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Best (And Worst) Time To Visit Iceland (Month By Month!)

February 19, 2022 //  by  Iceland Trippers

Deciding on the best time to visit Iceland for your needs is one of the most important parts of planning an Iceland trip. If you are unsure where to start, we have made it super easy for you by explaining what you can expect month by month.

This complete guide to the months and seasons of Iceland will fully prepare you for your trip. All of the most common questions are answered, such as when to see special things like the Northern Lights, lupine flowers, and puffins.

Planning your trip to Iceland last minute?

Make sure to book your hotels and tours in Iceland in advance to ensure availability! The longer you wait, the more difficult it gets. Here are my top picks for your trip :

Top Experiences And Tours In Iceland:

  • Golden Circle Full Day Tour From Reykjavik (Likely to sell out!)
  • Silfra Snorkeling Tour (Includes photos + only small group)
  • South Of Iceland Full Day Trip (Our pick!)
  • Whale Watching In Reykjavik (On a luxury yacht)
  • Northern Lights Bus Tour (Great to go with a local)
  • Ice Cave Tour And Glacier Hike (Likely to sell out)

Tickets You MUST book in advance:

  • Keflavik > Reykjavik Bus Airport Transfer (Skip the line!)
  • Sky Lagoon Entrance Ticket (Includes 7-step spa ritual)
  • Blue Lagoon Entry Ticket With Drink (Likely to sell out!)

Top picks for places to stay in Iceland:

  • Hotel South Coast (Great central location)
  • Grandi Reykjavik (Includes free breakfast)
  • Hotel Kria (Close to black sand beach)
  • Hotel Skaftafell (Mid-range price)

Iceland is amazing , but it is also a country that must be taken seriously. Winter in Iceland is beautiful, but you must plan accordingly if that is when you are planning to visit. However, even summer has its drawbacks.

Not to worry, we have all the information you need to check off all of your Iceland dreams. The best months to visit Iceland might depend a little bit on the season, but it depends the most on you!

Get a FREE printable “Hidden Gems In Iceland” E-book by joining our private  Iceland Facebook Group  and sharing your photos and asking for tips and tricks.

Girl in a hot spring pool next to a lake.

High and Low Seasons for Visiting Iceland

Like any popular tourist destination, Iceland has an “on” season and an “off” season. These times are otherwise referred to as high and low seasons (with the in-betweens being called shoulders).

The high season is when the majority of the tourists come to visit. This is generally due to the nice weather and ease of access. This is when most people plan their Iceland itinerary !

But just because the weather is colder in the low season does not mean you should not visit! Many people enjoy the low and shoulder seasons more because there are fewer crowds and it is cheaper, making it the best time to travel to Iceland for a lot of people.

You might be surprised to learn that there are indoor and outdoor activities for all of the seasons. Iceland is beautiful inside and out no matter when you visit.

High Season: June-August

Summer, summer, summer! This is the high season in Iceland for the obvious reasons: weather and temperature. It is undeniably the best weather to visit Iceland with much more sun and higher temperatures.

However, this is also by far the most expensive time to visit Iceland. Airfare, hotel fees, food prices–everything costs a pretty penny during the summer.

Not to mention the crowds. The high season is high season because it is when most people visit Iceland.

While the cost and the crowds are pretty big negatives, the high season has phenomenal positives as well. Especially if you are wanting to go to Iceland for the great outdoors. Most roads will be open during this time as well.

At the end of the day, it is all about your priorities. If weather and being able to spend the maximum time outside every day is your top priority, you are going to want to come to Iceland during the high season.

Sunset over Kirkjufell Mountain and Kirkjufellsfoss Waterfall during summer, the best time to visit Iceland for the midnight sun.

Shoulder Season: Sept-Oct & April-May

Shoulder seasons are the traveling industry’s best-kept secret. Okay, so it is not super-secret, but it still is not something people talk about as much as they should.

We hear about the high and low seasons all the time, but not so much about the shoulder seasons. They are the very beginning and the very ending of the classic tourism season.

This means that there are still more people than in the low season, but not the huge crowds of the high season. Prices are a little higher too, but still generally reasonable.

The best part of the shoulder season is that the weather is still reasonable. It may not be as great as the high season, but still totally tolerable!

Low Season: November-March

The low season in Iceland is during the typical winter months. For a country named after ice, Iceland’s winters are not that bad!

While there are some road closures, the country is still quite explorable and traversable during the cold months. And if you are coming to see the Northern Lights, this is the time to do it!

This is also the time to come if you are on a serious budget and need to take advantage of the low season prices. Traveling does not have to empty out your bank account.

The lack of crowds makes it the best season to visit Iceland on a budget! There are some trade-offs for coming during the off-season in Iceland, but there are some definite benefits too. This is actually our favorite time to go!

As we said above, the best time to visit Iceland depends on your Iceland priorities!

A figure standing in a blue colored ice cave in winter, the best time to visit Iceland for ice caves.

Visit Iceland in Summer if You:

-Love the idea of 24-hour sunshine.  Ah, the midnight sun–you are not alone if this is on your bucket list ! If you have dreamt of Iceland’s 24-hour daylight, the summer might be the best time for you to visit.

-Are enamored with the brilliant green of summer.  Iceland starts greening back up in the spring, but summer is the best time to visit Iceland if you want to see green everywhere.

The iconic lupine flowers bloom in June and July as well, creating swatches of purple across the landscape. If you want to photograph these flowers make sure to time your trip right.

-Want the best chance to spot whales. Whale watching is a popular tour in Iceland. The magnificent beasts can be spotted offshore from April through October, but the peak time to see them is in the summer.

In summer, more species are in the area and boat tours are less likely to get canceled because of weather.

-Plan on camping. Since the weather is calmer and less unpredictable during the summer, camping in Iceland is a better option for this season. You will have the least rainfall and less wind. This is especially good if you are tent camping.

-Are not bothered by crowds. Everyone loves the gorgeous, summer Iceland scenery. And we mean everyone . Iceland is a super crowded place in summer so keep that in mind.

If you hate crowds, you can still do alright coming in the summer. You will just want to visit the less popular places in the country. They may be less popular, but Iceland is amazing no matter where you go.

-Are totally invested in the traditional sense (read: financially).  If you are not concerned about how much your trip to Iceland is going to cost, that saves you a lot of seasonal concerns.

Iceland is stunning in the summer, and we cannot blame you for wanting to visit when everything is so vibrant.

Just keep in mind that it is already expensive to travel to Iceland, let alone during the summer. During the high season, top tourist destinations and locations charge top dollar for everything.

A girl in a white dress stands in a field of lupines with Skogafoss Waterfall in the distance during summer, the best time to visit Iceland to see flowers.

Visit Iceland in Winter if You:

-Want to spot the Northern Lights.  You can see the Northern Lights in the fall, but there is a caveat. You will have to stay up until around 2 am. If staying up all night is not your vibe, then winter is the best time to go to Iceland to see the Northern Lights!

In winter, there are not many daylight hours. The sun is only up from around 11 am to 3 pm. However, the increased darkness means a better chance of spotting the Northern Lights. Around midnight is the best time to spot them, but earlier or later is possible too.

-Want to visit an ice cave. The incredibly-formed ice caves are some of the best natural features in Iceland and can only be visited in the winter. Tours are lead from November to March.

-Love a good winter wonderland.  There is just something magical about the way snow completely changes Iceland’s landscape. Many people absolutely love coming to Iceland during this time of year because of this.

If you love the beauty of winter, then it is the best time to visit Iceland! Keep in mind that snow has drawbacks since some roads will be closed.

-Want to stand out from the crowd.  While a lot of people enjoy Iceland in the winter, the number of people who go is nothing compared to the summer.

If you are looking to do something a little different and unique, winter just might be the best time for your visit to Iceland. It certainly is not a bad time!

Aerial view of the shore and mountains all covered in snow.

Visit Iceland in Fall if You:

-Do not like crowds but still want to see the Northern Lights.  Even though this is the off-season, it is prime viewing time for the Northern Lights.

This is because the weather is so nice! You do not have to freeze to see the Northern Lights, just come during the fall.

An extra bonus is that there are really not very many tourists during this time. Fall is the best time of the year to visit Iceland if you want to miss the crowds and do not mind coming when it is a little colder.

-Love fall colors. Iceland is not a country that is typically praised for its fall foliage, mostly because there are not many trees. However, what trees there are turn golden along with the grasses, to create a beautiful landscape.

-Want to experience the Iceland Airwaves music festival.  If you have not already heard about it then you might not know what a big deal the Iceland Airwaves music festival is. But if you have heard of it then you already know that it is a must-see!

It is a super popular music festival that happens each fall in Iceland. Usually, it is held sometime in November, but do an internet search to find the exact date.

If you love music, this festival is a great addition to your Iceland plans! Fall is the best time to go to Iceland to check it out!

The many streams of Hraunfossar Waterfall flowing into blue water surrounded by green and yellow foliage.

