Fueled by chocolate bars and Dal Baht they found surprises along the way like bakeries and vista but the biggest surprise may have been encountering a South Korean group carrying a disassembled grand piano to the summit for a concert.

With the rise in elevation, food got more expensive but the accommodation was often thrown in for free if you would eat at the lodge. They learned to get the most calories at the lowest price.

Perseverance allowed them to push through to the 5416 meter Throng La Pass and they share the highs and lows of that adventure with us.

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annapurna base camp trek in may

sufamilyadventures.com Countries We Plan to Travel Through What If We Died Here? Annapurna Circuit Annapurna Circuit Annapurna Circuit Trek – 23 Day Pokhara Besisahar Dal Bhat Video of Concert at the Summit Lonely Planet Nepal (Travel Guide)

on Travel to Moscow – Episode 490 :

Chris, Another fabulous podcast! Your interview with Alex brought back great memories of our family’s trip to the city in the summer of 2013. During our five day stay we managed to see most of the city highlights giving us great insight into this historical city. A couple of our observations include: – you need a whole day to visit the Kremlin. It is a massive complex with several museums (the world’s largest collection of Faberge eggs), five cathedrals and many public spaces. On Saturdays in the summer there is the changing of the ceremonial guard in late morning. One warning – there’s no where to buy food or water inside the Kremlin. – the GUM department store really isn’t a department store. Rather it is a mall chock full of western stores. Prices are outrageous and there’s nothing you could buy there you can’t buy at home. – the best place to souvenirs is the huge Izmailovsky open air market. It is a short walk from the Partizanskaya station (Metro Blue Line). Come prepared to haggle! – Alex didn’t mention any places to grab a meal. Moscow has some great restaurants including Cafe Puskin (a high end restaurant located in an historic Baroque mansion), GlavPivTorg (decorated in a 1950s Soviet style office complex – a lot of fun) and Barashka (a fabulous restaurant specializing in traditional Azerbaijani cuisine) We found it relatively easy to navigate the city on our own. We relied extensively on the Metro (and it is truly a sight to be seen on its own) though learning the Cyrillic alphabet will help and walking everywhere is the best way to get a true feel of the people and the history. We never felt unsafe though you’ll likely get tired of policemen and security guards blowing whistles at you because you crossed the street in the wrong place, are sitting on the wrong stairs, walked on grass you shouldn’t have and so on. No wonder the people can come across as being dour! Looking forward to some more great podcasts. John Toronto, Canada

Trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal - Amateur Traveler Episode 492

Chris : Amateur Traveler, episode 491. Today in the Amateur Traveler, grab your backpack and your hiking boots, your chocolate bars and your dal bhat as we go hiking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal.

Chris : This episode of Amateur Traveler is represented by RoamRight , a leading provider of travel insurance . How much did you spend on your last vacation? What if you couldn’t travel, would you get your money back? With the right travel insurance plan, you would. Buy RoamRight travel insurance and get covered for cancelled trips, lost luggage , even medical emergencies. Visit RoamRight .com. That’s R-O-A-M-R-I-G-H-T-dot-com for more information.

Welcome to the Amateur Traveler. I’m your host Chris Christensen. I think having a sponsor that does travel insurance might make more sense to you as we talk today about trekking at high altitude in Nepal. Let’s talk about the Annapurna Circuit.

I’d like to welcome to the show the Su family from SuFamilyAdventures.com . So, we have five people on the phone here or on Skype – Jonathan, Annie, Olivia, Nathan and Joani – and they’ve come to talk to us from Dubai, but come to talk to us about pretty a well-known trek. Welcome to the show, first of all.

Nathan : Thank you.

Annie : Thanks.

Olivia : Thank you.

Joani : Thank you.

Jonathan : Hello, everyone.

Chris : I just have this picture of a show where every question gets answered five times. You’re probably going to need to delegate someone, point to somebody in the room. And where are we going to talk about this week?

Jonathan : We would like to show with you about our family trek in Annapurna Circuit trail.

Chris : Excellent. And where is the Annapurna Circuit trail?

Jonathan : It’s in the Himalayas of the Nepal.

Chris : Okay. And it’s relatively well-known, but certainly not something that I’ve done. Can you give people, before we go into the details, can you give us an overview of how long you were on the trek and what the highlights are, why somebody should do this?

Jonathan : Sure. And the Circuit trail is very famous because you actually can circle the whole mountain basically through trekking or hiking through it. And usually the whole circuit takes about 22 days or so. But as a family we knew that with three children that it might be difficult to do that. So, we fortunately or unfortunately for some people, they have recently built more and more roads on the Circuit. So, you can actually shorten the time by taking a combination of bus, jeep and trekking. So, for us, we did it in eight days.

Chris : Okay, excellent. And you say it’s difficult with kids. We should put this in some context. You’re not carrying kids in carry-ons or pushing them in strollers, your kids are 18 and 15 and 13.

Jonathan : Right.

Chris : So, really you’re saying it’s difficult for middle-aged guys named Jonathan. Is that really what’s going on?

Annie : Yes. No, it’s difficult for the aging mom, for the kids have to drag their mom and say, “Hurry up.”

Chris : Okay. Excellent. First of all, how does one get there? What’s the logistics of this trip?

Jonathan : To get there, usually most people fly to Kathmandu. And then from there, you can either take a plane to Pokhara or take a bus to Pokhara. Pokhara is sort of like the resting place for people who’s willing to start the trek or to finish the trek. But you can also go directly from Kathmandu to the start of the trail as well. So, there’s many ways to get there. So, from Pokhara you would go to a town called Besisahar, and from there that’s where the trail starts.

And actually for us, because we wanted to shorten the number of days of trek, we actually found a jeep from Besisahar to a town called Kota. And that leg on the jeep was really difficult. We were pretty much dancing inside the jeep.

Nathan : Rollercoaster.

Jonathan : It took about seven to eight hours dancing in the jeep to arrive at Kota.

Chris : And you say dancing in the jeep, this is not a smooth, well-paved road is what the picture I’m getting?

Olivia : Not at all.

Annie : No. Their head was bouncing off the roof and the sides of the jeep.

Chris : Okay.

Joani : It was more like a rollercoaster ride the last seven hours.

Chris : Okay. That is a long rollercoaster ride. Okay.

Joani : And then you keep on banging left and right on the sides of the car.

Jonathan : I think we all have bruises from the seven-hour ride. So, I sort of regretted it, but we did save four days of trekking.

Joani : So, we don’t regret it.

Jonathan : By taking the jeep. Because I think about halfway through the jeep ride, we saw such beautiful sceneries that I just wanted to get off and say, “Let’s start trekking form here.”

Olivia : Not us.

Chris : And how did you guys decide to do this particular trek? Or do any trek? Give us a little more context of what put you in middle of Nepal.

Jonathan : We feel trekking Nepal is the best way to see Nepal, and that’s what Nepal is best known for. And also, 18 years ago when I first traveled around the world, Nepal was my favorite country. So, I wanted to bring the family to Nepal and also just to see and admire the mountains. And I think trekking Nepal is good for family because there are a lot of good infrastructure available for doing long trek.

We trekked in other countries before, you usually have to carry everything on you, including tents, sleeping bag, food, stove, pots, etc. But in Nepal because every few kilometers there’s usually a tea house or a lodge, so technically you only have to carry very basic things – just some water, some change of clothes – and you could do a 10-day, 20 days hike with just few things.

