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Nach dem Wehrdienst will Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise) einen Marketingjob in New York bekommen. Dafür braucht er zuerst einen Collegeabschluss. Während er Wirtschaft studiert, hält er sich als Barkeeper über Wasser. Cocktails mixen ist gar nicht so einfach! Sein neuer Boss, Douglas Coughlin (Bryan Brown), weiht ihn in die Geheimnisse der Zunft ein. Gemeinsam werden sie die berühmtesten Barkeeper der Stadt. Beide wollen irgendwann ihre eigenen Top-Bars haben. Um sich den Traum leisten zu können, fängt Brian an, in Jamaika zu arbeiten, wo er besser verdienen kann. In der Tiki-Bar begegnet er Jordan Mooney (Elisabeth Shue), einer jungen, hübschen und aufstrebenden Künstlerin aus Amerika, die mit ihrer Freundin aus New York Urlaub macht. Die beiden verbringen eine tolle Zeit miteinander und verlieben sich...

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Cocktail ist ein Buddy-Film aus dem Jahr 1988 von Roger Donaldson mit Tom Cruise und Bryan Brown .

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Cocktail erzählt die Geschichte des jungen und attraktiven Brian Flanagan ( Tom Cruise ), der schnelles Geld an der Wallstreet machen will. Schnell ist dann aber nur die Erkenntnis, dass er dort ohne entsprechende Ausbildung ebenso erwünscht ist wie der nächste Börsencrash. Von dem älteren Doug Coughlin ( Bryan Brown ) unter die Fittiche genommen, landet er stattdessen hinter dem Tresen eines exklusiven Nachtclubs, wo er fortan mit frechen Sprüchen und imponierenden Showeinlagen nicht nur die Eiswürfel in den Gläsern zum Schmelzen bringt, sondern auch reihenweise die Herzen der Frauen bricht. Durch ihre steigende Popularität träumen Doug und Brian schon bald von einer eigenen Bar mit dem bezeichnenden Namen Cocktails & Dreams. Doch Dougs unsteter Lebenswandel, der besonders mit reichen, verheirateten Frauen zu tun hat, reißt die beiden alsbald auseinander. Auf Jamaica lernt Brian schließlich die kreative Jordan ( Elisabeth Shue ) kennen, mit der er endlich sein wahres Glück gefunden zu haben scheint. Doch dann taucht sein ehemaliger Partner Doug wieder auf, in seinem Schlepptau die reiche Bonnie ( Lisa Banes ), die Brian gerne als ihren persönlichen Barkeeper mit nach Manhattan nehmen würde. Und so wird Brians Leben wieder einmal durchgeschüttelt.

Hintergrund & Infos zu Cocktail An den Kinokassen war Cocktail ein voller Erfolg, spielte er bei einem eher bescheidenen Budget von 6 Millionen Dollar doch knapp 79 Millionen Dollar in den USA und weitere 90 Millionen weltweit ein.

Cocktail zeichnete sich neben dem charmanten Hauptdarsteller besonders durch die rasanten Showeinlagen an der Bar aus. Tom Cruise wurde für seine Arbeit hinter dem Tresen von dem Flair Bartender John Bandy trainiert. Das Flair Bartending, eine Art des Cocktailmixens, wo es vor allem auf die Showeinlagen ankommt, gelang Tom Cruise derart gut, dass Cocktail einen wahren Run auf exotisch-gemixte Getränke auslöste und den Job als Bartender in einem luxuriösen Licht erscheinen ließ.

Weiter zeichnete sich Cocktail durch einen einnehmenden Soundtrack aus, der unter anderem Songs von Ry Cooder, Little Richard oder The Beach Boys enthielt. Der Soundtrack wurde dementsprechend mit einigen Preisen und Ehrungen bedacht. So erhielt unter anderem der Song Kokomo von den Beach Boys eine Nominierung bei den Golden Globes sowie eine Grammy-Nominierung. (GP)

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Welchen Platz belegt Cocktail heute? Die täglichen JustWatch Streaming Charts basieren auf den Aktivitäten unserer Nutzer innerhalb der letzten 24 Stunden. Zu diesen Aktivitäten gehören das Anklicken eines Streaming-Angebots, das Hinzufügen eines Titels auf eine Watchlist und das Markieren eines Titels als "Gesehen". Pro Tag werden Daten von ungefähr 1,3 Millionen Film- & Fernsehfans verarbeitet.

