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travel warning to thailand

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Exercise a high degree of caution in Thailand overall due to security and safety risks. 

Higher levels apply in some areas.

Thailand map November 2023

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Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies.

Call 1669 for medical emergencies and rescue services.

Call 1724 for an ambulance in Bangkok. 1669 Nationwide.

Call 191 for police.

Call 1155 for the tourist police.

Advice levels

Exercise a high degree of caution  in Thailand overall due to security and safety risks.

Reconsider your need to travel  to Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces.

Reconsider your need to travel  to:

  • Yala province,
  • Pattani province, and 
  • Narathiwat province

due to ongoing risks of low-level insurgent activity, including terrorism.

See  Safety .

  • Road accidents are a significant cause of injury. Be alert at all times on the roads.
  • Floods and severe weather can disrupt essential services during the wet season (June to November). Follow the advice of local officials.
  • Scams, credit card fraud and ATM fraud are common.
  • Sexual assault, assault, robbery and drink spiking can happen to tourists. Never leave your drink unattended. Stay with people you trust at parties, in bars, nightclubs and taxis.
  • Anti-government protests have previously occurred in Bangkok and other areas of Thailand. The security environment can be unpredictable and turn violent. Those attending protests can face arrest or other legal consequences. Monitor local media for information on protest locations and avoid public gatherings. Take official warnings seriously and follow the advice of local authorities.
  • There's an ongoing risk of terrorist attack in Thailand. Popular tourist areas may be the target of terrorist attacks. Thai authorities have warned of possible bombings on symbolic dates or holidays. Be alert to possible threats. Take official warnings seriously and follow the advice of local authorities.
  • Reconsider your need to travel to the 3 most southern provinces of the Thailand-Malaysia border: Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat. Low-level insurgent activity continues to occur in these areas.  
  • Border areas near Cambodia, Myanmar and Malaysia are dangerous due to violence, armed conflict and landmines. Pay close attention to your personal security.

Full travel advice:  Safety

  • Travellers have been arrested for carrying medicine they bought at a Thai pharmacy without a prescription. Get medical advice before buying medicine.
  • Insect-borne diseases include malaria, Zika virus, dengue, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis and filariasis. Use insect repellent. Ensure your accommodation is insect-proof as possible. 
  • Animals in parts of Thailand can carry rabies. Don't ever feed, pat or tease monkeys. If you're bitten or scratched by a dog, monkey or other animal, get treatment immediately.
  • Thailand has high levels of air pollution. Air pollution can make bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions worse. Check air quality levels on the World Air Quality Index .
  • Medical tourism is common. Avoid discount and uncertified medical establishments. Their standards can be poor. Research medical service providers and choose with care.

Full travel advice:  Health

  • Penalties for drug offences are severe. They include the death penalty.
  • Commercial surrogacy is illegal. E-cigarettes, e-baraku, vaporisers and refills are illegal. Smoking on some beaches is illegal. Travel without carrying identification is illegal.
  • Penalties for breaking the law can apply to anyone aged under 18 years. Penalties for children can include detention in a juvenile or adult prison.
  • Thailand has the death penalty for serious crimes, including murder, attempted murder and rape. Crimes against the state and offences against the monarchy can also attract the death penalty. Take care not to cause offence about the monarchy, including on social media.

Full travel advice:  Local laws

You can get a visa exemption for up to 60 days on arrival (restricted to 2 entries per calendar year when entering by land or sea). The visa exemption is for tourism only. If your travel is not for tourism, contact the nearest Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General to apply for the appropriate visa.

  • If you overstay your visa, you'll need to pay a fine before you can leave. You could also be banned from re-entering Thailand or arrested.
  • You may be subject to biometric screening at points of entry, and restrictions may change at short notice. Check with your airline, the  International Air Transport Association (IATA)  or the nearest Thai Embassy for the latest information. 
  • You can transit between international flights in Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport . Ensure that your connecting flight is booked on the same itinerary and ticket. You must remain in the transiting area in the airport.

Full travel advice:  Travel

Local contacts

  • The  Consular Services Charter  tells you what the Australian Government can and can't do to help when you're overseas.
  • For consular help, contact the  Australian Embassy, Bangkok , or the  Australian Consulate-General, Phuket .
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the Embassy's social media accounts.

Full travel advice:  Local contacts

Full advice

Civil unrest and political tension, security situation .

The security situation in Thailand can be unpredictable. Large protests have occurred in Bangkok and other areas, most recently in 2021. In previous years, large political protests and government crowd control operations have resulted in violence.

More incidents are possible.

To stay safe during periods of unrest:

  • avoid demonstrations, processions and public gatherings
  • follow media and other sources
  • take official warnings seriously
  • follow the advice of local authorities
  • if you see a suspicious package, stay clear and report it to Police

More information:

  • Demonstrations and civil unrest

Thailand-Cambodia border

Thailand and Cambodia have an ongoing border dispute. There's a risk of landmines and unexploded weapons near the Thai-Cambodian border area.

Be extra careful at tourist areas, including:

  • the Preah Vihear temple - Khao Pra Viharn in Thailand
  • the Ta Kwai temple - Ta Krabei in Cambodia
  • the Ta Muen Thom temple - Ta Moan in Cambodia

Tourist attractions and border crossings in this area may close with little or no notice.

Thailand-Myanmar border

Fighting and armed theft can occur along the Thai-Myanmar border. This includes:

  • fighting between the Myanmar military forces and armed groups
  • clashes between Thai security forces and armed criminal groups, such as drug traffickers

Armed clashes between the Myanmar military forces and armed groups inside Myanmar may lead to border closures.

If you try to cross the border illegally, you may be detained and deported.

Bandits may target you if you travel through national parks in this border region.

If you travel to this region:

  • monitor the news
  • watch out for other signs of unrest
  • pay close attention to your personal security

Thailand-Malaysia border

Reconsider your need to travel to or from the three most southern provinces:

Violence includes attacks and bombings, with deaths and injuries. Since 2004, over 6500 people have been killed and many more injured in these provinces.

Bombings are often coordinated to target people who respond to the first explosion.

Over the past few years, multiple coordinated explosions have occurred in the southern border provinces, and low-level insurgent activity continues.  

If you travel to or stay in these provinces, you could get caught up in violence directed at others.

Attacks can happen at any time.

Terrorism is a threat worldwide.

Attacks, including bombings and shootings, are possible anytime. They can happen anywhere, including Bangkok and Phuket.

Popular tourist areas may be the target of terrorist attacks.

Thai authorities have warned of possible bombings on symbolic dates or holidays.

Possible targets for future attacks include:

  • shopping malls, markets and banks
  • hotels and beach resorts
  • restaurants, bars and nightclubs
  • schools and places of worship
  • outdoor recreation events

Other targets include public buildings, public transport, airports and sea ports.

To reduce your risk of being involved in a terrorist attack: 

  • have a clear exit plan in case there's a security incident
  • be alert to possible threats
  • report suspicious activity or items to police
  • monitor the media for threats

If there is an attack, leave the area as soon as it's safe. Avoid the affected area in case of secondary attacks.

Gun-related violence can occur at any time. On 3 October 2023, 3 people were killed and 4 injured in a shooting at the Siam Paragon Mall in Bangkok. On 6 October 2022, 36 people were killed in a shooting and stabbing incident in Nong Bua Lamphu province. 

Sexual assault and violent crime

Travellers may experience  sexual assault , other  assault  and  robbery .

Be extra careful in tourist spots such as Khao San Road in Bangkok and the night-time entertainment zones in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket.

Be aware of drink-spiking. Don't drink homemade or local cocktails. They can contain narcotics or poison. You're at higher risk of sexual assault and theft if you get drugged.

Never leave your drink unattended.

Stay with people you trust at parties, in bars, nightclubs and taxis.

Get urgent medical attention if you think you or someone else has been drugged.

If you're a victim of violent crime, including rape, get immediate medical attention.

Under Thai law, courts will only accept the results of a medical examination from some government hospitals. After you've been examined by a government hospital, you can receive medical attention at a private hospital. Please contact the Australian Embassy Bangkok, Consulate-General Phuket, or Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra for assistance.

  • Partying safely

Petty crime

Money and passports have been stolen from budget hotel and hostel rooms, and from bags on public transport. Thieves also target luggage stored on trains and below buses.

Bags have been snatched by thieves on motorcycles or sliced open with razor blades. 

To reduce your risk of theft:

  • don't leave valuables in luggage stowed under buses or away from you on trains
  • be wary of motorcycles approaching from behind as you walk on the footpath
  • hold bags and backpacks in front of you

Cyber security 

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you're connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth.

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events, or the Thai monarchy on your social media.

More information: 

  • Cyber security when travelling overseas


Kidnapping can happen anywhere, anytime, including in destinations that are typically at lower risk.  

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers. 

  • Kidnapping  

Tours and adventure activities

Transport and tour operators don't always follow safety and maintenance standards. This includes for:

  • water sports, such as scuba diving
  • adventure activities, such as bungee jumping, zip lining and rock climbing
  • animal attractions, including elephant safaris

If you plan to do an  adventure activity :

  • check if your travel insurance policy covers it
  • ask the operator about and insist on minimum safety requirements
  • always use available safety gear, such as life jackets or seatbelts

If proper safety equipment isn't available, use another provider.

Climate and natural disasters

Thailand experiences  natural disasters  and  severe weather , including:

  • earthquakes

Severe weather events are likely to disrupt transport, electricity and communications.

To stay safe during severe weather:

  • check media and weather reports
  • check in with your tour operator
  • don't enter areas affected by flooding or landslides

If there is a natural disaster:

  • secure your passport in a safe, waterproof place
  • keep in contact with friends and family
  • monitor the media and other local sources of information
  • Register with the  Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System  to receive alerts on major disasters.

Storms and floods

Severe storms and widespread seasonal flooding can occur without warning. This includes flash floods.

The wet season in north and central Thailand is from May to October.

In Koh Samui and the south-east of the peninsula, the wet season is from November to March.

  • Thai Meteorological Department

Earthquakes and tsunamis

Earthquakes occur in Thailand.

Tsunamis are more likely in Thailand because of the risk of earthquakes. 

Check with the  Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Center for further information.

If you're near the coast, move to high ground straight away if advised, or if you:

  • feel a strong earthquake that makes it hard to stand up
  • feel a weak, rolling earthquake that lasts a minute or more
  • see a sudden rise or fall in sea level
  • hear loud and unusual noises from the sea

Don't wait for official warnings such as alarms or sirens. Once on high ground, monitor local media.

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive  travel insurance  before you leave.

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care.

  • what activities and care your policy covers, including in terms of health and travel disruptions
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be away

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition. 

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare or the welfare of another Australian, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)

Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication , check if it's legal in Thailand by contacting the Royal Thai Embassy . Take enough legal medicine for your trip.

Get medical advice before buying medicine in Thailand. Travellers have been arrested for carrying medicine they bought at a Thai pharmacy without a prescription.

Carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use
  • Medications

Health risks

Insect-borne illnesses.

Zika virus  is a risk in Thailand. If you are pregnant, defer non-essential travel to affected areas. Speak to your doctor before you travel. Several cases have been reported, including in Bangkok.

For information about Zika virus symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and advice on how to reduce Zika virus risks, see the HealthDirect's Zika virus page . There's no vaccine for Zika virus.

Malaria  is a risk throughout the year in rural areas. The worst affected areas are near the borders with Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. 

Dengue  occurs in Thailand. It's common during the rainy season:

  • November to March in Koh Samui and the south-east of Thailand
  • May to October in the rest of Thailand, including Phuket

Dengue peaks in July and August although it is prevalent throughout the year. There's no vaccine or specific treatment for dengue.

Other insect-borne diseases include:

  • chikungunya
  • Japanese encephalitis

To protect yourself from disease:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect-proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
  • consider taking medicine to prevent malaria
  • get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis
  • Infectious diseases

Animals in parts of Thailand can carry  rabies .

Rabies is deadly. Humans can get rabies from mammals, such as:

Don't ever feed, pat or tease monkeys, even if you're encouraged to.

If you're bitten or scratched by a dog, monkey or other animal, get treatment as soon as possible.

Smoke haze and air pollution

Thailand has high levels of air pollution. It can reach hazardous levels. Bangkok and Chiang Mai can be particularly bad. 

Air pollution can make bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions worse. 

Smoke haze is an issue across the north and north-east of Thailand from March to April.

Check air quality levels on the  World Air Quality Index .

Get advice from your doctor before you travel. 

Medical care

Medical facilities.

The standard of medical facilities varies. 

In an emergency, we recommend you contact an ambulance on:

  • 1724 in Bangkok
  • 1669 in all other parts of Thailand

Private hospitals in major cities have high standards of medical care. Services can be limited in other areas.

Hospitals and doctors often need to confirm your insurance before they'll treat you, even in an emergency. Otherwise, you may need to pay cash up-front. Costs can be very high.

Hospitals in Bangkok and other large cities can treat serious illnesses and accidents. In other areas, you may need to be moved to a place with better facilities. Medical evacuation can be very expensive.

Decompression chambers are located near popular dive sites in:

Medical tourism

Medical tourism , including for cosmetic and sex-change operations, is common.

Standards at discount and uncertified medical establishments can be poor. Serious and life-threatening complications can result.

Some hospitals and clinics have refused to compensate patients:

  • who aren't satisfied with the results of cosmetic surgery
  • who are harmed during surgery
  • who die during surgery

Do your research. Choose your medical service providers with care.

Don't use discount or uncertified medical service providers.

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed , the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our  Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Penalties for drug offences are severe. They include the death penalty.

Possession of even small quantities of drugs for recreational purposes can lead to long jail sentences and deportation.

Thai authorities may conduct spot-checks for illegal drugs in tourist areas.

Travellers have been targeted for narcotic tests. Under Thai law, authorities have the right to demand urine samples from people suspected of taking illegal drugs.

If you're asked to submit a urine sample, ask to do it at a police station. You can also ask to contact the Tourist Police. Call 1155 for English-speaking officers.

Private recreational use of cannabis is decriminalised if the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content is below 0.2% in weight. Cannabis use in public places remains illegal, and smoking outside is considered a public nuisance, and offenders risk fines and arrest. It is still illegal to sell or supply any extracts of cannabis containing more than 0.2% of THC.

While cannabis is decriminalised in Thailand, be aware of the next destination you are travelling to, where it may be illegal, including when transiting. This may include residual amounts of illicit drugs in your system (such as in your blood or saliva) or on items you are carrying.

Follow directions from local authorities.

  • Carrying or using drugs

Surrogacy laws

Commercial surrogacy is illegal.

  • Going overseas for international surrogacy
  • Going overseas to adopt a child


E-cigarettes, e-baraku, and other related vaporisers, including refills, are prohibited. You can't import or transfer them through Thailand, even for personal use.

Producing or selling these items is illegal. You face either 10 years of imprisonment or a fine up to THB1 million, or both.

Penalties for breaking the law can be severe.

These penalties can also apply to anyone aged under 18 years who is subject to Thai juvenile judicial processes. Penalties can include detention in a juvenile or adult prison.

The death penalty can apply to:

  • attempted murder
  • drug offences
  • crimes against the state, including treason
  • some offences against the monarchy

Insulting the monarchy, or defacing images of the monarchy - including on a bank note bearing the King's image - can lead to prison terms of up to 15 years.

Take care not to cause offence when posting, commenting or liking items about the monarchy, including on social media.

In Thailand, it's illegal to:

  • travel without carrying identification
  • gamble - other than at a few major race tracks
  • make a false statement to police, including about an insurance claim

It is also illegal to smoke on beaches in tourist areas, including:

  • Prachuap Khiri Khan
  • Songkhla 

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you're overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

  • Staying within the law and respecting customs

Dual citizenship

Thai-Australian dual nationals may be liable to complete military conscription.

If you're a dual national, contact the nearest  embassy or consulate of Thailand  before you travel.

  • Dual nationals

Local customs

Respect local customs and take care to not offend. Deliberately ignoring local customs can cause grave offence.

Do not show the soles of your feet or touch the top of a person's head. These are insulting in Thai culture.

If in doubt, ask for local advice.

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the nearest Embassy or consulate of Thailand, the  Royal Thai Embassy Canberra  or Royal Thai Consulate-General Sydney . See  the official website of the Tourism Authority of Thailand  for the latest details about visas, currency, customs and quarantine rules.

Visas overstays

If you overstay your visa, you'll need to pay a fine before you can leave. You can also be:

  • banned from re-entering Thailand

Thai authorities can blacklist you, which means you can never return to Thailand.

Penalties for not paying the fine include long prison sentences. Conditions at Immigration Detention Centres are harsh.

  • Thai Immigration Bureau

Border measures

International passengers can transit Suvarnabhumi Airport , Bangkok.

You may be subject to biometric screening at points of entry. Clarify entry requirements with your airline,  International Air Transport Association (IATA)  or your nearest Thai Embassy. 

Departure from Thailand

Travellers should refer to the relevant airline or travel provider for information about departing Thailand. 

  • Royal Thai Embassy , Canberra

Some countries won't let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you're just transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport's expiry date before you travel. If you're not sure it'll be valid for long enough, consider getting  a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

Don't give your passport to third parties - like a jet ski or motorcycle rental businesses - as a guarantee. Companies may hold on to the passport and ask for payment for damages.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the  Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest  Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with ‘X’ gender identifier 

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can't guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers.

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers

The currency of Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB).

You can convert Australian dollars for THB in tourist areas, major cities and towns.

ATMs are available in cities and regional centres.

Most hotels, restaurants and higher-end shops accept international credit cards.