Joani : But you need winter clothes, too.

Jonathan : Yes, yes.

Joani : And chocolate bars.

Chris : Good to know. Excellent. So, this part of a larger trip for you. You guys are on a trip around the world.

Jonathan : Technically, we’re only on a trip on the Silk Road. So, we wanted to go all the way from East Asia through Central Asia, Middle East, to Eastern Europe. That’s our itinerary for the year.

Chris : Okay. And why the Silk Road?

Jonathan : For two reasons. One reason is Silk Road is the meeting of the East and the West. And for me being born in Asia, in Taiwan, but growing up in the U.S., I just want to see the culture along the Silk Road. And the second reason is that often we hear a lot of news, especially in the Middle East, mostly negative news about terrorist bombing and hiding, and I just wanted to really understand the locals along the Silk Road, to know them for who they are, and really to get a better picture of the Middle East.

Chris : Okay, excellent. Now let’s get into the trek. So, you did this rollercoaster jeep ride for eight hours, cutting off four days off the trek. And then where next?

Jonathan : After we stayed overnight at the town of Koto, then we started our trek from Koto, passing through Chame, and then arriving at Upper Pisang. So, that was our first day of itinerary.

Chris : Okay. Describe for me that day. What kind of landscape are we walking through here?

Olivia : It was really beautiful. I think it was one of my favorite part of the trek because along the side, the slopes are quite steep, but it looked just like a golf course, just like almost a vertical golf course because there’s so many grass and so many trees. It feels like a gentle sharp mountain.

Chris : Interesting. That is not my mental picture. Okay. I was picturing something much more rugged and barren. So, I had the wrong picture there.

Annie : Oh, that was amazing because it reminded me so much of Whistler because I’m from Vancouver, BC.

Chris : Okay, up in British Columbia, mm-hmm.

Annie : So, a lot of the terrain is just so pristine nature and beautiful. We joke because we were in Cusco and Alps of Peru before and it just reminded us so much of the mountains that we have seen in other places.

Jonathan : Well, I think what’s attractive about Annapurna is that because it goes from 820 meters all the way up to 5,460 meters, so you go and see terrain of all types, and so you get a great variety, you never get bored. So, I think that’s one thing we really enjoyed about this trip.

Annie : Every day you see something new. The mountain is different, it’s changing. And then there’s one to two days where the fall colors, which is so vibrant everywhere. It was really beautiful.

Chris : And the fall colors, you were there in what month?

Annie : October.

Chris : October, okay. Continue. Where did you go next?

Jonathan : After our first night in Upper Pisang, we trekked to a town called Ngawal, but most people actually goes from Upper Pisang to a town called Manang. But we wanted to break up the trek into shorter pieces. That’s what’s so good about trekking here is that depending on your energy level or your condition, you could do it faster or slower.

Actually, near the end of that day, it started to rain and the clouds were really thick. And we were actually doing pretty poorly that day. We were going up the switchback up the slope in the mountain and the children were just dying. And we barely made it to Ngawal.

But the surprising thing was that when you woke up in the morning, we were greeted by the most beautiful white-snowed mountain with all the clouds all gone and fresh snow on the mountain. Nathan, if you would like to share more about that day?

Nathan : That morning, I woke up extra early. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was thinking like, “Oh, whether it’s clear or cloudy, I’ll just get up and see what happens.” And when I woke up, everything was clear. I was able to see the different peaks of the Annapurna Circuit, and I was just jumping out of my bed, waking up my sisters and running next door to my parents, waking them up to see the view right outside our window from the lodge. It was absolutely breathtaking.

Chris : Excellent. Let’s take a break here and hear from our sponsor.

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You mentioned the kids were dying on this trip. How much prep work had you done? How much hiking had you done recently to get in shape for this? And how much do you need to do? It’s two questions.

Jonathan : Well, we actually hike quite a bit in Kyrgyzstan about a month earlier. We did two or three treks. So, I thought that we were okay, but I think the reason why we were dying on this first and second day was that we took a jeep up from 820 meters to 2,600 meters, so we weren’t really acclimatized so well. So, I think the first two days was really tough as we’re trying to get used to the higher elevation. And we noticed that the days afterwards, we actually felt better and better and we were surprised how well we did as the days went on.

Chris : Okay, got it. But you did a lot of that elevation all at once. Okay, that makes sense.

Chris : Excellent.

Jonathan : So, that day with the beautiful mountain views, we continued hike to the town Manang. It’s recommended by the guide book that you stay in Manang two days. One, to acclimatize. But what we did was because we cut the day, the hike shorter the previous day, so we actually instead of staying two days in Manang, we only needed to stay one day in Manang because we already stayed in Ngawal the day before. But Manang was actually very interesting place, and Olivia will share with you a little bit more about that town.

Olivia : It was really amazing. Lots of people say that you can restock up in Manang and things, but we thought it would be really expensive because as you go on the trek, each village you pass by gets more expensive for the same food you eat. When we got in Manang, it was like super cheap and then suddenly there was bakeries everywhere. There was 10 bakeries and then they have apple crumble with custard and Black Forrest cake. And the prices of the dessert compared with your meal is much cheaper, so we had so much fun just eating dessert there.

And besides that, this city also has a theater where you can go to to watch like “Seven Years in Tibet” and movies that are relative to the place. And then there’s a lot of hikers. Well, we trekked at two days before, we almost didn’t see anyone. But once we reach Manang there was like 40, 50 people just walking around the streets everywhere.

Chris : And I assume the hikers are from all over the world?

Olivia : Oh, yes. We met lots of people. We met a family from Sweden, and that’s our first family that we met on our trip.

Annie : With four adult kids.

Olivia : Yeah, with four adult kids. With one of them 24, the other like 20 and 19. I know that was very interesting. And we also met people form Germany.

Annie : Israel.

Olivia : And Israel, lots of Israel.

Annie : And France.

Olivia : France.

Annie : And Americans.

Olivia : Yes, that’s actually a very big surprise for us.

Chris : That you were not the only Americans on the trip?

Olivia : Yes. We don’t see Americans usually anywhere, but suddenly, when we got to Manang and especially the high camp, the day after, Americans just popped out everywhere. It was very intriguing.

Chris : Excellent. And what happened next?

Jonathan : So, after our overnight in Manang, we started to get to the steeper part of the trek where we would go up in elevation higher and higher. Because in Manang, it’s at around 3,500…

Chris : Thirty-five hundred meters.

Jonathan : That’s right, 3,500 meters. And then we were going to trek to 4,200 meters for overnight. So, we were trying to prepare ourselves so we make sure we woke up early, got early head start, and again to trek. And surprisingly, it was easier than we expected. We actually got there at around 1 p.m., which was much better than the previous day. We always got to our destination around 5 p.pm. or 6 p.m. And what was special about that destination was that we met a group of Korean, and we were so surprised at what they were doing.

Chris : Were they making soup on top of the mountain?

Olivia : They were a group of Koreans that’s going to play a piano concert at the top of the peak.

Chris : Oh, my. Okay.

Olivia : At the pass.

Olivia : Yeah.

Jonathan : At 5,460 meter.

Olivia : Yeah. And so, they’re doing this to show the world that even after the earthquake, Nepal is still safe, and they bring a grand piano all the way up to the peak. It has a professional piano list from Korea, and then a professional tuner, and just they’re slowly hiking up to be able to get over the elevation to get up to the top.

