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The northernmost Grand Départ of the Tour de France led to a popular craze that exceeded all expectations. From the teams’ presentation in the heart of Copenhagen to the finish of stage 3 in Sonderborg, the riders were treated to a noisy, warm and respectful honor hedge of more than 400 kilometers. The Danish television channel TV2 recorded an average market share of 78% during the first three stages. Never seen before!  

02/07/2022 - Tour de France 2022 - Etape 2 - Roskilde / Nyborg (202,2km) -

The tears of Jonas Vingegaard, touched by the welcome he received in the Tivoli theme park, are already part of the iconography of the 2022 Tour de France. Spectators who did not have the privilege of being among the 15,000 present for the teams’ presentation then flocked to the sidewalks of Copenhagen, defying the rain that watered the time trial in the heart of the capital on Friday afternoon. They were even more numerous to witness the conquest of the polka-dot jersey by Magnus Cort between Roskilde and Nyborg, then to greet their new national hero, who escaped alone towards Sonderborg. About two million Danes travelled to watch the race during this unprecedented sequence, out of a total population of around six million.But what did the Danes who didn’t attend the Tour de France between 1st and 3rd July do? The figures published by the national channel TV2 indicate that they have largely followed the stages of the Tour in front of their screens, since the market shares reached up to 86% of the people who turned on their television. A peak of 1,100,000 viewers was even recorded for the finish in Sonderborg, just before Dylan Groenewegen’s sprint victory. A way to greet the peloton massively before flying to the French territory.

  Frederik Lauesen, Head of Sports at TV2 Denmark:

“It has been a fairytale for us at TV2 Denmark to experience and to cover the Tour de France’s visit in Denmark. We know that the Danish people love the tour, but the incredible interest from the team presentation in Tivoli Gardens to the stages in our country has after all surprised us in a very positive way. The Danish people have shown their love for the Tour in a way, we would never dream of. The images of the streets and roads full of enthusiastic crowds literally all the way from start to finish will remain with us forever. This was a once in a lifetime experience in many ways and we are equally proud and humble at TV 2 to have played our part in this. We will forever be thankful to the Tour de France and the passionate people who worked hard to make this happen”

“The viewing figures are extremely high, and we are very pleased. It is safe to say that a great number of the Danish people has taken part in this fantastic event and enjoyed the visit of the world greatest cycling race either along the streets or on our platforms.”

  Julien Goupil, Head of medias and partnerships at A.S.O.:

“It was absolutely fantastic to see such a big Danish crowd. The audiences of TV2, historical partner of the Tour (since 1989) are absolutely exceptional and confirm our desire to make the Tour de France accessible to as many people as possible by broadcasting it on free-to-air generalist channels in Europe thanks to the partnership established with Eurovision Sport. These impressive results in terms of audience concern both the broadcast of the live feed of the first three stages and the traffic on TV2’s digital platforms, which has quadrupled. More than ever, the race has attracted crowds, either on the roadsides or in front   of TV. A market share of 78% on average… Never seen before!”

Key numbers:

- During the first three days of the Tour de France, TV2/TV2 PLAY has been in contact with 2,362,000 Danes across stages and studio broadcasts. That’s almost a doubling compared to the interest we saw for the Tour’s first three days last year.

- The first three stages are seen by an average of 767,000 Danes (viewer shares from 72 percent to 86 percent) and at the 3rd stage - at the end of the route - the number of viewers peaks with 1,095,000 Danes who follow the final sprint through Sønderborg.

- The stages are the most viewed 1-3. stages ever, and for all Tour stages, we need to look back more than 10 years to find similar levels.

- On TV2.DK & apps, the interest is also overwhelming, with the first three days of the Tour de France content showing a quadrupling of traffic compared to previous years.  

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Tour de France Femmes 2024 SPOILERS

  • Thread starter Dogtrousers
  • Start date Sunday at 12:35



Kilometre nibbler.

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Do we not already have a thread? It seems not Elisa Longo Borghini is out due to a crash in training  

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Legendary member.

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From last Tues (before Longo Borghini withdrew): Cycling Podcast: S12 Ep86: Tour de France Femmes Preview Episode webpage: View: Media file:  

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Tour de France - Højdepunkter

21. jul. 2024 • 21. etape - med podieceremoni og reaktioner.


Foto: TV 2 Danmark

Foto: TV 2 Danmark

TV 2 går i gult

Verdens største cykelløb, Tour de France, bliver skudt i gang i Danmark. TV 2 er med hele vejen - fra København til Paris. Se med fra 27. juni 2022.

År 2022 bliver et helt unikt år i danmarkshistorien. For første gang nogensinde er der Tour de France-start i Danmark, og ikke mindre end tre etaper af verdens største cykelløb bliver kørt i verdens bedste cykelland. Det bliver en fantastisk cykel- og folkefest, hvor tilskuerne vil strømme til og fylde de danske gader og veje med røde, hvide og gule farver. I 33 år har danskerne kunnet se med fra Tour de France på TV 2 og i anledning af det historiske år, kan danskerne glæde sig til mere Tour de France end nogensinde før på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2.

Historisk stort Tour de France på TV 2 Udover livesending fra alle etaper, kan danskerne se frem til daglige studieprogrammer med bl.a. Stine Bjerre Mortensen og Thomas Kristensen i 'Touren i Danmark' og 'Tour de France-studiet', glædeligt gensyn med Rasmus Staghøj og Lars Bak i ’AftenTour’ og særudgaver af ’Rolf & Ritter på Tour’, hvor det velkendte kommentatorpar bl.a. tester etapen i København med kronprins Frederik. Dertil sendes mindeprogrammet om Chris Anker Sørensen ’Hele Danmarks Chris Anker’.

Også TV 2 NYHEDERNE, TV 2 Regionerne, 'Go' morgen Danmark' og vil summe af de største og vigtigste historier om Tour De France. Et højdepunkt bliver Tour de France-holdpræsentationen i Tivoli i København 29. juni, hvor Dennis Ritter og Stine Bjerre Mortensen skal stå i front, når TV 2 sammen med Grand Depart transmitterer begivenheden til hele verden 29. juni.