Card skimming occurs. See  Safety

Local travel

Driver's permit.

To drive a car or motorcycle in Thailand, you'll need a valid international driving permit (IDP) and your Australian driver's licence (digital driver's licences may not be accepted) for the type of vehicle you're using. If you drive without the correct licence, you could be arrested or jailed . 

To drive a motorbike, you'll need a valid motorcycle licence. Some rental companies will tell you otherwise.

Don't drive any vehicles not covered by your Australian licence. In the event of an accident, you may not be covered under insurance.

The  Department of Land Transport  issues Thai driver’s licences. Contact them to confirm:

  • your eligibility
  • what documents you need to apply

The legal driving age in Thailand is 18.

Road travel

Thailand has one of the highest traffic-related fatality rates in the world. Motorcyclists are most at risk.

Road accidents are common, including in resort areas such as Phuket, Pattaya and Koh Samui. 

Driving in Thailand is dangerous due to:

  • reckless passing
  • ignoring traffic laws

Be extra careful during holidays, such as Songkran (Thai New Year). Alcohol use and congestion are worse during these times.

Don't drink and drive.

If you're walking, use overhead walkways. Look in both directions before crossing streets, even at marked crossways.

  • Driving or riding


Under Thai law, motorcycle riders and passengers must wear a helmet. However, hire companies or motorcycle taxis rarely provide helmets. You may need to shop around to hire a helmet.

Australians are regularly injured or die in motorbike accidents in Thailand. Alcohol is often involved.

If you're in an accident, police may detain or arrest you until compensation is agreed. This can often cost thousands of dollars.

Many vehicle hire companies don't have insurance.

If you have a motorcycle accident, you could be responsible for any damages, loss or costs associated with injury to others. The embassy can't help you negotiate on compensation demands.

Lawyers who can represent you are available from:

  • Australian Embassy and Consulates-General in Thailand
  • the Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra

If you plan to hire a motorbike, make sure:

  • your insurance policy covers it
  • you have a valid motorcycle licence
  • the hiring company has comprehensive and third-party insurance
  • you know the excess you would need to pay if you have an accident
  • you always wear a helmet

Don't drink and drive, or drink and ride.

Never give your passport as a deposit or guarantee.

Taxis, tuktuks and motorcycle taxis

Official, metered taxis are generally safe and convenient. Be alert to possible  scams  and safety risks.

Be aware of apparently friendly taxi or tuktuk drivers who offer you cheap tours. They will take you to shops where they receive a commission. You may be overcharged or sold worthless goods or gems.

Before you get in an unmetered taxi, tuktuk or motorcycle taxi, agree on the fare and the route.

If using rideshare apps such as Grab, make sure you enter the vehicle with the same plate number and name shown in the app.

Make sure your bags are secure when you're travelling in a tuktuk or motorcycle taxi.

Never put yourself in danger by confronting a taxi, tuktuk or motorcycle taxi driver. Call the Tourist Police on 1155 if you need help. 

Be careful when opening taxi doors. Look out for other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.

Ferry and speedboat travel can be dangerous. Serious incidents involving tourists have occurred and people have died.

If you plan on  travelling by boat  or ferry:

  • check safety standards are in place
  • check there is enough safety equipment for everyone
  • wear your life jacket at all times
  • avoid travelling after dark
  • don't get on overcrowded boats

DFAT doesn't provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check  Thailand's air safety profile  with the Aviation Safety Network.


Depending on what you need, contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Call 1724 for an ambulance in Bangkok.

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Read the  Consular Services Charter  for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

Australian Embassy, Bangkok

181 Wireless Road Lumphini, Pathumwan Bangkok, Thailand. 10330 Phone: (+66 2) 344 6300 Fax: (+66 2) 344 6593 Website:  thailand.embassy.gov.au   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:  Australia in Thailand X:  @AusAmbBKK

Check the Embassy website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

Australian Consulate-General, Phuket

6th Floor CCM Complex 77/77 Chalermprakiat Rama 9 Road (Bypass Road) Muang Phuket, Thailand, 83000 Phone: (+66 76) 317 700 Fax: (+66 76) 317 743 Website:  phuket.consulate.gov.au E-mail:  [email protected]

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Thailand Traveler View

Travel health notices, vaccines and medicines, non-vaccine-preventable diseases, stay healthy and safe.

  • Packing List

After Your Trip

Map - Thailand

There are no notices currently in effect for Thailand.

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Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor at least a month before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need. If you or your doctor need help finding a location that provides certain vaccines or medicines, visit the Find a Clinic page.

Routine vaccines


Make sure you are up-to-date on all routine vaccines before every trip. Some of these vaccines include

  • Chickenpox (Varicella)
  • Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)

Immunization schedules

All eligible travelers should be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines. Please see  Your COVID-19 Vaccination  for more information. 

COVID-19 vaccine


There has been evidence of chikungunya virus transmission in Thailand within the last 5 years. Chikungunya vaccination may be considered for the following travelers:

  • People aged 65 years or older, especially those with underlying medical conditions, who may spend at least 2 weeks (cumulative time) in indoor or outdoor areas where mosquitoes are present in Thailand, OR
  • People planning to stay in Thailand for a cumulative period of 6 months or more

Chikungunya - CDC Yellow Book

There is no longer active cholera transmission and vaccine is not recommended.

Cholera - CDC Yellow Book

Hepatitis A

Recommended for unvaccinated travelers one year old or older going to Thailand.

Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against Hepatitis A. The dose does not count toward the routine 2-dose series.

Travelers allergic to a vaccine component should receive a single dose of immune globulin, which provides effective protection for up to 2 months depending on dosage given.

Unvaccinated travelers who are over 40 years old, immunocompromised, or have chronic medical conditions planning to depart to a risk area in less than 2 weeks should get the initial dose of vaccine and at the same appointment receive immune globulin.

Hepatitis A - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Hep A

Hepatitis B

Recommended for unvaccinated travelers younger than 60 years old traveling to Thailand. Unvaccinated travelers 60 years and older may get vaccinated before traveling to Thailand.

Hepatitis B - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Hep B

Japanese Encephalitis

Recommended for travelers who

  • Are moving to an area with Japanese encephalitis to live
  • Spend long periods of time, such as a month or more, in areas with Japanese encephalitis
  • Frequently travel to areas with Japanese encephalitis

Consider vaccination for travelers

  • Spending less than a month in areas with Japanese encephalitis but will be doing activities that increase risk of infection, such as visiting rural areas, hiking or camping, or staying in places without air conditioning, screens, or bed nets
  • Going to areas with Japanese encephalitis who are uncertain of their activities or how long they will be there

Not recommended for travelers planning short-term travel to urban areas or travel to areas with no clear Japanese encephalitis season. 

Japanese encephalitis - CDC Yellow Book

Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine for US Children

CDC recommends that travelers going to certain areas of Thailand take prescription medicine to prevent malaria. Depending on the medicine you take, you will need to start taking this medicine multiple days before your trip, as well as during and after your trip. Talk to your doctor about which malaria medication you should take.

Find  country-specific information  about malaria.

Malaria - CDC Yellow Book

Considerations when choosing a drug for malaria prophylaxis (CDC Yellow Book)

Malaria information for Thailand.

Cases of measles are on the rise worldwide. Travelers are at risk of measles if they have not been fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to departure, or have not had measles in the past, and travel internationally to areas where measles is spreading.

All international travelers should be fully vaccinated against measles with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, including an early dose for infants 6–11 months, according to  CDC’s measles vaccination recommendations for international travel .

Measles (Rubeola) - CDC Yellow Book

Dogs infected with rabies are sometimes found in Thailand.

If rabies exposures occur while in Thailand, rabies vaccines are typically available throughout most of the country.

Rabies pre-exposure vaccination considerations include whether travelers 1) will be performing occupational or recreational activities that increase risk for exposure to potentially rabid animals and 2) might have difficulty getting prompt access to safe post-exposure prophylaxis.

Please consult with a healthcare provider to determine whether you should receive pre-exposure vaccination before travel.

For more information, see country rabies status assessments .

Rabies - CDC Yellow Book

Recommended for most travelers, especially those staying with friends or relatives or visiting smaller cities or rural areas.

Typhoid - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Typhoid

Yellow Fever

Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

Yellow Fever - CDC Yellow Book

Avoid contaminated water


How most people get sick (most common modes of transmission)

  • Touching urine or other body fluids from an animal infected with leptospirosis
  • Swimming or wading in urine-contaminated fresh water, or contact with urine-contaminated mud
  • Drinking water or eating food contaminated with animal urine
  • Avoid contaminated water and soil
  • Avoid floodwater

Clinical Guidance

Avoid bug bites.

  • Mosquito bite
  • Avoid Bug Bites
  • Mosquito bite


  • Sand fly bite
  • An infected pregnant woman can spread it to her unborn baby

Airborne & droplet

Avian/bird flu.

  • Being around, touching, or working with infected poultry, such as visiting poultry farms or live-animal markets
  • Avoid domestic and wild poultry
  • Breathing in air or accidentally eating food contaminated with the urine, droppings, or saliva of infected rodents
  • Bite from an infected rodent
  • Less commonly, being around someone sick with hantavirus (only occurs with Andes virus)
  • Avoid rodents and areas where they live
  • Avoid sick people

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Breathe in TB bacteria that is in the air from an infected and contagious person coughing, speaking, or singing.

Learn actions you can take to stay healthy and safe on your trip. Vaccines cannot protect you from many diseases in Thailand, so your behaviors are important.

Eat and drink safely

Food and water standards around the world vary based on the destination. Standards may also differ within a country and risk may change depending on activity type (e.g., hiking versus business trip). You can learn more about safe food and drink choices when traveling by accessing the resources below.

  • Choose Safe Food and Drinks When Traveling
  • Water Treatment Options When Hiking, Camping or Traveling
  • Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Avoid Contaminated Water During Travel

You can also visit the Department of State Country Information Pages for additional information about food and water safety.

Prevent bug bites

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Thailand. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

What can I do to prevent bug bites?

  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
  • Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
  • Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
  • Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.

What type of insect repellent should I use?

  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
  • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD)
  • 2-undecanone
  • Always use insect repellent as directed.

What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?

  • Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
  • Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.

What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs .

For more detailed information on avoiding bug bites, see Avoid Bug Bites .

Some diseases in Thailand—such as dengue, Zika, and filariasis—are spread by bugs and cannot be prevented with a vaccine. Follow the insect avoidance measures described above to prevent these and other illnesses.

Stay safe outdoors

If your travel plans in Thailand include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip.

  • Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe.
  • Prepare for activities by wearing the right clothes and packing protective items, such as bug spray, sunscreen, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Consider learning basic first aid and CPR before travel. Bring a travel health kit with items appropriate for your activities.
  • If you are outside for many hours in heat, eat salty snacks and drink water to stay hydrated and replace salt lost through sweating.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation : use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m.–4 p.m.).
  • Be especially careful during summer months and at high elevation. Because sunlight reflects off snow, sand, and water, sun exposure may be increased during activities like skiing, swimming, and sailing.
  • Very cold temperatures can be dangerous. Dress in layers and cover heads, hands, and feet properly if you are visiting a cold location.

Stay safe around water

  • Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches.
  • Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket.
  • Do not dive into shallow water.
  • Do not swim in freshwater in developing areas or where sanitation is poor.
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming. Untreated water can carry germs that make you sick.
  • To prevent infections, wear shoes on beaches where there may be animal waste.

Leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that can be spread in fresh water, is found in Thailand. Avoid swimming in fresh, unchlorinated water, such as lakes, ponds, or rivers.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
  • Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
  • Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
  • Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
  • If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately. Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

  • Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
  • Go to a doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United States.

Consider buying medical evacuation insurance. Rabies is a deadly disease that must be treated quickly, and treatment may not be available in some countries.

Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

  • Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  • If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

Avoid sharing body fluids

Diseases can be spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, vomit, and semen.

Protect yourself:

  • Use latex condoms correctly.
  • Do not inject drugs.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. People take more risks when intoxicated.
  • Do not share needles or any devices that can break the skin. That includes needles for tattoos, piercings, and acupuncture.
  • If you receive medical or dental care, make sure the equipment is disinfected or sanitized.

Know how to get medical care while traveling

Plan for how you will get health care during your trip, should the need arise:

  • Carry a list of local doctors and hospitals at your destination.
  • Review your health insurance plan to determine what medical services it would cover during your trip. Consider purchasing travel health and medical evacuation insurance.
  • Carry a card that identifies, in the local language, your blood type, chronic conditions or serious allergies, and the generic names of any medications you take.
  • Some prescription drugs may be illegal in other countries. Call Thailand’s embassy to verify that all of your prescription(s) are legal to bring with you.
  • Bring all the medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) you think you might need during your trip, including extra in case of travel delays. Ask your doctor to help you get prescriptions filled early if you need to.

Many foreign hospitals and clinics are accredited by the Joint Commission International. A list of accredited facilities is available at their website ( www.jointcommissioninternational.org ).

In some countries, medicine (prescription and over-the-counter) may be substandard or counterfeit. Bring the medicines you will need from the United States to avoid having to buy them at your destination.

Malaria is a risk in some parts of Thailand. If you are going to a risk area, fill your malaria prescription before you leave, and take enough with you for the entire length of your trip. Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking the pills; some need to be started before you leave.

Select safe transportation

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of healthy US citizens in foreign countries.

In many places cars, buses, large trucks, rickshaws, bikes, people on foot, and even animals share the same lanes of traffic, increasing the risk for crashes.

Be smart when you are traveling on foot.

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks.
  • Pay attention to the traffic around you, especially in crowded areas.
  • Remember, people on foot do not always have the right of way in other countries.


Choose a safe vehicle.

  • Choose official taxis or public transportation, such as trains and buses.
  • Ride only in cars that have seatbelts.
  • Avoid overcrowded, overloaded, top-heavy buses and minivans.
  • Avoid riding on motorcycles or motorbikes, especially motorbike taxis. (Many crashes are caused by inexperienced motorbike drivers.)
  • Choose newer vehicles—they may have more safety features, such as airbags, and be more reliable.
  • Choose larger vehicles, which may provide more protection in crashes.

Think about the driver.

  • Do not drive after drinking alcohol or ride with someone who has been drinking.
  • Consider hiring a licensed, trained driver familiar with the area.
  • Arrange payment before departing.

Follow basic safety tips.

  • Wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • Sit in the back seat of cars and taxis.
  • When on motorbikes or bicycles, always wear a helmet. (Bring a helmet from home, if needed.)
  • Avoid driving at night; street lighting in certain parts of Thailand may be poor.
  • Do not use a cell phone or text while driving (illegal in many countries).
  • Travel during daylight hours only, especially in rural areas.
  • If you choose to drive a vehicle in Thailand, learn the local traffic laws and have the proper paperwork.
  • Get any driving permits and insurance you may need. Get an International Driving Permit (IDP). Carry the IDP and a US-issued driver's license at all times.
  • Check with your auto insurance policy's international coverage, and get more coverage if needed. Make sure you have liability insurance.
  • Avoid using local, unscheduled aircraft.
  • If possible, fly on larger planes (more than 30 seats); larger airplanes are more likely to have regular safety inspections.
  • Try to schedule flights during daylight hours and in good weather.

Medical Evacuation Insurance

If you are seriously injured, emergency care may not be available or may not meet US standards. Trauma care centers are uncommon outside urban areas. Having medical evacuation insurance can be helpful for these reasons.

Helpful Resources

Road Safety Overseas (Information from the US Department of State): Includes tips on driving in other countries, International Driving Permits, auto insurance, and other resources.

The Association for International Road Travel has country-specific Road Travel Reports available for most countries for a minimal fee.

For information traffic safety and road conditions in Thailand, see Travel and Transportation on US Department of State's country-specific information for Thailand .

Traffic flows on the left side of the road in Thailand.

  • Always pay close attention to the flow of traffic, especially when crossing the street.
  • LOOK RIGHT for approaching traffic.

Maintain personal security

Use the same common sense traveling overseas that you would at home, and always stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Before you leave

  • Research your destination(s), including local laws, customs, and culture.
  • Monitor travel advisories and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) .
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary, contact information, credit cards, and passport with someone at home.
  • Pack as light as possible, and leave at home any item you could not replace.

While at your destination(s)

  • Carry contact information for the nearest US embassy or consulate .
  • Carry a photocopy of your passport and entry stamp; leave the actual passport securely in your hotel.
  • Follow all local laws and social customs.
  • Do not wear expensive clothing or jewelry.
  • Always keep hotel doors locked, and store valuables in secure areas.
  • If possible, choose hotel rooms between the 2nd and 6th floors.

To call for emergency services while in Thailand, dial 1669 for an ambulance, 199 for the fire department, and 191 for the police. Write these numbers down to carry with you on your trip.

Learn as much as you can about Thailand before you travel there. A good place to start is the country-specific information on Thailand from the US Department of State.

Healthy Travel Packing List

Use the Healthy Travel Packing List for Thailand for a list of health-related items to consider packing for your trip. Talk to your doctor about which items are most important for you.

Why does CDC recommend packing these health-related items?

It’s best to be prepared to prevent and treat common illnesses and injuries. Some supplies and medicines may be difficult to find at your destination, may have different names, or may have different ingredients than what you normally use.

If you are not feeling well after your trip, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help finding a travel medicine specialist, see Find a Clinic . Be sure to tell your doctor about your travel, including where you went and what you did on your trip. Also tell your doctor if you were bitten or scratched by an animal while traveling.

If your doctor prescribed antimalarial medicine for your trip, keep taking the rest of your pills after you return home. If you stop taking your medicine too soon, you could still get sick.

