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Bali Rundreisen

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Unsere Top-Angebote in Bali

Bali intensiv (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 415 .-

Bali intensiv (Gruppenreise)

Indonesien / Bali / Denpasar

  • 3 Nächte, z.B. ab 16.06.2024
  • Bali Intensiv, group tour, Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Bali intensiv (Privatreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 497 .-

Bali intensiv (Privatreise)

  • 3 Nächte, z.B. ab 13.06.2024
  • Privat, Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Bali einmal anders (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 502 .-

Bali einmal anders (Gruppenreise)

  • 2 Nächte, z.B. ab 20.12.2024
  • Gruppe - Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Bali open air (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 537 .-

Bali open air (Gruppenreise)

  • 2 Nächte, z.B. ab 24.12.2024

Bali einmal anders (Privatreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 544 .-

Bali einmal anders (Privatreise)

  • 2 Nächte, z.B. ab 23.06.2024
  • Privat- Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Bali open air (Privatreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 605 .-

Bali open air (Privatreise)

  • 2 Nächte, z.B. ab 03.11.2024
  • Privat - Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Abenteuer im VW-Kübelwagen (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 658 .-

Abenteuer im VW-Kübelwagen (Gruppenreise)

  • 3 Nächte, z.B. ab 20.12.2024

Natur Deluxe Denpasar

p.P. ab € 659 .-

Natur Deluxe

  • 3 Nächte, z.B. ab 22.06.2024
  • Gruppe, Superior, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Bali komplett (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 715 .-

Bali komplett (Gruppenreise)

  • 4 Nächte, z.B. ab 18.06.2024
  • Bali Komplett - Gruppe Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Abenteuer im VW-Kübelwagen (Privatreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 747 .-

Abenteuer im VW-Kübelwagen (Privatreise)

Bali komplett (Privatreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 753 .-

Bali komplett (Privatreise)

  • 4 Nächte, z.B. ab 19.06.2024
  • Privat Standard, Verpflegung lt. Ausschreibung

Abenteuer Westbali & Ostjava (Gruppenreise) Denpasar

p.P. ab € 755 .-

Abenteuer Westbali & Ostjava (Gruppenreise)

  • 3 Nächte, z.B. ab 16.12.2024

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Bali Tours & Vacations

Tourists with their guide at a temple in Bali

There are 17,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago, but none shine brighter than Bali. 

See the green slopes of Mt Batur to the Bintang bodegas on Seminyak’s main party strip. Bali is a volcano-dotted, beach-fringed paradise that’s serene and sensational by turns. Beyond the mega-resorts and yoga studios, you'll find the essence of Bali, the temples, out-of-the-way mountain towns, local markets and lazy fishing villages. Our Bali tours have something for everyone. Dive the impossibly blue waters off Lovina. Be welcomed into a Balinese family home. Soak in the Banja hot springs or sip smoothies in Ubud’s cafes . As always, when it comes to paradise, the hardest bit is choosing what to do first. 

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Bali at a glance

Capital city.

Denpasar (population 789,000)

4.2 million

(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta



Type C (European 2-pin) Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth) Type G (Irish/British 3-pin)

Learn more about Bali

Local culture.

Between the 12th and 20th centuries, Bali has often been treated as a pawn in the games of kings, rajahs and generals. More often than not, its fate has been closely tied to neighboring Lombok with fierce battles between the two islands over the centuries as different rulers vied for regional dominance. This history of varied occupation can be seen in Bali today, with elements of Hinduism and Islam present in modern Balinese society. However, there is no historical animosity between the religions, or even between the islands of Lombok and Bali.

One of the defining moments in Bali’s history took place in the 16th century when the collapse of the Majapahit dynasty encouraged the spread of Islam from the surrounding states into the Javanese kingdom. Rather than live under Islamic rule, many Hindu elites chose to escape to Bali. These elites included many artists, dancers, musicians, actors and court-supported artisans, as well as some more artistically inclined priests. The result was an intense proliferation of cultural arts across Bali, no doubt inspired by rich Balinese folklore featuring epic battles of good and evil, gods and mortals. This reputation persists today, with many travelers falling in love with the island’s intricate temple carvings, dance performances, colorful sarongs and handicrafts.

When you combine a love of arts with world-class beaches and deliciously fiery sambals, it’s no surprise Bali’s tourism industry is soaring. It’s not unusual for someone to ask you whether this is your second, third or fourth visit to the island. Many locals rely on tourism to some extent, either by working as tour operators or running hotels, yoga studios, massage parlors, bars, cafes or restaurants.

The destination’s popularity with  Australians  means there’s a gradual cultural creep in larger cities like Seminyak, where Melbourne-style cafes and international clothing labels are particularly popular. If you escape the resorts and head further north from Denpasar, you’re more likely to encounter traditional warungs (eateries) and villages untouched by tourism sprawl.

One last word of advice: always watch where you put your feet. Locals will traditionally place small offerings on the footpaths outside their homes or businesses up to three times a day. 83.5% of the population identifies as Hindu and religion plays a large part in Balinese life. In fact, there is a small religious ceremony associated with just about every aspect of Balinese culture, whether it’s the beginning of a soccer game, celebrating the full moon or cleaning the house.

Food and drink

At first glance it might seem difficult to pinpoint Bali’s exact culinary identity. The mishmash of Indonesian and pan-Asian influences means you’re likely to come across menus that sometimes feel part Thai, Malaysian, Indian and Vietnamese. But no matter what you order, the food will always be fresh and bursting with flavor. Dishes are typically made fresh each day, with curries and pastes prepared by hand using traditional methods.

The most authentic food in Bali is usually found streetside at eateries called warungs. Warungs are common in every village and city, and a good place for a quick feed on a budget. Many will specialize in a small menu of popular local dishes.

Top foods to try in Bali

Babi guling:  This is slow cooking Balinese-style. A whole pig is stuffed with chilli, turmeric, ginger, galangal, shallots, garlic, coriander seeds and aromatic leaves and rotated over an open fire. This dish is commonly seen at celebrations.

Satay:  Sometimes spelt ‘sate’ on local menus, Indonesia is famous for its tasty meat skewers (usually chicken) cooked over hot coals and slathered in moreish peanut sauce.

Nasi campur:  Nasi campur feels like a bit of a buffet. Your plate typically comes with a scoop of nasi putih accompanied by small portions of a number of other dishes, including meats, vegetables, peanuts, eggs, and fried-shrimp krupuk.

Nasi goreng:  The old favorite among tertiary students is nothing like the local version. Nasi goreng, literally meaning "fried rice”, is a popular rice dish with pieces of meat and vegetables, and a fried egg added on top.

Sambal:  A fiery paste made using a chili base smashed with secondary ingredients like shrimp paste, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, shallot, scallion, palm sugar, lime juice, and rice vinegar.

Learn more about some of the dishes to try in Bali

Eating vegetarian in Bali

Going vegetarian is relatively easy in Bali as many dishes are already meat-free. Tofu and tempeh are also a standard part of the local diet. Key vegetarian dishes to look out for include nasi saur (rice flavored with toasted coconut and accompanied by tofu, tempeh, vegetables and sometimes egg), urap (steamed vegetables mixed with grated coconut and spices), gado gado (tofu and tempeh mixed with steamed vegetables, boiled egg and peanut sauce) and sayur hijau (leafy green vegetables, usually kangkung – water spinach – flavored with a tomato-chilli sauce).

The abundance of fresh fruits in Bali means you can buy fresh coconuts and juices (or fruity cocktails) almost anywhere you go. If you're looking for something with a bit more punch then you could order a Bintang, the national larger or maybe arak – a local liquor made from fermented rice and coconut palm flowers.

Learn more about local drinks to try in Bali

Festivals and events

Many festivals in the Balinese calendar revolve around religious and spiritual occasions marked by periods of prayer or silence, and followed by lots of festivities and feasting. Some festivals might be inconvenient for travelers, such as the Day of Silence, but they’re also a great opportunity to gain an insight into local life that many don’t get to see.

Multiple surf contests are held throughout the year at different times and in different places. Check with local surfing schools for up to date information.

Top festivals in Bali

Nyepi (Day of Silence):  Bali’s major Hindu festival, Nyepi, or the Day of Silence, celebrates the beginning of a new year and is marked by inactivity. Legends say that this is a strategy to convince evil spirits that Bali is uninhabited and therefore not worthy of visiting! Jokes on them. The day involves prayer, meditation and quiet reflection.

Bali Arts Festival:  For an island with a strong history of cultural arts, it’s no surprise the Bali Arts Festival has pride of place in the annual calendar. Based at the Taman Wedhi Budaya arts center in Denpasar, travelers can see village-based dance groups competing for local pride across several traditional dance categories. The date changes each year but is typically held between mid-June to mid-July.

Bali Kite Festival:  From July to October, the skies of southern Bali fill with huge, colorful monsters, critters and imaginative creations. Scores of kites are launched by the locals as part of this special spiritual event. It is believed the kites urge the gods to provide abundant harvests.

Indonesian Independence Day:  Held on 17 August each year, this day celebrates Indonesia's independence from the Dutch in 1945. Expect to see legions of marching school children, flags, kites and fireworks. Don’t expect to get anywhere quickly either on the day or the days leading up to it.

Galungan and Kuningan:  Galungan celebrates the death of a legendary tyrant called Mayadenawa. The celebrations come to a head with the Kuningan festival, which is when the Balinese say thanks and goodbye to the gods. The exact dates of these two festivals vary as they are planned using the 210-day wuku (or Pawukon) calendar.

Learn more about Bali's festivals

Geography and environment

Bali is undoubtedly Indonesia’s most popular province thanks to its abundance of beautiful beaches, leafy jungles and impressive mountains. Located just east of Java and west of Lombok, the Bali province includes not only the island of Bali but also a few of the smaller neighboring islands, such as Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan.

Bali's highest mountain is Mt Agung (3,031 m, 9,944 ft), which is also known as the "Mother Mountain”. One of the other popular volcanoes on the island is Mt Batur. Both of these volcanoes have contributed to Bali’s incredibly fertile soil, which has allowed the rice crop trade to flourish.

Bali is located just 8 degrees south of the equator, which means it enjoys a fairly even climate year-round. The average year-round temperature hovers around 86°F, with a humidity level of about 85%. It's also surrounded by coral reefs and is part of the Coral Triangle, an area with the highest biodiversity of marine species. Over 500 reef-building coral species can be found here, which is seven times the entire Caribbean.

Bali’s problems with environmental pollution are well-documented, and it’s fair to say that the nearly 5.7 million tourists who visit annually are contributing their fair share. In late 2017, Indonesian officials declared a “garbage emergency” after a tide of plastic washed up a 5.8 kilometer (3.6 mile) stretch of coastline. We encourage all travelers to carry a reusable plastic bottle with them, a reusable tote bag for carrying items and to try and minimize their use of plastics wherever possible.

While you’ll find many of the main tourism hubs, like Seminyak and Kuta, filled with international fashion labels, there are also many local boutiques offering a wide variety of hand-made goods. These include traditional wood carvings (and even some famously phallic bottle openers), silver jewelry, colorful sarongs, eco-friendly bags, bamboo satchels, recycled furniture and a near limitless range of body oils and fragrances. Of course, if you’re looking for a traditional ‘I Heart Bali’ t-shirt or Bintang singlet, these are never in short supply either.

Like many parts of South East Asia, bargaining is a big part of the local shopping experience. Getting a good price comes down to how well you can haggle, but it’s important to have fun, bargain in good faith, and remember to smile. You’ll usually find better prices, and more negotiable shop owners, away from the main tourist strips.

Health & safety

Intrepid Travel treats the health and safety of its travelers seriously and takes every measure to ensure that trips are safe, fun and enjoyable for everyone. We recommend that all travelers check with their government or national travel advisory organization for the latest information before departure:

From Australia? Go to:  SmartTraveller

From Canada? Go to:  Travel.GC.CA

From the UK? Go to:  GOV.UK

From New Zealand? Go to:  SafeTravel.GOVT.NZ

From the USA? Go to:  Travel.State.GOV

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information. Go to:  WHO.INT

Further reading

Bali travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

When is the best time to visit Bali?

Sitting a snug 8 degrees from the equator, Bali’s climate is classic tropics. There’s a dry season and a rainy season, and not a whole lot in between.

The best time for a Bali tour (weather-wise) is the July to August peak season, or from December to the first week of January.

Although if you’d like to avoid the crowds (and why wouldn’t you) shoulder months like April, May, June and September make an excellent alternative.

The weather is dry and slightly less humid, and the island in general is a lot more relaxed.

October isn’t too bad either, especially if you’re into water sports like scuba diving, surfing or snorkeling (the rainfall is much lighter than in November).

Do you need a visa for a Bali tour?

The short answer is maybe – depending on your nationality. Passport holders from over 60 countries (including the   UK ,   Australia   and the   United States ) can enter Indonesia with a free tourist visa on arrival which allows you to stay for 30 days for tourism purposes. An immigration officer will date stamp your passport when you arrive and you will not be able to extend your stay. If you overstay there are hefty fines of IDR 1,000,000 (approximately 70 USD) per day.

If there's a chance you might want to stay longer than 30 days, you'll need to pay for a visa on arrival or apply for one prior to traveling at an overseas Indonesian consulate or embassy.

To enter Bali, you’ll need to meet the following requirements:

  • proof of onward or return ticket
  • proof of funds to pay for your expenses during your trip
  • completed immigration card (this will usually be given to you on the plane or at the arrival terminal)

Local laws require that you must be able to show your valid passport at any time when required to do so by an immigration office. We recommend taking a clear photocopy of your passport photo page, and visa (after arriving), to carry with you.

This page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 27 June 2023 

Should I tip on a Bali tour?

Tipping isn’t compulsory in Bali, or anywhere else in Indonesia. But, like most countries, it’s very much appreciated.

Remember that many Balinese rely on tourism as a main source of income, and a tip is always appreciated.

What is the internet access like in Bali?

In tourist centers like Kuta, Seminyak, Denpasar, and Lovina internet access should be fine, and there will be plenty of internet cafes (or cafes with free internet) to choose from if your Wi-Fi isn’t up to scratch.

In more rural areas, there could be little or no coverage, particularly during homestays. Just remember to plan ahead. 

What are the toilets like in Bali?

Restaurants and hotels in developed tourist centers will have Western-style flush toilets.

In more rural areas the traditional squat toilet will be more common.

We recommend packing a bottle of hand sanitizer if you plan to visit rural parts of Bali.

Can I drink the water on a Bali tour?

