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41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

August 14, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we’ve curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning experiences for you and your young explorers! From museums to farms, TV stations to local startups, these trips will ignite curiosity and enhance learning, so let’s jump right in to explore more.

Preschool (3-5 years)

1. puppet theater.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Ever wondered what your puppets would say if they could talk? It’s time to unleash creativity and weave magic with a charming puppet theater. The stage is set, the lights dim, and your young puppeteers have a chance to spin enchanting tales for all of their peers to enjoy.

Learn More: Bob Baker Marionette Theater

2. Children’s Museum

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

This next field trip idea allows your littles to discover something new with every step they take! Children’s Museums are a galaxy of interactive exhibits- with every room designed to pique curiosity and spark fascination.

Learn More: MCM

Let’s swap those classroom walls for sun-drenched fields and wide-open skies. Among the chirping birds and friendly farm animals, your kids can delve into the heart of rural life; discovering a new respect for farmers and all the hard work they complete.

Learn More: YouTube

4. Local Library

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Let the local library shelves whisper tales of mystery, adventure, and knowledge into your students’ ears. Watch as their curious minds unearth the joy of reading and embark on countless journeys through the pages of their favorite books.

Learn More: The Colorful Apple

5. Petting Zoo

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Ready for a fuzzy, furry adventure? The petting zoo awaits to greet your students with an assortment of friendly wildlife. As your kids pet and care for these adorable animals, they’ll learn important lessons about empathy and responsibility.

Learn More: Seattle’s Child

6. Fruit Picking Farm

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Swap the hustle and bustle of the city for a day amidst vibrant orchards. A fruit-picking farm offers an opportunity to pluck, taste, and learn about various fruits. As your students reach out for those ripe apples and juicy strawberries, they are sure to experience the farm-to-table journey firsthand.

Learn More: Smith’s Nursery Inc.

7. Toy Factory

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Step into a life-sized playhouse with your students by taking them on an enchanting trip to the toy factory! Watch the wonder evolve as they discover the intriguing process behind how their favorite toys get created.

Learn More: Trip.com

8. Children’s Art Studio

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Welcome to the colorful chaos of a children’s art studio! Here, creativity reigns supreme, and messes are masterpieces in the making. Let your little Picassos unveil themselves through their imaginative designs and creations.

Learn More: Art Fun Studio

9. Aquarium

Dive into a magical underwater realm with a trip to the aquarium! As your students marvel at the vibrant marine life, they’ll gain insights into the mysteries and beauty of our oceans.

10. Local Bakery

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Tell your students to grab their chefs’ hats as you step into the aromatic world of a local bakery. During this scrumptious adventure, they will discover the science behind baking and might even get to try their hands at decorating cookies!

Learn More: Good Time DIY

11. City Park

There’s more to city parks than meets the eye. These spaces are living classrooms nestled in nature- offering lessons about local wildlife and providing countless outdoor activities for your students to indulge in.

Learn More: City Park Conservancy

12. Dance Studio

Let your students be entranced by the beat of the music and the flow of movement at a local dance studio. This field trip provides a space where your little ones can discover the joy of dancing, paired with the harmony between body and mind. Get their feet tapping and their hearts racing on this rhythmic journey.

Learn More: Jadore Dance

13. Botanical Garden

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Envision the botanical garden as a living book of floral wonders just waiting to be explored by your kiddos. As they wander through a stunning array of plants, they’ll uncover the fascinating world of nature’s extraordinary diversity.

Learn More: Naples Garden

Elementary School (6-10 years)

14. planetarium.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Buckle up and prepare your pupils for a cosmic journey as they visit a local planetarium! As they gaze at the starlit dome, the mysteries of the universe are displayed- sparking curiosity and wonder about the cosmos with a quick voyage amongst the stars!

Learn More: HRM

15. Historical Museum

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Step back in time with a trip to the historical museum. Each artifact tells a riveting tale; bringing history to life for your young explorers. From stone tools to vintage attire, every exhibit is a time capsule for your elementary learners to enjoy.

Learn More: History Colorado

16. Art Museum

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Embark on a kaleidoscopic journey by visiting an art museum. This artistic adventure is sure to awaken your students’ creative side and inspire a deeper appreciation for the arts.

Learn More: The Art of Education

17. Recycling Center

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Reduce, reuse, recycle! At the recycling center, your everyday trash gets transformed into treasures! Here, your children can discover the importance of recycling and how it preserves our planet- making this a memorable lesson in waste management.

