trade and travel 2.0

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Trade and Travel

The Epic Guide to Teri Ijeoma’s New Trade and Travel 2.0 Course

  • By: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach

If you’re considering trading stocks – which is also known as “active investing” – chances are you may have heard of Teri Ijeoma, creator of the popular Trade and Travel course.

She’s been featured as the #1 course creator on Teachable and profiled in various media, from Forbes to Black Enterprise to Good Morning America and more.

Teri Ijeoma is a stock trading expert who has taught her 7-step trading system to more than 30,000 individuals of all backgrounds – from pure novices to more experienced traders. By learning to trade stocks, Teri says, everyday people can supplement their income and reach their personal goals, such as paying off debt, buying a home or starting a business.

But who exactly is Teri Ijeoma? And is Trade and Travel worth plunking down thousands of dollars?

Most important: what exactly do people learn in this stock-trading course, which just got a fresh update for 2023?

After having personally taken the course in the past, here’s my honest review of Trade and Travel, including an epic guide to this day-trading program.

This ultimate guide will show you the following information and answer these questions:

Who is Teri Ijeoma?

How does trade and travel compare to other stock day trading courses.

10 Things You Learn in Trade and Travel

What are the Drawbacks to the Trade and Travel Course?

How much does trade and travel cost.

What’s New in Trade and Travel 2.0?

Is Trade and Travel 2.0 Worth It?

Should you upgrade to the trade and travel 2.0 course.

Key Dates in 2023 for the Official Launch of Trade and Travel 2.0

Teri Ijeoma graduated from MIT and actually worked in education and the nonprofit sector before starting Trade and Travel.

Initially, she traded stocks just as a side-hustle to earn extra money to fund her wanderlust and love of worldwide travel. (She’s visited Australia, the Maldives, Vietnam, Israel and dozens of other countries).

But after a few years, Teri found she was quite good at consistently trading profitably – no small feat, considering more than 90% of day traders LOSE money.

Once Teri realized she could regularly make winning trades by repeating a very specific trading system, that’s when she launched Trade and Travel in 2017.

I can’t attest to the quality of other stock-trading programs, because honestly, I haven’t taken any.

I do, however, have a strong background in investing. (I wrote a book called Investing Success (foreword by Charles Schwab ) and I’m a former Wall Street Journal reporter and CNBC correspondent who used to cover Wall Street and the brokerage industry. So, I come at this topic with more knowledge and expertise than the average person).

And after doing a ton of research on this topic, I can attest to the strength of Trade and Travel in terms of how it’s different in structure and breadth from most other day trading courses.

The typical day trading course taught by pros like Teri focus on ONE main aspect of active investing – like trading psychology, or specific trading strategies. Some stock courses give an introduction to trading or a general overview of trading. But that’s very piecemeal and not as comprehensive as Trade and Travel.

Overall, I found Teri’s class to be thorough, in-depth, and practical at teaching NUMEROUS core aspects of active investing, as well as many unique strategies to boost your chances of trading success. It’s also very well-organized and taught in layman’s terms. She breaks stuff down like a good teacher would, in order to make sure you understand critical concepts.

(Full disclosure: I’ve known Teri for several years, have done a separate video-based investing course with her, and I’m an affiliate of Trade and Travel. She didn’t ask me to write this article, though. I decided to write this piece to help anyone contemplating the idea of trading stocks make a better, more informed decision).

teri ijeoma Lynnette Khalfani-cox

10 Things You Learn in this Trade and Travel Review

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn in Trade and Travel.

1) How to read candlesticks

In the investing world, candlesticks are a type of chart that show the opening, closing, high and low prices of a stock over a certain period of time. Teri teaches you how to read these charts so you can better understand the price movements of stocks.

2) How to calculate good entry and exit points when trading stocks

An entry and exit point for a stock is the price at which you buy and sell it. Teri teaches you how to figure out a good entry point for a stock so that you can maximize your profits when you sell.

3) How to evaluate risk-reward

This refers to the risk you take (or potential loss you face) when trading a given stock versus the possible reward (or potential profit you might net). Teri teaches you how to evaluate the risk/reward ratio of a stock so that you can make prudent decisions about which stocks represent good opportunities to trade, and which ones you should stay away from.

4) How to trade in a “sim” account

A simulated account, or sim account, is a practice account that allows you to trade stocks without risking any real money. Teri advises all her students to first use a sim account so that you can practice trading and hone your skills before putting your own money at risk.

5) How to set up and use stop-loss orders

A stop-loss order is an electronic order placed with a brokerage firm to automatically sell a stock if it drops below a certain price. Teri teaches that you should always use a stop-loss order to limit your downside risk, just in case a trade goes wrong.

6) How to control your emotions

Fear. Greed. Overconfidence. Panic! All of these emotions can affect your trading success. Controlling your emotional state when day trading is vitally important. Teri teaches you how to keep your emotions in check so that you can make rational decisions when trading stocks.

7) How to read stock charts

Stock charts are a visual representation of the price movements of a stock over time. Teri teaches you how to read and interpret these charts, even in increments of minutes, hours or days, so that you can make smarter trades.

