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Have You Traveled to Another Country? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers)

In part one of your IELTS Speaking test, the examiner may ask, “Have you traveled to another country?”

Read on to learn how to answer this question. Below, you can also read 10 great example answers ( go straight to the answers here ).

If You Have Traveled to Another Country

First, say ‘yes, I have.’ Then you need to say a bit more. You can talk about:

  • Which country you’ve been to
  • How many countries you’ve traveled to
  • What your favorite country was to visit  
  • Why you traveled there
  • Who you went with  
  • What you did there
  • If you enjoyed it, or not
  • What you liked most about the trip
  • If you’d like to return there
  • How you traveled there (plane, car, train, boat…)
  • Anything else you can think of

If You Haven’t Been to Another Country

No problem. Just say ‘no, I haven’t.’ Then you can say:

  • Why you’ve never been abroad
  • If you would like to travel abroad in future, or not
  • Which country you would like to visit
  • Where you’ve traveled to in your own country
  • Why you don’t like traveling, if you don’t
  • How you would like to travel (plane, car, train…)
  • Anything else that comes to mind

Common Grammar Mistake: Using a Finished Time

With the present perfect, you cannot use a finished time .  You must use an unfinished time with the present perfect. 

A finished time is a time in the past that is finished, for example: yesterday, last weekend, last month, last year, in 2020.

So, this is a good sentence:  

‘Yes, I’ve been to Japan.’

And this is an incorrect sentence:

‘Yes, I’ve been to Japan last year.’

If you want to talk about when you went somewhere (in a finished time), you should start a new sentence and use the past tense .  For example:

‘Yes, I’ve been to Japan. I went there last year.’

Note that you can use unfinished times with present perfect. Unfinished times are times that are still continuing now. For example: today, this week, this month, this year.

So, this is a good present perfect sentence:

‘Yes, I’ve been to Japan twice this year.’

Focus on Fluency

For all your part-one answers, practice answering as quickly as you can. Focus on fluency , which means no hesitation.  

This will impress the examiner.

Remember that part one is only to warm you up .  

You cannot get a very high score in part one, so don’t worry about using very clever vocabulary and grammar. Just speak quickly, with quite simple English. That will be fine.

Use the Three-Step YES Method

Also, don’t say too much in your part-one answers.  

Just speak for 10 or 20 seconds, then stop with confidence and wait patiently for the next question.

The three-step YES Method can help you give a good-length answer to your part-one questions. Just say:

  • Y our answer (‘yes, I have’ or ‘no, I haven’t)
  • E xplain your answer (say where you went) or add a few more details
  • S top talking (stop confidently, and wait for the next question)

Here are 10 good answers to this question about traveling abroad. See if you can borrow a few ideas for your own answer.

‘Yes, I Have’ Answers

1. Yes, I have. I’ve traveled abroad three or four times. I went to Bulgaria last year on vacation with my family. We had a great time.

2. Yes, I have. I love traveling because it’s so much fun to visit different countries and cultures. So I’ve been traveling for most of my life.

3. Yes, I have been to many foreign countries. I live in Europe, so it’s really easy to travel abroad. I usually travel by plane or train, which are both very affordable these days.

4. Yes, I have. I went to the Philippines four years ago on a business trip. But unfortunately, I didn’t have much free time to explore the country.  

5. Yes, I have. I’ve been to Thailand, Cambodia, China, and Vietnam. I think my favorite place was Vietnam because I met my girlfriend there.  

6. Yes, I have. When I was a child, my parents took me to Colombia during our summer vacation. I remember lots of sunshine and eating really tasty pancakes and pastries.  

‘No, I Haven’t’ Answers

7. No, I haven’t. But I would love to travel all around the world. I think traveling abroad would be an amazing adventure.  

8. No, I haven’t. But I love to travel around my own country. I’m from China, so there are hundreds of fascinating places to visit.

9. No, unfortunately, I haven’t traveled abroad yet. I’m currently a student, and when I find a job and save up some money, I plan to start traveling.

10. No, I haven’t. To be frank, I’m not really interested in traveling. I’d rather spend my time and money on building my business.  

Now You Give It a Go

Set up the recorder on your phone and ask yourself, “Have you traveled to another country?”

When you answer, try to be fluent (no hesitation) and follow the three-step YES Method.

Afterward, listen to your recording and try to notice any mistakes or hesitation. Then answer again, a little better each time.

If you keep repeating this process, you’ll soon be ready to give a great answer to this part-one IELTS Speaking question.

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did you travel abroad

27 Surprising Benefits of Traveling Abroad: How Traveling Changed My Life

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Authentic Traveling - Header

Personal growth might not be one of the first things that comes to mind when you think about traveling abroad, but perhaps it should. When you leave the comfort and familiarity of life in your home country, you turn every day into an opportunity to learn, discover, explore, and grow. But the lessons you learn may not be what you always expect. Here are 27 surprising benefits of traveling abroad that have transformed my life for the better.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad

1. you regain your curiosity..

As children, we all have an innate sense of wonder. We view the world as a magical place to explore using our favorite two words: ‘how’ and ‘why’.

Unfortunately, as we grow up too many of us are taught to stop questioning things and to instead do as we are told. Whether at school, at home, or in the workplace, we are led to believe that following directions is the primary means to success and happiness. And over time, we simply stop asking how or why.

Travel is the perfect opportunity to regain one’s curiosity. Leaving the banalities of everyday life behind and instead surrounding yourself with the new and exciting reignites the flame of exploration . You’re not only allowed to ask questions, you’re encouraged. How do the locals live? Why is a particular custom followed?

Benefits of Traveling - Curiosity - Authentic Traveling

When you travel, being curious becomes a way of life. You get accustomed to asking questions about everything you see, do, and feel. And when you return home these habits follow. With curiosity, a trip to the neighborhood grocery store can be as interesting as a walk through the bazaar of Marrakech. It’s all mindset.

2. You gain confidence.

Travel isn’t always easy. Spend enough time on the road and you’ll have your share of mental and physical challenges. But these obstacles are almost always less intense or consequential than those you face at home.

The culture shock you get arriving in Japan for the first time or the strain your put yourself through hiking to Machu Picchu might seem intense in the moment, but these pale in comparison to the challenges you’ll have starting a business, raising a child, or battling a serious illness.

Benefits of Traveling - Courage - Authentic Traveling

The challenges you face on the road rarely compare to those you face at home. But in this way, it makes for the perfect training ground.

Travel provides the perfect opportunity —i n a fun and relatively safe environment — to overcome obstacles and build confidence. Whether your future challenges are mental or physical, research indicates that believing in yourself is the most important thing you do to succeed.

3. You learn to take things slowly.

How often do you slow down and simply enjoy the moment in your daily life? Be honest.

If you’re like most people, it’s not very often. We live in a time where, despite--or perhaps because of--all the advances in technology, we feel as though we must constantly rush from thing to thing, accomplishing goal after goal.

This is not a good way to live. You miss out on so many incredible things when your not focused on the present moment. All too often we fail to notice the warmth of a friend’s hug or the joy passed on through a stranger’s smile because we’re thinking of something entirely unrelated to our current circumstances.

Many novice travelers pack this habit with them on vacation. They try to see the whole Louvre in one day, or all of Europe in two weeks. Invariably, they return home exhausted, stressed, and disappointed, wondering why their hurried experiences didn’t live up to their lofty expectations.

Fortunately, one of the benefits of traveling abroad is that you realize how counterproductive this is. You decide to either do less or travel for longer. And you discover that slowing down actually allows you to experience more.

For a single day spent living in the moment—fully focusing on people and places you encounter—will provide infinitely richer feelings and insights than a whole month of rushed travel.

Take Things Slowly - Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Authentic Traveling

It pays to slow down when traveling.

And while it’s not always possible to go through life at home with the same leisurely pace we have on the road, the memories of your travels inspire you to regularly slow down—even if just for a few moments.

4. You realize it’s OK to fail.

Anyone who honestly looks back at their past travels recognizes that they are often filled with failure. From butchering the pronunciation of the local language, to getting lost in a foreign subway system, to wrongly guessing which of the menu items won’t come with eyeballs, travelers are always making mistakes.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Fish

The wrong guess was made.

And yet, 99% of the time, everything works out just fine. We learn something new about the way things are done in whatever corner of the world we’re in, and we move on. Often, such minor failures are so common that we simply overlook them.

This is in stark contrast to how many people live at home, where they treat failure not as a useful tool to be embraced but rather as something to be avoided at all costs.

I used to feel this same way. I thought that one C on an exam was a disaster or that a mess up at work would instantly result in a pink slip. Somewhat unsurprisingly, this made me incredibly risk adverse. I avoided situations where failure was a possibility, and always tried to take the safe route.

All this changed once I began traveling. I saw how travel mistakes mostly make for a good laugh or a minor inconvenience. Sometimes they even turn out for the better.

Mispronounce Chianti at a Florentine wine bar and the bartender might snicker. Get off at the wrong stop in the Paris Metro and you might have to walk 30 minutes back to your hotel. Grab the train to Ljubljana rather than Lisbon and you might meet the love of your life

did you travel abroad

Sometime failure to take the correct exit on the highway leads to unexpected discoveries, like this hidden valley in Iceland, which I had all to myself.

By seeing firsthand through travel that failure can be a valuable learning tool—perhaps the most valuable—rather than something to be feared, you return home eager to make mistakes, to learn, and to grow.

5. You have better stories to tell.

Mark Twain once said that “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Traveling only supports this.

The absurd mishaps, random occurrences, and incredible adventures that occur while traveling make for fascination stories that almost no one—save perhaps the Most Interesting Man In the World—can top. So regardless of whether your audience is your family, your friends, or a hot date, the traveler is able to entertain and (often) inspire simply by sharing a few stories from the road.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Kargi Kenya - Authentic Traveling

Locals dancing in Kargi, Kenya.

6. You learn to focus on what you can control — your responses.

One of the most appealing aspects of travel is that you never quite know what will happen next. Most of the time, this means that life on the road is filled with surprise and novelty, but sometimes it results in unexpected setbacks. 

Missed flights, closed museums, or minor illnesses; almost every traveler has dealt with these issues at one point or another, and there’s little you can do to prevent them.

However, one thing travelers can always do is control their responses. When things go south, it’s up to you to decide quickly whether you react with annoyance and anxiety, or strength and strategy.

Rather quickly, travelers realize that the best way—and sometimes the only way—out of difficult circumstances is to focus on what they can do to improve their situation rather than on what’s gone wrong.

Ask politely for a spot on the next departure when you’re flights been cancelled, and you’ll usually get whatever spots are available. Lash out in anger, and you might be spending the night sleeping on the airport floor.

Whether at home or on the road, we all experience setbacks like this at some point. As travel teaches you, what ultimately determines your future is how we react to these challenges.

7. You better appreciate what you have at home.

It’s easy to take what you have at home for granted. While I don’t believe that you can easily say that one country or city is clearly better than another, when you visit somewhere that doesn’t have the same things that you’re used to it helps you to better appreciate what you have at home.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Home - Authentic Traveling

Of course, not all the things you learn to appreciate about your home while traveling are as serious. A trip abroad can inspire a newfound gratitude for family, friends, certain foods, and even your local weather (nothing quite makes you appreciate the winters in Wisconsin like a January trip to Antarctica).

8. But you also gain humility and perspective.

Of course, traveling isn’t just about reinforcing the good aspects of life at home. Rather, it shows you different ways of doing things, some of which may actually be superior to what you’re used to.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Japanese Bath House - Authentic Traveling

Example: in Japan, you shower before you bathe, which makes sense. Who wants to swim in their own filth?

This process can be somewhat humbling, especially if you’ve been raised to think that your culture and society does everything the best. In the long run, however, having a realistic perspective on things allows you to identify problems and to take the necessary steps to correct them.

Furthermore, once you acknowledge that you may have been wrong (or at least less-correct) on one thing, you become more accepting of new ideas and possibilities in general--something that will help you in all aspects of life.

9. You become a better communicator.

Travel is a great tool for developing your communication skills. While traveling, you encounter all sorts of people, many of whom will share neither your language nor culture. In these circumstances, it can be difficult to convey even the simplest of ideas. Such challenges makes you use ingenuity and creativity to exchange information.

Learning to use tools like Google Translate, point books, hand gestures, and even sketch pads to express your ideas, you begin to think of communication in entirely new ways. And in dealing with people from disparate backgrounds, it becomes clear how the same thing can be intercepted very differently depending on your life experiences.

This process ultimately forces you to think more carefully about how and what you say and do, making you both a more nuanced and more adaptive communicator.

10. You become friends with people around the world.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have met and befriended people from around the world while traveling. Whether they were fellow adventurers or amicable locals, these relationships have enriched my life both on the road and at home.

The same can happen for you with the right attitude and initiative. If you keep an open mind and are willing to speak with strangers, you’ll discover a world filled with interesting and engaging people.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Friends - Authentic Traveling

Who wouldn't want friends in Paris?

Naturally, the more you travel, the more people you meet. Over time, you’ll develop a personalized, global network of like-minded individuals with whom you can share ideas, discuss international events from a local perspective, and plan future experiences.

Often, you’ll find yourself taking turns visiting your new friends in their hometown, such as when I went to Dublin ,  Warsaw , or   Skopje . And when you decide to travel somewhere different, you can reach out to this network for advice and to connect you with other like-minded locals. What’s not to love?

11. You learn to trust your gut.

Of course, not everyone you meet while traveling has your best intentions at heart. Because of this, it’s common for less-experienced travelers to feel as though they need to be on constant high alert.

Unfortunately, this can cloud their whole travel experience in negativity and fear, which in turn can lead to unnecessarily mental and physical strain.

Seasoned travelers recognize this problem. Instead of constantly sizing up everyone and everything, they rely on their gut to keep them safe or to make a decision—a practice back ed up by science .

Our sub-conscious minds are incredibly adept at noticing the subtle indicators that suggest that something is off. Because of this, in general you only need to react as if there is danger if you feel something is off.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Gut Instinct - Authentic Traveling

If your gut says it's not safe, don't risk it.

Experienced travelers don’t worry if acting on their gut makes them appear rude or cowardly; they know that this feeling is there for a reason, and that being safe is only smart.

They also use these gut feelings to assist in less-serious matters. Whether they are trying to decide what restaurant to eat at or which city to travel to next, they discover over time that trusting their instincts often leads to better outcomes. [Check out my article on How to Overcome Your Fear of Flying (And Change Your Life in the Process) .]

12. You see that nobody’s life is perfect.

We live in an age where perfection in life seems not only attainable but common. On television, in the movies, and on the internet, we are bombarded with examples of people whose lives seem to have no flaws. They are happy, healthy, and wealthy.

Making matters worse, social media allows everyone to publish their daily highlight reels, where the only things we do are drink, laugh, fall in love, and travel.

Even if you rationally know that this is an illusion, you subconsciously hold it to be true. And so you begin to ask yourself why—-despite all your efforts—you are not seeing the same results that so many others have achieved. This often leads to stress, self-doubt, and sometimes, even despair.

Travel helps to kills this fantasy. On the road, people tend to let their guard down. They expose more of themselves to the world than they otherwise would.

And so you see that everyone—regardless of personal or professional success—has more to their story than what they share.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Not Perfect - Authentic Traveling

You don't often see people sharing the moments where they're exhausted, sick, or sad.

Recognizing that nobody’s life is perfect—that no one is happy, healthy, or successful all the time—allows you better empathize with the plight of others and to stop feeling guilty for being human.

You accept sadness as an everyday part of life. You see failure as inevitable aspect of learning. You stop obsessing over artificial standards of beauty.

This is not to say that you don’t keep trying to improve yourself. If anything, knowing that perfection is not the goal motivates you even more because you can actually see the finish line.

13. You become more creative.

History is filled with writers, inventors, and thinkers whose work has seemingly been invigorated by time abroad. Think Ernst Hemingway, Nikola Tesla, Mary Shelley, or Thomas Jefferson.

Research   has now proven why this is; traveling abroad leads to greater creativity levels. Visiting a different country—and experiencing all the novelty that entails—encourages the development of new ideas by making it easier to change thoughts quickly and to create connections between seemingly unrelated topics (think: sharks + tornados = Sharknados).

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Creativity - Authentic Traveling

What creative thoughts will travel inspire you to have?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the more you immerse yourself in the local culture, the greater the benefits.

Travelers who spend their days interacting with locals—eating as they eat, drinking as they drink, and (attempting) to think as they think—will become more creative than visitors who merely observe native culture from afar.

To be creative, you need to think outside of your normal horizons. To develop new thoughts and create new things, you need to be open to different ideas and activities. Travel teaches you to do all these things.

14. You uncover new passions.

So much of what we do—whether it be the food we drink, the thoughts we have, or the activities we pick in our free time—are a result of our surroundings. Our actions and habits are often copied from our parents, our friends, and our neighbors.

When you travel abroad, you’re able to escape the confines of social pressure and routine of home.

On the road, things that you never would have dreamed of trying at home—either because they go against social expectations or because they’re not easily available—seem to present themselves at every turn. And if you’re willing to take the risk and try, you often uncover new, life-long passions.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Passions - Authentic Traveling

Another surprising benefit of traveling abroad: you uncover new passions, such as hot air ballooning.

A farm boy from Kansas may realize they love mountain climbing while backpacking through Austria. An architect from Johannesburg may discover an unknown obsession with baseball during a summer in Chicago. A body builder from London might embrace veganism while in Tibet.

You never know what hidden passions you will find when traveling abroad.

15. You start to see the beauty in small, everyday occurrences.

As travelers we often fetishize the people and places we discover abroad. It’s part of the mindset we develop. When on the road, we’re regularly enchanted by everyday occurrences that we completely ignore when at home.

I still remember how charmed I was the first time I noticed the scent of fresh bread from a neighborhood bakery in small-town France, something to which I’d normally paid no attention.

If you travel enough, this way of looking at the world follows you home. You begin to see the beauty in small, everyday occurrences , like the rustle of leaves on your lawn in autumn or the daily calls of songbirds in the morning.

And in this way, you discover a whole world of simple pleasures.

16. You gain confidence.

When you travel abroad, you inevitably face challenges. Whether these are as minor as driving on the left side of the road (on second thought, that’s actually quite hard!) or as major as learning to live without running water, your confidence grows when you handle new and difficult circumstances.

And the more you travel—and the greater the challenges you face—the more confidence you gain.

did you travel abroad

Overcoming obstacles results in greater confidence.

Returning home, everything seems easier and more manageable than before. Since you’ve handled adversity on the road—usually without the support systems you have at home (think family, friends, and routines)—you can confront challenges knowing that you’ve got what it takes to succeed, regardless of the circumstances.

17. You find love (even if just temporarily).

As almost any world traveler will tell you, no matter if you're looking for it or not, love seems to find you on the road.

Whether it’s with an amorous local, an intriguing sightseer, your fellow travel parter, or something less human—like Spanish siestas, pistacchio gelato, or Japanese Kit Kats—you’ll feel your heart strings tugged at some point or another.

And though the risk of heartbreak is real (Kit Kat does retire flavors occasionally), the immeasurable joy that comes from deep passion is always worth it.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Find Love - Authentic Traveling

Love is in the air when you travel abroad.

18. You realize that experiences are way more valuable than objects.

Growing up, I was convinced that the key to happiness was having lots of nice things. At various points in my life, I told myself that I’d be happy forever if I only had a room full of legos or a fancy new car or the latest smart phone.

Traveling the world helps you to see how absurd this is. Yes, you may gain some temporary joy from getting a cool toy, but it won't last long. Soon, you’ll be looking for that next fix.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Experiences - Authentic Traveling

Experiences (such as exploring the salt flats in Bolivia) > things.

In contrast, the happiness one gains from experiences lasts a lifetime. Memories of an evening spent hanging out with friends on the beach don’t become less enjoyable with time, they become even more precious.

19. You stop watching so much TV.

It’s rare to sit down and watch TV for any extended amount of time while traveling, save perhaps for a big soccer match or news event. Frankly, there’s no time nor need. During the day you’re usually running around seeing things, and at night there’s almost always something more entertaining and exciting going on.

The longer you go without television, the less you feel the need for it.

Spend enough time traveling, and you’ll return home actively wanting to avoid TV, instead preferring to spend your free time doing the same type of things you did while on the road. Chats with friends, live music, walks in nature, reading books—these all instinctually get prioritized over TV watching.

20. You better appreciate the internet, but realize that you must limit its use.

As any traveler can attest, the internet is a godsend.

It allows you to do research quickly, connect to family and friends easily, and even earn a living remotely.

But it’s also a major time suck and a diversion from real life. You can easily get stuck looking up obscure facts on Wikipedia instead of exploring the local Mayan ruins, or distracted by your Instagram feed while out with friends in Bangkok. So experienced travelers learn to limit their use of the internet, opting to look at the world rather than a screen.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Internet Ankor Wat - Authentic Traveling

Don't miss sunrise at Angkor Wat because you were too busy swiping right.

21. You become painfully aware that you cannot please everyone.

Growing up in the Midwest, I was told that if I only tried hard enough I could indeed make everyone happy. Well, traveling the world has convinced me otherwise.

No matter how friendly or accepting you may be, there will always be someone that doesn’t care for you simply because of who you are, where you’re from, or what you represent. It’s not a large number, but they exist. Once you realize this, it’s as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

You’re free to stop worrying about what others think and simply be yourself.

22. You become more employable.


Yet another of the unexpected benefits of traveling abroad: you become more employable.

Traveling abroad helps you develop and enhance a number of skills that are incredibly important in today’s creativity-based economy. These include:

-Adaptability : Travel is practice in quickly and easily adjusting to new customs and cultures, handling unforeseen adversity, and making the most of unexpected opportunities—all useful when starting a new job.

