
30 Travel Blogger Interview Questions and Answers

Common Travel Blogger interview questions, how to answer them, and example answers from a certified career coach.

travel bloggers interview

In the world of travel blogging, your ability to weave compelling stories and capture breathtaking visuals is just as important as your passion for exploring new destinations. But before you can embark on this thrilling career path and start sharing your adventures with a global audience, there’s one significant step you must overcome: acing the interview.

Whether you’re applying to join an established travel blog or seeking sponsorship from brands, potential employers will want to understand your talent for creating engaging content and your understanding of what makes a destination appealing to readers. To help you navigate through these critical conversations, we’ve compiled a list of common interview questions for aspiring travel bloggers, along with tips on how best to answer them.

1. How do you plan your travel itineraries to ensure a balance of popular tourist attractions and hidden local gems?

As a travel blogger, your task is to inspire and guide your readers with unique, enriching experiences. This question is asked to assess your ability to create balanced travel plans that cater to a wide range of readers. It’s about demonstrating your understanding of the importance of including both well-known destinations and off-the-beaten-path spots, which could provide readers with a more comprehensive view of the locations you cover.

Example: “When planning travel itineraries, I start with thorough research. I look into popular tourist attractions and their peak times to avoid overcrowding. This also helps me plan the day efficiently.

Next, I delve into local blogs, social media groups, and online forums for hidden gems. Locals often share unique spots that aren’t on typical tourist trails.

I then map out these locations, grouping them by proximity. This ensures a balanced itinerary with a mix of well-known sites and offbeat paths.

Lastly, flexibility is key. I always leave room for spontaneous discoveries or changes based on local recommendations. This approach allows an authentic experience while covering major attractions.”

2. Can you describe your process for researching and writing a travel blog post?

Behind every stunning travel photo and engaging blog post, there’s a lot of research, planning, and meticulous crafting. Potential employers or collaborators want to understand your process to ensure you’re thorough, organized, and capable of producing high-quality content. They’re interested in how you gather information, how you plan your content, and how you bring your experiences to life through your writing.

Example: “My research process begins with identifying the location, then I delve into its history, culture, and popular attractions. I also look for unique or lesser-known spots to give readers a fresh perspective.

When writing, I start by setting the scene, evoking emotions through vivid descriptions. Then, I detail my experiences, including anecdotes that add a personal touch.

I always ensure factual accuracy and provide practical information like transportation, accommodation options, and local customs. Incorporating high-quality photos is also key to engage readers visually.

Post-writing, I proofread thoroughly before publishing. Afterward, I actively promote the blog post on social media platforms.”

3. How do you ensure your content remains engaging and relevant to your readers?

Travel blogging isn’t just about sharing your experiences, it’s about providing valuable content that resonates with your audience. Therefore, employers or collaborators will want to know how you keep your content fresh, exciting, and relatable. They’re interested in your strategies for maintaining reader engagement, as well as your ability to stay ahead of travel trends and adapt to the changing interests of your audience.

Example: “To ensure my content remains engaging and relevant, I focus on three key aspects.

1. Understanding the audience: By analyzing reader feedback and engagement metrics, I can tailor my content to suit their interests.

2. Staying updated: Travel trends change rapidly. Regular research helps me stay informed about new destinations, experiences, or travel tips that readers might find useful.

3. Storytelling: People connect with stories more than facts. So, I weave personal anecdotes, local lore, or interesting encounters into my blogs to make them more compelling.”

4. What strategies do you use to promote your blog and increase readership?

As a travel blogger, your job isn’t just about writing engaging content and capturing breathtaking photos. It’s also about ensuring that your blog reaches as many people as possible. This question is asked to gauge your understanding of digital marketing and social media strategies, as well as your ability to attract and retain readers. Your answer will give interviewers insight into your promotional skills and your ability to grow an audience, both vital for a successful travel blog.

Example: “I use a multi-pronged approach to promote my blog and increase readership. I leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to share my posts with captivating visuals and engaging captions. SEO is another crucial strategy; I ensure my content includes relevant keywords and tags for better visibility on search engines.

Guest blogging helps me reach new audiences; by writing for other travel blogs, I can attract their readers to my own site. Email marketing is also effective; regular newsletters keep subscribers updated about new posts.

Lastly, collaborations with influencers or fellow bloggers in the travel industry help expand my reach. This could be through joint blog posts, interviews, or even giveaways.”

5. How do you manage your time effectively when traveling, exploring, and writing?

Time management is a critical skill for a travel blogger. You’ll be juggling a multitude of tasks, including exploring new places, capturing compelling content, writing engaging posts, and managing your social media presence. Demonstrating your ability to effectively manage your time shows potential employers or sponsors that you can keep up with the demands of this fast-paced, multifaceted role.

Example: “Effective time management is crucial for a travel blogger. I start by creating a detailed itinerary, outlining the places to visit and allocating specific times for exploration and writing. This provides structure and ensures no time is wasted.

I also leverage technology. Using apps for note-taking allows me to jot down ideas on-the-go, saving time later when compiling my experiences into a blog post.

Lastly, I prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. If there’s an article due soon, I’ll focus more on writing. But if I’m in a new location, exploring takes precedence. Balancing these elements helps me manage my time effectively while ensuring quality content.”

6. Can you discuss a time when you faced a significant challenge during your travels and how you addressed it?

The beauty of travel blogging is not just about sharing the glamorous aspects of the journey, but also the hurdles encountered along the way. Interviewers want to know your problem-solving skills and adaptability in unfamiliar environments. Your response can help them gauge your resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to stay calm under pressure—all valuable traits for a successful travel blogger.

Example: “During a solo trip to India, I found myself in a remote village with no internet or English speakers. My challenge was communicating my dietary restrictions as a vegetarian.

I addressed this by learning key phrases in the local language and using visual aids like pictures of vegetables on my phone. This experience taught me the importance of preparation and adaptability when traveling. It’s an anecdote I often share with readers to highlight that travel isn’t always smooth sailing but can be rewarding if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone.”

7. How do you handle negative feedback or criticism about your travel blogs?

Criticism is an inevitable part of creative work, and travel blogging is no exception. Whether it’s a critique on your writing style, your choice of destination, or your travel tips, you’re bound to face some degree of negativity. Interviewers want to see how you handle this. They’re looking for resilience, the ability to learn from feedback, and a positive attitude even when things get tough.

Example: “I view negative feedback as a learning opportunity. It’s important to remember that not everyone will resonate with my perspective or style of writing, and that’s okay. When I receive criticism, I take time to understand the person’s point of view, evaluate its validity, and see how it can improve my work. If it’s constructive, I incorporate the changes into future blogs.

However, if the feedback is simply harsh without any valuable insights, I don’t let it deter me from my passion for travel blogging. Instead, I focus on producing quality content for my readers who appreciate and find value in my work.”

8. What methods do you use to capture high-quality images and videos for your blog?

As a travel blogger, the quality of your content doesn’t only come from the words you write, but also from the visuals you provide. Your audience wants to feel like they’re right there with you, experiencing the sights, sounds, and emotions. This question helps interviewers assess your technical skills and ability to create engaging, immersive, and high-quality visual content.

Example: “I use a combination of DSLR and drone photography to capture high-quality images and videos. For still shots, I prefer using a DSLR with a wide-angle lens for landscapes and a prime lens for detailed shots. Drone photography is excellent for capturing unique perspectives and aerial views.

Lighting plays a crucial role in image quality, so I always plan my shoots around the golden hours of sunrise or sunset. For video content, I utilize gimbals for stabilization during movement shots. Post-production, I use software like Adobe Lightroom and Premiere Pro for editing to ensure consistency and enhance visual appeal.

It’s also important to note that while equipment and technical skills are essential, understanding composition and storytelling through visuals is equally critical for creating engaging content.”

9. How have you adapted your blogging style to cater to different audiences or demographics?

The essence of being a successful travel blogger is to be able to connect with readers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and interests. By asking this question, employers want to see if you’re adaptable with your writing style to resonate with different audience groups. This could mean adjusting your tone, content, or even the platforms you use to share your experiences. It’s about showing cultural sensitivity and the ability to craft compelling narratives that engage readers and keep them coming back for more.

Example: “Understanding the audience is key in blogging. For younger, adventurous readers, I use a casual, energetic tone and focus on budget-friendly, off-the-beaten-path experiences. For older or luxury-seeking demographics, I adopt a more formal style, highlighting comfort, culture, and high-end amenities.

To cater to non-native English speakers, I simplify language without compromising information quality. Visual content plays a crucial role too; vibrant images for Instagram followers, detailed videos for YouTube subscribers, and comprehensive text for blog readers.

Adapting my writing based on analytics feedback has also been vital. This data-driven approach ensures that my content resonates with diverse audiences, enhancing engagement and reach.”

10. What steps do you take to ensure your travel blogs are accurate and authentic?

As a travel blogger, you are responsible for providing reliable information and genuine experiences to your readers. Your credibility depends on the accuracy and authenticity of your content. Therefore, potential employers or collaborators want to ensure you have effective strategies to maintain the quality and reliability of your content. This question helps them assess your research skills, attention to detail, and commitment to authenticity.

Example: “To ensure accuracy in my travel blogs, I conduct thorough research on the destination before and after the trip. This includes understanding local customs, history, and attractions.

For authenticity, I make sure to immerse myself in the local culture during the visit. I interact with locals to get a genuine perspective rather than relying solely on tourist guides.

I also cross-verify facts with multiple sources and take plenty of photographs for reference. Finally, I review all content meticulously before publishing to avoid any misinformation or misrepresentation.”

11. Can you describe your most successful blog post and what made it successful?

As a travel blogger, your success is measured not only by your ability to write engaging content but also by your understanding of your audience, SEO strategies, and social media promotion. By asking about your most successful post, the interviewer wants to gauge your understanding of these aspects and your ability to analyze what works and why. This helps them determine if you can consistently create successful content.

Example: “My most successful blog post was a detailed guide about solo traveling in Japan. It became popular due to its comprehensive nature, covering everything from cultural etiquette to hidden gems off the beaten path. I think it resonated with readers because of its authenticity; I shared personal experiences and practical tips rather than generic advice. The use of high-quality visuals also added value. Furthermore, effective SEO strategies helped increase visibility on search engines, attracting a wider audience. Engagement was high, with many comments and shares, indicating that the content was not only appreciated but also sparked conversation among readers.”

12. How do you handle cultural sensitivity when writing about various destinations?

Travel blogging isn’t just about sharing beautiful pictures and exciting adventures. It also involves understanding and respecting the cultures, traditions, and values of the places you visit. When a potential employer asks you about cultural sensitivity, they want to gauge whether you have the ability to write about diverse destinations with respect and understanding. They’re interested in knowing if you can provide an authentic and respectful representation of the places and people you encounter, which is key to successful and responsible travel writing.

Example: “When writing about various destinations, it’s crucial to approach cultural aspects with respect and understanding. I always conduct thorough research on the local customs, traditions, and social norms of a place before writing about it. This helps me avoid misrepresentation or stereotyping.

I also believe in showcasing diversity within cultures. It’s not enough to present a monolithic view; one must highlight different perspectives within that culture.

Moreover, using inclusive language is key. It’s essential to use terms that locals prefer and are comfortable with.

Lastly, feedback from people belonging to those cultures can be invaluable. They can provide insights that might otherwise be missed, ensuring authenticity in my writing.”

13. Can you talk about your experience with SEO and how you incorporate it into your blog posts?

As a travel blogger, your job isn’t just about crafting engaging stories and taking stunning photos—it’s also about making sure your content reaches the widest audience possible. Understanding and effectively using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is key to ensuring your blog posts are discoverable on search engines. So, interviewers want to know if you have this critical skill that can help increase the blog’s visibility and traffic.

Example: “I’ve been utilizing SEO in my blogging for several years now. I conduct keyword research to understand what potential readers are searching for and incorporate these keywords naturally into my posts.

For instance, if I’m writing about a hidden gem in Italy, I’ll find relevant phrases like “undiscovered Italian destinations” or “unique places in Italy”. These keywords help drive organic traffic to the blog.

