Zoo Safari di Fasano

Lo Zoo Safari di Fasano è la tappa giusta per tutti coloro che vogliono trascorrere una giornata all’insegna del divertimento e della scoperta! Adatto a grandi e piccini, il complesso ospita un parco zoologico, composto da ben 5 aree dedicate agli animali, e un parco divertimenti.

Situato in provincia di Brindisi, non distante da cittadine come Monopoli e Alberobello , lo Zoosafari permette di ammirare circa 3000 animali di 200 specie diverse che si trovano all’interno di differenti ecosistemi. Il parco può essere esplorato grazie ad un percorso da fare in automobile (safari), a degli itinerari pedonali ma anche viaggiando su una suggestiva monorotaia.

Visitare questo sito significa trascorrere una giornata a contatto con gli animali ed avere un’occasione per osservarli, imparare informazioni sul loro comportamento e apprendere l’importanza della biodiversità . In questo viaggio alla scoperta del mondo animale è possibile ammirare gruppi di giraffe, zebre, leoni, orsi tibetani, orsi polari, rettili e numerose altre specie. Accanto allo Zoosafari è situato anche un bellissimo parco divertimenti, noto come Fasanolandia , dove sono presenti più di venti tra giostre e attrazioni.

Cosa vedere allo Zoo Safari di Fasano

Inaugurato nel 1973, lo Zoosafari di Fasano si presenta come secondo parco faunistico più grande d’Europa . Questo sito offre ai suoi visitatori esperienze davvero uniche grazie anche alla realizzazione di percorsi didattici ed esperienze scientifiche, sensoriali e interattive.

Gli esemplari vivono in uno stato di semi-libertà e sono ospitati in ambienti ideati per essere il più possibile simili a quelli naturali. Il percorso di visita comprende diverse aree tematiche che sono dedicate a differenti specie animali o a zone naturali specifiche.

La parte più avventurosa della visita al parco è sicuramente il safari , un percorso lungo circa 6 km che si snoda tra ulivi, carrubi e verde vegetazione. Semplicemente stando nel proprio veicolo (auto ma anche camper e bus) è possibile vivere un’esperienza davvero unica e percorrere un itinerario che porta alla scoperta di diversi ecosistemi. Così quasi per magia ci si trova circondati dal meraviglioso ambiente della savana con i suoi animali tipici come zebre, tigri, elefanti, giraffe e leoni. Ma l’esplorazione non termina qui! Il viaggio permette di ammirare animali come i cammelli, i fenicotteri, i cervi nei loro diversi ambienti.

Area dei Primati

Una volta terminato il safari in auto c’è la possibilità di lasciare la macchina in un apposito parcheggio e continuare a piedi la visita. All’interno dell’area pedonale è possibile conoscere meglio i grandi protagonisti del regno animale ed è qui che si trova anche la vera star del parco: il gorilla Riù. In questa zona, infatti, si esplora il mondo dei Primati caratterizzato da gorilla, scimpanzé e agili lemuri. Poi il percorso a piedi prosegue con la possibilità di vedere alpaca, licaoni e diversi uccelli di grossa taglia.

Lago dei grandi mammiferi

Una volta finito il percorso pedonale non pensate che le emozioni siano terminate! Ora è arrivato il momento di salire a bordo di una monorotaia e di compiere un suggestivo tour che porta alla scoperta del Lago dei Grandi Mammiferi, considerato il vero polmone verde del parco. In questa zona il visitatore può osservare foche, ippopotami, gibboni, ma anche orsi bruni e orsi polari. L’itinerario continua, poi, con una tappa al bellissimo villaggio delle scimmie dove si possono vedere numerosi esemplari di questo animale in continuo movimento.

Sala Tropicale

La Sala Tropicale permette di conoscere più da vicino il mondo dei rettili, dei pesci e di diverse specie di invertebrati. Estesa per circa 700mq, quest’area ospita in teche specie di serpenti (velenosi e non) come boa, pitoni, crotali, vipere, ma anche numerose tartarughe sia di acqua dolce che di terra, iguane, varani, scinchi, gechi, camaleonti, alligatori.

