City tour em Cusco: como é a experiência do passeio

O City Tour em Cusco é um dos passeios mais populares na cidade. Está em todos os roteiros, normalmente nos primeiros dias de viagem.

Isso porque este é um passeio curto. A maioria das agências em Cusco oferece o City tour em grupo, em meio período (normalmente a tarde).

Durante o City tour, você vai visitar algumas das principais atrações do centro de Cusco, e em alguns sítios arqueológicos nos arredores da cidade. A agência leva os grupos em vans ou pequenos ônibus.

Leia também: – Onde se hospedar em Cusco: melhores regiões – Tour Maras e Moray em Cusco – Vinicunca, a montanha de 7 cores em Cusco – Vale Sagrado em Cusco

A maior vantagem de colocar esse tour nos primeiros dias de viagem é que ele não exige muito esforço físico. Não há muitos deslocamentos nem subidas.

Isso é essencial para quem é recém chegado na desafiadora altitude de 3400 metros em Cusco. O objetivo maior é evitar o soroche (mal de altitude) .

E foi exatamente isso o que nós fizemos. Colocamos o city tour em Cusco no roteiro do nosso dia de chegada em Cusco. Chegamos no meio da manhã, almoçamos na praça central de Cusco, e depois fomos encontrar o grupo.

Nesse post, saiba tudo o city tour em Cusco. Como funciona, o que nós achamos do passeio e como contratar (em grupo ou privativo).

Navegue pelo post:

  • Como funciona o City tour em Cusco
  • alternativa: free walking tour em Cusco

Nossa experiência com o city tour em Cusco

  • Vale a pena fazer o city tour em Cusco?

City tour em Cusco: como funciona

Você pode fazer o City Tour em Cusco em grupo (como nós fizemos), com guia privado , ou de forma independente (contratando um táxi, um guia, e indo por conta própria).

Cada um desses modelos tem seus prós e contras. Vamos falar de todas elas.

Como é o tour em grupo

A forma mais popular – e mais barata – é fazer o City tour em Cusco com um grupo. Praticamente todas as agências de turismo no centro de Cusco vendem esse passeio.

Geralmente, há grupos sendo formados todos os dias. O passeio acontece no período da tarde, a partir das 14h até mais ou menos às 19h.

Mas no city tour em Cusco rola uma coisa muito curiosa.

O foco do tour não está no centro da cidade , como acontece na maioria dos City Tours pelo mundo.

A gente faz uma rápida passagem pelo centro, visitando o Convento de Santo Domingo, e a Catedral de Cusco.

Depois o grupo pega um transporte (van ou ônibus) e sai da cidade, para explorar alguns sítios arqueológicos que ficam nos arredores de Cusco (fortaleza de Sacsayhuaman, o anfiteatro de Qenqo e o complexo militar de Puka Pukara.

Reserve seu passeio: city tour Cusco + ruínas

City tour em Cusco - Sacsayhuaman

Resumindo, a maior parte da duração do City tour em Cusco a gente vai passar fora da cidade propriamente dita, entende?

De certa forma faz sentido, porque os locais tinham relação com a antiga Cusco (a majestosa cidade inca que existia antes da invasão espanhola).

Mas particularmente, achei esse formato um pouco esquisito. Vou te falar o porquê.

O centro de Cusco é riquíssimo em atrações. Tem a praça, as igrejas, mercados… Afinal, estamos falando da capital do antigo império Inca, conhecida como o “umbigo do mundo”.

Imagine quanta riqueza cultural e quanta história tem guardada ali no centro da cidade.

Quando questionei o guia, ele me falou que as atrações do centro são fáceis de visitar por conta própria.

Mas eu não queria visitar por conta própria… Queria visitar com o guia. E por isso comprei o City Tour em Cusco .

Mas enfim, é bom que eu passei por isso pra você não ir desprevenido na sua viagem.

O city tour em Cusco, nesse formato em grupo, é um passeio meio apressadinho , que dá uma voltinha no centro e depois passa também rápido por alguns sítios arqueológicos nos arredores da cidade.

Reserve aqui: City tour em Cusco + ruínas arquelógicas

No caso do meu grupo, ainda precisamos comprar por fora: a entrada no convento de Santo Domingo (não incluso no valor do tour), e o Boleto Turístico de Cusco , necessário para visitar os sítios arqueológicos nos arredores da cidade.

Ao fazer pesquisas entre agências para contratar o city tour em grupo, lembre de perguntar se esses ingressos estão incluídos no valor, ou não.

Normalmente, o boleto turístico sempre precisa ser comprado a parte, mas alguns Tours incluem ou não a entrada na catedral e no convento de Santo Domingo.

Como é em grupo, a gente tem pouca liberdade para ficar mais um tempinho, se por acaso alguma coisa atraiu a atenção.

O ponto positivo é que o passeio já está montado pra você. E tem transporte incluído para visitar esses pontos que ficam fora do centro.

Como é o city tour privativo em Cusco

Se eu tivesse me informado melhor, com certeza teria contratado um City tour privativo em Cusco .

Você vai visitar os mesmos sítios históricos, mas acompanhado de um guia local, específico para seu grupo.

Só de poder ir no seu ritmo, e fazer perguntas ao guia livremente, a experiência como um todo já fica mais interessante e menos cansativa. Dá pra aproveitar muito mais.

O guia ainda te busca no seu hotel em Cusco, e te devolve lá ao final do passeio. Uma mão na roda. Outra vantagem é que o tour privativo já inclui a entrada na catedral e no convento de Santo Domingo.

No tour em grupo a gente precisou comprar o ingresso para entrar na hora no convento de Santo Domingo e na catedral de Cusco.

O boleto turístico de Cusco, necessário para visitar as atrações dos arredores de Cusco, não está incluído no valor do tour.

Tour privativo em Cusco: veja mais informações e reserve

Como é fazer o City tour em Cusco de forma independente

Você também pode fazer tudo de forma independente, mas é preciso contratar um táxi para se deslocar entre os sítios históricos que ficam afastados do centro.

E de preferência, contrate também um guia, para acompanhar você e explicar a riqueza histórica de cada lugar. Vai fazer toda diferença na sua experiência.

Quanto custa o City Tour em Cusco?

Praticamente todas as agências de turismo da cidade vendem o City Tour em Cusco, com pequenas diferenças no valor do tour.

Como nós chegamos em Cusco perto da hora do almoço, já pensando em incluir o city tour na nossa tarde, não tivemos muito tempo pra escolher uma agência.

Entramos em duas agências vizinhas na Plaza de Armas, escolhemos uma e pronto. Pagamos 30 soles para fazer o city tour em Cusco (valor de setembro / 2017).

Mas fazer as coisas de última hora não costuma dar muito certo, né? Depois encontramos agências em Cusco oferecendo o mesmo passeio por 20 soles.

Nos valores de hoje (2022), esse passeio custa em torno de R$50 – depende um pouco do valor da cotação nas datas da sua viagem.

Veja aqui valores atualizados: City tour em Cusco + ruínas

Até porque, um costume comum em Cusco é que as pequenas agências juntam seus grupos, para fazer um grande grupão com um guia só.

É uma forma de economia para eles. Mas pra gente acaba ficando bem ruim. Pessoas que pagaram diferentes valores acabam recebendo o mesmo serviço. E o grupo grande atrasa e deixa o passeio confuso.

Tem mais um detalhe sobre os valores.

Para fazer o City Tour, você precisa adquirir o Boleto Turístico de Cusco . É o bilhete que dá acesso aos sítios arqueológicos que ficam nos arredores da cidade.

Além disso, algumas agências incluem no preço o valor da entrada na catedral (25 soles) e no convento de Santo Domingo (10 soles). Pergunte ao contratar.

Se esses bilhetes não estiverem incluídos no seu tour, você vai precisar pagar na hora do passeio, por conta própria.

Free walking tour em Cusco: opção alternativa

Se você preferir, pode fazer também um free walking tour em Cusco . Essa modalidade de passeio está ficando cada vez mais popular em cidades turísticas.

Um guia local oferece uma caminhada com o grupo, mostrando os principais pontos turísticos da cidade, e ao final do tour você pode retribuir o trabalho do guia de forma voluntária, com qualquer valor que achar conveniente.

O passeio de free walking tour em Cusco se trata apenas de um passeio pelos sítios arqueológicos de dentro da cidade e não inclui a visita aos sítios arqueológicos nos arredores da cidade.

É um passeio diferente, mas que pode valer muito a pena já que foi justamente isso que senti falta no City tour convencional – mais informações sobre os pontos turísticos da cidade de Cusco em si, que é muito rica e merece ser bem explorada.

Veja mais informações e reserve aqui: free walking tour Cusco

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Malecón de Miraflores e Parque del Amor, Lima

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Primeira dica. Não esqueça de ir com roupas leves e sapatos confortáveis. Você vai caminhar pelas ruínas e faz muito calor durante o dia em Cusco.

Mas leve agasalhos, porque basta o sol se pôr que o frio chega de verdade!

Atrações no centro de Cusco

O ponto de encontro do City Tour em Cusco é a Plaza de Armas, no centro da cidade. As primeiras atrações visitadas são feitas a pé, nas proximidades da praça.

A visita à Catedral de Cusco custa 25 soles. O valor não estava incluído no nosso passeio. Era preciso pagar na hora e em dinheiro.

Como estávamos em grupo, a maioria optou por não pagar. E nosso grupo simplesmente só visitou a catedral por fora.

Se você tiver mais sorte do que eu, e conseguir visitar a Catedral de Cusco, saiba: não é permitido tirar fotos no interior da igreja.

Depois da catedral, visitamos Qoriqancha, ou Templo do Sol , onde finalmente entramos. A entrada em Qoriqancha custa 10 soles (também não incluído no tour, pagamos na hora e em dinheiro).

City tour em Cusco - Qoriqancha

O atual Convento de Santo Domingo foi construido sobre as ruínas do antigo templo inca. A visita foi rápida, e me deixou com vontade de olhar tudo com mais calma.

As fotos são permitidas apenas no pátio central do templo.

Anota a dica: Há muitas igrejas no centro de Cusco, mas para conhecer a maioria delas é preciso pagar uma taxa de visitação.

Atrações nos arredores de Cusco

Depois de visitar as duas atrações no centro de Cusco, nosso grupo pegou um ônibus e seguiu para conhecer os sítios arqueológicos na periferia de Cusco. 

Todas as atrações visitadas estão incluídas no valor do Boleto Turístico . Você não precisa pagar nada mais a partir de agora. Ufa!

A portaria de todos os sítios arqueológicos funcionam das 7h às 18h. Na sequência de visita, conhecemos:

– Sacsayhuaman , ruínas de um antigo templo, que muitos acreditam ter sido uma antiga fortaleza Inca. Fica a 6 km da cidade. Lá fica a estátua do Cristo Branco, e temos uma vista linda de Cusco;

– Q’enqo , outro antigo lugar de culto, hoje em ruínas, que fica a 4km de Cusco;

– Puka pukara , um antigo quartel e local de hospedagem para os Incas. Lá vimos nosso primeiro pôr-do-sol na terra dos Incas. Fica a 7 km de Cusco;

City tour em Cusco - Pukapukara

– Tambomachay , um conjunto de ruínas de antigos terraços e banhos.

Mesmo com toda correria, já chegamos aqui no final da luz do dia, e não tinha mais ninguém na portaria.

Entramos, mas não ganhamos nossa marcação no Boleto Turístico para essa atração. E não vimos quase nada, porque rapidamente escureceu. Fica a 7.7 km de Cusco.

Dependendo da empresa, ainda se faz uma última parada no city tour.

Nós visitamos uma lojinha de artesanatos , roupas e produtos típicos peruanos. As paradas nesse tipo de comércio são bem comuns em todos os tours em Cusco e no Vale Sagrado dos Incas .

City tour em Cusco - loja de artesanato local

Vale a pena fazer o City Tour de Cusco?

Eu estava muito ansiosa por esse passeio! Cheguei em Cusco empolgada para aprender mais sobre os Incas, conhecer os sítios arqueológicos e ver todas as paisagens incríveis que o destino prometia.

Mas a verdade: não gostei do City Tour em Cusco nesse modelo de passeio em grupo.

Pra começo de conversa, pegamos um grupo que não visitou a Catedral. Nosso city tour começou de verdade em Qoriqancha.

Então minha primeira dica: pergunte tim-tim por tim-tim na agência sobre o que está incluído, para ter direito de cobrar e reclamar caso uma coisa assim aconteça.

E se puder, contrate um tour privativo .

City tour em Cusco - Tambomachay

A parte boa do passeio foi que nosso guia sabia muito, muito sobre tudo. Ele começou a dar explicações muito bacanas no Templo do Sol. Ficamos muito impressionados, achando que tínhamos tirado a sorte grande com o guia.

Mas o problema logo apareceu: ele começou a fazer tudo com muita pressa, correndo tanto de um lugar pra o outro que a gente mal aproveitava o lugar, e quase não conseguia tirar fotos.

A correria começou a fazer sentido quando a tarde foi acabando e a gente ainda tinha muita coisa pra ver.

O City Tour inclui muitas atrações, e quem quer ver tudo ao mesmo tempo acaba não vendo nada direito.

E por causa dos atrasos normais em grandes grupos e da correria do guia, chegamos na última atração já sem luz do sol e sem mais ninguém na portaria.

Em resumo, eu não gostei de fazer o City Tour em Cusco com um grupo. Se fosse novamente, teria escolhido o tour privativo sem sombra de dúvidas.

E com certeza eu escolheria fazer também o free walking tour em Cusco, pois parece ser uma ótima oportunidade de aprender sobre os pontos turísticos da cidade inca de Cusco, com dicas de um local e sem gastar muito.

Reserve sua vaga: free walking tour Cusco

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Oi Klecia, você acha interessante fazer city tour de Cusco antes de Machu Picchu? Maras e Moray tudo bem deixar para depois? Considerei fazer vale sagrado antes de Machu Picchu, mas os outros passeios depois.. e estou pensando em mudar.. Pela sua experiência o que acha?

Oi Ludmila, Dependendo do horário que você vai chegar em Cusco, daria pra fazer o City tour no mesmo dia (como nós fizemos – Chegamos por volta das 11am e marcamos o city tour para o mesmo dia as 14hs – todas as agencias fazem mais ou menos no mesmo horário). é um bom passeio para aclimatar com a altitude de Cusco. Nós fizemos Maras e Moray antes de ir a MP, mas dá pra deixar para depois sem problema. Obrigado pela visita e boa viagem

oi Klécia… bom saber sobre estes pormenores. Esta é uma conta difícil de fechar e acho que a gente deve contar um pouco com a sorte de ter um guia bom. Eu tenho problemas com guias, pois meu ritmo é muito lento para eles, mesmo quando é particular. No Atacama fizemos os passeios com guia. Tive dificuldades em acompanhar, porque quando estava observando e absorvendo o grupo já estava distante e eu ficando para trás. Nos sítios arqueológicos do México fizemos tudo por conta e eu achei sensacional, mas havia informações disponíveis. Claro, poucas, mas suficientes para caber no meu ritmo. Uma amiga contratou estes dias um guia em Chichén e o que ele contou a ela eu já sabia e disse muito menos do que eu consegui aprender sozinha.

Contudo você recomenda que para Cusco eles são importantes. Eu acredito. Vou pensar, quando visitar, em me organizar financeiramente para pagar o privado, ou então, entregar aos deuses Incas para pegar um guia e um grupo de qualidade, como os que você pegou em outros passeios. 🙂 bjuuuss

Desses locais apenas nao visitei Pukapukara e Tambomachay, mas por preguiça. Decidimos descer um ponto antes e fazer Sacsayhuaman e Q’enqo. No entanto, fizemos tudo por conta. Também não gosto de city tours exatamente pelos motivos que vc citou: pressa do guia e grupo grande. O que eu acabei fazendo: quando achava interessante, contratava guias locais dentro de cada sitio. Tudo bem que tive tempo. Foram 5 dias em Cuzco (3 antes de MP e 2 depois)

Eu não tinha tempo, e acabei optando pelo conjunto de passeios guiados. Mas o único que me deixou arrependida da escolha foi esse. Faria tudo de novo, com guia pessoal, pra aproveitar com calma. É sem duvida um passeio de um dia inteiro, que eles fazem caber em 4 horas. Uma pena.

