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How to Plan a Trip to Kerala (Guide for First-timers 2024)

4 reasons to visit kerala.

  • Top 7 Places to Visit
  • Best 11 Things To Do
  • Festivals and Events

Keralan Food

Best time to visit kerala.

  • Best Accommodation
  • How to Travel

Tailor-Make Your Kerala Itinerary

Kerala is often called God's Own Country because of its incredible natural beauty and charm. This South Indian state is a tropical paradise with beautiful waterfalls, bountiful wildlife, and a laid-back and peaceful vibe.

If you want to explore the main highlights of Kerala, your trip should be at least 4-5 days but a full 7-8 days is better. The top 3 places to visit in the state are Kochi with its great food and culture, Munnar with its expansive tea plantations, and Alleppey with its canal networks.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about planning your trip to Kerala including why you should visit, where you should go, what you should do, what to expect with food and accommodation, as well as a sample itinerary for your trip.

  • Kerala is the perfect place to visit for travelers who are looking for a relaxing and laid-back trip to India or those who have visited India once before.
  • In Kerala, visitors can explore tea and spice plantations, take a boat ride through rural backwater villages, try great food, and experience Ayurveda or yoga retreats.
  • The top places to go in Kerala include Cochin, Munnar, Periyar National Park, and Alleppey.
  • Kerala has excellent heritage hotels and gorgeous resort accommodation that offer spa services and Ayurvedic treatments.
  • The best time to visit Kerala is from December to February, but those who don't mind hot weather can also visit from March to May.

Kerala is not usually the first place that travelers think of when they start planning a trip to India, but it is the perfect location to relax and is especially great for travelers who have already visited the Golden Triangle and have seen classic India.

While the rest of India tends to be chaotic, crowded, and dry, Kerala is tropical, laid-back, and peaceful. The culture here is unique and the scenery and wildlife are unbeatable.

1. Culture and cuisine that are refreshing and different from anything else in India

Kerala is a small piece of land that contains a large mixture of unique cultures. From the influence of the Portuguese, Arabs, and Chinese that you will find in Kochi to the rural villages of the backwaters, in Kerala travelers can experience parts of India that are often unseen.

The uniqueness and diversity of Keralan culture can also be seen in the local cuisine. Out of all the states in India, Keralan food is the most loved for its sweetness, fresh seafood, and mixture of aromatic spices that provide a depth of flavor without too much heat.

2. An abundance of opportunities to experience Ayurvedic treatments or do yoga

Kerala is the best place to go to experience Ayurveda which is one of the world's oldest and best-known forms of traditional medicine. This state is known for its Ayurvedic retreats that give clients unique treatment plans to cure their ailments naturally.

Kerala also offers yoga retreats and classes for people of all levels. Yoga enthusiasts can take a few classes or enroll in a longer and more intense program that involves meditation and spiritual awakening.

3. The state is absolutely full of unique wildlife and animals

Kerala has more than 25 wildlife reserves and its vast jungles are teeming with beautiful wild animals like elephants, Bengal tigers, and monkeys.

Periyar National Park is one of the state's biggest wildlife reserves covering almost 100 square kilometers of jungle. This is one of the best places to see Bengal tigers in their natural habitat. The park also includes lots of other critters like flying squirrels and macaques.

4. A tropical paradise with beaches, jungles, and forests

The state's absolutely beautiful scenery is one of the reasons that Kerala that draws so many visitors and continues to leave them awestruck. The coasts are lined with white-sand beaches that are bordered by the Arabian Sea on one side and tall palm trees on the other.

Once you leave the coast, you can head into the villages of the backwaters which are small patches of farmland separated by deep canals with blue waters full of lotus flowers.

In the hill stations near the Western Ghats, visitors can take in the lush green mountain forests and the local tea and spice plantations. In the national parks, you'll find the dense jungles, calm lagoons, and picturesque waterfalls.

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Top 7 Places to Visit in Kerala

Although Kerala is a small state, it has a lot to offer and many incredible places that are worth visiting.

Travelers who have 4-5 days can spend time in Kochi, Munnar, and Alleppey.

Those who have 7-10 days can also add visits to some of the state's other beautiful destinations such as Periyar National Park or some top beaches.

Kochi or Cochin is often called the 'Gateway to Kerala' and is the first place travelers will visit upon their arrival in the state. Kochi was originally an important port city during the spice trade and was once a Portuguese colony . The city has also been influenced by the Arabs, British, Dutch, and Chinese.

Walking through Fort Kochi, visitors can take in the charming colonial architecture, see the Chinese Fishing Nets at sunset, stop inside a spice shop to try the locally grown pepper or cardamon, and relax in boutique coffee shops near the Arabian Sea.

Munnar is Kerala's most famous hill station which was originally founded by the British as a place to grow tea. Today, Munnar is still famous for the variety and flavors of tea it produces. It also has coffee plantations and spice farms that grow everything from ginger and garlic to vanilla, cloves, and cardamom.

Munnar is located in the Western Ghats and because of its higher elevation is a great escape from the heat and humidity of the rest of the state. Here you can stay in a resort and spend your days taking in the rainforest scenery or touring aromatic plantations.

3. Alleppey

Alleppey is the name of a small island that is located in Kerala's famous backwaters . The backwaters are an area of Kerala with many small villages and farms that are separated by a complex system of canals . The people in these villages have their own unique culture and language.

The best way to explore this area is to rent a houseboat. Houseboats are comfortable and private boats that come with a captain and a chef and take travelers on excursions through the backwater canals.

4. Periyar National Park

Periyar National Park is located in Thekkady and is one of the most popular wildlife reserves in South India. This is a great eco-tourism destination where travelers can explore the jungles and see animals in their natural habitats instead of in captivity.

In Periyar, visitors can take a safari through the jungle or boat through the waterways in search of Bengal tigers, wild Asian elephants, and mischievous monkeys.

5. Varkala Beach

Varkala Beach is one of the best beaches in India due to its striking views and location. Varkala is a long stretch of land that is bordered by sheer cliffs on one side and the Arabian Sea on the other.

When visiting, travelers can stay in resorts and hotels on the cliff that overlook the beach and sea below. Varkala is becoming more and more popular these days but is still less developed than Kovalam while also offering plenty of beach shacks and shops for travelers.

6. Kovalam Beach

Kovalam Beach is the most popular and most developed beach in Kerala. This is the perfect place to go if you are looking for plenty of things to do, great restaurants, and adventure sports.

Kovalam is a great place to get a traditional Ayurvedic massage which will helps your body achieve balance and calm. Kovalam is full of massage parlors and most hotels here offer Ayurvedic treatments too.

7. Marari Beach

Marari Beach is located about 30 minutes north of Alleppey and is a quieter and less developed beach that is off the normal tourist track.

Marari is the perfect place to go after taking a tour of the backwaters on a relaxing houseboat. Here you can continue your relaxation by spending some time on the sand near the coconut groves.

Get some inspiration about  How to Plan an Affordable Luxury Trip to India .

Best 11 Things To Do in Kerala

A good way to figure out where you want to go in Kerala is to first decide which experiences you are most interested in.

Check out the top 11 things to do in Kerala below:

1. Cruise Through the Backwaters

One of the most popular things to do in Kerala is to explore the backwaters on a houseboat. Taking a houseboat through the canals of local villages is an incredibly relaxing experience. On the boat, you can sit on the upper deck and unwind while your personal chef and captain take care of the rest.

Taking a cruise through the backwaters gives travelers an opportunity to see culturally unique villages that would otherwise be difficult to reach. It is also a great way to take in the tropical scenery of the Keralan countryside.

2. Get an Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is a traditional medicine practice that includes many different methods to bring the body back into balance through a variety of techniques that have been studied for 5000 years.

Those who are interested in learning more about Ayurveda can spend some time at an Ayurveda retreat where they will get a personal diagnosis and treatment plan. Most hotels and resorts in Kerala offer Ayurvedic massages for those who are curious but don't want to take the retreat route.

3. Relax with Yoga

Kerala is a popular destination for travelers who want to learn more about yoga and meditation from the place they originated.

Yoga practitioners of all levels can spend time at an Ashram where they will learn about the principles of yoga and follow a strict schedule and regimen. There are also plenty of options for more laid back yoga retreats that include yoga on the beach and massage treatments.

4. Take a Cooking Class

Keralan cuisine is famous for the way it achieves a perfect balance in the use of local spices and ingredients. Compared to North India, Keralan food is lighter and sweeter in flavor.

Taking a cooking class is a great way to get hands-on experience with this important part of Keralan culture. In your class, you can learn how to make the classic sambar (veggie curry), dosa (a flat rice batter crepe), fish masala, and more.

5. Explore the Tropical Jungles and See Native Wildlife

Kerala has a large variety of national parks and wildlife reserves. The most famous is Periyar which is a great place to see wild tigers and elephants while on a jungle safari.

Eravikulam is a beautiful park that is located near Munnar and is full of great forest treks and famous waterfalls and Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the most beautiful parks in the state with its expansive evergreen forests.

6. Visit a Tea Plantation

Kerala is one of the top tea producing states in India and has some of the best plantations that grow the most high-quality tea. The Munnar hill station is covered in tea fields and plantations that visitors can explore.

All the tea in Munnar is handpicked by field workers to ensure quality. After exploring the plantations, travelers can hike around the surrounding hills or check out the local Tea Museum.

7. Explore the Spice Plantations

The high elevation hills of Munnar aren't just perfect for growing tea but are also great places to grow a variety of spices. The spices grown on plantations in Munnar have long been very lucrative for the state of Kerala and were once considered to be highly valuable by merchants from Europe, China, and the Ottoman Empire.

When exploring a spice plantation, you'll find a variety of spices including cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, nutmeg, mace, and ginger all growing in their separate sections of the field.

8. Take a Food Tour

When talking about Kerala, one thing that is always mentioned is its incredible food. While it might seem like we are over exaggerating when we say Keralan food is amazing, our proof is in the travelers who return from India with nothing but love for this fresh and balanced cuisine.

The best way to experience everything that Keralan cuisine has to offer is to take a food tour. These tours often include cooking classes, visits to plantations, and lots of sampling and tasting.

9. Join in a Festival

Because the culture of Kerala is completely different from the rest of India, the state also celebrates unique and interesting festivals. Participating in a festival is one of the best ways to understand more about India's complex relationship with religion and local heritage.

Onam is Kerala's biggest festival of the year and is celebrated in late August or early September. This festival lasts for 10 days and includes large feasts, traditional Kathakali dance performances, music, intricate rangoli decorations, rituals, and boat races.

10. Hike Through the Lush Green Landscape

The Himalayan region of India is the most famous amongst trekkers who are interested in difficult climbs at high elevation. Kerala offers a different type of hiking that is more relaxed with the goal of taking in rural villages and tropical scenery.

The Western Ghats are the best area in Kerala for hiking or walking tours. Here you will find a large variety of landscapes including shrub forests, tropical jungles, evergreen forests, and rolling grasslands. On your walks, you will also see plenty of local wildlife including birds and small animals.

11. Unwind at the Beach

Kerala has a long coastline filled with beautiful tropical beaches that are surrounding by tall palm trees and the Arabian Sea.

Besides relaxing in the sun, Kerala's beaches offer plenty of things to do. In recent years, many beaches have become popular places for Ayurveda or yoga retreats where clients can learn about these traditional practices while also catching some rays.

The Keralan coast is also the best place to try local seafood dishes. Here, fish is caught and then immediately brought into restaurants where it is freshly cooked. Nowhere else does fish masala taste better than on the beaches of Kerala.

Festivals and Events in Kerala

While the most important festival for most Indians is Diwali, the most important holiday of the year in Kerala is Onam . Onam is a 10-day celebration that occurs in early September and is celebrated through many rituals and events.

During Onam, travelers can watch as people perform pujas or rituals at temples and celebrate in the streets of Kochi with dance performances and music. Onam is also famous for the beautiful rangoli which are designs that are made from colored rice and flowers.

Kerala also holds many temple festivals that celebrate one specific temple with rituals and parades of painted elephants. Our favorite temple festival is Thrissur Pooram which is celebrated at Vadakkunnathan Temple.

Other great festivals to experience in Kerala include Theyyam , the 800-year-old celebration of deities, and the boat races including Nehru Trophy Boat Race in Alleppey.

If there is one thing that travelers can't stop talking about in Kerala, its the food. While food all over India is incredible, Keralan food is beloved by so many for its fresh ingredients, sweetness, and flavor that includes many spices but is not too hot.

One of the most famous and commonly eaten dishes in Kerala is fresh fish masala . This dish includes the catch of the day cooked in a spice-filled coconut sauce.

Another great thing to try in Kerala is the South Indian dosa . Dosas are a typical South Indian breakfast food that are made from rice batter and are fluffy and light pieces of flatbread. Dosas are often dipped in sauces or gravies like sambar.

Hotels and resorts in Kerala often have great chefs that serve some of the best authentic local food along with some western options. Eating in your hotel for lunch is a great way to get an introduction to Indian food. We also recommend eating in specialty restaurants or cafes to try out some local specialties.

If you want to learn more about Keralan food and spices, then make sure to take a cooking class to get first-hand experience with how authentic local food is made.

Kerala has a tropical and humid climate.

The best time to visit is typically from December to February when the state experiences dry and slightly cooler weather. This is the high season for tourism in Kerala which means higher prices on accommodation and travel. With Asia Highlights , you enjoy 100% refund of any payments made to China Highlights prior to 3 weeks before departure ( detail⇒ ).

It is possible to visit Kerala during the hot season from March to May. During this time you can expect hot and humid days with temperatures typically 28 and 32°C (82 and 90°F). The hot season is the best time to visit Kerala's wildlife reserves because the animals are more active in hot weather.

Kerala experiences a long monsoon season that typically lasts from June to November. The state actually gets hit with two monsoons. The first brings the most rain and lasts from June to September. Kerala sometimes experiences flooding at this time.

The second monsoon hits in November and December, but brings much less rain and can be a great time to visit for those looking for more affordable prices on yoga retreats or Ayurveda resorts.

Best Accommodation in Kerala

Kerala is the perfect place to spend your holiday if you are interested in staying in beautiful colonial heritage hotels or resorts with pools, spas, and massage treatments. No matter where you go in Kerala, you'll be able to find great options for accommodation.

Check out some of our recommendations below:

Cochin is the largest city in Kerala and was once colonized by the Portuguese. This area's unique history makes it the perfect place to stay in a beautiful heritage hotel. We love the Taj Malabar Resort & Spa for its old-world charm, first-rate spa, and views of the harbor.

We also love the Trident Cochin for its 5-star facilities, beautiful gardens, and Ayurvedic center. If you would like to stay in a beautiful location that's farther away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, you can check out Le Meridien Kochi which overlooks the Cochin backwaters and has two beautiful restaurants that serve great western and Indian dishes.

Munnar is Kerala's best hill station and is famous for its cool and comfortable weather. This is a great place to stay in a luxurious hotel with views of the surrounding tea plantations.

One of our favorite hotels in Munnar is Fragrant Nature Munnar which is located in the mountain forest surrounded by wildlife. This hotel offers comfortable bungalows with mountain views and cozy fireplaces. Fragrant Nature also has a restaurant with all-day dining that serves North and South Indian cuisine.

We also love the Windmere Estate for its great views and location near the aromatic coffee and spice plantations and Ragamaya Resort & Spa for its luxurious rooms and on-site authentic Ayurvedic treatments.

When traveling to the backwaters of Alleppey, you will spend at least one night on a houseboat. If you would like to stay in the area for a longer period, then there is nowhere better than at a homestay. Homestays are a great way to get to know the local people. Most homestays in Alleppey offer simple but comfortable accommodations.

Our favorite homestays include Venice Castle and the Bella Art and Meditation House .

How to Travel in Kerala

In order to get to Kerala, most people will fly into the Cochin International Airport. This airport receives flights from many domestic cities including Delhi and Mumbai and a few international flights as well.

Once you have arrived in Kerala by plane, the best way to travel throughout the state is with a private chauffeured car. Hiring a chauffeured car is quite affordable in India and is the most convenient and comfortable way to travel in Kerala.

Here are the normal travel times by private car:

  • Cochin to Munnar: 4 hours
  • Munnar to Periyar: 4 hours
  • Periyar to Alleppey: 3.5 hours
  • Alleppey to Cochin: 2 hours

It is also possible to travel between these cities by bus. Local buses normally take longer than traveling by a private car and are often uncomfortable and crowded.

While there are some trains in Kerala, train travel is not as convenient as other methods of transportation. Kerala is a very hilly state that is full of dense jungles and wet lowlands making building large highways and train routes difficult.

At Asia Highlights, we tailor-make the itinerary of every guest to suit each traveler's specific interests and travel goals.

Our basic Kerala itinerary consists of visiting Cochin, Munnar, Periyar, and Alleppey. Go ahead and take a look to get some inspiration and then contact us if you would like to make changes or add on different destinations.

There are many benefits of taking a private tour of Kerala. Through a private tour, you will be able to see the best parts of this beautiful state conveniently and comfortably. The cost of a private tour includes a chauffeured car, private English-speaking guide, breakfast and lunch, and your gorgeous hotel.

Day 1: Arrive in Cochin

On the first day of your Kerala journey, you will arrive at the Cochin International Airport and then will be met by one of our representatives at the arrivals gate. Afterward, you will be introduced to your private chauffeur who will take you to your hotel.

Feel free to spend the rest of the day relaxing at the hotel spa or exploring nearby neighborhoods.

Day 2: Cochin

On your second day, your private guide will take you around this ancient port city to explore the streets of Fort Kochi and other areas. Here you can learn about Cochin's diverse heritage by visiting the Dutch Mattancherry Palace, Portuguese Santa Cruz Basilica, and the St Francis Church which is believed to be one of the oldest churches in India.

In Cochin, you can also take a cooking class, visit spice shops, relax in high-end restaurants, and explore local art galleries.

In the evening, head to the waterfront to see the fisherman using the famous Chinese fishing nets and get great photos of the sunset over the Arabian Sea.

Day 3: Munnar

After Cochin, you will take a private transfer to Munnar where the weather is cooler and the vast tea plantations are surrounded by misty jungles. Here, you can spend your first day touring a tea plantation, visiting the tea museum, or simply taking in the views of the surrounding forests from your hotel.

Day 4: Munnar

Wake up in the early morning to take a trek through the gorgeous forests and surrounding hills. On your trek, you will see various animals and plants and take in the beautiful views.

After your hike, you can check out some of the local coffee and spice plantations to learn more about Kerala's flavors. You can also take an excursion to the nearby Eravikulam National Park.

Day 5: Periyar

Spend the next morning in Munnar at your hotel spa or sipping a cup of tea while taking in the surrounding scenery. In the afternoon, you transfer to Periyar National Park via private car.

Day 6: Periyar to Alleppey

Wake up in the early morning to take a jungle walk with a park ranger to see monkeys, deer, giant squirrels, and some beautiful birds. Jungle walks typically last for around 3 hours and it's important to wear good shoes and comfortable clothes.

For those who don't want to walk, it is possible to take a boat safari through the jungles. Periyar National Park has wild Bengal tigers but spotting them often takes multiple days spent inside the park.

Day 7: Alleppey and the Backwaters

In the afternoon, head to Alleppey where you will meet the captain of your gorgeous houseboat. Spend the afternoon cruising through the canals and trying authentic local cuisine.

You can sit on the boat's upper deck to catch some sun with views of the surrounding villages.

Spend the night on the boat in your own private room.

Day 8: Return to Cochin Airport

The next morning, your driver will meet you at the docks and take you back to Cochin where you can catch your flight to your next destination.

Explore Kerala with Asia Highlights

If you want to see the best destinations in Kerala and have meaningful cultural experiences along the way, then look no further than Asia Highlights. At Asia Highlights, we make tours that are specifically created to fit the needs of each individual customer. Let us plan your trip for you so that you can just relax and prepare for your dream vacation.

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Travel Packages in Kerala

Discover kerala travel packages, luxury travel packages in kerala.

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Aveda Resort - Kumarakom

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As The Travel Planners reaches its 25th milestone, we are gearing up for a grand celebration. Over the past twenty-five years, we have proudly served as your premier bespoke holiday specialist, curating unforgettable vacations that etch lasting memories in your hearts. Whether it's exploring the cultural marvels of India or immersing in the awe-inspiring landscapes of Kerala, The Travel Planners has remained your gateway to extraordinary adventures. Our expedition has been a delightful voyage, brimming with the satisfaction of crafting personalized experiences tailored exclusively for you.

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Kerala Travel Packages

Foreign tourists are drawn to Kerala, India, for a variety of reasons, making it a preferred destination for international travelers. Some of the key factors that make Kerala an attractive choice for foreign tourists include:

  • Natural Beauty:  Kerala is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including lush greenery, backwaters, pristine beaches, and picturesque hill stations. The diverse geography and rich biodiversity of Kerala travel provide foreign tourists with a unique and visually captivating experience.
  • Backwaters and Houseboats:  Kerala backwaters are a major attraction, offering a tranquil and serene environment for tourists to enjoy. Houseboat cruises through the backwaters of Kerala travel are a one-of-a-kind experience, allowing travelers to relax and appreciate the scenic beauty.
  • Ayurvedic Wellness:  Kerala tourism is renowned for its Ayurvedic treatments and wellness centres. Foreign tourists often visit Kerala to experience traditional Ayurvedic therapies and rejuvenate their body and mind.
  • Cultural Heritage:  Kerala tourism has a rich cultural heritage, with various art forms, festivals, and traditions. Foreign tourists are eager to explore this cultural diversity during their Kerala travel, attend classical dance and music performances, and participate in local festivals.
  • Delicious Cuisine:  Kerala cuisine, featuring a wide array of flavours, is a big draw for food enthusiasts on their Kerala travel. Foreign tourists enjoy trying out traditional South Indian dishes, seafood delicacies, and the unique use of spices in Kerala travel cuisine.
  • Adventure Activities:  Kerala Travel offers a range of adventure activities such as trekking in the Western Ghats, wildlife safaris in national parks and sanctuaries during their Kerala travel, paragliding, and water sports. These activities appeal to adventure-loving tourists.
  • Responsible Tourism:  Kerala has made efforts to promote responsible tourism, focusing on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. This resonates with foreign tourists who are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact during their Kerala travel.
  • Beaches:  Kerala has beautiful beaches, including Kovalam and Varkala, which provide a relaxing coastal experience for foreign tourists who seek sun, sea, and sand during their Kerala travel.
  • Tea and Spice Plantations:  Kerala is home to vast tea and spice plantations, particularly in places like Munnar. These plantations offer tourists the opportunity to learn about the cultivation and processing of tea and spices during their Kerala travel.
  • Wildlife and Nature Reserves:  Kerala travel boasts a number of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, including the Periyar Tiger Reserve. Foreign tourists are interested in wildlife safaris and bird-watching in these protected areas during their Kerala travel.
  • Warm Hospitality:  The warm and welcoming nature of the Keralite people is a major attraction for foreign tourists during their Kerala travel. The hospitality and friendliness of the locals create a positive and memorable travel experience.
  • Accessibility:  Kerala has international airports and a well-developed transportation network, making it relatively easy for foreign tourists to reach and explore the state during their Kerala travel.

Overall, the combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, wellness opportunities, and the warm hospitality of the people makes Kerala travel an appealing destination for foreign tourists. Kerala’s unique offerings, combined with its commitment to responsible tourism, continue to make it a preferred choice for international travelers.

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Kerala Holiday Packages (USD)

Our Kerala Holiday Packages are tailored to the needs of our guests. Our goal is for you have the best cultural, sightseeing memorable experiences while on your Kerala tour.

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Popular kerala holiday packages.

Kerala, often known as "God's Own Country," is a captivating location that provides a wide variety of experiences for each visitor. Kerala offers it all, from the tranquil backwaters and immaculate beaches to the verdant Western Ghats. Our well-chosen Popular Kerala Holiday Packages will enable you to completely experience this captivating state.Whether you're an adventurer, a nature lover, a cultural traveler, or you just want a quiet vacation, our vacation packages are made to suit your individual needs. You may select the itinerary and experience that most speak to you from a range of options. Discover Kerala's breathtaking scenery, distinctive fauna, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering food with our Well-liked Kerala Vacation Packages.With our well-thought-out itineraries that take you to some of the most famous locations in the state, discover the charm of Kerala. Savour the flavors of genuine Kerala food, take in the grandeur of Munnar's tea fields and discover the peace of Alleppey's backwaters. Our vacation packages are made to leave you with priceless memories and a closer bond with this amazing place.

Amber Dale Munnar

Vagamon & Munnar Tour

Ooty Lake

2 Nights Ooty Tour Package from Bangalore

Thanjavur Temple

South Indian Spiritual Tour

North Kerala Tour

Visit North Kerala Tour

Tuk Tuk Ride in Kerala

Beach Holiday Package in Kovalam

Kovalam Beach

Best of Kerala Tour Package

What makes kerala a popular tourist spot in india.

Kerala is a beautiful small state in Southern India bordering the Arabian Sea, Bay Of Bengal and Western Ghats. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are neighbouring states with ancient temples as places of interest. Kerala is a popular tourist destination in the world, popularly known as God’s Own country, with diverse tourist places that make Kerala a sought-after destination. Apart from the tourist places, the people of Kerala have great hospitality, are highly educated youth, and are friendly. 

Tourist Places and important tour activities in Kerala

For first-time travelers, one week to 10 days is required to cover the main tourist places of Kerala. The Places and suggested activities are as follows.

Cochin : Kochi has an international airport that uses solar power, is well connected to Europe and the USA via the Middle East, has direct flights to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, and has flights to most Indian cities. Fort Cochin is where international travelers like to stay because of the historical monuments such as the Jewish Synagogue, Mattancherry Palace and Chinese fishing nets. There is the possibility of witnessing the Kathakali dance, the dance drama of Kerala, at the Cochin Kathakali Centre. Indian travelers prefer to stay at City Hotels, which has big malls like Lulu Mall and Forum Mall, for shopping and restaurants.

Munnar : Munnar is famous for its tea gardens and pleasant climate. Driving from Cochin to Munnar through the mountains and tea gardens is one of the best road trips in Kerala. Many hotels are in Munnar town, and the best resorts are scattered around Munnar, with independent cottages and private pool villas.

For adventurous travelers, many activities associated with tea, such as factory visits, museum visits, tea trails, trekking, and a jeep safari to Kolukkumalai and Mesapulimala, are interesting. 

Thekkady : Drive to Thekkady from Munnar through the Cardamom hills. It is an enjoyable Kerala trip in your private car. A spice plantation visit is advisable to learn more about spices and medicinal plants. There are good hotels and resorts in Kumily, and you can walk through the local spice shops to buy tea, coffee, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. There is a martial arts show in the evening, and boating at Periyar Lake is the best way to explore the wildlife of Periyar Tiger Reserve. 

If you stay for two nights, a one-day trip to the Gavi forest is worth visiting. Kerala Forest Development Corporation has an office at Kumily where you can buy a day package that includes boating, trekking, and lunch. 

Kumarakom : The great backwaters are an attraction that cannot be missed on your Kerala Travel. Kumarakom is a popular backwater destination with the best lake resorts and bird sanctuary. There are village life experience tours organised by Kerala Responsible Tourism mission to explore the village life of Kumarakom.

Alleppey Houseboats : Staying in a Houseboat is a unique way of experiencing the lively villages of the Alleppey backwaters. Standard to Luxury houseboats with 2 to 10 bedrooms are available for couple or group stays.

Kovalam : Kovalam is a well-known beach in Kerala, popular for seafood. There are also renowned Ayurveda and yoga retreats that attract thousands of travelers for wellness packages every year.

Wayanad : Hill station in North Kerala due to its proximity to Karnataka has options of combining Kabani and Coorg destinations for a week Kerala travel itinerary. 

Kerala is Traditional but forward-thinking

For most visitors, a trip to Kerala will be like taking a journey through a time when life was simple and less complicated. However, a relaxed lifestyle steeped in old-time traditions hasn’t stopped the local population from keeping pace with the modern world where it counts. For instance, education is highly prized, and literacy is almost universal throughout Kerala. Newspaper readership is one of the highest in the world. One of the most significant concerns for tourists traveling the world is healthcare while in foreign lands. Medical care isn’t a problem in Kerala, as all medical services are free and provided by Government hospitals.

The People of Kerala

Keralans are friendly, welcoming people, but as you tour the area, you may notice that the women have a deep and abiding fascination with gold. You won’t find a woman in Kerala who doesn’t have at least one or two gold pieces on their person.

