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25 Best Things to Do in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

If you’ve never been to Ljubljana you better have a good excuse. In the centre of Slovenia , it’s a clean, forward-thinking city with architecture has an Italian inflection. Ljubljana owes some of its beauty to a catastrophe: An earthquake in 1895 reduced whole neighbourhoods to ruins. But this only gave free rein to visionaries like Jože Plečnik to build Art Nouveau masterpieces from the rubble.

Ljubljana is young, very hip and green as can be: In 2016 it was the European Green Capital, in a part of Europe not always known for environmental friendliness. The city centre is now mostly car-free, public transport is low-emissions and there’s a new cycling network. The squat-turned-cultural zone Metelkova is the go-to for hipsters and live music, and has nightspots, bars and public art installations in an old barracks.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Ljubljana :

1. Prešeren Square

Preseren Square

Right by the Ljubljanica, Prešeren Square is the place where the city meets up and celebrate.

If there’s an event going on in Ljubljana there’s a good chance it will happen in this space.

With a rough triangular outline, the square is at the convergence of a number of major arteries, and gained its current opulent appearance after the earthquake in 1895. This was when regal halls replaced the medieval houses that had been here before, joining the Baroque Church of the Anunciation, which dates to 1795. The square takes its name from the 19th-century poet France Prešeren whose work “Zdravljica”, “A Toast”, became Slovenia’s national anthem.

You can find his statue next to the Central Pharmacy, across the square from his unrequited love and muse Julija Primic.

2. Triple Bridge

Triple Bridge

Ushering you off Prešeren Square is a group of three bridges decorated with stone balustrades and lanterns.

The central bridge of the three is much older than the two that flank it, and dates to 1842. This was intended for road traffic, while the two alongside were added for pedestrians at the start of the 1930 and were the work of Jože Plečnik, Ljubljana’s most revered architect.

Also dating from this project are the riverside terraces lined with poplars, and the temple-like flower shop that connects with the colonnade of the Central Market on the right bank.

3. Ljubljana Castle

Ljubljana Castle

When you’re looking up from Ljubljana’s squares, the castle seems dauntingly high.

If you’ve got the mettle you can try to get up there on foot, but there’s also a tourist train and a funicular railway.

The castle has changed a lot since it first came together 900 years ago.

The early stone wood and stone fortress was succeeded by more practical military buildings, becoming an Arsenal in the 16th century as a regional bulwark against an Ottoman invasion.

The main courtyard is free to enter, and has a cafe, nightclub, galleries and a restaurant.

You have to pay to ascend the watchtower to look over Ljubljana, and included in this is a “Time Machine” tour.

This recounts Ljubljana’s key historical events with 3D animations and guides in period costume.

Suggested tour : Ljubljana and Ljubljana Castle Sightseeing Tour

4. Dragon Bridge

Dragon Bridge

The four intimidating dragons that stand sentinel on each corner of this bridge are an emblem for Ljubljana and show up all over the city.

Taken from the coat of arms they’re strikingly lifelike (supposing dragons existed!), were rendered in sheet copper in the A. M. Beschorner factory in Vienna, and designed by the bridge’s architect Jurij Zaninović.

The bridge was opened in 1901 and is in the Viennese Secessionist style, an offshoot of Art Nouveau.

At the time it was also a technical achievement as one of the first reinforced concrete bridges in Europe.

5. Tivoli Park

Tivoli Park

Within just a few streets of the Ljubljanica you can be in a green space that pushes out for more than two kilometres.

This begins with the elegant gardens and avenues landscaped in 1813 and extends up the slope onto the wilder Rožnik Hill, which is crisscrossed by nature trails.

In the lower reaches there are dignified properties like the Baroque Cekin Mansion, which houses the Contemporary History Museum.

Tivoli Park also hosts a tropical greenhouse managed by the city’s Botanical Gardens and sits beside a pond.

But if there’s one reason to come it’s to walk the Jakopič Promenade, an arrow-straight avenue that runs from the eastern entrance up to the Neoclassical Tivoli Castle.

6. Ljubljana Cathedral

Saint Nicholas Cathedral Of Ljubljana

This monument has had a few different forms since the 13th century because of fires and war.

The current Baroque design though has survived since the beginning of the 18th century, while the splendid dome came later, in the 1840s.

It’s an awe-inspiring building replete with art by a number of Italian Baroque masters.

The likes of Francesco Robba, the Groppelli brothers, Angelo Putti and Giulio Quaglio the Younger contributed the interior’s frescoes, paintings and sculpture in the 18th century.

More recent works are the astounding dome fresco, painted by the Slovenian Matevž Langus in 1844 and the 20th-century artist Tone Demšar’s main portal door, which sports a relief presenting the history of Slovenia.

7. Central Market

Ljubljana Central Market

Jože Plečnik also designed this market in the early 1930s as part of his beautiful set piece that included the Triple Bridge.

It hugs the riverside between this bridge and the Dragon Bridge and is on the site of an old diocesan college for girls that collapsed during the earthquake in 1895. That handsome colonnade on the fringe of Prešeren Square shelters stalls selling herbs, spices and handicrafts, while further along are bakery stalls, cured meat, dried fruit and nuts, dairy products, fresh fruit and veg and fish.

The market is open every day except Sunday, while the covered sections have slightly shorter opening times to the open air stalls.

8. Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

Franciscan Church Of The Annunciation

A solemn presence on Prešeren Square, this church is in an early Baroque style from the middle of the 17th century.

The facade is painted a pastel red, which holds meaning for the Franciscan order.

It’s one of the sights to behold on the square, and has pinnacles, pilasters with Ionic capitals, niches and a statue of the Virgin with Child on the pediment.

The inside is lavishly furnished, although the Baroque frescoes were destroyed by cracks after he earthquake.

If there’s one unmissable work it’s Francesco Robba’s 18th-century altarpiece, but it’s worth poking around to see a stone cross by Jože Plečnik in a side chapel, while the new ceiling frescoes were provided by the Impressionist Matej Sternen in the 1930s.

9. National Gallery of Slovenia

National Gallery Of Slovenia

Fronting Tivoli Park is Slovenia’s premier historical art museum, displaying works from medieval times to the 1900s.

It’s in a Revivalist palace from the end of the 19th century and has modern extensions built in the early 90s and 2001. There are more than 600 works to peruse in here, from Gothic liturgical art to pieces by the Italian Baroque painters and sculptors who received many commissions in Ljubljana in the 1700s.

You can also delve into the Slovenian Impressionist movement via pieces by Rihard Jakopič, Ivan Grohar and Matija Jama.

But if there’s one standout it’s the Francesco Robba’s Fountain of Three Carniolan Rivers.

This is the original sculpture for Ljubljana’s most celebrated fountain, brought to the modern glass extension to protect it from the elements.

10. Metelkova Mesto

Metelkova Mesto

Soon after independence, a disused army barracks from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was occupied by squatters to stop it from being torn down.

This large space in the centre of Ljubljana has gone on to become an autonomous urban enclave, not unlike the famous Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen.

It’s an alternative haven where almost every wall is covered in graffiti and imaginative murals.

Come for photos during the day, and return at night when it’s full of life.

After dark the bars and clubs book live bands and DJs, and there are outdoor concerts in summer.

11. National Museum of Slovenia

National Museum Of Slovenia

This museum, devoted to Slovenia’s history and culture is based in two buildings in Ljubljana.

The main exhibition is on Prešernova Street, while there’s a new building for the applied arts department on Metelkova.

In the former there are some amazing artefacts to checkout going back deep into prehistory.

One is what is believed to be a fragment of a Neanderthal flute (Divje Babe Flute), whittled from a bear femur 60,000 years ago.

Ljubljana’s Roman origins as the city of Emona is laid bare with models, animated films and excavated items like a hoard of coins.

The most exciting of these is the lapidarium, where 200 inscribed stones are on the ground floor and in a glass pavilion.

12. Republic Square

Trg Republike Ljubljana

This stern Communist-era plaza is without the sumptuous architecture of Prešeren Square, and was instead laid out as the modern centre of the city in the 1960s.

During that time, many of the Roman artefacts in the National Museum were found by accident when a shopping arcade and car park were being built beneath the square.

The Monument to Revolution from 1975, the Slovenian Parliament and the monolithic TR3 and Ljubljanska Banak office buildings give the square an almost oppressive feel.

But it’s also a place of real meaning, as the spot where Slovenian Independence was declared in 1991. In mid-winter there’s a big skating rink on the square, large enough to host ice hockey matches.

13. National Museum of Contemporary History

National Museum Of Contemporary History

The 20th century in Slovenia was anything if not an interesting phase of the country’s history.

And this slick museum in the noble confines of the Cekin Mansion lays it all out for you.

You’ll start with the First World War, move into the fractious interwar period , onto the Second World War, through Tito’s regime and end with Slovene independence in 1991. Each period is backed up with authentic artefacts and documents, including uniforms, costumes, furniture, weapons, medals, archive photography, farming implements like a vintage tractor and a whole lot more.

14. Congress Square

Congress Square

This cultured central square has played host to some momentous occasions in Slovenian history.

Independence from Austria-Hungary was announced here in 1918, while Josip Broz Tito addressed the crowds from the balcony of the university building in 1945. Later, the first free protest took place here in 1988, in a movement that would end with Slovene independence in 1991. Finally in 1999 Bill Clinton read the first line of the Slovenian National Anthem to a crowd on this square.

Dating to1821, it’s a formidable space that has civic buildings and palaces on all sides and the Zvezda park at the centre.

A couple of sights to note are the resplendent Slovenian Philharmonic and the copy of a Roman gilded bronze statue excavated on this site in 1836.

15. Town Hall

Ljubljana Town Hall

The municipal seat has been at this location on Town Square since the 15th century.

In the early 18th century that first Gothic building was reworked in the Venetian Baroque style with plans drawn up by the Italian architect Carlo Martinuzzi.

In the vestibule you can find a plaque from the Gothic predecessor with the city’s coat of arms, as well as a sculpture of Hercules and the Nemean lion from a lost fountain dating to the 1600s.

The Town Hall is open for exhibitions, and you can also put your name down for a tour of rooms normally closed to the public.

A highlight in the main courtyard is a glorious fountain depicting Narcissus by the sculptor Francesco Robba.

16. Robba Fountain

Ljubljana Robba Fountain

Even if you’ve seen the original sculpture in the National Gallery, you still have to spare a moment for this fountain in front of the Town Hall as it’s a symbol of Ljubljana.

What you see is a replica, replacing the original which was removed in 2006 for safekeeping.

As the name tells you it’s another work by the prolific Francesco Robba, and depicts three male figures pouring water from jugs.

These represent the three rivers of the Carniola region: The Ljubljanica, the Sava and the Krka.

The design, right down to the obelisk above the fountain, is borrowed from Rome’s Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) at Piazza Navona.

17. Museum of Illusions

Ljubljana Museum Of Illusions

In a townhouse on Congress Square is an offbeat museum that draws you into the world of illusions and makes you question your own eyes.

Kids might get the most out of this attraction, but grownups could also spend a fun hour or so here.

You’ll move from room to room, each with something strange going on: There’s an Anti-Gravity Room, where everything seems to float, or the dizzying Vortex Tunnel, which seems to spin around you, making it a challenge to keep your balance.

There’s are 40 exhibits in all, with a light-hearted and stealthily educational theme.

18. The Skyscraper (Nebotičnik)


When this 13-storey tower was topped off in 1933 it became the tallest building in the Balkans and was in the top ten for Europe.

At the time it was equipped with all the latest conveniences, like air-conditioning, speedy elevators and a central heating system.

Even now the Skyscraper gives you the most complete view of Ljubljana, encompassing the castle and the mountains like Šmarna Gora to the north.

There’s a restaurant at the viewing terrace on the 12th floor, below a cafe/nightclub, and if you have the legs you can take on the Art Deco spiral stairway to the top.

19. Art Nouveau Architecture

People's Loan Bank

In addition to the Dragon Bridge there are a dozen Art Nouveau buildings around Ljubljana’s centre.

Most are from that phase of intensive construction after the earthquake, and while none are tourist attractions in their own right they can be combined into a 12-stop tour of the city for architecture lovers.

The People’s Loan Bank building at no. 4 Miklošičeva Ulica is sublime, with a delicate wrought iron balcony and two large classical statues of female figures on its roof.

From 1921 is the Vurnik House, which is impossible to miss for its red walls and bright patterns in the Slovenian national style around its windows.

More conventional, but no less lovely is Urbanc House on the corner of Prešeren Square, dating to 1902 and admired for the metal and glass canopy above the entrance.

20. Plečnik House

Ljubljana Plecnik House

Also on an architectural theme you can get inside the mind of Jože Plečnik the man who revamped Ljubljana in the interwar period.

Plečnik’s impact on this city is compared to Antoni Gaudí’s in Barcelona, and his dream was to turn Ljubljana into a modern version of Ancient Athens.

Plečnik’s house and studio complex is on Karunova Ulica and is almost exactly how he left it when he passed away in 1957. There are two houses side by side and a garden with a lapidary collection, and the architect’s furniture, tools and sketches and other possessions are still in place.

The exhibition goes into detail on the buildings Plečnik contributed to Ljubljana, and reveals some plans that never came to fruition.

21. Ljubljanica River Trip

Ljubljanica River Trip

At the Breg embankment on the left bank of the river you can hop aboard a cruise boat for a jaunt along the Ljubljanica.

It’s probably the best way to appreciate Jože Plečnik’s majestic urban design, including the Triple Bridge and the arcade and colonnade on the revitalised waterfront beside it.

On Ljubljana’s website you can sign up for a cruise aboard the “Ljubljanica”, a traditional boat made of larch and oak, or on one of the more modern glass-covered vessels.

Trips last an hour and include a commentary of the sights.

If you’re really up for trying something different this is a journey you can also make on a canoe or stand-up paddleboard.

22. Ljubljana Zoo

Brown Bear At Ljubljana Zoo

From Tivoli Park you can continue to the lower slopes of Rožnik Hill to get to the city’s zoo.

The attraction is wrapped in hill’s forest and meadows, and despite its small size the animals have large, healthy environments.

There are animals from around the world, and an emphasis on conserving Slovenia’s wildlife in a unique region where the Alps meet the Pannonian Plain and the Mediterranean.

The zoo has 119 species in all, totalling more than 500 individual animals.

The crowd-pleasers are the cheetahs, sea lions, Asian elephant and pair of Siberian tigers, new to the zoo in August 2017. You can watch the sea lions and pelicans being fed throughout at set times each day, and get to know the animals at a typical Slovenian farm.

23. Hire a Bike

Ljubljana By Bike

Going through the tourist office It costs next to nothing to get your hands on a bike for two hours €2.00 or a full day €8.00. And if you get the Ljubljana Card (a multi-pass scheme for museums and attractions) you’ll be able to hire a bike for up to four hours for free.

And there’s a good reason to hire one, as Ljubljana is becoming one of Europe’s best cities to see on two wheels.

A lot of the centre is green and traffic-free, but on top of that the city has invested in cycling infrastructure akin to Copenhagen.

This is all part of a drive to make Ljubljana as environmentally friendly as possible.

Book online : Central Ljubljana Bike Rental

24. Šmarna Gora

Smarna Gora

If you need to break out into the countryside, this park is only ten kilometres north of Ljubljana and brings the wilderness to the suburbs.

Unmistakable for its twin humps, Šmarna Gora is more than 660 metres above sea level, but has been made hospitable by 15 well-tended hiking trails, all serving the summits.

When you make it to the top of the eastern peak you’ll be met by a restaurant and a Baroque church from the early 1700s.

There’s also a Marian column up here from the same century to mark an outbreak of plague that took place in the 1600s.

But the greatest sight is Ljubljana in the distance scattered around at the bottom of Rožnik and Castle hill.

25. Eat Like a Local


If you’re hungry enough to eat a horse, there’s Hot Horse with a horsemeat menu in the Tivoli Park.

Joking aside, this isn’t a dining experience for vegetarians, but if you’re wondering what a horse burger, steak, hot dog or wrap might taste like you’ll get your answer at this stylish, fast-food style eatery.

That isn’t necessarily authentic Slovenian food of course, and if you want to immerse yourself in the city’s cuisine you can book food and beer tours at the Ljubljana’s tourist office.

For something off the cuff, grab some Štruklji, which is a kind of dough, rolled up and filled with sweet fillings like apple, or savoury ones like walnuts or cheese.

25 Best Things to Do in Ljubljana (Slovenia):

  • Prešeren Square
  • Triple Bridge
  • Ljubljana Castle
  • Dragon Bridge
  • Tivoli Park
  • Ljubljana Cathedral
  • Central Market
  • Franciscan Church of the Annunciation
  • National Gallery of Slovenia
  • Metelkova Mesto
  • National Museum of Slovenia
  • Republic Square
  • National Museum of Contemporary History
  • Congress Square
  • Robba Fountain
  • Museum of Illusions
  • The Skyscraper (Nebotičnik)
  • Art Nouveau Architecture
  • Plečnik House
  • Ljubljanica River Trip
  • Ljubljana Zoo
  • Hire a Bike
  • Šmarna Gora
  • Eat Like a Local

Ljubljana   Travel Guide

Courtesy of Alexander Spatari | Getty Images

places to visit in ljubljana

14 Best Things To Do in Ljubljana

Updated Feb. 11, 2021

Whether you love history, nature or art, Ljubljana has you covered. No matter where you venture in the Ljubljana Old Town area, you'll discover a perfect blend of Gothic, Baroque and art nouveau architecture within steps of the breathtaking Ljubljani

  • All Things To Do

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana Old Town (Staro mesto) Ljubljana Old Town (Staro mesto) free

Ljubljana's past is hard to miss in its historical city center. Home to must-see sights like Prešeren Square , the Triple Bridge and Ljubljana Castle , the Ljubljana Old Town area features a mix of Gothic, Baroque and art nouveau architecture. Throughout the neighborhood, you'll find colorful buildings, pedestrian-only thoroughfares, ample shops and charming open-air cafes that overlook the Ljubljanica river. Plus, several of Slovenian architect Jože Plecnik's most iconic structures reside in this part of town. Don't miss the Plecnik-designed Central Market, which hosts a popular food market (Open Kitchen) every Friday from mid-March through October.

Travelers rave about the Ljubljana Old Town region, saying it offers a perfect blend of old and new. Though many suggest a summer visit so you can attend the weekly food market and people-watch while sipping a coffee outdoors, others highly recommend arriving in December to enjoy the city's festive Christmas decorations and holiday markets. No matter when you visit, vacationers say you'll discover well-maintained buildings, friendly locals and a great selection of eateries and watering holes.

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljanica Ljubljanica free

Some of Ljubljana's most stunning vistas are front and center from the Ljubljanica River. Weaving its way from the Sava River in Podgrad (an area east of Ljubljana) through the Ljubljana Old Town area to Slovenia's Inner Carniola region, this waterway has played an important role in Slovenia's history for years. Several archaeological sites lie in the Ljubljana Marshes, which the river passes through to get to the city. Additionally, the Ljubljanica river served as a major trade route from when the Romans conquered the region up until the country's rail network was constructed in the mid-19th century.

Today, visitors can enjoy the river in a variety of ways. During the warmer months, the waterway's lush green banks are ideal for picnics. Travelers can also sign up for a two-hour paddleboarding excursion , and for less-active vacationers, there's a two-hour boat cruise that's available every day at 2 p.m. from April through September. No matter the season, the river's multiple bridges – including the Dragon Bridge and the Triple Bridge – are superb spots for photo ops.

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana Castle (Ljubljanski grad) Ljubljana Castle (Ljubljanski grad) free

Built in the Middle Ages on Castle Hill, Ljubljana Castle is a fixture on the city's skyline. The medieval castle boasts thick stone walls and houses a plethora of historical spaces, including a chapel, an open-air prison, a gunpowder room and a lookout tower. Additionally, the property offers modern amenities like two restaurants, a coffee shop, a gift shop, a jazz club, a museum about puppetry and an escape room.

Visitors heap praise on this old-world attraction, citing its top-notch restoration and jaw-dropping city vistas as highlights. Many also enjoyed riding the property's funicular from Krek Square to the top. Other ways to reach the castle include taking the Urban Train, riding the No. 32 bus to the Ljubljanski grad stop or biking or walking from the Ljubljana Old Town neighborhood, though several travelers caution that the steep trek is exhausting.

places to visit in ljubljana

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Overall, previous visitors praised this unique bridge, describing it as beautiful and romantic. Many also said that the bridge offers terrific river and castle views, so be sure to bring your camera. When vacationers need a break from walking around the area or admiring the bridge's architecture, past travelers recommend grabbing a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant since seating on the bridge is limited.

places to visit in ljubljana

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Many past visitors enjoyed checking out Prešeren Square, saying it's an ideal spot to snap a selfie and people-watch. Others suggest exploring the shops and restaurants situated nearby. To make the most of your visit, previous travelers recommend coming around Christmas when the square is decked out in an array of holiday lights.

places to visit in ljubljana

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Recent visitors said Lake Bled is just as beautiful as it appears in pictures. Many were left in awe of the lake's gorgeous setting, citing the vistas from the walking path and castle as highlights. On warm, sunny days, a few past travelers suggest grabbing a coffee or bite to eat from one of several lakefront eateries. Some also recommend hiring a rowboat or a guided pletna (a traditional wooden boat) to visit the island; however, others cautioned that pletna rides are expensive.

places to visit in ljubljana

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Travelers use adjectives like "amazing," "beautiful" and "impressive" to describe Ljubljana Cathedral. Visitors love both the building's interior and exterior, citing its artwork and ambiance as highlights. Though tourists are welcome to walk around and take pictures inside, be respectful during your visit. Remain quiet to avoid disturbing those who are praying, and refrain from using the flash on your camera.

places to visit in ljubljana

Tivoli Park Tivoli Park free

Voted the European Green Capital by the European Commission in 2016, Slovenia's capital offers multiple places to reconnect with nature, including Tivoli Park. This expansive park – which measures about 2 square miles – features chestnut tree-lined paths, a fish pond, a botanical garden and a variety of statues and fountains. On-site amenities range from an outdoor pool to sports courts to an open-air gallery designed by Jože Plecnik.