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city tour cusco valor

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City Tour Cusco Económico / Precios y horarios

City Tour Cusco: Catedral, Coricancha, Sacsayhuamán, Qenqo, Tambomachay y Puca Pucara

Embárcate en este tour por Cusco, conocido como el City tour Cusco, un punto de partida ideal para explorar la ciudad. Nuestro objetivo es brindar una comprensión integral del crecimiento de la civilización Inca, su cosmovisión y un vistazo a sus estructuras administrativas y residencias reales. Con un enfoque equilibrado e informativo acerca del tour en Cusco, también tendremos la oportunidad de encontrarnos con camélidos sudamericanos.

Experimente una exploración integral de la cautivadora ciudad del Cusco a través de un recorrido city tour cusco 4 ruinas en nuestro transporte, que minimiza las caminatas. Sumérgete en la rica historia y cultura mientras visitas los principales monumentos arqueológicos y sitios históricos. En el City tour en Cusco, este recorrido combina a la perfección destinos internos y externos de la ciudad, brindando una perspectiva holística de los tesoros de Cusco.

City Tour Cusco + 4 ruinas, lo mas recomendado a su llegada 

Embárquese en un viaje de inmersión a través de la cautivadora ciudad de Cusco con este extraordinario recorrido City Tour en Cusco, diseñado exclusivamente para turistas que buscan descubrir sus ricos tesoros históricos y culturales. Adéntrese en el corazón de Cusco mientras visita lugares emblemáticos como la impresionante Catedral de Cuzco, la vibrante Plaza de Armas, el venerado Templo del Sol (Qorikancha) y las majestuosas ruinas de Sacsayhuamán. Sumérgete en la vibrante cultura local mientras exploras el Mercado San Pedro, donde te esperan exquisitas artesanías locales. Amplíe su conocimiento del fascinante pasado de la ciudad en el Museo Inka, donde cautivadores relatos históricos cobran vida ante sus ojos.


Experimente un recorrido de 5 horas por los principales atractivos de Cusco . Conozca la historia de la ciudad, las importantes estructuras arquitectónicas y las antiguas leyendas incas. Para comenzar este recorrido, nuestro transfer te recogerá en tu hotel y te llevará al punto de partida.

Ofrecemos dos turnos: el turno de mañana comienza alrededor de las 08:30 am y finaliza a las 2:00 pm, mientras que el turno de tarde comienza alrededor de las 13:00 pm y finaliza a las 6:30 pm. Nuestro City Tour en Cusco comienza con una visita a la Catedral del Cusco, llena de historia y valiosas obras de arte.

A continuación, exploraremos el Qoricancha (Templo del Sol), un sitio sagrado dedicado a deidades donde podrá admirar la exquisita artesanía en piedra perfeccionada por los Incas. Luego, continuaremos hacia Sacsayhuaman, conocido por sus enormes muros megalíticos de piedra construidos con asombrosa precisión y perfección. También visitaremos sitios arqueológicos cercanos como Qenqo, Puka Pukara y Tambomachay. El City Tour concluye con un traslado de regreso a su hotel en Cusco.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de los lugares que debe visitar durante su City Tour Cusco. Con un guía experto, podrá explorar estas joyas ocultas y descubrir la magia de la antigua capital del Imperio Inca. No se pierda la oportunidad de sumergirse en la historia y la cultura de Cusco mientras recorre estos sitios imprescindibles.

Que lugares podemos visitar en el City tours Cusco

  • La impresionante catedral colonial del Cusco, símbolo del sincretismo religioso andino – cristiano.
  • El gran templo Inca de Coricancha, conocido también como el templo de Santo Domingo.
  • Los sorprendentes Andenes y templos de la gran fortaleza Inca ceremonial de Sacsayhuamán.
  • Los enigmáticos promontorios rocosos y caminos laberínticos del anfiteatro de Qenqo.
  • Las terrazas, muros y escalinatas de piedra de la fortaleza militar de Puca Pucara.
  • los misteriosos Andenes y fuentes del templo al agua de Tambomachay.

Cusco City Tour Itinerario y horarios

Día 01: city tour cusco medio día (mañana).

  • 08:30 am – 09:00 am. Recojo de su hotel para iniciar la excursión de City Tour
  • 09:00 am – 10:00 am. Visita al Qoricancha o Templo del Sol para conocer más sobre la cultura Inca.
  • 10:00 am – 14:30 am. Nos trasladamos a la parte alta de la ciudad para poder realizar el City Tour Cusco + 4 Ruinas (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay).
  • Final del tour en Cusco es en la plaza San Francisco a las 14:30 pm aproximadamente.

Día 01: City Tour Cusco Medio Día (Tarde)

  • 12:50pm – 13:10 pm. Recojo de su hotel para iniciar el City Tour Cusco.
  • 13:30 – 15:00 pm. Visita a la Catedral de Cusco y al Qoricancha o Templo del Sol.
  • 15:00 – 18:30 Recorrido por los 4 principales centros arqueológicos (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay).
  • El punto final del tour es en la plaza San Francisco de Cusco a las 18:30 pm aproximadamente.

City Tour Cusco Itinerario + 4 Ruinas

Para realizar este maravilloso recorrido del city tour en la ciudad de Cusco empezaremos con el recojo de sus respectivos hoteles, luego iniciaremos este tour primero con la visita a la catedral del Cusco, seguidamente visitaremos al templo del sol o Qoricancha, y finalmente visitaremos las 4 ruinas de Cusco, (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay).

La Basílica catedral del Cusco:

Comenzaremos nuestro tour City Cusco, con la visita a la plaza principal de la ciudad de Cusco, la Catedral es un monumento arqueológico colonial de gran valor artístico e histórico, fue construida sobre el recinto del Kiswar Kancha que fue el lugar de residencia del octavo gobernante Inca, el Inca Wiracocha. Sobre este mismo recinto Inca también se edificaron el Templo de la Sagrada Familia y el Templo del Triunfo. En su interior se aprecian los trabajos religiosos más significativas del arte colonial. como el Coro, el Púlpito y los Altares, del mismo modo hermosas pinturas de la escuela cusqueña, obras en plata repujada y madera tallada.

Qoricancha o Templo de Qoricancha:

El templo de Qoricancha, fue el centro religioso más importante de Cusco en el imperio de los Incas, construido para adorar al Sol (Deidad más importante para los Incas) y otras deidades (Estrellas, Arcoiris, Rayo y Luna). Sobre las bases del Qoricancha, se edificó el templo de Santo Domingo y también cuenta con mejores muestras de la cosmovisión andina y numerosos cuadros de la escuela cusqueña.


El tercer punto de visita en este City tours en Cusco, haremos una parada en este lugar enigmático llamado Sacsayhuaman. Es una estructura hecha a base de enormes piedras talladas, con sus muros megalíticos,   y arquitectónicos que realizaron los Incas durante su apogeo, distribuido en plataformas (baluartes), torreones, puertas, andenes, reservorios y una inmensa explanada, si realizas este City Tour Cusco en junio, específicamente el 24 de junio, podrás disfrutar la Fiesta al sol o Inti Raymi, en este lugar.

Qenqo (Laberinto):

conocido como el centro ceremonial incaico, ubicado a 4 Km, al noreste de Cusco. Destaca un espacio abierto denominado anfiteatro donde se encontraban sus ídolos y momias en los 19 nichos trapezoidales que tiene, aunque actualmente se encuentra poco destruido hasta la mitad de su altura por el paso del tiempo.

Puka Pukara:

Puca Pucara es también considerado como la fortaleza roja ya que las piedras con las que se construyó se han tornado de este color debido a sus altos niveles de hierro. Además de la fortaleza se pueden apreciar otras estructuras arqueológicas como los acueductos, recintos y fuentes. Por la cercanía que tiene con Tambomachay y sus características se cree que constituía un cuartel militar de defensa de este lugar.


Templo destinado al culto del agua, también lugar especial donde el jefe del Imperio Inca pudiese descansar. Consta de una serie de acueductos, canales y varias cascadas de agua que discurren por las rocas, actualmente se desconoce la procedencia del agua que discurre por sus canales.

Itinerario del City Cusco Tour

  • 12:45 hrs: hora de encuentro Santo Domingo Koricancha.
  • 13:00 pm: Visita al Convento de Santo Domingo y Centro Arqueológico de Qorikancha.
  • 14:10 pm: Visita al Centro Arqueológico de Sacsayhuamán.
  • 15:20 pm: Visita al Centro Arqueológico de Qenqo.
  • 16:00 pm: Visita al Centro Arqueológico de Puca Pucará.
  • 16:50 pm: Visita al Centro Arqueológico de Tambomachay.
  • 18:00 pm: Retorno a la ciudad del Cusco.

City Tour Cusco que Incluye

  • Transporte turístico.
  • Guía profesional acreditado.( español o ingles)
  • Equipo de primeros auxilios / oxigeno / pastilla para la altura, etc.

No incluye: en el City Tour en Cusco

  • boleto turístico, ni ticket de ingreso a la Catedral ni Qoricancha.

¿Qué boletos turísticos debo comprar para realizar el City Tour de Cusco?

Para el recorrido del City Tour Cusco, deberás comprar Boleto City Tour Cusco ( general o parcial). Boleto turístico Parcial – solo para ralizar el city tour en cusco. Sin embargo, si también estás planeando visitar el Valle Sagrado de los Inkas (Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero y Moray) o el Valle Sur (Tipón y Piquillacta); te recomendamos comprar el Boleto Turístico General. Ya que el Boleto Turístico Parcial – Circuito I, solo sirve para ingresar a los atractivos del City Tour en Cusco.

  • Boleto Turístico General: 130.00 soles, turista extranjero – 70.00 soles, turista nacional; válido por 10 días.
  • Boleto Turístico Parcial – Circuito I: 70.00 soles, turista extranjero – 40.00 soles, turista nacional; válido por 1 día.
  • Ticket de ingreso a la Catedral de Cusco: 25.00 soles, adulto – 12.50 soles, niño.
  • Ticket de ingreso al Templo de Santo Domingo – Coricancha: 15.00 soles, adulto – 8.00 soles, niño.

¿El tour incluye alimentación?

No. El tour no incluye alimentación. Una buena opción es llevar consigo agua mineral y snacks.

¿Puedo cambiar la fecha de un tour comprado?

Sí, para ello debe enviar una solicitud mediante un correo electrónico. Recuerde que debe hacerlo con 3 días de anticipación como máximo. La penalidad es del 10% del costo del tour, el cual deberá abonar por el mismo medio de pago que utilizó para el primer pago.

¿El tour incluye ingreso a los atractivos turísticos?

¡Sí! A diferencia de la mayoría de las agencias de turismo, el City Tour sí incluye el ingreso a todos los atractivos turísticos a visitar: Catedral, Coricancha, Qenqo, Pucapucara, Tambomachay y Sacsayhuaman.

¿El itinerario es fijo?

No, el itinerario puede variar ligeramente según lo encuentre conveniente el guía turístico. Por ejemplo, los domingos los horarios de ingreso a los atractivos turísticos varían. Sin embargo, la calidad del servicio es el mismo.

¿El tour City Tour incluye la visita a la Catedral?

Sí, el tour incluye la visita a la Catedral del Cusco (más no el ticket de ingreso).

¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para realizar el City Tour Cusco?

El City Tour Cusco se puede realizar cualquier día del año. Se recomienda hacerlo en el primer o segundo día de visita en Cusco.

¿Puedo cancelar el tour?

Sí, puede cancelar el tour mediante una solicitud por correo electrónico a [email protected] Recuerde que el último plazo es de 3 días antes. La penalidad por cancelación es del 25% del valor del tour.

¿El City Tour Cusco incluye guía profesional?

Sí, el tour incluye servicio de guía profesional en grupos de 16 turistas como máximo (servicio grupal). El guiado es en español o inglés.

¿Cuál de los dos horarios City Tour Cusco es el mejor?

Los horarios son: turno mañana (8.15 am) y Turno tarde (12.45 pm)

¿Dónde es el recojo en el City Tours Cusco?

El recojo es en el hotel del turista ubicado en el centro del Cusco. En caso de hoteles fuera del centro de la ciudad, el recojo será en una plaza céntrica a la hora acordada previamente.


¿qué debes de llevar para su city tour cusco + 4 ruinas.

  • Pasaporte / Carné de estudiante actualizado puede ser en fisico o virtual.
  • DNI, Documento Nacional de Identidad o Carnet de Extranjeria de forma obligatorio en fisico, de lo contrario no podra comprar el boleto turistico
  • Boleto Turístico Cusco (General o Parcial), boleto de ingreso a la catedral de Cusco y entrada a Qoricancha.
  • Poncho para la lluvia entre los meses de diciembre a abril.
  • Cámara fotográfica y/o filmadora
  • protector solar.
  • Lentes de sol y sombrero
  • Dinero extra para tus compras personales y para otros gastos adicionales.
  • Una casaca para la noche, si el tour es en horas de la tarde. También, vestir ropa adecuada para caminar.

Los viajeros suelen consultar preguntas frecuentes en el City Tour Cusco.

Embárcate en un cautivador viaje por la cautivadora ciudad de Cusco, donde la historia y la cultura se entrelazan a la perfección. El recorrido por la ciudad lo sumerge en el rico tapiz del pasado de Cusco, permitiéndole explorar su icónica Plaza de Armas, una magnífica mezcla de estilos arquitectónicos inca y colonial.

Prepárese para quedar asombrado al entrar a la gran Catedral de Cusco, una exquisita muestra de arte colonial adornada con tesoros religiosos y artísticos de valor incalculable. Adéntrate en el reino sagrado de los incas en el Templo del Sol (Qoricancha), un santuario sagrado donde se adoraba al sol con la mayor reverencia.

Pero la aventura no termina ahí; aventúrese a las cercanas ruinas de Sacsayhuamán, una formidable fortaleza ceremonial con colosales muros de piedra, y Q’enqo, un centro de culto místico con canales de piedra intrincadamente tallados. Explora Puca Pucara, un antiguo puesto militar, y descubre los secretos de Tambomachay, el legendario baño Inca. Cada uno de estos extraordinarios sitios tiene una historia única que contar, ofreciendo una visión profunda de las vibrantes tradiciones y la historia de Cusco.

¿Cuándo es el momento óptimo para emprender un city tour en Cusco?

Al decidir el momento óptimo para embarcarse en un recorrido por la ciudad de Cusco, es esencial tener en cuenta sus inclinaciones individuales en cuanto a las condiciones climáticas y la densidad de multitudes.

El período de mayo a octubre, conocido como estación seca, presenta una excelente oportunidad para hacer turismo, con abundancia de días soleados y precipitaciones mínimas. Esta franja horaria es especialmente propicia para sumergirse en la rica historia de la ciudad visitando yacimientos arqueológicos y paseando por sus encantadoras calles adoquinadas. Sin embargo, vale la pena señalar que esta temporada coincide con el pico de afluencia de turistas, lo que resulta en niveles potencialmente más altos de actividad en varios lugares.

¿Existen recomendaciones o consejos específicos para capturar fotografías durante el city tour en Cusco?

Con sus vibrantes mercados, impresionantes ruinas incas y ricas calles coloniales, Cusco es un verdadero paraíso para los fotógrafos. Para asegurarse de capturar las imágenes más impresionantes, se recomienda tener una cámara equipada con un rango de zoom versátil. Esto le permitirá capturar bellamente detalles arquitectónicos intrincados, así como paisajes extensos.

