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will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Virgo Travel Horoscope

Virgo Astrology Prediction for 2024

Virgo 2024 Travel HOROSCOPE

Virgo Yearly Horoscope 2024

More about Virgo in 2024

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Sunsign Horoscope (Sunday Sep 08th, 2024)

This is an overview of the Travel horoscope for all Virgo Sun Sign born. It's always best to get your personalized horoscope reading by Experienced Astrologer. Click here

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Astrology Predictions for All Sun Signs

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Aries 21 Mar - 19 Apr

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Taurus 20 Apr - 20 May

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Gemini 21 May - 20 Jun

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Cancer 21 Jun - 22 Jul

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Virgo 23 Aug - 22 Sep

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Libra 23 Sep - 22 Oct

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Sagittarius 22 Nov - 21 Dec

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Capricorn 22 Dec - 19 Jan

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Aquarius 20 Jan - 18 Feb

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Pisces 19 Feb - 20 Mar

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

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2024 Travel Forecast: Will You Go Abroad in 2024?

Ever wondered why some people so easily settle abroad while you are waiting endlessly for it to happen despite being eligible? Well, it’s all in the stars. The 12th house and its lord in your horoscope play a key role here. But more important than that is the fact that even if your natal planets are forming combinations that support settlement abroad, it is important for the planets involved in making the combination to be activated. And this happens during the transit or dasa of the planets. To ease your worries about whether the stars indicate foreign settlement or travel this year or not, below are predictions for each Moon sign.

Aries travel horoscope for 2024: It looks like the first half of the year will be a little slow for travel. Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, it’s not a good idea to push for travel opportunities during this time.

However, things change after June. Saturn, a planet that influences your luck and opportunities, will move into your 12th house, which is often associated with foreign travel. This shift opens up chances for a trip abroad.

And here’s the good news: you shouldn’t skip this trip. It brings good luck to your business if you’re a business owner. If you’re an employee, this trip will give your career a nice boost. So, pack your bags and get ready for a journey that brings good things your way.

Taurus Travel Horoscope for 2024: It seems like the first half of the year will be a time of exploration for you. You find yourself traveling abroad for reasons related to business, work, or even for an international vacation. The best advice for you is to plan your trips before July. That’s when the planets linked to travel are in a favorable position in your horoscope. This means they’re more likely to bring you good fortune and make your trips successful.

However, the second half of 2024 may not be the best time for travel plans. It seems like your travel-related plans did not work out as well during this period. So, take advantage of the first half of the year, pack your bags, and enjoy your travels!

Gemini Travel Horoscope for 2024: It appears that the stars are aligning in your favor. The planets that are known to favor travel, namely the Moon, Saturn, and Venus, are all in a good position for those born under the Gemini sign this year. For students, this means a golden opportunity to study abroad. If you’ve been dreaming about experiencing a different culture and expanding your academic horizons, 2024 will be your year to make that dream come true.

For those of you who are working, you may find opportunities to travel abroad sponsored by your company. These work-related travels provide you with valuable experiences and open doors for your career. And if you’re self-employed, business trips abroad may be on the horizon. These trips give you the chance to expand your business, build international connections, and explore new markets.

In all of these scenarios, luck seems to be on your side. Whatever your plans are for going abroad in 2024, they’re likely to be successful. So, prepare your passports, pack your bags, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime!

Cancer travel horoscope for 2024: Suggests a focus on trips related to education and spiritual journeys. These could very well be international trips, so be prepared for the possibility of broadening your horizons in new and exciting ways. If you’re studying, this means studying abroad or attending an international conference. For those with spiritual interests, it means a pilgrimage to a far-off sacred site. These journeys enrich your life with new experiences and knowledge.

However, if you’re hoping for company-sponsored trips or business-related travels, the stars may not be in your favor this year. The horoscope suggests that such travels may not bring the expected benefits or goodwill for your business.

So, the advice for Cancerians in 2024 is to focus on personal growth through travel related to education or spirituality. And when it comes to business trips, it’s better to go abroad only if it’s really necessary. Be strategic about your travels; make wise choices, and you’ll make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

Leo travel horoscope for 2024: Brings some caution along with opportunities. When Mars makes its appearance in your horoscope, it’s better to hold off on any international trips. This phase brings some travel-related troubles, so it’s best to stay put and avoid unnecessary risks. On a brighter note, the rest of the year looks more promising for travel. If you have the chance to go abroad for further studies or job opportunities, don’t hesitate. Such trips change your career and life in meaningful ways.

In fact, if your company offers a chance to travel abroad, it’s a good idea to take it. This is a golden opportunity, and you never know what doors it will open for you. So, apart from that risky phase when Mars is active, 2024 seems like a good year for Leos to pack their bags and explore the world.

Virgo travel horoscope for 2024: In 2024, Virgo will have some exciting travel prospects. The second quarter of the year is particularly favorable for long trips, thanks to the influence of Rahu. After this period, you’re free to embark on any kind of journey, whether it’s for spiritual growth, a global adventure, or work and business opportunities.

Traveling to foreign lands this year will bring good luck and prosperity into your life. But while you’re out exploring the world, don’t forget to take care of your health. Be mindful of what you eat, especially when you’re abroad. The excitement of travel shouldn’t make you ignore your well-being. In conclusion, 2024 is a great year for Virgos to broaden their horizons, but remember, health comes first!

Libra travel horoscope for 2024:  In 2024, Libra as your zodiac sign, the stars suggest you’ll have some exciting travel opportunities. Students, in particular, find themselves with the chance to study abroad. For other Librans, spiritual journeys to foreign countries are on the horizon, likely as part of a pilgrimage tour.

Most of these overseas trips will probably take place in the second half of the year. However, try to wrap up all your long-distance travels before November 2024. The reason being that, as the year draws to a close, there are health risks connected to travel. To sum it up, 2024 will be a year of exploration for Libras, but as always, safety and health should come first!

Scorpio travel horoscope for 2024: It’s going to be a year of mixed journeys for you. If you’re working, get ready for some long-distance travel due to job-related transfers. So, it’s time to pack your bags and explore a new city or even a new country. Also, there are chances that you’ll take a short religious trip. This is a great opportunity to find some peace and connect with your spiritual side.

But it’s not all work and no play for you in 2024. You also travel to a different country with your family for a vacation. Imagine the memories and experiences you’ll make during this trip!

Why are these trips happening, you ask? Well, it’s because of Jupiter and Saturn. They will transit into your third house at the start of the year, stirring up your travel plans. So, get ready, Scorpios. 2024 will just be your year of exploration and adventure!

Sagittarians travel horoscope for 2024: Get ready for some exciting travel plans! Starting on April 6th, you’ll have chances to explore both within your country and overseas. Thanks to Jupiter entering your 9th house along with some other travel-friendly planets, you’re set for some great adventures.

However, be careful if you’re planning any long-distance trips after September. It’s recommended that you don’t drive yourself. Whether you’re exploring your own country or a foreign one, make sure safety comes first. But don’t worry; there’s a lot of fun in store for you. You take a holiday with your family or go on a pilgrimage. And if you’re into thrills and excitement, an adventure tour is on the cards. So, Sagittarians, buckle up and get ready to travel! The year 2024 looks promising, with plenty of opportunities for new experiences and memories.

Capricorns travel horoscope for 2024: Has some interesting travel insights. Most of your travels are likely to be domestic, with you getting around using ground transportation. So, it’s time to enjoy those scenic drives and train rides across the country.

For those of you in business planning to travel abroad, hold on! These international business trips don’t bring you the gains you’re expecting. So, it is wise to reconsider these plans. However, there’s a silver lining. If you head west, you’ll find some luck and make some gains. This will be a good opportunity for both business natives and salaried Capricorns. But remember, don’t just travel for the sake of it. Make sure your long-distance travel is necessary. After all, time is money, especially in business!

Aquarians travel horoscope for 2024:  Brings some exciting news. During the first quarter of the year, you’ll likely be exploring more of our great country. You’ll be hitting the road and discovering new places close to home. But buckle up, because the second quarter is going to be a real adventure! You’ll be going far and wide. Thanks to Saturn and Jupiter being in your 12th house, you’ll see big benefits from long-distance travel. This could be for school, work, or even business.

So don’t worry about the costs of these journeys. Take the plunge and go for it! These travels  open up new opportunities and experiences that  benefit you greatly.

Pisces travel horoscope for 2024: Looks pretty exciting. Rahu, sitting in your third house, is going to boost your travel opportunities this year. Plus, Jupiter and other travel-friendly planets are on your side, making international travel a big possibility.

Are you living far from your birthplace? Well, you find yourself heading back to your roots, attending special events or family gatherings. And guess what? This year’s travels will bring you more than just unforgettable experiences. If you’re single, your trips lead you straight to your future partner. So pack your bags and keep your heart open. Your 2024 will be filled with exciting journeys and even a touch of romance!

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Here’s Where You Should Travel in 2024 Based on Your Zodiac Sign

An astrologer shares where to go next year based on your star chart.

Here’s Where You Should Travel in 2024 Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Getty Images

It’s that time of year to be writing out resolutions, and for many of us (raises hand emphatically) those promises revolve around travel . Instead of booking trips willy-nilly, why not point your compass towards your astrological sign, which can serve as a guide to picking a vacation destination that’s best suited to your birth chart. That’s where Lisa Stardust comes in.

Stardust is a best-selling author and astrologer who has been practicing for over 15 years. She believes that looking at the inherent qualities of your zodiac sign is a wonderful way to plan a fulfilling, and potentially life-changing, journey.

“Generally speaking, water signs like the flow of being near the water. To them, the ocean is a constant reminder to keep on going no matter how life flows,” she says. “Then the earth signs really like places that allow them to reflect. Air signs like to have options. And fire signs like to go where they can really shine.”

With that in mind, here are her recommendations for each of the zodiac signs in 2024.

Hollywood Bowl

Adam Latham

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Los Angeles

“Aries likes to be in the center of it all. They’d love to go to a place like Los Angeles,” says Stardust. While Hollywood may have a tourist-laden reputation, you can enjoy some under-the-radar gems in the area per the recommendations of Avi Brosh and Kirsten Leigh Pratt, the duo behind  Palisociety hospitality group. Or explore Downtown L.A.’s many excellent hotels and restaurants, which we outlined for a recent guide here .

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Thomas J. Story

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Mexico City

“This sign loves to laze about and do something very indulgent. They’re really into culture, art, really good food,” says Stardust. “Mexico City is a very Taurian place because of all the amazing art, architecture, and food. Since Taurus is an earth sign, they want to do a mix of activities that indulge their earthy senses.” If you’re looking for a guide to the incredible street food, modern cuisine, galleries, and mezcal in Latin America’s most crazy-fun metropolis, we have you covered .

Lafayette Hotel in San Diego is set to open in June of 2023

Courtesy the Lafayette Hotel

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): San Diego

“Geminis are always down for whatever; they really like to have a mix of different energies. They go with the flow, and don’t like to do any planning,” says Stardust. “They’d be at home in a place like San Diego just because there’s so much to do there—beaches, shopping, dining, cool bars. And Geminis really need that sun.” This sign also loves their routines, which is great because just as Alicia Perry, beverage director at the new Lafayette Hotel shared in her recent guide , there’s no shortage of great coffee, yoga studios, hiking trails, and restaurants to be explored, all while staying in your fitness pocket.

More Eye Candy Is Just a Day-Trip Away

Courtesy of Hotel San Cristóbal

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Baja California

“Cancers only like to go to warm locations where they can crisp like a crab on the beach. They always like to plan their vacations in advance, and want to sit in their cabana, read their magazines. I’d recommend they go to somewhere in Baja California, making sure they pick a property where they can swim.” Many of the beaches on the peninsula near Cabo are not swimmable, but there are great spots like Cerritos near Todos Santos where surfing and swimming are ideal. “They love water sports, boating, jet skiing,  or even parasailing,” so further north up the Baja near La Paz, where Jacques Cousteau loved to dive , would be an excellent option.

Golden Gate Bridge viewed from Kirby Cove, San Francisco, California, USA.

Jason Friend Photography Ltd/Getty Images

Leo (July 23 – August 22): San Francisco

“Leos would thrive in San Francisco just because they like to be center stage. It’s a great art center for their creative minds, and there’s a lot for them to take in. They’re bold, they’re creative, and have really big hearts. And in San Francisco, they can be their unique selves and not hot hold back,” says Stardust. “Plus, if these rambunctious fire signs get into trouble, there’s always Alcatraz if they’re misbehaving.” She also recommends a visit to the Rainbow Tunnel in Sausalito and the Golden Gate Bridge—quintessentially Leo sights that match their vibrant vibes. 

Vancouver Island

Manuel Sulzer/Getty Images

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Vancouver

“Because Virgo is an earth sign, Vancouver would be perfect. It’s an ideal place to connect with nature in a deep way. Ruled by Mercury, just like Gemini, Virgos need a lot of activity, and Vancouver has it all,” says Stardust. “Whistler is really close by, so they have a place to travel in the winter to keep themselves stimulated. And in the warmer months, they can enjoy the beaches and the water.”

The Little Nell exterior covered in snow with trees in middle with lights and pool lit up

Courtesy The Little Nell

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Aspen

“ Aspen would be really great for Libras because they tend to love ‘the nice life.’ This part of Colorado is really chichi and fancy, with lots of great restaurants and amazing natural beauty. Libras are artistic so they’ll really enjoy the scenery, but it’s also small enough that everyone can really be friendly with each other, so it’s great for Libras who are social butterflies,” says Stardust.

Alila Ventana Big Sur Spa

Alila Ventana Big Sur

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Big Sur

Scorpio is a water sign, so it’s fitting that Stardust pinpointed Big Sur as the ideal location. “You’re right by the ocean and the waves are really strong, which connects with Scorpio’s personality. Scorpios like to get deep and have this intensity to them. They like to meditate, really relax, do yoga, get deep into their exercise routines,” she says. “And what better place to do that than by the beach, and then you can relax with some great Northern Californian wine?” Especially if it’s at a place like the Post Ranch Inn or Alila Ventana Big Sur, pictured above.

Drift Hotel Palm Springs Resort Style Pool

Erin Feinblatt

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Palm Springs and Joshua Tree

“Palm Springs is a really good place for Sag because it’s on a really high energetic plane, especially nearby Joshua Tree,” says Startdust. “Sag is the traveler that’s all about adventure and excitement and embracing new philosophies and spirituality.” Why not pop in for a stay in one of the ultra-cute Airstreams at Autocamp , then check out some of the surreal sculptures like “Transmission” by Daniel Popper, and end the evening with other desert dwellers at a groovy cocktail bar like Mas o Menos.

Grand Canyon West Skywalk

Photo courtesy of Grand Canyon West

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Grand Canyon

The perfect trip for Capricorns would be heading out to the Grand Canyon . “Capricorns need to achieve their goals and are highly driven, which is why they need to find a place that’s bigger than them so they can see themselves as small,” says Stardust. The grounding energy of this National Park is indeed palpable, and there are so many new things to explore. And you don’t have to plan a multi-day backpacking trek to get the benefits. “Capricorn is an earth sign, so even driving around it gives a sense of insight into their place in the world, and what they’re striving to achieve.”

Seattle skyline and sailboats

Zayn Shah/Unsplash

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Seattle

“Aquarius is a watery bearer of the air. It’s an altruistic sign, and Seattle is a very hip and progressive city that they’d enjoy,” says Stardust. Because of its connection to the punk and underground music scene back in the day, an Aquarius can feel part of the scene and part of the community. There’s also plenty of water-based fun to have, whether you’re enjoying some freshly shucked oysters at the family-owned Taylor Shellfish , or relaxing at happy hour at the historic Edgewater Hotel.

Thai Food and Cocktail Spread at Phuket Cafe

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Portland

“Pisces is a water sign, so what better place for them to be than a port city? This sign would love the combination of rich history and the mythical energy of sailors and mermaids, ideal for Pisces because they’re the mystical sea witch of the Zodiac,” says Stardust. “It’s a great city to get lost in. Water is really healing. The one thing about water signs is that they have to keep on moving and keep on going.” Indeed, this Pacific Northwest city is one of our favorites, too. (And not just because Phuket Cafe, pictured above, is one of our favorite meals of 2023.) Enjoy city life at the new Pacific Standard Hotel one day, then head out for an adventure on the Oregon Coast to go crabbing with Antica Terra out on the Oregon Coast, or book in for a night of indulgent dining at The Tributary Hotel in the Willamette Valley wine region. The world really is your oyster.

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Where to Travel in 2024 According to Your Astrological Sign

From restorative solo vacations to adventure-packed escapes, plan your 2024 travels with these astrologer-approved recommendations..

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Habor on St. Kitts Island, with green mountains in background

A Caribbean adventure could be in the cards for many. Consider St. Kitts, an AFAR pick for where to go in 2024.

Photo by Nancy Pauwels/Shutterstock

We’ve got big plans for travel in 2024 here at AFAR. From South Pacific islands to classic European cities, our lineup of must-visit destinations in the new year is admittedly stacked. If you’re wondering how to choose among so many attractive options, why not turn to astrology for some assistance?

To better understand how astrology may impact our 2024 travels, we chatted with Adama Sesay a professional astrologer at , and author of Black Moon Lilith Rising and the Black Moon Lilith Cosmic Alchemy Oracle .

The biggest astrology event in 2024 is the planetary transit of Pluto moving into Aquarius as the new year starts in January, which will last for the next 20 years. This transit occurs once every few hundred years, and the last time we experienced it was around the American Revolution. Sesay says that this shift will not only impact the world, but it’ll also have a major impact on our travels throughout the year. Along with this shift in travel, we can expect innovations in technology, as well as strides made toward humanitarian efforts on a global level.

Also, Jupiter, a planet that influences travel, personal growth, and luck, will undergo two notable changes next year. For the first half, Jupiter will be in Taurus until May 24, 2024 (a favorable movement since Taurus is associated with rebirth and new life—think indulgent, luxurious trips to faraway destinations). On May 25, 2024, Jupiter will move into Gemini (associated with restricted travel to your local area) until 2025.

During this time, be prepared for more pesky impediments to your travel plans such as unexpected delays. “There may be more restrictions and more paperwork required the second half of the year that we need to watch out for,” says Sesay. So before you head to the airport for any big 2024 trips, double-check that any necessary paperwork, such as visas, are in order and give yourself extra cushion time to get to the airport. While the direct impact of both transitions on your travels will depend on your exact astrology chart, it can be helpful to be aware of general astrology trends that may impact travel for everyone.