8) When to trade – and when NOT to

At the risk of giving away too many secrets from Trade and Travel , I will say that one of the biggest takeaways I got from Teri’s course was learning when NOT to trade. For example, Teri advises her students to avoid trading:

When a company has an earnings reporting period (companies can surprise you when reporting quarterly or annual revenues and profits, and a “downside” surprise – or lower revenue or earnings than expected – can lead to a horrible trading day on Wall Street)

When a stock has hit an all-time high (many traders get burned this way and later sell at a loss)

When a stock has had a downward trend (you want to avoid buying a stock in a downward spiral)

During major announcements (such as when the Federal Reserve issues statements on monetary policy or about its plans for interest rate increases or decreases)

Any penny stocks anytime (they’re far more speculative and riskier)

This advice alone is golden – and keeps people from suffering potential trading losses!

9) How to take your first trade with confidence

Even after you learn what to do, you may have trouble actually pulling the trigger and doing it.

It’s natural to feel some apprehension – or even outright worry – when the time comes to trade using your real money. Everyone experiences doubt at some point, even seasoned professionals. But some stock market traders say that confidence when trading is crucial for short and long-term success. Confidence comes from knowing that you have a strategy and aren’t just making haphazard trading decisions.

The Trade and Travel course is designed to gradually build your confidence and comfort in taking a trade , even if you have no prior experience trading or investing. Since Teri teaches you the fundamentals – including risk management strategies, numerous do’s and don’ts of trading, the emotional side of trading and more – with this knowledge in hand, you can take your first trade with confidence. (Join the next weeklong “ Take Your First Trade Challenge ” for help).

10) An overall trading methodology

The world’s most successful stock traders use systems and pre-defined rules to guide their actions. They don’t just arbitrarily trade based on emotion and gut feeling. Teri Ijeoma is no different. Her trading methodology revealed in the Trade and Travel course requires you to perform seven proven steps for each and every trade. By applying a consistent, disciplined trading system, you can increase your chances of success, trading with more confidence and consistency.

Depending on your perspective, one drawback to Trade and Travel is that it’s a lot of work!

Teri isn’t touting a “get rich quick” strategy, so you absolutely have to put in the time and effort to learn her trading system.

Part of the time you’ll spend is simply joining group coaching calls and watching or re-watching the training videos. There are about 50+ hours of self-paced instruction in Trade and Travel . It’ll take you roughly four to six weeks to go through everything, potentially longer if you can’t commit as much time to the program.

Additionally, you’ll need to spend time practicing your trading before you take the plunge and put your real, hard-earned dollars into the stock market.

Personally, I don’t see this as a downside. But I know that some people are eager to put their new-found trading knowledge to work, so having to exercise patience and spend a month or so just practicing simulated trades may seem tedious. (Pro tip: Doing simulated trades ultimately gives you confidence and prepares you to trade real money. It helps you learn how to manage your emotions too).

The price of the course may also be a barrier to some people who can’t afford to pay for it. But there’s a big difference between paying for something and making an investment in something.

Read on for my take on how an investment in Trade and Travel 2.0 can pay off handsomely.

The current version of the Trade and Travel Course presently costs $2,500 and what’s known as the “VIP Program” costs $5,000. But those prices will only be in force until early 2023.

Effective March 2023, several elements of Trade and Travel are changing, including new and updated components of the program and pricing.

In the past, weekly group coaching calls were part of the standard Trade and Travel offering. Now, as part of what’s been dubbed Trade and Travel 2.0 , which launches March 13, 2023, there will no longer be live coaching calls unless you add a support subscription plan to your account.

As of this writing, the pricing for the subscription plan has not been disclosed.

Also, Trade and Travel 2.0 will now be just ONE comprehensive course, instead of the basic course and the separate VIP program that was offered for years with Trade and Travel 1.0.

The pricing for the new Trade and Travel 2.0 Program has been revealed: it’s $10,000.

That’s obviously not a small chunk of change.

Frankly, though, I’m not surprised at the higher price, for several reasons.

For starters, many top-level trading courses are at this price point; some lower, some higher.

Additionally, the VIP Program had been the same price for more than three years, even though participants in the VIP Program rave about it. Many of them are part of Teri’s elite “$1,000 a day Club, ” – meaning these are people who learned to master Teri’s trading strategies and now make an average of $1,000 a day when trading.

With Teri’s new all-in-one course, participants will be getting the equivalent of the former basic course and VIP program – along with lots of enhancements.

Successful Black Woman Trading Online While Staying Home

What’s New in Trade and Travel 2.0?

Teri hired several curriculum development specialists to help her enhance Trade and Travel 2.0 and she invested time and money in creating more than 200 explainer videos to better educate her students in 2023 and beyond.

According to the website, the relaunch of Trade and Travel 2.0 is intended “to give an elevated learning experience and level of service to our students. You can expect new visuals, more comprehensive resources, efficient customer service, and a whole new set of features.”

On social media, Teri has indicated that people can expect to see Trade and Travel merchandise in 2023 as well, such as T-Shirts, luxurious sweatshirts and more.

But what about the content and related items? There are three main categories of enhancements, new updates and experiences to be found in the refreshed version of Trade and Travel 2.0.

