Memory Alpha

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Slusho was a beverage available on Earth in the 23rd century .

In 2255 , Starfleet cadet Nyota Uhura ordered the Slusho mix, along with a number of other drinks, at the Shipyard Bar in Iowa , shortly before meeting James Kirk . ( Star Trek )

In 2259 , Slusho was displayed at the Port of San Francisco bar along with Budweiser . ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].


Slusho was a reference to J.J. Abrams ' previous project Alias . It also played a heavy role in the viral marketing for Cloverfield , (from which Tagruato was also carried over), and appeared in a few other universes. In its original conception, it was a flavored frozen drink produced by a subsidiary of Tagruato , and spelled "Slusho!" (with exclamation mark).

External links [ ]

  • – official Slusho website
  • Slusho at the Cloverfield Wiki
  • 3 Ancient humanoid

How JJ Abrams Created the Ultimate Multiverse With a Silly Easter Egg

J.J. Abrams is known for creating compelling stories mixed with science and fantasy, and his Slusho Easter egg makes up a silly multiverse theory.

J.J. Abrams is known for connecting his projects with small Easter eggs, tributes and references. From Lost to Cloverfield and Star Trek to Fringe , there was an element that connected all of them in a most peculiar way: the Slusho drink. While its use eventually quieted down in recent years, Slusho appeared in a limited number of projects, which left other traces of an otherwise silly multiverse idea that could blow the viewer's mind.

Abrams found various ways to make references and place Easter eggs in his projects, but the Slusho drink definitely stood out as it started to be referenced every so often. One of the television shows in which Slusho was more outstanding was Heroes , the NBC hit series that suffered a premature end. Kristen Bell and several other actors were seen slurping the tasty treat on screen. Although Abrams was not attached to this project, his fellow Jesse Alexander was a producer, a role he shared with Abrams on both Alias and Lost . Plus, Heroes starred Greg Grunberg, the director's childhood friend that finds his way into most of Abrams' projects.

RELATED: Star Trek 4 May Have to Look to the Past for Its New Director

Slusho Had a Prominent Role in Cloverfield

It was during Alias that Slusho made its first appearance, right in Season 1, Episode 2, "So It Begins." The series, created by J.J. Abrams and with Grunberg in a secondary role, showed Slusho in the background, then called Slush-O. It eventually dropped the hyphen and developed a more modern logo. Heroes brought the drink to the internet debate, but it was in the movie Cloverfield that it really picked everyone's attention. Not that the drink itself appears in the movie, as it is only referenced in one of the character's t-shirts and on a television spot playing in a store, but because the movie had a major viral promotional campaign behind it.

The campaign implied that Rob, the protagonist, would move to Japan because of a job offer as vice president of the Slusho corporation in Japan, Tagruato . That backstory gave some outside relevance to what happened in the movie, suggesting that the deep sea drilling needed to get one of Slusho's flavor ingredients eventually woke up a monster that later invaded New York. Cloverfield never addresses this directly, but the found footage film begins with a text and a logo explaining its content. The logo, however, would look familiar to fans of another famous show.

RELATED: A Quiet Place's Spinoff Can Differentiate the Franchise From Cloverfield

How Slusho Binds J.J. Abrams' Projects Together

Lost is still one of Abrams' most popular TV projects, even if it struggled with some narrative issues. The show introduced the Dharma Initiative, a research project with a very recognizable logo that plays a significant part in the series. The logo appearing within the first few seconds of Cloverfield , identifying where the tape that followed came from, could connect both projects. However, it would seem far-fetched. Nevertheless, Abrams referenced the drink in yet another far-off film: Star Trek . When Uhura was offered a Slusho at a bar in the film, it raised more eyebrows. But the references did not stop there. When Kirk and the other cadets were leaving on their first mission to space, they flew through the skies of futuristic San Francisco, and one building bore the logo of the Tagruato corporation, the same as Cloverfield .

Connecting all these dots was Fringe . Abrams' famous TV show offered a conclusion to the Slusho mystery. Nowadays, audiences are already familiar with the concept of the multiverse and alternate realities, but Fringe got there really early . On the show, which featured many Slusho drink references, a team of scientists discovered ways to travel into alternate realities. If one stretches this theory far enough, one could argue that all these Abrams projects are part of the same multiverse, bound together by Slusho and its Tagruato corporation.

  • Food Industry

A Primer to 'Star Trek' Food and Drink

To seek out strange new worlds ... and eat their foods.

The J. J. Abrams–helmed Star Trek movie opens tomorrow. As I was reading up on the new installment, I came across this line in the Wikipedia entry : "Another reference to Abrams' previous works is Slusho, which Uhura orders at the bar she meets Kirk at."

That reminded me that food and drink is depicted routinely in the Star Trek franchise—across ten movies and six TV shows. There's no doubt—or at least, I hope —that there will be food references in the 11th movie, which will feature Romulans, Vulcans, Orions. As a refresher, I thought I'd take a look at what passes for serious eats in these alien cultures. Join me on this mission, won't you?

Romulans: Huge Drunks Fond of Tart Candy

The biological cousins of the Vulcans, Romulans are devious, paranoid, and militant.

The Romulan Star Empire has been at odds with the United Federation of Planets since before the Federation's inception in 2161, and was in fact the catalyst for the Federation's formation. By 2379, however, relations between the Romulans and the Federation had warmed somewhat.

A Romulan named Nero is the villain in the new movie, traveling from the future to destroy the Federation before it gets off the ground.

Romulan Ale

Any Trek fan worth his or her salt (included in Starfleet emergency rations , by the way) knows that Romulan ale is one of the most widely referenced food-and-beverage items in the franchise. It's an ultrapotent blue drink that reportedly results in instant drunkeness. [ After the jump, recipes for Romulan ale, Klingon bloodwine, and why Vulcans hate barbecue. ]

Science fiction often holds a mirror up to contemporary culture, critiquing its practices, politics, and mores. So, too, with Romulan ale. Because of the United Federation of Planets' standoff with the Romulan Empire, the drink is illegal within the Federation—much like Cuban cigars are in the U.S. But like the captains of industry of today, captains of starships indulge in this vice. As Kirk said in The Undiscovered Country, the routine violation of the embargo is "one of the advantages of being a thousand light years from Federation headquarters."

Its proper Romulan name may be kali-fal .

Recipes: There are several recipes out there for Earth-bound Romulan ale .

Romulan Foods

  • Jumbo Romulan mollusk : a delicacy that appears to be served over rice, with perhaps scrambled egg
  • Osol twist : A very tart candy first mentioned in Deep Space 9 episode "Image in the Sand"
  • Viinerine : A military staple, it first appears in TNG episode "Face of the Enemy"

Vulcans: They Don't Like Barbecue

You know what the Vulcans are all about--ultra logical, emotionless, intellectual, cool under pressure. Their food seems equally bland, too, and from what I can remember in all my years of watching Trek shows and movies, there hasn't really been a standout dish that's mentioned again and again in the way Romulan ale is.

Most Vulcans are vegetarians, and while it would be easy for other folks to take a swipe at the veg lifestyle, I've had pretty damn good meatless meals--so there's no excuse for lame food in the Vulcan repertoire.

A little digging shows that Vulcans are absolutely prissy when it comes to food and drink. First of all, alcohol reportedly has no effect on them (even though they do produce spirits on the planet Vulcan). And this doesn't sound very appealing--according to Memory Alpha, "Vulcans have a superior metabolism to Humans. Caffeine and sapotoxins have little effect on them. They are also capable of surviving for long durations without food or sleep."

Oh, and they don't touch food with bare hands , unless using special gloves. This means that Vulcans would hate (if they could hate--emotionless, remember?) Buffalo wings, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, and sandwiches of all kinds. And barbecue would make them spaz--again, if they could spaz.

Anyway, let's engage...

Vulcan Foods

  • Brandy : Alcohol supposedly does not affect Vulcans, so Vulcan brandy may be used for ceremonial purposes or for export only
  • Gespar : Some sort of breakfast food
  • Jumbo mollusk : Related to the Romulan jumbo mollusk
  • Mocha : You'd never guess that this was a coffeelike beverage, would you?
  • Plomeek soup (Plomeek broth) : A bland breakfast soup. In the original series (TOS), Spock threw a bowl of it at Nurse Chapel while he was going through his pon farr (crazy, horny mating period)
  • Plomeek tea
  • Vulcan port : Again, Vulcans are supposedly immune to the effects of alcohol... You know, I really love Memory Alpha. It's so geeky and thorough. Its entry on Vulcan port goes into AOC/DOC territory, noting that a port wine is techinally from the Douro Valley in Portugal and hence Vulcan port probably "is a colloquialism, which suggests that the production of Vulcan port, and the production of Vulcan alcoholic beverages in general, are an imported practice not native to Vulcan culture"
  • Redspice : Helped make a dish so tasty that Chief Miles O'Brien (DS9) asked for the recipe
  • Vulcan spice tea : Seems like it was Captain Janeway's (Voyager) version of Earl Grey

Orions: Watch Out, Boy, She'll Chew You Up

You know when casual Star Trek fans refer to Captain Kirk getting with green alien women? Well, he only encountered one such alien. She was an Orion , a race little seen in the franchise.