Drinking water from taps isn’t recommended in Indonesia, but for environmental reasons try to avoid buying bottled water every day. There are a number of filtered canteens you can purchase or bring a supply of water filtration tablets that you can drop into your bottle wherever you go.

If you’re traveling on an Intrepid Travel trip, we always carry with us a large drum of water in our truck to refill your bottles on the road. Our hotel operators will also provide water free of charge to refill your bottles.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Bali?

Major credit cards are widely accepted by large shops, hotels and restaurants in Bali.

T hey may not be accepted by smaller vendors such as small family restaurants, market stalls or in remote towns and rural areas.

Make sure you carry enough cash for purchases since credit cards aren't always an option everywhere in Bali.

What is ATM access like in Indonesia?

ATMs are found widely throughout Bali, so withdrawing cash shouldn't be problematic in most areas. Some smaller villages and rural areas may not have ATM access, so be prepared for this before venturing too far from a city or major town.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Are Intrepid trips accessible for travellers with disabilities?

We are committed to making travel widely  accessible , regardless of ability or disability. We do our best to help you see the world, regardless of physical or mental limitations. 

We are always happy to talk to travellers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Is Bali safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Homosexuality is legal in most of Indonesia, however, revisions to Indonesia’s criminal code are currently being considered that would criminalize gay sex and same-sex relationships. Advocacy groups fear this would represent a profound setback to human rights in Indonesia as a result. The LGBTQIA+ community has also been known to be targeted and harassed by police.

Bali, with its Hindu majority, has always been more liberal, tolerant and relaxed in attitude, however, public displays of affection are still not the norm for any couples anywhere in the country. Upscale hotels will likely not have any issues with same-sex travelers sharing a bed, however, if you are staying in budget or family-run businesses and are allocated separate beds, you might feel more comfortable not drawing attention to your relationship. 

Because sex, in general, is a taboo subject in Indonesian society, the issue of sexuality is unlikely to arise while traveling here. Indonesia is generally safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers, provided you are willing to be discreet and cautious with public behavior.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel. 

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5 Bali Itineraries for 7 Days with Costs (First-timers’ Guide 2024)

Is 7 days enough for visiting Bali? 7 days is an ideal time to explore the best of Bali. Usually, you could spend 3 nights in Ubud for cultural experiences, rural life and adventurous activities. Following that, choose one from the stunning beaches for the next 3 nights, like Seminyak, Uluwatu, or Nusa Dua. You could enhance your beach stay with a day trip to nearby islands as well, either Nusa Penida or Nusa Lembongan.

If you're more into diverse island experiences, allocate 2 nights in Ubud, 2 nights on the beaches of Bali and 2 nights in other islands.

Explore more options in the following itineraries, tailor-made for various interests. They are also customizable to your ideal tour length and interests.

  • Itinerary #1: A Classic 7-Day Bali Itinerary
  • Itinerary #2: 7 Days in Bali (for Family)
  • Itinerary #3: 7-Day Ubud and Uluwatu Tour for Couples
  • Itinerary #4: Balinese Culture Immersion in 7 Days
  • Itinerary #5: 7-Day Island Hopping Tour to Bali and Gili Islands
  • Costs for a 7-Day Trip to Bali

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Itinerary 1: A Classic 7-Day Bali Itinerary (The Most Chosen)

Discover Bali's essence on your first visit through Ubud's cultural gems and Seminyak's coastal charm . This week-long journey invites a leisurely exploration—Balinese temples, authentic eats, and thrilling white-water rafting in Ubud, followed by idyllic beach moments in Seminyak.

You can check the itinerary below: 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Seminyak.

  • Days 1-3: Ubud

Ubud is a popular starting point for your Bali trip. Upon arrival on Day 1, enjoy your free time.

On Day 2, embark on a temple tour, immersing yourself in the sacred pools of Mengening Temple . Indulge your taste buds with the authentic flavors of roasted suckling pig , accompanied by rice and traditional side dishes.

Day 3 brings thrills with a water rafting adventure , followed by a riverside high tea experience . Treat yourself to a foot bath and a rejuvenating full-body massage .

  • Day 4: Ubud to Seminyak by a private transfer

On Day 4, continue your trip to Seminyak after a history tour via a vintage Volkswagen car in Ubud. Discover the Puri Agung (a royal palace), Tirta Gangga Royal Water Palace, and Taman Ujung Water Palace alongside scenic rice paddies and lush forests.

  • Days 5-7: Seminyak

Day 5 unveils the highlights with a delightful cooking class and a lively market tour . Cycle to a traditional market in Tabanan Regency, buy some fresh ingredients, and have a Balinese breakfast before your cooking class in Canggu. Roll your sleeves, team up with your chef, create your Balinese dishes, and taste them together!

You would have a relaxing day on Day 6. Indulge in a private infinite pool or unwind on the beach on a laid-back morning. In the afternoon, you would embark on a 2-hour private sunset cruise from Jimbaran Bay to Uluwatu . Capture spectacular sunsets, visit the clifftop Uluwatu Temple, and place a floating canang sari into the sea to symbolize your best wishes.

Bid farewell to Bali on Day 7 as you depart for your next destination.

Itinerary 2: 7 Days in Bali (for Family)

Bali, with perfect weather from April to October, offers a great beach escape for families with school children during their spring breaks and summer holidays.

This itinerary encourages interactive family experiences through hands-on experiences, like plate-crafting and chocolate-making . Outdoor activities are thoughtfully arranged to release your kids' energy and keep them interested, like a short biking tour . We would also arrange family-friendly hotels for your family to stay together, like a jungle villa in Ubud.

To avoid frequent hotel changes, you would stay 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Nusa Dua.

  • Day 1: Landing in Bali and check in Ubud
  • Day 2: A Ubud temple tour with Ubud Monkey Forest, Taman Ayun Temple and Tanah Lot Sunset
  • Day 3: Exploration of local life in Ubud: two-hour cycling adventure, organic farm visit, crafting plates, and a feast with a Balinese family
  • Day 4: Ubud to Nusa Dua: chocolate-making class in Ubud.
  • Day 5: An island-hopping tour to Nusa Lembongan with water activities
  • Day 6: A water park tour to Waterbom Bali
  • Day 7: Farewell to Bali

During your family visit to Ubud, you would have a temple tour in a lively way. You can see the playful monkeys in the Ubud Monkey Forest , marvel at the temple complex of Taman Ayun Temple , and capture an iconic picture of the unrivaled sunset over offshore Tanah Lot .

To unveil the rural beauty, take a cycling tour along the countryside roads, pick the vegetables or fruits and enjoy a feast in a local family .

For your beach time, you're suggested to stay at Nusa Dua for abundant friendly-friendly hotels and calm seas perfect for water activities. You would also hop on a cruise to the less-crowded Nusa Lembongan , where you could dive to see the colorful reefs and fishes. For energetic teenagers, get excited in the largest water park featuring fun slides and watery amusements.

Tell us your kids' interests and you'll get a personalized itinerary within 24 hours.

Itinerary 3: 7-Day Ubud and Uluwatu Tour for Couples

This personalized itinerary is crafted exclusively for couples seeking a romantic escape in Bali.

You and your partner can enjoy once-in-a-lifetime moments, like a sunrise hike in the volcanic Mountain Batur, soak up relaxing intimate hours at adult-only hotels and uncover hidden gems to Nusa Penida.

You will stay 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Uluwatu. More details are listed below:

  • Day 1: Fly to Bali, and transfer to Ubud.
  • Day 2: A half-day city art tour to the Museum of Modern Balinese Arts and Ubud Market, and an afternoon visit to Bali Swings
  • Day 3: A Mount Batur Sunrise Trek and Toya Bungkah Tour
  • Day 4: Morning Yoga experience in a jungle retreat, and then transfer from Ubud to Uluwatu.
  • Day 5: An island hopping tour to Nusa Penida with water sports activities
  • Day 6: Free time in Uluwatu
  • Day 7: Depart from Bali for your next destination

Begin your trip in the culture hub, Ubud, you would appreciate masterpieces in the Museum of Modern Balinese Arts and folk art crafts in the Ubud Market . Swaying over the jungle rice terraces together also adds thrilling and romantic touches.

More impressively, hike to capture the sunrise at Mount Batur and then refresh in the hot springs with a view of Batur Lake. (Insider tip: For a later start, we can suggest alternative romantic experiences, as the sunrise hike requires an early departure around 3 am for the one-hour drive to Kintamani.)

Then transfer to Uluwatu after a yoga experience in a jungle retreat . As a popular wedding spot, Uluwatu embraces luxury resorts and clifftop sea views in a serene atmosphere. A delightful island-hopping trip to the pristine Nusa Penida rewards you with less-disturbed scenery to enhance your romantic getaway.

Contact us to tailor-make your surprises for your loved one!

Itinerary 4: Balinese Culture Immersion in 7 Days

This itinerary features historical temples, traditional rituals, and relaxing beach time. If you're a history buff, don't miss it. Beyond the iconic highlights, you would have more chances to experience the rich culture in Bali from mouth-watering food to impressive shows.

You can check the following itinerary for your inspiration: 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Nusa Dua.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Bali and transfer to Ubud
  • Day 2: Witness local farming activities in the Subak Guliang, explore the Hindu Besakih temple and marvel at Klungkung Palace.
  • Day 3: A day tour with white water rafting in Ayung River and a street food tour in Ubud.
  • Day 4: Ubud to Nusa Dua: visit Ubud Monkey Forest, Taman Ayun Temple and Tanah Lot Sunset en route.
  • Day 5: Free day for beach time
  • Day 6: Enjoy the sunset over Uluwatu Temple and a traditional Kecak dance

To immerse yourself in Bali's religious culture , you would explore various temples: the holiest Besakih Temple, royal Taman Ayun Temple, offshore Tanah Lot Temple and clifftop Uluwatu Temple.

Besides, you would discover its agriculture on a local rice field, learn to prepare a Balinese breakfast with a local family and take a street food walk in Ubud. Top off your trip with a traditional Kecak dance performance before sunset in Uluwatu.

Itinerary 5: 7-Day Island Hopping Tour to Bali and Gili Islands

This itinerary is specially customized for island lovers, offering both classic experiences in Bali and exploring the hidden gems of remote Gili Island.

Here is the brief itinerary: 2 nights in Ubud, 2 nights in Sanur, and 2 nights in Gili Air.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Bali, transfer to Ubud, and have some free time in Ubud (spa or market visit)
  • Day 2: Ubud Volkswagen safari tour to Gunung Kawi Sebatu, Tegalalang Rice Terrace, and the village of Tohpati
  • Day 3: Transfer to Jimbaran Bay for a sunset cruise with dinner on Jimbaran Bay, and check in Sanur.
  • Day 4: Take a ferry to the Gili Air and discover the island by bike
  • Day 5: Snorkeling trip around the Gili Islands
  • Day 6: Unwind in the free morning and take an afternoon ferry to Bali
  • Day 7: Leave from Bali and fly to your next destination.

You would have a glimpse of Ubud by a day Volkswagen safari to its temple, rice terrace, and local villages.

You would head over to car-free Gili Air, followed by an immersive sunset cruise on Jimbaran Bay. Gili Air is the best chill-out island, while if you're looking for bustling nightlife, go to the party island—Gili Trawangan.

You could basket on the postcard-perfect beaches, cycle around the coastline, and go on a snorkeling trip to spot sea turtles and vibrant marine life.

Then return to Bali and fly to your next destination!

7 days is a little bit rushed to explore both Bali and Gili Islands. For a more comfortable beach vacation, check our 10-day itineraries .

How Much Is a 7-Day Bali Trip?

Bali caters to various budgets, ranging from economical to luxury. If you're looking for worry-free travel with your partner or family, you can expect to pay a daily cost from 250 per person on a private basis, offering 30–50% off for kids under 10. For further pricing details, you can see our 7-Day Private Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion (from US$1699 per person).

Specializing in customized private tours, traveling with us is also helpful to optimize your costs. You'd have the best-rated personalized travel experience with worry-free private transfers, character-filled boutique hotels, and smiling private drivers and guides.

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  • 7-Day Private Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion
  • 10-Day Family Fun Trip to Bali
  • 12-Day Thailand, Singapore, and Bali Tour
  • 20-Day Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Bali Tour
  • How to Plan a Trip to Bali
  • How to Plan a 1–2-Week Itinerary to Bali
  • How to Plan a Trip to Singapore and Bali 2024/2025
  • How to Plan a Trip to Thailand, Singapore and Bali 2024
  • Bali Weather in January: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather February: Best Places to Visit
  • Bali Weather in March: Best Places to Visit and Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in April 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
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  • Bali Weather in July 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in August 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in September 2024: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather in October 2024
  • Bali Weather in November 2024: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather in December 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips

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12 things to know before going to Bali, Indonesia

Jan 18, 2024 • 8 min read

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These top tips for visiting Bali can help you plan the perfect trip © Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

The Indonesian island of Bali is a sun-soaked paradise that attracts every type of traveler, from budget-conscious backpackers to luxury jet-setters.

But – as with any destination – the vast majority of travelers (especially first-timers) will have a number of questions, whether it's "Can unmarried couples stay together in Bali?" (an increasingly common one in the light of recently-introduced new rules for tourists in Bali, which we'll get to later) or "What should I wear?"

Thankfully, Bali is one of the easiest destinations to explore, although its size – the island covers 5776 sq km (2230 sq miles) – means travelers should take the time to think about what they want to see and do relatively early on. For example, places such as Seminyak , with its beach clubs and five-star hotels, tend to become somewhat crowded during peak season, while more rural destinations, such as Ubud , might well require a longer taxi journey  but are absolutely worth the effort, especially for those keen to avoid the crowds.

It's also worth bearing in mind that Bali is one of Asia's safest destinations. As with any holiday hot spot, there are always going to be certain things we can do to ensure we stay safe while traveling, but crackdowns on petty theft and bad behavior have all helped transform the island into a wonderfully family-friendly destination .

Here are our top tips for anyone heading to Bali.

A farmer in a terraced field

1. Check your vaccinations are up-to-date before traveling to Indonesia

There are no mandatory vaccinations for visitors to Bali (barring the need for travelers arriving from countries with a high yellow fever transmission risk to carry a yellow fever vaccination certificate), although Hepatitis A, typhoid and tetanus are often recommended. Bali falls into the "low to no risk" category when it comes to malaria.