Malaria is always a serious disease and may be a deadly illness. If you become ill with a fever either while traveling in a malaria-risk area or after you return home (for up to 1 year), you should seek immediate medical attention and should tell the doctor about your travel history.

For more information on what to do if you are sick after your trip, see Getting Sick after Travel .

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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Before you travel check that:

  • your destination can provide the healthcare you may need
  • you have  appropriate travel insurance  for local treatment or unexpected medical evacuation

This is particularly important if you have a health condition or are pregnant.

Emergency medical number

Dial 191 and ask for an ambulance.

Local number: 1669

Contact your insurance or medical assistance company quickly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.

Vaccine recommendations and health risks

At least 8 weeks before your trip:

  • check the latest information on vaccinations and health risks in  TravelHealthPro’s Thailand guide
  • see where to get vaccines and whether you have to pay on the  NHS travel vaccinations page

See what health risks you’ll face in Thailand , including: 

  • malaria and dengue

Altitude sickness is a risk in parts of Thailand. Read more about altitude sickness on TravelHealthPro . 

Air quality

There can be high levels of air pollution in large cities. This includes Bangkok and Chiang Mai, which are also affected by seasonal regional smoke haze caused by farmers burning trees and crops. The high pollution and  particulate count  sometimes reach dangerous levels. This may worsen bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions.

Check air quality levels for many cities on the  World Air Quality Index website .

The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

Hospitals and pharmacies across Thailand will usually accept UK prescriptions. Brand-name medication can often be more expensive than locally produced medication.

Medication sold on the street may not be genuine or may have been stolen. Taking medication without medical advice or a prescription can have serious health consequences.

Read  best practice when travelling with medicines on TravelHealthPro .

Healthcare in Thailand

FCDO has a list of  medical facilities in Thailand where some staff will speak English.

All hospitals require a guarantee of payment before treating patients. Make sure you have adequate health insurance.

Private hospitals in Thailand are of a high standard but can be expensive. Public hospitals and clinics do not always meet UK standards, particularly outside Bangkok.

Travel and mental health

Read  FCDO guidance on travel and mental health . There is also  mental health guidance on TravelHealthPro .

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Intentional Travelers

Thailand travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

We aim to keep this post updated about Thailand travel in 2024 with official Thailand travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours.

Since travel restrictions can vary by citizenship, we will be focusing our post on rules that affect U.S. citizens.

Last update: February 2, 2024. Originally published: November 2021.

Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of our links, we may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.

February 2024: “My husband and I are in Thailand for a two-month stay. There don’t seem to be any travel restrictions. Tourism is running normally, but many people still wear masks, especially in places like the metro or on ferries. Some businesses and attractions have closed since Covid. If you have asthma or other breathing issues, watch the air quality index (The Air4Thai app works well.) and plan your trip accordingly.” –  Rachel Heller of World Heritage Net , Dutch traveler

At the end of the post, we share more on-the-ground perspectives from local residents and travelers to Thailand so you can get a sense of what to expect.

Table of Contents

Is Thailand open for travel? Can I travel to Thailand right now?

Thailand is currently open for foreign travelers.

As of October 2022 , proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test result are no longer required from travelers. In addition, proof of vaccination is no longer required to attend crowded events. 

Travelers holding US passports can enter Thailand for tourism purposes without the need to obtain a visa for stays up to 30 days on each visit. Thailand temporarily extended this visa exemption to 45 days for arrivals previously. However, as of April 2023, visa-free entries has reverted back to 30 days.

Travelers can always extend the standard 30 days for another 30 days by applying at a local Immigration Office and paying 1900 baht.

Travelers from countries not on the visa exemption list must apply for a Special Tourist Visa (STV) to enter Thailand as tourists.

Thailand travel restrictions and limitations may sometimes apply only in certain regions. Monitor Thailand travel news here .

A new tourist fee will soon be required to enter Thailand, but the start date has been postponed as of December 2023. This fee will be built into plane ticket costs and is only about $9 US. There will be no payment on arrival if arriving by air, but it’s unclear how the fee will work at land and sea borders.

Quarantine rules in Thailand: What happens if I get Covid?

Travelers who test positive for Covid while in Thailand are asked to self-isolate for at least 5 days at the traveler’s expense. However, quarantine is no longer mandatory or being enforced. 

Quarantine should end after taking a PCR test with negative result. Those with severe symptoms will be admitted to the hospital.

Can I travel to Thailand in August 2024? Can I travel to Thailand this Summer?

Travel to Thailand in August is open . Please read on for details and check back for updates.

What is it like to fly to Thailand BKK Suvarnabhumi Airport or DMK Don Mueang Bangkok Airport right now? Thai Airways reports that the face mask mandate has been relaxed. Airports can be busy at times and crowds may be difficult to avoid.

Do I have to quarantine when traveling to Thailand? No. See details above.

Does Thailand check COVID-19 symptoms of incoming travelers? Health checks are no longer common for incoming travelers.

Does Thailand require a negative Covid 19 test for travelers? No. As of October 2022, a negative Covid test is no longer required.

Does Thailand require a proof of Coronavirus vaccine for travelers? No. As of October 2022, a proof of vaccination is no longer required.

Do I still need to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine if I have been vaccinated? No. Travelers are no longer required to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine.

Is a booster shot required for travel to Thailand? At this time, booster shots are not required in Thailand. There is currently no expiration period set for the validity of vaccinations.

What Covid testing options are available for travelers in Thailand? PCR and antigen tests are available in Thailand. Foreign travelers can get a Covid test at the National Institute of Health, 14 Regional Medical Sciences Centers, and private hospitals in Thailand.

Covid PCR tests range from 2,500 to 10,000 Thai baht (approximately $74-$311). Test results are available within 72 hours. ATK tests are available for cheap at 711 convenience stores for 40+ baht.

See the list of Covid testing centers here.

What healthcare options are available to travelers in Thailand who get the virus? Thailand’s private healthcare services are generally very good. Hospitals and clinics in Thailand are open to foreign travelers.

Treatment for Covid-19 may cost more than 100,000 Thai baht. Travelers will pay for their medical expenses or use a travel insurance.

For travel insurance that covers Covid, check out Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing >

What service businesses and restaurants are open in Thailand? Restaurants, street food, malls, department stores, and other establishments are open in Thailand. Pubs, bars, karaoke outlets and other entertainment venues are now operating at their normal hours.

Are face masks required in Thailand? Wearing of masks is now voluntary in public and indoor places, except health care facilities. Some businesses may request face masks inside. 

Are buses running in Thailand? Public transportation is available in Thailand. Masks are no longer required but still encouraged. A majority of riders still wear masks on public transit, especially in Bangkok.

Will Thailand impose new Covid restrictions? What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, most countries impose COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable. Thailand has been relatively proactive when it comes to preventive Covid measures, balanced with the need to keep the tourism industry open.

How has the Coronavirus impacted Thailand?

Thailand reported its first case of Covid infection last January 2020. Although there have been outbreaks in the following months, Thailand was successful in containing the pandemic throughout most of 2020.

Unfortunately, in April 2021, the country experienced uncontrolled resurgence of infections, ranking Thailand fourth in the number of cases in Southeast Asia.

In response to the pandemic, preventive measures such as contact tracing, lockdown measures, and international travel restrictions were implemented. These slowed the country’s economy and Thailand’s tourist industry has been severely affected. Thailand’s State of Emergency ended September 30, 2022.

To revive tourism, the islands of Phuket and Samui reopened with a “Sandbox” program to vaccinated foreign travelers in July 2021. In October 2021, Thailand travel restrictions were eased for foreign travelers. In December 2021, the Test & Go program which allowed quarantine-free entry was suspended amid the spread of the Omicron variant.

In 2022, Thailand eased entry restrictions. The color-coded system, which placed limits on travel, dining, entertainment activities, and gatherings, has been removed.

Vaccinations in Thailand began at the end of February 2021. About 2/3 of the population have been vaccinated.

For the current situation in Thailand, including: total COVID-19 positive cases; total cases in Thailand; and COVID-19 testing in Thailand, please see the following Thailand Ministry of Public Health site and Facebook page .

What should you pack for safely traveling in Thailand?

😷 Face Masks – Face coverings are recommended in crowded public places. Find N95 masks at Bona Fide > or designer options at Vida >

💊 Medicine – Bring enough prescription and over-the-counter medication for your entire trip to avoid trips to the clinic.

💳 Vaccine Card Holder – Protect that paper CDC card when traveling abroad (if your country doesn’t offer a digital version). Get a simple plastic protector > or Vegan leather clippable > or Leather passport + card combo holder >

👃 Covid self-test – The most studied rapid antigen self-test with FDA emergency authorization.  NOT valid to enter countries. Use for your own peace of mind. Order from CVS > or Walmart >

💧 Sealed water bottle – Make sure your reusable water bottle has a lid that’s not exposed to the air. We use one of each of the following: Shop insulated water bottles with protective lid > Shop water bottles with purification filter and protective lid >

✈️ Travel insurance that covers Covid – We’ve started using Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing for affordable evacuation, international medical, and trip coverage.

What do Thai locals and recent travelers say about visiting Thailand now?

What is it like to visit Thailand right now? It’s our goal to provide regular updates here from real people on the ground, to help potential visitors know what to expect. The following are subjective opinions only. Official travel guidance can be found above.

September 2023 – Peta and Jonas of Exit45 Travels , Australian travelers:  “We are living a nomadic retirement and arrived in Koh Samui, Thailand, in July and are staying two months. Thailand, in general, is nearly back to pre-covid tourist numbers and you can feel an optimism in the air amongst the locals. 

There are no travel restrictions here in Thailand, however, you will still see many locals wearing facemasks. Hospitals and some medical clinics are advertising Covid testing so it is accessible if required. There are certain tourist areas where you can visually see the aftermath of Covid i.e. deserted hotels that have fallen into disrepair, closed restaurants, etc., but in general, you will have no problems finding accommodation, restaurants selling great Thai food, massages, or shopping opportunities. It is now heading into the monsoon season here in Koh Samui so we have seen a huge reduction in tourists.”

May 2023 – Nat Deduck of Love and Road , Brazilian digital nomad: “I’ve been living in Phuket, Thailand for a year. Tourism in Thailand is back to normal, and apart from some Thais wearing masks, you probably won’t even remember that covid existed here. An interesting fact is that local Thais used masks way before the pandemic, so it’s a habit that got intensified after Covid.

Thailand’s tourism is in full swing. This high season (Dec-March) felt as busy as back in 2019 when we were here before Covid. Attractions, hotels, and places to visit are fully open and ready to service tourists.

Most tourists don’t wear masks, but if you feel the need to do so it’s available in every pharmacy, supermarket, and convenience shop. The same for the Covid tests, you can do it by yourself, or you can go to any clinic or hospital to do a PCR test if needed. Hospitals are back to regular services here in Phuket and Bangkok, my husband and I had to see a doctor and everything went smoothly. There was no restriction to be treated because of the pandemic, and no overflow covid cases.”

February 2023 – Michelle, Intentional Travelers, U.S. nomad: “We flew to Bangkok from Vietnam. Air Asia did not check our onward flight nor ask for any Covid documentation, only passports. Masking on the plane was not required but many wore face coverings, including all the crew.

Immigration wasn’t too long a wait at DMK in the evening. Just showed passport, boarding pass, took a photo, and fingerprints. At the moment, U.S. passports get 45 days in Thailand without a visa.

We later flew from Bangkok to Chiang Rai, took a bus from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai, and flew out of Chiang Mai to Vietnam . Thai airports were playing recorded announcements advising passengers to mask and socially distance, though it wasn’t enforced.

The entire building where we stayed in Bangkok required masks in common areas. On BTS public transit, an announcement is made in English that mask laws have relaxed but face coverings are still highly encouraged. At least 90% of passengers wear masks on public transit.

In Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, we also saw notices recommending Covid precautions at certain establishments, many had hand sanitizer available at the entrance, however, we didn’t encounter any strict requirements.

Thailand seems back to normal and getting more busy with the influx of Chinese tourists returning. Businesses are open without restrictions. A lot of people wear surgical masks outside in Thailand, but masking was common pre-pandemic as well.”

October 2022 – Babs of https://mumsonflipflops.com , Belgian tourist:  “ We’re travelling in Thailand with 2 small children for 2 months. Travel feels completely normal in Thailand. There are plenty of tourists and hotels are busy.

There are very few Covid rules still in place. You’ll see most Thai wearing face masks at all times, but nothing is expected or enforced. As a tourist, you don’t have to wear one. The one exception is on the Air Asia flight, you’re supposed to wear a mask there. Every store/building has a temperature scanner (hand scanning) and sanitizer that you’re expected to use. We haven’t been into contact testing etc as we’re fully vaccinated and all entry rules have been lifted for Thailand (we weren’t even asked for our vaccination proof).”

September 2022 – Steffi of BeachBumAdventure , expat in Thailand:  “ Tourism is slowly coming back to Thailand and the locals are really keen for tourists to return.

In Bangkok you will still find many Thais wearing masks, even outdoors, although this is no longer a government requirement. On public transport most people are still wearing masks on trains and minivans and buses. In other areas of the country and on the islands, you rarely see people wearing masks. 

Many hotels and restaurants are welcoming visitors although some ferry schedules are still reduced due to the low number of visitors. On quieter, less touristy islands some restaurants and shops still remain closed.

Healthcare in Thailand is very efficient if you attend a private hospital, therefore I recommend making sure your health insurance covers this. Many 711 shops offer ATK tests very cheaply (40+ baht) although PCR tests remain expensive (2000+ baht).”

July 2022 – Tania of Slower Travels , digital nomad from New Zealand: “My partner and I lived as digital nomads in Phuket, Thailand for four months in 2022. Now is a great time to visit Phuket. Everything is a little on the quiet side with reduced tourist numbers but the locals are so welcoming and happy to see you.

When we arrived, there was extensive requirements and testing involved. By the time we left, most of these had been dropped. However, most people are still wearing masks in crowded places, giving a feeling of safety.”

May 2022 Linnae – American traveler with family: “We really lucked out with our arrival to Bangkok scheduled for May 1st. We had originally planned to undergo the Test & Go program but they suddenly lifted the testing and quarantine requirements.

Applying for a Thailand Pass online, which is essentially the entry visa, was a straight forward process where you just have to complete the application, provide your vaccination details, and upload pictures of your shot records, passport, and insurance card. We have regular American-style insurance through Aetna, so it covered whatever the minimum requirement was. I think there was an option to purchase some sort of travel health insurance through a Thai company.

It took about 5 days to receive the Thailand pass, which was just a QR code attached to an email. Once we had the Thailand pass, we never had to show any other form of insurance or Covid vaccination when we went through immigration. The hotel check-in was completely normal- no extra documentation required other than our passports.

Our daughter did not have to test on arrival. As a minor, she was able to enter unvaccinated with vaccinated parents. There was an option to add her to our Thailand Pass in the system. She received her own QR code for immigration.

EVERYONE was still masked, inside and outside (even in the pool). I was surprised to see children younger than 2 wearing masks. Outliers would have been the odd westerner. Social distancing did not seem to be a requirement at all.

Restaurants/sites seemed open as usual. Closures due to Covid may not be clear on the business website. So if someone is set on a specific excursion or destination, contact the place ahead of time to make sure it is still open.”

travel warning to thailand

March 9, 2022 – Kristel, U.S. traveler:  “My husband and I have been in Thailand since the start of 2022. In Bangkok, the typical hustle and bustle of the city feels similar to pre-covid days. Street food markets such as Chinatown is packed with both locals and foreigners while the temples are still fairly quiet depending on the time you visit. 

With regards to restrictions, masks are still worn both indoors and outdoors and temperature checks are imposed when going into indoor spaces. Healthcare is easily accessible and rapid tests can be bought at a local 7-11 for very cheap. While a lot of restaurants have shut down, there are still plenty of good options and street food areas are staying busy and doing well. If visiting the islands, you can expect beautiful beaches without the crowds.”

February 11, 2022 – Abigail of I’m going on an adventure , British tourist: “My partner and I are currently travelling through Thailand for one month. We are in Phuket at the moment. Food and transport options are good with everything open and actually the area seems to have been revamped since a few years ago; its cleaner and better organised!

travel warning to thailand

All areas are open and ready to receive guests. Face masks are still required to be worn however in the more populated tourist areas such a Patong no one seems to be using them as much. There is no contact tracing or daily testing required (except official PCR test). It’s always important to carry a face mask as some restaurants and activities will ask to have them on but in general the island so far has been very relaxed! The country still isn’t as busy as pre-covid which actually makes it an even better time to visit as it’s less crowded but there is still a nice holiday vibe.”

January 28, 2022 – Katy, American digital nomad:  “ During our visit to Chiang Mai, we found that most businesses and restaurants in the Old Town area are open. Some are temporarily closed or have reduced hours, but enough were open that it wasn’t a problem. Bars are technically closed. Be aware that you can’t purchase alcohol at restaurants and stores after a certain time in the Chiang Mai province, I believe it’s 9pm now (but it keeps changing).

Travel restrictions are being followed closely by locals and visitors for the most part. Mask wearing and temperature checks are required at all businesses & shops and people do follow these rules. Contact tracing is also required (by scanning an app or signing a register), but we found that most people didn’t bother with this step.

The one exception is at the Chiang Mai Sunday market. Contact tracing (along with mask wearing and temperature scans) are firmly enforced there. Most of the Chiang Mai markets and walking streets are open, except for the Saturday Walking Street (which is closed) and the Night Bazaar (which is mostly closed and not worth visiting). There were some other foreigners in Chiang Mai but not many.

