Sustainable tourism

Related sdgs, promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable ....

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Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and an important source of foreign exchange and employment, while being closely linked to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of many countries, especially developing countries. Maritime or ocean-related tourism, as well as coastal tourism, are for example vital sectors of the economy in small island developing States (SIDS) and coastal least developed countries (LDCs) (see also: The Potential of the Blue Economy report as well as the Community of Ocean Action on sustainable blue economy).

The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities".

Based on General assembly resolution 70/193, 2017 was declared as the  International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development SDG target 8.9, aims to “by 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”. The importance of sustainable tourism is also highlighted in SDG target 12.b. which aims to “develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”.

Tourism is also identified as one of the tools to “by 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries” as comprised in SDG target 14.7.

In the Rio+20 outcome document The Future We want, sustainable tourism is defined by paragraph 130 as a significant contributor “to the three dimensions of sustainable development” thanks to its close linkages to other sectors and its ability to create decent jobs and generate trade opportunities. Therefore, Member States recognize “the need to support sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, respect wildlife, flora, biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural diversity, and improve the welfare and livelihoods of local communities by supporting their local economies and the human and natural environment as a whole. ” In paragraph 130, Member States also “call for enhanced support for sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building in developing countries in order to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development”.

In paragraph 131, Member States “encourage the promotion of investment in sustainable tourism, including eco-tourism and cultural tourism, which may include creating small- and medium-sized enterprises and facilitating access to finance, including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, indigenous peoples and local communities in areas with high eco-tourism potential”. In this regard, Member States also “underline the importance of establishing, where necessary, appropriate guidelines and regulations in accordance with national priorities and legislation for promoting and supporting sustainable tourism”.

In 2002, the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg called for the promotion of sustainable tourism development, including non-consumptive and eco-tourism, in Chapter IV, paragraph 43 of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

At the Johannesburg Summit, the launch of the “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP) initiative was announced. The initiative was inaugurated by the World Tourism Organization, in collaboration with UNCTAD, in order to develop sustainable tourism as a force for poverty alleviation.

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) last reviewed the issue of sustainable tourism in 2001, when it was acting as the Preparatory Committee for the Johannesburg Summit.

The importance of sustainable tourism was also mentioned in Agenda 21.

For more information and documents on this topic,  please visit this link

UNWTO Annual Report 2015

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UNWTO Annual Report 2016

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  • January 2017 International Year of Tourism In the context of the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the International Year aims to support a change in policies, business practices and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector that can contribute to the SDGs.
  • January 2015 Targets 8.9, 12 b,14.7 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commits Member States, through Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.9 to “devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”. The importance of sustainable tourism, as a driver for jobs creation and the promotion of local culture and products, is also highlighted in Sustainable Development Goal target 12.b. Tourism is also identified as one of the tools to “increase [by 2030] the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries”, through Sustainable Development Goals Target 14.7.
  • January 2012 Future We Want (Para 130-131) Sustainable tourism is defined as a significant contributor “to the three dimensions of sustainable development” thanks to its close linkages to other sectors and its ability to create decent jobs and generate trade opportunities. Therefore, Member States recognize “the need to support sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, respect wildlife, flora, biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural diversity, and improve the welfare and livelihoods of local communities” as well as to “encourage the promotion of investment in sustainable tourism, including eco-tourism and cultural tourism, which may include creating small and medium sized enterprises and facilitating access to finance, including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, indigenous peoples and local communities in areas with high eco-tourism potential”.
  • January 2009 Roadmap for Recovery UNWTO announced in March 2009 the elaboration of a Roadmap for Recovery to be finalized by UNWTO’s General Assembly, based on seven action points. The Roadmap includes a set of 15 recommendations based on three interlocking action areas: resilience, stimulus, green economy aimed at supporting the tourism sector and the global economy.
  • January 2008 Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria represent the minimum requirements any tourism business should observe in order to ensure preservation and respect of the natural and cultural resources and make sure at the same time that tourism potential as tool for poverty alleviation is enforced. The Criteria are 41 and distributed into four different categories: 1) sustainability management, 2) social and economic 3) cultural 4) environmental.
  • January 2003 1st Int. Conf. on Climate Change and Tourism The conference was organized in order to gather tourism authorities, organizations, businesses and scientists to discuss on the impact that climate change can have on the tourist sector. The event took place from 9 till 11 April 2003 in Djerba, Tunisia.
  • January 2003 WTO becomes a UN specialized body By Resolution 453 (XV), the Assembly agreed on the transformation of the WTO into a United Nations specialized body. Such transformation was later ratified by the United Nations General Assembly with the adoption of Resolution A/RES/58/232.
  • January 2002 World Ecotourism Summit Held in May 2002, in Quebec City, Canada, the Summit represented the most important event in the framework of the International Year of Ecosystem. The Summit identified as main themes: ecotourism policy and planning, regulation of ecotourism, product development, marketing and promotion of ecotourism and monitoring costs and benefits of ecotourism.
  • January 1985 Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code At the World Tourism Organization Sixth Assembly held in Sofia in 1985, the Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code were adopted, setting out the rights and duties of tourists and host populations and formulating policies and action for implementation by states and the tourist industry.
  • January 1982 Acapulco Document Adopted in 1982, the Acapulco Document acknowledges the new dimension and role of tourism as a positive instrument towards the improvement of the quality of life for all peoples, as well as a significant force for peace and international understanding. The Acapulco Document also urges Member States to elaborate their policies, plans and programmes on tourism, in accordance with their national priorities and within the framework of the programme of work of the World Tourism Organization.

UN urges investment in clean, sustainable tourism, as numbers bounce back

Sustainable tourism benefits the environment, the economy and communities.

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International tourism is showing strong signs of recovery, with tourist numbers rising to 57 per cent of pre-pandemic levels. On World Tourism Day, marked on Tuesday, the UN is calling for a major global rethink of the sector, to ensure that tourism is sustainable, and benefits local communities.

The UN World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) released encouraging news on Monday, with its latest World Tourism Barometer, which shows that international tourism arrivals almost tripled in the first seven months of 2022 (compared to the same period in 2021).

Cautious optimism

The agency’s Panel of Tourism Experts expressed cautious confidence for the rest of year, and into 2023, despite the uncertain economic environment: increasing interest rates, rising energy and food prices, and the growing prospects of a global recession, continue to pose major threats to the sector.

In a message released to mark the Day, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, hailed tourism’s ability to drive sustainable development, and called for more investment in clean and sustainable tourism, the creation of decent jobs, and for measures to ensure that profits benefit host countries and local communities.

Dekha Dewandana arrange words with flowers at Esa di Kubu Homestay in Sudaji Village, Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia.

Go green to survive

“Governments, businesses and consumers must align their tourism practices with the Sustainable Development Goals and a 1.5 degree future”, said Mr. Guterres, referring to international agreements aimed at keeping global warming in check. “The very survival of this industry, and many tourist destinations, such as Small Island Developing States, depends on it.”

“The restart of tourism everywhere brings hope,” declared Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary-General, in his address at the opening of the official celebrations organized for the Day, in the Indonesian resort city of Bali.

Mr. Pololikashvili described tourism, which employs around 10 per cent of the global workforce, as the “ultimate cross-cutting and people-to-people sector, which touches on almost everything we do.”

Report card

To mark the day, UNWTO launched its first World Tourism Day Report , the first in an annual series of updates and analysis of the Organization’s work guiding the sector forward.

The report contains updates on the agency’s activities in key areas including gender equality, sustainability and climate action, tourism governance and investments and innovation.

Representatives of the G20 group of the world’s leading economies, including tourism ministers, will meet in Bali in November. Ahead of the event, UNWTO has produced a set of guidelines for ministers, to enable them to support resilient and sustainable tourist businesses, which take into account human capital, innovation, youth and women empowerment, and climate action.

Ensure zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation: UN rights expert

An independent UN rights expert released a statement ahead of the Day, to call for Governments to ensure that the tourism industry is free from child forced labour, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. 

Mama Fatima Singhateh, UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, warned that the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and socioeconomic setbacks have caused enormous strains on child protection systems.

This, she said, has made children more vulnerable to sale, trafficking and sexual exploitation in the context of travel and tourism, especially in countries that have traditionally relied on the income generated from travel and tourism.  

Tourism and the climate crisis

  • In response to concerns surrounding the impact of the tourism sector on the climate crisis, UNWTO launched the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism at the 2021 UN Climate Conference (COP26), which was held in the Scottish City.
  • Signatories commit to supporting global commitments to halve harmful emissions by 2030, and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050, implement climate action plans, and report on their progress on an annual basis.
  • To date more than 530 organizations have signed the Declaration, including major international companies, and tourism boards from a wide variety of countries.  

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  • A/70/472 - Sustainable development: report of the Second Committee [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
  • A/RES/70/193 - International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017 [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
  • A/RES/70/196 - Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central America [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
  • A/RES/70/200 - Global Code of Ethics for Tourism [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
  • Compendium of Best Practices in Sustainable Tourism

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sustainable tourism development de


Sustainability is a concept that has been gaining social and political recognition, not least due to the coordinated launch of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, and now with the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Established in 2015 and promoted by the United Nations, the SDGs are key to ensuring an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable world.

The 2030 Agenda is the reference framework for all UN agencies, programs and funds, and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is responsible for ensuring international tourism plays its part in its achievement.

The following guidelines have been established:

  • The principle of sustainability refers not just to the environmental impact of tourism but also to its social and economic impacts.
  • To protect and preserve the natural spaces and biological ecosystems of destinations.
  • To respect the traditions and cultures of host countries and develop intercultural tolerance.
  • To ensure economic activities that reduce poverty in the host country.

These guidelines are only the first link in a whole chain that is concerned with and advocates sustainable tourism.