Rabies remains a big problem in Indonesia, and although it claims fewer lives in Bali than elsewhere (according to the World Health Organization, 11 people died from rabies in the first half of 2023), it still exists, and the rabies vaccination is worth considering. Working out what vaccinations you need for a holiday to Bali is mostly a personal choice, but if you have concerns, contact your local physician for the latest guidance.

2. Bring a reusable bottle

One of the most asked questions by tourists: "Is Bali's tap water safe to drink?" The short answer is "no." Stick to bottled water or, better still, bring a bottle with a built-in water filtering membrane. Purchasing bottled water – especially in restaurants – can quickly become expensive, which is another reason we're fans of reusable filtered ones, such as Larq and Lifestraw. These are also handy when it comes to purifying water used for cleaning fruits and vegetables. Additionally, try to steer clear of ice and use bottled water to brush your teeth.

Huge dark clouds out at sea contrasting with the light elsewhere. A small row boat is in the foreground on the beach

3. Don't write off the rainy season

Having a rough idea of when dry and rainy seasons fall is undoubtedly something that is useful to know before heading to Indonesia . But bear with us – Bali's rainy season, which takes place between October and April, is a great time to visit. It's typified by short, sharp showers that often only last a few minutes. And in addition to the fact that prices for everything – from regional airfares to hotels – plummet, the island becomes wonderfully lush, the weather is still warm (typically hovering between 24°C/75°F and 29°C/85°F), and the main tourist attractions are blissfully crowd-free. You'll also find it easier to snap up places on excursions, such as snorkeling tours and guided hikes.

4. Buy some bug spray

To be clear, Bali doesn't have a major mosquito problem, but like anywhere in Southeast Asia, these pesky biting bugs love the occasional bloodsucking session – in the case of Bali, particularly during the rainy season between November and April. Lighten the load on your wallet by purchasing your repellent in Bali and opting for bug sprays made in Asia. Popular (and much cheaper) Asian brands you'll find throughout Indonesia include Soffell (snap up the surprisingly pleasant floral-scented version if you can).

5. Avoid traveling during peak times

Traffic in Bali can be horrendous – especially around busier spots such as Denpasar and Kuta – and estimated journey times on apps like Google Maps or Grab are notoriously unreliable. Peak times tend to be 6am to 8am (but roads often remain busy until 10am when day-trippers head out) and 4pm to 7pm. Allow plenty of time to get from A to B, especially when heading to the airport.

A pathway between lily-covered ponds leads to a temple building

6. Pack clothes that will cover you up for when you're not on the beach

In Bali, skimpy swimwear is fine for the beach, but definitely not for trips to a supermarket or restaurant.

Men and women need to ensure their shoulders and upper legs are covered when visiting religious sites, although most of these places will have sarongs for visitors to borrow. Pack like a pro by taking a light cotton scarf that can double as a sarong if you visit a temple or other religious site, and a pair of light cotton trousers (bonus points if they've got a built-in mosquito repellent), which will protect you from bites while also providing enough coverage at sites where tiny denim shorts or a vest just won't cut it.

7. Behave respectfully

Various media reports might give the impression it's easy to get into trouble in Bali, but it's not. In reality, you just need to be sensible: don't do drugs (being caught with under a gram of cannabis will land you in prison), be respectful and dress appropriately at religious sites, don't ride a motorbike or moped without a helmet (Bali's police have recently started cracking down especially hard on foreign moped drivers), and treat locals with respect.

8. Locals will be keen to share their knowledge with you

Staying at a hotel with a concierge or a friendly receptionist? Feel free to grill them about the best local bar, beach or restaurant. The Balinese are incredibly proud of their island  – don't be surprised if the bartender at your favorite beach bar ends up inviting you to their home for dinner with their family – and love nothing more than telling visitors about their favorite beach, nature walk or temple.

A popular Balinese meal of rice with a variety of vegetables in a wooden bowl

9. Eat, drink, stay and shop locally

Don't be afraid to go local, whether this means eating at tiny family-run restaurants or opting for local drink brands. You'll pay less and enjoy delicious local dishes, and you'll be contributing directly to the local economy, too. These days, even the smallest restaurants, bars and independent hotels will be listed on online review sites such as Zomato (especially popular in Asia), and a quick glance should tell you whether the business in question is reputable or not.

10. Carry some loose change

Many businesses in Bali will take payment by card, but there are still plenty of places that only take cash. These include temples, smaller souvenir shops and beachfront masseuses (which, by the way, offer some of the best massages going). ATMs on the island can be unreliable and are also few and far between in some areas. Additionally, don't assume you'll always have the mobile data you'll need to book a ride-share taxi. If you need to hail a tuk-tuk or taxi from the side of the road, it's highly likely you'll need to pay in cash.

When using ATMs, opt for ones connected with major banks (in Indonesia, these include BNI, Bank Mandiri, BCA and CIMB Niaga) to avoid withdrawal fees and remember that Indonesian ATMs issue the cash first, so don't forget to wait for your card to appear.

11. Get around by moped (but always wear a helmet)

Mopeds are the cheapest way to get around Bali  and often – especially during rush hour in places such as Kuta – the quickest, too. They're also offered as a mode of transport by Grab and Gojek (Bali's most popular ride-sharing apps), and prices for journeys via mopeds are significantly cheaper than those made by car. Just remember to check the reviews of your chosen driver and always wear a helmet (the driver will typically provide one). Avoid hailing scooter taxis on the street – you won't be able to check their credentials, and, in reality, Grab and Gojek have so many scooter drivers (both identifiable for their bright green jackets) that there's simply no need.

12. There is a no-sex-before-marriage law

In December 2022, the Indonesian government brought in a new law that forbids sex outside of marriage. Technically, this law applies to visitors as well as locals.

At the time, it was announced that the legislation won't be introduced until late 2025. Since then, Bali's governor has said that the law – dubbed by some newspapers as the "Bali bonk ban"– won't apply to tourists and, additionally, guilty parties can only be reported by spouses, parents or children. In summary, the law represents a worrying development for human rights in Indonesia, but it's not one that is likely to affect tourists.

This article was first published May 30, 2019 and updated Jan 18, 2024.

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Jones Around The World

The Ultimate Bali Itinerary: How To Plan The Perfect Trip To Bali

Planning a trip to Indonesia and looking for the best Bali itinerary? Whether you’re only spending 5 days, one week, 10 days, or two full weeks, I guarantee this Bali trip travel guide will be extremely helpful!

Bali is truly one of my favorite destinations in the world and a place I’ve called home several times. But planning a trip to Bali can be a bit intimidating as there really are so many amazing places to explore!

There’s no need to wonder why Bali has become one of the world’s most visited and popular vacation hotspots. It has jaw-dropping landscapes, lush rice terraces, stunning beaches, serene temples, cute monkeys, scenic waterfalls, wild nightlife, and unforgettable sunsets.

Bali really does have a little something for everybody, and I guarantee that if you follow this Bali travel itinerary, you will fall in love with this island just as much as I have!

While tourism in Bali has exploded in recent years due to the popularity of Instagram, it definitely lives up to the hype because there is a LOT more to this island than what you see on social media. Don’t let the annoying Bali IG couples + IG influencers deter you from planning a trip here because it is a must-visit destination in Southeast Asia!

Tip: Add something unique to your Bali travel plan by choosing to go glamping in Bali  instead of staying at a hotel.

Check out my Instagram page  for more holiday inspiration!

The Ultimate Bali Itinerary

Whether you’re only spending a few days, two weeks, or even an entire month, this Bali Itinerary guide will go into loads of detail about what to expect about visiting this island, the best things to do, what to pack for Bali, when to go, insider travel tips, and loads more.  

So without further ado, let’s get started!

10 Days in Bali Itinerary


Bali is an incredible destination to visit year-round, and if you’ve only got limited time off work, I would say book that ticket no matter what! Being located in Southeast Asia, the weather in Bali is exceptionally tropical, so you can expect hot and humid temperatures pretty much every day, but there are two main seasons – the wet and dry months.

The rainy season in Bali is from October to April, and the dry season is between May – September.

That said, traveling to Bali during the rainy season is NOT an issue. I LIVED in Bali in December & January (known as the wettest months of the year), and I barely even noticed the rain.

Yes, some days were worse than others, but more often than not – every day was beautifully sunny blue skies and perfect beach weather.

Uluwatu - Bali Itinerary Travel Guide

According to, “ The best time to come to Bali is April, May, June and September, just before and just after high season. It’s still the dry season, it’s slightly less humid, and room prices and villa rentals can be 30-50% cheaper than during high season. Many shops offer sales and promotions, restaurants are less crowded in those mid-season months, and in general, Bali is a bit more relaxed. October is not too bad either, still much less rain than November (usually, check the rainfall chart).”

I agree with that statement for sure, but traveling to Bali during Christmas time & New Year’s Eve can be an incredible experience. I spent Christmas Day lounging at a day club and absolutely loved it!  

Travel Itinerary for Bali


Absolutely not! Bali is completely safe to visit, and I’ve honestly never felt like I was in any danger while there. While just like a vacation to anywhere in the world, you want to make sure you’re traveling wisely and acting responsibly.

The only dangerous or unsafe behavior I’ve heard of is from “motorcycle thieves or purse-snatchers.” These are people that will try and grab purses or backpacks from people while riding on the back of a motorcycle. But as long as you pay attention to your belongings, nothing bad will happen.  

What I will  say in this section, though, is that you NEED to be extremely careful if you decide to rent a scooter in Bali. I’d say that’s actually the most dangerous thing on the island! I drive very cautiously when riding my moto , and I’ve never been in an accident (knock on wood), but I’ve had several friends end up in the hospital with serious injuries.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t let that stop you from enjoying the feeling of exploring the island on two wheels. The scooter rides through rice terraces are one of my favorite things about living in Bali, and it’s a great, cheap, and efficient way to experience Bali. Just make sure the person driving is confident and skilled. You should also avoid driving during peak traffic hours.

bali itinerary

Best Bali Trip Travel Insurance

I never travel anywhere without booking a travel insurance policy . This is essential for all Bali visitors!

So I’ll repeat…

Please, do NOT visit Bali WITHOUT Travel Insurance!

It’s unfortunately all too common that people come to Bali, get into a scooter accident, and end up needing a lot of medical attention. This, as you can imagine, is not cheap, and while the Bintangs and good vibes are, don’t expect medical treatment as a foreigner to also be of great value! These bills will add up, and sometimes they won’t even operate before they know you’re covered.

I’ve had at least 4 friends now get in serious accidents, but only half of them had travel insurance to cover their needs. Trust me – especially if you plan on driving or getting on the back of a moto (which you most likely will), you’ll want peace of mind to make sure you’re covered.

You also need to consider other issues that could arise, such as theft, boat sinking or water damage, or catching dengue. Trust me when I say these warnings aren’t to scare you, but real-life examples I’ve seen during my time in Bali.

Bali Itinerary

I highly recommend HeyMondo due to its extensive range of cover for all situations and trip lengths. Their fair pricing and handy app allow you to manage any claims within the app and access free assistance online. This means you don’t need to rack up an expensive phone bill in Indonesia, where the charges are steep!

Nowadays, I would never travel without insurance again, especially after hearing so many of those (expensive and dangerous) horror stories from other travelers I’ve met. So, whether you need a single trip cover for two weeks in Bali or an affordable annual cover for multiple trips worldwide, be sure to buy your travel insurance before you travel, knowing that HeyMondo has your back.

Still, planning your trip? You can always get a no-commitment travel insurance quote now, so you know how much extra to budget for your vacation!

Tanah Lot Temple - Bali Itinerary


One of the things I love about Bali is that you really don’t need to bring all that much — especially if you’re just on a quick 10-day or two-week holiday. Also, shopping in Bali is fantastic. You’ll want to bring back a separate suitcase filled with souvenirs and clothing.

Here are a few items I think are essential for your travels to Bali!  

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary

  • Clothing: You’ll want a couple of pairs of shorts, swim trunks, t-shirts, sandals, and comfortable adventure shoes. Add one or two fancier outfits for dinners or nightlife too. Everyone will have different styles or preferences, but my main clothing tip would be to keep it light. Quick-drying clothes will be helpful, mainly because you will sweat up a storm.  
  • Portable charger: Anker PowerCore Portable Charger  is one of the smallest and lightest power banks available. I carry this with me everywhere I go because I’m using my iPhone a bit more than I care to admit! Well, when you’re exploring Bali, you’ll definitely want a portable charger.
  • Microfiber towel: This Rainleaf MicroFiber Towel  is budget-friendly and stylish. Plus, a quick-drying towel is a must for visiting Bali. You’ll find yourself hiking, sweating, and swimming often – and you’re really going to want one of these. I just bought one of these myself, and it’s the #1 best seller on Amazon!
  • Quality sunscreen: The sun is super intense in Bali, and you’ll be out in the sun often during this Bali itinerary. So, make sure you buy some decent sunscreen before you get to Bali because it costs SO much more out there for some reason. I personally use this Neutrogena Lightweight & Water Resistant SPF,  and I love it!
  • Mosquito repellent: Unfortunately, mosquitos are flying all over the place in Bali. And you really want to protect yourself when you go on long adventures. I recommend this Mosquito Repellent Bracelet . If you’re just shopping around Seminyak or chilling in Canggu, I wouldn’t worry too much, but if you’re out in nature, definitely put some on!  
  • Go Pro: The GoPro Hero 11 is my favorite adventure camera, and I’m truly blown away by the hyper-smooth stability that the GoPro Hero 11 offers. You can take some epic images with this, and it’ll also be perfect for all the underwater or snorkeling shots you’ll want. For the aspiring content creators out there, combine it with a TELESIN Dome Port  for some unique, fun, and creative shots!
  • Waterproof phone case: No matter what kind of phone you have, you really want to protect it during your trip. This itinerary is pretty active, and if you don’t have a supportive phone case, like the JOTO Universal Waterproof Phone , I bet you’ll be paying for some phone repairs!  
  • Power adapter: Last but certainly not least, this Universal Power Adapter  is just a basic travel essential that you’ll want to pick up one of these before your trip to Bali. I personally love this one and would definitely recommend it!  

Tanah Lot Temple - Bali Itinerary


Alright, let’s dive into my guide for my extensive Bali holiday itinerary!


The way I’ve set up this 10-day itinerary is that it’s all focused on Bali. But if you have a full two weeks, I’ve included a trip to the Gili Islands too.

I think it’s best to do it this way because when you book round-trip boat transfers to Gili Trawangan, you can have them drop you off directly at the airport, depending on your schedule. You can book day trips or rent scooters to explore nearby attractions when you’re based in one place for a bit longer.

