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Making memories on the road

Mon avis sur Travellers Autobarn, le van que l’on a loué aux USA

✏  Articles sur le   road trip aux USA.

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Présentation du van

Bien choisir son van est extrêmement important puisque ce sera votre maison dans laquelle vous dormirez, vous mangerez, vous vous laverez et où vous allez parcourir des centaines de kilomètres. Nous avons été TRES satisfaits du van que l’on a loué et n’avons rencontré aucun problème majeur. L’espace était largement suffisant pour deux avec la possibilité de tenir debout pour cuisiner ou s’habiller ce qui est un luxe.

Dans cet article, je vous présente le van que l’on a loué pour 15 nuits et 16 jours pour traverser 4 états de l’ouest américain : la Californie, le Nevada, l’Arizona et l’Utah. 

La compagnie Travellers Autobarn

On est passés par l’agence Travellers Autobarn (lien ici: ) . Un choix? À vrai dire non. Nous voulions réserver avec la compagnie Escape Campervan (très très connue). Cependant lors de notre réservation, nous avons reçu un mail disant qu’il n’y en avait plus de disponibles aux dates voulues. Il faut dire que l’on s’y est pris un mois avant le départ ce qui nous laissait peu de chances. On continue nos recherches de location et on tombe sur ce site. Hop! On réserve. Le mail de confirmation disant que tout est OK. YES!

Le paiement

◊ A savoir: dans les pays étrangers, les locations de voitures/van/camping-car etc préfèrent lorsque vous disposez d'une carte de crédit ( carte VISA PREMIER débit différé ). La différence entre les deux est qu'avec une carte de crédit, les agences de location ont la certitude que vous avez les fonds nécessaires pour louer le véhicule et honorer la caution (ce qui ne pourrait pas se voir avec une carte de débit). De plus, lors de vos passages aux stations essences, il est préférable d'avoir une carte sans frais (carte ULTIM)  pour payer (détaillé plus bas). Si aucune de vos cartes ne passent: je vous conseille d'avoir une carte bancaire simple pour retirer de l'argent (carte ULTIM) . Voyageant souvent autour du monde j'ai fait l'acquisition d'une carte bancaire gratuite où les retraits à l'étranger sont sans frais. J'ai bien-sûr choisi la banque en ligne Boursorama pour cela. 

→ Si vous aussi vous voulez obtenir une carte bancaire gratuite   sans frais lors des retraits et paiements à l’étranger, cliquez sur mon lien de parrainage:  ICI  qui vous offrira 80€ d’office . La carte bancaire que vous devez sélectionner s’appelle “ CARTE ULTIM “. 

→ Si vous souhaitez obtenir la carte de crédit gratuite pour louer le van, sélectionnez “ CARTE VISA PREMIER ” en débit différé . L’offre de 80€ est également appliquée:   ICI

travellers autobarn avis

Les options et les prix

Lorsque vous réservez un van, le prix ne comporte rien, si ce n’est le véhicule. Vous devrez alors sélectionner les options qui vous intéressent. Voici la liste de ce que l’on a pris:

  • Le kit cuisine (détaillé ci-dessous) + l e linge de lit +  les chaises (le tout proposé ensemble): $45
  • Une bouteille de propane (pour cuisiner au gaz): $35
  • Une douche solaire $30
  • Le kilométrage illimité FREE au moment de notre réservation mais ce n’est pas toujours le cas.

Le total du van pour 2 personnes pour 15 nuits était de: $1577 (=1421€).

Le type de van

Notre van était un chevrolet express (2014) qui avait la patate et un côté plutôt baroudeur avec un large garde au sol, nous permettant l’accès à des routes non praticables avec un véhicule classique. Sa consommation était en conséquence du gabarit, avec ses 12,5 litres au 100km, mais le prix de l’essence au USA permet d’accepter, du moins financièrement, cet appétit. Pour donner un ordre d’idée, sur l’ensemble de notre périple nous avons donné à boire pas moins de 615 litres à notre van ce qui représente $585 soit €528 à ce moment-là.

◊ A savoir: les stations essences américaines sont un peu différentes de celles que l'on trouvent en France. Si vous disposez d'une carte bancaire simple vous devrez rentrer dans le shop et choisir le montant souhaité en indiquant votre pompe. Si vous annoncez un montant trop élevé par rapport à ce que votre van a besoin, exemple: vous demandez $60 mais votre réservoir indique plein à $58, vous serez débités $58 et la pompe s'arrêtera automatiquement.

Les équipements

Il faut savoir que le van comporte un panneau solaire sur le toit pour l’électricité à l’intérieur du van. Il a également un ventilateur  au plafond que vous pouvez activer en cas de mauvaises odeurs ou de trop fortes chaleurs et des rideaux sur tous les côtés du van pour pouvoir préserver votre intimité le soir quand vous mangez ou dormez. A l’avant: vous disposerez de deux prises USB (je vous conseille d’acheter une multi-prise USB pour pouvoir tout brancher lorsque le véhicule est en mouvement!).

Les rangements

En ce qui concernent  les rangements : on a trouvé qu’il y avait BEAUCOUP de rangements pour deux personnes. Il y en a sur le tableau de bord pour poser des documents et dans les portières pour poser des bouteilles d’eau ou autres. A l’arrière, il y a des rangements au dessus de la cuisine, en dessous avec la vaisselle et en dessous des canapés (vous pouvez voir ma vidéo Youtube pour plus de précisions). Nous avions pris deux valises cabines et nous pouvions les ranger en dessous des canapés. Le van est prévu pour 3 personnes puisque vous pouvez rajouter un lit juste au-dessus du king size bed. Passons maintenant au détail des kits.

Pour la cuisine, nous avions pris l’option “ kit cuisine ” qui comportait tout le nécessaire pour cuisiner. Nous avions: 3 assiettes, 3 petites assiettes, 3 bols, des couverts (3 de chaque: petites cuillères, grandes cuillères, fourchette, couteaux), 1 grosse casserole avec couvercle + 1 plus petite, 1 passoire, 1 poêle, 1 théière, 3 tasses, 3 verres, 1 ouvre-boîte, 1 économe, 1 planche à découper, 3 ustensiles pour cuisiner.

travellers autobarn avis

Les indispensables pour voyager en van confortablement

Dans cette rubrique je vais lister les indispensables selon moi pour voyager en van pendant plusieurs semaines 

  • Une multi-branchement USB pour charger vos appareils électroniques (il y a 2 allumes cigares à l’avant)
  • Une bouteille isotherme 
  • Un gant de toilette (il y a un seau fourni dans le van pour vous laver si vous ne prenez pas la douche solaire ou si tout simplement vous n’avez plus d’eau du robinet. NB: pensez à acheter des gros packs d’eau également en cas de panne d’eau)
  • Un sac de linge sale (oui oui)
  • Privilégiez les valises cabine pour qu’elles rentrent dans les rangements prévus à cet effet
  • Vêtements chauds pour vos randos ou s’il fait froid la nuit
  • Paquets de mouchoirs (et ça c’est super important)
  • Tongs quand vous vous doucherez dehors et que vous aurez les pieds plein de boue
  • Sacs poubelles (on avait pris des sacs qui étaient parfumés pour éviter les mauvaises odeurs dans le van –> Walmart)

Mais aussi:

  • Papiers toilette biodégradables (chez Walmart)
  • Des produits de beauté en petit format
  • Une batterie externe
  • Si vous avez un appareil photo/drone: plusieurs cartes SD (ca va de soit mais j’ai failli les oublier…)
  • Si vous partez longtemps: n’emmenez pas votre garde-robe entière. Il y a beaucoup de laveries aux US et sachez que toutes les routes sont plus ou moins aménagées pour les voyages en van.
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par ℳaeva ✈ | travel | blog (@maevoyage8)

En espérant que cet article vous a plu! Comme je l’ai annoncé en introduction, cette première expérience a été super et nous recommandons vivement cette agence. Le seul bémol que nous avons rencontré est que l’eau du réservoir n’a pas coulé pendant 3-4 jours ce qui fait que l’on ne pouvait plus faire la vaisselle mais nous avions prévu le coup en achetant des bidons d’eaux pour pouvoir les verser dans la douche solaire. Ce petit problème technique était dû au fait que l’on ait emprunté des routes escarpées ce qui a un peu trop secoué la pompe à eau. C’est à ce moment là que l’on se rend compte de l’importance de l’eau! Mais quel serait le but d’une aventure en van sans problème technique ? Nous avons fait un stop à Las Vegas dans une de leurs agences pour voir le problème et lorsque nous avons rendu le van ils nous ont remboursé la journée!

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Maeva De Poorter


Thank you for your post. It was really useful! We are travelling to California in February and we rented a Kuga Campervan with Travellers Auto Barn.

Did you sleep in campsites or in nature (dispersed camping)? How many days does the battery power last before we have to connect it to an rv charging station? We would like to rely as little as possible on the campsites!

Thanks for your help!

Hi there! Thank you for your comment I really appreciate!

Well, you chose the right company, Travellers Auto barn is very very nice! We slept in nature or free places. American roads are very good for RV, van or camping-car, you won’t need to sleep in campsites and you’ll easily find very nice places surrounding lakes or spots like that! I recommend you to download the “Park4night” app to find free and wild places to sleep in!

During our 3 weeks road trip, we didn’t connect the van to an rv charging station! You can do so if you want to use the microwave or plug your stuff but otherwise you don’t need to go to an rv charging station! The van has a solar panel so that you can always have light in it! To fill water in your van you will find gas station that sometimes provides water for RV/van.

Enjoy your stay in California! (I’m actually working on translated my blog into English – it takes time but I’d love to share my adventures with English speakers!)

Thank you for your response! Wow! so the energy from the solar panels is enough for the fridge and lights with no need to charge the van to an rv charging station? I thought you should charge it anyway every 2-4 days.

So did you charge your phones when driving right? With the engine’s energy.

Also, I’m aware you need and Adventure Pass to sleep in National Parks. Do you have any information about this? All places where you slept were found in the parking4night app? I would love to sleep close to lakes and so!

Yeah that’s right! There is enough energy for the fridge and the lights. We charged our phones when driving yes and we had multi plugs so that we could charge our phone, cameras battery, drone etc. You can buy the annual Pass called America The Beautiful for $80 and you can go to any national park. We basically found every places in this app yes but sometimes we slept in a parking (that was not very nice but we didn’t find anything else). I don’t know about the Adventure Park to sleep in NP.

Merci pour ce partage d’expérience qui donne de précieuses informations ! J’hésite encore à louer un van avec ce loueur car j’ai vu que l’assurance LIS responsabilité civile n’est que de 500 000$ et il est conseillé que ce soit à 1 M$ …est ce que cela pose problème ? Et je voulais savoir si tu avais conduit sur des routes en terre? J’ai vu que l’assurance ne marchait pas si on emprunte ce genre de route…Ton avis m’aidera sûrement. Merci

hello et merci pour ton commentaire! aucune idée pour l’assurance responsabilité civile… mais pour ce qui est des routes en terre oui, nous en avions pris une à Monument valley et tout s’est bien déroulé 🙂 bon voyage!

Great blog here! Also your web site loads up very fast!

What web host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as quickly as yours lol

hey! thank you so much for your comment I appreciate 🙂 I use OVH but i don’t think i have any affiliate link to give you…

  • Ping : Yosemite National Park -

Bonjour, Merci pour toutes ces informations. Nous avons louer un Van chez cette compagnie pour le mois d’août 2022 pour un road trip de 20 jours. J’ai deux questions La douche solaire fait partie de la location ou bien ets-elle en option. Les sacs de couchage dont vous parler dans la présentation du Van sont-ils fournis par la Cie de location et prévus dans le Kit “équipement de base”. Merci pour votre réponse. et encore bravo pour votre Blog. Cordialement Yves

Bonjour Yves et merci pour votre commentaire! J’ai adoré l’expérience avec Travellers Autobarn j’espère que vous aussi! J’ai écrit un petit paragraphe concernant les options et les prix dans mon article. La douche solaire était (en 2019, cela a peut être changé depuis..) en option pour $30! Elle nous a été pas mal utile pour principalement se laver les cheveux. Autrement on se lavait au gant de toilette avec une bassine d’eau chaude (présente dans le van). Ensuite, vous devrez également prendre une option supplémentaire pour les sacs de couchage. Il nous était vendu sous forme de “package” avec le kit cuisine + le linge de lit + les chaises de camping (le tout proposé ensemble): $45. Bon voyage à vous! Maëva

Bonjour Maéva, merci pour tous ces renseignements,c’est un super road trip ! Pour ce qui est de l’assurance quelle formule aviez vous choisi ? est ce vraiment nécéssaire de prendre la plus complète ? Merci d’avance . Marie

Bonjour Marie et merci pour ton commentaire! Je ne me rappelle plus exactement l’assurance que l’on avait prise mais j’ai retrouvé un PDF que j’avais imprimé, je te mets ici toutes les options qui étaient inscrites sur notre résa (avec les prix pour la durée de notre séjour du 16/09/19 au 30/09/19): – collision damage waiver $150 (je pense que cela correspond à l’assurance que l’on a prise) – cooking utensils, bedding gear and chairs $45 – free roof solar panel – free unlimited miles/km – pre paid propane bottle refill $35 – solar shower $30 – payment card administration fee $2.20

Bon voyage 🙂

bonjour maeva,

j’ai loué un van chez la meme compagnie cet été. on aimerait faire en 15j : SF-yosemite-death valley-LV-LA-SF je ne sais pas si tu as fait ca mais est-ce faisable? facile de dormir dans les grandes villes en van? Merci

Bonjour Samir: oui sans soucis! Tu peux regarder mes articles de blog sur mon road trip américain j’ai détaillé chaque étape! Nous avions pris un Aibrnb à SF. LV c’était un peu compliqué (on a dormi dans le parking d’un casino pour une nuit…) et LA pareil, c’est bruyant et payant. Je te conseille d’aller dormir vers Malibu! Bon voyage à vous 🙂

Nous venons de réserver pour le van. Mais nous avons quelques questions technique. Aviez vous un permis international ? Ou traduit en anglais accrédite ? Ou notre permis français suffisait ?