These guidelines mean that as tourism restarts, the sector is ready to grow back stronger and better for people, planet and prosperity.

The future of tourism is sustainable and regenerative

To make tourism sustainable and even regenerative, travellers themselves must undergo a mindset shift — but that's not easy in a cost-of-living squeeze.

To make tourism sustainable and even regenerative, travellers themselves must undergo a mindset shift — but that's not easy in a cost-of-living squeeze. Image:  Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

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Naoko kutty.

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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  • Japanese domestic tourism is recovering from the shock of the pandemic but international travel is lagging.
  • Travellers increasingly demand sustainable and affordable options — but those are hard to come by in a cost-of-living squeeze.
  • To make sustainable and regenerative tourism a reality, travellers themselves must undergo a mindset shift.

Since the significant easing of its pandemic border control measures last October, Japan has seen a steady return of foreign tourists.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), the number of visitors to Japan in July reached 2.32 million, recovering to about 80% of 2019 levels.

And Japanese people are travelling their own country more, too. According to the travel trend survey by Japan Travel Bureau(JTB), 72.5 million people in Japan traveled within their country during the summer vacation season in July and August — almost returning to pre-pandemic levels. International travel, meanwhile, was low: 1.2 million people , which is 40% of the 2019 figures.

Many people wished to travel abroad but were unable or unwilling to do so cited concerns about safety and health, the lengthy immigration procedures involved in international travel and the unfavourable exchange rates and high costs.

For the outbound recovery to gain momentum, a safe and economically enabling environment is essential.

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As the influx of tourists revitalizes local economies, a growing concern is emerging: the resurgence of overtourism, where popular destinations are flooded with an excessive number of visitors. In response, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has announced plans to develop solutions this coming autumn to combat overtourism, addressing its negative impacts on local life, including congestion, traffic jams and litter.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, overtourism had started to plague certain Japanese tourist spots. As Japan's tourism industry and tourist destinations hit hard by the pandemic make strides toward recovery, it essential to view these challenges as opportunities for positive change and transform tourism into something more sustainable.

Hotels across Japan are accelerating their sustainability efforts. One noteworthy example is the Tokyo Station Hotel, located within the Tokyo Station building, which is designated as a National Important Cultural Property, is implementing the " CO₂ Zero STAY " programme to virtually eliminate CO₂ emissions generated during a stay by all rooms booked through the official website.

The World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Mobility works across four industries: aerospace and drones; automotive and new mobility; aviation travel and tourism; and supply chain and transport. It aims to ensure that the future of mobility is safe, clean, and inclusive.

  • Through the Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition , more than 100 companies are working together to power global aviation with 10% sustainable aviation fuel by 2030.
  • In collaboration with UNICEF, the Forum developed a charter with leading shipping, airlines and logistics to support COVAX in delivering more than 1 billion COVID-19 vaccines to vulnerable communities worldwide.
  • The Road Freight Zero Project and P4G-Getting to Zero Coalition have led to outcomes demonstrating the rationale, costs and opportunities for accelerating the transition to zero emission freight.
  • The Medicine from the Sky initiative is using drones to deliver vaccines and medicine to remote areas in India, completing over 300 successful trials.
  • The Forum’s Target True Zero initiative is working to accelerate the deployment and scaling of zero emission aviation, leveraging electric and hydrogen flight technologies.
  • In collaboration with the City of Los Angeles, Federal Aviation Administration, and NASA, the Forum developed the Principles of the Urban Sky to help adopt Urban Air Mobility in cities worldwide.
  • The Forum led the development of the Space Sustainability Rating to incentivize and promote a more safe and sustainable approach to space mission management and debris mitigation in orbit.
  • The Circular Cars Initiative is informing the automotive circularity policy agenda, following the endorsement from European Commission and Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Council countries, and is now invited to support China’s policy roadmap.
  • The Moving India network is working with policymakers to advance electric vehicle manufacturing policies, ignite adoption of zero emission road freight vehicles, and finance the transition.
  • The Urban Mobility Scorecards initiative – led by the Forum’s Global New Mobility Coalition – is bringing together mobility operators and cities to benchmark the transition to sustainable urban mobility systems.

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This initiative, which uses the carbon offset system, calculates and visualizes the amount of CO₂ emissions generated by guest stays and invests the equivalent amount in emissions reduction activities, thereby reducing the emissions to virtually zero. All costs are covered by the hotel itself, meaning that guests contribute to expanding forest conservation efforts and supporting renewable energy simply by staying at the hotel.

Another player in the sustainable hospitality scene is Mori Trust Hotels & Resorts. They are taking steps to preserve tourism resources by introducing eco-friendly amenities like wooden and bamboo toothbrushes and hairbrushes, as well as razors and shower caps with reduced plastic content. They are also eliminating individual packaging for soaps and amenities while charging for these items. The company is currently reassessing the amenities used in their 18 hotels nationwide, which collectively use around 16 tons of plastic each year, and aims to cut down the plastic used in amenities by over 90% by 2024.

Traveller behaviour and tourism

As hotels and other players in the tourism industry move towards a more sustainable future, it is equally crucial that travellers, who are the main drivers of tourism, follow suit and change their attitudes and behaviours.

According to the Sustainable Travel Report 2023 , which gathered insights from over 33,000 travellers across 35 countries and territories, 76% of global travellers — and 56% of Japanese travellers — express a desire to embrace more sustainable travel over the coming 12 months. On the other hand, 76% of global travellers and 75% of Japanese travellers say that the global energy crisis and rising costs are impacting their spending plans. This has led to travellers being more budget-conscious, with only 43% of global travellers and 22% of Japanese travellers willing to pay extra for certified sustainable travel experiences.

In light of this trend, offering discounts and financial incentives by tourism providers may motivate travellers to opt for sustainable travel options. Furthermore, providing more information and choices can also promote sustainable travel, since almost half of both global and Japanese travellers feel there are not enough sustainable travel options available to them.

Regenerative tourism: the future of tourism

"There's one thing we can do: actively choose sustainable hotels and resorts, and contribute to their economic impact. Guests are the key to creating a sustainable environment," says travel journalist Naoko Terada, highlighting a crucial step that we all must take.

To achieve sustainable tourism that considers environmental, social and economic impacts, it is essential to change the mindset of travellers, who must act responsibly in terms of their impact on local communities and the natural environment. The realization of a future in which regenerative tourism, a further evolution of sustainable tourism, becomes mainstream depends on changing the behaviour of both hosts and travellers.

In the World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021: Rebuilding for a Sustainable and Resilient Future , Japan took the top spot in the development index ranking.

Japan, a highly regarded tourist destination, is leading the way in the future of regenerative tourism — where the more tourists visit, the more the place changes for the better — which will have a significant impact on the transformation of the global tourism industry.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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Revision of the gstc accreditation manual for destination certification bodies, gstc2024 singapore global conference, sentosa, singapore | 13-16 november, gstc criteria, the global sustainability standards in travel and tourism, what is sustainable tourism.

There are many terms that float around that may sound similar but actually refer to something distinct.

Definition of Sustainable Tourism

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Negative impacts to a destination include economic leakage, damage to the natural environment and overcrowding to name a few.

Positive impacts to a destination include job creation, cultural heritage preservation and interpretation, wildlife preservation landscape restoration, and more.

Sustainable tourism is defined by the UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”

Additionally, they say that sustainable tourism “refers to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability” ( UNEP & UNWTO , 2005: 11-12. Making Tourism More Sustainable – A Guide for Policy Makers ).

Definition of Ecotourism

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Fennell described it as such: “Ecotourism is a sustainable form of natural resource-based tourism that focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, and which is ethically managed to be low-impact, non-consumptive, and locally-oriented. It typically occurs in natural areas, and should contribute to the conservation or preservation of such areas” (Fennell, 1999: 43. Ecotourism: An Introduction ).

The  Mohonk Agreement (2000) , a proposal for international certification of Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism, saw ecotourism as “sustainable tourism with a natural area focus, which benefits the environment and communities visited, and fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation, and awareness.”

The ecotourism definition by the  Global Ecotourism Network (GEN) : “Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and creates knowledge and understanding through interpretation and education of all involved (visitors, staff and the visited).”

Definitions of Responsible Travel

Responsible Travel refers to the behavior of individual travelers aspiring to make choices according to sustainable tourism practices. The behaviors usually align with minimizing the negative impacts and maximizing positive ones when one visits a tourism destination.

Travelers that want to learn more about how to be a responsible traveler can visit the section on the GSTC website For Travelers .

Summary of the difference between Sustainable Tourism, Ecotourism, and Responsible Travel

Ecotourism is a niche segment of tourism in natural areas.

Sustainable Tourism does not refer to a specific type of tourism, rather it is an aspiration for the impacts of all forms of tourism to be sustainable for generations to come.

Responsible Travel is a term referring to the behavior and style of individual travelers. The behaviors align with making a positive impact to the destination rather than negative ones.

Sustainable Tourism and the GSTC Criteria

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They are the result of a worldwide effort to develop a common language about sustainability in tourism. They are categorized in four pillars: (A) Sustainable management; (B) Socioeconomic impacts; (C) Cultural impacts; (D) Environmental impacts.

These standards were built on decades of prior work from industry experts around the globe. During the process of development, they were widely consulted in both developed and developing countries. They reflect our goal in attaining a global consensus on sustainable tourism.

The process of developing the Criteria was designed to adhere to the standards-setting code of the ISEAL Alliance. The ISEAL Alliance is the international body providing guidance for the management of sustainability standards in all sectors. That code is informed by relevant ISO standards .

Finally, the GSTC Criteria are the starting goals that businesses, governments, and destinations should achieve. Tourism destinations each have their own culture, environment, customs, and laws. Therefore, the Criteria are designed to be adapted to local conditions and supplemented by additional criteria for the specific location and activity.