-Creativity : Travel—especially when it’s immersive—has been shown to help you create fresh ideas and develop new solutions to old problems. What employer wouldn’t like that?

-Patience : On the road, the world doesn’t always move at the pace you would like. Whether due to delays, cancellations, or a cultural emphasis on ‘taking one’s time’, travelers learn fast that sometimes you have no choice but to wait patiently.

-Curiosity : Surrounding yourself with new and exciting ideas inspires you to explore and learn as much as you can, something that bosses always love.

-Communication : Traveling to faraway places, where you often don’t share the same language nor the same cultural references, forces you to uncover new ways to express ideas based upon your audience.

-Time Management : Faced with only limited days to see and do everything you want, you have to be smart with your time while traveling. You become an expert prioritizer, and experienced time-estimator, and adept at knowing when to say ‘it’s time to stop’—all incredibly valuable skills when facing deadlines.

-Organization : Travelers, especially those that change locations a lot, have to be well- organized. To have a trip run smoothly—and to keep yourself from losing passports and sim cards—you quickly realize that you need planing and systems.

-Self-Responsibility : When you travel abroad—especially if alone—you take complete responsibility for yourself. Your friends and family aren’t right there to help if something goes wrong; you need to solve your own problems. Employers love to hire people who aren’t afraid to fix things when they are broken.

23. But you also set yourself up to be your own boss.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Be Your Own Boss

Perhaps you can see why the digital nomad lifestyle is so appealing.

These same skills also can be used to be your own boss.

The spirit of independence and adventure that travel promotes often inspires people to start their own businesses or to become freelance.

Self-discipline, organization, resiliency, the ability to accept and learn from failure—these are all essential traits for any entrepreneur. There’s a reason so many world travelers become successful digital nomads, working for themselves remotely from all corners of the globe.

24. You realize that almost everyone wants the same things.

The more you travel, the clearer it is that almost everyone wants the same things. Whether you’re in Bangladesh or Bermuda, surrounded by Berbers or Bushmen, deep down the locals you meet are all just looking for some combination of love, security, meaning, validation, and a better future.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Termi Ethiopia - Authentic Traveling

Smiling locals in Termi, Ethiopia.

We usually focus on our differences—skin color, religion, economic status—but there’s something quite comforting in realizing how much you have in common with the rest of the world. In fact, it may be the greatest lesson I’ve learned from traveling.

25. You also see that people are very different—and that’s OK (for the most part).

At the same time, there are clear differences between cultures. The ways in which people try to achieve these basic human desires varies greatly from person to person and country to country.

In Japan for instance, the emphasis is almost always placed on the group rather than the individual. As a result, what you want matters much less than what is best for the group.

Sometimes, the way local people decide to live their lives and organize their society might confuse or upset you. When this happens, try and figure out why things are they way they are. Often there’s a logical reason. And if there isn’t, or the reason is something you find morally repugnant, that’s OK.

You don’t have to accept or agree with everything you encounter while on the road.

26. You see that money is not the solution to all of life’s problems.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned while traveling is that money is not the solution to all of life’s problems. Growing up in the U.S., I was convinced that happiness was only dollars away, whether they were spent on the latest video game system, a fancy car, or a massive home.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Vietnam - Authentic Traveling

Local children in Chư Păh District, Vietnam.

Yet while traveling, the happiest people I have met have been those who worked just enough so that they could afford food, shelter, and health care (if it wasn’t already provided for them by the government—a shocking concept, right?!). Unless their profession was something that brought them great joy or directly helps others, to work anymore than necessary would have been silly to them, as that would have taken away time from the things that really mattered to them: family and friends.

They might not have the cash to buy a yacht or a month’s stay at the Ritz Carlton, but their wealthy in so many non-material ways.

27. You understand what it means to be truly generous.

Growing up I thought being über generous meant to tip 20%, donate old clothes to Goodwill, and to occasionally share the nachos at sporting events.

I only learned what it meant to be truly generous after traveling abroad. Without fail, I consistently found that those with the least material goods to give—people who lived paycheck to paycheck, if there even was a paycheck at all—were the most likely to offer me a   a place to stay, a meal to eat, or even just a heartfelt smile.

While I’m not suggesting that you should give up everything you have—after all, generosity deals with more things than just money and things—it does put into perspective the sacrifices I’d been making (or not making) up until then.

Bonus benefit: you realize how lucky you are.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Lucky - Authentic Traveling

It’s easier than ever before to travel abroad—at least for some people. The majority of the world still has neither the money nor the freedom to leave home. Whether due to personal and professional commitments, health concerns, or a lack of rights, many would-be adventurers cannot travel at all.

When you visit places where the locals rarely travel, you truly see how lucky you are. Not only are you getting to experience a new culture, but you also become a window to the outside world for those you meet. You may indeed be the first American, Canadian, or Australian they’ve ever seen in person, and they might have lots of questions.

Benefits of Traveling Abroad - Luck Traveler

Having the ability to share your insights and shape the perspectives of others is a powerful and unique opportunity. You never know what your words will inspire—happiness, curiosity, anger, or perhaps change.

As you can see, the benefits of traveling abroad are numerous.

When we leave our homes, we enter into a world of personal growth, education, and adventure. We develop new skills, uncover new passions, and learn lessons that last alifetime. In these ways travel transforms you, enhancing and changing your life in the process.

And though your journey eventually comes to an end, you’re never quite the same. 

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25 surprising travel facts that’ll make you see the world in a whole new light

Jack Palfrey

Apr 2, 2020 • 8 min read

did you travel abroad

Travel: we sort of know all about it, right? Wrong. Scratch beneath the surface and it turns out we know nothing of this world. Do you know how long the world’s shortest commercial flight lasts, for example? (clue: shorter than the time it takes to boil an egg.) How about which country has no rivers? Or what unconventional pizza topping is popular in Sweden ?

An image of the world from space showing one of the green continents.

With international travel currently off the table, why not use this time to swat up on surprising travel trivia, offering a few precious minutes of sweet relief from the constant news cycle and providing some fun facts to fill awkward pauses during video calls with friends and family; trust us, nothing plugs a silence better than a stat about how many steps from the nearest trash bin you are in Disneyland at all times.

Without further ado, here’s 25 travel facts that are certain to shock and surprise.

A stationary blue train in India, with passengers sitting and leaning out of the doorway and looking through the train's windows.

Trains, planes and automobiles...

1. The world’s longest commercial flight took around 30 hours.

The so-called ‘Double Sunrise’ service by Qantas, which ran from Australia to Sri Lanka from 1943-45, often lasted over 30 hours, with passengers seeing the sunrise twice. Today the longest commercial flight is the Singapore Airlines Singapore to New York route, with an average journey time of 17 hours and 50 minutes.

2. The shortest commercial flight takes less than two minutes.

Incredibly, the shortest commercial flight, operating between the neighbouring islands of Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland ’s Orkney islands , takes around one and a half minutes. With the fastest recorded flight taking less than 50 seconds.

3. Japanese railways hand out ‘certificates’ for delays of more than five minutes.

Japanese trains, reputedly the most punctual in the world, issue passengers with a ‘delay certificate’ if a train is running more than five minutes behind schedule. The documents can be shown to bosses or teachers to explain a passenger’s lateness. Delay certificates are also issued on some trains in Germany and in Paris .

4. The most expensive airport to city taxi ride costs around £190.

Any budget traveller worth their salt attempts to avoid airport taxis at all costs, but anyone keeping an eye on their finances should certainly avoid jumping in a cab from Tokyo ’s Narita Airport. According to a study by Moneycorp (a currency exchange company), the ride is the most expensive airport-to-city transfer in the world, costing an average of £191/$235 one way.

5. India’s trains transport roughly 23 million passengers each day.

That’s the entire population of Australia . Additionally, if laid out in a single line, the tracks from India’s railway network could circle the world one and a half times.

An aerial view of Niagara Falls, a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge.

Things you didn’t know about countries…

6. Saudi Arabia has no rivers.

The country in the Arabian peninsula has no permanent rivers. It is one of the 17 countries in the world without a single river flowing through it.

7. In Ethiopia the current year is 2013.

Ethiopia maintains its own calendar, which, due to a difference in the perceived date of the Annunciation (the proclamation of the birth of Christ), is seven to eight years behind the Gregorian calendar (which is used as standard across most of the world). In Ethiopia the new year also begins on either August 29 or August 30.

8. It is the same time at both ends of China.

Despite spanning five geographical time zones, China only has one set time, which is observed throughout the country. China Standard Time is UTC+8.

9. The UK has the world’s longest country name.

The UK ’s official title of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland makes it the longest recognised country name in the world.

10. Alaska is both the westernmost and easternmost state in the USA.

Alaska ’s Aleutian Islands are actually located west of the 180th Meridian (the line that divides the eastern and western hemisphere), making it the only US state to be partly located in the eastern hemisphere.

A large seafood pizza displayed on a wooden board. The tomato and cheese pizza is topped with squid, muscles and other shellfish.

Foodie facts...

11. The most ordered meal on Deliveroo, a leading takeout app, in 2019 was a Hawaiian dish of raw fish. 

Of all the restaurants served by the app, which operates in over 200 cities around the world, the most ordered meal was the Poké Signature Super Protéiné – a Hawaiian dish with raw fish as the core ingredient – from restaurant Pokawa in the city of Paris . Less exotic, a humble cheeseburger from the London branch of chain restaurant Five Guys was the second most ordered dish on the app.

12. Russia only classified beer as an alcoholic drink in 2011

Remarkably before then any drink with less than 10% alcohol was considered a ‘foodstuff’.

13. Pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same meal before a flight.

As part of standard convention, pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same food before a flight in case of food poisoning (or worse). If one of the pilots is incapacitated (unable to leave the bathroom) then the other pilot can take over.

14. Banana is a popular pizza topping in Sweden.

Often paired with curry powder believe it or not.

15. Instant noodles topped a Japanese poll of the country’s greatest inventions of the 20th century.

In the poll, conducted in the year 2000 by Fuji Research Institute, respondents placed instant noodles at the top of the list, followed by karaoke in second place. Incidentally karaoke translates from Japanese into English as ‘empty orchestra’.

The Eiffel Tower as viewed from across the Seine and framed neatly by two leafy trees in autumn colours

Lesser-known aspects of famous landmarks...

16. Despite what people say, the Great Wall of China is not visible from space.

Even from low Earth orbit the structure requires magnification to be seen by the human eye.

17. The Eiffel Tower was initially greatly disliked by the Parisian art community upon opening.

The iconic tower was labelled as ‘monstrous’ and ‘ridiculous’ after it was unveiled to the world. It’s even claimed that contemporary writer Guy de Maupassant disliked the structure so much that he ate lunch in the tower every day because it was the only place in Paris where the landmark was not visible. 

18. The scenic Great Ocean Road, that sweeps along the coast of Victoria, Australia, is actually a war memorial.

Built by soldiers and dedicated to those who lost their lives in WWI, the road serves as the largest war memorial in the world.

19. Sudan has more ancient pyramids than Egypt.

Sources vary, but Sudan is claimed to be home to around 250 pyramid structures, that were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdoms between 2500BC to 300AD. Egypt is thought to have just over 100 pyramids. 

20. The minarets of the Taj Mahal lean outwards slightly.

This was done deliberately to ensure that if the structure collapsed the minarets would fall away from the central tomb, and not destroy it. It’s also true that a team of 20,000 artisans and craftsmen built the iconic structure, but the popular story about them all being amputated by Shah Jahan, the ruler who commissioned it, upon completion (so they’d never build anything as beautiful), is most likely a myth.

An actress dressed as Mary Poppins smiles at a young child as she leads a line of children in song and dance in front of Cinderella's castle during Disney's 60th Diamond Celebration at Disneyland California.

Everything else...

21. There are currently 320,000 people learning ‘Klingon’ (the fictional language featured in television show Star Trek ) on language app Duolingo.

English is the most popular language on the app, with 34 million people undertaking lessons since the beginning of 2020. 

22. On the island of Yap, a state of Micronesia, rocks are used as currency.

Each rock’s worth is based on its size and its history (where it came from). Though US dollars have now started to be used for everyday purchases on the island, rocks are still used for ceremonial transactions (during weddings, for example). Yap also uses turmeric, shells and cloth as official currency.

23. If it was as densely populated as New York City, the entire world's population could fit into the US state of Texas.

We wouldn’t have all that much room, but, with the rest of the planet uninhabited, there’d be plenty of places to go to escape the crowds.

24. You’re never more than 30 steps away from a trash can in Disneyland.

The story goes that Walt Disney used to observe visitors in the park and see how many steps they took before littering, as a result a litter bin is never more than 30 steps away in any Disney park. Another of Walt’s lesser-known Disneyland additions was the creation of a secret bar hidden inside the – then otherwise 'dry' – park, which he used to entertain personal guests and sponsors. The speakeasy-style venue, located behind a large door in the New Orleans Square section of the park, now runs as a private members club with an annual membership fee of $10,000. 

25. You don't need to wait an hour after eating before you can swim safely.

Despite what your mother always told you, there is no medical data that suggests you can’t swim on a full stomach. It can, however, feel uncomfortable, and potentially lead to a feeling of nausea, so it’s best to take a short pause after polishing off your sandwich before you go crashing into the surf.

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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to International Travel

Taj Mahal in Agra India

So you’ve decided to travel internationally, have you? Traveling to another country is something I wish for everyone to experience at least once in a lifetime.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the privilege to do so. But for those of us with passports that allow us such opportunity, it’d be a shame to never explore an international destination in our great, big, beautiful world !

It might seem a bit scary to take your first international trip, but I promise it’s not that bad. To help you, I’ve put together this thorough guide on everything you need to know in order to have a successful international trip ! Let’s get straight to it.

Before You Depart for Your Trip

There’s quite a bit to get ready before your international trip. But, don’t worry. It’s all doable, and it’ll all be worth it!

Eiffel Tower in Paris during sunset

Apply for a Passport

First things first. In order to travel internationally, you’ll need to have a valid, unexpired passport . On top of that, many countries require you to also have at least three or even six months validity left on your passport from your date of travel. So, if you don’t have a valid, unexpired passport or your passport is expiring in three to six months, it’s time to get a new passport before your trip. This process can take a couple months! So plan ahead, and submit your passport request early to save yourself stress and/or expediting fees closer to your departure date.

If this is your very first passport, your last passport was from when you were under 16 years old, your previous passport was lost, stolen, or damaged, or your last passport was from 15 or more years ago, you will need to apply for your passport in person. Here are the official steps for the new passport process .

If the above doesn’t apply to you, you simply have to renew your passport. You can do this via mail. Here are the official steps for the renewal process .

Choose Your International Destination

Yipee! Now that you’ve either already got your passport or have applied for a new one, you can choose your international travel destination. This is largely based on your own interests. But as this is your first trip internationally, keep in mind things like language, similarity in culture to back home, and ease of travel-related infrastructures (like trains or buses).

Apply for Any Visa(s)

Once you have chosen your destination(s), check whether you need visas or not . A visa is basically permission from a foreign government for you to be in their country. Some countries may grant you a free visa upon arrival with a simple stamp on your passport. Some countries simply require you to fill out a form online and pay a small fee before you can board your flight. And some countries require expensive visas which you must apply for months in advance. It all depends on that country you are visiting, your passport country, and how long you plan to stay. I love using Travisa ‘s free search tool to quickly and easily check what requirements exist for me before I book a flight. 

Get Any Necessary Vaccines

Before confirming your destination, you should check if any vaccines are necessary for that place. Some vaccines are simply recommended for your own health, while others are requirements before you will be allowed into the country , or even allowed into other countries afterwards (like yellow fever). The CDC website is an easy way to check this. Some vaccines, like yellow fever, are low in supply and hard to get last minute. Others, like malaria pills, require a doctor’s prescription. So don’t leave this step until the last minute !

Check Travel Restrictions

Lastly, make sure there are no travel restrictions or decision-altering political tensions for your destination. Do this by checking the Travel Department site . Simply type in your destination country’s name into the search bar on the left hand side of the screen. 

Preparing Your Finances

Now that your passport is on its way and you’ve settled on your international travel destination(s), it’s time to start thinking about finances.

Senso-ji temple in Tokyo, Japan

Some destinations are very credit card friendly. Others operate on only cash and debit cards. And some don’t even have ATM machines! So you’ll need to do a bit of planning before departure to make sure you’re not stressing during your trip, and to save yourself transaction fees.

Get a No Fees Credit Card

Most banks charge a 3% fee every time you use your credit card to pay for a foreign transaction. As you can imagine, this adds up to a lot over the course of even a one week international trip. The good news is, many banks offer credit cards without foreign transaction fees . Do a quick internet search to see if your bank offers such a card. 

Get a No Fees Debit Card

Most banks charge a 3% fee and $5 each time you withdraw foreign currency from an ATM. Especially if you are traveling to a mostly-cash destination, this is a surefire way to rack up unnecessary travel costs. To avoid this, consider opening a free brokerage account with Charles Schwab to also receive their debit card with zero transaction fees . I first heard about this card when moving to London to study abroad, and I have to say it’s served me well. 

Get Foreign Currency Beforehand

Sometimes, but not often, it’s necessary to have cash in your destination’s currency either before you depart home or right when landing . This might be because your destination does not have ATMs, or because you just want to feel prepared.

If you need foreign cash before leaving home, head to your local bank and exchange currencies. (Just FYI, you’ll get a bad conversion rate doing this, since the bank needs to make commission.) If the currency you need isn’t a common one, your bank won’t have it on hand. In that case, you’ll have to request the exchange online with your bank. 

Many countries that don’t have ATMs also don’t allow their currency to be taken outside their country (like Cuba). In this case, you’ll need to bring enough cash with you in a common currency (like USD, GBP, or Euro). Then, when you arrive at your destination’s airport, you can exchange your cash from home for the local currency.

Sign Up for Airline Rewards Programs

You might already know this if you fly domestically, but most airlines have rewards programs. These allow you to accumulate “miles” in your rewards account each time you fly. Eventually, you might rack up enough to redeem those miles in exchange for a flight !

Consider Travel Hacking

Now, some people use airlines rewards programs and racking up miles on steroids, and this is called travel hacking. Many airlines and banks offer huge amounts of miles when you sign up for a card, or offer miles every time you use that card for a purchase. This allows you to rack up enough miles for a free flight or hotel stay more quickly (or sometimes immediately!). I personally have no energy for travel hacking, as I’m not convinced the miles rewards are worth more in dollars than my current card’s cash reward system. But I would be amiss to not mention travel hacking in a guide to international travel.

Planning Your International Trip

Phew! Now that you’ve got all the annoying administrative work out of the way, it’s time for the fun stuff; planning your trip .

Abu Dhabi beach

I have a whole ten-step guide to planning a trip , so I won’t go into too much detail here. But this can be broken down into planning out your travel itinerary, booking your flight, and booking your accommodation.

Create Your Dream Itinerary

Decide everything you want to see in that destination. I love using Pinterest , Instagram , and travel blogs for inspiration. This is my favorite part of planning a trip , because it gets me so excited about what’s to come! Then, figure out how many days each spot deserves if you are moving around, and figure out how to get from point A to point B (train, cab, ferry?). 

Book Your Flight

After you’ve decided how many days you need, you can decide what your travel dates are and start looking for a flight. You can sometimes find good deals really close to the date, but that isn’t guaranteed. I recommend not leaving this until the last minute! I go into more detail how I search for cheap flights in my trip planning guide .

Book Your Housing

Once you have your flight booked, all that’s left is your housing. I love using because of its interface, but any hotel search engine will suffice. Also consider AirBnB if you like the idea of staying in a local apartment, or Hostelworld if you’re looking for a social (and often budget-friendly) option. I go into more detail on different types of travel accommodation in my trip planning guide .

Here are some discounts if it’s your first time using AirBnB or

  • Save 15% off your first booking by using this link  to sign up for AirBnB for the first time.
  • Get  10% back  from your first booking when you use this link  for your first time using

Preparing for Departure

Woohoo! You’ve got your passport, your trip is planned, and all that’s left is to depart. There are a couple things you should do to best prepare for your upcoming international trip.

Camel caravan walking over Sahara Desert sand dunes in Morocco

Scan the Front Page of Your Passport

Before leaving home, make a copy of the front page of your passport (the page with your picture). Either print it out or send it to yourself via email. In case your passport gets lost, stolen, or damaged during your international trip, this makes it easier to have your passport replaced abroad at an embassy.

Expect Cultural Differences

Every country or region has its own culture and norms, and that’s what makes traveling so great. In some places, like the US, it’s common to greet strangers “hello,” or for shop associates and waiters to be extra doting. In other places, like much of Europe, the slower cafe and restaurant culture means your waiter might not come to you unless beckoned. It’s almost seen as if the waiter is rushing you! Similarly, in Japan, it’s offensive to tip waiters, as it suggests their only incentive to do their job well is receiving your pocket change. No culture is right or wrong, but keep an open mind as you travel, and don’t assume something means the same as it does back home .

Prepare for Language Barriers

Many popular travel destinations have adopted English as a common language due to how many international tourists they receive. So, if you know English, chances are you’ll be fine getting around many travel destinations around the world. But it still doesn’t hurt to learn some basic words in your destination’s language .

Saying “hello” or “thank you” in a person’s mother tongue can go a long way in warming them up towards you. Learning common menu items or words on train station signs will also likely make your life easier and give you more confidence abroad. I love using the free version of Duolingo’s mobile app ( iOS and Android ) for a few weeks before I head somewhere new to learn a language’s basics. Alternatively, you could simply head to Google translate and jot down key words on a small piece of paper before you depart. Then, keep this paper handy while you’re out exploring for easy access.

What to Expect on an International Flight

Even if you’ve flown domestically before, flying internationally can be a whole different experience . Here are my top tips for flying internationally.