Avez vous eu besoin de làssurance souscrite ? Comment rechargez la bouteille de propane ? Avez vous rencontrer des difficultés de passage suite à la hauteur

Merci beaucoup de ton aide ☺️

Salut Valentine! Non nous n’avions de permis international, le français a suffit 😉 Voici toutes les options auxquelles nous avions souscrits: – collision damage waiver $150 (insurance) – cooking utensils, bedding gear and chairs $45 – free roof solar panel – free unlimited miles/km – pre paid propane bottle refill $35 – solar shower $30 – payment card administration fee $2.20

On n’a pas eu besoin de recharger la bouteille de propane et pas de difficultés pour la hauteur! Bon voyage 🙂

Bravo pour votre blog ! Une question bête sur le Kuga : y a-t-il bien la clim ? Et le régulateur de vitesse ?

Bonjour Adeline merci beaucoup! Oui il y avait la clim et je ne me souviens plus du tout pour le régulateur de vitesse… Bon voyage 🙂

Super, merci beaucoup pour la présentation, super utile pour nous qui partons dans une semaine avec un van identique !!

génial contente de vous avoir aidé! bon voyage!

Bonjour Maéva! Merci pour ce jolie partage d’expérience! Sais tu s’il est possible de payer en plusieurs fois ou de payer un acompte et le restant plus tard ?

Merci infiniment

Hello merci pour ton commentaire! Je ne me souviens plus du tout comment on avait fait de notre côté, ça commence à dater un peu… Le mieux est de contacter l’agence pour lui poser la question! Bon voyage 🙂

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Driving in New Zealand, Travellers Autobarn

Travellers Autobarn Review – Campervan Rentals & Prices

Home | Travel | Travellers Autobarn Review – Campervan Rentals & Prices

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Travellers Autobarn is a campervan rental company that we’ve used on several occasions, both in the U.S. and abroad. The Australia-based company has been around for over 30 years now, although it launched in the United States just a few years ago. Even so, it has quickly become one of the best places for RV rentals in the USA .

The company is concentrated in the Western U.S., so we’ve rented Autobarn campervans for a couple of trips around Las Vegas and the West Coast. More recently, we rented the Kuga campervan from Travelers Autobarn for an exciting journey through New Zealand. I can wholeheartedly recommend this rental service, especially if you’re looking for a vehicle that’s safe and comfortable, but also within your budget.

If you want to cut right to the chase and rent a camping van, you can go straight to the Travellers website . Otherwise, keep reading for my full Travellers Autobarn review , what we love about it, and why it’s one of the best campervan rentals in the U.S.

My honest Travellers Autobarn review – 3 campervan rentals later

As I said, we’ve used Travelers Autobarn a few times now, so we’ve become quite familiar with their campervans and the whole rental experience.

We rented the Kuga campervan each time, as it’s the perfect model for us. This high-roof campervan is efficiently designed and has a dining area, sleeping area, and a full kitchenette. I’ll share more about the Kuga van and the other Travellers camper van rentals in a bit, but just know that every rental comes with free unlimited miles, which is a huge bonus.

Van pick-up, autobarn travellers

My honest Travellers Autobarn review

Since we travel as a couple, we have plenty of space in our campervan. That said, the Kuga model is designed to accommodate up to 3 people, which I can imagine would be a bit uncomfortable, but doable. The loft area converts into a single bed, but since we didn’t need it, we used it for extra storage space.

I also love that we can prepare our own meals in the van. This is perfect for when we want to explore more remote areas for extended periods of time. The campervan comes with a sink, fridge, and gas cooktop, powered by the van’s battery. There is also a microwave, but this is powered by the van’s solar panels, so that’s something to be aware of.

The campervan is tall enough for us to be able to stand up inside it, which makes it a lot easier to move around (Dan is 5’ 11”). Plus, we can convert the dining area into a bed in less than 2 minutes without having to open the doors. However, if you’re in the driver’s cab, you must exit the vehicle to get into the back part of the van.

Sleeping area and loft bed, travellers autobarn app

Travellers Autobarn review

During the rainy days, we often use the dining area for work. We always travel with a portable Wi-Fi device , the Solis hotspot , so we can have reliable internet connection everywhere, but there are also other awesome options if you need internet while traveling .

As for driving, it’s an automatic transmission, so it’s quite easy to maneuver. It might take a bit of getting used to since it’s more top-heavy than a regular minivan, but it’s not difficult at all.

And, of course, the price for a Travellers camper van rental is very competitive. The company markets itself as a budget rental service, so you can find great deals. That said, the prices vary depending on the season, as well as where you pick up the vehicle. We’ve always picked up our campervan in Vegas, and the daily rate was around $120/day. Again, you get free unlimited miles as well as 24/7 roadside assistance, making this one of the best campervan rentals in Las Vegas .

The only con for us is that some of the vehicles are older, with some dating back to 2012. However, the company regularly services and updates its fleet, and the interiors were overhauled in 2020.

Travellers Autobarn locations in the USA

Travelers Autobarn USA has three locations in the Western U.S. At each location, the pick-up times are Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., and the drop-off times are Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Las Vegas location is just a few blocks from the Strip, so it’s super convenient. You can pick up your Travellers campervan after visiting the top attractions in Vegas . The Travellers website even has popular road trip ideas to inspire your next adventure.

You can also find Travellers camper van rentals in Los Angeles , California. The office is in Inglewood, so you can check out LA’s best attractions , and then head out on the road to explore the more natural areas and parks.

travellers autobarn hi top model campervan

There is a third Autobarn location in San Francisco , specifically across the San Francisco Bay, in Hayward. If you want to start your trip in this city, a good idea would be to see the best places in San Francisco , then hop aboard your campervan for a road trip adventure.

Travellers Autobarn announced that it has two more U.S. locations coming soon: Denver and Seattle . So, you’ll have even more options for renting a cheap Travellers campervan and exploring the great United States wilderness.

Other Travellers Autobarn locations around the world

There are additional Travellers Autobarn locations outside the United States. The company actually started in Australia , so there are offices throughout the country, including in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns, Perth, and Darwin.

They also offer campervan hires in Auckland and Christchurch, in New Zealand, as well as an office in Tokyo, Japan .

Types of Travellers Autobarn campervans

Choosing the right vehicle for your trip can be tricky, so Travelers Autobarn makes it easy by offering 4 types of campervans. You can find more details about each type below.

Keep in mind that an optional “living equipment” bundle is available with any rental for a one-time fee. It includes things like cutlery, pots/pans, cleaning supplies, sleeping bags, and linens. Also, Travelers campers in the USA aren’t self-contained, but you can purchase a portable toilet for a one-time fee, so it’s something to consider if you want to do some dispersed or free camping.

Minivan Rental – Seats 2-5 • Dodge Grand Caravan (2012 – 2017 Model)

The Travellers minivan rental is a converted Dodge Grand Caravan. It’s good for weekend tent camping trips to nearby locations. Since it’s smaller than the other vans, it gets slightly higher mileage plus, it’s easier to drive.

Minivan rental, travellers camper van rental

Travellers Autobarn minivan rental

You can add the living equipment bundle to this rental for $45, and it includes a 2-person tent, two camping chairs, an outdoor table, a gas cooktop, and cooking supplies. There is also the option to rent a folding foam mattress with sleeping bags and pillows.

Hi-Top Campervan – Seats 2-3 • Sleeps 2-3 • Chevrolet Express Campervan (2014 – 2016 Interior)

The Hi-Top Campervan from Travellers Autobarn is a Chevrolet Express campervan that sleeps 2-3 people. It has an older interior than the other campervans, but also tends to have lower daily rates, so it’s a cheaper alternative.

Campervan rental in San Francisco, autobarn locations

The van has a full kitchenette with a 2-burner gas stove, a fridge, a sink, and a microwave. It also has an 11-gallon water tank, 120V and USB plug-ins, a double bed fit-out, and a single bed in the loft area. You can add the living equipment bundle to this rental for $45.

Kuga Campervan – Seats 2-3 • Sleeps 2-3 • Chevrolet Express Campervan (2019 – 2021 Interior)

The Kuga campervan is Travelers Autobarn ’s most popular model and our personal favorite. It has a full kitchenette with a 2-burner gas stove, a fridge, a sink, and a microwave. You’ll also have an 11-gallon water tank, 120V and USB plug-ins, a double bed fit-out, and a single bed in the loft area.

Kuga campervan autobarn travellers

Travellers Autobarn Kuga campervan

This Autobarn campervan has slightly newer interiors compared to the Hi-Top Campervan, as well as exterior lights and rooftop solar panels. You can add the living equipment bundle to this rental for $45.

Hi5 Campervan – Seats 4-5 • Sleeps 4-5 • Ford Transit Campervan (2022 or Newer)

Finally, the Hi5 Campervan is the largest Travellers campervan available, as well as the newest. It features a full kitchenette with a 2-burner gas stove, two fridges, a sink, and a microwave. There is also an 11-gallon water tank, 120V and USB plug-ins, two double beds, exterior lights, and rooftop solar panels.

HI5 travellers autobarn reviews in the usa

The custom-built interior of this campervan hire grants you more storage room and a living area, plus a second row of seating behind the front cabin. It can sleep 4-5 people, so it’s ideal for families or groups. You can also add the living equipment bundle to this rental for a one-time fee of $75.

Travellers Autobarn insurance options

While Travelers Autobarn gives you the option to forego insurance, I always recommend purchasing insurance, so you’re covered in case anything happens. Besides, Travellers Autobarn’s insurance options are straightforward:

  • Collision Damage Waiver (CDW): Covers damage to your campervan, includes protection for 2 tires and the front windshield. $13/day ($25/day for Hi5 Campervans).
  • Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI): Up to $500,000 in protection against 3 rd parties (other vehicles, property, or people). $13.99 ($16.50 for Hi5 Campervans).
  • Protection Plus : Includes CDW and SLI. $26.99 ($41.50 for Hi5 Campervans)
  • Minimum Cover : $0. You’re responsible for any and all damages.

It’s always a good idea to purchase insurance! You don’t want to risk having to pay thousands of dollars for any damages caused by you or someone else.

If you’re traveling from outside the country, don’t forget your travel insurance for the USA . Health care is ridiculously expensive here!

Price of Travellers Autobarn campervan rentals

One of the best things about Travellers Autobarn is that it offers highly competitive rates. That said, the price of your rental depends on several factors, such as the pick-up location, the type of campervan, and the season.

Below, you can see the prices for a Travellers van rental for a 7-day trip and a 30-day trip. For this comparison, I selected Las Vegas as the pick-up and drop-off location.

*Sales tax and insurance not included

Travelers Autobarn ’s daily rates tend to be lower for longer trips, so you can save a lot of money if you’re traveling for several weeks or taking a month-long journey. You’ll find the lowest rates on the company’s website, and if you check the “Specials” page, you may find limited-time offers.

Also, your rental comes with free unlimited miles, 24/7 roadside assistance, a 30-day free trial to The Dyrt’s campground app, and discounts at select RV parks. All these benefits make Travellers Autobarn one of the best places to rent a campervan in the USA .

Travellers Autobarn promo codes & discounts

The Autobarn Travellers rates are already very good, but if you’re looking to save even more money, you can take a look at the website’s “Specials” page . Just make sure you read the terms and conditions to see what’s included and not included in these limited-time offers.

Travellers Autobarn discount for long hires

You can save on your Travelers camper van rental by extending the length of your trip. The “long-hire” discount is automatically applied to rentals over 7, 14, and 21 days. This discount lowers the daily rate 5%-20%, so you can save quite a lot. One-way fees are waived for any rentals over 28 days.

Travellers Autobarn special deals

Throughout the year, Travellers Autobarn offers special discounts for certain locations. For example, 15% off rentals out of Las Vegas and Los Angeles during some months. Check the website’s “Specials” page for more information on current Travellers Autobarn deals.

Travellers Autobarn relocation deals

Another special offer you can find on the website is a relocation deal. These types of discounts change throughout the year but can be a great deal if you’re flexible with your travel dates.

Travellers Autobarn special offers, travellers autobarn terms and conditions

For example, you may find a Las Vegas to San Francisco relocation deal that includes 3 free days and 700 miles. However, the special only applies to certain Autobarn campervans . Also, you’ll be charged for any excess miles (50 cents/mile) and days ($99/day).

Travellers Autobarn discount for U.S. military personnel & veterans

Lastly, U.S. military service members and veterans can get 10% off their Travellers campervan for rental periods of 7 days or longer. To get the discount, you must contact Travellers Autobarn customer service and present valid documentation.

10 Things that make Travellers Autobarn the best campervan rental in the U.S.

There are plenty of reasons why Travellers Autobarn is considered one of the best campervan rentals in the USA . Below, I’ll share the top 10 reasons why Travelers Autobarn stands out from the rest.

1. Space-efficient conversions

Travellers campervans are ideal for couples, which is why they’re so perfect for us. The Kuga and Hi-Top vans can accommodate 2-3 people, while the Hi5 vans can sleep 4-5. In addition to a full kitchenette, there is a convenient dining area with a double bed fit-out, plus a loft area that can be used for storage or an additional bed.

dining area travellers autobarn reviews

One of the coolest things about the campers from Travelers Autobarn is that you can easily convert the dining area to a sleeping area in less than 2 minutes without having to open the van’s doors or stepping outside.

