montessori toddler classroom tour

  • Jun 9, 2019

A Montessori Infant-Toddler Classroom Tour: Christie of Aid to Life Education

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

montessori toddler classroom tour

Toddler Class Set Up

This week's interview is such an exciting one for me. When Layla was around 10 months old, we started asking around to see what Montessori programs were available. My mom found out about a special program that was a Montessori parent-participation class and we immediately signed her up. Layla attended the infant class from 12-15 months and then the toddler class when she was around 16 months old. It was fascinating to see her progress each week and how she became used to the routines and expectations of the class. The classroom is especially prepared for each age group with enough activities for children to have choice, but not too much so they become overwhelmed. There was time to explore the materials, enjoy snack as a group, and have a song or two. We made friends and Layla loved her time in "Christie's class." The biggest factor in the success of that experience was Christie, who was so supportive and welcoming. I knew she had experience, but through this interview really discovered how much time she has dedicated to her Montessori's impressive!

I was so excited when Christie agreed to answer some questions about her classroom, Montessori experience and family. Hope you enjoy the interview.

Tell me about yourself.

I was born and raised in West Vancouver, Canada by my parents, who immigrated here from New Zealand. I have two older brothers and an older sister, all now living in different parts of the world with their families! I have been married for 13 years (together for 18) and am a proud mom to 6 year old twin boys.

When did you first learn about Montessori?

My mom found out about Montessori while she was pregnant and chose to put me in a 3 year Casa program. Elementary Montessori was not available to us where we were living so I transitioned into a traditional school for the remainder of my education.

I always loved working with children so when I was in high school and had to do a volunteer work placement I chose to do one in a Montessori Day Care. This turned into my first job and the reason that I decided to become a trained Montessori teacher!

montessori toddler classroom tour

infant class set up

I know you have a lot of Montessori training and experience. Tell me a bit about your journey.

After finishing high school I chose to go straight into the 3-6 AMI Montessori Training at the Montessori Training Centre of BC. After graduating in 1999, I started working as an assistant (which was the BEST decision in my opinion to gain experience) and enrolled in university. I started plugging away at night school and took on a co-teaching position, then a head teaching position in a Casa environment. In 2001 the AMI Elementary Training came to Canada for the first time so I decided to register. I graduated in 2003 and did a few more years in Casa (7 in total) before moving up to teach one large 6-12 year old Elementary class for 3 years. Then, in 2009 the AMI Assistants to Infancy Training also came to Canada for the first time so of course I had to take it! My husband and I were planning on starting a family so what better course than this one to round out my Montessori knowledge? I graduated with this certification in 2010.

Your infant toddler Montessori program is so successful and well known in the Lower Mainland. How did it come to be?

During my Assistants to Infancy training I knew that my next step had to be working with parents and little ones. With a lot of guidance from my Montessori trainer, Maria Teresa Vidales, and the help of a business coach, I started a company called Aid to Life Education. I offered home consultations, teacher mentorship, talks, workshops, designed a Parent-Child program, and went on the hunt for a location. As we know, spaces are very hard to find, especially in the Lower Mainland! So as I was visiting schools, the Head of North Star Montessori offered me one of their empty classrooms to ‘get off the ground’. I started in January of 2010 with 1 class and only 3 children!! Every semester I kept on growing and every year the business slowly improved. After 5 or 6 years of running my classes out of North Star and having a wonderful working relationship, we decided to make the classes an official part of the school. For the past 4 years we have continued growing the programs and we now offer 11 classes per week, with 66 children enrolled per semester. Our success has come mainly through word of mouth and parents returning to the program every time they have a new baby! Because the parents are there with me during class, we really become a team. This partnership can be very valuable, as I am there to help guide them to see their child through new eyes.

You do a lot of Parent Education at your school. What advice would you give parents who are interested in a Montessori education for their child?

Do your research. The more you learn about Montessori the more you will discover how amazing this teaching method is!! Knowledge is power. I highly recommend that families go visit different schools. It really is a gut feeling and even if someone says it is a great school, you have to feel like it is the right place for your child and family.

montessori toddler classroom tour

You have twin boys. How has being a Montessori educator influenced your home? How do you foster independence with your children?

Now reflecting back it is so amazing to see all of the ways the influence of Montessori has had on their growth and development! In the early years I had so much fun setting up my home with the right movement areas, organized play rooms, having everything accessible for them to use, etc. They learned to feed themselves at a low table instead of in high chairs and learned to sleep in low beds instead of in cribs (which some people thought was crazy!). I also always tell parents it is not ‘easy’ in the beginning, it is actually more work because you are an observer and your environment needs to change when your child changes!! However, the benefit of setting up your home in this way is truly immense when at 2 years old you see them cleaning up after themselves, getting dressed, putting themselves to sleep, etc. Now at 6 the boys are extremely independent (although we have other challenges!!).

I know you get many questions from parents in your program (I was one of them!) What advice would you give parents about creating a Prepared Environment at home?