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Cocktail ist heute auf Platz 4684 in den täglichen JustWatch Streaming-Charts. Der Film ist seit gestern in den Charts 3725 Plätze nach oben gerückt. In Deutschland ist er derzeit beliebter als 10 Items or Less - Du bist wen du triffst, aber weniger beliebt als Die Peanuts - Erntedankfest.

Nach dem Wehrdienst will Brian Flanagan einen Marketingjob in New York bekommen. Dafür braucht er zuerst einen Collegeabschluss. Während er Wirtschaft studiert, hält er sich als Barkeeper über Wasser. Cocktails mixen ist gar nicht so einfach! Sein neuer Boss, Douglas Coughlin, weiht ihn in die Geheimnisse der Zunft ein. Gemeinsam werden sie die berühmtesten Barkeeper der Stadt. Beide wollen irgendwann ihre eigenen Top-Bars haben. Um sich den Traum leisten zu können, fängt Brian an, in Jamaika zu arbeiten, wo er besser verdienen kann. In der Tiki-Bar begegnet er Jordan Mooney, einer jungen, hübschen und aufstrebenden Künstlerin aus Amerika, die mit ihrer Freundin aus New York Urlaub macht. Die beiden verbringen eine tolle Zeit miteinander und verlieben sich...

Streaming Charts Die täglichen JustWatch Streaming Charts basieren auf den Aktivitäten unserer Nutzer innerhalb der letzten 24 Stunden. Zu diesen Aktivitäten gehören das Anklicken eines Streaming-Angebots, das Hinzufügen eines Titels auf eine Watchlist und das Markieren eines Titels als "Gesehen". Pro Tag werden Daten von ungefähr 1,3 Millionen Film- & Fernsehfans verarbeitet.

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Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Cruise was never been a bad actor, but this film about a flaming sex symbol has elevated him to definitive stardom. [Full review in Spanish]

Cocktail kicks off with an entertainingly lighthearted opening stretch revolving around Brian's initial entry into the world of bartending...

Cocktail is a vacuous throwback to Saturday Night Fever -- without the cultural novelty. The script is spiked with some comic lines, but overproof doses of inadvertent humor kill the effect.

As if realizing that his star hasn't smiled for 15 minutes, Donaldson tacks on a goody-goody ending that would shame the Care Bears. How to sum up what went wrong? Cruise has a line in the movie: "Flat beer from rusty pipes."

Ultimately, the ideas in this film fall as flat as stale beer and honest emotions are as watered down as cheap whiskey. This Cocktail is definitely on the rocks.

Cocktail is so steeped in corn, the drama seems comedic and the comedy is about as funny as a hangover.

Cocktail is a bottle of rotgut in a Dom Perignon box.

The pairing of old-hand Brown and young-hand Cruise may have been meant to remind us of Cruise and Paul Newman; if so, think of this as The Color of Counterfeit Money.

Perhaps the best one can say for this bland concoction mixed by agents and the studio executives is that every bartender in Hollywood wants to be Tom Cruise and that suffices as an ironic subtext.

It may not be a megaton bomb, but Cocktail is definitely of the Molotov type.

Additional Info

  • Genre : Drama, Comedy
  • Release Date : July 29, 1988
  • Languages : English, Spanish
  • Captions : English, Spanish
  • Audio Format : 5.1

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Cocktails and Shots

Mixing It Up: Exploring the Iconic Cocktails from the Movie “Cocktail”

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  • developer on September 19, 2023

Cocktails & dreams

“Cocktail,” the 1988 romantic drama film directed by Roger Donaldson, is not just a classic of its time; it’s a celebration of mixology and the art of crafting the perfect cocktail. Starring Tom Cruise as the charming bartender Brian Flanagan, the film takes us on a journey through the world of bartending, love, and friendship. Along the way, it introduces us to several iconic cocktails that have since become staples in the world of mixology. In this article, we’ll delve into the delicious details of these cocktails, their history, and how you can recreate them at home.

The Red Eye

Our journey through the world of “Cocktail” begins with the Red Ey e, a simple yet refreshing cocktail. In the movie, Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise) impresses his mentor Doug Coughlin (Bryan Brown) by making this drink for the first time.

Red eye


  • 1 1/2 oz. vodka
  • 1 oz. tomato juice
  • 1 dash of hot sauce
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Fill a shaker with ice.
  • Add vodka, tomato juice, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper.
  • Shake well.
  • Strain into a chilled glass filled with ice.
  • Garnish with a lemon wedge and celery stick.