Las primeras horas de la mañana y la tarde proporcionan una luz suave y acogedora que es perfecta para fotografiar paisajes urbanos y sitios antiguos. Recuerde siempre pedir permiso antes de fotografiar a los lugareños, especialmente en mercados y zonas rurales. Además, tenga en cuenta que ciertos lugares, como iglesias y museos, pueden tener restricciones de fotografía específicas.

Precio City Tour Cusco

Costo del tour en servicio grupal..

USD 13.00 Dolares por Persona

  • Precios especiales por reservas anticipadas

Costo del tour en SERVICIO PRIVADO.

  • De acuerdo al numero de personas.

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+51 971-569-997

+51 966-143-567

+51 966-151-637

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Nuestra Empresa


Psje. Las Dalias I-8, Urb. La Florida, Wanchaq – Cusco

Nuestros Servicios

City Tour Cusco

Tour de Medio Día

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Tel: +51-966 143 567


Altura max..

city tour cusco valor

Nivel de Dificultad

Altura max., introducción.

El City Tour Cusco es un fascinante recorrido por la ciudad que te sumerge en la magia de la cultura andina conociendo más allá de los sitios arqueológicos más importantes. Esta es una excelente alternativa para poder disfrutar de la ciudad antes de visitar Machu Picchu u otros destinos. 

Esta experiencia es apta para todas las edades. ¡Déjate inspirar por los testimonios de clientes viajeros como tú, para tus próximas vacaciones! 

¡Atrevete a vivir la magia de la ciudad del Cusco!

¿Por qué reservar este tour?

  • Descubre lo que hay en el interior del Qoricancha.
  • Recorre la extensa y asombrosa explanada de Saqsayhuaman.
  • Descubre los misterios de Qenqo.
  • Aprecia la hermosa vista desde Pukapukara.

Itinerario Resumido

Día 01: city tour cusco medio día (mañana).

  • 08:30 – 09:00 Recojo de su hotel para iniciar la experiencia de City Tour Cusco.
  • 09:00 – 10:00 Visita al Qoricancha o Templo del Sol para conocer más sobre la cultura Inca.
  • 10:00 – 14:30 Nos trasladamos a la parte alta de la ciudad para poder disfrutar del recorrido por los principales centros arqueológicos (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay).
  • El punto final en Cusco es en la plaza San Francisco a las 14:30 pm aproximadamente.

Día 01: City Tour Cusco Medio Día (Tarde)

  • 13:00 – 13:30 Recojo de su hotel para iniciar la experiencia del City Tour Cusco.
  • 13:30 – 15:00 Visita al Qoricancha o Templo del Sol.
  • 15:00 – 18:30 Recorrido por los principales centros arqueológicos  (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay).
  • El punto final en Cusco es en la plaza San Francisco a las 18:30 pm aproximadamente.

Descriptivo de lugares a visitar

La ciudad del Cusco inicialmente fue el centro de la civilización Inca, en sus extraordinarias calles encontramos la historia que al paso de los años no se ha disipado y está más presente, esta experiencia nos permite conocer los principales lugares de la ciudad como por ejemplo:

  • La Basílica de la Catedral del Cusco: Una joya artística y arquitectónica. Se alza en la plaza principal, sobre el recinto del Kiswar Kancha que fue el lugar de residencia del gobernante Inca Viracocha. En su interior se hallan maravillosas obras de arte en madera, pinturas de la escuela cusqueña con detalles de plata repujada y pan de oro. (A solicitud del viajero)
  • El Templo de Qoricancha: Fue el centro religioso más importante dentro de la ciudad construido para adorar al Sol (Deidad principal en el tiempo de los Incas) y otras deidades (Estrellas, Arcoiris, Rayo y Luna). Sobre las bases del Qoricancha, se edificó el templo de Santo Domingo que cuenta con bellas pinturas en su pinacoteca de arte colonial.
  • Sacsayhuaman: Es una magnífica construcción con piedras de grandes dimensiones, unidas con asombrosa precisión simulando un rompecabezas, por mucho tiempo se considero una fortaleza, sin embargo estudios actuales lo consideran como un centro multifuncional ya que cuenta con un sector de almacenaje y también religioso. Es el lugar donde se lleva a cabo la fiesta del Intiraymi.
  • Qenqo (Laberinto): Considerado como centro ceremonial incaico. Destaca un espacio abierto denominado anfiteatro donde se encontraban sus ídolos y momias en los 19 nichos trapezoidales que tiene; además de esto sobre una de las elevaciones rocosas ocurre cada año, el evento denominado “El despertar del puma”.
  • Puka pukara: Nombre quechua que significa la fortaleza roja, se deduce que el lugar era un viejo tambo que servía de descanso y también para hacer guardia, según algunos registros este lugar probablemente contaba con una chinkana que conectaba con Tambomachay.
  • Tambomachay: Un complejo arqueológico formado por piedras finamente talladas, interesantes caídas de agua y acueductos provenientes de fuentes y manantiales cercanos; por todo ello es asociado con el  culto al agua y la adoración de esta esencial deidad.

¿Que Incluye?

  • Briefing detallado: Se lleva a cabo antes del inicio del servicio (El briefing es una orientación completa, explicando todo sobre el tour. Además se aclarará cualquier duda que pueda tener al respecto).
  • Grupos pequeños: Manejamos siempre una cantidad adecuada de personas, estilo tour compartido personalizado.
  • Guía de primer nivel : Guía de turismo profesional y especializado en el turismo Cultural (Bilingüe)
  • Transporte turístico: Viaje en transporte turístico para conocer Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara y Tambomachay.
  • Tickets de ingreso: Para la Catedral, Qoricancha y el Boleto Turístico Parcial (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara y Tambomachay).
  • Alimentos: Estos pueden ser solicitados.
  • Gastos personales y Propinas: Cómo compras de artesanías, ropa, bebidas, etc. Tampoco están incluidas las propinas, estas son voluntarias acorde al servicio recibido.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿es necesario contratar el servicio con una agencia de viajes.

Si, contratar con la agencia te brinda comodidad, seguridad y una experiencia organizada para aprovechar al máximo tu visita en compañía de una agencia de viajes formal como TOUR IN PERU quien ofrece viajes garantizados, con guías experimentados que nos respaldarán en todo momento.

¿Qué ingreso necesito para visitar todos los lugares mencionados?

Para esta aventura consideramos 3 ingresos:

  • El Boleto Turístico Parcial que nos permite visitar los destinos arqueológicos de Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara y Tambomachay.
  • El ingreso a la Catedral del Cusco (A solicitud del Viajero)
  • El ingreso al templo del Sol o Qoricancha.

Para facilitar el proceso nosotros nos encargamos de todos estos detalles.

¿De cuántas personas es el grupo en servicio compartido?

Nuestros servicios exclusivos siempre se han diferenciado por la personalización de la experiencia, esto involucra también que los grupos sean reducidos con un máximo de hasta 17 personas para asegurar que todos tengan una atención directa con el guía de turismo para que disfrutes al máximo tu visita.

¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para realizar el City Tour Cusco?

El City Tour Cusco se puede realizar cualquier día del año. Por lo general se recomienda hacerlo en el primer o segundo día de visita en Cusco, esto para aprovechar mejor su visita en esta hermosa ciudad.

¿Que llevar?

Equipo y ropa.

Mochila pequeña, poncho de lluvias (Enero y Febrero – temporada de lluvias), Ropa liviana para el día, ropa abrigadora para la noche.

Salud y Cuidado

Cantimplora con agua, bloqueador solar, lentes de sol.

Artefactos y más

Dinero en efectivo (Compras adicionales), cámara fotográfica, snacks.

Galería de Fotos

Visita la basilica catedral del cusco en el recorrido city tour

Reserva este Tour

¡experiencias que trascienden​.

Viajes con propósito personalizados.

Tour operadora reconocida y premiada.

Promotores de Viajes responsables.

Mayor experiencia para el cliente.

Experticia en el sector desde el 2009.

Guías profesionales especializados.

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Perú +51-971-569-997 Perú +51-966-151-637

Testimonios para su Inspiración

Viaje con confianza con TOUR IN PERU

Certificados de Tour in peru

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¡TOUR IN PERU, comprometidos con los viajes responsables!  

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Xplore Cusco Logo Orange

City Tour Cusco Half Day: Morning or Afternoon

Main Square of Cusco - Plaza de Armas

Tour Gallery

Main Square of Cusco - Plaza de Armas

The City Tour in Cusco is one of the most popular and recommended tours to do, it allows you to know and give you an overview of the importance of the city of Cusco, its culture and its past.

  • Qorikancha: Visit to the Inca Temple of the Sun and its convent.
  • Sacsayhuaman: Exploration of the Inca fortress with huge carved stones.
  • Qenqo: Visit to the Inca sanctuary dedicated to Pachamama or Mother Earth.
  • Puka Pukara: Visit to the military fortress built in red stone.
  • Tambomachay: Exploration of the archaeological site with water systems and fountains.

Xplore Cusco Guide icon

Not Included

Xplore Cusco Not Included Icon

Regardless of the time of day (morning or afternoon), i.e.: City Tour in the morning or Cusco City Tour in the afternoon, we will start with our guided tour of the city of Cusco, visiting first the impressive Cathedral of Cusco, located next to the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. In this important colonial temple, we will observe the Andean baroque architecture and the best examples of Andean religious art, as well as some colonial paintings.

Then we will go to the Qoricancha (the largest Inca temple dedicated to the sun) where we will observe the most beautiful Inca architecture and important colonial paintings of the Cusco school.

After visiting the Qoricancha, we will head to the outskirts of the city to visit Cusco’s four tourist attractions that make up the Sacsayhuaman Archaeological Park: the ceremonial fortress of Sacsayhuaman, the amphitheater of Qenqo, the military fortress of Puca Pucara and the fountains of the Tambomachay water temple.

During the guided tour of Sacsayhuaman, we will pass by impressive temples, sacred enclosures and platforms that were built with huge blocks of stone. And from its viewpoint, we will also observe the imposing city of Cusco in all its grandeur, as well as the most important mountains that protect it and the magnificent landscapes that surround Sacsayhuaman.

In addition, near Sacsayhuaman, we will visit a handicraft center to see the works of art created by the hands of Cusco artisans: traditional weavings (in alpaca and baby alpaca) and gold and silver jewelry (necklaces, bracelets and earrings). And if you want to take home a nice souvenir, this is the place to buy it.

Finally, in the last part of the tour, we will visit Qenqo, Puca Pucara and Tambomachay.

After the guided tour, we will return to Cusco, and we will take you to Plaza Regocijo (one block from Cusco’s Main Square), so you can continue visiting, on your own, the other wonders of the majestic city of Cusco.

Down arrow icon - Xplore Cusco

  • Small backpack, where you can carry your personal belongings.
  • Cash for souvenirs.
  • Extra snacks.
  • Comfortable and warm clothes, since in the morning and in the afternoon it can be cold in Cusco.
  • Comfortable and resistant shoes to walk around the different archaeological areas.
  • Sunscreen and hat or cap to protect you from the sun.
  • Water bottle to stay hydrated during the tour.
  • Camera to capture the beautiful landscapes and archaeological sites.
  • It is also advisable to bring some cash to buy souvenirs or drinks during the tour.
  • The best option is the city tour in the afternoon, as you can see the sunset.
  • Buy the full Boleto Turistico Cusco BTC (general admission), which gives you the opportunity to visit the main tourist attractions of Cusco and Sacred Valley for 10 days.
  • This tour is ideal to start learning more about the city of Cusco and the legacy of the Incas.

Book a tour in Xplore Cusco and visit the most beautiful and most visited archaeological complexes of Cusco. Main Square, Qoricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Wenwo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay.

  • The majestic Cathedral of Cusco , symbol of Andean-Christian religious syncretism.
  • The magnificent Inca temple of Qoricancha, also known as the temple of Santo Domingo.
  • The impressive terraces and temples of the great ceremonial fortress of Sacsayhuaman.
  • The enigmatic rocky promontories and labyrinthine paths of the amphitheater of Qenqo.
  • The great stone terraces, walls and stairways of the military fortress of Puca Pucara .
  • And the mysterious terraces and fountains of the Tambomachay water temple.

Begin your adventure in the majestic Plaza de Armas of Cuzco, where the millenary history of the great Andean culture still survives. Visit the Basilica-Cathedral of the Virgin of the Assumption, the main temple of the city of Cusco. Next, you will travel along a narrow stone path to the Qoricancha, the largest Inca temple.

And then delight your senses with the most impressive and extraordinary examples of high Inca architecture. Board our tourist bus and head to the outskirts of the city of Cusco where you will visit 4 impressive sites of the Sacsayhuaman Archaeological Park: Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Puca Pucara and Tambomachay.

Cusco City Tour Cusco in the Afternoon

To start the tour we pick you up at your hotel between 13:00 and 13:25, the tour ends at your hotel or at the Plaza San Francisco, which is 4 minutes from the Plaza de Armas (central square of the city).

  • Departures: daily.
  • Duration: from 13:30 to 18:45.
  • Cost per person: US$ 15.00 American dollars or S/. 50.00 soles.

What is included?

  • Transportation and group guide.
  • Not included : Entrance fees.

City Tour Cusco in the morning or morning

The Cusco city tour in the morning is one of the tours where you will find few tourists, especially if you plan to arrive in Cusco between the months of June to the end of November.

One of the disadvantages of the Cusco City Tour in the morning is that we do NOT visit the Cusco Cathedral or the Qoricancha.

  • Departures : Daily.
  • Duration : from 10 to 14 hours.
  • Tourist transportation and professional guide.
  • Not included  : Cusco Tourist Ticket ( BTC ). See more details of the ticket in the “”more details”” section.

Places to visit in the City tour in Cusco

1. cusco cathedral.

The Cathedral or Basilica of the Virgin of the Assumption, is the main temple of the city of Cusco, the visit begins here entering the church of the Holy Family, we visit the entire cathedral and the church of the Triumph.


We continue with the visit of the most important temple of the Inca culture, the Qorikancha was the center of a complex religious system, transforming the city of Cusco in the sacred city of the Incas, today we can observe the advanced technique of architecture and engineering that the Incas developed.


Inca Archaeological Center. The “”ceremonial temple”” of Sacsayhuaman is, with its megalithic walls, the greatest architectural work done by the Incas in their time of splendor, from where we can contemplate a unique panoramic view of the surroundings, including the city of Cusco. It is located 2 kilometers from the city.

The Inca place of worship, dedicated to the magical religious rite, its circular amphitheater and subway galleries are especially interesting.


It is a military construction formed by large walls, terraces and stairs; it was part of the defensive complex of Cusco.


Temple dedicated to the cult of water, also a special place where the head of the Inca empire could rest. It consists of a series of aqueducts, canals and several waterfalls that flow through the rocks. The origin of the water flowing through its canals is currently unknown.

Cost of the tickets for the City Tour Cusco

  • Tourist ticket: S/ 130.00 Nuevos Soles (to enter Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo,
  • Tambomachay and Pucapucara, also serves to visit the Sacred Valley of the
  • Incas and other museums of the city, is valid for 10 days).
  • Entrance to the Cathedral: S/ 25.00 Nuevos Soles.
  • Entrance to the Qoricancha: S/ 15.00 Nuevos Soles.

Cusco BTC Tourist Ticket Information

The Cusco city tour ticket included in this tour is for one day and includes the sites seen in this tour only. If you plan to stay in Cusco for several days and/or plan to do several tours, you can upgrade to the 10-day tourist ticket when you book your tour. The 10-day tour ticket includes the following sites:

  • Sacsayhuaman
  • Puca Pucara
  • Tambomachay
  • Pisac Ruins
  • Ollantaytambo
  • Qosqo Native Art Center
  • Pachacuteq Inca Museum/Monument (Pachacuteq Monument)
  • Qoricancha Site Museum
  • Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Museum of Popular Art
  • Regional History Museum

Please note that this ticket does  not include

  • Qoricancha aka the Santo Domingo Complex (10 soles entrance fee)
  • Main Cathedral (25 soles entrance fee)
  • Maras (10 soles entrance fee)
  • Andahuaylillas (10 soles entrance fee)
  • Salineras – Salinas de Maras (10 soles entrance fee)

$  25.00

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Cusco City Tour: Prices and Itinerary

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  • Description

Tour Description

Do you want to relax and discover Cusco at your own pace? We have prepared this tour to fully enjoy the highlithts of Cusco. Take your time to admire the beautiful cathedral of Cusco, the charming streets, and explore the most important archaeological centers like Sacsayhuaman. This private tour will be assisted by a professional tour guide.