According to former visitors, Tivoli Park is a terrific place to enjoy some peace and quiet without straying far from the city center. In addition to offering well-maintained walkways and lawns for picnics, leisurely strolls, jogs and bike rides, the park is home to several cafes that previous vacationers said served superb cups of coffee. For those with children, past travelers recommend taking advantage of the on-site playground and bowling alley and visiting the Ljubljana Zoo, which sits in the southwestern part of the park.

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Dragon Bridge (Zmajski most) Dragon Bridge (Zmajski most) free

Flanked by – you guessed it – four dragon statues, the Dragon Bridge is a photographer's dream. Located within walking distance of Ljubljana Cathedral and Ljubljana Castle in the Ljubljana Old Town neighborhood, this prime example of Slovenian art nouveau architecture is one of the largest concrete bridges in Europe. The bridge, which was designed by Dalmatian architect Jurij Zaninovi? and built in the early 1900s, was Slovenia's first structure to be paved with asphalt. In addition to featuring its iconic copper dragon statues, the bridge is adorned with balustrades and parapet lamps.

Visitors say the Dragon Bridge's namesake creatures are beautiful works of art, though some feel the bridge itself is a bit underwhelming. Nevertheless, most agree that coming here to snap photos of the statutes and the Ljubljanica river is a must. Couples who visit should also bring a lock to add to the adjacent Butchers' Bridge, Ljubljana's equivalent of Paris ' Pont des Arts.

places to visit in ljubljana

Metelkova mesto Metelkova mesto free

If you need a break from Ljubljana's old-world attractions, immerse yourself in its alternative side in Metelkova mesto. Occupying former army barracks that were abandoned after the breakup of Yugoslavia, this urban neighborhood – which was originally established by 200 squatting volunteers – is a haven for Slovenian artists and musicians. Comparable to Copenhagen, Denmark 's Christiania area (minus the anarchist attitude), autonomous Metelkova mesto boasts a cool vibe complete with eclectic artwork from highly regarded and lesser-known Slovenian artists. Its colorful buildings house everything from art galleries to nightlife venues to a few retail stalls and shops.

According to past travelers, Metelkova mesto is the place to go if you enjoy live music and quirky art. However, some previous visitors said the area can feel unsafe at night, so if you're not there to attend a concert, consider arriving before dark. Also, keep in mind that the neighborhood's unconventional atmosphere means you may see squatters or other locals participating in illegal activities.

places to visit in ljubljana

Museum of Illusions Ljubljana (Muzej iluzij Ljubljana) Museum of Illusions Ljubljana (Muzej iluzij Ljubljana)

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Butchers' Bridge (Mesarski most) Butchers' Bridge (Mesarski most) free

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LJUBLJANA: 25 Best Things to Do & Places to Visit

LJUBLJANA: 25 Best Things to Do & Places to Visit

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We got stranded in Ljubljana.

We were supposed to fly out of Slovenia, but the airline we booked filed for bankruptcy and cancelled all their flights — including ours. It definitely threw a wrench into our plans because we were backpacking around Europe with a limited budget. While we were trying to figure out our next steps, we decided to extend our stay in Ljubljana. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Prior to this, we had seen only a little bit of Ljubljana because it was raining a lot during most of our stay and we focused more on the Slovenian countryside. But staying longer meant we had more time to explore the city and enjoy more of what it has to offer!

Yes, we got stranded in Ljubljana. But it turned out to be a good thing!

Here are 25 of the best things to do and places to visit in Ljubljana. We also added a sample Ljubljana itinerary in the end.



Old town walking tour.

Ljubljana’s old town cradles several centuries-old structures that mostly reflect Roman and Medieval design. The historic center fuels the tourism industry of the city. You may do this on your own or by joining a guided tour, giving you a deeper insight into the rich history of both Ljubljana and Slovenia as a whole while exploring with a group.

Here are the usual stops:

Ljubljana Cathedral

  • Town Hall (Mestna hiša)
  • Triple Bridge
  • Preseren Square
  • Dragon Bridge

Central Market

There are FREE walking tours to choose from. Although this is free, it’s still recommended to give a tip at the end of the tour, especially if the guide did a great job. It depends on you how much you want to give, but it’s usually around €5 each. Feel free to add more if you really enjoyed it. For more info, check Ljubljana Free Tour .

Schedule: 11AM (Daily; afternoon tours are added during peak months) Meetup Point: Prešeren Square

However, some free walking tour groups can be so big that you’ll get a difficult time hearing what the guide is saying. If you want to be in a smaller group and you have money to spare, you can just join a paid tour. Klook is offering a package that has Ljubljana Castle in the itinerary. It also includes roundtrip funicular (cable car) tickets.

places to visit in ljubljana

River Cruise

places to visit in ljubljana

The Ljubljanica River is the most important body of water in this part of Slovenia. Historically, it aided trade and commerce in the city back in the Roman period. Today, boats shuttle tourists who choose to go sightseeing on a river cruise. The relaxing journey lasts for 45 minutes. This is perfect for those who are not fond of too much walking.

Schedule: 10AM, 11AM, 1PM, 2PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM (Daily, April – November); 1PM, 2PM, 3PM (Daily, November – March) Price: €10 (Adult); €5 (Children 4-12 y/o) Boarding Spot: Ribji Trg Pier

Stand-up Paddling

places to visit in ljubljana

Aside from the cruise, another activity while in the vicinity is stand up paddling down the calm waters of Ljubljanica River. This is perfect for adventurous travelers, even beginners! Before you proceed, you will be briefed first on the basics of stand up paddling. You will be joined by your instructor as you explore the city center on a paddleboard. The package is inclusive of photos.

Schedule: Twice a day (Morning: 9AM or 10AM; Afternoon: 5PM or 6PM) Price: €39 (inclusive of instructor fee, equipment rental, and photos) Departure Point: Špica Cafe

places to visit in ljubljana

Being at the crossroads of Slavic, Germanic, and Roman cultures, Ljubljana’s cuisine is a melting pot of flavors. Its food scene offers a wide array of international dishes — Pannonian, Mediterranean, Balkan, and Alpine among others. If you are seeking gastronomic adventure, the city is laden with restaurants and food places that will make your visit worthwhile.

If you want to learn more about the food scene of Slovenia, a guided tour will take you to places where you get to taste different dishes and sample some wines while listening to stories and information shared by your local guide.

Urban Train

places to visit in ljubljana

In Ljubljana, you’ll find several electric-powered vehicles roaming the historical core. One of them is the Urban , a train that can take you to the key tourist spots in the city from the Town Hall and Ljubljana Castle to Krakovo and back to Old Town.

The ride also provides a pre-recorded narration of information and history per stop. A roundtrip takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. You can alight whenever you want and board again using the same ticket, just like how hop-on-hop-off bus functions. Keep your ticket and don’t lose it. The ticket is only valid for that day.

Schedule: 11AM, 1PM, 3PM & 5PM (departs every two hours) Fare: €8 (Regular) Departure Point: Town Hall

Day Trips from Ljubljana

places to visit in ljubljana

Slovenia is one of the smallest countries in Europe. In fact, you can actually explore it in a day — getting from one end to another. Located at the heart of the country, Ljubljana, the capital, is also the choice jump-off point of travelers to other destinations in Slovenia. Here are some of the attractions in Slovenia outside Ljubljana.

  • Lake Bled. Located northwest of Ljubljana, Lake Bled is a famous tourist destination boasting an island that nestles ancient buildings; the most prominent is the 17th-century Church of the Assumption. Bled Castle, located on the northern portion of the lake, is visible from the island.
  • Postojna Cave. Located southwest of Ljubljana, Postojna Cave is one of the longest cave systems in the country. This tourist-favorite karst cave features many interesting stalagmites, stalactites, cave “halls”, and other rock formations. It even has its own cave train!
  • Predjama Castle. Also located southwest of Ljubljana, this Renaissance castle piques the interest of tourists for its unusual location — built within the opening of the cave. The original castle was destroyed and underwent reconstructions. The castle that we see today was built in 1570.
  • Skocjan Caves. Located further southwest of Ljubljana, Skocjan Caves system is one of the largest in the world. It was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 for its natural and cultural merits. And in 1991, it was listed in Ramsar’s Wetlands of International Importance.

For more day trip options, we compiled some of the best destinations in Slovenia in another post. You can find it here: BEST SLOVENIA DESTINATIONS!


Ljubljana castle.

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana Castle dates back to the 11th-century. Constructed atop a hill, this imposing historic structure is not hard to spot, making it one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. The castle grounds present a panoramic view of both the old town and the commercial city center.

Address: Grajska planota 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Daily)

There are three ways to get to the castle:

  • By hiking. For those who are fit and love exploring on foot, you can take this option. You can either do it by yourself or join a group tour.
  • By Urban tourist train. We’ve explained how the Urban Train works. In summary, it’s like a loop bus. Fare: €8.
  • By funicular. The funicular is a cable car. The lower station is located at the foot of the hill. It’s close to the Central Market. Fare: €2.20 (one-way); €4 (roundtrip).

Exploring the castle grounds requires no fee. But if you want to enter other establishments such as the watchtower, Chapel of St. George, Museum of Puppets, and/or the Slovenian History Exhibition, you need to pay the entrance fee. The regular ticket is €13. This amount is inclusive of the admission fees for the castle’s viewing tower, Virtual Castle, Museum Puppetry, Slovenian History, and the two-way funicular fare.

For other special attractions, you also need to pay additional fees to experience them — Escape Castle, Behind Bars Guided Tour, or the Time Machine Guided Tour. See the rates for other tickets here!

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana Cathedral graces the Cyril and Methodius Square, commanding attention with its green dome and twin belfries. It is visible from nearby Town Hall, Central Market, and Ljubljana Castle.

Its history dates back to the 12th-century when the original church follows the Romanesque design. It was reconstructed with Gothic design architecture after a fire destroyed the first one. The present-day Baroque design was constructed in the 18th century. The interior features painted frescoes by Italian Baroque painter, Giulio Quaglio. It’s also notable for its sculpted bronze doors.

Address: Dolničarjeva ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: CLOSED from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Entrance Fee: €2 (church interior); FREE (taking photos outside)

Town Hall (Mestna Hiša)

places to visit in ljubljana

The Town Hall is the seat of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. It features Venetian facade, grand staircase, and four exhibition halls or galleries.

The Baroque structure is located at the Town Square, which also bears the replica of the Robba Fountain with an obelisk. If you want to see the original fountain, you can visit the National Gallery. The Town Hall’s origin can be traced back to the 15th century.

Address: Stritarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Entrance Fee: FREE

Triple Bridge (Tromostovje)

places to visit in ljubljana

First constructed in 1842, the wider central bridge (main bridge) used to be a medieval wooden bridge. Today, two narrower bridges flank the main bridge — one on either side. These side bridges were meant for pedestrians; consequently, this addition to the original structure gave rise to one of Ljubljana’s famous landmarks.

The Triple Bridge links the historic center to the modern business district separated by the Ljubljanica River. From the Central Market (old town side), the bridges lead to Prešeren Square (downtown side).

Prešeren Square

places to visit in ljubljana

Prešeren Square is Ljubljana’s central square. It used to be a busy crossroad until it was transformed into a square in the 19th century. This elliptical-shaped square is a car-free zone and a popular events venue. This is also the usual meeting point for free walking tours.

It greets tourists who pass through the Triple Bridge coming from and going to the old town. It features a monument dedicated to France Prešeren, the country’s national poet. Surrounding the square grand buildings such as the old palaces and the red 17th-century Franciscan Church of the Annunciation.

Dragon Bridge (Zmajski Most)

places to visit in ljubljana

Built in 1901, Dragon Bridge is regarded as the most beautiful Vienna Secession style bridge and protected as a technical monument. Following its construction style and material, this reinforced concrete arch bridge mainly serves vehicles.

The bridge got its name from the four imposing dragon statues that became one of the defining features of the city.

places to visit in ljubljana

If you want to get a glimpse of Ljubljana’s culture through its local products, the Central Market will give you more than what you are willing to bargain for. The market stretches between the Dragon Bridge and the Triple Bridge, consisting of an outdoor market, an indoor market, food stalls, and shops lining the old town side river banks of Ljubljanica.

From March to October, there’s a weekly open-kitchen event where chefs prepare and serve different international cuisines. This happens every Friday at Central Market’s Pogačarjev trg square area.

Address: Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: Outdoor Market 6AM – 6PM (Weekdays/Summer), 6AM – 4PM (Saturday/Summer), 6AM – 4PM (Monday – Saturday/Winter); Indoor Pogačarjev trg Square 7AM – 4PM (Weekdays), 7AM – 2PM (Saturdays); Indoor Plečnik’s Colonnade 7AM – 4PM (Weekdays), 7AM – 2PM (Saturdays); CLOSED (Sundays)

House of Illusions

places to visit in ljubljana

The museum sets up over 40 interactive exhibits that are meant to trick the guests through illusions. You’ll encounter holograms, puzzles, and the Rotated Room. The Playroom will challenge your problem-solving skills with logical games. Some other highlights include the Mirror Room, Vortex Tunnel, and the Anti-Gravity Room. Book this tour through Klook for convenience. All you need to do is present the voucher emailed to you once at the museum.


Located south of Ljubljana Castle, Park Špica is actually a river embankment of Ljubljanica that was formerly a beach spot until it was transformed into a park.

There’s a long footbridge nearby that is made for pedestrians and cyclists. The park’s relaxing atmosphere and beautiful view attract locals and tourists alike.

Botanical Garden

Crossing the footbridge from Park Špica, you will reach the Botanical Garden (University of Ljubljana Botanical Garden). Established in 1810, it is said to be the oldest botanical garden in Southeastern Europe and the most important in Slovenia. It nurtures more than 4,500 species and subspecies of plants and trees, earning the title “The Green Soul of Ljubljana”. It also has a glasshouse and tea house where you can rest after a refreshing stroll.

Address: Ižanska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 7AM – 7PM (Daily, April – May & September – October); 7AM – 5PM (Daily, November – March); 7AM – 8PM (Daily, June – August) Entrance Fee: €2.80 (Regular); €1.30 (Reduced)

Plečnik House

If Barcelona has Antoni Gaudi, Ljubljana has Jože Plečnik. A native of Slovene, he had a pivotal role in shaping the city’s architectural landscape and leaving his marks in many historic structures that have major cultural significance in Slovenia. His influence went beyond his birthplace and extended to Vienna and Prague.

In Slovenia, he designed numerous buildings and sites — Triple Bridge, Central Market, Ljubljanica River embankments, Slovene National and University Library, squares, etc.

Plečnik House will let you take a peek into his personal and professional life. It houses many of his memorabilia and works, including sketches and plans. The house is also well-preserved and appears exactly as it was before he passed on. You can explore on your own or join a guided tour.

Address: 6, Karunova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Tuesday – Sunday); CLOSED (Mondays and holidays) Entrance Fee: €6 (Regular); €4 (Reduced)

Križanke Church and Monastery

The Križanke Church and Monastery has a long history of building and rebuilding from the 13th century to the 18th century.

In 1945, it ceased to function as a monastery and was transformed into a cultural venue, particularly for Ljubljana Festival. The remodeling project started in 1952 designed and completed by Jože Plečnik.

The complex contains an open-air theater within the deserted monastery, the Križanke Church, the Devil’s Courtyard, and the Knight’s Hall. The nearest landmark is the St. James Bridge.

Address: Trg francoske revolucije, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: No definite time. It’s usually close unless there’s an event or festival, usually in summer. You can still admire it from outside the complex.

Congress Square

places to visit in ljubljana

Located near the historical Cobblers Bridge, the Kongresni Trg (Congress Square) is one of the significant squares in Ljubljana.

It was built in the 19th century on the grounds where the Capuchin monastery once stood. The original square was smaller, but its purpose as a venue for important ceremonies and gathering still continues up to today. In fact, it got its name from the monumental Congress of Ljubljana. The square features Park Zvezda (Star Park).

Other major buildings in the vicinity are the University of Ljubljana Palace, Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity, Philharmonic Hall, and the Slovene Society Building.

Republic Square

Located just a short walk west of Congress Square is the Trg Republike (Republic Square) . The planning started in 1960 and designed by one of Plečnik’s students, Edvard Ravnikar. The modernist-style square is the largest in the city and a symbol of modern Ljubljana.

It is where the nation’s independence was declared in June 1991, making it the most notable square in Slovenia. From the square, you can spot the National Assembly Building and Cankar Hall.

Tivoli Park

Sprawling out over five square kilometers at the heart of Ljubljana, Tivoli City Park is the largest park in the city. It was conceptualized in the first quarter of the 19th century by Jean Blanchard, a French engineer. It is peppered with statues and fountains and path walks meander through the lush greenery.

Nestled inside the park are Tivoli Castle, Tivoli Sports Hall, National Museum of Contemporary History, and Jakopič Promenade — a scenic open-air gallery designed by well-respected Slovene architect, Jože Plečnik.

Krakovo is a historic district situated on the left side of the Ljubljanica River, near St. James Bridge and Križanke. Although stretched out on the downtown side of the river, it retains its medieval-period atmosphere where people thrive on gardening and fishing.

The district is the offspring of the marriage between the old and the new. The district still supplies the Central Market with fresh produce.

Metelkova Mesto

This former military base was saved from being demolished by a group of artists and intellectuals known as the Metelkova Network when they started transforming the complex into an alternative art and cultural hub.

The complex is the venue for various activities and events, attended by an interesting mix of crowd. This is one of the hippest places to be. Metelkova Mesto is just three blocks away from Ljubljana’s main train station.

National Museum of Slovenia

Located near Tivoli Park, beside the Russian Embassy, the National Museum of Slovenia is the oldest in the country. It shares the same roof with the Slovenian Museum of Natural History inside a 19th-century neo-Renaissance palace. It displays a great collection of archaeological artifacts.

Permanent exhibits are Prehistoric Treasures of Slovenia, Roman Stories from the Crossroads, and The Roman Lapidarium.

Address: Muzejska ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Daily, Sunday – Wednesday & Fridays); 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM (Thursdays & Saturdays); CLOSED (January 1, May 1, November 1 & December 25) Entrance Fee: €6 (Regular); €4 (Reduced)

National Gallery

Also located in the vicinity of Tivoli Park and National Museum of Slovenia is the National Gallery. Founded in 1918, the museum is relocated from Kresija Palace to its current 19th-century host building.

The museum houses almost 600 permanent art pieces from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, the largest in Slovenia. The original Robba Fountain, named Fountain of Three Carniolan Rivers, is preserved and maintained here. The National Gallery also has a library, a shop, and a cafe.

Address: Prešernova cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Opening Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Tuesday – Sunday EXCEPT Thursdays); 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Thursdays); CLOSED (Mondays and holidays) Entrance Fee: €10 (Regular); €5 (Reduced)


DAY 1: ARRIVAL & TIVOLI PARK 01:30 pm – Arrival at Ljubljana Station 01:40 pm – Walk to hotel 02:00 pm – Hotel check-in – Settle tourist tax, 9.39€ 02:30 pm – Late lunch, 10€ 03:20 pm – Walk to Tivoli Park 04:00 pm – Tivoli Park 07:30 pm – Grocery shopping, 20€ 08:30 pm – Dinner at hotel 09:30 pm – Lights out *Best if you could catch the sunset

DAY 2: LJUBLJANA TOUR 09:00 am – Wake up, breakfast 10:00 am – River cruise, 10€ 11:00 am – Free walking tour, tip: 5€ 02:30 pm – Lunch, 10€ 04:30 pm – Ljubljana Castle* (via funicular), 13€ 06:00 pm – Walk around Old Town 07:30 pm – Dinner, 10€ 09:00 pm – Back to hotel

DAY 3: SLOVENIA TOUR 07:00 am – Walk to meetup point 08:00 am – Best of Slovenia Tour, 139€, Book here! (XXX Klook Link) – Kremsnita, 5€ – Lunch, 15€ – Tip guide, 10€ 07:00 pm – Dinner, 10€ 09:30 pm – Back to hotel

DAY 4 – DEPARTURE 08:30 am – Pack up 10:30 am – Early check out, leave bags 11:00 am – Early lunch, 10€ 12:00 pm – Leave for station for next city


If you’re staying in Ljubljana as your base, here are some of the top properties in the city, as scored by Agoda customers.

places to visit in ljubljana

  • Adora Apartments and Rooms. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Urban Hotel Ljubljana. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Hotel Mrak. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Apartment Megapolis. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Apartment Nuk. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • AB Ljubljana – The Princess Castle Triplex. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Apartments Maria. Check Rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Ljubljana Hotels!