The Red Eye is a classic cocktail, often referred to as a “Bloody Mary Lite.” It’s perfect for those who enjoy the tangy flavors of tomato juice and a hint of spice.

The Woo Woo

Next up is the Woo Woo , a sweet and fruity cocktail that makes an appearance in the film during a beach party scene.

  • 1/2 oz. peach schnapps
  • 3 oz. cranberry juice
  • Add vodka, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice.
  • Strain into a chilled glass.
  • Garnish with a lime wedge or a cherry.

The Woo Woo is a delightful and easy-to-make cocktail, making it a favorite at parties and gatherings.

The Jamaican Bobsled

The Jamaican Bobsled is another fun and tropical cocktail featured in the movie. It’s a colorful and flavorful drink that reflects the movie’s beachy vibes.

  • 1 1/2 oz. white rum
  • 1/2 oz. coconut cream
  • 1/2 oz. blue curaçao
  • 2 oz. pineapple juice
  • Crushed ice
  • Fill a blender with crushed ice.
  • Add white rum, coconut cream, blue curaçao, and pineapple juice.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour into a chilled glass.
  • Garnish with a pineapple slice and a cherry.

The Jamaican Bobsled is a tropical paradise in a glass. Its vibrant blue color and refreshing flavors make it a hit at beach-themed parties.

  • The Last Barman Poet

Named after Brian Flanagan’s poetic ambitions in the movie, The Last Barman Poet is a cocktail that represents the artistry and creativity of bartending.

  • 1 1/2 oz. light rum
  • 1/2 oz. lime juice
  • 1/2 oz. simple syrup
  • 1/2 oz. pineapple juice
  • Lime twist for garnish
  • Add light rum, blue curaçao, lime juice, simple syrup, and pineapple juice.
  • Shake vigorously.
  • Strain into a chilled martini glass.
  • Garnish with a lime twist.

The Last Barman Poet is a cocktail that pays homage to the creativity and passion of bartenders. Its bright blue color and balanced flavors make it a true work of art.

The Flaming Dr. Pepper

In one of the film’s most memorable scenes, Brian Flanagan and Doug Coughlin introduce the audience to the Flaming Dr. Pepper , a daring and fiery cocktail that involves lighting the drink on fire before consuming it.

  • 3/4 oz. amaretto liqueur
  • 1/4 oz. high-proof rum (overproof)
  • 1/2 glass of beer (lager)
  • Pour the amaretto into a shot glass.
  • Float the high-proof rum on top of the amaretto.
  • Fill a beer glass halfway with beer.
  • Carefully ignite the amaretto and rum in the shot glass.
  • Drop the flaming shot glass into the beer glass.
  • Blow out the flame, and drink the cocktail quickly through a straw.

The Flaming Dr. Pepper is not for the faint of heart, but it’s undoubtedly a showstopper at any gathering.

But here is more. Here is a list of cocktails that are either made, mentioned, or play a role in various scenes throughout the film:

  • Bloody Mary
  • Brandy Alexander
  • The Righteous Bison
  • Black Russian
  • Jamaican Bobsled
  • The Frozen Banana Daiquiri
  • Planters Punch
  • Irish Coffee
  • Old-Fashioned
  • Vodka Martini
  • Amaretto Sour
  • Screwdriver
  • Tom Collins
  • Dry Martini
  • Flaming Dr. Pepper

The movie “Cocktail” may be a love story, but it’s also a love letter to the art of mixology and the delightful world of cocktails. Each of the cocktails featured in the film has its unique charm and flavor profile, making them a hit with fans and cocktail enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re sipping on a Red Eye, enjoying the tropical vibes of the Jamaican Bobsled, or daring to try the Flaming Dr. Pepper, these cocktails are a testament to the creativity and craftsmanship that go into the world of mixology. So, the next time you watch “Cocktail,” consider shaking up one of these iconic drinks to enhance your viewing experience.

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Cocktail Is Tom Cruise's Poorest-Reviewed Movie. The Guy Who Wrote It Might Get Redemption.

He's writing a sequel that takes place 20 years after the events of the original.


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Tom Cruise’s first and greatest hot streak as an actor lasted from 1986 to 1990, starting with Top Gun , followed by The Color of Money , Rain Man , Born on the Fourth of July, which got him his first Best Actor nomination, and Days of Thunder . But smack in the middle of that run was one major stinker: Cocktail .