Women love their gold, but all the men wear their mustaches with pride. Kerala girls find mustaches on men handsome and dignified, so it’s no surprise that all men maintain at least one, but often both.

Unlike many other parts of the world, the women of Kerala are just as active as men in the government. If you want to look at a part of the world that’s doing great things for the empowerment of women, then Kerala can show you how it’s done.

Life in Kerala is scenic, pristine, and inextricably intertwined with nature. You can’t help but feel the beautiful locale has helped shape the culture and laid-back welcoming nature of Kerala’s people.

Far away from the hustle and bustle of India’s major cities, you won’t feel like a tourist in need of forced entertainment for the sake of the mighty dollar. Instead, you will be treated more like an honored guest or a friend who hasn’t visited for a while.

Walk down the street, and you will be greeted with happy smiles from the local populace as they go about their day.

Keralan people are proud of their state, heritage, and unhurried, relaxed lifestyle, where the distractions of technology have taken a back seat to peace and serenity.

Things To Do in Kerala

As we mentioned, Kerala is a fantastic location for witnessing the glory of nature and soaking up the serenity.

Every scenic experience you could want is represented in Kerala’s tourist attractions. There are sandy beaches and forests full of wild animals, exotic birdlife, and cheeky giant squirrels. Quiet waterways, scenic lakes, and breathtaking mountain views are also reasons Kerala is such a popular tourist destination.

Take your pick and enjoy the ultimate luxury at one of the many resorts in Kerala, where you can relax in comfort, style, and safety in a private cabin.

Enjoy a boat trip down one of Kerala’s many breathtaking backwater locations, where the pace of life is slower and more relaxed. Houseboats are available for those who want to immerse themselves in Keralan culture and take in all that the backwaters have to offer.

Hill stations are some of the most historical and popular destinations in Kerala. Looking out over the plains below and taking in the view of rolling green hills and miles of tea plantations while filling your lungs with fresh mountain air is not an experience you will soon forget.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the Kerala Tour

How much will a kerala trip cost.

The cost of a Kerala trip can vary widely depending on factors like the duration, type of accommodation, activities, and your travel preferences. Typically, a moderate budget can range from $500 to $1500 per person for a week-long trip, but it's best to get a personalized quote from a tour operator for a more accurate estimate.

Which month is best for Kerala?

The best time to visit Kerala is from September to March when the weather is pleasant, and you can enjoy the lush greenery and cultural festivities. However, the choice of the month depends on your preferences, as some travelers prefer the monsoon season (June to August) to experience the romantic rains.

Which travel agent is the best in Kerala?

There are several reputable travel agencies and tour operators in Kerala. To determine the best one for your needs, consider factors such as customer reviews, the range of packages offered, pricing, and the company's reputation in the industry.

Which is the best tour company for Kerala?

The "best" tour company for Kerala can vary depending on individual preferences. Look for tour companies that have a strong reputation, specialize in Kerala tours, offer excellent customer service, and provide packages that align with your interests and budget.

Which tour package is the best?

The best tour package for Kerala depends on your interests and budget. Some travelers prefer adventure packages, while others opt for cultural experiences or honeymoon packages. It's essential to choose a package that aligns with your desires and includes the destinations and activities you wish to explore.

How do I choose a tour package?

To choose the right tour package, consider your interests, budget, and the duration of your trip. Research different tour operators read reviews, and compare itineraries. Be sure to communicate your preferences and expectations with the tour operator to ensure a tailored experience.

What are the 3 main types of package tours?

The three main types of package tours include: a. Group Tours:  These tours involve traveling with a group of people, typically with a fixed itinerary and set departure dates. b. Private Tours:  These tours are customized for a single traveler, a couple, or a small group, allowing for more flexibility in the itinerary and travel arrangements. c. Custom Tours:  Custom tours are entirely tailored to your preferences, allowing you to design your itinerary, accommodation, and activities.

How is the tour cost calculated?

Tour costs are calculated based on various factors, including the duration of the trip, type of accommodation, activities, meals, transportation, and any additional services included. Tour operators use these factors to determine the overall cost of the package.

Is it cheaper to book a tour?

The cost-effectiveness of booking a tour depends on several factors. Booking a tour can often provide cost savings through group rates and pre-negotiated deals. However, it's essential to compare the cost of booking a tour with planning the trip independently to ensure you're getting the best value for your budget and preferences.

Where is Kerala situated?

Kerala is a small state located in the southern part of India. It is a slender strip of land wedged between the Eastern slopes of the Western Ghats mountain range to the East and the Arabian Sea to the West. Approximately 4 percent of the state's total land area comprises wetlands. Kerala's natural landscape covers an area of 12,477 square kilometers, which accounts for 32.1% of the state's total land area. The state has a coastal region stretching over 587.8 kilometers and boasts 11,305 square kilometers of lush forest area.

Why is Kerala renowned?

Kerala's fame can be attributed to several key factors:

  • The Western Ghats, which include one of the world's ten most biodiverse regions, are a part of Kerala. These "hot-spots" are areas teeming with diverse flora and fauna, featuring a high percentage of species that are unique to the region.
  • Kerala is a 100% literacy state, boasting a highly educated and progressive society.
  • Known as a paradise on earth, Kerala's natural beauty, backwaters, and unique houseboats attract visitors from around the globe.
  • Kerala offers an array of diverse tourist attractions, including backwaters, hill stations, wildlife sanctuaries, plantations, pristine beaches, Ayurveda wellness, rich biodiversity, and a strong commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism practices.

What are the must-visit Tourism Places in Kerala?

When planning your Kerala travel, make sure not to miss these top tourist destinations:

  • Experience a stay on a houseboat, floating along the tranquil backwaters.
  • Stroll through the lush tea estates of Munnar, where the landscape is adorned with rolling hills and tea plantations.
  • Enjoy a serene boat ride in the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, surrounded by diverse wildlife and lush greenery.
  • Purchase aromatic spices from Thekkady, known for its spice markets.
  • Unwind on the sun-kissed beaches of Kovalam or Marari, where relaxation meets natural beauty.
  • Savor a traditional Kerala meal served on a banana leaf, a unique culinary experience.
  • Treat yourself to an Ayurvedic rejuvenation massage, a holistic wellness practice.
  • Explore the historical sites of Fort Cochin, known for its rich heritage and colonial architecture.
  • Visit the Padmanabha Swamy Temple, considered one of the world's wealthiest temples.
  • Delight in a seafood feast along the shores of Kovalam Beach, known for its delectable coastal cuisine.
  • Head to Varkala Beach for surfing and kayaking adventures along the stunning coastline.
  • Travel to Wayanad to experience lush green landscapes and a cool, refreshing climate.

Kerala is a treasure trove of unique experiences and breathtaking natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for travelers seeking diverse and enriching adventures.

What Our Client Say About Us

Reviews of The Travel Planners an award-winning tour operator based in Kerala, India has 25 years of destination management services.


Tour09251596099 (Apr 2024)

Excellent Trip Management by You. Special Thanks to Aswathy Madam & Mr. Vishnu. our Driver for their Quick response and co-operation. Driving of Vishnuji is very good and smooth. He is punctual. He is having maximum information about places, roads and hotels in our Tour Package.

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Amrita London, UK (Apr 2024)

We had a great trip with drivers Renjith and Shibu! Travelled to Allepey, Munnar, and Kochi and both drivers recommended great sight seeing spots along the way (highlight was seeing wild elephants in Munnar!)

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Thoko Z (Apr 2024)

An actually absolutely beautiful part of India! Anson our guide was a brilliant guide, knowledgeable, very kind and chatty. We were scoped up like a cat from the airport and swiftly taken to our hotel to start the trip.


Subu (Apr 2024)

An amazing and unforgettable trip to Kerala made possible by The Travel Planners, Kochi. We arrived in Kochi on 31st March and were driven to Munnar for two nights and then to Thekkady and to Alleppey where we stayed on a Houseboat overnight.

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Pranab K (Apr 2024)

The best holiday!! We had a well planned and smooth trip through beautiful Kerela thanks to The Travel Planners. Anish drove us around and was the most amazing driver we could have asked for, very polite and friendly.

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Best hotels / resorts in kerala.

  • Munnar Hotels
  • Cochin Hotels
  • Alleppey Hotels
  • Kumarakom Hotels
  • Thekkady Hotels
  • Kovalam Hotels
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  • Nature & Ayurveda Wellness
  • Kerala & Tamil Nadu Tour
  • 8 Days Luxury with Taj
  • South India Food Tour
  • Kerala Special Interest Tours


  • Places to visit in Coorg
  • Kerala Tourist Places
  • Best time to visit Kerala
  • Honeymoon Places
  • Unique Places to visit in Kerala
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Plan a Kerala Tour – A Step-by-Step Guide to Plan Your Kerala Tour Package

If you are in the planning stages of a Kerala tour, I recommend that you read the information below. This is something I’ve produced based on my personal experience organizing Kerala tour packages for numerous visitors like you. You can make sure that this article will assist you in planning every detail of your trip.

Making Plans for a Trip to Kerala

Decide how many days you can spend in Kerala before beginning any research to arrange your trip there. This is essential because you can only choose your travel destinations based on your leave.

If you have a sufficient amount of vacation time, explore Kerala’s tourist attractions and decide on the number of days with the aid of the tour operator. Freeze your arrival and departure dates in both scenarios.

You can purchase your tickets to Kerala once your Kerala vacation package is complete. Always reserve up to Cochin when making reservations for a subsequent flight. Another alternative is Trivandrum; however, only reserve a trip to Trivandrum if Kovalam or Kanyakumari are your first two stops. The only time Calicut is worthwhile is if Wayanad is your first stop.

How can I get to Cochin?

Cochin is also known as Ernakulam and is also written as Kochi. You can make a bus reservation to Ernakulam at the same time. Since some trains only stop at one station, you can choose to schedule a trip to either Ernakulam North or Ernakulam South. ERN or ERS is the station code for train reservations. Make a reservation for a flight to Cochin or Kochi (location code is COK).

By all means, try to get to Cochin as soon as you can to visit as many places as possible on our Kerala tour packages . When planning a Kerala tour, this should be a preference.

Kerala can be reached by train, flight, or bus from Coimbatore, Bangalore, Mysore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and other nearby cities. The best method from Coimbatore is by bus. You can choose between all three alternatives if you’re leaving from Bangalore. Typically, a bus from Bangalore to Cochin takes 9 to 12 hours. These days, multi-axle Volvo buses arrive in Cochin in 9 to 10 hours. Depending on the state of the roads, this varies. There is a checkpoint at the border between Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and on extremely rare occasions, buses have arrived late as a result of inspection at this checkpoint.

The Bangalore-Cochin route is well-served by buses, making it a viable alternative for travellers from Bangalore who want to travel to Kerala. You might even search for sleeper buses.

From Bangalore, it takes a train for about 12 hours, but finding a ticket is the major problem. This is your best choice if tickets are available. Anyhow, make an effort to reserve a bus or train that arrives in Cochin early in the day. If flying is your preferred method, make sure your flight arrives at least before noon.

If flying is your preferred method, make sure your flight arrives at least before noon.

Travel from Hyderabad to Cochin

The best transport options from Hyderabad are by train or by air. Buses should only be taken as a last resort because they take about 18 – 22 hours.

Buses and trains are available from Mangalore. You can either travel to Cochin directly from Mysore via bus, or you can first travel to Bangalore and then Cochin. You have a choice of travelling by bus, train, or flight if you are leaving from Chennai. The travel time to Cochin by train and bus is nearly 12 hours. If you’re planning a trip to Kerala from Chennai, Mangalore, or Mysore, you should consider this alternative.

You can travel to Kerala by train or flight from Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Mumbai, Delhi, or any other destination. If you’re coming from another country, you can choose to fly directly there. You can also get out at one of the airports in major cities and travel to Kerala by train.

To minimize complications, you must make every reservation in advance.

You may purchase a return ticket once your continuing travel has been scheduled. Please be cautious regarding destinations and departure times when purchasing a return ticket. I advise you to reserve this just once the package, or at the very least, the itinerary has been decided.

Choose the Tourist Destinations in Kerala

When planning a trip to Kerala, this is another factor that must be considered. Here, we need to decide on the ultimate destinations to be visited. The number of days you have and your interests need to be balanced at this point. This should be made easier for you by a brief summary of the main tourist attractions in our Kerala holiday packages .

Major Tourist Destinations in Kerala

  • Cochin: If you fly into Kerala, here is typically where you land. If you want to explore the sights in Cochin, you may either do it the first day after arriving there or if you have time on the last day, go for it.
  • Munnar: The best tourist destination in our Kerala trip packages is Munnar. Munnar is a hill station in Kerala. You would like to see that 100 times. 
  • Thekkady : When you go boating in Thekkady, you can visit the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary. Adventure travel, as well as ecotourism, are both quite popular in Thekkady.
  • Alleppey/Kumarakom: This is the location for a houseboat cruise. In addition to a gorgeous beach, Alleppey features a variety of resorts where visitors can unwind.
  • Thiruvananthapuram: The capital of Kerala, is a popular tourist destination in India. Nearby beach villages Kovalam and Varkala are well-known. The city is renowned for its distinctive architectural design, which combines elements of Kerala architecture with British and Dravidian influences. 
  • Kanyakumari: Although Kanyakumari is in Tamil Nadu, it is nevertheless recommended to visit if you are traveling up to Trivandrum (and if time allowed).
  • Athirapally-Vazhachal: Athirappilly-Vazhachal Falls, at over 80 feet high, is Kerala’s most famous and largest waterfall. You can’t help but be amazed at the natural world’s utmost force and splendor when you see the water rushing into the ground. This area is significant to ornithologists, and bird watchers can find many uncommon and colorful species here.
  • Cherai: Cherai is another beach in the vicinity of Cochin.
  • Guruvayoor: Guruvayoor is a pilgrimage site with the famous Krishna temple. At this location, there is an elephant sanctuary with more than 65 elephants.
  • Wayanad: Wayanad is a tourist destination in Kerala’s northern region. Wayanad is about 300 kilometers north of Cochin.

Plan Kerala Tour Itinerary

When you plan a Kerala tour, the itinerary plays an important role. This should be well balanced with sightseeing and free time with family. From the above-listed major tourist destinations, make a list of places you wish to cover in our Kerala tour packages .

I shall be writing about all these places in detail below with the travel time required for each. After reading this post, you would be in a position to finalize the places to visit depending on your leave from the office. Once the places of visit and the number of nights in each destination are finalized, the itinerary can be prepared with ease.

Most of the time, this is the place where you land in Kerala. If you have enough days in Kerala, a full-day visit to Cochin is worth doing. Cochin has a lot of sightseeing places including Marine drive, Chinese fishing nets, and Fort Cochin where you can visit the Dutch palace, the Jew Synagogue, etc.

For more info read our blog post: 9 Must-See Places in Cochin.

If you are short of time, I suggest you move directly to your first destination from Cochin. This can be Munnar which is a 4 to 5 hours drive from Cochin, Thekkady which is 5hrs drive, Alleppey 2hrs, Guruvayoor 2hrs and Athirapilly-Vazhachal, a short 2 hours drive. If you want Kovalam as your first destination, it is better to arrive at Trivandrum instead of having a hectic journey of 6 to 7 hours on the same day of arrival. This will be a good take when you plan a Kerala tour and need to be finalized properly.

For every travel, you need to consider halting time in between for sightseeing, food, etc. When your first destination is Alleppey Houseboat, make sure you reach Cochin at least by 9 AM so that you can check in to Houseboat at Noon. If your arrival is after 10 AM at Cochin, then don’t plan the Alleppey Houseboat cruise on the same day, as a check-in to the houseboat is at Noon and check-out is at 9 AM the next day. If you are reaching Cochin after 3 PM, then don’t plan any travel on that day. In this case, the best option is to stay in a hotel near to airport or railway station depending on how you come to Cochin.

Stay near Airport

Most hotels near the airport offer free pick-up from the airport, thus helping you save money on a vehicle for that day. Do inform your travel agent about your mode of arrival, so they can book the hotel accordingly. Cochin airport is almost 20km from Cochin city/railway station.

If you are planning to stay at Cochin on arrival day, normally check-in time of all hotels is 12 Noon and if you are reaching early morning, do inform this in advance to your travel agent. In this case, you can request for early check-in. Most of the hotels allow this subject to room availability and do note that breakfast will not be complimentary for this day.

If you are planning to travel to other destinations on the same day, I suggest you start directly to that destination, instead of having a half day sightseeing of Cochin and then traveling to the next destination. If you are arriving at Cochin by train or bus or after a long flight journey, try to refresh yourself before driving from Cochin to your next destination. This helps you to enjoy the trip right from the beginning and you can do all your sightseeing on the way. Coordinating your first destination in accordance with your arrival time is very important. This should also be taken care of when you plan a Kerala tour as you can save a lot of time here.

Munnar, a hill station, is one of the most beautiful places in our Kerala tour packages. There are lots of Tea plantations and more than a dozen places to see near Munnar. This is a must-see place if you are visiting Kerala. The climate will be mostly cold throughout the year. Munnar is 140km from Cochin.

When you plan a Kerala tour, if you wish to have a better understanding of Munnar, read our blog post: 13 must visit places in Munnar!

If you are traveling to Munnar, you should try to stay there at least for 2 nights. For your onward journey, the travel time listed from Cochin is 4 to 5hrs, but, you will reach Munnar in about 7 to 8 hrs only. There are lots of sightseeing spots in between. You can enjoy waterfalls and rolling hillsides with tea gardens on the way. During this travel enjoy as much as you can on the day and don’t be in a rush to reach Munnar. You can even visit spice plantations on the way. After enjoying the scenery, you will be reaching Munnar by evening only.

If you feel, you can spend some time in the market. If your hotel is away from Munnar town, try to have food and finish all activities in town and move to a hotel. Coming back from the hotel to town at night is not a good idea as there can be fog on the road and driving is not safe.

Second day at Munnar

The second day should be dedicated to sightseeing in and around Munnar. If you want to cover almost all the places, try to start sightseeing by 8.30. Or you can choose places to visit according to your interest and mood. Purchase spices, tea, etc. while you go shopping. Do visit Eravikulam National Park to see the endangered mountain goat of South India, the Nilgiri Tahr.

Selecting the resort/hotel is most important while you are in Munnar. Every hotel in Munnar is not in town, you will find hotels within a radius of approximately 30km from Munnar. See Hotels in Munnar . Most of the good resorts are away from the city. If you are a person who wishes to stay in the city, do make sure the hotel you select is in the city itself. If you want to be away from all traffic and love to have a relaxed mood select a resort/hotel accordingly. While approaching any tour operator, if you have a specific choice, make sure you communicate this clearly.

Hotel Selection at Munnar

It is always better to do a Google search on the hotel selected. Nobody can tell you whether you will like a hotel or not. As this is very subjective and depends upon your interests and background. Personally, I like to stay away from the city when I am on holiday and used to prefer hotels outside the city. But for business trips, I prefer city hotels. This needs to be considered when you plan the Kerala tour itself. Else you land up staying in a hotel which you may won’t feel good with.

A normal package can be prepared with a 2-night stay at Munnar. If you wish to stay at Munnar for 3 nights, you will get a lot of time to relax. A package with one night in Munnar is not that advisable. I have seen many times people taking packages with one night at Munnar and one night at Alleppey when they have only 3 days to spend. This is not a good idea as they will not be able to cover neither Munnar nor Alleppey.

From Munnar, you can travel to the next destinations like Thekkady, Alleppey, or Cochin. Moving to Kovalam directly from Munnar is not a good idea as traveling time would be minimum 10hrs. If you are moving to Cochin to catch a return flight/train do make sure you have minimum 6hrs in between, as you may even stop for food during this travel. So do your time planning accordingly.

Here is an easy-to-follow map with the major tourist spots in Munnar. This map will help you in planning your itinerary during your visit to Munnar.

Click here to read the Munnar travel guide which gives more ideas on Munnar

Munnar Tourist Destinations Map to plan Kerala tour

Distance to various places from munnar.

  • Distance from Munnar to Madurai – 130KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Cochin    – 135KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Aluva     – 130KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Theni      – 165KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Thekkady – 110KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Trivandrum     – 280KM
  • Distance from Munnar to Alleppey – 190km
  • Distance from Munnar to Kodaikkanal – 180km

The famous Periyar wildlife sanctuary is in Thekkady. Thekkady is sometimes referred to as Kumily or Periyar. Thekkady is the best place to visit if you are interested in adventure and eco-tourism activities. If you are not interested in such activities, you have only Periyar wildlife sanctuary to see.

For more info read our blog post: More info about Thekkady   To watch wildlife closely, you need to go boating through the Periyar River. Wild animals, forest areas of Periyar sanctuary, and Mullapperiyar dam from long view can only be seen during this boating. Vehicles are not allowed inside the sanctuary for sightseeing. Boating in Thekkady has fixed timings and the guest needs to be personally in the queue to get tickets. You need to give your personal details as well as show your ID card while taking this ticket. Depending on the season, the rush for boating varies. In peak seasons, there might be a heavy rush, so try to be in the queue at least 3 to 4 hrs before the departure time. This time needs to be considered when you plan the Kerala tour itself.

Thekkady has a lot of activities/shows running in the evening. If interested, you can watch Kalarippayattu (martial arts of Kerala), Kathakali, Magic shows, musical fountain, tribal dance, etc. You can also go for an Ayurveda massage, Elephant ride, Elephant bath, Elephant shower, Spice plantation tour, etc. You can plan for boating through the Periyar River as well above activities if you have one night stay at Thekkady. Unless you are interested in adventurous activities, don’t stay for more than 2 nights there. If you are opting for two-night stay, you can relax on the second day enjoying the wilderness of Thekkady.

Second Day at Thekkady

If you are an adventurous person, this is the place for you. Plan for 2 or 3 nights at Thekkady and you get to do all sorts of adventure activities here. You can go for the Gavi tour which includes a full-day Jeep safari, trekking, etc., bamboo rafting, eco-tourism, nature walking, night patrolling, etc. Go through the details for these activities and fix the number of days you want to stay at Thekkady. Whether to stay for 2 nights or 3 nights should depend on your interest and need to be taken care of when you plan the Kerala tour itself.

From Thekkady you can move to Alleppey, Munnar, Cochin, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), Kodaikkanal (Tamil Nadu). Again Kovalam is not a good idea as there will be a lot of traveling.

Very recently we have found a website where you can do online bookings for boating at Periyar. Though we have not tried this, one of our guests did it themselves. Thought of sharing that website here.

Online booking for Periyar boating can be made at .

Click here to read my travel experience to Thekkady

Distance to various places from Thekkady

  • Distance from Thekkady to Kumily – 4km
  • Distance from Thekkady to Munnar – 110km
  • Distance from Thekkady to Alleppey – 150km
  • Distance from Thekkady to Cochin – 170km
  • Distance from Thekkady to Kodaikkanal – 120km

Houseboat Cruise in Alleppey

Alleppey is another destination that you need to consider when you plan a Kerala tour. The destination is famous for Kerala-style houseboats. Alleppey has a good beach also. A houseboat cruise is a different experience and should not miss this if you have enough holidays with you. Houseboats give a different feel than staying in a hotel. These floating villas have a dining hall, rooms with bathrooms, and kitchens. The number of rooms varies from one to nine as of now.

Houseboat cruises can be of two types; you can either opt for a 21 hrs overnight cruise or can take a morning cruise for 5 to 6 hrs.

If you are opting for a morning cruise, you have to check in at 10 AM and check-out will be at 4 or 5 PM depending on the cruise provider you opt for. In this case, you will be greeted with a welcome drink (lime juice or tender coconut) and will serve lunch prepared on the boat and evening snacks. The boat will cruise through the inland canals, backwaters, and lakes. And you can also watch the long stretch of paddy fields at Alleppey (Kuttanad). This cruise, I am sure, will be one of the most memorable experiences of your lifetime.

The boat will halt during lunch timings and food is prepared in the boat itself. The boat will have a Captain (driver), Cook, and sometimes a helper too depending on the size of the boat. These boats are engine driven.

Timing of Houseboat

For an overnight stay houseboat cruise (21hrs), you need to check in to the houseboat at 12 Noon and check-out will be at 9 AM the next day. The boat will take you for a cruise at 12 Noon and will be going around till lunchtime. The boat will halt for lunch and after lunch, it cruises till 5.30 to 6 PM and then anchors till the next day morning. You will be cruising again the next day for at least an hour before checkout.

For this kind of cruise, you will be getting a welcome drink, lunch, evening snacks, tea, dinner and breakfast for the next day morning. Food is prepared in the boat itself and all boats will have their fixed menu. They take your food preference before you reach Alleppey and raw materials will be stored in boat before it leaves the shore.

If you are a non-vegetarian, you will be getting rice, vegetables (2 types), fish fry, curd, pickles, pappad, and Sambar for lunch and chicken, chappati, rice, vegetable curry, and dal for dinner. If you are a vegetarian, the menu is similar with some changes. It will be Payasam instead of fish fry for lunch and one more variety of veg curry instead of chicken for dinner. For breakfast, it will be idly sambar, omelet, and bread butter jam.

Strong Suggestion for Houseboat

It’s always advisable to inform them in advance if you have any specific preference as once you start the journey getting raw materials is not easy. If you have children with you and want more milk or such food, don’t forget to inform that in advance. During the cruise, you can purchase prawns, and extra fish on your own (if you feel like it). The crew will cook and serve that for you. Whether a day cruise or full-time houseboat needs to be finalized considering all the above aspects when you plan a Kerala tour.

AC in Houseboat

If you are opting for A/C Houseboat unless specifically mentioned A/C operates from 9 PM to 6 AM only. If you require full-time A/C or need extra hours, then inform the houseboat operator in advance. You will be charged extra unless your package is with a full-time A/C houseboat. If you want extra A/C time, they need to carry extra fuel with them and unless you tell them in advance, this will be difficult.

While on board, do close the windows and doors of your room in the evening. As it is in water and flies may enter in the evening. Houseboats are usually parked in a safe place where the owner of the houseboat has easy access or is near his house. Houseboats are of different categories and rooms may not be as big as your hotel room.

The biggest disadvantage of the houseboat is that if there is some issue with A/C or TV at night, it may not be able to get repaired till the next day.  Getting an electrician late at night to that halting place may not be possible.  But such things happen very rarely.

Depending on your interest, either go for a 21hrs cruise or take a morning cruise and then stay in a resort at Alleppey or Kumarakom.

Click here to read my experience in houseboat will help you to understand more about cruise.

Kumarakom and Alleppey Resorts

Alleppey is famous for Houseboats, backwater resorts, and beaches whereas Kumarakom is for Houseboats and backwater resorts. Both are just 30km apart. Both places have decent resorts as well as houseboats. Depending on the option selected, you may move to that place. You can plan for a resort stay either after a Houseboat morning cruise or for the next night after an overnight cruise.

If you have enough days, I always suggest taking one night stay in a resort after your Houseboat cruise.  In most cases, you will be reaching Alleppey or Kumarakom after a 3-night stay at Munnar, Thekkady, or any other place and a resort stay here will definitely relax you.

You can either move back to Cochin to catch your flight back or can travel ahead to Kovalam after this relaxing stay. While selecting a resort at Kumarakom or Alleppey, make sure you do enough research. Make sure the resort is as per your liking because there are few things to do when you are in a Kumarakom/Alleppey resort. You can visit Alleppey beach in the evening and can relax. Some backwater resorts do provide additional facilities like pedal boating, a swimming pool, and an Ayurvedic spa. There are resorts providing countryside boating, fishing, and cooking class. This resort can be either at Alleppey or Kumarakom and I know some good backwater resorts on the way to Cochin also. Alleppey or Kumarakom for a stay should be finalized according to your interests considering the above facts. You may do this when you plan the Kerala tour itself.

What after Alleppey

Once you are done with Alleppey and Kumarakom, you have several options. It depends upon your travel plan. You can either move towards Cochin and return home on the same evening or stay at Cochin and travel to Guruvayoor or Athirapilly-Vazhachal the next day. Or you can move south from Alleppey to visit Kovalam, Trivandrum, Varkala, and Kanyakumari. You also have the option of going to Thekkady or Munnar from here if you started the tour from Trivandrum. Alleppey lies almost midway between Trivandrum from Cochin.