There are three sets of Criteria

  • GSTC Industry Criteria = relates to the sustainable management of private sector travel industry, focusing currently on Hotels and Tour Operators.
  • GSTC Destination Criteria = relates to sustainable management of Tourism Destinations.
  • GSTC MICE Criteria = relates to sustainable management of Venues, Event Organizers and Events & Exhibitions.

Learn more about Sustainable Tourism

Reading one article is not enough. The GSTC website offers those interested in learning more about sustainable tourism the needed resources. Make sure you visit the relevant pages for you:

  • For Hotels & Accommodations
  • For Tour Operators
  • For Governments & Destinations
  • For Corporate and Business Travel

You can also join one of the regular GSTC courses:

  • Want to gain in-depth knowledge of the GSTC Criteria and understand sustainable tourism? The GSTC Sustainable Tourism course is for you.
  • Are you a hotelier or work in the hospitality sector? GSTC Sustainable Hotel course

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Schedule

✓ Gain in-depth knowledge of the GSTC Criteria, the global standard for sustainability in travel and tourism. ✓ Make informed decisions on how to implement sustainability practices for your company or destination. ✓ Get ready for developing viable and actionable sustainable tourism policies and practices for your organization

I’ve participated in the course to get a comprehensive overview of destination sustainability criteria. Much more than this, the course gave me the up-to-date analysis of current trends, and a huge number of relevant cases from the destinations, the industry networks and the service providers. I strongly recommend to attend the course.

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My course facilitator and teacher (Ayako and Antje) went above and beyond to answer our questions and provide us with additional resources. The course content (the GSTC Criteria) was delivered in an understandable and organized way. Learning the GSTC Criteria and how it applies to our own projects, businesses, and destinations is integral to anyone wanting to do any kind of work in the future centered around travel. I appreciated that the course was delivered in an interactive way over Zoom, and not just something we watched on YouTube. For me, being able to interact with fellow students from around the world, was a big plus. Was well worth it, and I highly recommend the course!

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This course has been very relevant and provides in-depth knowledge of GSTC criteria for sustainable practices for destinations as well as the travel industry [with] plenty of real life examples and share links to plenty of reading material throughout the course. … As we move forward during these difficult COVID times, learning our lessons on the damage to nature, it becomes all the more important for industry professionals to get trained and step up efforts to embrace sustainability in all aspects of tourism. Hence, I recommend this course to all industry professionals.

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This course enables participants to connect with the GSTC team directly, over an easy to use platform and network around the world. Using real life examples and detail in each of the 4 sections of the GSTC.

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The GSTC training was a great way to connect, network, and engage in mind-broadening and eye-opening discussions with others in the diverse field of sustainable tourism. I would highly recommend this as a starting point for anyone interested in the journey of regenerative and sustainable tourism.

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The course was great and the on- the-go discussions added great value to keep abreast of trends from across the globe. Participants from various parts of the world brought in their experiences and made the course very interesting.

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Hearing about actual destinations applying Sustainable Tourism initiatives and learning from real situations practicing Sustainable Tourism, as well as the related successes and challenges, was very informative and valuable. My favorite part was the unexpected camaraderie from and connections with the other participants. I genuinely enjoyed the online discussion, sharing of ideas, and breakout groups and, overall, meeting so many others who she a passion for Sustainable Tourism. Thank you, GSTC, for a great course!

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A complete holistic approach to sustainable tourism. The comprehensive lessons given each week break down the GSTC Criteria and are paired with practical examples, international experts and ‘hands on’ online workshops. The opportunity to discuss and share insights from all the participants around the world not only contributes to my own knowledge but to also my professional network. I highly recommend this course for anyone discovering sustainable tourism.

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The course is quick and handy way to immerse in the issues of Sustainability in Tourism and a great kick start in starting your own business or destination program. I could have had the course even longer and especially the live sessions were great to get to know some of the other participants and share their knowledge and experiences – best practices are the best way to get started and to get valuable information. Highly recommended!

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The course was so informative and presented in an engaging & interesting way. The examples & speakers gave us a lot to think about and many tangible ways that we can make a difference in our travel business. Thank you!

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This course has given me an approach to the GSTC Criteria, where the basic and complete structure to move forward on sustainable paths is visualized. The reflections generated through real examples, discussions and available material are key to better internalize what sustainability means. Ideas applicable to our business and our work area appear during the course that contribute positively to one’s reality. I will recommend this course, for its contribution to the objective, honest and constructive understanding of what sustainability is.

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I can only highly recommend the course for every travel and tourism professional- it is a great motivational boost to get into action and helps me support destinations in bringing the idea of destination stewardship – an inclusive and holistic approach – alive. We do not need more and more tourists, we need sustainable tourism.

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Taking the GSTC training at this point in time was extremely valuable. It gave me a sustainable tourism framework to help assess what I’ve been able to accomplish and also consider the role that sustainable experiential travel may mean as we begin to inch our way out of the world of zero tourism towards something likely new and different. One other great benefit of the training was starting to get acquainted and sharing with other participants and instructors from around the globe. These connections will be valuable for a very long time to come.

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I found this online course well structured and enjoyable. The trainers are really inspiring, extremely knowledgeable about the field and very supportive. The live online sessions give a great introduction to key topics, and there are online lessons, discussion forums and reference material to deepen knowledge. I feel like I have access to so much wisdom, and it is great to be part of a global community of sustainable tourism practitioners.

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Thank you GSTC for such a great course. The content was relevant, the case studies were inspiring and the course structure was spot on! I can’t wait to take my learnings and inspiration and activate it across regional destinations in Australia. Keep up the great work.

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What I liked the most about this course is the well-defined structure, the opinion sharing with online classmates, and the up-to-date topics. It makes the experience much more effective and enjoyable.

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Excellent course that sets the foundations for sustainable tourism practice.I was very new with sustainable tourism and now after the course I have very solid understanding and skills to apply to my job. In addition, the amazing network of professionals sharing ideas is another great tool!

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This course provided me with a thorough understanding of how to implement sustainable travel practices. I will definitely integrate information from this training into my work with travel organizations and destinations to help them achieve short-term progress through a long-term strategy.

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The GSTC training provides a comprehensive overview of key indicators for a holistic view of sustainable tourism. The training provided an excellent opportunity to network with other tourism professionals, and to share ideas, develop plans, and comment on sustainable tourism initiatives that are being implemented in a diverse array of locations globally. I’m grateful for the connections that I made and for the helpful feedback on ideas for improving sustainability in several operations.

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Useful and inspiring! The way the course is organised with lots of practical experience from colleagues in the tourism sector is indeed the most useful and interesting part of the course, [making it easier] to approach the GSTC criteria.

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The GSTC course was really great to me because it gave me an in-depth knowledge about sustainable tourism. The combination of the criteria explanation and the presentation from other experts was really great, as it gave us the know-how, lots of samples and case studies. Before joining this course, I had heard about the term sustainable tourism many times, but [was not sure] what it is all about and how we can achieve it. I am glad to have gained the bigger picture of sustainable tourism. I’m developing my village to be a community based tourism destination, and now I can adopt and apply the standard locally.

sustainable tourism development de

A great training program that gives the participants a thorough understanding on the sustainable management of both destinations and individual businesses. Anyone from the industry – from the business or the government side – should understand the bigger picture of the destination level management as well as the industrial level so that both public and private sectors can work together for a more sustainable tourism industry.

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The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program provided an up-to-date perspective and holistic approach on the topic. I really enjoyed taking part in the group discussions and hearing about the realities of other destinations and their challenges.

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I think the training was very useful and gave me many insights that I will use in my daily work to develop more sustainable tourism. The training class was also a good group for networking.

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The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is the most widely recognized institution for offering sustainability courses for tourism professionals.

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This is a one-of-a-kind course that provides the tools in getting you started. Not to mention, you’re also collaborating with people and organizations across the globe facing similar challenges. The feedback from fellow students was invaluable and honestly, what better way to tackle some big challenges related to the environment than with people from different countries and backgrounds. I’d take this course again just for those connections!

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The [GSTC course] has been a remarkable learning experience and a great introduction to sustainable tourism. The combination of online resources, discussion forums, weekly live events with guest presenters provides a deeper understanding and useful tools in sustainable tourism. The trainers have incredible expertise in both tourism and sustainability and share their knowledge and passion about current sustainability practices. I would highly recommend this course to everyone involved in the tourism industry or have a interest in sustainable tourism.

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An excellent programme run by well qualified professional staff and trainers. The guest speakers were world class and materials industry leading. A definite must for any tourism professional who is serious about making sustainable impacts for the betterment of our industry.

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Amazing learning experience. Exceeded my expectations by far. Excellently organized and facilitated. Great dynamics in discussions with course participants – so much to learn from. Highly valuable best practices and interactive modules really made the best learning experience I had until now! It really motivated and inspired me to continue on the road of global sustainable tourism.

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The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training gave me the tools and network to be able to work for a more sustainable tourism sector in the area where I’m based (South Sweden). The structure with the four principles makes it easy to follow and to discuss also outside the GSTC world. The examples from the other participants were great, and we will continue sharing good and bad examples from destinations all over the world.