Edited by Asta Alvarez 2020 • 9 • 8

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  • SLOVENIA TRAVEL GUIDE: Ljubljana Itinerary & Budget
  • 12 DAY TRIPS FROM LJUBLJANA: Best Destinations in Slovenia

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The Unknown Enthusiast

The Unknown Enthusiast

19 Incredible Things to Do in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Looking for the absolute best things to do in Ljubljana? Keep reading for my top recommendations!

places to visit in ljubljana

When talking about the capital cities of Europe, Ljubljana is certainly an overlooked hidden gem that unassumingly offers an appealing city escape, an interesting history, and plenty of exciting things to see and do.

Nestled between the majestic Alps and the idyllic Ljubljanica River, Ljubljana delivers fairytale-like charm, cobblestone streets, and historic buildings, mixed with a really chill and laid-back vibe and welcoming atmosphere.

Suffice it to say, we really loved Ljubljana. It felt like a small town nestled in a big city (and indeed, it is the smallest capital city in Europe!)

Quick History Note

The history of Ljubljana (and Slovenia in general) is just really fascinating. From the 1400’s up until the end of World War I, Slovenia was under Habsburg rule. The Habsburgs were the ruling family of Austria, and when their empire dissolved after World War I, Slovenia became part of the newly formed Yugoslavia.

They stayed part of communist Yugoslavia until 1991, when they declared independence and became a sovereign and democratic nation. Slovenia quickly saw economic growth and development and was the first former socialist country to join the EU.

You can see a lot of the history of Slovenia reflected in the different styles of architecture throughout the city, from baroque, to Habsburg-style, to Soviet-inspired brutalist architecture.

places to visit in ljubljana

19 Unforgettable Things to Do in Ljubljana

Let’s get into the best things to do in Ljubljana, from strolling through the dreamy Old Town and admiring its iconic bridges to exploring the peaceful Tivoli Park and indulging in the city’s delicious cuisine.

1. Ljubljana Castle

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana Castle is the top places to visit in the city, and sits on a prominent hill above the rest of the city. The castle is visible in many spots throughout the Old Town. Inside the castle walls, there is a large central plaza, and then many different rooms, pathways, and areas in the surrounding structure you can visit.

Highlights include a section of the castle wall that overlooks the city, an interesting museum about the history of Slovenia, the castle tower that offers 360 views over the entire city and valley, and the castle chapel.

places to visit in ljubljana

Beyond the castle itself, the grounds around it are expansive, really lovely, and well-maintained. You can find monuments, bridges and archways, tree-lined lanes, a vineyard, a playground, plus plenty of meandering pathways.

I’d recommend taking some time to walk the grounds, and at least walk down from the castle into the city.

places to visit in ljubljana

How to Get to the Castle

You can either walk up one of several streets leading to the castle or onto the grounds, or you can ride the Castle Funicular up. The funicular is located on Krekog Trg Street and costs 16 for a castle + funicular combo ticket. The lines can be rather long, so it’s not a huge time saver, but you do get to skip the hike up.

  • Entrance Fee: 12 euro (3 euro one way on the funicular)
  • Hours : 9am-7pm in winter, 9am-10pm in summer

Walk Across Ljubljana’s Many Cute Bridges

The Ljubljanica River cuts through the middle of the historic district of Ljubljana, creating charming riverside walkways and scenery. Of course, with rivers come bridges, and there are quite a few unique, picturesque, and delightfully quirky bridges in Ljubljana that you should see. In particular, these four bridges are not to be missed:

2. Dragon Bridge

places to visit in ljubljana

One of the most iconic bridges in Ljubljana, The Dragon Bridge has a big green, copper dragon on each of its 4 corners, plus griffins on lampposts in the middle of the bridge. 

3. Butchers’ Bridge (Mesarski Most)

places to visit in ljubljana

Butcher’s Bridge (Mesarski Most in Slovenian) is a wide, modern, pedestrian-only bridge, with a glass floor overlooking the water. There are several statues on the bridge, of Adam and Eve, Prometheus, and Satyrs, and the bridge railings are completely covered in locks.

You can also pick up boat tours on the Ljubljanica River here (large placards will display times for the day).

4 . Cobbler’s Bridge (Sustarski Most)

places to visit in ljubljana

Cobbler’s Bridge (Sustarski Most in Slovenian) is one of the oldest bridges in Ljubljana, although the actual structure has been replaced several times. It is named after the shoemaker shops that used to be located right around the bridge. The bridge is located on a very picturesque stretch of the river, and has beautiful Corinthian stone pillars along its sides.

5. Triple Bridge

places to visit in ljubljana

This is possibly THE most iconic spot in Ljubljana, Triple Bridge (and the pink Franciscan Church of the Annunciation behind it) is the unofficial poster child for Ljubljana. And for good reason – the reflection of the bridge and the church on the water, lined with draping trees, is ridiculously charming.

(This picture, above, is actually taken from Ribja Brv Bridge, just south of Triple Bridge).

places to visit in ljubljana

As the name implies, Triple Bridge has three, slightly unparallel pathways across the river that are all adjacent to each other. The bridge has grand, stone railings, and the middle bridge has a cobblestoned lane.

6. Ljubljana Central Market

places to visit in ljubljana

The Central Market is an open-air farmer and craft market that is spread out between two city squares, and along the two city streets that connect the squares. The main square is dedicated partly to a clothing market, and partly to a fruit, vegetable, and flower market.

The fruits and vegetables on display are, unsurprisingly, fresh, juicy, and delicious. When we visited in mid-June, we caught the end of cherry season, and heaps of dark red, ripe cherries were on display throughout the market.

Along Adamic-Lundrovo Nabrezje Street you can find a smaller crafts and artisanal goods market, and an even smaller flower market along Ciril-Metodov Trg street.

Hours : Open every day until 3-4pm

7. Franciscan Church of the Annunciation & Presernov Trg Square

places to visit in ljubljana

We mentioned this church earlier in the Triple Bridge section, but the iconic, pink Franciscan Church of the Annunciation sits prominently on Presernov Trg, right behind the Triple Bridge.

Presernov Trg is a large, bustling square with sculptures, musicians who play for tips, and nearby cafes. It’s a very popular central square with a lot to see and observe.

places to visit in ljubljana

While the outside of the Franciscan Church is a striking pink color, the interior is even more beautiful. Head inside to admire the black, pink, and white marble floor, the gorgeous, colorful frescoed ceiling, and the black and gold marble altar.

You can walk all the way behind and then through the altar area (which is unusual – usually the altar area is off-limits) and offers great close-up views of the intricate details.

  • Hours : 7am-12pm, 3pm-8pm
  • Entrance Fee: None

8. Ljubljana Cathedral

The St. Nicolas Cathedral, also known as just the Cathedral of Ljubljana, is a beautiful baroque building built in the early 1700’s. It has gorgeous painted frescos on the ceiling, pink marble tiles and columns, and a stunning black and gold high altar with a soaring dome above.

places to visit in ljubljana

Entrance to the cathedral is through the distinctive side door (known as the Ljubljana Door), which has a relief of six 18th-century bishops of Ljubljana.

places to visit in ljubljana

  • Hours : 11am-6pm
  • Entrance Fee: 2 euro

9. Find the Dragons

Dragons have a fascinating history in the legends of Ljubljana. Legend states that the Greek hero Jason stole the Golden Fleece from the King of the Black Sea, and then fled on his ship through the Danube, Sava, and finally up through the Ljubljanica River.

They stopped in the area today known as Ljubljana, where Jason fought and defeated a “dragon” in the nearby swamps.

This legend has taken deep root in Ljubljana, where dragons are now emblematic in the city. You can find dragons everywhere – on the Dragon Bridge, of course, but we also saw them inscribed on staircases, in the flag of Ljubljana, on signage, and of course, on all sorts of tourist souvenirs.

The funniest example, by far, was a small sculpture we saw on the exterior of a church building, where the baby Jesus was triumphantly killing the dragon.

places to visit in ljubljana

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for all the dragons in Ljubljana!

10. Wander the Cute Streets of the Old Town

places to visit in ljubljana

The Old Town of Ljubljana is small and compact, but offers up a lot of charm. To start, the Old Town area is almost entirely pedestrian-only, which gives it some big-city-meets-small-town vibes.

The Ljubljanica River cuts through the middle of Old Town, and there are only 1-2 major thoroughfares on either side of the river.

Here are a few streets you’ll definitely enjoy strolling through in Ljubljana:

Ciril Metodov Trg

places to visit in ljubljana

You can find some cafes and a lot of shops on this street. The St. Nicolas Cathedral and the Town Hall are also located on this street, as is one end of the Central Market.

places to visit in ljubljana

Ciril Metodov Trg Street turns into Mestni Trg at the intersection with Town Hall and the Robbov Vodmjak fountain and obelisk. Mestni Trg has really charming baroque architecture.

places to visit in ljubljana

Stari Trg is the cutest section of this street, filled with cafes and restaurants with patio seating, and bright buildings with stone accents. The streetside seating really gives this area a vibrant, alive feeling, and the street ends at a picturesque fountain.

places to visit in ljubljana

Gornji Trg intersects Stari Trg, and is a small, short, more residential street with colorful houses.

11. Visit a Museum

Ljubljana has a well-curated selection of museums, many of them housed in beautiful buildings. A few popular museums include:

  • The National Museum of Slovenia
  • The City Museum of Ljubljana
  • The Museum of Modern Art
  • The Slovenian Museum of National History
  • The National Gallery of Slovenia

places to visit in ljubljana

I can particularly vouch for the National Gallery of Slovenia . This museum is housed in an old palace with grandiose architecture, a grand staircase, and historic wood floors. Each room showcases fine art from a different period, from the medieval period to the 20th century. Pieces are done by Balkan artists, and most artists are Slovenian.

places to visit in ljubljana

We loved that there were so many works of art from artists that we’d never heard of or seen before. Interestingly, most of the artwork wasn’t religious in nature (which is often the norm for many of the time periods covered), but was focused on beautiful landscapes from locations around Slovenia, or were paintings of people.

Visiting the National Gallery was, surprisingly one of my favorite things to do in Ljubljana (surprising because museums usually aren’t at the top of my list!)

12. Tivoli Park

places to visit in ljubljana

Tivoli Park is northwest of old town, but still within easy walking distance of the historical center. This large park has crisscrossing biking and walking paths, and plenty of amenities and attractions, such as a rose garden, a pond, sculptures throughout the park, and a really well-designed playground for children.

In the center of the park is the International Centre of Graphic Arts, located in the historic Tivoli Mansion and surrounded by beautiful landscaping.

13. Congress Square

places to visit in ljubljana

Congress Square is a long, skinny plaza lined by the Philarmonic on the one end in the shadow of the Ljubljana Castle, and the regal Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity on the other.

There’s a small park filled with trees just adjacent to the square, and it’s simply a lovely square with some pretty views. In summer, there can be outdoor concerts in the square – we stopped and listened to an incredible opera being performed for the public as we were passing through. 

places to visit in ljubljana

14. Novi Trg Square

places to visit in ljubljana

The Novi Trg Square is right on the banks of the river, with steps leading down to the canal. The canal and castle on the hill offer a beautiful backdrop to the tiered fountain, making this one of the prettiest squares in Ljubljana. Plus, there are multiple cafes and places to sit nearby to relax and enjoy the evening.

15. Stroll Along the River

The banks of the Ljublianica River was probably my favorite places in all of Ljubljana. The area just west of Triple Bridge was particularly delightful, being filled with quaint, adorable, colorful houses, and is treelined, with willows hanging down into the water. But we also found beautiful areas toward the east of old town.

places to visit in ljubljana

There are little nooks all up and down the canal where you can step out and get a great view of the water and riverbanks. The west side of the river, just north of Cobbler’s Bridge, has a particularly great alcove with a picturesque view of the church.

places to visit in ljubljana

You can walk and bike along the riverfront, and the sidewalks are lined with cafes and restaurants with covered outdoor seating all along the waterfront. If nothing else, you definitely need to stop for some gelato and leisurely enjoy your ice cream sitting by the waterfront. Plus, Ljubljana’s proximity to Italy means that the gelato is excellent .

places to visit in ljubljana

While the entire waterway is very nice, the section between Triple Bridge on the north and the Novi Trg Fountain on the south is the best area, in my opinion. This area is such a vibe and really deserves all the superlatives.

16. Metelkova Neighborhood

places to visit in ljubljana

This alternative neighborhood is on the northeastern side of the historic part of Ljubljana and is known for its street art. To be honest, while this seems to be a popular spot with other travelers (and other travel bloggers), it definitely wasn’t a top spot for us in the city.

The architecture was more modern and non-descript, and while some spots had really cool street art, there was also just a TON of graffiti. We thought that the other spots highlighted in this post were infinitely more charming and interesting to visit. 

17. Ride a Bike Through the City

places to visit in ljubljana

Biking is a popular activity in Ljubljana, and riding through the City Center or along the river can be a fun way to see the city as a tourist. There are a few, easy ways to rent bikes in Ljubljana:

Rent From the Tourism Office: Located right on the corner of the Triple Bridge, the tourist office rents bikes for 6 euro per 2 hours. You can rent between 8am-6pm (4pm is the last pick-up), and make sure you bring ID.

Rent from the Bicikelj City Bike System: Register on the Bicikelj website ahead of time (or you can do it on the spot, but it takes a few minutes), then when you’re out in the city, search Bicikelj on Google Maps to find the nearest station. You check a bike out at the terminal post, and the first hour is free (and you can cover a lot of distance in Ljubljana in an hour).

18. Visit the Ljubljana Christmas Market

places to visit in ljubljana

Like most European cities, Ljubljana has a delightful Christmas market , with multiple markets scattered around the city and lights, decorations, and gorgeously lit Christmas trees adorning the streets of Old Town.

I totally fell in love with Slovenia during our two week summer trip, so I was very happy to be able to stop by again during my central Europe Christmas market tour .

19. Take a Day Trip

Because Slovenia is so small, it’s easy to base yourself out of the capital and do day trips from Ljubljana to see many of the most beautiful spots in the country.

If you’re visiting Slovenia, you simply must go into the countryside and spend some time in the incredible landscapes: mountains, alpine lakes, turquoise rivers, and waterfalls galore! Here are a few must-do day trips from Ljubljana:

places to visit in ljubljana

Day Trip to Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle, and Skocjan Cave

Within 1.5 hours of Ljubljana, you can discover 3 different, fascinating cave locations.

Postojna Cave is one of the largest and most beautiful cave systems in Europe. Predjama Castle is built into a cliff, with different cave elements. Skocjan Cave is a UNESCO World Heritage site that has a massive cave with a river running through it.

Check prices and book a tour to all three locations here

places to visit in ljubljana

Lake Bled and the Vintgar Gorge Full Day Tour

Lake Bled is an absolutely fairytale location, and one of the most famous places in Slovenia. This gorgeous blue lake has a small island with a church in the center of it, and there are multiple things to see and do around the lake .

Nearby you can visit the Vintgar Gorge, a magical canyon with tall walls, a river running down the middle, and a boardwalk through the gorge.

Check prices and book a tour to Lake Bled here

places to visit in ljubljana

Triglav National Park Full Day

Triglav National Park has some of Slovenia’s most stunning landscapes, waterfalls, and mountains, and this full-day tour takes you to some of the very best spots.

You’ll visit the Pericnik, Kozjak , and Boka Waterfalls, drive through the Vrsic Mountain pass, stop in Lake Bled and Lake Jasna, and make several other stops in scenic locations. (Definitely choose the white water rafting add-on!)

Check prices and book a tour to Triglav National Park here

places to visit in ljubljana

Half Day in Coastal Piran

Piran is Slovenia’s beautiful coastal city on the Adriatric Sea, and is filled with Venetian architecture, an attractive harbor, waterfront walkways next to clear water, colorful buildings, and narrow winding streets.

It’s a very cute small town, with several attractions and places to visit, plus beaches to relax on.

Check prices and book a tour to Piran here

The Ljubljana City Card

The Ljubljana City Card can be a great way to save some money on Ljubljana’s attractions and experiences.

Choose from a 1, 2, or 3 day pass, and get free admission to 20 museums , the Ljubljana zoo , free bus rides around the city and to/from the airport, a walking tour of the Old Town, bike rentals , a boat ride on the Ljubljanica, a ride on the castle funicular , plus admission to a thermal spa in the city.

>> Purchase the Ljubljana City Card here

Where to Eat in Ljubljana

Here are a few places that we ate at and enjoyed in Ljubljana:

places to visit in ljubljana

Gostilna Sokol This restaurant in Old Town serves up a variety of traditional Slovenian dishes – we particularly enjoyed the plate full of small portions of a selection of meats and sides, that included wild boar, stag, a deer medallion in cherry sauce, a cheese roll, and a cooked pear slice.

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljanski Dvor

This pizza restaurant offers regular sit-down seating, but it also has a takeaway window along Congress Square.

The takeaway pizza is extremely cheap (2.70 for a large slice) but was actually really good.

places to visit in ljubljana

Miskova Pekarna Bakery This bakery had really delicious sweet and savory breakfast pastries – the cherry strudel here was the best we had in Slovenia. We also liked Pecjak Pekarna Bakery (and there were several cafes and bakeries open for breakfast right next to Pecjak).

places to visit in ljubljana

A little restaurant with a street-side gelato stand. The gelato here was incredible, had a lot of different flavors, and you could eat right along the river.

places to visit in ljubljana

This bar/cafe/restaurant is located at the top of one of the tallest buildings and features indoor and outdoor seating with incredible views over Ljubljana.

We appreciated that you could find a large assortment of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks here, as well as pastries, cake, and even some regular menu items. 

places to visit in ljubljana

Dragon Street Food

This little dessert shop serves “Dragon Fire Bread” (aka Hungarian chimney cake) – filled with a variety of different toppings.

Ljubljana Food and Wine Tour – A Great Way to Try Out Slovenian Cuisine

This food and wine walking tour is a great way to be able to sample a lot of traditional Slovenian foods and dishes during your time in Ljubljana. You’ll walk through Old Town and the City Center, making multiple stops to try different food and wines. Food tours are one of our favorite activities to do when we travel, as you get such a local (and delicious) experience – so come hungry!

>> Check prices and make a reservation for this top-rated food tour here

Map of What to Do in Ljubljana

FAQs About Visiting Ljubljana

How many days do you need in ljubljana.

One full day is enough to see and do the major sites in Ljubljana, explore Old Town, and enjoy some leisurely meals. If you want to do some day trips, I recommend at least another 2-4 days!

When to Visit Ljubljana

You can enjoy Ljubljana any time of year, but it truly shines in summertime, when the markets are open and full, the trees are in bloom, and it’s warm enough to sit out and enjoy all the cafes along the river.

Is Ljubljana Safe?

We felt perfectly safe everywhere that we went in Ljubljana. If you are sticking to the main areas around the City Center and Old Town, safety should not be an issue (although, of course, always practice discretion and keep your valuables secured).

Do You Need a Car in Ljubljana?

Definitely not – Ljubljana is extremely walkable, and any transit needs can well be served by public transit. If you want to do an extended tour of the country, though, renting a car and driving through the country is a great option!

places to visit in ljubljana

Renting a car is the best way to do a road trip around the country, and if you’re planning on this, you’ll want to make your rental car reservation ASAP. Prices go up and availability goes down (often by a lot), as you get closer to your travel dates.

I recommend (and personally use) for the best selection of vehicles.

What to Do in Ljubljana – The Wrap Up

Like many European cities, some of the best parts of visiting Ljubljaja are just strolling around and enjoying the views of the streets and the river, but there are also plenty of interesting attractions and fun things to see and do in the city.

I think Ljubljana is such an underrated European city and it definitely belongs on your travel itinerary!

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places to visit in ljubljana

Stephanie is the author of The Unknown Enthusiast. She's visited 21 countries and 37 of the 50 US states (but her first love will always be France). When she's not traveling, she enjoys reading, taking naps, playing games, eating popcorn, and spending time with her husband (Matthew) and 4 daughters. Stephanie lives in Alabama, USA.

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places to visit in ljubljana

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City Museum of Ljubljana

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Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

The 17th-century salmon-pink Franciscan Church of the Annunciation stands on the northern side of Prešernov trg. The interior has six side altars and an…

Plečnik House

This small house in Trnovo is where local architect Jože Plečnik lived and worked for almost 40 years. There's an excellent introduction by hourly guided…

Central Market in ljubljana overlooking the canal, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Shutterstock ID 118174657; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Gillmore; GL account no.: 56530; Netsuite department name: Online-Design; Full Product or Project name including edition: 65050/ Online Design /LaurenGillmore/POI

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Plečnik Colonnade

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Union Experience

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Equrna Gallery

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View on building and fountain next to fountain novi trg square in Ljubljana

South of Cobblers' Bridge, this was a walled settlement of fisherfolk outside the town administration in the Middle Ages. Remnants include the very narrow…

School desk at Slovenian School Museum.

Slovenian School Museum

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Miklošičeva Cesta

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Kongresni Trg

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38 Best Things To Do In Ljubljana, Slovenia’s Vibrant City

ljubljana what to do

Table of Contents

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The lovely city of Ljubljana is somewhere you’ll visit during your trip to Slovenia . While researching, it’s probably photos of Lake Bled that’ll blow you away. I had few expectations of the capital but I was impressed to find lots of find things to do in Ljubljana and plenty of fantastic restaurants .