In addition to offering a 2024 astrology forecast, Sesay shared insight on the best times and locations for each sign to explore in the coming year. These recommendations don’t just apply to your sun sign (the astrological season you were born in); Sesay recommends also looking at your rising sign (the sign ascending in the east at the moment you were born) as well. Keep reading to discover what the new year may have in store for your travels.

Aerial view of peninsula with beach on Nusa Penida Island, Bali

Capricorns could get the chance for some real downtime this year. Bali beckons.

Photo by Igor Tichonow/Shutterstock

December 22–January 19

“Capricorns are very hardworking and they go to the grindstone, so taking time out for themselves can sometimes seem foreign,” says Sesay. Whether you’re relaxing in Bali or sipping cocktails on the world’s most beautiful beaches , you’re going to want to immerse yourself in the finer parts of travel: decadent cocktails, multi-course dinners, and long afternoons at the spa. While it’s notoriously difficult for you to remove yourself from the grind, Jupiter in Taurus for the first half of the year will facilitate the energy for a real vacation, maybe even with a partner or someone special.

Best dates to travel

During Taurus season after Mercury Retrograde ends, from April 25 to May 20.

January 20–February 18

As Sesay mentioned, Pluto will be moving into Aquarius at the top of the year for the next 20 years. That means you, Aquarius, can expect to experience something of a life transformation in 2024. This is the perfect opportunity to go on a transformative trip and learn more about yourself, possibly even solo. May we recommend a mushroom retreat ?

While the sun is in Libra, from September 23 to October 22.

February 19–March 20

For Pisces, 2024 is all about keeping it local, especially while Jupiter is in Taurus (until May 24, 2024). Whether you’re looking to pad your savings account or put yourself on a budget, Sesay predicts that you’ll be focusing on your finances big time. This will put a spotlight on exploring your local city and nearby cities via staycations. If you choose to travel, it will likely be a great learning experience, making a wellness retreat a good option.

If you’re looking to travel abroad during 2024, your best bet is during Scorpio season from October 23 to November 21, while the sun activates travel in your life.

March 21–April 19

For Aries, 2024 will be a year of financial stability with Jupiter in Taurus (until May 24, 2024). Sesay predicts that some Aries will want to indulge in their travels especially during the first half of the year with “relaxing, oasis type trips, where there’s just all the beauty, and they can really be one with nature, and get away from the challenges they may have had previously when it comes to finances.” During the second half of the year, you’ll get your fill of excitement by planning adventure-filled getaways like ski trips, safaris, and more.

During Sagittarius season from November 22 to December 21.

April 20–May 20

With Jupiter in their sign for the first half of the year, Taureans can expect to experience great deals of personal growth and self-actualization. To help tap into that energy, Sesay recommends a wellness retreat or a getaway to a new country where you can get in touch with yourself. As you’re the sign of indulgence, you’ll also want to enjoy food, beauty, and nature on your travels. “Taurus just went through a really challenging eclipse cycle the past year and a half or so. So I think this first half of the year is going to be a time for them to truly give back to themselves,” she says.

May 21–June 20

With Jupiter in Gemini in the second half of the year (starting May 25, 2024), you may experience a strong urge to travel and experience life-changing trips. You’ll likely be drawn to traveling to challenging destinations throughout 2024 or you’ll want to help others while traveling .

During Gemini season, both the sun and Jupiter will be in your sign. However, you’ll want to remember Sesay’s warning about being on top of travel planning and documents.

June 21–July 22

Unsurprisingly, Cancers should find themselves by the ocean and other large bodies of water throughout 2024. If you’ve found yourself disconnected from the water, this year will be all about coming back to your element. For you, 2024 is a also great time to plan a Caribbean getaway or hop on a long cruise . Expect to be very social while on your trips, especially throughout Taurus season. You’ll form close connections with new and old friends and may even encounter a new love interest while on the go.

Travel during May Taurus season (May 1 to May 20) will be extremely social.

July 23–August 22

Since Leos are all about adventure, you’ll want to prioritize active travel this upcoming year, especially outdoors. Through activities like hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, and skiing, you’ll connect with nature and also yourself. Sesay also recommends exploring solo traveling this year: “Do some solo travel and indulge in that and really get to know yourself on a more intimate level.”

Tap into adventurous travel energy during Aries season from March 21 to April 19.

Outdoor market on cobblestone street in Camden Town, London

New experiences, places, and flavors await Virgos this year.

Photo by littlenySTOCK/Shutterstock

August 23–September 22

Step out of your routine and shake up your travel plans in 2024, Virgo. This year will push you to have life-changing travel experiences . In practice, this may look like visiting a new country for the first time, trying new foods and experiences, or allowing yourself to truly unplug from work. “This year they’re really going to be like, ‘you know what, I want to indulge, and I want to pour into myself, and take some time off from work. So it’s going to be about fun as well, too,” notes Sesay.

During Taurus season from April 20 to May 20.

September 23–October 22

It’s all about cities for you in 2024, Libra. Ever the bubbly personality, you’ll feel yourself pulled to be social and build a network outside of your typical bubble during this time of the year. Whether you explore New York, London, or Paris, you’ll want to journey to a city you haven’t been to before the year ends.

Tap into your social side during Gemini season from May 21 to June 20.

October 23–November 21

Scorpios may want to consider a romantic getaway during the first half of the year. “Some of you may travel with a partner [and] indulge in romance. There might be some sort of proposal on one of those trips. Of course, it depends on your chart,” says Sesay. To take your romantic travels to the next level, consider staying at an adults-only resort or a stylish all-inclusive.


November 22–December 21

Make your digital nomad dreams a reality in 2024 as Pluto moves into Aquarius at the top of the year. “We all know Sagittarius is also the zodiac sign that is the quintessential world traveler. Jupiter is the ruler of your sign as well. So, this is going to be a year of growth when it comes to working while traveling,” notes Sesay. However, if you’re not quite ready to make a big move abroad, you may also benefit from experimenting with backpacking or studying abroad.

During Leo season from July 23 to August 22.

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Here's Where You Should Travel in 2024 Based on Your Zodiac Sign, According to Delta Air Lines and an Astrologer

It's written in the stars.

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Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

It’s time to start planning your 2024 getaways. But, if you’re not entirely sure of where you’d love to go in the new year, that’s OK. Delta Air Lines says it’s already written in the stars.

To help people plan the next 12 months of travel, Delta partnered with astrologer Lisa Stardust to match every zodiac sign with the perfect trip for them, including everything from beachside getaways in the U.S. to old-world European city escapes. Here’s what Stardust recommended for a few of the zodiac signs. 

Aries: March 21 - April 19

  • Los Angeles
  • Dublin, Ireland 

Aries, Stardust explained, are known for their independence and love of all things “bold and stimulating.” That’s why she suggested a jaunt to cities like Los Angeles or Dublin. for this particularly driven sign. 

“This city will make the rambunctious ram feel as though they're on top of the world in 2024, especially during the solar eclipse on April 8, when Aries has the potential to make fated connections and deals,” Stardust’s Los Angeles recommendations read. But, for those looking for a further-flung escape, she noted Dublin, Ireland, is a great option as well. “If Aries lusts for an educational trip, this vibrant city is home to the International Literary Festival in May and the Bloomsday Festival in June.” 

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

  • Lisbon, Portugal 
  • Naples, Italy  

Those under the Taurus sign, Stardust noted, are well-known for liking the finer things in life, which is why she suggested two of Europe’s most celebrated cities as the go-to trips for this sign in 2024. 

“Lisbon [Portugal] will seduce Taurus with its beautiful architecture and lovely azulejos tiles,” the recommendation read. “Its museums and culture will get their head buzzing with excitement, and the pastel houses framed by rainbow sunsets will ignite this sign’s artistic side.” While in Lisbon, we’d also recommend picking up a pastel de nata or two , even if you’re not a Taurus. But that’s not all. She also offered Naples, Italy, as a second vacation solution. “Naples can keep up with the bull’s stamina by offering a variety of activities,” the recommendation added. 

Gemini: May 21- June 21

  • Sydney, Australia 

According to Stardust (and really anyone who knows a Gemini in real life), Geminis are known to be perpetual social butteries and love to make friends wherever they go. Which is why she recommended not one but two cities to explore and interact with locals. And they couldn’t be more literally opposite one another on the map. 

“[ Sydney, Australia ] adventure-filled destination provides Gemini a plethora of options to explore, like relaxing at the famous Bondi Beach or walking the Sydney Harbor Bridge for gorgeous, Instagrammable views of the city,” Stardust’s first recommendation read. It was followed by Boston, Massachusetts, some 10,000 miles away. “This major city has it all: green spaces, galleries, museums, and a bustling restaurant and bar scene,” all of which the Geminis are bound to love. 

Cancer: June 22- July 22

  • Barcelona, Spain 

Leo: July 23 – August 22

  • Sao Paulo, Brazil 
  • New York City

Renata Alvarez Velez/Getty Images

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

  • Tulum, Mexico

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Scorpio: october 24 – november 21.

  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Auckland, New Zealand 

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

  • Bogota, Colombia

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

  • Shannon, Ireland
  • Munich, Germany

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

  • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

As Stardust shared, anyone born under the Aquarius sign is likely to experience the beauty of Mother Nature and find a few hidden gems. This is why Stardust believes Austin and Rio may be in their future. 

“Barton Springs’ calming waters will … provide a much-needed dose of nature and restoration for Aquarius,” Stardust wrote about this natural wonder in Austin. As for Rio, it’s all about the water’s edge here too. “Aquarius can have a lively getaway and celebrate the festival with visitors and locals, or stroll along the seaside, taking in sweet sounds of Bossa Nova and Samba.” 

Akrassel/Getty Images

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Santa Barbara, California

Pisces, Stardust reveals, are drawn to romance and places where their “vivid imagination” can run wild. And that’s exactly why the drop-dead gorgeous oceanfront destinations of Honolulu and Santa Barbara make the perfect 2024 fit. 

“Pisces can … relax on white beaches or visit Honolulu’s Museum of Art featuring works from across Asia, the U.S., and Europe for an inspiring escape,” Stardust’s recommendations read. As for Santa Barbara, that recommendation all comes down to spots like Inspiration Point, where a Pisces can hike “clear their mind” in the new year, a hiking destination we here at Travel + Leisure adore as well .

Ready to see more about your sign? See all the in-depth recommendations at .

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Your Ultimate 2024 Virgo Horoscope, as Predicted by a Celebrity Astrologer

Here's how celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas predicts the love lives, careers and intellectual pursuits of Virgo will be impacted in 2024

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Go Virgo, go!

Marking the sixth  sign of the zodiac , falling after Leo and before Libra, Virgo season spans from Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 each year.

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that 2024 "brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs" in various facets of their lives — but for Virgo specifically, he predicts the new year "will make you feel like it's time for a change and to stand in your strength."

Since 2023, Thomas — who's  known for his cosmic guidance  for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says you've experienced both Saturn (the planet of hardship and life lessons) joined by Neptune (the planet of imagination and illusion) across the skies from you.

As a result, Thomas says this could "deeply test your significant partnerships in business or love." On the other hand, he notes it could also "help you to dig down deep together as you map out your long-term visions side-by-side."

The areas that Thomas predicts will be impacted the most in 2024 include "true love and romance, creativity and passion, hobbies or sports, or even children and pregnancy." If you're feeling a weight on your shoulders at this time, he says it's a sign to "buckle down and understand your true needs."

Thomas' predictions derive from patterns based on "planetary movement," plus the stars' alignment with the sun and the moon. He says we will continue experiencing eclipses on the axis of Aries-Libra, so its corresponding themes "will be thrust center stage" regardless of your sign.

Read on for the ultimate 2024 Virgo horoscope, according to Kyle Thomas' predictions!

Virgo's Health and Wellness Horoscope for 2024

Positivity is in the air for you this year, Virgo! Although it might feel difficult at times, you know how to push through.

Challenges may be present as a result of a Saturn opposition that is taking place now until 2026. Thomas says this can cause you to feel like "you’re under a dark cloud" or "meeting opposition with authority figures, enemies or partners at every turn."

However, think of these challenges as obstacles that you can overcome! Thomas says they're here "to help you to know your independence, resilience and autonomy." If you’ve suffered losses, a breakup or poor health, he says "this is a time to recommit to yourself so you can flourish and build a better foundation."

Despite the challenges, Thomas predicts the possibility of "signing excellent contracts" or "seeing growth in your collaborations" at this time.

On a positive note, some of you could be signing excellent contracts and seeing growth in your collaborations or getting married, having a child, or buying a house together.

Virgo's Family and Friendship Horoscope for 2024

Get ready to widen your circle, Virgo! Thomas predicts 2024 will grant you "many opportunities for improved expansion and growth," particularly on a "personal or intellectual level."

Thomas says this will help you to feel "invigorated!" as Jupiter (the planet of expansion) dances in a perfect angle to you until June, which he notes will help you to "prosper and grow."

Other themes that may be impacted include "academics or intellectual pursuits, travel, media or publishing endeavors, spiritual communities, or international relations or business," he shares. "If you’d like to travel or move abroad, this is a milestone moment to do so."

Virgo's Love and Relationship Horoscope for 2024

Get ready for a change in your love life, Virgo. Thomas says Pluto (the planet of intensity) is "still bringing transformations around your romantic life, fertility or children" — though he notes, "this will be over soon."

Thomas predicts a "major turning point" will take place "in the realm of partnerships." He specifies that it could be a time of "union or release" due to the eclispe that arrives in late autumn.

"Some of you could meet a soulmate, move in, get engaged or be wed," Thomas puts forth. If you are not in alignment, he predicts you could "decide it’s time to move apart once and for all."

Pluto will also bring a "radical rebirth around your productivity, physical health, employment and work projects this year," adds Thomas. "Be confident that change is coming and as long as you meet it head-on, you can persevere."

Virgo's Career and Productivity Horoscope for 2024

Shoot for the stars, Virgo! Thomas predicts your professional life and finances could "help you to win big" in 2024.

This is thanks to Jupiter, which dances into your career zone from June onward. He explains how this planetary movement could aid you in "reaching higher in the realm of ambitions as you scale new heights."

You may see promotions, new job offers, favorable publicity, fame, glory or an exhilarating new career path" as a result. Plus, you have the eclipses that arrive in the spring and autumn to look forward to!

Thomas says both of these eclipses "will highlight money matters, potentially bringing a raise, new job offers, new clients, or a beginning or ending around an income stream." He adds, "Payouts, settlements, bonuses, royalties or inheritances could also manifest."

The end of 2024 may feel "slow and lethargic," however, with the onset of several retrogrades. "This is why it would be advised to strike swiftly throughout most of the year as soon as you can so that you can simply roll with the waves of life once the end of the year arrives," he says.

"Soar to vast, bright and brilliant new horizons this year," continues Thomas, who notes that 2025 will bring "even greater change for you!"

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Virgo Horoscope 2024: Key Yearly Predictions

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In 2024, Virgos are set for a transformative journey through love, career, family, and health, as the celestial bodies align to guide their path. Saturn's presence in Virgo's relationship house signals a pivotal year.

Choices between deepening commitments, like marriage and children, or letting go of unfulfilling relationships, will be at the forefront. Love, in its liberating essence, will demand efforts, yet promise a start filled with wonder and happiness.

As the year unfolds, Virgos will find their romantic lives flourishing under the stars' benevolent gaze. Balance and serenity are key as they navigate through the ebbs and flows of relationships.

The seasons bring their own challenges and opportunities: a transformative spring, an autumn of introspection, and a winter of steadfast commitment. Social and familial ties strengthen, urging Virgos to expand their circles and embrace new connections.

The love horizon for Virgo in 2024 is a blend of stability and introspection. Established relationships may take significant leaps, with marriage on the cards for some.

However, celestial movements also forecast potential misunderstandings and the need for clear communication, especially mid-year. Single Virgos might find distractions in fleeting romances, but true love seems to be waiting at the year's end.

Professionally, 2024 is a year of reaping rewards for Virgos. Hard work and sincerity in their endeavors will lead to success, though caution is advised in new business ventures. The academic and competitive pursuits look promising, especially for those seeking education abroad or in technical fields.

Family and social life are also highlighted, with the beginning of the year bringing harmony and support from family, especially maternal figures. Social engagements will enhance Virgo's prestige, and journeys, including pilgrimages, are highly auspicious.

However, health requires attention, especially at the start of the year. Dietary care and mindfulness in daily activities are crucial. Relief and improvement in health are expected post-April, as Jupiter casts a favorable aspect.

In essence, 2024 for Virgo is a year of profound growth and choices, a dance with destiny under the watchful eyes of the planets. It's a journey through love's complexities, career milestones, familial bliss, and the pursuit of health and inner peace. A year where every Virgo will find their unique rhythm in the cosmic ballet.

Saturn in Virgo's relationship house will either make or break the year for many. You may choose to commit fully, like getting married or having children. Other Virgos might decide to end a relationship where they've been compromising.

Love will bring liberation. You'll be asked to put in effort, but the year seems to start amazingly. Your private life will take up much of your time, positively influenced by the stars. Stay balanced and find serenity.

Before summer, a reignited passion will transform you, leaving you feeling as if you're on a cloud. Happiness is just around the corner, and you'll relish the feeling. Autumn will introduce disturbances, allowing you to reassess past decisions.

Winter calls for commitment, with a rich social and family life awaiting. Do you need to make new friends? Don't worry, the planets are aligned with your desires. You'll form various connections and won't be bored.

Planetary influences will boost your encouragement and positivity, especially when expanding your network. Avoid possessiveness, as it may hinder you temporarily. Share more, even if it's challenging. Your relationships will remain peaceful throughout the year.

Post-holidays, you'll enter the new year in great shape, with strong morale and peak mental clarity. Come spring, your energy might dip, and everyday fatigue could slow you down, but this won't last long. As a Virgo, you'll focus more on your weight this year.

To maintain balance, organize your diet and limit fat intake. This year promises luck, so seize the opportunities the stars send, particularly for your projects. Believe in yourself and your potential; never doubt your qualities.

Virgo Love Horoscope 2024

In 2024, Virgos, your love life may not be impulsive. Focus will be on self-development, improving your desires and preferences. If you're in a relationship, spend more time with your partner, showing love and appreciation while managing your business.