Tour Information

Cusco, peru.


All Year Long


Tour Program

Day 1: cusco city tour.

Cusco city, “the navel of the world”, considered by the Incas the capital of the Empire, has many things to offer, in terms of History, Archeology, gastronomy, etc. Your guide will lead you to visit the archeological centers nearby Cusco, which will transport you into the history of the fabled Inca kingdom. You start by visiting Sacsayhuaman , the ancient fortress known for its annual celebration of the Inti Raymi or "sun festival" to continue with Puca Pucara , Tambomachay and finally Qenko . In the afternoon, your tour guide will show you the Cathedral of Cusco and the Temple of the Sun (Qorikancha). You'll find yourself between the small narrow streets, numerous museums, varied architecture of the buildings and more. You will not be bored for a second. This private tour is the best to enjoy the city in total freedom.

Tour Inclusions

Professional tour guide.

Private transportation.

Entrance tickets.

Permanent assistance.

All transfers included.

Frequent Asked Questions

What's the weather like in cusco.

In the Andes, temperature changes too much between night and day. During the rainy season (November-March) we have cloudy days with rain at night. On the other hand, during the dry season (May-September) you can expect very cold nights and warm sunny days.

What should I bring for my trip to Peru?

If coming to Peru, make sure to bring proper clothing. We suggest sunglasses, a sun hat, a polar, gloves, and comfortable shoes for walking. If coming during the rainy season, a raincoat is highly recommended.

Is this package safe for children?

We recommend this tour package for children and families since it's easy and safe. All places have easy access and all facilities for visitors. Children have discounts on many sites, so feel free to contact us and get your quotation.

How long in advance should I book?

To guarantee all services, we recommend that you book your package at least 3 months in advance. Last minute bookings are also possible, but subject to availability.

What is the payment method?

Booking your package is very easy and safe. First, get in touch with us. Next, we'll reply with a confirmation. After you validate the program, we'll send you a link for the payment. All payments are online with your credit card.

Need Assistance?

For any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Explore More Destinations

Peru has lots of places that you can explore. From the coast to the andes, there's charm all around.

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  • +51 957 326 998
  • +51 965 730 786

Peru Destinations

Top Best Places and Tourist Attractions to Visit in Peru and Cusco

  • Machu Picchu Tours
  • Sacred Valley
  • Lares Treks
  • Huchuy Qosqo
  • Rainbow Mountain
  • Inca Trails Treks
  • Choquequirao
  • Inca Quarry

Live an unique vacation in Peru with our personalized itineraries designed exclusively through authentic tours, in harmony with the natural world. Travel to Peru and fuel your imagination on a diet of ancient treasures and wonderful landscapes. Surrounded by majestic Andean peaks, world wonder Machu Picchu and the historic city of Cusco highlight Peru’s dramatic birth from the encounter between Incas and Spaniards. Peru is one of the most diverse travel destinations on the entire planet. Full of wilderness, adventure, history, world-renowned cuisine and a colorful culture, this is a country that offers several exciting options for, literally, any type of traveler.

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Custom Tours, Trips & Travel Packages in Peru

The best travel packages and tours to peru.

  • Machu Picchu Tour with Rainbow Mountain Trek 5 Days
  • Sacred Valley with Short Inca Trail & Rainbow Mountain Tour – 4 Days

Explore our selection of Peru tours and packages and get inspire with our journeys and find your perfect itinerary. Come to Peru to discover its mystical land with ancient citadels, magnificent natural beauty, traces of ancient civilizations, rich history, and vibrant culture, of course, Peru is a memorable destination. No matter your inclination or age, Peru Spirit Adventure has an exhilarating adventure ready to take you deep into the heart of Peru. From coastal metropolises, the lively Lima city, with its museums, galleries, and buzzing cuisine scene to the Peruvian Andes to explore Cusco, the historic capital of the Inca Empire, Sacred Valley with its bustling markets overflowing with vivid textiles and handicrafts, and end up with the most revered ruins in the world like Machu Picchu or keep exploring the dramatic snow-capped peaks, the vivid colors of Rainbow Mountain in the Andes Mountains with our carefully crafted custom tour packages in Southern of Peru

Best Tours & Trips to Machu Picchu

Embark an exceptional private tours of machu picchu in peru with an expert tour guide.

  • Tour to Machu Picchu with Vistadome Train 1 Day
  • Machu Picchu Tour by Train – 2 Days / 1 Night
  • Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu Tour 2D/1N
  • Cusco City Tour, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu Tour 3D/2N
  • Sacred Valley 2 Day & Machu Picchu – 3 Days / 2 Nights
  • 4D/3N Cusco City, Sacred Valley 2 Day & Machu Picchu Tour
  • Sacred Valley & Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 3D/2N
  • 2-Day Moray, Maras Salt Mines & Machu Picchu Tour

The spectacular Inca citadel of Machu Picchu – Is the world’s greatest travel destination, a New Wonder of the World, South America’s top attraction, or purely a postcard-worthy ancient site that must be seen to be believed. Whether you travel to Machu Picchu by scenic train, hike the world-famous Inca Trail or venture off the beaten path, you’ll be able to enjoy a unique experience and discover the Lost City’s secrets. Once you step foot into this UNESCO World Heritage site, you’ll discover its refined architecture, spiritual meaning and astronomical importance. Machu Picchu – a bucket list experience!!

Best Inca Trail Tours to Machu Picchu Peru

Hike the famous inca trail to machu picchu, the best trekking route in all of south america.

  • Inca Trail 4 Days Trek to Machu Picchu 
  • Inca Trail 5 Days Tour to Machu Picchu
  • Inca Trail Short 2 Days Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Salkantay Trek + Classic Inca Trail 6D/5N
  • 1 Day Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
  • 2 Days Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

The Inca Trail – Is one of the most iconic and famous trails in South America – perhaps the world – and a must-do, life-changing experience. This 26-mile (42km) trail to the 15th-century Inca citadel of Machu Picchu goes across the Andes mountains reaching 13,829 ft (4,215m) and it’s hiked in 4 days and 5 days. Along the route you’ll get to see some fascinating archaeological sites that can only be accessed by foot and witness a mix of ecosystems with abundance in fauna and flora where you’ll have high chances to spot gorgeous orchids, tall mountains ranging from the snow-capped Andes to the luscious cloud forest and in the middle of this region is where you’ll camp every night and live an unforgettable experience and this original Inca steps ends at the Sun Gate (Inti Punku), the entrance to Machu Picchu city.

The Greatest Hikes in Peru

Alternative Treks To Machu Picchu & Off The Beaten Path Adventure Travel in Peru


  • Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 5 Days
  • Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu 4 Days
  • Salkantay Challenge Trek 3 Days
  • Salkantay Trek + Classic Inca Trail 6 Days
  • Salkantay Trail to Machu Picchu & Zipline 5 Days


  • Ausangate Trek to Rainbow Mountains – 4 Days
  • Ausangate 5 Day Trek + Rainbow Mountains Cusco
  • Ausangate & Sibinacocha Lake 7D/6N


  • Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 3D/2N
  • Lares Trek & Short Inca Trail 5D/4N
  • Lares Trek 4 Days to Machu Picchu


  • Huchuy Qosqo 1 Day Hike
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek 2 Days (With Machu Picchu)
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek to Machu Picchu 3D/2N


  • Choquequirao Trek 4D/3N
  • Choquequirao Trek 5D/4N


  • Ancascocha Challenge Trek 4D/3N
  • Ancascocha Trek 5D/4N


  • Inca Quarry Trek 4D/3N
  • Inca Quarry Trek + Short Inca Trail 5D/4N


  • Inca Jungle 4 Days
  • Inca Jungle 3 Days


Enjoy the best of the city of Cusco & surrond

  • City Tour Cusco Half Day Tour – Morning or Afternoon 
  • Cusco City Highlights & Surroundings Tour – 1 Day
  • Maras Moray & Salt Mines Tour – Half Day
  • 1-Day South Valley Tour of Cusco
  • Walking Tour Cusco Half Day Tour
  • Cusco Horseback riding – Half day


Off The Beaten Path Cusco Day Hikes

  • Full-Day Huchuy Qosqo Trek
  • Inca Quarry Trail 1-Day Hike
  • Chinchero to Urquillos One Day Trek
  • Pumamarca Hike to Ollantaytambo – 1 Day
  • Qeswachaka Bridge One Day Tour
  • Tipon, Pikillacta & Andahuaylillas Tour – 1 Day


Discover the Best Day Hikes in Peru

  • Rainbow Mountain One Day Tour
  • Horseback Ride Rainbow Mountain 1-Day Tour
  • Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain 1-Day Tour
  • Humantay Lake One Day Tour
  • 1-Day Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Ausangate 7 Lakes 1-Day Hike

Peru's Best Sacred Valley Tours in Private Service

Discover the best of sacred valley with a customized tour on your terms.

  • CLASSIC Sacred Valley Tour (Pisac & Ollantaytambo)
  • ALTERNATIVE Sacred Valley Tour (Chinchero, Moray, Salt Mines & Ollantaytambo)
  • EXTENDED Sacred Valley Tour (Pisac, Salt Mines, Moray & Ollantaytambo)
  • SUPER Sacred Valley Tour (Chinchero, Salt Mines, Moray, Ollantaytambo & Pisac)
  • FULL-DAY TOUR ( Moray, Salt Ponds of Maras & Pisac)

Peru’s Sacred Valley – Just one hour away from Cusco, it’s a destination full of adventure, culture, and glimpses into local Andean life; nestled in the verdant foothills of the snow-capped Andes, with a stunning landscape, dotted with little villages and ruins. Explore Pisac and Ollantaytambo to witness and wander around stunning hillside Incan ruins, visit Chinchero to experience a traditional market day in the valley. Do not miss the ancient salt pans, known as the Maras Salt Mines and the Inca experimental terraces of Moray.

Rainbow Mountain Treks & Tours

Hike to the incredible rainbow mountain or vinicunca mountain in peru.

  • Rainbow Mountain Trek & Red Valley 2 Days
  • Ausangate & Rainbow Mountain Trek 3 Days
  • Ausangate Trek to Rainbow Mountains 4 Days
  • Machu Picchu Tour & Rainbow Mountain 5 Days 

Vinicunca Mountain — also known as the Mountain of Seven Colors, or more simply Rainbow Mountain — was discovered four years ago when the snow covering it melted, revealing the natural beauty of the rock beneath. A visit to Rainbow Mountain is an absolute must for all those who love stunning landscapes and gorgeous scenery. This hike to Rainbow Mountain offer you one of the earth’s most amazing natural wonders in Peru.

city tour cusco valor

Best Guided Cusco City Tour & Surroundings

Full Day Tour | Starting From: $ per person

Best Guided Cusco City Tour & Surroundings

Full Day Tour

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Peru Spirit Adventure » Tours » Cusco Private Tours » Best Guided Cusco City Tour & Surroundings

Cusco City Highlights & Surroundings - Full Day

Explore the best that cusco has to offer with an expert tour guide.

Full-Day Cusco City Tour – Explore the highlights of this amazing city , ruins and its archaeological sites that surrond Cusco on a full-day city tour with a private Peru Spirit Adventure knowledgeable tour guide and enhance your visit to city of Cusco to its fullest, the once the shimmering capital of the entire Inca Empire .

This full-day city tour will allow you to explore the best of Cusco city, visiting all the most beautiful Inca and colonial sights in the historic center of Cusco, as well as discover the incredible Inca ruins both within the city and in the surroundings hills, and learn the city’s history from its foundations, while visiting the impressive Spanish colonial city in the southern highlands of Peru during your day trip in Cusco.

During this private Cusco full-day tour and surroundings in Peru , spend the morning visiting the incredible archaeological sites of Tambomachay, Puca Pucara, Q’enqo and Sacsayhuaman set just above Cusco City and enjoy sweeping views of the surrounding landscape, with a private local tour guide at your side!

Then, taste the delights of Andean cuisine at Cusco’s restaurants and bars. In the afternoon, explore the city’s highlights such as the grandeur of the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, temples and palaces of the city center as you walk through the ancestral typical streets and plazas of Cusco city: amazed yourself with the magnificent architecture of the colonial buildings lying over the Inca foundations.

Onward, visit the Cusco’s main Cathedral that holds approximately 300 paintings from the famous Cusqueña School in the city. Then amazed yourself with the famous Twelve-Angled Stone in Hatunrumiyoc Street. To finish later, visit the Temple of the Sun called Coricancha and Convent of Santo Domingo , and stop by the city’s San Pedro Market for a glimpse of daily life for city residents.

If you only have one day to explore the ancient heart of the Inca Empire and its incredible Incan ruins located on the outskirts of the royal city – embark on a full-day city tour of Cusco, it’s a foolproof plan to spend a perfect day in the capital of the mighty Inca Empire, and take a deep dive into some of the region’s cultural, at a leisure pace, no rush!

city tour cusco valor

Trip Details For Full-Day Cusco City Tour

  • Location/Terrain:  Gentle trails, dirt paths, grassy fields, mountains above Cusco, Cobblestone streets, pavement, Cusco City
  • Acclimatization:  A great way to acclimatize to Cusco’s altitude in prep for a trek
  • Duration:  1 Day tour
  • Altitude:  3400m/11,155ft to 3650m/11,975ft
  • Physical Grading:  easy, gentle walk, stone steps, and cobblestone streets
  • When to Go:  Year round
  • Departures:  Daily departures with 2 or more people
  • Customizable:  Yes! Private, custom, add-ons all available. Can add this on to any tour or trek

Embark on this personalized full-day guided sightseeing tour of the city and avoid the crowds, enjoying insider-access opportunities and staying longer, and explore the places that others don’t go during this city tour of  Cusco , and take the best photographs in this beautiful city

What's it like

city tour cusco valor

This day trip is an amazing introduction to Incan history and culture, and one of our most favorite tours offered and we personally rate it as a must not miss experience. This tour can also be added on to the Machu Picchu Train tour or any Trek for the complete Cusco experience!

Come and be one of the first adventurers to make this full-day guided sightseeing tour of Cusco with us and soak up the rich culture and spectacular landscape of the Imperial city! Contact us for a personalized day trip and our tailor-made trip experts will work with you.

This tour is completely customizable, which means you can make your add-ons or focus on certain interests, where our private guides will offer you with more unique experiences. At Peru Spirit Adventure will tailor this 1-day city tour of Cusco to your specifications.

Plan your Peru trip with a Cusco City Tour and explore all the significant Inca and colonial sights of the historic center, and get an insider peek into today’s Cusco, plus four spectacular Inca Ruins just outside town. Cusco holds excellent cultural richness.

Cusco City is the center of Inca history and this full-day tour is an absolute way of exploring and learning about the Incan heritage of Cusco and hidden gems. This great day trip is highly recommended for those who have very limited time or have just one day to explore the capital of the mighty Inca Empire, before or after the visit the whole Sacred Valley, and Machu Picchu. It is also perfect for travelers who would like to know more about our culture.

