• Travel Consultant Qualifications

Top 10 Skills and Qualities Required for Travel Consultant

Introduction of a Career in Tourism

Nothing is easier than selling a product you yourself have already tried and are excited about. Take every chance to familiarize yourself with what goes on in the tourism industry. For, setting up a career in tourism, you should be passionate about it. There are many choices of where will you end up as ultimately. This includes becoming a Travel Agent, likely, a Travel Consultant, Hotel Manager, Spa Manager, Tour Operator, Event and Conference Organizer, Tour Guide, Executive Chef, Sommelier, etc. This article, further, will also tell you about how to become travel agents.

Eligibility or Education required for a Travel Agent

The first and the foremost thing in consideration to get into the Travel Consultant business is getting yourself educated in this field. You may get a travel agent course. Travel agencies prefer well-learned employees over the formally non-educated ones when it comes to landing a good job. After a travel agent course, you also get training in the field of work from the school you graduate or the travel agent course and this is helpful to know more about the work you will be doing after. An associates or bachelors degree in this course goes a long way in setting up the platform. This all thus makes you eligible for getting travel agent jobs as well as other travel and tourism jobs.

A career in tourism is fine but to thrive in the travel industry, you have to have a passion for what you do. Not that it’s difficult to fall in love with the exotic places around the world, but a travel consultant should also be passionate of learning continuously, always staying educated and up to date on the industry's latest developments, and helping clients reach their goals to the best of their ability. The top 10 skills and qualities required for a travel agent should be mastered before starting a career in tourism.

Skills and Courses required for the Travel Agent

1. Excellent Communication Skills

From conducting research interviews with the client’s employees to managing the team and stakeholders, writing business proposals and delivering presentations, effective communication is highly important in consulting work. So often projects break down or stagnate because of a lack of effective communication. Being a strong communicator will set you apart from the rest and will quickly gain you such a reputation. A career in tourism thus requires good or great communication skills as customers from other nationality also come in the role while you will be working.

 2. Should be Highly Organized in the Work You Do

Travel Consultants are great planners. The skills and qualities required for travel agents are juggling calls, bookings and communication is an everyday balancing act for them. Their responsibilities include arranging flights, processing payments, securing accommodation, negotiating deals, sending tickets and advising clients. Needless to Travel Consultants must be able to multitask and thus being highly organized is one good vice every Travel Consultant must build.

 3. Having other Technical Skills

 Technical skills for a travel agent are important. Keep a tab on what goes on in the   IT section and also work towards getting knowledgeable about the other IT skills themselves.

   4. Getting Proper Education in that Field.    

Get yourself formally educated about the field that you will be entering into. This helps in loads of ways for getting clear with the work that you will be undertaking, having know-how about what type of work it will and other matters. Formal education in this thus goes a long way in preparing you for the industry and is an essential thing you should have.

  5. Good Decision Making

It can be quite daunting having to assert yourself when you are new to the job or organisation. But showing conviction and commitment to your own ideas, as well as the ability to follow through, is highly important in consultancy. Of course, confidence comes with experience, so it is vital to be just as an effective listener. Learn from your peers and offer to support them in realising their ideas if you believe in them and that it will produce great results for the project. Doing exactly what you say you will do sounds obvious, but is essential for building trust and credibility in your team. These are some great tips for travel agents.

6. Ability to Listen

This is one quality every travel consultant should definitely harbour. Many a time, customers come with great enthusiasm and tell all they want to visit and have fun about where they will be going on the vacation to. If you as a travel agent do not listen carefully, it is surely about to make some problems and this will be a bad thing for your career. Take care and do garner a good ability to listen.

7. Good Attention to Detail

If you are that type who skimps over details, you are not capable for the job of a travel agent. Just forget it. As a travel agent, you will surely and incessantly be dealing with name spellings, passport numbers, birth dates, travel dates and many more things. If you do not pay attention to the detail, it will be a disastrous situation for your customer in some cases. So, take care and make sure your attention to details is brilliant.

8. Good Persuading Skills

This quality is a must for selling what you are offering your customer. Persuade them to spend more and that a little more expensive package which is sure to give them the whole luxury of the trip or the vacation they have chosen and are going to soon. Good persuading skills go a long way in making good money for your business. Do not forget to set the charm though.

9. Good Administration Skills

Administration skills are a great thing for one working as a Travel Agent. This makes a good person out of you. Your customers will be attracted towards you and you will have good relationships with those you served.

10. Being Internet Savvy

Being Internet savvy is the best quality skill a travel agent must obtain. Indulge and get yourself in travel agent jobs. This helps him in going a long way about getting the whole picture of what goes around in the industry, what packages are available, how he can make them better and even more. There are limitless online resources and information available on travel and the related topics. Having knowledge about all is a great writ and thus will lead you in getting more packages delivered to the right customer that sought your service. These are the skills and qualities required for a travel agent.

Responsibilities or Job Role of the Travel Agent

  • Getting To Know The Customer

One of the most important things in selling travel is to get to know the customer as well as you can. The more you can find about the wishes of the customer and what he needs, the better you will have the way to serve him the desired product. If you do not know the person who you are talking to and what they exactly are, the harder will it be for you to make them happy. It will be really hard for you to deliver them the product they will absolutely love. A great tip is to try asking more question and get the answers out of them that way. So, get to know the customer and his side of the story, even more, so that what you deliver him will really be bought and will go a long way on making him happy. So, a career in tourism does demand all this from you as doing travel agent jobs and other work.

Moreover, write down customer experiences, go to travel shows, expos, product training and social events. Ask more questions to the company representatives and let them know you are interested in getting to know the product even better. Keep those business cards and don't forget to hand out your own.

Scope or Career Growth as the Travel Agent

Travel and tourism jobs help to get you more experience in the field that you will be entering and making a career out of. What goes on in the market, fresh news, new deals and more so about new technologies do become and keeping tabs on these is a must for any Agent. Never should you leave this ever-changing world of opportunities. What goes around does come around and making money isn't as easy to work. Sell more packages, make more deals for the customers you are handling and have good knowledge of what goes on in the market. All this will lead on and will surely go a long way in making you a good, reliable Travel Agent.

Selling travel to a group of people is a little bit more challenging than other work of any Travel Consultant. In some cases, they do not have the same idea of what they want to do! There are thus many skills needed for a travel consultant while on such a work. When this group ends up at your travel desk, you should leave no chance and go on with your charm in bagging that vacation package off for them. Be prepared for anything as they may have different budgets and or different tastes and rounding off will be a little bit of a task. The last point is if you lose here, they are never coming back for you and this will be a big blow for your career as the travel agent.

At Travind Institute of Travel and Tourism , g et oneself trained by industry experts and professionals.We at Travind provide top Travel and Tourism courses with complete practical knowledge applicable in the Industry today. You can opt for our Institute Courses after 12th or Graduation. We also take care of the top skills and qualities required for a travel consultant.

16 Jan, 2019 By admin . Posted In Travel , Career . Tagged Practical Education In Tourism , travel and tourism career , Career after 12th , travel and tourism courses .