Distance to various places from Alleppey

  • Distance from Alleppey to Cochin – 80km
  • Distance from Alleppey to Munnar – 190km
  • Distance from Alleppey to Thekkady – 140km
  • Distance from Alleppey to Trivandrum – 170km
  • Distance from Alleppey to Kovalam – 180km
  • Distance from Alleppey to Kanyakumari – 250km

Varkala lies between Alleppey and Trivandrum and has a good beach. There are several beach resorts if you want to stay here. Opt for this place, only if you have extra days, or skip this place. This is a great place to be considered when you plan a Kerala tour.

Trivandrum and Kovalam

Trivandrum is the capital city of Kerala. At Trivandrum, you can visit the famous Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple, Museums, art gallery, Zoo, etc. If you have plans to visit the temple, make sure you have the required dress to get inside. Pants or jeans are not allowed for both ladies and gents. The temple can be visited between 5 to 11 in the morning or 3 to 6 in the evening. Visit other places as per your interest and time availability.

While at Trivandrum, it’s advisable to stay at Kovalam which is famous for its beach. If you are really on a tight schedule, one night stay is sufficient but we recommend a two-night stay to fully enjoy this place. When you have two nights at Kovalam, you can visit Trivandrum one day and next day you can visit Kovalam beaches. Select a resort as per your interest at Kovalam.

There are some luxury resorts at Poovar also. Poovar is a place just 14km from Kovalam and is famous for its estuary, where backwater and sea meet!  To fully unwind you can extend your stay for one more night, either at Kovalam or at Poovar.

Return from Kovalam

If Kovalam is your last destination, try to book a return ticket from Trivandrum which helps you to spend enough time at this place and to avoid the long journey of 6 to 7 hrs to Cochin. If your return ticket is from Cochin, try to leave Kovalam at least 8 hrs in advance to be on the safer side. And if the return ticket is for a morning flight/train from Cochin, make sure you stay at Cochin instead of rushing from Kovalam on the last day. Stay between Kovalam and Poovar also is an important factor that needs to be consisted and should fix when you plan a Kerala tour.

From Kovalam, you can do a day visit to Kanyakumari. You can spend one night at Kanyakumari if you have time.  Kanyakumari is 90km from Trivandrum and is almost 2hrs drive. There is a Kerala-Tamil Nadu check post in between.

If your tour is starting from Trivandrum, you have the choice of moving to Kanyakumari, Varkala, Alleppey, and Cochin from here.

Distance to various places from Trivandrum

  • Distance from Trivandrum to Cochin – 250km
  • Distance from Trivandrum to Munnar – 310km
  • Distance from Trivandrum to Thekkady – 270km
  • Distance from Trivandrum to Kovalam – 13km
  • Distance from Trivandrum to Kanyakumari – 90km


Though Kanyakumari is not in Kerala, if you are traveling up to Trivandrum, I suggest visiting Kanyakumari too, if you have time. Try to have one night stay at Kanyakumari so that you can see the sunset as well as the sunrise. Make sure you reach Kanyakumari before 4 PM to see the evening. If you are on a tight schedule, you can also do a day visit to Kanyakumari.

Guruvayoor Temple

The famous Sree Krishna temple is at Guruvayoor. Guruvayoor is 90 kilometers, a 2-hour drive from Cochin towards North West. Though it is only a 2hrs drive from Cochin, you can expect a long queue and will have to wait for about 2 to 4 hrs to enter the temple.

If you stay overnight, you can visit the temple in the evening when the crowd is less. At around 7 PM, there are lots of rituals happening there. When I go, I visit the temple at 6 PM, have a darshan, stay inside the temple till 8 PM, and return to the hotel. Then I wake up at 2.30 AM and revisit the temple early morning at 3.30 AM and return to the hotel. During this time, the rush will be less, and one can go inside quickly.

There is an elephant Sanctuary near to temple where you can see more than 60 elephants, and it is a must-see place if you are visiting Guruvayoor temple. If you are interested in visiting temples in Kerala when you plan a Kerala tour, this is an ideal destination.

Athirapilly-Vazhachal Waterfalls

There are few good resorts in Athirappily –Vazhachal region. Athirapilly Vazhachal is the biggest waterfall in Kerala and is approximately 70km from Cochin. If you have enough holidays, you may consider visiting this place. During the Athirapilly visit, either you can stay in Athirapilly or come back and stay at Cochin.

Cherai Beach

Cherai is ideal for a beach visit and is only 30km from Cochin. Either you can have an overnight stay here or visit if you have enough time.

Wayanad is approximately 300km from Cochin towards the north. If this is your first destination, try to book a ticket to Calicut.   If your next destination is towards the south, suggest taking a night’s stay at Cochin. The drive from Wayanad to Cochin takes 7 to 8 hrs. A 3-night visit is advisable as all sightseeing places in Wayanad are not close to each other. When Wayanad is your last destination, you can book a return ticket from Calicut instead of driving back to Cochin.

Hope with the above details; you will be now able to chart your travel itinerary with the destinations chosen and the number of nights to be spent at each location decided.

Itinerary to plan Kerala tour

I am mentioning Some suggested route plans here.  I would recommend deciding on the number of days to at each location. This itinerary will help you to get the routing done quickly for your holidays.

If arrival is at Cochin

  • Cochin – (135 km) – Munnar – (110 km) – Thekkady– (160 km) – Alleppey resort – Alleppey Houseboat – (80 km) – Cochin
  • Cochin – (135 km) – Munnar – (110 km) – Thekkady– (160 km) – Alleppey resort –Alleppey Houseboat – (80 km) – Varkala – (150 km) – Kanyakumari– (90 km) – Trivandrum/Kovalam – (230 km) – Cochin
  • Cochin – (80 km) – Alleppey resort –Alleppey Houseboat – (210 km) – Kanyakumari– (90 km) – Trivandrum/Kovalam – (230 km) – Cochin
  • Cochin – (135 km) – Munnar – (110 km) – Thekkady– (160 km) – Alleppey resort –Alleppey Houseboat – (80 km) – Cochin – (90 km) – Guruvayoor– (140 km) – Athirapillyvazhachal– (70 km) – Cochin
  • Cochin – (300 km) – Wayanad– (300 km) – Cochin – (135 km) – Munnar – (110 km) – Thekkady– (160 km) – Alleppey resort –Alleppey Houseboat – (80 km) – Varkala – (150 km) – Kanyakumari – (90 km) – Trivandrum/Kovalam Cochin

If arrival is at Trivandrum

  • Trivandrum/Kovalam – (90 km) – Kanyakumari – (150 km) – Varkala – (80 km) – Alleppey Houseboat –Alleppey resort – (160 km) – Thekkady – (110 km) – Munnar – (135 km) – Cochin

Check the Weather Conditions

Kerala has a typical tropical climate around the year. December and January are relatively colder months, and the weather starts warming up in February. April – June is the summer months when it can be pretty hot and humid. The South-West monsoon season from June – September sees a lot of torrential rainfall. Following that, there is the North-East Monsoon that runs from October to December.

It’s best to plan your trip based on the weather conditions as well. Hill stations remain cool year-round, and you can expect a higher tourist population during the summer months. Kerala is quite enchanting during the monsoon season, and you can enjoy the weather if you come prepared with appropriate rain gear.

Selecting a Vehicle for the Kerala tour

Dzire/ethios – sedan vehicle.

Do select a vehicle as per the number of people traveling and the luggage you carry. When the number of people traveling is three or fewer, suggest Sedan. When four people are traveling, there will be enough luggage, and a Sedan is a vehicle that does not have a luggage career. In Kerala, finding a sedan with a carrier is difficult.


If there are 4 to 5 people, choose Ertiga, Tavera, and Inova for better luxury. If there are seven or more people in your group, then travel in a Tempo traveler.

Toyota Inova

You will be traveling approximately 150km every day that too through hilly areas. If you try to save money by congesting yourself in a vehicle, travel will not be relaxing, not only that your car will find it difficult in pulling through hills. There should be space to keep your luggage also while selecting the vehicle.

Luggage/Cash/ID card while planning a Kerala Tour

While traveling, try to carry minimum luggage. Also, try to take a minimum of cash with you and fewer ornaments. You will find a lot of ATMs in Kerala.

Do carry the ID card of every person who travels with you. For hotel Check-in ID card is required.

I hope this article helps you in planning your Kerala trip smoothly and to decide the itinerary. You may contact me at  [email protected]  for any clarifications required. I would be the happiest person in this world to clarify for you. I am reachable on 9947876214 at any time.

If you find me wrong anywhere in the article, I am open to discussion and will update the same.

Thank you very much, and I wish you a great Kerala experience.

tour planner kerala


This is really very good information for someone who is not aware of Kerala or someone who cannot decide on what/how to plan to visit in Kerala. It is really useful. Lot of practical information about various places in Kerala.

After reading this blog, I am able to firm up my vacation plan in Kerala.

Thank you Sreedhar for dropping by. We are glad to be of help..!

I want to know the places which are near to Munnar as I’m specific in spending four days in Munnar only I want to explore more munnar

Thank you, shall contact you back in your email and help

It’s a wonderful article and has helped many people to plan Kerala trip. I plan to visit Kerela with my wife and 1 year kid in 3rd and 4th week of October 2017. My plan includes Cochin – Munnar – Thekkady- Alleppey – Kovalam/Trivandrum 9 days trip. I want to know whether self drive would be a good option or should I hire a local vehicle with a driver? I am a confident driver and believe I can manage it. Who provides such services of self drives where in I can.pick up the vehicle from Kochi airport and drop back at Trivandrum airport on last day of the trip? Thanks in advance.

Hi Anurag, Thank you for reaching out. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details.

The link 9 places to see in Cochin is mis-directed and leads to the same page as 13 places to see in Munnar

Thank you Louis for the heads up. Corrected the link. Hope you enjoyed this Kerala tour planning guide.

Links is really help full with all the details mentioned. No need of go ogle for Kerala destination. route map is clear can help our friends too if they plan.

Your service are excellent, i have availed your service 3 times in the past.

Thank you Rajeev for your kind words.

Hi …the info provided is excellent and will surely help for an memorable journey ahead….we look forward to get associate with you and your team shortly

We are happy to be of help. We look forward to hearing from you…

We enjoyed kerala trip very well with the help of Paradise Holidays.. Their support is awsome…and Its a memorable trip..

Thanks to Riteesh and Pardise Holidays….

Thank you Satish for your kind words. Well, that is our mission….to make your Kerala trip most memorable!

This is very informative work. It looks very much Practical oriented facts which will be very useful to anybody who like to make a trip to Kerala.

Thank you. Glad to be of help.

Nice info. Hope you missed few other beautiful places in kerala. Checkout this blog in malayalam…

Thank you Nicky for dropping by. We will sure check out your blog.. Keep in touch.

Very informative and thank you very much Rateesh. providing the information.

You are welcome sir..

Thanks for your grateful informations, am working in Tourism Portal , so it will be helpful info for my works.

thank you sir

We with another couple been on holidays organised by Paradise from 12 to 18 March 2013.Thanks to Jai-Shree & Rathneesh for maling our holidays enjoyble. Rathneesh – your write up is excellent .

With all the best,

Thank you for your kind words. Your feedback is our motivation.

Our Kerala trip was really well planned by Paradise Holidays and we have enjoyed more then expected in our trip.Their support is very good and Its a memorable trip. All the best to Paradise Holidays Team & Thanks to Sridevi Riteesh and Pardise Holidays Team

Mr Nath, thanks for putting this information together. I am travelling to Kerala in 6 weeks time from today & thru your company, excited on what to expect there & waiting to be there. Thanks!!

thank you and with to meet you at cochin

sir, It’s excellent information provided by you. Hope it will surely help for an memorable journey at Kerala tour. All information are very useful to the visitors. Lot of practical information about various places in Kerala given by you. Hope my kerla tour will be memorable.

Thanks for sharing the useful information.Alleppey is an awesome place..I used to go there with my friends.We enjoyed a lot.This month also we are planning,and we booked our tickets to kerala

Excellent article! After reading this article we are leaving whole of our trip planning on u. We are worried about mansoon and weather condition. Details/ Probablity of weather condition in kerla during each month of a year could be of great help. U can add it to ur beautiful article.

Thank you Mr.Nadim. Glad you found this article useful. We will definitely work on adding details regarding weather conditions in Kerala very soon.

very useful information. This will help to plan my trip.

valuable information to plan my honeymoon trip…

Good post . Thank you for sharing this Valuable information with us .


U done a great job sirji hats of to u it is very use full to all the people like me to enjoye the kerala

Thank you very much for your blog with lot of information on Kerala Tour and how to plan …..Excellent..


Thank you so much. Really appreciate your encouraging words.

its really helpful blog plz try to include which season is best to visit kerala thank u

thank you sir you can visit any time in Kerala, if you love rain June July is best

This is really awesome. I can see what is going to happen. Looking forward to meet you.

sure sir and thank you

Excellent places awesome location every year i used to come to india and visit different location. Previous year i stayed in kerala its awesome place and its really gods own country. next year i planned for Tamil Nadu let see how it would be. I will stay in coimbatore Hotel Vijay Park from their i will start my jouncy hope it wound be really ineterseting

planning to Munnar Thekkady Kumarakom & Alleppy we are couple i want to know july is the best season or not.

july is good and can enjoy rain too

really useful information and tips.. thanx a lot for the info..

i was planning to visit both munnar and allepy in a 3 days time, but after reading ur blog i decided to go and enjoy 1 by 1 rather than trying to cover all in a rush..

hope can enjoy my Munnar honeymoon trip in sep-13..

Thank you and wishing you happy holidays in Kerala.

Extremely helpful bolg….thanks for sharing your insight..Please advice me a budget resort in Alleppey for night….next day we’ll go for day river cruise….we will come from kolkata to cochin by flight…..will spend 2 nights at cochin will come to Alleppey and stay in a resort… Thanks once again

Oh…Thank you Ms.Manika. We hope you will have a wonderful time in Kerala. You can contact our travel planning team to get up-to-date information. Please call this number – +91 963378 8866.

This is really awesome content & very useful for kerala tours

Thanks a lot for giving valuable information. I and my friends are really grateful to you for giving such detailed information on everything about Kerala visits.

Hi sir, Simply MIND BLOWING post on Kerala,cant expect more while planning a trip, Awsome job done, very informative !!!!! Cheers!!

Planing kerala trip in mid Nov. Hope the trip would be simple n enjoyable after going through all the info. provided by u….. Excellent Post !!!

Dr.Deepanjali singh Beniwal.

Dear Dr.Deepanjali singh Beniwal. If you are planning a Kerala trip then you are at the right place and in right contact. Myself and my wife had planned our trip during Oct.2012 through Paradise Holidays. Believe ma it was one of the best organized tour I ever had. The vehical and the driver provided by the agency were excelent. The stay, food and sight seeing arrangements were also very good. Had a real nice and memorable trip.

thank yo sir

can you provide your contact no

Hi Ajay, Contact us at [email protected] or Phone: +919567887088 to get the details of visiting places and packages.

Superb and excellent information for the people who want to travel Kerala. Thanks so much for the information. we are hoping that we will have good time during our trip. Sundar

hi thanks for useful information. we are planning our Diwali vacation in Kerala this year… how much days we required for it?

to cover entire south Kerala, 8 to 9 days

we are three couples with child (adult-6, child-5) and have 10-12 days, pl. send detail planning.. thanks

Hi I am Amita,Awesome! Its in fact amazing Blog for A visit to the incredible kerala is a memorable lifetime experience.kerala are definitely the most beautiful culture in India and its Onam festival are Most Famous.That such a small terrain can hold diverse geographical features and cultures is a wonder in itself there are still some conflicts on kerala best time to visit, read more on kerala packages for detailed information.

thank you madam

Hello Ratheesh, you have done a good job; I have gone through your entire blog. It has excellent info about Kerala places. It is inspiring to visit Kerala. And also we got nice feedback about your company Paradise Holidays. We are travelling to Kerala in this month thru your company; we are looking forward to seeing Kerala!! Thank you so much for your nice blog post!!! 🙂

Thank you Mr Brahmam. We are very happy to be of help. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Hello Team, Am plan to make my trip by Sep 15th for honeymoon trip and I plan to cover both Munnar & Alleppey for 3 days plan is this possible to do? please assist. Thanks

It is indeed our pleasure and privilege to help you have an awesome vacation in Kerala. I will forward your email ID to our travel expert team and they will get back to you. Or you can call us directly to +91 963378 8866.

Great article Ratheesh. Very informative and attention to details given to the things that may come handy and not thought when traveling unless required. Thanks for putting this.

Thank you Mr Pranav for your encouraging words.

Your article was really nice. Our is a group of around 10/12 people who want to come to Kerala in Dec. vacations. Can you please plan our tour with hotels and a transport vehicle. We will book our own rail tickets from Pune.Our plan is as follows.If you can suggest some good changes it is welcome. Our budget per head will be 10/11 thousand per head.

Day 1-Cochin-2 Nights stay-Visit Cherai beach Day2-,Athirapilly waterfalls Day 3-Move to Munnar- 2 nights stay. Day4- Munnar sight seeing Day5- Thekkady-sight seeing- 1 night stay. Day6-Backwaters 6 hours cruise at Alleppey and stay at Kumarkom resorts-1 night Day7-Move to Trivandrum, see Padmanabhaswamy temple stay at Kovalum-1 night Day8- Morning move to Trivendrum.Sight seeing

Next day morning leave for Pune Please reply on my email id

Thank you My Hemant. I will forward your enquiry to our travel team who would be very happy to help you plan your Kerala trip.

This is a great article. I have planned a Kerala trip this week starting from 15th Aug. Is it safe (and enjoyable) to visit places like Cochin, Munnar, Thakkedy, Alleppey given that this year it’s raining in abundant?

Very Good Information. Realy helpful…Thanks a lot

This is excellent information; very helpful. I have already booked a tour from your company in September; hoping to have a good time.

excellent sir ,thank u for lot of information

you are welcome sir

The article is very useful. I am planning to visit Kerla in November 13. tried to search for the information about the tourist destination. My search ends here. No need to go elsewhere. I am happy that all the important information, tips for tourists are available here. Now I am in a position to plan each minute detail and expecting that my tour will be memorable.

Mr Rateesh, Great article. Initial fears to plan are over. Am determined to visit Kerala in Dec for sure. Thanks once again Zia.

Thank you Zia. Glad you found this article inspiring!

Can u help me plan my trip for 14 days at Kerala . We are 2 + 2 kids ( 9 and 16). Shall appreciate if you could send me the details on my email id . Choice of Hotel : Outside Town ( 3 star ) Choice of vehicle : AC – Indigo

Also would be interested to know the approx. overall expense ( +/- 10- 15 % )

Oh..we love to help you Zia. I will forward this info to our travel team . They will take good care of you.

hi, we are 3 couples and have only 7 days with us for touring. Actually i want to known that 7 days are enough for traveling in Kerala. please provide me the budget for 7 days in 3 star hotel include vehicle (in nova) please revert me asap in my email id. Email id: [email protected] Phone no: 9924101514

Thank you for visiting our blog. We will revert back asap with the details.

An excellent overview on Kerala travel. Congrats!

Thank you Dr Prasanth.

hello Firstly thanks for this useful blog.I am from kolkata. i will be there next year in January. i want to cover Trivandrum/Kovalam – – Kanyakumari – – Varkala – – Alleppey -Thekkady – – Munnar – – Cochin.

i will arrive by flight to Trivandrum first. i have 2 questions. 1) how many days does it take to cover all places? becoz i have 8 days in hand to cover all cities. and i will be returned from Ernakulam by train to kolkata. 2 ) where to hire a cab in reasonable price? i will be coming with my husband only.

please reply me

This is an awesome information and brilliantly explained. Thanks a lot for it.

Glad you found this info useful. Do check often, we are planning more awesome stuff here..:)

Hi, I am planning to travel to Kerala towards the last week of December. I plan to travel one way by train so that my family can enjoy Konkan journey as well. Can you please help us which train and on which sector (Mumbai – Cochin or Cochin – Mumbai) should I take so that i get the maximum scenic view during the day time? Only constraints that I have is the train should be starting or leaving during the weekends only else Duronto from Cochin to Mumbai is good?

dear sir i wanted to know that weather of Kerala (Munnar) will be good for 7 months baby in the month of December. Awaiting for your reply. thanking you.

Thank you Raj. It will be little cold during December in Munnar and might come down to 10°C. If your baby is used to cold climate, it will be fine.

Very useful information. I put a query on your portal and was suppose to be called by your executive but it hasn’t happened.

I am so sorry for the delay Alpesh. Somehow it might have got missed. Extremely sorry for the inconvenience We will make sure that you will be contacted very soon by our travel team. Thank you for taking time to contact us again!

What is ideal time of season to have a Kerala trip ? Can you offer personal (not in group) package tour from Mumbai ? If so, send me detail of package with Air fare and rail fare .

Dear Mr Alpesh, I have sent your request to our travel team. They will get back to you very soon. Thank you.

Hello Sir, Good evening !!!!!!!!

Today Morning we reached at our native place with lot of memories with paradise holidays.Last five days,We really enjoying Kerala trip with Paradise holidays.its very fantastic experiance for us.You are having very co-operative team.Our driver uncle Mr.Mohan taking lot of care of us.every stay at kerala was very fantastic experiance.every person was taking care of our needs and help us to being our trip special.Thanks for being our holiday special.

Thanks & Regards

Saidas Shinde Pune 08149134916

Thank you so much. We are indeed happy to be able to give you our best!

Dear Ratheesh & Swethi,

Visiting and spending days in Kerala is a very amazing and interesting experience. We had been planning for spending some time at Kerala since last few years. Finally, we had reached, enjoyed and got much information about Kerala tradition, places and more amazing scenic view.

All this has happened wonderfully with kind of service and help from Paradise Holidays tourism.

We are very thankful to the Tourism Organization for being such a professional in providing amazing service in the beautiful place like Kerala.

We are also thankful to the Car Driver Mr. Manikuttan, who have shared all the informations and safely and timely made us to visit all the places during our trip.

We will be eagerly waiting for more tours in Kerala with help & service from you people.

Thanks a Lot Sandeep Chakrawarthi & Padmini Sandeep

Thank you Mr.Sandeep for your awesome testimonial. We are privileged to serve you here.

I am looking for honeymoon package in Feb 2014, could you please help me for the same for 6 N & 7 Days.

I will be in cochin on 16th Feb.

Thank you Mr.Deepesh for your interest. I will pass on your info to our travel team and they will get back to you asap!

Dear Ratheesh,

The blog look very interesting and informative to a lay man to plan his trip. Hope I should be able to finalize a trip for Feb’14.

Thank you Mr. Krishnan. Glad to be of help!

Hi, My parents had travelled with Paradise Holidays in Nov-11 and it was a memorable trip for them. I have booked the trip in Jan with paradise holidays….Hope this will be the memorable trip for me too…..and the information and response so far from your end is very good…..

Looking forward to meet you here Mr.Nirav. We do try our best to make it as memorable as possible for our esteemed guests!

Hi,Firstly thanks for this very useful blog. Im planning to make my trip by Mar 15th for honeymoon trip and I plan to cover both Munnar & Alleppey. could you please help me for the same for 3 N & 4 Days. Please assist. Thanks.

Extremely helpful bolg….thanks for sharing your insight..Please advice me a budget resort in munnea and Alleppey for nigh.

I am looking for honeymoon package on 16th Jan 2014, could you please help me for the same for 4 N & 5 Days.

Thanks once again

Excellent blog and very practical tips. Helps me plan my Kerala trip very well.

Hi!!! Ratheesh I wanted to visit Kochi, but I have a very tight schedule, I think its only one full day. Could you please tell me how to manage time there. I will be coming on 11 jan 2014 2:00 AM and return ticket is of 12 jan 2014 8: 00 PM. Please help me out.. Thanx

Hi.. How better is Munnar from Ooty (during Feb)….. Have booked for Cochin-Athirapilly-Allepey(through Paradise holiday) , and Ooty thru friends.. Would want to know abt Munnar preference with Ooty… So that i might change options from Oooty to Munnar….

Thanks in advance!!!

Extremely very helpful blog if i received the same before 7days ago then I will planning for minimum 10 days for Kerala Tour ” God’s Own Country”

I am Planning Honneymoon tour from 5th MAY 2014 for 8 to 10 days in kerala. is it a good time to come in Kerala for Honneymoon in the month of May. Kindly give me your Pune office contact details.

Thank you for your Interest. I will pass the information to our team today!

can u send me package for tour on 5th march to 11 march

Thank you Mr.Sudesh for your interest. Our travel team will get back to you with the details!

Thank u sir for ur valuable feedback.We are going to plan our holiday during our puja vacation this year.This article will help us immensly,i think….

May I know the rate for this package

sure sir, shall contact you on the email id provided

After googling lot about kerala tourism, I find this blog as “The Best” as it gives very clear and insightful information. In addition, Along with the concluding “Get the Route Plan Done” column, if the approximate price for the packages given, it would have been an Pucka Planning material. Anyways, Great work, hope this ll help me for our tour ahead.

Thank you Mr. Sathish. Glad to be of help

Impressive guidance.. thx. for the same.. i am dreaming to drive down directly from Bangalore to visit all these places ? please guide me how safe will it be ?

Thank you Mr. Alok. Driving down is ok but it can become little tiring. And it depends on the number of days you will be spending in Kerala.

This blog is too good and informative to me and my family are planning to travel on 23 March 2014. It is useful and shall plan my itinarary accordingly.

Ojal Pardesi

Thank you Mr.Ojal.

I just want to say I’m all new to blogging and site-building and certainly liked your page. Probably I’m planning to bookmark your site . You certainly come with very good well written articles. Thanks a lot.

Hi Ratheesh, really fantastic information given by you. I think this may the best information for the people who plans to visit Kerala. Excellent. Thank you

This is very useful info for me as I am planning holidays in Kerala. Thanks.

Thank you Mr.Omkar!

I would like to travel kerala for honeymoon (4days), like to cover cochin, munnar, alleppy (house boat), kovalam, kumarakom.

Tour starts at trivandrum and drop me at Cochin.

Please let me know about the budget package price & itenary.

Thanking you.

Thank you Subba for contacting us. We look forward to help you plan a very relaxing honeymoon trip in Kerala. Our travel team will get back to you!

Dear sir…me along with my friend is planning trip to Kerala in second weak of June. Need advise on stay ..with budgeted hotels .. and on tour guide too. Can I have ur contact no to get in touch with yourself. Thank u.

Thank you for your interest Ms.Khushbu. I have forwarded your query to our travel team. They will get back to you.!

This information about kerala is very helpful. I would like to travel kerala for 7days, like to cover cochin, munnar, Thekady, alleppy (house boat), kovalam, kumarakom.

Tour starts at cochin. .

Please plan for me a more enjoyable vacation with budget price.

Thank you Mr.Nilesh. We will get in touch with you asap!

An excellent information compiled and dished out for people like me who want to know more and explore Kerala. I intend visiting the place with my family in the month of June specially for Munnar & Kovalam beaches. Kindly let me know whether, its the right time, in the light of Monsoon. Heard monsoons are quite harsh and one is stayed put in the Hotels during the season.

Thank you Mr.Kanwaljit Singh for your kind words. Happy to be of help. June and July are our Monsoon months. They are exotic in their own way…but can be little harsh on some days. I love monsoon and it is the best time to get your body and mind refreshed. And traditionally, these are the months suggested by Ayurvedic Vaidyas (doctors) for best results in their treatments!!

It is very useful & adviseable informations for kerla tour.I sent a message to make 7-10 days tour plan kerla.we both r 75-76 years Sr.citizens,will come retun by train.which station will be better for reservation & month for visiting &required budget


Thank you Mr. Bhandari. Our travel team will get back to you!

mire cal.. written by experience – hand

Nice information. In fact I contacted you this March regarding my tour plan but that did not materialize. I will surely visit Kerala in March 2015 and would approach Paradise Holidays for my arrangements

Rajesh, We would love having you plan your Kerala trip with us. we will try our best to make it as memorable as possible. Do get it touch with us!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how to plan Kerala tour. Regards

Thank you Chris!

Hi Ratheesh,

This is the most informative and to-the-point information regarding Kerala Travel I have seen on internet after going through all the’s of the world.

It had been a great experience with Paradise Holidays since my first trip in 2009 and since then I have done 2 trips myself and 1 for a friend. Happy to see Paradise Holidays growing like a successful start-up… Initiating operations within family, taking it to different cities, launching new Logo (like it a lot!), engagement in CSR and most important – creating confidence!

All the very best for future!!!

