120 Classic Tom Cruise Quotes That All Film Buffs Should Know

Tom Cruise at the German premiere from Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise Film Quotes For All Movie Lovers

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Tom Cruise has been an acclaimed actor and producer from the '80s onwards, known for his versatility as an actor, and having charming good looks as a bonus.

Born on 3 July 1962 in New York, Tom began acting in high school and landed his first minor role in his debut film 'Endless Love' (1981). His big break as an actor came two years later, in his portrayal of a high schooler in the 1983 hit 'Risky Business'.

After his first successful movie, Tom Cruise became an icon for his work in 'Top Gun' (1986) which gave him recognition as a star actor in the industry.

After this, he worked as an actor in several legendary movies such as 'Born On The Fourth Of July' (1989) and 'Jerry Maguire' (1996), which earnt him Oscar nominations, 'Minority Report' (2002), 'Interview With A Vampire' (1994), 'Rain Man' (1988), 'Collateral' (2004), 'The Last Samurai' (2003), 'Edge Of Tomorrow' (2014) and the 'Mission Impossible' series.

Tom is not just popular for his skills as an actor, as he also insists on performing almost all of his action sequences by himself without relying on the work of a stunt double. Part of the reason why his action movies are so sought after is that they tend to include these realistic action-filled moments.

Over the past few decades, Tom has made his mark in the industry as one of the most successful actors with many memorable performances.

His fans are often found quoting his most famous lines such as "Nothing ends nicely, that's why it ends", "I love kids, I was a kid myself, once", or the iconic, "Show me the money! ".

Tom Cruise has given over 40 movies to the movie industry, both as an actor and a producer in some of them.

So let's take a look at his journey through this collection of Tom Cruise movie quotes, and once you've enjoyed these Tom Cruise quotes we've got more iconic quotes here, with these Tom Hanks quotes and Leonardo Dicaprio quotes.

Tom Cruise movies are entertaining and filled with action, with some great new lines worth remembering.

1. "Show me the money."

-Tom Cruise, 'Jerry Maguire'.

2. "It was great the way her mind worked. No guilt, no doubts, no fear. None of my specialties. Just the shameless pursuit of immediate gratification. What a capitalist."

-Tom Cruise, 'Risky Business'.

3. "People are dying every day over there, and nobody back here even seems to care."

-Tom Cruise, 'Born On The Fourth Of July'.

4. "Porsche. There is no substitute."

5. "You complete me."

6. "Well the rain is a lot like the shower, you get a little wet. What do you say, Ray? What do you say?"

-Tom Cruise, 'Rain Man'.

7. "Sometimes, Stevie, I think people, they know you're back from Vietnam, and their face - changes: the eyes, the voice, the way they look at you, you know."

8. "Help me help you."

9. "The witness is excused."

-Tom Cruise, 'A Few Good Men'.

10. "That's amazing! He is amazing! He should work for NASA or something like that."

11. "Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!"

-Tom Cruise., 'A Few Good Men'.

12. "I want to be a man again. Who's going to love me, Dad? Who's ever going to love me? Who's going to love me?"

13. "When it came right down to it, I just wasn't attracted to her."

14. "Don’t call me son. I’m a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy, and you’re under arrest."

15. "I served my country and they just want to take from it, just take, take! Love it or leave it, that's what I think."

16. "Casinos have house rules: they don't like to lose. So you never show that you're counting cards. That is the cardinal sin, Ray."

17. "Is the colonel's underwear a matter of national security?"

-Tom Cruise, ' A Few Good Men '.

18. "What you have to understand is, four days ago he was only my brother in name. And this morning we had pancakes."

19. "Don't you know what it means to me to be a Marine, Dad? Ever since I was a kid I've wanted this - I've wanted to serve my country."

20. "It seems to me that if there were any logic to our language, trust would be a four-letter word."

Tom Cruise quotes from the hilarious parody movie 'Tropic Thunder', in which he plays Les Grossman.

21. "So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again!"

-Tom Cruise, 'Tropic Thunder'.

22. "You paying attention? I'm talking — G5, Pecker. That's how you can roll."

23. "See, this is the good part, Pecker. This is when the job gets fun. Ask — and you shall receive."

24. "Speedman is a dying star. A white dwarf headed for a black hole. That's physics. It's inevitable."

25. "We don't negotiate with terrorists."

26. "The universe is talking to us right now. You just gotta listen."

27. "You play ball, we play ball. I know you want the goodies."

28. "Let's face it, the kids aren't exactly dressing up as The Scorcher for Purim anymore."

29. "Or, you can grow a conscience in the next five minutes and see where that takes you."

30. "A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties."

Quotes from the romantic comedy, 'Cocktail', in which Tom plays the lead, Brian Flanagan.

31. "Everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn't end."

-Tom Cruise, 'Cocktail'.

32. "Believe me, Bonnie. You are gonna wake up tomorrow morning with a sigh of relief because I'm not there."

33. "Days get shorter and shorter, nights longer and longer, before you know it, your life is just one long night with a few comatose daylight hours."

34. "Come on, put it to the floor! Come on! Let's go!"

35. "The game's not over yet."

36. "I swear I'll be the best dad I can."

37. "Coughlin's law: never show surprise, never lose your cool."

38. "I left a can of Spam in your refrigerator, I hope your Brewer's Yeast doesn't take it personally."

39. "Talk is overrated as a means of resolving disputes."

40. "I'm willing to start at the bottom."

Captain Nathan Algren played by Tom Cruise is one of his less popular roles. Check out these Tom Cruise quotes!

41. "I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed."

-Tom Cruise, 'The Last Samurai'.

42. "Every soldier has nightmares."

43. "For 500 bucks a month I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind: I'd happily kill you for free."

44. "I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for protecting me yesterday. That is your job right? Protecting me. Well done 'Bob.'"

45. "They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men."

46. "He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it."

47. "Because they come to destroy what I have come to love."

48. "I am surprised to learn that the word Samurai means, 'to serve', and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion to be in the service of the Emperor."

49. "My thanks, on behalf of those who died in the name of better mechanical amusements and commercial opportunities."

50. "There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future."

Tom Cruise quotes from the science fiction thriller with some mind-bending themes, in which Tom plays the role of a special unit police officer Chief John Anderton.

51. "There hasn't been a murder in six years. The system, it is perfect."

-Tom Cruise, 'Minority Report'.

52. "You'll rot in hell with a halo, but people will still believe in precrime. All you have to do is kill me like they said you would. Except you know your own future, which means you can change it if you want to."

53. "You see the dilemma, don't you. If you don't kill me, precogs were wrong and precrime is over. If you do kill me, you go away, but it proves the system works. The precogs were right."

54. "I'm not being set up. I really am going to kill this man."

55. "Every day for the last six years I've thought of only two things. The first is what Sean would look like if he were alive today if I would recognize him if I saw him on the street, the second is what I would do to the man who took him if I ever found him."

56. "I need your help. You contain information. I need to know how to get at it."

57. "I'm not a murderer. I've never even met the man I'm supposed to kill."

58. "But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was going to happen."

59. "I have to know. I have to find out what happened to my life."

60. "Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me what it is you're looking for?"

These Tom Cruise quotes are from the movie that put Tom Cruise in the limelight with his defining role as the Navy jet pilot Maverick.

61. "It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

-Tom Cruise, 'Top Gun'.

62. "I feel the need... the need for speed!"

63. "You think I'm reckless? When I fly, I'll have you know that my crew and my plane come first."

64. "Sorry, Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower."

65. "I will fire when I'm good and ready! You got that?"

66. "You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead."

67. "Just a walk in the park, Kazansky."

68. "I can see it's dangerous for you, but if the government trusts me, maybe you could."

69. "She's lost that loving feeling."

70. "This is what I call a target-rich environment."

Tom Cruise plays the antagonist, Vincent, in the hit thriller, 'Collateral'.

71. "A guy gets on the MTA here L.A. and dies. Think anybody'll notice?"

-Tom Cruise, 'Collateral'.

72. "Most people — same job, same gig, doing the same thing 10 years from now. Us, we don’t know what we are doing 10 minutes from now."

73. "Cause you’re good. We’re in this together. Fates intertwined. Cosmic coincidence."

74. "Max, six billion people on the planet, you're getting bent out of shape cause of one fat guy."

75. "There’s no good reason, there’s no bad reason to live or to die."

76. "Well, tens of thousands killed before sundown. Nobody's killed people that fast since Nagasaki and Hiroshima . Did you bat an eye, Max?"

77. "No, I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him."

78. "Get with it. Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars, in a speck on one in a blink. That's us, lost in space. The cop, you, me... Who notices?"

79. "17 million people. This was a country, it'd be the fifth biggest economy in the world and nobody knows each other. I read about this guy, gets on the MTA here, dies."

80. "Take comfort in knowing you never had a choice."

The Tom Cruise line from the 'Mission: Impossible' catch phrase and some more 'Mission: Impossible' movie quotes to remind you why it is one of the most successful action movie franchises ever made.

81. "I am the storm."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'.

82. "The countdown is not helping."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol'.

83. "So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a computer, just waiting for someone to take it."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation'.

84. "The terminal is in a black vault lockdown. The only person allowed in the room has to pass through a series of security checks."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible'.

85. "I have a charge in my head, I'm gonna die unless you kill me."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible III'.

86. "I can't protect you, that's why I need you to leave."

87. "If you're dealing with a man who has crushed, shot, stabbed, and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how devastated do you think you're gonna make him by hauling mom and uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?"

88. "It's a one-way street adjacent to the Vatican wall. We'll need thirty seconds and I'll need a truck."

89. "I'm not in the plane, I'm on the plane! Open the door!"

90. "Benji, we're trying to keep a low profile. You want drama, go to the opera."

91. "Look, Walker, whatever you've heard, if it makes your skin crawl, it's probably true."

92. "The Secretary is dead. The President has invoked Ghost Protocol. We're shut down. No satellite, safe house, support, or extraction. The four of us and the contents of this car are all that remains of the IMF."

93. "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission Impossible - Fallout'.

94. "This whole valley's gonna be incinerated in 15 minutes."

95. "Desperate times, desperate measures."

96. "We just rolled up a snowball and tossed it into hell. Now let's see what chance it has."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible 2'.

97. "Let me put it this way. If the Secretary wanted me out of there, it must be pretty bad out here."

98. "I let you know where I'm going... I won't be on holiday."

99. "You've never seen me very upset."

100. "What's done is done, when we say it's done."

Famous Tom Cruise quotes from real life that will inspire us to work hard to achieve our goals.

101. "I disagree with people who think you learn more from getting beat up than you do from winning."

-Tom Cruise.

102. "I want a world without war, a world without insanity. I want to see people do well. I don't even think it's as much as what I want for myself. It's more what I want for the people around me. That's what I want."

103. "I had to train myself to focus my attention. I became very visual and learned how to create mental images in order to comprehend what I read."

104. "I've never done work for money ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing."

105. "I'm passionate about learning. I'm passionate about life."

106. "When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things."

107. "I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way."

108. "The stunts, each time, we keep pushing ourselves harder and harder. And they are stunts, so there's always a danger in doing them, but fortunately, I have not had a problem."

109. "When I work, I work very hard. So I look to work with people who have that level of dedication. And I depend on that from everyone. From the director to my crews that I work with."

110. "I have respect for what other people believe. What I believe in my own life is that it's a search for how I can do things better, whether it's being a better man or a better father or finding ways for myself to improve."

111. "I don't care who you are, life has challenges."

112. "Individuals have to decide what is true and real for them."

113. "In this life, it’s not what you hope for, it’s not what you deserve – it’s what you take!"

114. "I look at the Samurai because they were the artists of their time. What I think struck me when I read Bushido is compassion. 'If there's no one there to help, go out and find someone to help.' That hit me because I try to lead my life like that."

115. "If you have kids, it is the most important thing to create good times."

116. "When you have to cope with a lot of problems, you're either going to sink or you’re going to swim."

117. "I've had such extremes in my life. From being this kind of wild kid to one year studying to be a Franciscan priest at the seminary."

118. "Here's how I've lived my life: I’ve never been late to a set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love."

119. "It's well known I'm a Scientologist, and that has helped me to find that inner peace in my life and it's something that has given me great stability and tools that I use."

120. "I always look for a challenge and something that’s different."

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you like our suggestions for 120 classic Tom Cruise quotes from the much loved actor, then why not take a look at these Tom Hardy quotes , or Tom Hiddleston quotes for more?

‍Main image credit: Rene Teichmann / Shutterstock.com

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Divya Raghav Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance, Master of Business Administration

With a diverse range of experience in finance, administration, and operations, Divya is a diligent worker known for her attention to detail. Born and raised in Bangalore, she completed her Bachelor's in Commerce from Christ University and is now pursuing an MBA at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore. Along with her professional pursuits, Divya has a passion for baking, dancing, and writing content. She is also an avid animal lover who dedicates her time to volunteering for animal welfare causes.