Non mancano poi aree dedicate ai pesci tropicali e quelle che ospitano ragni giganti e scorpioni. Queste sono specie che suscitano da un lato paura dall’altro molta curiosità per cui poterle vedere da vicino vi permetterà di conoscerle meglio.

Sea Lion Aquarium

Il Sea Lion Aquarium è il luogo in cui poter osservare numerose specie di leoni marini e anche di poter interagire con questi simpatici animali. Qui, durante delle sessioni didattiche dedicate, i trainer non solo forniscono una presentazione educativa su questa specie ma permettono di partecipare ad un’entusiasmante sessione di addestramento.

In questa zona si ha l’occasione di conoscere meglio anche la biologia e l’etologia di altre specie come le otarie e i pinguini e di imparare di più sulle iniziative di salvataggio, ricerca e conservazione di questi animali.


L’esperienza allo zoo di Fasano è poi completata dalla presenza di Fasanolandia, un parco divertimenti composto da più di venti attrazioni di vario genere e per tutte le età. Tra giostre adrenaliniche, giochi d’acqua, il cinema 4D Adventure e numerosi spettacoli teatrali Fasanolandia è il luogo giusto dove trascorrere una giornata all’insegna del divertimento . All’interno del parco si trovano anche bar, ristoranti e una vasta area picnic.

Orari di apertura dello Zoo di Fasano

Gli orari di apertura dello Zoosafari di Fasano variano in base alla stagione e sono dettati dalle esigenze degli animali.

Dal mese di maggio a quello di settembre, gli orari sono:

  • Biglietteria Zoosafari dalle 9:00 alle 15:00
  • Biglietteria Fasanolandia dalle 10:00 alle 16:00

Negli altri mesi dell’anno gli orari vengono ridotti o vengono organizzate aperture eccezionali in corrispondenza di festività come Halloween, Natale o Capodanno. Si consiglia di consultare il sito internet ufficiale per essere sempre aggiornati.

Biglietti per lo Zoo Safari di Fasano

I biglietti per accedere al sito sono di diverso tipo e dipendono dal tipo di percorso che volete fare.

Biglietto Zoosafari + parco divertimenti Fasanolandia

(incluso Safari con il proprio veicolo, percorso pedonale, tour al Lago dei Grandi Mammiferi con Metrozoo, Sala Tropicale (rettilario/acquario).

  • € 34,00 adulti
  • € 26,00 bambini dai 4 ai 10 anni
  • € 24,00 disabili autosufficienti
  • Sconti si applicano per gruppi e scolaresche, mentre i bambini sotto i 4 anni entrano gratis.

Il biglietto per il solo parco divertimenti di FasanoLandia viene:

  • € 18,00 adulti e bambini dai 4 anni in su
  • Entrano Gratuitamente i bambini con meno di 4 anni.

Per visitare il Sea Lion Aquarium è necessario comprare un biglietto extra che costa:

  • € 10,00 adulti e bambini dagli 11 anni in su
  • € 5,00 bambini dai 4 anni ai 10 anni

Come raggiungere lo Zoo Safari di Fasano

Lo Zoo di Fasano è facilmente raggiungibile in auto . Chi viene da nord deve percorrere la A14 fino al casello di Bari Nord e poi deve percorrere la SS 16 in direzione sud fino a Fasano. Chi viene da sud, invece, deve viaggiare lungo la SS 379 in direzione nord fino a Fasano.

Fasano dispone anche di una stazione ferroviaria che si trova lungo la linea Bari – Lecce. La stazione non è direttamente collegata allo Zoo tramite i mezzi pubblici, ma da lì bisogna prendere un autobus fino al centro del paese e poi un taxi fino alla zoo.

Dove dormire vicino lo Zoo Safari di Fasano

Visitare lo Zoosafari di Fasano e il parco divertimenti può richiedere anche uno o più giorni, per cui può essere comodo soggiornare nelle vicinanze del sito per poterlo raggiungere già dal mattino presto. In alternativa è possibile trovare una sistemazione a Fasano o nelle cittadine vicine.

Video dello Zoo Safari

Scopri in anteprima il parco Zoosafari di Fasano.