- Vi har et historisk Tour de France foran os, og vi har kæmpe ambitioner om at give danskerne den ultimative Tour-oplevelse på TV 2 PLAY. Der er ingen tvivl om, at dækningen i år bliver vores største dækning af Tour de France nogensinde, siger Frederik Lauesen, sportschef på TV 2. Han fortsætter:

- Alle vores dygtige cykelfolk har glædet sig til dette øjeblik, og vi har samlet et suverænt tour-hold, hvor alle er klar til at bringe danskerne helt tæt på alt, hvad der rører sig i og omkring cykelløbet, siger Frederik Lauesen.

Rolf Sørensen, H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik og Dennis Ritter, fra TV 2-programmet 'Rolf og Ritter på Tour'. Foto: TV 2 Danmark

Rolf Sørensen, H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik og Dennis Ritter, fra TV 2-programmet 'Rolf og Ritter på Tour'. Foto: TV 2 Danmark

Stine Bjerre Mortensen og Dennis Ritter er værter ved holdpræsentationen To dage før Tour de France starter i København 1. juli er der holdpræsentation, hvor de enkelte hold og ryttere vil blive præsenteret. Det er en begivenhed, som TV 2 producerer i samarbejde med STV og Grand Depart.

- Det store startskud lyder, når vores værter Stine Bjerre og Dennis Ritter byder rytterne og seere fra hele verden velkommen til holdpræsentationen, som bliver sendt direkte fra Tivoli i hjertet af vores smukke hovedstad. Derefter følger det, som det hele handler om, nemlig cykelløbet og de tre historiske etaper gennem store dele af vores dejlige land. Jeg er sikker på, at det bliver en uforglemmelig oplevelse for alle danskere, siger Frederik Lauesen.

Stine Bjerre Mortensen og Dennis Ritter. Foto: TV 2 Danmark

Stine Bjerre Mortensen og Dennis Ritter. Foto: TV 2 Danmark

Tour de France er kæmpestort i Danmark Sommer, TV 2 og Tour de France hænger sammen, for lige siden 1989 har TV 2 dækket den store franske rundtur. Det startede med et resumé af dagens etaper, og 8.juli 1990 sendte TV 2 Tour de France for første gang live. Gennem årene er Tour de France blevet en ikonisk begivenhed, vi samler os om, og for mange danskere er der ingen sommer uden Tour de France. Danmark er i dag det land, der har den største seerandel i verden, når Tour de France bliver sendt.

- Store dele af Danmark vil snart stå klædt i gult, og det er fantastisk at være vidne til de mange initiativer og tiltag, som danskerne tager i anledning af, at touren kommer til vores land. Den opbakning gør mig stolt, og det viser igen, hvordan sport evner at samle os i et fællesskab på tværs af hele landet. Og i år bliver den største årgang af dem alle - på vores hjemmebane - og det skal vi fejre i fællesskab, siger Frederik Lausen.

TV 2 stiller i stærkeste opstilling Det historiske Tour de France i år bliver dækket af et stærkt hold på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 - med både nye og gamle ansigter. De nye ansigter skal blandt andet ses i lyset af, at den mangeårige cykelrytter og -ekspert Chris Anker Sørensen sidste år mistede livet i en ulykke. Stine Bjerre Mortensen er vært i 'Touren i Danmark'-programmerne i dagene op til Tour de France starter. Efter løbsstart tager Thomas Kristensen over, og han er vært på de resterende 'Touren i Danmark'-programmer samt på 'Tour de France-studiet', når løbet kommer til Frankrig. Rasmus Staghøj er vært på de sene 'Touren i Danmark'-programmer, de aftener løbet bliver kørt i Danmark. Efter Touren er kommet til Frankrig er han vært på 'AftenTour'.

Dennis Ritter og Rolf Sørensen er faste kommentatorer på etaperne, og undervejs får de selskab af bl.a. den tidligere cykelrytter Lars Bak, sportsdirektør på Team ColoQuick Christian Moberg, landstræner Anders Lund og Riwal-rytteren Emil Vinjebo. Lars Bak er også fast ekspert i 'AftenTour', mens Moberg og Vinjebo er med i Tour-studierne. Desuden er forfatter og journalist Henrik Jul Hansen er med i studie-programmerne i Danmark.

Dennis Ritter og Rolf Sørensen. Foto: Ulrik Jantzen / TV 2 Danmark

Dennis Ritter og Rolf Sørensen. Foto: Ulrik Jantzen / TV 2 Danmark

Det kan seerne glæde sig til på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 Udover alle etaperne live, studie-programmer før og efter etaperne, 'AftenTour' osv., er der masser af ekstraprogrammer i år på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2, som seerne kan se frem til, bl.a.:

Holdpræsentation På TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 29.6 kl. 18.30 Danmark byder velkommen til verdens største cykelløb, Tour de France, når der 1. juli er Grand Depart i København. TV 2s Stine Bjerre Mortensen og Dennis Ritter er værter for begivenheden i Tivoli, hvor holdene bliver præsenteret. Holdudtagelsen bliver produceret af TV 2 og sendt live til masser af lande verden over.

Rolf & Ritter på Tour - med kronprinsen På TV 2 PLAY fra 26.6 og på TV 2 8.6 kl. 20.50 Rolf og Ritter tester hvert år udvalgte Tour de France-etaper i Frankrig. Men som noget helt særligt i år prøvekører de tre af etaperne i Danmark. På den første etape får de får de selskab af kronprins Frederik, der viser dem et sted i København, som betyder meget for ham. Det er selvfølgelig Vor Frue Kirke, hvor han blev gift med sin kronprinsesse Mary. Efter de tre etaper i Danmark går turen videre til Frankrig, hvor duoen på vanlig vis tager turen op af nogle af årets hårde bjerge. Der er i alt seks programmer i den nye sæson af 'Rolf & Ritter på Tour', og det er i premiereprogrammet, at de prøvekører den første etape med kronprins Frederik.

Hele Danmarks Chris Anker På TV 2 PLAY fra 27.6 og på TV 2 4.7 kl. 20.50. Mindeprogram. 18. september 2021 døde den folkekære cykelrytter og tv-kommentator Chris Anker Sørensen i en trafikulykke. Mange mennesker var i chok og sorg, for uden nogen havde opdaget det, havde Chris gennem sin karriere boret sig ind i hjerterne på folk. I dette program fortæller familie, venner, kolleger og almindelige danskere, hvorfor han blev 'Hele Danmarks Chris Anker'.