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Tom Cruise movie quotes

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Ving Rhames Quotes

“Someday? Someday my dream will come? One night you will wake up and discover it never happened. It's all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old. Didn't happen, and it never will, because you were never going to do it anyway. You'll push it into memory and then zone out in your barco lounger, being hypnotized by daytime TV for...” (continue) (continue reading) Tom Cruise - Vincent
“Someday. That's a dangerous word . It's really just a code for 'never'.” Tom Cruise - Roy Miller
“- Katsumoto: You believe a man can change his destiny? - Nathan Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.” Ken Watanabe - Katsumoto Tom Cruise - Nathan Algren
“Benji, we're trying to keep a low profile. You want drama, go to the opera .” Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt
“- Lt. Sam Weinberg: Nobody likes the whites, but we're going to Cuba. You got Dramamine? - Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Dramamine keeps you cool? - Lt. Sam Weinberg: No, Dramamine keeps you from throwing up. You get sick when you fly. - Lt. Daniel Kaffee: I get sick when I fly because I'm afraid of crashing into a large mountain . I don't think...” (continue) (continue reading) Kevin Pollak - Lt. Sam Weinberg Tom Cruise - Lt. Daniel Kaffee
“I'm a soldier , I serve my country. But this is not my country. I was lying out there bleeding to death, thinking, if I die now, I leave nothing to my children but shame. I know now there is only one way to serve Germany, and doing so I'll be a traitor... I accept that.” Tom Cruise - Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
“Look at the people. Now tell me which ones are free. Free from debt. Anxiety. Stress. Fear. Failure. Indignity. Betrayal . How many wish that they were born knowing what they know now? Ask yourself how many would do things the same way over again?” Tom Cruise - Jack Reacher
“- Rachel Ferrier: I'm allergic to peanut butter. - Ray Ferrier: Since when? - Rachel Ferrier: Birth.” Dakota Fanning - Rachel Ferrier Tom Cruise - Ray Ferrier
“There are four types of people who join the military. For some, it's a family trade . Others are patriots , eager to serve. Next, you have those who just need a job. Then there's the kind who want a legal means of killing other people.” Tom Cruise - Jack Reacher
“- Raymond Babbitt: 246 total. - Charlie Babbitt: How many? - Sally Dibbs: 250. - Charlie Babbitt: Pretty close. - Sally Dibbs: There's four left in the box.” Dustin Hoffman - Raymond Babbitt Tom Cruise - Charlie Babbitt Bonnie Hunt - Sally Dibbs
“- Katsumoto: I will die by the sword. My own, or my enemy's. - Nathan Algren: Then let it be your enemy's.” Ken Watanabe - Katsumoto Tom Cruise - Nathan Algren
“I tried to prove myself to you, but I know nothing of books, or alphabets, or sun, or moon or… All I know is Joseph loves Shannon.” Tom Cruise - Joseph Donnelly
“- Nathan Algren: What else has she told you? - Katsumoto: That you have nightmares . - Nathan Algren: Every soldier has nightmares . - Katsumoto: Only one who is ashamed of what he has done.” Tom Cruise - Nathan Algren Ken Watanabe - Katsumoto
“We walk , and Afghanistan reverts back to the Taliban. Only now the Taliban has metastasized into something infinitely more vicious and potent because they're now 2-0 versus superpowers. They butcher the people who helped us, who voted and were stupid enough to put their faith in our word . So call it not only the end of hope for 10s of millions...” (continue) (continue reading) Tom Cruise - Senator Jasper Irving
“- Maverick : Mustang, this is Maverick , requesting fly-by. - Air Boss Johnson: Negative, Ghost Rider. The Pattern is full. - Merlin: Uh, excuse me, something I should know about? - Air Boss Johnson: [gets his coffee] Thank you. [ Maverick does a fly-by past the Enterprise , causing Air Boss Johnson to spill his coffee] - Air Boss Johnson: Goddamn...” (continue) (continue reading) Tom Cruise - Maverick Duke Stroud - Air Boss Johnson Tim Robbins - Merlin
“Evil is a point of view . God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.” Tom Cruise - Lestat
- Miles: Sometimes you gotta say "What the fuck", make your move. Joel, every now and then, saying "What the fuck" brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future. So, your parents are going out of town . You got the place all to yourself. - Joel Goodson: Yeah. - Miles: What the fuck. Curtis Armstrong - Miles Dalby Tom Cruise - Joel
“I'm a soldier , but in serving my country, I have betrayed my conscience.” Tom Cruise - Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
“You see the dilemma don't you. If you don't kill me, precogs were wrong and precrime is over. If you do kill me, you go away, but it proves the system works. The precogs were right. So, what are you going to do now? What's it worth?” Tom Cruise - Chief John Anderton
“What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles. To seek a stillness of your mind. And to master the way of the sword.” Tom Cruise - Nathan Algren
“- Bonnie: Please, I don't want to end it this way. - Brian: Jesus , everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn't end.” Lisa Banes - Bonnie Tom Cruise - Brian Flanagan
“You bitch! Why didn't you just tell me it was a Rum and Coke?!” Tom Cruise - Brian Flanagan
“I left a can of Spam in your refrigerator... I hope your Brewers Yeast doesn't take it personally.” Tom Cruise - Brian Flanagan
“You're not God, Nickerson. You're just a typing teacher .” Tom Cruise - Stefen Djordjevic
“- Kittridge: I can understand you're very upset. - Ethan Hunt: Kitridge, you've never seen me very upset. - Kittridge: All right, Hunt. Enough is enough. You have bribed, cajoled, and killed, and you have done it using loyalties on the inside. You want to shake hands with the devil, that's fine with me. I just want to make sure that you do it in...” (continue) (continue reading) Henry Czerny - Kittridge Tom Cruise - Ethan Hunt
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Best Tom Cruise Movie Quotes of All Time, Ranked


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While most often known for his breathtaking stunt work in action films, Tom Cruise stands tall as an undeniable icon of talent within the realm of Hollywood with various roles in many genres. Over the course of a remarkable career spanning more than three decades, he has graced the silver screen with his presence and delivered performances that have left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape. Yet, Cruise's contributions to the world of film extend beyond his acting prowess alone.

Throughout his illustrious career , Cruise has gifted us with an array of unforgettable lines that have transcended their respective movies to become embedded in the tapestry of popular culture. From awe-inspiring monologues that stir the soul to catchy and oft-repeated one-liners that echo in our collective consciousness, Cruise's movie quotes continue to resonate deeply with audiences across the globe. Below, we take an exhilarating journey to explore the best Tom Cruise movie quotes of all time, showcasing his most memorable moments on screen.

12 "Just put your paws together... and believe!" — Rock of Ages (2012)

In the vibrant world of the musical comedy Rock of Ages , Cruise takes center stage as the enigmatic rockstar Stacee Jaxx. With his portrayal of this larger-than-life character, Cruise not only showcases his versatility as an actor, but also delivers a quote that captures the very essence of Stacee Jaxx's eccentricity and rock 'n' roll persona.

This quote resonates with an air of whimsy and confidence. It serves as a rallying cry for the characters and the audience alike, inviting them to embrace their dreams, let loose, and immerse themselves in the electrifying world of music and performance. Cruise's delivery of this line amplifies its impact, infusing it with the charisma and magnetic charm that have come to define his portrayal of Stacee Jaxx.

11 "I'm gonna find it and I'm gonna destroy it. I don't know how yet. Possibly with dynamite." — The Mummy (2017)

In the action-adventure film The Mummy , Cruise takes on the role of Nick Morton, a quick-witted soldier whose life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes entangled in an ancient curse. Within this high-stakes narrative, his ability to infuse even the most intense situations with a dose of wit and charm becomes evident through a memorable quote that perfectly encapsulates his talent for delivering humorous one-liners.

The movie quote shows Cruise's knack for injecting levity into the film. In the midst of perilous encounters and supernatural threats, his character's resolute determination is tinged with a cheeky sense of humor. Cruise's delivery of this line not only elicits laughter but also adds a touch of lightness to the film's darker moments, allowing audiences to momentarily catch their breath before diving back into the heart-pounding action.

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10 "Help me, help you." — Jerry Maguire (1996)

Within the rich tapestry of Cameron Crowe's heartfelt drama Jerry Maguire , a poignant and memorable line emerges: "Help me, help you." As the sports agent on a redemptive journey toward genuine human connections, Cruise's delivery of this line encapsulates the essence of his character's unwavering commitment to support and uplift others.

In this pivotal moment of the film, Cruise's portrayal of Jerry Maguire underscores the transformative power of collaboration and the realization that true success is often attained through mutual support. The quote itself becomes a mantra, representing the symbiotic relationship between individuals working together to achieve their goals. It serves as a reminder that in the pursuit of greatness, the collective effort and genuine care for others can elevate us beyond personal aspirations.

9 "I'm jumping out a window!" — Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)

In the adrenaline-fueled action thriller Mission: Impossible - Fallout , Cruise reprises his role as the indomitable Ethan Hunt, taking audiences on another thrilling adventure. Amidst the high-stakes missions and breathtaking stunts, one memorable quote stands out: "I'm jumping out a window!" This line serves as a declaration of Ethan Hunt’s fearlessness in the face of danger, encapsulating the essence of his daredevil persona.

As audiences witness Cruise's commitment to performing his own stunts, including the awe-inspiring building jump captured in the film, this quote takes on a whole new level of exhilaration and authenticity. It showcases his ability to embrace the physical demands of the role, pushing the boundaries of what is possible rallying cry for the thrilling escapades and jaw-dropping feats that define the Mission: Impossible franchise .

8 "Sometimes, you gotta say, What the f***." — Risky Business (1983)

In the coming-of-age comedy Risky Business , Cruise steps into the shoes of the rebellious teenager Joel Goodson, delivering a line that would become one of his most iconic quotes. With youthful exuberance and a hint of defiance, he presents this phrase as a mantra for embracing the unknown, taking risks, and challenging the status quo. It captures the essence of youthful audacity, forever etching itself into the fabric of popular culture.

The line captures a universal truth about the journey of self-discovery and the pivotal moments in our lives when we are faced with choices that can shape our future. It represents a call to action, encouraging individuals to step out of their comfort zones and seize opportunities, even in the face of uncertainty. Cruise's portrayal of Joel Goodson brings an authenticity and relatability to the character, making the line all the more impactful.

7 "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." — Tropic Thunder (2008)

In a delightful departure from his more dramatic roles, Cruise delivers a comedic tour de force as the larger-than-life studio executive Les Grossman in the satirical comedy Tropic Thunder . Within this role, Cruise steals the show and showcases his comedic range, leaving audiences in stitches with one unforgettable line.

The quote in question, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning," perfectly captures the essence of Les Grossman's absurdity and intensity. With his delivery, Cruise infuses the line with a unique blend of outrageousness and hilarity, demonstrating his comedic timing and his ability to fully embrace the larger-than-life nature of his character. As the caricature of a Hollywood executive, complete with larger-than-life gestures, profanity-laden tirades, and a penchant for outrageous behavior. It is within this context that the quote becomes a standout moment.

6 "Throw the switch on and off. Don't forget OFF." — Mission: Impossible III (2006)

In the action-packed spy thriller Mission: Impossible III , Cruise returns as the daring IMF agent Ethan Hunt, navigating a treacherous world of espionage and high-stakes missions. Amidst the intricate web of suspense and danger, one quote stands out as a testament to Hunt's meticulousness and attention to detail: "Throw the switch on and off. Don't forget OFF."

Beyond its immediate impact within the film, this line stands for a universal truth applicable to various aspects of life. It serves as a reminder to be attentive, meticulous, and focused on the task at hand, not overlooking crucial steps or details that could have significant consequences. The quote's enduring popularity stems from its relevance beyond the world of espionage , resonating with audiences as a reminder of the value of diligence and careful consideration.

5 "I'm just a guy who loves a girl and wants to tell her that he loves her." — Jerry Maguire (1996)

Continuing the exploration of Tom Cruise's filmography, we return to the heartfelt drama Jerry Maguire to uncover yet another memorable quote that showcases Cruise's exceptional ability to convey raw emotion on screen. Within the film's rich tapestry of human relationships, this particular quote stands as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability and sincerity of the character.

Cruise's portrayal of Jerry's emotional journey and his delivery of the quote exemplify his ability to convey raw emotion and vulnerability on screen. It serves as a testament to his versatility as an actor and his innate understanding of the human condition. His performance captures the complexities of relationships and the profound impact they can have on our personal growth and happiness.

4 "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." — Rain Man (1988)

In the critically acclaimed film Rain Man , Cruise delivers a remarkable performance as Charlie Babbitt, a self-centered man who embarks on a transformative journey alongside his autistic brother Raymond, portrayed by Dustin Hoffman. Amidst the emotional depth of the film, one quote stands out as a testament to Cruise's ability to infuse his own charm into the role, while paying homage to a cinematic classic.

Cruise skillfully navigates the emotional nuances of a man undergoing a transformative journey. The quote "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse," becomes a standout line within the film, highlighting Charlie's layers of vulnerability, arrogance, and the underlying need to be seen and appreciated. Cruise's delivery adds a layer of depth and authenticity to the character, solidifying his ability to embody complex and multidimensional roles.

3 "Show me the money!" — Jerry Maguire (1996)

Another entry from Jerry Maguire , “Show me the money,” became an instant catchphrase, expressing the desperation and determination of the character. This famous quote, which has transcended the boundaries of the film itself, instantly became ingrained in popular culture. With fervor and conviction, he embodies Jerry Maguire's relentless pursuit of success and financial validation, revealing the character's intense drive and hunger for recognition.

The quote encapsulates the central themes of ambition, self-discovery, and the commercialization of sports within the film. It represents Jerry Maguire's pivotal moment of breaking away from the traditional expectations of the industry, and it serves as a rallying cry for his clients and colleagues to demand the compensation they deserve. Cruise's passionate delivery elevates the line to an iconic status, making it one of the most memorable movie quotes of his career.

Related: Every Tom Cruise Movie from the 1990s, Ranked

2 "I want the truth!" — A Few Good Men (1992)

In the gripping courtroom drama A Few Good Men , Cruise delivers a riveting performance as Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a military lawyer defending two Marines accused of murder. Amidst the intense legal battle, one quote emerges as a defining moment that showcases Cruise's ability to command the screen and capture the essence of his character's pursuit of justice: "I want the truth!"

This iconic line, delivered by Cruise with fervent determination and unwavering resolve, encapsulates the relentless pursuit of the truth that drives Lieutenant Kaffee throughout the film. It serves as a pivotal moment in the story, representing the character's refusal to accept half-truths or cover-ups, and his unyielding commitment to uncovering the facts no matter the consequences. Adding to the drama is the responding line from Colonel Nathan Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) who says, "You can't handle the truth!"

1 "I feel the need...the need for speed." — Top Gun (1986)

This line from the 1986 blockbuster Top Gun perfectly captures the adrenaline-fueled excitement of naval aviators. As Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Cruise delivers the phrase with charm and assurance, capturing the kinetic spirit of the movie. He personifies Maverick's brash and daring personality with a blend of assurance and swagger, solidifying the character's place as a famous figure in movie history.

The statement has become well recognized outside of the context of Top Gun and has had a lasting influence on popular culture as a whole. It has become an anthem that conjures up feelings of excitement and adventure that go beyond the realm of aviation. The statement serves as a rallying cry for accepting life's experiences and pushing one's boundaries since audiences from all walks of life can identify with the desire for an exhilarating and thrilling experience. A sequel, Top Gun: Maverick was released in 2022 and broke records with its resounding success (per Variety ).

  • Movie Lists

Tom Cruise’s Top 10 Movie Quotes: From ‘Mission: Impossible’ to ‘Jerry Maguire’

The three-time Oscar nominee wants you to “show him the money” and reveal who ordered the Code Red

tom cruise film quotes

Tom Cruise is a national treasure. Competing with a sea of foreign actors ranging from Tom Hardy and Henry Cavill to Michael Fassbender and Christian Bale , Cruise is one of the last American Movie Stars still standing — which also seems to be the one thing he never does in the “Mission: Impossible” franchise. He’s constantly in motion, whether he’s running for his life, climbing the Burj Khalifa or flying on the outside of an airplane.