Learn More: Rethink Waste

18. Science Museum

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

How about a trip to the science museum to ring home those hard-to-explain concepts? Interactive exhibits morph complex scientific concepts into fun-filled experiences; resulting in a hands-on approach to learning that lets your kids experience the thrills of scientific discovery.

Learn More: EdSurge

19. Historic Houses

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Peek into the past with a visit to historic houses. As your students walk through these corridors of history, they’ll develop an appreciation for the heritage and culture of eras gone by.

Learn More: Simple Homeschool

20. Conservatories

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Welcome to the conservatory, where every plant holds a lesson in biology, conservation, and ecology. As your children discover the wonder of our green planet, they’ll be encouraged to take better care of our Earthly home.

Learn More: Phipps Conservatory

21. Music Studio

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Transport your students to a world of rhythm and rhyme with a trip to the music studio. Here, your learners are sure to strike the right chord in more ways than one- getting an introduction to different instruments and the recording process at large.

Learn More: PBS

Middle School (11-13 years)

22. tech company.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

What does the future look like? Let your students discover this answer for themselves at a tech company! In our ever-changing world of technology and innovation, your children will gain insights into the possibilities of tomorrow!

Learn More: The Tech Interactive

23. Archaeological Sites

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Give your students the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of their ancient ancestors by visiting an archaeological site. As they explore these open-air museums of human history, they’ll connect with the past and unravel the threads of evolution and civilization.

Learn More: Explore Hampi

24. University Laboratory

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Enter the frontier of scientific discovery with a visit to a university laboratory. In this bustling hub of investigation, your student’s experimental ambitions are sure to be sparked; feeding their curiosity and opening their eyes to the wonders of scientific exploration.

Learn More: The Cre8ive Zone

25. Theater

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Lights, camera, action! Let your students experience the enchanting world of performing arts with a visit to the theater. From costume design to dramatic performances, they’ll get a glimpse of the magic behind the curtains- igniting a passion for drama and possibly even playwriting!

Learn More: KMS Drama

26. Sports Complex

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

As your students sprint on the tracks or score goals on the fields, they’ll learn the importance of teamwork, physical fitness, and healthy competition. Taking them to the local sports complex teaches them that not only winning is celebrated, but taking part matters as well.

Learn More: LA Galaxy

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

A fun-filled adventure to the zoo is a classic field trip idea! Every enclosure will provide your learners insight into the beauty of the animal kingdom; inviting them to discover facts relating to animals from around the world and learn more about the importance of conservation efforts.

Learn More: Lincoln Park Zoo

28. Community Service Centers

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

At community service centers, kindness isn’t just a virtue; it’s a way of life. Here, your children will learn about the power of empathy and helping others- reinforcing the crucial lesson of giving back to the community. This field trip will allow them to grow, not just as individuals; but as compassionate members of society.

Learn More: Lancaster Edu

29. Local Newspaper

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

The bustling newsroom of a local newspaper opens a window into the world of journalism. Amid the clattering keyboards and the urgent phone calls, your learners can grasp what goes into the process of news creation, from just a spark of information to a published article.

Learn More: English Classes Cygnaeus Pori

30. Historical Reenactment Sites

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Journey back in time by taking your students to historical reenactment sites. Here, history gets brought to life through vibrant performances where your kids can learn about the past in a way that textbooks could never teach them!

Learn More: Student Travel Planning Guide

31. Weather Station

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

I’m sure all your students have wondered how the forecast predicts if you need an umbrella or sunglasses! Answer their burning questions by taking them to your local weather station. From temperature readings to radar images, they’ll get a firsthand experience of meteorology!

Learn More: CW3E Edu

High School (14-18 years)

32. national park.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

In the national park, lessons are etched in the rings of trees and whispered on the wings of butterflies. It’s here that your children can learn about the harmony of nature and the importance of conservation- bonding with the great outdoors and having a well-deserved break from classroom life.

Learn More: Global Travel Alliance

33. TV Station

The TV station pulls back the curtain on the captivating world of television production. From script writing to broadcasting, your learners will get the chance to witness the exciting process of how their favorite shows get created.

34. Biotech Company

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Venture into the cutting-edge world of Biotech! Here, your students will get a glimpse into the science that is shaping the future of health and medicine. It’s an awe-inspiring experience that could inspire the next generation of biomedical innovators.