Stonehenge, England, United Kingdom

What to Pack in Your Carry On

Packing carry on luggage for an international trip is similar in many ways to for a domestic trip. The same rules apply with regards to liquid sizes and electronics. However, as international flights tend to naturally be longer than domestic flights, there are a few extra considerations.

Make sure you are comfortable. Bring your own favorite headphones instead of using the uncomfortable free or for sale ones on board the flight. Also bring an eye mask (and a neck pillow if you need that) so that you can try to sleep a bit. You’ll also want to pack clothing items like one pair of pajamas and one or two proper outfits, in case your luggage is lost or delayed . It would be super inconvenient to buy these things right after you land in a foreign country!

Common Flight Etiquette

No one likes flying. So to make it easier on everyone, here are some best practices for being polite while in the airport and on the plane.

  • While in the airport, don’t stand up and crowd around the gate way before your boarding group is called. Everyone will get their chance to board.
  • Once on the plane, the middle seat person gets dibs on the inner arm rests .
  • Right after the plane lands, don’t rush to pull your luggage from the overhead before the plane doors have even opened (especially if you’re in the back of the plane!). If you’re in a rush to catch a connection you think you might miss, ask the flight attendants before landing if they can help you get off first. Sometimes they’ll make an announcement that everyone should stay seated until those about to miss a connection exit first!

Staying Healthy While Flying

The last thing you want is to get off your flight and feel unwell the first days of your epic trip! Here are precautions you should take to ensure you land in tip-top shape.

  • Stay hydrated . Airplane air has less humidity (only about 10 – 20%!), so make sure you are drinking enough water, especially on long haul flights. I always bring a large, refillable water bottle when I fly. I fill it up at an airport water fountain right after passing security and finish it all before boarding. Then, I refill it again to have a full supply while on board. This is important not only for headaches and such, but also to prevent skin breakouts in the days after landing.
  • Keep the blood flowing . Not only are you not moving for hours upon hours when flying internationally, but your feet are flat on the floor the entire time, too. This isn’t great for blood circulation, and can cause swelling in your ankles and feet the days after your land. (It’s also just not good for your health to not move!) So, make it a point to get up and walk around the plane. Since you’ll be drinking a lot of water anyways, maybe walk up and down the aisles for some minutes each time you finish using the toilets. Do some stretches , like pulling your feet up to your booty one at a time and holding, or lifting each knee up and holding. If you have a layover with enough time, walk around the terminal for some time before boarding your second flight.
  • Stay clean . Even pre-Covid-19, planes and airports have never been the cleanest places to be. Wash your hands frequently with soap, use hand sanitizer , and consider disinfecting your food tray, screen, and arm rests right after getting on board. Make sure not to touch or pick your face too much, especially since it’s already dealing with the dehydrating air!

Flying with Dietary Restrictions

Airplane food is pretty much never great, especially if you aren’t flying first class. But if you’re on a particular diet or have dietary restrictions, you’ll need to plan ahead of time. Consider packing some of your favorite nutritious snacks instead of relying on the salty pretzels you can expect on board. If you have a specific need, like vegan meals, call the airline 24 hours before your flight to put in your request for a special meal . You might also want to double-check the meal request before take off at the gate.

Staying Safe While Traveling Internationally

While the world isn’t the big, bad, scary place we’re often made to believe, that doesn’t mean travel is free of risks.

Taj Mahal in Agra India during sunrise

A lot of the safety precautions and considerations you should take while traveling abroad are similar to those you take at home. But a few aren’t. Here are my main safety tips for international travel.

Solo Travel

By its very nature, traveling alone is more risky than traveling with a companion. Is it significantly more risky? I think not. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t take any extra precautions when traveling alone.

One precaution I take is to always let someone know where I am . If I have a full itinerary planned, I send my mom a summary of each city and accommodation I plan to stay at. If I’m doing something like a hike without any new friends I’ve met, I’ll let the front desk know my plans before I head out. I also try to be confident . Even if I don’t know where I’m going, I try to look like I do! If I need to look directions up on my phone, I might do it before leaving the hotel or shop or restaurant.

Another thing to remember is that traveling solo is not traveling alone . Especially if staying in hostels, you’ll meet other people traveling solo like you are, and you can do activities with them.

Solo Female Travel

Something my loved ones tell me often is how it’s so unsafe to travel alone as a woman. But the truth is, is it perfectly safe to be a woman anywhere in the world? Even when I’m in in the comfort of my home country, I rush to my car when in public garages at night, receive uncomfortable comments from strangers on the street, and face the potential of sexual harassment or even assault. Sexism exists everywhere, not just abroad. Of course, I do take extra precautions as a solo female traveler compared to a male solo traveler. But I also take extra precautions as a female in my home country, too.

These are some of the precautions I take while traveling as a woman, in addition to the precautions I take for traveling solo in general:

  • I never walk alone past dark . Ever, ever. Even if I “feel” safe in a place (which is most of the time), it’s just something I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t do.
  • I try to dress conservatively in certain destinations. Especially as a Californian, I’m used to super short shorts and low-cut shirts being totally normal. While these are still often acceptable abroad, they definitely cause a lot of stares that I personally have decided I’d rather avoid if I can. So, I’ll wear looser, longer shorts instead of tight short-shorts, or midi skirts and dresses instead of what I consider normal length. This isn’t so much because I feel unsafe, but because I’ve realized it decreases bothersome male comments and advances immensely.
  • I haven’t actually done this yet, but it’s a trick I have in my back pocket. Bring a fake wedding ring . Depending on the destination, this can help ward off some comments (and even playful marriage proposals!).

Traveling as a Person of Color

Similar to the solar female travel issue, a lot of my family fear that I’ll stand out like a sore thumb as a black woman. Also similar to the solo female travel issue, racism is simply something that exists everywhere, not just abroad . Of course, I do take extra precautions as a black solo traveler compared to a white solo traveler. But I also take extra precautions as a black person in my home country, too.

The main extra consideration I take while traveling as a person of color is to research the experiences of other black people or black women in destinations I know less about , or that I know have few black people or tourists. I recommend you do the same for whatever race or ethnicity you might identify with, as destinations might be used to one group but not a different group. This, of course, can be difficult, as the voices in the travel sphere are mostly white men, and next white women. (This is why it’s important to have better representation.) If you can’t find the insight you need online, consider directly emailing or messaging any travel writers or influences whose experiences you’d like to hear.

Traveling with Cash and Valuables

Like you would in certain areas of your home country, don’t flash valuables while traveling. Be cognizant as you withdraw or exchange any cash . Being a tourist can make you a target already, so don’t give pickpockets any extra incentive!

Be careful not to carry all your cash and cards in one place. If you can, take some with you as you explore, and then leave back up cards, unneeded cash, and your passport back in a safe in your accommodation . That way, if anything gets stolen or lost while out exploring, you have back ups to hold you over.

Bring Locks for Hostels

If you are planning on staying in hostels, definitely purchase a lock before your trip. Hostels usually have lockers, but charge a couple bucks to rent a lock. It’s much more economical to purchase once and not pay each time.

Register with Your Country’s Embassy

This is a step I never usually did before, but one I’ll be doing every time in the future! I was “one of those” people who got stranded abroad in a foreign country when the world started closing borders in response to Covid-19. I always thought registering with the local embassy for my country was a waste of time, but this turned out to be the best way to get up-to-date information on the situation. After missing out on crucial info once, I signed up. And it’s thanks to that I was able to eventually get home!

You never know what could happen when you are abroad, whether that is a pandemic, weather-related disaster, local protests, or political tensions. It’s near-impossible to keep up with your foreign destination’s news while traveling. So registering with your embassy is an easy way to get a simple email for key things you should know . For Americans, this program to register is called the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) , but other countries have pretty much the same thing.

Get Travel Insurance

I’m not sure I believe “everyone” should “always” get travel insurance. But for a first trip abroad, it’s worth considering. I typically never purchased it when I traveled places I knew well. But these days, as I’m no longer on my parents’ good insurance, and as I travel mostly solo, I do purchase travel insurance. It often only costs a couple dollars a day , and usually covers lost baggage, medical visits for accidents or illnesses, theft, and more. Especially if you are planning adrenaline activities or traveling somewhere distant, you should consider it! 

What Do You Think About My International Travel Guide?

And there ya have it, folks! Are you feeling prepared for your international trip! I hope this guide was helpful. If you still have more questions before your trip abroad, definitely comment below and I’ll answer. Or, if you have any advice you think I missed that others should know, please also comment below!

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International travel plans soon? This detailed, beginner's international travel guide will take you from A to Z. From getting a passport, avoiding foreign transaction fees, planning an itinerary, to solo female travel safety tips, carry on packing and more! Travel tips. Flight tips. Long flight tips.

Further Reading...

Hostel bunk beds in a room

The Beginner’s Guide to Staying in Hostels

RyanAir airplane

Complete Guide to Flying RyanAir (& Not Getting Ripped-Off)

Camel caravan walking over Sahara Desert sand dunes in Morocco

20 Trips to Take in Your 20s

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33 Helpful Tips For Traveling Internationally the First Time

Traveling abroad for the first time and not sure what you need.

I’m a European travel expert, and over the past decade, I’ve traveled internationally a ton. Meaning, I’ve figured out how to travel well, and I’ve made plenty of mistakes, too! In this blog post, I’ll provide some international travel tips and advice for first-time travelers to help make their journey smoother and more enjoyable. From packing essentials to cultural etiquette, I’ll cover everything you need to know to have a successful and memorable international adventure.

Traveling internationally for the first time is an exciting yet daunting experience. It’s a chance to explore new cultures, taste new cuisines, and create lasting and life-changing memories. However, it can also be overwhelming to navigate unfamiliar customs, languages, and currencies. I took my first international trip in 2014, and it was an unforgettable experience. But I did it all wrong. Between 5 countries, countless cities, and way too many currency changes, I messed up plenty. Long story short, having the advice below as a first time international traveler could’ve helped my trip run so much smoother and be even more fantastic than it was.

did you travel abroad

Planning a Trip Soon? Use My Favorite Resources Below!

Booking a Flight : Use Skyscanner to find the best prices! Accommodations : I love ! Travel Insurance : SafetyWing Is the best in the industry! Things to Do: Use Viator for amazing experiences ! Car Rental: In Europe, I recommend DiscoverCars

Passports, reading material, and wine! The perfect start to a trip.

Logistics & International Travel Tips For Planning Your First Time Abroad

The logistics of travel documents and planning can be one of the most daunting parts of adventuring internationally for the first time. Here’s what you need to know:

✔️ 1. Get Your Passport in Order!

First, get a valid passport. And then… Understand that some countries require your passport to be valid for 6 months AFTER your return date , or you will not be permitted to board your international flight. Even if you’re returning on March 6th and your passport expires on March 26th…it’s a no-go. Don’t even try. Seriously…my friend and I were at the airport, ready to head to Barcelona, and were denied boarding because her passport expired earlier than 6 months after our return. (Hi, Jen! Still love you, though!). Don’t let that happen to you. It is a HUGE disappointment (And annoyance as you’re unpacking).

✔️ 2.Make Copies Of Your Passport + Other Important Documents!

Have physical AND electronic copies of your passport. The last thing you want is to be stranded with no passport in a foreign country. Thankfully, extra copies of your passport can help prevent delays and will be helpful in getting a temporary passage from an embassy. You’ll also want to have copies of any other important documents. I generally store these in my luggage and in my carry-on. Just in case I get separated from my checked baggage.

✔️ 3. Register Your Trip With the International State Department (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program)

Register your trip locations and dates with The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. This will notify appropriate United States embassies and consulates that you are traveling abroad. It can be exceptionally useful in a few events: ⭐ If there is an emergency or catastrophe, the embassy will know to look for you in that country and can easily assist you. ⭐ If you happen to lose a passport or need other assistance, they will already see the record of your trip. You can register with the International State Department here .

✔️ 4. Plan Your First Time Traveling Internationally, But Don’t Overplan It

Have a fantastic itinerary for your first trip abroad, but don’t schedule yourself down to every last minute. It can be tempting to pack your days full of amazing things to do, but you want to leave some time to explore on your own. You’re apt to walk past a store you’re dying to check out or see a cute bakery that makes your mouth water. If you have a jam-packed itinerary, you won’t be able to stop and smell the roses or wander around.

✔️ 5. Print Confirmation Paperwork

Have hard copies with you for all of your major bookings: flights, hotels, trains, tours, car rentals, etc. In the era of wifi and cell phones, many people rely on email confirmations in the event of confusion. However, it is pretty much guaranteed (Newton’s law or something like that, right?) that the moment you need access to your email, wifi and phone service won’t be working for you. Plus, you don’t want to have to sift through confirmations while you’re dealing with a frustrated gate agent. Have a folder with printed confirmations, and whip that baby out in the event of an issue.

The clouds and a sunrise over the Netherlands from inside a plane.

✔️ 6. Purchase Travel Insurance

Purchasing travel insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself from losing out on a ton of money. Most first-time travelers don’t realize just how much travel insurance does. It covers you in the event of most cancellations, weather delays, lost luggage, health emergencies, and many other nuanced situations that can delay or ruin your international trip. I only ever purchase travel insurance through SafetyWing. Their flexible policies and customer service have always made the process easy and reliable.

Tips: What to Pack

Pretty much everyone I know (including myself) has either under-packed or severely over-packed the first time they were traveling internationally. This is how to do it the right way!

✔️ 7. Consult a Packing List

An international travel tip you can’t afford to skip: Research what you need to take with you ahead of time! You do not want to take your first trip abroad and forget something absolutely vital that you had no idea you needed. Like, seriously, who knew you needed a power adapter just to plug in your straightener or phone charger? Yep, you do! Don’t get caught without the tools you need to make your first trip abroad a success. Similarly, a travel passport wallet is one of the top travel items I recommend everyone have on hand.

✈️ Need a full packing list for your first international trip? Here’s everything you need to take with you!

✔️ 8. Spend The Money on Good Luggage

Save yourself the trouble. Buy good luggage! There is (almost) nothing worse than traipsing around a foreign country with broken luggage. You know- walking to your hotel, dragging (or carrying) all of that stuff you just had to have with you on your trip.

Pro Travel Tip: You want luggage that rolls all ways and is reliable. I personally love this soft-sided set , but if you prefer a hard-sided suitcase, this Samsonite one is also a great choice!

A woman packing her suitcase for a trip.

✔️ 9. Mark Your Luggage Visibly

Buy something to mark your luggage with! Because basically everyone in the world travels with black luggage. Have you ever seen a packed baggage carousel? In the massive sea of black bags, you know what stands out? Bright colors. Flashy tags. I generally go for my personal favorite… Pomchies! Little pom poms that snap right onto your luggage handle. I can’t make myself buy anything but black (sorry not sorry!), but, if you’re really into being visible, you can always purchase a colored suitcase, too!

✔️ 10. Don’t Overpack

Do not cram your suitcase full on your way to your destination. This will prevent you from being able to purchase souvenirs or other items you decide you want to bring back. Trust me, I have had to pay $150 to check a suitcase full of extra things (granted, it was planned). Leave room in your suitcase; you need less than you think you do.

✔️ 11. You Need to be Able to Carry Your Luggage

An often overlooked travel tip: You WILL need to walk with your luggage at some point during your travels. Therefore, you don’t want anything more than a backpack (personal item) and a suitcase. If you can’t walk through a street to your hotel with it in one trip, you should not pack it. You will feel like a pack mule and regret it.

⭐ The first time I took her abroad, my mom brought a TON of stuff. Like…multiple small bottles of bath bubbles (because we had time for that 😂) and could not get across the s treets of Amsterdam without help. She was frustrated, and so were we (Hi, Mom!). Don’t be that person.

My husband and I standing in front of Trinity College during a rainy day in Dublin, Ireland.

✔️ 12. Bring a Bag to Carry During the Day

Having a crossbody bag or other small bag for daily explorations is one of my top tips for traveling internationally for the first time. Your backpack or personal item from the plane is too big to carry around cities during the day. Plus, many places, for example, churches or historical sites like the Anne Frank House , will not let you take large bags inside with you. A crossbody bag or a belt bag is a perfect option because it is secure and compact, yet large enough to carry a few must-have items with you like money, chapstick, or sunglasses.

✔️ 13. Invest in Great Shoes

You cannot travel abroad as a first-time international traveler without comfortable walking shoes. When traveling, you’ll walk so much more than usual-especially if you are traveling to larger cities like Paris, Krakow, or Edinburgh . Buying comfortable shoes guarantees that you’ll be able to have an enjoyable trip. The alternative is getting blisters, being uncomfortable, and, depending on how badly your feet hurt, being unable to walk around the next few days.

✔️ 14. Know What Will Make Your Long-Haul Flight More Comfortable

There are international travel tips that you can use to make that long flight a bit more bearable. Plan ahead and figure out what YOU would like to bring. This can vary for just about everyone. I personally always have with me things to do ( a book , my airpods, etc.), chargers, snacks, water, toiletries, a change of clothes, a face mask for moisturizing, and fuzzy socks so that I can take off my shoes but not touch the nasty airplane floor -ew . Whatever will make you comfortable- bring it along!

A photo of some important items to take on an international trip like a passport, phone, and sneakers.

All Things Money, Cards & Currency

It often goes unnoticed that one of the largest things to plan for when you’re traveling internationally for the first time is how you’ll access money and how you’ll get local currency. Luckily, I’ve perfected this process for you step-by-step!

✔️ 15. Don’t Exchange Money Ahead of Time

Wait a beat and exchange your currency locally once you arrive at your destination. Exchanging ahead of time in the United States will not get you the best bang for your buck. Plus, you don’t want to carry around a ton of extra cash during your flight or lengthy travel. Talk about an easy way to lose your money…yikes!

Tip: I generally do exchange money at the airport just so that I have local currency right away. However, you’ll find the best exchange rates at local banks.

✔️ 16. But…Carry Cash

You need to have cash in the local currency. Pre-Covid, cash was king in many countries- especially in Europe. Although countries are moving towards being cashless now more than ever, there are still many times you’ll need cold hard dinero. Smaller cafes and restaurants, local artisans, and street food vendors are just a few of the places you DEFINITELY want to visit that likely won’t accept card or touchless pay. Trust me, missing out on an experience you really want just because you don’t have cash is THE WORST.

⭐ Europe Tip: You’ll want to carry cash AND coins as most countries in Europe only have paid public toilets ! Take it from someone who has been there…you don’t want to be wandering around Paris trying to find a bathroom at the last minute just to find out you need a Euro and you don’t have one. It is awful. And embarrassing.

✔️ 17. Bring a Credit Card (With No Foreign Transaction Fees)

Bring a credit card along with you on your trip- preferably one that has no foreign transaction fees. Although you can use cash, you will also frequently need to use a card too in order to avoid stopping by ATMs constantly. Taking out cash charges a transaction fee, whereas a credit card with no foreign transaction fees will be free to use. Just be sure to choose the local currency at checkout in order to get the best conversion.

✔️ 18. And Bring an Extra Credit Card, Too!

Stash an extra credit card in your suitcase or in your hotel safe. That way, if the notorious European pickpockets get you, or you lose your wallet, you won’t be completely out of luck. You’ll still have an extra card stowed away for an emergency!

✔️ 19. Notify Credit Card Company That You’re Traveling

Let your credit card company know where you are traveling and when. Depending on your bank and the type of card you have, you might be told to skip this step. But, I HIGHLY recommend you do it anyway. I once forgot to tell my credit card company that I was traveling, and they shut off BOTH of the credit cards I had with me. I was stuck in Amsterdam without access to money. I had to three-way call my parents and my bank to get it fixed- a nightmare you don’t want to add to your first international trip. Save yourself the headache and call!

A bridge across the canals in Amsterdam.

Technology Tips to Use Before Your First International Trip

Things like apps and how you’ll use technology abroad are important pieces to consider prior to your travels. They can both make traveling significantly easier and more convenient!

✔️ 20. Plan For Your Phone

Decide whether or not you need an international phone plan. Most carriers offer daily rates for unlimited data and calls internationally. For instance, the AT&T plan that I use charges me $10/day for international access. Verizon offers a similar option. You can simply call your phone carrier and ask them what their options are and put this plan on your device.

Tip: If you have an iPhone, you may decide you do not need a phone plan. You’ll be able to utilize wifi at public places, hotels, and other locations in order to access apps, iMessage, Facetime, or communicate via WhatsApp. However, you won’t be able to text or call.

✔️ 21. Check the Weather. Then Check it Again.

You need to keep tabs on the weather in the country you’re traveling to…and you need to pack for it. Download your favorite weather app and check a few weeks or months in advance just to get an idea of what you might need to start purchasing. Then, check a week or two in advance as you start setting things aside to pack. Finally, double-check the weather the week of your trip as you’re packing. This will tell you what types of clothing to pack and whether you need any additional items like heavy boots or a particularly weather-durable jacket.

✔️ 22. Know a Few Phrases

Learn some key words and phrases in the native language prior to your first international trip. Being able to use common courtesy in a foreign country will go a long way toward making traveling internationally for the first time so much easier. People all over the world genuinely appreciate when you attempt to say hello, goodbye, please, thank you, and good morning in their native language. In addition, you do not want to get caught in a situation where you need a bathroom badly and cannot find one. Always know how to ask for a restroom. You don’t have to be an expert! Just try to learn a few phrases.

✔️ 23. Use Google Translate

Don’t be afraid to utilize tools like Google Translate to help you out! If you grab the app ahead of time, you can download specific languages so that they can be used offline. Meaning, whether you have an international phone plan or wifi at the time or not, you’ll still always have access to the translations. While many countries speak English in tourist areas, this can be useful if you come across a language barrier!