Visit Iceland in Spring if You:

-Love puffins!   Spring is the best time to visit Iceland if you want to see puffins . These adorable birds start arriving around April for their yearly nesting.

Puffins are some of the cutest birds out there, and you can find them all over! If you are coming to catch sight of or photograph them, just check in advance to make sure they will be in the area where you are going.

-Want to road trip without snow.  As we said above, some of the roads can close in the winter. Spring is the best time to come to Iceland for better weather and open roads. That melting snow also helps to make the waterfalls flow stronger.

Not to mention that the world is coming back to life in the most beautiful way! There is something about the colorful bursts of color against the gray of winter that makes spring like no other season.

Two puffins sitting on a cliff side next to white flowers.

Best Time to See Northern Lights in Iceland

If you are interested in the Northern Lights, you are interested in Iceland! While there are many different places to see the Northern Lights in the world, Iceland is hard to beat.

Especially considering that there are places where you can watch them from a hot tub! The Northern Lights In Iceland are a huge draw, and if they are the reason you are coming you are not alone!

If you are wondering what is the best month to see the Northern Lights in Iceland, there are a few choices. It is possible to see the Northern Lights any month between the end of September and the end of March.

Just like the sun is out all night during summer, the nights are very long in the winter. The closer to mid-winter you visit, the longer the night and thus the higher chance of seeing the lights.

You definitely will not be able to see them during the summer! Winter is when you should book your Iceland trip if the Northern Lights are a priority.

The dazzling pink and green colors of the Northern Lights and stars reflecting in a glacier lagoon.

Cheapest Time to Visit Iceland

Unfortunately, Iceland is one of the more expensive countries to visit. We have gone over and over because we believe the experience is worth the money .

However, there are things you can do to make your trip much less expensive. One of those things is visiting during the Iceland off-season.

If it is your goal to do Iceland without dumping a ton of cash, we absolutely recommend the shoulder seasons or winter. Visiting right before or right after the high season of summer can save you a lot of money.

If saving money is a high priority, winter is absolutely the best time to visit Iceland. And pro tip: use grocery stores to cut down on costs even more!

Girl in red skirt walks through the tide toward Stokksness during a bright, orange sunrise.

Iceland Weather Breakdown by Month

So far we have been referring to entire seasons, but we know that is kind of broad. Especially when you are planning the trip of a lifetime!

That is why we are going to break everything about Iceland Weather down month by month . This way you can know exactly what to expect.

After all, sometimes the best time to visit Iceland is simply when it best fits into your life. Whenever you make the trip, our month-by-month breakdown will help you make the most of it.

Iceland Weather in January

Happy New Year! January is a great time to visit Iceland. During this time of year you will find highs of about 36 ° F and lows of about 27 ° F.

Is that warmer than you expected? For a country named after ice, Iceland’s winters are actually quite moderate when compared with a lot of other places in the world!

That being said, January in Iceland is the coldest and windiest month. You will want to bring warm clothing and dress appropriately! Expect lots of snow and ice.

Iceland Weather in February

Honestly, the temperatures do not change much in February. What does change is the hours of daylight!

At the beginning of January, you will only get about 4 hours of daylight a day. By the end of February, this increases to about 10 hours.

February is a great month to come because there is more daylight but the crowds and costs are still at a minimum. Check out our post on things to know before you visit Iceland in February!

A snowy road heading straight towards mountains.

Iceland Weather in March

March continues with the increase in daylight hours, with about 13 hours of sunshine a day by the end of the month.

Winter weather continues in Iceland in March , although it starts sticking more to the mountaintops and less to the streets. As with most places, the weather is also better in southern Iceland than in northern Iceland.

However, it is still cold pretty much everywhere. We are getting closer to spring, but you would not really know it yet. The temperatures are still averaging between 27 ° F and 36 ° F.

Iceland Weather in April

The weather finally begins to make a bit of a change in April. Temperatures range between 32 ° F and 41 ° F during this warmer month.

What is more, there is a lot less snow! Spring starts to show its face about this time, with the country beginning to green back up again. Migratory birds start to return, including puffins.

We are also looking at around 17 hours of daylight in April as we officially move out of the low season and into the shoulder season. Don’t forget to check out this post about visiting Iceland in April!

Iceland Weather in May

May is seriously one of the best times to visit Iceland! Especially if you love the sun! The days have 20 hours or more of sunlight. It is also the driest month, with the least rainfall.

The highs are also much closer to 50 ° F, which means you almost do not even need a jacket depending on where you are from.

Of course, you will still want to bring your jackets . While the weather is much more temperate, there will still be some cold days. However, it is totally livable and the country is also becoming so much more green!

Iceland in May is also still shoulder season, which means you will not have to try so hard to find your own space while enjoying the sunshine.

Turf covered house in a field of grass.

Iceland Weather in June

Welcome to high season! While it is called the high season because it is most popular among tourists, June in Iceland is also the high season for the longest days.

If getting the most out of each day is important to you, then June is the best month to visit Iceland. You can explore for many more hours in daylight.

June nights only last for about 3 hours, beginning around 11:30 PM! Yeah, blackout curtains are a big thing in Iceland summers!

While the highs average around 52 ° F, they can get much higher than that. June is the beginning of summer, and also the beginning of real warmth.

Iceland Weather in July

Now, if you are interested in heat rather than warmth , July might be a better time to visit Iceland. It is the best time of year to visit Iceland for heat, as the hottest month of the year. It is also the least windy month.

The weather in Iceland in July is generally extremely pleasant during this time of the year. While the nights are a little longer, at about 4 hours long, they do not increase by much!

Keep in mind that “hot” does not mean the same thing in Iceland as it does in other places. The average highs are around 56°F. That is part of why it is one of the most popular times to visit because it does not get any warmer than this.

Iceland Weather in August

August is the last month of the high season. While the beginning of the month is still as warm as July, temperatures start to go down by the end of the month.

August is the best time to go to Iceland if you do not mind the crowds due to the fairly standard daylight hours. The sun sets around 9 PM and rises around 5 AM. August has the least cloudy days as well.

Do keep in mind that August in Iceland goes quickly from summer to fall. By the end of the month, the slight bite to the air will have you wishing for warm pumpkin pie and spiced apple cider.

A sunny August day at Skogafoss Waterfall with a rainbow and groups of tourists.

Iceland Weather in September

September still has great sunshine for Iceland, but it does go down to just below 12 hours by the end of the month. It is the warmest month with a chance to see the Northern Lights.

Temperatures are still quite nice, and we are back in shoulder season. This means that you can enjoy the nice weather and decent daylight hours without all the crowds of summer.

By the end of the month the likelihood of snow increases. If you visit Iceland in September , you will want to pack your warm clothing!

Iceland Weather in October

October in Iceland is still technically part of the shoulder season, but it is starting to feel much more like the low season of winter. Daylight is down to about 8 hours a day.

In addition, the average temperature is dropping back down to about 41 ° F. While it is not absolute winter yet, the weather should be taken into consideration at this point.

Bring warm clothes and waterproof ponchos. October is the wettest month in Iceland with an average of 14 days with precipitation.

Although it is colder, October is the best time to visit Iceland if you want to explore with as few crowds as possible. The roads are still open and you can still go pretty much everywhere you want.

Iceland Weather in November

Welcome to winter and the off-season in Iceland. November begins the coldest time of the year, although December and January are colder. This is when the snow starts to fully cover the island.

The average temperature is 38 ° F, but it can get much colder. Daylight only lasts about six hours.

We love to visit Iceland in the low season, and really do think it is one of the best times to visit Iceland. You just have to be prepared for the lower temperatures and the weather.

Iceland Weather in December

The last month of the year is one of the coldest months, second only to January. Temperature highs only reach about 39 ° F. It gets as cold as 21 ° F.

In addition, Iceland in December sees quite a lot of precipitation and snow. Daylight hours are generally pretty short.

However, this does make it and January the best time to visit Iceland for the Northern Lights! However, it is also the cloudiest month, meaning the lights can get obstructed.

A girl soaks in a hot spring surrounded by snow in winter, the best time to visit Iceland to beat the crowds.

Iceland Events and Activities by Month

While the weather is a big deal, sometimes it is not as important as what you can do. After all, most weather is survivable if you plan and dress accordingly.

If you are more curious about what is going on than what temperature it will be, we have you covered! We have broken down the events and activities you can do during each month of the year.

You might be surprised by some of your options, especially during the winter!

Iceland in January

Can you even go wrong with New Year’s Eve when you are celebrating in a different country? Especially Iceland!

The country takes this holiday seriously with partying on New Year’s Eve, sleeping on the first, and shopping on the second.

And then there is Christmas–that is right, Christmas extends into January in Iceland, with the last day being on the 6th. If Christmas is your favorite holiday, then the end of December and the beginning of January is definitely the best time to visit Iceland.

Another great January tradition in Iceland is Thorrablot . This pagan celebration was canceled when Iceland went Christian but has had a resurgence in the last couple of centuries.