One thing I think is important about traveling around Bali is avoiding checking in and out of hotels and Airbnb’s every couple of days. That’s why I’ve put at least 3+ nights in each place, and you’ll get a better feeling for the area.  

The full itinerary is below, but here’s an overview of my recommended route so you can start planning:

  • Uluwatu (3 Nights)
  • Canggu (3 Nights)
  • Ubud (4 Nights)
  • Gili Islands (3-4 Nights for Two-Week Itinerary)

You might not have the time, energy, or money to do everything on this Bali itinerary, but I wanted to include as much information as possible. So without further ado, let’s get down to the day-to-day itinerary activities!!

bali itinerary 4 days


Bali is home to some of the world’s most gorgeous luxury resorts and private villas but also has an extensive variety of mid-range hotels and backpacker hostels. It depends on your budget and how much you want to spend. I’ve compiled a fun selection of my top recommended accommodation for each destination on my Bali itinerary. I know you’ll enjoy your stay at any of the options below:

Bali Airbnb


Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu : Consistently reviewed as one of the best values in Bali, get treated like royalty here without breaking the bank. There’s a gorgeous sun terrace with a swimming pool, extremely clean and comfortable rooms, and impeccable service!  

Six Senses Uluwatu : This brand new 5-Star Luxury Resort in Uluwatu will certainly provide an unforgettable stay, but rooms here are costly. Its cliffside location, delicious cuisine, and immaculate attention would make for an exceptional first hotel on the island.    

Home-Bience  Hostel : If you’re a backpacker on a tight budget in Bali, look no further than staying here at Home-Bience Hostel. While it has a shared kitchen and barbeque facilities, you can also get a varied breakfast at an affordable rate too.

WHere to stay in Uluwatu


Theanna Eco Villa and Spa : Top-notch luxury at bargain prices! Once you step foot inside this eco resort, you’ll fall into a state of complete tranquility. It’s consistently rated and reviewed as the best hotel and resort in Canggu, with excellent value for money and world-class service.

Kosone Hostel | Alternative Beach : I was living in Canggu when this opened (early 2019), and I’d say it’s the best hostel in Canggu! It’s got a fabulous pool with a swim-up bar, DJs spinning music all day, delicious food, comfortable beds, and rooftop jacuzzis. Do I need to say anymore? Trust me – if you’re a backpacker in Canggu, stay here!  

bali itinerary


Hanging Gardens of Bali | Ubud’s Premiere Luxury Resort : This is the jungle resort of your dreams! “Located just 30-minute drive from the Ubud’s town center and nestled deep in the heart of Ubud’s rich rainforest preserve, this enchanting five-star luxury resort on 3.2 hectares has 44 private suites and individual villas.”  

Visesa Ubud Resort : This best-seller luxury resort has fantastic prices for the comfort you’ll receive. The villas are absolutely stunning, the staff goes above and beyond, and it has pretty much everything you look for in a resort in Ubud. Delicious food, gorgeous views, shuttle services to the center, and a full spa await you.

Wayan’s Family Hostel Ubud : If you’re looking for an excellent but cheap hostel in Ubud, look no money than this charming family-run guesthouse. It has a magnificent backpacker atmosphere, is a beautiful property, and you’ll fall in love with the staff!

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary


Pearl Of Trawangan Resort : There are tons of beautiful resorts on the Gili Islands, but this is easily my favorite! It has an unbeatable beachfront location near the main promenade. The stunning property would be an excellent pick for your time in paradise!!

Gili Castle (formerly known as Gili Backpackers) : This is where I worked when I lived on Gili T, and I’ve got nothing but fond memories of this backpacker hostel! They organize awesome parties and pub crawls, which make it easy to meet fellow travelers. There is a pool with a rock climbing wall, and all the facilities are comfortable. I’d highly recommend staying here for young travelers on a budget.

Where to Stay on GIli Trawangan - Bali Itinerary


Honestly, there is no better place to begin your Bali vacation than down in Uluwatu , which is at the southern tip of the island!

It’s my personal favorite area in Bali, world-famous for its surf competitions, has a really fun nightlife scene, and is undoubtedly the best part of the island for watching the sunset. Uluwatu is a place that will certainly leave an impression and will keep you coming back for more! Here you can spend your days relaxing on the beach, swimming in infinity pools, lounging at day clubs, surfing gnarly waves, or riding a scooter along epic coastlines.  

It also has a perfectly relaxed atmosphere that I absolutely love, and I could easily see myself living in Uluwatu for a couple of months sometime in the future. There really is no shortage of amazing things to do in Uluwatu , which I’ve discussed for day 2. Since it’s your first day on the island, take the evening to relax at your resort, enjoy a lovely evening meal, and hopefully conquer any jet lag you’re feeling.  

Finns Beach Club - Bali Resorts

If you’re up for it, you could enjoy dinner and cocktails your first evening having dinner soaking up the vibe. I recommend one of Jimbaran Bay’s cliffside restaurants or candlelit dinners on Jimbaran Bay, about a 15-20 minute drive from Uluwatu.

“Perched atop distinctive rock formations along Jimbaran’s pristine sunset coast, Rock Bar Bali is widely respected as one of the globe’s most popular sunset, cocktail, and entertainment venues. Showcasing unparalleled views from 14 meters above the Indian Ocean, Rock Bar is accessible via AYANA’s dramatic cliffside inclinator. Featuring a glamorous sunset vibe, and a seductive after-dark ambiance, listen to premier international DJs as they heighten your experience from a custom DJ booth carved directly into the cliff face”.

Uluwatu Beach - Bali Itinerary


Everyone will be different, depending on how you want to spend your Bali vacation. Do you want to treat this as a relaxing holiday, or are you more adventurous? Do you want to be surrounded by people and experience luxurious beach clubs, or do you prefer solitude and exploring quieter areas?

No matter what kind of traveler you are, I’ve listed a few of my favorite activities in Uluwatu and the south coast of Bali, and I’m sure this will keep you super busy.

Uluwatu - 5 days in Bali Itinerary


  • Visit the Uluwatu Temple: “This one of six key temples believed to be Bali’s spiritual pillars, and is renowned for its magnificent location, perched on top of a steep cliff approximately 70 meters above sea level.”  After your tour of the Uluwatu Temple, I’d also suggest checking out the Kecak Fire Dance if you’re there simultaneously. It’s a unique cultural fire and traditional Balinese dance show that is definitely a superb experience.
  • Watch the professional surfers at Uluwatu Beach: There are tons of different bars and restaurants to choose from, but sit back, grab a Bintang (local beer), and watch from above while these pros amaze you with their skills.  
  • Explore all the beautiful beaches around Uluwatu: You’re spoiled for choice here with beaches like Suluban Beach, Padang Padang, Dreamland Beach, Bingin Beach, Melasti Beach, Green Bowl Beach, and Pandawa Beach.
  • Never miss a sunset. Uluwatu is home to the most magical sunsets practically every evening, so make sure you plan accordingly! Find an infinity pool, rooftop bar, or restaurant terrace, and soak it up!
  • Check out a day club: Sundays Beach Club, Finns Beach Club, OMNIA, Karma Beach Club, etc. Honestly, there are tons of epic places to spend a day, but they can be a bit pricey if you’re a backpacker on a budget!  
  • Sunday nights at Single Fin: This is one of the most legendary parties on the island, but they only really happen on Sunday night. Don’t get me wrong, Single Fin is an awesome bar & restaurant every night of the week, but definitely, don’t miss the Sunday night party.  
  • Spend Saturday nights at Padang Padang Beach: There’s a really cool beach party every Saturday night with reggae and electronic music, lively crowds, and a unique location!  
  • Rent a moto to explore it all easily: Uluwatu is one of the best areas on the island to adventure around on a moto! You can rent one for as little as $4 per day, the roads never seem too busy, and it’s just a great feeling!  
  • Enjoy a meal at Cashew Tree: This will always be one of my favorite restaurants in all of Bali! They’ve got deliciously healthy smoothies, a large menu, and affordable prices. It’s a backpacker favorite as well, located nearby Bingin’ Beach.  

Check out my article about the best things to do in Uluwatu for more information. All I know is that it’s simply a breathtaking area of Bali, and it might just be hard to leave.

Kecak Fire Dance - Uluwatu, Bali Itinerary


Located just a short 20-30 minute speedboat ride off the coast of Bali are three idyllic islands: Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan, and Nusa Penida.

They are all absolutely gorgeous and have unbelievable beaches, landscapes, and some of the best snorkeling or scuba-diving in the country. I’ll talk about this at the bottom of this article, but a substitution would be spending several days on one of these islands if you care a lot about these water activities.

I think it’s a really fun and fantastic day trip since it’s just off the coast, and you can see a lot and still make it back to Uluwatu for sunset cocktails — that is if you have the energy!

There are tons of options, but here are a few of the best sellers. It really just depends if you’re more into beaches, viewpoints, swimming, or snorkeling.

Best Bali Itinerary


Review: “Climb aboard a fast boat at Sanur Beach and cross the sea to Toyapakeh on the small island of Nusa Penida. Meet your local host on arrival and begin your private day tour. Visit the famous Kelingking Beach for the chance to take photos of the most beautiful spot on the island. Marvel at the cliffs overlooking the Indian Ocean, and then continue to Pasih Uug (Broken Beach) and the natural pool of Angel’s Billabong. Experience the peace and quiet of one of the less visited spots on Nusa Penida before going to the popular beach at Crystal Bay, known for its great diving and snorkeling opportunities.”  

Price:   $33

Read Reviews & Check the Availability

Nusa Penida Day Trip - Bali Itinerary 2019


Review: “Discover an island paradise off the south coast of Bali and snorkel at 3 different spots around the islands of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida in the Indian Ocean. Marvel at the wide variety of tropical fish and live coral flora and fauna.”

Price:   $68


Review: “Nusa Penida is a perfect spot for snorkeling and exploring marine life as you’ll see on this full-day trip. Spot the ocean sunfish, or mola mola and the great manta rays on some of the most amazing drift dives in Indonesia. Board the boat at Sanur Beach for the ride to Nusa Penida and your first snorkeling session of the day at Manta Point. Marvel at the majestic manta rays, which grow up to 6 meters in length. Take some time to enjoy a swim or to relax on the boat, before your second snorkeling session. Afterwards, savor a delicious lunch on the boat.”   

Price:  $132

Nusa Islands - Bali Itinerary Snorkeling

Check out this epic YouTube Video about Nusa Penida for some travel inspiration!



In only a few short years, Canggu has quickly become popular and overthrown Seminyak as “the place to be”  in Bali. It’s changed drastically since my first visit in 2015. Since then, it has   become a digital nomad hotspot loaded with trendy cafes, co-working spaces, yoga studios, beach clubs, funky bars, surf camps, and thousands of people enjoying the Canggu lifestyle!   

I was fortunate to live in Canggu for a couple of months this year, and it really is a must-visit in Bali. Here’s what you should add to your Bali itinerary for 4 days.

bali itinerary


  • Eat at as many different cafes as possible: Canggu is easily one of the top “foodie hotspots” I’ve ever visited in my entire life. There are literally dozens of places you should try! A couple of my personal favorites are Milk & Madu, The Shady Shack, Motion Cafe, Peleton Supershop, Cinta Cafe, and Milu by Nook.
  • Take a surfing lesson: If you’re new to the sport, Canggu can be an excellent place to learn the basics of surfing! While the waves can be a bit rough on some days, the surf camps are awesome in Canggu and will be a great way to spend a couple of hours. Take this tour  as an introduction to the sport.
  • Watch the sunset every night on the beach: There are tons of different little local bars & restaurants along the beach, and they tend to put out bean bags and tables during the sunset. Grab a coconut and a beer, and watch the sky change colors to gorgeous orange and pink hues.
  • Relax & swim at Alternative Beach Pool & Hostel: This venue is becoming super popular in Canggu. It’s got a perfect temperature pool, decent food options, and a nice sandy vibe hence the name.
  • Spend a luxurious day at Finns Beach Club: If you’re not on the strictest budget, why not book a daybed at Finn’s for an easygoing day at a gorgeous venue?
  • Stop by AMO Spa for one of their famous facials, relaxing massages, and an Epsom salt jacuzzi session: I’m sad I didn’t discover this place sooner because it ended up being one of my favorite spots in Canggu. The sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, and cold plunge circuit are an outstanding endorphin rush!
  • Go Canggu nightlife bar hopping: There are plenty of places to visit whether you go for drinks at Old Man’s, cocktails at La Brisa, or find your way to the hidden bar in the supermarket along the  “Canggu shortcut.”  Other really awesome bars I enjoy are The Lawn (awesome pool included), Pretty Poison, and Deus Ex Machina! You can check out this article about the best bars in Canggu for more information on the nightlife!

Canggu - Bali Itinerary

Check out this epic YouTube video for some more Canggu Travel Information & Inspiration!

Canggu, Bali: What To Know Before Going 4K


Spend another day exploring everything (mainly the cafes) that Canggu has to offer. Do some yoga, surf, hit a co-working space, cross-fit, join a beach clean up, and more!

For sunset, I’d recommend renting a moto and driving down the road (only 20-25 minutes) to the Tanah Lot Temple . It’s one of Bali’s most important landmarks, famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrops. It’s an ancient Hindu shrine perched on top of an outcrop amidst constantly crashing waves.

There’s a small entrance fee of 60,000 IDR ($4 USD), and you can easily spend an hour or two walking around the coastline and enjoying the scenic views.  

Best Bali Itinerary


Continuing on with this Bali trip planning, I’d recommend making the short drive from Canggu down to Seminyak for a day of shopping and beach clubs. Seminyak is one of the fancier and more developed regions on the island and is full of awesome things to do, places to eat, and fantastic souvenir shopping!  

Now, on this itinerary, I’ve only listed one day in Seminyak because the last time I visited, I felt it was starting to get a bit too overcrowded. Still, you could easily stay here for several days and explore everything this place offers.