We visited New Zealand during our 10-month around-the-world trip and we were traveling with two big suitcases, plus two big camera bags. However, we had plenty of room in our campervan to move around comfortably.

2. Fully-equipped campervans

Travelers’ camper van rentals come with everything you need for life on the road. Your camper comes with a full kitchenette, which includes a decent-sized fridge, a microwave, a sink, and a gas cooktop. You’ll also have plenty of storage space for dry goods as well as luggage and equipment.

Campervan kitchenette, travelers autobarn usa

Fully-equipped campervans

The vans also have an 11-gallon water tank with a 25-foot hose, charging ports, and USB plug-ins. The Kuga and Hi5 campervans also have rooftop solar panels, so you can enjoy short-term off-grid living.

We also appreciated the battery capacity since on our New Zealand trip it rained non-stop for 3 days, and we were able to work on our laptops without driving around or draining the batteries.

3. Free unlimited miles

One of the best things about renting a campervan from Travelers Autobarn is that you get free unlimited miles, regardless of which vehicle you choose. So, there’s no need to worry about taking a detour or circling the lot looking for a parking spot.

4. Great campervan rental prices

In addition to free unlimited miles, Travellers Autobarn has highly competitive daily rates, making them one of the best options for budget-conscious travelers. You can get a campervan rental for as low as $50/day, and insurance costs as little as $13/day.

Of course, keep in mind that the prices depend on things like your rental location, the length of your trip, the type of van you rent, and the season.

5. 24/7 roadside assistance

Another perk of renting from Travelers Autobarn is that you’ll have 24/7 access to their roadside assistance team. So, if you get stuck with a flat tire, you need a jump-start, the vehicle breaks down, or anything else, help is just a phone call away.

Driving in New Zealand, travellers autobarn campervan

24/7 roadside assistance

Travellers Autobarn can also help with any questions or concerns you may have, be it a mysterious light on your dashboard or you’re worried about running out of gas. To reach them, simply dial 1-800-469-4790.

So far, we haven’t had to use roadside assistance, and I hope to keep it that way!

6. Super quick pick-up/drop-off process

Once you confirm your reservation, you’ll receive email alerts in the days leading up to your pick-up time with all the necessary information. You can also complete the online check-in to make the in-person pick-up process super quick and easy. You’ll also receive email notifications before your drop-off date.

7. Friendly pick-up/drop-off times

Travellers Autobarn ’s pick-up hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday, and the drop-off hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday. If you need to arrange pick-up outside of these hours, you can contact customer support. However, contactless pick-up is only available in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

8. No young driver fee

Many campervan rental companies require drivers to be at least 25 years old, but with Travellers Autobarn , you can rent a van as long as you’re 21 or older. Plus, there is no young driver fee, making this the best option for young professionals or recent graduates.

9. Discounted caravan parks

When you rent a Travellers camper van , you’ll get a 10% discount for your stay at any KOA campground in the U.S. You’ll receive the discount code when you pick up the vehicle, and you can use that code when booking your campsite reservation on the KOA Campgrounds website .

Be aware that this 10% discount applies to your first stay, and for a maximum of 4 nights.

10. Free 30-day campground app

Travellers Autobarn is partners with the online campground platform, The Dyrt. With your Travelers camper van rental , you’ll get a 30-day free trial for The Dyrt’s Pro Camping app .

The app helps you find top-rated campgrounds in your area, download campsite maps, create your own itineraries, and more. You can even get exclusive discounts at hundreds of campgrounds nationwide.

Travellers Autobarn terms and conditions

It’s always important to read the fine print so you know what you’re getting with your campervan rental. You can read the full Travellers Autobarn terms and conditions here , but I think the most essential information pertains to cancellations and changes to your rental.

Campervan in the Southwest, travellers autobarn van rental

For example, if you want to extend your rental period or change your drop-off location after picking up the camper, you must contact Travellers Autobarn and obtain written consent. Also, these types of changes may result in an additional fee (up to $500)

There is also a $25 fee if you make any changes to your rental reservation within 28 days of your pick-up date or during your rental period. No refunds will be given if you change to an earlier pick-up or drop-off date within 28 days of the original date.

Regarding cancellation fees, it depends on when you cancel:

  • Up to 14 days before pick-up : free cancellation
  • Within 14 days of pick-up : $200
  • Within 7 days of pick-up : 50% of the rental price
  • Same-day cancellation/no-show : 100% of the rental price

Again, you can read the full terms and conditions for Travellers Autobarn online or contact them if you have any questions.

How to contact Travellers Autobarn in the U.S.

If you have to contact an Autobarn location or the customer support team, you have a few ways to do so:

Travellers Autobarn phone number (for customer support)

You can contact the customer care team Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and on weekends from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Reach them by phone at 1-800-469-4790.

Travellers Autobarn email

If you have a question or request that isn’t urgent, you can send Travellers Autobarn an email via the official website or at [email protected] . They usually respond within 24 hours.

Travellers Autobarn roadside assistance

You can use Traveler Autobarn roadside assistance 24/7 at 1-800-469-4790. The assistance team is on Skype, WeChat, and WhatsApp.

Travellers Autobarn reviews from other road trippers

You don’t have to take our word for it; there are plenty of others who have had great experiences with Travelers Autobarn . Across its three U.S. locations, the company has an average of 4.5 stars on Google, with over 340 reviews.

Here is a positive Travellers Autobarn review from a customer who took their campervan across different terrains and elevations. They point out how reliable the vehicle was, allowing them to enjoy total freedom and convenience:

Travellers Autobarn review

This is another review from a customer who chose the Kuga camper van rental from Travellers . They noted how flexible and functional the van’s layout was, and the overall efficiency of the vehicles and the company:

Travellers Autobarn reviews

No company is immune from negative reviews, so here is an example from a customer who gave the company a 1-star rating. However, it seems that there was a communication issue, and they called the wrong phone number:

Travellers Autobarn review

Here is how Travellers Autobarn responded:

Travellers Autobarn review response

Overall, the majority of customers are super satisfied with their Autobarn campervans , regularly praising the vehicles’ useful storage areas and bed fit-outs, as well as the seamless renting process. You can read more reviews for Travellers Autobarn here .

Summing up: Main pros & cons of renting from Travellers Autobarn

After reading this Travellers Autobarn review , it’s clear that this rental company has way more advantages than disadvantages. To summarize, here are the most important pros and cons of Travellers Autobarn :

Overall Travelers Autobarn is an amazing choice, especially if you’re looking for a budget-friendly campervan rental. The Kuga van from Travellers is the perfect vehicle for our road trip adventures, providing plenty of storage, sleeping space, and a full kitchenette. Best of all, we get free unlimited miles with every rental, on top of the already competitive rates.

Travellers doesn’t allow pets, but that’s not a problem for us. And while some of the models are older, all of the vehicles are regularly serviced. So far, we have never had to call roadside assistance! If you’re in the western USA, this is by far one of the best companies you can rent from.

FAQs – Travellers Autobarn review

To finish up this Travellers Autobarn review , I’m sharing the answers to some common questions. If you have any concerns about renting a Travelers camper van , check if your question is answered below!

What is Travellers Autobarn cancellation fee?

The Travellers Autobarn cancellation fee depends on when you cancel:

What are the Travellers Autobarn pick-up & drop-off times?

Travellers Autobarn ’s pick-up times are Monday – Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The drop-off hours are Monday – Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Are bedding kits and cooking utensils included with your Travellers Autobarn rental?

No, but you can purchase the living equipment bundle for a one-time fee, which includes bed linens, cutlery, pots/pans, and more.

What should I do if my Travellers Autobarn campervan breaks down?

The Autobarn campervans undergo regular service and maintenance checks, but if you experience a problem, you should contact the roadside assistance team at 1-800-469-4790 (for the USA).

What is the minimum rental period at Travellers Autobarn?

Depending on the season, the minimum rental period is 4-10 days.

Can a child seat be fitted on Travellers Autobarn rental campervans?

Yes, you can request baby and child seats for your Autobarn campervan .

Do I require an international driving license to rent a campervan at Travellers Autobarn?

No, you don’t need an international driver’s license to rent from Travelers Autobarn , but it’s recommended when traveling from abroad.

Does Travellers Autobarn allow you to travel into Canada?

Yes, travel into Canada is allowed at no extra cost.

Does Travellers Autobarn allow you to travel into Mexico?

No, Travellers Autobarn USA does not allow travel into Mexico.

Does Travellers Autobarn allow you to travel through Death Valley?

Yes, the company allows travel through Death Valley, but only between October 1 st to April 30 th .

Can you travel with a pet on a Travellers Autobarn campervan?

No, Travellers camper van rentals do not allow pets.

Can you take a Travellers Autobarn campervan to Burning Man?

No, you aren’t allowed to take your Travelers camper van rental to Burning Man.

That’s it for this Travellers Autobarn review ! I hope this answered any questions or concerns you had, but if you’re still unsure, feel free to leave me a comment below. I’d be happy to help you out as best I can.

I’d also love to hear about your experience with Travellers Autobarn in the USA or elsewhere. Let me know what you think!

Stay safe and have a great campervan adventure!

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Ascen Aynat

Motorhome in the desert, campervan rentals in the usa

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Photo of Travellers Autobarn - Inglewood, CA, US. The van by a lake

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travellers-autobarn-inglewood-7 photo XjMJ1v69QbbeKPN-HLykEg

“ I really enjoyed the double fridge, the open layout, and how smoothly the van handles the road. ” in 38 reviews

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500 W Florence Ave

Inglewood, CA 90301

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Travellers Autobarn offers campervan rentals on the West Coast of the US. All our rentals come with unlimited miles allowing you to explore the USA without worrying about mileage cost. …

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Photo of Noah L.

We took the Hi5 Campervan which slept 4 of us perfectly. The Van right away had all of the sleeping gear, pots, pans, and plenty of storage for our trip up the west coast of California! We went up plenty of steep hills and the Van carried us to the top every time. Traveling the world with our best pals waking up to the most amazing views thanks to the ability of the Hi5 Campervan. The service of droping off and picking up the vichle was smooth and quick. Great people who are always willing to help and answer any questions you have. Couldn't ask for a better trip nor a better Van that made all of our memories. The Hi5 Campervan was definitely the way to go!

Business owner information

Photo of Bastian G.

Business Owner

Jan 23, 2024

Many thanks for your review Noah L! Happy to hear you and your friends had a great road trip experience with us :)

Photo of Paula L.

The Kuga campervan was our home for couple nights and was a great experience! We enjoyed our roadtrip and we're def considering them for our future adventures. It has enough room for two ppl and the price was fair for what they delivered. Also, the service during pick up was great, we received good advice from the staff. Thank you!


Kuga campervan

Nov 28, 2023

Many thanks for your review Paula L!

Photo of Mike G.

We rented the Kuga Campervan out of LA and everything about this trip was amazing! From the moment we picked up to the moment of drop off we couldn't have asked for a better experience! The employees at the location were super friendly and easy to work with, the Van ran and functioned exactly as it should, and both me and my girlfriend loved calling it our little home on wheels for the week we had it exploring Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. This was our first time ever living out of a van and it was all super easy to use, drive, and fit into the places not all campervans could! We couldn't be more grateful the the experience Travellers Autobarn provided and cannot wait to do another trip!

travellers autobarn avis

May 7, 2024

Hey Mike, many thanks for your recommendation! Happy to hear you had a great road trip experience with us and look forward to having you again in the future - beautiful photos too :)

Photo of Angel H.

We had a good time with the van. The only problem we had was a leak on the roof when we were in Oregon and Seattle.

travellers autobarn avis

Jan 9, 2024

Thanks for your review and feedback Angel H!

Photo of Alongwithmatt N.

We rented the Kuga Campervan for a 3 week road trip around the US. Cheyenne and Derek were super friendly and helpful during pick up. We drove from Vegas to the Grand Canyon, then on to explore Utah's mighty 5! Having a camper was the perfect way to see the South West and allowed us to wake up in some of the most beautiful spots. The van itself was reasonably well equipped and had lots of storage space for all our belongings. We travelled in March's unpredictable weather and it got pretty chilly. If we were to travel in winter again, I would choose a van with integrated heating where possible.

Apr 23, 2024

Hey Alongwithmatt, thanks for your review!

Photo of Julia A.

Wow, everything was absolutely perfect! I can't say enough good things about how amazing they were to work with. Their laid back attitude made the entire experience a breeze and the customer service was simply outstanding. I am already looking forward to using their services again in the future!

Apr 9, 2024

Hey Julia, thanks for your review! We look forward to having you again in the future :)

Photo of Orlando J.

We just got back from a trip rented the five person van and loved it we took it to Zion national park and Yellowstone national park my two kids and wife loved it too we will definitely use them again

The van by a lake

The van by a lake

Zion background

Zion background

Jul 25, 2023

Thanks for your review Orlando J! We look forward to having you again in the future, also nice photos :)

Photo of Maxjesty J.

I had SUCH an amazing experience with Travellers Autobarn! It was nice having a kitchen in the van and it was the perfect size for my boyfriend and I to store our luggage, cook, and enjoy nights in nature. I would totally book with this company again! I also enjoy that you can add camping equipment to your van as well as a part of a package. Such a fun experience :)

travellers autobarn avis

Many thanks for your review Maxjesty J! Happy to hear you had a great experience with us :)

Photo of M B.