The year starts strong for couples who found love soaring in 2023, leading you to consider marriage and possibly plan a wedding. The Sun's presence in Capricorn will deepen your relationship, enhancing attraction towards your partner.

However, on March 14 th , the Sun's transit into Pisces may cause misunderstandings with your partner, making you appear distant. It's important to communicate that this isn't their fault. Your efforts here will be supported as the Sun enters Aries on April 14 th , continuing until the end of July.

Mars entering Libra on June 22 nd will energize relationships. Yet, beware of miscommunications when Mercury enters Leo on July 27 th . Unstable thoughts may lead to unfairly blaming your partner. Stay in control and understand the chaos you might be causing.

Trust issues, especially when Venus enters Virgo on August 25 th , can stagnate your relationship. Resist temptations and resolve any issues to save your relationship.

For single Virgos, distractions from sexual desires may arise. If you've been out of the dating scene, focus on other aspects of life. Venus in Virgo might lead you towards bad company, increasing desires but not necessarily leading to long-term happiness.

By the year's end, focus on finding new love as work stability, increased energy from others, and happiness will be in your favor.

Virgo Career Horoscope 2024

In the beginning of the year, you will reap the rewards of your hard work and professionalism. The more effort and sincerity you put into your creative endeavors, the more success you'll achieve. However, with Rahu in your 7 th House, expect some changes in your professional life.

Avoid starting new business ventures during this period, as hidden forces may create obstacles, possibly due to Jupiter's presence in your 8 th House. After April, the situation will become more favorable. You will find success in your career, and businesses will see significant returns. Those employed will gain recognition in their workplaces.

Avoid forming new partnerships this year, and focus on what the year offers in terms of career and competitive examinations. Saturn in your 6 th House will bring success in exams and competitions, making it an ideal time for pursuing higher education abroad.

For those in electronics or hardware, this year will be particularly promising. You'll overcome challenges and may find new employment opportunities. Post-April, higher education will bring additional benefits.

The year will start with moderate favorability regarding property and wealth. You will likely acquire property and vehicles.

From this month onward, Jupiter in your 9 th House indicates economic improvement. Jupiter's favorable transit will increase your income and savings, though you may spend more on social events. If you have children, anticipate an increase in their wealth as well.

Family and Social Life Predictions for the Maiden Sign

At the start of the year, family life appears auspicious. Jupiter's influence on the 2nd and 4th Houses suggests peace at work and harmonious family communication. Your mother, in particular, will be a great support.

However, Rahu in the 7 th House may cause issues in your romantic relationships and could affect your spouse's health. This placement might also lead to travel for work purposes. After April, social engagements will increase, enhancing your prestige, respect, and even fame. Harmonious interactions with younger siblings will boost your influence and power.

Travel-wise, the year is very favorable. With Saturn and Jupiter in your 12 th House, trips to foreign countries are highly advised. Jupiter in your 9 th House also indicates that pilgrimages will be auspicious.

Virgo Health in 2024

The year begins without significant health benefits. Jupiter in your 8th House, along with Rahu's aspect on the Ascendant, may cause health fluctuations. Expect some bone discomfort, possibly due to bad weather.

If you have pre-existing health conditions, take all necessary precautions. Pay attention to your diet and daily activities. After April, Jupiter's aspect on the Ascendant will improve your health and lead to more mature thoughts. You may find increased interest in religion, providing mental peace and physical relief.

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Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

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The Complete 2024 Virgo Horoscope, Broken Down By Month

You deserve more than you’ve been settling for, and the virgo 2024 horoscope puts a spotlight on your self-worth and confidence..

Written on Jan 31, 2024

2024 virgo horoscope symbolism

The past year has brought so many changes, much of which has been what you’ve been working toward or hoping to achieve. So, it’s been a bit of a pause as you’ve learned to not just focus on the next step or big thing but instead to practice gratitude for what you have. This has allowed you to let go of the mindset of always having to work on something to simply fill the space versus putting time and energy into what you genuinely want to create or manifest in your life.  

Now, as the cosmos continues to shift, the 2024 Virgo horoscope brings an interesting balance of determination in your career. While you ask for more from the universe than you’ve previously settled for, at the same time, you have to learn the art of surrender.

Yearly Virgo horoscope 2024 highlights

The Nodes of Fate recently shifted into Aries and Libra, which will dominate the energy of the year.

For you, this brings a focus to your eighth and second houses as you truly begin to honor your inner worth, but at the same time, are guided through situations in which you must release what is less than you deserve.

The idea here is to honor what you want and need from life but also create just enough space to surrender to whatever is developing. When you hold on too tight to something or someone, you can often not only create more work for yourself but also deter your divine path. So, it’s a matter of learning what needs to be released and what truly honors your growth that will determine many of your choices this year.  

RELATED:  The Complete Virgo Love Horoscope For 2024, Broken Down Month-By-Month

As you progress through the lessons of surrender and determination, Pluto will shift into Aquarius , highlighting your sixth house and increasing your focus on the details, ambition and personal drive to make your dreams come true. This will work together with Jupiter in Gemini, which will highlight your professional sector as it works to further your career.

With the South Node in Libra, this isn’t just about making sure that you’re employed at the right company or that you are utilizing your skills, but that you’re also ensuring you’re being compensated in the ways that you genuinely deserve.

Think of 2024 as an upgrade year, and if you end up having to learn to release certain aspects, it’s safe to trust that it is all occurring for your greatest benefit.  

2024 Libra horoscope month-to-month predictions

Best day: Thursday, January 11 

Capricorn energy rules your fifth house of marriage, commitment, happiness and creativity. With the surplus of this energy in January, you may find yourself getting married, engaged or being driven to create more happiness in your life. This energy will allow you to set the tone for the year, as you must be honest about what brings you the most joy so that you can move through the lessons of determination and surrender that 2024 will encompass. 

Use the opportunity around the new moon in Capricorn to set intentions for a relationship or the relationship with the world you hope to develop.

If you’ve always wanted to do a pottery class, work with children or just create more conscious creative time for yourself to enjoy, now is the time to set an intention for that. If you are looking to call in a significant new relationship, you can also use this lunation to set an intention for that as well. The goal here is to begin the year thinking about what makes you the happiest as you focus all your energy on creating a life representative of that. 

RELATED:  6 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance In January 2024

Best day: Tuesday, February 13 

Mars, the planet of action and ambition, will shift into Aquarius, joining Pluto, which recently moved into this air sign, creating a powerful wave of determination. February is the month to focus all your energy on taking care of the details of any new plans or dreams for the future while you allow yourself to embrace your ambitious nature and set to work manifesting all you desire for your life . 

Aquarius energy rules your sixth house and can often carry with it themes of well-being as well as the quality of determination. Suppose you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused about what path to take. In that case, February is also a great month to see guidance from a life coach or therapist or sign up for a breathwork class to help you find that inner balance you need to continue to focus your energy on what is meant for you.

Best day: Monday, March 11 

March is all about love, which means there may be wedding bells or other forms of romance and commitment around you this month. There is an influx of Piscean energy in the first half of March, along with Venus, the planet of love, shifting into this emotional water sign and helping to emphasize matters of the heart. If you’ve been thinking of getting back out there, try online dating or a match-making service that would also be highly favored around this time. 

If you are in a phase of life where you are more focused on your personal development or career, it doesn’t mean this energy will be wasted on you. Use Venus in Pisces to help you fall more in love with yourself, open up and transform your relationships with others, and set an intention for cultivating more love in your life — regardless of where it comes from.  

RELATED: The Astrological Reason You Go Through Major Life Changes Every Seven Years

Best day: Monday, April 8 

April brings immense positive changes into your life and is the first opportunity to learn the art of surrender. Whether this comes down to a professional path or learning to release qualities like possessiveness in relationships, it’s all about trusting the universe more and creating space for what you truly desire. Not only does Aries season encourage these themes, but the Aries new moon solar eclipse may bring a powerful moment to fruition.  

Reflect on April of 2023, when the first Aries solar eclipse occurred, to see if any other themes from that time are arising as you will see progress or development on something that first started to shift in your life around that time. Aries rules your house of transformation, and so this is the month to take risks, say yes to the universe and be an active participant in the changes you seek in your life.

Best day: Wednesday, May 15 

While April had you reaching for the stars, May will now be your month to reintroduce yourself to the world and feel the satisfaction of some of those projects beginning to take shape. May brings Taurus season, which activates your house of luck, abundance, travel and expansion as you feel free to take on new adventures and seize what brings you the most joy in your life. This is an excellent time to travel and begin an education program or a class like astrology.  

As Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into Taurus, you will be able to speak your mind and your dreams into existence. Make sure that you don’t let anyone talk you out of anything during this month, and instead hone more of that determination energy than surrender, as there is always a time and place for both.

Best day: Thursday, June 6 

The new moon in Gemini will peak in June and invite you to make the most of Jupiter’s shift into this air sign. Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance and just shifted into Gemini at the end of May, which means June is all about your career. Use this energy to go on interviews, apply for new jobs, take any certifications or classes to make you more marketable and have someone polish up your resume. Jupiter will be in Gemini for the next year, which will help you further your career and bring a great deal of financial abundance along the way.

Make sure you’re embracing the lessons of the South Node in Libra as you ask for what you truly need in terms of compensation and benefits. There is no mistake that these two periods of your life are intertwined, so just realize that you will need to ask for what it is you want if you hope to receive it.  

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Best day: Friday, July 5 

Cancer energy rules your sector of community, friends and wishes, helping you to ask for help and implore those beneficial relationships in your life. This area is known as your eleventh house, and with Cancer here, it means that you require significant emotional support from those in your life. You need to know someone is going to be there for you and that you can call upon them when needed.  

As you’ve been progressing through the year with a focus on surrender, you may feel called to set a new intention for yourself around the Cancer new moon. Although you are responsible for asking for what you need, you can’t make another show up for you in the ways you need — whether professional or not. Take this time to set a new intention for what you want to call into your life that is representative of all you need, regardless of how long you’ve known someone. Support isn’t about how long someone has been in your life but their overall presence while they have been.

Best day: Wednesday, August 14 

August is a month to help you reflect on your dreams and intuition as Mercury retrograde enables you to become clear about what has been holding you back and where you still want to go. Mercury governs communication, and when it traces its steps back into Leo as part of its retrograde journey, you will become aware of dreams, ideas and aspects of your life you need to heal to truly embrace all the positive transformations that this year is bringing you.

Mercury retrograde in Leo gives you a portal of time to reflect not just on 2024 up until this point but also on those aspects of your inner self that you haven’t yet honored or acted upon. In a year that is all about your career growth, you may suddenly realize that you want to go back to school or turn a side business into something more. You don’t have to take any action just yet, but instead, you can simply journal and make a plan for how to truly honor your inner self while also working to achieve the goals you’re dreaming of.  

RELATED: Mercury Retrograde Meaning In Each Zodiac Sign

Best Day: Monday, September 9 

September will be a more introspective month, not only because of Virgo Season, which rules over your truth and inner beliefs but also because Mercury will shift into Virgo now that it has been stationed directly. Virgo Season is always a time for a fresh new beginning as the Sun returns to the point it was when you were born. You’re able to put the past behind you more easily and let yourself answer the call of new opportunities. However, with Mercury entering Virgo, you may instead find more benefit from reflection rather than taking any new actions just yet. 

Mercury governs communication, including how you talk to yourself, which means in Virgo, you’re going to be reflecting on how you speak with others, as well as the validity of any internal stories that you still subscribe to. This energy can help you refocus your plans for the upcoming months, as well as provide some important moments of clarity and acceptance for where your journey has taken you. Just remember, clarity is always a positive aspect, and it’s also something you may have to practice both surrender and determination to achieve. 

RELATED: The Secret To Manifesting Using Your Mercury Sign

Best day: Sunday, October 27 

After two months of reflection and introspection, you are now ready to act on anything that arises for you. Not only is the Aries full moon rising in your house of transformation, but Vesta in Libra is lighting up your sector of finances. Aries wants you to embrace change, to let go of what isn’t working or those hesitations to change your life, while Libra is encouraging you to raise the cost of who and what has access to you. Together, they create a powerful time in your life to harness your inner confidence and take strides toward creating the new.  

Asteroid Vesta rules your internal fire, so you will feel more passionate this month, especially regarding honoring your values and ensuring that you feel others are treating you as you deserve if you must advocate for a raise or promotion or give any presentation this month, that will be highly favored as you will be shining brighter than normal.

Best day: Sunday, November 3 

November brings a focus on Scorpio energy as it activates themes of communication in your third house. Scorpio is the ruling sign of Pluto, so there is this aspect of truth, transparency, and uncovering what was previously hidden here. Embrace this Scorpio energy and allow yourself to set boundaries with greater authority, embrace your determination to create what you dream of, all the while being mindful of the theme of the Phoenix in your life and where you may finally be ready to rise from the ashes of what was never meant for you.  

Asteroid Juno, ruler of marriage and contracts, will shift into Scorpio in November, drawing your attention not just to your romantic relationship but also to any agreements that you’ve previously made. This will allow you to modify anything or restructure your relationship as you create more space for each of you to pursue your dreams. Think of this as a positive reset to now implement all you’ve learned, including the clarity of knowing when to hang on — and when to let go.

Best day: Sunday, December 1 

December begins with a beautiful new moon in Sagittarius in your home and family sector. This area of your life rules where you live, whom you share your home with and those childhood wounds or family roots that have played a part in your development. With a new moon in Sagittarius, you are ready for a new beginning in this area of your life. If you’ve been more focused on your career recently, this is also a wonderful time for reconnection and for creating space to enjoy the relationship you’ve created in your life.  

Sagittarius energy helps you understand what is most important to you in your personal life. While Jupiter will be opposite in Gemini, ruler of your career sector, it’s important to also focus on creating balance in December. You are making headway in your career and professional goals, but you also don’t want to miss out on opportunities for intimacy and closeness, especially during the holidays.

As you’ve progressed through the themes of surrender and determination this year, you’ve also learned that often, sometimes, it’s only temporary. So, allow yourself to not only find balance but also enjoy the moments of happiness you’ve created for yourself this year as you prepare to begin a brand-new chapter in your life.  

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See What The Universe Has In Store For You


Kate Rose is a writer , spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator.

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Travel Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs 2024

Travel Horoscope 2024

Be ready for a magnificent journey! Every zodiac sign is guided towards extraordinary travel experiences by the cosmic alignment of 2024. Blending astrology with the art of travel, discover personalized insights assisting your wanderlust in the upcoming year, from Leo's lively metropolitan adventures to Cancer's coastal getaways, among the other Zodiac travel extravaganzas.

Aries Travel Horoscope 2024

Being ruled by a cardinal sign, you like to travel a lot. You like traveling a lot, and this year you will also be traveling. However, there will be some blocks as Saturn is in your twelfth house until next year, blocking frequent travel. You will be planning for more trips from May 2024 onwards, when Jupiter moves into Gemini. For you, Gemini rules short trips, so more than long trips, you will be having short trips. During this year, you will also have relocation opportunities. From November onwards, you will have many opportunities to travel long distances too.

Taurus Travel Horoscope 2024

When the year starts, Jupiter will be in your first house, and it will be facing the ninth house of foreign collaborations, so the first half is shattering some chances for long trips. It could be for studies, vacations, or spiritual trips. As Jupiter moves towards your second house, such chances will disappear.

Other than 2024, it doesn’t show any significant opportunities for travel other than usual trips. The last eclipse of this year, which occurs in September, is showing some chances for long trips, but before that, there would not be many chances. Mercury, the planet of travel, will retrograde during March, August, and November. Please try to avoid traveling during these phases. Retrogrades are known for their blocks. There is a belief that these Mercury retrogrades can result in travel mishaps, such as flight delays, missed connections, and lost luggage. Even though there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, it is good to check their travel plans, stay patient in the face of unexpected hiccups, and take extra care with important travel documents.

Gemini Travel Horoscope 2024

This year offers a lot of opportunity to travel locally and abroad as well. During the first half, Jupiter will be in your twelfth house of foreign lands, so there are huge chances for long trips. Pluto will be in Aquarius, which rules your natal ninth house, but it will be in retrograde and will be in Capricorn by September. From the beginning of the year until September, you will have multiple opportunities for long or foreign trips.

Cancer Travel Horoscope 2024

The travel opportunities are very high throughout this year. There will be multiple opportunities for travel and exploring other cultures. During the first half, Jupiter will be in the eleventh house, promoting collaborations with foreign companies. So the first half promotes some official long-distance travel. These travels can also be for meeting with friends. When Jupiter moves into Gemini, the twelfth house for foreign lands will get activated. So, from then on, you will have chances for further long trips. However, it will be wise to avoid traveling during Mercury retrogrades.

Leo Travel Horoscope 2024

There will not be any special travel opportunities, but if you are a frequent traveler, there will be regular travel opportunities. During the month of March, there will be some travel opportunities, so you have to plan it well. Mercury Retrograde will occur on April 1–25, 2024, in the sign of Aries for the first time in 2024. The second Mercury Retrograde will be on August 5-28, 2024, in the signs of Virgo and Leo. The third Mercury Retrograde will occur from November 25 to December 15, 2024, in the sign of Sagittarius. Mercury retrogrades are known for travel blocks and delays. If you want to travel through these phases, then there will be some issues. The total solar eclipse that will occur on April 8 at 14:20:37 in Aries will bring closures to foreign travel.

Virgo Travel Horoscope 2024

Being ruled by a dual sign means you like to travel. The yearly horoscope for 2024 shows plenty of short as well as long travels throughout this year. When the year begins, Jupiter will be in your ninth house, and this is very good for long trips. There will be a lot of communication with people from foreign lands. Throughout this year, Saturn will be in the seventh house, and this house also indicates foreign travel. During the first house, Saturn will aspect the ninth house, and Jupiter is in the 9th house, so there will be a lot of chances for long trips.

Libra Travel Horoscope 2024

Being a Libra, you are a moveable sign; you want to travel, and you have that wanderlust. In the beginning of the year, you may not get many opportunities for long trips, but as you enter the second half of the year, you will get better travel opportunities. These will be short as well as long. Some Libra natives will have their first foreign trip. However, if you are looking for a foreign settlement, you will have to wait some more time. Around the months of February, May and June, there will be more travel plans. Mercury will be retrograde every three months, so these phases will not be good for traveling. If you have such plans during retrograde phases, then you should have backup plans.