Informazioni utili

  • Lunedì: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Martedì: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Mercoledì: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Giovedì: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Venerdì: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Sabato: 09:30 - 15:00
  • Domenica: 09:30 - 15:00

Dove si trova Zoo Safari di Fasano

Lo Zoosafari è situato a Fasano una cittadina dell’entroterra pugliese che si trova in provincia di Brindisi. Il sito dista circa 4 km dal centro cittadino, 17 km da Monopoli e 50 km da Brindisi .

Attrazioni nei dintorni

Tiger drinking water

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Zoosafari Fasanolandia

Useful information.

  • Address: Via dello Zoosafari, Fasano Brindisi
  • Website: zoosafari.it
  • Phone: +39 0804 414 455

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Zoosafari Fasanolandia

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Un viaggio unico, in tanti mondi fantastici

Benvenuti nel nostro sogno, un tuffo nelle meraviglie della natura.

Incontrare una tigre che riposa all’ombra di un ulivo, imbattersi in un gruppetto di zebre che si gode il sole, ascoltare il ruggito potente del leone, incrociare gli occhi dolci della giraffa e stupirsi della presenza imponente dell’elefante, del bufalo e del rinoceronte…nel cuore della Puglia. No, non è un sogno ma la fotografia di una giornata speciale e indimenticabile da trascorrere con Noi, immersi nella natura e circondati dalla meraviglia del mondo animale, in piena libertà.


Scopri in anteprima il nostro parco, il viaggio ha inizio, ecco le aree principali del parco zoosafari, percorso in auto, percorso pedonale, l'area dei primati.

Terminato il percorso in auto, la visita attraverso i continenti della Terra continua nell’area pedonale. Qui, in una cornice impreziosita da tanto verde, proseguono gli incontri ravvicinati e straordinari con i protagonisti del regno animale. E, come per magia, ci si ritrova immersi nel mondo dei Primati: gli affascinanti gorilla, gli attivissimi scimpanzé, gli agili lemuri, i sempre indaffarati cebi dai cornetti. E poi ancora i candidi alpaca, i licaoni e diversi uccelli di grossa taglia.


Il lago dei grandi mammiferi, sala tropicale, il rettilario/acquario.

Nella Sala Tropicale inizia un percorso interamente dedicato a rettili, pesci e vari invertebrati. In questa tensostruttura di circa 700 mq, in teche idoneamente climatizzate, è possibile conoscere da vicino serpenti di ogni tipo, velenosi e non (boa, pitoni, crotali, vipere), tartarughe sia di acqua dolce che terricole, sauri, iguane, varani, scinchi, gechi, camaleonti, alligatori, pesci tropicali ed ancora ragni giganti, scorpioni, farfalle…


Villaggio madagascar, zona di recupero, angolo delle testuggini.

La Sala Madagascar, insieme alla Fattoria Didattica, alla Mostra degli Insetti Tropicali vivi e al Centro di Recupero delle Testuggini Europee, danno vita al nostro Polo Didattico, ideato per gli studenti di ogni ordine e grado. Da annoverare tra le offerte didattiche inoltre il PERCORSO BOTANICO, una rilassante passeggiata nel bosco alla scoperta delle essenze e degli animali che lo abitano, la PUGLIA IN MINIATURA, una riproduzione in scala delle meraviglie architettoniche della nostra regione e i vari musei. In particolare, l’angolo delle testuggini, realizzato in collaborazione con i Servizi Cites regionali del Corpo Forestale dello Stato, assolve ad un’importantissima funzione di recupero.


Sea lion aquarium, la storica struttura che ha ospitato negli anni vari esemplari di delfini, ha assunto da qualche anno il ruolo di sea lion aquarium. qui, i nostri trainer, durante le sessioni didattiche dedicate, prendono per mano il visitatore, adulto o bambino che sia, per accompagnarlo in un fantastico viaggio alla scoperta della biologia e dell’etologia di foche, leoni marini e pinguini. una esperienza formativa ed emozionante, scopri di piu', approfondisci anche, per le scuole.

Scopri tutte le opportunità per le visite scolastiche!