New Curriculum

Features updated videos

Introduces a new, comprehensive “Trading Plan” to more clearly show students how all aspects of Teri’s trading strategy fit together

Includes Shorting, Gaps and Globex in the Core Strategy (See details below)

Adds 15-minute charts (in addition to daily charts) to help students become better real-time stock traders

Provides new course content on learning to trade with the stock market’s momentum (either up or down)

Re-organizes technical analysis into the order of the Core Strategy

New Community

Unveils a Subscription Model — as mentioned, students in Trade and Travel 2.0 will be able to get additional, live support, but that will be at a fee going forward

Trade and Trade 2.0 is upgrading to Mighty Networks, which brings together Facebook, Telegram Groups, and Coaching Calls into one place

Facilitated Local Meet Up Groups – to better connect the Trade and Travel community offline as well as online

New Conferences

Trade and Travel 2.0 gives people the option to learn the Curriculum live; as opposed to solely taking the course online via video and/or group coaching calls

The Trade and Travel team is considering doing two live conferences in the U.S. and one overseas

In my opinion, an investment in Trade and Travel 2.0 is definitely worth it for three reasons.

First, you’ll learn a valuable skill, trading, which is something that can help you generate income that is not dependent on a having job or clients.

Additionally, you’ll expand your knowledge base in the  financial arena . Far too many people lack understanding of investments, trading and how Wall Street works – especially women and people of color .

Finally, as most of Teri Ijeoma’s students attest, the money spent is worthwhile because, after following her methodology, you’ll likely make way more money from trading than you spent on the course.

Are you guaranteed to make a certain amount of money? No, absolutely not.

All stock market investing involves risk and outcomes can’t be “guaranteed.”

However, according to Teri Ijeoma, her proprietary strategies not only reduce your trading risk and minimize your stress about trading stocks , but the average Trade and Travel student finds that the tips and strategies they learn help them trade so profitably that they typically recoup their investment in the course in about 8 to 10 weeks.

Historically, one reason the prior Trade and Travel VIP course appealed to so many people is that you learn how to trade other securities beyond stocks, and you learned additional strategies and methods for making money in up and down markets.

For instance, 2022 was a terrible year for stocks overall. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 9% in 2022 and the Nasdaq Composite Index, which is largely made of tech stocks, plummeted 33%.

But if you know how to short sell, and if you understand gap trading techniques, (both of which Teri Ijeoma teaches in the past version of her advanced VIP program and in the new Trade and Travel 2.0), you can still have winning trades and make money even when stocks are falling.

Quick explanation: Short selling is when you borrow shares of a stock from your broker and sell them, hoping the price will go down so you can buy them back at a lower price and pocket the difference.

Therefore, if you’re looking to make money in both up and down markets, then the Trade and Travel 2.0 course is definitely worth examining.

Advanced Trading Strategies Revealed

Trade and Travel 2.0 also teaches you about trading calls, puts and options.

Calls are contracts that give you the right – but not the obligation – to buy a stock at a certain price. Puts are contracts that give you the right to sell a stock at a certain price. And options are contracts that give you the right to buy or sell a stock at a certain price.

These more complex strategies can be used to generate income, hedge against losses, and even bet on stocks without actually buying them.

Finally, the Trade and Travel 2.0 course also teaches you Globex trading strategies.

Never heard of that? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. (Hint: Globex is an electronic trading platform used to trade commodities, options and futures contracts, as well as other derivatives).

But I think you get my point: If you want to learn more sophisticated trading strategies, you should strongly consider Teri Ijeoma’s new program.

Certainly, if you’re thinking of upgrading to the Trade and Travel 2.0 course, do it by March 6, 2023 to save $5,000 and pay the old price before the price increase kicks in. (You can spread payments over three to 12 months , if desired).

Key Dates In 2023 for the Official Launch of Trade and Travel 2.0

For those ready to try their hands at trading, you can pre-enroll in February and immediately get access to the new Trade and Travel 2.0.

You should also mark your calendar these important dates:

The next “Take Your First Trade Challenge” : February 27th – March 3rd

Trade and Travel 2.0 Pre-enrollment Sale Ends: March 6th

The first Travel and Travel 2.0 cohort starts: March 13th

In conclusion, Trade and Travel is an excellent opportunity for those willing to invest the time, money and effort into learning a new, valuable and potentially lucrative skill: trading stocks.

Recommended Reading: Learn How to Buy A Business With No Money

Tags: Globex , Teri Ijeoma , Trade and Travel

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The Step-by-Step Proven Roadmap to Create An Additional Source of Income With Stock Trading So you Can…

  • Pay your bills
  • Reduce your debt
  • Spend more time with family
  • Save for trips
  • Supplement your income

trade and travel 2.0

Because YOU'VE BEEN INTERESTED in investing for a while but you didn't know where to start...

trade and travel 2.0

Teri Ijeoma here. I’m a full-time trader, world traveler, and lover of mac-n-cheese.

I’ve helped more than 30,000 students learn how to trade in the stock market and fulfill their financial dreams.

It took learning new skills, practicing them, and working hard, but my dream to travel around the world came true thanks to trading.

Now I am a multimillionaire, traveling around the world and teaching others. 

Listen, I know what it's like...

To be in a dead-end job. not have enough savings., not knowing where to start investing and make money to live your dream life., if that's you..., then keep reading, my friend, because what happens in the next few minutes could decide if you stay stuck another year in your daily grind or gain the knowledge that will make you recession-proof in any economy., but my life wasn’t always this way., cue the dark clouds - there’s a storm brewin’, i used to be an elementary school assistant principal. i was also a youth pastor at my church. while i loved the work i was doing at the church and school (teaching), to be honest i was… overworked, underpaid, and stressed beyond measure. my self-esteem was shot. i gained weight and fell into depression., when a close friend passed away, i decided that life was too short to not be able to enjoy it., i decided to quit giving myself the short end of the stick., and i never looked back., trading for income gave me:.