Scorpio Travel Horoscope 2024

Being a Scorpio, you are a fixed sign, and you are a water sign too. You like traveling due to the water element, so this year, that wanderlust will be high. When the year starts, Jupiter will be in Taurus, which is your natal seventh house, which shows long trips and foreign lands. This will impact your desire to go on long trips. The activation on the seventh house is on, so when the sun enters Taurus in April, you will have some travel opportunities. Mercury Retrograde will occur on April 1–25, 2024, in the sign of Aries; on August 5-28, 2024, in the signs of Virgo and Leo; and from November 25 to December 15. It will be good to avoid traveling during these phases. Mercury retrogrades are infamous for their blocks and delays, so you need to take care of your travel plans.

Sagittarius Travel Horoscope 2024

Being ruled by a dual sign, you like to travel a lot. Sagittarius itself is a sign of foreign collaboration. Until May, Jupiter will be aspecting the twelfth house for foreign travels. So, there are clear chances for long or foreign trips. Moreover, Saturn will be in the foruth house conjunct Neptune, so this is showing a lot of chances to move out of your home. Those who were trying to get foreign settlements will have those kinds of opportunities. However, merchandise will retrograde every three months, so it will be good if you avoid traveling during those phases.

Capricorn Travel Horoscope 2024

The year 2024 is much more favorable for short transits than longer ones. During this year, Saturn and Neptune will be in the third house, promoting a lot of short trips. At the same time, Mercury will be retrograding every three months. During this year, Mercury will be retrograding in April, August, and November. You must avoid any travel plans during Mercury retrogrades. Mercury retrogrades are infamous for travel blocks and delays, so there will be some delays in these phases. In the second half of 2024, Jupiter will be moving through Gemini, and it will aspect the twelfth house, so there may be some chance for a foreign trip, but it is not very sure.

Aquarius Travel Horoscope 2024

Being an air sign, you like to go to different places. Staying in one place is not for you, and that makes you claustrophobic. During this year, you will have plenty of travel opportunities, as Jupiter will be conjuncing Uranus in your second house. This transit will bring a lot of opportunities to move out of your house. Especially since Uranus is the planet of revolution, you will like to travel to some places known for their uniqueness. However, the Mercury retrograde phases will not be very supportive of your travel plans, so you have to be careful during these phases. If you want to travel at that time, then you should have backup plans. The lunar and solar eclipses will trigger Libra, which rules your natal ninth house. This will bring a lot of travel opportunities as the ninth house rules foreign travel and collaborations. Being an Aquarius, traveling is part of your life.

Pisces Travel Horoscope 2024

Transit Jupiter will be in the third house for five months, and Jupiter will be aspected by Saturn. This will trigger travel opportunities. However, these travel opportunities will be more short than longer ones. From the second half of 2024 on, Jupiter will move into Gemini, and that will make you a bit aloof, and you will like to spend more time at home only. Mercury will be retrograding every three months. During this year, the retrograde will happen in April, August, and November, so you have to avoid traveling during these dates. The months of October and November will be very important for long trips as the sun will be in and around Scorpio, which rules your ninth house. This transit shows potential opportunities for foreign as well as long trips.

Travel Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs 2024

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Virgo 2024 Yearly Fate Horoscope

As I gaze into the twinkling starry night to decipher the messages of the cosmos, I sense that a year of profound change is ahead of you, Virgo.

Your devotion to world service will be amplified, transforming you to the core of your being and bringing you closer to your destiny. Read on to discover our astrological predictions for Virgo in 2024.

Discover what awaits Virgo in the year 2024 in your in-depth yearly horoscope. For best results, read descriptions for your Sun, Moon & Rising. 

2024 Virgo Horoscope Overview

January-april: growth through relationships.

virgo 2024 January-April

From the start of January to early April, Jupiter forms a sextile with Saturn in your 9th and 7th houses.

Personal growth, abundance and wisdom are offered to you in the realm of your connections with others.

Find yourself evolving as you analyze your life experiences up until this point in time and gain a better understanding of yourself, the way you relate to others, and those you are in relation with. 

The 2024 horoscope for Virgo tells us that you will have the opportunity to discover new ways of opening yourself up to the world and those around you. Layers of vulnerability peel back, allowing your heart to sit a little further down your sleeve.

Don’t be afraid to explore new levels of relationships that you haven’t experienced before. This should be a time of fun and excitement, but it does come with its fair share of effort – Saturn being involved in this transit suggests that you’ll have to work a bit to put yourself out there, but the results will be worth it. 

January: How Pluto in Aquarius Will Impact Virgo in 2024

Pluto in Aquarius 2024

For the first time in over 200 years, on January 20th, Pluto returns to the sign of Aquarius and will remain here for approximately 20 years.

This planetary ingress occurs in your 6th house, which is ruled by Virgo. Your natural tendency towards giving and assisting others will be amplified tenfold as a result of this momentous transit.

You’ll see a clear connection between the state of the world and personal suffering and realize that the best way to heal the planet is to start helping individuals along their soul’s journey towards evolution. 

However you choose to do this is completely up to you, wise and devoted Virgo. Whether you’re called to something as large as becoming a therapist or something as seemingly small as helping a stranger with their groceries across the street, your efforts to support and help others will serve as an important example to those around you. 

While your innate gift of fix-it energy which helps you clearly see mistakes and missteps shines brightly, be careful not to fall into the perfectionist trap and be overly demanding of yourself or your loved ones.

Your challenge will be to recognize mistakes as beautiful creatures that need guidance, not errors that need erasing. The 2024 astrology for Virgo reminds you that mistakes are part of the human experience. They are valuable qualities that enrich whatever they touch, making things unique and beautiful in their imperfection. 

It is important that during this incredibly impactful transit that you learn to prioritize your health and not spread yourself too thin, sweet earth sign. The universe is sure to send you a reality check if you are taking on more than your fair share.

Say goodbye to poor sleep schedules, bad food habits, and neglecting exercise. This transit will teach you to move slowly so that you can be sure to balance the needs of every aspect of your being. 

April-December: Whimsical Devotion

virgo 2024 April-December

The path that you embark on during Pluto’s ingress in January is aided by Uranus sextile Neptune, which offers a whimsical dose of inspiration and life-altering shifts in perspective. These planetary giants provide you with a dose of courage.

The 2024 horoscope for Virgo predicts that you’ll find yourself unafraid to challenge outdated ideologies surrounding human nature, and you will find ways to connect with people on a more profound level to assist in their personal transformations as well.

Your influence and the lessons you’ve learned extend beyond yourself. Because you’ve healed your own wounds, you are able to help others who are experiencing similar trials and tribulations that you have pushed past. 

June-November: Evaluating Relationship Dynamics

virgo 2024 June-November

Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde until November 21st in the sector of your chart which governs primary partnerships and relationships. The 2024 astrology for Virgo implies it’s time to put your closest connections under the microscope and address any ongoing disturbances in the harmony of your coupling. 

Confront the ways in which you fail in your romantic relationships if you are single. How can you be more available? What beliefs do you have about yourself that are blocking your joy?

Are you holding yourself back from something you want because you fear rejection? If you are in a relationship, in what ways can you show up for your partner? Are your needs being mutually met?

Take your time in answering these important questions. The insight that you have during this cycle is sure to benefit your relationships in the long term.

May-October: Rejuvenating Your Work/Life Balance

virgo 2024 May-October

Pluto stations retrograde from May 3rd until October 12th in the sector of your chart which governs vocation, servitude, and health, dear Virgo.

The 2024 horoscope for Virgo suggests that this retrograde propels you even further towards physical and professional regeneration. Continue to push yourself in your commitments to your wellness.

If you have been neglecting yourself because you are overburdened with the problems of others, this retrograde is sure to send you a message. It will assist you in the necessary release of what is not your responsibility to fix. 

Continue to correct any bad habits that are getting in the way of your health or work. Dig deep and practice some perhaps uncomfortable honesty with yourself.

What is standing in your way? In what ways are you abandoning yourself?

The more vulnerable you are in your honesty, the easier it will be to offer up these hard feelings to the universe so that it can help you break free from the rut. 

July-December: Intuitive Insights

virgo 2024 July-December

The revelations you’ll be experiencing during the previous transit are aided by the Neptune retrograde occurring from July 2nd until December 7th.

This transit encourages you to take pause and to do some deep, introspective soul searching. Sometimes communication with others is needed, but sometimes we can learn more about our situation when we seek out the guidance of the universe and tune in to its response. The veil of illusion lifts during Neptune’s retrograde. 

The 2024 horoscope for Virgo predicts you’ll start seeing the truth about a situation that has been weighing on you. Perhaps your partner’s complex being will become even clearer to you and you’ll reach a new level of understanding regarding how to love them in the way they need to receive it.

If you’re single, perhaps you’ll finally be able to start picking partners who align with your wants and needs, and bypass the ones who you are attracted to based on fantasy or illusion.

Ideally, the way you relate to those around you becomes clearer and bonds become stronger if you are willing to accept this time of introspection and reconstruction of perspective. 

September: Virgo Season

September 2024 Virgo Season

Your season begins with a wave of catharsis and more intense revelations as the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn from September 3rd until September 12th.

Astrology for Virgo in 2024 suggests that this polarizing and regenerative transit will give you the opportunity to confront the darker aspects of your psyche.

You will have to reckon with what hidden motivations lingering beneath the surface drive you in your worldly pursuits. What instinctive fears and unconscious desires dance in the depths of your soul?

What hidden anxieties are controlling your actions and behavior? 

On September 17th, the Sun in Virgo forms a trine with Pluto and Uranus until the 27th. This empowering, groundbreaking transit assists you in developing and strengthening your intention in regards to your life’s purpose.

While this transit is brief, it is highly impactful.

You might discover new ways of seeing the world or shift your perspective on how you share your talents with others, encountering more confidence to boldly and unapologetically shine. 

December: Remaining Lessons

virgo 2024 December

The year ends with a hard lesson in overgiving if you haven’t totally taken care of this habit during this year’s earlier transits.

If you’ve been neglecting your boundaries and overextending yourself, and compromising your personal needs and boundaries in the process, this transit will remind you to rein it in and take care of yourself.

Pay particular attention to this tendency in regards to your career and primary relationships. 

In Summary:

Your year ahead is one of incredible devotion to the self and other, dear Virgo.

Your natural powers of supporting and fixing are amplified, making you a lighthouse for those around you treading murky waters.

Your ability to be supportive to others must also teach you an important lesson: how to be supportive of yourself.

Here’s a recap and general breakdown of the astrological events predicted for Virgo in 2024:

Virgo 2024 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Virgo 2024 Love and Relationships Horoscope

Relationships serve as your portal for growth, wisdom, and evolution this year, Virgo.

Take some time to reflect on your past so that you can integrate all the knowledge you’ve accumulated thus far in your life experience. This will aid and assist you in deepening and strengthening your connections in the present.

Get philosophical about your relationship history and develop an understanding of your patterns.

What type of partner do you typically attract? What type of partner are you usually attracted to? What conversations do you avoid when in a relationship? What are you afraid of? What do you desire? 

These are all questions that are relevant to your explorative inner journey that will yield fruit in your external world.

Illusions surrounding your approach to romantic love are scheduled to lift this year, so pay attention to the vital revelations that you will have. Tune into your inner guidance as the fog dissolves and you start to see things a bit more clearly. 

Virgo 2024 Career and Finance Horoscope

Virgo 2024 Career and Finance Horoscope

Your innate sense of devotion to the world is highlighted this year as you feel called to commit yourself to a path which allows you to help others.

This instinct could result in something as profound as a career shift or something as small as volunteering your time to a worthy cause.

Regardless of how this appears to you, it fuels your dedication and puts you in touch with your authenticity, your purpose, and your soul’s highest calling.

Follow your heart and see where it leads you in its desire to give. You’ll have the opportunity to confront what limiting fears and beliefs stand between you and the realization of your greatest dreams.

Be bold and unafraid to allow your talents and abilities to shine forth, for all to see. It’s time to stop hiding your genuine, authentic self from the world by playing it safe. 

Virgo 2024 Health and Wellness Horoscope

Virgo 2024 Health and Wellness Horoscope

It’s incredibly important that you take the time to prioritize your health this year, Virgo, as Pluto makes massive strides across your 6th house.

The Lord of the Underworld is certain to chastise you if you have a tendency to spread yourself too thin or neglect your own needs so that you can prioritize others. Any lingering health issues that have been flying below radar will come up so that you can finally deal with them. 

Say goodbye to unhealthy habits like poor sleep hygiene, a reliance on takeout or fast food, or neglecting restorative self-care practices. It’s time to commit yourself to an exercise regimen (if you haven’t already) that feels fun for you.

If you don’t like running, then try lifting weights or HIIT circuits. If you don’t like intensity in general, why not try picking up a pilates or yoga class here and there. Whatever you decide to do, it’s important that it adds to your energy wells rather than depletes them.

Your goal should be to reduce stress, not induce it, so make choices that support the satisfaction and pleasure you derive from life experience. 

Virgo 2024 Spiritual Growth Horoscope

Virgo 2024 Spiritual Growth Horoscope

Much of your spiritual growth this year is derived from your personal musings regarding your life, career, and relationships.

When in doubt, go inward and tune in to your soul’s intuitive guidance. The transformations that are headed for you will wash over you whether you make the effort or not, but paying close attention to your moods and insights will ensure ease during these transits.

Notice what your external experiences are telling you – they’re a reflection of what’s happening within you. If you feel inadequate at work, then you might have a boss that’s overly critical of you.

If you feel like you’re not good enough in love, then your relationship might reflect this back to you by your partner becoming increasingly avoidant.

It’s important for you to recognize that you have more control over your life than you realize. Your soul’s evolution depends greatly upon your ability to witness and analyze your experiences from a balanced place within you instead of reacting to your circumstances and getting caught up in their temporariness.

Prefer watching? Virgo 2024 Horoscope Video

How is 2024 for Virgo?

2024 promises to be a year of significant personal growth and professional success for Virgo. Embrace opportunities for self-improvement and expect a steady progression in your career.

Is 2024 Lucky for Virgo?

Luck is on your side in 2024, especially in areas of personal development and career advancements. Look forward to unexpected opportunities and pleasant surprises.

Will Virgo Find Their Soulmate in 2024?

2024 is a favorable year for romance. Virgos seeking love may find themselves forming deeper connections, potentially meeting a soulmate through shared interests or social events.

Can Virgo Get a Job in 2024?

The job market looks promising for Virgo in 2024. Networking and enhancing skills will be key to securing desired positions.

How Will The Career of Virgo in 2024?

Virgo's career in 2024 is set to thrive. Expect new responsibilities, possibly a promotion or an opportunity to lead significant projects.

Virgo, When Will Good Times Come in 2024?

Good times are scattered throughout the year, with particularly favorable periods in mid-spring and late autumn for personal and professional achievements.

What Are the Key Challenges for Virgo in 2024?

Maintaining work-life balance and managing stress are key challenges. Be mindful of overcommitment in your professional sphere.

How Can Virgo Overcome These Challenges in 2024?

Practicing mindfulness, delegating tasks, and setting clear boundaries will be essential for overcoming these challenges.

What Are the Most Auspicious Dates for Virgo in 2024?

Key auspicious dates include March 23rd, July 8th, and October 17th, ideal for starting new ventures or making important decisions.

What Health Concerns Should Virgo be Aware of in 2024?

Pay attention to stress-related issues and prioritize mental health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet will be crucial.

What Financial Trends Can Virgo Expect in 2024?

Expect a stable financial year with potential for incremental gains. Wise investments and budgeting will enhance financial security.

How Will Virgo's Relationships Evolve in 2024?

Relationships will deepen, with increased understanding and communication playing a key role. It's a good year to mend strained relationships and strengthen bonds.

What Travel Opportunities Will Virgo Have in 2024?

Travel opportunities, especially for leisure, look promising in late summer and early autumn. Consider exploring new cultures and destinations.

What Are the Educational Prospects for Virgo Students in 2024?

Virgo students can expect a productive academic year. Focus and hard work will lead to significant achievements and possibly recognition.

How Should Virgo Approach Personal Development in 2024?

Focus on holistic growth, including enhancing skills, practicing self-care, and exploring new hobbies. This will lead to greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

What Role Will Technology Play in Virgo's Life in 2024?

Technology will be a facilitator for learning, communication, and efficiency. Embrace new technological tools to enhance both personal and professional life.


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Virgo Horoscope 2024: Career, Finance, Health, Travel Predictions

How is the year 2024 for virgo.

by Pete Parker updated December 7, 2023, 6:08 pm

Virgo Horoscope 2024 Predictions

Virgo Horoscope 2024 Yearly Predictions

Table of Contents

Virgo Horoscope 2024 indicates that the year 2024 will provide numerous hurdles to cross and be highly challenging. The beginning of the year starts on a pessimistic note, and your health will have to face many problems. Unfortunately, the health of your life partner also will pose difficulties.

Students will need to make their grades in their studies. Relationships with your spouse will hit the bottom, and your child’s prospects will be a matter of concern. Harmony and happiness will be missing in your marital life. On the other hand, many of the marriages will face a breakup.

Prospects for business operations could be better. This will hurt your finances. Overseas businesses will fail to rake in the profits expected. You will be happier if your money is locked in new ventures . Profits from existing investments will show a downturn.

After April, things will start improving. The career will occupy much of your time. Health will start showing improvement slowly. By developing harmonious relationships with workplace colleagues, you will see your career prospects improving gradually.

Financials will become profitable. Harmony will prevail in the family environment. Marital bliss will return. It is a happy situation again!

Virgo 2024 Love Horoscope

Love Horoscope 2024 indicates diverse prospects for love relationships. The year starts somberly, and things will improve as time passes. It is essential to maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse. There should be love and understanding in your dealings with your partner.

Avoid all types of conflicts with your life, mate. Resolve all problems through dialogue. The second half will be excellent for married people. Singles will get good opportunities to get into a love relationship. Patience will be required before you confirm your relationship.

Virgo 2024 Family Forecast

Family Horoscope 2024 suggests that the year will present diverse situations on the family front. Despite your preoccupation with your career, you will spend more time with family members. All differences between family members require tact to resolve.

There will be a new addition to the family in the form of a marriage or childbirth. Celebrations and ceremonies in the family environment will bring the family members together. The health of senior family members will be a matter of concern. Siblings will have to face difficulties in their activities.

