ticketmaster eras tour japan


2024.1.26(金)18:00 ~ mu-mo ticket追加販売(先着), 2024.1.26(fri)18:00 ~ mu-mo ticket general on sale.


※With an obstructed view which means you’ll be unable to see the entire stage and performance from those seats.

同行者も含めて20歳以下の方限定のお席となります。 ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。当日年齢を確認できる身分証明書をお持ちください。 チケットをご購入された方のみでなく、同行者様も当日入場時に年齢を確認させていただきますので下記身分証のいずれかを忘れずにお持ちください。


※年齢は各公演当日の年齢となります。 ※年齢確認ができない場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。 ※期限の切れたものは無効となります。また、公的に発行された状態のままお持ちください。(コピーは不可) ※学生証・マイナンバーカード・住民基本台帳カードは写真と本人の現住所が確認できるもののみ有効です。

These seats are strictly for 20 years old or younger. Some seats may have limited visibility of the entire stage or certain parts of the production. Please bring an ID card to verify your age on the day of the event. We will be verifying the age of not only the ticket holder, but also of those who would be accompanying as well. Please remember to bring either of the following types of ID with you.

(Driver’s License, Student ID, Passport, Physical Disability Recordbook / Certificate, MyNumber Card(Notification card not accepted), Residents Card, Special Permanent, Resident Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Card, Alien registration card)

※Age is based on how old the ticket holder is on the day of each performance. ※If age cannot be verified, admission will be denied. ※Expired IDs will be invalid. Also, please bring the certificate in its officially issued state. (Photocopies are not acceptable.) ※Student ID, MyNumber Card, and Basic Resident Registration Card are valid only if the photo and the applicant’s current address can be verified.

  • SS席1枚(SS席の中でも、最も各ステージ/花道に近いエリア)
  • テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット
  • テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ


  • One Unforgettable Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket
  • Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints
  • Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise – Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag – Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket – Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

※Venue seating configurations and package locations can vary by city. See your show date for specific details.

  • SS席1枚(通常のSS席よりも各ステージ/花道に近いエリア)
  • One Phenomenal Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket
  • S席1枚(1階スタンド)
  • One Incredible Second Price Reserved Seated Ticket
  • Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise – Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras  Tour VIP Tote Bag – Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket – Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard


  • 購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • すべてのVIPパッケージとその特典内容は、譲渡できません。
  • アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他の関係者は、理由の如何を問わず、いかなる注文もキャンセルする権利を有します。
  • すべてのVIP特典は、チケットに記載の公演日当日、会場にてお渡しとなります。受け取りに関する詳細は、公演日の約1週間前にご購入者様へご連絡させていただきます。事前または後日郵送等でのお渡しはいたしません。
  • アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他公演関係者は、チケット購入時に購入者が提供した情報が古かったり不正確であったりした場合により、特典内容が受け取れない等のトラブルに対し一切の責任を負いません。
  • 購入時に提供された情報(氏名、電話番号、住所)は、必要に応じて主催者がお客様に連絡するために利用させていただく場合がございます。必ず正しい情報をご入力ください。
  • All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges under any circumstances.
  • All packages and package contents are non-transferable.
  • The artist, show and venue reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason.
  • All VIP merchandise will be distributed on-site at the show or at an alternative local location. CUSTOMERS WILL BE CONTACTED APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATE WITH ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISE COLLECTION DETAILS.
  • VIP Merchandise will not be shipped (posted) under any circumstances.
  • VIP merchandise is not required for venue entry.
  • The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase.
  • The information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase, is the same information that will be utilized for contacting customers if required.
  • 1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。 【10⼈定員】1⼈  ¥50,000 × 10枚 【9⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 9枚 【8⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 8枚 【7⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 7枚 【6⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 6枚 【5⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 5枚 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂ける半個室になります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

  • Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10. 【Capacity 10 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 10 tickets 【Capacity 9 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 9 tickets 【Capacity 8 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 8 tickets 【Capacity 7 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 7 tickets 【Capacity 6 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 6 tickets 【Capacity 5 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 5 tickets 【Capacity 4 people】¥50,000 per ticket × 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Semi-private room for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

  • 1組 4枚のセット販売になります。 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥40,000 × 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂けるボックスシートになります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

  • Only sold as group tickets. 【Capacity 4 people】¥40,000 per ticket × 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Box seat for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

2023.6.23(金)14:00 テイラー・スウィフト アメックス 先行販売開始(抽選)

2023.6.23(fri)14:00 taylor swift amex pre-sale(lottery), 2023.6.27(火)10:00 ローソンチケット独占先行受付開始(抽選), 2023.6.27(tue)10:00 lawson ticket exclusive pre-sale(lottery), 2023.7.28(金)10:00 ローソンチケット2次先行受付開始(抽選), 2023.7.28(fri)10:00 lawson ticket second pre-sale(lottery), 2023.8.22(火)19:00 ~ ローソンチケット追加販売(先着), 2023.8.22(tue)19:00 ~ lawson ticket general on sale.

ticketmaster eras tour japan

チケットをお申し込みの前に必ずお読みください Please Note

  • 開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • チケットは、公式ページに記載のチケットプレイガイドよりご購入ください。
  • 正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。
  • 第三者への譲渡禁止 / 営利目的の転売禁止 / オークションへの出品禁止
  • 先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させていただきます。その場合、一般発売はございませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 一部演出が見えにくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 複数枚ご購入の場合、お連れの方との座席や立ち位置が必ずしも隣同士にならない場合がございますので、ご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子をご利用の方は、安全上ハンディキャップエリアをご利用いただく必要があります。車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要となります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • 会場内にクロークはございません。また、会場内ロッカーは数に限りがございます。ご来場いただく前に会場周辺のコインロッカーをご利用ください。尚、会場内ロッカーの決済方法は、交通系ICカード(Suica、PASMO等)のみとなります。
  • 入場時に手荷物検査を行います。ご協力いただけない方は、入場をお断りする場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン・ペットボトル類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 公共の交通機関をご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。
  • 近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
  • Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. In that case, tickets will not be available for general on sale.
  • Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the event organizer.
  • Your ticket(s) are sold by the event organizer directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale may be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.
  • Preschool-aged children are not allowed entry.
  • The door and show times are subject to change.
  • Please purchase tickets from the official ticket agencies stated on the official page.
  • Tickets purchased through channels other than official sales routes (such as individual sales, auction sites, ticket shops, etc.) are not guaranteed to be valid.
  • Transferring tickets to third parties is prohibited. Reselling for profit and listing on auctions is also prohibited.
  • Purchase Limit: 4 per transaction per show
  • Reserved Seat Only.
  • View from some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • If you purchase multiple tickets, please be aware that the seats or standing positions for accompanying individuals may not be adjacent.
  • Cancellations, changes, and refunds after ticket purchase due to customer circumstances are not permitted.
  • If you require a wheelchair, you must use the designated wheelchair area for safety reasons. If you wish to attend in a wheelchair, please purchase S-seats. Accompanying individuals are limited to one person. The accompanying person will also require a ticket. Please note that space is limited. If you plan to attend in a wheelchair, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office after purchasing your ticket.
  • There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to transportation IC cards (such as Suica, PASMO, etc.).
  • Bag inspections will be conducted upon entry. If you cannot cooperate with the inspection, you may be denied entry. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • Bringing cans and glass bottles, and plastic bottles are not allowed. We do not provide alternative containers, so please dispose of them at the entrance.
  • Items deemed dangerous or causing inconvenience to other customers are strictly prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed to accompany you into the venue. However, guide dogs and other assistance dogs are permitted. If you plan to attend with an assistance dog, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office in advance for smooth guidance.
  • For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the venue, please resolve them peacefully amongst yourselves.
  • Persons in a state of excessive alcohol consumption, engaging in behavior that causes inconvenience to other customers, or refusing to follow staff instructions may be asked to leave. No refunds will be provided in such cases.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff inside the venue. The performers, organizers, and venue will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or incidents resulting from failure to comply with staff instructions.
  • Please refrain from throwing objects onto the stage or rushing towards the stage, as it poses a safety risk. Viewing outside of your designated seat or area during the performance is strictly prohibited.
  • We kindly ask you to use public transportation.
  • After the performance, please follow the guidance of the staff for exit instructions.
  • In the event of a cancellation, we will not compensate for travel expenses, accommodation fees, etc. (including cancellation fees) to the venue.
  • We are holding this event with the cooperation and understanding of the local residents and facility. We appreciate your cooperation.

チケットについて Mobile Ticketing & Entry Process

  • 本公演のチケットはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS(電子チケット) https://anypass.jp/ 」となります。
  • チケットのお受け取り、公演日当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。
  • お申込み時のお客様情報の携帯電話番号(AnyPASS発券)欄にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみ、チケットのお受け取りが可能になります。(チケット情報は購入時の携帯電話番号に紐づきます。) 他の携帯電話番号の端末ではチケットのお受け取りが出来ませんので公演日まで携帯電話番号の変更/解約をしないようお願いいたします。同じ電話番号での機種変更は問題ございません。
  • 発券開始日・席番表示開始日等は決まり次第オフィシャルサイトにてご案内させていただきます。
  • 本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、同行者の方には、AnyPASSを利用しチケットを分配してください。 お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。 同行者の方が、チケットをお受け取りいただく際、同行者の方もAnyPASSをダウンロード、利用登録(無料)をしていただく必要がございます。 お申込みの際は、必ず本公演の参加者全員が下記、対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上、お申込みください。 プリントアウト、スクリーンショットをしたものをご提示いただきましても入場は出来ません。
  • 未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、同行者のAnyPASSのご登録・チケット受取をお済ませください。
  • 同一日時の公演のチケットを同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットはご購入者様のみ使用可能です。別の方がご使用・ご入場いただくことは出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • 同行者の方が未成年者で対応のスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、公演日当日、身分証明書のご提示、氏名・連絡先等の情報をご提供いただいた上でご入場いただきます。 お申込者と同行者全員がお揃いになってからのご入場となります。 身分証明書のご提示がない場合、未成年でない場合はご入場出来ない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 詳細は発券開始時に改めてご購入者様へご案内いたします。




【iPhoneをご使用の場合】App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【Androidをご使用の場合】Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■対応OS iPhone:iOS14以降 Android:Android9.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)

AnyPASSの詳細・操作方法については、 AnyPASSオフィシャルサイト「 https://anypass.jp/ 」及び AnyPASS公式動画「 https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 」をご確認ください。

■転売行為の禁止について■ 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売の為に第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。 公演日当日に会場周辺で不当な金額で販売する行為や、インターネット等を通じて不特定多数に向けて販売する行為は、取引金額や理由に関わらず転売行為とみなします。 したがって、オフィシャルホームページなどに掲載されている公式チケット販売サイト以外でご購入されたチケットに関しては、入場をお断り致します。 尚、それに伴うチケット代金等の払い戻しなどは行いませんのでご注意ください。

■チケット公式リセールについて■ ※ご購入いただいたチケットは、公式リセールサービス対象となります。(※VIP Package ・ BOX SEAT はリセールサービス対象外となりますのでご注意ください。) 公式リセールサービスではイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入出来る仕組みをご利用いただけます。 詳細は公式リセールサービスのご案内をご確認ください。 尚、公式リセールサービスのご利用は、こちら「 https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ 」に記載の金融機関、かつ日本国内の支店の口座をお待ちいただいている方のみが対象となります。

  • The tickets for this performance will be available only through the smartphone app “AnyPASS” (electronic tickets) at https://anypass.jp/ .
  • To receive the tickets and enter the venue on the day of the performance, you will need a smartphone compatible with the “AnyPASS” app.
  • Only the device with the mobile phone number registered in the “Mobile Phone Number (AnyPASS Issuance)” field of the customer information at the time of application will be able to receive the tickets. (Ticket information is linked to the mobile phone number at the time of purchase.) Tickets cannot be received on a device with a different mobile phone number, so please do not change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance. Changing the device with the same phone number is acceptable.
  • We will inform you about the E-ticket issue date, seat numbers, and other details as soon as they are determined on the official website.
  • For this performance, each person must have one ticket for entry. Please use AnyPASS to distribute tickets to your companions. Please note that the tickets allocated to the applicant cannot be distributed or transferred to others. When your companion receives the ticket, they also need to download the AnyPASS app and register for it (free of charge). When applying, please make sure that all participants of this performance have smartphones with the following compatible operating systems and SMS authentication available before proceeding with the application. Printouts or screenshots of the tickets will not be accepted for entry.
  • If you come to the venue without distributing the tickets, it may take time to enter. Please make sure to distribute the tickets and register and receive the tickets for your companions through AnyPASS before coming to the venue.
  • If you purchase tickets for the same date and time multiple times with the same phone number, each set of tickets will remain as individual tickets for the respective purchaser. The tickets that remain with the purchaser can only be used by the purchaser. Please note that they cannot be used or accessed by others.
  • If your companion is a minor and does not have a compatible smartphone, they will be allowed entry on the day of the performance by presenting identification and providing their name, contact information, etc. Entry will only be permitted when all applicants and their companions are present together. If identification cannot be provided and the person is not a minor, entry may be denied. Please be aware of this in advance. Further details will be provided to purchasers at the time of ticket issuance.

※AnyPASS language display can be switched between Japanese and English.

Please note that those who do not meet the above requirements will not be able to enter. Please understand this in advance.

■Please download the smartphone-exclusive app “AnyPASS” from the following links:

【For iPhone users】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【For Android users】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■ Supported Operating Systems■ iPhone: iOS 14 or later Android: Android 9.0 or later (excluding some models)

For more information and instructions on how to use AnyPASS, please visit the official AnyPASS website at “ https://anypass.jp/ ” and the official AnyPASS videos on YouTube at “ https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 “.

■Policy Against Illegal Ticket Resale■ Your ticket(s) will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.

■ Official Ticket Resale ■ ※The tickets you have purchased are eligible for the official ticket resale service. (※Please note that VIP Packages and BOX SEAT are not eligible for the resale service.) Through the official ticket resale service, individuals who are unable to attend the event can sell their tickets, and those who wish to attend can purchase them at face value. This system allows for a fair exchange of tickets. For more information, please check the official resale service. Please note that the use of the official ticket resale service is limited to individuals who hold an account at the financial institutions listed here: “ https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ ” and have a branch located within Japan.

公式リセールサービスのご案内 Official Resale Service

公式リセールサービスはイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入できる仕組みとなります。 本公演の公式リセールは、「AnyPASS STORE」を利用します。

【出品方法】 ※出品しても必ず成立するとは限りません。 ※相手を指定してのリセール出品はできません。 リセールにて販売されるチケットの「お客様情報」は非公開となり、出品者・購入者が知ることはできません。 ※リセールが成立しなかった場合は、各公演「リセール終了後の毎時0分」に自動的に出品いただいたお客様にチケットが戻ります。 また、同時刻にメールでもお知らせいたします。 通知設定やドメイン指定の問題でメールが未着の場合でもチケットは返却されておりますのでアプリにてご確認をお願いいたします。 チケット代はご返金できませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。 ※該当のチケットの手続き状況により、返却されたチケットが「マイイベント」に反映されるまでにお時間をいただく場合がございます。

(1)「AnyPASS」にて対象のチケットを受け取る チケットの発券方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/event.html

(2)チケットを分配する(購入者様本人分を出品する場合) 同行者様のチケットをリセールする場合は、出品後も分配可能ですが、購入者様本人の都合がつかず出品する場合は、先にすべてのチケットを同行者様に分配してください。

※購入者様分のリセール成立後、分配済みチケットをお待ちの同行者様がそのチケットを購入者様に返却した場合、返却したチケットは購入者様分のチケットとなり手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットは、同行者様への再度のチケット分配が出来なくなりますのでご注意ください。 ※リセール期間中であれば、再度リセールへの出品は可能です。 ※チケットを分配する場合、「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面に表示される画面上部のチケットから順番に分配してください。 間をあけて分配すると連席にならなくなりますのでご注意ください。

(3)チケットを出品する 「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面から[出品する]ボタンを押下 ※リセールが可能なチケットには、出品可能期間になると、チケット一覧画面に「出品する」ボタンが表示されます。 ※「出品する」ボタンが表示されていない場合、出品ができないチケットとなります。


(5)チケット出品画面にて販売枚数と条件を設定し[出品する]ボタンを押下 ※出品枚数はご購入枚数内で1枚単位で設定できます。 ※出品が完了すると「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面の対象チケットに「出品中です」と表示されます。

(6)リセールが成立したチケット代金の振込先をご登録ください。登録方法はこちらをご参照ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=52

※「金融機関」と「支店名」は、必ず、候補として表示された項目から選択いただく必要がございます。 ※ご利用の「金融機関・支店名」をご入力いただいても候補が表示されない場合は、ご利用いただけない口座情報となります。 ※ご登録の口座番号などに誤りがあり振込不能となった場合、再送金時に再送金手数料(550円)を差し引いた金額でのご入金となりますので、お間違えのないようご注意ください。 ※出品は購入者様本人のみ可能です。分配された方で都合がつかなくなった場合は、購入者様にチケットを返却の上、出品してください。 ※リセール成立前のチケットはキャンセル可能です。キャンセル方法はこちらをご参照ください。 ※「購入手続き中」となったチケットの「出品キャンセル」はできません。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=53

その他、出品に関する詳細はこちらもご確認ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=7

【購入方法】 (1)スマートフォンアプリ「AnyPASS」をダウンロード及び利用登録をする 「AnyPASS STORE」でリセールされているチケットを購入するためには、「AnyPASS」の利用登録が必要となります。 ご利用のスマートフォンにスマートフォンアプリ「AnyPASS」をダウンロードの上、利用登録を行ってください。 ※ダウンロード及び利用登録方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/config.html

〈AnyPASS 電子チケットに必要な環境〉

  • スマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」のインストールが必要です。
  • iOS端末は、「SMSサービス」または「音声通話」が利用可能なスマートフォンが必要です。
  • Android端末は、「音声通話」が利用可能なスマートフォンが必要です。
  • 電話番号が050などから始まるIP電話を使った利用登録はできません。 ※日本国内で契約の携帯電話をご利用の場合は、070、080、090で始まる携帯電話からお試しください。
  • ご入場者お1人様につき1台必要です。
  • 対応OS:iPhone→iOS14以降、Android→Android9.0以降(一部機種を除く) ※フィーチャーフォン(ガラケー)・パソコン・ガラホ・WindowsPhone・BlackBerry・らくらくフォンやキッズスマホなど、アプリのダウンロードに制限がある端末ではご利用いただくことができません。 また、ご利用にあたっては電話番号取得済みのSIMカード及びインターネットへの接続が必要です。

(2)「AnyPASS STORE」にて購入したいチケットを探す 利用登録後、スマートフォン・パソコンにて「AnyPASS STORE」でリセールされているチケットの購入が可能となります。 ※チケットの購入はパソコンからも可能です。パソコンにて「AnyPASS STORE」をご利用いただく場合は、AnyPASSの利用登録時に設定いただいた、“メールアドレス”と“パスワード”でのログインが必要です。 ※アプリ内「リセール」より参照される場合は、「AnyPASS STOREを確認する」ボタンを押下の上、ご確認ください。 各リセール期間より出品されたチケットがある場合はこちらからご購入いただけます。 ■「AnyPASS STORE」(リセール会場) https://store.anypass.jp/resale-list

(3)チケットを購入する ご希望のチケットがあった場合は対象チケットを選択しお支払い ※お支払いはクレジットカードのみとなります。

(4)購入完了 購入が完了すると「マイイベント」チケット一覧画面に対象チケットが表示されます。 複数枚ご購入いただいた方は同行者様へ分配してください。 ※リセールで購入いただいたチケットも期間内であれば再度リセール可能です。 ※座席の表示は各公演日1日前の15:00を予定しております。

購入方法に関する詳細はこちらもご確認ください。 https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=8

(5)チケットの分配方法は下記をご参照ください。 https://anypass.jp/beginner/share.html ※2枚以上購入のお客様は同行者様へチケットの分配をお願いします。

▼その他注意事項 ※来日公演オフィシャルサイト< https://taylorswift-theerastour.jp/ >をご確認ください。

We are pleased to provide you with comprehensive details about the Official Resale Service for the upcoming event. The Official Resale Service allows those who can no longer attend the event to give up their tickets for resale, while those still interested in attending can purchase them at a fixed price through the “AnyPASS STORE.”

How to Sell Tickets for Resale: Notes: ・ Listing does not guarantee a successful resale. ・ You can not select a particular individual as resale buyer. The customer information of tickets sold through resale platforms will remain confidential, and neither the seller nor the buyer will have access to this information. ・ If the resale is unsuccessful, the tickets automatically return to the customers who listed them after the resale ends for each performance. We will also notify you by email at the same time. Even if you do not receive the email due to notification settings or domain issues, please check the app, as the tickets have been returned. Please note that ticket fees are non-refundable. Depending on the processing status of the relevant tickets, it may take some time for the returned tickets to be reflected in “My Events.”

1.Receive the applicable ticket at “AnyPASS. Please refer to the following link, to acces your ticket: https://anypass.jp/beginner/event.html

2.Distribute tickets for the purchaser’s own tickets to be displayed. If you are reselling tickets for accompanying guests, you can distribute them even after listing. However, if you are listing because the purchaser cannot attend, please distribute all tickets to accompanying guests first. If a companion returns tickets to the original purchaser after original purchaser successfully reselling the ticket, the returned tickets become the purchaser’s tickets again. However, please note that tickets retained by the purchaser cannot be redistributed to accompanying persons. During the resale period, it is possible to list the ticket for resale again if desired. If you distribute tickets, please distribute them in order from the tickets displayed at the top of the “My Events” ticket list screen. Please be careful not to leave gaps when distributing, as it may result in non-adjacent seats.

3. Exhibit tickets by clicking the “Exhibit” button on the “My Events” ticket list screen. Tickets eligible for resale will display a “List for Resale” button on the ticket list screen when the resale period begins. If the “List for Resale” button is not displayed, the ticket cannot be available for resale.

4.Set the number of tickets to be sold and conditions, and click “List Tickets for Sale.” The number of tickets for sale can be set in units of one within the purchased quantity. When the listing is complete, the ticket for the specific event on the “My Events” ticket list screen will show “Listing” status.

5. Please register the account details for the resale of the ticket amount for successful resale. Refer to the following for registration instructions. https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=52 When entering “Financial Institution” and “Branch Name,” you must select from the options presented. If the suggested options do not appear, the account information provided is not valid. If there is an error in the registered account number, making it impossible to transfer funds, the deposit will be made at the amount minus the retransfer fee (550 JPY) during the retransfer, so please be careful not to make any errors. Listing is only possible for the purchaser. If someone who received a distributed ticket cannot attend, please return the ticket to the purchaser and then list it.

Tickets before successful resale can be canceled. Refer to the following for cancellation instructions. Tickets that are “In the process of purchase” cannot be canceled for resale. https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/detail?site=VB91N06U&category=7&id=53

For further details on listing, please also check here: https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=7

How to Purchase Resale Tickets: 1. Download and register the “AnyPASS” smartphone application. To purchase tickets on the “AnyPASS STORE,” registration on the “AnyPASS” app is required. Download the “AnyPASS” app on your smartphone and complete the registration. For download and registration instructions, please refer to: https://anypass.jp/beginner/config.html

【Requirements for AnyPASS Electronic Tickets】

  • Installation of the “AnyPASS” smartphone application is necessary.
  • For iOS devices, a smartphone capable of using “SMS service” or “voice calls” is required.
  • For Android devices, a smartphone capable of using “voice calls” is required.
  • Registration using IP phones starting with numbers like 050 is not possible.
  • If using a mobile phone contracted in Japan, please try using numbers starting with 070, 080, or 090.
  • One device is required per attendee.
  • Compatible OS: iPhone → iOS 14 or later, Android → Android 9.0 or later (excluding some models)
  • Devices with download restrictions for apps, such as feature phones (garake), PCs, GaraHo, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, easy-to-use phones, and kids’ smartphones, cannot use the app. Additionally, a SIM card with a registered phone number and internet connectivity are necessary for use.

2. Find the ticket you want to purchase on “AnyPASS STORE”. After registration, you can purchase resale tickets on the “AnyPASS STORE” using your smartphone or computer. ・ Purchasing tickets is also possible from a computer. If using “AnyPASS STORE” on a computer, log in with the “email address” and “password” set during AnyPASS registration. If referenced from the app’s “Resale” section, press the “Check AnyPASS STORE” button to confirm. You can purchase tickets here if there are any available during the resale period. ■“AnyPASS STORE” (Resale Venue) https://store.anypass.jp/resale-list

3. Purchase the tickets If you find the desired tickets, select the relevant ticket and proceed with the payment. ・ Payments are accepted only via credit card.

4. Completion of purchase Upon completion, the purchased tickets will be displayed in the “My Events” ticket list. If you’ve purchased multiple tickets, distribute them to your accompanying guests. ・ Tickets purchased through resale can be resold again within the specified period. ・ Seat information will be displayed around 15:00 on the day before each event. For detailed purchase instructions, please also refer to: https://faq.anypass.jp/anypass/list?site=VB91N06U&category=8

5. Refer to the following for distribution instructions: https://anypass.jp/beginner/share.html ・ If you’ve purchased more than two tickets, distribute them to your accompanying guests.

Other Notes: For more information and details, visit the official website. https://taylorswift-theerastour.jp/

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Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour

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Get ready, Swifties, Taylor is coming to Tokyo for four days.

What to expect

Taylor Swift’s global tour has already made its mark in the US — an influx of ticket requests crashed major websites. But luckily she is bringing lights, cameras, and action to Tokyo Dome for four days straight, being the first overseas artist to do so.

Doors open at 4 p.m. and the performance starts at 6 p.m.

You’ll need to get your fingers ready for this one as tickets are expected to sell out quickly. The presale lottery (meaning you aren’t guaranteed tickets) begins June 23 for AMEX customers and June 27 (via Lawson ticket) for the masses. More info here .

Tickets start at ¥ 8,800 if you are under 20 years old, ¥ 18,800 for A seats, ¥ 22,800 for S seats, and ¥ 30,000 for SS seats. There are also VIP packages available.

( TC Team )

  • 315 m from Korakuen Station Marunouchi Line (M22) Namboku Line (N11)
  • 448 m from Suidōbashi Station Mita Line (I11) Chūō-Sōbu Line (JB23)
  • 496 m from Kasuga Station Mita Line (I12) Oedo Line (E7)

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ticketmaster eras tour japan

How to get tickets for Taylor Swift's 'The Eras Tour' in Japan and Singapore

By Camille Santiago Published Jun 21, 2023 4:21 pm Updated Jul 07, 2023 1:35 pm

Drop everything now! The registrations, pre-sales, and on-sale advisories  for Taylor Swift's "The Eras Tour" Asian leg are here.

Swifties in Asia, you better not miss this chance because Taylor will perform in only two Asian countries next year.

According to concert promoter AEG Presents, Taylor will first head to Tokyo, Japan from February 7 to 10, 2024, before stopping in Singapore on March 2 to 4, and 7 to 9.

ticketmaster eras tour japan

The tickets for the Japan tour start at JPY 8,800 (P3,445) to JPY 30,000 (P11,745). Each buyer is only allowed to get up to four tickets per performance. AEG also noted that "preschoolers are not allowed to enter" the concert hall.

For the ultimate Swifties, VIP packages are also available for purchase.

The cheapest VIP Package, or the " I Remember It All Too Well Package," costs JPY 52,800 (P20,673). It includes one S Seat ticket worth JPY 22,800, a set of four Taylor Swift posters, and exclusive VIP merchandise such as The Eras Tour commemorative tote bag, pin badges, stickers, postcard sets, concert picture tickets for collectors, and laminated VIP Tour pass and strap.

The "Karma Is My Boyfriend Package" has the same perks but instead of an S Seat, it includes one SS Seat ticket worth JPY 30,000.

However, if you want those VIP perks, along with seats near the stage, get the " It's Been A Long Time Coming Package" which sells for JPY 122,800 (P48,078).

Pre-sale tickets will be available exclusively for American Express cardholders starting Friday, June 23, 2023, at 2 p.m. until Monday, June 26, at 11:59 p.m.

A lottery system will immediately begin the morning after, Tuesday, June 27 at 10 a.m. via Lawson Tickets. More details will be announced soon for the regular sale.

Singapore Tour

ticketmaster eras tour japan

Ticket prices , including VIP packages for the Singapore leg, have been announced. Standard tickets start at $108 (P4,409) to $348 (P14,207).

The VIP Packages, meanwhile, are priced at: VIP 1: It’s Been A Long Time Coming Package ($1,228), VIP 2: Karma Is My Boyfriend Package ($728), VIP 3: I Remember It All Too Well Package ($628), VIP 4: Ready For It Package ($528), VIP 5: It’s A Love Story Package ($428), VIP 6: We Never Go Out of Style Package ($328).

They all come with one ticket (depending on the VIP type), a special set of four (4) Taylor Swift Prints, and exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise such as a Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP tote bag, collectible Taylor Swift pin, sticker, and postcard set + souvenir concert ticket, and special VIP Tour laminate and matching lanyard.

The Eras Tour Fan Registration for general sale will go live from June 23 at noon to June 28, 12 p.m. UOB cardholders may purchase their pre-sale tickets from July 5, 12 p.m. until July 7, 9 a.m.

Those who have successfully registered will receive an email on July 5 with more information on how to access on-sale tickets on general sales, including a unique access code.

General tickets will go on sale from July 7 at noon via Ticketmaster  or at SingPost outlets.

If you're watching with your friends and family, take note that buyers are limited to purchasing four tickets at a time. Tickets that are illegally resold or auctioned may be rendered invalid, with refusal of entry.

Meanwhile, Klook also announced that they are the Official Experience Partner for The Eras Tour in Singapore.

Starting July 7, users may purchase tickets via the Klook app. Every pair of tickets will come with a night's stay at a hotel of their choice from their partner hotels.

For 4-star hotels, the rate for two tickets and a night's stay starts at $542, while the price for the package for 5-star hotels starts at $716.

Note that to be able to purchase tickets on Klook, one must have a valid  Ticketmaster account. Tickets are also limited to a maximum  of four per user.

For those flying to Singapore just for T-Swift, why not make the most of your trip and go around the island country? While you're at it, check out our tips on how you can maximize your trip there: 6 must-do activities to maximize your next trip to Singapo r e 

Or, if you're going to watch her in Tokyo and are trying to travel on a budget, there's this new affordable airline called Zipair that will be servicing Manila and Narita starting July 2023: Japan's low-cost airline will be servicing between Manila and Narita starting July, to offer one-way base fares as low as P4,000

TAGS: Japan taylor swift Singapore concert The Eras Tour

Camille Santiago

Head editor

Camille covers fashion, beauty, and entertainment for PhilSTAR L!fe. She also dabbles in fashion styling on the side.

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Taylor Swift wearing Etro on her  Eras Tour in Arizona, USA

Taylor Swift is bringing The Eras Tour to Tokyo in February 2024

And there will be four shows, held at Tokyo Dome

Lim Chee Wah

Taylor Swift’s much-hyped Eras Tour is one of the year’s hottest concerts, with tickets selling out almost the moment they become available. Yet, Asian cities have been conspicuously absent from her tour schedule – until now.

The Anti-Hero and Karma hit-maker has announced that she will be playing four consecutive dates in Tokyo next year from February 7 to 10. This is her first Tokyo performance in five years – her last Tokyo show was in 2018.

Taylor Swift Eras Tour 2024 Tokyo

Tickets start from ¥8,800 and top out at ¥30,000. Mid-tier seats are ¥18,800 and ¥22,800. 

Pre-sale tickets will be available exclusively for American Express cardholders on Friday June 23 at 2pm. The official advance sale, which is a lottery system via Lawson Tickets, will open at 10am on Tuesday June 27 . For more information, check The Eras Tour website . 

Beyonce, it’s your turn now to bring the Renaissance World Tour to Tokyo. (In the meantime, check out the other international artists who have confirmed their Tokyo dates  here .)

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Taylor Swift Tokyo tickets: Where to get seats to Feb. 7, 8, 9, 10 Japan shows

  • Updated: Jan. 26, 2024, 3:57 p.m. |
  • Published: Jan. 23, 2024, 10:59 a.m.

Taylor Swift Tokyo tickets

Taylor Swift will perform at the Tokyo Dome from Feb. 7 to Feb. 10 as part of The Eras Tour. (Photo: Mike Ferdinande, special to cleveland.com) Mike Ferdinande

  • Kaylee Remington, cleveland.com

TOKYO, Japan -- Taylor Swift will now be stopping in Tokyo, Japan , to perform in four epic concerts as part of The Eras Tour on Feb. 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Swift is performing at the Tokyo Dome. Major third-party vendor websites like Vivid Seats , StubHub , SeatGeek , TicketCity and Ticketmaster have seats for the Tokyo concerts, plus any other Swift concerts you desire to attend.

Feb. 7 concert tickets: Vivid Seats | StubHub | TicketCity

Feb. 8 concert: StubHub

Feb. 9 concert: StubHub

Feb. 10 concert: StubHub

Swift will be overseas from February to August , but will return to the U.S. and Canada in late 2024 for shows in Miami , New Orleans , Indianapolis , Toronto and Vancouver .

Kaylee Remington is the commerce reporter for cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer. Follow her for deals, trends and breaking news in the shopping, sports and entertainment industries. Read her work online .

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Taylor Swift Eras Tour 2024

The popular tour hits Tokyo for four days in February 2024

Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has captivated countless fans in the United States with her Eras Tour, which is quite literally described as a journey in music form throughout the eras of her career. The tour is set to visit various corners of the globe until mid 2024, and Japan has lucked out with four shows scheduled at Tokyo Dome.

The Tokyo leg of the Eras Tour will run from Wednesday, February 7th until Saturday, February 10th inclusive, and more information on ticket sales can be found online here – English can be selected at the bottom of the page. Ticket prices begin at ¥8800.

Getting there

Tokyo Dome is located in easy access from several train stations, including Suidobashi Station (JR Chuo Sobu Line and the Mita Subway Line, 3 minutes on foot), Korakuen Station (Marunouchi and Namboku Subway Lines, 3 minutes on foot), and Kasuga Station (Toei Oedo Line and Mita Line, 5 minutes on foot).

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Japan Travel Staff

Taylor Swift Eras Tour


The Eras Tour

February 7th - February 10th 2024

1 Chome-3-61 Koraku, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan ( Map ) ( Directions )


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Taylor Swift kicks off her European leg of 'Eras Tour.' Here's the full list of show dates

Taylor Swift has kicked off the European leg of her "Eras Tour" in Paris and Lisbon , but she just shared some exciting news for Swifties planning to attend her shows in London.

On May 27, the singer announced the first group of opening acts for her London shows on her Instagram story .

"I just found out Fortnight is #1 on the UK airplay chart!!!! You guys are amazing and I can’t wait to see you SO 🔜 !!" she began her message.

ticketmaster eras tour japan

"Thought this might be a fun time to announce the first group of opening acts I’ll be adding to the London shows, going on before @paramore," she continued. "I chose artists whose music I love listening to, and I can’t wait for them to add an extra jolt of excitement to our shows at @wembleystadium in June. @mettenarrative, @wiffygriffy, and @bensonboone, welcome to The Eras Tour!! 🤍"

Swift's three London shows kick off Friday, June 21, at Wembley Stadium. Taylor Nation also shouted out Swift's "June openers," Mette, Griff and Benson Boone, in an Instagram post .

"Wembley Stadium, please welcome your June openers METTE, Griff, and Benson Boone to #LondonTSTheErasTour! See you in not so long, London. ☺️" the account wrote.

In August, the "So Long, London" singer will return to England's capital, where she will perform five shows again at Wembley Stadium between Aug. 15 and Aug. 20, before heading to the U.S. and Canada.

Taylor Swift

Fans are also excited about Swift's recent international shows, as the performer has incorporated songs from her latest album , "The Tortured Poets Department," which came out April 19, into her "Eras Tour" shows.

In June 2023, Swift announced a total of 50 international dates on social media and on her website .

“EXCUSE ME HI I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY,” she penned on Twitter and Instagram June 20, 2023. “I can’t wait to see so many of you on The Eras Tour next year at these new international dates! Visit TaylorSwift.com/tour for more information on your registrations, pre-sales and on-sales!!”

As for who will be joining Swift on the stage, the "Cruel Summer" singer shared in July 2023 that Paramore would be touring with her as the opening act of some of her international shows, starting May 9, 2024, through the end of August.

Here are all of Swift's remaining international tour dates:

Taylor Swift's international 'Eras Tour' dates

May 9: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 10: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 11: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 12: Paris, France — Paris La Defense Arena

May 17: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 18: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 19: Stockholm, Sweden — Friends Arena

May 24: Lisbon, Portugal — Estadio Da Luz

May 25: Lisbon, Portugal — Estadio Da Luz

May 29: Madrid, Spain — Estadio Santiago Bernabeu

May 30: Madrid, Spain — Estadio Santiago Bernabeu

June 2: Lyon, France — Groupama Stadium

June 3: Lyon, France — Groupama Stadium

June 7: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 8: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 9: Edinburgh, United Kingdom — Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

June 13: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 14: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 15: Liverpool, United Kingdom — Anfield Stadium

June 18: Cardiff, United Kingdom — Principality Stadium

June 21: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 22: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 23: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

June 28: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

June 29: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

June 30: Dublin, Ireland — Aviva Stadium

July 4: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 5: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 6: Amsterdam, Netherlands — Johan Cruijff Arena

July 9: Zurich, Switzerland — Stadion Letzigrund Zurich

July 10: Zurich, Switzerland — Stadion Letzigrund Zurich

July 13: Milan, Italy — San Siro Stadium

July 14: Milan, Italy — San Siro Stadium

July 17: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 18: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 19: Gelsenkirchen, Germany — Veltins-Arena

July 23: Hamburg, Germany — Volksparkstadion

July 24: Hamburg, Germany — Volksparkstadion

July 27: Munich, Germany — Olympiastadion

July 28: Munich, Germany — Olympiastadion

Aug. 1: Warsaw, Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 2: Warsaw, Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 3: Warsaw, Poland — PGE Narodowy

Aug. 8: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 9: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 10: Vienna, Austria — Ernst-Happel-Stadion

Aug. 15: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 16: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 17: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 19: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

Aug. 20: London, United Kingdom — Wembley Stadium

How to get tickets to international shows on Taylor Swift’s 'Eras Tour'

The “Shake It Off” singer’s fan base infamously crashed Ticketmaster when they overcrowded the system while trying to buy tickets when they went live on Nov. 15, 2022. Since then, the platform has employed a new ticket purchasing process that has kept crashes at bay — so far.

The new purchasing multistep process first requires preregistration in order to be eligible for presales and regular sales. However, presales and registration are closed for all current international tour dates.

Fans who are interested in attending an international show can try purchasing tickets on reseller sites such as StubHub and SeatGeek.

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Fans wanting to know how to get Taylor Swift Eras Tour international tickets will have to deal with ...

How To Get Taylor Swift Eras Tour International Tickets Abroad

Ticketmaster, “why you gotta be so mean?”

International Swifties, now is your turn to experience the dramatic saga that is trying to acquire Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets. It’s not an easy feat by any means, especially when Ticketmaster is involved. Swift first announced international dates for her Eras Tour in June, which includes cities in Europe, Asia, and Australia. In addition to the announcement, Swift also shared that registration for those dates had opened up. Unfortunately, the deadline to sign up to be a “verified fan” and receive a code to purchase tickets on Ticketmaster has long since passed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get international tickets to Swift’s Eras Tour another way.

Just like there are many avenues (albeit some expensive ones) to buy last-minute Eras Tour tickets , there are ways to get tickets to potentially see Swift sing “Paris” in Paris or “London Boy” in London. The only problem is Ticketmaster has put into place a new set of rules for international Eras Tour tickets that involve a “lead booker” policy . This stipulation added onto Swift tickets has definitely made getting them a lot harder. You might be wondering, what is the Ticketmaster lead booker policy? Well, it’s the company’s solution to the issue of resellers. U.S. Swifties have had to deal with scalpers and non-fans buying up tickets to the Eras Tour, and reselling them for an exorbitant amount. For example, tickets in the same row that I paid $250 for at face value are now going for almost $1,600 on StubHub — and that’s just the lowest price. The most expensive are listed for $9,500.

To try and avoid this type of highway robbery, Ticketmaster’s lead booker policy makes it so the tickets purchased are non-transferable — meaning you can’t resell them on a site like StubHub. Instead, the person who bought these tickets must be present at the show to use them. This makes tickets bought as presents unusable unless the person who bought them is there to present “a valid photo ID matching the customer name on the booking confirmation and the credit card.” Groups must also “enter the venue at the same time.” These strict rules may make it easier for Eras Tour tickets to fall into the hands of only Swifties, but it also makes it almost impossible for you to get international Eras Tour tickets without a presale code. However, there is a bit of hope.

Can You Get Resale Taylor Swift Eras Tour International Tickets?

International Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets are non-transferable and have a lead booker policy, whi...

Lead booker rules are put into place not just for the UK shows, but all international dates, including France , Sweden , and Japan . Most countries, though, state that these rules can change, and “resale may become available at some point.” According to Ticketmaster, the decision to not have resale activated is a choice of the “organizer” — aka Swift’s team. It’s possible if enough Swifties complain about the lead booker rules, Eras Tour tickets will become available for resale. After the Eras Tour Ticketmaster fiasco of 2022 , Swift shared a lengthy (and angry) statement about the mishandling of the sale . Swift, who is “extremely protective” of her fans, was rightfully pissed about the situation, so it’s possible she’ll make things right with international Swifties as well.

If they allow for the resale of Eras Tour tickets, you’ll be able to find those listed on Ticketmaster and potentially other sites like StubHub. The best solution IMHO is allowing for resale tickets, but capping the price at face value so that fans can only get back the money they spent and other Swifties don’t have to decide if they’d rather pay rent for a month or see Swift sing “Cruel Summer” IRL. Until Ticketmaster makes a change to their policy, BDG’s Senior Newsletter Editor Hayley Schueneman — who got tickets to see Swift in France — says, “I would be leery of people saying they can sell you international tickets!”

Will There Be A General Sale For Taylor Swift Eras Tour International Tickets?

Similar to how Eras Tour tickets have been selling in the U.S., you need a fan code in order to actually get in the queue to buy tickets. While presales have begun, some cities are opening up general sales to more verified fans who were put on the waitlist. However, these fans still need a code that’s linked to their Ticketmaster account in order to buy them. This means if you missed the deadline to register for Eras Tour tickets, you won’t be able to purchase general sale tickets.

The public sale for Eras Tour in the U.S. was canceled due to the high demand, and that seems to be the case internationally as well. A lot of fans have also been saying on TikTok that they’ve been taken off the waitlist , but the only tickets still remaining are the VIP packages to Eras Tour since those are the most expensive. It’s possible that if Ticketmaster decides to open up their sales to the general public, all that will be left are VIP packages.

Pretty much, the sales for Eras Tour 2024 tickets are looking to be just as dramatic and confusing as the U.S. Right now, all you can hope for is that Ticketmaster drops their lead booker policy, they open up sales to the general public, or you find a friend in Europe, Asia, or Australia with an extra ticket who would be willing to go to the show with you. Of course, you could also mastermind a friendship with Swift so she invites you into the Eras Tour VIP tent — but that’s going to take a little more manifesting to happen .

This article was originally published on 07.19.23

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How to Get Tickets to Taylor Swift’s “Eras” International Tour

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The post How to Get Tickets to Taylor Swift ’s “Eras” International Tour appeared first on Consequence .

Taylor Swift has expanded “The Eras Tour” with a fresh set of international dates stretching into 2024 ( get tickets here ).

The best-selling 2023 trek began as a celebration of the generational singer-songwriter’s entire catalogue, including her latest album Midnights , but will now usher in her next phase following an early summer Ice Spice collaboration  and the upcoming release of Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) .

Check for tickets here , and read on for more details.

What Is Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour”?

Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour” kicked off on March 17th, 2023 at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona and has since amassed quite a few standout moments in cities like Las Vegas , Nashville , and Chicago . As promised, Swift has also performed a different acoustic track each night of the tour; check out our running list of every track played here .

Following her final US date in Los Angeles on August 9th, Swift will spend four nights in Mexico City from August 24th to 27th. She’ll continue to South America for three shows in Buenos Aires, Argentina from November 9th to 11th, back-to-back performances in Rio de Janeiro, and a three-night finale in Sao Paulo, Brazil from November 24th to 26th.

Swift resumes “The Eras Tour” with four consecutive shows in Tokyo starting on February 7th, 2024. She’ll follow with an Australian leg that features two nights in Melbourne on February 16th and 17th as well as three dates in Sydney from February 23rd to 25th. The Pacific leg closes with three concerts in Singapore from March 2nd to 4th.

She launches a European leg with two nights in Paris on May 9th and 10th before venturing to Stockholm, Lisbon, and Madrid throughout the month. After playing Lyon, France on June 2nd, Swift visits the UK for stops including Edinburgh, Liverpool, and two headlining performances at London’s Wembley Stadium on June 21st and 22nd. In July, she makes further European trips to Amsterdam, Milan, Munich, and more, then wraps with two additional shows at Wembley on August 16th and 17th.

Who Is Opening on the Tour?

Taylor Swift’s international dates on “The Eras Tour” will feature support from  Sabrina Carpenter during her 2023 trek through Mexico and South America as well as her 2024 jaunt in Australia and Singapore. There have been no openers announced for the rest of her 2024 shows at this time.

How Can I Get Tickets for Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour”?

Although tickets to her first round of international dates in Mexico and South America have already gone up for grabs, seats for the rest of Taylor Swift’s “Eras” world tour will be first available to fans who registered via Ticketmaster’s now-concluded Verified Fan platform.

General on-sale dates vary for Swift’s 2024 shows, with the earliest ticket window opening for the Australian leg on Friday, June 30th. Tickets for Spain and Sweden follow on Wednesday, July 5th, while the Singapore shows come after on Friday, July 7th.

European concerts in Ireland , Austria , and France will reach the general public on Tuesday, July 11th, trailed by shows in Germany , Portugal , and the Netherlands on the following day, and more stops in Switzerland and Italy on Thursday, July 13th.

General on-sale will finally commence in the UK starting on Tuesday, July 18th, though select cities will begin on Wednesday, July 19th and Thursday, July 20th. Find more details here .

Once tickets to Taylor Swift’s international concerts go up for grabs, check for seats and deals on Viagogo . Alternatively, claim seats to all of her upcoming US live performances via StubHub , where your order is 100% guaranteed through Stubhub’s FanProtect program. StubHub is a secondary market ticketing platform, and prices may be higher or lower than face value, depending on demand.

What Are Taylor Swift’s 2023-2024 Tour Dates?

Check out Taylor Swift’s 2023-2024 tour dates below, and get tickets here .

Taylor Swift’s 2023-2024 Tour Dates: 06/30 – Cincinnati, OH @ Paycor Stadium ^+ ( Tix ) 07/01 – Cincinnati, OH @ Paycor Stadium ^+ ( Tix ) 07/07 – Kansas City, MO @ Arrowhead Stadium ^+ ( Tix ) 07/08 – Kansas City, MO @ Arrowhead Stadium ^+ ( Tix ) 07/14 – Denver, CO @ Empower Field at Mile High ^+ ( Tix ) 07/15 – Denver, CO @ Empower Field at Mile High ^+ ( Tix ) 07/22 – Seattle, WA @ Lumen Field *+ ( Tix ) 07/23 – Seattle, WA @ Lumen Field *+ ( Tix ) 07/28 – Santa Clara, CA @ Levi’s Stadium *+ ( Tix ) 07/29 – Santa Clara, CA @ Levi’s Stadium *+ ( Tix ) 08/03 – Inglewood, CA @ SoFi Stadium *+ ( Tix ) 08/04 – Inglewood, CA @ SoFi Stadium *? ( Tix ) 08/05 – Inglewood, CA @ SoFi Stadium *& ( Tix ) 08/08 – Inglewood, CA @ SoFi Stadium *+ ( Tix ) 08/09 – Inglewood, CA @ SoFi Stadium *& ( Tix ) 08/24 – Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol $ ( Tix ) 08/25 – Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol $ ( Tix ) 08/26 – Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol $ ( Tix ) 08/27 – Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol $ ( Tix ) 11/09 – Buenos Aires, AR @ Estadio River Plate $ ( Tix ) 11/10 – Buenos Aires, AR @ Estadio River Plate $ ( Tix ) 11/11 – Buenos Aires, AR @ Estadio River Plate $ ( Tix ) 11/18 – Rio de Janeiro, BR @ Estádio Nilton Santos $ ( Tix ) 11/19 – Rio de Janeiro, BR @ Estádio Nilton Santos $ ( Tix ) 11/24 – Sao Paulo, BR @ Allianz Parque $ ( Tix ) 11/25 – Sao Paulo, BR @ Allianz Parque $ ( Tix ) 11/26 – Sao Paulo, BR @ Allianz Parque $ ( Tix ) 02/07 – Tokyo, JP @ Tokyo Dome ( Tix ) 02/08 – Tokyo, JP @ Tokyo Dome ( Tix ) 02/09 – Tokyo, JP @ Tokyo Dome ( Tix ) 02/10 – Tokyo, JP @ Tokyo Dome ( Tix ) 02/16 – Melbourne, AU @ Melbourne Cricket Grounds $ ( Tix ) 02/17 – Melbourne, AU @ Melbourne Cricket Grounds $ ( Tix ) 02/23 – Sydney, AU @ Accor Stadium $ ( Tix ) 02/24 – Sydney, AU @ Accor Stadium $ ( Tix ) 02/25 – Sydney, AU @ Accor Stadium $ ( Tix ) 03/02 – Singapore, SG @ National Stadium $ ( Tix ) 03/03 – Singapore, SG @ National Stadium $ ( Tix ) 03/04 – Singapore, SG @ National Stadium $ ( Tix ) 05/09 – Paris, FR @ Paris La Défense Arena ( Tix ) 05/10 – Paris, FR @ Paris La Défense Arena ( Tix ) 05/17 – Stockholm, SE @ Friends Arena ( Tix ) 05/24 – Lisbon, PT @ Estádio da Luz ( Tix ) 05/30 – Madrid, ES @ Estadio Santiago Bernabéu ( Tix ) 06/02 – Lyon, FR @ Groupama Stadium ( Tix ) 06/07 – Edinburgh, UK @ BT Murrayfield Stadium ( Tix ) 06/08 – Edinburgh, UK @ BT Murrayfield Stadium ( Tix ) 06/14 – Liverpool, UK @ Anfield Stadium ( Tix ) 06/15 – Liverpool, UK @ Anfield Stadium ( Tix ) 06/18 – Cardiff, UK @ Principality Stadium ( Tix ) 06/21 – London, UK @ Wembley Stadium ( Tix ) 06/22 – London, UK @ Wembley Stadium ( Tix ) 06/28 – Dublin, IE @ Aviva Stadium ( Tix ) 06/29 – Dublin, IE @ Aviva Stadium ( Tix ) 07/05 – Amsterdam, NL @ Johan Cruyff Arena ( Tix ) 07/06 – Amsterdam, NL @ Johan Cruyff Arena ( Tix ) 07/09 – Zürich, CH @ Stadion Letzigrund Zürich ( Tix ) 07/13 – Milan, IT @ San Siro Stadium ( Tix ) 07/18 – Gelsenkirchen, DE @ Veltins-Arena ( Tix ) 07/23 – Hamburg, DE @ Volksparkstadion ( Tix ) 07/27 – Munich, DE @ Olympiastadion ( Tix ) 08/02 – Warsaw, PL @ PGE Narodowy ( Tix ) 08/09 – Vienna, AT @ Ernst-Happel-Stadion ( Tix ) 08/16 – London, UK @ Wembley Stadium ( Tix ) 08/17 – London, UK @ Wembley Stadium ( Tix )

# = w/ Girl in Red ? = w/ OWENN ^ = w/ MUNA + = w/ Gracie Abrams * = w/ HAIM & = w/ GAYLE $ = w/ Sabrina Carpenter

How to Get Tickets to Taylor Swift’s “Eras” International Tour Bryan Kress

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Taylor Swift in Japan: A Guide to Attending The Eras Tour in Tokyo

  • Posted on Jun 23, 2023 Jun 23, 2023
  • 5 minute read
  • Meryl Medel

Jun 23, 2023   •   Meryl Medel

Taylor Swift is finally bringing her The Eras Tour to our side of the world! Unfortunately, she’s only going to two Asian countries : Japan and Singapore. With ticketing for The Eras Tour notorious for being a bloodbath, we want to increase our chances by trying to grab those elusive tickets wherever we can. Unfortunately, the Japanese ticketing system can be quite confusing for most of us, so let’s try to break down together how to attend The Eras Tour in Tokyo to finally see Taylor Swift live.

First things first

EXCUSE ME HI I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY 🙋‍♀️ I can’t wait to see so many of you on The Eras Tour next year at these new international dates! Visit https://t.co/EYBevxhQzH for more information on your registrations, pre-sales and on-sales!! pic.twitter.com/G8zx8QUUAV — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) June 20, 2023

Most concerts and live shows in Japan are done through lottery . That means you’ll have to submit an application for the lottery and wait for the results to see if you win or not. If you don’t win, better luck next time. But if you do win, congratulations! You do still have to pay for the ticket though.

There will be a general sale after the lottery — but that’s only if there are any tickets left over.

So who can enter the lottery tickets?

People who have the following:

  • an active Japanese phone number;
  • an address in Japan;
  • an AnyPASS account (which is often verified through the Japanese phone number via code or call), and
  • a smartphone compatible with the AnyPASS app.

So for Filipino Swifties who want to watch in Japan, you better call up a relative or friend living there who has both a Japanese phone number and address. (That is, if they’re not gunning for a ticket themselves.)

What is AnyPASS?

AnyPASS is the mobile platform through which The Eras Tour in Tokyo tickets will be distributed. So there will be no printed tickets, and everyone will simply have an electronic ticket on the AnyPASS app.

If they win the lottery, depending on what they chose during application, an AnyPASS member can purchase up to 4 tickets per show. The first ticket is the “main” ticket, a.k.a. the lottery winner’s ticket, while the other three tickets are “companion” tickets, which the lottery winner can give to whoever they want to, including non-Japanese Swifties — as long as those companions also have an AnyPASS account!

Most foreign fans are able to create an AnyPASS account anytime, including the Philippines. So those so-called “companion” tickets are where Filipino fans can get their chance.

[Guide] A lot of people have been DM-ing me with issues concerning AnyPASS. AnyPASS is the digital ticketing app that is currently the only option for tickets for the EXO-L-JAPAN presents #EXO CHANNEL“THE BEST” fanmeeting. Fanmeet master thread: https://t.co/ueqeGBvEZi pic.twitter.com/aY6bH6orWC — MAMORI ‘ㅅ’ BAEK (@mamoribaek) March 8, 2023

However, it is important to note that the tickets, particularly the “main” ticket, are tied to the AnyPASS account and phone number used. They specifically mention that you should NOT change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance.

How does the step-by-step process of ticketing for Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour in Tokyo go?

If you’re eligible to join the lottery (i.e. you have a Japanese phone number and address and an Anypass account), here’s the basic process you’ll follow to apply for lottery:

  • Go to taylorswift-theerastour.jp
  • Click “Buy ticket”. The page will open to the Lawson ticket site (l-tike.com).
  • Read the terms and conditions. Tick the box to agree and click “Next”.
  • Read the information listed carefully.
  • At the bottom of the page, select the date of performance you want to apply for and click “Apply”.
  • Select your preferred seat type and the quantity of seats. Click “Next”.
  • Enter your details, including your name, Japanese phone number, and address.
  • Confirm your details, and click “Submit.” You should receive an email confirming your lottery application.
  • Wait for the lottery results. You can check via the Lawson website or wait for the results email.
  • If you win, you can pay for the ticket via Japan-issued credit card or convenience store payment.
  • If you lose, you can try again in the next lottery application (if any).

While the website for The Eras Tour in Japan has an English version, the ticketing platform Lawson does not. So Google Translate (or other similar apps) will be your best friend here. It’s better to use Chrome as your browser so that it can auto-translate the page for you as you go.

What are the important dates?

テイラー・スウィフト、 約5年ぶりとなる来日公演が決定! 「TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR」 海外女性アーティスト初となる 東京ドーム4日連続公演! 詳細は来日公演オフィシャルサイトへ https://t.co/Kwrftwz2sc #TaylorSwift #ジエラズツアー #TokyoTSTheErasTour #TSTheErasTour pic.twitter.com/zvoHDeKZZc — AEGXofficial (@AegXofficial) June 20, 2023

Taylor Swift AMEX Presale

  • Lottery application is accepted from 23 June 2023, 2 PM JST (1 PM PHT) until 26 June 2023, 11:59 PM JST (10:59 PHT)
  • Lottery results will be announced on 30 June 2023, 12 NN JST (11 AM PHT)
  • The payment period is usually 3-5 days after the announcement of results
  • Note that this presale is only open to cardholders of American Express cards issued in Japan.
  • Only VIP1 (It’s Been A Long Time Coming Package) and VIP2 (Karma Is My Boyfriend Package) tickets are available for the lottery in this round.

Lawson Ticket Exclusive Presale

  • Lottery application is accepted from 27 June 2023, 2 PM JST (1 PM PHT) until 10 July 2023, 11:59 PM JST (10:59 PHT)
  • Lottery results may be announced 5-7 days after the lottery application period ends.

More dates will be announced down the line, so keep an eye out on the website.

What are the other options?

You can approach a ticketing assistance service, though you should exercise caution before anything else.

Or you can wait for Japanese Swifities to sell their “companion” tickets, which some post on Twitter, Instagram, or other social media platforms. Just know the keywords and hashtags to search for.

It’s quite complicated, but all for Inang Taylor, right?

If you need more information, just head to The Eras Tour in Japan website taylorswift-theerastour.jp because they already outlined everything there!

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Tiktok , and Youtube for the l8est entertaining, useful, and informative lists!

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  • Taylor Swift
  • the eras tour

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Hi, i just want to clarify, i have a friend who is Japan and she wanted to help me to buy tickets for the concert however hindi po sya manunuod need po ba kasama rin yung magbubuy for us manuod or kahit hindi naman sabi kasi ng iba need raw pag bumili yung main account dpt kasama sya manuod. Thank you

Thank you si much for this post!! So informative. Really wishing I could see her in Tokyo next year! I dont have a friend in Japan so Im just really really hoping I could still get two tickets during the general sale

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  • 08.21 8/22(火)19:00~ローチケ追加販売(先着)実施決定!
  • 07.27 7/28(金)10:00~ローチケ2次先行受付開始!
  • 06.27 TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演特設サイトオープン! ローチケ先行(抽選)は6/27(火)10:00~受付開始!


  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月7日(水) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月8日(木) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • 2024年2月9日(金) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • [SOLD OUT!] -->2024年2月10日(土) 東京ドーム 開場 16:00 / 開演 18:00
  • ※開場/開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • ※新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染状況により、ワクチン・検査パッケージなどを適用する場合がございます。

■<ローチケ先行>プレリクエスト追加販売(先着): 8/22(火)19:00~

■For customers from overseas Lawson Ticket General On Sale: Aug 22 (Tue) 7:00PM -

Application Closed

※VIPパッケージ・BOX SEATを除き、ご購入いただいたチケット(SS席 / S席 / A席 / ステージサイド席 / U-20席)は、後日公式リセールサービスを行う予定です。 ※Purchased tickets except "VIP PACKAGE" , "BOX SEAT" will be made available for official resale service at a later date.

  • ※ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。
  • ※STAGE SIDE SEAT (with obstructed view)
  • With an obstructed view which means you'll be unable to see the entire stage and performance from those seats.

同行者も含めて20歳以下の方限定のお席となります。 ステージの全体/演出の一部が見えづらいお席となります。当日年齢を確認できる身分証明書をお持ちください。 チケットをご購入された方のみでなく、同行者様も当日入場時に年齢を確認させていただきますので下記身分証のいずれかを忘れずにお持ちください。 ・運転免許証 ・学生証 ・パスポート ・身体障害者手帳 ・マイナンバーカード(通知カード不可) ・在留カード ・特別永住者証明書 ・住民基本台帳カード ・外国人登録証明書

  • ※年齢は各公演当日の年齢となります。
  • ※年齢確認ができない場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • ※期限の切れたものは無効となります。また、公的に発行された状態のままお持ちください。(コピーは不可)
  • ※学生証・マイナンバーカード・住民基本台帳カードは写真と本人の現住所が確認できるもののみ有効です。

These seats are strictly for 20 years old or younger. Some seats may have limited visibility of the entire stage or certain parts of the production. Please bring an ID card to verify your age on the day of the event. We will be verifying the age of not only the ticket holder, but also of those who would be accompanying as well. Please remember to bring either of the following types of ID with you.

(Driver’s License, Student ID, Passport, Physical Disability Recordbook / Certificate, MyNumber Card(Notification card not accepted), Residents Card, Special Permanent, Resident Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Card, Alien registration card)

  • ※Age is based on how old the ticket holder is on the day of each performance.
  • ※If age cannot be verified, admission will be denied.
  • ※Expired IDs will be invalid. Also, please bring the certificate in its officially issued state. (Photocopies are not acceptable.)
  • ※Student ID, MyNumber Card, and Basic Resident Registration Card are valid only if the photo and the applicant’s current address can be verified.


SS席1枚(SS席の中でも、最も各ステージ/花道に近いエリア) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

  • ※座席レイアウトと各VIPパッケージの座席位置は都市、公演によって異なる場合があります。

One Unforgettable Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

  • ※Venue seating configurations and package locations can vary by city. See your show date for specific details.

SS席1枚(通常のSS席よりも各ステージ/花道に近いエリア) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

One Phenomenal Top Price Reserved Seated Floor Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

S席1枚(1階スタンド) テイラー・スウィフト プリントポスター4枚セット テイラー・スウィフトVIP限定グッズ – The Eras Tour記念トートバッグ – ピンバッジ、ステッカー、ポストカードセット、コレクター用コンサートピクチャーチケット – VIP専用ツアーラミネートパス&ストラップ

One Incredible Second Price Reserved Seated Ticket Special Set of Four (4) Taylor Swift Prints Exclusive Taylor Swift VIP Merchandise • Commemorative Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour VIP Tote Bag • Collectible Taylor Swift Pin, Sticker & Postcard Set + Souvenir Concert Ticket • Special VIP Tour Laminate & Matching Lanyard

VIP パッケージ注釈

  • ・購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • ・すべてのVIPパッケージとその特典内容は、譲渡できません。
  • ・アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他の関係者は、理由の如何を問わず、いかなる注文もキャンセルする権利を有します。
  • ・すべてのVIP特典は、チケットに記載の公演日当日、会場にてお渡しとなります。受け取りに関する詳細は、公演日の約1週間前にご購入者様へご連絡させていただきます。事前または後日郵送等でのお渡しはいたしません。
  • ・アーティスト、主催者、チケット販売会社、その他公演関係者は、チケット購入時に購入者が提供した情報が古かったり不正確であったりした場合により、特典内容が受け取れない等のトラブルに対し一切の責任を負いません。
  • ・購入時に提供された情報(氏名、電話番号、住所)は、必要に応じて主催者がお客様に連絡するために利用させていただく場合がございます。必ず正しい情報をご入力ください。
  • All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges under any circumstances. All packages and package contents are non-transferable. The artist, show and venue reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason. All VIP merchandise will be distributed on-site at the show or at an alternative local location. CUSTOMERS WILL BE CONTACTED APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATE WITH ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISE COLLECTION DETAILS.
  • VIP Merchandise will not be shipped (posted) under any circumstances. VIP merchandise is not required for venue entry. The artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase. The information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase, is the same information that will be utilized for contacting customers if required.

■1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。

【10⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 10枚 【9⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 9枚 【8⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 8枚 【7⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 7枚 【6⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 6枚 【5⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 5枚 【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥50,000 × 4枚

※クレジット決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂ける半個室になります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

■Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10.

【Capacity 10 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 10 tickets 【Capacity 9 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 9 tickets 【Capacity 8 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 8 tickets 【Capacity 7 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 7 tickets 【Capacity 6 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 6 tickets 【Capacity 5 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 5 tickets 【Capacity 4 people】¥50,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Semi-private room for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

■1組 4枚のセット販売になります。

【4⼈定員】1⼈ ¥40,000 x 4枚

※クレジットカード決済のみでの販売になります。 ※グループでお楽しみ頂けるボックスシートになります。 ※⼀部演出やステージが⾒えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

■Only sold as group tickets.

【Capacity 4 people】¥40,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Box seat for group. ※Please note that there may be some parts of the performance or stage that might be difficult to see, so please kindly understand this before making your purchase.

STAGE MAP(ステージマップ)


  • 2023年7月21日現在のレイアウト・イメージとなります。 現況と異なる場合がございますが、その場合は現況を優先いたします。
  • Layout and images as July 21,2023. Actual stage layout may differ, in which case priority will be given to the stage on the day of the shows.


  • 開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • チケットは、公式ページに記載のチケットプレイガイドよりご購入ください。
  • 正規販売ルート以外(個人間売買・オークションサイト・金券ショップ等)で購入されたチケットに関しては、その有効性を一切保証されておりません。
  • 第三者への譲渡禁止 / 営利目的の転売禁止 / オークションへの出品禁止
  • 先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させていただきます。その場合、一般発売はございませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 一部演出が見えにくい座席がございます。
  • 座席によっては一部着席でのご鑑賞になりますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 複数枚ご購入の場合、お連れの方との座席や立ち位置が必ずしも隣同士にならない場合がございますので、ご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • お客様の都合による、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは一切できません。
  • 車椅子をご利用の方は、安全上ハンディキャップエリアをご利用いただく必要があります。車椅子での観覧をご希望のお客様は、S席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。ハンディキャップエリアへの付き添いは1名様までです。付き添いの方もチケットが必要なります。また、スペースに限りがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。車椅子でご来場のお客様は、チケットご購入後に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • 会場内にクロークはございません。また、会場内ロッカーは数に限りがございます。ご来場いただく前に会場周辺のコインロッカーをご利用ください。尚、会場内ロッカーの決済方法は、交通系ICカード(Suica、PASMO等)のみとなります。
  • 入場時に手荷物検査を行います。ご協力いただけない方は、入場をお断りする場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • カン・ビン・ペットボトル類の持ち込みは出来ません。移し替え用のプラカップもご用意いたしませんので、入場口で廃棄いただきます。危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • 危険物や他のお客様のご迷惑と判断されるものは一切お断りいたします。
  • ペット類の同伴入場は不可となります。但し、盲導犬等の補助犬についてはご入場可能です。補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前に TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。
  • 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。
  • 過度な飲酒状態の方、他のお客様のご迷惑となるような行為が確認された方、係員の指示にしたがっていただけない方には、退場していただく場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の払い戻しは行いません。
  • 会場内では係員の指示に従ってください。係員の指示に従わず事故・怪我などをされた場合は出演者・主催者、及び会場側は一切責任を負いません。
  • ステージへ物を投げ込んだり、駆け寄ったりする危険行為は絶対におやめください。公演中はご指定の席・エリア以外での観覧は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 公共の交通機関をご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。
  • 万が一公演中止となった場合、本公演の中止・遅延に伴う、会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料を含む)の補償はいたしません。
  • 近隣住民の方々、および施設の多大なご協力とご理解のもと開催しております。皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
  • Ticket availability is limited. Tickets will be sold during the pre-sale lotteries while currently available inventory lasts. Ticket sales will be closed when the number of tickets sold reaches the limit of currently available inventory. In that case, tickets will not be available for general on sale.
  • Your ticket purchase constitutes a personal, revocable license and, at all times, remains the property of the event organizer.
  • Your ticket(s) are sold by the event organizer directly to you the consumer. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of the terms and conditions of ticket sale may be cancelled. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that you are a consumer.
  • Preschool-aged children are not allowed entry.
  • The door and show times are subject to change.
  • Please purchase tickets from the official ticket agencies stated on the official page.
  • Tickets purchased through channels other than official sales routes (such as individual sales, auction sites, ticket shops, etc.) are not guaranteed to be valid.
  • Transferring tickets to third parties is prohibited. Reselling for profit and listing on auctions is also prohibited.
  • Purchase Limit: 4 per transaction per show
  • Reserved Seat Only.
  • View from some seats may be obstructed.
  • Please note that some seats may require you to be seated during the show.
  • If you purchase multiple tickets, please be aware that the seats or standing positions for accompanying individuals may not be adjacent.
  • Cancellations, changes, and refunds after ticket purchase due to customer circumstances are not permitted.
  • If you require a wheelchair, you must use the designated wheelchair area for safety reasons. If you wish to attend in a wheelchair, please purchase S-seats. Accompanying individuals are limited to one person. The accompanying person will also require a ticket. Please note that space is limited. If you plan to attend in a wheelchair, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office after purchasing your ticket.
  • There is no cloakroom available at the venue. Also, the number of lockers inside the venue is limited. Please use the coin lockers outside the venue before arriving. Note that the payment method for the lockers inside the venue is limited to transportation IC cards (such as Suica, PASMO, etc.).
  • Bag inspections will be conducted upon entry. If you cannot cooperate with the inspection, you may be denied entry. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • Cans, bottles, and PET bottles are not allowed. We do not provide plastic cups for transfer, so please dispose of them at the entrance. We do not accept dangerous goods or anything that is judged to be a nuisance to other customers.
  • Items deemed dangerous or causing inconvenience to other customers are strictly prohibited.
  • Pets are not allowed to accompany you into the venue. However, guide dogs and other assistance dogs are permitted. If you plan to attend with an assistance dog, please contact the TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR Japan Tour Office in advance for smooth guidance.
  • For any conflicts or disputes between customers within or outside the venue, please resolve them peacefully amongst yourselves.
  • Persons in a state of excessive alcohol consumption, engaging in behavior that causes inconvenience to other customers, or refusing to follow staff instructions may be asked to leave. No refunds will be provided in such cases.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff inside the venue. The performers, organizers, and venue will not be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or incidents resulting from failure to comply with staff instructions.
  • Please refrain from throwing objects onto the stage or rushing towards the stage, as it poses a safety risk. Viewing outside of your designated seat or area during the performance is strictly prohibited.
  • We kindly ask you to use public transportation.
  • After the performance, please follow the guidance of the staff for exit instructions.
  • In the event of a cancellation, we will not compensate for travel expenses, accommodation fees, etc. (including cancellation fees) to the venue.
  • We are holding this event with the cooperation and understanding of the local residents and facility. We appreciate your cooperation.

※本公演のチケットはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS(電子チケット) https://anypass.jp/ 」となります。

  • チケットのお受け取り、公演日当日ご入場の際にはスマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」対応のスマートフォンが必要となります。
  • お申込み時のお客様情報の携帯電話番号(AnyPASS発券)欄にご登録の携帯電話番号の端末のみ、チケットのお受け取りが可能になります。(チケット情報は購入時の携帯電話番号に紐づきます。) 他の携帯電話番号の端末ではチケットのお受け取りが出来ませんので公演日まで携帯電話番号の変更/解約をしないようお願いいたします。同じ電話番号での機種変更は問題ございません。
  • 本公演は、お一人様1枚チケットをお持ちいただきご入場いただきますので、同行者の方には、AnyPASSを利用しチケットを分配してください。 お申込者の分のチケットは、他の方に分配・譲渡出来ませんのでご注意ください。 同行者の方が、チケットをお受け取りいただく際、同行者の方もAnyPASSをダウンロード、利用登録(無料)をしていただく必要がございます。 お申込みの際は、必ず本公演の参加者全員が下記、対応OSを搭載し、SMS認証が利用可能なスマートフォンをお持ちかをご確認の上、お申込みください。 プリントアウト、スクリーンショットをしたものをご提示いただきましても入場は出来ません。
  • 未分配のままご来場されますと、ご入場までにお時間がかかる場合がございます。 必ずご来場までにチケットの分配、同行者のAnyPASSのご登録・チケット受取をお済ませください。
  • 同一日時の公演のチケットを同一電話番号で複数回ご購入いただいた場合、必ず1枚ずつご購入者様分のチケットとして手元に残ります。 手元に残ったチケットはご購入者様のみ使用可能です。別の方がご使用・ご入場いただくことは出来ませんのでご注意ください。
  • 同行者の方が未成年者で対応のスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、公演日当日、身分証明書のご提示、氏名・連絡先等の情報をご提供いただいた上でご入場いただきます。 お申込者と同行者全員がお揃いになってからのご入場となります。 身分証明書のご提示がない場合、未成年でない場合はご入場出来ない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 詳細は発券開始時に改めてご購入者様へご案内いたします。
  • AnyPASSの言語表示は日本語・英語への切り替えが可能です。


スマートフォン専用アプリ「AnyPASS」は以下よりダウンロードをお願いします。 【iPhoneをご使用の場合】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【Androidをご使用の場合】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■対応OS iPhone:iOS12以降 Android:Android7.0以降 (※一部機種を除く)

AnyPASSの詳細・操作方法については、AnyPASSオフィシャルサイト「 https://anypass.jp/ 」及びAnyPASS公式動画「 https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 」をご確認ください。

■転売行為の禁止について■ 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。また、転売の為に第三者に提供する行為も禁止されています。 公演日当日に会場周辺で不当な金額で販売する行為や、インターネット等を通じて不特定多数に向けて販売する行為は、取引金額や理由に関わらず転売行為とみなします。 したがって、オフィシャルホームページなどに掲載されている公式チケット販売サイト以外でご購入されたチケットに関しては、入場をお断りいたします。 尚、それに伴うチケット代金等の払い戻しなどは行いませんのでご注意ください。

■チケット公式リセールについて■ ※ご購入いただいたチケットは、公式リセールサービス対象となります。(※VIP Packageはリセールサービス対象外となりますのでご注意ください。) 公式リセールサービスではイベントに行けなくなった人がチケットを手放せ、行きたい人がそのチケットを定価で購入出来る仕組みをご利用いただけます。 公式リセールサービスの実施時期等の詳細は後日改めてご案内いたします。 尚、公式リセールサービスのご利用は、こちら「 https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ 」に記載の金融機関、かつ日本国内の支店の口座をお待ちいただいている方のみが対象となります。

※The tickets for this performance will be available only through the smartphone app “AnyPASS” (electronic tickets) at https://anypass.jp/ .

  • To receive the tickets and enter the venue on the day of the performance, you will need a smartphone compatible with the “AnyPASS” app.
  • Only the device with the mobile phone number registered in the “Mobile Phone Number (AnyPASS Issuance)” field of the customer information at the time of application will be able to receive the tickets. (Ticket information is linked to the mobile phone number at the time of purchase.) Tickets cannot be received on a device with a different mobile phone number, so please do not change or cancel your mobile phone number until the day of the performance. Changing the device with the same phone number is acceptable.
  • We will inform you about the E-ticket issue date, seat numbers, and other details as soon as they are determined on the official website.
  • For this performance, each person must have one ticket for entry. Please use AnyPASS to distribute tickets to your companions. Please note that the tickets allocated to the applicant cannot be distributed or transferred to others. When your companion receives the ticket, they also need to download the AnyPASS app and register for it (free of charge). When applying, please make sure that all participants of this performance have smartphones with the following compatible operating systems and SMS authentication available before proceeding with the application. Printouts or screenshots of the tickets will not be accepted for entry.
  • If you come to the venue without distributing the tickets, it may take time to enter. Please make sure to distribute the tickets and register and receive the tickets for your companions through AnyPASS before coming to the venue.
  • If you purchase tickets for the same date and time multiple times with the same phone number, each set of tickets will remain as individual tickets for the respective purchaser. The tickets that remain with the purchaser can only be used by the purchaser. Please note that they cannot be used or accessed by others.
  • If your companion is a minor and does not have a compatible smartphone, they will be allowed entry on the day of the performance by presenting identification and providing their name, contact information, etc. Entry will only be permitted when all applicants and their companions are present together. If identification cannot be provided and the person is not a minor, entry may be denied. Please be aware of this in advance. Further details will be provided to purchasers at the time of ticket issuance.
  • AnyPASS language display can be switched between Japanese and English.

Please note that those who do not meet the above requirements will not be able to enter. Please understand this in advance.

Please download the smartphone-exclusive app “AnyPASS” from the following links: 【For iPhone users】 App Store https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1509651539 【For Android users】 Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anypass.android

■Supported Operating Systems■ iPhone: iOS 12 or later Android: Android 7.0 or later (excluding some models)

For more information and instructions on how to use AnyPASS, please visit the official AnyPASS website at “https://anypass.jp/” and the official AnyPASS videos on YouTube at“ https://www.youtube.com/@anypass5611 “.

■Policy Against Illegal Ticket Resale■ Your ticket(s) will IMMEDIATELY BECOME INVALID if resold OR OFFERED FOR SALE. Tickets sold via third parties and other unauthorized outlets, including online auction sites, are not valid for admission. The resale of a ticket renders it invalid and may lead to refusal of entry.

■Official Ticket Resale ■ ※The tickets you have purchased are eligible for the official ticket resale service. (※Please note that VIP Packages are not eligible for the resale service.) Through the official ticket resale service, individuals who are unable to attend the event can sell their tickets, and those who wish to attend can purchase them at face value. This system allows for a fair exchange of tickets. Details regarding the timing of the official ticket resale service will be provided at a later date. Please note that the use of the official ticket resale service is limited to individuals who hold an account at the financial institutions listed here: “ https://www.zengin-net.jp/zengin_system/member/ ” and have a branch located within Japan.

【公演に関するお問い合わせ】 TAYLOR SWIFT | THE ERAS TOUR 来日公演事務局


Taylor Swift - Lavender Haze (Official Music Video)

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How to get tickets to Taylor Swift in Japan for around $900

  • Updated: Dec. 22, 2023, 1:12 p.m. |
  • Published: Dec. 22, 2023, 1:12 p.m.

ticketmaster eras tour japan

Taylor Swift performs at Ford Field in Detroit on Friday, June 9, 2023. Jacob Hamilton | MLive.com

If you’re in Japan in February 2024, check out Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour” performance while you’re there.

Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour” will span over 146 shows across five continents.

Stubhub and Vivid Seats have tickets available for overseas tour stops including stops in Japan.

The “Eras Tour” stop in Japan includes four shows, Feb. 7-10, 2024, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan.

Ticket prices start around $900. But prices will fluctuate.

Stubhub and Vivid Seats also have tickets available for stops in Australia, France, and Singapore.

Other tour stops include:

Feb. 16-26, 2024, Sydney, Australia, 7 shows.

Mar. 2-9, 2024, Singapore, Singapore, 6 shows.

May 9-12, 2024, Nanterre, France, 4 shows.

From May 17 - Aug 17, 2024, tour stops include: Sweden, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

Tickets are available for additional overseas shows at Stubhub and Vivid Seats.

U.S. tour dates resume Oct. 18, 2024, in Miami Gardens, Florida and includes stops around the Midwest, including Indianapolis and Toronto.

Find tickets for those new dates at Stubhub and Vivid Seats.

Here’s how you can get hard-to-find tickets for Japan at Stubhub and Vivid Seats.

Japan - Wed Feb. 7, 2024, 6:00PM, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan

Vivid Seats

Japan - Thu Feb. 8, 6:00PM, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan

Japan - Fri Feb. 9, 6:00PM, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan

Japan - Sat Feb. 10, 6:00PM, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo Japan

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Taylor Swift in Tokyo 2024: How to get last-minute tickets

  • Updated: Feb. 06, 2024, 11:12 a.m. |
  • Published: Feb. 06, 2024, 11:10 a.m.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift will perform in Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 7-10, 2024. A handful of tickets are still available. Here, she performs at the Monumental stadium during her Eras Tour concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko

Fresh off a big Grammy Award win this past weekend, pop superstar Taylor Swift is in Japan for a series of “Eras Tour” concerts this week.

Swift will perform in the Tokyo Dome Feb. 7-10 and despite the time difference she is expected to be able to make it to Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday, Feb. 11 to see boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play in the Super Bowl.

According to Stubhub, there are fewer than 200 tickets combined available for the four Tokyo concerts.

Ticket prices on Stubhub start around $320 depending on night with Feb. 10 starting at $440.

There were no tickets available on Vivid Seats, SeatGeek or Ticketmaster.

After Tokyo (and the Super Bowl) she heads to Australia starting on Feb. 16, then Singapore; Paris, France; Stockholm, Sweden; Lisbon, Portugal; Madrid, Spain; Lyon, France; the United Kingdom; Ireland; Netherlands; Switzerland; Italy; Germany; Poland; Austria; back to the UK and then to Canada.

If you would rather try to grab a seat at Swift’s “The Eras Tour” concerts a bit closer to home, it can be done.

Last year, Swift announced additional concerts for the tour this year in Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Indianapolis, Indiana; Toronto; and Vancouver. Gracie Abrams will open for Swift on all the new dates.

Here is where you can buy tickets for those shows:

  • Oct. 18-20 in Miami - Stubhub, Vivid Seats, SeatGeek
  • Oct. 25-27 in New Orleans - Stubhub , Vivid Seats , SeatGeek
  • Nov. 1-3 in Indianapolis - Stubhub , Vivid Seats, SeatGeek
  • Nov. 14-16 in Toronto, Canada - Stubhub, Vivid Seats, SeatGeek
  • Nov. 21-23 in Toronto, Canada - Stubhub , Vivid Seats, SeatGeek
  • Dec. 6-8 in Vancouver, Canada - Stubhub, Vivid Seats , SeatGeek

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Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ Resumes Rehearsals 13 Days Before Tokyo Shows

Taylor Swift Resumes Eras Tour Rehearsals Ahead of International Leg

Taylor Swift is back in rehearsals for the next leg of her Eras Tour .

Natalie Lecznar , one of Swift’s Eras Tour dancers, revealed that the singer is officially gearing up to hit the stage once again.

“13 Days. First day of rehearsals for tour,” Lecznar shared via Instagram Stories on Thursday, January 25. “Countdown to Tokyo.”

Swift and her team will be taking a trip to Japan for four tour stops in February before jetting to Australia later that same month. The musician is set to hit everywhere from Japan to Europe on the tour’s international leg, which runs from February to August of this year.

Celebrities Who Had the Time of Their Lives at Taylor Swift's 'Eras Tour' Billie Joe Armstrong

Related: Celebrities Who Had the Time of Their Lives at Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’

The same day that Swift and her dancers resumed rehearsals happened to be the one year anniversary of the crew’s Eras Tour journey.

“One year ago today, this journey began in a rehearsal room with some of the hardest working, dedicated, and most talented humans!” Lecznar captioned a black-and-white Instagram post of Swift . “Thank you @nopenother for bringing it all together and making us shimmer, and to our fearless leader Taylor Swift, you inspire us all. Thank you for taking us on this world journey with you! See you soon tour fam, See you soon.”

Taylor Swift Resumes Eras Tour Rehearsals Ahead of International Leg

Lecznar gave a special shout-out to famed choreographer Mandy Moore who put together all the Eras Tour moves.

“I love that she is a hard worker, she cares so much about what she’s doing, she wants the fans to have the best show possible, and she stops at nothing to get that done,” Moore told Entertainment Tonight in November 2023 about working with Swift. “And I appreciate it because I like to work hard too, and we are really alike. We had a really good working relationship; it was awesome.”

Swift officially kicked off her Eras Tour in March 2023, months after the now-infamous Ticketmaster debacle which caused chaos among Swifties when many of them were left without tickets.

“It’s really difficult for me to trust an outside entity with these relationships and loyalties, and excruciating for me to just watch mistakes happen with no recourse,” Swift shared in a statement following the incident. “There are a multitude of reasons why people had such a hard time trying to get tickets and I’m trying to figure out how this situation can be improved moving forward.”

Taylor Swift Resumes Eras Tour Rehearsals Ahead of International Leg

While she’s since added various other dates to the Eras Tour lineup, Swift also released a film version of her concert, titled Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour . The movie was nominated for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement at the Golden Globes earlier this month after grossing $250.3 million worldwide at the box office. (The win ultimately went to Barbie .)

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Every Time Taylor Swift Eras Tour Became the Errors Tour

Related: Every Time Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ Became the ‘Errors Tour’

The next leg of Swift’s tour overlaps with the NFL postseason. If her boyfriend, Travis Kelce , and the Kansas City Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl , fans are speculating whether Swift will make the trip from Tokyo to Las Vegas, where this year’s big game is being held on February 11.

Drew Barrymore previously teased that it’s possible Swift make it to the game — even if she flies commercial.

“If she left Tokyo at midnight. The flight time is 11 hours and 35 minutes approximately from Tokyo to Vegas, so she might arrive at 10:30 p.m., but on February 10, leaving her a full night’s sleep,” Barrymore explained during a November 2023 episode of The Drew Barrymore Show .

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Taylor Swift to end record-breaking Eras Tour in December, singer announces

Sorry Swifties, Taylor Swift will not extend her record-breaking, behemoth Eras Tour to 2025.

"This is the very first time I’ve ever acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in December," the singer said sentimentally during her "All Too Well" speech before the 10-minute song.

"This tour has really become my entire life, it's taken over everything, like I think I once had hobbies," she joked in her bedazzled red and black jacket. "All I do when I'm not on stage is sit at home and try to think of clever acoustic song mashups and think about what you might want to hear."

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Her acoustic section has become a fan-favorite, unique to every city. The singer began mashing up songs in 2024. Swift still has about 30 songs in her vast discography left to perform.

"You have done so much to be with us," she continued. "You've made plans so far in advance. You planned what you were going to wear. You memorized lyrics. You got yourself here. You figured out parking. You figured out transportation, and I want spend the 100th show just thinking about that and living in that moment and being here with you, and just know I appreciate every single ounce of effort that you put in to be with us when this show reaches triple digits in shows. So thank you!"

A show that 'spans 18 years of music'

In November 2022, Taylor Swift announced her magnum opus on social media , "I’m enchanted to announce my next tour: Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour, a journey through the musical eras of my career (past and present!) The first leg of the tour will be in stadiums across the US, with international dates to be announced as soon as we can!"

The original post only showed 27 concerts over the course of a year. The demand quickly escalated that number to 66 shows for year one and 86 for year two in 22 countries (U.S., Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Australia, Singapore, France, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria and Canada).

With album announcements , music video reveals, special guests appearances and a whole new "Tortured Poets" set unveiled in Paris, France, the tour has continued to evolve and impress. Swift has broken attendance records for many stadiums across the world and countries have welcomed the singer in innovative ways. A hidden language of Swift-ese has developed in the form of friendship bracelets, custom concert chants ("1, 2, 3 let's go b****" and "Where you going Taylor?") and unforgettable dance moves. Tens of thousands of fans log on to watch livestreams every concert night anticipating Swift's outfits and custom mashups of songs not included in the massive 46-song set list .

More: A year of the Eras Tour: A look back at Taylor Swift's record-breaking show

Swift's concert movie bypassed production studios as the singer worked directly with AMC as a distributor bringing fans dancing and singing in the aisles. The movie is available to watch on Disney+ .

No word on if she will release a second movie with the newly scrambled show and additional set.

Swift is only a third of the way through her 51 European stops. In the fall, she will come back to North America, heading to Miami, New Orleans and Indianapolis in October and November and then Canada. Her last show for 2024 is on Dec. 8 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Don't miss any Taylor Swift news; sign up for the  free, weekly newsletter This Swift Beat.  

Follow Taylor Swift reporter Bryan West on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Taylor Swift to end record-breaking Eras Tour in December, singer announces

American singer and songwriter Taylor Swift performs on stage as part of her Eras Tour in Lisbon on May 24, 2024. (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE / AFP) (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE/AFP via Getty Images) ORIG FILE ID: 2153868989

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Cheap Taylor Swift Tickets: Eras Tour Prices Aren’t as Expensive as You Think

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If you think you missed your shot at seeing Taylor Swift in concert live, think again. There are still a bunch of The Eras Tour dates left, and some won’t cost you an arm and a leg like you’d expect. In fact, I scoured multiple ticket resale sites to compare seat prices. So if you’re scrambling to find cheap Taylor Swift tickets , you’ve come to the right place.

Taylor Swift Tickets

Speak now (taylor’s version) vinyl.

So where can fans buy cheap Taylor Swift tickets to The Eras Tour? Keep reading to get the cheapest Taylor Swift tickets to The Eras Tour before it’s too late. Plus, we’ve got a special discount code so you can get your seats for even less.

Taylor Swift Tickets For Her Eras Tour Are Selling Out—Don't Miss Out This Time

How to buy Taylor Swift tickets to The Eras Tour

Taylor swift tickets on stubhub.

  • Visit Stubhub.com and search for “ Taylor Swift “
  • Sort by Date, Distance and Price
  • Select the Event Date of your choice
  • To filter your options, check off fields for Sort By Lowest Price, Best Value and Best Seats in the sidebar
  • Create or sign into your account, check out and enjoy The Eras Tour !

Taylor Swift Tickets on Vivid Seats

  • Visit Vividseats.com and search for “ Taylor Swift “
  • Filter by City to find performance dates in your area
  • Select Find Tickets
  • To sort by price, click either “Sort by Price” in the top bar or toggle the price scale to the range you want to buy from.
  • For $20 off of $200 or more, use the code SC2022  at checkout

Taylor Swift Tickets on Ticketmaster

  • When Taylor Swift tickets restock, visit Ticketmaster.com and search for “ Taylor Swift “
  • Select See Tickets on the event date of your choice
  • To sort by price, click either “Lowest Price” or slide the price scale to see tickets within your range
  • Create or sign into your account, check out and enjoy The Eras Tour !

Taylor Swift Fans Are Concerned For Her Health When She Did This On Stage

Where to buy cheap Taylor Swift tickets

How can fans get cheap Taylor Swift tickets and how much are Taylor Swift tickets ? If you don’t have time to look at the remaining Eras Tour dates and compare the lowest prices for each show, we’ve done all of the work for you. Keep scrolling to see the rest of her tour dates and which have the lowest prices on major ticket resale platforms, including StubHub , Vivid Seats , and Ticketmaster . While pretty much every show except for one is completely sold out on Ticketmaster, StubHub and Vivid Seats still have plenty of seats left.

The cheapest Taylor Swift tickets are in Stockholm, Sweden, Lisbon, Portugal, and Madrid, Spain. These three destinations, plus Paris, France and Warsaw Poland, all have Eras Tour concert tickets for under $500 a piece. The most affordable seats on this list cost $331 in Stockholm, Sweden, while the most expensive ones cost $3,190 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Keep scrolling to see the cheapest tickets for each Taylor Swift Eras Tour stop in 2024.

*** The following lowest ticket prices were gathered on April 2, 2024, and are subject to change. Bolded shows have tickets under $500 a piece.

May 9, 2024 — Paris, France @ Paris La Defense Arena (Sabrina Carpenter)

  • StubHub – $437
  • Vivid Seats – $894
  • Ticketmaster – N/A

May 10, 2024 — Paris, France @ Paris La Defense Arena (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $506
  • Vivid Seats – $761
  • StubHub – $581
  • Vivid Seats – $793

May 17, 2024 — Stockholm, Sweden @ Friends Arena (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $331
  • Vivid Seats – $677

May 18, 2024 — Stockholm, Sweden @ Friends Arena (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $383
  • Vivid Seats – $617

May 19, 2024 — Stockholm, Sweden @ Friends Arena (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $607

May 24, 2024 — Libson, Portugal @ Estado de Luz (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $530
  • Vivid Seats – $1,184

May 25, 2024 — Libson, Portugal @ Estado de Luz (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $436
  • Vivid Seats – $1,200

May 29, 2024 — Madrid, Spain @ Estadio Santiago Bernabeu (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $348
  • Vivid Seats – $494

May 30, 2024 — Madrid, Spain @ Estadio Santiago Bernabeu (Paramore)

June 2, 2024 — Lyon, France @ Groupama Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – N/A
  • Vivid Seats – $508

June 3, 2024 — Lyon, France @ Groupama Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $550

June 7, 2024 — Edinburgh, United Kingdom @ BT Murrayfield Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $685
  • Vivid Seats – $592

June 8, 2024 — Edinburgh, United Kingdom @ BT Murrayfield Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $670
  • Vivid Seats – $674

June 9, 2024 — Edinburgh, United Kingdom @ BT Murrayfield Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $575

June 13, 2024 — Liverpool, United Kingdom @ Anfield Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $752
  • Vivid Seats – $591

June 14, 2024 — Liverpool, United Kingdom @ Anfield Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $803
  • Vivid Seats – $659
  • Ticketmaster – $442
  • StubHub – $777
  • Vivid Seats – $626

June 18, 2024 — Cardiff, United Kingdom @ Principality Stadium (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $684

June 21, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $736

June 22, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $683

June 23, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $846

June 28, 2024 — Dublin, Ireland @ Aviva Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – N/A

June 29, 2024 — Dublin, Ireland @ Aviva Stadium (Paramore)

June 30, 2024 — Dublin, Ireland @ Aviva Stadium (Paramore)

July 4, 2024 — Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Johan Cruijff ArenA (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $1,053
  • Vivid Seats – $803

July 5, 2024 — Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Johan Cruijff ArenA (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $1,025

July 6, 2024 — Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Johan Cruijff ArenA (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $895

July 9, 2024 — Zürich, Switzerland @ Stadion Letzigrund Zürich (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $773
  • Vivid Seats – $676

July 10, 2024 — Zürich, Switzerland @ Stadion Letzigrund Zürich (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $837

July 13, 2024 — Milan, Italy @ San Siro Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $2,198

July 14, 2024 — Milan, Italy @ San Siro Stadium (Paramore)

July 17, 2024 — Gelsenkirchen, Germany @ VELTINS-Arena (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $696
  • Vivid Seats – $719
  • StubHub – $715

July 19, 2024 — Gelsenkirchen, Germany @ VELTINS-Arena (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $630
  • Vivid Seats – $600

July 23, 2024 — Hamburg, Germany @ Volksparkstadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $761
  • Vivid Seats – $711

July 24, 2024 — Hamburg, Germany @ Volksparkstadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $643
  • Vivid Seats – $425

July 27, 2024 — Munich, Germany Olympiastadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $748
  • Vivid Seats – $614

August 1, 2024 — Warsaw, Poland @ PGA Narodowy (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $1,409

August 2, 2024 — Warsaw, Poland @ PGA Narodowy (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $700
  • Vivid Seats – $854

August 3, 2024 — Warsaw, Poland @ PGA Narodowy (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $457
  • Vivid Seats – $1,479

August 8, 2023 — Vienna, Austria @ Ernst-Happel-Stadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $946
  • Vivid Seats – $1,576

August 9, 2023 — Vienna, Austria @ Ernst-Happel-Stadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $854
  • Vivid Seats – $746

August 10, 2023 — Vienna, Austraia @ Ernst-Happel-Stadion (Paramore)

  • StubHub – $840
  • Vivid Seats – $1,057

August 15, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $732

August 16, 2023 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $727

August 17, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

August 19, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

August 20, 2024 — London, United Kingdom @ Wembley Stadium (Paramore)

  • Vivid Seats – $610
  • StubHub – $2,611
  • Vivid Seats – $1,775

October 19, 2024 — Miami, Florida @ Hard Rock Cafe (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $2,846
  • Vivid Seats – $1,958

October 20, 2024 — Miami, Florida @ Hard Rock Cafe (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $2,132
  • Vivid Seats – $1,691

October 25, 2024 — New Orleans, Louisiana @ Caesar’s Superdome (Gracie Abrams)

  • Vivid Seats – $1,666

October 26, 2024 — New Orleans, Louisiana @ Caesar’s Superdome (Gracie Abrams)

  • Vivid Seats – $1,764

October 27, 2024 — New Orleans, Louisiana @ Caesar’s Superdome (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $2,308
  • Vivid Seats – $1,626

November 1, 2024 — Indianapolis, Indiana @ Lucas Oil Stadium (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $2,640
  • Vivid Seats – $1,916

November 2, 2024 — Indianapolis, Indiana @ Lucas Oil Stadium (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $3,190
  • Vivid Seats – $2,091

November 3, 2024 — Indianapolis, Indiana @ Lucas Oil Stadium (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $2,967
  • Vivid Seats – $2,075

November 14, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,589
  • Vivid Seats – $1,341

November 15, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

November 16, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,974
  • Vivid Seats – $1,219

November 21, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,894
  • Vivid Seats – $1,247

November 22, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,912
  • Vivid Seats – $1,259

November 23, 2024 — Toronto, Canada @ Rogers Centre (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,789
  • Vivid Seats – $1,178

December 6, 2024 — Vancouver, Canada @ BC Place Stadium (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,536
  • Vivid Seats – $1,011
  • StubHub – $1,527
  • Vivid Seats – $1,005

December 8, 2024 — Vancouver, Canada @ BC Place Stadium (Gracie Abrams)

  • StubHub – $1,477
  • Vivid Seats – $972

Sabrina Carpenter opens for

Who are Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour opening acts?

Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour opening acts include Paramore, Phoebe Bridgers, Gracie Abrams, Sabrina Carpenter, and more. Two of Swift’s The Eras Tour opening acts have been featured on her songs: Haim, who was featured on the “No Body, No Crime” from Swift’s 2020 album Evermore; and Phoebe Bridgers, who was featured on “Nothing New” from her 2021 album Red (Taylor’s Version) . “I got this random text from Aaron Dessner that was really weirdly worded for him,” she said. “And I was like, ‘What the fuck is this?’ And as I was reading it, I [realised], ‘Oh, my God, it’s from Taylor Swift,'” Bridgers told Billboard in 2022. “We started texting about all kinds of stuff. It was just a total high. It felt like when you meet someone at a party and you’re in the corner all night being like, ‘Me too!’”.

See the full list of Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour opening acts below.

  • beabadoobee
  • Phoebe Bridgers
  • girl in red
  • Gracie Abrams
  • Sabrina Carpenter

What is Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour setlist?

What is Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour setlist? Taylor’s setlist encompasses her entire musical career with over 40 songs. The concert is split into different Taylor eras with each album getting a spotlight section. During every concert, the “Love Story” songwriter surprises fans with two surprise songs. Artists who joined Taylor on stage with these songs include Aaron Dessner, Phoebe Bridgers, and Jack Antonoff. Here is the complete setlist for The Eras Tour.

  • “Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince”
  • “Cruel Summer”
  • “The Man”
  • “You Need to Calm Down”
  • “Lover”
  • “The Archer”
  • “Fearless”
  • “You Belong With Me”
  • “Love Story”
  • ” ‘Tis the Damn Season”
  • “Willow”
  • “Marjorie”
  • “Champagne Problems”
  • “Tolerate It”
  • “Ready For It?”
  • “Delicate”
  • “Don’t Blame Me”
  • “Look What You Made Me Do”
  • “Enchanted”
  • “Long Live”
  • “22”
  • “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”
  • “I Knew You Were Trouble”
  • “All Too Well (10-Minute Version)”
  • “The 1”
  • “Betty”
  • “The Last Great American Dynasty”
  • “August”
  • “Illicit Affairs”
  • “My Tears Ricochet”
  • “Cardigan”
  • “Style”
  • “Blank Space”
  • “Shake it Off”
  • “Wildest Dreams”
  • “Bad Blood”
  • “Mirrorball”
  • “Tim McGraw”
  • “Lavender Haze”
  • “Anti-Hero”
  • “Midnight Rain”
  • “Vigilante Shit”
  • “Bejeweled”
  • “Mastermind”
  • “Karma”

Where to Watch The Eras Tour Online

The Eras Tour is now available to stream on Disney+ . The expanded version on Disney+ will include the Folklore track “Cardigan,” as well as four acoustic songs.

Watch The Eras Tour On Disney Plus

Taylor Swift tickets to The Eras Tour are available on StubHub , Vivid Seats , and Ticketmaster . Use code SC2022 on Vivid Seats for $20 off.

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Taylor Swift's Eras Tour to end this December, singer announces

ticketmaster eras tour japan

Sorry Swifties,  Taylor Swift  will not extend her record-breaking, behemoth  Eras Tour  to 2025.

"This is the very first time I’ve ever acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in December," the singer said sentimentally during her "All Too Well" speech before the 10-minute song.

"This tour has really become my entire life, it's taken over everything, like I think I once had hobbies," she joked in her bedazzled red and black jacket. "All I do when I'm not on stage is sit at home and try to think of clever acoustic song mashups and think about what you might want to hear."

Her acoustic section has become a fan-favorite, unique to every city. The singer began mashing up songs in 2024. Swift still has about  30 songs in her vast discography left to perform.

"You have done so much to be with us," she continued. "You've made plans so far in advance. You planned what you were going to wear. You memorized lyrics. You got yourself here. You figured out parking. You figured out transportation, and I want spend the 100th show just thinking about that and living in that moment and being here with you, and just know I appreciate every single ounce of effort that you put in to be with us when this show reaches triple digits in shows. So thank you!"

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Taylor Swift's journey: Eras Tour 'spans 18 years of music'

In November 2022, Taylor Swift announced her magnum opus  on social media , "I’m enchanted to announce my next tour: Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour, a journey through the musical eras of my career (past and present!) The first leg of the tour will be in stadiums across the US, with international dates to be announced as soon as we can!"

The original post only showed 27 concerts over the course of a year. The demand quickly escalated that number to  66 shows for year one  and 86 for year two in 22 countries (U.S., Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Australia, Singapore, France, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria and Canada).

With  album announcements , music video reveals, special guests appearances and a  whole new "Tortured Poets" set  unveiled in Paris, France, the tour has continued to evolve and impress. Swift has broken attendance records for many stadiums across the world and countries have welcomed the singer in innovative ways. A hidden language of Swift-ese has developed in the form of friendship bracelets, custom concert chants ("1, 2, 3 let's go b****" and "Where you going Taylor?") and unforgettable dance moves. Tens of thousands of fans log on to watch livestreams every concert night anticipating Swift's outfits and  custom mashups  of songs not included in the massive  46-song set list .

A year of the Eras Tour: A look back at Taylor Swift's record-breaking show

Swift's concert movie  bypassed production studios as the singer worked directly with AMC as a distributor bringing fans dancing and singing in the aisles. The movie is available to  watch on Disney+ .

No word on if she will release a second movie with the newly scrambled show and additional set.

Swift is only a third of the way through her 51 European stops. In the fall, she will come back to North America, heading to Miami, New Orleans and Indianapolis in October and November and then Canada. Her last show for 2024 is on Dec. 8 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Entertainment

Taylor Swift fans sent into frenzy over ‘alien’ sighting at ‘Eras’ tour

An alien UFO at Taylor Swift's Liverpool 'Eras' tour show?

Andrew Korpan

Taylor Swift with Eras tour logo, stadium crowd background and alien UFO above her.

During her first “Eras” tour show in Liverpool, England, Taylor Swift fans spotted an “alien” UFO.

This comes just days after Swifties saw an unidentified being watching her show . In their responses to the video, they couldn't help but joke about the aliens coming to watch Swift perform.

The video comes courtesy of @TheSwiftSociety on X, who got the video from @chaosrevlry13. The sighting came during Swift's performance of “Fortnight,” the lone single from The Tortured Poets Department .

Whoever is holding the camera points it at the sky. A little white dot can be seen before it blinks red twice. The video then zooms in quickly and loses sight of the object.

It is unclear what this was, perhaps it was a drone as @chaosrevlry13 pointed out ,or a plane. Either way, responses to @TheSwiftSociety's post are gold.

“Even the aliens want to go to the ‘Eras' tour omg,” one user said. “Even the aliens were on the Ticketmaster wait list,” another chimed in.

“They are trying to beam her up,” a different Swiftie said.

A different user added, “The aliens watching the ‘Eras' tour thru their UFO NOW THAT[‘]S QUEEN MATERIAL.”

Some users joked that the object is the long-awaited Reputation (Taylor's Version) vinyl.

At the end of the day, it's very possible it's just a plane or a drone. One user fired back at the responses — “Swifties discover planes.”

What is the “Eras” tour?

Taylor Swift performing on 'Eras' tour in Inglewood, California, on August 7, 2023.

The “Eras” tour is Swift's most ambitious concert to date. Recently, the “Eras” tour became the highest-grossing concert tour ever. When it's all said and done, the tour will have made over $2 billion.

Throughout the set's 40+ songs and three-hour runtime, Swift takes fans on a journey through her discography. All of her greatest hits are played as well as her new material.

It commenced in March 2023 with a show in Glendale, Arizona. Swift spent the summer touring the biggest stadiums in North America before closing out the year with shows in Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil.

After a couple of months off, Swift resumed the tour in 2024. She played shows in Japan, Australia, and Singapore. After another break, Swift kicked off a European leg of the “Eras” tour on May 9 in Nanterre, France.

She will spend the summer visiting stadiums across Europe. This leg of the tour will conclude with a five-night stay at Wembley Stadium in London, England.

After that, Swift will return to North America. She will play nine shows across Florida, Louisiana, and Indiana. The tour will conclude with nine shows across Toronto and Vancouver, Canada. As of now, the “Eras” tour will conclude on December 8.

Additionally, for Swifties that couldn't go in person to see the “Eras” tour, Swift has you covered. She released Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, a concert film, in October 2023.

The film quickly became the highest-grossing concert film of all time. It grossed over $260 million worldwide at the box office. The film was subsequently released on digital platforms. Disney+ has an extended (Taylor's Version) cut of the film on its streaming service.

Andrew Korpan is the lead entertainment editor and film critic for ClutchPoints. Residing in Philadelphia, Andrew is an award-winning journalist with previous bylines at Collider, Above the Line, and Below the Line.

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Taylor Swift Confirms the Eras Tour Will End in December: 'It Feels Like We Just Played Our First Show'

The pop superstar honored the 100th date of the Eras Tour by thanking fans for putting in "every single ounce of effort" to attend the concert sensation

ticketmaster eras tour japan

Gareth Cattermole/TAS24/Getty

  • Taylor Swift played her 100th show of the Eras tour on Thursday in Liverpool
  • "This is the very first time I've acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in December," she told the crowd
  • The final show will be in Vancouver on Dec. 8

The end of Taylor Swift 's "Eras" era is coming in December.

At the 100th show of the Eras Tour, held at Anfield Stadium in Liverpool, England, on Thursday, the pop superstar told the audience that the tour would be coming to a close at the end of the year.

"A lot of you are like, 'How are you going to celebrate the 100th show?' " Swift, 34 said to the crowd on June 13, per fan-filmed footage . "The celebration of the 100th show for me means this is the very first time I've acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in December."

"That feels so far away from now, but then again, it feels like we just played our first show on this tour because you have made this so fun for us," she continued.

"It's taken over everything. I think I once had hobbies, but I don't know what they were anymore because all I do when I'm not on stage is sit at home and try to think of clever acoustic song mashups," the "Fortnight" singer continued, referencing the "surprise song" acoustic set she plays for fans towards the end of every Eras Tour show.

Swift first announced the Eras Tour in November 2022 , with 27 concert dates across the United States. After over 3.5 million Swifties pre-registered for Ticketmaster's Verified Fan program — largest registration in Ticketmaster history — Swift added an additional 17 performances.

During the Ticketmaster presale, the website canceled the tour's general sale due to "extraordinarily high demands" — and Swift herself took to Instagram to tell fans "it really pisses me off" that some fans felt they had to "go through several bear attacks" to secure their tickets.

Since the initial domestic sale, the "All Too Well" singer has announced several additional legs to the "Eras Tour," including dates in Latin America , Asia , Australia and Europe , as well as an additional North American leg. The last scheduled show — the 152nd of the tour — is in Vancouver on Dec. 8.

"Just know that I appreciate every single ounce of effort that you've put into being with us when this tour reaches triple digits of shows — so thank you," Swift told the fans in Liverpool.

As fans descended upon Liverpool for the set of shows this weekend, they were met with what Liverpool City Council’s Director for Culture Claire McColgan called in a statement “pure pop heaven” — 11 city-commissioned public art installations, each meant to represent one of the superstars “eras.” Along what the city dubbed Taylor Town Trail , fans could snap photos on a gold throne adorned with snakes, emblematic of Swift’s Reputation album, or a moss-covered piano much like the one Swift plays during “Champagne Problems” on her Eras Tour setlist.

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The “Anti-Hero” singer’s stop in Liverpool — the birthplace of The Beatles — comes not long after she surpassed a record set by the iconic English rock band. In February, Billboard reported that Swift had notched an eye-popping 384 cumulative weeks in the top 10 of the Billboard 200 albums chart across all of her albums, souring past the Fab Four’s long reign on top.

And, as further proof of her global dominance, the “Piano Man” himself, Billy Joel, said to The New York Times of the Eras Tour in August: “The only thing I can compare it to is the phenomenon of Beatlemania.”

In anticipation of the fanfare surrounding Swift’s first ever shows in the city, Merseyside Police said they had been working for six months to “make sure the event is a safe one” in a video posted to X (formerly Twitter).

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming Taylor Swift and the Swifties,” Chief Superintendent for Liverpool Zoe Thornton told fans in the video. “We know Swifties look after each other so continue to do so.”

Swift’s three-day stint in Liverpool follows a British Geological Survey report that found her last Eras Tour stop — three shows in Edinburgh —  generated seismic activity that was detected at monitoring stations over three miles from the stadium. According to the agency, fan favorite “...Ready For It?” drew the most seismic activity, though her hit “Cruel Summer” was not far behind.

In the interim between her Edinburgh and Liverpool concert dates, Swift stayed busy, taking a star-studded stroll in London , photographed with celebrity friends Este and Danielle Haim, Cara Delevingne , Lena Dunham , Kate Moss and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. 

The night on the town also came as Swift’s ex, Matty Healy of The 1975, confirmed his engagement to model Gabbriette Bechtel . Swift and Healy were briefly linked in May 2023 on the heels of the “Love Story” singer’s six-year relationship with British actor Joe Alwyn . Swift is now coupled with Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce , who has supported the singer by attending several Eras Tour concerts since they started dating last summer .

Following three nights in Liverpool, Swift will jet off to Cardiff, Wales, for her next Eras Tour date.

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Taylor Swift says Eras Tour will end in December

By Caitlin O'Kane

June 14, 2024 / 10:01 AM EDT / CBS News

It's the end of an era. Taylor Swift's long-running and history-making Eras Tour is coming to an end, the singer announced during a concert in Liverpool on Thursday.

During the show – which was the 100th of the tour – the singer said it was time to admit to herself and everyone that Eras will officially end in December.

"This has definitely been the most exhausting but all-encompassing, most joyful, most rewarding, most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life, this tour," Swift told the crowd after saying it was blowing her mind that she was marking her 100th concert of the tour.

In videos captured by fans at the show, Swift said the 100th show was the first time she acknowledged to herself that the tour was going to end in December.

The Eras Tour, which includes 45 songs spanning all of Swift's albums, kicked off in March 2023 in Glendale, California. The international leg began in August 2023 with stops in Paris, Tokyo, Australia, and the U.K. 

The singer still has more than 50 shows left - some of which were added months after the tour began - with new dates in the U.S. and Canada at the end of the year.

The tour was a major hit with fans – many of whom struggled to snag tickets due to high interest and Ticketmaster issues – and became the first concert tour to gross more than $1 billion, hitting that figure at the end of December 2023, when an estimated 4.35 million tickets sold, according to Pollstar.

Swift even released a movie version of the tour last year for fans who missed it – and those who wanted to relive the magic again. The film earned an estimated $96 million  on its opening weekend. AMC  said  the movie even raked in $100 million in advanced ticket sales, and was the theater chain's highest-selling film in a single day, the company said. 

Not only did the film help get people back into struggling movie theaters, but the tour itself is credited with boosting the economy in some cities . The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia said the tour helped boost travel and tourism in the region, and cities like Chicago, Cincinnati, and Tampa Bay reported the same, with tour attendees buying out hotel rooms and filling local restaurants and attractions.

As if it needed it, Swift revitalized the Eras Tour when she released her "The Tortured Poets Department" album in April and began incorporating new songs into the setlist.

  • Taylor Swift
  • United Kingdom

Caitlin O'Kane is a New York City journalist who works on the CBS News social media team as a senior manager of content and production. She writes about a variety of topics and produces "The Uplift," CBS News' streaming show that focuses on good news.

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  1. Taylor Swift

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  2. Tour

    Don't miss the chance to see Taylor Swift live on The Eras Tour, a spectacular show that celebrates her musical journey from her debut album to her latest re-recordings. Find out the dates and locations of her international concerts and get your tickets now. You can also shop for exclusive merchandise, such as vinyls, CDs, hoodies, and snow globes, from her official store.

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    補助犬同伴でご来場の場合、事前に taylor swift | the eras tour 来日公演事務局までご連絡をいただけますとスムーズにご案内出来ます。 場内外いずれにおいても、お客様同士のトラブル等については、お客様同士で解決をお願いいたします。

  18. How to get tickets to Taylor Swift in Japan for around $900

    Taylor Swift's "Eras Tour" will span over 146 shows across five continents. Stubhub and Vivid Seats have tickets available for overseas tour stops including stops in Japan. The "Eras Tour ...

  19. The Eras Tour: Asia Megathread : r/TaylorSwift

    A subreddit for everything related to Taylor Swift. MembersOnline. •. aran130711. ADMIN MOD. The Eras Tour: Asia Megathread. Megathread. NO SPOILERS. Please use this thread for anything related to the Asia leg of The Eras Tour.

  20. Taylor Swift in Tokyo 2024: How to get last-minute tickets

    Taylor Swift will perform in Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 7-10, 2024. A handful of tickets are still available. Here, she performs at the Monumental stadium during her Eras Tour concert in Buenos Aires ...

  21. The Eras Tour: Asia Megathread : r/TaylorSwift

    A subreddit for everything related to Taylor Swift. MembersOnline. •. aran130711. The Eras Tour: Asia Megathread. Megathread. Please use this thread for anything related to the Asia leg of The Eras Tour. All other posts will be removed. Links.

  22. Taylor Swift Resumes 'Eras Tour' Rehearsals Ahead of Japan Dates

    Taylor Swift's 'Eras Tour' Resumes Rehearsals 13 Days Before Tokyo Shows. Taylor Swift is back in rehearsals for the next leg of her Eras Tour. Natalie Lecznar, one of Swift's Eras Tour ...

  23. Impact of the Eras Tour

    In the US, inefficient presale of the Eras Tour tickets by Ticketmaster on November 15, 2022, resulted in a highly publicized controversy. ... Tokyo City University, projected an economic boost of up to ¥34,100,000,000 (US$229.6 million) in Japan, making the tour "Japan's biggest ever musical event", surpassing the Fuji Rock Festival.

  24. Taylor Swift to end record-breaking Eras Tour in December, singer ...

    American singer and songwriter Taylor Swift performs on stage as part of her Eras Tour in Lisbon on May 24, 2024. (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE / AFP) (Photo by ANDRE DIAS NOBRE/AFP via Getty Images ...

  25. Cheap Taylor Swift Tickets 2024: Where to Buy Cheap Eras Tour Tickets

    These three destinations, plus Paris, France and Warsaw Poland, all have Eras Tour concert tickets for under $500 a piece. The most affordable seats on this list cost $331 in Stockholm, Sweden ...

  26. Taylor Swift's Eras Tour to end this December, singer announces

    USA TODAY NETWORK. 0:04. 1:22. Sorry Swifties, Taylor Swift will not extend her record-breaking, behemoth Eras Tour to 2025. "This is the very first time I've ever acknowledged to myself and ...

  27. Taylor Swift fans sent into frenzy over 'alien' sighting at 'Eras' tour

    "Even the aliens were on the Ticketmaster wait list," another chimed in. ... Swift resumed the tour in 2024. She played shows in Japan, Australia, and Singapore. ... The Eras Tour, a concert ...

  28. Taylor Swift Confirms the Eras Tour Will End in December

    Taylor Swift performs in Liverpool, England on June 13, 2024. Photo: The end of Taylor Swift 's "Eras" era is coming in December. At the 100th show of the Eras Tour, held at Anfield Stadium in ...

  29. Taylor Swift says Eras Tour will end in December

    The tour was a major hit with fans - many of whom struggled to snag tickets due to high interest and Ticketmaster issues - and became the first concert tour to gross more than $1 billion ...