Sit on the floor and look around. Imagine yourself as your child. Are there opportunities for your child to be independent with their belongings? Do you have low hooks for their coats, a shoe rack for a small selection of their shoes, a little bench or stool for them to sit on when getting ready, a cabinet for their kitchen items that they can access easily, an open storage shelf to organize their toys? Please DECLUTTER. We cannot expect a child to clean up when they have way too much stuff as it is totally overwhelming for them.

montessori toddler classroom tour

a toddler class in action (Layla is in there!)

What is your favourite parenting book?

Janet Lansbury “No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline without Shame”

Anything else you'd like to add?

Why is all of this so important for the young child?? By setting up and providing our little children with these prepared environments full of organization and the means for independent activity, they will gain an immense amount of positive self-esteem and a feeling of ‘I can do it, I am capable,’ which they will internalize and carry with them for their entire life!!

To learn more about Christie and her program, follow her on Instagram ( @infant_toddler_montessori ), Facebook ( AidtoLife ) and check out her website ( )

montessori toddler classroom tour

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Montessori for Infants & Toddlers

Dr. Maria Montessori, the Italian educator and scientist who, more than 100 years ago, developed the system of education that bears her name, knew that during the period from birth to age 3, your child’s brain develops more rapidly than at any other time, and more learning takes place than at any other stage of development. Yet many parents don’t seek out formal education until their children have passed the toddler age.

Recognizing the importance of these formative years, the Montessori approach to infant and toddlers supports starting earlier than that.

In a Montessori environment, your infant or toddler will be with teachers—loving, nurturing, and rigorously trained in child development—who create peaceful, supportive, and safe environments for our youngest children. In these spaces, a child’s natural passion for wonder, curiosity, exploration, independence, and discovery comes alive.

Looking for a Montessori school in your area?

Education must begin at birth.

Dr. Maria Montessori, THE 1946 LONDON LECTURES

Beginning with montessori.

Montessori Infant & Toddler programs offer so much more than childcare. The classroom design fosters your young child’s emerging independence and desire for exploration. The environments are designed to promote your child’s growth in all areas of development. Additionally, Montessori Infant & Toddler programs provide support and guidance for families through programs that may include parent education and parent/child group experiences.

What Will Your Child Learn?

During the first 3 years of life, your child develops more rapidly than at any other time. During this phase, your child absorbs large amounts of information from the environment through observation and experiences. These are the years that lay the foundation for later learning—and the stronger the foundation, the more the child will be able to build upon it.

Montessori Infant & Toddler programs offer a curriculum that emerges from each child’s unique skills and interests. Based on daily observations, teachers introduce new materials and activities that pique curiosity and stimulate learning. Learning objectives for your child at this age include developing skills such as language, concentration, problem solving, visual discrimination, and physical coordination.

The routines of everyday living are the foundation of Montessori Infant & Toddler programs. Activities promote independence, order, coordination, and concentration, as well as support social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. These learning activities include:

  • Self-care: washing, dressing, toileting, and eating, according to each child’s individual capacity
  • Care of the environment: cleaning, food preparation and food service; plant care and animal care
  • Large-motor activities (indoors and out): walking, climbing, running, jumping, balancing, climbing steps, and more
  • Fine-motor skills: reaching, grasping, picking up objects, transferring objects, using tools and utensils, doing art work
  • Language: naming objects, describing actions and intentions, discussing pictures, conversation, music, and singing
  • Social skills: developing manners through interactions with peers, teachers, and adult-led small group games

Montessori Learning Materials

While Dr. Maria Montessori did not develop learning materials for infants and toddlers, some have subsequently been designed in the spirit of her work. The materials go far beyond plastic squeak toys for chewing on and plastic blocks for banging together. Rather, they offer authentic and meaningful learning experiences.

Infants & Toddler Learning Materials

montessori toddler classroom tour

Object Permanence Box

The Object Permanence Box enables the youngest learners to explore hand-eye coordination and become familiar with object permanence; that is, the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they can’t be seen.

montessori toddler classroom tour

Ball Tracker

A child who is able to stand can place a ball in the Ball Tracker and watch it move slowly down the ramp, following it with their eyes. This tracking movement will be important for later writing and reading.

montessori toddler classroom tour

Imbucare Box

Imbucare Boxes help children recognize different shapes of the same size; in this case, a cyclinder. It also supports eye-hand coordination—an important skill for future writing, reading, and sports-playing.

The Curriculum

Montessori infant & toddler programs may include:.

An Infant Class (birth – 18 months)

A Montessori classroom for infants, sometimes referred to as “The Nido” (Italian for "nest"), accommodates non-mobile or crawling infants in a peaceful classroom environment. Here, the infant safely explores, feeling secure in the presence of loving adult caregivers. The environment includes developmentally appropriate furniture and materials. Safety is paramount, but equipment that limits a child’s freedom of movement is avoided. Instead, specially designed furniture supports your child’s budding independence, including bars for pulling up, mirrors to reflect body movement, and a sleeping area with individual floor beds/mats, and child-sized tables and chairs rather than high chairs.

A Toddler Class (18 months – age 3)

A Montessori classroom for toddlers safely supports your child’s drive to do things alone, developing confidence and a sense of competence. The environment is language-rich, with adults using proper nomenclature rather than baby talk so that the children are exposed to and develop a broad vocabulary. Adults also support toddlers in communicating with each other. A range of books allows children to explore on their own or read aloud with an adult.

In this learning environment, children work independently, observe others, explore freely, and express their curiosity and creativity. A self-care area fosters toilet awareness and independence in maintaining personal hygiene (such as learning how to wipe one’s nose and wash hands independently). A sleeping area with individual floor beds/mats that allows toddlers to exercise autonomy in preparing for rest and allows them to get up independently once rested. There is also an area for gross motor activities to help children coordinate their movements, and low tables that enable them to help prepare, serve, eat, and clean up their snacks and meals.

A Parent-Child Class

In a Montessori Parent-Child Class, you and your child will interact alongside a Montessori-trained teacher in a thoughtfully prepared environment. These activities will support your child’s sense of discovery and encourage independent investigation of the learning environment. In the class, you and your child will experience an environment set up to encourage movement, language, and learning through hands-on activities—all of which you can then apply at home.

The Montessori Classroom Environment for Infants & Toddlers

A Montessori environment for very young children gives your infant or toddler the freedom to safely explore and learn through discovery. The setting is calm, inviting, and homelike, with soft rugs, a rocking chair, books arrayed on low shelves and toys in baskets. Colors are muted, the atmosphere peaceful. The space is organized, clean, and uncluttered.

The classroom is a community in which respect for the independence and character of your child is paramount. Caregivers are consistently calm, gentle, soft-spoken, patient, and trusting. They demonstrate respect and compassion by using eye contact, kneeling to the level of the child, addressing your children by name, and speaking before touching or moving them. The result is a calm, soothing atmosphere in which consistent caregivers create an emotional safe haven for those in their care.

Learning materials, such as the ones in the photos on this page, are easily accessible. These materials are designed to foster concentration, problem solving, and a sense of achievement. Children select the material that interests them, use it for as long as they would like, clean it up (with assistance when needed), and make another choice.

Equipment that supports gross and fine motor skills, such as low ladders with railings for children who are just learning to walk, are available for toddlers to try. Child-sized furniture, utensils, and other tools enable children to make independent choices and complete activities, which builds self-confidence, concentration, and critical thinking skills.  

Please Visit

Montessori Infant & Toddler programs lay the foundation for lifelong learning by nurturing your child’s curiosity, self-confidence, and intrinsic desire to learn from birth. A Montessori environment offers so much more than childcare for the youngest learners— visit a Montessori classroom and see for yourself.

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Now Enrolling for 2024-2025 school year

Diverse Kindergarten

Toddler Community

The Toddler Community provides enrichment for children 16 months old to 3 years old. Activities focus on language, independence, physical development, and everyday living skills.

The Toddler Classroom

Classroom environment.

There is space for movement, space for individual work and space for group activities. Everything in the environment is proportionate to the child’s size and is designed to be safe and aesthetically pleasing for children. The toddler classroom is simpler and slower paced than the early childhood Primary classroom.

Practical Life Activities

Practical life activities are simple and can be accomplished by each child. They offer repetitive cycle, which helps the child establish patterns of order and sequencing. Due to the fact that these are very real activities, each child becomes grounded in reality, building the child’s self-esteem is the ultimate goal and this is accomplished through repeated successes with these activities.

Work Cycles

During cycles, children choose activities, engage with them, and then return the materials to their proper places when finished. This helps instill a sense of order and responsibility in the child. Work cycles typically last for a set period, after which children can choose new activities. These activities are carefully designed and structured to promote the child's development in various areas, including cognitive, motor, social, and emotional skills.

Kid Chefs

Typical Schedule

Multilingual  Functionality

How it Works

Schedule a tour, decide if we are a good fit, enroll your child.

For children ages 18 months to 2.5-3 years old (age varies by location)

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The Program

Children ages 16 months to 2.5-3 years old make astonishing achievements in terms of communication, independence, physical movement, problem-solving ability, and social interactions. The Toddler program helps young children maximize the gains they make during this crucial time.

In the Toddler classroom, children have access to increasingly-sophisticated Montessori activities. These activities support the toddler in learning to solve problems and make choices, as well as giving them plenty of opportunities to practice a variety of physical movements.

  • Making friends and setting boundaries
  • Going to the toilet independently
  • Mastering communication
  • Building a sense of community
  • Teachers keep parents and caregivers involved

montessori toddler classroom tour

Our Approach

Language Development

Between the ages of one and three, a toddler will go from speaking two-word phrases all the way to full sentences, using correct grammar. To reduce the typical frustration that toddlers feel when they don’t yet have the skill to share their needs and preferences, it’s important to support your toddler’s early language development, deliberately and methodically exposing your toddler to the specific language that she will need on a daily basis. This aspect of language learning is an important part of your child’s classroom experience.

In the Montessori toddler classroom, a child is exposed to real, rich, precise, and varied vocabulary and grammar. The Montessori guide will get down on the child’s level, look in his eyes, and speak to him clearly, so that he can watch the movements made by her mouth as she speaks. Children will enjoy carefully chosen songs, and read-aloud books with poetry, real stories and beautiful illustrations.

Your toddler will experience less frustration as he learns to express his ideas and feelings in words, and this thoughtful approach to language will also prepare him for reading and writing in the Children's House.

Confidence and “Practical Life”

Toddlers love to do real-world, adult tasks “all by myself”! The toddler community offers your toddler real tools and opportunities through the Montessori “practical life” activities.

Tables, chairs, toilets, and sinks are just the right size and easily accessible to your child. Materials and utensils are sized to a child’s hand and ability, and art and mirrors are hung at child’s height. Children use the dressing frames, which teach her to open and close velcro, buttons, snaps, zippers, and more.

She will polish mirrors or shoes, water plants, or wash real dishes and cloths used in the classroom. She will learn to wipe her own nose and brush her own hair, establishing foundational habits of self-care. She'll practice arranging flowers in a small vase, and placing them in a spot she chooses in the classroom, so that they will add to the beauty of the community.

In this right-sized environment, the Montessori practical life exercises allow a child to perform real-world, purposeful tasks that your child can choose and complete independently. Your child will become an important contributor to her community, and practice tasks over and over to achieve mastery, building confidence and self-esteem. This gives rise to a naturally self-reinforcing process: the more he tries, the more he succeeds. The more success he feels, the more confident he becomes. The sense of accomplishment that a child feels each time he achieves something new (something that grown-ups do, too!) builds the foundation of self-confidence that he will carry with him throughout his life.

Coordinated Movement & Problem-Solving

In the Montessori toddler community, children have access to increasingly-sophisticated Montessori activities. Each activity is matched to the appropriate moment in an individual child's development and designed to strengthen the integration between her mind and her hand. These activities support the toddler in learning to understand cause and effect, solve problems, make choices, and pursue goals, as well as giving her plenty of opportunities to practice increasingly coordinated movements.

Some activities feed a child's developing mind through hand-eye coordination; others address his need to move and grow. Your child will engage in gross motor activity, both indoors and out, from singing and dancing with friends, to climbing and riding tricycles on our beautiful playground, to simply experiencing the joy of freedom of movement in the Montessori classroom.

As your toddler works with more complex activities, her experiences reinforce her belief in her own ability to solve problems and surmount challenges that arise along the way. From opening and closing latches, to sorting and matching activities, to watering plants or setting a table, your toddler needs new challenges to overcome all the time!

Toilet Independence

One of the most important ways a toddler learns to be independent is in learning to use the toilet on his own. Our Montessori guides know how to watch for the signs that a child is ready, and how to motivate him to learn without pressure.

Your child will have access to bathrooms which are just his size, and we'll share comfortable rhythms and routines that make using the toilet familiar and appealing. Most of all, the mixed-age classroom is an invaluable resource: older children in the class will be setting the example, inspiring interest and a desire to emulate in the younger children. The Montessori approach ensures that great care is taken to keep the experience positive and relaxed.

Socializing with “Grace and Courtesy”

One of the most exciting things about working with toddlers is watching them begin to interact, play, and socialize with their peers. To learn, children imitate the adults around them, establishing patterns of social behavior that will stay with them throughout their lifetimes. Because children move freely in their Montessori classroom, they have lots of opportunities to interact with other children.

Our Montessori guides help children learn positive social interaction through specific lessons in “grace and courtesy.” Rather than constantly correcting your child’s behavior from a negative perspective, children are instead shown what to do in each situation. Courteous interactions are modeled, capitalizing on the toddler's delight in imitation. Lessons in grace and courtesy help your toddler to navigate his world with confidence and consideration for others.

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"I really appreciate the constant feedback we get from the classroom. I can see daily the changes my daughter is going through and when discussing with her teacher, we are clear partners in her ongoing development."

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"I'm so excited my son is going here. The staff not only check in on me as a parent, but they also have my son's best interests at heart. This is where you want your kid to be. I'm so grateful."

Patricia h..

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"Our child LOVES this school. Our kid adapted straight away! His behavior issues also disappeared once she started being properly challenged! The teachers are attentive and patient. They really get to know your child and their individual needs and personalities. Our kid loves school so much she sometimes gets upset when he cant go to school on the weekends! This never happened at our old childcare center."

Kids USA Primary Logo


Empowering curious minds to explore and discover the world, tiny hands, limitless potential.

Step into a realm where the universe unfolds at the tender touch of tiny fingers. Our Montessori Toddler Program is more than just an educational curriculum—it’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and boundless curiosity. Here, every detail is meticulously crafted for the world of a toddler, from the inviting environment to the nurturing guides. Serving children 18 months to 3 years, we have perfected the art of striking a balance between care, learning, and natural exploration. Dive deep with us into this unique chapter of childhood, where every day is a new adventure, a new lesson, and a new memory.

A toddler learning to pile blocks


Every child is unique, possessing innate curiosity and potential. Our Toddler Program is meticulously crafted to empower your child to explore the world at their own pace, fostering independence and a genuine love for learning


In a world tailored for adults, our Montessori classroom is a haven designed for toddlers. From scaled-down furniture to child-friendly tools, everything is handpicked to encourage self-reliance, coordination, and hands-on exploration.

A toddler engaging in an animal toy activity at school


While academic growth is essential, we understand the importance of holistic development. Your toddler will engage in activities that nurture cognitive skills and emotional, physical, and social capabilities.


Celebrating Diversity In our multi-age classrooms, toddlers interact with peers of varied ages. This diversity fosters mutual respect, leadership skills, and a collaborative spirit—equipping them for a future in our interconnected world.

Two boys engaging in activities that develop cognitive, emotional, physical, and social skills


Behind every engaged toddler is a passionate Montessori educator. Our certified staff are more than teachers; they are nurturing guides who observe, understand, and support each child’s unique journey.


Nature is the first teacher. Our outdoor spaces invite toddlers to experience the wonders of the natural world firsthand—whether it’s feeling the texture of bark, watching a butterfly, or tending to a plant.

Two toddlers playing with snails


Parental engagement is a cornerstone of the Montessori philosophy. We invite you to join our regular sessions, workshops, and school events, ensuring you’re an integral part of your child’s developmental journey.


Why just read when you can experience it? We welcome you to tour our campuses, witness the wonder of Montessori firsthand, and envision the possibilities for your precious one.


Behind the Classroom

One teacher's blog sharing about life, in and outside the classroom.

Motherhood , Home , Toddler

Montessori Toddler Bedroom Ideas and Tour

montessori toddler classroom tour

A few months ago, my husband and I moved into a bigger home after our second was born – a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom split level – a huge step up from our 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom starter home. When we moved in, I was determined to make my daughter’s room more Montessori-based as she’s nearing 3 years old. I’ve finally reached a point where I’m happy with it and how much more independent she’s become with the minor changes I’ve done. So I present to you her Montessori toddler bedroom! 

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One of the most common Montessori toddler bedroom ideas is bringing in a floor bed. We started our daughter in her floor bed when she was about 15 months old as a way to transition from cosleeping in our bed. 

montessori toddler classroom tour

She absolutely loves her bed and she will often just lay in it. We also work on making her bed in the mornings, which is doable with it on the floor. 

Interested in learning more about Montessori? Read this post with 5 books to get you started !

Just recently, I added the garland on top that also lights up too! I would definitely only recommend placing one if it’s out of reach for your child! 

Along with her bed, she has her night table that has books about sleeping – another Montessori idea to have books associated with the room’s purpose in the room – and also her Hatch sound machine and Toniebox for night time. 

Montessori Toddler Bedroom

In her new room, as you can see, she has an open closet, but the rod is way too high up for her to reach for herself. So I added a tension shower curtain rod underneath, so now she can pick out her top for the day!

For her pants and pajamas, they go in this dresser (I honestly don’t recommend it, as putting it together was such a hassle and one of the handles is already coming off after a month, so I’m not linking it!). But she loves being able to access those clothes super easy!

Since we have a playroom downstairs, there aren’t tons of toys in her room. So for the toys she does have, I bought this storage ottoman to hold them and she can sit on it too! I love it so much that I got one for her baby brother’s room as well.

My kid has so many stuffed animals – as you can see. I try to go through them every few months because it always seems like people get them for her all the time! To store the always growing mountain, I bought this big storage bin !

Another play location in her room is the dress up station . I bought this wardrobe for her and since then, I store all her dress up stuff on it. She absolutely loves being able to put on her dresses and be a princess doctor ha!

Montessori Toddler Bedroom

My daughter LOVES books. Like seriously adores them so much. We find her just sitting in a mound of books looking at pictures almost every day. So having a bookshelf that can hold all her books at a low level for her was important. For the tall books that I stacked on top, I found these heavy duty bookends that are adjustable and they really are awesome for holding all those books on top too!

Next Projects

I’m always coming up with new Montessori toddler bedroom ideas or seeing lots of ideas that I want to incorporate. Below are a few things I want to add to my toddler’s room!

Cord management

Montessori Toddler Bedroom Ideas and Tour

Next to her bedside table, that outlet has a bunch of things that we’ve been charging up as needed – her Hatch, her nightlight, and her Toniebox. I plan on using a small multi-plug box to have all three plugged in and then get the cords out of the way to make it look better, but more importantly, make it safer over there!

Self care station

This is definitely a Montessori idea – adding a self care station! Right now, I comb her hair and do her hair in her room, but I’d love to set up a spot for her to start doing it herself. For Christmas, I’m asking for this mirror with a shelf to put up next to her dresser. 

Tonie shelf

As I stated above, my daughter LOVES her Toniebox. Right now, it’s stored in a traveling tote . However, I’d love to get a Tonie shelf that holds the figures, box, and charger that can go right next to her bed! This way, she’ll be able to see all of her Tonies versus digging through them every night before bed. 

Not necessarily Montessori, but more aesthetic. The girl needs some curtains in her room rather than the broken blinds!

What Montessori toddler bedroom ideas do you want to share? Or any that you love from this list? Share in the comments below!

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Cute bedroom! I love the idea of a self-care station.

I love how you set up your Montessori toddler bedroom. It’s so nice to see the clothes hanging up at your child’s level so that they can pick out their clothes independently.

Great bedroom set up. I love that she is able to independently choose her clothes.

Great inspiration! Thanks for the article.

The tension rod was such a good idea! Love how you’re incorporating Montessori philosophies at home so smart and really helps kids learn and grow!

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  • Toddler Program

The Montessori toddler classroom is carefully prepared to provide a wide range of stimulating,engrossing activities within a caring, calm environment. The materials are placed low on shelves so children learn to choose and use them independently and productively. Each material has a purpose in helping children develop their potential. As they explore their classroom, absorbing language and concepts, small children gain independence, self-discipline, and social skill.

This program is specifically designed to teach our toddlers basic life skills such as toilet training and feeding themselves. Our toddlers learn how to be independent and self-sufficient while learning how to share and work with their friends.

By performing tasks such as choosing their work, unrolling rugs, doing their work and then placing their work back on the shelf, they establish a sense of purpose and a sense of order. They learn to be a part of the community by contributing to the program’s daily and weekly activities such as circle time, art and cooking. Music, Spanish and yoga are also a part of the toddler curriculum.

As a part of our Toddler program, we offer Spanish, yoga and meditation, gardening and music (from My Gym in Princeton) on a weekly basis.

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Trillium Montessori

A Tour of a Montessori Toddler Classroom in Amsterdam

October 17, 2014 By Guest

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Simone Davies from Jacaranda Tree Montessori .  Simone runs a lovely Montessori playgroup in Amsterdam.  She is treating us today with a detailed tour of her beautiful space.  I am in love with her design aesthetic and gorgeous light in her room!  Enjoy the tour and be sure to stop by her blog to say hello!


I am super excited to be guest posting here today and to share a tour of my classroom here in Amsterdam. I adore working with toddlers and their parents helping them to introduce Montessori into their daily lives. And I love our space. Come look around!

A tour of Simone's Montessori Toddler Classroom in Amsterdam

We are so lucky to rent this beautiful space. It feels like zen every time I arrive in the space. I love the neutral floor and walls so the children are really drawn into the activities around the classroom. There is lots of space to move, including a little outside area too. I have classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, but today it’s ready for our toddlers – children aged from around 15 months to 3 years.

Language Corner

Once you enter, first is the language area. There is space here for 8 vocabulary baskets and a selection of English and Dutch books.

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There are 4 types of baskets:

1. The easiest have just objects for the children to explore, for example, a suitcase with summer clothing, or perhaps a basket of things you would take camping.

2. Then we have baskets with objects and matching cards, for example, kitchen utensils and then photos of these exact objects for the children to match.

3. The next difficulty is objects with similar cards. At the moment, one of the baskets has insects and then pictures of these insects in real life.

4. And the final type are just cards – continuing to build the child’s vocabulary.

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The children are just like sponges in this age group – they have what Dr Montessori called “an unconscious absorbent mind”. So we are learning to use rich language with them as much detail as possible. For example, they love learning all the breeds of dogs, the names of different construction vehicles etc.

Kitchen area

Next you will see our kitchen area. This is a buzzing hub of the classroom where the children are welcome to make a snack any time during the session.

The children can choose to spread crackers, cut bananas, make orange juice or peel and slice apples.

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They learn to set the table – all the plates, glasses and cutlery are on a low shelf that they can access easily. Once they have made their snack, they come to sit at the table to eat, a great spot for children to observe others in the classroom.

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And they learn quickly to pack away the dirty dishes to the washing up trolley. During the class, an older child often enjoys washing the dishes in our dish washing area. It’s a simple low shelf with two washing up bowls (one for soapy water and one for rinsing water), a drying rack, and underneath you find the aprons, a jug for filling the bowls, a bucket for emptying the bowls, and lots of towels :).

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Art and Craft Area

The art and craft activities are located next to a large window giving beautiful light to work by. The children can choose from a variety of activities ranging from drawing and painting, to gluing and cutting, and the always popular play dough or kinetic sand. Older children also enjoy sewing with a simple sewing card, darning needle and thread.

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I love how the children use this space. It’s all set up for them to help themselves. If they are busy practising cutting strips, they will find more in the small sets of drawers. They can get some more as they need to and are able to keep practising.

You can also see by the easel, there is an apron ready for them to put on, wet cloths for wiping the board, floor or their hands, and (to the right) there is a drying rack with pegs for the completed paintings. The older children manage most of these steps themselves. And the adult steps in when a child needs some assistance.

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Gross Motor Movement

In addition to the movement built into activities like fetching water for hand washing, flower arranging and the like, I like to have an area where the children can move their bodies. The green balance beam can be configured into different shapes and the children begin by walking with one foot on the balance beam, then perhaps holding an adult’s hand for assistance, and then balancing all by themselves.

I’ve also made a simple book of my children doing yoga with poses for the children to copy. They love to try these on the yoga mats which are always at the ready.

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Fine Motor Skills

If you keep going into the classroom, you find an area with two shelves of activities to work the child’s eye-hand coordination. We have a variety of puzzles, purses to open and close, a lock box, and activities for posting and nesting.

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The activities are set up on trays or baskets so the child can easily carry them to a table or mat. This coin posting activity is the most popular activity in the classroom, perfect for children from around 16 months, and the lock and key keep it challenging for children over 2 years.

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The children love playing music in the classroom. We have a beautiful xylophone that was passed on from a Dutch family that we adore. And a changing display of musical instruments to try. I also like to end our classes with a singing time – simple action songs with lots of movement for toddlers.

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We have a small but well-used outside area. The children water plants, scrub the decking, clean the windows and do lots of sweeping. In the summer months, they love playing with water too. And in winter, they put on their coats and boots and head out regardless of the weather.

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So that’s it. A quick tour of our classroom. I hope you enjoyed looking around. If you are ever in Amsterdam, feel free to come and visit us!

And thanks again to Seemi for inviting me to show you around. It has been fun to share our space with you. I hope you find it inspiring.

About Simone Davies

Simone Davies loves putting Montessori into practice. She is a qualified 0-3 Montessori teacher through the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) and mother of two children who attended Montessori preschool and primary school. She is from Australia and lives in the Netherlands where she runs a Montessori playgroup for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Amsterdam. Visit her website here: .

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Childcare & Early Learning

Bankstown centre.

Weekdays 7:30am to 6pm

462 Chapel Road Bankstown NSW 2200

Bankstown Childcare & Early Learning Preschool

Our Bankstown childcare and preschool is conveniently located on Level 2 of the Little Saigon Plaza at 461 Chapel Road, Bankstown NSW 2200. The centre offers safe drop-off and pick-up parking as well as long daycare hours from 7:30am – 6:00pm.

Featuring an open-plan design, our Bankstown childcare centre offers three spacious Montessori classrooms for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Each classroom is filled with unique  educational materials  that connect with children’s interests and needs at each stage of development to provide them with the optimal environment for learning.

About Bankstown

Beyond the classroom, our Bankstown long daycare centre features two incredible  play spaces. The 0-2 outdoor space features gardens, a sandpit, sensory walls, climbing equipment, soft spaces, water play, and plenty of room to crawl, walk, and run. In the 2-6 outdoor space, children have access to a bike track, fort, climbing equipment, dramatic play corner, sandpit, gardens, water play, an art station plus so much more.

The team at Bankstown Montessori Academy are passionate Montessori educators who personalise the  curriculum  to suit each child. Educators observe children’s interests, direct them towards activities suited to their stage of development, and create a positive atmosphere for learning that allows children to discover learning outcomes on their own and in their own time.

Book a tour at Bankstown Montessori Academy today to meet our team and learn more about the benefits of  Montessori education .

Campus Features

  • Montessori & EYLF Curriculum
  • Personalised Montessori Education Programs for all ages
  • Trained Montessori Educators
  • Full set of Montessori educational materials
  • Munch and Move Program
  • Morning and afternoon tea are provided
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  • Designated drop-off and pick-up parking
  • Sun safe and allergy aware

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Montessori Academy is Australia’s leading Montessori Childcare and Early Learning Group. We deliver a Montessori Education Programs for ages 0-6 that nurtures confident, courageous, and independent learners. Join our Montessori learning community today.

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Daily routines, school readiness.

Our School Readiness and Kinder Preparation Program combines school-styled workbooks with practical school readiness skills to develop a positive and confident attitude towards school.

Preschool Program

The Montessori Preschool Program is a structured academics and wellbeing program that prepares children for their transition to school.

Toddler Program

The Montessori Toddler Program is active, self-paced, and involves learning using all five senses. Children are introduced to the five areas of the Montessori Curriculum.

Montessori Curriculum

Montessori is a method of education that is personalised to each child’s learning style, stage of development, and interests. Children develop complete academic and wellbeing foundations through hands-on experience, real-world application, and problem-solving using the Montessori Method of education.

Discover how the curriculum incorporates the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to nurture children’s academic and well-being foundations.

More Information

Montessori academy celebrates the grand opening of their second toongabbie childcare and preschool.

Saturday 17th August 2024 marked the grand opening of Montessori Academy’s second Toongabbie early learning centre at 9 Metella Road, Toongabbie NSW 2146.

Montessori at Home: Cultivating a Space for Quiet Time

Creating a Montessori-inspired quiet area at home is a wonderful way to provide children with a tranquil space for rest and reflection. Also referred to as “peace corners” or “quiet corners” in our Montessori classrooms, these spaces help children develop self-regulation, emotional intelligence, and a sense of calm. At Montessori Academy, peace corners are integral to our classrooms, encouraging children to take a break and reflect whenever they need to. 

Integrating Montessori Values in Preschoolers' Home Life

Montessori values emphasise independence, respect, and a love for learning. These principles help children develop self-confidence, focus, and responsibility. At Montessori Academy, we believe that extending these values into the home environment can reinforce and enhance your child’s growth.

Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Preschoolers

Emotional intelligence (EI) is all about understanding and managing our emotions and those of others. In young children, developing EI is vital as it helps them build strong relationships, succeed in school, and grow into well-rounded individuals. For preschoolers, learning to recognise and express their emotions can also boost their literacy skills by enhancing their communication abilities. 

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Staying hydrated is crucial for young children’s health and development. Proper hydration supports digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. For preschoolers, drinking enough water helps maintain energy levels, aids cognitive function, and supports physical growth. Dehydration can lead to issues like fatigue, irritability, and reduced concentration.

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Montessori Academy's Toongabbie Childcare Centre delivers Montessori Early Learning & Preschool Programs for 0-6. Enquire now to learn how we partner with families to support your child's unique interests and activities suited to their stage of development.

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Learn And Play® Montessori School

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Svetlana T.

Preschool, daycare (childcare), and kindergarten near you. Best-in-class, STEM-focused, the Montessori way. Enrolling now. Your child deserves Montessori! Our best-in-class preschool in Sunnyvale, California, is for children ages 18 months to six years and up to first grade entry. We offer full time, part time, and after school programs for kids in Sunnyvale, California; many parents come from nearby communities such as Santa Clara or Mountain View as we are "commute friendly." If you're looking for one of the best preschools in San Jose, a Montessori-based program that will ignite a passion for learning in your child, or a convenient preschool, daycare, or childcare facility for your commute - contact us today to learn more and schedule a school tour. Our offerings extend from daycare for the little ones to preschool or childcare for the bigger kids and up to Kindergarten. Using the Montessori method, we instill a lifelong love of learning as each child grows and learns at his or her own pace. Experience the Montessori method by coming in for a school tour today. You'll see a dedicated staff of teachers and assistants and meet our wonderful children. We are a proud member of the following: American Montessori Society (AMS), Bay Area Montessori Society (BAMA), National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Professional Association for Childhood Education (PACE) …

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Photo of Meenakshi D.

Learn and Play Montessori School is a very spacious, and clean school. It actively promotes a positive and healthy atmosphere for any child. School play area is very big, clean and kids friendly. This is my son's first preschool experience and he is loving his school and teachers so much and wants to go to school everyday. We were concerned about our son's first experience at the school but everything was good. He has made a good progress not only academically but also emotionally and socially with the support of teachers and caring school staff. His teachers Ms. Erica & Ms. Alice both are very caring and loving teachers. Both teachers are extremely knowledgeable in child psychology and early childhood development. Each teacher has their own unique qualities.I always saw them following hygiene level among kids and keeping everything super clean. School staff is also very kind, supportive and welcoming. A big thanks to Ms. Lana who kept updating by calling each day regarding our son. Teachers and staff both are very caring and always keep you posted for the betterment of your child. School just celebrated Easter and kids had lots of fun during egg hunting. My son was super happy and excited. Thank you so much for making such lovely memories for my son. I am really thankful and grateful for both teachers Ms. Erica and Ms. Alice and the school staff for their kindness, support and love to my son. Highly recommended this school for your child!

montessori toddler classroom tour

See all photos from Meenakshi D. for Learn And Play® Montessori School

Photo of Wen L.

Business Employee

Apr 1, 2024

Your thoughtful feedback warms our hearts and reaffirms our dedication to providing the best possible learning environment for young minds. Thank you for your support!

Photo of Claire Q.

Learn and Play Montessori School in Sunnyvale is wonderful! This is our child's first preschool and it's the only one they walked into for the tour and didn't want to leave. We love all the teachers and staff, colorful and clean classrooms, thoughtful curriculum, timely communication, and nice outdoor play areas. Special shoutouts to the front desk staff and our Classroom 10 teacher we had from day one (she's *the best*)!

May 9, 2024

We're thrilled your child loves Learn and Play Montessori in Sunnyvale! Thanks for your kind words about our teachers, staff, curriculum, and play areas. We'll pass on your shoutouts to the front desk staff and Classroom 10 teacher. Thanks for choosing us!

Photo of Kat L.

This is my son's first preschool experience and despite being quite reserved, he's thrived under the care of his teachers and the staff at Learn and Play Montessori. Since joining he has developed socially and has such a penchant for learning (he surprised us with sight words and some math skills)! I look forward to his school stories and seeing the joy in his face when talking about his friends. Shout out to Ms. Abigail for doing great with the kiddos! On top of the benefits to my child, I certainly feel at ease with having him attend this location. After visiting other schools, there was no comparison. This campus and the classrooms are very roomy, equipped with loads of learning toys/tools, organized and clean. And the staff (and I mean, everyone) is beyond! They seek feedback, encourage the children and get to know families. Shout out to Ms. Lana for always starting our day with a warm smile!

May 2, 2024

Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that your son is thriving at Learn and Play Montessori. It's great to see his social and academic development, and we're glad he enjoys his time with us. We appreciate your kind words about our campus, classrooms, and staff. Providing a positive and nurturing environment for both children and families is our top priority. Thank you for your trust in us, and we look forward to continuing to support your child's growth and learning journey.

Photo of Adrienne R.

I attended the Open House and was truly impressed by the beauty of this facility! Each spacious classroom is equipped with new Montessori materials, and the staff were very welcoming. The expansive playground caught my attention, adding to the appeal of this exceptional facility. The different program offerings further enhances the overall excellence of this establishment- flexible and caters to the individual needs of families. Truly outstanding!

Front desk

Spacious playground with posters!

Feb 9, 2024

Photo of May G.

This place is newly branded, with remodeled facilities and new operations. They have great teacher/student ratio, allowing enough attention on each kids. They also have all sorts of curriculum for kids to learn math, English and science. I am very glad that all the changes are positive in here and hope more kids will enjoy it here.

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