It is a week-long celebration of an Icelandic tradition that will not disappoint. If you want to feel like a local, prepare yourself for some things you have never eaten before, like rotten shark meat, boiled sheep’s head, and congealed sheep’s blood.

Iceland in February

February is beloved for the Winter Lights Festival . As a celebration of bright and happy things, you will love the way they light the streets with brilliant fluorescence to chase the darkness of winter away.

Öskudagur is basically Icelandic Halloween. The kids dress up in great costumes, and instead of the “trick or treat” chant, sing for their candy.

The Icelandic Food and Fun Festival is a fantastic festival that celebrates Icelandic cooking. And not even the kind that uses blood and rotten shark meat! It is all about using ingredients native to Iceland and enjoying all the culinary joys the country has to offer.

Hallgrimskirkja church lit up with colorful lights during the Winter Lights Festival, one of the best times to visit Iceland.

Iceland in March

Did you know that Iceland had its own prohibition period? Beer with an alcohol level of over 2.2% was banned for the majority of the 1900s but legalized again in 1990.

Iceland celebrates this legalization with the unofficial holiday, Beer Day, on the first of March every year! We think you can probably guess what the main activities are. (Drinking beer.)

DesignMarch is similar to the Food and Fun Festival in that it is a celebration of Icelandic creativity. The event features purely Icelandic products and goods.

Continuing in a similar fashion, the Reykjavik Folk Festival honors centuries of traditional music and song.

Iceland in April

Iceland celebrates Easter for days just like Christmas. Honestly, we do not know why more countries do not do holidays like this! Celebrating with just one day is so minimal!

Easter lasts from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday in Iceland. It is generally spent with family, rather than with huge parties.

April’s other holiday is the first day of summer. Given the dark of winter and the light of summer, and the very small in-betweens, Iceland actually does not traditionally recognize spring and autumn as seasons. So summer starts in April!

View from behind Seljalandsfoss Waterfall with melting snow and grass turning green for April, the best time to visit Iceland to see the seasons change.

Iceland in May

The Reykjavik Art Festival is a big deal in May! People come from all over the world to participate in and experience creativity and fun.

If art is not your thing, May still might be the best time to visit Iceland with the Rite of Spring Festival. We know, we know, we just told you there is no spring in Iceland.

But when Iceland gave up its traditional calendar, they adopted spring and autumn into their new calendar. And they like to welcome spring with heartfelt jazz and folk music!

Iceland in June

It should come as no surprise that a country that willingly eats rotten shark meat celebrates the sea! Iceland’s Festival of the Sea happens in June, and it honors the country’s long tradition of seafaring.

Iceland also celebrates its independence from Denmark every June 17th. Like the 4th of July in the United States, Iceland National Day is a country-wide affair filled with parades, concerts, and general enjoyment of Icelandic culture.

Summer Solstice takes advantage of the Midnight Sun with all-night rock concerts. You can also join the locals in watching the sun set and rise all within the course of 2-3 hours.

Another unique Iceland festival is the International Viking Festival . It is a days-long holiday event that pays tribute to Iceland’s fierce Viking history.

Iceland in July

Innipukinn Festival is another music festival that happens in July. If you are not already getting the sense that you can hit up a music festival basically anytime you visit Iceland, well, you can. Icelandic people really love their music, okay?

They mix things up a bit with LungA , a festival specific to the Icelandic town of Seyðisfjörður . This festival still has music (as any good festival does) as well as art!

The rainbow path in Seyðisfjörður leading to the blue church .

Iceland in August

Verslunarmannahelgi–say that five times fast, we dare you! Honestly, if you can pronounce it once we will be impressed. Verslunarmannahelgi happens the first weekend of August and is a quick bank holiday (kind of like Labor Day in the US). People generally celebrate by going camping.

Gay Pride comes the second weekend of August, and nowhere celebrates it as Reykjavik does! With parades, parties, and concerts, this is truly a vibrant and fantastic event.

If you like running, (like, really like) then the third weekend of August is the best time to visit Iceland! This is when the Reykjavik Marathon occurs, and it is another event that attracts people from all over the world!

The marathon wraps up with Menningarnott , a fantastic cultural celebration with cultural events, fireworks, and you guessed it, great music!

Iceland in September

The capital city of Reykjavik has two festivals in September, making it the best time to visit Reykjavik if you are wanting to have some fun during the shoulder season.

First is the Reykjavik International Literary Festival . This one is not just a big deal to Iceland, it is actually the biggest literary festival in Northern Europe!

Next is the Reykjavik International Film Festival . There is just something about literature and film that make them go hand in hand. Both of these festivals draw people from all over the world, but especially the film festival!

White geese and ducks in the lake in Reykjavik at dusk.

Iceland in October

Iceland Airwaves is another music festival but centers on indie and alternative music rather than the traditional folk and rock music of so many other festivals. Of course, folk and rock music still abound!

Iceland also celebrates Halloween in October, although they have not been celebrating it as long as other countries and do it a little differently. It is more of an adult holiday, but still features costumes!

Iceland in November

November does not have a whole lot going on in the realm of festivals and events. What it does have, though, it makes sure to do well.

Frostbiter is Iceland’s Horror Film Festival. So while Iceland does not have much going on in November, it is still the best time to visit Iceland if you love horror!

Iceland in December

Sorry not sorry, but Iceland has the best Christmas lights. Seriously, you have to check them out! Because the country is so dark all the time in December, they go all out with the Christmas lights.

And the way they make such a contrast against the dark? Unbeatable.

Everything about Iceland Christmas is simply unbeatable. From the concerts to the food to the country’s own unique and fun traditions, you will absolutely love it.

New Year’s Eve is filled with fireworks, bonfires, and singing. There are even costumes!

And they do not wrap things up and go to bed at midnight. Iceland New Year partying lasts long into the early hours of the next day.

December is the best time of year to travel to Iceland if you love all the December holidays!

A tree with yellow Christmas lights on a snowy hillside overlooking the lights of a town.

When is the Worst Time to Visit Iceland?

Honestly, there is really no bad time of year to visit Iceland as long as you plan accordingly. After reading this article, you should have a good idea of what each month has to offer in terms of weather, natural events, and festivals.

As long as you visit when you want to and pack according to the season , you will be in Iceland at the right time.

If you want to see the Northern Lights, summer is the worst time to visit Iceland. But, if you want clear roads for your rental car and warm weather, then winter is the worst time to visit.

So, When is the Best Time to Visit Iceland?

At the end of the day, the best time to visit Iceland is 100% up to you! Whatever your interests are and your budget will determine when you should visit this amazing country.

After all, this is your trip to Iceland. Plan it around what you want to see and do.

Do you want the midnight sun and purple, lupine flowers? Come during summer. Hate crowds and overpaying, but want decent weather? Give shoulder season a try. Does your Iceland bucket list involve the Nothern Lights or ice caves? Winter is your best bet!

Iceland is gorgeous year-round, and you really cannot go wrong no matter when you visit!

Girl in yellow dress and hat sits on a cliff edge overlooking the blue water of Godafoss Waterfall.

We hope our guide to the best time to visit Iceland has been helpful! Feel free to let us know when you decide to go in the comments below. What is your favorite time to travel to Iceland?

People riding horses in Iceland in an article about the best tours in Iceland

Iceland with a View

Best Time to Visit Iceland – Pros and Cons of Each Season

People are always asking me when the best time to visit Iceland is, but as someone who loves every season that Iceland offers…it’s such a difficult question to answer!

I can seriously make a case for why it’s worth visiting Iceland any time of year, but I also know that every traveler is different.

So to help you narrow down what time of year to visit Iceland, I thought I’d do a round-up of the pros and cons of each season. 

Disclaimer: winters in Iceland are seriously not as cold as you would think. Because of the gulf stream effect, the coast stays relatively mild year-round. Conversely, the summer never gets too warm either. So while we have all four seasons in Iceland (and sometimes you get all four seasons in one day!), the temperatures are not very extreme.

I’ve heard this referred to as having two seasons: winter and winter light! Ha!

Here is what you can expect from each season.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Iceland? Everything You Need To Know About Iceland’s Seasons

The first thing that you need to know when trying to decide on the best time to travel to Iceland is that it really depends on what you want to get out of your trip.

When the best time to see the Northern Lights in Iceland?

Are you wanting to see the midnight sun?

Looking for some winter activities or would you enjoy your trip more if the winter was milder?

There are so many factors to consider when trying to decide on the best season to visit Iceland. Let’s get into them so you can start planning your epic trip!

Discover the pros and cons of every season of Iceland.  Spring offers blooming flowers, thawing snow and the promise of better weather.

Iceland In Spring

  • High: 45-50°F
  • April: 15 hours
  • May: 18 hours
  • The snow is thawing and maaaaybe flowers start blooming. I kinda like the half-snow on-the-mountain look!
  • You get a good middle ground of things that make the summer great without the crowds and high season prices
  • Puffins start arriving (April-August)
  • Might still catch the Northern Lights (early April)
  • Longer days
  • Decent weather
  • Fewer tourists
  • Spring in Iceland isn’t like “typical spring” where you can start busting out shorts or possibly a t-shirt. It can still very well freeze and I often still find myself wearing my warm winter coat in April.