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To work on sustainability is a never-ending story and can be overwhelming at times. The GSTC training supports a structured approach toward continuous improvement. It provides applicable tools to evaluate our sustainability performance and guidance for setting long-term strategies. It allows you to break down this massive task into achievable working packages.

sustainable tourism development de

The GSTC training was a great first touch point for me into the world of sustainable tourism and destination management. I loved hearing case studies from around the world and real life examples on how the GSTC criteria can make a difference. The course has enabled me to start building on these criteria within my job.

sustainable tourism development de

The training has enable me to go through all the GSTC Criteria thoroughly with better knowledge of sustainable tourism standard and practices. It will be useful as basic guidelines for the Foundation to use these Criteria, as the destination wants to embark in becoming a sustainable tourism destination, aiming to become GSTC-Certified.

sustainable tourism development de

I would definitely recommend GSTC training to absolutely everyone in the tourism industry. The entire [GSTC] framework is extremely useful and important – a framework of values and ideas that is evolving, and that is meant for us a roadmap to make things better for people and companies that may be starting from different points in the journey towards sustainability.

sustainable tourism development de

The quality of this training was really first class; materials, presentations, trainer support, resources and discussions. The forum helped keep everything relevant and up to date, and I also liked the format of the live events. All guest presenters were excellent; I liked that they were sharing real life experiences and not just theoretical examples. From each and every live presentation I gained ideas, reinforcements to my own experiences and enthusiasm for what I and my colleagues are doing in our own part of the world.

sustainable tourism development de

The STTP programme has been a good introduction to the principles of sustainable tourism. It was a good mix of presentations and cases of sustainable tourism in real-life, insights from experts from various countries and across tourism sectors and explanation of key GSTC criteria. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and observations through discussion forums and presentations, which made the sessions more lively. The final exam is recommended for those who wish to test their ability to put these principles to practice. I highly recommend this course to tourism industry professionals wishing to incorporate sustainable tourism management at work.

sustainable tourism development de

The GSTC training provided me with a deep understanding of the criteria. My fellow classmates were industry experts in various sectors from around the world, bringing the criteria to life with valuable examples/discussions of how they have implemented the very practices we were learning.

Deby Stabler

My first impression was the organization, it was perfect regarding the admin efforts and the learning tools. The course materials were really useful, as well as the live sessions from which I gained a deep understanding and experience from the other participants. I really want to have the chance to thank all the team who was involved, and of course I would recommend people working in the tourism industry to join this course

sustainable tourism development de

The training gave me a clear understanding of the challenges we face and the actions to take to make sustainability effective, [covering] each of the main areas in a systematic way with enough technical detail for those who needed it, without losing the less technical trainees (like myself) who needed to understand the broad overview of sustainable tourism practices

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The overview of standards, coupled with best practice and real world examples has been very beneficial for my work in destination management and responsible tourism development. The ability to meet likeminded industry colleagues, who are working in this arena was also highly valuable.

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Effective public-private-community partnerships in tourism for the inclusive and sustainable development of small island developing states, effective_public-private-community_partnerships_in_tourism_for_sids-report.png.

Effective Public-Private-Community Partnerships in tourism for the inclusive and sustainable development of Small Island Developing States

The examination of tourism's impact on SIDS reveals a complex interplay between economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability. While tourism has undeniably contributed to economic development in many SIDS, its benefits have not been distributed equitably among citizens and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Despite substantial growth in tourism arrivals and expenditure, HDI and GNI per capita in numerous SIDS have remained stagnant or even declined. Moreover, the environmental toll of mass tourism on fragile ecosystems has not been adequately factored into its economic calculus.

The analysis underscores the multifaceted challenges hindering the translation of tourism growth into broader development outcomes. These challenges range from macroeconomic factors to environmental degradation, but perhaps most significantly, they stem from the failure to establish robust linkages between tourism and local economies. A stark digital divide further exacerbates these disparities, as the majority of MSMEs lack access to digital payment solutions, limiting their ability to capitalize on tourism spending.

Amidst these challenges lie opportunities for transformative change. The rising demand for authentic, sustainable tourism experiences presents a unique opening for SIDS to leverage tourism as a catalyst for inclusive and sustainable development. The emergence of Public-Private-Community Partnerships (PPCPs) signals a promising trend towards building local capacity and fostering collaboration across the tourism value chain.

By embracing the framework for PPCPs, stakeholders can unlock the full potential of tourism as a driver of development. This framework, grounded in sixteen drivers of success across six dimensions, offers a roadmap for cultivating meaningful partnerships that generate value for communities. Through targeted interventions, including stakeholder engagement, policy reforms, and technical assistance, SIDS can address the systemic barriers to inclusive and sustainable tourism development.

The journey towards sustainable tourism in SIDS requires a collective effort, uniting governments, development organizations, private sector actors, and local communities. It demands a holistic approach that integrates social, economic, and environmental considerations into tourism destination planning and policymaking. Moreover, it necessitates a commitment to digital inclusion, proper governance, and resilience, recognizing the interconnectedness of these dimensions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Download the full report here .

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New model of sports tourism with sustainable tourism development to increase tourist arrivals in central aceh regency, indonesia.

\r\nYoki Afriandy Rangkuti

  • Postgraduate Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia

Introduction: This study explores the development and implementation of a new sports tourism product called “Run H2O Ride” as a strategy for sustainable tourism in Indonesia.

Methods: The research employs a research and development (R&D) methodology, focusing on identifying potential issues, conducting literature reviews, designing the product, validating the design, and undergoing product development. A combination of discussion group forums (FGD) and expert judgment decisions was used to design the new sport tourism model.

Results: The effectiveness of the model was assessed through limited product tests, main product tests, and operational product tests involving respondents from the local community and tourists. The results indicate that the “Run H2O Ride” model has been well-received, with positive feedback on its suitability and effectiveness in attracting tourists and enhancing the local economy.

Discussion: The study concludes by recommending further research to refine the model and emphasizes the importance of local government support and community participation in sustainable tourism development. Theoretical implications highlight the significance of sports tourism events in promoting tourism, while practical implications suggest alternative solutions for increasing tourist visits and improving destination image. Policy recommendations for local governments are proposed to adopt and implement sports tourism events, aligning with long-term development plans for regional tourism growth.

1 Introduction

The creation of jobs, the distribution of wealth, and the development of local culture are recognized economic benefits of tourism at the global level. Being the world's largest financial sector ( 1 ), tourism stimulates exports, creates jobs, and improves the lives of millions of people ( 2 ). Radicchi ( 3 ) states that tourism is one of the economic sectors often discussed from several points of view used to measure the nature of the sector. Contemporary tourism is evolving and becoming the foremost industrial sector in the world due to its positive social, cultural, and economic effects. Many countries benefit from this industry in meeting the demands of tourists ( 4 , 5 ). Brykova et al. and Alimov et al. ( 2 , 6 ) state that because it plays a direct role in the creation and growth of a nation's tourist activities, the degree to which a country realizes its tourism potential determines how successful the tourism industry in that nation will be. In general, the tourism business is part of the economic revival of many developing countries ( 7 , 8 ).

Indonesia is one of the developing countries, so Indonesian tourism is now predicted to be able to replace state income from the mining sector, which has been the main sector to date, because tourism is a labor-intensive sector that has a direct influence on the community ( 9 – 13 ). Economic development is a complex procedure that includes significant adjustments to social and economic structures, including eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, and resolving unemployment in the context of economic expansion ( 13 – 15 ). To create resilience in communities, regions, and countries, sports events have proved to benefit communities and hosts in many ways, including creating jobs and a better perception of the location ( 16 ).

Sporting events are an important part of tourism products that are utilized to optimize economic impact and improve the image of the host destinations ( 17 ) and effectively reduce poverty in some local communities ( 18 ) through the creation of new jobs ( 19 ). These events function akin to a symbiotic mutualism regarding tourism and sports revenue ( 20 ). They have even become an industry in building economic and social benefits for countries around the world ( 21 , 22 ). Ferranti et al. ( 23 ) highlight the positive appeal felt, especially in developing countries. The positive impact of sports tourism events must also be felt by rural local communities to build equality in developing countries ( 24 ). In addition, sustainable tourism development can be integrated with providing employment and good infrastructure development ( 25 ).

This clarifies what Carr et al. ( 26 ) expressed about the principles of long-term sustainability and natural resource management being able to support all forms of tourism, including the planning, execution, and oversight of local community tourism. Researchers have previously published journal articles and/or seminar manuscripts on a variety of topics related to local community tourism ( 26 – 31 ). This early work supports the development of the economic welfare of local communities and the development of tourism to enhance social, cultural, and place identities for surrounding communities ( 32 – 35 ). As revealed by Han et al., Kim et al., and Lee ( 36 – 38 ), sustainable tourism development is important in meeting the needs of tourists and adding to the economy of the surrounding community so that the quality of life improves for all.

The debate on the significance of sporting events, therefore, centers on the strategy of promoting tourism, by either exploring sports tourism destinations, or focusing on sports tourism heritage events ( 39 ). Researchers in the field of marketing assert that the image of the destination is very important ( 40 ). Moreover, Jenkins ( 41 ) suggests that leveraging sporting events (legacy) is preferable to merely hosting them. Accurate curation of the future tourism segmentation is crucial ( 42 ). Specifically, both central and local governments are encouraging tourism activities in Central Aceh District, Aceh Province, Indonesia, by promoting them through sports tourism events. Unfortunately, there have not been many previous studies that deeply examine the development of sports tourism by combining these two elements: exploring tourist destinations utilizing natural beauty and sports heritage. Therefore, this study aims to accomplish the following: (1) to design a new sports tourism model suitable for organizing the “Tour Delut Tawar” event in Central Aceh District, Aceh Province, and (2) to test the suitability and effectiveness of the new product model to increase future tourist arrivals. This research is significant as a preliminary design related to the development of new sports tourism products in Aceh Province. It also aims to support the Aceh Provincial Government's Long-Term Development Plan 2023–2027, which calls for new sports tourism products to be developed in the sports industry, contributing to regional foreign exchange income and improving the community's economy ( 43 ).

2 Conceptual framework

2.1 sports tourism.

