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Is the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set a must have?

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Just looking for an opinion. As much as I like the set, using both the reinforced armaments console and phaser omni beam, I'm wondering if it's worth it on my Constitution class. When I swapped to it from the Odyssey, I essentially just copied the build, removing an RCS console in favour of the T6 Connie console. The Connie is a lot more manoeuvrable however so leaving aside the haste bonus, I'm not sure the extra 15% speed is really a make or break factor of the build. I wanted to try out the sensor linked phasers for a change over my PEN ones as I've had a set of them in the bank for a long time, but I'd need to lose the omni beam as I don't like mixing weapon visuals, so that blows the 2 piece bonus. Just in 2 minds if it's worth it or not.


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It is nice to have but for sure not a must have.
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I like the Omni for the Haste, I even use it with my sensor-linked phasers, I just match it with the kinetic cutting beam so I have two beams . I really don't care for the set bonuses, reinforced armaments is good but there are better fish in the sea, so yeah I just use the Omni.


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  • bmdefiant2069
If you phaser, and DPS, then yes. Otherwise, meh.
Kathryn "Scarlett" Beringer - Veritatum Liquido Cernerne
Nothing ventured, nothing gained - I'll need to make a few tweaks to the mods over the next few days but I'll take it out and see how I get on. If it doesn't go to plan, I can press the sensor linked weapons into service on an alt when AoD launches. Cheers all! Footer Logo LTD.

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Beaming in from the 'couv', the trilithium tricobalt trifecta.

That’s a mouthful of triples there, right? Before I explain this tongue twisting title, I’ll mention that Season 14 has launched and I will be reviewing more content soon. I have run the new mission with Captain LaForge, the second mission with Levar Burton’s voice work. Both of the missions are fairly short and since we have to repeat them to get the full series of prizes the brief length is a bonus.

This mission features a reward of a five piece space set although only four are required as the warp core and singularity core are mutually exclusive. This set has the aforementioned cores and a space set with deflector, engines, and shield. Glancing at the descriptions and set bonuses they do look promising. Each week a new piece of the set will unlock so you need to do the mission once per week per character.

star trek online trilithium set

The new season also brings some additional new material including another captain’s specialization tree, “Miracle Worker.” This one is engineering based which makes sense considering the addition of Geordi LaForge to the mix. Admiral Sager had enough specialization points stashed to max the system out on day one. I’ll take some time in the next week or so to eval the system.

They added a new fleet project but it appears to be seriously grindy and it is not being well reviewed by the community.

All this week the shifty little Ferengi, Gyrm in Drozana Station is giving away freebies so each day, so be sure to stop in and get yours. The little weasel will give you a random token of varying “rarity” and you then open his store and purchase items with the token. Hey, who doesn’t like free stuff?

star trek online trilithium set

The last piece is the torpedo launcher. Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher to complete the Trilithium Enhanced Trifecta. The Trilithium seems to increase weapon speed on the two energy weapons but the painfully slow recycling Tricolbalt launcher gets no such love. 30 seconds may as well be next month! Tricobalt torpedos should do ten times the damage they do to offset the ridiculous long recharge time. But Cryptic is terrified of powerful weapons so they nerfed it to the point of being useless.

star trek online trilithium set

I have long opined on the futility of tricobalt torpedoes and this launcher is no different, it still sucks ass. But the set bonuses are pretty solid and having a tricobalt launcher on the aft of a big clumsy cruiser is not such a bad thing.

Overall I would say players failing to participate in the easy mission to get these three items are foolish. I have a lot of ships and I can always find room on one of them for a cool set like this.

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3 thoughts on “ The Trilithium Tricobalt Trifecta? ”

Would the weapon haste also work on any pets you have say if you had the tactical odyssey with its pet defiant

I have not tested it on pets but the description suggests it is primary ship only by omission of any reference to pets.

I haven’t played since the iconian war but tempted to dust off my tac odyssey for those items

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Memory Alpha

Trilithium ore

Trilithium was a compound that, as of 2371 , was experimental. By 2373 , it was carried on some Federation starships . Trilithium was a nuclear inhibitor which could stop all fusion within a star by way of quantum implosion . ( Star Trek Generations ; DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Dilithium and paralithium could both be converted into trilithium, while the explosion of trilithium might result in trilithium resin , a highly toxic substance that could also be used as a weapon. ( VOY : " The Chute "; DS9 : " For the Uniform "; TNG : " Starship Mine ") A trilithium signature might show up in the theta-band . ( Star Trek Generations )

A line from the script of Star Trek Generations , not in the final film, also notes trilithium to be a derivative of some unmentioned substance.

History [ ]

As of the early 2370s , Starfleet was aware that the Romulans had been working on trilithium, but had not found a way to stabilize it. Some Romulan trilithium was stolen in a raid by the Duras sisters , who were contracted to deliver it to Dr. Tolian Soran , in exchange for a functional trilithium-based weapon . Soran used the trilithium to collapse the star Amargosa , in an effort to change the course of the Nexus ribbon. He planned to do the same to the star Veridian , as he added the cloaking device for another trilithium-based solar probe missile on the surface of Veridian III , in which would have destroyed the pre-industrial civilization on Veridian IV . Soran's plans were thwarted by the USS Enterprise -D . ( Star Trek Generations )

A trilithium-based explosive was used by the Akritirian terrorist group Open Sky to bomb the Laktivia recreational facility in 2373 . The trilithium used was synthesized from paralithium from an Akritirian freighter . The USS Voyager was originally implicated in the attack, since there was no source of trilithium present in their system or indeed their sector, but it could be synthesized from dilithium , which powered Voyager 's engines. ( VOY : " The Chute ")

Later that year in the Alpha Quadrant , the USS Defiant carried trilithium. Captain Benjamin Sisko ordered two quantum torpedos to be outfitted with cargo pods carrying two hundred kilograms of trilithium each, which when detonated in the atmosphere of Solosos III poisoned it with trilithium resin , rendering the planet uninhabitable to Humans for fifty years. ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Shortly thereafter, the Dominion attempted to detonate a device containing trilithium, tekasite , and protomatter into the Bajoran sun , by way of a Changeling infiltrator hijacking the runabout USS Yukon . At that time, a combined Federation , Klingon , and Romulan fleet was gathered at Deep Space 9 in anticipation of a supposed Dominion attack. The attack was a ruse to wipe out all three fleets and Bajor in a single stroke with the supernova of the Bajoran sun . The Defiant was able to tractor the Yukon away from the sun, and the bomb exploded harmlessly in open space. ( DS9 : " By Inferno's Light ")

By 2375 , high concentrations of trilithium isotopes indicated the presence of Romulan plasma torpedoes . ( DS9 : " Image in the Sand ")

That same year, the Silver Blood USS Voyager collected samples of trilithium ore . ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

According to the Pocket Books novel Battlestations! , the 23rd century Federation transwarp drive engine design, instead of dilithium, utilized solid trilithium that retains integrity for workable periods of time. Created in a process of extreme refinement of standard dilithium, it allowed the use of the advanced compacted flow of energy that was required by the transwarp drive.

External link [ ]

  • Trilithium at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Star Trek: Prodigy

Mission: Beyond the Nexus

  • VisualEditor

Faction Cross-faction

  • [ Console - Engineering - Reinforced Armaments Mk XII ]
  • [ High Density Beam Rifle Type 3 (24c.) Mk XII ]
  • [ Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XII ]
  • [ Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [Acc] [Arc] [Dmg ]
  • [ Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Turret Mk XII ]
  • 2.1.1 Federation
  • 2.1.2 Klingon
  • 2.1.3 Romulan Republic
  • 2.3 Objectives
  • 3.1.1 Federation
  • 3.2.1 Borg Collective
  • 3.2.2 Federation
  • 3.2.3 Other
  • 4.2 Enemies
  • 5 Accolades
  • 6 Walkthrough
  • 7 Mission Replay

Synopsis [ | ]

The Alliance has sent you to aid legendary Starfleet captain Geordi La Forge in investigating the Nexus, a stellar phenomenon that visits this part of the galaxy only once every 39.1 years.

Outline [ | ]

Mission text [ | ], federation [ | ].

We recently received a distress signal from the U.S.S. Forrestal - a ship we thought was lost in the Nexus back in 2332 . We sent the U.S.S. Madison out to investigate, but they haven't checked in for some time. Considering the Nexus is involved, they could be in trouble. The Madison's last known position was in the Rotanev system . Meet with the U.S.S. Challenger there to investigate the situation - her captain has some experience with the Nexus.

Klingon [ | ]

Starfleet recently received a distress signal from the U.S.S. Forrestal - a ship they thought was lost in the Nexus back in 2332 . They sent a cruiser out to investigate, but it hasn't checked in for some time. Starfleet would like our assistance in the matter. The cruiser's last position was in the Rotanev system . Meet with the U.S.S. Challenger there to investigate the situation - her captain has some experience with the Nexus.

Romulan Republic [ | ]

Objectives [ | ].

  • Go to Rotanev System
  • Hail U.S.S. Challenger
  • Approach Disabled Starships
  • Hail the Madison
  • Close to Scanning Range
  • Scan the Madison
  • Answer Bridge Officer
  • Disable the Madison
  • Beam to the Madison
  • Go to The U.S.S. Madison
  • Confer with La Forge
  • Go to the Holodeck
  • Defeat Hostile Forces
  • Bypass the Security System
  • Speak with La Forge
  • Go to Ten Forward
  • Speak to Commander T'Fai
  • Defend Ten Forward
  • Talk to Bartender (Optional)
  • Talk to Engineer (Optional)
  • Talk to Security Officer (Optional)
  • Go to Engineering
  • Talk to La Forge
  • Recalibrate the Nexus Defense Screens
  • Speak to La Forge
  • Restore Warp Power
  • Speak With La Forge
  • Go to the Bridge
  • Secure the Bridge
  • Return to Your Ship
  • Speak with Khaj'Buur
  • Disable the Forrestal
  • Hail the Forrestal
  • Depart System

Allies [ | ]

Critter Rank 4 icon

Enemies [ | ]

Borg collective [ | ].

Critter Rank 2 icon

Other [ | ]

Npc starships [ | ], accolades [ | ], walkthrough, mission replay [ | ].

This mission is repeatable through Mission Replay , although the Rewards for completing may be reduced.

  • [ Current Lock Box ]

Gallery [ | ]


Notes [ | ]

  • Beyond the Nexus was released on September 12, 2017 as part of Season 13.5 . It served as yet another part of Cryptic's on-going year of events commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation . A special event was held until October 3rd. During this time, the mission had a minimum rank of 10 and rewarded a new special [ Featured Episode Weekly Reward ] once per account, per week for an effective event total of three. The Reward Box contains a choice of either one [ Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade ] , or one Specialization Point (claimable by all, but only usable on Level 50+ characters).
  • The Borg drones encountered in the U.S.S. Madison' s holodeck are unable to adapt to energy weapon fire, the only mission outside of the Federation tutorial where the Borg exhibit this trait.
  • The Forrestal crew encountered in the mission use era-specific Wrath of Khan uniforms and weaponry.
  • The Dilithium Mining minigame is reskinned in this mission for use in the Bypassing Security portion.
  • Prior to being placed in the early game storyline, Beyond the Nexus served as a teaser for “Melting Pot” and Season 14 as well. Instead of mentioning the dangers of studying the Nexus, Geordi discussed his involvement with a joint Lukari-Kentari project . Additionally, the Madison crew encountered used Jupiter uniforms instead of NPC-standard Odyssey . Geordi La Forge also used a Type 3 phaser rifle of the type used primarily in Star Trek: The Next Generation instead of the standard phaser rifle used by other Federation NPC's.
  • As of 7 February, 2018, this mission has been moved back to the New Frontiers arc for Federation and Federation-aligned Romulan captains.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Phoenix Prize Pack


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  2. Two questions regarding space sets: : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. ... and the trilithium enhanced set from Beyond ...

  3. Star Trek Online

    I play though this mission from the New Frontiers to gain the items from the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry setdetails of the set:

  4. Beyond the Nexus Week 1 Reward!

    The Trilithium-Laced Weaponry Set harnesses the power of Trilithium to enhance your starship's offensive abilities while shoring up your ship's defenses to better protect the somewhat unstable substance. The Console - Engineering - Reinforced Armaments is one part of the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set. Collect additional pieces from this set ...

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    Here I talk about the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry Set from the episode "Beyond the Nexus".--------------------Twitter:

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  7. Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array/Info

    Rear Admiral, Upper Half. Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers. Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Array. Energy Damage. 360' targeting arc. to target: 303.1 Phaser Damage (242.5 DPS) -10 Weapon Power to self while this weapon is firing. 2.5% Chance: Gain 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 15 sec. +10 Accuracy Rating.

  8. Beyond the Nexus Week Two Rewards!

    The Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher is one part of the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set. Collect additional pieces from this set to unlock powerful set bonuses: Trilithium-Laced Weaponry . Speed Tweaks (2 piece) This 2 piece bonus grants you Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons and a Flight Speed increase. Reinforced Engineering (3 piece)

  9. Phaser build

    1x Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array Mk XII (Very Rare) [Acc] [Arc] [Dmg] ... one that is part of a set (such as the Trilithium) and one that is not. The crafted ones are not. ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your ...

  10. Is there any Episode gear worth using at endgame? : r/sto

    Somebody already mentioned the 2-piece Trilithium set. If you lack a bunch of high end gear, I would say that the Quantum Phase weapons set is no slouch. ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures ...

  11. Is the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set a must have?

    CL1 - Star Trek: Online > CL1 - Build Discussions > Is the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set a must have? Is the Trilithium-Laced Weaponry set a must have? Started By: Petrarch, Sun 16 Sep, 2018 8:57 PM. Views: 4903. Replies: 4. Petrarch. View Profile Private Message Retired Admiral Commendation

  12. Set

    A Set (or Item Set) is a collection of specific items that grant additional benefits when equipped in combination. ... Resonant Technologies • Quantum Phase Applications • Quantum Phase Catalysts • Solanae Hybrid Technologies • Trilithium-Laced Weaponry ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...

  13. The Trilithium Tricobalt Trifecta?

    These phaser energy weapons are Trilithium Enchanced. The weapons offer a 2.5% proc that increasing weapon firing cycle by 10% for 15 seconds. It also has a CrtH x2 modifier and a fast 1 second recharge. The last piece is the torpedo launcher. Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher to complete the Trilithium Enhanced Trifecta.

  14. Easy obtainable space/ground sets [FED]. : r/sto

    Trilithium Set: Phaser users Rejoice: The 2pc Trilithium Omni/Turret + Console combination gets you flight-speed and energy weapon haste. However, the Tricobalt remains no good. ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or ...

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    Per page: 15 30 50. Star Trek Online > General Discussions > Topic Details. Apr 11, 2021 @ 3:25am. 33. I am now on lvl 63 With T5U I just picked up. (exploration Cruiser retrofit) ANd I fould ask for Phaser beam build if you have any. ALso if there is better beam build I would like to see that too. I am tactical class if that helps.

  16. Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Turret/Info

    Rear Admiral, Upper Half. Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers. Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Turret. Energy Damage. 360' targeting arc. to target: ___ Phaser Damage (___ DPS) -8 Weapon Power to self while this weapon is firing. 2.5% Chance: Gain 10% Firing Cycle Haste for energy weapons for 15 sec. +6% Critical Chance.

  17. Beyond the Nexus Week Three Rewards!

    Each week we'll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode "Beyond the Nexus." Last week's reward was the Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher.This week's rewards are the Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Turret and the Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly ...

  18. Requesting more transparent rules about equipping multiple ...

    Requesting more transparent rules about equipping multiple Omni-beams : r/sto.     Go to sto. r/sto. r/sto. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your ...

  19. Set/Space Equipment (Universal)

    Space Equipment sets are those combinations of Weapons/Consoles obtainable in-game through various methods. The following Universal sets are broken out into 3 categories for ease of organization. These sets can be obtained by replaying certain missions. These sets can be obtained through the Reputation System These sets can be obtained in the Lobi Crystal Store. These sets can be obtained by ...

  20. Trilithium

    Trilithium was a compound that, as of 2371, was experimental. By 2373, it was carried on some Federation starships. Trilithium was a nuclear inhibitor which could stop all fusion within a star by way of quantum implosion. (Star Trek Generations; DS9: "For the Uniform") Dilithium and paralithium could both be converted into trilithium, while the explosion of trilithium might result in ...

  21. Mission: Beyond the Nexus

    The Alliance has sent you to aid legendary Starfleet captain Geordi La Forge in investigating the Nexus, a stellar phenomenon that visits this part of the galaxy only once every 39.1 years. Galaxy Class Down Go to Rotanev System Hail U.S.S. Challenger Approach Disabled Starships Hail the Madison Close to Scanning Range Scan the Madison Answer Bridge Officer Disable the Madison Beam to the ...