Overall, if you’re looking for slightly warmer weather, fewer crowds, and more daylight hours…spring might be the best time to visit Iceland for you! You’ll get to avoid high-season prices and might even catch the Northern Lights and a puffin or two.

Discover the pros and cons of every season of Iceland.  Summer ushers in lush green, longer days, and wildlife!

Iceland In Summer

  • June-July/Augustish
  • Highs: 60-65°F
  • June/July: 20-22 hours! (i.e. the sky doesn’t even get dark in mid-June!)
  • Aug: 16 hours
  • LONG summer days
  • Midnight sun (the longest day is June 20th)
  • Iceland’s summer weather is BEAUTIFUL and everything is so green!
  • Sheep! Puffins! Whales!
  • Lots to do – summer music festivals, a lot of tours available
  • Highland roads open (access to Landmannalaugar and Þórsmörk, and hiking routes Laugavegurinn, Fimmvörðuháls)
  • Peak tourist season/more people at major attractions
  • Higher prices and possible difficulty finding accommodation
  • Light ALL day. (This might not be a problem for some, but I am very affected by the light!)
  • Not “summer” weather like you might expect (don’t expect yourself to be in shorts and a tank top…I usually don’t even take off my long-sleeve shirt in the summer!)

If you want to enjoy the gorgeous Iceland summer weather and daylight hours, the months of July to August might be the best time to visit Iceland for you! If crowds don’t bother you and you have a bit of extra wiggle room in your budget for high-season prices, summer could be your season.

You’ll get to enjoy the beautiful green landscapes, the flowers blooming, and of course the midnight sun. 

The Highland roads, or F-roads, open up for exploration, so you have the whole country at your fingertips! And not to mention, there are a ton of festivals, activities, and concerts happening all around Reykjavik and throughout the country. 

Overall, visiting Iceland in the summer can be an unforgettable experience. Just be prepared for the crowds and the higher prices, and make the most of the extended daylight hours to explore all that this incredible country has to offer!

Discover the pros and cons of every season of Iceland.  Autumn colors abound, fewer daylight hours, more unpredictable weather.

Iceland In Fall 

  • Augustish-October
  • High: 45-55°F
  • September: 13 hours
  • October: 9 hours
  • Golden light and the changing color of the trees
  • Coziness that comes with the darkness
  • “Normal” daylight hours
  • Start to see Northern Lights , possibly the first snowfall!
  • Prices are lower
  • Fewer travelers
  • Weather is pretty unpredictable – windy, wet, and sometimes pretty cold
  • The autumn colors can be skipped completely, depending on the season.

Fall in Iceland is a season that’s hard to time, but if you can manage to visit from August through October, you’re in for a treat! 

While the weather can be unpredictable, and you’re not guaranteed to see the sought-after fall foliage colors (rich yellows, oranges, and browns), when you do, it’s pure magic.

Autumn conjures up images of pouring a fresh cup of coffee on a cool morning, nuzzled up in your campervan gazing at an incredible view. Or cozying up in one of Reykjavik’s trendy restaurants, treating yourself to a piece of Icelandic lamb and some red wine. Yum!

There is just so much to love about fall in Iceland.

From fewer tourists to lower prices to getting that first chance at seeing the Northern lights, there are a ton of pros for visiting Iceland in autumn.

Discover the pros and cons of every season of Iceland.  Iceland is a winter wonderland; you do not want to miss this!

Iceland Winter

  • Octoberish/November – March
  • Highs: 39-45°F
  • The further north you go, the colder and snowier it will be
  • October – 9 hours
  • November – 6 hours
  • December – 4 hours
  • January – 4 hours
  • February – 7 hours
  • March – 10 hours
  • Golden HOURSSSS .
  • Catching up on indoor activities : knitting, puzzling, game nights with friends
  • Snowy walks through beautiful landscapes!
  • Feels extra amazing to soak in the hot springs after a cold day
  • Ice cave and glacier tours
  • Christmas lights, Christmas markets, Christmas decorations, Christmas spirit.
  • New Year’s Eve: Reykjavik is ranked in the top 5 places in the world to watch the fireworks show!
  • Snow-covered mountains, frozen waterfalls, the Icelandic horse against the white landscape… it’s all stunning !
  • Winter is the BEST time to visit Iceland to see The Northern Lights ! (that should be reason enough!)
  • Darkness – in mid-December the sun only brightens up the sky for 3-4 hours of light . It can be quite tiring, and also you have limited hours to explore the wilderness.
  • Cold, obviously, and extra important to pack the proper attire .
  • Weather can be really on and off, difficult to travel due to road conditions . Often times even major roads closed.
  • Zero access to highland roads without a tour.

There’s truly nothing like Iceland in winter. 

From October to March, the landscape transforms into a snowy wonderland. If can handle the darkness, you’re in for a treat. 

Whether you’re wanting to soak in the cold springs after a chilly day, catch the Northern lights, or even experience the magic of Reykjavik at Christmastime, winter is definitely one of the best times to visit Iceland!

No matter what time of year you choose to visit Iceland, it will be an amazing time! There is always plenty of beautiful nature to see year-round so you can’t go wrong.


Complete with an interactive map, checklists, and resources, these guides are designed to take the stress out of planning your trip.

Happy planning,

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The Best Time to Visit Iceland: A Seasonal Guide

Finding the best season to visit Iceland can be a tough decision, as each season offers its own unique charm and experiences. Whether you’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights, hike through the stunning landscape, or experience the cultural events and festivals, there’s no wrong time to visit this beautiful country. Here’s a season-by-season guide to help you decide the best time of year to visit iceland.

Spring (March-May)

Spring in Iceland can be a bit unpredictable, with fluctuating temperatures and the occasional snowstorm. However, the longer days and warmer weather make it a great time to explore the outdoors. The spring months are also a great time to see the Northern Lights, as the nights are still long enough for optimal viewing. Hiking and horseback riding are popular activities, and you can also take a dip in the Blue Lagoon, which tends to be less crowded during this time of year. As the snow begins to melt, you can also see the beautiful waterfalls that make Iceland so famous. The spring season is also a great time to visit if you want to avoid the crowds and enjoy lower prices.

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Summer (June-August)

Summer is the peak tourist season in Iceland, with long days, mild temperatures, and an abundance of outdoor activities. The midnight sun means you can take advantage of the 24-hour daylight to explore the country’s stunning landscape. Hiking, horseback riding, and whale watching are all popular activities during the summer months. The summer also brings a number of festivals and cultural events, including the Reykjavik Arts Festival and the Secret Solstice music festival. Keep in mind that prices tend to be higher and accommodation can be harder to find during the summer season. However, the warmer weather and abundance of daylight make it a great time to visit for those who love being outside and experiencing all that Iceland has to offer.

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Autumn (September-November)

Autumn in Iceland is a great time to visit if you want to avoid the crowds and enjoy lower prices. The cooler temperatures make it a great time for hiking and outdoor adventures, and the fall foliage adds an extra touch of beauty to the landscape. The Northern Lights start to become more visible as the nights get longer, and you can also enjoy the annual Reykjavik Food and Fun Festival in October. This festival brings together top chefs from around the world to showcase Icelandic cuisine and ingredients. Autumn is also a great time to visit the thermal baths and take a dip in the natural hot springs.

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Winter (December-February)

Experience the magic of a winter wonderland in Iceland during the colder months of the year. With temperatures dropping as low as -20°C (-4°F), winter is the perfect time to bundle up and embrace the chill. The long, dark nights provide the perfect conditions for viewing the breathtaking Northern Lights, making this the ideal season for Aurora hunters. While the weather may be chilly, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Take a hike through the snow-covered landscape, go skiing or snowboarding, or take a dip in one of the country’s many thermal baths. Don’t forget to warm up with a cup of hot cocoa or a traditional Icelandic meal after a day spent exploring. Despite the cold, the winter season in Iceland is truly a magical experience.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by John Hoo (@johnhoophotography)

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When is the best time to visit Iceland in 2024?

Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir

Mar 7, 2024 • 5 min read

peak tourist season in iceland

Summer is the best time to take an Iceland road trip Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

There’s no such thing as the perfect time to visit Iceland as the weather is notoriously whimsical and the best season for your trip depends entirely on what you want to experience.

Mid-summer is glorious with eternal daylight courtesy of the midnight sun. This is the time for hiking, camping and exploring the wilderness, and when most services are open. The down side is many destinations will be packed with tourists.

We've got all the information you need about the highs and lows of different seasons. Whenever you choose to visit Iceland, pay attention to forecasts and road conditions and follow any safety advice issued by Icelandic authorities . 