Moreover, I pay attention to meta descriptions, title tags, and URL structures to ensure they’re SEO-friendly. I also use internal linking strategies to keep readers engaged and improve site structure for search engines.

Understanding that Google values quality content, I focus on providing informative, engaging material that answers users’ queries effectively. This approach not only boosts visibility but also builds credibility with the audience.”

14. How do you manage your budget while traveling and blogging?

Financial management is a crucial skill for a travel blogger. Being able to navigate different currencies, handle unexpected costs, and plan for the financial aspects of your trips is essential to maintaining a sustainable travel blog. Moreover, your readers are likely interested in your budgeting tips and strategies, making your financial savvy a valuable part of your content. Therefore, recruiters need to know your capacity to manage a budget effectively while on the move.

Example: “Managing a budget while traveling and blogging requires careful planning and discipline. I start by setting a realistic budget, considering factors such as travel costs, accommodation, food, and activities.

I use various apps to track expenses in real-time, which helps me stay within my budget. It’s also crucial to have some flexibility for unexpected expenses.

When it comes to blogging, I try to minimize costs by using cost-effective tools and platforms. I also focus on creating quality content that can attract partnerships or sponsorships, providing an additional income stream.

In essence, effective budget management involves meticulous planning, constant tracking, and strategic spending.”

15. How have you handled a situation where a trip didn’t go as planned and you had to adjust your content accordingly?

Traveling, by nature, is unpredictable. Flights get delayed, weather changes, and attractions close without warning. As a travel blogger, your job isn’t just to experience the world, but to share those experiences with your readers in an engaging and informative way. When plans change, your content has to change too. This question helps assess your adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving skills in less-than-ideal circumstances.

Example: “During a trip to Morocco, unforeseen political unrest led to the cancellation of several planned activities. Instead of focusing on what we couldn’t do, I decided to pivot and explore local markets and neighborhoods that were safe.

I adjusted my content to reflect this change, focusing more on cultural immersion and everyday life in Morocco. This experience taught me that even when things don’t go as planned, there’s always an interesting story to tell from a different perspective.”

16. Can you discuss your experience with affiliate marketing or sponsored content in your blog?

Monetization is a key aspect of maintaining a successful travel blog. It’s not just about the ability to write engaging content and take stunning photos, but also about understanding the commercial aspects of the job. Your experience with affiliate marketing or sponsored content is a testament to your ability to successfully balance content creation and business strategy, which can make your blog more profitable and sustainable in the long run.

Example: “In my blogging career, I’ve utilized both affiliate marketing and sponsored content. With affiliate marketing, I carefully select products or services that align with my travel niche and audience interests. This has resulted in a steady stream of passive income.

As for sponsored content, I’ve collaborated with various travel brands. I ensure transparency by disclosing sponsorships to maintain trust with my readers. It’s crucial to create engaging and authentic content despite the sponsorship to keep the reader’s interest intact. Both strategies have been effective in monetizing my blog while providing valuable content to my audience.”

17. How do you ensure your personal safety and security when traveling to unfamiliar destinations?

Travel bloggers often find themselves in unfamiliar territory, and the ability to keep oneself safe is a fundamental part of the job. It’s not just about your well-being, but also about the credibility of your blog. If you consistently put yourself in dangerous situations or fail to take basic precautions, your readers may question your judgment and advice. Therefore, interviewers want to hear about your strategies for managing risk and ensuring safety while exploring new places.

Example: “Ensuring personal safety while traveling starts with thorough research. I learn about local customs, laws, and potential risks of the destination.

I also make sure to have a clear itinerary, but remain flexible to adapt to unexpected situations. Sharing my plans with someone back home is crucial for emergency cases.

Investing in travel insurance gives me peace of mind against unforeseen incidents.

Using technology aids like GPS maps and translation apps helps navigate unfamiliar areas effectively.

Lastly, being vigilant and trusting my instincts plays an important role in ensuring my safety.”

18. What is your approach to learning about and respecting the customs and traditions of the places you visit?

Travel blogging is more than just visiting a place and writing about it. It involves immersing oneself in the local culture, understanding its customs and traditions, and presenting them to the world through writing. This question is designed to gauge your cultural sensitivity and your willingness to learn and adapt. It is important for travel bloggers to respect and uphold the customs and traditions of the places they visit, as they represent their readership and their actions can greatly influence their readers’ perceptions and attitudes.

Example: “Before visiting a new place, I conduct extensive research to understand its culture and traditions. This includes reading books, articles, blogs, and watching documentaries or videos related to the destination.

Once there, I engage with locals, participate in cultural activities, and respect local customs. For instance, if it’s customary to remove shoes before entering a building, I’ll do so without hesitation.

I believe that as a travel blogger, respecting and learning about different cultures is not just a responsibility but also enriches my personal experiences and narratives. It allows me to provide authentic stories for my readers while promoting cultural sensitivity and global understanding.”

19. How do you handle language barriers when traveling and how does this influence your blogging?

Travel bloggers are often thrown into unfamiliar environments, and language barriers can be a big part of that. Understanding how you navigate these challenges gives insight into your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and patience. Moreover, it sheds light on how you incorporate these experiences into your writing, which can greatly impact the authenticity and richness of your content.

Example: “To handle language barriers while traveling, I use translation apps and learn basic phrases in the local language. This not only helps me communicate but also shows respect for their culture.

In my blogs, these experiences add a layer of authenticity. It allows readers to understand the challenges and rewards of immersing oneself in a new culture, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone when they travel.”

20. Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation with a local or a fellow traveler?

As a travel blogger, your work takes you around the world, where you interact with a variety of people—sometimes, under challenging circumstances. Whether it’s a misunderstanding due to language barriers or culture clashes, your ability to navigate tricky situations and maintain positive relationships is critical. This question helps interviewers gauge your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and interpersonal skills in a diverse and ever-changing environment.

Example: “During a solo trip to Thailand, I encountered a local vendor who was adamant about overcharging me. Instead of arguing, I used my knowledge of the local language and customs to negotiate a fair price.

In another instance, a fellow traveler in Peru was spreading misinformation about historical sites. To rectify this, I shared accurate information from reliable sources without belittling his perspective.

Both situations required diplomacy and cultural sensitivity, which are crucial for any travel blogger.”

21. How do you stay updated with current travel trends and how do you incorporate them into your blog?

Staying current with travel trends and incorporating them into content is vital for a travel blogger. It maintains relevance, keeps the audience engaged, and sets the blogger apart as a reliable source of travel information. The hiring team wants to know if you have the necessary research skills and adaptability to stay ahead in the fast-paced, ever-changing travel industry.

Example: “I stay updated with current travel trends through various sources such as travel magazines, social media platforms, and networking with other travel enthusiasts. I also attend webinars and conferences related to the travel industry.

Incorporating these trends into my blog involves creating content that resonates with them. For instance, if sustainable tourism is trending, I might write a post about eco-friendly travel destinations or tips for responsible traveling. It’s all about providing readers with relevant and engaging content that aligns with their interests and the latest trends in the travel world.”

22. What is your approach to handling ethical dilemmas, such as responsible tourism and sustainability, in your travel blogging?

This question is designed to gauge your awareness of the ethical implications of travel blogging. It’s important to consider how your actions and the content you create could potentially impact local communities, the environment, and cultural heritage sites. Employers want to see that you’re not only passionate about sharing travel experiences, but also committed to promoting responsible tourism practices.

Example: “In addressing ethical dilemmas like responsible tourism and sustainability, my approach is rooted in research, transparency, and collaboration.

I prioritize understanding the local culture, economy, and environment of each destination. This helps me promote practices that respect these aspects while discouraging harmful behaviors.

Transparency is key to maintaining trust with my audience. I ensure they’re aware of the impacts their actions can have on destinations, both positive and negative.

Lastly, I collaborate with local communities and businesses. Their insights are invaluable in creating content that promotes sustainable travel without exploiting or harming them. By doing so, I believe we can enjoy exploring new places while also preserving them for future generations.”

23. Can you discuss a time when your blog made a significant impact on a reader or a community?

This question is all about gauging your influence and connection with your audience. As a travel blogger, your ability to inspire, educate, and engage your readers is paramount. Employers want to see that your work has made a real difference, whether it’s inspiring someone to take a trip, shedding light on a lesser-known destination, or promoting sustainable travel practices.

Example: “During a trip to Nepal, I blogged about a small, struggling local business crafting handmade souvenirs. The post resonated with my readers and they started purchasing products online from this business.

The owner reached out, expressing gratitude for the unexpected boost in sales which helped them sustain during tough times. This experience highlighted the power of blogging and its potential to make real-world impacts. It also reinforced my commitment to promoting sustainable tourism and supporting local economies through my work as a travel blogger.”

24. How do you maintain consistent quality in your blog posts when you are constantly on the move?

Travel bloggers must have a unique blend of discipline, time management skills, and adaptability. Interviewers want to understand how you balance the unpredictable nature of travel with the need for consistent, high-quality content. They’re interested in your ability to plan, prioritize, and adapt your workflow to different environments while still meeting your content creation goals.

Example: “Maintaining consistent quality in blog posts while traveling requires effective planning and organization. I always research my destinations thoroughly beforehand, which helps me gather relevant content ideas.

I also use digital tools to streamline the writing process. For instance, note-taking apps allow me to jot down thoughts or observations on-the-go, which can later be incorporated into a post.

Finally, having a set posting schedule keeps me disciplined. Even when I’m constantly moving, knowing that I have a deadline helps ensure that each post receives the necessary time and attention for maintaining high-quality output.”

25. What strategies do you use to build and maintain relationships with your readers and followers?

Travel blogging is not merely about exploring the world and writing about it. It’s also about building a community of followers who engage with your content and look forward to your posts. Your ability to connect with your readers and followers and to keep them engaged is a key aspect of your role as a travel blogger. The interviewer wants to understand your community management skills and your ability to maintain an active and engaged following.

Example: “Engaging with my readers through social media and blog comments is a key strategy I use to build relationships. By responding to their queries or feedback, I show them that their voice matters.

I also create interactive content like polls or quizzes to learn more about their preferences. This helps me tailor my future posts to meet their interests.

Another method is sending out regular newsletters featuring exclusive content or behind-the-scenes snippets. It gives followers a sense of belonging and keeps them connected between blog posts.

Lastly, consistency in posting high-quality content fosters trust and loyalty among the audience. They know they can rely on me for valuable travel insights.”

26. Can you describe your experience with using social media to promote your travel blog?

As a travel blogger, your social media presence is your lifeline. It’s the way you engage your followers, attract new readers and keep your audience updated on your latest adventures. Also, it’s a means of establishing your personal brand. Hence, potential employers or partners would want to know how effectively you can leverage social media platforms to promote your work and reach a larger audience.

Example: “I’ve leveraged social media extensively to promote my travel blog. I primarily use Instagram, Facebook and Twitter due to their high user engagement.

On Instagram, I post high-quality photos from my travels with engaging captions and relevant hashtags. This strategy has helped me grow my follower base significantly.

For Facebook, I share blog posts along with a brief description to entice users to click through to my website. I also engage with followers by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Twitter is used for quick updates or sharing interesting articles related to travel. It’s an excellent platform for networking with other bloggers and influencers in the travel industry.

Overall, my approach focuses on creating authentic, engaging content that resonates with my audience while driving traffic to my blog.”

27. How do you handle the logistics of long-term travel, such as visas, health insurance, and accommodation?

Being a travel blogger is more than just visiting beautiful locations and writing about them. It involves a lot of planning, organizing, and dealing with unexpected situations. By posing this question, potential employers want to see if you’re prepared to handle the less glamorous, but equally important, aspects of the job. Your ability to manage these logistics not only shows your resourcefulness, but also your reliability and adaptability – all key traits for a successful travel blogger.

Example: “When planning long-term travel, I start by researching visa requirements for my destination. This includes understanding the process and timeline for application.