I'd like to start this review by saying that seeing all the 5 star reviews made me VERY hopeful for this company. However, I was VERY disappointed. (This review is going to be long and detailed) First of all the rental facts: I flew from Toronto to Las Vegas. The rental was for 5 days. We rented a "2019 interior age" van. But the actual van was a 2013 model. The insurance and ownership didn't match. One was for a 2013 Chevy and the other for a 2014. Getting the vehicle was great! The person named Zia (assistant manager) was helpful. We told him our plan (Death Valley, Zion, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam and finish back in Nevada Red Rock Canyon). He said those were all great places to go! We headed over to Death Valley and as we drove we heard a loud clicking noise. Luckily we moved over off the road at the visitor Center/Ranch. We called customer care and spoke to a woman named Aaron, she told us that there was a mechanic up the road and to bring the van there. We obliged, started the van and right as we put it into drive we lose power steering, the battery light comes on and most importantly the brakes stopped working. Luckily the emergency brake worked so the van was able to stop. We call and get Aaron again. Now she tells us to go to the mechanic on foot and talk to him. Never offered to replace the van or anything and made it our problem. So with no other choice we went to the mechanic. The Mechanic was by far the BEST person on this trip he was understanding and so nice (more on him later). The van needs a serpentine belt and cannot be moved. We call customer care again and are told by Aaron "good news, the mechanic will fix the car tomorrow." That was super annoying because reputable companies would come and switch the vehicle or provide alternate transportation. Luckily there was a hotel on the land so naturally I asked Aaron if we will be provided accommodation since we now have a van in the back of a mechanics parking lot with no electricity, no hookup for electricity, no internet, no bathroom. Aaron advised that they will not pay and we are to sleep in the van. This was insane to put on customers. Especially since we did not cause any of this. We asked what would've happened if we were stranded in the middle of the road? Aaron's smartass answer was "then you would've slept on the side of the road." We then asked for Zia's phone number and were told that he cannot do anything. We further insisted and finally were given the number. Aaron was so upset she hung up the phone (side note:I don't understand how Aaron; a 47 year old woman who has lived more than half her life cannot speak to customers in a dire situation correctly) Zia apologized and told us to keep the receipts and we will get refunded when we return the vehicle. Then not 4 minutes later he called back and said that he misspoke. He then said "I care about your safety so please take the hotel room and then plead your case to management when you're back" pause. "Plead" my case? Why would anyone have to plead their case in this situation. I'm not going to beg on my hands and knees for the company to do what's right! I found this to be TRULY insane and delusional. Back to the story. The stay for one night was $320USD. As we were in a budget we could not afford this. Therefore, we slept in the van in the back of a mechanics parking lot with no power, no water, no internet, no bathroom. And on Aaron's part no care. So the mechanic drove 200 MILES on a SUNDAY to get the part and fix the van. He was the most genuine and helpful person ever. He didn't have to do what he did but chose to help 2 strangers. The name of the shop is Death Valley Auto Repair. Note that Travellers autobarn did refund some of the money for the days missed but we booked in advance so it really was only like $180CAD. I would rather a warm place to sleep. But I would be remiss if I didn't at least tell what they did. Ok so now it's Sunday and we finally have the van. The sun is going down and we have to turn on our lights. Low and behold a light is burned out. We call customer care again and are advised to go back to Nevada and wait for a parts store to open so we can get the headlight put in. We were told the light was "checked" before. The other option was to "blame" the rental company if we get pulled over. This was so dumb it boiled my blood. Anyway at this point we decided that we're not mobile mechanics and they can figure it out when we return the car. We then get another email saying that we can get an "extra 3 days for free" at this point I could only laugh since maybe they don't understand how airplane tickets work? I can't just call up the airline and say "hey can I come 3 days later?" Rest of the trip went fine. We missed out on Grand Canyon but it was ok. I did not get to write everything but be careful of this company

Jan 10, 2024

Hi Manvi, We are so glad to hear that you had a positive experience with your pickup service and with the mechanic that was scheduled by Erin. Breakdowns are never pleasant and its unfortunate you had to experience one on a weekend in a remote area. There is a difference between vehicle age and fit out age. We are very transparent on our website that our Kuga vans may be up to 10 years old, but were fit out for camping in 2019-2021. Most mechanics are not open on Saturdays or Sundays, so Erin’s optimistic outlook that you would be able to be seen quickly was valid. Understanding that a hotel may not be in your budget, she personally spoke with the shop owner to see if you could camp in the campervan in his lot while you waited for the repairs. You responded to this by yelling at our agent and asking her who does she think she is, suggesting something like that. We are not sure how you expect to be helped when you berate, yell at, and talk down to our Customer Care agents when they are offering solutions. Your colorful and quite disgustingly misogynistic rant about her reiterates how abusive you were when you yelled at her on the phone as she offered support . It is worth noting the mechanic drove 200 miles to pick up a part because we paid him for freight, handsomely. He did not do it out of the kindness of his heart.

Photo of Kevin C.

Really enjoyed my trip! I know this is a cheesy thing to say but Travellers Autobarn really exceeded my expectations. Based on how much cheaper they are than every other van/RV rental (I compared prices and TA was significantly cheaper than every other option I could find) I was a little bit worried and I didn't expect much. This is the first time I've rented a camper van, so I have nothing to compare to but I had a great experience. I saw the negative reviews about vans in poor condition and also a nightmare when checking out the van, but I experienced none of those problems. Keep in mind, this is a budget rental place so I don't expect the van to be in pristine condition or have luxury trimmings. With that said, besides a few minor issues the van was in good working condition. We drove from LA to Sedona and parked on public land. The drivability of the van was great (steering, braking, etc.) and it was actually really fun to drive. Zero mechanical problems with the van and the engine had plenty of power when accelerating onto the highway or driving up hills. Also, I went on a trip one time in an RV rental and it was REALLY difficult driving without being able to look out the rear window. I know truckers do it, but I'm really glad I rented this van instead of an RV that does not have a rear window so you have to use your mirrors only. We were debating between a van or RV and this was one consideration. Especially when backing out of spots in parking lots, having a rear window is so important. I would advise anyone reading this to consider this when they're deciding on what they want to rent for their road trip whether you go with TA or not. If you're mainly doing highway driving and parking at campgrounds it's less critical, but if you plan on pulling into parking lots the rear window makes a huge difference. I'm sure a lot of RVs now have rear view cameras, but driving on the highway and changing lanes is harder than you would think when you can't look out a rear window. The layout of the van is also really well done, it was perfect for 2 people. 3 people might be a little bit cramped but I think it's definitely doable. With 2 people it was nice having the upper loft area to store our luggage. Since no one was sleeping up there we could leave it up there and keep the ground of the van clear. Check in was also a breeze. I received a text in the morning that my van was ready and when I arrived the van was already parked right in front of the office and ready to go. I filled out most of my paperwork online so when I arrived I only had a few documents to check off on. I was given a thorough tour of the van and instructions, and was able to ask all of the questions I had. After that I was on my way. It was quick and easy. Part of that may have been lucky since no one was checking in at the time I was there, but it was a weekend so I expected to wait and there was no wait.

travellers autobarn avis

See all photos from Kevin C. for Travellers Autobarn

Nov 24, 2021

Hey Kevin - many thanks for taking the time and writing this lengthy review - including images - just amazing! Sounds like you had an epic trip!!!

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We are unable to provide any online quotes for pick-ups within 24 hours.

If you would like to book for pick-up today or tomorrow please call us on or alternatively choose a different date above.

Many thanks – Travellers Autobarn

Budget Campervan Rental for Your Road Trip Adventure: Travellers Autobarn Review

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a campervan parked in joshua tree

Want to test-drive the van life, literally? Travellers Autobarn has campervans for hire. We took one on the road to try it for ourselves.

Living out of a camper is no longer just for dirtbag climbers or travel-hungry globetrotters. People of all ages and from all walks of life have embraced either traveling or living full-time by campervan. And that’s just as true with renting the van life. For those not ready to purchase, there are plenty of great applications to using a van for adventures.

Who are campervans for? Really, anyone. Recent grads, remote workers, seasonal park employees, travel nurses or travel writers, retirees, and more are hitting the road, sleeper-style.

And Travellers Autobarn offers fully built-out campervans — with tons of room for gear — at an unbeatable price. I loved the van itself. But I also liked the services and features the company provides. These include unlimited mileage, access to a campground app subscription, solar panels for off-grid living, and more.

Kuga Campervan Rental: On-the-Road Review

Travellers Autobarn, an Australian company, just upgraded its fleet of Kuga campervans . The company is also fairly new to the U.S. It’s been running in Australia since 1993, but operations began here in 2019.

I lucked out and took one out for a 7-day road trip through California. Here are my thoughts on the experience. 

Travellers Autobarn campervan at camp with camp chairs and a blanket outdoors

Overall Quality

The van excelled in some areas. In others, it was pretty standard.

The overall essentials provided in the van were really great, and they were certainly everything I needed. The company thought of lots of little details, including USB charging ports for phones, a can opener in the kitchen, and exterior lighting for sitting outside at night.

All of the company’s Kuga Campervans were updated in 2020; however, the actual vans date back as far as 2012. This means that the cab, engine, and driver’s area aren’t quite new.

Now, I can’t totally fault Travellers Autobarn on this — the brand does market itself as a budget rental service. Just know that you might get a campervan, fully built out and functional, but older.

Appliances and Functionality

The appliances in the campervan are awesome. I tested every aspect and the features rocked it.

The Dometic gas cooktop sports two burners, and the Dometic fridge worked like a charm. The solar lights, panels, and outlets were all easy to navigate. And the electric hookups did the job as well.

Also worth noting, unlike an RV, the solar batteries are quiet — there’s no generator humming or groaning in the night.

campervan propane burner

Now, as someone who usually backpacks or tent camps, I only used the electric hookups one night (which power an added 12V microwave). Everything else in the van ran off solar . In my opinion, the hookups are great, but totally optional — with solar power, you can choose whether or not to stay in a developed campground.

Kuga campervan bed

The campervan I tested sleeps up to three folks. I never had three people inside, but the length and width of the bottom-level bed are spacious enough for two, and the upper loft (purely for sleeping) is adequate.

There’s not much headroom for the third person up top — about a foot — but hey, it can sleep three. And when the loft is stored away, there’s still plenty of livable space for one or two.

I used the upper loft section for bedding and extra gear storage. It’s worth noting that the max standing height in about two-thirds of the van is 6’5”, more than ample for most travelers.

Gear and Storage

Let’s talk storage, which is arguably the most important part of a campervan. No one wants to take a 2-week road trip or embrace the van life if there’s no room for toys and luggage on board.

There are three storage bins under each bench in the living space of the van: two cubby-sized bins and one large main compartment. I was impressed. This room provided stash space for climbing gear and shoes , carry-on luggage, camp blankets, furniture, chairs, dirty hiking boots, and more.

On this trip, I had a 50L duffel bag, camp chairs, a blanket, a paddleboard , a daypack, a hydration bladder pack, and a travel Dopp kit all stashed away.

That’s in addition to the water hosing and electric hookups, bedding, sleeping bags, pillows, and a full cookware and kitchen set (teapot, mugs, utensils, dinnerware) provided and stored in the van.

campervan living space

For a one-week road trip, I had everything I needed and more. For anything longer, I would have still had ample room for gear, but I would probably have to be more strategic about food storage. (The campervan included a fridge, so I didn’t bring a cooler.)

Based on what I packed, I was able to utilize the storage for both living essentials and my personal gear. Converting the storage benches from a dining area to a bed was also fairly easy, though most days I opted to forgo the interior table. I picnicked, ate, and aprés outdoors instead.

Water, Gas, Solar, and Electric

The Dometic cooktop uses standard propane, and it’s a great size. Additionally, the fridge fit more than I thought it could. Anything not stored in the fridge went into the cupboards, which had extra room for dry goods in addition to the van’s cookware.

The water tank in the Kuga campervan holds an impressive 13 gallons (some van builds have tanks as small as 5), providing plenty of water storage for a week or several weeks.

The hose that came with the van (for refilling the tank, which I never needed to do but did test) is a standard 25-foot hose. The water pressure in the sink was great, and this aspect was seamless to operate.

campervan water refill

The solar panels on the roof also worked great, and — thanks to California’s sunny disposition — it provided plenty of power along my trip. And the battery system was quiet.

The solar panels powered outlet and USB charging ports, the fridge, and interior and exterior lighting. In one national park, it took less than 2 hours from sunup for the two solar panels to fully charge. Impressive.

This campervan rental and road trip experience would have been miles different without this awesome solar-powered feature included on the Kuga Campervans.

Travellers Autobarn: Pick Up/Drop Off Process, Customer Service

Picking up my campervan had some ups and downs.

First, the company does an awesome job with communication, namely pre-check-in emails and digital information about your trip. I got an email several days before, a day before, a receipt upon arrival, and several at the end of the trip.

The Los Angeles Travellers Autobarn office, which I assumed would be a sunny and busy mecca, was a fairly low-key van depot. The public-facing company storefront was closed due to COVID, so take the following with a grain of salt. There was only one other person waiting to check in and pick up a van, so it didn’t take long.

The staff member who checked me in was helpful but didn’t seem the most engaging. He gave a full overview and walkthrough of the van features, answered a few questions I had, and (after a short mixup with a set of keys) I was on my way.

Returning the van at my final destination was a much smoother experience. The staff was super friendly, and the office seemed a bit more organized. Overall, my experience with Travellers Autobarn staff and customer service (in person and over the phone) was positive.

Renting With Travellers Autobarn: Why You Should

Now, I’ll dig into all the behind-the-scenes, fine-print details. Here are the pros (there are lots) and cons of renting a campervan with Travellers Autobarn.

Campervan: Fully Equipped

It’s a campervan! Sure, you could rent a car from Budget and road trip to hit some national parks, or stealth camp in a U-haul .

But really, if you are going to give someone else (or yourself) a road trip adventure, go all out. Bring refrigerated goods, bring your favorite pillow, bring the surfboard, and the trad climbing rack.

Bask in the convenience of solar panels and running water. Glamp it up.

Low Renter’s Age

Unlike Outdoorsy , GoCamp , and several other van rental services, you don’t have to be over 25 to rent with Travellers Autobarn. (There’s no young driver fee, either!) All you need is to be 21 or older.