Annie : That was very exciting.

Jonathan : This activity they did was it’s called “Piano and Ice Cream.” So, piano represent peace and then ice cream represent joy.

Chris : Okay. Works for me.

Jonathan : Yeah. So, we were just so surprised at the different people we meet on the way.

Chris : So, you’re not guaranteeing us that if we do that trip, we’re going to run into piano concerts on the top of the peak?

Olivia : They actually hope to do it every year. This is the first year they did it.

Chris : Interesting.

Olivia : But they hope to come back, and most likely in October. So, if you want the chance, October is the month.

Chris : October is the month. Well, and that begs the question of why October, and when is the best time to do this trek?

Jonathan : October is actually the beginning of the good season to do the trek. So, usually the best season is October and November. You might be able to do it in September and maybe in early December, but pretty much that’s the hiking season.

Chris : Oh, interesting.

Jonathan : But even though it’s a good season, actually it doesn’t guarantee there’s always good weather. As a matter of fact, when we were hiking, the second day, it was the one year anniversary of the tragic snowstorm that killed 34 hikers on the same trek that we were on. So, yeah anything could happen.

Chris : That’s good to know. Excellent.

Jonathan : On the same note, because we knew that there is still the potential danger even tough it’s such a popular trek, so we tried to prepare ourselves mentally. At first, we didn’t buy glove, we didn’t have gloves on us. So, started to, “Okay, we better buy gloves and better make sure that we’re warm enough just in case.”

But as we hiked, we actually noticed that there were some emergency shelter built along the way, and they look quite newly built. So, I think that was in response to what happened last year where a lot of hikers, they were stranded and no place for shelters. So, I think it should be better now.

Chris : I have only tried to hike one time at that altitude and I did what you did on that first day. I drove up, this is in the U.S. Rockies, and I drove up from a mile in elevation to two miles in elevation plus. So, you talk about trekking. I remember running out of breath on a quarter mile nature hike. So, your body adjusted over the time such that you were doing at this point, not just that you’re in elevation, but the hike is getting steeper also is my impression.

Jonathan : Yes. Joani, would you like to share about how you were able to adjust?

Joani : I was really surprised myself that I did super well on this trek because I wasn’t running out of breath too much. I will just stop a few seconds and then I feel like I get more energy. Because I also have asthma so we were afraid that it’s going to be harder for me and I will have to use my asthma medicine a lot. But it was actually really good. I didn’t had too much trouble.

Chris : So, it sounded like the only medicine you used for the altitude was chocolate. Did I get that right?

Joani : Yes. But because they wanted to make sure I don’t have any sudden asthma attacks, I’ll just use it daily while we were on the trek.

Jonathan : Well, the thing that we learned, gaining experience was that we found that we need to just take really slow, steady and slow steps. Whenever we feel a bit out of breath, we know that we went a little too fast. So, we each just went our own pace, and not necessarily had to try to stick together as one group. If you look at us from far away, almost like we’re doing slow sync walk. We’re just like one step, one step, one step. And then sometimes in sync, and it looks really interesting.

Chris : What kind of horizontal distance are you trying to cover in a day on your itinerary then?

Jonathan : Well, for our trek, we hike a total around 70 kilometers in our 6 days of trekking by foot. The whole Circuit is actually 210 kilometers.

Chris : Interesting. Okay.

Jonathan : So, we covered one third of it. And I think the one third that we covered is probably the highlight of the trek, so I think we did well in that sense. But usually we cover, if it’s flatter, we’ll cover around 15 kilometer, almost 20. And then if it’s steeper, maybe 5 to 10 kilometers.

Chris : Okay. Interesting.

Annie : I think the most strenuous part I felt as if I was just doing like long distance swimming because when I’m swimming laps, I would pace myself like breathe, stroke, stroke, breathe, stroke, stroke, breathe. So, at that point, I felt like I was swimming on land while it was just very regular pacing. But I’m usually the turtle in the family and I’m the slowest. My kids are bunny hopping way ahead of me.

There is a lot of other slow trekkers too, so it’s nice in that you get to encourage each other. And I remember my daughter shared her chocolate bar with another trekker that was needing energy on the way.

Chris : Well, we talked about acclimatizing. I assume that most of our audience knows that really what’s going on, one of the things that’s happening your body is actually building more red blood cells, which is why it takes a little while. By the time you’re at altitude for a couple of weeks, you’ve got quite a lot more blood cells to carry the oxygen so that you can make use of what little is up there.

Jonathan : That’s right. Another thing that we need to build is actually energy because it actually takes a lot of, consume a lot of energy. And the food price gets more and more expensive the higher and higher you go.

Chris : Right. It’s more difficult for them to bring food in.

Jonathan : So, we try to strategize, we try to strategize where we try to get the most calorie with the least amount of cost. So, pretty much every day when we order food, we will order fried potato and spaghetti with cheese. And that’s our staple for most of the days. Occasionally, we have a treat with a dessert, with some hot soup. Especially in the morning before the trek, we just go for fried potato and spaghetti. And also, another is their local staple which is called dal bhat. Olivia, you want to say something about that?

Olivia : Yes. Dal bhat at first can seem quite expensive compared to other foods, but as the trek goes on, everything gets expensive and the dal bhat becomes the same as other food, like for how many dollars?

Jonathan : About four, five dollars.

Olivia : For four or five dollars. And the first place we ate dal bhat, it was not very tasty. It was very salty and not very appetizing.

Chris : And can you describe what dal bhat is?

Olivia : There is usually a bean soup and then…

Jonathan : Lentil, lentil soup.

Olivia : Lentil soup and then vegetable curry with rice. But it’s different from place to place. The vegetables they cook is different, how they cook it is different, and the taste is different. In some places, they may give you some pickles or some extra vegetables. So, even though we didn’t really like it at the first place, we continued to try it at other places and we really enjoyed it.

And one thing that’s great about dal bhat is it’s actually two servings when you order one. After you finish a whole dal bhat, they will refill basically everything and you get to eat it again. So, that’s also pretty great.

Chris : Excellent. And I understand that in the higher elevations, sometimes you won’t have rice, but other grains because the rice doesn’t grow up there obviously?

Olivia : There was rice.

Chris : You saw rice everywhere, okay.

Jonathan : Yeah. They serve dal bhat at all the lodges. That’s like the main trekking food. So, somehow they carry the rice up there. But that’s also maybe why it’s more and more expensive the higher you go.

Annie : They had porters and horses and mules to carry the food.

Chris : And you mention the lodges, the tea houses. Tell us more about them.

Jonathan : Usually they’re run by the local Nepali Tibetans. It’s actually very nice because by going to the lodges, you also get to know the locals because they’re the villagers that live there. And we enjoy learning more about their culture by speaking with them. And the lodges are actually quite inexpensive and almost you could say free. There was actually too nice where because they want to us to stay at their lodge, they say, “Free, free.” We didn’t have to pay anything for staying, but they say, “But you have to eat at our place.” And that’s where they earn most of the money is from the food. And the food is actually standardized price. So, for every village, they have a set a price. So, it actually doesn’t matter which lodge you go to eat, it’s all the same price.

Jonathan : So, the only thing they compete is on the lodging price. So, often they just go free. We actually stay at one place where it’s not free, but it ended up costing only about 20 cents per person. So, it’s really negligible.

Chris : Okay. So, we’re spending a fair amount on food, but we’re not spending anything on lodging really or not very much at all.

