• Turistas nacionales
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  • Torres del Paine
  • Valle del Francés

Cruce el Lago Pehoé y recorra el famoso Valles del Francés para uno de los panoramas más asombrantes en el Parque.

Portada » Tour por el día » Tour Valle del Francés

Tour de día completo Valle del Francés

Duración: 1:30 hrs en van 20 km trekking 1 hr navegación Duración: 12 hrs total Dificultad: Alta Valor: $435.000

El Tour Valle Francés nos hará entrar en las profundidades de la montaña y nos aventuramos por el famoso Valle del Francés, en el corazón del Parque Nacional Torres del Paine y del famoso Circuito W.

Comienza navegando por el resplandeciente Lago Pehoé hasta Paine Grande, donde seguirá por el lado norte del Lago Skottsberg hasta llegar al fondo del Valle del Francés.

Subirás por un sendero empinado y cuando estés en lo profundo en el valle, vivirás plenamente el momento presente mientras sientes la poderosa energía que fluye a través del bosque nativo de lenga. Cuando salgas de la zona de árboles, te encontrarás un nuevo paisaje: una vista impresionante del multicolor Los Cuernos y el Glaciar Francés que cuelga del cerro Paine Grande.

Este glaciar activo te brinda la oportunidad de escuchar y ver sus movimientos, cómo cruje y se agrieta.

¡Antes de partir, no olvides mirar hacia atrás! Los lagos abajo, rodeados de montañas, son el toque final en esta vista panorámica. Aquí, serás testigo en 360 grados de los lagos Nordenskjöld, Pehoé y Toro y las montañas Paine Grande, Hoja, Máscara, Espada, Fortaleza y Aleta de Tiburón.

Este tour guiado comienza en la mañana. La salida es desde la recepción del  Hotel Las Torres  y se debe reservar previamente.

¿Qué podrás conocer?

Favorito de muchos por su color turquesa que frecuentemente refleja las montañas, es uno de los mejores lugares para ver Los Cuernos y también es punto de partida para recorrer el Valle del Francés. Cubre un área de 22km² (8.5mi²).

Los Cuernos

Estas tres montañas se disputaron con las Torres del Paine el título de las montañas más bonitas del parque. Con 2600m (8500ft), 2400m (7900ft) y 2200m (2200ft), los diferentes tipos de rocas que componen este macizo crean un contraste marcado, hermoso y multicolor. Un bloque de granito de 700 m (3000 pies) de ancho cruza el centro de estas torres de forma única.

Glaciar Francés

Un glaciar colgante que desciende del Monte Paine Grande, ubicado en el Valle del Francés.

Paine Grande

Con sus cuatro cumbres, Paine Grande es reconocida como una de las montañas más bellas del mundo. La cumbre más alta de las torres alcanza 3050 m (10000 pies), lo que la convierte en la montaña más alta de la Cordillera Macizo Paine y también la montaña técnicamente más difícil de escalar de todo el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

tour valle frances

¿Qué incluye?

Todos nuestros tours cuentan con un experto y carismático guía bilingüe que encantado hará que tu experiencia sea lo mejor posible. Siéntete con toda la libertad de hacer preguntas y aprender todo lo que se pueda sobre el lugar especial que estás visitando. El transporte y un delicioso almuerzo también están incluidos.

  • 1 Transporte en van al Lago Pehoé
  • 2 Trekking guiado
  • 4 ¡No olvides traer tu cámara con la batería cargada y espacio en tu tarjeta SD, así podrás capturar estos inolvidables momentos!

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tour valle frances


French Valley Torres del Paine Hike (Mirador Britanico & Frances)

By: Author Charles

Posted on October 20, 2023

French Valley Torres del Paine Hike (Mirador Britanico & Frances)

When it comes to day hikes out in Torres del Paine National Park, the Valle del Frances (or French Valley) is certainly towards the top of the list.

During a hike up you will get some of the best views you can ask for of Lago Pehoe, Lago Skottsberg, Lago Nordenskojld, Cuernos del Paine and much more.

Once you reach the Valle del Frances itself, you will also be able to visit two lookouts at Mirador Frances & Mirador Britanico (if time permits). When it comes to viewpoints at Torres del Paine, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Learn more about the Valle del Frances day hike and how it can fit into a longer W or O Trek itinerary.

*  Affiliate Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through the links provided, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting the work I put into TripTins!

1) Valle del Frances (French Valley) Overview

The Valle del Frances makes up the middle section of the famed “W” Circuit. While many people add it onto a multi day trek (O or W Circuit), it is also possible to visit the valley as part of a Torres del Paine day hike.

Now, completing this as a day hike comes with some logistical and timing considerations. That is because you must take a car/bus to a catamaran dock, and then take a boat to the starting point at Paine Grande. At day’s end, you must then be sure to make that last catamaran across so you don’t get stuck in the National Park.

While I will go into logistics in the following section, I did want to lay out some high level hiking details below.

Since there are some logistical and timing concerns here as part of a day hike, many people will not be able to visit both Mirador Frances & Mirador Britanico.

As Britanico is further up the valley, many simply head to Mirador Frances before turning around .

Valle del Frances (Mirador Frances Only)

  • Round Trip Length : 11.5 miles / 18.5 km
  • Elevation Gain : 2,175 feet / 663 meters
  • Duration : ~6-7 hours

Valle del Frances (Mirador Frances & Mirador Britanico)

  • Round Trip Length : 15.6 miles / 25.1 km
  • Elevation Gain : 3,250 feet / 990 meters
  • Duration : ~8-9 hours

Closing Time

An important consideration when heading up the Valle del Frances are the closing times of the trail. Now these can change over time, so you will want to check once you arrive.

However, during my time in Torres del Paine, there was a sign at the Italiano Camp (around 4 miles / 7 km into the hike), that mentioned two closing times.

The trail from Italiano towards the first lookout at Mirador Frances closes at 3:00PM, meaning you can’t begin your hike after that time (this shouldn’t be an issue). It also mentioned you cannot continue onwards to Mirador Britanico after 1:00PM.

From my understanding, the closure is saying you cannot continue onwards from Italiano to Mirador Frances after 3:00PM, and you cannot then continue from Mirador Frances to Britanico after 1:00PM.

If you are trying to get all the way to Mirador Britanico, this means you will need to hike very quickly to make the cutoff further up the valley.

Frances Trail Closure

Torres del Paine National Park Entrance Fee

Note that there is an entrance fee for Torres del Paine that should be purchased ahead of time online . If taking part of a day hike, the “up to 3 day” ticket is $35 USD. A 3+ day ticket costs $49 USD.

Hike to Mirador Britanico

2) Hike Logistics

The below is going to be more geared to the logistics of a day hike. However, I will talk about the W & O Circuit as well in the following sections.

Before starting the Valle del Frances hike, you will have two logistical parts to figure out:

1) Puerto Natales to Pudeto 2) Pudeto to Paine Grande

Puerto Natales to Pudeto

The first part of the day will entail getting yourself from Puerto Natales to the catamaran terminal at Pudeto. There are two main ways to go about this – rental car or bus.

To remove any logistical concerns throughout a trip to Patagonia, you can simply rent your own car during your time in Chile.

This will be helpful with those opting for day trips (like Mirador Las Torres ) instead of longer multi day routes. The drive should be faster and easier than the bus and you can park right at Pudeto.

Feel free to check out Rentalcars.com for plenty of rental options across various price points.

Renting a car also gives you a chance to road trip along to other places in Patagonia like Tierra del Fuego National Park , Perito Moreno Glacier , and other top highlights (such as Laguna de Los Tres ).

Instead of renting a car, you can instead take a bus to Pudeto. Bus Sur runs busses throughout the season from Puerto Natales, with the earliest one at 6:45AM.

The bus will first stop at the Amarga park entrance, before continuing onto Pudeto. The total length of the bus ride should be just around 3 hours (arriving closer to 10:00AM).

The last bus leaves Pudeto at 7:45PM and arrives in Puerto Natales at 9:50PM.

Please be sure to check the latest schedules before you go, and purchase your tickets ahead of time.

If you do not want to do this on your own, you can also join a day trip guided tour of the Valle del Frances

Amarga Bus

Pudeto to Paine Grande

Once at Pudeto, you will then need to hop on a catamaran to get to the starting point of the hike at Paine Grande. These cost $30 USD each way and do not need to be reserved ahead of time.

The first catamaran leaves at 9:00AM (not possible to make it with the bus) and the second at 10:30AM. The return catamarans leave Paine Grande at 5:00PM and 6:35PM.

Note that catamaran schedules change throughout the year. Please be sure to check out Hipsur and this Torres del Paine website for latest departure times for the catamarans.

If all of these timing still hold true, you could take the 6:45AM bus, get to Pudeto at 9:45AM, take the 10:30AM catamaran, and begin your hike just past 11:00AM.

That will give you 6-7 hours to complete the round trip hike before catching one of the last catamarans at day’s end. If you drive yourself, you can get an additional 1.5 hour head start with the earlier catamaran (a definite advantage to remove any worry).

Again, please check the latest bus and catamaran schedules before you head out.

Cuernos del Paine Patagonia

3) Hiking Map

Below you can find the hiking map that shows the route and logistics for the day. This includes:

  • Route from Puerto Natales to Pudeto
  • Catamaran from Pudeto to Paine Grande
  • Round trip hike up Valle del Frances

4) Day Hike vs O & W Circuits

As mentioned, there are a couple main ways to go about the hike up to the French Valley.

French Valley Day Hike

The simplest of ways is to just make this a day hike – an out and back trail from Paine Grande . If you opt for a day hike, you will need to make your way by bus or rental car from Puerto Natales to the National Park. By now you should have a good idea of what those logistics would entail.

If you do not want to worry about doing this on your own, you can also join a day trip guided tour of the Valle del Frances .

W Circuit or O Circuit

While a day hike is one way to go about it, taking part of a multi day hike around Torres del Paine is another way to do so.

