How To Make A Travel Website: Step-By-Step Guide

Table of contents.

The boundless world of travel beckons, filled with vibrant cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable adventures. Whether your dream is to share these experiences with fellow explorers through a captivating travel blog or to transform your travel expertise into a successful online business, a well-designed website is your gateway to the world.

Creating a travel website may seem daunting, but with the right tools and guidance, it’s incredibly achievable – even if you’re starting with little technical know-how. This comprehensive guide will break down the process into clear steps, providing everything you need to launch a stunning and functional travel website.

We’ll delve into choosing the best niche, crafting persuasive content, and optimizing your website to attract your ideal audience. And, to streamline the process, we’ll introduce you to the power of Elementor – a leading website builder designed to simplify the web creation journey. With its intuitive interface and travel-focused features, Elementor acts as your all-in-one toolkit for building a website that captures the spirit of exploration.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

Defining Your Travel Website’s Foundation

Choosing your niche.

The travel landscape is vast and diverse, so finding your unique voice and focus is essential for attracting the right audience. A well-defined niche will help your website stand out and make it easier for passionate travelers to find you. Consider these niche ideas:

  • Adventure Travel: Target thrill-seekers with guides to hiking, camping, extreme sports, and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Luxury Travel: Cater to those seeking high-end experiences, focusing on exquisite accommodations, fine dining, and exclusive tours.
  • Budget Travel: Become a go-to resource for backpackers and budget-conscious adventurers, sharing savvy tips for saving money while exploring.
  • Local Guides: Specialize in your city or region, offering insider knowledge, hidden gems, and authentic experiences.
  • Solo Travel: Support independent travelers with resources, safety tips, and destination recommendations tailored for solo journeys.

Target Audience 

Once you’ve selected a niche, delve into understanding who your ideal traveler is. Consider their:

  • Age and Demographics: Are you targeting millennials, families, couples, or retirees?
  • Interests: What excites them – food, history, culture, wellness, photography?
  • Travel Style: Do they prefer luxury, adventure, slow travel, or short getaways?
  • Pain Points: What are their common frustrations or anxieties when planning travel?

By understanding your target audience, you can craft content, features, and travel offerings that directly address their needs and desires.

Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is your website’s digital address, so make it count! Choose something that is:

  • Memorable: Easy to spell, pronounce, and remember.
  • Brand Relevant: Reflect on your chosen niche or brand name.
  • Keyword-rich (optional): Include relevant keywords for a potential SEO boost, but prioritize memorability.

Reliable Web Hosting: The Backbone of Your Travel Website 

Your website’s hosting is like the foundation of a house – it needs to be sturdy to support everything you’ll build on top of it. Choosing the right hosting provider is essential for ensuring that your travel website is fast, secure, and always online. Here’s what to look for:

  • High Performance: Slow loading times can drive visitors away. Opt for a hosting provider that guarantees excellent speed and uptime. Look for features like SSD storage, content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimized server configurations.
  • Robust Security: Travel websites often handle sensitive information like customer data and payment details. Prioritize hosting solutions with advanced security measures, including firewalls, malware scanning, automatic updates, and secure data backups.
  • Scalability: As your website grows and attracts more traffic, your hosting needs to scale with it. Choose a provider that offers flexible resources and upgrade options.
  • Reliable Support: When you encounter technical issues, having access to knowledgeable support is invaluable. Look for hosting providers with 24/7 availability and multiple support channels (live chat, email, phone).

Why Elementor Hosting is a Game-Changer

Elementor Hosting is not just web hosting ; it’s a tailored solution specifically designed to power exceptional WordPress websites built with the Elementor website builder.  Here’s why it stands out:

  • Built on Google Cloud Platform : Leverages robust infrastructure for lightning-fast speeds and reliability.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise CDN : Accelerates content delivery across the globe, ensuring your website loads quickly, no matter where visitors are located.
  • Premium Security: A multi-layered security suite, SSL certificates, and regular backups protect your site and customer data.
  • Exceptional Support: Benefit from Elementor’s expert team, which is available 24/7 to assist you with both website-building and hosting-related concerns.

By choosing Elementor Hosting, you’ll equip your travel website with the performance, security, and support it needs to thrive in the competitive online landscape.

Setting Up the Essentials with WordPress and Elementor

Wordpress overview .

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS), powering millions of websites across the globe. Its flexibility, vast community, and extensive plugin ecosystem make it a perfect foundation for your travel website.  Key benefits of WordPress include:

  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface, even for beginners.
  • Customization: Thousands of themes and plugins to personalize your website’s look and functionality.
  • SEO-Friendly: Optimized structure and tools to help your website rank higher in search engines.
  • Community Support: Access extensive online resources, tutorials, and forums.

Installing WordPress 

While many hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation, Elementor Hosting takes it a step further with pre-installed WordPress . This means your website-building journey begins immediately upon signing up! If you’re using a different hosting provider, they’ll likely provide clear instructions on the WordPress installation process.

Choosing a Travel-Focused Theme 

Your WordPress theme determines the overall appearance and layout of your website. Look for themes specifically created with travel websites in mind. These often include features like:

  • Stunning Image Galleries: Showcase breathtaking destinations and travel experiences.
  • Destination Listings: Organize and display locations with essential details such as maps, descriptions, and reviews.
  • Booking Integration: Seamlessly connect to booking systems if you plan to offer tours or accommodations.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks fantastic on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Travel-Specific Widgets: Display weather forecasts, currency converters, or destination spotlights.

Introducing the Elementor Website Builder

Elementor revolutionizes the WordPress website-building process by empowering you to craft visually stunning pages and posts without needing to write a single line of code. This intuitive drag-and-drop builder is incredibly user-friendly, even for those with zero web design experience. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Live, Visual Editing: See changes instantly as you build, streamlining the design process.
  • Pre-designed Templates and Blocks: Kickstart your design with professionally designed layouts for homepages, destinations, blog posts, and more. Customize them effortlessly to match your brand.
  • Extensive Widget Library: Access numerous content elements like headings, buttons, image galleries, testimonials, maps, and more – simply drag and drop them into place.
  • Theme Builder : Gain complete control over your entire site’s design, including headers, footers, single post layouts, archives, and custom page templates.
  • Mobile-Responsive Editing: Ensure your website looks perfect across all devices with dedicated tools for adjusting layouts on tablets and smartphones.

The Power of Elementor for Travel Websites

Elementor goes beyond general website building. It offers features that perfectly complement the needs of travel websites:

  • Destination Showcases: Create captivating destination pages with Elementor’s versatile widgets and layouts.
  • Interactive Maps: Embed maps to highlight locations, routes, or points of interest.
  • Stunning Galleries: Display breathtaking destination photos and travel experiences.
  • Customer Reviews: Build social proof by showcasing testimonials with dedicated widgets.
  • Booking Forms : Integrate booking forms seamlessly with customization options to match your website’s design.

With Elementor, designing a professional and engaging travel website becomes a truly enjoyable experience, empowering you to focus on sharing your passion for travel.

Designing Your Homepage for Success

Homepage structure: the key elements .

Your homepage is the digital doorway to your travel website. It’s where you capture visitors’ attention, introduce your brand, and guide them toward further exploration. Here’s a breakdown of essential elements to include:

  • Compelling Header and Navigation: The header is prime real estate. Include a clear logo, tagline if applicable, and an intuitive navigation menu, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
  • Hero Section with Stunning Visuals: Make a powerful first impression with high-quality images or videos representing the essence of travel. Accompany this with a captivating headline, concise tagline, and a clear Call to Action (CTA) button (e.g., “Explore Destinations,” “Book Your Adventure”).
  • Destination Search Bar: Help visitors quickly find what they seek. Consider Elementor’s dynamic capabilities to create a search bar that pulls and displays relevant destination content as users type.
  • Featured Destinations or Travel Packages: Immediately showcase your top offers or popular destinations to pique interest. Consider image carousels, eye-catching grids, or short descriptions paired with alluring visuals.
  • Calls to Action: Clearly guide visitors towards the next step, whether it’s browsing destinations, reading your blog, or signing up for your newsletter.
  • Customer Testimonials or Social Proof: Build trust early on by displaying positive reviews from past travels or showcasing social media feeds with user-generated content.

Design Best Practices 

Keep these principles in mind when crafting your homepage:

  • Visual Hierarchy: Use size, color, and spacing to guide the eye toward the most important elements.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Prioritize design that seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes, providing a smooth experience for all visitors.
  • Compelling Travel Content: Use short but descriptive text to evoke wanderlust and inspire action.
  • White Space: Let your design breathe, ensuring elements don’t feel cluttered.

Leveraging Elementor’s Power: Widgets, Templates, and Customization 

Elementor simplifies homepage design with a wealth of tools and resources:

Homepage Templates:  

Elementor offers a vast library of pre-designed homepage templates catering to various travel niches and styles. Choose a template that aligns with your vision and use it as a solid foundation, saving you precious time.

Dedicated Widgets:  

Elementor provides a diverse set of widgets tailored for your homepage. Here are some key ones:

  • Hero Section Widgets: Design customizable hero areas with images, videos, text, and buttons.
  • Destination Widgets: Create interactive destination grids, lists, or carousels for seamless browsing.
  • Call to Action Widgets: Craft eye-catching CTAs for various purposes like booking, subscribing, or exploration.
  • Testimonial Widgets: Showcase customer reviews in a variety of layouts.
  • Map Widgets: Integrate maps to highlight specific locations, routes, or points of interest.
  • Social Media Widgets: Display your social feeds to encourage engagement.

Customization Power:  

Elementor gives you full control over the appearance and functionality of these widgets.  Adjust these elements:

  • Colors and Typography: Match your website’s branding perfectly.
  • Spacing and Layout: Create the optimal visual flow for your homepage.
  • Animation and Effects: Add subtle interactions to boost engagement.
  • Responsive Controls: Fine-tune how your homepage looks on different devices.

Theme Builder:  

For advanced control, Elementor’s Theme Builder lets you design custom headers, footers, and templates that apply to your entire site, including the homepage. This ensures a cohesive look and feel throughout your website.

The Beauty of Elementor: Ease and Flexibility

The true magic of Elementor lies in its drag-and-drop interface. You can visually arrange widgets, see results instantly, and experiment with different layouts without any coding knowledge. This empowers you to iterate on your design until it perfectly conveys your travel brand’s personality.

Must-Have Pages for Your Travel Website

About us: building trust and connection .

Your “About Us” page is an opportunity to introduce yourself, your team, or your brand’s story. Here’s how to make it compelling:

  • Share Your Passion: Explain what inspires your love for travel and why you’re qualified to provide travel advice or services.
  • Highlight Expertise: Showcase any unique experiences, skills, or certifications that set you apart.
  • Be Authentic: Use a conversational tone that reflects your brand’s personality.
  • Include Visuals: Incorporate photos of yourself, your team, or destinations you’ve visited to add a personal touch.
  • Social Proof: Feature customer testimonials or brief case studies to enhance credibility.

Contact Us: Facilitating Smooth Communication

Provide multiple ways for visitors to reach you:

  • Contact Form: A simple form with fields for name, email, and message is essential. Consider Elementor’s Form Builder for creating custom forms that integrate with your CRM or email marketing tools.
  • Email Address: Clearly display your contact email and aim for timely responses.
  • Phone Number: Include a phone number for those who prefer to call directly, especially regarding urgent inquiries.
  • Map Embed: If you have a physical location, embed a map for easy directions.
  • Social Media Links: Prompt followership for further engagement.

Travel Blog: The Heart of Content Creation 

A well-maintained blog adds immense value to your travel website:

  • SEO Benefits: Fresh, high-quality blog content can boost your website’s visibility on search engines.
  • Audience Engagement: Share informative travel guides, inspiring stories, and insider tips to build a loyal following.
  • Establishes Authority: Demonstrate your expertise and build trust among your target audience.
  • Internal Linking Opportunities: Strategically link blog posts to related destination pages or offers, improving your website’s structure for both users and search engines.
  • Social Media Shareability: Compelling blog content encourages social sharing, expanding your reach.

Destination Pages: Inspiring Exploration

Your destination pages should transport visitors to the heart of a location, showcasing its unique charm and enticing them to visit. Consider including these elements:

  • Stunning Visuals: High-quality photos and videos are crucial. Feature landscapes, landmarks, accommodations, and local experiences.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide essential information about climate, best times to visit, historical background, major attractions, and popular activities. Craft descriptions that are both informative and evocative of the destination’s character.
  • Practical Travel Tips: Offer advice on transportation, local currency, visa requirements, cultural considerations, and recommended packing items.
  • Local Insights: Share off-the-beaten-path gems, authentic food recommendations, and insider knowledge to help visitors experience the destination like a local.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Include specific testimonials about the destination to build credibility.
  • Tour or Accommodation Options: If applicable, showcase tours you offer or list accommodations within the destination, providing links for further exploration or booking.
  • Maps and Directions: Embed relevant maps to help visitors visualize the destination and its surroundings.
  • Calls to Action: Encourage visitors to book a trip, read related blog posts, or sign up for your email list for future updates.

Elementor Tools for Destination Pages

Elementor simplifies the process of designing visually appealing and informative destination pages:

  • Pre-designed Templates: Choose from destination-specific templates for a headstart.
  • Image Gallery Widgets : Create beautiful galleries to showcase the destination’s best features.
  • Testimonial Widgets: Display testimonials and reviews strategically throughout the page.
  • Map Widgets: Integrate interactive maps, and allow visitors to explore nearby attractions using custom markers.

Booking and Reservations: Streamlining the Process

If you plan to allow direct bookings for tours, activities, accommodations, or flights, choosing the right booking system and integrating it seamlessly into your website is paramount. Here’s what to consider:

Industry-specific Solutions: Research booking systems designed specifically for the travel industry. These often include features like:

  • Real-time availability calendars.
  • Secure online payment processing.
  • Inventory management.
  • Customer booking management interfaces.

WordPress Integration: Look for booking systems that offer dedicated WordPress plugins or have well-documented integration methods compatible with Elementor.  Popular options include booking solutions that work well with WordPress and Elementor, but be sure to conduct thorough research before making your final selection.

User Experience: Prioritize a booking system that provides a smooth and intuitive experience for your visitors.  The booking process should be clear, quick, and mobile-friendly.

Customization: Choose a system that offers some level of customization to align with your website’s design and branding.

Payment Gateways: Ensuring Secure Transactions 

To process online payments, you’ll need to integrate with a payment gateway. Look for reliable gateways that:

  • Widely Accepted: Support major credit cards, debit cards, and potentially alternative payment methods like PayPal or digital wallets.
  • Security and PCI Compliance: Select a payment gateway offering robust security measures and adhering to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to protect sensitive customer data.
  • Fees and Transaction Costs: Consider the various fee structures associated with payment gateways and choose one with a transparent pricing model that suits your expected volume.

Elementor Integration

Elementor’s Form Builder offers flexibility for creating custom booking forms that can be integrated with your chosen booking system and payment gateway.

Optimizing for Search Engines (SEO) and User Experience

Seo basics: the key to online visibility .

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving your website’s ranking in search results pages (SERPs) like Google or Bing.  With well-implemented SEO, potential travelers are more likely to discover your website when searching for destinations, travel advice, or experiences. Here’s an overview of the fundamentals:

  • Target Keywords:   Identify the terms people use to search for content that your travel website offers.  Consider location-specific keywords, activity-based keywords (e.g., “hiking trails in Colorado”), and question-based keywords (e.g., “best time to visit Bali”).
  • Content is King:   Consistently create high-quality, informative, and original content that aligns with your target keywords. This includes blog posts, destination pages, and detailed guides.
  • User Experience (UX): Design your website to be user-friendly, with fast loading times, clear navigation, and mobile responsiveness. Search engines favor websites that provide a positive visitor experience.

Keyword Research: Finding the Right Terms 

Keyword research forms the basis of your SEO strategy. Here are some helpful tools:

  • Google Keyword Planner: Discover keywords for your niche and estimate their search volume.
  • SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Similar Tools: These platforms provide comprehensive keyword research capabilities, including competitor analysis and search volume trends.
  • Answer the Public: This tool shows common questions people ask around certain topics, providing insights into long-tail keywords.

On-Page Optimization: Crafting Content that Search Engines Love 

On-page optimization refers to the techniques you implement directly on your website’s pages to improve their ranking in search results. Here’s how to do it:

Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions: These snippets appear in search results and help users understand your page’s content. Follow these guidelines:

  • Include your target keyword.
  • Write compelling descriptions that encourage clicks.
  • Stay within optimal character lengths (typically around 50-60 characters for titles and 150-160 characters for descriptions).

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Structure your content by using headings, with the H1 being the most important (usually the page title). Include relevant keywords in your headings while prioritizing a natural flow for the reader.

Image Optimization (Alt Text and File Name): Describe your images using informative alt text that includes keywords. Also, optimize file sizes to improve page load speed. Elementor Image Optimizer can help with this.

Internal Linking : Build a network of relevant internal links within your website. Link between relevant destination pages and blog posts, helping search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.

Content Quality: Focus on creating unique, informative, and engaging content that fulfills the visitor’s search intent. Avoid thin or duplicate content.

Keyword Placement: Strategically incorporate your target keywords throughout your content, including in headings, the first paragraph, and image alt text. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can hurt your rankings.

Elementor Tools for On-Page Optimization

Elementor offers some features to assist with on-page optimization:

  • SEO Fields: Easily set your meta title and meta description directly within the Elementor editor for each page.
  • Heading Widgets: Structure your content using H1, H2, H3, etc., with styling control.
  • Image Widget + Alt Text: Add images with detailed alt text descriptions.

Website Speed: Why Fast Loading Times Matter 

Website speed heavily influences both user experience and search engine rankings. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • User Bounce Rate: Slow loading speeds lead to higher bounce rates – visitors abandoning your site out of frustration.
  • Search Engine Penalties: Search engines like Google prioritize fast websites in their rankings. Slow websites may need help to gain visibility.
  • Conversion Rates: Website speed directly impacts conversions. Faster websites often convert visitors into travelers more effectively.
  • Overall User Satisfaction: A snappy, responsive website creates a positive first impression and keeps visitors engaged with your content.

Optimizing for Speed: Key Techniques 

Let’s discuss some essential tactics for improving your website’s loading speed:

  • Performance-Focused Hosting: Choose a high-quality hosting provider optimized for speed, like Elementor hosting with its Google Cloud Platform foundation and Cloudflare Enterprise CDN.
  • Image Optimization: Compress images using tools like Elementor’s Image Optimizer without sacrificing quality. Properly size images to avoid them being larger than they need to be on the page.
  • Caching: Implement caching mechanisms (browser caching, server-side caching, object caching) to store frequently accessed data and reduce server load. Elementor Hosting offers various caching features to enhance speed.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN like Elementor Hosting’s Cloudflare Enterprise CDN distributes content across servers worldwide, decreasing load times for visitors from different locations.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Combine resources where possible (CSS and JavaScript files) to reduce the number of requests the browser needs to make.
  • Clean Code: Ensure your website is built with optimized code to minimize bloat.

User-Friendly Navigation: Guiding Your Visitors 

Intuitive navigation is like a well-marked path through the rich landscape of your website. Let’s discuss the best practices for designing a user-friendly menu system:

  • Clear and Concise: Menu labels should be descriptive and easy to understand. Use familiar terms like “Destinations,” “Blog,” “About Us,” and “Contact.”
  • Limited Options: Avoid overwhelming users with too many choices in your main navigation. Focus on the most important categories.
  • Hierarchical Structure: Organize subcategories within dropdown menus or mega menus to create a logical hierarchy for complex content.
  • Prominent Placement: Ensure your navigation menu is easily visible, typically at the top of the page (header) or as a persistent sidebar menu.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Prioritize a navigation experience that adapts seamlessly to smaller screens, with features like hamburger menus and clear tap targets.
  • Search Functionality: Include a prominent search bar to help visitors quickly find specific content, especially on websites with extensive destinations or blog posts.
  • Breadcrumbs: Consider using Breadcrumbs, especially on pages with a deeper hierarchy, to help users understand their current location within the website and navigate back to previous levels with ease.

Elementor’s Navigation Tools

Elementor streamlines menu creation with:

  • Nav Menu Widget: Design custom navigation menus with drag-and-drop functionality and extensive styling options.
  • Mega Menus: Create expansive dropdown menus for navigation-rich websites to display a wide range of subcategories at once.
  • Responsive Controls: Fine-tune the appearance of your menus on different devices for optimal usability.

Marketing Your Travel Website

Social media:  building a community & sharing your passion.

Social media platforms offer a unique opportunity to connect with travel enthusiasts, showcase your brand’s personality, and inspire wanderlust.  Here’s how to harness their power:

Channel Selection: Focus on platforms where your target audience is most active. Popular choices for travel include:

  • Instagram: Ideal for sharing visually stunning photos and videos.
  • Facebook: Great for building community, sharing updates, and running targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Pinterest: Excellent for driving traffic with inspirational travel imagery and guides.
  • YouTube: Perfect for longer-form video content like destination tours and travel vlogs.

High-Quality Content:   Post a mix of:

  • Inspiring visuals (photos and videos) of destinations.
  • Travel tips and advice.
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand.
  • User-generated content (reposting visitor photos and testimonials with permission).

Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, host contests, ask questions, and actively participate in conversations.

Hashtags:   Utilize relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts (both general and location-specific).

Paid Social Media Advertising 

Social media ads allow you to target specific demographics,  interests (i.e., “adventure travel”), and even the locations where your ideal travelers are based.

  • Attention-grabbing visuals: Use compelling images or videos for your ad campaigns.
  • Persuasive Copy: Highlight unique selling points and include a clear Call to Action (CTA).
  • Targeted Ads: Use platform-specific targeting options to reach your ideal audience.

Email Marketing: Personalized Communication for Long-term Engagement 

Email marketing allows you to connect with your audience directly, delivering personalized messages tailored to their interests and stage in the travel planning process. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Direct Connection: Email marketing gives you a direct line of communication with people who have expressed interest in your website or brand.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Segment your email lists based on demographics, travel interests, or past interactions, enabling you to send highly relevant content.
  • Nurture Leads: Build relationships over time by providing value, positioning yourself as trusted experts, and ultimately encouraging bookings or return visits.
  • Promotions & Offers: Share exclusive deals, time-sensitive discounts, or loyalty programs to drive conversions.
  • Measurable Results: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to get actionable insights and continuously improve your email campaigns.

Email Signup Forms (with Elementor) 

Strategic placement of signup forms is key for growing your email list:

  • Homepage Prominence: Include a highly visible form in your hero section or primary content area.
  • Blog Sidebar or Popups: Use unobtrusive sidebars or timed popups on your blog to capture readers’ attention. Elementor’s Popup Builder offers robust options for creating eye-catching signup forms.
  • Dedicated Landing Pages: Create targeted landing pages with enticing offers to collect email addresses.
  • Compelling Incentives: Offer valuable lead magnets like destination guides, travel checklists, or exclusive discounts to persuade visitors to subscribe.

Advertising: Reaching the Right Audience at the Right Time 

Targeted advertising allows you to promote your website in front of people who are most likely to be interested in your offerings.  Here’s a look at some effective platforms:

  • Search Engine Ads (e.g., Google Ads): Appear atop search results pages for specific keywords, ensuring you reach users with high intent.  Target terms like “budget flights to [destination]” or “best [destination] hiking trails.”
  • Social Media Ads (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest): Utilize detailed targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Leverage eye-catching visuals and persuasive copy for your ad campaigns.
  • Display Ads (e.g., Google Display Network): Showcase banner ads across a vast network of websites, often related to travel content or visited by people who have shown an interest in travel.
  • Retargeting Ads: Reach users who have already visited your website but haven’t made a booking. This serves as a reminder, bringing your brand and offerings back into their consideration.

Tips for Effective Travel Advertising

  • Compelling Ad Creative: Use eye-catching images, videos, and persuasive copywriting that highlights your unique selling points.
  • Targeted Audience: Define your ideal traveler and utilize platform-specific targeting options to reach them more precisely.
  • Clear Calls to Action: Guide users towards the desired action (booking, subscribing, visiting a specific destination page).
  • Track and Analyze: Utilize platform analytics to monitor your ad performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your campaigns over time.

Content Marketing: Value-Driven Strategies to Attract Travelers 

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, informative content that aligns with your potential visitors’ interests and pain points. Here’s why it’s crucial for your travel website:

  • SEO Benefits: High-quality content helps improve search rankings for relevant keywords, attracting organic traffic over time.
  • Establishes Authority: Demonstrate your expertise by offering in-depth guides, expert tips, and local insights. This builds trust and positions you as a go-to resource.
  • Audience Engagement: Captivating content encourages social sharing and sparks conversations, expanding your reach and fostering community.
  • Supports Other Marketing Channels: Repurpose content for social media posts, email newsletters, and even ad campaigns.

Types of High-Value Content for Travel Websites

  • Blog Posts: Share travel guides, itineraries, local recommendations, packing tips, budget travel advice, cultural insights, and personal travel stories.
  • Destination Guides: Provide comprehensive information about specific locations, including attractions, accommodations, transportation, cultural tips, and hidden gems.
  • Listicles: Create engaging listicles such as “Top 10 Family-Friendly Destinations” or “Best Hikes in [Region].”
  • Infographics: Use infographics to illustrate travel data, packing lists, or itineraries in a visually appealing way.
  • Videos: Showcase destinations, create travel vlogs, or offer how-to tutorials for packing or navigating a new city.

Enhancing Your Website

Tips for high-quality, seo-friendly travel content .

  • Focus on a Specific Topic: Each piece of content should have a clear focus, addressing a single travel-related query or theme.
  • Keyword Research: Use the techniques discussed previously to identify relevant keywords for your content and naturally incorporate them throughout.
  • Answer User Queries: Understand the searcher’s intent and structure your content to provide clear and informative answers.
  • Compelling Writing: Craft engaging content with an authentic voice that resonates with your target audience.
  • Detailed and Informative: Provide in-depth information, practical tips, and unique insights rather than offering generic content.
  • Structure for Readability: Use headings (H2, H3), short paragraphs, bullet points, and images to break up your content and improve readability.
  • Unique Perspective: Share your own experiences, insider tips, or curated recommendations to differentiate your content and stand out in the competitive travel writing landscape.
  • Optimize for Featured Snippets: Consider structuring some sections of your content (like lists or FAQs) in a manner that can be pulled as featured snippets on search results pages, increasing visibility.

Travel Tips and Packing Lists: Essential Resources for Every Trip 

A dedicated section for travel tips and packing lists helps position your website as a comprehensive resource. Consider including

  • General Travel Tips: Cover topics such as booking flights and accommodations, planning a budget, staying safe and healthy while traveling , responsible tourism practices, and navigating cultural differences.
  • Destination-Specific Tips: Create guides tailored to unique destinations, addressing the best times to visit, local customs, transportation tips, budgeting, and must-try experiences.
  • Packing Lists: Provide customizable packing checklists for different types of trips (adventure travel, beach vacations, city breaks, backpacking, etc.)
  • Travel Gear Recommendations: If relevant, curate lists of your favorite travel gear, from backpacks and luggage to tech gadgets and comfort items.
  • Additional Resources: Link to external resources such as weather websites, currency converters, or vaccination information.

Benefits of Travel Tips and Packing Lists

  • Added Value for Visitors: Provide practical advice, helping travelers plan and prepare for their trips with ease.
  • SEO Opportunities: Target long-tail keywords like “packing list for [destination]” or “travel tips for [country].”
  • Build Trust: Establish yourself as a knowledgeable source of travel information.

Reviews and Testimonials: The Power of Social Proof 

In the travel industry, online reviews and testimonials wield immense influence over potential travelers’ decisions.  Here’s why they are crucial:

  • Build Trust: Positive reviews foster a sense of trust with potential travelers, easing their anxieties and making them more confident in choosing your travel experiences or services.
  • Influence Decisions: Travelers often consult reviews before making bookings. Compelling testimonials can be the tipping point for their decision.
  • Boost SEO: Integrate reviews directly on your website, adding fresh, keyword-rich content that can improve search engine rankings.
  • Gain Insights: Reviews offer valuable feedback, helping you identify areas for improvement and cater to your travelers’ needs even better.

Acquiring Customer Reviews 

Proactively encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Consider these strategies:

  • Post-Trip Emails: Send automated follow-up emails after a trip, requesting feedback and providing links to review platforms.
  • On-Site Prompts: Include subtle prompts on relevant website pages, encouraging customers to share their experiences.
  • Social Media: Ask customers to leave reviews on your social media pages.
  • Incentives: If appropriate, consider offering small incentives (discounts, loyalty points) for customers who write reviews.

Strategic Placement of Testimonials

Where you showcase testimonials on your website significantly affects their impact. Consider these key areas:

  • Homepage: Include a few impactful testimonials in a carousel or dedicated section, especially highlighting experiences relevant to your target audience.
  • Destination Pages: Incorporate testimonials specific to each destination, reinforcing its appeal.
  • Booking/Tour Pages: Displaying testimonials near booking forms or calls-to-action can provide that extra nudge for hesitant visitors.
  • “About Us” Page: Testimonials about your overall brand or company strengthen your credibility.
  • Dedicated Testimonials Page: Create a comprehensive page showcasing a larger collection of testimonials, allowing potential travelers to delve deeper into the experiences of others.

Effective Presentation with Elementor

Elementor simplifies the process of creating compelling testimonial displays:

  • Testimonial Widgets: Utilize dedicated Testimonial widgets for easy customization and seamless incorporation into various page designs.
  • Carousels or Sliders: Display testimonials in a rotating format to maximize visibility within limited space.
  • Ratings and Stars: Include star ratings alongside testimonials for an additional layer of social proof.
  • Customer Photos: If possible, feature real customer photos alongside their testimonials to increase authenticity.

Currency Converter and Language Translation: Welcoming Global Travelers 

Expanding your reach to a worldwide audience can significantly boost your travel website’s potential. Here’s how currency conversion and translation tools play an essential role:

Currency Converter

  • Convenience for Travelers: Allow visitors to easily understand pricing in their local currency, simplifying their decision-making process.
  • Ease of Comparison: Travelers can compare prices to make informed choices without navigating to external conversion websites.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Providing a seamless experience that avoids confusing visitors with unfamiliar currencies builds trust and credibility.

Language Translation Tools

  • Cater to a Global Audience: Reach a wider range of potential travelers by making your website accessible in multiple languages.
  • Inclusivity: Demonstrate a commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all travelers, regardless of their native language.
  • Improved SEO: Multilingual websites can potentially improve search rankings in different regions, increasing your visibility globally.

Integration Options

  • Plugins and Widgets: Explore WordPress plugins and widgets that specialize in currency conversion and language translation. Popular options include Currency Converter and Translate WordPress with GTranslate.
  • External Services: Consider integrating with external translation services that offer advanced features and support for a wide range of languages.

Accessibility Features: Building an Inclusive Travel Website 

Web accessibility involves designing and developing websites that can be used by everyone, regardless of their abilities or limitations. Here’s why it’s crucial for travel websites:

  • Cater to a Wider Audience: Making your website accessible allows you to serve a broader market, including travelers with disabilities who represent a significant portion of the travel industry.
  • Improve User Experience for Everyone: Accessibility features often benefit all users. For example, clear headings and image descriptions enhance readability and navigation for everyone.
  • Legal Compliance: In some regions, website accessibility is mandated by law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Ethical Considerations: Building an inclusive website aligns with responsible and ethical business practices.

Key Accessibility Considerations for Travel Websites

  • Alternative Text (Alt Text): Describe all images using informative alt text, enabling screen readers to convey visual content to users with visual impairments.
  • Descriptive Heading Structure: Utilize clear headings (H1, H2, etc.) for easy navigation and content comprehension, especially for those using screen readers.
  • Color Contrast: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors for better readability by those with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure all website functionality is accessible using only a keyboard, which is crucial for users with motor disabilities.
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Test your website with screen readers to optimize the experience for visually impaired users.

Staying Ahead in The Travel Industry

Tracking and analytics: understanding your web traffic.