Jonathan : Yeah, exactly.

Chris : And I’m picturing something fairly basic then, if you’re not spending any money on it. No infinity pools or…?

Annie : Not Dubai, for sure.

Jonathan : I guess for us, because we’ve been backpacking for so many months, we actually felt it was quite nice. But maybe for the regular American tourist, it’s pretty basic. You have a bed, you have blanket, pillow. Usually it’s a shared bathroom, so you don’t have your own private bathroom. The walls are usually wooden wall and concrete floor. But then the views are spectacular. All the lodges are usually situated with the best view of the mountain ranges and the peaks. It’s great.

Annie : We brought our own sleeping bag. So at night, we had our thermo underwear on, our sleeping bag. We were actually quite snug and warm.

Jonathan : Yeah. The lodges, I mean the rooms don’t have heating, so it does get quite cold when you first get into bed. But somehow as the night goes on with the body heat, it heats up the room, and by 2 a.m. or 3 a.m., we all felt quite warm.

Annie : Well, we have five bodies heating up one room.

Chris : That helps. And you were mentioning carrying your sleeping bags and you had to carry some food although you had food from day to day. How heavy were your backpacks?

Jonathan : I would estimate we carry about 10 to 15 pounds.

Chris : Oh, okay. Fairly light.

Jonathan : Yeah, 10 to 15 pounds. Actually to save cost, we actually carry some food and we actually carry our own stove and pots.

Chris : Oh, you did.

Annie : And water.

Jonathan : Yeah. This way, we save on the lunch. So, we would eat at the lodge for breakfast and dinner. And we ate our own food for lunch.

Annie : Instant noodles, instant soup.

Jonathan : But actually it ended up to be a mistake because as we got higher and higher elevation, our stove did not work so well at high elevation. So, it took us a long time just trying to start the fire and cooking it. And so by the third day, I think we gave up on cooking our own food. We would buy hot water form the lodge and then use that to cook our own instant noodle or soup mix, etc.

Annie : And cookies, we bought cookies along the way to eat.

Chris : And that implies that you were seeing places to eat in the morning and then the evening, but also along the route, there were places to stop?

Jonathan : Yes. Every few, like one to two kilometer, there’s usually a lodge. So, it’s very convenient.

Annie : And in terms of the weight that we’re carrying, we’re definitely toward the lighter end, I believe. Because we’ve seen a lot of people with much bigger backpacks. But even then, I don’t think it’s a problem because if you want, there’s porters that can help you to carry your bags and different things.

Chris : Well, and what I’m hearing is you weren’t regretting going towards the lighter end. If anything, you might bring less stuff.

Jonathan : Actually I would say half of the hikers there have either guide or porter or a guide and porter. And we actually did this without guide and without porter. So, there’s definitely a lot of people carrying lighter than us because they have porters to carry all the heavy things.

Olivia : Although we did met one lady from Austria who is traveling for nine months. So, she didn’t put her big backpack somewhere else, so she brought it onto the trek and the backpack was about 18 kg.

Chris : Oh, wow. Okay.

Jonathan : Yes. And I guess this goes to another great thing about this trek is not only are there many lodges along the way, there’s porters and guides that you could hire for about $20 a day. So, a lot of people take advantage of that.

Annie : And when you hit the higher elevations and you run out of breath, there’s actually people doing business where they ride their horses and they wait for you at different points knowing that there will be some trekker that’s dying. And then you pay a fortune to catch that ride up the next link. So, there are options of riding horsebacks to continue.

Chris : Okay. And what was next?

Jonathan : After our overnight in the village of Letdar, we went to the high camp, and this is the camp right before you go over the high pass. It’s actually the steepest leg of the whole trek. And we got prepared again, early, woke up early and ready for a very, very grueling, tough day. But we were pleasantly surprised because we actually got there in half the time that they said that it would take, and we reached there around 11 a.m., and we were just so happy, and just watching all the other hikers come after us going up in slow motion.

And everyone there was so excited, but a little bit nervous as well, not knowing how the weather will be like. All the hikers that we would go into the lodge, the restaurant and then play cards and talk. And just really enjoyable day actually. We only hiked half a day and then having a half day to just rest and enjoy the companies of different hikers.

Chris : Okay. And at this point, you’re above the tree line?

Jonathan : Yes. We already passed the tree line about two days ago. The high camp is at 4,850 meters. So, just about 600-700 meters below the highest point that we will be trekking the next day.

Olivia : At this part of the day, there was just rocks and snow mountains.

Jonathan : Yes. And actually also snow on the ground.

Chris : Okay. Any animals at all at that elevation?

Annie : Eagles.

Jonathan : Yeah. We saw eagles flying, which is really cool because we saw them flying in circle as they go up with the rising of the air. So, it’s so graceful and effortless. It’s very spectacular to see that.

Olivia : Some people said they saw deer as well, but we didn’t get to see it ourselves.

Chris : Oh, interesting. And are these golden eagles? At this point, this wouldn’t be bald eagles.

Jonathan : No, no, no, not bald eagles. But I don’t recognize what kind of eagle they were.

Chris : Okay. Excellent.

Jonathan : So, the high camp, because you’re high, pretty much you’re surrounded by snow mountain peaks all around you, 360 degree. And so, we took a lot of great panoramic photos over there. And then because you’re so high at night, the stars just jump out. You could see the Milky Way very clear and all the constellation. And at the time, there’s also where Mars and Jupiter were closest together since the previous decade. So, we saw Venus together with Mars and Jupiter clustered together, and that was very special too.

Chris : Well, and I’m guessing if you had clear weather, you saw quite a few stars?

Jonathan : Yes.

Annie : The whole sky.

Jonathan : It was quite cold, so we couldn’t really just stay out and enjoy for a long time. We were pretty much in our bed trying to survive the cold.

Olivia : You only really see it as you’re going from your room to the bathroom and then back.

Chris : Okay. And then at this point, you’re heading downhill?

Jonathan : No, no. The high camp, so we were overnight at the night camp, which is 4,850 meters. Then the next day, we woke up two hours earlier to reach the high pass early in the morning before the wind pick up even bigger. So, that day everyone woke up really early and we actually started a hike partly in the dark. But after 30 or an hour, the sky began to light up.

It was slow, it was cold, but it’s also very magical to see the sunrise as you hike up. And when we reached the high pass, it was around 8 a.m. and we were surprised the wind was actually already quite strong. But surprisingly, right on the highest point, there was a wooden shack where they were selling hot tea, hot coffee and dessert. And so, we got ourselves a big bottle of hot water and we…

Annie : Made our own instant soup.

Jonathan : …made our own instant soup and tea and enjoy the time up there.

Annie : What was fun was we also saw the tents where the Korean pianist, her team, had already gone up previously. So, the grand piano was actually in crates, just waiting for them to arrive to reassemble. So, it was quite amazing that that team actually assembled a grand piano on the pass, tuned it and had a concert on October 21st.

Chris : Huh. I didn’t picture when you were saying they were bringing it up the mountain, they were carrying it up to the pass.

Annie : They actually had 13 porters and horses to being everything up there. And we actually saw online photos and videotapes of the concert. And she was wearing sleeveless dress, concert piano dress. We thought, “My goodness. She didn’t even wear gloves playing. She is amazing.” Because it is cold, it is very cold.

Jonathan : And that day, it was actually a long day because after climbing up 700 meters, we had to go down about 1,600 meters on the same day. So, it was a very steep downhill to a point where my wife, she was suffering. You want to say it?