’AftenTour’ Hver aften på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 fra 5. juli Rasmus Staghøj og Lars Bak ser nærmere på dagens begivenheder i Tour de France. Hvad var de vigtigste hændelser på dagens etape - og hvad er der i vente de næste dage? De får også sidste nyt, analyser og reportager fra TV 2s kommentatorer og journalister.

’Tour de France-studiet’ Programmer inden og efter dagens etape Thomas Kristensen og forskellige eksperter giver en update på de vigtigste begivenheder i Tour de France, og hvad vi skal forvente os af de kommende dage. De får også sidste nyt og analyser fra TV 2s kommentatorer og reportere.

'Touren i Danmark' Hver dag på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 fra 27.juni - 3. juli Tour de France kommer til Danmark, og i dagene op til start sender TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 'Touren i Danmark' fra Tivoli med Stine Bjerre Mortensen som vært. Her bliver den store begivenhed dækket med sjove historier, inspirerende gæster og overraskende vinkler på verdens største cykelløbs indtog i Danmark. Henrik Jul Hansen og Rolf Sørensen er faste eksperter i studiet, mens bl.a. Rasmus Staghøj og Søren Reedtz laver reportager fra hovedstaden i nogle særlige Tour de France-ladcykler. ’Touren i Danmark’ fortsætter efter tourstart 1.juli med Thomas Kristensen som vært.

'Go' Morgen Danmark', Regioner, TV 2 NEWS og TV 2 NYHEDERNE Desuden får man på TV 2 PLAY og TV 2 en masse ekstra Tour de France. Regionerne dækker Touren i deres områder massivt, TV 2 NEWS og TV 2 NYHEDERNE har masser af Tour-indhold og 'Go' Morgen Danmark' har også fokus på Tour de France, når programmerne forvandles til ’Go’Tour’ fra 1.-3. juli.

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How to watch Tour de France: Live stream final stages free from anywhere

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The 111th Tour de France is almost over, with just two stages left in the competition. We've compiled everything you need to know about how to watch the Tour de France, including global free streaming options for the 2024 race.

The race kicked off in Italy this year before heading to France, where the cyclists are finishing up the final few stages of the lengthy competition. The winner, the rider with the shortest combined times after completing all 21 stages, will be crowned on July 21. In a massive shake-up from tradition, the race will conclude in Nice rather than Paris. And rather than a leisurely final stage, the competitors will duke it out in one last time trial. This could give the opportunity for a potential last-minute upset, depending on how close the competition is going into Stage 21.

Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogacar is currently in the lead. Pogacar won the Tour de France in 2020 and 2021, but Danish cyclist Jonas Vingegaard was the victor in 2022 and 2023. Vingegaard, who suffered a major crash earlier this year that left him hospitalized, has held his own in the race and has sped past Belgian cyclist Remco Evenepoel to the no. 2 general ranking. The next two days will see if Vingegaard can make up the time and beat Pogacar or if the latter can pull off a second Grand Tour win this year after his victory at the Giro d'Italia in May.

Below, we've outlined all of the ways you can live stream the Tour de France. We'll keep this page updated with start times for every stage of the tournament.

  • See also: Where to watch Copa America  | Where to watch Formula 1 | Where to watch MotoGP

How to watch Tour de France in the UK

The Tour de France will air daily on ITV4 in the UK, which means that it's available to live stream for free through ITVX . This English-language option only requires account creation to use and comes with access to tons of other live sports and TV options.

How to watch Tour de France in France

In France, the Tour de France will live stream on France.TV . This is a free French-language option that you just need to make an account to use.

How to watch Tour de France in Australia

The Tour de France live streams are free on SBS in Australia. This is another English-language streaming option that only requires you to create a free account to watch. 

How to watch Tour de France in the US

All stages of the Tour de France will live stream on Peacock in the US. Occasionally, the race will be simulcast on NBC, including stages 8, 14, and 20. Peacock subscriptions start at $7.99 a month and will also cover you for the Olympics, which begin later in July.

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Peacock is a convenient streaming source for hit NBC TV shows, Universal movies, and select sports like Sunday Night Football. Prices start at $8 a month, with additional discounts on annual plans.

How to watch Tour de France from anywhere

You can still access the free streams via VPN if you'll be outside of the UK, France, Australia, or any of the options outlined above during any part of the race. Short for virtual private networks, VPNs allow people to temporarily change their device's virtual location so that they can access their usual websites from anywhere. VPNs are especially popular among people looking to boost their online privacy and keep up with all their apps while traveling abroad.

Our go-to recommendation is ExpressVPN since it's beginner-friendly and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Check out our ExpressVPN review for additional details, and keep reading to learn how to use a VPN.

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With its consistent performance, reliable security, and expansive global streaming features, ExpressVPN is the best VPN out there, excelling in every spec and offering many advanced features that makes it exceptional. Better yet, you can save up to 49% and get an extra three months for free today.

How to watch Tour de France with a VPN

  • Sign up for a VPN if you don't already have one.
  • Install it on the device you're using to watch the race.
  • Turn it on and set it to the location of the streaming service.
  • Go to  ITVX (UK) , France.TV (France)  or SBS (Australia) and create a login if necessary.
  • Enjoy the Tour de France.

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here . Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider Reviews team. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising team. We welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] .

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How to watch Tour de France live stream — 2024 stages and schedule

Expect fierce competition to win the world's greatest cycle race

Tadej Pogacar of Slovenia and UAE Team Emirates - Yellow Leader Jersey celebrates at finish line as stage winner during the 111th Tour de France 2024, Stage 15 a 197.7km stage from Loudenvielle to Plateau de Beille 1782m / #UCIWT / on July 14, 2024 in Plateau de Beille, France

Watch Tour de France: live streams

Watch tour de france 2024: preview.

It is time for the second Grand Tour of the year and, for most cycling fans, the Tour de France 2024, is the big one. However, there is some shift from tradition this year. The Grand Départ is in Florence and the finish in Nice, not Paris.