Tourism and sports are complementary components and intersect with culture, impacting social behavior ( 44 ). Many developed and developing countries have established and popularized sports tourism ( 11 ). Sports are a common motivation for tourists in going on tourist trips ( 45 ). González-García et al. and Preuss ( 46 , 47 ) affirm that sports tourism could be interpreted as activities carried out while traveling or staying in places outside one’s usual environment. Hinch and Higham ( 48 ) define the idea of sports tourism as a short trip centered on sports away from home, where tournaments involve the uniqueness of each region, physical prowess, and games played according to certain rules. Chang et al. and Gibson ( 49 , 50 ) state that sports tourism is recreation-based travel that takes individuals outside their home community to participate in and watch sports activities. Dauter ( 51 ), Fries ( 52 ), Gilman and Huebner ( 53 ), Hallmann et al. ( 54 ), and Nelson et al. ( 55 ) have stressed that a lot of people's lives these days revolve around leisure and physical activity in general, and that leading an active lifestyle is beneficial to one's health and wellbeing, both passively by going to sporting events as a spectator and actively by playing sports on vacation or even traveling specifically to attend sporting events. Three categories of sports tourist activities are widely acknowledged: history or nostalgic sports tourism, sports event tourism, and active sports tourism ( 56 ). Malchrowicz-Mosko and Munsters ( 57 ) and Woodham ( 58 ) emphasize tourist intentions are divided into two basic forms: active sports tourism, which is based on elite athletes through physical participation and competition, and passive sports tourism, which is based solely on attending sporting events as spectators and visiting new places.

The tourism industry is now starting to use sports and local culture as a means of promotion to impact economic expansion by attracting visitors ( 59 ). Misener and Mason ( 60 ) state that public officials believe that sports and sporting events can catalyze local development. Tourism researchers suggest that sports tourism events coincide with elevating the traditions of local communities as a resource for developing future tourism initiatives ( 61 ). Maintaining the sports tourism sector and gaining sympathy from local communities is considered significant ( 49 ). In addition, the poor image of a destination ( 62 ) is a significant factor influencing residents’ support for developing sports tourism in their area ( 63 ). The surrounding and local communities will feel the benefits and provide support in realizing sustainable tourism in their area ( 64 , 65 ). Conversely, marginalizing local people from tourism expansion will deplete the chances of success and impact socioeconomic inequality ( 49 , 66 ).

2.2 Indonesia's sports tourism potential and master plan

The development of the tourism industry is one of the strategic steps that can be taken to support the National Sports Grand Design (DBON) program. This design is a master plan that outlines the national sports coaching and development policies’ specific directions to be implemented effectively, efficiently, superiorly, measurably, systematically, accountably, and sustainably, especially in the fields of education, recreation, achievement, and the sports industry based on science and technology ( 67 ). One of the goals is to advance the sports-based national economy ( 49 ). Zulfikar et al. ( 68 ) state that sports as a tourist attraction have made tourism and the sports industry cater to tourists seeking a sports experience. Furthermore, the DBON states that the sports industry is directed to developing sports tourism ( 69 ). The tourism industry has begun to recognize the existence of sports tourism as a part of tourism activity where tourists are directly involved in sports activities or see sports-related activities ( 70 ). Meanwhile, Bangun ( 71 ) and Lagarense et al. ( 72 ), claim that sports tourism is the new paradigm for the growth of travel and tourism in Indonesia.

Indonesia is an archipelagic country consisting of thousands of islands ( 73 ) and has a variety of tribes, languages, customs, and cultures. UNESCO has begun documenting the culture of all countries in the world as World Cultural Heritage (World Heritage) ( 74 – 76 ). Ramón-Cardona et al. ( 74 ) state that understanding the significance of specific cultural and natural sites to enhance their conservation and raise awareness can encourage tourism and benefit the surrounding area. Gański ( 77 ) states that tourists are attracted mainly by the rich historical and cultural heritage. Dladla et al. ( 78 ) state that cultural heritage tourism can attract many tourists because of its significance to society. Culture is very close to sports ( 79 , 80 ). Irfan et al. and Yu et al. ( 81 , 82 ) state that public demand for sports cultural tourism will decline along with the combination of the development of conventional sports cultural resources and sports cultural tourism, which will ultimately push the boundaries of traditional fashion and impact the development of a quality sports tourism sector. Hinch and Higham ( 48 ) state that sports tourism shows that the evolution of sports can directly impact the progress of tourism. Perić ( 83 ) states that the impact of culture on sports tourism is related to moral and social changes as well as the economy of a country. In some situations, a country's cultural and environmental effects are related to the positive impact on state services to its people, creating tourism prospects in that country ( 84 ). In addition, tourism researchers suggested that these sports tourism events use sports legacy as a resource to develop new tourism strategies aimed at drawing sports visitors ( 61 ).

The Gayo tribe is one of the ethnic groups in Aceh Province and spreads mostly in Central Aceh Regency, located on the westernmost island of Sumatra. This tribe contributes to the diversity of tribes in Indonesia. The Gayo tribe is an indigenous group of people from the Gayo highlands, which is the area around Lake Laut Tawar at an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level, so this area is known as the land above the clouds. The sports heritage event for the Gayo tribe is known as “Pacu Kude”, commonly known as the sport of horse racing, and it has long been contested during the Dutch colonial era ( 85 ). This is stated in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Decree regarding intangible cultural heritage. In general, the older the show, the more embedded it becomes as part of the region's heritage and the stronger the brand in commercial terms ( 86 ). Cultural heritage is important in local tourism development strategies because it attracts visitors, preserves cultural identity, and encourages regional economic growth ( 78 ). Sustainable tourism management is necessary for this tourist destination, which is one of the world's biggest industries with extensive cultural heritage that offers several resources to raise the community's standard of living ( 87 ).

However, the current flow of globalization threatens the existence of sports heritage, which should be able to integrate perfectly into the sports tourism industry. Even sports themselves are also eroded by globalization. As expressed by Higham et al. ( 88 , 89 ), a sport reflects individual identities that have been confounded and national identities that the forces of globalization have eroded. Higham ( 89 ) states that the development and hybridization of sports and the growth of virtual sports and online gaming represent an ongoing evolutionary route. Even more dramatic is the idea that greater access to space will give rise to a new generation of sports, some already under development, such as solar-powered moon sailing and groundbreaking, zero-gravity sporting facilities ( 90 ). It is not impossible that the threat of sports tourism in the future will also lead to this. Kuzior et al. ( 91 ) state that globalization and the Industrial Revolution triggered increased competitiveness in the market, which necessitated a paradigm shift in tourism business models.

There is greater competition in the sports tourism business today after the pandemic, where each region competes to have a good image. The dark history of war conflicts from 1976 to 2005 still affects the bad image of this area for tourists who want to visit. The growth of this industry in Indonesia is intrinsically a political activity based on various factors and interests ( 92 ). The transformation of sports tourism must be based on the innovation matrix of local governments, which will allow tourist destinations to emerge from the crisis and solve environmental, economic, social sustainability problems ( 93 – 95 ), and political impact ( 68 ). As revealed by Su et al. ( 96 , 97 ), tourists frequently view a location with an exceptional reputation as more reliable, valid, and competitive. Some destinations are tourism hubs. Therefore, authorities can distinguish tourist destinations from similar destinations by positioning them as unique and competitive, making them more attractive ( 98 ). Chalip et al. and Chalip and McGuirty ( 99 – 101 ) state that marketers have focused on organizing sports events as a strategy to increase the image of each region's destinations and differentiate their tourism products. Although Hassan ( 102 ) states that competitiveness is the capacity to develop and incorporate value-added products while preserving resources and a position in the market relative to rivals, it also refers to a destination's relative capacity to satisfy visitor needs on elements of the tourism experience that tourists consider important ( 103 , 104 ), which includes synergetic elements addressing visitors’ needs, wants, and desires, given their time and budget constraints ( 105 , 106 ). Bruhn and Rohlmann ( 107 ) state that sports are now more important and interesting to all social classes. Preuß ( 108 ) defines sports brands as a distinct image deeply ingrained in the minds of fans and other reference groups, according to a social psychology phenomenon applied to sports brands.

In addition, natural wealth in Central Aceh Regency has not been fully utilized as an object of sports tourism to attract visitors. As revealed by Wijaya et al. ( 109 ), Pakaya et al. ( 110 ), Rahmafitria and Misran ( 111 ), Mallen and Adams ( 112 ), and Rusyanto Fitriantono and Kristiyanto ( 113 ), there are seven requirements indicating natural potential in Indonesia that can be met to create natural destinations; the following factors affect geography: (1) topography and landforms; (2) climate and weather; (3) rock material; (4) Geographical Location; (5) water; (6) flora; and (7) wildlife. If promoted effectively, sports tourism and nature can exploit a wide, sports-friendly audience willing to participate in exciting tourist experiences ( 114 ). Thus, tourism highly depends on a destination's environmental/natural and cultural attractiveness ( 97 , 115 , 116 ). According to Hallmann et al. ( 54 ), the sports tourism industry makes it possible to take advantage of this opportunity by configuring the right offerings for the purpose and giving visitors the illusion of adventure and experience. However, this has not been done by the Regional Government through the Culture and Tourism Office and the Youth and Sports Office in Central Aceh Regency because it only follows the trend of the image of other regions that have long built and carried out their sports tourism activities. One of these trends is organizing events internationally and spending a lot of money but getting minimal results ( 117 , 118 ). Thus, the target number of visitors and participants who attended the “Tour Delut Tawar” event was not achieved, as presented in Table 1 .

Table 1 Data on the results of the 2022 “Tour Delut Tawar” event.

