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Smarts umrah memberangkatkan lebih dari 1000 jamaah setiap bulan, smarts umrah by.

Selamat datang di Smarts Umrah – PT. Al Shafwah Wisata Mandiri . Kami merupakan bagian dari Dream Group. Dream Group telah berpengalaman melayani perjalan ibadah haji dan umrah selama lebih dari 30 tahun .

Smarts Umrah hadir sebagai solusi atas permasalahan umrah di Indonesia yang menawarkan pengalaman Langsung berangkat tanpa tunggu dengan jadwal pasti, maskapai terbaik, hotel premium, dan pelayanan unggul dari awal hingga akhir perjalanan.

Berbekal pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun , kami juga mumpuni dalam menyediakan paket umrah untuk corporate (Perusahaan) baik itu swasta ataupun instansi pemerintah.

Menjadi perusahaan Tour and Travel Umrah Haji terbaik dan terbesar di Indonesia.

Kami memberikan bantuan dan saran tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan keseluruhan rangkaian ibadah. Mulai dari penerbangan, pemesanan tiket, akomodasi hotel dan kendaraan, serta panduan ritual haji dan umrah itu sendiri. Tujuan kami adalah menjadi sefleksibel mungkin untuk kebutuhan anda.

Menjadi bagian dari Smarts Umrah adalah pengalaman melaksanakan perjalanan ibadah yang tak terlupakan. Langsung berangkat tanpa tunggu dengan jaminan pelayanan terbaik, aman dan amanah.

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Beragam jadwal keberangkatan

Dalam sebulan, Smarts Umrah bisa berangkat sampai lima kali. Membantu anda leluasa, dalam mengambil cuti.

Rekomendasi Jadwal Keberangkatan

27 agu, 28 okt.

Landing Jeddah Madinah | Mirage As Salam Mekkah | Badr Al Massa

Rp.24.900. 000

4 agu, 15 sep.

Landing Madinah Madinah | Mirage Al Salam Mekkah | Fajr Al Badee 2

Kereta Cepat (Madinah - Mekkah)

Rp.26.900. 000

11 agu, 22 sep, 27 okt.

Landing Madinah + Kereta Cepat Madinah | Nozol Royal Mekkah | Anjum

Rp.33.950. 000

Rp. 24 .900.000.

Landing Madinah Madinah | Mirage As Salam Mekkah | Fajr Al Badee 2

Rp. 26 .900.000

Madinah | Nozol Royal Mekkah | Anjum

Rp. 33 .950.000

Visa cepat keluar.

Kami menjamin visa anda akan keluar maksimal H-2 keberangkatan. Bahkan bisa diproses 1x24 jam. Jadi tak perlu khawatir lagi, visa belum keluar saat akan berangkat.

Feature Image 02

Lebih cepat Tanpa Transit

Seluruh penerbangan dalam layanan kami, ditujukan langsung ke Arab Saudi tanpa perlu transit di bandara manapun. Menghemat waktu 8 jam. Yang anda bisa gunakan untuk memperbanyak ibadah saat di Tanah Suci.

anta tour umroh

Hotel Dekat Masjidil Haram & Masjid Nabawi

Hotel tempat anda menginap terletak dengan lokasi Masjidil Haram & Masjidil Aqsa, sehingga mudah diakses dengan berjalan kaki.

Feature Image 04

Tanpa biaya tambahan, ibadah makin nyaman

Seluruh harga paket yang ditawarkan sudah mencakup seluruh kebutuhan ibadah umrah anda. Tak perlu khawatir lagi akan biaya tambahan lainnya.

Pilihan perjalanan terbaik, harga paling hemat

Paket Smarts Hasanah - 9 Hari

Paket Umrah Smarts Sarah

Tanggal keberangkatan : 6 & 27 Agu, 17 & 24 Sep, 1 & 22 Okt

Paket Sarah Ramadhan - 9 Hari

Paket Umrah Smarts Rizan

Tanggal keberangkatan : 25 Agu, 29 Sep, 20 Okt

Paket Sarah Ramadhan - 16 Hari

Paket Umrah Smarts Farhan

Tanggal keberangkatan : 13 Agu, 17 Sep, 15 Okt

Paket Sarah Ramadhan - 16 Hari

Paket Umrah Smarts Hajar

Tanggal keberangkatan : 4 Agu

Paket Sarah Ramadhan - 16 Hari

Paket Umrah Maulid Nabi

Tanggal keberangkatan : 15 Sep

Paket Sarah Ramadhan - 16 Hari

Paket Umrah Barokah

Tanggal keberangkatan : 4,11,18,25 Agu 1,8,15,22,29 Sep 6,13,20,27 Okt


kata mereka tentang smart umrah

"Menjadi Haji Mabrur itu susah, tetapi oleh tim Dream Tour Haji Mabrur menjadi mudah. Oleh karena itu saya sangat merekomendasikan, saya sangat bahagia. Sukses terus Dream Tour".

Testimoni Ridwan Kamil

"Sudah lama berlangganan menggunakan Dream Tour bersama keluarga untuk keperluan Ibadah Umrah dan Haji. Sangat puas dengan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang diberikan."

Testimoni Hatta Rajasa

Pertanyaan Umum

Saya sering menemukan travel umrah yang jadwalnya keberangkatannya sering berubah. apakah smarts umrah juga seperti itu.

Tidak. Smarts Umrah, Insya Allah, memastikan keberangkatan Jamaah sesuai dengan paket yang dipilih.

Dibanyak travel umrah lain sering ada tambahan biaya ketika nanti tiba di Saudi. Bagaimana dengan Smarts Umrah?

Tidak. Jamaah dipastikan tidak perlu membayar biaya tambahan apapun sesampai disana. Biaya yang dibayarkan sudah meliputi hotel, pesawat, VISA, handling bandara dan seluruh aktifitas yang direncanakan.

Teman & tetangga mendapati perubahan pesawat dan hotel ketika umrah via Travel A. Apakah itu juga terjadi pada Smarts Umrah?

Tidak. Seluruh fasilitas hotel dan pesawat sudah dipastikan tidak ada yang berubah. Anda akan menikmati fasilitas sesuai paket yang anda pesan.

Apakah ada tambahan untuk biaya air Zam-zam? Berapa liter jatah untuk saya ketika saya berangkat bersama Smarts Umrah?

Tidak ada. Setiap paket yang dibayarkan sudah termasuk dengan fasilitas air Zam-zam. Anda berhak mendapatkan Satu Galon air Zam-zam ukuran Lima Liter.

Banyak Travel Umrah diluar sana yang sering mengalami kendala dalam mengeluarkan VISA. Apakah Smarts Umrah sering mengalami hal yang sama?

Tidak. Smarts Umrah berbeda dengan Travel lainnya. Insya Allah setiba di Bandara Soerkarno - Hatta visa jamaah sudah aman dan siap digunakan.

Apakah ada harga khusus bila saya mengajak orang lain?

Ya. Sangat disarankan untuk mengajak orang kesayangan anda untuk Umrah melalui Smarts Umrah. Setiap jemaah yang berhasil anda ajak, makan anda akan mendapatkan hadiah spesial dari Smarts Umrah.




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  • Our Product

Rituals of Umrah

Experience of umrah.

  • About Saudi Arabia
  • Sightseeing

H.I.S. is handling Umrah tours from Japan and apply Umrah visa on behalf our costumers.

Our products, besides tokyo, departure from osaka, fukuoka, sapporo, or various airports nationwide are possible, check and book online now from your home airport, for other umrah packages please contact us, h.i.s. is different , we support your trip with peace of mind and sanctification before your departure until your return home to make unforgettable trip , we aim to be no.1 safety management travel agency. h.i.s. is no.1 in the world of overseas expansion, what is the umrah and how do i perform umrah correctly.

Umrah is to visit Masjid Haram in Makkah and make some specific manasikto get closer from Allah as written in holly Quran (وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّهِ ۚ) (Al Baqara 196) and complete the Hajj or umra in the service of Allah. And, as the prophet Muhamed (peace be upon him) said in Hadith العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة لما بينهما، والحج المبرور ليس له جزاء إلا الجنة “Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or commit any evil will go back (free of) sin as on the day his mother bore him.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari] Prayer in Masjid Haram is said to be better 100,000 prayers in other mosques.

Who can perform Umrah?

An aware, Muslim adult.

Tawaf means going around Kaaba 7 times. The Tawaf begins when you move from Hajarul Aswad. You must make Hajarul Aswad in your left hand and make Tawaf 7 times begin and end in Hajarul Aswad.

Pray Rak’atain behind Maqaam Ibrahim

After completion of the seventh circuit of Tawaf Tawaf, a pilgrim should move toward Maqaam Ibrahim and perform Rak’atain (Salah comprising two Rak’at)

وَاتَّخِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ مُصَلًّى (And take the station of Ibrahim as your place for Salah) - Quran

SA’EY between Safaa and Marwaa

Sa’ey means to walk and to run, and as a term in Shari’ah it means to traverse seven times distance between Safa and Marwah. This means rapidly walking seven times back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah

Please note: one should have performed Tawaf beforehand. There is no Sa’ey without Tawaf before it.

Perform a halq or taqsir (Hair shaving or cuttuing and Tahllul from Ihram)

This means shaving of the hair. A taqsir is a partial shortening of the hair typically reserved for women who cut a minimum of one inch or more of their hair. A halq is a complete shave of the head, usually performed on men.

The pilgrim has to get all his hair cut short up to the extent of one finger-joint or a little longer as a measure of protection, or one-fourth of his entire head.

Umrah performance in details

Intention & talbiyah.

Pilgrim should have the intent to perfrom Umrah. (O Allah! I intend to perform Umrah. Make it easy for me and accept it from me.)

Labaika Allahom Labiak Labaika La shareeka laka Labik In Al hamda wa Al Na`mata laka wa molk La shareek lak “Here I am (at Your service), O Allah! Here I am. No partner do you have. Here I am.

Truly, the praise and the favour is Yours and the dominion; No partner do You have.

Ihram from Miqat (to take off the stitched garments)

Every pilgrim should change his clothing to Ihram clothing before he exceeds the border of Makkah (the pilot announces inside the airplane about the Miqat place in order to every pilgrim change his clothes).

If the pilgrims move to Makkah from Madina, they can change their clothes (men only) from Madina or from Abiyar Ali Miqat.

Enter Holy city Makkah Al Mukarama and make Tawaf

When a pilgrim enters the Holy City of Makkah, on every step, he should request Allah earnestly to grant him what he wishes to achieve in this world and in his religion and should, seeking the forgiveness of Allah for his sins.

After arrival, while entering into Masjidul Haraam (the Holy Mosque) a person should recite:

In the name of Allah and Salat and Salam upon Rasulullah بسم الله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله

O Allah! Open to me the gates of Your Mercy اللهم افتح لي ابواب رحمتك and start Tawaf (go arround Kaaba 7 times anticlockwise start and end from Hajur Aswad)

  • It is essential to be in the state of Wudu, during entire duration of Tawaf
  • Niyyah is an essential condition for Tawaf
  • Raise your hands when make Istiqbal Hajarul Aswad and pronounce Takbir (Allah Akbar)

Forbidden things while performing Tawaf

  • To perform Tawaf without Wudu or during menstruation.
  • To perform Tawaf while naked or having that much portion of the body uncovered as would make the prayer invalid.
  • To perform Tawaf riding or climbing on one’s shoulder without a valid excuse, or crawling on the belly or knees or to perform Tawaf from the opposite direction.
  • To begin Tawaf from a place other than Hajarul Aswad.

Other things to avoid

  • To make needless and useless talk during Tawaf
  • To buy or sell anything or to talk about the sale or purchase of anything
  • To recite Du’a or perform in loud voice and annoy other pilgrims.
  • To perform Tawaf in dirty or polluted clothes.
  • To make long gaps or intervals between the circuits of Tawaf, and to be busy in some other things.
  • To perform Tawaf during Friday sermon
  • To eat food during Tawaf
  • It is undesirable to wear shoes, while performing Tawaf, without any valid reason. However, wearing of socks is NOT prohibited in Tawaf except when a person is in the state of Ihram

Supplication during Tawaf (Du`aa during Tawaf)

The portion of the wall between Hajarul Aswad and the door of Ka’bah, is know as Multazam , this is the place where Du’a is accepted in shaa Allah (as prophet peace be upon him told us)

  • There is no God but You. Glory be to You. I have surely been one of the wrong doers لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
  • O Allah! You are All forgiving. You love forgiveness, so forgive me. اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعفو عني
  • O You Living, You Eternal, I appeal to your Mercy –ياحي يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث
  • O Allah! Forgive me and have Mercy and You are the best of all the Mercifulرب اغفر وارحم وانت ارحم الراحمين
  • O Allah! from You I beseech guidance and piety, chastity and self-sufficiency اللهم اني اسالك الهدي والتقي والعفاف والغني
  • O Our Rabb! Forgive me and my parents and also all the believers on the Day of Reckoning رب اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين يوم يقوم الحساب
  • O Our Rabb! Forgive me and accept my repentance, surely You are the Relenting, All Merciful رب اغفر لي وتب علي انك انت التواب الرحيم
  • I seek the forgiveness of Allah except whom there is no God. He is the Living, the Eternal, To Him I turn. استغفر الله الذي لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
  • O Our Rabb! Give to us in this world that which is best and in the Hereafter that which is best, and save us from the torment of the Hell ربنا اتنا في الدنيا حسنه وفي الاخره حسنه وقنا عذاب النار

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The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of the Muslim life. They are the testimony of faith, prayer, giving zakat (support of the needy), fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime for those who are able (it`s obligation once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able to perform it).

So all Muslims hope to visit Makkah and Madina to make Hajj or Umrah one day.

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11 years experienced tour guide & Umrah performance several times Experienced staff , Japanese & English & Arabic speaker Trustable guide with Japanese tour operator's license

H.i.s. staff tamer zed * conduct only the tour with tour conductor from japan.

For me, my first Umrah trip was in December 2015 . I was alone coming from Tokyo, Japan. When I was in the airplane and heard the announcement of Makkah Miqat (who says that we are near to reach the Haram Zone and should change clothes and wear Ihram and recite Talbiah), when I heard that we exceeded the Haram zone, my tears fell down continually for more than 25 minutes! I couldn't believe that I will make Umrah and will see Ka`ba Sharif for the first time not on TV or in a magazine. I saw a lot of Ka’bah still pictures in the past, and now I could finally see it myself.

I had already changed my clothes to Ihram and intended to perform Umrah as soon as I arrived in Makkah. I arrived in Makkah at 11 PM, entered the hotel, put my suitcase in my room and hurried to Masjid Haram. I was lucky because my hotel was walking distance from Masjid Haram, so I got out of my hotel and found the gate of Masjid Haram. Even as I exceeded the gate of Haram, I couldn`t see Ka`ba because Masjid Haram has a lot of gates and a very huge space. I asked someone how to reach Ka`ba, he said after that wall you can see it. I walked slowly and exceeded the wall and saw Ka`ba for the first time in my life! I stopped a moment and cheered: Ya Allah Ya Allah, Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Here is the center of the earth, here is the center of Muslim prayer around the world. After I confirmed that I wasn’t dreaming, I started Tawaf and the other Umrah Manasik. During Tawaf, I recited all kinds of Du’aa and asked Allah to give me all I want and I need and to forgive all my sins and to have mercy on my deceased parents, and so on.

I finished all Umrah rituals safely and easily. It was a December, so Masjid Haram was not very crowded and the weather was fantastic. I felt a sense of relief after I got my hair cut. This haircut means I’ve finished performing Umrah and I can ‘release’ my Ihram state. Alhamdulillah.

The timing is very important. I recommend for you to make Umrah at night, especially after midnight because in Salat time the Tawaf area is closed before Azan until Salat finishes. Also between November and March the weather in Makkah and Madina is fine and bearable. On the other hand, Umrah in Ramadan is very different and has a great reward as prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) told us.

After I made farewell Tawaf, I looked at Ka`ba but I haven’t been able to say goodbye. I wish that I could visit it again and again, next time not alone but with my family.

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Visa information

To get umrah visa from japan , one should fulfill the following conditions.

  • A Japanese nationality Muslim
  • A foreigner who is spouse with Japanese nationality (wife or husband)
  • A foreigner who is staying with resident card (reenterable ) with validity more than 6 months
  • A foreigner who is staying with student resident card (reenterable ) with validity more than 6 months

Required documents for Umrah Visa

  • Visa application form
  • Employment verification letter or student verification letter
  • Vaccination against meningitis & Influenza and Healthy certificate
  • Passport validity period of minimum 6 months on arrival date of Saudi Arabia, with 2 blank visa pages
  • Copy of Japanese residence card for foreigners living in Japan , with validity period of minimum 6 months
  • Two recent Photographs (4cm x 5cm) with white background. Face should cover 70%-80% of space.
  • A) For couples traveling together: original and an A4 size copy of Marriage certificate attested by costumers Embassy In Japan (For Japanese : attest from Japan Ministry for foreign affairs) B) For children: English or Arabic translations of birth certificate attested by customers Embassy in Japan
  • For Japanese Muslim: A) Original koseki Tohon and its English translation (attest from Japan Ministry for foreign affairs) B) Islam conversion certificate (English)

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Basic information about Saudi Arabia

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Medina & Makkah Sightseeing

Madina sightseing.

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1) Jabal Uhud

Mount Uhud is a mountain north of Medina , it was the site of the second battle between Muslims and Meccan forces.

2) Masjid Qebaa (the first Masjid in Islam)

Quba is the place on the outskirts of Madinah where the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) , accompanied by Abu Bakr arrived and first stayed after emigrating from Makkah.

3) Masjid Qebletein

a mosque in Medina that is historically important for Muslims as the place where the prophet Muhammad, leading the prayer, is said to have been commanded to change the direction of prayer (qibla) from Jerusalem to Mecca.

Makkah sightseing

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valley of Mina(also known as the Tent City) is the Jamarat Bridge, the location of the ritual of the Stoning of the Devil ( the place where pilgrims throw stones).

2) Jabal Arafat

Mount Arafat (Jabal Arafat) is the place where the prophet Muhammad stood and delivered the Farewell Sermon , located about 20 km (12 mi) southeast of Mecca.

3) Ghar Hira(Cave Hira) (outseid sightseeing)

a small cave about 3.5 meters long and a little over 1.5 meters wide. It is in this cave that Prophet Muhammad (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) received his first divine revelation from Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) through Angel Jibreel.


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Travel umroh resmi bimbingan ustadz maududi abdullah.

Ibadah nyaman dan aman bersama WIPA Tour

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Pesan Tiket Pesawat Terbaik Termurah

Layanan paket umrah.

Berikut adalah daftar produk & layanan yang kami sediakan untuk para kaum muslimin diseluruh Indonesia khususnya jamaah haji & umrah

Fasilitas Jamaah

Fasilitas untuk jamaah.


Mengapa WIPA Tour

Mengapa harus wipa tour.

WIPA Tour adalah perusahaan Travel professional yang telah berjalan 10 tahun lebih. Kami memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam mengatur perjalanan umrah. Dengan pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang proses dan persyaratan umrah, kami dapat memastikan bahwa perjalanan Anda berjalan lancar dan tanpa kesulitan.

Tour Leader

Tour leader yang berpengalaman, galeri perjalanan jamaah.

Jamaah Umroh Wipa Tour Keberangkatan 23 Januari 2024


Persiapan Take Off Jamaah Wipa Tour keberangkatan november 2024 Di Bandara Soeta


Jamaah Wipa Tour di Masjid Mabawi Madinah


Penyerahan Passport Jamaah Wipa Tour Di Bandara Soeta


Jamaah Wipa Tour Umroh I'Tikaf 2023


Jamaah Wipa Tour Umroh I'tikaf 2023

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Find the best umrah packages at Atlas Umrah - A Product of Atlas Tours & Travels Pvt Ltd

We are providing exceptional services for over 35 years. Our team of experts ensures every aspect of your journey is handled with care and precision, with a focus on creating a spiritual and memorable experience.If you're planning to embark on an Umrah pilgrimage, you want to ensure that every detail is taken care of, so that you can focus on your spiritual journey. That's why Atlas Tours & Travels is the best choice for your Umrah packages. We are a top-rated travel agency that specializes in providing holistic travel experiences for our customers.

As a leading Umrah travel agency, we understand that travelling is much more than just reaching your destination. It's about creating unforgettable memories, experiencing new cultures and immersing yourself in spirituality. At Atlas Tours & Travels, we strive to offer our customers the best possible Umrah packages, that are tailored to their unique needs.We offer a wide range of packages to suit your budget, with daily departures and hotels located near the holy sites in Mecca and Medina

One of the biggest advantages of choosing Atlas Tours & Travels is that we provide comprehensive services to ensure that your travel experience is as smooth and hassle-free as possible. We offer customized packages to fit your budget, preferences, and schedules, which are designed to cater to both individual and group travel requirements. In addition to that, we offer comfortable and luxurious accommodation options that are located in close proximity to the Haram Shareef, allowing our guests to easily perform their religious obligations without any inconvenience. Our 14-day Umrah packages are designed to give you ample time to offer prayers, perform Tawaf, and other religious duties while also allowing you to experience the local culture and cuisine of the cities. At Atlas Tours & Travels, we also take care of your Umrah visa processing needs, so that you can focus on your religious duties instead of worrying about the paperwork. Our visa processing services are efficient and hassle-free, ensuring that you receive your Umrah visa well before your travel dates. Moreover, we have a team of experienced and knowledgeable staff who are available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns that you may have during your journey. We also provide transportation services to ensure that you are comfortable and safe while traveling between different locations. In summary, whether you are planning a trip for Hajj, Umrah, or Ziyarat, Atlas Tours & Travels is the go-to choice for hassle-free and convenient travel services. With a focus on providing the best possible experience, we ensure that your journey is memorable and rewarding.

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Jamaah Wajib Daftar Lewat Aplikasi Ini

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Bulan Ramadhan adalah waktu favorit bagi banyak umat Muslim di seluruh dunia untuk menunaikan ibadah umrah. Sebab, seperti diketahui, Allah menjanjikan ganjaran pahala yang berlipat ganda bagi siapa saja yang melakukan kebaikan dan beribadah di bulan suci. Baru-baru ini, Kementerian Haji dan Umrah Arab Saudi mengeluarkan kebijakan terkait penyelenggaraan ibadah umrah. Disebutkan bahwa selama Ramadan, jemaah hanya diizinkan untuk melaksanakan umrah sebanyak satu kali. Regulasi tersebut diterapkan guna memastikan agar seluruh jemaah yang belum sempat menunaikan ibadah umrah selama Ramadan bisa memiliki kesempatan untuk menunaikan ibadah tersebut dengan mudah dan nyaman.

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6 ways to make most of umrah travel in Mecca

Exploring holy city’s landmark wonders.

  • 02-09- 2024 06:25 PM

Jabal Al-Nour. – AFPPIC

AFTER performing the sacred pilgrimage of umrah, many pilgrims seek to continue their journey through Mecca and discover more of this holy city. As one of the most visited cities in the world, Mecca presents an opportunity to explore beyond worship. From historical sites to modern attractions, every corner of Mecca provides an experience that enriches both spiritually and intellectually.

Aside from the magnificent Masjid al-Haram, Mecca has much more to offer. For those looking to delve deeper into the wonders of Mecca, these destinations offer a unique opportunity to experience the city’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage.

1. Morning reflections at Jabal Al-Nour

Jabal Al-Nour, also known as the Mountain of Light, where the Prophet Muhammad received his first divine revelations, offers a serene start to the day. Located around 4.8km from Mecca, the journey to climb to the top is challenging yet rewarding. The summit offers a breathtaking panoramic view and captures the city’s beauty in the morning light, leaving a sense of tranquillity and allowing visitors to reflect upon the profound history that unfolded here.

$!Makkah Museum.

2. Discovering wonders at Makkah Museum

For those interested in exploring the rich tapestry of Mecca’s history, the Makkah Museum offers a fascinating journey through time. Located near the Masjid al-Haram, the museum showcases captivating exhibits, diverse collection of artefacts and interactive displays that narrate the city’s past, guiding the visitors through the footsteps of ancient civilisations. A visit to the museum will broaden intellectual and cultural perspectives in addition to spiritual experience.

$!Sewing and knitting at Kiswa Factory of Holy Ka’aba. — PINTERESTPIC

3. Sewing and knitting at Kiswa Factory of Holy Ka’aba

The Kiswa Factory of the Holy Ka’aba (King Abdulaziz Complex) welcomes visitors to witness the intricate craftsmanship and devotion that goes into creating kiswa, the majestic covering of the Holy Ka-aba, which is made from pure silk embroidered with silver wires painted with glittering gold. The factory offers an unforgettable experience to explore one of the top silk knitting and embroidery facilities and the production stages involving 200 professionals, where visitors marvel at the meticulous artistry that adorns this sacred structure, symbolising unity and reverence.

$!Al-Muallaa Cemetery. — FLICKPIC

4. Spiritual stroll through Al-Muallaa Cemetery

Al-Muallaa Cemetery, also known as Jannat al-Mualla, is one of the oldest and largest cemeteries in the region. Considered as a significant historic site in Islamic history, it is the resting place of several notable Islamic figures, including relatives of the Prophet Muhammad. Visitors will be reminded of the profound connection between life, faith and history as they walk through the serene grounds. The tranquillity of the cemetery offers a contemplative space to reflect on the spiritual journey they have undertaken.

$!The Clock Tower Museum. — PEXELSPIC

5. Shopping and culinary delights at Abraj Al Bait Towers

The Abraj Al Bait Towers are a marvel of modern architecture and luxury. This iconic complex houses the Clock Tower Museum, which offers stunning panoramic views of the city. The towers are also home to high-end shopping centres, international dining options and the prestigious Makkah Clock Royal Tower, making it a hub for both pilgrims and tourists. A blend of modern comfort and historical grandeur, it is a great place to relax, enjoy spectacular views and indulge in some luxurious amenities.

$!Jumeirah Jabal Omar Makkah.

6. Luxurious stay at Jumeirah Jabal Omar Makkah

Visitors can explore all the wonders of Mecca from the comfort of Jumeirah Jabal Omar Makkah. Located within walking distance of Masjid al-Haram, the hotel provides guests with direct access to the holy site, making it an ideal choice for umrah travellers. With 1,121 elegant rooms, suites and serviced residences, the hotel offers world-class, luxurious amenities that provide a comfortable and peaceful sanctuary for guests. By staying at Jumeirah Jabal Omar Makkah, they can find peace and solace, allowing them to immerse in their spiritual journey and personal reflection while having all the conveniences of a luxury hotel.

Whether you are a seasoned traveller or a first-time visitor, Mecca offers an extraordinary experience beyond umrah . With a variety of activities and attractions, Mecca will leave a lasting and fulfilling impression.

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Tomsk: Cultural treasure of central Siberia

Tomsk. Church of the Resurrection on Resurrection Hill. East view. September 24, 1999

Tomsk. Church of the Resurrection on Resurrection Hill. East view. September 24, 1999

At the beginning of the 20th century the Russian chemist and photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky developed a complex process for vivid color photography. His vision of photography as a form of education and enlightenment was demonstrated with special clarity through his images of architectural monuments in the historic sites throughout the Russian heartland.

In June 1912, Prokudin-Gorsky ventured into Western Siberia as part of a commission to document the Kama-Tobolsk Waterway, a link between the European and Asian sides of the Ural Mountains. The town of  Tyumen  served as his starting point for productive journeys that included Shadrinsk (current population 68,000), established in 1662 on the Iset River. By the time of Prokudin-Gorsky’s visit, the town already had several enterprises, including a ceramics factory, and a population of some 15,000. 

Prokudin-Gorsky’s photographs of Shadrinsk include the rapid construction of pine log buildings for a railroad station complex – part of a secondary rail line built in 1911-1913. The partially completed buildings show an efficient use of standardized design, with measured log stacks in the foreground. Tall, spindly pine trees complete the picture.

Shadrinsk. Construction of standardized log buildings for a railroad station complex. Summer 1912

Shadrinsk. Construction of standardized log buildings for a railroad station complex. Summer 1912

In a broader context, these photographs reflect the expansion of Russia’s rail system from Yekaterinburg to the Far East. Although Prokudin-Gorsky did not reach Tomsk (in central Siberia), I visited there in the late Summer of 1999 and saw the extensive use of log structures in an urban environment.

Tomsk beginnings

Tomsk. Church of Kazan Icon of the Virgin at Virgin-St. Aleksy Monastery, south view. Built in 1776-89; bell tower added in 1806. September 26, 1999

Tomsk. Church of Kazan Icon of the Virgin at Virgin-St. Aleksy Monastery, south view. Built in 1776-89; bell tower added in 1806. September 26, 1999

Archeological evidence suggests that Tomsk Region, part of the vast Ob River basin in central Siberia, has been settled for at least four millennia.

Epiphany Cathedral, southeast view. Built in 1777-84; expanded in 19th century; severely deformed in Soviet period for use as factory. This historic photograph shows the process of restoration, completed in 2002. September 25, 1999

Epiphany Cathedral, southeast view. Built in 1777-84; expanded in 19th century; severely deformed in Soviet period for use as factory. This historic photograph shows the process of restoration, completed in 2002. September 25, 1999

By the time detachments of Russian Cossacks arrived in 1598, the native inhabitants included the Khants and Siberian Tatars, who, in 1603, accepted the authority of Tsar Boris Godunov.

In 1604, a fort was founded on the banks of the River Tom (a tributary of the Ob) and, throughout the 17th century, the Tomsk settlement served as a bulwark against the Kalmyk and Kirghiz steppe tribes.  

Church of the Resurrection on Resurrection Hill, north view. Built in 1789-1807; excellent example of

Church of the Resurrection on Resurrection Hill, north view. Built in 1789-1807; excellent example of "Siberian Baroque" architecture. September 26, 1999

With the expansion of Russian control to the south during the 18th century, the military significance of Tomsk was replaced by trade and transportation, centered on caravans of tea from China.

Former Stock Exchange Building, begun in 1825.  September 25, 1999

Former Stock Exchange Building, begun in 1825. September 25, 1999

The expansion of the Moscow Road through Siberia in the middle of the 18th century provided further stimulus for growth that was reflected in the construction of large brick churches, such as the Epiphany Cathedral (first completed in 1784) and the Church of the Resurrection (1789), a masterpiece of Siberian baroque architecture.             

 Alexander Vtorov & Sons Building, Lenin Prospect 111. Built in 1903-05 as a department store & hotel; a major example of Art Nouveau architecture in Siberia. September 24, 1999

Alexander Vtorov & Sons Building, Lenin Prospect 111. Built in 1903-05 as a department store & hotel; a major example of Art Nouveau architecture in Siberia. September 24, 1999

During the 1830s, the development of gold mines in the territory greatly increased the town's significance as a center of mining operations and administration. Tomsk Region also continued to serve as a place of political exile, as it had in the 17th and 18th centuries.             

‘Diverted’ opportunities

N. S. Zaslavsky

N. S. Zaslavsky "Fashionable Store," Lenin Prospect 105. Built in 1898-99; example of "Brick Style" commercial architecture. September 24, 1999

During the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway at the end of the 19th century, Tomsk missed a second golden opportunity when the Ministry of Transportation decided to place the railroad crossing over the Ob’ River to the south. There are conflicting explanations for this decision, which slighted Tomsk, but created the town of Novonikolaevsk, subsequently to become the major Siberian metropolis of Novosibirsk.

Former building of the Flour Exchange, Lenin Square 14. Built in 1906-08; an example of Art Nouveau architecture. September 25, 1999

Former building of the Flour Exchange, Lenin Square 14. Built in 1906-08; an example of Art Nouveau architecture. September 25, 1999

Tomsk settled for a branch line constructed in 1896 through the small junction of Taiga (80 kilometers south of the city) and that spur enabled Tomsk to remain a center of trade and agricultural development in central Siberia.             

 Commercial building of A. V. Shvetsov, steamboat magnate. Built in 1882 in the

Commercial building of A. V. Shvetsov, steamboat magnate. Built in 1882 in the "Pseudo-Russian" style (based on late medieval Russian architecture). September 25, 1999

The impressive scale of its commercial and residential architecture illustrates the diversity of Siberian culture at the turn of the 20th century. The Vtorov firm built one of Siberia’s largest department stores, which still graces Tomsk’s central district. Tomsk also became one of Siberia's preeminent educational centers, the location of Siberia's first university, founded in 1878. Among Russian institutions of higher learning, Tomsk State University is distinguished not only by its academic luster but also by its attractive, spacious campus.             

Main Building of Tomsk University. Built in 1885 in a late Neoclassical style. September 27, 1999

Main Building of Tomsk University. Built in 1885 in a late Neoclassical style. September 27, 1999

It should be emphasized that Tomsk accepted religious faiths in addition to Russian Orthodoxy. By 1910, the city had a Catholic Church of the Holy Rosary (now restored for use), two mosques (both of which have been restored), a Lutheran church (rebuilt), an Old Believer Orthodox church and a large synagogue that is among the most beautiful in Russia. The dome over its entrance has now been reconstructed.

Catholic Church of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin. Consecrated in 1833 for the community of Polish exiles. Bell tower added in 1856. September 26, 1999

Catholic Church of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin. Consecrated in 1833 for the community of Polish exiles. Bell tower added in 1856. September 26, 1999

Architectural heritage

In 1911, the city’s northern area gained the neo-Byzantine Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, the only church to remain open for most of the Soviet era. Some of the churches were built of wood, such as the Old Believer Church of the Dormition, completed in 1913 and lovingly maintained today by the parish. I was particularly honored to be asked to photograph Metropolitan Alimpy (Gusev; 1929-2003), who was visiting Tomsk at the same time.             

Choral Synagogue, Rosa Luxemburg Street 38. Built in 1902 to replace a wooden synagogue built in 1850. View before restoration of dome above main entrance. September 25, 1999

Choral Synagogue, Rosa Luxemburg Street 38. Built in 1902 to replace a wooden synagogue built in 1850. View before restoration of dome above main entrance. September 25, 1999

The most distinctive part of the city’s architectural heritage is displayed in its neighborhoods of elaborately decorated wooden houses, structures of solid logs often covered with plank siding.

Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, southeast view. Built in 1909-11 in Neo-Byzantine style. September 24, 1999

Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul, southeast view. Built in 1909-11 in Neo-Byzantine style. September 24, 1999

It is no exaggeration to say that the "lacework" of Tomsk's wooden architectural ornament – particularly the window surrounds, or nalichniki – is unrivaled in Russia for its lavish detail and the extent of its preservation. Many of these extraordinary wooden houses were built for merchants who lived in the Tatar Quarter.  

Old Believer Church of the Dormition, southwest view. Wooden structure built in 1909-13 for the Old Believer Orthodox community in Tomsk region. September 27, 1999

Old Believer Church of the Dormition, southwest view. Wooden structure built in 1909-13 for the Old Believer Orthodox community in Tomsk region. September 27, 1999

The Tatar Quarter also contains the renovated White Mosque and a cultural center, located in a mansion built at the beginning of the 20th century for Karym Khamitov, a Tatar financial magnate.  Other ethnic groups include Russian  Germans, composed of settlers who moved to the area beginning in the 19th century. One of them was Viktor Kress, the governor of Tomsk Region in 1991-2012. 

Old Believer Church of the Dormition. Historic photograph of Metropolitan Alimpy (Gusev), spiritual leader of Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. Photograph taken with the blessing of the prelate, who is standing in front of icon screen. September 27, 1999

Old Believer Church of the Dormition. Historic photograph of Metropolitan Alimpy (Gusev), spiritual leader of Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. Photograph taken with the blessing of the prelate, who is standing in front of icon screen. September 27, 1999

Decline & rebirth

The many positive trends in the region’s development during the early 20th century were crushed by the savage fighting of the Civil War between 1918-1921. After that conflict, Tomsk entered a decline that was reversed by the evacuation to the city of industrial and research facilities during World War II.

Wooden house, Belinsky Street 19. Excellent example of

Wooden house, Belinsky Street 19. Excellent example of "Carpenter Gothic" style. September 24, 1999

This momentum, reinforced by strong institutions of higher education in Tomsk, continued after the war with the development of nuclear research installations for both military and energy purposes.             

 Wooden house built by architect Andrey Kryachkov. Fine example of Art Nouveau architecture in wood. September 26, 1999

Wooden house built by architect Andrey Kryachkov. Fine example of Art Nouveau architecture in wood. September 26, 1999

With over a half a million inhabitants and a regional population of almost a million, Tomsk remains a leading Siberian center for administration, education, industry and energy resources.

Wooden house & courtyard gate, Tatar Street 46. One of many distinctive wooden houses built in the district of Tatar merchants. September 26, 1999

Wooden house & courtyard gate, Tatar Street 46. One of many distinctive wooden houses built in the district of Tatar merchants. September 26, 1999

Protecting the environment has been a major concern, particularly in an area of stunning natural beauty. 

 White Mosque, built in Tatar District in 1912-16. September 26, 1999

White Mosque, built in Tatar District in 1912-16. September 26, 1999

At the same time, dedication to the city’s historical environment – including its houses of worship – has succeeded in preserving an architectural legacy that represents a Russian national treasure.

House of merchant Karym Khamitov, built in Tatar District in 1894. Under conversion into cultural center for Tatar community of Tomsk region. September 25, 1999

House of merchant Karym Khamitov, built in Tatar District in 1894. Under conversion into cultural center for Tatar community of Tomsk region. September 25, 1999

Indeed, a walk through the historic neighborhoods of Tomsk reminds just how much Russian culture belongs to the forest.  

Ornamental wooden gate leading to courtyard of house on Solyanoi Lane 18. September 26, 1999

Ornamental wooden gate leading to courtyard of house on Solyanoi Lane 18. September 26, 1999

In the early 20th century, Russian photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky developed a complex process for color photography. Between 1903 and 1916, he traveled through the Russian Empire and took over 2,000 photographs with the process, which involved three exposures on a glass plate. In August 1918, he left Russia and ultimately resettled in France, where he was reunited with a large part of his collection of glass negatives, as well as 13 albums of contact prints. After his death in Paris in 1944, his heirs sold the collection to the Library of Congress. In the early 21st century, the Library digitized the Prokudin-Gorsky Collection and made it freely available to the global public. A few Russian websites now have versions of the collection. In 1986, architectural historian and photographer William Brumfield organized the first exhibit of Prokudin-Gorsky photographs at the Library of Congress. Over a period of work in Russia beginning in 1970, Brumfield has photographed most of the sites visited by Prokudin-Gorsky. This series of articles juxtaposes Prokudin-Gorsky’s views of architectural monuments with photographs taken by Brumfield decades later.

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    Anta Umroh is an Umroh travel agency under the Antavaya company which is part of the large Trans Corporation (CT Corp) family. Armed with more than 40 years of experience in the travel sector, in 2014 Antavaya opened a business unit engaged in Umroh travel services under the name "Anta Umroh".

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  17. Anta Umroh

    Anta Umroh is an Umroh travel agency under the Antavaya company which is part of the large Trans Corporation (CT Corp) family. Armed with more than 40 years of experience in the travel sector, in 2014 Antavaya opened a business unit engaged in Umroh travel services under the name "Anta Umroh".

  18. 6 ways to make most of umrah travel in Mecca

    AFTER performing the sacred pilgrimage of umrah, many pilgrims seek to continue their journey through Mecca and discover more of this holy city. As one of the most visited cities in the world, Mecca presents an opportunity to explore beyond worship. From historical sites to modern attractions, every corner of Mecca provides an experience that enriches both spiritually and intellectually.

  19. Arrahmah Tour

    Ayo umroh bersama arrahmah tour. Clarissa Adriana - 2015-05-14. Pelayanan Ramah & Kekeluargaan. Arrahmah Tour memiliki staff yang ramah dan mampu menciptakan suasana kekeluargaan. Ketika saya berangkat umrah Tahun 2015 lalu, seperti umrah dengan keluarga sendiri. H. Abdul Aziz - 2015-10-01.

  20. All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

    Skip to main content. Discover. Trips

  21. Tomsk: Cultural treasure of central Siberia

    Archeological evidence suggests that Tomsk Region, part of the vast Ob River basin in central Siberia, has been settled for at least four millennia. Epiphany Cathedral, southeast view. Built in ...

  22. Top 26 Things To Do In Tomsk, Russia

    1. Go stargazing at the Tomsk Planetarium. 2. Browse through absorbing exhibits at the Tomsk History Museum and check out the observation deck. 3. Visit the interactive Monument to Happiness. 4. Soak in the breathtaking panoramic view of the city from the top of the Voskresenskaya Mountain. 5.


    View prices for your travel dates. Check In. Fri, Aug 30. Check Out. Sat, Aug 31. Guests. 1 room, 2 adults, 0 children. Contact accommodation for availability. There are similar hotels available. View all. Did you already book this hotel? Yes No. About. 4.0. Very good. 6 reviews #7 of 11 lodges in Tomsk.