Regards, Suresh

Thank you very much sir, Guests like you made us.

Excellent and detailed information. A rarity Thanks Amar

We are couple + 2 kids and want to plan 8 days tour. Requirements – Sightseeing, Pure veg jain food, Comfortable hotel stays

pls revert on my cell – 9422620771

Very useful and informative blog. It is of great help to people like me who are planning to visit kerala first time. Thanks for the help.

It’s indeed great information ,who should know before visiting a place like Kerala , I see Mr. Ratheesh has covered most important aspects of Kerala trip ,which makes our trip smooth. Thanks

Hello, Very nice information. I would like to know whether is it possible to cover Kerala plus Karnataka for honeymoon. We are planning for 10 days trip. Please help me with your valuable feedback.

Such a wonderful post. Rarely, we could see such detailed information like Route Planning, A/C in House Boat etc..

Such detailed information will help people to even plan the trip by themselves. Hats off !!!


Really great, after I read above guidance I am very happy to go Kerala without any hesitation.

Amit Bhansali

This is very good information. Such a useful details. After read this I will planning for 7-8 days in Kerala.

I am planning for my Honeymoon in the month of Dec 2014. so i need some help to plan it with excellent way. please kindly revert to me on my cell 9881715727

Thank u Mr nath, it is really a very useful information.

Dear Mr Nath, Infact I am already under finalizing stage my trip to Cochin,Munnar (2N), Alleppey (2), Cochin (2N) thru your organization wef 16/17 Dec14. Fortunately I gone thru your this blog “Kerala tour planning” & find very intensive helpful information. Now it has put us in a dilemma if we a couple being senior Citizen can bear the cold/winter of a hill station i.e. Munnar. We are resident of Chhattisgarh & normally minus temp never occurs even in winter season. Please give a genuine advise. Thanks

Well, Mr Pramod, I have forwarded your concern to our travel team. They will get back to you! Thank you for visiting our blog!

Dear Shri Nath, I have gone through your article Plan your Kerala Trip, which is very informative for the tourists. We 4 adults from Gujarat would like to visit Kerala in last week of January 15 for approx.7 days and pick up and drop in will be from Ernakulam. We would like to visit Cochin, Munnar, Tekerry and Alleppy. I request you to send me good ittenarary for the same including cost of transporation, meals and budget hotels. Thanks K.N. MOTWANI

My requirement is same as Mr KN Motwami above. Only different is that iwant to start from delhi and my time is first week of February 15. Kindly quote the prices.

Dear Mr Ratheesh nath Indeed a nice informative blog. This shows ..what & how much difference there …in a tour operator ..when managed by simply educated & science student !!!!! Science student always do thing in systematic way. The writeup shows your deep involvement. It is informative for Kerala per se but it is educative also in a way that people will start thinking this way before planning their next holidays!!! Thumbs up

Thank you Dr. Rajesh for your encouraging words!!

me n my fiance are planing a january tour to kerala, this blog helped us and v almst planend evrythn… thanks a lot.. looking forward to approach paradise holidays for our arrangements..

Dear Sir/Madam… I am really impressed by the information you have provided on your Web page and by the comments of the visitors who have enjoyed with your group. I along with my family are visiting kerala on 5th Jan and have planned to see nearby areas also as we are staying for twenty days. I request you to kindly arrange our tour package in such a manner which will be always remembered and without fatigue. We will be 4 persons including me my wife n two kids of age 2 and 5.

Really, its great that you have provided all the information. We are planning for a holiday trip to Munnar, Thekkady, Alleppy on 22nd Feb 2015 (4 Adults). Please let me know the itinerary and quote. Pick up and drop point : Eranakulam.

Thank you Shyamala for your interest. Sorry for the delay in replying. Our travel team will get back to you ..asap!

Thanks for a helpful information.I want to plan a trip to kerala.I am from PUNE.we want to celebrate our anniversary in Jan 2015.dates will be between 14-20 plz guide me in making this tour as memorable will be 09970557111.

Thank you Tejas for your interest. Our travel team will get back to you!

Extremely informative, after reading the blog can say confidently.


Thanking you so much for the power packed information. If approximation of the rates were given it would have been more helpful to better plan our trip.

Once again thanking you

Hemant Gagwani

Dear Paradisians,

Shall be visiting Kerala in the first week of April. (04 Persons including 02 senior citizens) do not intend to run around and no adventure treks. Intend to enjoy peace and calm and some worthwhile places including guruvayoor temple. Think Munnar is best. Do send us the itinerary including rates for 3 star hotels or resorts. Thanks Hemant Gagwani

We are planning a trip to Kerala in march 2015 for 8\10 days,honeymoon? 50 year late!!!! Two seniors 75\67 yes, still can walk. Will appreciate a suitable plan/iteniery. Budget GBP 800 for two of us. Look forward to your advice. Thanks. Pranab mitra. Hornchurch,UK. Phon . 0044 1708 459189,

Extremely helpful trip advise for me as I am planning a 9 day break in Kerala.

oh Zara…so glad this blog helped you in your Kerala tour planning! Keep in touch!

Very nice blog.. Very useful.. thank you..

Thank you Vyankatesh!

Hello Mr. Ratheesh,

Read your blog with great interest. It is very informative. Thanks.

We have already booked Hotels in Munnar, Thakkedy etc. through your Paradise Holidays.

Feedback: May be you would like to provide the map of entire Kerala by marking these tourism related places?

Regards, Madhurananda

Thank you so much…Madhurananda!

And yes…we will definitely think about a resource like that!

Dear Mr. Ratheesh,

As expected we had wonderful time at Munnar, Thekkady, Kumarkoah and backwater. Thanks again to your blog. Needless to say, when we have to visit Kerala again, we will only book it through Paradise Holidays.

All the Hotels that your people had booked was realy great. Also driver Mr. Kumar, such a special person. He is both kind and knowledgeable.

Thanks to Ms. Sylvia, who was so patient since the beginning of our interaction until we finalised the programme. Thanks also to your entire team, who have directly or indirectly participated in making our trip a great success.

My few feedback:

1. As mentioned earlier, you may think of providing entire kerala map along with the one already mentioned above.

2. You may like to include Fun Adventerous Park along with the site seeing places. It was most exciting experience to be there. I am sure, no young people would like to miss it.

3. We had to wait for more than 45 minutes to make our payment in your office, on the day we arrived at Cochi on 28th February. For most of us time is so important. It would be great if u find some ways to shorten that time.

Thanking You again.

Wishing all the Best for Paradise Holidays,

A debt of gratitude is in order for a supportive information.I need to plan a trek to kerala.I am from PUNE.we need to praise our commemoration in June. Please guide me my tour plan.

Your tips are awesome thanks for sharing your thoughts on how to plan Kerala tour.

Thank you Ligia!

I also plan for a Kerala travel trip with my friends. so this blog is very informative and important for me.

Have a plan to visit Kerela. DATE OF ARRIVAL -25-10-2015 and will visit Munnar, Thekkady, Kumarkoah and backwater. Need to book with Paradise Holidays as I have heard that it provides the best package. I shall be accompanied with my mother aged 70, my wife aged 38 (both are patients of CMC Vellore) and my daughter aged 11 years. I shall go directly from Vellore (Katpadi Jn) to Ernakulam. Reach on 25th morning at around 6.50A.M. Return journey date will be 29-10-2015 to Howrah(West Bengal). I would request you to give the best option as I shall be taking the people for a change. So keeping that in mind revert at the earliest so that I may plan at my end likewise.

best information Mr. Nath

This is very informative and explained in easy words.

Great effort and your advisers are helpful to assist. Thanks.

Thank you Shweta!

Excellent information table in just a click.

Very informative and help full. Though I’m reading it after I booked my trip it is very helpful to make my trip most memorable. Thanks Ratheesh for your efforts for putting many things together here at one palace.

This is really great. It will help lot of first time visitors plan their itinerary.

Dear Sir, A very nice blog indeed. I stumbled upon ur website while googling for Kerala vacation. I’m yet to visit Kerala and have submitted my query for quote through your website. Then I received a response email wherein I also received the link of your blog. I can see a sincere passion in your blog to assist the novice person to plan the tour in your beautiful state. I’m not sure how my Kerala tour will materialize but having gone through your blog Kudos to you for your endeavors to help people in traveling. God bless! Regards-Nilesh Joshi

That is a very very very good blog. Helped me a lot. Really. Thanks. 🙂

Quite Informative Sir, Please can u recommend value added activities at Munnar, Thekkady etc…. Thanks..

I have been to Kerala for honeymoon from 03.12.2015 till 10.12.2015, and its been a soothing and refreshing experience visiting there. thanks to Kishor Jacob for advising us the most worth places of visit. And also our driver Nisar. he was a good accompany talking to. thanks for making our trip memorable.

Thank you so much for your kind words. We are so happy to hear that your Kerala trip with us was truly memorable!!

i am planning to make a tour with my mother ,she is a nature lover so please tell me the place i can take her ,make a route and how much it will cost me and 15 days trip

As per our expectation we had wonderful time at Munnar, Thekkady, Allepey & Cochin. Needless to say, when we have to visit Kerala again, we will only book it through Paradise Holidays.

All the Hotels which were booked were really great . Also driver Mr. ShreeKumar, was both easy person to deal with.

Thanks to Ms. Nupur, who was so patient since the beginning of our interaction until we finalised the programme. Thanks also to your entire team, who have directly or indirectly participated in making our trip a great success.

1. Also there was a communication gap in Allepey between Houseboat & driver which was sorted out though we have to wait around 30 min roadside.

2. We had to wait for more than 30 minutes while leaving for Cherai in morning, on 23rd February same day our flight was scheduled later in afternoon so time was of essence for us. It would be great if you find some ways to shorten that time.

Regards, Deepak Shah

wonderful ,really good one ,

Thank you Biswajeet!

It’s better if have Complete Package. Though, it’s very informative and helpful to plan the kerala tour. Thanks for it.

Thank you Kalpesh!

Excellent article, a big thanks to the author. It was very informative Thanks

Thanks Daniel 🙂

for one couple for month may 2016 all including cost for 5 night 6 days not any hide cost please tell me emi give me three option

Our Travel Team will contact you soon.

We hope to spend a week after a tour of north India. We would like to relax as well as see some sights, including an overnight stay on a house boat. There will be 4 of us ( middle aged), what would you recommend? Your site is brilliant by the way 🙂

Hi Team, I would like to travel to munnar and allapey for four days in the May month after 20th. Could you please assist, Thanks

Sure Siva. We are forwarding your enquiry to our travel team and the team will contact you soon.


Don’t Worry,our travel team will contact and guide you.


Hi I want to spend 4 day tour in kerala and arriving on Trivendrum. Please let me know package and what will be cover in Kerala.

Thanks, pawan

Our travel team will contact you soon.

Nice article. Nicely prepared with full devotion. It will help everybody. Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot Nandimath!

Continue reading our blog posts and get more information about Kerala.

Great Article post. Thanks for sharing important information.

Thank you, Monika!

Thanks for such amazing information, This will definitely help us planning our first Kerala trip in October.

Hi Prathmesh,

Glad that you liked our article. If you need any more help for planning your trip to Kerala, do reach out to our team. Submit your query at .

This information is more than enough for any individual who is planning tour for first time and i dont think i need any guide or travel agent for hotel bookings or for seeking which place to visit in kerala and i am really more than happy to get soo much information here only. Thank you soo much and will add up if i get some more information related to kerala. 🙂

Hi Jinal, Thank you very much for your interest in Kerala and I’m glad to hear that you liked our article. Keep reading our blog articles.

Wooooowwww.. very knowledgeable post 🙂 thanks alotttt for such a nice description 🙂 Got a lot of info to plan properly 🙂

Thanks, Padmini!!!

Detailed Information.. Very nice.! Impressed!

I would like to visit kerela if you can provide package details. Thanks.

Hi Rahil, Thank you, our team will get back to you.

Hey Hello everbody how is it going. Is anyone planning to visit Kerala in India

Hi, Ratheesh Your blog is so good you have provided step by step guidance for planning a trip to Kerala it helped me a lot. Thank you very much Goodbye

Glad to hear that our blog post helped you efficiently plan your trip to Kerala.

Hello, Thanks. This is of great help and a step by step guideline. Felt like, i am been walked through all the destinations 🙂

We have a 18 month old daughter and wish if you could highlight some Dos and Donts when Kid are on board.

Wish to also understand if North Indian Veg foods are easily accessible ?

Thank you in anticipation.

Hi Abhishek, I’m glad to hear that you liked our post. We will soon update the post by considering your point of view.

Hello, Nice information sharing in Article it is very useful topic present in the websites.

Thanks, Monika.

A very beautiful article.Thank you so much.It helped me a lot.

Hi Piyusha, Glad to hear that our blog post helped you.

very informative and useful post. thanks.

Hi Prasad, Glad to hear that you found the article useful. Continue to read our blog to know more about Kerala.Thank you!

Hi I want to take 9 to 5 houseboat at Allepy. However I am unable to find the online fares . Kindly advise where to book that houseboat. I want it on 30.12.16

Hi Jaspal, We hearty welcome you to experience the mind blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of visiting places and packages.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. I was looking for finest place to visit in Kerala, and no doubt I found it, just because of you. Detail itinerary will help to plan a best trip to Kerala. Thanks again…….

Hi Julia, I’m glad it helped. Thank you

first of all, i would thank you for this useful post. Sir, I am planning to visit Kerala in mid-november. Is it advisable? and i m planning to reach cochin (2 nights), munnar (3 nights) and alleppey (2 nights). kindly advise.. thanks

Hi Manish, Thank you for reaching out. Our travel team will get in touch with you soon or feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of the places to visit and other services.

We are reaching Cochin on 6thof March and leaving on11th of March,could you tell the plan for five nights and six days.How much is the cost of two people

Hi Poonam, Thank you for reaching out. Our travel team will get in touch with you soon or feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of the tour packages and other services.

HI Nice information sharing in Article I am planning to visit Kerala in mid-may. How many days r required for above tour. plz give some planning for that.

Thank you for reaching out. Our travel team will get in touch with you soon or feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of the tour packages.

Thanks for the valuable guide.

Hi Poetree Sarovar Portico, Thank you for reaching out, we are really glad to hear that you find the article Valuable.

Ratheesh R. Nath, Hi Dear.!! Kerala is the beautiful place in India. And Thank you such much to give best places of Kerala in your article.!! After reading this article, I will plan to go Kerala’s trip.

Thank you, Namrata. If you need any assistance please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Very useful information, while planning for Kerala. but it would be better if we go through this blog before we make our plan to know the best spots to visit in Kerala.

Thank you, Vijay.

Impressed by the given travel information on tourism and is very useful for a naive too !

Actually i want to know the minimum budget for 3 days including fooding and lodging If I reach from cochin

Regards Anurag

Thank you for reaching out. Our travel team will contact you or Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details.

Thanks very much for sharing this information. Very helpful indeed!

Hi Sunita, We are really glad to hear that you find the article informative. Continue to read our blog to find more interesting articles.

Hi maam! This is amazing information! However I leave tomorrow with my mum to Kerela for a trip of 10 days starting from Ernakulam. I’m really worried we’ve picked a wrong time to travel. Also I’m confused where to start and where to end! Your assistance would really help me out. Thank you

Hi Ajay, Thank you for reaching out. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] Phone: +919567887088 to get the details.

Nice article Planning to have a seven days trip to Kerala in October last with my wife & daughter.Your information will help us to plan properly.

Hi Deepak, We hearty welcome you to experience the mind blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of visiting places and packages.

Hi, Very good information, keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you, Jeremiah!

Nice post mate.

Thank you, Martin!

Hey your blog is very nice, such useful information you are sharing. I really like your blog the information is very accurate.

Thank you, Adya!

This is a good and informative blog. Well-written and represented with beautiful pictures and have shared so many information about the place.

Thank you, Omkar!

Thanks for the information… I really love your blog posts… especially this guide for those planning a trip to Kerala

Thank you, Sanjay!

Just wow. This is great. God bless.

Thank you, Waseem!

It’s a wonderful article and has helped many people to plan Kerala trip. I plan to visit Kerela with my wife and 2 daughters in 4th week of October 2017. My plan includes Cochin – Munnar – Thekkady- Alleppey – Kovalam/Trivandrum 5 days trip. I want to know whether I can travel from pune to cochin by flight? Are you manage travel by flight? Want estimate for 4 persons. contact : 9881602100 Thanks in advance.

Hi Sachin, Thank you for reaching out and we hearty welcome you to experience the mind blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of visiting places and packages.

How is it to plan travel between various points on our own Vs taking a package? Is it easy enough to book cabs/taxis after reaching kerala or booking a package in advance is better?

Hi Tarun, I think booking a package in advance is safest and better thing to do. Cabs and taxis are available with the packages if you go for that.

Useful Information, your blog is sharing unique information…. Thanks for sharing!!!

Hi Neha, Really glad to hear tha you find the article useful.

Awesome .. Simply Awesome…

Its an awesome, appropriate, customized information one seeks for. You have mentioned everything in a proper way. Whatever question I had got cleared by just reading your blog. Thank you for giving your time in writing this unique and important INFO …

Thank you,Purushottam!

Hi! Very useful tips! We’re considering 3 days by the beach. Which place is better: Varkala or Kovalam? We’re looking for a cosy guesthouse or cottage rather than resort. Where are the charming and calm pubs by the beach or ayurvedic spots? Thanks a lot ! 🙂

Hi Aga, Thank you for reaching out and we hearty welcome you to experience the mind blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details.

I am planning to visit Kerala in last week of February. Please tell me whether this would be the good time or travel or we should postpone it further. I just don’t want to miss any fun while being in Kerala

Hi Tanisha, Thank you for reaching out and we hearty welcome you to experience the mind blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of visiting places and packages.

Could you plan for our 3 days tour in Kerala ? If we will arrive in Cochin…

Hi PK, Thank you for reaching out and we hearty welcome you to experience the mind-blowing beauty of Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get the details of visiting places and packages.

Thanks a lot for great information. This blog has cleared many of my doubts.. Thanks ..

Really glad to hear that our article helped you clear your doubts. Thank you and keep on reading our blog!

I am planning to visit Wayanad on my next vacation with my family. So I was in search of best resort to stay. This blog will really help me on my trip.

Glad to hear that you found our article useful. Thank you! If you need any assistance please feel free to contact us at [email protected] .

I am planning to do Kerala trip on coming month, Is this right time to visit Kerala on May?

Yes, it is. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries.

good informative blogs thank for sharing

Thank you, Faseeh!

Very interesting post, we enjoyed each and everything as per written in your post. Thank you for this article because it’s really informative.

Thank you, Nitesh!

This is very interesting and helpful blog!

Must say, good work guys.

Wanted to know, typically how many days are enough for kerala trip?

Hi Vishakha,

If you want to cover only the major tourist hubs in Kerala, then 5-7 days are mostly suggested. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get more details of the travel packages.

I am planing to visit Kerala with my family for 5-6 days in mid of August. Is it worth to visit Kerala in mid-August

Yes, Mid-August is a great time to visit Kerala. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get more details of the travel packages.

Very good info. thanks for this. Planning my tour in the month of October in Dushera Holidays. I will connect once again in the month of September after finalizing the dates.

Thankyou once again.

Thank you for reaching out. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get more details of the travel packages.

First of all thanks for the beautiful article. all the valuable information explained very well. Definitely, this article will use when I planning for a trip to Kerala.

Thank you, Arun!

Thanks a lot for great information. This is amazing and awesome information! It is really useful information.

Thank you, Ankita!

This is definitely one of the best articles I have read in this website! Thanks

Thank you, Ekballoke!

I really loved reading your blog.Superb and Interesting post .Thanks for sharing this information, because it is very valuable and useful blog for everyone. Really awesome article.

Thanks for sharing a part of your expertise through this blog. Reading this blog was a delight. It made me feel as if I was actually seeing it through my own eyes.

Very nice blog thnaks for sharing.

Nice Blog. Keep sharing.

This is such a elaborate narrative on Kerala. I really loved reading it. Superb and Interesting post .Thanks for sharing this info, because it was very valuable and useful in panning my trip to Kerala. I’m planning to Visit Kerala between 30th Oct 2018 and 5th Nov 2018.

Kudos to the team!

Thank you and shall contact you back for the trip

Nice piece of information for the people who would like to visit Kerala tourist locations. Keep Going..

Hey, This is very useful and interesting article. Thanks for sharing this information and your experiences.

well said Customer should always decide the dates and travel duration so that they can plan their holiday as per requirement. The destination also explained very well.

keep posting

Nice blog post.Thank you.

Thank you, Saptarshi!

This is incredible posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, I will remember to bookmark your blog and will eventually come back very soon …

Thank you Gruhkhoj

searching for kerala tour plan ….plz help……….

Hi Jay Prakash,

Sorry for the late reply. We are forwarding your inquiry to our team and they will call you very soon.

Very nice information. any one can plan kerala trip easily after reading this blog. thanks. write one blog on veg food in Kerala,it will be more helpful to all vegetarians.

Sure Rakesh, we will add one article regarding the Vegetarian Dishes. Thank you for your support.

sach a very helpful information really love reading it

Thank you, Praveen.

Good information to read. This post is very effective and images also helping us to understand your point. Hey, I am so glad to read your thoughts because I really enjoyed reading this. The way you explain your travel experience is truly awesome. Thank you for this article because it’s really informative, I love reading your blog

Thank you, Priya.

hi nice article i have read it.

Thank you for reading the article, Danish.

This is one of the best planning blogs I’ve come across! Will share it with my network!

Thank you, Sneha.

Nice article about kerala Tour. thanks and keep sharing.

Thank you very much Ellen Willfred. Keep reading our other articles.

Nice and helpful information. Thank a lot

Thank you, Dr Gyanendra Fulzalke.

hello Aapka post bhut hi accha lga bt aap bta sakte h Kerala k tour k liy minimum kitne din lagege jisme jyada s jyada destination cover ho sake. Hum August m 7days ka tour banana chahte h! Plz reply

Hi Reshu, We are forwarding your request to our planning team. They will help you to plan your tour properly.

Thanks a lot for the post! I am planning for a Kerala trip with my wife and parents and have the following requirements – 1) Will reach Cochin by Train, so will need an Innova on the same or next day to travel in and around Kochi and go to Munnar

2) Is there any bus option to travel from Cochin to Munnar?

Kindly provide me details if possible and relevant contact person please

Hi Srijan, We have forwarded you inquiry/ requirement to our planner team.

Very detailed blog. Thanks for sharing. This will be very useful for me.

Thank you, Ajeesh.

Thank you Mr Ratheesh, for sharing such detailed information.

We hope to visit soon.

Regards Alok Singh

wow!! so many great things and amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing this.

Thank you, Roslia

Hello, I am planning my trip from Cochin, Can I use Indica for 8 days? or I can plan my trip with local bus services? If I need to plan with Indica, can I get it from 1st day? Need contacts for the same. Please advice.

Hi Mahesh, Our trip planner will contact you soon.

good expplanation. hi, can you give us honeymoon package detail for flight land at cochi munnar-thekedy-allepy\kumarkom-kovalam depart to trivendrum for 6 night 7 days or 7 night 8 days

Thank you, Jignesh. We are forwarding your request to our trip planner team.

This post is so useful and relevant. Too easy to understand. Thanks for your post. Keep blogging, Chennai Car Rental Car Rentals in Chennai Chennai to Tirupati Car Rentals Chennai to Tirupati Car Rental

AS am new to Kerala, its really helpful for me. Thank you

Good article. So much useful for others.

first of all thanks a lot for your information, secondly kindly let me know traveling cost by car for below. may i know how many days i have to book hotels in each city for normal visit, as i will come from Delhi to Kochi. Cochin – (135 km) – Munnar – (110 km) – Thekkady– (160 km) – Alleppey resort – Alleppey Houseboat – (80 km) – Cochin thanks deepak

thank you and shall contact you on the email provided

Nice blog..!! really happy to read this blog

Hi Thanks for sharing the information about back waters of kuttanad in kerala also I Have also visit Houseboat Alleppey in kerala it’s one of the beautiful experience in my life

Great i also like to go with this tours and travel with your organization. such a beautiful information you updated. Thanks for sharing this beautiful info about Kerala tour. if you like to travel in mumbai tours or any another person want to travel in mumbai sightseeing tour or dharavi tour or bike tour. please visit our website to know more for booking.

Kerela is a really beautiful place to visit, has amazing food and sightseeing options, beaches, etc, found this blog really helpful for complete planning of the trip. It has all the places to visit along with the traveling time and prices. Thank you.

Valuable information. Thanks for sharing!!

planning for Kerala trip please mention packages

Valuable informations about Kerala tour packages. Thanks team. For more details:

Very interesting blog about kerala tour packages. Kerala is such an amazing country. Follow

Thank you so much for this post. This blog is very nice.

Thanks for sharing. Good information

Good one keep update more things

kerala is a beautiful place to visit. great content.

I am regular reader of your blog and again this is the great and best steps for Kerala Tour. So thanks for sharing this blog

Thank you and happy to understand the blog helped you.

Nice blog and this is a great guide for a plan to Kerala tour

Thank you for great information, keep posting.

Amazing article,while reading the article i just feel i am in kerala..Very clear discription is given about kerala.i love this article,and i am sure my visit to kerala will be wonderfull…

Hello, Good afternoon Author, Thank you for sharing such important and valuable information with us. I really enjoy reading your blog. All formate and images are very effective.

Hello, Good afternoon Author, Thank you for sharing such important and valuable information with us. I really enjoy reading your blog. There is a lot of effectiveness in all of the formats and images.

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Check out the best Rameshwaram itinerary !

The Best Kerala Itinerary for 7 Days or More

Last Updated on May 9, 2024

In this post, I’ll share with you the best road trip itinerary for Kerala based on my experience of travelling to the state again and again in the last 6 years.

Kerala is a culturally rich, liberal, and breathtakingly beautiful state of southern India. It's vastly different from the northern side of India both in landscape and cuisine. So, planning what to do here on a limited time can be overwhelming.

I will help with your Kerala trip planning with an itinerary for Kerala for 7 days with ideas to modify it for longer or even shorter durations.

If you already have a basic knowledge about the state, then jump to the Kerala itinerary .

I' ve tried to cover all bases in the post to help you plan a trip to Kerala . Expand the table of contents below and jump to the relevant section if you want to.

Rolling hills covered in green, lively wildlife, lazy backwaters and soectacular sea - Kerala has it all and much more. This is the only travel guide with customised itineraries that you need to read before planning your trip to Kerala

The post contains affiliate links for tours, hotels etc. This means if you make any purchase through the links in the post, I may get a commission without any additional cost to you.

The Best 1-week Kerala Itinerary at a glance

Stunning waterfall in the densely forested hills - this is Athirapally Falls in Kerala. A highlight of your 10-day kerala itinerary

While you can tweak as per your liking after reading the full article, this is the plan I recommend for your first vacation in Kerala.

Day 1: Reach Kochi via train or flight and then hire a cab (or rent a self-drive car) for your Kerala trip. Explore Kochi and end the day with a Kathakali performance.

Day 2: Drive to Alleppey or Kumarakom and stay in a houseboat. It's time to rejuvenate in luxury after the hectic sightseeing at Kochi.

Day 3 & 4: Drive to Munnar on day 3 and explore the exceptional beauty of nature. You will need to stay at-least 2 nights in this resplendent hill station.

Day 5: Drive to Thekkady for wildlife safari and to witness the Kalarypayattu performance.

Day 6: Drive to Kovalam for some luxury experiences, much needed after the hectic sightseeing in the hills

Day 7: Drive to Trivandrum for exploring the historic charms and shopping before you depart.

In a 10-day Kerala itinerary you can include a day-trip to the Athirapally waterfalls from Kochi. From Thekkady you can drive to Varkala – an offbeat coastal paradise.

From Varkala you can easily visit the Jatayu Earth center – a new landmark in Kerala. Then drive to Kovalam the next day and depart from Trivandrum on the 10th day.

A massive sculpture of what looks like an eagle fallen from the sky. But it's actually "Jatayu" - a mythical bird from Hindu epic Ramayana and this is the Jatayu earth center - a nature park dedicated to it.

You can go slightly off-the-beaten track even in a packed 7-day Kerala tour. Skip the wildlife experience in Thekkady for a day trip to Athirapally waterfall. Or stay near the Varkala beach instead of Kovalam.

First time in Kerala? I recommend booking Kerala tour with Sangine Holidays . You can ask them to customise based on your preferences.