Annie : Oh, I was dying. Like I realized I’d rather go uphill than downhill.

Chris : I’ve heard people say that.

Annie : Because uphill, it’s easier on your knees and your feet. And a lot of trekkers realize when you’re going downhill, it’s such a huge strain. It’s very hard on your toes. Like my hiking boots lasted me pretty well for my trek through Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. But going down at such a steep altitude, it’s like your toes are smashing right into the foot of your boot.

And at the end, I was limping and I’m lying until we reached the bottom. And I took off my shoe and then two of my toes on my left and my right foot were bloody bruised and I had blisters. Meanwhile, my two younger kids were just running straight down going, “Mom, this is easy. Shoo!” I’m like, “What is…”

Joani : We had to wait for them for about one to two hours.

Nathan : We ordered lunch for them.

Chris : Well, and I’m gathering that the trail was fairly well marked because you mention not having a guide and starting in the dark and them running on an hour ahead.

Joani : Yeah. We were with other trekkers too so it wasn’t too bad.

Chris : Sure.

Jonathan : And actually we met an author of a book called Annapurna Trekking and he have been there every year for about what, 20 years.

Annie : Thirty.

Jonathan : Thirty years. And he’s on a mission to mark the trails by painting red and white flag on all the trails so that people won’t get lost. So, we just keep following the red and white mark and we did okay.

Olivia : But his trails aren’t just so that you won’t get lost. They’re actually trails that you can take to get off the road because he will lose very passionately about seeing the nature for itself without having cars beside you and all the trails he marks are usually have amazing sceneries and things you don’t get to see if you were on the road. So, that’s also a bonus.

Chris : Okay. And so, when we say the trail, there are options?

Chris : It sounds like it’s what you’re saying. Okay.

Jonathan : Yes. There are like side trials, side trips or just trails to get away from the dirt road that the jeep takes. Especially now that they’re building the road further and further into the Circuit trail. So, it’s good to take those to avoid the road.

Chris : And I’m curious, we’ve just come down off the high point here, off the pass. What was the worst moment? What was the moment that you turned to the others and said, “Who thought this was a good idea?”

Olivia : Well, maybe it was the second day when we took a shower. That was the worst. The bathroom was not very good, it was all concrete, it was a concrete wall and concrete floor. There was some hot water. It wasn’t as hot as I would like it, but there wasn’t enough to warm up the whole body.

So, you’re constantly cold and then you’re trying your best to do the shower fast, but then, by the time you finish it takes so much courage to stop taking a shower because then you’ll have to turn off the water and go to even a colder place to dry yourself and wear your clothes, and it takes a lot of courage actually. So, that was not the nicest place to take a shower. It’s very cold.

Chris : Anybody else have a different answer?

Nathan : I guess one of the hardest moments, we’ll be trekking together on the first two days because my dad is usually the one who’s soaring ahead, way ahead of us when we get left behind the dust. And we’ll just be slowly trudging up and we are losing energy and everyone getting mad at each other, getting tired and angry and complaining. Chocolate helped a lot during that time.

Chris : Of course. And then the opposite question, when was the moment you turned to each others and said, “I am so glad we did this?”

Annie : I think when we went through the lake where it was just beautiful, autumn colors.

Chris : This was the first three days of the trip or so?

Annie : It’s the second and third day. Because we live in, most of the time in Yunnan, Kunming, where it’s always such temperate climate you never see autumn there. Everything’s always green. And for us to be able to see what fall colors look like in such a grand scale, we were just like, “Ooh! Ahh! Gorgeous.” And just taking pictures along the way and then we even joking it’s like, “That looks like Japan.” Even though we’ve never been to Japan before or my kids haven’t, but they’ve seen pictures of Japan.

And then we’ve been to Cambodia and different Southeast Asian countries. They’re like, “Oh, this looks like this country. This could look like that country.” And it was just a really exciting time where we could just see a lot of common threads between different places that we visited before.

Joani : And also, where we live, we don’t usually see much snow at all. So, when we got near to the higher place where there was actually snow everywhere, I was really excited and happy because I just really love seeing snow. And I think it’s like really pretty and beautiful.

Jonathan : For me it was the first day there was some clouds in the sky. So, the snow peak sometimes you can see a little bit of it, but it was hidden or elusive. And then the next day when it was all clear and just right out there and it was such a big surprise that I just jumped up and down, just took hundreds of photos everywhere. The kids were complaining that I keep taking photos, but I was just so excited. That really made my day.

Chris : Excellent. We’re going to start to wind this down, but anything else on the…we were not quite done with your trek here. Any of the other highlights you want to mention before we get to my last questions?

Annie : Oh, be prepared to bring medicine. Like we had a medicine first aid kit ready. So, we actually somehow temperature and altitudes got allergies. I can’t explain how or why, but it’s really important to have allergy medicine prepared. And for sure Tylenol or Ibuprofen for headaches when you hit the higher altitudes. There was only probably one or two days before the high, the pass where I had a headache and then we actually went to listen to lecture on high altitude illness. And then we were like getting paranoid about every single symptom to think, “Oh, no. I’m going to die. Something is wrong.” Just to be aware and then have medicine ready.

Jonathan : I would also like to mention that the trek can be done in the easy way, but it can also be challenging for those who are really hard core trekker because there’s a lot of side trek. For example, you could trek to the Tilicho Lake which is at 4,900 meter and it’s said that it’s the highest lake in the world. So, there is many side trek, you know one to two day side trek you could take to just challenge yourself or see even more sceneries. So, I think Annapurna is really a trail for all types, all ages.

Chris : Okay. Did you have any resources you used that helped you personalize what you wanted to do?

Jonathan : I rely mostly on the Lonely Planet Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya travel guide and the Annapurna Conservation Area, they also have maps of the altitude maps of the different villages. So, you could see how far they are and what’s the elevation gain for each of the village. So, those were very useful.

Chris : Okay. What was your biggest surprise?

Olivia : For me I think was seeing a place where you can learn how to bake in Manang. They have a bakery store there in case you want to learn how to bake apple pie.

Jonathan : At 3,500 some meters.

Joani : And my biggest surprise was seeing two guys, one local Nepali and one guy from Australia who biked up the whole entire circuit.

Olivia : And biked down.

Joani : And biked down.

Chris : Oh, my.

Olivia : Amazing.

Joani : They were incredible.

Nathan : My biggest surprise was the Nepali porters. They carry up to three to four people’s backpacks way on them, and all they have on their foot is like flip flops. Flip flops and slippers.

Joani : Yeah. They carry about 30 kg.

Annie : I think my biggest surprise was to realize you could do a concert at the pass of 5,460.

Chris : I wonder if the concert might come up and answer that question.

Annie : Oh, hats off to this group because I never imagined that someone would hold a concert at that elevation.

Chris : There was no point at which you thought, “Darn, we could have brought our own grand piano.”

Annie : Maybe Joani’s ukulele.

Chris : One thing that makes you laugh and say, “Only in Nepal.”

Annie : Dal bhat.

Annie : Because only in Nepal they give you refills like almost all you can eat refills. So, there’s T-shirt that says, “Dal bhat, 24 hour power.” So, yeah, dal bhat will keep you going.

Olivia : Well, only in Nepal on the trek does a normal pizza taste the same as your Mexican burrito. They both have yak cheese, they both have tomato and they all have like this bready pastry on it. So, they taste basically the same, but the calories as well.