Learn More: Promega Connections

35. Local Government Office

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

With this field trip your pupils can learn about the inner workings of local governance- getting a practical understanding of civics that no textbook could provide. Bonus: It’s a hands-on lesson in leadership and responsibility.

Learn More: Nations Classroom Tours

36. News Studio

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Enterinto the bustling energy of a live broadcast studio. From the anchors’ desks to the control room, your children will get a dynamic view of live journalism to fuel a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

Learn More: Olympic High School

37. Courthouse

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Step into the halls of justice with a visit to the courthouse. Given the opportunity to learn about all kinds of legal processes, your learners can gain real-world insight into the judicial system; promoting a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Learn More: FHN Today

38. Botanical Research Institute

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Green thumbs at the ready! Taking your kids to the botanical research institute offers a unique opportunity for them to learn about the importance of plants and their environmental significance. Who knows, this could be the seed that grows into a future career in botany!

Learn More: GITM Edu

39. Architectural Firms

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Explore the nitty-gritty blueprints behind society with this field trip! As your learners observe how architects design and build, they’ll gain an appreciation for the relationship between art, science, and community at large.

Learn More: Arch Design

40. Local Startups

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Welcome to the ambition playground! On a trip to local startups, your students will witness the journey of how an idea transforms into a thriving business. This trip might inspire them to become the startup heroes of tomorrow

41. Film Studios

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the big screen! From script to screen, your learners will witness the mesmerizing process of filmmaking. This cinematic adventure might inspire the next generation of filmmakers within your school!

Learn More: NST Group

Field Trip Ideas for Elementary School Students

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Apryl Duncan is a stay-at-home mom and internationally-published writer with years of experience providing advice to others like her.

  • University of Tennessee
  • Honolulu University

Elementary field trips teach kids about science, business, animals and more. Teach children important fundamentals outside of the classroom while staying safe on your field trip and having fun when you visit one of these locations. Plan your next outing with one of these field trip ideas for elementary school students.

Recycling Center

A guided tour through a recycling center shows kids how recyclable materials are sorted but also teaches them about recycling, reusing and waste reduction. They can take this knowledge with them to build a recycling center at home. Contact the recycling center to set up a group tour in advance.


The planetarium is an excellent way to introduce elementary students to the solar system. Students will love the shows and exhibits that will teach them about space and astronomy. Call the planetarium's admission office to schedule a tour.

You may visit the aquarium all the time. But have you ever been behind the closed doors of the aquarium? Many of the larger aquariums have more aquatic life on the premises than they can possibly display and they would be happy to take the kids on a private tour to show you how the aquarium works. Call the aquarium director's office to set up a tour.

See how candy is made, cars, guitars, soda and more. There are factories all over the country that offer tours. Some are even free. Contact the factory directly to schedule a tour.

Taking a group of kids to see zoo animals is always fun. But you can also schedule a tour to see how the zoo's staff works behind the scenes. Educational docents can give your tour group a one-on-one experience with all sorts of animals. Call the zoo's front office to get more information.

Fire Station

Kids will love touring a working fire station. Firefighters can show students the fire engine, turn on the sirens and educate the children on fire safety to keep your family safe. One of the most valuable lessons kids will learn is how a firefighter will look in full uniform, complete with mask, if he or she ever enter a burning house. Seeing firefighters fully dressed teaches kids that they don't have to be scared. Call any local fire station and ask to speak to the station commander to set up a tour.

Police Station

Tour the police station to learn crime prevention tips, how a police department functions, police equipment that's used and how patrol cars work. Contact the station's crime prevention officer.

A farm is a great idea for a field trip because there are so many types of farms to visit. One week you can visit a dairy farm and visit with cows. The next week you can visit a crop farm to see how cotton, fruits, grains or vegetables are grown. Contact the farmers themselves to ask if your group can come out for a tour or call your state's agricultural department to find out more about the types of farms in your city.

Farmer's Market

After you visit the various types of farms, take the lesson to a farmer's market. Kids can see how fruits and vegetables grow at the farm and then turn around to see how farmers try to sell their crops at the farmer's market. You may even run into some farmers you met on a previous tour. Contact the farmer's market for a guided tour or simply take your group during farmer's market hours to mingle with the customers and farmers.

Any kind of museum presents an opportunity for kids to learn and have fun. Take the kids to art, children's, natural history, technology and science museums, to name a few. The museum director can schedule your group for a behind-the-scenes tour.