LJUBLJANA ESSENTIALS Accommodation : / Hostelworld Tours & activities : GetYourGuide / Viator Getting there : flight / car / bus / train

Read next: the perfect Slovenia itinerary for 5, 7 or 10 days

What is Ljubljana like?

Don’t expect a sprawling megacity! Although it’s the capital, Ljubljana has a small population of 280,000. As you’d expect, the city centre is relatively small and most of the key places to see in Ljubljana can be explored on foot. It reminded me of Zagreb , Bratislava and Sofia : mid-sized, low-rise cities with communist history. In the distance, you can see the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, sometimes capped with snow. To be in a city and see mountains feels like the best of both worlds!

Ljubljana things to do

Getting to Ljubljana

  • By air: Slovenia is well connected by air. I use Skyscanner to compare flights and get the best prices.
  • By bus: it’s easy to travel from Zagreb and other European cities by Flixbus and other local networks. I arrived from the small Slovenian city of Piran where I’d recently crossed the border from Croatia .
  • By train: trains often take longer than buses in this region but if you’d prefer to travel by rail, use Trainline to find the cheapest tickets.
  • By car: from other countries, you can arrive by road. Note that Slovenia borders countries like Croatia not in the Schengen zone meaning you’ll have to stop for customs. Use to hire cars in Europe.
  • Ride shares: I use BlaBlaCar to get around cheaply in Europe. You can browse existing journeys and get alerts when someone lists a new journey for your dates.

Getting around Ljubljana

  • By foot: The Old Town is pedestrianised so the best way to get around is on foot.
  • By bike: Use the BicikeLJ bike system for a fee of €1 a week, allowing you to hire bicycles for free for up to an hour. There’s a small charge for additional hours.
  • By kavalir: these electric vehicles seating five offer free rides around town. They run between 8am and 8pm so simply hail one when you need a lift.
  • By urban train: this green electric train stops at 10 tourist sights in Ljubljana. A ticket for €10 will allow you unlimited use for a day.
  • By bus: these are best used to travel further afield or to the airport. Buy an Urbana card for €2 and top it up. Journies cost €1.20-2.50.

Cultural things to do in Ljubljana

Like many European cities, the centre of Ljubljana is a historic one. Around Prešeren Square, you’ll find many buildings of historical and cultural importance. To better understand Slovenia, do the following…

Learn about Prešeren Square

Preseren Square

In most European cities, you’ll see a statue of a war hero on a horse in the central square. In Ljubljana, the statue is of France Prešeren, the national poet. This indicates that Slovenia sees language and literacy achievements as more integral to their identity than war. Very refreshing! Many of Prešeren’s works were dedicated to his unrequited love, the much younger Julija Primic, who can be seen immortalised as a statue behind him holding a laurel leaf. Across the square, you’ll find another statue of her poking out of the house where she used to live. I can’t help but feel pretty creeped out by this story. Dude, if Julia said no, why the poems and statues? Leave the gal be.

Fun facts about Prešeren Square :

  • A nude angel was built beside Prešeren’s statue, prompting angry priests to plant trees that would block its views from the church
  • The Roman figure on top of Gallery Emporium possesses a strange detail coming out of his left foot: the face of the architect! Someone clearly couldn’t resist a humble brag 😉

Climb or ride to Ljubljana Castle

What to do Ljubljana castle

Ljubljana Castle is not a contender for Europe’s most impressive. Still, it’s a key attraction of Ljubljana, with a history going back to the 13th century. Towering over the city, it’s visible from almost everywhere. There are several entry packages and experiences at the castle from €10 including guided tours, an escape castle experience and wine tours. If you have cash to splash, have dinner in the castle vineyard. The Old Town to the summit is a pleasant 20-minute walk through the forest. It’s slightly steep but not overly taxing. If you don’t fancy it, ride the funicular (€4 for adults, €10 for families).

View from castle

To maximise your Ljubljana sightseeing, I would suggest exploring the Old Town, then from Ljubljana Castle, journeying down the other side of the hill to Stari Trg , a quaint street with notable shops and restaurants. The path named Osojna Steza will take you there from the castle.

Get cultured at the museums & galleries

Contemporary history museum Ljubljana attractions

Ljubljana is a cultural city with plenty of opportunities to learn about the rich history of Slovenia. Visiting the museums is one of the best things to do in Ljubljana for culture lovers. Although there are more museums than you can shake a stick at, here are a few options:

  • The National Gallery – the main art museum in Slovenia displays art from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. It’s also home to the original Robba Fountain, one of the largest pieces of Baroque art in Ljubljana, the replica of which can be seen in the city. Entry is €10.
  • National Museum of Slovenia (Tivoli Park)- the largest and oldest Slovene museum is packed with relics including the world’s oldest musical instrument, a 55,000-year-old flute! Entry is €6.
  • Contemporary History Museum (pictured above) – I spent an informative afternoon here learning about Slovenian involvement and experiences during WWI, WWII and the former Yugoslavian era. Find the museum in a pink pavilion in Tivoli Park. Entry is €5.
  • Slovenian Ethnographic Museum – creative exhibits celebrate Slovenian history. Entry is €4.50.
  • Museum of Modern Art – fans of contemporary art will appreciate this collection of art from the 1960s until today including exhibitions dedicated to the postwar period in Eastern Europe. Entry is €7.50.
  • International Centre of Graphic Arts (Tivoli Park) – this collection of modern graphic art celebrates colour and print. Entry is €6.

Note – most museums are closed Mondays.

Cross the historic bridges

Sluice gate

Set beside the river, Ljubljana is characterised by multiple bridges, many with quirky features and unusual histories. A few worth strolling across include…

Butchers bridge

  • Tromostovje (Triple Bridge) – in 1842, the central part of this bridge replaced its predecessor and was later joined by two additional bridges based on designs by Jože Plečnik, the most famous Slovene architect.
  • Butchers’ Bridge – on the site of former butchers booths, this bridge built in 2010 is decorated with modern art sculptures. These days it’s also adorned with lock locks like many bridges in the world.
  • Sluice Gate – this unusual-looking bridge designed by Plečnik is located slightly east of the city on a peaceful stretch of the river. There are some lesser-visited Ljubljana attractions nearby like Cukrarna art gallery.
  • Cobblers Bridge – named after shoemakers who worked here, this distinctive bridge has tall pillars with balls on top. On Sundays, it hosts a lively flea market.
  • Dragon Bridge – flanked by four dragon statues is this art nouveau structure shockingly designed by someone other than Plečnik! Jurij Zaninović is the architect.

Triple bridge things to do Ljubljana

Admire the famous Robba Fountain 

Modelled on Roman fountains, this impressive construction by architect, Francesco Robba, is dedicated to three rivers: the Sava, the Ljubljanica and the Krka.

Robba fountain

The statue – inspired by the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome – is actually a replica. The original is in the National Gallery of Slovenia .

Glimpse history on the Cathedral door

Ljubljana Cathedral

Like other European capitals, Ljubljana Cathedral is historically one of the most important buildings in the city. St Nicholas’ Cathedral is certainly more impressive inside than out with ornate details including angels on the altar designed by local architect, Robba. However, the most impressive feature may be the bronze doors which, from the outside, tell the story of 1,250 years of Slovene Christianity. The complex carvings show all kinds of details including historical figures and buildings.

Be studious at the National & University Library 

Designed by Jože Plečnik, the National & University Library was built on the site of a Baroque palace destroyed by an earthquake in 1895. With a mix of red brick and slate tiles, it’s a striking building with unusual details like Pegasus door handles, indicating the knowledge inside. During a free walking tour, our guide told us that the original chairs had been built in uncomfortable shapes to keep the students awake and working! I believe they’ve now been replaced with normal ones, however. For a cultural thing to do in Ljubljana, visit the staircase, entrance hall, Plečnik Hallway and cafe from 10am-6pm, Mon-Fri and 2.30-6pm Saturdays.

Spot the quirky Vurnik House 

Vurnik house what to do Ljubljana

One of the most impressive things to see in Ljubljana is the Vurnik House , designed by Ivan Vurnik in 1921 and decorated in Slovenia’s national colours. It’s now the Cooperative Business Bank. I could have included a prettier photo without the brutalist block beside it but I like the sense of contrast. There’s not much to ‘do’ but it’s worth swinging by Miklošičeva Street and taking a photo since it’s just around the corner from Prešeren Square.

Admire Art Nouveau architecture

Art nouveau building

If you have the time, I think an architecture tour would be a fun thing to do in Ljubljana. It’s easy to tour the quirky buildings independently on foot. Hauptmann House (above) can be seen on Prešeren Square. Republic Square, known for hosting Slovenia’s declaration of independence in 1991, is the place to see striking brutalist architecture.

Blue and yellow building

Learn about Ljubljana’s key architect at the Plečnik House

From the Central Market to the Franciscan Church, you can’t turn a corner in Ljubljana without seeing Plečnik’s designs. In fact, many consider his impact on Slovenia as great as Gaudi’s on Barcelona . To learn about his life and art, visit his preserved former home and tour a permanent exhibition of his work. The Plečnik House property encompasses two houses and a charming garden located a 15-minute walk from the old town. Visit from 10am-6pm, Tues-Sun. Entry is €6.

Fun things to do in Ljubljana

If museums and architecture seem a bit serious for your trip to Slovenia, there are plenty of other attractions in Ljubljana I think you’ll enjoy. Let’s start with some activities and foodie stops before moving on to the alternative things to do in Ljubljana.

Take a free walking tour 

If you’ve read my blog before, you already know I live for a free walking tour (or anything free for that matter). We took the Ljubljana Free Tour recommended by our hostel at 11am, although there’s also a 3pm departure from 15 July-15 Oct and a 6pm one from 1 July-31 Aug. Our guide was funny and informative with a vast knowledge of Ljubljana and infectious enthusiasm. The starting point is the pink Franciscan Church in Prešeren Square. Booking is only required for groups of over 10 people.

Relax on ‘Cafe Street’ (Petkovšek Embankment)

Cafe street things to do Ljubljana slovenia

This lively street comes alive in good weather when cafes and restaurants spill outside. Petkovšek Embankment is the riverside promenade between Triple Bridge and the Butchers’ Bridge. Given its selection of quality cafes and restaurants, it’s the number one spot to relax with a beer or coffee when you’re tired from Ljubljana sightseeing. It actually only looked like this ^ once during my May trip. My friend and I spent a rainy afternoon hiding in Cacao cafe eating cake. There are worst places to be stuck, to be fair!

Browse & eat at Central Market 

Central market

The heart of the city (well, maybe the stomach) is the Central Market . You can expect an open-air farmers market happening every day except Sunday, an underground fish market, a covered market and outdoor stalls selling deli goods from honey to local cheese. Visit from Wednesday to Sunday for an organic market and Fridays from May-September for the famous Open Kitchen with cool pop-ups. Basically, you won’t be short of things to see, smell and EAT!

Kolida gourmet cafe

For a tasty lunch, visit the cafes beside the market. My Dumpling and Kodila Gourmet (pictured above) are excellent with hearty Slovene foods, local beers and desserts.

Spot nutrias in the river

Nutias things to see Ljubljana

Say what? I was amazed when our tour guide pointed out these animals swimming in the river, the likes of which I’d never seen before. Kerrie told us they also have them in Prague, where she lives. Nutria , also called coypo, are large rodents with webbed feet that can swim for up to 5 minutes. Native to South America, they were once widespread in Europe and farmed for their fur. Their wild population is declining in Europe but they can still be seen swimming in the Ljubljanica. Very cute!

Go dragon hunting

Once you’ve ticked off the main Ljubljana attractions, pay attention to the details. Ljubljana is awash with dragon statues, the most obvious being the large statue on the Dragon Bridge. Legend goes that Jason, a Greek mythological hero believed to have founded Ljubljana, defeated an infamous dragon. The mythical creatures must have had a great PR team because, gradually, they became portrayed not as monsters, but powerful protectors of the city. Now, Ljubljana’s mascot is the dragon, seen as roaring statues on bridges and cuddly souvenirs at gift shops. See how many you can find!

Walk in Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli gardens

Not to be confused with the famous Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen , this 200-year-old park is the largest green space in Ljubljana. You can easily walk to Tivoli Park from the Old Town to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Things to do in Ljubljana’s Tivoli Park include strolling Jakopič Promenade (often lined with art exhibits), visiting the International Centre of Graphic Arts inside Tivoli Castle (which is more of a manor house than a castle, to be honest) and browsing the Museum of Modern Art and the Contemporary History Museum. There are countless forest trails to wander and lawns for picnics. Stop at Čolnarna for a drink by the lake.

Drink with a skyline view

View from Neboticnik skyscrapers

At the top of Nebotičnik , one of Ljubljana’s few skyscrapers, there’s a bar and sightseeing deck. Kavarna serves various beers, cocktails, wines and snacks without overly inflated prices: I believe I paid €6 for an Aperol Spritz. I went here for a drink by myself, met another solo traveller in the lift and enjoyed a drink together. Solo travel always works out!

Bag a bargain at the Sunday Flea Market

One of Slovenia’s top flea markets is held on Cobblers’ Bridge every Sunday. From jewellery to paintings, trinkets and antiques, there are probably several things you’ll want to buy and hundreds you won’t… But that’s part of the fun! The market begins at 8am and wraps up around 2pm. If you’re feeling fresh at that time on a Sunday, it’s worth a rummage.

Meet new people on a bar crawl

I can vouch for Ljubljana having a lively nightlife. In one night, I went to a concert in Metalkova (more on this place next), an Irish pub and a techno rave! To meet new people while travelling , bar crawls are a great idea. Pub Crawl Ljubljana offer one for €19 including 5 shots, games and club entry. They run from January to October starting at 10pm.

Quirky things to do in Ljubljana

Although they’ll never compete with the quirky things to do in Berlin and other larger European cities, there are several alternative attractions in Ljubljana you might like. Ljubljana is small enough that you can easily reach these places on foot from the city centre.

Wander Ljuljana’s coolest street, Trubarjeva Cesta

Quirky street places in Ljubljana

For craft beer and alternative eats from Korean to Middle Eastern, take a trip to Trubarjeva Cesta . Splattered with graffiti and frequented by hipster types, it has a young and energetic feel. Although there are a few antique shops and book stores, most of the venues are bars and cafes.

Beer shop

Best eats on Trubarjeva Cesta:

  • Abi Falafel – here we had an absolute feast of hummus, baba ganoush, tabbouleh, dolma, falafel and cheesy filo pastry followed by coffee and baklava. Everything was amazing!
  • Rikša Curry & Wok – I went here to try the famed garlic momos but, after ordering a drink, learned they were finished for the day 🙁 luckily, I had a very tasty paneer curry instead.
  • KSF (Korea Street Food) – where Korean food is, I’ll be! This small takeaway doesn’t look much but the food is great. Sit and enjoy it by the river.
  • Pinsa Rustika – even if you’re not hungry, these giant pizzas will catch your eye. Order various flavours by the slice. They’re a bit expensive at €5 a piece but super tasty.

Pinsa pizza

Escape from the Castle

You might be interested to know that a ticket for the ‘escape castle’ experience at Ljubljana Castle only costs €3 more than the basic entry ticket. Delve into the history, complete trials and rescue a dragon! Visit the website and email them to reserve your time slot.

Wander the ultimate alternative hood, Metelkova

Colourful building metalova

If you Google unusual things to do in Ljubljana, I guarantee Metelkova will be at the top. This old army barracks often compared to Copenhagen’s Freetown Christiania is a curious place that I can’t vouch for as highly as other people have. As a street art superfan, it’s undeniably a cool cultural centre splattered in vibrant urban art. But some pieces are looking a little tatty these days and there’s not much to ‘do’ there apart from wander around and snap a few photos. I visited in the day to see the street art and again at night to attend a concert. It was a couple of Euros entry with cheap beers and an outdoor DJ deck playing house music. I preferred this experience because it felt like a community, unlike in the day when it was relatively empty.

Mural art quirky things to do Ljubljana

Just a note to my fellow female travellers – I felt hassled by a group of men hanging around at Metelkova. They got annoyed when my friend and I didn’t want to talk, even following us down the street. It’s worth noting they weren’t affiliated with the venue; hopefully they’ll move on soon.

Feel spooked at the abandoned Bellevue Hotel

abanadoned hotel quirky attractions ljubljana

It’s not the #1 thing to do in Ljubljana, or even #10, but if you’re walking through Tivoli Park and want to see something alternative, find this abandoned hotel. You’ll see photos on the internet taken inside Bellevue Hotel but I’d only recommend viewing from the outside: it looks pretty hazardous. It’s a cool spot for photographers with vines creeping up the pale yellow stone. An abandoned pavilion in the grounds is just as eerie.

Find the weird statues

If you’ve been to Prague, you’ll be no stranger to weird and wonderful statues. Ljubljana can certainly compete especially on quirky Butchers’ Bridge where you’ll see an arty representation of Adam & Eve, grotesques of frogs and shellfish, and goat heads where the butchers stalls once stood.

Vintage shopping

Sahara vintage shop

If your wardrobe could use a revamp and you’d rather avoid high street chains, I feel you! There are several vintage shops in Ljubljana including Divas Vintage Store boasting elegant garments at bargain prices, Moje Tvoje selling clothes by the kilo and Sahara , a small emporium near the city centre.

Day trips from Ljubljana

Since you can tick off the main things to do in Ljubljana in 1-2 days, you might want to take a day trip into Slovenia. I took one to Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle but chose to stay overnight in the famous Lake towns. It depends how much time you have. The top attractions near Ljubljana are…

Beautiful Lake Bled

Bled slovenia from ljubljana

If there’s one super hyped and famous place that doesn’t fall short, it’s Lake Bled. With brilliant blue waters, towering snow-capped mountains and a tiny island accessible by paddleboat, it looks too perfect to be true. But it’s real! Things to do include walking around the lake, hiking up to Osojnica viewpoint , hiring a boat to paddle across the lake, or boarding the taxi boats destined for the island. Nearby Vintgar Gorge is a dreamy location to feel at one with nature. The winter months can be a snowy and enchanting time to visit but the ultimate window is shoulder season: April-June and September-October. It gets swamped by tourists in summer with few accommodation options available. Getting there: Drive, catch a bus from Ljubljana bus station or book an organised day tour. GetYourGuide offer a Lake Bled & Bled Castle tour or a Lake Bled & Vintgar Gorge tour .

Equally beautiful Lake Bohinj

Lake Bohinj

Although Bled gets all the hype, I was just as blown away by Lake Bohinj . There are plenty of things you can do here like taking boat rides across the water, hiking along the north bank (and continuing to Savica Waterfall if you have the energy), hiking at Mostinca Gorge and riding the Vogel Cable Car for fantastic aerial views of the lake. Although I spent nearly a week around Bled and Bohinj, you can even see them both during a lakes day trip from Ljubljana if you’re in a rush. Otherwise, drive or ride a bus from Ljubljana bus station to Bohinj for a day trip. Stay on the bus until Camp Bohinj for Savica Waterfall and Vogel Cable Car.

Postojna Cave (one of Europe’s largest)

Postojna cave

Although there’s some debate as to which is Europe’s largest cave, Postojna is up there. This vast complex is 20km long and 155m deep with countless chambers, passageways and animal species inside. A unique feature of Postojna is the mini railway that runs through it. A ticket includes a guided tour in which you’ll spot notable formations and hear stories about the cave’s history. If you’re lucky (sadly we weren’t), you may spot a proteus : a blind salamander that can live to 100 and has evolved to only need food once every 10 years. Certainly not my spirit animal!

Predjama Castle

A short drive from the cave is another key attraction near Ljubljana: 800-year-old Predjama Castle built into the face of a karst cliff. The knight, Erazem of Predjama, used the network of secret tunnels to set out on his expeditions. Tickets cost €16.90 for the Castle, €27.90 for the caves or €40 for both.

Predjama castle

Although Postojna Cave can be visited by public transport from Ljubljana during a day trip, there’s no transport connecting it to Predjama Castle. To see them both during the same day, a car or day tour is required.

Book the Postojna Cave & Predjama Castle tour I took

Foodie activities in Ljubljana

This may as well be a continuation of fun things to do in Ljubljana because, after all, what could be more fun than eating and drinking yourself into a coma? That’s right, NOTHING.

Read next: 30 best Ljubljana restaurants , cafes, bars and food experiences

Outside cafe in ljubljana

Try traditional food

Have you ever tried Slovenian food before? I hadn’t but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s hearty with lots of meat, soups, sauerkraut and moreish desserts. Best Slovenian dishes to try:

  • Štruklji – I fell in love with these in Zagreb so was thrilled to find them in Slovenia although they’re slightly different. Doughy dumplings are stuffed with sweet or savoury ingredients
  • Kranj sausage – this traditional pork and bacon sausage is geographically protected and can only be made by verified manufacturers
  • Jota – a hearty stew made with meat and fermented cabbage
  • Prekmurska gibanica – a tasty layer cake made with poppy seeds, walnuts, cream cheese and steamed apples
  • Potica – a festive pastry made of rolled dough with walnuts and butter.