December to January is best for seeing the Northern Lights

Christmas lights brighten up the darkness and a festive spirit is in the air as the dark season nears its peak. Frost glitters and snow transforms landscapes into winter wonderlands. Christmas markets are held in Heiðmörk outside Reykjavík, in Hafnarfjörður and on Ingólfstorg square in Reykjavík, which has the added bonus of an ice rink. If conditions are right, the first ski resorts open up.

The sparse daylight means that you have a better chance of seeing the Northern Lights, especially outside populated areas where there is less light pollution (find a Northern Lights forecast here ). Joining tours is advisable. While it is possible to drive yourself, road conditions are often slippery and snowstorms are common.

Festivals worth checking out in winter include Dark Music Days and þorrablót mid-winter feasts, celebrated around the country. For the brave, restaurants often serve special þorri food.

People bath in a blue geothermal pool.

February to March is the best time for snow sports and hot springs

It’s still dark and cold so communities brighten up the darkness with events like the Winter Lights Festival in Reykjavík and List í ljósi festival in Seyðisfjörður in the East. In narrow fjords in the Eastfjords and Westfjords, inhabitants celebrate the return of the sun with sólarkaffi and have pancakes. Snow sports become more enjoyable as daylight gradually returns.

Spring is an abstract concept in Iceland as the weather doesn’t always play along. It can still be cold and snowy, but the days get longer and the sun sometimes shines on skiers – this is often the best time for snow sports. The first of the migrant birds arrive and slowly but surely, nature springs back to life. Around Easter, events like Easter egg hunts are a fun family activity. In Ísafjörður, the Aldrei fór ég suður music festival is held and Ski Week  is around the same time.

A Humpback Whale dives off the northern coast of Iceland

April to May is the best time for off-peak travel

While the weather is still unreliable, temperatures gradually rise. The first flowers blossom and trees bud. Migrant birds arrive in flocks and lambs and foals are born. Migrant whales have also returned and with better weather, whale watching is more enjoyable. The bird-watching season begins, although some areas may be closed due to nesting.

There are relatively few tourists around and if conditions are good, this can be a good time for a  road trip . Look out for off-season discounts on accommodation and activities. However, not all tours and services have opened up yet.

The first Thursday after April 18th is the official First Day of Summer in Iceland, which is celebrated with parades and events around the country – even though the weather rarely plays along.

June to August is the best time for outdoor recreation

While there’s no good weather guarantee, this is your best chance of sun and warmish temperatures. Late June to early August is when most Icelanders go on vacation, filling up campgrounds wherever the best weather is forecast. This is the height of the tourist season – and height of the whale-watching season – so whatever you have planned, it’s best to book ahead.

Expect crowds at the most popular destinations, like on the South Coast and the  Golden Circle . But as it’s bright all night, you can beat the crowds by traveling either super early or late. In July, Highland roads open up, but you'll need to book a tour or hire a 4WD vehicle equipped for F-roads and crossing rivers (if that’s your plan). Summer is the best season for hiking, biking and horseback riding. Around mid-August, wild berries ripen.

Summer is also festival season. Fishermen’s Day is a national celebration held in every seaside town on the first weekend of June. Around June 21, summer solstice is celebrated on Grímsey island, Iceland’s northernmost inhabited island. The Reykjavík Arts Festival is held every other year – the next one is on in June this year (2024).

Bræðslan music festival is held in Borgarfjörður eystri on the last weekend of July. Verslunarmannahelgi  is a weekend in August that is packed with festivals and events, and Reykjavík Pride has various events held throughout the city, culminating in the Pride Parade.

Reykjavík Culture Night and the Reykjavík Marathon are held on the third weekend of August.

Icelanders head off to the countryside to take part in rettir – the annual sheep round up

September to November is best for cultural events

Nights grow colder and camping is no longer advisable as fall rolls into winter. The weather is often good, though, so hiking can still be enjoyable. Pay attention to weather forecasts and bring warm clothing. Nature starts to change colors, painting forests and heather yellow, orange and red. Þingvellir National Park is at its most beautiful.

Road tripping is still possible and there will be fewer travelers around. However, winter is around the corner, so roads get slippery as soon as the temperatures drop and conditions can get stormy.

Réttir sheep and horse roundups are held in the countryside, and the Reykjavík International Film Festival takes place in the capital. In East Iceland, the Days of Darkness festival is held around Halloween and the Iceland Airwaves music festival is held in Reykjavík. Advent is approaching and Christmas preparations begin. This is a great time for visiting galleries and museums, going to concerts, relaxing in heated swimming pools, and feasting on good food.

This article was first published Feb 18, 2021 and updated Mar 7, 2024.

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Best Time to Visit Iceland: Your Complete Guide

If you’re planning a trip to Iceland or really inspired to come to this Nordic gem, you may be wondering when is the best time to visit Iceland. One of the country's many charms is being a year-round destination, but your personal choice can influence when to visit Iceland! 

Whether you want to visit in winter or summer , or come for a particular interest of yours, we have it all below.

Iceland is a country that is beautiful and interesting all year long. This is why, at Nordic Visitor, our travel consultants have crafted tours for both the winter and summer seasons.

There are countless fantastic activities and sights to see and do, so depending on your interests or your available time to come, we have you covered with this useful guide.

  • When is peak season?
  • When is best for weather?

Exploring Iceland in summer

Exploring iceland in winter.

  • Visiting Reykjavík
  • Birdwatching
  • Touring the Golden Circle
  • Seeing the northern lights
  • Experiencing the midnight sun
  • Taking stunning photography
  • Honeymooners
  • Enjoying the Blue Lagoon and spas
  • Dipping in hot springs
  • Whale watching
  • Attending events and festivals
  • Combining Iceland and Greenland

When is the peak season in Iceland?

Peak season for travelling to Iceland is during the summer, between June and August.

If you visit at this time, it'll coincide with the mildest weather, summer holidays, the most daylight, and the most activities available. In recent years, the winter months have also been very popular, with people flocking to Iceland to see the northern lights.

  • For popular itineraries around Iceland, check out these best-selling tours
  • Visit in  June , July or  August  to see Iceland at peak time

When is the best time to visit Iceland for the weather?

Iceland isn’t as cold as its name may suggest and enjoys a temperate climate all year long. That’s not to say that the weather doesn’t change quickly over the course of a single day.

For that reason, regardless of the time of year, make sure to have wind and water resistant layers on hand.

The mildest weather of the year in Iceland is, of course, during the summer months.

If you’re looking for maximum sunlight, or even to experience the midnight sun (when the sun doesn’t fully set below the horizon), the best period to come is in June, July or August.

laugavegur mountains

The shoulder months of May and September are also ideal for those who prefer a quieter holiday, as they usually attract less crowds. The weather is usually still mild, although a bit more unpredictable.

  • Visit Iceland in  May  or  September  to enjoy the advantages of the shoulder months

Of course, maybe the perfect weather for you is a crisp and snowy day. Then the winter months will be the time when you want to come and enjoy the best that Iceland has to offer.

The months between October and April define the winter season and shoulder season. You may also enjoy visiting in late December to join in the Icelandic New Year’s festivities.

You can find out more about the weather in Iceland in our handy climate and weather conditions guide .

What is the best month to visit Iceland?

While the weather may be a big draw for some, you may want to come to Iceland for a particular month or season, whether that’s when you have holiday or when you want to enjoy a certain activity.

Summer in Iceland is from June until August. The shoulder months May and September are very popular among travellers as well.

The summer is by far the most popular with visitors. This is because, at that time of year, the temperature is generally milder, there is more daylight to take advantage of when sightseeing, and there are more activities available.

There is a lot of festivals and events as well, you can read more about that below.

You’re also more likely to enjoy a road trip in the summer as you’ll have more daylight hours to drive. If you only have a week, you can still drive the Ring Road but it will involve longer daily driving distances.

The roads are also less likely to be shut due to the weather conditions at this time.

The one downside some people may find is that, as summer attracts the most visitors, it means more crowds at popular attractions. If you prefer a quieter time, you could also visit during the shoulder season, the months of May and September .

For the most beautiful colours in nature, but also a quieter time for tourism in Iceland, I would recommend September. The fall colours are amazing and that is my favourite time to explore the country. - Helga Guðmundsdóttir, Travel consultant for Iceland
  • Take a look at our summer tours in Iceland

Winter is slowly attracting more and more visitors. Quieter months such as October and November are a great time to visit Iceland. This is especially true if you want to experience the long nights and darkness of the northern parallels.

The enchanting natural phenomena that are the aurora borealis deserve attention too. As do the wintry landscapes of the higher altitudes and North Iceland.

While Iceland is a year-round destination, there are fewer activities available at that time of year, with less daylight to take advantage of them. For a road trip, we would recommend staying around the west and southern coast of Iceland. There is plenty to see here, including the Golden Circle. 

You could also fly up to the capital of the north Akureyri. Experience this beautiful region and see a true winter landscape.