Cusco Highlights & Surroundings

  • Explore Cusco city and its hidden gems with a friendly local guide and soak up the rich culture and traditions as you touch down in the city of Cusco
  • Discover the best that Cusco has to offer on this full-day tour in Cusco and drive outside the city to visit important Inca sites, including the fortress of Sacsayhuaman, Quenqo, Pucapucara, and Tambomachay
  • Uncover the imperial City of Cusco, South America’s oldest continuously inhabited city, on a full-day guided sightseeing tour of the city with our native Tour Guide
  • During the Viceroyalty in Cusco, houses, colonial churches, and convents with magnificent art pieces were built on top of Incan walls and foundations. You’ll get to witness this and more.
  • Cusco holds various titles, including UNESCO World Heritage Site, Archaeological Capital of America, Historical Capital of Peru, and Navel of the World. Come and see why for yourself.
  • Visit the impressive Inca Temple of the Sun, also known as Qoricancha or Koricancha, the most renowned temple of the Inca Empire on your Cusco day trip
  • Stroll through antique and cobblestone streets of Cusco while learning about its history and culture, enjoying the fascinating colonial era architecture
  • As you head out of the center, you’ll be blown away by the incredible views of the surrounding mountains as well as the expansive city below, right in the middle.
  • Take a tour of the most historically important sites in the whole city to welcome you in the best way possible.

Itinerary of the 1-Day Guided Cusco City Tour & Surroundings

Day 1: san pedro market - sacsayhuaman & nearby ruins - cusco cathedral - qoricancha - 12-angle stone.

To begin a day on leisure in the ancient capital of the Incan Empire entitled a World’s Heritage site by UNESCO, we will pick you from your hotel at 8:00 am in our private transport. Then, you will drive with your guide to explore four spectacular Inca Ruins set just above Cusco City.

After driving for about 20 minutes from Cusco, we will spend the morning visiting the famous spectacular archaeological sites of Tambomachay, Puca Pucara, and Q’enqo, and the magnificent Inca site of Sacsayhuaman, one of the Inca Empire’s most spectacular buildings.

Next, we will take our private van and down to the city to visit the emblematic San Pedro Market or Cusco Central Market, one of the oldest in the whole city and probably the most famous. At this local market in Cusco, we’ll experience an authentic slice of everyday life in this city and get a little taste of local life in Cusco.

As we stroll through the rows of bright fruits, colorful garments, handcrafted pieces, and food stalls through colorful San Pedro Market. Your tour guide will tell you about the history and current workings of the market. Also, you will have the opportunity to interact with the local merchants at their stalls, so be prepared to practice your Spanish and Quechua skills.

Then, we walk down to the main square of Cusco to enjoy a great lunch (not included) at one of the typical restaurants, there are plenty of good expensive eateries for lunch on the Plaza de Armas.

Following lunch, we will continue a walking tour of Cusco, through the Cusco’s antique streets of the ancient capital of the Incas. Our afternoon tour includes the Plaza de Armas, Cusco Cathedral, the extraordinary the Temple of the Sun, also known as Qoricancha, the most important religious site of the Incas in the lower Cusco, as well as, explore antique streets in the city and admire its incomparable beauty.

After one-day guided sightseeing tour in Cusco in private service, we will drop you off at your hotel around 5 PM.

Important Note:  While we expect the Cusco City Tour (1D) will run as the itinerary describes. Participants should accept that there is the possibility of changes, being necessary liable to local conditions, e.g, strikes, natural desasters, these changes might be at the discretion of your travel company.

What’s Included For Cusco City Tour - 1 Day?

  • Pre-departure briefing:  We’ll meet you at your hotel for an orientation before your city tour in Cusco. The meeting will be at 5:00 PM the evening before the trip begins.
  • Experienced Guide:  All our guides are graduates of the professional career of Tourism of the National University San Antonio Abad of Cusco. Our guides are chosen for their professionalism, experience, responsibility, seriousness, unbridled passion for exploring, and a desire to share in the experience. They’ll make sure you are safe and happy.
  • Transportation:  All your transportation is included in this full-day city tour of Cusco. We’ll pick you up from your hotel to explore the Cusco city and outskirts of town. Once you complete the tour, we’ll take you back to the door of your hotel. The type of transportation will be provided based on the group size – SEDAN, MINI-VAN or VAN.

What Is Not Included?

  • Hotel before/after the tour
  • Tourist Ticket (Boleto Turistico): 70 soles per person (or 130 soles if you are also doing the Sacred Valley)
  • Entrance to Qoricancha (Temple of the Sun): 15 soles per person
  • Entrance to the main Cathedral: 25 soles per person
  • Travel interruption & travel medical/evacuation insurance (required)
  • Meals:  Meals are not included in your tour but our guides will recommend some good places. If you prefer another location, please feel free to tell your guide
  • Tip for your guide is optional but highly encouraged if you enjoy your tour


The entrance fee to the archaeological and tourist sites are not included. Please note that you will need to purchase an a dmission partial ticket (Boleto Turistico Partial) whose cost is PEN 70 Peruvian soles (about USD 25 per ticket) which allows you to access four historical sites located on the city limits like Sacsayhuaman, Q’enqo, Puca Pucara, and Tambomachay (in other words, it is used only on this tour).

The cathedral and Q’oricancha (Temple of the Sun) are separate entrance tickets and are PEN 25 Peruvian soles (about USD 8 per ticket) and PEN 15 Peruvian soles (about USD 5 per ticket).

However, if you plan to visit historical sites in both Cusco and the Sacred Valley , we recommend you purchase the general admission ticket (Boleto Turistico General) whose cost is PEN 130 Peruvian Soles (about USD 45 per ticket), this ticket allows you to visit 14 historical sites, which are located in Cusco, Southern part of Cusco, Sacred Valley ( Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Moray, and Chinchero ), and some museums in Cusco city. The ticket is valid for 10 days.

The Maras salt ponds ticket is not part of the boleto turistico parcial or boleto turistico general (partial or general ticket), this ticket should be purchased at the entrance of the same place, whose cost is PEN 10 Peruvian soles (about USD 4 per ticket). It is not necessary to purchase the tourist pass in advance, as you can get it at the first site we visit on the tour.

What to bring for a Day Trip to Cusco & Surroundings

Cusco can experience every season in a single day, so you should be prepared for sun and rain, cold and hot weather! We recommend to bring with you

  • Original passport
  • Tourist ticket (not included in price)
  • Hat and sunglasses to protect you from the sun
  • Sunscream (factor 35 recommended)
  • Rain gear or plastic poncho
  • Winter hat or toque and gloves
  • A light day pack to carry your things
  • A bottle of water
  • Camera and films
  • Money for snacks, souvenirs and tips
  • Comfortable hiking shoes or athletic sneakers with good traction are perfect for walking up to and around the Inca archaeological complexes.

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Country: United Kingdom United States --- Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea Korea Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Mexico Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Barthelemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten (Netherlands) Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia & S. Sandwich Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

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Please give at least two alternative start dates in order of preference. Write none if there are no other dates available for you

city tour cusco valor

Why Peru Spirit Adventures!

Peru Spirit Adventure is a family owned travel agency and a local tour operator based in Cusco, Peru, in the Ancient Capital of the Inca Empire! Peru Spirit Adventure was founded by a Peruvian with over many years of guiding experience, and is a 100% Cusqueñian Company without any shareholders.

We are an agency with a great spirit of adventure and passionate about travel, dedicated to offer the best tourist services, to take you to discover the vast riches, natural and archaeological of each corner of the country.

We provide high quality service as well as focusing on having small groups to enhance the travel experience and customize any tour or trek to suit your travel, fitness, budget, and time preferences. This is what makes us stand out from other tour operators.

We create small personalized tours & treks strictly and only operated by local professional staff catering in PERSONALIZED and HIGH QUALITY SERVICE. Our guides in Peru are hand selected by the owners of Peru Spirit Adventure. All guides for our tours and treks are native to Peru and speak fluent English to ensure excellent communication and a positive experience overall.

We pride ourselves on providing 5 star service before, during, and after your trip. Peru Spirit Adventure is dedicated to excellent customer service and adventure experiences. We have been awarded from Trip Advisor the Certificate of Excellence for the last three years. Please check out our reviews and certificates of excellence on,  TRIPADVISOR  for yourself!

We are direct operators of all the tours and treks we offer, from family trips, honeymoon trips and luxury travel, including adventure tours to Peruvian Andes. Please email us to customize your trip in Peru.

Our tours & treks are operated in private service with a mínimum of 2 people to confirm the departure – Max 8 / Average 4 guests, ensuring a small group feel and specialized attention.

We are a responsible and sustainable tour operator – Our mission is to provide exceptional tours, treks, and adventure trips. During our trips, we make every effort to minimize negative impacts and maximize the benefits to the local people and natural environments we visit. We pay fair, livable wages, ensuring we hire and maintain the absolute best guides and support staff. We are proud of our team without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer the best service and lifetime experiences to our clie

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Our promise, personalized.

Your personal travel advisor will build a tailored itinerary.

Private Tours

Experience all tours in private, unless otherwise indicated.

Local Knowledge

Knowledgeable, professional and passionate staff and guides.

In trip support

24/7 emergency assistance from English speaking staff.


We’re here to answer your questions about:.

  • Peru Spirit Adventure vacations and itineraries
  • Current deals and offers
  • Why you should travel with us

Need an answer right away? Call us at   +51 957 326 998

Your personal information will be used solely for purposes of responding to your request and to provide you with updates and information. Additional information is available in our Privacy Policy.

Peru Spirit Adventure

100% direct local tour operator.

Thank you so much for reaching out to us. We will respond to all email inquiries within 24 hours. We are also reachable by chat and phone and look forward to connecting.

Our main email:  [email protected] / [email protected] Address:  Urb. Picchu Alto J – 5, Cusco – Peru​ Mobile:  +51 957 326 998 | +51 965 730 786 WhatsApp:  +51 957 326 998

Please give at least two alternative start dates in order of preference. Write none if there are no other dates available for you View Payments Details

Sacred Valley Private Tours & Tailor Made with Local Experts

Connect with peru spirit adventure – 100% direct local tour operator.

Thank you so much for reaching out to us. Please complete the contact form below to tell us more about your dates, interests, the number of travelers, pick-up and drop-off places etc. We will do our best to help you organize your trip. You can be assured you will hear from us within 24 hours. Our Sacred Valley tour is available only in Private Service that offer you  the flexibility to design your own trip exactly how you like it, as well as the duration of the visit in each case, not being subject to a larger group itinerary and timings.

Terms & Conditions

Thank you for booking and/or traveling on a Peru Spirit Adventure tour with Peru Spirit Adventure. We are 100% local Cusqueñan company and legally recognized by Peruvian law. These Terms and Conditions apply to any travel products and/or services purchased from Peru Spirit Adventure. A contract is entered into once PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE receives your booking form and deposit, and we accept and confirm the booking. Please note that travel arrangements are not confirmed until stated so in writing by PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE. All Peru Spirit Adventure based treks and tours are operated by Peru Spirit Adventure.


To reserve any of our tours and treks services, the customer must submit his or her personal information and a deposit. The personal information we require is the following: Full name (as appears on passport), Date of Birth, Nationality, Gender, and Passport number.

  • A picture of their passport photo page. A camera phone picture or similar is acceptable.

Once the customer confirms their reservation, we will send an email within 24 hours with a confirmation of their tour or trek and the deposit amount and also, details of the services included and not included in the service price. Once we send this information to the customer, if we do not receive any response from the customer it will be assumed by the company that the customer has accepted all terms and conditions. We provide a full pre-tour briefing at your hotel in Cusco. This gives the customer the chance to ask any questions they may have about the tour or trek itinerary. — ABOUT THE BRIEFING:  The night before your tour or trek, there will be a pre-tour talk (briefing) at your hotel in Cusco at either 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm. (exact time will be confirmed by email). Once you receive your briefing time, if we do not hear back we will assume it is confirmed by you. Please take this into consideration when booking your travel plans to Cusco, ensuring you arrive in time for the briefing. If your tour or trek begins on a Monday then the briefing will be scheduled for the Saturday before.

  • Please note that it is difficult to change the briefing time and date at short notice. Therefore, if we receive a request for a briefing change less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled briefing, we most likely will not be able to change the briefing time or date. We will, however, do everything we can to change to try and accommodate the schedule change.

We use PayPal for sending deposits, that way you can use your credit card. There is a 6% fee for deposits using PayPal (for the international transfer). We also use Western Union for sending deposits, Deposits through Western Union have variable fees. The deposit amount depends on the type of itinerary you will book, as follows;

  • For all trek and multi-day tours,  we require a deposit of $250 USD per person — Deposits for tours and treks are non-refundable and non-transferable to another individual. There are no exceptions.
  • For the Rainbow Mountain tours & hikes  we require a deposit of $100 USD per person — Deposits for tours and treks are non-refundable and non-transferable to another individual. There are no exceptions.
  • For the Humantay Lake Day Trip,  we require a deposit of $100 USD per person — Deposits for tours and treks are non-refundable and non-transferable to another individual. There are no exceptions.
  • For the Sacred Valley Tours & Trips,  we require a deposit of $100 USD (for the group) — Deposits for tours and treks are non-refundable and non-transferable to another individual. There are no exceptions.
  • For the Cusco Half Day Tours,  we require a deposit of $50 USD (for the group) — Deposits for tours and treks are non-refundable and non-transferable to another individual. There are no exceptions.
  • For large groups, we accept wire transfer for deposits and final balances due. If you would like more information about the wire transfer option, please email us at  [email protected]

FINAL PAYMENTS:  We accept cash and PayPal for final payments. A client may not depart for the tour or trek until payment in full is received, either in cash or by PayPal.

  • Cash payments  are due the day before tour or trek departure and can be paid at the pre-tour or trek briefing. We accept US dollars and Peruvian soles for cash payments. If you will pay in US dollars.  Take note.  The Peruvian banks are extremely strict about the “quality” of dollars they will accept. Therefore, we have to request that your bills are what they call “unbroken”. Broken bills will not be accepted. Broken means — any tear (even as small as 3 mm) or excessive wrinkling
  • PayPal payments  are due one week before the tour or trek departure.  a)  There is an 8% fee on balance due payments using PayPal.  b)  If the balance via PayPal is not paid by 3 days prior to trek departure, the PayPal fee will be 10%. Our PayPal email is: [email protected]
  • All banking fees will be covered by the client



  • Notification of cancellation must always be made in writing by the person that made the booking and paid the deposit to  [email protected] .
  • Your deposit for the tours and treks are 100% non-refundable. If you need to cancel for any reason, as you approach your tour start date, there may be additional cost due. There are no exceptions due to the fact, that  PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE  expends a great deal of expense purchasing permits, entrance tickets, and making deposits for reservations or services, most of which are non-changeable, non-transferable, and non-refundable by government regulation. We also do not accept medical notes of any kind, as our out of pocket expenses are non-refundable to us.


  • Cancellations made 30 days in advance have no charge (with the exception of the non-refundable deposit) with the following exception:
  • Inca Trail treks
  • In the case of cancellation, the customer will not receive a refund of their deposit
  • If the customer cancels between 30 and 10 days before their trek, they must pay 50% of the total trip cost.
  • If the customer cancels between 10 and 3 days before their trek, they must pay 80% of the total cost.
  • If the customer cancels 2 days or less before their trek, they must pay 100% of the total cost.
  • In the exceptional case that a customer decides to leave once they have started the trek, no refund will be given. The customer must also pay any additional expenses they incur such as food, lodging, and transportation. On the last day, the customer will be able to rejoin the group and participate in the Machu Picchu tour.
  • If after the tour has started a client cannot participate in the trek or tour (due to sickness, physical problems, etc.) no refund will be given. The customer must also pay any additional costs they incur for transportation, lodging, and food. On the last day, the tourist will be able to rejoin the group and participate in the Machu Picchu tour.
  • In the case of natural disaster that prevents a service being completed, the customer will receive a 50% refund.
  • In the case of a natural disaster that requires a change in the trek route, but the trek is still completed, there will be no refund.
  • In the very unlikely circumstance that your service is not completed due to a fault of Peru Spirit Adventure, you will receive a full refund (including your deposit).