Sporting Events

Take the kids out to a ball game for a field trip. Baseball can be a great field trip at the end of the school year to celebrate great academic efforts from the kids. Football is a good first field trip when the kids are getting restless as the school year seems to drag on right before the holiday break.

Veterinary Hospital

Veterinarians are usually happy to show off their hospitals. Kids can see the operating rooms, equipment used, recovering patients and learn all about the field of veterinary medicine. Contact any veterinary hospital to set up a tour.

What goes into producing a newscast? Take the kids to a TV station to find out. Children can get a firsthand look at the sets, meet the TV personalities and see the many types of equipment used to get a newscast on the air. Many stations will even put the kids on the news just for dropping by. Call the program director to set up a tour.

Radio Station

It's easy to think a radio station and TV station would be too similar to tour. But you'll notice a lot of differences when you visit both. You may even get to watch as the radio personalities play music or host a local call-in show. Contact the radio station's program director and tell him you're interested in a tour.

The inner workings of the newspaper industry are something every child should see. Meet the reporters who write the stories, learn about the history of newspapers, see how newspapers are laid out and watch the newspaper roll off the printing presses. Call the city editor to let him know you're interested in a private tour.

Fish Hatchery

Kids can learn all about the life cycle of fish, fish anatomy, water quality and more at a fish hatchery. Most hatcheries require advance reservations because of their popularity with educational tour groups.

Hospital administrators have worked hard to arrange tours that introduce kids to the hospital environment without giving them a scary experience. This helps prepare them for what to expect should they ever need to visit a relative or become a patient themselves.

It's also an educational experience because children can see how the doctors and nurses work together and use high-tech medical equipment to treat their patients. Contact the hospital's main number to request a tour. If your local hospital doesn't allow in-person tours, type "hospital tours for kids" in your favorite search engine to take the children on a virtual field trip from home.

The system that keeps the library up and running is worthy of a field trip visit for kids. Kids not only develop a deeper appreciation for books, but they also get to learn about the catalog system, how a book is entered into the system so it can start getting checked out and how the staff operates the library. Contact the head librarian at your local library branch to schedule a tour.

Pumpkin Patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch is the perfect way to celebrate fall. Most pumpkin patches also have fun activities planned for the kids, including horseback rides, inflatables, corn mazes, hayrides and more. If you would like a private tour or you're taking a large group, contact the pumpkin patch directly. Otherwise, just show up during regular business hours.

Movie Theater

Kids love the movies so take them behind the scenes to see how a movie theater operates. They can visit the projection room, see how the concession stand operates and they may even get to sample a movie and popcorn. Call the movie theater manager to arrange a tour.

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40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

No permission slips needed.

Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips are a game changer. Not only do they fill in for real field trips when budgets and other roadblocks prevent in-person options, but virtual field trips also open doors to educational experiences all over the country and the world, both past and present. No fundraising or permission slips required!

(Note: For anyone who needs it, YouTube offers a closed-captioning option. Just click the CC button in the bottom right-hand corner.)

1. Amazon Career Tours

Amazon career tours

Amazon Career Tours are free virtual field trips that inspire students to pursue careers of the future. Tour whenever, wherever on Kahoot! Each tour comes with a Teacher Toolkit that includes a facilitation guide and student worksheets.

  • (New!) Amazon Music: Careers Behind the Beats : From studio to streaming, check out how computer science and amazing professionals make listening to your favorite songs possible.
  • Amazon Fulfillment Center Tour : Explore how packages get delivered at lightning speed and how computer science, engineering, and real people work together to make the magic happen. 
  • Data Center Tour 1: Uncovering Cloud Computing : Do students know what “the cloud” actually is? Find out how we went from renting movies at the store to streaming them from anywhere at any time.
  • Data Center Tour 2: Keeping Data Safe and Sustainable : Discover the infrastructure that keeps your information safe and sustainable while diving into data careers of the future.
  • Space Innovation Tour : Students will learn about the amazing technology on board the Orion spacecraft in NASA’s Artemis I flight test and hear from the engineers who made it all possible.

There are so many amazing online options when it comes to zoos that we couldn’t narrow it down to just one. Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the KC Zoo Polar Bear Cam and the Giant Panda Cam at Smithsonian’s National Zoo . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the San Diego Zoo as their site for kids includes behind-the-scenes videos and stories, as well as a variety of printable activities and online games. Check out our full list of virtual zoo goodness.