For health insurance, I opt for a comprehensive global plan that covers emergency medical expenses. It’s important to read the policy details thoroughly to understand what is covered.

Accommodation is planned based on budget and location preferences. I use trusted platforms for booking and always cross-verify with reviews.

In essence, meticulous research, early planning, and staying informed are key in managing logistics of long-term travel.”

28. How do you approach writing about destinations that are off the beaten path or less popular among travelers?

Travel blogging is not just about the glamour and the most popular destinations, it’s also about uncovering hidden gems and sharing them with your audience. This question seeks to understand your creative process, how you do your research, and your ability to create engaging content about less popular or unknown places. It also gauges your curiosity and passion for exploring and writing about new places, which is critical in keeping your content fresh and engaging.

Example: “When writing about less popular destinations, I focus on the unique aspects that make them special. I conduct thorough research to understand their culture, history, and attractions.

I aim for authenticity in my narratives, sharing personal experiences and interactions with locals. This gives readers a genuine feel of the place beyond just tourist spots.

Using vivid descriptions, I paint a picture of the destination, making it appealing to adventurous travelers seeking new experiences.

Finally, I provide practical information like accessibility, accommodation options, and local customs, ensuring my readers are well-prepared when they decide to visit these offbeat places.”

29. How do you ensure your blog posts are informative and entertaining at the same time?

As a travel blogger, your job is not just to share your experiences, but also to provide valuable information to your readers in an entertaining way. A successful travel blog is one that educates, inspires, and entertains its audience. Therefore, the interviewer wants to know how you balance these elements to ensure your content is engaging and useful.

Example: “To ensure my blog posts are informative and entertaining, I focus on storytelling. I weave facts and details about the destination into a narrative that keeps readers engaged. Authenticity is key; I share personal experiences and insights to connect with readers on an emotional level.

I also use vivid descriptions and high-quality images to make the content more visually appealing. To ensure accuracy, I thoroughly research each topic and cross-check information from multiple sources. By blending education and entertainment, I aim to create engaging, insightful travel content.”

30. How do you handle the pressures and stress of constant travel and meeting deadlines for blog posts?

This question seeks to uncover your stress management and organizational skills. In the world of travel blogging, you’re not just exploring new places – you’re also responsible for creating engaging content, meeting publication deadlines, and managing the unpredictability of travel. Potential employers or clients want to ensure you can balance the fun with the responsibilities, and deliver high-quality work even under pressure.

Example: “Managing the pressures of constant travel and meeting deadlines is a matter of effective planning and self-care. I prioritize tasks, ensuring important projects are completed first.

To combat stress, I maintain a healthy lifestyle even while traveling. Regular exercise, balanced meals, and adequate sleep help me stay focused and energized.

I also use tools like content calendars to plan my blog posts in advance. This gives me enough time to research, write, edit, and publish without feeling overwhelmed.

Lastly, I believe in taking short breaks during work to refresh my mind. It helps boost creativity and productivity.”

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17 Travel Blogger Interview Questions and Answers

Learn what skills and qualities interviewers are looking for from a travel blogger, what questions you can expect, and how you should go about answering them.

travel bloggers interview

Do you love to travel? Do you have a knack for writing and photography? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you might be wondering how to become a travel blogger.

Travel bloggers are people who write about their experiences traveling to different places. They usually have a website or blog where they share their stories, photos, and videos. Some travel bloggers also work with brands and tourism boards to promote travel destinations.

If you’re interested in becoming a travel blogger, the first step is to start a blog and write about your travel experiences. You can also use social media to share your content and build an audience. Once you have a following, you can start working with brands and tourism boards.

If you want to become a travel blogger, you need to be prepared to answer some questions about your travel experiences, blogging goals, and social media presence. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of common questions that you may be asked in a travel blogger interview, along with sample answers to help you prepare for your interview.

Are you a professional writer?

What are some of your favorite places to visit, how do you decide which places to visit, what is your favorite mode of transportation, provide an example of a time when you had to be resourceful., if you could only take one item with you on a trip, what would it be, what would you do if you got lost while traveling, how well do you handle stress while traveling, do you prefer to travel alone or with others, when you visit a new place, how do you go about exploring it, we want to know more about your personality. please tell us about a hobby or interest of yours., describe your writing style., what makes you want to write about a particular place, which social media platforms do you use to share your travel stories, what do you think makes your writing unique, how often do you post on your blog, there is a new trend in travel. how would you incorporate this trend into your blog.

Travel blogging is a unique form of writing that requires you to be knowledgeable about travel destinations, how to take quality photos and write engaging content. Employers ask this question to make sure you have the necessary skills to succeed in this role. In your answer, share what makes you qualified for this job. If you are not a professional writer, explain why you think you can learn these skills quickly.

Example: “I am definitely not a professional writer, but I do enjoy writing as a hobby. I started my blog two years ago after taking an online course on blogging. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about creating interesting content and sharing it with others. While I’m still learning more about photography, I feel confident that I can improve my skills over time.”

Travel bloggers often have a lot of experience traveling to new places. Employers ask this question to learn more about your background and what you enjoy doing in your free time. Try to answer this question by listing some of the most interesting or beautiful destinations you’ve visited. Explain why they are so special to you, if possible.

Example: “I love visiting small towns that are off the beaten path. I find it fascinating to see how different cultures live when they’re not catering to tourists. My favorite place is a small village in Ireland called Dingle. It’s one of the only places where you can see wild dolphins swimming in the ocean. The scenery there is absolutely breathtaking.”

Travel bloggers often have to decide which destinations to visit. This question helps employers understand how you make these decisions and what factors influence your choices. In your answer, explain the process you use to choose where to travel. Consider mentioning some of the most important factors that help you make a decision.

Example: “I usually start by looking at different blogs for inspiration. I also like to look at Instagram accounts that feature beautiful photos from around the world. After seeing all of these places, I try to narrow down my list based on things like cost, time frame and whether or not I can get there easily. Once I’ve chosen my top five destinations, I do more research into each one to learn about the best times to go, any festivals or events happening while I’m there and other information that will help me plan my trip.”

Travel bloggers often have to travel by plane, train or automobile. Employers ask this question to learn more about your preferences and how you might fit in with their team. In your answer, share a few of the modes of transportation that you enjoy most. Explain why these are your favorites so the employer can get a better sense of your personality.

Example: “I love traveling by car because I feel like I can really see the sights when I’m driving through a new place. However, my favorite mode of transportation is definitely flying. I find it so exciting to be able to go from one destination to another without having to drive or take a long train ride. It’s also nice to not have to worry about traffic or parking.”

Travel bloggers often have to be resourceful when it comes to finding information about their destinations. Employers ask this question to see if you can think of a time when you had to use your problem-solving skills to find the answers you needed.

Example: “When I was writing my blog, I would always try to include as much information as possible about each destination. However, there were times when I couldn’t find all the information I needed. In these situations, I would do research online and call local tourism offices for more information. Sometimes, I even called hotels or restaurants to get additional details on what they offered.”

Travel bloggers often have to travel light, so employers may ask this question to see if you can prioritize your belongings. In your answer, explain why you chose that item and what it would be useful for on a trip.

Example: “If I could only take one thing with me on a trip, I would choose my camera. I love taking pictures of new places and capturing the beauty of the world through my lens. My camera is also important because it allows me to share those photos with others online. It’s an essential part of my job as a travel blogger.”

Travel bloggers often need to travel alone, so employers want to know that you can take care of yourself. They may ask this question to see if you have the skills and knowledge to get back on track when traveling. In your answer, share a specific time you got lost while traveling and what steps you took to find your way.

Example: “When I was in college, I went on a trip with my friends to New York City. We were walking around Times Square one night when we got separated. I knew I needed to find them quickly because it was getting dark out. I used my phone to call each friend until I found them. After that experience, I always make sure to write down our plans for the day and keep an eye on the time.”

Travel blogging can be a stressful job, especially when you’re trying to meet deadlines. Employers ask this question to make sure you have the ability to handle stress and still perform your job well. In your answer, explain how you manage stress in general and what strategies you use to keep yourself calm while traveling.

Example: “I think it’s important to take time for myself every day. I try to meditate or do some yoga before work each morning. This helps me start my day feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes my way. When I’m stressed out about a deadline, I remind myself that I am capable of getting everything done on time. Then, I break down my tasks into smaller goals so I can focus on one thing at a time.”

Travel bloggers often travel alone to get the most authentic experience. However, some prefer to travel with others for safety or company. Employers want to know if you’re comfortable traveling on your own and how much of a risk-taker you are. They also want to know that you can handle yourself in unfamiliar places.

Example: “I enjoy traveling alone because I like having my own space and privacy. However, I do sometimes travel with friends or family members. I find it’s nice to have someone else there to share the experience with. I’m not afraid to go anywhere as long as I feel safe.”

Travel bloggers often visit new places and write about their experiences. Employers may ask this question to learn more about your travel style and how you approach exploring a new place. In your answer, try to share what methods you use to explore a city or country. You can also mention any specific strategies that have helped you enjoy your travels more.

Example: “I love traveling alone because I get to spend time with myself and really immerse myself in the culture of the place I’m visiting. When I arrive at my destination, I usually walk around the area to see if there are any interesting shops or restaurants nearby. Then, I find somewhere quiet where I can sit down and take in my surroundings. After that, I start exploring the city by foot or public transportation.”

Travel bloggers need to be passionate about their work. Employers ask this question to see if you have a unique personality that will help you connect with your audience. In your answer, share something personal and interesting about yourself. Try to make it relevant to travel blogging or the position.

Example: “I love traveling, but I also enjoy staying in one place. I am an avid gardener, so I like to visit botanical gardens when I’m on vacation. It’s fun to learn more about plants while taking a break from sightseeing.”

Travel bloggers often write about their experiences and opinions. Employers ask this question to learn more about your writing style so they can decide if you’re a good fit for their blog. When answering this question, describe the type of content you typically produce. Explain that you want to create interesting and informative articles that readers will enjoy reading.

Example: “I have always enjoyed writing. In high school, I wrote for my school newspaper and won several awards for my work. As a travel blogger, I try to focus on creating quality content that is both entertaining and educational. My goal is to provide useful information while also telling an engaging story. I believe that by doing this, I can help inspire others to pursue their own adventures.”

Travel bloggers often have a unique perspective on the places they visit. Employers ask this question to learn more about your background and interests. They want to know what inspired you to start writing about travel. In your answer, share a few reasons why you enjoy traveling. Explain how these experiences led you to become a travel blogger.

Example: “I started my blog because I love exploring new places. When I was younger, my family took many road trips. These memories are some of my favorite from childhood. As an adult, I’ve continued to explore different parts of the country. Each trip has been so interesting, and I feel like I’m learning something new every time. I write about travel because I genuinely enjoy it.”

Travel bloggers often use social media to share their stories with followers. Employers want to know which platforms you’re familiar with and how you plan to promote the company’s brand on those sites. In your answer, list the social media accounts you use most frequently and explain why they are important to you as a blogger.

Example: “I have my own Instagram account where I post photos of my travels. I also have a Facebook page for my blog where I share links to my latest articles. I’m active on Twitter, too, where I can connect with other travel bloggers and influencers in my niche. These three social media platforms are essential to me because they allow me to reach so many people who love traveling.”

Travel blogging is a competitive field, so employers want to know that you have the skills and experience necessary to stand out from other writers. When answering this question, highlight your unique writing style or voice. You can also mention any special experiences you’ve had as a travel blogger that make your content more interesting than others’.

Example: “I think what makes my writing unique is my ability to tell stories through my photos. I always try to find ways to connect my images with my words, which helps readers understand my experiences better. Another thing that makes my writing unique is my background in journalism. I’m used to conducting thorough research and fact-checking before publishing anything, which has helped me avoid plagiarism.”

Travel bloggers often have a schedule for when they post on their blogs. Employers may ask this question to see if you can meet the expectations of their company and how much time you would need to dedicate to your work. In your answer, explain what your typical blogging schedule is and why it works well for you.