✔️ 24. Download Offline Maps Ahead of Time

It’s a great idea to download city maps from Google Maps ahead of time so that you can use them offline as well. This will prevent you from getting into a situation where you are unsure of directions or where to go and have no way of finding your way around. Regardless of service, you’ll be able to search locations and instructions for travel. This article has easy directions on how to download these offline maps.

did you travel abroad

You’ve Made It! On-Trip Tips

Finally, some of my tried-and-true tips for how to maximize your time abroad in the best ways.

✔️ 25. Try Local Grocery Stores

When you’re traveling abroad for the first time, you want to try all the foods, right? Look, it sounds a little out there, but this is like my FAVORITE tip for traveling internationally ever (can you tell I love food?). Each country you travel to likely has its own chain of local grocery stores. In the United Kingdom, you’ll find Tesco. In the Netherlands, Albert Heijn. In Poland, Biedronka. In France, Monoprix. These local grocery stores are THE BEST PLACES to grab food and try it . It’ll be a wild guessing game of trying to decipher packaging based on photos and words you know, but it’ll be an experience for sure!

⭐ Pro Tip: Get water bottles each day at the grocery stores. It’s so much cheaper than buying water elsewhere, it’ll help you stay hydrated, and you’ll have something to sip on back at your hotel!

✔️ 26. Public Transportation is Better

In most of the larger international cities (and, really, even smaller ones), public transportation is a godsend. In the United States, we are so used to shunning public transport. It’s inefficient, it’s often dirty, and it is not cost-effective for the most part. Internationally, this couldn’t be more false. You WANT to take public transportation while you’re traveling abroad for the first time. Particularly in Europe, the network of trains, buses, trams , and other types of travel are so intricate and efficient that it saves an incredible amount of time. You’ll also get a legitimate local feel if you take public transport. You might get on the wrong train, head in the wrong direction, or feel like you stand out from the crowd. But, again, you’ll remember the experience forever.

😂 Embarrassing Story Time: One time, I tried to get off of a tram in Amsterdam at the last minute, tripped over my suitcase, and fell flat on my face in front of a bunch of local Dutch people. I felt like an idiot (my husband never lets me live it down- even still), but everyone was so sweet and helpful. Hey, it happens to the best of us. Don’t be afraid to try public transport! What’s the worst that could happen!?

✔️ 27. Don’t Block Lanes

Watch out for European traffic lanes (Ex: the fietspad- bike lane- in the Netherlands ) because you will get run over. In the U.S., we don’t really have alternate traffic lanes other than our traditional car ones. At least, they’re not extraordinarily frequent. In Europe and other places, this couldn’t be less true. In the Netherlands, for example, you’ll often have lanes for cars, lanes for bikes, and walking paths, too! It is so easy to find yourself in the middle of these lanes without even knowing it. Pay attention! And, for the love of God, stay out of the fietspad 🙃

✔️ 28. Look For the Locals

Locals know what they’re doing- follow them. If a restaurant or store is empty aside from people with tour stickers and souvenir bags- avoid it! Locals know where the hidden gems are. Keep an eye out for populated cafes, bars with relaxed locals, and stores that are not tacky chains. You’ll have a better overall experience trying out what is really awesome in a given country vs. what the internet and tourists say is awesome.

Trying pretzels and beer at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, Germany.

✔️ 29. Eat Off the Beaten Path

DO NOT eat anywhere within a few hundred feet of a large monument, attraction, or historical site. You will never- I repeat, never – find great food in these tourist areas. Walk away from the Eiffel Tower, the Rialto Bridge, the Grand Place. Find restaurants down a side street and enjoy some of the best foods of your entire life.

✔️ 30. More People Will Speak English Than You Think

A significant number of the people you come across during your international travels will likely speak English , so you do not need to expend energy worrying that you’ll never be able to communicate with anyone. The first time I traveled abroad, we had a stop in Poland, which was much less of a popular tourist destination at the time. I was so concerned that we’d be stuck in Krakow for a few days , trying desperately to translate Polish. Well, guess what…pretty much everyone in Krakow spoke English just fine. No sweat.

Getting Into a Traveling Mindset

Traveling well is not as easy as just hopping on a plane and doing the damn thing. You also have to prepare yourself for the journey. You have to get into the correct traveling mindset.

✔️ 31. Get Ready to Be Outside Your Comfort Zone

At some point in your trip, you will be uncomfortable. Rules of the game, my friend. Recognize that you did not travel across the world to experience the very same things you could easily have experienced at home. Travel intentionally pushes you out of that little zone where you feel safe. Learn from it and embrace it! Be intrigued by what lies past those boundaries you’ve set for yourself.

✔️ 32. Don’t Take Things Personally

The customs of other countries are NOT the same as the customs in ours. You’ve likely heard, for example, that Germans or French people can be curt and unkind. The reality is that the German language sounds rougher than it is in general , and French people have just gotten a bad rap likely due to a disdain for small talk. What’s rude in your country may not be considered rude in another. Try not to take anything personally. Unless you’re being raucous, obscene, and massively inconsiderate, I promise, it’s not about you.

Picking up sand on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France.

✔️ 33. Be Flexible

Things will go wrong the first time you’re traveling internationally . It’s like an unwritten rule, and it just be like that sometimes. It is incredibly easy to allow these setbacks, route changes, or inconveniences to impact your entire mindset, and, therefore, your entire trip. Don’t let it! Be as flexible as you can! It’ll help you have the most amazing time.

Everything You Need to Know For Your First International Trip

That’s a wrap! My top 33 tips to help you have a smooth, successful, and, most important, ENJOYABLE first time traveling internationally. Exploring new countries and cities is life-changing , and I know you’ll come back with memories you’ll never forget! Safe travels!

did you travel abroad

Taylor Beal, owner and author of Traverse With Taylor, has been traveling in Europe for more than a decade and helps others explore Europe easily through amazing guides and itineraries. She has adventured through more than 20 countries, searching for the best experiences, must-try foods, and delicious beers! She spends a lot of time in Scotland and Amsterdam, two of her favorite places! Taylor is also a Holocaust educator focused on raising awareness around WWII historical sites.

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70 travel conversation questions to practice your English

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  • Posted by by Cameron Smith
  • January 27, 2023
  • Updated April 20, 2023

Use this list of travel conversation questions to help your students practice their English speaking skills.

Almost everyone has a strong opinion or two on travel. Whether they love to travel by plane, train, or automobile or prefer to avoid travel altogether, these fun travel questions should spark some lively conversations in your classroom!

Travel conversation questions

  • Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
  • What activities do you like to do when you travel?
  • Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
  • Have you ever traveled abroad?
  • In your opinion, what is the ideal length of a vacation or trip abroad? 
  • What has been your most memorable travel experience?
  • What are the benefits of traveling?
  • What is the best way to save money while traveling?
  • What type of transportation do you use when traveling?
  • How often do you go on holiday trips?
  • Do you ever travel for business? Would you like to?
  • Have you ever gone on a long distance trip?
  • How has travelling changed your life?
  • What is the most exotic place you have ever visited?
  • What do you think are the essential items to bring when traveling?
  • What do you like most about traveling?
  • What do you like  least  about traveling?
  • When you travel, do you prefer to relax or seek out new adventures?
  • Do you prefer traveling to cities or the countryside?
  • Would you prefer to travel to a beach or the mountains?
  • Do you prefer to plan your trips ahead of time or be spontaneous?
  • Are you planning any trips right now? If so, where will you be going?
  • What is one destination that everyone should see in their lifetime?
  • What’s the best place for people to visit in your home country?
  • What tips would you give someone who is traveling for the first time?
  • How has technology changed the way we travel today?
  • What challenges have you faced while traveling abroad?
  • How has traveling abroad changed you?
  • Are there any places that are still on your travel bucket list?
  • What are the top 3 destinations on your travel bucket list?
  • How do you like to prepare for your vacations?
  • What is the most important thing you have learned while travelling?
  • How do you make sure to stay safe while traveling?
  • Are there any destinations that are too dangerous to visit? Why?
  • Are there any places that should be off-limits to tourists?
  • Have you ever encountered language barriers while travelling?
  • How do you usually find accommodations when travelling?
  • What kind of food have you tried while travelling abroad?
  • Do you prefer to travel domestically or internationally?
  • What is the most important thing to consider when planning a trip?
  • What are your best tips for packing for a trip?
  • Are you an “overpacker” or an “underpacker”?
  • What tips can you give for packing light when travelling?
  • What destination do you think is underrated and why?
  • How has travelling helped you develop new skills?
  • Have you ever gone on an adventure trip or safari?
  • What tips do you have for staying healthy while traveling?
  • Have you ever experienced culture shock?
  • Are there any particular customs that surprised you while traveling abroad?
  • How have your travels impacted your career choices and goals?
  • What kind of souvenirs do you like to bring back from your trips?
  • Are there any particular souvenirs that remind you of your travels?
  • What are some of the biggest challenges of traveling solo?
  • What are some of the advantages of traveling solo?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with your family?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with a big group of friends?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with small children?
  • When you travel, do you prefer to stay in hotels or Airbnbs?
  • What unique activities have you done on vacation?
  • Are there any places that have particularly stood out during your travels?
  • Do you prefer guided tours or independent exploration when traveling to a new place?
  • What tips can you give for budgeting while traveling overseas?
  • How did the pandemic impact your future travel plans and goals?
  • Have any of your travels inspired you in some way? How?
  • Are there any places that have made a lasting impression on you during your travels?
  • How do you make sure to respect local cultures and traditions when traveling abroad?
  • Do you like to connect and chat with locals when you travel? If yes, how do you make it happen?
  • What have you learned from other cultures during your travels?
  • Has travel changed your perspective on different cultures and people? How?
  • Has travel changed how people interact with each other across different cultures and countries? If so, how?

Are there any other ESL Discussion Topics and ESL conversation questions that you’d you like us to write about?

Let us know in the comments!

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Cameron Smith

I'm an English Communication Coach based in Vancouver, Canada. I'm on a mission to help millions of people speak English with confidence. Thanks for visiting this site! If you want longer video content, please follow me on YouTube for fun English lessons and helpful learning resources!

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Flying Overseas? There's A LOT You Need To Know. Here's A Guide

David Schaper

Each week, we answer frequently asked questions about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider for a future post, email us at [email protected] with the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." See an archive of our FAQs here .

Keep track of the ever-changing guidelines and restrictions for your destination. Protocols may change as new variants spread and take hold in different countries.

I live in the U.S. and am considering a trip to another country. What do I need to know about international air travel at this stage of pandemic?

First of all, you have plenty of company. International air travel is expected to surge this summer. Americans are thinking of European vacations again. "We've had people asking a lot about Europe," says Chicago-area travel adviser Kendra Thornton of Royal Travel & Tours. "Not necessarily booking but wanting to keep tabs on it."

In addition, residents of the U.S. with family members in other countries are eager for a reunion after pandemic-enforced separations. People may be traveling abroad for work as well.

They'll run into quite a range of travel restrictions and entry requirements.

NPR correspondent Jason Beaubien was surprised to see his face on a giant screen in an airport in Sierra Leone, where thermal scanners take the temperature of everyone in the crowd simultaneously. Airport personnel takes aside anyone who registers a fever for evaluation.

Travelers headed to Peru should pack a face shield. You have to wear it in crowded spaces such as an airport.

What's more, the protocols may change as new variants, such as the highly contagious Delta variant , spread and take hold in different countries.

So if you're itching to travel abroad or have already booked a trip, you probably have a lot of questions. Here are some guidelines that might help you deal with the new rules of international flight:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says to get vaccinated before you go. Air travelers should be fully vaccinated regardless of the risk level in the country you're visiting, according to the health agency. There's still a lot of virus circulating.

Keep track of the ever-changing guidelines and restrictions for your destination. You can check specific travel requirements through the U.S. State Department website or your destination's Office of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Health.

In addition, the CDC provides guidance on travel to other countries, which are ranked from "very high" risk of COVID-19 transmission to "low" (among them China, Iceland and Rwanda).

Avoid countries in the "very high" category unless it is essential travel. There are 60 countries on this list, ranging from Argentina to Yemen.

Some countries are closed to visitors but make exceptions. Belgium, Canada, the United Kingdom and Uruguay are a few examples. But some of these "no visitor" countries may make exceptions for the death or serious illness of a family member. If those are your circumstances, you may be able to visit. But the authorities might not/will not take your word for it. Expect to have to show proof of the reason for the visit, such as a death certificate or a doctor's note about a family member's illness. You can inquire about rules in your destination by contacting the American Embassy or Consulate there, or the country's embassy in the United States.

And changes occur almost daily in this matter, so it's good to keep an eye on the State Department's or the country's official website for updates.

Bring your vaccination card. Some countries want to see your vaccination card, so make sure your official CDC vaccination card is filled out with the date of your dose or doses (if you received a two-dose vaccine). It's a good idea to make a copy of the card or have a photo on your phone as backup, suggests Thornton, the travel adviser.

Lost your card? Reach out to your vaccination provider or contact your state health department's immunization information system .

You can also present the World Health Organization international certificate of vaccination, also known as a yellow card . You can ask your vaccine provider to add your COVID-19 vaccination info if you already have a card. Or if you need one, you can purchase it through the U.S. Government Bookstore , which tells NPR it has seen a 55% increase in sales in the last six months. Cards are on back order but should be available by the end of June. Or you can purchase one from the WHO, which means waiting at least a week for shipment from Switzerland.

What about vaccine apps? Vaccine apps that show your record could be accepted as well, but there's no guarantee that border control will accept these as proof, so bringing a paper record is a good idea.

Citizens of the European Union will soon have a Digital COVID Certificate system that provides a scannable QR code to verify vaccination status and coronavirus test results. This should smooth travel between member states but won't help a vaccinated tourist from outside the EU.

Airlines are trying to help their customers meet the vaccination and testing requirements of various countries by developing their own apps. The International Air Transport Association has rolled out its own IATA Travel Pass , which many major airlines around the world will use.

But officials say calling it a vaccine passport, as many people are, is a bit of a misnomer.

"It's more of a digital credential associated with your vaccination or testing profile," the IATA's Nick Careen says. "So the consumer can use that to help them through their passenger journey."

British Airways, Japan Airlines, Qatar Airways and Emirates are among the global airlines running trials of IATA's travel pass app, which is expected to go live soon.

Other airlines, including American, will be using an app called VeriFly.

American's Preston Peterson told NPR that "because the requirements for entry differ by almost every single country and, in some cases, by the region within a country," the app will give the customer "the peace of mind to know that they comply with those different regulations."

"A customer can submit their documentation, have it verified and then they receive a green check mark, or effectively, an OK to travel status, that we as the airline trust, the customer can trust and then they know they're ready to go," Peterson says, adding that the app will update in real time as entry requirements for various destinations change.

But even proof of vaccination may not be sufficient to ease your entry. Some countries don't care if you have a vaccine card, as they can be easily faked or forged, or a digital vaccine pass on an app. They'll still insist on a PCR test to determine if you're infected several days before flying into and out of their airports. Most countries are asking airline personnel to verify the test. A positive result means the trip is off. That's the case in Egypt, some European countries and Israel. And you can't leave Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, after arrival in the country without taking a coronavirus test; airport personnel usher everyone to the clinic tent right after baggage claim.

Even if you're vaccinated and tested negative for the coronavirus, you may have to quarantine. Samoa, for example, requires a minimum 21-day quarantine for all incoming passengers.

Keep up on testing requirements before your departure. They definitely change. Because of the high rate of cases, Namibia on June 1 changed its visitor entry rules from a simple self-test for the coronavirus to a typically more expensive laboratory test conducted before leaving your home country and not older than seven days before your arrival.

The State Department site dates its updates so you can see when a change was made, and it also provides links to specific country guidelines provided by U.S. consulates and embassies.

Check the latest requirements three days before your flight just to make sure. Some airports, such as Chicago's O'Hare International and Los Angeles International , offer on-site coronavirus tests, but these can be pricier options than you might find elsewhere. And airport testing sites might have limited hours, so check before you head to the airport.

Get alerted. It's a good idea to sign up for notices on international travel from the State Department, says Zane Kerby, president of the American Society of Travel Advisors. In Portugal, for example, increased cases of the COVID-19 variant known as Delta, identified as likely more transmissible and causing more severe disease, has put the country at a higher risk level.

Bring proof of health insurance. Even if you're a veteran traveler who knows that your insurance carrier covers you overseas, be sure to check on COVID-19 coverage before you leave. Some countries, such as Argentina, require that you have a notice from your health insurer that specifically mentions COVID-19 coverage as proof that you are covered for the virus. Cambodia requires all foreigners to purchase insurance from the government on arrival: $90 for 20 days of coverage. Also check to see if your policy covers medical evacuation insurance, or consider buying a separate policy if not. Travel specialists say it's a wise investment during a pandemic.

The CDC offers great background information on health insurance and foreign travel on its site . If you buy a supplemental plan, the State Department site recommends looking for one that will pay for care directly rather than reimburse you so out-of-pocket expenses are limited.

Brush up on testing requirements. All air passengers coming to the United States — residents who have traveled abroad and visitors as well — are required to have a negative coronavirus viral test no more than three days before travel or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 in the past three months before they will be allowed to board a flight to the United States.

That test can be either a so-called molecular test done at a laboratory that can detect specific genetic material from the virus and is the most precise test, or an antigen test — which can be done as a self-test — which detects proteins on the surface of the virus if you were infected.

Embassy and consular notes on the State Department's travel website offer detailed information on locations for a molecular test in each country if available. In some countries. the test is free. Or it could cost up to $200. Check the State Department travel site, which offers frequently updated, detailed testing requirements and resources for many countries.

Self-tests are a limited option. Right now, only two airlines are making self-tests easily available United and American – and you need to be able to perform the self-test while conducting a telehealth visit with a designated clinic. For more information, contact United or American if you will be returning home on either carrier or , a telehealth company handling the testing to see if you qualify for the self-test, even if you're on another carrier.

Coronavirus FAQ: Should I Get My Antibodies Checked After I Get Vaccinated?

Coronavirus FAQ: Should I Get My Antibodies Checked After I Get Vaccinated?

If you're not vaccinated, though, you may want to choose a lab test rather than the self-test for re-entry, "especially if you're returning from a country experiencing high rates of COVID-19," says Matthew Binnicker , vice chair of practice in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic. That's because the lab test can be more accurate than the self-test, according to guidelines published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America .

Coronavirus FAQ: I Had COVID. Should I Get The Vaccine?

Coronavirus FAQ: I Had COVID. Should I Get The Vaccine?

Don't forget your mask. While some jurisdictions around the world are beginning to loosen COVID-19 restrictions, the Transportation Security Administration in late April extended its mask requirement to Sept. 13 (and could extend it further) for U.S. airports and on board U.S. airlines. Many foreign carriers have the same rule.

Fran Kritz is a health policy reporter based in Washington, D.C., who has contributed to The Washington Post and Kaiser Health News. Find her on Twitter: @fkritz

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  • COVID testing
  • international air travel

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50 Things to Know Before You Go Abroad

Overseas travel brings with it so many challenges and rewards. If this is your first time traveling overseas, you probably have already felt the fear and elation that come with it. International travel can be hard to navigate for a first-timer or even your second or third trip.

There are cultural, social, and etiquette differences that you really need to know, or you risk looking like a (-gasp-) tourist, or worse! If you’re about to go abroad, there are some things to know that will help you out.

luggage with airplane in distance - go abroad

Seasoned travelers know that it pays to be educated and do your research before you go abroad so you don’t offend, embarrass, or find yourself in a pickle.

You can learn more about the country you’re visiting on our destinations page – just choose your city or country.

Here are 50 things every traveler should know about overseas travel before leaving the country to travel abroad.

»» You might also want to read our guide: 10 Common Travel Scams to Avoid

Be Prepared For Travel Planning is the most important part of any successful trip. Do it the easy way:

🧳 Travel Packing List | ✔️ Why You Need Travel Insurance | ✈️ What to Do Before You Leave Home

  • Find and book the best hotel (our favorite booking site is Expedia)
  • Research flight options (our favorite tool is Skyscanner )
  • Book a tour (we always use Viator to find the best tours)
  • Rent a car through Discover Cars (they search the best deals for you!)

What to Know Before You Go Abroad

Dealing with money on vacation.

Choose the right travel credit card for overseas travel

1. Most countries use credit cards with chip and PIN technology . Most U.S. cards now have a chip, but no PIN. Don’t worry, your card can still be used with a signature in most places (except usually in train/metro station vending machines). Make sure you have cash on hand, just in case.

2. When processing your credit card, the merchant should bring the card reader to you. Your card shouldn’t need to leave your sight. Whatever you do, be sure you get the card back after the transaction. There’s nothing worse than leaving your card behind by accident.

3. Many credit cards charge a ~ 3% international transaction fee , even when you book your travel with an international company or hotel while still at home. Apply for a card that doesn’t charge that fee to save $$. You can use that card exclusively for travel and often gain loyalty points for all of your transactions that can help pay for future travel.

4. Traveler’s cheques are outdated and unnecessary. Use a credit card or cash instead. If you use a credit card, some merchants will ask if you want to be charged in local currency, or your own country’s currency when paying with a credit card. You always get a better rate in the local currency.

5. ATMs are the best way to get the cash you’ll need (see the next tip for why!). Try to calculate your costs in advance so you don’t take our too much or have to pay another fee to get more. You can find ATMs in almost every overseas airport (unless it’s really small).

6. Avoid exchange bureaus . They often charge exorbitant fees and give bad exchange rates. Use the ATM instead, but be sure to check if the ATM also charges exorbitant rates (some are connected to the exchange bureau.

7. Spend loose change before going back home, because you can’t sell it back at many currency exchange desks so you’ll have to come back home with a pocket full of useless coins. If you’re not able to use it, keep a look out for those donation containers that are all over airports. You can at least let the coins go to a good cause rather than the bottom of your drawer.

8. Know the currency conversion rate and carry a calculator so you don’t get taken advantage of. This can happen so easily! If you don’t know what the conversion rate is and calculate it yourself, you might be spending way more than you ever imagined.