Annie : It’s probably only in Nepal where you have to force yourself to eat to get all the calories you could pack. I mean, all the trekkers when they came down like, “Thank God, I don’t have to feed stuff myself anymore.”

Nathan : Only in Nepal and Annapurna trek would you be so overjoyed of the food prices outside the Circuit. We were like, “Oh, this steak cost like fried potatoes.” And like, “Oh, this soft drink is so cheap.” I feel like I just came out of Switzerland.

Joani : Yeah. And I think only in Nepal, at least in this trek that you have to be forced to eat at one place. Because since you’re living there you have to eat there. There’s no other choice.

Chris : Will you mention the medicine that’s best thing you had in your pack.

Annie : Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Olivia : Sleeping bag.

Nathan : Thermos.

Chris : Thermos, okay.

Jonathan : Chocolates.

Annie : Oh, chocolate is an absolute must for survival because you need that for the energy.

Chris : I find that to be true whether or not I’m trekking or not. So.

Annie : And also sunglasses and hat.

Annie : Oh, lip balm. Do bring lip balm. Oh, yeah.

Olivia : It’s very necessary.

Annie : Lip balm and sunscreen.

Chris : Okay. Finish this thought, “You know you’re on the Annapurna Circuit when…”

Annie : When you feel like you’ve seen sceneries from 20 countries in one place.

Nathan : You know you’re on the Annapurna Circuit when you see groups of people with all these hiking extension gear in front of you trudging along.

Olivia : You know you’re on Annapurna when you see lots and lots of American tourists.

Jonathan : You know you’re on the Annapurna Circuit when you can eat apple crumble with custard at 3,500 meter.

Chris : All right. Last question, you have to summarize this trip in, we’ll give you five words because there are five of you. Everybody gets a word. What’s your word?

Olivia : Tiring.

Nathan : Breathtaking.

Chris : Okay. In more ways than one.

Joani : Exciting.

Jonathan : Accomplishment.

Annie : I’d do it again.

Chris : Well, at least four of you understood the assignment.

Annie : One word. Cold.

Chris : Cold.

Jonathan : Or people. You meet so many interesting people on the trek. Actually, meeting people was what kept most of us going because we just love to trek along them and just get to know them. And we’ve forgot that we’re trekking, just having striking conversation with all the different people from around the world, doing all very interesting things.

Annie : Then you play cards with them at the lodges.

Chris : Excellent. Well, our guest again have been the Su family from SuFamilyAdventures.com, in order of importance, but not appearance. Joani, Nathan, Olivia, Annie and Jonathan. Thanks so much for coming on the Amateur Traveler and sharing with us your adventure on the Annapurna Circuit.

Jonathan : Thank you very much.

Annie : Thank you.

Chris : In news of the community it sounds like there may only be four slots left for the Cambodia trip in April 1st of 2016, the Amateur Traveler trip to Cambodia. So, if you’re interested in that trip you better act now. Go to AmateurTraveler.com and look for the Book Travel tab to learn more about the trip.

On the recent episode we did on Moscow I heard from John from Toronto who said, Another fabulous podcast. Your interview with Alex brought back great memories of our family’s trip to the city in the summer of 2013. During our five day stay we managed to see most of the city highlights giving us great insight into this historical city. A couple of our observations include, you need a whole day to visit the Kremlin. It is a massive complex with several museums, the world’s largest collection of Faberge eggs, five cathedrals and many public spaces.

On Saturdays in the summer there is the changing of the ceremonial guard in late morning. One warning, there is nowhere to buy food or water inside the Kremlin. The gun department store isn’t really a department store, rather it’s a mall truck full of western tourists, prices are outrageous and there’s nothing you could buy there that you can’t buy at home. The best place to buy souvenirs is the large Izmailovsky open air market. It is a short walk from the Partizanskaya station, Metro blue line. Come prepared to haggle.

Alex didn’t mention any places to grab a meal. Yeah, we ran out of time. Moscow had some great restaurants, including Café Pushkin, a high-end restaurant located in a historic Baroque mansion. Glavpivtorg, decorated in 1950s, Soviet style office complex, a lot of fun, and Barashka, a famous restaurant specializing in traditional Azerbaijani cuisine. We found it relatively easy to navigate this city on our own. We relied extensively on the Metro.

And it is truly a sight to be seen in its own. Though learning the Cyrillic alphabet will help, and walking everywhere is the best way to get a true feel of the people and the history. We never felt unsafe, though you’ll likely get tired of policemen and security guards blowing whistles at you because you crossed the street in the wrong place or sitting on the wrong stairs, walked on the grass where you shouldn’t have and so on. No wonder the people can come across as being dower, looking forward to more great podcasts, John.

Thanks, John, for your feedback on that and your suggestions as well. With that we’ll end this episode of the Amateur Traveler. If you have questions, send an email to host at amaterutraveler.com. Don’t forget to visit our sponsor RoamRight. And you can follow me on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram as chris2x. And as always, thanks so much for listening.

Transcription sponsored by  JayWay Travel , specialists in Central & Eastern Europe custom tours.

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Panchase Trek - a great alternative! - Breathe Nepal Trekking

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  • Breathe Nepal Trekking

Panchase Trek – a great alternative!

In March last year I spent some days in Pokhara / Nepal. I wanted to go trekking but I did not want to walk one of the popular Annapurna Treks. I was afraid it will be too crowded at this time of the year. I met Roman – one of my friends in Pokhara gave me his contact – so I called him and we discussed which trekking route would fit the best to my expectations. Roman made a very good impression on me. He knows the Annapurna region very well and he is an enthusiastic guide. He said that Panchase Trek could be the right tour for me. It sounded really good and I immediately agreed to his proposal. Two days later we started our trek from Pokhara hiking first to World Peace Pagoda then to Tarebhir, Panchase Bhanjang and Australian Base Camp. 5 days later we ended our tour at Sarangkot with a magic sunrise spectacle on the Annapurna Range! The tour was beautiful. We met very few other tourists. Most of the time we walked alone in the beautiful nature. Overnight we stayed at lovely homestays. That was really special and I enjoyed very much the time with my friendly hosts in their homes. Roman was great. He took care of me so well. He is a polite and respectful person. I highly recommend his services to everybody who wants to spend wonderful time in Nepal!

My wife and I went for a trek to ABC in November 2014. Our friends from Pokhara recommended Roman Poudel as our guide. We met him 2 days before the trek and we both felt great sympathy for him from the first moment. He is calm and patience and always in good mood. We had a lot of fun with Roman and would recommend him highly to everybody who wants to have a nice, comfortable and professional companion on the trek. He is very professional and always in time. You can rely on him. We became friends and ´keep in touch with Roman and his lovely family regularly. He is really good man!!!

I was staying in Pokhara with friends, and my greatest desire was to go for a trekking in Annapurna area. But I am not experienced trekker, also I was short of time, and was not sure I'll be able to go with a group... Finally I was very lucky - our friend recommended the excellent guide: Laxman Poudel from "Breathe Nepal Trekking". We had 3 days trekking to Poon Hill (usually it takes 4 days), and Laxman helped me a lot - I am more than grateful to him. Very important: Laxman speaks surprisingly good English, he has good sence of humour, we were talking and laughing a lot. He is the best companion for a difficult route - experienced, cheerful and kind!

annapurna base camp trek in may

Roman is a fantastic guide, he made me feel welcome and shared his love and knowledge of the area with passion. I had the best time possible with Roman as my guide. Highly recommended

It was really unforgettable journey that we never experienced before. The view is wonderful and the tour guide Roman is very helpful and considerable. Roman was willing to share his hiking experience patiently. We really like the trip and Roman. Definitely we will come to him next time. Thank you Roman!