3. The Aquarium

It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam (wait for the whale shark!) and the “Jelly Cam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium (so soothing). The Seattle Aquarium even has a 30-minute video tour . Want more under-the-sea fun? Here’s our ultimate list of virtual aquarium field trips.

4. The Farm

The classic preschool field trip goes online! You can have your pick of dairy farm field trips, but we like this one from the Dairy Alliance  and this one from Stonyfield Organic . Farm Food 360 gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Canadian farm and food tours—from raising pigs to making milk and cheese. We’re also loving these virtual egg farm field trips from the American Egg Board.


5. An Art Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art's #MetKids

We found 20 art museums with virtual tours , including the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s # MetKids and its awesome Where’s Waldo? setup. And you can’t miss the world-famous Louvre in Paris (no passport needed!). Check out the current virtual tours: Traveling Materials and Objects, the Advent of the Artist, the Body in Movement, and Founding Myths: From Hercules to Darth Vader!

6. A National Park

From webcams at Hawaii volcanoes to a virtual run along the rim of the Grand Canyon , you have tons of options here. Our top pick would have to be Yellowstone. The interactive maps are a great way to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and Mud Volcano, but we think kids will be psyched about the Old Faithful Geyser livestream and the opportunity to make their own predictions for its next eruption . Check out everything the National Park Service has to offer virtually.

7. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world. ADVERTISEMENT

8. A Recycling Center

Take your students on a virtual field trip of a recycling center and a modern landfill . Plus, there’s a full-on curriculum that includes lesson plans, take-home handouts, and more.

9. Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip .

10. Nature Lab

The Nature Conservancy has a brand-new virtual field trip entitled “You’re the Scientist! Citizen Science, Frogs & Cicadas.” Check out their full library of videos on topics like climate change and water security.

11. Discovery Education

Discovery Education hosts a variety of virtual events —each with a companion guide with hands-on learning activities. Current offerings include “Making a New Life: The Courage of a Refugee” and “The Future Is Now” (architectural and engineering innovations). Stay tuned for their upcoming civics virtual field trip, “The American Ideal.”

12. The Great Lakes

This virtual field trip from Great Lakes Now has three components: coastal wetlands, algae, and lake sturgeon. Each video is a quick five minutes long.

13. The Strong National Museum of Play

Explore online exhibits and discover the history and evolution of play. Check out board games that changed play, sports video games that shaped digital play, and the making of Monopoly to name a few.

14. U.S. Census Bureau

Kids can learn about the most recent Census and how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip also features interviews with subject matter experts and an interactive challenge.

15. National Constitution Center

The “Museum of We the People,” the Constitution Center serves as a “headquarters for civic education.” Check out the Interactive Constitution section , and be sure to watch the virtual tour .

16. The Johnson Space Center

Houston, we have a virtual field trip. Three, actually. All with companion educator guides. The star of the show is the behind-the-scenes tour of the Johnson Space Center .

17. Birthplace of Music

Boise State put together this fully interactive virtual field trip with text, photos, audio, and video about the history of music. The four featured music locations are: Vienna, Austria; New Orleans, Louisiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia.

18. Colonial Williamsburg

This living-history museum provides a look into life in an early American community. The website offers five different webcams featuring areas such as the tavern and the armory.

19. Mount Vernon

This virtual experience of George Washington’s home is incredibly well done. Enter the different buildings—from the opulent mansion to the chilling slave quarters—and click on different items for video and text explanations.

20. Mount Rushmore

This virtual tour comes with a real tour guide! Blaine Kortemeyer is the Assistant Chief of Interpretation and Education, who lends his expertise on the building of this national monument. The 3D Explorer is also an excellent tool.

21. The Manhattan Project

Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for “a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb.” Don’t forget to download the classroom guide!

22. The White House

For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People’s House, from the Situation Room to the Oval Office. Examine each room and check out the contents up close.

23. The Smithsonian

The National Museum of Natural History’s virtual experiences are self-guided, room-by-room tours of permanent, current, and past exhibits. Be sure to send kids to the second floor Bone Hall so they can take a look at all different kinds of skeletons.

24. Google Arts & Culture

A collaboration with over 1,200 leading museums and archives, Google Arts & Culture is an incredible storehouse of monumental works of art. We recommend the Street View and Play sections.