  • Visit Iceland October  and  April  to enjoy the Icelandic winter
  • By coming in  December  you could join in the Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations

hallgrimskirkja church under the snow

During many months of the winter, it’s also possible to tour the famous Ring Road if that’s what you’re looking for. However, be aware that the weather can often make the roads and driving conditions unpredictable and difficult.

Driving during the winter months in Iceland is not for everyone.

This is why we do not recommend a long road trip in the winter if you have never driven on snow and ice.

If you are going to embark on a winter driving tour in Iceland, you should be comfortable driving in what can be challenging conditions. This includes snowstorms, icy roads and little daylight.

  • To tour the island at your own pace, browse our winter self-drive tours of Iceland
  • Don't fancy driving in winter? Choose a small group tour and let an experienced driver take you to Iceland's star attractions

If you do want to come in the winter, make sure to dress for the Icelandic weather. We have a handy packing guide here to help you with that.

When is best time of year to visit Iceland depending on your needs?

As we’ve mentioned many times again, there is no bad time to visit Iceland, there is something beautiful to see and something interesting to do all year long.

Below we’ve highlighted the most requested interests and activities and when is the best time to go to Iceland for them. Look up the one you’d love to experience while in Iceland:

Best time to visit Reykjavík, Iceland

Reykjavík is a colourful, cultural, and buzzing city throughout the seasons. From year-round festivals, to New Year’s Eve celebrations, and world-renown attractions, visiting Iceland’s capital is always fun.

The best time may depend on what you want to do during your visit. Most museums, such as Perlan the top attraction in town, open their doors throughout the year. The swimming pools, heated by geothermal power, are also visited by locals and visitors all year long.

To attend specific events, you may want to visit at a particular time. Attend Iceland Airwaves in November, the Culture Night in August, or the Secret Solstice in June. Summer has the largest concentration of festivals if you want to feel the lively atmosphere.

December is a great time to visit to get in the festive spirit. There are fireworks, bonfires and more to celebrate Christmas and mark the start of a new year.

  • Enjoy a city break  in Reykjavík to take part in the lively culture

sunset over hallgrimskirkja church

Best time to visit for birdwatchers

If you love birds and birdwatching, you will be spoiled in Iceland!

While it is possible to birdwatch all year round, many of the bird species are migratory and thus only spend a portion of the year in Iceland. This means some periods of the year are indeed better for birdwatching, or for spotting certain kinds of birds.

Generally speaking, the best time for birdwatching is considered to be between mid- April and the end of June . This is the time of the year that sees the most bird species in Iceland, and long daylight hours gives visitors ample time to admire them.

There are five species that people often seek out and we’ve made a wee guide for you:

There are 8 to 10 million puffins that spend their summer in Iceland every year! That makes up nearly 60% of the world’s Atlantic puffin population. These adorable birds can be spotted from late April, with the best period to see them being between May and early August .

Harlequin duck

Since Iceland is the only country in Europe where this colourful duck species can be found, it is an exciting sighting!

There are around 2000 to 3000 pairs that breed around the country. While they stay in the sea around the island during the winter, in the spring they travel up rivers for their nesting season. They can, for example, be found in Ölfusá river.

Barrow‘s goldeneye

90% of the Barrow’s goldeneye around Lake Mývatn and stay there year-round. Around 150 birds can also be spotted on the south coast during the winter, but they head for Lake Mývatn for breeding season around mid- March .

It’s important to note that the Gyrfalcon is a fully protected species and so, no specific location can be given about their breeding location.

While it is not commonly sighted, when it is spotted, it is usually around Lake Mývatn due to the abundance of prey, and around Reykjavík and the Reykjanes Peninsula in the winter.

If you are lucky enough to spot one, please be aware that approaching nesting sites is not permitted. Neither is sharing information about their breeding sites.

Brünnich’s guillemot (also known as thick-billed murre)

In the winter, you can spot this species in the north and east coast of Iceland. But if you happen to be here in the spring or summer, you may be able to observe a Brünnich’s guillemot around the various seabird cliffs around the country.

They are commonly spotted between the end of March and the end of July . As of where to go, we recommend:

  • Lake Mývatn area, which is one of the most popular for birdwatching. That’s because it is well-known for its diverse birdlife, especially duck species (there are 14!).
  • Látrabjarg bird cliff, located in the West fjords of Iceland, is the largest bird cliff in Europe at 14 kilometres long and up to 441 metres high. There you can get a closer look at millions of nesting sea birds, such as puffins, razorbills and guillemots.
  • Hafnarhólmi in Borgarfjörður eystra offers visitors the perfect opportunity to see puffins.

puffins on a cliff

Best time to visit Iceland's Golden Circle

We would recommend visiting during the shoulder season to have the best experience of the Golden Circle and its attractions.

Even though, it is worth mentioning that the Golden Circle is beautiful at all times of the year. In the winter, the landscape will be enchanting, dusted in snow and frost. In the summer, you can enjoy longer walks in the landscape and spend more time at each site.

However, at the peak of summer, you may find that you’re not alone at Þingvellir, Strokkur, or Gullfoss.

Indeed, as they are the closest sights to Reykjavík, they are easy to visit on a city break. It means these locations are usually more crowded than others, especially so at the height of summer.

For a bit of peace and quiet, visit on either side of the summer, in April, May, September or October.

  • To travel along the Golden Circle and other iconic sights, look up these  classic holidays to Iceland

Best time to visit Iceland for hiking

Hiking in Iceland will be an unforgettable experience as the mountains aren’t just beautiful, but also full of stunning trails. It is also extremely dependent on weather due to the accessibility of those hiking trails.

The best time to visit Iceland for hikers will be between May and September. It is during these summer months that the trails are accessible and when there is the most daylight to take full advantage of the trails and Iceland’s natural beauty.

Hiking in the highlands  of Iceland is often limited by the opening of the road leading into the highlands after winter. This is all dependent on weather conditions and location, but will normally open from mid-June.

This also means that some hiking trails high up the mountains may still have snow in May. It is not recommended, as an example, to hike to Stórurð in May because it is usually covered in snow at that time. 

Please always be careful as a hiker to not put yourself in danger and always be ready for the weather conditions.

My favourite time to hike in Iceland is in midsummer when everything is green and lush. It can be even better if it’s raining, then the fragrance of nature is so fresh. During this time of year, the highlands turn into a fairy tale and the options are endless. Hills, lava fields, river banks... It doesn’t matter, it’s simply gorgeous! –Perla Magnúsdóttir, Travel consultant for Iceland
  • To take on hiking or other adventurous endeavours in Iceland, check out our active tours

people hiking in mountains

Best time to visit ice caves in Iceland

To explore and experience the surreal atmosphere of an ice cave, come in winter. Between mid-November and early March, you can book an adventure inside the Katla ice cave, located inside the Kötlujökull glacier. You could also walk through parts of the largest glacier in Iceland, Vatnajökull .

Visit the second largest glacier on the island, Langjökull, with the  Into The Glacier  experience. This is a man-made tunnel taking you into the depths of the glacier.  

Or, if you’re coming in summer and still want to experience an ice cave, pop by the Perlan in Reykjavík. This must-see attraction offers you the chance to walk through an artificial ice cave, made as a replica of a real glacier.

Best time to visit Iceland for northern lights

Aurora borealis are one of the most wonderful natural phenomenon to witness and many visitors come to Iceland just for this!

If this has always been on your bucket list, the season to see them is from mid-September until the middle of April, when darkness makes it more likely. But as these are naturally occurring, it means no one can guarantee you will see them.

Sighting depends both on northern lights activity and weather conditions, because it requires both dark and clear skies. You can read more about the northern lights and how best to capture it on our dedicated travel guide .

  • Browse our  northern lights tours in Iceland
  • Related : explore these northern lights tour packages  for other Nordic countries

northern lights in the sky

Best time to visit for the midnight sun

To experience the midnight sun, you must visit Iceland during the height of the summer, between May and July. The longest day of the year is at the summer solstice on the 21 June, which means this is when midnight sun peaks in Iceland.

Although you may want to bring an eye-mask to sleep!

  • To experience this phenomenon, check out  our midnight sun tours  in Iceland

Best time to visit Iceland for photography

Photographers will love Iceland regardless of the time of the year, month, or location. The Icelandic landscapes are breathtaking and extremely photogenic, if we can say so ourselves!

Moreover, when the weather is on your side, the light in Iceland is great for photographers!

During the winter months, photographers who look for wintry landscapes and snowy mountain tops will have plenty to enjoy. There is also one added bonus to winter photography in Iceland: blue and golden hour being during the day!

Yes, due to its location in the north, in the winter the sun doesn’t rise very high in the sky. This creates a golden hour that lasts for the duration of daylight (all dependent on the exact date).

Location wise, if you want to take some photos in the east and north of the country, you may want to visit during the summer and shoulder season, when the roads are more accessible and reliable.

And fear not, photographers will also be spoiled for golden and blue hour during the summer! At the peak of the summer months, they both can last for hours!