Example: “I typically post once or twice per week on my blog. I find that this amount of content allows me to share quality information with my readers while also giving them something new to read each time they visit my site. It also gives me enough time in between posts to research and write about different travel destinations.”

Travel blogs are constantly changing and evolving. Employers want to know that you’re up-to-date on the latest travel trends so you can incorporate them into your blog. This shows that you’re passionate about the industry and have a creative mind.

Example: “I think one of the most exciting new trends in travel is the rise of solo travelers. I would love to write more content about traveling alone, including tips for safety and how to make the most of your trip. I also think it’s important to highlight destinations that are safe for solo female travelers.”

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Traveller Interviews with Top Travel Content Creators

Traveller Interview with Top Travel Content Creators

Traveller Interviews: How Travel Influences Life?

Every traveller has a story and even if it feels like all top travel content creators are passionate about world travel, what fuels this passion can still be widely different. After all, we all see, think and act differently.

I am a life-imposed traveller who initially travelled a lot for education purposes which prompted me to explore more. and now I am hooked. With this travel blogging endeavour of mine, I am so fortunate to have come across many inspiring travel writers, bloggers and influencers producing some amazing content from really different perspectives.  On a side note, I also observe that some content is corrupted, especially with the madness of edited or fake pictures forced by social media trends these days. After having travelled a lot myself,  I learned not to trust everything I saw online, actually go see places and now I can quickly spot enriching content.

Travel in my mind not really is those amazing pictures, but the true real world you go see and experience. As rightly captured by those gave me their top five travel words as depicted in my feature image word art, travel is a composition of the  people  you meet, the  food  you eat, and the  culture  that carries the essence of a place among others. It is also  a personal experience of  growth, exploration  and  freedom  in being part of the world. You need to travel full time, you just need to go once in a while and pay attention to the lifestyle.

We all learn something new from everyone we meet, and the best people to learn from about the world are the travelers around us. As I stand inspired by many travel bloggers and influencers, I asked some of the authentic travellers I came across recently  a simple and but meaningful question “How Travel Influences Your Life”, and would love to share with you all, their view of the world and how they can inspire us to travel the world. Let us travel through their lenses…

Travel Bloggers

Bernd @ norway & the world, jason & heena @ confusion of cultures, john @ carpe diem eire, khadeeja  @ dee the traveller, lamara @ lamara travels, lannie @ lannies food and travels, laura @ a finn on the loose, steven @ thorough tripper , travel influencers / photographers, ludivine anton – photography @ instagram.

Jumana is a travel writer and technologist living in the United Kingdom, born and brought up in India. While she is busy with her full time job as a computer technologist, she is an active explorer during her spare time. She has been exploring states of India since she was 15 and then around the world since she moved to the west in her 20s. Her favourite travel style is “On the Road” and she has perfected the art of road trip planning, covering multiple famous and undiscovered routes around Europe, UK and USA. She is on a mission to road trip the planet and learn more about the cultures around the world.

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Our mission is to serve the 50+ traveler who's ready to cross a few items off their bucket list.

Interview With Independent Travel Blogger Karen Warren

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In 2012, Karen Warren left her day job to concentrate on her twin passions of writing and traveling. Her travel blog — WorldWideWriter — concentrates on lesser-known sights and destinations, or different ways of looking at well-known places. She loves history, architecture and food, but writes about anything else that catches her interest.

Karen was kind enough to answer a few of our questions below!

TA: How many years have you been traveling and what got you hooked?

Karen: I’ve been traveling all my adult life. It was general curiosity about the world that got me started.

TA: Do you specialize in a particular type of travel?

Karen: Yes — I focus on independent travel, where people discover things for themselves.

TA: What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?

Karen: I’ve had lots of great trips, but going to the Cinque Terre in Italy by train was amazing. Counting the metro trains in London and Paris on the way, and local trains while I was there, I think it was something like 50+ train trips in all. Wonderful, but only if you’re a train lover.

TA: What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit?

Karen: I have a long list, but I’m very keen to get to New Orleans.

Karen Warren

Karen Warren.

TA: If you could only give a traveler one piece of advice, what would it be?

Karen: Leave yourself time to wander around the back streets or to drive around country roads — you’re bound to find something interesting.

TA: What are some of your favorite travel blogs and communities?

Karen: I tend to pick and mix with travel blogs. My favorite community is a Twitter Chat group called The Road Less Travelled (#TheRLT).

TA: What would be your #1 recommendation for a place to travel in 2019?

Karen: Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, etc.) is incredibly good value for your money at the moment. And if you keep away from the tourist hotspots you can find some amazing hardly-discovered places.

TA: What are the top 3 websites you use for research/inspiration when planning a trip?

Karen: Lonely Planet , Rough Guides , and individual destination tourist sites.

TA: Do you have any good airport or flight hacks for people traveling by plane?

Karen : If you have a while to wait, airport lounges can be a good value. Look for ones that give free food, drinks, and WiFi.

TA: What is the best piece of travel advice you’ve ever been given?

Karen: If you want to travel, stop worrying and just do it.

TA: Is there something you think most travelers worry too much about?

Karen: Probably language — even if no one speaks your language, you can get most of what you need by sign language.

TA: What’s a travel scam travelers should be wary of?

Karen: I haven’t had too many scams, but it’s good to avoid the ones who want to take you to “my father’s shop” — it’s invariably the most expensive tourist trap in town.

TA: Which country has surprisingly good food?

Karen: I was pleasantly surprised by Finland — a limited supply of ingredients means they have to work very hard to make it interesting. Look out for fresh fish, berries, and licorice.

TA: What is the most beautiful and affordable city you’ve ever visited?

Karen: Lots to choose from, but I’ll go for Seville in Spain. Like most cities in Mediterranean countries, the best way to see it is just by wandering around, but don’t miss the Metropol Parasol, the Alcazar, or the Contemporary Arts Centre.

TA: What’s one way people can get the most out of their cruise experience?

Karen: I’m not a great one for cruises, but I’ve found the best days were when I just wandered around places on my own rather than on a trip.

TA: Have you ever met someone while traveling who changed your life?

Karen: The people I met during my first solo trip — to Italy — made me realize that traveling didn’t need to be scary.

travel bloggers interview

Ostia Antica. Photo: Karen Warren.

TA: What are the best places to travel solo and why?

Karen: I prefer to be in a city, with good public transport, so that I don’t have to think about how I’m going to get around, and can concentrate on seeing the place.

TA: What’s something that other tourists do when traveling that drives you crazy and why?

Karen: Taking lots of selfies and blocking everyone else’s view!

TA: Which underrated destination deserves to be more famous?

Karen: Ostia Antica: just a train ride from Rome, is as interesting as Pompeii but less well-known.

Learn more about Karen:

Visit her website: WorldWideWriter . Follow her on Twitter here . Find her on Facebook here . See her photos on Instagram here . Read her CV on LinkedIn here . Or connect with her on Pinterest here .

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Wandering Everywhere


I started travel blogging the same way everyone else did – with no idea about how to do anything. I was able to learn about the industry through both trial and error, along with constantly looking up to popular blogs that had already been established.

One of my favourite bloggers when I first entered the game was Adventurous Kate – I loved her energy, her travels, and her writing. If it weren’t for her continuously producing inspirational travel content, then I’m certain that Wandering Everywhere  wouldn’t be even close to where it is today.

A couple months ago, I was finally able to interview the wonderful Adventurous Kate – and here’s what she said.

Firstly, what was the main motivation behind you quitting your job at the age of 26 and travelling across Southeast Asia? Have you always wanted to stray from the 9-to-5 life?
Women’s empowerment is a big theme on your blog. How did your family and friends react to you breaking the news that you would be travelling solo, and did it turn out to be as unsafe as everyone said?
From the outside, it looks like you live the dream life. What’s it really like to build and sustain a blog, and subsequently travel the world?

Adventurous Kate upon a boat, taking photos

How did you originally monetise your site? How do you maintain it now?
Why exactly did you decide to settle down in NYC instead of travelling the globe nonstop forever?
What country would you recommend for female solo travellers ?
What would you say to other females who ache to travel but believe they don’t have the confidence/ opportunity to?

Adventurous Kate hitchhikes


interview with adventurous kate

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Great interview. I love how Kate is honest about the work behind the scenes and what it takes to travel professionally. Running a blog or a site of any kind takes a lot of time and effort, even if you’re not doing it for a profit. I can only imagine how much more work it is if you do as a full time work.

¡¡Hola Amy!! No conocía a este personaje, pero sin duda, tenéis el mismo espíritu aventurero. No hay nada mejor en esta vida que poder hacer y vivir de lo que realmente te gusta. Como todo, tendrá sus momentos buenos y malos, pero merece la pena. Espero que tú puedas seguir con todos tus proyectos para este nuevo año, y a ver si puedes hacer ese Camino de Santiago que quieres. Feliz 2022. Besitos.

A super interesting inteview and article! I really appreciate especially the fact that the tone is kinda realistic and not “everything’s cool all the time” Kate seems a truly amazing woman! XO S

What a great interview! So awesome that you got to interview one of your all-time favorite travel bloggers!

What a great interview. She’s right; there’s no Dream Life as it seems on Social Media. Any success has a lot of hard work behind it!

Great interview.. what a cool and brave woman. Love it.

Great interview. Love travel. Exciting to see how to turn that love of travel into a full-time gig.

I love this! So inspiring… I love traveling! I think it’s amazing that she does what she loves and makes money at the same time. What a girl boss!

Lots of love, Krissi

Lovely interview and great to be able to relate to someone who has made the jump into being a full time travel professional and making it work.

I love reading stories detailing when people’s dreams become reality! This was such a fun interview to read through and it truly sounds like Kate is living her dream 🙂

Very informative interview. Also 26 and thinking about travelling for a bit

All true! I didn’t travel much during my youth and I regret that now. I didn’t realize what I was missing. Now I travel as much as possible and enjoy the benefits you cite. Great post.

I was JUST reading about how traveling can improve your memory, so it’s so cool that she gets to travel as a living!!

Thanks for the interview. I also follow “Adventurous Kate” and one of my favorite things about her is that she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. I have been impressed by her willingness to post about the importance of travelers being vaccinated–commentary that shouldn’t be political, but is.

This is so cool! I’ve loved following Adventurous Kate too, and what a privilege it is that you got to interview her! I’ve always wanted to move to Thailand – well ever since I visited 4 years ago, at least, and I’m happy to hear she recommends it! Great post. Xx Sara

What a great interview! Kate was one of the first travel bloggers I followed and I still love reading her posts.

I enjoyed reading this post. It’s always good to hear from a successful blogger & hear about how they managed some of the challenges. It’s inspirational too! Thanks so much for sharing!

I loved reading this! I forgot how much I enjoy a written interview. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for sharing! I really appreciated learning from someone who has a lot of experience in the field. I’m working on monetizing my blog now!

I loved reading this article. So inspiring. I have always wanted to visit Thailand and loved that she talks about it being a great place for solo female travelers. I love hearing women succeed when they follow their hearts! Way to go!

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Travel Blogger Interview: David from Travelsewhere

Welcome to my travel blogger interview series where once a month, i will put the spotlight back on my favorite travel bloggers .

Once a month, I want to start putting the spotlight on some of my favorite travel bloggers who inspire me to continue to travel the world and to be a better travel blogger! Each month, I will choose one blogger and interview them with a set of questions and introduce you to them!

Please help support them by sharing their favorite post and following them on SM! 

Introducing David from Travelsewhere

I can no longer remember where along my blogging social network I met David, but we quite often always linked up to many of the same travel blog link ups and soon we forged a pretty solid blogger buddy friendship. As much as I travel, I still found myself envying his travels and every new post he wrote, he was going somewhere either I was dying to visit or finding off-the-beaten-path, low-key, #undertourism destinations and introducing growing my ridiculously long bucket list! Many of his posts inspired my husband and I to do our two week honeymoon road tripping through the Balkans ! After a year +/- of chitchatting, we eventually had our first meet up where he put on his tour guide shoes and showed my husband and I around Vienna’s Christmas Markets , indulged in quite a bit of glühwein and we had a bit of a “who took it best?” photo competition! 

