Life in Germany

Work and travel Germany jobs: Summer jobs for students from abroad in Germany

germany travel jobs

Work and Travel Germany jobs: Students from all countries worldwide are allowed to work for up to 90 days per year in vacation jobs in Germany. Typically those positions are summer jobs in sales, production, agriculture, cleaning, and other service areas. German language skills are not required.

Work and Travel Germany jobs: who can participate?

In case you are a student with an EU or EFTA citicenship you are allowed to work at any time in Germany . The following information on work and travel Germany is only valid for citicens of non-EU -countries:

In Germany, there is a program called ‘Ferienbeschäftigung für ausländische Studierende’ which can be roughly compared to a Work and Travel program. You may also call it vacation job . It comes with a temporary work permit for Germany for up to 90 days.

Students from all over the world can participate in this program. Your citizenship / nationality does not matter. German language skills are not required.

However you need to fulfill only the following criteria in any case:

  • You must be enrolled as a student at a university. It does not matter in which country, however it must be an accredited university in this country.
  • Participants must be older than 18 and younger than 35 years of age.
  • You only can work in Germany during official semester breaks of your university.

Work and Travel Jobs in Germany: Test your knowledge

Welcome to our quiz on the topic of Work and Travel jobs in Germany! Discover how well you know about the opportunities, requirements, and challenges of working and traveling in Germany. Are you ready to test your knowledge and learn something new about this exciting experience? Start now!

How to start Work and Travel Germany

There are three ways how you can start your work and travel Germany:

1. Use help of a specialized agency

In many countries there are well-established agencies providing full service to organize your Work and Travel Germany. They charge a fee of somewhere between 200 and 500 Euros.

If you decide for such an agency ensure that the agency fulfills the following:

  • Check for the rating of the agency on Google Maps or other rating portals
  • Read the draft contract carefully
  • Go sure that the agency has a number of employers to work with in Germany
  • Pay only as soon as you have a confirmation for your job

We are currently preparing a service on how to find a suitable agency in your home country. Subscribe to our newsletter in order to get updates on this.

2. Register yourself

You can start your participation of Work and Travel without an agency by directly sending your documents to the German Federal Employment Agency. Here you will find the central registration service for all participants. Registration here is mandatory for all non-EU participants and each agency would use this service, too.

If you feel confident enough to register your own you ma go ahead doing so here . For some countries the German Employment Agency collaborates with fixed partners – you will find this information on the page mentioned.

The Federal Employment Agency will present you one or more options to work in in Germany after they have checked your documents. From here you also get more information on how to proceed with visa etc.

3. Apply via a company

In case you already have contacts to a company in Germany that wants to employ you it is possible to initiate the process via the company. The German employer contacts the Federal Employment Agency and names you as the person to fill the position. Nevertheless you need to send your documents to the Federal Employment Agency.

This solution has the advantage that you get support by a German company and you will get a position that fully suits to your interests.

Application deadline

Regardless which of the three potential options mentioned above you choose: Please note that there is an application deadline of January 31 of the ongoing year. In case you want to participate in the work and travel program 2023 you need to have finished your application until January 31.

In case you have missed this deadline: You can give it a try anyway by applying directly at the German Federal Employment Agency. Maybe you are lucky and they accept your late application.

Facts and figures

  • Germany is a popular destination for Work and Travel participants, with over 300,000 individuals taking part in the program each year.
  • Work and Travel programs in Germany are available to citizens of countries outside the European Union, such as Australia, Canada, and the United States.
  • Participants in the Work and Travel program have the opportunity to immerse themselves in German culture and improve their language skills.
  • The most common industries for Work and Travel jobs in Germany include tourism, hospitality, agriculture, and seasonal work.
  • Work and Travel jobs in Germany typically last for a period of 3 to 12 months, depending on the individual's visa and employment contract.
  • Many Work and Travel participants choose to explore different cities and regions in Germany during their free time, allowing them to discover the country's rich history, culture, and natural beauty.

Frequently asked questions on Work and Travel Germany

Will there be summer jobs for students in germany in 2023.

Absolutely. There is a very high demand of students to work in Germany in 2023. There is a shortage of workers in all industries in Germany like tourism, sales, production, agriculture, housekeeping.

Which German skills do I need for summer jobs in Germany?

Most of the summer jobs do not require any German skills. However: The more German you speak the better the jobs you may get. And the better you may feel in a foreign country. We recommend to try to reach level A1/A2 before you start. In case you reach level B1 you can work in several jobs with higher salary. The more German you have the more you can negotiate on your hourly salary.

When can I take over a vacation job in Germany as a student?

The program runs the whole year and you can apply at any time. However there is a deadline of January 31 for summer jobs. Note that you can only work in Germany during periods in which your university also has an official semester break. Usually, most students use the long summer break to participate. But you can also take advantage of shorter semester breaks of 1-2 weeks.

What is the advantage to do Work and Travel in Germany compared to other countries?

In Germany the Work and Travel program is highly controlled by the German authorities. This means that applicants always have a high protection. Being employed foreign students have the same rights and obligations as German employees. Another advantage of working in Germany is the high amount of available jobs, the geographic location, and the high level of living as well as salary.

Student work in Germany: How much can you earn with Work and Travel in Germany?

A statutory minimum wage of 12 euros has been in force in Germany since October 1, 2022. Students from abroad can expect to get paid on minimum wage level or above. In some industries like restaurant business or tourism there are additional benefits such as tips or shares of tips, free meals or free accommodation. Work and Travel participants can work up to 40 hours per week. A maximum of 90 days can be worked per year being a foreign student. Students who work for 90 days on holiday, working 9 hours a day (Monday to Friday) and earning the minimum wage can earn up to around 4,500 euros in this time span. When you receive your employment contract, the employer will tell you exactly how high your earnings are. Please note that this income is a gross income: you may have to pay taxes on it in Germany or your home country. You must clarify yourself how high these taxes are and how they are to be paid.

In which areas can I work during my holiday job?

There are no restrictions as well as in regard to the region nor the industry. Usually jobs for foreign students are offered in restaurants and hotels (kitchen, service, bar), in service (sales, cleaning, etc.), in agriculture (harvest assistant, tractor operator, processing) or at an assembly line (production of machines and other goods).

Can I stay in Germany after my holiday job?

Having finished your vacation job you must return to your home country usually. If you are an EU citizen – or if you do not need a visa to stay in Germany for other reasons – you might stay in Germany. Please consult a German embassy or consulate for details. If you like to stay in Germany after your vacation job you may consider the following options: directly find a job , start studies , start an apprenticeship , do an internship , begin a FSJ or to become an Au pair .

germany travel jobs

Work and Travel Germany jobs: How much money can I earn?

Example calculation for the income.

  • Minimum salary in Germany is around 12.00 Euro per hour depending on business sector, region and company. You may negotiate with your employer about the salary. Do not be shy to start negotiating with around 15 Euros per hour.
  • Maximum work hours per day in Germany are 8 hours
  • Maximum work hours per week in Germany are 48 hours
  • In some cases higher maximum work hours per day and per week might be possible according to the law
  • Based on these regulations the companies will negotiate concrete salary, work hours per day, and work hours per week with the the particiapant in the program
  • If a student works from June 1 to August 30 (90 days), would work each week for 6 days and would earn 12.00 Euros per hour this would mean a gross salary of around 2,300 Euros per month. Detailed salary depends from the conditions of your employer.
  • From this gross salary participants need to deduct costs for manadory insurances, taxes etc. In any case you can expect net earnings of somewhere around 1,500 Euros or more per month.

Example calculation for spendatures

During the work and travel program Germany participants need to expect spendatures. These are inter alia:

  • Taxes on income, if you are liable to tax
  • Costs for visas: Approx. 35-80 Euro, plus costs for travel (2x) to and from the German Embassy, plus costs for copies, certifications etc.
  • Contributions to German pension insurance if employment lasts longer than 60 days
  • Costs for travel from your home country to Germany and back (flights to Germany are as cheap as approximately 200 to 1,000 Euros for both directions together, depending on your region, airline and other aspects)
  • Costs for your accommodation in Germany (if not provided free of charge by the employer). According to our experience students should calculate with around 200-250 Euro per month for accommodation.
  • Costs for your meals in Germany (if not provided free of charge by the employer). According to our experience students should calculate with around 300-400 Euro per month for food and meals.
  • Possible costs for local public transport in Germany (approx. 60-100 Euro per month)
  • Costs of insurance for Germany, in particular international health insurance, which also includes and covers gainful employment

Work and Travel Suitability Test

In order to determine if a Work and Travel job in Germany is suitable for you, please answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will help assess your personal suitability and readiness for this unique opportunity.

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Work and Travel in Germany

Help us grow. share what you know about getting work in germany for travellers., volunteer and paid work opportunities in germany for travellers.

Germany is not only a fairytale landscape of castles, dark forests, and sloshing steins of beer. It also happens to be one of the most dynamic economies in the international market, giving working travellers a wide range of job opportunities as a foreigner. Diverse and fast-paced, Germany above all other European countries is known to be super friendly towards backpackers and ex-pats. Germany’s diversity creates a variety of work and travel opportunities, which means you likely have at least one skill that can be matched to a prospective host. Here are a few examples, and read on below to find out even more about working and traveller in this jewel in Europe’s crown. 1. Work in a Bar or Club in Berlin Berlin is the capital, the most visited tourist centre in the country, and therefore the best starting point to begin your work and travel adventure in Germany. It isn’t necessary to have a handle on speaking German in Berlin, and your native English skills will be an asset towards getting hired in one of the many bars, clubs, or entertainment venues catering to nightlife tourists. Bartender, server, bouncer - if you’ve gone through the process of getting a working visa you will certainly get paid a living wage working in one of these venues. 2. Restoration Projects in the countryside Germans are committed to ecologically sound methods of restoration, so if you have any knowledge of permaculture, upcycling, or other sustainable forms of restoration, you’ll find plenty of projects looking to fix up old farmhouses, castles, or historic watermills. The German people are generally pretty open to new ideas and concepts, so, likely, you won’t meet much resistance testing out your wild new plan for a solar water heater! 3. Au Pair/Childcare Many German couples both work full-time while raising their children, so they often need to hire live-in aid to help with daily chores, pet care, and child-rearing. This is where your skills in teaching English or experience in the hospitality industry will come to good use.


Sweden is part of the European Union (EU) and part of the Schengen Zone. That means your Schengen visa will apply to the whole of the area. You can spend a total of 90 days in the entire area before having to leave for a minimum of 90 days. This applies to all nationalities, apart from residents of the EU, who can stay and work indefinitely. British Citizens, North Americans, the Japanese, South Koreans, Australians, and Kiwis can obtain this visa for free when they arrive. However, Russians and South Africans have to apply for a Schengen visa in advance.


Spring work.

Farms, especially organic and small-holding farms, are very common in Germany these days. You can almost immediately find volunteer roles to fill in early spring on farms looking for general or specific help with vegetables or animals. Mending fences, planting nut trees, painting outbuildings, repairing tables and chairs - these are all skills that can be put to use when farms are starting up in spring.


Most German families go on longer-term vacations during the summer months, so this is the high season for au pairing and childcare. Wages tend to be slightly lower, but accommodation and food are usually included as au pairs live with host families, looking after the children and perform basic domestic duties such as cleaning, so your wage can go towards saving up for your next adventure. Summer is the time to snap up the fruit harvest roles, which will often continue into the beginning of the autumn.

Germany is rife with universities, so autumn is the time to head to the student-centred cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Leipzig. You can find work in cafes, bars, clubs, or retail shops, and since most young urban people in Germany speak English, you can also spend the time practising and improving your German language skills. It’s even worth it to look into working for some universities themselves, since vacancies for dorm cleaners or cafeteria workers will be at their highest in autumn.

Like many central and northern European countries, Germans have plenty of ski resorts, which cater to backpackers looking to fill cleaning, cooking, and ski instructor roles. Head to Bavaria in late autumn or early winter to get the choice positions.  Historic architecture tourism doesn’t slow down much in Germany during the winter, so you can either find hospitality work or stay on in areas with historic castles, as many couples like to travel here during the holiday season or around Valentine’s Day for romantic getaways.


As mentioned earlier, Germany has emerged from its dark past as one of the most progressive and diverse countries in the world, so you should have zero problems being accepted as a foreigner looking to work and travel here, even in the rural regions.  Add this to the high English literacy rate, and you’ll find that Germany is one of the best places in the world for a skilled backpacker. So, you’ve read through this all, how about you now start to get ready to work and travel in Germany?

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  • Job listings

A multitude of job advertisements and offers for vocational training are waiting for you in our job exchange. Find the job that suits you the most.

  • Working in Germany

Find the job that suits you

  • Baden-Württemberg (4,640)
  • Bavaria (4,465)
  • Berlin (786)
  • Brandenburg (862)
  • Bremen (573)
  • Hamburg (527)
  • Hesse (2,110)
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (602)
  • Lower Saxony (2,144)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia (4,094)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate (1,248)
  • the Saarland (340)
  • Saxony (1,507)
  • Saxony-Anhalt (683)
  • Schleswig-Holstein (825)
  • Thuringia (897)
  • All federal states (22,459)
  • Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education (6,845)
  • Occupations in construction, architecture, surveying and technical building services (2,057)
  • Occupations in traffic, logistics, safety and security (1,408)
  • Occupations in agriculture, forestry, farming, and gardening (263)
  • Occupations in business organisation, accounting, law and administration (1,710)
  • Occupations in commercial services, trading, sales, the hotel business and tourism (3,499)
  • Occupations in production of raw materials and goods, and manufacturing (5,260)
  • Occupations in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, economics, media, art, culture, and design (402)
  • Occupations in natural sciences, geography and informatics (1,015)

Important informations

Depending on your country of origin, different requirements may apply to you for taking up employment in Germany. Our Quick-Check allows you to find out about available options in Germany. If you happen to meet the requirements, you may look for employment on our job listings..

Where do the jobs on Make it in Germany come from?

The vacancies are from the job board (Jobsuche) of the Federal Employment Agency ( Bundesagentur für Arbeit – BA). Employers whose vacancies can be found on Make it in Germany have agreed to them being published on the website. Hence, they gladly accept applications by skilled workers from abroad.

Please note that the job vacancies are listed in the language in which employers originally submitted them to the BA. Currently,  majority  of the  job vacancies  are listed in  German .

Our job listings include jobs for which you generally need an academic or professional qualification, i. e. a university degree or vocational training certificate. Work that does not require qualifications, such as helping activities or seasonal workers, as well as temporary work are excluded here.

How to use our job listings

You have different options to look for vacancies according to your profession.

  • Search bar:  You can enter the most accurate term into the search bar (e. g. “engineer” or “nurse”). The search engine is currently optimised for search queries in German . Queries in other languages (English, French, Spanish) will currently only work to a limited extend . Please enter the German job title into the search bar and click on the “Find jobs” button. A list of all vacancies matching your query will be shown. You can also filter your search by federal state and sector by using the categories on the right-hand side to focus on a specific region or industry.
  • Professions in demand: “Professions in demand“ are professions in which skilled workers are particularly needed in Germany (e. g. engineers, physicians, etc.). Please click on the respective profession to launch a query for that specific profession it. For example, if you clicked on “IT specialist” you will get search results with current vacancies for IT specialists.
  • Job search via professional fields (sectors) : You can also submit your query filtered by professional fields (sectors). To do so, please select the box with the professional field that suits you the most. For example, you may select “ Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education ” to look for vacancies in the nursing sector.

You can refine your search results by further specifying the professional field you are looking for. Please use the options on the left-hand side (e.g. select the subcategory “ Medical and health care occupations” ) for that.

Filter options for your search results:

You can filter and further specify the search results by using the “ Type of employment contract “, “ Working time model ”, “ Type of job offer ” and “ Qualifications ” filters. For example, the “Type of job offer” filter allows you to choose between “Salaried employment”, “Self-employed activity”, “Internship/Traineeship” or “Apprenticeship”.

Moreover, the search results can be sorted by publication date (immediacy of vacancies) and relevance (relevance of search term within the job advertisement).

If you wish to know more about a vacancy, please click on the “ View details ” button to see the full job description. The “Back to the overview of open job listings“ button takes you back to the initial overview of your search results.

Save, share and print vacancies:

You can save individual vacancies by clicking on the heart symbol on the right-hand side of each vacancy. Each vacancy will be saved in a list for you. For this purpose, a cookie is set in your browser.  When accessing the website at a later point in time, you can re-access your saved vacancies under “ Saved jobs ”.

After accessing the full job description, you can print it out by clicking on the “ Print “ button. The “ Share ” button allows you to share the vacancy either on your Facebook or Twitter feed or via WhatsApp or e-mail .

Do you have any questions concerning your job search?

Please use our advisory service specially tailored to professionals from abroad. The advisors will answer your personal questions relating to working and your career in Germany and help you on your professional way to Germany. Contact us via the chat or send an e-mail to [email protected] . Additionally, you can get advice in German and English via the “Working and Living in Germany” hotline . Please call +49 30 1815-1111.

We wish you the best of luck for your job search!

Professions in demand:

  • Nursing professionals
  • IT specialist
  • Craftspeople

Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education

Occupations in construction, architecture, surveying and technical building services

Occupations in traffic, logistics, safety and security

Occupations in agriculture, forestry, farming, and gardening

Occupations in business organisation, accounting, law and administration

Occupations in commercial services, trading, sales, the hotel business and tourism

Occupations in production of raw materials and goods, and manufacturing

Occupations in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, economics, media, art, culture, and design

Occupations in natural sciences, geography and informatics

Current jobs in Germany

Master plumber and heating engineer.

Personalberatung Bofinger GmbH

  • Köln (North Rhine-Westphalia), München (Bavaria), Frankfurt am Main (Hesse), Berlin, Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia), Leipzig (Saxony)
  • Jun 12, 2024
  • Occupations in plumping, sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning

Bookmark Job View details


Aricare Betreuung GmbH

  • Enger, Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Lemgo (North Rhine-Westphalia), Altenbeken (North Rhine-Westphalia), Bad Salzuflen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Halle (Westfalen) (North Rhine-Westphalia), Hövelhof (North Rhine-Westphalia), Bünde (North Rhine-Westphalia), Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia), Verl (North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Occupations in housekeeping and consumer counselling

Technician - heating, ventilation, air conditioning technology

  • Krefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Freiburg im Breisgau (Baden-Württemberg)

Technician - Electrical Engineering (without focus)

  • Occupations in electrical engineering
  • Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia), Bünde (North Rhine-Westphalia), Bad Salzuflen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Verl (North Rhine-Westphalia), Enger, Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Halle (Westfalen) (North Rhine-Westphalia), Hövelhof (North Rhine-Westphalia), Lemgo (North Rhine-Westphalia), Altenbeken (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Operating technician

Klaus-Dieter Heine HEINE - DIE Arbeitsvermittlung

  • Spremberg, Niederlausitz (Brandenburg)
  • Occupations in machine-building and -operating

Industrial electrician - operating technology

  • Guben (Brandenburg)
  • Technical occupations in energy technologies
  • Krausnick-Groß Wasserburg (Brandenburg)
  • Cooking occupations

Welder - construction technology

  • Luckau, Niederlausitz (Brandenburg)
  • Occupations in metal constructing and welding

Construction equipment operator

  • Lübben (Spreewald) (Brandenburg)
  • Drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment

Roofer - specialization roof, wall and waterproofing technology

Dachsysteme Rudolph GmbH

  • Leipzig (Saxony)
  • Jun 11, 2024
  • Occupations in building construction

Do you have any further questions about applications and job search? The Federal Employment Agency (BA) provides you with personal support on all topics regarding working in Germany. Find out about your options and get personal feedback on your individual opportunities on the German labour market.

Go to contact form

Cylindrical grinder

Kleinhenz und Fries GmbH Metallbearbeitung

  • Bischofsheim in der Rhön (Bavaria)
  • Occupations in metalworking

Master electrician

HST Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

  • Duisburg (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Site manager

  • Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture

Economist - Home economics

Verwöhnhotel Bastenhaus Stollhof GmbH

  • Dannenfels, Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate)

Service technician - security/alarm systems

Schewe GmbH Sicherheitstechnik

  • Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety

Educator - Youth and home education

GSD Suhl mbH gemeinnützige GmbH

  • Suhl (Thuringia), Untermaßfeld (Thuringia)
  • Occupations in education and social work, and pedagogic specialists in social care work

BORA Lüftungstechnik GmbH

  • Kiefersfelden (Bavaria)
  • Occupations in purchasing and sales

Sales assistant - food trade (bakery)

Bolten GmbH Bäckerei Konditorei

  • Kleve, Niederrhein (North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs

Employer preparing for the arrival of international skilled workers

How to write a good application

Have you found an exciting job? Then now is the time to apply! We explain which documents are required for an application in Germany and how you can write a successful application.

An employer participating in a webinar

Do you have questions about job application and job search?

It is recommended to send your CV directly with the application. The Federal Employment Agency (BA) will provide you with personal support on all topics relating to working in Germany.

Person doing research on a computer

Find the right visa for you!

Would you like to find out what your chances are of working and living in Germany? Then learn more about your possibilities with our Quick-Check!

To the Quick-Check

Skyline of Hamburg

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Proceed anyway

English Jobs Logo


94 tourism english-speaking jobs in germany, note : some links might not work outside the european union, head of sales (f/m/d).

  • Outdooractive GmbH & Co. KG

We are the only company in the world that builds a full-service SaaS solution for all tourism stakeholders..large extent on combining the offers and information from the destinations and other players in outdoor tourism ..proven track record in sales, business development and project management, ideally within the outdoor, tourism ..already have a resilient network of DMO's, hotel industry, outdoor industry, publishers as well as tourism

Student Assistant Research - with fluent English (m/f/d)

  • Statista GmbH

is mandatory) – please inform us how much longer you will be studying Interested in the Sports and Tourism

Director of Restaurants

  • Accor Hotels

great pride in its pioneering approach to hospitality and leadership in sustainability and responsible tourism ..Knowledge and Experience A graduate student/ high school or working experience equivalent in hotel/ tourism

Trade / MICE Executive (m/f/d)

boards and third-parties and non- tourism associations, clubs, government bodies (such as embassies)..with all relevant partners, including trade contacts, airlines, tour operators, hotels, corresponding tourism ..qualified communications and marketing specialist who possesses sound knowledge of the hospitality and tourism

Financial Accountant - Operations & AirportLuton, Vereinigtes Königreich; Rijswijk, Niederlande; Brüssel, Belgien; Stockholm, Schweden; Hannover, DeutschlandHybridLuton, Vereinigtes Königreich...und 4 weitere Standorte


Germany 126954 Hybrid Permanent Full Time 37.5 TUI Group is the world’s number one integrated tourism ..requires strong business English, both spoken and written  ABOUT OUR OFFER Working in the leading global tourism

Senior Software Developer


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  • Lionstep AG

Upper Intermediate En: B1 – Intermediate Nice-to-Haves Interested in travel - hotel business and tourism

iOS Developer - Airline IT

  • TUI Cruises GmbH

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Senior Sales Manager for Public Sector

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ODEON Tours DMC Thailand- Hotel Contracts & Pricing Specialist

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  • Berlin, Germany

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Technical Product Manager m/f/d

  • berlin, , Germany

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Senior Sales Manager (m/f/d)

  • MSC Cruises S.A.

restart in August 2020 as well as set the standard for the entire cruise industry, and broader travel and tourism

Travel Intrapreneur (Trekking Tours)

  • Ventura TRAVEL
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Marketing Representative

  • Turkish Airlines


You will have the exciting opportunity to represent Turkish Airlines at tourism events and trade fairs..s degree (Master's degree preferred). least 2 years of relevant experience in civil aviation or tourism

→ Internal sales representative (m/f/d)

  • Instalighting GmbH

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Team Lead Software Development Software Development Düsseldorf

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Product Operation Manager (m/w/d)

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Build Pipeline Software Developer (m/w/d)

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E-commerce project manager (M/F)

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UAE: Country Manager

managers) of at least three years; Professional experience in the travel industry; An understanding of tourism

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Germany: The perfect destination with beautiful nature and cultural attractions for every taste

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  • Inspiring Germany
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  • Royal Palaces & Castles
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Current highlights

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  • Federal states

The latest trend: travelling out into the countryside by train.

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16 Highlight natural landscapes

Classical art museums: genuine masterpieces, a 48-hour trip is full of possibilities, 52 unesco world heritage sites and so much more, castles and palaces: fairytale film settings, must-see museums, old towns with unesco world heritage status, enjoy vegan and eco-sustainable city getaways, read our latest articles here, cycling with electric power: 7 discovery tours, enjoy car-free retreats: 10 holiday islands, travelling with your dog: on the beach, in the mountains or out on the town, rest and relaxation: holidays outside the peak tourist season, cities with amazing zoos: wildly good attractions, excellent hiking experiences in quality regions, creative and refreshing: the 'workation' travel trend, 10 palaces and castles off the beaten path, outstanding museums with the highest praise, university cities: youthful vibes and colorful atmosphere, capitals of culture: a grand entrance on the european stage, hotspots of automobile history, baroque cities: travel back in time to the 17th and 18th centuries, bauhaus: follow in the footsteps of this world-famous art school, football hotspots: cities with an extra kick, action and adrenalin: tours for adventurers.

Aerial view of the Dauner Maar in the Volcanic Eifel ©AdobeStock (RalfenByte) Geological time travel: land of volcanoes To the overview

Experience nature and national parks as completely accessible

Pilgrimage: slow down, meditate, reflect, along the magic of peaceful lakes and wild river landscapes, romantic or fairytale: german holiday routes, the world of german animals: more than fox and deer, top spots for astronomy fans: starry skies, 16 highlights in germany, from medieval banquets to the song of the nibelungs, a journey back in time to the baroque era, top tips for special holiday experiences, where world history was written, dine and sleep in regal style, this is the taste of germany, wine experiences from the ahr to württemberg, craft beer: hop heroes everywhere, germany has a (wine) queen, an a to z of health and wellness, health spas and health resorts - a little time out, wine hikes: 5 regions for connoisseurs.

Due to the ongoing heavy rainfall, some regions - especially in south of Germany - are currently affected or at risk of flooding.

We recommend that guests check the current situation in their destination.

At , all federal states provide up-to-date information, warnings and reports on the current situation in German, English, French, Dutch and Italian.

This information is partially barrier-free.

Deutsche Bahn provides information in German and English at about current disruptions to long-distance and regional transport.

Guests travelling in Germany can install the NINA warning app on their smartphone with just a few clicks (also available in English). Provided by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), this app is connected to the federal government's modular warning system MoWaS and is used to warn the population throughout Germany in the event of extreme weather conditions.

Discover German Originality

Cultureland germany, 35 years since the fall of the wall, chemnitz: european capital of culture 2025, 52 unesco world heritage sites, summer of football: germany 2024, caspar david friedrich, simply feel good, germany’s top 100 survey, journey of discovery by train, travel from austria to germany with öbb, travel from switzerland to germany with sbb, from france to germany at high speed, barrier-free, experience germany barrier-free, all four seasons enchant in their own way.

The sun is warming the air, the days are getting longer, everywhere things are budding and blossoming: it's spring in Germany - time for getaways, blossom festivals, asparagus feasting and popular Easter traditions.

Summer At Last: Beer Gardens, Swimming Fun, Strawberry Ice Cream

Golden sunshine, colourful forests: the Indian summer can also be found in Germany. An ideal time for active holidaymakers and wellness fans. And for epicures, since this is harvest time.

Winter is the favourite season for any romantic. Outside, snowed-in forests and frozen lakes beckon. Inside, it feels cosy with baked goods, mulled wine and candlelight.

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treetop walk at the Saarschleife

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This Summer, Germany Is Easing The Entry Requirements For Foreign Workers

Germany is taking major steps to entice foreign workers in preparation for the summer season by streamlining the relocation procedure.

Faith Katunga • Jun 10, 2024

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Germany is taking major steps to entice foreign workers in preparation for the summer season by streamlining the  relocation  procedure. The German government has implemented several changes to increase  the country’s attractiveness to international talent. The initiative is particularly timely, given the growing demand for skilled labor across various sectors, including technology, engineering, healthcare, and skilled trades. Increasing access to the “Opportunity Card” system is a primary goal. Opportunity Cards, or Chancenkarte, were first proposed in 2022 and formally introduced in June 2024 by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

What is the Opportunity Card?

The Opportunity Card is a work visa that allows non-EU citizens to reside in Germany for up to 12 months  while seeking employment . Unlike traditional work visas that require a job offer before entry, the Opportunity Card enables individuals to enter Germany and actively search for job opportunities. This proactive approach is designed to speed up the recruitment process for both employers and job seekers.

The Opportunity Card operates on a points-based system. Applicants earn points based on education, professional experience, language skills (German and English), and age. A minimum of six points is required for eligibility. To simplify the process, the Federal Employment Agency provides an  online points calculator  that allows individuals to assess their eligibility before applying.

A Win-Win for Germany and Global Talent

The Opportunity Card’s real strength lies in its departure from traditional, often cumbersome, work visa procedures. The application process is efficient and user-friendly, minimizing paperwork and expediting processing times. As a result of this streamlining, skilled migrants can focus their energy on job hunting instead of battling bureaucratic hurdles.

This initiative also holds immense potential for both employers and job seekers. Companies gain access to a broader talent pool, potentially finding the perfect candidate for a critical role. The Opportunity Card offers individuals a chance to explore career options in a dynamic and innovative economy. Additionally, the one-year validity period allows for a deeper understanding of the German work culture and a chance to build professional networks.

Things to Consider

While the Opportunity Card marks a significant step forward, it’s essential to acknowledge the realities of the job market. Foreign workers may face challenges like language barriers and navigating the nuances of German work culture. Initiatives like language courses and cultural integration programs could prove invaluable to bridge this gap. Additionally, ensuring transparency in job search resources and fostering cooperation between employers and immigrant communities can further enhance the program’s success.

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  26. This Summer, Germany Is Easing The Entry Requirements ...

    Germany is taking major steps to entice foreign workers in preparation for the summer season by streamlining the relocation procedure. The German government has implemented several changes to increase the country's attractiveness to international talent. The initiative is particularly timely, given the growing demand for skilled labor across various sectors, including technology, engineering ...

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