This is a huge perk for recent grads (like my younger sister), young professionals, and millennials looking to dip their toes into the ever-trendier “living out of a van” lifestyle.

No Mileage Fees

Repeat after me: Free. Unlimited. Mileage. Take that unexpected road detour. Stop at your friends’ house. Don’t stress about how many miles you spend driving around looking for the perfect spot to camp .

Don’t worry about added costs if you go over. Travellers offers unlimited miles on every campervan rental. I love this aspect of its service.

the Kuga Campervan parked along California's pacific coast highway


Travellers Autobarn told us that the all-inclusive (campervan rental, insurance, supplies) average cost per trip is $20-40 per day. (My trip came to almost exactly $33 a day.) We’ll do the math for you: A 2-week road trip is about $420. That’s cheaper than most airline costs — and definitely cheaper than a week of lodging.

Even on a DIY road trip, I can see myself spending at least $20 per day on what the campervan provides: a vehicle, lodging, a place to cook and eat (stove and fuel), and a gear room on wheels. Now, the cost does go up when you factor in things like campground fees and gas, but that’s all part of being on the road.

To make the deal sweeter — or if you are on a tight budget ( ahem , young professionals) — and worth your while, Travellers tosses in things like discounts for more days on the road, a free subscription to a campground app (with discounts) for all renters, and free 24-hour roadside assistance (which you hopefully won’t need!).

Campervan Cons, Other Logistics

I experienced very few cons with this campervan rental service. But, there were a few.

Driver and Vehicle Safety

Travellers Autobarn is a budget campervan rental company. Its vans are affordable and accessible to nearly everyone. If you are looking for a luxury, $200-per-night van getaway, this isn’t it.

The company discloses that its vans are older (as old as 2012) GMC and Chevrolet vehicles, meaning the cab isn’t the most up to date, and its controls may be manual (side mirrors, windows).

I imagine for renters not familiar with driving 18-foot vans, high-tech vehicle features like smartphone compatibility for directions and automatic controls in all vans would be nice. And that may even make the driving experience safer.

van cockpit

For context, we not only test-drove a campervan, but we also took a look at Travellers Autobarn’s whole California fleet for a better perspective. I’d guess a bit more than half of the vehicles had newer, automatic controls.

However, I also had a few issues on the topic of vehicle safety. One, the van I got had over 130,000 miles on it (this is not a con, just more mileage than I expected). And two, I had a few engine/service lights go on and off while driving.

When you are 80 miles from the nearest town or driving up a mountain road, this can be nerve-wracking. I had cell service, and I was able to call the company’s customer service (the team member I reached was helpful and knowledgeable) to determine whether it was safe to continue driving. But no one wants to have to deal with that on a road trip, especially when the company is marketing travel to remote places.

Slightly newer vans should be in Travellers Autobarn’s future plans. And unofficially, they are, as the company told me it plans on updating the vans every few years.

Because these are rental vehicles, Travellers Autobarn does not allow pets. So if you’re a pup parent, you will need to make arrangements for when you’re away.


a webpage showing Travellers Autobarn Kuga Campervan itinerary

For a vehicle rental service, it’s cool that Travellers also provides itineraries for those looking for more structure and trip ideas. This takes them up a level in my mind from just a rental service to more of a campervan and adventure company.

a webpage describing a week-long Travellers Autobarn Kuga Campervan itinerary

It even designs itineraries around specific activities, like climbing and winter sports.

I followed one of its itineraries as I tested the campervan. And while I loved the stops, national and state park recommendations, and pace, I do wish a few more details were included.

Things like two or three recommended options of where to stay, maybe a few “locals’ tips,” and a labeled estimated driving time for each day would be helpful additions.

Limited Pick-Up Locations

If you visit Travellers’ website, the first thing you’ll probably notice is its extensive, nationwide itineraries.

We’re talking Seattle, Los Angeles, Lake Tahoe, Denver, Miami. The contiguous U.S. is your oyster (kind of). However, Travellers’ home bases for the brand new Kuga Campervans are only in L.A. and San Francisco, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada.

This is in addition to Travellers’ home stomping ground of Australia and New Zealand .

So, if you are super set on renting a campervan from these folks, you’ll want to factor travel to those locales in.

I will add that Travellers Autobarn is expanding to home bases in Denver and Seattle this year. So hopefully, you won’t have to wait long to get more options near you!

Final Thoughts

I traveled over 1,000 miles around and across California, hit up four National Parks, and a half dozen state parks as well. The van was fairly easy to drive, the interior living space functioned really well, and there was room for gear.

Short of not quite feeling like home (though this rental was better than some other rental “lodgings” I’ve experienced), this van delivered. It gave me comfort, convenience, and access to outdoor spaces.

And given everything that was included, the price is a huge positive that you really can’t turn down. I’d consider renting from Travellers Autobarn again, unless I catch myself buying and building out my own van first.

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Mary Murphy

Mary Murphy is the Managing Editor of GearJunkie. She has been writing about hiking, running, climbing, camping, skiing, and more for eight years, and has been on staff at GearJunkie since 2019. Prior to that, Mary wrote for 5280 Magazine in Denver while working as an outdoor instructor teaching climbing, kayaking, paddleboarding, and mountain biking. Based in Denver, Colorado, Murphy is an avid hiker, runner, backpacker, skier, yogi, and pack-paddleboarder.

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Campervan Hire Review: Travellers Autobarn

It’s 2020 and the entire American nation (and world) is in the midst of a global pandemic. Borders are closed all over the globe, leaving quarantine-weary Americans with little choice but to hit the road. And what better way to do that than with a campervan hire!

travellers autobarn avis

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I hope you’re reading this in a better time than was the massive dumpster fire that was 2020. But right now, Americans are taking to road trips like white girls to pumpkin spice lattes. What better way to social distance, we figured, than driving out to the middle of nowhere and sleeping in a van??

While I didn’t exactly drive to nowhere (2 US National Parks), I did partner with Aussie-based Travellers Autobarn to hire a campervan and jump on the #vanlife craze.

travellers autobarn avis

They have rental hubs in the western part of the US, so if you’re dying to visit any of the beautiful National Parks or beaches out in that direction, Travellers Autobarn has got you covered with convenient locations in Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

We took the Travellers Autobarn Kuga campervan for 12 days, where we drove over 3000 miles from California to Wyoming and back.

We tested the van out in the mountains, around wildlife, in the cold (and rain and even snow!), and then drove it back down through the desert, and I’m here to review our experience!

Our Kuga campervan was a 2012 Chevy 2500 panel van that Travellers Autobarn converted into a campervan. The top was removed and replaced with a hightop, making it possible for us to stand and walk inside the van.

It sits and sleeps 3, although it was just myself and my husband, Kevin. The sleeping arrangements are a dinette set that converted into a queen bed, and storage overhead that could be pulled out to make a single bed above.

The small kitchen has everything you need, with a fridge, 2-burner stove, a sink, and a microwave! A solar panel mounted on the roof powers the fridge and sink pump (as well as the lights). If you want to use the microwave, you have to be plugged in to a campsite with RV power.

No bedding or kitchen supplies come included, so if you need or want that you have to add on the living equipment bundle for an extra $45 USD.

travellers autobarn avis

What We Liked

Since it was our first time doing campervan hire, it was interesting to find out what worked for us and what was a little challenging.

We definitely liked the high top design, I really think being able to fully stand in the van made for a more comfortable experience.

It was awesome not to have to worry about powering our fridge or sink pump. If those hadn’t worked without the solar, it would have been quite a pain.

travellers autobarn avis

The bed was quite large, it was more than enough room for both of us. Kevin is 5’11” and he had a couple inches of vertical room. The mattress was a little too firm for me, which I expected so I slept on top of a blanket.

It was nice to have the overhead storage where the extra bed was stored. If we had had luggage for another person and needed a place to put all of it to pull out that bed, I expect that would have been really difficult.

The rental came with unlimited miles. This was great because we took it over 3k miles and didn’t have to worry about extra costs.

travellers autobarn, campervan hire, grand teton mountains

The ‘living equipment’ bundle pretty much gave us everything we needed. We replaced a few things with our own stuff to make ourselves more comfortable, but we were able to do that because we took the van home before we set out on the road. The bundle is perfect for anyone who had just flown in and doesn’t have kitchen equipment with them.

What We Didn’t Like

We tried hard to remember that this van was a converted used van, and it wasn’t made expressly with camping in mind. That being said, there are a few things Kevin and I noted that were slightly inconvenient and we wouldn’t want in a van we bought or converted ourselves.

My chief complaint was that the solar didn’t work with the outlets that were in the van. The only reason this really bugged me was because we took the van to the mountains in the fall and it was too cold for me to sleep without a heater (it even snowed one day!).

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kelly Lacy (@theawkwardtourist) on Oct 5, 2020 at 9:05am PDT

There wasn’t a heater in the back of the van, only the one up front for when you were driving. We had a small space heater that could be plugged in, but only when we were hooked up to shore power.

We stayed in a few campsites with RV hookups (solving the problem), but those sites are more expensive and drove up costs.

The doors and windows weren’t powered. Only a slight annoyance as we had to manually lock/unlock every door every time we left or returned to the van.

travellers autobarn avis

We couldn’t access the back of the van from the driving/passenger seats. It wasn’t a big deal for the 12 days that we had it, but if it was longer-term I think I would have gotten tired of it.

That was pretty much it! And as I said, those are only things that we made note of that we might change in our own van, as a rental on a short-term trip none of them were dealbreakers.

Overall we had a great experience with our Travellers Autobarn campervan hire and would definitely recommend them!

campervan hire, travellers autobarn

Our pickup and dropoff experience with Richard at the Los Angeles office was fairly seamless, and would have gone very quickly had I known to do the online check-in before picking the van up. It’s a real time-saver, I definitely recommend doing that.

Once we were ready to return our campervan, I received an email with instructions to fill up the petrol and propane, and to clean it inside and out. They even gave me the address of places nearest the LA office where I could get these things done.

We really don’t think the whole process of campervan hire could have been any easier, and we’re very grateful to Travellers Autobarn for facilitating our trip!

Have you ever traveled in a campervan before? I’d love to hear about your experiences!

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Travellers Autobarn: What is it Really Like to Hire a Campervan in NZ?

Nz pocket guide is 10 years old. thank you for trusting us with your trip for over a decade, a review of travellers autobarn (more specifically, the kuga campervan)….

Road tripping around New Zealand’s glorious landscapes is a once-in-a-lifetime trip for most of us. Finding a worthy vehicle while sticking to your budget is, therefore, one of the most important decisions you’ll make for the road ahead. With that in mind, the team behind NZ Pocket Guide have checked out one of the most prominent campervan brands gracing New Zealand’s roads, Travellers Autobarn , with a sole focus on their ultra-popular camping vehicle, the Kuga campervan .

Travellers Autobarn Kuga Campervan Hire: The Specs

Before we dive into the complete review of Travellers Autobarn’s Kuga campervan, here are the most important specifications:

  • Transmission : Automatic
  • Fuel : Unleaded
  • Fuel consumption : 12-15 litres/100km
  • Dual battery : Yes
  • Power supply : 2* 240V to charge electrical appliances
  • Length 5 m, Height 2.7m, Width 1.7m, Internal height 1.85-1.9m

Campervan Living Amenities (Included)

  • Sleeps : 3 in one double bed (1.9m x 1.55m) and one single bed (1.6m x 1.4m)
  • Air conditioning in the front cabin
  • Kitchen : gas stove, fridge, sink, microwave and fire extinguisher
  • Water supply : fresh water tank and grey water tank
  • Electric supply : 12V Plug, 2 x USB chargers, internal lights, cigarette lighter/charger, radio and CD player
  • Winter inclusions : heater, hot water bottle and sleeping bag

Optional Extras (for a Fee)

  • Living equipment (all under the same fee) : kettle, cutlery, pots and pans, tea towels, cleaning equipment, sleeping bags, pillows and sheets
  • Porta Potti (portable toilet – needed to be certified self-contained to enable you to freedom camp )
  • Child booster seat (4-7 years old)
  • Other extras include insurance, GPS, camping chairs, snow chains, extra drivers, etc. Use the booking page of Travellers Autobarn to see all of the extras.

Where to Hire

These vans can be picked up and/or dropped off at their depots in Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch and Queenstown.

Finally, rental with Travellers Autobarn also includes unlimited kilometres ,  24/7 roadside assistance and 10% at Kiwi Holiday Parks.

Is Travellers Autobarn Cheap?

Budget is important, so we’ll waste no time in answering the question: is Travellers Autobarn cheap? More to the point are they good value for the price?

One of the Best-Value Campervan Rentals (But Check Those Additional Fees)

Like any campervan rental company in New Zealand, daily rental rates with Travellers Autobarn fluctuate with the seasons but even then, their prices always stay competitive. When looking for affordable campervans, i.e. those in the budget range, TA is among the first we recommend in The Best Budget Campervan Rentals in New Zealand . Be aware, however, that you’ll come across some additional fees throughout the booking process. For instance, the portable toilet required to make the Kuga campervan legally self-contained is an additional one-off fee of NZ$50. This doesn’t put too much of a dent in your budget if hiring for a few days, but might be off-putting for short-term hires.

Additionally, you’ll notice that “Living Equipment” also comes at an additional fee. Although this may initially raise a red flag, it’s only a one-off fee no matter how many days you hire. Plus, rental rates start so low that this minor fee still puts Travellers Autobarn in the run for being one of the best value budget rental options in New Zealand.

Where to Get the Best Deals and Discounts for Travellers Autobarn

With regular deals listed on the Travellers Autobarn website, plus, campervan relocation opportunities , the TA website tends to be the cheapest place to book their rental vehicles.

Are Travellers Autobarn Campervans Easy to Drive?