  • The chance to quit my 9-5 for good and travel as much as I want (while using my cell phone to make trades).
  • The ability to say "YES!" to what I love (and a guilt-free "bless your heart" to what I don't).
  • Freedom from debt! I paid off my student loans, $150,000 credit card debt, and soon paid off my mortgage.

And it’s not just me, check out what it did for Joan...

trade and travel 2.0

This knowledge makes us recession proof.

“This beauty came in the mail last week. I was so excited, you would have thought I received a check for millions of dollars… but I did, with this newly acquired skill I can earn millions. I’m in the financial services and I hear talk of our industry being recesssion proof; this knowledge is what truly make us recession proof. Thank you Teri Ijeoma, for your calling, commitment and dedication.”

- Joan, Trade and Travel student

Have you ever.

  • Spent hours trying to teach yourself on youtube
  • Paid for a teacher and not learned anything
  • Heard about long term investing but felt clueless about short term gains
  • Felt scared to make the first step
  • Felt overwhelmed with all the strategies and wanted a more simple, easy to follow plan
  • Lost a ton of money trading and felt helpless because you didn't have anyone to talk to

trade and travel 2.0

If you're ready for an exit strategy take the next step here.

Making $200 is not a pie-in-the-sky goal..

By this point, you’ve realized you can trade for income and make money DAILY.

Whether you want to:

  • Retire in peace without financial anxiety
  • Pay your bills without taking on a side hustle
  • Quit your 9-5 and do what you love
  • Or just make more than your current income...

Imagine making an extra $200 per day just using your cell phone….

That equals:, $1,000 a week, $4,000 a month, $48,000 in a year.

trade and travel 2.0

Without the guesswork, hours of research, and the chronic anxiety that seeps in when you invest in the stock market.

You can master the trading game when you implement the 7-step Trading Roadmap I share in the Trade & Travel Program, so you can:

Open a trading account and learn the basics of getting started (if you’re a beginner with no prior trading experience) get strategic and plan your way to success, to minimize risk and don’t lose money (you’ll practice your skills on a simulator, i.e. you’ll trade with fake money, build your confidence before you make the leap to live trading). create a comprehensive trading plan and an exit strategy that are aligned with your income goals (if you’re an advanced trader). make trading for income a reality without losing sleep, money, and your mind.

trade and travel 2.0

These outcomes are totally within reach for you and your lifestyle goals (whether you’re starting from scratch or have been trading for a while).

trade and travel 2.0

It took me 12 years...lots of mistakes and hard-earned lessons to create proven strategies that eventually got me to $1,000 days.

And if you allow me, i can help you do that too... i’m pleased to offer....

trade and travel 2.0

A comprehensive, self-paced learning program designed to help you supplement your dail, weekly, and monthly income with trading...

Even if you don’t have, trading experience, bucket loads of money, can’t quit your day job (yet).

trade and travel 2.0

Let me show you how to go from a novice to a seasoned pro capable of making $1,000 in a day (plus more) & charting your own financial destiny

Full course, first half only, prefer a payment plan click here..

trade and travel 2.0

I have a very busy practice and I was looking for a way to spend more time with my family. Thanks Teri Ijeoma for making it more of a reality. This is a great way to end 2020 and I’m teaching my kids what I’m learning in VIP.

- Duwaine, Trade and Travel student

Class 1: introduction to the stock market, class 2: risk management for traders, class 3: introduction to technical analysis (revamped), class 4: the 7 step iwt trading plan, bonus: trade station: quick start guide, class 5: shorting, class 6: gaps and globex, class 7: intro to options - part 1, class 8: intro to options - part 2, vip bonus: group coaching calls, vip bonus: student study groups, vip bonus: vip facebook group.

trade and travel 2.0

Say goodbye to guesswork, hours of researching, and overwhelm and hello to joining the ranks of 1,000 students who’ve made it to the $1,000 in a day club.


This course helps people trade with less emotions, more protection, and higher success rate

You’ll love that....

trade and travel 2.0

Trade and Travel is done for you, all in one place, and self directed on your own time

You'll practice in a simulator first to ease anxiety, we teach you how to actively invest with a easy, simple, trading plan, teri has been trading for 10 years, is a minister, and wants the best for her students, you have a community of over 5,000 other students that can help and cheer you on.



trade and travel 2.0

Did You Know...

You can actually make income from investing, you can make money as stocks go down, you can protect your risk from losing, you can increase your success reading charts, you can accelerate your earnings with options, what's in the course​, when is the next class.

trade and travel 2.0

You can start at any time and go at your own pace.

trade and travel 2.0


trade and travel 2.0

There are seven classes of curriculum. I encourage you to spend at least a week on each course and practice as you go.


trade and travel 2.0

If you need support we have over 100 hours of recorded group coaching calls, bi-weekly live Q&As and an awesome facebook community to answer all your questions.

I will show what I did that let me travel around the world, live debt-free, and making 5- figure paydays.

trade and travel 2.0

Thank you so much, Teri Latrice Ijeoma! I’ve always been afraid of the stock market. I didn’t think I was “good at money” or skilled enough to learn about something so seemingly complicated. You’ve taught us an invaluable life-long skill set, you’ve given me knowledge and confidence. I hope this wealth grows and multiplies so that I can bless others with the gift of this financial abundance too!