As Wikipedia notes , "Not much has been revealed of Orion culture. Orion pirates often harassed and attacked early Earth cargo ships. Stock for the Orion slave trade is obtained mostly through kidnapping of other species. If slaves don't command a high enough price at auction, they can be sold as food."

Sadly, Klingons Are Not Part of This Movie

J. J. Abrams reportedly wanted to focus on Romulans as the bad guys instead of Klingons, since Romulans are less well-known.

And, because Klingons eventually ally with the Federation and became heroes later on in the Trek universe, Abrams didn't want to show them in their earlier incarnation as Federation enemies.

Still, while in the rabbit hole of Memory Alpha, I couldn't help look at their cuisine, since it appeared regularly in TNG and DS9. Here are some of my favorites.

Klingon Bloodwine

Along with gagh , this is probably one of the best known Klingon foodstuffs. Served warm, it's an alcoholic beverage that you probably don't have the conjones (or whatever they call them in Klingon) to consume. Jonathan Archer (Enterprise) was the first human to give it a go. According to Memory Alpha , Lieutenant Commander Worf "liked his young and sweet," which sounds kinda dirty. Also according to Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Cookbook seems to suggest it's made with fermented blood and sugar.

Recipes: If you want to go really nuts and make an Earth-bound version, here's a recipe for fermenting your own Klingon bloodwine that uses 10 to 15 packs of unsweetened Cherry Kool-Aid. Wow. Sounds almost as potent as the actual stuff from Qo'noS . If you're too much of a bIHnuch for brewing your own, the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps has a number of cocktail-based Bloodwine recipes.

Update: Eugen Beer of Coldmud points out that buy' ngop , which would translate to "That's good news!" literally means "The plates are full" in Klingon.

Other Klingon Food and Drink

  • Bahgol : A warm tealike beverage. Well, not too different from humans ...
  • Bregit lung : Spoke too soon. Bregit lung is not actually a respiratory organ but a dish of reptilian animals. Commander Riker (TNG) professes to like it. (Of course, Riker would--didn't he try to impress a Klingon female in one episode with his love of gagh?) Bregit lung is often eaten with grapok sauce
  • Gagh : A Klingon delicacy--live serpent worms. "Allegedly, the actual taste of gagh is revolting and it is eaten solely for the unique sensation of the gagh spasming in one's mouth and stomach in their death throes." But the real question is, Would Andrew Zimmern eat it?
  • Gladst : Finally, some vegetable matter. I was beginning to get worried about Klingons' regularity
  • Klingon martini : Neat. It's a bit of cultural fusion--vermouth, gin, and a dash of bloodwine
  • Pipius claw : Looks like chicken feet. I doubt it tastes like chicken, though
  • Racht : A big bowl of live worms
  • Raktajino : The rare Klingon foodstuff that humans enjoy. Probably because it's a coffeelike beverage
  • Rokeg blood pie
  • Targ : A type of Klingon herding animal. Eating heart of targ is believed to instill courage in a warrior, and the milk of the creature is apparently consumed as well
  • Zilm'kach : Some fruit to round things out

Video: Klingon Food Critic

This really weird fan video of a mock Klingon newscast has the anchors tossing it to a Klingon food critic who reviews popular Earth foods. I think it's supposed to be funny. It's not, really, but it is oddly compelling and--what's the word?--oh, yeah, warped.

Star Trek Cookbooks

Lastly, there are a couple of Star Trek cookbooks, if you really want to replicate the food of the universe here on Earth.

There's the prosaically named Star Trek Cookbook , by William J. Birnes and Ethan Phillips, whose character, Neelix , could often be found cooking in Star Trek: Voyager (his feragoit goulash is known across 12 star systems, after all).

And the Official Star Trek Cooking Manual has a cool spin on things, written as if it's Nurse Christine Chapel's recipe book that was somehow transported to the present time. As Memory Alpha notes, "The introduction includes what is purportedly a food synthesizer algorithm for Dr. McCoy's favorite dish; in fact, it is FORTRAN source code for a program that prints the message, 'CHICKEN 3.14159 SKEPTIC.'" Whatever that means.

Close the Channel

When I started poking around for info for this post, I thought it would be a quick one. But, crap, I've pretty much spent all day tooling around various Star Trek sites, with Memory Alpha being a huge help and awesome resource. I think I now know more about Star Trek food than anyone should. Tomorrow night, though, I think I'll skip the osol twists and get a big bucket of popcorn--it's a Terran snack made from dried corn kernels that are heated until they burst, commonly eaten slathered with butter at movie theaters during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Live long and prosper.

10:41 a.m., 5/8/2009: Jason Kottke linked to this today , saying, "Oddly, my only complaint is that (somehow) his piece isn't long enough. Adam, you didn't even get in to 'Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.'"

I know, Jason. I would have loved to have included Picard's iconic food-replicator order, but I had to limit the scope of this post somewhat or I could have spent weeks in the food quadrant of the Trekiverse. I figured focusing on the aliens encountered in the Trek reboot was a fine way to do that.

As it is, I'm relying heavily on Memory Alpha. Going any deeper into ST food, I'd just basically be aping what they've done on their awesomely extensive database of food and drink across the entire franchise.

More Serious Eats Recipes

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Published Dec 26, 2011

One Trek Mind #8: Drink For Thought

star trek slusho

As we proceed to that moment in spacetime known as New Year's Eve, we may all feel compelled to pop a cork. In moderation, there's nothing quite like spirits that can raise your spirits, especially if accompanied by a Klingon drinking song.

The canonical works of Star Trek know all about the pros and cons of inebriation. (Don't believe me? Ask Data and Tasha Yar .) With this in mind, we'd like to close out the year with our 10 favorite drinks in the galaxy. Two rules apply, of course. The first is never drink and warp. The second – NO SYNTHEHOL!

star trek slusho

10 - Saurian Brandy

A standard social refreshment about starships, Saurian Brandy works as both a diplomatic aperitif as well as when a crewman is looking to get sloshed. Its most notable appearance was in TOS 's “ By Any Other Name ,” when Scotty used the two-fisted weapon of his welcoming Scottish demeanor and a bottle of the stuff to get the Kelvan named Tomar disarmingly drunk.

Saurian Brandy usually comes in a sleek glass bottle with a long, curved neck. The Saurians themselves are a race of bipedal lizards that, alas, rarely made appearances onscreen.

star trek slusho

The Cardassian liquor of choice, Kanar, is an inky black substance that, by all accounts, is an acquired taste for those from outside Cardassia.

Quark stocked the stuff at all times, never quite sure when a thirsty Spoonhead might stop by. When the Dominion War heated up, the conflicted Damar found himself developing a real dependence on it. The good guys used this to their advantage in “ Behind the Lines ,” getting him drunk to glean information. This led to one of the goofiest gags in all of Trek , when a completely sloshed Quark barged into Kira 's quarters in and announced “I just shared a bottle of Kanar with Damar. That rhymes!”

Trust me, Shimerman can make that line work.

star trek slusho

8 – Slusho Mix

Let's ride a red matter-induced black hole to a different reality. It's a place where the Enterprise is built on Earth (I know, I know) and where Kirk hits on Uhura in a bar.

When we follow Zoe Saldana as she bounds into the Riverside Shipyard Bar (and who wouldn't follow her?) she takes the bartender's advice and tries the Slusho Mix in addition to Klavnian fire tea, Budweiser Classic and a Cardassian Sunrise.

This faux-Japanese icy beverage is, of course, a tie-in to the broader J.J. Abrams mythology of Alias, Cloverfield and Super 8 ... which you either think is kinda cool or forces you into an uncontrollable rage.

star trek slusho

7 - Altair Water

Okay, this has been a lot of alcohol so far. It is important to pace yourself when you are boozing. It is good to mix in some pure H20, lest you actually dehydrate yourself.

And not just any water, but Altair Water! Sure, the environmental impact of such a far-away import may be something fierce – Altair is 16.7 light years from Earth – but there's got to be something special in this stuff. I mean, even Spock drinks it.

In fact, Spock likes it so much the lifeforce of his Katra urges McCoy to order it for him in The Search for Spock . Something as healthy as Altair Water isn't Bones' usual poison, but the Vulcan-led doctor is quick to bark back that “to expect one to order poison in a bar is not logical!”

star trek slusho

6 – Snail Juice

The wife could never get into DS9 because she got creeped out by the Ferengi. We'd argue with her, “they're funny! And well-rounded so as not to simply be objects of ridicule! Give 'em a chance!” Then she'd see Quark's teeth and charge out of the room shouting “they're so gross! I can't look at them!”

We knew enough to leave it alone, lest we ever wish for another session of oo-mox.

We bring this all up because, yes, OF COURSE Ferengi drink something as disgusting as Snail Juice.  (And Rom liked his with extra shells.)

star trek slusho

5 – Raktajino

Raktajino is played off as simple “Klingon coffee,” but we find it hard to believe that anything Klingon doesn't come with an extra kick. The way the senior staff on Deep Space Nine all drank the stuff, you can certainly say that it has some addictive properties.

Those with sharp memories will recall that there's something in Raktajino that is intoxicating to Talarians (see season five's “ A Simple Investigation .”) So who knows how it would affect an early 21st century Terran?

star trek slusho

4 - Aldeberan Whiskey

We get the impression that Aldeberan Whiskey is the kind of drink that only gets pulled out for special occasions. Guinan had a bottle that was a gift from Captain Picard and Quark maintained a private stock.

It was Aldeberan Whiskey that Data poured for Scotty when he found himself alive one generation later in the fan favorite episode “ Relics .” And if it is good enough for the old Aberdeen pub-crawler, it is good enough for us.

star trek slusho

3 – Bloodwine

It is warm. It comes in a barrel. And if you are Worf , you like it very young and very sweet.

There is no finer beverage to quaff than bloodwine when you are singing songs of glory.

May we all one day know the honor of dying in battle so we may drink with Kahless in Sto-vo-kor from a source as boundless as the River Skral! Q'aplaH!

star trek slusho

2 – Romulan Ale

Romulan Ale is the most difficult beverage to get your hands on in the Federation. And perhaps we   should be grateful – this clear blue brew really packs a punch. Even a mighty warrior like Worf can be felled by a Romulan Ale hangover if Nemesis is to be believed. (Though maybe he was also feeling the effects of the B-4 subplot.)

Most notably, Bones gave Kirk a bottle (of the 2283 vintage) when the captain was sulking in San Francisco on his birthday in The Wrath of Khan . Then he started yelling at him and cursing and accusing him of turning into an antique. Yeah, Bones can really be a pain in the ass friend some times.

star trek slusho

1 – Tea, Earl Grey (Hot)

After New Year's Eve comes New Year's Day. It's cold, it's bright and you are going to need something to brace you. Tea, Earl Grey (Hot) is the gentlemanly drink that will make it so.

Did we leave out your poison? Logical or not, let us know in the comments! And have a safe, happy New Year!!

Jordan Hoffman was the movies editor at for more than four years. He has produced two independent films (look 'em up!) and is a member of the New York Film Critics Online. In 2005, he was named the Ultimate Film Fanatic of the NorthEast by IFC. Jordan fell in love with Star Trek through TOS reruns just as TNG was getting ready to launch. On his BLOG , Jordan has reviewed all 727 Trek episodes and films, most of the comics and some of the novels. He has a funny story about the one time he met Leonard Nimoy.

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  • View history

Slusho! is a soft drink company in Japan, owned by Tagruato , that hired Rob Hawkins .

  • 2 Real world
  • 3 Official summary
  • 6.1 Deep Sea Ingredient
  • 7.1 Translation
  • 10 External Links

Product [ ]

The Slusho! drinks are classic Slush beverages with the special ingredient of Seabed's Nectar , giving it a highly addictive quality. It is claimed by the company that the addition of the Seabed's Nectar also makes it extremely healthy. The History section of the official Slusho! site claims the ingredient was "discovered on the deep ocean floor, under amazing pressure and extreme cold", perhaps giving it some relation to the monster or more specifically the parasites as one of the quotes in the Happy Talk section says "Slusho! makes my stomach explode with happiness!". It is presumed that the mass extraction of the seabed nectar from the ocean floor is a major reason that caused the creature to arise from the ocean. The flavors used in the drinks includes: Blueberry Zoom, Chocolate Rage, Mikan, Nashi, Banana Anime, and Strawberry Tasty.

Real world [ ]

Slusho’s origins go back to a time much earlier than Cloverfield. The Slusho drink was first mentioned in the second episode of J.J. Abrams ' television series Alias, and previously before that in an episode of the 1990s sit-com Kenan and Kel.

While the Slusho logo as seen on Alias looked very similar to the ICEE logo, a different version is currently in use. However, its appearance on Kenan and Kel does feature the current branding, bar a hyphenation in the original spelling, 'Slush-o'.

Official summary [ ]

Created by Tagruato C.E.O. Ganu Yoshida, Slusho! brand happy drink is a icy cool beverage that is rapidly becoming one of the company's most profitable expenditures. Slusho! contains a "special ingredient" that customers can't get enough of. Bearing the slogan, "You can't drink just six!", Slusho! has grown to the second most popular frozen drink in all Asian markets. Hip adult drinkers have begun concocting deliciously intoxicating alcoholic mix drinks starring Slusho! The beverage's popularity has spawned overwhelming sales of brand apparel, a hit theme song, and coming soon: an animated television show starring the Slusho! Flavor Droids! The next step is to introduce Slusho! to the rest of the world. A search is on for top marketing professionals who will be tasked with duplicating the drink's Asian popularity in the Western market. Our aspiration is to one day place Slusho! dispensers in every convenience store and mini mart. Slusho zoom!

Origins [ ]

Noriko Yoshida loved to create new beverages and wanted to make 'the best drink ever'. When she disappeared (and perhaps died) on a search for the "greatest, most tastiest ingredient" for her dream drink, her son, Ganu Yoshida , took over her quest. Initially, Ganu did not get very far, as he was constantly reminded of his mother's death whenever he tried to create new beverages. He eventually sold Noriko's drink business to his cousin.

One day, Ganu's new company, Tagruato , discovered Seabed's Nectar . Ganu had a dream that night that he was a small fish. A whale came along and told him to drink the new ingredient, and when he did, he became an enormous whale. Ganu woke up and realized that he had finally found the magic ingredient his mother was searching for, and re-joined his cousin in the drink business.

Because Seabed's Nectar was discovered in the depths of the ocean where it was extremely cold, Ganu thought that his new drink should be served in a near-frozen state to preserve the freshness of the magic ingredient. It was then that Slusho was born.

Flavors [ ]

  • Blueberry Zoom
  • Chocolate Rage
  • Mikan (a citrus)
  • Nashi (an Asian pear)
  • Banana Anime
  • Strawberry Tasty
  • Three 'Western-only' flavors

Ingredients [ ]

Some of Slusho's ingredients were revealed by the Ravaille Research Center on November 21, 2007:

  • Seabed's Nectar
  • Carbonated water
  • Sodium citrate
  • D-Pantothenol
  • Citric acid
  • Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Carob bean gum
  • Potassium benzoate

Deep Sea Ingredient [ ]

The deep sea ingredient is the secret, mysterious ingredient in Slusho. It is described as having euphoric effects on those that consume it, and is the main ingredient in all Slusho drinks. When Vernon MacDooble's restaurant review was discovered, Seabed's Nectar was widely speculated to be the deep sea ingredient reference in the history section of On September 28, the text in the newly made Distribution Opportunities section confirmed that the deep sea ingredient was indeed kaitei no mitsu , or Seabed's Nectar.

Commercial [ ]

So far there is one official commercial, although some may appear later and there is currently a Slusho commercial contest going on. It was revealed on December 6th, 2007 along with the start of the contest.

It depicts he experiences of a frustrated man as he tries to open a door (someone had locked him in), though he is not always in the room. First the man can be seen inside a small room that has nothing but a picture on the wall (which will appear later) and a few lights. A gloved hand is then seen slamming the door closed from the outside, leaving the man shocked and helpless. He tries in vain to open or break down the door.

Suddenly a giant moose appears and the room turns into space (although the door is still there). The moose tells him something and the man sighs with a worried expression. The environment then turns into grassy hills with a bright sky. Two heads then appear and talk to him, one being a male and the other a female with make-up. They both talk to him, and the female's comment seems to have a positive effect. The man's face brightens up and he hits the male head.

The two heads then disappear and the man lifts up his shirt, showing a picture of the cartoon boy found on After a while he has a confident look on his face and he tears the door off its hinges. The environment then transforms into an underwater setting and the giant moose can be seen again. There is seaweed on the ground and a female diver can be seen in the background holding the picture that was previously in the room.

All of the cartoon characters from appear around the moose, the diver gets closer and the man runs off. The two heads also appear and drink a Slusho each. The Slusho logo pops up onto the screen before the screen cuts to a short clip of a chimpanzee holding a flag with the cheese on it.

Translation [ ]

  • Moose: Don't wait for an opportunity to come knocking on your door.
  • Male head: What a shame, what a shame...
  • Female head: To get far in this world, you have to pay attention. There's opportunities all around you.
  • The lyrics to the song in the advert are currently unknown, but popular theories suggest that they are either "Slusho, we're happy flavor" or "Slusho, we've got the flavor"
  • The commercial is entirely in Japanese except for the English phrase "You can't drink just six!" (the slogan) at the end and possibly the lyrics to the song.
  • It would be impossible to close the door as depicted in the commercial, as the gloved hand would be in the way.
  • The screen transition at the end contains small red footprints.
  • At the end of the underwater scene, the monkey eats the smaller fish.
  • Even though the man desperately wanted to go through the door at the beginning of the commercial, he shakes his head and moves away from it once he sees what's inside.
  • The picture held by the diver is the same one as the one in the room. Also, she is wearing an oven mitten and holding a hammer, continuing the mitten-hammer-cheese mystery.
  • When the male head speaks, the background is dark and the man becomes sad, when the female speaks the background is bright and the man becomes happy.
  • The settings are consistent with some of's settings. Although no section takes place in a room, it could be interpreted as being the fashion show in the 'Store' section. The rest of the settings have more easily identified sections: the space setting is 'Flavors', the hills are the Home page and the underwater setting is identical to that of the 'History' section.
  • The slogan 'You can't drink just six' can be translated to 'A toxic industry's junk' if you change the combinations of the letters, just like season 3 of LOST. This may tell us that Slusho really has side effects.

See Also [ ]

  • Slusho! was part of the Viral Marketing leading up to Cloverfield and the name was also used as the name of the movie while filming to keep it secretive.
  • Slusho is also referenced in one episode of J.J. Abrams series Alias . In the latter, though, it is spelt "Slush-O" and the logo is similar to the "ICEE" logo.
  • Though it is popularly believed that Slusho was mentioned in the first episode of the fourth season of J.J. Abrams' other series Lost , this is false. The quote comes from Hurley confrontation with Charlie's ghost, when he states "there I was trying to buy some beef jerkey and a slushy". Some mistook slushy for Slusho.
  • Slusho! appears several times in Abram's television series "Fringe".
  • Slusho! also appears briefly in the movie Super 8 at a gas station/convenience store.
  • In the series Heroes , Kristen Bell's character Elle Bishop is [ shown ] drinking Slushos. Also, series director/producer Greg Beeman posted photos of various cast members enjoying Slushos to his [ blog ].

External Links [ ]

  • Tagruato subsidiary page ( archived )
  • First reference to Slusho, on Alias
  • Slusho at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek wiki
  • 1 Cloverfield Monster
  • 3 Clover (Adult)

'Super 8' Easter Eggs

star trek slusho

JJ Abrams is obsessed with mystery, and often hides a lot of easter eggs in his films and tv shows. In the past we've chronicled easter eggs in the Pixar movies Toy Story 3 , WALL-E , and Up , as well as some other films . So it should come as no surprise that his latest movie, Super 8, is also packed with fun hidden bits.

For example: Did you know that Leonard Nimoy appars in the movie? How about that another one of JJ's Star Trek stars plays "the monster"? Did you spot the references to Lost, Alias and The Twilight Zone ? After the jump I've compiled 16 hidden easter eggs which can be found in the movie.

Be warned: for those of you who havent seen the film yet, the following article may contain spoilers.

From the start, we've known that JJ Abrams' Super 8 was heavily inspired by Steven Spielberg's Amblin-era films. I didn't want to try to compile a listing of the many possible homages, as some of them could be very subjective and not intentional by the filmmaker. I thought it would be better to focus on the hidden cameos, inside jokes, hidden names and so on.

star trek slusho

"It was a very weird thing to offer up all this big emotion while . . . the rest of the people in the room are picking away at the craft services table," he says. "And you never really how it will turn out because it's all left in the hands of the artists and animators who are putting your work together." ... "I was only on set for about 10 days, but I was trying to make some different decisions. I asked director that this guy was about . . . what he does, and he said, 'He smells people.'" Greenwood pauses for a moment. "So there were scenes where I really did do a lot of sniffing. I spent a lot of time breathing people in, and flaring my nostrils in people's direction. It was fun," he says. "There's some primordial ooze to the whole thing," he says, cryptically. "And I like that. I think it worked out well for the horror. It felt creepy."

star trek slusho

Downtown there is a store called "James Locke Jeweler", a reference to Terry O'Quinn 's character John Locke on the JJ produced television series Lost .

star trek slusho

Another possible Lost reference is the name of the main character's father: Jack Lamb is very simular to Lost's lead character Jack Shephard. Lamb, Shephard?

star trek slusho

Grunberg revealed to the Associated Press that people will have to "really, really search to find me" as he portrays a sitcom actor in the movie. You can hear Greg say something like "I always wear shirts with lipstick on the collar!", which comes from a television set above as Joe first enters the alien creatures den. You can see the tv in the background, but I'm not sure if you can see Greg.

star trek slusho

In the film, the military begins "Operation Walking Distance", which is a reference to JJ Abrams' favorite Twilight Zone episode "Walking Distance". Time Magazine quotes JJ as saying:

'Walking Distance' is maybe the show's best episode. It's about a businessman. He's almost 40, he's got a suit, and he hates his life. He's miserable. The stress of work is just getting him down. And his car breaks down in the middle-of-nowhere countryside. He goes to the gas station to get his car fixed and he realizes that he grew up very close to where they are. It's walking distance. So he says, 'I'm just going to take a walk back to the town I grew up in.' He gets there and he soon realizes he's walked back not just to where he grew up, but when he grew up. He's back in the time when he was a kid. And it's just this beautiful story of a guy who, as an adult, wants to go back to his young self, and tell himself to be aware of what it is to be alive, to be young, and to enjoy that. And of course, you can never go back and tell yourself that. It's a beautiful demonstration of the burden of adulthood, told in The Twilight Zone, which everyone thinks is a scary show, but it's actually a beautiful show. The Twilight Zone at its best is better than anything else I've ever seen on television."

star trek slusho

Abrams' longtime composer Michael Giacchino also makes an appearance in the film. My friend Jordan Raup informs me that Giacchino appears as Deputy Crawford, the police officer that Chandler makes fun of for not knowing how the radio works.

star trek slusho

Abrams has also included a hidden cameo by Amanda Foreman , who appeared in Abrams' first television series Felicity as Meghan Rotundi, and in Alias as Carrie Bowman. In Star Trek, she appeared very briefly as a crew member on the bridge of the Enterprise. In Super 8, she appears on a Channel 14 television newscast as News Anchor Lydia Connors.

star trek slusho

J.J. Abrams' grandmother's name is Lillian, and the film's setting, Lillian, Ohio, is named after her.

Anyone who has ever watched the JJ Abrams' TED Talk knows that the filmmaker was very close with his grandfather Kelvin, who would bring him to magic shops and bought him the infamous magic box which has remained unopened in the filmmaker's office. Abrams has attempted to honor the memory of his grandfather by including his name in his movies.

star trek slusho

In Lost , Clancy Brown played Kelvin Joe Inman, a character who maintained the Swan station, and was the last known member of the Dharma Initiative.

star trek slusho

In Fringe , there is a project called "Kelvin Genetics."

star trek slusho

In Mission Impossible 3 , the postcard that Agent Farris sent Ethan Hunt from Berlin is addressed to "H. Kelvin."

star trek slusho

In Star Trek, Kelvin appears on the ship Kirk's father serves on in the opening sequence – the USS Kelvin.

star trek slusho

JJ Abrams has featured the fictional slush drink Slusho in a bunch of his projects. It first appeated in the JJ Abrams television series Alias . The photo above is from the second episode which aired in October 2001. One will notice that the old logo looks more like the ICEE logo than logo that was revamped for the Cloverfield viral.

star trek slusho

While Slusho was made a centerpiece of the viral campaign for the JJ Abrams-produced sci-fi film Cloverfield , it only appeared in the movie on a t-shirt.

star trek slusho

Slusho even appeared in Star Trek in the bar sequence on Earth. Notice the photo on the menu. "Slusho mix" is even mentioned in dialogue.

star trek slusho

Slusho appears on a retro-looking sign hanging in the Kelvin store sequence of Super 8. Unfourtunately, I have been unable to find a clear screengrab of the sign from any of the trailers, tv spots or clips. Above you can see the sign on the very left of the first shot, and right behind the left side of the clerks head in the second shot.

star trek slusho

For the viral campaign for Super 8, JJ introduced a new fictional cold desert product — Rocket Poppeteers.

star trek slusho

Rocket Poppeteers can be seen in the background of the Kelvin store sequence.

star trek slusho

Rocket Poppeteers mascot Captain "Coop" Cooper also appears on a t-shirt in the film (no photo available) and the name is featured on the missing dogs wall. Also remember that "Cooper" is the code name of the alien monster in the film, the role Greenwood is credited with.

star trek slusho

In Super 8, the kids are making a zombie movie called "The Case". The company within the film within the film is "Romero Chemicals", a reference to the father of Zombie movies George Romero .

star trek slusho

In the movie The Case, they investigate Building 47, a number which is prominently featured in the Abrams written/directed/produced television series Alias (seen above) and later appears in the Abrams-produced series Fringe .

star trek slusho

Cloverfield Clues

Friday, May 1, 2009

Slusho appears in new star trek movie.

star trek slusho


star trek slusho

Yes, this time the Star Trek ARG is much more huger than Cloverfield ARG... I write about this in my German blog (well, in German *sigh*). There are many cool interactive websites and also very cool Augmented Reality 3d Starmap! I wish, they would make so much effort for Cloverfield ARG (since I love CF ARG in many ways :-)) Btw, they drunk Slusho! at Star Trek Premiere! :-) I wonder, what was inside? subLYMONal? ;-)

star trek slusho

Apparently, there's a page from the Cloverfield Kishin on Sam's bedroom wall in TRANSFORMERS: ROtF BTW - I loved the new STAR TREK film.

star trek slusho

Not really all that interesting but in the new Transformers movie, a CLOVERFIELD poster makes an appearance in a college dorm. Keep your eye out if you wanna spot it.

And, when in College, Leo (Sam's roomie) has a Cloverfield Movie poster (among others) on his dorm-room wall!

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Cloverfield’s Slusho Appears On Heroes – Takei Takes A Sip

| November 27, 2007 | By: Anthony Pascale 45 comments so far

The connections to NBC’s Heroes and Star Trek (past and present) are numerous, but now it looks like there is also a link to JJ Abrams monster movie Cloverfield . One of the ‘viral’ sites for Cloverfield is , a fictional Japanese frozen drink company. Slusho drinks have shown up in the last two episodes of Heroes . Here is a clip from last night:

And here is a behind the scenes pic of Star Trek’s George Takei enjoying a Slusho

star trek slusho

More pics at Cloverfield Clues

Heroes Season Finale next week [spoilers] The final episode “Powerless” for Chapter 2 of Heroes airs next Monday. The episode will feature Zachary Quinto (the new Spock) and explain why Sylar has lost his powers at the end of Chapter 1. Due to the WGA strike the producers re-shot the ending so it could also act as a season finale as well. The episode may also explain why Sylar is going to disappear for a while (due to the reality that Quinto went off to shoot Star Trek ).

Viral campaign for Trek? Cloverfield seems to have quite a successful viral campaign going. Paramount’s recent Transformers movie (written by Star Trek scribes Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman) also involved an elaborate viral web campaign. There is no word yet if the same will be done for Star Trek, but let’s hope they do.

I love those pics of George Takei enjoying a Slusho

Well, ya’ can’t seem ta’ drink just six.

I’m not lion.

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of this type of in-show advertising, even if it is ‘viral’ or whatever. I saw an episode of Smallville a couple weeks ago and it’s annoying how often they zoom in on Chloe’s Sprint phone or the camera lingers on some spotless new car before it explodes. Product placement is still product placement: lame.

#5. I think for it to be product placement, it would need to be a product. “Slusho” isn’t one.

Izbot, isn’t this product placement for a FICTIONAL drink?

oh, and eighth and ban the first-ies

Maybe XI will have Kirk and Spock sipping Romulan Ale with two straws. (Photoshop nuts, who’ll be the first?)

6 and 7, you’re missing it entirely. It’s product placement for J.J. Abrams’ movie. Anyone wondering what this product on Heroes is could just go online and end up at the viral site for Cloverfield. It’s product placement. It has nothing to do with the show Heroes. It’s there to sell a movie.

Or maybe you get Shanti virus from sipping Slusho…

The Slusho shot above is obviously not anywhere near the scale of in your face product placement in some movies and TV. As mentioned above Smallville is a particularly aggressive example of product placement, as is Fox’s 24.

The brief glimpse of Slusho is more in line with a in joke or ‘easter egg’ type of thing. Kind of like how Abrams had the song from Lost “You All Everybody” playing during a party on Alias

This site frequently flirts with being just a promotional vehicle for anything J.J. Abrams. The guy blows his nose and somebody posts a glowing review of it with a youtube link to the tissue.

Maybe it’s just that J.J. is that good….

Personally, I’m waiting for Slusho on the Enterprise!!!

(No, not really.)

#15, No Kill I? Maybe ‘Slusho’ was the name of the horta? Hmmm

The worst example I have seen of in-episode advertising was on Smallville: when a character used Oasys contact lenses and Chloe was commenting directly about the product! Hopefully Star Trek won’t have anything like that! On the other hand, it would be interesting to see if some brands have survived to the 23rd century, or maybe George Kirk could have some antiques with product names: a 300 year old Slusho machine maybe. >;>}

^ See Shatner’s story of how he and Nimoy fought Roddenberry to cut down the page-and-a-half of dialogue about the IDIC symbol, because (Shatner thought) Roddenberry had a warehouse full of little crappy plastic replicas.

18. Star Trek has thus far avoided this type of cross-media marketting. I hope it continues to.

I don’t get what this “viral” deal is about. I go to the Slusho website and all I see is a goofy site for a fictional drink. How does this help promote a movie?

#18 Cmdr & #19 Izbot- Nimoy also wrote about not wanting to wear the IDIC symbol during the episode “Is There In Truth No Beauty” because he thought Roddenberry just wanted to advertise the items he was selling through side business. But Roddenberry insisted and Nimoy had to wear them. I thought the pin was fine, but the huge medallion he wore at the end of the episode always struck me as odd and out of character for Spock, very tacky,

Geez…….are we really talking about slushos on heroes?……..Must be a really slow news day………Me want more pictures from the set. If they are filming at Vazquez Rocks right now, that should be an easy on to spy on.

meant…easy to spy on. Sorry, I’m not ready for prime time yet.

I keep getting the feeling that Cloverfield is a Godzilla movie – and the fact that they’ve got this fictional Japanese slushie drink only enhances that feeling.

JJ’s gone on record that this isn’t Godzilla. He said he and his son saw a Godzilla toy and he felt Americans neeed ‘their own monster’. So thankfully, whatever it turns out to be, it won’t be that. Godzilla ’98 should provide enough horror to scare studios away from Godzilla movies for the next 20 years.

Of course the website is a promotional tool. What world are you living in? The entire site is dedicated to news & the excitement leading up to the new movie, something that JJ Abrams just happens to be directing. Should he avoid stories that aren’t 100% Star Trek-related just to satisfy some arbitrary line in the sand? Give me a break. Please find something legitimate to gripe about.

Gene Roddenberry wanting to capitolize on ST and make some money off it? Say it ain’t so! All the money should go to the rightful owners, Paramount! How DARE he?

Yeah, right. I’d say he had a right by then.

Heroes already has had the very egregious placement of the Nissan Versa and Rogue. *GAG*

#20: It doesn’t at all, it’s just an easter egg with its own website :)

Notice, I resisted the urge to actually SAY the word, “first.” Though, for the FIRST time, I actually was! Woo-hooo!! Am I the only one who hasn’t kept up with Heros? That pic is classic.

Heroes got off to a verrrrrrry slow start in Season 2 but has finally been picking up steam the last few weeks.

I saw this last episode and I remember Veronica Mars slurping (and spilling) that drink in her car, but I never noticed the name Slusho and even if I had, the name meant nothing to me. I just thought it was another brand of Slurpee from some convenience store chain out west. Or maybe the generic fake product names that Hollywood tends to use a lot, like obvious Cap’n Crunch cereal boxes doctored to read “Crunch’n Crunch”, or Duncan Donuts boxes changed to read “Donuts Donuts”.

Lest we forget, George Takei’s limo last season on “Heroes” had a license plate reading NCC-1701. Cross-promotion is nothing new to Abrams.

They could put ‘slushos’ in all their films then sell the name to a beverage maker.New twist on movie merchandising.

10. Izbot – November 27, 2007 Ummm…no. You missed it. Check out Anthony’s remarks on #12. Wondering what it was, looking it up online and hitting a movie site…. too many steps.

I think it’s an invasion…cute site though.

That picture is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in days. I love their expressions…

Meh heroes shmeroes me want ncc 1701 design plus offical cast pics

Jack Daniels had a placement in STV : TFF during the campfire scene as the “secret ingredient.”

Okay guys, never mind ‘slusho’ and such nonsense, what you really want to know is…what does the MONSTER look like?…right?


Here is what seems to be GENUINE ‘Production Art’ from ‘Cloverfield’, and it gives credence to certain ‘sea-like’ attributes long-rumoured. I don’t know if this is the FINAL designwork, but the size indicated here seems impressive…although I just hope it’s not ALL shot in ‘shaky-cam’ like the trailers are. I repeat, if you DON’T want to see this potential spoiler, then DON’T click on the link below. To everyone else…all is finally revealed…maybe…

Ooooooooooooooooh, somebody’s gonna be in trouble for letting this get out!

Wow, some people that work with a movie crew don’t know how to just let someone else’s secret stay a secret.

The giant “sea-louse” idea comes from Godzilla 85… they had them too…

Where did that come from btw? It’ll be all over the web in seconds.

OK, did some quick research, found out that the picture listed above has been debunked as fan artwork from some months now. False alarm as far as the general consensus goes… but who knows, “they” might be covering up the fact it was a real image! :)

Slusho also appeared in the 2nd episode of Alias’ first season – Michael Vaughn offers one to Sydney somewhere in the 15-20 minute range as I just happened to be watching on DVD today…

looks like head lice

one big enuff to suck your brains out,,

I recon its fake,, its nothing I cant draw at home,,scan,,and put on photo bucket myself

No markings on it eather,,date,,movie company,,production notes,,

#44 SirMartman

It has been confirmed as a fan effort now, which is good, as apart from it’s size, it’s not exactly scary looking…

And if you can indeed ‘draw’ as good as that, then you are very talented, as is the fan who came up with this Production Design design quality rendering in the first place. Logo

Check This Out: J.J. Abrams' Slusho Enterprise Revealed!

by Alex Billington April 13, 2009 Source: Official Website

Check This Out: J.J. Abrams' Slusho Enterprise Revealed!

One of the many off-the-wall marketing ideas that Paramount came up with for the new Star Trek was to have various artists paint models of the USS Enterprise in whatever quirky style they wanted. I've seen these models in movie theaters in Los Angeles, on display at ShoWest, and everywhere else Star Trek has been marketing, but Paramount has only now launched a full gallery of all of the models online right here . One of the ships hidden in the gallery is painted with the Slusho logo (listed as Enterprise #12 in the gallery), as done by Amy Vatanakul, an "artist and animator working at Bad Robot Productions." Check it out!

My personal favorite is actually the Enterprise #21 model, in the lower left corner, as that ship just looks frickin' badass with the alien creature being integrated into it. I'd really like to buy that one, please!

Slusho Enterprise Photo

There are ships designed by Robert Rodriguez (#4) and Jim Lee (#23), so be sure to check out the full gallery of models . Too bad I can't bid on these, as I might actually shell out some good cash for one of them.

A chronicle of the early days of James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members.

Star Trek is directed by J.J. Abrams , of "Lost", "Alias", and Mission: Impossible III previously. The screenplay was written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci , of The Island , Mission: Impossible III , Transformers , and the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . This is the 11th movie in the Star Trek universe, following most recently Star Trek: Nemesis in 2002. The original "Star Trek" TV series first aired in 1966. Paramount will debut Star Trek in theaters everywhere on May 8th this summer!

Find more posts: Cool Stuff , Hype , Viral Marketing


there's some really kool looking ones but most are kinda dull, tho i agree with you Alex model 21 is bad ass.

Curtis on Apr 13, 2009

erik on Apr 13, 2009

Cloverfieeeeld 2!!!! nooooow!!!!!!!

mL on Apr 13, 2009

aaaa and i love the Ship #4 mexican enterpirse!

mL, you read my mind.

Tom V on Apr 13, 2009

They just fired everything but six! LOL

David of Movie on Apr 13, 2009

great, at least i cant buy it, because i will be poorer and lonelier.

ElDoradoCasinoShreveport on Apr 13, 2009

Industry's Toxic Junk/You Can't drink just six/SLUSHO ZOOM

Tim "Cloverfield" on Apr 14, 2009

looks kinda like a turd.

9001 on Apr 14, 2009

One problem with the Mexican Enterprise...If the Mayan calender on the disc section supposedly ends in 2012, then how do the get to the 23rd century? 🙂

jasonmd2020 on Apr 14, 2009

Enterprise #15 and #21 are my favorite. #21 is jokes. Jim Lee's design was pretty cool, but not what I was expecting.

Silence on Apr 14, 2009

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Slusho Mix icon.png

Slusho Mix is a Rare consumable out-of-combat self heal. It can be used to breed a Kelvin Timeline Tribble .

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Game Description

A commonly consumed frozen beverage on Earth. It is especially popular with Starfleet cadets.

Slusho Mix can be obtained from the replicator on the bridge of the U.S.S. Yorktown during the mission “Terminal Expanse” . The replicator can only be interacted with after receiving the prompt to beam to the sphere, where the player must choose not to beam out or close the dialog. It does not glow, unlike most consoles that can be interacted with. Additionally, the replicator can only be interacted with if the player does not have a Slusho Mix in their inventory already.

This item does not bind, so it can also be purchased from other players on the exchange .

Stacks of 50. Can be placed on BOFFs so more than 1 can be obtained per run.

The replicator console on the U.S.S. Yorktown.

The replicator console on the U.S.S. Yorktown.

External Links

Slusho at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.

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Cloverfield 's Old Viral Marketing Machine Is Up and Running Again for 10 Cloverfield Lane

Remember how Cloverfield came out of nowhere and then dumped a pile of viral marketing on us to keep interest in the then-mysterious movie high? Well, its sibling movie, 10 Cloverfield Lane, is operating in much the same way.

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Related products.

Let’s break this down: Back when the trailer for Dan Trachtenberg’s movie came out last month, J.J. Abrams described it as a “blood relative of Cloverfield .” Which means, at the very least, that 10 Cloverfield Lane shares a universe with Cloverfield .

The original 2008 movie gave us Tagruato , a drilling company which has a station near New York destroyed just before the events of Cloverfield take place, whose website was part of the original viral campaign. The fake company’s website fired up again recently, sending out e-mails from Vanessa Gwon “Employee of the Month: January 2016.”

In the Clover -universe (sigh), Tagruato is also the maker of the fictional Slusho, a drink made from “seabed’s nectar.” While Tagruato also appeared in Abrams’ Star Trek , Slusho goes all the way back to Alias . This could either mean everything exists in one J.J. Abrams universe or simply that it’s a fun Easter egg for fans.

Tagruato’s reappearance is specifically interesting, only because the company was implied to be connected with the monster attack in Cloverfield . If they’re also connected to whatever makes the characters of 10 Cloverfield Lane stay in their fallout shelter, we’ve got a company with an appalling safety record on our hands.

In less “viral marketing” and more “product placement” news, the 10 Cloverfield Lane trailer showed the characters drinking the actual product Swamp Pop. TheSwamp Pop website features a sold out “product” that is clearly related to the film, since it’s called “ Long-Term Shelter Supply ” and costs $4,813—the same number punched into the jukebox in the trailer.

Orders of Swamp Pop have come with puzzle pieces like the puzzle in the trailer. The pieces, put together by Reddit , turned out to create the image of the Eiffel Tower.

What does it all mean? Well, it could mean nothing. Viral marketing done correctly adds a layer of information but isn’t required to make the film make sense.

It could also explain the connection between the original Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane . The “sold out” shelter supply of Swamp Pop is supposedly because of “unforeseen circumstances on the eastern seaboard,” which could be related to the disaster in New York in Cloverfield —the disaster that was also connected to Tagruato. Plus, the end of Cloverfield also gives a natural explanation for why people would be hunkered down in a bunker.

Either way, we’re probably going to be bombarded with the stuff until the film comes out on March 11.

[ Slashfilm ]

Contact the author at [email protected] .

Screen Rant

Cloverfield paradox: easter eggs & movie connections.