If you’re new to driving a camping vehicle, then the Kuga campervan is ideal. Travellers Autobarn’s Kuga vans are a Toyota Hiace, a popular campervan model in New Zealand and one of the best models for starting out on the camping vehicle scene. The vehicles are only a little longer than you’re standard car and approximately the same width. You won’t need to worry too much about following our advice in The Best Tips for Parking a Campervan or Motorhome in New Zealand . Just remember to reopen all of the curtains before driving (not that we’re speaking from experience).

What’s more, all of Travellers Autobarn’s campervans have automatic transmission with power steering so it’s a mostly smooth drive. The lever handbrake might throw you off at first if you’re not used to that sort of handbrake, but it’s well-labelled on how to use it. You’ll get used to it in no time!

One thing that you might want to be more mindful of, however, is the height of the car – you get that sense of being a little “top-heavy” unlike driving a car. While this isn’t too much of a problem, just note that you’ll want to take those corners a bit slower. There’s a reason why “single vehicle roll over” is one of the cover options in the insurance…

What’s it Like to Live in a Travellers Autobarn Campervan?

The interiors of Travellers Autobarn’s Kuga model are simple yet cleverly designed to make the most of the space without sacrificing room for storage.

Everything you need for campervan maintenance – fresh water pipe, grey water pipe, boards required to fold out the bed, etc. – are all tucked away in one corner of the van. Then all of the space under the rest of the seats and above the cabin is yours! We found that large backpacks and small suitcases work best with the space.

Keeping Warm in the Campervan

Travellers Autobarn is one of the few rental companies in New Zealand that provide sleeping bags and pillows rather than duvets. While sceptical at first, we found that this keeps the van easier to tidy and are, arguably, warmer than a duvet on those crisp New Zealand nights. Speaking of the cold, you get extra sleeping bags, hot water bottles, an electric heater, etc. with a free “winter pack” during the colder months. If you need more tips on the subject, head over to How to Stay Warm When Camping in New Zealand .

The Kitchen: Self-Catering in a Campervan

As for the kitchen, the gas stove is easy to use but you may need a match or a lighter to get it started. Travellers Autobarn included some matches with our rental vehicle – but just make sure some are included or the spark on the stove works before setting off. The fridge runs on the van battery, but you’ll need to be plugged into a powered site if you want to use the microwave or kettle.

All the necessary kitchen equipment is also included in that “Living Equipment” package mentioned previously but some drinking glasses are a bit loose on the shelves so either pack them in with groceries or take those speedbumps extra slowly!

Staying Inside the Van: Moving Between a Living and Sleeping Space

An aspect of this campervan that our team were excited to mention is that you can enjoy living in the van without having to step outside (especially during a classic New Zealand rainy spell ). Many rental campervans in New Zealand require you to open the back door to have full access to your kitchen, for example, but you can transition your space from dining room to bedroom (and do the cooking) without opening the doors. Or, at least, this is more the case for two people. When three adults are staying in the van, we imagine that this can be a little more challenging.

Are They Self-Contained? (Can You Freedom Camp)?

In New Zealand, it’s not as straightforward as parking up a campervan and staying the night. There are rules and regulations on what type of vehicle you can use for what’s commonly known as “freedom camping”. In order to legally use many freedom camping areas in New Zealand, you need a certified self-contained vehicle. You can read up on the details in our guide, What it’s Really Like to Freedom Camp in New Zealand . While Travellers Autobarn’s Kuga campervan isn’t legally self-contained at the base cost, it can be made legal by renting a Porta Potti (portable toilet) for a one-off fee. For the money you’ll save on campsites and holiday parks in the long run, the addition is worth considering.

For travellers solely staying in holiday parks, campsites with toilets and Department of Conservation campsites , a certified self-contained vehicle isn’t necessary. Plus, you’ll probably prefer using campsite toilets.

Final Thoughts

Should you hire a campervan from Travellers Autobarn ? Solo travellers, couples or a couple of friends on a budget will find that the Kuga campervan has everything they need for a comfortable and affordable road trip across New Zealand. First-time campervanners will also find the Kuga less threatening than some of the motorhome monsters on the roads. We also respect the fact that Travellers Autobarn is one of the very few campervan rental companies that offer self-contained vehicles for drivers as young as 18 years old .

While the campervans don’t have too many bells and whistles, they have all of the necessities that are easy to use, flattening the learning curve of living the van life. If you find the deal that’s right for you, the Kuga campervan is a worthy companion for your road trip around New Zealand.

More About Campervan Hire in New Zealand

That’s it for our complete Travellers Autobarn review. Compare Travellers Autobarn NZ to other campervan rentals by browsing the following guides and comparisons:

  • The Best Campervan Rental Companies in New Zealand
  • The Best Budget Campervan Rentals in New Zealand
  • The Best Affordable Campervan Rentals in New Zealand

Finally, get all the tips you need for road tripping in the campervan using  How to Plan a Campervan Trip in New Zealand .

The information in this guide has been compiled from our extensive research, travel and experiences across New Zealand and the South Pacific, accumulated over more than a decade of numerous visits to each destination. Additional sources for this guide include the following:

  • Tourism New Zealand (General travel advice - Updated [2024])
  • Immigration New Zealand (Visa and immigration advice - Updated [2024])
  • New Zealand Customs Service (Customs and Biosecurity - Updated [2024])
  • New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD online platform - Updated [2024])
  • Tiaki Promise (Care for people place and culture - Updated [2024])
  • Safe Travel (NZ travel advisories - Updated [2024])
  • Stats NZ (Statistics and travel data - Updated [2024])
  • Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Road and transport tips - Updated [2024])
  • DriveSafe (Road safety - Updated [2024])
  • Council websites and freedom camping maps (Local travel advice region by region - Updated [2024])
  • AdventureSmart (Know before you go - Update [2024])

Our editorial standards : At NZ Pocket Guide, we uphold strict editorial standards to ensure accurate and quality content.

About The Author

This article has been reviewed and published by Laura, the editor-in-chief and co-founder of NZ Pocket Guide. Laura is a first-class honours journalism graduate and a travel journalist with expertise in New Zealand and South Pacific tourism for over 10 years. She also runs travel guides for five of the top destinations in the South Pacific and is the co-host of over 250 episodes of the NZ Travel Show on YouTube.

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The backpacker classic! Nothing beats a stationwagon for touring New Zealand. Perfect for tourists on a budget who still want to experience New Zealand up close – not through the window of a bus!

HiTop Campervan

The Hitop Campervan is a thoughtfully designed vehicle that sleeps for 2 to 3 people.

Kuga Campervan

Travellers Autobarn has launched its brand new Kuga Campervan models in New Zealand – which come with brand-new fit-out (2016 - 2018). So if you like something NEW this is the right camper for you!

HI5 Campervan

Travellers Autobarn is launching our custom-built Hi5 Campervans in New Zealand! The Hi5 Camper is our biggest camper yet, seating and sleeping up to 5 people.

Chubby Camper

There is a new 2-berth campervan hire on the block in New Zealand! The Chubby Campervan is the perfect two-person campervan for the New Zealand road trip of a lifetime.

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Travellers Autobarn is a budget/backpacker campervan rental company with locations all around Australia & New Zealand

Travellers Autobarn is offering a wide range of campervans, campers, and vans for hire from two locations in New Zealand – Auckland and Christchurch. As a proud and well established Australian campervan company, Travellers Autobarn (est. 1993) has been operating in New Zealand since 2009 and is the perfect ’one stop shop’ for backpackers and budget travellers planning their self drive trip around New Zealand in a campervan. Our campervans are all factory built, purpose built for you to rent. They are reliable and functional, there’s plenty of space, and they are about the smallest vehicle that can truly to be called a campervan.

Online Maps

Offices in Auckland and Christchurch


Camping near Auckland


Camping near Christchurch


  • Quick Quotes
  • Distribution
  • Fantastic site!
Eaay process and great value.
  • Everything was perfectly good with TA.
  • Easy pick up and drop off.
  • Outstanding Campervan Rental Experience!
Outstanding Campervan Rental Experience! I rented a campervan from Travellers Autobarn Christchurchand had an incredible experience. The van was in great condition, Chris and Craig were friendly and supportive, and the service was excellent. Highly recommend them for a hassle-free and enjoyable trip!

Reviewed 10 months ago

Khaleeq's avatar

Took a van from Auckland to Queenstown. They upgraded us to a tall van from a Chubby Camper. Pros and cons: slower, older (200k on the clock) , used more petrol, but more space (able to stand inside to cook etc). The pick-up and drop off were easy and the explanation/briefing on the vehicle was great. Very happy with the company and value for money and would certainly use them again

Reviewed over 1 year ago

Steve Brooking's avatar

Steve Brooking

Camper is very nice! We really enjoyed our time in the Hi-Top campervan. But…. they definitely have to invest in better sleepingbags. Please do yourself a favour and ask for an extra blanket. Even in high summer nights could be very cold (5-10 degrees) in New-Zealand. The sleepingbags they offer are so thin it’s not enough..

Michelle's avatar

6000$ for 3 weeks. Kuga van 2011 more than 200k km When we got our van we where happy but quickly unhappy after. The van is slow for hills drive no more than 40km no matter what you do. Drinks a lottttt of gaz. When we took the car the guy insisted we need to make oil change before bringing back the van!! WTF also said we have to check oil level everyday and put more oil onto engine will be necessary every now and then. Also ask before bringing the van back we get it clean by professional ??! Also didn’t not check with us the car for inspection- back light was broken and a lot of scratches on windshield. Answer of the company guy: don’t care because you bought insurance we will pass those problems on your insure after even if I’m not responsible for those car problems and noticed them before leaving Very weird and uncommon for a rental company In march cold night in the van didn’t give us adequate sweeping blanket or sleeping bags. No heat in the van included even for 6000$

Jessica  Delattre 's avatar

Jessica Delattre

Had the best experience with travellers autobarn! my friend and I travelled around in the chubby Campervan and it had everything we need! Great bed, tools for cooking, power for charging our laptops. We managed to travel all around the south island with ease and woke up in some amazing camp spots. Highly recommend.

Reviewed over 2 years ago

joanne hollings's avatar

joanne hollings

Had the time of my life travelling around the South Island in December! My friend and I had the chubby camper and we road tripped to some of the best destinations in the country and had the convenience to stay at the many campsites along the way! The chubby camper van came equipped with a very comfortable double bed, table, fridge, sink, gas cooker and more. We never had any problems with the van and the staff working at Travellers Autobarn were very friendly and helpful with any questions we had! I'd highly recommend travelling with Travellers Autobarn and I can't wait for my next van life roadie!

Samantha Jayne's avatar

Samantha Jayne

Road trip round NZ south and north islands. The van was easy to drive and equipped with everything I needed. Joseph at the Christchurch depot was fantastic.

Reviewed about 3 years ago

Kelli's avatar

Very good rental agency experiences with minor to be let for wishing.

Reviewed over 4 years ago

axel schulze's avatar

axel schulze

Fantastic site! How often this site has saved our holiday and provided vital information is impossible to count. Some improvements and/or additions could be made: such as route maps to your destinations, and listing recycling centers.

Joe Culbertson's avatar

Joe Culbertson

Reviewed almost 5 years ago

Anh Phan's avatar

We rented a van through them from 23rd Dec to 09 Jan. Paid more than 5,000 dollars. Our flight got cancelled and reschedule for the 25th Dec. I called them 4 times to try to get a pick up out of office since they were closed from 24th to 27th. It was not possible, even if they say contactless pick up available on their website. They extra charged me 200 dollars to pick up the van on the 27th saying they were sending someone just for me. The truth was they were open on the 27th as well and they just wanted to extra charge me a fee that doesn't exist. In general the van was ok, but really slow. It couldn't make more than 40 km/h where the road was ascent. People at the branch was helpful, but custom service is poor.

Salvo's avatar

I booked a campervan for 6 weeks with autobarn and was really excited about the road trip of my life. Since the beginning we noticed small issues with the van like some leak which could have been easily spotted and fixed if the van was checked properly before check in. When we call them about the issue they did not offer us any solution to fix the issues. Then we had mechanical issues , bad one that forced us to changed our itinerary because of the road condition ( too steep for example ) . Since those incident happened during Christmas and new years eve it was really hard to reach someone. Until the van literally stopped moving and left us on top of an hill. After that we had three days stucked at the mechanic and then we decided to rush to Christchurch to get a new van. I understand that mechanical issue are nothing related to the company but the help we had was not enough. The second van we had was great , I would be more than happy if I've had this van since the beginning but it was not the case . I spend more than 5000 for a van half broken when I could have had a nice and shinny van , How is this fair ? The only compensation I had was 3 days refund for the days spent at the mechanic. I work a full year to afford this roadtrip and definitely did not received the service I paid for.

Reviewed almost 3 years ago and experienced in January 2020

Victorine MARIE's avatar

Victorine MARIE

We had a wonderful experience thanks to Joseph from Travellers Autobarn in Christchurch! He assisted us with the pick up and drop off of our van and helped us with questions that came up during our travels. He explained everything so well and could always reach him in case of questions/emergencies etc. He even took us to the airport at the end of our travels! :)) The van itself was just great, it was wonderfully equipped and we had the best time during our 3 weeks of travelling the South Island. Very easy to drive and to keep clean, we would definitely rent with Travellers again. Thank you Joseph for everything! We will hopefully see you again soon! Jess and Mariana

Jessica Rose's avatar

Jessica Rose

Have used them twice now, both in New Zealand and in Australia in different vans and have loved both experiences. Have used them twice now, both in New Zealand and in Australia in different vans and have loved both experiences. Really helpful service insuring that we had everything we wanted for our trip and the van worked great. We had a slightly older model with a few bumps and dents on the body work, but the internal fit was still very good and we had no problems with the engine. Would highly reccommend and if we are ever back this way, we will book again with TA!!

