EuroVelo Route Planner: all you need to know to start planning your trip

Exactly one year ago , the GPX download button was made available with a lot of success. Indeed, as stated in the recently released EuroVelo Digital Statistics Report, there were more than 40,000 downloads in just five months.

To mark this anniversary, the toolset has been extended again with another long-awaited feature, the Route Planner , developed in the frame of the AtlanticOnBike project extension co-funded by the EU Interreg Atlantic Area Programme .

The EuroVelo Route Planner is available from the homepage of

This new tool joins the resources, such as the list of national cycling-friendly services schemes facilitating your search of accommodation and the GPX tracks, that allow you to plan (almost) your whole trip on . From the instant the idea pops into your head to the moment you load the GPX files onto your computer, is there for you.

Counting 17 long-distance cycling routes, the EuroVelo network is spread across 38 countries, with over 45,000 km of developed routes and more to come in the next years. Whether you are a new or an experienced cycling tourist, choosing your next itinerary and how to best combine the different routes may seem daunting. But don't worry, the route planner is here to make planning your trip as easy as riding a bike.

EuroVelo Overview Map 2023 - promo picture.

While the EuroVelo Overview Map is already a great source of inspiration to hang at home – even on your toilets’ wall (available here ), the Route Planner really opens up a new world of possibilities.

Where do I start?

Screenshot 1 - starting and ending point.jpg

The first thing you will have to determine is where you want to start and end your trip along the network . You can type directly in the destination field to find the nearest city or town crossed by a EuroVelo route or pick a point on the map 1 . Do you want to visit a friend on the way or make a stop in that extraordinary city you always dreamt of discovering? No worries, just add an intermediate destination (or several) before diving into the different route options available to you!

We know that there are many different conceptions of what a cycling trip should be. Some will prefer the safest option with low-traffic roads, even if it means a longer journey, while others are looking to challenge themselves by covering many kilometres in a short period of time. There are adventure-seekers among you, but also people who just want to experience a slow travelling style. That is why you can choose among several options : the most developed itinerary, the most direct or the one which contains the least climbs. And rest assured, if you do not have a firm opinion on the topic, you can pick the recommended itinerary, delivering a perfect balance between all of those options.

A suggested itinerary and so much more

After making these first choices, click on “GO” and let the magic happen.

You will now see a focus on the calculated itinerary , with the different colours of the interactive map legend appearing to show the development levels you will find along the way 2 .

You can also pass your cursor on the itinerary to consult the elevation levels or directly go to the bottom-left corner to see the full elevation graphic. The different points of interest are indicated on the map as well, to give you an overview of the many cultural, culinary or historical sites you will cross (a non-exhaustive list!).

Screenshot 2 - example of an itinerary from Killin (the UK) to Tordesillas (Spain) along EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route

Check the “Itinerary” box on the right side of your screen to see more details about this planned trip. You can find the route logos of the EuroVelo routes covered, followed by the total number of kilometres of the itinerary and the approximate duration of the trip . Please note that the average number of kilometres cycled per day has been fixed to 50 kilometres, but you might shorten your trip by covering longer distances each day.

Just below is the amount of CO2 saved by making your trip on a bike, which you can brag about to those around you who are not yet convinced by cycling tourism (if there are still any!).

Screenshot 2 - example of an itinerary from Killin (the UK) to Tordesillas (Spain) - daily stages.jpg

Another novelty that you will find in this box is our brand-new “ Five tips to plan your cycling trip ” page to help you further in the preparation for your cycling trip.

By clicking on "Show more”, all the suggested daily stages are unveiled, followed by descriptions of the different EuroVelo routes and information on countries and National EuroVelo Coordination Centres 3 .

Finally, you can go back to the top to print or save your itinerary in PDF but also download the GPX tracks of your selected itinerary (please read the disclaimer ). If you are not sure how to use the GPX files, here is an article explaining how it works with a selection of apps and software programs that are easy to experiment.

Once accustomed, you can start over with other destinations and imagine an infinite number of cycling journeys!

A demonstration video on how to configure your route

For all the YouTube tutorial fans out there, we have prepared a short video to guide you through this new, exciting feature! As this Route Planner was developed in the frame of the AtlanticOnBike project, we imagined a trip along the magnificent EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Coast Route . Click below to discover the tutorial.

Go on and start dreaming, as dreams are the prerequisite to making a new reality happen. The Route Planner is free to use, but if you like what we're doing, don't hesitate to support EuroVelo . If you notice any bugs when using the route planner, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] .


Cover picture: Gironde, La Vélodyssée, French section of EuroVelo 1– Atlantic Coast Route © Aurélie Stapf

Author: Alexandra Fournier, with contributions from Jessica Casagrande, Florence Grégoire and Mark Sheridan

1. Please keep in mind that you will have to select a place along one EuroVelo route for your starting, intermediary and ending point. This route planner is only using EuroVelo routes. You may have to use other local, regional or national cycling routes to join your starting destination along the EuroVelo network. If you would like to find out more about local, regional and national cycling routes, we invite you to browse the different countries’ pages containing all links to the relevant national websites.

2. Green lines indicate a Certified EuroVelo route meaning that either the full route or a section of at least 300 km has successfully undergone the certification process in line with the ECF's European Certification Standard . It is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network. Yellow lines mean there is continuous signing along the route incorporating EuroVelo route information panels. Continuous red lines indicate that the route is signed in line with the respective national standard. For both latest categories, there must be a website providing more information to users (linked to Dashed red lines indicate routes under development but usable. It means also it is possible to follow the route either with signing or detailed information publicly available on the internet on national or regional cycling/tourism portals (linked to The route may contain some sections that need further development (e.g. stretches on public highways with high levels of traffic). Dotted red lines indicate routes at the planning stage. Therefore, the route is not signed and there is no detailed information publicly available on the Internet. The proposed itinerary communicated is a proposal for the best possible option currently available. Please note that it may also contain dangerous sections. Finally, white dotted lines show the sections for which another type of transport has to be used (mostly ferries and sometimes trains, and for some exceptions, planes due to ferry lines shut down). Please find more information on the stage and route pages. Please note that ECF is constantly working with its National EuroVelo Coordination Centres (NECC) on developing the network, but there remain differences in the conditions of the routes , even between sections of the same route. NECCs provide the latest information they have on development levels that can be found along the network. While ECF and National EuroVelo Coordination Centers (NECC) make every effort to ensure the tracks and their levels of development are both current and accurate, errors or outdated information can occur.

3. The National EuroVelo Coordination Centres (NECCs) represent the link between the European and national levels of EuroVelo routes. Most of the time, it is a consortium of several national stakeholders – often including decision-making bodies on transport and tourism. They are responsible for the implementation, coordination, quality assurance and communication of EuroVelo in their respective countries.

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Cycling holiday & cycling tours in Austria, Germany and Europe

velotours Touristik has been on the market for 41 years and is the most experienced cycling trip planner in Germany. This decade-long passion for cycling trips flows into our daily work, in organising and making your holiday the most wonderful time of the year. In collaboration with our partners, hoteliers and within our team, quality is of great value to us. We set ourselves this standard anew each day, which results in high quality cycling tours in Austria, Germany and Europe as well as the recommendations of our satisfied guests.

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Moselle Athletic Version, 5-day-tour

One of the most beautiful bicycle tours in Germany takes you along the Moselle cycle path and offers countless sights.

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Romantic Road, Donauwörth – Schwangau/Füssen, 6-day-tour

On this bicycle tour you follow the Lech through an urban Bavarian landscape with many royal sights. 

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Neckar Cycle Path, Villingen-Schwenningen – Heidelberg, 9-day-tour

Follow the "River of poets" on this bicycle tour and marvel at the numerous places that it shows you. 

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Southern Black Forest Cycle Path from/to Freiburg, 7-day-tour

Cycle through the Black Forest and enjoy a colourful diversity of landscapes.

Trips of a lifetime with many benefits

Your benefits at velotours Touristik

  • Over 41 years of experience, which made us a specialist for bicycle tours
  • Capable team, detailed consulting from the planing to the booking and best care during the tour
  • Regular guests, who like to travel with us repeatedly
  • Outdoor exercise, relaxation and special quality
  • Joy of the movement, direct proximity to nature and locals and a behind-the-scenes glimpse on-site
  • Trusting partnership with selected accommodations
  • Reliable and safe luggage transport from hotel to hotel
  • Give recovery and memories

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Le Vélotour de retour à Reims pour une nouvelle balade insolite à la découverte des pépites de la ville

Les Halles Boulingrin, le lycée Roosevelt, le Centre des Congrès… Voici quelques-uns des lieux qui seront exceptionnellement traversés ce dimanche 25 août 2024 par les près de 5 000 cyclistes attendus pour la quatrième édition du Vélotour à Reims.

Pour la quatrième fois, le Vélotour fait étape à Reims ce dimanche 25 août 2024. Ce sera l'occasion pour les 5 000 cyclistes participants de découvrir des lieux insolites. DR

La 4e édition du Vélotour de Reims (Marne), suivant le format de l’événement créé à Dijon en 2006, s’élancera dimanche 25 août dans la cité des sacres. D’année en année le compteur grimpe. L’an dernier, cette déambulation festive affichait complet avec 5 000 cyclistes engagés. Les randonneurs avaient traversé la caserne de pompiers Marchandeau, l’hôpital Maison-Blanche, ou encore le centre de maintenance du tramway.

Ce dimanche 25 août, le départ sera donné de 8 heures à 12 heures depuis la porte de Mars, cet arc gallo-romain fraîchement restauré où se tiendra également le village d’arrivée. Cette année, les participants pédaleront également dans d’autres sites, dont le lycée Roosevelt, La Fileuse, les halles du Boulingrin ou le centre des congrès. Chaque année, l’organisation mixe des endroits historiques, culturels ou sportifs. Une manière de redécouvrir les pépites de la cité des Sacres.

Passage dans une maison de champagne

Une dizaine de sites sont au programme de cette boucle principale de 17 km, à laquelle s’ajoute une première boucle optionnelle de 1,5 km. Enfin, une option avec 3,5 km supplémentaires est proposée pour les plus courageux, avec un passage par le Stade Delaune et le complexe sportif René Tys.

Et si la manifestation s’installe en Champagne, elle a aussi vocation à coller davantage à l’image de la ville et à son terroir. Cette année encore, elle va ainsi pousser les portes d’une maison de champagne, la maison Mumm, dont les cyclistes franchiront les grilles pour la première fois. En 2021, c’est la Maison Ruinart qui avait accueilli l’événement dans son parc et ses jardins.

Depuis l’ouverture de la billetterie payante fin janvier, « plus de 50 % des billets ont déjà été vendus », fait savoir l’organisation, soit environ 2 700 places. Pour cette nouvelle édition, l’ambiance sera aussi au rendez-vous. Familiale et conviviale, la manifestation invite en effet les participants à se déguiser pour donner davantage d’ambiance et d’énergie à « l’épreuve ». Vélotour se déroule également dans douze autres villes françaises . Dijon s’apprête à accueillir sa 18e édition le 15 septembre prochain.

Pratique : pour plus d’informations ou réserver sa place, rendez-vous sur le site

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Ardennes classics, local culture, exceptional food & wine.

Ride Religiously. Sleep Uniquely. Eat and drink fantastically. We see it three ways: Engage. Embrace. Indulge.


Amstel gold race, thoughtful hospitality, it’s about how we make you feel.

Cycling without hospitality is just a bike ride and we are about more than just riding your bike.

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We Ride Further. Together.

Cycling holidays, tours & trips for an amazing travel experience.

Ride further and explore more with us. We’re not just obsessed with clocking more kilometres or tackling tougher climbs (although we love that too), we’re all about broadening horizons and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Discover cycling holidays with Love Velo. #Ridefurther #Lovecycling #Lovevelo


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Road Cycling

Experience our road cycling holidays the thrill of conquering iconic climbs, discovering breathtaking landscapes, and embracing the spirit of adventure on two wheels

3 cyclists riding through a forest

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hundreds of cyclists riding up a snaking mountain path

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We are a community of cyclists who share a love of cycling, cycling travel and a desire to ride further. We exist for everyone that rides a bike. We live for the first time a kid rides without stabilisers and for the commuters who ride to their computers. We say ‘Chapeau’ to the friends who ride together and we give Kudos to experienced cyclists on their Strava propelled rides.

What Our Clients Say

Recently enjoyed a trip to Mallorca staying in Port de Pollenca, the hotel, cycle hire and airport transfers were all organised for us by Phil at what I feel was a very good and fair price. This was my first experience of this type of trip so used them on recommendation from a friend who had used them a few years back - I can also happily recommend, been home 2 days and already talking about booking a trip for next year so I will be contacting LoveVelo again soon. Great service - 5 stars well earned.

Ashley Baldry

I recently had the pleasure of embarking on a meticulously organized trip to Mallorca, Spain, with Love Velo, and it was a phenomenal experience. From the moment we arrived, every detail was taken care of, allowing us to immerse ourselves fully in the cycling experience and the stunning surroundings of Mallorca.

