• Fuerteventura - Puerto del Rosario
  • Mit dem Fahrrad nach Vegueta, der Altstadt von Las Palmas
  • Ausflug nach Puerto de Mogan und Maspalomas
  • Wanderung im Nationalpark Garajonay
  • "Schietwetter" an der Ostküste und Badewetter an der Westküste
  • Wanderung im Nationalpark Caldera de Taburiente
  • Besichtigung des weltweit größten Spiegelteleskops
  • Mit dem Auto in den Süden der Insel
  • Lanzarote und Cesar Manrique
  • LagOmar - Besuch bei Omar Sharif
  • Baden in Las Teresitas
  • Mit der Straßenbahn nach La Laguna
  • Ausflug zum Loro Park
  • Fahrt in den Nordwesten Teneriffas
  • Funchal auf eigene Faust
  • Marokko - Agadir
  • Private Führung in Tanger und ins Umland
  • Rundfahrt und Monte Verde mit dem Taxi
  • Kapverden / Santiago - Praia
  • Ausflug auf den Affenfelsen
  • Besuch der Kathedrale und der Altstadt
  • Auf den Spuren von Antoni Gaudi
  • Ausflug zum Tibidabo
  • Betriebsbesichtigung bei Freixenet
  • Ein Tag am Strand
  • Marseille auf eigene Faust
  • Propriano (Korsika)
  • Florenz und Pisa auf eigene Faust
  • Civitavecchia/Rom
  • Catania/Sizilien
  • Baden in Mondello
  • Valetta zu Fuß
  • Nach Mosta und Mdina mit dem Bus
  • Karthago und Sidi Bou Saïd auf eigene Faust
  • Kusadasi/Türkei
  • Athen/Piräus
  • Wanderung am Kraterrand von Thira nach Oia
  • Heraklion/Kreta
  • Ein Tag in Bergen
  • Zu Edvard Grieg nach Troldhaugen
  • Honningsvåg / Nordkap
  • Kristiansand
  • Kristiansund auf eigene Faust
  • Leknes / Lofoten
  • Nordfjordeid (Eidsfjord)
  • Mit dem Skylift auf den Hoven
  • Rosendal auf eigene Faust
  • Trondheim zu Fuß
  • Southampton
  • Isle of Portland
  • Falmouth / Cornwall
  • Le Havre auf eigene Faust
  • Ausflug nach Honfleur und Étretat
  • Nach Santiago de Compostela auf eigene Faust
  • Porto auf eigene Faust
  • Auf eigene Faust zur Cristo Rei Statue in Lissabon
  • Belem, Eléctrico und Pasteis
  • Danzig/Gdingen
  • Visby (Gotland)
  • Mit Amjad in die Wüste Wadi Rum
  • Petra - das Reich der Nabatäer
  • Dolphin Reef
  • Unterwasser-Observatorium - CoralWorld
  • Sharm El-Sheikh
  • Teatime im Burj al Arab
  • Burj Khalifa und Stadtrundfahrt auf eigene Faust
  • Die Highlights von Abu Dhabi auf eigene Faust
  • Baden auf Saadiyat
  • Muscat mit dem Taxi
  • Baden im Arabischen Meer
  • Doha / Katar
  • Cartagena auf eigene Faust
  • Ausflug zum Panama-Kanal und nach Panama City
  • Mit Boot und Zug durch den Regenwald
  • Rundfahrt und Strandaufenthalt mit dem Taxi auf Roatan
  • Maya-Ruinen von Lamanai
  • Altun Ha, Rum-Destillerie und Stadtrundfahrt
  • Costa Maya / Mexiko
  • Auf eigene Faust nach Tulum
  • Baden auf Cozumel
  • Ausflug zur Halbinsel Isla Pasion
  • Baden am Seven Mile Beach
  • Mit Willydoo an den Strand von Negril
  • Baden am Strand von Montego Bay
  • Besuch des Botanischen Gartens und Baden am Strand
  • La Romana / Dom. Rep.
  • Santo Domingo auf eigene Faust
  • Geführte Fahrradtour durch Santo Domingo
  • Samaná / Dom. Rep.
  • Road Town / Tortola
  • Große Inselrundfahrt mit Grey's Islands Excursions
  • Einmal um die Insel St. Kitts
  • Ein Tag auf St. Maarten
  • Baden am Strand von Philipsburg
  • St. John's / Antigua
  • Basse-Terre: Rundfahrt über eine beeindruckende Insel mit Kerstin Lenz
  • Grande-Terre mit dem Taxi
  • Dominica auf eigene Faust erkunden
  • Inselrundfahrt mit Christelle Eugene
  • Inselrundfahrt zu den Highlights von St. Lucia
  • Ein Tag am Strand von Paynes Bay Beach
  • Mit dem Katamaran zu den Schildkröten
  • Rundfahrt auf St. Vincent mit Trunos Fraser
  • Inselrundfahrt und Strand
  • Rundfahrt auf Bonaire
  • Willemstad / Curacao
  • Inselrundfahrt und Baden auf Aruba
  • Singapur auf eigene Faust
  • Mit der Monorail oder der Seilbahn nach Sentosa
  • Penang - Malaysia
  • Kuala Lumpur/Port Klang - Malaysia
  • Fahrradtour in Bangkok - am Tag und in der Nacht
  • Koh Samui - Thailand
  • Ausflug in Sihanoukville mit örtlichem Anbieter
  • Baden am Otres Beach 1
  • Mekong Delta und Ho Chi Minh Stadt mit Ralf Dittko
  • Phu Quoc - Vietnam
  • Semarang / Java - Indonesien
  • Surabaya / Java - Indonesien
  • Bali - Indonesien
  • Lembar / Lombok - Indonesien
  • Komodo - Indonesien
  • Unser Tipp: Verbinden Sie eine Kreuzfahrt zu den Inseln im Indischen Ozean mit einem (Kurz-)Urlaub auf den Seychellen!
  • Baobab, wunderschöne Strände und madagassisches Essen
  • Lemuren, Chamäleons und Meeresschildkröten
  • Mit einem Boot auf dem Pangalanes-Kanal zu einem einheimischen Dorf
  • Zur Insel Île aux Cerfs und Rundfahrt in den Südwesten von Mauritius
  • La Réunion- eine ganze Insel mit dem Mietwagen erkunden
  • Interessante Links
  • Datenschutz
  • Indischer Ozean

Kopenhagen - Tipps und Ausflüge auf eigene Faust

Drei Kreuzfahrtterminals in Kopenhagen

Kopenhagen verfügt über drei Kreuzfahrtterminals, den  Langelinie Quay , den  Ocean Quay (Oceankaj) und den Nordre Toldbod Cruise Terminal .

Hier erfahren Sie, welche Kreuzfahrtschiffe derzeit in Kopenhagen sind bzw. in den nächsten Tagen die Stadt anlaufen und wo sie anlegen werden (Hinweis: "Copenhagen" und "Cruise ships only" markieren). Dabei befinden sich

  • die Kais C190 bis C199 am Langelinie Quay und
  • die Kais C331 bis C334 am Ocean Quay . 

Langelinie Quay / Langeliniekaj in Kopenhagen

Langelinie Quay / Langeliniekaj

Wir haben in der Vergangenheit mit den Schiffen von Aida (auch der sog. Melitta-Klasse) oder TuiCruises in Kopenhagen immer am Langeliniekaj angelegt, an dem gleichzeitig mehrere Kreuzfahrtschiffe festmachen können. Ein Terminalgebäude für die Abfertigung an- oder abreisender Gäste gibt es hier nicht.

Der Anlegesteg befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe der Kleinen Meerjungfrau.  Den bei Touristen beliebten Nyhavn  erreicht man nach etwa 2,5 km Fußweg - immer am Ufer entlang..

Nur wenige Meter vom Kai entfernt ist auch eine Bushaltestelle des Kopenhagener Nahverkehrs. Dort hält die Linie 26 , die in die Innenstadt von Kopenhagen fährt und u. a. am Kopenhagener Hauptbahnhof - dort befindet sich auch der Tivoli-Freizeitpark - und am Rathausplatz hält.

Die Tickets können beim Busfahrer gekauft werden (Barzahlung in dänischen Kronen, Fahrpreis 24 DKK).

Ocean Quay mit vier Terminals in Kopenhagen

Ocean Quay (Oceankaj)

Nach unserem Eindruck legen die Kreuzfahrtschiffe neuerdings verstärkt außerhalb der Stadt am Kreuzfahrtterminal Ocean Quay in Nordhavn  am Eingang zum Hafen von Kopenhagen an. Er wurde 2014 eingeweiht und verfügt über vier Terminalgebäude. Hier erfolgt auch regelmäßig das Ein- und Auschecken bei Kreuzfahrten , die in Kopenhagen beginnen oder enden.

AIDAnova am Ocean Quay in Kiopenhagen

Ocean Quay ist etwa 8 km von der Innenstadt , z. B. dem Rathausplatz, entfernt.

Der Bus der Linie 25 fährt zwischen dem Oceankaj und den Bahnhöfen Østerport und Nørreport an Tagen, an denen Kreuzfahrtschiffe am Oceankaj anlegen, bis 18 Uhr im 15- bis 20-Minuten-Takt. Am Østerport und Nørreport kann man in andere Linien umsteigen, die weiter ins Stadtzentrum fahren. Der Fahrpreis beträgt 24 DKK (etwa 3,25 €).

Blick vom Schiff auf den Ocean Quay                   X = Bushaltestelle (Linie 25)

Reedereien bietet oftmals auch einen kostenpflichtigen Shuttlebus in die Innenstadt an. Der Shuttlebus von AIDA fährt etwa 7 km bis zur Sankt Petri Kirche , die in der Nähe der Universität und der Markthalle Torvehallerne liegt. Der Fahrpreis (Hin- und Rückfahrt) betrug 14 €; Kinder bis 11 Jahre fahren kostenlos. 

Nordre Toldbod in Kopenhagen

Nordre Toldbod

Nur von kleineren Kreuzfahrtschiffen wird gelegentlich auch der zentral in der Nähe von Schloss Amalienborg gelegene Terminal Nordre Toldbod angelaufen. 

Langelinie Quay / Langeliniekaj in Kopenhagen

Ausflug mit der Reederei oder auf eigene Faust?

Auch in Kopenhagen werden von der Reederei Ausflüge angeboten. Wer aber einen Ausflug in kleineren Gruppen vorzieht und dabei oftmals   auch Geld sparen möchte , sollte sich einmal die Angebote von GetYourGuide , Viator oder  Meine Landausflüge  ansehen. Wir haben eine Auswahl von Ausflugstipps  zusammengestellt, die gerade für Gäste der Kreuzfahrtschiffe interessant sein könnten. Sie finden sie am Ende dieser Seite .

Aber auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und zu Fuß kann man Kopenhagen sehr gut erkunden.

sehr guter ÖPNV in Kopenhagen


Kopenhagen verfügt über ein sehr gut ausgebautes öffentliches Nahverkehrsnetz .

Fast alle Kopenhagener Sehenswürdigkeiten befinden sich in der Zone I . Mit dem Fahrschein können Sie dann alle Busse, Züge und die Metro für 1 1/4 Stunden nutzen. Das Ticket kostet für Erwachsene 24 DKK  (etwa 3,25 €).

Ein Mehrzonenticket ist etwas teurer und gilt für eine längere Fahrzeit.

Fahrkarten gibt es  im Bus nur gegen Barzahlung mit Dänischen Kronen. Ansonsten können Tickets an Bahnhöfen und Metrostationen an Fahrkartenautomaten gekauft und mit der Kreditkarte bezahlt werden; eine Barzahlung ist nicht möglich. Während unseres Aufenthaltes verkauften 7-Eleven- Kioske keine Fahrscheine.

Zur Vermeidung von Schlangen beim Einsteigen in Busse insbesondere am Terminal und auch aus Bequemlichkeit empfiehlt sich, die Fahrscheine mit der App „ DOT Billetter “ zu erwerben.

Sehr hilfreiche Informationen zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr in Kopenhagen finden Sie - zumeist auch auf Deutsch - auf folgender Seite:  https://www.publictransport.dk/de .

Smørrebrød - Auslage in der Markthalle

Mit dem Hop On Hopp Off-Bus vom Terminal zur Rundfahrt durch die Stadt

Meerjungfrau in Kopenhagen

Die Unternehmen RedSightseeing (rote Busse) und Stromma (grüne Busse) bieten unterschiedliche Touren - auch mit Hafenrundfahrten - mit zahlreichen Stopps in Kopenhagen an. Stromma hat sogar drei unterschiedliche Linien eingerichtet.

Copenhagen Card - 2 Optionen

Für diejenigen, die in kurzer Zeit möglichst viel von der Stadt, ihren Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten sehen möchten, könnte sich die Copenhagen Card empfehlen.

Bei der Copenhagen Card kann zwischen zwei Optionen gewählt werden:

1. Das 24-Stunden-Ticket für kostenfreier Zugang zu mehr als 80 Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten  sowie kostenloser Nutzuung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in der gesamten Region Kopenhagen kostet 62 €.

2. Für das 24-Stunden-Ticket für kostenfreien Zugang zu  mehr als  4 0 Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten  sowie Nutzuung des Hop-On-Hop-Off-Busses (aber nicht des ÖPNV) sind 64 € zu entrichten.

Zwei Kinder unter 12 Jahren sind frei.

Weitere Informationen zur Copenhagen Card finden Sie hier .

Daneben gibt es auch einen City Pass für die unbegrenzte Benutzung von Bussen, Zügen, U-Bahnen und Hafenbussen in den Zonen 1 bis 4, zu denen auch das Zentrum von Kopenhagen sowie die Kreuzfahrtterminals gehören.

Das 24-Stunden-Ticket kostet 80 DKK (ca. 10,75 €). Der City Pass kann auch über die App " DOT Billetter “ gekauft werden.

Näheres finden Sie hier .

Tolle Tipps für den Aufenthalt in Kopenhagen

Hier finden Sie weitere interessante und informative Tipps: " 32 Dinge, die man in Kopenhagen machen kann (Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten) " und  " visitcopenhagen.com ". 

Stand: aktualisiert September 2023


Stand: aktualisiert Januar 2024

In Kopenhagen werden von den Leserinnen und Lesern dieser Seite am häufigsten folgende Ausflüge gebucht:

" Kopenhagen: Kanalrundfahrt ab Nyhavn * " von GetYourGuide

 und " Kopenhagen: Hop-On-Hop-Off-Bustour mit Bootstour-Option "* von  GetYourGuide

Angebote von GetYourGuide*

Die Treffpunkte für Ausflüge mit GetYourGuide sind über das Stadtgebiet verteilt.

Kopenhagen verfügt über ein sehr gut ausgebautes öffentliches Nahverkehrsnetz, so dass die Fahrt zum jeweiligen Treffpunkt keine Probleme bereiten sollte.

Angebote von Viator*

Die Treffpunkte sind im Regelfall sehr gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu erreichen.

Angebote von Meine Landausflüge*

Treffpunkt für die Segway-Ausflüge von 'Meine Landausflüge' ist der Langelinie Quay .

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

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  • Cruise Ports
  • Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia Cruise Ports

Copenhagen (Denmark)

Cruise port schedule, live map, terminals, news.

Copenhagen cruise port

Region Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia

Local Time 2024-04-11 20:20

Port Copenhagen cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Copenhagen, Denmark. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link.

Copenhagen Malmo Port (abbrev CMP) is a major turnaround cruise port in Northern Europe and among the most popular departure ports for Baltic Sea itineraries. Among those are the round-trips to Norwegian Fjords (along the Norway's western coastline) and to Scandinavia and Russia (visiting ports in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Russia). Cruises leaving out of Copenhagen comprise ~45% of the ship calls. Copenhagen is also a significant port of call on Christmas cruises leaving from UK ports.

In April 2017, the Swedish Maritime Administration gave its permission to Copenhagen Malmo Port to receive large-sized cruise vessels in port Malmo. There was a previous constraint on cruise liners visiting Malmo that limited the port calls to ships with LOA length not exceeding 240 m (787 ft). In 2016-Q3 were carried out extensive simulations in Gothenburg Sweden in order to ascertain whether it's possible port Malmo to handle larger-sized vessels.

Simulations were conducted over several days with different types of vessels in different weather conditions and wind forces. A total of 18 berthings (dockings) were performed. The conclusion was that it is possible ships to maneuver in the cruise port at max speed 3 kn (5,6 kph / 3,5 mph) and side winds up to 36 kph (22 mph) without any pilot boat assistance. However, there is a wind speed restriction during maiden ship visits - 29 kph (18 mph). The newly allowed max LOA length for cruise ships in Port Malmo is 300 m (985 ft).

In early-October 2019, CMP and the Danish company DFDS Seaways signed a deal to construct a shoreside power facility . By this project (inaugurated on October 26, 2021), two DFDS-owned cruiseferries ( Crown Seaways and Pearl Seaways ) were able to receive dockside electricity (from the city's power grid) when berthed. Both ships were deployed on the Norway-Denmark route Oslo -Copenhagen. For the project were contracted Actemium SAS (Sweden, parent company VINCI Energies SA//design and building) and COWI AS (Denmark/technical advisor). Shore power for cruise ships in Copenhagen will be available in 2024. The other Danish cruise port with shore power capabilities is Aarhus (since 2023).

Cruise itineraries to and from Copenhagen Denmark

Follows a list of destinations visited by cruise ships leaving out of Copenhagen:

  • Roundtrip Baltic cruise itineraries leaving from Copenhagen visit Norway (Norwegian Fjords), Scandinavia and Russia (overnight stay in St Petersburg ), Iceland (with Faroe Islands). Most round-trips from Copenhagen are to Norway (7-days in length) operated during summer.
  • Transatlantic crossings on repositioning cruises from Copenhagen to USA and Canada-New England are one-way itineraries offered at the end of the season (late August and September). These are westbound ship relocation routes and often include stops in Iceland and Greenland, also in UK (England, Scotland, Ireland) and end in NYC New York .
  • Relocation cruises (Baltic to Mediterranean) leaving from Copenhagen are offered mostly by Costa and MSC ships, repositioning to their turnaround ports in Italy ( Savona , Genoa , Civitavecchia-Rome , Venice ).