Introduce yourself: Who are you? Where is home?/ Where are you now?

Hi there! I’m David and although I’m from Australia, these days I call Europe home. I’ve spent the last three years travelling about solo but have spent the majority of my time in Europe.

What makes your  blog   unique and why should people read it?

I think what’s most appealing about my blog Travelsewhere is that I try to share the “elsewheres” in the world – places that people don’t consider as travel destinations or haven’t even heard of. My aim is to inspire people that have travelled a bit to look to new and different destinations that see fewer tourists and provide them with practical tips to visit these places themselves. My favourite comment is when people say “I’ve never even heard of this place but now I want to go!”

Do you travel for work or for pleasure?

Hard to say really, but I guess it’s both. As a travelling freelancer and aspiring travel writer, I enjoy travelling around to experience new places but those places also tend to fuel my work.

What was your most recent trip?

Over New Years Eve and the start of January I visited Belgium and Netherlands . It was really nice to visit my friends again there and I even got invited along to a typical Belgian New Years Day family lunch which was impressive to say the least. Also, I hadn’t visited the Netherlands since I was a child so that was interesting too.

Which country do you keep returning to the most?

Since arriving in Europe three years ago, I keep returning to Vienna in Austria as I have family there. This means my visits are usually not so much about sightseeing as taking a break from all that. Besides Vienna, it would have to be either Belgium or Spain which I both love.

Where is the best place you have ever been and why?

When people ask me my favourite country I’ve always automatically said Iceland . Nowhere else I’ve visited has wowed me quite as much with its raw, stunning landscapes. There’s just so many waterfalls, volcanoes, barren plains, glaciers, I could go on forever. What really stuns me is that I know there are so many places I missed the first time around. If only I could afford to go back!

Where is the worst place you have ever been and why?

I like to think I have a pretty positive attitude towards places and can find the silver lining for any destination. That being said, the city of Comayagua in Honduras comes to mind. While on a group tour through Central America, there were plenty of reminders that Honduras can be a dangerous place (with its fair share of beautiful spots too). Walking back from dinner through the dark and seedy streets of Comayagua with 3 of the girls on my tour was rather nerve-wracking. It was heartening when I saw they’d removed it from the tour itinerary a year later.

Do you feel that blogging takes time away from your social or family life?

As I’m usually on my own when I’m travelling, it’s maybe not such a clear trade off. I do think I spend less time messaging people or finding social things to do because it feels like there’s always more to do on the blog. My hope is that I’ll get better with managing my time so that it feels like less of a demand on my time.

What is the one thing that is too large or impractical to travel with that you wish you could take with you when you travel?

I think if you asked me this question when I was first started travelling long-term, many things would have been on my list, including my X-box and my hockey stick . Now that I’ve become used to living with what I can carry on my back, I’m used to fewer creature comforts. Probably what I’d like is simply the ability to carry my different seasonal clothes, so I didn’t have to switch everything over between summer and winter.

Are there any countries that you would not consider visiting and why?

I’m not really someone who believes in boycotting places because I personally don’t think it helps. To me, one of the greatest things about travel is that it encourages the exchange of ideas and helps you question your long-held beliefs. The thing that would stop me though is safety concerns due war and conflict in places like Iraq, Crimea etc.

Do you have any funny travel stories?

Besides my regular mishaps and failures hiking, one of the funnier, weirder experiences I’ve had was while taking the ferry from Panama to Colombia . My friends had been aboard the ferry the day before and made friends with the ship’s head engineer, a genial Romanian with good English. Tired with the rest of the crew who were all Italian, he invited us all to his large quarters, where he had food already prepared and his own drinks supply. It almost felt like a dinner party, except we’d had no idea. The conservation bounced all over the place and I think he tried to set me up with one of his daughters, but it was a pretty fun and random way to pass the time.

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

I don’t tend to think of myself as very adventurous, but maybe the riskiest activity I’ve done was paragliding in Turkey. Although I don’t have a big fear of heights, I was seriously nervous as we raced up the mountain on the way there – although that could have been to do with the driving. Once we were at the top, adrenaline took over and it really was unbelievable as we floated out over the Mediterranean Sea.

What is your favorite means of transportation (plane, train, car, ship)?

If I had the choice of getting about, which I usually don’t, my most enjoyable form of transport would have to be train. There’s just something soothing about the constant, gentle motion of the train and watching the world whiz by. That being said, if it’s on calm waters, sailing about can be even more relaxing.

What sort of traveler are you? Full time / part time / business / backpacker etc?

I’m probably parts of a few of these but not quite wholly any of them. I spend more time than not travelling about so quite close to full time, given I’m technically homeless. I would say I’m a backpacker too, but these days I just can’t put up with dorm rooms. While I don’t love the term, digital nomad is probably the most accurate label.

Do you have a Bucket List? If so where are the 3 top places on it?

A long one. A really, really long one. Several actually. I have one for new countries I’m most excited to visit; one for the next trips I’d like to take; and then the ones for all the spots I missed during previous trips. The destinations I’d love to visit ASAP are the Faroe Islands, Ethiopia and Iran for a whole jumble of reasons.

Do you feel burnt out by constant traveling? If yes, how to you handle it? If no, then how to you go about it?

Having travelled continuously for so long, I’ve got much better at identifying when I need a break. There’s only so much sightseeing and relocating you can do before it takes a toll on you. My old rule of thumb was 6 weeks travel and I needed to find a day or two of everyday stuff like binge watching TV to recharge. I try to plan in my breaks more regularly to avoid burning out somewhere that I’d really like to be sightseeing.

Do you have a travel post you are most proud of and why?

Hands down it has to my photo essay I put together for the Carnival celebrations in Aalst, Belgium . The experience itself was so much fun and I was able to take tons of photos, which I love doing while travelling. The best part though was the response it received in Aalst. I had the organisers contact me about it, inviting me back the next year and it received a huge number of views then. My friends in Aalst said that even the next year, people were still mentioning the article and the fact that someone from so far away had come to experience their local festival.

What is one travel hack tip you could give readers?

It often seems like people try and cram too much into their holiday itineraries. It’s far more fun to enjoy the destinations you’re in and explore them at your own place, rather than marching to beat of your minute-by-minute schedule. My tip would be when planning your next trip, remove at least one more destination than you initially plan. The less time you spend moving from A-to-B the more sightseeing you can do, plus day trips are always possible.

Do you have one ultimate favorite picture from your travels? Why?

That’s really not a fair question to ask, because if you send me in to look for just one photo I may never come out. I will say that one of my favourite photos from last year was this shot of the Capela do Senhor da Pedra south of Porto in Portugal . I just feel like it captures the beauty of the place and the serene feeling I experienced watching the sunset there.

Where are you headed next?

After a quiet month of working and freezing in Vienna, I’ve ventured off to Croatia and plan to explore some new parts of the Balkans which are one of my favourite corners of Europe.

For more from  Travelsewhere  follow him on Facebook , Instagram and on Pinterest !

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Replies to Travel Blogger Interview: David from Travelsewhere

I LOVE TravelElsewhere and I really enjoyed getting to know David a bit better through your interview. 🙂

So glad you enjoy David’s blog! He takes us to some of the best places!!

What a fun post/idea! I love hearing from different travel bloggers and reading about their experiences being on the road full-time. His blog sounds so interesting and I’m going to check it out after I leave this comment! Paragliding in Turkey is now on my bucket list. How cool!

David has a ton of amazing posts so take a peruse around!

Great interview with David “Travelsewhere”. So interesting to learn more about him, how he travels and places he likes. I always like to see the places I have never heard of or been to and that I would love to visit. Love the great photos and I would love to visit Iceland. I must find his article to see how he visited there. Thanks for sharing! #feetdotravel

Love David’s blog even though it is too dangerous for people with a bad case of wanderlust. I would love to explore Europe in the same way he does. I want to go back to Iceland too but the prices are a bit shocking. #feetdotravel

I think his endless wandering shave left me incurably wanderlusting!

David is one of my favorites! I enjoyed all the info here, especially #18 on planning an itinerary. I always want to add one MORE location, but David is right — better to plan less. It always takes more time to get from one place to another than you think it will!

What a fun post! David’s adventures are enviable and his photography is great. I love posts like these which give you a little more insight to the person behind the blog!

I am hearing a bit of a trend here, when David visited you, you had a bit too much glühwein? Hmmm, when David visited Gili Air, we had a few too many vodka joss’ haha. It’s always great getting to know other bloggers, and I love your blogger interview series! #feetdotravel

Can only imagine what we will have to much of when we finally meet too one day ?

It’s always great to find out more about the travel bloggers I follow. I’ve been following David for a while. I particularly like the way his writing flows and the “elsewhere” locations he covers. I know my “destinations to visit list” has grown considerably since following him.

Interesting stories, thanks. Faroe Islands is not a place I’ve ever thought of going, so looking forward to reading more about that.

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Matt Long a RoamRight Blog Author

Seven Questions With Travel Blogger Amanda Williams From A Dangerous Business

Learn more about travel blogger Amanda Williams in our ongoing interview series!

Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series with some of our favorite travel bloggers. Today we’re chatting with Amanda Williams, the owner of the travel blog A Dangerous Business . Originally from Ohio, Amanda's adventurous nature and inability to say "no" have led her to some pretty amazing adventures all around the world. But she has no desire to stop exploring anytime soon. Read Amanda's blog, A Dangerous Business , or follow her on Facebook  and  Twitter .

Q1. How did you get into travel blogging/writing?

Amanda - I have no idea when I got into writing - to be honest, I've loved writing for as long as I can remember. But travel blogging was a different story. I decided to start a travel blog in early 2010 simply because I was bored at work. I was working as a copy/layout editor at a small newspaper, and didn't have the opportunity to write much any more. I decided to start a blog as a creative outlet, and settled on travel as a topic simply because I had spent some time abroad in college and really loved learning about the world.

Q2. What has been your most rewarding travel moment?

Amanda - That's a tough question! The first experience that comes to mind is the week I spent volunteering at Elephant Nature Park in Thailand in early 2014. ENP is dedicated to rescuing abused and injured elephants in Southeast Asia and then giving them a sanctuary in which to live out the rest of their lives. The focus is on sustainable tourism (no elephant rides here!), and I LOVE what they do. Spending a week getting to know the elephants and their stories was incredible.

Q3. Have any mishaps happened to you on the road? What was most notable?

Amanda - There are always mishaps when you travel, but I've been really lucky that my worst mishaps have just been getting sick. I caught a horrible flu in Scotland that followed me to Central America, I had a bout of food poisoning in Cambodia that messed up my stomach for weeks, and I caught the dreaded "backpacker lung" while traveling around Europe a few years ago, which left me with a nasty hacking cough for about a month.

Q4. Has travel insurance ever helped you out during your travels?

Amanda - I thankfully have never had to use my travel insurance on the road - but I ALWAYS purchase it for longer trips. Better safe than sorry, as they say.

Q5. What’s your best travel tip you always give people?

Amanda - My favorite tip is to always follow your instincts. Your intuition is often much smarter than you give it credit for, and it can be especially helpful when you're stressed out. If you listen to your gut - whether it's warning you to be careful, or begging you to do something you never had planned - you'll have a much better chance of enjoying a great trip.

Q6. If you could only ever visit one more place in your life, where would it be and why?

Amanda - That's evil! But I would probably say New Zealand, because it's my favorite country in the world. If I knew I could only go one more time, I think I would probably just stay there and never leave.

Q7. Please share a photo during a recent trip and give us the short backstory.

Amanda - This photo was taken at Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies in September. This was my second time visiting Lake Louise, but the first time I saw it unfrozen! I spent a day in the Rockies after taking the Rocky Mountaineer train across western Canada, and saw as many lakes, mountains, and glaciers as I could fit into one day.

Thank you Amanda for participating in our interview series, and be sure to read all of her RoamRight blog posts here !

Stay social and follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram where we share even more great stories and photos!