2 Weeks Itinerary for Kerala Roadtrip

Most of the tourist destinations and international airports are concentrated in the southern part of Kerala. So, most of the shorter Kerala tours are also designed to explore the south. Entire northern half of Kerala is therefore left out in my 7 and 10-day itinerary above.

Here's me at the Bekal Fort Kasargod Kerala enjoying the sea-waves splashing on the strong walls. A roadtrip from Bangalore to Bekal is dream.

If you can plan 2 weeks in Kerala , you could see how the culture and cuisine transform as we move from north Kerala towards the south, even in this rather tiny state.

Northern Kerala towards the Karnataka border has a strong Arabic influence in their culture, architecture and cuisine. Here you're more likely to get the best type of non-vegetarian dishes like Keralite biryani, chicken curry etc.

As you move towards the south you notice a distinct change. Towards the hills in the south there is a dominant influence of Hinduism. You'll find a plethora of pure vegetarian restaurants serving Appam-ishtew, idli, iddiyappam etc . 

On the coastline, there is a larger European influence in the monuments but also a blend of old Hindu culture as seen in the attire and performances. So, here's how I'd plan a longer itinerary of Kerala for 2 weeks .

Day 1: Take a train or overnight bus to Kasargod from Bangalore or anywhere else.

Day 2: Explore Bekal Fort , beaches and backwaters of Kasargod

Day 3: Drive (or take a bus) to Sultan Bathery in Wayanad . Take a wildlife safari there

Day 4: Visit Edakkal Caves and Banasura Sagara Dam in Wayanad

Day 5: Trek to Chembra Peak in the morning. Have a brunch and drive to Palakkad

Day 6: Explore Palakkad – Palakkad Fort, Malampuzha Dam and Hanuman Temple

Day 7: Drive to Kochi via Athirapally falls

Day 8: Exploring Kochi

Day 9: Drive 126 km to Alleppey and take a houseboat tour

Day 10: Explore Alleppey and drive to Munnar

Day 11: Exploring the best of Munnar and Chinnakanal

Day 12: Skip Thekkady and drive to Varkala

Day 13: Take a memorable day trip to Munroe Island

Day 14: Explore Varkala and drive to Kovalam

Day 15: Drive to Trivandrum for departure

A Map showing the spots covered in the 15 day Kerala Itinerary. Snapped from Google Earth, this customised map shows how green Kerala is and its extended coastline.

🙋‍♀️Want to custom-design your Kerala itinerary and have some questions? Join the awesome Backpack & Explore Facebook community – a safe place to discuss all your queries and concerns about traveling in India

A quick note on name of the places

Colorful umbrellas in the tree-lined beach of Kochi - a bustling city of Kerala

Because of the colonial history of India, many popular destinations have an anglicized name that were coined by the European colonizers. The names have been reversed to their original form post indepedence.

However, because of the complex pronunciation, people unofficially refer to them by their anglicized names. So, before you get confused by these names, here is a short lexicon of Kerala's cities for you.

  • Cochin is the anglicized name for Kochi (which is not at all difficult to pronounce)
  • Calicut is the anglicized name of Kozhikhode (pronounced as “koh-ree-kode”)
  • Trivandrum, the capital of the state of Kerala is the anglicized name of Thiruvananthapuram (a proper tongue-twister challenge for foreigners)
  • Alleppey is the anglicized name of Alappuzha , city in the namesake district

One Week in Kerala – The Plan in Details

So, let's dive deeper into the wilderness of Kerala and take a virtual tour that will make you fall in love with the state.

Day 1 in Kerala – Arrive at the Historic Kochi

The iconic Chinese Fishing Nets in Kochi against the overcast sky

Kochi is the unofficial tourism and cultural capital of Kerala. It has a well-connected railway station as well as an international airport. So, this is a great place to start your trip.

As soon as you arrive, bargain the rates for a local cab. Normally the rates start from Rs. 12/km for lower-end 4-seater cars, and the fares would go up for the type of car, number of seats, travel season, night rates etc.

You can check the rates here to have a fair idea of the current rates and avoid being scammed.

Kochi is a bustling modern city haunted by a long, intriguing history. It's the place believed to be Vasco da Gama's passage to India .

This is St. Francis Church in Kochi, one of the oldest European monuments in India

Then there's the oldest Jewish quarters in India that you can find in Kochi, the Pardesi Synagogue standing as a tall testimony to the thousand years of religious tolerance in India.

There are the Dutch Palace , Portuguese churches as well as remnants of the Bristish colonialism. And thriving despite centuries of brutal invasions and colonial atrocities are the age-old pagan art forms that you can witness through dance performances, artefacts in the markets and music.

Kochi's beauty lies not in its architectural grandeur but in the unique stories behind the buildings, the streets and corners.

Kochi Sightseeing Plan

Assuming you reached Kochi at around 10 am, you can drive directly to Mattancherry Palace . The Mattancherry Palace also known as the Dutch Palace was actually a monument gifted by the Portuguese to the Indian raja. It was later extended and renovated by the Dutch in 17th century.

After a tour of the palace, enjoy a walking tour of the Jew Town and visit the Pardesi Synagogue .

Santa Cruz Basilica - a large ornate building that is a landmark in Kochi

Then drive back to Fort Kochi . There are some amazing places here for having a delicious lunch.

I have created a map here for a walking tour of Kochi.

The best way to explore Kochi in one or two days is with a local tour guide. Check our my recommendations below.

🌟A guided walking tour of Fort Kochi and Mattancherry with a local

🌟A private tuktuk tour with hotel pickup. This is suitable for people of all ages and small families

Stay near Fort Kochi , so that you can easily walk to the beach to see the photogenic Chinese fishing nets in the evening during the golden hour. Then return to Fort Kochi for dinner and an enthralling Kathakali dance performance in the Kerala Kathakali Center. It is one of the eight classical dance forms in India and also one of the most difficult dance forms in the world.

Best places to Stay in Kochi

Hotel Marine Inn – A 5-star luxury hotel located at the Marine Drive, in close proximity to Kochi's highlights Casino Hotel – CGH church – A sustainable 5-star luxury property located midway between Marine Drive and the Dutch Palace. In the mid-range and budget category, Fort Bridge View hotel located in Fort Kochi is the perfect place.

Check out other options and get best prices below.

Day 2 – Relax in the backwaters of Alleppey or Kumarkom

tour planner kerala

After an exhausting, yet fulfilling day exploring Kochi, it's time to relax in the backwaters of Kerala. Today we will drive 55km to Alleppey, often touted as the Venice of India .

But before that we can wake up early and walk to the beach to catch a glimpse of the sunrise and explore the morning markets.

After a wholesome breakfast at hotel, we set out for Alleppey or Kumarakom. They are on two sides of the Vembanad lake – the largest natural lake in India.

You can either stay in a houseboat or in a hotel on the banks of Vembanad lake . 

A day in Alleppey

Assuming that you started from Kochi at around 10 am you will reach comfortably by 11:30 am. Kochi is a bustling city with heavy traffic, so we need to account for that time.

Take a boat-ride for 3-6 hours to explore the beauty of canals, watch the birds enjoying the sun and the blossoms of the lake, and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

While on your boat or Shikara, visit the Pathiramanal island to say “hi” to the thousands of birds that flock into the magical backwaters during winter.

Stop midway at a village, to relish on sea-food prepared with fresh catch of the day mixed with Kerala's spices. If you book a houseboat for stay you can have a traditional fish-meal for lunch in the boat itself.

Kumarakom bird sanctuary Vembanad Lake and Backwaters, Kerala

On our trip, we stayed in a lakeside cottage and hired a shikara for maneuvering through the narrow canals and have lunch at one of the villages on the lakeside.

After the soulful trip, take some rest in the afternoon to avoid the scorching sun. Then drive to explore the beaches, churches and temples of Alleppey.

Next visit the Alleppey lighthouse, Alleppey beach and the loveliest Marari beach at sunset.

Once again, a paid trip will help you optimize your short time in Alleppey. These are the best-rated tours.

🌟 A 6-hour private Shikara cruise through the canals and lakes of Alleppey

🌟 There's a popular 2-day houseboat trip from Kochi to Alleppey to explore the backwaters of Alleppey and then return to Kochi Port.

Best places to Stay in Alleppey

tour planner kerala

Lemontree Vembanad Resort

☑️Affordable luxury ☑️Houseboat and Cottages

A 4-star luxury hotel on the banks of Vembanad lake, with options to stay in houseboat as well as lake-view cottages. You can read my full review here

Xandari Riverscapes

☑️Organised houseboat tours

A fleet of luxurious houseboats floating in the backwaters of Kerala.

Sterling Lake Palace Alleppey

While I haven't stayed here, I have always been impressed by the hospitality at Sterling properties in India. They are great options for affordable luxury accommodations .

Day 3 in Kerala trip plan: Drive to Munnar

Munnar is one of my favorite places in India. I think it is the best hill station in south India which despite the hype, manages to leave you awestruck at its raw natural beauty.

Speckled with waterfalls, adorned by lush green tea gardens, and pine forests, and surrounded by lofty hills, Munnar does seem like God's own country.

While most people stick to places near the Munnar town, the outskirts, especially the Chinnakanal region is breathtaking.

On Day 3, you have to drive about 180 km from Alleppey to reach Munnar. While driving you will bid goodbye to the coastal warmth and move higher towards the hills.

As you enter the serpentine roads of the Western Ghats , turn off the AC and wind down the windows of your car.

a lovely waterfall in Munnar. You will see many such in your Kerala itinerary

The temperature has suddenly dropped, and the scenery has completely changed within a 4-hour drive. Watch out for the scenic viewpoints at every turn.

Try not to stop everywhere you want to, lest you get late, or the driver gets annoyed.

Don't have a fixed itinerary for the day. Rather just stop and absorb the beauty around you wherever you can.

I highly recommend staying away from the city center and close to some tea garden. Keep an eye for the numerous waterfalls as well while driving to your hotel.

Best places to Stay in Munnar

The beautiful park in Sterling Munnar, covered in green is full of great activities for Children.

Sterling Munnar

☑️Family Activities ☑️Best Location

Located in Chinnakanal area right opposite to the Tata Tea Garden, this is where we stayed on our second trip to Munnar. A perfect place to stay on a family vacation, with great activities for kids as well as the elderly.

Elephant Passage Resort

☑️5-star luxury ☑️Great Views

Located 25km from city center, this is the most affordable 5-star luxury you can get in Munnar. There's jacuzzi rooms, infinity pool and great views of nature.

Day 4 – Exploring Munnar

After a fulfilling brunch at hotel or outside, you can set off for a long exhausting tour of Munnar. One day may not be enough, but here's an itinerary covering the most memorable places in Munnar.

Niligir Tahr in Eravikulam National Park in Munnar. It is an endangered species of antelopes that are indegenous to the Niligiri region

Drive to Eravikulam National Park right after breakfast. You need to set aside at least 2-3 hours for the trip, because of the long queue for tickets, the safari bus-ride and exploring on foot.

The beauty of this sensitive Nilgiri-biosphere is awe-inspiring. You will lose the idea of time while exploring the waterfalls and spotting the Niligiri tahr (an endangered species of animal found here) while walking in the forest. 

After this, head to Kanan Devan hills for a tour of the Tea factory

Then drive to Mattupetty Dam . If it is too crowded (which likely it will be), then drive to Kundala lake for a boat ride. 

And then, skip Top Station and save yourself some time for the other spectacles.

Munnar in Monsoon - Elephant abode

Similarly, if you want to watch the elephants, Carmelagiri is a touristy location where you can ride on them. But a more offbeat place for Elephant sighting is the Anayirangal Park (aka the Elephant Abode) in Chinnakanal . For more such tips and detailed guidance on your Munnar trip, check out my Munnar itinerary .

Like any other hill stations, most places close by 5pm. Stop at the Lockhart viewpoint on your way back to the hotel.

Shall I tell you a secret?

Skip the tea factory tours in Munnar and instead head to Kolukkumalai in the early morning.

Technically it's in Tamil Nadu state, but Chinnakanal is the closest getway to this hidden paradise on earth which also has one of the world's oldest and higest tea-factory .

Take a tea factory tour here instead after a bumpy jeep-ride.

Day 5 – Thrilling Thekkady

A group of Sambar deer eating grass in the sunshine at Periyar National Parl. These are larger than the spotted deer in India and don't have the spots

Thekkady is situated only 90 km away from Munnar, but it can take about 2.5 – 3 hours to reach because of the hair-pin belts. It is the home to Periyar National Park, the abode of Royal Bengal tigers among many other stealthy predators.

It's also significant for religious pilgrims as this is where the trek to the Ayappa Temple of Sabrimala begins.

Make sure you stay close to the Periyar National Park which is the center of all the activities in Thekkady itinerary.

Thekkady Sightseeing Plan

Assuming you started from Munnar at 9-9:30, it will be almost noon by the time your reach Thekkady.

Head to the reception of the Periyar National Park and get the brochure for all activities they offer and their timings

First you can go on a jeep ride through the tea and spice plantations. It will also take you to Ottakathalamedu, a hill-top from where you cans see magnificent panoramic views.

Then, after a quick lunch it will be time for the unmissable Periyar Lake Cruise . You will see a host of migratory birds in the lake, deer and antelopes on the banks, and, if lucky, you have a chance to spot elephants here too. 

Artists jumping into the fire rings while performing Kalaripayattu , an ancient martial art form in Kerala

Spend the evening shopping in Kumily and then head on to Mudra Cultural Centre to witness Kalaripayattu . This is an ancient martial art form which is both brave and beautiful.

If you have the energy, you can also book a thrilling night safari in the forest. Or simply rest at night; you've had a long day already.

Best places to Stay in Thekkady

Abad Green Forest Resort ☑️Best Location

Located in the Periyar National Park area, this 4-star property is the best place for luxury jungle experience.

Chrissie's hotel ☑️Pocket-friendly

This is one of the most popular pocket-friendly property near Periyar National Park. It's also pet-friendly!

Day 6 – Pamper yourself at Kovalam

Lighthouse beach at Kovalam - it is an unmissable place in Kerala itinerary

Our trip is coming to an end soon. But don't be sad as it's time to drive to Kovalam. Located approximately 215 kilometers (134 miles) from Thekkady, it will take around 5-6 hours by road.

While like everywhere else in Kerala there's a plethora of options available for different budget types, I highly recommend booking a beach-side spa resort in Kovalam.

In most places in Kerala you can easily stay in budget hotels and explore outdoors all day. But Kovalam and the Alappuzha regions are famous for Ayurvedic Spa and medicinal treatment. Why not pamper yourself a bit here?

Kovalam itinerary for the day

The unbelievably beautiful view of the ocean from a cliff-top resort in Kovalam.

Assuming you started from Thekkady at 9 am, it will be almost 3pm by the time you reach Kovalam.

You can stop for lunch on your way to the hotel, or have lunch immediately after checking in.

You can then head off to the  three beautiful beaches of Kovalam  – the  Lighthouse beach , the  Hawah beach  and the  Samudra beach . You can trek to the short cliffs for capturing amazing views.

You can spend the entire evening strolling in the beaches or go for an  Ayurvedic spa massage .

Best places to Stay in Kovalam

Infinity pool with the most gorgeous view of the vanilla blue sea at Raviz Kovalam

🥇 Raviz Kovalam (formerly Leela Kovalam)

☑️Stunning Location ☑️5-star Luxury

Located at the cliff-top the views from this hotel is heavenly. The water looks vanilla-blue from here.

Samudra Leisure beach resort

☑️Pocket-friendly☑️Spa available

At nearly half the rate of Raviz or Taj, you can enjoy luxury at pocket-friendly rate . This also has a wellness center for Ayurvedic spa.

Day 7: Bidding goodbye from Trivandrum

Here's an unmissable experience in Kerala itinerary. Mesmerizing views of coconut groves and coastal trees while sailing in the Poovar Lake of Kerala.

The last day of a vacation always makes your heart heavy. But don't worry, we still have a lot to do today before we depart from Trivandrum in the evening. 

It is located only 19 km away from Kovalam and you can reach easily within 30 minutes through the smooth coastal road. But before that we will take a detour to Poovar, a floating town in the Poovar lake near Kovalam.

After a delectable lunch in the Poovar island you can drive to the airport for final departure.

A guide to Kerala Trip Planning

Now that you have your Kerala trip plan and a detailed 7-day itinerary of Kerala, I want to share some practical information to help you travel. Here are a few travel tips and trivia about Kerala that you need to know before going on this vacation.

Munnar in Monsoon

How to reach Kerala?

Kerala is well-connected by air, rail, and road. There are three main international airports located in Kochi , Trivandrum , and Calicut respectively. Several railway stations connect Kerala to other parts of India.

All the destinations mentioned here can be covered on the most scenic road trips from Bangalore , the city where I live in.

🚙 🚗 Rent a  Zoomcar  for self-driving all the way in Kerala 🚔

Going around in Kerala

While I'm all for exploring India solo, I get that it can be a bit overwhelming if you're not a local. So, your best bet is to rent a cab with an English-speaking driver.

But hey, if you're up for a little adventure, local transport like KSTDC buses work great for inter-city travel, and tuk-tuks are your go-to for getting around town.

If you're the kind who likes to take the wheel, you can also book a self-drive car. Just make sure to download the maps and have an online translator app handy.

📲 Getting simcard is difficult in India for foreign nationals. The easiest way to stay connected is with an India e-sim . 🤳

Cuisine and Dining in Kerala

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While you have a plethora of “safe” options in most hotels in India, Kerala's authentic cuisine is a must-try.

Rice is the staple food of Kerala and most of the dishes are just the most innovative, mind-boggling ways you can use rice. These are my favorite Keralite dishes.

  • Kerala porotta aka Malabar porota(a white-flour Indian bread) with fish-curry
  • Appam-stew ( Appam is a type of pancake made of fermented rice flour and coconut milk which is usually had with a vegetable stew)
  • Iddiyappam with curry (looks like idli made of rice noodles)
  • Puttu with curry (Putti is a cylindrical shaped steamed rice cake)
  • Karimeen Fry
  • Bamboo chicken biriyani

Although known for sumptuous sea food and one of the few states in India where beef preparations are mainstream, Kerala is actually a great place for vegans.

Many of the authentic dishes as you can see in my list above use only vegan ingredients sourced locally.

If you have time, and want to do something memorable, take a home cooking class of Kerala cuisine

What is the best time to visit Kerala?

The best time to visit Kerala is between November to January . This is the winter season, when coastal Kerala is still hot but comfortable. Rest of the year is extremely hot and humid, except for the Western Ghats region.

If you want to spend most of the time in the Western Ghats of Kerala, you can visit any time of the year.

In fact, if you want to see the famous boatrace in Alapuzha , you should plan your trip around August . This is the peak monsoon season, so temperatures cool down significantly. It will still be humid in the coastal region, but the hills will look spectacular.

The boat races are held as part of the “Onam” celebrations. It is the harvest festival of Kerala, and one of the most important days in Malaylam Calendar.  ( Malaylam is the native language of Kerala, also the native culture).

Just check for the weather reports before embarking on road-trip in the monsoon . 

A few more Frequently Asked Questions Answered

How many days are enough for kerala.

You cover the best of Kerala on a tight schedule in 7 days. This is usually the most practical time-frame most people have for spending in one state of India.

If you can extend your stay to 10 days, you will have more time to explore some of the destinations and enjoy some excursions.

If you are on an India tour and can't afford a week for Kerala , 5 days should be enough to enjoy the unmissable experiences – natural beauty of Munnar, the backwaters of Alleppey or Kumarakom and the pristine beaches of Kovalam along with some cultural performances.

Ofcourse the longer you stay the better.

How to explore Kerala in 5 days?

A Kerala trip plan for 5 days should ideally have 1 day in Kochi for historic sightings, 1-day Alleppey for experiencing the backwaters and some amazing clean beaches and 2 days in Munnar for blissful Western Ghats experience.

On day 5, drive from Munnar to Kochi via Athirapally Falls. That's what I suggest because I love Munnar. However, you can squeeze in Thekkady on Day 3 and skip Athirapally Falls.

If you are visiting Kerala for the first time and have only 5 days, I highly recommend this packed 5-day Kerala trip by Saffron India Tours .

What souvenirs can I bring back from Kerala?

You can bring the best quality of Indian spices – cardamom, cloves, cinnamon etc. What most people would ask me to bring whenever I travel to Kerala is “ Banana chips “. These thinly slices dried bananas deep-fried in coconut oil is a delicacy that can travel with you back to your home easily.

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Besides I highly recommend buying Kerala cotton or Kerala silk sari. You can also buy “ Mundu ” for men in the same material. The white saris or mundu with golden border is a specialty.

Is Kerala safe for solo travelling?

Kerala is one of the safest states in India for tourists. Women usually don't face lecherous stares or bad behavior in public places in Kerala. You are less likely to be scammed as a tourist. Only thing that scares me is the speed at which people drive in the hills in Kerala.

How expensive is Kerala?

In my experience I have found Kerala more expensive than the other states of south India when it comes to tourism. It is certainly the most famous tourist destination in south, and the tariff for cabs, fun-activities, etcetera is relatively higher.

Having said that it is completely affordable for budget backpackers with good hostels and homestays starting from Rs. 1000/- per day.

You cover the best of Kerala on a tight schedule in 7 days. This is usually the most practical time-frame most people have for spending in one state of India. If you can extend your stay to 10 days, you will have more time to explore some of the destinations and enjoy some excursions. If you are on an India tour and can't afford a week for Kerala , 5 days should be enough to enjoy the unmissable experiences – natural beauty of Munnar, the backwaters of Alleppey or Kumarakom and the pristine beaches of Kovalam along with some cultural performances.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this article inspires you to travel to this amazing state and make memories of a lifetime. I will leave you with a list of my favorite travel sites for travel planning in India. 

If you liked this post, you may also find these articles interesting.

Best of Karnataka – One state, many worlds

Best of Enchanting Tamil Nadu

I have already linked detailed itineraries to the places mentioned in my post. But here they are again for you to read and save for later.

Munnar travel guide

Thekkady travel guide

Wayanad itinerary

Kasargod (Bekal) travel guide

Top Travel Sites in India for 2024

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Wow! I never realized all there is to do in this region, and I love the itinerary. Thanks for the pointers and great list of things to see and do!

Thanks a lot Meggie.

I have been to Kerala 23 years ago! I really loved it but I was only there for a very short time. I remember seeing the houseboats on the backwaters and thinking I’d like to come back someday and do that. This is excellent information you have provided. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you come for another trip.

That’s a long time. I hope you come again to see what has changed and spend a night in the houseboat

I’ve had the opportunity to visit Kerala on four occasions within the past three years, and each visit brings forth a fresh allure. My most recent visit o Kovalam refreshed me for at least the next couple of months.

Thanks for this comprehensive post. Now I know what exactly to look for in my next trip.

Great post! The thing that draws me to Kerala is how lush, green and gorgeous the natural landscape can be. Places like the waterfalls at Munnar are just stunning and it would be fantastic to see all the wildlife. Oh, and then the food! 😀

Thank you so much. I hope you visit soon

Wow that beach view is amazing – did you have a favorite one? I have never heard of Kerala but have enjoyed reading about it as I am trying to learn more about the different states of India. Will be saving this for my trip to India!

Thanks a lot Natalie. My favorite beach in Kerala is Kovalam. I love the Marari beach too. Glad to help further if you’re planing a trip to Kerala

What a stunning place to visit- those waterfalls are amazing. And I would definitely love to take a boat ride to see elephants, how awesome!!

What a wonderful guide — so much excellent information!

And the history of the region — I never knew! Thank you!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts

Munnar and tea gardens are sooo on my list! I was planning a visit in 2019 while working remotely from Pune, but didn’t get around to it, as work got too busy. But looking at your recommendations, definitely a must-visit!

thanks a lot Alina Hope you get to take this trip soon

I love the Munnar waterfall as well as the idea of a 6 hour cruise! The animals look cute and so glad you can see them from the bus.

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Kerala <span>Tourism</span>

Kerala Tour Packages with Price & Itinerary | Kerala Tourism

Kerala , a quite small place in the Southwestern tip of India is known as the Paradise on Earth. Definitely you might have heard about this beautiful green land mainly as a land of paddy fields and tall coconut trees, but its lot more than that. The phrase God's Own Country seems to be completely justifying once we start exploring this land with our Kerala Tour Packages.

Kerala the green paradise in India is a world famous tourist destination. The green vegetation, serene backwaters, palm fringed beaches, rocking waterfalls, exotic hill stations and a wonderful variety of wildlife tells you the reason why it is called God’s Own Country.

From adventure hills to serene backwaters everything regarding this place is unique and wonderful. If you want to visit this heavenly place and its unspoilt natural beauty, Holidays DNA is there to plan every minute details of your Kerala trip in the most perfect way.

Kerala Tourism , a division of Holidays DNA introduced so many attractive tour packages to Kerala for all travellers to enjoy the serene beauty of this small beautiful land.

Our Kerala tour packages offers you an overview of the serene backwaters, pleasant and divine ambiance of hill stations, exotic wildlife sanctuaries, the refreshing feel of warm sand and waves in the golden beaches in a very affordable price with high quality service and hospitality.

Apart from the breathtaking beauty of this serene places our customized tour packages to Kerala also offers you therapeutic and rejuvenating Ayurveda treatments.

Holidays DNA has proved itself the most leading brand in the travel industry ever since it started. We know the value of your time and money so we are offering you many attractive “tour packages to Kerala”.

These Kerala packages are designed for a hassle free journey in an affordable budget. You can choose your package from a variety of Kerala packages depending on your budget.

The highly efficient travel professionals of Holidays DNA have designed the packages to Kerala keeping in mind the different needs of our customers. The destinations in Kerala are not far apart and with its eye catching beauty and peaceful ambiance the journey itself is an amazing experience.

With Kerala Tourism you can feel the spiritual atmosphere of various temples and see the beautiful temple architectures in Kerala which will be a nice enchanting experience. Our Kerala tour packages also offers you to explore so many historically important monuments like forts, colonial buildings etc which tells about the glorious past of this peaceful state.

Apart from these there are so many other attractive features included in our Kerala tour packages which will help you relax your soul and take you away from the tensions of your day to day life.. Traditional houseboat cruise , stay at beach resorts and enjoying the beautiful sunsets, exploring the wildlife etc are some of those which will bring you close to nature and give a new start for the rest of your life.

The geography of Kerala is amazing with Western ghat on one side and Arabian sea and Indian Ocean on the other side. This diverse geographical features of Kerala gives rise to innumerable number of beaches and backwaters. Not only this, the tall mountains and deep valleys of Kerala is a getaway from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Its like a fairy tale to stand on top of this hills with the beautiful blue sky touching your head and the clouds floating on the greenery. No other place can give you such an experience. Take a ride through the Kerala roads. Relax and hang out in the beaches or various scenic spots in Kerala .

Kerala has a rich vibrant culture and the people of Kerala are very simple. You may be amused by the sight of simple village life. The people in Kerala are totally happy with the life they are leading unlike other people.

When the villagers in Kerala gives you a warm welcome, imagine yourself living in those peaceful villages surrounded by the greenery of nature and a bunch of nice people.. It's a fresh experience to see beauty in its pure form. The beautiful places in Kerala will enlighten your heart.

When talking about Kerala one can’t avoid mentioning the delicious Kerala dishes . Kerala has a variety of vegetarian and non veg dishes. The Kerala sadhya and spicy fish curry of Kerala once you tasted you will not forget in your whole life. Take a break from your hectic schedule and indulge yourself in the pleasure of Kerala.

Holidays DNA provides you with perfect travelling solutions to your journey to this fascinating place. Our Kerala tour packages include accommodation, sightseeing, taxi services etc. We provide best accommodation options in luxury as well as budget hotels along with the stay in beautiful resorts which will be a great experience.

There are so many places to visit in Kerala and we ensure the sight seeing without rush. With various tourism packages by Holidays DNA we make your Kerala visit a dream come true.