We've had a fantastic hike of 5 days around Pokhara. Roman from Breathe Nepal Trekking is a great guide. Why? * he ensured for every night accommodation was booked and me and my wife had the best room in the building; * Roman taught us Nepalese trekking songs. We still sing them! * We had good discussions leading to a better understanding of live and people in Nepal * Roman is very good company to have around you! We're still in touch with him after a few years

annapurna base camp trek in may

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The best guide you can be lucky enough... - Trekking Nepal with Raju - certified & professional guide

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  • Trekking Nepal with Raju - certified & professional guide

The best guide you can be lucky enough to have for your trek!

We couldn’t have asked for a better guide for our ABC trek Raju was extremely kind, helpful and knowledgeable. He lead us through the mountains with lovely conversation, skill and safety. If you’re looking for a guide for your trek, look no further than Raju! He is one of the most experienced guides available in Pokhara (more than 35 years) and has the most gentle, caring and generous soul of anyone I have met.

Hello Harry! 🙏 I had a amazing time to meet you and Jagdda in Pokhara and Annapurna base camp trek. I had memorial time with you and Jagdda in Annapurna base camp trek and Pokhara. I was enjoying with you and Jagdda in Annapurna base camp trek. I am happy with you and Jagdda in Annapurna base camp trek. Thank you very much for hired me,sent me beautiful photos, gave me good review and your help. See you and Jagdda soon! 🙏🇳🇵🇬🇧 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵

Raju was a fantastic guide for our 6 day trek on the ABC trail. We had a wonderful time on the trek and really enjoyed our conversations. Everything was well organised - we honestly couldn't fault any of our trip! Raju was very knowledgeable, friendly and just a lovely person. Thank you so much for everything Raju, we hope to go on another trek with you one day!

annapurna base camp trek in may

Hello Sita! 🙏 I had a amazing time to meet you and Daniel. I had memorial time with you and Daniel in Annapurna Base Camp Trek. I was enjoying with you and Daniel in Annapurna Base Camp Trek. I am happy with you and Daniel. Thank you very much for hired me,sent me beautiful photos, gave me good review and your help. See you and Daniel soon! 🙏🇳🇵🇬🇧 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵

I had a wonderful 4-day trek to Mardi Himal base camp with Raju. Everything was organized very well: the routes, the tea houses (hotels) and the food. Raju is a great person to talk to, we spent our days having amazing conversations about everything. Whenever I needed anything he was there to help or answer any questions. Also he knows the area very well, he’s very strong and never gets tired :)) Hope to be back and go another tour with Raju (with great pleasure) 10/10 recommend

annapurna base camp trek in may

Hello Eliza! 🙏 I had a amazing time to meet you. I had memorial time with you in Mardi Himal Trek. I was enjoying with you in Mardi Himal Trek. I am happy with you. Thank you very much for hiring me, sending me beautiful photos, gave me good review and your help. See you soon! 🙏🇳🇵🇷🇺 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵

Raju was an amazing guide for us. Very experimented, always colaborated with us on creating the itinerary, very friendly and knowledgeable. We really enjoyed our time on ABC trek and felt safe and welcomed. I would really recommend him 100%. Our porter Goddis was also amazing and very flexible and we really aplreciated them both a lot! Thank you! ❤️

annapurna base camp trek in may

Hello Ela! 🙏 We had a amazing time to meet you,Alin and Horia. We had memorial time with you,Alin and Horia in Annapurna base camp trek and Pokhara. We were enjoying with you,Alin and Horia in Annapurna base camp trek. We are happy with you,Alin and Horia. Thank you very much for hiring us, sending beautiful pictures, wrote us good review, your help and everything. See you,Alin and Horia soon! 🙏🇳🇵🇨🇦🇷🇴 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵

I hiked the Khopra Ridge Trek with Raju mid-April. I was alone with Raju for 6 days. Raju organized everything perfectly and adapted to every single one of my wishes. When I was tired and slowed down a bit, Raju always made sure to stay a few meters in front. When I wanted to go fast and decided to walk two days in a single one, Raju ensured we made it and showed me some shortcuts. He always secured accommodation and transportation and I never had to handle any of the logistics, only make the decisions, which he allowed me to make even at the very last minute. Raju was also a great conversation partner during days of hiking: I learned a lot about Nepalese culture and politics as I was interested in these topics; and when I wanted to focus on the path and stayed silent for hours, Raju always let me enjoy the peaceful mountains. I had an amazing experience in the Nepalese mountains and am thankful to Raju for having made it as good as it was!

annapurna base camp trek in may

Hello Matti! 🙏 I had a amazing time to meet you. I had memorial time with you in Khopra Danda Trek and Pokhara. I was enjoying with you in Khopra Danda Trek. I am happy with you. Thank you very much for hiring me, sending me beautiful pictures, gave me good review and your help. See you soon, my friend! 🙏🇳🇵🇨🇵 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵

He is absolutely fantastic, highly recommend! Has so much knowledge and experience. Made the hike very enjoyable!!!!

Hello Briaan! 🙏 I had a amazing time to meet you and Hannah. I had memorial time with you and Hannah in Australian Camp and Dhampus Hike. I was enjoying with you and Hannah in Australian Camp and Dhampus Hike. I am happy with you and Hannah. Thank you very much for hiring me, gave me good review and your help. See you and Hannah soon! 🙏🇳🇵🇳🇿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Best regards, Raju Bhandari 🙏🇳🇵


  1. Annapurna Base Camp Trek: Everything You Need to Know

    annapurna base camp trek in may

  2. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in 13 days, Nepal. 13-day trip. Certified guide

    annapurna base camp trek in may

  3. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    annapurna base camp trek in may

  4. Annapurna Base Camp Short Trek

    annapurna base camp trek in may

  5. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    annapurna base camp trek in may

  6. 6 Day Itinerary for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek Without a Guide

    annapurna base camp trek in may


  1. Annapurna Base Camp Trek(2)

  2. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

  3. Annapurna Base Camp Trek। Most Popular Trek In Nepal . ABC 4130M

  4. Annapurna Base Camp 5 Days Trek

  5. Annapurna Base Camp Trek 2017

  6. #ANNAPURNA BASE CAMP TREK VIEW /4130M /3 oct 2023#


  1. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May: Travel Tips, Weather, Highlight

    Visit Annapurna Base Camp in May month is one of the best times while spring season: March, April, May months are popular for the trek to visit Annapurna Base Camp (or Annapurna base camp trek in May) this trek route in the Annapurna region is not difficulties compare another high altitude trek in Everest trek region.The ABC trek is suitable for all kinds of travelers, with the maximum high ...

  2. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May experiences the hottest temperature while trekking. May is the best time to walk under the Rhododendron blossoms accompanied by other wildflowers. The cascading waterfalls en route are alluring. You will see the sharpest views of the mountains and the surrounding landscapes because of the low precipitation.