Indications of failing to achieve targets and results in the event are due to only including bicycle races as an attraction. Several authors have drawn attention to the inefficiencies in the industry caused by the lack of collaboration between sports and tourism organizations ( 42 , 119 – 123 ). Tchetchik et al. ( 105 ) emphasize that this tourist attraction is the main tourism product that provides various goods and services to attract tourists. This is an important reason for the existence of tourist destinations and a major pull factor for sports tourism development purposes ( 124 – 126 ). Febrianto et al. ( 127 ) state that sports tourism events should improve the community's economy because this competition can invite many people to attend and watch the race. Furthermore, it improves the economic welfare of residents ( 128 ).

This research is an original research work that fills the gap in the sports tourism literature with product development based on several stages of testing, consisting of limited trials, main trials, and operational tests conducted on tourist visitors in Central Aceh Regency. A preliminary study, especially in Aceh Province, investigates a new model of sports tourism in organizing “Tour Delut Tawar” events, highlighting the gap between the expectations and reality concerning results and targets when organizing events. This research offers a unique and valuable contribution that has never been explored before, hence contributing significantly to research on sustainable tourism in the future.

This study employed the research and development (R&D) methodology, a process used to produce certain products and analyze their effectiveness ( 129 , 130 ). The R&D followed the Richey and Klein procedure improvement methodology at level 4 investigation ( 131 , 132 ). The steps involved in this research process are identifying potential issues, literature review and data collection, product design, design validation, and product development. The product has also undergone restricted testing, a main trial, an operational trial, a second product revision, a third product revision, and a first trial. Dissemination and implementation are the last steps.

Two methods were used to design a new sports tourism model, namely, a discussion group forum (DGF) and expert judgment decisions. The DGF consisted of a closed questionnaire involving experts from academia, the tourism culture office, and the youth sports office as representatives of the local government, totaling 20 people. After that, a preliminary study of the initial product design was conducted, focusing on the types of sports included in the model, route selection, and mileage, carried out in the field. The data were of the questionnaire instrument analysis rubric kind. Data were gathered in multiple phases to achieve predefined goals, including product design, design stage, design validation, product design revision, and product production. During the design stage, the research team kept in close contact with experts to choose a product design that best fits the needs analysis findings. The collection of research implementation procedures can be seen in the following ( Figure 1 ) flowchart.

Figure 1 Procedure of product development chart.

Expert judgment decisions, collection methods, and content validity all contribute to the validation of the research data. In addition, external validation is conducted using the Likert scale (4-point) and product moment correlation with 20 samples and 10 statement items. The Cronbach alpha reliability test was used to analyze reliability. The answers were synthesized and statistically processed using SPSS Statistics, version 26 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) ( 133 ).

The overall sample size in the study consisted of 105 respondents. This study used a mixed methods sampling approach, or combination sampling method ( 134 , 135 ), which consists of purposive sampling (direct designation) and random sampling (random selection) based on specific criteria related to individuals who have prior experience in running, swimming, and riding. The use of a combination of purposive sampling and random sampling is very relevant in research ( 136 ) that requires the inclusion of individuals with specific skills or characteristics while also aiming for generalizable results. All respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire via Google Forms and submit their answers during the interval from 25 February to 24 March 2024.

The questioners were distributed and implemented in limited trials, main trials, and operational trials as the subsequent phases to determine the viability of research products ( 137 ). In determining the sample size, calculating the standard error (SE) involves dividing the standard deviation (SD) of the dependent variable by the square root of the previously selected sample size (n). If the result is below 2.0, it indicates that the number of samples is sufficient, as it proves to be homogeneous and representative of the population. For practicality, the target was to recruit 15 respondents for limited trials, 30 respondents for main trials, and 60 respondents for operational trials. The exploratory method was used by understanding that an analysis involving planning, creation, and assessment was the primary aim of planning and development research. All respondents in this study had agreed to participate and signed the consent form.

Based on the initial information collected through the DGF, as presented in Table 2 , it was agreed that in the selection of a new model of sports tourism to increase tourist visits, the sport of triathlon would be modified with the sports heritage of the Gayo tribe. This new sport, named “Run H2O Ride”, combines running, swimming, and horse riding. In addition, rules, regulations, routes, and mileage were adjusted based on the needs analysis of travelers, particularly to accommodate family-oriented segments. Previously known sports tourism events centered around activities like marathons and triathlons ( 137 – 139 ). These triathlons generally involve swimming, cycling, and running ( 112 , 140 ) with stringent race rules and regulations ( 141 – 146 ) that can exclude many tourists from participating.

Table 2 Discussion group forum.

A literature review was done to develop an effective product design. Industry requirements and the results of the literature review were used to create products. All development concepts went through the research stages specified in the research methodology. Subsequently, the product was validated by experts using a Likert scale with four ratings ( 147 ) as presented in Table 3 . Four experts participated in the expert validation product assessment, which was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the assessment are as follows ( Figure 2 ).

Table 3 Qualification assessment of the “Run H2O Ride” rubric by experts.

Figure 2 Expert assessment.

Expert 1 is an expert in measurement and evaluation tests from academics. These lecturers gave an average score on product validation of 93.75 by providing input regarding horse racing facilities and infrastructure. Expert 2 is a tourism marketing management expert from the Central Aceh Regency Culture and Tourism Office who also directly conducted field trials with an average value of 91.66 and provided input for the route so that the audience could watch the entire race in one area and not far from each other. Expert 3 is a recreational sports expert from the Youth and Sports Office, Central Aceh Regency, who participated in the field trial with an average score of 89.58. Expert 4 is an expert in the sport of Triathlon from Aceh Province and provided input on the route and mileage of the predetermined “Run H2O Ride” development model, giving an average score of 93.75. The product was revised after experts validated the new model of sports tourism, “Run H2O Ride”. The end product of a new sports tourism model, “Run H2O Ride”, includes team and individual race categories, selection of paths taken, distance from running, swimming, and horse-riding categories, and strategic locations in organizing events. This can be seen in Figure 3 .

Figure 3 Final product “Run H2O Ride” in Central Aceh District.

Then, 20 respondents carried out external validation of the research data. Based on the validity of the instrument test using the moment product correlation test, it was found that the r count ranged from 0.272–0.503, the calculated R-value when compared to the 5% significant level r table, which is 0.254, then the calculated R-value was greater than the r table so the instrument was said to be valid and could be used to assess research products. The reliability of the study was measured directly using the Cronbach alpha reliability test ( Table 4 ). Cronbach's alpha value for expected social impact factor was recorded to be above the recommended 0.70 threshold ( 148 , 149 ).

Table 4 Reliability statistics.

4.1 The effectiveness of the new model of sports tourism “Run H2O Ride”

Then, three main tests were conducted: limited product test, main product test, and operational product test, to help determine the suitability and effectiveness of this new sports tourism model, which can be seen in Table 5 . To assess the suitability and effectiveness of this new sports tourism model, we began the research with a sample size of 15 respondents. Subsequently, three main tests were carried out: product testing was limited to the “Run H2O Ride” product. The public response to the model was rated 33.3% good, 40% enough, and 26.7% less, as shown in Figure 4 . The assessment results of the quantitative analysis study show that the sports tourism model product “Run H2O Ride” must be furnished with guidelines for implementation in the form of race regulations. Improving research products should also involve participation from local communities and tourists.

Table 5 Public response to the new model of sports tourism “Run H2O Ride”.

Figure 4 Scores of limited product test “Run H2O Ride”.

The main product trial phase was conducted with 30 respondents. The public response to the model was rated 73.3% very good, 20% good, and 6.7% enough, as shown in Figure 5 . The assessment results of the quantitative analysis study show that the sports tourism model product “Run H2O Ride” needs to be equipped with a high level of safety for race participants, such as ambulance vehicles and first aid stations. In addition, it is necessary to create a stand for visitors to watch the game and a rest area for participants.

Figure 5 Scores of main product test “Run H2O Ride”.

The operational product test was the last stage and it had 60 respondents. The public response to the model was rated 86.6% very good, 11.7% good, and 1.7% enough, as shown in Figure 6 . The assessment results of the quantitative analysis study show that the new sports tourism model product “Run H2O Ride” has been declared very good and is ready to be used in the implementation of the “Tour Delut Tawar” event in the next implementation. The analysis results indicate that the sports tourism model product ‘Run H2O Ride’ in Central Aceh Regency is compatible with the intended product and is effective for its intended use. In addition, it fulfills the research objectives.

Figure 6 Scores of operational product test “Run H2O Ride”.

5 Discussion

The findings show that the new sports tourism model combined with the local community sports heritage in terms of suitability and effectiveness is very good for influencing the decision of prospective tourists to visit an area that has many natural tourism destinations. Every region of Indonesia has its own cultural traditions and natural resources, giving the country its unique beauty and attracting tourists from around the world ( 150 ). This location's primary tourist attractions are its diverse natural and cultural attractions ( 151 , 152 ). The presence of sports heritage in the sports tourism industry serves as a strategic step to highlight a region's unique characteristics. The success of sports tourism activities is associated with sports heritage and getting support from local communities; hence, local governments must consider community participation in these activities ( 153 ). Giango et al. ( 11 ) state that sports tourism is widely regarded as an essential form of tourism that draws tourists, improves the local economy, and promotes culture. Thus, the community is very important in tourism development and planning ( 154 , 155 ). For the Gayo tribe, horse riding is a characteristic of the local people because of the history and geography of this area, which is in the mountains, so horses became a means of transportation for the community.

In addition, the region has a combination of mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, and beaches, creating a diverse and fascinating natural beauty to explore. The attractiveness of natural resources in a tourist area location is the most important factor creating a sense of interest for visitors to visit tourist sites to carry out sports tourism activities ( 151 , 156 ). Meanwhile, Su et al. ( 157 ) emphasize that triathlon sports are very good to be held in a place with many natural attractions. Based on this, one way to increase tourist visits is by combining sports heritage with triathlon sports. The result of this combination created a new sports tourism product: running, swimming, and horse riding. Thus, the targets and results of organizing the upcoming “Tour Delut Tawar” event are hoped to be achieved.