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8 Essential Traits of a Thriving Travel Agent in Today’s Dynamic Travel Industry

Updated March 29th, 2024

travel consultant qualities

The allure of a career as a travel agent captivates many, but it demands certain innate qualities for true success. The travel sector, with its ever-changing landscape, requires agents who are not only passionate but also adaptable, detail-oriented, and tech-savvy. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the key traits that define a successful travel agent in the modern travel industry.

1. Unbridled Passion for Travel A genuine love for travel sits at the heart of every successful travel agent's career. This passion is crucial for deeply understanding diverse cultures, customs, and destinations. More than just knowledge, it's about imparting this enthusiasm to clients, aiding them in crafting their dream journeys.

2. Stellar Communication Skills Effective communication is the linchpin of a travel agent's role. This skill extends beyond mere conversation; it involves actively listening to client needs, clearly conveying intricate travel plans, and addressing any queries with clarity and precision.

3. Meticulous Attention to Detail Travel planning is an art that hinges on the minutest details. A successful agent's ability to juggle various elements – from flight schedules to accommodation logistics – while maintaining accuracy is indispensable.

4. Adaptive Flexibility The travel world is in constant flux, thus requiring agents to be highly flexible. Whether it's dealing with last-minute itinerary changes or unforeseen travel issues, the ability to swiftly adapt and provide solutions is paramount.

5. Persuasive Sales Acumen A travel agent's prowess also lies in their sales capabilities. Understanding client needs and effectively aligning them with the perfect travel solutions not only drives bookings but also fosters trust and reliability.

6. Technological Proficiency In an age where travel is intertwined with technology, being tech-savvy is non-negotiable. Mastery over various booking systems, digital platforms, and social media channels empowers agents to source exceptional deals and streamline client experiences.

7. Unparalleled Customer Service The essence of outstanding customer service in travel is creating memorable, hassle-free experiences for clients. This means going beyond the basics to anticipate client needs and exceed their expectations.

8. Networking Prowess Strong networking skills unlock doors to beneficial industry connections. Building relationships with suppliers, hoteliers, and travel professionals is key to securing the best value for clients.

Conclusion The journey to becoming a successful travel agent is paved with developing these essential traits. From a profound passion for travel to technological savvy and exceptional customer service, these characteristics form the backbone of a prosperous career in the travel sector.

Join the Gateway Travel Family At Gateway Travel, we’re dedicated to nurturing aspiring travel agents. Our comprehensive training programs and resources are tailored to imbue you with the necessary skills and knowledge for success. With our expert guidance, embark on a fulfilling career path in travel. Reach out to us to discover how we can elevate your journey in the travel industry.

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Top 12 Travel Consultant Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today’s competitive travel industry, standing out as a travel consultant requires a unique blend of skills that appeal to both employers and clients. A well-crafted resume highlighting these essential skills can set you apart, demonstrating your capability to deliver exceptional travel experiences and handle the demands of this dynamic field.

Top 12 Travel Consultant Skills to Put on Your Resume

Travel Consultant Skills

  • CRM Software
  • Multilingual
  • Itinerary Planning
  • Customer Service
  • Negotiation
  • Destination Knowledge
  • Risk Management

Amadeus is a global travel technology company that provides a comprehensive suite of software and solutions for booking flights, hotels, and other travel services, widely used by travel consultants and agencies to manage reservations and travel itineraries efficiently.

Why It's Important

Amadeus is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides comprehensive access to flight, hotel, and car rental databases, enabling efficient booking management, itinerary planning, and real-time updates, which significantly enhances the service offered to clients.

How to Improve Amadeus Skills

To enhance your proficiency as a Travel Consultant using Amadeus, focus on these key areas:

Training and Certification: Engage in Amadeus Learning Universe for comprehensive courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Certifications can validate your expertise.

Practice with Amadeus Selling Platform Connect: Regular use of the Amadeus Selling Platform Connect helps you stay familiar with its features and improves efficiency.

Stay Updated: Follow the Amadeus Blog for the latest trends, updates, and tips relevant to travel consultants.

Use Amadeus Scripts: Automate routine tasks with Amadeus Scripts to save time and reduce errors. Custom scripts can be developed for specific needs.

Networking: Join forums like Amadeus Service Hub to exchange knowledge, troubleshoot issues, and learn from experienced users.

Customer Service Skills: Enhance your customer service skills, as understanding client needs and providing tailored solutions is crucial. Online courses on platforms like Coursera or Udemy can be beneficial.

Focusing on these areas can significantly improve your efficiency and expertise as a Travel Consultant using Amadeus.

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

Sabre is a global distribution system (GDS) used by travel consultants to access and book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services for their clients.

Sabre is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides comprehensive access to airline, hotel, car rental, and other travel services inventories, enabling efficient bookings, comparisons, and itinerary management for clients.

How to Improve Sabre Skills

Improving your skills with Sabre as a Travel Consultant involves continuous learning and practice. Here are concise steps to enhance your Sabre proficiency:

Take Online Courses : Enroll in Sabre training courses on platforms like Sabre Travel Network or Udemy to stay updated with the latest features and functionalities.

Practice Regularly : Apply what you learn in a practical environment. Use the Sabre Training platform to practice without affecting real bookings.

Join Forums : Participate in forums like Travel GDS to exchange knowledge, tips, and troubleshoot issues with peers.

Read Documentation : Regularly review the Sabre Documentation for updates on APIs, commands, and best practices.

Watch Tutorials : YouTube and other video platforms have numerous Sabre tutorial channels. Dedicate time to watch these to visually learn new tricks and shortcuts.

Get Certified : Aim for Sabre certification by preparing and taking the exams to validate your expertise, enhancing your credentials within the industry.

Use Sabre Red Workspace : Familiarize yourself with the Sabre Red Workspace for an integrated and intuitive experience, making it easier to manage travel bookings efficiently.

Remember, mastering Sabre is a continuous process of learning, practicing, and staying updated with the latest industry standards and technologies.

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

Galileo is a global computer reservation system (CRS) used by travel consultants to book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services. It provides real-time access to inventory and pricing information, facilitating efficient travel planning and booking.

Galileo is important because he revolutionized travel by pioneering the use of satellite navigation systems, making global positioning and itinerary planning more precise and accessible for the travel industry.

How to Improve Galileo Skills

Improving your skills with Galileo as a Travel Consultant involves both enhancing your technical proficiency with the system and staying updated on industry trends. Here are concise tips:

Undergo Formal Training : Enroll in Travelport's official training to understand Galileo's comprehensive features and updates.

Practice Regularly : Practical experience is crucial. Use Galileo's training environment to simulate real-life scenarios without affecting live bookings.

Stay Updated : Follow Travelport's news for the latest updates on Galileo and emerging travel technologies.

Join Online Forums : Engage with communities such as Travel Agents Forum to share insights and learn from experienced peers.

Utilize Learning Resources : Access Galileo's learning center for webinars, tutorials, and guides that cover new features and best practices.

Get Certified : Aim to achieve Galileo certification to validate your expertise and increase your professional value.

By combining these strategies, you'll enhance your Galileo proficiency, offering better service to your clients and staying competitive in the travel industry.

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

4. Worldspan

Worldspan is a global distribution system (GDS) used by travel consultants to book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services. It provides real-time access to travel data and booking capabilities, facilitating efficient travel planning and reservation processes.

Worldspan is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides access to comprehensive travel data, allowing for efficient booking and management of flights, hotels, and car rentals, thus enhancing service delivery to clients.