9. Haggling is expected in most bazaars and markets around the world. But don’t start too low or you’ll insult the storekeeper. Start negotiations with a reasonable amount and be prepared to pay up to 85% of the original cost. If you’re not sure if haggling is acceptable, ask someone before you launch in.

Bathroom Matters While Traveling Abroad

WC stands for Water Closet (aka the bathroom)

10. WC stands for water closet and is the acceptable symbol for a bathroom in many countries. Be aware that most countries don’t refer to it as the bathroom or washroom. You may have to ask for the “toilets”, “the ladies”, or “the loo”.

11. Always carry small change if possible. You may need it in some countries to use the WC (bathroom), especially in train stations. I’ve definitely been caught a couple of times at European train stations with no change. They don’t take pity on you if you really have to go either!

12. When using a street bathroom where you pay with coins in the door, beware that there is a time limit and the door may pop open before you’re finished. No, I’m not kidding.

13. Always carry your own toilet paper . Some bathrooms don’t offer free or any paper. You may be able to pay at the door for a small square of paper, but if that’s not a possibility and you have none, you’ll be out of luck. I carry a pack of tissues in my bag at all times.

14. Be prepared to squat! Many non-Western countries (and even a few others – like in France ) use squat toilets and it’s definitely a learned skill. Some older bathrooms in France are just a hole in the ground. In Italy , it’s very unlikely that a public toilet in an older building will have a toilet seat.

15. Some countries/cities have older plumbing that can’t handle toilet paper . Usually there’s a sign asking you to place toilet paper (and other personal hygiene items) in the waste basket and not in the toilet.

Dining Around the World

Hotel breakfasts can be highly overpriced.

16. In some countries ( Argentina & Spain , for example), dinner doesn’t start until at least 9pm. If you show up before that, you might be the only person in the restaurant. If you want to eat as early as 6 or 7pm, you might need to find a cafe instead of a restaurant. Try to make reservations for 9:30 or 10 pm if you want some atmosphere while you dine.

17. Tipping isn’t required or expected in restaurants or taxis in most countries outside the U.S. Rounding up is usually enough. A nice restaurant may warrant 10%. Americans often think they NEED to tip, even if it’s not the culture in that country, but that’s very much NOT TRUE. Not all cultures are the same – some countries actually pay their wait staff a decent wage. However, you’ll likely always tip the bell boy in a hotel if they take your luggage to your room.

18. When in China or Japan , rest chopsticks on your plate or on a chopstick rest, but never standing up in the bowl. It’s the way a bowl of rice is offered to the spirit of a dead person on an alter, so a very big no-no in an eating situation. Along similar lines, you also shouldn’t use just one chopstick to spear food, or set your chopsticks across your plate or bowl. That’s why there’s a chopstick rest on the table. It’s rude, so just don’t do it.

19. Some Muslim countries have strict alcohol consumption rules . Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are completely dry! Before you travel, check the calendar for religious holidays (especially Ramadan) in the country you’re traveling to. Restaurants can be closed during these times, and alcohol can be forbidden.

20. Hotel breakfasts are often overpriced and underwhelming. If it’s not included in your rate, grab a croissant and coffee at the corner cafe instead. You can often get a full breakfast at a nearby restaurant for half the price of the hotel’s meager buffet.

21. Be aware of the price of the water you’re being served. If it’s from a bottle, it’s likely not free, and it can be quite overpriced.  Did you know that it’s not typical to automatically serve water with a meal outside the U.S.? If you want it, you have to ask for it and be prepared to pay for it.

22. You shouldn’t drink the water unless you’re sure it’s safe to drink , or you’ll risk traveler’s stomach! In many cases, it’s not that the water isn’t clean, but that your stomach isn’t equipped to handle the different bacteria. For this same reason, it’s unwise to drink any drink with ice in it.

23. When you’re ready to get your bill in a restaurant, you’ll have to ask for it. If you wait for it, you might be there all night. Here’s a great opportunity to learn a few words in the language. Always know how to ask for the check.

Safety on the Road

How to Deal With Illness and Injury While Traveling

24. Know how to stay safe on vacation . Be aware of commotion, people bumping into you, beggars hanging around. Pick pockets are smarter and better at what they do than you think. I can’t tell you how many people I see putting their phone in a back pocket where it’s easily accessible to a pick pocket. You have to be smarter than that. Check out these common scams .

25. Don’t wear your backpack on your back, especially if you’re carrying expensive items. It’s easy for a thief to unzip a pocket and take something without you noticing. Carry it on your front, or lock the compartments. 

26. Be prepared for illness and injury while traveling overseas. Confirm that you have medical travel coverage where you’re headed, before you leave home, and know important numbers. When you’ve been hurt is not the time to have to figure out if you have coverage.

Packing for International Travel

summer europe packing list

27. Packing light – only taking a carry-on — will save you from the dreaded “lost luggage” scenario. Here’s a list of our favorite carry-on luggage   and carry-on backpacks that meets International carry on standards. If you’re going to travel with only carry on, you need to make sure it will fit in all airline baggage sizers (European sizers are smaller than in the US).

28. If you must take a checked bag, make sure you have at least a change of clothes and any necessities, such as medications, stored in your carry on. If your luggage is lost , it could take days to get it back. You might think the airline will give you money to buy necessities, but that is rarely the case.

29. Use a toiletry bag to store all of your little items, like make-up, band aids, medicine, tweezers. Toiletry bags keep everything neatly packed in one spot and make transporting it to the bathroom in the hotel very easy.

30. Save space by packing dual-purpose clothes that can be re-worn and mix-and-matched. There’s no need to take multiple pairs of travel shoes and jackets. Purchase lightweight, comfortable travel pants to wear instead of bulky jeans.

31. Wrap wine and liquor bottles in clothes so they don’t break in your luggage. There are also protective and leak-proof wine sleeves you can get to transport bottles in your luggage. Also, if you’re bringing back wine, be aware of how much you’re allowed to bring back.

32. We love packing cubes . They make packing SO EASY. The cubes compress your clothing so it fits in a smaller space and it keeps everything packed in nicely, so your underwear don’t go flying when the TSA agent looks through your bag.

33. Do laundry in the sink, or give it to your hotel to do. You could even take along the awesome Scrubba Wash Bag that allows you to do laundry easily while on the road. The bag itself is a tiny travel-sized bag, but fits 3-4 shirts/pants in each wash. The time and energy you’ll save not having to lug around baggage is so worth it.

34. Know the airline’s baggage policy and buy the right size luggage . Some U.S. carry-on bags are too big in Europe and Asia. Low cost airlines always have stricter limits. Know before you go. Believe me, you don’t want to get caught on a European trip with a bag that’s too big. You’ll way for the extra baggage on every leg of the journey.



35. Travel in the off- or shoulder-season to cut down on costs and avoid crowds. High season for overseas travel typically extends through the summer months and during Christmas and Spring Break.

36. Use a local airline to book short flights in country. Ryanair or Easy Jet will save you tons of money when flying in Europe . It’s also wise to look into free stopovers offered by various airlines that will give you two destinations for the price of one.

37. Know whether you need an International driver’s license to rent a car (like in Italy). Showing up to the rental car counter without one can ruin your vacation before it even starts.

38. Always ask for an estimate on the cab fare before getting in. You should know what the expected rate is so you don’t get overcharged. You can ask the typical fare price at the airport or your hotel before you get in. If the fare doesn’t sound reasonable, use a different taxi.

39. Only rent a car if it’s absolutely necessary. Take the train, bus or walk around cities instead. It offers more culture, opportunity to see the countryside and less hassle: parking, theft and extra costs aren’t worth it.

40. Know how to drive a stick shift. Manual transmission is standard at rental car agencies almost everywhere outside the U.S. and it costs a lot more to rent an automatic.

41. If you’re going to rent a car , you better know how to change a tire! Also beware that some countries require you to carry chains the car during some months of the year (also Italy).

General Travel Tips


42. Know at least a few words in the language. You should at least know how to stay yes, no and thank you in the language. One of the most important to know: Thank You. Here’s how to say thank you in 65 languages.

43. Don’t walk around with your passport. Keep a copy of the first page with you, and store your passport in the hotel safe (unless it’s required by the country that you carry it). Also give a copy of the first page to someone back home, just in case.

44. Never point at someone with your index finger, or any finger, really. It’s rude. The last thing you want is to get in a fight with someone for doing it.

45. Know your passport number by heart, in case it gets lost. You should also keep a photocopy of the details page of your passport just in case.

46. Sign up for Global Entry (or Nexus) to speed through customs when returning to the U.S. They now have many different ways to get back into the country without standing in the really long lines you often face. If you rarely travel abroad and don’t want to pay for  Global Entry , TSA PreCheck allows for expedited security checks at more than 200 airports in the U.S. and it’s just $85 for a five-year membership.

47. Sign up for STEP with the U.S. Embassy when traveling abroad and check international travel alerts and safety notices from the Embassy before you go. Once you sign up for STEP, you will be notified of any issues via email.

48. Know how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, if you want to know what the temperature is. An easy formula: deduct 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9. Most mobile phones have apps for this!

49. Learn to go with the flow. Don’t get uptight or stressed out when things don’t go right or you will ruin what little time you have on your overseas trip. Everything can be fixed with patience. We usually find that the aggravating thing that happened ends up being the most memorable and laughed at moment of the trip.

50. Cheers! Prost! Živjeli! Learn how to toast in different languages . It’s fun and helps you get in the right spirit.

Now that you know the 50 things every international traveler should know, you’ll be much better prepared to handle yourself in any situation when you go overseas.

If you have additional things to add that we should know about overseas travel, let me know about them in the comments. (Want more?

Check out this list of 24 unusual travel words you should know )

Quick. Check these necessities off your prep list!

  • There’s no one-size-fits-all travel insurance . Get a personalized quote from Yonder .
  • The right luggage can make or break your trip. These hard-sided suitcases make traveling a breeze.
  • Find your rental car on . They search all major rental companies to find the best deal.


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Laura Lynch, creator and writer of Savored Journeys, is an avid world traveler, certified wine expert, and international food specialist. She has written about travel and food for over 20 years and has visited over 75 countries. Her work has been published in numerous guidebooks, websites, and magazines.

38 thoughts on “ 50 Things to Know Before You Go Abroad ”

Really fantastic tips! We didn’t learn many of these until it was too late. Great resource!

Thanks Jennifer. We learned many of these the hard way too! I guess that’s half the fun of being a traveler.

I usually buy pastries at night before going home so breakfast is ready in the morning! Never ear breakfast outside! Then I have a big lunch and just have cheese and wine at night!

That’s a great way to do it! We often try to skip breakfast, just to cut down on those pesky “vacation” calories.

Great list! The “spend loose change” is one that I had to learn a few times. 🙂

Yeah, me too. I actually have a bag full of loose change from dozens of countries because of that.

Great collection of tips! I always try to travel in the off season–it’s the best way to keep your costs down.

We do too, Jeremy. Off season is always quieter too!

Lots of the things you mention may seem obvious or self explanatory, but they are not to many! I have worked as a tour leader in Central America and soooo many times I have had to give recommendations about NOT drinking tap water, or bringing change for the toilet… hehehe

It does seem like common sense, but that’s probably just because we’re used to it now! There’s a lot to learn when you’re traveling overseas.

That was a really great and practical list! Perfect for any first time traveler. I had to learn most of this the hard way… I was especially surprised by the squatting thing! It certainly is a skill!

I agree about the squatting. I’m still not fully acclimated to that one!

Great tips! Learnt a few things. Don’t war your backpack on your back is a great one!

All good general travel tips, thanks for sharing!

“Learn to go with the flow” is a great one. People, especially Americans, tend to get caught up in the itinerary and don’t allow themselves to really experience a place. And great tip about rental cars and stick shift, I learned that myself the hard way in France! Thanks for the post.

I agree. We find ourselves doing that all too often, as well.

lots of good tips. Can’t believe your backpack actually fits under the seat though. I must be flying the wrong airline! I like to travel with “Lush” brand shampoo soap. It lasts for a month.

Great tip, Sandy! Our bags fit because we pack super light. I always fear no overhead space will be left and our bags will be checked.

It’s great

Citi Card doesn’t charge international fees when traveling (at least in Europe). Citi card has been wonderful to use while traveling. Wells Fargo on the other hand is ridiculous when it comes to fees, 3% per purchase and $5 when getting money out of an atm.

Good to know that Citi Card doesn’t charge. We’ve been using Capital One, but I hear that the Barclay card doesn’t have fees and they offer a chip with pin, which is really rare for U.S. cards. Thinking about going with that one.

You can use your left hand to eat in muslim countries. There is no rule like that!

It’s not a rule but a custom. In many Muslim countries it’s considered rude.

There are so many cultural differences and little tips that we should know for more enjoyable trips. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, there are so many things to be aware of when traveling. It just makes you a more respectful traveler.

This is a very long and comprehensive list of things to know that are definitively to be taken into account. I always think that the best when in doubt is to see what others do

That’s a really good tip. Watch and see what others are doing! Thanks.

Should probably take off the store passport in hotel safe! In some countries you are required to keep it on your person and you will be detained if you don’t have it on you. Happened recently to nuns in Rome, Italy.

It’s definitely wise to look up the requirements for carrying your passport before you go anywhere. In most countries, it’s best to keep the passport in your hotel safe and carry a copy of the information page, rather than carrying it around, but as you say, that’s not always the case.

Number 17 and 28 are wrong, you should tip in most countries, definitely in France, England, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, to name a few I’ve been to 🙂 and there is nothing wrong with passing the food with either of your hands or eating with your hands under the table, I’m Mexican, live here and have traveled to latin american countries, and had never heard about that before. Don’t worry!!

En Costa Rica puedes pasar la comida con ambas manos y deja tus manos donde quieras: arriba o abajo de la mesa! De verdad no se preocupen por eso y disfruten la hospitalidad latina.

Your comment about tipping, Canada is exactly like the US when it comes to tipping, but as in both countries 15% is the starting point. If you really enjoyed your service then you can always tip more.

My formula for changing Celcius to Fahrenheit is easier. Just double the temp and add 30. ie: 22* x 2=44+30=74*. Close enough!

That’s fantastic, Gail. I think I might actually be able to use that one (and remember it!).

Love this, saying hello and toasting in the languages of the places you are going is so spot on.

Very valuable tips. One thing I wish I knew before coming to visit Nepal was the dinner time. I came to experience it’s very normal to eat dinner around 10/11pm. As someone who comes from the UK who is used to eating at 6/7pm this is one thing that took a while to adjust to.

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thank you so much for the articles there are a lots of components that are truly helpful to visit any other country like Dubai

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  • Do you like travelling?

→ I must admit I’m a travel lover (1) and travelling to a new country is always on top of my todo list every year. Travelling helps me broaden my horizons ( 2) and blow off some steam (3) after strenuous (4) working days.

  • (1) A travel lover /ˈtræv.əl ˈlʌv.ər/ Example: Travel-lovers need to keep living fully
  • ( 2) To broaden my horizons /ˈbrɔː.dən maɪ həˈraɪ.zən/ Example: When I went to university I wanted to broaden my horizons.
  • (3) To blow off some steam /bləʊ ɒf sʌm stiːm/ Example: To blow off some steam, they took archery lessons together.
  • (4) To be strenuous /ˈstren.ju.əs/ Example: His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise
  • How many cities have you travelled to?

→ Probably 6. Last year, during my winter break, I had a chance to travel with a group of my best friends and visited the Northern region of my country. We are also planning to travel overseas next month.

  • What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

→ Since HCMC is usually hot and humid all year round(5) , I would love to visit cities that have cool weather like Da Lat or Sa Pa. Additionally, I also want to get away from the hustle and bustle(6) of the city life, so anywhere which gives me a sense of tranquility (7) would be my kind of city to visit.

  • 5)All year round /ɔːl jɪər raʊnd/ Example: The venue shows movies all year round.
  • (6) To get away from the hustle and bustle Example: We both have busy lives and it’s good to get away from the hustle and bustle.
  • (7) A sense of tranquility Example: I love the sense of tranquility in my hometown.
  • What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling?

→ Honestly speaking, it is Sapa. The city has its unique charm and picturesque scenery(8) that takes my breath away (9) just by looking at the photos I took during the trip. This place is definitely worth visiting (10) and words alone are not enough to describe its beauty.

  • (8) Picturesque scenery ˈsiˈ.nˈr.i/ Example: The countryside in this region is very picturesque scenery.
  • (9) To take my breath away (idiom) Example: The beauty of the Taj Mahal took my breath away
  • (10) To be worth visiting Example: Two other sites are eminently worth visiting.

Collocations & idioms: Topic Travelling

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10 common travel problems and how to deal with them

If you travel for long enough you'll experience all these problems and more. You'll also learn that every problem has a solution. Here are 10 of the most common travel problems and ways to avoid them.

did you travel abroad


Apr 01, 2023

travel problems

When it comes to travel problems, I've experienced them all!

When you commit to a life of travel you have to accept that it won't always be a smooth operation. Some trips go perfectly without a single problem, but many don't. Some things you can prepare for, others you just have to react to.

The best solution to most travel problems is preparation . Sometimes you'll need to be creative and resourceful with your solutions but this is also one of the joys of traveling . 

You can't prepare for every eventuality, but no problem is insurmountable.

While the situations and specific circumstances may differ, there are common problems that happen to all travelers eventually. 

We'll discuss 10 of the most common travel problems and ways to avoid them .

10 common travel problems and their solutions

1. getting lost.

Travel problems: getting lost

Some people have fantastic spatial awareness, others not so much, but most people have got lost at least once in their life. It can be a horrible feeling — your heart beating faster as the panic starts to rise. You can get lost anywhere: a supermarket, airport, town center or in the wilderness. 

With modern technology this is one of the easier travel problems to avoid. In the past you'd need a map for each country. Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone. Before you leave, download Google Maps and then download the offline map for whichever cities you'll be visiting. The offline maps are tiny — normally between 20 to 50mb.

With the offline map on your phone you can browse even without an internet connection . 

A word of warning though, this is not a foolproof plan! If your battery dies the plan comes crashing down. A pen and paper may be ancient technology, but they don't require batteries. Write down your destination just in case.

The most important thing is to not panic. If you can, take a seat and take some slow breathes. Strangers are generally nice and helpful so, if it's safe to do so, ask for directions. If you don't speak the language you can show them the written address (it's not advisable to flash your phone around).

2. Getting mugged

Travel problems: getting mugged

In nearly 20 years I've only been mugged four times. Two of them were in my hometown, minutes from my house.

Some countries are more dangerous than others. It's important to check for any government warnings before you visit. It's also advisable to check Facebook groups and other forums for the opinions of other travelers.

A word of advice though — don't believe everything you read . 

If I'd listened to every bit of advice about South America I never would have got on the plane. I've read hundreds of horror stories about Brazil yet I lived there for over a year without a single problem.

There are lots of articles about how to stay safe when traveling , but what should you do if you actually get attacked?

Don't panic!

The first thing you need to do is report it to the police. You'll need a Crime Reference Number to claim on your insurance. If you're traveling with Worldpackers , your host will know the nearest police station and be able to help you with any translation issues.

Once that's done it's time to deal with the emotional side. After I was attacked in Chile I became quite emotional. I was attacked after leaving a bar, beaten up and robbed. For days afterwards I didn't want to leave the hostel and I was suspicious of everyone in the street. 

I questioned myself. Why me? What did I do wrong? Was it my fault?

It wasn't my fault. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It took me a while to accept it, but it wasn't my fault. It wasn't personal. They didn't know me. I was just a random tourist to target. Once I accepted that it was just business for them I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. That may seem silly, but it's an important emotional shift to make.

You're allowed to feel anger, rage and frustration, but you have to learn to let it go. They're destructive emotions. The majority of the world are awesome people. Don't let a few idiots ruin your journey.

3. Losing your phone

Travel problems: losing your phone

This may seem like a silly one to add to a list of travel problems . Why not a camera? Laptop? Bag? Because most people do everything through their phone.

I had a phone stolen recently in Argentina . Without it I couldn't:

  • tell the time
  • top up my prepay debit card
  • find the nearest police station
  • alert my family that it had been stolen
  • access my travel e-tickets
  • cancel my contract
  • tell anybody about it because my translator was on my phone

I had to use the public computer in the hostel, which then caused all kinds of security alerts with my online accounts. Logging in from a foreign computer usually requires answering additional security questions, and then they helpfully offer to text a code to your phone.

Not helpful when the phone is lost!

Make sure you:

  • know all your passwords
  • update all your account details before leaving
  • have a backup email address to receive those annoying security codes

This is one of the more common travel problems as mobile phones are big business all over the world. Your shiny new iPhone could be a year's worth of wages for a local. 

The solution is to use common sense and not wave it around in public. As with all valuables, keep them out of plain sight and, wherever possible, on your person or locked in a safe.

4. Getting sick

Travel problems: getting sick

Sickness comes in many forms when you're traveling .

  • Travel sickness

Travel sickness is caused when signals from your inner ear don't match up with your visual signals. For some people it happens every time they travel. Others only suffer on certain types of transport. I used to hate buses. The smell of the engine and the rocking motion would cause me to hold my breath. This was a problem for any trip longer than 30 seconds.

If you don't have travel sickness medication then there are a few things you can try. First I would try and limit the stimulation. Looking out the window at the passing buildings made me worse, so I would focus on the chair in front and focus on my breathing.

For other people the opposite is true. Distract yourself and take your mind off the feeling, either via conversation, music, counting things out the window, etc. Replace the sensory malfunction with another sensory input.

If you can get access to fresh air and a drink of water then hopefully you can calm the feeling and focus on other happier thoughts.