25. 360 Cities

Boasting the world’s largest collection of 360° image videos, 360 Cities provides kids with the opportunity to see stunning panoramas across the globe, including their video of the ice floe on the Vistula River in Poland.

26. Buckingham Palace

It’s the official residence of the Queen of England, and boy, is it opulent! Get a peek inside the gorgeous Grand Staircase, White Drawing Room, Throne Room, and Blue Drawing Room.

27. The Great Wall of China

See one of the wonders of the world with this amazing, thousands-year-old fortification system known the world over. This virtual tour has four scenes available (you have to pay to get access to all 14). The bird’s-eye view of Mutianyu pass is a highlight.

28. Easter Island

Easter Island Moai Statues at Rano Raraku under sunny summer sky. Rano Raraku, Rapa Nui National Park, Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile.

Most of us recognize the giant stone statues of Easter Island, but what’s the story behind them? Nova’s online adventure “Secrets of Easter Island” delves into the mystery with a virtual tour.

29. Son Doong Cave

National Geographic lets you explore the world’s largest cave, located in Vietnam. Use the interactive map to enjoy the fully immersive experience (sound on!).

30. Ancient Egypt

You don’t need a time machine! Discovering Ancient Egypt has a ton of free resources, but it’s the interactive pyramid map and 3D temple reconstructions that really give it a field trip feel.

31. Back Through Time

Virtually visit Turn Back the Clock , a museum exhibit that ran for two years at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Through compelling personal stories, innovative interactive media, and pop culture artifacts, the exhibit takes guests through seven decades of history—from the dawn of the nuclear age to significant policy questions our leaders face today.

Landscape on planet Mars, scenic desert scene on the red planet

No, really! You can absolutely “go” to the red planet. With Access Mars , you can see the actual surface of Mars, recorded by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Trust us—don’t skip the intro. And if your kids liked that, check out this 4K tour of the moon . These may go down in history as some of the best virtual field trips your students get to experience.

33. The Battleship New Jersey

Take a virtual tour of this historical battleship located on the Camden waterfront. This battleship has traveled more miles than any other!

34. The Vatican

No need to travel to Rome! Take in the amazing art and architecture located in the Vatican Museums with these 360-degree views.

35. Space Center Houston

Space Center Houston Virtual Tour

Download the app and climb aboard the virtual tram line! Take a virtual walk through the Space Center Houston with informational stops along the way.

36. The Louvre

Virtually visit museum rooms in the famous Louvre located in Paris. Even check out The Louvre kids’ site for student-friendly galleries and stories. You can’t visit The Louvre without seeing the Mona Lisa , so check out their immersive Mona Lisa experience available in the app store.

37. Ellis Island

Map of Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip

This interactive tour of Ellis Island lets students explore places like the Baggage Room and the Stairs of Separation through short stories, historical photographs, videos, and audio clips. Students can also hear the stories of real kids who recently immigrated to the United States, explore colorful charts and graphs with immigration data, and watch a 30-minute movie that includes a Q&A with National Park Service Rangers who explain what coming to America was like for many immigrants.

38. Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Desk with laptop featuring a Wampanoag Native American.

Travel back to the 17th century with options for free, on-demand, digital resources or a live, 1-hour virtual school program led by a Plimoth Patuxet Contemporary Indigenous Museum Educator. Students explore Wampanoag daily life and history; discover the real history of Thanksgiving and the legend behind it; meet a 17th-century Pilgrim; get an interactive sneak peak into 17th-century wardrobes; and learn about simple machines and water power at the Plimoth Grist Mill. There are also options for virtual hands-on history workshops, including Wampanoag Pottery and Write Like a Pilgrim.

39. Children’s Museum Houston

Children's Museum Houston museum educators giving a tour

When you can’t visit the museum in person, 3D virtual field trips to the Children’s Museum Houston are the next best thing. All videos are produced and curated by museum educators and feature hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom. Topics include nutrition, math, states of matter, forces and properties of water, and more.

40. Museum of the American Revolution

Beyond the Battlefield Virtual Field Trip featuring Laruen Tarshis, author of I Survived series

Beyond the Battle Field is a virtual field trip for grades 2-8 hosted by Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived historical-fiction series for kids. Students will meet a museum educator as well as the museum curator, and explore artifacts and documents from the American Revolution. Plus they’ll hear the stories of teens who served during the war. There’s also a Classroom Kit available with a vocabulary list and discussion questions by grade level.