Bali Travel Trip Planning


  • Souvenir shop til’ you drop: For me, I think the Seminyak, Legian, and Kuta area is the best for buying all your souvenirs in Bali. Just remember to haggle, or the locals will take you for a ride. Most prices in all the souvenir stalls are negotiable!
  • Visit Potato Head Beach Club: I’ve visited the world-famous Potato Head several times, and it remains one of my favorite spots in Seminyak! It’s a gorgeous beachfront property, has tons of fancy daybeds and loungers, and the food is absolutely delicious! While Potato Head Beach Club is a bit costly (for Bali standards), it’s worth stopping by for a swim, a meal, and a beer. There’s a lively atmosphere, and it can be a great place to meet people – especially around the swim-up bar.
  • Relax on bean bags and under umbrellas at La Plancha Seminyak: One of the most colorful bars & restaurants on the beach you’ll ever see. During sunset, they’ve got a fun DJ spinning, decent prices, and an overall fantastic vibe you’re guaranteed to love!
  • Pool party at Mrs. Sippy: This is the largest saltwater pool and one of the best pool party hotspots in Bali! Sippy regularly has international DJs come to perform (I saw Pete Tong there earlier this year), and you’ll love watching people jump from the high platform all day long.
  • Grab a cup of coffee at Revolver: If you’re a coffee snob, you have to try a cup from Revolver, known to be the best coffee in Seminyak!
  • Party it up at the Legendary Nightlife: Kuta & Seminyak are two areas that are quite popular for their bar and nightclub scene. Here are a few of my favorite spots: Motel Mexicola, SkyGarden, Ku De Ta, Cocoon, Woobar, and JENJA.


Seminyak balinese cooking class & market tour.

Review:   “Learn how to cook authentic Balinese dishes with your friendly and experienced local chefs in Seminyak. Join this fun cooking course and bring back some Balinese recipes and newly acquired skills from this 4.5-hour cooking class.”   

Price:   $35.00

Read Reviews & Check the Availability  

La Plancha Seminyak - Bali Travel Guide


Now that you’ve gotten plenty of time to explore Bali’s popular beach areas, the time has come to make the hour’s drive up to the cultural and spiritual capital of Bali.

Many people plan a trip to Bali and immediately add Ubud to their itinerary. That’s because there is truly something magical in the air at Ubud. The minute you step foot in this town, you will slowly start to feel your stress & worries float away.

Ubud is also a fantastic jumping-off point for adventuring around the rest of the island.

Ubud - Bali Itinerary 7 Days


For your first day in Ubud, though, here’s what I would suggest crossing off your bucket list!

  • Try out trendy cafes, vegan eats & smoothie bowls: Ubud is another incredible destination for food, and you could easily spend 3 days here eating at as many places as possible and still only scratch the surface. A few of my favorites you MUST TRY are ZEST, Sayuri Healing Food, Alchemy, KAFE, and Clear Cafe.
  • Get up close and personal with monkeys: Well, strolling through the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary is the best place to do it. Just be careful. The monkeys at this magical sanctuary  aren’t always as friendly as you’d hope! It’s centrally located in town, super cheap, and a super fun way to spend an hour.
  • Legends of the Hidden Temples: Rent a moto, and explore as many of the beautiful temples in the Ubud area as possible. There are literally dozens, and all of them are gorgeous. A few top picks are Pura Tirta Empul, Pura Taman Saraswati, and Goa Gajah!
  • Do some Y-O-G-A: There are some fantastic yoga studios in Ubud, and even if it’s not your thing, I’d recommend trying it out. My first experience with Bikram yoga was in Ubud, and it was a sweaty experience I’ll never forget.  
  • Ubud Art Market and beyond: Strolling around downtown Ubud has some really fantastic shopping opportunities. You can find some awesome stuff from the traditional art market, souvenir stalls, and trendy fashion stalls here.

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary


Ubud balinese cooking class at an organic farm.

Review: “Discover the culinary secrets of Bali at an exclusive cooking class at an organic farm in the lush tropics surrounding Ubud. Visit a local market and experience everyday life, before preparing a regular or vegetarian meal with the help of a chef.”  


Ubud still has so many places to teach you about Balinese culture and beauty, like the Tegalalang Rice Terraces and the famous swings that almost every influencer has taken pictures at while visiting Bali. These are all ideal for your second day here.


  • Visit the rice terraces: Located just a quick twenty-minute scooter ride from downtown Ubud is the Instagram-famous and undeniably gorgeous Tegalalang Rice Terraces . It’s one of the most stunning tourist destinations in Bali and will certainly impress you with its sprawling views of lush green valleys, rice paddies, and towering palm trees! It’s completely free to walk through, but I would bring money for any Bali swings you want to do, coconuts, cold drinks, meals, etc.

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary

  • Catch the rice terrace sunrises: If you’re willing to wake up early, watching the sunrise & witnessing the light rays shine through the palm trees is a sight you must see to believe! It’ll be one of the most peaceful ways to start your day, and then you can spend the next 3-4 hours exploring the area. If you head there around mid-day, though, expect big crowds and intense humidity (which can make for some sweaty explorations)!

When you’re done hiking around the rice terraces, I’d recommend picking one of the restaurants up at the top for a bite to eat! It’s a pretty epic place to enjoy a refreshing smoothie bowl & fresh coconut water!

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary

  • Terrace River Pool Swing: A few minutes from the main rice terraces is this super fun zip-lining and Bali Swing mini-amusement park called Terrace River Pool Swing . It’s also free to walk through and take photos, but you’ll have to pay if you want to do any of the activities. My friend Vanessa and I spent a good hour here and loved it!  

Ubud Rice Terraces - Bali Itinerary

  • Campuhan Ridge Walk: The Campuhan Ridge Walk is the best-known Ubud hiking trail and is a fantastic place to stroll during the sunset (or any time of the day, really). The sparse crowds and the aesthetically rich vistas will remind you why people worldwide come to Bali. The trail starts at the historical origin of Ubud, the confluence (or Campuhan) of the Wos Rivers. You’ll get some epic hilltop views as you stroll along the nice paved trail and will be surrounded by Ubud rice fields and a deep gorge with a river rushing through it. It’s only about 1.5 kilometers long, so it is popular as a place to work up a sweat. If you’re not too exhausted after exploring the rice terraces, I would say this is an absolute must-do in Ubud!  

Check out this video for a bit of travel inspiration and what to expect!

CAMPUHAN RIDGE WALK in UBUD, Bali - Best Hike in Bali, from the Centre of Ubud!


Admire the panoramic view of the three volcanoes of Mt. Agung, Mt. Abang, and Mt. Rinjani in Lombok in the majestic sunrise over the clouds from the crater of Mt. Batur!

For adventure travelers, I’d highly recommend waking up super early and beginning the trek to the top of Mt. Batur to witness one of the most magnificent sunrises you will ever see!  

Fair warning, though, this hike is known to be a bit intense and is not for the faint-hearted. Unfortunately, this is one of the few main activities I haven’t gotten the chance to do myself yet, but everyone speaks so highly of it!

Mount Batur, Bali, Indonesia

There are a few different tours to choose from, and it just depends on what piques your interest the most! Read through some of their itineraries, and browse through all their company reviews.  

  • Mount Batur Sunrise Trek with Breakfast
  • Mount Batur Sunrise Trek with Hidden Waterfall
  • Mount Batur Sunrise Trek & Hot Springs

“Head up the mountain along a less-crowded hiking trail that follows the volcano’s eastern slope. During the ascent, you’ll trek along a 3-kilometer-long trail. The trail is of moderate difficulty, and passes through lush tropical jungles. On reaching the top you’ll enjoy breakfast cooked by steam from the volcano. Sip hot tea or coffee at leisure while watching the magical sunrise. Afterwards, your trek continues to the main crater rim of the volcano, at 1,717 meters above sea level. Take a different route down the mountain, starting from the southwestern crater rim. The journey ends with a chance to soak in the crystal-clear waters of a hot spring to soothe away any aches and pains you may have.”  

Mt. Batur Sunrise - Bali Itinerary


After an early morning wake-up and a long day of climbing up a volcano, you will be ready for a little bit of #self-care and pampering! Ubud was the first time I booked a full-day spa package, and the overall experience blew me away.

I only paid $120 USD, but I received a body scrub, 60-minute massage, herbal bath, healthy lunch, manicure, and pedicure!! It was called DIVINE PAMPERING!!

  • Relax at Tasku Spa: Countless different spas in Ubud would be perfect, but I went to Taksu Spa | Ubud’s Premiere Wellness Center  for my spa treatment. They didn’t pay me to say this or anything. I just loved my experience and would highly recommend it to fellow travelers! If you’re looking for something a bit cheaper, though, you can visit any of the smaller massage parlors spread around the town!

Bali 7 Days Itinerary


Next up on this ultimate Bali itinerary is to book a day trip, hire a private driver, or rent some scooters and explore north Bali! There’s quite a lot to see up there, and it will definitely be a pretty solid day of adventures.  


  • Handara Gate : Make a quick stop over at this iconic “Bali Gate,” which is actually the entrance to a golf course. It’s a perfect photo opportunity and is a breathtaking view of green scenery and the gigantic exotic traditional Balinese gate as your backdrop.

Handara Gate, Northern Bali

  • Lake Beratan: This is where you’ll visit the majestic Ulun Danu Beratan Temple sitting on a small island on the lake, just as you’ve seen in the postcards and Instagram shots of Bali. This lakeside temple was constructed in honor of Dewi Danu, the lake goddess, formed by a volcanic eruption 30,000 years ago.

5 Days Bali Itinerary

  • Sekumpul Waterfall: Quite commonly called the best waterfall in Bali. It’s just a 40-minute drive from the lake and is the perfect place to spend a few hours! Just don’t forget your GoPro!  
  • Banyumala Twin Waterfall: “This stunningly beautiful waterfall is perfect for a quiet and peaceful afternoon in the arms of Mother Nature. The natural pool is inviting with its translucent turquoise waters. Swim in tranquility, listen to the thunderous roar of cascading waters, and take in the sights of the vibrant greenery. Although no picture will ever do this natural wonder justice, that shouldn’t stop you from that perfect Instagram shot!”
  • Rent a scooter: If you’re confident on a scooter, I would 100% recommend you explore by yourself. The roads are all really scenic, and I loved my experience just whippin’ around the North. It’s higher elevation, which means it’s less hot, and the way the clouds sit upon the hills is majestic!  


Northern charm: lake bratan, handara gate, waterfall & swing.

This tour company offers a trip that goes to most of these places and would be a great way to see everything with a professional guide. The price includes all entrance fees (which can actually add up) and has excellent reviews!  


I remember when I first visited Bali and discovered you could hire a car with a driver to take you anywhere you wanted to go for less than $50! It’s such a fantastic deal, especially if you’re traveling with a significant other or a group of friends!  

Price:   $45.00

5 Days Bali Itinerary


Gili Trawangan Snorkeling

Now, if you’ve got more than 10 days in Bali, this is where I’d suggest sailing over to the Gili Islands — one of my favorite destinations in Indonesia! I actually spent a few months living on Gili Trawangan working at a party hostel back in 2015, and it was one of the highlights of my time backpacking through Southeast Asia.

A trip to the Gili Islands is a trip to paradise! The color of the water here will honestly leave you speechless, and I’m just obsessed with the fact that pretty much anytime you go snorkeling/ scuba-diving out there, you’ll be swimming with turtles. There is top-notch nightlife, incredible restaurants, a relaxed atmosphere, gorgeous villas, and the most jaw-dropping sunsets every night!!

Gili Air - 4 Days in Bali

Here is a quick breakdown of every island:

  • Gili Trawangan = Party Island
  • Gili Meno = Honeymoon Island
  • Gili Air = Best of Both Worlds / Family Friendly

To get to the Gili Islands, you’ll need to talk to any travel agent in Ubud to organize the hotel pick-up and transfer schedule. You can pick various times, but I’d recommend doing the earliest one possible. It’s a couple hours’ drive to the port and then another couple of hours to the islands!

Bali to Gili Islands Travel Itinerary


  • Go snorkeling or scuba-diving every day: The water is crystal clear here, and you can see some pretty awesome marine life just off the shores of each of the three islands! For scuba divers, make sure you chat with some of the dive centers to discuss the best dive sites!
  • Watch the sunset every night: Grab a cocktail or a coconut at one of the many beach bars, and watch while the sky dips beneath the horizon in the future and lights up the sky in pretty much every color of the rainbow.
  • Party it up: Gili Trawangan is easily one of the best party islands in Southeast Asia , and you can find yourself bar hopping every night if you want to.
  • Bike ride around the island: There are no cars on the Gili’s, so I’d recommend renting a bike for at least one day and riding all the way around the island!  
  • Enjoy a psychedelic experience: You may or may not be interested in this, but you can buy magic mushrooms in Indonesia quite easily! They’re readily available at many beach bars and shops, and they’re a super fun way to spend a few hours!    

Mushrooms on Gili Trawangan


Once you’ve landed in Bali, successfully made it through immigration and customs, and collected your bags – you’ll need to get your transportation sorted to your first hotel. I must warn you that Bali’s worst part is the Ngurah Rai International Airport !  

You will be harassed by countless people asking you for a taxi, which can be overwhelming after a long-haul flight. That’s why I’d strongly suggest booking a Bali Airport Private Transfer beforehand!   

There are tons of different Bali transfer companies, and most hotels will offer this service (but charge way too much), but I really love this one through Get Your Guide – Bali Airport Private Transfer ! I’ve personally used this service before, and for only $18, it’s a pretty fantastic deal!

It’s really nice to have this all handled before arriving at the airport because it makes for a stress-free arrival! Most Bali car drivers are super friendly and are happy to chat about their favorite things on the island, food, etc.

Sunrise in Bali


Alright, so I know I just went over so much information, but now I’m offering up a few other possible Bali itinerary ideas! The truth is that every traveler is a bit different, and there is no right way to spend 10 days or two weeks exploring Bali!  

Nusa Penida

  • Spend more time on the Nusa Islands: With fantastic marine biodiversity, rugged landscapes, and pristine beaches – taking the ferry over to the Nusa Islands and spending 3-4 days over here would be a great option.
  • Book a few nights at Mt. Kintamani instead of Ubud: This is a really gorgeous part of Bali, and you wouldn’t believe some of the gorgeous resorts up there. It’ll also make the sunrise hike a lot easier, and you could even attempt to do it on your own to save money!

Monkey on Mt Batur Sunrise

  • Relax & slow down in Sanur: This sleepy coastal town was one of the very first places I visited in Bali, and I honestly loved it. While it may not have the gorgeous coastlines like in Uluwatu or the trendy cafes in Canggu, it’s definitely a comfortable spot with some lively resorts, beautiful white sand beaches, and a nice relaxing vibe. There’s great souvenir shopping, an awesome night market, and overall a solid place to spend a few days!  

Bali Travel Itinerary


Bring an international driver’s license.