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Kerala Holidays is the best Travel Agency in Kerala. I Visited Kerala in February 2024. This was my first visit…

The tranquil backwaters of Kerala are a great place to have a relaxed vacation.…

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Explore the beauty of Kerala with us

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5 Days Tour Package Overview Munnar Thekkady Alleppey Cochin

The breathtaking beauty, the serene backwaters, lush tea gardens, and pristine palm-lined beaches, make Kerala an ideal destination to plan your escape. It never fails to fascinate its visitors for the place has a perfect natural setting to have an excellent getaway and create moments to be cherished for a lifetime. From hill station to backwater region, tribal village to the prismatic beach, you will get to enjoy all the aspects of Kerala’s meticulous beauty with delicious meals and well-sanitized Hotels only with Thrillophilia. With this Munnar Alleppey tour package, explore the beauty of South India and escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

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8 Days Tour Package Overview Cochin Munnar Thekkady Alleppey Trivandrum Kanyakumari

Discover the beauty of Kerala with Habibi Your Tour Planner. Our expertly crafted Eight day tour packages offer a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion. Whether you're seeking serene backwaters, lush green landscapes, or vibrant festivals, we have it all. Let us create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Why Choose Habibi Your Tour Planner?

At Habibi Your Tour Planner, we go above and beyond to ensure your journey is truly exceptional. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized service, attention to detail, and unmatched hospitality. With us, you can expect seamless travel arrangements, handpicked accommodations, knowledgeable guides, and unforgettable experiences. Choose us for a hassle-free and memorable trip to Kerala.

About Habibi Your Tour Planner

Habibi Your Tour Planner is a leading travel and tour package provider in Kerala. With years of experience in the industry, we specialize in creating personalized itineraries that showcase the best of Kerala's natural beauty, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. Our team of expert guides and travel professionals are dedicated to ensuring your trip is seamless and unforgettable.

Experience the beauty of Kerala with Habibi Your Tour Planner

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The Ultimate KERALA Itinerary Guide 2021 – 7 Days / 14 Days / 24 Days Guide

Since the travel sector is slowly opening up, I decided to finally embark on a long-awaited trip to Kerala that was on my list for quite some time, taking all the safety precautions. If you want to read the post COVID-19 lockdown guidelines for Kerala, check THIS post out. After traveling in Kerala for about a month, I understand why this place is called “God’s own country”.

If the idea to explore Kerala has been on your mind too, I would highly recommend you to go for it. And to make the planning portion easier for you, here are three different kinds of suggested itineraries to cover most of the must-visit gems in the state that you’ll cherish forever.

Such a beautiful sunset with the view of the Banasura peak in Wayanad!

7 day Kerala backpackers’ itinerary guide

Vagamon – Alleppey – Varkala

Day 1 – Land at Cochin airport. It will take you three hours to reach Vagamon from Cochin. Watch the sunset from Justin’s peak. Day 2 – Go for a sunrise trek to Ginamala or Moonmala. Roam around the hilly town to enjoy the grandeur of nature. Visit Marmala waterfalls in the afternoon. Also, you may do sunset paragliding if you want to indulge in some adventure. Day 3 – After an early breakfast, leave for Alleppey . After a three-hour journey, head to the floating bazaar for local food and shopping. Day 4 – Have breakfast and go for a 3-4 hour Shikara ride with Oscar cruise (personal recommendation). Have lunch at Taste of India. Head back to the city and go to Marari beach to chill. Roam around the beautiful city and yes, don’t miss the food (shappu meen curry, or Kerala Sadhya)! Day 5 – After breakfast, head towards Varkala . Walk around the cliff beach and enjoy the lit coastal street. Try cafes like Inda cafe or True Thomas. Day 6 – Try surfing in the morning. Chill by the beach/ hire a scooter and explore the small town of Varkala. Lunch at Babu farm (near the black sand beach) for garlic butter prawns. See the black sand beach, go shopping for junk jewelry, Itra, cork yoga mats etc. Have dinner at God’s own country kitchen. Day 7 – Have breakfast and head to Thiruvananthapuram airport to depart (1 hour away from Varkala).

I went for some paddle boarding/body surfing in Varkala

14-day Kerala rejuvenation itinerary guide

Athirappilly – Vagamon – Varkala – Alleppey – Kochi

Day 1 – Arrive at Cochin airport, travel to Athirappilly for two hours. Spend the night in Athirappilly. Day 2 – Go to the falls in the morning for a beautiful view and then after lunch head to Vagamon (4 hours journey). Relax during the night and watch the starry skies. Day 3 – Go for a sunrise hike to Justin’s point and chill there for a while. Have lunch and head for an offroad experience or a sunrise trek to Moonmala or Ginamala. Day 4 – Chill in the morning and head to Marmala waterfalls. You can take a tour of the Uluppuni Tunnel. After lunch, go for a paragliding experience and watch the classic Vagamon sunset skies. Day 5 – Spend the morning walking through Murugan Hill before lunch. After lunch, head to Varkala (4.5 – 5 hours road journey). Visit God’s own country for dinner. Day 6 – Start your day in Varkala, with a yoga session by the beach, and have breakfast at Inda Cafe. Roam around the Varkala coastline and explore local shops. Day 7 – Go to Babu farm for breakfast and go to the black sand beach nearby. Next, hire a scooter and cover the insides of the town. Have food at Darjeeling cafe or bait and hook. Day 8 – Spend your morning on the bright sunny beaches of Varkala. Leave for Alleppey (3-hour journey) after an early lunch. Once you reach Alleppey, go to the floating bazaar or canal bazaar for a local dinner. Day 9 – Start your day with a light breakfast and taking a walk through the Marari beach. Go for a Shikara ride (lasts 3-4 hours) and go to Taste of India for a local food experience. Head back to the hotel/place of stay and relax by the beach sunsets of Alleppey.

Day 10 – Learn about the art of Kalaripayattu and go to Cafe Catamaran by the beach for lunch. Canal Bazar in Alleppey is a wonder and you should not miss it. Go there for food and shopping for spices, oils, decor items, etc, and have dinner at the Canal Bazaar with a local street food shop. Try what they suggest (I suggest crab roast or puttu kadala).

Day 11 – Head to Kochi after breakfast (1.5 hours drive). Take a ferry ride in Kochi and then head to Sri Muruga Cafe for a local style early dinner. Day 12 – Start your morning exploring the Chinese fishing nets of Kochi. For lunch, go to Jew town and visit the Paradesi synagogue or jew synagogue. Must have biryani at Kayees Rahmathullah cafe for lunch and go to fort house restaurant for a beautiful relaxing dinner with a view. Day 13 –  Take a beautiful sunrise walk by Cherai beach in the morning and then have some local breakfast. Head to princess market for shopping and lunch at Qissa Cafe. Explore Mattancherry Palace and St. Francis church or spend time by the marine drive. Day 14 – After breakfast, head to the Cochin airport and depart.

24 Day Ultimate Kerala Itinerary Guide

Kozhikode – Wayanad – Thrissur – Athirappilly – Munnar – Thekkady – Vagamon – Varkala – Alleppey – Kochi

Map of the route to travel in Kerala for 24 days

Day 1 – 3: Kozhikode

Day 1 – Arrive at the Calicut International Airport and introduce yourself to the lively city of Kozhikode . Have lunch/ dinner at the popular S.M. (sweet meat) street. Day 2 – Go for a backwater ride in the morning and visit Lions’ Park. Head to the Kozhikode beach in the evening to hang out and enjoy the soothing sunset. Day 3 – Go to Kappad beach in the morning and then head towards Wayanad (3-hour drive).

Day 3 – 6: Wayanad

Day 3 – Arrive in Wayanad by the evening. Stargazing in Wayanad is one of the most amazing experiences of the little hilly town. Day 4 – Head to Wayanad tea gardens in the morning. Have lunch at the Clay Hut restaurant. Go to the Banasura dam before 4 p.m. to catch a view of the sunset. Don’t forget to shop for coffee beans and grab a local payasam. Day 5 – Start your day with a bamboo boating experience in Kuruva island (closes at 4 p.m.). Roam around the tea gardens and hike to the beautiful Chembra Peak. Day 6 – Rent cycles in the morning and bike along the Nilgiris. Post an early lunch, head towards Athirappilly (a 9-hour drive).

Day 6 – 8: Athirappilly

Day 6 – Reach Athirappilly by the night and relax through the evening. Day 7 – The main attraction in Athirappilly is the iconic Athirappilly waterfalls. You can also visit the Vazhachal waterfalls. Day 8 – Have a hearty breakfast and leave early for Munnar (a 4-hour drive).

The mystic Athirappilly falls

Day 8 – 10: Munnar

Day 8 – Arrive at Munnar , a slightly colder town in Kerala. Visit Anayirankal/Mattupetty Dam and Lake. Day 9 – The tea capital of Kerala, Munnar, has a lot to offer when it comes to splendid vistas. Start your day with visiting the Munnar tea plantation and estate. After lunch, drive to the Top Station and Echo Point for a sunset view. Day 10 – Just before leaving for Thekkady, drive up to the Anamudi Peak. Start your journey to Thekkady after lunch. (a 3 hour drive)

Day 10 – 12: Thekkady

Day 10 – Arrive in Thekkady , a town that offers many green hikes and treks. Day 11 – Spend a day in Periyar National Park among the flora and fauna. (I suggest you to check whether the safari is open with the hotel/accommodation you have chosen for your stay.) Day 12 – Explore spice plantations and don’t forget to visit the Chellarkovil waterfalls. After lunch, leave for Vagamon. (a 2 hour drive)

Day 12 – 15: Vagamon

Day 12 – Arrive at Vagamon and don’t miss the night sky full of stars. I recommend to stay at Zostel Vagamon or Winter Vale Green Stay Resorts. Day 13 – Vagamon has hikes and viewpoints that offer some of the best sunrise experiences. Head for an afternoon hike/drive to Marmala Waterfalls, where you can cliff jump into a pool which is 30-40 ft deep. Spend your evening gawking at the beautiful falls among the lush green. You can also go for a sunset paragliding experience. Day 14 – Start your morning with breakfast and an optional off-roading experience with Zostel Vagamon. Trek up to the Ginamala or Moonmala trek. Day 15 – Have an early breakfast and say goodbye to Vagamon. Start your journey to Varkala. (a 4.5 hours drive)

The famous hammock of Zostel, Vagamon

Day 15 – 18: Varkala

Day 15 – Welcome to Varkala , the bohemian land of rejuvenation and delicious food. Once you reach Varkala in the evening, spend time by the Cliff beach. Don’t forget to have dinner at God’s Own Country. Day 16 – Start your morning early and rent out a scooty/bike. Ride through the coastal street of Varkala and enjoy the best of both worlds. I highly recommend going to @inda_cafe and for wholesome meals, the first one for continental food and the second for Indian/Kerala cuisine. Continue your scooty ride to the Black Sand beach and bask in its serenity. Day 17 – Two must-have adventures await you in Varkala – surfing through the day and or a sunset backwaters ride at the Kappil beach. Day 18 – Go to North Cliff beach in the morning and walk along the boardwalk, filled with shops that sell antiques to itras and junk jewellery to hippie clothes. Leave from Varkala post lunch and head to Alleppey. (a 3 hr drive)

Day 18- 21: Alleppey

Day 18 – Arrive in Alleppey by the evening and relax at your accommodation. I stayed in a homestay called Lemon Dew which is right by the beach. You can also opt for a homestay which is next to the backwaters or closer to the boat jetty. Or a nice resort by the backwaters. Day 19 – Begin your journey in Alleppey with a Shikara ride. (lasts 3-4 hours) You may opt for @oscar_cruise for the same. Don’t forget to take a stop at Taste of India for some delectable local food. Spend your evening in the Canal Bazar or Floating Bazar for shopping and local experiences. Garlic Butter Prawns and Shappu Meen Curry should be dishes on your bucket list. Day 20 – Visit the serene town of Kumarakom for the bird sanctuary, backwater lakes and the unbeatable sunsets. Alternatively, you can opt for a Houseboat experience in Alleppey. Houseboats are beautiful from the inside, but they only sail through bigger channels of the backwaters, so you miss out on the smaller ones. But having said that, it is still very relaxing and enjoyable to be inside one and sailing in one of Kerala’s largest lakes called Vembanad lake. If you want to opt for an eco-friendly houseboat experience (a boat that runs on solar power as opposed to diesel), find Thara Eco Boat on or alternately contact @oscar_cruise ! Day 21 – Spend your morning chilling by the Marari beach. Leave for Kochi after lunch and shopping (a 1 hour journey).

Kayaking in the backwaters of Alleppey

Day 21 – 24: Kochi

Day 21 – Arrive in Kochi and head to Sri Muruga Cafe for a local style dinner. Day 22 – Start your day in the Jew Town of Kochi, that adorns the iconic art and culture of the state. Don’t forget to visit Paradesi Synagogue while in Jew Town. Day 23 – Take a walk to the Cherai Beach in the morning for a beautiful south sunrise. Spend some time by the iconic Chinese fishing nets of Kerala. A biryani meal at Kayees Ramathulla cafe is a must! Day 24 – Soak in the end of your trip through Kerala because it’s time to head back home!

That’s it – now you have a base to start planning your trip according to your preference of time period. Kerala is undoubtedly a gem of a place that offers unmatched sights, experiences, and memories. If you have any other query related to traveling in Kerala, ask away in the comments section!

The Ultimate Kerala Itinerary Guide

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I visited Bharatpur, Rajasthan in the month of February which I would say is possibly the best time to go there. Bharatpur is just a small, sleepy, laid back town with nothing much to do in the town itself. But the major attraction of Bharatpur is Keoladeo National Park.  This park was formerly known as Bharatpur…

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Serenity Beach – My maiden surfing experience in Pondicherry!

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Kerala family package.

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The Travel Planners India Kerala

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07 Nights 08 Days

Routing: Cochin - Munnar - Thekkady - Kumarakom - Marari - Cochin

starting from USD 593 / pax

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08 Nights 09 Days

Routing: Kovalam - Kollam - Alleppey - Periyar - Munnar - Cochin

starting from USD 606 / pax

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Highly Rated Tour Operator in TripAdvisor

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The Travel Planners is an ISO 9001-2000 Certified Tour Company operating inbound Tours to South India for the last 19 Years. We have been awarded the Best Inbound Tour Operator in South India by Galileo Express Travel World awards 2008. There are many innovative packages introduced to the market and we have been recognised and awarded for the ‘Best Innovative Tourism Product’ by the Kerala Government in 2007.

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₹ 16,739/- ₹ 18,195/-

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  • Kerala Tour Itinerary For 6 Days

Kerala Trip Plan For 6 Days Rated 4.1 /5 (based on 5466 reviews) Kerala Trip Plan For 6 Days

Enticing Kerala: Backwaters, Wildlife, Beaches, and Hills 6 Days & 5 Nights

Enjoy the beauteous surroundings

Amazing sunsets to mystify you

Spend some time here

Enjoy the beauty of Kerala

The tea planations of Munnar are a treat to watch

Hotel included in package:

  • Munnar (2D)
  • Thekkady (1D)
  • Alleppey (1D)
  • Kovalam (2D)

Starting from:

₹16,739/- ₹18,195/-

Per Person on twin sharing

Price For The Month

TravelTriangle has served 45621 + travelers for Kerala

Kerala Trip Plan For 6 Days

From the air you breathe to the sights you witness, Kerala is a charmer. Our Kerala itinerary for 6 days takes you through the best of the state and promises a vacation of a lifetime.

This Kerala trip plan for 6 days will take you on an unforgettable holiday that you will cherish for a lifetime. Seach site has been carefully selected to showcase the beauty of this bountiful state.

We not just take you through the must-visit destinations on this Kerala itinerary for 6 days , but also let you enjoy tranquil moments. Enjoy sightseeing, shopping and make beautiful memories on this trip.

Arrival at Cochin; drive to Munnar

  • Local sightseeing

Other Benefits (On Arrival)

Arrive Kochi, and get transferred to Munnar in a private cab. Check-in at the hotel for a restful stay.

Munnar: Sightseeing

  • Eravikulam National Park

Explore Munnar by visiting beautiful sites like the Mattupetty lake and dame. Enjoy tea-tasting at the unique tea museum and explore Eravikulam National Park.

Thekkady: Sightseeing, Adventure

  • Periyar Lake

Get transferred to Thekkady where you will visit the lovely Periyar Lake and wildlife sanctuary as well as a spice plantation tour. This is the highlight of your Kerala 5 Nights 6 Days Package Itinerary .

Alleppey: Houseboat

Proceed to Alleppey and check-in at the houseboat. Enjoy the backwaters while the staff pampers you with delicious meals.

Kovalam: Leisure

After the transfer to Kovalam from Alleppey, spend some moments by the picture-perfect beach and let the sound of the ocean soothe your senses.

Kovalam/Thiruvananthapuram: Departure

Check out from hotel & transfer to Airport/ Railway station/Bus Station as your journey comes to an end.

Note: Our agents will provide you these or similar hotels depending on availability

Isola di cocco beach resort

Isola di cocco beach resort

Poovar P.O, Trivandrum Poovar Kovalam - 695525, Kerala

Trip Advisor

  • Air conditioning
  • Business services
  • Health club
  • Room service
  • 24-hour front desk

The lake view munnar

The lake view munnar

Near Senkulam Dam, Munnar 685565, India

Cardamom county

Cardamom county

Thekkady Road Near Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kumily, Thekkady 685536 India

La plage marari

La plage marari

Omanapuzha Beach, South Marari, Mararikulam, Alleppey, Kerala - 688521

  • Plan for Hotel: Breakfast
  • Airport/ Railway Station Transfers
  • Parking/Toll/ Driver Bata/ Fuel cost
  • GST/VAT/ Service Charges
  • Accommodation (01 double room )
  • Sightseeing (All transfers & sightseeing in an A/C Sedan)
  • Expense of personal nature like tipping, laundry, telephone / fax calls, alcoholic beverages, camera/video camera fee at monuments, medical expenses, airport departure tax etc
  • Any other services not mentioned in the inclusions
  • Entrance fees at all monuments/ sightseeing places
  • Cost incidental to any change in the itinerary / stay on account of flight cancellation due to bad weather, ill health, and roadblocks and / or any factors beyond control

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FAQs for Kerala

What are the best souvenirs to bring back from kerala.

Tea & coffee, Kathakali masks, fresh spices, and coir handicrafts.

Which months offer the best weather in Kerala?

September through March offer the perfect weather to plan a Kerala tour itinerary for 6 days or more.

What is Kovalam best known for?

The picture postcard-perfect beaches of Kovalam are its biggest attraction.

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Hotels recommended by our Travel Experts

Expert Rating

Amaana Plantation Resort

8 km from City Center

  • Top Rated Budget Property

Sagara Beach Resort Kovalam

2 km from City Center

Forest Canopy

Ayur green resort and spa munnar.

1 km from City Center

Lake Palace Resort Alleppey

Blanket hotel & spa munnar.

4 km from City Center

At Wood Resort Munnar

9 km from City Center

The Mercy Luxury Business Hotel Cochin

Peppervine hotel thekkady, summit birds valley resort & spa munnar, 14 kerala tour packages.

Read on to find out why our customers love us!

Stevan's 6 days trip to Kerala

Rajdeep's 6 days trip to kerala.

Rajdeep Mukherjee

Sravan's 6 days trip to Kerala

Sravan Reddy

Smruti's 6 days trip to Kerala

Sujithkumarn's 6 days trip to kerala.


Ggupta's 7 days trip to Kerala

Vishalgangwar's 7 days trip to kerala.


Pupri, India

Rajesh's 6 days trip to Kerala

Rajesh Mittoo

Sahamadan's 5 days trip to Kerala

Suvajitsarkar's 7 days trip to kerala.


Bhavsarkadam's 7 days trip to Kerala


Puneet's 7 days trip to Kerala

Puneet Garg

Ludhiana, India

Rittik's 7 days trip to Kerala

Rittik Guchait

Tanuamolay's 6 days trip to Kerala

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Kerala Tour Packages Guide

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  • Alleppey Houseboat
  • Kumarakom Houseboat

3 Days Kerala Tour Packages for Family, Couples & Group

Kerala tourism is at its heights among people for its backwater, amazingly beautiful beaches, natural sceneries and more. Kerala tour packages guide offers various 2 nights 3 days Kerala tour packages . Kerala, the most popular tourist destination in South India is now creating a new era among the people from across the world.

You just have to make a plan to visit Kerala, the Paradise of South India with your family and friends. Well, we are right here to provide the perfect kerala tour packages designed for you at best available rates. We have designed different packages for our valuable customers. Have a look into our 3 days kerala tourism packages .

Our most popular 3 days tour package

tour planner kerala

Tour Highlights

Munnar 2Nights & 3 Days ,

Attraction: Mattupetty Dam, Kundala Lake, Echo Pint, Eravikulam national park, Tea factory visit,

Detailed Itinerary

Inclusions & exclusions, hotels used.

2 Nights 3 Days Munnar Tour Package Starting @ Rs 6700 Per person

This package includes

  • 2 Night accomodation in 3 star Hotels in munnar
  • Complimentary breakfast in hotels
  • Well maintained A/C private tourist taxi
  • Pickup & drop at the airport or railway station
  • Sightseeing as per itinerary
  • Experienced driver cum guide

Day 1- Arrival

On your arrival at Cochin international airport/ Railway station, meet our executive, who will welcome and receive you.  Later drive to Munnar hills (130 Kms), sprawling tea plantations, picture book towns, winding lanes and holiday facilities make it a popular and most wanted tourist destination of Kerala. On the way, you will get a glimpse of the majestic Cheeyappara waterfalls and Valara falls.

Once you reach the resort, check in and freshen up. Later in the evening, visit Tea Museum. Learn how tea is processed from raw fresh tea leaves to its final packaging. You can also visit Munnar town and shop for spices and handmade chocolates. Overnight stay at Munnar.

Day 2- Exploring Munnar

Day 2, can start with taking a stroll among any of the tea plantations in and around the hill station. After breakfast, we head out for a full day sightseeing trip of Munnar. The Mattuppetty dam and Kundala lake offers visitors with boating opportunity. You can also visit the echo point, top station, rose garden, hydel park and Ponthenmedu view point.

In the afternoon, visit the Eravikulam National Park. The park, which houses many endangered flora and fauna, is also the home to the largest population of Nilgiri Tahr. The place is also famous for trekking, and its rare butterfly species.  Anamudi – the highest peak in South India – is inside the national park.

Spend the night relaxing at the resort as it is the final day of your stay in the misty Munnar.

Day 3- Departure

After a relaxed breakfast, say goodbye to misty Munnar. Our representatives will drop you at Cochin airport/railway station in time for your flight/train.

The 3 days you spent in Kerala on the best Kerala family tour package will remain in your he

3 Days Kerala Tour Packages ( 2 Nights 3 Days Kerala Tour packages)

Kerala is amazingly a heaven like place. The place is wrapped with all the natural beauties, rich culture and more. People from various corners of the globe come here to enjoy their holidays in Kerala . We have designed 3 days packages for family tour, group tour and honeymoon tour in Kerala . We have best rates for your 3 days kerala tour package and you can customize your tour as per your need.

Choose us and get a hassle free and memorable trip to make a frame of your amazingly beautiful trip to Kerala.

 Choose from 2 nights 3 days Kerala family tour packages

Kerala Tour Packages will give you an unforgettable experience. We know it takes time to make a plan to visit a place with your family. No worries! Add Kerala to your upcoming travel bucket list and get the best deals ever. We will give you a peaceful and serenity holiday assurance. Here is some 3 days kerala family tour packages to book now!

3 day munnar tour packages

3 Days Munnar Package

Locations : Munnar (2 Nights)

all inclusive services with packages

Starting Price   ₹ 6700 / Person

Discover the beauty of Munnar with our amazing 3 Days Munnar Family Package. It includes visit to the top waterfalls in munnar , hill stations, tea plantations, trekking, camping, shikara ride and more.

wayanad 3 day packages

3 Days Wayanad Tour Package

Locations : Wayanad (2 Nights)

Starting Price   ₹ 6450 / Person

Experience and enjoy in God’s own country with our 3 Days Wayanad Tour Package. The package includes trekking and camping, visit to Sentinel Rock Waterfalls, Pookode Lake, Banasura Dam, Kuruva Island, etc.

3 day alleppey family packages

3 Days Kochi Alleppey Houseboat Package

Locations : Kochi (1 Night), Alleppey Houseboat (1 Night)

services included with the packages

Starting Price   ₹ 6500 / Person

Enjoy the breath-taking beauty of Kochi. The Chinese fishing nets, Bolgatty Palace, Old Churches & Fort Kochi, Mattancherry,Alleppey “Venice of the East”  with our 3 Days Cochin Alleppey Houseboat Package

We have more family packages in Kerala tourism for 3 days. Starting from Kasaragod covering all the 14 districts of Kerala and ending with Kanyakumari. You can ask us custom made 3 day packages for Kerala. Our 3 day kerala trip itinerary comes in 3 different segments, deluxe, premium & luxury.

Most Popular 3 Days Kerala Honeymoon Tour Packages ( 2 Nights / 3 Days)

We have designed a special 3 days Kerala Honeymoon package for newly wedded couples. You can spend a luxury time with your partner near the beaches under the beautiful and clear sky. You can enjoy the green landscapes and tea gardens. Kerala will be a perfect place for the newly wedded couples. You can frame a perfect picture with your partner in this blissful place.

We promise to make your Honeymoon in Kerala a memorable one. We will assist you in all the possible manner.

3 day munnar honeymoon tour packages

3 Days 2 Nights Munnar Treehouse Tour Package

Locations : Munnar Treehouse (1 Nights), Valley View Resort (1 Night)

Starting Price   ₹ 21,500 / Couple

Hey newly wedded couple! Here is an amazing 3 Days Munnar Treehouse Tour Package. Explore Munnar hill stations, tea plantations, Top Station, Photo Point and much more.

treehouse honeymoon packages for 3 days in wayanad

3 Days 2 Nights Wayanad Treehouse Package

Locations : Wayanad Treehouse (2 Nights)

Starting Price   ₹ 29,950 / Couple

Kerala is a dream place for Honeymooners and this is another 3 day honeymoon package designed for couples. Have a luxurious and enjoyable stay in treehouse. Enjoy the sightseeing, waterfalls and many more.

Alleppey backwater honeymoon packages for 3days

3 Days 2 Nights Kumarakom, Alleppey Tour Package

Locations : Kumarakom (1 Night), Alleppey Houseboat(1 Night)

Starting Price   ₹ 19,950 / Couple

Reveal the beauty of Kerala with your loved one by booking our 3 Days 2 Nights Kumarakom, Alleppey Tour Package. It includes 1 night stay at Kumarakom lakeside resort and 1 night at Alleppey Houseboat.

Budget 3 Days Kerala Group Tour Packages (2 Nights / 3 Days)

Group trips are always enchanting and happening whether it is with your friends or family. It sounds like it will one of the most memorable trip. We provide different types of 3 days kerala packages for group tours . Spend your Holidays in Kerala with your friends.

3 day munnar group packages

3 Days 2 Nights Munnar Group Tour Package

Starting Price   ₹ 5750 / Person

Go adventurous with our 3 Days Munnar Group Tour Package. The package includes trekking and camping, sightseeing, visit to exotic waterfalls, tea plantations, etc

3 day kerala group tour packages

3 Days 2 Nights Munnar, Alleppey Group Tour Package

Locations : Munnar (1 Night), Alleppey Houseboat (1 Night)

Starting Price   ₹ 5350 / Person

Experience amazing Munnar’s tea gardens, waterfalls, trekking spots, picnic spots, camping and backwater cruise with our 3 Days 2 Nights Munnar, Alleppey Group Tour Package.

3 day athirapally munnar packages

3 Days 2 Nights Athirapally, Kumarakom Tour Package

Locations : Athirapally (1 Night), Kumarakom Houseboat(1 Night)

Starting Price   ₹ 5300 / Person

3 Days 2 Nights Athirapally, Kumarakom Tour Package is one of the best package designed for the group travellers. Hang on with your friends and enjoy a lovely stay in Kerala.

Some more Kerala tour packages you may like

tour planner kerala

Romantic Munnar Alleppey Honeymoon Package

Munnar 2 N, Alleppey Houseboat 1 N

tour planner kerala

Blissful Munnar  Thekkady Alleppey Honeymoon Package

Munnar 2 N, Thekkady 1 N,  Alleppey Houseboat 1 N

tour planner kerala

Exotic Munnar Thekkady Alleppey Marari Honeymoon Package

Munnar 2 N, Thekkady 1 N,  Alleppey Houseboat 1 N, Marari Beach 1 N

tour planner kerala

Sweet memory south Kerala honeymoon package

Munnar 2 N, Thekkady 1 N,  Alleppey Houseboat 1 N, Varkala Beach 1N , Kovalam 1 N

Wapiti Travel

A 7 day Kerala itinerary perfect for first-timers

By: Author Sylvia

Posted on Last updated: March 11, 2023

The make-up is done in such a way that you might think that the actors wear a mask.

Are you wondering what’s the best Kerala itinerary? You came to the right place.

Kerala is super green with lots of palm trees.  

We loved the seemingly endless lush green nature of Kerala, a paradise for nature lovers and for those who want to relax for a few days.

In this Kerala travel blog post, we share our complete Kerala trip itinerary.

So definitely keep reading.

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There is a really good chance that this post contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, we may receive a small commission (for which we are deeply grateful) at no extra cost to you.  

In a hurry? Here we share our Kerala trip plan for 7 days

If you don’t have time to read through the full 7 days Kerala trip itinerary,  use this overview to get an idea of the things to do each day and save it for later.

  • Day 1-2 Kochi ( Cochin ):  Chinese Fishing Nets, the Pardesi Synagogue, the St. Francis Church, walk through Princess street, Mattancherry Palace, attend a Kathakali dance show.
  • Day 3-4 Munnar:  Visit the tea plantations, Mattupety Dam, Echo Point, and Top Station. Go hiking, visit Eravikulam National Park, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • Day 5-7 Allepey, Kumarakom, and Cochin: Relax in Allepey, cruise the backwaters, make a Shikara boat ride, take an Ayurveda massage.

Table of Contents

India essentials 

  • To find  cheap flights to India, click here.
  • Most travelers need a visa for India. The easiest way is to apply for an e-visa through  a Visa agency. Click here to see prices and submit your application.
  • For more inspiration on what to do and to see in India, take a look at our  2 weeks in India itinerary  and our  Rajasthan itinerary.
  • Here you can find an overview of  the best India group tours . If you are specifically looking for  group tours that visit Kerala, click here.
  • Last but not least, make sure you have good  travel insurance.

Definitely take a Kerala backwaters tour while in Kerala

Kerala tour itinerary 7 days 

In this 7 days Kerala travel itinerary you will discover most of Kerala’s highlights. 

Day 1-2: Kochi (Cochin)

If the use of Cochin and Kochi gets you confused you’re not alone. 

Both names refer to the same city.  Kochi is the official name but many people still use the unofficial Cochin which was used by the British occupiers.

Kochi is the major airport in Kerala.  The airport is served by many domestic and international flights.

Depending on how late you arrive in Kochi we would recommend staying one or two nights.

Our driver was waiting for us at the arrivals hall.  In hindsight, we can now tell you that we are glad we had arranged one.

Although the distances that you will cover to visit these Kerala sights are nothing compared to the kilometers we traveled in the Northern part of India it is still a much more comfortable way of traveling.

45 Amazing facts about India you should read before you go

The St Francis church is not to miss when visiting Cochin

Kochi sightseeing

I’m not sure if you have ever been to Rajasthan.

If you have we can tell you that Kerala will be a whole different experience. It could just as well be another country.   

It’s a very tropical city with lots of water and palm trees and if somebody would have told us that we were no longer in Indian but in Thailand instead we could have believed him.

Here we share the best things to do in Kochi.

Things to do in Fort Kochi

Kochi is the economic capital of the state of Kerala. 

It is a big city but the highlights are all located in the same part of the city called Fort Kochi and can be covered in a half-day.

We visited the Chinese Fishing Nets, the Pardesi Synagogue, and the St. Francis Church.  Along the way we walked through Princess street, the place to hunt for souvenirs, snoop around bookstores or relax with a drink and some food.

Next, we went to the Mattancherry Palace, also called the Dutch Palace.  It’s a beautiful small palace with some awesome mural paintings.  It can in no way be compared to any of the palaces we visited in Rajasthan.

The museum does a good job of showcasing the many differences in the life of the Maharaja between the north and the south of the country.

Kochi is also a good place to attend a Kathakali dance show. This is a story play that originated in Kerala and is still unique to this region. 

The show kept us amused for the full hour.  Although we lost the storyline somewhere halfway, the costumes, make-up, and acts alone justify attending the show.

You can see a similar Kathakali show in Munnar if your agenda wouldn’t allow you to attend the show in Kochi.

Here you can find more places to visit in Fort Kochi. 

tour planner kerala

Where to stay in Cochin

Le méridien cochin.

le Méridien Cochin India

We stayed in  the Meridien Cochin  and had a wonderful time. We had a very big comfortable room and enjoyed the delicious breakfast.  The staff was very accommodating and even invited us to the miss Kerala election that was held in the hotel. We would definitely stay here again if we would return to Cochin.

Check prices and availability:

If you aren’t convinced of this hotel, you will find a lot of other hotels in Cochin on

Day 3-4: Munnar

From Kochi, we continued our journey towards the hill station of Munnar.

Driving time:  112 km- approximately 4 hours.

Things to do in Munnar

Munnar is a great location to spend 2 days.  Best of all is that the temperature is really enjoyable as it is higher up in the mountains.  It might even feel a little chilly when you’re acclimatized to the temperatures in the other parts of India.

So bring a warm jacket or sweater.

The main tourist attraction of Munnar are the many tea plantations. Did you know that India is famous for producing one of the best teas in the world? 

You can’t miss them, all roads in the area zigzag through the tea plantations. 

The sight is so spectacular that I think we may have asked our driver a hundred times to stop for a picture.

Munnar Hill Station, India

Several tea plantations are open to visitors. 

Some of them have a small museum where you can see how tea is made in the factories. 

There’s also the tea museum that tells more about the history of tea in this region.

For an even more authentic experience, you can book an organized tour that takes you on unpaved routes deep into the fields.   You will meet some of the tea pickers and see how they still mostly manually pick the leaves.  Did you know that they collect around 100kg of leaves every single day?

We loved the tea plantations so much that we would almost forget the other sights of Munnar. 

Once we sort of had enough of the impressive vistas on the tea plantations we headed to the Mattupety Dam, Echo Point, and Top Station.

Except for Top Station, the sights in themselves are not that special but the roads that take you there are all the more. 

Along the way, you pass several photogenic waterfalls as well as many more incredible vistas.

tour planner kerala

Munnar is also surrounded by some beautiful national parks.

Eravikulam National Park is located half an hour outside Munnar and is the habitat of the almost extinct Nilgiri Tahr . 

Almost 2 hours North of Munnar is Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary where you can spot elephants and deer (and even leopards if you are really really lucky).

Hiking is another excellent way to witness the beauty of the region. 

Several gorgeous hikes and trekkings can be done ranging from easy to rather difficult but most are unmarked and require a guide.

If you plan on doing a lot of hiking, we would advise you to wear hiking leggings. They are a lot more comfortable than shorts when you plan on hiking a lot.

In the evening you can attend the Kathakali as well as Kalaripayattu shows.   The latter is a very energetic martial arts show.

Kalarippayattu Show, Munnar, India

Where to stay in Munnar 

Fragrant nature munnar.

Fragrant Nature Munnar India

The Fragrant Nature Munnar hotel is gorgeous and beautifully situated on the top of the valley amidst the jungle.  It is surrounded by tea and spice plantations. The hotel has comfortable and well-equipped rooms and is run by helpful and accommodating staff. The view from the room is outstanding.

Check prices and availability: Agoda

Day 5-7: Alleppey-Kumarakom-Cochin

Kumarakom and Alleppey are both nice places to end your vacation in Kerala. They are located on opposite sides of the Vembanad lake. 

We ended our vacation with some quality time in a resort in Kumarakom but you can also spend some relaxing days in Alleppey.

We have included a short comparison between the two to help you pick the best destination for your vacation.

Driving time: 175 km- approximately 4-5h

This is amazing Kerala experience

Should you go to Alleppey or Kumarakom?

This depends on what you want to do.

If you want to cruise the backwaters and stay a night on a houseboat you might want to choose for Alleppey.

The boats leave from both locations but Alleppey has by far the biggest choice for a backwater cruise.

You won’t find a lot of resorts in Alleppey, these are all located along the lakeside in Kumarakom.

Kumarakom is the most flexible of the two as it allows you to combine a stay in a resort with an overnight cruise in a houseboat.  Some of the resorts have their own houseboats and offer this as a package.

You should know that although a Kerala backwater cruise lasts almost a full day the boat will only sail for about 6 hours. 

Local regulations reserve the lake for the fishermen at night, all houseboats need to dock by 5:30 PM. 

The majority of the 6 hours are also spent on the lake, most Kerala houseboats are too large to navigate the narrow channels of the backwaters where you can really experience daily life.

The small boats called Shikara offer an alternative way to see the backwaters. You can charter these per hour as a couple or family.

An advantage of these small boats is that they can navigate the narrow channels and because it’s a private tour you can ask the driver to stop if you want to take pictures.  We saw a lot of colorful birds so there’re plenty of picture opportunities.

We arranged a 2-hour Shikara boat ride. It seemed like 2 hours was enough although the scenery is really stunning. This cruise was one of the highlights of our trip to Kerala as the backwaters are so peaceful and beautiful. I think the backwaters might be the reason why they call this state “God’s own country”.

tour planner kerala

If we would go back we would definitely opt for a Shikara again.

The Shikara boats leave from the Kavanattinkara boat jetty in Kumarakom.  This is close to the entrance of the bird sanctuary and your boat ride will actually take you along part of the edge of the sanctuary.   The sanctuary is a nice place to enjoy nature but the dense forest will make it difficult to spot birds. 

You can combine your boat ride with a visit to the sanctuary, just know that you will probably see more birds during the boat ride than during your forest trek in the sanctuary.

This region in Kerala is also famous for its Ayurveda massages. 

Ayurveda is a buzzword that’s popping up all over the world.  What you may not know is that it originated in India several thousand years ago.  It’s a way of life that revolves around creating peace and harmony in the body by aligning different energy channels, called chakras. 

The Ayurveda oils that are used have medicinal and detoxing properties.

You should try an Ayurveda massage if you currently suffer from insomnia or high levels of stress.

We had our massage at an Ayurveda Massage Center but you will see that most hotels offer these massages as well.

If you like to combine a backwater tour with a massage, this is the perfect tour for you. 

Where to stay in Alleppey 

Angel queen houseboat.

Angel Queen houseboat Alleppey India

A lovely boat with a top deck for great viewing. The boat has comfortable bedrooms with ensuites. The meals that are served are delicious and the scenery divine.

A good option for a relaxing and comfortable trip.

If you aren’t convinced of this houseboat, you will find a lot of other houseboats in Alleppey on

Where to stay in Kumarakom?

Park regis aveda kumarakom.

Park Regis Aveda Kumarakom India

Classy resort with beautiful rooms that look out over the pool. Excellent food and service at the restaurant.  Very courteous and friendly staff. The hotel offers a complimentary sunset cruise. 

A beautiful peaceful place on the lake.

If you aren’t convinced of this hotel, you will find a lot of other resorts in Kumarakom on

tour planner kerala

Best time to visit Kerala

The best period to visit Kerala is from September to March although it can rain occasionally until December.

We had some daily scattered showers in October.  They usually occurred somewhere during the afternoon but not to that degree that it affected our travel plans for Kerala.

Kerala has an overall enjoyable climate whole year-round.  Most visitors prefer the above period because it’s warm but not too hot and there’s only a small chance to have vacation days ruined by rain. 

There are some popular activities in Kerala in this period. 

One is the Kumarakom Boat race in September and October and there is also Cochin Carnival which is widely celebrated in January.

This is the most popular tourist season and that is reflected in the hotel prices.

You will have to pay more for your accommodation, certainly around the year-end period.

As of April, the temperatures start rising towards 30 degrees and more.  Most tourists avoid Kerala during these months.

It’s a great time to explore the region if the heat doesn’t bother you, the hotel rates are lower and there will be fewer crowds.

In general, there will be plenty of sun during the daytime. 

Chances of heavy showers and thunderstorms towards evening increase as April ends and May kicks in.

June, July, and August is monsoon season in Kerala. 

The temperatures are hot and humid and almost daily there will be some heavy showers. 

Floods are not uncommon during this time of the year so it may be difficult to get around.

If your travel plans are limited to this time of the year and you are looking for a nature destination, we would recommend you to consider a trip to Borneo.

Cheap Flights to Kerala

If you want to score  cheap flights to Kerala we advise you to have a look at Momondo  and  Skyscanner.   

Both are flight aggregators that compare several hundreds of booking sites and give you an overview of the best flights and the cheapest sites to book them. 

Momondo and Skyscanner are both very good at finding good deals, of the two, Momondo is probably the one with the most intuitive user interface.

Visa requirements for India

With the exception of residents of Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives everybody needs a visa to enter India.

Recently the country has introduced e-visas.  You can find out if you’re eligible to apply for an e-visa on the government’s e-visa website .  The website also lists the fees.  These vary by country. (see point 4 of the instructions)

Note that the Indian government charges the fee regardless of whether your application has been approved or not.  The fee is seen as a processing fee and therefore non-refundable.  It’s always charged, even if your application would be rejected due to an unclear picture or an unreadable scan of your passport.

This made us a little uncomfortable and we decided to apply for our e-visa through a visa agency so that our information would be subject to an additional review by the agency before it was finally submitted.

Apply for a travel visa with VisaHQ: Visa for India

When you want to apply for the e-visa yourself make sure to do this directly on the official government website.  Ignore sites that falsely claim to be official like the one below, they add significant service charges to your application, more than reputable visa agencies such as iVisa.  The official e-visa site run by the government is .

tour planner kerala

Take a car and driver or join an organized tour

We always prefer to explore a country on our own. Primarily for the freedom that it gives us but also because it feels more authentic if you mingle with the locals on public transportation and in the streets.

We did some research but it wasn’t really easy to find something that worked for us. 

There’re buses that go to the hill stations but you would need an additional taxi or tuk-tuk to get to your hotel as many of them are spread out across the region and not really within the limits of those stations.

Then you will also have to make arrangements with a taxi or tuk-tuk to take you to the various sights, or you could book an organized tour.

Car and driver

In the end, we opted for a private chauffeured tour as it looked much easier.  

To book a private chauffeured tour you need to provide the company with your planned itinerary. This is because the price not only depends on the number of days but also on the number of kilometers that you will travel.

If you’re not sure about your itinerary for Kerala you can finetune it together with the company.

Most companies will be able to book your accommodations as well but you’re free to arrange your hotels yourself if you prefer.

Your driver will be waiting for you at the airport in the arrivals hall.  From this point on you have all the freedom about how you fill in your days.  We were well prepared and had a list of things that we wanted to see and do. Our driver always had some extra suggestions ready.  Each evening we made the final arrangements with him for the next day.

It worked out really well and turned out to be a comfortable way to visit Kerala.

If you are looking for a car and driver, take a look here. 

Joining an organized tour 

If you don’t have time to create your own itinerary or just don’t want to go independent, then you could also join an organized tour. 

TourRadar is an online travel agency specialized in multi-day tours.  Their well-arranged interface makes it easy to compare package tours from different operators.

They have several 7 days Kerala tour packages.

A tuk tuk in India

Tipping in India

There’s something strange about tipping in India and it took some time before we got a hold about when and how much we should tip.  Tipping, in India known as Baksheesh, is not common and didn’t exist before tourism became popular in India.  You will hardly ever see a local give a tip.

Westerners introduced the custom of tipping, maybe because poverty can be confronting, but our driver was quick to remind us that we didn’t need to be overly generous.

The Baksheesh has already found its way in the culture and staff in restaurants that see a lot of tourists now seem to expect tips from foreigners.

We sometimes noticed how we got treated differently than an Indian couple sitting at the table next to us.  Mostly regarding the bill because the service was equally good regardless of skin color, language, or origin.

We usually tipped about 10% in restaurants.

Make sure to check the bill for a service charge before you tip. 

Some restaurants will add this automatically, others don’t. 

We did try to hand the tip subtly to our waiter because we often noticed how restaurant managers were quick to collect the tips that were left on the table and they just disappeared in their own pockets.

The tipping policy was not any more clear in hotels. 

We noticed how luxury hotels seemed to have a no-tipping policy. 

We had some small rupees handy (the guideline is 50 rupees per bag) each time we arrived in a hotel but the porters in most luxury hotels were very fast to leave to the room. We often didn’t have the chance to hand over the tip. 

On the occasions where we did, they were overly grateful.   

Less luxurious hotels often showed a completely different picture. 

Hotel porters in these hotels would put on a whole show and acted like our bags weighed at least 50kg each. 

They clearly expected a tip and did not make a start to leave the room until we handed them the Baksheesh. 

We tipped the first group with pleasure, but the 2nd group gave us a bad feeling.

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” 

If you have a car with a driver it is also expected that you tip your driver for good service. 

Our driver was always on time and even acted as a guide whenever he could. 

He would tell us more about the places that we visited and would always offer suggestions about the places where we could go to. 

If you’re happy with the services of your driver the suggested tip is 200 INR per day per person. 

If you’re sharing a driver with a larger group you can lower these amounts, a tip of 800INR/day is very generous.

Scams in India

We encountered various small scams but luckily nothing that was too bad.

Most of them occurred in Rajasthan but you will be confronted with them in all public and touristic places all over India, even in temples.

Do not accept any free things that are offered to you.  Once you have accepted the so-called gift they will ask money in return.

Overall we had the impression that things weren’t as bad in Kerala as in Rajasthan but we prefer to share our tips anyway.

A small piece of advice is to not be annoyed too much by these scams.  If you allow them to influence your mood it will just ruin your experience.  Let it go and move on. It’s not worth ruining your trip over it.

Know how much you need to pay

We experienced how Indians shamelessly dared to ask a twentyfold of the official price for snacks or drinks. 

A coke in an ordinary Indian supermarket was suddenly more expensive than what we would pay in a fancy bistro along the Champs-Elysée. 

Although you clearly know that this cannot be correct it’s hard to negotiate a fair price if you do not know this price. 

After we overpaid once our driver showed us where could find the official price.

All drinks and snacks should have the price printed on them.  If the bottle or package is not showing the price or the price has been barred just move on and find a trustworthy seller.

We visited most sites with our driver and when we did he told us the entry fees we needed to pay. 

Most of the time these were also clearly indicated at the ticket offices. Prices for foreigners are more expensive than those for locals. 

Luckily the difference is not that big here than it was in the North where foreigners often paid the fifteenfold or twentyfold of locals.

Most entrance fees can be paid with a credit card or cash. 

Monuments that are run by the government often have some discount for credit card payments. 

 When paying cash make sure to check your change, short-changing is not uncommon in India.

The chances are smaller that they will try to pull short-changing tricks on you if you clearly show the notes that you hand over or even mention how much cash you give them.

Something else we experienced, although in New Delhi, is that people pretended to be ticket vendors although the entrance is free. 

This happened at the Jama Masjid mosque. 

Scammers stopped us at the entrance and rather aggressively asked us to pay 300 INR per person and an additional 300 INR for each camera.

Because we knew the entrance was free we ended up only paying the camera fee and saved 600 INR.

2 days in Jaipur, a detailed itinerary. 

If you plan on visiting any monuments look up the price online before you go.

Price indication on water bottle (India)

Adapter for electrical appliances

India uses a mix of electrical plugs type C (also known as Europlug), D and M .  The type C plug is similar to what is used in most European countries. 

The Type M plug has three round pins in a triangular pattern and looks similar to the Type D plug, the only difference being that its pins are much larger.

Type M pins are used for bigger appliances.

Since we are from Belgium, we did not need an adapter.

If you have problems using type C plugs in Type D sockets you should try to insert an object with a fine tip into the top hole while inserting the plug.

Stay healthy

Maybe it was the temperature that was slightly more pleasant or maybe the kitchen hygiene is just better, whatever the reason was, once we arrived in Kerala we were released of the famous Delhi belly.

We still obeyed the following rules:

Avoid drinking any tap water or brushing your teeth with it.  Try to steer clear from any food that may have been washed in it like salads and order any soda’s without ice.

Indians have the lowest rate of meat consumption in the world. India has 500 million vegetarians, that are more vegetarians than the rest of the world put together.

The country offers perhaps the world’s most fabulous choice of vegetarian food so it may be a good choice to go veggie for the duration of your stay in India.

Undercooked or rotten meat can do a lot more harm than a badly prepared vegetarian dish.

tour planner kerala

Expenses abroad can be seriously inflated by fees from your bank or credit card.  That’s why I’m a huge fan of my  N26 account.   

The account is available to most EU residents.

 The  checking account  is free as well as the associated Mastercard and there’s no exchange rate provision when you use to card for payments abroad. 

There’s a 1,7% exchange rate provision when you withdraw money abroad but even that is free with  the premium Black Mastercard.  

The app is another great feature of the card, you can follow your expenses in real-time and instantly block your card if you see any signs of fraud.

When paying cash double-check the amount you hand over to the cashier and double-check the notes you get back.  Shortchanging is, unfortunately, a common practice in India.

Also, check the quality of the notes you get back.

It doesn’t matter so much for small notes (anything up to 100INR) but don’t accept any notes over 100 that are damaged or have been written on. 

We had one 500 rupee note with some yellow marks on it and it took us a while before somebody wanted to accept it.

We stayed in both 3, 4, and 5-star hotels. 

The level of service in all of them was excellent but we noticed how the cleanliness was significantly lower in 3-star hotels. 

We found dust on the shelves, old worn towels, raffled carpet in the corridors, sticky tables in the restaurant, and pigeon poop all around the pool. 

What we didn’t find was toilet paper in the public toilets. 😊 Not what we would expect from a 3-star hotel but you have to keep in mind that the standards for cleanliness are different in India.

Indian cities are often very hectic and noisy and we were often happy that we could relax in a comfortable hotel after a busy day.

We would recommend taking slightly better hotels then you usually take so that you can unwind and relax after a hectic day.

Travel Insurance 

Last but not least… I’m not sure how good or bad Indian hospitals are. 

I do want to believe that they have a higher standard of cleanliness than the average Indian restaurant but still, I rather don’t experience it myself.

We never had anything serious happen on any of our journeys around the world but we never take any risks, better safe than sorry…  That’s why we always travel with good travel insurance.

If you don’t have travel insurance yet, check out HeyMondo or Safetywing . Both companies over good travel insurance for a competitive price.

HeyMondo Travel Insurance

SafetyWing Insurance

We had an amazing week in Kerala.

The backwaters are incredibly beautiful and although this is the third time that we visit tea plantations they keep on inspiring us to snap hundreds of pictures.

Kerala has everything you need for a lovely vacation. 

There’re fantastic hotels in all price classes.

One thing I noticed about hotels in India is that the service is always excellent.  Cleanliness is somewhat troublesome in 3-star hotels (we did not stay below 3 stars) but the service remains spotless.

Nature lovers as we are we were definitely charmed by the beautiful nature of the state. 

If we would come back we would certainly do some trekkings and maybe even try one of the bounty beaches to relax afterward.

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Kerala itinerary

Bharat Taxi

Friday 27th of December 2019

Thanks for sharing your itinerary for the trip, Kerala is very beautiful city and there have many places to visit for sightseeing. I really appreciate this post, all images are so beautiful, Thanks for sharing this post.

New Delhi to Kerala

Kerala Packages for 4 Days

  • 44 / 44 Package s

Plan Your Sojourn to God's Own Country


About 3 Nights Kerala Packages

Browse other popular Holiday packages in International: International Tour Packages , International Honeymoon Packages , International Cruise Packages , International Beach Packages , International Family Packages , International Adventure Packages , International Luxury Packages , International Leisure Packages , International Pilgrimage Packages , International Wildlife Packages . So select your pick for your Kerala trip today!

Popular Kerala Packages for 4 Days

Fascinating kerala.

Kerala is called God’s Own Country for various reasons. It’s unmatched natural beauty, scenic beaches and tranquil atmosphere attracts tourists from across the world. If you are looking for a refreshing vacation, away from your daily mundane routine, a trip to Kerala is all you need. You will find several Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days on MakeMyTrip. There are many Kerala 3 night tour packages that will give you an opportunity to explore this mesmerising state.

Book a Kerala 3 nights 4 days package and get a bird’s eye glimpse of the natural beauty that characterises the region. The state is blessed with almost everything that one could desire and even more.

Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days- Major Highlights

A Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days is the perfect solution for people who love witnessing nature’s glory up close. From enchanting houseboat rides on the backwaters to mystical mountains, you can include them all in your 3 nights Kerala package .

Your Kerala tour package 4 days 3 nights can also contain visits to diverse cultural and historical landmarks. These may be major highlights of your 4 day Kerala tour package since the state has a rich historical legacy too.

The best part is that the Kerala tour packages 3 nights 4 days price is easy on the pocket. You can book your Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days from MakeMyTrip, taking your pick from the plethora of choices at your fingertips.

While your Kerala 3 night tour package will literally have abundant attractions worth checking out, here are some highlights that you should note in this regard.

  • Visit the spectacular Valara and Cheeyappara waterfalls as a part of your Kerala 3 nights 4 days package .
  • Your 3 nights Kerala package will give you the magical feeling of a road trip cutting through the Western Ghats.
  • Enjoy the thrill of a jungle safari at the Periyar Tiger Reserve with your Kerala tour package 4 days 3 nights .
  • Explore the fascinating Mattancherry Palace and Fort Kochi, which are key components of your 4 day Kerala tour package .
  • Go shopping at Jewtown and take in the Marine Drive sunset with its glimmering aura.

You can choose a Kerala honeymoon packages for 3 nights 4 days online at MakeMyTrip. The good news is that a 3 nights 4 days honeymoon package Kerala will be a pocket-friendly proposition for you by all means! There are packages available for every type of traveller, including solo travellers, families and larger groups of people.

Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days- Itinerary and Activities

While designing your Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days , make sure that you take a closer look at all the landmarks on offer. Kerala is a vast state with a lot to offer. Hence, careful planning is the need of the hour.

Remember that it is impossible to cover even a major chunk of the state in a few days. You will have to return to Kerala again in order to explore the state to the fullest. Focusing on specific themes or regions may be a better idea in this regard.

You can choose Kerala tour packages 3 nights 4 days from Bangalore or from other Indian cities on MakeMyTrip. There is something for everyone here. While in Kerala, do not forget to taste the scintillating local delights, right from Idli, Sambar and Dosa to Vada, Uttapams and more! There are several steaming curries that you will also fall in love with! If you are a foodie, then Kerala has you covered with ease!

Your trip will start with your arrival in Kerala on the first day. After three fabulous days, you will return to your destination on the fourth day.

Day 1: Arrival in Kerala

You will land in Kochi on the first day of your tour. Later, you will be transferred to your hotel in Munnar, one of the state’s most picturesque hill stations. The scenic route will refresh your senses. Stop on the way to admire the amazing Cheeyappara and Valara Waterfalls. Reach your hotel and complete the check-in formalities. Spend the rest of the day and evening at leisure, relaxing amidst the tranquil surroundings and taking a short trip to the nearby tea and spice gardens here.

Day 2: Thekkady Tour

Start your day with a hearty breakfast and leave for a road trip to Thekkady. After you check-in at the hotel, get ready for an exciting jungle safari at the renowned Periyar Tiger Reserve. Once you complete this experience of a lifetime, you can spend the evening shopping at the Kumily local market, picking up spices and other little delights here. Return to your hotel and have a comforting meal.

Day 3: Return to Kochi

The third day of your trip will start with breakfast at the hotel and the beautiful journey back to Kochi. After you check-in at the hotel, get ready to explore the city’s numerous landmarks. These include the Mattancherry Palace, Fort Kochi, Santa Cruz Cathedral, St. Francis Church, Kerala Kathakali Centre and many others. The evening can be spent watching the sunset at the Marine Drive, enjoying the cool sea breeze. You can return to your hotel and spend the evening at leisure. Alternatively, you can dine at a top restaurant in the city with your family.

Day 4: Departure from Kerala

You will start your day with breakfast at the hotel, before getting a transfer to the Kochi airport or the Ernakulam railway station, depending on your preferences. You can then depart for your destination, bringing the curtains down on an enjoyable vacation.

Check Kerala tour packages for 3 nights 4 days on MakeMyTrip in order to find great holidays at competitive prices. Here’s to a magical trip ahead!

All Packages


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  • Tour Manager

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Weekend getaway to wayanad package.

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A Treat for the Honeymooners!

Enjoy time off with your partner on a romantic vacation with our special packages.