Copenhagen cruise port

Port's cruise shipping business generates around 4000 local jobs and contributes USD 192+ million to city's economy.

  • (statistics) Port's cruise shipping traffic grew from 173 ship calls (2002) to 368 (2011). The visiting passengers increased from 175000 (2002) to 820000 (2011).
  • (statistics 2012) the port set a record with 376 cruise ship calls (vessels by 38 companies) that brought 840,000+ passengers and ~240,000 crew. Of all visiting passengers, 27% were from Germany, 17% from North America (USA and Canada), 13% from UK, 10% from Italy and Spain.
  • (statistics 2013) During 2013 season, Malmo Port handled 357 ship calls (71 different cruise liners by 38 companies), over 835000 passengers, 230000 crew.
  • (statistics) during peak season, the port receives daily up to 7 cruise liners with over 25000 passengers and 8000 crew.
  • (statistics 2016) In late-February 2016, Copenhagen Malmo Port announced a 9% increase (over 2015) in visiting cruise tourists (740,000 projected, based on berth bookings). Of all ship calls, 47% were roundtrips. Season 2016 had booked 304 ship calls (67 vessels from 35 companies). The single-day record was in June - 7 ships with 24,000 passengers and 7,000 crew. After finishing season 2016, Malmo Port reported total 311 ship calls with ~732,000 cruisers.
  • In 2017, the port handled 325 cruise ship calls and 850,000+ passengers. For the summer here was homeported one of NCL' s largest vessels -  Norwegian Getaway . The ship replaced here the smaller  Norwegian Star and carries nearly 1000 more passengers (3957, max capacity 4819). The new deployment resulted in ~36,000 more cruise passenger movements for the port. Ship disembarkation is between 7-11 am, and the afternoon embarkation starts in 12-noon till 5 pm (departure). In that time period, the cruise port handles ~12,000 suitcases, 15 large trucks deliver provisions for the cruise vessel, 40 tour buses serve the passengers, together with around 800 taxis, plus public transportation (bus, train, metro). According to Copenhagen Malmo Port's CEO, the increased NCL cruise passenger number generated additional revenue of around EUR 7,3 million (USD 8,7 million).
  • In 2017, the port reported a record year with handled 325 cruise ship calls (by 72 different vessels and 36 companies) and 849,000 passengers. Of all visits (16% increase over 2016), 153 were turnaround/roundtrips. Of all the 72 ships, 55 were large-sized.
  • (statistics 2018) the port handled 346 ship calls and ~850,000 cruise passengers.

In 2019, the Port had scheduled 352 ship calls (including 165 turnarounds) with estimated 750,000+ cruisers and economic impact ~EUR 200 million. On May 20th were handled 6 liners with ~24,000 passengers (plus 8000 crew). Malmo Port's largest cruise vessel so far is MSC Meraviglia (capacity 4488 passengers plus 1536 crew). In 2019, the liner visited Copenhagen 22 times.

Following the COVID crisis, in 2022 the cruise port handled 326 ship calls (out of Denmark's 592 total).

In 2023, the Port had booked 290 cruise ship berthings (out of Denmark's 432 total) including 9 maiden/first-time visits. In 2023, CMP (Malmo+Copenhagen=Visby) handled 389 cruise ship calls and ~940,000 tourists.

Copenhagen cruise terminal

The largest Copenhagen passenger terminal is Freeport Cruise Terminal, located north of downtown, in an industrial harbour. It is used by most major cruise lines and offers cafes, food kiosks, restrooms, Wi-Fi Internet, waiting lounge. Travel time from the cruise port to downtown Copenhagen is 1 hour (walk) and 20 min (shuttle bus or taxi). Copenhagen International Airport is 30 min from the terminal (shuttle bus or taxi).

The second cruise ship terminal is Langelinie. The pier is located 3 kn (2 mi) from downtown, close to the Little Mermaid statue.

The Langelinie is not a typical cruise terminal. The wharf has information centre and stores (near old warehouses). The shops sell jewelry, Danish clogs, porcelain, clothes, amber. Most city highlights are close for a walk. Often, cruise lines offer shuttle bus service to downtown Copenhagen. Alternative way is bus line 26.

Copenhagen-Oceankaj (Free Port) cruise terminals

Port Copenhagen has 3 cruise ship terminals - Freeport Terminals (Malmo Port), Langelinie Terminal, and Nordre Toldbod Terminal.

  • Free Port Cruise Terminal is in an industrial harbor area located north of downtown. It is used by major cruise line ships and has fast food kiosks, cafes, waiting lounge. Free Port Malmo terminal building is a converted warehouse (sized 2400 m2 / 25800 ft2) and was inaugurated on May 1, 2014.
  • Langelinie Pier (quay berths C190-199, no terminal building) is 3 km / 2 mi away from downtown. The wharf is used by large ships visiting Copenhagen as call of port. The pier has an info centre. Several stores are located nearby and sell traditional Danish souvenirs, jewellery, clothes.
  • At Nordre Toldbod quay's berth (C177) dock mainly smaller ships and luxury megayachts.

Cruise ships leaving out of Copenhagen (departure port) dock at the old Free Port Terminal (Orientkaj berths C252, C254, and the Levantkaj berth C266) and at the new Oceankaj (berths C331, C332, C333).

In 2015 was opened the new pier at Nordhavn - Oceankaj (Ocean Quay). The new quay (berth C330) has pier length 1100 m (3600 ft), width 70 m (230 ft) and can accommodate 3 large liners simultaneously.

There are 4 buildings - Terminal 1 (quay C331), Terminal 2 (quay C332), Terminal 3 (quay C333) and Terminal 4 (quay C334). Each building is sized 3300 m2 / 35500 ft2, including 1800 m2 / 19400 ft2 passenger handling area, 1500 m2 / 16150 ft2 luggage handling area, solar-paneled roofs (800 m2 / 8600 ft2 solar panels providing all the power needed for the terminals).

Oceankaj terminals also have dedicated waste-water handling facilities (capacity up to 300 m3 per hour per ship). The new pier has connection points at every 60 m / 200 ft. The Copenhagen port's Oceankaj cruise terminals project cost around USD 100 million. The southernmost part of the complex was built on existing land (the remainder required landfill).

(NEW) Oceankaj Cruise Terminal

A new cruise terminal (at Oceankaj) is currently under construction, with initially scheduled completion in April 2022. However, due to the Coronavirus crisis, the project was postponed.

The new terminal has daily passenger capacity 5000, quay length 370 m (1214 ft), water depth 12 m (39 ft). The 2-story terminal building is sized 10000 m2 (107640 ft2) and connects with the docked vessels via 2x gangways (mobile passenger bridges).

Cruise ship terminal directions and parking

  • Taxis are available at the Oceankaj Pier. The easiest way to get to the pier is by taxi. For call port stops at Oceankaj, the shipping lines usually provide bus shuttles to downtown (stopping in front of St Peter's Church). The shuttle service is the preferable choice since public transportation options at Ocean Quay are limited.
  • Bus line 26 has a bus stop in Sundkrogsgade - some 50 m / 70 ft outside the port's entrance. Bus 26 service (to/from the port) is not available on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • The Free Port Terminals piers Levantkaj and Orientkaj are at 10-15 min walking distance from the Nordhavn S-Tog (commuter rail) train station. Trains leave from Nordhavn Station every 5 min (going to Central Station). Tickets must be bought at the train station.
  • In 2015 was opened a new Bus 25 route (between Norreport and Oceankaj) that runs only when cruise ships are docked.
  • Bus 27 route (Osterport Station to Oceankaj) service is between 6 am to 7 pm (Monday to Friday) and between 8 am to 6 pm (on weekends).

From Central Station, the Copenhagen Airport (CPH, international airport) is accessible via the regular rail network and the city metro (from Kongens Nytorv, a 3-zone ticket is needed). Take the metro to Norreport Station, then transfer to Bus 25 or (if not operational) take the S-Tog (commuter rail) one stop to Osterport. Cross the tracks via the pedestrian overpass to the Bus 27 stop or take the S-Tog to Nordhavn (from the station continue by taxi).

Copenhagen Malmo Port ("Kobenhavn" in Danish), along with its cruise terminals also has passenger ferry terminals, container terminal and drydock facilities for major marine vessel refurbishments and shiprepairs.

  • port address - "Containervej 9, PO Box 900, Copenhagen, DK 2150 Nordhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark"
  • UN-LOCODE (United Nations location code) - DKCPH.
  • supported by excellent road, rail and air infrastructure
  • deep water berths
  • capacity to accommodate up to 10 liners at a time
  • up to 3 large ships can berth alongside a quay (length 1100 m / 3600 ft)
  • mobile luggage units, conveyor belts, forklifts, guests and luggage screening equipment
  • freshwater supply (quay outlets, water barges)
  • the season runs from late March through late October, plus off-season with calls in December (during the Christmas and New Year holidays).

Cruise ships usually arrive in Copenhagen in the early morning (5, 6:30, 7, 8, 8:30, 9 AM) and depart from Copenhagen in the late afternoon (4, 5, 5:30, 6 PM) or in the evening (8 or 10 pm with overnight stays in port).

Port Copenhagen is located at 20 min drive distance away from the city centre. The Copenhagen International Airport is at some 10 km / 6 mi (or 30 min drive distance) away from the cruise port.

  • The Little Mermaid: one of the most famous attractions, 100-year old sculpture of the Little Mermaid
  • Nyhavn: here used to be Hans Christian Andersen home, a perfect place to visit, especially in the evening.
  • Stroget: the biggest shopping area right in the Copenhagen’s heart.
  • Christiania: Copenhagen Freetown
  • Tivoli Gardens: great place for children or for adults who enjoy playing, situated close to the City Hall
  • Bakken: or Dyrehavsbakken, the oldest (426 years old) amusement park in the world
  • Zoo: meet polar bears, North Atlantic seals and birds at the Copenhagen Zoo.
  • The National Museum: explore Modern Danish History, the Renaissance, the Middle Ages, the Viking Age and the Stone Age exhibitions.
  • The Round Tower: the oldest observatory in function in Europe, dating since 17th century
  • The National Gallery of Denmark: or Statens Museum for Kunst in the biggest art museum in Denmark. Explore gorgeous art collections for the past 700 years.
  • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek: Carl Jacobsen, a famous brewer, founded it in 1888.
  • Rosenborg Castle: built by Christian IV one of the famous cultural treasures in Denmark.
  • Visit Carlsberg: situated in Valby, Copenhagen. This is the first first Carlsberg Brewery. Explore the steps for making the famous Carlsberg Beer.
  • Botanical Garden: 10 hectares, situated at the city center made in 1874.
  • Museums: the National History Museum of Denmark, the National History Museum of Denmark, Amalienborg Museum, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, The Viking Ship Museum
  • Tycho Brahe Planetarium: a family educational place with exhibitions and movies.
  • National Aquarium Denmark: the biggest aquarium in North Europe

Copenhagen tours, shore excursions, hotels

City tours and shore excursions.

Ocean Albatros christening marks milestone for Albatros Expeditions

Ocean Albatros christening marks milestone for Albatros Expeditions

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Startseite » Kreuzfahrthäfen » Kreuzfahrthafen: Kopenhagen (Dänemark) – Alle Infos und praktische Tipps

Kreuzfahrthafen: Kopenhagen (Dänemark) – Alle Infos und praktische Tipps

Wir geben euch praktische Tipps für den Kreuzfahrthafen Kopenhagen in Dänemark. Kompakt mit Informationen für die Anreise, Ausflüge auf eigene Faust und Tipps für die Stadt und den Hafen Amsterdam. Der Hafen in Kopenhagen gehört zu den beliebtesten Reisezielen bei Ostsee Kreuzfahrten. Kein Wunder. Denn die Hauptstadt Dänemarks hat neben der kleinen Meerjungfrau einiges mehr zu bieten. Warum der Hafen bei Kreuzfahrern beliebt ist, erfährt ihr in diesem Beitrag.

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Inhalt – Kopenhagen Hafen

Wissenswerte informationen zu kopenhagen, allgemeine infos zum hafen kopenhagen, kreuzfahrt terminals in kopenhagen, reedereien und kreuzfahrten nach kopenhagen, anreise zum hafen von kopenhagen, vom schiff in die stadt kopenhagen, sehenswürdigkeiten in kopenhagen, traditionelle speisen und gerichte in kopenhagen, weiterführende links, zusammenfassung.

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Kopenhagen ist die Hauptstadt Dänemarks. Auf einer 43.000 Quadratkilometer großen Fläche leben 580.000 Einwohner. Die Stadt Kopenhagen ist auf mehreren Inseln verbreitet und verfügt über zehn Stadtteile. Die Währung in Kopenhagen ist die Krone und die Hauptstadt Dänemarks zählt zu den teuersten Städten der Welt. Darüber hinaus herrscht in Kopenhagen seit über hunderten von Jahren eine dänische Monarchie. Zurzeit herrscht Königin Margarethe II. über Dänemark.

Der Hafen Kopenhagen ist ein interessantes Viertel in Kopenhagen. Mit über 300 Schiffsanläufen im Jahr zählt er zu den wichtigsten Häfen im Ostseeraum. Insgesamt gibt es vier Anlegestellen für Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Kopenhagen. Da der Hafen in Kopenhagen einer der saubersten Häfen ist, eignet er sich ebenfalls zum Baden.

Die vier Kreuzfahrt Terminals befinden sich nördlich von der Innenstadt Kopenhagen. Die meisten Kreuzfahrtschiffe laufen die Terminals Langelinie Pier und Oceankaj an. Die Anlegestellen Langlinie und Nordre befinden sich in der Nähe des Schloss Amalienborg und des Stadtteils Nyhavn. Für kleinere Kreuzfahrtschiffe gibt es das Nordre Toldbod Terminal . Hingegen laufen viele Kreuzfahrtschiffe mit Start- und Zielhafen Kopenhagen das Terminal Freeport (Frihavn)  an.

Das neueste Terminal in Kopenhagen ist das Ocean Quay. Seit 2014 legen hier Kreuzfahrtschiffe an. Für die Zukunft soll das Ocean Quay Terminal Hauptanlegestelle für Kreuzfahrtschiffe sein. Ocean Quay ist das nördlichste Terminal mit drei Anlegeplätzen und befindet sich sieben Kilometer entfernt von der Innenstadt.

Alle Anlegestellen für Kreuzfahrtschiffe hier im Überblick:

  • Langlinie Quay
  • Nordre Toldbod
  • Freeport (Frihavn)

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So gut wie jede Reederei bietet Kreuzfahrten nach Kopenhagen an. Neben AIDA Cruises fahren ebenfalls die Mein Schiffe von TUI Cruises den Hafen in Kopenhagen an. Ebenso zählt der Hafen zum Kreuzfahrtprogramm von MSC Kreuzfahrten und Costa Kreuzfahrten. Die meisten Ostsee Kreuzfahrten führen von den deutschen Häfen Kiel oder Warnemünde über Kopenhagen und viele weitere Kreuzfahrthäfen im Ostseeraum.

Viele Wege führen zum Hafen in Kopenhagen. Da sich der Hafen in der Nähe der Innenstadt Kopenhagens befindet, ist der Hafen leicht zu erreichen. Welche öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel euch vom Bahnhof und vom Flughafen zum Hafen von Kopenhagen bringen, erfahrt ihr hier.

Vom Bahnhof zum Kopenhagen Hafen

Um vom Bahnhof zum Kopenhagener Hafen zu gelangen, könnt ihr die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel nutzen. Neben der Buslinie 26 bringt euch die S-Bahn Richtung Freihafen zum Hafen von Kopenhagen. Eine weitere Alternative ist das Taxi. Eine Taxifahrt vom Bahnhof zum Hafen Kopenhagen kostet zwanzig Euro.

Tipp: Mit der Copenhagen Card fahrt ihr unbegrenzt Bus und Bahn. Außerdem habt ihr kostenlosen Eintritt in zahlreiche Museen und profitiert von vielen weiteren Vorteilen.

Vom Flughafen zum Hafen

Der Flughafen in Kopenhagen befindet sich im Stadtteil Kastrup. Da der Flughafen acht Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum liegt, ist eine Fahrt mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sinnvoll. So fahrt ihr mit der Metro bis zur Haltetstelle Kongens Nytorv. Von hier aus gelangt ihr zu Fuß zum Langelinie Terminal.

Eine weitere Alternative ist der Zug. Vom Flughafenterminal drei erreicht ihr mit dem Zug den Hauptbahnhof. Anschließend bringt euch die Buslinie 26 weiter zum Hafen in Kopenhagen. Per Taxi erreicht ihr den Hafen in Kopenhagen innerhalb einer halben bis dreiviertel Stunde.

Die meisten Kreuzfahrtterminals in Kopenhagen befinden sich in Innenstadtnähe.

Von Langlinie Quay und Nordre Toldbod in die Stadt

Da sich die beiden Kreuzfahrtterminals in der Nähe der Innenstadt befinden, erreicht ihr die Stadt von Kopenhagen gut fußläufig. Innerhalb von einer Viertelstunde gelangt ihr in die Innenstadt. Ihr möchtet lieber die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel für den Transfer in die Stadt nutzen? Die Buslinie 26 bringt euch in die Altstadt Kopenhagens.

Vom Ocean Quay in die Stadt

Da sich das Kreuzfahrtterminal Ocean Quay acht Kilometer entfernt von der Innenstadt Kopenhagens befindet, empfehle ich euch auf die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel auszuweichen. So gelangt ihr mit den Buslinien 25 und 27 in die Hauptstadt Dänemarks. Auch mit der Buslinie 26 erreicht ihr die Innenstadt Kopenhagen. Die Bushaltestellen befinden sich vorm Terminal 1, die euch bis zum Norreport Bahnhof bringen. Eine weitere Alternative bietet das Taxi. Der Transfer vom Ocean Quay in die Stadt kostet mit dem Taxi 37 Euro. Außerdem bieten die Reedereien kostenpflichtige Shuttlebusse in die Innenstadt an.