Reviewed about 5 years ago

Alice's avatar

Campervan was good, refridgerator was making terrible noise and battery only holding max 12 hours from full charge. When calling customer service you end up in Australia at a friendly person but unable to solve any issue.

Reviewed over 5 years ago

Arnold van der Linden's avatar

Arnold van der Linden

Easy pick up and drop off. Clear and easy to understand rental agreement and online pre check in procedure. Loved driving the van,it’s not as glitzy as others you see on the road but it had loads of storage, good fridge and lots of worktop space for food preparation. It was a little scuffed on thecinternal paintwork but if I’m honest that made it less intimidating to drive and use. Bit slow going up hills but we were there to see the scenery so that was fine. My daughter and I had a great time and would definitely recommend these vans,

Karen Gething's avatar

Karen Gething

Hired from the Christchurch depot of Travellers Autobarn their newly remodelled/refitted Hi5 Campervan. We needed a vehicle that seated and slept 4, this hi top van accommodated 5. Pick up and drop off was absolutely smooth and very professional. Their depot is very easy to get to catching the No. 29 bus and then a 10 minute walk if you want to use public transport. We had our nominated drivers collect the vehicle and drive to our accommodation to pick up the other passengers, this saved having to take our luggage to the depot. No issues with the van whatsoever during our month long trip of the South Island, all ran well. The remodel is fabulous making it easier to have separate areas for cooking and leisure seating/sleeping with easier access to the seating area from the sliding door access. Very happy with it's handling of some of the windy roads we travelled, would not have wanted the stress of driving a larger vehicle as some roads and bridges are very narrow. In all a great hire choice and would strongly recommend for a stress free travel experience.

Anne Wallace's avatar

Anne Wallace

Rented a Kuga campervan for 20 days, great experience! Campervan was great, everything worked as expected. Very comfortable bed, fridge was big enough and microwave was an awsome plus. We had 2 big suitcases and were able to store them in the upper level. May be too small for 3 people.

JC Oli's avatar

Amazing camper! Amazing Times! Thanks a bundle!

Christian Cippis's avatar

Christian Cippis

Excellent service and vehicle, we had a great time!

Joseph's avatar

We had an incredibly stressful and disappointing experience with Travellers Autobarn after booking one of their vans via the recommendation of a travel agent for a 10 day trip around the south island. The trip started off smoothly and we were thrilled with how clean and spacious the van was. After trouble with a dead battery in Milford Sound, we jumped our car twice after it stalled mid-drive- the break assist, power steering, and gas all stopped. This was absolutely terrifying, especially with the steep drive back to Queenstown. After driving 4 hours nonstop with no air or radio on for fear of draining the battery. We were confident that the battery would be recharged and the van safe to drive after this, but it stalled again 3 times when we arrived back in the town center in Queenstown which was super concerning. We called the Christchurch office the next day and encountered a pretty rude staff member who insisted that this was all our fault because of the dead battery, even though that is not normal after a jump start and 4 hours of driving to recharge. She told us to call someone to diagnose the problem which we paid for out of pocket. This man wasn't a mechanic and couldn't tell us what was wrong besides that it was not due to the previous death of the battery. So we ate that cost and had no answers. We called customer service in Australia and had much better service with a woman who showed concern and put us in touch with her personal mechanic in Queenstown. This mechanic was very helpful and seemed qualified and smart. However after hours of looking at our van, he came up with hundreds of solutions that could fix our van but concluded that it was a really complex issue and that the van needed to be taken out of commission and looked at. He did say that the battery was 8 years old and overdue to be replaced as well as the spark plugs which made us furious, as we assumed we were renting a safe and up to date van........

Reviewed about 6 years ago and experienced in March 2018

alc012's avatar

Hi Avery, Thank you for your feedback and we are sorry that you did not enjoy your road trip with us. It’s very tricky situation when you have a breakdown on the road, we try our best to source the best professionals to assess and fix these problems as they happen. In this case, you advised you had an issue and when we sent you to a mechanic, but they indicated there is no problem with the vehicle. Three different mechanics assured us on each occasion that there were no safety issues with the vehicle. We would not allow you to continue with an unsafe vehicle. In the event of a mechanical breakdown we refund you for the time spent off the road and in this case, we refunded $330. It's difficult to predict if a vehicle is going to break down and we think this is the fairest to compensate for lost time. We are sorry you had a to deal with a breakdown and that you felt unsafe, that is not the outcome we want for our customers. I hope you we able to achieve some enjoyable experiences on your trip and enjoyed New Zealand overall.

Bastian Graf's avatar

Bastian Graf


Everything was perfectly good with TA. The van was clean and well maintained. The pick up and drop off were easy going, effective and fluent. I would recommend it without any doubt. Laurent

Reviewed about 6 years ago

laurent twardowski's avatar

laurent twardowski

Very satisfied. The Kuga campervan didn't present any problem during the 17 days. Confortable bed and all commodities as advertised.

João Carvalho's avatar

João Carvalho

Nice campervan, all the facilities you need. Cold inside once summer is over.

Tim Pellenkoft's avatar

Tim Pellenkoft

We have rent a kuga van for 5 weeks and we really enjoyed it! Great service and clear communication at arrival in Auckland and drop of in Christchurch. The van was in good condition. Good value for the price, so we definitely recommend it!

yvonne smolders's avatar

yvonne smolders

We have picked up our KUGA campervan at Christchurch office. The process was quite fluent. The van was in good conditions with some minor scratches. It served us well during our 23 day rental period. The only issue we had was with additional heater which didn't work. We were offered the reimbursement. Kuga van was spacious enough for two (OK, sometimes we missed some extra space). Fuel consumption was less than described on spec sheet. When deciding about choosing KUGA campervan we were not sure if it is manual or automatic since data on web page and on PDF spec sheet were different. After inquiry the data sheet was updated. Kuga is automatic. The drop off proces in Auckland depot was so fast we forgot to claim reimbursement for the heater:)

Sasa Jamsek's avatar

Sasa Jamsek

Correct, no problems with the van whatsoever.

Reviewed over 6 years ago

Pieterjan Tuybens's avatar

Pieterjan Tuybens

Tue Service at office was very good. Technical condition of caravan car was also good. But it is very expensive for what you get. Cheap and not very qualitative equipment ( e.g.camping chairs, dishes )...the kuga van does not really have a space for storage ( it is always mess in the van) could be some more shelves/ closed storage space...

Alexandra Alles's avatar

Alexandra Alles

Such a great help in finding the right campervan and our trip was made so much easier/better with the rankers app!

Kate Brandist's avatar

Kate Brandist

Great service and the van was well kitted out for our needs. The TA app was very useful too.

Allyson Ekin's avatar

Allyson Ekin

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The worst experience with a rental car

The worst experience with a rental car. DO NOT use this company. We had to drive back several km 4 times to have things fixed. Fridge stops working after 2 hours nonpowered despite an extra battery, Emergency exit closed due to a faulty lock, broken ladder, faulty seatbelts etc. Beds are horrible, cushions falls apart, sleeping bags very thin, bad pans and no sharp knives. Our list is very long. We had to buy many stuff to live in the car, and we are experienced backpackers. They gave us a new car, but a defect waterpump after just 2 hours ment we had to drive back. Better of renting from other company even though more expensive, in the end less time with damage stuff and less problems. They wouldn't refund money even though experience was horrendous and they didn't keep their contract with the standard of the car.

Date of experience : February 04, 2019

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Mexico Travel Advisory

Travel advisory august 22, 2023, mexico - see state summaries.

Reissued after periodic review with general security updates, and the removal of obsolete COVID-19 page links.

Country Summary: Violent crime – such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery – is widespread and common in Mexico. The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in many areas of Mexico, as travel by U.S. government employees to certain areas is prohibited or restricted. In many states, local emergency services are limited outside the state capital or major cities.

U.S. citizens are advised to adhere to restrictions on U.S. government employee travel. State-specific restrictions are included in the individual state advisories below. U.S. government employees may not travel between cities after dark, may not hail taxis on the street, and must rely on dispatched vehicles, including app-based services like Uber, and regulated taxi stands. U.S. government employees should avoid traveling alone, especially in remote areas. U.S. government employees may not drive from the U.S.-Mexico border to or from the interior parts of Mexico, except daytime travel within Baja California and between Nogales and Hermosillo on Mexican Federal Highway 15D, and between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey on Highway 85D.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Mexico.

Do Not Travel To:

  • Colima state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Guerrero state  due to  crime .
  • Michoacan state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Sinaloa state due to  crime  and  kidnapping
  • Tamaulipas state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping.
  • Zacatecas  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .

Reconsider Travel To:

  • Baja California  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Chihuahua state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Durango state  due to  crime .
  • Guanajuato state  due to  crime and kidnapping .
  • Jalisco state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Morelos state  due to  crime .
  • Sonora state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .

Exercise Increased Caution When Traveling To:

  • Aguascalientes  state due to  crime .
  • Baja California Sur state  due to  crime .
  • Chiapas state  due to  crime .
  • Coahuila state  due to  crime .
  • Hidalgo state  due to  crime .
  • Mexico City  due to  crime .
  • Mexico State  due to  crime .
  • Nayarit state  due to  crime.
  • Nuevo Leon  state due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Oaxaca state  due to  crime .
  • Puebla state  due to  crime  and  kidnapping .
  • Queretaro state  due to  crime .
  • Quintana Roo state  due to  crime .
  • San Luis Potosi state  due to  crime and kidnapping .
  • Tabasco state  due to  crime .
  • Tlaxcala state due to  crime .
  • Veracruz state  due to  crime .

Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling To:

  • Campeche state
  • Yucatan state

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

If you decide to travel to Mexico:

  • Keep traveling companions and family back home informed of your travel plans. If separating from your travel group, send a friend your GPS location. If taking a taxi alone, take a photo of the taxi number and/or license plate and text it to a friend.
  • Use toll roads when possible and avoid driving alone or at night. In many states, police presence and emergency services are extremely limited outside the state capital or major cities.
  • Exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the U.S. Embassy on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Mexico.
  • Mariners planning travel to Mexico should check for U.S. maritime  advisories  and  alerts , which include instructions on reporting suspicious activities and attacks to Mexican naval authorities.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest travel health information related to your travel. 

Aguascalientes state – Exercise Increased Caution

Exercise increased caution due to crime.

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Aguascalientes state.

Baja California state – Reconsider Travel

Reconsider travel due to crime and kidnapping.

Transnational criminal organizations compete in the border area to establish narco-trafficking and human smuggling routes. Violent crime and gang activity are common. Travelers should remain on main highways and avoid remote locations. Of particular concern is the high number of homicides in the non-tourist areas of Tijuana. Most homicides appeared to be targeted; however, criminal organization assassinations and territorial disputes can result in bystanders being injured or killed. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

U.S. government employees must adhere to the noted restrictions:

  • Mexicali Valley:  U.S. government employees should avoid the Mexicali Valley due to the heightened possibility of violence between rival cartel factions.  The boundaries of the restricted area are: to the east, the Baja California/Arizona and Baja California/Sonora borders; to the south, from La Ventana (on Highway 5) due east to the Colorado River; to the west, Highway 5; and to the north, Boulevard Lazaro Cardenas/Highway 92/Highway 1 to Carretera Aeropuerto, from the intersection of Highway 1 and Carretera Aeropuerto due north to the Baja California/California border, and from that point eastward along the Baja California/California border.
  • Travelers may use Highways 2 and 2D to transit between Mexicali, Los Algodones, and San Luis Rio Colorado during daylight hours. Travelers may also use Highways 1 and 8 to transit to and from the Mexicali Airport during daylight hours.  Travel on Highway 5 is permissible during daylight hours.

There are no other travel restrictions for U.S. government employees in Baja California state. These include high-traffic tourism areas of border and coastal communities, such as  Tijuana ,  Ensenada , and  Rosarito .

Baja California Sur state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Baja California Sur state.

Campeche state – Exercise Normal Precautions

Exercise normal precautions.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Campeche state.

Chiapas state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Chiapas state.

Chihuahua state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common. Most homicides are targeted assassinations against members of criminal organizations. Battles for territory between criminal groups have resulted in violent crime in areas frequented by U.S. citizens and U.S. government employees, including restaurants and malls during daylight hours. Bystanders have been injured or killed in shooting incidents. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

U.S. government employee travel is limited to the following areas with the noted restrictions:

  • Ciudad Juarez:  U.S. government employees may travel to the area of Ciudad Juarez bounded to the east by Bulevar Independencia; to the south by De los Montes Urales/Avenida Manuel J Clouthier/Carretera de Juárez; to the west by Via Juan Gabriel/Avenida de los Insurgentes/Calle Miguel Ahumada/Francisco Javier Mina/Melchor Ocampo; and to the north by the U.S.-Mexico border.  Direct travel to the Ciudad Juarez airport (officially called the Abraham González International Airport) and the factories located along Bulevar Independencia and Las Torres is permitted.  Travel to San Jerónimo is permitted only through the United States via the Santa Teresa U.S. Port of Entry; travel via Anapra is prohibited.

U.S. government employees may only travel from Ciudad Juarez to the city of Chihuahua during daylight hours via Federal Highway 45, with stops permitted only at the Guardia Nacional División Caminos station, the Umbral del Milenio overlook area, the border inspection station at KM 35, and the shops and restaurants on Federal Highway 45 in the city of Ahumada.