No less important is to provide a sense of security and comfort for visitors who come, by creating a good image for the area. Risk perception greatly influences a traveler's decision to travel somewhere ( 158 , 159 ). Risk perception of a particular country, especially in the context of destination image studies ( 160 ), is significant. It is generally believed that factors influencing the return visit are destination image, quality, perceived destination value, and high satisfaction ( 161 – 164 ) thus leading to positive word of mouth (WOM) and customer return visits, which in turn can affect the economic growth of local communities in the tourism industry ( 165 ). In addition, the target of the long-term development plan of Aceh Province 2023–2027 can be realized by creating new sports tourism products.

6 Conclusions

The new sports tourism model named “Run H2O Ride” is an excellent strategy for sustainable tourism as an initial illustration for new regions in Indonesia in terms of organizing sports tourism events. This new product's success depends on the local government's role in implementing local regulations by embracing local communities in tourism development. In the future, organizing events with models like this will likely be successful, where the synergy between local governments, entrepreneurs, and the community will be based on them having the same view on building tourism so that tourists will be well received and feel welcomed. This positive impact allows tourists to blend in with the community, share traditions, cultures, and lifestyles, and integrate natural charm into their activities.

The results of this study can still be refined with further research based on the limitations of this study; future research can examine more deeply the rules and regulations that are standard for this new sports tourism model, which needs to be done. The research will contribute to providing information on whether this product can be used for the competitive purpose of achieving success for elite athletes. In addition, research related to this model can also be modified with sports heritage in other areas. The implementation of future research can develop tourism promotion products based on modern technology, such as virtual tour reality, which is recommended as an empirical tool that positively impacts tourists’ decisions to visit and participate in the events held. Therefore, the development of new sports tourism products must be an issue that is studied and paid attention to constantly by practitioners and researchers so that sustainable tourism in Indonesia can be implemented evenly in each region.

6.1 Theoretical and practical implications

The results of the study have theoretical and practical implications. This research fills the gap in the literature regarding the implementation of sports tourism events for new regions that want to promote tourism through sports tourism activities. Our findings show that a new sports tourism event we named “Run H2O Ride” can play a significant role in attracting visitors, admittedly providing a new foundation for sustainable tourism theory. Furthermore, practical implications include alternative solutions to address problems that can be implemented to increase tourist visits, with the local governments encouraged to prioritize the characteristics or uniqueness of the sports heritage of the local community. One approach is adopting the sports tourism model “Run H2O Ride,” which is proven to have a positive impact on the current interest in tourist behavior in visiting new places. In addition, we recommend that the local government of Central Aceh Regency, in this case, the Youth and Sports Office and the Tourism Office, make policies for the implementation of future sports tourism events and create a “Run H2O Ride” event. Concomitantly, it can help realize the Aceh Provincial Government's Long-Term Development Plan 2023–2027.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/ Supplementary Material , further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Ethics statement

All respondents in this study had agreed to participate and signed the consent form.

Author contributions

YR: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Writing – original draft. HS: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. MH: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. TH: Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.

The authors declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

This work was funded in part by the Higher Education Financing Agency (BPPT) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the Indonesian Education Endowment Fund (LPDP).


The authors acknowledge the Local Government of Central Aceh Regency and related agencies. The authors also thank the tourist visitors who participated in the study.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher's note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Supplementary material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:

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Keywords: new model, sports tourism, increase tourist visits, Central Aceh, Indonesia

Citation: Rangkuti YA, Setyawati H, Hartono M and Hidayah T (2024) New model of sports tourism with sustainable tourism development to increase tourist arrivals in Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia. Front. Sports Act. Living 6 :1421363. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1421363

Received: 22 April 2024; Accepted: 24 June 2024; Published: 11 July 2024.

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Heritage tourism as a tool for sustainable tourism - Preservation for development

The report presents an analysis of heritage as a niche tourism sector within the creative industry.

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The report on Heritage tourism as a tool for sustainable development, underscores that sustainable tourism is not merely an individual goal but a collective responsibility, with heritage tourism serving as a potential conduit towards its realization. 

The country has immense opportunity of developing its heritage tourism with its bountiful rich history, culture and extensive regional vastness that creates a rich cultural stock ready to be explored.

The demographic vastness has the potential to support the market demand. Therefore, developing heritage tourism sustainably can unlock India’s vast and diverse tourism market, creating avenues for growth and development.

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The report attempts to present an analysis of heritage as a niche tourism sector within the creative industry.

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Patryk Slusarczyk Helps Businesses Align with Sustainable Development Goals via Technology Consulting Services

T he global climate crisis has highlighted the importance of sustainability across all sectors of human activity, with each action having a huge impact on the environment that will affect future generations. At the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, the UN unveiled the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 goals that highlight the important connections between the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainable development. 

These SDGs guide the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, which was adopted by all UN member states in 2015. Every four years, the UN releases a Global Sustainable Development Report to measure how the world has progressed on each SDG and how close it is to achieving the points of the 2030 Agenda.

To become responsible corporate citizens, businesses must ensure that their operations adhere to the SDGs and contribute to a more sustainable future. This is where Patryk Slusarczyk, an expert business analyst and sustainability consultant can help businesses. His field of expertise lies in the intersection of regulations and innovations, such as electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, and financial technology. 

Patryk Slusarczyk

Hailing from Poland, Slusarczyk moved to the UK and studied at the University of Bath, obtaining a bachelor of business administration in general management. His university dissertation tackled the carbon footprint of emails, and ethical decision-making in the context of corporate worlds, displaying his interest and aptitude in sustainability. Slusarczyk then worked for one of the largest multinational professional services companies, focusing on applying the disciplines of change management and Agile project management in the technology and finance industries.

Today, Slusarczyk is passionate about increasing the adoption of electric vehicles across various European countries, as cars that burn fossil fuels are among the top drivers of pollution, working against achieving SDGs, particularly Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). He has noted the increasing industry trend toward EVs, such as a leading rideshare platform’s plan that every London car on the app is electric by 2025 .

An electric vehicle owner himself, Slusarczyk drove through multiple European countries, including the UK, France, Belgium, and Poland. He observed that EV infrastructure is quite uneven across Europe, with Western European countries having better infrastructure, especially in larger cities, while it is more sparse in Eastern European countries. This will hinder the adoption of EVs, as most consumers will be hesitant to purchase an electric vehicle if they are not sure they will be able to charge it wherever they go. Uneven regulations are another impediment, such as the fact that EV owners are exempt from paying road tax in the UK, but not in other countries.

Another important area of work for Slusarczyk is the European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which is expected to come into effect in January 2025. DORA seeks to strengthen the financial sector’s resilience to risks related to information and communications technology (ICT) and homogenize regulations across various EU member states. As the financial sector is incredibly reliant on technology, it’s important to have a wide-reaching regulation to patch up any vulnerabilities and prevent any collapses that can have wide-reaching effects on the economy and citizens’ lives.

“Sustainability has never been as important as it is today,” says Slusarczyk. “To attain a sustainable future for everyone, it’s not just individuals who have to act. In fact, businesses and governments have a far larger impact on sustainability. I am lending my expertise to various organizations in multiple industries, helping them create realistic and financially viable frameworks that embody the Sustainable Development Goals and contribute to the betterment of the planet.” 

Patryk Slusarczyk Helps Businesses Align with Sustainable Development Goals via Technology Consulting Services

Yale Economic Growth Center

Inequality in Latin America: Marcela Eslava, Santiago Levy, and Ana de la O on a shared vision for research and action

Voices in Development: A Podcast from Yale's Economic Growth Center explores issues related to sustainable development and economic justice in low- and middle-income countries. This episode features Marcela Eslava, Santiago Levy, and Ana de la O on how research can help Latin American policymakers combat inequality.

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In Latin America, inequality has persisted despite major structural economic and social change. To help develop effective policies for a more equitable society, a research initiative based at EGC and partner institutions explores the causes and consequences of inequality within the Latin American context.

In this episode of Voices in Development, three leading social scientists discuss a project to develop “a shared vision” of inequality in Latin America. Marcela Eslava , Professor of Economics and Dean of the School of Economics at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia; Santiago Levy , a nonresident senior fellow with the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution; and Ana de la O , Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University, discuss their engagement with the Latin America and the Caribbean Inequality Review (LACIR) , a collaborative effort between Yale, the Inter-American Development Bank, the London School of Economics, and the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Levy shared that fighting inequality is a more complex problem than poverty:

When you worry about poverty, you're only worrying about a segment of population that is below some poverty line, whereas when you're looking at inequality, you're looking at the whole population. And you're also very worried about what's happening at the very top, at the bottom. It is a much more complex problem. – Santiago Levy

Eslava, Levy, and de la O believe that research is essential to addressing inequality because it helps policymakers better understand the context of social problems, assess whether or not interventions work, and build support for the wider implementation of successful policies. “We always have to feed policymaking with research,” said Levy, the lead architect of Mexico’s social program Progresa Oportunidades.

While development scholars around the world have evaluated a variety of interventions to combat inequality, policies that have been successful in regions such as the United States and Europe may not have a similar effect in Latin America. For example, a 1994 paper by David Card and Alan Krueger showed that raising the minimum wage helped workers at little to no cost to employers. While this research, which was based on data from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, may be persuasive to US policymakers, LACIR researchers suggest that Latin American leaders would need to consider what minimum wage looks like in their region before following suit. 