- athena, Trade and Travel student

What others asked before they enrolled, fabulously astute questions.

Great question!

I started trading for ‘extra’ income 10 years ago, when I was still stuck in my teaching job. I figured if I could make $300 per day, it would be enough to pay my monthly bills.

Through lots of trial and error, taking several trading classes (that cost an arm and a leg😊), and a never-give-up attitude (thanks, Ma!) – I surpassed $300 per day and got to the coveted milestone of $1,000 per day.

I now trade full time and have for the last three years.

My number one advantage over other stock gurus (and the thing that sets me apart from them) is that I have a teaching background. This helps me break complex concepts into easy-peasy doables. My students (5,000 and counting) can vouch for this.

Investing terms and strategies can be confusing if you don’t have an experienced teacher who’s in the trenches helping you make actionable decisions.

I hear you. I’ve also been in a dead-end job that was stressful beyond measure and drove me to burnout.

It wasn’t until I experienced a personal tragedy that I decided I’d do whatever it took to turn my life around with whatever hours I had in a day.

That’s why I haven’t added any filler information to the program and done everything to spare you from impractical brain dumps that don’t serve you.

Meaning every hour you invest in learning the 4-week curriculum (Standard Track) and the 4-classes curriculum (VIP Track) – will have an exponential payoff.

My students can vouch for this because the programs in both tracks are self-paced, structured, and break the complex into learnable concepts.

In short, they’re doable.

I recommend you allow yourself 8 weeks to complete all modules (Tracks 1 and 2), practice in the Simulator (TradeStation), and get ready for live trading.

I recommend that you start with a minimum of $500 to open your trading account, practice in your online brokerage account with fake money (think Monopoly) until you build the confidence to start trading live.

This means studying the market, making investment decisions, and practice trading. Our students have made up to $1,000 and beyond in their practice accounts.

When you’re ready to go live a.k.a. use real money, it’s best to start with at least $2,000-$3,000.

At that level, the bank will also allow you to have more buying power in the form of a margin account.

Disclaimer: I’m not a broker, so I can’t advise you what stocks to invest in or tell you to open a margin account with your bank. I’m simply letting you know your options. Margin accounts come with risks, so proceed with caution.


You can always move the money that’s sitting in your 401k into a self-directed IRA account.

That’s how I got started. I moved the 401k money from my previous jobs into a self-directed IRA to begin trading.

I’ve designed this program for regular folks just like you. The ones who have no investing knowledge or experience.

It’s also for those who’ve been investing for a while but haven’t seen financial returns worth talking about.

This program gives you my 7-step roadmap to follow so you can confidently lead with proven strategies.

Say goodbye to guesswork, hours of researching, and overwhelm and hello to joining the ranks of 1,000 students who’ve made it to the $1,000/day club.

(As of January 2021, we welcomed 1,000 students who made it to the $1,000/day club)

Great question! And go you for trading.

I’d say yes, this is the right program for you if you want to trade for income and here’s why…

In week 3, you’ll learn how to read charts. This robust training goes beyond the buy low/sell high strategies most rookie traders pride themselves on.

Reading charts gives you the confidence to know exactly what price to enter a trade and exit.

No more asking a crystal ball   if you should buy a stock or what direction it’s heading in the market.

Mastering this one skill, can help you make timely decisions whether to buy or sell your stocks.

Nope. I only teach you how to trade stocks and options for income.

It depends. There are so many variables at play.

There’s you (your trading skills and consistency), the market, and your risk tolerance.

Your first homework assignment will be to make five trades in the first two weeks.

This is to galvanize you into action and overcome your fear of playing in the stock market…

Which means you will start seeing results very quickly.

If you put in the time to learn the content, take action, stay consistent, you can expect to make money within 60 days.

Some students have made money within the first two weeks. Others take longer.

That’s the beauty of this program. You can go at your own pace. There’s no race for who makes the most or the fastest.

But you absolutely don’t have to wait to learn EVERYTHING in order to start making money.

Nothing like straight shooting accountability to help keep your eye on the prize 🙂

I encourage you to work with a friend or many friends.

However, each purchase is for a single user. Which means your friend(s) will have to buy the course separately and then you can join forces to work together.

You also have the option to start or join a study group after you enroll in the program.

Our bustling private Facebook Group of nearly 5,000 students has formed independent study groups you can join.

You are never alone!

Nope! I’m not an authorized financial broker, so I can’t offer financial advice or make stock recommendations. What I can offer you are the tools, my company watchlist, and my unique methodology to help you attain success on your own.

The proof is in the pudding because I’ve helped thousands of students achieve their financial goals with my program’s content. All you need is to show up, work hard, and have grit!

I recommend TradeStation.

This platform is built for traders, they have robust order types, and most importantly they’ve waived their commission fees and data fees of approximately   $100/month for my students.

That’s $1,200 worth in savings for an entire year!

In addition to these benefits, you can open a TradeStation account with $500 that enables you to trade with a practice account (the Simulator).

If you’ve got a brokerage account that you use and love, you can still enroll in the program.

The gains you make from trading are taxed like your regular income.

You get immediate access to the curriculum and an invitation to join the private Facebook group, Trade & Travel.

For sure! You don’t have to upgrade to VIP in order to make money as a trader.

The 4-week curriculum offered is sufficient to get you started and make income.

In the Standard Track, you learn:

– When to buy and sell.