In the 30 years since its theatrical release, Cocktail has not earned a reappraisal from critics. No one is saying: Actually, it was ahead of it's time . But it also hasn't faded away. Over the years, the movie has maintained a loyal audience, including in Hollywood. Some of which you might even call admirers of the film. The producer of one of this year’s buzzy award-nominated films told me members of his social circle spent the weekend Cocktail hit Netflix last spring watching the movie and exchanging messages about it. Matthew Rhys, the star of The Americans , also told me , possibly half-joking, that Cocktail is an all-time favorite.

In case you haven’t seen Cocktail , or haven’t seen it in a while, you should know it’s kind of insane. It takes place in three acts, across New York and Jamaica. Cruise’s character is a working-class guy from Queens, who’s striving to become an '80s era yuppie, yet he settles for a relatively quiet life owning a small bar and raising a family—an enormous shift his character makes in a few minutes. There’s a suicide. There’s a waterfall sex scene. There’s a very angry father who appears in a third act that wraps up way too quickly.

Tom Cruise in Cocktail

But I love the movie. Tom Cruise remains the most exuberant actor on the screen, and in Cocktail he’s at his second-most exuberant, behind only Jerry Maguire . (In fact, there’s some Brian Flanagan in Jerry.) Plus, Bryan Brown, who plays Cruise's mentor in the film, is so good they could've just made the movie about him. Elisabeth Shue, no surprise, is an absolute breath of fresh air.

And so last summer, I emailed Heywood Gould, who wrote both the movie and the novel upon which it’s based, asking to chat. He responded promptly, and one afternoon I spent an hour talking to the guy who wrote Cocktail about the movie’s plot, his reaction to its sour reception in 1988, Tom Cruise, and where the characters might be today. During our conversation, Gould dropped a bombshell: The 76-year-old is working on a sequel.

“I have a long treatment,” he said. “We’ll see what happens.”

Here’s the plot of Cocktail : Tom Cruise’s character, Brian Flanagan, returns home to New York from the military in search of an executive-level job. This was a common trope in the ‘80s: If you’re a white guy, you don’t necessarily need a college degree or even experience to land a cushy corporate job. But in Flanagan’s case, no one is biting, so he ends up at a TGI Friday’s, where Doug Coughlin, played by Bryan Brown, gives him a job despite having never tended bar.

Tom Cruise And Bryan Brown In 'Cocktail'

Bartending, it turns out, suits Flanagan, and he quickly becomes locally famous for a routine with Coughlin that involves tossing bottles in the air. One thing leads to another and Flanagan lands in Jamaica, where he meets Elisabeth Shue’s Jordan Mooney, and, after breaking her heart, heads back to New York where Coughlin takes his own life. At the same time, Mooney, who’s pregnant with Flanagan’s baby, turns her back on her wealthy father to be with Flanagan. The movie ends with Flanagan opening his own saloon, and Mooney revealing she’s having twins.

Like I said, it’s kind of insane. But what’s most surprising is how shockingly unfocused the movie is for a Tom Cruise project. His movies are usually taut and to the point. This one lists in search of ballast and never decides if it wants to rebuke '80s greed or revel in it.

(One question that’s long dogged me about the plot is the timeline: over how long a period does this movie take place? Gould told me Flanagan spends between four and six months in Jamaica, which would mean the movie itself occurs over the span of about 18 months.)

Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Shue in Cocktail

The sequel, according to Gould, takes place 15 to 20 years after the events of the original film. Flanagan is a "star in the big club world,” Gould said. But he’s divorced and estranged from his twin daughters. “Now that he’s older, he’s trying to reform himself, rehabilitate his marriage and relationship with his daughters.”

To be clear: Gould hasn't pitched the sequel to anyone. The money people, as he calls them, haven’t signed on. “If anyone wants to see it they can,” he said.

I need to pause for a moment to tell you that Heywood Gould is like a boozy Forrest Gump of pre-Giuliani New York. In the '60s and '70s, he covered the crime beat for the New York Post , served in Vietnam, returned to New York and became a professional poker player, drove a cab, wrote books, articles, and TV and movie scripts—he co-wrote the 1977 movie Rolling Thunder with Paul Schrader—got himself into serious gambling debt and worked it off as a bartender at the Hotel Diplomat's nightclub in Times Square, all the while writing Cocktail (and other books). In 1984, he published Cocktail , which Universal bought. Then he adapted the novel into a screenplay that Disney acquired from Universal.

White-collar worker, Businessperson,

The book is semi-autobiographical, according to Gould, who said the two main characters are composites of people he'd met behind the bar. He is neither Flanagan nor Coughlin, although in conversation Gould occasionally sounds like Coughlin.