DJ Bouzourene

Loved our Love Velo trip to Mallorca! The whole thing ran perfectly smoothly, the hotel and hire bikes were brilliant and the app was super easy to use and gave us some fantastic routes to download to our Wahoo devices. Thanks to the team for all their help and recommendations. Mallorca, we will be back!

Katie Strick

Your Next Cycling Adventure

We are the cycling holiday experts.

Whether you're a keen road cyclist, enjoy riding an e-bike or hybrid bike, or want to get your family more active, we have the perfect cycling holiday for you.

Why We Love Cycling Travel

Ride Further is our philosophy, a mindset, and a way of life. We believe that cycling is an adventure that ignites passion and instigates positive change. We will help you explore new places, meet incredible people and tackle challenges. We exist to inspire and empower you to discover new places, new people, and new possibilities. We are here to provide opportunities for cyclists to embark on cycling tours, holidays and adventures that will enrich their lives. #ridefurther #lovevelo #lovecycling

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We reward our cyclists. When you book with us, you get free access to hundreds of exclusive rewards across the cycling industry and beyond. From year round vouchers from our official partner Le Col, to up to 40% off Garmin, Oakley, Nike and more, it pays to book with Love Velo.

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Who can enjoy a love velo self guided cycle holiday, who can enjoy a love velo guided bike holiday, how do our self guided cycle holidays work, how do our guided bike holidays work, how fit do i need to be, what do the bikes come with, can you fit bikes to suit me, are the bikes insured, what about travel insurance, how will i navigate the routes.

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Embark on a cycling holiday with Love Velo where every pedal stroke brings you closer to adventure and discovery. Our cycling tours offer you the perfect blend of independence and support, with self guided route options tailored to you. If you want to ride the best climbs, do so at your own pace or if you are all about exploring, discover our holidays with our seamless luggage transfers, ensuring your journey can be focussed on the breathtaking scenery and vibrant local culture.

From charming hotels to welcoming accommodation, you’ll explore iconic cycling destinations, uncover hidden gems, and experience the joy of cycling at its finest. Our team go the extra mile, providing expert knowledge having visited every destination that we sell. Join us and discover the true spirit of cycling holidays, where every journey is an opportunity to ride further and discover more.

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Le Tour de France in Nice Monaco the Côte d'Azur Cycling Paradise

For the first time ever, the Tour de France will finish in the French Riviera , taking on some of the most iconic climbs in our region! Azur Vélo  is excited to join The Col Collective for a special edition collaboration, offering guests our expertise organising tours in this spectacular region, and Mike Cotty’s insider knowledge of the mountains and the Tour de France. Join us to ride on the race routes and watch the Tour de France Arrival VIP style in July 2024 ! 7/15/24 – 7/22/24    Places are limited to 12 participants. 

Le Tour 24 is now SOLD OUT!

Please subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and updates about our cycling tours & events!

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Tour de France 2024 Arrivée

The final 2 stages of the 2024 Tour de France  are on  French Riviera  roads that are as scenic as they are challenging! These stages are the highlight of Le Tour 24.  Our cycling itinerary will include the Col de Braus, the Col de Turini,  and other climbs from the routes of the race. In the days leading up to the Tour arrival, we’ll experience the roads first-hand to get an insider’s experience of what’s in store for the riders! We’ll watch the final stages of the race  live in VIP style from the stunning roads of the Côte d’Azur . 

Mike Cotty & The Col Collective

There are few that know the mountains of Europe better than your ride guide Michael Cotty . As founder of The Col Collective , Mike has made a career out of riding, filming and telling the story of epic rides and mountains across the continent. Mike is based in the Côte d’Azur and his engaging character, curious mind, and friendly nature bring a unique perspective to the roads and mountains on every ride. Mike also brings a wealth of experience as a Tour de France cycling trip host with The Col Collective Tours . Our cycling tour will take you on the spectacular routes of the 2024 Tour de France arrival stages , and includes local mountain passes that Mike regularly rides, such as the Col de Braus , the Col de la Madone , the Col d’Eze and the Col de Turini . 

velo tour

Watch The Col Collective’s videos about our French Riviera roads and climbs to get familiar with your guide and some featured mountain passes of Le Tour 24 . 

  • Seaside accommodations in Nice with breakfast included
  • 8 days, 7 nights
  • Airport transfer to/from your hotel
  • Welcome meeting & assistance with bike set-up
  • 6 lunches & 5 dinners
  • Customized ride itineraries
  • Vehicle assistance & mechanical support
  • Refreshments and snacks during rides
  • VIP Tour de France surprises
  • Use of Normatec recovery boots
  • Complimentary Azur Vélo & The Col Collective jersey
  • Activity planning for non-cycling companions

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Your Seaside Accommodations

Your seaside hotel is conveniently located in Mont Boron – a quiet neighborhood just next to the port of Nice . You can easily walk to the Old Town and city center, and beautiful beaches are just across the street from the hotel. We have a range of different rooms available for our tour, with relaxing courtyard views and stunning sea views .

Our Itinerary: Epic Climbs Stunning Roads Tour de France

We hope you’re ready for an unforgettable journey through the French Riviera as we take on the best local climbs and the roads of the 2024 Tour de France grand finale with your host Mike Cotty ! Our itinerary includes the Col de Braus , the Col de Turini , the Col d’Èze , Mont Chauve , the Col de la Madone , and the Time Trial route of the final stage of the 2024 Tour de France . The routes below should give you a good idea of what to expect during your week of cycling and live Tour de France race viewing – though some details may be altered according to group needs, weather conditions or other factors. As we get closer to the trip date, we will provide GPX files for anyone who would like to upload the routes. Non-cycling activity suggestions will also be provided for our off-the-bike companions in the group, as well as information about lunches and dinners. Details of our ride routes and VIP race viewing for the final stages of the Tour de France will soon be finalized, so please stay tuned! 

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Day 1 - 7/15/24

Welcome to the côte d'azur.

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Day 2 - 7/16/24

Col d'èze + col de la madone.

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Day 3 - 7/17/24

Aspremont + mont chauve.

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Day 4 - 7/18/24

Col de braus + col de turini.

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Day 5 - 7/19/24

Monaco - nice tt route.

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Day 6 - 7/20/24

Tour de france stage 20 live.

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Day 7 - 7/21/24

Tour de france stage 21 live.

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Day 8 - 7/22/24

Au revoir et bon voyage.

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Climb With Us

We will ride these classic climbs of the Côte d’Azur , with our Queen Stage on the roads of the Tour de France , coming in at about 2500 meters of elevation gain.

  • Col d'Eze: 10 km / 4.9%
  • Col de Braus: 10 km / 6.6%
  • Col de Turini: 20.7 km / 5.7%
  • Col de la Madone: 13.6 km / 6.7%
  • Mont Chauve: 10.7 km / 7.2%
  • Aspremont: 11.4 km / 3.9%

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Pricing is per person, based on double occupancy, with single supplement indicated in the descriptions. Sea view suites may accommodate 3-4 guests per room. Please select your room preference from the drop-down menu when requesting your reservation. We have a limited number of each room type available.

Standard room; double occupancy. Single supplement €950

Deluxe room; double occupancy. Single supplement €1025

Sea view room; double occupancy. Single supplement €1175

Junior sea view suite; double occupancy. Single supplement €1500; Triple occupancy €4950 PP; Quadruple occupancy €4800 PP

Applicable to non-cycling companions staying in the same room as a cycling participant. Included: Accommodations, airport transfer, breakfasts and dinners, and 1 day of Tour de France viewing.

More information coming soon on our selection of rental road bikes.

*If you wish to reserve a place on Le Tour 2024, a 30% deposit per person is required to secure your reservation. Priority in room selection is given in the order of bookings. Receipt of the trip deposit is considered confirmation of booking, and your room selection is confirmed once the deposit is received. The remaining balance is due on April 15, 2024. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for more information about our reservation and cancellation policies, and required travel & medical insurance.

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If you would like to reserve a place on Le Tour 24 , please fill out the reservation request form below and we will get back to you shortly with confirmation of room availability and instructions for the deposit payment. If you have any questions for us regarding the tour, please contact us via the form below or by email: [email protected]

Reservation Request

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France Vélo Tourisme Discover France By bike

All cycle routes in france .

"France Vélo Tourisme" is the official website to discover France by bike. An enjoyable and ecological way to discover France while cycling : planning your holidays, biking trips or cycling tours and weekends on bicycle paths, greenways and other bicycle routes in France.

Cycle just as you wish

Find my accueil vélo.

"Accueil Velo" is a national accreditation scheme guaranteeing a high quality of welcome and services for cyclists using French cycle routes

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The latest reviews published online

Reviews and comments of bike travellers on our routes. Don't hesitate to leave yours on the paths you've already ridden!

Beaucoup de choses à voir et faire à Étretat et Le Havre mais des montées assez dures.

Très belles vues mais des montées très dures partagées avec des voitures.

Go cycling in France !

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Preparing Your Cycle Trip in France

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Cycle route planner in France

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La Vélo Francette

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Train and bicycle in France

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Mediterranean Cycle Route

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The best cycle routes reachable by boat from England

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The French Châteaux

Go on a trip, they organize everything for you.

French travel agencies, specialized in bicycle travel, offer you tailor-made stays. Leave serene and with a free mind.

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Cycling holidays along the Loire by bike - Rando Vélo

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Cycling trips on La Vélodyssée - Rando Vélo

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From Mont-Saint-Michel to Roscoff

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Bike trips on ViaRhôna with Safrantours

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Loire Valley Trips - Rando Vélo

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The Vélo Francette with La Bicyclette Verte

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4 days to discover Paris with Le Vélo Voyageur

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The great bike tour around Bordeaux with Evazio

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Dream it. Live it. Ride it.

The ultimate cycling experience.

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Experience the essence of an island.

Explore your own backyard.

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Experience the carnival madness of a grand tour!

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New 2019

  • Travel safely

Heart of Puglia Guided Bike Tour – 8 days

Salento guided bike tour – 8 days, grand giro di puglia guided bike tour – 15 days, daily tours, giro di puglia 12 days | matera – lecce.

  • Giro di Puglia 9 days | Matera – Ostuni
  • Giro di Puglia 8 days | Alberobello – Lecce
  • Giro di Puglia 6 days | Putignano – Ostuni
  • Giro di Puglia 8 days | Putignano – Lecce
  • Salento by bike Coast to Coast – 8 days
  • Gargano by e-bike between sea and mountain – 6 days
  • Itria Valley – 5 days Cycle Tour
  • Adriatic Cycle Route – 5 days Cycle Tour
  • Puglia Road Bike Tour 15 days
  • Puglia Road Bike Tour 8 days
  • Bike & Wine – 9 days

How we do it

  • Leonardo Trulli Resort – Resort with trulli and swimming pool
  • IL PALMENTO – Charming Relais with trulli and swimming pool
  • TRULLI DI FIGAZZANO – Home holiday with trulli and swimming pool
  • Gabellota Resort – Rural Resort with trulli and swimming pool
  • Bike & Beaches
  • Bespoke Tours
  • Bicycles Accessories
  • Travel with kids


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Ride happy with Puglia Cycle Tours Read more about us Experience Puglia with guided bike tours View all tours Discover Puglia with self-guided bike tours View all tours Combines relaxation and cycling in one vacation Find out more var htmlDiv = document.getElementById("rs-plugin-settings-inline-css"); var htmlDivCss=""; if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; }else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement("div"); htmlDiv.innerHTML = " " + htmlDivCss + " "; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } var htmlDiv = document.getElementById("rs-plugin-settings-inline-css"); var htmlDivCss=""; if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; }else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement("div"); htmlDiv.innerHTML = " " + htmlDivCss + " "; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } setREVStartSize({c: jQuery('#rev_slider_6_1'), responsiveLevels: [1240,1024,778,480], gridwidth: [1240,1024,778,480], gridheight: [650,768,960,720], sliderLayout: 'auto'}); var revapi6, tpj=jQuery; tpj(document).ready(function() { if(tpj("#rev_slider_6_1").revolution == undefined){ revslider_showDoubleJqueryError("#rev_slider_6_1"); }else{ revapi6 = tpj("#rev_slider_6_1").show().revolution({ sliderType:"standard", jsFileLocation:"//", sliderLayout:"auto", dottedOverlay:"none", delay:9000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation:"off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation:"off", mouseScrollReverse:"default", onHoverStop:"on", arrows: { style:"hesperiden", enable:true, hide_onmobile:false, hide_onleave:false, tmp:'', left: { h_align:"left", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0 }, right: { h_align:"right", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0 } } }, responsiveLevels:[1240,1024,778,480], visibilityLevels:[1240,1024,778,480], gridwidth:[1240,1024,778,480], gridheight:[650,768,960,720], lazyType:"none", shadow:0, spinner:"spinner0", stopLoop:"off", stopAfterLoops:-1, stopAtSlide:-1, shuffle:"off", autoHeight:"off", hideThumbsOnMobile:"off", hideSliderAtLimit:0, hideCaptionAtLimit:0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit:0, debugMode:false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll:"off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus:"off", disableFocusListener:false, } }); } }); /*ready*/ var htmlDivCss = unescape(".h1-slider-2-home%7B%0A%20%20white-space%3A%20normal%3B%"); var htmlDiv = document.getElementById('rs-plugin-settings-inline-css'); if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; } else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement('div'); htmlDiv.innerHTML = ' ' + htmlDivCss + ' '; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } var htmlDivCss = unescape(".hesperiden.tparrows%20%7B%0A%09cursor%3Apointer%3B%0A%09background%3Argba%280%2C0%2C0%2C0.5%29%3B%0A%09width%3A40px%3B%0A%09height%3A40px%3B%0A%09position%3Aabsolute%3B%0A%09display%3Ablock%3B%0A%09z-index%3A100%3B%0A%20%20%20%20border-radius%3A%2050%25%3B%0A%7D%0A.hesperiden.tparrows%3Ahover%20%7B%0A%09background%3Argba%280%2C%200%2C%200%2C%201%29%3B%0A%7D%0A.hesp"); var htmlDiv = document.getElementById('rs-plugin-settings-inline-css'); if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; } else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement('div'); htmlDiv.innerHTML = ' ' + htmlDivCss + ' '; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } Why choose Puglia Cycle Tours

Local tour operator.

