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Enjoying Your Marriage Journey… Even When it’s Difficult

  • Cindi and Hugh McMenamin Co-authors of When Couples Walk Together
  • Updated Jul 28, 2011

Enjoying Your Marriage Journey… Even When it’s Difficult

Go ahead. Admit it. Your marriage isn’t everything you expected it to be, is it? But that’s okay. That doesn’t mean it can’t someday be all that you hoped it would.

We all enter a relationship – or marriage – with a pie-in-the-sky dream of what it will be like.  Then we find we married someone who was more different from us than we thought.  But marriage isn’t about the final destination – the happily ever after with the person of our dreams. It’s about the journey – getting there, walking together, enjoying the adventure en route to our final destination: a true sense of oneness with the other.  

We’ve noticed through the years that walking together as a couple is a lot like flying together. There are certain things you must do as you walk aboard that aircraft and commit yourself to the flight, and many of them are the same things you must do as you walk down the aisle and commit yourself to one another in marriage.

Having been married more than 20 years, and having counseled many other couples over that time, we have yet to see a marriage that runs like a routine flight – exactly as planned. We both have flown often and have seen that marriage, like air travel, can be as enjoyable or as miserable as we choose to see it.

Here are some guidelines that we’ve learned through the years to help you make sure you enjoy the journey:

1.      Remember You’re in it for the Long Haul

Marriage really is designed to be forever.  The problem is that we live in a society that doesn’t know what forever means anymore. Hopefully, your vows were the traditional ones that had meaning to them: “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do us part.” That means forever… while you’re both on this earth.  Knowing you and your spouse are committed until your dying day will save you from some disasters that might seem bigger than they really are.

2.      Receive Help Along the Way

Once you get onboard a flight, you are putting your trip – and very life – into the hands of a skilled, capable pilot. Whether you acknowledge personal trust or confidence in the Pilot or not, He is still the one getting you where you need to go. In addition, there are skilled flight attendants on your flight who know far more about flying than you do. When it comes to your marriage, your relationship is in God’s hands whether you realize it or not. He’s the Pilot and He knows where you’re going and He is the Only One who can truly get you there.

In addition, He has strategically placed certain skilled couples or individuals in your life who may know more about marriage than you and your spouse. Take advantage of their experience. Heed their advice when it comes to what might make your trip more enjoyable. Be willing to accept help and even ask for it when you need it. They, too, want your experience to be an enjoyable and successful one. It’s those kind of people in your life – your pastor, your friends, your parents, a mentor couple in your church, that couple who is evidently so “in love” after all these years -- that you need to turn to and ask for assistance. There’s a reason they are on the same journey that you are taking and headed in the same direction.

3.      Handle the Take-offs and Landings Carefully  

The two most dangerous segments of any airline flight are the take off and the landing. And how well you get started and how well you finish are the two most crucial steps in a marriage, as well. For some of you, it might seem a little late to think about “starting well.”  But the beauty of marriage is that every day can be a fresh start. Every morning, as you greet your husband or wife with a hug or kiss, you can be ensuring that it’s a good take-off. And every night, as you fall off to sleep together – or touch base on the phone if you’re apart – you can make sure it’s a good landing.

February 22, 2011

Cindi and Hugh McMenamin have served actively in ministry together for more than 20 years – he as a senior pastor and she as a pastor’s wife, national speaker and author of several books, including When Women Walk Alone and Women on the Edge. They recently co-authored When Couples Walk Together, of which this article is an excerpt. Hugh and Cindi live in Southern California and have a grown daughter, Dana. For more on their ministry or for free resources on troubleshooting your marriage connection, see

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The Healthy Marriage

Build a Better Marriage One Step at a Time

The Evolution of Love: A Deeper Look into the 9 Stages in Marriage With This Ultimate Guide

April 6, 2023 By Joseph Nolan

Discover the 9 stages in marriage and explore how love evolves over time.

Join us as we take a look at the 9 major stages in marriage and how love evolves, grows, and changes over time.

Husband and wife smiling together

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Marriage is an incredible journey of love, growth, and change. As love evolves over time, couples experience a range of different stages throughout their relationship. This ultimate guide will explore the nine stages of marriage and how love has the capacity to grow and evolve over time.

In This Article

3 Important Disclaimers To Understand About Marriage Stages

Before we delve into the 9 stages of marriage, I need to make a few disclaimers.

Disclaimer #1

It’s important to understand that each couple is different. Some couples hit all stages listed below. Others don’t. Some married couples skip certain phases, and a handful never experience the majority of them.

The big takeaway from this is, don’t put your relationship in a box.

Our goal is to help you identify various stages so you can assess how to navigate the changes that happen in most relationships. The end result should be to create a happy marriage based on mutual respect, love, and forgiveness.

Another disclaimer I want to make is, I’m not a fan of words like stage, phase, and other similar terms. I realize they are necessary, but many times couples fixate on ‘being in’ a certain phase. It can help identify potential problems, but many times it becomes a distraction to finding real solutions.

Let’s be honest, none of us like to be put in a box. We don’t appreciate it because it feels like people are minimizing our experience and writing it off as ‘a phase’ we are going through.

This can be detrimental to your relationship. Again, our goal should be to connect with our spouse with empathy, undertanding, and encouragment.

Disclaimer #3

Final disclaimer: Although there are challenges in each of these stages, not all of them are negative. We tend to think in terms of positive and negative. Things are either good or bad. While this works most of the time, things don’t always fit neatly into our little packages.

The reality is, some things are neutral. They become good or bad based on our response and how we handle them.

I’ll try to point this out as we work through the stages .

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The point I want to drive home is most of the stages are neutral; they become detrimental if we fail to adapt to the changes and challenges in our relationship.

Understanding The 9 Stages In Marriage And The Evolution Of Love

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s explore these nine major stages of marriage.

The Evolution of Love - bright blue

To keep it interesting, I’ve put these in an acrostic that spells ‘Marriages.’

Stage 1: Magnificent Honeymoon Moments

The first stage is the honeymoon phase where everything is new and exciting. Couples are deeply in love and enjoy spending time together. They are still learning about each other and are willing to overlook any flaws.

The honeymoon phase is often considered the most thrilling stage of marriage. In fact, many couples say this is the best part of married life. While I disagree, I certainly understand the attraction of the honeymoon phase.

During this period, couples are deeply in love and enjoy spending time together. They relish discovering new things about one another and are willing to overlook any flaws or imperfections.

This is usually characterized by a sense of excitement and anticipation, as couples embark on the journey of building a life together.

During the honeymoon phase, you and your partner spend a lot of time engaging in activities that promote intimacy and connection. You may go on romantic getaways or indulge in activities that you both enjoy.

You may also make an effort to surprise and delight each other, doing things that show how much you care. In this stage, you are both vulnerable, and you try to create a safe and nurturing space for one another.

 Despite the joy and love that are prevalent during this stage, the honeymoon phase can also be overwhelming. Couples are still adjusting to being together full-time and may experience some conflicts or disagreements.

Often, people get carried away by the romance and forget to communicate their needs and boundaries. As a result, misunderstandings can occur, leading to tension and stress.

The honeymoon phase, like everything else in life, must eventually transition into something more settled and mature. As couples settle into their newfound roles and routines, the excitement and novelty of the relationship begin to fade away.

This doesn’t mean your spouse doesn’t find you exciting. It simply means you are getting used to each other.

As you become more comfortable with each other, you may begin to see each other’s flaws and quirks more easily. At this point, it’s essential for you to remain committed to one another, acknowledging that there will be challenges along the way.

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While it may present its challenges, it is also an opportunity for couples to lay a foundation of trust and intimacy on which to build their future together. 

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Stage 2: Awakening Realization Stage

The 2nd Stage of Marriage: Awakening Realization

Once the honeymoon phase of a marriage is over, couples enter the second stage of marriage- the awakening realization stage. This is the time when they begin to see each other’s flaws and differences, and the rose-tinted glasses come off. Suddenly, the world is not perfect, and there is no such thing as a fairytale ending. This is the reality of marriage, and it can be challenging to navigate.

As mentioned in the above ‘disclaimer,’ challenges are neutral. They happen. Change is a part of life .

If we process this change and adapt, this stage can be very rewarding. Love grows deeper as we learn to navigate through life together as a team.

Here are the challenges couple face in this stage:

During this phase, you and your partner may feel like you argue more often and are struggling to find common ground. You may be struggling to balance the responsibilities of daily life and the expectations of each other.

Communication can become difficult, and you may feel like you do not know each other as well as you thought.

According to Victor William Harris :

Distractions such as balancing school, work, finances, children, and extracurricular activities can decrease the time couples have to spend with each other to communicate and nurture their marital friendship.

But despite the challenges, the awakening realization stage is also an opportunity for growth and compromise.

You and your partner can learn to work together to overcome obstacles and find solutions to problems. You can appreciate each other’s strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Together, you can build a stronger foundation for your marriage based on mutual love and respect.

To navigate this phase successfully, you need to communicate effectively and honestly with each other.

There are little known keys and principles for communcating in a way that makes you feel bonded and close to your spouse. We cover them in our Communication Bootcamp. >> Click here to learn more <<

Respect each other’s boundaries and learn to compromise on issues that are important to you both. Take the time to listen to each other’s concerns and support each other in your goals and aspirations.

The awakening realization stage is a natural part of the marriage journey. It may be challenging, but it is an opportunity for growth, compromise, and a deeper understanding of each other.

Working together and communicating effectively can help you navigate this phase with grace and emerge with a stronger, more fulfilling marriage.

Stage 3: Resistance Resurgence

The risistance resurgence typically occurs around years 5-7 of marriage, and it can be a time of intense change and growth for both partners.

During this stage, you may start to notice little quirks about your partner that never bothered you before. Maybe their messy habits or tardiness are starting to grate on your nerves. You might find yourself wanting to change them or wishing they were different in some way.

What you’re experiencing is completely normal. Experts agree that this stage is characterized by a desire for differentiation and the need to assert one’s individuality. It’s natural to want your partner to change or to feel frustrated with the status quo.

However, it’s important to remember that change is a two-way street. Y ou can’t expect your partner to change without being willing to change yourself.

If you’re feeling stuck or trapped in your marriage, it’s important to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can help you work through your issues and develop strategies for moving forward.

Remember, resistance is often a sign that change is needed .

Embrace the challenges of this stage and work together with your partner to create a stronger, more vibrant relationship. With patience, communication, and a willingness to grow, you can emerge from Resistance Resurgence stronger and more connected than ever before.

Stage 4: Reexamining Reflections

The 4th stage is a pivotal moment in a committed relationship. It’s when you begin to reflect on your life and your priorities. You may have been raising children up to this point, and now the focus shifts to your individual needs and wants.

During this phase, you and your partner will start asking some tough questions – about yourselves and each other.

You’ll be reevaluating your relationship, your goals, and your future. It’s a time of sincere reflection that requires honesty, openness, and vulnerability.

Perhaps you’ll start to wonder if you’re really happy with the life you’ve built, or if there are things you wish you had done differently. You may also begin to question whether you and your partner are on the same page in terms of your hopes and dreams.

Want To Take Your Marriage To The Next Level With One-On-One Mentoring? We use Prepare/Enrich assessment to help couples create the marriage of their dreams. Click here to learn more

But don’t worry – this phase isn’t meant to be scary or overwhelming.

If you approach it with an open heart and an open mind, it can be a time of great growth and transformation. You’ll be encouraged to communicate more openly and develop the skills needed to work through any issues that arise.

One of the great things about this stage is that it’s a chance to shift gears and focus on what really matters in life. You’ll have the opportunity to re-examine your priorities, let go of old resentments, and nurture your connection with your partner.

Ultimately, the 4th stage is a powerful moment in any long-term relationship. It’s the time when you can really dig deep and find out what truly matters to you, and how you can build a fulfilling life with your partner.

So don’t fear the tough questions – embrace them, and see where your journey takes you.

Stage 5: Intentional Adjustments

 By now, you’ve likely gone through the first four stages of the marital journey. Now, it’s time for you to take it to the next level and welcome the next stage with open arms.

Stage five is all about implementing intentional adjustments to your life and marriage.

You’ve grown as individuals and as a couple, and it’s time for you to align your actions with your growth. You’ll start making purposeful adjustments and changes that reflect your goals and values as a couple and family.

Whether it’s finding new hobbies to enjoy together, setting new goals, or redefining your roles within the relationship – you’re ready to take your connection to the next level.

Gone are the days of winging it and hoping for the best. At this point, you understand that a healthy marriage takes work, and you’re ready to put in the effort.

You start working towards maintaining your relationship and keeping it healthy. You prioritise date nights, communication, and finding ways to show appreciation to each other.

You also understand that no relationship is perfect, but you’re committed to learning from your challenges and growing together.

Living intentionally is key to having a successful and fulfilling marriage . During this stage, you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner.

You both have a clear direction and sense of purpose for your lives, and you work to align your goals and values with your actions.

Is your marriage in a relationship crisis? Need to take action but not sure where to start? Our #1 Recommendation for couples in crisis is Save The Marriage System. >> Click Here To Learn More <<

Y ou become more mindful of your thoughts and emotions, and work towards creating a more positive outlook on life . With intentionality comes clarity, and that’s what makes this stage so transformative.

You understand that relationships take work, and you’re willing to put in the effort. By living intentionally and mindfully, you create a fulfilling and purpose-driven life with your partner. Welcome to the final stage of your marital journey – it’s time to step into your power and live your best life together.

Stave 6: Affectionate Recommitment

 According to most experts, this occurs after the first 15 years. You have been through the ups and downs of life and have learned to weather any storm together. You now know your partner on a deep level and are happy to work together towards your shared goals.

In this phase, you experience a sense of pleasant comfort in your marriage. You have settled into your roles and responsibilities and have developed a strong foundation built on your shared experiences.

While some may say this is a boring phase in your relationship, you know that it is far from that.  In fact, you are enjoying each other more and more every day.

Your children are growing up and becoming more independent, which frees up more time for the two of you to spend together. S ome refer to this phase as the partnership phase because you have developed a deeper connection than ever before.

Communication has become second nature between you both, and you understand your responsibilities towards each other.

You make time for each other a priority, and you relish in the moments when you can sit back and enjoy each other’s company.

This phase may not be as exciting as the honeymoon phase, but it is equally as important. You have found a sense of gratitude and contentment in your relationship that is hard to come by.

As you move forward together, you know that you will be able to face any challenge that comes your way with ease and grace.

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Stage 7: Genuine Growth Gains

In this phase of marriage, you will find that intimacy and romance have been rekindled. You have reached a point where you understand each other’s needs and desires, and your communication has improved.

This has led to a stronger emotional bond , which is the foundation of any successful relationship.

Another characteristic of the 7th stage is a more mature outlook on life. You have learned to let go of petty issues, and focus on what is truly important.

You value your partner’s opinions and are not threatened by their differences. The ability to compromise without feeling defensive or angry is a key component of this stage.

Here is a list of some characteristics that may help you identify that you are in the 7th stage:

  • Rekindled intimacy and romance
  • Mature outlook on life
  • No ego battles
  • The ability to compromise without feeling threatened
  • Children are growing and creating their own lives

One of the most exciting aspects of the genuine growth gain stage is watching your children grow and create a life of their own. Seeing your children become independent and successful is a source of pride and joy.

You can relax knowing that you have raised them to be capable and confident adults.

Stage 8: Enduring Stability Stage

The stability stage usually comes around the 20 (plus) year mark.

At this stage, you know each other better than ever before. You’ve seen each other at your best and worst, and you’ve learned to appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

This produces a deeper sense of intimacy that you can’t find anywhere else. You feel safe and secure with your partner, and that’s a beautiful thing.

With children raised, you also have more time and freedom to focus on other aspects of your life. You can pursue your goals and dreams, and spend quality time with friends and family members.

You no longer have to worry about the daily grind of parenting, and you can relax a little bit more. This is the time to live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

And what’s better than creating new experiences and adventures with your partner? Many couples travel during this stage, exploring new places and discovering new cultures.