  • Travel with a private, local guide at the wheel to see highlights of Iceland and take stunning photos on the way

woman takin photo at dynjandi waterfall

Best time to visit Iceland for families

Coming to Iceland with your family may depend on school or work holidays, or what you’re looking for as an experience. Do you want to see the northern lights or experience the midnight sun? Look up our above categories to get a better idea.

What we do recommend is coming in the summer as there are more kid-friendly activities available at that time.

This includes whale-watching (it is also available in winter, but the seas are rougher at that time), hay cart puffin tours, and boat tours on Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon . Something to interest all young adventurers!

Usually, I recommend travelling in the summer time with children, because the long daylight hours give families flexibility to stop frequently and for a longer time. - Kristín Halldóra Halldórsdóttir, Travel consultant for Iceland

We also recommend generally slower-paced tours where you can spend more than one night in one location. This is especially true in winter as you may have to change your plans last minute if the roads are closed due to the weather conditions.

  • Discover amazing ways to see Iceland with your children with  our family friendly tours

Best time to visit Iceland for honeymoon

Honeymoons all depend on you! What are you planning for? Straight after your wedding or a bit later, when you’ve had time to save and prepare for your dream trip?

If you’ve always dreamed of a honeymoon in Iceland, the best time to come, may depend on what you want out of it.

  • Do you want to go hike up one of the iconic Icelandic mountains? Summer.
  • Do you want to visit the remote Westfjords ? Summer.
  • Do you want to cosy up together and admire the northern lights? Winter.

We believe that travelling in the wintertime can be very romantic! There are fewer people in Iceland at that time of year. This means there are less visitors at each highlight, like the Golden Circle, giving you more time together in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Finally, our travel consultants would recommend spending at least more than one night in the locations you’re visiting, to give you the chance of a leisurely stay with your partner.

  • See our romantic and honeymoon trips around Iceland

couple at skogafoss waterfall

Best time of year to visit the Blue Lagoon, Iceland, & other spas

One way to take advantage of Iceland’s geothermal energy as a tourist (except for the wonderful sight of volcanoes of course!) is to go for a dip into one of the many geothermal pools.

The Blue Lagoon , Iceland’s most famous spa, is a must stop for many visitors. It is open all year round, but those won’t don’t like the cold may prefer to go in the summer.

However, it isn’t the only geothermal pool you can experience on your trip. There are many around the country, including natural hot springs and geothermally-heated public pools in the city of Reykjavík. Most are open all year long.

The winter dips won’t be for the faint hearted as you’ll have to shuffle in your bathing suit from the changing rooms into the water in the cold wind. But it's ultimately worth it!

  • To take some time to enjoy the spas, look up these relaxation tours in Iceland

pool at the blue lagoon

Best time to visit Iceland for hot springs

The beauty of hot springs is that they are warm all year long. That means you could visit at any time of the year and enjoy bathing in the warm, relaxing waters.

Summer is the best time to go hiking to remote areas where you’ll have hot springs to yourself. You may also find it easier to get into your swimming suit and walk in and out of the water during the summer.

The winter isn’t without its advantages though. You could warm up after a day of snowy excursions. Enjoy the difference between the cold air and hot water and admire the snow drop from your cosy spot.

  • Take in the sights and dip in all the hot springs you want with an Icelandic road trip

Best time to visit Iceland to see whales

The summertime is the best time to come to Iceland if you want to whale watch. Taking usually a few hours, the excursion is a great addition to any trip around Iceland, especially for those who love to see wildlife. The best location is Húsavík in the north of Iceland.

The northern peninsula Snæfellsnes is also home to orcas if you would like to go orca watching.

Best time to visit for fun events and festivals

There are interesting festivals and events all year long in Iceland. But the summer sees most of the events of the year, as the good weather brings about a festive spirit!

There are also many festivals being held in smaller towns. Verslunarmannahelgin is the most popular weekend of the summer when there are celebrations in many towns around Iceland.

In June there are two big celebrations. The Iceland National Day marks Iceland’s independence from Denmark on the 17th June 1944. It is celebrated on the 17th June and is one of the most popular events of the summer.

The second is an outdoor music festival to celebrate the summer solstice. Held in Laugardalur in Reykjavík, the Secret Solstice Festival sees Icelandic and foreign bans perform under the midnight sun.

One festival we recommend is also Bræðslan, held in July every year in Borgarfjörður eystra in the east fjords of Iceland. It is a music festival where Icelandic and foreign bands perform.

Bakkagerði (the town in Borgarfjörður eystra) is one of the most remote villages in Iceland. It is located amongst a beautiful fjord with colourful mountains towering over the small town.

  • Pair a stay in the city with some day tours in the gorgeous countryside with one of these multi-day tours in Iceland

friends walking in reykjavik

August brings a good mix of interesting events in the capital, with the Reykjavík Pride, the Reykjavík Marathon and the Reykjavík Culture Night.

The latter is especially exciting as it celebrates Iceland’s diverse cultural scene. There are countless free events through the evening, including outdoor concerts, film screenings, art and photography exhibitions, street performances and a firework display by the harbour to close the night.

There are also two major festivals in the autumn that we need to mention. The first is Reykjavík International Film Festival (or RIFF) which features films from both Iceland and abroad (the winner takes home a Golden Puffin!). It is held every year between mid-September and mid-October.

The second is one of the biggest music festivals in the country, Iceland Airwaves. It is held every year in early November and if you love discovering new bands, this is for you!

And last but not least, you could always join us in December for New Year’s Eve celebrations !

For more information about events in Iceland, look at our annual events guide .

Best time to visit Iceland and Greenland

The best time to combine a tour to both these glorious Nordic islands is to travel in summer. Although you could visit at any time of the year, flights to Greenland from Iceland can be affected by severe winter weather.

For that reason, book your Greenland and Iceland trip between June and August. At this time, you’ll also enjoy nicer weather and longer daylight hours for more sightseeing.

You can bask in the glow of the midnight sun while admiring glaciers, icebergs, and more.

  • Have a true Nordic experience by pairing Iceland and Greenland in one exciting trip

nanortalik town in the mountains

Did you find the perfect time for you to book your Iceland adventure? Or maybe you’re still not sure? Either way, get in touch with our Icelandic travel consultants . Based in Reykjavík, they’ll use their local knowledge to help you figure it all out.

All our itineraries can be tailored to you as well, so don’t hesitate to ask if you want to do something special. You can stay in a location longer, add excursions, day tours, or even spa days to your stay.

Our goal is to make sure you have a great time in Iceland!

camila blog profile

  Camila grew up between the French Canadian and Chilean cultures, before moving to Scotland in 2012. When she’s not travelling or writing about travels, Camila loves to read, run, and puzzle. Her favourite destinations have been Reykjavík, Copenhagen, Estonia and Cape Town.  

Find Camila on LinkedIn .

Getting there

We'd love to give you the same amazing travel experiences as you read about in our blog! To visit the destinations and attractions mentioned in this post - and to discover a few new highlights along the way - check out these recommended Nordic Visitor tours.


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Best Time to Visit

The Best Time to Visit Iceland

peak tourist season in iceland

While there are many unique travel opportunities , various adventures, and great events year-round in Iceland, the best time to visit Iceland  is in  June  when the weather starts to warm up and the country experiences 24 hours of sunlight.

However, if you're planning your first trip to Iceland , the best time of year to explore this Nordic island nation really depends on what you're looking for—whether you prefer warmer weather and outdoor events or you don't mind a little bit of cold for a great nightlife scene. When it comes to deciding what time is right for your trip, you should consider when to expect the biggest and smallest crowds, warmest or coldest weather, and highest or lowest costs for airfare and accommodations.

Peak Season in Iceland

Undoubtedly, July through the early August is the busiest time of year for Iceland's tourism industry, but crowd sizes and travel prices start going up in May and June and don't really start going down until September. If you're looking to avoid lots of tourists and to save money on your trip while still being able to access popular attractions, you might consider visiting in the shoulder season, which happens from early April to mid-June and mid-September to early November each year. 

The dead of winter, which runs from early December through mid-March, is the official off-season for Iceland, but a boom in year-round tourism since 2008 has resulted in prices for airfare and accommodations stabilizing over the years as more travelers have discovered the joys of this Nordic country's coldest season. However, you can still find great prices on last-minute airfare and even some special travel deals from the United States this time of year.

Weather in Iceland

Don't let the name Iceland fool you: The winters here aren't particularly bad; temperatures average 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the lowlands and 14 degrees Fahrenheit in the highlands for most of the season.   However, temperatures can dip down to 22 degrees below zero in the northern part of the country, so you'll want to avoid that area if you visit during the winter. June is the country's driest month of the year, while July is the warmest month of summer, with an average temperature of a pleasant 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and the  weather in Iceland  usually stays mild until late August.

When to See Natural Phenomena in Iceland

Known as a country of mystical landscapes and breathtaking vistas, one of the main reasons people visit Iceland is to enjoy its natural phenomena, including the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), the Midnight Sun, and the Polar Nights.