At last year’s Sydney Film Festival, Bryan Brown said in an interview that the original script for Cocktail was one of the “very best” he’d ever read. “Very dark ... about the cult of celebrity and everything about it,” he said. But when Cruise signed on for the film, Disney sought to lighten up the script.

This is an image

“They gave me a bunch of notes about making Brian more likable,” Gould recalled. “There were fights along the way, big battles with Disney about how likable to make him.”

A sequel that casts a shadow on the main character, adding nuance and depth to Brian Flanagan, would certainly be redemption for Gould. And in the age of reboots, it might be just the thing for Hollywood. (I mean, a dark reimagining of the Cocktail story is definitely something I'd see—and no worse an idea than at least half the reboots of the last decade.) But Gould isn't looking to redeem himself.

At this point in his life, he doesn’t harbor any ill will towards Disney or, for that matter, Cruise, who’s never said a negative word about Cocktail . Gould said he hung around with Cruise during the filming of the movie. Cruise, he said, would have him over to his loft on 13th Street for dinner parties. They even paired up for two-on-two basketball at the Carmine Street gym and once held the court for an hour and a half, according to Gould. “He’s a really good ball player,” Gould said. “I had to quit and get a cigarette because I was dying.”

(Look, I get it: Cruise is 5’7” and Gould was apparently a heavy smoker, but I love this story and I choose to believe it.)

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When the movie came out to bad reviews, Gould fell into a brief depression. “They hated it. They hated me. They hated everything,” he said. “I was pretty shook to tell you the truth.” Gould hung around the house for a couple days, until his wife came back from the grocery store with good news: She’d overheard two people saying the movie made them think. This snapped him out of it. (He’s told versions of this story in the past. Sometimes it’s his wife who overheard people discussing the film. Sometimes it’s him.)

But he earned good money from the movie, continued to write screenplays as well as direct. In the early '90s, he directed two movies he wrote, One Good Cop starring Michael Keaton and Trial by Jury starring Gabriel Byrne. After 19 years in L.A., Gould moved back to New York when, he said, "the money ran out." Today he continues to write and still collects checks thanks to Cocktail . Its appearance on Netflix also goosed his book sales. On the first night Cocktail appeared on Netflix, Gould said he sold 47 copies of his book. “I was stunned,” he said. “Netflix has been great for me.”

Gould told the Chicago Tribune in 2013 that he was not happy with the movie when it came out. So I asked him how he felt about it today, whether he had any regrets or would do anything differently. “It’s become an institution,” he said about the movie. “I get a lot of letters from people about it. I’m happy people like it. You don’t have to see great profundity in what I do; I’m just glad you like it.”

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Screen Rant

36-year-old tom cruise movie with 9% on rotten tomatoes has the perfect remake cast after $216m hit.

One critically-panned box office hit from Tom Cruise is ripe for a remake, and the perfect cast can be found in the leads of 2023's rom-com success.

  • Casting the leads from 2024's successful rom-com, Anyone but You, could elevate a remake of Tom Cruise's 1988 Cocktail movie.
  • The success of 2024's Road House remake suggests modern remakes of divisive '80s classics can work today.
  • Glen Powell's Top Gun role proves he could successfully replace Tom Cruise in a potential Cocktail remake.

With Road House (2024) paving the way for more modern remakes of cult classic ‘80s thrillers, the potential for Tom Cruise’s 1988 movie Cocktail to be remade could work better by casting the leads from 2023’s big rom-com success. The 1980s was an incredible decade for entries in the so-bad-they’re-good action/thriller subgenre , with movies like Patrick Swayze’s Road House failing to impress critics but remaining beloved for their lack of self-seriousness and entertainment value. The cast of 2024’s Road House remake maintains this sentiment in the remake of the 1989 film, with its divisive success making additional remakes of movies of this vein more likely.

While not as fondly remembered as Road House , another ‘80s hit that falls into this category is Tom Cruise’s 1988 movie Cocktail . The movie follows Cruise’s Brian Flanagan, a business student working as a successful bartender, whose relationships with his coworker Doug (Bryan Brown) and romantic interest Jordan (Elisabeth Shue) lead to a series of unexpected twists and turns. Though the film holds a meager 9% score on Rotten Tomatoes, it was a smash box office smash, earning $171.5 million against an estimated budget of $20 million (via Box Office Mojo ). Following Road House ’s success, it could finally be time to give Cruse's Cocktail the modern remake treatment .