This is one of the lesser travel problems. While many people use jet lag just to mean tired, it is an actual condition. It's caused when your natural body clock gets out of sync after crossing time zones. Your body still thinks it's one time but the world is operating at a different time.

When I flew to Australia I was woken at 2am by the flight attendant with my dinner. A Thai green curry at 2 o'clock in the morning might sound great after a night of partying, but not when you're stuck on a plane. For the flight staff it was the normal dinner time, but my digestive system didn't agree.

Symptoms of jet lag can include tiredness or restlessness and an inability to sleep. There are a few different approaches to getting over it. You can either try and sleep it off, but this could mean missing time at the start of your trip. I prefer exercise. When you get to your destination try and be as active as possible.

Go out, walk a lot, get lots of fresh air. I don't recommend alcohol as this can mess with your body clock even more. If you arrive in the middle of the night and can't walk around, relax. Meditate, read a book or something which doesn't involve lots of stimulation.

  • Insect bites

While some bites can just be itchy or a slight annoyance, others can be quite dangerous. If you're going to a place where mosquitoes or other bugs are known to bite, wrap up. Better than any repellant is a layer of clothing. If you do get bitten try not to scratch. Easier said than done, but this can lead to worse problems.

I am a magnet for biting insects, from fire ants in Costa Rica to mbutu in Paraguay to mosquitoes anywhere in the world. When I step off the plane, it's insect party time. I always carry a good, non-toxic repellant plus some essential oils to treat the itching for when I do get bitten.

It's also important to know the active times for the insects. They vary around the world so get local advice, but most mosquitoes are active from dusk and dawn. Try to avoid being out at these times. If you are, make sure you're covered up or wearing a good repellant.

If you get bitten and start to feel sick, seek medical advice immediately.

Even if it's cloudy, wear protector! Check the weather conditions before you travel and especially the UV levels. A cloudy sky can still produce dangerous levels of UV, and that's what does the real damage.

Apply 30 minutes before going out and then every two hours afterwards. If you're swimming or sweating then go crazy and do it every hour. The saying "less is more" does NOT apply to suncream!

The effects of sunburn can be horrendous. I was unable to walk for two days after thinking I was safe on a cloudy day. It felt like I'd been hit by a car... it was absolute agony for 48 hours.

If you have access to aloe vera, use it! It works miracles for sunburn. If you don't have any then keep the burn cool without applying ice directly. Or even better yet, don't get sunburn! Prevention is much less painful than treatment. Sunburn is one of the travel problems with lasting effects so try and avoid it at all costs.

Now that you know how to protect yourself, here are 15 summer travel ideas .

  • Food poisoning

Food poisoning is a travel problem that can strike at any moment. Symptoms can include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting or diarrhea. If it's bad then it can hit you within hours of eating or drinking the contaminated thing. Anti-diarrhea tablets can be a lifesaver... literally.

Before traveling anywhere I always pack toilet paper. I consider it almost as important as my passport. That may sound dramatic but I've been in some sticky situations before. If you develop food poisoning then you'll understand.

While I mentioned diarrhea tablets earlier I only use them as a last resort. This is your bodies way of clearing the contaminate from your body. Let the body clean itself. This may mean a day or two by the toilet, but at least you'll be clear afterwards.

Drink plenty of fluids but avoid dairy and alcohol. Once you start to feel a little better then start with soups or broths and build back up to solid foods.

5. Not speaking the language

Travel problems: not speaking the language

This is a travel problem I've lived with for years. 

Not being able to communicate with the people around you can lead to all kinds of emotions:

  • Loneliness (see below)
  • Frustration
  • Determination
  • Encouragement

Hopefully you noticed how that list went from negative to positive. 

While being unable to speak the local language can cause lots of negative emotions, it can also be the catalyst to greatness .

Body language, sign language, gestures and smiles. They are all powerful ways to communicate. Use every single one of them. If you're afraid of speaking new languages abroad , don't shy away from meeting new people because you don't know words. Use these other forms of communication as an ice-breaker.

Study languages as much as you can before you travel. It's an incredible form of respect that will be appreciated worldwide if you make the effort. Even if it's just a few words or phrases it will help. There are hundreds of apps, guides and language programs you can try.

The best way to learn a language while traveling ? Speak. It can be slow, painful or lead to lots of laughter. It all depends on what attitude you approach it with. While some languages are much harder to grasp than others, a lack of words is a travel problem with an easy solution.

6. Loneliness

Travel problems: loneliness

Loneliness is not one of the travel problems which affects everyone, but when it strikes it can be the worst problem imaginable.

There's no single trigger. It doesn't just affect people who suffer from depression or emotional people. 

No matter how strong or independent you are, loneliness can set in and ruin your trip .

It's important to be aware of your feelings. A sudden change in circumstances can really change your attitude to traveling. If things start going wrong and you don't address them then they can spiral out of control.

Being apart from loved ones for an extended period of time is the classic reason, but it can also be as simple as missing a birthday or having nobody to share a special moment with. These small things can add up and really weigh on your mind.

If it gets to a certain level you could be tempted to cancel your trip and go back to your previous life. Traveling asks you to step out of your out of your comfort zone and, without enough positive reinforcement, it can become overwhelming.

There's no easy cure for loneliness. Humans are sociable creatures by design so the easiest solution is to reach out. The saying " You're never alone when you're traveling " is mostly true. Unless you're way out in the wild then chances are you'll be able to speak to somebody.

Speak to your Worldpackers host or other travelers . 

I'm not saying pour your heart out or cry on their shoulder, but you can if it helps. Depending on your emotional state it may only require a smile, hug or a beer with like-minded people.

If that doesn't help then contact the Worldpackers support team . They're all experienced travelers who've lived the travel life. They've all experienced these travel problems and can offer assurance and support. When you're traveling with Worldpackers experiences , you're NEVER alone.

7. Running out of money

Travel problems: running out of money

This can be a major problem which you'll definitely want to avoid.

Unexpected things do happen though. Things break, unexpected charges come up, plans change and emergencies happen. It's impossible to account for every eventuality. 

Before you travel research the country you're visiting . You want to have an idea of the general cost of living so you can budget properly . 

Save as much money as possible, and always try and have an emergency fund which you don't touch. This can be a credit card or savings account. It should have enough money in for a return flight — that's the last resort should an emergency happen and you need to return home.

Traveling can be expensive so make sure you read about how to save money while traveling , and it's also worth thinking about making money while you travel. 

Unless you have a huge amount of money saved up or you've mastered how to travel on a budget , it can disappear quite quickly. The Worldpackers Academy  has some great material about creative ways to make money while you travel.

If you're a traveller on a budget, check out our travel hacking tips.

8. Missing a flight

Travel problems: missing a flight

This all depends on whose fault it was — yours or the airline.

If it's your fault, there's very little that can be done. 99% of the time this is one of the travel problems with a simple solution. Always arrive in plenty of time. If you think there's even a possibility you won't make it then check the rescheduling rules for your ticket. If you do miss the flight and it was all your own fault then it's time to beg.

Airlines have no obligation to help you if it was your fault . 

All you can do is explain to the staff in a calm, reasonable manner what happened. Don't shout at them. As emotional as you may be, it wasn't their fault. They're just doing their job, so don't be rude to the airline staff.

If you can get on the next flight, all good. If not, and you may not be able to fly for a while, it's time to start thinking about the additional things you've booked. Are you going straight to a Worldpackers host? If so, message them and make them aware of the situation. If you have an Airbnb, hostel or tour, do the same. Don't let the missed flight snowball and ruin everything.

If it wasn't your fault you missed the flight, now you have options . 

Different countries have different rules. Speak to the airline staff and, once again, be calm and reasonable. Some airlines will offer compensation, a free hotel or a free upgrade. It all depends on the individual situation.

I missed a flight transfer in Panama and ended up with a free stay in a 5-Star Hilton Hotel. Admittedly it was only for 5 hours, but it was a nice surprise.

A missed flight isn't the end of the world. Take it as a travel lesson to learn from.

Keep reading:   The most helpful 26 tips for first time travelers

9. Baggage not arriving

Travel problems: baggage not arriving

This is one of those infuriating surprise travel problems . You check your bags in, get the boarding pass, enjoy the flight and then your bags don't arrive with you.

This happened to me and I was devastated! Luckily it happened on the return trip so I could just go home and wait for the bags to arrive. They eventually did three days later. If it happens on the outbound flight it's a different story.

According to AirfaireWatchdog , "On average, airlines lose around two bags for every 1,000 passengers, and that includes bags that are temporarily misplaced."

That's a disturbingly high number. Certain airlines are better than others so do some research before booking your flight. Even with all the research in the world it's still possible to be the unlucky one. There's absolutely no way to predict it.

While you can't predict the future, you can be prepared . 

Take a change of clothes in your carry-on luggage. I also always carry my toiletries bag with me. This way if my big rucksack goes missing I have something to change into and a way to freshen up.

It's a huge inconvenience, but you can survive.

If your bags don't arrive be sure to speak with the airline staff and find out the procedure. You may have to phone them or they call you. 

Some airlines deliver misplaced bags to your hostel while others need you to go and collect it. Before you leave the airport make sure you know the exact procedure, they have your details and you have theirs.

10. Breaking up with a partner

Travel problems: breaking up with a partner

A  common travel problem  is the breakdown of relationships. As we mentioned before, travel takes you out of your comfort zone. This can lead to stress and frustration. If you're traveling with a partner this can be magnified.

It doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend or family member, disagreements happen. When you're living in each other's pockets 24/7 there are more opportunities for these disagreements to happen. 

The anticipation of traveling is an incredible time. Whoever you're going with, it's an exciting time to plan, look at photos, make bucket lists and fantasize about the incredible adventures to come. The reality can be quite different as you discover hidden personality traits and different approaches to problem-solving.

My advice for traveling with a partner is to be honest and to compromise, but don't compromise your happiness . 

If you really want to do something or go somewhere and the other doesn't, talk about it. The breakdown of most relationships occurs when there's a lack of communication. 

It may not work for all travel partners but don't be afraid to separate and meet again a few days, weeks or months later. That short break could be the spark you need to rekindle the fire. For romantic partners I recommend brutal honesty. The second a problem arises, talk about it. Don't let anything fester.

Read my guide to couple travel for more detailed information about taking your relationship on the road.

That concludes my list of the most common travel problems and ways to avoid them. 

Every problem has a solution. If you travel for long enough you'll experience all 10 of these and more. Does that mean you should avoid traveling to avoid these problems? Absolutely not!

The benefits of travel far outweigh the negatives. Once you've had these experiences you'll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws at you, either on the road or back at home.

These 'problems' will make you stronger, more resourceful and much more resilient .

Happy travels!

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Adam Fraiel

Author, digital nomad, copywriter, virtual assistant and travel blogger - I love telling stories, sharing experiences and helping others achieve their dreams.

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I just read your article. I hope i can get some advice from you. I am not a travel writer. I just wrote an article about my travel experience with a popular airport and what i went thru. I don't know where to send the article and this is my 1st time writing such an article.

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How to talk up your travel experiences in a job interview.

did you travel abroad

There was a time when international experiences could be a game changer in a job application; there was a huge advantage in having worked, studied, volunteered or traveled abroad. And many of the organizations behind opportunities like volunteering or working abroad still tout this as one of the biggest advantages to their programs.

“Differentiate yourself, make your resume stand out.” But unfortunately, this just isn’t the case anymore . The job market is too competitive. Too many applicants have international experience for that alone to be a point of differentiation.

And the thing is the vast majority of employers don’t actually care about your international experience. And why would they?  How does it help the company that you spent six months volunteering in Southeast Asia?

This post will help you answer straight forward questions like: “Tell me about your last travel experience” and “Talk about your travel experiences.”

However, it will also help you bring your travel experience into more general questions like “tell me about a time you were a leader” or “what are your greatest strengths.”

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your support is much appreciated! You can learn more by reading my full disclosure .

Employers were never interested in the experience itself. Employers were interested in the skills the experience represents.

So if you want to use your international experience to land a job, you need to look at the experience from the lens of the employer. That means the real question you ask yourself is this:

“How do I use my travel experiences to demonstrate that I have the skills the employer is looking for?”

And that is what I am here to help you with. When I was in business school I was a member (and eventually a president) of a club that helped university students prepare for jobs in competitive industries.

I’d landed a business job myself using fairly unconventional experiences (i.e. camp counselling and wilderness guiding ) so helping others speak about their own experiences became a bit of a passion for me.

You can read more about me at the bottom of the post if you’re interested, but otherwise, let’s get going with the interview prep!

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect the opinions or hiring process of my employer, my university or anyone else.

Employers are looking for skills in their employees – and international experiences can teach you those exact skills.

Maybe you went solo backpacking for the first time . At the start you fumbled around in train stations and didn’t leave the hostel on your own, but by the end of the trip you’re ordering food in another language, feeling comfortable on public transit and making friends with locals and travelers alike.

Or maybe you’ve just returned from studying abroad or volunteering internationally . You’ve learned about another culture and a thing or two about yourself. With traveling comes challenges and with challenges comes the opportunity to develop skills. And some of those skills are exactly what the employer wants.

  • Can make decisions under pressure
  • Able to work autonomously and independently
  • Can manage people in stressful situations
  • Good at problem solving under pressure
  • Brings passion and enthusiasm to the work
  • Can communicate professionally and to a variety of audiences
  • Effective team player, one that supports fellow team members and the leader

Decision making under pressure . Even tried navigating though a busy train station when you didn’t know the language? Even gotten yourself in a tricky situation and had to act quickly to get yourself out of it?

Independent worker. Have you backpacked solo? Have you lived alone abroad? Just about everything you did was independent. You know how to manage your time and efforts and this is what an employer wants to see in their employees.

Just about every skill an employer could want can be developed and demonstrated with an international experience.

How to speak about your international experiences in a way that will resonate with your employer.

As I said, your employer likely cares less about the experience itself and more about the skills you have that make you the best person for the job.

This isn’t just true for international experiences. Say you’re applying for a job as a marketing manager at a start up and previously you worked as a social media manager at a large company, the interviewer doesn’t actually care what your previous job was.

They are interested in the skills you must have demonstrated in that job (i.e. managing deadlines, interacting with people, thinking creatively, pitching ideas, skills like that). Before we get into all that however, let’s start at the beginning.

Think about the types of questions you might be asked in an interview.

In my experience, all the questions you get asked in an interview can loosely be grouped into four buckets. Job/Company Specific : “Why do you think you are a good fit for this role?” “Why do you want to work at this company?” “What do you like most about this company?”

This is a great place to differentiate.

I’ve written a little blurb at the bottom of the post about job/company specific questions.

Scenario : This is where the interviewer gives you a hypothetical situation and asks how you would handle it. This is very job specific, so I’m not going to get into these types of questions here.

Experience-based : “Tell me about yourself” “I can see on your resume that you did X. Tell me more about this experience.”  “Tell me about a time you got in a conflict with someone.”

Skill-based : “What are your greatest weaknesses?” “What are your strengths as a leaders?” “Tell be about a time you demonstrated X skill.”

Here is where a lot of people make mistakes. They only talk about their skills when they get skill-based questions. When asked about an experience, they talk about the experience itself, not about the skills they developed or gained from the experience.

Every time you are asked about an experience and you don’t talk about your skills, you are missing an opportunity to show your interviewer just how great you are. 

Write down the skills the job position requires , not the skills you have..

Usually you’ll find a handful of them in the job application itself. Write those down. Also, get creative. Imagine yourself in the job and identify a few skills that would be helpful or necessary to possess.

Write those down too. This will show the employer that you understand the job position and demonstrate how you’ve prepared for the interview.

Check that the skills are specific.

Simply saying “teamwork” or “leadership” isn’t effective because they are too vague, overused and come off like buzzwords.

You want to get specific.

Instead say you’re an “effective team player, someone who can work collaboratively with other team members and also support the leader.” You’re not just good at “leadership,” instead you “excel at leading people through challenging or ambiguous problems”.

Brainstorm experiences that relate to those skills.

Here is an example. When I was interviewing for my current job, I felt the position would require someone that was a “fast learner and adaptable” and could “communicate professionally, even under pressure.” 

I immediately thought of my summer living in Nunavut, working at a remote arctic base camp north of the Arctic Circle (technically not international for me, but incredibly different than other cultures/experiences I’d had before).

I was expected to understand how to troubleshoot a wonky propane tank and navigate around icebergs in a kayak. I had to communicate with other guides and tourists who weren’t all native-English speakers, and I had to communicate professionally and calmly even when I was stressed or frustrated.

Although working at an arctic base camp is not at all related to business, both jobs require fast learning and adaptability, and professional communication.

By speaking about skills, you can connect an unrelated experience to the job you’re applying to, demonstrating to the interviewer exactly how that experience makes you a good fit for the job.

Tie each of the skills you’ve written down to a different experience. This is where you have to go beyond your international experience(s) and consider every other experience you’ve ever had.

Your potential employer wants to see you’ve had a breadth of experience, so you can’t tie everything to your year-long backpacking trip or semester volunteering.

When I am doing interview prep with students, I see this mistake a lot. Candidates over-rely on one experience. Say there are six skills you want to demonstrate: you could tie one to an experience at school, two to a previous job you had, and three to your international experiences.

Pro tip: Do not underestimate seemingly unimpressive experiences. One of my friends had previously worked as a server at a high end golf club.

The job she was applying to required her to work under pressure, and want to know what has a lot of pressure? 

Waiting tables and pleasing patrons at a high end golf club!

Often the employers don’t actually care about what your experiences are, they care about the skills you’ve learned from them and how you can apply them to the job you’re applying for. That’s why knowing how to speak about experiences in a way that will resonate with an employer is so powerful.

Next, embody the Job-Skill-Experience-Skill-Job Sandwich.

When you talk about your experiences, always keep it in the context of the job. I like to think of it like a sandwich. I open and close my answer with something about the job I’m applying to and the skill that job requires, and I only talk about the experience at the very middle of my answer. Here is an example.

Example 1: Why do you think you’re qualified for the position of marketing manager?

“Effective communication will be an important skill for the marketing manager to have” [I dentify the skill needed for the job ] “and this is something that I practiced and developed during my time in Australia. I was living somewhere that spoke English, but there were still subtle differences in word choice and body language that could convey different meanings. I remember….(insert quick example here).”

[Begin to talk about experience and how it relates to the skill. You can also throw in a sentence that gives a more specific example. ] “I learned that an effective communicator is intentional in word choice and body language, and adapts according to the culture and background of the other person.”

I believe my approach to effective communication will make me an effective marketing manager for your company.” [ And now bring the skill back to the job and why you’d be great!]

Example 2: Tell me about your time volunteering abroad. How do you think this has prepared you for a role in our business development team?

“I remember these two days where we all had to work outside together; there had been some turnover on the team and it was absolutely pouring rain – everyone was keeping to themselves and absolutely miserable.

I had this idea that if I could just get people laughing or loosening up, we might be able to come together and get the work done faster. I went around teaching everyone this silly icebreaker game I remembered from camp and soon enough we were all playing it together.

“I believe this example speaks to how I approach working in teams: with collaboration and optimism. I’m sure the business development team will encounter challenges too, but I think volunteering abroad has given me an approach to teams that will make me an effective member of the business development team.” [ Bring it all together again. ]

See how the sandwich works?

Now, I’m not saying these are the perfect answers. But I hope these examples demonstrate the structure of an interview answer that is skills based, rather than a description of an experience.

You should spend a decent about of time brainstorming your sandwich for each skill you’ve listed. This will ensure the skill ties the job and the experience together and give you confidence going into the interview.

Pro tip: You can also apply this method to cover letters. I personally love a cover letter that clearly outlines the skills needed for the position and how the candidate has those skills. You’re essentially making the resume reviewer’s job easier!

Get really good talking about the sandwich.

Until I was in my third year of university (my first year of business school), I never really practiced my answers to interview questions. In fact, I didn’t do any preparation at all.

Now I understand just how important preparation is. You, of course, don’t want to memorize answers to questions you may or may not get asked. That will make you seem rehearsed and robotic.

Instead, put down the paper and just speak freely about the sandwich. The first time, there will probably be moments when you fumble over your words or ramble on for a while.

So practice tying it all together. Don’t script it, because that comes off as disingenuous. But practice speaking it out loud, in front of the mirror, to your friends, to your parents, whoever.

Honestly, I know this is terrible and everyone dreads it, but PRACTICE ANSWERING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS IN FRONT OF SOMEONE . They will tell you if you use too many hand gestures or you ramble too much.

Nail the interview, get job, be happy!

Now all that’s left to do is the interview itself!

Company specific questions.

I said I’d leave off with a few strategies to help you distinguish yourself from other applicants with the company-specific questions. So here you go.

Company-specific questions offer an opportunity to do some research. When someone asks you what you like about the company, you want to have a really creative answer that demonstrates you’ve done some research on the company.

Here are two examples for “What about company X makes you want to work here?” (Note: company names are fictitious.)

Example 1: Look for the company in the news.

You’re interviewing at Green Clothing Co, a company that makes ethically and sustainable sourced clothing. You read a news article that a major department store asked to carry their clothing, but Green Clothing Co turned the opportunity down. Use that in your answer.

“Green Clothing Co has always been a company I respected for its commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing, as this is something I personally value in the brands I support.

I remember reading that Green Clothing turned down a profitable opportunity with a major department store in order stay true to its values. I want the company I work for the reflect my values and I believe Green Company Co does this.”

Example 2: Speak to someone already working at the company.

You’re interviewing at a tech start up. You contacted Kate from the company on LinkedIn to ask her some questions about her experience working with the company. The employee said it’s a fast-paced environment for high achievers and that any employee learns a lot there.

“Beyond my interest in tech and start-ups, I am interested in working for a company that enables me to thrive in a fast-paced environment, a place where I am constantly improving my skills and personal growth isn’t stagnant.