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Zoosafari Fasanolandia

Zoosafari Fasanolandia is an animal attraction and theme park in Fasano in southern Italy. The park includes a drive-through safari park in the visitor's own vehicle as well as walk around animal areas, animal shows, and several rides. The park opened in 1973 and includes the only male African elephant in Italy.

zoo safari brindisi

More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoosafari_Fasanolandia

Official website http://www.zoosafari.it/

Email [email protected]

Phone +39 80 44 14 455

Address Via dello Zoosafari, 72015 Fasano, Italy

Coordinates 40°50'2.811" N 17°20'11.136" E

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Zoosafari Fasanolandia: The Best Car Safari in Italy

  • May 3, 2024

We’re constantly learning about what it takes to travel with a child. For the most part, our expedition style hasn’t changed, but we’ve certainly noticed a few differences. As parents, it’s difficult to not realize how many activities and attractions are geared towards kids. Whether it’s motorized toys you can rent by the minute or carousels in the park, the opportunity to entertain children at our expense exists everywhere .

Naturally, when we saw the consistent advertising of Zoosafari Fasanolandia throughout Puglia, we knew we just had to visit. Luckily, our experience ended up being just as much for us parents as it was for our daughter!

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know before planning a fabulous visit to Zoosafari in Fasano.

And Where Is Zoosafari Fasanolandia?

  • Why You Should Visit

How Much Do Tickets Cost?

Where should you purchase tickets, when is zoosafari open, can you feed the animals, can you drive through with your windows down, how long does the drive through take, are dogs allowed, arrive before opening or during lunch hours, pack a lunch, be mindful of show times, scope out the park map beforehand, how to get to zoosafari in fasano, where to stay while visiting zoosafari.

  • Is Zoosafari Worth Visiting?

Car Safari in Puglia

What is Zoosafari Fasanolandia?

Zoosafari Fasanolandia is a combined theme park which consists of both an amusement park and an animal park . It is most known for its drive-through safari , which makes up the Zoosafari portion of the park.

Zoosafari is impressively the second-largest drive-through zoo in all of Europe and a prominent destination in Fasano altogether. Fasanolandia is the park’s other half and resembles a traditional theme park with rides, exhibits, and even an aquarium. Additional highlights of the theme park include a theatre, reptile house, monkey village, and a couple of small museums.

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Although the overall park is divided into two main components (Zoosafari and Fasanolandia), access to both typically goes hand in hand. A bit more on this below, but by purchasing tickets to Zoosafari, a visit to Fasanolandia is also included. On the other hand, it is possible to solely visit Fasanolandia without completing the drive-through safari. In short, there’s a ton to see and do at Zoosafari, but it can get confusing when planning your visit due to the way ticket sales are structured.

As the name suggests, Zoosafari Fasanolandia is located near the town of Fasano. Fasano is situated in southern Italy, specifically in the beautiful region of Puglia . It is 60 km (37 miles) from Puglia’s capital of Bari and less than a one-hour drive from Bari’s international airport.

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Amusement Park in Puglia

Is Zoosafari Fasanolandia Worth Visiting?

Puglia is one of Italy’s most beloved summer destinations. There is no shortage of gorgeous beaches to enjoy, seafood to devour, and charming towns to explore. With that being said, Zoosafari is likely on your radar for only two reasons.

  • You are an animal enthusiast and thoroughly enjoy zoo visits.
  • You are travelling with kids.

For those who resonate with the first reason, it makes complete sense to be interested in visiting a well-curated and straight-up fun animal experience . Sure, a zoo is one thing, but it’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t like a drive-through safari. How often can you come across the chance to see wild animals without being confined to small cages, all while in the comfort of your own car?

There are unfortunately many zoos out there that do not have the best interest of animals at heart. Zoosafari is not one of them, and their dedication to research programs, conservation of species, and education to the public takes the first priority.

It doesn’t take much to persuade any parent with children to visit Zoosafari. Whether your family is a lover of animals or not, Zoosafari and Fasanolandia effortlessly provides entertainment for kids of all ages . Particularly for any family who has done the beach and the aqua parks, the animal park is an excellent choice for switching it up. After all, fellow parents will understand that we’re just here to serve our children and their attention span! (Kind of only kidding).

Zoo in Puglia

Zoosafari Fasanolandia FAQs

Our least favorite part about Zoosafari Fasanolandia is the price. Compared to a typical zoo, admission fees are a bit costly . On top of that, the ticket structure is more complicated than it should be. During our visit, we paid for a Zoosafari ticket, which costs €32 per adult and €25 per child (free for children under 4 years old).

Aside from the main feature which consists of the drive-through safari, this type of ticket gives you access to Fasanolandia. However, it does not include entrance to the aquarium or any rides.

If you omit the safari altogether, a ticket to just Fasanolandia costs €18 per adult and children over four years old. For those eager to go on amusement park rides, this type of ticket is recommended since it includes six rides. Lastly, the third type of ticket, which is an add-on to the Zoosafari and Fasanolandia ticket, is admission to the Aquarium. A ticket to the Sea Lion Aquarium costs €10.

One of the best things about visiting the Zoosafari complex is that you can walk up and purchase tickets on the spot . There is no need to buy tickets upfront or online before arriving. This is the most ideal scenario for families who tend to make last minute plans like us.

As soon as the park is open, you will line up at the ticket booth while in your car if you’re headed to the drive-through safari. If you’re only visiting Fasanolandia, you can park your car and then walk to the kiosk to buy entry tickets. Reservations are also never required unless you have special requests or are traveling in a very large group.

Zoosafari Bears

To fully experience Zoosafari, plan a visit during April to September . This is the period when the park is completely open and operational, with regular visiting hours, shows, and exhibits. Outside of these months, the park is occasionally open with certain conditions. For example, in February, March, and October, you can only experience the drive-through safari on specific dates, while Fasanolandia (the theme park) remains closed. Additionally, there are special events during holidays such as Christmas and Halloween.

For Zoosafari (drive-through animal park), it is possible to purchase tickets and begin the tour from 9:30 to 15:00. Fasanolandia, which includes the amusement park with rides and other features like the theater and museums, is available from 10:00 to 16:00. These opening hours are only applicable from April to September.

By the park’s official rules, it’s not allowed to feed the animals or attract them towards you with food. It’s advised to follow this regulation while touring the safari because you may not know how animals will react. It’s a bit different than feeding pigeons at the park! In a worst-case scenario, the safari animals may cause damage to your car or you if you attract them with your own food.

Ironically, as you approach the entrance and parking area for the park, you’ll see a ton of roadside vendors. Each of them is selling plastic bags of food geared towards the zoo animals, typically carrots or even peanuts. Clearly, these vendors are not associated with the actual zoo, and that’s why you’ll see them making their sales before the park grounds.

Similar to Zoosafari’s stance on feeding animals, you’re technically not allowed to drive through the safari with your windows down. There are signs posted in multiple areas of the park prohibiting this for safety and liability reasons. However, this is where we slightly broke the rules, but only when it made sense. For example, the drive-through route begins with a large section of many goats, donkeys, and some horses.

There was not one car among ours that did not have their windows down and sticking their arms out to pet the animals. How can you resist a friendly lick from a farm animal?

As you get further into the excursion and into high-risk sections like the tigers, it’s probably not a good idea to treat them like goats. Additionally, the guards staged in these areas are more alert and will remind you to put your window up.

Overall, we kept our windows closed at all times in the backseat for our daughter but kept ours cracked open in order to take better photos. Use your best judgment with this one!

Things to do in Puglia with kids

Driving through the safari can take 30 minutes or over one hour. It completely depends on how long you stop at each animal species and take the time to observe or admire. There were some animals to which our daughter was glued to and didn’t want to leave. Other animals were shy or not visible, so we zipped on by. Secondly, the time to complete the route will also depend on the number of other visitors accompanying you. After all, it’s a drive, which means there will either be a lot of traffic or not.

To our surprise, we saw a handful of dogs joining their human owners at Zoosafari. The dogs were even seen in the Fasanolandia theme park, which has access to the aquarium, monkey village, and reptile house. We believe there is a size limit for dogs allowed inside , as all of the pups we saw were rather small. If your dog isn’t large and is well mannered, bring them along!