Virgo 2024 Career Horoscope

Career Horoscope 2024 predicts that there will be difficulties for the Virgo people’s career, business, and educational activities during the first six months of the year. Conflicts will mar the relationship with colleagues and seniors at the workplace. You will need to meet your targets in your job. There will be plenty of work which you need to handle satisfactorily.

There will be no opportunities for changing the job . Financials also will be under the weather. Be optimistic and continue to work hard. Business people also will face tough times. All new investments should be avoided. Profits from investments will dwindle.

Things will change after the first six months of the year. Career progress will be fabulous. Harmony will prevail between colleagues and seniors. You will stick to your targets easily. Students will progress in their studies. With hard work, there will be no problem in passing the tests and examinations. The year ends on a happy note for Virgo natives.

Virgo 2024 Finance Horoscope

Financial challenges will disturb Virgo people at the beginning of the year. All new investments should be postponed to a later date. Dealings in speculations should be strictly avoided as you will end up at a loss. There will be unforeseen expenses.

The Middle of the year will show a gradual improvement in the financial status. All legal hurdles for getting money will be cleared. Money flow will be enough to cover expenses but also to buy property. Professionals can switch to a new job with more financial benefits during the last quarter. During difficult times, you will have your family and friends’ support.

2024 Health Horoscope for Virgo

Health Horoscope 2024 predicts diverse results for the health matters of Virgo individuals. The beginning of the year will start on a problematic note for the health of Virgo natives. Occupational problems will create stress-related health problems. Weather changes also will have an ill effect on your well-being.

Many of the health problems can be minimized through a regular diet and exercise program. Stress will require more rest methods such as yoga and meditation. The second half of the year will bestow you with good health.

Virgo Travel Horoscope for 2024

With the good aspects of Saturn and Jupiter, travel activities will be highly beneficial during the year. Overseas travel is likely during the beginning of the year. After the first quarter, religious travel with family members is indicated.

2024 Astrology Forecast for Virgo Birthday

Virgo Horoscope 2024 indicates that there will be mixed fortunes during the year. Finances will see an upswing with an increase in income . Students will do well in their academic careers. Relationships with family members will be cordial. Disputes on account of property are likely.

Read Also:  Learn about Horoscopes

Aries Horoscope 2024

Taurus Horoscope 2024

Gemini Horoscope 2024

Cancer Horoscope 2024

Leo Horoscope 2024

Virgo Horoscope 2024

Libra Horoscope 2024

Scorpio Horoscope 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope 2024

Capricorn Horoscope 2024

Aquarius Horoscope 2024

Pisces Horoscope 2024

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2024 Travel Horoscope Read Complete Predictions

By Astrologer on December 11, 2023 0

2024 Travel Horoscope – Have you ever wondered why some people manage to settle abroad so easily while you are still waiting despite being eligible? It all comes down to astrology. The 12th house and its ruler in your horoscope are crucial factors.

Even more important is the activation of the planets that form combinations supporting settlement abroad, which occurs during the transit of the planets.

To address your concerns about the possibility of foreign settlement or travel this year, predictions for each Moon sign are provided below.

Aries 2024 Travel Horoscope

The first half of the year is expected to be slow for travel. Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, it’s advisable to avoid pursuing travel opportunities during this period. However, things will change after June.

Saturn, a planet that influences luck and opportunities, will transition into your 12th house, which is often linked to foreign travel.

This change will create opportunities for a trip abroad. The good news is that you should not miss out on this trip.

It can bring good luck to your business if you’re a business owner, and if you’re an employee, this trip can give your career a significant boost. So, prepare for a journey that will bring positive developments your way.

2024 Travel Horoscope

Travel Horoscope 2024

Taurus 2024 Travel Horoscope

The upcoming months appear to offer opportunities for exploration and travel, particularly in relation to business, work, or leisure abroad.

It is advisable to schedule your trips before July, as the planetary alignment at that time is favorable for travel, increasing the likelihood of successful and fortunate experiences.

Conversely, the latter part of 2024 may not be as conducive to travel plans. Therefore, it is recommended to make the most of the initial months, prepare for your journeys, and savor the travel experiences.

Gemini 2024 Travel Horoscope

The alignment of celestial bodies appears to be in your favor. The Moon, Saturn, and Venus, known to influence travel, are all favorably positioned for those born under the Gemini sign this year.

For students, this presents a wonderful opportunity to pursue studies abroad. If you’ve been yearning to immerse yourself in a different culture and broaden your academic horizons, 2024 will be the year to turn that dream into reality.

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For working individuals, there may be opportunities for sponsored international travel through your company. These professional trips offer valuable experiences and can open doors for your career. If you’re self-employed, business trips abroad could also be on the horizon.

These trips provide the chance to expand your business, establish international connections, and explore new markets. In all these scenarios, luck appears to be on your side. Whatever your plans for traveling abroad in 2024, they are likely to be successful. So, get your passports ready, pack your bags, and prepare for the journey of a lifetime!

Cancer 2024 Travel Horoscope

The horoscope indicates a focus on educational and spiritual journeys, which may include international trips. This presents the opportunity to expand one’s horizons in new and exciting ways. For students, it may entail studying abroad or participating in an international conference.

Meanwhile, individuals with spiritual inclinations may embark on a pilgrimage to a distant sacred site, thereby gaining enriching experiences and knowledge. Conversely, prospects for company-sponsored or business-related trips may not align favorably with one’s aspirations this year.

The horoscope implies that such travels may not yield the anticipated benefits or favor for your business endeavors. For Cancerians in 2024, the guidance is to prioritize personal growth through education or spiritually-oriented travels.

As for business trips, it is advisable to venture abroad only when absolutely necessary. Strategic decision-making in travel choices will enable individuals to maximize the opportunities that arise.

Leo 2024 Travel Horoscope

When Mars is present in your horoscope, it’s best to avoid international trips due to potential travel-related challenges. However, the rest of the year holds more promise for travel. If the opportunity arises for further studies or job prospects abroad, it’s advisable to seize it, as such trips can significantly impact your career and life.

Additionally, if your company offers overseas travel opportunities, it’s worth considering, as it could open new doors for you. Despite the cautious phase when Mars is active, 2024 appears to be a favorable year for Leos to embark on global adventures.

Virgo 2024 Travel Horoscope

In 2024, Virgo will encounter exciting travel opportunities. The second quarter of the year is particularly favorable for extended journeys, thanks to the influence of Rahu.

Following this period, you are free to undertake various types of trips, including those for spiritual enrichment, global exploration, or work and business prospects.

Traveling to foreign countries this year will bring positive fortune and prosperity into your life. However, while you are out exploring the world, remember to prioritize your health. Be mindful of your diet, especially when traveling abroad.

The thrill of travel should not lead to neglecting your well-being. In summary, 2024 presents an excellent chance for Virgos to expand their horizons, but always prioritize health.

Libra 2024 Travel Horoscope

In 2024, Libra’s horoscope indicates exciting travel opportunities. Students may have the chance to study abroad, while other Librans may embark on spiritual journeys to foreign countries, possibly as part of a pilgrimage tour.

Most of these overseas trips are likely to occur in the second half of the year. However, it’s advisable to complete all long-distance travels before November 2024 due to potential health risks associated with travel as the year comes to an end.

Overall, 2024 promises to be a year of exploration for Libras, with a reminder to prioritize safety and health.

Scorpio 2024 Travel Horoscope

In the coming year, expect a variety of journeys. If you’re employed, anticipate significant travel due to job-related relocations. This presents an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new city or even a different country.

Additionally, there may be a chance for a brief religious excursion, offering a valuable chance to find tranquility and nourish your spiritual connection. However, 2024 won’t be all work and no leisure for you.

You’ll also embark on a family vacation to a foreign country, creating lasting memories and enriching experiences.

What’s driving these travels, you wonder? The movements of Jupiter and Saturn into your third house at the beginning of the year will influence your travel plans. Scorpios, brace yourselves. 2024 is poised to be a year of exploration and adventure!

Sagittarius 2024 Travel Horoscope

Prepare for exciting travel ahead! Starting April 6th, you’ll have opportunities to explore both domestically and internationally. With Jupiter entering your 9th house and other travel-friendly planets, you’re in for some thrilling adventures.

However, exercise caution with long-distance trips after September. It’s advisable not to drive yourself. Whether exploring your own country or a foreign destination, prioritize safety. But fear not; there’s plenty of enjoyment in store for you.

Consider a family holiday or a pilgrimage. And for those seeking thrills and excitement, an adventure tour is in the cards. Sagittarians, get ready to travel! The year 2024 holds promise with numerous opportunities for new experiences and lasting memories.

Capricorn 2024 Travel Horoscope

You may find some intriguing travel insights. Most of your travels are likely to be domestic, with you using ground transportation to get around.

Take the time to appreciate those scenic drives and train rides across the country. If you are a business professional planning to travel abroad, think twice! These international business trips may not yield the returns you expect.

It would be prudent to reconsider these plans. However, there is a bright side. Heading west may bring you luck and opportunities for both business owners and salaried Capricorns.

But remember, don’t travel just for the sake of it. Ensure that your long-distance travel is essential. After all, time is money, especially in business.

Aquarius 2024 Travel Horoscope

Exciting news: In the first quarter of the year, you may explore more of our country, hitting the road to discover new places close to home.

But get ready for an adventure in the second quarter! Thanks to Saturn and Jupiter in your 12th house, long-distance travel will bring significant benefits, whether for school, work, or business.

Don’t fret about the costs; take the plunge and embrace the new opportunities and experiences that await you.

Pisces 2024 Travel Horoscope

This year promises exciting travel opportunities, with Rahu in your third house boosting your chances. Additionally, Jupiter and other travel-friendly planets support the likelihood of international travel.

If you live far from your birthplace, you may find yourself returning for special events or family gatherings.

Moreover, this year’s travels could lead to more than just unforgettable experiences. For singles, these trips could even lead to meeting their future partners.

Prepare for a year filled with thrilling journeys and perhaps even a touch of romance in 2024.

Thanks for Reading “ 2024 Travel Horoscope”.

Aries Horoscope 2024

Taurus Horoscope 2024

Gemini Horoscope 2024

Cancer Horoscope 2024

Leo Horoscope 2024

Virgo Horoscope 2024

Libra Horoscope 2024

Scorpio Horoscope 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope 2024

Capricorn Horoscope 2024

Aquarius Horoscope 2024

Pisces Horoscope 2024

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Sun’s Transit in Virgo: What It Means for Each Zodiac Sign—Auspicious and Inauspicious Impacts Revealed

Supriya Kandwal

Special Things

Sun transit in virgo: impact on all 12 zodiac signs (september 16, 2024), need an expert's advise .

Effects of the Sun’s Transit on All 12 Zodiac Signs

Gemini The Sun's transit will influence your 4th house, which represents home, family, mother, and property. You may want to make home improvements and spend time with family. There could be opportunities for travel and purchasing a new vehicle. Focus on your mother’s health and take steps to improve your lifestyle. Remedy: Place Sun Yantra at home to invite positive energy.

Leo The transit affects your 2nd house of wealth, food, family, and speech. You may experience an increase in expenses, and it’s important to be mindful of what you say. There are opportunities for financial gain, but be cautious about your spending. Health issues related to the mouth and teeth might arise. Remedy: Donate wheat to the needy to improve your speech.

Libra The Sun’s transit will influence your 12th house, which deals with expenses, hospitals, foreign travel, and spirituality. There may be opportunities for travel abroad, and you might receive money from foreign sources. You will be interested in spiritual activities and may experience increased expenses. There will be opportunities for studying or working abroad. Remedy: Donate jaggery to the needy to ensure success in your endeavors.

Sagittarius The Sun’s transit will impact your 10th house of career, father, reputation, and social status. This is an excellent time for career advancement, with possibilities of promotions and salary increases. Your reputation will grow, and you might take on new responsibilities. If you’re studying, you’ll find success. Keep working hard and strengthening your network. Remedy: Donate wheat, jaggery, or red cloth on Sundays to please the Sun.

Aquarius This transit affects your 8th house of longevity, transformation, mysteries, and spiritual growth. You will experience spiritual development and uncover hidden talents. Expect significant changes and some mysterious events. Engage in spiritual practices, yoga, and meditation. Remedy: Offer water to Lord Sun daily to receive his blessings.

Pisces The Sun’s transit will impact your 7th house of marriage, partnerships, and relationships. If you are single, this is a good time for marriage. For married individuals, expect harmony in your marital life. Business partnerships will be successful, and you’ll find good opportunities for collaboration. Remedy: Observe fast on Sundays  

Disclaimer: This information is based on beliefs, assumptions, and material available from different sources and is intended for general purposes. It is advisable to consult an expert before making any personal decisions.

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Virgo Horoscope 2024: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

collaged image featuring a Virgo zodiac sign's statue and flowers in front of gemstones and moons

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to keep up on what the universe has in store for you or check out the Virgo personality profile to learn more about your sign's traits.

Welcome to 2024, Virgo. This year sees your confidence skyrocket. When transformative Pluto enters Aquarius on  Saturday, January 20 , affecting your 6th House of Health (which is about beauty rituals, so don't worry), it's the perfect time to revamp your wellness routine. Why not experiment with a bold haircut or epic eye makeup ? Then, as Pluto shifts into Capricorn and your 5th House of Pleasure on Sunday, September 1 , it beckons you to dive into hobbies that spark joy . Whether it's painting, dancing, or starting that pottery class, this is your moment. And when Pluto returns to Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19 , it's all about merging these newfound passions into your everyday life. When you're happiest, your relationships and career flourish.

For you, Virgo, messenger Mercury 's retrogrades in 2024 might feel more intense, as this communicative planet is your ruler. The year begins on a positive note, with Mercury retrograde concluding on New Year's Day, setting you up for a productive start just as work routines resume. However, brace yourself for the usual hiccups associated with Mercury's retrograde phases — travel disruptions, communication mishaps, and perhaps some unexpected reconnections with people from your past. These retrograde periods occur from Monday, April 1 to Thursday, April 25 , then from Monday, August 5 to Wednesday, August 28 , and finally from Monday, November 25 to Sunday, December 15 . As you navigate these times, remember that they also offer opportunities for reflection and growth. Read on to discover more celestial insights on how to make 2024 a remarkable year in aspects of love, friendship, career, and health.

  • Important 2024 Astrological Events
  • Love & Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Health & Wellness
  • Monday, January 1: Mercury Direct
  • Saturday, February 24: Full Moon in Virgo
  • Monday, April 1: Mercury Retrograde
  • Thursday, April 25: Mercury Direct
  • Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
  • Sunday, August 4: Venus enters Virgo
  • Monday, August 5: Mercury Retrograde
  • Thursday, August 22: Sun enters Virgo
  • Wednesday, August 28: Mercury Direct
  • Monday, September 9: Mercury enters Virgo
  • Sunday, September 22: New Moon in Virgo
  • Monday, November 25: Mercury Retrograde
  • Sunday, December 15: Mercury Direct

Right off the bat, your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, goes direct on  Monday, January 1,  setting a clear path for communication in love. Remember, during Mercury retrogrades throughout the year, resist the temptation to revisit past flings. You don't want texts from toxic exes, and you don't want to risk being one yourself. Instead, focus on nurturing current relationships even in the face of nostalgia.

Shortly after the first Mercury retrograde ends, the turned-on planet Mars moves into devilish Capricorn, and your 5th House of Pleasure is on  Thursday, January 4 . This transit injects passion into long-term relationships and adds a spark to new ones. And, of course, it's a great reminder of the power of sex toys . The heat intensifies when romantic Venus joins Mars in Capricorn on  Tuesday, January 23 , blending physical affection and deep emotional bonds.

Then, on  Friday, March 22 , as Mars moves into Pisces and your 7th House of Partnership, your desire for physical affection might be at a boiling point. If you're single, this is a great time to dive into the dating scene. However, it's also perfectly fine to take a step back from dating (once again, there are always sex toys). This is a transit that sees change in your sex life. However that manifests is between you and your god(ddes)es.

This period is all about enjoying the security and depth of your connections.

By  Sunday, August 4 , when Venus enters your sign, Virgo, you'll feel a sense of comfort and stability in your relationships. This period is all about enjoying the security and depth of your connections. And finally, the full moon in Aries lights up your 8th House of Sex on  Thursday, October 17 . If you're dating, expect mind-blowing orgasms, as this lunar phase amplifies sexual energy  and  deepens emotional bonds.

As the sun enters Cancer and your 11th House of Friendship on  Thursday, June 20 , all you want to do is have fun with your favorite people. This period also encourages you to blend your romantic and social life, ensuring your partner, if you're dating, gets along with your friends . Remember, friendships are the foundation of your emotional house, deserving as much attention and care as your romantic relationships. Perhaps even more, after all, you need someone to vent about your dating partner, no matter how awesome they are.

Be mindful of arguments within your social circle around  Thursday, May 23 , as the full moon in Sagittarius lights up your 4th House of Home and Family. This beautiful but intense lunar phase might stir up some tension within your chosen family. It's always a good idea to avoid the drama by spending full moons at home alone, relaxing with TV and snacks.

Even if you lean towards solitude, the Hermit tarot card is associated with your sign; after all, make it a point to carve out time for friends.

Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits

Then, there's a new moon, the time associated with beginnings, on  Friday, July 5 , in Cancer, and your 11th House, which brings fresh energy for making new friends. And as Virgo season starts on  Thursday, August 22  (happy solar return!), even if you lean towards solitude, the Hermit tarot card is associated with your sign; after all, make it a point to carve out time for friends. Looking at the year's end, as chatty Mercury enters your 4th House of Home and Family on  Friday, November 2 , talk to others about spending the festivities with your real family, whether they're related to you or not. You deserve to have fun during the holidays.

Read more stories about astrology:

  • What the Position of Venus in Your Birth Chart Means for You
  • Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality, Explained by an Astrologer
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Astrological Rising Signs and What They Mean

During Gemini season, one of the most important parts of 2024 for work and career, the sun illuminates your 10th House of Social Status, starting  Monday, May 20,  making the spring particularly rewarding for your career. You'll find yourself gaining recognition and fame in your field, which is always a motivating factor, especially when you're also properly compensated. And, without risking your ability to put food on the table, Gemini season is also a great time to ask for a raise or recognition if it doesn't happen on its own.