To make informed website improvements, it’s essential to understand how visitors interact with your content. Here’s where analytics come into play:

Google Analytics (or Similar Tools):   Install an analytics tool on your website to gain insights into:

  • Traffic Sources: Learn where your visitors are coming from (search engines, social media, referrals, etc.).
  • Popular Pages: Identify the content that resonates the most with your audience.
  • Bounce Rates: Understand which pages might be causing visitors to leave prematurely.
  • Visitor Demographics and Interests: Gather data to tailor your content and offerings further.

Conversion Tracking:   If you have bookings or subscriptions, track which pages and campaigns lead to the most conversions.

Continuous Improvement: Adapting to Visitor Needs 

Use the insights from analytics to guide your website optimization:

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different versions of pages or design elements (e.g., CTA button placement) to see what performs best.
  • Cater to Emerging Trends: Analyze your website traffic to spot changing interests or preferences among travelers and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  • User Feedback: Actively solicit feedback through surveys, polls, or direct contact forms to gather valuable insights and address pain points.

Website Security: Protecting Your Site and Traveler Data 

Travel websites often handle sensitive traveler information such as names, contact details, and payment information. Ensuring robust security is essential for safeguarding this data and maintaining customer trust.  Let’s discuss some vital measures:

  • Strong Passwords and Authentication:   Enforce strong password policies for both your website’s administrative area and any user accounts you might have. Consider implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an additional layer of security.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your WordPress installation, themes, plugins, and hosting environment updated with the latest security patches. Outdated software is a prime target for hackers.
  • SSL Certificate: Install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to encrypt data transmission between your website and visitors’ browsers. Look for the “https://” prefix in your website URL and a padlock icon in the address bar.
  • Security Plugins:   Utilize WordPress security plugins for added protection. These plugins offer features like firewall protection, malware scanning, and intrusion detection.
  • Elementor Hosting Security Features: Take advantage of the built-in security measures provided by Elementor Hosting, including frequent site backups, malware protection, and Cloudflare security services.

Building a successful travel website involves more than just beautiful visuals and tempting destinations. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the key considerations for success:

  • Strategic Niche and Audience: Find your unique focus within the travel space and tailor your content to the ideal traveler you wish to serve.
  • High-Quality Content and SEO: Create informative content that aligns with what searchers are looking for, and optimize it to rank well in search results.
  • Excellent User Experience: Prioritize a website that’s fast, mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and brimming with valuable features.
  • Social Media Presence: Connect with potential travelers on social platforms, sharing inspiring content and building a thriving community.
  • The Power of Elementor: Elevate your web design with Elementor’s intuitive tools, enabling you to create visually stunning and functional pages effortlessly.

Creating a thriving travel website takes dedication and a willingness to adapt to an ever-evolving landscape. Embrace experimentation, learn from your audience, and continue refining your strategy over time.  Remember, the journey is an adventure in itself!

How To Create a Travel Website With WordPress in Just 5 Steps

Quick Summary ↪ Here are the steps to create a travel website: 1) Choose a niche, 2) Select a domain and hosting, 3) Install WordPress and customize with themes/plugins, and 4) Create and promote engaging content. Find out how to use WordPress and Astra to create a user-friendly platform.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” says Lao Tzu .

If your wanderlust takes you places and you’re always passionate about trying new things at different destinations, you have enough reasons to build a travel website.

Being a successful travel blogger, sooner or later, you may get tons of opportunities to visit dream locations, take trips and meet new people.

Above all, you will have a chance to live the life you’ve always desired.

Whether you have been traveling for passion or yet to start a career as a traveler, having the knowhow to create a travel website will get you off to a fantastic start.

This article discusses how to make a travel website, promote it and cash in with different revenue-making techniques.

Anyone can create a travel website, but it is highly effective for:

  • Solo travelers looking for ways to live a dream life and monetize their journeys
  • A travel agency looking to start a travel blog and do content marketing to draw the attention of prospects
  • A lead generation agency eyeing more leads for its tourism related clients

Though it sounds lucrative to be a part of the global tourism industry, which stands at around $1.67 trillion in 2022, you can’t disregard the challenges that will come your way throughout the traveling business.

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or just setting up a travel business, be prepared to work day and night, as it isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows!

What should a travel website include?

Before you start thinking of producing a single piece of content, we think every travel website should have a few key components.

A travel website should ideally have a clean design. Here are 8 principles of web design you should know .

Secondly, a travel website must have the following core elements:

Responsive design

A responsive website can be easily viewed on any device regardless of size. While putting together a website, you should ensure that it scales everything automatically and loads correctly on every screen type, keeping your content right in front of users.

A responsive design is also a treat for search engines.

Google happily crawls responsive websites as it ends up consuming fewer resources. WordPress provides tremendous opportunities for creating responsive websites.

It’s always better to go with themes like Astra to build a responsive website in minutes.

An image or video gallery

A camera is the best companion a traveler can have. You’re going to see amazing sights, meet fascinating people and create fantastic memories. It makes sense to capture as much as possible on camera

Your website should ideally offer tools to create albums and galleries and integrate them wherever you need them.

There are a number of good WordPress plugins, such as WP Portfolio , to achieve what you want. We will talk more about it in a while.

Booking system

An online booking system can create immense opportunities for your travel business. It gives travelers the comfort of booking packages and making payments online without having to visit you.

Any time difference between you and your customers becomes a non-issue as the booking system works 24/7 even if you are not around.

An added advantage is that it can be scaled anytime to handle extra demand, especially during the holiday season.

You don’t need a huge staff to organize your business. An online booking system provides essential insights and creates reports whenever you want to help get the entire picture of your travel business.

How to create a travel website

For us, this is the most exciting part of every tutorial where we set up a website.

To create a travel website, follow each task step by step and you will have a stunning travel website ready in less than an hour.

Yes, really!

Step 1: Name your travel website

Your website name will represent you throughout its business life.

You need to be creative enough to stand out in the crowd. Names like My Adventurous Life, Best Travel Tips, and similar others are too generic and may get mixed up among a gazillion travel sites on the internet.

Be specific, make it personal and try to ensure it describes what your travel website is about.

Keep it short and easily memorable too, so people can easily remember it.

Once you have selected a name, register it with a registrar of your choice. We recommend and as among the best in this field.

If you use Namecheap for example, enter the desired name in the search field and press the Search button.

If the name is available, proceed with the payment process to secure it before someone else does.

You can also buy a domain through your current web host. We will tell you about it in the following step.

Step 2: Get a web host

Next in line for you is to buy web hosting. Hosting is where you rent space on a server to host your website for a specific duration, which users can access from around the world.

You can choose one of the following web hosts, as we rate them for their reliability and performance. They offer plenty of plans suitable for almost every budget:

For this tutorial, we will go with SiteGround . They offer managed WordPress hosting which is ideal for our travel website.

On their homepage, choose the WordPress Hosting page from the Hosting menu and buy the GrowBig plan. It offers unlimited websites and carries lots of resources.

Press the blue Get Plan button to proceed with the buying process. SiteGround allows you to scale plans whenever you need.

On the next page, register the domain name if you haven’t already done so or enter an existing domain and complete the process.

SiteGround will automatically perform the groundwork for your new website without you having to do anything.

Step 3: Install WordPress

If you want to install WordPress on your website yourself, you can do it by accessing the SiteGround dashboard.

Go to the Websites page in the admin area and press the Add New button.

Select the Existing Domain option.

The next screen will ask you to Start a New Website or Migrate Website . Choose the first option and select WordPress from the applications.

Enter your login credentials and continue.

It will take a few minutes to get your website ready.

After the SiteGround installer finishes the process, you can log into your website admin area through the URL .

Just change the URL above to your own and add /wp-login.php at the end to access the login screen.

Enter the credentials when the login screen appears.

While entering the WP admin area, you will come across a wizard to help you install a WordPress theme on your site.

Press the Exit link to ignore it.

You may need to remove a few plugins SiteGround adds during the installation process to help you add themes and manage pages.

Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins page and remove the ones you don’t need.

In our case, we will delete all three SiteGround plugins to restore the original look of the WordPress admin area.

Check the boxes, select Deactivate from the Bulk actions field and press the Apply button to deactivate the plugins.

Repeat the same process to delete them.

Step 4: Install a theme for your travel website

A WordPress theme is the face of your website and, combined with plugins, is responsible for the overall user experience.

We need a theme that will help us achieve our goals. It should ideally be lightweight, well coded, and fully customizable.

We will install Astra on our travel website. It has all the qualities we look for and performance that’s second to none.

Astra is our in-house developed theme, so we trust its features!

To install it, go to Appearance > Themes and press Add New button.

You can find Astra by using the search box. Press the Install button and activate it when the option appears.

Next, we need to install a travel website template .

We will import a template from the Starter Templates library Astra offers.

Step 5: Import a travel template

We need to install the Starter Templates plugin to access the library.

Go to Plugins > Add New and look for the Starter Templates plugin by typing the name in the search box.

Install and activate the plugin when it appears on your screen.

You will find a number of free templates to use, but complete access to the library comes with Essential Toolkit and Business Toolkit plans.

You can open the template library from Appearance > Starter Templates .

Once there, select the page builder of your choice from the list that includes Standard (Gutenberg), Elementor and Beaver Builder.

You will find a huge variety of travel website templates to support your adventures as a traveler, a travel agency business, a hotel and resort and several others.

Travel Agency

As the name suggests, this template is ideal for travel agency businesses and flexible enough to accommodate anything you require.

You can display your best travel offers, book tours, show the world your business partners and show off customer testimonials, all on the homepage. Adding a blog as a part of your marketing strategy is a completely painless process.

The template comes with all the essential goodies your business might need. You can always add and customize any part of the website, thanks to the power of Elementor page builder.

Travel Blogger and Influencer

For solo travelers who live an adventurous life but don’t want to stay away from their fans, this template is designed to tell the world about their travel experiences.

You can show off your pictures and videos and arrange them nicely in a gallery layout. The template also offers you to integrate your Instagram feed anywhere you want.

If you want to earn from your travel as an influencer, this template provides everything you need for your venture.

You can build a travel blog to market your business effectively in just a few clicks.

Travel and Tourism

If you are into the hotel and travel resort business and wish to highlight all the details your guests would like to know, this template has everything.

This is a modern flat layout on a white background prominently displaying everything your users need to find.

The elegantly designed contact page can show an aerial shot of the whole town and nicely integrates a Google map making it easy for your guests to spot your location.

Let’s import a template

Why did we choose the Travel Blog template?

It’s ideal for solo travelers and influencers who want to visit places and earn through being an affiliate. We can recommend it to those who like to stay with the default Gutenberg editor.

But it’s entirely up to you what template you use.

Once you select a template, an import wizard will walk you through a short import process.

You can upload a logo and change fonts and colors on your way to the final step.

The process may take just over a minute to import everything this template needs to run, including layout design, sample data, essential pages, and plugins.

With the default settings, your website should look similar to the image. This is how to create a travel website in just a few minutes!

This template is suitable for sharing your travel and adventure stories, but it can also support your personal travel business.

You can significantly improve your page design experience on Gutenberg by using the Spectra plugin , which adds features professionals use to design websites.

If you plan to go with Elementor page builder to create a travel website, we suggest you check out Ultimate Addons for Elementor (UAE) to fulfill all your design needs.

Master Elementor: Free Course to Build Stunning Websites

Learn how to use Elementor to create stunning websites with our free course. Step-by-step tutorials make it easy for anyone to master web design.

Learn how to use Elementor to create stunning websites with our free course.

Essential plugins for travel websites

You can build any website with WordPress and add functions with the help of plugins.

For example, you will need a plugin to integrate a signup form on your website to grow subscribers.

Knowing which plugin you need on your site makes you more productive. We have an ultimate guide to tell you about the must-have plugins for your site to improve its overall performance.

WP Portfolio

Pictures create curiosity, which is why it’s an essential feature for a travel website.

Though WordPress has a built-in gallery management tool, you can use several photo gallery plugins to add real value to your images.

WP Portfolio is a powerful solution to present your images and videos in style and adds lots of interactive features and effects.

It’s a complete image management tool to help you add galleries anywhere on your website with the help of easy to understand and fully customizable shortcodes.

WP Portfolio is more than adding galleries to your website. You can select layouts for images or videos from hundreds of prebuilt and customizable templates that work with all popular page builders.

It is an ideal and versatile plugin for any travel website.

If you are a travel blogger and also plan to show off your photographic portfolio on your site, this plugin can help you create one.

WP Travel Engine

WP Travel Engine is an all-in-one tool for your travel business needs.

You can create itineraries, receive bookings, get customer reviews, convert currencies, and process payments through a variety of payment gateways.

You can embed trip widgets anywhere on the website, including blog posts. That’s an added advantage for travel influencers who want to generate affiliate income.

Google Maps Widget Pro

It’s much easier for users to plan their trips when they have complete information about a destination. This is why it’s essential to have accurate maps on your travel website.

Google Maps Widget Pro is easy to use and lets you add unlimited maps on the site, including posts, pages, sidebars and menus.

It’s a lightweight plugin that generates a single database request, a vital aspect that does not affect website speed.

This easy-to-use plugin can show street view, directions, and much more.

Yoast and Schema Pro

Though there are many options to choose from when it comes to SEO, these two plugins make a great combination for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You can get your travel website on track from the beginning by using the Yoast and Schema Pro plugins for their ability to handle on-page SEO.

Yoast is a great companion for assisting in the initial SEO settings, such as adding meta, integrating websites with search engines, generating XML sitemap and much more.

Yoast keeps an eye on every post and page you publish and helps you with excellent tips to optimize them.

With Schema Pro , you can outperform your competitors right off the bat. It implements schema on each post and page and makes it search engine friendly.

Search engines such as Google can better understand different types of content on your website, which can help rank your website better.


Backups are an essential part of your website security strategy . They make sure you have a good chance to restore the website should you ever need to.

UpdraftPlus makes it easy to take backups and store them in the cloud. It takes backup automatically at regular intervals, or you can do it manually anytime you need.

Marketing your travel website

Building a travel website is just the first step. You need content and a workable marketing strategy to promote it for a steady traffic flow.

Whether you intend to publish travel stories to share your experience with the world or establish a successful travel brand, you will need quality traffic.

A better way to start is by promoting it within your social network. People who know you personally will likely give you an early response.

Search engine optimization

Google, the largest search engine , is responsible for most of the organic traffic on your website. It’s better to be friends with the search engine from the beginning and take advantage of free traffic.

Check out our some interesting tips on SEO to be successful on Google.

Pick the few most relevant keywords to your website and stick with them for a while to rank in the search engines.

You can later add more keywords to your articles to target a wider audience.

Social media has a huge audience

Every platform has its own uniqueness. For example, you can go viral on Pinterest and Instagram with infographics and pictures, while YouTube and TikTok are more suitable for video stories.

Select a platform based on your target audience and the content you want to deliver.

With the proper techniques, you can grab a good number of followers for free.

Join travel groups, forums and communities

There are tons of groups out there where people share their travel experiences. If you are a frequent traveler, you can jump in with your valuable travel advice in a thread and show how you can be helpful to someone planning a trip.

Add a link to your website in your signature and link to any relevant content you have published.

Don’t overdo the promotion though. Be genuinely helpful and this will help you create some good links.

Be reliable, develop a positive reputation and gradually give the audience a reason to check out your profile. This should eventually draw people to your website.

Email marketing

Email is still the most effective email marketing strategy to establish engagement with your audience and drive traffic to your website.

You can ask people to sign up for the newsletter and, in return, promise them exclusive content, travel tips, or a few offers if you have cracked a few deals earlier based on your past travel experience.

Write guest posts

This might look time consuming , but guest posting is a great marketing tool. You write articles for other blogs and publications in your niche in return for a backlink to your website.

Having a chance to have your post published on a well-ranking blog involves a great deal of effort and convincing power initially, but it’s all worth it.

Run ad campaigns

Almost every platform provides ways to promote your brand. You can use Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to bring traffic to your website.

Depending on the content you intend to promote, you can also use YouTube, Quora, and Twitter to market your website.

Remember, these are paid tools, so use them wisely to target the right audience!

How to make money from a travel website

Whether a solo traveler or an agency, you should use every opportunity to improve your earnings.

Do you know Kate from Adventurous Kate left her real 9-5 job 12 years ago, and ever since, she has traveled to 83 countries and counting.

Display ads

As you start witnessing a nice flow of visitors to your website, it’s time to think about banner ads. You can put them in multiple places, but be careful with too many banners as it might ruin the user experience.

Play tactfully and place ads where they don’t interfere with the content.

Google Adsense , , Adversal , and Adsterra are just a few examples of ad networks to try.

Be an affiliate and sell products

As your audience trusts your opinion and enjoys your valuable travel content, they wouldn’t mind if you tried to make a commission out of a few affiliate links.

You can recommend products, including travel gadgets, tickets, tour plans, and hotel stays, on your website. If you are a photographer yourself, you can share with people which equipment you mostly prefer to take fantastic photos.

You can contact brands directly or join the affiliate networks.

Check out Travel Payouts and affiliate program to get an idea.

Sponsored posts

A sponsored post is a kind of ad designed like a blog post to promote a brand or a specific product. It may be an interview, a review, or anything that suits the brand.

Be selective with the content that suits your style. We suggest always telling your audience about sponsored content. This way the audience will always respect your business needs.

You can start pitching different brands once you have enough visitors.

Google Analytics is a great free tool to accurately monitor and display your site’s traffic.

With traffic and influence in the community, there may come lots of added benefits.

You may get invitations from agencies and brands to visit places. These paid tours can often cover traveling costs, accommodation and food in exchange for something you can deliver – blog posts and social media posts.

Besides deliverables, such tours can be a great opportunity to create extra content for your website.

Final thoughts

A travel website is a powerful platform to connect with hundreds and thousands of people and share stories about beautiful places in your own way.

As a hobbyist or solo traveler, you can help people know more about places of their interest. You can also use a travel website to promote your travel business.

Whatever the case, you need a platform easy enough to create a travel website effortlessly. We recommend having WordPress and Astra in your toolkit.

This powerful combination can help you create a travel website with all the essential features to fulfill any need.

The tutorial guides you step by step on how to build a travel website that stands out.

If you are done creating your travel website or in the process, we would love to hear about your experience in the comments below. Cheers!

create a new travel website

Pratik Chaskar holds the pivotal role of CTO at Brainstorm Force, serving as the backbone of the company. Renowned for his organizational skills, strategic thinking, problem-solving attitude, and expertise in leading and executing plans, Pratik plays a crucial role in the BSF’s technological landscape.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small commission. Read disclosure . Rest assured that we only recommend products that we have personally used and believe will add value to our readers. Thanks for your support!

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mounika Profile Pic

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Glad to read your article.You may build a travel website with all the necessary features to meet any need with this effective combo.

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Travel Website Design: Our 22 Favorites for 2023

Madison Zoey Vettorino

Updated: July 31, 2024

Published: April 03, 2024

If you're building a travel website but need help figuring out where to begin, we've got you covered. You can get inspired as you create your site by checking out some of the most effective travel website design examples.

travel website design: image shows a typewriter and a rocket ship

In this post, we'll share 22 of our favorite travel website design examples. We'll also share some of the most important concepts to keep in mind as you navigate your own website development . 

create a new travel website

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The Best Travel Website Design: Our 22 Favorites

Ready for a hearty helping of travel website ideas? Here are 22 of the best travel website design examples to boost inspiration.

1. Google Travel

travel website design: google travel homepage

2. Travel + Leisure

travel website design: travel and leisure homepage example

Next up is Airbnb. When you land on the website, you're immediately greeted with different accommodation options. Like Google Travel, Airbnb uses icons to showcase the different experiences available. This allows visitors to peruse the options and find what they want easily. 

4. New York Times Travel

travel website design: NY Times travel

5. Costco Travel

Costco Travel demonstrates that the most compelling travel website design is sometimes the most basic. While Costco Travel isn't as visually engaging as others on this list, visitors can input plenty of information regarding their desired trip, which makes for a seamless user experience . 

6. Lonely Planet

travel website design: lonely planet homepage

8. The United States Department of State - Travel

travel website design: US department of state travel

The first thing you notice about Kayak's website is its vertical menu, which stands out amongst other travel websites with horizontal navigation . Because of this, you can quickly get to any pages you need, and the menu stays put as you scroll.

10. Bus2Alps

The website for this student travel agency allows users to find what they're seeking fast, as it keeps the trip search bar front and center. Without even scrolling, you can input your destination and the duration of your trip. Then, you can quickly search and populate results. As you scroll down the page, you can see upcoming trips the agency is advertising. We also love that reviews are placed on the homepage so visitors can learn more about how other travelers enjoyed their trip. 

11. Pro Travel International

Next is Pro Trip International, a travel agency website that demonstrates how color contrast and compelling visuals can prove effective on a travel site. You're greeted with a gorgeous picture of the water when you visit the website. We also love the CTA , which invites you to 'Begin your journey.' The coloring in the imagery pops against the menu, which is set against a black background. 

12. AAA Travel

AAA Travel's website does something that no other on this list has done: It presents its blog posts front and center. When you arrive on the website, you're immediately presented with articles that are published on the company blog . Then, you can click and read more, which compels visitors to book their trip. We also love how the AAA travel website makes it easy to find AAA-preferred accommodations, car rentals, and more, as these are displayed on the top of the page in a menu format. 

13. Travelocity

travel website design: travelocity

14. Smart Trip

travel website design: smart trip

15. Liberty Travel

Liberty Travel is an excellent travel website because it's easy to navigate. The search bar is especially compelling for visitors, as it asks 'Where to' and allows users to input an answer. When you scroll down, you can learn more about trending travel deals, check out reviews, and read posts from the company blog . 

16. CNN Travel

travel website design: CNN travel

17. JetBlue

This airline website demonstrates that the best travel website design stays true to your company's branding. The copywriting stands out here , as the first thing readers see is copy that says, "It's so fly to see you." This infuses personality into the website and stays true to the company's branding. The site itself is clean and has a large enough menu that helps visitors find what they're looking for. 

18. Trip Advisor

In a sea of travel website design examples, Trip Advisor does something unique: It offers visitors the opportunity to use artificial intelligence (AI) to build the trip of their dreams. We love that when you arrive on the website, you're immediately greeted with a tool that can help you put together your vacation. Also, at the top of the page is a simple yet effective menu that helps visitors navigate to different sections of the site they may have missed otherwise. 

19. BBC Travel

travel website design: BBC travel

20. ViaHero

travel website design: viahero homepage

21. Virtuoso

Virtuoso is a luxury travel agency, and when the website homepage loads, you immediately know you're in the right place for that. Like AAA Travel, Virtuoso focuses on previous blog posts visitors can read to learn more about potential destinations. We love this site's upscale color scheme and elegant font choices . 


travel website design:

Travel Website Ideas: How to Make Yours Stand Out

Now that you've perused over 20 websites, you might wonder: How do I enact these key takeaways to build my travel website? Here are a few actionable ways to help your travel site stand out in such a saturated market. 

Keep it simple. 

It's no secret that planning a trip can be an overwhelming experience. The most successful travel websites keep it simple, provide ample white space, and present users with information as needed instead of throwing everything at them at once. Your visitors are likely already semi-stressed planning their trip — the last thing they want is to land on a highly overwhelming website. Spread your website out accordingly, don't make it too cluttered, and use a readable font. In other words, prioritize not only your site looking good but being user-friendly, too. 

Stay true to your branding.  

The best travel websites are those that stay true to their branding. If your brand is known for its vibrant colors, having a sleek and minimalist design probably doesn't make sense. Instead, you can incorporate your branding so your site feels like an extension of the brand your visitors already know and love. 

If you're unsure where to begin, remember that you can start with a template and customize it to suit your branding. For instance, when you build your website with Content Hub , you can use the pre-existing templates available and infuse your unique branding into them. (Plus, you'll love that you can start completely free.) 

Try to find something that your brand can uniquely offer. 

The travel websites that stand out offer something that others don't. For instance, Trip Advisor is notable because it offers AI that helps visitors create the trip of their dreams, or Jet Blue's site stands out because of its funny and quirky copywriting. Find what only your brand offers — and build your site around that. 

Build a website your visitors will love. 

Remember: Travel websites vary greatly, so as long as you're creating one that feels true to your brand and prioritizes user experience, you'll see success. Good luck and enjoy creating with these travel design ideas in mind! 

examples of brilliant homepage, blog, and landing page design

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10 Dos And Don’ts For Building A Successful Travel Website

Set your travel website up for success so that you can easily take in new tourism business online using this advice.

create a new travel website

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), your website is the foundation on which all of your hard work will rest.

It doesn’t matter how many keywords you add, meta descriptions you tweak, or plugins you remove: If the building blocks of your tourism website aren’t properly assembled, you’re always going to struggle to get the site to rank as well as it should.

On top of the technical benefits of a well-built website, as a travel brand, your website is one of your most valuable assets.

Here, potential customers can browse available packages, read testimonials from previous guests, and get a taste of the experiences on offer through engaging imagery and text – along with actually booking a holiday directly with your company.

Creating a travel website from scratch is always a significant project, but the benefits of designing a site from the ground up are widespread when it comes to ranking as high as possible on search engines.

So whether you’re a new travel brand that needs a website to start your business journey, or are redesigning your site to reap the benefits of a custom design, here are 10 dos and don’ts for building a successful travel website.

Do: Start With SEO Research

Every well-ranking website design starts with SEO research.

Before you decide on any of the pages or content that’s going to be included on the site, you need to understand which factors will influence how your site ranks on search engines.

High-ranking websites are structured based on keyword research and target phrases, as these influence the topics that landing pages are focused on and the kinds of questions that content needs to answer.

They’re also built to optimize page speed and minimize unnecessary plugins while making it as easy as possible for search engines to understand their intent.

This is one of the key reasons why using a website builder template or trying to cut corners with website design can be such a big problem.

Unless the website for travel is specifically designed with SEO in mind, you’re shooting yourself in the foot right from the start.

Don’t: Opt For A Bad Hosting Platform

If you’re trying to quickly get a new travel website off the ground, it can be tempting to choose a generic hosting platform .

These are often advertised as simple ways to build a functional website, and whilst this is true on the surface, there are plenty of problems that lie beneath.

When you use ‘drag-and-drop’ website builders to put together a website using existing templates, you often end up with a lot of unnecessary code and dependencies in the site’s backend.

This massively impacts how long it takes for pages to load and how smoothly the whole site runs, which will stop the site from ranking highly on search engines, and potentially frustrate users that want to book a holiday or make a purchase.

Using bad platforms to build your site can also limit the features you’re able to add to it later down the line.

Not only can this stifle creativity when you’re trying to come up with the best travel website design, but it can also come back to haunt you in the future when you’re unable to expand your site.

Do: Make Use Of Stock Image Databases

Opting for a custom-built design for your travel website is the route I recommend to ensure that all of your specifications are catered for – but this can be an expensive and time-consuming venture.

Many people will opt to choose a template on a site like WordPress to build their travel website, and the good news is that there are plenty of ways you can customize this to make it look unique.

One of these is the photos that you use on your travel website, which are an incredibly important visual element. One of the key ways you will engage a user is by encouraging them to picture themselves on a trip or in your accommodation, and eye-catching, immersive images are a great way to do that.

Having unique photographs on your website is ideal, but it’s not always possible when building a website, especially if your company is based in a different location. Thankfully, there are plenty of stock image databases you can utilize, offering both free and paid images.

If you’re looking for beautiful free stock photos, Unsplash is a fantastic option. Pixabay and Pexels are also good, but often only have a limited selection of images on offer.

If you’re looking for a greater variety, paid sites like iStock and Shutterstock offer reasonable prices for their images.

Don’t: Try To Cut Costs With A Bad Booking System

Plenty of travel companies have a booking system as part of their website. This element needs to be carefully considered, as some booking platforms can negatively impact a site’s SEO.

It’s worth properly doing your research into the best kind of booking system for your travel website, as many can be difficult to use, time-consuming to update, or are just built with a lot of unnecessary code that can really slow down this section of the website.

Here are some of the best WordPress booking plugins that cater especially to travel businesses:

  • WP Travel Engine
  • Travelpayouts

In some cases, you may be better off building a custom booking system that is much easier to edit and clearly lets customers book what they want without any misunderstanding.

Yes, building a bespoke booking system is another cost if you’re already investing in a unique travel website design. But it is likely to save you a lot of time and money in the future by making this booking system simple and optimized specifically for your brand, minimizing issues later on.

Do: Plan In Time For Content Creation

If you’re working with an agency or a designer, content creation might be included in the website design package that you’re paying for.

But many brands prefer to write their content themselves in order to capture the right tone of voice, so it’s important to factor in how long this is going to take.

You can start writing content for your website once you have a clear plan of the site structure and how many pages are going to be built.

It might be useful to see template designs for different landing pages to know how much text is needed – or your designer might ask you to write the content first, so they can design the pages around this.

If you want your travel website to rank highly when your customers search for your offering, you need to complete keyword research first.

This gives you a list of popular, relevant phrases that you can include in your travel website content that will help the site to rank higher and ensure that genuinely interested web users are arriving on the pages they’re looking for.

There are several different paid and free keyword research databases that you can use for this, with my favorite being Ahrefs .

These databases often have a tool that allows you to enter a word or phrase and then generate a list of related keywords, showing search volume and other useful data.

For travel keyword research, you want to focus on keyword phrases that indicate the user is looking to book a trip, visit a location, or get a recommendation.

For example, ‘family safari in africa’ is a general phrase with broad intent, whereas ‘where is the best place for a family safari?’ or ‘what animals can you see in south africa?’ are likely being searched by someone planning a holiday.

Once you’ve compiled a list of relevant phrases, you can either write landing page content that includes these phrases, or create pages of blog posts that specifically answer questions or focus on a topic with high search volume.

As well as keyword databases like Ahrefs, you can use Google Trends to identify popular travel topics and create content targeting query spikes, capitalizing on seasonal traffic.

Don’t: Forget Headers, Title Tags, And Meta Descriptions

It’s not just chunks of text for landing pages that you need to think about when it comes to website content creation .

Headers, title tags, and meta descriptions need to be carefully considered and written, as they are a key aspect of a website’s SEO.

Every landing page needs a unique heading structure, and you ideally want to fit target keyword phrases into each of these headings. This structure makes it easier for users to navigate a page, along with helping search engines to rank each page more easily, which will boost how well each page ranks.

To create a header structure, start with the page’s title (H1), which will usually contain the target keyword phrase. You can then use keyword research to find similar or related phrases that can be used as headings further down the page.

For example, a page might have the title ‘Luxury Family Safari Holidays’ with subheadings including ‘Family Safaris in South Africa,’ ‘How to Book a Family Safari,’ and ‘What to Expect on a Safari Holiday.’

Title tags are an element of a webpage’s HTML that explains the title of the page and appears in the tab at the top of a screen when a website is loaded up on a browser (and on the search engine results page).

Not only do these need to be clear so that the user understands the purpose of the page, but they also impact a page’s SEO, so should contain the target keyword phrase.

Title tags also often contain the brand’s name and occasionally a key phrase that summarises the brand’s offering. To build on the previous example, the title tag might be ‘Luxury Family Safaris | South Africa Safari Holidays | M+J Safari Experiences.’ 

Finally, a meta description is another HTML element that summarizes the content of a page and, again, influences how well it ranks for its target phrase. Meta descriptions should be under 200 characters, so need to be carefully written to provide a concise description of a landing page and include relevant keyword phrases if possible.

An example might be ‘ Witness a side of South Africa you’ve never seen before with a luxury family safari holiday from M+J Safari Experiences.’

Do: Implement A Sitemap

A sitemap does what it says on the tin: it maps out where each of the landing pages is on your website and provides a navigation point that directs how to get to each of these.

No matter how you build a travel website, you should implement a sitemap to provide search engines with a way of quickly understanding what the website contains.

Without a sitemap, bots crawling your site to decide where to rank it on search engines will try and interpret your internal linking instead. This can impact your ranking, so it’s best to have a sitemap established in the early stages of building a travel website.

You also need to consider user experience when you’re building a sitemap.

Potential customers on a travel website are likely going to want to browse the experiences you have on offer, see pictures and videos of your service offering, read testimonials to gain social proof, and then look at how to book a trip.

You should design your website so that this journey is easy to follow, with internal links and calls to action (CTAs) guiding the user toward making a purchase.