The city is used to having a larger number of tourists, so it didn’t feel too crowded and we didn’t have any issues with waiting in lines or securing tickets to popular attractions. Access to healthcare is easy and affordable in Chiang Mai (at least compared to what we’re used to in the United States). Booster shots are available to anyone (including foreigners) and you can get a PCR test for travel at the Chiang Mai Ram Hospital.”

January 2022 – Zoe Adventura , Australian:  “ I moved to Thailand with my family in January 2022. The biggest difference between here and Australia is that everyone is expected to wear a mask all the time. Even children, and even while exercising. Most tourists don’t. Most people seem relaxed about everything, but occasionally we hear that the hospitals are full – which is pretty scary.

Travel restrictions – there are quite a few hoops to jump through to get to Thailand . We came for the Phuket Sandbox – which meant we had to book a 7 day stay in a government approved sandbox hotel, have a specific insurance paid for, and also get RT-PCR tests before travel, plus 2 more in the first week. During this week we were free to travel around Phuket. For us, it was actually pretty seamless.

Before entering Thailand you need to get a Thaipass, which can be a bit tricky, but there is plenty of information online about what you need to do. There are facebook groups which can help with any questions, and you can apply multiple times if you need.

As far as things being closed, the tourist areas of Phuket are completely different. Patong has restrictions on nightlife and alcohol service is restricted. A lot of shops are closed and boarded up in Patong, which is sad to see. On the other side of the island which typically has less tourism, it’s much less noticeable. That being said, the hotel we are currently staying in is clearly operating on skeleton staff, with half of the rooms empty. I’ve only seen 3-5 other guests, and it is a little creepy. The staff are obviously doing the best they can but the common areas are neglected. Same story in the last hotel we stayed in. All activities are cancelled, kids club is closed etc.”

December 2, 2021 – Katy, American digital nomad, A Rambling Unicorn :  “My husband and I flew from Istanbul to Phuket on Nov. 27 and then will fly to Chiang Mai on Dec. 4 when our stay in the Sandbox is complete. We have Tourist Visas and will be in Thailand for 60 days.

I arrived at the Phuket Airport in November 2021 and was amazed at the thorough measures put into place for international arrivals. All passengers were initially seated in an arrivals hall in chairs that were spaced apart for social distancing. After a check of our documents by workers covered in full PPE, we were led through 5 different stations that verified our documents and administered a PCR test on-the-spot. We were glad we had printed all of our documents out in advance – including our Thai Pass, PCR Test results and SHA+ Hotel booking. Passengers without printed copies had to print them out at a special printing station.

Thai locals take COVID very seriously. Everyone wears masks in public, even when riding open-air motor scooters. Contact tracing is managed via the MorChana app which everyone is encouraged to download. We are staying in a remote part of Phuket where some restaurants are still closed and our hotel is only half full. We haven’t encountered any lines at restaurants or crowds in this part of the island, quite the opposite actually.

Thailand is really particular about the COVID insurance. When we first applied for the COE (this was the precursor to the Thai Pass), we tried to use our World Nomads insurance and it was rejected. I’ve heard anecdotally that they only accept COVID insurance from Thai companies. I don’t know if that is true and/or if things are relaxed now that they’ve moved to the Thai Pass. When we re-applied, we bought insurance through a Thai company that specialized in Thai Pass and Tourist Visa insurance. It came with document that clearly stated COVID was covered with a coverage of 50,000 USD.”

Thailand Reopening: Phuket Sandbox Updates video published October 29 2021 See what it’s like in Phuket, with commentary from local Thai people in the tourism industry as well as recent travelers to Phuket:

Planning a trip to Thailand?

Check out our other Thailand travel resources: – Things We Would (and Wouldn’t) Do Again in Chiang Mai, Thailand – Bangkok Tourist Pass Review and Suggested Itineraries – Review: Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary + Hill Tribe Homestay – Tips for Travel in Bangkok

If you have questions or updates about travel to Thailand during the Coronavirus crisis or post-pandemic, please let us know in the comments below.

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Disclaimer: Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result of information provided through IntentionalTravelers.com. Any information provided here is issued as general information only.

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here , alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Do not travel

Do not travel to the southernmost provinces along the Thailand-Malaysia border, including Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani and Southern Songkhla due to ongoing politically-motivated and criminal violence, which occurs on an almost daily basis. The Thai Government has warned tourists not to travel to these areas (level 4 of 4).

Exercise increased caution

Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Thailand due to the potential for civil unrest and threat of terrorism (level 2 of 4).

Political Tension/Civil unrest The political situation in Thailand can be unpredictable. In recent years, Thailand has experienced regular large-scale political demonstrations and unrest in Bangkok and other cities in Thailand.  Violent incidents in the vicinity of these demonstrations have resulted in serious injuries.

New Zealanders throughout Thailand are advised to avoid any protests, demonstrations, and large gatherings, as even those intended to be peaceful have the potential to quickly turn violent.

New Zealanders throughout Thailand are advised to exercise due caution and monitor the media to stay informed of developments. We recommend adhering to any instructions issued by the local authorities. 

New Zealanders in Thailand should be wary of making political statements in public and on social media or sharing articles online that could been seen as portraying Thailand negatively or making accusations about individuals. There are also strong ‘lese majeste’ laws in place which make it a criminal offence to criticise or defame the monarchy in any form, including on social media. These laws are strictly enforced in Thailand and it is strongly advised that New Zealanders in Thailand refrain from making any public statements about the monarchy including posting, commenting or liking items about the monarchy on social media. 

Terrorism There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Thailand, including in Bangkok and Phuket. Previous incidents involving explosive devices have occurred in Bangkok and other popular tourist destinations, including Phuket and Koh Samui.

In August 2019, several small explosions occurred in various locations in Bangkok resulting in some injuries. In August 2016, there were multiple explosions in Thailand. These occurred in a number of tourist areas, including Hua Hin, Phuket, Phang Nga, Trang, and Surat Thani and resulted in casualties.  On 17 August 2015, an explosion near the Erawan Shrine in central Bangkok killed at least 20 people and injured many more. Further incidents are possible.

New Zealanders are advised to exercise a high degree of personal security awareness throughout Thailand. Particular care should be taken in public and commercial areas. Possible terrorism targets include (but are not limited to) landmarks or places known to be frequented by expatriates or foreign tourists, public transport facilities, hotels, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, tourist resorts, shopping areas, markets, banks, embassies, and places of worship. Thai authorities have previously warned of the possibility of attacks to coincide with symbolic dates or holidays.  

Local travel There is an ongoing threat of violence in the southernmost provinces of Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani and Songkhla. Bombings and shootings are common in these provinces and over 6,500 people have been killed in an ongoing insurgency since 2004. Foreigners have been caught up in this violence in the past.

Sporadic conflict near the Thai-Myanmar border occurs between the Myanmar military and armed opposition groups as well as between Thai security forces and armed criminal groups (such as drug traffickers). Armed clashes may result in border closures at short notice. 

Crime Petty crime such as bag snatching and pickpocketing, especially from thieves on motorbikes or in open transport like tuk tuks, occurs in Thailand and is common in tourist areas, in larger cities and on public transport. We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings at all times and take steps to safeguard and secure their personal belongings.

Drink spiking has been reported in tourist destinations around Thailand, with both male and female victims.  Be careful about taking drinks from strangers and at bars, clubs and parties, or leaving your drinks unattended, particularly in Phuket and Krabi provinces, around Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Pattaya and at the Full Moon party on Koh Pha Ngan, where drug related sexual assaults have been reported. 

Transport Safety Road safety is a significant issue in Thailand. Road accidents occur frequently, often causing death or serious injury. Motorcyclists and pedestrians are most at risk. Be extra vigilant during holiday periods, including Western New Year (January 1) and Songkran (Thai New Year, mid-April), as drunk driving and accidents are much more frequent during these periods. Do not drink and drive, or drink and ride. If you are walking, use overhead walkways whenever possible. Consider carefully the safety standards of any vehicle and any accompanying equipment, such as helmets, you may hire.   

Passenger boat accidents have occurred, often due to overloading or poor maintenance of vessels. Consider carefully the safety standards of any vessel and do not board any vessel which appear overloaded. 

General travel advice New Zealanders travelling or living in Thailand should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air.

It is a legal requirement to carry a form of identification with you at all times, that proves your legal status in Thailand. Failure to produce your passport or a photocopy of relevant pages could result in a fine or arrest.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment or fines.

In January 2018, Thai authorities introduced a smoking ban on beaches in certain tourist areas, including in Petchaburi, Pattaya, Phuket, Prachuap Kirikan, Chon Buri and Songkhla provinces. Those caught smoking in non-designated areas could be fined or face imprisonment.

Making a critical or defamatory comment about the Royal Family, including on social media is punishable by a prison sentence in Thailand.  Travellers should maintain respectful behaviour around all images of the Royal Family, including on money.

Exercise caution in relation to offers of employment that appear ‘too good to be true’.  There have been a number of cases where victims have been trafficked into online scamming or other fraudulent activity, with poor pay and living conditions, restrictions on movement, and the possibility of severe mistreatment.

Thailand has been experiencing poor air quality and high PM2.5 levels in urban areas and Bangkok in particular. This may aggravate bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions. Children, the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions may be especially affected. Latest reports on air quality levels can be obtained from the World Air Quality Index website.

New Zealanders in Thailand are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The New Zealand Embassy Bangkok, Thailand

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Thai Flag

Last verified: Tuesday, 13. August 2024 at 08:21 AM

Thailand Travel Advisory

  • South-Eastern Asia
  • Thailand Travel Advice

We advise caution when travelling to Thailand

Local situation: 2.7 / 5.

We advise caution when travelling to Thailand. We detected travel advisories from 7 sources for this specific country.

Regional Situation: 3.2 / 5

Thailand shares a land border with 4 neighbouring states. For this region of countries (including Thailand), the Advisory Index is 3.2 (average value over all countries). All countries have some reported advisories: Myanmar (4.6), Cambodia (3), Laos with 3 and Malaysia with 2.8 (of 5).

Current informationen on Covid-19 in Thailand

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Thailand. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET).

There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Thailand.

Source: www.ecdc.europa.eu

Advice scoring history for Thailand

Chart of the risk level over that last 200 days. This is the daily calculated travel risk for Thailand.

Chart of the number of sources over that last 200 days. This is the daily number of advisory sources (of any rating) that have been active on that day.

Note: Changes happening on the 28th/29th of July 2019 are related to a change in the software and number of sources processed.

Rating Details (single travel warnings)

These are the individual advisories published by other countries about the destination Thailand from a travellers perspective. The scoring of all messages combined is the foundation for the current rating 2.7 out of 5.0 .

Warning Level Icon

This is the general advisory usually covering the country as a whole.

Advisory issued by: New Zealand

Flag of New Zealand

Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Thailand due to the potential for civil unrest and threat of terrorism (level 2 of 4).

Source: https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/thailand

travel warning to thailand

This is a regional information covering specific areas of Thailand.

Issued by: New Zealand government

Info: If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

travel warning to thailand

Info: Do not travel to the southernmost provinces along the Thailand-Malaysia border, including Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani and Southern Songkhla due to ongoing politically-motivated and criminal violence, which occurs on an almost daily basis. The Thai Government has warned tourists not to travel to these areas (level 4 of 4).

Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: United States

Flag of United States

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Exercise normal precautions in Thailand. Some areas have increased risk.  Read the entire Travel Advisory. Reconsider travel to: Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla provinces due to civil unrest associated with ongoing insurgent activities. Read the country information page for additional ...

Source: http://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/thailand-travel-advisory.html

Advisory issued by: Canada

Flag of Canada

The Canadian goverment suggests: Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)

Source: https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/thailand

Advisory issued by: Finland

Flag of Finland

Iaktta normal försiktighet - I huvudsak ett tryggt resmål förutom de sydligaste provinserna. Politiska oroligheter kan förekomma och det finns risk för bombdåd. Följ myndigheternas anvisningar. Var mycket försiktig i trafiken och skydda dig från smittsamma sjukdomar.

Source: https://um.fi/resemeddelande/-/c/TH

travel warning to thailand

Issued by: Finnish government

Coverage: Narathiwat

Info: Undvik icke nödvändiga resor

Individual rating changes for Thailand

This is the recent history of individual changes of travel advices that affected the total asessment of Thailand. Most recent events first.

Changes from August 25th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 3.1 to 3.3 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of New Zealand

The New Zealand government removed their warning for Thailand with a previous rating of 0.0.

Changes from August 7th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 3.0 to 3.1 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of United States

The United States government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 2.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 1.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 22nd 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.9 to 3.0 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Canada

The Canadian government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 3.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 2.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 18th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.8 to 2.9 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Australia

The Australian government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 5.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 4.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 17th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.6 to 2.8 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Ireland

The Irish government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 3.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 14th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.4 to 2.6 . Here are the influencing details:

The Australian government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 4.0.

Changes from March 12th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.3 to 2.4 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Denmark

The Danish government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 3.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 9th 2020

The total rating for Thailand changed from 2.1 to 2.3 . Here are the influencing details:

The Danish government increased their existing warning for Thailand to 3.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 2.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from September 25th 2019

The total rating for Thailand changed from 0.0 to 0.0 . Here are the influencing details:

The United States government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 1.0.

Flag of Austria

The Austrian government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 3.0.

The Canadian government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 2.0.

The New Zealand government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 2.0.

The Irish government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 3.0.

Flag of Finland

The Finnish government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 2.0.

The Danish government issued a new warning for Thailand with a rating of 2.0.

About Thailand

Thailand with its capital Bangkok is a country in Asia (South-Eastern Asia), slightly more than twice the size of Wyoming (514,000 km²). The country is located Southeastern Asia, bordering the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, southeast of Burma. The climate can be described as tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); southern isthmus always hot and humid. The landscape is central plain; Khorat Plateau in the east; mountains elsewhere. With a population of about 65.49 million citizens.

Flag of Thailand

Introduction Video

Basic Statistics and Facts

Environmental problems and natural hazzards.

These are problems Thailand is facing. Environmental issues refer to damages of the nature due to industry and society. Natural hazzards refer to potential dangers originating in nature.

Environmental problems

  • air pollution from vehicle emissions
  • deforestation
  • soil erosion
  • water pollution from organic and factory wastes
  • wildlife populations threatened by illegal hunting

Natural hazzards

  • land subsidence in Bangkok area resulting from the depletion of the water table

Top Industries and Agricultural Products

These are the main product industries and agricultural products of Thailand. This list indicates what this country is good at producing.

  • agricultural machinery
  • agricultural processing
  • air conditioning
  • automobiles
  • automotive parts

Agriculture products

  • fish products

Thai Imports and Exports

These are the main product categories of imports and exports to and from Thailand.

Export products

  • chemical products
  • electronic integrated circuits

Import products

  • automobile’s parts
  • dairy products
  • electrical household appliances
  • electrical machinery
  • electronic integrated circuit

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current travel advisory for thailand.

Thailand is currently rated at 2,7 out of a possible 5.0. Collected from 7 official sources. We advise caution when travelling to Thailand.

Is it safe to travel Thailand in 2024?

Visiting the country Thailand is usually fine. The score is at 2,7 Just keep an eye open, obey local rules and you'll most likely be fine.

How many travel advisories do you know for Thailand?

We currently evaluate 11 official sources each morning. Today, we know of active advisories from 7 individual sources for Thailand.

What is the current Corona virus situation in Thailand?

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Thailand. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET). There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Thailand.

What is the size of Thailand?

Thailand has a size of 514,000 km² or 198,456 mi² which is slightly more than twice the size of Wyoming.

Common Frequently Asked Questions

For non-country specific questions, please check our global F.A.Q.

Travel safety map for Thailand and bordering countries.

Risk level icon

If you want to embed Thailand travel warning information into your website or application, check out these tools.

  • Is Thailand safe to travel?
  • What's the safety situation in Thailand?
  • Are there security warnings for Thailand?

Togo Flag

2020-03-10: Integrated data from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2/ Coronavirus).

2019-09-01: Added timeline charts for risk level and number of advisories.

2019-07-29: Added two more sources (Finland and Denmark). Affects country ratings.

2019-07-15: South-Sudan was missing and was added today.

2019-05-18: Performance improvements for API users.

2019-03-23: Introduced professional API with more data.

2019-02-13: Added three more sources (Cyprus, Ireland and Malta). Affects country ratings.

travel warning to thailand

Travel Advice for Thailand

Going to Thailand and need to know about the latest government travel advice for Thailand? Find the updated travel advice and travel warnings for Thailand from governments around the world, here.

General Travel Advice and Warnings for Thailand

The decision to visit to Thailand is your decision and you are responsible for your personal safety whilst in Thailand.

The material on this web page is provided for information only and gathered from travel advice and warnings for Thailand by authorities around the world to their citizens.

While we make every effort to provide you most recent travel advice details, it is offered on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

This owners of this web site does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information supplied.

General Cautions Travellers Need to Bear In Mind When Travelling in Thailand

Crime – Petty crimes such as pick pocketing in a congested surrounding to sexual assault and robberies do happen in bigger cities of Thailand. Ensure that all your personal items, including passports and other travel documents, are safe at all times.

Terrorism – Always be aware of your surroundings when in public places. Be particularly vigilant if participating in sporting events and during religious holidays and various other public occasions, as terrorists often make use of such celebrations to mount attacks.