We break down every Cloverfield Paradox Easter Egg, celebrity cameo, inside joke, and secret reference to movies that came before.

NOTE: This article contains SPOILERS for  The Cloverfield Paradox

You're going to need to watch  The Cloverfield Paradox more than once to catch every Easter Egg and connection. That will be easier said than done for some viewers, as the surprise third entry in the  Cloverfield series has gotten rough reviews . Producer J. J. Abrams is no stranger to controversy or passionate fan bases, but usually, it's the riddles of the larger mythology that win out. How  Cloverfield Paradox connects to the other movies , for instance. And of course... what to make of  Cloverfield Paradox 's ending scenes.

But buried beneath the bigger questions, the most shocking sequences, and the most divisive links (or lack there of) to the original  Cloverfield lies the real treasure trove for fans. We're making sure fans don't miss a single Easter Egg, connection to 10 Cloverfield Lane , or cameo from Abrams's past collaborators and friends. Whether it's a list to follow on another viewing, or catch the details you wish had played a bigger role, you won't miss a single  Cloverfield Paradox secret.

With one final  SPOILER warning, let's get started.

RELATED: How  Cloverfield Paradox Connects The Movie Trilogy

8. Simon Pegg Cameo

The collaboration between director J. J. Abrams and actor Simon Pegg goes back to  Mission: Impossible III , but once it started, there was no stopping. Aside from casting Pegg as 'Scotty' in his rebooted  Star Trek films, Abrams also turned to the actor for a key cameo role in  Star Wars: The Force Awakens . In that film, he was unrecognizable beneath a massive practical suit - and for Simon Pegg's cameo in  Cloverfield Paradox , fans won't get to spot him with their eyes, either.

It's only Pegg's voice that makes a mark on the third  Cloverfield film, and can be heard in the opening minutes of the movie. Before the action shifts into space and other dimensions, a series of news reports establishes the energy crisis slowly gripping the planet. Pegg offers details without masking his natural voice and accent, so should be impossible to miss for fans of his past work.

7. The Star Trek/Kelvin Nod

Speaking of  Star Trek connections, yet another reference to one of Abrams's long-running jokes comes immediately after Pegg's voice cameo. The audience is introduced to 'Hamilton' (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) along with her husband as the pair wait in a long line for gasoline. It's a not-so-subtle piece of evidence to emphasize the planet's growing tension (as finite resources like fossil fuels dwindle). Before the power goes out, the motionless line of cars illustrates the need for the limitless energy sought aboard Cloverfield Station.

But before it does, fans won't want to miss the corporate branding of the gas station:  Kelvin Gasoline . That's the exact same gas station that appears in the first scenes of  10 Cloverfield Lane , forging just one of several connections to the previous movie . The name is a reference to Abrams's maternal grandfather, and has been used in every one of his projects to date. The most iconic being the name of the Federation ship captained by Kirk's father in  Star Trek . A franchise that would have something to say about  Paradox 's dimension-jumping, we're sure.

6. The Newscaster Returns

The film actually skips over most of the Cloverfield crew's time in space, showing that after almost two years in space the planned collisions have consistently failed. As they prepare for yet another, a news broadcast helps lay out the pseudo-scientific dangers of the titular "Cloverfield Paradox." The strange warnings of Donal Logue's character will be what most viewers focus on, but on of the movie's most important cameos shouldn't be missed.

It's the newscaster we're referring to, going without an explicit name, but played by actress Suzanne Cryer ( Silicon Valley ). Why does such a small role matter so much? Because Cryer  also played the unnamed woman who attempts to break her way into Howard's bunker in  0 Cloverfield Lane . It's unclear if the intention is that Cryer is playing the exact same character - one before, and one after the  Paradox disaster strikes - but it's hard to believe it's a coincidence. Maybe she should have taken "The Cloverfield Paradox" theories a bit more seriously.

5. The Other Stambler Brother?

The character played by Donal Logue that we mentioned earlier is actually named, as 'Mark Stambler,' author of "The Cloverfield Paradox" for which the movie named. He's the one who may spell out the exact connection between  Paradox and the prior  Cloverfield movies , suggesting that their experiment could unleash unthinkable monsters onto Earth. An outlandish, colorful theory... but that's a tendency that seems to run in the family.

While John Goodman's character in  10 Cloverfield Lane is referred to only as 'Howard,' additional materials used in ARG and viral marketing tied to the movie confirm his name is 'Howard Stambler.' So, is it a coincidence? Are these Stambler brothers equally prepared for the apocalyptic onslaught  Cloverfield delivers? We may never know...

J. J. Abrams has more than a few favorites in his bag of tricks and trademarks, from corporate brands and conglomerates that seem to control every aspect of his TV and movie universes. There's the Tagruato Corporation seen stamped throughout Cloverfield Paradox , having previously linked the other movies to a possible origin for the massive Cloverfield monster (which may now have been dismissed). But there is none more harmless, or more shameless than 'Slusho.'

The brand of frozen drinks has been referenced in all of Abrams's TV projects, been ordered in Star Trek 's future, and been advertised in a gas station in  10 Cloverfield Lane . It was also the company that hired the star of the first  Cloverfield not long before New York City was destroyed with him in it. It makes its appearance in  Paradox in the form of a small figurine holding a Slusho cup prominently featured after the astronauts make their leap through dimensions.

3. "The Flash of Red Light"

Less of an explicit 'Easter Egg' here, but a small detail and clarification that might slip by even seasoned  Cloverfield fans in search of theories and connections. But first, you'll need to remember how the "attack" in  10 Cloverfield Lane was described by Emmett (John Gallagher, Jr.):

"It looked like a flash. Bright red. Like an explosion from way far off. It wasn't like fireworks. Naw, this was more like something you'd read about in the Bible... This wasn't like anything I'd ever seen."

At the time, neither viewers nor Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) knew what he was talking about. But when the particle accelerator aboard the Cloverfield begins to run at full power, it can be see shifting from a clear purple light to a brighter red. When it tears through our dimension into another, the light is a close match to what Emmett described, cementing the timeline of the two films even further.

2. Greg Grunberg Cameo

For actor Greg Grunberg, being a childhood friend of J. J. Abrams had paid serious dividends. Not only has it landed him a role in both the  Star Trek franchise and  Star Wars saga - as Commander Finnegan and "Snap" Wexley, respectively - but just about every other project Abrams has directed or produced. As the director's clear 'good luck charm,' it should come as no surprise to hear Grunberg round out the cast of  Cloverfield Paradox .

Not as an astronaut (he's had enough space adventures already), but as a voice planetside. After also lending his talents on a phone call to James Kirk in  Star Trek , Grunberg now plays 'Joe,' the friend of Michael's who informs him of the Cloverfield's disappearance and, in the film's closing sequences, fails to inform the survivors of the station of the nightmare that has unfolded on planet Earth.

1. The Meaning of The 'Helios' Mission

The actual station being operated by the movie's cast is the name everyone cares about. But paying closer attention to mission patches and their crew photo confirms that they're technically members of the 'Helios' mission, which sounds... well, suitably generic to most viewers. But to those who know their Greek mythology, the mission, dangers, and fate of the entire crew is easily predicted long before things go so horribly awry.

In Greek mythology, Helios was the God of the Sun, whose job it was to pull the Sun across the sky with a chariot of fiery horses. So when the time came for Phaethon (the son Helios fathered with a mortal woman) to attempt his father's work, disaster followed. Phaethon could not control the chariot, came too close to Earth, and severely burned it.

In other words, his efforts to 'play God' with the awesome power wielded by Helios ended up devastating the Earth. Sounds familiar.

So there you have it,  Cloverfield fans: every Abrams Easter Egg, series connection, inside joke, and celebrity cameo we could spot in  The Cloverfield Paradox . There are sure to be more, so let us know of ones YOU spotted in the comments.

RELATED:  How  Cloverfield Paradox  Connects The Movie Trilogy

  • Very Rare items
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  • Agents of Yesterday
  • Kelvin Timeline

Kelvin Timeline Tribble

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Energy credit icon

Kelvin Timeline Tribble is a Tribble , a cute, round furry creature that purrs when touched, having a tranquilizing effect on most races.

This Tribble consumed a strange beverage recovered from an alternate reality. This Tribble is Polygeminus grex kelvin .

  • 1 Kelvin Timeline Tribble

Kelvin Timeline Tribble [ | ]

Petting this sub-species of tribble will have the effect of slightly stimulating the body's natural production of adrenaline, improving one's damage capabilities, as well as improving the body's natural ability to resist all types of damage.

Stats [ | ]

Can only be activated out of combat.