Fair warning – there’s a good chance that you will get pulled over while driving around Bali! The local cops in Bali are, well… they can be rather CORRUPT. Not all of them, but there’s a huge issue with cops extorting cash from tourists!  

I’ve been harassed almost every time I drive around Bali (for longer-distance trips), but if you have the proper paperwork and an International Driver’s License , you shouldn’t have any problems. Most of the time, they are just security checkpoints on major roads.

If you do get pulled over and they are giving you a difficult time… just try and BRIBE THEM. Hand them over a 50,000 IDR bill, and then show them an empty wall! Simply drive off, and see if that works.

Gili Islands Sunset - Planning a Trip to Bali


They are notorious on the island for scamming tourists, so my recommendation would be to just use the ATMs to get your money. Also, make sure you bring a credit card with no international withdrawal fees! Most tour agencies, restaurants, and bars accept credit cards these days!


If this is your first time traveling through Southeast Asia, you might not understand how evil monkeys can actually be! Don’t have any loose jewelry around them, don’t smile at them, don’t look at them directly in the eyes, etc. Just be super cautious with them!  

Check out these YouTube videos below for First Time Travelers to Bali!



Use a rideshare app.

There are three main Rideshare apps in Bali: UBER, GOJEK, and GRAB! Download all three of these before landing, and you’ll always be able to find a ride. I’ve never had any issues using any of these platforms, and it is definitely the easiest way to get around. You can even call a MOTO GoJek, and they’ll offer you a helmet, and you sit behind them!  


Scooters are an extremely popular way for travelers in Bali to explore the island. Especially around Canggu, Uluwatu, and Ubud – it makes a huge difference if you have your own moto !  


For $40-$60 per day, you can Hire a Private Driver (depending on how long you hire for)! For example, if you’re booking a taxi from Uluwatu to Canggu, why not just hire the driver for the entire day, and go explore as much as possible? It really just depends on how you want to spend your days!  

bali itinerary


If you’ve found yourself with some more time to gallivant around Indonesia, I’d highly recommend booking a flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo. So you can visit the wondrous Komodo National Park  and experience some of the world’s most unbelievable marine biodiversity and scuba-diving.  

I’ve now visited Komodo two different times, and it is a remarkable destination that deserves a place on every traveler’s bucket list! Komodo National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Man and Biosphere Reserve!  

The color and clarity of the water are stunning, the landscape is completely gorgeous, and getting up close and personal with Komodo Dragons is an experience you’ll never forget. But the real magic begins when you strap on your fins and snorkel mask and start exploring the underwater scenery!

It really is the best snorkeling and scuba-diving I’ve witnessed in my life! It’s also one of the best places to do a liveaboard in Southeast Asia, as the prices are relatively affordable (compared to other popular scuba destinations).  

Check out these Komodo National Park liveaboards to view dates, prices, and availability to see if you can squeeze one into your Bali itinerary!

  • Adelaar Liveaboard (Bali – Komodo)
  • Moana Liveaboard
  • Indo Aggressor (Komodo National Park)

Komodo National Park


No matter how long your Bali vacation is, I’d also recommend picking up one of the Bali Lonely Planet Travel Guide Books ! They are honestly loaded with insider tips, restaurant recommendations, and fun day ideas! I know I’ve gone into a  lot of detail in this post (so maybe you should bookmark this for your trip), but these are always handy!  

Bali Itinerary Travel Guides


I’ve spent a lot of time backpacking around this marvelous region of the world, and I’ve written a rather large amount to help you figure out your ideal upcoming vacation! Look through some of my favorite articles below, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my Bali itinerary travel guide!

Further Reading:

  • The Ultimate Ubud Itinerary | 3 Days In Bali’s Hidden Paradise
  • Top 12 Music Festivals In Bali To Experience This Year
  • The Ultimate Backpackers Guide to Gili Trawangan, Indonesia
  • 17 Amazing Things To Do On Gili Trawangan
  • The 7 Best Places to Eat on Gili Trawangan
  • Komodo Island Trip Review | Sailing from Lombok to Flores
  • The 5 Best Places to Trip on Magic Mushrooms in Southeast Asia
  • The 15 Best Places to Party in Southeast Asia
  • 20 Best Beaches In Malaysia | Beach Resorts & Islands
  • The 20 Best Beaches In Vietnam | Epic Islands, Beach Resorts + Hotels
  • The 20 Best Beaches in Sri Lanka
  • Thailand Itinerary | 10 Days In The Land Of Smiles

10 Days in Bali Itinerary


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bali trip itinerary

Absolutely loved you article here. Thank you! <3

Currently researching for a further trip…you’re info is amazing! Would love to continue the convo! Please reach out! Diana

Looking for sample itinerary on your trip to Bali?

Indeed this content is really helpful and interesting. In line with that maybe you would like to consider as well the sample itinerary on my youtube channel :)

Hi, I’m thinking of going this November, I know it’s “rainy season” but it’s not a terrible time to go is it?

Thanks, Lisa

This is a great Post, :) Love lots!

Wow what a detail itinerary plan dude. I like your Balinese outfit photos haha…so cool…

If you come to Bali again and plan to stay in Seminyak, dont forget to add eqUILIBRIAHOTELS.COM on your bucket list. it is a multi international awards winning of 5 stars one bedroom villa with private pool resort in Bali, located at “eat & dining street” Seminyak, close to the beach.

Love your Bali itinerary plan… If you ever come to Nusa Penida island again, check out the most affordable package which is included everything here

or may just would like to hire a private driver for tour in Bali island which cost only idr100k per hour? you can do so.

Hi! This guide has been really useful. But I would love some advice on how to book some of the hotels, trips etc, And can I do this with a flight included? I am a 53 year old female who will be travelling alone and as you may have guessed I have only ever been on package holidays before but would love to do Bali on a multi hotel basis to ensure I see as much as possible in either 2 or 3 weeks. Look forward to some replies – all advice welcomed xx

I agree that Bali is one of the best places to stay. I still have never been there. Hope to get there this year! Bali is definitely on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing!

Hey man, awesome in-depth post on Bali! Thanks for putting this one out there!

Nice blog Thank you so much

Bali is on my travel bucket list for a great vacation. I really appreciate this travel itinerary of Bali. This is very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to reading more of these blogs.

nice blog.really like

When we, as Australians can travel again (once our international borders reopen), we are planning on heading direct to Bali on our way through Asia. We have been to Bali many times but amazingly have never been to Uluwatu or Gili T. You have definitely sold us on both!

good one thank you

Wow what a detail itinerary plan dude, Amazing

What great information!!Thank you!

greeting and Thank you for your amazing. please keep posting

Hey!! I hope you are all good. I read your blog and I found it very informative and I think you have a good knowledge traveling to Bali

Great article… Thanks for sharing with us

Very informative blog, thank you for sharing with us

Wonderful post. We are so keen to get back to Bali post the pandemic and this is a great starting point to plan a trip!

Killer Bali Itinerary Dave. Great blog. I’m sure many people will benefit from it. If you make it to Komodo, please look up Maika for Padar Tours.

Great post! Hoping to travel in Bali one day. I’ve heard so much amazing things about this wonderful place.

The Ultimate BALI Itinerary | The Best Places to Visit and Things to Do.

Love this Bali itinerary! Thanks so much for ALL the helpful info

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Recently Analyzed

Love Bali and this post is really helpful for my next travel to Bali

greeting and Thank you for your amazing.

best blog ever thanks for sharing

amazing article full of value many thanks for sharing it with us! Can’t wait to visit with this Bali itinerary!

Thanks for taking your time and provide us with this helpfull content.

Thanks for sharing with us this great article which is full of information. Bali travel is the best!

great content thanks for the value

Thank you for the well detailed and informative post.

This is one of the most visited destinations where you can find all what makes your trip enjoyable! This Bali itinerary is what I’ll use!

This is one of the most popular sites where you may discover everything you need to make your vacation pleasurable! This Bali itinerary will be my guide!

This is one of the most visited islands. Bali travel is amazing

I had a thought of going to Bali, but I did not know how to travel. Thanks for informing about this.

Perfectly designed Bali Itinerary, Thanks for the stunning photos and these photos inspired me to travel Bali, Soon I’ll be there.

woow, thank you very much for the information .

i have been following you since a long time and i read all your tips about traveling especially to Bali, Thank you so much, i have been in Bali last Decembre, thanks to your information, i had a very nice experience.

Thank you for this information. It helps a lot to do this experinece, i will get back to you after i follow this steps and tell you about my trip.

Thank you so much, thats helpful

Wow! Incredible travel guide to Bali. I’m going next month and can’t wait!

amazing BALI TRIP GUIDE blog to read. i do really like it. thank u Jones Around the world

it is an amazing blog I have ever seen

this is one of the best destinations in southeast asia, especially for a honeymoon

Wonderful 👍😊 article full of value and info thank you so much for your sharing

Amazing Blog Thank you for sharing

wonderful blog full of info and so much value thanks for sharing

Amazing article thank you for sharing

nice Blog Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to go to bali

Have you been to the Nusa Islands? What did you think of them?

Awesome blog its really amazing thanks for sharing

wonderful keep up posting

Thank you for this information. It helps a lot to do this experinece, i will get back to you after i follow this steps and tell you about my tour. thanks

This is a great post thanks dude! Currently planning a trip to Bali and visiting a ton of these spots!

Great blog! Do you have any recommendations for the east side of Bali?

Thank u so much

thanks you for your post

thanks for sharing with us. really helpful for planning a trip to bali

Amazing article full of informations

Where else would you recommend to travel in Indonesia?

Your blog is so interesting and full of info. Thank you for these awesome things to do in bali

great blog will done !! Where is your favorite spot in Bali?

Did you book a day trip to Nusa Penida or just go yourself?

I want to express my sincere gratitude for this comprehensive article on planning the ultimate trip to Bali. Your detailed itinerary and practical tips have been incredibly helpful in envisioning my future adventure on this enchanting island. The suggested highlights and activities, from exploring the cultural treasures of Ubud to relaxing on the stunning beaches of Nusa Dua, have truly piqued my interest. The inclusion of lesser-known gems, such as the Tegalalang Rice Terrace and the sacred temples, has made me even more excited to immerse myself in Bali’s rich heritage. Your insightful recommendations on accommodations, transportation, and local cuisine have further equipped me with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. I cannot thank you enough for curating such a valuable resource that will undoubtedly contribute to planning my perfect Bali getaway.

thanks for sharing

Very informative blog, thank you for sharing! Love traveling to Bali

great blog will done good job! Love traveling to bali

This is great info! Definitely visiting Uluwatu when I go to Bali

Incredible blog very much appreciated for this amazing article

Very informative blog! Thank you for these awesome things to do in bali

Amazing article!! I’m visiting Bali soon with friends and wondering if you recommend Lombok as well?

Your blog about Bali it’s interesting, keep going.

Your blog is amazing. Thank you Jones for sharing with us this info with your photos.

Thank you for this fantastic and detailed post, “THE ULTIMATE BALI ITINERARY: HOW TO PLAN THE PERFECT TRIP TO BALI.” It’s like a roadmap to paradise! I’ve always dreamt of visiting Bali, and this itinerary is going to be my go-to resource. I appreciate the effort you put into crafting such a comprehensive guide, and I’m already feeling more confident about planning my dream trip. Your insights and recommendations are invaluable, and I can’t wait to explore all the hidden gems and soak in the beauty of this incredible island. Cheers to creating unforgettable memories! 🌴🌺🌄

Amazing blog. Thank you Jones for sharing with us this info with your awesome photos.

Hi there, Thank you for sharing its absolutely interesting. Canggu was my favorite!

The perfect one! I’m planning a trip to Bali and this was very helpful

Bali is one of the most magical places. I can’t wait to get there.

Wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing this with us. Can’t wait to visit bali

best blog for bali

I really enjoyed reading your article. Thank you

Thank you for this comprehensive guide; it’s packed with invaluable information

Wonderful itinerary! thanks for sharing.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Its an excellent post, thank you so much for sharing with us. I hope you keep sharing this types of informative posts

What an awesome post! Thank you for sharing this helpful content.

Awesome 👍😎 article thank you so much

Its an excellent post, thank you so much for sharing with us. I hope you keep sharing this types of informative posts

Wow amazing! Thanks for all your informations👍

This is an excellent article, keep sharing this types of informative articles for Bali

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[…] The Ultimate BALI Itinerary | The Best Places to Visit & Things to Do […]

[…] of delicious this S’mores cake, the first time I had S’mores was on a trip to Bali – that I paid for myself (as a student!). I loved the delicious, ooeey, goeey desseert, just […]

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Explore a wide diversity of fully guided tours through Bali. We have 139 adventures that vary from 2 days to 22 days. With the greatest number of departures in October, this is also the most popular time of the year.