  3. Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp in May: A Journey of a Lifetime

    Brief overview of Annapurna Base Camp Trek. The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal that takes you through diverse landscapes, ranging from lush forests to rocky terrains, culminating at the Annapurna Base Camp, which is located at an altitude of 4,130 meters.The trek starts from Nayapul, a small town located about an hour's drive from Pokhara, and takes about 7-12 ...

  4. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May has many exciting aspects. Some of the major reasons to go on this trek are as follows: Minimal precipitation and snowfall. May has stable weather conditions and fewer chances of rainfall or snowfall as it is a post-winter and pre-monsoon period. The dry trails allow trekkers to explore the region in all its glory.

  5. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    Stingy Nomads (Campbell & Alya) at Annapurna Base Camp in Nepal. Trekking in Nepal is an incredible experience. ABC trek is one of the most spectacular routes in the region. Many trekkers choose this route as a shorter and cheaper alternative to the Everest Base Camp trek.Annapurna Base Camp is surrounded by some of the highest peaks in the world; Annapurna I (8091 m), Annapurna South (7219 m ...

  6. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May brings out the best of lush green farms and flowers in bloom. It may not have the ideal spring weather, but May is not that bad for Annapurna Base Camp Trek. It also has pleasant climatic conditions with mild weather, making it comfortable for hiking. Days are balmy and full of sunshine, so walking the trail ...

  7. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    The Annapurna Base Camp trek is the only hiking route in the region untouched by road construction. There are more than 100 kinds of mammal in the area, 60 kinds of reptile and amphibians, 450 kinds of birds and nine kinds of rhododendron! The finest moments of this trek are at sunrise, when the sun dances across the mountains.

  8. Annapurna Base Camp Trek Nepal

    The Annapurna Base Camp Trek offers stunning views of the Annapurna range, Machapuchare, and other Himalayan peaks right from the start. ... The best time to trek to Annapurna Base Camp is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these months, the weather is relatively stable, with clear skies and mild ...

  9. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    Trekking in the Himalayas is synonymous with adventure, and the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek in May is no exception. As the final month of spring, May is a medley of blossoming nature, fluttering prayer flags, and the melodious rhythm of trekking boots on mountain trails. Discover why embarking on this journey in May is an enriching ...

  10. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    ABC trek is reasonable and every penny of yours will be worth the episodes. Your total Annapurna base camp trek price will range around $900 - $1500. The price fluctuates in peak seasons. Annapurna base camp trek 7 days cost is comparatively cheaper than 10 days. The pay for the guides and porters may range from $20 to $30 per day.

  11. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    The weather in May is warmer, with well-defined trails. However, May falls in the pre-monsoon season with the probability of occasional rain. Several other factors impact the trek difficulty, making the Annapurna Base Camp trek in May moderately difficult. Annapurna region incorporates diverse terrains with uneven surfaces and steep sections.

  12. Annapurna Base Camp Trek: A Complete Guide

    Trek to Jhinudanda (Hot spring in Jhinudanda) Day 12. Jhinu Danda to Pothana/Jhinu Danda to Ghandruk. Day 13. Pothana to Phedi and drive to Pokhara/ Ghandruk to Nayapul and drive to Pokhara. Elevation during Annapurna Base Camp Trek. Personally, I think Ghanduk is a prettier village but Pothana is no less beautiful.

  13. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    The Annapurna Base Camp trek in May allows you to experience the beautiful landscape of the mountains during spring. The trails are full of greenery and beautiful forests full of rhododendron flowers. A glorious view of the majestic Mt Annapurna awaits you at the end of your trek. Along with the view of Mt. Annapurna, you will also get to ...

  14. Annapurna Base Camp Trek: 6, 7, and 10 Day Itinerary for ABC

    The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek is coveted by the base camp standing on a chilly glacial basin in the midst of an amphitheater of mountains. It is also referred to as the Annapurna safe-haven as the locale is a very well preserved region, which is home to 1,226 types of blossoming plants, 102 mammals, 474 different birds, 39 reptiles, and 22 ...

  15. Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May

    The crowd on the trail of Annapurna Base Camp Trek in May. Annapurna Base Camp is a popular trekking destination in Nepal attracting many visitors every year, especially during the peak season of spring and autumn. May is one of the busiest months in terms of crowds in the Annapurna region and the Annapurna Base Camp trek is no exception. In ...

  16. A Detailed Guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in Nepal

    There are numerous companies that offer the full service Annapurna Base Camp trek and many people choose to go this route. Distance - 110km/68 Miles. Days required - 10-12 days. Lowest Point - 895m / 2936 ft (Pokhara) Highest point - 4,130m / 13,550 ft (Annapurna Base Camp) Walking Per Day Approx. - 4-6 hours.

  17. Annapurna Base Camp Trek 2024

    Annapurna Base Camp Trek is the most popular trekking trip in the Annapurna Region of Nepal to treat yourself with amazing natural highlights +9779851276377; ... It is very important because you may face many challenges of uphill ascend and altitude problems. However, these 14 days of ABC Trek are a convenient way of embarking on the journey. ...

  18. Annapurna Base Camp Trek 10 Days: Short ABC Trek

    The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) (4130m) is commonly known as the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek. This trek promises "in-your-face" unprecedented views of colossal mountain ranges, which include Hiunchuli, Machapuchare (Fishtail), and Annapurna South peaks. The best time of year to trek in this region is in spring when Rhododendron forests are in ...

  19. Guide to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek: All You Need to Know

    Annapurna Base Camp Trek Distance. The trail stretches across 71.5 mi, but there's always the option to take a jeep at the start and end to cut back on some kilometres if you're short on time. Some people opt for a 37.3 mi out-and-back excursion rather than 71.5 mi. Expect to hike around six hours a day, covering around 6.2 mi.

  20. Fantastic guide for the ABC trek

    Trekking Nepal with Raju - certified & professional guide: Fantastic guide for the ABC trek - See 143 traveler reviews, 87 candid photos, and great deals for Pokhara, Nepal, at Tripadvisor.

  21. Trekking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal

    Transcript. The five members of the Su family (Jonathan, Annie, Olivia, Nathan, and Joani) are on a larger adventure traveling along the Silk Road but took a detour to Nepal to hike this famous trek. The normal time to do this hike is 23 days, but by adding in some bone-crunching jeep rides they shortened it to fit into 8 days.

  22. Annapurna

    Annapurna (/ ˌ æ n ə ˈ p ʊər n ə ˌ-ˈ p ɜːr-/; Nepali: अन्नपूर्ण) is a mountain situated in the Annapurna mountain range of Gandaki Province, north-central Nepal.It is the 10th highest mountain in the world at 8,091 metres (26,545 ft) above sea level and is well known for the difficulty and danger involved in its ascent.. Maurice Herzog led a French expedition to ...

  23. Panchase Trek

    Breathe Nepal Trekking: Panchase Trek - a great alternative! - See 587 traveler reviews, 868 candid photos, and great deals for Pokhara, Nepal, at Tripadvisor.

  24. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    Annapurna Base Camp Trek | A Himalayan Adventure Part 1. 9.7K subscribers in the NepalSocial community. A sub for casual Nepali stuff.

  25. The best guide you can be lucky enough to have for your trek!

    Trekking Nepal with Raju - certified & professional guide: The best guide you can be lucky enough to have for your trek! - See 143 traveler reviews, 87 candid photos, and great deals for Pokhara, Nepal, at Tripadvisor.

  26. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    112K subscribers in the YouTube_startups community. This subreddit is to help young YouTube channels get a good start. You can also meet fellow…