– How to trade and make money as the market goes up.

– When to buy and when to sell stocks.

– How to minimize risks and losses.

In short, you learn how to make money as the market trends upwards.

But what about when the market is going south?

That’s where the VIP Track comes in because…

You learn: 

  • How to make money when the market goes down (yup, you read that correctly). This track is geared towards transforming a novice into a professional trader (especially if you hope to join the ranks of a full-time trader).

Nope. There are no money-back guarantees. This is because I want to protect the integrity of my content by leaving no room for virtual dine and dash, reproduction, or simulation of this information.

I’ve dedicated a chunk of my time to cultivating and creating the video training, bonuses, and the step-by-step information on how to become an income trader. So again, if you don’t think this program is for you or you’re likely to change your mind, you won’t be able to request a refund later.

You betcha!

As long as you’ve paid in full or made all three payments (if you opted for the payment plan) – the content is available for unlimited access.

trade and travel 2.0

Let's do this.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to trade but thought it was too complex, you’re right; there are no overnight successes or magic wands!

Teri Ijeoma began her professional career working in education and non-profits. When she started trading stocks over a decade ago, she saw it as an opportunity to supplement her income so she could afford luxuries such as travel. She was so successful that in 2017 this side hustle turned into her full-time income, and she founded Trade and Travel.

With more than 10+ years invested in trading education, courses, workshops, having spent thousands of dollars, with a lot of trial and error, Teri developed expert strategies and proprietary intelligence that fast-tracks the learning journey and earning performance. These very same strategies enabled Teri to transition working in her own business while she traveled the world doing what she does best; trading, and sometimes in her pajamas.


Bachelor’s degree in management science, massachusetts institute of technology (mit), masters in media and communications, dallas theological seminary, grand champion of teachable’s 2019, creator challenge, named 2018 entrepreneur of the year, national black mba association, get on-board and start on the journey to financial freedom.

trade and travel 2.0

I began investing with kitchen renovation money back in April. Thanks Teri. I was able to earn enough to withdraw the kitchen money and get the kitchen done before Thanksgiving.


trade and travel 2.0

© 2021 Teri Ijeoma

Privacy policy, terms & conditions, design by kriss did it.

The Thought Card

35 Trade and Travel Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Invest With Teri – Updated For 2024

Invest With Teri Founder Teri Ijeoma

A few weeks ago, I signed up for Teri Ijeoma’s investing course, Trade and Travel. As I work through the course material, I figured I would help save you research time by answering some of the most frequently asked questions I had while determining if this course was right for me. As a disclaimer, this blog post aims to answer questions about Trade and Travel, but I recommend contacting the Invest With Teri team to confirm as things may have changed. I’ve provided their email address below. With that out of the way, here are answers to the frequently asked questions about Teri Ijeoma’s Trade and Travel 2.0 course . If there’s a question you’d like to see added, please leave me a comment, and I’ll do my best to address them.

Click on the links below to jump to the most common questions!

  • Are there any available promo codes or discounts?
  • Is there a payment plan?
  • Is the course a scam?
  • Was enrolling in the course worth it?

This post contains affiliate links.

When you purchase from my site, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Top Frequently Asked Trade and Travel 2.0 Questions

Table of Contents

1. What is Trade and Travel 2.0?

2. who is this trading course for, 3. is the trade and travel 2.0 course for new investors, 4. are there any prerequisites or requirements to enroll in the trade and travel 2.0 course, 5. how long does the program take to complete , 6. what will i learn in this course, 7. what are the most advanced trading strategies taught in trade and travel 2.0, 8. how much does the course cost , 9. are there any coupon codes available, 10. is there a payment plan , 11. what is the refund policy , 12. how much money do i need to start trading , 13. what’s the best email to contact the team with questions , 14. do i have to attend classes live , 15. how long do you have access to the curriculum , 16. is there a facebook group how long do you have access, 17. how many years of trading experience does teri have, 18. does teri have any free resources, 19. why did you purchase the course, 20. is the course worth it, 21. has teri ever experienced financial losses in her trading journey, 22. how does teri choose which stocks to invest in, 23. is teri ijeoma nigerian, 24. where is teri ijeoma from, 25. how did teri get started trading, 26. what else should i know about teri ijeoma, 27. what’s teri’s instagram handle, 28. are students required to sign an nda (nondisclosure) form, 29. are there any success stories from trade and travel course students, 30. what’s the minimum salary i need to become an active investor, 31. can i become a day trader even if i have debt, 32. can i share my course log-in information with others, 33. are there coaching calls available, 34. is trade and travel a scam, 35. does teri ijeoma offer other investing courses besides trade and travel.

First, you may be wondering what Invest With Teri is all about.

Teri Ijeoma is the Founder and CEO of Invest With Teri, a company on a mission to equip people with the knowledge and skills to change their lives by mastering the stock market. Invest With Teri offers a global online education course called Trade and Travel 2.0 , where you can learn how to trade stocks and earn money in the stock market using Teri’s 7-step process.

Trade and Travel 2.0 is a Teri Ijeoma course with the most updated curriculum, teaching you how to trade stocks and options and advanced trading strategies to do well in a bear market. This is the first major course rehaul since 2018.

As for the differences between the award-winning Trade & Travel course and Trade & Travel 2.0, 2.0 has been revamped to include one 8-week course (instead of two 4-week courses). It also emphasizes more advanced topics like shorting, gaps, and trading during a down market. There are more examples, videos, accountability, and support.