Don’t: Avoid Internal Linking

Speaking of internal linking , whilst it’s not a substitute for a sitemap, it’s definitely not something that you should avoid.

Internally linking landing pages to one another helps to direct users to different pages and keep them on your site for longer, ideally moving them towards making a booking.

Having lots of internal links throughout your travel website also helps it to rank better, as it helps search engines to identify the key pages on a site.

It also helps new pages to start ranking for phrases faster by associating them with existing pages that are already ranking well.

It’s very straightforward to put internal links in the header and footer of a landing page. But if you really want to reap the benefits of this approach, you should include internal linking in the content on each landing page as well.

Consider the anchor text that you’re adding the link to each time; it needs to be related to the page that it’s linking to, otherwise, the link will be seen as spammy.

Do: Optimize Your Images

It’s not just written content that needs to be optimized.

Travel websites tend to have lots of images on them, but the size of these can affect how quickly a landing page loads, which in turn can affect how well it ranks.

You shouldn’t compromise on image quality, but you should resize and compress each image before it’s uploaded to save space.

Images can also be optimized by ensuring that they have a title and alt text that describes what the image contains. Images should be relevant to each landing page, so this alt text can be used to insert more keyword phrases – or at least phrases that are semantically similar.

Don’t: Overuse Plugins And JavaScript Elements

Finally, whilst we’re talking about elements that impact loading speed, plugins and JavaScript can both cause problems with how fast a landing page loads.

Both can be useful, but both need to be chosen carefully so that your website’s SEO isn’t affected.

Plugins can be used to add a variety of exciting features to a travel website, but overuse will make it impossible to load a page in under a couple of seconds.

Consider the benefits of each plugin before you add them to your website, and regularly review these to ensure you’re still getting what you want.

JavaScript, similarly, can make a website more dynamic; these elements are resource-heavy dependencies that will also impact how quickly a page loads.

Some browsers also have JavaScript disabled, so by using a lot of these elements on a page, you face losing functionality if JavaScript isn’t enabled.

A new travel website build is often a lengthy process that can come with a hefty price tag if you don’t know what you should be asking for.

The above advice should give you a clear set of guidelines of what to prioritize and avoid when it comes to designing a new website for your travel company, helping to ensure you’re left with a beautiful and functional site for your brand that ranks well on search engines and brings in plenty of business.

More resources:

  • Travel Content SEO Strategy: How To Build Links, Traffic & Conversion s
  • 5 Tips For More Engaging & Impactful Branded Travel Content
  • 3 Travel SEO Tips for Competing in Organic Search

Featured Image: REDPIXEL.PL/Shutterstock

Tom Mcloughlin is the founder of SEO Travel, a specialist travel marketing company. A passionate marketer and travel blogger, he ...

How to Create a Travel Website: Types, Features, Industry Trends

Timur Tech Journalist | Codica

Most people plan a journey by seeking advice from the same source — the Internet. As ending the pandemic is becoming more solvable, many of us think about where to travel next.

Ironically, we tend to get easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks. What place is ok for a night stay? Which is the best camera backpack? Where to refuel?

So today, we will figure out how a travel website works. We will also share tips on how to make your own travel website genuinely shine.

Travel industry overview

There are many destinations to look forward to when the Covid-19 threat eventually fades into the background. Below we share the latest trends you need to know to build a travel website.

Covid-19 restrictions loosen

Forbes says the situation looks a lot more promising from when much of the travels were put on pause. Here are quick facts:

  • Many Schengen area states reopen for tourism;
  • People are likely to go abroad if getting vaccinated;
  • Air traffic increased by 16% in flights taking off in late May;
  • Booking momentum saw a big increase for the first time since March 2020.
  • Many Caribbean countries are open to U.S. citizens, pending negative PRL tests.

Also, having a vaccine pass would eliminate the need for quarantine, thus boosting the travel industry.

Distribution of 2021 hotel bookings based on travel websites clicks

Source: TripAdvisor

Once-in-a-lifetime trips

A sense of a major accomplishment drives many travelers, as reported by ABTA . In other words, people love to cross off something on their bucket list. Especially when journeys seem a means to cope with quarantine fatigue. predicts a wave of “workcation.” It comes as no surprise considering how many of us are involved in jobs associated with PC usage. Such a tendency motivates individuals to book out a couple of days or a week to work remotely.

The most bang for your buck

The economy will affect travels abroad since many have lost income due to a pandemic. Addressing the recovery phase, the Guardian says that the UK business trippers will cut their future flights.

Self-drive mode

With Covid-19 measures causing people to travel within native countries, a self-drive mode is rocketing. Thus, for example, thanks to the U.S. citizens rapidly booking summer getaways, RVshare’s business experiences a 114% increase .

Article CTA - Have an idea of a travel website?

Travel website types explained

Defining what a travel website is can be a tough one. Turns out, there’s a myriad of sites claiming to be “for tourism.”

A memorable journey loves preparation. Surely you want to make the best out of many activities out there. So, before setting off, you find suitable tickets, a place to stay, maybe buy certain equipment and more.

Thus, a travel website is the one that helps us avoid journey-related hassles. What are types of travel websites and what do you need to know to start one? Read on to find out.

Tour operator

Normally, there are a few types of tour operators out there.

Inbound tour operators sell all arrangements to travelers. Such a type of operator brings their clients to a destination both individually and in groups.

Sense of Africa is a nice example. This agency provides private, self-drive, FIT, and group journeys in several African countries.

A travel website created for a tour operator in Africa.

Secondly, we have outbound tour operators. Those companies sell packages designed for traveling abroad from their country.

Domestic tour operators, on the contrary, provide travel tours within a person’s native country.

And finally, receptive tour operators (RTOs) act as product suppliers to other operators. RTOs also spread awareness around the possibilities travel agencies have to offer.

Personal journey matchmaker

It’s an intermediary between the travel industry and the customer. Since almost everyone jumps online, travelers can search and book what they need with no travel agents involved.

Take Classic Journeys , for instance. This travel website helps you find a trip based on location, tour style, and departure date. Those picking a particular tour and independents making their own itineraries are equally vital to this type of site:

Finding a tour on a travel website

Travel accessories supplier

Everybody needs to know what will come in handy during a trip. More importantly, where to get those stuff. How to create a travel website having all of them? Take a look at GoTravel , a site specializing in multiple travel accessories at once:

A travel website that sells tourist equipment

Below you find essentials with examples that make journeys less troubling:

  • Packing (hiking backpacks, carry-on luggage, suitcases, backpacks for camera lenses);
  • E-devices (action cameras, power banks, location trackers);
  • Safety gear (money belts, padlocks, flashlights);
  • Hygiene items (hand sanitizers, mosquito repellents, masks to reduce the risk of catching viruses);
  • Comfort accessories (headphone jack splitter, thermoses, blankets, travel pillows).

Besides, all things have a lifespan meaning customers could use some help with maintenance or upgrades.

Hotel booking websites

Build a travel site helping users to find accommodation rooms smoothly and fast. For example, Expedia , Travelocity , and Orbitz find the best deals via filters, narrowing your search results. Their prices are identical since Expedia Inc. runs all three sites.

In some cases, however, deals from the hotel’s original page might not appear on third-party websites. When picking a hotel to stay in, the user normally goes for price comparison from several sources.

If you can’t find a single description of a hotel room, you question why. Instead of making guests feel like entering a haunted house, hotel guides provide them with all details: facilities, house rules, whether a location is temporarily closed, if mask-wearing is required, etc.

Take a look at the  Accommodation Search Website case study that Codica Team delivered for a Client from Australia.

Hotel alternatives

Players like Booking and Expedia take up almost the entire hotel market. So it is a bit problematic to survive alongside those giants using old methods.

How to build a travel website that is alternative to hotels? High demand and low supply help you acquire the right type of customer as always. And with a rollout of platforms similar to Airbnb , it became clearer than ever.

For example, a summerhouse turned out to be a good choice for those spending their vacation with close friends, family, or both. The same applies to the family-operated guesthouses. Plus, they offer a homely atmosphere apart from cheaper service.

Once you pick a lovely "house by the sea," one more thing is yet to know: how do you get there?

As an example, take a look at this rental website concept created by Codica’s design team.

Travel website design prepared by Codica's team

Transportation explained

Here we find the right way to reach a destination point. A journey includes checking flight or bus tickets, train schedule, renting cars. Self-drive tours are extremely popular these days.

Overall, a lot of people need help with difficulties such as:

  • How to overcome airport-related obstacles;
  • Where to find low gas prices;
  • Which is the best car rental company nearby;
  • What vehicle is good for a specific location, etc.

RVshare , for example, is an “Airbnb of trailers” which has become very popular amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Travel Blog

Telling stories is what we frequently do. Mostly via social media. So why not benefit from it within your own travel website?

There are dozens of topics people find worth reading before visiting new places as:

  • Like-A-Local Guides;
  • Top Underrated Beachsides;
  • Best Sunrise View Spots;
  • Best Places to Exchange Currency;
  • City’s Loveliest Boutiques.

Allow users to share their notes and feedback. Ensure that they won't miss out on any of the opportunities a certain place has to offer. For example, Dorsia is an app about great city spots that are below most people’s radar:

A travel website filled with must-visit places

Source: Dribbble

How to build a travel website?

Travel goals and target audience.

Entering the travel market, avoid becoming an "all-in-one" expert. First, let's find out what goals travelers can pursue. Would-be travelers' roadmap tends to be driven by the following factors:

  • Dates & duration of the trip;

We've decided to point them out since there's a clear causal link to the concerns of each traveler:

  • Flight attributes;
  • Where to stay;
  • Vehicles & rental cars.

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You'll be more effective when you narrow in on a defined audience. How to make a travel website attractive to a particular set of people? We have rounded up traveler profiles that instantly come to mind:

  • Business tripper;
  • Family vacationer;
  • Friends' getaways;
  • Winter ski enthusiast;

Take people's lifestyles into account when determining a marketing strategy. Now, let’s move on to revenue models commonly used on travel websites.

Platform monetization

The revenue model is tightly connected to the goals you have. Here, we’ve decided to discuss the most common tips on how to profit from a travel website.

When it comes to booking, use commission fees just like brick-and-mortar travel agencies. For example, on, the commission depends on how highly your hotel is ranked.

Charge business for higher listings' visibility in searches. Also, you can offer so-called premium listings so a user will be on top of the search results. TripAdvisor, for instance, provides these tools once you claim your business page.

  • Transactions

Build a travel website for selling tourist equipment and related stuff directly to the customers. GoTravel which we have mentioned earlier does exactly the same.

  • Advertising

Diversify revenue by running social media campaigns, operators’ ads, and email marketing for travel agencies.

Functionality a travel website needs

As we have pointed out earlier, the travel industry covers many types of sites. Therefore, the required functionality will vary depending on your business goals. In this paragraph we want to outline the main features any travel website couldn't manage without.


Apart from the fill-all-fields process, let everybody register using Google or Facebook sign-ins.

If your site is review-based, ask newly registered businesses to provide short details on their type. Whether it is a restaurant, theme park, beach area, observation deck, shopping mall. The list goes on.

Search and filters

Allow people to find places by ratings, location, type of business, or commonly searched features as:

  • Available rooms;
  • Friendly-budget;
  • Free cancelation;
  • Parking space;
  • Wheelchair accessibility;
  • Breakfast included;
  • Room service.

Save users' time greatly with a predictive search — a dropdown of autosuggestions that pops up once you start typing.

Reservation system

You will need a booking system that manages dates, room types, tour packages, and more. Also, create blocked-out slots for unavailable options.

A calendar built into a travel website is more user-friendly than the need to jump between pages. Let users see the upcoming months' options so they can compare tour prices. By making multiple choices visible, you provide the “best value for money” principle.

Here’s an example of a convenient search on a travel website. It’s a concept design created by Codica Team.

Design concept of a travel website created by Codica

Payment gateways

Regardless of what you are selling – gear, supplies, flight tickets, souvenirs, or experiences – take care of payment gateways. For example, you can use popular ones like PayPal, Stripe, Braintree or Dwolla. Also, multi-currency acceptance makes your site much more user-friendly.

Please note that some payment solutions can be unavailable in certain countries.

Support service

Let users contact a help center by clicking the question icon or using another web element:

Travel website question section

We would recommend you to make it accessible from any page. It’s for you to decide whether it will be in the dropdown menu or not. Many websites also have chat support.


Notify registered users when booking is confirmed or canceled via email. Same thing goes for purchasing equipment and submitting any sorts of requests.

There’s more you can do with creating a progressive web app (PWA). With PWA development services , keep travelers updated on places (e.g., museums, galleries, theme parks) worth visiting. Make push notifications shown on a mobile device triggered by real-time geodata.

Just those travel websites that provide useful information stay afloat. So unbiased advice from real individuals goes a long way.

Allow travelers to share feedback or small tips within your platform. Content coming from people or entities clearly affiliated with a business should be removed. Also, consider adding several editorial features to reviewing system:

  • Headline & subheadline;
  • Font styles: bold , italic , underline ;
  • A YouTube, Vimeo, or another video link preview of user’s journey;
  • Caption for attached photos.

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A user will need functionality for accurate mapping of their walking and drive tours. Allow your website visitors to find relevant places by selecting distance range or entering a location.

Provide a fast preview with name, activities available, prices, and several photos of the traveler’s destination.

Mobile version

How to make a travel website feel like a native mobile app? Build a PWA. Simple as that.

Apart from push notifications, mobile-first approach guarantees you several other benefits:

  • Fast-loading pages;
  • Higher placement in Google search;
  • Pre-caching that enables offline mode;
  • Cross-browser compatibility.

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Travel website design tips

It’s hard to find a template or a one-size-fits-all approach to make your own travel website. Select design elements appealing to a specific set of people instead. Once again, don't try to cater to everyone.

Homepage search widget

Don't overload the homepage. Your site visitors are not going to solve puzzles. Especially when almost half of today's search queries fall on compact mobile devices.

Help users find what they need in a matter of seconds. Give them instant access to the search bar with minimum filtering. Here’s an example of a slick UI/UX design followed by Kiwi :

Checking accommodation on travel website via filters

Image that message

Travelers expect to see real and high-quality photos. So keep your site imagery "clean," avoiding pre-made effects.

A picture, in your case, should be worth a thousand words. Make it obvious . Give travelers a real depiction of their destination.

Airbnb’s pages show how big an impact of photo strategy is:

A photo strategy example for a travel website

Details out in the open

Let’s briefly discuss how to create a travel website that is easy to navigate.

Leave several click-to-action accessible from any page. Show tours availability. Flag whether a hotel offers free cancellations. Display the information on mask requirements, additional pandemic-related measures, and more.

Here’s one of many examples of how to manage a tour booking page:

Must-have booking details on a travel website

Additionally, include your contact details or “Ask a Question” button in a highly visible area. Also, your email should be hyperlinked to launch instantly.

Convenience in use

Many people tend to use only a few functions — especially those who favor small screen devices. If your site overdoses on dropdown menus, visitors may leave it in favor of a simpler one. So point out widely-used content instead.

A person may want to search for a hotel room and book the most suitable option. Therefore, most required functionality should be in the navigation bar. For additional information that does not fit into it, use the dropdown menu.

Speaking of booking, there's a common mistake you can see all over the Internet. Some developers avoid displaying more than one calendar month on the same page. Let’s say you’d like to check in on Wednesday 2 September:

How the calendar should look like when building a travel website

The left calendar forces you to scroll through to the next month. The other one on the right has no such problem. It comes surprisingly handy when you'd like to see trip duration as a continuous line.

Choose a travel website development approach

When deciding on whether to make your own travel website, consider two aspects that influence the development cost:

  • The approach: out-of-box vs. custom development.
  • The functionality you select.

Let’s look closely at the core benefits of both using a ready-made solution, and building a custom website with a software development company.

Out-of-the-box solution

Ready-made software allows you to start a platform in no time. This way, you reduce many costs, if compared to a travel website development from scratch. There's no need to maintain the platform and deal with security issues, either.

There are plenty of SaaS solutions providing subscriptions adjustable to the company’s growing needs. For example, SiteMinder offers ready-to-install software designed to run a hotel website:

Ready-made booking engine for a travel website

However, as we said, you will not find any one-size-fits-all web elements out there. It is a turning point since travel website design plays a major role.

Custom travel website

On the contrary, you can make your own travel website 100% reflect your voice or brand identity . So what may be started as a vision of pulling up various ideas will end up as a unique product.

Partnership with a dev team guarantees vast experience and profound knowledge of the latest programming trends. And make no mistake, your project will be complete with the right tech stack, considering all the requirements.

How to build a travel website with up-to-date technologies? At Codica, we favor the best programming solutions like Ruby and Ruby on Rails. We also firmly believe, first things first, you should get the minimum valuable product (MVP). Let us explain importance of using MVP development services :

  • Fast rollout

Collect first feedback and make subtotals for your project’s course correction. After doing so, you extend starting features and try the rest.

  • Attraction from investors

MVP helps to demonstrate to investors the seriousness of your intent.

  • Website promotion

Get everybody to know about your startup by increasing traffic from the outset.

Take a look at the projects that our team successfully delivered for clients from around the world.

How can Codica help with building a travel website?

Since 2015, Codica team has been delivering high-quality web products for multiple industries. Our solutions are designed to bring a great amount of traffic, conversions, and sales. And it's all thanks to our Agile mindset and a full-cycle development team presented by:

  • UX/UI designers;
  • Project managers;
  • Software developers;
  • DevOps engineers;
  • QA engineers.

First, we build clickable prototypes for the future MVP based on your goals and audience. It guarantees a predefined time frame and budget.

Then our software engineers approach MVP development. Sticking with the latest programming trends, we provide you with a maintainable and highly secure solution.

Once the end product is rolled out, Codica’s experts will be analyzing its status regularly. If there is any issue, we will fix it shortly.

Case study: Travel management platform

We couldn't resist the chance to show you a travel website we created for one of our customers. This project is a management platform for those looking for more than a typical “bucket list” destination.

A travel website for Arctic and Antarctic tours created by Codica

This is an online travel marketplace for IExpedition , an Australia-based travel agency providing Arctic and Antarctic journeys.

The customer wanted us to create a convenient booking website. We built a marketplace that brings a mix of polar expeditions from a huge amount of vessel options ranging in size, and across 1,000 departures.

With IExpedition, you manage your chosen trip to the polar region. There are options for both shoestring-budget and five-star travel styles. Functionality and content include a cruise booking system and the essential checklist for travel preparation.

Article CTA - Talk to an expert

Seeing new places, getting to know other cultures, or simply running from everyday life — nothing compares with that. Is there anything nowadays, apart from a few clicks, that stands in between you and your dream trip?

Over the past years, travel websites skyrocketed as many tourists look for unique and more exciting journeys. There are a bunch of features that could make your website special. Importantly, users should easily be able to witness them. Hiring a development agency filled with experts is the most efficient way to achieve it.

A quick glance back proves Codica's ability to create custom software that meets the highest web standards. If you have the idea of building a travel website and need a reliable team to help you, don’t hesitate to contact us .

Article contents cta | Codica

There are two approaches to making a travel website: ready-made and custom platform. If you are interested in a custom website, Codica got a proven track record. For example, we built a booking platform for iExpedition, an agency providing polar journeys.

A revenue model is tightly connected to your business goals. For example, for a booking website, you can use commission fees like brick-and-mortar travel agencies. As a second option, you can charge a tourist attraction spot to climb on top of search results. And selling travel accessories means you profit from transactions.

User-friendly is a quality attribute that describes how efficiently users can interact with a site. It goes for everything you normally encounter: navigation, design standards, visual engagement, browsers compatibility, etc. A good example of a user-friendly website is Kiwi, giving quick access to pages to book from.

The most secure travel sites meet password and payment protection standards. With solid payment gateways and two-factor authentication, users don't lose their sensitive data. Airbnb is a good example of all these components at once.

Ruby on Rails (back-end) and React.js or Vue.js (front-end) are totally worth using. Having free access to libraries or Ruby gems, your team will develop an app saving both time and money. Nowadays, there are over 167,000 gems for ready-made solutions out there.

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7 steps to create a travel website and win the competition

Ann Kravtsova photo

Travels! We love visiting unexplored countries and continents, but people don’t take trips, trips take people.

The adventure starts long before a wanderer hits the road, on some travel website where people can choose a destination, book a hotel or a buy a package tour.

Everyone in the travel business wants their portal to be the starting point for each wanderer planning the next voyage.

How to turn a travel website into one successful project?

The answer to this and other questions in this article. Enjoy reading!              

Why build a travel agency website?

A decade ago it was okay if a travel company didn’t exist on the web and only worked offline.

Travel consultants, agencies and vendors ran brick-and-mortar businesses and didn’t bother with the pros and cons of moving to the digital realm.

If newlyweds wanted to book a honeymoon trip, they would do it in face-to-face communication.

But everything has changed.

Instead of making room for meetings and negotiations in their busy schedules, customers prefer to arrange everything in a few clicks.

The high demand for online travel services has forced millions of vendors to create resources that engage users, serve as educational facilities, and boost sales.

(Play and rotate the video with your mouse)

A compass for users

A clear navigation scheme helps random visitors find the info about a particular location, view available destinations, find your blog with useful information, and contact a travel vendor in a matter of minutes.

How to create a perfect navigation bar:

  • choose the best location for the main navigation bar;
  • make your CTAs clear and encouraging;
  • create an engaging landing page and link it to internal pages;
  • add micro-interactions to properly guide users;
  • keep your menu brief and relevant.

Fast search tool

The key point one should keep in mind when building a travel website is an advanced search with useful filters and predictive results.

Even if your search feature is going to save users a few seconds, they will appreciate it for sure and will come back later.

A voice search will score you a couple more points and help you stand out from the competitors. It’s the latest technology which gains popularity among people really fast.

Mobile experience

A recent survey by Cisco reports that business mobile traffic is going to grow 5.6-fold in a few years to come.

It means that most would-be travellers and bookers will make all arrangements for journeys on the go.

When creating a mobile-friendly design for a tour company site, it is essential to:

  • make navigation as simple as possible;
  • create large CTAs that enable one-tap actions for booking and purchasing;
  • ensure that the page load time is as high as on a desktop version;
  • insert responsive and retina-ready media elements with the zoom feature;
  • make sure that all the links and buttons are clickable.

7-Steps-for-Creating-a-Travel-Website-and-Win-the-Competition005-576x800 7 steps to create a travel website and win the competition

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  • Travel Tips

How To Create A Tourism Website

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Allianora Obregon

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Essentials & Accessories
  • Travel Guide



Welcome to the world of travel and tourism websites! In this digital age, having an effective online presence is crucial for any tourism business. Whether you are a travel agency, a hotel, a tour operator, or a destination marketer, a well-designed and optimized website can be a game-changer for your business.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a tourism website that will not only attract visitors but also convert them into customers. We will cover all the essential steps, from planning and domain selection to content creation, SEO optimization, and launching your website. So, let’s get started on this exciting journey!

Whether you are a travel agency, a hotel, a tour operator, a destination marketer, or an individual with a passion for travel, having a well-designed and optimized tourism website can greatly benefit your business. In today’s digital age, travelers turn to the internet to research, plan, and book their vacations. Therefore, a strong online presence is essential to capture their attention and convert them into customers.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a tourism website that stands out from the crowd. We will cover everything from planning and domain selection to content creation, design, and search engine optimization (SEO). By following these steps, you will be able to create a compelling website that attracts visitors and boosts your online visibility.

So, whether you are starting from scratch or looking to revamp your existing website, let’s dive into the world of tourism website creation and discover how you can take your travel business to new heights.

Step 1: Planning your tourism website

Before diving into the technical aspects of website creation, it’s important to start with a clear plan. Proper planning will ensure that your website aligns with your goals and caters to your target audience. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Define your target audience: Determine the type of travelers you want to attract. Are you targeting adventurous backpackers, luxury travelers, or families? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your website content and design accordingly.
  • Set clear goals: What do you want to achieve with your tourism website? Whether it’s to increase bookings, generate leads, or provide information, clearly define your goals to guide your website development process.
  • Research your competitors: Take a look at other tourism websites in your niche to get insights into design trends, content strategies, and user experience. This will help you identify gaps and find unique ways to differentiate your website.
  • Create a sitemap: A sitemap is a visual representation of the structure of your website. It outlines the main pages, categories, and sub-categories. Mapping out your website structure will help you organize your content and ensure easy navigation for visitors.
  • Plan your website sections: Based on your target audience and goals, decide what sections your website will have. Common sections for a tourism website include destinations, tours, accommodations, activities, and travel tips.
  • Think about user experience: Put yourself in the shoes of your website visitors. Consider how they will navigate your website, what information they will be looking for, and how you can make their experience intuitive and enjoyable.

By carefully planning your tourism website, you lay the foundation for a successful online presence. It sets the stage for the next steps of domain selection, content creation, and design. Remember, a well-thought-out plan will save you time and effort in the long run and ensure that your website effectively serves your target audience.

Step 2: Choosing a domain name and web hosting

Once you have a clear plan for your tourism website, it’s time to choose a domain name and web hosting provider. Your domain name is the address that visitors will use to access your website, while web hosting is the service that allows your website to be accessible on the internet. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Choose a memorable domain name: Your domain name should be easy to remember, relevant to your business, and preferably include keywords related to your tourism niche. Avoid using numbers, hyphens, or confusing spellings that may make it harder for visitors to find you.
  • Select a reputable web hosting provider: Look for a hosting provider that offers reliable and secure hosting services. Consider factors such as server uptime, customer support, scalability, and pricing. Read reviews and compare different options to make an informed decision.
  • Consider your website’s scalability: If you plan on growing your tourism business in the future, consider a hosting provider that offers room for scalability. This will ensure that your website can handle increased traffic and accommodate new features as your business expands.
  • Check for domain availability: Before finalizing your domain name, make sure it’s available. Conduct a domain name search to ensure that there are no trademarks or legal issues associated with your chosen name.
  • Opt for SSL security: In today’s digital landscape, website security is crucial. Look for a hosting provider that offers SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates to encrypt sensitive data and ensure a secure browsing experience for your visitors.
  • Consider additional features: Some hosting providers offer additional features such as email hosting, website backups, and website builders. Evaluate these features based on your requirements and choose a provider that offers the best value for your tourism website.

Choosing the right domain name and web hosting provider is a critical step in the creation of your tourism website. Your domain name represents your brand, while your hosting provider determines the availability and performance of your website. Take your time to research and choose wisely to set a strong foundation for your online presence.

Step 3: Selecting a content management system (CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a software that allows you to manage and organize the content on your website without the need for technical expertise. Choosing the right CMS is crucial as it determines the ease of website management, scalability, and flexibility. Here are some popular CMS options for your tourism website:

  • WordPress: WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS platforms, known for its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin options. It offers a wide range of themes and templates specifically designed for tourism websites. WordPress also offers robust SEO plugins to optimize your website for search engines.
  • Joomla: Joomla is another popular CMS that provides a balance between simplicity and flexibility. It offers a range of extensions and templates to customize your website. Joomla is known for its strong user community and multilingual capabilities, making it suitable for tourism websites catering to international audiences.
  • Drupal: Drupal is a powerful CMS that offers a high level of customization and scalability. It is suitable for tourism websites that require complex functionality and data management. However, Drupal has a steeper learning curve compared to other CMS options.
  • Magento: If your tourism website involves e-commerce functionalities, Magento is a preferred CMS choice. It offers advanced features for managing product listings, inventory, and customer transactions. Magento is known for its scalability and robustness, making it suitable for large-scale tourism businesses.

When selecting a CMS for your tourism website, consider the specific needs of your business and the expertise of your team. Factors to consider include ease of use, available plugins and extensions, community support, security, and ongoing maintenance requirements. You may also consult with a web development professional to assess which CMS best suits your goals and technical capabilities.

By selecting the right CMS for your tourism website, you’ll have a powerful tool to manage and update your content effortlessly. This will save you time and effort in the long run, allowing you to focus on providing engaging and informative content to your visitors.

Step 4: Designing the layout and structure of the website

The design of your tourism website plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging visitors. It should be visually appealing, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand image. Here are some key considerations when designing the layout and structure of your website:

  • Choose a visually appealing theme: Select a theme or template that aligns with the image you want to portray. Consider the color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetics of the theme. Ensure that it is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Create a clear and intuitive navigation: Visitors should be able to easily navigate through your website and find the information they’re looking for. Keep the menu structure simple and organized. Use descriptive labels and consider including dropdown menus for subcategories.
  • Focus on user experience: Put yourself in the shoes of your website visitors and think about how they will interact with your site. Make sure the layout is clean and uncluttered, with important information and call-to-action buttons easily visible. Optimize page loading speed to ensure a smooth browsing experience.
  • Incorporate captivating visuals: Use high-quality images and videos that showcase the beauty of your destinations or the amenities of your accommodations. Visual content is a powerful tool to capture the attention of visitors and inspire them to explore further.
  • Highlight unique selling points: Identify the unique aspects of your tourism business and showcase them prominently on your website. This could be special tours, exclusive experiences, or personalized customer service. Emphasize these points to differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • Include clear calls-to-action: Guide visitors towards the desired actions, whether it’s booking a tour, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting you. Use prominent buttons, engaging copy, and persuasive language to encourage conversions.
  • Optimize for mobile: More and more people are browsing the internet on their mobile devices. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless experience across different screen sizes. Test your website on various devices to ensure responsiveness.

When designing your website’s layout and structure, focus on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. Think about how to make information easily accessible, engage visitors through visuals, and guide them towards taking action. By investing time and effort into the design process, you’ll create a tourism website that captivates visitors and encourages them to explore all that your business has to offer.

Step 5: Creating engaging and informative content

Content is the backbone of your tourism website. It’s what provides value to your visitors and helps them make informed decisions. Creating engaging and informative content is essential for attracting and retaining your target audience. Here’s how you can craft compelling content for your tourism website:

  • Know your audience: Understand who your target audience is and tailor your content to their interests and needs. Research their demographics, preferences, and pain points to create content that resonates with them.
  • Provide destination guides: Create detailed guides for popular destinations, including information on attractions, activities, accommodations, local cuisine, and transportation. Include insider tips and recommendations to help visitors plan their trips.
  • Showcase your expertise: Position yourself as a trusted authority in the tourism industry by sharing your expertise and insights. Create blog posts, articles, or videos that offer valuable travel tips, packing guides, safety advice, or cultural information.
  • Include customer testimonials: Feature testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility. Highlight positive experiences and showcase how your tourism services have enhanced their travel experiences.
  • Utilize storytelling: Engage your audience by telling stories that evoke emotions and create a connection. Share personal experiences, anecdotes, or success stories to make your content more relatable and memorable.
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content to improve your website’s visibility in search engine rankings. However, prioritize creating high-quality, user-focused content that provides value over keyword stuffing.
  • Include captivating visuals: Enhance your content with attention-grabbing images, videos, and infographics. Visual content not only adds visual appeal but also helps convey information more effectively.
  • Update regularly: Keep your website fresh and engaging by regularly adding new content. This could be through blog posts, news updates, or seasonal promotions. Regular updates not only keep visitors coming back but also improve your search engine rankings.

By focusing on creating engaging and informative content, you’ll be able to capture the attention of your target audience and establish your tourism website as a valuable resource. Remember to keep your content relevant, authentic, and aligned with your brand identity to create a memorable experience for your visitors.

Step 6: Integrating multimedia elements (photos, videos)

One of the most effective ways to engage and entice visitors to your tourism website is through the use of multimedia elements such as photos and videos. These visual components can showcase the beauty of destinations, bring experiences to life, and inspire potential travelers. Here’s how you can integrate multimedia elements into your website:

  • Capture stunning photography: Invest in high-quality professional photography that showcases the unique features of your destinations, accommodations, or tours. Striking images can capture the attention of visitors and encourage them to explore further.
  • Create captivating videos: Videos offer an immersive experience and can convey the excitement and thrill of your tourism offerings. Produce videos that highlight key attractions, showcase customer testimonials, or provide virtual tours to give potential visitors a taste of what to expect.
  • Optimize media for fast loading: Compress images and videos without compromising quality to ensure fast loading times. Slow-loading media can lead to a negative user experience and increase bounce rates.
  • Organize media into galleries and slideshows: Group related photos or videos into visually appealing galleries or slideshows. This allows visitors to easily browse through multiple images or videos without overwhelming the page.
  • Embed videos from platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo: Instead of hosting videos directly on your website, consider embedding them from popular video platforms. This helps reduce bandwidth and improves overall website performance.
  • Add captions and descriptions: Provide context and information for your multimedia elements by adding captions or descriptions. This helps visitors understand the significance of the visuals and enhances their overall experience.
  • Encourage user-generated content: Get your audience involved by encouraging them to share their travel photos or videos on your website or social media platforms. User-generated content adds authenticity and showcases real experiences.
  • Consider virtual reality (VR) or 360-degree imagery: For a truly immersive experience, consider utilizing virtual reality or 360-degree imagery. This allows visitors to explore destinations or accommodations from different angles, giving them a sense of being there.

By incorporating multimedia elements into your tourism website, you can create a visually captivating experience for your visitors. Striking photography, engaging videos, and other visual media can inspire and persuade potential travelers to choose your offerings over competitors. Remember to optimize media for fast loading and ensure that the visuals are authentic, appealing, and aligned with your brand identity.

Step 7: Incorporating booking and reservation features

For many tourism businesses, the ability to accept online bookings and reservations is crucial to their success. By incorporating booking and reservation features into your website, you can streamline the booking process, boost conversions, and provide a convenient experience for your customers. Here’s how you can implement these features:

  • Choose a reliable booking system: Select a booking system or plugin that caters to the specific needs of your tourism business. Look for features such as availability calendars, multiple payment options, and booking confirmation notifications. Do thorough research and choose a system that integrates well with your website’s CMS.
  • Create clear and comprehensive booking forms: Design user-friendly booking forms that are easy to fill out. Include fields for important details, such as dates, number of participants, preferred accommodations, and any special requirements. Make sure to ask for contact information so you can easily reach out to customers if needed.
  • Showcase availability and pricing: Provide real-time availability updates for your tours, accommodations, or services. Clearly display pricing information, any available discounts, and additional fees upfront. Transparency in availability and pricing helps customers make informed decisions and reduces the chances of booking conflicts.
  • Offer secure online payment options: Implement secure and trusted payment gateways to ensure a safe online transaction process. Popular options include PayPal, Stripe, or integrated payment solutions like WooCommerce. Display security badges or logos to instill confidence in customers.
  • Incorporate upselling and cross-promotion: Use the booking process as an opportunity to offer additional products or services. For example, if customers are booking a tour, suggest related activities or add-ons that enhance their overall experience. Cross-promote your other offerings to encourage customers to explore more options.
  • Send automated confirmation and reminder emails: Once a customer makes a booking, send them an automated confirmation along with the necessary details. Also, consider sending reminder emails closer to the booked dates. These automated emails provide reassurance and keep customers informed and engaged.
  • Provide customer support: Clearly display your contact information or a dedicated customer support form on your website. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, whether it’s regarding bookings, cancellations, or other queries. Exceptional customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and increase repeat bookings.
  • Regularly update and monitor your booking system: Ensure that your booking system is up to date with accurate availability and pricing information. Regularly test the booking process to identify and resolve any issues or bottlenecks that may deter customers from completing their bookings.

By incorporating booking and reservation features into your tourism website, you provide a seamless and convenient experience for your customers. The ability to book and reserve online increases customer satisfaction and encourages them to choose your offerings over competitors. With a reliable and user-friendly booking system in place, you can streamline your operations and focus on delivering exceptional travel experiences.

Step 8: Implementing social media integration

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and incorporating social media integration into your tourism website can significantly enhance your online presence and engagement with your target audience. By implementing social media integration, you can leverage the power of social platforms to drive website traffic, promote your offerings, and connect with potential customers. Here’s how to get started:

  • Add social sharing buttons: Include social sharing buttons on your website’s pages and blog posts. This allows visitors to easily share your content on their own social media profiles, expanding your reach and visibility.
  • Display social media feeds: Showcase your social media content directly on your website. Embed feeds from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to provide real-time updates and encourage visitors to follow and engage with your social profiles.
  • Encourage user-generated content: Prompt your website visitors to share their travel experiences by using specific hashtags or tagging your social media accounts. Curate and display user-generated content on your website to build trust and foster a sense of community.
  • Add social media buttons: Place social media buttons linking to your social profiles in a prominent location on your website, such as the header or footer. This makes it easy for visitors to connect with you on various platforms.
  • Integrate social login: Allow visitors to log in or sign up on your website using their social media accounts. This simplifies the registration process and eliminates the need for visitors to fill out lengthy forms.
  • Promote social media contests and giveaways: Run contests or giveaways on your social media platforms and promote them on your website. Encourage visitors to participate and share the contest with their social networks to increase brand visibility.
  • Include social proof: Showcase social proof, such as the number of followers, positive reviews, or testimonials, on your website. This builds trust and credibility, enhancing the confidence of potential customers in choosing your tourism offerings.
  • Create social media buttons: Place social media buttons linking to your profiles in a visible location on your website. This allows visitors to easily connect with you on various platforms.
  • Engage with your audience: Actively monitor and respond to comments, messages, and mentions on your social media platforms. Engage in conversations, answer inquiries, and acknowledge feedback or reviews. This demonstrates your commitment to customer service and fosters a sense of connection with your audience.

By implementing social media integration into your tourism website, you can amplify your brand reach, foster engagement, and create a community of loyal followers. Leverage the power of social media to promote your offerings, build trust, and connect with potential customers in a dynamic and interactive way.

Step 9: Optimizing the website for search engines (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your tourism website’s visibility in search engine rankings and driving organic traffic. By optimizing your website, you can improve its chances of being discovered by potential customers. Here are some key tips to optimize your tourism website for search engines:

  • Perform keyword research: Identify relevant keywords that are commonly searched by your target audience. Use keyword research tools to find high-volume and low-competition keywords to incorporate into your website’s content.
  • Create high-quality, unique content: Develop informative and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Incorporate the identified keywords naturally within your content, including headings, paragraphs, and meta tags.
  • Optimize meta tags: Write compelling meta titles and descriptions that clearly convey the purpose and value of each page. Use relevant keywords within the meta tags to improve your website’s visibility in search results.
  • Optimize your website’s structure and navigation: Ensure your website has a clear and logically structured hierarchy. Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to organize your content and improve readability. Implement breadcrumbs to help users navigate your website easily.
  • Optimize for local search: If you have a localized tourism business, optimize your website for local search. Include your business address, contact information, and localized keywords within your content. Register your website on Google My Business and other relevant online directories.
  • Utilize internal and external linking: Link relevant pages within your website’s content to guide visitors and search engines to related information. Also, consider obtaining high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the tourism industry to improve your website’s authority and search rankings.
  • Optimize for mobile devices: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive. With the increasing use of mobile devices for travel research and bookings, a mobile-friendly website is essential for improving user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Optimize page loading speed: Website speed is a crucial ranking factor. Optimize your website by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and utilizing browser caching. Regularly monitor and optimize your website’s speed to ensure fast loading times.
  • Monitor and analyze performance: Utilize web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to track the performance of your website. Monitor key metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, and keyword rankings. Analyze the data and make data-driven decisions to further optimize your website.

By implementing SEO strategies into your tourism website, you increase the visibility and discoverability of your business in search engine results. A website that is optimized for search engines will attract more organic traffic, improve user engagement, and ultimately drive conversions and bookings for your tourism business.

Step 10: Testing and launching your tourism website

Before launching your tourism website, it’s essential to thoroughly test its functionality, usability, and performance. Testing ensures that your website is free from errors and provides a seamless experience for your visitors. Follow these steps to test and launch your website:

  • Check for cross-browser compatibility: Test your website on different browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) to ensure it displays properly and functions correctly across all platforms.
  • Test responsiveness: Your website should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Test it on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, to ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  • Validate code: Run your website’s HTML and CSS through a validation tool to ensure it conforms to industry standards and best practices. This helps identify any coding errors or inconsistencies that may affect website performance.
  • Test all links and forms: Click through all links on your website to check for broken links or incorrect redirects. Fill out and submit all forms to ensure they function correctly and capture data accurately.
  • Review content for accuracy and consistency: Double-check all content, including text, images, and videos, for accuracy and consistency. Ensure that all information is up to date, spelling and grammar are correct, and visuals are properly displayed.
  • Optimize for site speed: Use website performance tools to analyze and optimize your website’s loading speed. Compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript files, and leverage browser caching to improve loading times.
  • Set up analytics and tracking: Install web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to track website performance and visitor behavior. Set up conversion tracking to monitor and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
  • Secure your website: Implement security measures such as SSL certificates to ensure that sensitive information is encrypted and transactions are secure. Regularly update your CMS, plugins, and themes to patch any vulnerabilities.
  • Backup your website: Create regular backups of your website’s files and database to safeguard against any data loss or technical issues. Store backups securely off-site or use a trusted backup service.
  • Launch and monitor: Once you have thoroughly tested your website, it’s time to launch it. Monitor its performance after launch, track key metrics, and make adjustments as necessary to continually improve user experience and achieve your business goals.

By following these testing and launching steps, you can ensure that your tourism website is running smoothly and ready to attract and engage visitors. Regularly monitor and update your website to adapt to changing user habits, industry trends, and search engine algorithms. With a well-designed, optimized, and tested website, you’ll be well-positioned to succeed in the highly competitive tourism industry.

Creating a successful tourism website requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a focus on delivering an exceptional user experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can build a tourism website that stands out from the competition, attracts visitors, and drives conversions. Let’s recap what we’ve covered:

We started with the importance of planning, understanding your target audience, and setting clear goals for your website. Then, we discussed key decisions such as choosing a domain name and web hosting provider, selecting a content management system (CMS), and designing the layout and structure of your website. We explored the significance of creating engaging and informative content, integrating multimedia elements, incorporating booking and reservation features, and implementing social media integration.

Furthermore, we emphasized the importance of optimizing your website for search engines through keyword research, high-quality content creation, and technical optimizations. Finally, we highlighted the significance of thoroughly testing and launching your website, ensuring its responsiveness, functionality, and usability.

Remember, building a successful tourism website is an ongoing process. Regularly update your content, monitor website performance, and analyze user behavior to stay ahead of trends, serve your audience better, and drive continued growth.

With a well-designed and optimized tourism website, you’ll be able to showcase your offerings, attract new customers, and cultivate a strong online presence in the travel industry. So, roll up your sleeves, follow these steps, and get ready to launch a tourism website that leaves a lasting impression on your visitors and drives the success of your tourism business.


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Vandelay Design

25 Travel Website Design Examples for Tourism and Agencies

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The quality of design is very important for websites in the travel and tourism industry. These sites need to inspire and entice travelers, so travel website design is usually highly visual.

Regardless of whether the site is for a hotel, resort, travel agent, booking, or tour operator, tourism website design needs to look and function well to appeal to visitors.

On this page, we’ll take a look at travel and tourism website examples to provide web design inspiration and observe some current trends in the travel industry.

The Best Travel Website Design Examples

These travel website examples should provide plenty of inspiration that you can put to good use. Whether you’re creating a site for a hotel or resort, a comparison or booking site, or looking to design one of the best travel agency websites, you’ll find beautiful examples here.

For more web design inspiration , please see some of our other articles, like winery & vineyard websites , restaurant websites , and museum websites .

MORE Family Collection

The MORE Family Collection is a group of resorts in South Africa. The website features a clean design with a heavy does of photos and video clips. The site also uses nice typography with big, bold headline fonts .

MORE Family Collection

Grand Forest

An excellent example of tourism website design, this five-star mountain hotel in Greece features a full-screen background video on the homepage that rotates clips every few seconds. Just about every page on the site includes a very large header photo.

Grand Forest

Equinox Explore

The homepage of Equinox Explore uses several full-screen background photos with some scrolling effects. The images carry the load in this web design as the rest of the layout is fairly simple for this travel company.

Equinox Explore

Tall, True & Tangled

This website uses lots of large images, color, background patterns, and a handwritten font on the homepage. It’s one of the best tourism website design examples you’ll find.

Tall, True & Tangled

Adams & Butler

You would expect a luxury travel agency to have a beautiful website, and Adams & Butler delivers, providing one of the best travel agency website examples. The full-screen background video on the home rotates through a number of clips that showcase amazing scenery and culture that are sure to have an impact on any website visitor or potential customer.

Adams & Butler

Aguas de Ibiza

This hotel website uses a lot of images, a nice mobile-friendly navigation menu, and a convenient way to check availability and book your stay.

Aguas de Ibiza

Makena Golf and Beach Club

Located in Hawaii, this golf and beach club offers a highly-visual experience that is sure to make you want to book a trip. The amount of text content on the site is relatively light, allowing the images to take center stage.

McKenna Golf and Beach Club

Dorsia takes a different approach with its travel website. Instead of a large photo or video on the homepage, visitors are greeted with a unique illustration. The site is really well-designed with illustrations playing a significant role even on secondary pages.


This luxury Hawaiian hotel uses a full-screen video background, plus lots of big and colorful photos throughout the website.


Maryculter House

Maryculter House uses a large video background on the homepage. The rest of the site is attractive with nice typography. An elegant serif font is used for headlines.

Maryculter House

Getaway’s website will have you ready to book a cabin rental for your next trip. The photos showcase cabins surrounded by stunning nature. In addition to viewing properties and units, you can also place your booking when you’re ready.


Visit Arizona

As one of the more spectacular states in the U.S., it makes sense that Arizona would showcase that amazing scenery in its tourism website.

Visit Arizona

Salt In Our Hair

Travel blog Salt In Our Hair features a beautiful design. The homepage uses a large background image at the top of the page. Naturally, photos play a large role throughout the site.

Salt In Our Hair

Explore Charleston

Charleston, SC encourages visitors with the help of an informative, attractive website. You can find the best places to stay, places to eat, shopping, and things to do while you’re there.

Explore Charleston

Relais de Chambord

This French hotel has a beautiful website to match the elegance of the building and property itself. Photos and typography are among the primary elements that make this website look great.

Relais de Chambord

Spain Collection

Spain Collection offers luxury travel experiences in Spain and Portugal. The site features a lot of photos and videos, as well as some scrolling effects.

Spain Collection

Backpacking Tours

Backpacking Tours uses a full-screen background video to grab attention and entice visitors to watch the full promo video. As you scroll down the page, you’ll see a colorful design that incorporates photos and some hand-drawn effects.

Backpacking Tours

The Scott Resort & Spa

The website of The Scott Resort & Spa uses images, video, beautiful typography, and a lot of animation effects as you scroll. Overall, the site provides an excellent experience that encourages visitors to book a stay.

The Scott Resort & Spa

Discover Ireland

Discover Ireland provides information and ideas for visitors who are researching. There are many photos on the site with a heavy emphasis on the natural beauty of Ireland and outdoor activities.

Discover Ireland

Africa Travel Resource

Africa Travel Resource offers safari tours, so naturally, their website includes countless wildlife and nature photos of exotic destinations. The layout and design of the site is very clean and clutter-free.



Travelshift entices travelers with large, beautiful photos. On the site, you can find information about the different trips and itineraries.


Ultima Corfu

This Mediterranean wellness retreat uses a large video on the homepage. The rest of the site features plenty of photos that showcase the natural beauty.

Ultima Corfu

The website for this hotel in Oslo uses a large video on the homepage. The web design incorporates nice typography and some animation effects as you scroll.


St. Regis Venice

This hotel in Venice has a quality website with plenty of information and photos. It’s easy to book a stay thanks to a sticky header menu with a “reserve now” link.

St. Regis Venice

Kenauk Nature

Kenauk Nature offers luxury lodge rentals in Quebec. The homepage uses a large video to capture attention. Throughout the site you can find articles and photos about the various attractions and activities that are likely to appeal to the target audience.

Kenauk Nature

Travel Website Design Trends

After browsing through this showcase, a few trends in travel website development are obvious.

Full-Screen Background Videos

Many of the sites showcased here use a large video on the homepage that immediately grabs the attention of visitors. Most of the videos rotate and change the clips every few seconds to hold viewers’ attention longer. Some sites use large background photos instead of video, but the use of video is a noticeable trend.

Heavy Use of Photos

What’s the best way to inspire travelers and encourage sharing on social media? Photos and video are much more effective than text, so it makes sense that travel and tourism websites use a lot of beautiful photos to showcase the travel destination and venues.

Not only do these sites use a lot of photos, but the photos also tend to be big and unmissable.

Clean Layouts

Most of the sites use images and videos as the primary visual elements. In some cases, the designs and layouts are fairly simple (in a good way), which allows the images to have the full attention of visitors while providing a positive user experience.

Many of the sites showcased on this page are related to luxury travel, either hotels, resorts, or travel agencies. One of the best ways to give an elegant and luxurious feel to a website is through typography. While this trend does not apply to every site on the list, several of them feature typography that adds to the feel of luxury.

Final Thoughts on Travel Website Design

We hope you enjoyed this showcase of the best travel website design examples. There are a variety of different types of businesses represented here, so you should find plenty of inspiration for your own tourism website design to create an outstanding online presence.

The travel website examples shown here use web design as a powerful tool to advertise and encourage people to visit or stay. All of these sites are valuable assets to the business and we’re sure that your site has the same potential.

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Steven is an industry veteran with nearly two decades of web design experience. He was instrumental in the launch (2007) and growth of the Vandelay Design blog. Vandelay Design is one of the leading web design blogs and has reached more than 50 million visitors. Steven has also been a regular contributor at other websites like Smashing Magazine and Envato's Tuts+ and was a contributing author for the Smashing Book. Connect with Steven at LinkedIn .

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Top 16 Must-Have Key Features For Travel Websites (2024)

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Are you looking to create a WordPress travel website that stands out from the crowd?

Well, we will discuss the top 16 must-have key features For travel booking websites.

In today’s digital world, the possibilities of running a successful travel business online are virtually endless. For travel and tour agencies as well as travel agents, a solid online presence is essential to attract and retain customers.

As more and more travelers turn to the internet to research and book their next adventure.

So, what are the key features of a travel agency website that help to stand out your travel business site among the competitors in the market?

What do you think? Whenever it comes to having an outstanding travel agency website the first.

The foremost feature is the website’s responsive and mobile-friendly design which is crucial to ensure that your website operates seamlessly across all devices and screen types. This not only enhances the user experience but also helps to drive more traffic to your website, increasing your chances of converting visitors into customers.

Once your visitors are on your website, they expect to be able to easily browse and book different travel packages. A smart booking system that offers varied payment options and unlimited trip packages is almost mandatory for any successful travel agency website.

Not only does it streamline the booking process for your visitors, but it also helps to boost your business impression and increase revenue.

While we’ve only scratched the surface of the essential features for travel agency websites, fear not we will explain everything from search filters, to mobile responsive and many other must-have features for the travel business!

In this article, we’ll dive into the 16 must-have features that will help take your travel agency website to the next level.

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Table of contents

  • 1. Responsive Mobile Friendly Travel Website design:
  • 2. Clear and Structured Website Navigation:
  • 3. SEO Friendly:

4. Unlimited Travel Packages:

5. itinerary downloader:, 6. booking details & email notification:.

  • 7. Informative Destination and Activities Pages:
  • 8. Social Media Integration:

9. Images and Videos:

10. testimonials:, 11. personalized recommendation :, 12. itineraries planning:, 13. in-app concierge service :, 14. real-time updates and notification :, 15. travelers rating and review :, 16. virtual tours and interactive content:, conclusion:, must-have key features for travel websites, 1. responsive mobile friendly travel website design:.

Responsive Mobile Friendly Travel Website

In the 21st century, it’s impossible to escape the lure of our beloved mobile phones and the internet’s overwhelming presence in our daily lives. For every website whether it is travel one or another mobile responsive design is crucial.

Thus, before developing any website you should always take mobile-friendly as one of the must-have features for travel agency websites.

With more than half of website traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure that your travel website design is responsive and mobile-friendly.

If your website’s user interface is not optimized for mobile screens, visitors may experience inconvenience or frustration, leading them to quickly seek out alternatives.

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To avoid losing potential customers, it’s important to ensure that your website’s design is responsive and capable of adjusting to fit seamlessly on all screen sizes.

A responsive design not only improves the user experience, but it also increases visibility and helps to boost your website’s conversion rate.

Additionally, a responsive website design is a crucial factor in determining search engine rankings, which makes it one of the essential features of a travel agency website for driving traffic to your business.

To guarantee that your travel agency website is adaptable to different devices, you should opt for the best WordPress themes like WP Travel Pro. This theme adapts the resolution of your website to fit various sizes of different devices.

Additionally, it provides your users with the same interface across all platforms. This theme has all the major features of a travel agency website which will definitely boost your travel business to the next level in mobile phones.

Having a mobile-responsive feature on your travel agency website results in:

  • Improved visibility and higher ranking on search engines
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Increased conversion rates

So, make sure your travel website design is responsive and mobile-friendly to enhance the user experience, increase visibility, and ultimately drive conversions.

2. Clear and Structured Website Navigation:

Clear and Structured Website Navigation

Having a clear and structured website navigation is essential for any travel agency website to attract and retain visitors. The navigation structure plays a vital role in determining the conversion rates, sales, and bounce rates of your website.

If the visitors find it challenging to navigate through your website, they may leave, resulting in lower engagement and revenue.

To avoid this, it is crucial to create a clear and hierarchical navigation structure that enables your visitors to find what they need quickly. For example, you can create different sections for travel packages based on destinations, activities, and types, making them easily accessible from your website’s homepage. This will enhance the user experience and improve your website’s engagement and ranking on search engines which is one of the must-have features for a travel agency WordPress site.

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3. SEO Friendly:

SEO Friendliness

Creating a website that is optimized for SEO is crucial for the success of any business in the digital age.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search results. In other words, it involves improving your website’s ranking on search engines like Google.

According to research by Brafton , 95% of search engine traffic goes to the pages displayed on the first page of search results. This means that if your travel website can rank on the first page of Google, you have a higher chance of receiving more clicks and traffic.

This increased traffic can lead to more bookings and ultimately more revenue for your travel business.

To make your travel agency website more visible to online travel enthusiasts.

It is essential to optimize it for SEO. You can do this by designing your website using SEO-friendly WordPress themes. These themes offer features for travel agency sites that are designed to improve their ranking on search engines.

By doing this, you can pop up immediately while typing your keyword at google which will attract more potential customers and increase revenue.

Creating a clear and concise SEO checklist can help you ensure that your travel website is SEO-friendly.

This can include tasks such as conducting keyword research, optimizing Meta tags and images, improving site speed and mobile responsiveness, and creating high-quality and relevant content.

In the highly competitive travel industry, having a well-optimized website is one of the necessary features for a travel agency’s success.

With a well-optimized website, you can stay ahead of your competitors and grow your travel business.

If you are looking for ways to increase your chances of ranking high on google to your travel website, you may want to refer to this informative post on the SEO Checklist For Travel Sites that offer SEO checklists for travel websites that will help you rank higher.

Providing a wide range of travel packages is essential for any travel website.

Your visitors should have access to a vast array of options, allowing them to find the perfect trip to suit their needs. The more packages you offer, the more opportunities you have to increase your sales and conversions.

To achieve this, using a WordPress plugin such as WP Travel is recommended.

This WordPress travel agency booking plugin allows you to add an unlimited number of trips to your website, complete with a trip gallery,

As well as detailed descriptions, day-to-day itinerary, regular and sales prices, trip duration, trip facts, FAQs, and an includes and excludes section.

By providing such comprehensive and detailed information, you make it easier for potential clients to understand your services and become more attracted to your travel agency. Ultimately, this can lead to increased sales and a growing customer base.

Being always online while traveling is challenging. In actuality, the majority of isolated locations have little to no connection to the internet. It could be challenging for a traveler to maintain an online presence in order to get updates on the schedule and other crucial information. This is where the Itinerary Downloader features for travel agency becomes essential.

The Itinerary Downloader tool on a travel website is so essential.

Fortunately, some plugins allow you to produce an offline trip detail brochure file by generating the itinerary PDF and including alternative trip details. Without using the internet, this enables your clients to stay informed and schedule every aspect of their journey.

Without having to go online, this function makes it simpler to acquire rapid travel information.

The trip information, which includes several sections including the trip summary, trip cost, trip availability, trip itinerary, trip facts, FAQs, fast contact information, and much more, is simply downloadable by your users.

After the itinerary PDF is created, it may be simply accessed via mobile phones.

When you run a certain business, maintaining track of information is always crucial.

It becomes crucial for you as a travel business to keep track of every booking detail you come across every day. You may simply save the customer and booking-related information on your website with the proper usage of WordPress themes and plugins.

Every time a consumer books a trip through your website, you should be able to send them an email.

Moreover, this function guarantees that each time one of your customers orders a vacation package, you will also get an email alert with all the booking information.

With the right features of the travel agency website , you can easily manage your bookings and customer information in one place, making it easier for you to keep track of everything. This can include features like booking management systems, customer databases, and email notifications for new bookings and cancellations.

7. Informative Destination and Activities Pages:

To keep your visitors interested, your travel website should have a variety of informational and engaging sections.

Consider making destination pages with the names of towns and nations.

For Instance, make a page for Bali as your destination.

Travelers may now view all of the excursions associated with a certain location (like Bali) anytime they visit that destination’s website.

Similarly, to interest your visitors, you could establish several activity pages such as hiking, skiing, sightseeing tours, and mountain biking with all the pricing and payment integration features for a travel agency . Then, you may attach various excursions to these enjoyable pastimes.

So, anytime customers visit your website, they can see all of the excursions and other activities in one location with the help of these user-friendly features for travel agencies .

8. Social Media Integration:

Social media has become and grown to be the main marketing channel which has made it one of the must-have features for travel businesses in the digital age. You need social media to advertise your specific business, whether you run a travel website or one in any other sector.

According to a Statista report, 43% of internet users conduct online product and service research via social networks.

Social networking is therefore a useful tool for maintaining contact with potential clients and turning them into loyal supporters of your company.

Tourists frequently choose to post about their exciting experiences on social media. Also, they like interacting with one another on social media sites and making suggestions. Integrating your website with social media sites makes it easier to maintain customer engagement.

You must always make sure that the theme you select for creating a website for your travel firm integrates social media.

Links to your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts should be available on prominent pages of your website. The key component of the customer involvement and online reputation management approach is the social media integration function.

Including high-quality images and videos on your travel website is crucial for engaging your audience and showcasing the destinations and experiences you offer. Images and videos can help potential customers visualize themselves in those destinations, leading to increased interest and ultimately more bookings.

Pictures and photos frequently convey unspoken stories. They may convey ideas and messages far more quickly than conventional texts.

While pictures and other graphics are crucial for virtually all websites, they are a must-have for vacation websites.

Videos are also an effective way to engage your audience and provide a more immersive experience.

You can create videos showcasing popular destinations, or even provide virtual tours of hotels and resorts. By providing engaging video content, you can keep potential customers on your website longer and increase the likelihood of them booking a trip with your agency.

Customers interact with travel websites because of their service and content in the business.

You may help customers stay interested in your website by using engaging pictures, photography, visuals, and graphics.

Also, using graphics may help you build customer loyalty for your brand and business.

Not only that, but your consumers will find them compelling if you add appealing pictures of particular destinations to your travel packages.

You will therefore see a sharp increase in your trip reservations.

By including must-have features for travel , such as high-quality images and videos, on your website, you can improve the user experience, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more bookings for your travel agency.

Expanding your travel business can be made easier with the help of customer reviews and recommendations. In today’s world, travelers have access to a wealth of information, and transparency about their travel experiences is a crucial factor in business growth. Creating a welcoming environment for your growing customer base is key.

This is one of the important features of a travel agency website which helps to help your new potential customers to check the real-time reviews if the services offered by your business.

An excellent travel website is one that fosters consumer confidence in the brand.

Positivity about your travel agency’s operations in a distinct area of your website boosts trustworthiness and attracts more clients. Also, it is always beneficial to use customer feedback to enhance the features and services offered by your business.

You should always check that the theme you select supports the reviews/testimonials area when building a website for your travel business.

You can grow your travel business and improve consumer engagement by creating a small online community of your own.

personalized recommendation by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

Personalized recommendations are a pivotal and user-friendly feature of travel booking systems that have significantly transformed the end-user experience.

These recommendations are driven by a combination of algorithms, data, and machine-learning techniques,

This strives to deliver uniquely tailored suggestions to each traveler based on their personal preferences, interests, and travel history.

It ensures that every journey becomes a memorable experience and ticks off items on their bucket list.

Modern travel booking systems utilize AI to generate these personalized recommendations, making the platform more intuitive and efficient for users.

By gathering user data and customizing the interface through extensive analysis of user preferences, businesses can flourish,

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Ultimately, travel booking systems prioritize providing travelers with a smooth user experience and high levels of satisfaction,

The personalized recommendations are an indispensable addition to their user-friendly services that help adventurers fulfill their bucket list dreams.

Itineraries planning by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

These days, travel booking systems have gone beyond basic features like flight booking and hotel reservations by adding a crucial enhancement: itinerary planning .

This process involves organizing and managing various activities, accommodations, and transportation to create seamless and well-structured journeys.

Travel agents now have powerful tools at their disposal, enabling them to assist travelers in crafting unforgettable adventures around the globe.

As competition in the travel industry grows , travel booking systems have recognized the value of meticulous itinerary planning.

With a simple drag-and-drop interface, travelers can easily structure their trips, adding activities, accommodations, and transportation options with ease.

Travel agents can utilize these key features to offer personalized and tailored recommendations to their clients, enhancing the overall travel planning process.

To make itinerary planning even more convenient, travel booking systems now offer pre-made templates for popular destinations.

Such as beach getaways, national park excursions, or city explorations.

Travelers can browse through these templates, and with the assistance of travel agents, choose the one that aligns perfectly with their preferences and bucket list aspirations.

Moreover, travel booking systems are integrating travel components directly into the itinerary planning interface.

For instance, if a traveler is planning a trip to Rome, they can effortlessly add flights, hotels, airport transfers, car rentals, or even extraordinary experiences like skydiving.

Travel agents play a pivotal role in curating these experiences, ensuring that each journey becomes a memorable adventure.

Of course, not everything always goes according to plan.

Travel booking systems address this with real-time updates and notifications.

It ensures that travelers stay informed about any changes or modifications to their itineraries.

Travel agents can leverage this feature to keep their clients informed and proactively handle any unexpected situations that may arise during the trip.

Taking itinerary planning to the next level, some travel booking systems offer additional features such as local recommendations and insights.

These recommendations may include lesser-known local spots, authentic dining options, or upcoming events, providing travelers with a deeper connection to their destinations.

Travel agents can use these insights to provide insider tips and local expertise, making each journey truly unique and unforgettable.

To further enhance the travel experience, travel booking systems provide navigation and maps as options within the traveler’s interface.

This empowers travelers with insightful route information, making the user-friendly interface even more seamless and user-centric.

Travel agents can leverage these tools to offer guidance and ensure smooth navigation throughout the journey.

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In conclusion, the integration of itinerary planning into travel booking systems has revolutionized the way travelers plan and experience their journeys.

With these enhancements, travelers can now craft well-organized and tailored trips, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in unforgettable adventures around the globe.

Travel agents, armed with key features and technological advancements, play an indispensable role in providing personalized.

And exceptional services, elevating the entire travel experience for their valued clients.

In app concierge service by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

To further enhance the in-app experience of Travel Booking Systems, advanced platforms have introduced the innovative concept of in-app concierge service.

This feature grants users easy access to expertise, local recommendations, and personalized support right at their fingertips.

Travel businesses and tour operators now have a powerful tool to offer travelers unparalleled assistance and elevate their overall journey.

These suggestions unlock hidden gems and insider tips, enriching the travel experience and allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the destination like a local.

In any circumstance, whether facing delays or last-minute plan changes, the in-app concierge service proves invaluable with its real-time support.

Travelers can rest assured knowing they have prompt assistance and solutions readily available, enhancing their trust and satisfaction with the services provided by travel businesses and tour operators.

Another notable improvement for travelers and a key feature for travel businesses and tour operators is the seamless experience in booking and reservations.

With the in-app concierge service, these processes become faster, saving both time and money for both travelers and service providers.

The convenience of personalized assistance and support from the concierge service also extends to customized and personal itinerary planning.

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Travelers can effortlessly create tailored itineraries that perfectly align with their preferences and interests, ensuring they have unique and unforgettable experiences during their journey.

Moreover, the language barrier may pose challenges when traveling to different destinations.

But the in-app concierge service addresses this concern by providing language support to assist travelers.

This feature not only enhances the travel experience for users but also showcases the dedication of travel businesses.

And tour operators in providing exceptional service to a diverse range of clients.

In conclusion, the integration of in-app concierge service within Travel Booking Systems has revolutionized the way travelers plan and experience their journeys.

With personalized support, local expertise, seamless booking, and language assistance,

This innovative feature elevates the overall travel experience and strengthens the bond between travel businesses, tour operators, and their valued customers.

Real time updates and notification by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

Travel plans are often subject to spontaneity and unpredictability, as flight schedules may change unexpectedly, weather conditions can fluctuate,

And last-minute alterations to the itinerary might occur.

In response to these challenges, modern Travel Booking Systems have proactively integrated their interfaces with real-time updates and notification facilities.

It ensures that travelers receive up-to-date information throughout their journeys.

The seamless provision of these functionalities has proven to be a significant pivotal feature in the majority of Travel Booking systems.

It enhances the overall travel experience from the user’s perspective.

Real-time updates serve as the linchpin in keeping travelers and travel businesses informed about any changes that may impact their travel plans.

Whether it’s flight cancellations, delays, or gate changes, travelers and travel industry professionals can stay one step ahead and make necessary adjustments with ease.

These real-time updates create a sense of assurance, empowering travelers and travel agents alike to remain in control of their travel arrangements.

The convenience of real-time updates extends beyond travel logistics.

Travel Booking Systems cater to travelers’ needs by providing valuable features like currency exchange rates, weather forecasts , and travel alerts.

With the current exchange rates at their fingertips, travelers can make informed financial decisions while managing their travel budgets effectively.

Weather forecasts provide essential information, helping travelers prepare for varying climates and pack accordingly.

Additionally, travel alerts serve as a reliable source of safety information, alerting travelers and travel industry professionals to any potential hazards or disruptions at their intended destinations.

Empowered with timely information, travelers and travel agents can navigate unexpected circumstances with confidence,

allowing them to focus on what truly matters—the joy of exploration and the creation of unforgettable memories on their remarkable journeys.

ratings and reviews by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

User-generated reviews and content have become integral to modern Travel Booking systems, transforming the way travelers plan and experience their journeys.

These platforms seamlessly integrate travelers’ reviews and ratings , creating a dynamic space for sharing authentic experiences and valuable insights with others.

This feature serves as a powerful tool for potential travelers, offering genuine guidance and essential information about various activities and destinations.

The raw and unfiltered content shared by fellow travelers becomes a pivotal aspect in choosing ideal destinations and crafting memorable experiences.

The rating and review features extend their benefits to both travelers and the travel industry companies, including hotels, flights, and Travel Booking systems.

How to Promote Your Travel Business

For the industry, these reviews offer constructive feedback and real-time customer feedback, leading to service improvements and the continual growth of their offerings.

In turn, travelers reap the rewards of this collective wisdom, gaining insightful guidance that enhances their journeys and ensures they make the most of every adventure.

Furthermore, this user-generated content fosters a sense of social community and connection among travelers.

As a virtual hub for exchanging insider tips and recommendations.

It creates a space where travelers can share their unique experiences and provide valuable feedback on specific excursion activities.

This sense of connection contributes to a more enriching and inclusive travel experience, where shared knowledge empowers each traveler to explore the world with confidence.

Virtual Tours and Interactive content by as must-have features and services for travel booking system

Virtual Tours and Interactive content have emerged as game-changing feature s in the travel industry and travel booking systems.

360 tours and Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) technologies allow travelers to experience immersive views of hotels, and destinations.

And even excursion activities, providing a first-person camera experience.

This feature enables users to tentatively explore destinations and gain a real sense of the place’s ambiance and landmarks through high-definition 360 views and videos.

Interactive content, including virtual tours, accommodations, and hotels, is now a common offering in travel booking systems.

This enhancement to the booking experience allows travelers to better visualize the places they will be staying, creating a more informed decision-making process.

How to Make Money from Travel Blogs in 2024

Travelers can now book accommodations with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect upon arrival.

These features contribute to a more engaging user experience, keeping travelers immersed and interested.

Virtual tours and interactive content ignite inspiration and excitement, fueling the desire to explore more.

As a result, travel booking systems transform from conventional booking platforms into interactive solutions that enrich the travel industry.

Travel companies and travel industry professionals can now offer an unparalleled experience to their customers, making the booking process more enjoyable and enticing.

Moreover, the integration of virtual tours and interactive content in travel booking systems revolutionizes the way travelers plan and experience their journeys.

By providing immersive views and experiences, these features not only enhance the booking process.

But also ignite the passion for exploration, encouraging travelers to embark on unforgettable adventures.

As technology continues to advance, virtual tours and interactive content will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of the travel industry.

In conclusion, the integration of Virtual Tours and Interactive content in travel booking systems has redefined the way travelers book their journeys.

With immersive experiences, travelers can now explore destinations and accommodations like never before.

It helps in more informed decisions and building anticipation for their upcoming adventures.

As the travel industry embraces these cutting-edge technologies, the future holds exciting possibilities for a more interactive and engaging travel booking experience.

In the competitive travel industry, having a well-designed website can give you an edge over your competitors.

Simply providing information and showcasing beautiful destinations is not enough to stand out.

So, it is necessary to choose the best tour operator software before launching our travel agency business website. You need to create a seamless user experience that guides visitors to book trips, read your blogs and reviews, and keep coming back to your travel agency website. Not only this, you can incorporate other must-have features for travel business such as a navigation panel, google map integration, well-structured data and contents, payment integrations, and many others.

If you liked this article, then subscribing to our  YouTube Channel  for WordPress video tutorials would be the cherry on top.

You can also find us on  Facebook ,  Instagram,   Twitter,  Linkedin , TikTok , Pinterest , Reddit , and our dedicated engaging Facebook user community ,

Further, if you have any queries, please submit them to our  contact page .

Get  WP Travel Pro  and start creating your travel and tour booking website within minutes without any hassle of coding.

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Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

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Wp travel modules.

Need more features to save your time and to boost your travel business? WP Travel Pro comes with more powerful modules . While our core travel plugin provides almost all the features that a travel and trekking websites generally needs, our add-ons boost it’s capacity further to make it the best travel engine on WordPress. Whether you want to add new payment method to your site or brush up your trekking listings with beautiful maps show casing your trips, we have all your imagination covered. See all our add ons below to boost your travel website’s features further.

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Tourism Website

With GetResponse’s Website Builder, take your tourism business for the trip of a lifetime!

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Turn your travel website into an effective base of operations

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Share exciting adventures with your dedicated travel website

Develop your brand and company credibility.

There are a ton of different travel agencies and tourism promoters out there. However, none of them are uniquely you. With a professional website, you can display exactly how you want your business and brand to be seen.

  • Easy setup with GetResponse AI website builder technology
  • Use pre-built templates to help get started or go completely custom
  • Connect your social profiles to get your clients energized

develop your tourism brand through AI or templates

Create a stunning visual portfolio

Really looking to make some waves? Then you’re going to need some incredible visuals! And being a tourism and travel agency…you should have tons of wonderful photos. But setting up a portfolio online is difficult, right?

With GetResponse’s Website Builder, crafting an eye-catching portfolio is super easy. Simply use our gallery template to use drag and drop technology and populate your website. In fact, the hardest part about the whole process is choosing exactly which photos you’ll want to use!

How to build your tourism website in 5 easy steps

  • Login to your GetResponse account and select the Website Builder tab.
  • Choose to custom create your website, opt for our AI creation wizard, or even import your website design.
  • Personalize your tourism website to best represent your brand’s image.
  • Host your website on your own external domain or elect for easy hosting by GetResponse.
  • Integrate your travel website with all the additional features that GetResponse has to offer!

build tourism website with AI

Display amazing reviews and testimonials

Everyone’s heard horror stories at what bad reviews can do for you. But no one really talks about how glowing reviews and stellar testimonials can elevate your business to the next level.

Using GetResponse’s Website Builder, simply indicate your desire to include testimonials, and our AI-driven builder will develop a testimonial page based on your branding!

Find out why customer testimonials are among the best marketing tools

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Establish your contact hub

Creating a contact hub is easily one of the most important things a website can do for you. By having a centralized database of contact information–from email to social media to physical contact information–you can make sure you never miss a booking or fail to followup with questions from potential clients!

  • Insert contact forms to build out your email lists and follow up with GetResponse’s autoresponder system

Learn how to create a website from scratch in 9 easy steps

Why having a professional travel and tourism website is so important

Having a website for your travel agency or tourism business is critical to success in today’s Instagrammable world. Besides providing you with a place to show off the marvelous destinations and journeys your company can deliver, a website helps to develop your credibility as a professional institution–and not just an influencer. And in doing so, it allows you to conduct more efficient business while expanding your reach.

But that’s not all a professionally-made website can do for you. It can also minimize distractions for prospective clients and make it easy for them to arrange travel. Since your website can have dedicated contact forms, you’ll be able to much better control bookings and sales. And when you pair our easy website builder with the power of GetResponse’s complete marketing platform, you’ll be able to watch your business sail to exciting, new adventures!

You can build a page like this in less than 10 seconds

GetResponse Website Builder uses an advanced AI to create a website for you.

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See for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions about tourism and travel websites

What’s the best website builder for a travel agency.

The best travel website builder is one that makes creating and managing your website easy. After all, you’ve got more than on your docket trying to ensure your clients have a happy and safe travel. There’s no need for extra stress trying to code and manage a website too!

With our easy-to-use website builder, you can simply drag and drop elements into place to design the best site for you. Or just let our AI website builder wizard take care of it! Afterwards, simply populate the website elements with your branding and imagery.

What’s the best hosting option for your tourism website?

Finding the best hosting option for your tourism website can be tricky. Fortunately, we’ve made it super simple for you.

You can choose between putting your website on your own domain or get your website professionally and securely hosted through GetResponse.

It’s that easy.

Is coding experience required to build a professional travel website?

No! You don’t need to be an expert coder to build your travel website. With GetResponse’s Website Builder, you can have a professional-looking website constructed in just minutes using our AI-driven web developer and dedicated travel website templates .

How can I get started building my tourism website for free?

Simple! Just sign up for a GetResponse account to access to our state-of-the-art website builder. And our free trial account doesn’t just come with a website builder either! In fact, you’ll be given the opportunity to send unlimited newsletter to up to 500 unique contacts and much more.

Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

How to Start a Travel Blog

A laptop on a desk inside an office with lots of plants

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, including the links for HostGator and Bluehost. At no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase using these links. If you have any questions about the companies or my status as an affiliate, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Whether as a hobby or profession, starting a travel blog is pretty easy. You can set it up in under 30 minutes. It’s a lot easier than when I started my blog in 2008. Back then, I didn’t know the first thing about making a website. Luckily, on my adventures around the world, I met Matt and Kat, a British couple who also happened to be web designers.

When I came home and decided I wanted to start this travel blog, they agreed to help me set it up and teach me HTML. I hand-coded the website and used a funky tool called Dreamweaver to build it. It was painfully slow and I wasn’t very good at it. (And my original website was really ugly!)

Luckily, you no longer have to build websites that way!

Creating a website has gotten a lot easier and simpler thanks to WordPress, an out-of-the-box platform designed to make sites easier for those not technically savvy (like myself). It powers over 25% of the internet and is the best platform to start a blog on. It’s super flexible and can do whatever you want it to do — from a simple journal to complex blogs and e-commerce websites.

In our blogging course , we’ve had thousands of students start a website on WordPress without any technical skills. They got them up and running — and you can too!

While I’ve talked about how to succeed as a travel blog in the past, today, I want to give a quick tutorial on how to create a travel blog from scratch in seven easy steps.  

Table of Contents

Step 1: Pick your domain name

The first thing you need to do is pick a domain name (i.e., your website name). When doing so, there are no hard and fast rules. There’s no such thing as a “wrong domain name,” but there are a couple of rules I like to live by:

Make a name that can last – If you pick “” and then you leave Asia, the domain name won’t make sense anymore. Make sure you pick a name that isn’t so focused that if you decide to shift gears, you can keep the same domain name.

Don’t date your blog – Don’t pick something related to your age either. “Twenty-Something Travel” becomes really irrelevant when you get older, which actually happened to a blogger I know. Pick a name that can be used no matter your age!

Avoid certain words – Avoid words like “nomad,” “vagabond,” “wanderlust,” and “adventure.” They have been done to death, and they will make you seem like you’re copying people, not being original.

Pick a name that describes what you do as much as possible – I was a nomad, so “Nomadic Matt” was the best pick for me. If you’re into luxury, put words in your domain name that convey that. You want people to see the name and go, “I get what that website is about.”

Keep it short  – Use 3-4 words maximum. You want the name that rolls off the tongue. Even Ramit Sethi from “I Will Teach You to Be Rich” abbreviates his site to “I Will Teach” or “IWT.” The shorter, the better.

Keep it simple – I’m not a fan of using jargon or slang in your domain name, as I think that makes things confusing for people who don’t know it. The last thing you want is someone saying, “What does that mean?” or being confused. If someone has to think hard about the meaning, then you’ve already lost them. So don’t try to be clever!  

Step 2: Sign up for a host

After you’ve picked out your domain name, you’ll need to register it online and buy hosting (the little computer in the sky that’s going to power your website). There are a lot of basic hosting companies out there — and most of them are pretty terrible.

However, the two biggest and best are HostGator and Bluehost . I would go with one of those two.

While they are owned by the same parent company, I lean toward HostGator , as I find its call center customer service quicker and friendlier, and HostGator is prone to fewer outages (no one wants their website to go down!). It’s also really improved its service and now offers free SSL certificates (that’s the thing that tells users your website is secure).

Here’s a walk-through of how to set up your host with HostGator (it won’t take long):

First, head over to the website’s sign-up page and get hosting for only $2.78 per month. That’s over 60% off the normal price!

HostGator screenshot

Next, choose your plan (I suggest the hatchling plan):

HostGator screenshot

Enter your desired domain name at the top of the page. Make sure before you sign up that the domain you want is available, so as to avoid issues with your signup process.

register your domain name with hostgator

The system will then prompt you to take out “domain privacy protection,” which we recommend you do. (Why? This will hide your address and contact details from appearing online when someone queries your domain name, and it will keep spammers from calling you to sell their sketchy web services. It’s really annoying — and once your name and phone number are out there, they’re out there forever. Nip it in the bud by hiding them from the beginning.)

If you already have a domain name but need hosting, simply select the “I already own this domain” from the tab at the top. Then, enter your domain name and continue to the next step.

select your hosting plan with hostgator

Make sure you have selected the right hosting plan from the drop-down list and then select the billing cycle you are prepared to pay. The longer you lock in for, the cheaper initial pricing will be.

We suggest starting with the “Hatchling Plan” (which gives you hosting for one single domain), but if you have plans for more than one website, then opt for the “Baby Plan” instead, to give you room to grow (since you can host unlimited domains with it).

Next, you will then select the username for your account and a security PIN. Fill out your billing information and preferred payment type (credit card or PayPal.)

You can opt-out of all of the additional services on offer by unchecking them.

additional services offered by hsotgator

Review your order details and make sure everything is correct. Then click “Checkout Now!” at the bottom of the page.

Once your order has been received, you’ll be redirected to the HostGator billing portal. You will also be sent two separate emails with the login credentials to your hosting control panel and the billing portal for your HostGator account. Be sure to save the information. Save them on your computer and/or print the emails for safekeeping.

They will look similar to the example below:

hostgator admin portal

For those of you with an existing domain or a domain purchased from a third-party site like GoDaddy, take note of the nameservers listed on your hosting account email. You will need to add those to your domain where you purchased it, to link your domain and hosting together. Please refer to the support documents from where you bought your domain for exact instructions on how to update your nameservers.

That’s it! All that takes about five minutes from start to finish!

Again, you can click here to go to  HostGator  to set it up.  

Step 3: How to Install WordPress

After you’ve registered your domain name and chosen your hosting package, the next thing you’ll want to do is install WordPress. (WordPress is what will actually run the website. The host is simply the computer your site sits on.)

WordPress is an open-source, free web publishing application, content management system (CMS), and blogging tool built by a community of developers and contributors to make it easy for people to blog!

After you’ve paid for your domain, you’ll get an email telling you your login details. Log in to your hosting control panel using the link provided to you by email when you purchased your hosting from Hostgator. The link would look similar to this:

The email will be titled “Your Account Info” if you have trouble locating it in your inbox.

Once logged into your control panel, you need to scroll down the settings page to locate the “Software” section. Then click on the “QuickInstall” link. The software section will be located toward the bottom of the page.

Quick Install WordPress

On the page that loads, select WordPress from the top menu or the WordPress tile on the page..

Install WordPress

Select your domain name from the drop-down. Leave the “install/path/here” field blank.

Enter the name of your blog, an admin username (make sure the admin username is hard to guess), your name, and your email address, and then agree to the terms and conditions below. Then click the “Install” button.

Install WordPress Deatil Settings

Once the install process has finished, you will be given the password you need to log in to your WordPress site in the notification bar at the top (dismiss the popup that appears). Take note of the password, as we will show you how to change that later on. You will also be emailed the details if you miss or forget to save the info.

Complete WordPress Install

Step 4: Setting up your website

After you’ve installed WordPress, go to and use the username and password you created to log in. You’ll see a screen like this after you log in:

WordPress Admin Dashboard

Here’s a little overview of the menu on the left side of the screen:

  • Dashboard  – The dashboard is the first thing you see when you log in to WordPress, and it’s the main administrative area for your blog.
  • Home  – This will take you back to the main dashboard view.
  • Updates  – This area will tell you if WordPress, your plugins, or your theme need to be updated.
  • Posts  – You can view all your blog posts here, as well as set up new ones and add categories and tags.
  • Media  – Here’s where you can view your media library and add new media content, like photos and videos.
  • Pages  – Pages are the individual landing pages on your website (like your About page, Contact page, Resources page, etc.). You can add new pages here as well as review and edit existing ones.
  • Comments  – Comments on your blog posts go here. You may want to check the spam folder periodically to make sure you’re not missing real comments.
  • WPForms  – WordPress’s contact-form plugin.
  • Marketplace  – Here you can create an online marketplace.
  • Appearance  – This section lets you entirely customize your site’s appearance.
  • Plugins  – Review, install, and update your plugins here.
  • Users  – If there’s more than one person accessing your blog, you can create accounts and give them certain privileges here.
  • Tools  – This section has certain tools to aid you with management tasks.
  • Settings  – You can adjust all your site’s settings here, including things like your blog title and the size of thumbnails being used.
  • Insights  – Insights provides traffic and user stats about those visiting your website. (Google Analytics is a better choice, though.)

Plugins are a great way to add additional functionality to a WordPress-powered site. And with over 50,000 listed in the WordPress Repository and many more premium options available from developers, there are endless possibilities as to what you can do with your site. (I’ll list some examples below.)

To get started, click on “Plugins” and then “Add New” when logged into your WordPress dashboard. Here you can search for plugins that you want and install them via a one-click install that automatically installs them to your WordPress platform.

Add a plugin to WordPress

Alternatively, you have the option to upload a plugin you have purchased or downloaded from a third-party site. To do this, see the “Step 3” arrow in the picture above. All you have to do is click “upload plugin” and you’ll be asked to upload the ZIP file of the plugin that you downloaded from the third-party website.

Once you have uploaded a plugin (or searched for one, as I’ve shown in the image below) you can install it.

install a plugin on WordPress

After clicking the “Install Now” option, the button will change to say “Activate.” This allows you to enable the plugin on your site and makes it ready to be configured and used.

If you can think of a feature you’d like to have on your site, I can almost guarantee there is a plugin for it, but here are the essential ones for your travel blog:

Akismet  – Just like getting junk mail in your mailbox, your website will get spammers looking to leave junk comments on your site. Akismet seeks to reduce the amount of this by automatically filtering it for you.

Yoast SEO – The best SEO plugin out there. This combines the ability to create meta tags and descriptions for your posts, optimize your titles, create a sitemap for search engines to read, customize how your posts appear across social media, and do a whole lot more.

Relevanssi  – While WordPress does a lot of things well, what it fails at is adding search functionality to your site. Relevanssi seeks to fix this and give your readers the most accurate results when searching on your site.

UpdraftPlus – You can never back up your site too much. The WordPress database holds every word you’ve ever written, and if your blog has started to make you a few dollars, you would be nuts not to keep regular backups. UpdraftPlus does it perfectly.

Grow by Mediavine  – A great social sharing plugin for your site. It comes with great a simple set of icons that work well on both desktop and mobile.

Cache Enabler – This plugin creates saved copies of your site, making loading your web pages much faster.

Code Canyon – This interactive map is a cool way to highlight your travels and share them with your readers.  

Step 5: Install your theme

One of the most important things a blog needs besides good content is a good design. People decide in seconds whether or not they trust your website and choose to stay. A visually unappealing website will turn off readers and reduce the number of return visits you get.

So to accomplish a good design, you will need an amazing WordPress theme (i.e., design templates and files).

Luckily, there are lots of out-of-the-box options for you where you can download a predesigned theme, upload it to your website, switch it on, change some settings, and presto! A new look for your website!

You can get:

  • Free themes – Free themes are plentiful and for budding new bloggers looking to make their mark online. They seem like a great option, as they allow you to keep costs low. There are many great free themes online, but most of them are not amazing. If you plan on blogging for a long time, this might become a problem as your website grows. However, if you just need a simple design to blog for your friends and family, then go the free route. You can find some good free themes at .
  • Premium themes – The next step up from a free theme is a premium theme. Premium themes are paid themes that offer a bit more uniqueness, flexibility, and functionality. These cost $25 USD and up, depending on the developer and features.

I suggest getting a premium theme . Yes, it’s another cost — but here is why you should do it:

  • With a premium theme, you almost always get customer support from the developers. If you get in trouble, they are there for you. You don’t get that with a free theme.
  • With a premium theme, there are more controls and instructions so they are easier to change. Free themes don’t have that.
  • Premium themes tend to be a lot prettier.
  • Premium themes are faster and more SEO friendly.

Genesis themes by StudioPress are some of the best and most popular if you’re looking to invest in a top-notch theme.

To install your theme, simply go to the left-hand column, click Appearance –> Themes –> Upload.

Whatever theme you picked will come as a .ZIP file for you to easily upload. From there, you just activate it, and it’s turned on! All themes come with a manual and help file so you can customize your design to your specific needs.

(If you want a custom logo or need to hire any designers, two sites to find freelancers are Upwork and 99designs .)  

Step 6: Create your main pages

After you’ve uploaded your theme, you’re going to want to make a few basic pages on your website in addition to the blog posts. The difference between a page and a post is that a page is a static piece of content that lives separate from the blog. A post is a blog post that gets “buried” as you write more and more. For example, this post is a blog post. When I update again, another blog post will get put on top of it, and it will be pushed down in the archives, making it harder to find.

But a page, like my About page, lives on the top of the website, right near the main URL, and does NOT get buried. It’s a lot easier to find.

To create these pages, go again to your left sidebar and click Pages —> Add New. (For blog posts, use Posts –> Add New.)

I recommend creating four basic pages to start:

About page – This where you tell people about yourself and your history, what your blog is about, and why it will help them. This is one of the most important pages on your website, so make it personable!

Contact page – People need a way to reach you! Be sure to be very clear on what emails you will and won’t respond to, so people don’t send you spam.

Privacy page  – This is a standard user agreement page informing readers what the applicable laws on your site are, that you use cookies, etc. etc. You can find out-of-the-box examples throughout the internet.

Copyright page  – This is a standard page letting people know you own this work and not to steal it. You can find out-of-the-box examples of these, too, throughout the internet.

(If you look in my footer, under the “About Us” section, you can see examples of all four of these pages!)  

Step 7: Join our blogging program! (optional)

Superstar Blogging travel blogging program

You’ll learn everything I know about creating a successful blog from creating engaging content, going viral, networking with bloggers, getting media attention, mastering SEO, creating products, growing a newsletter, and making money.

If you’re interested,  click here to learn more and get started !  

requently Asked Questions

Starting a blog can be an intimidating process. I struggled a ton when I first started blogging and had a lot of questions — but no one to ask them to. Since I continue to get questions about blogging emailed to me every week, I thought I’d share some of the answers here (we cover all of this in the course I mentioned above too).

How much does it cost to start a blog? You can start a travel blog for just a few dollars per month. Hosting costs less than $5 USD per month, which is the only expense you absolutely need. In a perfect world, you’d also purchase a premium theme, which can cost around $100-150 USD, but that’s about all you need at the start. Everything else can wait!

Can I blog if I have a full-time job? You definitely don’t need to be a full-time traveler to be successful. I started my blog as a hobby while working as a teacher — and so did tons of other bloggers who are now successful. Starting a blog is like starting a business. It won’t make money overnight, so keeping your day job is a smart move. Lots of part-time bloggers are successful!

Do I need a laptop or fancy camera to start a blog? You definitely need a laptop and, while a camera is helpful, a big fancy camera is not 100% necessary. A simple phone camera or point-and-shoot camera will suffice. I only travel with my iPhone and that works well!

Is it too late to start a blog? Definitely not! Think of blogs like restaurants. Is it too late to start a restaurant? Of course not! Yes, there are already a TON of restaurants out there, but there’s always room for a new, awesome restaurant.

The same goes for blogging. There are TONS of blogs out there, but most of them are average. There is ALWAYS room for new, awesome content!

Can you actually make money blogging? Definitely! This is not a get-rich-quick industry though. Most bloggers don’t make any money for their first year, however, there are thousands of travel bloggers out there making everything from a few bucks per month to full-time incomes. If you put in the work, learn the right skills, and stay consistent, it’s 100% possible to make a living in this industry.

Do I need a lot of technical skills to get started? There are some minor technical skills you need, but otherwise, that’s it. I had zero technical skills when I started, which is why I wanted to include a comprehensive tech unit in my course as the tech stuff is the most tedious. But you don’t need to be a computer whiz to get started. You just need to learn the basics.

How much money can you make as a blogger? There are travel bloggers bringing in over 1 million dollars a year from their website so the sky is the limit! But, realistically, the majority of full-time bloggers make between 80,000-150,000 a year.

That’s it! You’ve set up your basic website. Sure, there are social media buttons to add, blogs to write, images to upload, and things to tweak but all that comes later. Once you do the steps above, you have the framework needed to create and share your story with the world! To recap on how to start a travel blog:

  • Step 1: Pick a Name
  • Step 2: Sign Up for Hosting
  • Step 3: Install WordPress
  • Step 4: Set Up Your Website
  • Step 5: Install Your Theme
  • Step 6: Create Your Main Pages
  • Step 7: Join Our Blogging Course (Optional!)

By following these steps, you can start your travel blog and your stories and tips with the world! (That’s where the real fun begins!) Don’t let the tech scare you. I didn’t know anything when I started. I was totally clueless and had to teach myself how to do this. If I can do this, you can start a blog too! I believe in you! (Email me if you want more encouragement.)

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • InsureMyTrip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, including the links for HostGator and Bluehost. At no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase using these links. If you have any questions about the companies or my status as an affiliate, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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Nomadic Matt, a travel blogger, working on his laptop


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28 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2024

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Are you aware that an improperly designed travel website can alienate potential customers and hinder user experience?

In an era where user accessibility is paramount, neglecting proper website design can be costly. The best website builders like Wix and Squarespace provide you tools for creating visually stunning and accessible travel websites.

Just as ADA compliance is crucial for inclusivity, travel websites must prioritize aesthetics and user-friendliness.

This blog post covers the 28 best travel website design examples that serve as inspiration to elevate your travel website appeal and user experience.

Let’s get started.

1. Big Adventure Travel Company

Made with Squarespace

1. Big Adventure Travel Company - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Big Adventure Travel Company has a website design urging you to live the world, not just see it. Above the fold, a dynamic carousel showcases destinations, people, and travel vehicles, igniting excitement for your next trip, perhaps even to the Hawaiian Islands. 

The white background offers a clean canvas for easy access to information, complemented by a rectangular call-to-action button urging you to experience the world.

Scrolling down, find Instagram and Facebook icons, fostering seamless social media connection. The company’s phone number and email address are conveniently in the footer for quick and direct communication.

2. Along Dusty Roads

2. Along Dusty Roads - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Along Dusty Roads, curated by Andrew & Emily, unfolds the beauty of a life filled with travel on its website. Above the fold, a clear picture of a desert captivates visitors, displaying mastery in taking photos.

With a white background providing a crisp canvas, the website showcases outdoor activities through a card layout, combining captivating photos with detailed descriptions of different locations.

For those inspired to follow their journey, a prominent purple box invites visitors to connect with Along Dusty Roads on Instagram. This travel website has social proof, encouraging others to join the community of travel enthusiasts.

3. Champlain Tours

Made with Wix

3. Champlain Tours - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Champlain Tours beckons travel enthusiasts with stress-free global experiences, day trips, and short-term excursions, standing out among the best travel agency websites. 

This tourism website design, adorned with a calming color scheme of Chatham blue and white , creates an inviting digital space that encourages visitors to explore.

Navigating the site is effortless, thanks to a sticky menu bar and a clever logo that doubles as both the home and refresh button. The thoughtful addition of a sign-up box invites engagement, allowing users to sign up for tour updates.

4. Bella Vista

4. Bella Vista - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Bella Vista's website design boasts captivating picture backgrounds that dynamically change as visitors scroll down, incorporating enticing design elements to entice travelers. 

This travel blog now includes a chat widget at the bottom for seamless communication with customer care, making the experience more personalized.

A sticky menu bar remains readily accessible as users explore the site. The thoughtfully integrated form simplifies the booking process, allowing travelers to register check-in and check-out dates effortlessly.

Bella Vista is user-friendly for those who want to plan and book accommodations through this well-designed travel website.

5. Pack Up + Go

5. Pack Up + Go - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Pack Up + Go is a travel website tailored for spontaneous exploration of the US. With a jacked ice, black, and white color scheme against a clean white background, Pack Up + Go is one of the design examples.

Engage seamlessly with the travel experience by subscribing to their newsletter through a strategically placed pop-up box. 

The black curved edge call-to-action button boldly says book your vacation, inviting users to embark on a journey with simplicity and spontaneity. 

Pack Up + Go design harmonizes visual appeal with user-friendly features, making it a standout choice for those seeking adventure and surprises in their travels.

6. Classic Travel Connection

6. Classic Travel Connection - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Classic Travel Connection transforms vacations into extraordinary experiences. I love the use of a clean white background as a canvas for a carousel of high-quality pictures above the fold, showcasing enticing destinations.

Engaging visitors effectively, social media icons on the menu bar connect users with the broader travel community, fostering user engagement.

This travel website integrates a live chat widget , allowing users to interact and inquire about various aspects of their journey.

This stunning web page goes beyond showcasing destinations, ensuring every visitor finds the information they need for a memorable vacation experience.

7. Poe Travel

7. Poe Travel - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Poe Travel positions itself as an easy and rewarding approach to booking through travel advisors. The light coral, white, and black color scheme against a clean white background sets an inviting tone. 

High-quality pictures showcase popular destinations, while the inclusion of city guides distinguishes this website from other travel platforms.

The bottom-of-the-page map helps visitors locate Poe Travel, enhancing user experience. Beyond a mere booking platform, this website is a trusted travel advisor, providing services and valuable insights into various cities and sought-after destinations. 

8. Earth + Ocean Travel Co

8. Earth + Ocean Travel Co - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Earth + Ocean Travel Co specializes in crafting memorable experiences for destination weddings, groups, honeymoons, and retreats.

This travel website invites users with a high-quality aerial view of a beach above the fold, setting the stage for an enticing exploration of vacation spots. 

I love how the web design features a white background and clear pictures of multiple attractive locations, helping simplify the traveler's decision-making process.

Social media icons on the menu bar connect visitors to a broader community, enhancing engagement with this travel-centric platform.

9. The Sofia Log

9. The Sofia Log - Best Travel Website Design Examples

The Sofia Log is a website capturing the essence of Sophie's diverse passions. I love the Jasmine white and black color scheme as it complements the clean, clear pictures, showcasing high-quality photography and emphasizing a thoughtful web design.

This travel website footer features social media icons, allowing visitors to stay connected with Sophie's adventures. A strategically placed pop-up form encourages engagement, requesting email addresses for newsletter subscriptions.

Enthusiasts receive regular updates and enjoy high-quality images from this sailor, ballerina, pyromaniac, and environmental scientist's salty soul.

10. Chasing Buffaloes And Beyond

10. Chasing Buffaloes And Beyond - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Chasing Buffaloes And Beyond is a website narrating the explorations and adventures of a travel-loving family with its brand's story through stunning photos. The card layout on this website elegantly showcases pictures of the locations this family visits.

A clean white background invites visitors to join their journey. I love the strategic placement of social media icons at the bottom of the page. These social media icons ensure easy connectivity.

There is a captivating large picture of nature above the fold that captures attention and reflects the significant investments in creating a visually engaging travel experience.

11. A Way Abroad

Made with Webflow

11. A Way Abroad - Best Travel Website Design Examples

A Way Abroad, the ultimate resource for women dreaming of a life abroad, stands out with its thoughtfully designed travel website. 

The white, orange, and pale Robin egg blue color scheme creates a visually appealing backdrop, complementing the artistic picture of a happy traveler. 

Navigating the site is easy with a sticky menu bar, ensuring visitors seamlessly explore the content and resources A Way Abroad offers.

This travel website design captures attention and caters to the needs of those seeking information and inspiration for a life abroad.

12. Home Sweet Home

12. Home Sweet Home - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Home Sweet Home's travel website offers potential customers a welcoming and visually appealing experience. An old restored farmhouse against a clean white background suggests a blend of authenticity and modernity, creating a visually pleasing contrast. 

There is a helpful map that assists users with trip planning. This travel website has a white background and clear pictures, enhancing the user experience. 

Home Sweet Home ensures that visitors can easily reach the destinations they offer by providing all of their contacts on the footer.

13. Sea Breeze Panormos

13. Sea Breeze Panormos - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Sea Breeze Panormos perfectly blend classical Cycladic style with modern functionality. This tour company website communicates an authentic island feel with whitewashed walls and stone elements. 

The white background provides a clean canvas, while the sticky menu bar ensures easy navigation. Additionally, the social media icon widget remains fixed, allowing users to stay connected as they scroll down. 

An embedded map enhances user experience, helping them locate Sea Breeze Panormo's beautiful properties. 

This travel website ski

14. Milk + Honey Travels

14. Milk + Honey Travels - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Milk + Honey Travels, experts in individual, inspired, and imaginative travel, present their expertise through a website designed for seamless exploration. 

Against a clean white background and black text, beautiful photos capture key information, enticing visitors with glimpses of destinations like African safaris.

Strategically placed on the header, social media icons facilitate easy connection, inviting users to delve into a community of like-minded travelers. 

This travel website design, adorned with high-quality pictures, invites exploration. A rectangular Contact Us CTA button makes it effortless for visitors to embark on their personalized journey with Milk + Honey Travels.

15. All-Inclusive Vacations Search

15. All-Inclusive Vacations Search - Best Travel Website Design Examples

All-Inclusive Vacations Search is a seasoned travel agency with over 30 years in hospitality. This travel website design is for seamless international travel exploration. 

I love its white and bright orange color scheme and sticky menu bar, creating an inviting landing page. 

This travel website uses a white background that enhances readability. The transparent call-to-action buttons , urging users to call us now, reflect a commitment to accessible and personalized service. 

I love how the graphic design ensures a user-friendly experience, guiding visitors through the wealth of expertise All-Inclusive Vacations Search brings to travel.

16. The Berlin Storyteller

16. The Berlin Storyteller - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Dennis Behnke, The Berlin Storyteller, invites prospective travelers to explore Berlin through the carefully crafted design of this website. 

The navy blue and white color scheme exudes sophistication, complementing high-definition pictures of iconic locations in Berlin. 

I love how this travel website design incorporates a sticky menu bar and a striking navy blue call-to-action button, directing visitors seamlessly to the available tours. 

This user-friendly platform ensures a smooth experience for those seeking private tours in Berlin, focusing on simplicity and visual appeal.

17. Grand Forest Metsovo

17. Grand Forest Metsovo - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Grand Forest Metsovo travel website beckons visitors with eye-catching photos showcasing the natural beauty and its connection to the hotel. The high-quality and clear pictures provide a vivid glimpse into the charm of this destination. 

This travel website design includes a sticky menu bar for easy navigation. A hamburger menu on the menu bar helps with additional options, linking to other parts of the website. On getting to the homepage, a strategically placed pop-up box unveils exclusive offers.

18. World of Wanderlust

Made with Teachable

18. World of Wanderlust - Best Travel Website Design Examples

World of Wanderlust invites you to embark on thrilling adventures and explore travel destinations across the entire continent. 

This travel website design, characterized by a clean white, black, and brown color scheme, creates an elegant and inviting atmosphere. 

A sticky menu bar ensures easy navigation, allowing users to browse through captivating travel stories. World of Wanderlust prioritizes user engagement by featuring a pop-up box with an email field. 

By inputting your email address, you can join their mailing list, staying connected with the latest travel updates, destination highlights, and exclusive offers from the travel agent.

19. The Bucket List Family

19. The Bucket List Family - Best Travel Website Design Examples

The Bucket List Family is a great website where a white background sets the exact feeling for an immersive experience.

Above the fold, stunning images paint a vivid picture of their global adventures, while high-quality pictures throughout the site bring their family travel journalism to life.

This travel website is a visual delight, offering more than just information. With social media icons neatly placed on the footer, users can easily connect and share the captivating journeys of the family.

Immerse yourself in The Bucket List Family, where a seamless blend of website design and stunning images makes every virtual visit an enchanting travel experience.

20. Aperture Tours

20. Aperture Tours - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Aperture Tours, specializing in professional photography guided tours, showcases its expertise through a website designed for all levels of enthusiasts. 

Against a clean white background, this site presents clear, good-looking pictures of locations arranged in an engaging card layout.

Aperture Tours proudly displays logos of magazines and TV stations it features in, spanning many industries. 

This travel website offers almost half of its tours in diverse locations, including the vibrant landscapes of live Africa, making it a reliable guide.

21. Under30Experiences

21. Under30Experiences - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Under30Experiences welcomes young travelers with a vibrant parsley, white, and pink color scheme at first glance. 

This travel website design plays a huge role in travel accessibility, featuring a pop-up box offering a discount, and encouraging visitors to visit exciting destinations. 

With a thoughtful chat widget and a unique logo serving as the homepage and refresh button, this travel website creates an engaging and user-friendly experience. 

Pictures of different locations and descriptions are in the card layout, making it easy to understand which locations the visitor is looking at.

22. Get Your Guide

22. Get Your Guide - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Get Your Guide, connecting millions of travelers with unforgettable experiences worldwide, offers a vibrant website design. 

As visitors scroll, catchy animations engage, helping potential customers understand the depth of available adventures. 

Against a crisp white background, a royal blue curved CTA button invites exploration, encouraging others to join this dynamic journey. 

The Portland Orange, white, and royal blue color scheme creates a visually appealing backdrop for travelers to embark on their next unforgettable experience.

23. Jon’s Carmel Market Cooking Class and Food Tour

23. Jon’s Carmel Market Cooking Class and Food Tour - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Jon’s Carmel Market Cooking Class and Food Tour takes you on a cultural journey with its website design. The white and Persian red color scheme and a clean white background create a visually inviting homepage. 

Clean, clear pictures and a sticky menu bar enhance the user experience. Personal stories are woven into the photos, showcasing the unique touch of this mother-daughter photography team. 

A video on the homepage features the Israeli mentality, offering a dynamic preview of Jon's immersive culinary experience. This website beautifully captures the essence of the tour through its thoughtful design elements.

24. Bouteco

24. Bouteco - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Bouteco travel website, a purpose-led non-profit consultancy, showcases trusted sustainable luxury travel content. As you scroll, high-quality images of different locations unfold, inviting exploration with captivating visuals. 

A transparent rectangular CTA button encourages users to explore Bouteco loves, guiding them through the commitment to authentic and greenwash-free storytelling of the website. 

Users can easily find contact information, a newsletter sign-up, and social media icons on the footer, enhancing engagement with this platform dedicated to sustainable travel experiences.

25. Inward Travel

25. Inward Travel - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Inward Travel Experiences is a travel website example that showcases a dynamic design. I love how this homepage immediately captures attention with a compelling video above the fold, featuring enthusiasts immersing themselves in invigorating cold water activities. 

This company’s logo cleverly serves as both the home and refresh button, adding a touch of seamless navigation to this tourism website. 

A practical sticky menu bar enhances user accessibility, staying fixed as visitors explore the diverse offerings. This travel website has a prominent green rectangular-shaped CTA button that beckons users to take action.

26. Tourism Richmond Hill

26. Tourism Richmond Hill - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Richmond Hills is a travel website that invites exploration of vibrant offerings, spotlighting great restaurants and captivating entertainment. 

This travel web design features a soothing palette of pale olive green, sky blue, and light tan , creating an inviting atmosphere for visitors.

With a user-friendly interface, this travel site boasts a sticky menu bar, ensuring easy navigation while exploring the diverse attractions. 

The clear pictures complemented by simple text font enhance the overall visual appeal, providing an enjoyable experience for users discovering the charm of Richmond Hill. 

27. Selective Potential

27. Selective Potential - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Selective Potential, home to blogger Tieka, offers an excellent example of a travel website design. Against a clean white background, potential customers can easily navigate through Tieka's Michigan lighthouse adventures. 

Social media icons on the menu bar encourage engagement, while a brown curved shape CTA button , inviting users to read more, enhances the overall user experience. 

Explore with Tieka and discover the beauty of Michigan lighthouses through this thoughtfully designed platform.

28. Echo Fitness

28. Echo Fitness - Best Travel Website Design Examples

Echo Fitness goes beyond conventional exploration by focusing on nutritional options and functional fitness, emphasizing their vital role in sustainable overall health. 

This web design uses a crisp white background and a calming color scheme of white, sky blue, and black , providing a visually soothing experience for visitors.

Whether you want to visit Australia or explore the travel industry, its social media icons are conveniently on the menu bar, encouraging users to connect and stay updated. 

The clean and clear pictures throughout the site enhance its aesthetic appeal and serve as a visual guide. This travel agency website offers a unique blend of fitness exploration and sustainable well-being.

Travel Website Examples FAQ

To create a compelling travel and tourism website, focus on showcasing unique things visitors can experience, separate yourself from other websites with your own unique storytelling, and craft content that helps potential customers understand the destination's allure.

Tourism websites are platforms with eye-catching photos to entice visitors to discover interesting locations and attractions. These sites often provide information on language exchanges, offering a comprehensive guide for travelers.

Wix and Squarespace are excellent website builders for a travel site, offering diverse site features that effectively communicate unique experiences. Whether you are a mother-daughter photographer team or an individual adventurer, these platforms provide user-friendly tools to build your own travel site.

Craft a comprehensive tourism and travel site by including captivating destination descriptions, vibrant visuals, travel itineraries, and user-friendly navigation for a seamless visitor experience.

Explore Further

  • Travel Agency Websites
  • Inspiring Travel Blog Examples
  • Best Hotel Websites
  • Travel Website Templates
  • Travel Agency Website Templates
  • Tourism Website Templates
  • Travel Blog Website Templates
  • Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies
  • Service Websites
  • Best Website Designs


Travel & Tourism Services


Modern Hotel & Resort


Bed & Breakfast Rental


Travel Agency


Hotel Website



How to start a travel blog in 10 steps (2024 guide)

  • Lena Sernoff
  • 16 min read

How to Start a Travel Blog (+ Get Paid Doing it)

While travel blogging is one of the most popular types of blogs, rest assured, you have not missed the boat (or plane) on your chance to start your own. While competition has increased over the years, so has demand: In fact, The World Travel & Tourism Council projects that travel and tourism in the United States will reach pre-pandemic levels in 2022, contributing nearly $2 trillion to the U.S. economy.

Today, the key to starting a travel blog is going into a niche and offering a specialty of focused content. New popular locations, adventures and hidden gems come to the surface every day. Even your own backyard and hometown might be unfamiliar to new readers, and you can add your unique perspectives to reviewing them.

In this guide, we'll help you navigate the field, from how to make a website and creating a blog to writing your posts and finding collaborations, to not only stand out but also get paid. Once you've learned how to start a travel blog, you'll have the world at your fingertips with this type of website .

Get started with the Wix Blog Maker .

Ready to start a travel blog now? Get started with Wix today.

How to start a travel blog

Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be

Pick a blog name and secure your domain name

Select your travel blog template

Create a blog logo

Prepare your footage

Write your first blog posts

Engage with your audience

Network with tourism partners and brands

Monetize your travel blog

Learn from the best (travel blog examples)

01. Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be

While you can cover all types of travel topics, choosing a niche will more easily lead to success. Think of who could benefit from your unique guidance and hone your content towards them. Not only will this naturally attract an audience of repeat readers, it will simplify the process of monetizing your blog , as you’ll have a defined value to bring to partners.

For example, Wix user Tales of Israel used her expertise as an Israeli resident to help citizens and tourists alike explore the country’s hidden corners.

Focus on a niche when you start a travel blog, example of Tales of Israel's blog

We Are Travel Girls grew a solid following of more than 415,000 Instagram followers by focusing on tips for women travelers.

Screenshot of We Are Travel Girls who started a travel blog for women

Here are some niche blog ideas in the travel space:


Budget travel

Luxury travel

Solo travel

Female travel

Traveling for work

Adventure travel

Family travel

Empty nesters

Accessible travel

Experiential travel

Festival travel

Couples travel


LGBTQ+ friendly travel

Traveling for seniors

02. Pick a blog name and secure your domain name

After choosing which direction you’ll take your travel blog, align it with a catchy name to help people discover and remember you. Just like naming a brand, coming up with a blog name should include some creativity and strategic vision of where you'd like to take your blog over the years.

Learn more:

Travel business names

Lifestyle blog name ideas

Travel blog name ideas

For example, if you’re going to be a city-based blogger, include it in your name. If you’re targeting solo travelers, try to pick a name that portrays that, so people know you’re catering to them. Just don’t let your name corner you in, as you still want to expand on topics in your niche.

Tip: Use a free travel agency name generator for travel name ideas.

Blog name generator tool showing travel blog names for inspiration

Securing your domain name

Once you've found the perfect travel blog name, make sure it's yours and only yours. To prevent confusion when promoting your blog , ensure no other companies or individuals currently use your blog name or hold your domain name. Check that social media handles are available and secure them as well. The more easily people can find your blog, the more likely they’ll return.

You might also want to consider using a .blog domain extension , to make sure your blog stands out.

Tip: Secure and buy your domain name with Wix.

03. Select your travel blog template

Photos and videos can bring your adventures to life and invite your visitors to join in on your journeys. And that’s why you should choose a visual-forward blog website template to display your travel blog content.

Make sure it also has an inviting homepage, a detailed “About Me” page, a well-organized blogging section and a dedicated newsletter sign-up section—all great places to share your media.

Below, we've showcased a few of our favorite mobile-optimized travel best blog templates :

Travel blog website template 1 features:

A large homepage image layout to make a powerful first impression.

A mid-page menu to take visitors to your different types of travel guides.

A highly-visible subscriber form to help grow your newsletter.

travel blog website template showing buildings in italy

Travel blog website template 2 features:

A dedicated “Work With Me” to showcase your partnership offerings.

A perfectly-placed blog logo that functions as a return-home button.

An attention-grabbing video background to greet visitors.

travel blog website template showing hot air balloons

Travel blog website template 3 features:

An embedded Instagram feed to seamlessly showcase your social media content.

A video page to display high-quality footage or promote your YouTube channel.

A Live Chat tool to communicate with visitors.

Trave blog website template showing women with hat looking at the ocean

04. Create a blog logo

A logo will help you build a brand around your travel blog. You’ll likely try out a few different tactics over the first couple of months as you cement your blog’s brand, like updating your site layout or changing your photography style. Use a blog logo on your site, professional email signature, and social channels to tie your online presence together with a distinctive trademark throughout the changes.

Tip: Get inspired by these blog travel logos and try creating your own with Wix’s free logo maker tool.

when you learn how to start a travel blog consider making a logo, image of logo maker tool with travel logos

05. Prepare your media

It’s easier to describe a must-see hot spot with images than simply words. In fact, articles with images get 94% more views as opposed to those with none. A good camera can help ensure your images are high-quality and properly-sized to look their best. It might be worth investing in a DSLR, drone, tripod, or other equipment to help elevate your visuals. You can also utilize stock images until you capture new content on your next trip.

Leverage photo tools to assist in gathering and preparing your content, and consider free photo editing software to filter and adjust your shots. What is a blog if not the perfect place to showcase your travel images.

Tip: Use a free Video Maker to craft a compelling video and check out these travel photography tips .

06. Write your first blog posts

Without articles, a live blog is just a website. Before sharing your travel blog with the world, write and publish at least three posts to give new website visitors a taste of the content you offer. This will also help create momentum behind your content creation strategy.

You can be as creative as you'd like when writing your blog posts. However, here are some blog ideas and blog formats you can build on:

The Ultimate [ insert location ] Travel Guide

How to See [ insert location ] in Just [ insert number ] Days

X Tips for Finding Cheap Flights During [ insert season or holiday ]

Best Things to Do in [ insert location ]

Why You Need to Go to [ insert location ]

Cheap Things to Do in [ insert location ]

Packing for [ insert type of trip ], What to Bring

What to Do on a Weekend in [ insert location ]

Awesome Stops on [ insert road name ] to [ insert location ]

Don’t forget to break up your content with rich media to hold your readers’ attention.

Over 80% of travel planning is done online, which means that your readers want to make decisions based upon your content—not just casually look for inspiration. (And if you are part of an affiliate network, those decisions can turn into real money for you.)

To make sure you get a slice of that active audience, make sure you optimize your content for search engines and make your site as visible as possible to these searchers.

Some blog SEO best practices are to:

Research keywords and common terms related to your destination or travel topic.

Include the keyword in the title, URL, a few times in the article in the SEO meta description.

Use internal linking in your blog and website.

Include alt text on images.

Editorial calendar

It’s good to set a regular schedule for publishing new content on your travel blog. It can be once a week or once a month—just keep your posting frequency consistent so readers know when to check back for the latest guides. Also, with new posts going live on the regular, Google will visit your site more often to index pages—improving your SEO.

To start filling out your content calendar, try one of these strategies to brainstorm great content:

Research the specific seasons, holidays or events happening at your destination to brainstorm content. There will be an influx of searches and demand for these topics at key times of the year.

Also, read competitor articles and blogs for inspiration. If you know what people have already said on specific locations or topics, you can add unique value and provide what’s missing.

07. Engage with your audience

Without interested readers, fans and followers, your blog is simply a diary. Use these channels and common methods below to authentically engage with your audience and drive traffic to your website :

Social media

Social media is an invaluable place to grow your travel blog. Up to 50% of travel enthusiasts use Instagram to find local places to explore.

You can use social to discover new audience members by:

Finding which social channels your target audience spends the most time on. See which hashtags they use, locations they tag and which brands and travel creators they follow.

Create content specifically geared to your target audience’s wants and needs. Check out our guide on social media content ideas .

Engaging with your target audience by following them, liking their content and commenting something meaningful on their posts. Here's how to increase your social media engagement.

Using social communities, forums and groups to connect and network with target audience members and fellow travel bloggers.

Tip: A social post maker can help you produce eye-catching, quality content.

Image of a social post maker tool

Word of mouth

Connecting with potential readers in real life can be a pivotal way to grow your travel blog. Aside from telling your friends and family about your blog, inform people you meet on your adventures that you blog.

Even if travel blogging is not (yet) your full-time job, when you meet people that ask about your occupation, slip in how you just started a new travel blog, and you'd love for them to subscribe or follow. Travelers love staying up to date with the amazing people they meet on their trips, and they’ll likely become new followers.

Once you've gained a few subscribers to your newsletter, you can send email marketing campaigns to engage readers. In your settings, set up an automatic email that dispatches newly published blog articles.

08. Network with tourism partners and brands

Starting a travel blog doesn’t have to be just a hobby. Partnerships with tourism companies, attractions, hotels, restaurants and brands can provide great compensation opportunities, either through an exchange of goods or cash payments.

For example, you can get a free stay in exchange for blogging about the hotel and capturing quality content for them to use on their social media or site. Another example is a suitcase company sending you a free bag to tag them in a post. You might also consider writing content in multiple languages to partner with relevant tourism brands, learn how to start a multingual blog to expand your reach.

How to reach out to brands:

Identify the brand you wish to partner with

Do thorough research on them to understand their audience’s needs

Reach out with a pitch of the exchange of services you can provide

Outreach email template:

Hi my name is [full name],

[Mention something personal you like about this company].

I’m the travel blogger behind [blog name/hyperlink website URL], who specifically covers [list three main topics your blog covers]. My current readers and followers amount to [insert your total reach here].

My audience is mostly [include audience insights and engagement rates if relevant]. I highly believe that it can be mutually beneficial for us to partner as I reach the same audience your brand seems to want to attract.

Please let me know if you're currently looking for new partnerships, as I'd be happy to [insert which services you'll provide, such as a blog post, rich images, social media posts]. In the past, I've partnered with [brand names] and here [insert link], you can see the examples of the content I've created.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

[Signature with your email, phone number, website link, logo and social media channels]

09. Monetize your travel blog

As much as sipping a comped piña colada by a hotel pool sounds extravagant, it won’t necessarily pay the bills. Therefore, you can use any or all of these nine creative ways to make money blogging:

01. Sponsored posts: Most travel blogs publish sponsored posts as their main income source. Agree with your partner on the goal and length of the post and how much you’ll receive in return. The average travel blogger charges an average of $200 per sponsored post.

For instance, a sponsored post about a Caribbean boating service could be about the best way to island hop, and you mention the boating company and link to their website several times in the article and as you review your experience using their services. Just remember to include a note that the post has been sponsored to keep your readers’ trust.

Learn more: How to make money as a travel blogger

02. Affiliate marketing: Many travel bloggers also earn commission from marketing another company's products. You promote their products on your blog, social media accounts, and other platforms using a unique tracked link and make a profit from each sale. To begin, sign up for affiliate marketing programs and send readers to buy from recommended referral links.

Here are some common travel affiliate programs to consider: Expedia Group Affiliate Program , Affiliate Program , Amazon Associates , Skimlinks , and AWIN .

03. Advertise: 94% of travel blogs sell advertising . When you're figuring out how to monetize a blog , one of the best ways is to get paid by running ads on your website. Tip: If your site is on Wix, you can add Google AdSense directly to your blog from the app market.

Google AdSense image for an idea for how to monetize your travel blog

04. Premium content: Consider charging readers for more exclusive information and production-intensive content, like premium guides, digital downloadables or eBooks to open an additional revenue stream. For instance, if you've made a PDF map with all the vegan restaurants in Paris, you could charge readers $5 to download it.

05. Donation: Donations are becoming more popular in the content creation world, so don’t be afraid to ask for them. Accept donations via Patreon, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, and or even paper checks in the mail.

06. Workshops and courses: You're likely an expert in your niche, especially if you travel often. Share your tips and tricks with readers in exchange for payment with an online course or in-person workshop. The two famous travel couples behind Club Life Design , for example, offer a social media and photo editing course.

07. Freelance: You don't necessarily have to make money from your traveling sites . You can choose to be a digital nomad freelancer and make money doing online gigs while exploring the world.

Tip: Wix Marketplace is a great way to grow your client base by designing Wix users’ websites.

08. Sell photos and videos: Make money selling your photos online. If you own a drone, this can be a great way to sell premium video footage to partners, which isn't easy for them to produce. Here's our guide on how to make money as a travel photographer.

Additionally, many travel bloggers, such as Aloha Jana , make money selling photo color preset filters to others who want to beautify their images.

Mobile image of Aloha Jana's travel blog with filters

09. Make and sell products: Sell or dropship branded items like swimsuits, sunglasses and travel gear.

Tip: You can add an online store to your blog to sell directly from your site or create a dropshipping website .

10. Learn from the best (travel blog examples)

Sometimes the best way to start a blog is to see how others have done it before you. These Wix users have created travel blogs websites that make us feel like we’re alongside them for all their travels:

The Bucket List Bums

Bucket List Bums’ clearly understands what her readers want: Information to help them plan their trips. Beyond her high-quality, stunning travel shots, she organizes her blog posts by country under “places,” allowing readers to explore their destination of interest. She also clearly defines how many days travelers should spend in each location, as you can see in this Three Days in Baja post.

Aside from offering her readers value, she gracefully makes her blog work for her, too. She’s added affiliate links to her shop page and also cleverly embeds them into image captions.

Travel blog example by Bucket List Bums

Anika Pannu

Anika Pannu’s travel blog is modern and interactive—perfect for her target audience looking to replicate that same experience on their journeys. Beyond immediately capturing her visitor’s attention with a parallax scrolling effect on her home page (featuring video and scroll-triggered motion images), she also provides content details that speak directly to her audience.

For example, Pannu rates her recommended stays with a helpful euro sign rating system, as seen in her A Weekend Guide To Lisbon, Portugal . This allows readers to quickly get a sense of the costs associated with her listings without going the extra mile to find pricing ranges. To grow her brand deals, too, she's smartly created a dedicated partnerships page.

Inspiration for how to start a travel blog shown with Anika Pannu's blog

Zion Adventure Photog

Just landing on Zion Adventure Photog’s earth-toned homepage makes you feel like you’re already visiting the eponymous natural park. Since this travel blogger is local to Southern Utah, she helps to provide that inclusive experience throughout the blog.

On the content side, their hiking blog posts all consistently outline the length, difficulty, location, when to go, trail details, and additional info sections. Both regular visitors and new readers alike can easily navigate the posts and get the information they need. They also have a clear call to action to follow them on Instagram to grow and engage their community offsite.

That welcoming feeling extends to their blog monetization strategy as well: They offer various photography services and offer a transparent pricing plan to support their readers’ experience beyond the planning phase.

Screenshot of Zion Adventure's Photog. The image shows a woman hiking in Zion national park.

How to design and customize your travel blog

Customizing your travel blog is a great way to make it stand out from the crowd and reflect your unique personality and style. There are many different ways to customize your blog, but here are a few ideas:

Choose a theme. A theme is a pre-made design that you can apply to your blog. There are many different themes available, both free and paid. Choose a theme that matches the overall style of your blog and that is easy to navigate.

Customize your colors and fonts. Once you have chosen a theme, you can customize the colors and fonts to match your branding. This is a great way to make your blog look more cohesive and professional.

Add a logo. A logo is a great way to make your blog more recognizable and to give it a unique identity. You can create a logo yourself or hire a professional designer to do it for you.

Add social media buttons. Make it easy for your readers to follow you on social media by adding social media buttons to your blog. You can also use social media to promote your blog posts and connect with other travelers.

Add widgets. Widgets are small modules that can be added to your blog sidebar or other areas of your site. There are many different widgets available, such as recent posts widgets, social media widgets and calendar widgets. Choose widgets that are relevant to your blog and that will provide value to your readers.

Add images and videos. Images and videos are a great way to make your blog posts more visually appealing and engaging. Be sure to use high-quality images and videos that are relevant to your content.

Write a compelling bio. Your bio is a chance to introduce yourself to your readers and tell them why you started your blog. Be sure to include your interests, your travel experiences, and your goals for your blog.

Target audience: Keep your target audience in mind when customizing your blog. What kind of travel are they interested in? What kind of tone and style do they prefer? Tailor your blog to their needs and interests.

Make your blog mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. Make sure your blog looks good and functions well on all devices.

Use a consistent design. Your blog should have a consistent design throughout. This means using the same colors, fonts and overall layout on all of your pages.

Keep your blog updated. Make sure to update your blog regularly with new posts and content. This will keep your readers coming back for more.

By following these tips, you can create a customized travel blog that is both informative and visually appealing.

How to pick a travel blog name

Here are some tips on how to pick a travel blog name:

Make it easy to remember and pronounce. You want people to be able to easily find your blog and remember its name. Avoid using difficult or unfamiliar words or abbreviations.

Make it relevant to your travel niche. What kind of travel do you write about? Is it budget travel, luxury travel, adventure travel or something else? Choose a name that reflects your niche and interests.

Be original and unique. You want your blog name to stand out from the crowd. Avoid using generic or overused names.

Keep it short and sweet. A long and complicated name will be difficult for people to remember. Aim for a name that is 2-4 words long.

Here are some examples of good travel blog names:

The Wandering Trotter

The Budgeteer

The Luxe Voyager

Adventurous Kate

The Travel Junkie

Nomadic Matt

Off the Beaten Path

The Wanderlust Files

Passport & Plates

A World to Wander

The Globetrotter

Travel Lemming

Once you have chosen a few potential blog names, ask your friends and family for their feedback. You can also do a quick Google search to see if the name is already taken.

Can you start a travel blog writing about old trips?

Yes, you can start a travel blog writing about old trips. In fact, many successful travel bloggers started out by writing about their own travel experiences, even if those experiences were from years ago.

Here are some tips for writing a travel blog about old trips:

Write about your personal experiences. People are drawn to travel blogs that are authentic and personal. Share your stories, your insights and your tips from your old trips.

Use photos and videos. Photos and videos are a great way to bring your blog posts to life. Include photos and videos from your old trips to illustrate your stories and make them more engaging.

Update your blog regularly. Even if you're writing about old trips, try to update your blog regularly with new posts. This will keep your readers coming back for more.

Be specific and informative. When writing about your old trips, try to be as specific and informative as possible. Share details about the places you visited, the activities you did and the lessons you learned. The more information you can provide, the more valuable your blog will be to readers.

Add a contemporary twist. Even though you're writing about old trips, you can still make your blog posts relevant to today's readers. For example, you can share tips on how to save money on travel, how to find the best deals on flights and hotels or how to travel sustainably. You can also write about current events or trends that are related to travel.

Are travel blogs still relevant in 2024?

Competition amongst travel bloggers can be fierce. Travel blogs are still popular amongst travelers but with more blogs available, competition for readership is strong. Travel blogs now also have to content with social media influencers and their travel accounts. All of the things that have always made travel blogs useful and engaging, still apply - you may just need to share your content across more platforms and work harder to build an engaged community.

Other types of blogs to consider starting

How to start a finance blog

How to start a real estate blog

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How to start a teaching blog

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How to start a tech blog

How to start a mom blog

How to start a sports blog

How to start a beauty blog

How to start a lifestyle blog

How to start a travel blog FAQ

Do travel bloggers get paid.

Yes, travel bloggers can get paid. There are a number of ways that travel bloggers can make money, including:

Affiliate marketing: Travel bloggers can earn money by promoting products and services related to travel, such as hotels, flights, tours and travel gear. When a reader clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, the travel blogger earns a commission.

Advertising: Travel bloggers can sell advertising space on their blogs to businesses that want to reach their audience. The amount of money that travel bloggers make from advertising depends on a number of factors, such as the size of their audience and the type of advertising they sell.

Sponsored posts: Travel bloggers can write sponsored posts for businesses that want to promote their products or services. Sponsored posts are typically paid for by the business, and the travel blogger will disclose this to their readers.

Selling products and services: Travel bloggers can sell their own products and services, such as e-books, travel courses and photography prints.

How much does it cost to start a travel blog?

Is it worth starting a travel blog, how much money can you make from a travel blog, do you need equipment to become a travel blogger, how to start a travel blog without traveling, related posts.

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How to monetize a blog in 2024 in 7 effective steps

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Travel Site Template Reviewed & Best Tourist Website Examples

Travel Site Template Reviewed & Best Tourist Website Examples

Whether you are a private guide or run a travel agency, having your own website is a must. Because today, more than ever, people are looking for everything they need on the Internet.

Don’t miss your chance to show up in search results when your potential customers are looking for tours, excursions, or an experienced guide.

Today we will talk about what travel website design should look like, share the best tourism websites, and review some stunning travel agency website templates . We’ll also teach you to create your own travel website really easy and fast.

Best Tourism Websites

Before creating your own travel site, take a look at other great travel web designs of extremely popular sites all over the world.

HotelPlanner ( )

HotelPlanner is one of the largest and most popular travel agencies in the United States with 5 million unique visitors every month. On the first screen of this multi-page site, clients can immediately use a simple form to select a tour based on their criteria.

Pay attention to the pop-up in the upper right corner that notifies about other people’s recent bookings. Many other best tours websites , such as, use the same advertising technique to look more convincing.

Tourism Websites HotelPlanner

Tours4Fun ( )  

This agency offers package tours to different parts of the world. Clickable blocks with bright images of different cities look very attractive. This is also a multi-page site. So, more tourist destinations and detailed information about tours can be found on other pages.

Tourism Websites Tours4Fun

My Precious Paris ( )  

My Precious Paris offers guided tours in one of the most romantic cities in the world. The first thing you see is the inspiring panorama of Paris at night. Further, you can familiarize yourself with current tours and reviews of those who have already been on excursions. We think it can be considered as the simplest and best travel website design for its minimalism and well-placed color accents.

Tourism Websites My Precious Paris

How to Create Tourism Sites?

Ready to create yours but not sure how to make a travel website ? Start with the structure. Any travel template should have the following sections:

  • About you . Tell your audience how long you have been working, why you should be trusted, and in which tourism sector you work.
  • Gallery . Travels are always about beautiful places – so, show them to your audience.
  • Contacts . Give your potential customers as many options as possible on how to contact you.
  • Contact form . Many users prefer to fill out a form and describe their request, rather than call or write to you.

Of course, the structures of most travel and tourism websites are similar to each other. Therefore, if you want to engage your audience, you need to think about how you can stand out.

Make sure your tourism website design is modern, stylish, vibrant, and user-friendly to outshine competitors. Do you think that creating such a site will take months, and will be very expensive? Not if you use the Weblium travel agency website builder . 

Just choose one of our lovely travel agency website templates created by our professional designers. B uilding a travel website is really easy with our AI Supervisor that helps you avoid any kind of designer mistakes. All you need is to fill the template with all the info you need and add your images. That’s it! 

New Travel Site Template by Weblium

Let us show you one of our newest tours and travels website templates . Guided Tour is designed for individual or group tours in any region. It looks very modern and stylish. Let’s take a closer look at it.

Travel Template Norway

We have dedicated this travel agency landing page to group tours in Norway, a wonderful country that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, if you offer tours to other countries or regions, you can easily customize it. All images and backgrounds on this travel agency web template can be changed in a couple of clicks.

Our travel guide template begins with an inspiring cover inviting visitors to watch a video about Norway and learn more about the next tour.

About Us is the next big block. You can tell about your agency here. Show your expertise and convince clients that they can trust you. And don’t forget to tell users how to book your tour.

New Travel Template

The About Us section is followed by a block with general data about the itinerary and the country. You can easily change all this information, too.

about us section

You can use a block with several tabs to tell about the points of interest or offer several tours with different dates and prices.

This free travel agency website also includes a gallery, FAQ, and blog. Users can leave their requests by filling out the contact form or by contacting you directly. We’ve also added a Testimonials block to this template. Sincere reviews from your customers will convince other users that they can trust you with their vacation.

Guided Tour is a really stylish, fresh, and quite versatile travel landing page template. It is a good choice for guided tours and small agencies.

create a new travel website

Top Travel Website Templates on Weblium

In addition to our newest template described above, we have several other travel agent templates . You can customize each of these t ourism website templates to create a free travel agent website or a personal travel blog in just a few hours.

Travel Agency Template

It is one of our versatile travel agency templates . It is perfect for any small travel agency. It is a multi-page website that you can customize however you want. The feature of this site is that it includes a block with popular tours. 

Travel Agency Template

City Guide Template

This stylish travel blog template is perfect for travel bloggers. You can create each article on a new page. There is also a separate blog functionality. Nicely accentuated subheadings and stunning photos look great. You can use this template when designing a travel blog about any country or city. 

City Guide Template

Yacht Charter Template

The main advantage of this template for website tour examples is the vibrant color scheme and well thought out structure. All you need to do is change the copy a little for your company, and your travel website is ready.

Yacht Charter Template

Safari Tours

This is a template for exotic guided tours to unusual places in Africa. It is a multi-page site with a vibrant design. Your customers will definitely like it!

Safari Tours Template

Single Tour Template

If you want to promote a specific tour, start with this template. It is one of the best travel landing page examples . This template has everything you need for a detailed display of important information about the trip.

Single Tour Template

Travel Agency Advertising Samples

Once you’ve created your site, it’s time to think about its promotion using different advertising approaches on different channels. Let’s take a look at nice advertising examples of various travel agencies.

Thomas Cook & Sentido Ad Example

Despite the collapse of Thomas Cook in 2019, this travel agency used to be one of the largest and most popular in the world. Take a look at this ad. It reflects everything that people can dream about on vacation: a secluded resort, calm sea, sun loungers, and a pool.

Ad Example

Cruises Advertisement Sample

It is a good example of printed ads (brochure or flyer). Please note that on one page, there are only beautiful large images and minimum text, while on the second page, you can read more detailed information about this cruise concept. The text includes several colors and different fonts to highlight the most important information. 

Cruises Advertisement Sample

TUI Ad Example

This example of advertising is perfect both for a magazine spread and a billboard. It doesn’t contain much text, the focus is on the client and hotel staff. TUI travel agency puts the client’s satisfaction in the first place. All advertisements of this company are consonant with this approach. Who doesn’t want to feel like a real star on vacation? 

TUI Ad Example

As you can see from the examples of popular travel sites and Weblium templates , the main rule of creating the best travel website design is to be bright! Remember that for many people, traveling is associated with vivid impressions and beautiful places. Show your potential clients all the beauty of the places they can visit if they contact you.

Also, remember that there are many travel agencies on the market. To stand out, think about your unique features and reflect them in your website design. Don’t forget about social proof as well. Be sure to post reviews from your customers on your website.

Do not overload the main page of your website with various elements: you can hide all the details about tours in the inner pages. With our simple travel agent website builder and ready-made travel agent website templates , you can create your own website on Weblium in just a few hours.

We hope that our article will help you create an effective website and attract more tourists. We wish you success!

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create a new travel website

  • Inspiration

Travel websites

Travel website with the title 'Web design concept for BeMyTravelMuse'

Make your business shine online with a custom travel website designed just for you by a professional designer. Need ideas? We’ve collected some amazing examples of travel websites from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect travel web design today.

Want a free travel website?

Try the Vista x Wix website builder today. No design expertise or team needed.

Travel website with the title 'Web Design for OpenKey'

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Go Adventure

Travel website with the title 'Website design'

Website design

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Webdesign for a Travel Site

Homepage designed for a unique travel agency. Peredrift guides the user to a few top locations to that meets their needs and then helps them to build a day-to-day schedule including where to go and stay, how to get there, and what to do. This is shared with a group who can comment and recommend alternative suggestions until they have a final plan that everyone is excited for.

Travel website with the title 'Colorful - travel, fashion, lifestyle web design'

Colorful - travel, fashion, lifestyle web design

Audraverse (Audra’s Universe) is a lifestyle page of travel & style stories from around the world. Audra's passion for travel has taken her to 75 countries across 6 continents thus far. She wants it to be bold & colorful page where the blog post looks like handwritten Post-it notes. Her traveling blog is Inspiring thousands of people from all around the world.

Travel website with the title 'Roaming Free: Web Design'

Roaming Free: Web Design

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A Network TV Series "WESTWOOD GOES WAYWARD" needs a new website design

Feel free to contact me to discuss your project needs.

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Landing Page for Yacht Rental Service

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Design a modern Travel website for the next generation of ID90 Travel

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Quinta Dos Amarelos

Quinta Dos Amarelos webdesign

Travel website with the title 'Amazing eCommerce homepage'

Amazing eCommerce homepage

Travel website with the title 'Web Design For Justice Travel'

Web Design For Justice Travel

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I love working on travel projects like this. Unfortunately it wasn't client taste. However let me know feedback on this one and what do you think.

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Web Page Design for Travel Company

Travel website with the title 'Website design - SLS Agency'

Website design - SLS Agency

Travel website with the title 'Luxury resort web design'

Luxury resort web design

A very upscale oceanfront resort located on a 7 1/2 acre “island” between the Atlantic Ocean and White Point Swash. Surrounded by a spectacular 2 1/2 acre water escape that features swimming pools, spas, lazy river, swim-up pool bar and private cabanas. North Beach Plantation has been awarded the 4 Diamond Award, is ranked #1 on Trip Advisor and is also included in the Trip Advisor Hall of Fame.

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It should be more modern, but have large icons and buttons for people to easily read and understand. Text should be large and minimal. We want a top bar that either drops down or displays subcategories underneath. Each page should feature bright photos that we will link to our deals.

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Glass Always Full

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Naturally Nomadic Travel

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Girls Travel Website

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Redesign of existing snow travel booking page

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Travel website with the title 'Holiday Rental Website'

Holiday Rental Website

The venue has resort style facilities/amenities. Offering tranquillity of themes where guests can switch from open fire place, to Bali-style relaxation area besides pool to more vigorous actives.

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Homepage Design for a Popular RV Rentals Website

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Travel website with the title 'Airport Website Design'

Airport Website Design

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Travel website with the title 'Web design for Glass Lodge in Iceland'

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Travel website with the title 'Design for Prolific Immigration Consultants'

Design for Prolific Immigration Consultants

Client wanted a minimal and modern design which the home page reflects clearly. Most important work in this project was doing the research.

Travel website with the title 'Travel website design'

Travel website design

Website for travel company

Travel website with the title 'Bago Travel Bags Website Redesign'

Bago Travel Bags Website Redesign

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Classic Travel

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Travel website with the title 'simplybooking'


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Webdesign for a company active in the segment of educational travel

It was a very tough contest with other 5 world class designers and finally my design won the final price.

Travel website with the title 'Meowtaineer adventure kitty website'

Meowtaineer adventure kitty website

Funny and clean website for cat blog.

Travel website with the title 'Redesign of Homepage'

Redesign of Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Website design for travel insurance company'

Website design for travel insurance company

Clean, minimal but elegant website redesign for travel insurance company in germany

Travel website with the title 'Web design for a travel booking company'

Web design for a travel booking company

Redesign of a travel website. Aesthetically I went for a rich use of imagery, and focused on creating a sense of depth, it helps make the user feel immersed by the experience.

Travel website with the title 'Traveling Website Design'

Traveling Website Design

Client Review! "After we had received a vast array of designs we then received Smart Envisions, Instantly we knew we had the design, look and feel we were looking for, clean, professional and uncluttered. I would certainly recommend Smart Envision for anyone who is looking for a professional prompt service. We fully intend to use them in the future. Many thanks Smart Envision !!"

Travel website with the title 'Website concept for a Mountain Resort'

Website concept for a Mountain Resort

Travel website with the title 'Homepage concept for private jet service provider'

Homepage concept for private jet service provider

Travel website with the title 'USIMS App's Homepage'

USIMS App's Homepage

USIMS offers an Internet eSIM service, which allows users to access the Internet at local rates globally, without incurring roaming charges.

Travel website with the title 'Travel agency web design concept'

Travel agency web design concept

Sophisticated, clean user friendly web design concept

Travel website with the title 'World Unite!'

World Unite!

Active in the segment of educational travel

Travel website with the title 'Travel Agency Webdesign'

Travel Agency Webdesign

Made a hawaii inspired website for a travel agency that showcase hawaii destination. the main focus was to fill the site with image and must have a summer/hawaii feel. yet keeping everything organize

Travel website with the title 'We need a new web design to offer and promote our holiday home'

We need a new web design to offer and promote our holiday home

We are looking for a one-pager which displays a description and photo's form one holiday home. Visitors of the website must be informed how the house look like and what specifications it has. Also some new and information about what you can do in the area. The site must be looking so nice that you want directly book a vacation to this home.

Travel website with the title 'Social Network for Travelers'

Social Network for Travelers

Profile page for AGENCESTP which is social network for travelers around the whole world. I've tried to keep it really modern, light, clean and easy to use.

Travel website with the title 'Countryside webpage design concepts'

Countryside webpage design concepts

Deb design concept for Countryside created simply and modern concept is easy to read and navigation.

Travel website with the title 'Luxury Cabin Rentals'

Luxury Cabin Rentals

A little vintage design for people who rents cabins in mountains.

Travel website with the title 'Informational webdesign'

Informational webdesign

Travel website with the title 'GayCities Website Redesign - Part 1'

GayCities Website Redesign - Part 1

Travel website with the title 'GoAdventure'


GoAdventure is a adventure travel booking website.

Travel website with the title 'Alternative, conscious & honest website for inspirational travel company'

Alternative, conscious & honest website for inspirational travel company

We are a company active in the segment of educational travel. As our company name ("World Unite!") indicates, our aim is to achieve that our international travel experiences result in cultural exchange, cultural learning, curiousity and understanding for each other and thus that "the world unites". ------------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project
Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Campervan Rental-Redesign'

Campervan Rental-Redesign

Travel website with the title 'CruizeReizen webpage redesign concept'

CruizeReizen webpage redesign concept

Travel website with the title 'Travel Blog Homepage'

Travel Blog Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Website for apartment hotel in Norway'

Website for apartment hotel in Norway

Website design and development for apartment hotel in Norway

Travel website with the title 'Website for travel service provider'

Website for travel service provider

Travel website with the title 'Visa & Travel Assistance website'

Visa & Travel Assistance website

Design for a Visa & Travel assistance website.

Travel website with the title 'A Yacht Booking website'

A Yacht Booking website

A modern, responsive, fullscreen design with an impactful landing page that intuitively takes you though the booking process, providing a plethora of options along the way.

Travel website with the title 'Vacation resort'

Vacation resort

A simple, yet classy design for a cozy vacation house. The design contains: Home page; a description page of the villa; location and places around the villa which you can visit ; booking page with price.

Travel website with the title 'Looking for a Fresh Travel and Resort Style Web Design'

Looking for a Fresh Travel and Resort Style Web Design

TZORT: Resort Style Travel for Everyone Why settle for just good enough when you can stay at a resort? Our exclusive resorts offer luxury accommodations with amenities that go far beyond the average hotel. Our Design Approach :- -Creative & Custom web page design with 100% customer satisfaction! - out of the box design thinking and provided world class design - website design approach with modern design with unique concept! - Mobile Responsive concept design ---------------------------------------- Are you Looking for a Creative & Custom Website Design & Development Services ? ---------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Egoist Nature Resort'

Egoist Nature Resort

We are a nature resort that offers accommodation services in 8 beautiful contemporary bungalows, great meals served in a farm-to-table restaurant barn and wellbeing therapies. Our Design Approach :- -Creative & Custom web page design with 100% customer satisfaction! - out of the box design thinking and provided world class design - website design approach with modern design with unique concept! - Mobile Responsive concept design ---------------------------------------- Are you Looking for a Creative & Custom Website Design & Development Services ? ---------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Dunhill Travel Deals Website'

Dunhill Travel Deals Website

Travel website with the title 'Website for Monaco/ Monte Carlo'

Website for Monaco/ Monte Carlo

The Website is about everything in Monaco and the goal was to show all events, locations, ... to possible visitors. I focused on UX here and thought about to make the content as easy accessable as possible.

Travel website with the title 'Bold concepts for luxury holiday villas in Mallorca'

Bold concepts for luxury holiday villas in Mallorca

Travel website with the title 'Classic Travel Website Design'

Classic Travel Website Design

Website design for Classic Travel.

Travel website with the title 'Website for travel health insurance'

Website for travel health insurance

SimplyGlobal is a marketplace for Indians living in the US and other countries. One of the main services is the travel health insurance comparison and purchase. This design contest is for this service only ------------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project
Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Elegant website concept for Souther California's black car service'

Elegant website concept for Souther California's black car service

Travel website with the title 'Tablet View - Homepage'

Tablet View - Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Landing Page for Earth Nook, Discover & Experience Travel'

Landing Page for Earth Nook, Discover & Experience Travel

Travel website with the title 'Design for Travel Company'

Design for Travel Company

The design was for a travel company with exotic destinations. The three key areas should be displayed and also some information about the company.

Travel website with the title 'Van rental webdesign'

Van rental webdesign

Travel website with the title 'Airport Transfers, Luxury Travel Chaffeur Driven'

Airport Transfers, Luxury Travel Chaffeur Driven

Travel website with the title 'Travel Landing Page'

Travel Landing Page

I won this contest and it's a landing page of the website.

pieman by E-T

Travel websites not a good fit? Try something else:

How to create your travel website design.

If you want an amazing travel website that stands out from the competition, work with a professional designer. Find and hire a designer to make your vision come to life, or host a design contest and get ideas from designers around the world.

Start a contest

Designers from around the world pitch you ideas. You provide feedback, hone your favorites and choose a winner.

Start a project

Find the perfect designer to match your style and budget. Then collaborate one-on-one to create a custom website.

Travel website with the title 'Hotel webdesign'

4.6 average from 2,355 web page design customer reviews

The perfect platform to create a website about travels

What can be better than traveling? Seeing new places, getting acquainted with new people, learning about other cultures, experiencing different lifestyles, and just breaking out of daily routine - nothing can really compare to that. This is exactly why more and more people nowadays get into tourism, sparing neither time nor money to see the world. Indeed, the travel business has skyrocketed in the recent years as more people worldwide aspire for larger, more exciting and exotic trips. Besides, travelling became so much easier with the internet! Today, nothing stands in between you and your next mind-blowing adventure, except for a few clicks.

But have you ever considered sharing your own travel experience with the worldwide online community or helping people to plan and organize vacations or tours? Whether you want to enter the sprawling travel business or just help others with a sound advice, the best way to do this is by creating a travel website.

Create a website about trips tailored to your goals

What do you need a travel site for? Well, it’s really up to you. Depending on your goals, you can consider the following options:

  • Create a travel blog

If you’re a seasoned traveler, there must be a lot of incredible stories you could share! Your experience and knowledge could be of immense value to other people. Through a personal travel blog, you could let the world know about your adventures and give helpful advice to fellow travelers. You can even make money on travel blogging if the information you offer resonates with the audience!

  • Create a travel planner website
  • Create a travel agency website

Do you own a travel agency? If you do, it is absolutely imperative for you to create an online travel agent website. It will allow you to rise above geographical borders and make the entire world your potential clientele.

  • Create a travel review site

What do you usually do when you want to know if a product or service is any good? You probably check the reviews by people who have already had a first-hand experience with it. The same goes for traveling. Make your site useful by writing your own reviews of hotels, hostels, airlines, tour operators, resorts, beaches, popular attractions in different corners of the world, etc., or post reviews by other experts.

  • Create a travel booking site

Create a travel site for flights and help users to find the best prices for air tickets and book them as fast as possible. You can also create a travel site for hotels and make it easier for your customers to book accommodation. To start a travel booking site, however, you will first need APIs of corresponding booking services.

The easiest way to create a tours and travels website from scratch

How to start a travel agency website if you have a limited budget? Or how to start a travel blog with no technical skills and prior experience in website design? You can find the answers to these questions at Ning!

Ning is a comprehensive platform that allows you to build anything ranging from simple websites to advanced online communities. But what makes Ning perfect for your travel or vacation website?

1. Accessibility

Ning was developed as a simple and convenient website builder enabling users to make fully functional websites and personalized social networks regardless of their technical profile. Thus, even if you have never created websites before and have no idea how to do it, you will be able to build and launch your travel site in no time thanks to a simple, yet versatile interface.

2. Time efficiency

With tools provided by Ning, creating a website and developing its design will take no more than a couple of hours. Just pick a domain name you like, select a design template, choose the features you want to make use of - and you’re ready to go!

3. Wide range of customization options

Not being a professional web designer doesn’t mean you can’t build a visually stunning travel website. Ning offers a convenient and easy-to-use Design Studio empowering you to customize your website’s design the way you want. Choosing one of the available travel website templates, you can determine the general look of your site. Additionally, you are free to change a background image and page layout, add your logo, etc. If your tech skills allow for it, you can also add custom CSS, JavaScript, and HTML pages. There are plenty of ways to make your travel site unique and memorable.

4. Impressive functionality

Besides user-friendliness, Ning is also known for the abundance of features it is packed with. The list is long enough to impress even the most demanding website creator, including:

  • Forums, personal messaging, and chat to let your clients discuss topics they are interested in;
  • Polls to know what your customers are up to;
  • Events for more engagement;
  • Email broadcasting and activity feed to keep your clients updated;
  • Advanced content management guaranteeing total control over your data;
  • Seamless integration with social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, etc., as well as 3rd party services including YouTube, Vimeo, eBay, Spotify, and MailChimp;
  • Possibility of uploading photos, videos, music, etc. to make your content more diverse and engaging;
  • Various monetization options including Paid Access, Paid Membership, and Donations;
  • SEO optimization tool for a better visibility on the internet.

5. Advanced blogging

Do you want to know how to be a blogger? The easiest way to become one is to start a travel blog on Ning. Thanks to the outstanding blogging feature, you can regularly update your travel website with fresh blog posts and share them with all your network members.

6. Mobile responsiveness

Ning knows that many of your network members and potential customers might want to access your site from their smartphones or tablets. You can be sure your travel website will be displayed correctly on all mobile devices.

7. Free domain and hosting

Ning provides all website creators with a native domain name and hosting services, so you don’t have to worry about any additional costs - everything is already included in your subscription plan. If you prefer to use your own custom domain name, you’re welcome to do so.

8. Affordability

Creating a travel website on Ning can save both your time and money! If you’re seeking an alternative to hiring a professional web designer, whose services can easily cost you a few thousand dollars, going for a website builder like Ning will be your most cost-effective choice.

Go social with your travel website!

There are plenty of features making Ning special. But the most distinctive one is that it allows users to create not just websites, but fully functional social networks. For this, you are given multiple communication options and convenient tools to manage your community. Thus, you are free to build your own online travel society and nurture trustful relationships with your network members. What can be better for your business than that?

Don’t hesitate to take 14 days of free trial and check out all the useful features and possibilities offered by Ning!

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Best Website Builders of 2024

Lena Borelli

Lena Borelli


Lena is a freelance contributor to Newsweek’s small business team. A business owner herself, today she advises on business owners of all kinds on proper management, software, and tools to maximize productivity and improve their exposure. She is based in sunny Tampa Bay, Florida, and has been featured in leading publications such as TIME, Forbes, Bankrate, Digital Trends and Techopedia.

Shannon Ullman

Shannon Ullman

Shannon is a freelance editor for Newsweek Vault. She has previously worked as an editor in the B2B space, primarily focusing on cryptocurrency and finance tools for small businesses. She does freelance review writing in the health space as a hobby. Some of her bylines can be found on sites like Business Insider and Shape.

Updated May 30, 2024 at 7:06 pm

Sooner or later, everyone needs a website. It could be a new business you started or a blog you have founded. Maybe you need one for work, or you are creating a site for your child’s soccer team. Whatever the reason, there comes a time when a website is necessary. The problem is that not all of us are so tech-savvy.  

That is where the best website builders come in. With these tools, you don’t need to have experience building websites. There is no coding to learn or remember, and the entire process can be completed in a fraction of the time, thanks to ready-made templates. When you need the best web building software, look to these best web builders to help you create your new website.

To compile this list, we reviewed the top services on the market, compared the specs and features and created a short list of the top website builders. Then, we used product descriptions, reviews, ratings and hands-on experience to find the best website builders for each category.

  • Best Overall: Wix
  • Best for Creatives: Squarespace
  • Best for Agencies: Duda
  • Best for Marketing: GoDaddy
  • Best Straightforward: HostGator
  • Best Affordable: Zyro
  • Best for Designers: Jimdo Creator
  • Best for E-Commerce: Shopify
  • Best for Personal Websites: Site123
  • Best for Businesses: Square Online/Weebly

10 Best Web Builder Sites of 2024

Best overall.

Wix logo

Vault Verified

Why We Chose It

Wix is the best website builder site you can use with a drag-and-drop format that is easy for both beginners and pros. It works well for both personal and professional needs, with plenty of templates to get you started.  

Key Features:

  • 900+ free templates for customization
  • Blog integration
  • Online store
  • Appointment booking
  • Community event scheduling
  • Google Analytics available
  • User-friendly
  • One currency accepted
  • Website might have slow loading times

Best for Creatives

Squarespace Logo


As the best website builder for creatives, Squarespace offers pre-made templates with easy drag-and-drop functionality. With unlimited storage and bandwidth, you also get access to tons of apps that are all available for easy integration.

  • Mobile optimization
  • Template library
  • SEO integration
  • Squarespace AI
  • eCommerce option
  • Ready-made templates
  • Helpful e-commerce tools
  • No free plan
  • Limited customization
  • Lacks phone support

Best for Agencies

Duda is the best website builder for serious users, making it a great fit for agencies and SaaS companies. No coding is needed, and with 99.9% uptime, it is reliable, too.   

Key Features: 

  • AWS hosting
  • Client billing
  • Team management tools
  • Email support
  • Client branding
  • Custom templates
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Domain purchase required
  • Mediocre SEO

Best for Marketing


GoDaddy is the best website builder when marketing is your priority, giving you access to business listings, social postings and email marketing. The 30-day money-back guarantee adds extra peace of mind. 

  • Mobile-friendly design
  • SSL security
  • Marketplace and social selling
  • Website and marketing analytics dashboard
  • Payment processing
  • Custom site builder tool
  • Easy online payments
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Basic security tools
  • Lacks advanced e-commerce features

Best Straightforward Website Builder

HostGator logo

HostGator is the best website builder for user-friendly websites. A host of free tools and features are available, plus free site transfers to get you started.

  • 150+ mobile-optimized templates
  • Built-In blog
  • Free private domain registration
  • Appointment scheduling 
  • Online payments
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 99.9% uptime 
  • Complimentary domain for one year
  • Pricey monthly plans
  • Sluggish customer support

Best Affordable

Zyro Logo

Zyro is the best website builder when you are on a budget. Enjoy a free domain with your choices of weekly or daily backups with the added benefit of a 30-day money-back guarantee.

  • Designer templates
  • Free web hosting
  • SSL certificate
  • AI branding
  • Three-month free trial
  • Multiple server locations
  • Limited storage
  • No dedicated IP
  • Lacks phone customer support

Best for Designers

Jimdo creator.

Jimdo Creator is the best website builder for customization, allowing you to create a free logo with your website. It makes it easy to access tons of templates, build a blog and create photo galleries. 

  • Complimentary domain
  • Image library
  • HTTPS security
  • Business listings
  • Easy mobile optimization
  • Free logo design
  • E-commerce feature
  • No free domain
  • Limited number of pages
  • Must pay to transfer site

Best for E-Commerce

Shopify is the best website builder for e-commerce when you want an online store. Manage your inventory, sell across multiple platforms and enjoy SEO tools to make your website shine. 

  • Up to 1,000 inventory locations
  • Shopify plan
  • Product shipping
  • Team management
  • Discounted pricing for first three months
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Easy app integration
  • Transaction fees may apply
  • Premium themes require customization
  • Not as much customization as other sites

Best for Personal Websites

SITE123 is the best website builder for your personal website, allowing for free hosting without the need for any coding. Use a template or create an online store with an easy, intuitive platform that takes the heavy lifting out of building a website. 

  • Cloud hosting
  • eCommerce features
  • Translation tools
  • Live support
  • Email accounts
  • Free domain registration
  • Multiple contract lengths
  • Custom domain for a fee
  • Subscription required for online store

Best for Businesses

Square Logo

Square Online

Formerly known as Weebly, Square Online combines its powerful payment processor with the best website builder for businesses. Customers can shop your site easily on a mobile phone with simple order tracking and payment profiles.

  • Video hosting
  • Multiple sales tools
  • Subscription feature
  • Not so customizable 
  • Transaction fees apply
  • Limited customer support

Website Builder Introduction

There are many reasons to have a website: you may have a business, you may be creating a blog or you may be a creative person wanting to share your work. Whatever the reason, there are many website builders that can make it simple to build your website in no time at all.  

What Is a Website Builder?

It is not always so easy to get started when creating a new website. That is where a website builder comes in. A website builder is a specific tool that is designed to help you build a website. It skips the need for coding and allows beginners and novices to create professional-looking websites quickly.  

How Does Web Builder Software Work?

Website builders often use a drag-and-drop or similar model to build your website one section at a time. Behind the scenes, this drag-and-drop functionality is converted to proper code, creating a professional-looking website for your visitors. The best website builders offer a selection of templates that you can use to customize your site. Many of the details, like the design and text, can be changed, allowing you to customize the details of your website. 

Who Is a Web Builder Site Best For?

Not everyone is a tech expert, but the good news is that you don’t have to be. You don’t have to have any experience building websites, and there is no need to hire a professional to do any coding. Even novice users can easily and quickly create a website when using a web builder. You can also use these tools to manage and update your site later.  

Types of Web Building Software

  • Online Site Builders: An online site builder is a web-based website builder that allows you to work directly on the builder’s server. There is no need to download any software because the website builder hosts the site itself. Examples of the best web-building software include Duda and Squarespace, which use their servers to host your site .
  • Offline Site Builders: An offline site builder does not use an external site to host your website. Instead, you must download software to your computer in order to design your website. The best web builder software can produce a beautiful website, but the extra step of downloading software is not ideal for many when online site builders are readily available.

How To Choose a Website Builder

There are certain factors that can help you find the best website builder site for your needs.

Ease of Use and Compatibility With Other Programs

It is important to look for a website builder that works with your level of skill. Some website builders like Wix and Site123 make it easy to get started, while others like Duda and Jimdo Creator may be best for those with a little more experience. If you plan to incorporate custom elements, be sure to confirm that your chosen website builder will work with your software to prevent any compatibility issues now or in the future. 

Customization Features

Even though the best website builders come armed with templates to get you started, there are still changes you will likely want to make to your website. You start with a theme you like, and then you can typically change key features like the layout, background, font and color. 

SEO Features 

Many of the best website builders also come with SEO tools to help your website rank better on Google. These builders often incorporate SEO optimization, allowing you to optimize everything from your text to your images to the layout of the site itself. 

Customer Service and Resources

It helps to know that help is available if you hit a snag, especially if you are a business owner experiencing issues during off-hours. Before you choose the best website builder for your needs, consider when customer service is available and how they can be contacted. 

Other Website Builder Alternatives

WordPress is one of the most popular website builders out there, proudly claiming to support 43% of the web. It offers premade layouts with over 50,000 plug-ins and themes so you can find just the right look and feel for your website. From blogs to stores, WordPress handles it all with drag-drop-and-draw editing. You can also use the Jetpack app to create and edit your site on the go. To get started, there is a free plan, or you can upgrade to one of the many plans available to add extra features and tools to your custom website builder.

Bluehost is the best WordPress website builder, giving you the option to do it yourself or upgrade to its design service for a full-service web design. Enjoy access to Google Workspace tools for more efficient editing, plus extra marketing and security tools to uplift and protect your site. If you have a business, you also have the option of adding an online store. Plans start at just $2.95 a month for hosting with a one-year commitment and are based on the number of sites you have. As a bonus, you get a free domain for your first year.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best website builders for small businesses.

Small businesses are likely to enjoy strong e-commerce tools along with their website builder. The best website builders for small businesses include options like Wix and GoDaddy, which incorporate an online store. Business owners can also gain access to valuable sales and marketing tools like inventory tracking, discount codes, abandoned cart recovery and sales channel promotions.

Is There a Free Website Builder?

Many website builders require a monthly plan, but some of the best free website builders include Jimdo Creator, Site123 and Square Online/Weebly. Even if a website builder does not offer a free plan, you may still be able to benefit from a free trial or money-back guarantee, which will allow you to take the service for a test drive without a large financial commitment. 

Is the Wix Website Builder Worth It?

Wix is one of the best website builders you can use today, thanks to its generous suite of features. Since no coding is necessary, it is extremely easy to use, and there are tons of templates to choose from, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Advanced SEO tools help to ensure better rankings on Google, so you get a well-designed, high-ranking site at a low monthly price.

Are GoDaddy Websites Any Good?

GoDaddy is the best website builder site for marketing with online sales tools, popular social integrations and built-in SSL. GoDaddy’s own GoDaddy Studio makes designing your website a breeze, while marketing tools help you manage things like your online business listings, social media postings and email sign-ups. When you integrate an online store, you can use your site to accept payments and schedule appointments. There is also 24/7 customer support for around-the-clock support.

What’s the Most User-Friendly Website Builder?

The best website builders all feature excellent tools that can make them an attractive choice, but the most user-friendly option is Site123, with its ready-made layouts, simplified templates and e-commerce features. All sites come with free hosting, as well as SEO tools for better optimization. There is even a free plan with a 14-day money-back guarantee to get you started.

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Money blog: New timeline for €7 charge to visit Europe

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Today's posts include a look at Premier League jersey prices and a timeline for new visa charges in Europe. Let us know which discontinued sweet or treat you'd like to see revived in the comments box.

Tuesday 20 August 2024 20:59, UK

  • New timeline for €7 visa-waiver charge to visit Europe
  • Tesco hiking price of meal deal - it's no longer the cheapest
  • Gold price reaches record high - here's what's going on

Essential reads

  • How much does it cost to buy a Premier League home kit in 2024?
  • Will one of country's most beloved sweets return to shops?
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Tips and advice

  • How to get money back when purchase over £100 goes wrong
  • 'Should I top up my national insurance and could it really get me £6,000 extra?'
  • Fixed energy tariffs that could help you beat winter price rise
  • All discounts you get as student or young person

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The first £1 coins featuring King Charles have entered circulation, with collectors encouraged to look out for the historic addition to the nation's change.

Nearly three million of the new designs will be making their way into pockets and tills across the country this week, via Post Offices and banks throughout the UK.

The £1 coin has a pair of British bees on the "tails" side, in honour of the King's passion for conservation and the natural world, and Charles' official coin effigy on the obverse, or "heads".

The other designs, which will be introduced in line with demand, are the 1p showing a hazel dormouse, the 2p red squirrel, the 5p oak tree leaf, 10p capercaillie grouse, 20p puffin, and the £2 with the national flowers - rose, daffodil, thistle and shamrock.

Giving workers the "right to switch off" is key to productivity and could boost economic growth, Downing Street has said.

Labour has promised to give employees the right to ignore work-related calls and emails out of hours, so homes do not become "24/7 offices".

Ministers are looking at models in other countries where there is already a right to disconnect, such as Ireland and Belgium.

The prime minister's spokesperson said the plan was about making sure "we're not inadvertently blurring the lines between work and home life".

The plans were not a "one size fits all" and would recognise companies vary and people have different roles, she added.

The number of firms in England and Wales going bust last month rose by 16% year-on-year, according to official figures.

Commentators said the 2,191 company insolvencies showed how many businesses were still recovering from the impact of high inflation and borrowing costs, despite growing optimism about the UK's economic outlook.

The figure was 7% down on June's total, but insolvency levels remain much higher than those seen during both the pandemic and in the years following the 2008/09 financial crisis, officials said.

Rebecca Dacre, a partner at advisory firm Forvis Mazars, said the data was "a strong reminder that many businesses are still a long way off from recovery".

By Sarah Taaffe-Maguire , business reporter

BT's share price has fallen, wiping off an estimated £1bn from the company's value. 

One share now costs £134.45, a low last seen 10 days ago.  

It comes after an internet network rival CityFibre struck a deal with broadband supplier Sky. 

This means that Sky will now use CityFibre's network to offer its services starting next year. 

It's a hit to BT as Sky customers are hosted on BT's Openreach network. Under the plan, Sky aims to connect so-called "hard-to-reach areas".

CityFibre reaches 3.8 million homes and aims to expand and reach "at least" 8 million premises in the coming years, it said.

"This partnership with Sky is a huge vote of confidence in our business and has cemented CityFibre's position as the UK's third digital infrastructure platform," said company chief executive Greg Mesch.

Formerly British Telecoms, BT is worth roughly £14.44bn, based on the number of shares issued and the share price.

The head of financial analysis at investment platform AJ Bell Danni Hewson said the CityFibre detail may not be that significant. 

"BT shares came under pressure on fears of an enhanced competitive threat for its Openreach broadband operation amid chatter Sky might start partnering with CityFibre in 2025. 

"However, CityFibre's modest scale and focus on rural areas suggest it shouldn't be a huge issue."

Sky is the owner of Sky News.

UK citizens will need to pay a €7 visa-waiver charge to travel to Europe from next year after the EU revealed its timeline for the introduction of new entry requirements for some visitors.

The additional charge, which is similar to the US ESTA, is part of a series of new border checks and entry requirements the EU is bringing in.

They'll apply when entering the Schengen area, which includes 27 EU member states, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. 

The waiver will last for three years or until your passport expires.

Its official title is the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), and its implementation will follow the introduction of the EU Entry/Exit System (EES). The latter will require people to have their fingerprints registered and their pictures taken on arrival to airports.

Addressing the rollout, EU home affairs commissioner Ylva Johansson said the EES will enter into operations on ­10 November while the ETIAS will follow shortly after that in 2025 - likely May.

However, it is thought there could be a six-month grace period before the visas become compulsory - taking it to November next year.

By Daniel Binns, business reporter

The price of gold has soared to a record high of more than $2,522 (£1,938) per ounce today.

It comes after months of the precious metal steadily rising in value.

Many factors are thought to have played a part, but analysts believe the latest leap is largely down to the weaker US dollar and growing expectations that the US Federal Reserve will cut interest rates next month.

Lower rates tend to make a country - and its currency - less attractive to investors, because they end up getting lower returns on bonds, shares and other investments.

There are also general worries about the status of the US economy, amid rumblings it could enter a recession this year or next - although some commentators have downplayed the likelihood of this.

But it is not just the US that is on the cusp of reducing the cost of borrowing.

The European Central Bank and the Bank of England both recently cut interest rates - and are expected to do so again this autumn - which may also be off-putting to some investors.

What has all this got to do with gold?

It's largely because of its perceived status as a "safe haven" investment.

Gold is seen as solid and dependable - both literally and in its value as a commodity.

It has been prized and sought after since ancient times - and its valuable status seems certain to continue long into the future.

So when things seem uncertain - and when interest rates are being seemingly cut everywhere - putting your money in gold may seem like a good bet (or so the thinking goes - of course, many would argue there is no such thing as a sure bet in the financial markets).

This "safe haven" status also helps explain why the price of gold may have been steadily rising in recent months, as fears have grown over an escalation of the wars in the Middle East and between Russia and Ukraine.

Tesco is hiking the price of its meal deal from Thursday.

Those using a Clubcard, which Tesco says is 80% of customers, will now pay £3.60.

This is up from £3.40, which had been the cheapest meal deal available at one of the traditional supermarkets.

Those without a Clubcard will now pay £4 - up 10p.

A Tesco spokesperson told the Money blog: "Clubcard members will pay just £3.60 for a main, snack and drink, meaning our meal deal remains great value and the ideal way to grab lunch on-the-go. 

"With millions of possible combinations across our stores, our recent improvements to ingredients and more than 20 new mains introduced this summer, the Tesco meal deal has got something for every taste."

The cost of the premium meal deal is unchanged at £5.

How does this compare?

Waitrose has the most expensive meal deal at £5 for the main, snack and drink combo. 

In July, Sainsbury increased the cost of its lunchtime meal deal by 25p from £3.50 to £3.75. 

A  Morrisons  meal deal costs £3.50, which is the same as  Co-op members - though non-members pay £4.

Asda  doesn't offer a fixed price for its meal deal. Instead, it operates a 3 for 2 system, which gives customers the cheapest item for free. 

If you read the Money blog on Friday you'll remember Gail's bakery chain came under fire for repurposing unsold pastries into croissants and selling them for almost £4 the next day.

We reported how the retailer lists the "twice baked" chocolate almond croissants as part of its "Waste Not" range, which means it is made using leftover croissants that are then "topped with almond frangipane and flaked almonds".

The scheme was criticised online, with many pointing out the £3.90 price tag is 95p more than the original croissant.

It's worth reiterating that the practice was not invented by Gail's - almond croissants were originally created by French boulangeries to reuse day-old croissants and stop them going stale.

We asked Gail's for comment and didn't hear back until late yesterday - this is what they said...

"We created our Waste Not range at Gail's to make good food go further. 

"Our almond croissants and chocolate and almond croissants are strong favourites in our bakeries. The croissants are soaked in demerara syrup and topped with our house-made frangipane spread, alongside crunchy almonds.

"The day-old croissants are sturdier than fresh ones, making them the perfect bake to be used. 

"We are big supporters of improving food systems, working with companies such as Too Good To Go and Neighbourly to reduce our impact on food waste and uplift communities. 

"Any bakes leftover at the end of the day are shared with charitable organisations in our neighbourhoods. Through our partnership with Neighbourly, we have donated the equivalent of 81,000 meals, reaching 239 good causes."

It comes as locals in a trendy London neighbourhood signed a petition against a Gail's bakery setting up shop in their area.

After (unconfirmed) rumours began circulating that the chain was looking to open a site in Walthamstow village, more than 600 have signed a petition opposing the plans.

The petition says the village "faces a threat to its uniqueness" should Gail's move into the area.


Basically, Section 75 is a way to get your money back if a retailer hasn't provided the goods or services you paid for - so long as you used a credit card or point of sale loan.

The price of the purchase must be   between   £100.01 and £30,000, but you only have to spend one penny of it using a credit card for your rights to kick in.

Section 75 is enshrined in law - the Consumer Credit Act 1974 - and allows you to raise a claim with your bank for a breach of contract or misrepresentation by the retailer.

The protection was put in place to make sure customers are not forced to pay off debt for faulty goods and services - or those that never arrive - by making the lender just as liable as the retailer.

When does Section 75 apply?

  • Goods or services were not as described
  • They were poor quality, defective, or not fit for purpose
  • An item never arrived - including if the seller went bust
  • A service wasn't carried out with reasonable care

How does it work?

You should contact your bank, who will investigate how you made your purchase and who was involved.

There needs to be a clear agreement between the customer, the supplier and your bank.

"They will ask for more details – explain how your consumer rights have been breached, you have exhausted all options with the retailer and cannot resolve your dispute," consumer champion Scott Dixon, from  the Complaints Resolver , told the Money blog.

"You need to push hard on S75 claims, as claims are often rejected on the first attempt."

It is useful to have supporting information to hand, like proof of payment, contracts, terms and conditions, screenshots of product descriptions, correspondence, photo evidence or - in some cases - independent assessments.

Scott added: "If you reach a stalemate with the credit card provider or finance company, ask for a deadlock letter setting out their final position so you can submit a formal complaint (with the final response/deadlock letter) to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). 

"They do not like cases being referred to the FOS as it costs them money."

When doesn't Section 75 apply?

  • You paid with a debit card, charge card, cash, credit card cheque, or bank transfer;
  • You paid with your PayPal balance (but you are protected if you used PayPal Credit);
  • The credit was given under an overdraft or general-purpose bank loan;
  • You purchased multiple items that only cost between £100.01 and £30,000 when added together;
  • You bought the item from a third-party seller, like Amazon Marketplace or a travel agent;
  • You used a buy now, pay later service or a hire purchase.

And read more from our Basically series here...

Rising optimism about the prospects of a ceasefire in the war in Gaza has sent the price of oil - and shares in energy giants – tumbling.

The cost of a barrel of benchmark Brent Crude has dropped to just over $76 (£58), the lowest price since the beginning of the month.

Shares in Shell and BP have also both slipped by around 2% in early trading.

Hopes of cooling tensions in the Middle East have helped ease fears of risks to supplies in the region.

Other factors said to be having an impact on oil prices include an increase in production at Libya's Sharara oilfield and concerns over China's slowing economy, including slower industrial output.

Another big faller this morning is BT Group. Its shares are down more than 5% after it was announced that Sky will launch full fibre broadband services next year on the network of BT's rival Cityfibre.

The falls have contributed to the FTSE 100 dipping by more than 0.5% on Tuesday, with the FTSE 250 also down 0.13%.

Gainers include easyJet Plc, which is up more than 1.2% amid optimism over the tourism industry this summer.

Similarly, Intercontinental Hotels Group is up by a similar level, while British Airways owner IAG is up nearly 0.8%.

Meanwhile, on the currency markets, this morning £1 buys $1.30 US or €1.17.

Pensioners are being urged to check if they are eligible for the winter fuel allowance after universal payments were scrapped by new Chancellor Rachel Reeves last month.

Previously, the money was available to everyone above state pension age, but now it will be limited to people over state pension age who are receiving pension credit or other means-tested support.

It means the number of people entitled to the money will drop from 11.4 million to just 1.5 million.

The payment is £200 for households where the recipients are all under 80, and £300 where they are over 80.

While around 1.4 million pensioners are already receiving pension credit, there are up to an estimated 880,000 households eligible for the support who are yet to claim, the Department for Work and Pensions says.

The government's awareness drive will help identify households not claiming the benefit, and encourage pensioners to apply by 21 December - the last date for making a backdated claim for pension credit in order to receive the Winter Fuel Payment.

It will focus on "myths" that may stop people applying, such as how having savings, a pension or owning a home are not necessarily barriers to receiving pension credit.

More information on applying for pension credit can be found on the  government's How to Claim page .

Yesterday we brought you the unwelcome news that winter energy bills are projected to rise by 9%, according to the latest forecast from Cornwall Insight.

Its newest prediction says the price cap from October to December will go up to £1,714 a year for the average user - a £146 hike from current levels.

We'll find out for sure on Friday.

Comparison service Uswitch says the forecast "compounds the worry" about rising bills for residents across the country "just as we reach the season to switch the heating back on".

"The price cap is expected to rise again in January, but bill payers can take action now to lock in certainty on how much they pay," says Uswitch director of regulation Richard Neudegg. 

It is worth pointing out that it's in Uswitch's favour for people to move - but there are definitely savings to be made based on current forecasts.

Here are the top 10 fixed energy-only tariffs that could help you beat the price rise as temperatures drop, according to Uswitch:

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W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

The epidemic is concentrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the virus has now appeared in a dozen other African countries.

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A health worker in a yellow gown, a white mask and a blue hairnet holds a sealed plastic bag containing samples in a makeshift laboratory space in a tent.

By Apoorva Mandavilli

The rapid spread of mpox, formerly called monkeypox, in African countries constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization declared on Wednesday.

This is the second time in three years that the W.H.O. has designated an mpox epidemic as a global emergency. It previously did so in July 2022. That outbreak went on to affect nearly 100,000 people , primarily gay and bisexual men, in 116 countries, and killed about 200 people.

The threat this time is deadlier. Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo alone has reported 15,600 mpox cases and 537 deaths. Those most at risk include women and children under 15.

“The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern D.R.C., its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported mpox, and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general.

The outbreak has spread through 13 countries in Africa, including a few that had never reported mpox cases before. On Tuesday, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared a “public health emergency of continental security,” the first time the organization has taken that step since the African Union granted it the power to do so last year.

“It’s in the interests of the countries, of the continent and of the world to get our arms around this and stop transmission as soon as we can,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, the executive director for preparedness and response at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a nonprofit that finances vaccine development.

Facing the threat of global spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has urged clinicians and the public in the United States to be alert for the virus.

The W.H.O.’s designation of a “public health emergency of international concern” is intended to prompt member countries to begin preparing for the virus’s appearance and to share vaccines, treatments and other key resources with poorer nations.

“We need concerted international action to stem this recent, novel outbreak,” said Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at Yale University who served on the W.H.O.’s mpox committee in 2022.

The outbreak that year stayed mostly within tight sexual networks, among gay and bisexual men. A combination of behavioral changes and vaccination tamped down the spread.

In the United States, for example, the toll dropped to about 1,700 cases last year from more than 30,000 in 2022.

The version of mpox that has been circulating in Congo has always been more virulent, and currently has a death rate of about 3 percent, compared with 0.2 percent in the 2022 outbreak. The infection can produce fever, respiratory symptoms, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes, as well as a rash on the hands, feet, chest, mouth or genitals.

Until recently, it spread mainly through consumption of contaminated meat or close contact with infected animals and people. Most of the deaths have been in children, who in this region of Africa are already beset by malnutrition and infectious diseases like cholera, measles and polio.

Should the outbreak spread globally, children in developed countries are likely to be less vulnerable to severe illness, experts have said.

Last year, for the first time, scientists discovered sexual transmission of this version of mpox, with cases split about equally among young men and women. According to genetic analyses , sometime around September, the virus gained mutations that enabled it to spread more readily among people. It has done so partly through heterosexual prostitution .

This viral type has not surfaced outside Africa. Over all, there have been more than 17,500 presumed and confirmed mpox cases in 13 countries, according to Africa C.D.C . Most of the cases and deaths have occurred in Congo.

Given the rapid spread, the declaration of a global health emergency was justified, said Anne Rimoin, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who served on the 2022 mpox panel.

“I think we learned a great deal about the speed with which this virus can spread,” she said.

Amid rising numbers, Congo has approved two mpox vaccines , a Japanese product called LC16 and Jynneos, the vaccine made by Bavarian Nordic that was used in 2022 in the United States and Europe. But Congo has yet to institute an immunization plan.

On Aug. 9, the W.H.O. invited vaccine manufacturers to apply for an emergency use listing , a prerequisite for international groups such as Gavi, a global vaccine alliance, to purchase and distribute the shots in low-income nations.

Bavarian Nordic has donated 15,000 doses of Jynneos to be distributed in African countries. But that is a tiny fraction of the 10 million doses needed to control the outbreak, according to Africa C.D.C.

“The challenge is that these vaccines are not sufficient,” even if countries try to protect only the people at highest risk, said Dr. Dimie Ogoina, a Nigerian scientist and chair of the W.H.O.’s mpox emergency committee.

LC16 was used in Japanese children in the 1970s. Clinical trials funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations are now evaluating whether Jynneos can protect children and people who have already been exposed to the virus , Dr. Lurie said.

The organization is also supporting the development of a new mRNA vaccine made by BioNTech that would protect against mpox and related viruses, such as smallpox.

“This outbreak has been smoldering for quite a long time, and we continually have missed opportunities to shut it down,” Dr. Lurie said. “I’m really glad that everybody is now paying attention and focusing their efforts on this.”

Apoorva Mandavilli is a reporter focused on science and global health. She was a part of the team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for coverage of the pandemic. More about Apoorva Mandavilli

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Air Jordan 1 Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Product launch.

A closer look at how Jordan designers reimagined the original 1985 AJ1 to create the new Air Jordan 1 'Chicago'.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

What to Know

  • Air Jordan 1 2022 Chicago (aka "Lost & Found") dropped on November 19, 2022
  • Retail price is $180 for adults and will be available in full family sizing. (See below for more details)
  • Stay up to date on news and updates on the SNKRS app
  • Air Jordan 1 2022 Chicago (aka "Lost & Found") drops on November 19, 2022

You already know what the Air Jordan 1 is all about. It’s a staple of sneaker culture.

The Air Jordan 1, however, wasn’t destined to be an all-time classic.

When it first debuted in 1985, there weren’t grand expectations. Instead, there were critics loudly chirping about Nike’s decision to give Michael Jordan a large sneaker deal before he played a single game and the rookie’s choice to sign with a company that, up to that point, was best known for running shoes.

Jordan quickly flipped the narrative on the court by winning Rookie of the Year, averaging 28.2 PPG, 6.5 RPG, and 5.9 APG in 1985 while donning Air Jordan 1s. MJ’s meteoric rise propelled the Air Jordan 1, resulting in nationwide demand and making the sneakers a must-have for hoop heads.

Introducing the Air Jordan 1 'Chicago'

The AJ1 "Chicago" was inspired by the high top Air Jordan 1 original colorway, first released in 1985. The shoe harkens back to a time when shoe boxes were often lost in inventory stockrooms, only to be found again years later.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Before the advent of sophisticated inventory systems, products were typically tracked with pen and paper. Human error was inevitable and frequently resulted in shoe boxes with mismatched lids.

The AJ1 Chicago is a throwback to this era, drawing inspiration from what an original 1985 Air Jordan 1 would look like if found decades later in a dusty stock room.

According to the Jordan design team, the goal of this shoe was to create a “time travel moment,” especially for a new generation of consumers. The process of buying a shoe today is very different from what it was like in the 80s. This sneaker attempts to capture that lost and found feeling, giving consumers a taste of what a box-fresh, vintage AJ1 would have looked like back in the day.

Lost & Found: A Unique Design

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

The Jordan Brand team responsible for developing the AJ1 Chicago obsessed every detail of the shoe’s design to bring this nostalgic story to life. Jordan designers studied multiple pairs of original AJ1s in varying states of distress to capture the nuances of the shoe’s look, described as having “light to no wear but with materials that sat for years in a box and didn’t withstand the test of time.”

The Inspiration

Ultimately, the team focused on several key design elements of the Chicago to drive forward the AJ1’s history. The image below shows the updated 2022 Chicago (top) next to an original 1985 Air Jordan 1 (bottom) to highlight the sneaker's inspiration.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

A Closer Look

The 2022 Chicago colorway comes with a range of key design features influenced by the OG AJ1.

Bigger Swoosh

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Ankle Collars

One of the most common signs of age on an original pair of AJ1s was a cracked and faded ankle collar. The black leather material wrapped around the ankle collars had a tendency to dry out and crack over a period of time, and often would begin to flake off with wear and handling.

The ankle collars on the new Chicago mimic this weathered appearance and give a nod to collectors who understand the amount of care necessary when handling a pair of 1985 originals.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Similar to the ankle collars, the rubber cupsole of an original AJ1 would age over time, turning into a light yellow hue. The Chicago pays homage to this look.

According to the Jordan Brand Design team, when shoes are left in a box for years and not properly maintained, they’re going to crack, yellow and pigment. The goal with the AJ1 Chicago was to hint at this subtle aging look, while adding tactility to the shoe’s sole.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Aged Leather

Leather is a natural material that requires ongoing maintenance. With years of neglect in a stockroom leather starts to dry out and leave visible signs of aging. The Chicago offers hints of dryness in the leather, most noticeably in the toe area and side panels. But the effect is merely aesthetic.

Jordan Brand designers took note of the condition in the leather from several older pairs of AJ1s. Observing how some of the oils in the leather came to the surface and created different visible effects, they recreated a rich look using premium materials that will last longer for today’s consumers.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

OG Box & Lid

In a nod to the “lost and found” nature of the colorway, the updated Chicago comes with a mismatched box lid that speaks to the shoes being misplaced in back rooms and basements.

Designers added extra details both inside and outside the box that serve as a shout out to shoe promotions created once upon a time. According to the Jordan design team, every detail should be recognizable to those who grew up back in those days, while giving new sneakerheads a chance to experience what it was like.

One such example is the inclusion with every pair of a vintage receipt meant to replicate actual receipts that found their way into the hands of collectors from deadstock shoeboxes. The receipt calls up images of how sneakers used to be acquired in analog fashion before the internet age.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Retelling the Story

As a result of the many unique design choices, not every pair of updated AJ1s will look exactly the same. The subtle differences in each sneaker reinforce the throwback theme of this colorway.

Air Jordan 1 2022 "Lost and Found" Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

Jordan designers took an approach that gave the 2022 Air Jordan 1 Chicago “an edge, a narrative and a connection.” They wanted a look and feel that came with a history tied back to something many consumers may not even be aware of. Ultimately, whether old school or new generation, Jordan Brand wants every consumer to see beauty in the story behind the shoe.

The sneaker dropped on November 19, 2022. The Chicago will be available in full family sizing.

The AJ1 Chicago retails for $180 (USD) for adults. Prices will vary by country.

The shoe will be available in full family sizing at the following price points:

  • Adult: $180
  • GS (Grade School): $140
  • PS (Preschool): $85
  • TD (Toddler): $70
  • Crib (Infant): $50

You can find the shoe on and the SNKRS app , as well as in Jordan Brand stores and retailers globally.

Stay up to date by clicking "Notify Me" on SNKRS .

Like all Jordans, the Air Jordan 1 Chicago (aka “Lost and Found”) was originally designed as a basketball shoe. It’s inspired by the 1985 Air Jordan 1, so it features old school technology and cushioning.

Shop Air Jordan 1

Men's Shoes

Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG "Black and Gold"

Men's shoes.

Big Kids' Shoes

Air Jordan 1 High OG "Black and Gold"

Big kids' shoes.

Little Kids' Shoes

Jordan 1 Retro High OG "Black and Gold"

Little kids' shoes.

Baby/Toddler Shoes

Baby/Toddler Shoes

Baby Crib Bootie

Baby Crib Bootie

Women's Shoes

Air Jordan 1 Mid

Women's shoes.

Men's Shoes

Air Jordan 1 Mid SE

Men's Shoes

Air Jordan 1 Low SE


Air Jordan 1 Low OG "Wolf Grey"

Big Kids' Shoes

Originally published: November 7, 2022

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    Quick Summary ↪ Here are the steps to create a travel website: 1) Choose a niche, 2) Select a domain and hosting, 3) Install WordPress and customize with themes/plugins, and 4) Create and promote engaging content. Find out how to use WordPress and Astra to create a user-friendly platform. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a ...

  4. How to create a travel website

    Here are helpful tips on how to create your own travel website: Step 1. Find a website host . Choosing a reliable web hosting service is the foundation of your travel website. Look for hosts that specialize in website hosting for travel blogs and agencies. Further, choosing the right website host is crucial for the success of your travel website.

  5. Travel Website Builder

    Professional Templates, Optimized for Travel. The best of templates, built specifically for the travel industry, to enhance the booking experience for your customers, and boost your sales. Fully customizable to match your brand, these templates can provide your business with the ideal platform to sell your products online.

  6. How to Build a Travel Website

    3. Create your website. Next, it's time to create your website. This part, funny enough, is one of the easiest steps. Select from one of the hundreds of Constant Contact premium themes and templates. From there, customize your site to match your brand's style, color, and messaging.

  7. How to Make a Travel Business Site in WordPress (Step by Step)

    Step 1: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting Plan. To create a WordPress site, you will first need to get a domain name and web hosting. A domain name is the name of your website on the internet. This is what customers will have to type to visit your site, like or Web hosting is where your website lives on the internet.

  8. Travel Website Design: Our 22 Favorites for 2023

    Here are 22 of the best travel website design examples to boost inspiration. 1. Google Travel. Google Travel is an example of excellent travel website design. It features enough whitespace that it doesn't feel overwhelming, and we love the usage of the icons that allow visitors to navigate the menu easily.

  9. 10 Dos And Don'ts For Building A Successful Travel Website

    Here are some of the best WordPress booking plugins that cater especially to travel businesses: WP Travel Engine. Travelpayouts. WooTour. In some cases, you may be better off building a custom ...

  10. How to Build a Travel Website: Comprehensive Guide

    You will need a booking system that manages dates, room types, tour packages, and more. Also, create blocked-out slots for unavailable options. A calendar built into a travel website is more user-friendly than the need to jump between pages. Let users see the upcoming months' options so they can compare tour prices.

  11. 7 steps to create a travel website and win the competition

    When creating a mobile-friendly design for a tour company site, it is essential to: make navigation as simple as possible; create large CTAs that enable one-tap actions for booking and purchasing; ensure that the page load time is as high as on a desktop version;

  12. The 14 Best Travel and Tourism Websites To Inspire Your Own

    Whether you're new to tourism—curating local experiences or renting out your home—or a travel veteran who has weathered the storm of tourism woes, there's no better time to create a website for your tourism and travel types of businesses - its the perfect service business idea.We've compiled a list of some of the best travel websites, plus a few travel website design tips to help you ...

  13. How to create a tourism website

    Step 5: Creating engaging and informative content. Content is the backbone of your tourism website. It's what provides value to your visitors and helps them make informed decisions. Creating engaging and informative content is essential for attracting and retaining your target audience.

  14. Build a Travel Website

    It gives free access to key Weblium features for 14 days. You can view all our templates, create your own unique design, connect additional services. And all this means a free travel website! Our support team works around the clock, even on weekends. So if you have any questions while building a travel website, you will get answers.

  15. 25 Travel Websites for Tourism and Travel Agencies

    The travel website examples shown here use web design as a powerful tool to advertise and encourage people to visit or stay. All of these sites are valuable assets to the business and we're sure that your site has the same potential. # Design # inspiration # web design. Steven Snell. LinkedIn.

  16. Top 16 Must-Have Key Features For Travel Websites (2024)

    16. Virtual Tours and Interactive Content: Virtual Tours and Interactive content have emerged as game-changing feature s in the travel industry and travel booking systems. 360 tours and Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) technologies allow travelers to experience immersive views of hotels, and destinations.

  17. Build your Free Tourism and Travel Website

    How to build your tourism website in 5 easy steps. Login to your GetResponse account and select the Website Builder tab. Choose to custom create your website, opt for our AI creation wizard, or even import your website design. Personalize your tourism website to best represent your brand's image. Host your website on your own external domain ...

  18. How to Start a Travel Blog in 2024

    While I've talked about how to succeed as a travel blog in the past, today, I want to give a quick tutorial on how to create a travel blog from scratch in seven easy steps. Table of Contents. Step 1: Picking a Name. Step 2: Signing Up for a Host. Step 3: Installing WordPress.

  19. 28 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2024

    5. Pack Up + Go. Made with Squarespace. Source: Pack upgo. Pack Up + Go is a travel website tailored for spontaneous exploration of the US. With a jacked ice, black, and white color scheme against a clean white background, Pack Up + Go is one of the design examples.

  20. How To Start a Travel Blog In 2024

    Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be. Pick a blog name and secure your domain name. Select your travel blog template. Create a blog logo. Prepare your footage. Write your first blog posts. Engage with your audience. Network with tourism partners and brands. Monetize your travel blog.

  21. Travel Site Template Reviewed & Best Tourist Website Examples

    With our simple travel agent website builder and ready-made travel agent website templates, you can create your own website on Weblium in just a few hours. We hope that our article will help you create an effective website and attract more tourists. We wish you success!

  22. Travel websites

    Travel website for women to able to get ideas for Girls Trips, coordinate their trip with each other through a Groups area, and book their trip right on the website. Samodiva. 21. I created a new layout for a old ski resort in Italy, PRATI DI TIVO. Fenixo Design. 27. The venue has resort style facilities/amenities.

  23. Create a travel website tailored to your needs

    Time efficiency. With tools provided by Ning, creating a website and developing its design will take no more than a couple of hours. Just pick a domain name you like, select a design template, choose the features you want to make use of - and you're ready to go! 3. Wide range of customization options.

  24. Best Website Builders of 2024

    Sooner or later, everyone needs a website. It could be a new business you started or a blog you have founded. Maybe you need one for work, or you are creating a site for your child's soccer team.

  25. How To Create A Winning Travel Product Beyond Industry Norms

    To innovate without fearing a catastrophic failure, travel giants have advantages over new players due to their financial cushion, access to world-class talent, and large audience that they can ...

  26. Enhanced or REAL ID

    If your New York State license or ID does not have a star or a flag on it, then you do not have a REAL ID-compliant document.. A REAL ID is a federally compliant DMV-issued driver license, learner permit, or non-driver ID which you will be required to have to board a domestic flight (within the U.S.) or enter certain federal buildings starting in May 2025, unless you have a valid passport.

  27. Money blog: New timeline for €7 charge to visit Europe

    By Sarah Taaffe-Maguire, business reporter. BT's share price has fallen, wiping off an estimated £1bn from the company's value. One share now costs £134.45, a low last seen 10 days ago.

  28. W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

    The outbreak that year stayed mostly within tight sexual networks, among gay and bisexual men. A combination of behavioral changes and vaccination tamped down the spread.. In the United States ...

  29. Air Jordan 1 Chicago: The Inspiration Behind the Design

    A closer look at how Jordan designers reimagined the original 1985 AJ1 to create the new Air Jordan 1 Chicago. ... According to the Jordan design team, the goal of this shoe was to create a "time travel moment," especially for a new generation of consumers. The process of buying a shoe today is very different from what it was like in the 80s.