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Glen powell & sydney sweeney would be perfect for a cocktail remake after anyone but you, the two actors could fill the shoes of tom cruise and elisabeth shue.

One crucial factor contributing to the success of Doug Liman’s 2024 Road House remake was its compelling lead cast, with action star Jake Gyllenhaal taking over Patrick Swayze’s character from the original while UFC champion Conor McGregor assumed the cartoonish villain role . Similar to Road House ’s remake requiring an actor with Swayze’s star power and charisma, a Cocktail remake would need an actor with comparable allure to ‘80s-era Tom Cruise for Brian Flanagan . Likewise, with Elisabeth Shue having been one of the biggest female stars of the ‘80s, a Cocktail remake would need an actress of similar popularity and appeal to step into the role of Jordan Mooney.

Anyone but You (2024) and Cocktail (1988) are available to rent or purchase from digital retailers like Amazon Prime Video and YouTube.

If Cocktail does get a remake, these casting requirements can easily be found in the leads of the 2023 hit movie Anyone but You . Though also divisive among critics, Anyone but You was a certified box office smash as it went on to earn over $216 million against a $25 million budget. In addition to a witty script and fun premise, much of Anyone but You ’s success can be attributed to the casting and chemistry of Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney as the two romantic leads. In 2024, Powell and Sweeney aren’t too off from the cards that Cruise and Shue brought to the table back in 1988 for Cocktail .

Much of Anyone but You ’s success can be attributed to the casting and chemistry of Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney as the two romantic leads.

Powell already had rom-com experience with films like Set It Up ahead of Anyone but You , but made a bigger name for his action roles in movies such as Top Gun: Maverick , Devotion , Hit Man , and, now, the upcoming Twisters sequel movie . Meanwhile, Sweeney has proven widely popular with audiences after her roles in Euphoria , The White Lotus , and Immaculate , and both actors prove increasingly bankable with each new release. With the original Cocktail movie’s negative critical and audience response making it ripe for improvement , Powell and Sweeney could provide the star power a remake would need to successfully adapt the same-named 1984 novel.

Sydney Sweeney's New Record-Breaking Movie Confirms Her Box Office Dominance (Just Ignore THAT Movie)

Remaking cocktail sounds better than anyone but you 2 for powell & sweeney, anyone but you doesn't need a direct sequel.

Following the success Anyone but You , Sweeney and Powell announced they were reading scripts and searching for their next collaboration together. While some have thrown around the idea of returning to Bea and Ben’s story with a potential Anyone but You 2 movie , the original movie being based on Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing makes a sequel unnecessary. Rather, it seems more likely that Powell and Sweeney’s “sequel” will be a completely different film that pairs them as romantic leads.

It seems more likely that Powell and Sweeney’s “sequel” will be a completely different film that pairs them as romantic leads.

This was a common tactic for 1990s romantic comedies, which would see romantic leads like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts and Richard Gere reunite in another rom-com instead of making a direct sequel to their past success. Consequently, with Sweeney and Powell searching for their next film collaboration, a remake of Cocktail could provide a fitting follow-up to Anyone but You . With Powell playing Brian and Sweeney playing Jordan, the duo would just need to find a new Doug to enhance their existing chemistry, potentially creating the perfect recipe to improve upon Cruise’s original movie.

Road House 2024's Success Proves Remakes Of Divisive '80s Thrillers Can Work Today

The bar is set lower, but it needs to maintain '80s movie's tone.

Remakes of 1980s hits don’t always work out, with some proving to be unnecessary if the original was already a hit and a product of its time. However, there are some notable exceptions, with Amazon’s 2024 Road House movie being one of them. The Road House remake’s Rotten Tomatoes score is already better than the 1989 original (59% compared to 43%), and smashed records for Prime Video’s movie premiere viewership numbers to prove its popularity among audiences. Though many fans of the original may reasonably remain more loyal to Swayze’s 1989 iteration, it’s difficult to deny the entertainment value and success of the remake.

Considering Cocktail has a much less beloved reputation than 1989’s Road House , remaking the Tom Cruise film isn’t apt to come with as much apprehension or high expectations. With an already divisive original movie, there isn’t as big of a risk of “ ruining ” the original, as the bar is relatively lower when aiming to improve upon certain aspects of the first film that didn’t initially land with critics and audiences. Of course, with cult classics, it helps if the remake maintains the tone of the original, such as 2024’s Road House protecting the campiness and lack of self-seriousness of the 1989 film.