We are in for a brutal battle for the Yellow Jersey. The field includes Carlos Rodríguez and Egan Bernal leading the Ineos Grenadiers and Jonas Vingegaard of Team Visma - Lease a Bike. He's a back-to-back winner of this legendary race, having won in 2022 and 2023. Can he make it a hat-trick?

It's Tadej Pogacar who they'll all be trying to keep pace with though. The Slovenian has already won the Giro d’Italia this season. Can he become the first rider to do the double since Marco Pantani in 1998?

And there's no need to leave these questions hanging. You can watch the Tour de France 2024 for yourself with every stage available to stream free. Read on for how to watch the Tour de France live streams from anywhere and all the TV channel and cable-free options you'll need for this three-week feast of cycling.

How to watch a FREE Tour de France live stream

One of the best things about the Tour de France is that it's completely free to watch in lots of countries around the world. For example:

UK – ITV4 and ITVX streaming service / S4C and S4C on BBC iPlayer

France – France TV Sport

Belgium – RTBF  

Italy – Rai Sport

Australia – SBS

If you're from any of the countries listed above but you're abroad right now, don't worry about missing out on that free coverage. All you need to do is subscribe to a VPN to watch a free Tour de France live stream and re-connect to your home streaming coverage.

How to watch Tour de France 2024 from outside your country

If you're keen to watch the Tour de France but you're away from home and the coverage is geo-blocked, then you could always use a VPN to access it (assuming you're not breaching any broadcaster T&Cs, of course). You may be surprised by how simple it is to do.

Use a VPN to get a Tour de France live stream from anywhere.

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NordVPN – get the world's best VPN We regularly review all the biggest and best VPN providers and NordVPN is our #1 choice . It unblocked every streaming service in testing and it's very straightforward to use. Speed, security and 24/7 support available if you need – it's got it all. The best value plan is the two-year deal which sets the price at $3.69 per month , and includes an extra 3 months absolutely FREE . There's also an all-important no-quibble refund if you decide it's not for you.

- So, try NordVPN 100% risk-free for 30 days

USA flag

USA: How to watch Tour de France live stream 2024 without cable


Cycling fans can watch the Tour de France on both NBC and Peacock in the US.

NBC is the official US broadcaster for the Tour de France 2024.  Peacock will live stream the race too.

How to watch Tour de France 2024 without cable

Peacock costs from $5.99 a month for an ad-supported version of the service that also offers live coverage of every big WWE event, plus the NFL and plenty more live sports. You also have the option of paying $12 a month for commercial-free coverage.

OTT streaming service  Sling TV  is reasonably priced and includes both NBC and USA Network in select markets, as part of its  Sling Blue  package. The usual cost is from $40 a month, but if you're new to the service you can get  your first month half-price .

Another over-the-top streaming service that includes USA Network and NBC in select markets is  Fubo . It's a much more comprehensive cable replacement and carries more than 100 channels including Fox, CBS and ESPN.

Prices start at $79.99 a month but new users get a 7-day FREE trial .

If you subscribe to Peacock, Sling or Fubo and find yourself unable to access coverage because you're out of the country, consider using a VPN as outlined below. Try NordVPN with a 30-day money-back guarantee .

  • Related: how to watch Peacock from outside the US

Canada flag

How to watch 2024 Tour de France: live stream cycling in Canada


FloBikes is the place to watch live Tour de France coverage in Canada.

A subscription costs CA$29.99 (roughly $22) per month or CA$150 (roughly $110) for the year.

Not in Canada to catch that FloBikes stream? Use a VPN to make sure you don't miss a moment.

New Zealand flag

How to watch 2024 Tour de France: live stream cycling in New Zealand


Sky Sport is the place to watch the 2024 Tour de France in New Zealand, though be warned that most of the action takes place in the dead of night.

If you're willing to stay late enough to tune in, Sky Sport subscribers can watch every stage online using the country's Sky Go service, while cord-cutters and anyone else can try the Sky Sport Now streaming-only platform. A pass costs $24.99/week, $44.99/month or $449.99/year.

Away from home? Use a VPN to watch a Tour de France live stream from abroad.

UK flag

How to watch a free Tour de France live stream in the UK


ITV always goes all-out with its coverage of the Tour de France, and cycling fans can watch every stage of the race for free on ITV4 in the UK. 

Use a VPN to watch a Tour de France free live stream from abroad.

That means you can fire up a free Tour de France live stream on  ITVX , which has an excellent app that's available on nearly everything that plugs in these days - just give it a search on your device, phone or console of choice.

More ways to watch the 2024 Tour de France:

Welsh-language coverage of the Tour de France is available from  S4C , which is available to stream for FREE in Wales via BBC iPlayer.

If you’re out of the UK but still want to watch, make sure you install a VPN so you can continue accessing UK streaming services from anywhere.

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How to watch Tour de France 2024: live stream cycling FREE in Australia


Cycling fans Down Under can also watch every stage of the Tour de France for free on SBS . The only catch is those brutal broadcast timings.

If you stay up late enough to tune in, you can also live stream Tour de France coverage on the free-to-use SBS On Demand platform.

As well as apps for Android and iOS, you can access SBS On Demand on Android TV, Amazon Fire TV stick, Apple TV and most smart TVs.

Outside Australia? Don't worry if you're out of the country and want to catch that free SBS live stream – just grab a VPN and you can watch the race as if you were back at home on your laptop, mobile or other TV streaming device. 

Today at the Tour de France 2024

After three weeks of amazing cycling, this is the final stage of the Tour de France 2024. Due to the Olympics, it's not the traditional ride into Paris, but an individual time trial from Monaco to Nice. It's a 33.7km course with one category two climb towards the start. Today will be the final time we see record stage winner Sir Mark Cavendish ride in the Tour de France.

Barring catastrophe, Tadej Pogacar will become the eighth man, and the first since Marco Pantani in 1998, to win the Giro and the Tour de France in the same year. He put in yet another stunning performance in the mountains yesterday, breaking the resistance of Jonas Vingegaard on the final climb. He has now picked up five stage wins and don't bet against him claiming a sixth. Richard Carapaz is set to be crowned King of the Mountains after his brilliant finish to the race. Biniam Girmay will win the Green Jersey.