I spoke with Kate and this is the exact work environment she described. She explained how employees were constantly being challenged and personal growth is encouraged. After hearing that, I knew this company was a place that I could excel at. ‘

Other ideas for speaking about the company.

These are not the only two ways you can demonstrate your commitment and interest in the company. Get creative. Get personal. Maybe it was your first experience with their product.

Maybe a friend recommend the company or you saw them sponsoring a fundraiser and wanted to learn more about them. The main objective is to give the employer an answer they aren’t accustomed to hearing and makes you stand out.

International experience & job interviews – what are your thoughts?

Before I sign off, I’m really interested in your thoughts on this. Not like the “comment on my post” interested, but genuinely very interested in whether or not you find this method helpful.

This is a very business-y approach, I know, and you guys come here for outdoor adventure travel. So let me know if this is the kind of topic you find useful or if there are other business-y/life related things you’d like me to write about more.

Anyways, you’ve reached the bottom of the post. So who am I to be talking about this?

If you’ve come across this article without knowing anything about me, you might be thinking “ Mikaela, you’re a travel blogger – who are you to be giving us interview advice?”

Well, that is where you’d be incorrect. Despite having this little travel blog, I am not a travel blogger in the slightest. At least as of today, this blog is 100% a hobby and I make literally no money off of it (it actually bleeds money but that’s another story).

Prior to my third year of university, the only job I’d ever had was leading canoe trips at summer camp and guiding tourists in the Canadian Arctic. Super cool and my true passion in life, however not really applicable to my engineering or business degrees.

In my third year, however, I applied for summer internships with very traditional business companies (specifically in management consulting) because they seemed pretty interesting and everyone else was doing it.

Despite a lot of my classmates having much more relevant job experiences (like working at boutique consulting firms, law firms and banks), I got a lot of interviews and I eventually got hired at one of them.

After that, I was a member (and then president) of a club that helped students do interview prep. In my experience, I’ve found that it’s not the applicants with the most impressive resumes that get hired – it’s the people who can speak about their experiences in a way that resonates with their interviewer. So yeah, that’s me!

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Mikaela | Voyageur Tripper

Mikaela has been canoeing, hiking and camping for over ten years. She previously worked as a canoeing guide in Canada, and spent a season guiding hiking and kayaking tours in the high Arctic. Mikaela is a Wilderness First Responder and Whitewater Rescue Technician.


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33 thoughts on “ How to Talk Up Your Travel Experiences in a Job Interview ”

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Loved reading this! When I first quit my job to travel, people kept asking how I would ever be able to get a job again! I’m glad I didn’t listen to them. An article like this would have made me feel more confident though. I think workplaces are starting to understand the value of these types of experiences, and it is becoming more and more common for people to take breaks. This will be a great resource for many!

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Thank you! I hope it will be useful to others. I’m even seeing more companies in the business world offer extended time off to let people rest and recharge and explore theirs passions before going back to work.

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Brilliant post! Never thought how travelling could translate into workplace skills but this has helped me rethink how experiences can provide skill development

Yay! That’s great to hear! I hope this is helpful if you’re looking for a new job ever

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OMG I needed to see this! What a helpful post. I will be interviewing for a new job sometime soon and would like to play up my travel experience 🙂

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BEST OF LUCK ALEXANDRA! I hope the job interview goes well. And yes, play up that travel experience! I’m sure you’ll rock it 🙂

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What a timely article! I would love to hire people who have traveled the world because understanding different cultures and mindsets helps us design our products for the broader customer base.

That’s Jyoti – I agree, no better time to communicate about the benefits of travel when the whole industry has been flipped upside down. I hope any previous travelers out of work will have their experience appreciated!

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This is such a good post! I’ve tried to think of ways to incorporate travel experiences into useful commodities for job prospects, but not really known what types of skills would be good, realistic selling points. This has given me a ton of ideas and your examples are great. Thanks for putting this together!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad the examples are helpful. I did worry that they were a little too specific, but thought it wouldn’t be helpful to describe the process vaguely without offering a concrete example. I’m really happy this resonated with you 🙂 thanks for your kind comment

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THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! Being well traveled, independent, and culturally open is SO UNDERRATED in the “perceived” job market, AND I DONT KNOW WHY. Literally, every job I have ever interviewed for (for reference, I am in the STEM field) have been most interested in my travels, study abroad, and international experiences! Jobs want someone who is able to adapt to different environments and cultures, because we live in a global market! But anyways, now I’m rambling. Loved this post!

Hey Kay! Yay I’m happy this resonated with you. I am also in STEM and have found the same thing. I feel like we just need to speak the employer’s language. Take the expeirences we know are awesome, distill them into easily digestible “skills” and communicate effectively. Loves again for your kind comment <3

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I’ve never stopped to think about it, but travel really does teach you a lot of useful skills. Especially now to be flexible, plans do not always work the way we wanted them to. Great ideas, thanks for sharing!

You’re very welcome, Ashley. Glad you found it helpful!

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thanks a lot for golden tips! I think you’ve already saved my job hunting to a great extent.

Oh, I’m so glad it was helpful! Best of luck in the job search and let me know if you have any questions!

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OMG this is so useful. Thank you thank you! Just sent it to my friend as well who has an interview in a couple of days <3

I’m glad you found it helpful! And I hope your friend nails their interview! Sending lots of luck!!!

Sorry about that! The website went through a big update last night which may have caused it. Glad you liked the post!

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I loved your blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Great.

Thank you! Glad you liked it 🙂

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Looking forward to reading more. Great blog article.Much thanks again. Really Great.

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Hey, thanks for the blog article. Cool.

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I truly appreciate this blog. Keep writing.

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Thank you ever so for you article post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

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Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article post. Want more.

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Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really looking forward to read more.

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wow, awesome blog article.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

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Looking forward to reading more. Great post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.

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This is one awesome article post. Cool.

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Muchos Gracias for your article post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

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I really enjoy the blog.Much thanks again. Cool.

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60 Travel Conversation Questions

One of the dreams that people have is to travel around the world and know more places, meet new people and enjoy some adventures.

People love traveling and there are many reasons for doing so, such as:

How about you? What are your reasons for traveling?

Talk about it with this list of travel conversation questions

Table of Contents

Travel Conversation Questions: Places

Travel conversation questions: people, travel conversation questions: your next vacations, travel conversation questions: your last vacation, travel conversation questions: your luggage, travel conversation questions: preferences, travel conversation questions: general questions, travel questions: channels, travel questions: safe places, more esl conversation questions.

Instead of having a long list of travel conversation questions, it is better to have them categorized to make everything easier.

These are 60 travel conversation questions that have been divided into different categories such as:

Let’s explore each one of these different categories

When we search on the internet, we can find a list of recommendations about places to visit.

These are conversation questions to discuss the best and worst places to visit:

  • Have you ever been abroad?
  • How many countries have you visited?
  • Have you visited many touristic places in your country?
  • What tourist places do you like to visit?
  • Do you prefer visiting beaches or mountains?
  • Have you ever visited a European country?
  • Have you ever visited an African country?
  • What’s your best vacation memory?
  • What’s your worst vacation memory?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • What countries would you not like to visit?
  • What’s the best place for a vacation in your country

I understand that some people like traveling alone but others prefer some company and have better memories.

These questions have to do with your favorite people to go on vacation:

  • Who do you travel with?
  • Have you made friends while you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to travel with children?
  • Do you like to travel with your parents?
  • Do you like traveling alone or in a group?
  • What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

Some people plan their vacation since they have to ask for permission, save money and choose the best time of the year to do it.

These questions will help you talk about plans that you have for your next vacation:

  • What places are you planning to visit?
  • Who are you planning to go with?
  • When are you planning to go?
  • Where are you planning to stay?
  • What sights are you planning to see?
  • When will you next go to the beach? Which beach is your favorite?

Some people love sharing information about their last vacation and some people don’t.

These are some questions to discuss your last vacation

  • Where did you go on your last vacation?
  • Who did you go with?
  • Where did you stay?
  • What did you do there?
  • What did you see there?
  • How much money did you spend there?
  • Who was the most interesting person you met?
  • How long did you stay there? Did you want to stay longer?

Most people don’t have a problem with their luggage when they travel, while others find issues such as:

These are some conversation questions that have to do with preparing stuff to travel:

  • How much luggage do you usually carry?
  • Do you bring electronic devices when you travel?
  • What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  • Do you like to pack light when you travel?
  • Do you think that everyone overpacks?
  • How many of the things do you pack do you actually use or need?
  • Have you ever lost your luggage?
  • Do you worry about your luggage when you travel?

These are some questions about what you prefer to do when you are on vacation:

  • Do you prefer to travel by car or plane?
  • Have you ever bought a package tour?
  • Where do you prefer to stay when you go on a vacation?
  • How often do you travel?
  • How often do you go camping?
  • How long do you like vacations to be?
  • What means of transport do you like to use when you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to try local food when you travel?
  • What is the best age to travel?
  • Where do you like to stay when you go on vacation?

These are some general questions about traveling:

  • Are you a traveler?
  • What do you miss the most when you are traveling?
  • Have you ever had an accident while traveling?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise?
  • What do you think about hitchhiking?
  • If money was not an issue, what type of holiday would you take?
  • Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?

Travel blogs and YouTube channels have become very popular.

Channels tend to have an edge over travel blogs since you get a better idea of the country you are planning to visit

  • Do you follow travel blogs?
  • Do you follow Travel Youtube channels?
  • Do you usually search for videos or posts about the countries or places you are trying to visit?
  • Have Travel blogs or channels make you want to travel more

If you are a traveler, you don’t want anything to happen to you, your friends, and your family.

These are some questions about safe countries and places to travel to:

  • What are some of the safest places to travel to?
  • Have you ever been robbed when traveling?
  • Do you only travel to the safest countries?
  • Do you share your travel information with someone you trust?
  • Do you worry about how much you drink when traveling?
  • Do you try not to draw attention when traveling?
  • Do you wear jewelry when you travel?
  • Are you aware of scams when you travel?
  • Do you Keep digital copies of important documents?

Did you find these travel conversation questions useful?

This is one of our newest sections. Use these questions to promote speaking in the classroom.

  • 50 Conversation Questions about Entertainment
  • Conversation Questions about Careers and Jobs
  • Social Networks Conversation Questions
  • 50 Conversation Questions about Computers

70 Music Conversation Questions

  • 30 Brilliant Conversation Starters for the ESL Classroom
  • 70 School Conversation Questions
  • 100 Great Health Conversation Questions
  • 32 Immigration Discussion Questions
  • Friends Conversation Questions
  • ESL Conversations: 50 Conditional Questions

If there are travel conversation questions that you would like me to add, send them via Facebook messenger

Manuel Campos, English Professor

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English

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IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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  • Test Information FAQ
  • Band Scores
  • IELTS Candidate Success Tips
  • Computer IELTS: Pros & Cons
  • How to Prepare
  • Useful Links & Resources
  • Recommended Books
  • Writing Task 1
  • Writing Task 2
  • Speaking Part 1 Topics
  • Speaking Part 2 Topics
  • Speaking Part 3 Topics
  • 100 Essay Questions
  • On The Day Tips
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  • Advanced IELTS

Sample Answers for Travel and Transport in Speaking Part 1

Below are sample answers for the the topics of travel and transport for part 1 of the IELTS speaking test.

Q. Do you often travel abroad?

A. Not much, to be honest. I don’t get many days off in a year but when I do have time off, I mainly spend that time with my family in my hometown .

Q. When is the best season to travel in your country?

A. I guess it would be spring. That’s when the weather starts warming up and all the flowers start blossoming. It’s a really beautiful season and most places are at their best at that time. Unfortunately, it’s a busy time for tourists as well but that still doesn’t diminish the beauty of the countryside.

Q. Where would you recommend a foreign to visit in your country?

A . Without doubt, London. Not only is it our capital, but it also has some of the most iconic buildings in our country. I don’t think any visit to England is complete without seeing the Tower of London, London Bridge or Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. They really are very impressive pieces of architectural work and can’t be missed.

Q. How did you get here today?

A . I came by bike because the roads are pretty congested at this time and a bike is quicker. It only took me about 15 minutes to get here.

Q . Do you often use public transport?

A. Yes, I do. I use the bus almost everyday. It’s the cheapest way to get around even though it’s really overcrowded and not particularly punctual.

Q. How could the transportation system be improved in your country?

A. Well, I think the first step to improvement would be to widen the roads and build to overpasses and underpasses to help traffic flow more freely which would reduce the congestion in the city center. Also, it would help if the bus service was improved to make it run more frequently which would help with the overcrowding in rush hour. I think those are the two main changes that need to happen.


Speaking Part 1 Topic of Sleep with a Sample Answer and Vocabulary

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Hello Liz. I take my speaking test tomorrow….I’m nervous much, but going through your Speaking tips is helping a whole lot. Wish me luck!

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🤗🤗🇳🇬🇳🇬 you are the best!!

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Tnank you so much for the tips…am doing my test in 2hrs time!!

Good luck!!

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Good article , thanks and we wish extra! Added to FeedBurner as well

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Hi Miss Liz you are an amazing of English teacher. Could please also give us samples of speaking part 3 questions. It would be greatly appreciated if you could do please. thank you very much.

See this page:

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How do you travel? Can you give me a answer of this question

This is a question from the topic if travel in speaking part 1. The question is “how do you usually travel?”. This means what kinds of transportation do you usually use in your everyday life.

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Liz speaking is very weak and confidence is low. Give me suggestion how can i improve my speaking. tell me about sentence formation.

All my speaking tips are on this page;

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hi mam any links for speaking question with answers i need 9 band thanks

You can find plenty of model answers on my main speaking page:

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means of transport in the future

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Thank you mam ….

hello, Liz my speaking exam held on next Monday and i am very afraid mam. can you advise me mam ,please. I need 6 band in speaking.

See my main speaking page: . Good luck!

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Mam i want to ask a question. Do you feel that traveling and tourism promotes a uniform culture in the world?

Due to travel and tourism as well as international business and the development of technology, cultures around the world are becoming more similar.

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Give me some more questions regarding the topic travel and turisom

Try some writing task 2 questions and

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why you don’t but the listen record in this lesson , i think its better to record the lessons with any student you teach even with your self .. and thanks you a lot liz for this useful lessons .

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What i have to do when a cue card handed over to me? How i remind in speaking all answers in mind,,,can i write ? Or hints are also valueable,,,

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You are dedicated teacher.. I have ever seen…

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Good day! I would like to thank you for sharing your tips and guide for us IELTS takers. I believed that your site made me felt confident that my score in IELTS improved. Your guide and tips are easy to follow, clear and clever. I am still waiting for 2 days more fir my IELTS GT results. By the way, I took my IELTS here in Pampanga, Philippines.

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Hi Liz I’m a new student on your site and i have really enjoyed your lessons. I’m planing to take transfer from Russia to UK but before then, i need to take IELTS exames. How can you help me because am not all that good in the language. Please add me to your skype contact; godfred.ameyaw46. Thank you

All my lessons and tips are found on this blog or you can find advanced writing lessons on this page: , Unfortunately, I don’t work with skype. All the best Liz

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Hi your teaching style is very helpfull I want to do test in a next month but I can’t understand where I can start ? Please guide me

Please watch my IELTS preparation video on the home page. Liz

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I had my speaking test yesterday!

Part 1: 1. please tell me your full name please 2. are you a student or do you work? 3. What do you do at your work? 4. how important are social media sites? 5. which is good hand writing or typing? 6. why good hand writings are important? 7. in what situations people write by hands? 8. do you think in future, people will stop writing by hands? there were a couple of more questions which I don’t remember

Task 2. A country where I haven’t been and I wish to visit.

Task 3. Importance of tourism, what developments your government is doing to promote tourism, what are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? There was one more question about tourusm, which I don’t remeber,

overall I think, my speaking was good. But I think my examiner was in hurry and she didn’t let me finish my answers in task 3, which was suppose to be long answers with descriptions and examples. also for task 2, she had to stop me because it was already 2 minutes and i was still speaking.

Liz, do you think this will affect my score?

My writing is on 26th.

Thank you! Palak

Thanks for sharing 🙂 In part 2, it examiner MUST stop you when 2 mins is reached. No students can have more than 2 mins. So, this is a normal part of the test and it won’t affect your score. It’s usually a good sign that you were still talking. For part 3, the examiner should give you a chance to explain your ideas for each question. But sometimes the examiner is happy with the language you are producing in an answer before you have finished. In that case, they will interrupt you and move quickly to another question which tests a different language point. I certainly shouldn’t worry. Let us know your results when they arrive. Good luck with your writing, listening and reading! All the best Liz

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your site is very helpful. I’m having my ielts speaking test on friday and i’m continously practising for it from your site. Can you please tell, things I must not say and do while answering the examiner? this is my second time I scored 6 before but this time I need to score 6.5 or more.

The examiner is not interested in your ideas, only in your level of English. Add more to each answer. Speaking naturally as though to a friend. Add past tense, future forms, conditionals etc. Explain what you mean, give examples (particularly in part 2 and 3). Never answer with just a couple of words. Look carefully at my model answers for speaking test 1. Good luck! Liz

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Hi Liz I have question Since I never been to my own country & I born & live in Bahrain so how could I talk about my own country? Can I talk about the country were I’m living , I mean considering Bahrain as my own country or hometown ? Thanks

You can talk about any place you want as your hometown. The examiner is not interested if you tell the truth or not. The examiner only wants to hear your English language. So, decide which place you want to be your hometown and use that in your answers. Don’t worry, this is a language test only. All the best Liz

' src=

There isn’t any tips or vocabulary about this topic

Not yet. I haven’t put up vocabulary on transport or travel but I will at some point. Liz

' src=

I have a question about IELTS Speaking Can we use words like “wanna”, “gonna”, “kinda” in the speaking? Will our scores reduce if we use that words?

Your score will go up. It is a form of pronunciation linking which is good for your pronunciation band score. Liz

' src=

Hi Liz, Can I have a certain time to prepare for my answers before speaking face to face with the examiner in speaking part 1?

There is no preparation time for answers in speaking, except in speaking part 2. You should answer the questions in part 1 and part 3 directly. If you need to time to think for one or two questions, you can ask the examiner to repeat the questions. It won’t affect your score and it will give you time to think. All the best Liz

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the last/past year vs. the last/past 12 months

  • Thread starter meijin
  • Start date Nov 10, 2017


Senior Member

  • Nov 10, 2017

Hi, please see the following example survey questions I created. Q1a. How many times did you travel abroad in the last year / last 1 year / last 12 months ? Q1b. How many times have you travelled abroad in the last year / last 1 year / last 12 months ? I think "in the last/past year" means the same as "in the last/past 12 months" and therefore it's unnecessary to add "1" and say "in the last/past 1 year" . As for "In the last/past 12 months ", I wonder why survey questions often say it instead of "in the last/past year ". In Japanese we rarely say "12 months". We almost always say "1 year". This makes me wonder if " the last/past year " isn't as clear as " the last/past 12 months " in meaning. If so, why not just add " 1 "? Havnig said that, Ngram Viewer results suggest that my perception is wrong. So, why do some people use "last/past 12 months "? Ngram Viewer results (last) Ngram Viewer results (past)  


Hiya meijin -- Since the date when you hear or read something affects "last" and "previous", let's assume all of these examples were heard or read on 11/11/2017. Note that it doesn't matter when they were spoken or written. "This year" is 2017. That makes 2016 "last year". 2016 is also "the past year" and "the previous year". Phrases with "last/previous" and "year" can either mean "calendar year 2016" or "the 365 day period ending today". Similar expressions using "12 months" can mean either "the last 12 completed months (not including this month)" or "the 365 day period ending today".  

So, I suppose the reason most English surveys (that I've seen) use "the last/past 12 months " and not "the last/past year " is that "the last/past 12 months" CANNOT mean "calendar year 2016" and it also doesn't really matter whether it's "the last 12 completed months (not including this month)" or "the 365 day period ending today". At the same time, I think "the last/past 1 year " also doesn't mean "calendar year 2016". Would the following version work fine or would the respondents wonder if it's about Jan-Dec 2016? Q1c. How many times did you travel abroad in the past 1 year ? When translating a Japanese questionnaire or survey report into English, I prefer not to convert "last/past 1 year " into "last/past 12 months ". But if "12 months" is better in English, I'll happily do the conversion.  


meijin, you're right about the reason, and also right about the meaning of "the past 1 year" - but "the past 1 year" looks odd to me. Usually we just don't say that even in surveys. So I think you are better off writing "the last 12 months" after all.  

  • Nov 11, 2017

Thanks Truffula. That's what I sort of expected, so I'll use "the last 12 months", or "the past 12 months". In survey reports, an abbreviation "P12M" is often used. I personally haven't seen "L12M" but a quick Google search shows that some report writers use it. I prefer "P12M" because it can mean either "past 12 months" or "previous 12 months".  

Money blog: Major free childcare change kicks in today as parents of younger children can now apply

From today, eligible parents of children from nine-months-old in England can register for 15 free hours of childcare per week. Read this and the rest of our Weekend Money features, and leave a comment, and we'll be back with rolling personal finance and consumer news on Monday.

Sunday 12 May 2024 11:59, UK

Weekend Money

  • Free childcare applications open for new age band
  • 'Loud budgeting': The money-saving trend that has nothing to do with giving up your daily coffee
  • What is most in-demand period property?
  • £12m tea advert, downsizing, £320 tasting menus and job interview mistakes: What readers have said this week
  • Where has huge week for UK economy left us?

Best of the week

  • How to avoid a holiday data roaming charge (while still using the internet)
  • Mortgage rates up again this week - here are the best deals on the market
  • My daughter discovered undeclared £600 management fee after buying her flat - can we complain?
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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From Sunday, eligible working parents of children from nine-months-old in England will be able to register for access to up to 15 free hours of government-funded childcare per week.