Demonstrations and Protests – Demonstrations may take place. Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent any time. They can also result in disruptions to traffic and public transport. It is in your interest of safety and security to avoid locations where demonstrations and huge events are occurring and adhere to the directions of local authorities. Monitor local media in Thailand for info on on-going demonstrations in Thailand.

Scams – Exercise caution in crowded tourist locations in Thailand, where scammers target travellers. If you have actually been scammed in Thailand, reach a safe area quickly; make note, as soon as possible of the name and address of the facility where you were held; inform the police in Thailand and acquire a record and if your credit card is used by the scammer call your credit card provider to inform the fraud; they will likely request a copy of the police report to cancel the financial transaction.

Spiked Food and Drinks – Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of complete strangers whilst taking a trip in Thailand or anywhere else. Watch out for accepting snacks, drinks, chewing gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items might have drugs that might put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.

travel warning to thailand

What is the entry/exit conditions for Thailand?

Every country or territory decides who can get in or leave through its borders, likewise Thailand decides exactly who enter its borders. The Government of your home country cannot interfere on your behalf if you do not satisfy your Thailand’s entry or exit requirements.

For more information concerning the entry/exit requirement for Thailand visit visa requirements for Thailand or obtain the current info with the visa office at the Thai embassy in your home country.

Travel insurance for Thailand

Health cover is just one of the main factors travellers obtain travel insurance. It will not stop you getting sick or injured, though it can avoid you being affected financially. Medical aid overseas can be really expensive.

You need to shell out for all treatment you get overseas. You can’t expect to get free or subsidised care through your Thailand’s public health system, like you would in your home country.

If you can’t pay, local authorities could detain you. The government from your home country can’t pay you medical costs for you, loan you cash or get you out of jail.

You need travel insurance coverage for travelling to Thailand . You also need to see to it you choose a policy that is right for you.

Read the small print of your travel insurance policy.

Declare all pre-existing conditions to your travel insurer upfront. If you do not, you might void your travel insurance coverage.

Inform your travel insurance provider the activities you plan to do, before you go. Many popular activities like skiing are left out in standard policies. You might require to pay extra.

Check if you have free credit card travel insurance coverage. Some cards include travel insurance coverage cover. Nevertheless, they often have different conditions than paid policies. Understand the differences.

If you’re travelling to Thailand from a country that has a reciprocatory healthcare arrangement, you still require travel health insurance. Agreements are limited in what they’ll will cover.

If you have a terminal health problem, you may not have the ability to get basic travel insurance coverage. However you may be able to get a specialised insurance provider that covers you for health, accidents or property troubles unconnected to your ailment. Speak with your insurer to learn.

Find out more about getting international travel insurance coverage for Thailand before you go.

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Travel advice and advisories by destination

COVID-19: travel health notice for all travellers

The Government of Canada’s official source of travel information and advice, the Travel Advice and Advisories help you to make informed decisions and travel safely while you are outside Canada. Check the page for your destination often, because safety and security conditions may change. See Travel Advice and Advisories – FAQ for more information.

Where are you going?

Take normal security precautions

Exercise a high degree of caution

Avoid non-essential travel

Avoid all travel

Travel advice from other countries

Travel advice is also provided by the governments of Australia , New Zealand , the United Kingdom and the United States .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.


Tourists in Thailand warned of rules and requirements to follow or risk huge fines and detention


By Sarra Gray

Published: 17/08/2024

Britons visiting Thailand have been given a fresh reminder about visa and custom rules

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Thailand has a lot to offer including a rich culture and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Before travelling there, however, Britons have been reminded of the rules and requirements and given updated advice on overstaying their visa and strict customer rules.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) shared a reminder of harsh punishments, such as fines and detention, that Britons could face if they don't follow rules.

Visa requirements

It said: "You can visit Thailand for a period of 60 days for the purpose of tourism, business engagements, and urgent or ad-hoc work. This visa category can be extended for another period not exceeding 30 days.

Tourists have been reminded of visa requirements

"You can also apply in advance for a multiple-entry visa for up to 60 days. For work, study or other reasons, you need a visa before you travel."

Overstaying your visa can result in punishments of different severities. The FCDO warned: "If you overstay the period of your visa, you will get a fine of 500 Thai baht a day up to a maximum of 20,000 baht.

"You risk being held in detention, deported at your own expense or banned from re-entering Thailand for up to 10 years. Conditions in detention centres can be harsh."

Custom rules

The Government body also has a reminder of custom rules as failing to follow these can also mean high fees.

It said: "There are strict rules about goods you can take into or out of Thailand. You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty."

It highlighted taking cigarettes into Thailand as there are strict limits on this.


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Britons should consult the FCDO for travel updates

"It is illegal to take more than 200 cigarettes per person into Thailand. This is enforced at customs on arrival.

"If you go over the limit, you could be fined 10 times the value. Your cigarettes will likely be confiscated."

In other travel news, tourists in France around the time of the upcoming Paralympic Games .

Holidaymakers were warned to "keep their personal belongings and valuables safe" and also given advice on respecting local laws and cultures.

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This website is managed by Siam Legal International - a law firm in Thailand

travel warning to thailand

Thailand Travel Restrictions

Legal Advisor

Updated on April 23, 2024 by Siam Legal International, a Bangkok, Thailand law firm.


The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has announced that Thailand continues to welcome all international tourists in 2024 with no restrictions.

Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health, said “International travelers arriving in Thailand are not required to show proof of vaccination.”

In addition, foreign tourists are not required to show ATK or RT-PCR COVID-19 test results.

Thailand does highly recommends COVID insurance for visitors from all countries when visiting Thailand.

After months of strict travel restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand is restored to normalcy by easing all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements to allow tourists to enter the country.

Travelers around the world are now keen to find out when and how they can travel to Thailand in 2024. What important things do travelers need to know about Thailand Travel Restrictions if they are planning to fly to the Land of Smiles? Here is some helpful information for you.

Travel to Thailand 2022

Recommended Documents for Travel to Thailand in 2024

Please have the following documents ready.

  • Passport with at least six month validity
  • Visa or visa exemption qualification
  • Buy Thailand Travel Insurance RECOMMENDED
  • Boarding pass to be presented at Passport Control
  • Hotel booking confirmation if asked by the Immigration Officer
  • Note: Vaccination record no longer required

Incorrect documents will delay the entry screening by rules from the Thai immigration bureau and its Thai immigration officials.

Buy Your Insurance Now

Latest News as of April 25, 2024

  • For up-to-date information and weekly updates regarding current Thailand travel restrictions, please visit the Weekly Updates for Thailand Travel Restrictions .
  • As of October 1, 2022, Thailand will no longer have COVID entry requirements. Please exercise normal precautions as necessary when visiting Thailand.
  • Buy your Travel Insurance now at AXA Thailand .
  • Book your hotel in Thailand at Agoda.com
  • Travelers may join our Facebook Group to ask questions, get help, and read the latest developments: https://www.facebook.com/groups/howtoenterthailand

Travel to Thailand

Travelers may enter Thailand with or without vaccination. Vaccination is not required.

No phone app for reporting or tracking is required.

No need to show proof of any vaccination or insurance coverage.

Thailand Immigration Counter

Entry and Exit Requirements

Each country or territory determines its own entry and exit requirements at its borders. If you fail to meet these requirements for your destination, your embassy will not be able to assist you. The following information is provided by Thai authorities and is subject to change without notice.

The entry prerequisites differ based on the passport type you are holding for travel.

Prior to your journey, consult with your travel carrier regarding passport stipulations, as their validity rules might be stricter than those mandated by the destination country.

Ensure that your passport has at least six months of validity remaining upon your arrival in Thailand.

Other Entry Requirements

Immigration officers at the Thai border may request to see a ticket for your return or onward journey, as well as evidence of adequate funds to sustain you throughout your visit. Failure to present these documents may result in denial of entry.

Plane Ticket and Thai Visa Entry Stamp

Entry Stamp

Obtain your entry stamp directly from an immigration officer when entering Thailand. Avoid acquiring your visa, visa extension, or entry stamp through visa shops or travel agents within the country.

Passports that have been modified or carry fake visas and entry/exit stamps will be considered invalid. Individuals caught with such passports may face imprisonment, fines, and deportation, and might also be barred from future entry into Thailand.

Thai Visa Stamp on Passport

Do You Need a Visa to Enter Thailand?

Visitors from countries under the Visa Exemption List are not required to obtain a Thai visa in order to travel to Thailand for tourism purposes. The Thai Immigration Bureau will allow foreigners to stay in Thailand for 30 days. Tourists will be able to apply for a 30-day visa extension at any local immigration office in Thailand.

If you wish to stay longer or are traveling for a purpose other than tourism, please know that the normal 60-day Tourist Visa Thailand , Thailand LTR Visa , Thai Elite Visa , and other non-immigrant visas are available at Thai Embassies or Consulates around the world.

Are you a high net worth individual who wants to stay in Thailand for 5, 10, or 20 years? You may consider joining the exclusive Thailand Elite Visa membership program. It is an easy-to-apply and hassle-free visa application for your long-term stay in Thailand. For more information about the Thailand Elite Visa Program, you can start visa application, you can start today: https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/thai-elite-visa

Thailand Pass is no longer in effect

As of July 1, 2022, Thailand Pass is no longer required for foreign travelers entering Thailand.

Vaccinated travelers do not need to provide proof of vaccination before arriving. Unvaccinated travelers are also under no restrictions and can freely travel to Thailand.

Thailand Travel Insurance for Foreigners

Thailand Travel Insurance for Foreigners

It is recommended for foreigners traveling to Thailand to have a travel insurance policy before departing to Thailand. This is for their protection during the course of their trip to Thailand.

Having a reliable travel insurance policy that covers disruptions protects the investment you’ve made so you can feel secure and covered while enjoying what Thailand has to offer. Purchasing this travel insurance protection is affordable and worth not paying the hospital bill out of your own pocket. The average travel insurance cost for a trip to Thailand is only around $50 to $100.

Purchasing a protection is affordable than paying the hospital bill out from your pocket. The average travel insurance cost for a trip to Thailand is only around $100 to $150.

Foreigners can get a Thailand travel insurance policy easily and conveniently. Visitors can buy travel insurance online with a credit card and the insurance policy and COVID-19 certificate will be sent to you instantly.

Purchase your Thailand Travel Insurance for foreigners HERE .

buy now

Flights to Thailand Have Resumed

Regarding flights to Thailand, the normal commercial passenger flights are operating as normal. Before booking flights to Thailand, travelers should ensure that they study the different categories of visas granted to foreign nationals at this time to determine the possibility of travel.

Check within your country’s state department for travel advisories during COVID-19.

No Quarantine Required

Traveling to Thailand has no restrictions at this time.

Thailand Travel Advisory

Travel Advisory for Thailand

Tourism is vital to the economy of Thailand. The Thai government has reopened the Kingdom of Thailand to foreign visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic without restriction.

It is important to review news about fast-changing developments within the country before you make travel plans. Information is available on this website, Tourism Authority of Thailand, and on government sites listed below.

Please research your destination of travel and its travel advisory so you have a pleasant experience for your stay in Thailand.

  • Bangkok: No restrictions
  • Pattaya: No restrictions
  • Phuket: No restrictions
  • Koh Samui: No restrictions
  • Chiang Mai: No restrictions
  • Hua Hin: No restrictions

List of Countries that may allow Travel to Thailand (Check with your Embassy for Travel Advisory):

  • United States citizens should check with the US Department of State for any travel advisory, news, and emergency situations on their website for Thailand Travel Advisory .
  • United Kingdom citizens can check for travel restrictions and news on the FDCO website for Foreign Travel Advice Thailand .

There are no travel requirements and restrictions in place at this time for foreigners entering Thailand.

We recommend contacting your local Thai embassy or consulate before making any plans or reservations. You may also leave your questions in the comment section.

Still have questions?

Visit our Facebook Group and read questions from fellow travelers to Thailand or ask your own:


Top 20 Questions Asked this Week by Our Visitors

What is the visa exemption scheme.

Thailand has a Visa Exemption Scheme that allows nationals from certain countries to enter Thailand for tourism purposes without a visa. Visitors under this scheme will be granted a stay of a specific duration, typically 30 days, but this may vary based on the traveler’s nationality and the current regulations in place.

Where can I apply for a tourist visa for Thailand?

You can apply for a Thai tourist visa at a Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in your home country or in a third country.

Below are the general steps involved, but note that processes may vary slightly at different embassies or consulates:

Steps to Apply for a Thai Tourist Visa:

In Person or by Mail

  • Find the Nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate: Look for a Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence or a neighboring country. You can usually find this information on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official website or by conducting a simple online search for the Thai Embassy and Consulate near me.
  • Prepare Required Documents: Typically, you will need your passport (with at least six months’ validity), completed visa application form, passport-size photographs, proof of travel arrangements (like flight and hotel bookings), and evidence of financial means.
  • Submit Application: You may need to submit your visa application and required documents in person, although some embassies or consulates may offer online submission or postal services. Be sure to check the specific submission guidelines for the embassy or consulate where you’re applying.
  • Pay Visa Fee: There will usually be a non-refundable visa application fee, which can vary by location and visa type. Payment methods can also differ, so verify this in advance.
  • Wait for Processing: Visa processing times can vary. Some applications are processed in a few days, while others may take weeks. Check the estimated processing time and plan accordingly.
  • Receive Visa: Once approved, you’ll receive your visa, which will be stamped or affixed to a page in your passport. Carefully review the visa to confirm that all information is accurate and understand the terms of your stay.

Thai e-Visa

Are there any restrictions on tourists coming to Thailand?

Travel restrictions and requirements for entering Thailand can change frequently due to the ongoing global situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, and other factors that might influence travel policies. The information provided here might be outdated, so it is imperative that you check the most current and relevant travel advisories and updates.

Here are some general restrictions and requirements for tourists entering Thailand.

General Entry Requirements:

  • Visa Requirements: Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter Thailand. Some nationals can enter under the Visa Exemption Scheme, while others might need to apply for a visa in advance.
  • Valid Passport: A passport with at least six months of remaining validity is typically required.
  • Proof of Funds: You might need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay.
  • Onward or Return Ticket: Some travelers may need to show a confirmed ticket for return or onward travel.

Additional Restrictions:

  • Travel advisories and restrictions can also depend on the ongoing global and local situation, such as public health concerns, security issues, or other emergencies.

How do I buy an ATK test?

You can also purchase an ATK self-test from pharmacies and 7-11’s in Thailand. They cost between 50-150 Thai baht. ATK testing is optional and not required by the Thai government.

Is Thai Airways operating normal flights in and out of Thailand?

Are masks required to be worn in thailand.

No. You will see many Thai people wearing masks for public health protection.

Is COVID-19 treatment and medicine available to foreigners?

Yes, you may visit any clinic or hospital in Thailand for treatment of COVID-19. Please exercise normal precautions while traveling to obtain treatment if infected or use telemedicine so you can stay safely in your accommodations.

Visitors insured with AXA Travel Insurance will have full coverage for COVID-19 medical treatment. AXA is the most popular Thailand Travel Insurance for foreign travelers.

What is the best time of year to travel to Thailand?

November to February is the best time of year to visit Thailand as it is during the cool season. Thailand has become extremely hot in recent years during the months of April and May.

What activities can you do in Thailand?

  • Island hopping
  • Scuba diving
  • Boat ride in the Andaman sea
  • Eat delicious food
  • Savory and Tasty Thai foods

What is the best way to find hotels?

You can find listings for hotels in all areas at Agoda .

When is the low season for travel to Thailand?

April to May are the hot season. July to September is the rainy period during the year. These months are the low season.

Are there any restrictions for foreign passport holders?

Travel restrictions and requirements for foreign passport holders entering Thailand can vary widely based on a number of factors, including the traveler’s nationality, the purpose of the visit, the duration of the stay, and the current global and local health situation.

General Entry Restrictions:

  • Visa Regulations: Visa policies vary, with some passport holders eligible for visa exemption, visa-on-arrival, or e-visas, while others must secure visas in advance.
  • Passport Validity: A minimum passport validity, often six months, is a standard requirement.
  • Financial Proof: Travelers might need to demonstrate they possess adequate funds for their stay.
  • Return or Onward Ticket: A confirmed ticket for onward or return travel may be necessary.
  • Travel History: Entry restrictions might apply based on recent travel history, including visits to specific countries or regions.

Specific Passport-Based Restrictions:

  • Diplomatic/Official Passports: Holders of diplomatic or official passports may face different entry requirements or procedures.
  • Restricted Nationalities: Some countries impose entry limitations or additional requirements on passport holders from specific nations due to diplomatic relations or security concerns.

Additional Checks and Requirements:

  • Security and Background Checks: Security considerations can lead to additional screening, requirements, or restrictions for travelers from certain countries.

Can I rent a private car/taxi from the airport to the hotel?

Yes. travelers can find metered taxis available outside of the airport. All request the use of the meter. Private cars and car hire are also available at the airport counters. Grab is now available at both international airports in Bangkok.

Does the hotel provide transportation?

Hotels charge an additional fee for transportation to and from the airport. The easiest transportation is the metered taxi or on your Grab app.

What is the best way to exchange currency?

If you need money exchanged to use for transportation it is best to do it once outside the Customs area.

The best exchange rates for Thai currency can be found in tourist areas with popular exchange services such as SuperRich or Dee Money.

What insurance should I get?

The most popular insurance coverage is THB 750,000 coverage for medical expenses due to accidents and illnesses (including COVID-19) and THB 1 million for accidental death and disability. You can find trusted insurance coverage at AXA Thailand .