Puglia is our home and we are happy to lead you to discover every secret corner of it.

Customized Itineraries

We happily personalize every aspect of your holiday, to make it unique and unforgettable.

Quality and services verified

We test every service, accommodation and route we offer as a guarantee of quality and safety.

Always by your side

We support you from the moment of booking to the end of your trip.

Puglia is beautiful all year round

Every season in Puglia is magic to discover nature, art food and wine and local culture.

Our Cycling Tours 2024 & 2025

For over 10 years, we have been designed tailor-made itineraries for cycling Tours in Puglia-Italy and still do it with passion every day. We carefully choose the best cycling routes and select the best accommodations to offer each traveler a unique cycle holiday in Puglia . Choose the tour that suits you most from self-guided and guided tours or contact us for customized solutions.


Guided Tours



Bike & Trulli

Bike & Trulli

Daily Tours

Guided Bike Tour

Ideal if you want to learn more about the hidden sides of Puglia with a local and multilanguage guide.

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Difficulty 3/5

Starting from 1890,00.

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starting from 3650,00

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Customize your Guided Bike Tour

All Guided Tours

Self-guided Bike Tour

Ideal if you want to ride at your own pace and visit Puglia in total freedom, with verified tracks and GPS device provided by us. Many tours for every type of traveler. From the beginner to the expert. For individuals or groups.

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Bike & Wine

Difficulty 2/5, starting from 1590,00.

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starting from 1290,00

Customize your self-guided bike tour.

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Adriatic Cycle Route – 5 days Cycle Tour

Difficulty 1/5, starting from 690,00.

All self-guided tours

What our guests say about us…

Susan T June 2024 Australia Best trip ever, wonderful and felt safe Our wine biking trip through Pulgia was the best trip we have taken. The e-bikes were outstanding with 70 to 80 Kms range. The route was great through villages and bike lanes. We saw the true Italian countryside. Picking cherries from trees where the branches overhung the road was amazing. Italians were all very courteous to us bike riders. The wine experiences were all outstanding, giving us a true understanding of how wine, food, family and friends are all inextricably linked and savoured. Our accommodation was outstanding and the meals just scrumptious. Italians have no concept to underfed you. Puglia Bike company where wonderful to deal with and nothing was too much trouble. It seemed obvious that the company, wine producers and accommodation suppliers all work wonderfully together and promote the best of Italian produce. Thankyou Silvia & Antonio See more
Mindy K June 2024 See the REAL Puglia with Puglia Cycle Tours We only had a week in Puglia, and we wanted three days of cycling. No problem! Puglia Cycling Tours designed a custom tour route that we followed at our own pace for three days. They kept us safe with a great bike orientation, and their selected routes were 98% on small side roads (with the exception of roads to get to the city centers). In addition, they booked us into fabulous (I mean FABULOUS!) hotels that were perfectly located, comfortable, and near so many great attractions in walking distance (walking was certainly helpful after long cycling days). Moreover, Puglia Cycle Tours staff were super-responsive before and DURING the trip. When we had a question, we always got a quick answer. We highly recommend their great customer service! See more
Barry June 2024 England Puglia Cycle Tours designed a perfect cycling holiday for me Because Puglia are a regionally based company their route planning included familiar quiet tracks and roads which also gave an insight into local life. Supported by an inclusive smart GPS guidance device which acted as a personal guide for my solo rides . The device also indicated suggested restaurants and bars along the way . The burden of luggage was alleviated by my case being moved on daily always awaiting me , on arrival at my next stopover which included rural farms , baroque old town and modern hotels . I requested a slightly longer holiday than the standard package which Chiara , my booking agent , produced to perfection . I have previously cycled Puglia before , however I can honestly say this experience I would recommend as superb to anyone wanting to cycle in a beautiful corner of Italy . Barry Whitehead , Bolton. England See more
Will B March 2019 London, UK A truly memorable holiday cycling through Puglia's stunning countryside. My girlfriend and I have just returned from the 11-day cycling tour of Puglia and can't rate it highly enough - it was a perfect holiday. Puglia itself is stunning, and the tour is really well balanced, exploring historic towns, beautiful countryside, and natural wonders. See more
675karlieb April 2019 Sidney, Australia I cannot praise the staff enough. Nothing was too much trouble. The accommodation they chose was great quality and well located. The bikes were wonderful. I’m already thinking about the route I’d like to take for my next Puglia Cycle adventure... See more
Katie B May 2019 London, UK Everything about our trip with Puglia Cycle Tours was amazing and we could not have wished for a better holiday in Puglia. My boyfriend and I did the 8 day self-guided tour and loved every second. Everything from the booking process, to the briefing on the first day, to the cycle routes and hotels was brilliant. See more

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VeloTour Festival

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Discover where bike touring can take you. From 18 to 20 May 2024 in Belgium. HTML5 UP .

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The fourth Velotour Festival will take place from Saturday 18 to Monday 20 May 2024!

150 cycling enthusiasts from all over Belgium and beyond will gather to make a 3-day bicycle tour in Belgium, share their excitement about bike touring and have a great time together. This festival is organised by the people behind Welcome To My Garden.

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Gathering at 10:00 near a train station which is easy to reach. After a briefing, we'll start our first day of cycling (40, 60 or 80km). At night, we get together to have dinner and share stories, ideas and inspiration. Camping in a field in a small village.

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Start with a healthy breakfast. Choose between a ride of 40, 60 and 80 km to go to our second destination. We'll enjoy dinner together and get to know each other! And yes, we'll sleep in our tents again.

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Last breakfast together before a final ride of 40, 60 or 80 km. The festival ends at a train station which has many train connections. Farewell drink to say goodbye and see you next year!

All you need to know

Please read this FAQ section thoroughly so that you know what you're getting yourself into. If you can't find the answer on your question below, please drop us an email at velotourfestival[at]

Why this Festival

Exploring by bicycle makes you feel alive. It's a unique way to discover a region. What if you combine this with meeting other enthusiasts and have a great time together? The Velotour Festival gives you the opportunity to travel by bicycle in Belgium and meet new people.

For both curious-minded people who want to discover bicycle touring and experienced bicycle travellers to share their passion and stories. From solo travelers to families, everyone is welcome. If you are travelling with your 10 best friends, we doubt you’ll still have time to meet others, so no groups please!

Come with your own bicycle. Please note that you'll carry your own panniers with camping gear (tent, sleeping bag & mattress) and repair kit. Yet, not owning equipment shouldn't stop you from participating, ask a friend to lend you equipment or leave a comment in the registration form so that we can help you.

Participation fee

120 euro per person (60 euro per kid & free of charge for children under 2 years old). The fee includes 2x breakfast, 2x dinner, insurance, social activities, basic facilities & some other small costs (overhead). Lunch & drinks are not included. Check out the full budget here .

3 days of cycling with 3 options (40, 60 and 80 km). We won't cycle together in 1 big group. It's a 3-day event and it's not possible to join for only one day. You'll receive more information about the itinerary before the event and on the first day during the briefing.

In the evening there will be social activities around bicycle touring. Please let us know about your suggestions in the registration form! Those activities won't be next to the tents, so that you can also rest if you want to.


This is a not-for-profit event. During the festival all partipants are invited to volunteer and give a hand in either the morning or evening. The Velotour is a community event, so your registration cannot be resold to someone else. You can cancel and get a full refund up to two weeks before the festival.

There's a liability and physical damage insurance for all volunteers and a basic physical damage insurance for all participants. Yet, you participate at your own risk and responsibility. You will be asked to sign a disclaimer on the first day to waive any liability towards the organising volunteers and must respect the highway code.

Code of conduct

The goal of the Velotour Festival is to meet new people and get to know each other. It's a must to be open towards others and to agree with our code of conduct .

The VeloTour Festival is organised à la belge: a good mix of English, French, Dutch and German. Whatever language you speak, we'll find a way to communicate with one another.

What participants say

A mini family adventure! The joy of cycling, meeting other people in the evening and sleeping in a tent.

Surprising itinerary and nice encounters with 'like-minded' people. Inspiring!

The sense of community is very strong at the Velotour. Whenever you have a problem there's always someone there to help you.

Still up for it?

Register now since it's first come, first served! We hope to see you at the VeloTour Festival.

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  • Startlist: 42nd Junior Tour of Wales

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Over 100 riders on the startlist for the classic Junior Tour of Wales (42nd) over four days and five stages

Day 1 Friday 23rd August – Stage 1 — Brynmawr – Tumble – 8.93km / 5.6 Mile Individual Time Trial HQ: Brynmawr School, Intermediate Rd, Brynmawr, Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, NP23 4XT

Day 2 Saturday 24th August – Stage 2 — Brecon – Crai – 114.2 km / 71.0 mile hilly road race with a mountain finish HQ: Brecon Leisure Centre, Penlan, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9SR

Day 3 Sunday 25th August

– Stage 3 Pembrey National Closed Road Circuit – Carmarthenshire – START: 10:30 — 44.6km / 27.73 miles. 25 laps of a 1.785km rolling circuit with a flat finish HQ: Pembrey Country Park, Factory Road, Pembrey, Llanelli SA16 0EJ

– Stage 4 Pembrey Motor Racing Circuit – START: 14:30PM — 96km/ 59.65 miles flat road circuit with a flat finish HQ: Pembrey Racing Circuit, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA16 0HZ

Day 4 Monday 26th August – Stage 5 Brynmawr – Tumble Mountain – 89.6km / 55.67 mile rolling road race with a mountain finish HQ: Brynmawr School, Intermediate Rd, Brynmawr, Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, NP23 4XT