With the release of “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” this weekend, TheWrap decided to take a look back at Cruise’s incredible 34-year career and highlight his most memorable lines of dialogue. Join us for a trip down memory lane — on Cruise control, if you will.

And if there’s a classic Cruise zinger we missed, let us know in the comments section below.

1. The Cameron Quote – Jerry Maguire (tie) – “You complete me.” &  “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” No one writes for Tom Cruise like Cameron Crowe , who served up a screenplay full of classic one-liners that allowed Cruise to prove he was at the peak of his powers in 1996. You could say anything, but we say they complete each other.

2. The Shared Quote –   A Few Good Men – “Colonel Jessup! Did you order the code red? … I think I’m entitled. … I want the truth!” It takes two to tango, and there’s no better dance partner than Jack Nicholson . Coming to set armed for battle with an Aaron Sorkin script doesn’t hurt either. Nicholson’s half of the exchange continues to endure, but Cruise’s role in this classic courtroom scene is often overlooked and underappreciated.

3. The Classic Quote – Top Gun – “I feel the need… the need for speed.” C’mon Iceman, have a heart for this little ditty, which gets bonus points for rhyming. Who hasn’t said this while passing an old lady on the freeway?

4. The Adult Quote – Magnolia – “Respect the c-ck! And tame the c-nt!” Cruise is all grown up as Frank T.J. Mackey, a magnetic motivational speaker who empowers men to take what they want from women. Cruise went out on a limb to take a chance on Paul Thomas Anderson and it paid off with his third and most recent Oscar nomination back in 1999.

5. The Action Hero Quote (tie) Mission: Impossible – “Red light. Green light.” Minority Report – “Everybody runs.” Action heroes have to speak in short bursts and make their words count. They don’t have time to make long speeches, as they’re too busy saving the world from one disaster or another. Cruise made saving the world look effortless in these two mid-’90s efforts.

6. The Young and Cocky Quote – Risky Business – “Porsche. There is no substitute.” This is the youngest Tom Cruise on this list and thus, the purest. He wasn’t “ Tom Cruise ” yet. He was just a cocky guy singing in his underwear without a care in the world. Talk about human fulfillment …

7. The Deep Quote (tie) The Last Samurai – “I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.” Eyes Wide Shut – “No dream is ever just a dream.” ( no clip available ) Cruise is a man of many philosophies and he went all philosophical on us with these two movies, in which he spouts some “deep” stuff. Fidelio, indeed…

8. The Screaming Quote (tie) Vanilla Sky – “Tech support!” Born on the Fourth of July – “I fought for my country! I am a Vietnam veteran! I fought for my country!” Other than Al Pacino and (maybe) Nicolas Cage , is there anyone you’d rather watch scream/shout/yell than Tom Cruise ? He has it down to a science, whether he’s missing his legs or his face.

9. The Funny Quote – Tropic Thunder – “First, take a big step back… and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!” Cruise played a supporting role in Ben Stiller ‘s “Tropic Thunder” and disappeared into the character of Les Grossman, a powerful studio head with hair everywhere but his head. Cruise stole the show, so much so that Paramount developed a spinoff movie for his character, though unfortunately, it never got the greenlight.

1o. The Creepy Quote (tie) Interview With the Vampire – “Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had.” Collateral – “Don’t get me cornered. You don’t have the trunk space.” (no clip available) Cruise makes a great upscale creep, whether he’s threatening to kill two cops or take a bite out of Christian Slater . Living or undead, there’s something primal about his performances, which are never less than 100 percent believable. Even in his lesser films, he’s always completely committed to his characters.

See Video: How on earth is Tom Cruise still alive after doing all his own stunts?

Tom Cruise Quotes

Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many people you have brought with you.

I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can’t do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I’m going to do something, I go all the way.

I’ve had a blessed life. I’ve been able to travel the world and work with some amazing people.

My whole life, I’ve wanted to be a movie star. I love movies. I love making movies.

I’ve learned over the years that if you start thinking about the race, it’s not good for the athlete. It’s not good for me, it’s not good for my job.

I love what I do. I love film. I’ve always been enchanted by how movies can affect people.

Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.

I am a big believer in fate. I believe things happen for a reason.

I’m passionate about learning, I’m passionate about life.

I’ve always been ambitious for myself.

I’m going to carry on doing what I love, and someone’s got to be the luckiest guy in the world, so it might as well be me.

I’m always looking for something contemporary.

Every single professional athlete, every single actor has a dedication to do the best that they can.

I’ve always wanted to entertain people and make them happy.

To be able to say that you’ve worked with someone you admire is an incredible feeling.

Tom Cruise Quotes part 2

Nothing ends nicely, that’s why it ends.

When you have to cope with a lot of problems, you’re either going to sink or you’re going to swim.

If you’re passionate about it, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That’s how dreams come true.

You want to enjoy life, don’t you? If you get trapped in bureaucracy, you’ve lost control of your life.

I’m a walking contradiction, partly truth, partly fiction.

I love kids. I was a kid myself, once.

You know, I’ve had some incredible good luck in my life.

I’m passionate about learning. I’m passionate about life.

People haven’t always been there for me, but music always has.

Success is not just making money. It’s the difference you make in people’s lives.

The things I put myself through, the things I saw at a young age – I wouldn’t want that for my kids.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.

My family is my first priority.

I have never kept a diary in my life. It’s all in here (points to his head).

I’ve gotten very good at detaching whenever I have to go away for three months, which I realize is hard on friends and kind of selfish.

I refuse to let a system or an industry or a human being tell me who I am. I am who I am.

I find inspiration in the faces that I encounter. I find inspiration in nature. I find inspiration in the people I work with.

When I work, I work very hard. So I look to work with people who have that level of dedication.

In this life, it’s not what you hope for, it’s not what you deserve – it’s what you take!

When you become successful in any type of life you start doing the important things.

I’m definitely a person who gets inspired by other talented people.

I didn’t become an actor to have power, but it just happens that I have it and so I have a lot of opportunities.

I’m always looking for a fresh challenge, a different role, a new perspective.

I’ve learned over the years that the more I prepare, the better I feel about myself.

I love adrenaline, and I love giving people adrenaline.

My main goal is to entertain people.

I don’t believe in age. I believe in energy. Don’t let age dictate what you can and cannot do.

You must never be satisfied with what you achieved. You must always strive for more.

I look at the common person and find extraordinary things.

I don’t hide my emotions, I let them be who I am.

I find happiness in being present and in the journey.

I’m honored when somebody says – that I’ve made a difference in their lives.

I don’t care what you think of me, unless you think I’m awesome, in which case you’re right.

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Here are a few of our favorite movie quotes from Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise pictured (left) in Mission: Impossible III This Tribute is not officially endorsed or authorized by Tom Cruise. Unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited. © 2001-2011 Destination Hollywood. All rights reserved.

30 best quotes from 'Top Gun' for its 30th anniversary

It's been 30 years since Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis starred in 'Top Gun.'

Still feel the need for speed 30 years after Top Gun hit theaters on May 16, 1986? We've got nostalgia for the classic film, too. Here are 30 of the best quotes from Mav, Goose, Iceman and more.

Maverick: "I feel the need ..."

Goose: "... the need for speed!"

Stinger: "Maverick, you just did an incredibly brave thing. (Pause) What you should have done was land your plane! You don't own that plane! The taxpayers do! Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash!"

Carole: "Take me to bed or lose me forever."

Goose: "Show me the way home, honey."

Iceman: "You can be my wingman any time."

Maverick: "Bull----! You can be mine."

Maverick, spotting Charlie for the first time:  "She's lost that loving feeling."

Charlie: "Listen, can I ask you a personal question?"

Maverick: "That depends."

Charlie: "Are you a good pilot?"

Maverick: "I can hold my own."

Charlie: "Great, then I won't have to worry about you making your living as a singer."

Maverick, after Charlie walks away: "I'm going to need a beer to put these flames out. Yo! Great Mav, real slick."

Goose: "No. No, Mav, this is not a good idea."

Maverick: "Sorry, Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower."

'Top Gun' still soars at 30, while shooting for that sequel

Jester: "That was some of the best flying I've seen to date — right up to the part where you got killed."

Goose: "It's time for the big one."

Iceman: "You up for this one, Maverick?"

Maverick: "Just a walk in the park, Kazansky."

Slider: "Remember, boys, no points for second place."

Maverick, walking into a bar: "This is what I call a target-rich environment."

Goose: "Great balls of fire!"

Maverick: "It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

Iceman: "Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude. The enemy's dangerous, but right now you're worse. Dangerous and foolish. You may not like who's flying with you, but whose side are you on?"

Charlie: "I'll have what he's having. Hemlock, is it?"

Maverick: "Ice water."

Maverick: "You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead."

Maverick: "Talk to me, Goose."

Charlie: "So you're the one."

Maverick: "Yes, ma'am."

Maverick: "Jesus Christ, and you think I'm reckless? When I fly, I'll have you know that my crew and my plane come first."

Charlie: "Well, I am going to finish my sentence, Lieutenant. My review of your flight performance was right on."

Maverick: "Is that right?"

Charlie: "That is right, but I held something back. I see some real genius in your flying, Maverick, but I can't say that in there. I was afraid that everyone in the tax trailer would see right through me, and I just don't want anyone to know that I've fallen for you."

Maverick: "I think I'll go embarrass myself with Goose."

Nick, in the air: "Let's turn and burn!"

Maverick: "What's your problem, Kazansky?"

Jester: "His fitness report says it all. Flies by the seat of his pants, totally unpredictable."

Viper: "He got you, didn't he?"

Goose, to Maverick: "Every time we go up there, it's like you're flying with a ghost."

Maverick: "You didn't tell me who you were the other night."

Charlie: "You didn't give me a chance, did you? You deserved it."

Maverick: "I know. But you were tempted to ask me out for dinner."

Charlie: "No. I don't date students."

Maverick: "I can see it's dangerous for you, but if the government trusts me, maybe you could."

Charlie: "It takes a lot more than just fancy flying."

Tom Cruise is teasing the heck out of us about 'Top Gun 2'

Carole to Maverick: "God, he loved flying with you, Maverick. But he'd have flown anyway ... without you. He'd have hated it, but he would've done it."

Maverick: "I will fire when I'm (expletive) good and ready! You got that?"

Charlie: "You're not going to be happy unless you're going Mach 2 with your hair on fire."

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Tom Cruise’s Top 10 Movie Quotes: From ‘Mission: Impossible’ to ‘Jerry Maguire’

Tom Cruise is a national treasure. Competing with a sea of foreign actors ranging from Tom Hardy and Henry Cavill to Michael Fassbender and Christian Bale, Cruise is one of the last American Movie Stars still standing — which also seems to be the one thing he never does in the “Mission: Impossible” franchise. He’s constantly in motion, whether he’s running for his life, climbing the Burj Khalifa or flying on the outside of an airplane.

With the release of “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” this weekend, TheWrap decided to take a look back at Cruise’s incredible 34-year career and highlight his most memorable lines of dialogue. Join us for a trip down memory lane — on Cruise control, if you will.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Tom Cruise's 'Mission Impossible' Went Rogue

And if there’s a classic Cruise zinger we missed, let us know in the comments section below.

1. The Cameron Quote – Jerry Maguire (tie) – “You complete me.” & “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” No one writes for Tom Cruise like Cameron Crowe, who served up a screenplay full of classic one-liners that allowed Cruise to prove he was at the peak of his powers in 1996. You could say anything, but we say they complete each other.

2. The Shared Quote - A Few Good Men - “Colonel Jessup! Did you order the code red? … I think I’m entitled. … I want the truth!” It takes two to tango, and there’s no better dance partner than Jack Nicholson. Coming to set armed for battle with an Aaron Sorkin script doesn’t hurt either. Nicholson’s half of the exchange continues to endure, but Cruise’s role in this classic courtroom scene is often overlooked and underappreciated.

3. The Classic Quote – Top Gun – “I feel the need… the need for speed.” C’mon Iceman, have a heart for this little ditty, which gets bonus points for rhyming. Who hasn’t said this while passing an old lady on the freeway?

4. The Adult Quote – Magnolia – “Respect the c-ck! And tame the c-nt!” Cruise is all grown up as Frank T.J. Mackey, a magnetic motivational speaker who empowers men to take what they want from women. Cruise went out on a limb to take a chance on Paul Thomas Anderson and it paid off with his third and most recent Oscar nomination back in 1999.

5. The Action Hero Quote (tie) Mission: Impossible – “Red light. Green light.” Minority Report – “Everybody runs.” Action heroes have to speak in short bursts and make their words count. They don’t have time to make long speeches, as they’re too busy saving the world from one disaster or another. Cruise made saving the world look effortless in these two mid-’90s efforts.

6. The Young and Cocky Quote - Risky Business – “Porsche. There is no substitute.” This is the youngest Tom Cruise on this list and thus, the purest. He wasn’t “Tom Cruise” yet. He was just a cocky guy singing in his underwear without a care in the world. Talk about human fulfillment …

7. The Deep Quote (tie) The Last Samurai – “I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.” Eyes Wide Shut – “No dream is ever just a dream.” ( no clip available ) Cruise is a man of many philosophies and he went all philosophical on us with these two movies, in which he spouts some “deep” stuff. Fidelio, indeed…

8. The Screaming Quote (tie) Vanilla Sky – “Tech support!” Born on the Fourth of July – “I fought for my country! I am a Vietnam veteran! I fought for my country!” Other than Al Pacino and (maybe) Nicolas Cage, is there anyone you’d rather watch scream/shout/yell than Tom Cruise? He has it down to a science, whether he’s missing his legs or his face.

9. The Funny Quote – Tropic Thunder – “First, take a big step back… and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!” Cruise played a supporting role in Ben Stiller’s “Tropic Thunder” and disappeared into the character of Les Grossman, a powerful studio head with hair everywhere but his head. Cruise stole the show, so much so that Paramount developed a spinoff movie for his character, though unfortunately, it never got the greenlight.

1o. The Creepy Quote (tie) Interview With the Vampire – “Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had.” Collateral – “Don’t get me cornered. You don’t have the trunk space.” (no clip available) Cruise makes a great upscale creep, whether he’s threatening to kill two cops or take a bite out of Christian Slater. Living or undead, there’s something primal about his performances, which are never less than 100 percent believable. Even in his lesser films, he’s always completely committed to his characters.

