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Free tour del grafiti por Valencia

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En este free tour nos adentraremos en el valenciano barrio de El Carmen para sorprenderos con el arte urbano que decora sus callejuelas . A medida que vayamos avanzando entre murales y grafitis descubriremos el lado más artístico de la ciudad. 

Grafiti en el barrio de El Carmen

Nos reuniremos a la hora indicada en la plaza de la Virgen para iniciar nuestro recorrido por el barrio de El Carmen . Sus laberínticas calles, herencia del urbanismo islámico, nos dejarán conocer los secretos de este vecindario cuya historia se remonta a la conquista de Valencia en el siglo XII.

Nos adentraremos por sus estrechas calles, y entre viviendas y comercios locales seremos testigos del arte urbano que viste sus paredes . Conoceremos a los principales artistas, tanto valencianos como internacionales , que han querido dejar una muestra de sus creaciones en El Carmen, y sus obras nos ayudarán a comprender cómo se vive en el barrio con más personalidad de Valencia .

Mezclándonos con los locales continuaremos conociendo rincones que, a través de  dibujos abstractos, caricaturas y pinturas de denuncia , transmiten a valencianos y visitantes la cultura de El Carmen, uno de los barrios con más arte de la ciudad.

Tras dos horas y media de recorrido, finalizaremos el free tour del grafiti despidiéndonos cerca de la  plaza del Carmen . 

En nuestro free tour  no se admiten reservas para más de 6 personas . Si sois un grupo mayor, deberéis reservar un  tour privado por Valencia .

La actividad se realiza con un guía que habla español.

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free graffiti tour valencia

DESTINATION VALENCIA VLC > My very personal Travel Blog on Valencia by María Tortajada <

📝© original website content created in spanish, english & french >>> + on instagram @destination_vlc, tour in valencia: urban street art.


Having recently meandered through the  labyrinth-esque streets of Valencia’s old town, the  topic for  my next blog post sprang to mind in a flash. The subtle and impressive world of urban street art in this already captivating city! This kind of art is generating a lot of curiosity lately, and it is justified, it has become a new way of vindicating some old abandoned buildings and the walls in some streets… without a doubt, most of the time, it is in a beautiful decorated form.

Some of the artists who created these little (or big!) works of art, are in fact already recognized artists… Of course, there is much to see, but this post is what I intend to show you are on my favorites list and where to find them exactly… I assure you that I was not easy to choose!

I do hope you like my selection and their titles, some originals and others homegrown, are you ready?

  • << Frida >>

A long time ago I saw this graffiti on Instagram and I had an absolute crush on it immediately… I didn´t know where it was and never paused to give it time. Between the gardens next to the Faculty of geography and history (on the Campus of Blasco Ibáñez) you will find this huge mural depicting Frida Kahlo.


Signed by Julieta XLF , well worth taking a leap outside the circuit of the Barrio del Carmen to see it, won’t let down you, neither this nor the rest of beautiful designs that decorate the wall.

  • << Street of Colors: Photo of a kiss >>

To give it justice in this post, this is one of my favorite places in Valencia… the well known Moret street or Street of Colors , it is the same place where some of the best known graffiti can be found in the city.


As I cannot choose just one, I will divide this wall in two. This one, <<Photo of a kiss >> by Luis Lonjedo and the next…

  • << Street of Colors: Melancholy >>

…and this one, where a young girl, the artist Deih , rests crestfallen on a bridge in Venice without knowing she has caught the attention of people passing by… from Valencia!


In this picture you can see the various artists who participated in this project.


  • << The House of cats of the Barrio del Carmen >>

This is the work of the craftsman and sculptor Alfonso Yuste Navarro, dating back to 2003. The curious detail is that it makes reference to «als quatre gats» (four cats) who stayed in Valencia at the time of El Cid , in the 11th century when they decided to put an end to the cats that had been in the city since it was said that they were bringing bad luck.


The tiny door of this miniature house is designed so cats come and go at will from this site that is located in the street of the Museum. If you look very close, it does not lack detail…


On the same wall you will see a tile marking the level to which the water came from the River Turia when it overflowed in the great flood that inundated the city in October 1957. There are several buildings with indicators of different levels where the water reached in that sad occasion of Valencia.


  • << Supported in the hand of the future >>

In the hidden Street Calle del Cabrito, we find Deih urban artist’s work. It is certainly worth passing by there and taking a look at this masterpiece of this well-known artist, I do not know the original title of this design, but it transmits something to me, what do you all think?


  • << The bicycle girl >>

And again… Julieta XFL! … Yes, I have a weakness for her and admit that when walk through Valencia and I find a new drawing of hers, I can’t help but smile… and take a picture! This in particular is in the street of Pintor Fillol in the bikes rental shop Bed & Bike that with a little idea had this brilliant artist to decorate its façade… without a doubt, a great success.


  • << In love >>

We continue our journey towards Salvador Giner street and voilà , another graffiti that I love… This time is the famous David de Limón (David Lemon) who signs this wall next to La Nena Wapa Wapa (Gorgeous gorgeous girl).


  • << Kiosk >>

In the beautiful Plaza del Arbol is this three-dimensional graffiti depicting a traditional kiosk on one of the walls of the square…


.. .and of course, one of the men of David lemon paints looks out and is watching from the corner!


  • << Double-sided >>

The renowned Italian artist, Erica Il Cane «takes advantage» of this building’s three facades, two of them (which gives us views of Alta and Baja street) to show us this curious mural.


On one side, on Alta street, there is a huge cat on fire and on the other, and on Baja street, a rabbit and a chicken are fighting with the typical Valencian paella at their feet.


  • << Lemon spray >>

Here we have it again! On this wall, two of the little men of David De Limón (Lemon) play with spray paint graffiti… I couldn’t be a better image to use on the cover of this post!


Tour the centre of Valencia and you will see their characters crouched in impossible corners all as one. In a counter of light, on a scaffold, almost beyond where you see, you will find some of their expressive drawings, always (or almost always) with a heart beating in his chest.

  • << Dangerous beard >> / 12. << Parked >>

Among Quart street and the Plaza del Tossal are two enormous murals, side by side. One of them is a huge design Blu representing a beard composed of numerous snakes… and the other is this enormous painting work of Escif that represents a few parked cars abandoned, floating…? What do you all think?


  • << Stop victim war’s wall >>

Fasim , the urban artist born in Barcelona, drew this on Calderers street wall in 2010. With this great wall in yellow and black titled «art is not a crime, war crime is» the author denounces the drama of civil wars and armed conflicts that happen in our world today.


  • << Arquicostura >>

Raquel Rodrigo is the artist of both the original wall in the busy Plaza Lope de Vega as the floating structure on the site of a building on Bolseria street, is this his way of creating? This is embroidery on large surfaces, a collection of precious flowers in colors, XL in size. The result?… absolutely, wonderful!


For sure you will find the city in its different artistic contributions… here I show you two of them.


  • << “No ser res si no s´és poble” >>

Very close to the Central Market, on the Street Taula de Canvis, there is a small square where the Valencian company Tyris has the famous local Tyris on Tap (where to taste their craft beers), beside you can find a huge wall with an urban painting titled «No ser res si no s´és poble» by Elias Taño .


This spectacular multicolored graffiti is one of my favorite as background for any individual or group photo!


  • << Between dreams… >>

Again a work of Julieta XLF. In the Zeid Moro Street, we can see one of their girls dreaming, resting on this dark and elongated wall… in the background an abandoned area is sheltering this colorful dream…


  • << Postcard from Valencia >>

Another business that had the great idea of decorating the adjoining wall with a beautiful graffiti is Shabby Chic , in the street of Tapineria.

In my opinion it is one of the best «postcards» of Street art in Valencia…(I took the photo which I shared here a few months ago, after this, the graffiti was damaged).


  • << Bonjour Tristesse >>

Walking along Conde de Montornés street in the direction of the Bancaja Foundation we find a huge wall with this graffiti already somewhat colorless but not so devoid of symbolic force… Escif is the artist who signs this large wall drawing.


  • << Simplicity >>

Right on the wall that is opposite the wall «Bonjour Tristesse» and separated by a large plot, is this simple and inspiring design by Sam 3 . Some time ago I published it on my Instagram Gallery . Less is definitely more…


  • << Open-heart >>

In the back terrace of the Restaurant Secreter, via the narrow street of les Escoles del Temple, you can be amazed with this enormous and beautiful heart whose arteries end in flowering branches.


  • << Batman is back >>

Very close to the Corts Valencianes, at the Samaniego Street, is a short walk to this funny Batman… underwear thief!


I hope that you have enjoyed my selection. As you may have seen, street art is a very lively artistic trend, it may be that one day you pass by a street and your favorite wall is no longer there, so I recommend always go with your camera at the ready, for at least, you can have them immortalized in your memory…

Here’s a couple of my «old favorites» that are no longer with us , but others that are equally as beautiful (or more) that you have seen.


I hope that my post will encourage you to take a stroll through the city and to help you discover and find these «little treasures» of Valencia, see you in my next post!!

Translation by Mark Grimes 

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Street art in Valencia

Street art / graffiti tour in valencia.

During this street art tour in Valencia You will see the old quarter of el Carmen and also some interesting street art pieces – graffiti.

We can start by the Serranos Gate that is one of the twelve that formed part of the ancient city wall (Christian Wall).

free graffiti tour valencia

El Centre del Carme

The emblematic neighborhood owes its name to the church and Convent of el Carmen and as well to the adjacent square.

The complex monument of this old convent illustrates, from its chronological complexity and diversity of artistic styles, important stages in the history of architecture in the city of Valencia.

In front of the Carmen Centre we will see “ the tiny Haus of the Cats “. A little further on we will find the centenary Plaza del Árbol, we can also visit the famous Mossen Sorell Market , with a wide range of gourmet products.

free graffiti tour valencia

The Portal de la Valldigna

This is a portal of the 1400s that separated the Christian city of Morería from Valencia.

Nearby we can also see the remains of the Arab wall , that have been a National Historic Monument since 1963 with a large 11th century tower. It is completely integrated into the building, and it is made of stone.

Walking through the neighbourhood of el Carmen is like going through the corridors of an open-air museum , where artists such as Blu, Escif, la Nena, Julieta, Deih, Xelón, Blu, Luís Lonjedo or Limón have left a trace of their talent. Street art in Valencia has been transformed over time, going from being considered “vandalism” to being one of the most appreciated forms of modern art. It is a popular art and in many cases ephemeral. We will see the street popularly called “the Street of the colours” the photograph of a Kiss. The well-known calle Moret, where several graffiti are represented on a 60-meter-long wall, “the mystery of a Kiss”, with the hashtag kissmeVLC and many more.…

See you soon in el Carmen!

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urban art in valencia

Urban Art Tour in Valencia

Get to know the Urban Art in Valencia

Whether you’re a master painter or not an artist at all, you’ll see the streets of Valencia covered with beautiful representations at each turn.  One of the Coolest Things to do in Valencia is the Street Art Tour in Valencia .  Of all of the Tours in Valencia, the urban art tour is the one to go on to see murals and graffiti of numerous urban artists who have turned the city of Valencia into a giant museum.

Street art tour in Valencia

Our U rban Art Tour in Valencia starts in Calle Peydro and goes towards Plaza de la Merced, which is very close to the Central Market (Mercado Central) . In this street, you can find graffiti of two artists: Hyuro and Escif .

Hyuro is an Argentinian-born artist who is lives in Valencia. His pseudonym consists of both his first and last name.

Escif is one of the biggest players in the Valencian street art scene- to many he is even known as the Spanish Banksy .

Furgon policial

The next piece by Hyuro is in all grey tones- showing the identity of Hyuro’s work. This is an artist that always invites us to reflect on the weight of living in a city, the complexity of integrating into a society, and animal abuse. On this mural, injured deer surrounded by spotlights are the protagonists of the painting. The whole world sees them, but no on tries to help.

In the same area as these murals, many other artists have left their mark on the shutters of local stores .  This is a form of art that can only be enjoyed for only a short amount of time, considering that the shutter is only put down when the shops are closed .  Some of these paintings have some context to the nature of the store, and some are completely unrelated- keep an eye out for interesting pieces on your next walk through Valencia.

jauria de lobos atacando un taxi

Next for the tour: walk towards the street Numancia, where you can observe various pieces of  street art  with many bright colors, that were created by Hyuro and Escif .

The tour continues in Calle de la Estameñeria , where you can find numerous colorful and bright pieces of graffiti, with a touch of abstract art, created by Esik , a  Valencian graffiti artist who started making the streets more colorful in the mid 90’s.

julieta xlf

In the case of Julieta XLF , it is not necessary for her to leave her signature, since her work can be recognized very easily. Her illustrations include Japanese influences and her colorful murals are full of imaginary of animals, whimsical girls, and plants that are very characteristic and speak for themselves.  This is a direct contrast to the work of Cere , who pieces are grey toned, simple, and always with a clearly bold message.

Stop War Victim’s Wall

If you return to Calle Caballeros and cross  Plaza de San Jaime , you’ll get to Calle Alta and Calle Baja . Both have beautiful and enormous murals on their buildings. In Calle Baja you can find an urban mural which shows a rabbit strangling a chicken over a paella pan . This is the work of the Italian artist Erica Il Cane. This work of art suggests that the chicken and the rabbit fight to death to decide which is the best ingredient for the paella valenciana . Below them you see the paella pan and a group of people in grey tones who are waiting to eat and are watching the scene without intervening.

Julieta XlF

In Calle de la Benefcencia , you can enjoy more works of  Julieta XLF .


On the other side in Calle Ripalda , you can find Calle Doctor Chiarri , where you are you can see two big and bright murals by Julieta XLF .

calle na jordana

To end the urban art tour, in Calle de Na Jordana , you can find  Plaza de Bere Borrego and  Galindo , which leads into Calle Museo , in which you can see Casa de los Gatos del Carmen and the  Iglesia del antiguo Convento del Carmen . After this street you can find Plaza del Carmen , where you can find the headquarters of the  Asociación de Ciudadanos Mayores de la Comunidad Valenciana (CIMA)- on this building is one of the murals that best represent the monuments of the city.

free graffiti tour valencia

Last but not least, in Calle Roteros you can enjoy the demonstrative messages of Cere , the adorable Japanese dolls of Julieta XLF and the urban art murals that decorate some shops in the street. From this point, we would like to recommend you to visit the Serranos Towers .

If you want to return to where you started the  Street art tour in Valencia ,  you can take the bus lines 6 , 16 and 26 of EMT Valencia, to  Plaza del Ayuntamiento .

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Tours in Valencia

  • Street Art Tour

Highlights Street Art Tour

  • Be culturally surprised by the richness of different techniques such as graffiti, muralismo, stencil art, etc.
  • Go on the road with a real street art expert and who knows maybe he even shows you his own work on the walls that you pass in Valencia
  • Enjoy the most beautiful artworks of local and international artists

Description Street Art Tour

In Valencia, you can find great street art in different neighborhoods. If you know where to go, Valencia is like an open-air museum. During this street art tour you will get to know the cultural significance and the story behind the works of art, these are often very interesting. We have a street art expert  (and artist himself) who will be happy to take you on a trip. If you’d like to see something else than the city’s highlights, this is definitely a tour for you!

We highly recommend combining this tour with a graffity workshop .

A great tour of the Street art in Valencia with a real street art expert and artist

Photos Street Art Tour

urban art valencia

Reviews Street Art Tour

“ Didn’t know much about street art before, but now have a great appreciation of this art form. Showing, highlighting and pointing out art where you least expect to see it. The graffiti workshop afterwards was great fun. Creating your own piece of art. I would recommend this tour- brilliant ” Anthony N
“ saw some examples of street art you wouldn’t necessarily spot just wandering around on your own. Also our guide Christophe was able to provide the story behind the art which was interesting. ” Julia H
“ The tour was extremely fun and interesting. We really enjoyed to learn more about the street art, the barrio really came to life for us and after the tour we recognized lot´s of the artists work in other parts of the city as well. Thank you again! ” Max R

Location Street Art Tour

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free graffiti tour valencia

Valencia is the capital of the Valencian Province and is one of the top cities in attracting tourists from all over the world. Located in southern Spain, it lies on the Mediterranean coast and is the point where Turia River meets the sea. This privileged position makes it the third-largest city in Spain, behind Madrid and Barcelona. Although it is a coastal city, you wouldn’t know that as you walk through the narrow streets of its Old Town during one of the best times to visit, Spring when the colors are at their brightest and the temperatures are perfect. But you may want to consider going there a little earlier to get the chance to celebrate this city’s largest street festival, Las Fallas. 

Having so many iconic places to visit, it could be very helpful to start your holidays off with the help of a local guide, or guru, who can show you all the major spots and those lesser-known gems on the tour routes so you can discover the true side of Valencian culture and history while giving you some insider tips on what and where to eat! There are different free walking tours in Valencia which will take you around to amazing places like The City of Arts and Sciences , with its 7 modern architectural buildings, L'Hemisfèric,(IMAX Theater) the Principe Felipe Science Museum, L'Umbracle, the Oceanographic, (Aquarium) the Palau de les Arts, (Opera Hall) the Agora and the Bridge of L'Assut d'or. There are other tours with different routes that will take you to the Old Town to see other historic places like the Virgen’s Square with the Cathedral and the Basilica of the Virgen, or you could visit Valencia City Hall and the generous Square of the same name in front, the Lonja, the Central Market, The Serrano Towers and the old, medieval gate to the Old Town, or you could also take a stroll down Turia Gardens, and even go to the largest freshwater lagoon in Spain, La Albufera, where you can see the diversity in plant and wildlife at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. 

All the free walking tours in Valencia have reviews and opinions from other travelers who have already done the guided tour, and about both the route and the local guru. Book and choose a tour in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening depending on your own itinerary. What’s more, you may also be interested in checking out similar free walking tours in other Spanish cities like Alicante or Tarragona. In our blog you have a complete article about what to see in Valencia .

Free walking tour near Valencia

Others cities to visit after valencia, find other guruwalks in valencia, where are you traveling to.

Free tours around Valencia

free graffiti tour valencia


Art & Culture

Food & Drinks

Valencia has been my new home for a while now, and I've written plenty about history in Valencia , Asian food in Valencia and some stunning natural areas in the Valencia community . But sometimes when you actually live in a city, it can be hard to find the time to get involved in some of the fun tourist activities that make visiting a new city for a weekend break so good. B eing a tourist means trying to make the most of every minute of a trip , and packing loads of different things, places and tastes into every day. And so before the Xmas break I decided it would be a good idea to be a tourist in Valencia for a day...

Guided tours for free...

I found an amazing company here that gives expert locally guided tours for FREE! The disclaimer is that if you want to pay the tour guide you can/should (they don't get paid by the company) - this is not a trick to make you feel guilty, as the tour really was fantastic, fun and interesting. Our guide was incredibly knowledgeable and managed to explain everything about some of the most famous monuments,whilst keeping the tour light and exciting.

free graffiti tour valencia

The company is unsurprisingly, called Free Tour Valencia, and you can find them at the link below. The beginning of the tour (and meet-up place) is in the Plaza de la Virgen, and it's an energetic and packed place right next to the cathedral of Valencia. It's an ideal place to begin a tour, as it really feels like the heart of the city, with the modern city to one side and the old part on the other.

free graffiti tour valencia

The tour took us to the Roman underpinnings of the city, on to the most important medieval towers and castles...

free graffiti tour valencia

Graffiti and markets...

One of the most exciting parts of wandering around Valencia is the sheer amount of stunning graffiti. It's not the 'dirty and messy' type but instead the 'how on earth did they do that' type. Sprawling tall artwork that is both modern and talent-packed. The tour walks past some of the best-known pieces, as well as some commentary about by who, and why they were done.

free graffiti tour valencia

The tour winds its way through the old town and ends up at the Central Market, which many locals would consider to be the heart of the city, It's the perfect way to end the tour, as there you can find every kind of food and drink that are typical to the city. One of the interesting things about the market is that although at first it looks a bit touristy, with flags and random trinkets to buy outside, inside it's really a proper market. Meat, cheese and wine are all on offer, as well as artisan chocolate and every part from every animal you could imagine eating!

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Essential Free Tour Valencia

  • Visit Valencia’s oldest trading spot, the Silk Exchange and admire the exemplary Gothic architecture.
  • Pass by the Marques de Dos Aguas Palace and see one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in Spain.
  • Be captivated by the awe-inspiring Valencia Cathedral and discover some of its secrets and mysteries.

Essential Free Tour Valencia1

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Free Tour Valencia Essentials

Free Tour Valencia Essentials Spain — #1

Overview of the tour in Valencia

We will start this guided tour of Valencia in the Plaza de la Virgen. Around us we will discover the Cathedral, the Basilica of the Virgin and the fountain that represents our river Turia. We will talk about two important traditions that take place at this point: the floral offering to the Virgin during the Fallas and the meetings of the Tribunal de las Aguas. but Valencia is much more! Its captivating streets smell of orange blossom and tell us of a rich past, legends, curiosities, tradition, heritage and lively folklore... We will reach the Torres de Serranos, the main gateway to the walled city, and we will look out over the old Turia riverbed, which has become a green lung for the city. We will continue our way to the Lonja de la Seda, a real architectural jewel! We will jump to the twentieth century, to delight us with the modernist architecture of the Central Market of Valencia, ready to discover the Cathedral of the Senses? This magnificent space is the largest specialty market in Europe. We will take the opportunity to talk about gastronomy. We will end our guided tour in the Plaza Redonda, with many recommendations.

This activity includes:

  • Plaça Redona
  • Torres de Serranos
  • Valencia Cathedral
  • Basílica de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats
  • Virgin Square
  • Visita guiada

Meeting point

Plaza de la virgen

Look for the ORANGE umbrella. As soon as you arrive at the meeting point you will find your guide in the center of the Plaza de la Virgen.

Things to note

It is essential to arrive 10 minutes early.

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You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for. Being reported as absent decreases your customer level points and the benefits you can enjoy.

Free Tour Street Art Valencia

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free graffiti tour valencia

Descubre el Corazón de Valencia: Un Viaje Inolvidable con el Free Tour

free tour valencia

Valencia, una ciudad donde la historia se entrelaza con la modernidad, el arte se funde con la tradición, y la gastronomía es una aventura para el paladar, ofrece una experiencia única para cada visitante. En este vibrante escenario, Civitatis te brinda la oportunidad de sumergirte en el alma de Valencia a través de su exclusivo Free Tour. ¿Estás listo para descubrir los secretos mejor guardados de Valencia?

Un Paseo por la Historia y la Cultura Valenciana

Desde el instante en que tus pies toquen las antiguas calles de Valencia, sentirás cómo cada rincón narra su propia historia. El Free Tour de Civitatis te guía por un camino que atraviesa siglos, llevándote desde la impresionante Plaza de la Virgen hasta el histórico Barrio del Carmen. Mientras caminas, los expertos guías de Civitatis te envolverán con leyendas, historias y anécdotas que dan vida a la ciudad ante tus ojos.

La Experiencia Civitatis: Más que un Simple Paseo

Lo que distingue al Free Tour de Civitatis no es solo su riqueza en contenido e historias, sino también la pasión y el conocimiento de sus guías. Ellos no solo te mostrarán los monumentos emblemáticos, sino que te invitarán a ver Valencia a través de sus ojos, compartiendo contigo los secretos que solo los locales conocen.

¿Por Qué Elegir el Free Tour de Civitatis?

  • Exploración sin Costo: Este tour opera bajo la filosofía de «paga lo que sientas», permitiéndote valorar la experiencia con la cantidad que consideres justa.
  • Expertos Locales: Los guías, apasionados y conocedores, te ofrecen una visión auténtica de la ciudad.
  • Descubre lo Inesperado: Más allá de los sitios turísticos convencionales, este tour te lleva a descubrir los tesoros ocultos de Valencia.
  • Conexión Emocional: Prepárate para emocionarte, reír y quizás hasta derramar una lágrima con las historias que dan forma a la Valencia de ayer y hoy.

Preparativos para tu Aventura

Antes de lanzarte a esta experiencia inolvidable, aquí hay algunos consejos prácticos:

  • Reserva con Anticipación: Asegura tu lugar en el Free Tour de Civitatis visitando su sitio web. La demanda es alta y el espacio limitado.
  • Viste Cómodamente: Valencia se descubre mejor a pie, así que calzado cómodo es esencial.
  • Mente Abierta: Prepárate para ser sorprendido y para enamorarte de Valencia de maneras que nunca imaginaste.

Conclusión: Una Invitación a Descubrir Valencia

El Free Tour de Civitatis no es solo un paseo por Valencia; es una invitación a vivir la ciudad, a sentir su pulso y a descubrir sus historias. Es una experiencia que va más allá de la simple vista de sus monumentos; es un viaje emocional que te conecta con el corazón mismo de Valencia.

Así que, ¿qué esperas? Valencia está lista para contarte sus historias. Y Civitatis está aquí para guiarte en este viaje. Descubre, vive y enamórate de Valencia. ¡Tu aventura inolvidable comienza aquí!

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre el Free Tour por Valencia

  • ¿Qué incluye el Free Tour por Valencia? El Free Tour por Valencia incluye un recorrido a pie por los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad, guiado por un experto local. Se explorarán sitios históricos, arquitectónicos y culturales, proporcionando una visión profunda de la herencia y la vida valenciana.
  • ¿Cuál es el punto de encuentro para el Free Tour por Valencia? El punto de encuentro suele ser en un lugar céntrico y fácilmente accesible de Valencia. La ubicación exacta y cómo llegar se detallarán en la confirmación de tu reserva.
  • ¿Cuánto dura el Free Tour por Valencia? El Free Tour por Valencia tiene una duración aproximada de 2 horas, tiempo durante el cual podrás descubrir los aspectos más destacados y los secretos ocultos de la ciudad.
  • ¿Necesito reservar con antelación el Free Tour por Valencia? Sí, es recomendable reservar con antelación para asegurar tu plaza en el tour, ya que los cupos son limitados y suelen llenarse rápidamente, especialmente en temporada alta.
  • ¿Hay un coste asociado al Free Tour por Valencia? El Free Tour por Valencia opera bajo el modelo de «paga lo que quieras», lo que significa que no hay un precio fijo de antemano. Al final del tour, puedes dar al guía la propina que consideres adecuada según tu satisfacción con la experiencia.
  • ¿Es el Free Tour por Valencia accesible para personas con movilidad reducida? La accesibilidad puede variar dependiendo del recorrido específico del tour. Se recomienda consultar de antemano para asegurar que el itinerario cumple con tus necesidades de accesibilidad.
  • ¿El Free Tour por Valencia se cancela en caso de mal tiempo? El Free Tour por Valencia se realiza llueva o haga sol. En casos de condiciones meteorológicas extremas, se podría cancelar o reprogramar, por lo que es importante verificar la política de cancelación y las actualizaciones del tour.
  • ¿Qué idiomas están disponibles para el Free Tour por Valencia? El Free Tour por Valencia se ofrece típicamente en español e inglés. Para otros idiomas, es recomendable consultar la disponibilidad directamente con la empresa organizadora.
  • ¿Puedo participar en el Free Tour por Valencia con niños? Sí, el Free Tour por Valencia es una actividad adecuada para familias. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta la duración del tour al planificar tu participación con niños pequeños.
  • ¿Qué debo llevar al Free Tour por Valencia? Se recomienda llevar calzado cómodo para caminar, agua, protección solar en los meses más cálidos, y un paraguas o impermeable en caso de previsión de lluvia.

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Spain Free Tours

Short description of the tour

In which language do you want to do the tour.

free graffiti tour valencia

What are we going to see?

We will start this guided tour of Valencia in the Virgin’s Square , the heart of the historic centre of the city. Under our feet the city of Valentia was founded by the Romans. All around us we will discover the Cathedral, the Basilica of the Virgin and the fountain representing our river Turia with its irrigation channels.

We will talk about two important traditions that take place here: the floral offering to the Virgin of the Forsaken during the Fallas and the meetings of the Water Court (Intangible Heritage of Humanity) . Alongside the religious and spiritual power of the city we also find the nucleus of political power: the Palau de la Generalitat .

But Valencia is much more! Its captivating streets smell of orange blossom and speak to us of a rich past, of legends, curiosities, tradition, heritage and lively folklore …

We will reach the Serranos Towers , the main gateway to the walled city, and we will look out over the old Turia riverbed, which has become a green lung for the city.

We will continue our way to the Old Silk Market , a symbol of the prosperity and commercial influence that Valencia experienced during the 16th century, a real architectural jewel!

From the 15th century we jump to the 20th century and almost without moving from our location to delight us with the modernist architecture of the Central Market of Valencia , are you ready to discover the Cathedral of the Senses? This magnificent space is dedicated to the sale of the highest quality fresh produce and is the largest speciality market in Europe.

And there is nothing as ESSENTIAL as unveiling its mouth-watering and abundant gastronomy . Do you know the authentic Valencian paella recipe? What is Valencian white gold?

We will culminate our guided tour in the Round Square , with many recommendations for you to continue enjoying your experience in Valencia.

Meeting point:

Meeting point, what do they say about our tours in valencia, additional information, frequently asked questions, more information.

Recuerda buscar el paraguas NARANJA , ¡en cuanto llegues a la plaza nos verás enseguida!

Te recomendamos venir al tour con calzado cómodo, agua y protección solar.

Free Tour Valencia Essentials

Data of interest, spain free tours.

If you have any questions please contact us.

At the end of the tour you decide what you pay based on your enjoyment.

All SpainFreeTours guides are professional and ready to make sure you have the best time in the city.

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Free tour essentials tarragona, free tour essentials cáceres, san sebastian pintxo tour.

If you go to another city just look for the orange umbrella.

Copyright © 2022 creado para SPAIN FREE TOURS SL. Todos los derechos reservados

free graffiti tour valencia

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jardín del Turia

Graffiti-Route von Valencia

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Route durch die Street Art: „Abstrakt, ein Fluss der Kunst“

Eine Route durch die Turia-Gärten, auf der Sie Graffiti und Wandmalereien entdecken können

Der internationalste Garten der Stadt, der Turia, wurde in ein urbanes Freilichtmuseum für Kunst verwandelt.

Unter dem Titel „ Abstrakt, ein Fluss der Kunst “ wurden Räume wie Brücken, Sportplätze und Gartenhütten entlang des fast 10 Kilometer langen Flusses zu offenen Leinwänden für Street Art.

O haben insgesamt 11 Künstler aus der Welt der Graffiti und der abstrakten Kunst an diesem Projekt teilgenommen, mit dem Ziel, ein Wandbild entlang des Gartens zu schaffen, vom Park Capçalera bis zur Brücke von Montolivet. Es gibt Interventionen von Sandra Betancourt, Murone, älex Marco, AALL, Capi Cabrera, Rubén Viard, Nico Barrios, Roice183, Rubén Tortosa, Ángel Toren, Kaufman und Zurik.

Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Künstlern finden Sie hier .


Zwölf Künstler sind für diesen künstlerischen Weg verantwortlich: Sandra Betancourt, Zurik, Álex Marco, Rubén Viard, AALL (Aaron Mr. Simon & Lluís Salvador), Cape Cabrera, Rubén Tortosa, Roice183, Nico Barrios, Murone, Ángel Toren und Kaufman.

Wandmaleeien, ein Fluss der Kunst

Abstracte Sandra Betancourt

Wandmalerei Sandra Betancort

Das erste Wandgemälde der Route befindet sich am Fuß der Brücke 9 de Octubre. Hinter dem ersten Wandgemälde von Sandra Betancort verbergen sich Licht, Prismen und Bewegung.

KÜNSTLERIN: Sandra Betancort

Wandmalerei Álex Marco

Das zweite Wandgemälde der Route ist vom Künstler Álex Marco und befindet sich an der Außenwand des Fußballplatzes.


Wandmalerei AALL (Aaron Mr.Simon & Lluis Salvador)

Das dritte Wandgemälde der Route der Künstlergruppe AALL (Aaron Mr.Simon & Lluis Salvador) befindet sich in den Umkleideräumen der Fußball- und Basketballmannschaften.


Wandmalerei Ruben Viard

Das vierte Wandmalerei der Route des Künstlers Rubén Viard befindet sich an der Außenwand des Fußballplatzes, neben der Wandmalerei von Álex Marco.


Wandmalerei Capi Cabrera

Das fünftes Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Capi Cabrera befindet sich an der Ademuz-Brücke.

KÜNSTLERIN: Capi Cabrera

Wandmalerei Murone

Das sechste Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Murone befindet sich auf der Pechina-Fußgängerbrücke.


Wandmalerei Rubén Tortosa

Das siebte Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Rubén Tortosa befindet sich auf der Pont de Fusta in den Turia-Gärten.

KÜNSTLERIN: Rubén Tortosa

Wandmalerei Roice183

Das achte Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Roice183 befindet sich an der Gartenlaube zwischen der Puente de la Trinidad und der Puente del Real in den Turia-Gärten.


Wandmalerei Nico Barrios

Das neunte Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Nico Barrios befindet sich an der Gartenlaube zwischen der Puente del Real und der Puente de la Exposición in den Turia-Gärten.

KÜNSTLERIN: Nico Barrios

Wandmalerei Zurik

Das zehnte Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Zurik befindet sich am Fuß der Blumenbrücke in den Turia-Gärten.


Wandmalerei Ángel Toren

Das vorletzte Wandgemälde der Route des Künstlers Angel Toren befindet sich am Fuß der Treppe vor La Rosaleda und dem Palau de les Arts in den Turia-Gärten.


Wandmalerei Kaufman

Das letzte Wandgemälde der Route ist vom Künstler Kaufmann und befindet sich am Fuß der Monteolivete-Brücke in den Turia-Gärten.



Ob zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad, die Route „ Abstracte, un riu d'art “ ist eine künstlerische Route, die zwölf Wandmalereien auf den Sockeln von Brücken, Sportplätzen und Gartenlauben entlang der Turia-Gärten umfasst.


jardin del turia con fondo de ciudad de las artes y chicos con bicicletas


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  3. Free Graffiti Tour Valencia

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  4. Free tour del grafiti por Valencia

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  6. Valencia Graffiti Route

    Graffiti route: 'Abstracte, A River of Art'. A route through the Turia gardens, discovering the graffiti and murals on display there. The city's most international garden, the Turia Gardens, have been transformed into an outdoor urban art museum. Under the name ' Abstracte, a River of Art ', spaces such as bridges, sport facilities and ...

  7. Free street art walking tour Valencia

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  8. Tour in Valencia: Urban Street Art

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    Share this entry. Contact me by phone or WhatsApp at +34 626 153 975 or using the following form. During this street art tour in Valencia, you'll see the old quarter el Carmen and interesting pieces of street art-graffiti. Come to this open-air museum!

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  12. The BEST Valencia Graffiti & urban art 2023

    1. Valencia: Oceanogràfic Entry Ticket. Located in the City of Arts and Sciences complex, Oceanogràfic features species from many of the world's key marine ecosystems. Immerse yourself in this unique marine world and travel through the longest underwater tunnel in Europe, visit a family of beluga whales, and come face to face with sharks.

  13. Free Tour Valencia

    4,784 reviews. #4 of 409 Tours & Activities in Valencia. City ToursCultural ToursHistorical & Heritage Tours Walking ToursSightseeing Tours. Open now. 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Free Tour Valencia, the only tour where you are free to choose the price of the ticket.

  14. Street Art Tour

    Highlights Street Art Tour. Be culturally surprised by the richness of different techniques such as graffiti, muralismo, stencil art, etc. Go on the road with a real street art expert and who knows maybe he even shows you his own work on the walls that you pass in Valencia. Enjoy the most beautiful artworks of local and international artists.

  15. The best 67 Free Walking Tours at Valencia

    Find the best Free Walking Tours in Valencia with Local Guides and give what you want at the end of the visit! Ready for fun? 👉 Book online for free! × Home; Login ... Free Tour Valencia Essential (+1.000 ratings) 4.65 Duration: 2h and 30min Starts at: 10:30, 11:00 and 4 more tue 9. wed 10. thu 11. fri 12. sat 13. sun 14. mon 15. tue 16.

  16. Free Tours in Valencia, Spain

    Tour of The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia. Provided by Enrique Alapont Asins. Rating: 9.9. (Reviews: 9) €19. Explore the architectural works of famous architect Santiago Calatrava on this free tour. Discover the bridges and buildings he created, and the house he was born in.

  17. Free tours around Valencia

    The company is unsurprisingly, called Free Tour Valencia, and you can find them at the link below. The beginning of the tour (and meet-up place) is in the Plaza de la Virgen, and it's an energetic and packed place right next to the cathedral of Valencia. ... One of the most exciting parts of wandering around Valencia is the sheer amount of ...

  18. Essential Free Tour Valencia

    That's why the Essential Free Tour of Valencia is the perfect introduction for both first-timers who want to see all of the main landmarks and those who want to delve deeper and discover some of its best-kept secrets. ... Free Graffiti Tour Valencia. Free Modernism Tour Valencia. See All Tours in Valencia. Free Tours Valencia.

  19. Route throught the Essential Valencia

    Overview of the tour in Valencia. I am Sonia, graduated in Art History and official guide. Born in Valencia, it will be a privilege to be able to show you my city! ... Free Tour Valencia, Impressive Melting Pot of Cultures. from €0 (Tip based) 9.6 (Reviews: 144) Spanish, English 2h 15min 10:00 AM, 10:30 AM +3 More. Uncovered Valencia Free Tour.

  20. Free Tour Valencia Essentials

    Overview of the tour in Valencia. We will start this guided tour of Valencia in the Plaza de la Virgen. Around us we will discover the Cathedral, the Basilica of the Virgin and the fountain that represents our river Turia. We will talk about two important traditions that take place at this point: the floral offering to the Virgin during the ...

  21. Free Tour Valencia

    ☀️Descubre los secretos de Valencia en este emocionante Free Tour. Pasea por las históricas calles de la ciudad, maravíllate con su arquitectura y sumérgete en la cultura local de la mano de expertos guías. ¡Reserva tu plaza ahora y vive Valencia como nunca antes!

  22. Free Tour Valencia Essentials

    Itinerary. We will start this guided tour of Valencia in the Virgin's Square, the heart of the historic centre of the city. Under our feet the city of Valentia was founded by the Romans. All around us we will discover the Cathedral, the Basilica of the Virgin and the fountain representing our river Turia with its irrigation channels.

  23. Graffiti-Route von Valencia

    Eine Route durch die Turia-Gärten, auf der Sie Graffiti und Wandmalereien entdecken können. Der internationalste Garten der Stadt, der Turia, wurde in ein urbanes Freilichtmuseum für Kunst verwandelt. Unter dem Titel „ Abstrakt, ein Fluss der Kunst " wurden Räume wie Brücken, Sportplätze und Gartenhütten entlang des fast 10 Kilometer ...