How to Improve Worldspan Skills

Improving your skills with Worldspan as a Travel Consultant involves continuous learning and utilizing resources effectively. Here are concise steps to enhance your proficiency:

Understand the Basics : Start with mastering the fundamentals of Worldspan commands and functionalities. Worldspan's Quick Reference Guide is an excellent place to begin.

Take Online Courses : Enroll in online courses specifically designed for Worldspan users. Websites like Udemy and Lynda.com often offer relevant training.

Practice Regularly : Apply your learning by practicing regularly. Practical experience is invaluable. Use your agency's Worldspan system for mock bookings to enhance your skills.

Join Forums and Groups : Participate in online forums and groups related to Worldspan and travel consulting. Travel Professional Community is a useful platform for sharing experiences and solutions.

Stay Updated : The travel industry and its technologies evolve rapidly. Follow Worldspan updates and industry trends through Travelport's Customer Portal to stay informed.

Seek Feedback : Get feedback from experienced colleagues or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement.

Use Reference Materials : Keep handy reference materials, such as cheat sheets and command lists, for quick assistance during work.

By focusing on these steps, you can enhance your Worldspan skills, making you a more efficient and knowledgeable Travel Consultant.

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

5. Travelport

Travelport is a global distribution system (GDS) provider that offers travel consultants access to real-time information and booking capabilities for flights, hotels, car rentals, and other travel services, enabling them to manage travel arrangements efficiently for their clients.

Travelport is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides a comprehensive travel commerce platform. This enables consultants to access a wide range of travel content and inventory from airlines, hotels, and car rental services all in one place, facilitating efficient booking and management of travel arrangements for their clients.

How to Improve Travelport Skills

Improving your experience and efficiency as a Travel Consultant using Travelport involves several key actions:

Stay Updated: Regularly visit Travelport's Customer Portal to stay informed about the latest features, updates, and training resources.

Enhance Skills through Training: Utilize Travelport Academy to access a wide range of training courses designed to enhance your proficiency in using Travelport systems.

Leverage Travelport Smartpoint: Install and master Travelport Smartpoint , an innovative tool that improves productivity by providing intuitive navigation and a wealth of content at your fingertips.

Utilize Travelport+: Stay informed about the latest enhancements and features of Travelport+ , the next-generation platform that offers improved efficiency and richer content.

Join User Communities: Engage with the Travelport Community to connect with peers, share insights, and get solutions to common challenges.

Feedback and Support: Regularly provide feedback through the official channels and utilize Travelport Customer Support for any assistance or to address specific challenges.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve your usage of Travelport as a Travel Consultant, enhancing both your efficiency and the quality of service you provide to your clients.

How to Display Travelport Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Travelport Skills on Your Resume

6. CRM Software

CRM software for a travel consultant is a tool designed to manage and enhance customer relationships, streamline communication, and automate sales, marketing, and customer service tasks specific to the travel industry.

CRM software is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it centralizes client information, preferences, and history, enabling personalized service and efficient management of bookings and inquiries, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Improve CRM Software Skills

To improve CRM software for a Travel Consultant, consider implementing the following enhancements:

Integration with Booking Systems : Streamline operations by integrating the CRM with GDS and direct booking systems such as Amadeus or Sabre, enabling real-time booking and updates within the CRM.

Customizable Communication Templates : Develop personalized email and messaging templates for frequent traveler inquiries, confirmations, and promotions, saving time and enhancing client relations.

Client Travel History Tracking : Enhance the CRM to track and analyze individual client travel history and preferences, allowing for personalized travel recommendations and services.

Mobile Accessibility : Ensure the CRM is mobile-friendly, enabling travel consultants to access client information and make bookings on-the-go.

Automated Alerts and Reminders : Implement automated alerts for travel consultants about clients' travel dates, payment due dates, and document expirations, ensuring nothing is missed.

Social Media Integration : Integrate with social media platforms for easy sharing of travel deals and gathering client feedback, enhancing marketing efforts and client engagement.

Data Security Enhancements : Strengthen data protection measures to safeguard client personal and financial information, ensuring trust and compliance with regulations.

By focusing on these key areas, a Travel Consultant can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of their CRM software, leading to improved client satisfaction and business performance.

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

7. Multilingual

Multilingual, in the context of a Travel Consultant, refers to the ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages, enhancing service provision to clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Multilingual proficiency allows a Travel Consultant to effectively communicate with a diverse clientele and local partners from various countries, enhancing customer service, fostering trust, and facilitating smoother travel experiences.

How to Improve Multilingual Skills

Improving multilingual skills, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves enhancing language proficiency and cultural understanding to communicate effectively with clients from diverse backgrounds. Here's a concise guide:

Language Learning Platforms : Use platforms like Duolingo or Babbel for daily language practice. They offer courses in many languages suitable for various proficiency levels.

Tandem Learning : Engage in language exchange with native speakers through apps like Tandem or HelloTalk , which allow for practicing conversational skills and learning slang or idiomatic expressions.

Cultural Immersion : Enhance cultural understanding by consuming media in your target language, such as movies, shows, music, and books. Websites like Netflix or Spotify are great sources for diverse content.

Professional Courses : Consider enrolling in professional language courses or obtaining certifications from recognized institutions like the Goethe-Institut for German or the Instituto Cervantes for Spanish to add credibility to your language skills.

Travel and Practice : Nothing beats the immersion experience of traveling to countries where the target language is spoken. Interact with locals, practice daily conversations, and understand the cultural nuances firsthand.

Use Translation Tools : Familiarize yourself with translation tools and apps like Google Translate or DeepL for quick assistance during conversations or to learn new phrases.

By consistently applying these strategies, you can significantly improve your multilingual abilities, enhancing your effectiveness and competitiveness as a Travel Consultant.

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

8. Itinerary Planning

Itinerary Planning, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves the creation and organization of a detailed travel schedule for clients. This includes selecting destinations, arranging transportation, booking accommodations, and suggesting activities or attractions, tailored to the client's preferences, budget, and timeline.

Itinerary planning is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it ensures a well-organized trip tailored to the client’s preferences, maximizes time and budget efficiency, anticipates and mitigates potential issues, and enhances the overall travel experience.

How to Improve Itinerary Planning Skills

Improving itinerary planning involves a blend of organization, customization, and resourcefulness. Here are concise steps for a travel consultant:

Understand Client Needs : Conduct a detailed consultation to grasp the client's interests, budget, and expectations. Use Traveler's Questionnaire Forms for comprehensive insights.

Research Thoroughly : Utilize resources like Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor for destination insights, reviews, and hidden gems.

Leverage Technology : Employ itinerary planning tools like TripIt or Travefy to organize plans efficiently and share interactive itineraries with clients.

Incorporate Flexibility : Design itineraries with options for spontaneous activities. Recommend free exploration times and alternatives.

Stay Informed : Keep abreast of travel advisories, weather conditions, and local events through government websites like Travel.State.Gov and weather forecasting services like AccuWeather.

Provide Support : Offer continuous support through communication apps like WhatsApp for any in-trip changes or assistance.

Seek Feedback : Post-trip, gather feedback using services like SurveyMonkey to refine future itinerary planning.