Top Gun: Maverick Highlights How Glen Powell Could Replace Tom Cruise's Brian In Cocktail

Powell and cruise's characters share similar qualities in top gun.

A potential Cocktail remake wouldn’t be the first time that Glen Powell has stepped into an ‘80s-based Tom Cruise property. Powell starred in Cruise’s 2022 hit Top Gun: Maverick as Hangman , who served a role similar to Val Kilmer’s Iceman from the 1986 original movie. Consequently, it’s already clear that Powell has qualities similar to Cruise in that era, which would make him taking over a character that Cruise originated easier to grasp.

The greatest way to make [a Cocktail remake] more enticing would be to get Tom Cruise to return as well.

Similar to Hangman or Maverick, a character like Brian Flanagan has an air of cockiness and confidence that contrasts with his need to prove himself. Powell’s past movies have demonstrated that he could take on this type of character successfully, having to balance the cockiness and heroism of his Top Gun character with the earnestness and rom-com lead chops of his Anyone but You role. While Powell and Sweeney potentially starring in a Cocktail remake would already give it a leg up, the greatest way to make it more enticing would be to get Tom Cruise to return as well.

Source: Box Office Mojo

Anyone But You

Anyone But You is a romantic comedy by director Will Gluck starring Sydney Sweeny and Glen Powell. Sweeny and Powell star as Bea and Ben, two strangers with an incredible first date that goes sour following one incident at the tail end. Thinking the worst is behind them, the two are roped into a destination wedding in Sydney, Australia, where they'll have to pretend to be a couple despite absolutely hating each other.


  1. Foto zum Film Cocktail

    tom cruise cocktail trailer deutsch

  2. Movie Watch: Cocktail (1988)

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  3. Cocktail Movie Trailer (1988)

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  4. Cocktail 2

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  5. Tráiler de la película Cocktail

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  6. Cocktail

    tom cruise cocktail trailer deutsch


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  1. Cocktail 1988 Trailer

    Cocktail 1988 A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.Director: Roger DonaldsonWriter: Heywood Gould (screenplay...

  2. Cocktail (1988) Trailer #1

    Check out the official Cocktail (1988) trailer starring Tom Cruise! Watch on Vudu: https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/Cocktail/26233?cmp=Classic_Y...

  3. Cocktail

    Tom Cruise is electrifying as Brian Flanagan, a young, confident, and ambitious bartender who, with the help of a seasoned pro (Bryan Brown), becomes the toa...

  4. Cocktail

    Cocktail ist ein Film von Roger Donaldson mit Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Shue. Synopsis: Nach dem Wehrdienst will Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise) einen Marketingjob in New York bekommen. Dafür braucht er ...

  5. Cocktail

    Cocktail ist ein Buddy-Film aus dem Jahr 1988 von Roger Donaldson mit Tom Cruise und Bryan Brown. ... Tom Cruise wurde für seine Arbeit hinter dem Tresen von dem Flair Bartender John Bandy trainiert.

  6. Cocktail ansehen

    Cocktail. Die Welt der Reichen mit ihren Nobelbars und exklusiven Clubs hat es Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise) angetan. Er will um jeden Preis reich sein und dazugehören. Darum zieht er Nacht für Nacht hinter dem Tresen eine heiße Show ab und serviert dazu harte Drinks und flotte Sprüche. Doch immer wenn er seinem Ziel am nächsten ist, setzt ...

  7. Cocktail (Film)

    Cocktail ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm von Roger Donaldson aus dem Jahr 1988. Der Film handelt von einem jungen New Yorker Studenten, der als Barkeeper arbeitet, um über die Runden zu kommen. Die Hauptrollen spielen Tom Cruise und Bryan Brown .

  8. Cocktail (1988 film)

    Cocktail is a 1988 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Roger Donaldson from a screenplay by Heywood Gould, and based on Gould's book of the same name.It stars Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown and Elisabeth Shue.It tells the story of a young New York City business student, who takes up bartending in order to make ends meet.. Released on July 29, 1988, by Buena Vista Pictures (under its adult ...

  9. Cocktail (1988)

    Cocktail: Directed by Roger Donaldson. With Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth Shue, Lisa Banes. A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.

  10. Cocktail

    Pro Tag werden Daten von ungefähr 1,3 Millionen Film- & Fernsehfans verarbeitet. 4666. +3631. Bewertung. 5.9 (91k) Genres. Romantik, Komödien, Drama. ... Cocktail ist heute auf Platz 4666 in den täglichen JustWatch Streaming-Charts. Der Film ist seit gestern in den Charts 3631 Plätze nach oben gerückt. ... Tom Cruise . Brian Flanagan ...