  • PERMITS:  Permits for the Inca Trail are in your name and can not be transferred to anyone else under any circumstances. Change of dates is also not possible once a permit has been purchased. Permits are non-refundable and non-transferable. The deposit will be forfeited. Please note that this is a regulation of the Peruvian government and not Peru Spirit Adventure (or any agency).
  • In extreme cases when the “Inca Trail to Machu Picchu” is declared closed for safety reasons, Peru Spirit Adventure will replace your trek with an alternative trek.
  • Those who booked PERMITS with a Student ID must bring that ID with them on the trek. If they fail to show this card to the Park Rangers, they will not be allowed entry onto the trail.


  • Please note that for the Inca Trail, permits are not-changeable, not-transferable, and not-refundable. Dates can never be changed by government policy.

With the exception of the Inca Trail treks, we are generally able to change a trek date.

  • To change the date of your non-Inca Trail trek, there is a fee of US $75 per person if the change occurs more than 30 days prior to trek departure.
  • If the change occurs 21 to 30 days prior to trek departure, the fee is US $100 per person.
  • If the change occurs 10 to 20 days before trek departure, the fee is US $150 per person.
  • Changes less than 10 days prior to trek departure will have varying fees, which can be discussed at the time the change is being made.
  • Changes made must be to another group trek for a minimum of 2 individuals. If a single traveler needs to change dates, and there is not an existing option for that date, the change will not be possible.


  • We highly recommend travel insurance for all of our customers.
  • Coverage should include baggage loss, accident, emergency air rescue and trip cancellation. Trip cancellation insurance should reimburse you for non-recoverable air or land expenses should you cancel your trip due to personal or family illness, as well as covering any medical or emergency evacuation expenses if you become ill during your trip.
  • In the case of illness or injury on one of our treks or tours, we are trained to provide emergency first aid and arrange transportation to a proper medical facility. However, we are not responsible for the cost of those transportation services or the cost of medical care.


  • Once you book your tour, we send your information immediately to “Machu Picchu Park” in order for permits to be issued as soon as possible.
  • You will need to bring your actual passport for all services. A photocopy will not be accepted.
  • If your passport number changes between reserving your spot and the start of your trek, you will need to bring your old as well as your new passport to the start of the Trek.
  • If any of the information on your passport does not match the information we were previously provided, you won’t be able to start the trek.
  • If you arrive in Cusco and did not advise us that you have a new passport number, and that your information has changed, Peru Spirit Adventure will not be held responsible. In this situation it will be the responsibility of the customer to pay the extra expense of returning to Cusco or Machu Picchu (transportation, food and other expenses).

TRAVEL IN PERU:   Peru Spirit Adventure  operates in regions, where standards of accommodation can vary. Transportation and other services might not be like those you would normally have back home. However, we strive with all due care and skill, to provide the best service for our clients. Traveling in Peru requires flexibility, patience, broad-mindedness, good humor and an understanding that changes may be made without notice due to circumstances or occurrences beyond our control. For example: a strike, protest, landslide, bad weather, etc. ( Force Majeure ). By booking any of our tours & treks, you agree to allow  Peru Spirit Adventure  to make necessary changes without liability.


Force Majeure is any event that PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE cannot with all due care foresee, control or avoid. This covers events such as war or threat of war, riot, civil strike, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, disease, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, fire or all similar events beyond our control. In this case, PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE will not accept liability and reserves the right to change, postpone or even cancel trips. (This is a last option, of course!)

By booking any of our adventure trips (Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Lares, Salkantay, Ausangate, Choquequirao, Rainbow Mountain trek and more) you assume the risks associated with personal accidents, medical emergencies, air travel problems etc. For these treks, PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE Agency accepts no responsibility.


  • You must advise Peru Spirit Adventure of any medical problems or allergies you may have. You need to be in good physical health, and if your health is questionable, then you should consult a doctor. If you are over the age of 70 years old, then you will need to present us with a current good health medical certificate.
  • You must advise your guide if you wish to leave the group or the camping area for independent walks or sightseeing. If you are experiencing any problems with the services of the guide or tour, please advise the guide in that moment, so that he can resolve any problems.
  • All balances need to be paid in either cash or PayPal (see “ FINAL PAYMENTS ” section above).
  • In order to receive a student discount, you must send your valid University ID to Peru Spirit Adventure at the time of booking. ID must have your name, photo and valid expiration date. Any card without an expiration date will not be accepted. You will then be required to bring your student card with you on the trek – they will not allow you to pass through the checkpoint without this original card.
  • You will be required to show the original passport (not a copy) that you booked with, at the checkpoint to enter the Inca Trail. If you originally booked with an old passport and then renewed your passport, you must also bring your expired passport along with your new, valid passport to permit entry or they will refuse your entrance to the trail.
  • Cancellations: Your deposit is 100% non-refundable. If you need to cancel for any reason, as you approach your tour start date, there may be additional cost due. There are absolutely no exceptions (we do not accept medical notes of any kind) as our out of pocket expenses are non-refundable to us (see  “CANCELLATION FEES”  section above).
  • PERMITS: Permits for the Inca Trail are in your name and can not be transferred to anyone else under any circumstances. Change of dates is also not possible once a permit has been purchased. Permits are non-refundable and non-transferable. The deposit will be forfeited. Please note that this is a regulation of the Peruvian government and not PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE (or any agency).
  • All Adventure Treks include transportation to Cusco. The return train route depends on train availability.
  • If you become ill or injured on the trail and are unable to continue, a porter will be provided to accompany you back to an area with emergency assistance capabilities. Helicopter airlifts and medical assistance are at the expense of the trekker. If you are unable to complete the tour due to illness, we will assist you in meeting your group at Machu Picchu to recommence your tour at that point. There will be no refund of the original payment.
  • PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE will take all reasonable care in providing to our clients avoidance of accident, illness, and loss of personal property, and will only employ suitably qualified staff. We accept responsibility for the actions of our own employees. Peru Spirit Adventure cannot, however, be responsible for any action of third parties. You are totally responsible for your own personal property and rented equipment.
  • PERU SPIRIT ADVENTURE does not take responsibility for unfavorable weather conditions, natural catastrophe, strikes, accidents, illness, injury, loss of personal ítems, etc. It is the client’s responsibility to carry insurance to cover these types of events. We reserve the right to modify or cancel the program due to any of the unforeseen conditions listed above.


  • We strongly suggest spending time at high altitude (above 3000 meters / 9842 feet)- in Cusco or another high altitude area for a minimum of 2- 4 days before undertaking your trip. This is in order to minimize the possible effects of altitude sickness. By drinking plenty of fluids, adding sugar to your drinks, eating food high in carbohydrates, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, and drinking coca tea (ancient traditional leaf) will help your body acclimatize.
  • We recommend you arrive in Cusco 48 hours or more before trek departure because occasionally we need to leave earlier than scheduled in case of strikes or other events out of our control (see ‘Force Majeure’ section below)


You accept and grant to Peru Spirit Adventure – Tour Operator the right to use your images, photos, and videos that show or describe during your participation in any tour, trekking or adventure, in any advertising of any type, without payment of any additional consideration.

Thanks again for choosing us and we look forward to seeing you in Cusco!

Peru Spirit Adventure Team!

Who is  Peru Spirit Adventure ? We are a small tour operator company owned by a local  Peruvian experts  with more than 10 years of experience as a guide.  Our office is based in Cusc o, a city in the Peruvian Andes and is located near the central square, Plaza del Armas. Our team is made up of  knowledgeable  and  passionate  tour guides from  Cusco  and  Andes  with many years of experience  Read more


Email Address

Phone or WhatsApp United States Canada Mexico United Kingdom ----- Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea Korea Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Barthelemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten (Netherlands) Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


Adults 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Above 8

Children 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Above 8

Questions and Comments

The price of the one-day private Cusco city tour depends on the size of the group and is available on any day that suits your schedule! 2 people minimum required to start a group! Spend more time at the Inca cities in small or private groups with your private expert local guide!

  • Price for 2 people: 95 USD per person
  • Price for 3 people: 80 USD per person
  • Price for 4 people: 65 USD per person
  • Price for 5 people: 50 USD per person
  • Price for 6 people: 40 USD per person
  • Price for 7 + people: 30 USD per person

Our tours are operated by local people with a true passion for their heritage and ready to create Memorable lifetime Experiences for you!

Inquire now

  • Cusco City Tour

city tour cusco valor

  • Duration 1/2 Day
  • Min. Age 12+
  • Available All Months
  • Group Size Availability 50


  • Hotel Pick-up.
  • Private Transportation.
  • Professional Guide- flunet in English.
  • Entrance tickets to arceological sites, museums, catherdral etc.
  • Beverages such as water.
  • Phone calls.

What to bring?

  • Original passport or form of identity.
  • Rain jacket.
  • Clothes for the day – trousers, shorts, T-shirts, sweater.
  • Hiking boots or sturdy training shoes.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Spare cash (preferably in soles).
  • Standard backpack (30 liters).
  • Personal snacks.
  • Head lamp or flashlight.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Bathing suit.
  • Original Passports.
  • Immigration card
  • Original International Student Identity Card (in case you have applied for a student discount).

$ Request Now

Telephone: +51 957 89 44 77 E-Mail: [email protected]

Request Now

  • Machu Picchu
  • Machu Picchu and Sacred Valley
  • Maras, Moray and Salineras
  • Humantay Lake Tour
  • Rainbow Mountain Hike
  • White River Rafting
  • Huchuy Qosqo Trek
  • Inca Trail Short
  • Salkantay Trek Classic
  • Salkantay Trek Express
  • Inca Jungle Trail 3D
  • Inca Jungle Trail 4D
  • Arequipa Tour
  • Bicycle Tour of Moras and Moray Salt Mines
  • Culinary Peru
  • Tambopata Puerto Maldonado
  • Discover the Spirt of the Andes
  • Uros, Amantani and Taquile Tour
  • Yoga Retreat
  • Lares Trek Via Yanahuara
  • Manu National Park
  • Cusco Luxury Tour






  • How To Book
  • what to see in peru
  • Cusco information
  • Machupicchu

city tour cusco valor


  • SHARED SERVICE Available: 10 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 2 PEOPLE Available: 2 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 3 PEOPLE Available: 3 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 4 PEOPLE Available: 4 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 5 PEOPLE Available: 5 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 6 PEOPLE Available: 6 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 7 PEOPLE Available: 7 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 8 PEOPLE Available: 8 seats
  • PRIVATE TOUR FOR 9 PEOPLE Available: 9 seats

Proceed Booking

Already a member, don't have an account create one., or continue as guest, adding item to wishlist requires an account, the most requested tour, machu picchu tours.

Turistas en Ollantaytambo, es uno de los puntos destacados del tour al valle sagrado especial incluido moray y salineras 01 dias- Tours del valle sagrado de los Incas- Valle Sagrado de los Incas- Tourists in Ollantaytambo, is one of the highlights of the sacred valley tour including moray and salt mines 01 days- Sacred Valley of the Incas Tours- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas- Sacred Valley of the Incas - 01 days


Puno y Lago Titicaca, puntos destacados del Tour a Cusco, Machu picchu y Lago titicaca- ruta del sol puno-ruta del sol- Ruta del Sol Puno y Cusco - Puno and Lake Titicaca, highlights of the Tour to Cusco, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca- ruta del sol puno-ruta del sol- Ruta del Sol Puno y Cusco


Turistas en MachuPicchu durante el tour en Cusco y Machupicchu de 3 dias de Inka time- Tourists in MachuPicchu during the 3 day tour in Cusco and MachuPicchu



Huayna Picchu Machu Picchu by train, 2 Day Tour

girl in machupicchu, one of the highlights of our tour to machupicchu by bus-TOUR A MACHUPICCHU EN BUS-TOUR TO MACHU PICCHU BY CAR


Adventure tours.

Cuatrimotos a la morada de los dioses y Laguna piuray - ATVs to the abode of the gods and Laguna piuray

Mountain Biking Tour Maras, Moray and Salt mines

lares valley trek - Valle de Lares - una pareja posando junto a la laguna Patacancha durante la caminata al valle de lares a Machupicchu - a couple posing next to the Patacancha lagoon during the trek to the valley of lares to Machupicchu


rainbow mountain tour full day - caminata a la montaña de colores 1 dia


HIKE-TO-PALCOYO-THE-THREE-RAINBOW-MOUNTAINS - caminata a palcoyo - montaña de colores palcoyo


ausangate mountain trek - Caminata a ausangate


Follow us on facebook.

@inkatimeperu Una de las razones del porqué construyeron una ciudad tan bella #machupicchu #tour #viaje #cusco #peruvian ♬ Ananau – Alborada


City tour in cusco - half day.

city tour in cusco -

  • LOCATION: CUSCO (Outside the center)
  • MAX. ALTITUDE: 3.399 m / 11.150 ft

Enjoy the magic of the capital of the Inca Empire, this city tour in Cusco will show you in only 5 hours the main Inca sites around the City, tour each archaeological site and Inca ceremonial center.

You will know Qoricancha, known as the Temple of the sun, Saqsayhuaman, and its megalithic buildings, and other 3 Inca remains.

The spectacular views, the Inca sites, and the history of every place will make you understand why this was the Center of the Inca land.

city tour cusco valor


DAY 1: Cusco – Saqsayhuaman – Qenqo – Pukapukara – Tambomachay – Qoricancha – Cusco

Mapa de la ruta del city tour en Cusco



The half-day City tour in Cusco begins at 9:00 am. All of us will meet at the center of the Main Square (Plaza de Armas).

More than visit only the Cusco city itself, in this tour, you’ll have the option to visit Inca’s sites located in the upper part of Cusco.

The only place inside Cusco City will be  Qoricancha , this place is very well known as the  Temple of the Sun , in Inca’s time this place was the most important religious center of all the Tawantinsuyo ( original name of the Inca’s land ), this place shows one of the finest constructions of the Inca masonry;

Then the next place to visit is  Saqsayhuaman located in the upper part of Cusco where you’ll have a really nice view of Cusco city.

Also, here is the spot where you will be amazed by seeing the megalithic building made by the Incas, where they used gigantic boulders from 1 to 128 tons.

Continue our tour, we’ll arrive at Qenqo , another ceremonial place dedicated to the  Pachamama (Mother earth) , this is a big carved stone by the Incas.

They used this natural formation to make us imagine how hard was their work, then you’ll continue to Pukapukara a fortress and point to take control for all people who arrived in Cusco.

And we’ll end our tour visiting Tambomachay the temple of the water, then we’ll bring you back to the hotel in Cusco. This tour lasts five hours, and you can go in the morning or the afternoon.


Included in the city tour in cusco:.

  • Briefing: This is optional if you don’t need it and if you have extra questions you can text via WhatsApp.
  • Tourist transportation: The transportation to go around the City Tour in Cusco is provided with minibusses of 15 or 20 people (Renault – Master or Sprinter – Mercedes-Benz).
  • Professional Tour Guide in the City Tour: You will be well-informed by our guides at each place of visit.

Not Included:

  • Meals: There is a great variety of restaurants from US$ 8, You can eat before or after the tour.
  • Entrance tickets:  For this tour, you need to pay the partial Boleto Turístico (S/ 70 Approx. US$ 20) and Qoricancha (S/ 15 Approx. US$ 4), this can be paid once you arrive at the sites.
  • For this tour we have departures every day in group tours and private tours, you can start the tour the same day you arrive if you do not have problems with the altitude, we recommend that passengers stay a day before in Cusco to acclimatize very well.
  • With this half day City Tour in Cusco, you will not only see the center of Cusco, but also 4 sites outside the city center.

What you need  to take:

  • Small backpack.
  • Warm clothes, it’s windy in the afternoon.
  • Cap or hat (with the altitude, the sun is stronger).
  • The most comfortable shoes you have.
  • Snacks (Cookies, Fruit, Candies, Water).
  • Sunglasses (optional).