By following these steps, travel consultants can craft more effective, personalized, and enjoyable travel experiences for their clients.

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

9. Customer Service

Customer service, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves providing timely, empathetic assistance and expert advice to help travelers plan, book, and manage their trips, addressing any questions or issues they may encounter before, during, or after their travels.

Customer service is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it ensures client satisfaction, fosters repeat business, and generates positive referrals, ultimately leading to sustained success and a reputable brand in the competitive travel industry.

How to Improve Customer Service Skills

Improving customer service, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves understanding and anticipating the needs of your clients. Here are concise tips with relevant resources:

Personalize the Experience : Tailor recommendations and solutions to fit each client's unique preferences and needs. Harvard Business Review highlights the importance of personal value in customer satisfaction.

Responsive Communication : Ensure timely and efficient communication through various channels. Forbes discusses strategies to improve communication responsiveness.

Knowledge and Expertise : Continuously update your knowledge about destinations, deals, and travel advisories. The Travel Institute offers courses and certifications.

Solicit and Act on Feedback : Use client feedback to improve services. Inc. explains how to effectively incorporate customer feedback.

Leverage Technology : Utilize CRM systems for better client management and personalized marketing. Capterra lists the best travel agency software.

Resolve Issues Promptly : Address complaints and problems quickly to maintain trust. American Express suggests tips for effectively dealing with customer complaints.

Improving customer service is an ongoing process that involves personalization, communication, expertise, feedback, technology, and problem resolution.

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

10. Negotiation

Negotiation, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves the strategic discussion and arrangement with suppliers or clients to reach mutually beneficial agreements on travel packages, prices, and terms of service.

Negotiation is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it enables securing the best deals, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering strong relationships with suppliers, ultimately leading to competitive offerings and business growth.

How to Improve Negotiation Skills

Improving negotiation skills, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves understanding the needs of both parties, effective communication, and strategic preparation. Here are concise tips:

Preparation: Understand your client's needs, preferences, and budget. Research destinations, accommodations, and travel services to offer informed options. The Art of Negotiation.

Active Listening: Pay close attention to what the client says and what they might not be saying directly. This helps in tailoring your offerings more precisely. Active Listening: The Key to Effective Communication .

Build Rapport: Establish a connection with your client and suppliers. A positive relationship can facilitate smoother negotiations. Building Rapport .

Communicate Clearly: Articulate the benefits and value of your offerings clearly. Clear communication can help prevent misunderstandings. Effective Communication .

Be Flexible: Be open to finding creative solutions that satisfy all parties. This might involve offering alternative destinations or travel dates. The Importance of Flexibility in Negotiation.

Know When to Walk Away: Recognize when a deal does not meet your client's needs or is not viable for you. Knowing When to Walk Away in Negotiation.

By continuously practicing these strategies, a Travel Consultant can significantly improve their negotiation skills, leading to better deals for their clients and themselves.

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

11. Destination Knowledge

Destination Knowledge for a Travel Consultant refers to their comprehensive understanding of specific locations, including attractions, culture, local customs, accommodations, transportation options, and safety tips, enabling them to provide informed recommendations and create personalized travel experiences for clients.

Destination knowledge is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it enables them to provide accurate and tailored advice, enhance the travel experience with personalized recommendations, and effectively solve problems, ensuring client satisfaction and trust.

How to Improve Destination Knowledge Skills

Improving destination knowledge is crucial for travel consultants to provide valuable and accurate advice to clients. Here's a concise guide:

Utilize Destination Training Programs : Many tourism boards offer specialized training programs for travel consultants. Travel Agent Academy and The Travel Institute are great starting points.

Participate in Familiarization Trips : These trips, often sponsored by tourism boards or travel companies, allow you to experience destinations firsthand. Stay updated with offers through platforms like Travel Weekly’s Fam Trips.

Engage with Online Webinars and Workshops : Many travel organizations and destinations host webinars that can enhance your knowledge. Check out Destination Canada’s Webinars for insights into Canada, as an example.

Follow Travel News Resources : Stay informed about new developments, attractions, and regulations in various destinations. Websites like Skift and Travel Pulse are invaluable.

Join Professional Travel Networks : Organizations like ASTA (American Society of Travel Advisors) provide resources, networking opportunities, and educational materials to improve your expertise.

Use Destination Official Websites : Directly access the wealth of information on official tourism websites for the most accurate and up-to-date details on attractions, events, and entry requirements. For instance, explore Visit Britain for resources on the UK.

Incorporating these strategies into your professional development will significantly enhance your destination knowledge, ensuring you can offer the best advice and services to your clients.

How to Display Destination Knowledge Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Destination Knowledge Skills on Your Resume

12. Risk Management

Risk Management in the context of a Travel Consultant involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks to travel plans (such as health emergencies, natural disasters, political instability, or travel scams) and implementing strategies to minimize, monitor, and control the impact of those risks on travelers' experiences.

Risk management is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it helps anticipate, identify, and mitigate potential issues that could affect client safety, satisfaction, and travel plans, ensuring smooth, secure, and enjoyable experiences for clients.

How to Improve Risk Management Skills

Improving risk management, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves systematic approaches to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with travel. Here's a concise guide:

Identify Risks : Understand the potential risks involved in travel, including health, safety, political instability, and natural disasters. Use resources like the Travel Advisories from the U.S. Department of State for up-to-date information.

Assess Risks : Evaluate the likelihood and impact of identified risks. Tools like the Global Peace Index can provide insights into the safety and security of potential destinations.

Plan and Prepare : Develop comprehensive travel policies and emergency response plans. Incorporate guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) for health-related travel risks.

Implement Solutions : Use travel management software that incorporates risk management tools. Solutions like SAP Concur can help in tracking and assisting travelers in real-time.

Monitor and Review : Continuously monitor travel risks using global monitoring services like International SOS . Regularly review and update risk management strategies based on new information and feedback.

By following these steps, Travel Consultants can significantly improve their risk management practices, ensuring safer and more secure travel experiences for their clients.

How to Display Risk Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Risk Management Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Corporate Travel Consultant
  • Travel Nurse
  • Travel Agent
  • Travel Assistant
  • Travel Counselor
  • Travel Manager

Travel Agent Skills

Learn about the skills that will be most essential for Travel Agents in 2024.

Getting Started as a Travel Agent

  • What is a Travel Agent
  • How To Become
  • Certifications
  • Tools & Software
  • LinkedIn Guide
  • Interview Questions
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Professional Goals
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Examples

What Skills Does a Travel Agent Need?

Find the important skills for any job.

travel consultant qualities

Types of Skills for Travel Agents

Industry knowledge and expertise.

  • Customer Service Excellence

Technological Proficiency

Sales and marketing acumen, organizational and detail-oriented planning, top hard skills for travel agents.

Equipping agents with the expertise in itinerary crafting, GDS, and regulatory knowledge for unparalleled travel experiences and customer satisfaction.

  • Travel Itinerary Planning
  • Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Proficiency
  • Travel Insurance Knowledge
  • Destination Expertise
  • Booking and Reservation Software Use
  • International Travel Regulations and Visa Procedures
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software Skills
  • Language Proficiency
  • Travel Product Upselling
  • Financial Transactions and Currency Exchange Handling

Top Soft Skills for Travel Agents

Empowering travel agents with empathy, adaptability, and a keen eye for detail to deliver exceptional, personalized customer experiences.