This is a great opportunity to learn new things, bond with your partner, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Here are some ideas for things to do during this stage of marriage:

  • Take a cooking class together and learn how to make new dishes
  • Go on a road trip and explore the countryside
  • Volunteer at a local charity or non-profit organization and give back to the community
  • Take up a new hobby, such as painting, woodworking, or gardening
  • Attend a concert or music festival and enjoy the music together

It’s a time to celebrate your accomplishments, your love, and your future together. Congratulations on reaching this milestone, and enjoy every moment of it!

Stage 9: Savoring Golden Years

Savoring the golden years is the final stage of marriage. This is a time of increased focus on companionship and emotional support.

You and your partner may have retired by this point and are adjusting to changes in health, finances, and lifestyle. You’ll find yourselves reflecting on your shared experiences and memories up to this point, cherishing old memories while making new ones.

With retirement comes a newfound freedom to pursue your passions and engage in meaningful activities together. You can travel, try new hobbies or even start a business.

It’s important, however, to ensure that these activities align with both of your interests and are accessible to you in terms of physical ability or financial constraints.

Family becomes even more important during this stage of marriage . You may find yourselves spending more time with your children and grandchildren now that you have more free time.

The relationships you’ve built with each other over the years serve as a strong foundation for nurturing these family bonds even further.

marriage journey

As you age, a solid support system of friends and family will become more valuable than ever. You and your partner may find yourselves relying on each other and your loved ones for emotional and physical support.

It’s important to surround yourselves with people who lift you up and whom you trust to be there for you through thick and thin.

Savoring the golden years of marriage is an important stage in your life. You’ll focus on strengthening your bond with your partner through companionship and emotional support while pursuing meaningful activities together.

You’ll enjoy cherished moments with your family while leaning on them for a support system when you need it the most. Hold onto the memories you’ve made and continue to create new ones together in this final stage of marriage.

What To Do At Each Stage Of The Marriage Journey

Recognizing the joys and challenges of each stage in a lifelong partnership is crucial in building a fulfilling relationship.

Remember, it’s not about the destination, but the journey you take together.

Here are a few helpful tips on what to do at each stage:

  • Focus on getting to know each other better
  • Watch out for the land mines of selfishness, unforgiveness, and neglect
  • Be aware that change is inevitable
  • Embrace each new phase of your relationship
  • Don’t believe the lies that say marriage always grows stale
  • Be prepared for the unexpected
  • Commit to grow during each stage
  • Realize as you grow and mature, so does your love if you let it

By understanding the experiences that come with each stage, you can navigate through them with ease, thereby strengthening your bond.

Where To Find Help

We have resources available to help you create the marriage you desire and deserve..

The Healthy Marriage Quiz If you want specific help for your marriage, or you want to know your healthy marriage score, take the marriage quiz. You’ll get immediate access with suggestions on how to improve your relationship.

The Healthy Marriage Toolkit Books, Courses, Programs, and Tools designed to help you create the marriage of your dreams.

Five Simple Steps Marriage Course Marriage doesn’t have to be complicated. In this 5 part mini-series, you’ll discover practical steps to redesign your marriage.

Healthy Marriage Academy Our courses will help you build a strong marriage. Each course is designed to meet a specific relationship need.

If you are having serious marriage struggles, we recommend starting with  ‘ Save the Marriage System ‘ by Lee Baucom.

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About Joseph Nolan

Joseph is the Editor and Creator of The Healthy Marriage site. A graduate of Samford University in Birmingham, AL with a major in Counseling and Biblical Studies. He is a certified facilitator with Prepare & Enrich.

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Marriage is a Journey, Not a Destination

  • Pre-Marriage
  • 5 minute read
  • Gary Thomas

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One of the most common questions I get about my book for singles, The Sacred Search , which gives a lot of advice about what to look for and what to avoid when choosing someone to marry,  is, “What if I can’t find a person like the one you describe?”

Singles who ask this question reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of marriage. Marriage is a journey, not a destination. To explain what that means, as well as the difference that makes, let me ask you a couple of questions:

  • What did you imagine your future spouse would be like?
  • How close is that “imaginary” spouse to your fiancé/fiancée?

What is better than imaginary? A real spouse

In his book Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer , C. S. Lewis told a friend, “You and I have both known happy marriage. But how different our wives were from the imaginary mistresses of our adolescent dreams! So much less exquisitely adapted to all our wishes, and, for that very reason (among others), so incomparably better.”

The real will never equate to the imaginary; we naturally assume that means the real will never live up to the imaginary. But Lewis suggests (and he’s correct) that though the real won’t seem to be as good a fit in theory, the real will actually be much better than the imaginary.

How is this so?

It’s the nature of fulfillment in a fallen world. When we “dream” of a spouse, we don’t dream of things to overcome; we dream of battles already won. We dream of the victory, not the fight; the ecstasy, not the moments of doubt.

We dream of the moments of tenderness, not the storms of misunderstanding. We dream of intimacy, not lonely nights of distance. But it’s the battles, the fights, the doubts and the storms that make up so much of what marriage actually is; it’s having to overcome those challenges that make us grow; and the presence of those challenges makes overcoming them all the sweeter, richer, purer, and ultimately more fulfilling.

That’s why the question, “Where do I find someone like this to marry?” fails to take into account that marriage is a journey, not a destination. It’s a journey toward each other, toward God, toward growth, toward maturity, perhaps toward children, eventually, toward heaven. Enjoy the journey; don’t let it be eclipsed because you haven’t yet arrived at the destination. Overcoming obstacles is part of every “championship season.” Writing as a man who is now in his thirty-third year of marriage, I can honestly say that marriage has never been sweeter.

Les Parrott's Making Happy

Let your spouse be part of the journey, not the destination

My wife and I had some difficult seasons early on, but there are moments now, just going on a bike ride or seeing the sun catch her smile just right, that make me swoon like a teenager. She is the delight of my life. But it was a journey to get to this place. Marriage has brought me many of my happiest moments in life, but it has not been one solid state of always being happy, or even being increasingly happy. You might, along the way, have to walk through a few dark valleys that feel like a setback. Some of you, with high expectations, hope to inherit heaven immediately by making a wise marital choice. But be forewarned: the only way to get to heaven is to die, not to get married. Here on earth, we travel toward heaven, and I’ve found, as many have, that my preference is to travel with a lifelong companion, even one who is not perfect.

If you ask your future spouse to be your destination—the one who completes you, makes everything better, and leaves you always feeling completely satisfied (which is what we  thought our imaginary spouse would do and be), you will bury him or her with your expectations and resent it when your spouse’s ill health inconveniences you. You’re not choosing a destination; you’re choosing a traveling. The joy of marriage isn’t that there are no more battles; it’s that you never have to face a battle alone.

Fantasy spouses don’t exist

You’ll discover soon after you are married that one of the reasons “fantasy” spouses don’t exist in real life is because just about every relational strength comes with a corresponding weakness—the patient man may be, at times, a little too passive. The fun woman may, at times, be a little too irresponsible. The pious man may, at times, seem to hold you accountable just when you wish he wouldn’t. The organized woman may feel controlling. These are the layers of relationship, and they’re what makes growth possible.

That is why you need to die to the fantasy of arriving in order to begin the journey of becoming. Click To Tweet

Until you desire the real more than you do the phantom, you’re not ready to be married. Remember: you’re accepting your spouse’s weaknesses as you receive his or her strengths. That’s the only attitude that will help you fulfill the call to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11). There would be no need to encourage and build up your spouse unless your spouse occasionally breaks down. Marriage is often about helping each other get back up even more than it is about entering an early paradise.

Heavenly Father, help me to accept my future spouse as a traveling partner as we journey toward your will for our lives. I know we will struggle at times; I realize we will frustrate each other; I’m sure the day will come when marriage will feel like a lot of hard work. Help us to embrace these moments as part of the purpose of marriage—to encourage and build each other up as often as life seems to break us down.

Adapted from Preparing Your Heart for Marriage. Copyright © 2018 Gary Thomas, published by Zondervan,  used with permission, all rights reserved.

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Olivia Sanders

By Olivia Sanders

By Olivia Sanders • November 16, 2023

12 Key Steps in Your Marriage Journey

Key Takeaways:

  • Identifying and understanding the various stages of marriage enhances relationship resilience.
  • Effective communication and empathy are crucial in overcoming marital challenges.
  • Maintaining intimacy and trust is key to a long-lasting and fulfilling marriage.
  • Joint financial management and shared goals significantly contribute to marital harmony.
  • Seeking guidance, like marriage counseling, can be a proactive step in strengthening the marital bond.

Understanding the Stages of Marriage

Embarking on a marriage journey is akin to navigating a vast and ever-changing landscape. Each phase of marriage, from the initial excitement of the honeymoon period to the deepening of emotional bonds in later years, presents its own unique challenges and joys. Understanding these stages is vital for couples as it prepares them for the journey ahead, helping them to recognize and appreciate the evolution of their relationship.

The first stage often involves intense emotions and a strong sense of connection. Couples in this phase are typically engrossed in the joy of their newfound partnership, experiencing a high level of passion and romance. This stage, while euphoric, can also set unrealistic expectations for the future, leading to potential disappointments if not navigated wisely.

As the relationship matures, couples enter a stage of deeper understanding and comfort. This phase is marked by increased familiarity and a sense of security. Challenges may arise as the initial excitement gives way to everyday routines, but this is also a time where true companionship and understanding can be developed.

The later stages of marriage are characterized by a profound bond forged through shared experiences and challenges. This deep emotional connection provides a strong foundation for facing life's ups and downs together. It's in these stages that the true essence of a marital journey becomes evident – a journey of mutual growth, understanding, and enduring love.

Navigating the Challenges Together

Marriage is a journey that inevitably encounters its share of obstacles and trials. Navigating these challenges together is essential for a healthy and lasting relationship. The manner in which couples face and overcome difficulties often defines the strength and resilience of their bond.

One common challenge is communication breakdowns. Misunderstandings and unmet expectations can lead to conflict. Addressing these issues requires patience, understanding, and the willingness to listen and empathize with one another. Developing strong communication skills is not just about talking, but also about listening and understanding your partner's perspective.

Another challenge that couples often face is balancing individual needs with those of the relationship. Maintaining individuality while being part of a couple is a delicate balance. Respecting each other's personal space, interests, and goals is crucial for a healthy relationship.

Financial stress is also a common hurdle in many marriages. Differences in spending habits and financial goals can lead to significant conflicts. Tackling these issues head-on, through open discussions and mutual agreement on financial planning, is key to avoiding resentment and fostering trust.

Parenting is another area where challenges arise. Aligning parenting styles and sharing responsibilities can be a source of stress. Effective communication and a united front in decision-making are vital for navigating the complexities of raising children.

Long-term relationships also face the challenge of keeping the romance alive. It's easy for the busyness of life to overshadow the need for intimacy and romance. Prioritizing date nights, expressing affection, and keeping the lines of communication open are simple yet effective ways to keep the spark alive.

Finally, external factors such as extended family dynamics and career pressures can impact a marriage. It's important for couples to present a united front and support each other in dealing with these external influences. Building a strong foundation of love, respect, and understanding helps couples to not just survive but thrive amidst these challenges.

Communication: The Key to a Stronger Bond


Communication in marriage is not just about exchanging words; it's about sharing dreams, fears, joys, and sorrows. It's the thread that weaves two lives into a resilient tapestry. When couples engage in open, honest, and empathetic dialogue, they build a foundation of trust and understanding that can withstand any storm. This level of communication fosters an environment where both partners feel heard and valued, a crucial aspect of a healthy relationship.

One of the significant challenges in marital communication is overcoming barriers such as preconceived notions or past experiences. These barriers can lead to misunderstandings and unvoiced expectations, causing friction. Couples need to actively work on breaking down these barriers, ensuring that they are not just speaking but also being understood.

Another key aspect is the ability to communicate effectively during conflicts. Arguments and disagreements are natural, but it's the manner of communication during these times that can make or break a relationship. Approaching conflicts with a calm demeanor, willingness to listen, and a focus on finding a solution rather than winning an argument can transform a potential relationship roadblock into a stepping stone for growth.

Non-verbal communication, such as body language and gestures, plays a significant role in conveying emotions and intentions. Often, what is not said is just as important as what is spoken. Being attuned to each other's non-verbal cues enhances the depth of understanding between partners.

Finally, regular check-ins and open discussions about each other's needs and feelings keep the communication channels clear. These conversations can range from discussing daily routines to sharing deeper emotional issues. Such regular interactions ensure that both partners are on the same page and help in nurturing a bond that grows stronger with time.

Maintaining Intimacy Throughout the Years

Intimacy in marriage is the glue that holds a relationship together through the ebbs and flows of life. It's more than just physical closeness; it encompasses emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connections. As years pass, maintaining this intimacy requires conscious effort, understanding, and patience.

The physical aspect of intimacy, while important, is just one part of the equation. It's the emotional intimacy, the feeling of being emotionally connected and understood, that truly cements the bond between partners. This can be nurtured through shared experiences, heartfelt conversations, and showing appreciation for each other.

Intellectual intimacy, often overlooked, involves connecting on a mental level. It's about having stimulating conversations, sharing ideas, and respecting each other's opinions and thought processes. This form of intimacy can keep the relationship dynamic and engaging.

Spiritual intimacy, for those who value this dimension, involves sharing a set of beliefs, values, or experiences that transcend the physical world. Whether it's through religious practices, meditation, or a shared sense of purpose, this form of intimacy can bring a deeper meaning to the relationship.

Challenges such as the stress of daily life, parenting, and career demands can take a toll on intimacy. It's important for couples to prioritize their relationship, setting aside time for each other and keeping the lines of communication open. Simple acts of love and appreciation can go a long way in maintaining the warmth and closeness.

Lastly, it's crucial to adapt to changes over time. What worked in the early years of marriage may not be effective later on. Being open to exploring new ways of connecting and understanding each other's evolving needs can help in keeping the intimacy alive through the years.

Financial Management in Marriage


Financial management in marriage is a critical aspect of building a stable and harmonious life together. It involves more than just paying bills and saving money; it's about aligning financial goals, understanding each other's spending habits, and making joint decisions about the financial future. This aspect of marriage requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise.

One of the first steps in managing finances as a couple is to have a clear and honest discussion about each partner's financial situation. This includes income, debts, savings, and spending habits. Understanding where you both stand financially can prevent future conflicts and helps in creating a realistic budget that works for both partners.

Setting joint financial goals is another crucial step. Whether it's saving for a house, planning for retirement, or setting aside money for travel, having shared goals can strengthen your partnership. It gives you something to work towards together, fostering a sense of teamwork and shared purpose.

Dealing with debt is often a challenge for many couples. Approaching this challenge together, whether it's student loans, credit card debt, or a mortgage, is important. Creating a plan to manage and eventually pay off debt can alleviate stress and improve the overall financial health of your marriage.

Lastly, it's important to have regular financial check-ins. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss any changes in income, unexpected expenses, or to reassess financial goals. Regular communication about finances keeps both partners informed and involved, reducing the risk of financial surprises and disagreements.

Balancing Individuality and Togetherness

The journey of marriage is a delicate balance between maintaining individuality and nurturing togetherness. This balance is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, allowing both partners to grow as individuals while also growing as a couple.

One key aspect of this balance is understanding and respecting each other's need for personal space and time. Everyone needs time to pursue their own interests, hobbies, or simply to relax. Honoring this need in your partner, as well as yourself, is crucial for a healthy relationship.

Communication plays a significant role in maintaining this balance. It's important to discuss and understand each other's expectations about time spent together and apart. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that both partners' needs are met.

Another important factor is supporting each other's personal growth and goals. Encouraging your partner to pursue their ambitions, whether in their career, education, or personal hobbies, demonstrates love and respect for their individuality.

At the same time, it's vital to invest in the relationship. This means setting aside quality time to spend together, whether it's date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoying each other's company at home. These moments of togetherness strengthen the bond you share.

Dealing with conflicts is also an area where the balance between individuality and togetherness is tested. Respecting each other's viewpoints and finding a middle ground where both partners feel heard and valued is key to a healthy resolution.

It's also important to celebrate each other's successes and be there for each other during difficult times. These acts of love and support are what make the journey of marriage so rewarding.

Lastly, remember that this balance is not static. It evolves as both partners grow and change over time. Being flexible and open to adjusting the balance as needed is crucial for a lasting and happy marriage .

Parenting: A Shared Journey


Parenting within the context of marriage is a profound journey that brings its own set of challenges and joys. It's a partnership that requires coordination, understanding, and a shared vision. The transition to parenthood can be a significant change for couples, necessitating adjustments in the relationship and communication styles.

One of the first challenges new parents face is the lack of time for each other. With the arrival of a child, priorities shift, and it's easy for the marital relationship to take a back seat. It's important to consciously make time for each other, maintaining the bond that is the foundation of the family.

Another crucial aspect of parenting is aligning on parenting styles and values. Disagreements on how to raise a child can lead to conflicts. Open communication and a willingness to find common ground are essential for a unified approach to parenting.

The emotional and physical demands of parenting, especially in the early years, can be overwhelming. Supporting each other through these times, sharing responsibilities, and acknowledging each other's efforts can strengthen the marital bond.

Lastly, it's important to remember that parenting is a learning process. No one is a perfect parent, and mistakes are part of the journey. Approaching parenting as a team, learning and growing together, can make this journey a fulfilling and enriching experience for the whole family.

Overcoming Conflicts with Empathy and Understanding

Conflicts in marriage are inevitable, but the way they are handled can either strengthen or weaken the bond between partners. Approaching conflicts with empathy and understanding is key to resolving them in a healthy manner. Recognizing that conflicts are not just about winning an argument, but about understanding each other's perspectives, is crucial.

Empathy plays a vital role in conflict resolution. It involves putting oneself in the other person's shoes and trying to understand their feelings and viewpoints. This does not mean always agreeing with them, but acknowledging their emotions and perspectives.

Effective communication is also critical during conflicts. This means not only expressing one's own thoughts and feelings clearly but also actively listening to the partner. It's important to avoid blame and criticism, focusing instead on expressing one's own needs and feelings in a respectful way.

Finding common ground can often help in resolving conflicts. This might involve compromise or finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties. The goal is to reach a resolution that strengthens the relationship, rather than leaving lingering resentments.

Lastly, it's important to learn from conflicts. Each conflict presents an opportunity for growth and understanding. Reflecting on what caused the conflict and how it was resolved can provide valuable insights into the relationship, helping to prevent similar issues in the future.

The Role of Trust and Honesty

Trust and honesty are the bedrock of any successful marriage. They foster a safe and secure environment where both partners can be their true selves. Trust is not just about fidelity; it's about believing in each other's commitment, support, and love. Honesty, on the other hand, is about being open and transparent, sharing thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

Building trust takes time and consistent effort. It's about being reliable, keeping promises, and showing up for each other in both good times and bad. Every small act of reliability strengthens the trust in a relationship.

Honesty, while essential, must be practiced with kindness and respect. Brutal honesty can sometimes be hurtful. It's important to find a balance where truth is communicated in a way that is considerate and constructive.

Trust can be fragile and, once broken, can be difficult to rebuild. Situations such as financial dishonesty, emotional infidelity, or broken promises can deeply damage trust. Healing from these situations requires patience, a willingness to forgive, and a concerted effort to rebuild trust over time.

Regular check-ins where both partners can openly discuss their feelings and concerns can help maintain honesty and trust. These conversations, though sometimes difficult, are essential for a transparent and strong relationship.

Lastly, trust and honesty extend beyond the couple to the family and social circle. Demonstrating these values in all relationships sets a positive example and strengthens the overall moral fabric of the marital and familial bond.

Growing Old Together: Embracing Change

One of the most beautiful aspects of a long-lasting marriage is the journey of growing old together. As time passes, both individuals and relationships evolve. Embracing these changes with grace and positivity is key to a fulfilling marital journey.

Physical changes are an inevitable part of aging. Accepting these changes in oneself and one's partner, and continuing to show love and attraction, is essential. It's about seeing the beauty in the journey you've shared and the wisdom that comes with age.

As couples grow older, their interests, priorities, and even personalities may shift. Being open to these changes and supporting each other's growth and new interests can add a fresh dimension to the relationship.

Retirement brings a significant change in lifestyle and daily routines. Navigating this transition together, finding new hobbies or activities to share, or even volunteering together, can be a wonderful way to spend this new phase of life.

One of the challenges of aging is dealing with health issues. Facing these challenges together, providing support and care, strengthens the bond of love and commitment. It's a testament to the vow of being together in sickness and in health.

Lastly, growing old together is about cherishing the memories made and looking forward to making more. It's a time to reflect on the journey shared, the challenges overcome, and the love that has deepened over the years. This journey, with its ups and downs, is a true testament to the enduring power of love.

Renewing Vows and Rekindling Romance

Renewing vows is a powerful way for couples to reaffirm their commitment to each other. It's an opportunity to reflect on the journey they've shared and to look forward to the future. This act can rekindle the romance and passion that may have dimmed over time. It's a reminder of the love that brought them together and the bond that has deepened through the years.

Vow renewal ceremonies can be as elaborate or as simple as the couple wishes. It could be a grand event with family and friends or an intimate moment shared between the two. The essence lies in the heartfelt exchange of promises and the renewal of commitment.

Rekindling romance is not just limited to grand gestures like vow renewals. It's about finding joy in the everyday moments, expressing love and appreciation regularly, and continuing to date each other. Small acts of love, such as leaving love notes, planning surprise dates, or simply spending quality time together, keep the flame of romance alive.

Communicating desires and expectations is also key to maintaining romance. As relationships evolve, so do the needs and desires of each partner. Openly discussing these changes can lead to a deeper understanding and a more fulfilling romantic life .

Lastly, creating new memories together can reignite the spark in a relationship . Trying new activities, traveling to new places, or even learning new skills together can bring a sense of excitement and novelty, much like in the early days of the relationship.

The Importance of Shared Goals and Dreams

Shared goals and dreams are the compass that guides a marriage in a unified direction. They provide a sense of purpose and partnership, strengthening the bond between partners. These shared aspirations can range from short-term objectives to long-term dreams and can encompass various aspects of life, including career, family, personal growth, and leisure.

Setting these goals together involves open communication and understanding each other's desires and aspirations. It's a collaborative process where both partners contribute their ideas and work towards a common vision.

Achieving shared goals is a journey that requires teamwork, perseverance, and mutual support. Celebrating each milestone along the way not only brings joy but also reinforces the partnership and shared commitment.

It's also important to be flexible with these goals. Life can bring unexpected changes, and the ability to adapt and revise goals accordingly is key to a resilient and enduring relationship.

Personal goals should not be overshadowed by shared goals. Balancing individual aspirations with shared ones is essential for personal fulfillment and the health of the relationship. Supporting each other's personal goals demonstrates respect and appreciation for each other's individuality.

Revisiting and reassessing goals periodically can ensure that they remain aligned with both partners' evolving needs and desires. This ongoing process keeps the relationship dynamic and forward-moving.

Lastly, shared dreams are not just about the end results but also about the journey. Working together towards these dreams can bring a deeper sense of connection, accomplishment, and mutual satisfaction.

Seeking Help: When to Consider Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling is a valuable resource for couples facing challenges in their relationship. Recognizing when to seek this help is crucial for the health of the marriage. Common signs include persistent communication issues, recurring conflicts, emotional distance, and feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction. Counseling provides a safe space for both partners to express their feelings and work through issues with the guidance of a professional.

One misconception about marriage counseling is that it's only for relationships on the brink of collapse. In reality, counseling can be beneficial at any stage of a marriage, whether to resolve specific issues or simply to strengthen the relationship. Early intervention can often prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

The decision to seek counseling should be mutual. It requires an acknowledgment from both partners that there are aspects of the relationship that need work . This step is not an admission of failure but a commitment to the health and longevity of the marriage.

Choosing the right counselor is also important. Look for someone who is experienced, credentialed, and whose approach aligns with your values and needs. A good counselor will not take sides but will work to help both partners understand each other's perspectives and find constructive ways to move forward.

Celebrating Milestones and Creating Memories

Celebrating milestones in a marriage, such as anniversaries, the birth of children, or career achievements, is vital for acknowledging the journey and the efforts put into the relationship. These celebrations can be grand or intimate but should reflect the significance of the occasion and the joy shared by the couple.

Creating lasting memories together is another important aspect of a marital journey. This can be through travel, shared hobbies, or simply creating traditions like weekly date nights or annual family vacations. These experiences enrich the relationship and provide a reservoir of happy memories to draw from, especially during challenging times.

Photographs, videos, and keepsakes are tangible reminders of these moments. Creating albums or memory boxes can be a wonderful way to preserve these memories and to relive them together in the years to come.

Surprise gestures, such as planning a special outing or giving a thoughtful gift without any particular occasion, add an element of spontaneity and excitement to the relationship. These acts show thoughtfulness and a deep understanding of one's partner.

Inviting family and friends to share in these celebrations can also be meaningful. It reinforces the support system that surrounds the couple and honors the role these individuals play in their lives.

Reflecting on past milestones and memories is also important. It allows couples to see how far they've come, the challenges they've overcome, and the growth they've experienced both individually and together.

Lastly, creating a legacy together, whether it's through shared projects, community involvement, or passing down traditions to children, gives a sense of purpose and belonging. This legacy is a testament to the life and love shared by the couple, extending their impact beyond their own relationship.

FAQ: Common Marriage Journey Questions

Q: How can we keep the romance alive in our marriage? A: Keeping the romance alive involves regular, intentional efforts to show love and appreciation. This can be through small daily gestures, regular date nights, surprise gifts, or simply spending quality time together. Communication about each other's romantic needs and desires is also key.

Q: What are effective ways to resolve conflicts in marriage? A: Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, empathy, and finding common ground. It's important to approach conflicts with a solution-focused mindset, avoiding blame and criticism. Seeking to understand before being understood and compromising where necessary can lead to constructive resolutions.

Q: How important is individual space in a marriage? A: Individual space is crucial in a marriage. It allows each partner to pursue personal interests and maintain a sense of individuality, which is important for personal growth and fulfillment. Respecting and supporting each other's need for personal space strengthens the relationship .

Q: When should we consider marriage counseling? A: Marriage counseling should be considered whenever there are persistent issues that the couple is unable to resolve on their own. This can include communication breakdowns, recurring conflicts, or feelings of disconnection. Counseling can be beneficial at any stage of a marriage, not just when facing serious problems.

Recommended Resources

  • The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller, Riverhead Books, 2011
  • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Northfield Publishing, 1992
  • Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix, Henry Holt and Co., 2008
  • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver, Harmony, 2000

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From Separation to Sharing the Love: A Dynamic Marriage Journey

Marriage Dynamics Institute June 10, 2021 Commitment , Communication , Connection , Faith , Family , Forgiveness , Humility , Intimacy , Marriage Counseling , Marriage Courses , Marriage Health , Quality Time , Reconnecting , Selfishness , Separation , Uncategorized

Every Dynamic Marriage journey has a “before” story.

For *Greg and Kate Watts, the story began when they met in 1976. According to them, it was love at first sight.

We enjoyed being together and spending hours in great conversation.  We shared the same sense of humor.  Our interests were similar.  We enjoyed going to church together and our personalities complimented one another. 

The couple quickly began preparing for the future by reading books about marriage and taking a marriage preparation class. They were also mentored by a couple from their church.

Marriage Journey

On July 7, 1979 we were married. Our first several years together were wonderful.  Our daughter was born in 1981 and our son in 1985.

Then in the early 1990’s, life gradually began to change. They both worked high-stress jobs on opposite shifts. School and church activities and other community involvement edged out real family time. And they had almost no time together as a couple.

We were involved in worthy activities and had good intentions however our house was not in order. Our focus was not on God and one another. We appeared to be a happy family at worship service on Sunday morning. But anger,  frustration, loneliness, and pain consumed us.

That’s when they separated for six months. Kate had the children. Greg was alone.

In spite of living apart, we still tried to carry on our lives as if nothing was wrong.  We were in denial, trying to keep control.  In reality we were falling apart. 

One Sunday the Holy Spirit moved them to ask for God’s help and prayers from their family. Soon after, they began seeing a Christian counselor together.

It was the hardest thing we ever did.  Our conversations during the sessions were painful and we left feeling exhausted.

In one of their last sessions, the counselor challenged them with this question:  Do you want to be right, or do you want to be married?

Greg and Kate realized they had both been prideful and selfish.

We were more in competition with one another than we were working together as a team. 

They made a deliberate choice to commit their marriage and family to God, and things began to change.

Dynamic Marriage Journey

That’s when some friends told them about a course called Dynamic Marriage . In the course, Greg and Katie learned about love busters, communication, and how to meet each other’s needs in healthy ways. And they came to a new understanding of the importance of prayer in their relationship.

Our marriage was transformed.

First, Dynamic Marriage showed us that prayer is absolutely essential to restoring two wounded hearts. When we prayed God showed us how to be vulnerable, open and honest with one another. 

The couple experienced God’s forgiveness and learned how to forgive one another.

As God opened our hearts, we began to put our house in order, truly becoming one in marriage as God intended.

Verses like Philippians 2:1-2 took on new meaning for them.

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.


Next, we learned how to identify and stop love busters — behaviors that cause the other unhappiness or pain.  

Greg and Kate learned that behaviors like angry outbursts, disrespectful judgments, and selfish demands can get in the way of intimacy in marriage. They made a plan to replace these and other love busters with behaviors that reflected Jesus Christ’s humility.


Learning how to communicate with one another openly and honestly with respect and love was vital.

They began to nurture trust, work through conflict, and renew intimacy in their marriage.

And as they began to understand each other better, Greg and Kate realized ways they could each make changes to become a better spouse for the other.

Our marriage journey became one of building compatibility, mutual fulfillment, and growing in love by communicating with one another.

Meeting Needs

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 

The Dynamic Marriage course taught us to identify and communicate our own most important emotional needs. We learned new habits that meet those needs for both of us.

Greg and Kate describe their marriage as an ongoing journey of learning and love.

God gives us answers to how to be married and we continue to learn and relearn it every day. Because we are sinners, we still ‘love bust’ sometimes. But we forgive when the other messes up.  We have conflict in our marriage, but now we have the tools we need to overcome and grow.

And the peace in their marriage impacts their children.

God has blessed us with the gift of a happy marriage and our children have benefited greatly.  Both have shared that when our marriage became Christ-centered and happy they had a growing sense of security and peace in their lives.   

Dynamic Marriage Journey Multiplies

Since 2006, Greg and Kate have facilitated many Dynamic Marriage courses. And they love sharing their dynamic marriage journey with others.

Through Dynamic Marriage courses, we have the privilege of seeing what God does to bless marriages.  He makes healthy marriages stronger, and He heals troubled marriages and restores broken marriages.

* Names used with permission. Adapted from a testimonial shared with their church congregation in 2008.

Dynamic Marriage courses teach married couples how to overcome relationship withdrawal,  work through conflict, and enjoy intimacy. Courses are led by trained facilitators.

When couples are experiencing severe discord in their marriage, they may need the A New Beginning workshop for marriages in crisis. Participants are encouraged to follow up with a Dynamic Marriage course a few months later.

About the Author

marriage journey

Marriage Dynamics Institute

Marriage Dynamics Institute (MDI) wants to cultivate healthy families, churches, and communities by helping create marriages full of joy, meaning, and purpose. Having served more than 75,000 couples since 1994, MDI offers workshops and seminars for marriages at every stage, including those in crisis.

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Call 800-650-9995 today for more info or to schedule your course.

Finding Jesus' grace in the daily journey

Marriage Journey: 4 Lessons from 4 Years Together

June 11, 2018 |

If we were sitting down over coffee talking about relationships, I’d share these things I’m learning on my marriage journey with you.  I’m no expert, in fact sometimes I feel so massively unqualified to even write about marriage.  But God keeps reminding me that marriage is something that requires constant cultivating, and that mistakes are part of growth.

We’ve crammed a lot of life into our short time as a married couple – a baby , job loss , illness, the death of my father, daily joys and trials.   So many blessings and major life changes, all rolled into four short years.

I spent some time reflecting and wanted to share these 4 major lessons from our marriage journey thus far.

For more marriage posts go here.

For more on our wedding go here.

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is a safe haven.

I’ve always felt safe with Josh, but I found a new level of this when my dad passed away.  For awhile, I kept my grief and pain to myself.  But there was such relief when I finally (literally) broke down, let him in and was honest about how I was doing.

Since I tend toward extremes, I’ve found that I need to make sure I’m going to God first and not putting unrealistic expectations on my husband.  I’m also learning that treating our marriage as a safe haven means speaking the truth  in love – not getting so comfortable that we treat each other with less care than we would give other relationships.

“Let’s not strive to be the Holy Spirit in someone else’s life.  Speak the truth in love and stand back.” – Dale Partridge

Two are better than one,      because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,      one can help the other up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage brings things into the light.

Marriage is not a bandaid fix to past issues.  Each person brings their own set of baggage into a marriage.  It’s how you deal with the issues that come up as you learn what it means to be one that shapes your future together.  I don’t know about you, but over our four years of marriage I’ve realized I have a lot more baggage than I thought!

There is so much beauty in this brokenness though, when we learn to take our junk to God instead of project it on our spouse.  It becomes this amazing opportunity for growth and intimacy with your spouse – as you walk this path toward wholeness and holiness together!

The marriage journey doesn’t just bring out the not so great stuff though.  It also brings out new sides of you and your spouse that you’ve not experienced before.  Getting to see Josh as a father, walking with him as he discovers passions and gifts he didn’t know he had, having the opportunity to be a part of his journey, watching him step up to lead our family, caring for my family when my father died – those are true gifts!

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Ephesians 5:8-14

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is blessing not a burden.

After the newness of your new marriage journey wears off, it’s easy to start looking at this wife role as a burden rather than a blessing from God.  All of a sudden there are new responsibilities and another human around that may or may not get on your nerves sometimes.

No matter how you divide up the daily, household chores, there is also more on the to-do list – especially once you start adding littles into the mix!

God has been teaching me a lot about what living an entrusted life means – especially when it comes to my people.  My husband is a gift from God that I have the joy of doing life with, even on the hard days.  I have written more about this here  and  here , if you’d like to read more of my journey!

I don’t think anyone starts off thinking, “Oh my husband is such a burden” or they probably wouldn’t have gotten married!  But it is a trap that the enemy sets in his attempts to separate us from each other and from God.  Just being aware of this trap has changed my perspective so much!

When my dad was suddenly diagnosed with cancer and then gone in just a month, I think I woke up to the reality that we aren’t promised tomorrow.  We are only given today – I just don’t have time to view my husband as anything other than the blessing that he is!

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.   Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.   Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

marriage journey,4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Marriage is refining.

Oh my goodness – marriage and motherhood are two of the most refining relationships I’ve ever experienced.  Learning how to truly be one with my husband is something I think will probably take a life time.  We are still learning how to communicate well, fight fairly, to love unconditionally.

This marriage journey takes work, a willingness to learn, a humble heart, and forgiveness.

But most of all, it requires a firm foundation.

If my love for my husband was founded in my own capacity to love, at some point it would run out.  If my foundation is in my husband instead of my Savior, going through the fire would destroy me instead of refine me.

How amazing that our God would use marriage as a way to call up His people to carry out His kingdom work!

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Reflecting on these last four years, I am so grateful for a God who carries us.  A God who loves us.  A God who wants to refine us as individuals and as a couple.

And I am so thankful for my husband, who has stood beside me and walked with me on this marriage journey, encouraged me, held me, and loved me through the most difficult times of my life.

Set me as a seal upon your heart,      as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death,      jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire,      the very flame of the  Lord . Many waters cannot quench love,      neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love      all the wealth of his house,      he would be utterly despised. Song of Solomon 8:6-7

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

Happy Anniversary to us, babe!

marriage journey, 4 things I've learned from 4 years of marriage, spouse, wife, husband, married, wedding, the graceful journey

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The five stages of marriage and how to cope (with Video)

Marriage requires effort, but the rewards are worth it. With a 50/50 success rate, it’s essential to understand the five stages of marriage and what to expect in each. This article offers insight and strategies to help you thrive in your relationship, no matter where you are on your journey together. By being proactive and intentional, you can build a strong, loving partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Table of Contents

A couple enjoying quality family time with their two children whom they are pulling over snow on sledges.

This blog post recently featured in the “ Love with the Lines” Podcast in the USA. You can listen below.
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” Thomas Merton

Marriage is a journey that has five distinct stages. 

The five stages of marriage

  • Stage 1: The honeymoon
  • Stage 2: Building a life with your partner
  • Stage 3: Disillusionment
  • Stage 4: Adjustment: Dissolution, Resignation or Contentment
  • Stage 5: Renewal and marital bliss

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Stage 1: The honeymoon stage

The first stage is the honeymoon- from before marriage to the first few years of living together. After that, couples discover each other with newness and excitement. Then, the influx of hormones makes couples “fall in love” and date with passion.

Spouses are happy in each other’s company and feel intense romantic love. At the honeymoon stage, lovers do things without effort and forget mistakes as soon as they occur. 

Challenges during the honeymoon stage of marriage

  • Unrealistic expectations: Couples often have unrealistic expectations about their partner and marriage, leading to disappointment and frustration when these expectations are unmet.
  • Balancing individual needs and wants with those of the relationship: As couples settle into a relationship, they may find it challenging to balance their needs and desires with their partner’s.
  • Finding time for each other: With the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities, it can be challenging to find quality time for just the two of you.

A happy couple relaxing in a circular swing seat during the honeymoon stage in marriage

Building a life together with your spouse occurs during the second stage of marriage. It is not easy for two different individuals to join together as a couple and achieve emotional intimacy . That means tolerating each other’s quirks.

However, many couples long for the passionate and crazy stage of honeymoon, which is long gone.

For those who choose to have children, raising them occurs at this stage—those who decide not to have kids grow into a deeper understanding of themselves. 

Challenges during this stage of marriage

  • Balancing individual needs and couple priorities: As both partners work on building their lives together, they may have different ideas and priorities, which can lead to conflicts in marriage.
  • Maintaining intimacy and affection: Building a life together can be demanding and time-consuming, leaving little time for intimacy and love.
  • Managing finances and household responsibilities: Decisions regarding household finances and responsibilities can become sources of conflict, especially when both partners have different ideas and approaches.

Stage 3: Disillusionment about marriage

“The pain of disillusionment is often a prelude to a deeper understanding and appreciation of life.” M. Scott Peck

Eventually, couples realize it takes a lot of hard work and effort to build happy and stable marriages . Most partners also recognize that a good marriage is more than the union of two lovers but the involvement of their families.

Couples feel burdened by the growing demands of work, school, and leisure. Raising children also demands a lot of energy and attention.

All these activities reduce the time that spouses can spend together. Poor communication and failure to meet each other’s vital emotional needs can follow. So, partners feel like they are in a rut, and their passion has faded.

Challenges during the Disillusionment stage of marriage

  • Dealing with the reality of everyday life and responsibilities
  • Differences in opinions, values, and expectations are becoming more apparent
  • Decreased feelings of romance and excitement
  • Increased marital conflicts and dissatisfaction

Stage 4: Adjustment stage

Couples arrive at this stage when they contemplate the future of their marriage. Then, they make the difficult choice of whether they will continue with their union or not. There are three possible outcomes of the adjustment stage of marriage:

A Black couple is having heated arguments, with the wife standing and angrily pointing at her husband, seated at their dining table.

a. Dissolution

The truth is that divorce rates are high. More than 40% of couples eventually decide to end their marital unions. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

b. Resignation

A few per cent of couples decide to resign themselves to their fate. They conclude that their marriage probably isn’t going to get much better. So, they continue to live together but fail to achieve marital bliss. They may be sabotaging their marriage even without knowing it.

c. Contentment

A majority of couples continue living together and are content with their challenges. They work on their marital friendship by seeking new skills and knowledge. The perspective they gain helps them to rekindle their love . As a result, they pursue and achieve long-term unions with more profound satisfaction.

Common challenges during the adjustment stage of marriage

  • Unresolved conflict: Couples may struggle to communicate effectively and resolve disputes, leading to ongoing tension and dissatisfaction.
  • Lack of intimacy: Emotional intimacy and physical needs can decline during this stage, leading to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.
  • Changing roles and responsibilities: As couples settle into their daily routines, they may find that their roles and responsibilities have changed, leading to dissatisfaction or resentment.

A happy elderly couple enjoying a happy moment with the husband pushing his wife on a swing.

The “renewal” stage signifies when couples return to the joy of marriage. They tap into what made them fall in love with each other in the first place. Such acts include sharing stories, remembering key moments and celebrating each other’s successes.

At this point, most couples have empty nests as their children have grown up.

Finally, couples feel safe and accept each other in their faults and glory. 

Challenges at the “Renewal and marital bliss” stage of marriage

  • Keeping the spark alive: Couples may struggle to keep the romance and excitement in their relationship due to complacency or boredom.
  • Balancing personal and shared interests: As partners may have developed separate interests over time, finding a balance between individual pursuits and shared activities can be difficult.
  • Navigating life changes: Whether dealing with aging or ill health effects, couples may find it difficult to adjust to these challenges together.

What are some ways to restore the spark in your relationship, no matter the stage of your marriage?

  • Understanding each other’s needs and perspectives: Make efforts to understand and meet your spouse’s vital emotional and physical needs in your marriage.
  • Communicate well: Speak openly and honestly to your partner about your feelings about happenings in your marriage. Also, learn to listen well and not interrupt or blame your spouse for their feelings. 
  • Set aside quality time: Scheduling regular date nights and other one-on-one time can help to prioritize the relationship and maintain intimacy.
  • Embrace growth and change: Don’t resist the changes that occur with different stages of marriage. Instead, embrace growth and change. Approach it as a shared journey and support each other through it.
  • Seek professional help: Work with your spouse to get help from relationship coaching, counselling or therapy. That is essential if your marriage is nearing the stage of disillusionment or Resignation. But don’t wait until it is too late. You both deserve a better union.
  • Be patient and know that marriage passes through different seasons and stages, just like the changing seasons of life. Understand that your relationship can still turn around for the better. Don’t give up!

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Now, you have the five stages of marriage and how you can restore the spark in your relationship.

What stage is your marriage, and which of the above measures will you implement today?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Please leave your comments below, or let’s continue the discussion on  Twitter ,  Facebook ,  Instagram , or  Linkedin .

Thanks for your time.

Larson, J. H. (2003). The great marriage tune-up book. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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25/02/2023 at 9:26 AM

20 years married tomorrow. It’s been awhile since we spending time together I feel like I don’t know who either

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10/03/2023 at 3:45 PM

Hello Christine, Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary! It’s understandable to feel lost when you haven’t spent much time with your partner recently. The good news is that it’s never too late to reconnect and get to know each other again. You can do many things to reconnect with your partner beginning today. Thanks.

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19/03/2024 at 11:44 AM

Dr. Onu’s blog post on the stages and seasons of marriage surpassed our expectations. As hosts of the ‘Love with the Lines’ Podcast, we are constantly reviewing resources on relationships, but Dr. Onu’s insights stood out as truly exceptional. His deep understanding of the complexities of marriage shines through every word, offering invaluable guidance and perspective. We had the pleasure of featuring his blog post on episode 39 of our podcast.

20/03/2024 at 11:31 PM

Dear Cindy, Thank you so much for your kind words and for featuring my blog post on your popular podcast, “Love with the Lines.” It’s truly humbling to hear that my insights resonated with you and your audience, and surpassed your expectations. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with you on relationships. Warm regards, David

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Posted on Jun 12, 2014

How To Make Your Marriage Journey A Positive Exploration

  • What new things will you learn today or tomorrow that will shape or alter your relationship with your spouse?
  • What will your spouse experience today or tomorrow that will impact your marriage?
  • What unknown external factors will force you and your spouse to deviate from your present course?

So…. this leads to an interesting question:

What kind of marriage journey are you on?

A Negative Trip vs. A Positive Exploration

Many couples that express dissatisfaction with their marriage feel like they are on one long negative trip that never seems to end. It’s as if they just can’t wait to get to their destination and end the whole bad experience. There are also many married couples that are clearly enjoying their journey. They view each new day as an exciting opportunity to learn something new, share new experiences together, and strengthen their relationship. Which type of journey are you on? If you’re struggling to make your marriage journey a positive one, consider the value of exploration. As a differentiating value , Exploration means a careful or systematic consideration or search . This means being deliberate about what you experience along your marriage journey.

Exploring the Senses

A simple way to create a positive exploration is through the 5 senses: taste, smell, sound, sight, and touch .

  • Try a new restaurant, or a new dish at a favorite restaurant. (Lori and I recently stumbled across the most amazing Viennese restaurant in the Finger Lakes region of New York.)
  • Experiment with a new recipe for dinner.
  • Go to the farmer’s market in another city or town and try something new.
  • Explore the SMELL of various fragrances.
  • Enjoy the aroma of a fresh bouquet of flowers in your living room.
  • Experiment with different scented candles in your home.
  • Experience the fragrance of different oils in a bubble bath (best if done together).
  • Search for new SOUNDS.
  • Go on a nature walk and identify as many different kinds of birds as you can.
  • Explore different genres of music (and artists) to find one you both really like.
  • Take your spouse to a live concert (indoors or outdoors).
  • Go for a drive together and see what unique or odd things capture your attention. (For example, Lori and I recently discovered an old tank with a snowplow on the front of it. What a great conversation piece!)
  • Visit a museum or attraction in a new city or town.
  • Plan a vacation (or weekend getaway) somewhere new.
  • Experiment with new forms of TOUCH.
  • Go for a walk and hold hands. It helps manage your pace, and creates a unique bond.
  • A foot massage can work wonders for your relationship. So can a scalp massage (or any other kind of massage).
  • Never underestimate the power of a hug, especially when they are not expected.

Another powerful way to make your marriage journey a positive exploration is to systematically learn and share something new together.

  • Attend a marriage conference or sign up for a marriage enrichment program. Don’t wait until your marriage is in conflict. These experiences are more rewarding when your marriage is healthy.
  • Get together with another couple married longer than you and ask them to share a few of their positive experiences. There is always something positive to learn from others.
  • Get together with a newly married couple and share a few of your own positive experiences with them. It is highly rewarding when you share with others.

So… how will you start your marriage journey from here? It might be an unknown, but the type of journey is up to you!

What are some other ways for a married couple to make their marriage journey a positive exploration?

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AHRMA Keynote Speaker! Forging Values with Robert Ferguson!Is Empathy one of them?Learn more Ferguson Values! Posted by Austin Human Resource Management Association on Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Marriage is a Journey, Not the Destination

Marriage is a Journey, Not the Destination

You get married and have kids. You go to a few soccer games on Friday afternoon and come back to your large house and attractive spouse. That’s how it’s supposed to go, right? A few short years of being single, no arguments with your spouse and a perfect, no-problem family.

Martin Erickson, licensed marriage and family therapist, said that college millennials have far too rosy views of marriage.

“That’s a frustration,” he said, “and an impediment to having a good healthy marriage over the long run.”

“Marriage has the potential to be really refining and call out your best sense of character, values and love, but it’s not going to automatically do something to make you good or special,” he said.

When you have a more realistic vision of what marriage is going to be like, you can better prepare for that time in your life as well as be okay with where you are in your life right now. Life is a journey. Marriage is a wonderful goal to work towards, but it isn’t the end-all, be-all of life. Understanding that things don’t always work out the way you want them to is a great first step to learning how to be content amidst any circumstance.

Understanding the phases of dating

Erickson said that dating relationships have three different phases, that can be very helpful in understanding personal development in dating.

“Seeing these three stages in a developmental frame can really help students,” said Erickson. When you understand that each stage serves a different purpose and each stage can help you prepare for your future marriage, it might help you be more patient when searching for future spouse.

Phase one usually begins in high school. This stage consists of group dates, hanging out and spending time with members of the opposite sex.

“That first stage of dating is all about understanding the opposite sex, getting a sense of who they are,” said Erickson. “It’s about coming to understand the individual’s identity, having fun and feeling more independent.” Erickson also said that phase one is not the time to be thinking about marriage.

Erickson said that phase two usually starts when the individual is in college. He said, “depending on your needs and life experiences, this phase could last a while.” This phase is all about learning how to be in adult romantic relationships, figuring out the type of person you want to be with and learning how to become the type of partner you want to be. Exclusive dating is key to figuring out these things.

“Phase two isn’t really about getting married, either,” said Erickson. “But at some point in phase two, an individual can be think ‘I know what I want from a partner, I know what I want to be as a partner,’ and then they move on to phase three.” Phase three is when individuals really are ready to begin dating for marriage. “This is where individuals start to find people they want to commit their lives to,” said Erickson. He said this is the most mature phase when you are ready to make an important adult decision.

Erickson said when people understand that relationships tend to follow these three stages, they can focus more on improving themselves and being patient with the timing of their romantic relationships.

marriage journey

Switching your mindset

Sometimes, even when you are ready for marriage, the opportunity doesn’t present itself. In these instances, it is even more important that you have a healthy view of what marriage is like.

Many students are used to having their lives set out for them. Things are supposed to follow a particular script. If or when that doesn’t happen, they get discouraged or think something is wrong with them. When Erickson talks with students who feel this way, he tries to normalize this feeling and help them realize that there isn’t anything wrong with them.

“If it follows this script mentality, it isn’t really your story. You’re not the agent,” he said. “You’re not the one who is living and growing and deciding. You’re just kind of following along in a passive way that won’t be healthy because that’s not what life is about.”

Erickson continued, “It’s not good to think of marriage as a reward for righteous behavior. I don’t think most good things in life, like having a child or getting a really good job, are rewards for righteous behavior in a reward/punishment scheme. It’s not helpful to think of life that way.”

“Thinking in the longer picture, can be helpful in not being so destination- or outcome-focused.”

Practice thinking long-term. It’s okay for you to want to date a lot, form relationships and have great experiences at college. It’s normal to hope to get married during or shortly after college. But it is equally important to think about what you are going to do if that doesn’t happen.

Individuals can practice this by thinking of their goals, accomplishments and failures as part of a grand journey. When someone’s mindset is switched from outcome-oriented to journey-oriented, the result is greater happiness and contentment with the way their lives are going at that moment.

Creating realistic expectations

Relationships of all kinds take effort, work and dedication. Marriage doesn’t instantly transform you into a perfect individual. Mark Ogletree, a licensed family counselor, said, “When couples first get married, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling marriage is a destination. They made it through the engagement, through all these obstacles, and now they are there. What they don’t realize is that they haven’t even started yet.”

“Couples often want things to be perfect very fast, and they also want to be financially where their parents are. They want to have ‘arrived’.”

Ogletree said that these couples need to understand that good marriages result from hard work, dedication and overcoming failures. Healthy relationships come because two individual people are walking a path of wholeness together.

Young couples and those beginning to look for potential spouses can create realistic expectations for marriage by talking with their parents or other couples who have been where they are or will be. While single, people can learn to see marriage as a journey and realize that having a family or being married isn’t going to solve all of their problems.

Living for the value

If you really do desire a healthy relationship in marriage, then you have to be living in a way that can help you develop that bond.

Explore what you really want. What are you desires, hopes and dreams? What things do you value and what do you want your life to be about? What role do you want problems, setbacks and heartbreak to play in your life? Determining these things for yourself can help you set goals and keep you motivated on your path to creating the life that you really want.

After you’ve explored your desires, it is equally important to live in a way that allows you to accomplish those things.

Erickson said, “If they really value and desire a future family, and aren’t really involved with people, or dating or finding people that are interesting to them or connecting or developing socially then they won’t really be moving towards that.” For some, putting in the work to find and date people they might want to marry can be really intimidating. They want the romance and the love, but the work that it takes to get to that point is overwhelming.

“If a healthy relationship is something that you desire, then you will have to work for it,” said Erickson. “But then be open to the fact that the journey might be different for you.”

Happiness isn’t determined by how quickly you get married or how perfect your marriage is. Happiness comes from working hard to accomplish the things that you desire, and being open to new avenues and opportunities that cross your path. Life is full of disappointments, heartbreaks and plans that don’t work out. While single, dating or married, you should continue to improve yourself and work to switch your mindset from outcome-based to journey-based. Doing so will help you build a life of fulfillment and contentment.

   -Taryn Royall

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What Is Marriage? Definition, Purpose, Types, and Importance

Angela Welch is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Intern from Valparaiso,IN. She earned her Master of Arts in Marriage and... Read More

Calantha Quinlan

Talented writer Calantha Quinlan explores the human experience with raw honesty and emotional depth. Covers love, relationships, personal growth, and spirituality.

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In This Article

Marriage, a timeless institution, is the beautiful journey of two lives woven together, each thread representing shared dreams, laughter, and the promise of tomorrow. 

It’s a commitment beyond words, a journey filled with moments that define a lifetime. Marriage is not just a contract; it’s a shared adventure where love is the compass, understanding is the map, and trust is the guiding star. 

if you wonder, what is marriage, it’s an embrace of both calm seas and stormy weather, a sanctuary for vulnerability and strength. Join us in exploring the essence of marriage – a celebration of partnership, companionship, and a love story that never truly ends.

What is marriage?

What does marriage mean? Marriage is the mix of love and a heartfelt commitment between two people who promise to stand by each other through life’s journey. It’s the union of hearts, a bond that goes beyond friendship, making two souls partners for life.

Definition of marriage 

Those looking for marriage definition or marriage meaning may not be aware of how deep this concept is.

Marriage is a legally recognized and often ceremonious union between two individuals, typically based on love and mutual commitment. It involves sharing responsibilities and emotions and building a life together as a married couple.

What is another word for marriage? 

Marriage can also be referred to as matrimony, wedlock, or the act of tying the knot. These words all describe the same beautiful union where two people become one in a loving partnership.

A brief history of marriage

Marriage has a long and diverse history . It has evolved from arranged alliances for economic and social reasons to today’s focus on love and companionship. Through time, it has adapted to different cultures and beliefs, remaining a cornerstone of human society, symbolizing unity and togetherness.

Talking about the origin of marriage, it is again an ancient concept. 

Marriage, with its roots deep in human history, finds its earliest known instance dating back thousands of years. In ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerians, around 2350 BCE, inscribed the laws of Ur-Nammu on clay tablets. 

Among these ancient legal codes was the recognition and regulation of marriage, a testament to the enduring institution’s significance in human society. 

This early example showcased the institution’s role in governing relationships, inheritance, and social structure, marking the beginning of a tradition that continues to evolve, shape, and reflect the values of countless civilizations across the ages.

Why is marriage important?

Marriage is like the heart of a society, pumping love, stability, and partnership. It’s a cornerstone that strengthens families, creates a sense of belonging, and offers a warm embrace for individuals to share their lives. 

The importance of marriage is seen in its ability to foster love, companionship, and emotional support, shaping not only individual lives but society as a whole.

The societal impact of marriage

Marriage carries a significant societal impact. 

Studies indicate that married couples often enjoy better physical and mental health, higher levels of happiness, and financial stability.

Children raised in married households tend to fare well academically and emotionally. Marriage can promote a sense of responsibility and community, strengthening the social fabric. The benefits of marriage are well-documented and contribute to the overall well-being of society.

The role of marriage in different cultures

Marriage isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept; it’s beautifully diverse across cultures. From traditional arranged marriages in India to love marriages in Western societies, the purpose and customs vary widely. 

For example, in Japan, marriage is often seen as a way to continue family lines and traditions, while in Scandinavia, it’s a symbol of gender equality. Across the globe, the role of marriage serves as a reflection of cultural values, beliefs, and traditions that enrich the tapestry of human existence.

Talking about modern trends, a research finding also indicates that between 1960 and 2011, the stage at which men and women enter a married relationship increased by three to five years.

What is the purpose of marriage?

What is the point of marriage? Let’s try to understand what is marriage’s purpose in our lives. 

The purpose of marriage in people’s lives and social setup is complex and multifaceted. 

Marriage provides emotional companionship, social support, procreation and family formation, and legal and financial benefits that contribute to the stability and security of individuals and families. It creates a sense of belonging and community, providing a stable environment for raising children. 

Furthermore, marriage acts as a social institution that helps to create a sense of belonging and social support. It provides individuals with a network of family and friends, creating a community of support and connection. 

As per Umberson et al., 2010 , having a strong social support system is linked to better mental health and increased longevity.

Children growing up in stable and loving marital households also tend to have better emotional well-being and outcomes in life. Thus, it can be concluded that marriage plays a vital role in the well-being and happiness of individuals, families, and society as a whole.

Characteristics and types of marriages

Marriage and marriage rules come in a variety of forms, each with its own unique characteristics and dynamics. The type of marriage individuals choose is influenced by cultural, religious, and personal factors. Let’s explore some of the main types of marriages .

  • Monogamous marriage: This is the most common form of marriage, where a person is married to only one partner at a time. It is based on the principle of exclusive commitment and fidelity between two individuals. Monogamous marriages form the foundation of many societies worldwide.
  • Polygamous marriage: Polygamy is the practice of having multiple spouses simultaneously. It can be further divided into two types: polygyny, where a man has multiple wives, and polyandry, where a woman has multiple husbands. Polygamous marriages are found in various cultures and have specific customs and rules governing them.
  • Same-sex marriage: In recent years, there has been a growing acknowledgment and acceptance of same-sex marriages . These are marriages between individuals of the same gender. This type of marriage has gained legal recognition in many countries, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes and values.
  • Arranged marriage: Arranged marriages are based on the premise that families or intermediaries play a significant role in choosing a spouse for an individual. In many cultures, parents or other family members take the lead in finding a suitable match based on factors such as compatibility, social status, and family background.
  • Love marriage: Love marriages are based on the mutual attraction and emotional connection between two individuals . In this type of marriage, individuals choose their partners based on their personal feelings and desires. Love marriages are prevalent in many Western cultures and are gaining popularity globally.

It’s important to note that these are general categories, and marriages can have overlapping characteristics or may fall into multiple types depending on the specific context and cultural practices.

In addition to the various types of marriages, each marriage has its own set of characteristics that contribute to its dynamics and longevity. 

Characteristics of marriages include commitment, communication, trust, shared values, flexibility and adaptability, emotional support, and intimacy . These are important factors that contribute to the dynamics and longevity of a marriage.

Marriage vs. Common Law Marriage: What’s the difference?

Marriage and common law marriage are two different types of relationships. Let’s dig into the differences

Marriage is a legally recognized union between two individuals that comes with legal rights, responsibilities, and obligations. It is usually formalized through a wedding ceremony or a legal process. 

In a marriage, couples typically obtain a marriage license and have their union solemnized by a marriage officiant. Marriage provides various legal protections, such as inheritance rights, tax benefits, and the ability to make medical decisions for your spouse.

Common Law Marriage

What is common law marriage?

A common law marriage, also known as a de facto marriage or informal marriage, is a type of relationship where a couple lives together as married partners without a formal wedding ceremony or marriage license. 

In some jurisdictions, couples who meet certain criteria for cohabitation and present themselves as married may be recognized as having a common-law marriage. The specific requirements for common-law marriage vary by jurisdiction.

As per the American Bar Association , the main difference between marriage and common law marriage is the legal recognition and formalization. While marriage has legal standing and provides explicit rights and responsibilities, common law marriage is recognized based on the couple’s behavior and cohabitation without a formalized process.

It’s important to note that the recognition of common-law marriages varies depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries or states recognize and validate common law marriages, while others do not. It’s advisable to consult the laws of your specific jurisdiction to determine the legal status of common law relationships.

What is a marriage license, and how to apply for it?

A marriage license is a legal document that authorizes a couple to marry. It is a prerequisite in most jurisdictions before a marriage ceremony can be performed. Here’s some simple yet informative information on marriage licenses

  • Check the requirements: Find out what documents and information you’ll need to provide, such as identification and proof of eligibility to marry.
  • Complete the application: Fill out the marriage license application form with your personal details.
  • Submit required documents: Gather any necessary documents, like identification and divorce decrees if applicable.
  • Pay the fee: There is usually a fee associated with the marriage license application.
  • Wait and pick up the license: Some jurisdictions have a waiting period before the license is issued. Once approved, you can collect the marriage license, which is typically valid for a specific period.

Remember to check the specific requirements and procedures of your local government office for accurate and up-to-date information.

What are the benefits of marriage?

Marriage is a big step in a relationship and brings about several benefits . Let’s take a look at some of them

Legal benefits

Marriage is a legally binding agreement that provides each spouse with certain legal rights and protections. For example, a married couple has the right to make medical decisions for each other and can inherit each other’s assets if one were to pass away without a will.

Social benefits

Marriage provides a sense of social support and companionship, giving you a partner to share life’s ups and downs. Studies have shown that married couples tend to have more fulfilling partnerships than those who are not married.

Health benefits

Married individuals tend to have better health outcomes than those who are not married. They are less likely to develop chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or depression; moreover, they tend to have a longer lifespan.

Tax benefits

Married couples can benefit from tax breaks from the government. They can file joint tax returns that may help them qualify for certain credits, deductions, and exemptions.

Some couples get a “bonus” on their federal income taxes by virtue of being married. Other couples suffer a “penalty”. The amount can be significant. What are the deciding factors? WSJ’s Jason Bellin explains in this video:

Marriage laws: Legal rights & requirements

Marriage laws govern the legal rights and requirements for couples who want to get married . Here’s a simple and informative overview of marriage laws

Legal rights:

Marriage laws grant several legal rights to married couples. These rights can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they often include:

  • Inheritance rights: Spouses have the right to inherit property and assets from each other.
  • Decision-making rights: Married couples can make important medical, financial, and legal decisions on behalf of their spouse if necessary.
  • Family benefits: Marriage can provide access to benefits like health insurance, social security, and pension plans.
  • Parental rights: Married couples have automatic legal recognition as parents and may have certain rights and responsibilities regarding children.


In order to get married, couples must meet certain requirements set by the law. While these requirements can differ from one jurisdiction to another, some common ones include:

  • Age requirement: Couples must meet the minimum age requirement to get married , which may vary by jurisdiction.
  • Consent: Both individuals must freely and willingly consent to the marriage.
  • Marriage license: Couples typically need to obtain a marriage license from the local government office before getting married.
  • Waiting period: Some jurisdictions have a waiting period between obtaining the marriage license and the actual wedding ceremony.
  • Ceremony formalities: Depending on the jurisdiction, couples may need to have a formal wedding ceremony, which could involve witnesses or a marriage officiant.

What are the red flags in a marriage?

Marriage is a wonderful thing, albeit a challenging one as well. However, there are certain signs that may indicate that your marriage is in trouble. Here are some red flags to look out for:

  • Communication breakdown

One of the most concerning red flags in a marriage is when communication between spouses breaks down. When couples start having trouble communicating, they tend to become distant from each other, which can eventually lead to bigger problems like misunderstandings, distrust, and resentment.

  • Lack of intimacy

Physical intimacy is an important aspect of a healthy marriage. If you or your spouse have lost interest in spending intimate moments together, staying physically close, or something that used to come naturally, that may indicate a deeper underlying issue.

In any relationship, cheating or infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. When one partner cheats, it can lead to a loss of trust and can cause irreparable damage to the relationship. Rebuilding trust and healing from such a betrayal is a challenging journey.

A lack of honesty is another sign that a marriage is in trouble. When one partner is dishonest, it can cause a breakdown of trust and make it difficult to move forward in the relationship.

  • Constant fighting

Frequent conflicts with your spouse may stem from unmet needs, past issues, or communication breakdowns . To address these deeper concerns, couples should consider therapy or counseling to build understanding and healing.

Marriage is a complex and beautiful journey filled with questions and challenges. Let’s explore some common questions about marriage, its ups and downs, and the role of communication and understanding in this lifelong partnership.

What does the Bible say about marriage?

Understanding what is marriage in the Bible is worth understanding and considering. The definition of marriage in the Bible is simple yet beautiful to go through.

It is cherished as a sacred covenant between two people, emphasizing love, commitment, and faithfulness. Verses like “ What God has joined together, let no one separate ” (Matthew 19:6) underscore the sanctity of marriage. 

The Bible teaches spouses to love, respect, and support one another, forming the foundation of a strong and lasting union.

What are the most challenging years of marriage?

The early years and midlife often present the most challenging phases in a marriage . The initial adjustment period can be tough as couples adapt to living together. 

Later, midlife crises and the demands of raising children and managing careers can strain the relationship. Open communication and support are crucial during these times.

Why is a marriage license so important?

A marriage license is more than a legal document; it signifies the state’s recognition of your union. It grants essential rights and benefits, like tax advantages and inheritance rights. It also provides a framework for the legal dissolution of a marriage if needed, protecting both spouses.

What are some common challenges in marriage?

Common challenges include communication breakdowns, financial stress, raising children, and navigating differences in values and goals. Addressing these challenges requires patience, understanding, and compromise from both partners.

Why is communication important in a marriage?

Communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. It fosters understanding, trust, and emotional connection. Open and honest conversations help resolve conflicts, build intimacy, and ensure both partners’ needs and feelings are heard and respected.

How do married couples handle sexual intimacy conflicts?

Sexual intimacy conflicts are common but manageable. The key is open dialogue without judgment. Discuss desires, boundaries, and concerns openly, ensuring both partners feel safe and respected. Seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor can also be beneficial in addressing these issues.

Marriage and its various hues

Marriage has many facets – social, legal, financial, and emotional – that can have a profound impact on our lives. 

Legalizing a commitment to a partner and gaining a companion for life are only a couple of reasons why marriage has been a widely practiced cultural tradition. 

It’s essential to be aware of the pros and cons of marriage before committing, as well as be mindful of common challenges that married couples might face, such as communication breakdowns, loss of intimacy, infidelity, dishonesty, and constant fighting . 

However, with a strong foundation of love, trust, and communication, married couples can navigate these ups and downs and create a harmonious and fulfilling partnership . 

Marriage is not always easy, and it won’t always be smooth sailing, but with patience, understanding, and willingness to work together, couples can enjoy the many benefits that a committed partnership can bring.

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Calantha Quinlan is a talented writer with a passion for exploring the depths of the human experience. Her writing is characterized by its raw honesty, emotional depth, and sensitivity to the complexities of life. Calantha’s work Read more covers a wide range of topics, from love and relationships to personal growth and spirituality. Her writing is known for its ability to inspire readers to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives and to approach challenges with courage and grace. When she’s not writing, Calantha can be found indulging in her love for photography, capturing the beauty of the world through her lens. She also enjoys practicing yoga and meditation, which help her to stay centered and grounded in a busy world. Read less

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If you’ve been married for any length of time you know that there are amazing moments and blah times. Both can happen in the span of a day, hours, or even minutes.

marriage quotes

You connect during date night, enjoy the benefits of cuddling , or have taken on the 7 Days of Sex Challenge .

Then there are those times when your spouse has been deployed, kids are impacting your communication, or sex hasn’t been on the radar.

Either way it is always beneficial to have a positive mental outlook on your marriage. These quotes are here to encourage you in your marriage journey.

69 Positive Marriage Quotes

Marriage is not a noun, it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day. —Barbara De Angelis

Marriage is a thousand little things that make up the sum of our vows. —Darlene Schacht

Holding her hand in public, is just another way of saying you are proud of her. —Unknown

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. —Frederick Keonig

The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. —Thich Nhat Hanh

With true love the butterflies never go away. —Anonymous

I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you are good with grammar you’ll get it. —Unknown

marriage quotes

Enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the inspiring, the not-so-glamorous moments. And thank God through it all. —Meghan Matt

Your naked body should only belong to (the one who falls) in love with your naked soul.  —Charlie Chaplin

Love is seeking to act for the other person’s highest good. —Jerry Cook

I have found the one whom my soul loves. —Song of Solomon 3:4

Don’t ever stop holding my hand. With you by my side I know that we can make it through anything that comes our way. —Anonymous

A marriage is a gift. It should be opened up and enjoyed.  —Greg Evans

You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing your are mine and I am yous. —Anonymous

marriage journey

One of the nicest things you can say to your spouse, “If I had it to do over again, I’d choose you. Again.” —Unknown

New love is the brightest, and long love is the greatest, but revived love is the tenderest thing known on earth. —Thomas Hardy

Love me when I least deserve it because that is when I really need it. —Swedish Proverb

marriage journey

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. —Robert Quillen

You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited to. —Alisa DiLorenzo

No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together. —Unknown

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. —Dr. Seuss

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.  —Roy Croft

Spend time with those you love. One of these days you will either say, “I wish I had,” or “I’m glad I did.” —Zig Ziglar

For a marriage to have any chance, every day at least six things should go unsaid. —Unknown

It’s not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. —Friedrich Nietzsche

Let the wife make her husband glad to come home and let him make her sorry to see him leave. —Martin Luther

You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk. —Louise Smith

To pray is to let go and let God take over. —Philippians 4:6-7

Holding hands is a promise to one another that, for just a moment, the two of you don’t have to face the world alone. —Unknown

True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves.  —Jeffery R. Holland

Vaseline is the key to having sex with your spouse after kids… Just stick that stuff on the outside of the doorknob and the kids can’t turn it to get in. —Anonymous

marriage journey

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. —Winston Churchhill

Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day leads great achievements gained slowly over time. —John Maxwell

A perfect relationship isn’t actually perfect, it’s just that both people never give up.  —Anonymous

If you want an extraordinary marriage, you will have to choose it! —Justin Davis

I got gaps; you got gaps; we fill each other’s gaps. —Rocky

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.  —Mignon McLaughlin

The heart of marriage is memories. —Bill Cosby

Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation. —Oscar Wilde

Love is a four-letter word spelled T-I-M-E. —Unknown

If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it’s because they take better care of it. —Cecil Selig

If we don’t change we don’t grow. —Alisa DiLorenzo

No road is long with good company. —Turkish proverb

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth. —Unknown

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. —Victor Borge

Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up. —Joseph Barth

The first duty of love is to listen. —Paul Tillich

The cross makes a stunning statement about husbands and wives: we are sinners and our only hope is grace. —Dave Harvey

Real men don’t love the most beautiful girl in the world, they love the girl who can make their world the most beautiful. —Unknown

Your marriage isn’t scripted by screenwriters in some office, but by an amazing God who loves you dearly. —Tony DiLorenzo

There is no greater happiness for a man than approaching a door at the end of a day knowing someone on the other side of that door is waiting for the sound of his footsteps.  —Ronald Reagan

Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side. —Zig Ziglar

Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love. —Leo Buscaglia

To love at all is to be vulnerable. —C.S. Lewis

Sorry isn’t a verb, don’t expect it to fix things for you. —Unknown

The more things we can laugh about, the more alive we become: The more things we can laugh about together, the more connected we become. —Frank Pittman

I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might care us apart we will always find our way back to one another. —The Vow

marriage quotes

What your spouse is saying to you…it matters! Listen to your spouse. —Alisa DiLorenzo

One must not lose desires. They are might stimulants to creativeness, to love, & to long life.  —Alexander Bogomoletz

When I am with you, the only place I want to be is closer. —Unknown

LOVE: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage. —Andrew Bierce

Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. —Oliver Wendell Holmes

Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it’s not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long. —Amy Grant

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. —Franz Schubert

For women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time. —Isabel Allende

Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever, it’s only paper. It takes love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith in your relationship to make it last. —Unknown

marriage journey

The shortest word I know is “I”. The sweetest word I know is “LOVE”. And the person I never forget is “YOU”. —Ervee Rio

When the day is over, let it go. Don’t dwell on what you could’ve or should’ve done. Tomorrow is another day and another chance. —Mandy Hale

You are a perfect person, With a perfect body, Wearing perfect clothes, Married to a perfect spouse, Working at a perfect job, Driving a perfect car, Living in a perfect house, Raising a perfect family. There’s only one problem… Perfection does not exist.  —Alisa DiLorenzo

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66 Happy Marriage Quotes That Will Inspire Every Couple

We gathered sweet messages from literature, film, comedians, and celebrities.

Cristina Montemayor is a freelance writer and makeup artist whose work has appeared on HelloGiggles, Slate, Elite Daily, and Bustle.

marriage journey

Photo by Abby Jiu Photography

In This Article

What’s the secret to a happy marriage ? Ask ten couples and you'll get ten different answers. There’s the traditional advice, such as “never go to bed angry," or there's the classic reminder to always remember that marriage requires compromise. While the practical takeaways will always vary, there's one universal trait found in all strong, healthy partnerships: Happy marriages tend to be marked with the kind of deep passion and radical acceptance that cultivates a blissful bond between two people.

Of course, no marriage is happy all the time, but by focusing on your partner’s strengths, expressing your love and appreciation every day, and communicating within the partnership, you’ll be celebrating many years of wedded bliss in no time. To celebrate the joys of marriage, we’ve put together a list of the best happy marriage quotes of all time. Whether you’re engaged , newly married, or going on multiple decades married to the same person, you’ll appreciate these 66 happy marriage quotes from literature, film, comedians, celebrities and more.

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Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Writers and Poets

  • “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” —André Maurois
  • “Sensual pleasures have the fleeting brilliance of a comet; a happy marriage has the tranquility of a lovely sunset.” —Ann Landers
  • “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” —Mark Twain
  • "There is no remedy for love but to love more." —Henry David Thoreau
  • "I believe in love. I think it just hits you and pulls the rug out from underneath you and, like a baby, demands your attention every minute of the day." —Jodi Picoult
  • “The highest happiness on earth is marriage.” —William Lyon Phelps
  • “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow—this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” —Elizabeth Gilbert
  • “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers .” —Ruth Bell Graham
  • “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams.” —Pablo Neruda
  • “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” —Maya Angelou
  • "Love is a friendship set to music." —Joseph Campbell
  • “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” —Mignon McLaughlin
  • “If I had a flower for every time thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” —Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • "This is what marriage really means: helping one another to reach the full status of being persons, responsible beings who do not run away from life." —Paul Tournier
  • “To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.” —Robert Brault
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” —Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.” —Louis de Bernières
  • “There are a hundred paths through the world that are easier than loving. But who wants easier?” —Mary Oliver
  • “Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.” —Harville Hendrix
  • “Marriage is the highest state of friendship. If happy, it lessens our cares by dividing them, at the same time that it doubles our pleasures by mutual participation.” —Samuel Richardson

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Philosophers

  • “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” —Plato
  • "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." —Sophocles
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” —Lao Tzu

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Musicians

  • “We have a couple of rules in our relationship. The first rule is that I make her feel like she’s getting everything. The second rule is that I actually do let her have her way in everything. And, so far, it’s working.” —Justin Timberlake
  • "A simple 'I love you' means more than money." —Frank Sinatra
  • “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.” —Franz Schubert
  • "We're friends, too. We love each other, but we actually like each other—and that's an important distinction there. Love is passion and all of that stuff, but actually liking somebody and enjoying someone's company is something slightly different, and it lasts longer. So you can have both, and I think that's important. Be married to your best friend." —Sting
  • "I don’t want to present myself as the 'perfect spouse' and I don’t want to present our relationship as the 'perfect relationship' because I don’t think anybody meets that definition. I think it’s too much pressure to put on anyone. However, I don’t mind being known as somebody who’s devoted to their wife. I am devoted to Chrissy. And when I write about [my commitment to her], it’s me being authentic." —John Legend

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Comedians

  • “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” —Rita Rudner
  • “Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music, and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." —Henny Youngman
  • "Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are." —Will Ferrell
  • “Monogamy is monotonous, but it’s safe, you know? And that’s my philosophy.” —Joy Behar
  • “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” —Dave Meurer
  • “Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.” —Sam Levenson
  • “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” —Henny Youngman
  • "I married for love but the obvious side benefit of having someone around to find my glasses cannot be ignored." —Cameron Esposito
  • "He does tell me every single day of my life I'm beautiful, and I do know a lot of women live without that. And it does matter, someone just telling you that." —Mary Steenburgen

Love Quotes to Inspire Marriage From Movies and Television

  • “Look, you want to know what marriage is really like? Fine. You wake up, she's there. You come back from work, she's there. You fall asleep, she's there. You eat dinner, she's there. You know? I mean, I know that sounds like a bad thing, but it's not." —Ray Romano as Ray Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond
  • “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” —Meg Ryan as Sally Albright in When Harry Met Sally
  • "I wish I had done everything on earth with you." —Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby
  • “After a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh.” —Chris Noth as Mr. Big, Sex and the City
  • “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” —Ewan McGregor as Christian in Moulin Rouge!

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Literature

  • "Happiness [is] only real when shared." Jon Krakauer,  Into the Wild
  • "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." —Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember
  • "Something my dad says...He says you end up marrying the one you don't understand. Then you spend the rest of your life trying." —Frederik Backman, Anxious People
  • "You don’t stop loving a person when they’re hurt. You get stronger so they can lean on you." —Kristin Hannah, The Great Alone
  • "But once you've actually been in love, you can't live with 'will do;' it's worse than living with yourself." —Andrew Sean Greer, Less
  • "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.” ―John Green,  The Fault in Our Stars
  • “You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride.”― Jodi Picoult,  Mercy

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Actors

  • "I have someone who I can talk to about anything and someone who I care more about than I’ve cared about anybody.” —George Clooney
  • “Love is like a friendship caught on fire.” —Bruce Lee
  • "People say, 'Jeez, it must be hard to stay married in show business. I think it's hard to stay married anywhere. But if you marry the right person, it might work out. We give each other a natural sense of support for whatever the other wants to pursue. Our marriage doesn't require vast work." —Tom Hanks
  • “We support each other in everything we do. We want the other one to strive. [It] makes you happy when the other one strives. And you know what, we don’t have a very strong social life because we really like to spend time together. So, we do spend a lot of quality time together." —Salma Hayak
  • “I got gaps; you got gaps; we fill each other’s gaps...Love is absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain people; you can set your watch by them. And that’s love, even if it doesn’t seem very exciting." —Sylvester Stallone
  • "When you end up happily married, even the failed relationships have worked beautifully to get you there." —Julia Roberts
  • "There's no bad consequence to loving fully, with all your heart. You always gain by giving love. It's like that beautiful Shakespeare quote from Romeo and Juliet: 'My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love is deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have. For both are infinite.'" —Reese Witherspoon
  • "When I feel the support that I have from him, I feel invincible. There's someone behind you on your good days and someone in front of you on your bad days." —Emily Blunt
  • “Marriage is a risk; I think it’s a great and glorious risk, as long as you embark on the adventure in the same spirit.” —Cate Blanchett
  • "Marriage is like a graph—it has its ups and downs and as long as things bounce back up again, you’ve got a good marriage. If it heads straight down, then you’ve got some problems!" —Julie Andrews
  • “I felt that I had met someone who I would absolutely, you know, trade my life for. I met someone who—her life meant more to me than my life.” —George Clooney

Love Quotes to Inspire Happy Marriage From Public Figures

  • “One of the things that really allows us to get through these moments that are obviously very stressful—we’re talking about the future of the free world—it’s important to be able to laugh at yourself and each other. We do a healthy amount of both of that. We don’t take ourselves too seriously in the context of our relationship. You can’t. You just have to flow and know what’s really important.” —Kamala Harris
  • “The secret is that you just take care of each other and admire each other and support each other and you get that back … If Jeffrey and I disagree on something, he always agrees with me!” —Ina Garten
  • “A good marriage is a contest of generosity.” —Diane Sawyer
  • “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.” —Julia Child
  • "When a marriage works, nothing on Earth can take its place." —Helen Gahagan Douglas
  • “There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” —Martin Luther

When it comes down to it, we hope that these happy marriage quotes are a sweet reminder to you and your partner about why you love each other so much. Whether you use the quotes in your vows, in letters to each other, on birthdays, or during special celebrations, turn to these quotes about marriage for a little inspiration and reminder of how special your love truly is.

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In this compelling and deeply moving video, Gemma James shares her personal odyssey from marital turmoil to resilience with the invaluable support of Marriage Helper. Witness the transformative power of the Save My Marriage program even when separation and divorce looms as a possible end result. Journey with Gemma as she recounts her courageous process through crisis, healing and moving forward. Gemma's story is a beacon of hope for anyone facing the daunting prospect of saving a marriage after a spouse wants out. Through candid reflection and heartfelt advice, Gemma illuminates the process through forgiveness, personal growth and a bright future. Join us on this poignant exploration of love, loss, and redemption. Subscribe to Marriage Helper for more inspiring stories, expert advice, and practical resources to strengthen your marriage and reclaim your happiness. Relationship Radio is hosted by CEO of Marriage Helper, Kimberly Beam Holmes, and founder of Marriage Helper, Dr. Joe Beam. Regardless of your situation, what we teach will not only make your relationships better, but will also help you to become the best version of yourself along the way. Relationship Radio is released every Wednesday and is an extension of Marriage Helper. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. We love hearing from you! For more resources about your specific situation, visit

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Andhra: Know about G Nirmala's inspiring journey who escaped child marriage, tops intermediate board exams

G. nirmala, a determined girl from andhra pradesh, escaped child marriage and topped her exams with a remarkable score of 421 out of 440. her story inspires thousands, proving that with determination, one can overcome any obstacle to achieve success..

Vaidehi Jahagirdar

G. Nirmala's story presented society with an inspiring tale: that despite the hardships in your life, through sheer courage and determination, you can change the course of your journey.

Hero's Journey

G. Nirmala, a small-town girl hailing from Andhra Pradesh's Kurnool district, has been making headlines all over. The reason for the same is that she has defied poverty and societal pressure and achieved a remarkable feat that would have looked like the farthest of dreams if you knew the back story of her journey. 

Faced with the prospect of being wed off against her will, she refused to surrender her dreams and topped the first-year Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Board exam, scoring 421 out of 440. 

Significantly, Nirmala displayed academic excellence from an early age; however, her family had other plans in store for her. Just as they had done for her three older sisters, Nirmala’s parents planned to arrange her marriage as well. However, Nirmala refused to submit to familial pressure and sought help from a local legislator. She got in touch with Y. Saiprasad Reddy at a community outreach programme in 2023, who then informed the district collector, G Srujana, of her ordeal. Touched by her dedication, collector G. Srujana stepped in right away, and rescued Nirmala from the prospects of child marriage.

Thereafter, there was no looking back for Nirmala. The district administration facilitated her admittance to the Kasturba Gandhi Balikala Vidyalaya in Aspari, allowing her to complete her studies in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

The Education Ministry hails G. Nirmala's dedication

The Ministry of Education hailed G. Nirmala for achieving an outstanding feat despite the adversities she faced. 

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the Ministry said, "Congratulations to Ms. G. Nirmala from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV), Kurnool, a residential girls' school run by the Ministry of Education for the disadvantaged sections in India, for securing the top spot in the 1st year intermediate exam of the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Board. Despite overcoming challenges like recovering from a child marriage, she scored an impressive 421 out of 400. Her aspiration to become an IPS officer showcases her dedication to social. Let's celebrate her courage and wish her the best for her future."

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Inside Gypsy Rose Blanchard's Troubled Marriage: What Went Wrong with Ryan Anderson? (Exclusive)

Blanchard's close friend Nadiya Vizier and cousin Bobby Pitre talk exclusively with PEOPLE about her journey to find herself again

Janine Rubenstein is Editor-at-Large at PEOPLE and host of PEOPLE Every Day podcast, a daily dose of breaking news, pop culture and heartwarming human interest stories. Formerly Senior Editor of music content, she's also covered crime, human interest and television news throughout her many years with the brand. Prior to PEOPLE she's written for Essence, The Cape Times newspaper and Los Angeles Magazine among others. On-screen Rubenstein can be found featured on shows like Good Morning America and Entertainment Tonight and she routinely hosts PEOPLE and Entertainment Weekly's star-studded Red Carpet Live specials. Follow the San Francisco native, Black Barbie collector and proud mom of two on Instagram and Twitter @janinerube

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Mega / SplashNews;  Jamie McCarthy/Getty

Gypsy Rose Blanchard locked herself in her bathroom in Lake Charles, La. She was frightened, trying to pull herself together as her husband, Ryan Anderson , 36, banged on the door late at night.

"Let me in! Let me in!" he allegedly screamed, Blanchard's close friend tells PEOPLE, relaying Blanchard's account of the situation.

Blanchard, 32, was scared the tension could escalate. As Anderson allegedly pounded harder, Blanchard quickly called a relative to pick her up. She knew this was the end of her two-year marriage.

"He got in her face and screamed," says her close friend and tattoo artist Nadiya Vizier, 22, who is shedding light on what she says led to Blanchard's sudden separation from Anderson in late March, just three months after her prison release.

"Gypsy said that she was afraid he was going to hit her. He didn't — but that happened in the past with her mother. So, her first instinct was to tighten up and be prepared. But she got to safety and called her lawyer, too. Ryan is a big guy, and she told me it was really scary."

(Anderson could not be reached by PEOPLE after multiple attempts. Blanchard's defense attorney Mike Stanfield didn't respond).

At dawn, Blanchard took her belongings and spent hours on a drive back to the home of her father Rod and stepmother Kristy's in Cut Off, La., to begin her new life again.

Raymond Hall/GC Images

Two years ago, Blanchard and Anderson married in a jailhouse ceremony in June 2022, while Blanchard was serving more than eight years in prison for plotting to murder her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard , in June 2015, with her then-boyfriend  Nicholas "Nick" Godejohn , who was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

"Gypsy and I have always been very open and honest with each other," Anderson told PEOPLE in January. "Even honesty to a fault. Gypsy wants to be so honest that she'll say things that hurt my feelings and vice versa. But that's one of the things I think that makes us stronger is that we are willing to lay it all out on the table. But also, one thing I love about us is after an argument, it's done. We hold no resentment."

For decades, Blanchard's mother had abused and controlled her. It's believed Dee Dee had the psychological disorder Munchausen syndrome by proxy — a form of child abuse in which a caregiver might induce illness to draw public sympathy, care, concern and material gifts.

Dee Dee subjected her daughter to numerous unnecessary medical treatments and procedures throughout her childhood and adolescence based on false diagnoses. One of those was muscular dystrophy, which Dee Dee said required Blanchard to use a wheelchair, even though she was able to walk without any issues. Next came painful and unnecessary feeding tubes, a bogus epilepsy diagnosis and a falsehood that her daughter had leukemia, for which Dee Dee shaved her head often.

'She was on a leash'

Ahead of Blanchard's early release in December 2023, she braced herself for public scrutiny and fame. But she was most excited about her freedom and for life outside of prison with Anderson. She told PEOPLE ahead of her prison release that she planned to have another ceremony celebrating her marriage to the special education school teacher again — this time surrounded by friends and family with a wedding dress, cake and a party to boot. But that ceremony never transpired. A switch had flipped. There were problems in the marriage that couldn't be solved, according to Vizier.

Vizier says that Blanchard told her that throughout their relationship, Anderson had allegedly become more controlling and insecure over his wife.

"It was like she was on a leash," Vizier says. "What's the difference between being locked in a prison cell and feeling locked in her own home and marriage? She didn't want to put up with it anymore."

In February, when Lifetime took a break from filming their forthcoming series  Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up , the couple visited Blanchard's family, which became a source of contention before their blow-out fight afterward when Blanchard wanted to spend private time alone with her father.

Nadiya Vizier

"But I'm glad Gypsy got out of this situation. She's such a good person. I'm glad she called somebody and got help that night," says Vizier, later adding: "There are so many rumors about her out there. I had to finally speak up. I want people to know she didn't leave Ryan for Ken. She left him because she wasn't happy anymore."

"It wasn't a genuine relationship," says Blanchard's cousin Bobby Pitre, who owns Sailor Bob's Tattoo Parlor, where Vizier has worked as an apprentice for a year. "Ryan did it on a dare. He got in touch with Gypsy on a dare, and she took the bait, and it went from there," he continues.

Jamie McCarthy/Getty

In January, Vizier, who will be featured on the upcoming Lifetime show, met the famous couple for the first time at the shop, even though she has known Blanchard's father and stepmom since childhood since they have been close family friends for over a decade. Vizier says Blanchard and Anderson had been happy together — but something seemed off. "Ryan was kissing Gypsy a lot just to have it filmed. He'd say, 'Watch you all, come film us!' He was being very, very loud and just doing things in a way that just seemed like he was trying to show the world he was a good partner — like he wasn't using her or something. I guess it felt played up for the camera." 

Shortly after her release, Blanchard said glowing things about Anderson. But in an interview with PEOPLE, she said she and Anderson had some personality differences. "I think the only fear that I have is honestly just making sure that we have good conflict resolve, which I feel I'm a very in-the-moment type of person, so I want to make sure if we argue, I want to clear it up right away," Blanchard said. "Ryan is more of the opposite, where he has to sit on things and think about it, then come back a couple hours later and resolve it. I think that that's one of my main concerns."

While Blanchard received a tattoo of a unalome on her left forearm by Pitre, Vizier inked her stepmom with the same artwork in the same place — which is a Buddhist symbol for a path to enlightenment and self-awareness. "That didn't hurt at all, actually," Blanchard said on Lifetime's teaser on March 21 while Anderson stood by her side. "I'm a little emotional. This is an epic moment for us."

Jamie McCarthy/Getty; Jamie McCarthy/Getty; Mega / SplashNews

'Strong Bond' with Urker

Two months later, Blanchard and her ex-fiancé Ken Urker started spending time together again. After he watched HBO's 2017 film Mommy Dead and Dearest , he wrote a letter to Blanchard in prison in 2018. They eventually became engaged but split up later. Last week, he visited from Texas, and on April 1, the two got matching husky dog tattoos that Vizier designed and completed in three minutes.

When the pair places their arms together, the dogs face each other. "For them, it was even more than their strong bond. It was very personal," Vizier says. "It was something that brought them together. Ken has a husky, and Gypsy loves them and wants one. They were very excited, happy and a little nervous getting it."

Leading up to Urker's visit, Blanchard sought friendship away from her estranged husband, who now has their dog Pixie. She desperately wanted a fresh start. In January, her parents held a crawfish boil party with a bonfire on the patio at their home, where Vizier sang "Hotel California" while Rod played guitar. She even taught Blanchard a few notes. In March, when she moved back home permanently, Vizier and Blanchard bonded over family trauma. Vizier had a difficult upbringing filled with abuse, too, and she believes her father was murdered in 2021 in Mexico. 

"Gypsy didn't have any friends and never really experienced real friendship. I felt terrible," says Vizier. "I feel like a lot of people see her as some celebrity, but I just see her as a girl who had a rough, crazy past like me. She's honest, truthful, sweet and very kind. She's trying to start over again. I feel like all her life, friends have turned their back on her because of her story. I don't know what I would have done in her situation. She was chained to a bed and repeatedly abused. I want to help her have a better life here. She means a lot to me. I want the best for her."

The two of them, along with Vizier's sister Sophia, went shopping at Walmart for leggings so Blanchard could work out at the gym, where she wants to tone her arms and improve her overall health. In the midst of all the major transitions in her life, Blanchard is also making a change to her physical appearance by undergoing rhinoplasty on April 5 .

But before surgery, Blanchard's spent the past week spending time with Urker. The pair dined, shopped at convenience stores, laughed, held hands and playfully embraced each other with their matching bracelets. They even drove to New Orleans and posed in front of the St. Louis Cathedral.

"Gypsy said she was doing good," says Vizier. "She had a really good time. They went on a tour and had so much fun. But I think at the end of the day, she wants people to respect her privacy and give her a break. She still gets so much hate and negativity online. She has not experienced what a lot of us have with social media or even dating. She's learning. She has a lot of new experiences in her next chapter."


In an April 4 TikTok Live, Blanchard appearing for the first time on the platform since her separation, with Urker by her side. Urker said he and Blanchard are "just friends."

Addressing the rumors that she's pregnant with Anderson's baby, Blanchard said, "No, I'm on birth control, like what the hell?"

Urker playfully said, "We have not had any intimacy. We're just hanging out."

Pitre tells PEOPLE, "Gypsy realizes that Ryan isn't great, and she gets out of it. She's obviously in love with the first guy, Ken. You know? That's who she's been hanging out with. She obviously loves him."

But regardless of what the future holds with Blanchard's love life, Vizier believes her friend is on the right path. "I think she's looking for her happily ever after. I don't know if she realizes it's hard to find Prince Charming, but she deserves it. Ken makes her feel happy right now, even as friends," she says proudly. "That's what we all want for her — to enjoy her life."

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Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist 's journey together has come to an end. 

Three months after they tied the  knot in a live televised ceremony , the couple whose story captured the hearts of America on  The Golden Bachelor are getting a divorce they confirmed April 12 on  Good Morning America . The news comes amid reports that Theresa and Gerry, despite their January nuptials, had been living apart . 

"Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations," Gerry said during a joint appearance with Theresa, "and we've looked closely at our situation, our living situation, so forth and we've come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage."

Theresa added, "We have received so much love and support from so many people who watched T he Golden Bachelor , and I don't think we can tell you how many people told us that it gave them so much hope. We want none of that to change for anybody."

The former couple's love story began on Bachelor Nation's first edition of The Golden Bachelor , where Gerry was chosen as the leading man looking for love after his wife Toni  passed away . And after ending the season engaged, Theresa, 70, and Gerry, 72, became the first  Bachelor  couple to tie the knot on television, with the ceremony officiated by fellow  Golden Bachelor  alum  Susan Noles .  

During the ceremony, the pair shared loving vows—including a nod to where their story began, with a date in a retro convertible that ended with milkshakes and fries in a diner.

"We laugh until we cry," Theresa shared. "We face many challenges, including a near-death experience on the California freeway. I promise to be your calm in the storm, but most of all to have fun for the rest of the days we have left on this earth." 

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For his part, Gerry gushed of his wife-to-be, "I know I've found a full partner to share all of life's experiences that are thrown at us."

"I promise that if you're my partner in life," he continued. I will make you the happiest woman on Earth."

Shortly after their live "I dos," the estranged couple even recreated their first diner date with an outing in New Jersey—and with the promise of many more. 

"A diner date is part of our story," Theresa captioned Jan. 14 Instagram post , alongside snaps from her and her new husband's breakfast date. "So, I had to bring Gerry to a New Jersey diner. (we are kinda famous for them here!) eggs, bacon and pancakes (for him), a spinach, feta cheese omelet and a fruit cup for much fun meeting new and old friends!"

Gerry, meanwhile, said that date was only the first of many.

"Out of 530 diners in New Jersey, Theresa took me to one of the best," he captioned his respective post . "With only 529 more to go, I'll be busy thru June of 2025." 

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Gerry Turner & Theresa Nist

The Golden Bachelor  couple announced their decision to divorce on April 12, three months after tying the knot in a live, televised ceremony. 

"Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations," Gerry said during a joint appearance on Good Morning America , "and we've looked closely at our situation, our living situation, so forth and we've come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage."

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Tori—who shares kids Liam , 17, Stella , 15, Hattie , 12, Finn , 11, and Beau , 7, with Dean—requested sole physical custody and joint legal custody of their kids in her filing.

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After four years of marriage, the Vanderpump Rules alums, who share 2-year-old son Cruz , announced they have separated . 

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The pair—who were first romantically linked in November 2022—added, "We wish to express gratitude and respect we have for one another as we continue our journeys on different paths." 

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Multiple outlets reported Feb. 8 that Jason filed for divorce from the fellow country singer on Dec. 15, 2023.

Landon Barker & Charli D'Amelio

After more than a year and a half of dating, Travis Barker's oldest son and the TikTok star split.

"Hey everyone, I would like to let you guys know that Charli and I are no longer together," Landon wrote on his Instagram Stories in February 2024. "We broke up to focus on ourselves. We are still friends and have so much love for each other. I am incredibly grateful for the time we shared and hope you can respect our decisions. Thank you, love you all so much!"

Bobbi Althoff & Cory Althoff

After four years of marriage  The Really Good Podcast host announced that she and husband Cory are divorcing.

"As sad as I am right now, I am so thankful for the time I got to be his wife," Bobbi wrote on Instagram Feb. 7. "Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father & I am so lucky to be able to coparent with such an incredible father and person."

The document states that the former couple—who share daughters Isla , 19 months, and Luca , 3—plan to share joint custody of their children. 

Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo

Bachelor Nation started the year off with a shocking breakup. 

According to court documents obtained by E! News , the chiropractor filed for divorce from the lawyer on Jan. 2 after four years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split.

AJ & Rochelle McLean

Months after revealing their separation , the pair, who tied the knot in 2011, announced they were filing for divorce .

"As you all know we have been separated for over a year now," the Backstreet Boys star wrote on Instagram Jan. 1. "While we have hoped for reconciliation we have decided to officially end our marriage."

The former couple noted their main focus would be coparenting kids Elliott , 11, and Lyric , 6.

Kim Marlowe & Fabrice Morvan

According to documents obtained by People , Kim filed for divorce from the Milli Vanilli member Jan. 8.

Though details surrounding their wedding date remain unclear, Fabrice told the outlet in 2023 that he's been living in Amsterdam with partner Tessa van der Steen and their four children.

Austin & Catherine McBroom

The couple behind "The ACE Family" YouTube channel announced they broke up after nearly seven years of marriage Jan. 11.

"We have mutually agreed to a divorce but will remain a team when it comes to our kids," Austin wrote on Instagram. "We created one of the greatest stories, almost a decade together, so many memories, so many accomplishments but every book comes to end. And now we will be writing a new book as separate authors."

Sam Feher & Kory Keefer

The Summer House stars called it quites after over a year of dating, she revealed in January.

"I didn't break up with him because I don't love him, I broke up with him because he doesn't love me," Sam shared on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast. "It's the first time I've picked myself ever in the relationship."

But despite not being on the same page, she added that she and her formr costar remain on "good terms."

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How One Family Lost $900,000 in a Timeshare Scam

A mexican drug cartel is targeting seniors and their timeshares..

Hosted by Katrin Bennhold

Produced by Asthaa Chaturvedi and Will Reid

With Clare Toeniskoetter and Lynsea Garrison

Edited by Brendan Klinkenberg and Michael Benoist

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Rowan Niemisto ,  Dan Powell ,  Pat McCusker and Will Reid

Engineered by Chris Wood

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Warning: this episode contains descriptions of violence.

A massive scam targeting older Americans who own timeshare properties has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars sent to Mexico.

Maria Abi-Habib, an investigative correspondent for The Times, tells the story of a victim who lost everything, and of the criminal group making the scam calls — Jalisco New Generation, one of Mexico’s most violent cartels.

On today’s episode

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Maria Abi-Habib , an investigative correspondent for The New York Times based in Mexico City.

A man in a plaid shirt and a woman wearing a red sweater are linking arms looking away from the camera. They are standing outside on a lawn with trees in the distance.

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How a brutal Mexican drug cartel came to target seniors and their timeshares .

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We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Katrin Bennhold is the Berlin bureau chief. A former Nieman fellow at Harvard University, she previously reported from London and Paris, covering a range of topics from the rise of populism to gender. More about Katrin Bennhold


From the Heisman to white Bronco chase and murder trial: A timeline of O.J. Simpson's life

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Once the most high-profile celebrity in the country, O.J. Simpson died Wednesday at the age of 76.

The California native lived a life consistently in the spotlight, whether it was his football career , his acting career or a murder accusation and trial that captivated the nation. Simpson was one of the most polarizing figures in the country and seemed to always be in the news, all the way up to his death on Wednesday.

"During this time of transition, his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace," his family said in a statement on social media.

Here is a timeline of the biggest moments from Simpson's life:

When was O.J. Simpson born?

Simpson was born on July 9, 1947.

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Where was O.J. Simpson born?

Simpson was born and raised in San Francisco, California.

Start of O.J. Simpson's football career

With Simpson still in the San Francisco area, he attended Galileo High School, where he was a star running back, defensive back and track athlete. After graduating in 1965, he started his college career at City College of San Francisco. There, he was named a junior college All-American as a running back in 1966. Simpson transferred to Southern California after two seasons.

O.J. Simpson wins Heisman Trophy

Simpson became an instant star for the Trojans. During his first season with Southern California, he led the nation with 1,543 rushing yards and scored 13 touchdowns to help lead USC to a national championship. He finished second in the Heisman Trophy race to UCLA quarterback Gary Beban.

His senior season in 1968, Simpson continued to lead USC as he ran for a then NCAA-record 1,709 yards and 22 touchdowns. Simpson won the 1968 Heisman Trophy by 1,750 points, a record margin at the time. To this day, his 855 first-place votes are the most in Heisman Trophy history. By the end of his college career, Simpson equaled or broke 19 NCAA, Pac-8 and USC records.

O.J. Simpson's first marriage

Simpson married Marguerite Whitley in 1967, and they had three children: Arnelle Simpson, Jason Simpson and Aaren Simpson. In 1979, one-year-old Aaren drowned in the family's swimming pool. Simpson and Whitley divorced in 1979.

O.J. Simpson is No. 1 pick in NFL Draft

With such a stellar college career, Simpson was the easy choice in the 1969 AFL-NFL Draft. He was the No. 1 overall pick by the Buffalo Bills.

O.J. Simpson breaks NFL rushing record

Simpson had a mediocre start to his NFL career, but he really broke out in his fourth season in 1972, when the Bills hired Lou Saban as head coach. That season, Simpson led the NFL in rushing yards with 1,251.

His legendary season came in 1973. On Dec. 16, 1973, Simpson ran for 200 yards against the New York Jets at Shea Stadium to become the first player in NFL history to rush for 2,000 yards in a single season − he finished with 2,003 rushing yards. His 143.1 rushing yards per game that season is still the highest mark in NFL history, and he was named league MVP that season.

O.J. Simpson retires

Simpson ran for more than 1,000 yards in the three seasons after his MVP year, but in 1978, Buffalo traded him to the San Francisco 49ers. Simpson wasn't a star for San Francisco, and he played two seasons for the 49ers before retiring in 1979 after a decade in the league.

He finished his career with 11,236 rushing yards, 2,142 receiving yards and 990 kick return yards. Simpson totaled 76 career touchdowns.

O.J. Simpson acting career

A football career didn't stop Simpson from becoming an actor , getting roles as early as 1968, the same year he won the Heisman. He appeared in several movies and TV shows, but his most memorable role was as Detective Nordberg in the "Naked Gun" comedy films, opposite star Leslie Nielsen. Simpson appeared in all three movies from 1988 to 1994.

Simpson also appeared in Hertz commercials and hosted Saturday Night Live in 1978. During this time, he also worked as a commentator on "Monday Night Football" and NFL games on NBC.

Documentary: How to watch FX’s 'The People v. O.J. Simpson' and ESPN’s 'O.J. Made in America'

O.J. Simpson inducted into Pro Football Hall of Fame

Simpson was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985, his first year of eligibility. During his enshrinement speech, Simpson thanked all of the people that were part of his football journey.

"I want to thank God for when I think about history and all the great people for allowing me to live at a time when such basic talents of body functions as running and jumping would be worthy of applause," Simpson said in his speech. " I just want all the fans in the NFL to know how much I appreciate it. No matter what stadium I would play in, you cheered me and made me feel appreciated and welcome. And I want to tell you that I know now already in my heart and in my memories the things that I will miss the most about this game is the sound of your applause and your cheers."

O.J. Simpson marries Nicole Brown

Simpson met Nicole Brown in the late 1970s and they were married in 1985. The couple had two children and were married for seven years before they were divorced in 1992.

Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman found dead

On June 12, Brown and friend Ron Goldman were found stabbed to death in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. Simpson had a domestic violence charge against Brown during their marriage and he was immediately a person of interest in the deaths.

O.J. Simpson police chase

Charges were pressed against Simpson and a warrant was issued for his arrest for the death of Brown and Goldman. Simpson planned to turn himself in, but instead led a low-speed car chase on June 17, 1994 that was televised with millions of viewers tuning in to see one of the most infamous moments of television history .

More: What happened to white Ford Bronco in O.J. Simpson car chase?

O.J. Simpson trial

With Simpson charged as the suspect in the murder of Brown and Goldman, his trial took place in 1995 and was dubbed the "Trial of the Century" as it was televised. People involved in the case, from the prosecutors to the judge, became celebrities.

With its coverage, the case had some of the biggest moments to ever happen in court, including when Simpson struggled to put his hand inside of the bloody glove found at the scene of the crime. One of Simpson's attorneys, the famous Johnnie Cochran, uttered a now-infamous phrase, "If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit."

More: Late Johnnie Cochran's firm prays families find 'measure of peace' after O.J. Simpson's death

O.J. Simpson found not guilty of murder

After nearly a year in court, the jury reached a verdict in Simpson's trial. On October 3, 1995, the jury found Simpson "not guilty" of the two murders, a decision applauded and ridiculed across the country. No one was ever arrest for the murders, but Simpson was found liable in a wrongful death lawsuit. He was ordered to pay millions of dollars to both families.

'If I Did It'

A book was released in 2007 titled "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer," which supposedly detailed through an interview with a ghost writer − how Simpson would have killed Brown and Goldman. There was much controversy surrounding the release of the book, and the Goldman family was awarded the rights to book.

O.J. Simpson robbery, prison sentence

In 2007, Simpson and a group of people went into a room at Palace Station in Las Vegas, where he and others took memorabilia that he alleged was stolen from him at gunpoint.

He was arrested days afterward for his involvement, and his trial took place in 2008. In court, Simpson was found guilty of several counts and was sentence to 33 years in prison with the possibility of parole after nine years (2017). Simpson served his sentence at Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada.

O.J. Simpson release from prison

In 2017, Simpson was granted parole from his prison sentence and was released from prison on Oct. 1, 2017. In December 2021, Simpson was released from his parole.

O.J. Simpson cancer diagnosis, death

Simpson's family said he succumbed to a cancer diagnosis April 10. The Pro Football Hall of Fame said Simpson had prostate cancer and he received chemotherapy treatment.

Simpson’s diagnosis of prostate cancer was made public about two months ago, and he had received chemotherapy treatment.

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Kate Middleton, King Charles' cancer battles force Prince William and Queen Camilla into unlikely alliance

Prince William has formed an unlikely alliance with his "wicked stepmother."

Following Kate Middleton’s public announcement on Friday that she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy, several royal experts claimed to Fox News Digital that the Prince of Wales has gotten closer to Queen Camilla. His stepmother is married to King Charles III, who is also battling cancer.

"William, I believe, has seen the value of Queen Camilla, especially at a time like this when she has been stalwart in supporting King Charles not only at home but also dramatically increasing the public engagements she has attended," said royal expert Ian Pelham Turner.


"[It has brought] a very popular and harmonious response from those whom she has met," he shared. "At a time like this, the values of family members and how they respond… in a time of crisis bring closeness. William will be grateful and mindful of that, too."

"I think over the past few years, Camilla has shown by her dedication to Charles and the monarchy that an admiration has grown for her energy," Pelham Turner continued. "[Camilla’s] ability and commonsense approach has made William come to terms with his father’s decision to marry the woman he has loved since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales."


A source told the U.K.’s Mirror that the prince, 41, and queen, 76, have had regular phone conversations in recent weeks as they support each other during tough times.

Middleton disclosed her condition in a video message recorded Wednesday at Windsor and broadcast Friday. It came after relentless speculation on social media since January when the mother of three was hospitalized for unspecified abdominal surgery.

The news is another jolt for the royal family since the announcement last month that the king, 75, was being treated for an unspecified type of cancer. The disease was discovered while he was undergoing a procedure for a benign enlarged prostate.

Like Middleton, 42, the king hasn’t revealed what type of cancer he has or the stage at which it’s being treated.


Charles said he is "so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did," according to a statement released by Buckingham Palace. The king, who received prostate treatment in the same hospital and at the same time Kate had her surgery, had remained in the "closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law" in the past weeks.

The king and queen "will continue to offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time," the palace said.

William and Camilla’s closeness may come as a surprise to some royal watchers. For decades, Camilla has been recognized by many as the woman at the heart of Charles’ doomed marriage to Diana.

It took years for many in Britain to forgive Camilla, whose extramarital affair with Charles torpedoed his marriage to Diana, known as "the People’s Princess." The glamorous young mother of William and his younger brother Prince Harry died in a Paris car crash in 1997, five years after her messy, public split from Charles. She was 36.

"Prince William grew up extremely close to and nurtured by his late mother," British royals expert Hilary Fordwich told Fox News Digital. "He witnessed and was part of many of her saddest moments. He is known to have passed tissues under the bathroom door, saying, ‘Mummy, please don’t cry.’"

Fordwich has commended William, who is heir to the British throne, for putting aside any differences and instead, putting family first.

"Seeing Camilla so dedicated to duty, he has developed a most accepting and indeed tender relationship with her," said Fordwich. "Visible on many occasions, such as his father’s coronation and recently at a public engagement, their formerly strained relationship [has been put aside]… to support the king and Princess Catherine."

Since Camilla married the king in 2005 , she has taken on roles at more than 100 charities. And with her husband’s diagnosis, she has helped pick up the slack, taking on more public engagements.

Camilla’s new role as family supporter is a far cry from the woman Harry described in his 2023 memoir "Spare," which details his grief over losing his mother and struggles with royal life.

In his book, Harry wrote that he and William both "begged" their father not to marry Camilla, worried she would become a "wicked stepmother." In televised interviews to promote his book, Harry accused Camilla of leaking private conversations to the media to burnish her own reputation.

"[Following Charles and Camilla’s marriage], neither William and Harry warmed towards her, but were willing to suck it up and play the game as long as Camilla made papa happy," Christopher Andersen, author of "The King," alleged to Fox News Digital.

"[The king] stuck to his promise, never to give Camilla the title of queen," Andersen claimed. "William was completely blindsided when Charles broke that promise and Camilla was crowned queen alongside him. The relationship between William and Harry was already fractured at that point, but they shared a mutual distaste for Camilla."


According to Andersen, things have changed behind palace doors between William and Camilla.

"In a practical sense, William needs Camilla to help share the burden that has unexpectedly been thrust upon him while his father and Kate recuperate," Andersen explained. "But I also think William and Camilla are coming together over their shared concern for the man they both love."

"And while Camilla and Kate were never particularly close – for years, Camilla lobbied behind the scenes against Kate becoming William’s bride – surely, the queen can emphasize with how hard the news about Kate must be hitting him," Andersen alleged. "It’s a heartbreaking situation, but William and Kate are the two who really have to soldier on."

"Will William and Camilla ever be truly close? I sincerely doubt it," Andersen admitted. "As Queen Elizabeth II’s cousin Margaret Rhodes once told me, relationships inside the palace ‘aren’t cozy. But the family wasn’t set up to be cozy.’"

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams told Fox News Digital the pressures on both William and Camilla to keep the peace "are now intense." And all eyes will continue to be on them.

"They need to step up in highly unenviable circumstances and [be a] rock to their spouses," he said. "Situations like this can create lasting bonds."

Original article source: Kate Middleton, King Charles' cancer battles force Prince William and Queen Camilla into unlikely alliance

Prince William and Queen Camilla share a laugh at Westminster Abbey.


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