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The Best 'Oblivion' Quotes, Ranked

Movie and TV Quotes

When Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman joined forces in the 2013 post-apocalyptic film Oblivion , audiences anticipated unforgettable lines. The sci-fi action thriller takes you on a journey through a devastated Earth where Jack Harper (Cruise) discovers shocking truths about humanity's past and future. Oblivion dialogue is filled with memorable quotes that explore core themes of identity, memory, and belonging. 

One example of an unforgettable Oblivion quote is: "If we have souls, they're made of the love we share. Undimmed by time, unbound by death." Here, Jack tries to explain the inextricable relationship between love and the soul.

The film delves into existential questions amidst a visually stunning landscape, encouraging viewers to ponder their place in the universe. Jack grapples with his presence with this thought-provoking query: "Is it possible to miss a place you've never been, to mourn a time you've never lived?" 

Another famous quote from Oblivion helps audiences appreciate the film’s dystopian plot. Jack explains: "Sixty years ago Earth was attacked. We won the war but they destroyed half the planet. Everyone's been evacuated. Nothing human remains. Our job is security and drone maintenance. We're here for drone repair. We're the mop up crew." 

So buckle up and get ready to explore a collection of the most famous lines from Oblivion and don’t forget to vote up your favorite phrases.

Made of the Love We Share

Made of the Love We Share

Jack Harper: "If we have souls, they're made of the love we share. Undimmed by time, unbound by death."

Jack gets quite deep with his comments about souls. He tries to explain that if there are a such thing as souls that they cannot be swept away when memories are erased or by death, they live in the love shared between others.

Earth Was Attacked

Earth Was Attacked

Jack: "60 years ago Earth was attacked. We won the war but they destroyed half the planet. Everyone's been evacuated. Nothing human remains. Our job is security and drone maintenance. We're here for drone repair. We're the mop up crew."

Jack provides an overview of the setting of the movie. The planet was attacked and is now desolate. He and his team were sent to Earth to recover any valuable minerals and repair drones, a somewhat depressing and lonely job.

Miss a Place You've Never Been

Miss a Place You've Never Been

Jack: "Is it possible to miss a place you've never been, to mourn a time you've never lived?"

The Thing Is to Die Well

The Thing Is to Die Well

Jack Harper: "How can a man die better…" Sally: "You don't have to die, Jack. She doesn't have to die." Jack Harper: "Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is, to die well."

I Know You but We've Never Met

I Know You but We've Never Met

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Jack Harper: "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you and I don't know your name. I know I'm dreaming, but it feels like more than that. It feels like a memory. How can that be?"

Time You Know the Truth

Time You Know the Truth

Beech: "I've been watching you, Jack." Jack: "Who are you?" Beech: "The people you work for lied to you. They told you to found the fortress and soon you would join the others. It's time you know the truth." Jack: "How do you know my name?" Beech: "You're curious. What are you looking for in those books? Do they bring back old memories? Don't ask too many questions."

Two More Weeks, Jack

Two More Weeks, Jack

Jack: "This is Jack Harper. I'm good to go." Victoria: "Two more weeks, Jack, then we can finally leave and join the others. Don't take any chances."

I'll Show You the Future

I'll Show You the Future

Julia: "I don't know what happened. But you are not who you think you are. Jack, we were here. You asked me to meet you and brought me up on top of the world. I could tell you were nervous that day. It was right here, Jack. You said: Look through here…" Julia, Jack Harper: [together] "And I'll show you the future."

Unidentified Impact

Unidentified Impact

Victoria: "We have an unidentified impact. Jack, an object came down in 1-7." Jack: "Tower, we have got survivors. There are four, check it, five, survivors. They are human!" Victoria: "This is ordering you to return to tower… Jack?" Jack: "They're firing on survivors."

I Am Your God

I Am Your God

Jack Harper: "How can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods." Sally: "I created you, Jack. I am your god." Jack Harper: "F*** you, Sally."

Classic Game

Classic Game

Jack: "The last Super Bowl was played right here." Victoria: "Please don't tell me it was a classic." Jack: "Classic game, 80,000 people on their feet. Seconds left in the game the QB throws a Hail Mary. Touchdown! … 166 is back online."

You Should See the Other Guy

You Should See the Other Guy

Malcolm Beech: "You had me worried for a second. I thought you weren't coming back." Jack Harper: "Well, I had to prove him wrong." Malcolm Beech: "You look like s***." Jack Harper: "Oh, you should see the other guy." Malcolm Beech: "I told you, what you'd find out there. You've thought I was crazy." Jack Harper: "Oh, I still do."

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Victoria: "I want to go first thing." Jack: "Do you have any memories before the mission? Before the security went?" Victoria: "Our job is not to remember, remember?" Jack: "Do you remember her?" Victoria: "Jack, that was a scav beacon that brought her down. We don't know who she is or what she is."

I'm Home

I'm Home

Jack Harper: "For three years I searched for the house he built. I knew it had to be out there. Because I know him. I am him. I am Jack Harper, and I'm home."

You Need to Know What Happened

You Need to Know What Happened

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Julia: "You need to know what happened." Jack: "What aren't you telling me? Who are you?"

This Is the Only Way

This Is the Only Way

Victoria: "Jack, this is ordering you to stand down." Jack: "I'm not going to do that. This is the only way."

Earth Is Still My Home

Earth Is Still My Home

Jack Harper: "I can't shake the feeling, that earth, in spite of all that's happened, earth is still my home."

What Have You Done?

What Have You Done?

Jack: "What have you done?" Victoria: "I can't protect you."

I Gotta Work On That

I Gotta Work On That

Victoria: "Be careful out there." Jack Harper: "I always am." Victoria: "No you're not." Jack Harper: "You're right. I gotta work on that."

Pattern of Insubordinate Behavior

Pattern of Insubordinate Behavior

Sally: "There's been a pattern of insubordinate behavior recently." Jack Harper: "Yeah. I feel bad about that."

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“Miserable F--k”: George Clooney Reflects On Highly Publicized Feud With Oscar-Nominated Director 25 Years Later

Blink twice review: zoë kravitz's clever psychological thriller is an unforgettable movie experience, alien: romulus box office debuts with historic franchise opening weekend, ends deadpool & wolverine's reign.

The Mission: Impossible franchise is one of the greatest action movie series of all time. What started out as a fun spy thriller has continued to grow over the years, delivering increasingly insane stunts and Cruise's most iconic role as Ethan Hunt. And while the set pieces tend to steal the show, the series has some great lines, most of them coming from Cruise.

Ethan is a man of pure dedication. With each movie, he finds himself in a no-win situation and then proceeds to put himself through hell in order to save the day. He is not a talkative man but when he does speak he's blunt and to the point which makes for some pretty great quotes. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Part 1 is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and fans can expect more of Cruise's memorable quotes in the franchise.

"I Am The Storm."

Mission: impossible - fallout (2018).

The intensity of Ethan Hunt as a hero is part of the reason he has become so iconic. Throughout his various world-saving missions, he has grown into something of a myth within the world of these movies and Mission: Impossible - Fallout communicates that with one line.

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As part of the cryptic messages and espionage in these movies, Ethan is delivered a message with the messenger quoting Jake Remington, "Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm. The warrior whispers back…" and Ethan finishes the quote with this epic line. It communicates that Ethan can withstand just about anything and deliver in back with even more power.

"I'm Jumping Out A Window!"

One of the things that makes Ethan a great action hero compared to some other modern-day rivals is his vulnerability. Despite his nearly inhuman determination, he is very much a man who can get hurt. And even with all the stunts in the Mission: Impossible movies , Ethan still gets scared.

During the iconic foot chase in Mission: Impossible - Fallout , Benji relays directions to Ethan. But when Ethan pauses for too long, Benji asks him what the hold-up is causing Ethan to frustratingly explain that he has to jump out of a window and would like a moment to prepare.

"Mr. Lane, Meet The IMF."

Mission: impossible - rogue nation (2015).

Solomon Lane is one of the best villains in the franchise who Ethan and his team first encountered in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation . This cunning and ruthless villain always seems one step ahead of the heroes, until the final moments.

Lane pursues Ethan into a tunnel only to find himself trapped in a glass container. Even without an action-packed showdown between Ethan and Lane, this is a thoroughly satisfying end as Ethan and his team greet Lane who can do nothing but accept his defeat.

"What's Done Is Done When I Say It’s Done."

It seems like sometimes Ethan is able to save the day through sheer willpower. With all the odds against him, he still seems like the one who is calling the shots to some degree. So when Mission: Impossible – Fallout reveals a nuclear attack has occurred, fans might have suspected Ethan wouldn't let that happen.

When Debruuk, a man linked to the attacks, sees the newscast on television, he gleefully boasts that "What's done it done" and happily gives the IMF the information they want as it is too late to stop anything. But Ethan assures him he is the one who decides when it is done, revealing the clever ruse.

"I Let You Know Where I'm Going, I Won't Be On Holiday."

Mission: impossible ii (2000).

Fans have gotten a few glimpses of what Ethan Hunt's life is like outside of his extremely dangerous job. As the movies goes on, it becomes clear that he's not a man who can really have a normal life and he needs to dedicate himself fully to saving the world.

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However, the opening of Mission: Impossible II is a pretty believable depiction of what he does in his free time. Rock climbing without a rope is not everyone's idea of a good time, but it makes sense for Ethan who considers this vacation.

"Throw The Switch On And Off. Don't Forget Off."

Mission: impossible iii (2006).

With all the intensity of these movies, there are still some moments for surprising funny quotes in Mission: Impossible adventures. This is even true when Ethan is in danger of dying in the final moments of Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation .

After having an explosive device activated in his head, Ethan convinces Julia to electrocute him and deactivate the device. With time running out, he quickly shows her how to flip the switch to shock him but is sure to point out the importance of turning it off.

"Now I'm Out."

In Mission: Impossible III , Ethan returns from retirement to go on a rescue mission to save his protégé. Despite being out of the game for a while, Ethan doesn't seem to miss a beat. As he and Lindsey (Keri Russell) make their escape, they run into some bad guys and get into a gunfight and Ethan proves that a single bullet is all he needs.

Unlike some other action heroes, Ethan doesn't get the tough guy lines too often in these movies but this one is a killer.

"We Just Rolled Up A Snowball And Tossed It Into Hell. Now Let's See What Chance It Has."

Ethan may be willing to put his own life on the line again and again in order to save the day, but he is never willing to put an innocent life in jeopardy no matter the stakes. That is a theme seen from him several times, but it becomes most personal in Mission: Impossible II .

Though Nya only appears in one Mission: Impossible movie , she makes a big impact. After developing a relationship with her, Ethan is reluctant to include her in the latest dangerous mission. His assessment of the risk they are putting her in and his guilt over it reveals a lot about Ethan as a hero.

"That's The Wrong Door!"

Another of the most jaw-dropping stunts from his franchise was when Cruise hung on the outside of a military plane as it took off. The sight of seeing one of the biggest movie stars in the world dangling from a plane was an unforgettable sight.

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As Ethan is hanging on for dear life, Benji attempts to open the door for him. Unfortunately, it takes him a couple tries to get the right door. To Ethan's credit, he was patient given the circumstances.

"The Countdown Is Not Helping."

Mission: impossible - ghost protocol (2011).

The ticking clock is a big part of the Mission: Impossible franchise. Most of Ethan and his team's missions come down to the last second. As the stakes get bigger, being on the clock can really put the pressure on.

The excellent fourth movie of the series , Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol features what could be the series' most harrowing stunt as Ethan (and Cruise himself) scales the Burj Khalifa building in Dubai. As Ethan continues to nearly fall to his death, Brandt continues to remind him how much time they have. Probably not the thing Ethan wants to hear at that moment.

"Kittridge, You've Never Seen Me Very Upset."

Mission: impossible (1996).

The first mission fans see Ethan on goes poorly and it leaves him in a very vulnerable situation. His entire team is seemingly wiped out, leaving him as the only one left. This leads to Ethan being suspected as a mole. As IMF watchdog confronts Ethan about the awkward situation, he begins to unravel.

Ethan isn't always great at keeping his emotions in check but when he is truly angry, that's usually when he is the most dangerous to his enemies. With this intense line, Ethan shows he's ready to go out fighting.

"We'll Burn That Bridge When We Get To It."

Despite how long he's been in this job and how many times he has succeeded, the insanity of the situation is never lost on Ethan. However, he does trust himself and his team enough to know that, even without a plan and against ridiculous odds, they still stand a chance.

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In Mission: Impossible – Fallout , Walker points out a foreseeable problem but Ethan is taking it one disaster at a time. It's a funny line but it also perfectly encapsulates the series and Ethan's jumping from one impossible situation to another.

"Light The Fuse."

The burning fuse is an iconic image of Mission: Impossible going back to the original television series. The opening credits featured a burning fuse going across images from the show, foreshadowing the high stakes of the missions.

While the fuse has been a part of the credits from the beginning, Ghost Protocol brilliantly worked the fuse into the cold open of the movie. Ethan gives the iconic command and the audience follows the burning fuse throughout the credits right up to the explosion.

"Mission Accomplished!"

Somehow, they avoided using this line for three whole movies until Ethan finally used it as his big line in Ghost Protocol . After a brutal and desperate fight with the madman villain, Ethan is severely injured. He crawls his way to the nuclear detonator, pausing long enough to deliver this line, then hits the button.

Yes, it's a bit corny, but given the ironic title of the movies , it was only a matter of time before this line came. After what Ethan had been through, this moment seemed fitting. And to make it more bearable, Luther ridicules Ethan for using such a cheesy line.

"Red Light! Green Light!"

Mission: impossible ​​​​​​​(1996).

​​​​​​​The Mission: Impossible franchise has always had a lot of fun with its gadgets. The subtle and hidden tech that looks like ordinary objects is then used by Ethan and the team in their missions. And one of the first and most memorable is the chewing gum which is actually a small explosive.

As his teammate Jack explains, the red and green parts of the gum get mashed together to arm the explosive. Ethan manages to keep the gum with him the entire movie and brings it out as the villain makes his escape, with an intense closing line saves the day again.

NEXT: 10 Most Exciting Action Movies Coming In 2023

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Tom Cruise Quotes About Film

Standart top banner.

I've never done work for money, ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing.

On film Vanilla Sky: You're going to get the full experience of what love is.

I love adventure movies, I just love action adventure films. It's pure cinema and you go in and you're lost to it. To me, it's that challenge - I want to give an audience that ride, that entertainment.

tom cruise film quotes

For me, to take a movie and travel the world and go and work with these cultures and an international cast and have this spy thriller that's not just about character but also action and suspense, they're very challenging films as a producer to make, creating stories, creating set pieces that serve this character [Ethan Hunt].