Figovec restaurant

Traditional restaurants:

  • Slovenska Hiša – Figovec : this is a lovely, atmospheric restaurant with shelves of books, a spacious garden area and – most importantly – hearty Slovenian dishes. The menu includes fun facts about the dishes like which local celebrities love them! They also serve famous orange wine.
  • Gujžina (veggie) : there’s no need to miss out on traditional Slovene cooking because here you can try all the dishes without meat, washed down with excellent local wines.

Wine tasting in a 300-year-old cellar

wine tasting ljubljana

For a fun foodie thing to do in Ljubljana, head to this atmospheric wine cellar to enjoy traditional Slovenian wines including my new favourite, orange wine ! Although it’s new to me, it’s been produced in Europe for over 6,000 years. The fantastic team at Wine Tasting Ljubljana are super knowledgable and personable. To spend a few hours doing something a bit different and learning about Slovenia’s culinary scene (with delicious snacks), I highly rate it.

Book your wine tasting here

Take a food tour

I love taking food tours wherever I go. They’re particularly good for solo travellers who want to try multiple dishes in a short space of time without getting full. Take a 4-hour food and wine tour sampling 9 dishes from different regions of Slovenia while exploring the city with a guide.

Eat cakes you will dream about

Cacao cake

Cacao serve some of the best cakes in town along with ice creams and milkshakes. My friend and I spent several hours working our way through the menu. This cafe is phenomenal! I can recommend the pistachio chocolate cake.

Sample famous dumplings

places to visit in ljubljana

Beside the Central Market, My Dumpling is a gem of a cafe famed for its štruklji dumplings. These come in a wild array of flavours including cheese, garlic, tarragon, chocolate and strawberry. Yum!

Support a social enterprise – for €5!

Dessert at Second Violin

For a super affordable meal that benefits staff with disabilities who might otherwise struggle to find work, bag a table at Druga Violina (Second Violin). The food is simple but tasty and the prices are ridiculously affordable. I paid €5.50 for stew, bread and cake!

Shop for truffles

Famously from the Istrian peninsular home to parts of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, truffles became my new favourite treat during my Croatia itinerary , along with orange wine. Best paired with eggs, pasta and meat, they can be bought in jars to take home. The best place to buy truffles (and other local deli goods) in Ljubljana is Tartufi Deli Shop . As well as truffles, they sell famous Slovene pumpkin seed oil, honey, regional liquors and more. Prices aren’t super cheap but, considering its all quality local produce, you should treat yourself!

Craft beer tasting

Craft beer asting

I spent a fun afternoon drinking beer (for cultural reasons obviously!) at Lajbah Craft Bar . It’s a relaxed venue with indoor and outside seating and friendly staff who can advise you which bevs to try. I didn’t know Slovenia had a big craft beer scene so I was pleasantly surprised. The 3rd Pill IPA was my favourite. Another fun option is an organised craft beer tour with a small group and local guide.

Union Beer factory tour

Definitely not craft beer, Union is the classic Slovene larger. The factory near Tivoli Park offers Union tours covering 150 years of beer history and finishing with a tasty mug to try. Tours depart four times a day and cost €14pp.

Where to stay in Ljubljana

On a budget: we stayed at Hostel Tresor which was a decent base with dorm & private rooms, laundry facilities and social areas, right in the heart of town. Book from €25 . I also heard great things about Hotel Celia inside a refurbished prison! It’s had a funky refurb and hosts events and activities. Budget hotel: for a clean, spacious hotel with indoor & outdoor seating, White House Bela Hiša has coffee machines in every room and fantastic reviews. Book from €75 . Splash out hotel: treat yourself at uHOTEL with its rooftop wellness centre, swimming pool, fitness centre and renowned buffet breakfasts. Book from €150 . Apartments: check out Stella Sky with equipped studios and swimming pools with city views and Castle View Apartments with hot tubs and private parking.

Browse all Ljubljana hotels on and hostels on Hostelworld .

Enjoy these things to do in Ljubljana!

More Europe city guides:

  • How to spend a day in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Things to do in Zagreb, Croatia
  • The top attractions in Belgrade, Serbia
  • Things to do see and do in Tirana, Albania
  • 3 perfect days in Budapest
  • 3 day Vienna itinerary
  • How to spend 3 days in Copenhagen
  • 2 day Sofia, Bulgaria itinerary
  • 2 week Romania road trip itinerary

For more Europe content, follow me on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .

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things to do ljubljana slovenia

TRUSTED RESOURCES FOR VISITING SLOVENIA Getting around by air – I use Skyscanner and search by month to see the cheapest dates. Driving in Europ e – use to compare car rentals in European countries (and all around the world). For trains , I use Trainline . The search feature allows you to compare prices, and they show live departure times on the website. For buses , I use Flixbus . Find journeys between European countries from €1!  Use Omio to compare trains and buses in one search. It’s so handy! For hotels and self-catering apartments, I use . You can filter by review score and price to find the best-rated budget places. For hostels, I use . To save money on accommodation, I use Trusted Housesitters , a website that connects homeowners going away and travellers who can sit their homes & pets. Browse tours and activities on GetYourGuide and Viator . Need travel insurance ? I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) since it’s affordable but covers everything you’d need including various activities, valuables and pre-existing conditions. Unlike some companies, they insure you if you’re already travelling / don’t yet have your flight home booked. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing . Check out my resources page for more travel discounts and budget tips from my 10+ years on the road!

places to visit in ljubljana

Rose is a solo traveller from the UK who has been on the road since 2015. She wants to show other women that solo travel isn't scary and doesn't have to be expensive! Rose has lived in Mexico, Canada and all over Asia, seeking out food, bubble tea and street art wherever she goes!

2 thoughts on “ 38 Best Things To Do In Ljubljana, Slovenia’s Vibrant City ”

places to visit in ljubljana

We will also highly recommend everybody to stop over the Cobbler’s bridge (Čevljarski most). Remember the name or write it down. You might think that it’s just one of the bridges over the Ljubljanica river but for us, it is the most beautiful – less crowded than Tromostovje, in a more vibrant part of the center than Mesarski, it lies in the heart of the cafes & shops area in the center of Ljubljana, allowing you to take nice pics of the river (try it at the sunset which can be also incredible in Ljubljana) surrounded with the old city houses, and often serves as a meeting point, all the more romantic if you happen to catch a saxophonist player there (Zoran Mošić) with his singing dog Pupa. They’re not less the sightseeing than all others mentioned above and can be found there all year round, mostly at the beginning of the week, about sunset time, some 18-19 more or less. A must-see… or better to say, listen. This experience opens hearts. Believe me, you’ll return to listen to it once again. And then again 🙂

places to visit in ljubljana

Hello thanks for taking the time to read and comment, it sounds like you had a wonderful experience at Cobblers Bridge. You’ve made me really want to return to see the saxophonist player and his dog, Pupa! Happy travels

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Welcome to Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenians, where people gather, study, do business, or live. One could say it's like a chameleon - always the right colour for every mood. A city tailored to human needs, cosmopolitan for work, yet green and pleasant for relaxation.

With 50,000 students, it has a youthful vibe, and its rich offer of cultural and sports events, along with a multitude of experiences, ensures that you simply cannot be bored in the city.

Indulge in the charm of the Slovenian capital, which is:

  • an interesting blend of various cultural influences
  • one of the hottest European culinary destinations
  • one of the leading global destinations for a sustainable lifestyle
  • a city with a green soul
  • an excellent location for congresses and conferences
  • a focal point for unforgettable events and venues
  • a home to numerous museums, galleries, and cultural institutions
  • a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering scenic parks, riverside promenades, and numerous recreational activities
  • a treasure trove of history and architecture, with enchanting medieval streets, majestic castles, and modern architectural marvels waiting to be explored

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The best food experiences in Ljubljana – only with us!

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Odprta kuhna 2

Open Kitchen on a Platter – The Gourmet Ljubljana Tasting Menus

Are you up for a gourmet adventure? Wondering about the easiest and fastest way to sample as much tasty and typical food as possible from popular chefs and restaurants in Ljubljana and the area around it, as well as from other parts of Slovenia? The answer is simple: visit the ultra-popular Open Kitchen Friday food market and order one of the special Gourmet Ljubljana Tasting Menus!

polomljen deznik

Creative handicraft workshops

Discover a side of the city that many might think is long gone, yet is very much alive. Experience the capital’s unique, authentic and sustainable stories through craft workshops! The crafts are kept alive by artisans who share a love of tradition and manual work that defies mass consumerism. 

Dobimo se na plac 15042024 002 ZMP5587 copy

Yummy Market Walk

What is the most authentic way to experience the lively atmosphere and variety of flavours at Ljubljana’s Central Market? A culinary walk that will take you to some of the market’s most popular vendors and give you the chance to sample some of Slovenia’s most in-demand local delicacies. You will also discover stories from behind the scenes that make the Central Market the pride of Ljubljana and an important part of the city’s identity.


Locals recommend

"When we say, 'Let's go for coffee!' it doesn't mean we're going to have a black, bitter, caffeinated drink originating from Ethiopia, which has successfully (even more so than the British) colonized the whole world. No. What we mean is, 'Let's go somewhere and sit for hours while ordering some (non-alcoholic) drink.''

Katarina is an anthropologist who loves exploring other cultures and lifestyles. Although Ljubljana is not her favorite city in the world, she has grown fond of its many excellent cafes and compiled them in an article.

The beauties of Ljubljana and the region

A view of rooftops of a city. Green hill with a castle on top reigning over the town. Blue sky.

© Ana Pogačar

Things to do december 1

STO Slovenska turistična organizacija STO

A lively green city combining the charm of a small capital and the self-confidence of large European cities.

places to visit in ljubljana

Special offers and packages.

places to visit in ljubljana

Taste of Idrija

places to visit in ljubljana

Active package in Terme Snovik

places to visit in ljubljana

Escape from boredom! Family escape room adventure and overnight stay: "Escape Ljubljana A" package

Dear readers.

Our mission is to inspire your visit to Slovenia by sharing the excellent and unique experiences Slovenian tourism has to offer at . Discover inspiring stories and plan for a time when we are able to travel safely again. Let’s be responsible today for a better tomorrow.

Ljubljana is the green capital of a green country. The area on either side of the river with its picturesque bridges and the central market owes its distinctive appearance to the great architect Jože Plečnik. The city of thousands of events is surrounded by parks and areas of protected nature.

Being in Ljubljana makes me feel like I could believe in fairy tales again. 

D Travels 'Round blog


places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana prides itself on the title of European Green Capital 2016. More

Ljubljana is one of the UNESCO Cities of Literature. More

For the seventh year in a row, Ljubljana is ranked among the 100 most sustainable destinations in the world. More

Ljubljana was chosen as the European Best Destination 2022. More

Ljubljana was awarded the platinum Slovenia Green Destination label. More

Ljubljana & Central Slovenia Ljubljana

The term “love” is in the name of Ljubljana itself, which sounds similar to “ljubljena” (loved woman).

TOP 5 sights

Every step you take, you will be surprised by Slovenia’s natural and cultural gems. Are you interested in what you need to see in Ljubljana?

Plečnik’s House

The home of the famous architect who gave Ljubljana its distinctive appearance is a museum dedicated to his work.

National Gallery

The National Gallery holds the country's largest collection of fine art from the High Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Central Market

The Central Market was designed by the architect Jože Plečnik and it is a place for the people of Ljubljana to meet and hang out.

Dragon Bridge

If you haven’t taken a photo on the Dragon Bridge, you haven’t really visited Ljubljana.

Ljubljana Castle

Ljubljana Castle, perching on a green hill in the centre of the city for around 900 years, is its main attraction.

TOP 5 experiences

Taking a romantic stroll through the charming city streets or actively exploring points of interest in Ljubljana? Choose your path to discover the beauties of the capital and its vibrant scenes. And restore your strength with a fine culinary experience of Ljubljana chefs.

  • Get together
  • Get relaxed

Go up to castle

You can climb up to Ljubljana Castle along the maintained footpaths or ride the funicular.  Its lookout tower and walls offer breath-taking views. From here the best views of the green capital are enjoyed. Visit two museums and a series of art exhibitions, or let actors in historical costumes conjure up mysterious castle stories on guided tours. Enjoy cultural events and treat yourself to a feast in the excellent restaurants of Gostilna na Gradu and Strelec.

The charm of Plečnik’s Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, a pioneer of twentieth-century architecture, has left a major mark on Ljubljana. His masterpieces include the National and University Library, the Triple Bridge, the Cobbler’s Bridge and the Central Market. Take a guided tour and walk along the route the master himself used innumerable times or stop in at the Plečnik House with an exhibition of his work. A guide can accompany you by bike to show you those of his buildings that lie outside the city centre.

Explore Ljubljana actively

Discover Ljubljana actively, by bike. The use of the BicikeLJ bike-sharing scheme is almost free, and a guided tour includes a picnic on the grass in Tivoli Park. You can get to know Ljubljana through the eyes of an architect, painter and writer on a Moustache Tour (Brko tura) or glide through the city centre on a SUP board or in a kayak. If running is your choice, you’ll join many active Ljubljana residents.

Adventures along the Ljubljanica

The Ljubljanica is the soul of the city. The banks of the river Ljubljanica offer promenades, bars and restaurants with gardens. You can experience the city from a different perspective with a boat trip on the river, and admire the architecturally interesting bridges, such as the Triple Bridge by Plečnik, Dragon Bridge, Butcher's Bridge – which is a lovers’ bridge, Cobbler’s Bridge and Hradecky Bridge.

Exploring the surroundings of Ljubljana

Let yourself be enchanted by Ljubljana and the surrounding area. Climb up Velika Planina, discover the heritage of Slovenia’s castles, take a closer look at the history of the Ljubljansko Barje wetland in Vrhnika, where the oldest wooden wheel in the world was found, and stroll through a carefully designed park of the Volčji Potok Arboretum.

Experience of alternative Ljubljana

Discover a different Ljubljana, which in addition to artistic and mental frameworks is also marked by sustainable practices. Explore the Museum of Modern Art, International Centre of Graphic Arts or smaller galleries such as DobraVaga or Škuc. Feel the urban vibes in Kino Šiška and around Metelkova, which is one of the best-known centres of alternative creativity in Europe.

Festival summer in Ljubljana

There is always something going during summer in Ljubljana.  It is characterised by the Ljubljana Festival, whose programme features first-class artistic events. During the summer festival, events take to the capital’s charming streets and broad squares. The summer festival fever is heightened by the Ljubljana Jazz Festival, the Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, the open-air cinema at Ljubljana Castle, the Nights in Old Ljubljana and a number of other festivals.

Festive December in Ljubljana

Conjure up a festive tale in Ljubljana where its squares, streets, bridges and the riverside turn into the central and liveliest social venue of the city. The space-themed outdoor Christmas decorations designed by renowned artist Urban Modic are famed for their extravagant beauty. The Christmas fair with its food and drinks offered by delightful little wooden houses is the central social event accompanied by activities for children and free concerts. You can also take a Christmas boat trip on the Ljubljanica River, which is a great experience.

A green city that lives with nature

Ljubljana is a city with a green soul.  And the city centre is not complete without green areas. They are ideal for walks and easy recreation. You can add to exploring the tourist attractions with walks over the Castle Hill and along the banks of the river Ljubljanica, or visit Tivoli Park. Take a wander to Rožnik, Šiška Hill Nature Park and the hills of Golovec that are covered by forest and criss-crossed by recreational trails.

Experience of gastronomic Ljubljana

Discover the tastes of Ljubljana on a guided gastronomic tour.  The top-ranking restaurants selected by local gastronomic experts can be recognised by the Ljubljana Quality Mark, and their food can be enjoyed at the Friday ‘Odprta Kuhna’ food market.  Beer lovers can learn about the rich history of brewing and sample local beers, while wine lovers will taste the noble Slovenian wines at a wine tasting.

Art in Ljubljana

Ljubljana is a European capital of culture, art, festivals and adventures with its own distinctive identity. Its character combines creativity and lively cultural events.  Treat yourself to a cultural break and be part of the city’s buzz. See historic sights and the largest collection of Slovene art, visit festivals and events that take place throughout the year, or learn about Slovenian art through the life and works of Slovene artists. 

Experience Ljubljana in your own way.

Explore Ljubljana in the most original, boutique, and authentic way. Try something you won't find anywhere else. Select from a range of five-star boutique experiences boasting the Slovenia Unique Experiences mark.

places to visit in ljubljana

An epic tour with the architect of UNESCO's Ljubljana. An intimate experience of the visionary master and his great mind.

Master Plečnik

A good breakfast sets you up for a day of exploration and fun in the city. Begin your day with a real Ljubljana breakfast and enjoy the always-lively...

Yummy Market Walk

Green facts.

Slovenia writes a green story. Feel it at every step.

places to visit in ljubljana

Most of the sights in Ljubljana can be visited on foot or by bicycle.

places to visit in ljubljana

The historical centre of Ljubljana is closed for motor traffic. The exceptions include the Urban Tourist Train and electric vehicles called Kavalir (Gallant Helper).

places to visit in ljubljana

Ljubljana is one of the few capitals where you can learn about the rich animal and plant life of the Ljubljanica River, the entirety of which belongs to Natura 2000.

places to visit in ljubljana

With over 542 m² of public green areas per capita, Ljubljana is one of the greenest cities of Europe. Almost half of the green areas are covered with forests.

Leteči žganci (Flying žganci)

A witty, almost ironic name for a popular dish of the workers who worked at the town port by the Ljubljanica River in the 17th century, which means fried chicken legs and wings. Namely, žganci used to be a commonplace dish for the masses, and often also an expression of poverty and survival.

Try our recipe

Summer in Ljubljana

Whereas the Ljubljana Festival takes care of superb artistic events, the city streets and squares host numerous free outdoor events.

Have fun in the green capital

places to visit in ljubljana

Register of Tourist Guides

Local guides will help you discover local attractions and hidden treasures. Find a tourist guide that will present Slovenian cultural and natural heritage to you in more detail in your chosen language.

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Experience a pleasant getaway and have some rest

Would you like to stay a little longer and see and experience as much as possible? Then select suitable accommodation that is ideal for you in the nearby area.


Hotel Heritage


Hotel Zlata Ladjica


Lesar Hotel Angel


Hotel Slamič


Hotel One66


Urban Center Boutique Hotel


Hotel Allegro


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Book your adventure in Ljubljana and Central Slovenia

Take a break in the heart of Slovenia! Surrender to the busy flow of the Slovenian capital and other towns – Celje, Žalec, Novo mesto, Kamnik, etc. Enjoy the beauties of green nature, from the high mountains to idyllic hills, all just a few steps away. Choose and book your holiday today!

Escape to the picturesque Idrija countryside in the idyllic surroundings of Hiška Na Griču. In Idrija, experience the mysterious underground world of...

Family holidays in the Idrija way

Strmol Castle was declared a cultural monument of national importance in 2004. It was completely renovated in 2010–2012 to preserve its cultural heritage....

A unique castle getaway in total privacy

Spend an active holiday in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Active free time for mountain lovers and cycling enthusiasts. The perfect combination with swimming...

Get to know Ljubljana in a playful way and unlock the secrets of the city in the exciting UNLOCK® adventure game. Get ready for an entertaining adventure...

City escape! Discover Ljubljana in the Unlock family adventure game: "Escape Ljubljana B" package

Nearby destinations.

Are you interested in where to head to on a trip from Ljubljana? In the winter, you can go skiing on Krvavec, which is only 42 km away and which offers excellent possibilities for active holidays even in the summer season. Visit the picturesque historical town of Kamnik, which is only 23 km away from Ljubljana and from where you can go on a hike to the herdsmen’s Velika Planina plateau or climb the tops of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. You can discover the beauty under the Julian Alps by visiting Bled adorned with a lake and an island and a castle on the rock, which is located only 50 km away. You can also visit the underworld of Postojna Cave and visit the largest cave castle in the world, Predjama Castle, which is the same distance away.

The capital of the Slovenian Alps, where you stand with one foot in the city and the other one in nature.


A charming medieval town nestled in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps.


Lake Bled and a castle perched on a cliff is one of the most beautiful Alpine resorts in Europe.


The world of underground wonders, stunning natural phenomena and unique tastes.


More details on Ljubljana

For more information visit the Ljubljana website.

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places to visit in ljubljana

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Slovenian Tourist Board Ljubljana, 1 June 2022

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ALMA Virtual Traveller

Alma is a ChatGPT-based virtual travel guide designed to help you find information and inspiration for your next visit to Slovenia. She is full of ideas for great experiences , knows Slovenian destinations and the variety of activities you are particularly interested in, so she can offer you personalised content and inspiring stories available on the official tourism portal. Our virtual advisor was inspired by the intrepid world traveller Alma M. Karlin; therefore, we named her ALMA. For an optimal experience, we suggest talking to Alma as a real interlocutor, mentioning the destination you are interested in, the activities you want to experience and when you want to visit Slovenia . All information provided by Alma is for information purposes only and may contain limitations and errors.

places to visit in ljubljana

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places to visit in ljubljana

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What to Do in Ljubljana: 15 Highlights of the City

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Best Things to do in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Don’t be fooled by the fact that Ljubljana is one of Europe’s smallest capitals because the Slovenian city is packed full of exciting things to do and sights to see! 

Formerly part of Yugoslavia, much has changed in Ljubljana since the communist regime fell and Slovenia declared independence in 1991. Yes, you’ll find the socialist-style concrete tower blocks, and admittedly, one of the best places to visit (and to spend the night!) is a former political prison-turned art hotel, but modern Ljubljana has a colorful and artistic atmosphere, unlike any other European city. 

Brush up on your pronunciation before you land – it’s pronounced, Lyoo-bly-ah-nuh – and get ready for an action-packed trip as you delve into the petite Slovenian capital’s past and present. Chase after street art and graffiti, admire ancient fortifications on the castle hill, and if you have time, take a day trip to the equally astounding shores of Lake Bled. 

With so many great things to see and do, we won’t be surprised if you don’t know where to begin. That’s why we’ve compiled our list of the best things to do in Ljubljana for you! Stick to these fun and unique Ljubljana bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt that you’re going to have an incredible time exploring Slovenia ’s capital city. 

Don’t forget to check out our web story: What to Do in Ljubljana: 15 Highlights of the City

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

15 Best Things to do in Ljubljana

1. ride the funicular to ljubljana’s castle.

Unique Things to do in Ljubljana: Ride the Funicular to Ljubljana’s Castle

Riding the funicular to the castle is one of the best things to do in Ljubljana. The city’s impressive castle is perched high on a hill in the capital, and you can see the standout towers, walls, and flags from almost anywhere in Ljubljana. 

You can ride the short but sweet funicular railway 230 feet (70 meters) to the hilltop, where you can learn how the castle was first built way back in the 11th century to protect the growing city below. You’ll also learn that Romans used the hill as a fortress many centuries before this, when the settlement of Emona was founded around 50 BC. 

Cool Things to do in Ljubljana: Ride the Funicular to Ljubljana’s Castle

As you stroll through the courtyards, climb the towers, and walk along the walls, you’ll discover that despite the long history, most of the beautiful castle you see today was built in the 17th century when the Baroque style of architecture was very much in fashion in Ljubljana.

The funicular is even younger, as it was only opened in 2006 to make it easier for tourists to visit the castle. That’s fine by us because the short railway ride not only provides wonderful views of the castle as you’re whisked upwards, but it cuts out the steep uphill walk to the gatehouse that was the traditional way to enter the castle in centuries past.

You’ll love the panoramas from the terrace and from the castle’s towers. The views are wonderful during the day but try to time your visit for sunset, and then wait until darkness has fallen to see the city lit up spectacularly in the nighttime! 

2. Take a Walking Tour of the Old Town

Fun Things to do in Ljubljana: Walking Tour of the Old Town

From the heights of Castle Hill, you’ll see the colorful red roofs of the Old Town below. This is the historic heart of the city, and a walking tour is the best way to experience the best sights in Ljubljana!

In fact, you’ll have to walk whether you’re taking a guided tour or not, because much of the Old Town is completely pedestrianized. We love that, and we know you will too, as it allows you to explore the narrow streets and quaint squares without worrying about traffic. 

Must do things in Ljubljana: Walking Tour of the Old Town

There are many guided tours to choose from, but you can join free walking tours that depart several times a day from Preseren Square. If you like the tour, then you simply tip as much as you think the tour guide deserves for their work. 

Preseren Square is one of the major Ljubljana attractions, as this has always been an important public meeting space where events, concerts, and protests are held. As you tour the Old Town, you’ll see baroque palaces, the city hall, and many buildings which were designed by Slovenia’s most famous architect, Joze Plecnik. 

3. Cross Ljubljana’s Beautiful Bridges

What to do in Ljubljana: Beautiful Bridges

As you stroll through the Old Town, you’ll quickly come to understand that some of the best sights in Ljubljana are its bridges, so much so that we’re listing them as Ljubljana bucket list items all by themselves! 

Ljubljana is carved in two by the Ljubljanica River. It’s a beautiful river and one that’s renowned for its emerald-like sheen. Rightly so, the bridges built to span the Ljubljanica River are as beautiful as the waters that flow beneath them. 

The most important bridges in the Old Town were designed by architect Joze Plecnik, who also landscaped the surrounding embankments and walkways that you can stroll along today. 

Best Things to do in Ljubljana: Beautiful Bridges

The Triple Bridge can be found by Preseren Square and is one of the oldest bridges in the city. There’s been a crossing here for centuries, but then a new, single bridge was built in the early 19th century. Plecnik then had two adjacent bridges built in the early 20th century before giving it the name Triple Bridge.

The Cobblers’ Bridge, opened in 1931, was also designed by Plecnik, and is known for its distinctive Greco-Roman columns and elaborate motifs. Trnovo Bridge is another of Plecnik’s most famous works, while the Dragon Bridge – with its Dragon statues – is a unique symbol of the city.

One of the newest bridges in Ljubljana is the Butchers’ Bridge. It opened in 2010, although it was based on a design by Joze Plecnik that was made many decades before. 

The Butchers’ Bridge might not be what you’re expecting. It’s actually where lovers come to leave padlocks above the Ljubljanica River! 

4. Cruise Along the Ljubljanica River

Ljubljana Bucket List: Cruise Along the Ljubljanica River

The Ljubljanica River is one of the most aesthetic things to see in Ljubljana. You’ll quickly fall in love with the wondrous colors, the elegant bridges, and the slow pace of life that unfolds at the cafes and terraces along its banks.

When you’re in the city, there’s no better way to experience the river’s majesty than a cruise along the Ljubljanica. Small boats launch from the banks, taking visitors along the waterway and offering guided commentary of the Old town sights that surround you.

Must do things in Ljubljana: Cruise Along the Ljubljanica River

That’s the relaxing way to travel along the Ljubljanica River, but if you’re feeling active, then why not join a paddleboarding tour instead? In the summer, paddleboarding is one of the most fun things to do in Ljubljana, but in the winter, you might prefer the comfort and warmth of the tour boats instead!

5. Get a Culture Fix at Ljubljana’s Museums and Galleries

Cool Things to do in Ljubljana: Museums and Galleries

Culture vultures and history buffs will be right at home in Ljubljana. This is a city that’s packed with museums and art galleries. You can easily spend days discovering new snippets of historical intrigue or browsing through unique collections of art. 

We recommend starting at the National Museum of Slovenia , where you can take a step back in time and learn all about the nation’s long and exalted past. This is Slovenia’s oldest museum, and perhaps fittingly, it’s home to the oldest musical instrument in the world! 

Fun Things to do in Ljubljana: Museums and Galleries

You’ll see the famed Neanderthal Flute as you tour through the exhibits, but you’ll also see Bronze Age artifacts, Roman coins, and many more archeological treasures from across the country. 

Next, move onto the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (which is in the same building as the National Museum of Slovenia). Here you can see the skeletal remains of wooly mammoths, ancient mollusks found in the mountains, and much, much more. 

Just around the corner, you can then visit the National Gallery of Slovenia , which is home to the country’s collection of historical artwork. If you still have time left, there’s the National Museum of Contemporary History , which offers a detailed dive into Slovenian history from the First World War to the modern era. 

6. Escape the City with a Visit to Tivoli Park

Ljubljana Things to do: Tivoli Park

You don’t have to go far to escape the city. Not when Ljubljana has an enormous public space right on its doorstep. 

Tivoli Park is set around Tivoli Castle, a historic mansion in the western suburbs of Ljubljana. The mansion was built in the 17th century, but the park itself wasn’t landscaped and made public until 1813, when the grounds of Tivoli Castle were combined with that of nearby Cekin Mansion to create a super park. 

Ljubljana Bucket List: Tivoli Park

Visit Tivoli Park, and you have around 3 square miles of public gardens to explore. There are rose gardens, ponds, sculptures, playgrounds, and an ice hockey and basketball arena. 

The park itself is protected as a nature reserve, and as you walk along the many trails, you’ll see and hear many of the rare birds that call Tivoli Park home. 

7. Chase Street Art and Graffiti in Ljubljana

Must do things in Ljubljana: Chase Street Art and Graffiti

Ljubljana is one of the oldest cities in Europe, but there’s no doubt that it’s also one of the trendiest. A large part of this hipster image comes from the city’s love of art and graffiti, which you’ll see plastered all across the capital. 

One of the coolest things to do in Ljubljana is a street art and graffiti tour , where you’ll be shown the best artwork in the city. Ljubljana is a giant canvas for street artists, and you’ll see everything from murals to political graffiti as you walk through the capital with a local guide.

Ljubljana Things to do: Chase Street Art and Graffiti

Most importantly, you’ll also learn about why Ljubljana is home to an extraordinary number of street artists and artworks. The art first started appearing in the late 1980s, as counter-culture revolutions took hold across Yugoslavia. After independence, the art boomed, as Ljubljana’s creatives could finally express themselves as they’d always wanted.

8. Get Artsy in Metelkova

Best Things to do in Ljubljana: Get Artsy in Metelkova

You’ll quickly come to love Ljubljana’s creative side. While there’s graffiti and street art all over the city, you have to visit the Metelkova District to see where it all began!

Metelkova is Ljubljana’s foremost art district, where you’ll find extravagant murals, contemporary art, pop-up galleries, and much more. The entire district is effectively one giant art installation and creative center, and the galleries and venues are all located within what was previously a Yugoslav army barracks.

Unique Things to do in Ljubljana: Get Artsy in Metelkova

When Slovenia declared independence in 1991, the barracks were vacated, and groups of squatters moved in. Over the next few years, they transformed the military zone into a place for creatives, attracting the best artists and intellectuals in Ljubljana who could create what they wanted to after the fall of communism. 

You can explore the galleries and artwork during the day, but when night falls, Metelkova becomes one of the best places in Ljubljana to party. This is where you’ll find live music, raves, and DJ sets almost any day of the week. 

9. Spend the Night in a Former Political Prison

Must do things in Ljubljana: Spend the Night in a Former Political Prison

Spending a night in a former political prison is one of the most unique things to do in Ljubljana. This is an experience like no other, as you voluntarily spend a night behind bars at Hostel Celica .

Hostel Celica is found next to the Metelkova Art District, and after the fall of the Yugoslav regime, the prison was taken over by squatters. The new government threatened to knock the building down. Instead, it was saved, and it grew into what is now an art-focused hostel that preserved the past in an extremely unique way.

Fun Things to do in Ljubljana: Spend the Night in a Former Political Prison

The former prison cells have all been repurposed into hotel rooms and dormitories, but each has its own unique design and theme. Every “cell” has been designed by a different artist, many of whom spent time in the prison itself before Slovenia gained independence.

Even if you don’t care to spend the night behind bars, you can still take a guided tour of the hostel and former prison. Hostel Celica also has a lively bar and cafe and hosts many events and music nights that travelers are always welcome to join in on. 

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10. Take a Scenic Hike to Smarna Gora

Ljubljana Things to do: Hike to Smarna Gora

Are you looking to escape the city? Then look no further than Smarna Gora, a towering twin-peaked mountain that’s within hiking distance of Ljubljana’s Old Town. 

Hiking to Smarna Gora is one of the best things to do in Ljubljana. On a clear day, you’ll not only have expansive views over the capital but far-reaching views across the Julian Alps. The highest point is 2,178 feet (664 meters) above sea level, and you’ll find a baroque church and a small cafe serving up refreshments waiting for you at the summit. 

What to do in Ljubljana: Hike to Smarna Gora

The quickest route to the top takes around 45 minutes from the trailhead in the suburbs of Ljubljana. Drive or take a local bus to a place called Tacen and follow the signs upwards. You can hike any time of day, but Smarna Gora is particularly popular at sunrise!

11. Gorge on Farm Fresh Food at Ljubljana Central Market

Cool Things to do in Ljubljana: Central Market

Ljubljana’s Central Market is elegantly perched above the river, and like many of the city’s most famous buildings, it was designed by architect Joze Plecnik. You’ll find the market between Dragon Bridge and Triple Bridge in the center of Ljubljana. It’s a beautiful building in a beautiful location!

You’ll find all the food and drink you could ever need in the Central Market. There are so many stalls that they spill out from the covered area to fill up the adjacent square.

Unique Things to do in Ljubljana: Central Market

The outdoor area is where you can purchase fruits and vegetables, which have been delivered fresh from the farms around the capital. On weekends, the outdoor section is often taken over by food festivals and street food markets offering a taste of international, as well as local cuisine.

Head inside, and you’ll find many stalls and shops selling traditional Slovenian goods. You can try cured meats, local cheeses, wines, and freshly baked bread. Arrive hungry, and leave with a newfound appreciation for Slovenia’s excellent gastronomy. 

12. Hike or Bike the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship

Ljubljana Bucket List: Path of Remembrance and Comradeship

Avid walkers and cyclists will want to tackle the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, a long-distance trail that traverses the circumference of Ljubljana. 

This unique, waymarked trail is 20 miles long, and because it’s a circular route, you can join (and leave!) at any point along the route. It’s easy to cycle the entire route in a few hours and very possible to hike (or run!) the entire trail in a day.

Must do things in Ljubljana: Path of Remembrance and Comradeship

The path was designed to commemorate the many Slovenians who lost their lives during World War II. The route follows the defensive perimeter of barbed wire and bunkers that surrounded the city during the conflict, and you can learn more about this as you make your way around. 

Once a year, on the first Saturday after May 9, there’s an organized remembrance walk that many in the city take part in. It’s a moving experience to be part of if your visit to Ljubljana coincides with the event.

13. Learn All About Ljubljana’s Master Architect Joze Plecnik

Best Things to do in Ljubljana: Plecnik House

There’s no way you can visit Ljubljana without coming across the name Joze Plecnik (and yes, we have mentioned him a lot , already!). Joze Plecnik is the architect who designed and shaped Ljubljana into the city you see today. Wherever you walk in and around the Old Town, you’re walking in the shadows of his work.

Born in 1872, Plecnik worked in Vienna, Prague, and Ljubljana, and his influence can still be seen in all three European cities. It was in 1930s Ljubljana that he left his largest mark, and you can learn all about his life and his work by visiting the Plecnik House when you’re exploring the Slovenian capital. 

Cool Things to do in Ljubljana: Plecnik House

This wonderful museum is where Plecnik lived while he changed Ljubljana’s skyline forever. You’ll find that many of the rooms have been left as they were, with the original furnishings that belonged to the architect still in place. The museum is a lasting memorial to one of Slovenia’s most impressive historical figures, and it’s one of the best places to visit in Ljubljana! 

14. Enjoy the Views from the Top of the Ljubljana Skyscraper

Things to do in Slovenia: What to do in Slovenia: The Best Things to do in Ljubljana, Slovenia: Tourist Attractions in Ljubljana: kyscraper Cafe, Ljubljana, Slovenia by Wandering Wheatleys

Do you love a spectacular panorama? Then the views from the top floor of the Ljubljana Skyscraper were made for you!

This is one of Ljubljana’s most distinctive buildings, and at 70 meters in height, it’s also one of the tallest. The Slovenian name for the building is Neboticnik – which means skyscraper – and while 70 meters might not seem very high in the 21st century, when it first opened in 1933, it was the tallest building in what was then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Best Things to do in Ljubljana: Views from the Top of the Ljubljana Skyscraper

It was a lavish undertaking for its time, and you can still admire the marble finishing and art deco staircases today. Many of the floors are residential, but make your way to the top, and you’ll find the Neboticnik Cafe, complete with a restaurant, nightclub, and observation deck offering expansive panoramas of Ljubljana. 

15. Take an Unforgettable Day Trip to Lake Bled

Must do things in Ljubljana: Lake Bled

No trip to Slovenia is complete without visiting Lake Bled. Given that Slovenia is such a small country, it’s incredibly easy to visit on a day trip from Ljubljana. It’s just over 30 miles from the capital to one of the most gorgeous lakes in Europe, and it takes just an hour to get there.

You’ll be awed as soon as you arrive because Lake Bled is surrounded by the high peaks of the Julian Alps and offers you a beautiful escape from the city. At the center of the lake, you’ll spy a small island, where a tall church spire rises above the water. You can rent a small rowing boat and land on the island, or you can simply admire the views from the shore. 

What to do in Ljubljana: Lake Bled

You can walk or cycle around the circumference of the lake, which takes around an hour and a half to traverse on foot. Along the way, you can visit picture-perfect Bled Castle , see the former holiday home of Yugoslavian dictator Josip Broz Tito, and stop for a specialty Bled cream cake at one of the lake’s cafes. 

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Ljubljana. What’s your favorite thing to do in Ljubljana?

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Best Things to do in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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21 Amazing Things to Do in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Last Updated on 15/05/2024 by kami

Ljubljana, Slovenia was the first place I visited in the Balkans , back in 2002. My memories of that trip are very vague but I remember the charming little capital with the leafy embankment and interesting yet a bit neglected architecture.

It was the end of March, there were not so many people around and no one was in hurry. I loved the laid-back atmosphere of the city and I promised myself another trip to Ljubljana to get to know the city better.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Now, I’ve been to Ljubljana five or seven times (I lost the count really). Whenever I visit Slovenia I try to put the city in my Slovenia itinerary and even if over the years the capital has changed a lot (for the better, I believe) I still enjoy all the great things to do in Ljubljana.

And so today I’m sharing with you my favorite Ljubljana attractions that you can’t miss! Some of them are popular and Ljubljana must-see, others not really but all together they make Ljubljana a perfect place to visit.

Planning a trip to Ljubljana?

Here are the highly-rated hotels, tours, and services recommended for your trip:


  • Hotel Cubo (9.3/10)
  • Urban Boutique Hotel Center (8.9/10)
  • City Hotel Ljubljana (8.9/10)

Tours and activities:

  • Ljubljana City Tour Including Ljubljana Castle
  • Slovenia Day Tour to Bled, Postojna, and Predjama
  • 3.5-Hour Ljubljana Food & Wine Tour

Internet: Stay connected with Airalo eSim card – click here to get yours!

Airport Transfer: Use Welcome Pickups for a smooth ride from the airport to your accommodation in Ljubljana Click here to book the airport transfer.

Insurance: Get insured for your trip to Slovenia with SafetyWing

Car rental: Compare prices and find the best deals on rental cars in Slovenia on Discover Cars .

Table of Contents

How to pronounce Ljubljana

But first things first, you might be wondering how to pronounce Ljubljana since this is not the easiest word really. The answer is “lyoo-BLYAH-nuh” . It’s not THAT difficult, isn’t it?

Where is Ljubljana

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, a small country located between Italy, Austria, Hungary , and Croatia . The city is located in the central part of the country.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

A brief history of Ljubljana, Slovenia

First traces of settlements in the area of what currently is Ljubjana date back to the year 2000 BC. Since the place was on the trading routes, in the 1st century Romans has established an encampment and eventually a settlement called Emona. It grew up to the 6 thousand inhabitants and was an important spot during numerous battles.

Since the 6th-century Slavic tribes are present in the area. Ljubljana developed nicely and already in 1220 got the city rights. At the end of the 13th century, the city got under the Habsburg rule but remained the center of the Slovenian culture.

After World War I, Slovenia became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and later on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. During WW2 Ljubljana was occupied first by Fascist Italy and then Nazi Germany.

After the war, Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia and got its independence in 1991, with the capital in Ljubljana.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Why you should visit Ljubljana

Ljubljana is this perfect Central European city, with the beautiful architecture of different styles, vibrant atmosphere, amazing cafe and restaurant scene and long and interesting history. But Ljubljana also offers some cool alternative spots, like the iconic Metelkova.

The city can be also a perfect base to use for visiting Slovenia as there are so many great places you can go to as day trips from Ljubljana . There are so many great things to do in Ljubljana you won’t be bored for sure.

How many days do you need for visiting Ljubljana?

You can spend one day in Ljubljana (or even visit it as a day trip from Zagreb ) and see all the main things. But you should stay there longer to visit more than just the center, see all the attractions in Ljubljana and to enjoy the cool, vibrant atmosphere of the city.

Ljubljana gets better and better with every hour you spend there. You can also use the city as your base in Slovenia and go for day trips from Ljubljana.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

How to get to Ljubljana

Getting to Ljubljana is actually rather easy since the city is on the main transport corridors.

If you arrive by plane the local airport is located less than 30 km away from the city. After Adria, the national airlines of Slovenia, went bankrupt there are only a few airlines serving the Ljubljana airport.

There is a regular bus connection to the center, the bus stop is right outside the terminal and the journey takes between 30 and 50 minutes, depending on the traffic. You might also book a private transfer from the airport – click here for the details.

If you plan to visit Ljubljana by train there are direct connections from numerous European cities, like Zagreb , Vienna , Graz , Belgrade , Triest, Munich or Zurich. There are also many international bus routes that go through Ljubljana.

The train and bus stations, located next to each other, are some 10 minutes walk from the Old Town.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

How to get around Ljubljana

Ljubljana is very compact and you will easily be able to walk everywhere during your Ljubljana sightseeing.

If you need to get to some more away places (although that’s very unlikely) you can use public transport, it’s included in the Ljubljana Card that I recommend getting.

  • Are you planning a trip to Slovenia? Be sure to join my Facebook group about traveling in Central Europe and be part of the amazing community of like-minded travelers. Click here for the access!
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Things to do in Ljubljana

Now, if you are wondering what to do in Ljubljana here is my curated list of all the best attractions you can’t miss, in no particular order.

Wander along the Ljubljanica river

Ljubljanica river flows through the city, cutting the center in half. You will find many of places to visit in Ljubljana along or near the river but start your Ljubljana sightseeing with the walk along Ljubljanica. This is a perfect way to get the feel of the city and its vibe as that’s where Ljubljana’s heart beats.

The Ljubljanica banks with numerous bridges and trees barging into the river are such a pleasant area to wander around or relax in one of the many cafes. I bet you will keep returning here during your trip to Ljubljana as this is simply the most charming part of the city.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Discover the Old Town

The Old Town in Ljubljana is just like the rest of the city – compact and very charming. It’s squeezed between the river and the castle towering about the city.

You will find the most interesting things to see in Ljubljana there, especially along and at Mestni Trg, Gornji Trg and Novi Trg and Presernov Trg. Places you can’t miss include the stunning St. Nicholas’s Cathedral, the Town Hall or the Franciscan Church (that looks very similar to St. George’s Church in Prague). There are also plenty of backstreets that might seem intimidating at first but hide some real wonders, such as backyards, art installations or nice views of the city.

Before wandering around the Old Town you might stop at the Tourist Information Center (across the river from Presernov Trg) to pick up the map of Ljubljana or you might just follow your instincts and see what you can find there. It’s almost impossible to get lost in Ljubljana Old Town but checking all the attractions is among the best things to do in Ljubljana.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Cross all the beautiful bridges

For such a small capital and such a narrow river, Ljubljana has surprisingly many bridges, especially in the center of the city. And each of them is more interesting than the other.

The most popular one is the so-called Triple Bridge, located in the very center, next to the Presernov Trg. The Triple Bridge actually consists of three separate bridges from the 1930s (the middle one was only redesigned then, it was originally built in 1842), designed by the most famous Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik and located right next to each other.

Other bridges worth checking are, from east to west, Ljubljanica Sluice Gate (the monumental bridge designed by Jože Plečnik in 1939), Dragon Bridge (built in the Vienna Secession style, famous for the sculpture of dragons), Butcher’s Bridge (with the love padlocks) and Cobblers’ Bridge (with Corinthian and Ionic pillars).

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Find dragons

You might be surprised that Ljubljana is called “the city of dragons”. There is even a dragon in the city’s coat of arms!

The legend says the dragon, living near the spring of Ljubljanica River, was killed by Jason, the hero of Greek mythology who is known as the founder of the city. Over the centuries the dragon has become the symbol and the protector of Ljubljana and today you can find it all over the city.

The most popular dragons (four of them) are located on all sides of the Dragon Bridge and it’s very easy to find them. Others are a bit more difficult to spot, but keep an eye on the smaller dragons on the details around you.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Admire Jože Plečnik’s architecture

Jože Plečnik was the most famous Slovenian and world’s architect of the 20th century, the master of art nouveau and modernist architecture. His most notable works can be found in Vienna , Prague, Belgrade and, of course, Ljubljana. In fact, his impact on the look of the Slovenian capital is often compared to the influence of Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona.

You can find plenty of the buildings and structures he designed all over the city but the most famous one, those you can’t miss, include the Triple Bridge, the covered market buildings on the Ljubljanica River embankment, Ljubljanica Sluice Gate, Cobblers’ Bridge, or the National and University Library. You can find all of them in the center of Ljubljana.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Go up to the castle

To be honest, I’m not such a big fan of Ljubljana castle, there are some much better ones in Slovenia, like Predjama Castle . But when you visit Ljubljana you can’t really miss this attraction.

To get to the castle you can either walk up (it’s not that high but it can be a bit exhausting) or take the funicular, it’s located Krekov Trg, near the Dragon Bridge.

The castle dates back to the 11th century but the current look was given to the building in the 15th century. Inside you can see the exhibition of the Slovenian History, visit the Puppet Museum or go to the Outlook Tower to admire beautiful views of Ljubljana and beyond (most likely you will see Slovenian Alps too!).

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Fall in love with Art-Nouveau architecture

Even if Ljubljana is a rather small capital, you can find some really stunning examples of Art-Nouveau architecture there. Fortunately, they are mostly located in the center so seeing them should be really easy.

While this style might look a bit different in each place, Ljubljana buildings were strongly affected by the Viennese Secession movement (after all, Ljubljana was part of the Austria-Hungary Empire when Art-Nouveau was at its peak of popularity).

The most splendid examples are Hauptman House at Presernov Trg, People’s Loan Bank building, Vurnik House (my favorite one), Urbanc House, or Municipal Savings Bank building.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

See Ljubljana’s brutalist architecture

Former Yugoslavia, that Slovenia was part of, is really big on the brutalist architecture map. Ljubljana might not have as many spectacular concrete masterpieces as Belgrade (Serbia) or Skopje (Macedonia) but there are some buildings that will make each fan of brutalism content.

The hub of brutalist architecture in Ljubljana is Republic Square, probably the most important place in the city where Slovenian independence was declared on June 26, 1991. Besides the parliament building and the Canker Hall, you can find there two impressive concrete towers, NLB Tower and TR3.

Other places you might want to check if you like this kind of architecture include the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and numerous residential buildings all over the city.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Enjoy the alternative vibe at Metelkova

Metelkova is the symbol of alternative Ljubljana . The Autonomous Cultural Center, located in the ex-Yugoslavia military barracks (just like Pekarna in Maribor, the second-largest city in Slovenia ), this is where all the cool things happen.

The history of Metelkova starts when in 1993 squatters took over the place. Today, among all the institutions, you can find there numerous art galleries, bars, clubs or crafts workshops. There is even a highly rated Hostel Celica, located in the former prison – a perfect place to stay in during your trip to Ljubljana.

There seems to be always something going on in Metelkova but even if you are visiting the place on a lazy Sunday morning you will still enjoy the amazing street art that covers the area.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Visit ROG Factory before it’s too late

ROG Factory is another squat in Ljubljana that has been occupied since 2006. In the past, it was the bike factory of the famous brand ROG (hence the name), and eventually, the building was left abandoned for 15 years, until squatters took it over.

ROG Factory is located very near Old Town, at the banks of the Ljubljanica river. Like in Metelkova, there is plenty of things you can do in ROG Factory – visit art galleries, attend one of the cultural events, go skating (the biggest skatepark in the Balkans is located here), and more.

For a few years now the city was battling with squatters to get the property back so ROG Factory might be close anytime – visit this cool space before it’s too late!

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Enjoy the vibrant riverside

Once you are done with all the Ljubljana sightseeing there is no better place to relax than at the riverside. Both sides of the Ljubljanica river, especially between the Dragon Bridge and the Cobblers’ Bridge, are packed with restaurants, bars and cafes and they are all full of cheerful crowds.

The area is vibrant and alive until late night hours and that’s where you can feel the true spirit of Ljubljana. Most of the places are good so just follow your intuition and choose the best one for you.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Go for a boat cruise on the river

If you would like to see Ljubljana from another perspective, a boat cruise is a good way to do so. The boats depart from near the Triple Bridge and the cruise takes less than an hour.

Besides the central part of Ljubljana, you will also see more regular parts of the city near the river. This is definitely a nice addition to your Ljubljana itinerary!

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Drink coffee with the best view

Nebotičnik (skyscraper) is one of the most iconic landmarks in Ljubljana. When it was opened, in 1933, this was the highest building in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the 9th highest skyscraper in Europe, with a height of a bit over 70 meters.

This is a perfect example of neoclassical and art-deco styles and a real beauty all architecture lovers will surely appreciate.

The main reason to visit Nebotičnik is actually the cafe located on the last floor. It offers 360° views of Ljubljana and beyond (including the Alps) and is actually the best viewpoint you can find in the city.

You can sit there with a cup of coffee (at reasonable prices) and enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of you.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Relax at Tivoli City Park

Tivoli is the largest park, located near the center of Ljubljana. Once you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the center you can escape to this green space and relax in such a pleasant place. The park is actually really large, around 5 square kilometers, so you can spend here hours, wandering around or sitting at the bench enjoying the beautiful scenery around you.

There are also a few interesting spots, such as the Tivoli Castle (the mansion from the 17th century), Cekin Mansion (built in 1720), a greenhouse or the rose garden.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

See the abandoned Hotel Bellevue

Hotel Bellevue, located at the edge of Tivoli Park, used to be an iconic accommodation in Ljubljana. The hotel was opened in 1909 and served as the important social and cultural venue in the capital of Slovenia.

Since its closure, the hotel has been decaying and is a rather poor condition but you can still find its former glory (and when you google some old pictures you will see how impressive it was).

It’s easy to get to the premises, the locals use the walking path next to the hotel (although there is a sign in Slovenian saying you are entering at your own risk) however getting inside the building is rather impossible (unlike in Kupari, Croatia or Tskaltubo, Georgia – my two favorite urbex spots). Still, every fan of exploring abandoned places will definitely appreciate Hotel Bellevue.

A few years ago the investor bought the place so it might actually be renovated/rebuilt but in the meantime, you can enjoy this fine urbex place in Ljubljana.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Find cool street art

Ljubljana is a real hub of street art in the Balkans but, unlike Zagreb street art , here you won’t find many impressive murals. Ljubljana street art is more about smaller pieces, stencils, stickers, and so on.

There are also way too many random writings that might spoil the overall look but that’s the problem with street art in many cities all over the world.

Two main places where you can enjoy fine Ljubljana street art are, obviously, Metelkova and ROG Factory. They are covered in works, some are better than others but in general, you can find some really great pieces there.

Other places worth checking include the shooting range at Dolenjska cesta, the bike park at Celovška cesta, the artists’ wall at Vegova ulica or the murals at Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje in the center.

In 2019 the first street art festival took place in Ljubljana so hopefully there will be more and more good works appearing on the walls of the city.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Enjoy the cafe scene

Like every city with the Habsburg legacy, Ljubljana also has a wonderful cafe scene. You will find here both classical-looking cafes as well as modern ones, serving specialty coffee.

There are plenty of places to choose from, the central part of the city is packed with good cafes so you can easily find the one that fits your taste in the interior and you can be sure the coffee there will be fine.

My favorite ones are Cafe Čokl near the funicular, Kavarna SEM at the Ethnography Museum, Cafe Nebotičnik, and Tozd at the riverside.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Visit museums

Ljubljana has also some good museums that are worth checking: National Gallery, National Museum of Slovenia, Ethnographic Museum or Museum of Modern Art, just to name a few.

If you would like to visit a few museums during your trip to Ljubljana, it’s worth buying the Ljubljana Card that offers free admission to over 20 attractions, as well as free public transport, guided tour, funicular ride, and a boat tour. A few years ago I visited a couple of museums with this card and it was a really good investment so I can definitely recommend it.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Shop at the flea market

If you like flea markets and browsing through antics, crafts, and various random goodies you will definitely enjoy the flea market in Ljubljana. It takes place every Sunday between 8:00 and 14:00 at the embankment near the Cobbler’s Bridge.

You can find some really great things there, including ex-Yugoslavia memorabilia. Even if you are not planning to do any shopping it’s worth strolling here to feel the vibrant atmosphere of the market.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Eat at the Open Kitchen

Each summer, between June and October, you can enjoy the amazing street-food festival – Open Kitchen. It takes place every Friday at Pogačarjev Trg in the Old Town near the Tripple Bridge and is a must-visit place for all the food lovers and hungry tourists and locals.

The festival brings some of the best restaurants from the country, as well as local breweries and wineries and you can try all their amazing products in one place, in a cool and unusual setting. The Open Kitchen festival has been running for almost ten years now and is one of the coolest Ljubljana things to do!

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Go for day trips from Ljubljana

One of the best things about Slovenia is that the country is rather compact and you can see some of the best Slovenia attractions as day trips from Ljubljana.

Within a short ride from the capital, you can find amazing mountains, with its main highlights – Lake Bled or Lake Bohinj , picturesque Velika Planina , spectacular Postojna Cave, pleasant towns like Kranj or Skofja Loka or the Vipava wine region. You can even visit the Adriatic Coast or Maribor and Ptuj in the east of the country, even though they are located a bit more away.

If you don’t want to change your accommodation every other day you can plan your Slovenia itinerary with Ljubljana as a base! And don’t worry if you don’t travel by car, public transport is working well in Slovenia, there are also many tours that can take you to all these great places.

things to do in Lake Bled Slovenia

Final thoughts on visiting Ljubljana

Ljubljana doesn’t feel like the hectic capital city. The Old Town might be busy with people, a mix of locals and tourists, but it’s not overwhelming and the vibrant atmosphere invites you to join the crowd and enjoy the place. The variety of things to do in Ljubljana can attract all sorts of people and everyone will find something interesting to do there.

Ljubljana is one of those places that I really like returning to, to see how it is changing and growing but at the same time but remaining the same and to find new cool spots (mostly on the cafe scene).

Even if I’ve been there many times already I still come back there with the same curiosity and passion and I’m sure I will keep returning in the future too.

things to do in ljubljana slovenia

Further reading

I published many articles about Slovenia that you might find useful when planning your trip there. Here are some of them:

  • 21 Most Beautiful Places in Slovenia You Should Visit
  • Slovenia Travel Guide – All About Visiting Slovenia
  • Slovenia itinerary – places to visit in Slovenia in 3 – 10 days
  • 17 Perfect Day Trips from Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 13 Best Things to Do in Lake Bled, Slovenia
  • 15 Great Things to Do in Maribor, Slovenia
  • A Complete Guide to Visiting Skocjan Caves, Slovenia
  • Velika Planina – the Underrated Highlight of Slovenia

If you are looking for articles about a specific destination – check out the map with all the articles I’ve published (and their locations). You can also join my Facebook group about traveling in the Balkans and ask your questions there.

Travel Resources

Below you can find the brands I trust and use when planning trips:

  • You can find the best accommodation options at Booking . They have many discounts and excellent customer service. Click here to look for the place to stay in Slovenia
  • I recommend joining organized tours to get to know the place better and to visit more places during your trip. You can find a great selection of tours at Viator or Get Your Guide .
  • To always stay connected I use Airalo eSim cards – click here to get yours!
  • For transportation and booking tickets online , I usually use 12Go or Omio
  • Looking for the airport pickup ? Check Welcome Pickups!
  • Never travel without travel insurance , you never know what might happen and better safe than sorry. You can check the insurance policy for Slovenia here.
  • If you plan to rent a car during your trip to Slovenia check Discover Cars to compare prices and find the best deals
  • Make sure to have the offline map always installed on your phone, they can save you so many troubles. I always use the free app Maps.Me .

For the end I left a few announcements that might interest you:

  • Sign up to my newsletter or follow me on Bloglovin to get updates about the new posts
  • Join my Facebook group about Eastern Europe, the Balkans and former USSR and connect with fellow travellers and enthusiasts of these regions – just click here!
  • I’ve included a few handy links of services and products I personally like and use so you can plan your own trip to Slovenia too. They are often affiliate links. This means I will get a small commission if you book/purchase anything through my links, at no extra costs for you. Thank you!



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Libbie Griffin

This is a very good and helpful post. I was in Ljubljana briefly — a two hour stop to change trains. I look forward to returning especially after reading this and seeing your photos. Thanks!

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Thank you, Libbie. Ljubljana is such a lovely place, I hope you will be able to visit it one day, I think you might really like it!

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Very well documented, Informative, Photographs and choices for one and all. Great!

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What a brilliant, comprehensive article, Kami. I really can’t think of anything obvious that you’ve not mentioned! I had a wonderful 10 day break there a couple of years ago. It’s such a vibrant, friendly, clean, green city and a joy to be based there. I took day trips to Predjama / Postojna, Bled / Vintgar Gorge, Kamnik and Skofja Loka. I adopted Cafe Čokl as my ‘local’ go to coffee bar while there. Awesome coffee and passionate staff. Great food, wine, ambience and company all help to make this my joint favourite city, along with Zadar, Croatia. Hope you get to travel more in 2021, take good care. x

Thank you Jon! I’m glad you enjoyed Ljubljana too! It’s such a good place to spend some days in, get to know it, relax and do some day trips around. I’m not such a big fan of Zadar, to be honest, but Ljubljana is definitely on the list of my favorite cities.

' data-src=

Hi Kami, I loved reading about Ljubljana and the day trips you recommend. I’m looking forward to visiting some of these places in October. Thanks again Katie

I’m glad you enjoyed the articles. I’m sure you will have a great time in Slovenia, it’s such a wonderful country to visit. Happy travels!

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36 Hours in Ljubljana, Slovenia

By Alex Crevar June 13, 2024

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A pedestrian bridge spans over a calm, narrow river to a bank with a white building and green trees.

By Alex Crevar Photographs by Susan Wright

Alex Crevar is a freelance journalist and regular contributor to New York Times Travel. He has lived in and covered the Western Balkans for 25 years.

A lifetime in travel has passed since Ljubljana was named the European Commission’s “green capital” for 2016, but philosophically little has changed for the capital of Slovenia. Ljubljana is still an international model for sustainability with more than 1,600 shared-bicycle docking sites, a car-free urban center and an average of around 5,900 square feet of green space per citizen. It also remains quintessentially Central European: Just look to the hilltop castle that guards the cobbled squares straddling the Ljubljanica River. That’s not to say the city of nearly 300,000, which is framed by the Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps and traces its history back more than 5,000 years, hasn’t evolved. In recent years, Ljubljana opened Michelin-starred restaurants, UNESCO recognized the city for its urban design and last fall, in classic Slovenian recycle-and-reuse fashion, the city reopened a former bicycle factory as a creative hub with open studios, galleries and shops.


  • Ljubljana Castle and its Castle Hill has watched over the capital for millennia and is the spot for panoramas, wine and dinner in a Michelin-starred restaurant.
  • Plecnik House , which was the home and studio of the city’s chief 20th-century designer, Joze Plecnik, remains as he left it at the time of his death in 1957.
  • The Krizanke Summer Theater , which comes alive from June to September during the Ljubljana Festival, stages pop, jazz and symphonic concerts.
  • Center Rog , a former bicycle factory opened last year as an art laboratory and now provides workspaces for designers and artists, a public library, cafes and shops.
  • The Triple Bridge , designed by Joze Plecnik, connects the central Preseren Square to Ljubljana’s Old Town.
  • Cukrarna Gallery , which opened in 2021 in a repurposed sugar refinery, is a contemporary art space that questions and honors cultural heritage.
  • The National and University Library serves as both Ljubljana’s intellectual center and a monument to the city’s rebirth through 20th-century design.
  • The National Museum of Slovenia , in former military barracks, displays a collection of arts and artifacts from the 14th century to the modern era.
  • Trubarjevo Street , which runs parallel to and one block north of the Ljubljanica River, has an eclectic mix of shops, bars and international bistros.
  • Plecnik at First Glance is a walking tour, run by the city, that offers an overview of the influence that Joze Plecnik had on Ljubljana.
  • The Slovene Ethnographic Museum focuses on the synthesis between Slovenian identity and the influence and changing face of culture.
  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova displays Slovenian and Yugoslav works from the 20th century through today.
  • Morostig , a new educational center within the Ljubljana Marshes, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is dedicated to the ancient pile dwellings, or prehistoric houses built on stilts, discovered at the site.
  • Open Kitchen , a weekly outdoor street-food market of around 50 stalls, takes place on Fridays next to Ljubljana’s Central Market .
  • Restaurant Strelec , in the Ljubljana Castle’s Archers’ Tower, is a Michelin-starred restaurant with five-, seven- and nine-course menus that change weekly.
  • Grajska Vinoteka , inside the Ljubljana Castle, has a tasting room, shop and bar with around 200 Slovenian wine varieties.
  • Dvorni Bar , a go-to riverside bar for many locals over about two decades, concentrates on Slovenian wines by the glass.
  • Bazilika is an intimate bistro and cafe on French Revolution Square with delicious brunch quiches and homemade cakes.
  • Pop’s Pizza , opened by a Slovenian American, specializes in pizza Napoletana and has a menu of cocktails, wines and craft beer.
  • Cacao sells snacks, coffee and desserts from its riverside location, but is best known for delectable, gourmet ice cream.
  • Makalonca , a bar under the Fish Bridge, is a perfect spot for a cold beer on the floating terrace directly on the river.
  • Gric is a Michelin-starred restaurant that prioritizes garden-grown and foraged ingredients.
  • Kolibri , one of the only true cocktail joints in town, concocts classic and innovative drinks in its cozy, speakeasy-like bar.
  • Kavarna Rog , a cafe with excellent breakfast options, is conveniently located between Center Rog, Cukrarna Gallery and the Metelkova district.
  • IKA is a boutique that sells products such as scarves, handbags and day planners from around 100 Slovenian artists and designers.
  • Dapper sells its own production of denim, hemp, merino wool and linen clothing as well as biodynamic and organic regional wines.
  • Yauya is a patisserie next to the Ljubljanica River with delicious single-portion cakes and bite-size chocolates made on premises.
  • April 1550 , in the Old Town and built in 1550, has eight rooms, each with their own character, all meticulously designed to feel like home — only much nicer and with exceptional service. The owners, Ljubljana residents who live nearby, are on hand for travel tips and there’s a pastry chef on site for exquisite breakfasts. Rooms start at €260, or about $281.
  • The Hotel One66 has something for everyone, with full apartments, spacious standard rooms and glamping units, as well as a gym, a superb pizzeria and its own laundromat. Rooms start at €90, and include breakfast.
  • Tivoli Boutique Inn , which opened in March, has 30 rooms across three floors and is a friendly, well-priced hotel on a quiet street with a gracious staff. Among its most attractive qualities is its proximity to Ljubljana’s sprawling Tivoli Park — the city’s largest green space. Rooms start at €80.
  • A slew of short-term rentals can be found across town, and all within easy reach of Ljubljana’s main draws. For the best options near the Old Town area, check out the Krakovo, Trnovo and Mirje districts. The up-and-coming Siska District, just northwest of the city center tourist zone, provides a little more breathing room.
  • Ljubljana is perfect for both walking and cycling . The city makes bike-sharing and bike rentals exceptionally easy and inexpensive. There are no Uber drivers. The traditional taxis are reliable and fast. The dependable bus system is the best option for public transportation within the city.

places to visit in ljubljana

Open Kitchen

Dive right into Ljubljana’s local-first, gourmet attitude at the Open Kitchen , a street-food market wedged between the fruit and vegetable vendors of the outdoor Central Market , the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the Triple Bridge , which anchors the city center. Locals and tourists gather around more than 50 stands for a wide variety of creations — from Asian delicacies to Slovenian fare like baked veal, sausages and pork ribs (dishes average €8) — each Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (10 p.m. in the summer). The tradition has come to symbolize the country’s emergence as one of Europe’s most innovative food locales.