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Matt Long, a RoamRight Blog Author

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Little Grey Box

The questions you REALLY want to ask a travel blogger

The world of blogging is a little bit crazy. It’s hard to imagine it is a job and something you can actually do for a living. A few years ago I didn’t even know what blogging really was and I certainly had no idea how to get started or make something of it. Without a doubt, starting Little Grey Box (LGB) has been one of the best decisions of my life. When I talk to people about what I do, I usually get asked the same questions. So today I thought I’d give you a bit of insight into how my world works and answer those big questions I hear regularly.

First things first though, I have to say upfront that I work as a writer, so the title of ‘travel blogger’ is a happy job title I’ve kind of fallen into. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl, that has always been my dream career at heart. It’s what I’ve aspired to do and now I get to do it. My life isn’t just about travel, it’s also largely about writing and my love of words and LGB  is a way for me to do something I really love; write.

Phoebe Lee - Hong Kong

‘How did you get started?’

Matt asked me a question, “If you could be anything, what would you be? What’s your dream career?” I told him I wanted to be a travel writer, a combination of the two things I love most. He suggested I start a blog, but I had no idea whatsoever how to do that. Coming from the creative industry, he knew about bloggers and helped me create a WordPress site, choose a name and design a logo (just one of the benefits of being married to a Graphic Designer).

We were living in London at the time and I used LGB as an outlet, a way for me to vent my frustrations, share my observations and put together travel information. When I started it, I had no idea exactly what I wanted the site to be. I wrote about food, random events, funny stories and anything else I thought to write about. Quite simply, I just made a start. I had no blogging experience, I just learned as I went along and slowly got the hang of it.

‘What did you study?’

Other than taking English at school I haven’t studied anything additional to get me here. I haven’t taken journalism courses at University or College or had work experience with magazines or travel companies. I started writing for the love of writing and it just took off from there. I was very fortunate to have a boss in my old job who mentored me with my writing, as I was writing high-level reports for the Government, and he really helped me learn a lot.

I guess all I really did was take something I’m good at and absolutely love to do and found a way to turn it into a career. Because of this, I have unlimited amounts of energy and love to keep doing it. It makes me happy so I look forward to it every day.

The one, simple decision that changed my whole life

‘What was your big break?’

Not long after I started LGB I was Freshly Pressed by WordPress , this sent a LOT of traffic to my site and increased my readership a lot. A few weeks later, it happened again! That gave me a big confidence boost and made me feel really happy, which made me want to do more of it. But I fizzled out a bit and lost track of the bigger picture, I felt like writing couldn’t be a career for me and so I slipped back into my work and just put my head down. I was really unhappy and had an empty feeling in me, knowing this wasn’t all there could be to life. I nearly closed LGB down!

Thankfully, I didn’t and the real ‘big break’ was finally having the guts to listen to my heart and dedicate the time and energy to doing what I love to do. My readership slowly grew, people told me they liked what I created and I felt happy, so I just kept going. One day I made the decision, mentally, to really truly give it a go… the moment I committed to it, it grew more and more

‘How do you make money?’

This question used to really bother me because it felt really intrusive having strangers ask you how you make money and I used to loathe answering the question. I’ve gotten used to it, but prefer not to go into too much detail. I earn enough money to live a life I love, that is all anyone needs to know. My income is derived from a few sources. I don’t place advertising on LGB because I hate advertising popping up on sites when I’m trying to read them. Instead, I monetise the site through sponsored content and reviews. I always do my research before I say yes to a review and don’t provide any false or misleading information. If I wouldn’t genuinely recommend a place to my own friends or family, then I’m not going to recommend it to LGB readers either because you guys are like family too.

As I said, I love to write! So I do freelance travel writing for a few different companies . From time to time I do some freelance photography work, but it’s not something I want to take over too much of my time. I prefer to put my time and love into writing.

travel bloggers interview

‘How do you find work? Does it come to you or do you seek it out?’

It’s a combination of the two, to be honest. I may have someone approach me and invite me to stay at their hotel, visit their restaurant or take part in their event. Other times, I contact them. For instance, if I were planning a trip to Sydney I would reach out to local businesses and their PR Agencies and ask if they’d like to work together.

I balance organised work with discovering things organically too, like walking past a bakery that smells amazing and buying food from there then adding it to a ‘Things to do’ guide. I wouldn’t try to make money off that bakery, I’d just share it because it was great and I think people should eat there cos it’s yummy.

‘What happens if you get paid to do something but you hate it?’

Thankfully that hasn’t happened yet because I really look into something before I commit to it. If it did happen, I would definitely tell the client/company in the first instance and give them a chance to rectify whatever was wrong. After all, it’s reasonable to expect things can’t always be perfect, so why not give a hotel, for example, the chance to fix a problem rather than just blasting them on social media. Sometimes you experience the best customer service in response to an issue!

If I really, really, really hated it and there is no way they could fix it, I would be honest and tell the company why in a polite and professional way. Money isn’t worth writing about something you don’t really want to share with readers. I’m not going to jeopardise LGB for a few dollars, I’d rather terminate the contract and move on.

How to avoid these 15 silly travel photography mistakes

‘What do you do all day?’

This question comes directly from my Grandma who is always asking me what I do all day, it makes me laugh! I think she’s a little bit suspicious of it all.

My days vary a lot, but I usually start the day by checking my favourite websites and catching up on the news and social media junk. Then I go through my emails and write back to people, send things off or contact someone if I need to. Afterwards, I might edit photos, post on social media, do some research on an upcoming trip or destination. Then I start writing, for LGB or for another source. Sometimes I have an event on during the day or evening, possibly a restaurant launch or tourism event if I’m lucky, so I get a chance to dress up nice, eat some great food and meet some people who work in the industry.

I get bored really easily, so I need a lot of variation in my days (and my life!). Working like I do is perfect because every day is different. I’m always juggling deadlines, coming up with new ideas, meeting new people, talking to agencies on the phone and sorting through new opportunities. It’s really fun and keeps it interesting for me. I loathe predictability and mundane routines that suck the life right out of you.

I also take time out during the day to do things like meditate or chill out and eat my lunch, grab coffee with a friend or do some drawing. I have to make sure I take that time out because I love what I do so much it’s easy to lose hours and hours to it without a break, which causes burnout. I have to actively stop and do something else for a while to give my mind a break.

What to pack for Tokyo in Winter - 13

‘What’s your favourite place you’ve visited?’

This is always a tough question and, to be honest, it changes from day-to-day. My favourite destinations are definitely Iceland, Tokyo and Morocco. I also really, really love Rome, there’s just something about it! Which is odd for me, because I tend to like places that are a little bit different and not so touristy.

‘How do you afford to travel?’

The thing to keep in mind here is that travel is our priority. Some people put their money into a home loan or a new car or toward their family, we put our money toward travel. Matt and I live a simple life, neither of us is concerned with owning the latest gadgets or the newest fashions. We just keep it real.

We live within our means, steer WELL away from any kind of debt and use our money to fund our next big adventure. When we travel, we do so within our means. We don’t stay somewhere we can’t afford or eat at a super fancy restaurant. I’d rather eat at a local restaurant than eat at a five-star fine dining restaurant. We’re just regular people who like regular things.

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  • Influencer Interview: Travel bloggers Charlie & Lauren’s Romantic Photo Diary
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By Georgie Campbell

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Paving the way for holiday dreamers,travel bloggers Charlie and Lauren have turned couples’ romantic travel aspirations into not just a reality, but a full-time occupation as travel bloggers.

As a platform for sharing photos from all around the world, Instagram has become one of the best places for travellers to share their love of travel and inspire other people with high-res images that transport viewers to the very centre of luxe destinations, urging them to vacate their comfort zones. Scrolling down Charlie and Lauren’s Instagram page would be enough to make anyone crave a holiday, thanks to each and every one of the beautiful destinations that they have visited and shared in stunning detail on their social platforms.

travel bloggers interview

From India and the Far East to city breaks in Europe and glamping in the UK, Charlie and Lauren have used their talented eyes for photography to share and capture their irresistible wanderlust for all the world to see. However, that’s not the only reason that the couple has caught the attention of 315,000 followers (and counting) on the popular photo-sharing app; it’s their irresistibly tongue-in-cheek sense of humour too. This, combined with sharing their travels as a couple and featuring an outstanding portfolio of photos from around the world leaves followers in awe.

Both Charlie and Lauren started travelling solo before meeting and discovering their shared love for travel and photography in their hometown of Peterborough, England, by coincidence. Their first trip as a couple was to India in 2017, where they decided to document their travels and share their photographs as a visual diary for friends and family to follow. As aforementioned their love of photography is what inspired the platform, and they took great care and pride in the photos which they were sharing from the outset – capturing and images of the landscapes, sights and surroundings that they were forever searching for their travel blog to India.

travel bloggers interview

The couple soon noticed that it was not only friends and family who decided to follow their page for their daily dose of travel inspiration. In interview with Beau Monde Traveler, Charlie and Lauren divulge their thoughts and experiences as envied travel bloggers…

"“We started with a camera, a passion for photography and a plane ticket, and since then we have never looked back!”"

How did you form and grow your platform.

“We both love taking photos – on our first trip together we decided to make a travel blog of India, we documented our travels as we went along, taking photos and videos of the places we were visiting. We then started taking pictures of both of us in these beautiful destinations which seemed to be going really well. We unexpectedly started gaining more followers, the more we travelled and shared on Instagram. This inspired us to develop our photography and share the best images we possibly could, as this what our audience was engaging with. We started with a camera, a passion for photography and a plane ticket, and since then we have never looked back!”

travel bloggers interview

Since the rapid growth of Charlie and Lauren’s platform as travel bloggers, their aim is now no longer only to document their travels but to inspire others. “Chase your passions and what makes you happy”, they encourage, making clear that the sky’s the limit for those brave enough to carve out enough time for seeing bucket list destinations and exploring the world. Certainly, in the case of Charlie and Lauren, that decision has led them down the path of creating some unforgettable travel memories.

What are some of your most memorable trips?

“Going on safari in Tanzania was like nothing we had ever done before, it was extraordinary… it really is the only place in the world to experience wildlife in the way that you can there…” mentions Charlie immediately, with great enthusiasm.

The UK based travel bloggersinsist that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will mesmerise even the well-seasoned traveller. The vast, warm land offers natural, unspoilt beauty and is home to an abundance of magnificent animals. From lions, leopards, zebras and giraffes to gazelles, rhinos and buffalo. As if jumping headfirst into a David Attenborough documentary, this was an unforgettable highlight of their years of travel and an absolute must for travellers looking to experience different depths of the earth.

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The couple continue to recollect and recommend their most memorable destinations; “the places to stay in Jamaica and Bali are amazing”, Lauren remarks. The selection of boutique hotels offered in Bali are an experience in themselves, they both passionately express, evidently still enthused by the impression that the tropical adventure has left on them.  “And when we visited Jamaica, we were invited to stay at one of Sandals Royal Caribbean Hotel– the resort was paradise”.

Certainly, this was one of their most relaxing hotel stays. As host, Sandals provided every amenity and experience they could have possibly wished for right on their doorstep. Being located on the beach, the hotel is surrounded by crystal clear Caribbean waters and white sands. “We were lucky enough to have use of the beautiful amenities, such as one of the more spacious rooms and suites, with spa inspired bathrooms and a choice of swimming pools”.

Sandals Royal Caribbean Hotel can also arrange for guests to explore some of the island’s greatest natural beauties in many different ways, such as watching the sun set over the island on a boat tour, zip lining through the jungle, or scuba diving in the ocean. The options really were endless. The attentive nature of the hotel, they say, and the amount that it had to offer guests is what made this particular trip so memorable.

“It was true luxury”, Charlie agrees.