Every time I make a "Mission" movie or other films, people kind of look at me and go, "Well, now what? What's next?" I think there's always going to be another mountain. I think there's something always in store.

I feel the need... the need for speed.

I structure the scripts and work on them on films and work on scenes with writers and but I haven't written a script myself, I really respect what they do and I'm fortunate I get to work with people that I really enjoy working with and we all kind of spitball and work together on these things, but I haven't written a script yet.

Here's how I've lived my life: I've never been late to a set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love.

Whether it's making a film or raising my children, personally I'm striving to do the right things and to learn.

I've never made a film that I didn't believe in, you know? However the picture turns out, I've always given everything to it. That's kind of how I approach life. I can't help it. There's no part-way with me on anything in any area of my life.

When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things.

The thing about film-making is I give it everything, that's why I work so hard. I always tell young actors to take charge. It's not that hard. Sign your own cheques, be responsible.

I also realise power is fleeting, it doesn't last forever in this career, so I want to make the most of it. I want to make the kinds of pictures that interest me, it's as simple as that. I've never done work for money ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing.


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  • Born: July 3, 1962
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Mitch: Anything I can do for you?

Ray: Sure. Get me out of here.

Mitch: Where to?

Ray: Anywhere I can see a whole lot of sky. I get through the days, I even eat the food. It's amazing how much you miss the sky.

Tammy: You got the account number, you know how to access it? Mitch has verified that the money is there, $750,000.00.

Ray: I love your crooked little mouth.

Tammy: [surprised laugh] Well, it's not my best feature.

Ray: Wow. Well, what is?

Wayne: How about you get down on your knees and kiss my ass for not indicting you as a co-conspirator right now, you chickenshit little Harvard cocksucker?

Mitch: I haven't done anything, and you know it!

Wayne: Who gives a f***? I'm a federal agent! You know what that means, you lowlife motherf***er? It means you've got no rights, your life is mine! I could kick your teeth down your throat and yank them out your a**hole, and I'm not even violating your civil rights!

Mitch: You want to know something funny? I discovered the law again. You actually made me think about it. I managed to go through three years of law school without doing that.

Mitch: Let me get this straight: you want me to steal files from the firm, turn them over to the FBI, send my colleagues to jail...

Wayne: They roped you into this.

Mitch: Breach attorney-client privilege, thus getting myself disbarred for life, then testify in open court against the Mafia...

Wayne: Well, unfortunately, Mitch...

Mitch: Let me ask you something: are you out of your f***ing mind?

Avery: Abby, the girl on the beach was a setup. They do things like that, in case the other enticements don't work.

Abby: What are they going to do to you?

Avery: Whatever it is, they did it a long time ago.

I get paid to be suspicious when there’s nothing to be suspicious about…

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80s Heartthrobs That Stole Our Hearts - From Johnny Depp to Matt Dillon

I t seems that with every decade there would be a new brooding guy sauntering onto our screens to make our hearts scream. Whether it was Tom Cruise in Top Gun (1986) or Matt Dillon in The Outsiders (1983), these heartthrobs could get us with just one look and a flash of their smile. 

Catch up with the heartthrobs of the 80s you - and we - still can't get enough of.

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1. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp can get our hearts racing any day (even as Jack Sparrow), but when his career was just taking off in the 80s, he was the guy everyone wanted hanging on their walls. Whether it was in Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Platoon (1986) or 21 Jump Street (1987), Johnny Depp has always held a special place in our hearts.

2. Matt Dillon

In the 80s, Matt Dillon ruled the screen. From his role in Little Darlings (1980) to playing Dally Winston in The Outsiders , it wasn't hard for Dillon to steal our hearts, especially with that hair and his broody roles.

3. Rob Lowe

It didn't take long for Rob Lowe to win everyone over with his good looks and memorable performances in The Outsiders and St. Elmo's Fire (1985). He's also well-remembered for his days as a member of the "Brat Pack." If you weren't obsessed with Rob Lowe, did you even experience the 80s?

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4. emilio estevez.

Like Lowe, Estevez grabbed our attention as a part of the "Brat Pack." It also didn't hurt that he became a heartthrob after his roles in The Outsiders , The Breakfast Club (1985) and St. Elmo's Fire . Without Esteves, the 80s wouldn't have been what they were.

5. Tom Cruise

Yes, Tom Cruise is the obvious choice for an 80s heartthrob having charmed us in his hit film, Risky Business (1983) and again as fighter pilot Maverick in Top Gun , remaining a fan-favorite ever since. The ever-famous actor is still on our heartthrob list in 2024 - did you see his daredevil performance at the Paris Olympics? -, and it seems unlikely that he will ever not be on it.

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6. christian slater.

You'd be lying if you said that Christian Slater didn't pull you in during Heathers, even if he was portraying a serial killer. But he didn't stop there: Slater continued to take our breath away in Desperate for Love (1989) and Gleaming the Cube (1989).

7. Patrick Swayze

The 80s were made for Patrick Swayze . Between Dirty Dancing (1987) and Road House (1989), there was no escaping the star, not that you would ever want to. And with his luscious hair and amazing dance moves (yes, he really was a dancer!), it's hard not to consider him the ultimate 80s heartthrob!

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8. andrew mccarthy.

Yet another member of the "Brat Pack" makes the list of our favorite 80s heartthrobs, and that's due to the incredible movies he starred in throughout the decade. McCarthy graced our screens in St. Elmo's Fire , Pretty in Pink (1986), Mannequin (1987) and Weekend at Bernie's (1989), making him a favorite during the 80s.

9. Robert Downey Jr.

You probably know him best today as Iron Man and for his most recent role in Oppenheimer (2023), but back in the 80s, Robert Downey Jr. was stealing our hearts in Weird Science (1985), Less than Zero (1987) and Johnny Be Good (1988).

10. Matthew Broderick

Whether he was avoiding trouble at all costs in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) or planning elaborate crimes in Family Business (1989), Matthew Broderick got our attention. Especially with his disarming demeanor and boyish charm.

11. John Cusack

It's impossible to remember the 80s without thinking of John Cusack . The Say Anything star has been beloved ever since he held a boombox up to Diane's window. Who wouldn't want to hear John Cusack playing "In Your Eyes" outside their window?

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80s Heartthrobs That Stole Our Hearts — From Johnny Depp to Matt Dillon

Actor Tom Cruise has starred in the box-office hits Risky Business , Top Gun , Jerry Maguire , and the Mission: Impossible franchise.

tom cruise smiles and looks to the right


Tom Cruise Now: Mission Impossible Star Performs Skydiving Stunt at Olympics Closing Ceremony

The 62-year-old then appeared in a previously filmed video clip that showed Cruise driving through the streets of Paris and boarding a plane headed to Los Angeles, symbolizing the passing of the torch from the Paris Games to the Los Angeles Olympics in summer 2028. Cruise put on skydiving gear and jumped out of the plane, soaring through Los Angeles and past the Hollywood sign, which he redesigned to feature the Olympic rings in place of the two Os at the end of Hollywood .

Cruise is famous for doing many of his own stunts in his movies, including the Mission: Impossible and Top Gun franchises. Ahead of the release of Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One in July 2023, he told Entertainment Tonight that his most dangerous stunt took years of practice to perfect: “You have to be razor sharp when you do something like that.”

Quick Facts

Young tom cruise and parents, scientology, ex-wives: katie holmes, nicole kidman, and mimi rogers, who is tom cruise.

Actor Tom Cruise has been one of the most prominent movie stars in Hollywood dating back to the 1980s. After developing an interest in acting during high school, he rocketed to fame with his turns in Risky Business and Top Gun . Cruise has since become an action movie veteran, counting the Mission: Impossible franchise, Edge of Tomorrow , and Top Gun: Maverick among his many successes. The four-time Oscar nominee has also earned acclaim for his performance in Born on the Fourth of July , Jerry Maguire , and Magnolia. Off the silver screen, Cruise is one of the most high-profile members of the Church of Scientology and has been married to fellow actors Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes .

FULL NAME: Thomas Cruise Mapother IV BORN: July 3, 1962 BIRTHPLACE: Syracuse, New York SPOUSES: Mimi Rogers (1987-1990), Nicole Kidman (1990-2001), and Katie Holmes (2005-2012) CHILDREN: Isabella, Connor, and Suri ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer

Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, better known as Tom Cruise, was born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, New York. The third of four children, Tom was the only son of Mary Lee South and Thomas Cruise Mapother III. Cruise’s mother was an amateur actor and schoolteacher, and his father was an electrical engineer. His family moved around a great deal when young Tom was a child to accommodate his father’s career.

Tom’s parents divorced when he was 11, and the children moved with their mother to Louisville, Kentucky, and then to Glen Ridge, New Jersey, after she remarried. Like his mother and three sisters, Cruise suffered from dyslexia, which made academic success difficult for him. He excelled in athletics, however, and considered pursuing a career in professional wrestling until a knee injury sidelined him during high school.

At age 14, Cruise enrolled in a Franciscan seminary with thoughts of becoming a priest, but he left after a year. When he was 16, a teacher encouraged him to participate in the school’s production of the musical Guys and Dolls . After Cruise won the lead of Nathan Detroit, he found himself surprisingly at home on the stage, and a career was born.

Early Roles in Taps and The Outsiders

Cruise set a 10-year deadline for himself in which to build an acting career. He left school and moved to New York City, where he struggled through audition after audition before landing an appearance in 1981’s Endless Love , starring Brooke Shields . Around this same time, he snagged a small role in the military school drama Taps (1981), co-starring Sean Penn . His role in Taps was upgraded after director Harold Becker saw Cruise’s potential, and his performance caught the attention of a number of critics and filmmakers .

rob lowe, tom cruise, and emilio estevez stand together and smile, they all were suit jackets and dress shirts, lowe and cruise also have on ties

In 1983, Cruise appeared in Francis Ford Coppola ’s The Outsiders , which also starred Emilio Estevez , Matt Dillon, and Rob Lowe —all prominent members of a group of young actors the entertainment press dubbed the “Brat Pack.” The movie wasn’t well received, but it allowed Cruise to work with an acclaimed director on a high-profile project.

Breakout Role in Risky Business

His next movie, Risky Business (1983), grossed $65 million and become one of the most profitable movies at the box office that year. It also made Cruise a highly recognizable actor—thanks in no small part to a memorable scene of the young star dancing in his underwear.

Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick

tom cruise poses in character for top gun, he sits in a fighter jet with the roof open and looks behind him, he wears a naval military uniform

In 1986, after a two-year hiatus, the budding actor released the big-budget fantasy film Legend , which did poorly at the box office. That same year, however, Cruise’s A-list status was confirmed with the release of Top Gun , which co-starred Kelly McGillis, Anthony Edwards, and Meg Ryan . The testosterone-fueled action-romance, set against the backdrop of an elite naval flight school, became the highest-grossing movie of 1986.

Decades later, Cruise returned to his role as fighter pilot Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in the action-packed sequel Top Gun: Maverick (2022), which picks up more than 30 years after the original. Critics heaped praise on the movie, and in addition to becoming the second highest-grossing film of the year, it earned an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.

Cruise is set to star in a third movie, Top Gun 3 , which doesn’t yet have a release date.

The Color of Money , Rain Man , and Born on the Fourth of July

Cruise followed the tremendous success of the original Top Gun with a string of both critically acclaimed and commercially successful films. First up was The Color of Money (1986) with co-star Paul Newman , then Cruise worked with Dustin Hoffman on Rain Man (1988). Cruise’s next role, as Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in the biopic Born on the Fourth of July (1989), earned him an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

A Few Good Men , The Firm , and Interview with a Vampire

In 1992, Cruise proved once more that he could hold his own opposite a screen legend when he co-starred with Jack Nicholson in the military courtroom drama A Few Good Men . The movie grossed more than $15 million its first weekend and earned Cruise another Golden Globe nomination. He continued to demonstrate his success as a leading man with The Firm (1993) and Interview with the Vampire (1994), which co-starred Brad Pitt.

Mission: Impossible Franchise

Next, Cruise hit the big screen with another huge action hit: the $64 million blockbuster Mission: Impossible (1996). In addition to starring in the movie, Cruise also served as a producer. The movie’s popularity spawned another action franchise for Cruise.

The long-awaited smash hit Mission: Impossible 2 arrived in 2000 followed by the also popular Mission: Impossible 3 in 2006. However, Cruise was faced with a professional setback that August when Paramount Pictures ended its 14-year relationship with the actor. The company’s chairman cited Cruise’s erratic behavior and controversial views as the reason for the split, though industry experts noted that Paramount more likely ended the partnership over the actor’s high earnings from the Mission: Impossible franchise.

Ultimately, Cruise and Paramount patched up their relationship and have continued adding films to the franchise. That includes Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol (2011), Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation (2015), Mission: Impossible —Fallout (2018), and most recently, Mission: Impossible—Dead Reckoning (2023).

Jerry McGuire , Eyes Wide Shut , and Magnolia

The same year as the first Mission: Impossible movie, Cruise landed another hit with the highly acclaimed Jerry McGuire (1996), directed by Cameron Crowe. The star secured a second Academy Award nomination and won his second Golden Globe for Best Actor.

Cruise and then-wife Nicole Kidman spent much of 1997 and 1998 in England shooting Eyes Wide Shut , an erotic thriller that was director Stanley Kubrick ’s final film. The movie came out in the summer of 1999 to mixed reviews, but that same year, Cruise enjoyed greater success with the release of Magnolia . His performance as a self-confident sex guru in the ensemble film earned him another Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

Vanilla Sky and The Last Samurai

In 2002, Cruise starred in Vanilla Sky , his second collaboration with director Cameron Crowe, as well as Steven Spielberg ’s Minority Report . The following year, Cruise traveled to Australia to shoot the $100 million war epic The Last Samurai, which earned him another Golden Globe nomination.

War of the Worlds

Cruise proved he remained a top draw by starring in the Steven Spielberg –directed remake of the science-fiction classic War of the Worlds (2005), which grossed more than $230 million at the box office.

The third Mission: Impossible movie added to his list of credits in May 2006, but three months later, his partnership with Paramount Pictures, the franchise’s studio, ended. Cruise quickly rebounded with an announcement early that November: He had a new partnership with film executive Paula Wagner and the United Artists film studio. Their first production as a team, the political drama Lions for Lambs (2007), proved a commercial disappointment despite a strong cast that included Meryl Streep and Robert Redford .