This will then be granted from September. 

Check if you're eligible  here  - or read on for our explainer on free childcare across the UK.

Three and four year olds

In England, all parents of children aged three and four in England can claim 15 hours of free childcare per week, for 1,140 hours (38 weeks) a year, at an approved provider.

This is a universal offer open to all.

It can be extended to 30 hours where both parents (or the sole parent) are in work, earn the weekly minimum equivalent of 16 hours at the national minimum or living wage, and have an income of less than £100,000 per year.

Two year olds

Previously, only parents in receipt of certain benefits were eligible for 15 hours of free childcare.

But, as of last month, this was extended to working parents.

This is not a universal offer, however.

A working parent must earn more than £8,670 but less than £100,000 per year. For couples, the rule applies to both parents.

Nine months old

In September, this same 15-hour offer will be extended to working parents of children aged from nine months. From 12 May, those whose children will be at least nine months old on 31 August can apply to received the 15 hours of care from September.

From September 2025

The final change to the childcare offer in England will be rolled out in September 2025, when eligible working parents of all children under the age of five will be able to claim 30 hours of free childcare a week.

In some areas of Wales, the Flying Start early years programme offers 12.5 hours of free childcare for 39 weeks, for eligible children aged two to three. The scheme is based on your postcode area, though it is currently being expanded.

All three and four-year-olds are entitled to free early education of 10 hours per week in approved settings during term time under the Welsh government's childcare offer.

Some children of this age are entitled to up to 30 hours per week of free early education and childcare over 48 weeks of the year. The hours can be split - but at least 10 need to be used on early education.

To qualify for this, each parent must earn less than £100,000 per year, be employed and earn at least the equivalent of working 16 hours a week at the national minimum wage, or be enrolled on an undergraduate, postgraduate or further education course that is at least 10 weeks in length.

All three and four-year-olds living in Scotland are entitled to at least 1,140 hours per year of free childcare, with no work or earnings requirements for parents. 

This is usually taken as 30 hours per week over term time (38 weeks), though each provider will have their own approach.

Some households can claim free childcare for two-year-olds. To be eligible you have to be claiming certain benefits such as Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance or Universal Credit, or have a child that is in the care of their local council or living with you under a guardianship order or kinship care order.

Northern Ireland

There is no scheme for free childcare in Northern Ireland. Some other limited support is available.

Working parents can access support from UK-wide schemes such as tax credits, Universal Credit, childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare.

Aside from this, all parents of children aged three or four can apply for at least 12.5 hours a week of funded pre-school education during term time. But over 90% of three-year-olds have a funded pre-school place - and of course this is different to childcare.

What other help could I be eligible for?

Tax-free childcare  - Working parents in the UK can claim up to £500 every three months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of their children to help with childcare costs. 

If the child is disabled, the amount goes up to £1,000 every three months (up to £4,000 a year).

To claim the benefit, parents will need to open a tax-free childcare account online. For every 80p paid into the account, the government will top it up by 20p.

The scheme is available until the September after the child turns 11.

Universal credit  - Working families on universal credit can claim back up to 85% of their monthly childcare costs, as long as the care is paid for upfront. The most you can claim per month is £951 for one child or £1,630 for two or more children.

Tax credits -  People claiming working tax credit can get up to 70% of what they pay for childcare if their costs are no more than £175 per week for one child or £300 per work for multiple children.

By Jess Sharp , Money team 

Money saving trends are constantly popping up on social media - but one in particular has been gaining huge amounts of attention.

Created accidentally by a comedian, loud budgeting is breaking down the taboo of speaking about money.

The idea is based on being firmer/more vocal about your financial boundaries in social situations and setting out what you are happy to spend your money on, instead of "Keeping up with the Joneses". 

On TikTok alone, videos published under the hashtag #loudbudgeting have garnered more than 30 million views - and that figure is continuing to climb. 

We spoke to Lukas Battle - the 26-year-old who unintentionally created the trend as part of a comedy sketch. 

Based in New York, he came up with the term in a skit about the "quiet luxury" hype, which had spread online in 2023 inspired by shows like Succession. 

The term was used for humble bragging about your wealth with expensive items that were subtle in their design - for example, Gwyneth Paltrow's  £3,900 moss green wool coat from The Row, which she wore during her ski resort trial...

"I was never a big fan of the quiet luxury trend, so I just kind of switched the words and wrote 'loud budgeting is in'. I'm tired of spending money and I don't want to pretend to be rich," Lukas said. 

"That's how it started and then the TikTok comments were just obsessed with that original idea." 

This was the first time he mentioned it...

Lukas explained that it wasn't about "being poor" but about not being afraid of sharing your financial limits and "what's profitable for you personally". 

"It's not 'skip a coffee a day and you'll become a millionaire'."

While talking money has been seen as rude or taboo, he said it's something his generation is more comfortable doing. 

"I've seen more debate around the topic and I think people are really intrigued and attracted by the idea," he said. 

"It's just focusing your spending and time on things you enjoy and cutting out the things you might feel pressured to spend your money on."  

He has incorporated loud budgeting into his own life, telling his friends "it's free to go outside" and opting for cheaper dinner alternatives.

"Having the terminology and knowing it's a trend helps people understand it and there's no awkward conversation around it," he said. 

The trend has been a big hit with so-called American "finfluencers", or "financial influencers", but people in the UK have started practising it as well. 

Mia Westrap has taken up loud budgeting by embarking on a no-buy year and sharing her finances with her 11.3k TikTok followers. 

Earning roughly £2,100 a month, she spends around £1,200 on essentials, like rent, petrol and car insurance, but limits what else she can purchase. 

Clothes, fizzy drinks, beauty treatments, makeup, dinners out and train tickets are just some things on her "red list". 

The 26-year-old PHD student first came across the idea back in 2017, but decided to take up the challenge this year after realising she was living "pay check to pay check". 

She said her "biggest fear" in the beginning was that her friends wouldn't understand what she was doing, but she found loud budgeting helped. 

"I'm still trying my best to just go along with what everyone wants to do but I just won't spend money while we do it and my friends don't mind that, we don't make a big deal out of it," she said. 

So far, she has been able to save £1,700, and she said talking openly about her money has been "really helpful". 

"There's no way I could have got this far if I wasn't baring my soul to the internet about the money I have spent. It has been a really motivating factor."

Financial expert John Webb said loud budgeting has the ability to help many "feel empowered" and create a "more realistic" relationship with money.

"This is helping to normalise having open and honest conversations about finances," the consumer affair manager at Experien said. 

"It can also reduce the anxiety some might have by keeping their financial worries to themselves." 

However, he warned it's important to be cautious and to take the reality of life into consideration. 

"It could cause troubles within friendship groups if they're not on the same page as you or have different financial goals," he said.

"This challenge isn't meant to stop you from having fun, but it is designed to help people become more conscious and intentional when it comes to money, and reduce the stigma around talking about it." 

Rightmove's keyword tool shows Victorian-era houses are the most commonly searched period properties, with people drawn to their ornate designs and features.

Georgian and Edwardian-style are second and third respectively, followed by Tudor properties. Regency ranked in fifth place.

Rightmove property expert Tim Bannister said: "Home hunters continue to be captivated by the character and charm of properties that we see in period dramas.

"Victorian homes remain particularly popular, characterised by their historic charm, solid construction, and spacious interiors. You'll often find Victorian houses in some of the most desirable locations which include convenient access to schools and transport links."

Throughout the week Money blog readers have shared their thoughts on the stories we've been covering, with the most correspondence coming in on...

  • A hotly contested debate on the best brand of tea
  • Downsizing homes
  • The cost of Michelin-starred food

Job interview mistakes

On Wednesday we reported on a new £12m ad from PG Tips in response to it falling behind rivals such as Twinings, Yorkshire Tea and Tetley....

We had lots of comments like this...

How on earth was the PG Tips advert so expensive? I prefer Tetley tea, PG Tips is never strong enough flavour for me. Shellyleppard
The reason for the sales drop with PG Tips could be because they increased the price and reduced the quantity of bags from 240 to 180 - it's obvious. Royston

And then this question which we've tried to answer below...

Why have PG Tips changed from Pyramid shape tea bags, to a square? Sam

Last year PG Tips said it was changing to a square bag that left more room for leaves to infuse, as the bags wouldn't fold over themselves.

We reported on data showing how downsizing could save you money for retirement - more than £400,000, in some regions, by swapping four beds for two.

Some of our readers shared their experiences...

We are downsizing and moving South so it's costing us £100k extra for a smaller place, all money from retirement fund. AlanNorth
Interesting read about downsizing for retirement. We recently did this to have the means to retire early at 52. However, we bought a house in the south of France for the price of a flat in our town in West Sussex. Now living the dream! OliSarah

How much should we pay for food?

Executive chef at London's two-Michelin-starred Ikoyi, Jeremy Chan, raised eyebrows when he suggested to the Money blog that Britons don't pay enough for restaurant food.

Ikoyi, the 35th best restaurant in the world, charges £320 for its tasting menu. 

"I don't think people pay enough money for food, I think we charge too little, [but] we want to always be accessible to as many people as possible, we're always trying our best to do that," he said, in a piece about his restaurant's tie up with Uber Eats... 

We had this in... 

Are they serious? That is two weeks' worth of food shopping for me, if the rich can afford this "tasting menu" then they need to be taxed even more by the government, it's just crazy! Steve T
If the rate of pay is proportionate to the vastly overpriced costs of the double Michelin star menu, I would gladly peel quail eggs for four-hour stints over continuing to be abused as a UK supply teacher. AndrewWard
Does this two-star Michelin star chef live in the real world? Who gives a toss if he stands and peels his quails eggs for four hours, and he can get the best turbot from the fishmonger fresh on a daily basis? It doesn't justify the outrageous price he is charging for his tasting menu. Topaztraveller
Chefs do make me laugh, a steak is just a steak, they don't make the meat! They just cook it like the rest of us, but we eat out because we can't be bothered cooking! StevieGrah

Finally, many of you reacted to this feature on common mistakes in job interviews...

Those 10 biggest mistakes people make in interviews is the dumbest thing I've ever read. They expect all that and they'll be offering a £25k a year job. Why wouldn't I want to know about benefits and basic sick pay? And also a limp handshake? How's that relevant to how you work? Jre90

Others brought their own tips...

Whenever I go for an interview I stick to three points: 1. Be yourself 2. Own the interview 3. Wear the clothes that match the job you are applying Kevin James Blakey

Two big economic moments dominated the news agenda in Money this week - interest rates and GDP.

As expected, the Bank of England held the base rate at 5.25% on Wednesday - but a shift in language was instructive about what may happen next.

Bank governor Andrew Bailey opened the door to a summer cut to 5%, telling reporters that an easing of rates at the next Monetary Policy Committee meeting on 20 June was neither ruled out nor a fait accompli.

More surprisingly, he suggested that rate cuts, when they start, could go deeper "than currently priced into market rates".

He refused to be drawn on what that path might look like - but markets had thought rates could bottom out at 4.5% or 4.75% this year, and potentially 3.5% or 4% next.

"To make sure that inflation stays around the 2% target - that inflation will neither be too high nor too low - it's likely that we will need to cut Bank rate over the coming quarters and make monetary policy somewhat less restrictive over the forecast period," Mr Bailey said.

You can read economics editor Ed Conway's analysis of the Bank's decision here ...

On Friday we discovered the UK is no longer in recession.

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.6% between January and March, the Office for National Statistics said.

This followed two consecutive quarters of the economy shrinking.

The data was more positive than anticipated.

"Britain is not just out of recession," wrote Conway. "It is out of recession with a bang."

The UK has seen its fastest growth since the tailend of the pandemic - and Conway picked out three other reasons for optimism.

1/ An economic growth rate of 0.6% is near enough to what economists used to call "trend growth". It's the kind of number that signifies the economy growing at more or less "normal" rates.

2/ 0.6% means the UK is, alongside Canada, the fastest-growing economy in the G7 (we've yet to hear from Japan, but economists expect its economy to contract in the first quarter).

3/ Third, it's not just gross domestic product that's up. So too is gross domestic product per head - the number you get when you divide our national income by every person in the country. After seven years without any growth, GDP per head rose by 0.4% in the first quarter.

GDP per head is a more accurate yardstick for the "feelgood factor", said Conway - perhaps meaning people will finally start to feel better off.

For more on where Friday's figures leaves us, listen to an Ian King Business Podcast special...

The Money blog is your place for consumer news, economic analysis and everything you need to know about the cost of living - bookmark .

It runs with live updates every weekday - while on Saturdays we scale back and offer you a selection of weekend reads.

Check them out this morning and we'll be back on Monday with rolling news and features.

The Money team is Emily Mee, Bhvishya Patel, Jess Sharp, Katie Williams, Brad Young and Ollie Cooper, with sub-editing by Isobel Souster. The blog is edited by Jimmy Rice.

If you've missed any of the features we've been running in Money this year, or want to check back on something you've previously seen in the blog, this archive of our most popular articles may help...

Loaves of bread have been recalled from shelves in Japan after they were found to contain the remains of a rat.

Production of the bread in Tokyo has been halted after parts of a "small animal" were found by at least two people.

Pasco Shikishima Corp, which produces the bread, said 104,000 packages have been recalled as it apologised and promised compensation.

A company representative told Sky News's US partner network, NBC News, that a "small black rat" was found in the bread. No customers were reported to have fallen ill as a result of ingesting the contaminated bread.

"We deeply apologise for the serious inconvenience and trouble this has caused to our customers, suppliers, and other concerned parties," the spokesman said.

Pasco added in a separate statement that "we will do our utmost to strengthen our quality controls so that this will never happen again. We ask for your understanding and your co-operation."

Japanese media reports said at least two people who bought the bread in the Gunma prefecture, north-west of Tokyo, complained to the company about finding a rodent in the bread.

Record levels of shoplifting appear to be declining as fewer shopkeepers reported thefts last year, new figures show. 

A survey by the Office for National Statistics shows 26% of retailers experienced customer theft in 2023, down from a record high of 28% in 2022.

This comes despite a number of reports suggesting shoplifting is becoming more frequent. 

A  separate ONS finding , which used police crime data, showed reports of shoplifting were at their highest level in 20 years in 2023, with law enforcements logging 430,000 instances of the crime.

Let's get you up to speed on the biggest business news of the past 24 hours. 

A privately owned used-car platform is circling Cazoo Group, its stricken US-listed rival, which is on the brink of administration.

Sky News has learnt that is a leading contender to acquire Cazoo's marketplace operation, which would include its brand and intellectual property assets.

The process to auction the used-car platform's constituent parts comes after it spent tens of millions of pounds on sponsorship deals in football, snooker and darts in a rapid attempt to gain market share.

The owner of British Airways has reported a sharp rise in profits amid soaring demand for trips and a fall in the cost of fuel.

International Airlines Group said its operating profit for the first three months of the year was €68m (£58.5m) - above expectations and up from €9m (£7.7m) during the same period in 2023.

The company, which also owns Aer Lingus, Iberia and Vueling, said earnings had soared thanks to strong demand, particularly over the Easter holidays.

The prospect of a strike across Tata Steel's UK operations has gained further traction after a key union secured support for industrial action.

Community, which has more than 3,000 members, said 85% voted in favour of fighting the India-owned company's plans for up to 2,800 job losses, the majority of them at the country's biggest steelworks in Port Talbot, South Wales.

Tata confirmed last month it was to press ahead with the closure of the blast furnaces at the plant, replacing them with electric arc furnaces to reduce emissions and costs.

In doing so, the company rejected an alternative plan put forward by the Community, GMB and Unite unions that, they said, would raise productivity and protect jobs across the supply chain.

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did you travel abroad


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  4. 10 Most Amazing Benefits of Traveling Abroad

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  6. Top 5 legal tips for traveling abroad

    did you travel abroad


  1. Have You Traveled to Another Country? IELTS Speaking (10 Example

    Yes, I have. I love traveling because it's so much fun to visit different countries and cultures. So I've been traveling for most of my life. 3. Yes, I have been to many foreign countries. I live in Europe, so it's really easy to travel abroad. I usually travel by plane or train, which are both very affordable these days. 4. Yes, I have.

  2. 27 Surprising Benefits of Traveling Abroad: How Traveling Changed My

    You begin to see the beauty in small, everyday occurrences, like the rustle of leaves on your lawn in autumn or the daily calls of songbirds in the morning. And in this way, you discover a whole world of simple pleasures. 16. You gain confidence. When you travel abroad, you inevitably face challenges.

  3. 25 travel facts that'll alter your view of the world

    9. The UK has the world's longest country name. The UK 's official title of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland makes it the longest recognised country name in the world. 10. Alaska is both the westernmost and easternmost state in the USA.

  4. 9 Biggest Lessons from Traveling the World

    4. Traveling makes you humble. For me, this is one of the most important travel lessons by far. Traveling gives you a front-row seat to different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. It makes you realize that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to life. It also shows you that no country or group of people has an exclusivity of good ideas.

  5. The Complete Beginner's Guide to International Travel

    Apply for a Passport. First things first. In order to travel internationally, you'll need to have a valid, unexpired passport. On top of that, many countries require you to also have at least three or even six months validity left on your passport from your date of travel. So, if you don't have a valid, unexpired passport or your passport ...

  6. 10 Useful International Travel Tips for First-Time Travelers

    Follow these simple tips of things to do before traveling internationally to ensure smooth sailing. 1. Prepare your travel documents. The most important tip to avoid unnecessary stress is to apply for your passport well in advance. Without your passport or a travel visa, your potential travel radius is limited significantly.

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  8. Before You Go

    Where to sign up for our free Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. Sometimes - in spite of good planning - things can still go wrong. Prepare for the unexpected by reading about how to plan for a crisis overseas. Additional Tips for Traveling Abroad. Downloadable Traveler's Checklist PDF card.

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  11. 50 Things to Know Before You Go Abroad

    44. Never point at someone with your index finger, or any finger, really. It's rude. The last thing you want is to get in a fight with someone for doing it. 45. Know your passport number by heart, in case it gets lost. You should also keep a photocopy of the details page of your passport just in case. 46.

  12. English Conversation: Travel experience

    English Conversation: Travel experience. When you are talking to people, it is really important to start a conversation as well as keep it going. Here's a very good example how you can have an informative and engaging conversation with someone. This is a real conversation between a European person (Jane) and a Chinese person (Kaylin).

  13. Americans- Where did you travel outside USA for the first time ...

    I did a summer study abroad program in Germany in my early 20s (after studying German over five years in school). I learned so much about traveling during that trip. I majorly overpacked, we took basically every form of public transportation, I learned using a card with foreign transaction fees really adds up, and that food really makes or ...

  14. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topic Travelling

    Do you like travelling? → I must admit I'm a travel lover (1) and travelling to a new country is always on top of my todo list every year. Travelling helps me broaden my horizons ( 2) and blow off some steam (3) after strenuous (4) working days. (1) A travel lover /ˈtræv.əl ˈlʌv.ər/. Example: Travel-lovers need to keep living fully.

  15. 10 common travel problems and how to deal with them

    10 common travel problems and their solutions. 1. Getting lost. Some people have fantastic spatial awareness, others not so much, but most people have got lost at least once in their life. It can be a horrible feeling — your heart beating faster as the panic starts to rise.

  16. Speaking part 1 Travel

    Q1. Do you often travel abroad? Well, to be honest, I do not get much free time from my studies/ work, but when I get free time, I mostly spend that time with my family and friends in my hometown. Q2. When is the best season to travel in your country? It is a difficult question to answer because each traveller has their preference.

  17. How to Talk Up Your Travel Experiences in a Job Interview

    This post will help you answer straight forward questions like: "Tell me about your last travel experience" and "Talk about your travel experiences.". However, it will also help you bring your travel experience into more general questions like "tell me about a time you were a leader" or "what are your greatest strengths.". This ...

  18. 60 Travel Conversation Questions

    60 Travel Conversation Questions. Instead of having a long list of travel conversation questions, it is better to have them categorized to make everything easier. These are 60 travel conversation questions that have been divided into different categories such as: #1. Places. #2.

  19. Sample Answers for Travel and Transport in Speaking Part 1

    A. Well, I think the first step to improvement would be to widen the roads and build to overpasses and underpasses to help traffic flow more freely which would reduce the congestion in the city center. Also, it would help if the bus service was improved to make it run more frequently which would help with the overcrowding in rush hour.

  20. 37 Adventurous Facts about Travel

    Only 29% of Americans have even been abroad. [4] Women who vacation at least twice a year have a significantly lower risk of suffering a heart attack than those who travel every six years or so. [4] Men who do not take a vacation at least once a year have a 20% higher risk of death and 30% greater risk of heart disease.

  21. Where have you ever traveled to or where have you traveled to?

    Like suppose someone asked you, "Where did you travel last year?" You reply, "To France and Japan. Where have you traveled?" Now the question may be ambiguous. Do you mean last year, because we were just talking about last year? Or do you mean ever? Adding "ever" here would make it clear. (Or adding "last year" if that's what you meant.)

  22. have you traveled/ did you travel

    English (AE) May 11, 2010. #3. SeñorO said: There's not much of a difference. #2 implies that one's Peru- travelling traveling days are finished. For example, If there was a businessman who had a client that he visted visited often in Peru, but is now retired, you would be more likely to ask #2 (although #1 would work as well).

  23. the last/past year vs. the last/past 12 months

    How many times did you travel abroad in the past 1 year? When translating a Japanese questionnaire or survey report into English, I prefer not to convert "last/past 1 year" into "last/past 12 months". But if "12 months" is better in English, I'll happily do the conversion. Truffula Senior Member.

  24. Money latest: Chocolate is a superfood

    Make sure you opt in once you see the message. From there, you simply need to spend £1 or more five times - earning extra points each time. The number of bonus points on offer varies for each ...