  • U.S. government employees may travel between Ciudad Juarez and Ascension via Highway 2.
  • Nuevo Casas Grandes Area (including Nuevo Casas Grandes, Casas Grandes, Mata Ortiz, Colonia Juárez, Colonia LeBaron, Paquimé and San Buenaventura):  U.S. government employees may travel to the Nuevo Casas Grandes area during daylight hours via Mexico Federal Highway 2, and subsequently Federal Highway 10, to Nuevo Casas Grandes.  Employees are permitted to stay overnight in the cities of Nuevo Casas Grandes and Casas Grandes only.
  • City of Chihuahua:  U.S. government employees may travel at any time to the area of the city of Chihuahua bounded to the north by Avenida Transformación; to the east by Avenida Tecnológico/Manuel Gómez Morín/Highway 16/Blvd.José Fuentes Mares; to the west by the city boundary; and to the south by Periférico Francisco R. Almada.
  • U.S. government employees may travel on Highways 45, 16, and 45D through the city of Chihuahua and to the Chihuahua airport (officially called the General Roberto Fierro Villalobos International Airport). 
  • U.S. government employees may travel to Santa Eulalia to the east of the city of Chihuahua, as well as to Juan Aldama via Highway 16 to the northeast.
  • U.S. government employees may travel south of the city of Chihuahua on Highway 45 to the southern boundary of Parral, including each town directly connected to Highway 45, including Lázaro Cárdenas, Pedro Meoqui, Santa Cruz de Rosales, Delicias, Camargo, Ciudad Jiménez, and Parral itself.
  • U.S. government employees may only travel on official business from the city of Chihuahua on Highway 16 to Ciudad Cuauhtémoc bounded by Highway 21 to the north and east, Highway 5 to the west, and Bulevar Jorge Castillo Cabrera to the south. 
  • Ojinaga:  U.S. government employees must travel to Ojinaga via U.S. Highway 67 and enter through the U.S. Port of Entry in Presidio, Texas.
  • Palomas:  U.S. government employees may travel to Palomas via U.S. highways through the U.S. Port of Entry in Columbus, New Mexico, or via Highway 2 in Mexico.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Chihuahua, including  Copper Canyon .

Coahuila state – Exercise Increased Caution

Violent crime and gang activity occur in parts of Coahuila state. 

U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions:

  • Zaragoza, Morelos, Allende, Nava, Jimenez, Villa Union, Guerrero, and Hidalgo municipalities : U.S. government employees may not travel to these municipalities.
  • Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuña:  U.S. government employees must travel directly from the United States and observe a curfew from midnight to 6:00 a.m. in both cities.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Coahuila state.

Colima state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime and kidnapping.  

Violent crime and gang activity are widespread. Most homicides are targeted assassinations against members of criminal organizations. Shooting incidents between criminal groups have injured or killed bystanders. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.  

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following areas with noted restrictions: 

  • Manzanillo:   U.S. government employee travel is limited to the tourist and port areas of Manzanillo.  
  • Employees traveling to Manzanillo from Guadalajara must use Federal Toll Road 54D during daylight hours.  

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Colima state. 

Durango state – Reconsider Travel

Reconsider travel due to crime.

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Durango state.

  • West and south of Federal Highway 45:  U.S. government employees may not travel to this region of Durango state.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Durango state.

Guanajuato state – Reconsider Travel

Gang violence, often associated with the theft of petroleum and natural gas from the state oil company and other suppliers, occurs in Guanajuato, primarily in the south and central areas of the state.  Of particular concern is the high number of murders in the southern region of the state associated with cartel-related violence. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Areas south of Federal Highway 45D:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area south of and including Federal Highway 45D, Celaya, Salamanca, and Irapuato.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Guanajuato state, which includes tourist areas in:  San Miguel de Allende ,  Guanajuato City , and  surrounding areas.

Guerrero state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime.

Crime and violence are widespread. Armed groups operate independently of the government in many areas of Guerrero. Members of these groups frequently maintain roadblocks and may use violence towards travelers. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping in previous years.

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following area with the noted restrictions:

  • Taxco:  U.S. government employees must use Federal Highway 95D, which passes through Cuernavaca, Morelos, and stay within downtown tourist areas of Taxco. Employees may visit Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park during the day with a licensed tour operator.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of the state of Guerrero, including to tourist areas in  Acapulco ,  Zihuatanejo , and  Ixtapa .

Hidalgo state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Hidalgo state.

Jalisco state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Jalisco state. In Guadalajara, territorial battles between criminal groups take place in tourist areas. Shooting incidents between criminal groups have injured or killed innocent bystanders. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Jalisco-Michoacan border and Federal Highway 110:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area between Federal Highway 110 and the Jalisco-Michoacan border, nor travel on Federal Highway 110 between Tuxpan, Jalisco, and the Michoacan border.
  • Federal Highway 80:  U.S. government employees may not travel on Federal Highway 80 south of Cocula.

There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S government employees in Jalisco state which includes tourist areas in:  Guadalajara Metropolitan Area ,  Puerto Vallarta (including neighboring Riviera Nayarit) ,  Chapala , and  Ajijic .

Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico) – Exercise Increased Caution

Both violent and non-violent crime occur throughout Mexico City. Use additional caution, particularly at night, outside of the frequented tourist areas where police and security patrol more routinely. Petty crime occurs frequently in both tourist and non-tourist areas.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico City.

Mexico State (Estado de Mexico) – Exercise Increased Caution

Both violent and non-violent crime occur throughout Mexico State. Use additional caution in areas outside of the frequented tourist areas, although petty crime occurs frequently in tourist areas as well.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico State.

Michoacan state – Do Not Travel

Do not travel due to crime and kidnapping.

Crime and violence are widespread in Michoacan state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

Travel for U.S. government employees is limited to the following areas with the noted restrictions:

  • Federal Highway 15D:   U.S. government employees may travel on Federal Highway 15D to transit the state between Mexico City and Guadalajara.
  • Morelia:  U.S. government employees may travel by air and by land using Federal Highways 43 or 48D from Federal Highway 15D.
  • Lazaro Cardenas:  U.S. government employees must travel by air only and limit activities to the city center or port areas.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of the state of Michoacan, including the portions of the  Monarch Butterfly Reserve  located in Michoacan.

Morelos state – Reconsider Travel

Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Morelos state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Morelos state.

Nayarit state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout Nayarit state.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S government employees in Nayarit state.

Nuevo Leon state – Exercise Increased Caution

Exercise increased caution due to crime and kidnapping.

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Nuevo Leon state.

Oaxaca state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence occur throughout the state.

U.S. travelers are reminded that U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions:

  • Isthmus region:  U.S. government employees may not travel to the area of Oaxaca bounded by Federal Highway 185D to the west, Federal Highway 190 to the north, and the Oaxaca-Chiapas border to the east.  This includes the cities of Juchitan de Zaragoza, Salina Cruz, and San Blas Atempa.  
  • Federal Highway 200 northwest of Pinotepa:  U.S. government employees may not use Federal Highway 200 between Pinotepa and the Oaxaca-Guerrero border.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees to other parts of Oaxaca state, which include tourist areas in:  Oaxaca City ,  Monte Alban ,  Puerto Escondido,  and  Huatulco .

Puebla state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Puebla state.

Queretaro state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Queretaro state.

Quintana Roo state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur in any location, at any time, including in popular tourist destinations.  Travelers should maintain a high level of situational awareness, avoid areas where illicit activities occur, and promptly depart from potentially dangerous situations. 

While not directed at tourists, shootings between rival gangs have injured innocent bystanders.  Additionally, U.S. citizens have been the victims of both non-violent and violent crimes in tourist and non-tourist areas.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Quintana Roo state. However, personnel are advised to exercise increased situational awareness after dark in downtown areas of Cancun, Tulum, and Playa del Carmen, and to remain in well-lit pedestrian streets and tourist zones.

San Luis Potosi state – Exercise Increased Caution

Criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state.  U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in San Luis Potosi state.

Sinaloa state – Do Not Travel

Violent crime is widespread. Criminal organizations are based in and operating in Sinaloa. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Mazatlan:  U.S. government employees may travel to Mazatlan by air or sea only, are limited to the Zona Dorada and historic town center, and must travel via direct routes between these destinations and the airport and sea terminal.
  • Los Mochis and Topolobampo:  U.S. government employees may travel to Los Mochis and Topolobampo by air or sea only, are restricted to the city and the port, and must travel via direct routes between these destinations and the airport.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Sinaloa state.

Sonora state – Reconsider Travel

Sonora is a key location used by the international drug trade and human trafficking networks. Violent crime is widespread. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Travelers should maintain a heightened level of awareness of their surroundings in all their travels in Sonora.  Security incidents may occur in any area of Sonora.

  • Travel between Hermosillo and Nogales:  U.S. government employees may travel between the U.S. Ports of Entry in Nogales and Hermosillo during daylight hours via Federal Highway 15 only. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures. Travelers should exercise caution and avoid unnecessary stops as security incidents, including sporadic, armed carjackings, and shootings have been reported along this highway during daylight hours. Travelers should have a full tank of gas and inform friends or family members of their planned travel.
  • Nogales:  U.S. government employees may not travel in the triangular area north of Avenida Tecnologico, west of Bulevar Luis Donaldo Colosio (Periferico), nor east of Federal Highway 15D (Corredor Fiscal). U.S. government employees also may not travel in the residential and business areas to east of the railroad tracks along Plutarco Elias Calle (HWY 15) and Calle Ruiz Cortino, including the business area around the Morley pedestrian gate port-of-entry. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in Nogales due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.  
  • Puerto Peñasco:  U.S. government employees may travel between Puerto Peñasco and the Lukeville-Sonoyta U.S. Port of Entry during daylight hours via Federal Highway 8 only. They may not travel on any other route to Puerto Peñasco. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in Puerto Peñasco. due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.
  • Triangular region near Mariposa U.S. Port of Entry:  U.S. government employees may not travel into or through the triangular region west of the Mariposa U.S. Port of Entry, east of Sonoyta, and north of Altar municipality.
  • San Luis Rio Colorado, Cananea, and Agua Prieta : U.S. government employees may travel directly from the nearest U.S. Port of Entry to San Luis Rio Colorado, Cananea (via Douglas Port of Entry), and Agua Prieta, but may not go beyond the city limits. Travel is limited to daylight hours only. Travel between Nogales and Cananea via Imuris is not permitted. U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in these cities due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.
  • Eastern and southern Sonora (including San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas and Alamos):  U.S. government employees may not travel to areas of Sonora east of Federal Highway 17, the road between Moctezuma and Sahuaripa, and State Highway 20 between Sahuaripa and the intersection with Federal Highway 16. U.S. government employees may travel to San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas and Alamos; travel to Alamos is only permitted by air and within city limits.  U.S. government employees may not travel to areas of Sonora south of Federal Highway 16 and east of Federal Highway 15 (south of Hermosillo), as well as all points south of Guaymas, including Empalme, Guaymas, Obregon, and Navojoa.  U.S. government employees may not use ANY taxi services, public buses, nor ride-share applications in these areas due to a lack of secure vetting and/or dispatching procedures and the danger of kidnapping and other violent crimes.

U.S. government employees may travel to other parts of Sonora state in compliance with the above restrictions, including tourist areas in: Hermosillo , Bahia de Kino , and Puerto Penasco .

Tabasco state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Tabasco state.

Tamaulipas state – Do Not Travel

Organized crime activity – including gun battles, murder, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, forced disappearances, extortion, and sexual assault – is common along the northern border and in Ciudad Victoria. Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses, as well as private automobiles traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers and demanding ransom payments.

Heavily armed members of criminal groups often patrol areas of the state and operate with impunity particularly along the border region from Reynosa to Nuevo Laredo.  In these areas, local law enforcement has limited capacity to respond to incidents of crime. Law enforcement capacity is greater in the tri-city area of Tampico, Ciudad Madero, and Altamira, which has a lower rate of violent criminal activity compared to the rest of the state.

U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo:  U.S. government employees may only travel within a limited radius around and between the U.S. Consulates in Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros, their homes, the respective U.S. Ports of Entry, and limited downtown sites, subject to an overnight curfew.
  • Overland travel in Tamaulipas:  U.S. government employees may not travel between cities in Tamaulipas using interior Mexican highways. Travel between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey is limited to Federal Highway 85D during daylight hours with prior authorization.

U.S. government employees may not travel to other parts of Tamaulipas state.

Tlaxcala state – Exercise Increased Caution

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Tlaxcala state.

Veracruz state – Exercise Increased Caution

Violent crime and gang activity occur with increasing frequency in Veracruz, particularly in the center and south near Cordoba and Coatzacoalcos. While most gang-related violence is targeted, violence perpetrated by criminal organizations can affect bystanders. Impromptu roadblocks requiring payment to pass are common.

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Veracruz state.

Yucatan state – Exercise Normal Precautions

There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Yucatan state, which include tourist areas in:  Chichen Itza ,  Merida ,  Uxmal , and  Valladolid .

Zacatecas state – Do Not Travel

Violent crime, extortion, and gang activity are widespread in Zacatecas state. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping.

  • Zacatecas City : U.S. government employee travel is limited to Zacatecas City proper, and employees may not travel overland to Zacatecas City.
  • U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Zacatecas state.

Travel Advisory Levels

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The Travellers Autobarn Story

Travellers Autobarn opened in Sydney in late 1993, at a time when there were already a number of dealers selling cars to backpackers. However, these businesses were car dealerships first and foremost, and did not really understand the needs of travellers. From the outset, Travellers Autobarn focused entirely on these special needs. As ex-backpackers, all of us decided to provide the kind of service we would expect ourselves. What you see today is the result. None of the car dealers that were selling to backpackers in 1993 still exist today!

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  19. China Travel Advisory

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  20. Mexico Travel Advisory

    Mexico State (Estado de Mexico) - Exercise Increased Caution. Exercise increased caution due to crime. Both violent and non-violent crime occur throughout Mexico State. Use additional caution in areas outside of the frequented tourist areas, although petty crime occurs frequently in tourist areas as well.

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