Slovenia is obsessed with two-wheeled locomotion; its pro cyclists have dominated international racing in recent years. Embrace the fanaticism by visiting the nearly 100,000-square-foot Center Rog , where a former bicycle factory once produced Yugoslavia’s most famous bike brand, Rog. The building, which reopened last fall and is protected for its national heritage, has been reimagined into a heaven for anyone who creates. Visitors can participate in an array of workshops and peruse studios and production laboratories that specialize in textiles, woodworking, metalwork and more, and includes a FabLab with 3D printers. The 150-year-old complex also houses a public library, cafes, restaurants and shops, as well as a sprawling park with fig, apple and plum trees.

Looking through a narrow window frame is a city scape with mountains in the far background.

Ljubljana Castle , a 15th-century fortification atop Castle Hill and reachable from the city center by a 10-minute trail walk or by funicular (€6 for a return ticket), has played a critical role in life here since the Bronze Age. Today, the castle (base entry, €12) has culinary attractions, events and an arsenal of activities including an exhibition on Slovenian history and an escape-room-inspired adventure game . After exploring, but still within the citadel, find your table at the Michelin-starred Restaurant Strelec , a cylindrical dining room inside the Archers’ Tower. Choose from five-, seven- or nine-course menus (€90, €110 or €130; wine pairings extra) that change weekly. Standout dishes include venison tartare; turbot filet served with Adriatic prawns; baked lamb with potatoes, red peppers and eggplant; and, for dessert, hazelnut mousse on a chocolate brownie with bergamot cream.

An European castle with a turret flying to flags overlooks a cafe.

Grajska Vinoteka

After dinner, stay on Castle Hill for a glass of vino at Grajska Vinoteka . For generations, grapes were grown around the fortress. After nearly a century-long hiatus, vines were replanted in 2016 . Taste a castle-grown chardonnay variety called belpin (€5 per glass), or another of the some 200 other Slovenian wines served with an accompanying prosciutto and cheese plate (from €28). Back in the city center, stop at Dvorni Bar , where revelers sit on the outside steps or riverside tables. In its 20th year, Dvorni serves more than 100 wines by the glass, focusing on the country's nine wine-growing districts. Try the teran (€3.80), a dry red from the Karst region. Reservations are recommended.

A man wearing a white shirt rides a bicycle through a narrow European city street.

Ljubljana, a Central European city of nearly 300,000, is perfect for both walking and cycling.

People sit at outdoor tables in front on a European building.

Start the day at Bazilika , a bistro spilling onto French Revolution Square. Dishes here are made from family recipes that the owner, Darja Koncarevic (who teaches culinary workshops at Center Rog) has also assembled into cookbooks. Take a spot on the terrace, order the salmon-and-leek quiche (€7), a slice of cranberry-orange cake (€3.20) and a cappuccino (€2.20). Then walk 15 minutes along the river to Cukrarna Gallery (opens at 10 a.m., €8), which shows contemporary art in a former sugar refinery built in 1828. Opened in 2021, Cukrarna rotates exhibitions and events featuring edgy multi-media works that both question and honor the country’s cultural heritage.

In a town as sustainability minded as Ljubljana, details matter. Experience that local-first intentionality at IKA , a boutique near Town Square with products like scarves, handbags, jewelry and day planners from around 100 Slovenian artists and designers. A 10-minute walk across the river takes you to Dapper , which sells denim, hemp and linen clothing produced under its own brand, Evio (jeans from €179 to €249), as well as biodynamic and organic regional wines. Reward your discoveries with a pre-lunch treat at Yauya , a patisserie where single-portion cakes and bite-sized chocolates are made on premises. Try the BB Cloud (€7.20): warm, nutty banana bread topped with cold mascarpone in a crunchy caramel glaze.

A roasting hot pizza with a blackened crust and toasted cheese is framed at the opening of a pizza oven.

Pop’s Pizza

Stay on the left bank of the Ljubljanica to enjoy the results of a reverse-immigrant tale: Greg Yurkovich, a Slovenian American, grew up in California and moved to Ljubljana to craft Neapolitan-style pizza made with organic ingredients. His Pop’s Pizza , which also serves wine, craft beers and cocktails, makes the Mr. Sinatra (€14.90) with Friulian pancetta, fior di latte mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes. After, take a stroll along the river to Cacao , a cafe and dessert shop with an outdoor ice-cream stand, where locals line up for scoops (€2.60 for one) in flavors like Madagascar vanilla, Santo Domingo chocolate and salty caramel so delicious it ends conversations.

Take a closer look at the city with a walking tour (run by the city tourism office ) of the creations by Joze Plecnik, the architect who helped shape the capital during the early 20th century. According to UNESCO, which placed “ Plecnik’s Ljubljana ” on the World Heritage List in 2021, the innovative urban designer changed the identity of Ljubljana “from a provincial city into the symbolic capital of the Slovenian people.” The two-hour stroll (€95 for two people) visits his iconic designs such as the stone, balustraded Triple Bridge leading to Prešernov Trg (the main square), the National and University Library with its staggered brick-and-stone facade, the city’s porticoed market and the renovation of the Križanke Summer Theater . End your walk at the tranquil, two-story Plecnik House (€8), in the leafy Trnovo neighborhood, where he lived and designed many of his masterpieces.

A small bridge with a male pedestrian standing on it spans a small river.

Drift into the evening with a 50-minute boat tour on the Ljubljanica River aboard the 33-foot, electric-powered wooden boat, Barka Ljubljanica . Passing beneath many of the spots where you’ve shopped, eaten and imbibed, the route goes upriver toward the Ljubljana Marshes — a World Heritage Site dating back millennia, where the remains of pile dwellings, or prehistoric houses built on stilts, and the world’s oldest wheel were found — before turning around. Back on land, duck into Makalonca , a bar on the left bank under Ribja Brv , or the Fish Bridge. Order a half-liter bottle of ice-cold Makalonca pale ale (€5.80) at a table on the terrace directly above the rushing water.

Take a taxi to Gric , a decades-old, family-run restaurant, 16 miles west of Ljubljana, where nearly all ingredients are foraged or grown onsite, or within a three-mile radius. The restaurant, now led by the chef Luka Kosir, has a Michelin star and a Michelin green star for sustainable gastronomy. The seven- and 11-course tasting menus (€110 and €150 respectively, wine-pairing on request), served in a dining room with views across forested alpine foothills, combine experimentation and tradition. Start with the duck egg served with tomato, pork crackling and radicchio. The dry-aged beef served with pine-needle oil, birch syrup and pears is unforgettable. Finish with a glass of Quinta do Infantado white port and early plums served with almonds and carob ice cream.

A yellow-colored cocktail drink is being strained into a champagne glass.

The Krizanke Summer Theater becomes the city’s center of attention during the Ljubljana Festival , running from June to September each year. The building began as a church and monastery for religious military orders like the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights, but in the 1950s, it became an open-air theater complex with an atrium, courtyard and arcade of arched windows. The festival annually stages musicals, ballet performances and dramas, as well as jazz, pop and symphonic concerts (tickets range from €29 and €79). After the show, walk three minutes to Kolibri , one of the city’s few bars dedicated to cocktails. In the swirl of maximalist aesthetics — floral wallpaper, a marble bar and gilded mirrors atop a weathered wooden-plank floor — try the Porn Star Martini (€11.50), with Ketel One vodka, Galliano vanilla, lemon juice, vanilla syrup and passion fruit puree.

The bow of a small touring boat overlooks shores filled with trees and a small SUP boarder.

The Ljubljana Marshes are a World Heritage Site, where the remains of pile dwellings, or prehistoric houses built on stilts, have been found.

The exterior of a house has a fantastical design with different tiles, colored bricks and a replica of the Statue of David.

Metelkova District

Come full circle by returning to Center Rog and eating breakfast at Kavarna Rog , a cafe with a riverside terrace. Fuel up with poached eggs, foie gras, sautéed spinach, hollandaise and truffles (€17.40). Then walk 10 minutes to the Metelkova district, where former military barracks house some of the city’s most dynamic art and history exhibits. Get a sense of life centuries ago at the National Museum of Slovenia-Metelkova (entry, €8) with furniture, painting and ceramics from the 1300s on. At the Slovene Ethnographic Museum (€4.50), around 3,000 pieces fill permanent exhibits and explain folk music, religious customs and other Slovenian traditions. Fast forward to the modern era at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (€5), where provocative permanent and rotating installations from international artists fill three floors. On the first Sunday of the month, admission at many Ljubljana museums is free.

Finish strong with a bicycle ride outside of town along the Ljubljanica River and then south to the Ljubljana Marshes to get a clearer understanding of how the city’s pile-dwelling ancestors lived more than 5,000 years ago (rentals from €12 per day, with Rent a Bike Ljubljana ). This flat, up-and-back 15-mile pedal to the marshes — on the edge of the 52-square-mile Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park — takes you to the recently opened Morostig complex (entry, €12) dedicated to the pile dwellings and the environment surrounding them. Within Morostig, you’ll find an interpretive center with exhibitions explaining the unique and rich ecosystem; boardwalks leading over the water and grasses; and reconstructed dwellings, which provide a tangible depiction of life perched above the marshes.

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Provincetown, Mass.:  Located at the tip of Cape Cod, P-town (as locals call it) has overlapping — and sometimes competing — identities : one of America’s oldest art colonies, nature preserve, thriving L.G.B.T.Q. resort and historic Portuguese fishing village.

Lake Como, Italy:  Stars like George Clooney frequent this scenic corner of northern Italy, but you might be surprised by how affordable it can be. Here’s an insider’s guide .

South of France:  Horses, bulls and birds of all types live among the pink marshes of the Camargue, a rugged landscape shaped  by the relentless push and pull of sea and river.

Disney Theme Parks:  As Disney has raised the cost of tickets and hotel rooms at its theme parks, and added pricey, difficult-to-navigate tools, even its most loyal fans are asking themselves  if they should rethink their vacations.

Helsinki, Finland:   Explore the stunning architecture  of the new central library, browse treasure-filled shops in the Design District, sweat in a wood-burning sauna, sip cocktails on a schooner and trek across islands in the surrounding archipelago.


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Best places to exchange currency in Ljubljana

You've got a few options if you want to exchange currency in Ljubljana. Whether you’re thinking of visiting Slovenia or you’re already there, we’ll take you through the best ways to get travel money in Ljubljana.

You might decide to pop into a physical currency exchange store in Ljubljana - but many customers will find it more convenient to pick up a low cost travel card instead, for on the go payments, cash withdrawals and easy to convert currencies with great exchange rates.

places to visit in ljubljana

Beat the high-street exchange rates with a Wise card

Order and get your Wise travel card in Ljubljana for convenient spending and withdrawals during your trip.

Wise uses the mid-market exchange rate with no markup or margin when converting your money to any currency you need. This may work out cheaper than most currency exchange shops in Ljubljana.


2 best places to exchange money in Ljubljana

The best place to exchange currency in Ljubljana does depend a lot on where in the city you are, and which currencies you need. You'll need to do a bit of your own research - but to start you off, we've detailed 2 of the top rated exchange services in Ljubljana, according to Google.

BORZA TERJATEV, trg za vzajemno financiranje, d.d.

  • Phone : +386 1 810 73 73
  • Website :
  • Address : Stegne 11a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Monday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Odkup ur -

  • Phone : +386 80 4844
  • Website :
  • Address : Miklošičeva cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

How we rated the currency exchange shops in Ljubljana

We've taken into account the Google ratings at the time of research, looking at exchange services in popular Ljubljana areas. As ratings are dynamic, and things change all the time, you’ll want to also do your own research before you head out to exchange your money.

Do currency exchanges in Ljubljana accept US Dollars?

Always check with the person at the till which currencies they will accept for travel money purchases. Most in-person currency exchanges will buy and sell major currencies, like US Dollars.

If you’d rather have peace of mind when travelling, consider ordering a Wise travel card . You can spend using the card or Google / Apple Pay; plus Wise’s exchange rates and fees can be a lot cheaper than getting your travel money from a currency exchange shop.

How to exchange currency in Ljubljana

Depending on your needs and preferences, you may want to choose between banks, currency exchange shops and online platforms to exchange currency conveniently in Ljubljana. It’s worth noting that to keep customers safe, and to comply with the law, it’s common for exchange services to ask for ID when you buy foreign currency. Get ready by having your photo ID, such as a passport or driving license, with you when you arrange your exchange.

If you’re planning on exchanging currency with a bank, you’ll need to double check the travel money and exchange options available. Many banks only offer exchange to customers who already have an account - plus you might have to order online in advance, particularly if you’re looking for a more exotic currency. If your local bank offers currency exchange to people who aren’t customers, bear in mind that you’ll need to take an ID document along with you to collect your cash.

To exchange currency in Ljubljana using a bank:

Check that the bank you've picked offers currency exchange

Make sure the currency you need is available - you may need to order ahead

Visit a branch with cash, or order online, depending on the bank's process

Take your travel money instantly, or collect in branch later - remember your ID document if you're not a customer

places to visit in ljubljana

As an alternative you could choose to visit a currency exchange service or travel money specialist which offers online or on the spot exchange. Currency specialists usually have a very good selection of foreign currencies available, although smaller branches may not hold everything in stock at one time. It’s also useful to know that the exchange rate you get for an on the spot exchange in a store may be different to the one you’ll get when ordering online for collection - usually online orders get a better rate.

To exchange currency in Ljubljana using a currency exchange service:

Decide if you'll visit a currency exchange store in person to exchange, or order ahead

Place your order online and pay by card

Take your travel money instantly, or collect in branch later - you'll need to take along your ID document when you visit the branch to place a collect your order

places to visit in ljubljana

Finally, you might choose to order your travel money online. There are a few ways to do this. Some providers will let you order online and either have the cash delivered to home, or you can collect at a branch or in the airport. Other options offer a travel money card which you can order online, top up, and then use for spending and withdrawals while you’re away. This can be an especially convenient option as it’s often possible to complete the whole process without needing to leave home.

To exchange currency in Ljubljana online:

Choose an online currency exchange service which suits your needs

Order your travel money or travel money card, following their specific process

You'll normally need to upload an image of your photo ID document for verification

Your money or card can be delivered to home or collected, depending on the provider you pick

places to visit in ljubljana

Things to look at before exchanging money

Before you decide how to exchange money it’s worth shopping around to compare a few different available options. That can mean your money goes further. Here are a few more important tips:

Avoid airport currency exchanges

Airports often have currency exchange services - but they're not usually good value. Services at the airport know that customers have few options left, which means they can crank up the costs. You may not see any fee displayed, but there are likely to be charges rolled into the exchange rate.

places to visit in ljubljana

Beware of ATM rates

If an ATM in a foreign country asks if you'd prefer to pay in your home currency, say no. If you agree, the ATM will manage the currency conversion for you - and that ATM will not give you as good a rate as the one your bank or card network offers. Pay at ATMs and with merchants using the local currency wherever you are, to avoid this.

places to visit in ljubljana

Check the mid-market rate

Not sure what a good rate looks like? Check the mid-market rate for your specific currency. The mid-market rate is the one used on global markets, and when banks buy and sell currencies. However, it's not usually passed on to customers. Instead extra fees are added - a markup, margin, or spread. Compare the rate you're being offered to the mid-market rate for your currency - which you can get from Google - to see this.

places to visit in ljubljana

 Get a travel money card from Wise

Travel money cards can help you avoid costs and hassle when exchanging money.

Order a card online, top up your balance in USD, and either convert to the currency you need in advance or at the point of payment.

Providers like Wise support 40+ currencies for holding and exchange, and often use better exchange rates and lower fees compared to physical currency exchange stores.

Factors to consider when choosing an exchange provider in Ljubljana

Before you pick the right Ljubljana currency exchange option for your needs, do a little shopping around. Compare the available options, looking at the costs involved, how safe they are, and what customers say about them.

When considering costs make sure you check both the exchange rate and the fees charged. It's common for services to state there's no commission, when the costs have simply been added into the exchange rate being used.

Double check safety by picking a reputable and licensed provider. If you're exchanging money at a major bank you can rest assured it's licensed. If you're using physical currency exchange stores it's worth asking how they're regulated - and with online providers you can usually find everything you need in a footnote on the website, including licensing details.

Finally, ask around for personal recommendations from friends and family in Ljubljana, and use online resources like Google reviews and Trustpilot to make sure previous customers are positive about any service you might pick.

Best foreign currency exchange rates in Ljubljana

Exchange rates can be confusing. It can often seem like every bank, exchange store or online service has their own rate - and choosing can feel daunting.

The key to getting the best currency exchange rate in Ljubljana is to understand the mid-market exchange rate for your currency pair. The mid-market rate is the rate used when trading on global markets - the one banks and currency exchanges get when they buy or sell currencies themselves. However, providers usually don't pass on this rate to customers - they'll add a percentage markup or margin, which is a fee, to the rate offered to retail customers buying or selling relatively small amounts of currencies.

You can take the mid-market rate for your currency as a good benchmark when measuring up your options for currency exchange in Ljubljana. Find the mid-market rate on Google, and then look for a provider which offers this or as close as possible to it.

Another good bet is to pick a travel money card from a service like Wise which offers currency exchange which uses live mid-market rates, with the fees split out for clarity and transparency.

When is the best time to exchange currency?

Exchange rates change a lot, based on the demand in global markets. That means that there's no best time for currency exchange, but tracking the market can certainly help you spot a good deal when one becomes available.

Keep an eye on the mid-market rate for your currency, using any of our handy tools, and watch how it's changing over time. It's also possible to set up rate alerts online which can help you learn when a rate hits the level you're looking for. If you're planning on converting cash - or if you have a travel money card - you can lock in the rate by buying your foreign currency at that point.

No matter how good a deal you think you're getting, be sure you're picking a safe and reputable provider for your exchange. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Tips for finding the best currency exchange rates in Ljubljana

Here are a few final ideas on how to find the best exchange rates in Ljubljana, no matter which currency you need to buy:

Compare the available rates across different providers close to you and online - and be sure to check for any additional fees or commissions which can push up costs significantly

Use online currency converters or mobile apps to stay updated on the current exchange rates for your currency pair, and buy when the time's right

Consider using an online alternative such as Wise so you can instantly convert currencies using just your phone, wherever you're ready

There are a few different ways you might want to currency in Ljubljana. You could head to a bank, choose a physical currency exchange service, or go for an online option.

There are also some great travel money cards from providers like Wise which allow you to order a card online or in an app, top up remotely, and spend or make withdrawals overseas easily. Travel money cards are secure and often offer better exchange rates and lower overall costs compared to switching currency at the airport or in a physical location in your destination.

Use this guide to figure out which currency exchange in Ljubljana might be best for you, and don't forget to also take a look at travel money cards to see if popping one in your wallet can help you save.

FAQ - Best places to exchange currency in Ljubljana

There's not one single best place to exchange currency for travel, but converting your currency online before you head off can save time - and often money.

The cheapest way to get foreign currency in Ljubljana will depend on the currency you need and the value you want to exchange. This guide gives some good pointers to locations you may want to compare, but shopping around is still essential. Compare the exchange services in Ljubljana with online and digital services to get the best deal overall.

Exchanging cash on arrival is inconvenient and can leave you vulnerable to scams and unscrupulous money changing services in your destination. You can exchange money before you go conveniently - or get a travel money card which you can top up digitally and use for spending and withdrawals when you're away, often with great rates and low fees.

Yes. If you get a bad exchange rate - or high commission costs - you'll end up with less money in the end for your trip. Before you exchange money, shop around and compare both on and offline options to make sure you get a good deal without excessive fees.

Banks and currency exchange stores often buy back unused foreign currency - but the rate is unlikely to be as good as it was when you converted in the first place, which means you get less back than you spent. Instead, consider a travel money card like the Wise card which lets you leave your money in different currencies so you don’t get stung by the “buy back” exchange rate.

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  23. Best places to exchange currency in Ljubljana

    The cheapest way to get foreign currency in Ljubljana will depend on the currency you need and the value you want to exchange. This guide gives some good pointers to locations you may want to compare, but shopping around is still essential. Compare the exchange services in Ljubljana with online and digital services to get the best deal overall.