Tips for Visiting Zoosafari Fasanolandia

This tip seems to apply to any frequented attraction or even beach, particularly in Italy. Arriving early is only effective if you get there before doors open so you are at the front of the line. If you arrive at opening hour, there will already be many cars ahead of you which cause traffic throughout the safari course.

We learned from our mistake, and when we visit Zoosafari again, we will likely arrive around 12:30pm when most people (Italians in particular) will start to leave for lunch instead.

Car Safari in Fasano

On the subject of lunch, it’s recommended that you pack your own sandwich or something easy to bring along with you. There are a handful of kiosks selling food inside Fasanolandia, but they are overpriced and of low quality. We were definitely not the only ones taking a picnic break in our car after the drive-through safari and before entering the theme park.

If you’re keen on catching a show at the theatre, aquarium, reptile house, or any other special performance, consider planning your visit around the show times . Unfortunately, show times vary and they’re not on a structured schedule (or published online). But there are two ways to confirm this beforehand. First, you can ask the ticket booth when you first arrive for all the show times. Alternatively, you can email Zoosafari in advance if you like to plan well ahead.

For us, seeing the performances was not a critical aspect of our visit so we played it by ear. Still, we were pleasantly surprised to catch a dog show by chance as we walked by the theatre.

Parents who are traveling with young children will likely want to avoid as much backtracking and wandering in the wrong direction as possible. We know from experience that there is nothing worse than disappointing a toddler by ending up at the wrong ride or attraction. Luckily, when you purchase your admission tickets, you’ll also receive a copy of the park map (for both Zoosafari and Fasanolandia) .

The drive-through safari is very straightforward because it’s just one road and designed for you to see all of the animals. Fasanolandia is less intuitive, and the signs placed within the park don’t really point in the correct directions. Using the physical map to navigate the amusement park is best. It will give you a good preview of the layout instead of cluelessly walking around.

kid friendly puglia

The town of Fasano is conveniently located right off the E55 motorway. The zoo and park are then situated on a hill just up the street from Fasano’s centre. Reaching Zoosafari Fasanolandia by car is by far the quickest way.

Zoosafari’s distance from a few major cities and towns in Puglia includes:

  • Bari to Zoosafari – 60 km (37 miles)
  • Alberobello to Zoosafari – 16 km (10 miles)
  • Monopoli to Zoosafari – 18 km (11 miles)
  • Brindisi to Zoosafari – 66 km (41 miles)

BY TRAIN: Reaching Fasano by train is possible, but the station is located 3 km from the town center. There is a bus that regularly shuttles passengers from the Fasano train station into town. However, there is no bus that departs from Fasano’s town center to Zoosafari park. You would need to catch a taxi or walk the remainder of the journey.

→ 🚊 Find schedules and train tickets to Fasano ←

Ever wonder what it’s like to sleep at a theme park? Zoosafari has a few options for guests looking to stay directly at the park and zoo. If you’re looking to make the animal park a focal point of your trip, spending the night or two can be super appealing to families with kids. Minimize travel time and maximize park time!

Park Hotel Sant’Elia (7.9 rating) – Book with Booking.com

Hotel Castel Miramonti (8.2 rating) – Book with Booking.com

Masseria Borgo Ritella (9.3 rating) – Book with Booking.com

→ 🛌 Find a place to stay in Fasano ←

Final Thoughts on Visiting Zoosafari Fasanolandia

If you are looking for our honest review of Zoosafari Fasanolandia, then we’d quickly tell you, yes, it’s worth a visit. It may not make the traditional list of the best things to do in Puglia but if you have the time, it won’t disappoint. As if we haven’t mentioned it enough, it’s especially a no-brainer if you are traveling with kids . To simplify our recommendation further, let’s break it down to pros and cons!

  • The drive-through safari is excellent and good old-fashioned fun for all. There is a great variety of animals , and the route is well-maintained and designed.
  • The Zoosafari ticket gives you automatic access to the pedestrian zone and Fasanolandia. It’s a good value to see additional exhibits like the reptile house, monkey village, and museums.
  • There is plenty of parking, so you do not need to stress about sold-out tickets or availability.
  • Much less affordable than a traditional zoo.
  • For the price of admission, it feels like access to the Aquarium should also be included.
  • Parking is also not free in the designated lots and costs around €3 for the whole day.