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You can't always get there in person, but lots of places will let you "visit" online. These are the best virtual field trips out there!

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Virtual Field Trips

Grade 3 Videos

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - The Geography of Our Communities

Video Storyline:  Our communities play many roles in our lives, because this is where we live, play, work, and help out. Communities can differ by their size –  urban, suburban, and rural. Communities are spread around the 5 regions of the U.S,. which have different land forms and types of natural resources.  Humans sometimes adapt themselves or their environments when they have to, but need to exercise care in making changes.

Video length: 17:55 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - How Government Helps Our Communities

Video Storyline : Introduce your students to the 3 branches of government and the roles performed by each. They will also hear about their state and local governments. Lastlly, they will begin to understand that they are citizens with rights and responsibilities.

Video length: 14:05 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - A Country of Cultures

Video Storyline :  The U.S. has a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Some of our heritage comes from the Native Americans. We’ve also been culturally enriched by the immigrants that have moved here. From all these groups we’ve learned about new customs and cultures.

Video length: 14:30 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - The First Americans

Video Storyline : Let’s go back to a time when there were only Native Americans in the U.S. We outline some of the major tribes, their housing, and way of life. We then meet Pocahontas and the first Europeans. Moving forward, we explore early settler life and then the events that led to the Declaration of Independence, and the Birth of the U.S.

Video length: 14:10 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - How The Country Was Settled

Video Storyline : Explorers like Daniel Boone helped many of the early pioneers move Westward. President Jefferson arranged for the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of the new country.   Lewis and Clark mapped the new areas, and with the help of Sacagawea, established the Oregon Trail.   Eventually the transcontinental railroad made migrating westward easier. Other inventions made life easier and created many jobs for the new immigrants and people who moved from the South with the Great Migration.

Video Length: 12:00 minutes

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - Businesses At Work

Video Storyline : This video introduces the challenging concepts of early Economics to young learners in a way that can be easily understood.   It also pairs with “I Am A Consumer”. Vocabulary words like profit, pricing, supply, demand, human resources, capital resources, factory, assembly line, specialization, import/export, domestic/international trade, and the economy are presented with real-life, easily understood, and highly visual examples to make learning connections.

Video length:   6:30 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 3 - I Am A Consumer

Video Storyline : This video introduces the challenging concepts of early Economics to young learners in a way that can be easily understood.   Vocabulary words like consumer, budget, income, expenses, saving/spending, and opportunity cost are presented with real-life, easily understood examples to make learning connections.

Video length:   6:50 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

The Amazon Rainforest

Introduce your students to the layers of the rainforest and the many animals who live there. Explore the adaptations that have evolved over time to make for a successful existence of life in the rainforest.

Video length: 18:40 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Amazon Rainforest: People & Threats (Grades 2-5)

Meet the people who have called the Amazon rainforest home for centuries. Learn about the threats facing all who live there and how everyone can help overcome these challenges.

Video length: 12:40 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

How Coral Reefs Are Formed

Explore the underwater world of coral reefs. Here, in Part 1, we’ll find out how coral reefs are formed over time. Learners will be able to see how a tiny coral polyp can create structures large enough to be seen from space. They will also begin to appreciate the diversity of life that exists in coral reefs around the world.

Video length: 13:20 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Who Lives On A Coral Reef?

Life on a coral reef is both bizarre and beautiful! Let’s get a first-hand look at the neverending roles of predator and prey. Introduce vocabulary such as adaptations, camouflage, symbiotic, and nocturnal. Lastly, students will be highly entertained by the remarkable array of animals that call a coral reef home.

Video length: 15:55 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Exploring Cuba

We would like to welcome you to the beautiful and diverse country of Cuba! Our comprehensive video explores many of the fascinating aspects of this picturesque nation. Geography, politics, history, economy, culture, and natural history are many of the topics we explore, along with others.

Video length: 25:20 minutes

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Sahara Desert

Welcome to the Sahara Desert –  the largest hot desert in the world!  We cover the climate and landforms of the Sahara and then move on to meeting the many insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals that live in these harsh conditions. Find out about the many adaptations that allow plant and animal life to survive and thrive here, along with the people who have called the Sahara home for many millennia.

Video length: 31:30 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Paris: City of Light (K-5)

Paris has long been considered one of the world’s most historically important cities and is also packed with iconic images. Explore the unforgettable buildings that took centuries to complete, such as Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe. Students will gain insights into the reasons why Paris’ significance is so timeless.