In Latin America, many people earn less than the minimum wage; in some of the region’s countries, the number can be as high as 70% of workers. In this context, raising the minimum wage would be unlikely to reduce inequality. “On the contrary,” Eslava said, “you need to ask, why are people not being paid the minimum wage, and how can we deal with the problems that the minimum wage was supposed to deal with?” 

When researchers have looked more closely at the people earning below the minimum wage, they have found that these workers are usually either self-employed or employed by small firms that are not productive enough to pay the minimum wage and still stay in business. Recognizing this, Eslava said, “the question is how we achieve the same goal with a different instrument that is actually well tailored to the realities of the region.”

If policy is … guided by intuition, or by only partial diagnostics, then policy can be very misguided, and therefore, it can actually have unintended consequences, strong enough to undo whatever it was supposed to do, or collateral damage that can be large enough to create deeper problems than the ones it was supposed to help with. – Marcela Eslava

LACIR also serves as an intellectual gathering point for researchers to synthesize findings for translation into effective policy. So far, researchers agree that inequality in Latin America, which has always been very high, increased during the 1990s, started to decrease at the beginning of the 2000s and has continued to decrease since then, but not rapidly enough to recover from the spike of the 90s. 

Understanding why inequality has been so resistant to intervention is a central goal of those who study the region. One factor, according to research by de la O, is that many middle-class Latin Americans opt out of public services including health, education, and even security. This choice makes it more likely that they hold low opinions of public services and do not support robust funding of public services or other policies that aim to redistribute wealth to lower-income people. Without a strong interclass coalition that champions public services, public policy fails to adequately support the tools of socioeconomic mobility. “The people who have more political power are the ones who are making policy decisions that end up underinvesting in public services that are essential for social mobility,” de la O said.

Although they recognize the complex factors sustaining inequality in Latin America, these researchers are hopeful that, as it did in the 1990s, their work can help move the region in a more equitable direction.

It is important to keep in mind that there was a point in time in the late 90s and in the 2000s that we saw both governments, on the left and on the right, designing and implementing policies that enhanced human development, that invested in early childhood education, that improved the education and health of girls and boys, and that those investments had important positive effects not only on the children that were benefited directly, but in their households, too. So I think it's important to keep in mind that this is something that can be done, and that even though it seems politically very difficult to achieve, there are ways in which to achieve political coalitions that would support the types of policies that would help us reduce inequality once again. – Ana de la O

About the Guests:

Marcela Eslava Mejia is Professor of Economics and Dean of the School of Economics at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. She is a chief co-editor for Economía , the journal of the Latin American and the Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA); a research affiliate of LACEA and the Innovations for Poverty Action’s Small and Medium Enterprises program; and member of the directing boards of LACEA, Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE), and the Latin American committee of the Econometric Society. Her current research interests include the relationship between firm dynamics and regulations; the relationship between business growth and the evolution of productivity versus demand at the firm; the effect of credit constraints on business performance and aggregate productivity; and the policy alternatives to address financial restrictions to businesses. 

Santiago Levy is a nonresident senior fellow with the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution. He was previously president of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. From 2008 to 2018 he was the vice president for sectors and knowledge at the Inter-American Development Bank. From 1994 to 2000, he served as the deputy minister at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico.

Ana de la O is Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University, where she is affiliated with the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, the Institution of Social and Policy Studies, and the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Her research relates to the political economy of poverty alleviation, clientelism, and the provision of public goods.

Corporate sustainability due diligence

Fostering sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour for a just transition towards a sustainable economy.

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On 23 February 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. On 24 May 2024 the Council of the European Union approved the political agreement, thereby completing the adoption process. The aim of this Directive is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in companies’ operations and across their global value chains. The new rules will ensure that companies in scope identify and address adverse human rights and environmental impacts of their actions inside and outside Europe.

What are the benefits of these new rules?

Citizens ilustration

  • Better protection of human rights, including labour rights.
  • Healthier environment for present and future generations, including climate change migration.
  • Increased trust in businesses.
  • More transparency enabling informed choices.
  • Better access to justice for victims. 

Factory illustration

  • Harmonised legal framework in the EU, creating legal certainty and level playing field.
  • Greater customer trust and employees’ commitment.
  • Better awareness of companies’ negative human rights and environmental impacts, less liability risks.
  • Better risk management, more resilience and increased competitiveness.
  • Increased attractiveness for talent, sustainability-oriented investors and public procurers.
  • Increased incentives for innovation.
  • Better access to finance.

World illustration

  • Better protection of human rights and the environment.
  • Sustainable investment, capacity building and support for value chain companies.
  • Improved sustainability-related practices.
  • Increased take-up of international standards.
  • Improved living conditions for people.

What are the obligations for companies?

List illustration

This Directive establishes a  corporate due diligence duty . The core elements of this duty are identifying and addressing potential and actual adverse human rights and environmental impacts in the company’s own operations, their subsidiaries and, where related to their value chain(s), those of their business partners. In addition, the Directive sets out an obligation for large companies to adopt and put into effect, through best efforts, a transition plan for climate change mitigation aligned with the 2050 climate neutrality objective of the Paris Agreement as well as intermediate targets under the European Climate Law.

Which companies will the new EU rules apply to?

Building illustration

Large EU limited liability companies & partnerships :  

+/- 6,000 companies  - >1000 employees and >EUR 450 million turnover (net) worldwide.

Large non–EU companies: 

+/- 900 companies  - > EUR 450 million turnover (net) in EU .

The Directive contains provisions to facilitate compliance and limit the burden on companies, both in scope and in the value chain.

Micro companies and SMEs are not covered by the proposed rules. However, the Directive provides supporting and protective measures for SMEs, which could be indirectly affected as business partners in value chains.

What are the estimated costs of the new rules for companies?

Businesses will have to bear :

  • The costs of establishing and operating the due diligence process.
  • Transition costs, including expenditure and investments to adapt a company’s own operations and value chains to comply with the due diligence obligation, if needed. 

How will the new rules be enforced?

The rules on  corporate sustainability due diligence  will be enforced through:

  • Administrative supervision : Member States will designate an authority to supervise and enforce the rules, including through injunctive orders and effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties (in particular fines). At European level, the Commission will set up a European Network of Supervisory Authorities that will bring together representatives of the national bodies to ensure a coordinated approach.
  • Civil liability : Member States will ensure that victims get compensation for damages resulting from an intentional or negligent failure to carry out due diligence.

Why does the EU need to foster sustainable corporate behaviour?

Image: ©Freepik from www flaticon com | icons of office buildings. 70% of them are colored blue.

The Directive will contribute to the just transition to a sustainable economy, in which businesses play a key role.

A broad range of stakeholder groups, including civil society representatives, EU citizens, businesses as well as business associations, have been calling for mandatory due diligence rules. 70% of the businesses who responded to the public consultation sent a clear message:  EU action on corporate sustainability due diligence is needed .

A third of companies recognised the need to act and are taking measures to address adverse effects of their actions on human rights or the environment, but progress is slow and uneven. The increasing complexity and global nature of value chains makes it challenging for companies to get reliable information on business partners’ operations. The fragmentation of national rules on corporate, sustainability-related due diligence obligations further slows down the take-up of good practices. Stand-alone measures by some Member States are not enough to help companies exploit their full potential and act sustainably.

EU rules will provide a uniform legal framework and ensure a level playing field for companies across the EU Single Market. Such rules will also foster international competitiveness, increase innovation and ensure legal certainty for companies addressing sustainability impacts. The Directive will steer businesses towards responsible behaviour and could become a new global standard with regard to mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence. 

What are the next steps?

The Directive will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Member States will have two years to transpose the Directive into national law and communicate the relevant texts to the Commission. One year later, the rules will start to apply to companies, with a gradual phase-in between 3 and 5 years after entry into force. 

A set of guidelines to be issued by the Commission will help companies to conduct due diligence.

Related links

Sustainable corporate governance consultation

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The World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), a United Nations specialized agency, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism.

Go to Tourism for SDGs Platform    

UN Tourism is responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism geared towards the achievement of the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UN Tourism offers leadership and support to the tourism sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide,  advocating for responsible tourism and promoting tourism as a driving force towards economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.

With a current membership of 159 countries, UN Tourism encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, in order to maximize tourism´s socio-economic contribution while minimizing its possible negative impacts.

UNWTO 2030 Tourism Roadmap for Inclusive Growth

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Green Chemistry

Towards the sustainable production of biomass-derived materials with smart functionality: a tutorial review.

To meet the ever-increasing demand for continuous development of human society and carbon neutralization, biomass have been demonstrated to be a pluripotent and powerful alternative. Regardless of the low cost, natural abundance, renewability, and biodegradability of biomass, the role of its unique (bio)chemical features in contributing to the on-demand regulatable structure and widely applicable versatility of the resultant has sparked growing interest. Besides, sustainable production from biomass to smart materials is believed to be one of the key strategies to achieve the global goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. This review will focus on green engineering of diverse biomass feedstocks for different applications, and the proposed outline is as follows: First, renewable biomass feedstocks of different hierarchy are introduced. Second, the green preparations of biomass-dervied materials are systematically categorized from the viewpoint of the structural orientation of biomass, the correlation between the biomass’s structural feature and the sustainability assessments of preparation process is also discussed. Third, the applications in electrochemical energy storages, biomedical engineering, electronics, and sensing which feature their smart functionality were comprehensively summarized. Fourth, the advantages and the limitations of biomass-derived materials are qualitatively evaluated. Finally, future prospects and directions on the sustainable production of materials with smart functionality from biomass will be presented. We endeavor to offer comparative and balanced views, as well as insights into which biomass is particularly advantageous for specific intelligent applications.

  • This article is part of the themed collection: 2024 Green Chemistry Reviews

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R. Wang, Y. Feng, D. Li, K. Li and Y. Yan, Green Chem. , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4GC01771D

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  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
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