When Venus, the planet ruling not just love but also money, enters your sign, Virgo, on  Sunday, August 4 , it's an opportune moment to assert your professional desires. Whether it's advocating for a better work/life balance or seeking a raise, this is your time to ask for what you want and deserve. Your works continue to hold power when Venus, the badass ruler of money (in addition to love and beauty), enters Libra and your 2nd House of Possessions on  Thursday, August 29 . As a sign often associated with productivity, while work/life balance is crucial, it's also okay if you're obsessed with your job or creative passion and want to give it your all. It's also okay if you break stereotypes and only work to live, not the other way around.

Even if success seems to happen overnight, remember that it's the result of years of hard work and is absolutely deserved.

Despite how busy it gets during the winter months, keep an eye out for the full moon in popular Gemini and your 10th House of Social Status on  Sunday, December 15 . This lunar phase, known for bringing results, is a time to see the results of your hard work and dedication. Even if success seems to happen overnight, remember that it's the result of years of hard work and is absolutely deserved. Don't second-guess it.

The year begins with Pluto entering Aquarius and your 6th House of Health on  Saturday, January 20 . You're encouraged to build confidence through nurturing self-care practices during this time. Whether it's ensuring plenty of sleep , giving therapy a try , or whatever your preferred form of emotional wellness is, this period is about curating inner strength. When Pluto shifts into Capricorn and your 5th House of Pleasure on  Sunday, September 1 , your focus turns to more aesthetic pursuits. You've always been hot, but now you know it and want your outside to match how good you feel on the inside. Feel free to experiment with hairstyles, try injectables , or even dissolve yours . Remember, there's no shame in indulging in vanity—that's a misogynistic myth.

The new moon in Aquarius on  Friday, February 9 , in your 6th House of Health is an ideal time to try out a new beauty ritual. This lunar phase is about cosmic wellness and beauty, not health alarms. Nonetheless, keeping up with regular health check-ups is always wise. And if you have a familiar, don't forget to take them to the vet as well. You may be the hermit of the zodiac, but you're always okay with kitty cats or pup dogs.

While new moons mark beginnings, full moons can stir up emotions. They're a call for introspection and self-care.

Venus then glides into Aquarius and your 6th House on  Friday, February 16 , making you feel particularly pretty just in time for Valentine's Day. Whether single or in a relationship, it's a perfect time to pamper yourself, perhaps with some makeout-ready lip glosses or lipsticks. However, the full moon in Aquarius on  Monday, August 19 , also in your 6th House, brings a different vibe. While new moons mark beginnings, full moons can stir up emotions. They're a call for introspection and self-care. And, a great excuse to stay in.

Read up on astrological events:

a pink supermoon full moon in front of the night sky

What's in store for your sign this year? Read our 2024 horoscope predictions to find out.

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Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits

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Virgo Horoscope 2024

Virgo Horoscope 2024

Virgos are known to be logical with their methods and creative and analytical in their strategies. Virgos always have the desire to be perfect. They usually get irritated when they see people doing things improperly or if they find flaws in the things done by others. Due to their ruling planet, i.e., Mercury's energy, they have the strength to convince people with their speech and appropriate selection of words. Mercury also gives them the power of logic, math, and reasoning. Virgo natives are often seen as friendly individuals. They like to meet people and spend time with their pals. They usually love to help their close associates and enjoy doing charitable work. Virgos are good at expressing and communicating their emotions appropriately. 

2024 will be a roller-coaster ride filled with highs and lows for Virgos, as per the Virgo annual horoscope. Virgos will encounter some sweet and sour times this year, offering delightful and challenging moments that will contribute to personal growth and fulfillment.

So, what can Virgos expect from 2024? 

According to the Virgo 2024 horoscope predictions, Virgos will have a lovely year when it comes to love and relationship. They will feel loved and blessed throughout this year. 

When it comes to career, Virgos will have a hectic year. They will get a lot of opportunities for career growth. 

The Virgo 2024 horoscope indicates that 2024 will be a financially good year with a few ups and downs. 

Virgos can look forward to a comforting family life in 2024, characterized by harmony and an absence of disagreements.

What Insights Does The Virgo Horoscope 2024 Hold for Your Personal Life?

The  Virgo yearly horoscope indicates that the first half of 2024 will benefit Virgo natives' overall wealth and income, family life, and investments. The second part of the year will be better for their love, relationships, and overall health. It will also reduce their workload and pressure. 

When it comes to relationships and love, 2024 will be great for married couples and Virgo natives in live-in relationships. They will find 2024 alluring and full of romance, as per the Virgo yearly horoscope . Love and romance will be in the air, and you will create some amazing memories with your partner. 

The Virgo 2024 predictions indicate that there might be slight disturbances in the relationship at the start of 2024 when it comes to unmarried Virgo natives. This could be due to matters related to past lovers and past deeds. So, Virgo natives are urged to communicate with their partners to solve misunderstandings. An open and honest conversation can help solve any issues and strengthen your bond with your partner. The good news is that the second half of 2024 will bring a much stronger bond and better understanding between you and your partner. 

Virgos' charts indicate long trips and even foreign trips this year. These trips can also be religious. However, solo trips are not indicated in the chart this year.

The good news is that Virgo natives' family lives will be blessed by Jupiter, as per the horoscope 2024 for Virgo . 

You will share some pristine moments with your mother, father, and family members. 

There will be positive discussions about the family and the redecoration of the family house. As per the Virgo annual horoscope , there could also be discussions about shifting to a new house in the coming years . 

There can be plans for welcoming a new family member, either a child or spouse of an unmarried family member. 

What Does The Virgo Horoscope for 2024 Reveal About Your Career?

When it comes to your career, in 2024, you will have a lot of work and a hectic work schedule, as per the horoscope 2024 for Virgo . You will be burdened with responsibilities and have important targets to achieve. 

There might be some workplace issues with your bosses and seniors, which you must be careful about. Therefore, Virgo natives are advised to be calm and always polite. They should have a soft-spoken conversation with their bosses. 

The Virgo natives in the business sector will attain some decent profits in 2024, as per the Virgo horoscope for 2024 . The trade will be stable, and you will enjoy gains during most of the year. 

The financial condition for the Virgo natives will be average, as per the Virgo 2024 predictions . You shouldn't expect your financial situation to be exceptionally strong this year. But you don't have to stress over it; you can rest assured that it won't deteriorate further. Stay optimistic and focus on finding opportunities to improve and stabilize your financial well-being. With the right mindset and strategic planning, you can confidently navigate the year and pave the way for future prosperity.

In 2024, your enemies won't be able to harm you, as per the Virgo 2024 horoscope . Additionally, you must be cautious about hidden enemies because they can spread rumors about you and damage your reputation in your chosen field of work. 

According to the  Virgo horoscope for 2024, the overall well-being and fitness of the Virgo natives are expected to be in good shape throughout the year. There might be some temporary challenges in the initial months of 2024 due to stress and workload. However, with the uplifting transit of Jupiter on 1st May 2024, you can anticipate significant improvements, and soon things will be back to normal. All you have to do during this time is to stay positive, prioritize self-care, and embrace the journey to a healthier and happier you.

Astrological Remedies

Place a sandalwood room freshener in your bedroom.

Donate milk, curd, or ghee to the people in need. 

Start drinking water from a silver glass.

Place some peacock feathers above your bed in the bedroom.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which month will be good for Virgo natives’ married life in 2024?

September and October will be the best months for married couples. 

What will Virgo natives' professional life be like in 2024?

Virgo natives can expect a busy year with abundant work, resulting in impressive career advancement and significant financial growth through increased profits and trade. To know more, check out the Virgo career horoscope 2024 predictions. 

What does 2024 look like for Virgo natives?

2024 will present Virgos with favorable and challenging experiences, encompassing moments of joy and difficulty that will contribute to their personal growth. Check out the Virgo horoscope 2024 for in-depth predictions.

Which month in 2024 will be good for Virgo natives who are students?

May will be lucky for the students to get admission to their chosen colleges and clear their exams. 

How will Virgos’ business fare in 2024?

In 2024, Virgo natives in the business sector can expect exceptional outcomes as their enterprises will flourish and reach new heights, with rapid growth in trade and profits. For more in-depth information, check out the Virgo career horoscope 2024 predictions.

2024 Horoscope for other Sun Signs

♈︎Aries  |   ♉︎ Taurus  | ♊︎  Gemini   |   ♋︎Cancer  |   ♌︎ Leo  | ♍︎  Virgo   |  ♎︎︎  Libra  |   ♏︎ Scorpio  |  ♐︎Sagittarius  |  ♑︎ Capricorn  |  ♒︎ Aquarius  | ♓︎  Pisces

✍️ By- Team Astroyogi


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Virgo love horoscope 2024, virgo career horoscope 2024, virgo finance horoscope 2024, virgo family horoscope 2024.

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Who You Should Travel With, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Picking the right travel buddy can be a tricky business. How do you find someone you get along with, who shares your interests and idea of what constitutes a great vacation? Astrologer and avid traveler Susan Miller says the answers to many of these questions could lie in our zodiac signs.

If that name sounds familiar, it's because the founder of AstrologyZone is the favored astrologer of millions around the world; her horoscopes are read online by 11 million people each month. “I’m privileged to get to meet so many people around the world and hear their personal stories,” she says. But travel hasn't always been a part of Miller's life: having suffered from a debilitating, painful congenital condition for much of her childhood, she says she felt as though life began at 20. “I was desperate to see the world,” she says. “I traveled wherever I could and have continued to do so as part of my work.”

This summer, Miller is traveling to Daios Cove , a luxury resort in Crete , where she's hosting a weeklong residency from June 2 to 9, featuring a series of talks and private readings. Located on the northeast coast of Crete, close to the picturesque seaside town of Agios Nikolaus, the resort’s rooms, suites, and villas all have breathtaking, uninterrupted views across the glittering waters of Daios Bay and the Mediterranean Sea. “I’ve never been to Greece, but always wanted to go. I hope this will turn into an annual event that will enable me to keep traveling the world, and getting to meet my readers in person,” she says.

So who should you bring along with you to visit Miller in Greece—or anywhere you go, for that matter? We asked her to weigh in on the best travel buddy for every star sign.

March 21 – April 19 You’re a born leader, a pioneer, and a discoverer, which means you like being active on vacation, and can often be found exploring a new city, hiking , or playing sports. Fiercely independent, you’re not a team player and are happiest spending quality time one-on-one. That’s why your ideal travel companion is a partner or close friend. As for zodiac compatibility, Aries and Leo are both high-energy, bold signs, and, while you’re more disposed to outdoor pursuits , Leo enjoys the finer things in life so, together, you’ll find a good balance.

April 20 – May 20 If you’re born under the sign of the bull, you’re very sensual and love pampering yourself . You relish the feel of the plush robes in the spa, the smell of lavish aromatherapy, and the pleasure of a massage. Plan a vacation with plenty of luxury and not too much rushing around, like a relaxing, indulgent adult holiday at an exclusive resort with no kids or, failing that, an upscale hotel with babysitters. You’re well suited to traveling with Pisces, since Pisceans are very accommodating and happy to go with the flow.

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Geminis, social butterflies who love making new friends and interacting with locals, should book a group tour.

May 21 – June 20 A social butterfly, you love traveling, learning, and experiencing new things. Often restless at home, you’ll want vacations that help you forget your normal life for a while. Once at your destination, take public transport so you can strike up conversations with locals . Gemini is the sign of siblings, so plan a trip with your brothers or sisters—or book yourself on a group tour to make new friends. You also enjoy traveling with Sagittarius, since you’re both intellectual, philosophical, and energetic. Plus, Gemini’s air makes Sagittarius’ fire shine brighter.

June 21 – July 22 The sign of family and children , Cancer is often happiest at home—but that doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Since Cancers also enjoy a great relationship with their parents, plan an extended family vacation with the kids in tow. The crab does not like to move around too much; so try to slow down on your next trip, savoring home cooking in small restaurants and meeting locals. You’ll most enjoy a holiday with Virgo, a highly organized earth sign that will joyfully map out the details of the trip.

July 23 – August 22 Spot a red carpet and a Leo will not be far from it. A fire sign, you relish glamour and excitement, and prefer staying in five-star hotels and booking tables at Michelin-starred restaurants. Since you love to experience upscale culture, snag tickets to the opera or ballet or join an exclusive private members’ clubs with locations around the world where you can meet like-minded people. You’ll enjoy traveling with one of these fabulous new friends who shares your expensive tastes. Gemini is a good match for Leo, since you’re both passionate about seeing the world and experiencing everything a new place has to offer.

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Leos, who often have expensive tastes, should plan ahead with their Gemini travel partner to get the best deal on a five-star hotel and a table at the city's hottest restaurant.

August 23 – September 22 Always well-organized, you should start planning where to go and what to see months in advance of a trip. Since you value your time on the ground, do plenty of research and read reviews of restaurants and destinations to maximize your trip. You form strong relationships with people at work and would enjoy traveling with a coworker you trust. Be mindful that Virgos sometimes have delicate digestive systems, so order light, well-prepared dishes of top-quality fresh fish and vegetables. You travel well with Pisces since you both enjoy similar cultural pursuits.

September 23 – October 22 Represented by balance, Libra rules marriage—so prioritize trips with your partner if you’re in a relationship. If you’re single, odds are you’re searching for a partner and are ideally suited to singles’ vacations— or singles’ cruises —where you could meet someone new. Libra is the most social sign of the zodiac, which means everyone wants to get to know you, and you love nightlife, so you won’t be solo for long. Gemini makes a great travel buddy for you, since you’re both social, friendly air signs who are curious and energetic.

October 23 – November 21 As the sexiest, most passionate sign of the zodiac, Scorpios prefer traveling with a romantic partner . This sign is not one for superficial small talk or rushing about. You value your own space so, when traveling with a friend, be sure to book your own room and make private time for meditating, reading, and unwinding. You’ll almost always prefer to be somewhere close to water , and are happy staying in one place and getting to know it thoroughly—much like Cancer, which is why you two do well when traveling together.

Image may contain Water Outdoors Drawing Art and Nature

Sagittarians are well-suited to solo travel—and cruises offer the chance to get away without totally checking out.


November 22 – December 21 You could drop a Sagittarius by parachute anywhere in the world and the archer will find its way around. Travel is not just something you enjoy, it is a basic need, and nothing makes you happier than being on a long-distance, preferably foreign, trip. You’re well-suited to solo travel , as you are so gregarious, so adventurous, that you’ll make friends anywhere. (You’ll love trips that offer freedom, big skies, and wide panoramas .) You’ll also enjoy traveling with fellow fire sign Aries, as you two share a desire for an active, energetic schedule.

December 22 – January 19 You prize the past and are best suited for trips to the Coliseum in Rome or Knossos in Crete. The most ambitious sign of the zodiac, getting ahead at work is never far from your mind. If a work trip or conference is on the horizon, there’s no doubt you should be the first to sign up. Capricorn’s ruler Saturn connects you with older people, making you more accommodating to your parents' needs and happy to travel with older parents or relatives—even your in-laws. You travel well with Virgo, since you both prefer a cultural vacation over a beach trip.

January 20 – February 18 Aquarius’ ruler Uranus is the planet of innovation and science and teaches you to question rules and regulations. Since you stay abreast of current events and are often troubled by the imbalances in the world , you may travel to help those who have been marginalized, or to address environmental concerns . (Aquarius is the humanitarian sign, after all.) You’ll love trips centered on astronomy and travel that expands your knowledge of space and the universe. ( Start planning for the next solar eclipse. ) Like Sagittarius, you might like to travel alone, or with fellow air sign Gemini, who would be eager to experience the same aspects of a trip.

February 19 – March 20 The most spiritual sign of the zodiac, you enjoy visiting churches and religious landmarks , not only for the spiritual experience but also to admire their historic beauty. You keep your own schedule on vacation, so don’t worry if following a tour guide doesn't fit your style. When traveling, you’ll be happier if you don’t have too much planned . Pisceans often enjoy a strong bond with their mothers , making you ideally suited to a mother-son or mother-daughter vacation. You get on with a Taurus, who shares your desire to take the time to appreciate the beauty of a destination’s culture and nature.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

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Virgo Season 2024 Will Help Each Zodiac Sign Get Their Sh*t Together

Liz simmons.

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Just as summer begins to wind down, so does the cosmic chaos. There will be some ebb and flow, as Virgo season encourages steady flexibility. While most of the craziness will subside, you may still wonder how Virgo season 2024 will affect your lifestyle based on your zodiac sign. How can you maneuver the lingering hecticness throughout Virgo season?

The sun enters Virgo on August 22, 2024, at 10:55 a.m. Virgo season is clay-like. The mutable earth energy can inspire any shape, or form you desire to create. Like clay, you may mold yourself or your surroundings to your liking. Part of this process will be mentally enduring, given that the sun in Virgo will answer to messenger planet Mercury , Virgo’s planetary ruler. A Mercury-ruled sun will encourage you to be mindful of how you take in and relay information. Fact-checking will be important to ensure you’re using the right evidence and data to fine-tune your reality.

Shortly after the solar ingress, the lover planets will clash, since Venus in Virgo will tensely aspect Mars in Gemini on August 22. All is fair in love and war. Since the lover planets are at odds, anything could go down. Talking things over may not go well, since both planets also answer to Mercury. It might be best to put a pin in intense and aggravating conversations. You can always revisit the conversation another day.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Fateful actions may come to fruition, as Mars in Gemini works with the North Node of Fate and the South Node of Karma on August 24. There might be an initial urge to revert to your old patterns and habits. Although the comfort zone is tempting, it’s not what you should focus on. The destined astrological energy will encourage you to try something new. Put yourself and your ambitions above all others. Act with your best interest in mind. 

Unexpected changes with love and many may occur, because Venus in Virgo will harmonize with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. You will feel differently about your outlook on romance and finances. It’s time to adopt a new perspective, especially if you feel overly critical of your prospects. An unusual event or situation may even take place, causing you to change how you react to unforeseen forces.  

Be clear about what you want, since Venus in Virgo will oppose Neptune retrograde in Pisces on August 28. By now, you should know what you want either in love, money, or aesthetic. If not, you will receive clarity by taking in the signs and signals around you. You will intuitively know if someone or something will be meant for you.

Mercury retrograde will finally cease, as the cosmic messenger stations direct in Leo on August 28, which will occur at 21 degrees. Now that the retrograde is over, the post-shadow period will be activated. From now until September 11, 2024, you can master your Mercury retrograde lessons. Reflect on the snafus, situations, and other lessons that arose over the last few weeks. You have something to take away from this period. Find the silver lining, so that you can move forward.  