  11. Cocktail (1988)

    Naturally, Flanagan is unwilling to give-up on his dream of becoming an opulent entrepreneur, enrolls in the local business college while earning shelter and sustenance by working part-time as a rookie cockologist. Enter fellow spirit connoisseur and bullshitter, Doug Coughlin (represented by Bryan Brown), who takes the protagonist under his wing.

  12. Cocktail (1988)

    For your movie collection, you can buy an HD (Blu-ray™or DVD™) copy on Amazon:🎞DVD™👉 https://amzn.to/2uPr76h 🎞Blu-ray™👉 https://amzn.to/2Uvi720 ...

  13. Cocktail 1988 Trailer Tom Cruise Bryan Brown on Vimeo

    This is "Cocktail 1988 Trailer Tom Cruise Bryan Brown" by Erol Inanc on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Solutions . Video marketing. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Event marketing. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. ...

  14. In the '80s movie Cocktail, Tom Cruise made a splash as a star

    The movie Cocktail: Tom Cruise passes the bar (1988) In Top Gun he was an ace pilot, in The Color of Money, he was an expert pool player, and now, in his upcoming film Cocktail, Tom Cruise goes behind the counter to play star bartender Brian Flanagan, who works the Manhattan watering holes in spring and summer, and spends his winters in the tropics.

  15. Cocktail

    Purchase Cocktail on digital and stream instantly or download offline. Tom Cruise is electrifying as Brian Flanagan, a young, confident, and ambitious bartender who, with the help of a seasoned pro (Bryan Brown), becomes the toast of Manhattan's Upper East Side. But when he moves to Jamaica and meets an independent artist (Elisabeth Shue), their vivid romance brings a new perspective to the ...

  16. Cocktail: Revisiting Tom Cruise as the world's greatest bartender

    In 1988 Tom Cruise was arguably the biggest star in the world. Top Gun came out in 1986 and was the year's top-grossing movie. It wasn't only a hit - it was a cultural phenomenon, and Cruise became a rare kind of movie star. He was a sex symbol for the ladies, but the guys liked him too. Speaking personally, having been born in 1981, I vividly remember owning the VHS tape of Top Gun and ...

  17. Mixing It Up: Exploring the Iconic Cocktails from the Movie "Cocktail"

    1/2 oz. peach schnapps. 3 oz. cranberry juice. Instructions: Fill a shaker with ice. Add vodka, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. Shake well. Strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with a lime wedge or a cherry. The Woo Woo is a delightful and easy-to-make cocktail, making it a favorite at parties and gatherings.

  18. Prime Video: Cocktail

    Cocktail. An arrogant young bartender uses his charm and good looks. IMDb 5.9 1 h 43 min 1988. R. Comedy · Romance · Emotional · Heartwarming.

  19. Cocktail

    www.cinedelos80.comBrian Flanagan (Tom Cruise), un joven ambicioso recién licenciado del ejército, trabaja como camarero en un local de copas de Nueva York p...

  20. Road House 2024's Success Proves A Remake Of Tom Cruise's Cocktail

    Including a Tom Cruise cameo in a Cocktail remake could honor the original's legacy and capitalize on nostalgia for the '80s film. The success of the Amazon Prime Road House remake perfectly demonstrates that a modern take on an oft-forgotten Tom Cruise movie from 36 years ago could also benefit from a modern reinterpretation.

  21. The Guy Who Wrote Cocktail Says He's Working on a Sequel

    Tom Cruise's first and greatest hot streak as an actor lasted from 1986 to 1990, starting with Top Gun, followed by The Color of Money, Rain Man, Born on the Fourth of July, which got him his ...

  22. Cocktail [1988]

    Subcribe Our Channel : http://goo.gl/jDQ5UWatch Movies Now : http://goo.gl/Zsc7JFacebook : http://goo.gl/vNQBe

  23. 36-Year-Old Tom Cruise Movie With 9% On Rotten Tomatoes Has The Perfect

    Summary. Casting the leads from 2024's successful rom-com, Anyone but You, could elevate a remake of Tom Cruise's 1988 Cocktail movie. The success of 2024's Road House remake suggests modern remakes of divisive '80s classics can work today. Glen Powell's Top Gun role proves he could successfully replace Tom Cruise in a potential Cocktail remake.

  24. Cocktail Trailer

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