Tour de France 2024 stages and dates

Stage 1 | Saturday, June 29: Firenze – Rimini, 206km

Stage 2 | Sunday, June 30: Cesenatico – Bologna, 200km

Stage 3 | Monday, July 1: Piacenza – Torino, 229km

Stage 4 | Tuesday, July 2: Pinerolo – Valloire, 138km

Stage 5 | Wednesday, July 3: Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne – Saint Vulbas, 177km

Stage 6 | Thursday, July 4: Mâcon – Dijon, 163km

Stage 7 | Friday July 5: Nuits-Saint-Georges – Gevrey-Chambertin, 25km ITT

Stage 8 | Saturday, July 6: Semur-en-Auxois – Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, 176km

Stage 9 | Sunday, July 7: Troyes – Troyes 199

Rest day | Monday, July 8

Stage 10 | Tuesday, July 9: Orléans – Saint-Amand-Montrond, 187km

Stage 11 | Wednesday, July 10: Évaux-les-Bains – Le Lioran, 211km

Stage 12 | Thursday, July 11: Aurillac – Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 204km

Stage 13 | Friday, July 12: Agen – Pau, 171km

Stage 14 | Saturday, July 13: Pau – Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d'Adet, 152km

Stage 15 | Sunday, July 14: Loudenvielle – Plateau de Beille, 198km

Rest day | Monday July 15

Stage 16 | Tuesday, July 16: Gruissan – Nîmes 187

Stage 17 | Wednesday, July 17: Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux – Superdévoluy, 178km

Stage 18 | Thursday, July 18: Gap – Barcelonnette, 179km

Stage 19 | Friday, July 19:  Embrun – Isola 2000, 145km

Stage 20 | Saturday, July, 20: Nice – Col de la Couillole, 133km 

Stage 21 | Sunday, July 21: Monaco – Nice, 34km ITT

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Charlotte Henry is a journalist who has covered all things tech and media for a number of years for various publications. She reported in-depth as tech companies became media companies and vice versa. In her newsletter, The Addition , she focuses on the ever-changing streaming ecosystem as the likes of Netflix, Apple TV+ and Disney+ fight for supremacy. Charlotte is also a close follower of sport (she’s a Spurs fan…) watching everything from Premier League football to Major League Baseball. Charlotte’s first book “Not Buying It: The Facts Behind Fake News” was published in 2019. Away from work, she can often be found at heavy metal concerts and festivals.

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Tour de France TV channel, start time and how to watch stage one online today

The Tour de France promises plenty of intriguing with a peloton packed with storylines battles across three weeks of racing.

For the first time, the Grand Tour will begin in Italy, with Florence hosting the Grand Depart and San Marino becoming the 14th country to be visited by a stage.

The finish to the race will look rather different, too, as a time trial in Nice replaces the traditional Champs-Elysees sprint due to the ongoing preparations for Paris 2024.

The individual time trial will be the first to conclude the Tour since 1989, when Greg LeMond memorably pipped Laurent Fignon in the closest edition in history.

Here’s everything you need to know ahead of the 2024 Tour de France.

When is the Tour de France?

The 2024 Tour de France will be held between June 29 and July 21 and consist of 21 stages, with two rest days included in the itinerary. The race will not finish in (or near) Paris for the first time since its inception as Nice is instead utilised — the French capital is out of action due to the Olympics later this summer.

Where is the Grand Depart?

The Grand Depart will be held in Italy for the first time, with Florence in Tuscany selected to begin the route. Stage 1 will finish in the coastal resort of Rimini, while the next three stages will also begin in Italy before the race crosses the border.

How long is the Tour?

In all, the peloton will cover 3,492km (2,170 miles) across 21 days of racing. Stage 3 (Piacenza to Turin) is the longest stage at 229km (142 miles), while the 133 km (83 miles) route on Stage 20 (Nice to Col de La Couillole) is the shortest road stage. There are two individual time trials: Stage 7 is 25km (16 miles), and the final stage from Monaco to Nice will be contested over 34km (21 miles).

How can I watch it?

Viewers in the United Kingdom will again have the choice of two broadcasters. ITV will provide free coverage on ITV4 and ITVX, while the Tour de France will also be available to subscribers on Eurosport and discovery+.

Eurosport’s coverage of the opening stage begins at 10.30am BST on Saturday 29 June, while ITV viewers can tune in from 10.45am.

If you’re travelling abroad and want to watch major sporting events, you might need a VPN to unblock your streaming app. Our VPN round-up is here to help and includes deals on VPNs in the market. Viewers using a VPN need to make sure that they comply with any local regulations where they are, and also with the terms of their service provider.

Who are the favourites for victory?

There are set to be four main contenders for general classification victory, though each of the quartet arrives with significant questions about their readiness for the year’s second Grand Tour. Defending champion Jonas Vingegaard (Visma-Lease a Bike) will seek a three-peat but has not raced since sustaining a broken collarborne and other injuries in a serious crash at the Tour of the Basque Country in April.

Primoz Roglic (Bora-Hansgrohe) and Remco Evenepoel (Soudal-QuickStep) were also injured in the incident, though the pair returned to racing at the recent Criterium du Dauphine as Roglic took overall victory.

Tadej Pogacar (UAE Team Emirates) meanwhile enters attempting a Giro-Tour double having secured the maglia rosa in Italy earlier this year — no male rider has won both races in a single season this century.

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Jonas Vingegaard

How to watch the Tour de France 2024: live stream, standings, schedule, route and everything to know

Also, keep up with the Tour de France standings right here.

Tour de France field

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One of the world's most iconic races, the Tour de France 2024 is underway. We have all the information you’re going to need to watch the race no matter where you are, as well as key bits to stay up to date with the race over its entire run. 

US : NBC ( live TV streaming services ) | Peacock UK : ITV, ITVX | Discovery Plus Watch anywhere — Try  NordVPN

After a thrilling race in 2023 (documented in Netflix’ s Tour de France: Unchained season 2 ) the Tour de France 2024 marks the 111th iteration of the cycling race that features 21 stages over the course of 23 days. However, this year is going to be a bit different because the Summer Olympics is set to begin in Paris just days after the Tour de France is scheduled to end, so the French capital is not serving as the location of a stage for the first time in the race's history. But many of the world's best cyclists are still set to compete in a true endurance test, including two-time defending champion Jonas Vingegaard.

Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about how to watch the Tour de France 2024.

How to watch the Tour de France 2024 in the US

NBC Sports is handling coverage of the Tour de France 2024 in the US, with a couple of live stages available on NBC, but most of the race is available live exclusively on Peacock .

All 21 stages of the Tour de France this year are going to be available to stream live on Peacock, so if you want to watch the race from beginning to end, you must be signed up for the streaming service. The good news is that you can sign up for either Peacock plan (Peacock Premium at $5.99 per month or Peacock Premium Plus at $11.99 per month) to watch.

To catch NBC’s coverage of the cycling event, you must have access to the broadcast network. If you need to sign up for a service with that, live TV streaming services like Fubo , Hulu with Live TV , Sling TV and YouTube TV all carry NBC.

To see where each stage is available to watch, visit Peacock's cycling page .

How to watch the Tour de France 2024 in the UK

Cycling fans in the UK will be able to watch all of the Tour de France for free on ITV and ITVX . For anyone in Wales looking for Welsh-language commentary, the race will also air for free on S4C in the country (also available on BBC iPlayer ).

Another option to watch the Tour de France in the UK is through Eurosport and Discovery Plus , with the latter being the cheaper option at £6.99 per month.

Free Tour de France 2024 live streams

In addition to ITV/ITVX and S4C providing free live coverage of the Tour de France 2024 in the UK, other broadcasters around the world are offering free live streams of the race. The list includes Australia's SBS, Italy's Rai, Belgium's RTBF and France's France.TV. There are no free live streams of the race available in the US. 

How to watch the Tour de France 2024 from anywhere

Away from home at the moment and blocked from watching the cycling on your usual subscription?

You can still watch the Tour de France 2024 live thanks to the wonders of a VPN (Virtual Private Network). The software allows your devices to appear to be back in your home country regardless of where in the world you are. So ideal for viewers away on vacation or on business. Our favorite is NordVPN . It's the best on the market: 


There's a good reason you've heard of NordVPN. We specialize in testing and reviewing VPN services and NordVPN is the one we rate best. It's outstanding at unblocking streaming services, it's fast and it has top-level security features too. With over 5,000 servers, across 60 countries, and at a great price too, it's easy to recommend.

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Using a VPN is incredibly simple.

  • Install the VPN of your choice . As we've said,  NordVPN  is our favorite.
  • Choose the location you wish to connect to in the VPN app.  For instance if you're in the U.S. and want to view an Australian service, you'd select Australia from the list.
  • Sit back and enjoy the action.  Head to SBS or another streaming service and watch the action

Tour de France 2024 standings

After Stage 19 of the Tour de France 2024, here are the top 10 cyclists (time in hours:minutes:seconds):

  • Tadej Pogacar, 78:49:29
  • Jonas Vingegaard, 78:54:23
  • Remco Evenepoel, 78:56:21
  • Joao Almeida, 79:04:27
  • Mikel Landa, 79:04:54
  • Carlos Rodriguez, 79:06:56
  • Adam Yates, 79:08:38
  • Derek Gee, 79:11:12
  • Matteo Jorgenson, 79:12:03
  • Giulio Ciccone, 79:12:06

You can see the full standings after Stage 19 right here .

Tour de France 2024 schedule

Here is a complete look at the schedule for the Tour de France 2024 and where each stage begins and ends:

Stage 1 | Saturday, June 29 — Florence to Rimin Stage 2 | Sunday, June 30 —  Cesenatico to Bologne Stage 3 | Monday, July 1 — Plaisance to Turin Stage 4 | Tuesday, July 2 — Pinerolo to Valloire Stage 5 | Wednesday, July 3 — Saint-Jean-De-Maurienne to Saint-Vulbas Stage 6 | Thursday, July 4 — Macon to Dijon Stage 7 | Friday, July 5 — Nuits-Saint-Georges to Gevery-Chambertin Stage 8 | Saturday, July 6 — Semur-En-Auxois to Colomby-Les-Deux-Eglises Stage 9 | Sunday, July 7 — Troyes to Troyes Monday, July 8: rest day Stage 10 | Tuesday, July 9 — Orleans to Saint-Amand-Montrond Stage 11 | Wednesday, July 10 — Evaux-Le-Bains to Le Lioran Stage 12 | Thursday, July 11 — Aurillac to Villeneuve-Sur-Lot Stage 13 | Friday, July 12 — Agen to Pau Stage 14 | Saturday, July 13 — Pau to Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla D’Adet Stage 15 | Sunday, July 14 — Loudenvielle to Plateue de Beille Monday, July 15: rest day Stage 16| Tuesday, July 16 — Grussian to Nimes Stage 17 | Wednesday, July 17 — Saint-Paul-Trois-Chataeux to Superdevoluy Stage 18 | Thursday, July 18 — Gap to Barcelonette Stage 19 | Friday, July 19 — Embrun to Isola 2000 Stage 20 | Saturday, July 20 — Nice to Col de la Couillole Stage 21| Sunday, July 21 — Monaco to Nice 

Tour de France 2024 route

Here's a look at the official route map of the Tour de France 2024 to give you a visual of the race: 

Tour de France 2024 map

We will be updating the standings daily for the Tour de France once it begins.

Prior to the start of the race, if you want to see the full set of teams, visit the Tour de France website .

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Michael Balderston is a DC-based entertainment and assistant managing editor for What to Watch, who has previously written about the TV and movies with TV Technology, Awards Circuit and regional publications. Spending most of his time watching new movies at the theater or classics on TCM, some of Michael's favorite movies include Casablanca , Moulin Rouge! , Silence of the Lambs , Children of Men , One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and Star Wars . On the TV side he enjoys Only Murders in the Building, Yellowstone, The Boys, Game of Thrones and is always up for a Seinfeld rerun. Follow on Letterboxd .