This service in a  GROUP TOUR means that you will do the tour with other people, This standard service has 10 to 15 participants, that doesn’t mean you have to get that quantity of people to do the tour, we have confirmed departures every day, so, If you are only one or two people do not worry, you can join some of our groups.



This service is an exclusive way to make this trip, where the service is very much more personalized, prices vary according to the number of people in your group:




Complete the booking form down here or send data of all the travelers to [email protected] as full name, passport number, nationality, date of birth, or a copy of passports, indicating the exact date of travel.

Our privacy policies are strict, INKA TIME will use this information exclusively to nominate the reservation tickets, we never share this information with third parties.


You can book and pay for the tour from our website if you are booking via email, you must choose the best way to pay and make a deposit, for this tour the payment is 100%; There are 03 ways to pay: payments via “ PayPal “, with debit or credit card Visa or Mastercard (these last two options have an 8% fee), or wire money by Western Union any extra commissions or fees charged must be assumed by the customer; when you send your information you have to specify the payment method you would like to use, then when we mail you back We will send you a request for payment through the platform you chose.


If you make the reservation on our website the confirmation will be automatic, if you do via email, upon receipt of all passenger(S) data and once we received information of your payment, we will send you your receipt (VOUCHER OF RESERVATION), at this moment your reservation will be guaranteed 100%. (this will be sent at most in the next 8 hours, considering our business hours GMT – 5).


1.- I am just one person, can I join some group tour?

Yes, you can, we have departures every day, feel free to decide when to go.

2.- We don’t like to go in a big group, can we arrange a private tour?

Yes you can, our group tours go with 10 or 15 people, but if you want, you can also arrange a private tour, we have different rates for it depending on how many people you are.

3.- I will travel with my family, we have two 65 YO people, do you think, can they make it?

We had people on this tour from 70 and 75 YO, the tour is not hard, but you have some small hikes into the Inca Sites where there are many steps to go up and down if you think they are not to fit to do it, we recommend taking a Private tour, that will be a perfect plan to do the tour quite easily and smoothly.

4.- How about my luggage, can I take all my stuff?, or where can I store it?

As this tour is only one day, we recommend taking only small backpacks, only for taking your personal stuff. The rest of your stuff you can be stored at your accommodation in Cusco, All the Hotels have storage if you book the night for your way back, you can leave your stuff there, another option is that you can leave your stuff in our office, in the two options you don’t need to pay anything extra.

5.- How about the altitude, are going to pass by other places higher than Cusco?

Cusco city is located in 3350 masl. (10990 Ft.) the only place higher than Cusco is Pucapucara 3680 masl. Then you will descend; we always recommend having at least one day in Cusco to acclimatize; altitude sickness is very different for everyone, sometimes you don’t have any problem.


Absolutely loved our tour. Our guide Roger knew each place deeply and shared amazing and detailed information that made the tour that much more special. I couldn’t recommend more! Thank you Inka Time!

city tour cusco valor


Book now, and go on the date you want.


city tour cusco valor


city tour cusco valor


  • We make a direct job for the passenger (Contract between the tour operator and travelers), no intermediaries, we don’t give commissions to travel agencies or any other third parties that inflate the costs.
  • All our staff is 100% local ( people from Cusco ), all professionals in tourism, who have constant training courses and good customer service ( Customer = friend ), with this we guarantee the service we provide.
  • We are really a Tour Operator with all the permits and certificates granted by the Provincial Municipality of Cusco and the Minister of Tourism ( DIRCETUR  y  MINCETUR ).
  • We have 17 years experience in this market, so, we know all the fails of other companies, this is why we have the knowledge to solve fast and efficiently any unexpected problems (those small details are our different).

Our Customers are our best guarantee, look at what people say about INKA TIME.

city tour cusco valor

A group of 13 and I had the most amazing time with Inka Time! They transported us safely to each destination and made sure we were all accounted for. Our driver, Anderson, was very safe and caring. We learned so much at each destination from our tour guide… read more

As a female solo traveler safety is very important! These guys made me feel safe from beginning until The end! Thank you for helping me see the beautiful cusco!… read more

Going to Cusco for the first time can be overwhelming with so many things to do in just a week. However, thanks to Elizabeth, our agent at Inka Time Tours, scheduling was on point and everyone was so helpful and patient. We were welcomed with open arms … read more

We booked a 4-day tour package with Inka Time and had an amazing time. They were super responsive to our inquiries and prepared a package that fitted our needs. They made sure we were well taken care of and provided all the necessary information…. read more

We had booked this tour thinking we would be with 16 other people, which we were for the rainbow mountain portion (and many more that were with other tour groups), however no one else had signed up for Red Valley…. read more

Booked our sacred valley one day tour through Inka Time and had a very pleasant experience booking the trip and then a wonderful trip itself. Found the information about the tour on their easy to access and use website and then went to visit them in person … read more

Wow! I am so glad we made it! When I say I’m glad we made it, it’s because Machu Picchu was closed due to protests until 2 days before we had our visit planned. So happy everything worked out! Machu Picchu itself is unreal  … read more

We have done three different activities with Inka Times and we highly recommend booking with them!! Grimaldo walked us through the Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley and he showed lots of dedication and support towards the group, helping some… read more

We booked a two day tour to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu through Inka Time and had a fantastic experience. They were so well organised, easy to communicate with, and took all the hassle out of our travel for us. We joined… read more

city tour cusco valor


city tour cusco valor


city tour cusco valor


city tour cusco valor

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Cusco Free City Tour

  • 8.60 / 10 726 reviews | 7,797 travellers The guide John did great. Very enjoyable and interesting 10 Joaquin

Don't miss our fantastic guided tour of the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco. You'll discover the beautiful Plaza de Armas square, the San Blas neighbourhood, and so much more.

Cusco City

The tour meets at the selected time at Plaza Regocijo, by Plaza de Armas, the most important in Cusco. From here we begin our free tour , heading back to the origins of the city, when it was founded by the indigenous Inca civilization.

On the southern corner of the Plaza Regocijo, you'll come across the exterior of the Casa del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega . In front of this colonial mansion, we'll tell you about the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega , the most famous Peruvian chronicler and writer of the colonial period, considered the father of Peruvian literature .

Next we'll make our way to the  Plaza de San Francisco,  where we'll see its spectacular botanical garden filled with plants native to the Andes region. Plants such as llaulli, el yacon, cedroncillo, molle and even queuña are some of the highlights of this beautiful botanical garden.

From here we'll head onto the Colegio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes , the oldest public school in Cusco, founded by Simón Bolívar in 1825. We'll continue the tour passing by the Arch of Santa Clara, representative of the city's colonial style . 

Our next stop will be the  San Pedro Market , the perfect place for an initiation into local cuisine! Then the free tour contnues around one of the most important squares in the city:  Plaza de Armas.  It's here that you can find the  Compañía de Jesús Cathedral - built on the site of ancient Inca ruins.

Another highlight of the tour will be the Calle del Sol, or "Inti Kijllu" in the Quechua language, one of the very few originals from the Inca period. The last two stops will be at the Palace of the Inca Pachaquteq and the exterior of the Church of Santo Domingo and the temple of Qoricancha . We'll learn all about these historical and religious sites.

Finally, we'll end the free tour of Cusco after two and a half hours near the church of Santo Domingo.

This free tour doesn't admit groups of more than 6 people, even if they book the activity separately. If you're in a larger group, we recommend booking our private tour of Cusco .

More Information

2 hours 30 minutes.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English.

English speaking guide specialized in the history of Cusco

When to book?

You can book up until 3 hours before the activity as long as there are still places. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


All services published on Civitatis are carried out in accordance with our Sustainability Code .

Our providers commit to:

  • Provide a safe and satisfying experience.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Incorporate eco-conscious technologies.
  • Uphold fair employment standards.
  • Foster the growth of local communities.
  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Ensure ethical treatment of animals.
  • Operate with honesty and transparency.
  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

This particular activity contributes as follows:

  • No printing of documentation required.

Free Walking Tours Peru Show more


Not permitted.

Frequently asked questions

Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

Q - How to book?

A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

Q - Is a minimum number of participants required?

A - This activity requires a minimum of 4 participants. Should this number not be reached, we'll get in touch with you to offer alternatives.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Free cancellation

Meeting point.

Plaza Regocijo.

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CuscoPeru agencia de viajes en cusco

Cusco Touristic Ticket

boleto turistico del cusco parcial

Undoubtedly, the city of Cusco is a place that hides incredible locations, for this reason, the Cusco Tourist Ticket is an essential tool to explore the cultural and archaeological richness of the region. With access to more than 16 sites, including Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuamán, and Ollantaytambo, it offers an unparalleled experience.

  • 1 What is the tourist ticket? A practical way to get to know Cusco.
  • 2 Where to acquire my tourist ticket in Cusco?
  • 3 Recommendations before purchasing your tourist ticket
  • 4.1 Integral Tourist Ticket:
  • 4.2.1 Circuit I
  • 4.2.2 Circuit II
  • 4.2.3 Circuit III
  • 5.1 Discounts
  • 6 Terms of Use
  • 7 Photos of the 16 attractions included in the BTC

What is the tourist ticket? A practical way to get to know Cusco.

If you want to know Cusco in a better way, acquiring the Cusco tourist ticket is the best option. This personal document will make you live an incredible experience, allowing you to visit various tourist attractions that the city of Cusco has to offer.

This pass facilitates the visit to historical sites, museums, and monuments, promoting the conservation and sustainable development of the Cusco heritage. Ideal for travelers eager to discover the majesty of the Inca civilization, the Cusco Tourist Ticket is a must for a complete experience in this fascinating city.

Where to acquire my tourist ticket in Cusco?

You can purchase the Cusco Tourist Ticket through our incredible tours offered by CuscoPeru, or at the different archaeological and tourist centers that COSITUC offers. Also, the Cusco tourist ticket cannot be bought or reserved online and there is no limit on availability, so you can purchase it on the same day of your visit. You can buy it at any of the following addresses in Cusco:

  • Office hours: Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Office hours: Monday to Saturday 8 am to 5 pm and Sunday 8 am to 8 pm.

Recommendations before purchasing your tourist ticket

  • Once you have acquired your tourist ticket, you should check its validity period. (Varies according to the type of ticket you purchase)
  • Remember that you can only use your tourist ticket once at the different attractions offered by the Imperial city of Cusco
  • Remember that the tourist ticket does not include guide or transportation services.
  • This tourist ticket only includes tourist attractions in the city of Cusco, southern valley, and the Sacred Valley of the Incas, not Machu Picchu .

Types of Tourist Tickets:

Integral tourist ticket:.

It is valid for 10 calendar days and with it, you can visit 16 tourist places in Cusco. Here is a list of the sites it includes:

Integral Cusco Tourist Ticket Map

Partial Tourist Tickets:

It is possible to buy the Cusco tourist ticket in its partial form, that is, according to the sites you want to visit. For this, you must choose between the following 3 circuits:

This ticket is valid for 1 day and allows entry to archaeological sites located in the Sacsayhuaman archaeological park, which are:

  • Sacsayhuaman
  • Tambomachay

Partial Tourist Ticket Circuit I Map

This ticket is valid for 2 days and allows entry to attractions of interest located in the historic center of the city of Cusco and the southern valley, which are:

  • Regional Historical Museum
  • Contemporary Art Museum
  • Popular Art Museum
  • Qorikancha Site Museum
  • Qosqo Native Art Center
  • Inca Pachacutec Monument
  • Tipón Archaeological Park
  • Pikillacta Archaeological Park

Partial Tourist Ticket Circuit II Map

Circuit III

This ticket is valid for 2 days and allows entry to archaeological centers located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The following are included:

  • Ollantaytambo

Partial Tourist Ticket Circuit III Map

Cusco Tourist Ticket Prices

  • University students over 18 years old: must purchase their ticket with their physical ISIC card and show a copy of their identity document (or passport).
  • Individuals aged 10 to 17 years: Must acquire their ticket by presenting their current identity document (or passport).
  • Children under 9 years old: The ticket is entirely free.

Terms of Use

IMPORTANT: The tourist ticket is personal and non-transferable, and you can only enter once per site within the established timeframe according to the ticket you purchased.

Integral or partial Cusco Tourist Ticket for FOREIGNERS: This ticket is for the general public, you must present your passport or ID card, both for purchasing and for entering the tourist sites.

Integral or partial Cusco Tourist Ticket for NATIONAL tourists: This is a promotional ticket, exclusive for national tourists or residents. Holders of this ticket must prove their status with their current DNI or foreigner's card in the case of residents, the tourist must carry their document when entering the tourist sites. Integral or partial Cusco Tourist Ticket for FOREIGN STUDENTS: This ticket is for foreign students who can prove their status with an international student card (International Student Identity Card or ISIC valid), must verify they are 25 years old or younger, and must carry their document when entering tourist sites.

Integral or partial Cusco Tourist Ticket for NATIONAL STUDENTS: This is a promotional type of ticket for national students. Holders of this ticket must prove their status with a current student ID issued by SUNEDU. They must carry their document when entering the tourist sites.

CHILDREN, both national and foreign, do not pay up to 9 years of age. From 10 to 17 years old, they pay as students and must present an identity document that verifies their age. From 18 to 25 years old, they pay as students upon presenting a student ID (for Peruvians) or ISIC card (for foreigners), in all cases the document must be current.

Photos of the 16 attractions included in the BTC

Sacsayhuaman. Source:

Boleto Machu Picchu

Machupicchu terra información y asistencia al turista.

Reserve su entrada a Machu Picchu ahora!

Boleto Turístico Cusco: Guía completa

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Cusco es reconocida como la ‘Capital arqueológica de América’. En ella existen decenas de museos, sitios arqueológicos y más. La manera más fácil de conocer todo sus atractivos es con el Boleto Turístico del Cusco. ¿Cuánto cuesta? y ¿dónde venden este ticket? Conozca toda la información a continuación.

¿Qué es el Boleto Turístico del Cusco?

¿qué lugares incluye.

  • Ticket Integral: 16 atractivos turísticos

Ticket circuito 1: Sitios arqueológicos Cusco

Ticket circuito 2: museos y valle sur.

  • Ticket circuito 3: sitios arqueológicos del Valle Sagrado de los Incas

¿Dónde comprar el Boleto Turístico del Cusco?

¿cuál es el precio, información importante, galería de imágenes de todos los atractivos turísticos, ¿qué lugares no están incluidos, preguntas y respuestas sobre el boleto turístico del cusco.

  • El Boleto Turístico del Cusco le permite ingresar a los atractivos turísticos más populares en Cusco y sus alrededores. También hay boletos parciales que le permitirán ingresar a estos lugares por separado.
  • Machu Picchu no está incluido en el Boleto Turístico del Cusco.

Boleto Turístico del Cusco

Ticket integral: 16 atractivos turísticos

  • Este boleto incluye los 16 atractivos principales de la ciudad del Cusco. Le permitirá visitar todos los lugares incluidos en los boletos parciales, circuitos turísticos 1, 2 y 3.
  • Luego de la compra de esta entrada, el turista tiene 10 días de vigencia para visitar los 16 lugares incluidos .
  • Los lugares más populares de Cusco incluidos en este boleto son: Sacsayhuaman, Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo, Tipón, Pikillacta, Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Chinchero y Moray.
  • Es recomendado para personas que viajan sin tour y cuentan con varios días para conocer Cusco.

Circuito Turístico Integral

  • Este boleto incluye la visita a los principales parques arqueológicos de la ciudad del Cusco.
  • Luego de la compra de este ticket, el turista tiene 1 día de vigencia para visitar los 4 lugares turísticos incluidos en el ticket.
  • Definitivamente Sacsayhuaman es el atractivo turístico más popular incluido en este boleto. Los inmensos muros de piedra de Sacsayhuaman lo convierten en uno de los lugares más misteriosos del planeta.
  • Algunas agencias de turismo requieren que el turista compre este boleto para realizar el famoso ‘City Tour Cusco’.