Vom Freeport Quay zur Innenstadt

Euer Kreuzfahrtschiff macht am Freeport Quay fest? Dann bringt euch die Buslinie 26 in die Innenstadt von Kopenhagen. Außerdem könnt ihr die roten Hop-on Hop-off Busse für den Transfer in die Innenstadt wählen. Die Haltestelle findet ihr neben dem Kreuzfahrtterminal.

Kopenhagen glänzt mit zahlreichen Attraktionen. Neben diversen Parks erwarten euch in der Hauptstadt Dänemarks zahlreiche Museen und Schlösser. Doch welche gehören zu den Must-See-Attraktionen in Kopenhagen? Erfahrt hier, welche Top-Attraktionen euch in der Hauptstadt Dänemarks erwarten.

Die kleine Meerjungfrau – Das Wahrzeichen Kopenhagens

Die kleine Meerjungfrau zählt zum bekanntesten Wahrzeichen Kopenhagens. Die 1,25 Meter große Bronzestatue erinnert an das gleichnamige Märchen des dänischen Autors Hans Christian Andersen. Finden könnt ihr die kleine Meerjungfrau in der Nähe der beiden Kreuzfahrtterminals Langeline und Norde Tolbod.

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Das Schloss Amalienborg – Hauptresidenz des Könighauses

Das Schloss Amalienborg ist vom Hafen gut erreichbar. Hier residiert Königin Margarethe II mit ihrer königlichen Familie. Das Schloss Amalienborg besteht aus vier einzelnen Palais. Täglich um zwölf Uhr gibt es eine Wachablösung. Besonders am Abend ist das Schloss Amalienborg unter Beleuchtung ein wunderschönes Fotomotiv.

Vergnügungspark Tivoli

Der Tivoli zählt zu den weltweit ältesten Vergnügungsparks. Neben Achterbahnen und vielen weitere Fahrgeschäften findet ihr hier Restaurants und Parkanlagen. Der Vergnügungspark Tivoli ist eine perfekte Anlaufstelle für Kinder und Familien. Im Zeitraum von Mitte April bis Ende September könnt ihr den Tivoli besuchen.

Schloss Rosenborg mit dänischen Kronjuwelen

Bis zum Jahr 1710 zählte das Schloss Rosenborg als Residenz der königlichen Familie. Seit 1838 steht das Schloss als Museum zur Verfügung. Hier lernt ihr die Geschichte Kopenhagens kennen und bekommt dänische Kronjuwelen zu sehen. Rund um das Schloss Rosenberg befindet sich eine wunderschöne Parkanlage.

Szeneviertel Nyhavn – Beliebte Flaniermeile in Kopenhagen

Das Szeneviertel Nyhavn ist eine beliebte Flaniermeile in Kopenhagen mit zahlreichen Restaurants und Bars. Die moderne Fußgängerzone befindet sich am Kanal mit vielen Traditionsschiffen. In den Häusern 18 und 67 lebte einst der Märchendichter Hans Christian Andersen, der Geschichten wie „Däumelinchen“ und „die kleine Meerjungfrau“ schrieb.

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Die dänische Küche ist geprägt von Fisch- und Fleischgerichten. Auch diverse Brot- und Backwaren kommen in Kopenhagen auf den Tisch. So zählt Smörrebröd zur traditionellen Speise in Kopenhagen. Besonders zum Mittag gibt es die Vollkornscheiben mit verschiedenen Belägen. Was ihr in Kopenhagen ebenfalls probieren solltet, ist Torsk. Das Fischgericht besteht aus einer Kreation von Dorsch, Salzkartoffeln und Senfsauce. Ebenfalls ist Labskaus eine traditionelle Speise in Kopenhagen. Für Käsefans sind die Käsesorten Esrom und Havarti ein kulinarisches Highlight.

  • Kopenhagen Malmö Port
  • Visit Copenhagen: weiterführende Infos zur Anreise

Der Hafen in Kopenhagen ist ein beliebtes Reiseziel bei Ostsee Kreuzfahrten. Die vier Kreuzfahrtterminals befinden sich nördlich der Innenstadt Kopenhagens. Viele der Kreuzfahrtterminals sind fußläufig von der Innenstadt entfernt. Insofern sind die Top-Attraktionen von Kopenhagen gut zu Fuß vom Schiff erreichbar. Darüber hinaus ist das Netz der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in Kopenhagen gut ausgebaut. Wie ihr euren Aufenthalt in Kopenhagen gestaltet, ist euch überlassen. Eines kann ich euch verraten:  Eine Kreuzfahrt nach Kopenhagen solltet ihr euch nicht entgehen lassen.

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

Hallo, ich bin Anni von Kreuzfahrtwelle. Bereits seit 2013 bin ich ständig auf der Suche nach den besten Kreuzfahrtschnäppchen. Ich selbst habe über 30 Kreuzfahrten durch alle Weltmeere bereits erleben dürfen. Gerne bereise ich die Karibik, aber auch das Nordland.

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Copenhagen Cruise Terminal

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Getting to/from the Airport

Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is accessible from Central Station on the regular rail network or the metro from Kongens Nytorv. You will need a three zone ticket for either service (36 DKK, Jul 2022). See the Copenhagen airport link here https://info.parkering.cph.dk/en/buses-trains-and-metro

To take public transit to Oceankaj, take the metro to Orientkaj Station and transfer to the free shuttle to the cruise terminal or bus 25 or 164.

Baggage storage is available at Central Station for those with late flights. http://en.hovedbanen.dk/dsb-information/dsb-luggage-service/ Airport baggage storage info - https://www.cph.dk/en/practical/luggage/

Any hotel in the city center is a good choice location-wise since the cruise terminal piers are relatively close by. Staying near train or metro stations will be convenient if you plan on using public transit. Search hotels in Copenhagen here

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

Must See Sights

Prices updated July 2022

  • Little Mermaid - located down the promenade from Langelinie Pier, this statue is the symbol of Copenhagen.
  • Nynhavn - This old port area located at the eastern end of Stroget is now filled with restaurants on the sunny south-facing side. To save money and enjoy the area like a local, buy beers at a store and take a seat along the canal. You can also take a canal tour from here. There are two companies operating near identical tours so check the prices for both before buying your ticket. The first company you see will probably be the most expensive. Canal tours can also be boarded at Christiansborg Palace which is generally less busy.
  • Tivoli Garden - This small amusement park with gardens, restaurants and rides was Walt Disney's inspiration for Disneyland. Entry 145 DKK. Opens at 11am. Beside Central Station with the main entrance on the north side of the park. http://www.tivoli.dk/
  • Vor Frelsers Kirke (Our Saviour Church) - A unique church tower climbing experience since there are stairs on the outside of the main spire. Closed during heavy rain or wind. Tower entry fee 65 DKK. Metro Christianshavn http://www.vorfrelserskirke.dk/
  • Christiania - this hippie squatters village on a former military site is an unusual tourist attraction if you don't mind the smell of hash and marijuana. Down the road from Our Saviour Church.
  • Amalienborg Palace - this is one of several palaces around Copenhagen. The Marble Church is nearby. It's a short walk north along the waterfront from Nyhavn. Other palaces include Rosenborg (housing the crown jewels and with a large garden) and Christiansborg.
  • Glyptoteket Art Museum - has a collection of many masterpieces. Adult admission 125 DKK (free Tuesdays, closed Mondays). Located beside the southeast corner of Tivoli Gardens. http://www.glyptoteket.dk/
  • Danish National Museum (east of City Hall) and National Gallery (north of Rosenborg Castle) - Closed Mondays. These two museums used to be free but fees were introduced in 2016. http://natmus.dk/ http://www.smk.dk/en/
  • Round Tower - A unique tower with a spiral ramp to the top. http://www.rundetaarn.dk/en/
  • Take a free walking tour. You should tip your guide afterwards if it was a good experience. http://www.copenhagenfreewalkingtours.dk/

If you are planning to visit a lot of sights, consider buying a Copenhagen card which includes admission to many attractions and a public transport pass. The card can be purchased from 7-11 in Central Station or from the tourist office opposite the main entrance to Tivoli Garden. http://www.copenhagencard.com/

Shopping & Restaurants

Stroget is a long pedestrian street winding its way from City Hall (get a picture sitting on Hans Christian Anderson Statue) to Nyhavn. It also branches north to Norreport. Torvehallernekbh, an upscale covered market, opened in 2011 by Norreport Metro.

Visit the Carlsberg Brewery Museum for a tour and a beer (Enghave Station - walk through the large brewery complex).

Try a delicious pastry from LagKagehuset. Various locations, including inside Central Station, Stroget (a block east of city hall), CPH airport, and across from Christianhavn metro.

Sankt Peders Bageri is the city's oldest bakery. Their signature cinnamon rolls are only available on Wednesdays.

Smørrebrød is a popular open-faced sandwich (eaten with a knife and fork). Recommended restaurants linked from here http://www.visitcopenhagen.com/copenhagen/gastronomy/top-10-traditional-danish-lunch

There is an Aldi discount supermarket beside Nordhavn station if you are on your way to Freeport Terminal. There is an Irma supermarket by both Norreport and Østerport station and another one beside the main entrance to Tivoli Garden. There is a small Netto supermarket by Norreport. A block north of Central Station is Rema 1000 at Hammerichsgade 1.

Fisketorvet mall is south of the city center. Take the S-Tog to Dybbolsbro station.

Reffen, an outdoor street food market, opened in 2018 across the channel from the Little Mermaid. You can take harbour bus 991 (return on 992), or hop on hop off boats to get here.

General opening hours for shops and holidays here .

Cafés and restaurants including McDonalds may provide free wifi for customers. The port may also offer free wifi at the cruise terminals.

Post Office

There is a post office a block south of Central Station at Bernstorffsgade 36. The post office inside of Central Station has closed permanently. Stamps may be available from newsagents and from postcard sellers.

Been Here Before

Take a train across the Oresund Bridge to Malmo, Sweden. The 30km journey takes around 40 minutes with trains departing Central Station 3-4 times hourly.

Maps (right-click to save)

Copenhagen Map

Download PDF city map from here - https://www.visitcopenhagen.com/cruisecopenhagen/copenhagen/practical-information

Copenhagen S-Tog Rail Map

Copenhagen Weather Forecast

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Climate and weather http://www.visitcopenhagen.com/copenhagen/weather

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How to get there: From the airport taxis go direct to your ship. The airport is at only 11 km from the cruise port. Alternatively you can use the excellent public transportation .

Copenhagen has three cruise terminals :

1. Oceankaj - c331 Terminal 1, c332 Terminal 2, c333/c334 Terminal 3 & Terminal 4

Most (turnaround) cruise ships dock here. With 4 terminal buildings it is the busiest pier.

To get there from the Airport:walk 2 minutes to Metro Line M2. Go 8 stops to Kongens Nytorv and change to Metro Line M4 line to Orientkaj. Walk across the parking lot and board the Free Cruise bus to Oceankaj. Ticket machine has English choice. Pay by credit card.

First free port shuttle bus to metro station leaves the ship at 8am.

1 Oceankaj in Ydre Nordhavn and capable of handling more than 5,000 passengers per call. 7 km from city center.

2. Langelinie: c190 to c199 Most used by smaller visiting ships. 3 km from city center.

3. Nordre Toldbod. Smaller ships, luxury megayachts, and ferries normally dock here. Quay 177 2km from city center.

Take the Metro from Copenhagen Airport to Nørreport Station. Change to S-train A, B, C or E-line and take the train 1 stop to Østerport Station. From here there are 15 minutes walk to Langelinie or to Nordre Toldbod. From the pier of Langelinie (as shown on the map below), it is only a pleasant 30-minute walk to the city center. You can take a short walk from Langelinie Pier to see the Little Mermaid statue or Amalienborg Palace . Langelinie's promenade is lined with plenty of shops, casual cafes and more.

Cruise schedule and which dock will be used. Or download the whole year in Excel.

Map of the different cruise terminals.

Hotels near the Cruise Terminal

Printable map to take along.

Watch a destination video .

Live Nautical Chart with Wikipedia Markers of Freeport - Orientkaj (c252, c254) Levantkaj (C266) and Port Location on Google Maps

Live Nautical Chart with Wikipedia Markers of Nordhavn - Oceankaj Pier (c330-c334) and Port Location on Google Maps

Live Nautical Chart with Wikipedia Markers of Langelinge Pier (c190-c199) and Port Location on Google Maps

Monthly Climate Averages for Copenhagen


Copenhagen is a charming city of 17th- and 18th-century buildings, beautiful parks and gardens, pretty promenades along canals, and ancient winding streets made for walking and biking. Add to that the longer days and warmer weather in the summer.

Highlights include: The Little Mermaid, a smaller statue than you think. Nyhavn, it's full of cafes, bars, and restaurants, Tivoli Garden , is one of the oldest amusement parks in the world. Christiansborg Palace , Amalienborg Palace .

The city's architecture soars from medieval to rococo, and style varies from eclecticism to the cool designs of Arne Jacobsen. The impact Danes have had on the world of contemporary interiors is second only to their expertise in fairy tales.

On forehand you may purchase online via the tourist office the Copenhagen Card which entitles you to free entry to 60 museums and attractions as well as free transport by train, bus and Metro (also to and from the airport), discounts on restaurants, car hire, and many attractions and includes a comprehensive guide.

Note: Some museums have free admission anyway and most don't charge entry fees on Wednesdays.

Tours Excursions Transportation:

One way to make sure that you do not miss any of Copenhagen's major sights and landmarks are to take one of the numerous organized tours of the city, either by bus, bike or boat. Caution: Most canal tours are on open-air vessels, and therefore are not recommended for inclement weather.`

In a hurry: Take the harbor water bus (901/902) from either The Royal Library also called the black diamond for its sun/water reflections to Nordre Tloldbod, close to the Little Mermaid or vice versa for the price of a regular bus ticket. Every 20 minutes: a 15-minute tour of all waterfront highlights!

The Hop on/off buses of CitySightseeing are always present at all cruise terminals and offer 3 tours in and around Copenhagen.

Rent a City Bike for free: just deposit a coin of 20 Kroner, take your bike, and drop it off after you are finished at any point and get your money back.

Public transportation is very good.

It pays to compare your cruise line tours here .

Nearby Places:

Just to the north, along the Øresund coast, stretch a series of well-heeled suburbs: a visit to their attractions – the Danish Aquarium , Experimentarium and Bakken amusement park among them – can be followed up by lazing on the adjacent beaches.

The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art is situated 35 km north of Copenhagen on the North Zealand coast in a spacious, old park with a fine view across the sound of Sweden.

Malmo Sweden: Take a 35 minute train trip over the spectacular Oresund Brige .

Shopping and Food

In the old center the Strøget area is actually a collection of pedestrian streets, filled with shops, cafes and restaurants, that spread out from this central thoroughfare. These streets are between the large squares, east in Kogens Nytorv and west in Radhuspladsen (The City Hall Square). You won't find the name Stroget on the street signs or on city maps, but if you ask a Copenhagener where to find Stroget, you will probably get a clear answer.

Eating and drinking out is quite expensive, but the possibilities are endless: from red hot Thai curries to traditional 'frikadeller' (Danish meatballs), from sushi to the typical smørrebrød, which are served at lunch: these open sandwiches have all kinds of savory toppings, typically including boiled egg and dill, beetroot, mackerel, roast onions, cold meats and goose or pork dripping. There are also takeaway smørredbrød kiosks throughout the city center.

For shopping mall addicts, there is Fields. Fields has its own Metro Station: Take the Metro in the direction of Vestamager and get off at the station Ørestad, then you are right at the main entrance to Field's.

Denmark has the highest Tax (VAT) rate in Europe: 25% on everything!

Denmark is not part of the EURO-monetary system, but major shops will probably give prices both in Danish kroner and in EURO (€). Most major international credit cards are accepted in Denmark. But be aware that a surcharge of 2 to 4 percent is often added, which is legal outside the USA.

Currency Converter


Danish, english is widely spoken.

Emergency number: 112

Opening Hours and Holidays:

Mon-Fri: 10 am-7 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm. On Sundays shops are normally closed but during the cruise season some department stores and malls are open.

Shops are allowed to open on the first Sunday of every month, as well as on all Sundays in December, preceding Christmas Eve. However, if the first Sunday in a month falls on a holiday or on Constitution Day, shops will stay closed. Please note that ordinary shops are closed on public holidays including Constitution Day, 5 June, and Christmas Eve, December 24. Kiosks, bakeries, station shops etc. are usually open on Saturdays after 5 p.m. and Sundays.

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Evening swim in Copenhagen harbour

Port of Copenhagen

Northern europe's preferred turnaround port.

Port of Copenhagen is located in the capital of Denmark and conveniently in the Baltic Sea. The infrastructure in Copenhagen is advanced and well-functioning. The destination offers a well-connected international airport with many different flight connections, flexible turnaround facilities at the three cruise quays and, exciting shore excursions. Copenhagen also offers an established network of local partners, which collaborate to provide a memorable experience for every visiting cruise ship, crew member, and guest. The city has plenty to offer for a pre-and post-stay, and the Danish capital is large enough for every kind of life philosophy and small enough to bicycle in only twenty minutes from one end to the other.

Port of Copenhagen is one of the biggest ports in Northern Europe. The ports are flexible and sufficient to handle large cruise ships. Even the currently largest cruise ship in the world, "Symphony of the Seas," can easily dock in Port of Copenhagen. The port facilities have been awarded the "leading European cruise ship port" 5 years in a row, mainly because of the excellent cooperation between stakeholders in the industry and the very dedicated crew.

Port of Copenhagen has three cruise quays: Langelinie Pier, Ocean Quay, and Ndr. Toldbod, all located right in the heart of the Danish capital, which has been named the world's top city for travelers in 2019 by Lonely Planet. Port of Copenhagen is the preferred turnaround port in Northern Europe due to a very short distance from the international airport to the seaport, easy and fast transfer, a wide variety of hotels, gastronomical dining experiences, and tourist attractions close by. Together with a vast network of local partners, Copenhagen is sure to provide a memorable experience for every visiting cruise ship, crew members, and guests.

Copenhagen cruise port information and quay facility facts

The Port of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP), offers three cruise quays in Copenhagen: Ocean Quay, Langelinie, and Nordre Toldbod, which you can find detailed information about below. For berth reservations, prices, etc., we recommend getting in touch with  Copenhagen Malmö Port  or  our local port agencies . 

Waste management in Port of Copenhagen includes:

Oily residues (Sludge) - the discharge of oil must not take place in Danish territorial waters. CMP does NOT receive oily waste containing emulsifiers that prevent separation into oil and water phases.

Oily tank washings - must NOT contain petrochemicals

Exhaust gas-cleaning residues - Scrubber (fluid) and AEP scrubber effluents (fluid)

  • Small waste and food waste for incineration
  •   Large waste for pre-sorting
  • CMP recycling facility at Oceankaj
  • CMP Waste receipts        

Hazardous waste

  • Electronics - Collected in cardboard boxes or bailed on pallets
  • Batteries, Accumulator - Collected in plastic sacks inside leak-proof plastic dumps
  • Light bulbs, Fluorescent lamps - Collected in drums and cardboard boxes, sorted by type
  • and stored in containers that prevent breakage
  • Paint, Thinners, Chemicals - Collected in leak-proof drums with the correct label on each   
  • Medicals, Bio Hazardous waste - Collected with UN number and dangerous goods label
  •   Oily sludge in drums, Oily rags, Oil filters - Collected in leak-proof plastic bags or sealed dumps        

Incinerator ash, Scrubber (solid), Blackwater residues (solid),  Greywater residues (solid), Fire extinguisher, and Emergency pyrotechnics/ MOB smoke floats

Copenhagen quay facts

Cruise ship at Langelinie

Photo : Thomas Høyrup Christensen


Max LOA 700 meters Max depth South part 9.1 m. North part 10.0 m Bollard strength 50 tons Distance to the city center 4 kilometers Distance to the airport 10 kilometers  

Cruise Copenhagen

Photo : Daniel Rasmussen

Ocean quay:

Max LOA 1100 meters Max depth 10.5 meters Bollard strength 125 ts / storm 200 ts Distance to the city center 8 kilometers Distance to the airport 14 kilometers

Nordre Toldbod, movie location for "Another Round"

Photo : Giuseppe Liverino

Ndr. Toldbod:

Max LOA 200 meters Max depth 7.4 meters Bollard strength 40 tons Distance to the city center 3 kilometers Distance to the airport 10 kilometers Restrictions Max LOA 210 meters  

Quick links

In 12 out of 14 years, Copenhagen Airport has won the award of the most efficient airport in Europe. It is the gateway to Northern Europe and the rest of the world. There are 166 different routes into domestic Denmark, Europe, and across continents. Into North America, there are 16 different routes opportunities. All these routes have daily frequencies, which makes Copenhagen a perfect pre-or post-cruise stay opportunity. Copenhagen Luggage Service offers luggage handling for tourist travel, and they handle the luggage from the minute your guests arrive in Copenhagen. They bring the baggage all around the city, whether the luggage is in the cabin, the airport, or the hotel. You can see all about the luggage service here

Nimb Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen

The large selection and variety of hotels In Copenhagen will fit anyone's needs. From romantic, luxury (as the hotel Nimb located at the extraordinary old Tivoli Garden) to family-oriented stays close to the seaport and the airport. Copenhagen is the perfect city for your cruise guests, no matter their personal needs. 


The gastronomical scene in Copenhagen matches any cruise guest's needs. 

Restaurants in Copenhagen caters to all kind of budgets, tastes, and situations. On the menu, your cruise guest will have the opportunity to experience delicious food from the classic Danish cuisine like smørrebrød to the New Nordic. It is an approach started by the world-famous restaurant Noma, focusing on exquisite meals made from local ingredients in the season. Copenhagen is the Scandinavian gourmet and sustainable capital with 23 stars distributed between 14 restaurants in the Michelin guide. With more than 7 sustainable stars, Copenhagen is the city in Europe with the most green Michelin stars.


If you have kids, there are many family-oriented restaurants right in the middle of Copenhagen, which puts Copenhagen in the child-friendly category.

The public transport infrastructure in Copenhagen is fast and easy to access. There is a metro, city s-trains, regional trains into domestic Denmark, and the city bike, which is an ideal and easy way to get around Copenhagen due to the short distances.

Copenhagen in winter

Copenhagen has lots to offer during autumn and winter. From special events, enchanting lights illuminating the city to colourful leaves on the trees. We ensure you that you'll truly understand the concept of "hygge" after having visited off-season.

Are you curious to know why you should plan itineraries off-season? We'll tell you all the secrets here .

Explore the best of Copenhagen city

Here you will find inspiration for attractions, hotels, events, and shore excursions in Copenhagen.

You will find The Little Mermaid right next to the cruise ports, and from there, you can take the bicycle around to the Operahouse, Amalienborg Palace – the queen's home, Marble Church, and Tivoli. In Copenhagen, your guests can explore many attractions and dining places.

Radisson Copenhagen

Recommended hotels

Choosing a hotel can be a difficult task, as there are so many great options. Check out our recommendations for cruise guests.


Must-see attractions

Whether your clients are into royal castles or enjoy urban architecture, Copenhagen has it all. Let us guide you to some of the best experiences.


Events in Copenhagen

Find out what is going on in Copenhagen by downloading our lists of events. 

Bike City

Shore Excursions

For information on available shore excursions in Copenhagen, we recommend getting in touch with your  local incoming agent.

The practical stuff

Let us help you with your Copenhagen planning, but why not start by downloading a  free online city map ? When your guests arrive in Copenhagen, they will be greeted by the friendly staff from Copenhagen Visitor Service with free city maps and helpful tips for their stay. 

Coulourful houses on street in Aalborg, Denmark

Copenhagen in facts

Accessibility Amalienborg

Accessible Copenhagen

Biking in Copenhagen

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Go beyond Copenhagen and explore all the other beautiful Danish cruise destinations. 

Hotdogs in Aalborg

Get in touch with us. We are happy to assist you in your planning and provide you with the information you need about the Danish cruise destinations. 

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Travel Must Do's

Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship: Best 37 Shore Excursions from Ocean Quay and Langelinie Cruise Port Terminals

Are you exploring copenhagen, denmark from a cruise ship.

As a former first-time visitor to this beautiful city, I know exactly how exciting and overwhelming it can be. Let me help you plan your day in Copenhagen with the ultimate guide to shore excursions from Ocean Quay and Langelinie Cruise Port Terminals when visiting Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship.

This guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to make your cruise ship visit to Copenhagen an unforgettable experience!

From must-see attractions like Rosenborg Castle and Nyhavn to mouthwatering local cuisine and vibrant street life, I’ve got all the tips and tricks to maximize your time in this stunning city based on our recent cruise stop there. Let the adventure begin!

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Book the Best Tours in Copenhagen, Denmark

Experience the enchanting blend of history, culture, and Scandinavian charm by booking a captivating tour in Copenhagen. Discover the magic of Copenhagen through guided tours that promise unforgettable memories and a deep connection to Danish history and modern life.

What to do when visiting Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship?

When visiting Copenhagen from a cruise ship, there are plenty of exciting things to do and places to explore! Wander through the old cobblestone streets of Gamle Byen (Old Town) and admire the iconic colorful buildings.

Marvel at the majestic Rosenborg Castle and Garden or take in the magical sights of The Little Mermaid. Cycle along picturesque canals in Nyhavn or explore the bustling markets of Torvehallerne. For even more adventure, take a ferry trip to explore the nearby islands of Denmark’s South Coast.

🛳️ Book Your Cruise to Copenhagen 🛳️

Ocean Quay Cruise Port Terminal in Copenhagen Denmark

Best Cruise Ships that Visit Copenhagen

Visitors to Copenhagen can choose from a variety of cruise lines that offer excursions and shoreside experiences. Popular cruise lines include Royal Caribbean, Holland America Line, Norwegian Cruise Line, MSC Cruises, Costa Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, Carnival Cruise Line, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Viking Cruises, and Princess Cruises. All of these brands provide luxurious amenities and stunning views as you sail to the Danish capital.

Cruise Lines and Ships that visit Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark is a destination that attracts ships from various cruise lines.

  • Royal Caribbean – Serenade of the Seas
  • Holland America Line – Nieuw Statendam
  • Norwegian Cruise Line – Dawn, Getaway, Sun, Star
  • MSC Cruises – Poesia, Euribia, Preziosa
  • Costa Cruises – Firenze
  • Celebrity Cruises – Apex, Silhouette
  • Carnival Cruise Line – Legend
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises – Navigator, Voyager, Mariner
  • Princess Cruises – Sky Princess, Caribbean Princess, Island Princess, Coral Princess
  • Viking Cruises – Venus, Sky, Neptune

Cruise Ship an Langelinie Cruise Port Terminal in Copenhagen

Ocean Quay and Langelinie Cruise Port: Where do cruise ships dock in Copenhagen?

The two main cruise ports in Copenhagen are Ocean Quay and Langelinie Cruise Port Terminals.

Ocean Quay or Oceankaj is located on Amager Island, just a short distance from the city center, and is the port where the larger cruise ships dock. The port features new and modern facilities, with plenty of amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

The Langelinie Cruise Port Terminal is located in the heart of Copenhagen, right on the waterfront, and the smaller commercial cruise ships dock here. This terminal is also modern and well-equipped, boasting a variety of amenities and services for travelers. The port offers direct access to many popular tourist attractions such as Nyhavn and Amalienborg Palace.

Nordre Toldbod is a smaller cruise port that is located at the entrance to Copenhagen’s inner harbor. This terminal mainly serves ferries from Sweden and other Baltic cities. The Nordre Toldbod Cruise Port Terminal offers basic amenities, and travelers will need to make their own way into the city center.

37 Things to Do When Visiting Copenhagen, Denmark from a Cruise Ship

Visiting Copenhagen from a cruise ship is an exciting experience that offers many opportunities to explore the city and its surrounding areas. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning scenery, Copenhagen is the perfect place to spend a day or two while on vacation.

Here are 37 things to do when visiting Copenhagen from a cruise ship.

👉 Book your Copenhagen Tours

Hop on Hop off Bus at the Ocean Quay Cruise Port Terminal in Copenhagen

1. Hop On Hop Off Bus

The Hop On Hop Off Bus is an excellent way to explore Copenhagen from a cruise ship. These buses are conveniently located at the cruise terminal, making it easy to start your tour as soon as you arrive. Enjoy sightseeing while traveling in a comfortable and air-conditioned bus, with audio guides available in multiple languages.

👉 Book Your Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour

Canal Boat in Copenhagen Canel

2. Hop On Hop Off Boat

The Hop On Hop Off Boat is a great way to explore the city of Copenhagen from the water. There are two stops along the route; Nyhavn and Gammel Strand, both located within easy walking distance from popular attractions such as Amalienborg Palace, The Little Mermaid statue, and Trivoli Garden. This is a great way to explore the city in a unique way!

👉 Book Your Hop On Hop Off Boat Tour

Swing ride at Trivoli Gardens in Copenhagen

3. Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli Gardens features classic attractions such as roller coasters, water rides, and family-friendly shows. There are also plenty of restaurants, bars, and shops to explore. The gardens are open year-round, making them the perfect way to entertain both adults and kids

👉 Get your Admission Tickets to Tivoli Gardens (skip the line for tickets)

4. Dragon Fisherman’s Village

Dragon Fisherman’s Village is located on the small island of Refshaleøen, which lies just off the coast of Copenhagen. Here you can find three major attractions – The Dragon Fountain, an old fishing village with its traditional boats and buildings, and a modern art district where street artists have left their mark. Visitors can take a ferry from Nyhavn to the island or take a guided kayak tour.

5. Food & Beverage Scene

The food and beverage scene in Copenhagen is full of variety, and you can find everything from street food vendors to traditional Danish restaurants. From the harbor, visitors can easily find delicious seafood dishes like herring, salmon, mussels, shrimp, and lobster. There are also plenty of cafes, bars, and pubs that offer traditional Danish snacks such as smørrebrød (open sandwiches) and æbleskiver (apple fritters).

👉 Book Your Copenhagen Food and Drink Tour

The Church of Our Lady is the cathedral of Copenhagen and the National Cathedral of Denmark. Statues by Bertel Thorvaldsen depicting Jesus Christ and his Apostles

6. Cathedral of Copenhagen – Church of Our Lady

The Church of Our Lady (Vor Frelsers Kirke) is the iconic and impressive cathedral located in the heart of Copenhagen. It is easy to reach the church from the cruise port by foot or bike, and it offers stunning views of the city and harbor.

👉 Book Your Tour that includes the Cathedral of Copenhagen

Copenhagen City Hall

7. City Hall Square

The City Hall Square, or Rådhuspladsen, is the main public square in Copenhagen. Here you can get a glimpse of the city’s history, as it has been used for everything from royal coronations to political protests.

Here you can admire its historic architecture and wander around its charming cobblestone streets lined with cafés and shops. Don’t miss out on stopping by the famous statue of Hans Christian Andersen, located in the middle of the square!

👉 Book Your Tour that includes City Hall Square

8. Christiania – Hippie Haven

Christiania is a self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood in Copenhagen known for its hippie culture and vibrant street art. Visitors can take the city bus towards Christiania, where they can explore an alternative lifestyle, visit art galleries, or enjoy some of the local beer gardens.

👉 Book Your tour that includes Christiania

9. Christianshavn

Christianshavn is a beautiful area of Copenhagen located on the banks of the canals. Here, visitors can take in the city’s charming architecture, explore cozy cafes and bars, or take a boat ride along the harbor to get a unique view of some of the city’s most famous landmarks.

👉 Book a private walking tour for Christianshavn

Anagar Beach Park in Copenhagen Denmark

10. Amager Beach Park

Amager Beach Park is one of the most popular spots in Copenhagen for relaxation. Located only a few metro stops away from the cruise port, visitors can enjoy an afternoon lounging on its sandy beaches, or take part in outdoor activities such as beach soccer and volleyball. The park also offers a variety of restaurants and bars so you don’t have to go far to grab something to eat.

Copenhagen Denmark

11. Nytorv (New Square)

Nytorv, or “New Square” or King’s New Square, is a historic marketplace in Copenhagen. Located near the city center, it’s easy to reach Nytorv from the cruise port by taking bus 5A towards Gammel Strand and getting off at Kongens Nytorv. Here visitors can explore old buildings such as the Royal Theatre and the Royal Library, as well as admire beautiful sculptures.

👉 Book Your Private Walking Tour including Nytorv

Nylhavn Waterway in Copenhagen Denmark

12. Nyhavn – The Iconic Waterway

Nyhavn is an iconic waterfront area in Copenhagen, known for its colorful buildings and boats. It’s easy to get there from the cruise port by taking bus 26 towards Skt Annæ Plads and getting off at Nyhavn. Here visitors can stroll along the canal, admire iconic sights such as old wooden ships, and enjoy a bite to eat at one of the many restaurants and cafes that line the waterfront.

👉 Book a Walking Tour that includes Nyhavn Canals

Bike Tours in Copenhagen Denmark

13. Copenhagen Bike Tour

No visit to Copenhagen would be complete without a bike tour of the city! Here visitors can rent a bike and explore some of the most iconic sights in Copenhagen, including The Little Mermaid, Tivoli Gardens, and the Royal Palace. This is also a great way to get around quickly and see more of the city in a short space of time.

👉 Book Your Copenhagen Bike Tour

City Hall Square area in Copenhagen near Stroget Street

14. Shopping on Stroeget Street

Strøget is one of the best places to go shopping in Copenhagen. Here visitors can find everything from high-end fashion stores to small boutiques and souvenir shops. This pedestrian street runs through the city center and is easy to access from the cruise port. From here it’s just a short walk to explore the cobbled streets and find your favorite stores!

👉 Book a walking tour that goes to Stroeget Street

15. Visit Carlsberg Brewery

Temporary Closed for renovation: Discover one of Copenhagen’s most famous exports – beer! Visitors can take a tour of the Carlsberg Brewery, located in Vesterbro. This brewery has been producing beer for over 150 years and takes visitors on an educational journey of the brewing process. Here, guests can also sample some of their favorite beers and learn more about the history of beer-making in Copenhagen.

16. Gammeltorv (Old Square)

For an authentic taste of Copenhagen, visit Gammeltorv (Old Square). This is one of the oldest parts of the city, with narrow cobbled streets and winding alleys. From the cruise port, take a walk along Amaliegade and follow it until you arrive at the square.

Here visitors can find traditional Danish cafes, small shops, and galleries that offer a unique insight into Danish culture and history. Enjoy exploring this area of old-world charm, with its charming storefronts and lively atmosphere.

👉 Book a Tour that includes Gammeltorv

City Court in Copenhagen

17. City Court of Copenhagen

The City Court of Copenhagen is located in the old city center and is a great place to experience the grandeur of Danish architecture. The building dates back to 1671 and is an impressive example of decorative baroque style. A visit here promises stunning facades, courtyards, and gardens that are sure to impress!

18. The Well of Caritas

The Well of Caritas is one of the oldest and most interesting parts of Copenhagen. Located near Amaliegade, it’s a short walk from the cruise port. This well has been around since 1639, with an interesting legend behind it – reportedly, those who drink from it will find love! Take some time to explore its history and soak up the atmosphere of this magical spot.

Rosenborg Castle is a renaissance castle located in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark.

19. Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle is a stunning example of Renaissance architecture, located in the center of Copenhagen. From the cruise port, take a walk along Amaliegade and follow it until you arrive at Rosenborg Castle. These grand castle grounds offer visitors an impressive view and insight into Danish culture and history. It includes four wings with royal apartments, living quarters, beautiful gardens and courtyards, galleries, and a treasury.

👉 Book a Private tour to Rosenborg Castle

20. Rosenborg Castle Gardens

For a taste of old-world grandeur, take a stroll around the gardens outside Rosenborg Castle. Located just off Kongens Nytorv Square, these gardens are filled with lush greenery and beautiful sculptures. Visitors can admire the castle’s stunning facade, explore the manicured lawns, and get lost in the many winding paths.

Water Taxi / Canal Tour boat in Copenhagen

21. Take a Water Taxi

Copenhagen’s canals offer an unforgettable experience for visitors. Taking a water taxi is the perfect way to explore the city from the riverside. Enjoy taking in views of old churches, industrial buildings, and colorful wooden houses as you cruise through the picturesque canals.

Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen Denmark

22. Christiansborg Palace

Take a trip to Christiansborg Palace, located in the heart of Copenhagen, for a glimpse at Denmark’s rich history and culture. Easily accessible from the cruise port via bus or taxi, this majestic castle is home to the National Museum of Denmark and several other royal treasures. Enjoy exploring its grand architecture and beautiful gardens as you soak up the history that surrounds you.

👉 Book Private Tour to Christiansborg Castle

Amalienborg is the winter home of the Danish royal family, and is located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

23. Amalienborg Royal Palace

Amalienborg Palace is a must-see for any visitor to Copenhagen. Located near the waterfront, it’s conveniently accessible from the cruise port and offers stunning views of the city skyline. Inside this grand palace, visitors can explore its four palaces filled with royal apartments and museums. Be sure to check out the throne room and marble hall before you leave!

👉 Book a Tour that includes Amalienborg Royal Palace

Marble Church in Copenhagen

24. Marble Church

The Marble Church or Frederik’s Church in Copenhagen is a stunning example of baroque architecture. Easily accessible from the cruise port, visitors can admire its large dome and impressive facade while taking in views of the city’s harbor. The church also has an interior worth exploring, with intricate statues, marble pillars, and a breathtaking ceiling.

👉 Book Your Walking Tour that includes the Marble Church

25. New Carlsberg Glyptoteque

The New Carlsberg Glyptoteque is a must-see for art lovers visiting Copenhagen. You can get there easily from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi to this stunning museum, which houses an impressive collection of ancient sculptures and artifacts. Be sure to take some time to explore its extensive galleries and archives!

National Museum in Copenhagen

26. The National Museum 

The National Museum in Copenhagen is a great spot for those interested in history and art. Visitors can easily get there from the cruise port by taking a bus or a taxi ride. Inside, they’ll find an extensive collection of artifacts and artwork spanning centuries of Danish culture. Don’t miss out on seeing the museum’s impressive exhibition halls.

👉 Included with the Copenhagen Card HOP

Old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen Denmark

27. Old Stock Exchange

The Old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen is a great spot to explore for those interested in the city’s history. It’s easily accessible from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi ride. Inside, visitors can admire its grand 19th-century facade and learn more about the building’s past as an old trading hall.

👉 Book your Tour that includes the Old Stock Exchange

Little Mermaid Statue located near the cruise ship ports in Copenhagen

28. Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is one of the most iconic symbols of Copenhagen and can be easily accessed from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi. The magical statue of Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved character is an often-visited spot for tourists, who come to admire its beauty and take in the wonderful views of the city’s harbor. Many walking tours go by the Little Mermaid as well.

👉 Book your Hygge Cheese Picnic and Little Mermaid Tour

Holmen Church is a Parish church in central Copenhagen in Denmark

29. Holmens Church

Holmens Church in Copenhagen is a stunning example of Baroque architecture and can be easily reached from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi. Admire its ornate facade and spend some time strolling around its peaceful gardens for a truly memorable experience.

30. Gammel Stand

Gammel Strand in Copenhagen is a popular spot for visitors, as it boasts one of the city’s oldest and most well-preserved squares. It’s easily reachable from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi ride. Don’t miss out on exploring its charming cobblestone streets and historic buildings!

👉 Book your tours that include Gammel Stand

31. Danish Parliament  

The Danish Parliament in Copenhagen is a sight to behold and can be accessed from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi ride. Visitors can admire its impressive Neoclassical architecture and learn more about Denmark’s history and political system.

Oresund Bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden

32. Oresund Bridge

The Oresund Bridge is a marvel of modern engineering and connects Denmark with Sweden. It can be easily accessed from the cruise port by taking a bus or taxi ride. Don’t miss out on admiring this stunning piece of infrastructure, which offers incredible views over both countries!

👉 Book your tour that crosses the Oresund Bridge from Denmark to Sweden

33. Royal Danish Naval Museum

For those interested in maritime history, the Royal Danish Naval Museum is a must-visit. Located near the cruise port, visitors can easily take a bus or taxi to get there. Explore its vast collection of artifacts and learn more about Denmark’s past and present naval history!

Fredriksborg Castle in Copenhagen Denmark

34. Frederiksborg Castle

Located just north of Copenhagen, Frederiksborg Castle is a must-visit for anyone interested in Danish history. Don’t miss out on exploring its grand halls and immersing yourself in its historic atmosphere!

👉 Book Your Private Tour to Kronborg and Frederiksberg Castles

35. Fredensborg Palace

Fredensborg Palace is an impressive royal residence in Copenhagen. It’s a great spot to learn more about Danish royalty and culture, as well as admire its beautiful gardens and architecture!

👉 Book Your Tour including the Fredensborg Palace

36. Kronborg Castle

Kronborg Castle, also known as Elsinore in Hamlet or Hamlet Castle by some, is a stunning castle located on the coast of Denmark. Visitors can easily enjoy its fantastic views over the Oresund Strait. It’s one of the most important castles in all of Scandinavia and visitors won’t want to miss out on exploring its rich history and culture!

Canal Boat Tour in Copenhagen Denmark

37. Exploring the Canals of Copenhagen

The canals of Copenhagen are outstanding for taking a relaxing stroll or just admiring the city from afar. From the cruise port, visitors can take a bus or taxi ride to get to them and enjoy their picturesque scenery. Don’t miss out on exploring the canals and enjoying some of Copenhagen’s best views!

👉 Book your Canal Tour

Cruise Ship Shore Excursions

Most ships offer shore excursions you can book on board. Click on the cruise line below to see the excursions currently offered.

  • Royal Caribbean
  • Holland America Line
  • Norwegian Cruise Line
  • MSC Cruises
  • Costa Cruises
  • Celebrity Cruises
  • Carnival Cruise Line
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises
  • Princess Cruises
  • Viking Cruises

Little Mermaid Statue in Copenhagen

What is Copenhagen known for?

Copenhagen is known for its vibrant culture and beautiful architecture. It’s the capital of Denmark and a bustling metropolis with sights such as the iconic Little Mermaid statue, Tivoli Gardens, the colorful Nyhavn district, Amalienborg Palace and Rosenborg Castle.

Natural History Museum in Copenhagen

Is Copenhagen worth visiting?

Copenhagen also has plenty of museums, theaters, and art galleries to explore, as well as a vibrant nightlife. No matter what you’re looking for, Copenhagen has something to offer everyone!

Absolutely! Copenhagen is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore the incredible culture of Scandinavia. From its picturesque canals and buildings to its bustling nightlife, Copenhagen offers something for everyone.

Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s rich history and culture or just want to relax and enjoy some great food, you won’t regret visiting this vibrant city. If you can, be sure to take a cruise and explore the sights from the water – there’s nothing quite like it!

Museum of Copenhagen

Can I walk to the city center from the cruise port?

Unfortunately, it is not recommended to walk from the cruise port to the city center. The two ports are located in an industrial area of Copenhagen and are quite far away from the city’s main attractions. If you do choose to walk, make sure you have a map and know where exactly you’re going.

For those who want to visit the famous Little Mermaid statue, the closest port is Nyhavn, which is located close to the statue. From here you can walk to other city attractions or take a water taxi to get around Copenhagen quickly and easily.

How far is the port from the beach?

The port is approximately 6 miles away from the closest beach, Øresund Beach. However, it can be reached easily with public transportation. To get to the beach, you should take a train from Central Station to either Østerport or Klampenborg stations.

From here you can either catch a bus that will take you directly to the beach or take a short walk and enjoy the scenery along the way. Whichever option you choose, it should only take around 30 minutes to get there.

Hop on Hop off Bus at Ocean Quay Cruise Port Terminal in Copenhagen

Transportation in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is well connected with public transportation, making it easy and convenient to explore the city. The main modes of transportation are buses, trains, and metros, which are all interconnected and can be used with a single ticket. There are also bike-sharing services available throughout the city if you’re looking for an eco-friendly mode of transport.

Additionally, there are ferries and water buses that can take you along Copenhagen’s picturesque canals. Taxis are also available as another option for getting around the city but ridesharing services such as Uber are not available in Copenhagen.

Hop on Hop On buses were in the port as soon as we were allowed off and started the tour from Ocean Quay port, but then provided shuttles back from stop 12.

Taxies were also available outside Ocean Quay when we got off the ship.

Is Uber available in Copenhagen?

No, Taxis are but no ridesharing companies are available.

👉 Get Copenhagen Card Hop including 80 attractions and Hop On Hop Off Bus

Hotel D'angleterre in Copenhagen Denmark

Where to stay in Copenhagen before or after the cruise?

Copenhagen, a city brimming with charm and convenience for cruise departures, beckons with its diverse neighborhoods, each exuding its own distinctive vibe. Curious about the best areas to stay in this dynamic city? Dive into this blog post Where to Stay in Copenhagen to discover the perfect spot that aligns with your travel style and itinerary!

The following three hotels are highly recommended for their quality and location:

  • Radisson Collection Royal Hotel Copenhagen
  • NH Collection Copenhagen
  • Copenhagen Admiral Hotel

These hotels offer modern amenities such as free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, and 24-hour room service. They are also conveniently located in the heart of Copenhagen, close to main attractions such as Tivoli Gardens and the Little Mermaid statue.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs): Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about cruising to this stunning city from a cruise ship.

The currency in Copenhagen is the Danish Krone, and most places accept Euros. Some also accept American Dollars, Norwegian- and Swedish Kroner, but at a lower exchange rate.

Yes, it is customary to tip in Copenhagen. Most restaurants will include a service charge on the bill (usually around 10-15%) but it is polite to leave an additional 5-10% for good service. Taxi drivers do not expect tips, however, small gratuities can be given at your discretion.

Yes, you can drink tap water in Copenhagen. The city’s tap water is of high quality and regularly tested to ensure safety. Tap water has a pleasant taste and is very refreshing when served cold from the refrigerator. In addition, it is much more environmentally friendly than buying bottled water due to its lower carbon footprint.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Copenhagen depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for. The most popular months are June, July, and August due to the long days and warm weather. December is also a popular time of year for its festive atmosphere with Christmas markets open throughout the city.

Copenhagen is famous for a range of traditional Danish dishes, such as smørrebrød (an open-faced sandwich made with rye bread, pickled herring, and other toppings), frikadeller (meatballs), and flæskesteg (roast pork). Denmark is also known for its pastries, particularly wienerbrød and kanelsnegle (cinnamon buns).

Most citizens of European countries or the USA do not need a visa to enter Denmark. However, citizens from non-EU countries may require a valid passport and a valid visa in order to enter the country. For more information on visas, contact your nearest Danish embassy or consulate.

How Close to the Cruise Port

The distance between Copenhagen Airport and the cruise ship terminal is approximately 18 km (11.2 miles). It takes around 30 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic. The public transport journey is slightly longer and is best done via train, taking around 45 minutes or more, depending on connections. Taxis are available from outside the airport to take you directly to the cruise ship terminal.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to view the Little Mermaid statue from the cruise ship. The statue is located at Langelinie Promenade and can be viewed during a shore excursion or on your own when you arrive in port. It’s definitely worth seeing!

Trivoli Gardens from the Hop on Hop off Tour Bus

The Wrap-Up: Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship

In conclusion, visiting Copenhagen, Denmark from a cruise ship is an unforgettable experience that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and Scandinavian charm. From the picturesque canals to the iconic Nyhavn waterfront, there are endless opportunities for exploration and adventure.

Whether you choose to stroll through the beautiful Tivoli Gardens, visit the fascinating Amalienborg Palace, or indulge in some delicious Danish pastries at a local café, Copenhagen has something for everyone.

So next time you find yourself on a cruise ship heading towards Northern Europe , don’t miss the chance to disembark in Copenhagen and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your shore excursion today and get ready to discover all that this captivating city has to offer!

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Melodie Rush is an avid traveler and a passionate explorer. Born in North Carolina, my journey from road trips with my parents to exploring diverse cultures across five continents has fueled my love for practical and immersive travel. Join me and Gary as we share straightforward insights, must-dos, and travel tips to make your adventures seamless and memorable. Let's explore the world with purpose!

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Copenhagen Cruise Port Guide | 10 Best Things To Do In Copenhagen

Nyhavn Copenhagen

Welcome to Copenhagen cruise port!

Conveniently nestled in the Baltic Sea, Denmark’s capital city is considered the coziest country in Northern Europe and has been ranked as one of the happiest cities in the world. The city is renowned for its fairytale historic castles, modern architecture, delectable cuisine, and a variety of things do to. In this article, read about:

  • Copenhagen cruise port (Copenhagen cruise terminal, getting around, helpful info)
  • 10 best things to do in Copenhagen port and best Copenhagen shore excursions

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Copenhagen Cruise Port

Copenhagen cruise port – Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP), consists of three cruise ship terminals: Ocean Quay (Oceankaj), Langelinie and Nordre Toldbod .

1. Ocean Quay

Ocean Quay is located in the north of Copenhagen, approximately 8 km/5 miles (a 20-minute drive) from the city center. This harbor is the furthest one from the city center and the busiest one as it has 4 berths (Ocean Quay 331-334) that are normally used for turnarounds or larger cruise ships .

Depending on the berth assigned to your ship, you will find a Tourist information center where you can pick up some free city maps, luggage check-in and waiting areas, a few souvenir shops, restrooms, and if you are lucky free Wi-Fi as well.

2. Langelinie Pier

Langelinie Pier 190-198 is located only 3.5 km/2.2 miles away from the city center and it’s normally used by smaller cruise ships. There is no cruise terminal building here but there are several souvenir shops, a few cafes, and a Tourist information center.

From this pier, you can take a pleasant 30-minute walk along the scenic Langelinie promenade to the city center. The promenade is lined with shops and cafes, and here you can see the iconic bronze Little Mermaid statue, inspired by the main character from H.C. Andersen’s fairytale, a work of sculptor Edvard Eriksen.

3. Nordre Toldbod

Also known as Københavns Havn, this terminal is located a 15-minute walk from the Lingelinie pier and a 10-15 minute walk from the main city attractions.

It is located in a beautiful waterfront area backed by the 17th-century Kastellet fortress overlooking the old harbor. Smaller ships, luxury megayachts, and ferries normally dock here.

Copenhagen cruise port map

Getting Around & Local Transportation

  • Cruise lines normally offer a convenient shuttle service to downtown for a nominal fee and it’s recommended to purchase the tickets in advance onboard the ship.
  • The official currency in Denmark is the Danish Crown (Danish Krona – DKK). 1 DKK equals 0.13€.  Euros and US dollars are only accepted in a few souvenir stores. Credit cards are widely accepted. See the currency converter
  • The cruise terminals are well connected to Copenhagen downtown. Public transport is very convenient and the cheapest option to get around the city. Tickets are valid for all forms of Copenhagen transportation (buses, metro trains, trains, harbor boat buses) and allow unlimited transfers during the period of validity. A two-zone ticket covers the transportation from all cruise terminals to the city center and vice versa. Tickets can be purchased directly at ticket machines at stations (cash or credit card) or from bus drivers (cash only).
  • From Oceankaj terminal (Ocean Quay), you can take bus line 27 to Østerport Station . This bus runs two to four times per hour. The return bus departs from the east side of Østerport train station. Make sure you catch a bus displaying Oceankaj as the final destination because only these buses stop at the passenger cruise terminal. During summer, bus line 25 is usually available from Oceanskaj to Nørreport Station , which is the best option if you want to walk into the city or catch a connecting transfer to other locations. Make sure you purchase the tickets at the ticket machine in the terminal before boarding a bus.
  • From Langelinie pier you take a pleasant 5-minute walk along the promenade to the Little Mermaid statue, another 10 minutes to Nordre Toldbod, and then 10 minutes more to the city center – a beautiful walk along the waterfront or through the Kastellet fortress. Østerport station is located a 20-minute walk from Langelinie dock.
  • If you want to take a bus, there is bus line 27 that takes you from Langeliniekaj to the Østerport station . This bus runs every 20 minutes, and the bus ride lasts 10 minutes. On the way back, make sure you catch bus line 27 with Færgeterminal Søndre Frihavn as the final destination (if you take the one displaying Oceankaj, that will take you to the Oceankaj terminal). Always double-check with a driver, though, because some buses might stop at Indiakaj, located a few blocks away from the cruise terminal.
  • Taxis in Copenhagen are metered and can be paid in local currency or by credit card. Make sure to confirm your payment method in advance.
  • Copenhagen is a bike-friendly city and if you want to feel like a local it is very easy to rent a bicycle and explore the city on two wheels.
  • When the passenger cruise ships are in port, Copenhagen Hop on Hop off sightseeing buses are normally available at the terminals. Upon booking you can choose which route you would like to take (Classic Tour, All Lines Tour, Colorful Copenhagen Route, Urban Copenhagen Route). The tickets are usually valid for 72 hours and include stops at around 30 points of interest. Check out Copenhagen Hop on Hop off bus tours on Viator and Get Your Guide
  • Copenhagen Card will give you access to 80 different attractions and museums as well as free transport in the city. Book a Copenhagen card
  • Strøget pedestrian street located in the heart of Copenhagen is the main shopping area – from local souvenir shops, high-end stores, and small boutiques, you will find something for everyone here! Strøget is located approximately 20 minutes walk from Østerport station and a 25-minute walk from the Nordre Toldbod terminal.
  • Staying in Copenhagen for a few days? Have a look at the best hotels in Copenhagen !
  • Copenhagen Airport is located 15 km/9 miles (a 30-minute drive) south of the port of Copenhagen.
  • Book a private transfer to/from Copenhagen port
  • Explore Copenhagen tours and activities

Bikes in Copenhagen

10 Best Things to Do in Copenhagen Cruise Port

Many of the attractions in Copenhagen are within walking distance from the city center and can be easily reached on foot. If it’s your first time here, I strongly suggest booking a guided tour to learn all about the history and culture from an officially certified guide.

1. The Little Mermaid

Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale about a mermaid who gives up everything to be united with her prince on land. This famous sculpture is located within walking distance of Langelinie Pier and is the smallest but the most visited attraction in Copenhagen.

Explore the Little Mermaid tours and activities

Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen

Stroll down the most famous street in Copenhagen located right in the heart of the city and admire the colorful 17 th and 18th-century townhouses featured in many postcards.

Do not miss building N9 , the oldest in the canal that has not been renovated since its construction, and building N17 housing the oldest operating tattoo shop since 1884.

This famous site was once considered a red-light district. Nowadays, it’s full of cafes, bars, and restaurants and it is considered the most expensive street in the city.

Explore Nyhavn tours and activities

Nyhavn Copenhagen

3. Tivoli Garden

Founded in 1843, Tivoli Gardens are one of the oldest amusement parks in the world that receives approximately 4 million visitors per year. In this wonderful park, you will be able to admire themed gardens, the longest saltwater aquarium in Northern Europe, and take a ride in the oldest wooden rollercoaster in the world!

Tivoli Garden

Tivoli Gardens are located a few minutes walk from Copenhagen Central Station. If you are in the city, you can take the S-train from Nørreport Station (Lines A, B, C, E, H) or bus 1A from Kongens Nytorv.

Tivoli Gardens are open during the spring and summer months. Tickets can be purchased in advance to avoid waiting at the entrance booth. Find more information at https://www.tivoli.dk/en/

Check the Tivoli admission tickets and tours

4. Christiansborg Palace

Home to the Danish Parliament, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry of State, Christiansborg Palace is located on Slotsholmen, a small islet filled with historic buildings, only a 10-minute walk from Nyhavn. This palace was once home to the Royal family and is still used by the Queen for official events.

Explore the Royal reception rooms, the Royal Kitchen and Christianborg Church, and do not miss the opportunity to climb up the Christianborg Tower , the highest tower in Copenhagen where you will be able to get magnificent views of the city and even enjoy meal at the tower’s restaurant.

Access to the tower is free of charge, however, tickets are required to visit some attractions inside the palace. The palace tower is not open on Mondays.

Explore Christiansborg Palace tours and activities

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

5. Amalienborg Palace

The home of the Royal Danish Family is located in the center of Copenhagen. The 18th-century Rococo Royal complex consists of four different palaces, two of which are open to the public.

The Levetzau’s Palace (Christian VIII’s Palace) houses the Amalienborg Museum with access to the impressive Faberge Chamber, the ground floor, and the Piano Nobile.

The Moltke Palace (Christian VII’s Palace), the most expensive of the four palaces due to the extravagant interiors, was used for receptions and ceremonial purposes. This palace is open for guided tours when the Royal Family is not present.

Amalienborg complex of Royal Palaces

Amalienborg Museum is wheelchair accessible. I strongly suggest you book your tickets ahead of time to secure your spot and avoid lines and waiting.

If your time in Copenhagen is limited, I suggest admiring this beautiful palace from the outside and do not miss the change of guards happening every day at noon.

Explore Amalienborg Palace tours & activities

6. Rosenborg Castle

Located in the heart of the city, this romantic castle was built by Christian IV in the 17 th century and is considered one of the prettiest castles in Copenhagen.

Built in the Dutch Renaissance style, the stunning castle is set in Kongens Have (King’s Garden), a magnificent garden filled with lime-tree-lined paths and pavilions, a popular spot for the locals.

Rosenborg Castle - Copenhagen

The Castle is home to the museum exhibiting the Royal Collections from the late 16th to the 19th centuries and the Royal treasury displaying the Crown Jewels and the Danish Royal Regalia. Of special interest to the visitors are the Throne Chair of Denmark and a Coronation Carpet that you can admire on your guided visit.

Guests with limited mobility can explore only the ground floor and the basement. I suggest you book online to secure your desired time slot. Tickets can be purchased in the Castle Museum and the last ticket is sold 20 mins before closing time.

Explore Rosenborg castle tours and activities

7. Kronborg

If you wish to explore outside the city center, head to Northern Europe’s largest Renaissance Castle and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kronborg Castle, located in the town of Helsingør approximately a 1-hour drive from Copenhagen cruise port.

This 15th-century Renaissance castle is said to be the setting for William Shakespeare’s famous play Hamlet.

Kronborg Castle

To reach Kronborg you will need to take a train from Copenhagen Central Station to Helsingør (Elsinore) and then walk approximately 15-20 minutes to the Castle. The trains run every 20 minutes and the ride takes approximately 45 minutes. The surrounding town offers other great options for sightseeing, museums, and local cuisine.

Guests with limited mobility can access the castle courtyard. However, it is not possible to access the interior. You can purchase your tickets directly at the castle or in advance. Free entrance for any guest under 18 years old.

Explore Kronborg Castle tours and activities

8. Christiania

Known as Freetown, Christiania is Denmark’s Hippiest district located a 20-minute drive from the Copenhagen cruise port. This former military base is now home to almost 900 people. This community has its own rules and regulations completely independent of the Danish government.

Christiania Freetown in Copenhagen

You can stroll the colorful streets full of graffiti and enjoy a live performance in one of the many music venues here. Jazz lovers should check out Jazzclubben, where you will find professional and amateur musicians. Stop at ALIS Wonderland, one of Copenhagen’s most famous skateparks. You will find restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops as well.

Freetown is located in the Christianshavn area, only a 10-15 minute walk from Nyhavn. There is no direct public bus from the cruise ship pier so the best option is to walk or take a taxi.

Explore Freetown Christiania tours and activities

9. The National Gallery of Denmark (SMK)

The Danish National Gallery is the largest art museum in Denmark that features a large collection of Danish and international art from the past seven centuries. This museum is especially famous for the amazing collection of Danish Golden Age and contemporary art as well as one of the world’s best Matisse collections.

The SMK is located in the center of Copenhagen, close to Nørreport station. Entrance tickets can be purchased ahead of time or directly at the museum. Guests with walking difficulties and wheelchair users can access the museum.

Explore the Danish National Gallery tours and activities

10. Bakken Amusement Park

Constructed in 1583, Bakken is the oldest amusement park in the world, set in a lush Jægersborg Dyrehave, a deer park spreading over 1.000 acres of woodland. In the park, you will find 31 different rides, both carousels and thrill rides for all ages including an 82-year wooden rollercoaster. This is a popular weekend spot for Danish families.

To get here, you can take an S-train (or Sound-train) from Copenhagen, and the ride takes only 20 minutes. Entrance to the park is free, but tickets are necessary for the rides. The distance between Bakken and Copenhagen cruise port is a 25-minute drive (approximately 12 km/8 miles), so a taxi might be an alternative option.

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Copenhagen Denmark

The port of Copenhagen is located on the east coast of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of the country and the largest city of Scandinavia, with a population of 1.7 million people. Copenhagen is the residence of Queen Margrethe II, who currently lives at the Amalienborg Palace.

Copenhagen is a charming city with 17th and 18th century buildings, beautiful parks and gardens, lovely walks along canals and pedestrian streets. Copenhagen is famous for its Little Mermaid, a statue in homage to the writer Hans Christian Andersen.

It’s an expensive, but beautiful city.

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Useful Information

Danish (English is generally understood)

A small tip of 5% to 10% will be appreciated in restaurants. (rounding up the bill is usually enough)

DKK Danish krone

Time difference

from New York: +6h

from San Francisco: +8h

from London: +1h

Where is located the Port of Copenhagen Cruise Terminal

Copenhagen offers two large port facilities. The first, more widely visited by ships making day calls, is Langelinie Pier about 2.4 km from the centre of the city. This is a charming harbour area, with a series of shops and cafes, just a 10 minute walk from the city (taxis are also available). The Copenhagen Information Centre is located here and can also offer exchange office (and distributor) services.

On the other hand, the Freeport terminal , about 3.2 km from the city, is frequently used by ships for which Copenhagen is a port of embarkation or disembarkation. There is no service or ATM nearby (although taxis often take credit cards). The nearest train to reach the city is a 15-20 minute walk. As this port is busy, taxis are sometimes scarce. It’s best to plan your trips before you leave or take advantage of your cruise line transfer services. You can also book a private transfer .

Travelling around the Copenhagen Cruise Port

How to get from copenhagen airport to the port.

A metro station is located in the Annex of Terminal 3. The journey from the airport to the Nureport station takes 15 to 20 minutes.

Several bus routes rely on the centre of Copenhagen and Terminal 3 airport. Line 5C connects Copenhagen Central Station and the airport in about 35 minutes.

The taxi ride will take about 35 minutes.

Private transport services are also available.

Directions from Airport to Cruise terminal

  • directions_boat Langelinie Pier
  • directions_boat Freeport cruise terminal

Directions from Cruise terminal to Airport

You can easily walk to Copenhagen. City Bikes are also available throughout the city.

From Langelinie Pier, bus 26, which runs every 20 minutes, will take you downtown. Bus boats near the polar bear statue at the end of the pier can also transport you to the centre of the city (a one-day ticket allows you to hop on and off all day).

From Freeport Terminal, shuttles are usually available nearby.

Activities in Copenhagen

Rebate cards, copenhagen card.

This card gives you priority access to many attractions as well as public transport. In addition, you will be entitled to offers and discounts in shops and restaurants.


This former port area has several restaurants. Take a tour of the channel from here.

The Little Mermaid

Located on the promenade of Langelinie Pier, this statue is the symbol of Copenhagen.

Vor Frelsers Kirke (Our Saviour’s Church)

If you are not afraid of the stairs, you can climb to the main spire of this church from the outside. The tower opens at 10 a.m. Monday to Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday (Christianshavn metro)

Amalienborg Palace

The palace of the Danish royal family. The marble church is nearby.

Christiansborg Palace

Seat of the Danish Parliament, the Supreme Court and the Royal Reception Rooms.

Glyptoteket Art Museum

Has a collection of many masterpieces. Free on Sundays (free guided tours), closed on Mondays. Located on the southeast corner of Tivoli Gardens.

National Museum of Denmark

This museum has an impressive collection. The guided tour offered in English of the Vikings exhibition is very interesting. Another exhibition traces the history of Denmark. You will also find other ethnographic exhibitions on different eras and nations, including a floor dedicated to Egypt. Closed on Mondays in winter months.

National Gallery

This art museum is located in a pretty park and features collections of artwork from different periods. Closed on Mondays.

Hans Christian Andersen Museum

Honors the famous Danish fairy tale poet.

Copenhagen Amber Museum

Besides the largest piece of amber in the world, this museum has an excellent collection of amber that contain insects, plants and other prehistoric fossils. There is a shop where you can buy high quality amber jewelry.

Frederiksborg Castle

The largest Renaissance-style castle in Scandinavia. It was built in the first decades of the 17th century by King Christian IV and incorporates the most beautiful architecture of the Renaissance.

Carlsberg Brewery Museum

Visit the facilities where Carlsberg beer is produced.

Family activities

Tivoli garden.

This small amusement park with gardens, restaurants and walks was Walt Disney’s inspiration for Disneyland. Opens at 11 a.m. Next to Central Station at the main entrance on the north side.

Excursions in Copenhagen

If you stay for a few days, you may want to get the Copenhagen CARD , which offers free and unlimited bus and train access through the metropolitan area for one or three days, as well as free admission to more than 60 sites and museums. Two children under the age of 10 are admitted free of charge with each adult card.

A city tour by bus combined with a boat ride on the canals will make you appreciate the charms of the city. You will see the contrast of historic areas and new modern buildings such as the Opera House and the library.

Cycling and kayaking tours are a different way to explore the city.

The fishing village of Draoger is both picturesque and traditional. It is a pedestrian city where there are many craft shops and historic buildings to admire.

If you stay for the evening, a night excursion on the canals and to the Tivoli Gardens where you will be dazzled by nearly 100,000 twinkling lights.

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Useful References

  • Tourism Board - Copenhagen
  • Tourism Board - Denmark
  • Copenhagen on Wikipedia
  • Denmark on Wikipedia
  • Travel Advice and Advisories (Government of Canada)
  • Port Website

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Copenhagen – Denmark

Copenhagen cruise destination

Travel information Denmark

Official currency – Danish krone Accepts Euro – euros are often accepted Creditcards – are widely accepted

Drives on the – right Timezone – UTC +1

About Denmark

Inhabitants – 5,6 million Official language – Danish Capital city – Copenhagen

Kingdom of Denmark Government – Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Danish language

Good day – God dag How are you? – Hvordan har du det? Thank you – Tak Cruise ship – Krydstogtskib Port – Havn

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Cruise Port Guide Copenhagen – Denmark: docked

Cruise ships can dock at Langelinie (normal dock), Ocean Kay (turn around port) or Nordre Todlbod Quay (small ships).   Copenhagen has a lot of docking possibilities for cruise ships. Most cruise ships dock at the Langelinie if it concerns a regular port day. If this is the end or start of your cruise you are usually bound to dock at the Ocean Kai. Check with your ship what their plan is. If you want you can already check this information your self at home via the following link:  https://www.cmport.com/terminals/ships-in-port/ . Search for your ship and date. This should tell you where your ship is planned to dock. Please know Ocean Quay is quay numbers 330, 331, 332, 333 and 334. Freeport is quay number 252, 254 (266). Langelinie is quay number 190, 192 and 197. Ndr. Toldbod is quay number 177. Now that you know this you can start planning your day. Find more detailed information about the ports underneath.

Langelinie cruise dock

Consider yourself lucky of you dock at the Langelinie dock in Copenhagen. Langelinie is located just at the northern end of the city center and if you are a big walker than you could possibly even navigate the large city of Copenhagen bij foot. You are also about a 15 minute walk from the famous little mermaid statue. At and near the dock you will find plenty of facilities like tourist information, transportation and a hop on hop off bus.

Copenhagen Ocean Kaj

The Oceankaj in Copenhagen hosts several cruise terminals designed to facilitate ships in all their needs and demands for (dis)embarkation day. Meaning operates to get people in and out fast. There is no public transport at the cruise port. You are likely to carry your luggage with you when your ship is docked at the Ocean Kai. Therefore we recommend you to use a taxi to and from the ship. From the city center to the cruise terminal will cost you about 250 kr. You can pay the driver by credit of debit card. Hop on hop off buses might make a stop at the Ocean Kaj.

Closest metro station to Ocean Kai.

Orient kai would be the closest metro station to the Ocean kai. Please know that from there, it is still a half an hour walk to get to the cruise terminal. Doing that with luggage in hand might not be the best start of your cruise. Safe yourself the trouble and book a taxi. A taxi from the city centre to the Ocean Kai will cost you approximately 250 DKK (Danish kroner).

Public Transportation in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has a ver fast and efficient network of trains, metros and busses. The best way to plan your trip is via the website public transport.dk . Where to buy tickets for public transport? -Via de DOT Tickets app. -Via de ticket machines at train and metro stations. -Singles tickets can also be purchased on the bus with DKK cash. Because you can already download the ‘DOT tickets app’ at home and easily buy your tickets on the app we highly recommend you to use this form. Simply because it is the most convenient one compared to buying it with the local currency and having to figure out how the Danish ticket machines work.

Kids in public transportation in Copenhagen

Up to two kids travel for free with an adult in Copenhagen’s public transport.

Official taxis in Copenhagen

The 300 official taxis in Copenhagen have a meter. The estimated fares are as follows: – Freeport / Ocean quay – City Centre = 280 DKK / 40 EURO / 40 USD – Freeport / Ocean quay – Airport = 500 DKK / 70 EUR / 70 USD – Langelinie – City Centre = 180 DKK You can expect some taxis to be at the main taxi stands. However catching one on the streets might be a bit of a challenge. Official taxis accept credit- and debitcards.

Hop on hop off bus at the cruise dock

The hop on hop off bus is available on the pier in Copenhagen. Choose wisely before buying your ticket. They have different companies, different routes and you can opt for a canal tour as well. When purchasing your ticket you can pay in DKK, EUR and with credit card.

Copenhagen Card

Buy a Copenhagen card and get entry for 75 attractions and free transport. Choose between 24/48/72/120 hours optons. This card cannot be bought in port. Buy this card at S-Train stations, Airport, Central Station of Tourist Office, opposite of Tivoli.

Luggage storage for cruise passengers

There is a luggage storage at the central station of Copenhagen where you can leave your luggage for a rather big fee. You can also choose a luggage handlers that will take your luggage directly from the cruise terminal to the airport or visa versa.

Day trips from Copenhagen:

There are countless venture to explore outside of Copenhagen if your ship is time for a large amount of time. These are one of the options for day trips from the cruise terminal Copenhagen: Kronborg Castle The Oresund Aquarium Ordrupgaard Willumsens museum Lejre Land of Legends Roskilde Cathedral ROMU The viking ship museum Green Mobility The Open Air Museum Louisiana Museum of Modern art

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langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

Fan of Danish design? Don’t miss the Design Museum. Their main exhibitions are print, drawings, poster, fashion and textiles

Design Museum

Bredgade 68, 1260 København, Denmark

Christiansborg Castle

In the city centre of Copenhagen we find Christiansborg Castle. See map above for its exact location. This is the seat of the Danish Parliament, the Prime Minister’s office and Supreme Court.

Christiansborg Castle

Prins Jørgens Gård 1, 1218 København, Denmark

Den lille havfrue

What the Eiffel tower is for Paris is what the Little Mermaid is for Copenhagen. She comes straight out of the story of Hans Christian Andersen. The statue was a present from Carlsberg Breweries in 1913. This is the manditory photo stop in Copenhagen.

Den lille havfrue

Langelinie, 2100 København Ø, Denmark


Visit the famous freetown of Copenhagen. In 1971 a small group of people took over the military backs and attempt to create they utopia. 2 generations later those idealist are still here defending their believes and to live their lives on their terms. For this location goes: You love it or you hate. One thing is for sure: if you are looking for hippy style this is the place to go to. You’ll find Christiania at the east part of the city. Best way to get there is by metro. Step off at Christianshavn station.


Freetown Christiania. Copenhagen

National Museum

This is the largest cultural and historical museum of Denmark and therefore it is seen as one of the most important. The museum takes you through times gone by with exhibitions about vikings, Egyptian mummies and Christiania.

National Museum

Prince's Mansion, Ny Vestergade 10, 1471 København K, Denmark

Tivoli gardens

This is one of the most famous attractions of Copenhagen. It is the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world. When it opened in 1843 it was an instant succes. Today you will find 26 rides, gardens of different types, a china town, aquariums and the inspiration for the Disney palace here. Take bus 26 from the cruise docking spot (depending on where you dock) to Tivoli gardens.

Tivoli gardens

Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København V, Denmark


Dragør is a small fishing village. It is known for its cobbled stone streets, danish artchitecture from 100’s or years ago and yellow painted houses. It is a really nice, quaint town to visit. From port it is 19 km / 30 min drive south. Take bus 350 to Dragor. Plan your journey http://www.rejseplanen.dk/bin/query.exe/en


Slotsholmen is an island in the middle of the city centre. It is very interesting part of town you should not miss on a visit to Copenhagen. Here you wil find museums like: Royal Library, National Archives, Royal Arsenal Museum, Royal Stables, Theater Museum, Thorvaldsens museum, Danish Jewish Museum and The Lapidarium of Kings.


Slotsholmen, Copenhagen

Frederiks Kirke

This massive church is also known as the Marble Church. Its construction lasted for 150 years, but the result is one of the most beautiful churches in the country. Its copper green dome is the 4th largest in the world.

Frederiks Kirke

Frederiksgade 4, 1265 København, Denmark

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

The Glyptotek is the most famous museum of Copenhagen. Any lover of art should visit this museum. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek was founded in 1888 by the brewer Carl Jacobsen. It offers a unique combination of ancient and modern art in an impressive architectural surrounding. Glyptotek is in the centre of Copenhagen.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Dantes Plads 7, 1556 København, Denmark


This the main street of Copenhagen and Europe’s first mayor pedestrian boulevard. It is a network of lively streets that streches all the way through the old town. If you are planning to go shopping in Copenhagen, make sure to start here!

Strøget, Copenhagen

City Hall

This is one of the tallest buildings in Copenhagen. There are about 300 steps from the ground level to the top where you can enjoy one of the best panoramic views of Copenhagen. If you want you can also take a guided tour in city hall and learn about Copenhagen’s history. You’ll find city hall in the city centre. See map above for its exact location. You can take public bus 26 from the cruise terminal.

Rådhuspladsen 1, 1599 København, Denmark

House Hans Christian Andersen

When talking about Copenhagen you will have to mention the name Hans Christian Andersen. He is the famous Danish writer of books that are known around the world. Just to name a few: The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea and Little Mermaid. He is as the father of fairy tales. Step into his footsteps in Copenhagen where he lived most of his life. Hans Christian Andersen has lived in 3 different houses on Nyhavn. No. 20. is where he wrote the fairy-tales ‘the Tinder-Box’, ‘Little Claus and Big Claus’, and ‘the Princess and the Pea’. He moved in in 1834.

House Hans Christian Andersen

Nyhaven 20, Copenhagen


During the summer, Nyhavn is the perfect place to enjoy a nice cold beer. Nyhavn means New Haven, although it is the old harbour of Copenhagen. There are lots of things to do here. Hop on a canal tour here, go for that beer, check out the street artists or find out the history behind all the buildings.

Nyhavn, Copenhagen

Amalien borg

Denmark is the oldest Monarchy in the world and this is the official residence of the royal family. Amalienborg is considered one of the greatest works of Danish Rococco architecutre. It was constructed in 1700’s. It has 4 identical palaces around one beautiful courtyard. Every day at noon, you can watch the change of guards in the court yard at Amalienborg. The route starts at 11:30 at the barracks of Rosenborg castle and it goes by: Rosenborggade, Købmagergade, Østergade, Kongens Nytorv, Bredgade, Sct. Annæ Plads, Amaliegade and Amalienborg.

Amalien borg

Amalienborg Slotsplads 5, 1257 København K, Denmark

Kronborg Castle

Also known as “Hamlet’s Castle” stand 47 km north of Copenhagen. Take a day trip to this historical castle. Please know your ship will also sail past it. Most (bigger) ships have to approach Copenhagen in and out of northernly direction, because they cannot pass under the Oresund bridge south of Copenhagen. If that is the case this means your ship will be passing by Kronberg castle twice about 2 hours after departure in Copenhagen. If you want to visit for the day take the train.

Kronborg Castle

Copenhagen cruise dock

This is the Langelinie cruise dock in Copenhagen. Cruise ships can dock at several locations in town. Read all about where your ship can dock in the full Copenhagen cruise port guide here.

Copenhagen cruise dock

Langelinie, Copenhagen

Botanical garden

In the centre of Copenhagen you will find the 10 hectare large botanical gardens. The garden has 27 glasshouses of which the eyecatcher is the glasshouse from 1874. You’ll find over 13.000 species in the garden in different sections.

Botanical garden

Øster Farimagsgade 2C, 1353 København K, Denmark

Rosenborg castle

The Rosenberg castle holds 400 years of royal art treasures and the Crown Jewels and Royal Regalia. It truly is a splendid museum.

Rosenborg castle

Øster Voldgade 4A, 1350 København, Denmark

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Bus 26 serves all terminals to and from several stops in the city center. If the bus is marked "Færgehavn Nord", it will take you to the Freeport or Ocean Quay. If the bus is marked "Langelinjekaj", it will take you to Langelinje Quay and Nordre Toldbod. More info on transport to and from the cruise terminals .

You will need a two-zone ticket, which costs DKK 24. You must buy the ticket at the station before entering train or metro. More on zones  and tickets .

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The capital of denmark

Copenhagen is Northern Europe’s major cruise destination, and it’s obvious why. The capital of Denmark is a city with royal flair, a mix of historical and modern architecture and an endless number of things to see and experience. Don’t miss out on the famous Danish pastry when you’re here and bring some of that Hygge-attitude home with you.

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

Cruise copenhagen

Passenger information

Our cruise terminals are located in different parts of Copenhagen and they can all be reached by public transport, either by metro, train or bus. We recommend that you visit Rejseplanen’s website to find out which mode of transport suits you best, depending on what terminal you are either departing from or arriving to.

Taxi information

Amager-Øbro Taxi 4x27

+45 27 27 27 27

+45 70 25 25 25

+45 35 35 35 35

A trip from Oceankaj to Tivoli cost approx. DKK 200.00 – DKK 250.00 depending on time of the day. A trip from Oceankaj to Copenhagen Airport cost apprx. DKK 450.00 – DKK550.00 depending on time of the day.

Docking information

  • Nordre Toldbod

331, 332 and 333

Water depth

Quay length

Approx. 1,100 m

Max. LOA unlimited. Max. draft 10.2 m

192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197 and 198

Southern end: 9.1 m. Northern end: 345 m of quay (from bollard no. 32 and northwards) has a water depth of 10 m

Approx. 710 m

Max. LOA 320m Max. draft 8.8 m (southern end) – 9.7 m (northern end)

Max. LOA 200 m Max. draft 7.1 m

Terminal contacts

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Commercial contact

Luis de Carvalho

Commercial Cruise Director

+45 22 21 01 31 [email protected]

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If you would like to get in contact with the operational team, you are welcome to send us an email and briefly describe your question. We will contact you as soon as possible.

[email protected]

Below please find information reg. rates as well as other documents relevant to our cruise terminal in Copenhagen.

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What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen

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What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen

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Copenhagen is one of the most popular cruise stops in Scandinavia. In 2019 almost 800,000 passengers passed through the port of Copenhagen, which exceeds the city’s population. And it’s easy to see why. Not only is Copenhagen the gateway to Scandinavia, but it’s also a relaxed, historic yet modern city. And best of all, Copenhagen is a fairly compact city, and a lot of attractions are close to each other. Ideal for exploring on a short trip.

Having lived in Copenhagen, I decided to put together this article on how to maximize your time and what’s worth seeing during a short stop in the city. But before we get into what to do on a cruise stop in Copenhagen, let me first answer some questions you may have:

Where is the Copenhagen Ocean Cruise Terminal?

Actually, Copenhagen has three ports: Langelinie, Oceankaj and Nordre Toldbod.

If you stop at the Langelinie Cruise Terminal, you’re in luck. You’re only a short walk away from the Little Mermaid and tons of other attractions. This is not so much a terminal, but more of a long quay with plenty of shops nearby.

Oceankaj is the terminal you’re most likely to dock at and it is located in Nordhavn, near the UNICEF warehouse.

And finally there’s the Nordre Toldbod Terminal which is also steps away from the Little Mermaid. However, this port is small and if you’re arriving on a large cruise ship you definitely won’t dock here.

Ship Docked at Langelinie

How do I get to Copenhagen from the Ocean Cruise Terminal?

The fastest and easiest way to get into Copenhagen from the Oceankaj Terminal is to take the metro. Take bus 25 to the Orientkaj metro station, then take the M4 line towards Kongens Nytorv. However, hop-on hop-off buses are my number one recommendation, and I’ll explain why below.

If you arrive at Langelinie or Nordre Toldbod Terminals the easiest and best way to get into Copenhagen is to take a tour bus from Langelinie Street near the Little Mermaid. Additionally walking is also an option. It is only a 10-15 minute walk to reach popular attractions like Nyhavn or Amalienborg.

Do I Need to Bring Cash on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen?

No. Cards are widely accepted, even for small purchases. In fact, I recommend everyone bring a card with them wherever they go to Copenhagen as there are many establishments that do not accept cash at all, not even Danish cash. Thus if you’re only in Copenhagen for a few hours, it makes no sense to drag cash with you and potentially lose to the exchange rate.

However, if you plan on buying a bus ticket on the bus, you will need exact change in cash. Additionally, if you’re visiting the Rosenborg Castle and need to leave your bag in the locker, you will need coins for the locker. For these things, perhaps you may want to exchange 20-30 USD to Danish Krone at home. Make sure they give you coins!

What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen?

Here are the best things to do in Copenhagen on a short trip.

Take a Tour

Tours don’t always have the best reputation, but let me be honest with you. A few hours to one day won’t do Copenhagen justice. In this case, tours are the best way to see as much as possible of the city. In fact, I recommend cruise passengers against going to museums, and just seeing the sights instead. Copenhagen is a very beautiful and colorful city.

Here are the tours I recommend:

Hop-on Hop-off Bus

There are multiple hop-on hop-off bus options in Copenhagen, the most popular one being Stromma. Most people are not fond of such tours, but they are worth it in Copenhagen on a short cruise stop. Not only are they great for sightseeing and learning some interesting facts, but they’re also a great way for you to get around.

These buses stop at the most popular attractions, where you choose whether you wish to get off and explore, or not. If you get off, you can just hop on the next bus and continue the journey at your own pace. And if you arrive by cruise ship, they have transfer buses at the pier.

Just be aware that tickets for one company won’t be valid for another. However, tickets for one company may be valid on different lines run by the same company.

If you’ll be in Copenhagen for at least one full day and plan on visiting one or two museums and a canal tour, you may wish to consider the Copenhagen Card Hop. See the end of this article for more details.

What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen: Canal Tour

After spending many days on a ship, a boat tour is probably not at the top of the things you’d want to do right after disembarking. But I promise you, it’s worth it in Copenhagen.

Regardless of the duration of the trip, a canal tour is something that I recommend to everyone during their visit to Copenhagen. They are affordable, short in duration but packed with interesting sights, and get perspectives you cannot get from the ground. For example, the best views of the Black Diamond can only be seen from the water.

Most canal tours come with a tour guide. If you want to hear the interesting facts, I recommend sitting near the front of the boat. The water currents can make it difficult to hear in the back.

If you’re interested in both bus and canal tours, I recommend checking out the Copenhagen Card. I’ll go into more details at the bottom of this article.

Walking Tour

Walking tours are a great way to see central Copenhagen. When you’re out and about you can stop to look at interesting things, you can hear the local language, feel the sun on your face, and most of all stretch your legs after being on a ship of many days.

However, scheduling a walking tour in advance can be tricky if you don’t know how long it will take you to get off the ship and reach the city center. Unlike the bus and canal tours, you cannot buy walking tours on the spot. They have to be scheduled in advance. And for that reason, I recommend self-guided walking tours. Not only can you start and complete them at your own pace, at whichever time works best for you, but they’re also quite affordable.

Visit the Rosenborg Castle

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

I don’t suggest visiting any museums on your cruise stop in Copenhagen as you won’t have enough time to fully enjoy them, and so it’s better to save your money. However, if you want to visit a historical place, I fully recommend the Rosenborg Castle. The castle itself is small and you can easily see it in about one hour. Plus in the basement of the castle you will find the crown jewels.

Please note there are a few stairs in the castle to climb, which may not be ideal for you if you have limited mobility. Additionally, due to the compact size of the castle and artefacts being so close to each other, you are not allowed to enter with large bags. They have lockers next to the ticket counter, but you need Danish coins to use them.

There is a hop on hop off bus stop about 200 meters from the entry, which makes getting to and from the Rosenborg Castle a breeze. Entry is included with the Copenhagen Card, see more bellow.

Climb the Rundetårn

The 17th Century Round Tower is located steps away from the Nørreport Station. At around 5 USD, tickets are quite affordable and you can easily climb and descend the tower in about 30 minutes. The climb is easy. There are no steps, just an upwards, winding slope. There are also windows, which bring natural light in so it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. Once you reach the top, you get amazing views of the Copenhagen skyline. It’s particularly beautiful at sunset. Entry is included with the Copenhagen Card, see more bellow.

What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen: Climb the Rundetårn

Eat Some Treats at Torvehallerne

Copenhagen has a few food halls and you should visit at least one, considering how good street food is in this city. I recommend Torvehallerne since it is the most centrally located one, right next to Nørreport Station. If you can only try one thing go for the Smørrebrød, the traditional Danish open-faced sandwich. I would also buy some chocolates from Summerbird, either for yourself or as a souvenir for a loved one at home. And if weather permits, take your food to go and eat it at the botanical garden. It is free to enter and open year-round. Sit on a bench or on the grass.

Another food market is Reffen. But given its location on Refshaleøen Island, it takes a bit too long to get there and back. Thus I would recommend against visiting it on a short trip because you’ll miss out on other attractions.

Amalienborg Square and the Changing of the Guard

Just steps away from Nyhavn you will find Amalienborg Palace and Square. Although it is the official residence of the royal family, part of the Amalienborg Palace is also open for visitations. You probably won’t have the time to visit it on a short trip, but I recommend stopping by to admire the square. It is large and imposing, with fantastic views. Due to its large size, it’s never too busy at any one time, which is great for photography enthusiasts.

Also at Amalienborg Square you can also see the Royal Life Guards who have stood guard since 1658! If possible, make sure to be there just before noon to watch the changing of the guard ceremony, which takes place daily.

Amalienborg Square

Bring a Slice of Sportskage Back to the Ship

La Glace is Denmark’s oldest (and best) patisseries, and the Sports Cake is the house specialty and most popular item on the menu. It is made of nougat bits, a macaron base, and lots of whipped cream. I recommend buying a slice (or more) at the end of your day, just before heading back to the ship. Don’t buy it too far in advance because the whipped cream could go bad in the summer heat.

Buy Some Souvenirs at Magasin du Nord

Located at Kongens Nytorv Square, Magasin du Nord has been a staple in Copenhagen since the 1800s. You can find all sorts of Danish and international fashions, home goods and accessories. But the best part of this department store is the food market in the basement. During the summer months, they have a seemingly never ending supply of traditional butter cookie tins. And for some reason, all the tourists seem to be buying huge quantities of these cookies.

If you’re looking to buy souvenirs, Magasin du Nord is a great place. From a Danish scarf or bag, to some edible treats, you’ll likely find something for everyone on your list.

Additionally, in the basement Magasin du Nord is also connected to the Kongens Nytorv metro station, which makes it a great last stop on your day trip to Copenhagen. Once you’re done shopping, you can easily jump on the metro and head back to the ship. And if you didn’t come by public transit, there are hop-on hop-off bus stops just outside the store as well.

See the Little Mermaid

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

If you’re in the area and you have some time left before having to go back to the ship, you may want to stop by the Little Mermaid. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale, the bronze statue has been sitting on that rock at Langelinie Pier since 1913. Throughout the years she has faced multiple acts of vandalism, but was always restored. Although she is one of the most popular attractions in Copenhagen, don’t get your hopes up! The Little Mermaid is tiny, and always surrounded by tourists.

And if you still have some time left after visiting the Little Mermaid, you may also want to see Kastellet. This 17th century pentagon-shaped fortress is one of the best preserved in Northern Europe. Kastellet is located just steps away from the Little Mermaid, and it is free to enter the grounds and stroll around. However, you can’t go inside the buildings as they are currently used for military purposes.

Copenhagen Card

If you’ll be in Copenhagen overnight, you may consider purchasing the Copenhagen Card. There are two options to choose from:

  • Discover: gives you access to 80+ attractions and public transit (including to and from the airport).
  • Hop: gives you access to 40+ attractions in the city center and all lines of Stromma’s hop-on hop-off buses.

For cruise passengers, I recommend the hop version as it features the hop-on hop-off buses. However, both cards have a canal tour included, and are similarly priced.

It is important to keep in mind that you can only have one admission per attraction. For example, you can only go on a canal tour once. If you enjoyed it, you do not have to option to forgo entry to a museum for a second canal tour.

If you’re using the hop-on hop-off buses, make sure to check the company name on the bus. Tickets for one company won’t allow you on another. However tickets for one company may allow you on different lines run by the same company.

When it comes to the canal tours, the Copenhagen Card only gives you access to the Stromma tours. Make sure to look for the Stromma boats as you won’t be able to board boats from other companies, and there are numerous companies operating canal tours in Copenhagen.

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

These have been my tips on what to do on a cruise stop in Copenhagen. If you found them useful, bookmark the page for later reference. Additionally, I also have this related article on Things not Worth Seeing in Copenhagen on a Short Trip .

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Cheap Transportation to Copenhagen Passenger Cruise Terminals

Public transportation is the cheapest way to travel to the passenger boat cruise terminals in Copenhagen from the airport, station, or downtown. Self-guided port day excursions are easy and cheap by walking or using buses in Copenhagen.

Copenhagen Port

Getting to the cruise terminals in Copenhagen is cheap and simple on public transportation from the city center, central train station, and the airport. It is also very easy and cheap to use public transportation to explore Copenhagen on cruise port days at a fraction of the price of cruise excursion tours. Taxis are a sensible option when arriving or departing with luggage but luggage transfer services from the airport are worth exploring for a baggage-free day of sightseeing in Copenhagen. From some terminals, it is simple to walk or cycle to the city. Hop On Hop Off buses call at the cruise terminals when passenger ships are in port. Uber and similar ride-share services do not operate in Denmark but private transfers are of course easily booked in advance . Get Your Guide often has tours aimed at cruise boat passengers but at far lower prices than the official shore excursions, while private tours are easy to adapt to the needs of boat passengers.

Public Transportation to Copenhagen Cruise Terminals

Copenhagen Cruise Ships

Public transportation is fairly simple and cheap to use to the various cruise terminals and ports in Copenhagen.

Copenhagen has four major passenger ship cruise terminals:

  • Oceanskaj (Ocean Quay) – the largest cruise terminal, the furthest from the city and the main port used for cruises that start or terminate in Copenhagen.
  • Langelinie – just to the north of the city center with walking into the city a possible option.
  • Nordre Toldbod – very close to the city with walking a very pleasant option.
  • Ferry terminal for Oslo – see Transportation to the DFDS Oslo Ferry Terminal in Copenhagen for details. Ferries to Malmo no longer operate but the Helsingor-Helsingborg ferry remains popular and practical.

There are fairly limited facilities at the various cruise terminals in Copenhagen. It is generally not that pleasant to arrive much too early as there is very little to do, especially when weighed down by luggage.

Copenhagen Skyline

Public transportation tickets are valid for all forms of Copenhagen transportation – buses, harbor boat buses, trains, and metro trains – and allow for unlimited transfers during the period of validity. A DKK24 (two-zone) ticket is valid for 1h15 and covers transportation from any cruise terminal to central Copenhagen. A DKK36 (three-zone) ticket covers transportation all the way to the airport and is valid for 90 minutes from time of purchase. Single tickets need no further validation but must be shown to bus drivers when boarding buses. Tickets are available from vending machines at stations (cash or credit card) or from bus drivers (cash only).

From Copenhagen Airport to Cruise Terminals

Copenhagen Airport Transportation Signs

Traveling from Copenhagen Airport to the various cruise terminals on public transportation is fairly simple, fast, and relatively cheap. A three-zone ticket – DKK36 – covers all forms of public transportation from the airport to any of the terminals.

The fastest and simplest option is to take the metro or train from Copenhagen Airport to downtown Copenhagen and then change to the bus or walk. The main transfer stations are Kongs Nytorv (metro lines 3 (red / circle) and 4 (blue) and at Nørreport (regular trains, buses, taxis).

If traveling directly to the terminal with luggage, a taxi may be worth the splurge but expect to pay around DKK500 – the fare is by the meter unless pre-booked and pre-paid. Alternatively, shave around DKK250 off the taxi fare by taking the metro to Nørreport station and continue from there to the boat by taxi. (Taxis wait at the airport, main station, and Nørreport station but at most other stations it would be necessary to call a taxi.)

Cruise shuttle buses are often available for transfers but may not necessarily be cheaper than taxis and never as cheap as public transportation. Prebooked transfers add comfort but like taxis are not cheap in Copenhagen.

See Cheap Transportation to Copenhagen Airport for more details.

Public Transportation to Ocean Quay Cruise Terminal

Copenhagen Oceankaj

Most cruises departing or terminating in Copenhagen use the purpose-built Ocean Quay (Oceankaj) cruise terminals to the north of the city. The area is perfectly safe but a bit windswept and desolate with a lot of dusty building activity in the region. Distances are too far to walk to Nordhavn train station and Orientkaj metro station (45 minutes) and cycling here is not particularly pleasant, even if there is a Bycyklen city bike rental station at the terminal.

Fortunately, public bus 164 stops directly at the Oceanskaj terminal. Take metro line 4 (blue on maps) to Orientkaj (final stop) and then continue from here by bus 164. During the cruise high season, there are often further bus services from Oceanskaj to Nørreport Station, which is the best option for walking into the town center, or for transfers to more buses, trains, and the metro.

NCL Norwegian Star in Copenhagen

Preferably, buy tickets at Town Shop or machines in the terminal before boarding the bus at the cruise terminal.

To reach Ocean Quay cruise terminal from the airport, the simplest option is to take the metro from the airport to Kongs Nytowrv, change here to metro line 4 to Orientkaj, from where bus 164 connects to Oceanskaj terminal. Thus bus runs around three times per hour, the metro every few minutes. Total traveling time is around 45 minutes but note that some walking will be required during metro changes.

A taxi from the airport to Oceankaj is by the meter – expect to pay around DKK500. A taxi from Nørreport station to the Oceankaj cruise terminal should be around DKK250.

Public Transportation to Langelinie Cruise Terminal in Copenhagen

Viking Sea in Copenhagen

From Langelinie quay, it is easy to walk to the Little Mermaid statue and then on to the city center of Copenhagen. It is around 5 minutes walk to the Little Mermaid, another 5 minutes to Nordre Toldbod, and then 10 minutes more to the city center – a pleasant walk along the waterfront or through the Kastellet fort.

The easiest public transportation option is bus 27 from Østerport station but use only buses with Langelinie as the final destination. (Buses with Færgeterminal Søndre Frihavn as final destination follow a different route and do not stop at Langelinie — this is a change from previous practice.)

Three to four buses per hour run on the route with the stops on Langelinie the closest to the boats. Some buses do not run along Langelinie – ask the driver when boarding – in such case use the Indiakaj stop, which is about a block from the start of the Langelinie dock.

Wind Surf in Copenhagen

Østerport station is around 15 minutes walk from Langelinie – not the most picturesque part of the city but perfectly safe for walking. A taxi from Nørreport station should be around DKK125.

To reach Langelinie from the airport, the simplest option is to take the regular train to Østerport and continue on bus 27. Traveling time is around 40 minutes. A further option that might be a few minutes faster but requires more walking, is the metro to Kongs Nytorv, change to Metro M3 or M4 for Østerport. A taxi from the airport should cost around DKK350 – more in heavy traffic.


Public Transportation to Nordre Toldbod Cruise Terminal in Copenhagen

MS Europa at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen

Nordre Toldbod is the closest to central Copenhagen of all the passenger ship terminals. It is mostly used by smaller and luxurious ship lines that stopover in Copenhagen for day excursions and thus transporting luggage is less of an issue.

Nordre Tolbod is directly next to the Kastellet fort to the immediate north of central Copenhagen. From here, it is a pleasant ten-minute stroll along the waterfront to Amalienborg or Nyhavn, or a few minutes walk northwards to the Little Mermaid statue .

Following the opening of the new metro circle line in September 2019, no buses run in this part of Copenhagen. The closest metro station is Marmorkirke — less than a kilometer away.

MS Europa and Little Mermaid in Copenhagen

To reach Nordre Toldbod from the airport, use the metro to Kongs Nytorv and change to Metro M3 or M4 for Marmorkirke or Østerport station. (Simply walking from Kongs Nytorv is also a good option and passes by the popular Nyhavn area and Amalienborg .)

A taxi from the airport should cost around DKK350 – more in heavy traffic. A taxi from Kongs Nytorv station should be around DKK125.

Cheap Self-Made Shore Excursions in Copenhagen

Thezinker in Copenhagen

It is easy and cheap to use local buses and trains for sightseeing in Copenhagen on the day before or after a cruise or on port days.

Bus 26, which used to be ideal for self-made Copenhagen bus tours changed its route following the opening of the new metro circle line. Using the bus to Østerport station and then continue by metro is now the simpler option.

From Østerport, use the metro in the direction of Kongs Nytorv, the following stops are handy for sightseeing:

  • Østerport station: SMK National Gallery and Rosenborg Palace .
  • Marmorkirke: Marble Church, Design Museum , Amalienborg Royal Palace and Museum , and Medical Museion .
  • Kongs Nytorv: Nyhavn, Strøget pedestrian street and the metro to the airport .
  • Gammel Strand: Christiansborg , National Museum of Denmark , Thorvaldsens Museum , old town center (Royal Copenhagen shop)
  • Rådhuspladsen: Townhall, Copenhagen Museum , Tivoli , Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek , and Stroget pedestrian street
  • Kobenhavn K: Hovedbanegården (central station), Tivoli
  • Frederiksberg Allé: Frederiksberg Gardens, Palace, and Zoo .

Hop On Hop Off buses are useful alternatives and call directly at cruise terminals when passenger ships are in port. Private guided tours and group tours are also easy to arrange a great alternative to the more than 30 shore excursion buses that often line up at Langelinie when large boats are in port.

Left Luggage Lockers and Bag Transfers

Copenhagen Luggage Service makes it possible to check luggage in at the airport for transfers to accommodation or even cruise ships and enjoy the day in Copenhagen without luggage. This service is also available for luggage delivery to the airport. Combining this service with public transportation is often cheaper than using a taxi plus the advantage of being able to spend the day in the city without having to drag luggage along.

Many shops in tourist areas do left-luggage storage for a small fee – look for the left luggage signs or book online in advance. Lockers are also available at the airport and main station. During the main cruise season, further luggage transfer services are often available to allow cruisers a bag-free day pre- and post-cruise.

Henk Bekker in armor

About the author:

Henk Bekker

Henk Bekker is a freelance travel writer with over 20 years of experience writing online. He is particularly interested in history, art, and culture. He has lived most of his adult life in Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark. In addition to European-Traveler.com , he also owns a travel website on the Lake Geneva region of Switzerland and maintains statistical websites on car sales and classic car auction prices . Henk holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and an MSc in Development Finance from the University of London.

langelinie cruise terminal copenhagen

Home » Denmark » Cheap Transportation to Copenhagen Passenger Cruise Terminals

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  1. Cruise Port Guide Copenhagen

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  1. Getting to and from the cruise terminals

    Copenhagen has three cruise terminals: Langelinie, Nordre Toldbod and Ocean Quay. Here, you will find useful information on how to get to and from the three cruise terminals in order to reach Copenhagen Airport, Copenhagen Central Station and Copenhagen City Center.

  2. Port of Copenhagen

    Most ships that visit Copenhagen during a cruise are berthed at Langelinie , a pier just north of the Little Mermaid and about 4 km or 2.5 miles from Tivoli and the main railroad station. (Large ships that are beginning or ending a cruise in Copenhagen are likely to use the newer Freeport Cruise Terminal, which is in an industrial harbor area ...

  3. Copenhagen Cruise Port Information

    There is no terminal building at Langelinie Pier, but the quay offers a small visitor information center, shops, cafes, ATMs and currency exchange. Nordre Tolbod is another small quay that has...

  4. Kopenhagen

    Kopenhagen verfügt über drei Kreuzfahrtterminals, den Langelinie Quay, den Ocean Quay (Oceankaj) und den Nordre Toldbod Cruise Terminal. Hier erfahren Sie, welche Kreuzfahrtschiffe derzeit in Kopenhagen sind bzw. in den nächsten Tagen die Stadt anlaufen und wo sie anlegen werden (Hinweis: "Copenhagen" und "Cruise ships only" markieren).

  5. Copenhagen (Denmark) cruise port schedule

    Copenhagen-Oceankaj (Free Port) cruise terminals. Port Copenhagen has 3 cruise ship terminals - Freeport Terminals (Malmo Port), Langelinie Terminal, and Nordre Toldbod Terminal. Free Port Cruise Terminal is in an industrial harbor area located north of downtown. It is used by major cruise line ships and has fast food kiosks, cafes ...

  6. Kreuzfahrthafen: Kopenhagen (Dänemark)

    Die meisten Kreuzfahrtschiffe laufen die Terminals Langelinie Pier und Oceankaj an. Die Anlegestellen Langlinie und Nordre befinden sich in der Nähe des Schloss Amalienborg und des Stadtteils Nyhavn. Für kleinere Kreuzfahrtschiffe gibt es das Nordre Toldbod Terminal.

  7. Transportation to and from the cruise terminals

    Copenhagen has three cruise terminals: Langelinie, Nordre Toldbod, and Ocean Quay. Please click here to find out which cruise terminal your guests will arrive at. Use this journey planner for an accessible overview and detailed information on your guests' trip with public transportation in Copenhagen.

  8. Copenhagen Cruise Terminal

    Contact your travel professional or your cruise line directly for information.You can take a taxi from the airport to Langelinie, which will take approximately 25 minutes and cost about DKK 250 (EUR 33) depending on traffic.You can take public transportation. Trains leave every 20 minutes from the arrival hall in Terminal 3. It takes 12 minutes to reach Copenhagen Central Station. From there ...

  9. Copenhagen Cruise Port Guide

    Langelinie Pier closer to the city center is still used, but mainly for ship visits versus turnarounds. Previously used piers at Freeport Terminal include Levantkaj and Orientkaj are being redeveloped as a new city district. https://byoghavn.dk/nordhavn/ Official port cruise schedule - http://www.cmport.com/ships-in-port/cruise-ships.

  10. DIE 10 BESTEN Kopenhagen Langelinie Kreuzfahrtterminal Touren

    418 Bewertungen. Als eines von drei Kreuzfahrthafen-Terminals in Kopenhagen bietet Ihnen das Langelinie Cruise Terminal einfachen Zugang zu den Palästen, Museen und Parks der dänischen Hauptstadt. Jedes Jahr gehen in Kopenhagen mehr als 300 Kreuzfahrtschiffe vor Anker, die aus Zielen wie dem Baltikum, St. Petersburg und Grönland stammen.

  11. Langelinie Kreuzfahrtterminal. Aktivitäten 2024

    Die Grundlagen. Vom Langelinie Cruise Terminal aus können Sie die Stadt mit einem Hop-On-Hop-Off-Bus erkunden. auf einer Wander- oder Segway-Tour; oder auf einer Kanalrundfahrt. Die Touren führen normalerweise zur Statue der kleinen Meerjungfrau, einem der meistfotografierten Wahrzeichen Kopenhagens. das Schloss Amalienborg aus dem 18.

  12. Copenhagen Denmark Cruise Port

    You can take a short walk from Langelinie Pier to see the Little Mermaid statue or Amalienborg Palace. Langelinie's promenade is lined with plenty of shops, casual cafes and more. Cruise schedule and which dock will be used. Or download the whole year in Excel. Map of the different cruise terminals.

  13. Copenhagen cruise port

    The Port of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP), offers three cruise quays in Copenhagen: Ocean Quay, Langelinie, and Nordre Toldbod, which you can find detailed information about below. For berth reservations, prices, etc., we recommend getting in touch with Copenhagen Malmö Port or our local port agencies.

  14. Copenhagen from a Cruise Ship: Best 37 Shore Excursions from Ocean Quay

    The Langelinie Cruise Port Terminal is located in the heart of Copenhagen, right on the waterfront, and the smaller commercial cruise ships dock here. This terminal is also modern and well-equipped, boasting a variety of amenities and services for travelers. The port offers direct access to many popular tourist attractions such as ...

  15. Copenhagen Cruise Port Guide

    Langelinie Pier 190-198 is located only 3.5 km/2.2 miles away from the city center and it's normally used by smaller cruise ships. There is no cruise terminal building here but there are several souvenir shops, a few cafes, and a Tourist information center.

  16. Copenhagen Cruise Port

    °C °F. Weather. Where is located the Port of Copenhagen Cruise Terminal. Copenhagen offers two large port facilities. The first, more widely visited by ships making day calls, is Langelinie Pier about 2.4 km from the centre of the city.

  17. Cruise Port Guide Copenhagen

    This is the Langelinie pier. This is a common spot for the ships to dock, but there are also several other options. The langelinie pier has facilities like a mobile tourist information point at the pier, souvenir shops, hop on hop off bus and public transportation around the corner. View from the Copenhagen Ocean Kaj.

  18. Langelinie Cruise Terminal

    Langelinie Cruise Terminal. Copenhagen, 2100. Overview. Tours & Tickets. The Basics. From Langelinie Cruise Terminal you can explore the city by hop-on hop-off bus; on a walking or Segway tour; or on a canal cruise.

  19. How do I get to and from the cruise terminals?

    If the bus is marked "Langelinjekaj", it will take you to Langelinje Quay and Nordre Toldbod. More info on transport to and from the cruise terminals. You will need a two-zone ticket, which costs DKK 24. You must buy the ticket at the station before entering train or metro. More on zones and tickets. Get Social:

  20. Cruises Copenhagen

    Ocean Quay. Langelinie. Nordre Toldbod. Quay No. 331, 332 and 333. Water depth. 10,5 m. Quay length. Approx. 1,100 m. Capacity. Max. LOA unlimited. Max. draft 10.2 m. Terminal contacts. Commercial contact. Luis de Carvalho. Commercial Cruise Director. +45 22 21 01 31.

  21. What to do on a Cruise Stop in Copenhagen

    Actually, Copenhagen has three ports: Langelinie, Oceankaj and Nordre Toldbod. If you stop at the Langelinie Cruise Terminal, you're in luck. You're only a short walk away from the Little Mermaid and tons of other attractions. This is not so much a terminal, but more of a long quay with plenty of shops nearby.

  22. Langelinie Cruise Terminal, Copenhagen

    656 reviews. As one of three cruise port terminals in Copenhagen, Langelinie Cruise Terminal offers you easy access to the palaces, museums, and parks of Denmark's capital city. Each year, more than 300 cruise ships—hailing from destinations such as the Baltics, St. Petersburg, and Greenland—drop anchor in Copenhagen. Learn more.

  23. Cheap Transportation to Copenhagen Passenger Cruise Terminals

    Copenhagen has four major passenger ship cruise terminals: Oceanskaj (Ocean Quay) - the largest cruise terminal, the furthest from the city and the main port used for cruises that start or terminate in Copenhagen. Langelinie - just to the north of the city center with walking into the city a possible option.