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Tour de France, Stage 2: Start time, TV channel, live stream, course map, favorites to win

We break down everything you need to know for Stage 2 of the 2022 Tour de France. We’ve got how to watch and what is up for grabs.

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The Tour de France got underway on Friday with a time trial and returns with the first run of the full peloton. Stage 2 will run from Roskilde to Nyborg in Denmark as the Tour continues its first-ever three-stage run through the Scandinavian country. The stage gets started at 6 a.m. ET and will air on USA Network. If you don’t feel like getting up that early, you can re-watch it at 1 p.m. on NBC.

Yves Lampaert heads into the second stage wearing the yellow jersey. He won Friday’s time trial with a time of 15 minutes, 17 seconds. Wout van Aert finished five seconds back in second place and pre-race overall favorite Tadej Pogačar finished seven seconds back in third place.

Stage 2 runs 202.2 kilometers and is a fairly flat course. The peloton will open in Roskilde at 53 meters in height and finish at Nyborg at 2 meters. The course runs down quickly to near sea level, and then has a brief climb at Côte d’Asnæs Indelukke that takes the cyclists back up to 62 meters. They go back down near sea level for the final 105 kilometers of the race.

Fabio Jakobsen heads into Saturday as the favorite to win Stage 2. He has +190 odds at DraftKings Sportsbook , and is followed by Dylan Groenewegen (+500), Jasper Philipsen (+650), and then van Aert, Caleb Ewan, and Mads Pedersen (all at +750).

TV schedule

Date : Saturday, July 2 Time : 6 a.m. ET live, with 1 p.m. ET re-airing TV channel : Live on USA Network, re-airing on NBC Live stream : Peacock

View the Stage 2 map below or on the Tour de France website .

Maps of Stage 2 of the Tour de France from Roskilde to Nyborg in Denmark.

Current leaderboard

Prize money.

Stage winner: €11,000 ($11,518) 2nd place: €5,500 ($5,759) 3rd: €2,800 ($2,931) 4th: €1,500 ($1,570) 5th: €830 ($869) 6th: €780 7th: €730 8th: €670 9th: €650 10th: €600 11th: €540 12th: €470 13th: €440 14th: €340 15th: €300 16th: €300 17th: €300 18th: €300 19th: €300 20th: €300

DraftKings Sportsbook Odds

Stage 2 winner.

Fabio Jakobsen: +190 Dylan Groenewegen: +500 Jasper Philipsen: +650 Mads Pedersen: +750 Caleb Ewan: +750 Mads Pederson: +750 Peter Sagan: +1400 Mathie van der Poel: +2200 Alberto Dainese: +2500 Danny Van Poppel: +2800 Alexander Kristoff: +2800

Overall winner

Tadej Pogačar: -150 Primož Roglič: +400 Jonas Vingegaard: +400 Geraint Thomas: +1600 Alexander Vlasov: +2000 Daniel Martinez: +2200 Adam Yates: +3500 Ben O’Connor: +3500 Enric Mas Nicolau: +5000 Wout van Aert: +5000

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Tour de france results: who won 2023 yellow jersey who won polka dot mountain jersey who won green points jersey, tour de france, stage 21: start time, tv channel, live stream, course map, favorites to win, how much money does the winner of the 2023 tour de france receive, tour de france results: who won stage 20, who leads overall standings, more from draftkings network.

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Tour de France results: Who won stage 19, who leads overall standings

Tour de france results: who won stage 17, who leads overall standings, tour de france results: who won stage 16, who leads overall standings.

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Full list of start times for Stage 16 time-trial at 2023 Tour de France

Tour de france, stage 15: start time, tv channel, live stream, course map, favorites to win.

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Tour de France on TV today: Channel, start time, highlights and how to watch stage 4

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The Tour de France peloton takes to the Danish coastline

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The 2022 Tour de France sees Slovenian prodigy Tadej Pogacar aim to win a third yellow jersey in three years, but the favourite is up against some stiff opposition.

Pogacar faces the might of the Dutch team Jumbo-Visma , who carry multiple threats including Pogacar’s national teammate Primoz Roglic and last year’s Tour runner-up, Jonas Vingegaard.

  • Follow Tour de France stage 4 LIVE

Meanwhile Ineos Grenadiers are without their leading light Egan Bernal, the 2019 champion who is still recovering from injury, but they do have the in-form Geraint Thomas fresh from winning the Tour de Suisse, Colombian climber Dani Martinez, as well as potential stage winners Adam Yates and Tom Pidcock.

This race began in Copenhagen and finishes in Paris on Sunday 24 July. The Tour usually begins on Saturday but the transfer from this year’s opening three stages in Copenhagen to northern France meant an early rest day and a Friday start to accommodate it.

Stage 3 start time

The stage is scheduled to begin at around 12:15pm BST and should finish around 4:15pm BST.

How to watch on TV and online

Tour de France coverage can be found this year on ITV4, Eurosport, Discovery+ and GCN+ (Global Cycling Network).

Live racing each day will be shown on ITV4 before highlights typically at 7pm each day. ITV’s website lists timings here .

Eurosport and GCN+ will show every minute of every stage. More on Eurosport’s coverage here and the GCN+ coverage here .

It is also being shown on Eurosport’s Discovery+ streaming service, with broadcast info here .

Stage 4 route and profile

Stage 4 map

The first stage in France couldn’t get much close to Britain, and fans might take the opportunity to nip across the Channel. There are five category four climbs dotted through the stage but nothing sharp enough to deter the sprinters, so long as they can keep up with any early breakaway. Strong winds could be a factor, too.

Stage 4 profile

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NBC Sports airs daily, start-to-finish coverage of the 107th Tour de France, running two months later than usual due to a coronavirus pandemic-forced postponement.

On TV, NBC, NBCSN and CNBC combine to broadcast all 21 stages of the three-week Grand Tour, which starts in Nice and finishes on Paris’ Champs-Élysées.

NBC Sports Gold and Peacock Premium live stream daily coverage, too, including nearly 20 bonus hours and commercial-free coverage for Gold “Cycling Pass” subscribers. Gold subscribers can also live stream La Course, a one-day women’s race, on Aug. 29 at 4 a.m. ET.

More information on exclusive digital offerings is here .