Tropic Thunder

Taking a break from weighty material, Cruise delighted audiences with his performance in the comedy Tropic Thunder (2008). Despite his relatively small role in a movie that featured Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller , Cruise stood out by obscuring his trademark good looks to play a balding, obese movie studio executive.

Valkyrie and Rock of Ages

In December 2008, Cruise released his second project through United Artists. The film, Valkyrie , was a World War II drama about a plot to assassinate German leader Adolf Hitler . Cruise starred as a German army officer who became involved in the conspiracy.

Breaking into new territory after another entry in the Mission: Impossible franchise in 2011 , Cruise starred in the 2012 musical Rock of Ages . Although Cruise received some positive reviews for his performance as a rock star, the movie failed to attract much of an audience.

Jack Reacher , Edge of Tomorrow , and The Mummy

Returning to his mainstream action roots, Cruise anchored the 2012 crime drama Jack Reacher , based on a book by Lee Child. He then headlined a pair of science-fiction adventures: Oblivion (2013) and Edge of Tomorrow (2014). Showing no signs of slowing down, the veteran actor in 2015 delivered his usual high-energy performance for the fifth installment of his blockbuster Mission: Impossible franchise .

In 2016, Cruise reprised the role of Jack Reacher for Jack Reacher: Never Go Back . He then headlined a reboot of The Mummy (2017), which performed respectably at the box office but was savaged by critics, before earning better reviews later that year for the crime thriller American Made .

Cruise is one of the most prominent celebrity members of the Church of Scientology . He became a student of the religion, founded by writer L. Ron Hubbard, through his first wife, Mimi Rogers. Cruise credited the church with curing his dyslexia, and he soon became one of its leading proponents.

In 2005, Cruise made headlines as an outspoken Scientologist. He openly criticized his former Endless Love co-star Brooke Shields for using anti-depressants during her recovery from postpartum depression. He also denounced psychiatry and modern medicine, claiming Scientology held the key to true healing. Cruise’s statements led to a heated argument with news anchor Matt Lauer on The Today Show in June 2005, for which Cruise later apologized.

Cruise has been married three times, all to fellow actors, and has three children.

He first wed Mimi Rogers in 1987 but their union ended three years later. Cruise wasn’t single for long.

tom cruise and nicole kidman smile as they look to the right, kidman has her hands wrapped around cruises neck, they both were black formal attire

Also in 1990, he connected with Nicole Kidman , his co-star in the racecar drama Days of Thunder . The movie was unpopular among critics and fans alike, but the two lead actors had real chemistry. On Christmas Eve 1990, after a brief courtship, Cruise and Kidman married in Telluride, Colorado.

For much of the 1990s, Cruise and Kidman found themselves fiercely defending the happiness and legitimacy of their marriage. They filed two different lawsuits against tabloid publications for stories they considered libelous. In each case, the couple received a published retraction and apology, along with a large monetary settlement which they donated to charity. During the first half of their marriage, the couple adopted two children, Isabella and Connor.

On February 5, 2001, Cruise and Kidman announced their separation after 11 years of marriage. The couple cited the difficulties involved with two acting careers and the amount of time spent apart while working.

katie holmes in a wedding dress and veil hugs tom cruise in a black suit and tie as they hold hands

Following the divorce, Cruise briefly dated his Vanilla Sky co-star Penelope Cruz followed by a much-publicized relationship with actor Katie Holmes . A month after his ties to Holmes became public, Cruise professed his love for Holmes in a now-famous appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, during which he jumped on Winfrey’s sofa, shouting “Yes!”

In June 2005, after a two-month courtship, Cruise proposed to Holmes in a restaurant at the top of the Eiffel tower. In October, they announced that they were expecting their first child together. The hasty proposal and surprise pregnancy quickly became tabloid gossip.

In 2006, Cruise and Holmes welcomed their daughter, Suri. That November, they were married in an Italian castle, with celebrities Will Smith , Jada Pinkett Smith , Jennifer Lopez , and Victoria and David Beckham among those in attendance. However, the storybook romance didn’t last, and in June 2012, Holmes filed for divorce.

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20 years ago, Tom Cruise gave his best performance ever in this great action thriller

Tom Cruise looks menacingly into a door.

Tom Cruise is Hollywood’s last movie star. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Cruise still champions the theatrical release, headlining movies designed to be seen on the big screen. Even Cruise’s contemporaries, like Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, and Tom Hanks, have embraced streaming. The same can’t be said for Cruise, who famously delayed Top Gun: Maverick due to the COVID pandemic to keep its theatrical release, a risk that paid off to the tune of nearly $1.5 billion worldwide .

Throughout the 21st century, Cruise’s talent has never wavered. He’s a four-time Academy Award nominee with a steadfast commitment to his craft that remains unmatched. Yet, Cruise has played within the action-hero sandbox for the last 15 years, rarely stepping outside to work in other genres. As great as Cruise has been playing Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible films and Pete Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick , his memorable turn as the villain in Michael Mann ‘s  Collateral , which celebrates its 20th anniversary on August 6, is his best performance of the 21st century.

Tom Cruise thrives as a villain

Set over one fateful Los Angeles night,  Collateral  stars Jamie Foxx as Max Durocher, a cab driver working to save enough money to start a limousine company. While on the job, Max picks up Vincent (Cruise), who says he’s in town to complete a real estate deal and will pay big money to drive him to multiple locations. After a dead body lands on the car at the first stop, Vincent’s true intentions are revealed. He is a hit man employed by a drug lord who must eliminate five targets in one night. Vincent holds Max hostage and forces him to drive him around to each killing. Max knows he’s dead at the end of the night, so he spends most of the night pondering how he’s going to escape this deadly situation.

As soon as Cruise steps into the frame, he’s completely different than what fans are used to seeing. Salt-and-pepper hair and a stone-cold look, devoid of any remorse, replace Cruise’s black hair and signature grin. Cruise typically saves the day as the hero, but Mann turns the Top Gun  star into a villainous monster who strikes fear into anyone who looks him in the eyes. Vincent is a cold-blooded cyborg with no redeeming qualities, a far cry from Ethan Hunt or Peter “Maverick” Mitchell. It remains one of Cruise’s only villainous turns in his career.

Frankly, I was sold on Cruise as a villain when he delivered the “ Yo homie, is that my briefcase? ” line before mowing down two criminals in an alley. For as seriously as Cruise takes himself, his referring to someone as his “homie” remains the best form of unintentional comedy.

Foxx, Mann are perfect matches for Cruise’s talents

Most of Cruise’s movies in the 21st century have been built around his name and on his back. That doesn’t mean the supporting ensembles are weak. The casts support Cruise, as nothing feels like a two-hander. The films always remember that Cruise is Batman and the cast is Robin. That couldn’t be further from the truth in Collateral . Max, not Vincent, is the hero of the film.

Vincent antagonizes Max to stand up for himself and take matters into his own hands, which is how he escapes the hit man’s wrath. Vincent needs Max, and oddly enough, Max needs Vincent. It’s a great example of the perfect Cruise co-star — a confident actor who rises to the occasion. Foxx deserved his Oscar nomination for Collateral , though Cruise being left out of the field is criminal.

Like Foxx, Mann brings out the best aspects of Cruise’s core beliefs — hard work, dedication, and obsession with a craft. Most Cruise films put the actor on the hero’s journey, while Mann doesn’t allow that to happen. Many of Mann’s characters are meticulous and committed. Neil McCauley in Heat   and Frank in Thief are previous Mann protagonists who are ultra-masculine and live by a code they are willing to die for. Vincent is the same way, though his code has no redeeming qualities. Vincent believes in his work and never abandons his beliefs. Mann and Cruise are conscientious perfectionists, making for the ultimate pairing of sensational talents.

It’s one of Tom Cruise’s last roles in an auteur-driven project

For nearly the first three decades of Cruise’s career, the actor frequently sought auteur-driven projects with some of Hollywood’s greatest filmmakers. Cruise worked with Oliver Stone, Sydney Pollack, Brian De Palma, Paul Thomas Anderson, Steven Spielberg, and Stanley Kubrick.

In the late 2000s, Cruise shifted his career toward studio tentpoles and IP-driven vehicles, including Jack Reacher , The Mummy , Top Gun: Maverick ,  and multiple Mission: Impossible movies. That’s not a shot at some of these films’ quality. Mission: Impossible – Fallout  is arguably Cruise’s best action film ever, while  Top Gun: Maverick  provided one of 2022’s best cinematic experiences.

Cruise can still make these blockbusters with death-defying stunts. However, it would be nice for him to mix in a Collateral in between a halo jump and motorcycle cliff sequence. Cruise actually wants to do these types of projects in the future, as evidenced by his decision to star in the next film from Oscar winner Alejandro Iñárritu . When challenged as an actor, like in Collateral,  Cruise proves why he’s one of the best in the business.

Collateral is streaming for free on Pluto TV .

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EU warns X over illegal content risks — Musk replies with Tropic Thunder insult meme

tom cruise film quotes

How is the European Union’s bid to get Elon Musk to follow its rules going? Judging by the memes , not well.

You may recall the X owner previously told his own advertisers to “ go f— yourself ,” so it’s perhaps little wonder he’s flirting with flipping the bird at Thierry Breton, the commissioner in charge of overseeing compliance with the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). Musk on Monday referenced a line from the film Tropic Thunder in which Tom Cruise, barely recognizable as studio exec Les Grossman, says (and then shouts): “Take a big step back AND LITERALLY F— YOUR OWN FACE!”

The same film contains another (heavily memed) line that Musk may be intending to remind his viewers of by injecting the comedy flick’s aura into this interaction with EU regulators: “ Never go full re**rd .” (Note Musk’s emphatic use of the negative when he claims in the same post on X he would “NEVER do something so rude & irresponsible.” Ahem.)

There’s only negative revenue at stake here for X if it alienates the EU since the Commission has the power to issue penalties of up to 6% of global annual turnover for noncompliance with the DSA. The bloc already suspects X of breaking its online governance rulebook: In July, it reported preliminary findings for a subset of issues it’s been investigating X for, saying it found the platform’s blue check system to be an illegal dark pattern and that X also has major transparency problems.

A second DSA investigation on X has been ongoing since December concerning how it responds to illegal content and risks related to the spread of disinformation, including related to the Israel-Hamas war.

More recently, following civic unrest in the U.K. , the Commission has warned that the disinformation being spread on X related to the violent disturbances in parts of the U.K. may be factored into its DSA enforcement. So this ongoing wide-ranging investigation clearly amps up the regulatory risk for X in the EU.

Still, maybe Musk figures he’s done such strong work to crater X’s revenue (by alienating advertisers, for example) that the prospect of losing a chunk of what’s left to EU fines isn’t very scary anymore. That’s billionaire logic, baby! (Er, never go full billionaire?)

Breton’s open letter to Musk, posted to X late Monday local time ahead of a livestreamed interview on X between Musk and former U.S. president Donald Trump, is probably not going to help the Commission’s propaganda war against the erratic billionaire, though.

First up, the letter reads like a first draft in sore need of a heavy edit. There are so many words it’s not immediately clear what the EU’s point is. That, ironically, risks the letter being misinterpreted as an attempt to censor speech on X.

Second, there seems to be a rather bizarre conflation of events by the Commission: Breton starts the letter saying he’s writing to Musk in relation both to “recent events in the U.K.” and to the upcoming Trump interview. If there’s an attempt to imply a link between the two events, it’s not clear what the EU might think that is.

Inciting violence and hate speech is likely to be illegal content in all the EU markets where the DSA applies, whereas an interview with Trump might qualify as a very tedious listen, but the fact of it happening isn’t illegal in and of itself.

In essence, the EU missive is a reminder to Musk of his legal obligations under the DSA to mitigate risks on his platform related to the spread of illegal content, such as posts intending to incite hatred, violence and civic unrest; and in relation to the risks posed by disinformation that might cause societal harms, such as by fueling civic unrest or undermining national security.

Given the letter’s timing, perhaps the EU was worried Trump was going to talk about the U.K. riots and dogwhistle for “civil war,” as Musk did last week .

But no such thing happened, per Politico ‘s account of the interview. Musk tried to get Trump to attack the EU over censorship but the effort fell flat, as Trump preferred to stick to his knitting and bash the EU over trade tariffs.

Notably, the letter warns Musk that his own account on X is under DSA regulation, making explicit reference to his personal reach on X “as a user with over 190 million followers.”

This is a clearer shot at Musk, letting him know the EU has seen how he’s been using his account to amplify divisive narratives around the U.K.’s civic unrest, and warning him to stop the regional rabble-rousing or face DSA consequences.

“[W]e are monitoring the potential risks in the EU associated with the dissemination of content that may incite violence, hate and racism in conjunction with major political — or societal — events around the world, including debates and interviews in the context of elections,” Breton wrote.

The EU commissioner further stipulated that “any negative effect of illegal content on X in the EU, which could be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the way in which X applies the relevant provisions of the DSA, may be relevant in the context of the ongoing proceedings and of the overall assessment of X’s compliance with EU law.”

Aside from firing back at Breton with insulting memes, Musk’s immediate response has been to accuse the EU of overreach by suggesting, via his interview with Trump, that it’s trying to censor the views of people outside the EU.

However, content on X is obviously visible to EU users, and therefore subject to the DSA — regardless of any political point scoring Musk may be engaged in here.

The EU’s letter to Musk contains a further sting in the form of a pointed reminder it could opt to use “interim measures” to crack down on noncompliance. Fines aren’t the only game in town — the DSA empowers the Commission to order changes on platforms aimed at countering urgent threats, such as demanding infringing content is taken down or even temporarily blocking access to an entire service.

So, basically, an EU-wide shutdown of X is what Musk is being reminded may yet come to pass if he doesn’t get with the bloc’s program and comply with the DSA.

For a self-declared free speech absolutist like Musk — whose stated ambition with X is to own the global town square — the threat of being shut out of a market of more than 450 million people might give him more pause than the prospect of being fined a few tens of millions of dollars. That, too, is billionaire logic.

TL, DR: “Elon, stop spreading crap & racial bile on your platform or we're going to fine you a shitload of money, and possibly shut you down”. Signed 🇪🇺 https://t.co/mcZnC1bT3R — Mujtaba Rahman (@Mij_Europe) August 12, 2024

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‘90 Day Fiance's 10 Best Quotes, Ranked 


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The 90 Day Fiancé franchise is one of the greatest reality shows to hit the TLC network. The show first premiered in 2014 and focused on Americans who were bringing their international lovers back to the US via a K-1 visa. Applying for a K-1 visa meant the couple had 90 days in America to get married, otherwise, they'd have to go back to their home countries. In the last 10 years, the sensational series has turned into an epic franchise with over 20 spin-offs .