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Amazing Houseboat Stays

Unwind by the mesmerising backwaters with exclusive houseboat stays

Best Selling India Tour Packages

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Best Selling Honeymoon Packages in India

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Best Selling Domestic Tourism Packages

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Heaven on earth isn’t a dream, it’s a destination. Kerala tour is so easily and affordably accessible, you don’t even have to leave the country.  All you have to do is book a Kerala tour packages and hop on to the next flight, train or bus and make your way to the spectacular last stretch of the West Coast of India, to Kerala. Kerala holidays are popular around the world. A mesmerizing Kerala tour where the sublime beaches, cultural richness, historical depth, exotic wildlife, and beautiful mountainsides promise and our Kerala packages always deliver you an unforgettable getaway. So, are you ready to have yours?

A Kerala trip can be as luxurious or offbeat as you’d like it to be. Especially when you have such a wide variety of Kerala tour packages to choose from. The best place to start planning your trip to Kerala is browsing through the many Thomas Cook India Kerala tour packages that you can book with just a click, starting at only INR 11,849. Take your pick from quick 2-night 3-day retreats to indulgent 7-night 8-day escapades that take you around all the must-visit highlights of Kerala holidays. Discover Kerala tour packages that are as flexible or fixed as your travel dreams, plans and itineraries.

Table of Contents

  • Most Popular Kerala Tour Packages

Plan Your Kerala Tour With Thomas Cook India

Holidays in kerala.

  • Romantic Kerala
  • How to reach Kerala
  • Best time to visit Kerala
  • Best Places to Visit in Kerala

What to Eat in Kerala

  • Things to do in Kerala

People also ask about Kerala Tour Packages

Most popular kerala tour packages 2024.

Below are the most popular Kerala Tour Packages:

Whether you want to enjoy the idyllic beach vacay, witness authentic village life firsthand, hike through vividly verdant jungles, visit breathtaking natural wonders, delve into culinary feasts, your Kerala tour package can be about one or all of the above. Our expert travel curators have designed perfect Kerala packages just for you, so that you can fully immerse yourself in the captivating blend of things to see and do that Kerala tourism has to offer. With all the comfort and convenience of accommodation, travel and logistics taken care of with Kerala tour packages, regardless of which part of the country you belong to, Kerala beckons as it enjoys direct connectivity with all the major cities of India like  Mumbai , Delhi , Bangalore , Chennai , Kolkata , Hyderabad , Pune , Ahmedabad  and more.

For a clearer picture on what to expect from Kerala tourism and your visit, from sights and sounds to weather and getting around, check out our in-depth travel guide. Where you can find all the information you need, to book your Kerala tour packages and look forward to the Kerala tour of your dreams. Such as the best things to do in Kerala , best time to visit Kerala, places to visit in Kerala and more.

A magical land steeped in history, nature, culture, and tropical bliss. That is Kerala tour in a sentence. But as an experience, no amount of words can do it justice. And still, we try. By waxing lyrical about its stunning palm-fringed beaches. Its amalgamated heritage with a labyrinth-like intrigue. Its ancient natural medicine that modern bodies long for. Its native cuisine of rich, deep flavourful layers. Its sense-tingling spice plantations. Its pristine and protected natural surroundings. We even call it God’s Own Country. And beautiful, majestic Kerala, always lives up to its name. 

Kerala is one of those tour destinations that instantly conjures images in one’s mind. A golden sunset at the Chinese fishing nets in Cochin, houseboats gently floating along the mesmeric backwaters of Alleppey , surf-ready waves curling onto Varkala beach, the rolling misty hills of Munnar, a captivating Kathakali performance, the serene surrounds of an Ayurvedic center. And with Thomas Cook’s Kerala tour packages, you can bring them all to life and turn them into memories of a lifetime. Of a fun-filled family getaway, a much-needed solo escapade, a romantic tropical honeymoon , or a special trip with friends. 

Holidays in Kerala can be enjoyed by all groups of people and all ages too. The state welcomes you to walk barefoot on its sandy beaches, satiate your cultural musings with sightseeing and shows, explore its hill-stations and national parks, sample every local delicacy to your heart’s delight. To simply make the most of this paradise-like destination that’s not in some far-flung corner of the world, but right here at home. 

Romantic Kerala

Where you and your beloved can make the most beautiful start to your journey together. At some of the most luxurious stays across the destination, from stunning beachfront resorts to brilliant boutique hill-station lodges, exotic and elegant wooden houseboats, to lavish mid-town 5-star hotels. Where you can immerse yourself in the experiences of a lifetime. Like waking up to lush greenery and birdsong, dinner under the stars, couples spa retreats, secluded swims in the sea, holding hands and sightseeing, uplifting yet grounding temple visits, jungle safaris at dawn, hiking across fields and plantations, sipping on drinks in the sunshine, boat rides on the backwaters . Every moment of a honeymoon in Kerala promises to be one filled with love and wonder. Leaving you with countless memories to take back home. 

To plan your perfect Kerala honeymoon, check out a wide range of Kerala honeymoon packages . They have been specially crafted for newlyweds, taking into consideration everything couples would love to see, do, and experience. Don’t wait any longer, make your partner’s dream come true, in the spectacular destination that is Kerala. 

How to Reach Kerala

Being such a popular tourist spot means Kerala has great connectivity making it boat rides on the backwaters. One can get on a flight, take trains, buses and even reach by car. It all depends on where you are coming from and how straightforward or adventurous you want your travel to be. The quickest and most convenient way to reach Kerala is by air. There are four international airports located across the state, which also see domestic arrivals. For your trip to Kerala, you can fly into Thiruvananthapuram International Airport or Cochin International Airport, from all major cities across India. 

But for those who love taking the scenic route, your trip to Kerala should be by train or road. There are countless trains running to various cities and towns across Kerala, from all over the country. The coastal stretch is considered one of the most picturesque train journeys of India. Or better still, take a private taxi or car. The road trip allows you to drive past spectacular vistas, quaint villages, and the ability to stop and soak it all in, whenever you like. Meanwhile, luxury and deluxe buses ply from all major cities to different parts of the state too. So you can choose any of these transport options to begin your Kerala holiday. 

Travelling within Kerala

Public transport is available to take you around Kerala, such as local trains, buses, and taxis. It depends on how long a journey you wish to make. Most hotels offer car and driver services to make sightseeing and other trips convenient. You can also hire a car at the airport itself, for the entire duration of your stay. However, with Thomas Cook’s Kerala tour packages you needn’t worry, as transfers and excursions are included. 

Best Time to Visit Kerala

You can plan a trip to Kerala at any time of the year, depending on the kind of weather you prefer. With tropical climate, Kerala has a hot, humid summer, a substantially heavy monsoon, and a pleasantly cool winter. Since Kerala has varied topography, cool and hot micro-climates exist too. By understanding each season, you can choose the right dates for your Kerala tour.

Summer holidays in Kerala are great for those who wish to visit the hill-stations or experience some of the seasonal festivities such as Vishnu with temperatures often crossing the 40 degree mark, spending time at the beach or out sightseeing can be uncomfortably hot. On the other hand, this is a great time to look for off-season deals on Kerala tour packages. Hill stations like Munnar, Thekkady, Ponmudi, and Vagamon offer a lush green escape from the heat. But this is when you can find great off-season deals on Kerala packages. While places like Munnar, Thekkady, Ponmudi and Vagamon offer lush green escapes, high up in the hills, away from the heat. Monsoon arrives with a bang in June and tapers off by August end. If you enjoy the wet season or are a couple looking to experience the romance of the rain, then you should definitely search for a Kerala package within these months. This is also a great time to go on a spa focused Kerala trip, one that truly leaves you rejuvenated. This makes the best time to visit Kerala  during the winter season, from September end to the start of March. Most people opt to spend their holidays in Kerala during this time, as the favourable weather makes the beaches idyllic, the backwaters are at their best and the outdoors in general become more accessible. So even city-centric getaways are more fun, allowing you to have the entire gamut of Kerala holidays experiences to pick from. But if you are going to go during winter, booking your Kerala tour package in advance is recommended.

Best Places to Visit in Kerala

Places to Visit Kerala Infographic

Below are the best places to visit in Kerala during your Kerala Trip.

Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary

Perched on the plantation-filled hills of Kerala is the charming town of Munnar. The once-colonial summer town is today a lush, vibrant region where exotic teas and spices are grown, authentic rustic village life still exists, and nature thrives in myriad shapes and colours. Any Kerala trip itinerary that includes Munnar, promises exquisite experiences. Like cycling through the plantations, animal spotting at Eravikulam National Park, boat riding at Mattupetty Dam, picnicking at Hydel Park and sampling local culture at the famed Tea Museum. A heavenly retreat for couples or families looking spend quality time with one another, in enchanting surrounds. 

A tiny district in Kerala is most famous for its backwater tours. This special ecosystem means Alappuzha offers visitors exquisite flowing waters flanked on either side by tropical palms and trees, that you can call home for a night, or maybe a few. Staying on a houseboat isn’t something you can do too often, so why not make the most of the opportunity.  But that doesn’t there’s no reason to get your feet on solid land. Alappuzha is also home to significant landmarks, like St. Mary Forane Church, the oldest in all of India! While Alapuzzha Beach is another lovely spot for a day of sun, sand, and frolic. Don’t miss out on this destination on your Kerala package.

A trip to Kerala is incomplete without visiting its cultural epicentre, Kochi. Where you will discover a rich mix of history, spectacular architecture, nature in all its glory, a bustling food scene, heritage arts and craft, beautiful sacred sites — a heady blend of all things that make travel such an enlightening experience. Don’t miss out on popular tourist attractions like the Mattancherry Palace, the Chinese Fishing Nets, St. Francis Church, the Into-Portuguese Museum and Paradesi Synagogue. A stimulating escapade into the past and present of one of the world’s oldest port cities, that promises coastal charm aplenty. 

The pristine crescent-shaped seafront stretch of Kovalam is made up of three beaches, namely Lighthouse, Hawah and Samudra. Each of them with their own special way of leaving you totally mesmerised by the picture-perfect tropical vibe. Golden sands, thrilling water sports, swaying palms to hammock between, secluded stretches with views reserved just for you. And if that’s not enough, a whole host of sites to visit beyond the beach, like the Halcyon Castle, Rock Cut Cave Temple, Neyyar Dam, Vellayani Lake, Napier Art Museum & Gallery and Shri Chitra Art Gallery. With so much to offer, Kovalam surely deserves to be part of your Kerala trip. 

Holidays in Kerala get even more magical when you visit the beautiful district of Kumarakom, where the backwaters cut through lush farmlands, paddy fields and coconut groves. Offering exceptional vistas and the solitude to truly enjoy them. Here you’ll not only get to tick staying on a houseboat off your itinerary, but also experience exciting activities like yachting at Vembanad Lake, one of Asia’s largest freshwater lakes. As well as cultural tours of local heritage sites like Vaikom Mahadeva Temple, St. Mary’s Church, Jama Masjid, and the Shiva Temple. 

Known for its breezy paddy fields, thriving tea, coffee and spice plantations, pristine mountainsides, vibrant history, and culture, Wayanad promises a refreshing getaway from life as you know it. Discover just what makes the Western Ghats one of the world’s top bio-diversity hotspots. Trek, hike and explore to your heart’s content. Especially up the Ambukuthi Hills, where at the top awaits a must-visit historic monument, the Edakkal Caves. Most recommended place on your Kerala package.

A true traveller’s pick of places to visit on a trip to Kerala, Kozhikode — or Calicut as it was known — is a significant location on the historic map of Kerala, and indeed India. For it is where famed explorer Vasco Da Gama first landed. The once-bustling trade port is now a spectacular fusion city, with nature and heritage co-existing to form its own unique ambience. Where you can spend your holidays in Kerala on quaint beaches, old world temples, the wild mangroves, or a craft village. 

Visit one of the twelve protected wildlife sanctuaries, the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, as part of your Kerala holidays. Get as far away from city life for a close up view of nature at its finest, in the heart of the stunning Anamalai Hills. The area is home to over 28 mammals including leopards, tigers, elephants, and deer. While a whopping 225 bird species and 52 reptiles also share these forests. All creatures big and small, co-exist here. And for a brief while, you can join them and feel truly connected to nature. 

Here are our picks of food that you should taste in Kerala:

Idiyappam & Curry

Parippu curry, appam & ishtu, puttu & kadala curry.

Idiyappams are almost like noodle cakes, made of rice flour, salt and water. Its unique texture is what makes the side such a staple across all of Kerala. While the plain flavour allows for myriad curry pairings, be it egg, vegetarian, meat, or seafood. The most common combination is Idiyappam and egg curry. A filling meal that can be had for lunch or dinner, and a truly authentic regional culinary experience. Must try dish on your Kerala trip.

Every part of India has its own dal. And Kerala is no different. Here you will find the delicious, homely goodness of Parippu Curry, made of small gram lentil, ghee, and spices. Taste familiar flavours at an elevated level, that you can have by itself or accompanied by rice. Almost all local restaurants will have Parippu Curry on their menu, so there’s no reason for you to miss out on this mouthwatering staple. 

One of the traditional culinary specialties that you must try on your trip to Kerala, is Appam with Ishtu. Like many South Indian delicacies, appams are made of fermented rice flower along with coconut milk and water, and a sprinkle of jaggery. They are soft, yet crisp-edged pancakes that must be had with a local version of a stew, which can be vegetarian or meaty, as per your preference. A sumptuous feast of native ingredients that captures the state’s blended heritage. Try this delicacy on your next Kerala trip.

Start every day of your holidays in Kerala with a hearty local breakfast. With dishes like Puttu, a steamed rice cake stuffed with grated coconut, that is served with fresh bananas or Kadala Curry, which is a lovely black chickpea preparation. A super affordable and yummy local specialty that’s easy to find all over Kerala. 

Things to Do in Kerala

Below are our recommended things to do during Kerala Tour:

Watch the Neelakurinji bloom

Try the many exotic teas, stay in a houseboat, watch the snake boat race, live in a treehouse, watch theyyam.

For the lucky few, a Kerala tour promises a rare natural phenomenon that can only be witnessed once every 12 years — the bloom of the Neelakurinji flowers. When the western hills of Munnar, are engulfed by the stunning carpet of these purple native flowers.

From tea gardens upon hilltops to street-side chai vendors, sample all the many flavours and varieties of tea that are grown and prepared across Kerala, especially in Idukki. A spectacular view comes with every brew. 

Very few holidays present you with the chance to live on a houseboat, that too on the magnificent backwaters . This unique experience simply cannot be passed over. So plan a few nights of your Kerala trip accordingly or select a Kerala tour package that includes a thrilling houseboat stay.

The Snake Boat Race, held in the backwaters of Alleppey is a good reason to book a Kerala tour package between August-September, to witness the marvellous snake carved boats being oared across the waters, alongside colourful Onam celebrations.

Houseboats aren’t the only special accommodation you can find in Kerala. Many resorts and lodges offer treehouses that are rustic in charm yet modern in finishing. Just one of the many Kerala tour experiences that leave you in the loving lap of nature. 

Add an artistic touch to your Kerala package by including a Theyyam performance in your itinerary. This North Kerala tradition is a sight to behold, with music, dance and theatrics all included. Discover local rituals and legends, packaged into one spectacular extravaganza.

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Kerala Itinerary - 7 Days

  • October 29, 2020
  • Updated Feb 19, 2024

If you are visiting India and want to explore the country beyond the popular tourist destinations, plan a trip to Kerala. One of the most beautiful states in India , Kerala is often overlooked by travelers as they exhaust their time visiting the all-time favorites – Golden Triangle, Rajasthan , Goa , Kashmir , Uttarakhand, etc. 

Known as “God’s Own Country”, Kerala is situated on the Malabar coast of South India. Lush green vegetation, miles & miles of scenic shoreline, sprawling tea gardens, and serpentine backwaters make Kerala a paradise for nature lovers. The state is known for its aromatic herbs & spices, colorful street art, fragrant cuisine, ayurvedic treatments, vibrant festivals , and traditional dance forms.

If you are looking for tranquility, relaxation, and solitude , then Kerala should definitely be on your list. Seven days are not enough to explore Kerala in depth. But it is sufficient to capture the essence and beauty of this stunning tropical paradise. This 7-day Kerala itinerary will take you to some of the state’s most beautiful and diverse attractions, including backwaters, hill stations, beaches, and cultural sites. 

Kerala Itinerary - 7 Days

Best time to visit Kerala

Kerala is a year-round destination but September to March is the ideal time to visit Kerala. December is one of the busiest months due to the holiday season. The weather is pleasant, humidity is negligible and you can visit all the major attractions of Kerala – backwaters, tea plantations, and beaches. April and May can be very hot and humid and are best avoided. During that period, you can explore the higher altitude regions like Munnar and Wayanad which are relatively cooler. From June to August, Kerala is flooded with torrential rains, making it difficult to explore most regions of Kerala. 

How to get around Kerala

All the cities, towns, and villages of Kerala are very well connected by an efficient road transport network. These buses are ideal for budget-conscious travelers. Local trains are also a convenient way to travel between major districts of Kerala, offering you stunning views of the green countryside. However, if you have the budget, the best way to travel in Kerala is by private vehicle/taxi. It gives you flexibility, saves time, and makes life much easier. Ola and Uber are available in big cities. If you want to travel a short distance within the city, an auto-rickshaw is the best option.

Munnar, Kerala Itinerary - & Days

Shopping in Kerala

Spices, Ayurvedic medicines, Mural paintings, cashew nuts, oils, tea, coffee, coir products, coconut-shell handicrafts, and Kathakali Masks are a few of the products that are worth buying in Kerala. Some of these products are good, so don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in some shopping .

Language in Kerala

Malayalam is the official language of Kerala, but English is widely spoken and understood here. Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India, but their English proficiency is quite basic. However, if you are comfortable with English, you should have no issues communicating with locals.

Top Foods to Try in Kerala

Kerala is loved for its distinct, authentic, and colorful cuisine, and you must indulge in its gastronomic delights. Some of Kerala’s traditional delicacies are must-haves. The dishes that you must try are Idiyappam topped with curry, Curry with Puttu and Kadala, Erachi Varutharacha curry served with Malabar Parota, Erissery, Appam with Ishtu, Nadan Kozhi Varathathu, Ghee-roasted dosa with Kerala-style sambar, Karimeen Pollichathu, and so on

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Must-do experiences in Kerala

  • Watch a Kathakali / Theyyem Performance
  • Enjoy an Ayurvedic Treatment
  • Stay in a houseboat
  • Cruise the backwaters
  • Visit a tea-plantation
  • Eat the traditional Keralan meal served on a banana leaf
  • Take a spice tour
  • Watch the Snake Boat Race (from July to September)
  • Attend a cooking lesson

Suggested 7-day Kerala Itinerary

Kerala is very well connected to all parts of India and there are feasible options to reach major cities by train and plane. Kerala has three international airports – Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, and Kozhikode. We are starting our journey from Kochi and ending it at Thiruvananthapuram. This itinerary is designed with the assumption that you have a vehicle at your disposal. If you are using other modes of transport, make the required adjustments.

Kerala Itinerary – Day 1: Kochi – Munnar

Reach Kochi (Cochin) and leave straightaway for Munnar. The drive will take about 4 hours and you can enjoy the scenic views en route. The roads are extremely well maintained, so you won’t have to worry about a bumpy ride. There are waterfalls and Spice gardens on the way and you can stop there if you have the time. Munnar is famous for its quaint waterfalls, pristine valleys, blankets of mist, and rolling tea plantations. The charming hill station is just perfect for having a relaxing evening and admiring the spectacular panoramic views.

Kerala Itinerary – Day 2:  Munnar

Today, we’ll explore Munnar, a hill station in the Western Ghats located approximately 5,250 feet (1,600 meters) above sea level. Spend the day visiting the Eravikulam National Park, dropping by a tea plantation, relaxing at one of the waterfalls, or simply walking around the picturesque villages. There is an option to go boating at Mattupetty Dam, Echo Point, and Kundala Lake. You will be engulfed by breathtaking manicured emerald-green tea plantations wherever you go. At every turn, you’ll want to stop and click pictures. In the evening, you must see Kathakali or Kalaripayattu, which is a very energetic Kerala Martial Arts show.

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Kerala Itinerary – Day 3:  Munnar – Thekkady

You should start early as it takes 3-4 hours to reach Thekkady from Munnar. Thekkady is the center for visiting Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary & National Park. Spread over 300 square miles, Periyar National Park is home to species like tigers, elephants, bison, deer, and langurs. There is a scenic lake at the heart of the sanctuary. You can explore the sanctuary, enjoy a lake cruise, and admire the elephants frolicking in the lake. Consider a spice plantation tour to learn about Kerala’s spices. If you want to spend the night in the jungle, there are a few lodgings inside the Periyar Reserve.

Kerala Itinerary – Day 4:  Thekkady – Kumarakom/Alleppey

Kerala is famous for its scenic backwaters, which are a network of interconnected brackish lagoons, canals, and lakes that run parallel to the Arabian Sea coast. Backwaters connected by artificial canals form an economical mode of transportation. For centuries, locals in Kerala have used the backwaters for transportation, fishing, and agriculture. Most of the travelers visiting Kerala have one activity on their bucket list – to cruise along the enchanting backwater regions of Kerala. Kumarakom and Alleppey are the two best locations to explore the backwaters. They are two corners of Vembanad Lake but provide different experiences. Alleppey is a town-based destination whereas Kumarakom is a group of small islets. You can choose any one of them.

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Drive from Thekkady to Alleppey (Alappuzha) will take nearly 5 hours. Alleppey, also known as the ‘ Venice of the East, is popular for tranquil houseboat cruises. Alleppey has more choices if you are interested in spending the night on a houseboat. It has rows of houses facing the canal which gives you a closer look at life in the tropical villages. You can float on a houseboat amidst stunning views, palm-fringed coasts, abundant greenery, and the maze of winding canals and waterways. Alleppey also has several beaches, temples, spas, and wellness centers, that you can visit during your stay.

If you opt for  Kumarakom,  it would take you three hours to reach your destination from Thekkady. Kumarakom is a cluster of small islands on the Vembanad Lake in the Kuttanad region of Kerala. The 14-acre bird sanctuary here is a popular stopover for migratory birds and an ornithologist’s paradise. It is known for mangrove-colored lagoons, green paddy fields, and coconut groves. Located in the background of Vembanad Lake, Kumarakom is less crowded than Alleppey and has some of the best luxury resorts in Kerala. Few of the resorts offer a package with a night on a houseboat. Taking a sunset cruise on the serene backwaters is highly recommended.

Kerala Itinerary – Day 5:  Kumarakom/Alleppey

You have the entire day to enjoy the various attractions of your chosen location – Kumarakom or Alleppey. You don’t have to rush around ticking attractions off your list. These locations are ideal for indulging in famed ayurvedic treatments, sampling delectable cuisine, rejuvenating yourself, and learning yoga.

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Kerala Itinerary – Day 6:  Kumarakom/Alleppey – Kovalam

Drive to Kovalam from Alleppey / Kumarakom will take approximately 4/4.5 hrs. respectively. It is time to explore the beautiful beaches of Kerala and what better place than Kovalam? The beaches of Kovalam are in demand due to low tidal waves and shallow waters which makes them ideal for sea bathing. You can spend a day here visiting the Lighthouse and the spectacular crescent beaches – Kovalam Beach, Lighthouse Beach, and Samudra Beach. Kovalam is also known for its temples. So make time to visit the temples as well. You have the option to stay at some plush beachside resort for the day.

Kerala Itinerary – Day 7:  Thiruvananthapuram

The capital city of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, is just 16 km away from Kovalam. If you want, you can explore a few interesting places in Thiruvananthapuram – Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Napier Museum, Observatory, etc. 

This also brings us to the end of the 7-day Kerala Itinerary. You can head back to your next destination from Thiruvananthapuram. The suggested itinerary is just a guide; you can easily change it at your convenience.

Kovalam, Kerala Itinerary - 7 Days

Alternative itineraries for Kerala

If you don’t want to rush, you can skip Thekkady and spend more time in Munnar or the tranquil backwaters. It would take you 4-5 hours to travel directly from Munnar to Kumarakom/Alleppey. In that scenario, Kochi-Munnar-Kumarakom/Alleppey-Kovalam-Thiruvanthapuram would be your route.

In case you do not wish to visit Kovalam, go back to Kochi from Alleppey/Kumarakom and take the return flight from Kochi. The journey from the backwaters to Kochi takes about two hours. Without visiting Kovalam, the suggested itinerary is Kochi-Munnar-Thekkady-Kumarakom/Aleppey-Kochi.

Interested in spending more time in Kerala? There are numerous other places in Kerala to visit, including Trivandrum, Varkala, Bekal, Kanyakumari, Malabar, Thrissur, Kannur, Wayanad, and others.

Map of Kerala

This Post Has 6 Comments

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Very good post. Highly informative for travellers who want to visit Kerala. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much!!

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So Please 7 adult in coming at kerala Please best plan this number

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Thanks for Helping me plan my trip

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thanks a lot. this becomes greatly helpful to make my plan…

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Plan Your Perfect Family Trip To God’s Own Country, Kerala

Best places to visit in kerala with family.

Kerala, aptly called God's own country, is known for its undisturbed backwaters, emerald green vegetation, mild beaches, and deep-rooted cultural heritage. Kerala is located in the south-west region of India, and it offers a variety of natural beauty and tourism for people who love adventure and those who want to relax. In this article, we will give you an insight into some of the best places where families can create unforgettable memories in Kerala. So here are a few mind-blowing places to visit with your loved ones.

1. Kovalam:

Kovalam is a beautiful beach town that has coconut-lined beaches in a crescent shape; therefore, it suits families who want to have a rest by the seaside with their children. You can spend your holiday sunbathing at Lighthouse Beach, swimming and surfing in water sports facilities, or just relaxing through Ayurvedic massages offered by seaside hotels nearby. Other things you can do include exploring fishing villages nearby, visiting the Vizhinjam Lighthouse, among others, and enjoying freshly prepared seafood delicacies from local eatery joints.

Munnar is a picturesque hill station situated at 1600 meters above sea level that is famous for sprawling tea plantations all around it with misty hills as well as cool climate conditions. You can indulge your children in activities such as tea plantation tours, nature walks, or trekking amidst the greenery of Eravikulam National Park. Don't miss out on breathtaking panoramic views from the Top Station, along with unique flora and fauna at the Tea Museum.

3. Kochi (Cochin):

The vibrant port city of Kochi combines its colonial past harmoniously with modernity, making it an ideal place for families seeking historical sites, cultural experiences, and mouthwatering traditional dishes. Explore the Fort Kochi area, featuring Dutch, Portuguese, and British colonial buildings, iconic Chinese fishing nets, Mattancherry Palace, and St. Francis Church, among other attractions. Watch a traditional Kathakali dance performance or take a culinary tour of bustling Kochi's streets.

4. Wayanad:

Wayanad sits amidst the western ghats as an emerald paradise that is filled with dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, and pristine lakes. Chembra Peak is in this region for family-adventurous treks, while one can also consider visiting ancient rock engravings on the walls of Edakkal caves. A wildlife lover can think of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary as hosting a diverse range of flora and fauna, including elephants, leopards, and deer. For those looking for a tranquil place, choose to stay in one of the comfortable homestays or resorts located around calm tea gardens.

5. Thekkady:

Thekkady, home to Periyar National Park and Tiger Reserve, is a nature lover's paradise where people interested in wildlife can enjoy themselves thoroughly. On-board boat safaris for spotting various animals such as elephants, sambar deer, and exotic birds at Periyar Lake would be a very adventurous experience for the entire family members.The other options are: taking guided forest walks through thick jungles; visiting spice plantations known for Kerala's rich spice history; or attending cultural performances displaying indigenous art forms from that area.

6. Alleppey (Alappuzha):

For ages now, Alleppey has been referred to as the 'Venice of the East' due to its peacefulness, abiding in the backwaters along with houseboat cruises cutting through several rivers that are meandering there. The Alleppey Backwaters HouseBoat Trip gives families an exclusive opportunity to take a close look at the life lived by rural people in Kerala as they sail through vast paddy fields, coconut palms, and small hamlets. Also enjoy the fine delicacies of Kerala cuisine cooked while on board, coupled with awesome sunset views over calm waters.


Kerala offers families countless experiences that will stay with them for life, given its varied topography and rich cultural background. Kerala's natural beauty and hospitality are among the reasons why it is able to capture the hearts of many visitors who journey through the misty peaks of Munnar, sail across calm waterways in Alleppey, and bask on sun-drenched beaches at Kovalam. So, go ahead, start packing your bags, and prepare for an unforgettable trip while making lifelong memories with loved ones amidst God's very own country's breath-taking landscapes.

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