Things to see in Puglia with kids

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  1. Zoosafari Fasanolandia in Brindisi, Italy

    zoo safari brindisi


    zoo safari brindisi

  3. Zoo Safari

    zoo safari brindisi

  4. Zoo Safari

    zoo safari brindisi

  5. Zoo Safari di Fasano

    zoo safari brindisi


    zoo safari brindisi


  1. Zoosafari

    Jul 2020 • Family. A great zoo/safari that you visit by car. Lots of species are present, including the main ones like lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, etc. You can by vegetables in advance and give them to the animals, which is great fun. A very good moment for the children !

  2. ZOOSAFARI (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with ...

    Staff kicking animals with sticks when they came on the road. No grass, just dry soil, this is no safari, the animals have no space, no grass, there even is a polar bear in a tiny pool, a crocodile in a tiny circular pool. On the games part, you pay 10€ for 6 rides or 3€ each… the merry go-round lasted for 20seconds literally.

  3. Zoosafari

    Province of Brindisi. Fasano. Things to do in Fasano. Zoosafari. See all things to do. Zoosafari. See all things to do. See all things to do. Zoosafari. 4. 5,111 reviews #3 of 53 things to do in Fasano. Zoos. ... A great zoo/safari that you visit by car. Lots of species are present, including the main ones like lions, tigers, elephants ...

  4. ZOOSAFARI (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with ...

    The rest of the Zoo is quite average and was underwhelming after the Safari drive. To conclude - no matter you're with kids or not, this is really one of the best attractions in entire Puglia region. Real African Safari is certainly more authentic, but here you're sure to see all the animals including the Big 5.

  5. Zoosafari

    Province of Brindisi. Fasano. Things to Do in Fasano. Zoosafari. See all things to do. Zoosafari. See all things to do. See all things to do. Zoosafari. 4. 5,137 reviews #3 of 53 things to do in Fasano. Zoos. Open now. 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Monday. ... Went to Zoo Safari whilst on holiday. The safari in the car was brilliant!

  6. Zoosafari

    A Fun weekend for a family! The animal drive-through was amazing. Take plenty of carrots and lettuce to feed them! Take smaller food like raisins and peanuts to feed the monkeys in the pedestrian zoo. The rides are paid individually and low scale compared to late theme parks but may be enjoyed by some. Read more.

  7. ZOOSAFARI (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Province of Brindisi. Fasano. Things to do in Fasano. Zoosafari. See all things to do. Zoosafari. See all things to do. See all things to do. Zoosafari. 4. 5,130 reviews #3 of 53 things to do in Fasano. Zoos. ... So while a visit to the Zoo Safari is absolutely worth it, the amusement park is the opposite. Read more.

  8. ZOOSAFARI: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    The rest of the Zoo is quite average and was underwhelming after the Safari drive. To conclude - no matter you're with kids or not, this is really one of the best attractions in entire Puglia region. Real African Safari is certainly more authentic, but here you're sure to see all the animals including the Big 5.

  9. ZOOSAFARI (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Read our transparency report to learn more. The so called safari is a street ride around caged animals. Most of the animals are just lying around, with no real will for living. The tour included 35 minutes of bus driving through the so called open area and 20 minutes of walking.

  10. Zoosafari

    Province of Brindisi. Fasano. Things to do in Fasano. ... and it includes the drive through safari, as well the normal Zoo after it. The fee is worth for the drive Safari only, the normal Zoo was average seen so many times. The drive path takes around 90 min, but we drove it more than 2 hours (enough space to stand aside to let others bypass ...

  11. Home

    Vieni a conoscere da vicino la conservazione di importanti specie. Lo Zoosafari Fasano, incarnando la moderna vocazione dei Giardini Zoologici, svolge un ruolo di primo piano nell'attività di conservazione delle specie minacciate di estinzione. Con i suoi 140 ettari di estensione, è il regno della biodiversità, un'oasi naturale che ...