Each of those spin-offs focuses on an aspect of international love, K-1 visas, and scammers, all while becoming an integral part of reality TV. However, as the series has gone on, it's gained its infamous reputation mainly from cringe-worthy moments, filled with tumultuous stars and unfiltered thoughts. Some of those unfiltered thoughts have turned into memorable quotes that the franchise hasn’t been able to live down. Here are the best quotes from the 90 Day Fiancé franchise , encapsulating the wild, humorous, and raunchy tone of the series.

90 Day Fiancé

Not available

10 Danielle Jbali

Mohamed Jbali’ s feelings, or rather lack thereof, were evident to everyone except Danielle Jbali. The single mom of four thought she had finally found the love of her life. Only when it came time for their nuptials, Mohamed refused to kiss his bride under the guise of observing a Muslim holiday. In less than a year of marriage, the couple split up and were headed toward divorce.

Danielle was upset though and was convinced the villainous 90 Day Fiancé star cheated on her. She showed up in Miami to confront him and his infidelities. Danielle hoped they could communicate and figure out their situation together, but Mohamed wasn't interested. She finally caught on and saw Mohamed for who he was. At that moment, she threw the binder full of proof of his cheating as she yelled, "You're a user, Mohamed!"

9 Big Ed Brown

'before the 90 days,' season 4.

Before Big Ed Brown appeared on the series, he had been single for a couple of decades. Being out of the dating game for all those years meant Big Ed didn't know how to talk to women, which was obvious based on how he interacted with his love interests . Over the years, he thought gifting Listerine and demanding his engagement ring back in every fight was a proper way to treat a woman.

He also thought mediocre compliments were enough to keep any woman satisfied. Big Ed's girlfriend at the time, Rosemary Vega , knew better. The couple went to a lovely resort with beautiful scenery. Smitten, Rose commented on the ambiance. Her comment prompted one of the most iconic lines of the 90 Day Fiancé series, as Big Ed tried to flip it and announced to Rosemary that she was his “best view.” The single mom wasn't impressed because her response was “neeeh.”

8 Angela Deem

'before the 90 days,' season 3.

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi have been together for a few years and have experienced many issues throughout their relationship. One in particular began in the early stages of their relationship. Michael really wanted to have children. However, 58-year-old Angela didn't have the best chance of conceiving again . The couple had a few options. From adoption to IVF, the duo explored all the potential routes, but there was one Michael preferred the most.

With surrogacy, the couple could use Michael's sperm and Angela's daughter's egg to keep the heritage as close as possible. The only issue now was to convince Angela's daughter, Skyla . She had the perfect argument lined up, though. All she needed was the egg. Skyla didn't need to carry the baby as Angela could "tote it," almost as if it were as simple as lugging a bag around.

7 Michael Ilesanmi

'before the 90 days,' season 2.

To be fair, both Angela and her husband Michael have had their share of hilarious moments. Michael, who is usually laid back, has blessed the series with a handful of unforgettable one-liners. Another one shared between the two was when the couple was driving around in Nigeria. Angela was sleeping in the passenger seat when Michael moved her bag to the backseat.

Only Michael, trying to drive at the same time, accidentally hit the Happily Ever After? star on the side of her face. In true Angela fashion, she huffed and claimed that Michael was going to give her a black eye. Except Michael misunderstood her. Confused, glancing from the road back to Angela, he asked “What black guy?” in one of the series’ most hilarious moments.

6 Larissa Lima

Larissa Lima wasn't an innocent bystander by any means. She enjoyed enraging Colt Johnson and his mother, Debbie Johnson, just as much as they enjoyed riling her up. Every once in a while, one of them will reach their breaking point. In 90 Day Fiancé Season 6, Colt officially proposed to Larissa, who was beyond excited about their engagement. Although Debbie and Larissa weren't best friends and didn't get along well, they went dress shopping together.

Their experience didn't go well because Larissa's expensive taste took precedence over being mindful of Colt's budget, as usual. After shopping, Larissa and Debbie returned home, where Colt planned a BBQ with his extended family. However, the family BBQ wasn't the solution the Happily Ever After? star hoped it would be. Once Larissa felt like the entire family was ganging up on her about her attitude, she hilariously and alarmingly shouted from the staircase, “All who is against the queen shall die.”

5 Usman 'Sojaboy' Umar

'before the 90 days,' season 5.

34-year-old Usman ‘Sojaboy’ Umar always had the hots for older women. He first appeared in the franchise interested in Baby Girl Lisa Hamme , a woman over 20 years older than him. They got married but divorced a short while after. When their whirlwind romance didn't work out, Usman moved on to date Kimberly Menzies , a single mom in her 50s. The couple didn't have much in common either, and they had their fair share of red flags.

She had a similar jealous personality to his ex. She was also too old to have more children, which was crucial to Usman. Plus, the Before the Other Way star thought it was acceptable to comment on Kim's body and weight. In fact, the first time the couple met at the airport, Usman memorably and unashamedly admitted that Kim had a “little more belly” than he had thought.

4 Andrei Castravet

'happily ever after' season 4.

Andrei Castravet 's reckless personality had always been the source of turmoil within the Potthast family. It didn't matter who he was talking to or what he was talking about, Andrei always seemed like a harsh soul. A moment that truly highlighted his brash personality was when the pregnant Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Potthast came home after working on an episode of Happily Ever After? and attempted to talk to Andrei about him working with her father.

Working while pregnant and the idea of raising a family with only her income was taking a toll on her. In true Andrei fashion, he simply wasn't having it. So, the 90 Day Fiancé star closed the argument with one of the most iconic lines of the franchise by saying, “Don't terrorize me with your pregnancy.”

3 Mike Youngquist

'happily ever after' season 6.

Mike Youngquist and Natalie Mordovtseva seemed to get along well and had a lot in common during their first appearance in Season 7. However, once Natalie got to America, their relationship shifted. They didn't seem to connect in the same way . Plus, Natalie and Mike's mother, Trish , didn't get along well either. Mike wasn't sure that he still wanted to marry the Ukrainian native, but he changed his mind a day before the visa expired.

Natalie, however, changed her mind six months into their relationship. In the middle of the night, she packed her bags and moved in with a friend. They returned later to collect Natalie's belongings, but her friend claimed she needed to use the bathroom. Mike saw right through it, though. As any suitable host would, the Happily Ever After? star allowed her to use the bathroom, but the way he said, “Use the bathroom, take my wife, it's all good” combined with his pained expressions was timeless.

2 Jihoon Lee

'the other way,' season 1.

Over the years, many 90 Day Fiancé stars have expressed their preference for a bidet. To some, a bidet is an absolute necessity that cannot be negotiated, which is similar to how Jihoon Lee felt. In 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, a pregnant Deavan Clegg flies to Korea to marry the love of her life. Traveling abroad meant she got to see what her fiancé's home looked like and how he lived.

Visiting him would also mean Deavan would soon learn more about Jihoon's bidet preferences. As he showed her around his home, she realized there was something different about the toilet, it had extra buttons. The Other Way star would learn two things that day. First, she would discover that the buttons were for the bidet feature. Second, she learned that Jihoon's "whole family anal so clean" thanks to the bidet.

1 Andrei Castravet

Since Andrei moved from Moldova, he's had difficulty fitting in with Libby's family. Libby's sisters were not a fan of his brash and condescending attitude. They didn't like how Andrei treated their father or how Libby was the primary provider for a while, either. The Potthast's were also not happy about the role Andrei played in the family business. As a result, the family would look for any qualms to pick a fight over.

This time in Happily Ever After? Season 6, the fight started over the family business at their daughter Ellie's birthday party. However, it quickly shifted and ended over cultural birthday cake traditions. Once again, the Happily Ever After? star had enough of the Potthast's and their unwarranted drama. Reaching his boiling point, Andrei shouted at everyone to leave his “f***ing birthday house” since no one wanted the sweets in their bellies.

KEEP READING: The Other Way's Corona Is Black Girl Magic in '90 Day Fiance'

  • 90 Day Fiance

I’ve Been Watching Tom Cruise’s Epic Olympics Entrance Over And Over. It’s Awesome, But Fans Are Making One Great Point

The movie star took the Olympic flag to Los Angeles!

The 2024 Summer Olympics have finally come to an end in Paris and, now, it is time to pass off the torch to Los Angeles, which will be hosting the international athletic competition in 2028. The United States hasn’t hosted the events since 2002, when the Winter Olympics was held in Salt Lake City. To celebrate, the athletes heading to America in four years, stars from the states celebrated in the most American way possible, with help from Tom Cruise . The movie star made an epic stunt entrance in Paris to wave the Olympic flag. I've been watching it on repeat but, aside from that, many across social meda are focusing on a different part of the moment.

If America is going to do something, it’s going to be big. For those who missed it, the Mission: Impossible icon entered the Olympics Closing Ceremony stadium by jumping down from the top while attached to a rope. When he landed, he shook everyone's hand as he made his way to the stage, where he was handed the Olympic flag and then took off on his motorcycle. The broadcast then cut to footage of the Top Gun star riding through Paris before riding onto a ramp in a plane. The actor took a skydive out of the plane and into Hollywood, signaling a true passing of the torch. You can see his entrance in the Instagram clip below:

A post shared by NBC Sports (@nbcsports) A photo posted by on

The Opening Ceremony in Paris was fantastic in its own way, but it’s hard to get more epic than Tom Cruise. Having a quintessential American movie star be handed an Olympic flag is so true to America, and with his stunts he showed his own athleticism. So it may not be hard to understand why this entire sequence is so rewatchable. While Cruise may have been spotlighted, many have zeroed in on the singer H.E.R. who was absolutely shredding a guitar solo while Cruise made his Parisian entrance. Fans were thrilled to see her a part of such an epic moment and thought she was the key element. You can see some of the comments below:

  • H.E.R. was the highlight of all that!
  • But that guitar player too… damn. Stole the scene imo. 👏
  • Can we also recognize HER for the amazing guitarist she is
  • HER is so incredible. She deserves to be there!! She made Tom look better ❤️
  • I love the guitarist.

H.E.R. performs at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games

A lot of fans surely knew H.E.R. was an incredible singer, with hit songs like “Could've Been” and “Slide,” but many were surprised at how talented of a guitarist she was. The solo was incredible, and it didn’t look like she was breaking a sweat. While Tom Cruise’s stunt performance showed one element of American talent and ability, H.E.R. showed another, showcasing to the world the superb musicianship of American artists. She’s from California herself and was an excellent choice to represent her home state at the ceremony. The Grammy winner is also a major reason why this entire sequence was worth checking out.

The Paris Olympic Games were some of the best in recent memory, featuring sports moments that will be celebrated and replayed for years to come. There were several celebrities having a blast and cheering on their country , and this will probably be multiplied when the events are held in LA. The USA ended up taking home more medals than any other country this year, but let’s see if we can keep up the streak when the athletes are competing in their home country. With talents like Tom Cruise and H.E.R. leading the way, anything is possible. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check out that massive entrance and guitar solo again.

Fans can see Tom Cruise doing more impossible stunts like this one in Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning , which is now streamable with a Paramount+ subscription . We may have to wait another four years before we see the Olympic athletes take Los Angeles but, in the meantime, you can revisit some of the best Olympic moments of 2024 now with a Peacock subscription .