  • Targets Self
  • 1.25 sec activate
  • 6 sec recharge
  • Removes all previous Tribble Buffs
  • +2% All Damage for 3,600 sec
  • +2 All Damage Resistance Rating for 3,600 sec

Breeding [ | ]

This tribble can be obtained by feeding any tribble a [ Slusho Mix ] or purchased on the Exchange .

  • Although this is not stated anywhere here nor on the Tribble itself, this Tribble cannot be used by Klingons .

Gallery [ | ]

A lensflare when petting the tribble.

A lensflare when petting the tribble.

  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 List of Sectors and Systems


  1. Star Trek Enterprise Gallery Originals-Amys Slusho Ship =)…

    star trek slusho

  2. Star Trek Enterprise Gallery Originals-Amys Slusho Ship =)

    star trek slusho

  3. Check This Out: J.J. Abrams' Slusho Enterprise Revealed!

    star trek slusho

  4. Slusho! appearance in Star Trek movie

    star trek slusho

  5. From Cloverfield to Fringe, JJ Abrams Created a Multiverse With Slusho

    star trek slusho

  6. Slusho Mix

    star trek slusho


  1. ШЛЮЗ


  3. ЛУЧШАЯ ПОДГОТОВКА • Возвышение 12 Забег Безмолвной • Slay the Spire • 116

  4. Slusho! appearance in Star Trek movie

  5. Восхождение [Slay The Spire]

  6. НЕ КРИЧИ, ОНА УСЛЫШИТ ▷ Shhh! ▷ Прохождение на русском


  1. Slusho

    Slusho was a beverage available on Earth in the 23rd century. In 2255, Starfleet cadet Nyota Uhura ordered the Slusho mix, along with a number of other drinks, at the Shipyard Bar in Iowa, shortly before meeting James Kirk. (Star Trek) In 2259, Slusho was displayed at the Port of San Francisco bar along with Budweiser. (Star Trek Into Darkness) Slusho was a reference to J.J. Abrams' previous ...

  2. Star Trek 2009 Continued A Big J.J. Abrams Easter Egg Tradition

    J.J. Abrams's most notable Easter egg tradition occurs during a crucial early scene in the 2009 Star Trek movie. When a drunk James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) meets Starfleet cadet Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) at a bar in Iowa, he recommends that she order a Slusho! Their conversation quickly turns sour when Kirk tries to flirt with her, then four other ...

  3. See R2-D2, Slusho, The Tribble, Friends & Family and more Easter Eggs

    Slusho in the bar. Tagruato Corporation in the San Francisco skyline. ... And the Star Trek movie is chock full of little cameos from friends and family of the current (and past) of Star Trek.

  4. From Cloverfield to Fringe, JJ Abrams Created a Multiverse With Slusho

    J.J. Abrams is known for connecting his projects with small Easter eggs, tributes and references. From Lost to Cloverfield and Star Trek to Fringe, there was an element that connected all of them in a most peculiar way: the Slusho drink.While its use eventually quieted down in recent years, Slusho appeared in a limited number of projects, which left other traces of an otherwise silly ...

  5. A Primer to 'Star Trek' Food and Drink

    Romulan Ale. Any Trek fan worth his or her salt (included in Starfleet emergency rations, by the way) knows that Romulan ale is one of the most widely referenced food-and-beverage items in the franchise. It's an ultrapotent blue drink that reportedly results in instant drunkeness.

  6. One Trek Mind #8: Drink For Thought

    The canonical works of Star Trek know all about the pros and cons of inebriation. (Don't believe me? Ask Data and Tasha Yar.) With this in mind, we'd like to close out the year with our 10 favorite drinks in the galaxy. ... 8 - Slusho Mix. Let's ride a red matter-induced black hole to a different reality. It's a place where the Enterprise is ...

  7. Slusho!

    This page is about Slusho, a company and drink. For information on the website, go to Slusho! is a soft drink company in Japan, owned by Tagruato, that hired Rob Hawkins. The Slusho! drinks are classic Slush beverages with the special ingredient of Seabed's Nectar, giving it a highly addictive quality. It is claimed by the company that the addition of the Seabed's Nectar also makes ...

  8. 'Super 8' Easter Eggs

    Slusho even appeared in Star Trek in the bar sequence on Earth. Notice the photo on the menu. "Slusho mix" is even mentioned in dialogue.

  9. Slusho! appears in new Star Trek movie

    Here is the scene from the upcoming Star Trek movie that shows the appearance of J.J. Abrams' favorite frozen beverage - Slusho! Star Trek opens nationwide March 7th. BTW, if you haven't been following the Star Trek ARG discovered a few weeks ago, you should check it out.It already looks bigger than the Cloverfield ARG, incorporating real world clues (including a real alien crash site ...

  10. Cloverfield's Slusho Appears On Heroes

    The connections to NBC's Heroes and Star Trek (past and present) ... And here is a behind the scenes pic of Star Trek's George Takei enjoying a Slusho. More pics at Cloverfield Clues.

  11. Check This Out: J.J. Abrams' Slusho Enterprise Revealed!

    This is the 11th movie in the Star Trek universe, following most recently Star Trek: Nemesis in 2002. The original "Star Trek" TV series first aired in 1966. Paramount will debut Star Trek in ...

  12. Slusho! appearance in Star Trek movie

    Cloverfield's Slusho! appearance in the new Star Trek movie

  13. Mission: Terminal Expanse

    A Slusho Mix can be obtained from the replicator on the bridge of the U.S.S. Yorktown. The replicator can only be interacted with after receiving the prompt to beam to the Delphic Sphere. The player must choose not to beam out by closing the dialog prompt. ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site

  14. Has there ever been a Star Wars / Star Trek crossover?

    Alias introduced a drink called Slusho! A Slusho! beverage was seen on Star Trek (2009), which was directed by J.J. Abrams. That is the most concrete series of links I can come up with for you. J.J. Abrams was involved heavily in Lost, Alias, and Star Trek (2009). Lost, Alias, and Once Upon a Time and its spin-off were on ABC around the same time.

  15. Cloverfield: 5 Crazy Fan Theories (& 5 That Actually Make Sense)

    Tagruato, the conglomerate that owns Slusho, doesn't only exist in Cloverfield, but it also exists in the Star Trek universe, too. However, this well-researched theory can be chalked up to just being another Easter egg, as Abrams produced both Cloverfield and the Star Trek reboot.

  16. Slusho Mix

    Game Description. A commonly consumed frozen beverage on Earth. It is especially popular with Starfleet cadets. Obtaining. Slusho Mix can be obtained from the replicator on the bridge of the U.S.S. Yorktown during the mission "Terminal Expanse".The replicator can only be interacted with after receiving the prompt to beam to the sphere, where the player must choose not to beam out or close ...

  17. Slusho Mix/Info

    Slusho Mix/Info < Slusho Mix. Edit VisualEditor View history Talk (0) Slusho Mix. Rare Ground Device. Consumed On Use. Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers +72% Hit Points over 3.5 sec. Value: 20 . Categories ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  18. Cloverfield

    Cloverfield is a 2008 American found footage monster film directed by Matt Reeves, produced by J. J. Abrams, and written by Drew Goddard.It stars Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, T.J. Miller (in his film debut), Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, and Odette Yustman.The plot follows six young New York City residents fleeing from a massive monster and various other smaller creatures that attack the ...

  19. Cloverfield's Old Viral Marketing Machine Is Up and Running ...

    In the Clover-universe (sigh), Tagruato is also the maker of the fictional Slusho, a drink made from "seabed's nectar." While Tagruato also appeared in Abrams' Star Trek , Slusho goes all ...

  20. Cloverfield Paradox: Every Easter Egg & Movie Connection

    The collaboration between director J. J. Abrams and actor Simon Pegg goes back to Mission: Impossible III, but once it started, there was no stopping.Aside from casting Pegg as 'Scotty' in his rebooted Star Trek films, Abrams also turned to the actor for a key cameo role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.In that film, he was unrecognizable beneath a massive practical suit - and for Simon Pegg's ...

  21. Cloverfield's Viral Slusho! Website Resurrected

    Website Resurrected. By Patrick Cavanaugh - May 3, 2023 01:22 pm EDT. 1. With a new installment in the Cloverfield franchise on the way, fans have noticed that a viral tie-in website that supports ...

  22. Kelvin Timeline Tribble

    Kelvin Timeline Tribble is a Tribble, a cute, round furry creature that purrs when touched, having a tranquilizing effect on most races. This Tribble consumed a strange beverage recovered from an alternate reality. This Tribble is Polygeminus grex kelvin. Petting this sub-species of tribble will have the effect of slightly stimulating the body's natural production of adrenaline, improving one ...