  12. Zoo Safari di Fasano: biglietti, orari e informazioni utili per la

    Lo Zoo Safari di Fasano è la tappa giusta per tutti coloro che vogliono trascorrere una giornata all'insegna del divertimento e della scoperta! Adatto a grandi e piccini, il complesso ospita un parco zoologico, composto da ben 5 aree dedicate agli animali, e un parco divertimenti.. Situato in provincia di Brindisi, non distante da cittadine come Monopoli e Alberobello, lo Zoosafari permette ...

  13. ZOOSAFARI: Tutto quello che c'è da sapere (AGGIORNATO 2024

    Zoosafari. Lo Zoosafari è il primo parco in Italia e il secondo parco più grande d'Europa. Rappresenta una delle principali attrazioni del Sud Italia e una tappa imprescindibile per tutti i turisti che scelgono di visitare la nostra meravigliosa e sempre più amata Puglia. Il Safari è la porzione più "selvaggia" del parco, dove i visitatori ...

  14. Zoosafari

    Province of Brindisi. Fasano. Things to Do in Fasano. Zoosafari. See all things to do. Zoosafari. See all things to do. See all things to do. Zoosafari. 4. 5,135 reviews #3 of 53 things to do in Fasano. ... So while a visit to the Zoo Safari is absolutely worth it, the amusement park is the opposite. Read more. Written April 17, 2016.

  15. Zoosafari Fasanolandia

    Zoosafari Fasanolandia. The guide was updated: 2024-03-17. Zoosafari is the largest wildlife park in Italy, located a few kilometres from Fasano. It is a place where you can watch exotic animals like tigers, lions, bears, elephants (and so much more) from your vehicle. In addition to the safari park, there is a large amusement park with ...

  16. Zoosafari

    Zoosafari. Incontrare una tigre che riposa all'ombra di un ulivo, imbattersi in un gruppetto di zebre che si gode il sole, ascoltare il ruggito potente del leone, incrociare gli occhi dolci della giraffa e stupirsi della presenza imponente dell'elefante, del bufalo e del rinoceronte…nel cuore della Puglia. No, non è un sogno ma la ...

  17. Zoosafari Fasanolandia in Brindisi, Italy

    Zoosafari Fasanolandia is an animal attraction and theme park in Fasano in southern Italy. The park includes a drive-through safari park in the visitor's own vehicle as well as walk around animal areas, animal shows, and several rides. The park opened in 1973 and includes the only male African elephant in Italy. wikipedia.

  18. Zoosafari

    The Zoofari in Fasano is so ridiculous, it is totally worth the trip! We ended up taking almost 500 pictures, all of them hilarious! The drive-thru zoo is by far the best part, especially when you bring your own snacks. The combination tickets (for the drive-thru zoo and rest of the park) were 22 Euro.

  19. ZOOSAFARI: All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

    Staff kicking animals with sticks when they came on the road. No grass, just dry soil, this is no safari, the animals have no space, no grass, there even is a polar bear in a tiny pool, a crocodile in a tiny circular pool. On the games part, you pay 10€ for 6 rides or 3€ each… the merry go-round lasted for 20seconds literally.

  20. Zoosafari Fasanolandia

    Zoosafari Fasanolandia is an animal attraction and theme park in Fasano in southern Italy.The park includes a drive-through safari park in the visitor's own vehicle as well as walk around animal areas, animal shows, and several rides. The park opened in 1973 and includes the only male African elephant in Italy.

  21. Zoosafari Fasanolandia

    Things to know before you go. The zoo section is pedestrian-only, so wear comfortable shoes, a hat, and sunscreen. About two hours are needed to visit this section. The safari park can only be visited in your own car or aboard the park shuttle. It takes about 30 minutes to tour this section. The safari and zoo areas are accessible to wheelchair ...

  22. Zoosafari Fasanolandia: The Best Car Safari in Italy

    Zoosafari Fasanolandia is a combined theme park which consists of both an amusement park and an animal park. It is most known for its drive-through safari, which makes up the Zoosafari portion of the park. Zoosafari is impressively the second-largest drive-through zoo in all of Europe and a prominent destination in Fasano altogether.