In case of an accident or sickness during the policy period which requires you to receive continued treatment in the hospital, AXA will cover until:

  • For inpatient: You are discharged from hospital
  • For outpatient: Policy expiry date

What happens after I get my AXA Insurance policy?

After applying for your AXA Insurance, you will receive an email with your policy. You can then upload the policy on your phone for easy reference.

City Travel Guide

  • How to Travel to Bangkok
  • How to Travel to Phuket
  • How to Travel to Pattaya
  • How to Travel to Chiang Mai
  • How to Travel to Samui
  • How to Travel to Hua Hin

Other Thai Elite Visa Pages

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How to Travel to Thailand in 2024

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How to Retire in Thailand for Couples

How to Retire in Thailand for Couples

Thailand Travel Restrictions 2023

Thailand Travel Restrictions 2023

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Does it need to have passport of having atleast 6 month of validity if travelling from india to thailand or 3 month passport validity will suffice?

travel warning to thailand

Hello, Vishnu.

If you plan to remain in Thailand for 60 days through the Thailand Tourist Visa , your passport must have at least 6 months of validity remaining to qualify.

For immigration-related questions, we recommend that you join the community here to learn more about how to enter Thailand: https://howtoenterthailand.com/

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I’m traveling from Singapore to Phuket on 20th to 22nd June 2024, and my passport expires on 31st December 2024. Will I have any issue given that my passport expiry is 1 week more than 6 months to expire ?

Hello, Daniel.

You should have no problem with traveling to Thailand, as the minimum passport validity requirement is 6 months.

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Just to make totally sure, I’m gonna ask this very simply: I have no vaccination papers. I have no negative Covid test. I have no travel insurance. Am I still allowed to enter Thailand?

Hello, Lars Andersen.

Unless you are from one of the countries with yellow fever, you do not need to provide vaccination papers and are allowed to enter Thailand.

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How much cash in gbp can I bring into Thailand (phuket) for spending money etc?

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I would like to ask if I am holding an Indian passport with valid Australian tourist visa, do I need a tourist visa? or can I enter Thailand on the basis of my valid Australian visa?

Also if Nepalese passport holder has valid Australian student visa, do they need to apply tourist visa?

Hello, Chandar Parkas Dimri.

You cannot enter Thailand with any Australian visa. You will need to apply for a Thailand Tourist Visa to enter Thailand. If you’re coming to Thailand to study, you will need to apply for an Education Visa.

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I have got a question regarding the updated guidelines as of January 9, 2023

>Airline passengers 18 years old or older must provide proof of full vaccination

I have full vaccination, but it was done in October 2021, do I need to get a new vaccine?

travel warning to thailand

Yes, that is acceptable. You do not need to get a new vaccine. Thank you.

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Hi there, we are looking at coming to Thailand for over 30 days but in 2 stints. We will be doing Bangkok and the north followed by the south a few month later. What kind of VISA do you recommend for this?

You can use the 45 days Visa Exemption stamp on each visit. There is no need to get a visa. Please check this information on this page: https://www.thaiembassy.com/weekly-updates/thailand-travel-restrictions-for-november-2022

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We will travel Thailand this Monday..

What are the needed requirements?

Dear Marfele,

You may find the entry requirements here: https://www.thaiembassy.com/weekly-updates/thailand-entry-requirements-for-october-2022 Thank you.

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If you are vaccinated and Travel to Thailand without PCR testing before leaving SA do you still need to do PCR when you arrive in Thailand but you are fully vaccinated?

Dear Deidre,

The latest entry requirements are posted here: https://www.thaiembassy.com/weekly-updates/thailand-entry-requirements-for-october-2022

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Hi, is there a restriction to travel to Phuket from Malaysia by train? (Travelling from Malaysia to Padang Besar Train Station to Hat Yai Train Station to Phuket train terminal 2). Thanks a lot

travel warning to thailand

Dear Oscar,

For this month, just prepare your vaccination card and passport. On October 1st, restriction will be removed.

For more information about travel to Thailand, please check this link: https://www.siam-legal.com/legal-guide/how-to-enter-thailand-2022-guide.pdf

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Hi, I’ve read in some of your news that all corona rules fall away from 1 October, that we can travel into the country without having to show a test or certificate. is that right ? Vikram

Dear Vikram,

Yes. Official statement will be announce by the Gazette on October 1st.

For more information about travel to Thailand, please check this link: https://www.thaiembassy.com/weekly-updates/thailand-entry-requirements-for-october-2022

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Hello . It says on some Thai websites that from 1 October no one needs a negative test or to show a corona certificate on arrival in Thailand. Is that right ? We will arrive on 1 October in Phuket. Should I be tested as I am not vaccinated?

Dear Albina,

On October 1st, restriction will be removed.

Hello. Should children aged 2 have a negative test ? Up to what age should children have a test ?

If the parents are unvaccinated, children will require too.

Hello again. Is it okay with an Antigen test taken at the hospital or do we have to take only PCR

Yes, It should be professional RAT.

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Yordmanu, I have a current, one year ‘retirement’ visa extension and have just returned to UK after a 90 day Thailand Pass trip. I’ve booked a one-way flight back to Thailand for the 9th. November – Will I have to buy insurance & will I be allowed to travel back to Thailand on this one-way ticket? I have an a Thailand address (30 year lease) and a history of travellng back & forth. Peter

Dear Peter,

Insurance is now an optional. It’s not compulsory but still recommended.

Hello. We will travel to Phuket on 1 October. My husband has a dose of vaccine and has been infected with covid twice. Does he have to prove a negative test or does he have to have proof from the doctor that he has had covid twice and has a vaccine? I am not vaccinated but have undergone covid 2 times the children aged 14 and 11 have not been vaccinated, should they have a test before we arrive? Albina

If fully vaccinated, just vaccination certificate and certificate of recovery since he got infected.

For unvaccinated, you need to have negative RT PCR within 72 hours of your arrival. Same procedure with your kids.

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I am a Thailand passport holder and returning to Chiang Mai from Kuala Lumpur. What requirements do I need to enter Thailand?

Passport and proof of vaccination.

Do you know the phone number of the Thai embassy in Thailand?

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hi, i have 1 question. how about unvaccinated kids age 8-year-old and 4++-year-old?do they need to do pcr test?

If you are fully vaccinated , No. If unvaccinated, same procedure with parents.

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I’m seeing conflicting info. Some websites say yes or no, regarding that before departing to thailand, one must show a negative pcr test. For the most part, it seems like no, you don’t have to.. but then more reputable sites say yes, people need to.

so which is it? planning to depart in october of 2022

Dear Balrto,

Negative RT PCR is for those unvaccinated.

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Is a “supervised RAT travel test” signed and witnessed by a pharmacist in Australia permitted for entry to Thailand?

Dear Nathan,

Yes, it should be a professional RAT.

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Me and my friends will fly to Phuket. Me and my husband have international certificate of vaccination without QR-code on Covid-19. Vaccine is comirnaty (we have two dose and booster) . On website: https://www.tatnews.org/2022/06/covid-19-vaccine-guide-for-travellers-to-thailand/ The information is that when vaccine comirnaty, the 2nd dose must be after 3 weeks, but in my and husband’s certificate is after 4 weeks (first – 19.05.2022, second – 16.06.2022 and booster is 22.01.2022). Is this a problem? Do we need to take a test? Thx You in advance.

No, it means 3 weeks after your shot, more than 21 days in valid.

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Do I need to purchase health insurance if I’m only staying in Bangkok for 1 day since my destination is the following day when I arrived in Bandkok?

Insurance is optional. Not compulsory but still recommended.

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do the vaccine certificates require to have a qr code? or is that up to the discretion of the airline?

Not really, any proof that you are fully vaccinated will be accepted. If so, then maybe it’s the airlines requirements.

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i will arrive bangkok 17:00, transit to Taipei, Taiwan 12:55 on next day. do i still need to book hotel + insurance and proceed PCR test. I am unvaccinated.

Insurance is not compulsory but still recommended. If you are unvaccinated, you need a 72 hours negative RT PCR.

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I have flight 06.10 I’m arrive g to Thailand 07.10. I’m not vaccined is that mean I have to take test 04.10 then is 72h before my arrival or I shuld take tests 05.10 or 06.10?

You can do it on 5.10 , validity should be 72 hours upon arrival.

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Hello, I might be coming to Thailand in the next month or so, coming from China (not a Chinese citizen). I have been vaccinated but my vaccination shows on my phone – is this presentable?

Hi Charles,

Any proof that you are fully vaccinated.

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How long is the Vaccine considered before expiring if I am vaccinated with 2 shots?

Last shot should be not more than 12 months.

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Traditional herbal medicines are based on the use of natural remedies like Herbs and Roots, no special food, no lifestyle change to permanently cure drug resistance diseases. people who use this methods like me will definitely testify. three years ago I was permanently cured from herpes simplex virus by Dr Okosun, an African herbalist who eradicates diseases and viruses which the world believes has no cure today with the use of herbs Dr Okosun herbs are hundred percent natural, no after effect and is guaranteed method of getting rid of herpes and other drug resistance diseases which the doctors made us believe has no cure, im one of the hundreds of people cured by dr okosun and you can get in touch with this dr and get your healing just as i did via drokosun55@gmail .com his mobile or whatsapp +2348124363791

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Is a photo copy or a photo of my covid card ok? I left my original at home so I wouldn’t lose it.

Yes, any proof that you are fully vaccinated.

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On your website it says that the test should be done with 72 hours before departure. So is it before departure or arrival? A international flight might take More 30 hours. If there is a delay, 72 hours will easily be passed. If the test is invalid upon arrival, what should be done?

Validity should be within 72 hours of arrival.

I receive my PCR test result by email. Do I need to print it out to show upon arrival? If my result is expired upon arrival, can I do a pcr test I the airport? If so, how much is it?

The result should be valid within 72 hours of your arrival, incase you need to repeat again the test.

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I was just reading a site through Japan Airlines for Thailand entry from United States, it says as of August 31 1. no test required 2. No quarantine

Is this correct?

Thank you Jim

Yes you’re right, no test required if fully vaccinated. If unvaccinated, 72 hours negative RT PCR.

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If I’m unvaccinated I understand that I need to have RT PCR within 72 hours upon arrival, but do I also HAVE to quarantine upon arrival in addition to the test?

No quarantine upon arrival if you have negative result.

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I have 2 doses of pfizer is it considered fully vaccinated? I got my 2nd shot last Oct. 2021 and I will be travelling on Aug.3. Do I need to show RT-PCR negative result ?

Yes, 2 doses is fully vaccinated.

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I know that for the moment i can enter with test but what are the chances that the thai government will change the rules and make the vaccination obligatory again for 5 octobre? thanks

i am not vaccinated but i will be travelling to thailand on 5 october.

Do I only need a negative covid test to enter thailand?

And what are the chances that the thai government will change the rules and make the vaccination obligatory again? If so, how long before I should be vaccinated in order to travel safely on the 5th of october?

Yes, you can still enter even unvaccinated. You just need to have RT PCR within 72 hours upon arrival.

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Hi there, just wondering if transiting in Bangkok (not leaving the airport) on the way to Malaysia if I still need to provide a RT/PCR test? I am not vaccinated. Thanks in advance

The unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated travellers without a negative test result within 72 hours of travel is required to follow the public health instructions and guidelines as deemed appropriate by the Health Control officer at the point of arrival.

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A little urgent!

Hi! I am have 2 doses of pfizer vaccine but it has expired 2 months ago, I have read that i am still able to travel in there as thailand do not request for the booster.

Is that correct? Hope someone replies me fast. Thank you ser/madam!

Yes, 2 doses is fully vaccinated . Your last shot should not be longer than 12 months, otherwise, you need to get booster.

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We are arriving in BKK on the 29th and are not vaccinated or recovered.

I would like to know if we can get vaccinated this week. Is the vaccine already valid or is it necessary, for example, to be vaccinated since 20 days minimum for the vaccine to be valid in Thailand?

Have a good day

Hi Grandjean,

14 days of your vaccination.

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You do not need to be vaccinated to go to Thailand. Just take an official antigen test 72 hours before departure.

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Hi, for the insurance policy how many days should I buy if I will be staying in thailand for 5 days?

You can get the period of your stay or even 1 week.

How long do we have to be vaccinated for the Covid certificate to be valid?

Not more than 12 months with your last shot. If so, you can get booster.

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Hi, thank you for your work. So unvaccinated travelers who got Covid recently in a month can submit a recovery certificate instead of a negative test result to enter Thailand. Is that right that I understand? or must submit a negative test result even though got Covid recently? Also, what is the acceptable date for a recent recovery? Is it 30 days or 40days?

If you recovered at covid, you need to get certificate of recovery . You still need to get a 72 hours negative RT PCR if you are unvaccinated, that is the requirements for unvaccinated traveler.

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Hi!. I’m travelling from the UK to BKK on 30th Aug., 2022. I’m over 60 and had both my vaccination jabs plus a booster shot back in 2021. Is there anything else I need to enter Thailand?. 😀

Just vaccination certificate and passport.

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hi iam travelling to Thailand from Kuwait will transit in Bangkok then internal flight to koh samui for 12 days then to Phuket for another 12 days iam not vaccinated please advise with needed documents and when i travel from koh samui to phuket do i need to do PCR?

and it will be undergo quarantine for unvaccinated travellers?

For unvaccinated traveler, you need to have negative 72 hours RT PCR.

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Nice, Now you can visit and travel in Thailand with your pocket money. But how? It is possible due to the Discount code or promo code of Travel Accommodation Services Provider, Like Klook, Trip com and so many in the Thailand. So You can get Klook Thailand Discount code from here ส่วนลด Klook and save some amount.

Yes, most hotel had their own discount and promotion, you can stay in any hotel you want. You can also check here https://www.agoda.com/search?cid=1897011&city=9395

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Hi We are travelling to Phuket Airport and on to hotel in Khao Lak on 25 November from UK for 15 nights. We have had 3 Vaccinations, the latest one December 21. Do we need another one given it will be a year since the last one. What is the longest time since last vaccination to be considered fully vaccinated.

It should not last more than 12 months.

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Hi i am planning to visit in thailand next year with my family for a week, do we need to get a visa? Or what are the requirements? Thank you

You can check with this site if you are eligible for visa exemption which means that you can enter Thailand without visa for 30 days. https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/thai-visa-exemption-and-bilateral-agreement

You can check this site if you are eligible for visa exemption which means that you can enter Thailand without visa for 30 days. https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/thai-visa-exemption-and-bilateral-agreement

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Hi, i am traveling to Bangkok 29th of august. I got world travel insurance her in Danmark, please let me know if need to buy any extra insurance. I am fully vaccinated. thanks

Hi Maqsood,

Insurance is not compulsory but highly suggested.

Hi, I am unvaccinated and got Covid 2 weeks ago and gonna visit Thailand in 14days. In this case, recovery certificate can be submitted instead of negative results from ATK or PCR test? Because dead covid virus can be left in the body and some people got still positive results after they got covid. I will flight from Korea.

Yes, bring your certificate of recovery.

Thank you. So do you mean that I can submit a recovery certificate in recent instead of the negative test result? Is that right that I understand?

You need to bring the certificate of you recovery so the health representative can check the level status of your infection just incase you get positive result again.

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hi is a booster covid19 vaccine mandatory to enter Thailand? I’m vaccinated with 1 J&J last Aug 2021 which only needs 1 shot. would this be an issue?

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Hello Vans,

If you’re fully vaccinated, you must show proof of vaccination a booster isn’t required for entry at this stage.

thank you mary for this.

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I need to transit from BKK to Mumbai in 5 hours gap .Unfortunately,I can’t get thorough check in because I bought different airlines.So,I need to pass the immigration of Thuwaanabumi Air port and collect my luggage and again I need to entry into Department of that airport.Is it ok for me because I will re entry into BKK after 4 days.My trip is tomorrow.

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Hi. If i’m travelling with my family from malaysia to thailand and one of my child 12 yr old is not vaccine can my child enter thailand together with us ( already complete vaccine . do she need to perform atk ?

Hello Saiful,

Children under the age of 18 do not need a certificate of vaccination if they are travelling with fully vaccinated parents. If they travel with parents who are not fully vaccinated, they must present an RT-PCR / Professional ATK COVID-19 test result issued within 72 hours before departure.

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Im fully vaccinated , do i still need to stay at a SHAplus hotel when i visit thailand?

You can enter in any hotel you want.

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I cannot enter into Thailand within 14th days from tested positive. Correct? Thailand Embassy of Japan and Singapore informed me like that.

As long as you are fully recovered and tested negative after your quarantine period, you can able to travel in Thailand.

For those previously infected with COVID-19 are considered fully vaccinated if they have received a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine at any time after their recovery.

Please be advised that your proof or medical record of COVID-19 recovery must be shown alongside your single-dose vaccination certificate.

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My daughter got covid last Sunday. I have lived in Singapore, and in SIngapore, can go out from 7th day(1st day is positive day) I have a plan to go to Thailand this Sunday. When I called and asked Thailand embassy in Japan today, embassy officer mentaioned she cannot enter Thailand within14days from positive result tested.. Also it is showing in homepage in Thailand embassy of Japan. If she with negative and doctor record , she can go in Thailand before 14days?

Hello Kato,

My daughter got covid last Sunday. I have lived in Singapore, and in SIngapore, can go out from 7th day(1st day is positive day) I have a plan to go to Thailand this Sunday. When I called and asked Thailand embassy in Japan today, embassy officer mentaioned she cannot enter Thailand within14days from positive result tested.. Also it is showing in homepage in Thailand embassy of Japan.