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Finally, some of the most unique and beautiful hotels that Charlie and Lauren have stayed in throughout their extensive travels were in Cappadocia, Turkey. Carved into the caves which make up the unusual landscape in Cappadocia are hotels featuring opulent suites, swimming pools and many other mysteries to discover within the caves such as restaurants and spas. As the sun rises, so too does a display of multicoloured hot air balloons, attracting travellers from far and wide for this spectacular occasion. Charlie and Lauren were clearly awed by the magical moment as the balloons rose gently across the sun-streaked horizon. Surrounded by sandy amber landscapes, the couple recommended with great enthusiasm taking a trip through the countryside on the back of a trusted donkey as the culture and deeply rustic nature of the city entwines itself around you.

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Experiencing new adventures together is one of the many reasons which motivates and fuels Charlie and Lauren’s lives as travel bloggers. Finding beauty along slightly less-trodden paths and capturing this through their love of photography – forever chasing the perfect image and moment together to share with the world.

"“Finding beauty along slightly less-trodden paths and capturing this through their love of photography - forever chasing the perfect image and moment together to share with the world.”"

How have you adapted your platform over the past year and what are you most looking forward to in 2021.

Over the past year, Charlie and Lauren had to adapt to life without travel and have also shared this unexpected change with their followers. Whilst waiting to book their next adventure, their platform has not been able to feature their usual travels but has still featured their fun, loving relationship even more than ever. Having shifted from exotic destinations, to continuing to share content whilst based in London; Charlie and Lauren have not only become infamous for their light-hearted and positive relationship but have also launched a selection of their favourite photographs available for purchase. The breathtaking images include landscapes, wildlife and architectural photography which capture glimpses of the couple’s adventures.

travel bloggers interview

Charlie and Lauren continue to share their extensive knowledge, tips and recommendations on their travel blog ‘ wanderers and warriors ’. Sharing guides and bucket lists to countries all over the world, their blog is a trusted one-stop destination to planning your future travels. With particular concentration on destinations in Asia and Europe, Charlie and Lauren’s blog provides honest and down to earth posts, such as ‘The Ultimate Sri Lanka Bucket List – A Go To Guide’, ‘Koh Samui Beaches Guide – The Best Beaches In Koh Samui’ and ‘One Day In Vienna Itinerary – How To Do Vienna In A Day’. Their tasteful selection of featured destinations is forever growing. Stayposted, Charlie and Lauren have dabbled in the luxury sector, but are well on their way to becoming leading industry icons as they are continually growing their articles as travel bloggers, Instagram following, and publicised photography. Charlie and Lauren are forever looking for their next adventure and will be jet-setting to wherever the sun is shining as soon as possible. Who wouldn’t want to follow in their footsteps?

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Georgie Campbell

As a travel writer, Georgie Campbell seeks to share with readers the wonders that the world can offer. Her editorial features insights to inspire people to explore the world in ways that they otherwise may not have; painting a picture which leaves the imagination wanting more.

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Wanderlust And City Dust

How To Start a Travel Blog – An Exclusive Interview with Mike Clegg

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Starting a travel blog is a great idea right now since people are more eager than ever to travel and experience new things now that life has returned to normal following the pandemic.

As per RankIQ’s findings, travel has the third highest percentage (10%) of blogs (after food and lifestyle), with over 50,000 monthly sessions and the 4 th highest earning amongst all the niches. The travel bloggers had a median monthly income of $5000.

So, if you have been thinking of starting a blog for quite some time now, this is the right time to do so. Moreover, if you want to choose travel blogging, then as a travel blogger, you’ll have the opportunity to inspire and educate people about different cultures, places, and ways of travelling.

You can share your personal experiences, tips, and recommendations and be a trusted guide for people who are planning their next adventure.

The common procrastination about the blogging industry is that it’s a little bit insane. It’s difficult to believe that it is a profession and that you could make a livelihood doing it.

Not very long ago, I had no idea what blogging even entailed, much less how to use it to generate passive earnings. I am assuming that many of you have faced the same situation or have the same question on your mind ‘how to start a travel blog and make money’?

Today, starting ‘Wanderlust and City Dust’ has unquestionably been one of my best choices ever.

When I talk to people about what I do, they frequently ask me the same set of questions. In light of this, I thought it would be amazing to know the journey of a travel blogger who is quite a long time into this journey and wants to share his thoughts and experiences with people who want to get an idea of how to start a travel blog and become a travel blogger, along with insights.

Let’s get started!

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How To Start A Travel Blog – An Interview with Mike Clegg

Travel blogging has grown significantly in recent years, and a thriving community of travel bloggers is eager to share their knowledge and wanderlust experiences with others.

It gives me immense pleasure to present you to Mike Clegg, the accomplished traveller, and photographer who creates the popular travel blog ‘ TravelAndDestinations .’ Mike’s blog has grown into a go-to resource for tourists looking for ideas, advice, and breathtaking images from around the world.

Today, we have the chance to learn more about Mike’s background, goals, and experiences as a travel blogger. This will help you get your answer on how to start travel blogging, what you should follow to become a successful blogger in this niche and more.

Without further ado, let’s get started with our in-depth conversation with Mike Clegg, the creative force behind the illustrious travel blog TravelAndDestinations.

1. Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led you to become a travel blogger and photographer?

I’ve always travelled a lot since I was a child, but for a long time, my photography was quite poor, and I felt I needed to improve. I therefore started reading a lot of photography books and magazines, as well as spending a lot of time practicing. I would try different techniques and settings to see what worked for the look I was trying to achieve. As well as actually taking photographs, I taught myself Lightroom and Photoshop for editing them.

When I moved to Canada, I got into blogging and started sharing my pictures on Instagram. I was also connecting with a lot of photographers during this time, and one of them said, you’re travelling so much, why don’t you start a blog to share your tips that’s when my website started.

2. What inspired you to create TravelAndDestinations, and what is the vision and mission behind your travel brand?

After the conversation where it was suggested that I start a website to share tips I started TravelAndDestinations, and I did this so as to share my tips and experiences. Many of my most successful articles are related to travel and photography, so when I travelled what I would do is create articles on the best Instagram and photography spots. These seemed to be quite popular and helpful to people.

Nowadays, I have other writers to help create content for places all over the world and to provide more value to people visiting my website. I also publish a variety of content, and many of it will be on travel, but not always on photography.

3. Travel blogging is a competitive field. Can you share your journey of how you managed to build such a successful platform?

I have tried to create really helpful content and I also experiment a lot to try and determine what content people would want to read or find useful. As well as this I conduct keyword research to try and get an idea of what the demand is.

Finally, I spend a lot of time trying to optimise the speed and user experience that someone gets when they visit my site.

 I think the visual design is also important so as to convey a professional and high-quality resource. I am often trying to think of ways to improve the aesthetic design of my website, but even since starting it has come a long way.

4. Many aspiring travel bloggers struggle with finding their niche and unique voice. How did you discover your niche, and what advice would you give to those looking to define theirs?

I started publishing content that resonated with me such as on travel and photography. Although my website name isn’t that creative it’s fairly obvious what it’s about before you arrive. My website probably now sits more on the travel destination side rather than the photography side though.

5. Building a personal brand is essential in the blogging world. What strategies or actions have you taken to develop and nurture your brand as “Mike Clegg” and “TravelAndDestinations”?

Well, actually I do often wish I’d created a more creative and catchy website name. I think although my website name is very clear it’s not that memorable or easy to type. I think in some ways this has made it harder for me to define a brand and attract more of a loyal readership.

I would recommend anyone starting to try and create a brand which is catchier and more creative, plus use shorter words and make it easy to type.

6. Traveling and photography go hand in hand for you. How has photography played a role in the success of your blog, and do you have any tips for aspiring travel photographers?

I have always enjoyed taking photographs way before the blog started, although my photographs weren’t very good quality in the past. I had spent a lot of time reading and practicing and I think over time this has helped me to get to a good level.

Nowadays I use my own photographs where possible in my articles but I also license images from stock sites when I don’t have something available.

I think having the ability to take good photographs will help you to enhance your website and content, but as well as this you can also save you money (as you don’t have to license them). Brands will also like it if you are able to take good photographs yourself too.

Plus, photography is fun, and being able to travel and take good pictures is quite rewarding.

7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a key aspect of running a successful blog. Could you share some strategies or tactics you’ve used to improve the SEO and organic traffic growth of your website?

I use various tools such as Ahrefs and to try and find website issues and also to do research into keyword demand and competitiveness. I often spend time optimising older articles to include extra relevant keywords, as well as work to include keywords that I may rank for in new content too.

As well as this I spend a lot of time trying to optimise for speed, so as to prevent render-blocking where possible, keep images optimized, and have a good caching setup (among many other speed and UX related things).

Both on-page and off-page SEO is definitely an ongoing task for me and I’m also trying to constantly keep up with changes in search engines etc.

8. Content creation is at the heart of travel blogging. How do you consistently come up with fresh and engaging content ideas for your audience?

It’s definitely not easy and I am still trying to get better, but I generally often think of ideas that might be helpful or interesting and then use keyword research tools such as to see what kind of demand there might be. As well as this my writers often propose ideas based on places they visit or they’ve been and this can help me to publish new content that I may not otherwise think of.

9. Can you share some of the most memorable experiences or destinations you’ve encountered during your travels that have left a lasting impact on you?

Some top experiences for me include visiting Banff in Canada during the winter where I got to see Elk, go snowboarding, ice shoe walking, and enjoy various other winter activities.

travel bloggers interview

I’ve had some wonderful hiking experiences, including in the Dolomites, in the mountains near Chiang Mai, and also in Bohemian Switzerland. I love being outdoors so these kinds of experiences are some of the most memorable.

I’ve also had some experiences where I saw situations of poverty and hardship which is very eye-opening. Of course, poverty and hardship happen in many countries around the world so my point is that travel can help you to see it and get a better understanding of how different people live around the world, both good and bad.

10. Travel blogging often involves facing challenges and overcoming them. Could you tell us about some of the challenges you’ve encountered in your blogging career and how you’ve dealt with them?

I’ve had website security issues before including DDoS attacks and hacking attempts. I have put in lots of levels of security to counter this.

As well as this, I’ve had issues where people have copied or duplicated my entire site and then set up a live copy. I try and put in technical solutions as I discover these to make it more difficult but it’s always a pain when it happens.

There’s also writer’s block and motivation issues. I run this website on the side of a full-time job and it can definitely be hard to stay motivated and make time for the site sometimes. As a result, I generally just keep chipping away at it and also don’t allow myself to feel too guilty if I need a break.

11. TravelAndDestinations is known for providing inspiration and ideas for travelers. How do you research and curate the destinations and travel tips you share on your blog?

Generally, a lot of the content is based on what I do, as well as what some of my writers do or places they have travelled to. So, for example, when I’ve done various hikes or have visited new and exciting places I will try and create an article based on that. I also do keyword research and try different topics and themes to try and identify what will perform well and attract a lot of readers.

12. Social media is an integral part of a travel blogger’s toolkit. How do you leverage social media platforms to engage with your audience and promote your content?

I used to spend an awful lot of time on social media mainly Instagram and Pinterest but I’ve scaled back in recent years. I plan to get back into it in the future. I do think it’s important though but it’s incredibly hard to keep up and make a return on investment (both on the time you put in and money you may spend). Plenty of people have done it though so if you find an inspiring voice and create something unique and interesting then this can help you grow pretty quickly.

13. Building a loyal community of readers and followers is essential. What strategies have you used to connect with your audience on a deeper level?

I have tried a few things including having a newsletter, but I found it was taking an awful lot of time without enough return. I was also in the past focusing a lot on Instagram and really connecting with my followers, but over time it became a bit too much, so nowadays I mainly just focus on optimizing my main site, pushing out new content, and updating older stuff too.

I do think it’s important to build a following and regular readership though and it’s something I do need to work on.

14. With the travel industry constantly evolving, especially post-pandemic, what are your thoughts on the future of travel blogging and the trends you anticipate in the coming years?

It does feel like it’s getting more and more competitive and with the future of AI being used as a tool I imagine people will need to make more detailed and thorough content, but as well as this the content should be laid out in such a way that it’s easy for someone to absorb or find what they’re looking for. Unique and original ideas are important too, more so if there is a demand for such content that you’ve managed to find.