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

The love goddess will return home, when Venus enters Libra and immediately aspects Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on August 29. Venus in Libra will be more deliberate with romantic, style, and financial decisions. You could feel more inclined to weigh the pros and cons before deciding. However, this could also lead to an indecisive energy. Given that Venus and Pluto retrograde will harmonize, there could be an intensely introspective energy at the beginning of this Venusian transit.

On September 1, Pluto retrograde will re-enter Capricorn for the final time. This transition will feel nostalgic, since the collective is already familiar with the Pluto in Capricorn energy. Consider this the final call to transform the Capricornian themes of hierarchy, authority, and accomplishment. Don’t be surprised if a major institution falls over the next month, or so.

An internal shift will occur when Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on September 1, which will occur at 27 degrees. Uranus retrograde in Taurus will incite an introspective revolution rather than an outward rebellion. You may have to assess your relationship with your money, value system, and desire for stability. The changes you want to make will begin with yourself and your outlook.

The new moon in Virgo will begin a new chapter at 9:55 p.m., ET on September 2, which will occur at 11 degrees. New moons start a new six-month cycle, which is perfect for setting intentions. The Virgoan energy will encourage you to be detailed and precise with your lunar goals. What do you truly want? Get down to the nitty-gritty aspects of your desires, so that you can manifest exactly what you want.

Fateful changes in love and money will occur, as Venus in Libra aspects the North Node of Fate and the South Node of Karma on September 3. You might be at a fork in the road, caught between two paths that could lead to totally separate results. One path may feel more familiar and comfortable, while the other could lead to unknown territory. As tempting as it might be, you should take the path less traveled. Its pay-off could be significantly better than anything you ever dreamed of.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Action, aggression, and anger will falter, once Mars enters Cancer on September 4. According to traditional astrology, Mars is in its fall in Cancer. The debilitated warring planet may struggle in its usual conquests. You may struggle to initiate and take the lead. It could also be challenging to express your frustration, passion, or sensuality. However, Mars in Cancer will help you approach these matters with more empathy and compassion than usual.

The cosmic messenger will be domicile and exalted once again, because Mercury will enter Virgo on September 9. Mercury’s initial ingress will coincide with the remainder of the post-shadow period for Mercury retrograde, which will end on September 11. Once the post-shadow period is over, Mercury in Virgo will feel like a dream. Communication, synthesizing information, and educating others will go swimmingly. Mercury in Virgo will be so good that you may even forget all about the retrograde.

Do you believe in yourself? You may struggle to see the bright side of things, since the sun in Virgo will square Jupiter in Gemini on September 12. Part of you may want to believe wholeheartedly while the other part of you might be skeptical. Don’t write something off right away, and don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Find the middle ground by being cautiously optimistic. 

The sun enters Virgo on August 22 at 10:55 a.m ET and leaves it behind on September 22.

Love and money will be more serendipitous, as Venus in Libra flatters Jupiter in Gemini on September 15. Whatever you touch could turn to gold. Luck will be on your side, as you gauge romantic and financial opportunities. Weigh your options carefully, so that you can invest in the best opportunity. 

You may feel stuck, because Mars in Cancer will be at the crossroads with the North Node of Fate and the South Node of Karma on September on September 15. Which way should you go? It might be challenging to gauge your next course of action. You could feel frustrated and overwhelmed. There will be a temptation to go back to your old ways if it seems easier than trying something new. Take a deep breath. You do not have to push yourself to do anything you won’t be ready for. Go easy on yourself. 

The full moon and partial lunar eclipse in Pisces will culminate at 10:34 p.m., ET on September 17, which will occur at 25 degrees. Pay attention to this eclipse. It’s the first of many to come in 2025 that will occur on the Virgo-Pisces axis. You may experience several fateful yet unpredictable events at the end of the eclipse’s six-month cycle. Some happenings will be more spiritual than usual, such as unusual signs, omens, and dreams.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

A desire to be goofy and quirky will overcome you, as the sun in Virgo agrees with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on September 19. Your inner rebel wants to be free. Let go of some of your control and self-restraint to let your freak flag fly. 

How do you see yourself? A self-imposed spell will break, because the sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune retrograde in Pisces on September 20. You could be your own worst critic at times. Luckily, some of this criticism could subside. You may see all of your strengths and beauty for what it is. See yourself in a more honest and positive light during this eye-opening opposition. 

Immense transformation will commence before Virgo season ends, since the sun in Virgo complements Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on September 22. This will be the last time the sun in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn meet in harmony. You could tear down your walls to let someone in, or better yet, to let yourself out. You could also see your power for what it truly is. A deeply introspective energy will settle in, allowing you to feel empowered and in control of your identity.

Summer and Virgo season will end when the sun enters Libra on September 22, 2024, at 8:43 a.m. ET. While it’ll be sad to say goodbye to summer, you may look forward to the start of fall and all that the new season has to offer. 

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

How Virgo season 2024 will affect each zodiac sign

Here’s what you can expect from Virgo season, according your sun sign and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

The word "Aries" over a cloudy background

It’s the little things that matter the most, Aries. Reflect on what makes life worth living, when the sun enters Virgo refines your sixth house of daily life. Mundane activities and habits will be more prevalent throughout Virgo season. You may feel more attuned to your health and well-being, especially if something is out-of-whack. The initial start of Virgo season will be hectic. You could feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off. Although annoying, this energy will encourage you to set the intention to streamline your everyday life during the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

Changes in your commitments and relationships could challenge what you’re working toward at the beginning of September. You may feel like you have to choose between yourself and something or someone else. Try as you may, you cannot please everyone. Tension will amplify in your personal life. Focus on yourself, since you should only be concerned with what brings you happiness and success. An internal shift will occur by the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Consider how your inner perspective and voice have changed as you regard your everyday life. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "Taurus" over a clouded background

Don’t be nitpicky when it comes to having fun, Taurus. Cut loose when the sun enters Virgo and your fifth house of pleasure, romance, and creativity. You might be initially hesitant to dive into your pastimes at the start of Virgo season. Maybe you’re worried about what others may think, or feel scared of being judged. Some of these anxieties may subside. If not, set the intention to embrace your desire during the new moon in Virgo on September 2. You can work on your confidence over the following six months.

The beginning of September will encourage you to see yourself and your life differently. A sudden and unexpected internal shift will occur. Although this could throw you off your groove, it might be the energetic change you need to experience. There is so much that you can learn, see, and experience throughout your lifetime. Don’t wait for something to come to you. Take a risk. Someone in your greater community could even influence you to dream big, as the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces approaches on September 17. Look toward those who have gone on to do the impossible. Let them inspire you to do the same. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "gemini" over a clouded background

The past could influence your future, Gemini. You may feel more nostalgic than usual, as the sun in Virgo critiques your fourth house of home and family. Virgo season will encourage you to return to your roots. While this could be fantastic for understanding your family history, it might also lead to analysis paralysis and the rumination station. You may begin overthinking your childhood, family dynamics, and more. Despite this being a mentally stressful period, it could give you food for thought regarding setting your intentions for your future home and family during the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

September will feel like a whirlwind of activity behind closed doors. There will be so much for you to internally reconsider. Your perspective of the intricacies of your life will be challenged.  Given that this will be an enduring period, you should consider what you value the most. What makes you feel secure, stable, and comfortable? Consider this question as the pivotal full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces comes up on September 17. The eclipse will encourage you to reflect on where you stand with your life’s work and purpose. Don’t settle for less if you’re unsatisfied with your current position. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "cancer" on a clouded background

Is your brain working overtime, Cancer? Every little detail will stand out, as the sun in Virgo organizes your third house of communication. You may feel like your head is a filing cabinet during Virgo season. Every single relationship, situation, and more will be meticulously processed. While you’ll be on top of everything, this could also be overwhelming. You may struggle with analysis paralysis, because of how much you’re taking in. Consider how you can manage your surroundings and interactions differently during the new moon in Virgo on September 2. The lunar cycle can help you avoid becoming burnt out from information overload.

The beginning of September will be stressful. You may feel like you have to choose between your personal life and your career path. Ideally, you may want to do it all. However, the cosmic energy will force you to prioritize one over another. You could feel frustrated, especially if you don’t want to change anything or let anyone down. Keep in mind that these changes are only temporary, so choose the path that best suits your needs and goals at this time. Your journey will continue to evolve and change, especially after the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "leo" on a clouded background

Define where your money is coming and going, Leo. Money will be on your mind, because the sun in Virgo will systemize your second house of personal wealth and material items. At first, you might feel scatterbrained as you go through your personal artifacts. It could be challenging to let go of some items, or financially commit to new ventures. You may feel overwhelmed by your possibilities. Take a deep breath. Create a list of what you want to keep, acquire, and profit from during the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Your financial estate will be streamlined over the following six months.

Immense frustration may simmer in the back of your mind. Moving forward isn’t easy, especially if you lack intel on what’s to come. Talking about these worries, fears, and stressors might be all the more challenging. You may struggle to articulate what’s bothering you, or you may feel like others cannot relate to your aggravation. Slow down. There will be plenty of time to consider your next steps. In the meantime, let go of residual guilt and shame during the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Believe in yourself and your strengths to create magic in your life. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "virgo" on a clouded background

Stop eating the humble pie, Virgo. Be proud of who you are, since the sun in Virgo will amplify your first house of identity. Your zodiacal season isn’t the time to be modest. Show off your accolades and achievements, even if it feels initially weird. You may invite unnecessary feedback, like people project their jealousy. But don’t let this deter you. Allow yourself to feel distinguished if you have worked hard to come this far. Continue embodying this boastful, spirited energy following the new moon in Virgo on September 2. 

As September begins, you may need to examine your resources. Part of you may want to rely on others, like friends or colleagues. In a perfect world, your community should be there for you. However, you may find that some of your connections aren’t as steady or reliable as you may have hoped. Despite being unable to lean on your connections, this could make you all the stronger. Become your own primary resource for anything and everything you need. This will help you navigate the fateful yet unpredictable changes in your relationships around the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. People will come and go, so embrace these relationship changes. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "libra" over a clouded background

Shut down your inner martyr, Libra. The sun in Virgo will trigger your twelfth house of the subconscious, so your good and bad habits will come out. On the one hand, you’re likely a reliable, hardworking soul who would give the shirt off your back without a second thought. On the other hand, you could severely lack boundaries, which may cause you to feel taken advantage of. Set the intention to let your strengths shine without being hindered by your weaknesses during the new moon in Virgo on September 2. The six-month lunar cycle will change the way you subconsciously approach life.

You may face immediate challenges throughout the beginning of September. It would be so much easier to be a doormat for others in your life. But do you really want people to walk all over you? If you want to focus on your life’s mission and success, then you need to be selfish. Putting yourself first doesn’t come naturally. Luckily, the cosmic energy can help you get comfortable with this change in behavior and habits. Start letting go of your subservient ways by the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Use this eclipse as a chance to honor yourself before others. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "scorpio" on a clouded background

How do you feel about the company that you keep, Scorpio? Take a fine-tooth comb to your friendships, as the sun in Virgo details your eleventh house of community. Virgo season will remind you of the importance of being selective with friends. You may not be as readily social, especially if you want to conserve energy. The friendships you do have may undergo some scrutiny if you need to refine the closeness of your connections. Reflecting on your communities will help you figure out what you truly want. Manifest healthier, happier friendships during the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

The beginning of September will encourage you to be more mindful of your time and energy. A strong desire to focus on what brings you joy will help you be more definitive about who you share your life with. You could struggle with inner tension, but life is too short to waste time on unfulfilling connections and situations. Allow for the fateful changes to unfold, once the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces arrives on September 17. You may realize that some things are out of your control, like who chooses to bring joy to your life. Reflect on what comes up during the eclipse as you refine your community moving forward. Read your full August monthly horoscope .


The word "Sagittarius" on a clouded background

Be precise about your goals and purpose, Sagittarius. Detail what you want to do and accomplish once the sun in Virgo hits your tenth house of legacy. Usually, you like to leave room for anything to happen. Virgo season will help you become more explicit about what you actually want to achieve. You might feel kind of like a “Karen”, given how fussy you could be. Once you embrace the Virgoan energy, it can help you become more comfortable asking and pursuing what you want. Set the intention to accomplish your definitive goals during the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

There might be some tension regarding your resources through the beginning of September. Time, energy, and money will be of the essence. You may feel socially obligated to give your resources to your community, like friends in need or colleagues who want to partner with you. However, you’re not obligated to do anything you don’t want to. Let go of this tendency to be overly generous, as the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces approaches on September 17. Set the intention to focus more on your life’s work, by zoning in on whatever brings you joy and fulfillment. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "capricorn" on a clouded background

What else can you learn, Capricorn? Your inner student will prevail, as the sun in Virgo improves your ninth house of journeys and higher education. The initial energy of Virgo season will encourage you to find some silver linings from the previous Mercury retrograde. What did you have to relearn? You may find that there is still a part of your journey that you have yet to complete. You could return to a place, go back to school, or take up private studies once again. Whatever it might be, set the intention to expand upon your knowledge and experiences during the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

The beginning of September will also encourage you to think about your childhood and ancestry. It might be initially challenging, especially if you’d rather focus on the future. However, you have something from your earlier years that is worth pondering. You may find that family dynamics or history plays a vital role in your current relationships. More revelations will come, especially around the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Abstract signs and omens, especially the symbols in your dreams, may bring clarity about your spiritual journey when you least expect it. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "aquarius" on a clouded background

How can you become more empowered, Aquarius? Work on yourself, as the sun in Virgo filters your eighth house of entanglements, taboo, and secrecy. You might have a heavier Virgo season than most. Reflect your part to play in with your shame, guilt, and lack of boundaries. You might beat yourself up as you pick through your traumas. As Virgo season continues, you will realize that you have a lot of power to change your circumstances. Reflect on what you want to take control of, since this could define your lunar cycle following the new moon in Virgo on September 2.

You may feel like you’re caught between a hard place and a rock. There’s a deep desire to try something new if everyday life feels mundane. However, you may also be somewhat afraid of taking too big of a leap of faith. Don’t make an emotionally reactive decision regarding your next steps. Take your time to process how you feel about the next chapter of your life. You may find that you value something radically different than expected around the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. There might be a spiritual happening that will help you discover what you truly desire. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

The word "pisces" on a clouded background

It’s okay to be critical of your commitments, Pisces. Set your expectations for standards and boundaries when the sun in Virgo assesses your seventh house of partnership. Romantic, financial, and professional arrangements will be under review throughout Virgo season. Usually, you’re more compassionate and compromising in your partnerships. However, Virgo season may encourage you to be more definitive and judgmental when considering your current agreements. You deserve only the best, so manifest relationships that exceed your expectations during the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Hold yourself and your partners to these higher standards during the lunar cycle.

As Virgo season continues, you may feel like you’re under a lot of pressure. Part of you may want to revert to old habits and patterns. Themes like codependency, people-pleasing, and sacrificing your peace for the sake of peace could pop up. Yet part of you may secretly want to be more assertive, upfront, and honest about where you stand. No matter what you choose, your cycle of self-improvement will have a fateful yet unpredictable conclusion during the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Acknowledge your growth while also recognizing the work you still have to do. Read your full August monthly horoscope .

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Your 2024 Mercury in Virgo Horoscope: What’s in Store for Your Zodiac Sign From September 9 to 26

The way in which you’re inspired to share your thoughts and ideas and possibly even your perspective on the world around you are about to take a more service-oriented, analytical and down-to-earth tone, thanks to Mercury entering Virgo. This energy can support any efforts to lend a critical eye to ongoing projects, help and support others through information-gathering and showing your nearest and dearest you care by making gestures that show you pay attention to the details. This is thanks to the planet that rules Virgo — Mercury itself. We’ve already gotten a sneak peek of what Mercury in Virgo season is all about, as the planet has already entered the sign and retrograded back through it this year. But on Sunday, September 8 at 11:50 p.m. PT/Monday, September 9, at 2:50 a.m. ET, Mercury, now direct , will kick off full forward motion journey through the pragmatic earth sign.   

Here, all you need to know in order to make the most of Mercury in Virgo 2024.  

What does Mercury in Virgo mean? 

Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology, influences how we connect with others, express ourselves, and think. So, to get a sense of the tone our collective communication and thought processes might take on at any given moment, consider pinpointing the zodiac sign that the messenger planet is making its way through. You can check out my new book, Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long , to learn more about this, so you can make the most of Mercury’s moves. 

  Annually, in August and/or September, Mercury spends time in Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac symbolized by the Maiden. The mutable earth sign is ruled by Mercury itself, making it one of the most cerebral, communicative, intelligent conversation-adoring signs of all. And given Virgo’s Mercury rulership, it’s no surprise they value gathering the most valuable information and sharing it as best they can in order to be useful to others.  

In turn, when Mercury moves through Virgo, we tend to be more grounded and interested in being of service to others. You can be more meticulous and organized when pursuing your goals. At the same time, you might also notice an amplified tendency to be a bit more pedantic, perfectionistic and worrisome. Still, this also happens to be a wonderful time for any self-improvement endeavor or committing to a wellness goal, given Virgo’s association with the Sixth House of Health and Daily Routine. You can get on top of your everyday hustle and foster better work-life balance or explore a new fitness plan. And because the sign of the Maiden is so adept at finding magic in minutiae, you’ll be able to examine the details that you often lose sight of when looking at the big picture — or that you never even considered in the first place.  

What can you expect during Mercury’s trip through Virgo in 2024? 

Although Mercury visits Virgo annually, all of the other planets move at different rates through the zodiac, so the messenger planet’s meetups with other celestial bodies varies from year to year. A few key dates in 2024:  

On Thursday, September 11, Mercury will form a friendly sextile to go-getter Mars in Cancer, which serves as something of an invitation to talk through and then hit the gas on aspirations you’ve been musing about. Health and family-related goals might be particularly top of mind. 

On Wednesday, September 18, Mercury opposes Saturn, which makes it easier than usual to have serious talks and face reality checks, but this transit’s energy can feel negative, causing you to see any glass as half empty. The key to navigating this moment is to lean into mentally stimulating activities you enjoy the most and perhaps take a step back from your daily grind. 

You can look forward to a planetary meetup that almost has the complete opposite effect: Mercury squares off against lucky Jupiter on Saturday, September 21, which can actually overinflate your optimism and eagerness to dive into grand projects. Adopting a more measured approach might serve you best. 

And on Tuesday, September 24 and Thursday, September 26 (ET), Mercury forms harmonious trines to both game-changer Uranus in Taurus and then powerful Pluto in Capricorn respectively, magnifying your ability to think beyond what’s conventional and then step into your power by expressing your ideas.  

  Here, how Mercury in Virgo 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator .) 


You’ve already done some work on reimagining your everyday routine and wellness approach, thanks to Mercury retrograde kicking off in your health zone. Now that it’s back there and moving full speed again, you can finally gain traction on your vision for a new day-to-day game plan that brings you more balance and vitality. Even slight tweaks to your schedule could end up boosting your productivity and sense of centeredness on a regular basis.    

  Click through for more on Aries .  


Thanks to the retrograde, Mercury has already spent time in your romance and self-expression zone, which is activated when it’s moving through Virgo, but now you can fully apply any lessons that you learned around going with the flow and being more playful, creative and spontaneous — especially alongside your nearest and dearest. Although you tend to be quite pragmatic, this is a moment made for listening to your heart and infusing your day-to-day with more joyful lighthearted fun.  

Click through for more on Taurus .  


Because Mercury was retrograde throughout August, you’re no stranger to what it feels like to have your ruling planet moving through your home sector. But while you might’ve been taking more walks down memory lane last month, and now, you can kick off new traditions and blaze new trails with your loved ones. This is also a wonderful moment to push forward on healing old wounds and caring for your inner emotional well-being, which is also covered by this sector. 

Click through for more on Gemini .   


Mercury has spent some time in your communication sector already this year, thanks to its retrograde, but its powers were certainly compromised back then. Now, as it forges ahead in this sector, you can make headway on projects you’ve been wanting to tackle with friends or colleagues, plan productive brainstorms, dive into learning experiences and opportunities to pick up new skills and possibly even enjoy fulfilling short-distance travel. Your mental energy soars!    

Click through for more on Cancer .   


Mercury moves forward in your money zone, where it’s already spent a bit of time during its retrograde, helping you to be familiar with the themes associated with its time there. But while you might have previously been reflecting and reviewing your moneymaking game plans, you can now implement a whole new strategy or way of thinking about earning, saving and investing. Additionally, it’s a more ideal time to make high-ticket item purchases that you’ve been researching, given that this is the sector of material possessions as well. This period is also a wonderful opportunity to nurture your self-worth. 

Click through for more on Leo .   


Mercury is now moving ahead in your sign and self-image zone, allowing you to feel like you have a completely clear runway for fostering your confidence and purpose and stepping into the spotlight to present your perspective, goals, aspirations and big picture dreams in a more public way. You’ll be feeling more self-assured and prepared to go to bat for the bold proposals you’ve been perfecting over the last few weeks while your ruling planet was retrograde. This transit feels like a concrete, empowering step into the future — and there’s no looking back!  

Click through for more on Virgo .   


Mercury’s retrograde last month hit your spirituality zone, encouraging you to rest and recharge more than usual. As it moves forward there now, you can get more active with your work in this area of life — perhaps by working one-on-one with a therapist or committing to a more regular mind-body practice that supports your mental and emotional well-being (think mindfulness, journaling or yoga). While this behind-the-scenes work isn’t nearly as lively as you might ideally like it to feel, it can set the stage for feeling more centered as you make your way into your next chapter.   

Click through for more on Libra .   


Mercury has already been in your networking and long-term wishes zone for two short periods of time, thanks to its retrograde, and it moves ahead there now, allowing you to build momentum on whatever it is you were reflecting on related to your friendships and team efforts over the course of August. If you’ve realized that associating with a particular community simply isn’t working for you anymore, or certain friendships aren’t as reciprocal as you thought, you might have the chance to forge exciting new connections with people who truly understand and support your goals. 

Click through for more on Scorpio .   


The messenger planet plows ahead in your career and public image zone which might’ve felt a little rocky over the course of the recent retrograde. If there were slowdowns or confusing interactions with higher-ups, you can rest assured that now, you’ll be able to enjoy smoother sailing and make the impression you’ve been dreaming of. Fully embrace your need to command more recognition and respect, and you’ll be well on your way. 

Click here for more on Sagittarius .   


Mercury’s trip through Virgo means it’s spending time in your higher education and adventure sector — a zone it has already visited a couple of times, thanks to its retrograde. But in those previous moments, you might’ve felt like it was tougher to act on your restlessness and desire to soak up knowledge and get out of your comfort zone, whereas now you can make concrete headway with any of those pursuits. You might have challenging feelings about stepping away from your regular work to follow your gut but know that getting out into the world will only enrich your professional endeavors. 

  Click through for more on Capricorn .   


With Mercury moving ahead in your emotional bonds, you’ll feel the wind in your sails when it comes to nourishing your closest, most intimate relationships and making progress on financial aspirations you share with a loved one or significant other. While there’s no need to look in the rearview mirror anymore (as there was during Mercury’s retrograde in this zone last month), apply anything you’ve learned about this area of life over the last several weeks. In turn, you’ll feel more connected to your nearest and dearest and prepared to make bold moves to further joint resources. 

Click through for more on Aquarius .   


Mercury moves forward in your partnership zone, where it’s spent a bit of time over the last few weeks, thanks to its retrograde. You likely spent quality time reflecting on what you desire out of a one-on-one relationship — be it romantic or platonic — and now, you can confidently make your needs known. Be sure to allow plenty of room for a two-way street, even if that requires extra mediation or negotiation, and you’ll feel like you’re on the same page in a way that bolsters harmony and productivity. 

Click through for more on Pisces .   

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Virgo Horoscope Today, 07-September-2024: Not a good time for students, and academic pursuits

Virgo horoscope today, 07-september-2024: you may have to opine on someone's work or excellence today.

Get Virgo Horoscope Daily Prediction for 07-September-2024

Virgo Horoscope Prediction Today, 07-September-2024: The theme of the day is ‘sweet and sweetness’. Hence, no wonder when you yourself are sweeter than usual with people, and all things sweet dominate your agenda for the day. You shall realise the benefits of maintaining pleasant relations, as people will be appreciative, and you will be able to get all your designated chores finished well in time. This shall ensure a calm mind, and great health. Stay away from intellectual discussions, and focus on enjoying this pleasant time. No wonder then that you prefer hogging on sweetmeats, and ice-creams, rather than counting calories. Travel is on cards, but be wary of unexpected expenses. Not a good time for students, and academic pursuits.

Astrology Predictions: Virgo Love Horoscope Today

You will please your beloved by appreciating his or her qualities. Your sweetheart may get melt in your words. Your creative interests may be appreciated by your partner. However, you should protect against your fault-finding nature as you may have to lament later due to disagreements suggests Ganesha.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

Astrology Predictions: Virgo Finance Horoscope Today

You are a lone ranger and you should operate independently only. The day looks excellent to Ganesha for money matters. If you are trying to go abroad to earn more money, your desire will get fulfilled.

Astrology Predictions: Virgo Career Horoscope Today

You may have to opine on someone’s work or excellence today. Criticism or mere advice will not bring you appreciation. It may instead tarnish your image. To retain your prestige in the workplace, Ganesha advises you to utter every word with extra caution.


This is published from a syndicated feed provided by It has not been edited in any way.

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Virgo Daily Horoscope Today, September 07, 2024 predicts these new opportunities at work

Read virgo daily horoscope for september 07, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. have a happy romantic relationship today., virgo – (23rd august to 22nd september), daily horoscope prediction says, you love challenges.

Have a happy romantic relationship today. Overcome the challenges at work to deliver the best results. Settle Invest smartly to have a good return in the future.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Today, September 7, 2024: Have a happy romantic relationship today.

Spend time with the lover today. Your attitude will help in resolving the professional issues. You are safer when it comes to money today. Pay more attention to health as complications may be there.

Virgo Love Horoscope Today

Your love life will see minor tremors in the first part of the day but you will be successful in settling the issues before things go out of control. The chances of ego clashes are also higher in the relationship which may lead to an even break up. Avoid all sorts of arguments today and also introduce the lover to the seniors at home. Avoid disputes today and also plan a romantic outside dinner or a vacation that will further augment your relationship. Single natives will also find a new person entering their lives today.

Virgo Career Horoscope Today

Be ready to take up new responsibilities at the workplace. Today, vital tasks are waiting at the office. Keep office politics out of the office life. Some healthcare, as well as IT professionals, will have opportunities to move abroad. Students appearing for entrance examinations will also succeed today. Some entrepreneurs may develop minor friction in the business partnership but fortunately, things may get sorted out in the next few days.

Virgo Money Horoscope Today

No major financial issues will be there. You are good at making money-related decisions. Some Virgos will try luck in the realty business. Utilize this time to invest in more options, including mutual funds and the stock market. Consider settling a property-related issue within the family. Businessmen will also see more profit today. Avoid lending a big amount as you may have trouble getting it back.

Virgo Health Horoscope Today

Minor medical issues will be there. You may suffer from chest pain today which needs medical attention. Some seniors will complain about sleep-related issues. Females may have gynecological issues. Those who are traveling must carry a medical kit. Give up unhealthy aerated drinks and replace them with healthy beverages, mostly fresh fruit juices.

Virgo Sign Attributes

  • Strength: Kind, Elegant, Perfectionist, Modest, Strong-willed
  • Weakness: Picky, Over-possessive
  • Symbol: Virgin maiden
  • Element: Earth
  • Body Part: Intestine
  • Sign Ruler : Mercury
  • Lucky Day: Wednesday
  • Lucky Color: Gray
  • Lucky Number: 7
  • Lucky Stone : Sapphire

Virgo Sign Compatibility Chart

  • Natural affinity: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
  • Good compatibility: Virgo, Pisces
  • Fair compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius
  • Less compatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius

By: Dr. J. N. Pandey

Vedic Astrology & Vastu Expert

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 91-9811107060 (WhatsApp Only)

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Tomorrow's Horoscope Prediction, September 7: See What The Stars Have In Store - Predictions For All Zodiac Signs

Tomorrow's horoscope prediction, september 7: work challenges to relationships- see all that is in store for all zodiac signs..

horoscope tomorrow prediction in english 7 september 2024 all zodiac sign aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces rashifal astrological predictions Tomorrow's Horoscope Prediction, September 7: See What The Stars Have In Store - Predictions For All Zodiac Signs

Horoscope tomorrow:  In the mystical world of astrology, the moon takes centre stage as it moves through different houses, influencing the lives of people based on their zodiac signs. Let's take a look at the astrological predictions for each sign for tomorrow (September 07).

Tomorrow, individuals with Aries sign may experience some difficulties. A project in your business might be delayed from completion. You will need to make efforts to improve your relationship with your partner, as some unnecessary disputes might try to disturb your peace. Students who wish to study abroad might find a good opportunity. Newlyweds might expect the arrival of a new guest in their life.

For Taurus individuals, tomorrow will be a day of ups and downs. Your actions will be completed with your understanding and intellect. You might take an important step concerning your financial situation. There could be disputes in the family over certain matters. You may receive good news from your children. Stay cautious of those around you. You might acquire important information while traveling.

Gemini individuals can expect a reasonably good day. You may start a new venture, and family members will support your efforts. Students aiming for education abroad might come across a promising opportunity. With the blessings of your parents, a pending task might get completed. You will have the chance to discuss personal matters with your children. Important information might come your way during travels.

Cancer individuals will find success in any legal matters tomorrow. If there’s a task that has been pending for a long time, it might get completed now. A family member who was away for work might come to visit you. You will need to find time for your parents' care and strive to fulfill your responsibilities rather than evade them. Planning for financial savings is necessary to avoid future problems.

For Leo individuals, tomorrow might be challenging. Your health may fluctuate, which could affect your mood. You may feel a bit stressed. A family member’s words might upset you. You will strive to achieve a good position through your hard work. Students need to be careful about their studies.

Virgo individuals might face problems tomorrow. Disputes over property within the family might increase. Your angry nature could make family members unhappy with you. You might regret a past mistake. If there’s any conflict, it’s better to remain silent. Pay special attention to your children’s company to prevent them from going astray.

Libra individuals will find tomorrow to be favorable. You need to plan for a specific task. Any issues in your relationship with your partner seem to be resolving. You might be anxious about making a hasty decision. Before entering into a business partnership, ensure you have complete information about the partner. Your dream of purchasing a new house might come true.

Scorpio individuals will have a day of new experiences. You may have the chance to meet a significant person. The day will be good for business. You’ll connect with new people, and your pleasant speech will keep people happy. You might be stressed about a certain matter; discussing it with your siblings could help. Students should focus on their studies.


Sagittarius individuals will experience a day of joy. A long-pending task might get completed. Your respect and honor within the family will increase. You will have the opportunity to meet a special person. If you are considering starting a new venture, be prepared to invest more money. Avoid being swayed by strangers' advice, as it might lead you astray.

Capricorn individuals will have a busy day. Avoid getting involved in disputes. Maintaining a balance between your income and expenses will be beneficial. There is a possibility of family disputes over property. If that happens, seek advice from your father. Your mother might have some foot-related issues. Employees may find satisfying work.

For Aquarius individuals, tomorrow will be better compared to other days. You might feel a bit worried about your health. Avoid getting involved in unnecessary disputes. Keep any confidential information from your work environment to yourself. You may develop an interest in a new venture. Discuss important matters with your children. You’ll have more responsibilities to manage.

Pisces individuals will have a favorable day for starting new tasks. You’ll have a conversation with your partner that will help resolve any bitterness between you. Family gatherings like prayer sessions or bhajans will create a pleasant atmosphere. If you’ve been worried about your job, intensify your efforts. Unmarried individuals might experience a cheerful change in their lives.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]

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Learning Abroad Travel Grants for overseas short programs

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Dreaming of exploring new cultures and gaining global experiences? UNSW Learning Abroad is offering a number of $1000 Travel Grants to students undertaking an approved Learning Abroad Short Program this Summer Term!

This amazing opportunity offers financial support of $1000 for eligible students to undertake a short program overseas this summer. Whether it’s a study tour in Asia or a summer school in Europe, this grant can help make it happen!

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for one of the limited number of grants, students must:

  • be currently enrolled in a UNSW program
  • have applied and been nominated for a place on an approved Learning Abroad Short Program
  • not be receiving another grant from an alternative funding source (e.g. NCP Mobility Grant)

Ready to apply?

Have a look through the program posts on the Learning Abroad Notices page to see what opportunities are available.

Once you have found a program you wish to apply for, complete your application at   by   the specified deadline for chosen program.

To be considered for one of these grants, you will need to write a short justification (max. 100 words) within the application form, explaining how you will be an ambassador for UNSW while undertaking the program.

After you submit the application form, approved applications will be considered for the grant and further instructions will then be sent to you by email.

Don’t miss out on this chance to broaden your horizons and enhance your academic journey. Apply now and take the first step towards an unforgettable adventure!

More information

For further details:

  • Email –  [email protected]
  • Keep checking this page for more learning abroad notices and  information events  for short programs and exchange.  Subscribe for updates  so you don’t miss anything!

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Raising kids can be lonely, even for couples. We decided to move abroad and travel more.

  • My partner and I have three kids together.
  • Despite having friends and family nearby, I felt like our house was an island.
  • We've traveled and joined a pickleball group, among other ways to feel less alone.

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When I birthed three kids in three years in New York and California, the last emotion I expected was loneliness. I was with the man I adored. We were surrounded by new life that had come from our love. One sister lived nearby, and we had many friends. So why did I feel like our house was an island?

Parenting books and social media photos at birthdays, dinners, playdates, and family gatherings made everybody appear overjoyed and connected, but they also made me feel completely distant from my experience. Our family was nothing like those images.

We had a baby with a heart condition , one who contracted a rare disease from a tick bite, and a third who contracted pneumonia, all needing patience, love, and strength as they were born one after the other. As we grew, what defined our marriage and parenting experience was its lack of predictability and its mystery.

But I'll be honest. Raising kids made dating, maintaining friendships, and socializing anything but easy.

We had to take immediate measures to stay connected to that world, to stay vibrant as a couple. So my partner's mom stayed with our baby while we left the hospital for a date or two.

It seemed crazy, but we did it. It turns out that the habit of dating , especially during crises, would become the anchor of our relationship. Since then, no matter how tough things become, we honor our weekly date nights.

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We tried different things together

We attended different churches as a family. At church, we were given childcare, at least an hour to sit, and a chance to contemplate. Singing, praying, and listening engaged our hearts in worlds beyond practicality and parenting together. Recently, we stopped attending church, finding God in a broader sphere. Still we're forever grateful for the way our hearts were held at church by strangers and friends in our toughest times.

We also volunteered together. Hosting refugee families for dinners, weekend stays, outings to the beach, sports activities, and other events revealed how families from unimaginable crises still maintain love and still survive. These friendships became most valuable to me.

We decided to move abroad and travel more

First, we had to work to leave the house. Then, we left the continent, moving our family to Switzerland in search of new, meaningful connections. This lifestyle change brought us closer, as the international community of parents welcomed us in a more open way than I'd felt in my life. Moving overseas was one of the best decisions we made for our relationship and family.

We cycled regularly all over Europe, sometimes with friends but also simply enjoying and challenging each other. Along the way, we met unusual people, like a vineyard owner who told us his life story while feeding us wine and almonds. We burned calories, sweated, ate, and drank, and shared our journeys with cycling friends worldwide.

When we lived in New York, Connecticut, and San Francisco, and our kids were little, we tried not to stay on our block. Travel could mean simply visiting a new park, beach, or neighborhood where we'd be forced to interact with new parents and observe life unlike our everyday world. When we moved to Europe and our kids grew, we broadened our travels into mountains, other countries, lakes, and seas, where our social opportunities expanded.

We started playing pickleball

Pickleball is easy to learn and inexpensive, at least in Switzerland. It forces almost every kind of player to be patient and laugh a little, or at least it weeds out the curmudgeons.

We found this sport ideal for making a variety of wonderful friends. My partner's long arms and height work perfectly with my lack of both. I guess my speediness and laughter help, too. We have "a ball" on the court together and love sharing the sport with others.

Even with all of these activities (and more) we still have bouts of loneliness. This year my partner was in the hospital fighting for his life after a post-surgical infection. I didn't know how I'd stay strong for our kids and him as the familiar fear of loss and isolation descended. But we had practiced for it.

We knew how real life and authentic relationships are always unpredictable. We also knew that through the roller coaster of challenges, our bonds can strengthen, freeing us to love even deeper and seek more time out there in the wild world, connecting together.

will virgo travel abroad in 2024

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