139 fully guided Bali tours with 10,826 positive reviews

Bali Bucket List Original 10 Day Tour Tour

Bali Bucket List Original 10 Day Tour

"Bali has been a dream of mine for years and this tour did not disappoint! Got to do a bit of everything while still having some downtime." Joanne, traveled in May 2024
  • €55 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Bali Experience Tour

Bali Experience

"I will book all my trips n recommend to all my friends your companies excellent service." Marissa, traveled in February 2024

Wanderlands Bali - 8 Days Tour

Wanderlands Bali - 8 Days

"The last 8 days have been one of the best experiences in my life. The Hotels/Hostels and transport was amazing and very well organized." Muriel, traveled in May 2024
  • €145 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Wanderlands Bali & Lombok - 13 Days Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Wanderlands Bali & Lombok - 13 Days

"The sights and experiences we had were unforgettable. 10/10 would recommend!!" Emily, traveled in June 2024

Bali Intro 12 Day Tour

Bali Intro 12 Day

"I absolutely loved my 12 day Bali Intro Tour! Everything from the airport pickup to the very end of the tour was super well organised." Sophie, traveled in May 2024

Bali Intro 9 Days Tour

Bali Intro 9 Days

"I had an absolutely amazing time. He organised everything for everyone and been really helpful and fun." Irina, traveled in November 2023

Bali Bucket List Boutique 10 Day Tour Tour

  • Sightseeing

Bali Bucket List Boutique 10 Day Tour

"Had the best time on the tour, Andy was a great guide!!" James, traveled in October 2023

Bali 9 Day/ 8 Night Group Tour  | ULTIMATE Tour

Bali 9 Day/ 8 Night Group Tour | ULTIMATE

"Perfect if you like to do a combo of sightseeing, activities, relaxing and partying. The accommodation, included activities and food were all awesome." Kristen, traveled in September 2022
  • €35 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

5 Days Unforgettable Experience Tour Bali - Nusa Penida Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

5 Days Unforgettable Experience Tour Bali - Nusa Penida

"The tour was arranged and customized personally, of which only my mom and I were the only tourists and he has gone above and beyond to serve our interests." Emily, traveled in April 2023

7 Days Bali and Gili Islands Epic Experience Tour

  • Island Hopping

7 Days Bali and Gili Islands Epic Experience

"Anything you could possibly need, Bali Trip Mate found a way to make it happen. They were very good with communication and helpful." Ania, traveled in March 2023

The Ultimate 8-Day Bali Adventure: Nusa Penida, Temples, Swings, Rafting, and Cooking Class Tour

The Ultimate 8-Day Bali Adventure: Nusa Penida, Temples, Swings, Rafting, and Cooking Class

"This tour does include most of the sites and culture in 7 days. I was the only one on my tour, there was a lot of flexibility in doing xtra tours." nimmi, traveled in May 2020

10 Days The Best of Bali, Gilis and Nusa Penida Island Experience Tour

10 Days The Best of Bali, Gilis and Nusa Penida Island Experience

"The variety of experiences was good. Highly recommend this experience!" Dale, traveled in March 2023

Bali, Lombok & Gili Islands: Hike, Bike, Raft & Snorkel Tour

Bali, Lombok & Gili Islands: Hike, Bike, Raft & Snorkel

"The trip was great, good transportation, excellent guide, all very well organized." pilar, traveled in August 2017

Bali Experience - 9 Days Tour

Bali Experience - 9 Days

"The tour was a once in a lifetime adventure. My favourite stop was Ubud and the local team was fantastic in arranging variety of activities as per my interest." Manju, traveled in December 2022

Essential Bali & Gili Islands Tour

  • Mountain Hikes
  • Self-Guided Cycling

Essential Bali & Gili Islands

What people love about fully guided tours in bali.

I decided to go on this tour on my own at the beginning of this year and omg it was the best decision I think I’ve ever made. I met some incredible people and had the most amazing tour guide. Rio could not do more for his guests, he was so accommodating and made even the hard times (climbing up mount batur) funny. The tour it’s self is brilliant, you get to see so much in only ten days but not too much that it feels like all you’re doing is traveling from place to place. Thank you so much Bali bucklist tours for a perfect 10 days in Bali!
The tour guide were all very helpful, good and go out of their way to make our journey fun n amazing. I will book all my trips n recommend to all my friends your companies excellent service. Iam very please to the iteniraries n the hotel we stayed in. Thank u very much to make my holiday more enjoyable ?
Die Tour hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Wir haben in den 8 Tagen eine Menge außergewöhnliche Sachen erlebt und gesehen. Zio war ein toller Guide. Er hat immer gute Laune vermittelt und man konnte ihn jederzeit ansprechen, wenn man Fragen hatte. Besonders gut hat mir gefallen, dass wir eine offene Gruppe waren, in der man sich direkt wohl gefühlt hat. Es waren sehr abwechslungsreiche Aktivitäten, sodass keine Langeweile aufkam, trotzdem hatte man jederzeit die Möglichkeit zu entscheiden, was man machen möchte und was nicht. Alles und allem war es ein sehr schöner Urlaub mit tollen Leuten und einem super Tour Guide.

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How to Plan the Perfect Bali Itinerary (7 Days-3 Weeks)

By: Author Taylor Lorenz

Posted on Last updated: 10/25/2023

How to Plan the Perfect Bali Itinerary (7 Days-3 Weeks)

Bali is an idyllic island with a name so famous that many people often think that Bali is a country. It’s actually one of many islands that make up the incredibly diverse country of Indonesia and acts as a great jumping-off point for further travels to Lombok and Flores .

Bali is by far the most popular island, and where I called home multiple times during my travels. drawing The beaches, iconic rice terraces, jungle-covered volcanos, unique culture and heartwarming people are just a few of the Island of Gods perks.

Whether you’re a luxury traveler or a backpacker, this Bali itinerary guide will serve you well. I’ve detailed multiple options for you to pick and choose what serves your Bali vacation best. There’s no one-itinerary-fits-all here.

Planning a trip to Bali can be really daunting as there’s no set route or place or place to start. This Bali travel guide will tell you what to do in Bali, the places you must visit in Bali and the top things to do in Bali. It’s the ultimate Bali trip planner from someone who knows Bali well.

Table of Contents

Bali Fast Facts

Currency in Bali: Indonesia Rupiah Language:  Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) which is spoken throughout Indonesia and Balinese Population:  4.2 million Religion: Balinese Hinduism (a mix of Buddhism and Shivaism)

bali der tour

Recommended Bali Tours

Skip planning your trip yourself with these top-rated tours around the country.

  • Wanderlands Bali – 8 Days
  • Bali Bucket List Boutique – 10 Days
  • Bali One Life Adventures – 12 Days

Bali Itinerary

Creating a Bali itinerary can be very difficult because it really depends on what a person is looking for. Below I’ve created mini itineraries for each place recommending how long to stay and the top things to do. Unfortunately, there is no best itinerary for Bali as it really depends on what you want to do.

Bali Trip Itineraries by Length

Follow the order that each itinerary is listed in and you’ll have yourself a route! These itineraries move at a decent place so if you plan on relaxing more then drop one of the locations. If you want an itinerary for 4-5 days I recommend picking one or two spots maximum.

bali der tour

7 Day Itinerary

  • Ubud (2 days)
  • Uluwatu (2 days)
  • Canggu (2 days)
  • Nusa Penida (day trip)

10 Day Itinerary

  • Ubud (3 days)
  • Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan & Nusa Penida (3 days)

bali der tour

2 Week Itinerary

  • Seminyak (1 day)
  • Amed (day trip from Ubud)
  • Gili Islands (2 days)
  • Nusa Islands (3 days)

3 Week Itinerary

  • Seminyak (2 days)
  • Munduk (2 days)
  • Lovina (2 days)
  • Amed (2 days)
  • Extra day to spend wherever you like!

Breakdown of my Bali Trip Itinerary

bali der tour

Ubud: 3-4 Days

Though easily a week could be spent in Ubud if you love wandering around, this cultural hub can be fully explored in just 3-4 days. Ubud is where you’ll do most of your Bali sightseeing.

DAY ONE:  Spend the day exploring around town. Hit up the Monkey Forest and make your way up Monkey Forest Road (watching out for the monkeys of course) where you can poke in and out of shops full of jewelry, souvenirs, local art and more. By the end of the road you’ll hit the Ubud Market where you can easily spend an hour or more.

After the market make sure you make it over to the Campuhan Ridge Walk for sunset over the green fields. Grab some food, there are lots of options nearby and head back to your accommodation.

DAY TWO:  Today is full of temple hopping and some waterfalls. Hire yourself a scooter, get a driver or do a tour. The first stop before it gets busy is Tirta Empul where you’ll get into the water and bless yourself under the holy water. Gunung Kawi is close by and is very Balinese with beautiful rice terraces surrounding it. Next are the stunning and most famous rice terraces on the island, Tegallalang Rice Terraces where you can spend some time taking pictures and trekking through the terraces.

After, make your way to Tibumana Waterfall, a pretty but simple waterfall that is easy to get to but not very touristy. The next waterfall, Tegenungan Waterfall, is big and powerful but touristy. On your way back to Ubud stop at Goa Gajah, also known as the Elephant Cave, another temple which I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of before.

bali der tour

DAY THREE: Day three is the day to spoil yourself. Get yourself into a spa where the low prices will have you getting multiple treatments. Indulge in a yoga class. The most famous yoga studio in all of Bali is located in Ubud, the Yoga Barn. I can vouch that the classes and spaces are excellent! In the morning or afternoon squeeze in a cooking class so you can try multiple dishes from traditional Balinese cuisine.

DAY FOUR:  Get up early and hike Mount Batur for sunrise . The second half of the day is either for sleeping or getting in some extra sightseeing. Some suggestions are visiting the Bali swing, stuffing your face with more great food, visiting the Bamboo Forest which is excellent for Instagram-worthy shots or watching a traditional Balinese dance.

READ MORE: 21 Incredible Things to do in Ubud &  Where to Stay in Ubud

Bali itinerary | Bali guide | Bali trip itinerary | Bali trip | Bali vacation | Bali travel guide | 2 weeks in Bali | Visit Bali | Things to do in Bali | Bali sightseeing | Bali attractions | What to do in Bali | Places to visit in Bali | Places to see in Bali | Where to go in Bali

Canggu: 2-3 Days

Canggu is a major chill out zone but it is easy to get caught here, there’s just something about the place that makes people want to stay longer.

DAY ONE:  Do what Canggu is best known for, hang out on the beach. If you can’t sit all day then catch a surf lesson or hit up a yoga class. Spend your evening at Old’s Man, the main bar in town or party at one of the nightly hot spots. Make sure you catch sunset on the beach. Most hostels will have a schedule up of when to go to Pretty Poison, Sand Bar and more for the best party.

DAY TWO:  Hit up the beach again or check out a beach club where you can live a little luxury without spending a fortune. Eat at some of the best spots in the area (the food here seriously does not disappoint) and do a mini shopping trip at the Love Anchor Market. For sunset visit the famous Tanah Lot just outside of Canggu, but we warned it will be busy. Then catch sunset on the beach.

DAY THREE:  Another day to relax, do another surf or yoga lesson and party. Find yourself on a rooftop pool, at a spa or back at the beach. Don’t forget to catch sunset again, Canggu seriously has the best sunsets!

READ MORE: 30 Cool Things to do in Canggu & Where to Stay in Canggu

Seminyak: 1-2 Days

If you’re not planning a relaxing holiday for a week then I would move through Seminyak quickly as the luxe lifestyle here has prices that add up quickly.

DAY ONE:  Today is a fun day, basically spend your time eating your through Seminyak at all of the trendy cafes and drinking at the stylish bars. Check out Bali’s very first speakeasy bar, Baker Street Social. But if you don’t just want to eat all day (who doesn’t?) then chill out with some massages. At night you can party at Sky Garden that’s open until 5AM and is often host to world famous DJ’s.

DAY TWO: Hit the beach or a beach club. Potato Head is one of Bali’s most famous beach clubs and it is fabulous. If you’re at the beach you can try your hand at a surfing lesson. If you need some more activities while in Seminyak then try a little retail therapy or visit the escape room or Museum Art Trick 3D. End your night at another hot spot to party at and don’t forget to enjoy a beautiful sunset on the beach!

READ MORE: 13 of the Finest Things to do in Seminyak & Where to Stay in Seminyak

bali der tour

Bukit Peninsula (Uluwatu): 2 Days

DAY ONE:  There is nothing better to do in Uluwatu than beach hop . You have so many choices, the most famous ones being Dreamland Beach, Padang Padang Beach (where a scene from Eat, Pray, Love was filmed and also some of the best parties) and Uluwatu Beach. However, my personal favourite is Melasti Beach and Nyang Nyang Beach is also awesome. Spend your evening at one of the most famous Bali attractions: Uluwatu Temple where you can see the sunset as you watch a Kecak dance, otherwise known a as a fire dance. Beware of the monkeys here.

DAY TWO:  Get active and get surfing or spend another day beach hopping. If you happen to be in Uluwatu on a Sunday then don’t miss the party at Single Fin. Even if you’re not here on a Sunday it’s worth a visit to Single Fin to watch sunset or to see the surfers during the day on the epic waves. There are also lots of pools that you can hang out at if you buy something or pay an entrance fee.

READ MORE: 10 Fantastic Things to do in Uluwatu & Where to Stay in Uluwatu

bali der tour

Nusa Dua: 2-3 Days

If you’re up for a quick visit as a globetrotter, 3 days is plenty, but this little paradise could easily be where to stay for a week if you want more of a holiday.

DAY ONE:  Visit the beaches where you can also eat and drink. The top ones to check out are Nusa Dua Beach and Geger Beach. Off of Nusa Dua Beach is a great snorkelling spot. Another water activity is witnessing the water blow, where water literally blows from a rock formation. In the evening you can catch a Cirque d’Soilel like show at Devdan Show .

DAY TWO:  Day two is for exploring. If you’re a shopping lover than stop at Bali Collection for a mix of stores. If you like culture then visit  Puja Mandala, a religious monument with temples, mosques and more. Or if you want to be active then join a cycling tour. In the evening you can stroll along the Nusa Dua Promenade.

DAY THREE: Feel like a real-life pirate and visit Pirates’ Bay, get back into the water for some water sports such as jet skiing and parasailing. Nusa Dua is full of entertainment! Lastly, you can check out the Surf n’ Turf park that has practice waves and instructors waiting for you.

READ MORE: 15 Awesome Things to do in Nusa Dua & Where to Stay in Nusa Dua

Nusa Islands: 1-5 Days

This group of three islands are absolutely stunning. Nusa Penida or Nusa Lembongan can be visited as day trips or you can choose to spend time on each island. I recommend spending more time on Nusa Penida (2-3 days) and less on Nusa Lembongan (1-2). Nusa Ceningan is so small it can be visited as part of your time on Nusa Lembongan as it’s connected by a yellow bridge which is a short walk or drive.

I have detailed itineraries for each island:

  • Nusa Lembongan (most visited)
  • Nusa Ceningan (smallest)
  • Nuda Penida (largest and most scenic)

bali der tour

Kuta: 1-2 Days

Kuta is a love or hate kind of place. You either want to spend some time here or avoid it like the plague.

DAY ONE:  If you want some water entertainment for the day that doesn’t involve a beach then make your way to Waterbom Bali or Circus Waterpark. If that’s too western for you then head to Kuta Beach where you can also catch one of Bali’s best sunsets.

DAY TWO:  Day two is another day packed with entertainment. You have the option to visit Kuta Theater which has a magic show, Dream Museum Zone which has immersive life scale paintings, try the 5GX “reverse bungee’, get your surf on at Amanda Flow House, Upside Down World Bali (self-explanatory, I think), or Pandora Experience Bali.

READ MORE: 11 Entertaining Things to do in Kuta &  Where to Stay in Kuta

Munduk: 2-3 Days

Munduk is great to do as a couple day trip from Ubud or as a trip from Canggu to Ubud. There is a lot of driving involved but the scenery is beautiful! Grab a bike or a private driver and you’ll love the nature here.

DAY ONE:  You’ll spend a good chunk of today driving to the Munduk area but once there you can stop at some stunning waterfalls such as Munduk Waterfall, Gitgit Waterfall, Aling-Aling Waterfall, Banyumala Waterfall (if you only visit one, make it this one!) and Melating Waterfall. Spend the night in Munduk, trust me you’ll be tired.