RIDERS 1. Sebastian Grindley, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 2. Luca Bednarek, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 3. Toby Bush, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 4. Harrison Dainty, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 5. Oliver Dawson, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 6. Max Hinds, Fensham Howes ‐ MAS Design 7. Ollie Boarer, Tofauti Everyone Active 8. Oliver Gill, Tofauti Everyone Active 9. Joshua Jackson, Tofauti Everyone Active 10. Matthew Kent, Tofauti Everyone Active 11. Matthew Peace, Tofauti Everyone Active 12. Ahron Dick, Huub BCC Race Team 13. Spencer Corder, Huub BCC Race Team 14. Lewis Tinsley, Huub BCC Race Team 15. Cal Tutty, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 16. Michael Collins, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 17. Rory Condon, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 18. Eoghan Lattimore, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 19. Philip O’Connor, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 20. Willem O’Connor, E.Tarrant & Sons Skoda Munster 21. Elliot Rowe, Scotland 22. Joseph Cosgrove, Scotland 23. Milo McIntosh, The Cycling Academy 24. Noah Bleteau, The Cycling Academy 25. Alasdair Easton, The Cycling Academy 27. Ruan Vorster, The Cycling Academy 29. Charlie Abraham, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 30. Edward Charles, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 31. Peter Ferguson, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 32. Thomas Mead, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 33. Paul Opie, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 35. Ivan Sorby, Utmost‐Mezzo IOM Junior Cycling 36. James Kinrade, Utmost‐Mezzo IOM Junior Cycling 37. Orry Lund, Utmost‐Mezzo IOM Junior Cycling 38. Iwan Clark, Team Pau 39. Felix Earth, Team Pau 40. Callum Evans, Team Pau 41. Sion Jones, Team Pau 42. Alistair Gardner, Velo Club Venta 43. Bobby Buenfeld, Velo Club Venta 44. Hamish Hunter, Velo Club Venta 45. James Sawyers, trainSharp Development Team 46. Jack Baldie, trainSharp Development Team 48. Oscar Nisbett, trainSharp Development Team 49. Daniel Phillips, trainSharp Development Team 50. Kyan Souquet, trainSharp Development Team 51. Patrick O’Sullivan, Cycling Leinster 52. Josh Callaly, Cycling Leinster 53. David Harrington, Cycling Leinster 54. Conor Prendergast, Cycling Leinster 55. Matthew Walls, Cycling Leinster 56. 57. James Beagley, Prologue Racing Team 58. Joel Hurt, Prologue Racing Team 59. James Ingham, Prologue Racing Team 60. Daniel Kemp, Prologue Racing Team 61. Isaak Herbert, Halesowen A & CC 62. Kaleb Herbert, Halesowen A & CC 63. Luke Mannings, Halesowen A & CC 64. Ryan Oldfield, Halesowen A & CC 65. Max Bufton, Wales 66. Rory Gravelle, Wales 67. Ryu Roberts, Hayamizu Wales 68. Dylan Sage, Wales 69. Theo Anderson, Team Inca 70. Robert Smart, Ribble rechrg Race Team 71. Alexander Murphy, Shibden Apex RT 72. Matt Thompson 73. Elliot Fraser, 360cycling 74. Aidan Worden, 360cycling 75. Thomas Lewis, Beeston Cycling Club 76. Ethan Squires, Beeston Cycling Club 77. James Sweeney, Beeston Cycling Club 78. Mathys Venter, Cardiff Ajax CC 79. Jack Cook, Clifton CC 80. Charlie Thorpe, Clifton CC 81. Hugh Aubrey, Eastern Division 82. Stanley Cooke, Eastern Division 83. William Pollard, Lee Valley Youth Cycling Club 85. Louis Herring, Harrogate Nova Race Team 86. Emil Howell, Harrogate Nova Race Team 87. Isaac Oliver, Harrogate Nova Race Team 88. Oscar Saxton, Huddersfield Star Wheelers 89. Oliver Wade, KSV Deerlijk VZW 90. Nick Makin, Mid Devon CC 91. Ben Meek, Mid Devon CC 92. George Watch, Mid Devon CC 93. Zack Miles, Otley CC 95. Ben Baker, Ride Revolution Coaching 96. Dylan Belton, Owen VC Londres 97. Isaac Dutton, VC Londres 98. Sidney Dutton, VC Londres 99. Luke Meyer‐Eland, VC Londres 100. August Ora, VC Londres 101. Evan Schofield, Beeston Cycling Club 102. Magnus Denwood, Harrogate Nova Race Team 103. Ted Harvey, Cardiff Ajax CC 104. Evan Marsh, Beeston Cycling Club 106. Ted McDaid, Ribble rechrg Race Team 107. Huw Cressey‐Rodgers, Velo Myrddin CC powered by Y Beic

RESERVES 108. Oliver Moss, Clifton CC 109. Rowan Baxter, Shibden Apex RT 110. Ethan Storti, Eastern Division 112. Benjamin Arey, Clifton CC 113. Elliott Holt, Fietsen Tempo 114. Freddy Augsburger, Eastern Division 115. Jack Beveridge, Avid Sport 116. Isaac Pembery, Eastern Division 117. Tommy Stroud, Velo Club Venta

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Send your results as well as club, team & event news here

  • Features, Reports, Results
  • Result: Mid Shropshire Wheelers Friday Cyclocross 3
  • Junior Tour of Wales: Stage 1 Mountain Time Trial
  • Crit Result: CDPP Sport Crit Series #14
  • Crit Result: Portsmouth Evening Circuits 13
  • Crit Result: Full Gas Summer Circuit Series #23
  • TT Result: East Anglian VTTA 10m TT
  • BMCR Result: Hog Hill Thursday League Race 8
  • TLI Cycling Report: TLI National Circuit Race championship Taster Race #2
  • Crit Result: Matlock CC Darley Moor Circuit Races (5)
  • Youth Result: RL360 Isle of Man Youth League 18
  • Startlist: 360 North West Youth Tour
  • Crit Result: SACA Salt Ayre Tuesday Series 19
  • TT Result: VTTA East Mids 25m TT
  • TT Result: Royal Dean Forest CC 25
  • TT Result: Bec CC 25m Time Trial
  • TT Result: Yorkshire Road Club 25m TT
  • TT Result: Wigan Whs 30m TT
  • TT Result: Kent CA 10m Time Trial
  • HC Result: Sitwell CC Hill Climb
  • TT Result: Northampton & District CA 10m TT
  • TT Result: Maldon & District CC 10m TT
  • TT Result: Wrekinsport 10m TT
  • TT Result: Southdown Velo 10m TT
  • TT Result: Exeter Wheelers 25m TT
  • RR Result: John Holman Memorial Race
  • TT Result: VTTA London & Home Counties 15m TT Champs
  • TT Result: North Tyneside Riders 27m Hardriders TT
  • RTTC 12 Hour Time Trial Championship
  • RR Result: Giant Kendal Road Race
  • RR Result: Friz Hill Road Race
  • Result: Ryedale Grasscrete Grand Prix 2024
  • CX Result: Shrewsbury Friday Night Cyclocross
  • TT Result: Manchester Bicycle Club 10m TT
  • TT Result: VTTA London & Home Counties 10m TT
  • RR Result: Ythan Road Race
  • Tour of Britain: Evenepoel/Alaphilippe To Race National Tour
  • TT Result: Ayr Roads 15m TT
  • Crit Result: CDPP Sport Crit Series #13
  • GB Juniors for Track Worlds in China
  • THIS WEEKEND: CYCLOCROSS (Leicestershire)
  • Startlist: Men’s National B (Worcestershire)
  • Startlists: Fenwicks Tour of Mendip 2024
  • Startlists: 19th Ryedale Grasscrete Grand Prix Road Races
  • Men’s Tour of Britain News: Teams for 2024 Race
  • Men’s Tour of Britain Route Revealed (Stages 5 & 6)
  • NEWS: Women’s UCI Drops Team to Close
  • Startlist: Youth and Junior Track Championships 2024
  • Startlist: RTTC National 25 Mile Championship (Women/JuniorsYouth)
  • Startlists: RTTC National 25 Mile Championship (Men)
  • Hill Climb Championships: Change of Course
  • TT Result: Ross-On-Wye & Dist CC 25m TT
  • News: Men’s Tour of Britain Route (Stage 1 & 2)
  • GB News: Paracycling Squad for Paris 2024
  • Ribble Redefines Road with launch of Allroad
  • BMCR: National Road Bike Time Trial Championship
  • SUNDAY: Bath Road Club Junior National Series Road Race
  • News: Josh Tarling Extends Contract at Ineos
  • Tour of Britain for Men 2024
  • News: Connor Swift Extends Contract with Ineos
  • Updated GB Olympic Team News
  • Sunday: 2024 Youth Circuit Race Championships (Cyclopark)
  • Startlist: BMCR National Road Championships E/F/G/H
  • OLYMPIC NEWS – Team GB Announces First Riders for Olympics
  • News: Alex Richardson Retires
  • New Releases from Shutt Velo Rapide
  • STARTLIST: Men’s British Road Race Championships
  • STARTLIST: 2024 Women’s British Road Race Championships
  • Startlist: 2024 CAMS Yorkshire Classic Road Races
  • Startlists: 2024 Circuit Race Championships
  • Startlist: CAMS Ronde van Wymeswold
  • Startlists & 2023 Results: National Time Trial Championships

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Velo Tour by Veloservice

Velo Service è un tour operator leader nel turismo esperienziale e sostenibile in Puglia. Nata nel 2009 come start-up innovativa da un gruppo di appassionati di viaggi in bicicletta, si è evoluta negli anni fino a diventare un punto di riferimento nel settore dell'accoglienza e dell'intrattenimento turistico. Un team giovane e affiatato lavora con dedizione tutto l'anno per creare esperienze uniche e personalizzate, valorizzando l'immersione nella cultura locale. Una flotta diversificata di biciclette a noleggio , tra cui la caratteristica bici "rickshaw", permette ai clienti di esplorare la Puglia in modo dinamico e non convenzionale. L'alta qualità dei servizi offerti , sia da catalogo che personalizzati, è testimoniata dalle due accoglienti sedi nei centri storici di Bari e Lecce e dalle oltre 6.000 recensioni eccellenti online. Velo Service guarda con entusiasmo alle sfide future , orgogliosa della storia finora scritta e impegnata nella continua ricerca di emozionanti opportunità per superare le aspettative dei suoi clienti.


Paco is our CEO and founder, who since 2008 has been known as the man of rickshaws and bikes because he first realized the importance of developing slow, responsible, and highly inclusive tourism in the area. In his freetime, here's a fun fact that highlights his eclectic and fascinating personality: he has visited over 50 countries around the world, always proudly sporting the red and white scarf of his hometown team. For Paco, it's not a matter of football allegiance; it's a symbol of deep belonging that connects him to his roots wherever he goes.


Luca is the sweet and organized partner, the one who makes processes work and innovates the management of every resource. His longstanding and intense friendship with Paco merges with study, work, and passion. The Velo Service team knows they can rely on him, as he knows how to win everyone's love!


Sonia is CEO and manager of Velo Service Lecce. With care and passion she manages the team, oversees tours and rentals, collaborations with stakeholders, and much more. Sonia embodies the values and quality of Velo Service in the renowned Baroque region of Puglia.


Allow us to introduce Teresa, our front and back office manager! Allow us to introduce Teresa, our front and back office manager! She always ensures that our guests are happy and takes care of them from a warm welcome to a farewell. But here's the thing: her sweet and empathetic nature isn't a coincidence. She cultivates it every day by enjoying a long meditative stroll along the waterfront. It's her moment of relaxation before tackling a busy multilingual day! Always return her smile!

Anna Rita

She is precise, organized, and meticulous at work, but in her private life, she is constantly on roller coasters full of unexpected curves. Meet Anna Rita, our Digital Content Manager! She oversees Velo Service's online presence on all distribution platforms and but every opportunity is good for her to be at the front office, directly interacting with tourists. Her contribution is extremely valuable, we couldn't do without her!

Maria Luisa


Maria Luisa, or Mamalù as friends call her, is our Account Manager and Tour Leader who passionately manages project partner relationships behind the scenes. She's been part of the team since 2015, and among her most significant experiences, she recalls those organized for Chef Gino D'Acampo, TV Host Osvaldo Bevilaqua, and the Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney (with Prince Charles on the line).


Taking care of all our bike-rickshaws, bicycles, and electric vehicles when they return to the 'Velofficina' is Mr. Vito! He handles vehicle logistics and the warehouse, especially after the long daily rides of each wheel. He's an essential and reliable figure in the entire organization. The bicycles tattooed on his arms speak volumes!


Let us introduce you to Giulia: cheerful, energetic, and determined, she takes care of the front desk and your reservations. A whirlwind of ideas and projects, so passionate about her work that, as a good sleepwalker, she dreams of answering the phone to tourists seeking travel information! However, please don't call her at night!

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Crashes send three more riders home, including Colombia's Urán racing his 25th and final grand tour of his legendary career.

Andrew Hood

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ANTEQUERA, Spain (Velo) — Matthew Riccitello ‘s dream Vuelta a España turned into a nightmare late Thursday, while Colombian legend Rigoberto Urán is heading home with injury.

The pair is among several top riders crashing in Thursday’s breakaway stage on sinuous and slick roads at the Spanish grand tour.

Israel-Premier Tech officials were waiting to release details, but the 22-year-old hit the deck late in the sixth stage on a twisting descent off the Cat. 3 Puerto Martínez.

“Unfortunately, Matthew Riccitello suffered a crash. An update on the American will be given after further checkups,” a team note read.

There were no images of the spill, but the young American was able to finish the stage, crossing the line in 70th at 13:52 back.

After a superb Vuelta start that saw him climb into the GC group in Tuesday’s opening mountain stage, Riccitello’s hopes for a top-10 on GC took a blow Thursday after dropping 34 places, from 12th at 1:04 back to 46th at 13:16.

It was even worse for Urán, who also crashed Thursday and is now heading home from what is the final grand tour of his legendary career.

Urán, 37, was racing his 25th grand tour, and was going to retire in Madrid. Those plans are now dashed.

“X-rays found a fracture in the greater trochanter of his left hip. He does not need surgery and will return home to recover,” a team note read. “Not the way we wanted to see Rigo finish his last dance.”

A pro since 2006, Urán was a seminal figure in the modern era boom of Colombian cycling that saw the rise of a new generation of riders that also included Colombia’s only yellow jersey Egan Bernal, Nairo Quintana, and Esteban Chaves, among many others over the past 15 years.

Twice a runner-up at the Giro d’Italia and second in the 2017 Tour de France, Urán was a mentor and father-like figure to nearly two decades of Colombian riders finding their way in the European peloton.

Other big names crashing Thursday included Adam Yates (UAE Team Emirates), who also fell on the same descent as Riccitello.

The Brit was unable to regain contact with the leading GC bunch, and lost 2:34 to the main favorites. Yates, third in the 2023 Tour de France, dropped out of contention into 36th at 9:10 back.

Kenny Elissonde (Cofidis), a Vuelta stage winner up the Angliru in 2013, and Jon Aberasturi (Euskaltel-Euskadi) also did not finish.

Brandon McNulty (UAE Team Emirates), the Vuelta’s first stage winner and red jersey, lost more than 30 minutes Thursday and tumbled out of the top-10, but it was uncertain what happened.

#LaVuelta24 Unfortunately @AdamYates7 came down in a crash inside the final 20km. Luckily only escaping with abrasions . #WeAreUAE — @UAE-TeamEmirates (@TeamEmiratesUAE) August 22, 2024

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Ludovico Crescioli (Italie) a remporté la 2ᵉ étape du Tour de l’Avenir en battant Ole Theiler (Allemagne) au sprint.

21 août 2024

Mis à jour le 22 août 2024

Benjamin Blériot

Ludovico Crescioli (Italie) a remporté, ce mardi, la 2ᵉ étape du Tour de l’Avenir. Sorti dans le final en compagnie d’Ole Theiler (Allemagne), l’Italie s’est imposé au sprint. Matthew Brennan (Grande-Bretagne) règle le sprint du peloton et prend la 3ᵉ place. Henrik Pedersen (Danemark) conserve le maillot jaune.

Ludovico Crescioli wins the stage 2 of Tour de l’Avenir! #Tourdelavenir — Eemeli (@LosBrolin) August 20, 2024

Le classement de la 2ᵉ étape du Tour de l’Avenir

  • Ludovico Crescioli
  • Ole Theiler
  • Matyhew Brennan

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Crédit : Quentin JOLY / TOUR DE L’AVENIR

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59 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in St. Petersburg, Florida

things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida

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Nicknamed “The Sunshine City” for its year-round fine weather, St. Petersburg could be one of the best family-friendly places to vacation on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Endowed with gleaming white sands and tranquil clear waters, St Pete Beach is often voted one of the nicest in the country — the perfect place for sunbathing or paddleboarding. Its secluded barrier isles are an ideal place to get away from it all and a trip to its many lush parks and preserves are just some of the best things to do in St. Petersburg .

Explore up to 150 species of palm and cycads, as well as the nearly 500 different plants at Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum. Then, head to St. Pete Pier for the best green space near the sea!

The city has a thriving downtown district with a distinctly bohemian culture and many arts and cultural places to visit, including some of the country’s top museums and galleries.

The nearby city’s of Tampa and Clearwater, with their world-famous theme parks and attractions, are always just a stone’s throw away. But what to do first?

1 – Be astounded at The Dalí (Salvador Dalí Museum)

Salvador Dalí Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

One of the 20th Century’s most genre-defying and vital artists, Salvador Dali’s work was as technically brilliant as it was unique. The Spanish-born artist revolutionized the art world with his surrealistic images and flamboyant personal flair.

The Dali Museum is a collection of thousands of items related to the great artist’s career.  Combining a spectacular purpose-built museum with exhibition areas, gardens, a cafe and a center for the avant-garde, this waterfront gallery is one of the most fun places to visit in St. Petersburg.

The James Family Wing holds the museum’s permanent collection of Dalí works, including 96 paintings created by the artist from 1918 to 1970 as well as holograms, sculptures and a lobster telephone.

2 – Cruise the historic city on a segway tour

segway tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Why take a bus tour when you can segway? Cruise the city streets on two wheels with these fun segway tours of historic St. Petersburg. Hit all the best sites, including the Victorian-style homes of the Old Northeast, the Tampa Bay area, and the St. Petersburg Museum of History.

Pick up some history on the area’s most famous residents, including the Native American princess Pocahontas, and see historic sites, including the departure point of the world’s first commercial flight, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat.

Though they may look tricky to maneuver, segways are suitable for everyone and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Make the most of your time in St. Petersburg, Florida and explore the city on a fun and lively segway tour.

  • segway tours in St. Petersburg

3 – Stroll along the St. Pete Pier

Saint Petersburg Pier, Florida

The new recreation center of the city, St. Pete Pier has a lot to discover, from shopping, dining and entertainment to sports and parks you’ll find it all here. Dine in style on the rooftop of Pier Teaki or grab a snack at the Driftwood Cafe.

Cool off from the summer heat at the Splash Pad or stroll around the Benoist Centennial Plaza before relaxing on the Bayfront Health Tilted Lawn, there’s something here for the whole family.

Take in the sea views and that fresh sea air as you check out some of the piers artworks, including the Morning Stars Mosaic, the water-inspired sculpture Olnetopia and the stunning net sculpture Bending Arc.

The pier is sure to be your new favorite place to go in St. Petersburg.

4 – Catch a Rays game at Tropicana Field

Rays game at Tropicana Field, Florida

Home to the Major League Baseball team, The Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field is a must-visit for sports fans while in St. Petersburg. Commonly referred to as “The Trop” by locals, the stadium is the only indoor venue in Major League Baseball capable of hosting events all year long.

  • Tropicana Field tickets

As well as baseball games it has also hosted college basketball, football, and pro hockey tournaments. Some of the world’s biggest stars have also performed here including David Bowie, Janet Jackson and the rock group, Kiss.

Check out a Tampa Bay Rays game or see the website to find out what’s happening at The Trop during your time in St. Petersburg.

  • Tampa Bay Rays tickets

5 – Find inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts

Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, Florida

For the avid art enthusiast, there’s one place to visit in the city that will appeal above all else – the Museum of Fine Arts . The permanent collection covers almost 5,000 years of human history and creativity and is represented in thousands of objects in various media.

Visitors can see ceramics and porcelains from all over the globe and the museum features a large collection of decorative arts as well as folk art, artworks from indigenous cultures and ceremonial pieces.

You will also find more traditional works such as paintings, sculptures and prints. It has a rotating program of temporary exhibitions alongside its permanent collection and hosts a monthly series of lectures, talks and even cinema screenings. Art lovers won’t want to miss this one.

6 – Hike at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, St. Petersburg

If you would like to make the most of your time in St. Petersburg and explore the very best of the city’s natural landscape, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is a great place to start. It is home to the Lake Maggiore Environmental Education Centre which teaches visitors about the many natural marvels of the preserve.

Looking for a peaceful place to camp? The Terry Tomalin Campground offers primitive camping inside the nature preserve as well as organized nature camps and bike tours. This is especially great for young campers who can learn all about the fascinating web of nature and how it functions inside the preserve.

During your visit to Boyd Hill, why not join one of many nature programs. Take a night hike through the park or catch a speaking presentation on the natural history of the area. As well as its wild and unspoiled beauty, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve really has a full season of activities to enjoy.

7 – Soar over Tampa Bay on a helicopter tour

helicopter tour in St. Petersburg

Okay, what could be better than a helicopter tour over St. Petersburg city and Tampa Bay? Enjoy the invigorating thrill of hovering high above the city on one of these unique helicopter cruises.

Take to the skies in an air-conditioned chopper and see the sites in a truly unique way. Glimpse famous landmarks such as St. Pete’s Pier, John’s Pass and Treasure Island as only a few people get to.

You will cruise over the sparkling waters of Tampa Bay and the luxury beachfront resort, Don CeSar. When soaring high above the barrier islands, keep your eyes peeled for dolphins and other wildlife in the waters below. This is sure to be an experience you will never forget.

  • helicopter tours in St. Petersburg

8 – Climb the Weedon Island Preserve observation tower

Weedon Island Preserve, Florida

The huge 3,000-acre Weedon Island Preserve is a must-visit for nature lovers in St. Petersburg. Here you can explore the diverse wetland and upland ecosystems that make up important habitats for local plants and wildlife.

The park has a lot of great routes to hike and almost two miles of boardwalk trails, making it accessible to most people. Visitors can check out the preserve’s education center and even borrow a backpack full of useful trail maps and field guides.

You can follow the boardwalk trail through mangrove forests and tidal streams to the park’s observation tower, which on a clear day provides fantastic views of the preserve as well as Tampa Bay and the city’s of St.Petersburg and Tampa. Why not discover this serene slice of Florida countryside for yourself?

9 – Explore the Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg

The Morean Arts Center is a fun and engaging contemporary art space on St. Petersburg’s Central Avenue. It is open daily and puts on a series of art and creative classes, events and parties and also has an artist in residence program.

It houses the first permanent collection of works by American artist, Dale Chihuly in a purpose-built facility. Chihuly is known for his abstract and colorful glass constructions and has pioneered the production methods of elaborate glass artworks during his career. On entering, visitors to the gallery are met with a 20-foot sculpture created specifically for the site.

Admission is free, so why not take a class or explore the artworks during your time in the city. It could just be one of the best cultural things to do in St. Petersburg.

10 – Play and learn at Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Great Explorations Children’s Museum, St. Petersburg

If you’re looking for fun and educational things to do with kids in St. Petersburg, stimulate their curiosity at the Great Explorations Children’s Museum . Here they can meet the Explorasaurus and play and discover through interactive games and exhibits.

Try the augmented reality sandbox, where a regular sandbox becomes an entire world with gushing rivers and rocky mountains. Explore the creativity in all of us by imagining what simple tools like a pencil and paper can create.

Great Explorations puts on regular workshops with a focus on environmental topics as well as readings and discussions with authors. It also has a store that sells educational toys, of which 100% of the proceeds go back into the museum. Younger kids are sure to love this!

11 – Spot wildlife at Sawgrass Lake Park

Sawgrass Lake Park, Florida

Home to one of the largest Maple swamps on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Sawgrass Lake Park is a haven for local and migratory wildlife. The park is home to many species of birds, including egrets, ibis, herons, and a few reptiles too, such as native turtles and alligators.

It is a popular stop for migrating birds in the spring and fall seasons and, as such, the park attracts a large number of bird spotters who are eager to catch a glimpse of rare wildlife.  It is also an ideal place to see plants and colorful butterflies in their natural habitats.

Why not bring some snacks and make use of the picnic shelter and barbecue facilities after taking a stroll along the boardwalk nature trail and enjoying the sights. Sawgrass Lake Park surely has something for everyone.

12 – Visit the Florida Holocaust Museum

Florida Holocaust Museum

Dedicated to remembering the millions of murdered men, women and children, Florida’s Holocaust Museum is one of the largest of its type in the country. It houses both permanent and temporary exhibitions and is a vital resource for learning about the horrors of the holocaust and the levels of persecution European Jewish people faced.

The museum was founded in 1992 by Walter P. Loebenberg, a local businessman and philanthropist. Loebenberg himself escaped Nazi Germany for Florida and then joined the United States Armed Forces to serve in World War II.

The poignant exhibitions include one of the few surviving boxcars which were used by the Nazis to transport Jews and political prisoners to the death camps of Auschwitz and Treblinka. It also keeps an archive of video interviews with holocaust survivors as an integral memento for future generations.

13 – Beat the clock in an escape room

escape room in St. Petersburg

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg, for those who like thrills, puzzles and games in equal measure, is to try an escape room challenge! Gather together your team of friends and family and test your powers of deduction and problem-solving in one of these themed games.

Think outside the box as you solve problems and gather clues in these immersive adventure games. You’ll have to work together to make sure you crack all the puzzles in time and escape the room.

Outerlife Studios is one of the city’s premier escape rooms and allows visitors to choose from themed experiences and settings, including a superhero’s headquarters, a locked apartment with a ticking time bomb or a building set to burn. Will you complete the challenge in time?

  • escape rooms in St. Petersburg

14 – Relax under the trees at North Straub Park

North Straub Park, St Petersburg, Florida

If the Florida sun is proving too much for you, why not take a stroll down to North Straub Park. Located on the bayfront between St. Pete’s Pier and 5th ave NE, the park has plenty of shady trees to lounge under, including some big old banyan trees with an unusual-looking aerial root system.

The park has plenty of shaded walkways so it’s the ideal place to go for a refreshing stroll in the cool ocean breeze. It also offers stunning views of the north shore and Tampa Bay and you can take a seat right on the waterfront to check out the yachts in the harbor.

Your four-legged friend needn’t miss out either as North Straub Park has a dedicated dog park and keep your eyes and ears open for year-round events and live music occurring on its permanent stage area.

15 – See gopher tortoises at Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

Stuck out on its own in the mouth of Tampa Bay, Egmont Key has been an important ecological preserve since 1974. The island’s strategic position means it has played a major role in many domestic wars and includes the remains of Fort Dade as well as a 100-year-old lighthouse.

It is now an important nesting site for sea turtles, tortoises and hundreds of thousands of sea birds. A visitor favorite on the island is its large colony of gopher tortoises who definitely aren’t shy of people and can be seen trudging around the pathways and roads of Egmont Key State Park. Brown Pelicans are also a common sight in the area with over 600 of the birds calling the island home.

Egmont Key will be one of the most interesting things to do for nature and history lovers in St. Petersburg. Visitors can check out the historic Fort Dade and its large coastal gun battery, Battery McIntosh and the remains of Battery Burchsted, which now floats just off the island.

16 – Get your tickets to the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Taking place every March is the event of the year for car lovers in Florida – the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg !

Head down for a racing good time, witnessing the premier racing series of North America, as you learn about the seasoned drivers, and see some of the new talents on the race car scene. Experience one of the most beloved sports in the U.S.!

Do some celebrity spotting while you’re in attendance, and check out the other tons of fun available at the event. Listen to the live entertainment, participate in interactive and race car-themed games, and so much more!

Chill out a bit after the fun at the Speed Zone, or better yet, get to the Beer Gardens for a proper refreshment. Don’t leave without getting your driver’s autograph!

  • Grand Prix of St. Petersburg tickets

17 – Go fishing at Skyway Fishing Pier State Park

Skyway Fishing Pier State Park, St. Petersburg

St.Petersburg is home to a very unique and cool fishing spot in the shadow of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge which spans Tampa Bay. When the Sunshine Skyway was built in the mid-1980s, the old bay bridge was left in place and quickly became popular with local anglers.

It is now considered the world’s longest fishing pier and gives fishermen unrestricted access to the deeper bay waters. What’s better still is that you can drive your car right up to your favorite fishing spot, pretty neat!

You can catch a wide selection of fish here. Common varieties caught at the pier include grouper, Spanish mackerel, red snapper and black sea bass and the bridge is even lit up after dark so you can fish late into the evening.

18 – Check out The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art, St Petersburg, Florida

Yeehaw! The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art is enough to make even the most skeptical of souls feel patriotic. Its collection features contemporary works, mostly created since the 1980s and includes, paintings, sculptures, jewelry and more.

Many of the themes include historical subjects and recently the museum has focused on a selection of works by living Native American artists. It has separate exhibition spaces devoted to the early west, native life, western frontier and wildlife among others.

The collection of jewelry produced by Native American artists is particularly stunning as well as the diverse and dynamic sculptures depicting powerful images of the old west. Definitely check this museum out during your time in St. Petersburg and renew your appreciation for the good ol’ US of A.

19 – Go kayaking at St. Pete Beach

kayaking in St. Petersburg

Consistently voted one of the best beaches in the United States, St Pete’s Beach really has it all. Pure and soft white sands, turquoise water and a relaxed and laid-back vibe, what more could you need?

St Pete’s Beach is a great place for families to relax with the calm gentle gulf waters which are perfect for bathing, and action is just a step away. With fun sports to try right here on the beach such as snorkeling, kayaking and standup paddleboarding there’s enough to amuse those who just can’t sit still.

The beach is located just 10 minutes from downtown St. Petersburg, so you’re never far from the lively city center. Hit the beachfront bars and restaurants to try out the best fresh seafood dishes or stroll along the waterfront at sunset to experience the best of this low-key beach town.

  • kayaking in St. Petersburg

20 – Take a boat out from Demens Landing Park

Demens Landing Park, St Petersburg, Florida

Another of the city’s fantastic waterfront green spaces, Demens Landing Park occupies the space which was formerly the city’s first railway pier. It is named after its creator, Peter Demens.

Laying directly on the waterfront between the Central and South Yacht Basins and in close distance to the AI Lang Stadium and Saturday Morning Market, this park is in the most bustling part of the city’s harbor. It has plenty of benches to sit and relax on as well as large green spaces if you want to throw a frisbee around.

If you plan to venture out onto the water while in the city, the park is a good launch point and has a boat ramp that is available for use. There are also picnic benches and public restrooms. This centrally located park is a great place to visit and soak up the atmosphere.

21 – Explore the Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum

Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum, St Petersburg, Florida

It’s hard to believe that the lush 2-acre tropical gardens of Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum were a mini-golf course not so long ago. This beautiful collection of exotic palms is well worth a visit during your time in the city.

The transformation began in 1976 after a donation of 60 palms of ten different species was gifted by longtime palm admirer, Miss Gizelle Kopsick. The Arboretum was dedicated to Miss Kopsick one year later to celebrate her 100th Birthday.

Over nearly 50 years, the collection has grown to include 150 species of palm and cycads and 500 individual plants. The arboretum is wheelchair accessible and as part of St. Petersburg’s city parks, is free admission.

22 – See amazing Contemporary glass art at Imagine Museum

Imagine Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

The newly opened Imagine Museum is one of the first institutions dedicated solely to contemporary glass art in the US. Its collection includes over 1,500 pieces from all over the world as well as a core collection of 500 American studio glass artworks.

This inspiring museum is sure to uplift everyone who visits as it stretches our concept of the applications of glass as a material. The unique pieces collected here display the ingenuity of the individual artists and the wide range of techniques applied in the modern studio glass scene.

The museum displays both permanent and temporary exhibitions and visitors can opt to join a tour of the gallery to gain a deeper insight into the artworks on display. This is a must-see for art lovers but the pieces on display have a diverse appeal that will be fascinating and beautiful to most people.

Definitely check this out.

23 – Cycle the Pinellas Trail

bike tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Whatever your preferred way to explore outdoors, be it jogging, walking, cycling or skating — you are bound to enjoy the Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail. The trail starts in St. Petersburg and runs all the way to Tarpon Springs, covering a distance of 50 miles.

The trail runs through a number of towns on the way including South Pasadena, Palm Harbor and Clearwater. This unique and level passageway used to be the route of the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line Railroads which were abandoned in the 1980s.

Why not take a bike tour of the city to learn a little more about its history and the best places to cycle and walk. The Pinellas Trail has some super-scenic stops to visit along the way including Honeymoon Island near Dunedin and Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor.

  • bike tours in St. Petersburg

24 – Sunbathe at Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto Park, Florida

Pinellas County’s largest public park, Fort De Soto Park covers over 1,100 acres and has a huge amount of things to see and do.

The park is spread out over five islands sitting in the mouth of Tampa Bay and features coastal areas, wetlands, forests and meadows, as well as one of the region’s finest beaches. You’ll find plenty here to explore.

Wildlife lovers can spend the day spotting the wide variety of creatures that live in the area. Since the 1960s, 328 species of bird have been documented in the park. Visitors can hike over six miles of trails that stretch between both coasts and past the historic fort.

The park also has over seven miles of waterfront, almost half of which is blanketed with white sandy beaches, two fishing piers and a canoe trail. With two large swim centers, picnic areas and campgrounds, as well as the Quartermaster Museum, you’ll definitely fall in love with Fort De Soto Park.

25 – Spot manatees at Coffee Pot Bayou

Coffee Pot Bayou, St. Petersburg

The scenic waterfront road, Coffee Pot Boulevard, which skirts by Coffee Pot Bayou has picturesque views of Snell Isle and could be one of the most enchanting spots in St. Petersburg for a stroll.

The Bayou is a great year-round place to spot manatees but especially in the cooler months of the year when the water remains warmer than the surrounding Gulf of Mexico.

The area has charming old waterfront homes with European and Spanish designs and cool tree-lined avenues to explore. The walk over Snell Isle Bridge offers nice views of the historical Renaissance Vinoy Resort and the upmarket neighborhood of Snell Isle.

26 – Pet an alligator at Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center

Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, St. Petersburg

Ever wanted to get up close to an alligator? Well now’s your chance! The Alligator and Wildlife Discovery Center allows visitors to do just that, you can even kiss one if you really want to?!

The center offers shelter and rehabilitation to surrendered gators that were bought as pets and outgrew their homes. Visitors get the unique opportunity to see alligators up close and pet and hold them under careful supervision.

Though the primary draw of the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center is going to be alligators, there are also plenty of other creatures to get up close to. The center is home to a bunch of unusual and interesting residents including fish, snakes, skunks, lizards, pigs and more.

Don’t forget to show them some love!

27 –  Bike around Maximo Park

Maximo Park, St. Petersburg

Located on Boca Ciega Bay, Maximo Park is both a beautiful waterfront park and also an important archeological site in the city. For thousands of years, the park was home to indigenous American people who fished and lived on these shores. There is information throughout the park about the tribes that once settled here.

Why not take some time to rest under the shady trees and play a game of Tocobaga Disc golf on the specially built 18-hole course. Explore the boardwalk trails and climb the 50-foot observation tower to glimpse some amazing panoramic views of the park.

For the keen fisherman, the park has seven boat ramps giving access to the bay water as well as shoreline fishing areas for those who prefer it. There is also a large selection of picnic shelters available and two playgrounds which is sure to keep the kids entertained.

Maximo Park has something for everyone.

28 – Climb aboard a family-friendly pirate ship

pirate ship cruise in St. Petersburg

Hoist the sails, don the eyepatch, and get ready for an adventure above the towering Royal Conquest pirate ship! Setting sail from Madeira Beach on Gulf Boulevard (just a short drive north of Treasure Island and St Pete Beach), this stunning vessel promises an amazing day out on the Gulf of Mexico waters for kids and adults alike.

The youngsters can compete in limbo contests, work up a sweat during a little dance party, or cool off in a squirt gun battle — the crew runs interactive activities throughout the 90-minute journey, sure to keep the little ones occupied.

As for the big kids (read: adults), things get even more exciting with the free onboard beer and wine. With several departure times throughout the day (11 am, 1.30 pm, 4.30 pm and 7 pm), you can squeeze it in regardless of your schedule! But ask any former swashbuckling traveler and they’ll attest: the sunset ride is hard to beat.

  • pirate ship cruises in St. Petersburg

29 – Campe at Shell Key Preserve

Shell Key Preserve, St. Petersburg

Part of the reason people return to St. Petersburg year after year is for the abundance of unspoiled natural environments it offers, Shell Key Preserve is one such place. An important habitat for nesting birds, Shell Key Preserve includes one of Florida’s biggest areas of undeveloped barrier Islands.

The center of the reserve is a protected area, so not accessible to visitors, but the outer edges have overnight camping facilities which offer the perfect place to really get away from it all. Sleep out under the stars to the sound of the sea lapping the shore and the gentle cry of birds. Paradise!

The Preserve is a great place for wildlife spotting and is a nesting site for sea turtles. Besides turtles, visitors may be lucky enough to spot starfish and fiddler crabs as well as egrets, spoonbills and plovers. Shell Key Preserve is accessible only by boat so plan ahead. Its beautiful beaches are waiting.

30 – Ride the Iron Gwazi at Bush Gardens Tampa

Bush Gardens Tampa

Busch Gardens hardly needs any introduction. This Tampa Theme Park and Zoo has been entertaining visitors for over 60 years with its thrilling white-knuckle rides and attractions. Its newest ride, Iron Gwazi, is the tallest hybrid roller coaster in North America as well as the fastest and steepest in the world.

If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can choose from 25+  nausea-inducing roller coasters that will spin you every which way around. For those that like the more sedate life, take a safari ride and view some of the park’s 200 species of animals, including rhinos, elephants and gorillas.

After a busy day of thrills and spills why not take in some live family entertainment. Busch Gardens has jaw-dropping ice skating extravaganzas, storytime shows for kids, and live music by No.1 tribute bands. A day at Busch Gardens is one of the most action-packed things to do in St. Petersburg and is something the whole family will love.

  • Bush Gardens tickets

31 – Pay your respects at War Veterans Memorial Park

War Veterans Memorial Park, St. Petersburg

The sight of a Walker Bulldog tank may not be the most reassuring thing to see in a park but War Veterans Memorial Park is dedicated to honoring the memory of its Military Veterans.

The park has five dedications, one for each branch of the United States Armed Forces. It also has a battlefield cross monument dedicated to the 18 local members of the armed forces who died in the Gulf War.

The park has some nature trails to explore as well as a playground for the kids and even a boat ramp. Check it out while you’re in the area.

Fun fact! The Bulldog tank you see on entering the park is actually a four-man tank from the Korean War era and was built by Cadillac!

32 – Explore the colorful world of Fairgrounds St. Pete

Fairgrounds St. Pete

Those expecting Ferris wheels and funhouses won’t be disappointed for long. Fairgrounds St. Pete is an immersive and explorable art and technology exhibition that is a collaboration of 60 artists. It’s a very unique attraction and you won’t find anything like this elsewhere in the state of Florida.

The perfect place to escape reality, even if just for a while, this playful self-contained world has exhibits based on the weird and wonderful stories and history of the region. It allows you to choose your own interaction and offers visitors multiple ways to engage.

This colorful and abstract world will draw you into its narrative, divulging small chunks of information piece by piece until you are hooked. You may find yourself returning to Fairgrounds St. Pete again and again.

33 – Unwind (with a drink in hand) on a tiki boat!

tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

Bringing the laid-back vibe of the tropics to Florida’s Gulf Coast, Tiki Boat tours are all about the open-air party lifestyle.

Each tour runs for between 90 minutes and two hours and is fully equipped with a sound system, coolers and a licensed captain — so all you need to do is BYO food, drinks, and party hats (even if they’re metaphorical), and you’ll be all set.

Whether it’s a birthday, bachelor party, or even something as simple as a family outing on the water, these quirky vessels promise a great couple hours on the later (especially if you set sail in the late afternoon, in time to catch a sunset).

  • tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

34 – Crack up with the stand-up talent at Spitfire Comedy House

Spitfire Comedy House, St. Petersburg

From sketch, stand-up, and improv, enjoy the different comedic stylings of St. Petersburg’s local comedians as well as national ones at the Spitfire Comedy House !

The shows are typically held Friday-Saturday nights, with some shows taking place on Thursdays and Sundays as well, making it the perfect activity to do in St. Petersburg!

Enjoy a variety of shows, from a 40s-style murder mystery improv musical to a freeform comedy showcase, and interactive comedy shows where the audience participates!

If you’re feeling up for it afterward, you can ask about the improv comedy classes that the club offers to build up your own comedy chops!

With a seating capacity of up to 40 people, enjoy the shows in a small group setting. Children can attend, but it is held at the discretion of parents.

35 – Discover handmade beauty at the Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement

Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, St Petersburg

If you need the inspiration to take up a craft, this is where you’ll find it. Step into a showcase of some of America’s best arts, pottery, textiles and more at the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement .

This unique museum is dedicated to the movement that spread across America in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as more people turned to creating their own crafted pieces in retaliation against the mass-produced items of the industrial era.

It features over 2,000 items in a stunning gallery that includes a restaurant, cafe and a children’s gallery that will entertain the kids. Admire the furniture, lighting, photography, tiles and jewelry that Americans created and expressed themselves through.

Located in downtown St. Petersburg, the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement will take you on a journey through the beauty of everything handmade.

36 – Start your weekend with a bang at St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg on a weekend is to drop by the Saturday Morning Market . Start your day the right way with freshly cooked food, locally farmed groceries and live music.

With over 120 vendors on site selling everything from fresh vegetables, meats and cheeses, teas and coffees and even artisan vegan popsicles, you know you’ll find something here you’re gonna love. The market also has stalls selling freshly cooked international dishes so you better bring your appetite.

Pick up some jewelry from one of the artisan craft stalls or choose some locally produced chocolates as a souvenir of your time in St. Petersburg. A trip to the Saturday Morning Market is a must-do thing while in the city and you can find it opposite Pioneer Park and a stone’s throw from Demen’s Landing.

37 – Spot dolphins at play on a boat tour

dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

The calm waters of Florida’s Gulf Coast offer some of the country’s best conditions for boating. The gentle currents and clear green waters, which are lit up by year-round sparkling sunshine, may make you feel like you’ve found paradise on Earth.

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg is to take a boat tour of the surrounding coastline. There are so many different tours to try that there is bound to be something to suit your tastes. Are you an adventurous speedboat kind of traveler, or a laid-back tiki bar boat kind of person?

Maybe you want to explore under your own steam on a kayak or go out to the deeper waters to spot dolphins playing in the surf? There are so many options you are really spoiled for choice.

Simply choose your departure point, whether from St. Petersburg, Tampa or nearby Clearwater and then enjoy the cruise. This is what St. Pete’s vacays are all about!

  • dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

38 – Watch the sunset at Albert Whitted Park

Albert Whitted Park, Florida

With its privileged position at the southern end of St. Petersburg’s downtown seafront district, Albert Whitted Park has uninterrupted views of those spectacular Florida sunsets. The park is located near the airport and has an airplane-themed children’s playground.

It gained its name from the man who brought commercial aviation to the city in the early 1900s. With beautiful views of the yacht marina as well as some of the city’s most attractive buildings, including The Dalí Museum and Mahaffey Theater, this quiet park is a great place to just kick back and relax.

On busier days it’s a good place to watch the city’s Firestone Grand Prix or catch sight of old-fashioned biplanes taking off and landing at the nearby waterfront airport.

39 – Set sail on a magical sunset cruise

sunset cruise in St. Petersburg

Relaxing, beautiful, and oh-so-very romantic, a St. Pete’s sunset cruise sells itself as the perfect way to end a long day of Florida sightseeing.

Hop aboard a luxurious yacht and take in some of the most incredible views St. Petersburg has to offer — from its striking buildings and sandy shorelines, to the colorfully illuminated Skyway Bridge.

With several companies offering these trips — whether it’s with a group of fellow travelers on a 45-foot modern catamaran or a private charter in an intimate sailboat — you can choose an evening cruise that suits your schedule (and budget).

And for something extra special, there are companies who make a point of venturing into high-traffic dolphin areas!

  • sunset cruises in St. Petersburg

40 – See the baseball collection at the St. Petersburg Museum of History

St. Petersburg Museum of History, Florida

It may seem like a dubious title but St. Petersburg’s Museum of History is home to the world’s largest collection of autographed baseballs. It has 4,999 signed baseballs in its collection, including balls autographed by four US Presidents and even Fidel Castro.

Why not 5,000 you ask? The plan is for Hollywood legend, Tom Hanks, to sign the 5,000th baseball when pandemic measures allow it. More than just a baseball collection though, the museum uses these autographed trophies to tell key moments in the country’s history and tell the story of modern American achievements.

There is even a baseball signed by the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, how is that for iconic! The museum also has an archive of thousands of photos and over 30,000 artifacts in its collection. Take a look around this fascinating museum during your time in the city.

41 – Drive the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Florida

While in St. Petersburg you have to take a cruise over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge to see the exceptional views of Tampa Bay and the nearby cities.

Constructed in the late-1980s to cross Tampa Bay, after the old bridge was badly damaged and collapsed, the current Sunshine Skyway Bridge spans from St. Petersburg South to the north of Terra Ceia. The bridge extends for over 4 miles and at places is towers 190 feet above the water to give the necessary clearance for boats traveling beneath it.

This iconic sight on the Tampa Bay skyline is the second bridge on the site to be named the Sunshine Skyway, the first one was built in the 1960s. Why not take an aerial tour of the bay to and get see the bridge from above? Join a helicopter or light aircraft tour for a unique tour you’ll never forget.

42 – Be amazed by glass art at Duncan McClellan Gallery

Duncan McClellan Gallery, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the place to be for glass art. The Duncan McClellan Gallery is another of the city’s major exhibitions of studio glass and it resides in the most unlikely of places.

Based in a former fish and tomato packing facility, its 7,800 square foot of exhibition space displays work by some of the leading internationally known glass artists.

An intrinsic part of the St. Pete art community, the Gallery is located in the center of the city’s Warehouse Art District. It houses work by dozens of artists and hosts regular exhibitions of contemporary glass art.

43 – Soak up the Florida sun on a boat tour

boat tour in St. Petersburg

Enjoy the sunset views from the Gulf of Mexico, as you board the St. Petersburg, Florida: Sunset and Skyway Lights Boat Tour. See as the golden sun sets behind the water, and the lights of the Skyway Bridge begin as you enjoy fresh fruit and refreshments.

The S. Saint Petersburg Pier to Egmont Key Cruise is a 60-minute ferry ride to the stunning Egmont Key. Enjoy views of the turquoise waters, and nature around. Once at Egmont Key, you’ll enjoy 2 hours on its shores to explore the historic lighthouse, nature, and wildlife.

  • boat tours in St. Petersburg

44 – Take a run in Vinoy Park

Vinoy Park, St Petersburg, Florida

In a perfect position looking out over Tampa Bay, Vinoy Park is one of the city’s most visited attractions. It hosts some of the city’s major outdoor shows like the Tampa Bay Blues and Reggae Rise Up music festivals, The Festivals of Speed Car Show and food fests throughout the year.

featuring lengthy trails throughout, it’s an ideal place to walk or cycle and if you’re looking for somewhere to take your morning run, this place can’t be beaten. The cool breezes blowing in off the bay and sea views are sure to give you all the inspiration you need to get outside and run.

45 – Cruise the bay on a jet boat

jet boat in St. Petersburg

A surefire way to see bottlenose dolphins in Tampa Bay is to take a ride on the Dolphin Racer speedboat . Cruise the beaches and waterways of the Gulf Coast on these thrilling and fun adventure rides.

The local population of bottlenose dolphins are a curious bunch and are drawn to the Dolphin Racer as it powers through the bay. They love to play and surf in the boats wake and jump alongside to catch a glimpse of the people onboard.

The trips last for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and features narration from the team members. The crew is so confident that you will spot dolphins that they even offer a free ride to those who don’t. What are you waiting for?

46 – Explore the lush and tranquil Sunken Gardens

Sunken Gardens, St Petersburg, Florida

A tropical paradise in the middle of the city, The Sunken Gardens has been wowing visitors to the area for 100 years. It contains some of the best established tropical plants in the region and its collection includes 50,000 specimens including plants, flowers and grasses.

This tropical wonderland was created as a hobby garden by a local plumber in the early 1900s on a six-acre piece of land that formerly held a lake. The rich and fertile soil of the lake bed made the perfect environment for The Sunken Gardens botanical collection.

Visitors can explore its landscaped miniature waterfalls and flowing ponds and see the gardens flock of pink Florida flamingos. Visiting this secret garden in the midst of the busy city might be one of the most invigorating things to do in St. Petersburg and is sure to be a big hit with nature lovers.

47 – Shop, eat and relax at John’s Pass presented by Nathan Shirk Realty

John's Pass, St Petersburg, Florida

If you’re looking for a one-stop destination for shopping, dining and entertainment in St. Petersburg, John’s Pass will likely fit the bill. With stores selling everything from clothing, apparel and jewelry to sweets, collectibles and Cuban cigars, there’s a lot to see here.

Take a family tour with lunch on the triple decked ship, Calypso Breeze , or board a tiki bar boat for a relaxing booze cruise around the bay. Try your hand at fishing or visit Splash Harbor Water Park for a wild afternoon on the slides.

Afterward, hit up one of the cafes or restaurants to grab a bite to eat and an invigorating coffee or cold beer. The choices are huge and you’re sure to find great fresh seafood, tasty grill and barbecue dishes and all your fast food favorites.

48 – See a live show at Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey Theater

Mahaffey Theater, St Petersburg, Florida

On the downtown waterfront within a stone’s throw of The Dalí and the Museum of Fine Arts is one of the city’s largest and finest performing arts venues. The Mahaffey Theater first opened its doors in 1965 and since then has been the place to go in St. Pete for live performances of all types.

Now known as The Duke Energy Center for the Arts, Mahaffey Theater hosts, on any given week, orchestral concerts, Broadway musicals and plays, stand-up comedy shows and touring live bands. Its position at the heart of the city’s waterfront makes it a beautiful venue to visit at any time of the year.

49 – Revel at the bungalows and landscapes at Historic Kenwood

Historic Kenwood, Florida

Step back over 100 years just a few minutes from Downtown St. Petersburg. Historic Kenwood is a charming neighborhood with bungalows built in the 1920s when real estate in Florida first flourished.

Stroll along brick sidewalks and imagine the old times, as you admire their well-kept landscapes and rows of trees lining the streets. You can time your visit during the Bungalow Fest in November when the homeowners open their doors and give tours to visitors.

See amazing gardens and get some inspiration, while checking out independent locally-owned coffee shops, restaurants, bars and boutique stores. This eclectic place has something for everyone — even for your furry friend like The Dog Bar . If you want to fully experience the vibe of Historic Kenwood, you can stay for a night or more at the art deco Avalon Hotel less than a two-minute drive from the neighborhood.

Hollander Hotel is also highly recommended and has over 20 craft beers and delicious cuisine to indulge yourself in at the Tap Room and Grill. Courtyard St. Petersburg Downtown is a historic hotel with modern amenities that is sure to tick all the boxes.

50 – Pick your aperitivo at Mazzaro’s Italian Market

Mazzaro’s Italian Market, St. Petersburg

Mazzaro’s started out as a coffee roasting business nearly 30 years ago and soon became the locals’ go-to place for anything Italian — stopping by here is one of the essential things to do in St. Petersburg and you won’t leave empty-handed for sure.

This Italian deli has got everything you need to satisfy your Mediterranean cravings such as coffee, wine, cured meats, cheeses, handmade pasta, pizza, bread, pastries, gelato and many more!

Mazzaro’s cellars include the largest selection of Italian wines in Florida. Not sure which wine to bring home? Join one of the free wine tasting sessions every Friday and Saturday lunchtime and get top recommendations from the staff.

51 – Scour the city on a scavenger hunt

scavenger game in St. Petersburg

Looking for a fun way to explore the city? Why not try a scavenger hunt to discover the best of St. Petersburg’s highlights. Gather together your team and hit the streets for a unique self-guided game experience.

Simply download the app and follow clues and directions to locations around the city. Here you will have to use your eyes and intuition to answer trivia questions and solve puzzles. Uncover the history of the city, explore at your own pace and enjoy working together in these light-hearted and informative challenges.

  • scavenger games in St. Petersburg

52 – Shop retro at ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store

ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store, St. Petersburg

If you love to shop for vintage, retro and kitsch items, you’re gonna love ARTpool . This independent gallery, clothing boutique and record store is one of the most fun places to visit in the city to pick up those pre-loved gems from a bygone era.

The gallery portion is not restricted to paintings and prints but reflects the eclectic tastes of its owners. In fact, you may find something here that is so unique it defies explanation. The vinyl record store is a great complement to the vintage clothing on offer and will appeal to the crate diggers and record enthusiasts.

ARTpool hosts regular creative get-togethers and a monthly independent craft market. Beware though, you may come out with something fun and frivolous which you didn’t expect.

53 – See rescued otters at St. Petersburg’s aquariums

St. Petersburg’s aquariums

If you toured the bays and beaches of the region and want to see its most spectacular sea creatures up close, St. Pete has some excellent aquariums to visit.

See rescued native sea creatures at Clearwater Marine Aquarium , including dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and pelicans. Many of the creatures here were in some way injured and cannot be returned to the wild but are well looked after in purpose-built habitats. The aquarium also has freshwater creatures such as its adorable river otters, Walle and Boomer.

The area’s other large facility, The Florida Aquarium , has some fascinating exhibits with native and exotic wildlife habitats. Visit the jungles of Madagascar to see lemurs and tomato frogs, then go deep beneath the sea to witness the elegant dance of the moon jellyfish.

54 – Tour the best craft breweries

best craft breweries in St. Petersburg

After a long day of exploring and beachcombing, you might just be in the mood to check out some of the city’s best craft brews — and where better to go than straight to the source.

3 Daughters Brewery is a great place to start. Sample some of its fruity IPA’s flavored with Florida oranges, mango and watermelon. It also does some more traditional blonde ales, red ales and porters and has a bar with over 40 brews on tap.

For a selection of great beers and whiskies paired with hearty barbecue dishes, URBAN Brew and BBQ is the place to go. This Central Avenue restaurant is family and dog friendly and has a laid-back and relaxed ambiance. This is a great place for bourbon and whisky lovers with a large selection to choose from.

The Cider Press Cafe has a good choice of local and international beers, wines and ciders and also serves up a wide selection of light lunches and snacks. It is a good centrally located place to pick up beers and wines to go.

55 – Experience exciting flavors at the locals’ favorite restaurants

best restaurants in St. Petersburg

Satisfying your taste buds is part of the deal when you’re in town. Make sure to try some of the best restaurants and their unique and modern take on the traditional cuisine highlighting local ingredients —  including, of course, the best fresh seafood.

Head to 400 Beach Seafood & Tap House if you want to enjoy your surf and turf in a serene atmosphere. This seaside restaurant chooses products from local farms and breweries to stock its menu. For a starter, try Oyster Rockefeller partnered with BBQ Margarita.

Craving for a home-cooked meal? Famous for its fried chicken, PoFolks Restaurant is known for homestyle Southern cooking whether you want vegetables, catfish or barbecue grilled dishes. Give in to your cravings for fish, steak or chicken in its “all you can eat” on Fridays and weekends.

For classic Mexican dishes and cocktails, Red Mesa Cantina has fantastic traditional dishes and a wide selection of tequila. Taste the Shrimp Los Cabos served with avocado, cilantro, sweet tomato cocktail sauce and fresh tortilla chips. Dine next to the fountain in its outdoor courtyard and enjoy the delightful flavors this family-owned restaurant has to offer.

A local favorite, Bodega on Central is a “hole in the wall” known for its Cuban sandwiches and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Locals also recommend its delicious platters which you can diversify according to your preference (including vegan and vegetarian options). Check out the “Frita of the Month”, a Cuban-style hefty burger with exciting toppings.

56 – Take a trolley pub crawl

pub crawl in St. Petersburg

If you want to sample the St. Pete nightlife, you should definitely try a pub crawl of the city’s best pubs and bars. You could walk, or you could hop on to one of the city’s fun and rowdy trolley tours.

Join other party-goers to pedal your way around the city, stopping at the best drinking holes on the way. Pick up a little history from your trolley captain and best of all, don’t worry about driving.

  • pub crawls in St. Petersburg

57 – Have a drink in the best rooftop bars

best rooftop bars in St. Petersburg

Where better to while away those sunny Florida evenings than in the city’s best rooftop bars. Enjoy the sunset over a cold beer or cocktail and start your evening the right way.

The Canopy Rooftop Lounge , located on the top floor of the Birchwood Hotel, has beautiful views over North Straub Park and the North Yacht Marina. It is a pretty chic hotel with a good selection of reasonably priced dishes on offer.

Some of the city’s other great rooftop bars include Pier Teaki , at the end of the 2nd Ave NE Pier, Level 11 over at St. Pete Beach and The Cambria Hotel at Madeira Beach. Wherever you choose to go, you’ll be greeted with beautiful sea views to make an evening worth remembering.

58 – Enjoy all the fun for hours at the Historic Manhattan Casino

St. Petersburg's Historic Manhattan Casino

Step in for a fun time at the Historic Manhattan Casino, located in the lively Grand Central District. Historically known as a meeting space since the mid-20s, the casino has been renovated to reflect modern times while maintaining its community and history intact.

Check out the many things to do inside, from eating your heart out at the food hall to enjoying the soirees that take place here.

Check out the packed calendar, where you can attend everything from film screenings and watch parties, to the dozens of opportunities to join fun mixer events, comedy shows, private concerts, fashion shows, and so much more!

Locals recommend visiting for Sunday brunch as well, or the Jazz concerts on Saturday.

59 – Have a laugh at the Bonkerz Comedy Club

Bonkerz Comedy Club, Bonkerz Comedy Club

Making St. Petersburg and the country laugh since 1984, the Bonkerz Comedy Club has won the hearts of many, including a few celebrities, as one of their favorite comedy clubs, originally started in St. Petersburg.

The Bonkerz Comedy Club is one of the main comedy venues in Florida, so if you’re looking for a good show, you’ll find it here! The club hosts many celebrity comedians, as well as locals, from pop culture comedy to crude comedy, and relatable comedy – it’s all here!

Shows are typically held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, so be sure to plan ahead!

Pro tip: Buy your ticket ahead of time to receive a $2 discount! Also, seats are first come first serve, so make sure to arrive 1 hour before the show starts!

Where to stay in St. Petersburg?

Check out the comfortable digs inside Crystal Bay Historic Hotel , featuring a 24-hour front desk, shuttle services for guests, and beautiful views out to the terrace and gardens. Breakfast is served daily, which includes vegetarian and vegan options. This hotel is only 3.4 miles away from John’s Pass.

The Holiday Inn Express St. Petersburg North doesn’t disappoint with its highly rated clean rooms, filling breakfast options, and secure free parking. At just a short distance away is the Tropical Sunken Gardens, the Tropicana Field Baseball stadium, as well as a few other notable sights.

Welcoming guest with rows of palm trees, large pools, and beautiful and clean rooms is the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park . Soak up the Floridan way of life at this hotel, and focus on working on your sun tan in the lounge chairs by the pool, or working up a sweat in the state-of-the-art gym.

  • best hotels in St. Petersburg

Where to go next?

If you’re in search of exploring other incredible cities and things to do in Florida , then look no further! Go people-watching at the famous Pier 60 in Clearwater as the sunset rolls in, or better yet, set sail on a Pirate Cruise full of non-stop fun activities!

Get nerdy at the Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa , and afterward devour the goodies inside Ybor City for a taste of Tampa. Hit the mangroves on a kayak in Sarasota , or for the art lovers, head to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art for stunning works of art.

Take on all the water parks in Kissimmee , from Island H20 Live to Aquatica Orlando, and then wander back in time through Old Town Kissimmee for night fun! Create the perfect picnic to enjoy at Bok Tower Gardens in Orlando , or learn more about some of the local marine life in Crystal River.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed our list of fun things to do in St. Petersburg! Which one was your favorite? Is it the mouthwatering restaurants, or the historic homes of Kenwood? Or perhaps it’s the stunning beaches like Fort De Soto Park?

Whichever it is, let us know! We hope your future travels take you to this Floridian slice of paradise.

Happy travels!

(727) 642-5133



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Hello, I'm  Doo! I am the owner & operator of Doo's Amazing Tours, The original and oldest running Tour company in the area. I opened back in 2012, focusing only on giving the most Amazing Tours to my guest!  Located in beautiful Historic Downtown St. Petersburg, Fl. We offer a variety of Tours by Appointment only.  

Photo Gallery

Tours we offer, segway tours.

    1 Hour Scenic Segway Tour : goes approximately 5 miles along the beautiful waterfront and endless parks. You will be viewing a variety of museums, yacht basins and restaurants while taking in the natural beauty of plants and animals. We will pass through the Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum which has been there since 1976 and view over 500 different species of palm trees in this 2 acre park. We are always on the look out for dolphins, manatees and other wildlife! 

$60 per person  

         2 Hour Historic Segway Tour : goes approximately 8 miles total.  First going 3 miles into the city and then 5 miles along the waterfront and beautiful endless parks. We will take a short break at the Salvador Dali Museum and have a sip of water from the Fountain of Youth. You will learn all about the city's founding fathers and famous pilots which lead to the 1920s boom which can be seen in some of our architecture.  After your Segway Tour you will get to go into the Museum of History and look around at your own pace (admission included). You will be able to see the Worlds Largest Autographed baseball collection with 5,036, indexed city photographs, 32,000 artifacts and other historic photos and documents. This tour tends to be out most popular choice because of all the historical information you will get about our city!


 $70 per person

           2.5 Hour Eco Segway Tour : goes approximately 12 miles total though the parks and along the waterfront and then we will Segway through 1920s Old Northeast neighborhood as we head to Sunken Gardens (admission included). Where we will park the Segways and then walk through 4 acres of a lush botanical garden. You will see 20 Chilean Flamingos, parrots, macaws, tortoises and feed the Koi fish. Your tour guide will be pointing out all the flora and fauna along the way. Sunken Gardens is the oldest living museum, 100 years old and offers more than 50,000 tropical plants and flowers. 

So you will be on the Segway approximately 2 hours and walking in the garden for about 30 minutes. 


  $85 per person

  On all Segway Tours you will have:

  Segway i2 

free admission (Historic and Eco Tours)

   20 minute hands on training prior to tour

   personal headset receiver

   helmet, bottle of water, sunscreen and bug spray


MUST have an appointment

MUST be at least 11 years old

         MUST weigh at least 100-300 lbs

           MUST watch Segway safety video

           MUST be able to safely operate the             Segway during training. 

  *Required Height 3'11" - 6'6"

Meet in front of the Museum of History, 335 2nd Ave NE 33701. Parking meters and a variety of parking lots available within 1 to 2 blocks of the museum.


If the fast pace of the Downtown area is not for you and prefer a natural oasis in the middle of this growing city away from cars and traffic.  Then this tour is for you. Surrounded by Florida's native flora amd fauna. You will be guided by a knowledgeable and experienced tour guide on mountain bikes through 3 miles of trails and boardwalks while seeing 5 ecosystems! You will enjoy 245 acres of uninterrupted preserved habitat along Lake Maggiore's shore line. There is an aviary with live birds of prey ranging from the Bald Eagle, Red Tailed Hawk, Red Shoulder Hawk, Screech Owls, Barred Owls, Northern Crested Caracara and many more! You will also being seeing American Alligators, tortoises, turtles, Ospreys, Cormorants, Anhingas, and a vast variety of butterflies. After the bike tour take some time and explore the education center. 

$65 per person

standard 26" mountain bikes available in male/female frames. We also have two 29" mountain bikes available as well as one 24" mountain bike. 

On the Preserve Bike Tour you will have:

tour guides

male/female mountain bikes

admission into the preserve

       bottle water, helmets, sunscreen and  MUST have an appointment

MUST be at least 5' tall or able to ride a Standard bike.

Please notify us prior to appointment if you will need a larger or smaller bike than 26" and will do our best to accommodate.


Meet at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way South 33705 -Free Parking.


Enjoy 2 hours of paddle boarding in beautiful Coffee Pot Bayou. You will be seeing our local wildlife as you float along side a historic neighborhood set in 1920s and enjoy the vast array of architecture of homes set in this tranquil bayou. We will be seeing Bird Island up close and enjoy watching and listening to 30 different species of birds. We will also be looking for dolphins and manatees since they are frequently seen.

On the Paddle Board Tour you will have:

10'6" soft top paddle board

life vest, paddle, bottle water, sunscreen and bug spray

MUST be at least 13 years old

   MUST weigh less than 270 lbs

Meet at Coffee Pot Bayou Park, 3099 1st St N 33701 -Free parking.

Why Choose Doo's

A locally owned, award winning, top rated and safety conscious tour company that's been creating smiles and adventures for families from all over the globe. We love what we Doo! So choose us and we look forward to seeing you soon! We also offer Gift Certificates for the perfect present! Please call (727) 642-5133 

Check out more photos on Facebook and instagram

Appointments only.

Segway Tours meeting location in front of   Museum of History, 335 2nd Ave NE 33701.

Preserve Bike Tour meeting location is at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, 1101 Country Club Way South 33705.

Paddle Board Tour meeting location is at Coffee Pot Bayou Park, 3099 1st St N 33701.

Doo's Amazing Tours

335 2nd Avenue Northeast, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33701, United States

[email protected] (727)642-5133

Sunday-Monday 8am-4pm

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