Circuito Sitios arqueológicos Cusco

  • Este boleto ofrece el ingreso a los principales museos de la ciudad de Cusco así como los principales sitios arqueológicos del Valle Sur del Cusco, un lugar poco explorado por los turistas.
  • Los lugares más populares incluidos en este ticket son los sitios arqueológicos de Tipón y Pikillacta. El primero es un gran ejemplo de la ingeniería hidráulica inca. El segundo fue un centro urbano pre-inca que muestra grandes construcciones en buen estado.
  • Luego de adquirir este ticket, el turista dispone de 2 días para visitar los 8 atractivos turísticos incluidos en el boleto .
  • Este boleto es necesario para realizar el famoso ‘Tour Valle Sur del Cusco’. Algunas agencias ya incluyen el ticket. Otras, no.

Circuito Museos y Valle Sur

Ticket circuito 3: Sitios arqueológicos del Valle Sagrado de los Incas

  • Este boleto ofrece la visita a los principales atractivos turísticos del Valle sagrado de los Incas, un área agrícola y urbana de gran importancia durante el imperio incaico.
  • Todos los atractivos turísticos incluidos en el ticket son muy visitados por los turistas que llegan a Cusco.
  • El ticket tiene una vigencia de 2 días para que el turista recorra todos los sitios arqueológicos incluidos en el ticket.
  • El ticket no incluye el ingreso a las Salineras de Maras .
  • Este boleto es necesario para realizar el famoso ‘Tour Valle Sagrado de 1 día’. Algunas agencias de turismo ya lo incluyen en sus precios.

Circuito Sitios arqueológicos del Valle Sagrado de los Incas

Estos son los lugares donde puede comprar el Boleto Turístico del Cusco.

  • Oficina principal COSITUC : Galerías Turísticas, Av. Sol N° 103 (Lunes a Viernes 8 am a 5:30 pm y sábado de 8:30 am a 12:30 pm).
  • Oficinas sucursales de OFEC : Calle Garcilaso s/n (Lunes a Sábado 8 am a 5 pm y Domingo 8 am a 8pm).

El precio del Boleto Turístico del Cusco varía de acuerdo al tipo de visitante (adulto/estudiante) y al tipo de boleto (general/parcial):

¡Los estudiantes universitarios y menores de 18 años pagan PEN S/. 70 por el Boleto General!

  • Estudiantes universitarios : deben realizar la compra del ticket con su carnet ISIC físico . Además deben contar con menos de 25 años al momento de su visita en Cusco. Además es obligatorio mostrar una copia del documento de identidad (o pasaporte) del estudiante. El descuento aplica al ‘Boleto General’ (reducción de aproximadamente 45% del valor real del ticket).
  • Menores de 18 años : para acceder a este descuento los turistas deben tener entre 10 y 17 años (no aplica para personas de 18 años o más). Solo deben realizar la compra con su documento de identidad vigente (o pasaporte) . El descuento también aplica al ‘Boleto General’ (reducción de aproximadamente el 45% del valor real del ticket).
  • No incluye el ingreso a Machu Picchu.
  • No incluye servicios de Guía o transporte .
  • La validez del boleto turístico empieza desde el día de la compra (revise la vigencia en cada boleto).
  • El boleto solo puede ser usado una vez en cada atractivo turístico.
  • No necesita reservar el Boleto Turístico del Cusco con anticipación puede comprarlo en persona, una vez en Cusco.

Varayoc Pisac

Los siguientes atractivos turísticos del Cusco no están incluidos en el Boleto Turístico del Cusco. Para visitarlos, el visitante debe comprar las siguientes entradas:

  • Boletos de ingreso Machu Picchu – Permite el ingreso a la ciudad inca así como la montaña Huayna Picchu y la montaña Machupicchu (se debe reservar con anticipación).
  • Boletos del Circuito Religioso del Cusco – Permite visitar la Catedral, Iglesia de San Blas, Palacio Arzobispal y Capilla de San Cristóbal.
  • Boleto a la Montaña de los 7 Colores – Permite visitar el Vinicunca. El boleto solo se puede comprar en el mismo lugar.
  • Ingreso a Choquequirao – Permite el ingreso al sitio arqueológico de Choquequirao, conocido como ‘El último refugio del inca’. El ticket se compra en el mismo lugar.
  • Ingreso a la laguna Humantay – Permite visitar las aguas turquesas de la laguna Humantay, uno de los paisajes más bellos de Cusco. El ticket se compra en el pueblo de Mollepata, antes de la visita.
  • Ingreso a Maras – Las salineras de Maras están en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas pero su ingreso no está incluido en el Boleto Turístico del Cusco. En la misma puerta de ingreso a las salineras puede conseguir este ticket.
  • Ingreso al templo inca del Coricancha – Este famoso templo inca no está incluido en el boleto. Puede comprar el ticket de ingreso en la misma puerta del sitio (15 soles). El Boleto Turístico del Cusco sí incluye el ingreso al museo de sitio del Coricancha.

a) ¿Puedo comprar el Boleto Turístico del Cusco por internet?

No. Este boleto solo se puede adquirir de manera presencial en las oficinas autorizadas de la ciudad del Cusco.

b) ¿El Boleto Turístico del Cusco incluye el sitio arqueológico de Coricancha?

No. Este boleto incluye el museo de sitio del Coricancha, el cual expone piezas incas halladas en el sitio arqueológico. Para visitar el templo del Coricancha se debe comprar un ticket de ingreso en la misma puerta .

c) ¿El Boleto Turístico está incluido en el City Tour Cusco?

El City Tour Cusco visita Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Puca Pucara y Tambomachay (atractivos del ticket Circuito 1). Algunas agencias de turismo ya incluyen el ingreso a estos lugares. Otras agencias, no.

d) ¿El carnet ISIC es válido para comprar el Boleto Turístico?

Sí. Los estudiantes universitarios menores de 25 años con carnet universitario o carnet ISIC pueden acceder al descuento del Boleto Turístico.

e) ¿Los ciudadanos del Perú tienen algún descuento?

Sí. Los peruanos también tienen un descuento en el precio del Boleto Turístico del Cusco.

f) ¿Los niños menores de 10 años pagan?

No. Todos los niños hasta los 9 años ingresan gratis a los diferentes atractivos turísticos incluidos en el Boleto Turístico.

g) ¿El boleto disponibilidad limitada?

No. El boleto tiene capacidad suficiente para todos los turistas que deseen adquirirlo.

h) ¿Puedo visitar Sacsayhuaman con un boleto único para este lugar?

No, el ingreso a Sacsayhuaman está incluido en el Boleto Turístico del Cusco Circuito 1. Este ticket además incluye el acceso a Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay.

i) ¿Puedo comprar mi boleto turístico en la puerta de Ollantaytambo?

Sí, el Boleto Turístico del Cusco también se puede comprar en la puerta de ingreso de los distintos sitios arqueológicos incluidos como por ejemplo Ollantaytambo.

j) ¿Qué pasa si no utilizo mi boleto el día de mi compra?

El boleto turístico tiene una vigencia limitada. Por ejemplo, los boletos en el circuito 1 tienen vigencia de 1 día para ser utilizado. Los boletos en los circuitos 2 y 3 tienen vigencia de 2 días para ser utilizados. Finalmente, el boleto en el circuito integral tiene vigencia de 10 días para ser utilizado.

Por Ticket Machu Picchu – Ultima actualización, 19 marzo, 2022

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City Tour São Paulo


  1. City tours Centre historique de Cusco : au cœur de l'Empire

    city tour cusco valor

  2. Tour Cusco ciudad 'City Tour'

    city tour cusco valor

  3. Tour por la ciudad de Cusco y alrededores

    city tour cusco valor

  4. City Tour Cusco

    city tour cusco valor

  5. Tour City Tour- Tour Arqueológico en Cusco

    city tour cusco valor

  6. City Tour en Cusco « Santuario Travel

    city tour cusco valor



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  1. City Tour Cusco: Tours, Precios y Horarios

    Tour para conocer los templos y construcciones más importantes del Cusco: visitaremos la Catedral, el Qorincancha y Sacsayhuamán, entre otros. Precio por persona: US$ 11.00 por persona. Horarios: 13:00 a 18:00. Duración: 5 horas. Punto de encuentro: Calle Garcilaso 210, of. 203, 2º piso CC Casa del Abuelo, a un costado de Plaza Regocijo, Cusco.

  2. THE TOP 10 Cusco City Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    Pisac Inca Town, Artisan Market and Ollantaytambo Full-Day Tour from Cusco. 375. Uncover the fascinating architecture and culture of the ancient Incas during this full-day tour covering the highlights of Peru's Sacred Valley from Cusco. Check out the market in Pisac, stopping on Sundays to observe its famous mass.

  3. City tour em Cusco: Como funciona, quanto custa e como reservar

    Nos valores de hoje (2022), esse passeio custa em torno de R$50 - depende um pouco do valor da cotação nas datas da sua viagem. Veja aqui valores atualizados: City tour em Cusco + ruínas. Até porque, um costume comum em Cusco é que as pequenas agências juntam seus grupos, para fazer um grande grupão com um guia só.

  4. City Tour Cusco Económico / Precios y horarios

    Descubre la magia de Cusco con nuestro City tour Cusco. Explora los tesoros históricos, como el impresionante Sacsayhuaman, Qoricancha etc. +51941011519 +51982245660. [email protected]. ... la Catedral es un monumento arqueológico colonial de gran valor artístico e histórico, fue construida sobre el recinto del Kiswar Kancha ...


    Día 01: City Tour Cusco Medio Día (Tarde) 13:00 - 13:30 Recojo de su hotel para iniciar la experiencia del City Tour Cusco. 15:00 - 18:30 Recorrido por los principales centros arqueológicos (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara y Tambomachay). El punto final en Cusco es en la plaza San Francisco a las 18:30 pm aproximadamente.

  6. City Tour Cusco: Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Catedral

    La ciudad del Cusco fue la capital de los incas. En sus calles sobreviven importantes construcciones incaicas como Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Qenqo, Puca Pucara y Tambomachay. El City Tour Cusco visita estos lugares así como la Catedral de la ciudad. El nombre 'Cuzco' es considerado 'Ombligo del mundo' en el quechua, el idioma de los incas.

  7. City Tour Cusco Medio Día + Entradas

    El City Tour Cusco incluye el Boleto Turístico del Cusco así como las entradas a todos los sitios. También incluye transporte completo y guía profesional. ... (penalidad del 10% del valor del tour). Opción de cancelación del tour: Sí son permitidos hasta 3 días antes como último plazo (penalidad del 25% del valor del tour). ...

  8. Cusco City Tour: Tours, Prices & Times

    Tour to discover the most important temples and buildings in Cusco: we will visit the Cathedral, the Qorincancha, the Sacsayhuamán, and others. Price per person: US$ 11.00 per person. Times: 01:00 pm to 06:00 pm. Duration: 5 hours. Meeting Point: Calle Garcilaso 210, of. 203, 2nd floor CC Casa del Abuelo, on the side of Plaza Regocijo, Cusco.

  9. City Tour in Cusco 2023

    The imperial city of Cusco has a series of Inca buildings and places that deserve to be traveled. And this fabulous tour takes you to the most important sites in Cusco. Since it really is a fascinating place to visit; Providing a mixture of the two cultures (Inca and Spanish), the city has an appearance that is completely different to the rest of Peru. This tour is essential when visiting ...

  10. Cusco: Small-Group City Tour and Four Ruins 2024

    This half-day, small-group tour takes you to all of Cusco's most-important landmarks, including the main square and the temple of Coricancha, as well as the nearby ruins of Sacsayhuaman, Qenko, Puca Pucara, and Tambomachay. Comprehensive tour of Cusco's most-important sites. Small-group tour (maximum 15): A more personalized experience.

  11. City Tour Cusco Half Day: Morning or Afternoon

    The City Tour in Cusco is one of the most popular and recommended tours to do, it allows you to know and give you an overview of the importance of the city of Cusco, its culture and its past. Guaranteed Safe Checkout. Enjoy the Cusco City Tour in the morning or afternoon. Visit: Sacsayhuamna, Cusco Cathedral, Qoricancha and more.

  12. City Tour

    City Tour Live the adventure in Cusco It is one of the first experiences that a traveler will have with the rich history and culture of the city of Cusco, and it is also the ideal tour to acclimatize with the altitude of the city, since for many it is their first time at 3350 meters above sea level. .

  13. Cusco City Tour: Prices and Itinerary

    Day 1: Cusco City Tour Cusco is located at 3400 meters above sea level (11,154 feet) Cusco city, "the navel of the world", considered by the Incas the capital of the Empire, has many things to offer, in terms of History, Archeology, gastronomy, etc. Your guide will lead you to visit the archeological centers nearby Cusco, which will ...

  14. Full-Day Cusco City Tour

    Trip Details For Full-Day Cusco City Tour. Location/Terrain: Gentle trails, dirt paths, grassy fields, mountains above Cusco, Cobblestone streets, pavement, Cusco City. Acclimatization: A great way to acclimatize to Cusco's altitude in prep for a trek. Duration: 1 Day tour. Altitude: 3400m/11,155ft to 3650m/11,975ft.

  15. A Half Day City Tour in Cusco

    city tour cusco This half- day tour allows tourists to get a more thorough overview of the city and its perimeters. You will be picked up from your hotel at 1:30 p.m., and begin the tour at the main plaza (Plaza de Armas) and the Cathedral, remarkable for its Baroque style architecture and paintings which reflect the Cusqueñan School of Art.


    Let's visit the main Inca sites in only 5 hours with the City Tour in Cusco, Qoricancha, Saqsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay (+51) 971 245 714 - (+51) 984 986 997 [email protected]

  17. City Tour

    USD 45. A spectacular 1-day hike to the magical 7-color mountain located in the village of Pitumarca at 5200 m.a.s.l.. This Cusco city tour will allow you to enjoy and explre the most beautiful and visited places in the center. Book Now.

  18. Cusco Free City Tour, Cuzco

    Cusco Free City Tour. The tour meets at the selected time at Plaza Regocijo, by Plaza de Armas, the most important in Cusco. From here we begin our free tour, heading back to the origins of the city, when it was founded by the indigenous Inca civilization.. On the southern corner of the Plaza Regocijo, you'll come across the exterior of the Casa del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

  19. City Tour Cusco: Passeios, Preços e Horários

    Preço. Adulto: US 1110 por pessoa. Criança (6 a 12 anos):US$ 9 por pessoa. Infante (0 a 5 anos): de graça. Começaremos este city tour Cusco do nosso ponto de encontro à hora arranjada para visitar a Catedral de Cusco, principal templo cristiano da cidade e que tem muitas pinturas correspondentes à Escuela Cusqueña.Depois, vamos visitar o Templo Qorikancha (entrada não incluída).

  20. Cusco Touristic Ticket

    Undoubtedly, the city of Cusco is a place that hides incredible locations, for this reason, the Cusco Tourist Ticket is an essential tool to explore the cultural and archaeological richness of the region. With access to more than 16 sites, including Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuamán, and Ollantaytambo, it offers an unparalleled experience.

  21. City Tour Cusco

    City Tour Cusco, Cusco, Peru. 2,094 likes · 6 talking about this · 33 were here. Guía turística de la ciudad del Cusco y Machupicchu, donde Ud. Podrá...

  22. Boleto Turístico Cusco: Guía completa

    El descuento también aplica al 'Boleto General' (reducción de aproximadamente el 45% del valor real del ticket). Información importante. No incluye el ingreso a Machu Picchu. ... El City Tour Cusco visita Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Puca Pucara y Tambomachay (atractivos del ticket Circuito 1). Algunas agencias de turismo ya incluyen el ingreso ...

  23. City Tour São Paulo: Passeios, Preços e Horários

    City Tour São Paulo. Passeio disponível. Faça o City Tour São Paulo e visite os pontos turísticos mais importantes da metrópole brasileira. Inclui guia. Preço por pessoa: a partir de R$ 422,00 por pessoa. Horários: 09:00 a 13:00. Duração: