• Where to go
  • Types of tourism

tourism kyrgyzstan

  • Food and drink
  • Health and wellness vacations
  • Historical, Cultural sites
  • Holidays in jailoo
  • Hunting with eagles
  • Jeep and motorbike tours
  • Mountain, Passes, Valleys
  • Mountaineering
  • Natural reserves, National Parks
  • Natural wonders
  • Sites/Settlements
  • Ski resorts
  • Unesco list
  • Whitewater rafting and kayaking
  • World Nomad Games
  • Kumis treatment
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Hiking & trekking
  • Horseback tours
  • Living in yurts

Tourism types

Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Kyrgyzstan tourism! Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and adventurous opportunities, this enchanting country has something to offer every type of traveler.

Discover the beauty and wonder of Kyrgyzstan tourism which encompasses a wide range of experiences catering to the diverse interests of visitors. Whether you are an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, a history buff, or a cultural explorer, Kyrgyzstan has it all. This hidden gem boasts stunning alpine mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush valleys that will leave you in awe. The country's natural beauty is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

We present to you different types of tourism in Kyrgyzstan which make this destination truly unique: adventure tourism, nature tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism, and historical tourism. Prepare to be amazed by the wonders of Kyrgyzstan tourism and embark on an extraordinary journey that will leave you wanting more.

Adventure awaits in Kyrgyzstan. Embark on thrilling trekking and hiking expeditions in the majestic Tian Shan Mountains. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you conquer challenging peaks and explore remote corners of the country. For those seeking even more excitement, Kyrgyzstan offers mountaineering, skiing, snowboarding, and paragliding opportunities.

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Kyrgyzstan. Explore ancient Silk Road cities like Osh and Karakol, where historical sites and architectural wonders tell stories of the past. Engage with the friendly locals and experience their nomadic heritage, traditions, and vibrant festivals. Take the chance to witness the World Nomad Games, a celebration of Kyrgyzstan's cultural heritage.

Kyrgyzstan also offers ecotourism opportunities for conscious travelers. Stay in traditional yurts, experience a sustainable nomadic lifestyle, and support local communities. Engage in wildlife spotting, birdwatching, and environmental conservation efforts as you explore the country's pristine national parks and protected areas.

Kyrgyzstan's historical treasures will enthrall history buffs. Visit ancient sites like Tash Rabat, a 15th-century caravanserai along the Silk Road, and marvel at the intricate petroglyphs at Cholpon-Ata. Explore historical mosques, mausoleums, and fortresses that witness Kyrgyzstan's rich past.

Whether you seek adrenaline-pumping adventures, tranquil nature retreats, cultural immersions, sustainable experiences, or a journey through history, Kyrgyzstan tourism has it all. Pack your bags and prepare for an unforgettable experience in this captivating Central Asian destination.

Experience the magic of Kyrgyzstan tourism and create memories that will last a lifetime. Choose the type of tourism in Kyrgyzstan that interests you today and take the trip of a lifetime!

Adventure tourism

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TRAVEL to KYRGYZSTAN – Tips and Information Guide [2024]

Everything you need to know to travel to Kyrgyzstan, from the best things to do, places to visit, budgeting, travel itineraries and plenty more!

This beautiful landlocked country, formerly part of the Soviet Union is probably most popular travel destination in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan tourism is growing year on year, so take the chance to visit one of the worlds most spectacular countries.

Travels to Kyrgyzstan has increased dramatically in recent years as travellers come to hike, camp and horse trek through Kyrgyzstan’s stunning scenery.

As first of the Central Asian nations to relax their visa policies, (it’s visa-free for most western and developed nations) a strong tourism network has developed.

From Community Based Tourism (CBT) operating all over the country to guesthouses and independent guides there are plenty of ways to access the stunning scenery for which this country is famed.

Hikers marvel at stunning treks from Karakol, Kochor, Arslanbob and even the countries capital Bishkek. Since hiking makes a huge part of travelling here it should be assumed that you will need a reasonable level of fitness to access them.

Whilst some are naturally easier than others, it’s safe to assume you will be dealing with something more than a Sunday afternoon stroll. The vast majority of treks are between 1 and 5 days, however, there are some that are longer.

If you fancy saving your legs then jump on the back of a horse and take on the countries most spectacular horse trek to Song Kol. You could spend a few days relaxing and swimming at Issyk Kul.   

With plenty of off-the-beaten-path destinations, treks and trails the opportunities to explore are limitless.

For more specific information on what to see and do, how to get there and around and other Kyrgyzstan travel tips be sure to read through our Kyrgyzstan travel guide.

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide

If you’re planning to travel to Kyrgyzstan make sure to read this guide to prepare you for visiting one of the world’s stunning countries.

General Info

  • Capital: Bishkek
  • Other Main Cities/Towns: Osh, Karakol and Jalalabad
  • Currency: Kyrgyz Som
  • Language: Kyrgyz and Russian
  • Population: 5,849,296
  • Area: 199,951 sq km
  • Electricity Voltage: The standard voltage is 220V at 50 Hz frequency
  • Electricity Sockets: Type C and F

Looking for an adventure?  Check out our incredible small group Kyrgyzstan tours !

How to Travel to Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is serviced by two main airports; Bishkek and Osh. The vast majority of international flight will land in Bishkek.

If you’re looking at flying into Osh from overseas then you will either have to transfer in Bishkek or the regional hubs of Almaty in Kazakhstan or Tashkent in Uzbekistan.

Flights to Kyrgyzstan can be pricey depending on where you’re flying from. I would recommend researching across a number of platforms and book your flights as early as possible. 

Although Kyrgyzstan is well connected to its neighbours, if you’re flying from outside of the region it’s very likely you will need to transfer.

If flying from Asia, Chinese Airlines may be among the cheapest, however, you will have to transfer in China. Flying from the west the choices are far more varied.

As the majority of international flights require a layover, it’s wise to check if there are any visa requirements in the country you are transferring in.

It is also a good idea to browse for flights in incognito mode, or alternatively you can clear the cache in your browser periodically.

Many travel sites will charge higher fares if they know you are visiting their sites frequently to search for flights.

Google Flights also offers some of the best initial research for fares from your destination, from there it’s worth doing more detailed research.

However, be sure to check fares directly with the airline as there may be unspecified fees and regulations not listed in the Google Flights results.

If you find a flight on a site like Skyscanner or Kayak check the cost of booking the flight directly with the airline. It’s not uncommon for the flight to be much cheaper when booking directly through the airline.

5 Interesting Facts About Kyrgyzstan

  • The hero at the centre of the “Epic of Manus”, an epic 500,000 line poem, is celebrated all over the country with statues, airports, roads universities and even a planet.
  • 40 is a lucky number. It’s a reference to the 40 clans of the great Manas. The country’s flag features a sun with 40 rays as nod to the country’s luckiest number.
  • Only 36% of the country’s residents live in an urban location. Yurts and a nomadic lifestyle are still central to Kyrgyz culture.
  • Mountains cover 80% of the country – Get ready hiking, camping and breath taking scenery.
  • Horse milk, “kumyz,” is the national drink. It’s certainly an acquired taste.

Best Time to Visit Kyrgyzstan 

Travelling to Kyrgyzstan is limited to the warmer months if trekking is your goal. The ideal time is June to early September. However, even in June, you may find some routes and passes are closed especially if the preceding winter was a long and harsh one.

Do be aware that July and August are peak months to travel to Kyrgyzstan so whilst it may be slightly riskier weather-wise to visit in June or early September you can expect to see fewer travellers and enjoy cheaper accommodation.

If skiing is your game , February and March are particularly good months to travel to Kyrgyzstan.

The best places to carve the slopes are at Karakol Ski Resort, and in the backcountry of Jyrgalan, Boz Uchuk and Jalpak Tash. There are also some mellow ski resorts close to Bishkek.

Those planning longer trips to Central Asia may want to spend the hotter summer months travelling in Kyrgyzstan and its mountainous neighbour, Tajikistan and spring or autumn in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.

This allows you to access to the best weather in each country. You do not want to find yourself in Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan in the middle of the summer!

Travel Itinerary Suggestions

  • Bishkek 1-2 Days: A great place to start or end your Kyrgyz adventure. With plenty of Soviet Architecture and parks to explore it’s certainly a great place for some downtime. There are some hiking trips into the nearby mountains; Ala-Archa being particularly stunning. Here’s our Bishkek article to help you plan your trip.
  • Karakol 4-5 Days: There is ample hiking here, whether it’s hiking to Altyn Arashan , Jeti Oguz or the Jyrgalan Valley there are oodles of treks of varying difficulty and length. Jeti Oguz is probably the most stunning single day trek in the area. However, head to Altyn Arashan or the Jyrgalan Valley for some awesome multi-day treks.
  • Kochkor 5-7 Days: Kochkor itself is a pretty nondescript town consisting of one main high street, a market and plenty of taxi drivers. However, it’s what can be accessed from here that draws people. Firstly there is the stunning Song Kul, possibly one of Kyrgyzstan’s top horse treks. In addition, there are stunning hikes to Kol Ukok and beyond.
  • Naryn 2 Days: This is the starting point for a road trip to Kyrgyzstan’s stunning south-east, culminating in a hike to Kol Su.
  • Osh 1 Day: Kyrgyzstan’s second city is home to a famous bazaar and the rather stunning Suleiman Too. You may stay longer if venturing out to some of the area’s hiking trails. 
  • Arslanbob 2-3 Days: Home to stunning treks through the world’s largest walnut forest, Arslanbob is justifiably popular thanks to excellent home-stays and spectacular scenery.

Budget for Travelling in Kyrgyzstan

Travelling in Kyrgyzstan is reasonably easy on your wallet, however doing horse treks, rafting and 4×4 trips out into the wilderness can rack up the costs quicker than you may imagine. However, there are a few little tips to help you save a few pennies here and there.

Accommodation: Guesthouses and Yurts are the name of the game in Kyrgyzstan. A private room in a guesthouse is usually between $19-25 which usually includes breakfast. Prices for accommodation in Bishkek is usually more expensive than other parts of the country.

Yurt stays vary depending on how many meals you are getting, but it’s fair to budget between $10 and $15 dollars per person including breakfast and dinner. These rates may go up in depending on location and time of year.

Food: Cheap and cheerful. You won’t spend more than a few dollars for local classics like manti, shashlik and Lagman. However, outside of the Central Asian staples it’s more pricey.

Alcohol: Cheap, but stick to beer as spirits can sometimes contain fake alcohol and there have even been stories of anti-freeze being used in some vodkas (not too dissimilar to parts of Russia).

Tours: For any hike check if you need a guide. For many you DON’T but check online otherwise some tour agents will encourage you to book a guide that you don’t need. Politely inform them if you don’t need one. However, there are some routes where a guide is a must. Tour operators of your guest house are usually the best places to book yurts for multi-day hikes.

For horse treks and 4WD trips expect to spend between $40-70 per person, per day. This price includes yurt accommodation options and is based on 4 people. Naturally the fewer the people, the more expensive it will be.   

Kyrgyzstan tourism is very well suited for backpackers. Staying in family-run guesthouses, your own tent or yurts will certainly save you plenty of money. Limiting how much you eat out and how much you drink are always solid options for saving a few pennies when travelling.

For hikes and treks, not using a guide and staying in your own tent are great ways to save money. However, you should only avoid using a guide if you are sure the trails are clearly marked and you are a confident hiker.

In addition, utilising marshrutkas (shared minivans) as opposed to private taxis can lead to some substantial savings on the transport front. 

To account for everything a healthy budget is $30-$50 per person for a single traveller and $40-$80 per couple per day. Remember it is always better to budget slightly more than you need to cover for accidents and emergencies, so I would recommend budgeting for slightly more than this.

If you are looking to take some of the tours mentioned above then you will need budget a little more than I’ve suggested here. 

Naturally staying in a tent, cheap guesthouses and taking advantage of hiking trails where guides are not necessary will naturally lead to a lower budget. 


Staying in boutique guesthouses and taking private taxi’s for the majority of your trip will be a 20-50% increase on a backpacker budget. Instead of eating at local restaurants you occasionally opt for a taste of home and a couple of cheeky beers.

This can be as expensive as you want it to be. Maybe you want a guide for your entire time, or want to horse trek across the country. Although the latter is not luxury, the price will certainly be.

Outside of Bishkek 5 star hotels are certainly not common, however hiring private guides and transportation will certainly add to your bill.

It is just about impossible to have a purely luxury holiday in Kyrgyzstan, as the infrastructure just isn’t there for it. That’s not to say you can’t have a very comfortable time, just don’t expect to be staying in world-class resorts.

Yurt Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide

Top 5 Places to Visit in Kyrgyzstan

Every traveller who has been to Kyrgyzstan will have their own favourite place. Usually a particular spot, on a particular hike where a combination of exhaustion and snow-capped mountains combine to leave you in awe.

Here are my top 5 places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Jyrgalan:  After 7 visits to Kyrgyzstan and now running adventure tours in the country, the owners of this website, Alesha and Jarryd, can honestly say that Jyrgalan is the best place to visit in Kyrgyzstan. This little village just outside of Karakol is a trekker’s paradise, and is worth spending a few days in town anyway. Click here to see why they love it so much .

Song-Kul: One of the countries most popular destinations, Song Kul is truly spectacular. Whether you’re hiking or on the back of a horse it’s hard not to be completely overwhelmed, especially as you cross the pass down to towards Song-Kul. Here it’s as much about the journey as it is the destination.

Kol-Ukok: This awesome two-day hike from Kochkor offers spectacular views, but you certainly have work for it. Once you have your eyes on the prize, stunning mountain scenery will unravel in front of you.

Ala-Archa: For those that don’t have a lot of time in Kyrgyzstan, but still want to experience its epic mountain scenery Ala-Archa is an awesome option. Only an hour from Bishkek it is an easy escape.

Sary Mogol:  If you head to the southern part of the country past Osh you’ll enter the Alay Mountains, which are some of the wildest, most untouched peaks in the entire country. The little dusty village of Sary Mogol is right near the base of Peak Lenin, a 7134m high mountain which can be climbed as part of an expedition and is an excellent launch point for trips along the Pamir Highway . It’s a lovely town.

Top 5 Travel Experiences in Kyrgyzstan

Hiking – Naturally this is one of the top travel experiences in Kyrgyzstan. With awesome hiking trails all over the country , you are spoilt for choice. With everything from day hikes to multi-day treks available, there is something for every hiker. 

Sleeping in a yurt – A quintessentially Kyrgyz experience and unless you have your own tent, it’s an essential one when undertaking a multi-day hike. As the temperature drops at night yurt’s remain warm and comfortable.  We highly recommend checking out Feel Nomad Yurt Camp on the south shore of Issyk Kul.

Swimming in lake Issyk Kul – Swimming in one of the world’s highest alpine lakes is an awesome thing to tick off your bucket list. Taking a dip surrounded by stunning mountain vistas is fantastic, if a very chilly, experience. Check out our guide for things to do in Issyk Kul .

Taking a Horse Trek – Horse treks are a highlight when travelling Kyrgyzstan. Whilst your legs get a break, your backside will certainly feel the pain. However, hanging on for dear life as your horse goes galloping across mountain pastures is a once in a lifetime experience that certainly makes up for the aches and pains.

Sunsets and Star Gazing – After a long day of hiking and a home-cooked meal, watching the sunset set followed by a spot of stargazing is a great way to round off the day.

Skazka Canyon Travelling To Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Travel Tips

Travelling in Kyrgyzstan is getting easier every year, but it still requires an adventurous spirit and a bit of patience due to the lack of infrastructure outside of Bishkek.

To help you make the most of your trip, I’m going to share with you some of my best Kyrgyzstan travel tips.

What is Community Based Tourism?

One of the reasons that travel to Kyrgyzstan has developed so quickly is because of the community-based tourism network in existence throughout the country.

In effect, this allows the money that comes from tourism to reach more of the population. It connects herders, guides and drivers with tourists and helps them to receive the benefits of hosting, guiding and driving tourists. 

The main hub for this network is the CBT office that exists in almost every major town in the country. However, this is not the only agency doing such work.

There are a number of smaller independent agencies offering community-based tourism through a different name.

In addition, there are a number of guesthouses that have connections with local guides, herders and yurt camps and can also arrange everything for you.

There are also a number of former guides that are starting up their own tourism companies utilising their own network and knowledge. 

Do your research and find out which organisation offers what you are looking for. Here’s the main website .

Language Issues

Travelling in Kyrgyzstan does not have the same language challenges as travelling in China for example. However, it is important to remember that English is not widely spoken, save for tour agents and some guesthouse staff (certainly not all).

Outside of this it can be very hit and miss, and in truth, it’s usually more of a miss. Knowing a small amount of Russian is extremely useful for guesthouses, transport and general communication.

Money Changing

You will be able to access ATMs that accept foreign cards in Bishkek however it can be hit and miss outside of the capital, Karakol and Osh. It’s best to bring some additional US dollars in cash just in case.

These can be converted to Kyrgyz Som at any bank in the country, however, do be aware that the dollars have to be in excellent condition.

Transportation In and Around Kyrgyzstan

The best way to get around Kyrgyzstan is by marshrutka or private taxi. Internal flights are most reliable between Bishkek and Osh and there is a limited train service but it’s unreliable and inconvenient and in truth is best avoided.

Kyrgyzstan’s Geography

Before going into detail about the transport options in an around Kyrgyzstan it’s important to understand a little about the countries geography.

With 80% of the country covered by mountains and some roads in a poor state of repair, some journeys will take much longer than you would think. For example, expect it to take between 6 and 8 hours to get from Bishkek to Karakul by marshrutka.

Another thing to bear and in mind is the challenges of travelling across the centre of the country, for example from Kochkor to Osh, can be unreliable.

The main reason for this is the stretch of road that goes from Naryn to Jalal-Abad. This is a 4WD road that is closed in winter, however, do not be surprised to see some old Ladas taking on the terrain.

The road is in poor shape and it is closed in winter. Mudslides are a risk, but not as much as in Tajikistan. In addition, you may have to take two taxis to get all the way along this stretch of road.

Speak with your accommodations staff, the local CBT (who can also help to arranged a private taxi) and check online to keep up to date.

A convenient and affordable way of travelling between Bishkek and Osh, but outside of the two main cities, it’s not really a viable option.

By far the most convenient way to travel in Kyrgyzstan and indeed Central Asia and the Caucasus. These converted transits ferry people all over the country.

If you’re stopping off at a smaller destination, then take a marshrutka that passes it and let the driver know where you want to get off. However, do be aware that you are likely to be charged the full fare.

One of the best things about marshrutkas is that they are cheap, sometimes a tenth of the price of a private taxi. In major towns, prices are usually clearly printed on a sign and the money will be collected by a driver or there will be a ticket office with a price list.

Knowing a little bit of Russian is extremely useful as it is very unlikely anyone will speak English.

Often marshrutka stations are a bit of a free for all, there seems to be no clear order or logic as to where they park.

There will be a card behind the windscreen with the final destination, which more often than not will be written using the Cyrillic alphabet (the alphabet used to write both Kyrgyz and Russian).

If you can’t read Cyrillic’s then you will need to go and ask someone. Even if they cannot understand you people are extremely accommodating and will often go out of their way to help you. 

It can be a squeeze inside and some will only leave when full. I would recommend getting to the station a bit earlier to make sure you can get a seat. There were plenty of times when I visited that our marshrutka left full to bursting leaving a large crowd behind.

If you have large luggage that cannot be stored in the back you may be charged extra as they may need to put your luggage on the seat. Another reason to get there early. 

Private Taxi

More expensive than a marshrutka and generally more reliable, private taxi’s are a good option. Sometimes they may be the only option you have. The route across the centre of country springs to mind.

The cost they give is usually per seat and they won’t leave until their car is full. This means you may be waiting a while for them to fill up the remaining seats.

However if you pay for these empty seats they will be on their way, however, they may stop and pick up people on the route, and still charge them full price, without giving you any money back. 

Rental Vehicles

This is a very new market, so you will need to do some very detailed research. Be warned, it is very expensive.

Accommodation in Kyrgyzstan

Whilst there is a lot of accommodation in Kyrgyzstan there is not a huge variety. The vast majority are family-run BnB’s and guesthouses. These are often excellent value for money and give you the opportunity to build up a great relationship with the owner.

Generally, luxury accommodation is limited to Bishkek or the northern shore of Issyk Kul for the Russian tourists the descend in the summer months

Hostels are mainly clustered around Bishkek and Osh. These are a great place to connect with other travellers and get travel tips from the staff and other guests. These are generally rarer outside of the countries two main cities, but they can be found.

Guesthouses and BnB’s

This is probably the main accommodation option in Bishkek. Many families have taken advantage of the increased tourism to Kyrgyzstan by renting rooms in their homes to weary travellers.

The vast majority will include breakfast and in some more rural areas, they will also offer dinner, however, do be aware that this is usually an additional charge. Expect an extremely warm welcome and lots of conversations through google translate and hand signals.

Staying in these family-run BnB’s will leave you with some wonderful memories.

Unless you have a tent this will be your only option for multi-day treks. Very often you will book through your guesthouse or CBT and then pay upon arrival. More often than not the price includes dinner and breakfast the next morning.

Shared Apartments and Houses

There are a few of these floating around on booking sites in Bishkek and they are an excellent option. However, do be aware that it is likely you will need to register with the police if you entered the country on an E-visa.

For the majority of people who do not need an e-visa though, then Airbnbs are cheap and plentiful in Bishkek. Sign up using this link to get USD$35 off your first stay on Airbnb.

Western-style hotels are rare outside of Bishkek and Osh and more often than not are probably not worth the extra costs. However Soviet-era hotels are not uncommon, but may not be what you’re looking for.  

Kyrgyz Eagle Hunter

Food in Kyrgyzstan

The Central Asian staples can be found all over Kyrgyzstan and as good as some of it is you may crave something else after a while.

Bishkek has a wide variety of restaurants serving everything from western fast food to Italian, Chinese and Japanese cuisine. So if you want a break from the local delicacies then this will be the place to get your fill.

Shashlyk – One of the meals that define the region – grilled meat kebabs. Usually lamb, although chicken and beef can also be found here and there. Usually served with a scattering of red onions on a huge skewer.

Manti – These steamed dumplings come in a variety of styles with fillings both meat and vegetarian options available.

Samsa – More often than not they are wrapped in crispy, flaky pastry and have a taste similar to that of a cornish pasty (for those that know this delicious English snack). These can be found in restaurants, bazaars and from carts on the street. Like manti, they come in both meat and vegetarian varieties.

Lagman – A thick noodle dish covered in vegetables and meat in a spicy, vinegary sauce.

Beshbarmak – This literally translates as 5 fingers, since that’s what you eat it with. It consists of horse meat (occasionally beef or lamb) boiled it’s own broth and served over boiled noodles.

Safety in Kyrgyzstan

Generally speaking, Kyrgyzstan is quite safe, however, normal precautions should be taken. Avoid unlit streets and parks at night if possible. Also, keep your valuables safe and locked away especially if staying in a dorm.

In the past plain-clothed “policeman,” looking to shake down tourists were a big problem. They would ask to check your passport and occasionally would rifle through your possessions and wallet.

Strangely enough, this would usually end with some of your money disappearing or maybe even a fine for some unknown reason.

However this has dropped off in recent years, but it’s still a problem, especially around Osh Bazaar in Bishkek. If this happens to you try and offer them a copy of your passport and do not sign anything that you do not understand.

Drink driving in Kyrgyzstan is a problem, particularly at night. If taking a taxi, be sure that the person driving is not drunk.

All of this aside, Kyrgyzstan is generally safe and it’s very unlikely you would come across this.

Packing list for Kyrgyzstan (Men and Women)

  • Travel towel
  • Hiking boots
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Hiking trousers x2
  • Thick socks
  • Shorts/Leggings x2
  • Trainers/Casual Shoes
  • T-Shirts x4
  • Fleece/Hoody x2

Miscellaneous items

  • Sleeping bag
  • Mosquito repellent
  • An unlocked smartphone so you can place a Kyrgyz SIM card in it
  • Sanitary products (it may be hard to find them outside of Bishkek)
  • Plasters and cream for blisters

Final Tips for Travel in Kyrgyzstan

Learn a little bit of Russian – It will make your life a lot easier. Phrases around transport and money are most useful and for such basic phrases google translate is usually pretty accurate.

Get a local SIM card – This will make it easier to contact drivers and guesthouses in advance. Everyone there has WhatsApp and often this is how they prefer to communicate. Megafon, Beeline and O! are the main companies. We use Megafon on our own trips there, as they have the best coverage.

Compare CBT with other options – The CBT network is awesome for sure but sometimes other companies may have something available that is more in line with your interests. Sometimes guesthouses may offer their own tours and guided horse treks so they are definitely worth consulting as well.

Don’t expect a horse trek to be pain-free – If you have ridden a lot before then you’ll know what to expect. However if not, be prepared for horse treks to leave you backside and thighs in agony. They are definitely worth the pain though!

Travel Time and Distance – Very often journeys take longer than advertised, plan this into your itinerary. A safe bet is to budget a journey from one town to another to be an all-day affair.

Seasons – Even in early summer, some hiking trails may still be closed if the winter was a particularly long one. If you do end up going in June do be aware that there is a good chance that some trails will still be closed.

Read Our Kyrgyzstan Blog Posts

The 23 best things to do in kyrgyzstan, 14 awesome things to do in issyk kul, kyrgyzstan [2024], the 23 best things to do in bishkek, kyrgyzstan (2024 guide), 24 incredible places to visit in kyrgyzstan (2024 edition), 23 awesome things to do in osh, kyrgyzstan (2024 guide), the ultimate guide to the bulak-ashuu lakes trek in kyrgyzstan, should you travel to kyrgyzstan in winter (2024 guide), the ultimate guide to mountain biking in jyrgalan, kyrgyzstan (2024 guide), peak lenin base camp trek – kyrgyzstan hiking guide [2024], the ultimate travel guide to sary mogol, kyrgyzstan (2024), the ultimate guide to skiing in kyrgyzstan (2024 edition), the ultimate guide to the truly nomadic land trek in kyrgyzstan.

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Home » Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Places to Visit

22 of the Most Stunning Places to Visit in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is an extremely diverse country geographically. Here, you will find almost every type of landscape imaginable: towering peaks, vast plains, colorful deserts, huge swathes of woods, all of these and more. There’s even an enormous lake that could be mistaken for an ocean (if oceans had mountains behind them).

There are so many things to see in Kyrgyzstan; more than one could hope to see in a lifetime. Sorting through the many places to visit in Kyrgyzstan could be overwhelming, especially for those with limited time in the country.

To help get everyone amped about visiting this awesome country, I’ve assembled a list of some of my favorite destinations in Kyrgyzstan. In writing it, I’ve made sure to cover as many bases as possible without bombarding you. Included are outdoor adventures, cultural oddities, and cities where travelers can plan their next move.

Kyrgyzstan is an amazing place, there is no doubt in my mind. Consider these suggestions and find out which are perfect for your next trip!

The Most Magical Places to Visit in Kyrgyzstan 

Faq on the best places to visit in kyrgyzstan, a final note on traveling safely in kyrgyzstan.

Let’s not mince words and get right to it: these are the definitive Kyrgyzstan locations that you need to visit next time you go!

tourism kyrgyzstan

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1. Issyk Kul

One of the prettiest lakes you’ll ever see with lots to do.

yurt camp on issyk kul kyrgyzstan

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Issyk Kul is probably the first place in Kyrgyzstan that everyone hears about. Immensely large, unfathomably deep, and totally out-of-this-world, Issyk Kul is one of the most unique locations on earth. Where else can you see red-sand beaches, crystal clear water, and snowy-mountains all in one place? 

The south shore is the best part of Issyk Kul to visit. Unlike the north shore, which is mostly inhabited by lake resorts and vacationing Russians, the south is much wilder. Some of Kyrgyzstan’s top attractions, like Jeti Oguz, Barskoon Gorge, and Fairytale Canyon, are also located on this side of the lake. 

When visiting the southern part of Issyk Kul, you must stay in one of the many yurt camps that dot the shore. Aside from offering a more authentic lodging experience, they also benefit from spectacular locations. Most are built right on the shores of the lake, which means you’ll get those views, that water, and that cool red sand when stay at one.

The north shore is definitely more resorty. If you’re not into that kind of vacation, you can skip most of this part of the lake BUT be sure to drop by Chopon Alata. There are some cool petroglyphs here that are worth seeing if you’re passing through. 

How to Get to Issyk Kul

issyk kul swimming in kyrgyzstan

Issyk Kul is one of the most popular places to visit in Kyrgyzstan and is easily reached from Bishkek. 

  • By car: Leave Bishkek, get on the A-365, and just drive east – you’ll make it to Issyk Kul in a couple of hours. 
  • By public transport: Minibuses leave from Bishkek’s Western bus station regularly. Prices are around $5 one way. Most drive along the northern edge of the lake.
  • By private taxi: Expect to pay at least $15-20 per seat for a private taxi. Will most likely be shared with other tourists.

Where to Stay Around Issyk Kul

There is a TON of accommodation around Issyk Kul. We’re talking everything from hotels to hostels to guesthouses to yurt camps. Any way you look at it, there something for everyone around Issyk Kul.

  • Recommended yurt camp: Bel-tam Yurt Camp
  • Recommended guesthouse: Tashtanbay Ata Guest House

2. Fairytale Canyon or Skazka Canyon

Psychedelic rocks and fantastical shapes in the desert.

fairytale canyon top destinations in kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is most well-known for its mountain scenery and lush, rolling pasture-lands. But did you know that it also has amazing desert landscapes as well? Any Kyrgyzstan backpacking adventure needs a bit of both.

Yes, the southern areas around Issyk Kul are rife with canyonlands and petrified oddities that you would normally find in the American Southwest. Red is a common color in these parts although shades of yellow, orange, and even purple sometimes pop up. 

The most colorful spot in the region is without a doubt Fairytale Canyon . Here, the geology is vivid and nearly every color imaginable is present. Everything merges and molds together into new and fantastical forms.  In my opinion, the whole area kind of looks like a surrealist painting. I like to imagine that whilst Gaugin admired French Polynesia, Dali would be totally inspired by the liquid landscapes at Fairytale Canyon.

How to Get to Fairytale Canyon

fairytale canyon desert of kyrgzystan

If you’re on an organized tour in Kyrgyzstan, your operators will be able to arrange all the necessary transport. For those that have their own car: just drive along the A-363 on the southern shore until you see the turnoff for Fairytale Canyon on the right.

If you’ve taken public transport to Bokonbaevo, you can arrange a private taxi for around $20-$25 that will take you to the canyon. The taxi will wait whilst you explore and then take you back to town when you’re ready.

Where to Stay Around Fairytale Canyon 

Most people visit Fairytale Canyon as a day trip from Bishkek or somewhere else on Issyk Kul. For suggestions on where to stay in either, check out the above section for Issyk Kul or stay at our favorite hostel in Bishkek (and Kyrgyzstan for that matter) Tunduk Hostel .

3. Altyn Arashan

Hot springs, wooden cabins, and mountain views – the Kyrgyz idea of paradise

altyn arashan hot springs near issyk kul kyrgyzstan

This really is one of the most perfect places to visit in Kyrgyzstan. Altyn Arashan is a semi-wild resort area that provides guests with comfortable lodging, splendid mountain views, and the chance to soak in hot springs. I shit you not, the water from these springs is the perfect temperature and spending an afternoon bathing in them is probably the best post-hike treatment that I’ve ever received. 

Before I get lost in the memory of those heavenly hot springs, let me say that there is still plenty more to do around Altyn Arashan. Lots of people venture here to explore the greater valley, either on foot or by horseback. Some choose to go all the way up the valley to get a better view of the peculiarly tent-shaped Palatka Peak. Either way, any manner of exploring Altyn Arashan is like walking in paradise.

Insider tip: Be on the lookout for the special bonsai tree next to the river.

How to Get to Altyn Arashan

The road (if you can call it that) to Altyn Arashan is very, very rough. Normal cars cannot drive on it, which leaves backpackers with two options:

  • Have someone drop you off at the unofficial Altyn Arashan parking area and then walk for about 3-4 hours to reach the heart of the valley.
  • Organize a ride with a special 4×4 transport that is able to handle the road. Note that this option entails a very bumpy ride and a premium price of about $30 per seat.

Where to Stay Around Altyn Arashan

When visiting Altyn Arashan, you absolutely have to stay in a wooden cabin. They are warm, comfy, cozy, and a highlight of the trip. The local Kyrgyz who manage the individual cabins usually have a private sauna facility on the premises as well. Be sure to double-check as not every cabin has access to spring water.

I highly recommend booking a cabin ahead of time as they fill up quick. The best way to book ahead is to call the cabin reception to reserve a room. Local people from Karakol can help you do this.

An epic mountain lake that changes colors with the weather

ala kul lake hike kyrgyzstan adeventures

Those who have already done some research on hiking in Kyrgyzstan have probably already heard about Ala-Kul . For those who haven’t heard of Ala-Kul, it is a stunning alpine lake set high in the mountains above Karakol. Just take a look at the photos – although they pale in comparison to the real thing, they should make you chomping at the bit to visit Kyrgyzstan.

Ala-Kul is a painfully beautiful lake and it can even be said that it has a “personality.” It’s a well-known fact that the waters of Ala-Kul change color on a regular basis depending on the weather. When it’s bright out, the water is an energetic azure; when it’s stormy they change to a deep and melancholy cobalt. This poly-chromatic phenomenon most likely inspired the name Ala-Kul as well – it means “Lake of Many Colors” in Kyrgyz.

Because it is 3500 meters high, Ala-Kul is not lacking for jaw-dropping views as well. Whilst hiking to the lake, you’ll see soaring peaks in almost every direction. The lake itself is also enclosed by its own set of rugged mountains, which only adds more grandeur to the scene.

Insider tip: If you have time, make the short 2-hour hike from Karakol Valley to see Karakol Peak – the highest mountain in the Ala-Too.

How to Get to Ala-Kul 

ala kul lake hike best in Kyrgyzstan

The only way to get to Ala-Kul is by walking. Most do so over the course of 2-3 days trekking. 

The trail to Ala-Kul starts in the Karakol Valley, ascends 1,300 meters to the lake, gains another 300 meters to Ala-Kul Pass, and finishes with another 1,300 meter descent to Altyn Arashan. This is a fairly broad overview of the walk though. For more information, be sure to check out our Kyrgyzstan hiking guide .

Where to Stay Around Ala-Kul

If you’re planning on spending the night at Ala-Kul (which you should be) then camping will be your only option. This means you will either have to pack a tent up with you (hire a porter if this seems arduous) or book a spot at Ak-Sai Travel’s established campground. The latter costs about $50 per tent and includes breakfast and dinner. 

Be sure to pack the right outdoor gear if you plan on staying overnight. Have a nice warm sleeping bag as well as a good sturdy backpacking tent to keep safe and comfortable.

5. Sary Jaz

An untouched jailoo in Kyrgyzstan that sees few visitors

sary jaz enlychek hidden places in kyrgyzstan

Sary Jaz is a yet-to-be-discovered location in Kyrgyzstan that we think deserves more attention. Set on the Chinese-Kazak border to the southeast of Karakol, Sary Jaz offers more than just the usual Kyrgz adventures.

For one, the area located immediately on the Kazak border is full of interesting caves that are rarely known to outsiders. From the jailoo, one can also see one of Kyrgyzstan’s highest mountains, the mighty Khan Tengri, on a clear day.

But the trip doesn’t end there. South of Sary Jaz is Enylchek . Whilst primarily known as the beginning of the Khan Tengri expedition, Enylchek itself is also fascinating. As a former mining region, Enylchek is full of old abandoned Soviet buildings and facilities. You can visit the ruins of the Soviet town and then afterward take a dip in some local hot springs!

Because of the close proximity of Sary Jaz to the Chinese border, permits are needed to visit the region, which you can get from a local tour operator of your choosing.

How to Get to Sary Jaz

Sary Jaz and Enylchek require a 4×4 vehicle to visit. Sections of the journey will require off-roading so make sure you’re comfortable with rough roads or hire a driver/guide.

Sary Jaz and Enylchek are located relatively close to one another but are separated at a crossroads. The crossroad in question is at the military checkpoint where you will need to present your permits. Driving south from the checkpoint, the turnoff for Sary Jaz will be on the left whilst Enylcheck will be straight ahead.

Where to Stay Around Sary Jaz

There are a couple of host families in Enylchek (yes, people still live in the abandoned town) that sometimes take in travelers. If you want to stay with one, it would be a good idea to have a local guide to translate for you.

Camping is way more likely in Sary Jaz and Enylchek. There is a lot of open land in these parts so finding a site shouldn’t be a problem.

6. Song Kul

An alpine wonderland that hosts wandering nomads in the summer

sunset at song kul lake kyrgyzstan

Song Kul is a bit of a marvel for two very particular reasons: 1) it looks like something straight out of Alaska or Iceland and 2) it’s only a couple of hours from the capital. It sounds crazy to me, the fact that you can literally be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but horses and mountains, and only in the course of a few hours drive; it’s unheard of! But such are the wonders of Kyrgyzstan.

The name Song Kul belongs mostly to the large lake in the center of a jailoo though there is a lot more going on around this area. Sprawling meadows and the numerous 4,000-meter peaks looming above are all a part of Song Kul. Their presence makes Song Kul seem more Arctic than Central Asian at times. 

But the part that really makes Song Kul worth visiting are the people. Song Kul is a very popular place during the summer for Kyrgyz families and many come here either to let their horses graze or to host travelers. Most have small yurt camps to accommodate people. If you stay at one of these, you will be showered with good food and maybe not so good kumis (fermented mare’s milk). 

How to Get to Song Kul

young nomad in kyrgyzstan song kul

Song Kul is accessed normally in one of two ways:

  • By SUV either rented or owned by a driver. Drive time from Bishkek is usually around 3-4 hours drive. Make sure you got some clearance on your car and a pair of chains – the roads are rough and snow is possible all year.
  • By 2-3 days horse trekking. If you’re interested, then be sure to read our guide horse trekking in Kyrgyzstan to learn more.

Where to Stay Around Song Kul

It’d be foolish NOT to stay in a local yurt camp when visiting Song Kul. In fact, this is probably one of the best places in Kyrgyzstan to sleep in a traditional yurt – the views are hard to beat and the hospitality of the people is unrivaled. 

Most yurts cost about $15 per night and include dinner and breakfast.

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The hiking capital of Kyrgyzstan and Chinese Dungan enclave

karakol things to do trinity church

For those who want to go hiking in the Ala-Too Mountains – which hosts superlative locations like Ala-Kul and Altyn Arashan – Karakol will be their primary base of operations. If you need a break from hiking, the town has a number of cultural sites, which should keep people busy for a few days in-between their adventures. 

Karakol is a great place to start trekking due to its prime location at the foot of the mountains and a decent array of services. There are several local outfitters in Karakol that can help equip you for an epic trek, whether you’re in need of a new tent or a full-on guide. Visit Karakol is a fantastic tour operator that comes recommended by us.

Karakol is also a bit of cultural curiosity. It was the landing place for many displaced Dungan Muslims when they have driven away from China in the late 19th-century. The local Dungan Mosque is one of the stranger religious buildings I’ve seen and actually has some East Asian features. The local delicacy in Karakol is also lagman – a type of fried-noodle that originated in Kashgar, China.

Insider tip: My favorite shashlik (Russian kebabs) in all Kyrgyzstan can be found at Kafe Aychurok.

How to Get to Karakol

camels in karakol kyrgyzstan

There are lots of buses that travel between Karakol and Bishkek. Buses leave from Bishkek at the Western Station and arrive at the Avtovokzal stop in Karakol. Vice versa is the same.

Those driving can head to Karakol along the southern or northern shore of Issyk Kul (both are the A-363 road). Note that the northern shore is a better-paved road but the southern shore is more scenic. 

Where to Stay Around Karakol

Karakol doesn’t really have a central business area and, consequently, lodging is kind of spread throughout the entire town. There are still plenty of hotels and guesthouses, but it just doesn’t seem like it at first. These are some of our preferred places to stay in Karakol:

  • Recommended hostel: KbH-Karakol
  • Recommended hotel: Riverside Karakol
  • Recommended guesthouse: Evergreen Guesthouse

8. Jeti Oguz

The Seven Bulls – seven red-rock towers at the base of the Ala-Too Range

jeti oguz top destinations in kyrgyzstan

Jeti Oguz is yet another example of how Kyrgyzstan looks so much like the Western American landscape. Meaning “seven bulls” in Kyrgyz, Jeti Oguz is a collection of blood-red rocks at the base of the Ala-Too Mountains. Their prominent shape, height, and absolutely brilliant color, which is wonderfully juxtaposed against the green hills, make them unforgettable. 

To get the best view of Jeti Oguz, simply climb up the eastern slopes next to the road . The viewpoint at the top of the hill offers the best panoramas. 

Don’t forget to drop by the Broken Heart on your way to Jeti Oguz either. Its name comes from both the distinctive crack running down the rock and from the tragic love stories that surround it.

How to Get to Jeti Oguz

visit kyrgyzstan best place jeti oguz

Jeti Oguz is located very close to Karakol and the drive there is only about 30-minutes long. You will either need your own car or hire a private driver or tour. There are plenty of taxi drivers in Karakol so finding one shouldn’t be a problem. Expect to pay $7-$8 one way with a taxi.

Where to Stay Around Jeti Oguz

Jeti Oguz is already one of the most popular places to visit in Kyrgyzstan. Unfortunately, this means that there is quite a bit of infrastructure built up around the monoliths. A dozen guesthouses surround the rocks and there is almost always a decent-sized crowd in the area.

9. Tulpar Kul and Peak Lenin BC

One of the easiest ways to see a 7000+ meter peak up-close

tulpar kol pik lenin kyrgyzstan

Normally, you’d expect a full-on expedition would be required to see 7000+ meter peak. After all, it sometimes takes days for a trekker to see one in Nepal or India sometimes.

What if I told you that you could see an ultra-peak in only a matter of hours , would that interest you?

Peak Lenin is well-known for being one of the most accessible ultras in the world. Its base is a mere 5-hour drive from Osh and, even then, its summit can already be seen hours before from the highway.

When driving to Peak Lenin, the first notable place you’ll see is Tulpar Kul. This area is essentially a collection of small alpine lakes and this is where the majority of yurt camps are. You’ll have to stop the car here but you can further up the valley of Peak Lenin to reach its first base camp.

Peak Lenin Base Camp is within a few hours walk from Tulpar Kul. That means that, if you left Osh early, you can arrive at the base camp of an ultra in less than a day . What a crazy world we live in these days. Oh, and the name is a hangover from the days of the Soviet Union – we have written a whole post setting out more tips and fact about Kyrgyzstan .

How to Get to Peak Lenin BC

tulpar kul lenin peak in kyrgyzstan

Hire a car or a driver in Osh to take you to Sary Mogul first. If you go with a driver, make sure that you don’t get ripped-off. Ask a friendly local to help negotiate prices with the driver and try to pay less than $50 for the entire car, one-way. 

Once you arrive in Sary Mogul, head to the local CBT office and book a jeep transport up to Tulpar Kul. You’ll have to pay another $40 but it’s round-trip. The CBT driver will drop you off at their private yurt camp at Tulpar Kul.

Where to Stay Around Tulpar Kul

Stay at the CBT yurt camp or whichever one the driver leaves you at. They’re all nice and cozy. All of them will cost $15/night and include dinner and breakfast.

Eager adventurers can also spend a night at the Peak Lenin Base Camp. There’s one established campground there that also costs $15/night.

10. Arslanbob

A charming mountain village that hosts waterfalls and the largest walnut forest in the world

Arslanbob, Kyrgyzstan

Arslanbob is somewhere that manages to fly under the bulk of tourists’ radars. A lot of travelers just pass through here on their way to Osh or when heading back to Bishkek. Whilst a day in Arslanbob is still enjoyable, spending more than one is totally worthwhile.

Arslanbob is most well-known for hosting the largest walnut forest in the world . This forest is a great source of pride for the natives and it is a pretty big part of their life. In the autumn, almost everyone runs away into the forest to pick walnuts and during this time there are lots of harvest celebrations. If you want to experience a real festival in Kyrgyzstan, this is one of the best places to do it. 

Aside from the massive woods, there are also lots more things to do in Arslanbob. Close to town are a couple of very pretty waterfalls that make for great day hikes. If you wanted to go on a multi-day backpacking trip, walking to the nearby Holy Lakes is a great way to spend 3 or 4 days in the mountains.

How to Get to Arslanbob

holy lakes arslanbob kyrgyzstan

Arslanbob is about 3.5 hours drive north from Osh. If you’re self-driving, be mindful that the main road crosses into Uzbekistan and that you may need border permits. To avoid crossing the border, drive via Uzgen and J alal-Abad .

If you take public transport, you will transit through Jalal-Abad and Bazar Korgon . 

Where to Stay Around Arslanbob

There are plenty of cute lodges in Arslanbob! Some of our favorites are the simply-named Friendship and Halal Muslim Guesthouse . Grab a bowl of walnuts and just relax in the gardens of one of these.

11. Barskoon Gorge

Former center of the world and holiday home for Yuri Garigan, now gold-mining town.

barskoon gorge waterfall in kyrgyzstan

Barskoon is full of little fun oddities. From the moment you arrive, you are greeted by a very out-of-place statue of Yuri Garigan aka the most famous Cosmonaut ever. Shortly after, you see a tree covered with knitted wear, as if it were prone to catching a cold during chilly evenings. (These bundled-up trees are called “wishing trees” and they’re actually a common sight in Kyrgyzstan.) 

Barskoon has a certain magnetism to it and lots of people are attracted to this place for one reason or another. Some come to see the many waterfalls while others simply enjoy having a picnic here. If you ask any Canadians nearby, they’ll probably say they enjoy the mountains of gold being excavated in Barskoon .

Regardless of intentions, Barskoon is a very lovely place to visit in Kyrgyzstan. It’s verdant, scenic, and very relaxing. It may not be the center of the world, as local Karakhanid philosopher Mahmud al-Kashgari once believed, but it’s close enough.

How to Get to Barskoon Gorge

Travel east along the south shore of Issyk Kul and take a right onto the A-364. Drive another 30 minutes or so until you reach a relatively developed area with yurt stays and camps. If you see the Yuri Garigan statue, you’ve arrived. 

Where to Stay Around Barskoon Gorge 

There is a local yurt camp that you can stay at in Barskoon if you like. Most people visit Barskoon Gorge as a daytrip from there lodge in Karakol or Issyk Kul.

12. Bishkek

Kyrgyzstan’s surprisingly cosmopolitan capital

sunset in bishkek kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan’s capital, Bishkek , is like the Denver of Central Asia: flat, close to the mountains, and a little underrated. Also in common between the two cities is that both have an unquenchable thirst for the outdoors and, believe it or not, an amazing beer scene as well! Kudos Bishkek, kudos. 

My random comparisons being finished, Bishkek really is a misunderstood city. Most imagine it to be a typical, post- Soviet wasteland with nothing but brutalist architecture and melancholic citizens. These couldn’t be farther from the truth.

There are lots of reasons Bishkek is worth visiting. For one, the people are actually extremely modern and, for that matter, very good looking. The aforementioned beer scene is a great surprise and dropping by the likes of Save the Ales or Blonder Pub makes for a great afternoon. Also, there is plenty of green-space to walk around in the city, particularly around the center and Ala-Too Square . 

In the end, Bishkek is a great example that not everything is grey beyond the Iron Curtain.

Insider tip: My favorite speakeasy is hidden near Giraffe Coffee and doubles as a beauty parlor during the day.

How to Get to Bishkek 

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

All roads in Kyrgyzstan eventually lead back to Bishkek since it is the capital and most populous place in the country. If you need any help finding Bishkek, just follow the signs or ask some friendly locals. 

Bishkek is also only a 3-hour drive from Almaty, Kazakhstan . Like Bishkek, Almaty is also very international but, that being said, is much bigger and busier than Bishkek. Thanks to recent economic booms, Almaty is actually quite hedonistic these days and is sometimes referred to as the “New York City of Central Asia.” No Borats here.

If you make it to Almaty, be sure to explore the areas outside the city as well. Charyn Canyon is an epic destination and is only 3 hours away from the city.

Where to Stay Around Bishkek

Bishkek is one of the easiest places to find accommodation in Kyrgyzstan. Hotels and guesthouses make up the grand majority of lodging in Bishkek though there are plenty of private apartments and hostels in the city as well. Avoid staying in yurt camps in the city – it’s not really the same as being in the mountains. 

Here are some places to stay in Bishkek:

  • Best Hostel in Bishkek: Capsule Hostel
  • Best Hotel in Bishkek: Futuro Hotel

tourism kyrgyzstan

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13. Burana Tower

One of the few archaeological sites in Kyrgyzstan

burana tower day trips from bishkek kyrgyzstan

There aren’t a lot of historical sites in Kyrgyzstan. Those that do exist are usually of the decrepit Soviet-variety or are simply a scattering of markers from wandering nomads e.g. Chopon Alta and Saimaluu-tash. Remember: most of Kyrgyzstan’s history is defined by migrating horsemen and migrating horsemen don’t really have a lot of time to build big things.

The Burana Tower is one of the few notable historical buildings in Kyrgyzstan. Built by the Karakhanids, it and the surrounding ruins are all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun . The tower used to be higher (45 meters) but at some point partially collapsed (it has since been partially restored). The rest of the city is practically buried. 

Though humble compared to other Central Asian architectural marvels, like Registan and Khiva, the Burana Tower is still interesting to visit. With the Ala-Archa Mountains in the background, the setting couldn’t be more perfect. Plus, the old bal-bals (warrior totems) are pretty cool to see as well.

How to Get to the Burana Tower

burana tower stones and mountains kyrgyzstan

The easiest way to see the Burana Tower is to book a tour with a local company. We recommend going with Show Me Bishkek .

If you want to go independently, you’ll either need your own car or take a combination of buses and taxis to reach the tower. If you’re going with the latter option, you’ll first need to take a matrushka from the Western Station in Bishkek to Tokmok and then grab a taxi to Burana. Altogether, the trip should cost around $15 in total. 

Where to Stay Around Burana Tower

The nearest town is Tokmok although most people will probably stay in Bishkek since it’s only 90 minutes away. Check the previous sections for suggestions on where to stay in Bishkek.

Kyrgyzstan’s second-largest and most authentic city

things to do in osh see lenin statue

Kyrgyzstan’s southern capital exists in stark contrast to the northern one. Where Bishkek feels international, modern, and bustling (relative terms), Osh is far more traditional and culturally rich. Gone are the khaki shorts and the designer label fashion; in are covered shoulders and Islamic dress codes. 

Please don’t let that intimidate you – these are what make Osh so interesting. Osh is an ancient city that dates back thousands of years and has a much more fascinating history (for good and bad). The locals take great pride in this and enjoy talking about how culturally rich their home is.

Osh is where you go to get proper Kyrgyz food as well. Street food is very popular around the city and you can find vendors selling freshly-fried treats on almost every corner. Be sure to drop by Kurmanzhan Datka Cafe for authentic Kyrgyz dishes and Cafe Brio for the best coffee in Kyrgyzstan

Insider tip: Osh is also semi-well-known for it’s street murals.

How to Get to Osh

Whilst it is possible to drive to Osh, it is not the best way to arrive. The road from Bishkek to the city is long, hard, and only fit for those who don’t mind a bumpy ride. The drive is scenic and road trippers will probably find the journey pretty fun. Just be sure to allocate 2-3 days for the journey.

Flying to Osh is WAY more convenient than driving. Tickets with Air Manas are dirt cheap at the moment – costing less than $40 for one way – and the flight is only 45 minutes long. That’s a 3-day-long land expedition that you just saved yourself, people.

Where to Stay Around Osh 

There are a couple of decent hostels and guesthouses in Osh, Biy Ordo being our top suggestion. The Osh CBT , whose primary role is a tour agency, also doubles as a guesthouse.

All that being said, Osh can seem pretty bereft of lodging at times. Airbnbs are in fairly short supply and hotels don’t seem to be a thing here. Both feel a little expensive given their (lack of) amenities.

15. The Pamir-Alai Mountains

Kyrgyzstan’s remote mountain range – hosts some of the best hikes in the country 

kyrgyz patagonia best places to visit in kyrgystan

There are over 158 mountain ranges in Kyrgyzstan. Of those 158, most are a part of the Tian Shan; only 4 are outside of it. It goes without saying that Tian Shan receive the overwhelming majority of visitors. 

Yet the Pamir-Alai Range in Southwestern Kyrgyzstan offer some of the best scenery in the country. Far removed from mass tourism, these mountains are pristine and spectacular to behold. For trekkers who are willing to go the extra mile and travel a bit further, the Pamir-Alai could be a wonderland for them.

The 4-day Height of the Alay trek over Jiptick Pass is a highly-regarded hike in the Pamir-Alai. But personally, I cannot rave more about the Turkestan Mountains , which is often referred to as the “ Patagonia of Central Asia .” Here you will find towering granite spires, perilous mountain passes, and not a soul in sight. It is one of the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan and also one of the most peaceful.

How to Get to the Pamir-Alai

karavshan valley best hikes in kyrgyzstan

Osh will be your primary gateway into the Pamir-Alay Range. Get there, via land or air, and the mountains will be yours for the taking. Refer to the Osh section (#5) for more details on traveling there.

Where to Stay Around the Pamir-Alai

Outside of Osh, there isn’t a whole lot of tourist infrastructure. There might be an occasional guest house or two in larger towns, like Batken , but planning on staying in one of these is going to be a dice-roll.

If you want to do the Kyrgz Patagonia trek, then you’ll most likely spend a night in or near the tiny town of Ozgorush . There is a KCBTA guesthouse in Ozgorush that is run by a super nice family and I wholeheartedly recommend staying there. Contact the CBT Osh office to get you in contact with the family.

If you book a trekking tour of Kyrgyz Patagonia with KCBTA, be sure to use the discount code TheBrokeBackpackerKGZ312 to get 10% off ! This code works on all KCBTA tours.

16. Ala Archa

Playground for Bishkek’s weekend warriors

ala archa national park near bishkek kyhrgyzstan

One of the best things about Kyrgyzstan is that nature – I mean really amazing nature – is never too far away. Case and point: Ala Archa National Park . 

Ala Archa National Park is literally in Bishkek’s backyard. The park, which hosts several 4500+ meter peaks, can be seen from just about anywhere in the city. Getting to the park isn’t difficult at all either: the entry gate is only an hour away from the city! How many cities can offer that kind of alpine accessibility?!

Just because Ala Archa is close to the city doesn’t mean it’s a slouch of a national park either. As mentioned before, there are multiple 4500+ meter peaks in addition to several glaciers that you can visit. One of the most popular hikes in the area is the walk up to the Ak-Sai Glacier – it’s strenuous but can be done in a long day. 

Many people that grew up in Bishkek believe that they grew up in Ala Archa as well. Why not join some locals and get a taste for what it’s truly like to live and grow up in this amazing country? Go for a walk in the mountains and don’t forget the post-hike beer back in Bishkek either!

How to Get to Ala Archa

ala archa ak sai glacier trek

There is a regular marshrutka (265) that leaves from the Osh Bazar in Bishkek and ends at Kashka-Suu near the beginning of Ala Archa. From there, you will have to hitchhike to get the main entrance of the park.

The easiest way to get to Ala Archa is by having a private form of transport, either in the form of a rental, a tour guide, or a private taxi. A round trip with a taxi driver will cost around $30-$35.

Where to Stay Around Ala Archa

There are a couple of mountain hotels located at the entrance to Ala Archa. If you need some more rugged digs, stay at a campground instead or go backpacking into the wilderness. 

For those who are just on a day trip, find somewhere cozy to sleep back in Bishkek.

tourism kyrgyzstan

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17. Chong-Kemin

A pastoral national park that is great for white-water rafting, cultural festivals, and horse riding

If Kyrgyzstan is the Colorado of Central Asia – Coloradostan, if you will – then Chong-Kemin would be Crested Butte. Peaceful, slow and with lots of outdoor activities, Chong-Kemin is one of the best places in Kyrgyzstan to just relax. This place has everything that a mountain retreat ought to: wood cabins, white-water rafting, meadows, and, of course, lots of great views. 

Chong-Kemin is most well-known for its diverse flora and fauna. Whilst you can find the usual Kyrgyz suspects here, like horses and huge swathes of fir trees, there are a number of endangered species also found in Chong-Kemin. Snow leopard, golden eagles, and bear have all been spotted in the valley. To protect these fragile ecosystems, Chong-Kemin was made a national park in 1997.

You don’t have to be an animal lover to admire the Chong-Kemin valley. Spending a night or two watching the stars, sitting by the fire, going for a hike or two, will be more than enough to appreciate this place. Time moves more slowly than usual in Chong-Kemin and for those who need a real break, this is a great spot to unwind. 

How to Get to Chong-Kemin

Chong-Kemin is located quite close to Bishkek and is only about 2 hours drive from the city. Having a car or going with a tour operator will be the easiest way to get to the valley.

Luckily, there are also regular buses to and from Chong-Kemin via Kaindy . From the Eastern Bus Station in Bishkek, there are two buses leaving per day to Kaindy that take around 2.5 hours each.

Where to Stay Around Chong-Kemin

When visiting Chong-Kemin, you absolutely have to stay at Chong-Kemin Guesthouse. The guesthouse is a gorgeous facility – everything is made from local timber and is decorated with handcrafted felt. It honestly looks like a Rocky Mountain lodge set in the middle of Central Asia. The owners are extremely hospitable as well and they serve some mean food to go along with it. 

18. Sary Chelek

An off-the-beaten-path lake that most locals will say is the best place to visit in Kyrgyzstan  

colors of sary chelek lake in kyrgyzstan

I talked to a lot of native people about their favorite place to visit in Kyrgyzstan and got lots of responses: Arslanbob, Enylchek, Altyn Arashan, being a few examples. The one place that seemed to be a unanimous answer though was Sary Chelek.

Seriously, almost every single person that I have spoken to in Kyrgyzstan gushes about this place, almost more so than Altyn Arashan. They described it as perfect, wonderful, and without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan. 

Sary Chelek is a lake located in a very remote part of northwestern Kyrgyzstan. Getting to Sary Chelek is a bit of journey – 10 hours from Bishkek by car – though no one really complains about the ride. The trip is pretty scenic, as you cross the western extremity of the Tian Shan, and the final destination is, of course, worth every minute.

Sary Chelek is a gorgeous azure color. The lake is itself is framed by the rugged Chatkal Mountains in addition to large swathes of fruit-bearing trees. If you happen to be at the lake by yourself (chances are high) it will certainly feel like you’ve died and gone to Kyrgyz heaven. 

How to Get to Sary Chelek

sary chelek lake top destinations in kyrgyzstan

It will take about 10 hours driving from Bishkek to arrive at Sary Chelek. About half the road is unpaved so you will need to be a confident driver.

Supposedly, you can make it Sary Chelek by bus, but I’ve never entertained this thought because it would be a very, very long ride. Contact the local Kara-Suu KCBTA for information on using the bus.

Where to Stay Around Sary Chelek

There are a couple of hotels and guesthouses at Sary Chelek and a couple more further back on the road. Most don’t have an online booking portal, so you’ll need to call ahead to make reservations.

If you don’t get a room, camping will be your only means of staying the night near the lake.

19. Naryn Province

A frontier region that offers old ruins, a mysterious lake, and arctic-like conditions

kel suu naryn region best places to visit in krygyzstan

Naryn is located in the far south of Kyrgyzstan on the border of China. It’s a fairly large province that offers quite a bit. Here is a brief overview of some things to do:

  • Tash Rabat: An old ruined outpost set deep in the mountains. Out of the way but still one of the most impressive archeological sites in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Ak-Sai Valley: The “South Pole of Central Asia.” The reason for this title is that the area a) looks very similar to Arctic regions like Iceland and b) get’s really fucking cold. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Kyrgyzstan was recorded here and it was a crazy -56 degrees Celsius. That’s almost as low as the average surface temperature of Mars.
  • Kakshaal-Too: One of the most unexplored mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan. Rugged, sheer, and very wild.
  • Kel-Suu : An alpine lake that disappears during times of drought. Easily accessed via a moderate hike from the Ak-Sai Valley.

How to Get to the Naryn Region

naryn region of kyrgyzstan

The town of Naryn is easily reached from Bishkek after about 3 hours of driving. Local marshrutkas leave for Naryn from the Western Bus Station in Bishkek though not many are available. Most fill up early in the morning, after which only private taxis are available.

Once you get to Naryn, get out. Take your jeep or meet your driver and explore the surrounding area. Naryn itself is pretty uninspiring and doesn’t offer a lot of activities.

Where to Stay Around Naryn

Despite it’s shabby reputation, there are actually quite a few places to stay in Naryn. There’s a hotel ( Khan Tengri Hotel ) , a good guesthouse ( Guest House Jamal ) , even a hostel ( Kubat-tour Hostel ) if you wanted to meet some fellow backpackers!

Still, camping out in the Ak-Sai Valley is far preferable to staying in Naryn. Get your supplies and get out into the jailoos.  

20. Konorcheck Canyons

A Utah-esque landscape in the middle of Central Asia

konorchek canyons best places to visit in kyrgyzstan

Fairytale Canyon gets a lot of attention from travelers – most visit here after hearing about Kyrgyzstan’s rainbow-like desert landscapes. Whilst the Fairytale Canyon is pretty damn cool, it’s not the most epic place in Kyrgyzstan to see this kind of scenery. This is another great reason to visit Kyrgyzstan .

The Konorcheck Canyons are a whole different level. Larger, wilder, and more intense in every way, these canyons are for the real desert raiders. Of course, those vivid colors that Kyrgyzstan is so well known for are still present.

To really appreciate Konorcheck, you will need to go on a moderate hike. The standard trail is about 6 miles long and offers plenty of scenery. Bold backpackers can choose to extend their trip via a number of side trails and can even camp out around the canyons. With the stars above and the red rock below, it can be a very trippy feeling camping out in these deserts. 

How to Get to Konorcheck Canyons

How to Get to Konorcheck Canyons

Konorcheck Canyons is located right off the side of the main A-635 highway, which makes it quite accessible. From Bishkek, it’s a 2-hour drive. From western shores of Issyk Kul, it’s between 60-90 minutes.

Where to Stay Around Konorcheck Canyons

Unless you’re camping, you’ll have to stay in a guesthouse nearby. Chong-Kemin is very close and makes for a great base for day-trippers. Otherwise, Bishkek and Issyk Kul are also within an hour or two’s drive.

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21. Jyrgalan

The new “hot” place to visit in Kyrgyzstan at the moment

Jyrgalan is becoming the next popular place to visit in Kyrgyzstan. Chalk it up to recent exposure from travel bloggers or new government initiatives but Jyrgalan’s face is plastered all over the internet at the moment. 

Jyrgalan’s newfound attention is not unwarranted. Set in the foothills of the Ala-too mountains to the southeast of Karakol, Jyrgylan is surrounded by pastoral beauty and evokes images of a Swiss town in the Alps. The mountains, the fir trees, the nomadic culture; everything that you’d expect from Kyrgyzstan is here.

But what sets Jyrgalan apart? Well, for one Jyrgylan is appropriate for all types of travelers, whether they’re looking for an epic hike (see Boz-Uchuk Lakes ) or just a couple of peaceful days in nature. Secondly, Jyrgalan is still relatively underdeveloped. But given all of the recent exposure it’s been getting, this could change very soon.

How to Get to Jyrgalan

Jyrgalan is about 90 minutes away from Karakol by car. If you plan on driving yourself, be aware that Jyrgalan’s current location on Google Maps is wrong – the real location is roughly 42.607749,79.010816.

There are regular marshrutkas traveling to Jyrgalan from A k-Tilek Market in Karakol. The ride costs 80 soms and and takes less than 2 hours.

For more information on how to get to Jyrgalan, refer to their official webpage.

Where to Stay Around Jyrgalan

Here are a couple of places to stay in Jyrgylan:

  • Recommended hostel: Hostel Ulan
  • Recommended guesthouse: Alakol-Jyrgalan Guest House
  • Recommended yurt camp: Jyrgalan Yurt Lodge

22. Khan Tengri and Enylchek Glacier

One of the most beautiful mountains in the world that requires an expedition to see

khan tengri most beautiful mountain in kyrgystan

This is the hike to end all hikes in Kyrgyzstan: the mountain monarch, the celestial king, the god himself, Khan Tengri . Khan Tengri, which means “Lord of the Heavens” in Kazahk, is arguably the most beautiful mountain in all of Central Asia. It’s shape – a near-perfect pyramid – gives it an air of regality, grace, and power. Few other peaks can compete with Tengri and it is, without a doubt, the absolute ruler of the Tian Shan.

As befitting a grandiose mountain such as itself, visiting Khan Tengri isn’t necessarily an easy task. To do so, one must either undertake a multi-week expedition on the Enylchek Glacier or charter a very expensive helicopter ride to base camp. Whilst the latter is probably the most convenient way to see the peak, the former is more rewarding. 

If you really want to have an adventure and see one of the most stunning places in Kyrgyzstan, then Khan Tengri is your ticket. Seeing the crown of the mountain light up like fire at sunset is an otherworldly sight and certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

How to Get to Khan Tengri 

khan tengri base camp trek

You have two options of visit Khan Tengri: by helicopter or by trekking. Here is an overview of both:

  • By helicopter : this is the easiest and most expensive way to see Khan Tengri. Ak-Sai Travel – the current owner of the only helicopter going to Tengri – currently charges $750 for a simple day trip to the base camp of the mountain.  
  • By trekking: Most people arrive at Khan Tengri via a multi-week expedition and you will absolutely need to use a local adventure company to organize one. Food and shelter will be in short supply along the glacier, but with the right team you should be able to visit Tengri in relative comfort. Prices usually vary between $2250 and $2500 for a 15 to 16-day itinerary.

Where to Stay Around Khan Tengri

Camping – that’s about the only way to sleep near Khan Tengri. That’s unless you enjoy sleeping under a nice warm rock, of course.

Find out what people want to know about the best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Where should you go in Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is all about nature and Ala Archa offers a really accessible way to get into the mountains as it’s just outside the capital.

What are the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan?

The Khan Tengri and Enylchek Glacier offer some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, let alone Kyrgyzstan. It’s well worth the effort to visit!

What is the best time to visit Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan can get super cold in the winter and the mountains and passes can be hard to visit. Come in summer and take in the busy bazaars and lush green countryside.

What are the famous landmarks in Kyrgyzstan?

There’s not much in the way of world famous sites, but that’s what makes the country amazing to visit. The most well known is probably the fascinating capital of Bishkek.

In general, Kyrgyzstan is a very safe place to visit. In the mountainous areas there is hardly any sort of crime, and since travelers will be spending 99% of their time in places like this, they will hardly notice anything. 

That being said, Kyrgyzstan is not totally safe. There are still instances of violent crime and police corruption can be horrible, especially during times of government strife. Since the political situation in Kyrgyzstan can change on the drop of a dime as well, you can never really know when shit is going to hit the fan.

Remember though, these kind of things only happen in the cities or, in the case of the police, on some major highways. Like any other city in the world, the key to staying safe is keeping your wits about you and being street smart. Be cautious at night and don’t be overly trusting of strangers. Exhibit all of the usual precautions you would when traveling and you should be fine.

horse trekking in kyrgystan safey

In regards to the crooked cops, they’re more of an annoyance than an actual threat. If one starts to harass you and really wants a bribe, just insist that you’ve done nothing wrong and stand your ground. To be safe, carry a copy of your passport on you and don’t give in to any strange demands. A lot of the times, it comes down to a battle of attrition between you and the officer – whoever walks away first loses.

Nature is the real killer in Kyrgyzstan. Flooded rivers, avalanches, rock fall, ill-tempered horses; all of these things can really ruin your trip. You’re much more likely in Kyrgyzstan to get swept away in a river crossing then a stabbing. Brush up on the usual smart hiking habits and be respectful of the elements.

Grab Some Travel Insurance Before Heading Out

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

tourism kyrgyzstan

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Even if you are only going on a short trip to Kyrgyzstan, you should always travel with insurance. Have fun on your backpacking adventure, but please do get insurance – take it from someone who has racked up tens of thousands of bucks on an insurance claim before, you need it.

Made it this far? You get 15% OFF to book a place to stay ! Offer valid exclusively for Broke Backpackers 😉

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Did you to these places on your own or on a sponsored government tour for influencers?

I ask because having just finished a month long trip to Kyrgzstan, I found nearly nothing written in a travel blog to be honest and accurate. Fluff from govovernment paid tours.

Yes, we visited these places on our own and of our own volition. The government wasn’t involved in any way shape or form outside of granting us permits. We hired some local tour guides as well for some the off-the-beaten-path destinations, like the Batken, but that’s about all the assistance we got.

Unfortuante that you think was a sponsored post; I meant every word I wrote. Can you share some of your own experiences in Kyrgyzstan? I return whenever I can and like to discover new perspectives on the country.

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More destinations you need to see

tourism kyrgyzstan

Journal of Nomads

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Where to go in Kyrgyzstan? Here’s an overview of the most interesting, beautiful, and exciting places to visit in Kyrgyzstan, including famous landmarks in Kyrgyzstan and highlights, detailed info on how to get to all these places independently, and where to stay in each location.

My first visit to Kyrgyzstan in 2017 was a spontaneous trip while I was hitchhiking through Central Asia . I didn’t really know much about this destination as I hadn’t done any research. I was in for a big surprise!

I immediately fell in love with Kyrgyzstan. So much that I decided not to continue my overland journey and live here for nearly 11 months…

Kel Suu Lake - Cynthia Bil - Journal of Nomads Adventure Tour

Is Kyrgyzstan beautiful and worth visiting? Absolutely!! The country is defined by the beautiful Tien Shan mountain range which occupies 90% of the country, lush valleys and about 2000 crystal-clear alpine lakes. 

Holy Lake Arslanbob Trekking Guide - The Complete Guide to Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan - Arslanbob Things to do

What is also special about Kyrgyzstan is that it still preserves and values centuries-old nomadic traditions .

If you love mountains and the outdoors and you’re interested in learning more about the nomadic lifestyle of Central Asia, then you’ll love traveling to Kyrgyzstan! It’s one of the few off-the-beaten-path countries where you can still get a taste of the authentic nomadic culture.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I return yearly to guide my Kyrgyzstan Tours and to visit new destinations in the country.

Would you love to go on an epic adventure on foot, on horseback or by 4×4 to the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan with a small group of adventurous travelers?

Check out my 6 Fantastic Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours!

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours

This post currently lists 25 places but it’s a work in progress. I’ll be adding more as I continue to explore Kyrgyzstan over the coming years. You’ll find links to my comprehensive destination guides for most of the locations mentioned in this article.

The best time to visit Kyrgyzstan and explore the places I’ve mentioned would be in late spring and summer, between the end of May and the end of September. Most of the destinations are located in the mountains, which are only accessible when the snow has cleared.

Here’s my (current) list with an overview of the most beautiful and best places in Kyrgyzstan to visit. I hope this guide will inspire you to travel to one of my favorite destinations in the world!

Tip: See my  Kyrgyzstan Travel Page  for a complete overview of all my travel guides and blog posts about Kyrgyzstan!

Traveling in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide: 20 things you should know before you go

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - Camping at Lake Ala Kul

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Kyrgyzstan Travel Essentials

  • 20 things you need to know before traveling to Kyrgyzstan
  • The 14 best hikes & treks in Kyrgyzstan
  • The 9 best horse riding destinations in Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyzstan Packing List
  • Kyrgyzstan Money Guide
  • Kyrgyzstan Travel Insurance
  • Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours & Kyrgyzstan Tour Planning

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan Map


Best Places to visit in Bishkek (Chuy Region)

What are the best things to do in Bishkek

Bishkek is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan and the country’s capital. It’ll very likely be the first place you visit in Kyrgyzstan as nearly all flights arrive at the international airport of Manas, only a 30-minute drive from Bishkek’s city center.

Bishkek is located at an altitude of 800 meters and borders the Central Asian Tian Shan Mountains. On a clear day, you can the spectacular peaks of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too Mountains in the city’s background.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

What is special about Bishkek? Bishkek doesn’t feel like a capital city to me. It’s a busy and bustling place but whenever I walk through its streets and parks, I have the impression I’m in a big provincial town rather than a capital city.

It’s Central Asia’s greenest city, with rich biodiversity in its tree-lined streets and many parks. You also won’t see any skyscrapers here.

While Bishkek is a modern and continuously evolving cosmopolitan, it still preserves the essence of the Kyrgyz culture and Soviet architecture. There are a ton of cool brutalist architecture that offer you a glimpse of the Soviet influence during its occupation in the 20th century.

best places to see in Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan

I wouldn’t say that Bishkek is one of Kyrgyzstan’s highlights but it’s worth visiting the city for at least one full day to experience the mixture of modern and national culture.

You could go shopping at the colorful Osh Bazaar , Kyrgyzstan’s most famous market, in the morning and pop in a hipster cafe for a good cappuccino afterward. You could go on a self-made Soviet architecture tour in the afternoon and every now and then take a break and have ice cream in one of the many parks.

You can explore Bishkek’s nightlife scene in the evening in one of the many pubs, bars, and nightclubs. Or you can just relax with a cocktail and a nice meal on the outdoor terrace of one of the many restaurants in the city.

I highly recommend reading my Bishkek City Guide where you’ll find all the information from where to go and the top things to do, to where to eat and stay in Bishkek.

What are the best things to do in Bishkek

13 Top Things to do in Bishkek – Bishkek Travel Guide

I’d also recommend going on a guided city tour in Bishkek , to explore its highlights and history with a guide. You’ll learn so much!

Is it safe to visit the Osh Bazaar?

How to get to Bishkek

  • Getting to Bishkek from other countries:

Manas International Airport is the main international airport in Kyrgyzstan, located 25 kilometers northwest of the capital Bishkek. This is where currently all international flights (with a connection in Istanbul, Dubai, or Moskow) arrive.

There will be plenty of taxi drivers greeting you upon arrival at the airport. The cost of a taxi from the airport to the city center in Bishkek is between 600 to 800 som (around €8 / $10).

You can also reach Bishkek by land if you’re coming from Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan . Read the following posts for more information:

  • How to get from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to Bishkek
  • How to get from Tashkent (Uzbekistan) to Bishkek
  • Getting to Bishkek from other cities in Kyrgyzstan:

As Bishkek is Kyrgyzstan’s capital city, you’ll find nearly in every big town or city a marshrutka (minibus) or a shared taxi going directly to Bishkek. They’ll overly likely drop you off at the Western Bus Station in Bishkek .

This bus station is a bit outside of the city center so I recommend installing the Yandex app to get a taxi to the city. This app works like Uber and has fixed rates so no need to waste time and energy on negotiating prices.

Where to stay in Bishkek:

  • Koisha Hostel : dorm or private room, great location, garden, budget friendly. Check the price availability here
  • Navat Hotel : private room, great location, swimming pool: Check the price and availability here
  • Orion Hotel Bishkek : deluxe rooms, great location, fitness and wellness center: Check the price and availability here.

2. Ala Archa National Park

Things to do around Bishkek - Ala Archa National Park - Journal of Nomads

Ala Archa National Park, located 40km south of Bishkek , is one of the few national parks in Kyrgyzstan that is easily accessible and fun to visit no matter what time of the year it is.

This National Park in the Tian Shan Mountains is the perfect introduction to the beauty of the Kyrgyz Mountains. It’s also a great place to acclimatize to hiking in high altitudes if you just arrived in the country.

There are some beautiful day hikes and multiple-day treks at Ala Archa starting at 1500 meters altitude and leading up to 2500 meters and higher.

Ala Archa National Park Kyrgyzstan- Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Ala Archa Hiking

Ala Archa is a popular destination and one of the more touristic places in Kyrgyzstan, not only for travelers but also for locals.

I visited this park on more than one occasion and I was surprised to see so many locals having a picnic and spending time with their family and friends cozily nested under the trees of the park.

The accessibility of this park (it’s located only an hour drive away from the city center of Bishkek ) and the fact that it’s at the base of the beautiful Tian Shan mountains makes it the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital city.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

If you’re planning on visiting Ala Archa, remember that this National Park is located in the mountains.

The weather will be a lot cooler than in Bishkek, especially if you’re going to hike to the waterfall (2500m) or to the Ratsek Hut (3300m) so always bring a warm sweater and foresee rain gear. The weather in the mountains is very unpredictable!

You should also wear hiking boots, even when going on the short hike to the waterfall. I’ve seen people hurting themselves on the trail to the waterfall on more than one occasion as they weren’t wearing proper footwear.

There aren’t any shops so pack some snacks and a reusable water bottle with filter, like a Lifestraw Water Filter Bottle , so you can refill your bottle with the water from the many streams and rivers.

When visiting Ala Archa in winter, you won’t be able to go on any hikes as the trails are covered in snow but it’s still beautiful to go there!!

Ala Archa National Park Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The 8 Best Hikes and Day Trips from Bishkek

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Ala Archa National Park in Winter - Journal of Nomads

Day tours to Ala Archa

The easiest way would be to go on a day tour to Ala Archa . Nowadays, there are some really nice (and budget-friendly) day trips to the national park. Here are the ones I recommend:

How to get from Bishkek to Ala Archa by public transport

You can either take a taxi directly to the Alpager base (where the hiking trails start) or you can take a mashrutka (shared minibus) to the entrance of the national park and then hitchhike or take a taxi to cover the remaining 12 km of asphalt road to the Alpager base.

  • How to reach Ala Archa by mashrutka

In Bishkek, you’ll have to hop on mashrutka 265 . This shared minibus can be found at the bus stop at Moscow Street 229 ( near the entrance of Osh Bazaar ).

Keep in mind that this minibus will only leave once it’s completely full so this option won’t be the best one if you’re in a hurry to get to the park.

-> If you have an android phone, install the app  Maps.me , type in ‘ mashrutka 265 ’ and the app will show you exactly on the map where to find the bus stop.-

The marshrutka will bring you for 25 som all the way to Kash- Kasuu, the nearest village to Ala Archa. You can also ask the driver if he can drop you off at the entrance gate of the National Park for an additional 50 som. 

Once you’re at the entrance of the park you’ll have to pay 80 som to get in. At the entrance, you can catch a taxi that will bring you to the Alpager base for 500 som.

You could also hitchhike the remaining 12 km. If you’re there in summer, there will be a lot of cars with tourists and locals passing by and they’re likely to give you a lift for free.

  • How to reach Ala Archa by taxi

If you want to get to Ala Archa early, you could get a taxi from Bishkek all the way to the entrance gate of the park for 500 som.

If you want the taxi to drop you off at the Alpager base (At the beginning of the hiking trails), you’ll have to pay the entrance fee for the car (400 som) + an additional 500 som for the taxi to drive you that extra 12 km.

If you’re planning on returning the same day, you can negotiate a price with your driver so he waits for you at the parking lot. Otherwise, you’ll have to search for available taxis or try to hitchhike back.

If you’re just planning to spend the day at the park, I recommend requesting a private taxi for the day at your hostel/ hotel. This will be around €50 and covers all the costs, including the waiting time for the driver at the park.

GoBus  operates a  daily shuttle on Saturday and Sundays to Ala Archa for 800 som each way.  The trip goes from  Tommi Mall , so if you’re not staying near there it’s not entirely convenient.  To get tickets, you need to use the GoBus App but unfortunately it’s not so user-friendly yet (particularly for non-Russian speakers).


It’s very convenient to do a quick day trip to Ala Archa and come back to the capital city in the evening if you don’t plan to  camp in the park or go on a multi-day hike there .

In Bishkek, I recommend staying at  Koisha Hostel or Bugu Hotel  because it’s located very close to the bus stop at Osh Bazaar from where the marshrutkas to Ala Archa National Park leave.

3. Burana Tower

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

The Burana Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Kyrgyzstan. This 25m high tower is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun , a once flourishing city that welcomed thousands of Silk Road caravans.

Although the tower itself might not seem very exciting to many people, if you’re interested in history, this will be a fascinating and one of the mysterious places to visit in Kyrgyzstan.

It’s crazy to imagine that this archaeological site used to be such a big city and was once considered the center of the world!

The book The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan explains it all and is a must-read if you’re a history lover!

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

Another remarkable sight is the collection of ancient bal-bals in the field near the Burana Tower. The bal-bals are gravestones, carved by the nomadic Turkic tribes who used to roam around Central Asia in the 6th century.

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - Bal-bal Gravestones - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

These gravestones were initially erected as a representation of slain enemies and later became memorials for the ancestors of the people who sculpted them. They are oddly proportioned, with strange heads and short torsos. 

Burana Tower - Kyrgyzstan - historical monument - Landmark - Silk Road - Journal of Nomads

The Burana Tower and the Lost City of Balasagun

Day tours to Burana Tower

The easiest way to get to the Burana Tower is by going on  a guided day tour . It’s an extra advantage if you have a guide so you can learn more about this historical place, making your visit much more interesting.

As you only need an hour to visit the historical site, most tour operators will offer a combination with another place of interest near Bishkek. Here are the best choice of day tours to Burana Tower:

How to get from Bishkek to the Burana Tower by public transportation

You can visit the Burana Tower as a day trip from Bishkek or on your way towards Lake Issy-Kul or Song Kul .

The Burana Tower is a 2-hour drive from Bishkek by public transport. For 50 som per person, you can take mashrutka#353 that goes directly from the  Eastern bus station in Bishkek  to the town of  Tokmok .

Once you arrive with the mashrutka in Tokmok, you’ve got 3 options.

You could take a taxi to the tower and back (8km), which will cost you 300 som (around $4). Ask the driver to stay and wait while you visit the tower. You’ll probably only need 1 hour to visit the whole site (you could combine it with a trip to Issyk-Ata or Konorchek Canyons, read more below). Once the taxi drops you off in Tokmok, you can take a marshrutka back to Bishkek.

There are a few marshrutkas running between Tokmok and Burana. Ask the locals in Tokmok where you can take this minibus.

Your last option is to hitchhike. Getting a ride won’t be difficult but know from the start whether or not you have to pay for it.

It isn’t very common among the locals to give rides for free, however, some won’t ask you for money when they see you’re a foreigner (and others will try to ask you for more money than they should, read more about  hitchhiking in Kyrgyzstan ).

If your driver wants you to pay for the ride, don’t give him/her more than 100 som!

You could also combine a visit to Burana Tower with a trip to another site near Bishkek.

4. Kol-Tor Lake

Things to do around Bishkek - hiking to Kel-Tor lake - photo by Stephen Lioy - Journal of Nomads

Kyrgyzstan has some of the most beautiful alpine lakes in the whole world and Kol-Tor lake is pretty high on that list. It shines in a bright turquoise shade and adopts different tones of blue throughout the day.

This lake is located at an altitude of 2700m above the village of  Kegeti , around 92 km outside of Bishkek.

The two-hour moderate hike to the lake will take you across some gorgeous alpine meadows and coniferous forests. Although the trail to the lake is relatively short, I would suggest wearing  good hiking boots  to get there.

This lake is very popular and easily accessible from Bishkek so it can get a bit crowded during summer. It’s still possible to access the lake throughout the rest of the year and it’s lovely in winter. My friend Stephen Lioy has a great  photo report  of his hike there in November when the mountains surrounding the lake were already covered in snow.

Depending on whether or not you start hiking early, you could reach the lake in one day and be back in Bishkek in the evening. If you want to stay longer near the lake, you can also sleep in a mountain hut near the lake.

A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads - Kol Tor Lake

Hiking tours to Kol Tor Lake

The easiest way to arrange your transportation is by going on a guided day tour to Kol Tor Lake. Here are the 2 tours I recommend:


The hiking trail to Kol-Tor starts in the Kegeti Gorge. To get there by public transport, take at 9:30 am minibus 303 from the Eastern Bus Station in Bishkek towards the village of Kegeti . It takes about 2 hours to get there.

Tell the driver that you want to get out at Kegeti and get out off the bus just before crossing a riverbed into the village. From there it’s another 10 km to the end of the dirt road and the beginning of the trail. You could always hitchhike that last part.

It might be harder to get back by public transport as I read that the last minibus from Kegeti Gorge leaves at 3:30 pm. Of course, you can always hitchhike back to Bishkek.


There are a few homestays where you could spend the night in Kegeti, the town near the hiking trail to Kol-Tor Lake:

  • Tazabek guesthouse
  • Guesthouse Temirlan

5. Chon Kemin National Park

Chon Kemin - Kyrgyzstan Travel - Kyrgyzstan Culture Tour - Journal of Nomads

The Chon Kemin National Park , located 150km east of Bishkek, covers an area of 500 hectares and is home to many species of plants and animals, including the snow leopard.

This National Park in the heart of the Chuy Valley is surrounded by three mountain ranges and has a wide variety of landscapes, from semi-deserts to lush forests, alpine lakes and stunning glaciers.

The Chon Kemin Valley offers a wide variety of activities such as hiking, fishing, horseback riding, and rafting on the Chu River. There are several trekking possibilities, from easy short walks along the Chong Kemin River to adventurous hikes over 3 000m passes.

You can visit the park all year through and you can choose to relax, go on an easy day hike or spend a few days horse riding, trekking, and rafting. You definitely won’t get bored here!

Chon Kemin Valley is part of my 9-day Overland Expedition . Click here for more information about my Kyrgyzstan Tours!

Horse riding tours to Chon Kemin

Chon Kemin is a great place for horse riding, especially if you’ve never ridden before and would like to experience it at least for one day! Here are some horse riding trips to Chon Kemin that I recommend:

How to get to Chon Kemin from Bishkek by public transport

First, you need to take a shared taxi or marshrutka from  Bishkek’s Western Bus Station  to Tokmok. The fare is around 100 KGS.

Once in Tokmok, you can find a shared taxi or marshrutka heading towards the Chon Kemin Valley. This leg of the trip should cost a similar amount.

The total travel time (one-way) by public transport can be up to 4 hours, due to waiting times and stops. If you only have one day and you like to do some hiking and/or horse riding, I would highly recommend going on a guided day tour to Chon Kemin!

Where to stay in Chon Kemin National Park

There are guesthouses and homestays run by local families near the Chon Kemin National Park:

  • KF Guesthouse Medina
  • Berdibektin Uiu
  • Guesthouse CBT Chon Kemin
  • Kemin Guesthouse

Are you looking for a  customized guided tour  in Kyrgyzstan and/or other countries  in Central Asia ? Do you need help  planning your itinerary ?

Have a look at my   C e n t r a l   A s i a  tour and itinerary planning services !

Kyrgyzstan Tours - Journal of Nomads

Best Places to visit in Issyk Kul Region

6. issyk kul lake.

What are the best drones for travel - Lake Issyk Kul Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Lake Issyk-Kul is the world’s second-largest alpine lake. It’s located at an elevation of 1609 meters in Northeastern Kyrgyzstan. It’s 182km long, 60km wide, and covers an area of 6236 km²!

The name Issyk-Kul means “warm lake”. It gets a lot of scientific interest as the lake never freezes because it’s so deep – its deepest point is at 668 meters – and fed by thermal springs. Don’t get fooled by the name tho, it’d still be very cold to go for a swim in winter…

Kyrgyzstan winter itinerary

The lake is bordered by two mountain ranges of the Central Tien Shan mountains. You can see the Kungei-Alatau range (meaning “facing the sun” in Turkic) in the north and the Terskei-Alatau (meaning “turned away from the sun”) in the south, and they make the scenery around the lake magnificent.

Issyk Kul Lake, best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

There are a lot of resorts on its northern shore as it’s a popular holiday destination for local, Kazakh and Russian tourists.

The southern shore of Issyk Kul lake is, in my opinion, more interesting and beautiful to visit. It’s wilder than the northern side and has some very unique sights (which I mention below).

The region around Issyk Kul is rich in cultural heritage. You can visit petroglyph sites and ancient burial mounds on the northern shore. The villages on the southern shore offer an opportunity to experience traditional Kyrgyz hospitality and cuisine.

You can visit the village of Kyzyl-Tuu, the center of the yurt craftsmanship in Kyrgyzstan, where about 50 traditional yurt makers live and learn how to build a yurt there . You can participate in a culinary or felt-making workshop in Bokonbaevo, one of the biggest towns on Issyk Kul’s Southern Shore.

It’s also the place where you can visit the last remaining Eagle Hunters in Bakanbaevo, see a demonstration and learn all about this ancient Central Asian tradition. Some of my Kyrgyzstan Adventures Tours also include a demonstration by the eagle hunters.

Eagle Hunter Kyrgyzstan _ Journal of Nomads

The region offers opportunities for trekking, skiing in winter, and exploring off-the-beaten-path locations. The nearby canyons, gorges, and valleys (see below) provide some beautiful routes for climbers and trekkers.

Issyk Kul Lake, best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Reading Tip: Top Things to do at Issyk Kul lake – a one-week itinerary

Kayaking in Kyrgyzstan - Issyk Kul Lake

Tours to Issyk Kul Lake

We visit the southern shore of Issyk Kul lake, together with an eagle hunting demonstration and a folkloric music performance during my 10-day Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour and 14-day Highlights of Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour .

You can also go on the following shorter tours to Issyk Kul:

How to get from Bishkek to Issyk Kul Lake by public transport

The easiest way to get to Issyk Kul Lake from Bishkek is by marshrutka (minibus). They leave from the Western Bus Station in Bishkek.

If you want to go to the north shore of Issyk Kul, you have to take the marshrutka to Cholpon Ata . It costs 300 som per person and the journey takes about 4 hours.

If you want to travel to the southern shore of Issyk Kul, take the mashrutka heading for Karakol and get off at Bokonbayevo or any other place you’d like to visit on the southern shore, see below for more inspiration. The journey from Bishkek to Bakanbayevo takes around 5 hours and costs 400 som.

You can also take a shared taxi. A shared taxi picks up other people and baggage, meaning you may have to be stuffed in with several other people and their bags. Shared taxis are faster and usually cost slightly more than marshrutkas but they also pick up other people along the way.

A shared taxi from Bishkek to Cholpon Ata costs 500 som and you’ll pay around the same price for a shared taxi from Bishkek to Bokonbayevo.

Where to stay at Issyk Kul Lake

Here are some suggestions where to say on the southern shore of Issyk Kul Lake:

It’s one of my favorite tourist yurt camps in Kyrgyzstan and I also stay there with my groups during my adventure tours .

  • Bel Tam Yurt Camp is a fantastic yurt camp on the shores of the lake in Tong, not too far from Bokonbayevo (take a (shared) taxi to get there). Check the prices and availability of Bel Tam Yurt Camp.
  • Feel Nomad Yurt Camp is another beautiful yurt camp near Ak-Say, on the southern shores of the lake. This camp is quite remote so you’ll enjoy peace and tranquillity there!

Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - sunset at Issyk-Kul lake

If you want to stay in Bakanbaevo, I recommend:

  • Guesthouse Gulmira
  • Meerim Guesthouse

7. Skazka Canyon

Things to do around lake Issyk Kul - Fairytale Canyon Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Skazka Canyon , located between the villages of Tosor and Kaji-Say on the south shore of Issyk Kul, is one of the most spectacular canyons in Kyrgyzstan. It’s small compared to the Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan but equally beautiful and impressive.

The Skazka Canyon is nicknamed “ Fairytale Canyon ” because of its irregular rock formations that resemble animals, fantastical characters and castles. Not only the shapes in this canyon are remarkable, but also the colors of the rocks are very unique.

You’ll find yourself in a world of red, pink, orange and yellow and it almost feels like you’re walking in a very colorful painting! The panoramic views in the canyon are spectacular, especially when you get to the higher rock formations and see lake Issyk Kul in the background.

Skazka is a small canyon and 1 to 2 hours is enough to enjoy the views.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Tours to the Skazka Canyon

A tour to the Skazka Canyon is offered in combination with a tour in the Issyk Kul Region (see above).

How to get to the Skazka Canyon

The Skazka Canyon is located on the road from Bishkek to Karakol along the southern shore of Issyk Kul and is easy to reach by public transport.

You can stop there on your way from Bishkek to Karakol (see How to get to Issyk Kul Lake in the section above).

If you’re coming from Bokonbayevo, take mashrutka #315 at the bus stop near the bazaar. It’s a 30-minute ride. Ask the driver to let you out at the Skazka Canyon. He’ll drop you off 2km from the entrance of the canyon. If you’re coming from Karakol, ask the driver to do the same.

The entrance fee to visit the canyon is 150 som. After spending some time there, catch a marshrutka to Karakol, Bokonbayevo or Bishkek from the main road before 4 pm.

Where to stay at the Skazka Canyon

There are no accommodation options at the canyon itself but you can stay either in Bokonbayevo (30 minutes), Kaji-Say (10 minutes) or Karakol (1,5 hours).

  • If you want to stay in Kaji-Say, I recommend Eco Summer House Garden
  • For Bokonbaevo, I recommend Guesthouse Gulmira and Meerim Guesthouse .
  • Hostels: Snow Leopard Hostel
  • Guesthouses: Guesthouse Altay
  • Hotel: Karagat Hotel

8. Barskoon Waterfall

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Things to do at lake Issyk Kul - Barskoon Waterfall - Kyrgyzstan Itinerary - Journal of Nomads

The Barskoon Waterfalls are one of the most famous waterfalls in Kyrgyzstan. They’re located in the equally stunning Barskoon Valley near Issyk Kul’s South Shore. The high mountains and thick spruce forests give you the impression that you’ve suddenly arrived in Switzerland.

The Barskoon Falls, which means “snow leopard tears”, is a chain of 3 waterfalls. The first small waterfall can easily be reached by following the uphill path behind a small yurt camp. It’s a 20-minute walk and not too steep.

The second waterfall, with an impressive height of 24 meters, is another 30-minute hike and is a bit harder to reach. The steep path leading to the waterfall takes you through a spruce forest and small meadows along the edge of the gorge. Be careful walking on slippery rocks!

The third waterfall is another 45 minutes of climbing but I don’t recommend going there by yourself as you’ll have to hike through wild and rough terrain. When you reach the top, you’ll also get a spectacular view of the Barskoon Valley and Issyk Kul lake in the distance.

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan -Issyk Kul - Barskoon Waterfall - Kyrgyzstan Itinerary - Journal of Nomads

How to get to the Barskoon Waterfalls

When you’re coming from Bishkek, Bokonbaevo or Karakol by mashrutka or shared taxi, you’ll have to ask the driver to drop you off at Barskoon Village. From there it’s a 15km walk to the waterfalls. You can also try to hitchhike from the village to the trailhead.

If you’re staying in Bokonbaevo or Karakol, you could also ask your guesthouse or hotel to arrange a private taxi for you and combine it with a visit to the Skazka Canyon (see above) and Jeti Oguz (see below).

Where to stay in Barskoon

I recommend visiting the Barskoon Waterfalls as part of your trip to or from Karakol.

There are also a few guesthouses neaby if you want to spend the night there:

  • Barskoon Guesthouse
  • Macedon Guest House
  • Guest House Ugra

9. Jeti Oguz

Jeti Oguz Kyrgyzstan - Rock formation - Best places in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Jeti Oguz is the name of a valley but also of a stunning sandstone rock formation about 25 km southwest of Karakol.

This sandstone crag used to resemble 7 bulls and that’s where its name comes from. It was a sacred place for the original inhabitants of the area and once you see it, you’ll totally understand why.

The original formation was eroded with time and there are now 9 or 10 different reddish bluffs that overlook the valley below.

Jeti-Oguz is a very popular day trip from Karakol. People go there to see a few other rock formations apart from the seven bulls such as one called the Broken Heart which is the source of many tragic love stories.

In summer, you’ll also come across plenty of beekeepers in the area who bring their beehives to the valley filled with flowers around the protruding rocks.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

1 0 – d a y I t i n e r a r y t o v i s i t K y r g y z s t a n i n w i n t e r


If you are going to  Jeti-Oguz  with public transport, you’ll have to make sure you reach  Jeti-Oguz Korort , a small village beside the seven bulls and not  the town of Jeti-Oguz , which is located 12km away from the stone formation.

To get to Jeti-Oguz Kurort from Karakol, first go to the Ak-Tilek Market in Karakol . From there, you’ll need to catch mashrutka 355 to Jeti-Oguz Korort. The mashrutka doesn’t have a fixed schedule and departs only a few times a week from Karakol, typically late morning and possibly mid-afternoon. It costs 100 som and takes about 45 minutes to reach Jeti-Oguz Korort from Karakol.

A much better option to reach the seven bulls rock formation would be to take a shared taxi from Karakol to Jeti-Oguz Korort. This should cost, at most, around 250 som per person. You’ll have to make it clear with the driver that you are going all the way to Jeti-Oguz Kurort and not Jeti-Oguz town.


There aren’t many guest houses or hotels in Jeti-Oguz Kurort. If you want to stay in a place that offers a fantastic view of the seven bulls, I recommend staying in  Guesthouse Emir . It’s located literally just below the Seven Bulls, with a view of it out of almost every bedroom window.

The view of the rock formation is quite spectacular in the morning from this guest house. They have an amazing breakfast served every morning on location and the guest house is also located very close to shops and restaurants. If you would like to cook your own meal, the kitchen is available. 

Click to check out rates and availability for “Guesthouse Emir”

10. Altyn Arashan Valley & Hot Springs

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Altyn Arashan , which means ”Golden Spa” in Kyrgyz, is a lush green valley near Karakol and Lake Ala Kul. The place is famous for its pristine untouched landscapes and natural hot springs.

It’s also a very popular trekking destination and attracts hikers and mountain enthusiasts from all over the world. It’s a valley in which I have hiked many times while in Kyrgyzstan.

Walking there always feels very soothing and it seems to recharge my soul and spirit with so much energy. The valley is breathtaking and could easily be used as a picture for a postcard.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This environment is ideal for camping, horseback riding, and hiking in nature. The area is a pristine nature reserve but the main attraction of the place are its natural hot springs.

The hot springs of Altyn Arashan are probably the most famous hot springs in Kyrgyzstan. The water is generally around 45 ºC and is known to help with diseases related to the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Kyrgyzstan Overland Tour - Yurt Camp Stay Kyrgyzstan

T h e 2 8 Top Things to do in Kyrgyzstan

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


If you want to start the trek from Ak-Suu, you’ll have to reach this small village first by public transport or with your own car from Karakol.

The starting point of the trek to the hot springs is located south of Ak-Suu. The first part of the trek will take you along the beautiful Arashan river. You’ll be walking along pastures filled with flowers and grazing horses.

A few kilometers later you’ll start seeing the beautiful snow-capped mountain peaks that dominate the valley. At this point, the trail becomes steeper and steeper and goes through patches of pine forest before finally reaching an open area where the hot springs are located.

Along the way to the hot springs, you might come across mountain goats, horses and groundhogs.

leaving Altyn-Arashan valley - Journal of Nomads


It’s also possible to reach the valley coming north from Ala Kul lake as part of a 4-day trek . You can read how to reach this valley from the alpine lake  here .

Visit Altyn Arashan by joining one of my Adventure Tours in Kyrgyzstan !

Altyn Arashan Valley - Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


If you have your tent, you can camp almost anywhere in the valley during summer as the weather is really ideal and there are tons of gorgeous flat areas where you can pitch camp.

There are a few yurts where you can stay in the valley and a few lodges and guest houses next to the hot springs. You can’t book them online as there’s no wi-fi reception in the valley.

I recommend staying at the  Guesthouse Elza . It’s a guest house where it’s possible to stay in a room or in a yurt and it has its own private hot spring.

11. Ala Kul Lake

Ala Kul lake Kyrgyzstan - Adventure Travel Tour Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

I’m at a lack of words when it comes to describing the beauty of lake Ala Kul , located at an altitude of 3500m in the Terskey Alatau mountains. It’s so beautiful that the locals often refer to it as the ‘ pristine diamond of the Karakol Canyon ’ and it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan!

The water of this glacier lake changes hourly from azure to violet, depending on the weather conditions and the time of the year.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This lake is only accessible by going on a long strenuous multiple-day hike . I yearly make the  trek to Lake Ala Kul   during my adventure tours and I would absolutely recommend anyone visiting the country to try hiking providing they are in shape.

Kyrgyzstan Tour - Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tour - Best of Kyrgyzstan - Rondreis Kirgizie - Journal of Nomads


It’s impossible to reach this lake by car or by public transport. The only way to get there is by hiking. Reaching Ala Kul can be done independently or with a guide.

To get there, you will need to reach the Ala Kul Nature Reserve first and hike from there.

From the center of Karakol, you can take  marshrutka 101  to the entrance of the park. You can also take a taxi for 400 KGS that will stop between the entrance and a broken bridge farther along the trail saving at least 1 hour of walk.

Once you have reached the park, you can follow the  day-by-day instructions on how to hike to the lake here .

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

How to hike to lake Ala Kul: a day-by-day trekking itinerary

Tip → Download the  Maps.me  app and get a map of the region. The app has the whole trail mapped and is really useful. People occasionally get lost along this trail so check the app to stay on the right track.

If you don’t want to hike there by yourself and you’d rather go with a mountain guide and a fun group of international travelers, you could  join one of my Adventure Tours!

Another option is to go on a private hiking tour to Ala Kul, but this can get quite pricey if you’re by yourself or with a small group:


There are no guesthouses near the lake. There are a couple of yurt camps along the way but they are put there for the trekkers and I don’t recommend staying there. They’re not well-kept and the prices are ridiculously high!

If you have your tent, it’s possible to camp around the lake in various areas where the terrain is flat. Be aware that it’s very cold and windy up there so prepare well!

Kel Suu Yurt Camps - Kel Suu Lake Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

The Complete Packing List for Trekking and Traveling in Central Asia

Adventure Trekking in Kyrgyzstan July 2019 - camping at Ala Kul Lake

12. Jyrgalan Valley

Jyrgalan Valley Kyrgyzstan - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Jyrgalan Valley is nestled between the snow-capped Tian Shan mountains east of lake Issyk Kul and it’s probably one of Kyrgyzstan’s most picturesque regions. Right in the center of this valley, there is a small village with the same name.

Jyrgalan used to be a small coal-mining town. It was thriving at first under the Soviet regime but things changed after the fall of the empire. Many families abandoned the town in search of work elsewhere. What was once a booming center quickly became a ghost town.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Luckily things have been changing a lot for this region in the last few years. There are now a few guest houses in town and new hiking trails, some horse treks, and even mountain biking routes are being developed. Jyrgalan Valley is slowly becoming the next best hiking destinations in Kyrgyzstan .

A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - What you need to know before hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

When it comes to Jyrgalan valley, the question isn’t whether or not you should trek there but rather which day-hike or multi-day trek will inspire you the most. There are plenty of awesome treks to choose from and they cover a wide range of difficulty levels.

Whether you have been hiking for years or you are an absolute beginner, you’ll find something that will be appropriate for your level in this untouched environment.

They go from short half-day hikes to multiple days treks that climb almost up to 4000 meters. I cover a few of them in  my hiking guide to Karakol and Jyrgalan.

Karakol Trekking - Best hikes in Karakol - Kyrgyzstan Trekking - Journal of Nomads

The 21 Best Hikes in Karakol and Jyrgalan

Hiking in Jyrgalan Valley - A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads


To get to Jyrgalan from Karakol, you can take the number 331 marshrutka from the  Big Bazaar bus station.  They leave three times a day – 8:30 am, 1:30 pm and at 5:30 pm and the journey will take you around 2 hours. A ticket will cost you 90 KGS, and it’s good to know that the buses fill up quickly, so make sure to arrive early to secure a seat.

You can also take a (shared) taxi from Karakol to Jyrgalan. You’ll find taxi’s at the Big Bazaar bus station.


There are now many guest houses in Jyrgalan. Here are the ones I recommend:

  • Darya Hostel
  • Alakol-Jyrgalan Guest House
  • Jyrgalan Yurt Lodge

13. Sary Jaz Valley

Sary Jaz Valley Kyrgyzstan- beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

The Sary Jaz Valley , located 150km from Karakol, is a hidden beauty I’ve only discovered during my 4 th visit to Kyrgyzstan.

The valley is part of the Khan-Tengri National Park, the largest national park of Kyrgyzstan. It’s a stunning and wild place with vast landscapes as far as the eye can see.

It’s so remote that you won’t see people here, with the exception of a few sheep and yak shepherds and the guards at the checkpoints (you need a border permit to get here, more about that in How to get to Sary Jaz).

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan yaks remote places in Kyrgyzstan

Sary Jaz means yellow spring and you’ll understand how it’s gotten its name when you see the rolling yellow hills with breathtaking views of the snowcapped Celestial Mountains in the background. Only in the months of April and May are the hills green.

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan places to visit

Several powerful rivers cut the valley and bring water from the mountain glaciers, the main source of freshwater in Kyrgyzstan. You’ll also see some of Kyrgyzstan’s highest mountain peaks, including the Khan Tengri Peak at 7010m and Victory Peak at 7439m.

Sary Jaz offers some great hiking possibilities but it’s also nice to just drive there along the stunning scenery and imagine you’re all alone in the world.

Sary Jaz Kyrgyzstan - Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

How to get to the Sary Jaz Valley from Karakol

The Sary Jaz Valley is a restricted area and border zone so you need to have a border permit. You have to apply for this permit at least 14 days in advance and include a copy of your passport with your application. The costs of a border permit are between $20 and $30 per person.

I made the trip to the Sary Jaz Valley with Aydarbek from Hiking in Kyrgyzstan and he helped me with the application process.

You can only get to the Sary Jaz valley by 4×4 car. It’s a real off-road trip along windy gravel roads and steep mountain passes. If you want to drive yourself, you need to be a confident driver and know how to handle a 4×4 vehicle well.

You can also arrange a tour with a private driver and a 4×4 SUV vehicle.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

The Sary Jaz Valley is a 6-hour drive from Karakol. You’ll be driving next to the border of Kazakhstan, close to Jyrgalan. There you’ll have the first military checkpoint where you need to show your passport and border permit. The road then continues through the lush Turuk Gorge across the Turuk Pass (3481m) into the Sary Jaz Valley.

It’s also possible to take a different road through the Turgen Valley and across the beautiful Chong Ashu Pass (3800m). While you skip the bordering road with Kazakhstan, there is another military checkpoint on this road.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

You can do this road trip as a day trip from Karakol. However, it’s a very long road and a lot of effort to just go there for one day.

My recommendation would be to combine it with a visit to the old USSR mine town Engilchek (see below) and make it into a 2- or 3-day trip.

Where to stay at the Sary Jaz Valley

Aside from some nomadic settlements, there’s absolutely nothing in the Sary Jaz Valley. Your only option is to camp here.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I loved the camping experience, the feeling of being completely alone in this wonderful part of the world and, the silence and the closeness to nature.

14. Engilchek Ghost Town and Hot Springs

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

I wouldn’t call Engilchek beautiful but it’s definitely one of the most fascinating places to visit in Kyrgyzstan!

The town of Engilchek (Inylchek) was once a prosperous mining town during the Soviet Union. It’s located in the isolated Engilchek Valley near the border with China.

Many young people came to work here in the early 1980s when the mining industry in the region was developing. A whole town including a school and a hospital got built to house the employees of the mine and entire families moved to Engilchek in the hope of building a good life and future here.

There were around 5000 people living here when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. The mining was stopped, people lost their jobs and were forced to move to search for work elsewhere. Engilchek became a ghost town.

Engilchek Ghost Town USSR Kyrgyzstan interesting places to visit Kyrgyzstan

There are nowadays about 100 people living in Engilchek, many of them working with livestock in the mountains. I’ve been told that a Chinese company reopened the mines and is slowly providing new working opportunities.

I’ll be honest, I really wouldn’t want to live between these deteriorated buildings. It was very interesting to spend a day and an evening there, to experience how it must be to live in such a remote and abandoned place and to witness the daily life of the few people living there.

Engilchek Ghost Town USSR Kyrgyzstan interesting places to visit Kyrgyzstan

If you decide to visit Engilchek, don’t skip the Kara Tash hot springs. They’re wedged between the Sary Jaz River and a cliff, about 15 minutes driving from Engilchek town towards At Jailoo.

These hot springs consist of two open-air pools. One is so hot that you could boil an egg in there, but you can bathe in the other one and enjoy the surrounding views.

Engilchek Kyrgyzstan Hot Springs - Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

Remember that the Kara Tash hot springs aren’t always accessible – usually halfway spring – when the river level becomes so high that it covers the springs.

Engilchek hot springs Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan

This region is also home to the Engilchek Glacier, one of the longest and largest glaciers of the Tian Shan Mountains. The Engilchek glacier is only accessible on foot. The trek starts at the At Jailoo base camp and it takes 2 to 3 days and 8 hours walking a day before reaching the glacier.

Don’t undertake this trek by yourself as the terrain is rough and dangerous! If you have $750 per person to spare, you can also go on a helicopter excursion to the glacier.

How to get to Engilchek Ghost Town

The Engilchek Valley lies right next to the Sary Jaz Valley and borders China so you’ll need a border permit to get there. Apply for this permit at least 14 days in advance and include a copy of your passport with your application. The costs of a border permit are between $20 and $30 per person.

I combined my visit to Engilchek with the trip to Sary Jaz, organized by Hiking in Kyrgyzstan , who also took care of arranging my permit.

Engilchek can’t be reached by public transport. You can only get there with your own vehicle or by renting a 4×4 car (with an optional driver). You’ll be driving on one of the highest roads in the country surrounded by spectacular sceneries and via the Chong Ashu Pass (3800m).

The accessibility to the village is limited during the winter due to large amounts of snow blocking the road and mountain passes.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Where to stay in Engilchek

I’d highly recommend spending one night in the only homestay in Engilchek as it will give you an insight into the daily life of the few families living there.

Nellie, who’s an English teacher at the school in Engilchek, is always happy to host visitors at her home. She’ll treat you to delicious homemade meals and will very likely invite you to visit the school with her and show you around.

You can’t book your stay in advance as there’s no cellphone or wi-fi reception. Just ask for Nellie when you arrive in Engilchek and people will show you the way.

Top Places to visit in Naryn Region

15. song kol lake.

Song Kol lake is definitely one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan! I was charmed from the first moment I set foot on its shores! It’s not an easy place to access but any traveler worth his salt knows that the more challenging it is to reach a destination, the more rewarding it will be. This is exactly the case with Song Kol.

Adventure Trekking in Kyrgyzstan July 2019 - horseback trek in Kyrgyzstan - Song Kol lake

I visited it for the first time  while marking hiking trails with Discover Kyrgyzstan . I was left breathless by the vastness of the mountains surrounding it and by how pristine and untouched the area around the lake was!

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Song Kol is the second largest lake of Kyrgyzstan and lies at an altitude of 3000m (9895 feet). The area around the lake is largely unspoiled, offering a chance to experience raw, unfiltered nature. The clear blue waters of the lake contrast beautifully with the rolling hills and snow-capped peaks.

Nomadic herders have used these meadows as pastureland for their flocks for hundreds of years and today there are still a lot of semi-nomadic shepherds who settle here for the summer and live in their yurts while tending to their herds.

Son Kul lake - Kyrgyzstan Tours - Journal of Nomads

The area offers numerous trails for hiking and horseback riding , allowing adventurers to explore the surrounding mountains and valleys. Kyrgyzstan is a country known for its horse culture and going on a horseback trek to this pristine lake almost feels like the epitome of everything Kyrgyzstan has to offer.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

How to organize a horse trip to Son Kul Lake

Song Kul is less crowded than many other tourist destinations which makes it an ideal spot for those seeking tranquility and connecting with nature.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


A great option is to take a marshrutka from Bishkek to Kochkor and then hitchhike or take a taxi from there to Kyzart. You can get to Kyzart by shared local taxi for 250 – 300 KGS (around €3). If you want to go by private taxi, you will pay at least 2000 KGS (€20).

Kochkor is one of the biggest towns near Song Kol and it’s easily reached from Bishkek. You can get a shared taxi or a marshrutka to this town from the  western bus station in Bishkek .

A marshrutka ticket from Bishkek to Kochkor costs around 400 som and the journey to get there from the capital should take less than 3 hours.

Once in Kyzart, you can hike to the lake of Song-Kol over the course of two days.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Hiking to Song Kul Lake – 2 Trekking Itineraries


Song Kul is quite a remote lake and definitely not the easiest one to access. There are many tour companies offering a multi-day trip to Song Kul lake.

If you’d like to visit Son Kul lake by horse in combination with other fantastic destinations and with a small group of like-minded travelers, check out my  Adventure Tours in Kyrgyzstan !

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024


There are nowadays many yurt camps spread around the lake, operated by different travel organizers and families. You can arrange your stay in these yurt camps ahead of time or directly with the yurt owners upon arriving there. A night at a yurt camp in Song Kul, including breakfast and dinner, cost around 2500 KGS. Prices can vary.

  • Yurt Camp Azamat
  • Yurt Camp Ali-Nur

Son Kul Northern Yurt Camp

Remember that these yurt camps are only there from the end of May/ beginning of June until mid-September!

Kyrgyzstan on a budget. How much does it cost to travel in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Money Guide: How much does it cost to travel and live in Kyrgyzstan

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

16. Kel Suu Lake

Although this fantastic canyon lake is hard to get to, it’s one of Kyrgyzstan’s beautiful points of interest! Kel Suu was formed in the 1980s when part of the mountains around it collapsed and created a massive natural reservoir. It’s surrounded by cliffs so tall that it defies the imagination.

There are numerous caves and alcoves in the rocky crags around Kel Suu that you can explore on foot and there’s a small island in the center of the lake that you can reach by boat.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

There are plenty of fun activities to do in the vicinity of the lake. The whole area can be explored on foot, on horseback, or by boat.

If you want to explore the farthest parts of the lake, you can rent a boat from the locals. If you like horseback riding, you can always rent a horse from the local shepherds. You could also go for a swim, however, the water is freezing (around 5ºC)!

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This natural gem is considered to be one of the most beautiful and spectacular mountain lakes in the Kyrgyz Republic and it’s also one of the highest lakes in the world.

Chelpek Lakes - Zhashyl Kul - Ydryk Lakes - Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan - Best destinations horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Horse riding Karakol

The 8 most beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan

Kel Suu is located in a valley called Kok-Kiya at an elevation of about 3,520 meters altitude and not too far from the Chinese border. You’ll need a border permit to get here.

You can occasionally see eagles flying over the mountains and herds of wild yaks grazing in the distance. This is a place that would fit very well the description of untouched nature.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Since this lake is not completely closed off, its water level tends to vary considerably throughout the year. When I went there with a group of travelers during one of my  Overland Expedition Tours  in 2018, Kel-Suu was empty but it was still beautiful and special to walk in the dry lake bed.

Trekking to Kel Suu Lake - A Complete Guide to Trekking in Kyrgyzstan with the best and most beautiful hikes of the country - Journal of Nomads

Reaching this lake requires a border permit that you can get by contacting the local CBT office in Naryn. The lake is also so remote that you will need a 4×4 vehicle to get there. 

Kel Suu Lake Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Travel Guide to Kel Suu Lake and the Kok Kiya Valley


This lake is very remote. The only road to get there is very rough and bumpy and there are many river crossings where there is no bridge. Even with a 4×4 car, the water level in these rivers might be higher than the floorboards. Rental car companies won’t let you go there with a rented car.

There are also no marshrutkas or taxis that go there either so I would advise contacting a  local tour company  to arrange transportation to this lake.

You can also join my Kyrgyzstan Overlanding Tour or Highlights of Kyrgyzstan Adventure as Kel Suu is one of the destination on the tour itinerary.

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - How to get to kel Suu lake


There is plenty of space for wild camping in the valley near Kel-Suu lake.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

There are also a few yurt camps around Kel-Suu. You can arrange your stay there upon your arrival at the Kok Kiya Valley.

Kyrgyzstan Travel Tour - Overland Trip to Kel Suu Lake - Yurt camp Kyrgyzstan

17. Tash Rabat

Tash Rabat was a very important place during the period when the Silk Road was used actively by Asian traders and merchants. It’s a place known as a Caravanserai, a roadside inn where the merchants could stop and rest for a few days.

On top of being the perfect place to rest for travelers, it was also a place where the various animals transporting the wagons along the silk road could be well fed and taken care of.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Caravanserais were scattered all along the silk road and were providing shelter in isolated regions from the hostile environment and from bandits.

What is so interesting about Tash Rabat is the unusual architecture of the place which leads many researchers to believe it was originally a Buddhist monastery before being used as a caravanserai.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

This unusual building really stands out against the green mountains that surround it. It gives the place very peaceful and calm energy.

The whole area is very quiet and the silence is only occasionally broken by herds of horses running down from the hills.

Travelers coming here can spend a few days relaxing in the yurt camps nearby and go for a few hikes in the quiet mountains around the caravanserai.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

If you are more adventurous, I would recommend renting a horse from one of the camps to go explore the valley more in-depth and spend some time on the trails that used to be part of the silk road.

You can rent a horse for about 3 USD an hour at the yurt camps and go ride by yourself or you can go on a longer guided tour to some of the more remote peaks of the region.

The Complete Guide to Tash Rabat Caravanseria Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

How to visit mysterious Tash Rabat Caravanserai – The Complete Travel Guide


There are marshrutkas and shared taxis going directly from the bus station in Naryn city to Tash Rabat.

The distance between Naryn and Tash Rabat is 117 km and getting there by shared taxi should cost around 3000som.

You could also visit Tash Rabat by joining one of my   Kyrgyzstan Adventure Tours !

Things to do in Tash Rabat - Tash Rabat hikes - Hiking to Tash Rabat Panda Pass Chatyr Kul Viewpoint - Horse Riding Tash Rabat- The Complete Guide to Tash Rabat Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


Tash Rabat is the ideal place to pitch your tent if you enjoy camping. There are a lot of flat areas in the valley near this archaeological site and you should be able to camp there without being bothered.

If you would prefer to have a typical Kyrgyz experience, you can sleep in a yurt in one of the various yurt camps that you will encounter near the caravanserai.

They charge around 2000 som per person, dinner and breakfast included in this price. You can arrange your stay in the yurts by walking directly to the camps and talking with the owners.

The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Beautiful Places to visit in the Jalal-Abad Region

18. too ashuu mountain pass.

Ala Bel Mountain Pass - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

The Too Ashuu mountain pass (3594 m) is on the mountainous road connecting Bishkek to Osh. It’s one of the most beautiful mountain passes in Kyrgyzstan and it’s easily accessed by car.

It’s located above two gorgeous valleys and the whole panorama there is truly a feast for the eyes. From one side of the pass, you can admire Chichkan Valley and from the other side, you can see the Susamir Valley.

This place also looks incredibly in winter. The whole area becomes buried under big layers of snow and looks like a vast white desert. The road can be a bit dangerous if you drive there when there is a lot of snow so drive with caution.

In spring, the alpine meadows that are visible from the pass are blooming with more flowers than the mind can imagine and it’s likely you’ll see shepherds moving their animals across the pass in fall.

Ala Bell Mountain Pass in winter - best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads


You can get to the Too Ashuu pass by public transport from Bishkek by (shared) taxi and marshrutka. You can take a shared taxi or hop on a marshrutka in Bishkek at the Western bus station or at the bus stand south of the Osh Bazaar.

You will need to take a shared taxi or a marshrutka going in the direction of Osh or Jalal-Abad to reach the Too Ashuu pass.


Since Too Ashuu is a very high mountain pass, staying there is practically impossible. There aren’t any hotels or hostels and camping there could be hard because there isn’t much flat ground in the surroundings.

What I would recommend is to continue your journey from the Too Ashuu pass towards the south until you reach  Toktogul (see the next place to visit in Kyrgyzstan below).

19. Toktogul Reservoir

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Lake Toktogul in Kyrgyzstan - Hitchhiking in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Toktogul Reservoir is the largest water reservoir in Kyrgyzstan and in the whole of Central Asia. It covers 284 km² and has an average depth of about 215 m. 

Toktogul is also home to Kyrgyzstan’s biggest hydro-electric station. The reservoir is sourced from the Naryn River, whose waters flow from the northern part of the Jalal-Abad region. The deep turquoise color of the water is a stunning contrast to the red hills surrounding the reservoir.

You can go for a quick stop at the reservoir or spend more time hiking up to the Toktogul Kyzyl-Too Panoramic view (around 6km) and camp at the reservoir. You’re even allowed to swim in certain permitted locations in the reservoir (the water is around 28 ° C in summer!).

HOw to get to Tokotogul Reservoir

Toktogul Reservoir lies on the main road between Bishkek and Osh. You can get there by marshrutka or shared taxi, coming from either direction and ask the driver to let you out at the reservoir.

Where to stay at Toktogul reservoir

If you have a tent, you can easily (wild) camp on the shores of the reservoir. There are also a few guesthouses in Toktogul town.

The one I recommend is the  RAHAT Hostel in Toktogul . This place is owned and operated by a sweet elderly couple who will do their utmost best to ensure you have a comfortable stay.

The location of this hostel is very good. It’s located right on the main street, three minutes from the bus station and five minutes from the bazaar.

Click to check out rates and availability for “RAHAT Hostel in Toktogul”

20. Sary Chelek Lake and National Reserve

Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

Sary Chelek is located in the Jalal-Abad region in the west of Kyrgyzstan, tucked into the Western Tien Shan Mountains at the foot of the Chatkal Mountain Range.

This alpine lake is the highlight of a larger area called Sary Chelek Nature Reserve which has been declared as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1978.

The reserve has seven alpine lakes with Sary Chelek Lake being the largest one. Located at an altitude of 1887 meters and created by a landslide, the lake covers almost 500 hectares. The depth varies across the lake, with its deepest point at 245 meters.

Beautiful places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Visit Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

The other six lakes in the area are smaller but nonetheless beautiful! There’s a hiking trail in the park that allows you to visit almost all the lakes in one day.

The dense forest with its wild fruit and walnut trees and the valleys surrounding the lakes are a habitat for thousands of plant species, hundreds of birds, and around 40 species of mammals, such as bears and lynx.

Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

I think Sary Chelek is a must-see destination as it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful places to visit, especially if you’re a nature and outdoor lover!

Best Travel Drones - Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

How to get to Sary Chelek Nature reserve and things to do at Sary Chelek

How to get to Sary Chelek Lake

The entrance gate to Sary Chelek Nature Reserve is located in the village of Arkit. Getting there by public transport from Osh or Jalal-Abad is the easiest but it’s also possible to travel to Arkit from Bishkek.

Read here in detail on how to get to Sary Chelek Nature Reserve and Arkit .

You can also visit Sary Chelek during the 10-day Feel Like a Nomad Horse Riding Adventure !

Where to Stay in Sary chelek

You can stay in one of the many guesthouses and homestays in Arkit village . They also offer meals at an additional price as there are no restaurants in the village.

The prices vary between €10 and €35 per person per night. Breakfast is usually included. If you want to have lunch or dinner, count on an extra €5 per person per meal.

There are no guesthouses or homestays in the nature reserve. The only way to spend a night near the lake(s) is by camping.

Camping Sary Chelek Nature Reserve - Sary Chelek Lake Kyrgyzstan - Sary Chelek Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

21. Arslanbob

Arslanbob Valley - The Complete Guide to Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan - Arslanbob Things to do

Arslanbob is a village tucked in the eponymous valley in the Chatkal mountain range in the south of Kyrgyzstan .

It’s a destination that is popular for its hikes, horseback riding, and skiing but more than anything else, it’s famous for having the world’s largest walnut forest (nowadays around 11,000 hectares) right at its doorstep.

The Arslanbob walnut forest is estimated to be 50 million years old and is also home to 130 varieties of other nut and fruit trees. Some of the trees are more than 1000 years old!

There are about 16000 people living in Arslanbob and the main population is mainly ethnic Uzbek. They speak a local Uzbek dialect and still wear their traditional clothing. This is one of the things that makes Arslanbob special and different from other places in Kyrgyzstan.

Arslanbob Walnut forest Kyrgyzstan

Families in Arslanbob spend fall harvesting nuts in this forest and it’s very interesting to be there and take part in the whole process. They will be more than happy to welcome you and show you how the walnut harvest is done if you offer a helping hand.

The ancient walnut forest isn’t the only reason why you should visit Arslanbob. There’s a variety of things to do and you don’t have to go far to visit the waterfalls, walk to the panoramic viewpoint, have a picnic in the forest or enjoy the village life and the picturesque mountainous views.

For those seeking more action and adventure, there are a number of outdoor activities, such a multiple-day hikes, horse treks, and options to go rock climbing and mountain biking.

Kyrgyzstan Arslanbob - Kyrgyzstan travel

12 Wonderful Things to do in Arslanbob Walnut Forest

Kyrgyzstan Arslanbob - Kyrgyzstan travel


There’s a marshrutka (minibus) that goes directly from Osh to Arslanbob village. This marshrutka leaves daily around 1.30 pm at the   new bus station in Osh ,   located on the corner of Lenin and Kasymbekova street.

The mashrutka from Osh to Arslanbob costs 200 som per person and the journey takes around 4 to 5 hours, including the 30-minute stop at Bazar Korgon.


There are a number of CBT guesthouses in Arslanbob Village that offer food and accommodation. You can  book some online in advance  or you can go to the CBT office to help you arrange your stay.

Most guesthouses are equipped with warm showers and (outdoor) toilets and have beautiful courtyards filled with fruits and flower gardens.

The average cost is around €15 to €20 per person per night, including breakfast. Your host will also provide dinner at an additional cost of 500 som.  Note: these prices are subject to change .

Best Places to visit in Osh Region

Sunset in Osh Kyrgyzstan - Osh, Places to visit in Kyrygzstan - Journal of Nomads

Osh , located in the Ferghana Valley in the south of Kyrgyzstan, is the country’s second-largest city. It’s a great transit point to explore the south of the country and it’s also the gateway to the Pamir Highway and the Ferghana Valley, both leading to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan .

That’s why Osh is very often seen as the cultural capital of Kyrgyzstan as it’s a melting pot of Kyrgyz, Tajik and Uzbek cultures. It’s also one of the best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan to try several regional dishes that reflect the multicultural nature of the city.

Osh - Best places in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

Osh was also the first and therefore the oldest city of the country with a history of over 3000 years as the fertile soil of the Ferghana Valley attracted the nomadic people to settle down. From the 8th century, it developed into an important center of silk production.

The Suleiman Too mountain is the heart of the city. This sacred mountain has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses several mosques, a museum, and sacred caves, some of which women visit to increase their fertility.

Panoramic view Osh Kyrgyzstan City Guide - Things to do in Osh Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads

1 4 Top Things to do in Osh – Osh City Guide

28 top things to do in Kyrgyzstan - Journal of Nomads - Sulaiman-Too Mountain Osh

Osh is definitely worth visiting for a couple of days and I’d highly suggest taking a guided tour around the city as there’s so much history and places to be explored.

I highly recommend Atabek from Best of Osh as your guide. He speaks fluent English, is very knowledgeable and is highly passionate to show people the incredible features of his hometown. You can book a tour with him here:


  • By public transport

Most towns and cities have marshrutkas or (shared) taxi’s going directly to Osh. The road between Bishkek and Osh is a long one (10 to 12 hours!) but it takes you through some of the most beautiful mountain passes in the country.

Since the road between the two cities is really winding and quite narrow in certain areas, it’s inappropriate for large vehicles, even for marshrutkas. The only way to get there by local transport is by shared taxi. A shared taxi between the two cities costs around 2500 per person.

  • Taking a domestic flight from Bishkek to Osh

With really cheap flights between the two cities, the easiest and fastest way to travel to Osh is to fly directly from Bishkek.

There are many flights linking the two cities throughout the day and travel time is very short. It takes about 45 minutes to reach the southern city from Bishkek by plane so it’s a great option if you’re on a tight schedule. A one-way flight costs around €50.

The airport in Osh is not very far from the city center and you can reach the city center by taxi for about 250 som.


Osh is the second biggest city in Kyrgyzstan and the number of high-quality guest houses and hotels operating there is increasing every year.

This destination offers a good quantity of  budget hostels  for backpackers who want to save money to explore during the day and swap stories with fellow backpackers in the shared kitchen or bar in the evening.

If you are looking for more comfort and a place to wind down after the long journey there, the city also offers some fancy but affordable  hotels .

These are the hostels, guesthouses, and hotels I recommend in Osh:

  • Lovely Home For You : dorm or private room, great location, beautiful garden, budget friendly
  • Ethno Boutique Hotel : beautiful private rooms with mountain views
  • Rayan Hotel : deluxe rooms, great location, wellness center

23. the Alay Mountains

Ak Tor Pass Trek - Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

The Alay Mountains, also referred to as the Alay Valley, are a stunning sub-range of the Pamir-Alay Mountain system in the southwest of Kyrgyzstan.

They are known for being some of Central Asia’s most beautiful and dramatic mountains with their green and alpine landscapes.

The Alay region has small traditional villages with many nomadic shepherds living in yurt camps during summer. It’s a great place to learn more about local life, gain insight into the nomadic culture, and, of course, go on hikes to enjoy the wild and fabulous nature.

Horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

There are many hiking trails in the Alay Mountains – from day hikes to multiple-day treks – along luxuriant valleys and pastures filled with grazing horses, yaks, sheep, and cows, crystal-clear alpine lakes, and rugged mountain passes with panoramic views over snow-capped peaks and glaciers.

Sary Mogul Pass - Best of Alay Mountains Trek - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Some of the hiking trails are just one hour away from Osh in the  Kichik Alay , which means lower Alay Mountains.

The higher Alay Mountains in the southern part of the Alay mountain range have passes above 4000 meters altitude. The trailheads of the hikes in the higher Alay are close to Sary Mogul Village (about 4 hours driving from Osh).

There are just so many beautiful places to visit within the Alay Mountain region that it’s hard to point out just a couple.

Join the 12-day Best of Alay Trekking Adventure in Kyrgyzstan!

Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

If you’re a physically fit person, then I highly recommend doing the Best of Alay Trek as this 12-day trek takes you to all the highlights of the higher Alay Mountains.

I’ve written a very comprehensive guide of all the most beautiful destinations and hikes within the Alay Mountains and how to reach them.

Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

7 Best Hikes in the Alay Mountains

24. Tulpar Kol Lake

Places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan beautiful places - Tulpar Kul Lake - Lenin Peak Basecamp - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Tulpar Kol is one of the several small alpine lakes in the Alay Valley in the south of Kyrgyzstan. This alpine lake lies at an altitude of 3500m. On clear days, the view of Lenin Peak, one of the highest mountains in Central Asia, is reflected on the surface of the lake.

Tulpar Kol is the largest of a string of 42 lakes. The surrounding landscapes are very colorful! The hills around these lakes consist of red soil, then you have the green grass growing around and the white snowcapped peaks of the Trans-Alay mountain range in the background.

Tolpar Kol Lake - Lenin Peak Basecamp -

I stayed a couple of nights in a yurt camp on the shores of this lake during my trek towards Lenin Peak Basecamp and Travellers Pass (see next best place to visit in Kyrgyzstan below).

It was such a good base for hiking in the area or just relaxing and enjoying the incredible beauty and peace of the place!

This destination is also part of my 12-day Kyrgyzstan Trekking Adventure !

How to get to Tulpar Kol lake

There’s no public transport going directly from Osh to Tulpar Kol Lake. You’ll first have to get to Sary Mogul Village.

Sary Mogul Village - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

You can get from Osh to Sary Mogul by (shared) taxi or marshrutka.

There’s  one daily marshrutka  that goes from Osh to Daraut-Korgon via Sary Mogul. It usually leaves around 2 pm from the Old Bus Station, which is located in the city center at the head of Osh Bazaar near Aravanskaya.

You can also take a  shared taxi  to Sary Mogul at the New Bus Station. These also don’t leave until the car is full, but several shared taxis run throughout the day. It costs 500 som, and the journey takes around 4-5 hours.

Tulpar Kul is a 25km drive from Sary Mogul Village. You can take a taxi or try and hitch a ride there.

You can also book a direct transfer from Osh to Tulpar Kol (5 hours) with CBT Osh , which would be around 6500 som per car.

Remember that you need a  Border Zone Permit  to visit Tulpar Kol Lake (the same one as for Lenin Peak Basecamp) as it’s close to the border with  Tajikistan . It takes 10 to 20 days to issue the permit, so you need to apply and pay in advance.  CBT Osh  can help you obtain this permit.

Where to stay at Tulpar Kol Lake

There are just a couple of yurt camps on the shores of Lake Tulpar Kol. I stayed at the family-owned  Pamir Nomad Yurt Camp .

25. Peak Lenin Basecamp & Traveller’s Pass

Best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan - Lenin Peak Basecamp - Travelers Pass - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

Peak Lenin is one of the highest mountains in Central Asia. This 7134 meters tall mountain, straddling the border of Kyrgyzstan and  Tajikistan  in the Pamir-Alay mountains, is on a clear day almost always visible from a distance.

When you go on the day hike to Traveller’s Pass, you’ll get a fantastic close view of Lenin Peak and its surrounding glaciers from this 4150m high ridge.

Lenin Peak - Peak Lenin Basecamp - travelers pass - Alay Mountains Hikes - Hiking in Kyrgyzstan - Trekking Guide - Journal of Nomads

The trail to Traveller’s Pass starts right behind the yurt camp on the southern shore of Tulpar Kul. You’ll also pass Peak Lenin Basecamp along the way.

Lenin Peak Basecamp - Lenin Peak - Alai Mountains - Alay Mountains - Kyrgyzstan Trekking Tours - Journal of Nomads

You might meet some mountaineers who are preparing for the climb to Lenin Peak. It’s quite a popular climb as it’s known to be the “easiest” 7000-meter summit in the world.

However, many people underestimate this climb. It’s not something you do in a day. Climbing Peak Lenin is a 3-week expedition and it’s a dangerous one!

Once you’ve reached the top of the ridge of Traveller’s Pass and see the magnificent view of glaciers tumbling off the majestic Lenin Peak, I guarantee that you won’t stop smiling for a while!


Since Peak Lenin is located on the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, getting there requires a border permit. There are a few military checks on the road to the base camp of the mountain and you will be required to show your permit to proceed.

It can take anywhere between 10 days to 3 weeks to get the permit and you can do so by  contacting CBT Osh .

It is better to get the border permit through the CBT office instead of through a travel agency because most travel agencies will tell you that you have to organize an official tour there with them to get the permit which is absolutely not the case.

HOW TO GET TO Peak Lenin Basecamp and traveller’s Pass

Peak Lenin Basecamp and Traveller’s Pass can only be reached on foot or on horse.

The trail starts right behind the yurt camp on the southern shore of Tulpar Kol. Read the full description of this hike here .


You can camp anywhere you like along the trail or you could stay in one of the yurt camps near Tulpar Kol Lake and go on a day hike to Lenin Peak Basecamp and Traveller’s Pass.

Join one of my Kyrgyzstan Trekking Adventures to visit these places!

I hope this guide has inspired you to visit Kyrgyzstan and helped you plan your trip! Please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions left!

Plan your trip to Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan on a budget. How much does it cost to travel in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Money Guide: Costs of Living and traveling in Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Traveling in Central Asia Packing List - what to wear in Central Asia - Kyrgyzstan - The Complete Travel Guide how to visit Kel Suu Lake in Kyrgyzstan

Best Tips and complete Packing List for Traveling in Central Asia in 2024 – When to go and what to wear when visiting Central Asia

Kol Ukok - Son Kul - Chelpek Lakes - Zhashyl Kul - Ydryk Lakes - Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan - Best destinations horseback trek Kyrgyzstan - Horse riding Song Kul Naryn

Kyrgyzstan Horseback riding: Everything you need to know about horse riding in Kyrgyzstan+ the 9 best horse Riding destinations

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide - Backpacking in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide: 20 Useful Things you should know to visit Kyrgyzstan in 2024

Culturele Rondreis Kirgizie - People of Kyrgyzstan - Folkloric clothes - traditional clothes - Alay Mountains - Journal of Nomads

The 28 Best Things to Do in Kyrgyzstan – culture, nature, history, and sights

Is it safe to travel in Kyrgyzstan? - Kyrgyzstan travel safety tips - is it safe to travel to kyrgyzstan in 2019? - Journal of nomads

Is Kyrgyzstan safe? 15 Useful Things to Know before you go in 2024

More kyrgyzstan travel resources.

  • The Complete Travel Guide to Kyrgyzstan
  • The 14 best hikes in Kyrgyzstan
  • The 25 most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan
  • 8 beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan
  • 15 useful safety tips for Kyrgyzstan
  • The complete packing list for Kyrgyzstan
  • 28 Things to do in Kyrgyzstan
  • 13 Top Things to do in Bishkek – City Guide
  • How to visit the Osh Bazaar in Bishkek
  • 14 Top Things to do in Osh – City Guide
  • 15 Best Things to do in Karakol – City Guide
  • The 21 best hikes in Karakol and Jyrgalan
  • Tash Rabat Travel Guide
  • The complete travel guide to Kel Suu Lake
  • The complete travel guide to Arslanbob
  • How to visit Sary Chelek Lake and Nature Reserve
  • Top things to do around Issyk Kul Lake, a one week itinerary
  • Facts and legends of the Burana Tower
  • Everything you need to know about horse riding to Song Kul lake
  • A comprehensive guide to skiing in Kyrgyzstan
  • 6 reasons why you should visit Kyrgyzstan in winter
  • Visit Kyrgyzstan in winter by using this 10-day Kyrgyzstan winter itinerary
  • Here are the 7 best hikes in the Alay Mountains near Osh
  • Use this day-by-day itinerary to hike independently to Ala Kul lake
  • Hike independently to Son Kul lake by using these 2 itineraries
  • 8 great day trips and hikes near Bishkek
  • Ready steady goat! An insight into Kok Boru, Kyrgyzstan’s unusual national sport
  • Meet the Golden Eagle Hunters of Kyrgyzstan

12 thoughts on “The 25 most beautiful and best places to visit in Kyrgyzstan in 2024”


Thank you 🙂

Hi, the detailed information provided in your central Asia travel blog is simply captivating & very helpful to those wanting an adventure in central asia. Well done & 2 thumbs up for your contribution. Keep it up.

with thanks, Ivan Lai

Thank you so much Ivan!

We are two seniors and would like to explore this beautiful country in September. Is there a tour to see all of these places in 8 days? Is it possible for a female to rent a car? Love your article, thank you so much.

Hi Arlene, I’m happy you loved the article!

I’m afraid it won’t be possible to see all these places in 8 days. Kyrgyzstan might be a small country in comparison with its neighbors (with the exception of Tajikistan) but it’s still quite a big country. The distances between all these places require a lot of driving and not all the roads are very good, which adds even more driving time. You’re always welcome to contact me and I can help you with an itinerary suggestion. It is also definitely possible to rent a car as a woman!

hey! great article! thank you very much for sharing to much experience and knowledge.

Thank you Roger!

What a great write up and stunning photos! We are planning a trip end of March/early Apr but looks like its not the right time to be visiting Kyrgystan. Were you there around that time? Please could you advise. Thank you!

Hello Ranjani, thank you! 🙂 It’s still very cold end of March/ early April and there won’t be many yurt camps around as most semi-nomads set up their camps from May on. But if you prepare for the cold temperatures, you can still get a very beautiful experience in Kyrgyzstan as the winter landscapes are stunning!

Great article! Do you still have a high resolution version of this picture? https://www.journalofnomads.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_6488-1.jpg I’d love to use it as my laptop’s wallpaper. Cheers! Bob

Hi Bob, if you’re interested in one of our photos, please send us an email at hello(at)journalofnomads(dot)com or use the contact form on our website! 🙂

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The Kyrgyzstan Tourism is going to boom in the coming years: discover why and why you should visit right now.

Welcome to the Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide! Kyrgyzstan is a country covered with mountains, jewel lakes and nomadic people. When traveling through the country, you can only feel connected to nature and yearning for a simpler life. This Travel Guide will help you discover in photos the things to do and see around the country. The detailed information and tips for each destination will also help you plan your own trip.


Kyrgyzstan Tourism - Travel Destination Guide, Map, Things to do

Each post includes info, planning tips and many pictures!

This page contains affiliate links, which means that if you use them, I get a small commission on your purchase at no extra cost for you. (more info on the Disclosure page ).


If you have reached this Travel Guide, you are probably thinking of traveling to Kyrgyzstan. If you are still unsure or just want to day dream, below are some general articles to show you how incredible The Kyrgyz Republic is home stunning sceneries, rich traditions and adorable people.

Below are some summary posts to show you how incredible Kyrgyzstan is:

9 reasons to visit Kyrgyzstan

9 reasons to visit Kyrgyzstan

Video landscapes of Kyrgzystan

Video: Landscapes of Kyrgyzstan

Portraits of Kyrgyz people

Portraits of Kyrgyz people

Travel guide Kyrgyzstan - Top 7 favorite places to visit

My favorite places in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz yurts and Nomadic culture

Yurt and Nomadic culture

Photo essay summer transhumance in Kyrgyzstan

Transhumance in photos

what to expect foodwise in Kyrgyzstan

Food & Drinks of Kyrgyzstan

Photo-essay - old cars in Kyrgyzstan

Cars in Kyrgyzstan

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan - best of photos s

Best of photos from Kyrgyzstan

As I wrote on my huffington post article " Tourist please stay away from Kyrgyzstan... or not " I am torn between wanting the country to keep its authenticity and for the world to discover its beauty.


Here is a map of Kyrgzystan with the main things to do all around the country. Those are numbered and correspond to the posts or descriptions in the following sections of this guide.

Tourism Kyrgyzstan Map - places to visit, travel guide


Thinking of visiting the beautiful Kyrgyzstan, the pearl of Central Asia? Here are some posts to help you plan and prepare your trip: visa, language,

Planning your trip to Kyrgyzstan article

Planning your trip to Kyrgyzstan

Prepare and pack for your trip to Kyrgyzstan 1

Preparing your trip to Kyrgyzstan

Book your trip

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Kyrgyzstan Tourism starts in Bishkek, the capital city. Located in the North of the country, it is full of trees, squares and statues with the backdrop of high mountains. Discover some of the top things to do in Bishkek as well as a location not far away from it: the Burana Tower where I was lucky to see two girls playing the traditional Kyrgyz Guitar.

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Bishkek

1a -  Visiting Bishkek

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the Osh Bazaar in Bishkek

1b -  Bishkek's Osh Market

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the Burana Tower

2 -  Burana Tower


The main toursitic area of Kyrgyzstan is Lake Issyk-Kul, the second largest altitude lake in the world. It is quite impressive with its intense colors and the surrounding mountains. All the valleys around it have a lot to offer. Discover some posts with geological, natural, historical and cultural places to discover as you tour the lake.

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Cholpon-Ata Petroglyphs

3 -  Cholpon-Ata Petroglyphs

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the Valley of Altyn Arashan

5 - Altyn Arashan valley

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the Karakol animal market

7-  Karakol and its animal Market

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Jeti-Oguz Seven bulls

8 -  Jeti-Ogüz

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the valley of flowers

9 -  Valley of Flowers

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to  Skazka canyon

12 -  Skazka Canyon (Fairy tale canyon)

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to the Issyk Kul lake

Around Issyk-Kul lake

4 - Rukh Ordo Cultural Centre - site to discover the Kyrgyz culture

6 - Ala-Kol lake​ - beautiful small lake at 3500m, in a bowl with snowy mountains around

10 - Sarychat-Ertash Reserve

11 - Barksoon waterfall : on a road going to a gold mine, just accross from a but of Youri Gagarine. Requires steep climbing.​


Outside of the beaten path, away from the wifi, you can discover the natural beauty of Kyrgyzstan. It is like driving in the museum where each turn reveals a new painting or structure. Don't just believe me, check the pictures in the post below, pack your bag and go there. My top experience here was my yurt stay near Song-Kul lake.

Photo essay: drive from Issyk kul to Song Kul, Kyrgyzstan square

Drive: Lake Issyk-Kul to Song-Kul

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Song Kul lake

13 -  Song-Kul lake

Painted landscapes of Kyrgyzstan Song Kul to Kazarman square

Song-Kul to Kazarman

Driving from Kazarman to Arslanbob Kyrgyzstan 2

Kazarman to Arslanbob

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Arslanbob and its walnut forest

19 -  Arslanbob

Travel Guide Kyrgyzstan: Plan your visit to Sary-Chelek Nature Reserve

20 -  Sary-Chelek National Park

Travel guide Kyrgzystan: the Naryn river and Toktogul reservoir

21 -  Naryn River Toktogul Reservoir

Travel Guide Kyrgzystan - Driving through Talas Ala Too Mountain Range from Toktogul to Bishkek

Toktogul to Bishkek

  • 14 - Kol-Suu - 3500m high alpine lake in the Tian Shan mountains
  • 15 - Chatyr-Kol - yellowish-green alpine lake in the Tien Shan mountains
  • Check out this great post and pictures by Eric and Taylor about their trip to both Kol-Suu and Chatyr-Kul
  • 16 - Tash Rabat Fortress - 31 room - stone caravanserai at 3200m in atlitude from  the 15th century - Check the pictures from Eric and Taylor 
  • 17 - Uzgen Historical Complex - located in Uzgen, one the of the most ancient cities in Kyrgyzstan. It dates from the 11th / 12t century and includes 3 mausaleums and  a minaret
  • 18 - Sulaiman-too Mountain - World Heritage site in the city of Osh, sacred mountain worshipped over several millennia
  • 22 - Manas Mausoleum (Gumbez of Manas) - located near Talas, it is landmark of the Silk Road period - Built in 1334


independent review wandering Earl tour Kyrgyzstan

Review Wandering Earl tour

Of course there are much more things to do in Kyrgyzstan. I am only sharing the ones I have experienced myself. Feel free to share yours in the comments when you come back from your trip!


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Travel Checklists for packing

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Reader Interactions

' src=

August 18, 2015 at 8:51 AM

Salut Claire

Je suis tombée sur ton blog il y a quelques temps, nous étions sur le meme tour en Namibie. Juste un petit clin d’œil pour dire que je m’amuse à voir tes destinations car elles sont très similaires aux miennes! J’avais finalement passé 3 mois en Nouvelle Zélande peu de temps après la Namibie et j’étais allée en Jordanie juste avant ca. Je suis actuellement au Kyrgyzstan et je poursuivrai en Ouzbékistan. Je regarde donc régulièrement les destinations que tu choisis! A bientôt. Camille

' src=

August 19, 2015 at 10:18 AM

Salut Camille! Quelle surprise! Amusant que nous voyagions sur les même destinations. Fais mois signe quand tu passes par Paris. Claire

' src=

January 15, 2017 at 8:32 AM

That was a beautiful place I’ve ever seen

' src=

February 21, 2017 at 4:01 PM

Hi there, we are planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan in early May touring the Son-Kul area. (we are doing a longer tour in Kazakhstan after Kygyz.) Absolutely loved your photos. Want to know in which season you sent to Song-Kul/Issyk-Kul? Would the Steppes be green in early May? And would it be cloudy/rains?

February 21, 2017 at 6:30 PM

Hi Najma Those photos were taken the first half of June. I would believe the Steppes will be green in May but there might still be a lot of snow – it can be very variable as you are in the mountains.

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The Silk Road Travel Guide

All countries in Central Asia have a lot of natural capital, but none manage to present it as well as Kyrgyzstan.

tourism kyrgyzstan

The main tourism highlights are accessible and inexpensive, it’s easy to get away from the few places where tourists congegrate and authentic experiences of nomad life, post-Soviet life and animal life can be had at every step. Ecotourism projects are running smoothly: hiking, horse riding and yurtstays can be arranged easily with the benefits going to those who need it the most.

With visa-free travel now available for citizens of most wealthy countries, and better flight connections with Europe and the Far East, Kyrgyzstan is poised to become the new darling of the outdoor community, if it isn’t so already.

tourism kyrgyzstan

Table of Contents

  • Explore Kyrgyzstan’s stunning mountains on foot , on horseback or on skis
  • Stay in a yurt, meet the locals and get to know their semi-nomadic ways
  • Watch a game of kok boru or see eagle hunters at work
  • Chill out at a beautiful mountain lake like Song Kol , Issyk-Kul or Sary-Chelek
  • Have a bowl of kymis (fermented mare’s milk)

Those are 5 quintessential experiences you are likely to have in Kyrgyzstan. It’s just a sample, though. We explore some more ideas in our list of 46 great things to do in Kyrgyzstan .

kokpar in action


It makes little sense to try and propose a standard itinerary for Kyrgyzstan; hiking and staying in a yurt can be done in any part of the country, so it really just depends on your preference with regards to comfort, accessibility, other tourists and the landscapes on offer.

Also note: people with their own bicycle, motorcycle, jeep, or those with a tour company driver, will find it much easier to get off the beaten track compared to backpackers relying on public transport and shared taxis.

The map above highlights the most common tourist routes across Kyrgyzstan. The blue routes are accessible by public transport, for the red routes you need to have your own wheels, or get a driver.

If you are looking to book a horse ride or a yurt stay on the spot, this can be done in each of the towns on the map, the main tourist nodes of Kyrgyzstan.

Song Kul (4) is a bit special. It’s not the place to book anything, as there is no signal on this high mountain lake, but besides its status as a major attraction, it can serve as a kind of roundabout to cross from east to west. Backpackers relying on public transport usually go from the east of the country to the western Osh (6) / Pamir-Alay (7) area via Bishkek (1). It’s a long way overland, so the Osh-Bishkek flight is a popular alternative.

More independent travelers can use the lonely red routes.

North and East Kyrgyzstan

tourism kyrgyzstan

Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan, its biggest city and main transport hub. It’s unlikely to be the main reason you wanted to visit Kyrgyzstan, but it can teach you a lot about Kyrgyzstan’s recent past and tumultuous present.

The Issyk-Kul region east of the capital is the next logical move in many itineraries. Here you can find what Kyrgyzstan is all about in a small, easy-to-access area. Alpine lakes and mountain peaks, white water fit for rafting. Broad jailoo pastures with shepherds, horses and yurts.

With 1 or 2 weeks time, there’s no need to look any further if you are looking for a trekking holiday with a cultural touch.

tourism kyrgyzstan

To cool down from all the hiking and horse riding, Issyk-Kul has beaches. Karakol and Kochkor are the 2 main gateway towns to the lakes and mountains beyond.

Between the plains of the north and south, it’s all mountains in Central Kyrgyzstan . There are no big population centers here, only small towns and villages, and shepherd yurts on the high meadows in summer.

In the east, the Naryn region has not seen the same level of interest among hikers as other parts of Kyrgyzstan. The central Kazarman area is also one you have all to yourself.


Song Kol Lake on the other hand, smack-bang in the middle of the country at an altitude over 3000 m, is one of Kyrgyzstan’s biggest tourist draws. It is a beautiful area with glamping possibilities for those who enjoy it. If you don’t like the yurt camps on the lake shore, you can explore the surrounding mountains. Just follow the sheep trails.

On the western side of the lake, Suusamyr’s lower altitude green hills are known to produce top-of-the-range meat and dairy products.

  • Southern Kyrgyzstan

At the edge of the Ferghana Valley, Osh , Kyrgyzstan’s southern capital, has been playing an important role in travel itineraries since the days of Silk Road caravans. Placed centrally between China and Tajikistan’s Pamir Highway to the east, and valley towns like Andijan, Khujand , Ferghana and Kokand to the west, it’s difficult to miss.

tourism kyrgyzstan

As a busy bazaar town, Osh is a good place to prepare for the next leg of your journey. But it can also teach you a lot about the history of Central Asia, and Kyrgyzstan’s current social and political challenges.

Beyond Osh, the mountains beckon once more. The Pamir-Alay range south of Osh gives travelers a taste of Tajikistan’s Pamirs. You can stop over for a night to admire 7134 metre-high Peak Lenin on your way to Tajikistan, or take a tent and spend 3-5 days (there’s always room for more) on foot or on horseback in some of Kyrgyzstan’s highest and most beautiful mountain territory.

Heading north towards Bishkek, Arslanbob  is a fixture on the tourist route, thanks to a splendid homestay network in a wonderful setting. Between Arslanbob and Bishkek, there are detours for the more persistent, like the quiet beauty of the Suusamyr region, the Talas area , homeland of national hero Manas or the national park surrounding Sary-Chelek lake .

tourism kyrgyzstan

Off the beaten track

First-ascent climbers, dedicated trekkers, independent kayakers, hard-nosed cyclists and long-haul horse riders: Kyrgyzstan is your oyster. If you’re not outdoorsy but would like to simply experience Kyrgyzstan away from the famous sights: you can find a homestay anywhere. You just have to arrive; before you know it, you have become part of village life.

tourism kyrgyzstan

A rail connection exists between Bishkek and Moscow, and with Tashkent in summer. Bishkek is the country’s flight hub. Osh also hosts international flights. Several local companies offer inexpensive flights between Osh and Bishkek ( forum Q&A ).

For all other places: if you do not have your own means of transport, you will be dependent on minibuses (marshrutkas) and (shared) taxis to take you places within Kyrgyzstan. They leave when full. If you want more comfort or leave earlier, pay for the other seats.

Ride-hailing and taxi apps are available.

tourism kyrgyzstan

Driving Kyrgyzstan is a great way to get around, and car and motorbike rental is a booming business – book in advance if you are coming in summer. There are some great routes for cyclists too.

For cross-border transport, see Kyrgyzstan’s border crossings and the transport guides for Bishkek and Osh .

Winter transport

tourism kyrgyzstan

As soon as winter falls over Kyrgyzstan, many places hidden behind high passes become very difficult to reach over land because of snow. The passage to Osh and the  Irkeshtam and Torugart  passes to China can get blocked because of heavy snowfall or avalanches. Snow is cleared quickly on these main roads, but take possible delays into account when planning a winter trip. Song Kol and the Naryn-Jalalabad road are difficult to access in winter.

Mudslides in spring are not a problem, unlike in Tajikistan. Between May and October all parts of the country are usually easily accessible.

  • Self-drive in Kyrgyzstan
  • Trains in Kyrgyzstan
  • Cycling in Kyrgyzstan

Practical details

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Have a look first to see if you need a visa for Kyrgyzstan . It is a pretty safe country, all things considered, with traffic as the main danger. We discuss possible concerns for various types of people in detail on the safety in Central Asia page .

Health-wise , there are a few things you could worry about: diarrhea, smog, altitude sickness, tick-borne encephalitis and rabies.

Generally speaking, food in the region is unhealthy and of little variety, based primarily on meat, fat, pasta and dairy products. Few tourists become fans of the tastes of Central Asia. Unless you are a vegan, you should at least try kymys  (fermented horse milk) and kurt (salty cheese balls) in Kyrgyzstan, though. We discuss your options as a picky eater .

tourism kyrgyzstan

Exchanging money and using ATMs is easy in Kyrgyzstan. Paying by card, less so. Buying a sim card and getting mobile internet is also not an issue at the moment, and internet is almost fully accessible without VPN. More details in our articles on money and banking and communications .

For orientation , Maps.me and 2GIS are often better than Google maps. If you are a reader, have a look at  our favourite books on Kyrgyzstan .

The best time to visit Kyrgyzstan is the winter season from December to March, and the short summer during July and August.

In winter, you can ski or go horse riding while staying in yurts looking out over snow-blanketed landscapes with not a tourist in sight. In summer, all passes are snow-free for hikers, tourist events are held, and yurts are set up by shepherds.

The shoulder season is not the best time to be in Kyrgyzstan.

tourism kyrgyzstan

In spring (April-June) the snow has disappeared from the ski slopes, but the high passes are still covered, severely limiting your trekking options. The winter ski yurts are gone but the shepherd yurts of summer only set up in July and August.

Autumn (September-November) is the same. The yurts have gone, and the snow has started covering the passes, but not the slopes.

This is the time to visit  Uzbekistan ,  Kazakhstan  and  Turkmenistan  – the perfect weather to explore their deserts, steppes and cities. A more detailed seasonal breakdown can be found at When to visit Kyrgyzstan , and our Kyrgyzstan events calendar .

Budget and accommodation

Kyrgyzstan has very affordable travel services. Count on 2-3$ for a basic meal, 5-10$ for a hostel bed, 10-15$ for a yurtstay with half board, and a double room in a decent hotel starting at 25$.

Villages have homestays, mountains have yurtstays. Cities have hotels and hostels aplenty, as long as you are not looking for a luxury experience. We give some more tips for finding the right place in the accommodation chapter .

We go in depth on the budget question at the Kyrgyzstan travel budget page .

tourism kyrgyzstan

Tours and tour operators

We work together with a select few tour operators in Kyrgyzstan that, each in their own way, have developed the procedures, network and infrastructure to keep quality of service consistently high, even with the wide array of interests from the Caravanistan audience.

Talant is probably the best-connected, best-informed man in tourism in the south of Kyrgyzstan. He’s done a lot to develop the talents of youngsters in Osh and the Alay mountains.

Sergey’s team is our go-to for high-end jeep tours of Kyrgyzstan; he is always coming up with creative ways to surprise his guests.

There is also Vlad for car rental .

Have a look at our  Kyrgyzstan tour template suggestions for ideas, or simply send us  your own ideas for a customised tour .

Delve deeper

Find out more about Kyrgyzstan’s different regions.

  • Issyk-Kul region : Issyk-Kul and the mountains surrounding it have everything you need for a great outdoor holiday with a cultural touch.
  • The North : Bishkek and the mountains around. No one goes to Talas (yet).
  • The South : Osh is the second capital and the gateway to China, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Arslanbob is a highlight. Beyond, there’s more stunning mountain scenery.
  • The Center : A huge mountainous area. Song Kul is the star attraction. Beyond, much more mountains, lakes, yurts and jailoos.

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  • Things to do
  • Accommodation
  • Budget estimates , communication & banking
  • Visas & border crossings
  • When to visit & events calendar
  • Self-driving
  • Northern Kyrgyzstan
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  • Issyk-Kul region

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Visit Kyrgyzstan

Land of natural beauty, enjoy your perfect holiday, make your day great, get beyond yourself, reach the hidden treasures, authentic experiences, with true hospitality, ancient traditions, saved through centuries, great adventures, in untamed mountains, our best adventure tours, wildlife & photo, off road & jeep tours, silk road & culture, yoga & retreat, tailor made, our reviews, alicja łukowska, poland, 2022.

Hi! Thank you for the tour in june. All was great organized.


Both the guide Ernist and the driver Misha do an excellent job. We hope our groups will travel with them in the future.

Madeleine Ulrich, Schweiz, 2022

Es war eine wunderbare Reise!

Alles verlief zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit, meine Erwartungen wurden mehr als erfüllt. Kirgistan ist ein sehr schönes Land, welches vieles zu bieten hat, was ich bei uns so vermisse: Herzliche, gastfreundliche Menschen, unverbaute, weite Landschaften, in denen Mensch und Tier weitgehend im Einklang mit der Natur leben. Das tut so gut! Mein grosses Dankeschön geht an Gulzahn (Reiseleiterin/Dolmetscherin) und Saber (Fahrer). Kompetent, authentisch, mit viel Witz und absolut zuverlässig haben sie uns geführt und begleitet, mit bewundernswerter Ruhe und Gelassenheit und grossem Improvisationstalent. Auch die lokalen Guides, die Unterkünfte und Verpflegung haben immer überzeugt. Das Kontrastprogramm in Usbekistan, mit kulturellen Schwerpunkten, war ebenfalls spannend und gut organisiert. Weil ich halt eher ein Naturmensch bin, hat mich Kirgistan eindeutig mehr angesprochen und Glücksmomente ausgelöst. Besten Dank für das Organisieren dieser tollen Reise mit lieben Grüssen aus der Schweiz Madeleine Ulrich

Kim Changkee, Korea, 2019

You don’t know how wonderful it is to travel Kyrgyzstan until you are there.

You don’t know how wonderful it is to travel Kyrgyzstan until you are there. The natural beauty and the hospitality from the Kyrgyz people are beyond your imagination. Are you looking for pure happiness? Then visit Kyrgyzstan. In the summer of 2017, my wife and I traveled Kyrgyzstan independently. The experience of ten-day traveling made us never hesitate to rank it the top of our travel destinations. We wanted to keep it to ourselves so that the country might not be invaded by too many tourists. But we couldn’t help but to say “YES!” when my friends’ group wanted to go to Kyrgyzstan with us this year, which was going to be our second visit.

I met Mr. Asylbek Rajiev in 2017. When my wife and I arrived at Bishkek in the summer of 2017, we didn’t have enough information about travelling the country. It was because our holidays came suddenly and we booked the flight tickets only two weeks before we started. The owner of our guesthouse in Bishkek informed us that there was a travel agency nearby. We dropped by to encounter Asylbek at the agency. He spared more than an hour so that we could get what we wanted for the travel, and that so kindly. He was willing to help us to travel happily and consulted our itinerary based on our needs. The lady at the office was also kind enough to offer some coffee, making us feel very easy and comfortable to talk with. For the rest of the travel, his information was of great help and we thanked him until we finished our beautiful trip across the country.

When my friends’ group, composed of high school classmates and their wives, decided to visit Kyrgyzstan this year, I immediately recalled Asylbek. I e-mailed him. He was never short of my expectation. He customized the itinerary for our group of fifteen mid sixties. Although I had some special needs and demands to make the travel awesome for my group, Asylbek read exactly what we wanted and did everything that he could do to meet our desire. It worked wonderfully while we were travelling! It was really a five star tour.

For ten days again in July this summer, everyone of my group loved the tour very much. My friends’ couples couldn’t feel happier during this tour and day by day they came to love more than ever before. I’m not kidding. It seemed as if we were travelling the paradise in the dream, especially when we were horse-riding to Song Kul for two days. Not a single minute has passed without letting out exclamations at the spectacular view of snow-caped mountains and the endless slopes full of wild flowers. The route we took, which Asylbek recommended, was not on the map for the trekkers for Song Kul.

Staying at an authentic nomad family in remote meadows far off the beaten path was so wonderful, experiencing the real Kygyz nomad culture. And the awesome taste of Tash Kordo, the traditional nomadic way of cooking lamb, was out of this world. Taking a walk along the picturesque lakeshore at sunset and in the early morning, full of Edelweiss, made us feel out of this world. Ms. Bermet, our guide, spoke fluent English and took great care of us. She was smart, bright and devoted, being always capable of problem-solving. Everything went smooth thanks to her. We still miss her. The two drivers were also very nice and friendly. We have so many wonderful highlights and happy moments during the tour, we are making a special photo and video album to see and share at the after-trip party next month.

All this beautiful experience was possible because of Mr. Asylbek Rajiev, and all our group members owe him special thanks. He knows the country and people very well and is passionate about Kyrgyz tourism. I guarantee that he is one of those who organize best when and where to visit and what to do while travelling in Kyrgyzstan. Most importantly, I trust him. For me, he is such a nice person. Thanks Mr. Asylbek Rajiev! And thanks VisitKyrgyzstan!

Didem Ateş, Türkiye 2018

If I was born as an eagle...

aşağıda tur ile ilgili yazımı gönderiyorum. Herşey için tekrar teşekkür ederim.

—————————— —————————— ——— ——————— ———————-

If I was born as an eagle…

Eğer bir kartal olarak doğmuş olsaydım, tengri dağlarında yaşamak ve buradaki gökyüzünde uçmak isterdim.

İstanbul’dayım, gözlerimi kapadığımda hala Ala Archa Milli Park’ında dev ladin ağaçları arasında geziyorum, Sirota Kamp içinde çadırımızın hemen yanından gürül gürül akıp giden buz gibi nehirde yüzümü yıkamaya gidiyorum, tam uyanacağım ki burnuma mis gibi bir koku geliyor. Biri pişi yapmış sanki…Kokuyu takip ederek yemek çadırına kadar geliyorum, içeri davet ediyorlar mis gibi bir kahvaltı hazırlamış kırgız arkadaşlar, neşe içinde kahvaltıya oturuyorum. Sonra bir yağmur yağıyor, bir güneş açıyor; ışık değişiyor sürekli, sanki her seferinde herşeyi ilk defa görüyor gibi büyük bir şaşkınlıkla seyrediyorum etrafı. Hayranlığımı gizleyemiyorum.

Cakşı (güzel) yürüdük: Yolların sonunda vardığımız yerler tarifsiz güzellikte idi, her anına değdi…  — Yürümek tamam da, tırmanmak benim gibi acemi bir kampçı için oldukça zorlayıcı oluyor, fakat merakıma engel olamıyorum ve tırmanmaya devam ediyorum. Sirota Kamp yerine tırmanırken, rehberimizin uyarısıyla ara ara durup ardımda bıraktığım manzaraya bakıyorum. Dünya üzerinde hala bu kadar güzel ve el değmemiş bir coğrafyanın varolduğunu görünce umutlarım yeniden yeşeriyor, ayaklarımı yere daha bir sağlam basıyorum. Yorgunum ama çocuk gibi mutluyum.

Cakşı  (güzel) gördük: Kocaman dağlar, büyük vadiler, dev ladin ağaçları ve zarif çiçeklerini gördüm…  — Nasıl olurda bu kadar büyük dağlarda, bu kadar küçük, zarif, mini mini çiçekler açsın! Ne muhteşem bir tezat! 3016 mt. yükselikte yer alan Son Kul Gölü’nün yemyeşil ovalarında hayvanlarla birlikte yaşamanın geleneksel önemini korumayı başarmış göçebe ailelerin boz-üy’lerine (yurt çadırı) konuk olduk.  Koyun, inek, yak ve at sürülerini gördük. Yeni doğan tayların annelerinden emdikleri süt ile şişen göbeklerini gördük çok güldük.

Cakşı  (güzel) yedik: Kırgız, Dungan, Özbek mutfaklarından en güzel yemeklerin tadına baktık. — Gittiğimiz heryerde yerel halkın evlerine konuk olduk. Bizi muhteşem sofralarla ve büyük bir nezaketle karşıladılar. Yedirdiler, içirdiler ve uğurladılar. Sağolsunlar, varolsunlar. Sofralarından ve hayatlarından bereket ve bolluk eksik olmasın, kalplerimizi sevgiyle doldurdular.

Kırgızistan büyük bir ülke, o nedenle tek seferde heryerini gezmek mümkün olmadı. Bu nedenle tekrar gelmeyi aklımın bir köşesine yazdım. Büyük dağlar, ağaçlar, ovalar, göller ve kocaman kalpli güzel insanların ülkesi, nicedir merak ettiğim ve çok görmek istediğim güzel yurt! iyi ki geldim, iyi ki gördüm ve iyi ki sizlerle tanıştım. Herşey için binlerce teşekkür! Rahmat…Son olarak bu güzel geziye katılmama vesile olan kız kardeşim Nurdan’ı, Türkiye ayağını organize edip bizi oralara götüren ve kollayan Başka Rota rehberimiz Mikail ve şahane eşi Selcen’i ve tur boyunca büyük bir sabır ve nezaketle sorduğumuz her soruyu cevaplayan, her ihtiyacımızı anında karşılayan, bizim için orada şahane bir gezi programlayan ‘visit kırgızistan travel’ Ernist ve muhteşem ekibini sevgi ve saygıyla selamlıyorum.

Issık Göl’e sadece bir kere girebildim. Ve şimdiden 10 yaş gençleşmiş hissediyorum. Bir daha ki sefer daha çok gireceğim : )

Didem Ateş Grafik Tasarımcı

Barbara Banks, USA, 2017

Dear Asylbek, my apologies for being late in writing to you. It was an long, but very comfortable flight home, and a great welcome back into my family as well as busy times

Thank you so much for all that you did to make our experience in Kyrgyzstan so extraordinary. You and the whole team were top professionals every step of the way. Your dedication and hard work made it possible for us to do our work, and that will result in many clients coming to Kyrgyzstan! Thank you for all that you put into those happy, busy days.

Very best wishes,

Barbara Banks

Natalia Dronova, Russia, 2018

Many thanks to Aigerim for attention, hospitality and care.

I would like to visit Kyrgyzstan again thanks to you. This tour was one of the most memorable ones. Good luck and success to you!

Nina Watts, Canada, 2016

I returned home a few days ago and have just been copying all my images so have very much been reliving my experience in Kyrgyzstan.

Of course I have been talking about the trip and when I am describing it in just a few sentences, I realize that what impressed me the most was the people. Although the scenery is fabulous, both Canada and Norway (where I have just been visiting family) are also quite impressive, but neither can compare when it comes to the inhabitants of your country. Everyone we dealt with was polite, pleasant, helpful, welcoming, honest and a pleasure to be with. You offered such a great service I was so delighted with all the home stays.

I would like to thank you again for the fantastic organization you provided and also for the added help with the carpets and letting us use the back room on our last day. I would certainly recommend you to anyone planning a trip to Kyrgyzstan.

Please send my regards to local team and we will be sending images to them when we get organized..

With kind regards,

Eilidh Crowley, UK, 2017

Once again, thanks so much for a really successful tour.

Illiaz, you’re amazing. The care and thought that you put into everything is really appreciated, not just by us, but also the guests. I received so many great comments about you. If only we could find someone like you in Uzbekistan, then all our problems would be solved!

Aigerim, was really cool to meet you, especially thanks for egging on all the guests to get on the dance floor on the last night 🙂 And I suppose more importantly, though less excitingly, thanks for sorting out the roomings when I first arrived. Looking forward to next time!

Thanks so much again!

Meilan Lim, Malaysia, 2016

Hi Iliaz Thanks for arranging Mr Salamat to be with us during the 11 days tour. The entire journey was smooth and safe because of his many years of driving experience.

His hospitality and eagerness to help us during the trip and initiative to introduce us to your local culture and customs has made felt at home in Kyrgyzstan.

We would strongly recommend for your company to continue to engage his services for future guests to come.

Thanks again. We will definitely recommend our friends and families to come visit this beautiful country!

Regards Meilan Diana Agnes Eugene

Our most popular tours

Central asian & kyrgyz nomadic food trip, nomad games tour, pearls of kyrgyzstan: issyk-kul and song-kol lakes, on the trails of snow leopard, yoga tours 2023, horse riding tour «from talas range to sary-chelek lake», book your perfect holiday with no.1 adventure travel company in kyrgyzstan, five star service & hospitality, we cover every aspect of your adventure and quality is a huge part of this, even in remote locations, best accommodation, we personally check all our hotels, rural home stays, yurts and campsites to ensure you get nothing but the best, unique programs & destinations, based on our long year experience we design the unique tailor made tour packages for you., committed to the environment, we are committed to the "leave no trace take only photos" principles.


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Home / Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide

Kyrgyzstan Travel Guide

Kyrgyzstan is a country at the heart of Central Asia and a favorite travel destination on the Great Silk Road . Nomad culture of Kyrgyz people lading Tien-Shan over the centuries gives a chance to stay overnight in a yurt, ride on horseback by the shepherd trails and taste the local homemade bread boorsok with honey and sour cream. All these by the beautiful surrounding of nature – snow-capped mountains, high land lakes and rivers, alpine meadows and true Kyrgyz hospitality.

Visa-free regime is accepted for more than 60 countries, up to 60 days of staying in Kyrgyzstan. For those who need a visa, we have an E-visa system to get a more simple way to reach our country. An effective initiative of hospitality in the visa apply was taken by the other Central Asian countries. The new initiative of the Silk Visa will give a chance to visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan with one visa application.

Public transport

Driving by car is the most convenient transportation in Kyrgyzstan . Public transport is popular among locals and guests. At Western and Eastern bus stations possible to take a sit on bus, minibus and shared taxi for different destinations. Some routes are scheduled, but most of them start the way when the car is full. Possible to rent a car with driver or without a driver. There is a domestic flight connection between Bishkek and Osh city. Bishkek-Balykchy train is available in the summertime in June-September.


There is an order for registration of foreign citizens arriving in the Kyrgyz Republic. The registration is made by the territorial units of passport issuing office of the State Registration Service under the government of the Kyrgyz Republic. For most of the Western countries representatives’ duration of stay without registration is 30-60 days. Please keep the registration form, it would be checked on departure. A foreign citizen who violates fixed terms of their stay in the Kyrgyz Republic will be fined.


Hotels for the wide range cost could be found in Bishkek and other big cities of the country. Recently hostels became popular and found its admirers. Yurt stay is a traditional nomads dwelling, you can try to in Kyrgyzstan too. At the regions possible to stay at cozy guesthouses and homestays.

How to get?

International Airport Manas in Bishkek and Airport in Osh town receives daily international flights. Open Skies policy officially start working from January 2019. Being on the crossroad Kyrgyzstan has international highway connections with China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Possible to travel by train from Russia, Almaty, and Tashkent.

Geography and climate

The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the northeast of Central Asia in the center of the Eurasian continent. Its territory covers an area of ​​187.5 thousand km2. Length from west to east – 900 km, from north to south – 450 km. The Kyrgyz Republic has common borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Uzbek Republic.

View all tours

  • Saimaluu-Tash
  • National Park "Ala-Archa"
  • Issyk-Kul Lake
  • Sary-Chelek Lake
  • Tash-Rabat Caravanserai
  • Lake Song-Kol
  • Lake Kel-Suu

Most popular tours

“journey to jewel: aflatun to sary-chelek horseback voyage”.

Horseback tour

Nomadic Horse Trek

Handicraft tour.

Milti-active tour

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Kyrgyz Republic. Bishkek city

Mon – Sat 9.00 – 18.00 Sunday CLOSED

© Kyrgyzstan tourism

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Working hours: 08:00 am -07:00 pm (Bishkek time)


Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!

Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!

Kyrgyzstan is the pearl of Central Asia and one of the most beautiful countries in the world.


Ala Archa National Park

Ala Archa National Park

Jety-Oguz Gorge

Jety-Oguz Gorge

Ala-Kul Lake

Ala-Kul Lake


Burana Tower

Arslanbob Forest

Arslanbob Forest

Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!

Kel-Suu Lake

Sary-Chelek Lake

Sary-Chelek Lake

Son-Kul Lake

Son-Kul Lake

Sustainable tourism.

One of the goals of our project is to develop sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan. Too.kg Sustainable Development Policy The term...


Safety in the mountains

Safety in the mountains

Maps and Navigation

Maps and Navigation

Outdoor Equipment and Bike Stores

Outdoor Equipment and Bike Stores

Outdoor Equipment and Bike Rentals

Outdoor Equipment and Bike Rentals

Mobile Network

Mobile Network

Traditions and culture of Kyrgyzstan

Travel to Kyrgyzstan: A Short Guide

Stay safe

Kyrgyz national dishes and drinks

Traditions and Culture of Kyrgyzstan

Traditions and Culture of Kyrgyzstan

Money and Costs

Money and Costs

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Travelife Partner Award

Travelife Partner Award

The Travelife Partner Award recognizes our commitment to social and environmental sustainability. We meet more than 100 criteria related to sustainability management, office operations, vendor relations and customer communications. We are working on further improvements to eventually reach the Travelife […]

The Ala-Archa National Park is one of the most attractive places for tourists and local residents near Bishkek. The gorge is located 30 kilometers south of the capital. Ala Archa is the natural park with many opportunities for camping, hiking, […]

Jety-Oguz Gorge (also Dzheti-Oguz, Dzhetyoguz etc.) is one of the most popular sights in the Issyk-Kul Region. It is located 30 kilometers from the city of Karakol and attracts many local and foreign tourists. Jety-Oguz from Kyrgyz translated as “7 […]

Ala-Kul (also Alakul, Ala-Kel, Ala-Köl) is a large high-mountain glacial lake, located in the eastern part of the Terskey Ala-Too Range on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, near the city of Karakol. The lake is located in a vast […]

Tash-Rabat (also Tashrabat) is an ancient caravanserai located in the territory of Naryn region, not far from the border with China. It was one of the key parts of the ancient Great Silk Road. The caravanserai is located at an […]

Burana Tower is the main architectural monument of Chui Valley and the famous Great Silk Road. The tower was the highest minaret of Central Asia and was also the heart of the capital of the Karakhanid state of the city […]

Travel Guide to Kyrgyzstan

Too.kg offers this travel guide to direct your travels around Kyrgyzstan. You will find all the necessary information for a comfortable, safe and interesting trip in our country. On our website you can find information about the following things: visas, border crossings, addresses, phone numbers of bus stations, equipment shops and rentals. You will also find information about the culture, cuisine, history and traditions of the country. We offer a comprehensive list of Kyrgyzstan’s sights – from the well known Lake Issyk-Kul and Ala-Archa Gorge, to the lesser traveled Tien Shan and Pamir Mountains. After deciding on your destinations within Kyrgyzstan you can find all the necessary information for your trip. This information includes: the exact location with GPS coordinates, a relief map with zoom function (capable of enlarging all the mountain paths and trails), information about roads and tourist infrastructure and a detailed geographical and historical description. Attractions are conveniently divided into categories. In the menu under “Where to go” you can find a complete listing of Kyrgyzstan’s sights. For ease of use, you can search for information on the sites that interest you based on their region or their geographical attributes. To make it easier, the sights are available under the “Map” tab. Here you can see routes through Google Maps. In “Thing to do” you can find the places where you can do your favorite type of activity: from extreme mountaineering and rafting to easy hiking and traveling by car. Also on the website are regularly published announcements of interesting events for tourists such as, ethno-cultural festivals, World Nomadic Games, etc.

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The Creative Economy and Women

The creative economy has immense potential to boost GDP and employment by enabling innovation and production of valuable products and services. Creative industries create jobs, improve quality of life, and foster inclusive societies. In many regions, women make up a substantial portion of the workforce in these industries, often working informally. However, financial barriers and a lack of safe creative spaces prevent many women from fully participating.

To address these challenges, UNDP launched Women Creative Labs (WCL), the first women-oriented coworking spaces in Kyrgyzstan. These labs, developed in collaboration with local NGOs and municipal governments, provide women with access to seed financing, training, and a supportive environment to develop their business ideas in creative enterprises. The success of the Osh lab in 2022 led to the establishment of additional labs in Jalal-Abad and Batken in 2023.

According to Gulsana Abytova, Head of the Laboratory in Jalal-Abad and Batken: “We were very eager to address the issues of women's unemployment and income through the strengths of women—practical skills in making kurak (patchwork), shyrdak (wool carpet), souvenirs, providing tourist services, and more. Women need to meet like-minded individuals, share their ideas and experiences, and receive support. They can find all this at the Laboratory.”

Aidarbek Alisherov, Head of Ketmen-Döbö village, also recognized the lab's impact: “ In 2023, women from our village joined the Women's Creative Laboratory, focusing on guesthouses in tourism and tourist services. This initiative led to guesthouses opening and increased involvement in traditional crafts. The lab has enabled women to develop the potential of our region and create conditions for prosperity .”

tourism kyrgyzstan

Impact and Model of the Women Creative Lab

The labs empower women financially, emotionally, and psychologically by providing essential resources and skills. Over 300 women have become lab residents, and more than 1,000 women have joined the network in various locations. The model is unique and scalable, enabling grassroots organizations to adapt it to local contexts and achieve both financial and content sustainability.

The establishment of a women's cooperative in Kyzyl-Kiya and a lab initiative to develop Toktogul into a tourist destination are examples of the model’s success. Inspired by these achievements, three new labs are planned to open in the Naryn region this year.

tourism kyrgyzstan

Challenging Gender-Based Stereotypes  

The Women Creative Lab not only provides economic opportunities but also challenges gender-based stereotypes in rural areas. By contributing to household incomes, women gain higher status within their families and communities. The lab fosters a nurturing environment where women can build self-confidence, develop new skills, and improve their quality of life. 

Altynai Abdyshova, a resident of the Osh Laboratory, shared : "The laboratory is a community of victorious women. It's a place where new ideas, plans, and dreams are born! It's a circle where you can be heard and accepted regardless of age, social status, field of activity, or nationality."  

By organizing under the lab's umbrella, women gain agency in representing their interests to local authorities. This collective identity empowers them to advocate effectively for their needs and aspirations, fostering a supportive environment where women's voices are heard and respected in local decision-making processes.

Sustaining and Scaling Impact  

Changing mindsets and societal norms is crucial for sustainable progress. Establishing a network of Women Creative Labs across Kyrgyzstan can sustain and scale the impact of the labs. In these environments, the ethos of "women supporting women" naturally evolves, enabling women to achieve their aspirations while reshaping societal roles. This transformation paves the way for a future where women and girls have equal opportunities to realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities. 

By fostering creative spaces and challenging stereotypes, UNDP’s Women Creative Labs are making a profound impact on women's empowerment and community development in Kyrgyzstan. 

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Dental Tourism Market 2024 Updates : Trends, Benefits, and Considerations 2021-2031

Dental Tourism Market

Dental Tourism Market

The dental tourism market size was valued at $6.2 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $21.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.9% from 2022 to 2031

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE , UNITED STATES, July 15, 2024 / EINPresswire.com / -- According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “ Dental Tourism Market ," The dental tourism market size was valued at $6.2 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $21.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.9% from 2022 to 2031.

In recent years, dental tourism has become an increasingly popular trend as people seek affordable, high-quality dental care outside their home countries. This phenomenon is driven by rising dental costs in developed nations, advancements in dental technology, and the desire for more accessible treatment options. This article delves into the key aspects of the dental tourism market, including its growth drivers, popular destinations, benefits, and considerations for potential dental tourists.

𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A74545

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 Growth Drivers Cost Savings: One of the primary motivations for dental tourists is the significant cost savings. In countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, dental procedures can be prohibitively expensive. For instance, the cost of dental implants in the U.S. can range from $3,000 to $5,000 per tooth, whereas the same procedure might cost $1,000 or less in countries like Mexico, Hungary, or Thailand.

High-Quality Care: Many dental tourism destinations are home to highly skilled dentists who are trained internationally and use state-of-the-art technology. Countries like India, Costa Rica, and Poland have developed a reputation for providing excellent dental care at a fraction of the cost.

Shorter Wait Times: In some countries, patients may face long wait times for dental procedures. Dental tourism offers an opportunity to bypass these delays and receive timely treatment.

Comprehensive Packages: Many dental clinics abroad offer all-inclusive packages that cover the cost of treatment, accommodation, transportation, and even leisure activities, making the experience more convenient and appealing to tourists.

𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 Mexico Mexico is a top choice for dental tourists from the United States and Canada due to its proximity, affordability, and high standards of care. Border cities like Tijuana, Los Algodones, and Cancun are particularly popular.

Thailand Thailand attracts dental tourists from around the world with its combination of advanced dental technology, skilled practitioners, and world-class hospitality. Cities like Bangkok and Phuket are well-known for their dental clinics.

Hungary Hungary, particularly Budapest, is a leading dental tourism destination in Europe. It offers high-quality dental care at competitive prices, attracting patients from countries like the UK, Germany, and Austria.

Costa Rica Costa Rica is a favored destination for dental tourists from North America. It is known for its excellent dental services, modern clinics, and beautiful natural surroundings.

𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬- Liberty Dental Clinic Dubai Dental Hospital Imperial Dental Specialist Center Medlife Group clove dental Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. Franco-Vietnamese Hospital raffles medical group Fortis Healthcare Oris Dental Centre

𝐃𝐨 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/A74545

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 Cost Efficiency: Dental tourists can save 50-70% on dental procedures compared to prices in their home countries.

Quality of Care: Access to experienced dentists and modern facilities ensures high standards of treatment.

Travel Opportunities: Dental tourism allows patients to combine dental care with a vacation, exploring new cultures and destinations.

Customized Treatment Plans: Clinics often offer tailored treatment plans to suit the individual needs and schedules of patients.

Considerations for Dental Tourists Research and Verification: It is crucial to thoroughly research and verify the credentials of dental clinics and practitioners. Look for clinics with international accreditations and positive patient reviews.

Language Barriers: Communication can be a challenge in some destinations. Ensure that the dental clinic has staff who can communicate effectively in your language.

Follow-Up Care: Consider the logistics of follow-up care and potential complications. Make sure there is a plan in place for aftercare, whether it be in the destination country or back home.

Travel and Health Insurance: Check if your health insurance covers dental procedures abroad. Additionally, consider purchasing travel insurance that includes medical coverage.

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 The dental tourism market is poised for continued growth as more people seek cost-effective, high-quality dental care abroad. By carefully researching and planning their trips, dental tourists can enjoy significant savings, excellent treatment, and the added bonus of experiencing new destinations. As this trend evolves, it is likely to shape the future of dental care, making it more accessible and globalized.

𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 (𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 10% 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭): 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/tumor-ablation-market-A17208 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/surgical-glue-market-A31580 𝐍𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/nose-reconstruction-market-A13217

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