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Travel Free Port Shop

  • Address: Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Drobeta Turnu Severin 220171, Romania
  • Site:
  • Phone: +40 252 310 161
  • Time zone: Europe/Bucharest
  • Local Date:
  • Local Time:
  • Geo: 44.620772, 22.652245
  • Sunrise: 05:55 , Sunset: 21:14
  • Moonrise: 11:21 Jul 11, 2024 , Moonset: 00:08 Jul 12, 2024
  • Capital: Bucharest
  • Currency: Leu (RON)
  • Dialing Code: +40
  • ISO Code: RO / ROU

Where to find Travel Free Port Shop? Travel Free Port Shop is located at Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Drobeta Turnu Severin 220171, Romania in the state Mehedinți, Romania. What is the phone number of Travel Free Port Shop? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +40 252 310 161. The local time zone is Europe/Bucharest . Daylight saving time is in force in the area now. The current local time and date is . You can go to their website for more information, The website is

Today, If you want to go to Travel Free Port Shop, the sun rises in Travel Free Port Shop at 05:55 and sets at 21:14. You can see the moon rise at 11:21 and set at 00:08 Jul 12, 2024.

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Romania travel: Five reasons to visit Drobeta Turnu Severin

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The modern drobeta turnu severin was established only in the 19 th century but the city’s history goes back to the time of roman emperor trajan. fans of history and nature might want to add it to their travel list for its ancient and medieval landmarks and proximity to the beautiful iron gates nature park..

See the city from the Water Tower

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A symbol of Drobeta, the Water Tower was built at the beginning of the 20 th century as part of the city’s water filtration and supply system. It is built out of reinforced concrete after the plans of Romanian engineer Elie Radu, who worked on many road and railroad projects in the country and on Bucharest’s water supply network. At 27 meters in height and 10 meters in diameter, it has been the city’s tallest building for some time. This is why it served as an observation point for firemen and for the military, during the First World War.

The building was recently refurbished with the help of EU funds and turned into an ‘Arts’ Castle,’ hosting various exhibitions, a museum covering the history of Drobeta’s water supply process, and a place to admire the city views.

The ruins of Trajan’s Bridge

The now disappeared Trajan’s Bridge is considered one of the achievements of Roman engineering. It was a segmental arch bridge, the first one to be erected over the lower Danube. It was constructed around 105 AD by architect Apollodorus of Damascus, at the request of Emperor Trajan, as a route for the Roman troops on their way to invade Dacia.

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The Severin Medieval Fortress

Although the city was established only in the 19 th century and is usually associated with its Roman landmarks, Drobeta also has a medieval past. Its testimony is the Severin Fortress, located on the bank of the Danube, close to Trajan’s Bridge. The fortress used to serve as a defense point on the river, until it was destroyed in the 16 th century on the order of the Ottoman Empire. Its reconstruction took some 300 years, with the initial plans of the fortification discovered in the 1930s.

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The fortress was refurbished several years ago and it is also used as a site for various events in the city. During the EU-funded revamping works, archaeologists uncovered some 160 Turkish, Hungarian and Roman coins, pieces of arches and arrows, cannon fragments, and pieces of armor.

The Iron Gates

About 15 km west of Drobeta Turnu Severin is the Iron Gates gorge, part of the wider nature park of stunning views. The park has many opportunities for mountain tourism, bird-watching, visiting caves or cruises on the Danube River.

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The Romanian-Yugoslavian project of the Iron Gates hydro-power plant is also in the area, alongside a museums dedicated to it. The Iron Gates Region Museum, currently under revamping and closed until the end of the year, has ethnography and nature sciences sections and hosts a model of Trajan’s bridge. The Museum of the Hydropower Plant allows visitors to see the insides of the Iron Gates I station.

Gura Văii – Vârciorova Reserve

The 305 hectares reserve west of Drobeta protects forests with a diverse flora and some rare species. Among the most common species found there are the golden oak, the Turkish sour cherry and the hazelnut.

How to get there:

Drobeta Turnu Severin is more than 340 km west of Bucharest, on the DN6/E70, going by Craiova. A train ride from the capital takes about 5 hours, and both CFR Călători and private operator Astra Trans Carpatic offer connections.

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(Opening photo: The Water Tower. Photo: MunteanUK/ Wikipedia)

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Drobeta-Turnu Severin – Top 5 attractions to see

  • October 5, 2021
  • Europe Romania

Obiective turistice din Drobeta-Turnu Severin - Cetatea medievală a Severinului

While I doubt many foreigners will intentionally visit Drobeta-Turnu Severin, it’s right at the entrance in the Danube Gorges from Bucharest, which I know many would like to visit. So I thought that maybe it’s worth translating this article. After all, I’ve met a Pole man that had only visited Satu Mare and Suceava in Romania. If you (or him) ever decide to stop there, I wish you at least knew which the best attractions are.

Drobeta-Turnu Severin, due to its location, at historical crossroads on land and water, had a great strategic and commercial importance over time. Thus, it came to host a series of tourist attractions that contributed to its development as a local tourist center.

Most tourists arrive in Drobeta-Turnu Severin on the way to the Danube Boilers or Nera Gorges. But the city itself also has some important tourist attractions. Among the most interesting are the Foot of Trajan’s Bridge, the Roman Camp, the Iron Gates Museum, the Medieval Fortress of Severin and the Water Castle.

Top 5 tourist attractions in Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Museum of the iron gates region.

A walk through the city should begin with a visit to the Museum of the Iron Gates Region . I first visited the museum about 10 years ago and was pleasantly surprised last summer to find it renovated. I can say that it was a pleasure to walk through the halls and discover a small part of the history of these places. In the museum, in addition to a model of Apolodor’s bridge, there are models of the former fortresses that stood in the Danube Gorges and objects from different periods discovered in the area. Another section of the museum presents the animals and plants of the region. In the basement, there is even an aquarium with several species of sturgeons that live in the Danube.

Muzeul Regiunii Porților de Fier

The Roman Camp in Drobeta-Turnu Severin

In the courtyard of the Iron Gates Museum you can find the ruins of Trajan’s Bridge and the old Roman Camp. Also, in terms of ruins, you can see an amphitheater and what is left of the Roman baths. They were built almost 2000 years ago and are a delight for history and archeology enthusiasts. The bridge over the Danube was built by Apollodorus of Damascus to simplify the passage of Roman troops and the necessary supplies during the second war between the Dacians and the Romans.

Castrul roman din Drobeta Turnu-Severin

The Medieval Fortress of Severin

Even if it’s not as well preserved and as big as the Fortress of Alba-Iulia or Neamț, the Severin Fortress is also worth a short visit. The construction of the fortress began in 1233. At that time it was the most important fortress on the Danube. The one who managed to conquer the fortress of Severin, obtained access to the bridge over the river. Legend has it that there was a tunnel from the city gate to the other side of the Danube.

Alexandru Vlahuță described the fortress in “Picturesque Romania” as follows: “A once fortified fortress, defended by a deep ditch which, in times of danger, was filled in an instant from the Danube, thus placing it under a shield of water on all sides, squeezing it to the breast, like a beloved child , under her protective arm”.

The fortress has been renovated in recent years and re-included in the tourist circuit. The first thing that will catch your eye is the only towering wall left standing, called Sever’s Tower . It is reminiscent of the grandeur of the former fortress that guarded the Danube. Inside are the ruins of a small chapel.

Obiective turistice din Drobeta-Turnu Severin - Cetatea medievală a Severinului

The Palace of Culture „Theodor Costescu”

The great palace is a real symbol for the city in Mehedinți county. It housed the city’s library, cinema, theater and museum in the 20th century. The theater with 700 seats had a rotating stage, unique in Romania . Currently, the palace has been renovated and regained its place in the cultural life of the city. Interactive exhibitions, pottery workshops, openings, concerts, plays and film evenings take place here. If it’s summer, you might want to watch the play of colors and lights of the Kinetic Fountain in front of the palace.

Palatul Culturii Theodor Costescu

The Water Castle in Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Before leaving for the gorge, I suggest one last stop at the Water Castle. It has also been recently renovated. Inside, there is now a four-storey exhibition. You can climb to the top of the 27m tower by lift or up the stairs. At night the Water Castle is absolutely enchantingly lit.

On the top floor you can go out on the terrace for a panoramic view of the city. That’s how I discovered that there is a pedestrian street in Drobeta. Also, on the top floor, there are two installations that illustrate the principle of operation of the castle. The tower was built in the early 20th century and supplied water to the entire city until the 1980s. The water supply came directly from the Danube.

Castelul Apelor

However, the most interesting part of the exhibition is on the 3rd floor, where there are some pictures from the sunken island of Ada-Kaleh . With the help of an application, some images come to life and you can witness short scenes from the daily life of families that once lived on the island. Some of the artifacts on Ada-Kaleh were moved to Șimian Island , near Drobeta-Turnu Severin. During summer you can reach it and see more closely the remains of this small Atlantis in Banat.

Panorama Drobeta-Turnu Severin de pe terasa Castelului Apelor

After exploring the city and learning more about the troubled history of the Danube Gorges , don’t miss the opportunity of a cruise on the Danube. It is a special experience, especially since you can reach the Danube Boilers, the face of Decebalus and the Mraconia Monastery.

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When is it okay to haggle? How to shop at markets without being a jerk.

Bargaining is the norm in many foreign markets, but you’ll need the right mind-set.

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Key takeaways

Summary is AI-generated, newsroom-reviewed.

  • Haggling is a global tradition, but not accepted in every culture.
  • Ethical bargaining respects local customs and economic conditions.
  • Observing behavior at markets, asking locals, and starting negotiations gently are key.

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Years ago at a crafts market in Mexico City, I found a shadowbox of Day of the Dead figurines and immediately started bargaining for it. When the vendor would not go down further, I walked away, a common ploy. But this time, it backfired. Instead of enticing me back with the lower price, he closed up shop.

I was left empty-handed and ashamed, all because of a $5 difference over a box of skeletons.

In destinations around the world, haggling is an ancient tradition integral to the shopping experience. Visitors are not expected to pay the original price. Instead, buyer and seller engage in a verbal fandango that — depending on the circumstances — can feel lighthearted and fun or uncomfortable and offensive, especially in a time of widening inequity and threatened resources.

Katie Leary Sebastian, director and co-founder of Ixöq , which specializes in home goods and accessories made by Guatemalan women, said she once relished the competitive sport of haggling. These days, she will fold more quickly and accept a higher price.

“They might have gone lower,” she said, “but I’m much more sensitive to their circumstances.”

Travelers can avoid conflicts and score a deal by learning the business and customs of ethical bargaining. The ultimate goal: sharing the victory.

Know where to bargain

Many countries, such as Egypt, Turkey and Ecuador, are known as hot spots for bargaining. But don’t assume the practice is a nationwide pastime. Though it’s common in many parts of Mexico , for instance, the popular tourist destination of Oaxaca does not embrace it as enthusiastically.

“ There’s not a big culture of haggling here. The local people don’t do it much,” said Suzanne Barbezat, co-owner of Discover Oaxaca Tours and a travel expert with Go Ask a Local . “But some tourists expect that, so it can be an issue sometimes.”

Even in the same city, the activity may be acceptable in one type of commercial venue, such as a souk or open-air market, but discouraged in another, such as a mall or international retailer. As a deterrence, some proprietors will post signs stating that the prices are fixed.

“Attempts to negotiate in these scenarios … may be considered disrespectful, and any such efforts usually do not result in discounts,” Ignacio Curbelo, the general director of Uruguay’s Ministry of Tourism, wrote in an email.

Fernando Rodriguez, Intrepid Travel ’s general manager in Peru, encourages travelers to bargain in the South American country’s produce and crafts markets. Touristy areas, where the markups are typically higher than in local haunts, are especially receptive to bargainers. But travelers should abstain from the practice in stores with cashiers and price tags, Rodriguez said.

Sherif Khalil, managing partner with Dunes & Beyond Travel and a Go Ask a Local expert, said the guidelines are similar in Egypt. He tells his clients to banter over prices in bazaars, such as Khan el-Khalili in Cairo, but not in shopping malls with brand-name stores. He said visitors used to bargain for cab fare, but the rise of meters has nixed that habit.

Leary Sebastian, who visits Guatemala several times a year, will often buck custom on principle. She refrains from bargaining at produce markets because the goods are already inexpensive, even at the “tourist” price.

“Vegetables are so cheap that I don’t care if I’m paying five quetzals and the Guatemalan woman next to me is paying three quetzals,” Leary Sebastian said. “I just got an avocado for 50 cents.”

If you are unsure about whether bargaining is appropriate, take a reconnaissance stroll around the venue and observe the exchanges between customers and merchants. To avoid any missteps, hire a guide or consult with a local. While they can offer advice and tips, they are usually not allowed to haggle for you.

Adopt the right negotiating attitude

When you are ready to take the plunge, start with a soft opener, such as “Is this the best price?” Or suggest a price that is a third or half off — or whatever custom dictates. (Rodriguez said it’s 10 to 20 percent in Peru, for example.) If the vendor reciprocates, then proceed. Go back and forth until you land on an amount that works for both of you.

Anu Taranath, a professor at the University of Washington and author of “ Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World ,” said to keep negotiations light, friendly and fun. Taranath, who has haggled all over the world, encourages travelers not to take the transaction — or themselves — too seriously.

“There has to be some joviality to it,” she said. “If one gets tangled up in the sense of superiority or the sense of being aggrieved, that sours the interaction.”

Hala Benkhaldoun, Intrepid Travel’s general manager in Morocco, said a novice or hypercompetitive haggler can insult a vendor by suggesting a sharp discount, such as 70 percent off the original price, and then standing firm on the amount.

If negotiations turn tense, pause and take stock of the situation. Christine Buzinde , a professor and director of Arizona State’s School of Community Resources and Development, reminds travelers about the greater purpose of bargaining: connecting on a humanistic level, not a materialistic one.

“If we have a more interrelated approach to being world citizens, then we’re less likely to worry so much about how low can I go price-wise,” Buzinde said. “We can move beyond the transactional elements to more of a ‘How can I get to know this person?’”

If you can’t reach a compromise, accept the final price or walk away. Extricating yourself from the situation is not an insult, experts say. If the vendor is still interested in the sale, they will come after you.

Don’t feel dispirited when a deal falls through, Khalil said. Markets sell many of the same objects, so get back in the game — all the wiser.

Understand the souvenirs you’re haggling for

When shopping around for souvenirs and crafts , you might notice a range of prices for the same item. One reason for that is the influx of cheap imports that has devalued and commodified once unique and handcrafted items. Before kicking off a bargaining round, ask the vendor about the origins of the product and the efforts involved in producing it. Adjust your asking price depending on whether it was made by hand or purchased in bulk from abroad.

One of Peru’s most popular trinkets is a llama set in a miniature Machu Picchu, Rodriguez said, and vendors in tourist markets welcome rigorous bargaining because they purchase the items from China and sell by volume. Such bargaining is inadvisable, however, when you purchase directly from local artisans, many of whom spend hours preparing natural dyes and fibers and toiling on their craft.

“We ask people to avoid bargaining because local communities are not merchants. They don’t feel comfortable doing this,” Rodriguez said. “It may be very expensive, but it’s a fair price.”

To help you calculate a “just” price, Buzinde said to take into account the country’s cost of living, wages, and economic and political stability.

“What might be a good deal for us might be robbing them of the quality of life that we seek for ourselves,” Buzinde said. “At the end of the day, you might feel as though you’ve gained, but you’ve left them at loss.”

Taranath said travelers should be mindful when engaging with locals but warns against overthinking it. If you’re fretting over social inequities, you may miss the joy of the interaction.

“ If I am in a Guatemalan market and an auntie is selling something that I am interested in purchasing, I would like that exchange to be pleasurable for both of us,” she said. “Only thinking about how much I have in relation to how much she might not takes us away from the experience of that moment.”

If you feel racked with guilt, you can always pay full price.

A few years after the tough lesson I learned in Mexico City, I bought a hand-carved stool in Ankara, Turkey, without haggling at all. To show his gratitude, the vendor threw in a free pillow he had woven, too.

More travel tips

Vacation planning: Start with a strategy to maximize days off by taking PTO around holidays. Experts recommend taking multiple short trips for peak happiness . Want to take an ambitious trip? Here are 12 destinations to try this year — without crowds.

Cheap flights: Follow our best advice for scoring low airfare , including setting flight price alerts and subscribing to deal newsletters. If you’re set on an expensive getaway, here’s a plan to save up without straining your credit limit.

Airport chaos: We’ve got advice for every scenario , from canceled flights to lost luggage . Stuck at the rental car counter? These tips can speed up the process. And following these 52 rules of flying should make the experience better for everyone.

Expert advice: Our By The Way Concierge solves readers’ dilemmas , including whether it’s okay to ditch a partner at security, or what happens if you get caught flying with weed . Submit your question here . Or you could look to the gurus: Lonely Planet and Rick Steves .

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Aerosoles, Crocs, and Skechers Are on Major Sale, and Prices Start at Just $10

Shop sandals, sneakers, and more summer shoes for up to 67 percent off.

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Travel + Leisure / Francesca Fasciglione

Regardless of your summer plans, having the right pair of shoes to carry you through the day is essential. And while style is important, your criteria for travel-ready footwear should also include comfort. Whether you need a pair of supportive sneakers for walking around a new city or a breathable, cushioned sandal for days spent at the beach or pool, we found so many stylish options at Walmart Deals , the store’s biggest sale yet. 

Walmart’s massive sale includes thousands of sneakers and sandals , so we sifted through the site to find the top 15 that deserve a spot in your rotation. Below, shop major shoe brands like Crocs , Skechers , Aerosoles , and Madden Girl for up to 67 percent off. Don’t wait long, though — the sale ends on July 11 at 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Best Walmart Comfy Shoe Deals

  • Crocs Baya Clog Sandals , $35 (originally $50) 
  • Unionbay Sadie Padded Flat-Slide Sandals , $10 (originally $39)
  • Vonmay Slides Sandals , $12 (originally $17) 
  • Madden Girl Bodie Two-Strap Footbed Sandals , $35 (originally $49) 
  • Litfun Orthotic Flip Flops , $16 (originally $24) 
  • Hobibear Garden Clogs , $20 (originally $60) 
  • ADQ Slip-On Anti-Slip Sneakers , $21 (originally $50) 
  • Aerosoles Strappy Elastic Wedge Heel Sandal , $14 (originally $25) 
  • Skechers Go Walk Flex Sneakers , $40 (originally $63) 
  • Aerosoles Faux Leather Gold Buckle Wedge Sandals , $15 (originally $25) 
  • Skechers Performance GoRun Consistent Athletic Sneaker , $40 (originally $63) 
  • Skechers Sport Track Daytime Dreamer Athletic Sneaker , $40 (originally $57) 
  • Time and Tru Slip-On Comfort Shoes , $19 (originally $25) 

Aerosoles Faux Leather Gold Buckle Wedge Sandals

These wedge sandals offer the ideal balance of comfort and style. The elevated sole and large buckle give the simple shoe a sophisticated look, while the padded insole and flexible strap ensures all-day wear without pain. Wear these shoes with a sundress or breezy skirt for a summer travel outfit that can go from day to night, and snag them while they’re on sale for just $15. 

Skechers Performance GoRun Consistent Athletic Sneaker

Summer vacations call for proper footwear, and that includes a comfortable pair of sneakers that are fit for walking, running, or a variety of activities. These sneakers fit the bill, and they’re currently on sale for 37 percent off in four colors. More than 2,500 shoppers give these shoes a five-star rating, including one customer who said that they like that the sneakers offer lasting arch support. Another shopper who owns multiple pairs said wearing the shoes feels like they are walking on air.   

Madden Girl Bodie Two-Strap Footbed Sandals

Summer sandals are a must-have item, and shoppers agree that this pair from Madden Girl are ideal for adding a pop of style while also ensuring comfort. They come in a variety of colors and materials, including raffia, patent leather, and a rhinestone coating, and they are currently on sale for $35. One shopper said they were able to wear these all day without the straps rubbing on their feet or causing any pain, and another customer noted that the style looks much more expensive than they are.    

To shop more comfortable shoes from the Walmart Deals sale , keep reading below. 

Aerosoles Strappy Elastic Wedge Heel Sandal

Unionbay sadie padded flat-slide sandals.

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Score a royally good deal on kate middleton’s longchamp bag in the nordstrom anniversary sale.

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Kate Middleton, Longchamp tote

It’s time to bag some serious discounts.

Kate Middleton can’t get enough of Longchamp ‘s sturdy nylon bags, and you can score your own trusty tote for less in this year’s Nordstrom Anniversary Sale .

From petite crossbodies to travel totes, the buzzy annual event includes plenty of deals on the brand’s iconic Le Pliage bags, which the Princess of Wales has carried ever since met Prince William at the University of St. Andrews.

Middleton toted the brand’s Small Le Pliage Top Handle Bag ($130) on her 2005 graduation day and has since moved on to the brand’s roomier styles for her royal travels, with her Large Le Pliage Recycled Nylon Tote ( $155 $116) included in this year’s sale.

Longchamp Large Le Pliage Recycled Nylon Tote

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Longchamp Le Pliage Expandable Tote

travel shop drobeta

And if you’re a fan of ludicrously capacious bags , two Nordstrom exclusives tick all the boxes for your summer travels.

Both the Le Pliage Expandable Tote ( $230 $172) and Le Pliage Expandable Recycled Nylon Tote ( $230 $172) are marked down in the Anniversary Sale, perfect for long-haul flights or road trips.

For the tinier tote fans, never fear; the French brand’s Extra Small Le Pliage Crossbody Bag ( $180 $135) is among this year’s Anniversary Sale steals.

Longchamp Extra Small Le Pliage Crossbody Bag

travel shop drobeta

A logo-covered version of the Top Handle Crossbody Bag ( $230 $172) is also on offer this year, featuring the same grab-and-go style with a black-and-tan Longchamp pattern.

To complete the chic styles on sale, the brand’s Le Pliage Recycled Nylon Canvas Cosmetics Case ( $95 $71) makes the perfect gift (or travel companion) in pretty pink, rich cognac or neutral brown shades.

The Princess of Wales isn’t the only fan of Longchamp’s iconic Le Pliage, with everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Beyoncé to Vanessa Hudgens carrying the classic totes over the years.

As for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, we’d suggest snapping up your favorite fashion and beauty deals from the annual savings event fast — prices go up on August 5.

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There Are a Lot of Things Under $35 at Everlane’s Somewhat Extreme Sale

Portrait of Ambar Pardilla

Everlane is one of our favorite basics brands, so we were intrigued — to say the least — when we spotted some serious markdowns on the retailer’s site while doing our sweep for the best deals this morning. These markdowns are good: up to 70 percent off, with many items under $35. I did the hard work of scrolling through everything on sale and rounded up what’s worth getting below, like a linen dress that was $98 and is now $29 and a short-sleeved button-down that’s $23, down from $78. Just note: Lots of things are selling out, so I made sure to include items in the colors that have the most stock available. You know the drill: Don’t dillydally.

Best Women’s Dresses Deals

If you’re in need of some easy, breezy dresses, there’s no better place to get them for cheap right now. I’m eyeing this wisp of a slip that has a leg-baring slit that’s not too high.

Everlane The Poplin Slip Dress

Best Women’s Top Deals

There’s a good variety of tops on sale, but linen and ribbed shirts are particularly abundant.

Everlane The Linen Popover Shirt

Best Women’s Bottoms Deals

The bottoms might be the most robust part of the sale, both in terms of the number of styles and the sizes still available.

Everlane The Linen Way-High Drape Short

Best Men’s Tops Deals

It really does feel like searching through a sales bin when it comes to the marked-down men’s tops. Everything from poplin button-downs to slubby henleys are mixed in and marked down.

Everlane The Pique Short-Sleeve Shirt

Best Men’s Bottoms Deals

Admittedly, the number of bottoms on this side of the sale is small. Still, I recommend buying the nylon shorts below in bulk — they’re half-off!

Everlane The ReNew Nylon Short

Best Accessory Deals

Your best bet when it comes to Everlane’s accessories are the bags — they tend to be practical and packable. I could easily see myself toting around this pink cross-body with a shoulder strap and short handles.

Everlane The Renew Transit Fanny Pack

The Strategist  is designed to surface useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Every product is independently selected by our team of editors, whom you can read about  here . We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.

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Every product is independently selected by (obsessive) editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.

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  1. Travel FREE

    Travel FREE Shop PORT TURNU - SEVERIN Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Str. Portului No. 3 220234, Drobeta-Turnu Severin. Opening hours. Monday: 09:00 - 21:00: Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00: Wednesday: ... on this website are only for information purposes and may vary depending on the exchange rate fluctuations and on the shop the product is purchased ...

  2. Travel FREE

    Adresă. Travel FREE Shop PORT TURNU - SEVERIN Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Str. Portului No. 3 220234, Drobeta-Turnu Severin

  3. Travel FREE

    Maximum permitted allowances at Travel FREE. EU states borders. coffee: 10 kg; beer: 110 litres; wine: 90 litres; sparkling wine: 60 liters; spirits under 22% alcohol: 20 litres; spirits over 22% alcohol: 10 ... on this website are only for information purposes and may vary depending on the exchange rate fluctuations and on the shop the product ...

  4. Ava Travel

    Ava Travel, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Mehedinti, Romania. 2,642 likes · 1 talking about this · 197 were here. Inventează-ți povestea cu Ava Travel !

  5. Magazine Travel FREE

    Drobeta-Turnu Severin. Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 21:00. Sambata - Duminica: 09:00 - 20:00. Contact: +40 252 310 161. [email protected]. ... TRAVEL FREE SHOP VALEA LUI MIHAI. Punctul de trecere a Frontierei Valea lui Mihai, Vama Valea lui Mihai (RO) - Nyírábrány (HU), 415700, Bihor. Luni - Duminica: 09:00 - 21:00 ...

  6. Travel Free Port Shop, Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Drobeta Turnu

    Travel Free Port Shop is located at Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbour, Drobeta Turnu Severin 220171, Romania in the state Mehedinți, Romania. The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +40 252 310 161. The local time zone is Europe/Bucharest. Daylight saving time is in force in the area now..

  7. Program de lucru TRAVEL FREE SHOP TURNU SEVERIN în Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    Găsește programul de lucru pentru TRAVEL FREE SHOP TURNU SEVERIN în Str. Portului Nr 3, 220234, Drobeta-Turnu Severin plus, verifică şi alte detalii, ... Program de lucru TRAVEL FREE SHOP TURNU SEVERIN în Drobeta-Turnu Severin. Actualizată în 25.06.2024. +40 252 310 161. Suna: +40252310161.

  8. TRAVEL FREE SHOP TURNU SEVERIN, Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    Găsiți datele de contact ale firmei TRAVEL FREE SHOP TURNU SEVERIN din Str. Portului Nr 3, 220234, Drobeta-Turnu Severin inclusiv telefon ☎, adresă, ⌚ program de lucru. De asemenea, găsiți Magazin de produse neimpozitate (Duty-free) în apropiere și din localitatea Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

  9. Program de lucru Travel FREE din Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    TRAVEL FREE SHOP CALAFAT. DN 56, E 79, 205201, Basarabi. Deschis încă 10 h 9 min. mai multe detalii. Găsește locațiile și programul de lucru pentru Travel FREE din Drobeta-Turnu Severin și alte detalii de contact, precum adrese, numere de telefon, website, orar.

  10. Romania travel: Five reasons to visit Drobeta Turnu Severin

    The modern Drobeta Turnu Severin was established only in the 19th century but the city's history goes back to the time of Roman emperor Trajan. Fans of history and nature might want to add it to ...

  11. Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    Most tourists arrive in Drobeta-Turnu Severin on the way to the Danube Boilers or Nera Gorges. But the city itself also has some important tourist attractions. Among the most interesting are the Foot of Trajan's Bridge, the Roman Camp, the Iron Gates Museum, the Medieval Fortress of Severin and the Water Castle.

  12. Things to Do in Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    7. Muzeul Regiunii Portilor de Fier / Iron Gates Museum. 13. Speciality Museums. The museum in Drobeta Turnu Severin covers a wide variety of themes, from traditional living to history, art, biology, science and others. Its antiquity section displays remains from the oldest permanent…. 8.

  13. Fun Things to Do in Drobeta Turnu Severin

    Here are some things to do in Drobeta Turnu Severin: 1. Visit the Iron Gates Museum: This museum showcases the history and culture of the region, with exhibits ranging from archaeological artifacts to traditional costumes. It is a great place to learn about the local heritage.

  14. Travel FREE

    Europe's BordershopNumber 1. Our passion for the border business goes back to 1991 - Travel FREE however, was founded in 2004. In that year, many new countries joined the EU and duty free business wasn't allowed anymore within its borders. If you, like many people, didn't notice that, it's probably because of Travel FREE.

  15. Drobeta-Turnu Severin

    Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Romanian pronunciation: [droˈbeta ˈturnu seveˈrin] ⓘ), colloquially Severin, is a city in Mehedinți County, Oltenia, Romania, on the northern bank of the Danube, close to the Iron Gates.It is one of six Romanian county seats lying on the Danube river. "Drobeta" is the name of the ancient Dacian and Roman towns at the site, and the modern town of Turnu Severin ...

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    The Travelhouse Hardside Luggage Set comes with three different sized bags — a 20-inch case measuring 15 inches by 8.7 inches by 22 inches; a 24-inch case that's 17.5 inches by 10 inches by 26 ...

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    Ofertele noastre promoționale începând din 1.7. până la 31.7.2024. Ofertele în format PDF.

  28. Shop Longchamp deals in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

    From crossbody bags to travel totes, save big on Longchamp's Le Pliage totes in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2024. ... Shop La Mer skincare for less than $100 at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

  29. 39 Best Everlane Deals to Shop Right Now

    Everlane's sale section is up to 70 percent off right now, and our resident style writer found the best deals under $35.

  30. Travel FREE

    Economisiți profitând de avantajul cantităților mari. Cantitățile maxime premise în magazinele Travel Free. Granițele cu state membre UE. cafea: 10 kg. bere: 110 litri. vin: 90 litri. vin spumant: 60 litri. băuturi < 22% alcool: 20 litri. băuturi > 22% alcool: 10 litri.