You can also keep up to date with any changes or trends and try and jump on the opportunity whilst they are growing and less popular. Such as the next social media platform that comes out. I tried this with Vero but it didn’t seem to kick off.

15. As someone who has traveled extensively, do you have any sustainability and responsible travel practices you adhere to and encourage our readers to follow?

I think we all need to support local businesses and have a positive impact when we travel, so a few things important to me include helping some people in need during my visit (such as giving money to the homeless), buying food, drinks, and other items from local businesses, and also trying to minimize my plastic and waste where possible.

I would generally always try and carry a reusable water bottle and coffee cup and use this instead of disposables. I also avoid plastic bags where possible and almost always carry my own.

16. Collaboration can be a powerful tool in the blogging world. Have you engaged in any noteworthy collaborations or partnerships, and how have they benefited your blog?

I sometimes take guest posts from other bloggers and this could often be thought of as a win-win where someone provides an article and then I provide a link and bio which gives the other blogger some exposure.

If the article does well then it would also provide lots of referral traffic too. I have also interviewed other photographers and bloggers in the past too with the aim of showcasing their work and giving them some exposure. Some of these interview-type articles have had thousands of reads since publishing.

17. With your extensive experience, you must have some exciting plans for the future of your blog. Can you give us a glimpse into what’s next for TravelAndDestinations?

There isn’t anything 100% in the pipeline but I am exploring ideas and always trying to think of new ways to bring excitement to my visitors and help to answer their questions. I am quite experimental and technical though so I do sometimes think of new ways to implement third-party technology into my site.

Outside of this, I plan to spend a lot of my time focusing on updating and optimising existing content so as to keep it fresh and competitive against other content out there.

18. Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring travel bloggers who are just starting on their journey to creating a successful travel brand/blog like TravelAndDestinations?

I’d say just be patient and keep learning, experimenting, and don’t give up. As well as the content that you’re publishing also focuses on the user experience so this includes site speed and having a user-friendly UI (user interface).

Be sure to read lots of tips such as those on Travelpayouts as well as on sites such as Backlinko . It’s a good idea to see what other popular websites are doing too to get inspired.

Blogging and growing a website is certainly not a quick easy task and will take time so remember this if you’re starting out, but it can be very rewarding when you see the traffic and results come in and knowing that you’re helping others and having an impact.

Mike’s experience as a travel blogger provides an interesting aspect of the world of travel blogging. Mike’s journey to success wasn’t a quick leap at all; it was more like a scenic road trip with lots of detours.

So, what is Mike’s secret sauce?

Well, useful content, keyword research, a speedy website, and an eye-catching design are a few of the most important aspects for sure. Oh, and a catchy blog name would have been nice, as he admits. If you’re thinking of becoming a travel blogger, choose a memorable name!

Moreover, photography played a massive role in Mike’s success. He turned his not-so-great photos into stunning visuals. Being a skilled photographer saved him money on image licenses and impressed brands.

Don’t forget about SEO! Yeah, he’s got it down. Tools like Ahrefs helped him find keywords, and he’s constantly tweaking older articles for SEO gold.

What should you do to create fresh content?

It’s not as easy as it looks. Mike gets ideas from his own travels, keyword research, and writer contributions. Social media helps him connect with his audience and spread the word.

Finally, Mike’s advice is to be patient, keep learning, and never give up. Most importantly, focus on the user experience, read expert tips, and get inspired by successful sites. This will help you grow in the long run.

Building a blog is like a slow-cooked stew; it takes time, but the flavour is worth it.

I hope you find this interview helpful to get some ideas on how to start a travel blog and what you should follow when you are just starting out. So, get ready and start your blogging adventure now!

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Arunabha Chakraborty

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Advance travel planning and early visa application are important. If you plan to apply for a nonimmigrant visa to come to the United States as a temporary visitor, please review the current wait time for an interview using the tool below. Not all visa applications can be completed on the day of the interview; please read the information below for more details .

Check the estimated wait time for a nonimmigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Note: Please check the individual embassy or consulate website to determine if your case is eligible for a waiver of the in-person interview.

Applicants scheduling visa appointments in a location different from their place of residence should check post websites for nonresident wait times.

Select a U.S. embassy or consulate:

Global Visa Wait Times

Wait Time for Interview

The estimated wait time to receive a nonimmigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. embassy or consulate and is based on workload and staffing and can vary from week to week. The information provided is an estimate and does not guarantee the availability of an appointment.

Wait Time for Interview Waiver

Wait times for applicants eligible for Interview Waiver are applicable only for locations where applicants schedule appointments to submit their passport and any required documents to a U.S. embassy or consulate. The wait time estimate does not account for the time required for a consular officer to adjudicate the application nor mailing time of passports or other documents. Refer to the website of the Embassy or Consulate Visa Section where you will apply to determine your eligibility for Interview Waiver and for instructions for submitting a nonimmigrant visa application. Note that applicants must be a national or resident of the country where they are applying to be eligible to apply via Interview Waiver.

Qualifications for an Expedited Interview Appointment

Consular sections overseas may be able to expedite your interview date if there is an urgent, unforeseen situation such as a funeral, medical emergency, or school start date. The process to request an expedited nonimmigrant visa interview varies by location. You should refer to the instructions on the website of the Embassy or Consulate Visa Section  where you will interview, or on their online appointment scheduling site. You will need to provide proof of the need for an earlier appointment.

In all cases : You must first submit the online visa application form (DS-160), pay the application fee, and schedule the first available interview appointment. Only at this point will a consular section consider your request for an expedited appointment.

Note: Travel for the purpose of attending weddings and graduation ceremonies, assisting pregnant relatives, participating in an annual business/academic/professional conference, or enjoying last-minute tourism does not qualify for expedited appointments. For such travel, please schedule a regular visa appointment well in advance.

These estimates do not include time required for administrative processing, which may affect some applications. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case.

There are only two possible outcomes for U.S. visa applications. The consular officer will either issue or refuse the visa. If a visa applicant has not established that he or she is eligible for a visa, the consular officer must refuse that application. However, some refused visa applications may require further administrative processing. When administrative processing is required, the consular officer will inform the applicant at the end of the interview. The duration of the administrative processing will vary based on the individual circumstances of each case. At the conclusion of the administrative processing period, the consular officer might conclude that an applicant is now qualified for the visa for which he or she applied. The officer may also conclude that the applicant remains ineligible for a visa. Visa applicants are reminded to apply early for their visas, well in advance of the anticipated travel date.

Important Notice:   Except in cases of emergency travel (i.e. serious illnesses, injuries, or deaths in your immediate family), before making inquiries about status of administrative processing, applicants should wait at least 180 days from the date of interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later.

About Visa Processing Wait Times – Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants

Information about nonimmigrant visa wait times for interviews and visa processing time frames are shown on this website, as well as on U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites worldwide. It should be noted that the “Wait Times for a Nonimmigrant Visa to be Processed” information by country does not include time required for administrative processing. Processing wait time also does not include the time required to return the passport to applicants, by either courier services or the local mail system.

In addition, it is important to thoroughly review all information on the specific  Embassy or Consulate Visa Section website  for local procedures and instructions, such as how to make an interview appointment. Embassy and Consulate websites will also explain any additional procedures for students, exchange visitors and those persons who need an earlier visa interview appointment.

About Wait Times

* Calendar days refers to every day of the week, including days when embassies are closed (such as weekends and holidays).

* Wait times are generally the MAXIMUM amount of time you will have to wait to get an appointment.  Appointments are continuously being added and you will likely be given an opportunity to move your appointment up as new appointments are opened.

† Work days refers only to days when the embassy is open and does not include weekends and holidays.      

‡ A, G, and NATO applications are excluded from these wait times, as they are processed separately.

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Possible B1/B2 Visa Interview Questions

Master the B1/B2 visa interview with thorough preparation and strategic answers. Learn how to effectively convey the purpose of your visit and your intent to return.


  • 06 Sep 2024

A successful visa application depends on being well-prepared for your B1/B2 visa interview. Preparing for the B1/B2 visa interview can be challenging; several important considerations are essential to ensure you are sufficiently prepared. From understanding question types to organising documents, it is essential to approach your interview with confidence.

Understanding the US B1 B2 Visa Interview Questions

A detailed understanding of each visa type will significantly aid your preparation:

B1 Visa Specifics:

B2 visa specific:, common interview considerations:, essential records:, question types:, common us visa interview questions b1 b2.

Here is how you can approach some common B1 B2 visa interview questions:

Why are you visiting the United States?

Clearly and succinctly state the reason you are travelling. Mention specific activities like attending meetings or conferences if you are going for business. For tourism, describe key attractions or events you plan to visit.

Have you ever been to the US before?

Answer honestly about previous visits. If applicable, briefly describe the purpose of those visits to demonstrate your compliance with past visa conditions.

Do you currently know of any friends or family living in the United States?

If you know someone in the country, state their details, your relationship, and how they connect to your journey. Being clear about their influence on your stay helps clarify your intentions.

Where will you be living in the US during your stay?

Describe your lodging arrangements—that of a hotel or with family. Provide addresses and the reasons for choosing these accommodations to show preparedness.

Will your spouse accompany you to the US?

A straightforward 'yes' or 'no' suffices. However, be ready to explain your response, as it may reflect your ties to your home country.

Why are you travelling to the US at this particular time?

Link your travel timing to specific business events, family occasions, or optimal tourist seasons to justify the timing of your visit. You may also mention any travel insurance you have acquired to demonstrate preparedness.

What is the duration of your stay in the United States?

You should clearly state the intended length of your visit and ensure it aligns with your stated activities and visa type.

Tips for B1 B2 Visa Interview Preparation

Following these preparation techniques can help you to increase your chances of succeeding with the B1 B2 visa interview questions and answers . Here are crucial tips to consider:

Organise Your Documentation:

Prove financial stability:, detail ties in the united states:, practice for the interview:, be interview ready:.

Thorough preparation for B1 B2 interview questions transforms the visa interview into a smooth and successful experience. You must convincingly demonstrate the purpose of your visit and your commitment to return after your stay. Strictly adhering to visa requirements allows you to present a strong case that aligns your objectives with the expectations of the interview.

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Paulina - Paulina on the road... - Outdoor & Sustainable Travel Blog

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Paulina | Paulina On The Road | Travel Bloggers Interview Series


In our series of  interviews with travel bloggers and influencers across the globe , we look for travel bloggers and influencers with interesting lives who can share some inspiring stories and useful advice from their experience. This week we have Paulina from Paulina On The Road

Table of Contents

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Paulina from blog  Paulina on the road.

What’s your biggest achievement as a Travel Blogger?

Paulina from blog Paulina on the road

You have an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours. Give me your itinerary.

How do you fund your travel.

Paulina from blog Paulina on the road

What is the single most effective strategy that a blogger can use to bring traffic to a blog?

What tools do you use to monetize your blog which works best for you, what is the first trip you remember taking and how old were you.

Paulina from blog Paulina on the road

Have you been anywhere which turned out to be totally different from how you imagined? If so, how?

Have you had any bad experiences whilst traveling        , where is your favorite place in the world.

Paulina from blog  Paulina on the road

Do you have a bucket list? If so what is on it?

If you were not traveling what would you be doing instead, what has travel taught you, who, in your opinion, is the most successful travel blogger why do you think that is .

You can follow Paulina :  Instagram  |  Blog  |  Pinterest

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Paulina from blog  Paulina on the road

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  • Travel Blogger Interview Series


Sumit Sharma

Sumit is a firm believer in the saying, "Let's be a traveler and not a tourist." He believes that a tourist is someone who wants to experience another culture in a superficial way, while a traveler is someone who wants to immerse themselves in the culture and experience it as authentically as possible. Sumit is currently based in India, but he hopes to travel to every corner of the world one day. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter at @digitalsumit


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Bonjour Everyone!

I have a passion for travelling and love to experience new places and culture. I am from India and visited over 35+ cities in India so far, and can’t wait to see  the whole world untill I go to next.

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