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Hello Do i still need a test 72 hrs before departure if I have 1 of the 2 Covid vaccines and just recovered from Covid? Thank you

Hello Tash,

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Hi, I’m from Malaysia. Yesterday on 1 August 2022 I tested positive for covid-19 by using the RTK-Nasal swab self-test kit. According to Ministry of Health of Malaysia, I only need to quarantine for 7 days since I have taken the 3 dos of the covid-19 vaccine. However, I am required to attend a regional meeting in Bangkok on 15 August 2022. Can I enter Bangkok on the 14 of August since we will be traveling to Bangkok 1 day earlier?

Sorry to hear that. Yes, you can still travel to Thailand as long as after you have quarantined you tested negative. And just provide your proof or medical record of COVID-19 recovery alongside of your vaccination certificate.

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I am travelling to Bangkok on 10th August to visit a bank on the 11th August and departing Bangkok on 12th August for UK. I am fully vaccinated in Cambodia with 3 vaccinations. I am a British citizen. Do I require a PCR test before I enter Thailand?

Hello Robert,

Since you are fully vaccinated you don’t need a negative RT-PCR test result. Just provide your proof of vaccination upon arrival, that would be enough.

hi im planning to visit phuket and bangkok , is there a minimum days i have to spend at phuket before going to bangkok ?

Hello Bell,

There’s no minimum days you can stay on each area in Thailand, as long as your visa are still valid you are free to travel around.

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I have one shot of a two-shot vaccine + a booster (in total 2 shots). The reason I only had one shot the first time is because I had been infected with COVID and therefore according to local regulations one shot was enough. Am I considered fully vaccinated for travel to Thailand?

Thank you for your prompt response. To clear out, I have proof that I was tested positive and then subsequently negative test. The report is in Italian (I live in Italy), but the words “positivo” and “negativo” are pretty clear. The tests were conducted by an accredited private hospital in Milan, Italy. I assume I would be able to use this?

If you can provide the English translation that would be better, but if you only have written in Italian you can still use that.

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Hi there, I am from UK. I plan to visit Thailand in mid of August 2022 with my 12 years old son. I had 3 Covid Vaccines but my son hasn’t receive them yet. Does my son need to do Fit to Fly Pro-Antigen Covid test or he doesn’t need to do it? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Hello Tidaratt,

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Will I be able to enter Thailand with the negative result of PCR Test 72 hrs? The lab has the PCR Test. They said the PCR Test and the RT-PCR Test is the same thing.

Hello Usanee,

The RT-PCR test and PCR test are different, however, any of those are accepted as long as it was issued by a certified Clinic or Hospital, containing personal information of the travelers and information of the vaccine (name, batch number, dates).

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I have an appointment with Medical facility in Bangkok, for yearly medical checkups at the end of August 2020. I have already took COVID 19 full vaccination (1st, 2nd and booster). My visa will stamped on arrival at the air port since my country is not in the list Thai visa except countries. So what else required from?

Hello Assefa,

The entry measures for Thai and Foreign Nationals are only proof of either a certificate of vaccination or a negative RT-PCR or professional ATK test result within 72 hours of travel. These can be in a print or digital format.

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I am from Kuwait, I am a two-dose restaurant and I have health insurance. Do I need anything else to enter Thailand?

Hello Nael,

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Hi, may I know what’s the procedure if foreigners get COVID during their stay in Thailand?

Anyone who tests positive, regardless of whether they have recovered from COVID-19 in the last 90 days, are required to quarantine at their own expense for 10-14 days or possibly longer depending on their situation and under the direction of public health officials.

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Hi, do you need to be vaccinated to enter Thailand? Or is a PCR test acceptable when taken 3 days before arriving?

Hello Eliana,

Full vaccination is not mandatory to enter Thailand, however, if you provide your proof of vaccination, you won’t need to present a negative PCR test.

A negative RT-PCR or professional ATK test result must be issued within 72 hours before departure.

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I need to make a trip to Thailand in early October for business meetings with our local office as well as clients in Bangkok. Since the trip is not for tourism purposes, do I need to get a visa (U.S. passport holder traveling from the U.S.)

Hello Dawn,

If you’ll stay less than 30 days in Thailand, you don’t need to apply for a visa since U.S Passport holders are entitled for 30 days visa exemption.

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Hi. I m planning to travel to Thailand in September/October. I have 2 sinovac shots that are confirmed in a local covid19 vaccination card in English incl. Batch numbers etc but I don’t have the yellow WHO vaccination certificate booklet. Is my local certificate valid or do I need the yellow WHO booklet? Thanks a lot and kind regards Thomas

Hello Thomas,

You don’t need a yellow booklet, just provide the proof of your vaccination given by your country.

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Hi , I am planning to travel to Thailand in October for 1 week . I have received the Johnson and Johnson single dose covid vaccine. Do I have to get a booster shot to or am I considered vaccinated

Hello Naomi,

Travelers to Thailand, foreign and Thai, are considered fully vaccinated if they get their second dose of a 2-dose vaccine no less than 14 days before their travel date to Thailand also if they get a single-dose vaccine no less than 14 days before their travel date to Thailand.

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Hi I am a U.K. citizen I am fully vaccinated plus had a 3 rd booster jab in December 2021 , I am planing to go to thailand in October 2022 , for 2 weeks am I considered fully vaccinated or would I need a 4 th booster vaccination Thanks in advance

Hello Eddie,

Travelers to Thailand are considered fully vaccinated if they have already a 2-dose of vaccine.

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May I ask Children under 18 without vaccinated who are traveling with vaccinated parents can enter to Thailand?

Yes they can. Thailand has no COVID restrictions anymore.

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Dear, I am French citizen, I plan to come from 08/08 to Thailand: – Do I need visa or there is a 30 days exemption for French citizen ? – In case there is a Visa exemption, do I need to register somewhere or I just need to show up at the customs ? Thank you

Hello Quentin,

France Passport holders not required to obtain a visa when entering Thailand for tourism purposes and will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 30 days on each visit. The visa will be stamp by the Immigration officer on the day you have arrived in Thailand.

Hi Quentin,

Check here if you are eligible for visa exemption, https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/thai-visa-exemption-and-bilateral-agreement

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Do you have to book a SHA hotel on first night if your already vaccinated?

Hello Timmy,

If you are fully vaccinated, you don’t need a hotel booking confirmation just provide a proof of your vaccination.

You can stay in any hotel of you choice.

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Hi I am fully vaccinated 2 dose with moderna But it is 1 year ago already since I got my second dose. I do not have booster. Do I need booster to enter Thailand now?

Yes, last shot should not more than 12 months.

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I am considering booking an airbnb in Phuket but have concerns about legality. I am seeing mix reviews online stating that it is illegal to book villas in Thailand for less than 30 days. Can you please clarify if it will be legal to book a villa in Phuket for 5 days or less. The villa is listed on Airbnb website.


Dear Rochelle,

When you come to Thailand, you are allowed to stay in a hotel, hostel, villa or private residence such as house or condo. Thank you.

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I live in HK and will have a flight to Australia and transit in Thailand. I am not vaccinated. Do i have to do test? Thank you

Yes, for unvaccinated you need 72 hours RT PCR .

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Hi, Do I still have to fill up and get the Thai Pass and purchase USD10,000 covid coverage as of today 19 July 2022? Fyi, I am from Malaysia.

Thailand Pass was no longer required, no need to apply. Insurance is not compulsory but highly recommended, better to get for security.

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Is 2time vaccination sinovac aprroved in Thailand ?

Ministry warns Thais against Israel jobs for now

PUBLISHED : 18 Aug 2024 at 10:28


WRITER: Onnucha Hutasingh

The first group of 309 Thai workers to return to Israel since the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked the country last year before their flight left Suvarnabhumi Airport on June 25. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

The Ministry of Labour (MoL) is warning Thai workers intending to go to work in Israel or Lebanon to put off their travel plan until further notice, citing the escalating tensions in the region following the July 31 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran.

The warning came in a letter signed by Somchai Morakotsriwan, director-general of the Department of Employment (DoE) and sent to all provincial governors on Friday.

In the letter, Mr Somchai cited the latest evaluation of the security situation in Israel and Lebanon which was conducted by the Thai embassy in Tel Aviv together with the Office of Labour Affairs in Tehran.

The situation is tending towards an escalation in violence since the July 31 assassination, said the warning letter, which asked provincial governors to relay the warning message to Thai workers planning to go to work in either Israel or Lebanon.

The warning has been in effect since Thursday and will stay until further notice, said the letter.

Phumiphat Mueanchan, spokesman for the MoL, on Saturday confirmed Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn had received the report about escalating tensions in Israel and Lebanon.

"Based on this report, the MoL has resolved to ask all Thai workers who intend to work in Israel or Lebanon to postpone their travel plan until further notice," said Mr Phumiphat.

He said the MoL planned to send 100,000 Thai workers overseas this year to participate in labour cooperation programmes with other countries.

So far, 77,918 people have travelled to work abroad under this year's plan, accounting for 77.92% of the total.

Meanwhile, as part of their bilateral cooperation, Thailand and South Korea have signed a two-year memorandum of understanding (MoU), which reduces the waiting time for Thai workers after one work contract expires and before another can begin.

Under the MoU, Thai workers who go to work in South Korea under its Employment Permit System will also receive more benefits if they are hit by a natural disaster, he said.

So far, it has been estimated that 8,688 Thai workers have travelled to work in South Korea under this agreement, 3,888 more people than in the same period last year, he said.


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Israel-Hamas war

Israel-Hamas war

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Money blog: Mars says 'old favourites' could return - but won't commit on one of nation's most beloved lost sweets

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Today's posts include this week's Bring It Back, in which we ask Mars if Spangles will return. Let us know which discontinued sweet or treat you'd like to see revived in the comments box.

Tuesday 20 August 2024 08:11, UK

  • Fixed energy tariffs that could help you beat predicted winter price rise
  • 880,000 households yet to claim winter payment despite being eligible
  • How much does it cost to buy a Premier League home kit in 2024?

Essential reads

  • Will one of country's most beloved sweets return to shops? We asked Mars
  • Pay at every supermarket revealed - and perks staff get at each
  • Couples on how they split finances when one earns more than other

Tips and advice

  • Money Problem : 'Should I top up my national insurance and could it really get me £6,000 extra?'
  • All discounts you get as student or young person
  • Save up to half price on top attractions with this trick
  • Fines for parents taking kids out of school increasing

Ask a question or make a comment

Pensioners are being urged to check if they are eligible for the winter fuel allowance after universal payments were scrapped by new Chancellor Rachel Reeves last month.

Previously, the money was available to everyone above state pension age, but now it will be limited to people over state pension age who are receiving pension credit or other means-tested support.

It means the number of people entitled to the money will drop from 11.4 million to just 1.5 million.

The payment is £200 for households where the recipients are all under 80, and £300 where they are over 80.

While around 1.4 million pensioners are already receiving pension credit, there are up to an estimated 880,000 households eligible for the support who are yet to claim, the Department for Work and Pensions says.

The government's awareness drive will help identify households not claiming the benefit, and encourage pensioners to apply by 21 December - the last date for making a backdated claim for pension credit in order to receive the Winter Fuel Payment.

It will focus on "myths" that may stop people applying, such as how having savings, a pension or owning a home are not necessarily barriers to receiving pension credit.

More information on applying for pension credit can be found on the  government's How to Claim page .

Yesterday we brought you the unwelcome news that winter energy bills are projected to rise by 9%, according to the latest forecast from Cornwall Insight.

Its newest prediction says the price cap from October to December will go up to £1,714 a year for the average user - a £146 hike from current levels.

We'll find out for sure on Friday.

Comparison service Uswitch says the forecast "compounds the worry" about rising bills for residents across the country "just as we reach the season to switch the heating back on".

"The price cap is expected to rise again in January, but bill payers can take action now to lock in certainty on how much they pay," says Uswitch director of regulation Richard Neudegg. 

It is worth pointing out that it's in Uswitch's favour for people to move - but there are definitely savings to be made based on current forecasts.

Here are the top 10 fixed energy-only tariffs that could help you beat the price rise as temperatures drop, according to Uswitch:

By Mark Wyatt , Money reporter

The Premier League returned over the weekend, with supporters across the country back in stadiums for another season of drama.

Many of those fans will want to show their support by donning the latest kits in the terraces, but this particular purchase can cost an arm and a leg.

Shirt prices have rocketed in recent years, with some clubs now charging 50% more for their home kits than they did five years ago - Nottingham Forest among them.

Money blog research shows the most expensive adult's home jersey in the Premier League this season belongs to Tottenham Hotspur, with the Lilywhites charging £85.

That's only one penny more than London rivals Chelsea, who are asking fans to fork out £84.99 for an adult home kit.

At the other end of the scale, newly promoted Ipswich Town are charging "just" £59 for their home kit, £1 less than Brentford, Crystal Palace and Southampton.

Here's what we found...

According to separate research carried out by The Sun, Forest have raised their prices more than any other team since 2019. A replica kit was priced at £48 in 2019 but now costs £75, a 56% hike.

Southampton's price rise of 9% (£55 in 2019 compared with £60 now) represents the smallest increase.

For a child's replica home kit, the most expensive shirt in the Premier League is once again Spurs at £65. They come in one penny more than Chelsea.

Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City and West Ham all charge £60 for a children's replica home kit, while Ipswich Town, again, come in cheapest at £43.

After the revival of popular Cadbury's chocolate bar Top Deck earlier this year, we asked you which discontinued treat you would like to see brought back - and we got so many responses that we've decided to make a weekly feature of it called  Bring It Back . 

Every Tuesday, we'll pick one from our comments box and look at why it was so beloved and, crucially, find out whether the companies in question might consider reintroducing them.

This week we are looking at a product that sparked an outpouring of nostalgia from readers - Spangles.

The boiled sweets were produced by Mars Ltd from the 1950s until the 1980s.

At the time they were first launched, sweets were still subject to post-war rationing - with tokens from ration books needed on top of the price of sweets.

However, for reasons that are not entirely clear, only one token point was required for Spangles, compared with the two required for other sweets and chocolate - a factor considered significant in their popularity.

Originally sold in a paper packet with individual sweets unwrapped, the marketing underwent a series of changes over the years they were available.

Each sweet was formed into a rounded square with a circular depression on each face.

Each bag of the standard product contained a variety of translucent, fruit-flavoured sweets: strawberry, blackcurrant, orange, pineapple, lemon and lime, and cola.

A number of single-flavour varieties were launched at different points, including acid drop, barley sugar, blackcurrant, liquorice, and tangerine. A white mint Spangle, complete with hole, was even produced as a competitor to another longstanding favourite, the Polo mint.

One reader, Margaret, said she had fond memories of the sweets from childhood.

"Every Friday when we got our pocket money, I'd always buy a bag of Spangles," she said.

"They were lovely and I can't think of anything I associate with childhood more than them. I'd just be over the moon if they brought them back."

Another reader, going by the name Spangles, has become familiar to us at the Money blog in recent weeks: "I'll post this every week ;)  Week 4... I can't be the only person that would love to see Spangles back. 'Suck a spangle, be happy' as the jingle goes. Best sweets ever. Fizzy were another level!"

Tommo Boy simply said: "Yummy."

And in a similarly concise appraisal, Kat said: "Bring back Spangles!"

As normal, we asked the company associated with the now defunct product whether they might consider responding to the popular demand with a relaunch.

And while they did not exactly commit, a Mars Wrigley UK spokesperson offered something for Spangles fans to cling to.

"We're always listening to the fans of our chocolate and fruity treats, which is why we're constantly innovating our ranges." they told Sky News.

"Whilst our beloved Spangles aren't currently on shelves, we're pleased to offer many delicious alternatives such as Starbursts and M&M.

"We've always got an ear to the ground and recognise the enduring love for old favourites, so stay tuned for some epic comebacks that could be happening soon… Watch this space!"

Which currently discontinued chocolate bar, crisps, sweets - or any other food product - would you like to see brought back, and why? Let us know in the comment box at the top!

The number of drivers visited by bailiffs due to unpaid traffic fines has increased substantially, according to a report.

Four million penalty charge notices (PCNs) were referred to bailiffs in England and Wales in the 2023-24 financial year, it is claimed.

This is up from 2.4 million during the previous 12 months, 1.9 million in 2019-20 and 1.3 million in 2017-18.

Read more ...

Ted Baker is the latest in a string of high-street giants to call in administrators in recent years, with shops set to disappear this week.

But how does it affect you? 

Purchases and returns

You can still buy items online and in store until they close, but you could run into trouble returning them. 

If the retailer stops trading, it may not be able to get your money back to you.

If that is the case, you would have to file a claim with Teneo (Ted Baker's administrator) to join a list of creditors owed money by Ted Baker – and even then there's no guarantee you'd get your money back.

If you have a gift card, you need to use it while you still can.

Credits and debits

You can file a claim with your debit or credit card provider to recover lost funds - but how exactly does that work?

  • Credit card:  If you bought any single item costing between £100-£30,000 and paid on a credit card, the card firm is liable if something goes wrong. If any purchase was less than £100, you may still be able to get your money back via chargeback;
  • Debit card:  Under chargeback, your bank can try to get your money back from Ted Baker's bank. However, be aware that this is not a legal requirement and it can later be disputed and recalled.

Morrisons has admitted it "went a bit too far" with self-checkouts.

Chief executive Rami Baitiéh says the supermarket is "reviewing the balance between self-checkouts and manned tills".

Some will be removed.

Mr Baitiéh told The Telegraph : "Morrisons went a bit too far with the self-checkout. This had the advantage of driving some productivity. However, some shoppers dislike it, mainly when they have a full trolley."

The executive also said self checkouts had driven more shoplifting.

What have other supermarkets said about self-checkouts?

In April, the boss of Sainsbury's said customers liked self-checkouts...

That prompted us to ask readers for their thoughts - and we carried out a poll on LinkedIn which suggested the Sainsbury's boss was right...

Asda's chief financial officer Michael Gleeson said last week the technology had reached its limit - and said his firm would be putting more staff on tills.

Northern grocer Booths ditched almost all self-checkouts last year amid customer service concerns.

Over at Marks & Spencer, chairman Archie Norman last year blamed self-checkouts for a rise in "middle-class shoplifting".

But Tesco CEO Ken Murphy is an advocate: "We genuinely believe, at the end of the day, it provides a better customer experience."

Many retailers boosted wages after living wage/minimum wage changes in spring.

Figures show German discount brands Aldi and Lidl top the list of major UK supermarkets when it comes to staff hourly pay - after Lidl introduced its third pay increase of the year in May to match its closest rival.

Meanwhile, Morrisons is at the bottom of the pack for staff pay outside London, with hourly wages starting at the National Living Wage (£11.44).

How do other companies compare when it comes to pay and benefits? We've taken a look...

Pay: £12.40 an hour outside London and £13.65 inside the M25

Aldi announced in March it was bringing in its second pay rise of the year as part of its aim to be the best-paying UK supermarket.

From 1 June, hourly pay rose from £12 an hour to £12.40 outside the M25 and £13.55 to £13.65 in London. 

Aldi is one of the only supermarkets to give staff paid breaks. It also offers perks such as discounted gym membership and cinema tickets, and financial planning tools. However, there are no cheaper meals, staff discounts or bonus schemes.

Pay:  £12.04 an hour outside London and £13.21 inside the M25

As of 1 July, hourly wages for Asda supermarket staff rose to £12.04 per hour from £11.11, with rates for London staff also going up to £13.21.

As part of the July changes, Asda brought in the option for free later-life care or mortgage advice. The company also offers a pension and a free remote GP service.

Pay:  £12 an hour outside London and £13.15 inside the M25

Co-op boosted its minimum hourly wage for customer team members from £10.90 to £12 nationally as the national living wage rose to £11.44 in April.

For staff inside the M25, rates rose from £12.25 to £13.15.

The perks are better than some. Workers can get 30% off Co-op branded products in its food stores as well as 10% off other brands. Other benefits include a cycle to work scheme, childcare vouchers and discounts on its other services.

Pay:  £11.50 an hour outside London and £12.65 inside the M25

Iceland says it pays £11.50 for staff aged 21 and over - 6p above the minimum wage. Employees in London receive £12.65 per hour.

Staff are also offered a 15% in-store discount, which was raised from 10% in 2022 to help with the cost of living.

The firm says it offers other perks such as a healthcare scheme and Christmas vouchers.

Pay:  £12.40 an hour outside London and £13.65 inside the M25

From June, Lidl matched its rival Aldi by raising its hourly wage to £12.40 for workers outside the M25 and £13.55 for those inside.

Lidl also offers its staff a 10% discount card from the first working day, as well as other perks such as dental insurance and fertility leave. 

Marks and Spencer's hourly rate for store assistants was hiked from £10.90 to £12 for staff outside London and from £12.05 to £13.15 for London workers from April.

The grocer also offers a 20% staff discount after the probation period as well as discretionary bonus schemes and a free virtual GP service.

Pay:  £11.44 an hour outside London and £12.29 inside the M25

Along with many other retailers, Morrisons increased the hourly wage for staff outside the M25 in line with the national living wage of £11.44 in April.

Employees in London receive an 85p supplement.

While it's not the most competitive for hourly pay, Morrisons offers perks including staff discounted meals, a 15% in-store discount and life assurance scheme.


Sainsbury's hourly rate for workers outside London rose to £12 from March, and £13.15 for staff inside the M25.

The company also offers a 10% discount card for staff to use at Sainsbury's, Argos and Habitat, as well as a range of benefits including season ticket loans and long service rewards.

Pay:  £12.02 an hour outside London and £13.15 inside the M25

Since April, Tesco staff have been paid £12.02 an hour nationally - up from £11.02 - while London workers get £13.15 an hour.

The supermarket giant also provides a 10% in-store discount, discounted glasses, health checks and insurance, and free 24/7 access to a virtual GP.

Staff get their pay boosted by 10% on a Sunday if they joined the company before 24 July 2022.

Pay:  £11.55 an hour outside London and £12.89 inside the M25

Waitrose store staff receive £11.55 an hour nationally, while workers inside the M25 get at least £12.89.

Staff can also get access to up to 25% off at Waitrose's partner retailer John Lewis as well as 20% in Waitrose shops. 

JLP (the John Lewis Partnership) gives staff a bonus as an annual share-out of profit determined by the firm's performance. In 2021-22 the bonus was 3% of pay; however, it has not paid the bonus for the past two years.

Dozens of Ted Baker stores will shut for the last time this week amid growing doubts over a future licensing partnership with the retail tycoon Mike Ashley.

Sky News understands that talks between Mr Ashley's Frasers Group and Authentic, Ted Baker's owner, have stalled three months after it appeared that an agreement was imminent.

Administrators are overseeing the closure of its remaining 31 UK shops.

One store source said they had been told that this Tuesday would be the final day of trading.

The housing market experienced a surge in activity following the Bank of England's recent decision to cut interest rates, according to a leading property website.

Estate agents reported a 19% jump in enquiries about properties for sale after 1 August, when compared with the same period last year, research by Rightmove found.

It came after the Bank cut rates for the first time in more than four years from 5.25% to 5%.

The lead negotiator for major train union ASLEF has denied the union sees the new government as a "soft touch" after announcing fresh strikes two days after train drivers were offered a pay deal.

Drivers working for London North Eastern Railway will walk out on weekends from the end of August in a dispute over working agreements.

Lead negotiator Nigel Roebuck said it is a separate issue from the long-running row over pay, which looks likely to be resolved after a much-improved new offer from the government.

Over 40 bottles of fake vodka have been seized from a shop in Scotland after a customer reported "smelling nail varnish".

The 35cl bottles, fraudulently labelled as the popular brand Glen's, were recovered from the shop in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire.

Officers from the council's environmental health officers and Food Standard Scotland (FSS) sent them for analysis after a customer raised the alarm by saying they smelt nail varnish from one of the bottles.

The bottles were found to be counterfeit.

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The mpox strain spreading now is different from the one in 2022: Here's what to know

The World Health Organization’s decision to declare mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years may seem like déjà vu — but there are key differences between the strain that’s causing international concern now and the one that spread in 2022.

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral infection characterized by painful lesions. It’s spread by direct contact with an infected person, animal or contaminated items like clothing or bedding.

The virus is classified into two distinct groups: clade I and clade II. 

Clade II was responsible for the 2022 outbreak, which has led to around 100,000 cases worldwide . 

But now, a version of clade I has spread internationally. The outbreak started in January 2023 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and has since reached 12 other countries in the region.

On Thursday, Sweden confirmed the first known infection of clade I outside Africa , though Swedish health officials said the person was infected while spending time in Africa. Health authorities in Pakistan also confirmed a case of mpox on Friday but have not identified the strain yet. 

Clade I is more transmissible than clade II and capable of being more severe, so infectious disease experts are concerned about further international spread.

“We should have learned a lesson from 2022 that an infection anywhere is potentially an infection everywhere,” said Anne Rimoin, an epidemiology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health.

How does this version of mpox spread?

Mpox has historically spread in a few ways. The first is through close, personal contact with an infected person, such as skin-to-skin contact with rashes or with saliva or mucus. The second is via contact with contaminated materials. And the third is contact with infected animals: hunting, trapping or cooking them, touching sick rodents or getting bitten or scratched. 

In 2022, the version of clade II that spread globally, dubbed clade IIb, was passed primarily through sexual contact, particularly among men who have sex with men.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo recently, clade Ib has also been spreading through sexual contact among female sex workers and men who have sex with men. Research that hasn’t yet been published or peer reviewed linked an outbreak in an eastern mining town in Congo to professional sex work in bars.

But that’s not the only way the virus is being transmitted. Dr. Stuart Isaacs, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, said much of the spread of clade I could be due to exposure to animals and transmission within households, but limited surveillance in the regions where the virus is make it difficult to know for sure. 

Isaacs said there’s early evidence that clade Ib has certain “properties that are allowing it to spread more readily person to person.”

How severe are the recent cases?

In the past, outbreaks of clade I have been deadlier than clade 2, killing up to 10% of people who got sick . But more recent outbreaks have had lower death rates. Out of an estimated 22,000 cases in this outbreak in Congo , more than 1,200 people have died — which puts the fatality rate at just above 5%. 

By comparison, clade II outbreaks in Africa have generally had a mortality rate of around 1%, and just 0.2% of cases linked to the 2022 global outbreak were fatal.

Rimoin said the disease’s severity “can have less to do with the actual clade and more to do with route of transmission, the immune system of the individual, the source of the infection.” 

The threat in the U.S. could be milder than in Africa, according to Marc Siegel, an associate professor of medicine at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

“The underlying health conditions of the population in the DRC are probably contributing to the current case fatality rate,” he said, using the acronym for the Democratic Republic of Congo. “With less malnutrition and better access to health care resources, I would imagine that the case fatality rate will not be as high as we’re seeing in the DRC.”

Vaccines for mpox are also widely available in the U.S., following a major rollout effort in 2022. Two doses of the mpox vaccine or a previous clade II infection should protect against severe illness from clade I, the Department of Health and Human Service said Wednesday.

Do mpox symptoms differ between the clades?

Symptoms of the two mpox clades can be difficult to distinguish from each other.

The illness generally starts with a rash that progresses to small bumps on the skin, followed by blisters that fill with whitish fluid — a hallmark of the disease — and eventually scab over. People may also experience a fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy and swollen lymph nodes.

These symptoms often disappear on their own within a few weeks. But in severe cases, people may develop larger, more widespread lesions, secondary bacterial infections, pneumonia, heart inflammation or swelling of the brain. Immunocompromised people may develop atypical symptoms and have a greater risk of hospitalization and death. 

Historically, mpox lesions have tended to appear on the face, chest, palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. But during the 2022 outbreak, people frequently developed lesions around the genital and anal region or inside the mouth and throat, presumably because of how the virus was spreading at the time . The lesions were also fewer in number and less pronounced overall.

Some cases of this nature have also been detected in the current outbreak in Congo. 

“There is talk that there are more people that have lesions around the genitals this time around than previous clade I outbreaks,” said Amira Albert Roess, a professor of global health and epidemiology at George Mason University. “It’s going to take us some time to really understand what may be going on here.”

travel warning to thailand

Aria Bendix is the breaking health reporter for NBC News Digital.


  1. [Infographic] Travel warnings to Thailand

    travel warning to thailand


    travel warning to thailand

  3. Thailand Travel Advisory

    travel warning to thailand

  4. Is it Safe to Travel to Thailand Right Now? Exploring the Risk Factors

    travel warning to thailand


    travel warning to thailand

  6. beach or travel warning. 3d-illustration warning sign design. blurred

    travel warning to thailand


  1. Thailand Travel Advisory

    Thailand - Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions. U. Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Exercise normal precautions in Thailand. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Reconsider travel to: Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla provinces due to civil unrest associated with ongoing insurgent activities.

  2. Thailand Travel Advice & Safety

    Updated: 18 July 2024. Latest update:We've reviewed our advice and continue to advise exercise a high degree of caution in Thailand overall. If you're a tourist, you can get a visa exemption for up to 60 days on arrival. If your travel is not for tourism, contact the nearest Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General to apply for the appropriate ...

  3. Travel advice and advisories for Thailand

    Heed flag warnings and don't swim when a red flag is displayed; ... Don't get your visa, visa extension or entry stamp from visa shops or travel agents in Thailand. A passport that has been altered or that contains counterfeit visas, and entry/exit stamps is deemed invalid. Offenders can expect jail sentences, fines and deportation, and may ...

  4. Thailand Travel Advisory

    Thai Elite Visa which is valid for 5, 10 or 20 years. The application for the Thai Visa (tourist visa and non-immigrant visas) may be accomplished online, by mail or in person. Right now, the easiest way to enter Thailand is to obtain a 45-day Visa Exemption or the 60-day tourist visa.

  5. Thailand International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  6. Travel Advisories

    Thailand Travel Advisory: Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions: July 24, 2023: Timor-Leste Travel Advisory: Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution: ... TRAVEL ADVISORIES AND ALERTS: THE DETAILS Enroll in STEP. Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

  7. Thailand

    For information traffic safety and road conditions in Thailand, see Travel and Transportation on US Department of State's country-specific information for Thailand. ... Monitor travel advisories and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Leave a copy of your itinerary ...

  8. Thailand travel advice

    Warning FCDO advises against all but essential travel to parts of Thailand. Contents Warnings and insurance Entry requirements; Safety and security ... Warnings and insurance Still current at: 6 ...

  9. Travel.State.Gov CSI

    Travel.State.Gov CSI offers a map-based tool to explore travel information and advisories for Thailand and other countries.

  10. Safety and security

    Thailand has lifeguards on duty at designated beaches and operates a flag system for safe swimming. Follow all warning signs, especially red flags. See water safety on holiday from the Royal Life ...

  11. COVID-19 Guide for Travelers to and in Thailand

    The Thai government has restored the mandatory quarantine of 10 days for unvaccinated Thai and foreign travelers. Thailand Pass is required for Thai and foreigners to enter Thailand including those nationalities under the Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival list. The Test and Go Hotel, AQ Hotel, SHA+ Hotel reservation, and COVID-19 Insurance ...

  12. Alerts and Messages

    For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. ... U.S. Mission to Thailand Donates Education and Medical Equipment to Schools and Hospitals in Northern Thailand; ... Alerts. Celebrate Democracy This 4th of July by Ensuring You Are Prepared to Vote in The 2024 U.S. Election. ...

  13. Latest Thailand Entry Requirements

    The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the world. International travel ground to a halt and countries were forced to implement strict processes and entry requirements to halt the spread of the virus. Thailand introduced quarantine measures and Thailand Pass. Thailand Pass required visitors to register details like vaccination status, flight, and hotel bookings, and confirmation

  14. Health

    FCDO travel advice for Thailand. Includes safety and security, insurance, entry requirements and legal differences. ... Warning FCDO advises against all but essential travel to parts of Thailand ...

  15. Thailand travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

    Travelers holding US passports can enter Thailand for tourism purposes without the need to obtain a visa for stays up to 30 days on each visit. Thailand temporarily extended this visa exemption to 45 days for arrivals previously. However, as of April 2023, visa-free entries has reverted back to 30 days. Travelers can always extend the standard ...

  16. Travel Advisory Updates

    Office of the Spokesperson. April 19, 2021. State Department Travel Advisory Updates. In order to provide U.S. travelers detailed and actionable information to make informed travel decisions, the Department of State regularly assesses and updates our Travel Advisories, based primarily on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ...

  17. Thailand

    COVID-19. If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.. Do not travel. Do not travel to the southernmost provinces along the Thailand-Malaysia border, including Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani and Southern Songkhla due to ongoing politically-motivated and criminal violence, which ...

  18. Thailand Travel Advisory

    Rating Details (single travel warnings) These are the individual advisories published by other countries about the destination Thailand from a travellers perspective. The scoring of all messages combined is the foundation for the current rating 2.7 out of 5.0.

  19. Thailand Now Opens to Everyone

    Travel warnings remain in effect in the United Kingdom and the United States as the nation attempts to control the high number of Covid cases and fatalities. Thailand remains on the no-go list for visitors from the United Kingdom, who are required to quarantine at a hotel and submit to two Covid tests upon their return.

  20. Travel Advice for Thailand

    General Cautions Travellers Need to Bear In Mind When Travelling in Thailand. Crime - Petty crimes such as pick pocketing in a congested surrounding to sexual assault and robberies do happen in bigger cities of Thailand. Ensure that all your personal items, including passports and other travel documents, are safe at all times.

  21. Travel advice and advisories

    Travel advice and advisories by destination. The Government of Canada's official source of travel information and advice, the Travel Advice and Advisories help you to make informed decisions and travel safely while you are outside Canada. ... thailand Thailand: Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories) 2024-08-07 14:01:30 ...

  22. Travel warning: Tourists in Thailand warned of rules and requirements

    "It is illegal to take more than 200 cigarettes per person into Thailand. This is enforced at customs on arrival. "If you go over the limit, you could be fined 10 times the value. Your cigarettes will likely be confiscated." In other travel news, tourists in France around the time of the upcoming Paralympic Games.

  23. Thailand Travel Restrictions

    After months of strict travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand is gearing up for a return to normalcy by easing some travel restrictions and quarantine requirements and allowing normal tourists to enter the country. Vaccinated travelers are allowed to travel to Thailand without quarantine under the Phuket Sandbox and the Samui Plus Sandbox programs.

  24. Bangkok Post

    The Ministry of Labour (MoL) is warning Thai workers intending to go to work in Israel or Lebanon to put off their travel plan until further notice, citing the escalating tensions in the region ...

  25. Money blog: 'Should I top up my national insurance and could it really

    Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Today's posts include a Money Problem on the benefits or otherwise of topping up your national insurance.

  26. Mpox outbreak: What to know about the virus' symptoms, severity as it

    The virus is classified into two distinct groups: clade I and clade II. Clade II was responsible for the 2022 outbreak, which has led to around 100,000 cases worldwide.. But now, a version of ...