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The Firm

  • Mitch McDeere : I got mine, Wayne, you get the rest of them.
  • Wayne Tarrance : Get 'em with what? Overbilling, mail fraud? Oh, that's exciting.
  • Mitch McDeere : It's not sexy, but it's got teeth! Ten thousand dollars and five years in prison. That's ten and five for each act. Have you really looked at that? You've got every partner in the firm on overbilling. There's two hundred fifty acts of documented mail fraud there. That's racketeering! That's minimum one thousand, two hundred fifty years in prison and half a million dollars in fines. That's more than you had on Capone.
  • Mitch McDeere : Did I lose you?
  • Abby McDeere : You look tired.
  • Mitch McDeere : Did I?
  • Abby McDeere : I've loved you all my life. Even before we met. Part of it wasn't even you. It was just a promise of you. But these last days... You kept your promise. How could you lose me?
  • Mitch McDeere : Hey Ray, wouldn't it be funny if I went to Harvard, you went to Jail and we both ended up surrounded by crooks.
  • Abby McDeere : What are they going to do to you?
  • Avery Tolar : Whatever it is, they did it a long time ago.
  • Mitch McDeere : You want to know something funny? You actually made me think about the law. I managed to go through three years of law school without doing that.
  • Wayne Tarrance : Man, I don't understand you. What'd you do it for? You didn't win a thing.
  • Mitch McDeere : Oh, yes I did. I won my life back. YOU don't run me, and THEY don't run me!
  • McKnight : He lied about his brother.
  • Avery Tolar : Wouldn't you lie about having a felon in the family to get a job like this?
  • Bill DeVasher : He ought to be kept on a short leash.
  • Avery Tolar : Why? You've got nothing to be suspicious about.
  • Bill DeVasher : I get paid to be suspicious when I've got nothing to be suspicious about.
  • Wayne Tarrance : How about you get down on your knees and kiss my ass for not indicting you as a co-conspirator right now, you chickenshit little Harvard cocksucker?
  • Mitch McDeere : I haven't done anything, and you know it!
  • Wayne Tarrance : Who gives a fuck? I'm a federal agent! You know what that means, you lowlife motherfucker? It means you've got no rights, your life is mine! I could kick your teeth down your throat and yank 'em out your asshole, and I'm not even violating your civil rights!
  • Avery Tolar : How'd you find that out?
  • Bill DeVasher : What do you think I am around here, a fucking night watchman?
  • Avery Tolar : I get confused sometimes.
  • Bill DeVasher : Well, don't.
  • Mitch McDeere : What led you to law school?
  • Avery Tolar : It's so far back I don't think I can remember.
  • Mitch McDeere : Sure you can, Counsellor.
  • Avery Tolar : I used to caddy for lawyers and their wives on summer weekends. I looked at those long tan legs and just knew I had to be a lawyer. The wives had long tan legs, too.
  • Avery Tolar : Do you think l'm talking about breaking the law?
  • Mitch McDeere : No, I'm just trying to figure out how far you want it bent.
  • Avery Tolar : As far as you can without breaking it.
  • Ray McDeere : How'd you land a job like that with a brother in the slammer?
  • [ Mitch says nothing ]
  • Ray McDeere : I get it. Don't worry, I'd probably have done the same thing.
  • Mitch McDeere : You're always there for me, Ray...
  • Ray McDeere : I'd have done the same thing. You think I want to tell the guys around here that I got a brother at Harvard?
  • Mitch McDeere : Are you saying my life is in danger?
  • Denton Voyles : I am saying that your life as you know it is over.
  • Mitch McDeere : Let me get this straight: you want me to steal files from the firm, turn them over to the FBI, send my colleagues to jail...
  • Wayne Tarrance : They roped you into this.
  • Mitch McDeere : Breach attorney-client privilege, thus getting myself disbarred for life, then testify in open court against the Mafia...
  • Wayne Tarrance : Well, unfortunately, Mitch...
  • Mitch McDeere : Let me ask you something: are you out of your fucking mind?
  • Mitch McDeere : You are Agent Wayne Terrance.
  • Wayne Tarrance : Yeah, you're goddamn right I am, and maybe local cops can't...
  • [ stops as he realizes Mitch has baited him, then answers phone when it rings ]
  • Wayne Tarrance : . Yeah?
  • Tammy : Is this Wayne Terrance?
  • Wayne Tarrance : Who is this?
  • Wayne Tarrance : Yeah, this is Wayne Terrance.
  • Tammy : So is this.
  • [ plays tape of previous, self-incriminating conversation with Mitch ]
  • Mitch McDeere : [ to Wayne Terrance ] Now, I think you ought to reconsider.
  • [ Mitch tosses a small cassette to Tarrance ]
  • Mitch McDeere : It's you at the track. I could have gone public with it.
  • Wayne Tarrance : Then why didn't you?
  • Mitch McDeere : [ smiles ] It's against the law.
  • Tammy : You got the account number, you know how to access it? Mitch has verified that the money is there, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
  • Ray McDeere : I love your crooked little mouth.
  • Tammy : [ surprised laugh ] Well it's not my best feature.
  • Ray McDeere : Wow. Well, what is?
  • Abby McDeere : Somewhere, inside, in the dark, the firm is listening.
  • The Nordic Man : Why are you asking questions about dead lawyers?
  • Eddie Lomax : What dead lawyers?
  • The Nordic Man : [ shoots Eddie on the shoulder ] Who hired you to do that?
  • Eddie Lomax : Ok... Ok. Just let me think... His name was... Julio Iglesias.
  • [ shoots the other thug in the leg ]
  • Avery Tolar : Being a tax lawyer's got nothing to do with the law. It's a game. We teach the rich how to play it so they can stay rich. The IRS keeps changing the rules so we can keep getting rich teaching them. It's a game...
  • [ showing Mitch photos of himself with a prostitute ]
  • Bill DeVasher : Not just screwing, Mitch. All sorts of intimate acts, oral and whatnot, that can be particularly hard for a trusting wife to forgive and IMPOSSIBLE to forget.
  • Tommie Morolto : -if only I could get my hands on this kid.
  • Ruth : I think it's urgent, Mr. Morolto.
  • Tommie Morolto : Ruth thinks it's urgent, Joey. What do you think?
  • Ruth : It's a Mr. McDeere. Mr. Mitchell McDerre. He's waiting to see you.
  • Joey : I think Ruth is right.
  • Wayne Tarrance : Get me a map of Louisiana. GET ME A MAP OF LOUISIANA!
  • Mitch McDeere : Anything I can do for you?
  • Ray McDeere : Sure. Get me outta here.
  • Mitch McDeere : Where to?
  • Ray McDeere : Anywhere I can see a whole lotta sky. I get through the days, I even eat the food. It's amazing how much you miss the sky.
  • Tammy : Mitch sent me to tell you the plan's been changed.
  • Ray McDeere : I didn't know there was a plan.
  • Tammy : Well, that's good, because it's been changed.
  • Avery Tolar : You know, I have a very bad reputation.
  • Abby McDeere : What do you do?
  • Avery Tolar : I run around.
  • Mitch McDeere : [ kicking DeVasher ] You sick son-of-a-bitch!
  • Eddie Lomax : [ Speaking very quickly ] Whoo! That's my secretary. She is terrific. She's got a nutcase for a husband. He's a truck driver. He moved here to be close to Graceland. Reason why? He thinks he's Elvis. What do you think his name is? It's Elvis! Elvis Aaron Hemphill. I run across some strange things on this job. Some things you would never spray paint on an overpass.
  • Mitch McDeere : [ First lines ] Son of a bitch! I mean your Honor, that was a hell of a shot.
  • Mitch McDeere : How did you see them when they didn't see you?
  • Tammy : I was under the desk... I was vacuuming the rug; you want me to draw you a diagram?
  • Avery Tolar : Abby, the girl on the beach was a setup. They do things like that, in case the other enticements don't work.
  • Tommie Morolto : [ on the phone ] Of course I can talk. Why, isn't that what I'm doing? I mean if it's something else, please advise me Maury. I always like to learn something I don't know at five hundred dollars an hour.
  • [ cups his hand over the phone ]
  • Tommie Morolto : I tell you Joey, every fucking lawyer on the face of the earth oughta be killed.
  • Tammy : You're taller than I thought.
  • Ray McDeere : That's good to know.
  • [ in the Caymans, Mitch is asking questions about the two attorneys who died in the diving accident ]
  • Barry Abanks : [ angrily ] I lost my son! Don't you think I would have screamed bloody murder if I thought something was wrong?
  • Mitch McDeere : You're right, Mr. Abanks, I'm sorry. Okay? You're right. I'm sorry.
  • Barry Abanks : Nothing to bury even. Just a stone. They never did find him or the other two.
  • Mitch McDeere : What other two?
  • Barry Abanks : The other two who split the charter. Your friends and two other guys.
  • Mitch McDeere : Lawyers?
  • Barry Abanks : They were in swimsuits, they paid cash.
  • Mitch McDeere : Were they American?
  • Barry Abanks : Could have been anything. One was, I don't know, squat, heavy. The other guy had long blond hair, almost white, and weird blue eyes.
  • Abby McDeere : Kate was scared.
  • Mitch McDeere : What? No, she was just upset.
  • Abby McDeere : There's a difference between being upset and being scared. She was scared.
  • Mitch McDeere : Of what? What, do you know her that well?
  • Abby McDeere : Maybe not, but I have spent a lot of time with her lately. They have their own horses. Two of them. Quarter horses.
  • Mitch McDeere : Does that make half a horse?
  • [ pause; smiles begin to form on both their faces ]
  • Mitch McDeere : I'm sorry...
  • [ both burst into laughter ]
  • Avery Tolar : We put you in deals with other clients where they may be very sensitive about exposing their relationships to outside attorneys.
  • Sonny Capps : [ to Mitch ] You hear that, counselor? That's a veiled threat.
  • [ to Avery ]
  • Sonny Capps : If you're talking about our friends in Chicago, they don't make money when I pay you fees. You make money when I pay you fees. They make money being in business with me. And as long as they're makin' money, they don't give a flyin' fuck who does my taxes.
  • [ back to Mitch ]
  • Sonny Capps : Hey, you don't know me. I'm a nice guy. You lose a million bucks for me, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm not gonna break your legs.
  • Avery Tolar : [ Worried Mitch will learn too much too soon ] Sonny, let's don't get carried away here, all right?
  • Sonny Capps : What did I say?
  • [ Off Avery's squirming ]
  • Mitch McDeere : Maybe it's what you didn't say.
  • Sonny Capps : 'What didn't I say.' What didn't I say?
  • Mitch McDeere : 'Thank you.' Mr. Tolar handed you a schedule that virtually guarantees you zero tax with zero risk. The basis of your stock would be the face amount of the installment note, but the stock would have no value. Even so, it's deducted in offsets income. You defer your tax in full even though you have a bankable LC.
  • Sonny Capps : Deferred to when?
  • Mitch McDeere : What do you care? Whenever it is, it's still the best interest-free loan you'll ever get.
  • Sonny Capps : So the worst is... I pay my taxes much, much later?
  • Mitch McDeere : No. The worst thing is next year they're going to close the loophole, change the regs and if you haven't grabbed this proposal, you're gonna feel you were fucked with a dick big enough for an elephant to feel it.

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  9. Tom Cruise's 10 Most Iconic Movie Quotes

    With his hilarious turn in Risky Business, Tom Cruise became one of the biggest comedic movie stars of the '80s. With his charming turn in Top Gun a few years later, he became a beloved action hero. In the decades since, Cruise has forged a career as one of the most prolific and versatile actors on Hollywood's A-list, appearing in everything from a spy movie franchise to a sprawling P.T.A ...

  10. Tom Cruise Movie Quotes

    Tom Cruise Movie Quotes. Tweet. Here are a few of our favorite movie quotes from Tom Cruise. Vincent: ( Collateral ): "Get with it. Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars, in a speck on one in a blink. That's us, lost in space.

  11. 30 best quotes from 'Top Gun' for its 30th anniversary

    Tom Cruise. Add Topic. 30 best quotes from 'Top Gun' for its 30th anniversary. ... We've got nostalgia for the classic film, too. Here are 30 of the best quotes from Mav, Goose, Iceman and more. 1.

  12. Tom Cruise's Top 10 Movie Quotes: From 'Mission: Impossible ...

    Tom Cruise is a national treasure. Competing with a sea of foreign actors ranging from Tom Hardy and Henry Cavill to Michael Fassbender and Christian Bale, Cruise is one of the last American Movie ...

  13. Days of Thunder Quotes

    Tom Cruise plays race driver Cole Trickle, whose talent and ambition are surpassed only by his burning need to win. Discovered by businessman Tim Daland (Randy Quaid), Cole is teamed with legendary crew chief and car-builder Harry Hogge (Academy Award. winner Robert Duvall) to race for the Winston Cup at the Daytona 500.

  14. Magnolia: 10 Quotes That Will Stick With Us Forever

    Here are the best quotes from the film. One of Paul Thomas Anderson's most iconic films, Magnolia, is a deep psychological drama with many layers. ... It's a classic moment for both Frank as well as his actor, Tom Cruise. "Life Ain't Short, It's Long!" ... Throughout the film, she must cope with the guilt of cheating on him and exploiting his ...

  15. The Best Quotes From 'Oblivion,' Ranked

    When Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman joined forces in the 2013 post-apocalyptic film Oblivion, audiences anticipated unforgettable lines.The sci-fi action thriller takes you on a journey through a devastated Earth where Jack Harper (Cruise) discovers shocking truths about humanity's past and future.

  16. Tom Cruise's Best Mission Impossible Quotes

    10 Best Action Movies Starring The Cast Of The Mission: Impossible Franchise. As part of the cryptic messages and espionage in these movies, Ethan is delivered a message with the messenger quoting Jake Remington, "Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm. The warrior whispers back…". and Ethan finishes the quote with ...

  17. A Few Good Men (1992)

    A Few Good Men: Directed by Rob Reiner. With Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon. Lt. Daniel Kaffee, a US military lawyer, defends two US marines charged with murdering a fellow marine at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. The needle of suspicion, however, points to a colonel.

  18. Tom Cruise Quotes About Film

    Tom Cruise. Money, Mean, Choices. On film Vanilla Sky: You're going to get the full experience of what love is. Tom Cruise. Love Is, Sky, Vanilla. I love adventure movies, I just love action adventure films. It's pure cinema and you go in and you're lost to it. To me, it's that challenge - I want to give an audience that ride, that ...

  19. 'Show Me the Money!' 10 Classic Tom Cruise Movie Quotes for His

    Jul 2, 2017. Happy birthday, Tom Cruise! The actor turns 55 on July 3, 2017. Cruise rose to action hero fame with his role in 1986's Top Gun, and he solidified his superstar status with his turn ...

  20. Cocktail Quotes

    Tom Cruise plays an ambitious young man who arrives in New York City and becomes known as a flashy bartender in a hot club. After falling for Elisabeth Shue's girl-next-door character, however, his desire for success causes him to travel down a more selfish path with an older woman.

  21. The Firm Quotes

    The Firm is a 1993 legal thriller film directed by Sydney Pollack, and starring Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Holly Hunter, Gary Busey, and David Strathairn. The film is based on the 1991 novel The Firm by author Josh Grisham.

  22. 80s Heartthrobs That Stole Our Hearts

    1986/2023 . Yes, Tom Cruise is the obvious choice for an 80s heartthrob having charmed us in his hit film, Risky Business (1983) and again as fighter pilot Maverick in Top Gun, remaining a fan ...

  23. Tom Cruise: Biography, Actor, Oscar Nominee

    Actor Tom Cruise has starred in 'Jerry Maguire,' the 'Mission: Impossible' franchise, and the 'Top Gun' movies. Read about his movies, ex-wives, kids, and more.

  24. 20 years ago, Tom Cruise gave his best performance ever in this great

    Tom Cruise is Hollywood's last movie star. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Cruise still champions the theatrical release, headlining movies designed to be seen on the big screen.

  25. Legend (1985)

    Legend: Directed by Ridley Scott. With Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David Bennent. A young man must stop the Lord of Darkness from destroying daylight and marrying the woman he loves.

  26. Knight and Day

    Sep 21, 2023 - Reuniting Hollywood superstars Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, Twentieth Century Fox will release the high-octane summer blockbuster KNIGHT AND DAY on Wednesday... Pinterest. Today. ... Romantic Movie Quotes. Romantic Films. Renee Zellweger. Jerry Maguire, TC. Mgrocco. Knight And Day Movie. Action Comedy Movies. Movie Teaser. Comedy ...

  27. EU warns X over illegal content risks

    Musk on Monday referenced a line from the film Tropic Thunder in which Tom Cruise, barely recognizable as studio exec Les Grossman, says (and then shouts): "Take a big step back AND LITERALLY F ...

  28. The 10 Best '90 Day Fiance' Quotes, Ranked

    The 10 Worst Drama Movies of All Time, According to Roger Ebert Tom Cruise's Villainous Turn in Michael Mann's 'Collateral' Remains One of His Best 'Vanderpump Rules' Star Reduces Co-Star to Tears

  29. I've Been Watching Tom Cruise's Epic Olympics Entrance Over And Over

    The movie star took the Olympic flag to Los Angeles! When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here's how it works. The 2024 Summer Olympics have finally ...

  30. The Firm (1993)

    The Firm: Directed by Sydney Pollack. With Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Hal Holbrook. A young lawyer joins a prestigious law firm only to discover that it has a sinister dark side.