DAY TWO:  If you choose to spend 3 days exploring Munduk then this is your hiking day. Get up early before the clouds roll in to see the epic views over the rolling hills and mountains. Guided tours are available.

bali der tour

DAY THREE:  This is the day you head back to Ubud or move onto Ubud from Canggu. Get up early again so you can get to the hot spots before the crowds appear. Stop at the Twin Lake Wanagiri Spot (that’s the name on Google Maps) for an Instagram heaven with a swing that has a view over one of the lakes.

Next visit some beautiful gates that are really only gates to a golf course (Handara Golf & Resort Bali). They’re still awesome though. Lastly, stop at one of the most famous temples on the island, Ulun Danu Beratan Temple that sits along a lake with the mountains in the background. There are also lots of viewpoints to stop at along the drive through the lakes.

READ MORE: 8 Magical Things to do in Munduk

Amed: 2 Days

Your time in Amed really varies depending on what you want to do. If you’re not diving then 2 days in fine to explore the basics, but if you want to spend more time in the water then budget time accordingly. You can also get scuba certified here.

DAY ONE:  Amed is small to explore so spend the day in the water or along the beach. Go snorkeling or free dive at the top sites. Chill out on the beach, pop your head into the few shops or enjoy some yoga. In the evening make your way to the best viewpoint in town, Jemeluk viewpoint for sunset and a tasty dinner or a few drinks.

DAY TWO: Day two involves a mini day trip to the most Instagramable spot on the entire island:  Lempuyang Luhur Temple . It’s famous for having the ‘Gates to Heaven’ that frames Mount Agung, Bali’s tallest volcano, in the background. It will take about half the day and the second half you can do activities from day one that didn’t get to.

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Lovina: 1-2 Days

Lovina is worth a quick visit or can even be worked in as a stop on a trip to Munduk.

DAY ONE: Hangout on the black sand beach. Visit any waterfalls between Lovina and Munduk and hop into the freshwater springs or the Banjar hot springs…or both!

DAY TWO:  Go on a dolphin spotting tour , take a cooking class, visit Brahmavihara (a Buddhist temple) or spend even more time on the beach.

Best Time to Visit Bali

While Bali can be visit year-round there is definitely a best time to travel to Bali . Bali experiences only two seasons: wet season and dry season. The wet season, November to March, brings heavy rains but it never rains all day, mostly just showers for an hour or two during the day. The dry season, April to October has some rain but it is minimal and it is not uncommon to have dry days for weeks.

The temperature is consistent year-round with temperatures reaching as low as 23°C and highs of 34°C.

The busiest time of the year to visit in July and August so if you want to avoid crowds then the best time to visit is during the shoulder seasons April-June and September-October. It’s a treat to visit in the spring as it’s just after the wet seasons has finished and the island is covered in lush greenery.

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Bali Trip Budget

Bali can be a budget destination or it can be a luxury destination. The island has it all and you can choose how much money you want to spend. Though I found it slightly more expensive than other countries in Southeast Asia , I found Bali to be very flexible when it came to budgeting for accommodation, food and transport.

If you want to be tight $25USD day will get you by no problem but if you’re looking to be on a budget but with some wiggle room plan for $35-45USD a day. This is if you’re staying in hostels (100,000-150,000 a night), eating local food (15,000-50,000 per meal) and using budget apps to find transport which varies widely. Activities will fit into this budget but not daily.

If you want to live more comfortably, perhaps staying in a guesthouse, a cheap villa or hotel plan to spend $60-100USD per day. Accommodation in this range will cost you 300,000-600,000 per night.

On this budget you can eat all western food and enjoy the fancier restaurants with meals ranging from 100,000-350,000. Cocktails will run you anywhere from 70,000-200,000. You can also afford to take taxis or hire private drivers. You can also afford to do activities daily.

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Activities range but typically cost between 100,000-300,000 with some costing more or else. Entering a temple is anywhere between 15,000-60,000, a yoga class is 100,000-130,000, a cooking class 300,000 and hiking Mount Batur 300,000.

Anything above $100USD a day you’ll be able to stay in hotels, resorts and enjoy the totally luxe things on the island. Though know that Bali is home to some of the most expensive hotels in the world!

How to Get to Bali

There are 3 ways to get to Bali: plane, boat and bus. The most popular way to get to Bali is by plane, flying into the Ngurah Rai International Airport or Denpasar International Airport. There is one Bali airport (two names) that serves Bali and is located in Denpasar.

By boat is also an option with the most common route being from Java, which is a common way for travellers to travel between the two major islands. Lastly, you can take the bus from Java’s capital of Jakarta which takes 23 hours.

Travelling Around Bali

Getting around Bali is easy and you have a few options. Unfortunately, there is no public transport in Bali so you will have to rely on private drivers and apps to find you drivers or drive a scooter.

Luckily it never takes more than 2 hours to get between destinations unless you are planning on travelling far across the island which shouldn’t be the case as there is plenty to see and you’ll want to make stops and stay in more than one or two areas.

To get from the Bali airport to where you are staying

It is best to have a transfer booked ahead of time before you get to Bali. Private airport transfers are very affordable which can be booked online. Many accommodations also offer transfers too.

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To get from destination to destination

The cheapest way to move between different areas is to hire a Grab, Uber or Go-Jek (the Indonesian version of Grab/Uber). A price will be shown, however, drivers will always try and negotiate. This is normal so get your bargaining skills ready.

I recommend booking private drivers between destinations which are very affordable and less of a hassle.

The most expensive way is to hire a taxi, Blue Bird taxis are the main and trusted taxi company. Of course, if you’re comfortable driving a scooter with your baggage then you can hire a scooter and drive wherever you please.

There are some shuttles available, mostly from Ubud that are a cheaper shared option. If you’re taking a boat to the Nusa Islands, Lombok or the Gili Islands then transportation is usually organized and included in the price.

Getting around in an area

You can continue to hire cars or taxis or you can rent a scooter to scoot around to all of the highlights. Scooters cost 50,000-80,000 per day. Driving in Bali can be challenging because of traffic and I highly recommend only driving if you have experience . If you do not then either choose not to drive or practice somewhere quiet first. Through Go-Jek you can hire drivers to take you on a scooter which is a fraction of the price and extremely affordable.

READ MORE: 11 Common Southeast Asia Travel Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Living the dream life at Camaya Bali.

Travel Insurance

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READ MORE: 51 Tips for Backpacking Southeast Asia

Where to Go in Bali

A quick overview in map form of where to go in Bali with more detailed descriptions of each place below.

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This is the big question and often the most difficult part of travelling in Bali for people. It’s a large island, over 5,000 sq. km and there are many places to see in Bali. Below I’ve listed the highlights of the best places to visit in Bali and where to stay in Bali to help you decide which area or places you want to spend your time in. These are listed in no particular order.

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Ubud is the most famous area in Bali and it’s here that you’ll recognize the rice fields from Eat, Pray Love . Ubud is a town located in the centre of the island and is most known for its culture and abundance of yoga studios and yoga retreats in Ubud . A stop here is in order if you want to see temples, traditional dancing and crafts and to shop. Just outside of Ubud are the most famous rice terraces and some of the islands most famous scenery.

READ MORE: 11 Best Yoga Retreats in Bali

Canggu is a digital nomad hub with lots of westerns living here permanently or spending a few months on the southern coast. Canggu has a distinct backpacker vibe as there are no resorts in the area (though it’s considered an up and coming resort area). It’s busy but also has black sand beaches and it’s easy to find a party. The areas biggest draw are its easy surfing waves, cheaper accommodation prices and Australian style cafes. It’s very common to find yoga here as well.

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Seminyak is an area on Bali’s southern coast, next to Canggu that is known for its high-end luxury Bali resorts, villas and spas. There isn’t much to do in Seminyak as it’s an area to hang out and relax in. High-end shopping, excellent restaurants, beach clubs, bars and beach sunsets are most common as it’s popular for Bali nightlife. Surfing is also popular here. But don’t forget your wallet if you plan on visiting here!

Bukit Peninsula (Uluwatu)

The southern tip of Bali, Bukit Peninsula, is often referred to just as Uluwatu which is only one area of this area. It’s different from the rest of Bali because of its dramatic cliffs that plunge into the bluest waters found on the island. The area is well-known for its world-class surf breaks and white sand beaches, in which there are plenty to choose from. Travellers here most commonly stay at higher-end resorts or villas but it’s not hard to find cheaper accommodation and places to party with a high or low budget.

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Nusa Dua is another resort area on Bali’s southern shores close to the Bukit Peninsula and opposite Uluwatu. It’s famed for its all-inclusive beach resorts which boast white sand and an 18-hole golf course. Shopping and relaxing are the main activities here but some cultural things can be done here too. It’s an excellent area for families.

Nusa Islands (Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan & Nusa Ceningan)

The Nusa Islands are not considered a part of Bali as they are actually three separate islands off of Bali’s southeast coast that make up the Nusa Penida District. They are extremely common to visit during a Bali trip because it takes only half an hour by speedboat to reach these stunning islands.

Nusa Penida is the largest with dramatic scenery and vibrant blue waters. Nusa Lembongan is the most popular and much smaller in size but is popular for diving and surfing. Nusa Ceningan is the smallest but is equally as beautiful.

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Kuta was Bali’s first main tourist development and has since turned into a popular spot for partying and beach resorts. Travellers of all sorts come here to be entertained and catch the easy waves that are ideal for beginners. Located in central Bali, Kuta is often looked down upon from some travellers as being too touristy but it has all of the attractions that families, backpackers and luxury travellers could ever want.

Denpasar is the islands capital and often a place skipped by visitors. It’s a packed and chaotic area where over 1 million locals call home. On the east side you’ll find Sanur beach and in the centre you’ll find a hub of politics but also authentic restaurants, shopping and parks. Denpasar is also where the airport is located.

Munduk is a spot in central Bali that often goes unnoticed in travellers Bali itinerary. This mountain village is popular for its trekking through the hills and jungle surroundings. A trip to Munduk will ensure that you see waterfalls, visit lakes and escape from the sometimes overpowering heat.

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Amed is made up of a long strip of local fishing villages along Bali’s less popular northern coast. If snorkelling and diving are you thing then make sure you check out the marine life off of Amed’s shores. Still relatively unknown, Amed is slowly making it’s spot on travellers radar, becoming more developed but still hanging onto its traditions. Stunningly clear waters, a beach, small town feels and the beginners of a yoga hub are all here.

Lovina is a very relaxed resort area in northern Bali that is too made up of a string of villages like Amed. It’s less touristy and quiet. A spot here is in order if you wish to get away from it all. Here you can spot dolphins, chill out and soak up the sun on the black sand beaches.

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How Long to Spend in Bali?

On average, people who are vacationing in Bali spend 1 week and those who are travelling spend 2 weeks in Bali. I recommend this as the bare minimum. You will not be able to see all the places listed in this guide in 2 weeks, which is fine because some places are similar.

Have fun planning your Bali trip, I hope you fall in love with the island as much as I and so many others did!

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Journey to the spirit of Bali

Top Activities in Bali

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Mount Batur Sunrise Jeep Expedition

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia

Private Nusa Penida Snorkeling Tour

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia

All Inclusive Bali Quad Bike and Ayung Rafting

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Private Full Day Best of Ubud Tour

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Mount Agung Trekking Via Besakih Temple

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Bali Holy Water Purification and Palm Reading

Journey to the spirit of Bali

Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Exquisite UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Bali

Why bali trekking tour.

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Mount Agung

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Dev Bali Tour

Bali teaches us to live with wisdom and happiness. Enjoy every moment and make every day a new adventure.

Welcome to Dev Bali Tour, your trusted guide to exploring the enchanting island of Bali. We are a passionate team of local experts dedicated to providing you with unforgettable experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

At Dev Bali Tour, we believe that every traveler deserves a personalized and authentic journey through the rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant traditions of Bali. Our mission is to help you discover the hidden gems of this tropical paradise, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.

Discover Bali with Dev Bali Tour and immerse yourself in the island’s natural beauty, unique culture, and warm hospitality. We look forward to being your trusted companions on this remarkable journey. Let’s create unforgettable memories together.

Contact us today to start planning your Bali adventure.

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Bali Airport Transfer

Bali Airport Transfer provides a seamless and safe transportation solution from Ngurah Rai International Airport to your destination in Bali, with experienced drivers and various vehicle options to choose from, ensuring a hassle-free start to your Bali adventure.

Tour Package

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Kintamani Volcano View Tour

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Uluwatu & South Beach Tour

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Nusa Penida Island Tour

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Bali Instagramable Tour

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Elephant Expedition at Bali Zoo

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Bali Zoo Breakfast With Orangutan

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Snorkeling at Blue Lagoon

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Surfing Lesson

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Month Batur Sunrise Jeep Adventure

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Cooking Class

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Jewelry Making Class

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Turtle Conservation Island

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Mount Batur Sunrise Tracking

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Bali ATV Ride Tour

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Bali Rafting


Why Choose us

Local expertise.

Our experienced guides have an in-depth knowledge of Bali's culture, history, and attractions, providing you with insightful and enriching experiences throughout your tour.

Customized Itineraries

We offer the flexibility to tailor your tour according to your interests and preferences, ensuring you get the most out of your Bali adventure.

Seamless Transitions

We handle all logistics, including airport transfers, accommodations, and transportation, making your Bali tour hassle-free and allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories.

We are a premier tour and travel company dedicated to providing exceptional and unforgettable experiences for travelers from all over the world.

  • PT. Devarrel Ambara Dika
  • Whatsapp: +62 821-4566-3097
  • Phone: +62 836-1907-6889
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address: Jl Kebo lwa Selatan Lk Pandansari Blok D.4 Padangsambian - Denpasar Barat - BALI 80117

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    Welcome to Bali Trekking Tour, Journey to the spirit of Bali, The explorations of the spirit mountains, unique Bali cultures and its ... Unleash your sense of adventure with a captivating Bali trekking tour, immersing yourself in the unparalleled beauty of the island. Discover hidden gems and breathtaking landscapes on an unforgettable journey.

  19. Dev Bali Tour

    Welcome to Dev Bali Tour, your trusted guide to exploring the enchanting island of Bali. We are a passionate team of local experts dedicated to providing you with unforgettable experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. At Dev Bali Tour, we believe that every traveler deserves a personalized and authentic journey through the rich ...