Colombian Egan Bernal of Team Ineos defends his title, a year after becoming the first South American winner and the youngest, at 22, in more than 100 years.

Bernal will not be joined by Ineos teammates and past Tour champions Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas , British veterans left off the eight-man roster.

TOUR DE FRANCE: Standings | Stage By Stage | Favorites, Predictions

Instead, the other top contenders include would-be first-time Tour winners Primoz Roglic of Slovenia and Nairo Quintana of Colombia. A number of riders are in contention for the podium with last year’s second- and third-place finishers -- Thomas and Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk -- absent this year.

Slovakian Peter Sagan looks to extend his record of seven Tour de France sprinter titles and earn at least one stage victory for a fifth straight year.

Longtime Tour broadcast host Phil Liggett returns, as does analyst Bob Roll . They will call the race remotely from Sky Sports in Great Britain and NBC Sports in Stamford, Conn., respectively. Paul Burmeister hosts daily pre- and post-race studio coverage from Stamford with past Grand Tour riders Christian Vande Velde and Chris Horner .

Former professional cyclist Adam Blythe serves as a reporter on-site in France.

OlympicTalk is on Apple News . Favorite us!

MORE: USA Cycling names Olympic team finalists

2020 TOUR DE FRANCE BROADCAST SCHEDULE Note: All live coverage on NBC and NBCSN is also available on NBC Sports Gold and the NBC Sports app.

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1. etape af Tour de Pologne

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Jonas Vingegaard blev nr. 4 på den første bjergetape i Tour de Pologne og vandt tid på sine værste rivaler, mens supertalentet Thibau Nys leverede en magtdemonstration og tog en suveræn etapesejr.

Tak for i dag!

Der kommer desværre ingen reaktion fra Nys, så jeg vil lukke ned for nu. I aften skriver jeg en optakt til morgendagens enkeltstart, som jeg dækker fra kl. 14.45. Hvis jeg når det, kommer der også en kort optakt til Tour du Limousin. I kan allerede læse optakt til PostNord Danmark Rundt og den store analyse af Vuelta-ruten . Endelig kan I sidst på aftenen forhåbentlig finde grundige beskrivelser af alle Vuelta-etaper.

Tak for en god dansk åbning i Polen!

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Livstegn fra Mohoric

Dagens positive overraskelse var at se Mohoric vise livstegn efter sin lange krise. Den havde jeg ikke set komme.

Samlet stilling

  • Thibau Nys 3.36.57
  • Wilco Kelderman +0.07
  • Lukas Nerurkar +0.09
  • Jonas Vingegaard +0.16
  • Matej Mohoric
  • Diego Ulissi
  • Romian Gregoire
  • Jakob Fuglsang
  • Rafal Majka +0.19
  • Nicola Conci
  • Thibau Nys 3.37.07
  • Wilco Kelderman +0.03
  • Lukas Nerurkar
  • Jonas Vingegaard +0.06
  • Rafal Majka +0.09

Stærk dansk dag

Det var en flot dansk dag. Fuglsang bekræftede den fine form fra Touren med en forrygende top 10, og Mikkel Honoré viser med en 12. plads, at han er tilbage på sporet!

Vingegaards favoritstatus styrket

Vingegaards favoritstatus er styrket. Jeg er ikke stensikker på, at han slår Sheffield i morgen, men er der problemer, regner jeg med, at de har en god chance for at knække ham på lørdagens stejle stigning.

Fin start for Vingegaard

Det var bestemt ikke nogen ringe start for Vingegaard. Selv i Tour-form havde han aldrig slået Nys i denne finale. Havde han været 100%, var han sikkert blevet nr. 2, men det var meget bedre end i San Sebastian, og han vandt tid på alle de tempostærke folk. I top 10 er det faktisk Kelderman, der er mest farlig for ham i morgen.

Sheffield kom stærkt ind som nr. 13 og ligner som ventet manden, han skal slås med (sammen med Kelderman), men det var vigtigt, at UAEs tempospecialister floppede. Jeg så ingen Wellens eller Grossschartner.

Interessant Visma-taktik

Det var en ret interessant måde at bruge Kelderman på, og det var tæt på at lykkes. Til sidste levede Nys imidlertid op til sin favoritstatus med det, man kun kan kalde en magtdemonstration. Med sit eminente antrit kørte han let forbi Kelderman, og han vandt helt suverænt. Hvor er han vild i denne slags finaler! Talentfulde Nerurkar bekræftede også, at han er forrygende i denne slags afslutninger.

Blandt andre Foss og Onley kommer i mål langt fra de bedste.

Nys blæser forbi Kelderman. Nerurkar er med.Længere tilbage kommer Vingegaard. Han henter Kelderman.

Men Nys vinder suverænt!

Kelderman 2, Nerurkar 3, Vingegaard 4.

Majka trykker til i feltet. Men så åbner Nys!

Christen angriber igen med 500 m igen. Kelderman er med endnu.

Kelderman går forbi! Han sætter Christen.

Christen med endnu et angreb, men han kommer ikke væk.Ryan fører staidg i feltet.

Ulissi, Gregoire, Nys, Vingegaard langt fremme.

Christen og KElderman med et lille forspring på sidste kilometer.

Nu tager Kelderman fronten, men uden at trykke til.

Nys sidder godt i feltet nær Vingegaard.

Kelderman gør det perfekt for Vingegaard. Han vil ikke føre, så Christens angreb ødelægges. Christen prøver igen, men han kommer ikke væk.

Ryan fører stadig i feltet

Kelderman må ikke føre. Christen angriber igen, men Kelderman bliver siddende.

Ryan fører stadig an i jagten for Nerurkar. 1,5 km igen.

Det schweiziske stortalent får hul - men Visma sender Kelderman op til ham

Ryan fører for Nerurkar i feltet.

Stadig Strand Hagenes foran Vingegaard. Derefter Fuglsang, Sheffield, Ryan, Nerurkar.

Kelderman nærmer sig fronten.

Christen angriber!!

Nej, det er Strand Hagenes. De henter Reinderink.

Vingegaard nu i 2. position. Derefter Fuglsang!

Så har Visma taget fronten!!! Kelderman trykker til. Vingegaard i fjerde position. De har ramt bakken.


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