While nearby Norway may be home to the best places to see the Northern Lights , there are plenty of great spots in northern Iceland to catch a glimpse if you visit from mid-October through March, a period known as the Polar Nights when the country experiences up to 19 hours of darkness a day. However, if you're a creature of the sun, you may prefer to travel in the summer instead when the Midnight Sun results in over 20 hours of daylight from June through August.

While some attractions might not yet be open in March or April, which is the best time to see the snow giving way to lush greenery and wildlife, you're sure to find plenty worthy of exploring. Spring is particularly great for visiting unique destinations like the many remote hot springs spread across the country as their access roads are buried under snow all winter.

Events to Check Out

  • Puffins arrive on the island each year in April.
  • National Beer Day is held each year on March 1, celebrating the end of Iceland's prohibition. There are several craft beers now available. Pubs and restaurants throughout the country celebrate.

Summer in Iceland is one of the best times to visit because the weather is pleasant and the sun barely sets. If you'd prefer longer days to explore the outdoors and hike the defrosted fjords, you'll love that there are about 20 hours of daylight (on average) each month of this season. Along with seasonal events—including outdoor concerts and festivals celebrating art, culture, and music—Iceland provides ample opportunity during the summer to explore the highlands and thawed fjords, swim in crystal-clear mountain lakes, and hike around the gorgeous island landscape.

The drawback to summer, though, is that prices are generally higher across the board—on food, accommodations, attractions, rentals, and airfare. Additionally, lines are longer, hotels fill up, and restaurants run out of room on their reservation lists as tourists flock to the most popular spots during the long daylight hours of Iceland's summer.

  • The Viking Festival takes place in June in Hafnarfjörður. It's the oldest festival of its kind in the country.
  • June 17 is Icelandic National Day, a celebration of the young country's independence. 

If you visit in September through mid-October, you'll have an even better opportunity to enjoy the hot springs since there will be fewer crowds and you won't have to rely on snow melting to access these remote destinations. Additionally, some of the best opportunities to see the Northern Lights are on clear autumn nights in late October through early December, before winter weather settles in and blocks the view with thick clouds.

  • The annual Iceland Airwaves music festival takes place in Reykjavik in November and showcases new music from around the world.
  • One of Iceland's oldest traditions is réttir, an annual island-wide sheep round-up that take place during September.

Summer has the benefit of long days but come winter, daylight shrinks to about five hours in a period called the  Polar Nights . If you can endure little sunlight, the question of when to visit Iceland suddenly becomes much harder because Iceland also has many bolder things to offer in winter: never-ending nightlife  in Reykjavik , infinite chances to view the  Northern Lights , and plenty of outdoor snow activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling.

The colder part of the year is also when flight prices to Iceland fall drastically and local hotels suddenly cut prices by more than half. Budget travelers wondering when to go to Iceland should aim for February or March because those months have more daylight than the earlier winter months but still the smallest crowds and the lowest prices.

  • Winter means Christmas markets, which are abundant throughout Iceland. One of the best is Heiðmörk Christmas Market, about a 20-minute drive from Reykjavík.

The best time to visit Iceland depends on what you're looking for, but June is one of the best months for visiting. It's before the peak tourist season begins and the midnight sun phenomenon is incredible to experience.

The off-season is the cold winter months, especially from November to April. Prices go up in the weeks around the holidays, but outside of those dates it's the cheapest time to visit Iceland.

The peak season in Iceland is July and August when the days are at their warmest. Prices start going up in May and June, but you'll still find cheaper rates than you will in the late summer.

Guide to Iceland. "Weather in Iceland & Best Time To Visit." Retrieved February 10, 2021.

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These Are the Best Times to Visit Iceland

Here are the best times to visit Iceland for ideal weather, fewer crowds, and whale watching.

peak tourist season in iceland

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

peak tourist season in iceland

Iceland's ethereal and highly photogenic landscape of ancient glaciers and rugged fjords draws in outdoorsy travelers. But what you want to see and do on your trip will determine the best times to visit Iceland. Some attractions, like the famous hot springs, are open all year, while natural phenomena like the northern lights and midnight sun are best viewed during specific months. Here's a breakdown of the tourist seasons in Iceland:

  • High Season:  June to August and late December
  • Shoulder Season:  September to mid-October and May
  • Low Season:  November to April, excluding holidays

Read on to learn about the best time to visit Iceland for whale watching, northern lights spotting, and more.

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

Best Times to Visit Iceland for Smaller Crowds

The busiest months in Iceland are June, July, and August, when most natural attractions are open and easily accessible. For fewer crowds, come in May or September to mid-October: temps are warm enough, (a daytime average of 50°F) and you'll still have ample daylight.

Iceland is least crowded in the off-season, November to April, but the days quickly get very short: November starts with nearly eight hours of daylight and ends with just five. In December, many days see barely four hours of daylight. If you don't mind the cold and can work around some road closures, it's a glorious time to enjoy hot springs, backcountry skiing, and tours by snowmobile or jeep. These are also the months when you can see the northern lights in Iceland. Tourism does tend to pick up again during the holiday season, so avoid late December if you're looking for a crowd-free vacation.

Courtesy of Visit Iceland

Best Times to Visit Iceland for Good Weather

The best time to visit Iceland and enjoy good weather is, of course, the busiest time: the summer months. The daytime temperature in Iceland in July and August hovers around 55 degrees Fahrenheit and June sees an incredible 24 hours of daylight. Even during this season, rain and intense wind are not uncommon. The island's fickle climate often means you can experience all four seasons in a single day.

The weather remains pleasant in September, and May is similar; if you want to explore some of the more remote hills and fjords, though, May is not the best time to visit, as some roads remain closed while they thaw from winter's snowy cover. For serious hikers, the best time to visit Iceland is during the summer, when all the mountain roads and famous trails are open and accessible.

Best Times to Visit Iceland for Lower Prices

While Iceland in general is fairly expensive, getting there can be relatively affordable, especially compared to other European destinations. Keep an eye out for good deals on Icelandair and low-cost airline Play .

Tours, attractions, and meal prices hold steady throughout the year, but you can save money on flights and accommodations by visiting during the off-season, which is typically late fall through early spring, excluding December. These are also the months when you can best see the northern lights in Iceland.

Best Time to Visit Iceland for the Northern Lights

You'll need darkness, clear conditions, and a surge in solar activity to see the aurora borealis. The northern lights are often elusive and can easily be marred by transient clouds. To avoid disappointment, travelers should never plan their trip to Iceland solely for the northern lights because the island's weather is too capricious (statistically, there are more clear nights in Yellowknife, Canada , for example.) The best way to optimize your chances of seeing the northern lights in Iceland is by visiting from mid-October through March — when you have extended hours of darkness — and by getting out into the countryside to reduce ambient light pollution.

Best Time to Visit Iceland for Whale Watching

According to Icelandic marine biologist Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir, the peak months to go whale watching in Iceland are June and July. During the summer, Reykjavík sees higher numbers of minke whales and dolphins, while orcas congregate in West Iceland along the Snaefellsnes peninsula during the first half of the year.

In northern Iceland, you'll have a wider window to enjoy visits from humpbacks, minkes, and dolphins, which ply the Atlantic from May to August; a few humpbacks even stick around until the end of the year. Blue whales pass through in the summer, too. For best results, head to the charming small town of Húsavík , where you can spot more than 20 species of whales on boat tours that leave from the harbor.

Best Time to Visit Iceland's Hot Springs

Hot springs are intrinsic to Icelandic culture for social as well as wellness benefits. Reykjavík's public pools are open year-round (and are especially invigorating during the dead of winter), but Iceland also has hundreds of hidden "hot pots" that tap directly into the geothermal activity under its lava-ridden surface.

Expert Icelandic mountaineer and cofounder of Midgard Adventure , Sigurdur Bjarni Sveinsson, offers the following advice for hot water hunters: "Check them out during September or, even better, the first half of October, when they're all still accessible by mountain road, but the crowds of tourists have significantly died down."

For travelers who want to visit the Blue Lagoon , the most famous geothermal spa, the best time to visit is during the off and shoulder seasons, when crowds are thinner.

Worst Time to Visit Iceland

Thanks to Iceland's stunning landscapes and seasonal natural phenomena, there's really no bad time to visit. Northern lights seekers flock to the country during the darker winter months, while visitors chasing more daylight opt for summer. Those traveling in the spring and fall can take advantage of more moderate weather and daylight, so the best time to visit Iceland depends on what you want to see and do during your trip.

That said, the warmest months of the year are easily the worst time to visit if you're hoping to avoid the onslaught of tourists. July and August see the highest number of travelers, with big-ticket attractions like the Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle, South Coast, and Jökulsárlón being particularly overrun. If you're planning to visit during that time, consider more remote corners of the island like the Westfjords or East Iceland, whose fjords, vistas, and waterfalls are just as impressive as the natural attractions surrounding the capital — if not more.

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