Video length: 15:00 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Jerusalem: Then and Now (K-5)

Introduce your younger students to the history and landmarks of Jerusalem. Explore the many aspects of the religious significance of this city that makes it so important to so many.

Video length: 19:30 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Washington, DC (Grades K-5)

Even the youngest of students will appreciate the treasures, history, and beauty that their nation’s capital has to offer. Explore the architecture and artifacts that make Washington fascinating for all to see.

Video length: 24:30 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

African Safari

Enjoy a trip through an African Safari park to see an incredible variety of wildlife. Take a first-row seat at the waterholes where the action is. You’ll see elephants, giraffes, warthogs, rhinos, zebras, lions, and so much more.

Video length: 15:15 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Galapagos Islands

Utterly unique and enchanting, the volcanic Galapagos Islands provide a captivating zoological adventure unlike any other. Marine Iguanas grazing from the sea floor, Vampire finches, giant tortoises and many other animals provide fascinating insights into adaptation and survival in this harsh and otherworldly environment.

Video length: 27:05 minutes.

Also meeting Grade 3 curriculum standards:

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4: Southwest Region: Early Beginnings

Video Storyline : Let’s take a trip back in time to learn how the Southwest region came into being. We’ll look at the landforms, geography, natural resources, climate, history, and economy of the area. Students will gain an understanding of how the region became the place it is today.

  Companion video to Southwest Region: Today

  Video Length: 34:20 minutes

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4: Southwest Region: Today

Video Storyline : Let’s take a tour of the Southwest region. We’ll explore many of its larger cities and see some of the features that make them each unique. Next, we’ll explore both the natural and manmade landmarks of the region, along with its famous people, food, and celebrations.

Companion video to Southwest Region: Early Beginnings

  Video Length: 32:55 minutes

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4: Southeast Region of the U.S.

Video Storyline : Take a tour of the Southeastern states as we go back in time to look at this region as the early colonists did. Along the way we’ll look at the geography, history, and economy of the area to help us understand how the people and the many natural resources have helped to shape its development over time.

Video length: 15:25 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4: Midwest Region: Early Beginnings

Video Storyline : Let’s take a trip back in time to learn how the Midwest region came into being. Along the way we’ll look at the landforms, natural resources, history, and economy of the area to help us understand how the Midwest region became what it is today.

Companion video to Midwest Region: Today .

  Video Length: 32:25 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4: Midwest Region: Today

Video Storyline : Let’s take a tour of the Midwest region. We’ll explore many of its larger cities and see some of the features that make them each unique. Then we’ll explore the landmarks of the Midwest, both the natural and the manmade.

Companion video to Midwest Region: Early Beginnings.

  Video Length:  21:05 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 4 - Northeast Region of the U.S.

Video Storyline :  Let’s take a trip back and forth in time to learn how the Northeast region became the place it is today. Along the way we’ll look at the natural resources, geography, history, and economy of the area to help us understand how the people and the places have developed over time.

Video Length: 37:05 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 2 - Early Americans

Video Storyline :  Families long ago used to live on farms and grow their own food. Transportation was slow and life was hard. Settlers began to arrive and everyone had to obey the rules of the King of England. People felt he was unfair and decided to fight for their freedom from him. They won, and created a new country with new leaders.

Video length: 7:45 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 2 - Land and Water Around Us

Video Storyline :  Earth is made up of many types of both land and water. We also find different types of landforms and natural resources. We change the land around us with our building and creating. We also use a lot of our natural resources, but have to learn to protect the ones that can run out.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 2 - Our Government At Work

Video Storyline :  When America was a new country its leaders created a plan called the Constitution. Our leaders, lawmakers, and judges still use this plan today.

Video length: 12:45 minutes.

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 2 - Living Together

Video Storyline : Families make up the backbone of our society.  They are usually made up of different generations, rules and customs. We live in our different communities, which can be urban, rural or suburban. Together we sometimes have celebrations as we share our cultures.

Video length:  5:10 minutes

field trip ideas for 3rd grade

Grade 2 - Work and Money

Video Storyline :  We use money to buy both needs and wants. People work to earn money to buy these items. Technology has made work easier over time. There are different types of jobs people can have. Some jobs are called service jobs, and some people called volunteers work for no money at all.

Video length: 8:30 minutes.

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field trip ideas for 3rd grade


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