This course is right for you if you have an interest in learning how to actively trade in the stock market. Trade and Travel is a foundational investing course for day and swing traders.

Ideally, you’ll have disposal income and an established emergency fund . As a rule of thumb, trade with money you can afford to lose.

Yes, this investing course is for both new investors and experienced investors. You’ll learn how to pick good companies , place a trade, manage risk, and more. Teri shares her risk management plan for more advanced traders and teaches you how to trade options.

Teri Ijeoma’s Trade and Travel (TNT) is a self-paced course with over 100 hours of video training that helps everyday people trade stocks for income.

No, there are no prerequisites for the course. Come as you are with whatever knowledge you have about the stock market, even if it’s none. Access all the videos and supporting material in this self-paced course at your own time, and set your own pace for completion.

Teri recommends taking two weeks per class to practice what was discussed. Trade and Travel 2.0 is divided into various sections, and modules include videos, tutorials, PDF worksheets, and more. It should take you 8+ weeks to complete.

Throughout this 8-week program, you’ll learn:

  • Intro to the stock market
  • How to pick good companies to trade
  • How to calculate good entry and exit points when trading stocks
  • How to protect yourself from losing money
  • Technical analysis 
  • Mastering buyer and seller levels
  • Shorting (making money when the stock goes down)
  • Gaps, moving averages, etc.

This course shares everything Teri wishes she knew before trading. It walks you through the seven steps she takes every time she places a trade.

While the course starts with foundational principles, you’ll learn more advanced strategies like options, shorting, gaps, and Globex.

As of March 2023, Trade and Travel costs $9,997.

If you need additional support, join the coaching community for weekly live group coaching calls (stocks and options) for a monthly subscription fee of $299 per month (some led by Teri and other coaches) and get exclusive deals to upcoming conferences.

You can also book a one-time 1-hour coaching session for $375 with experienced team members.

This course is rarely on sale, however, I will update this article if a new promo code become available.

Yes, there’s an option to pay over 3, 6, 9, or 12 months: no interest or late fees.

You’ll get full access to the course even if you’re on a payment plan.

Since you receive immediate access to everything in the course when you sign up, there is a no refund policy. 

Teri suggests trading with $2,000 in your brokerage account, but many of her students open a simulator account with $500 to practice paper trading.

Practice trading with simulators from like TradingView.

The goal is to make 1% of your cash amount per day. For example, if you want to make $100 daily, you should have $10,000 in your brokerage account. 

For all questions, here’s the email address for the Invest With Teri team: [email protected] or [email protected].  

The course is self-paced, and you can learn on your own time.

Teri occasionally teaches the course live at an in-person conference called Trade and Travel 2.0 LIVE. The next live event hasn’t been announced yet, but I’ll update this post when it does. Attending the conference is an opportunity to learn Teri’s seven-step trading strategy, connect with other students, and get live support.

You will have lifetime access to the curriculum, meaning you can review the material as often as you like.

While there was a students-only Facebook group with nearly 14,000 members, Teri Ijeoma Trade and Travel students are now encouraged to join a new community off social media, which combines Facebook, Zoom, and Telegram.

Joining the community is a great opportunity to connect with other students and alumni. The group is active, so don’t be shy. Feel free to ask questions and support other students.

Teri has over 13+ years of trading experience. In addition to learning through trial and error, she has spent thousands taking courses to become a better active investor.

Yes! Teri offers a valuable free webinar where you can learn how to start earning $1,000 in a day by actively trading.

Click here to access the free webinar where Teri shares (4) secrets that helped her quit her job and travel the world. Get a taste of her strategies and how she can guide you toward trading for income in the stock market.  

Occasionally, Teri hosts a 5-Day Take Your First Trade Challenge , where she’ll walk you through what you need to know about selecting, buying, and selling stocks and ETFs in less than a week.

I met Teri in 2018 at FinCon, a conference for personal finance content creators and brands. I was captivated by her story. Through trading stocks, she quit her job and enjoyed traveling the world. Seeing a Black woman confidently talk about investing in the stock market was inspiring! I admire Teri and all that she has accomplished personally and professionally with Invest With Teri.

Before taking the course, I was a long-term investor investing in ETFs and mutual funds, and through my retirement accounts. However, when I was introduced to the concept of trading for income, I realized this could be a lucrative side hustle to bring in additional income for my family.

At FinCon, Teri and I recorded a podcast episode together. You can listen to Episode 7: How Teri Ijeoma Trades and Travels Full-Time .

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify.

Prioritizing location independence and financial freedom, I bought the course because trading can be one way to supplement my income and earn more money both for the short term and long term. Trading is also a valuable skill set I can use to create generational wealth and change my family’s trajectory.

Trade and Travel is one of the first trading courses my husband and I invested in to learn how to actively trade via day trading and swing trading. Now having a solid foundation, almost two years later, we still use many of the principles we learned from Teri like how to pick good companies, reading charts, and risk management.

As new traders, we are continuously fine-tuning our trading strategy and getting a better handle on our trading psychology.

Taking this course we built the confidence to take our first trade and start seeing gains. However, you’ll still need to practice (and lots of it). It’s going to take time to be proficient and profitable. During that time you may invest in additional resources like courses, memberships, books, tools, and conferences.

Yes, Teri has experienced financial losses in her trading journey. She’s transparent about both her wins and losses.

One of the reasons why she’s really passionate about helping people learn how to trade is because, during the first six years of trading, she would make some money and then lose more.

Teri wishes she had someone to prevent her from making those costly mistakes.

Her losses taught her valuable lessons, like risk management, which she now shares with her students.

Teri has traded the same 30 stocks for the last 13 years.

There are times when she switches out underperforming stocks. Still, for the most part, her portfolio is pretty tech-heavy with stocks like Amazon, Meta, and Adobe — semiconductors like NVIDIA, and food chains like Chipotle.

Teri’s father is from Nigeria. Her mom is from Texas, where she grew up.

She has a mix of African and African-American heritage.

Teri Ijeoma grew up in Dallas Texas with her single mother and grandmother.

Teri worked as an Assistant Principal at an elementary school in Dallas, Texas. During that time, she was trading to supplement her income. However, she eventually realized she wanted to travel full-time, especially since her work environment was becoming toxic.

Leveraging her retirement accounts, she moved her investments from her 401k and 403b into a self-directed IRA where she could invest in individual stocks. At the time, her goal was to earn $300 a day trading in the stock market – roughly 1% of her $30,000 account.

Once she became consistent, Teri quit her job and traveled to Thailand, Vietnam, and South Korea. Trading afforded her travels and brought in the income to sustain her lifestyle.

Her travel buddies started asking her to teach them how to trade, so she started hosting in-person workshops. She eventually created an online course in 2018 to introduce more people beyond her friend group.

Her first cohort had 35 students. The next year, she made her first million dollars as a course creator. Trade and Travel has been the #1 course on Teachable ever since.

When Teri was in high school, Google had its initial public offering (IPO). She really wanted to get in after a summer program learning about stocks. So she went to her teachers. She went to her grandmother, and nobody knew how to get in. She created Trade and Travel so more people could learn about the stock market, trade confidently, and earn income.

Teri Ijeoma is the founder of Trade and Travel. In addition to being an entrepreneur and day trader, Teri is also a real estate broker. She is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate (MIT) and holds a Bachelor of Business Management. Teri has helped over 35,000 people learn how to trade with her investing course. Before Invest With Teri, Teri worked as an assistant principal of an elementary school. Investing was Teri’s exit strategy. She quit her job as an assistant principal in 2017.  

Beware of imitators, but @teriijeoma is Teri’s real account. You can also follow @ tradeandtravel .

Follow Teri on YouTube here .

Currently, students are not required to complete an NDA when accessing the course materials.

Teri has enrolled over 25,000 students in her course and has welcomed 1,000+ students in her prestigious ‘$1,000 A Day Club.’ Here are some of the requirements to join this exclusive club:

  • Must realize $1,000 trading in a day (by selling a stock).
  • Trade must occur in a live account or simulator account.
  • Simulator account must be below $100,000.

Also, on Teri’s YouTube channel, there’s an entire playlist devoted to success stories and student testimonials. Watch here!

No, you do not have to meet a salary requirement to learn how to actively trade in the stock market. Trading is a lifelong skill you can learn and master regardless of your income level or debt.

Yes, you can learn how to actively invest in the stock market even if you have debt. As you’re learning this new skillset, stick to trading in a simulation account if need be. You do not have to have all your debt paid off to learn how to trade or take Teri’s trading class.

No, this is not allowed. Each person should purchase the course separately. Couples are allowed to share a login.

Access to monthly coaching calls is an additional $299 per month. These calls are led by experienced coaches and Teri herself.

Teri has enrolled over 25,000 students in the Trade and Travel course. She has been featured on Bloomberg, The Breakfast Club, Yahoo Finance, Good Morning America, and Investopedia, to name a few.

The Trade and Travel course is not a scam. It is legit.

In 2019, Teri competed against other course creators and became the Grand Champion of Teachable’s 2019 Creator Challenge. Since then, she has led the #1 course on Teachable over the last four years.

Trade and Travel is Teri’s flagship course. She does not offer additional trading courses. However, she occasionally offers a 5-Day challenge called ‘ Take Your First Trade .’

Did I cover everything? If you have other questions, please drop them in the comments below.

And if you found this blog post helpful, please let me know.

Enroll in Trade and Travel if you’re ready to learn how to trade stocks. See you in class!

Want to take the course, but need help saving for it. Stay tuned for the next article, where I’ll share how to save money to invest in Teri’s course. Join my newsletter below to be among the first to know when I publish this blog post.

trade and travel 2.0

Danielle Desir Corbett paid off $63,000 of student loan debt in 4 years, bought a house at 27, and has traveled to 27 countries, including her favorites, Iceland, China, and Bermuda. Go here to learn Danielle’s incredible story, from struggling financially and in debt to finding creative ways to earn more and live on her terms. Listen to The Thought Card Podcast , where Danielle shares how you can creatively travel more and build wealth regardless of your current financial situation. Reach out to Danielle by contacting: thethoughtcard (at) gmail (dot) com.

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Take Your First Trade Challenge with Teri Ijeoma. How to get started trading stocks.

It’s an amazing blog post. Hope to hear from you when you have the next article.

Your article is very attractive with detailed instructions. Hope to hear from you when you have the next article.

It’s an amazing blog post, and it is really helpful as well.

Great information!!

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Take Your First Trade Challenge with Teri Ijeoma. How to get started trading stocks.


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