  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication and Active Listening
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Problem-Solving and Decision Making
  • Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

Networking and Relationship Building

  • Time Management and Organizational Skills
  • Salesmanship and Persuasion
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy

Most Important Travel Agent Skills in 2024

Personalized customer service, global travel knowledge, marketing and sales acumen, attention to detail, crisis management and flexibility, cultural intelligence and sensitivity.

travel consultant qualities

Show the Right Skills in Every Application

Travel agent skills by experience level, important skills for entry-level travel agents, important skills for mid-level travel agents, important skills for senior travel agents, most underrated skills for travel agents, 1. cultural intelligence, 2. active listening, 3. crisis management, how to demonstrate your skills as a travel agent in 2024, how you can upskill as a travel agent.

  • Acquire Advanced Travel Industry Certifications: Pursue specialized certifications such as the Certified Travel Associate (CTA) or Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) to deepen your knowledge and demonstrate your commitment to the profession.
  • Embrace Technology and Automation Tools: Learn to use the latest travel booking software, CRM systems, and automation tools to streamline operations and offer personalized travel experiences.
  • Expand Destination Knowledge: Regularly research and familiarize yourself with new destinations, travel regulations, and cultural insights to provide up-to-date advice to clients.
  • Develop Language Skills: Enhance your communication abilities by learning new languages, which can help you cater to a broader client base and build rapport with international partners.
  • Participate in Familiarization Trips: Take advantage of fam trips to experience destinations firsthand, allowing you to provide authentic recommendations and build a portfolio of personal travel experiences.
  • Engage in Sustainable Travel Practices: Educate yourself on eco-friendly travel options and responsible tourism practices to guide clients towards more sustainable travel choices.
  • Network with Industry Professionals: Join travel industry associations, attend trade shows, and connect with fellow Travel Agents to exchange knowledge and stay informed about industry developments.
  • Master Customer Service Excellence: Attend workshops or take courses on advanced customer service techniques to enhance client satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Stay Informed on Global Events: Keep abreast of world events, travel advisories, and health and safety protocols to provide timely and accurate information to travelers.
  • Focus on Niche Market Specialization: Specialize in niche markets such as luxury travel, adventure tourism, or wellness retreats to differentiate yourself and cater to specific client interests.

Skill FAQs for Travel Agents

What are the emerging skills for travel agents today, how can travel agents effectivley develop their soft skills, how important is technical expertise for travel agents.

Travel Agent Education

travel consultant qualities

More Skills for Related Roles

Creating memorable guest experiences, driving service excellence in the hospitality sector

Driving customer satisfaction, resolving issues with empathy and efficiency

Fostering customer loyalty and business growth through personalized relationship management

Driving customer satisfaction and loyalty through proactive relationship management

Ensuring passenger safety and comfort, creating memorable travel experiences

Crafting unforgettable journeys, tailoring travel experiences to individual desires

Start Your Travel Agent Career with Teal

Job Description Keywords for Resumes

Travel Daily

Five personality traits of a travel consultant

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travel consultant qualities

Being paid to travel the world and share your impressions of the people and places that you encounter is considered by many to be a dream job.

Current employment trends point to a preference for careers that allow people to travel. In that way, the travel and tourism industry is an attractive option. Travel consultants are responsible for arranging transportation, booking accommodations, tours and entertainment for travellers. Consultants may specialize in a specific field – some may focus on leisure and individual travellers, some specialize in group travel while others serve business clients.

The role of the travel consultant is many-faceted and requires a unique set of skills. On a typical day, travel agents may be involved in one or more of these activities: assessing the travel needs of clients and offering advice, booking air tickets for domestic and international travel, creating travel itineraries and assisting with visa applications, negotiating with hotels and service providers for agreeable rates, handling documentation and collecting payments from clients.

In order to be successful in these types of roles, candidates should have a particular set of characteristics. Find out if you what you need to do to thrive in the travel industry.

Develop your communication skills

travel consultant qualities

Travel consultants need to enjoy working with people and have a strong customer focus. Happy customers leads to repeat business and positive word of mouth. Therefore, the goal of the travel consultant is to build relationships with customers and be able to deliver what they want in the way that they want it. The ability to listen to clients and identify their needs is a valuable skill.

Be organised and detail-oriented

Being a travel consultant is a juggling act. On any given day, consultants may be creating an itinerary for guests traveling to Asia, making hotel bookings for customers going to Europe or taking care of guests who just landed in Africa. Good organisational skills are vital. Travel consultants need to be great planners and pay attention to details in order to ensure that each customers’ trip goes smoothly.

Have a strong sales focus

Travel consultants need to be driven. In order to capture new business, it is important to follow up with potential leads and keep in contact with regular clients to ensure you are top of mind for any new enquiries. It is common for travellers to shop around before they buy, so in order to close the sale, the travel consultant must have a competitive edge and be able to do whatever it takes to impress the client.

Think out of the box

The tourism industry is not just about selling flights or hotels. It is about selling experiences. Travel consultants need to be creative in order to give customers travel itineraries that go above and beyond their expectations. Being able to get that coveted table at a fully booked restaurant or having access to sold out concerts are great tools for a travel consultant to have up their sleeve.

Become a destination specialist

travel consultant qualities

A travel consultant who knows their destinations is much more convincing than one that does not. Customers want to get the most out of their travel and rely on their travel consultant to offer professional advice and personal insights that will help them get the most out of their time and money. Knowing which hotel offers the best service and which airlines have the best safety record is valuable. Therefore, travel consultants need to have a passion for travel and an eagerness to try new things so they can give first-hand advice to customers.

If you think you have the characteristics of a travel consultant, check out these opportunities and more on TD Jobs :

Travel Consultant : German Speaking

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Discover the 7 Key Characteristics of Leading Travel Agents

The travel industry is highly competitive, and travel agents must possess certain characteristics to succeed. These characteristics include excellent communication skills, attention to detail, and a passion for travel. In this article, we will explore the seven characteristics of a successful travel agent.

1. Strong Communication Skills

Travel agents must communicate effectively with clients to understand their needs and preferences. They must also be able to provide clear and concise information about travel destinations, accommodations, and activities. This requires excellent listening skills and the ability to articulate information in a way that is easy for clients to understand.

Additionally, travel agents must be able to communicate with travel suppliers, such as airlines, hotels, and tour operators. They must negotiate prices and secure reservations, often in a fast-paced environment. Strong communication skills are essential in building supplier relationships and securing the best deals for their clients.

2. Attention to Detail

Travel agents must be meticulous in their work, paying attention to even the smallest details. They must accurately book flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements, ensuring that all information is correct and up-to-date. They must also be able to handle any changes or issues that may arise during the travel process.

Attention to detail is also essential when planning travel itineraries. Travel agents must be able to create customized itineraries that meet their client’s specific needs and preferences. This requires careful research and planning and the ability to anticipate and address potential issues before they arise.

3. Passion for Travel

Successful travel agents have a passion for travel and a deep understanding of the industry. They are knowledgeable about different travel destinations, cultures, and customs and can provide clients with valuable insights and advice.

This passion for travel also translates into a willingness to go above and beyond for clients. Successful travel agents are willing to spend extra time researching and planning to ensure their clients have the best travel experience.

4. Strong Sales Skills

Travel agents must be able to sell travel packages and services to their clients. This requires strong sales skills, including identifying client needs, making recommendations, and closing deals.

Travel agents must be able to build relationships with their clients, establishing trust and rapport. They must also communicate the value of their services and packages, highlighting the benefits and features that are most important to their clients.

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Travel can be unpredictable, and issues can arise at any time. Successful travel agents must be able to quickly and effectively address any problems that may arise during the travel process.

This requires strong problem-solving skills, including thinking on their feet and creating creative solutions to unexpected challenges. They must remain calm under pressure, working to resolve issues promptly and efficiently.

6. Flexibility

The travel industry is constantly changing, and travel agents must be able to adapt to these changes quickly. This requires flexibility, including working flexible hours and adjusting travel plans.

Travel agents can also adjust to the evolving requirements of their clients. They can modify travel plans to meet changing schedules or preferences and handle unexpected changes or issues during the travel process.

7. Technology Skills

Technology is an essential part of the travel industry, and successful travel agents must be proficient in using a wide range of tools and platforms. This includes booking and reservation systems, online travel agencies, and communication tools such as email and social media.


These characteristics are crucial for any travel agent who wants to excel in the competitive travel industry. By embodying the traits mentioned above, travel agents can build strong relationships with clients, provide exceptional service, and, ultimately, create unforgettable travel experiences for their customers. As the travel industry evolves, travel agents must develop and maintain these characteristics to stay ahead and deliver top-notch service to their clients.

Experience the difference when working with the best family travel agents at Sehlmeyer Travel. From all-inclusive resorts to adventure-packed itineraries, we’ve got you covered. Contact us now, and let’s start planning the family vacation of a lifetime.

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Top 15 Travel Agent Skills to Stay Top in Your Career

Travel Agent Skills

This post provides important travel agent skills and qualities that you can develop to excel and succeed in your job and career.

The travel industry is one industry that has experienced a lot of boom in recent years.

This is due to the fact that a lot more people are developing interest in the industry due to the comfort and to an extent the fun and entertainment it brings with it.

Due to the increase in clients who want to be attended to and given the platform to experience safe and fun filled travels, the need for more capable and experienced travel agents to help cater for calls, mails, and other forms of application by clients.

A travel agent is a person who serves as a link to private or government owned travel agencies.

Travel agencies cater for travels and tourism as well as other related services like car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, etc.

Here are top skills and qualities you need to have to be a top performing travel agent:

  • Knowledge of the travel industry
  • Good customer service
  • Listening skills
  • Passion for travel
  • Detail oriented
  • Organizational skills
  • Multitasking
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent IT skills
  • Basic business skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Time management
  • Knowledge of mathematics and geography.

As a travel agent, you need to be vast in the knowledge of the industry.

This is a booming industry that generates a lot of revenue yearly, so you have to know every bit of thing in the industry.

More so, questions and enquiries from customers should also be a good reason why you should adequately educate yourself on the travel industry.

Customers will make do with a confident presentation or answer from you the travel agent. This is important to you.

Lastly, it is good for your confidence level. Meeting up with different customers from different geographical locations may expose you to a whole lot of customer oriented relationship which will need you to be top of your job and give competent explanations for questions and enquiries channeled towards you.

As earlier stated, the travel industry is a booming one because of high patronization from people who are developing more and more interest in the travel industry.

Therefore, to maintain the high patronage, there is a need for you to be excellent in this aspect.

Right from the time you leave your house to your place of work, the satisfaction of the customers out there should be your heartbeat, and giving them the best they deserve should be something that gives you more concern.

One thing you should learn to do always is to make sure that you give the customers a sense of belonging and a hope that they can get the best of what your travel company can offer.

You have to make the satisfaction of the customers your topmost priority.

Good customer service skills should start from your ability to listen carefully to what the customers want and how they feel they should be treated.

That is the starting point of being a good travel agent. You have to be sensitive to what the customers say.

To be a good listener to your clients in the travel industry requires patience.

You have to get used to their naggings, the complaints and their outbursts out of perceived discontentment.

Though it is something unpleasant to you but be patient enough to listen to what they have to say.

Remember that they deserve the best and giving them the best starts from listening to them.

If you miss this first step, the the service you render to them may turn out to be something they wouldn’t like.

So, now you see why you need to sharpen your listening skills.

A good travel must have passion for travel. You may not be a good travel agent if you don’t have the passion for travels.

This is true and you need to understand that you cannot ably represent what you don’t have passion for. So steer up that passion again.

Sometimes, your passion for travel can encourage your clients to try out new adventures in the industry.

If you have the passion and your clients sense the passion, they get excited and will like to try out something new, probably to experience that passion.

Passion you know is contagious.

You have to give the customers a reason to be excited.

If you want to see that desired passion from them, you have to make it happen through showing that passion in you.

This is one way you can get the passion into them.

This is in addition to your listening skill. When you listen, you pay attention to every detail of the demand of the customers.

You need to be in your right mindset in order to ensure that you pick even the smallest detail of whatever the client says to you.

It is important that you do make assumptions as to whatever the clients want.

You don’t assume and you do not overlook any detail or information at your disposal.

Failure to be detail-oriented can greatly affect your relationship with the clients.

There is no need to say that a given instruction is not necessary.

Always remember that you have to serve the clients and give them what they want.

If at all there is a reason why something is not obtainable, you have to let them know.

This partly has to do with multitasking ability. Imagine a scenario where there are many calls to attend to, many mails and applications to be sorted out and you have to do them within a short while.

You are not to apply laxity to your job.

You have to learn to prioritize your activities. It can be on first come first serve basis.

But no matter how you fancy doing it, the most important thing is to make sure that you are good in organizing your activities.

It is a sign that you are good in your job and you can make a good manager in the future.

Organizing your activities makes the work a lot easier for you.

You don’t have to be ignorant of the fact that you are working towards satisfying the clients and also saving their time.

Time is an important factor in this industry and you need to learn organization skills.

Multitasking means that you have many activities and jobs to do almost all at the same time and you have to do those jobs.

So, in effect we are saying that you have to develop the capacity to handle many jobs simultaneously. It is possible.

You don’t need to be tied down to only one thing at a time at least not when you have a lot on your hands.

This will certainly delay results and make you find yourself in a situation where you are running out of time to deliver the necessary services to the clients.

Truth be told, the travel industry puts you in a situation where you have a lot of calls and a lot of applications or mails to sort out.

You have to find a way to be fast enough to handle such energy sapping activities simultaneously or rapidly enough to meet up with deadlines.

Multitasking is one way to do that.

There is no industry in the business world that overrules the importance or vitality of communication.

Communication is a lifeline and a livewire for any industry.

This applies to the travel industry. There is a place for listening and there is a place for giving out information and getting feedback.

The travel industry is where the need for effective communication cannot be totally ignored.

You are faced with the prospect of facing clients either through online applications or by physical interaction, and whichever way you meet with clients communication is the bedrock for better understanding.

It is not just enough to know what to say but also wisdom to know how and when to say it to clients.

This can make a difference to the clients and can give them a reason to either continue working with you or work with your competitors.

We cannot sweep this under the carpet, not now not tomorrow because, IT skills has come to stay.

Looking back to about 50 years ago, you can see the giant strides that have been made in the business world due to the heavy involvement of IT.

Information technology remains a skill that anyone that wants to remain relevant in the business world must have.

This is because, as the days go by, the need for the involvement of more technology to be used in the business world continues to be on the all-time high.

First, as a travel agent, you have to understand that you need a lot of IT skills, like being conversant with the use of computer and other IT gadgets.

Dealing with different clients daily is never going to be an easy job, neither is it going to be a walkover.

Clients can be troublesome in their own way through their endless nagging, complaints and late orders.

These are some of the things they do and it is frustrating.

Sometimes, you have to patiently listen to what they have to say and be calm enough not to react negatively to some unwholesome attitude and verbal outpour from different clients.

This is one skill you will need in order to succeed in your job.

You also apply patience in the area of making some explanations to them as to the nature of the travel industry.

Patience is needed because you may need to recap or go through the whole process again due to some client that may be slow in understanding.

The travel industry is a business and need to be seen as such. It is a business because it yields revenue and at the same time caters for your pay check.

This is why you need to see it as a business and therefore need to have some basic business skills for you to succeed in it.

You need to understand customer behavior as one of the skills you need to have in your job.

It is almost impossible to succeed in your job as a travel agent if you don’t understand the theory of customer behavior and their change in taste and purchasing power.

This is because, when there is change or downturn in customer patronage, it has a lot to do with either change in taste or demand.

So, you need this knowledge every day to stand a better chance of getting the best out of the clients.

When clients come to you to make enquiries or complaints what they have in mind is not for you to argue with them or give excuses, rather what they want is solution to their problems in regards to travels.

This is what they assume you are there for and they are not wrong in their assertion.

As you are rightly called, being a travel agent means that you are a representative of your travel company and as such should retain some abilities to solve most customer related problems in regards to travel.

This is also part of your job.

This is why you must be well-trained and give yourself to constant upgrade in the travel industry.

The more grounded and well skilled you are in this industry, the more possibilities of clients getting their problems solved within a short time.

This is a very important point we need to look at. Time means a lot to you as it means to the clients in need of your services.

The customers wish that you can help them accomplish a lot within a short period of time.

This is where you have to learn the principle of time management.

Time management is needed if you are to serve the clients simultaneously and timely.

You have to be conscious about activities that distract you from your major work.

Those activities should be scrapped out of your diary in order for you to serve the clients and make sure you do that within the stipulated time.

Good planning of your activities and multitasking are two good methods to consider if you want to attain the height of managing time.

You plan well and execute your job according to your plan and also imbibe the capacity to handle more than one task at the same time in order to save time.

Remember that time is an important factor in every business.

As a travel agent, you have a lot of people to collaborate with.

You have a lot of people you need to keep in touch with in order to be able to do an effective job.

This is why you will need to have that team spirit in you to be able to work well with people.

If you desire to get the best out of people, then you need to get the right people and work with them with the right purpose.

What it entails in this context is that you need to keep in touch with other travel agents in the industry and enquire some of the latest practices that can help you to be a better travel agent.

Team work is possible if there is a corresponding team spirit.

When you leverage on the abilities of other experts in the industry, you get good knowledge and also some other skills you will need to carry out your job effectively.

  • Knowledge of mathematics and geography

Knowledge of mathematics in the travel industry is essential. You need to have the ability to conduct basic arithmetic operations.

You will add, subtract, multiple, and divide figures. Costs and other mathematical operations are involved in your job.

Then comes the knowledge of geography; you need to be able to educate the clients on the nature of the place they intend to travel to and what is obtainable there.

You may need to discuss land shape, rivers, oceans, or other geographic features of the place, especially if it is their first time traveling to that place.

These two skills are combined in one point. Mathematics is important likewise geography.

When you explain to the clients the nature of the place they want to go, it creates the insatiable desire in them to be there at all cost.

So, you have to be adept in the knowledge of geography.

Travel Agent Skills for Resume

If you are writing a resume or CV for a travel agent job, you can create a convincing skills section by applying the travel agent skills and qualities discussed above.

This will make your travel agent resume/CV more attractive to recruiters/employers as it shows that you have the qualities and skills needed to succeed in performing the role of a travel agent.

The travel and tourism industry remains one of the major industries that continue to produce a reasonable amount of revenue for both private and government agencies.

However, the survival of this industry can be determined to an extent by the individual competence of the agents.

That is why the skills and qualities highlighted on this page are a must for travel agents to have to succeed in the industry.


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What Qualifications Are Needed to Become a Travel Consultant?

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Types of Careers in the Travel Industry

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  • List of Jobs in Travel & Tourism
  • Duties of a Reservations Agent

The rise of online booking apps and websites, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, has forced travel agents and travel consultants to adapt or die. Understanding the differences and similarities between travel agents and travel consultants will help you decide if this career is a good option for you.

Travel Agent vs. Travel Consultant

In their narrowest roles, travel agents help you book travel, while travel consultants help you plan trips. Many travel agents morphed into travel consultants as increased affluence and cheaper airfares and accommodations led to more people traveling (before the pandemic).

Travel agents are more skilled at finding you the best flights and rooms at the lowest costs. Travel consultants specialize in finding the best destinations, based on the trip checklist you give them. Even if you know the city where you’ll be traveling, a travel consultant can help you find the best restaurants, nightlife or times of year to visit or vacation.

Travel Agent Skills

Travel agents must be familiar with the processes for booking flights directly with airlines, accommodations providers and rental car companies. In addition, they should be familiar with the various websites and apps that cross-check most airlines and accommodations providers to find the best rates. These platforms are known as aggregators, explains Aviation Tribune . Working with organizations like the American Society of Travel Agents, you’ll find even more tools to help you.

A qualified travel agent would know, for example, that Southwest airlines airfares don’t show up in Expedia’s or other aggregators’ airfare search results. If your client is traveling, you should not only check flight apps, but also Southwest’s website.

Travel agents can also help you use credit card mileage points, know when blackout dates exclude the use of points and can advise you on whether or not you’ll save money by booking your flight, room and vehicle rental on one site.

Travel Consultant Skills

Travel consultants are experts at knowing about various cities and countries. They might have contacts at top hotels, resorts, entertainment venues and restaurants in major cities. Like travel agents, they need good people skills.

If you’re traveling internationally, a travel consultant will be able to help you understand what you’ll need for your trip in the way of passports and vaccinations. Staying up to date on U.S. State Department travel advisories and knowing what the weather is like at different times during the year are typical luxury travel advisor qualifications.

Many travel agents specialize in certain countries, traveling there to familiarize themselves with the local laws and customs and find the exciting hot spots, according to Study.com . They’ll even help you choose what clothing to pack for your trip. These types of travel consultants often cater to affluent clients who are willing to pay more for this type of firsthand information.

Becoming a Travel Agent or Consultant

There’s no college degree to become a travel agent or consultant, but you will increase your chances of landing one of these jobs if you earn a certificate or degree in a field like travel and tourism or hospitality.

You can also prepare by joining a group like the Travel Institute or Cruise Lines International Association.

Earning designation as a Certified Travel Associate or Certified Travel Counselor (which requires at least five years of experience) will also help you enter the field and move up. Once certified, you’ll need to take continuing educations courses to maintain your certification.

With the COVID-19 pandemic depressing the travel industry for the foreseeable future, your best bet to make a living in this profession might be to learn how to find and assist people who are taking vacations using a car, or you might become a high-end travel consultant.

Travel Agent Compensation

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics only provides pay data for travel agents, possibly because travel consulting is a boutique profession with many of these professionals working as independent contractors.

According to the BLS, travel agents earned a median annual pay of ​ $40,660 ​ in 2019, or ​ $19.55 ​ per hour. The top 10 percent of this group earned ​ $69,420 ​ annually, while the bottom 10 percent earned ​ $23,660 ​. Travel consultants to the wealthy can make six-figure salaries and might even travel with clients, or visit locations before their clients (sometimes business) travel there. These types of trips are known as site visits.

  • Study.com: How to Become a Travel Consultant Career Roadmap
  • The Travel Institute: How to Become a Travel Agent
  • Education-Portal.com: Certified Travel Consultant Career Information and Requirements
  • The Travel Institute: National Travel Agent Proficiency (TAP) Test
  • The Travel Institute: CTA Course Descriptions

Steve Milano is a journalist and business executive/consultant. He has helped dozens of for-profit companies and nonprofits with their marketing and operations. Steve has written more than 8,000 articles during his career, focusing on small business, careers, personal finance and health and fitness. Steve also turned his tennis hobby into a career, coaching, writing, running nonprofits and conducting workshops around the globe.

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Are you thinking about becoming a travel advisor ?

Let’s see how many personality traits you share with the most successful advisors!


To be the best travel advisor you can be, you have to be dependable . That means you’re reliable, you’re punctual, you get your clients the information they need on time and, just as important, you get them the correct information.

To thrive in the travel industry, you have to have a passion for what you do. Not that it’s difficult to fall in love with exotic places around the world, but a travel advisor should also be passionate about learning continuously, always staying educated and up to date on the industry's latest developments, and helping  clients reach their goals to the best of their ability.


You aren’t just selling travel  –  you’re selling experiences. You must have a knack for understanding your customers' needs and desires. You don’t focus on selling them on a trip or a destination they might not enjoy. Rather, you concentrate on your clients’ individuality and help create a unique experience for them that will last for years to come.


Any successful travel advisor knows that when you create a happy customer, you not only create a repeat customer, but also a raving referrer . The only way to do this is to have relationship-building chops. You have to know just how to bring the right mixture of genuine advice and professionalism to all your clients, always making them feel special. If you lay the groundwork for a solid relationship, you’ll be booking the same clients for their bachelorette party, their honeymoon, their "babymoon" and every fun  family vacation  thereafter.


One of the most important traits that you need to have is authenticity. Why? Because a potential client will pick up on anything artificial very quickly. A successful travel advisor doesn’t try to sell something based solely on discounts or promotions – and they don’t sell destinations that they know aren’t good. Remember, your clients are your friends, and you want to give only the best advice to your friends. Be real with your motives and you’ll reap the rewards. Stay true.

Successful travel advisors have this trait by the truckload. They have the drive to learn as much as they can, to promote themselves on social media, to follow up with any leads and to keep in constant communication with their clients before, during and after their trip.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Successful Travel Advisor? Become One Today!

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What personality traits do travel agents have?

We surveyed 2,944 travel agents to learn what personality traits and interests make them unique. Here are the results.

Travel agents are enterprising and conventional

Travel agents tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be conventional , meaning that they are usually detail-oriented and organized, and like working in a structured environment.

If you are one or both of these archetypes, you may be well suited to be a travel agent. However, if you are realistic, this is probably not a good career for you. Unsure of where you fit in? Take the career test now .

Here’s how the Holland codes of the average travel agent break down:

The top personality traits of travel agents are extraversion and social responsibility

Travel agents score highly on extraversion , meaning that they rely on external stimuli to be happy, such as people or exciting surroundings. They also tend to be high on the measure of social responsibility , indicating that they desire fair outcomes and have a general concern for others.

Once again, let’s break down the components of the personality of an average travel agent:

travel consultant qualities

6 Characteristics of Successful Travel Agents

Posted by Mia Arderne | Jul 27, 2016 | Tourism and Hospitality | 4 |

6 Characteristics of Successful Travel Agents

Successful travel agents are visionaries with great organisational skills and people skills. Below is a list you can use to check whether you have what it takes to become a successful travel agent:

1 – They are highly organised

Travel agents are great planners. For them, juggling calls, bookings, and communication is an everyday balancing act. Their responsibilities include arranging flights, processing payments, securing accommodation, negotiating deals, sending tickets, and advising clients. Needless to say, travel agents must be able to multitask .

2 – They have vision

Not only do travel agents have to be administrative gurus, they also have to be visionaries. Planning a phenomenal vacation requires an inspired mind. A travel agent should take the time to understand what the client wants from his or her trip and then lay down the foundation for an unforgettable experience. Envisioning your client’s desired experience is integral to planning it well.

3 – They have great people skills

Successful travel agents have excellent communication skills and the ability to inspire and influence people. A big part of the job includes meeting many different, interesting people, which requires versatility. This will mean that your job never becomes monotonous . This also means that you will need a measure of tolerance and the ability to deal with the unrealistic expectations of certain clients. Ultimately, travel agents are talented salespeople, who can find their clients the best value for their money, and do so with enthusiasm.

4 – They are self-starters

The travel agents who really thrive in the industry are self-motivated with lots of drive. As a travel agent, you have the opportunity to become an expert in your field by finding a niche market in which you can provide greater value to a particular client base.

If you want to be an independent travel agent and start your own business, you need to find your niche . A niche can be a smaller market that you’re interested in or have substantial experience in, for example: destination weddings in Greece. As an experienced, independent travel agent, you can take your idea online , offer your own packages, and stand out in a competitive industry. In this environment, you will need to focus on your networking skills and develop a competitive marketing strategy.

5 – They are internet savvy

Travel agents compete with limitless online travel resources and information , so it’s best for them to stay on top of what’s happening online. When you’re working within an agency, most of your clients will already have researched the places they want to visit and will have scoured the travel and accommodation options. Knowing what those places and options are beforehand will immediately give you an edge. If you’re not working for a travel agency, then this is even more important.

As an independent travel agent, you will have to be practiced and adept online, researching travel options, staying abreast of current deals, using social media, networking and promoting yourself consistently, and honing your online presence while staying aware of your competitors in the industry.

6 – They are natural explorers

An innate sense of adventure is vital to this job. Travel agents love to explore the world, both physically and online . With an office job, of course, travel opportunities are limited and affordability is an issue, but travel agents know pretty much immediately when the good deals become available, and they can take full advantage of this knowledge for themselves. Independent travel agents, especially, should try to explore as much of the world as they can. Planning a trip to a place you’ve experienced first-hand will add authenticity and value to your service.

If you see these characteristics in yourself and you think you have what it takes to be a successful travel agent , you might be interested in one of our Tourism and Hospitality courses , which you can complete on a part-time basis from home.  

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    Skills and Courses required for the Travel Agent. 1. Excellent Communication Skills. From conducting research interviews with the client's employees to managing the team and stakeholders ...