The W Circuit is a 4-5 day hike that takes you towards some of the top highlights that the National Park has to offer (including Valle del Frances). On the other hand, the O Circuit is an 8 day hike that includes all of the W, in addition to exploring the “backside” of Torres del Paine.

The W trek can be done in either direction as a one-way route, while the O can only be done as a counter clockwise loop trail.

If taking part of the W Circuit, you will be visiting the Valle del Frances in the middle of your trek.

Going east to west, the Valle del Frances will most likely be your third day out on the trail. You will begin at the Frances campsite, visit the valley and then continue onwards to the Paine Grande campsite.

Going west to east, the valley may also be your third day out on the trail. The night before you would be staying at the Paine Grande campsite, before heading out to the Valle del Frances in the morning. After visiting the valley, you can then stay at the Frances campsite.

Learn more about the W Circuit and everything that it entails .

The O Circuit will be somewhat similar to the west to east option mentioned above.

The night prior you can stay at the Paine Grande campsite before taking the hike to the valley. It is then back down to the Frances campsite, where you will stay the night.

Learn more about the O Circuit and everything that it entails .

O Trek Map

5) Weather & Forecasts

One of the most important considerations when hiking in Patagonia will be the weather. For those that are not aware already, the Patagonian weather can be quite crazy.

Not only on a day to day basis, but also on an hour to hour basis.

During my time hiking up the French Valley I had all sorts of weather. The sun, clouds, wind, rain, and even snow all came into play throughout the hike.

I remember at one point while I was at the Mirador Britanico, that it was sunny above me, but there was snow blowing in from further up the valley.

If you are doing this as a day hike, you should have more flexibility in picking a day that looks best on the forecast. The last thing you want is to arrive at the viewpoint and it all be covered in thick low lying clouds.

For weather forecasts, the locals seem to favor Windguru (linked to the Valle del Frances). Be on the lookout for days that have little/no precipitation and low lying clouds.

While forecasts are never going to be perfect, they are the best way to understand what the weather may entail.

Britanico Lookout Mountains

Hiking Resources & Checklist Before heading out for the trails, be sure to read up on some of the hiking resources up on the site. These are here to better prepare you for all types of outdoor adventure. Gear : Hiking Packing List Weather : How to Prepare for Hiking Weather Navigation : Hiking GPS & Navigation Tips : 20+ Hiking Tips & Tricks for the Trail Accommodation : Book Your Hotel Today Rental Car : Book Your Car Rental Today

6) Torres del Paine Packing List

As you can tell, hiking in Patagonia, especially in Torres del Paine National Park, can bring all sorts of weather.

Due to this, you will need to come fully prepared with the appropriate hiking gear. Spending 6-8+ hours out in the mountains can have you layering up (or down) in all sorts of ways.

Below are my recommendations on what a Torres del Paine day hike packing list should look like:

→ Hiking Shorts → Hiking Pants → Short Sleeve Shirt → Long Sleeve Shirt / Sun Hoodie → Mid Layer Fleece → Puff Jacket (not always needed) → Packable Rain Jacket ( Columbia Watertight II )

→ Hiking Shoes (Recommendation: Keen Targhee ) → Hiking Socks ( Darn Tough )

Additional day hike recommendations include:

→ Hiking Backpack ( Osprey Talon 22 ) & Rain cover ( Joy Walker Cover ) → Water Bottle ( CamelBak Chute ) & Nutrition → Portable Charger ( Anker PowerCore 5000mAh ) → Hat & Sunglasses → Sunscreen & Bug Spray → Action Camera – GoPro Hero

Be sure to check out the Torres Del Paine Packing List guide I put together that will go through all of it and more

Hike to Cuernos del Paine

7) Valle del Frances Hike

Now that you have some information on the logistics for the day, let’s talk about the hike itself. I will go through it as a round trip day hike from Paine Grande. However, this will be essentially the same route if adding it onto the O Trek or a west to east W Trek.

Paine Grande to Camp Italiano (4.3 miles / 6.9 km)

After getting yourself off the catamaran, you will arrive right at the Paine Grande campsite and refugio. You can get yourself all prepped before continuing on the route around Lake Pehoe.

The main highlight that you will get to enjoy throughout this portion of trail are the Cuernos del Paine (the Paine Horns). These uniquely beautiful mountains will continuously be out in front of you throughout the route.

You will find the trail very easy to follow, as you continue along and make your way to a viewpoint overlooking Skottsberg Lake. While you will gain some elevation up until this point, once past the lake, the trail picks up elevation at a faster rate towards the Italiano campsite.

Just prior to camp, you will make your way on the small bridge over the Rio del Frances and be welcomed to the next portion of trail.

Cerro Paine Grande Chile

Camp Italiano to Mirador Frances (1.2 miles / 1.9 km)

While the next portion of trail from the campsite to Mirador Frances is just over a mile long, it also comes with just about 1,000 feet / 300 meters of elevation gain. The trail will certainly turn a bit rockier as you make your way up the valley and along the river.

While the trail is well marked, the terrain is going to be more difficult as you head up the valley. Out in front, you will begin to see the Torres del Paine mountains including Cerro Paine Grande and Glaciar Frances.

Be sure to take a look behind you at some points too, where you will be able to see the Nordenskojld Lake as well.

Italiano Camp

After climbing up for around an hour or so, you will arrive at the marked Mirador Frances. Here you will get the best views of the glacier and mountains out in front of you.

For most day hikers, I imagine this will be the turning point back to Paine Grande. For those fast hikers or for those that maybe took an earlier boat (or simply taking part of the W/O Circuit), you can also add on Mirador Britanico

Mirador Frances Torres del Paine

Mirador Frances to Mirador Britanico (2.0 miles / 3.2 km)

Another 2 miles and 1,000 feet of elevation gain away is the final lookout of Valle del Frances. The trail up to this lookout can get steeper and trickier on loose terrain.

During my time on the trail, it was also flooded at some points, as I hiked up some slippery rocks.

Throughout the journey up, you will have more and more views of the Cuernos del Paine up above. Slowly but surely you will also begin to get those views of the back of the valley.

Cuernos Mountain French Valley

After making your way through a rock quarry, you will arrive at the final lookout point. Here you will get vast views of even more Torres del Paine peaks such as Cerro Catedral, Cerro Trono Blanco, Cerro Escudo, Cerro Fortaleza, among others.

You can enjoy your time up here before turning back around and heading back to Paine Grande (if taking a day trip).

Throughout the entirety of the hike, you must pay close attention to your timing, so you don’t miss that last catamaran out from Paine Grande.

Mirador Britanico Torres del Paine

8) Puerto Natales Hotels

During your time visiting Torres del Paine, you most likely will be staying in Puerto Natales at one point or another.

While you can visit the park from the Argentinian towns of El Calafate and El Chalten , I would recommend staying directly in Puerto Natales. This way you can more easily explore the park and not be subject to just a single day trip from Argentina.

Puerto Natales is a town built for the thousands of tourists who want to visit Torres del Paine. You will find plenty of gear shops, restaurants, and hotels all throughout town.

Below would be a few of my highly rated and recommended options when it comes to hotels in Puerto Natales:

  • Hotel Vendaval
  • Lady Florence Dixie

Note that you can also choose from one of the best Torres del Paine hotels instead!

That about wraps up a guide the French Valley of Torres del Paine. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to add them in below.

Also be sure to check out the other Patagonia itineraries and guides up on the site.

Have fun out there and safe travels!

French Valley Hike Torres del Paine

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Glacier Martial Trekking

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Wednesday 18th of October 2023

Hey man...this one article is throwing off my whole plan...haha

Does the hike up to Mirador Britanico really close at 1pm?! Is it enforced? Do you know why they do this?

I'm planning to head from Puerto Natales to Paine Grande to Mirador Britanico to Frances on Day 1. I don't worry about the distance at all, just worried that the trail will be closed by the time I get there.

Let me know!

Saturday 21st of October 2023

@Charles, you're awesome! Thanks for explaining and the picture helps a ton.

From the looks of it, your interpretation is spot on! :)

In that case it would be impossible to get from Puerto Natales all the way up to Britanico in time — that's assuming that at the very best, the catamaran drops you off at Paine Grande at 11am. You'd only have 2 hours to get to the start of Britanico. That's unfortunate.

I'm going to do the whole O-trek in five days in December so I'll be sure to stop by here and drop a note. Since I won't be able to try Puerto Natales to Britanico, I'll at least time it out to see if people could make it in time. Or if it is still closed at a certain time and if anyone is watching...haha

Really appreciate your help.

Great write up by the way :)

Friday 20th of October 2023

@Charles, really appreciate the reply.

I'm still a little confused: in your article you wrote that the Mirador Britanico hike is closed at 1pm? Is there a ranger station at the start of that hike (or anyone to stop you) or just at the start of the valley?

If there is no one at the start of Mirador Frances and Mirador Britanico, then that would be great news! :)

I'm just wondering if I could make it all the way from Puerto Natales (6:45am) to Pudeto to Paine Grande (11:30ish) to the start of Mirador Britanico in one day without being stopped. I do hike fast, but getting to Britanico by 1pm seems impossible!

Hey Scott - this is a question that many have had including myself. There is a higher possibility of enforcement for the 3:00PM cutoff as there is a ranger station at the start of the valley. However, at Mirador Frances, there is not someone just waiting there that tells people to turn around. My best guess is that they have the enforcement in place to be sure the trails are cleared and people are not stuck hiking later on in the day. Hope you enjoy the trek!

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Hiking French Valley, Torres del Paine

Hiking french valley

A snow-capped mountain ridge towers far above, a glacier gliding down a slope.  In the distance is a bright turquoise lake, dotted with tiny islands.  Above the woods around me, the horizontally striped, sweeping pinnacles of the Cuernos del Paine loom high above behind me. In between, another mountain ridge makes a swooping valley wall. 

I spin around, view after view taking my breath away in a 360° panorama that is truly one of the most spectacular vistas I have ever seen.

French Valley Hike_Pinterest

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Valle de Frances Day Hike Essentials

I am doing the French Valley (Valle de Frances) hike.   Torrres del Paine National Park is the jewel of Chilean Patagonia and this hike is brightest, shiniest of the jewels!  The main reason to visit Patagonia is the scenery.  And the best way to see the scenery is to hike into it.

I had been in Torres del Paine years before, but had had to leave early before seeing much, so I was super excited to head back.  I had actually seen the eponymous Torres (Towers) del Paine on my first visit, but had missed the Cuernos (Horns) del Paine, which are the classic postcard view of the park. 

The French Valley, Chile runs right alongside the Cuernos, so this hike is one of the best opportunities to see them, plus there are incredible views of French Glacier and bright aqua blue alpine lakes.

The most famous hike in Torres del Paine is the legendary “W” hike.  I love hiking (read more hikes I have done here ), but wanted a little more comfort than trekking for days carrying a tent and food, so I had decided to do a modified version of it and:

  • hike the left arm of the “W” as a day hike (taking a catamaran across Lago Grey/ Grey Lake and hiking above Glacier Grey),
  • do the French Glacier hike (the middle arm of the “W”) as another day hike
  • do the right arm of the “W’ to the actual Torres del Paine as an overnighter.

Here is all you need to know about the Torrres del Paine French Valley day hike .

French Valley day hike distance

The French Valley day hike from Paine Grande to the French Valley lookout is 12 miles/ 19km round trip.  The first and last parts are about 4.5 miles each way. 

When I was heading out, I thought this was pretty flat, but on the return leg, I realized it was actually quite a bit hillier than I had initially thought.  The last mile or so was pretty tough and I was definitely ready to be done.

The actual French Valley hike from Campamento Italiano to the final lookout after Campamento Brittanico is 4.7 miles/ 7.5 km EACH WAY, so this is too far to do all this in a day trip that includes the ferry.  I went as far the as the Valle de Frances Mirador (Lookout) – a bit over an hour (1.3 miles/ 2 km) each way from Campamento Italiano.

French Valley day hike difficulty

The hike is strenuous.  The hike up the French Valley is uphill the entire way.  The leg between Paine Grande and the valley is rolling hills, but you will notice the ups and downs on the way back!

The hike can be done by beginners, but you should be reasonably fit. If you are new to hike, read my Hiking 101 Guide for some basic hiking tips.

French Valley, Torres del Paine elevation

Start of hike: 121 feet/ 37 meters Lago Skottsberg:  351 feet/ 107 meters Campamento Italiano:  748 feet/ 228 meters Valle del Frances:  1,814 feet/ 553 meters Total Elevation Change: 1,693 feet/ 516 meters

French Valley Torres del Paine Map

French Valley Hike Map

Guided Hikes to French Valley

There are several guided hikes available to French Valley. This takes the hassle out of arranging accommodation and transportation. Three good options are:

1. 1-day guided hiking trip to French Valley from Puerto Natales

Includes transfers to and from Puerto Natales, the boat ride and a guide along the hiking route described here. Check availability and prices here.

2. 4 days for French Valley and Glacier Grey

A 4-day/ 3- night trip to Torres del Paine from Puerto Natales that focuses on hikes to French Valley and Grey Glacier. Includes accommodation and transfers. Check availability and prices here .

3. 4-6 days in Torres del Paine with day trips from Patagonia EcoCamp

Patagonia Ecocamp has accommodation in domes. The trip, which includes transfers to/ from Puerto Natales, has day trips to various places in and around Torres del Paine, including the day hike to French Valley. Check availability and prices here .

How to get the start of the French Valley Patagonia day hike: Pudeto to Paine Grande

If you are going to do the hike independently, you will need to know how to get there.

The hike starts at Paine Grande Refugio.  To get to Paine Grande, you need to take a ferry across the brilliant turquoise colored Pehoe Lake from Pudeto.

There is a bus from Puerto Natales to Pudeto, but the most convenient way to get there is to drive. We stayed the night before in the Rio Serrano area , so it was about a 40-minute drive to Pudeto. For a full guide to driving in Patagonia, read here .

Drive from Pehoe Island to catamaran across Lake Pehoe

Ferry Pudeto – Paine Grande

The ferry between Pudeto and Paine Grande is a small catamaran run by “Catamaran Hielos Patagonicos” (Patagonian Ice Catamaran).  The trip takes about half an hour.

Catamaran to go across Lake Pehoe to start of French Valley Hike

Ferry from Pudeto to Paine Grande Refugio

  • 9:00am (take this one for the full French Valley day hike)

Ferry from Paine Grande Refugio to Pudeto

  • 6:30pm (this is your return boat if you did the full day hike)

Time schedule to leave from Pudeto to Refugio Paine Grande

The trip costs $50USD/ 30,000 pesos return ($30/ 20,000 pesos one-way).   There’s a ticket booth inside the boat that opens after the boat sails.  You need a ticket to get off the boat. 

The boat arrives right at the Lodge Paine Grande.

Catamaran used to cross Lake Pehoe

If you are doing the “W” hike, this is a popular place to stay.  Even if you don’t, you could choose to overnight here.

Paine Grande Refugio - start of French Valley Hike

How to get to Pudeto for the French Valley hike

There are buses from Puerto Natales to Pudeto , but they get to Pudeto at 10:00am, which misses the first boat to Paine Grande.  So for the full day hike up French Valley, you will need a rental car.  You can rent a car at most major towns, including Puerto Natales.  Rent a car here .

Note that there is no gas/ petrol for sale in the national park, so top up your tank in Puerto Natales and consider taking a canister with additional fuel if you plan to drive much.  Try to limit driving to the essentials.  We filled up in Puerto Natales, then drove in the south entrance and made our way north, then drove out the north entrance a week later with gas to spare.

Read my complete guide to driving in Patagonia here for tips on driving, distances and times, gas stations, car rental tips, and more.

Cuernos del Paine last view

How to get to Torres del Paine National Park

There are two main gateway cities to Torres del Paine – Santiago on Chile (read about a food tour and winery tour here) and Buenos Aires in Argentina (where you have to see tango – read about it here !).

You can fly from Santiago to Puerto Natales and drive or get a bus from there, or fly from Buenos Aires to El Calafate and drive or take a bus from there.

Compare prices on flights with Skyscanner

Where to stay in Torres del Paine for the French Valley day hike

There are several hotels in and near Torres del Paine National Park that are close enough for easy access to the Pudeto Ferry for the day hike. Puerto Natales is possible, but makes a long day, so I would recommend staying closer.

The best options are those in the central area of the park. The closest are Hosteria Pehoe, Pehoe Camping and the Explora Patagonia Hotel Salto Chico. However, hotels to the north (Torres region) and south (Rio Serrano region) are also viable options.

Hotel Salto Chico

For a complete guide to ALL of the hotels in Tores del Paine and nearby, check out my guide on Where to Stay in Torres del Paine .

Hosteria Pehoe

Best time to hike the French Valley

The weather in Torres del Paine changes frequently.  Chances are fairly small that you will have great weather the entire time you are there, which makes this a bit of a crap shoot. 

We met someone who had hiked the French Valley a couple of days before us in sleet and hail and had seen absolutely nothing and was utterly miserable.  We went on a gorgeous sunny day and the views were absolutely incredible. 

So definitely try to choose a good weather day if you can.  Otherwise, it’s really not worth it.

The best time to visit Torres del Paine in general is late spring.  The snow has mostly melted, the flowers are in full bloom and things are not too crowded.  However, it can be visited in Spring, summer or fall (winter is also possible, but not the French valley hike).

  • Spring (September – November): Mostly clear skies; warm days and cold nights, wildflowers in bloom, not TOO crowded
  • Summer (December – March): Mostly clear skies, high season with the most visitors.  Warm days, but nights can still be cold (it snowed near the Torres del Paine on Christmas Day when I visited the first time).
  • Fall (March – June): Fall color is beautiful, fewer visitors, but cold weather.

Planning and packing for Torres del Paine

There is so much to see in Patagonia, you will want to plan your trip carefully.  I used the Lonely Planet and Moon travel guides, in addition to the Internet.  Buy the Chile Lonely Planet here and buy Moon’s Patagonia guidebook here .

For help in planning your trip, check out my Trip Planner here .

When you are ready for your trip, check out my Essential Packing List and my Hiking Day Trip Packing List.

Make sure you have all the essential gear you need ( handy checklist here ).

Where is the French Valley, Torres del Paine and what is the currency?

Torres del Paine is in Chile.  The currency is the Chilean peso (which is different from the Argentinean peso).  The symbol for pesos is the same as for dollars – $.

Check out the current exchange rate here .

Visa requirements for Chile

Check visa requirements for Chile here long before you plan to travel in case you need to get a visa.

Additional consideration: Travel Insurance

You definitely need travel insurance, especially when you are hiking.  If you have questions about buying travel insurance, read my comprehensive guide to travel insurance .

A great insurance option is Travelex.  It has coverage for all you’ll need.  Unlike many insurances, it covers a range of adventure activities.  Travelex’s Travel Basic and Travel Select plans offer a basic level of coverage for certain activities including scuba diving, kayaking, bungee cord jumping, skiing, canyoning, river rafting, snorkeling, horseback riding, hiking, and more. If your next trip involves any extreme sports or adventures outside what is automatically covered, such as mountain climbing, sightseeing by helicopter, and learning to fly, you can add their Adventure Sports Coverage upgrade as part of the Travel Select plan to help ensure you’re adequately protected.You can compare Travel Insurance plans here or get a quote right now:

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Description: Hiking French Valley, Torres del Paine

Here is what to expect when you hike French Valley.

The first part of the Valle de Frances, Torres del Paine hike: From Paine Grande Refugio to Camp Italiano

The first part of the hike is a 2.5-hour walk, 4.7 miles/ 7.6 km (from 9:45am to 12:15pm stopping frequently to take photos) to Campamento Italiano.  This is at the bottom of the middle part of the “W”. The trail is easy to find, but if you have any doubts about how to find and follow a trail, read my Guide to Hiking Trail Markers .

The blue Lago Pehoe is soon left behind.

Start of French Valley HIke - view back to Refugio Paine Grande

It’s a very pleasant walk; the trail goes up and down fairly gentle hills. There are open areas, rolling hills.

If you are new to hiking, check out my Hiking Etiquette Guide so you don’t commit any faux pas on the trail.

View of Cuernos del Paine near start of French Valley HIke part of the W HIke

There are also bushes that are dotted with bright red flowers in November when I was there.   The Cuernos del Paine tower in front.  There is a small stream at one point that we crossed over a tiny wooden bridge.

Lake Skottsberg on French Valley Hike

There are sensational views of Skőttsverg Lake with the Cuernos del Paine behind it.  The trail skirts around the lake through a forest of dead trees.

Lake Skottsberg and Cuernos del Paine on French Valley Hike

And more red flowers.

Lake Skottsberg and Cuernos del Paine on French Valley Hike

And more dead trees.  Did I mention I took a lot of photos? But how crazy beautiful is this?

View of Cuernos del Paine on French Valley Hike

This section of the trail ends at a footbridge over a river, the Rio de Frances.

First view of French Valley

The river bed is pebbly, and there are views of the cliffs behind Glacier Frances that are even better as you go into the valley.

Bridge across river on French Valley HIke

If you are there in peak season, you may need to wait to cross the river, as only one person can cross at a time.  (Something to keep in mind for your way back).

Sign for bridge on French Valley Hike

The second part of the French Valley hike: Up Valle de Frances from Camp Italiano to Mirador Valle de Frances

The second part of the hike is 1 hour and 15 minutes (about 1.3 miles/ 2 km from Campamento Italiano) (12:15pm – 1:30pm) up French Valley from Campamento Italiano to the Valles Del Frances Mirador.

River and French Glacier

The Italian Campground is across the river.  This is another popular place to camp.

French Valley Hike_sign

The campsites are scattered among the trees.

French Valley Hike_near Italiano campsite

The trail goes alongside the river.

French Valley HIke trail by river at start of valley

Through the woods.

Trail in woods French Valley HIke

After about 20 minutes of uphill walking, you will arrive at Mirador Glacier del Frances (French Glacier Lookout), where there are your first uninterrupted views of the glacier.   Stop and take photos, but it gets even better.

French Valley Hike sign

The next section is more uphill.  It’s pretty steep here, so take it slow.  If you aren’t very fit (or even if you are), this can be hard going.  Take it slow.

This section ends at Mirador Frances Valley (French Valley Lookout).

Note that on the sign, the end of the valley is scratched out where it says “Mirador Valle del Frances”.  The place marked “Usted este aqui” (You are Here) is the Mirador Valle del Frances.  The end of the valley is actually Mirador Brittanico.

Mirador Frances

From here, there are incredible views of the glacier, the valley, the Cuernos and turquoise lakes, Lago Pehoe and Lago Nordenskjold.

French Glacier

The lookout is spread along a ridge with sensational views of the entire surrounding area.

Panorama French Valley Hike

Don’t stop at the beginning of the ridge – it is worth going another couple of minutes for even better views.

Frances Valley sign

It is common to hear loud cracks as the glacier calves.  If you hear a loud noise, look up to see broken chunks of glacial ice cascading down the slope in a spray of ice and snow.  Very cool!

French Glacier French Valley Hike

The views of the lakes almost get overshadowed by the mountains, but they are just as incredible.

View of lake on French Valley HIke

The third part of the French Valley day hike: From French Valle Lookout back to Paine Grande (and the boat back to Pudeto)

The trail continues uphill to Mirador Brittanico, but we turned back, as we didn’t want to rush too much.  If you are doing the French Valley day hike, this is the furthest recommended place.  Going to the end of the valley is too far to get back in time for the last boat back to Pudeto.

If you are on the “W” hike, you could continue even further uphill to the end of the valley (it’s a very steep uphill scramble over rocks).  It is a total of 4.7 miles 7.5 km from Campamento Italiano to the end of the valley (each way): 2.5 hours/ 5.5 km to Campamento Brittanico then 0.5 hours/ 2 km to the final lookout at the far end of the Valle de Frances.

French Valley Hike furthest point I went to

It’s another 6 miles back, of course.

Waiting for catamaran at end of French Valley hike

We took our time going back – the weather had gotten even better and the views of the Cuernos del Paine behind us were nothing short of spectacular, so I stopped and turned around a lot.

Final view near catamaran pier

I got back to Paine Grande Refugio about 5:45pm.  This was enough time to go to the loo and get some more water to drink at the refugio before the 6:30pm ferry back to Pudeto.

Catamaran ready to leave French Valley Hike

Happy hiking!

Do you have any stories of Patagonia ? I’d love to hear them. Comment below. 

If you liked this post, please share the love and Pin it to your Patagonia and Amazing Hikes boards!

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Read more Patagonia posts:

  • Where to stay in Torres del Paine NP , Chile
  • Driving in Patagonia , Argentina and Chile
  • Laguna Torre hike , Argentina
  • Taking a food tour in Santiago , Chile
  • Tasting wine in the Maipo Valley , Chile
  • Experiencing tango in Buenos Aires , Argentina
  • Cruising past glaciers and icebergs in Argentina
  • Experiencing Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina

Read about other great hikes:

  • Bright Angel Trail , Grand Canyon NP
  • The Narrows , Zion NP
  • Best hikes , Bryce Canyon NP
  • The Congress Trail , Sequoia NP
  • Cascade Canyon , Grand Teton NP
  • Best hikes , Acadia NP
  • Devil’s Garden Trail , Arches National Park
  • The Mountains of the Moon trek, Uganda
  • Hike from Portofino to San Fruttuoso , Italy

About the author


James Ian has traveled to 82 countries and all 7 continents.  He is passionate about experiential travel, i.e. meaningful travel that actively engages with the environment and culture.  He helps people have similar experiences that involve active participation in activities and festivals; engaging with the local food and handicrafts through lessons and food tours; and interacting positively with environment by hiking, riding, rowing, diving and low/no impact animal encounters. 

Travel Collecting is a participant in the Amazon.com Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases .

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Valle del Frances Trail

“ a climb along a glacier-fed river and dense forests leads to a lookout with incredible views. ”.

tour valle frances

Point to Point

2,463' 751  m, 651' 198  m, 1,812' 552  m, 0' 0  m, know this trail, dogs no dogs, features birding · commonly backpacked · geological significance · river/creek · views · wildflowers · wildlife, description, flora & fauna.

Land Manager: Parque Nacional Torres del Paine

Trail Ratings

Breathtaking views of Patagonian ice and glacial valleys await those who ascend the Valle del Frances.

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Waterfall from the Cuernos del Paine.

O-Circuit Torres del Paine

75.1 mi 120.8 km • 11,924' Up 3634.46 m Up • 11,953' Down 3643.38 m Down

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Parque Nacional Torres del Paine

7:00 am - Inicio del programa en el terminal de Buses

Después del desayuno en el hotel, debes dirigirte al terminal de buses para tomar el bus de las 7:00 am (recomendamos estar al menos 10 minutos antes de la salida) para ir en dirección al Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

tour valle frances

Viaje de Puerto Natales al Parque Nacional

tour valle frances

Viaje de Laguna Amarga a Centro de Bienvenida

Viajarás por hermosos paisajes hasta llegar a la entrada principal, Laguna Amarga, donde es necesario registrarse con CONAF (guardaparques). Aquí se hace un transbordo con “Transporte Las Torres”, quienes te llevarán al Centro de Bienvenida. Te registras en la Reserva Cerro Paine y, luego de unos 5 minutos de caminata, llegarás a Torre Central donde deberás hacer tu check in, ya sea en refugio o en camping, antes de iniciar tu trekking.

tour valle frances

Caminata al Sector El Chileno

La caminata de hoy comienza por el Valle Ascencio, disfrutando de extensos bosques.

tour valle frances

Caminata de El Chileno a Base Las Torres

Durante el ascenso final, atraviesas un inmenso campo de rocas gigantes, hasta llegar a uno de los miradores más emblemáticos del mundo, el famoso mirador Base Torres.

tour valle frances

Postal de Base Las Torres

A una altura de 900 m.s.n.m., maravíllate con las 3 torres (norte, central y sur) de granito y el brillante lago glaciar color turquesa a sus pies. Toma hermosas fotos y disfruta de tu box lunch antes de volver por el mismo camino de regreso al refugio Torre Central.

tour valle frances

Regreso al Sector Las Torres y Alojamiento en Refugio Torre Central

Después de un largo día y disfrutar de las Torres, deléitate con la cena en el refugio.

Día 2: Catamarán - Caminata a Grey

Viaje a laguna amarga.

Luego de desayunar en refugio Torre Central y pedir tu box lunch, debes tomar a las 8:15 am el transfer Las Torres que te dejará nuevamente en Laguna Amarga.

tour valle frances

Bus a Pudeto

Aquí tendrás que subirte al bus de Bus Sur que viene desde Puerto Natales para que te lleve hasta Pudeto.

tour valle frances

Viaje en Catamarán a Paine Grande

A las 10:30 am debes abordar el catamarán Hielos Patagónicos, que navegará por 35 minutos aproximadamente a través del lago Pehoé, llegando directamente al refugio Paine Grande.

tour valle frances

Caminata a Refugio Grey

Desde aquí comienza la caminata hacia Grey. Comienza la travesía por un valle estrecho y sinuoso que conduce a la laguna Los Patos. A medida que sigas avanzando, comenzarás a ver partes del inmenso Campos de Hielo Sur, así como también los témpanos de hielo del lago Grey. Luego de pasar el, a veces muy, ventoso mirador, el camino desciende por un montañoso bosque hasta llegar al refugio Grey.

tour valle frances

Vistas al Glaciar Grey

Desde acá, si continúas caminando por unos 10 minutos, llegarás al mirador del Glaciar Grey, donde te encontrarás frente a frente con uno de los brazos de Campos de Hielo Sur.

tour valle frances

Noche en Refugio Grey

La cena será servida en el refugio entre las 18:00 y 21:00 hrs.

Día 3: Caminata de Grey a Paine Grande

Caminata a paine grande.

Disfruta del desayuno en el comedor de refugio Grey y no olvides pedir tu box lunch. En caso de que no hayas alcanzado a visitar los puentes colgantes la tarde anterior, puedes tomarte la mañana para ir y explorar las espectaculares vistas panorámicas del glaciar Grey. Hoy caminarás por el mismo sendero para ir de regreso a Paine Grande.

tour valle frances

Noche en Paine Grande

Descansa y disfruta de la cena en el comedor del refugio

Día 4: Excursión al Valle del Francés - Catamarán – Regreso a Puerto Natales

tour valle frances

Caminata hacia el Valle Frances

La caminata de hoy será de ida y vuelta, comenzando y terminando en Paine Grande. Viaja al corazón del parque, bordeando las azules aguas del lago Skottsberg. Luego de aproximadamente 2.5 horas de caminata, llegarás al campamento Italiano (guardaparques), donde comenzarás tu recorrido hacia el Valle del Francés.

tour valle frances

Subida por el Valle Francés

Sube por grandes rocas y luego sigue entre el bosque hasta llegar el mirador Francés. Acá, serás recompensado con increíbles vistas de los Cuernos, lagunas glaciares color turquesa y asombrosos glaciares colgantes que caen por la cara este de la montaña Paine Grande (3.050 m.s.n.m).

tour valle frances

Mirador Britanico

Si tienes suerte, puedes oír el estrepitoso ruido del glaciar y el agua cayendo, así como también es muy común poder ser testigo de alguna avalancha. Disfruta tu box lunch y el bien merecido descanso.

tour valle frances

Regreso a Sector Paine Grande

Desciende por el mismo sendero hacia el campamento Italiano y luego hacia el refugio Paine Grande.

Navegación a Pudeto

A las 18:35 hrs debes tomar el catamarán que te llevará de regreso a Pudeto, donde deberás abordar el bus regular con destino a Puerto Natales.

Regreso a Puerto Natales

La hora aproximada de llegada a Puerto Natales es 21:30 hrs.

De regreso en el Rodoviario de Puerto Natales

  • Tickets de Bus Ida y Vuelta Puerto Natales - Torres del Paine Ida y vuelta en servicio regular compartido sin guía.
  • 1 noche de alojamiento en Sector Central Camping incluye: carpa y saco de dormir de montaña y colchoneta aislante. Refugio incluye: cama armada o cama simple (con saco de dormir).
  • 1 noche en Sector Grey Camping incluye: carpa y saco de dormir de montaña y colchoneta aislante. Refugio incluye: cama armada o cama simple (con saco de dormir).
  • 1 noche en Sector Paine Grande Camping incluye: carpa y saco de dormir de montaña y colchoneta aislante. Refugio incluye: cama armada o cama simple (con saco de dormir).
  • Asesoría por un equipo de expertos GreatChile responde a las solicitudes de sus servicios con asesoría personalizada vía teléfono, correo electrónico, webchat, WhatsApp y videollamadas programadas.
  • Gestión y coordinación de los servicios solicitados Todos los detalles se visualizan de forma transparente y con antelación. Viaje con la tranquilidad de saber que su itinerario está creado por expertos reconocidos con excelentes y duraderas relaciones con los proveedores de servicios.

No incluido

  • Seguros médico, de accidentes o de viaje

Condiciones generales


  • Disponible para viajar entre el 1 de octubre de 2024 y el 30 de abril de 2025 .
  • Este programa no se recomienda para niños menores de 10 años.
  • Los pasajeros deben poder llevar sus pertenencias personales durante la duración del programa.
  • Recomendamos el uso de mochilas de 40 litros.
  • Ofrecemos custodia en Puerto Natales para aquellos que  deseen dejar su equipaje

Condiciones comerciales

Políticas de anulaciones.

  • 91 o más días antes de la llegada sin multa.
  • 90 - 71 días antes de la llegada 20% multa.
  • 70 - 46 días antes de la llegada 50% multa.
  • 45 (o menos) días antes de la llegada 100% multa.
  • Los gastos bancarios originados por los depósitos o transferencias tanto del país emisor de la transferencia como del banco receptor de las mismas, son de cargo del emisor de la transferencia. TorresdelPaine.com, ni GreatChile.com no se hacen responsables de los mismos.
  • El costo de las entradas al Parque Nacional Torres del Paine incluidas en los programas de Hotel las Torres y Circuitos de Trekking: - Debido a que las entradas al Parque Nacional Torres del Paine deben ser comparadas con los datos personales de cada pasajero a un organismo externo, como es la CONAF (Corporación Nacional Forestal), el costo de las entradas no es reembolsable. - Las entradas al Parque Nacional no son transferibles.

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Otros servicios que te pueden gustar, programas & excursiones.

Circuito W Clásica

Circuito W Clásica

5 Días / 4 Noches, desde/hasta Puerto Natales

¡ Prepárate para tu próximo desafío! Este circuito recibe el nombre por la forma de «W» que dibuja en el

Circuito O Torres del Paine

Circuito O Torres del Paine

8 Días / 7 Noches, desde/hasta Puerto Natales

Si lo tuyo son los desafíos, este programa es para ti. Este programa  de 8 días / 7 noches en


Hostal Alcazar Natales

Hostal Alcazar Natales

Nuestro Hotel cuenta en su interior con un Restaurant y Pizzería y esta ubicado a solo 2 cuadras del terminal de

Cabañas Patagonia Insitu

Cabañas Patagonia Insitu

Es una nueva opción de alojamiento en cabañas de turismo completamente amobladas y equipadas en pleno centro de Puerto Natales.

Recorrido Bus Sur entre Puerto Natales y Torres del Paine

Recorrido Bus Sur entre Puerto Natales y Torres del Paine

Rodoviario Puerto Natales - Laguna Amarga - Pudeto - Administración - Lago Grey

Para llegar a Torres del Paine desde el Rodoviario en Puerto Natales, los viajeros necesitarán tomar un autobús o vehículo

Terminal Omnibus El Calafate Argentina – Rodoviario Puerto Natales

Terminal Omnibus El Calafate Argentina – Rodoviario Puerto Natales

El servicio de Bus Sur conecta la Terminal de Ómnibus en El Calafate (Saint Exupéry 87) con el Rodoviario de

Recorrido Bus Sur entre Punta Arenas y Puerto Natales

Recorrido Bus Sur entre Punta Arenas y Puerto Natales

Bus Sur ofrece un servicio diario entre Punta Arenas y Puerto Natales. En temporada alta (septiembre a abril), los buses

Tus lugares favoritos

Logotipo Ecocamp

  • Standard Domes
  • Superior Domes
  • Suite Domes
  • Suite Dome Loft
  • Yoga & Wellness
  • 7 Day W Trek
  • 7 Day W Trek - Brush Variant
  • 5 Day W Trek
  • Wildlife Safari
  • Epic Patagonia
  • Puma Tracking
  • 9 Day Paine Circuit
  • Patagonia Wonders
  • Green Ethos
  • Social Commitment
  • Cultural Preservation
  • Torres del Paine


Patagonia Torres del Paine

5 Day Short W Trek

Patagonia Torres del Paine 5 Day Short W Trek

Enjoy a shorter version of the world-renowned w trek.

  • 5 Day W Trek Itinerary

Be amazed by the skyrocketing mountains, deep blue glaciers and hauntingly beautiful forests of Torres del Paine National Park on this shorter version of the world-renowned W Trek, complete with EcoCamp’s signature blend of adventure and comfort. For a longer journey, check out the 7-day version of the W Trek.

This program includes 1 night of accommodation away from EcoCamp at a campsite in Paine Grande.

Did you run out of availability?  Check this alternative.

MAPA PAT026 2024

Day 1: The Patagonian Adventure Starts

EcoCamp with a Drone (5 de 1)_resultado

In the morning, you’ll be picked up from the airport or your hotel in Punta Arenas and driven to EcoCamp Patagonia, located in the world-famous Torres del Paine National Park. On the way, we’ll make a stop in Puerto Natales, a small, lively town on the shores of Last Hope Sound (Ultima Esperanza) "Seno de Ultima Esperanza," where we can enjoy a hearty local lunch of local food. The journey is scenic and highly atmospheric and, featuring many wild birds and wonderful Patagonian landscapes. The day ends with our arrival and overnight stay at EcoCamp Patagonia, nestled in the heart of Torres del Paine National Park and with a prime view of the majestic Towers.

Overnight at EcoCamp Patagonia.

Meals: Lunch or Box Lunch, Dinner.

French Valley Hiking - Webp

Today is our first full day of adventures in Torres del Paine! We'll start with a filling breakfast and then drive towards  Pudeto dock where we will board the catamaran to Pehoe. From here, we'll begin the challenging trek to Valle Frances (French Valley) along a steep trail that leads to the very heart of the Paine Massif. How far in we go depends on our group's trekking rhythm. A swifter walk will lead us to the hanging bridge over the French River, located at the foot of the southeastern face of the Massif, where we will be treated to fantastic views of the valley. We'll keep heading towards the upper section of the valley where we will be able to marvel at the extensive mass of the valley's geological formations. After our upward trek, we'll pause for a picnic and relax next to the stunning views. This day's trek will end as we descend through an undulating terrain of mixed grassland and light forest, leading us  to Refugio Paine Grande which is located on the peaceful shores of Lake Pehoe.

Please note:

* The excursion to French Valley varies throughout the season depending on the catamaran connecting Pudeto and Refugio Pehoe: From October 1st to 31st and from April 1st to 30th the navigation operates only once a day, therefore the hike will be limited and only reach Italian campsite depending on the passengers walking pace. From November 1th to March 30th the excursion operates on a regular basis.

Hiking Distance: 25 km/15 mi.

Hiking Time: 8 hrs.

Max. Altitude: 686 m./2250 ft.

Elevation gain: 663 m. / 2175 ft.

Overnight in Camping Paine Grande.

Meals: Breakfast, Box Lunch, Dinner.

Day 3: Grey Glacier Trek & Boat Ride

PAT026_Patagonia_Grey Trail 2

In the morning, we'll hike from Paine Grande Refugio along the shores of Lake Pehoe to the northern side of the glacially beautiful Lake Grey ("Lago Grey").  We'll feast on a picnic lunch before boarding the boat that sails right to the facade of Glacier Grey. Take in the unreal views of this beautiful glacier, while sipping on a drink stocked with fresh glacier ice.  After finishing our boat ride, we'll take a transfer to EcoCamp.

*Please be aware that boat trips may be canceled if the minimum number of 10 passengers has not been reached. If this is the case, we will trek up to the sightseeing point to enjoy panoramic views of the glacier instead. Then we will return on foot to Paine Grande and take a catamaran to the dock, where we will be picked up and driven to EcoCamp.

Hiking Distance: 11 km./6.8 mi.

Hiking Time: 4 hrs. (40 min. by boat).

Max. Altitude: 244 m./800 ft.

Elevation gain: 836 m./2742 ft.

Day 4: The Big Challenge: Torres del Paine

Towers Base Torres del Paine

The goal of our fifth day will be to complete the most famous trekking trail in Torres del Paine National Park! It's a challenge, but definitely worth it! We'll walk from the campsite towards Hotel Las Torres before ascending to Ascencio Valley on the Tower's eastern face. Mountain ridges, beech forests, and small rivers line the scenic walk towards the valley. Our big challenge is the steep moraine, a huge mass of boulders which leads us to that iconic base-view of the Towers, three gigantic granite monoliths that are the remains of a great cirque sheared away by glacial ice. After a tough uphill climb, the Towers eventually come into full view, rising majestically before us with the glacial lake visible below - the place is known as Mirador las Torres. Is there any better place in the world to have lunch? After feasting next to this beautiful view, we'll backtrack along the same trail through Ascencio Valley and return to EcoCamp for a well-deserved dinner and a glass of Chilean wine.

Hiking Distance: 22 km./13.6 mi.

Hiking Time: 10 hrs.

Max. Altitude: 914 m./3000 ft.

Elevation gain: 796 m./2611 ft.

Day 5: Adiós Torres del Paine National Park!

Muelle Historico Puerto Natales

We will board an early morning vehicle, sit back, relax, and enjoy a scenic ride back to Puerto Natales or Punta Arenas in time to catch an evening flight onwards. Alternatively, transportation to El Calafate can also be organised.

Meals: Breakfast, Box Lunch.

Can't find availability for this program?

If you can't find availability or are looking for something that better fits your preferences and itinerary, we have the perfect solution for you!

Discover our exciting W Trek - Brush Variant program, sailing from the fjords to the heart of the Paine Massif, with stunning views of three magnificent glaciers and virgin forests.

Departures are every Friday from November to March. Don't hesitate to explore this incredible experience by clicking here .

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Ecocamp patagonia.

Ecocamp Patagonia is located in the heart of Torres del Paine National Park in Chile with views of the majestic granite Paine Towers. It was the first geodesic dome hotel in the world, offering an upscale camp at the domes inspired by the region’s ancient nomadic inhabitants. 

EcoCamp Patagonia Suite Dome (Heating & Private bathroom, 28m²/300ft²)

EcoCamp Patagonia Suite Dome

EcoCamp Patagonia Suite Dome Loft (2 floors, Heating & Private bathroom, 37m²/398ft²)

EcoCamp Patagonia Suite Dome Loft

EcoCamp Patagonia Superior Dome (Heating & Private bathroom, 23m²/250ft²)

EcoCamp Patagonia Superior Dome

EcoCamp Patagonia Standard Dome (Shared bathroom, 10m²/108ft²)

EcoCamp Patagonia Standard Dome

Overnight at Campsite in Paine Grande

On day 2, accommodation will be provided in tents. The campsite provides satisfactory bathroom facilities. Meals will be served inside the refugio.

PAT025 _ Torres del Paine _ Paine Grande Camp & Refuge-2

Paine Grande's Shared Dormitories

An optional upgrade to the shared dormitories inside Refugio Paine Grande can be requested. Please review availability and prices with your Travel Experience Designer.


  • All ground transport as indicated in the itinerary.
  • One expert English/Spanish speaking trekking guide.
  • Torres del Paine National Park fee.
  • 3 nights accommodation at EcoCamp (dome of your choice).
  • 1-night accommodation at Camping Paine Grande.
  • Boat crossing over Pehoe Lake and Grey Lake.
  • Sleeping bag and mat.
  • Luggage transport (while trekking you will carry just your day pack).
  • Meals: 4 Breakfasts, 5 Box Lunches, 4 Dinners.
  • Transportation to/from El Calafate (This includes bus tickets and a van from your hotel to the bus terminal).

Important Notes:

During Shoulder and low season (October and April), some excursions are subject to the weather conditions and might be canceled or modified for reasons of security, for example, the Navigation on Grey Lake, the excursion to the French Valley and to the Tower base trek. In any case, we will either modify the original itinerary or offer you a good alternative of excursion within the park.

Not included

  • Flight tickets.
  • Transportation to/from El Calafate.
  • Insurance (appropriate insurance is mandatory).
  • Voluntary tipping to guides and staff.
  • Cash for buying extra drinks, snacks or souvenirs.
  • Personal items.

Regular Departures are available every Sunday from October to April.

Departures require a minimum of 2 participants.   If a given departure isn't available, you will be put on a waiting list.

Do you want a private departure for this trip? We can do it, please send us your request mentioning that you would like a private departure.

Starting / finishing point

The trip starts on Sunday and finishes on Thursday with pick-ups and drop-offs in Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales or El Calafate. Please visit our   Weekly Transfer Board   for details of EcoCamp pick up and drop off times.

Physical demands

This is the right trip for energetic people who like to be active and have a spirit of adventure and a positive attitude. During this trek you will walk a total of 61kms /38mi. On the map, in the itinerary section, click on the walking person icon for daily information.

To enjoy this trek it is essential to be in shape before you arrive. It is not wise to regard this trek as a means of getting into shape or losing excess weight. Start a program of conditioning well before departure. 

Group size guiding staff

  • 9 travelers is the most typical group size, plus guiding staff.
  • Maximum 12 clients.
  • Guide to passenger ratio: 1:6

Children policy

Those aged 13 years or older are welcome and are considered adults. Children between 10 and 12 might be accepted in this program if their legal guardian sends a formal letter stating that the child is prepared for such an intense trekking trip and authorizes us to hire a private guide in case the child cannot perform well during the trek. Children under 10 years of age cannot participate in this trip. This trip doesn’t offer a special discount for children.

In Torres del Paine and throughout Patagonia, transportation is in minivans that normally seat between 8 to 14 people. Pick up/drop off times shown in the Weekly Transfer Board are approximate and will be confirmed closer to the time by our local operations team. An exclusive toll-free emergency number will be available for anyone needing additional support while they are in Chile.

The vast unbroken stretch of ocean to the west and south of the South American continent leaves the Patagonian Andes very exposed to winds that circle the Antarctic landmass.Fine weather may deteriorate almost without warning, bringing rain and even snow. Even in summer (December to March), you should come prepared to find strong cold winds (up to 130 km/hr) and rainfall. Summer’s average temperature is 11ºC (52ºF), ranging between 2 to 24ºC (35 to 75ºF).

What you need to bring

Passengers need to be prepared for summer and winter all at once. We recommend the following:

  • A day backpack (30 liters - to carry camera, glasses, raincoat, etc)
  • Trekking or hiking boots
  • Extra shoes for evenings or in case others get wet
  • Waterproof jacket
  • 2 pairs of woolen socks
  • Fleece jacket or sweater
  • Shorts or comfortable loose pants
  • Sun protection (glasses, hat, lip balm and screen)
  • Optional Capilene underwear for the upper and lower body
  • Cash for buying extra drinks,snacks or souvenirs in Torres del Paine National Park.

Porter service and luggage handling

Who are the porters.

The porters are people who will help us with the logistics of transporting luggage during our trip. They will be in charge of carrying items such as: tents, sleeping bags, mats/insulators and dry bags*. They will transport these items from Ecocamp or the camps occupied during the trek, to our next stops, making sure to arrive on time so that we can find these items at our disposal once we arrive at the camps/refugios.

*Dry bags: Dry bags, as their name indicates, are waterproof bags in which we can store the items that we will not need during the walks and keep them dry and insulated while the porters transport them. The dry bag limit (regulated based on the weight that is healthy for porters to carry) is 15 Lt. and 5 Kg/11 Lb. each (in case there is more than one dry bag on your trip).

These bags will be labeled with your name so that they are not confused with those of other members of your group.

Dry bag logistics for the 5 Days W Trek

Upon arrival at EcoCamp, the guides will give a briefing to explain in detail the logistics of the dry bags and the next day's activity.

On the 5-day W trek, you will have 1 dry bag. You must fill this dry bag with your belongings on day 1 of your itinerary. On day 2, while you walk towards Paine Grande, the porters will transport this dry bag to the Paine Grande Camping and Refugio, so that you have it on the afternoon of day 2.

Tips for assembling dry bags

Taking into account that you will only have access to 1 of the 2 dry bags during your trip (when your trip includes 2), we recommend the following to have optimal access to your items:

  • In dry bags, store items that you will only need during the nights in refugios , for example: Change of clothes (underwear, pants, t-shirts, first layers, socks).
  • Sleeping bags and insulators/mats are NOT stored in the dry bags , these will be transported separately by the porters.
  • Do not store items that you will need every night such as personal hygiene items or medications; we recommend that you carry these items in your daily backpack.
  • Do not store items that are too large or heavy, remember that these must be transported by the porters and have a limit of 5Kg/11Lb.
  • Do not store flammable or too delicate items that could cause accidents for those transporting the dry bags.
  • Avoid storing food in dry bags as it can ruin the bag and also spoil the food.

Itinerary modifications

The weather in Patagonia can be difficult to plan around at times. We reserve the right to change the order of the days in any itinerary at the discretion of the trip guide based upon operational considerations. The trip guide can modify, change or eliminate parts of the itinerary based on these considerations.

  • Famous W trek in Torres del Paine National Park
  • Make new friends from all over the world
  • Learn local secrets from our knowledgeable guides
  • Spot unique Fauna and Flora
  • Trek to the base of the Towers
  • French Valley Trek
  • Glacier Grey navigation
  • Recommended trek for active hikers
  • Photo Gallery

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“We recently completed the 5 Day W trek, staying at Ecocamp. The whole experience was incredible and thus far the highlight of our month in South America. The organisation is first rate, with all transfers and logistics flowing smoothly and without incident.”

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Yoga & Wellness Domes Ecocamp Patagonia

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"W" Circuit in Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine W Circuit

Evelyn Promios

The "W" Circuit in Torres del Paine is Patagonia’s most famous trek and often gets mentioned among the world’s top trails. Over the course of 4 to 6 days—depending on your specific route and hiking speed—the 60-plus kilometer "W" makes its way through the heart of the stunning Cordillera del Paine, including the famed rock formations of the Torres (Towers) del Paine and the Cuernos (Horns) del Paine.

The "W" route mirrors the shape of the letter, stretching from Refugio Grey to Campamento Torres with the Valle de Frances in the middle. The trek can be done in either direction; most start at the Laguna Amarga ranger station or Refugio Lago Pehoe, the drop-off point for the catamaran.

Trekkers on the "W" can choose between camping, staying in refugios (large cabins with accommodations, food, and other infrastructure), or a combination. In recent years, refugios have begun offering tent and sleeping bag rentals and packed lunches. This means that even if you want to camp on the "W," you won’t necessarily have to bring all your own gear.

W Circuit Glacier Grey

The "W" Circuit is a shorter version of the longer "O" Circuit (6–10 days) that makes its way through the entirety of the Cordillera del Paine. The "O" is the full loop—the "W" plus the more remote backside that gets fewer trekkers. Both are popular and crowded during the peak season, the “W” in particular. Refugios and campgrounds are packed on a nightly basis.

In 2012, a devastating fire started by an irresponsible camper ripped through the western portion of the park. Approximately 40% of the "W" passes through affected zones—from Refugio Grey to Valle Frances. The fire burned grasses, shrubs, and many larger trees. Burned areas don’t affect the big mountain views that make the hike famous and shouldn’t be prohibitive in making the trip, but trekkers will be reminded of the fire for many years to come.

Learn More About Patagonia

Torres del Paine, Patagonia

  • Torres del Paine

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Ruta 40, Patagonia

Ruta 40, Patagonia

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Ushuaia, Argentina

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Tour de France 2021

Tour de France 2021

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Nuevas características: - Las 21 etapas del trazado de 2021, reproducidas con toda fidelidad - Un modo Mi Tour rediseñado con más opciones de personalización - Un comportamiento más realista del pelotón - Sistema de objetivos renovado - Una nueva mecánica de recuperación - Marcas oficiales (Lazer, Specialized, Vision, Rudy Project, Corima, HJC, Canyon, POC, Merida) - Base de datos actualizada (corredores, niveles) Juega con tu propio ciclista o dirige tu equipo En el modo Equipo Pro, diriges un equipo que tendrá que demostrar su valía para alcanzar el puesto más alto de la clasificación de Pro Cycling. Tu equipo empieza desde abajo, pero podrás recibir invitaciones para participar en las carreras importantes si los organizadores ven que tus resultados son lo bastante buenos. Puedes crear y aumentar gradualmente el nivel de tu propio ciclista en el modo Líder Pro para intentar convertirte en la próxima leyenda del ciclismo y competir con rivales como Primoz Roglic, Tedej Pogacar y muchos otros. Puedes escoger entre cuatro perfiles distintos: escalador, esprínter, explosivo y versátil. ¡Tu decisión será crucial si pretendes ganar una gran vuelta o ser especialista en las clásicas! Crea tu propio Tour El modo Mi Tour se ha rediseñado para ofrecerte más libertad. Con la nueva interfaz, ahora es más fácil personalizar tu «Mi Tour» (días de descanso, etapas, equipos). Ahora puedes elegir la lista de equipos y selecciones nacionales participantes. Elige entre 89 etapas para crear tu carrera. Disfruta de una amplia variedad de contenido El juego incluye los 19 equipos del World Tour y sus maillots, además de los equipos Alpecin-Fenix, B&B Hotels P/B KTM, Team Arkéa - Samsic y Total Direct Energie. También hay muchas carreras oficiales (París-Roubaix, París-Niza, LBL, etc.). Un pelotón más realista Hemos rediseñado las acciones de los corredores en el pelotón para reproducir el comportamiento de las carreras reales: - Los favoritos corren más cerca unos de otros. - El maillot amarillo se sitúa mejor en la cabeza del pelotón. - La persecución de la escapada temprana es más realista y participan menos equipos, lo que da ventaja al equipo del líder, como en la vida real. - Los equipos que quieren atrapar a la escapada pero no atacan o que reducen el pelotón en la carrera en llano ahora tienen un comportamiento consistente. Objetivos renovados Antes de comenzar cada etapa, ahora puedes fijar el objetivo para cada corredor gracias a una nueva página de «Seleccionar corredor» que incluye toda la información necesaria para tomar una decisión (clasificación, rol, forma del día). Obviamente, tu decisión influye en el comportamiento y las decisiones de los corredores durante la carrera. Una nueva mecánica de recuperación Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una mejor visibilidad de los cambios en la forma y dar más importancia a los corredores que se recuperan bien en las grandes vueltas. La recuperación entre etapas y carreras es crucial para el éxito de tus corredores. En Tour de France 2021 , hemos desarrollado un perfil basado en el nivel de recuperación. Cuanto más bajo es el nivel, más penaliza el perfil de recuperación a la forma del día.

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Home » Prices and Trans-Siberian Tickets » Trans-Siberian Railway Prices

Ticket prices for the Trans-Siberian Railway also depend on the current ruble exchange rate.

Is the Trans-Siberian Railway expensive?

Before starting on your Trans-Siberian Railway adventure you naturally want to know what the entire trip will cost. Although this sounds like a simple question, it is pretty difficult to answer. The Trans-Siberian Railway price of travel depends on the following factors:

  • Which travel class do I want to use? The price for a first class ticket is about three times the price of a 3rd class ticket
  • Am I willing to buy the tickets myself and assume responsibility for the organisation of the trip?
  • How many stopovers do I want to make? The more breaks, the higher the total price.
  • What sort of accommodation do I want? Will it be a luxury hotel or will a hostel dormitory be sufficient?
  • What tours and excursions would I like to go on?
  • What is the current exchange rate for rubles?

Basically, everything from a luxury to a budget holiday is available. If you buy yourself a 3rd Class nonstop ticket at the counter, a few hundred Euros will cover the price. All you will experience is a week on the Trans-Siberian train and will see nothing of the cities on the way. There is, however, any amount of room for upward expansion. Everyone makes different choices about which aspects they are willing to spend money on. I personally prefer to save money on accommodation and railcar class, visit as many cities and do as many trips as possible. To enable better classification of your travel expenses I have contrasted two typical traveler types. In the third column you can calculate the total cost of your own journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that these are only rough estimations and not exact prices.

The all-in costs seem fairly high at first. However, they cover everything and it is quite a long journey taking four weeks. Many people forget to consider that when looking at the list. We should also deduct the running costs for food and leisure at home. I think most visitors to this page will classify themselves somewhere between the two categories, that is around the € 2,000 – € 2,500 range. When comparing these prices with other travel packages, you get the impression that it is hardly worthwhile travelling individually on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that most packages last no more than 14 days and you are herded like cattle through the most beautiful locations.

If you spend less time on the Trans-Siberian Railway you will, of course, pay less. I chose this particular travel length because I prefer not to do things by halves. If you fulfill your dream of travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway, enjoy it and don’t rush things. But it’s up to you, of course. Try playing around with the form a bit to find the appropriate price for your trip.

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Theatres in Moscow

Cultural life of Moscow city is various and rich! Operas, ballets, symphonic concerts... Russian composers have created some of the most beautiful classical music. Russian classical music is very popular in Moscow. It is performed in many beautiful historical venues. Do not forget to include a visit to a concert hall in your itinerary when you are planning your stay in Moscow! And do it in advance.

There are almost no restrictions on dress code in Russian theatres. Visitors may wear jeans and sports shoes, they may have a backpack with them. Only shorts are not allowed.

A typical feature of Russian theatre – visitors are bringing a lot of flowers which they present to their favorite performers after the show.

Here are some practical advices where to go and how to buy tickets.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest, the most famous and popular opera and ballet theatre in Russia. The word “Bolshoi” means “big” in Russian. You can buy a ticket online in advance, 2-3 months before the date of performance on the official website . Prices for famous ballets are high: 6-8 thousand rubles for a seat in stalls. Tickets to operas are cheaper: you can get a good seat for 4-5 thousand rubles. Tickets are cheaper for daytime performances and performances on the New Stage. The New Stage is situated in the light-green building to the left of the Bolshoi's main building. The quality of operas and ballets shown on the New Stage is excellent too. However, you should pay attention that many seats of the Bolshoi’s Old and New Stages have limited visibility . If you want to see the Bolshoi’s Old Stage but all tickets are sold out, you can order a tour of the theatre. You can book such a tour on the official website.

If you want, following Russian tradition, to give flowers to the performers at the end of the show, in the Bolshoi flowers should be presented via special staff who collects these flowers in advance.

In August the Bolshoi is closed.

The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre

This theatre is noteworthy. On one hand, it offers brilliant classical opera and ballet performances. On the other hand, it is an experimental venue for modern artists. You can check the program and buy tickets online here http://stanmus.com/ . If you are opera lover, get a ticket to see superstar Hibla Gerzmava . The theatre has a very beautiful historic building and a stage with a good view from every seat. Tickets are twice cheaper than in the Bolshoi.

The Novaya Opera

“Novaya” means “New” in Russian. This opera house was founded in 1991 by a famous conductor Eugene Kolobov. Its repertoire has several directions: Russian and Western classics, original shows and divertissements, and operas of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is very popular with Muscovites for excellent quality of performances, a comfortable hall, a beautiful Art Nouveau building and a historic park Hermitage, which is situated right next to it. You can buy tickets online here http://www.novayaopera.ru/en .

Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center

The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor. Not only best young opera singers perform here, but also world music stars do; chamber and symphonic concerts, theatrical productions and musical festivals take place here. You can see what is on the program here http://opera-centre.ru/theatre . Unfortunately “booking tickets online” is available in Russian only. If you need help, you can contact us at and we can book a ticket for you. 

Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory

These are two major concert halls for symphonic music in Moscow. Both feature excellent acoustics, impressive interior, various repertoire and best performers. You can check the program here http://meloman.ru/calendar/ . You need just to switch to English. Booking tickets online is available only for owners of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian phone numbers. If you need help, you can contact us and we can book a ticket for you. 

Moscow International Performing Arts Center (MIPAC)

This modern and elegant concert hall houses performances of national and foreign symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, solo instrumentalists, opera singers, ballet dancers, theatre companies, jazz bands, variety and traditional ensembles. Actually, it has three concert halls placed on three different levels and having separate entrances. The President of MIPAC is People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov, conductor of “Virtuosy Moskvy” orchestra. You can see pictures of the concert halls here http://www.mmdm.ru/en/content/halls . The program is impressive in its variety but is not translated into English. You can contact us at and we can find a performance for you.


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  5. Tour Valle del Francés I Trekking I Torres del Paine I Reserva Las Torres

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  6. Chile, Torres del Paine National Park, Hiking Tour, Valle Frances

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  1. Full Day Tour of Valle del Francés

    Duration: 1.5 hrs by van 20 km (12.4 miles) hike 1 hour by boat Duration: 12 hrs total Difficulty: High Price: $435.000. The tour of Valle del Francés brings us to the interior of the mountains as we venture through the famous French Valley, located in the heart of the Torres del Paine National Park and the famous W Circuit.

  2. Francés Valley Full Day Tour

    Francés Valley Full Day Tour. 1:30 hrs van transit. 20 km / 12.4 mi hiking. 1 hr navigation. 12 hrs total. Difficulty Level: High. USD $305. This tour ventures into the famous Francés Valley, in the heart of Torres del Paine National Park and the famous W Circuit. Start by sailing across the sparkling blue Lake Pehoé to Paine Grande, where ...

  3. Tour Valle del Francés I Trekking I Torres del ...

    Valor: $435.000. El Tour Valle Francés nos hará entrar en las profundidades de la montaña y nos aventuramos por el famoso Valle del Francés, en el corazón del Parque Nacional Torres del Paine y del famoso Circuito W. Comienza navegando por el resplandeciente Lago Pehoé hasta Paine Grande, donde seguirá por el lado norte del Lago ...

  4. French Valley Day Hike- Hiking to Mirador Frances in Torres del Paine

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  5. Trail through Valle Francés

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    VALLEY OF THE FRENCH. 06:00 a.m. to 06:15 p.m. - Departure from Puerto Natales towards the Torres del Paine National Park in our private transport that has trekking poles and certified guides. After 2 hours of travel we will arrive at the Pudeto sector, where we begin our departure boarding the catamaran, which will leave us at the Paine ...

  7. Hiking Valle Frances 2024

    Marvel at the glaciers and scenic surrounds en route to the Valle del Frances. Refuel with a complimentary lunch box during this jampacked excursion. Enjoy personalized attention, with a maximum of just five participants per tour. Convenient Puerto Natales hotel pickup and drop-off is included.

  8. Valle del Frances Torres del Paine Hike (Mirador Britanico ...

    1) Valle del Frances (French Valley) Overview. The Valle del Frances makes up the middle section of the famed "W" Circuit. While many people add it onto a multi day trek (O or W Circuit), it is also possible to visit the valley as part of a Torres del Paine day hike. Now, completing this as a day hike comes with some logistical and timing ...

  9. Best of Torres del Paine

    Valle Frances (the French Valley) is a beautiful valley located on the southern side of the Cordillera Paine mountain group. The vale splits the range in between the peak of Cerro Paine Grande to the west and the Cuernos to the east. The hike through the French Valley is part of the famous Patagonian multi-day trail W-Trek.

  10. Hiking French Valley, Torres del Paine

    The first part of the Valle de Frances, Torres del Paine hike: From Paine Grande Refugio to Camp Italiano. The first part of the hike is a 2.5-hour walk, 4.7 miles/ 7.6 km (from 9:45am to 12:15pm stopping frequently to take photos) to Campamento Italiano. This is at the bottom of the middle part of the "W".

  11. Valle Frances

    Valle Frances (the French Valley) is a deep valley between mountains in Torres del Paine and is one of the main hiking attractions in the national park. It is dominated by a magnificent hanging glacier, Glaciar Frances, beech forests and the French River. ... This small group trekking tour combines the best hikes in Patagonia: Torres del Paine ...

  12. Hike Valle Frances, Torres Del Paine

    Nestled within the awe-inspiring Torres Del Paine National Park, the hike of Valle Frances beckons with its 12-hour journey through rugged landscapes and

  13. Valle del Frances Trail Hiking Trail, Puerto Natales, Chile

    The glacier-fed Frances River roars below you on your left. A mile from the start, a small rise takes you to Frances lookout, an opening with amazing views of Nordenskjold Lake behind you and the mountains and glaciers of the Paine Massif all around. Continue and descend into the forest. The trees break occasionally as you cross rocky alluvial ...

  14. Trekking Mirador Valle Francés

    Trekking TREKKING MIRADOR VALLE FRANCÉS El trekking Mirador Valle Francés, parte del famoso circuito W, es una maravillosa excursión que se realiza durante el día. Un destino diferente para los amantes de la naturaleza. A través de bosques de Lengas y junto al Lago Skottsberg, llegaremos al Mirador Francés, donde se despliega una asombrosa vista […]

  15. Trekking Valle del Francés: Tours, Precios y Horarios

    4.9 / 5 8 opiniones. Noviembre a abril. Anulación gratuita. Reprogramación gratuita. Toma el Trekking Valle del Francés de alta intensidad y descubre los paisajes del trazo intermedio del Circuito W. Incluye traslado desde Puerto Natales. Precio por persona: CLP$ 75.000 por persona. Horarios: 05:45 a 21:00.

  16. Circuito W Express

    Caminata hacia el Valle Frances. La caminata de hoy será de ida y vuelta, comenzando y terminando en Paine Grande. Viaja al corazón del parque, bordeando las azules aguas del lago Skottsberg. Luego de aproximadamente 2.5 horas de caminata, llegarás al campamento Italiano (guardaparques), donde comenzarás tu recorrido hacia el Valle del ...

  17. 5 Days W Trek

    From here, we'll begin the challenging trek to Valle Frances (French Valley) along a steep trail that leads to the very heart of the Paine Massif. How far in we go depends on our group's trekking rhythm. ... We are a Chilean owned adventure tour operator, based in Santiago de Chile, operating adventure tours in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. Our ...

  18. "W" Circuit in Torres del Paine

    The "W" Circuit in Torres del Paine is Patagonia's most famous trek and often gets mentioned among the world's top trails. Over the course of 4 to 6 days—depending on your specific route and hiking speed—the 60-plus kilometer "W" makes its way through the heart of the stunning Cordillera del Paine, including the famed rock formations of the Torres (Towers) del Paine and the Cuernos ...

  19. Chilean Patagonia Exploration: Hiking in Torres del Paine ...

    This tour includes all the highlights of Chile's famous Torres del Paine National Park. You'll have a local experienced guide, comfortable accommodation (including a stay in the cozy domes of EcoCamp Patagonia), and some of the best views of Patagonia's natural highlights. ... Day 3: Valle Frances Trail to Torres del Paine Valle Frances.

  20. Comprar Tour de France 2021

    Nuevas características: - Las 21 etapas del trazado de 2021, reproducidas con toda fidelidad - Un modo Mi Tour rediseñado con más opciones de personalización - Un comportamiento más realista del pelotón - Sistema de objetivos renovado - Una nueva mecánica de recuperación - Marcas oficiales (Lazer, Specialized, Vision, Rudy Project, Corima, HJC, Canyon, POC, Merida) - Base de datos ...

  21. Trans-Siberian Railway Prices Calculation

    Simple tour to Lake Baikal: ~200€ Tour to the Gobi Desert: ~100€ Short excursions: ~50€ Total price: 350€ Short excursions (~50€) Gobi-Tour (~100€) Tour to Lake Baikal (~200€) Total price: 0€ Expenses: Public transport: ~50€ Self Cooking: ~5€ * 28 Tage = 140€ Total price: 190€ Public transport: ~30€ Taxi: ~50€

  22. Moscow

    Moscow - St. Petersburg. Price per person. 650,13. View details. About the tour Reviews 10. 8 days / 7 nights. St. Petersburg Moscow. We offer you a unique opportunity to visit Russia's two largest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This fascinating, week-long tour will take you to the historic Russian capitals that have always played the most ...

  23. Theatres in Moscow

    The Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest, the most famous and popular opera and ballet theatre in Russia. The word "Bolshoi" means "big" in Russian. You can buy a ticket online in advance, 2-3 months before the date of performance on the official website. Prices for famous ballets are high: 6-8 thousand rubles for a seat in stalls.

  24. Tours in Moscow and St Petersburg

    In Moscow. In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow's night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion.The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev ...