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  • YT-1300 light freighters

Millennium Falcon

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This article details a subject that is considered canon.

The Millennium Falcon , originally designated YT 492727ZED and formerly known as the Stellar Envoy , and registered or known under various aliases and pseudonyms including Broken Bell , Corell's Pride , Close Shave , Fickle Flyer , Foul Matter , Graphite Skipper , Jin-Den Smoke , Longshot , Lost and Found , Star Princess , Sunfighter Franchise , Sweet Suprise , Meetyl's Misery , Wayward Son , and Victory Ring , was a Corellian YT-1300 light freighter built around 60 BBY . Earning a legendary status under their ownership, the ship was most famously used by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca before, during, and following the Galactic Civil War .

During the Falcon ' s time in the possession of the smuggler Lando Calrissian , it accumulated numerous modifications in the name of convenience and luxury, including painted exterior paneling and a large escape pod . However, during Han Solo's famous record-breaking Kessel Run , in which he piloted the freighter for the first time, many of these additions were destroyed or lost, leaving the ship battered by the time Solo won it from Calrissian shortly afterwards in a game of sabacc . Its aged appearance still belied numerous advanced modifications to boost the ship's speed, weapons, and shields , including a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy , enabling it to outrun Imperial Star Destroyers . It also included sensor-proof smuggling compartments, which were used during the rescue of Princess Leia Organa in 0 BBY to evade Imperial stormtroopers . Afterwards, the Millennium Falcon saw further action when Solo chose to join the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Yavin , where it was able to sneak up and fire on Darth Vader's TIE Advanced , allowing Luke Skywalker to fire the proton torpedoes from his T-65B X-wing starfighter that destroyed the Death Star .

After Solo was captured on Bespin , Calrissian took command of the Falcon once more to search for him. In 4 ABY , following Solo's rescue , Calrissian flew the ship at the Battle of Endor , where it entered the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station and aided in its destruction from within. Over the next three decades, the ship fell out of Solo's hands and was stolen by a succession of criminals and thieves, ending up in the ownership of the trader Unkar Plutt on Jakku , a remote world in the Western Reaches . The Falcon was eventually stolen by the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey , former First Order stormtrooper Finn , and Resistance droid BB-8 to escape the forces of the First Order in 34 ABY . Shortly thereafter, it was reunited with Solo and Chewbacca.

Following Solo's death soon after, the Millennium Falcon became a Resistance vessel piloted by its new owner, Rey, throughout much of the First Order-Resistance War . In 35 ABY , the ship was once again captained by Calrissian during the Battle of Exegol , which saw a decisive victory for the Resistance and Jedi Order , before being returned to Rey, who had been newly dubbed a Skywalker .

  • 1.1 Engines
  • 1.2 Armament, hull, and shields
  • 1.3 Other systems and equipment
  • 2.1 Early years
  • 2.2.1 A fateful trip
  • 2.2.2 Escape from Hoth
  • 2.2.3 Battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three
  • 2.2.4 Rescuing Han
  • 2.2.5 Battle of Endor
  • 2.2.6 New Republic
  • 2.3.1 Reappearance
  • 2.3.2 Returned ownership
  • 2.3.3 The Resistance
  • 2.3.4 Stationed on Batuu
  • 2.3.5 Immediate repairs
  • 2.3.6 End of the war
  • 3 Behind the scenes
  • 4.1 Non-canon appearances
  • 5.1 Non-canon sources
  • 6 Notes and references
  • 7 External links

Description [ ]


Schematics of the Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon was a YT-1300 light freighter of the YT-1300f variety. [1] Its basic shape was defined by two convex saucers welded together, a pair of front-facing mandibles and an outrigger-style, side-mounted cockpit with transparisteel viewports . Apart from the shape of its chassis, the Falcon retained very little of its off-the-dock instrumentation. Because its successive owners either upgraded or downgraded every system according to their personal specifications, the freighter ended up becoming a unique ship . [12] These customizations, however, came at the price of reliability, and the Falcon was known to suffer frequent breakdowns in the heat of battle. After the circular military-grade sensor dish was lost during the Battle of Endor , the dish was replaced with the base rectangular model which was originally supplied with the ship. During the Battle of Crait , the Falcon again lost its rectenna, and it was replaced with a military-grade rectenna similar to that of the one lost during the Battle of Endor. Additionally, the Falcon had a dejarik table, [5] which was installed by Lando Calrissian when upgrading the ship, [51] featuring creatures found throughout the galaxy for the amusement of passengers and crew. [5]

Engines [ ]

The Millennium Falcon ' s Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines were heavily modified through the addition of a SLAM overdrive that rerouted energy for acceleration bursts. As a result, the ship could fly at a maximum speed of 1,200 kilometer per hour in atmosphere and 3,000 G in space . [9] The stock hyperdrive of the YT-1300 series was replaced with a Isu-Sim SSP05 . [1] Although the regular SSP05 was a Class 1 hyperdrive, the one that equipped the Falcon had been jury-rigged " Vandangante style " into a Class 0.5 drive [12] —twice as fast as most warships of the Galactic Empire . [11] According to Ralsius Paldora , the Millennium Falcon ' s hyperdrive failed 1.22 times more than the one on the YT-2400 light freighter . [38] In addition to its renowned hyperdrive, which supposedly made the Falcon the "fastest ship in the galaxy," the ship was equipped with a backup hyperdrive. It was much slower than the primary engine and often took several weeks or months to reach the nearest star system. [1] A component of the engines was the engine coupling which caused the Falcon to malfunction when misaligned. [52]

Armament, hull, and shields [ ]

Falcon mandibles OR

The Falcon ' s forward mandibles housed the forward deflector shields, concussion missile launchers, and beam lamps.

The weaponry of the Millennium Falcon was normally suited for a much larger warship. [1] It included two CEC AG-2G quad laser cannons (one ventral and one dorsal) with enhanced laser actuators and gas feeds, which gave them maximum range and damage. These served as its primary defensive armament, able to destroy enemy fighters with a single direct hit. Between the forward mandibles, there were two Arakyd ST2 concussion missile tubes , each of which carried a four- missile magazine. [12] Additionally, a BlasTech Ax-108 "Ground Buzzer" blaster cannon mounted near the ventral boarding ramp allowed its crew to defend the ship against infantry and other light targets while on the ground. [1] Duralloy plates salvaged from an Imperial cruiser afforded the Falcon capital ship -class hull armor . [12]

The ship had three deflector shield generators : the bow was protected from both lasers and concussion missiles by Torplex and Nordoxicon units, while a Kuat Drive Yards generator shielded the stern. [12]

The Falcon ' s combination of sublight speed and maneuverability was comparable to most of the starfighters fielded by the Rebellion and Empire, while its shielding, hyperdrive, heavy armor and weapons were on par with those typically found on capital ships These traits made it an ideal choice for General Lando Calrissian's attack run within the bowels of the Death Star during the Battle of Endor . While agile and almost near impervious to almost all heavy weapons and turbolasers as any large warship, the Falcon ' s only real combat weakness was its sheer size in comparison to starfighters. Although the ship had squeezed through many narrow spots in its history, it still lost the oversized sensor dish while trying to get through a particularly tight section of the Death Star 's superstructure and a few replacement ones in subsequent battles.

Other systems and equipment [ ]

Landos Millennium Falcon Fathead

The Millennium Falcon under Calrissian's ownership.

The Falcon ' s main source of power was a Quadex power core . [1]

Its main computer was made of three droid brains which identified themselves as the Millennium Collective . [53] The first droid brain was a transport droid known as V5-T , the second from a slicer droid called ED-4 , [11] and the third from L3-37 , which began as an R3-series astromech droid brain, but was overlaid with data architecture from an espionage droid, protocol droid processors, and custom state-of-the-art coding. [53] [9]

A pair of Gelieg 20m-cp Strobe/C-Beam Lamps , which flooded illumination outside the ship, were mounted on the tips of the front mandibles. [12] In case of emergency landing or crash on water , the Falcon was also equipped with flotation pontoons . [15]

The Falcon also had a static charge dissipator which could dissipate static charge on the ship, but when the dissipator burned out, the Falcon would need immediate repairs. [52]

History [ ]

Early years [ ].

The YT-1300f light freighter [2] designated unit YT 492727ZED was built at Orbital Assembly Facility 7 , [55] a Corellian shipyard owned by the Corellian Engineering Corporation , more than 90 years before the Battle of Starkiller Base . [2] As was intended, the ship began its career as an intermodal tug pushing container in orbital freight yards. [1] It once worked in the galaxy's busiest spacelanes . [9] Just after the Battle of Coruscant , it was docking in the Senate Office Building . [56] Inconsistent records from the Bureau of Ships and Services indicate that the YT 492727ZED changed ownership more than once via unregistered transactions. [2]

During the Clone Wars , the freighter was property of the Republic Group . The YT 492727ZED was registered by the Republic Group on the planet Ralltiir as the Stellar Envoy . At some point, either prior or during its ownership under the Republic Group, a military-grade rectenna was installed on the Stellar Envoy . Shortly after the end of the Clone Wars, the Stellar Envoy was involved in a collision with a bulk freighter and was seriously damaged. The wreckage was reconditioned by a salvager , who used several sections and modules from a scrapped YT-1300p freighter to repair the ship. [2]

The ship had a number of owners over its service. [57] At some point, the human gambler named Lando Calrissian won the YT 492727ZED in a game of sabacc , and registered the freighter under the name Millennium Falcon . [2] Calrissian modified the freighter, inside and out, [12] converting it into his own speedy sports vessel as Calrissian saw how powerful its freight-pushing engines were. As such, Calrissian modified the two cargo mandibles at the front into an auxiliary ship launch, thus turning the plain freighter into a unique starship. [9] He also once explained the controls to Brea Tonnika of the Tonnika sisters . [58]

Landos Millennium Falcon

Lando Calrissian made significant modifications and named the vessel Millennium Falcon .

When Calrissian was injured during a raid on Kessel , the smuggler Han Solo and Wookiee Chewbacca were left in command of the ship. During the escape from Kessel, Calrissian uploaded L3 to the Falcon as the ship's navigational system , assisting the crew in making the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs . During the Kessel run the ship was majorly damaged by TIE fighters , with one blasting a hole in the front of the Falcon . After destroying the fighters, Han slid the Falcon over an asteroid which destroyed two of the Falcon's landing gears. In order to escape the Summa-verminoth in The Maw , Han launched the escape pod. The ship also lost its sensor dish upon being caught in the Maw. Calrissian later took the heavily damaged ship after landing on Savareen , but ended up betting his ship in a " Corellian Spike " game of sabacc on Numidian Prime , [13] losing to the smuggler Han Solo. [59] Under the captaincy of Solo, the Falcon was further customized, [12] and he regularly claimed it was the fastest ship in the galaxy . [58]

Galactic Civil War [ ]

A fateful trip [ ].

Star Wars 32 Star Wars 40th

The Millennium Falcon blasts its way out of Mos Eisley

The Millennium Falcon ' s destiny as a tool for a small- time smuggling operation was changed when it was chartered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina for passage to Alderaan . When challenged by Kenobi about his ship's speed, Solo bragged that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0.5 past lightspeed , and that it had completed the infamous Kessel Run in fewer than twelve parsecs. [22]

The journey to Alderaan proved to be much more than a simple passenger flight. The Falcon was forced to blast its way out of Mos Eisley when a garrison of stormtroopers attacked the ship in an attempt to recover its cargo. It also narrowly avoided capture by a couple of Star Destroyers before making the jump to lightspeed. [22] Having also been on Tatooine, the Tonnika sisters had hoped to steal the Falcon to use as their own ship. When the Falcon began its escape, it created a big enough distraction that the siblings realized they had the chance to steal any other nearby ship, [58] while seeing the freighter escape the Empire's grasp convinced stormtrooper TD-7556 to desert the Imperial Army . [60]

The Falcon emerged from hyperspace into the remains of Alderaan . After chasing a single TIE fighter stranded in what appeared to be empty space, the Falcon was captured by one of the first Death Star's tractor beams and secured aboard the massive space station . Thanks to quick thinking by those aboard the Falcon , the ship was made to appear as if the crew had escaped soon after taking off from Tatooine . It was searched by stormtroopers and it was reported that there were no passengers on board and the escape pods had been jettisoned. Their search had missed the crew, who were hidden in a series of secret smuggling holds . They then killed a scanning crew before they could be detected by the scanner. [22]


The Millennium Falcon escapes from the soon-to-explode Death Star after helping Luke Skywalker make his final shot.

In a matter of hours , the Millennium Falcon had once again escaped the Imperial Navy , this time with the rescued Princess Leia Organa on board. After a fleeing battle with Imperial fighters and a trip through hyperspace, the ship arrived at the secret Alliance base on Yavin 4 . During the ship's stay on the battle station , the Empire had planted a homing device on board the Falcon , which it used to pursue Organa to this location. As the Rebels scrambled to organize a preemptive attack on the massive Death Star, Solo loaded his reward on board the Falcon and departed the moon . However, thanks to Chewbacca, its smuggler captain had a change of heart . Solo and his ship returned just in time to cover Skywalker in his last-ditch effort to destroy the station and secure the safety of the Rebel Alliance. The ship's surprise attack destroyed Darth Vader's two wingmen and sent Vader himself spinning off into space, allowing Skywalker to successfully complete his attack and destroy the Death Star. [22]

Escape from Hoth [ ]

Three years after the Battle of Yavin , the Falcon was undergoing repairs in the main hangar of the Rebel installation Echo Base as the Empire began its assault on Hoth , assisted by Treadwell , a WED 15 "Septoid 2" Treadwell toolkit droid who was in service of the ship at the time. As the Alliance scrambled to escape the base, Solo and Chewbacca hurried to make the ship spaceworthy. Organa was cut off from her transport by a tunnel cave -in and was forced to make her escape from Hoth on board the Falcon accompanied by Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO . Solo used the ship's uncanny maneuverability and his piloting skills to elude an Imperial Star Destroyer chasing them, and two more emerging from hyperspace. Solo's maneuvers in the Falcon caused the two Star Destroyers approaching and the one pursuing to nearly collide with each other. The Falcon then attempted to make the jump into lightspeed, but was stopped short by an equipment malfunction. [4]

Forced to take drastic measures to avoid capture, Solo made the decision to pilot the Falcon into a nearby asteroid field in an attempt to lose the Imperial pursuers. However, his repairs were cut short as he had unknowingly landed inside an exogorth . Escaping just in time as the beast's huge mouth was closing, the Falcon was discovered by the Imperial II -class Star Destroyer Avenger . They attempted to jump to lightspeed, but once again, the hyperdrive was not fully repaired. Solo then had Chewbacca change course and fly directly at Avenger ' s bridge in an apparent suicidal attack run. The ship disappeared from sight and became undetectable to Avenger . It had not gone far: Solo had attached the Falcon to a blind spot on the conning tower of the Star Destroyer. Adhering to standard Imperial procedure, the Star Destroyers of Death Squadron ejected all scrap and garbage before entering hyperspace. Solo then signaled Chewbacca to release the ship's landing claws, allowing the Falcon to "float away with the rest of the garbage." Boba Fett , however, saw through this ruse, and waited behind in Slave I , following the Falcon as it left the system . [4]


The Falcon is pursued as it flees Cloud City.

After its close encounter with the Empire, the Falcon journeyed to Bespin 's Cloud City , where Solo's old acquaintance Calrissian held the position of Baron Administrator . The Empire had arrived first, however, due to Fett tailing the Falcon to Bespin. The crew of the Falcon were captured, tortured , and detained, and Solo was encased in carbonite and given to the bounty hunter . Treadwell was destroyed by Imperial forces to prevent him from warning the remaining crew that the recently-repaired hyperdrive had been disabled by Vader's men. The remaining members of the crew, joined by Calrissian, escaped to the Falcon . After rescuing Skywalker, who was dangling from a weather vane on the underside of Cloud City, the ship left the planet and attempted to jump to lightspeed, and only a last- minute patch by R2-D2 prevented the Falcon from falling into Imperial hands. Thanks to R2's efforts, the hyperdrive was activated and the Falcon managed to make the jump at the last second and escape. [4]

Battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three [ ]

After the events on Cloud City, Organa, Skywalker, Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 all were in the [36] main hold, [2] although Skywalker sat thinking about what had happened, as he learned that Vader was actually his father. Chewbacca and Calrissian were discussing Solo, with the latter questioning what they would have done if the Falcon had caught up with Slave I , noting that firing Fett's ship out of the sky would have killed Solo. Calrissian also spoke to Organa and told her that they missed their chance to catch Fett because she made them get Skywalker, whom Organa introduced as the man who destroyed the Death Star. Calrissian promised that they would rescue Solo, as both he and Chewbacca understood Fett was taking their friend to Jabba. When Skywalker joined the conversation and asked where Solo was, Organa told him about what happened and promised that they would find him. After she asked what had happened to him, Skywalker only told her that Kenobi had not answered his call. [36]


The Falcon makes an attack run against the light cruiser

Organa had R2-D2 give Chewbacca coordinates for the Rebel fleet, and, with Solo gone and Calrissian not being the ship's owner, she commandeered the Falcon for the Alliance. However, when they arrived at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three , the gathered Alliance ships were under attack from the Empire. Upon seeing the Falcon , the Imperial commander , Ellian Zahra , ordered a TIE fighter squadron and all non-essential turbolaser batteries to target the freighter. Aboard the ship, Organa and Skywalker, despite his missing hand, moved to the gunning stations, while Chewbacca and Calrissian served as the pilots. Skywalker, however, began to be distracted by thinking about Kenobi and Vader, but he then used the Force on the TIEs, ripping the controls from the pilots' hands, allowing them to deviate from their course and collide with each other, giving Organa a chance to blast them. Calrissian and Chewbacca then made their attack run on an Arquitens -class command cruiser and, using the Falcon ' s missiles , destroyed the ship's gun emplacements, making an opening for the Rebels to escape to backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine . [36]

After the battle, Zahra explained to Vader that the Falcon had disrupted their attack. She told the Dark Lord of the Sith that they attempted to destroy the vessel, but Vader informed her that the Falcon was off-limits. He permitted her to kill Organa if she was able to, as he had no use for her, but Vader explained to her that there was someone else who was often aboard the Falcon . He warned Zahra that if this individual, who was secretly his son Skywalker, was killed, there would be significant consequences. [36]

Rescuing Han [ ]

During the following months , Organa, Skywalker, and Calrissian continued to use the Falcon on missions. [61] After they successfully rescued Han , the Falcon rendezvoused with the Alliance Fleet and prepared to assault the newest Death Star. [37]

Battle of Endor [ ]


The Falcon leads the starfighter attack during the Battle of Endor.

During the Battle of Endor, Calrissian and Sullustan copilot Nien Nunb flew the Falcon as Gold Leader . After the planetary shield protecting the second Death Star was brought down by Solo's strike team, the Falcon and several Alliance fighters entered the battle station through a conduit port and sped toward the reactor core. Space was limited in the conduit tunnels leading to the core, and the relatively large Falcon lost its sensor dish when the ship clipped a conduit in the tunnel. Calrissian was able to pilot the craft into the energy core housing the main reactor, fired upon the reactor prompting its collapse, and headed for the exhaust port. The Falcon barely outran the massive explosion that destroyed the powerful battle station. Soon afterwards, the Imperial fleet retreated, and the galaxy celebrated the death of Emperor Palpatine . [37]

New Republic [ ]

Several months later, Solo and Chewbacca traveled through space on the Millennium Falcon . After receiving intelligence from Imra that the Empire had reduced their presence on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk due to the advances of the New Republic , Solo and Chewie traveled to Warrin Station to rally smugglers and Wookiee exiles for a campaign to liberate Kashyyyk. [44] Around this time, Han Solo replaced the Falcon's sensor dish with a rectangular civilian model. [39]

However, this information turned out to be a trap set by the Empire. Chewie was captured, but Solo managed to escape on the Falcon . A year later , Solo corresponded with his wife Organa via hologram on the edge of Wild Space . During the conversation, the Falcon came under attack, and communication was lost with Organa. In response, Organa dispatched the New Republic starfighter pilot Norra Wexley to rescue her husband. Norra was joined by her son, Temmin Wexley , the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones , the former Imperial Sinjir Rath Velus , the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari , and the New Republic Special Forces soldier Jom Barell . [39]

Han Solo YT-1300 XWM-HotR

The Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Endor

Norra and her team found Solo and the Falcon on the planet Irudiru . After interrogating the Siniteen prison builder Golas Aram , Solo and his allies traveled on the Falcon and Emari's ship Halo to the Kashyyyk system . They bluffed their way through the Imperial blockade by posing as a repair crew working at Ashmead's Lock , an automated prison on the far side of Kashyyyk. There, they managed to free Chewbacca and a hundred other prisoners including Norra's husband Brentin Lore Wexley . Norra, Temmin, and the prisoners except Chewbacca then used the Falcon to travel back to the New Republic capital of Chandrila . [39]

After learning that the Wookiee uprising was underway and that the Empire was orbitally bombarding Kashyyyk, Organa convinced the Alderaanian pilot Evaan Verlaine to fly her on the Millennium Falcon into the Kashyyyk system to aid her husband and Chewie. Later, she contacted the New Republic Captain Wedge Antilles and convinced him to send his Phantom Squadron there. [39]

During the brief space skirmish, Organa and Verlaine flew circles around the Imperial Star Destroyers. After the Imperials capitulated, Organa landed the Falcon in the hangar of the Star Destroyer Dominion , which her husband had captured. Organa used the ship's laser cannons to blast several stormtroopers who were still putting up a fight. After reuniting with her husband, Organa and Solo took the Falcon to Kashyyyk. There, they parted company with Chewbacca before returning to Chandrila. [39]

Prior to the Battle of Jakku , Temmin tried to convince Solo to lend him the Millennium Falcon so that he could travel to Jakku to rescue his mother Norra, who was hunting for the Imperial fugitive Grand Admiral Rae Sloane . After some haggling, Solo and Organa relented. Temmin and Velus attempted to depart on the Falcon , but were prevented from leaving Chandrila by Senate Guards . While Temmin and Velus initially believed that Solo had double-crossed them, they later learnt that Senator Tolwar Wartol , a political opponent of Chancellor Mon Mothma , was the true culprit and had been spying on Solo and Organa's conversations. The Millennium Falcon later saw action during an operation on Nakadia to rescue the slicer Conder Kyl and Nim Tar's child . [62]

First Order/Resistance War [ ]

Reappearance [ ].


The Falcon fends off TIE Fighter fire during the Escape from Jakku

Overall, the Millennium Falcon had become a legend in and of itself under Solo and Chewbacca. [57] In 31 ABY [63] Solo traveled to Maz Kanata 's castle on Takodana to speak with Kanata. While the pair were conversing, a Nikto named Gannis Ducain offered to co-pilot for Solo after overhearing that Chewbacca was with his family and that Solo was short-handed for a job. After accepting Ducain's offer, he and Solo went to Christophsis , where Ducain stole the Falcon . [64] It was later stolen by Toursant Irving and Vanver Irving —also known as the Irving Boys —before finally ending up in the possession of junk boss Unkar Plutt on Jakku . [65]

At some point he had it stored at Niima Outpost . The collector Karr Nuq Sin traveled to Jakku in his quest to learn about the Jedi Order , and he and his friend Maize Raynshi boarded the ship. Nuq Sin had a vision of Skywalker and Kenobi training aboard it after touching the remote. [66] In Plutt's possession, it would sit unused for years in Niima Outpost. Plutt paid for minimum maintenance for the ship with the intention of preparing it fully for flight only in the event that he would actually find a buyer. [65]

Returned ownership [ ]

Han Chewie retake the Falcon SWI162

Han Solo and Chewbacca once again take ownership of the Falcon .

In 34 ABY , Rey , Finn , and BB-8 stole the vessel to escape an attack from the First Order on the outpost. While in spaceflight, the Falcon was picked up by Solo and Chewbacca's sensors, and they promptly locked down the Falcon ' s systems so they could recapture it using a freighter called the Eravana they were then using for their smuggling operations, which they later abandoned after a cargo of Rathars escaped on board. Upon boarding their old vessel, Solo and Chewie went about inspecting their ship and found Rey and Finn hiding, whom they assumed were the thieves that had stolen the Falcon . When Rey and Finn explained that they were going to take BB-8 to the Resistance , as he had a map that would reveal Skywalker's location, Solo and Chewie agreed to help them. Solo was impressed with how much Rey knew about the ship itself, and how it worked. [5]

On the way to Maz Kanata's castle, when the Falcon began to malfunction, the mechanically savvy Rey, who was sitting in the cockpit to the right of Solo, made a modification to the ship by simply bypassing a faulty compressor . Later, the Falcon ' s crew arrived at Takodana and met Maz Kanata . [5]

The Resistance [ ]

MF over Takodana SWCT

The Millennium Falcon departing Takodana

Following the attack on Kanata's castle, Starkiller Base prepared to fire on D'Qar . After learning of this, the Resistance devised a plan to sneak onto the surface and lower the planetary shields so their fighters could attack the superweapon's weak spot. Using the Falcon , Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrated the base, lowered the shields, and reunited with Rey, who had been captured on Takodana by the First Order. [5]

While the Millennium Falcon laid dormant, it was briefly spotted by members of the Resistance's J-Squadron who were flying a stolen TIE silencer into the planet. At least two of its members speculated on whether it could be the Millennium Falcon that they'd heard so many stories about, but at the time they could not confirm whether it was. [67]

After the confrontation with Kylo Ren following the death of his own father, Han Solo, Chewbacca rescued Finn and Rey aboard the Falcon , managing to escape the planet as it exploded. After learning of Skywalker's location, Rey, Artoo, and Chewbacca flew in the Falcon to Ahch-To , the remote planet where he had gone into self- exile . [5] Chewbacca and R2 remained with the Falcon while Rey attempted to persuade Skywalker to join the Resistance, though Luke slipped aboard the old freighter to reminisce, and was reminded of what was at stake when Artoo replayed the hologram Leia Organa recorded to recruit Obi-Wan Kenobi on her secret mission to Tatooine some thirty-four years earlier. [40]


The Falcon led the First Order TIEs away from Resistance forces.

Rey later departed the island, believing herself capable of restoring Ben Solo to the light side of the Force , and used one of the freighter's escape pods to reach the Supremacy while Chewbacca piloted the Falcon to Crait . After Snoke 's death, Rey returned to the Falcon using Snoke's escape vessel, and the YT-1300 participated in the Battle of Crait . Piloted by Chewie with the dorsal turret manned by Rey, the Falcon led TIE fighters away from the Resistance V-4X-D ski speeders attempting to destroy the First Order's superlaser siege cannon . The freighter lost its radar dish and its lower quad cannon during a chase through Crait's subterranean caverns. The Falcon was later used to evacuate surviving Resistance personnel from the Crait outpost while Luke Skywalker bought his allies time by confronting Kylo Ren. [40] After the battle, Rey spent a lot of time walking the corridors of the Falcon , thinking about how much history it had. [55]

Stationed on Batuu [ ]


The Falcon on Batuu .

Some time after the battle, the Millennium Falcon landed on Batuu , where Hondo Ohnaka made a deal with Chewbacca and hired a temporary crew for the ship to take part in one of Ohnaka's endeavors. [69]

Immediate repairs [ ]

Rey, Finn, BB-8, and Chewbacca were transporting the Togruta smuggler Moebin Faltus on the Falcon when the ship started to experience problems. Rey believed that the engine coupling had a slight misalignment, but upon further investigation she discovered the static charge dissipator had completely burned out. She decided that the Falcon would have to make an immediate pit stop on the planet Choss to look for a new dissipator with Faltus, while Finn and Chewie repaired the freighter. [52]

End of the war [ ]

At some point, the Falcon had a new circular Rectenna dish, installed after it lost its rectangular one at the Battle of Crait, and a new lower quad laser cannon. Following Palpatine's broadcast , Finn, Poe Dameron , Chewbacca, R2-D2, and Klaud arrived at the Sinta Glacier Colony to meet a Resistance informant, the Ovissian Boolio , ordering them to relay a message to Leia from a spy within the First Order. Several squadrons of Special Forces TIE fighters and TIE whisper fighters later arrived at the colony, preparing to destroy the Falcon . As Finn prepared for the action and entered the gunner cockpit, Boolio jested that a worthy thanks for the information provided would be to win the war. Forced to travel into the depths of the colony by a wall of TIEs, the Falcon destroyed a number of its pursuers before jumping to hyperspace through one of the colony's walls. The remaining fighters pursued the Falcon regardless, with Dameron beginning to lightspeed skip through a number of systems, whose dangers the First Order pilots were unable to evade. [43]

Dameron's boldness allowed him to outmaneuver the enemy, though his reckless trick-flying heavily damaged the Falcon , causing multiple fires both within and outside of the ship. Upon returning to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss , Rey berated a fatigued Dameron for this, though he rebuffed her by noting that his favored droid BB-8 was in similarly poor condition due to her earlier training accident. Rey dismissed the pilot, quipping that he was a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joined her in condemning his companion. Although Rey was further angered by the revelation that Dameron lightspeed skipped with the Falcon , a maneuver that the aging freighter could not support, Dameron admitted the true cause of his concern: Rey was "the best fighter [the Resistance had]," but she had spent her time training and furthering her knowledge of the Force rather than participating in the war against the First Order. [43]

After learning that Darth Sidious had returned, and that the Final Order , a massive fleet of Xyston -class Star Destroyers built by the Sith Eternal , was on Exegol, Rey learned from Luke Skywalker's notes that a Sith wayfinder could lead them there. Leia revealed that an ally on Pasaana may be able to help. Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO departed in the Millennium Falcon as it underwent repairs. [43]

The First Order later captured the Falcon , Chewbacca, and the dagger; attempting to save Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroyed a First Order transport with Force lightning. Presuming that Chewbacca has been killed, the group escaped on Ochi 's ship. The Falcon was later carried by a group of TIE fighters to the Resurgent -class Star Destroyer Steadfast . [43]

Poe suggested traveling to the planet Kijimi to have the Sith text extracted from C-3PO's memory. Although the process would wipe the droid's memory, the coordinates to the wayfinder would be revealed. The Steadfast later arrived on Kijimi, with Rey sensing that Chewbacca was, in fact, still alive and that the Falcon was onboard the Star Destroyer. The group then mounted a rescue mission. [43]

As Rey searched for the dagger to get more clues, the group later rescued Chewbacca, but managed to get themselves captured. General Hux was then revealed to be the First Order spy, having leaked information to the Resistance in order to bring about the downfall of Kylo Ren's rule. [43]

Ren later arrived and initiated a Force bond with Rey, in which he revealed that she was Sidious' granddaughter, with her father being the son of the Emperor. Kylo once again asked Rey to join him, but she refused and escaped in the Falcon . [43]

Having discerned the location of the Sith wayfinder, the group traveled to Kef Bir , a moon within the Endor system . Kylo Ren later arrived on Kef Bir, destroyed the Emperor's wayfinder and dueled with the scavenger. Dying, Leia called to Kylo through the Force, distracting him long enough for Rey to seize the opportunity to impale him with his own lightsaber . Sensing Leia's death and feeling pity for the injured Ren, Rey healed the conflicted Supreme Leader and eventually took his ship in order to exile herself on Ahch-To . [43]

The group, save for Rey, returned to base. The Resistance then followed Rey's coordinates to Exegol, as she traveled to confront her destiny and Sidious, at the behest of the Force spirit Luke Skywalker , by flying his old T-65B X-wing starfighter there. Lando and Chewbacca sought to gather allies of the Resistance for the final battle against the Sith , traveled to the core worlds. [43]

Resistance fleet Episode IX

The Millennium Falcon arrives on Exegol with a massive makeshift starship fleet made up of people from across the galaxy.

The Falcon later arrived at Exegol, leading the Citizens' Fleet comprised of many Resistance ships from systems all across the galaxy, against the extensive forces of the Sith Eternal. Finn and the Kef Bir native Jannah led an assault onboard the hull of the Steadfast , the command ship of the battle. They successfully destroyed the command bridge and prevented the Sith fleet from leaving Exegol. As the Steadfast was about to crash, the Falcon promptly rescued Finn and Jannah. The Resistance then destroyed the remaining Sith forces. [43]

With the Final Order fleet destroyed by the combined forces of the Exegol strike team and the galaxy fleet, Rey and the Resistance emerged victorious and left Exegol to return to Ajan Kloss. Rey, accompanied by BB-8, later took the Falcon to Tatooine , to visit Luke Skywalker's old, abandoned home . She then buried Anakin's and Leia's lightsabers beneath the sands of the homestead, having built her own . [43]

Behind the scenes [ ]

The Millennium Falcon first appeared in Star Wars : Episode IV A New Hope , the first installment of the Star Wars original trilogy . In the scenes with Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb in the Falcon in Star Wars : Episode VI Return of the Jedi , the set of the ship was rocked to stimulate the Falcon's flight. [70]

YT freight pusher

Unused concept art of the Millennium Falcon with cargo pods for Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections

It was speculated that the Millennium Falcon would make an appearance in Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith to further tie the prequel trilogy to the original trilogy , and the ship did indeed make a cameo in the movie. At the beginning of one shot closing in on a docking bay on Coruscant , a YT-1300 freighter is seen flying in to dock. George Lucas confirmed that it was the Millennium Falcon and not just another ship of the same class. [71]

For the Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story , the interior Falcon sets were the same ones used in Star Wars : Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars : Episode VIII The Last Jedi , although they were redressed. These sets were augmented with the addition of extra sets depicting Lando Calrissian's quarters and cape closet. [72]


The Falcon ' s serial number

For Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections , the author Jason Fry intended for the book to include information about the freighter series being able to act as a cargo pusher, but was unable to get the image in time. [73] This information was later added to the YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual .

The infographic Fictional Travel Times estimated that the Millennium Falcon , with its class 0.5 hyperdrive, can travel at 6.13 quadrillion miles per hour, and that it may be capable of traveling from one galaxy to another within 100 days. [74]

In Episode IV , the Millennium Falcon had only three landing gear legs, but five landing gear legs in Episode V . Solo fixes this by revealing the Millennium Falcon had five landing gear legs, but two were lost during the Kessel Run. [13]

Appearances [ ]

Non-canon appearances [ ], sources [ ], non-canon sources [ ].


  • The Art of Star Wars: Visions

Notes and references [ ]

External links [ ].


  • Tor 8 December 2014 - How Fast is the Millennium Falcon?
  • 1 The Stranger
  • 2 Darth Plagueis
  • 3 Vernestra Rwoh

Dressed for battle

We headed to the beach to put the Bushranger Max Air III Compressor through its paces.


We headed to the Victorian High Country to see if the locally developed and built Nissan Navara N-Trek Warrior was more than just a sticker pack.

Who would have thought we’d be chatting about a locally engineered and locally modified 4X4 with factory approval in 2019, two years after Holden rolled the last locally manufactured car off an Australian production line?

But that’s exactly what Nissan has delivered with its new Navara Warrior. Officially known as the Navara N-Trek Warrior, the newcomer focuses on suspension modifications and new wheels and tyres to create a tough truck that steps up the off-road ability of the regular Navara dual-cab.

The Warrior is imported into the country as a regular Navara N-Trek and is trucked to the Premcar engineering facilities in Melbourne, where it undergoes a major transformation. Premcar is better known in a previous life for making Ford Falcon V8s even faster; one of its most recent projects was the Holy Grail, a Falcon that was originally planned to be the last ever Falcon GT.

As a respected engineering and manufacturing outfit Premcar tested and developed various components, tyres and suspension tunes to create what is now known as the Warrior.

As well as being better on- and off-road, it is also covered by Nissan’s five-year, unlimited kilometre warranty, adding peace of mind that the additions and modifications are not only road legal but also designed to go the distance.

VEHICLES Navara N-Trek Warrior review

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ABOVE  Solitude in the Karakum desert, Turkmenistan // BELOW  Shipping the car in the container to Perth

Where’d we drive it ? Our drive involved small on-road sections around Mount Hotham and Dinner Plain as well as vast chunks of the tracks and trails of the Victorian High Country.

We tackled the rocky Blue Rag track up to Trig Point before heading south (and deep) into the High Country. There were creek crossings and various climbs and descents, as well as loads of meandering gravel roads, some smooth, some rocky.

The Warrior handled everything fine and no cars experienced issues that we were aware of. There wasn’t even a puncture, and at times we were making reasonable pace.

How much does it cost ? The Warrior starts at $62,990 drive-away for a six-speed manual or $64,490 for the seven-speed auto that most buyers will choose. That makes it $6500 more than an N-Trek.

It gets all the same standard gear that’s in the regular N-Trek, including smart key entry, heated front seats, sat-nav, 8.0-inch touchscreen, an electrically adjusted driver’s seat, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

However, the 18-inch wheels are replaced by 17-inch units that were designed by Premcar and manufactured by Rosta (which has previously produced FPV and HSV wheels) in Taiwan. Those wheels are wrapped in Cooper Discover AT3 all-terrain tyres measuring 275mm across and with a 70-series profile. The tyres start with 12.7mm of tread depth; that’s less than the 14-15mm typical of mud terrain tyres but is a full 5mm more than the standard road-focused rubber fitted to the Navara. With a light truck construction, they’re also tougher in the sidewall and coped with plenty of rocky punishment during our drive.

Premcar also considered BF Goodrich KO2 and Mickey Thompson, among others. But it settled on the Coopers in part because they were relatively quiet on bitumen.

Other additions include a front bash plate made of 304-grade stainless steel that is 3mm thick (coincidentally the same thickness as the stainless steel used on the Tesla Cybertruck). Things like the sump are still exposed; Premcar looked at providing more coverage underneath but it would have compromised cooling to the front diff and transmission.

The plastic bumper has been replaced by a steel unit. It’s a modified version of the Nissan steel bulbar but has had the hoops removed and additional plastic mounts to improve the aesthetics and cover the holes where the hoops would have been. There’s also a 16-LED Hella light bar for improved high beam performance.

A 3500kg tow kit is standard and includes wiring for lights. The towbar is unique to the Warrior, with a broader section that accommodates the 275mm-wide Cooper tyre as a spare.

The towbar hitch receiver has also been mounted lower below the bar to accommodate for the 40mm ride height lift (more on that later). That naturally affects the departure angle, something we’ll touch on later.

That means there are seats that are a mix of black leather and orange fabric, the start of many orange highlights that also include the floor mats and stitching on various components. There’s an 8.0-inch infotainment unit that is easy to navigate and includes Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

As with all Navaras, storage is generous, there’s no reach adjustment to the steering wheel and the seats could do with more support. Comfortable and liveable, without setting any benchmarks.

What’s it like on the inside? The Warrior is almost identical to the Navara N-Trek once you settle into the cabin. The only difference is the Warrior logo embroidered into the front headrests and a speedo that’s been recalibrated for the larger tyres.

What’s the engine like? One area that was completely untouched in the Warrior was the 2.3-litre twin-turbo engine. Nissan’s reasoning is that the sequential turbo unit already outperforms the top-selling ute in the country, Toyota’s Hilux. So, it’s in the hunt and most buyers aren’t prioritising straight line performance – or, at least, not once you’ve got the decent torque spread offered in the Navara. Speaking of which, the 450Nm peak is produced between 1500rpm and 2500rpm, making it thoroughly usable a lot of the time. There’s also 140kW of power, although the reality is most buyers will be leaning far more heavily on the torque.

What’s the performance like? We only drove the seven-speed automatic transmission, and nothing has changed from its life in other Navaras. It’s smooth on shifts and generally intelligent enough to slot into an appropriate gear, although twisting gravel roads could encourage you to use the sequential shifter and stop it unnecessarily upshifting.

While the gearing is identical to other Navaras, the speeds in each gear have increased by 7.3 percent across the board due to those tyres with a bigger circumference than what comes on a Navara. That also meant engineers had to recalibrate the speedos.

Premcar and Nissan considered changing the final drive ratio to adjust, but it hadn’t changed the driving experience enough to warrant the effort. Yes, the Warrior is marginally more leisurely in acceleration due to those taller tyres that effectively change the gearing – and the extra 193kg all the accessories add to it. But the stout torque ensures more than two tonnes is still shifted relatively effortlessly.

The Navara also maintains its claimed 7.0 litres per 100km official fuel label, even though you’re likely to use more in the real world.

With a cone shape that gets thicker towards the bottom they work progressively the more load is put into them. And rather than rebound the car dramatically, they’re designed to absorb shock and control the car; similar in theory to those on competition off-roaders.

Premcar says they will come into play during most driving, even when driven over speed humps or gentle bumps. About the only time they won’t be used is when driving on flat roads with no bumps.

The stance of the Warrior is much different, too, with each wheel sitting 15mm wider than usual courtesy of a different offset with the wheels. It’s about improving cornering stability as much as the location and look of those chunky tyres. Premcar acknowledges this would ordinarily add more stress on various components.

However, the softer sidewall of the tyres and softer springs mean that less overall load is going into the chassis over big hits, something that helps ensure longevity.

It all adds up to a substantial improvement over the standard Navara, one that brings benefits on- and off-road. There’s nothing like the suppleness of a Ford Ranger Raptor – with its expensive Fox shocks – but the Warrior still fends off big shunts nicely and it controls the body beautifully.

How much has the suspension changed and what’s it like? The geometry and basic architecture of the Warrior’s modified suspension is identical to the standard Navara dual-cab. That means coil springs all around with an independent double wishbone setup up front and five-link live axle at the rear.

Having coils all round was something Premcar said was a good starting point for modifications rather than having to deal with changing leafs. The Warrior still uses dual-pitch rear coils, which have loosely bound coils teamed with tighter bound ones within the same spring.

But the details within the suspension system are much different, starting with springs and dampers. For starters, the springs have been raised 15mm. And the chunky tyres contribute another 25mm to the ride height, taking the overall lift to 40mm.

Premcar went for softer Monroe springs; the rate is 6 percent softer at the front and 10 percent at the rear, at least for the primary spring at the rear. The second, more tightly wound section of the spring has actually increased its rate by 10 percent, so that it holds up better when heavily laden or over large bumps.

Dampers supplied by Tenneco are designed to better control unwanted movement, something most noticeable at higher speeds when you hit big bumps. The way the Warrior absorbs then recovers from bumps is impressive; in some ways it gets better the harder you drive it.

One other crucial suspension component is the bump stops, which sits only about 15-20mm from the chassis end stop. Rather than a hard rubber mount with little thought put into its construction, the Warrior’s front bump stops are regularly used to supplement the motion of the springs and dampers.

What’s it like off-road? No surprises that the Warrior does a much better job than a regular Navara in rough terrain. The tyres alone give it a better chance of scrabbling over loose rocks or dusty gravel, two terrains we did plenty of in our day and a bit with the Warrior.

The bash plate also provides confidence you can attack things without them causing big damage underneath the front. But the basics of the Navara remain unchanged, starting with its dual-range four-wheel drive system. Shift-on-the-fly capability gets you into 4H but then it’s a stop for 4L. We did most of our running in 4H and 4L using the traction control to apportion drive to the wheels with grip.

Even with the taller ratio afforded by those larger tyres 4L proved fine down moderately steep descents, making for smoother progress than the hill descent control. You’ll need the occasional dab of the brakes, but for the most part the engine braking in first gear is very useful.

Only once did we engage the rear diff lock to maximise our chances of getting over some deep opposing holes on a steep ascent, something the car did with some slips of wheelspin but an otherwise generally uninterrupted movement.

The extra ground clearance is also handy, as are the corner cutaways on the front bumper, something that allows more aggressive attacks.

One place that has gone backwards is the departure angle. At 19 degrees it’s prone to scraping its tail over steep departures. But those handy with a spanner can temporarily remove the towbar to increase that departure angle to 29 degrees.

Better off-road but is it any good on the blacktop? Perhaps the biggest surprise is the improvements to the Navara’s manners on bitumen. Sure, the steering is still overly light, and lacks feel, and response is not improved by those baggier Cooper tyres.

But the wider track and suspension tuning makes for a more surefooted demeanour mid-corner. Despite chunky and aggressive tread blocks the tyres are also respectably quiet, at least until you push them through a tight corner, at which point they’ll start to squeal and squirm.

How safe is it? Nothing’s changed with how the Navara Warrior avoids or crash or protects its occupants when having one.

There are seven airbags and a basic structure that scored a five-star ANCAP rating (the Warrior is officially unrated because it hasn’t been tested with the steel bulbar up front).

The Warrior lacks the latest safety systems such as autonomous emergency braking, which are on rivals such as the Ford Ranger and Mitsubishi Triton. Not that it’ll upset those heading into the bush… it’s just one less thing to go wrong.

What’s missing? Nissan focused on the most commonly upgraded components for the Warrior, being tyres, suspension, underbody protection and a bull bar. Some were relatively simple additions. The bull bar, for example, is a modified hoopless version of Nissan’s steel bulbar accessory, one that had already undergone durability and safety testing.

However, there’s no snorkel, no rated recovery points and no winch, with Nissan instead leaving those to aftermarket suppliers. Nissan also considered rock rails instead of the standard side steps that will crunch at the first impact with a rock or log. However, it would have required significant engineering work and approval to meet side impact crash regulations. So, again, they’ve been left to the aftermarket suppliers.

Things could change with those modifications and more in future with the Warrior, though. There’s a very good change Nissan will do a more expensive and even more capable version of the Navara Warrior. Nissan Australia boss Stephen Lester told us he wants more Warrior models, with a Patrol a likely contender. And he said the Navara could even get more serious Warrior gear, perhaps as a Warrior+ or Warrior X. Stay tuned…

Should you buy one? The Navara N-Trek Warrior plays in an interesting space that pitches it directly against the likes of the Ford Ranger Wildtrak and Toyota HiLux Rugged X.

Considering it brings substantial local chassis and wheel upgrades that deliver genuine improvements to the basic Navara package it makes the mid-$60s price tag a tempting proposition.

And it’s off-road where the Warrior’s biggest improvements are. While decent aftermarket mods might be able to achieve a similar goal, they won’t have the factory warranty protection that makes the $6500 Warrior step-up look very appealing.

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The Untold Truth Of The Millennium Falcon

Chewbacca and Han flying the Millennium Falcon

The entire history of "Star Wars" has been dictated by pilots and their ships. The Republic would never have been able to get off the ground if not for the ships that connected the galaxy and the Empire would never have fallen without courageous Rebel pilots heading into battle. In times of peace and war alike, the galaxy's most important assets are its ships, and there is no ship in all of "Star Wars" that's as important as the Millennium Falcon.

The Falcon is a freighter, racer, and warship all in one. It may have started as a humble working vessel, but Lando Calrissian  transformed it into the powerful ship that "Star Wars" fans know and love. Lando couldn't hold on to his treasured ship forever, though. Eventually, it changed hands and helped Han Solo do some terrible things before also helping him turn a new page and overthrow the Galactic Empire.

The Falcon's story is still being written. After the events of the sequel trilogy, it's now in the hands of Rey Skywalker, and it might help her usher in a whole new era of "Star Wars" history. Regardless of what the future has in store for the Falcon, the stories of its past have already cemented the ship's place in galactic legend.

The ship was designed in one day

"Star Wars" has always stood out because of the incredible designs of its worlds, creatures, and ships. Seemingly every shot of the movie features one iconic creation or another, and the film's creators spent hours agonizing over just about everything that appears on screen. Fans might be shocked to learn, however, that the single most iconic ship design in the entire franchise basically came about overnight.

The Millennium Falcon was always meant to play a major role in "Star Wars," and the artists working on the ship knew just how important it was to nail the look and feel of the Falcon. The crew spent plenty of time fleshing out what they thought was a unique design for the ship, but just before they were ready to get to work creating models of the Falcon, life threw them a curveball.

The U.K. TV show, "Space: 1999," debuted in 1975, and by some strange coincidence, it featured a ship that looked eerily similar to the rough draft design of the Falcon. The "Star Wars" crew suddenly had to scramble to come up with a new ship in time to actually start filming the movie. They redesigned the Falcon in a day, and somewhat accidentally created the most iconic spaceship in history.

It has ties to 2001: A Space Odyssey

When most people think about "Star Wars," they think of George Lucas. Lucas not only created the galaxy far, far away that everyone knows and loves today but also directed the original movie and all three prequel films. Without Lucas, "Star Wars" wouldn't exist today in any form, but that doesn't mean he created the franchise alone.

Lucas might have had the idea for the many characters, creatures, worlds, and ships that populate the "Star Wars" galaxy, but he needed artists to actually bring his ideas to life. Luckily for Lucas, there was no shortage of artists who had their minds on the stars in the mid-70s. One of the first artists who signed onto the project was Colin Cantwell, who'd previously helped Stanley Kubrick with his vision for "2001: A Space Odyssey."

Cantwell created many of the earliest ship designs for "Star Wars," and any sci-fi super fan can recognize a certain resemblance between the models used in "Star Wars" and the ships featured in Kubrick's "2001." Cantwell helped create the original Millennium Falcon which had to be changed because of its resemblance to the ship from "Space: 1999," but even though that design didn't make it into the final film, Cantwell's aesthetic influence exists in every single "Star Wars" project.

It's so fast it should kill its passengers

The Millennium Falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy ... at least, as long as you're asking Han Solo, it is. The ship has outrun countless Imperial warships and opportunistic pirates, and it famously made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs. As impressive as that finish time is, what's even more amazing is that the Falcon hasn't liquified its passengers at any time during its lengthy career.

In her book,  "The Science of Star Wars," Jeanne Cavelos points out just how dangerous many of Han's crafty maneuvers would be in real life. Time and time again we've seen characters riding in the Falcon as it makes a sudden jump to lightspeed travel, but according to Cavelos, the force of that acceleration "will push Han back so forcefully that he'll become a splat on that fine vinyl upholstery."

The truth is, even if Han took it easy, the kind of travel that the Falcon is used for would still kill everyone on board. If the ship accelerated with 3 g's of force, humans could survive on it for just about an hour, but the ship itself wouldn't reach light speed for several months. That's a big problem when traveling across the galaxy. Some engineer in the "Star Wars" galaxy definitely solved the acceleration problem ages ago because the Falcon can move at up to 3,000 g's when it really gets going. Thank the Force for sci-fi physics.

At this point it's basically a warship

The Millennium Falcon began its life as a freighter. The fact that it was originally designed to store plenty of cargo made it especially useful to Han Solo when he piloted the ship as a smuggler. Thanks to the events of the "Star Wars" movies, the Falcon has developed a more storied history than most cargo ships, and it's played a major role in some of the most important battles in galactic history.

How has the Falcon managed to hold its own against Imperial cruisers, First Order battalions, and multiple Death Stars? Well, over the years its various owners have made their own augmentations to the ship. As far back as the original trilogy, but particularly during the events of the sequels, thinking of the Falcon as a freighter is a bit like thinking of a tank as an Uber.

Of the many modifications made to the Falcon over the years, the flashiest are the weapons systems. In terms of pure firepower, the Falcon is basically a premiere battleship. Two laser cannons and two additional missile tubes allow the Falcon to tear apart anything it encounters in outer space. When on the ground, the Falcon relies on a massive blaster cannon to fend off attackers. Anything that manages to get in a real shot at the Falcon likely won't damage it thanks to two deflector shield generators and some duralloy plates literally ripped from an Imperial cruiser. The Falcon's still a freighter, but it's also one of the best warships in the galaxy.

It has three brains

Over the years, the Millennium Falcon has been helmed by some of the greatest pilots in galactic history. People like Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, and Rey Skywalker have pulled off daring maneuvers and led the Falcon through countless battles that few other pilots would have been able to handle. The ship itself certainly comes with its own advantages, some of which we've already discussed, but there's another little-known fact about the Falcon that might explain how it's survived so many impossible encounters.

One of the best things about "Solo: A Star Wars Story" was that it delved into the Falcon's history and the time it spent being piloted by Lando Calrissian ( Donald Glover ). Though he could easily have overseen the ship on his own, Lando traveled with a droid, who he may have been in love with, called L3-37 ( Phoebe Waller-Bridge ). When L3 was fatally injured, Lando managed to save her life, in a way, by uploading her mind to the Falcon's computers.

Shocking as that is, it isn't the full story. Long before L3-37 became a part of the Falcon, two other droids were uploaded to the ship's computer. V5-T was a transport droid in another lifetime, and ED-4 operated as a droid capable of sophisticated computer hacking. Together, the three droids within the Falcon refer to themselves as the Millennium Collective. While they haven't been at the forefront of "Star Wars" lore to date, they're a big part of why the Falcon can seemingly find its way out of any complicated situation.

The Falcon was operating during the prequels

The most exciting moments in the Millennium Falcon's life all happened after the fall of the Galactic Republic. It was during the dark days of the Empire that the Falcon made its way from one smuggler to another before becoming one of the most important vessels in the rebellion. After the rise of the New Republic, the Falcon got a break before re-entering the galactic stage during the war between the New Republic and the First Order.

Those decades are filled with thrilling stories about the Falcon and its occupants, but the ship had an entire history before its adventurous journey as a smuggler-turned-rebel. Even its less exciting days were filled with minor intrigue and larger-than-life conflict. The Falcon was created sometime before the Clone Wars , but during that particular galactic conflict it was owned by a secretive organization called the Republic Group. Little is known about the Republic Group, but it oversaw massive cargo transports during the Clone Wars, and it outfitted the Falcon with its first pieces of military-grade hardware.

The prequels never delved into the Falcon's mysterious past, but the iconic ship did make a brief appearance in the trilogy — the Falcon can be seen in the foreground of an establishing shot in "The Revenge of the Sith." At that time it was owned by the Republic Group, but why the Falcon was being docked on Coruscant is a lingering question that "Star Wars" fans may never get a satisfying answer to.

The Falcon has a Star Trek cameo

"Strek Trek" first made its way to air in 1966, putting it 12 years ahead of "Star Wars." People immediately fell in love with the serialized sci-fi show for many of the same reasons that they'd later come to love George Lucas's original film. Both have incredible ships, unique aliens, exotic planets, and interesting stories to explore through the stars. One franchise leans a little more hard sci-fi, while the other is a full-on space opera, but the Venn diagram of "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" fandom has a ton of overlap. Still, there's also been a healthy rivalry between the fanbases that's lasted decades.

In general, the universes of "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" couldn't intermingle very easily, but for one small moment in the late '90s, the Millennium Falcon got to fly through them both. "Star Trek: First Contact," featuring Sir Patrick Stewart as the fan-favorite Captain Picard, debuted in 1996, not quite a year before Lucas released the "Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition." It just so happens that Industrial Light & Magic, which has a long history of working on "Star Wars" movies, handled the special effects for "First Contact," and it snuck in the briefest glimpse of the Falcon in a major battle scene in the movie.

Lando's Falcon almost had hotrod flames

The Millennium Falcon has changed hands quite a bit over the decades. After starting out under the command of the Republic Group, it wound up as the smuggling vessel that eventually came to be owned by Han Solo and later Rey Skywalker. Though Han and Rey might have spent the most time with the Falcon, there's no pilot who had more impact on the ship's history than Lando Calrissian.

Lando spent years as the Falcon's captain before losing the ship to Han, which we'll get into in a minute. He was a smooth talker and a skilled smuggler, but what really set Lando apart from the Falcon's other owners was that he had the mind of a spaceship engineer. He made plenty of modifications to the Falcon over the years, which transformed the ship into the lightning-fast vehicle it is today.

"Solo: A Star Wars Story" gave fans a deep look at Falcon under Lando's command. The team working on the movie knew that they needed to show off the various modifications Lando had made to the ship to sell the idea that he was a very different captain from Han. Some of their earliest ideas were a little unorthodox, to say the least. They played with the idea of adding racing fins to the front of the Falcon or even having flames painted on it. Eventually, they settled on the blue color pallet and larger thrusters that fans recognize today as Lando's version of the ship.

Gambling caused it to trade hands - twice

Most ships in the "Star Wars" galaxy are bought and sold like any other good. The largest vessels are commissioned by companies or governments, which is how the Millennium Falcon first came to be. After those ships serve their purpose they either get scrapped for parts or end up trading hands between individuals, picking up modifications along the way that would leave them unrecognizable to their original owner.

As a first-class smuggling vessel, the Falcon spent years being traded in under-the-table deals, but on at least two occasions it was also traded on the table over a game of cards. Fans knew for a long time that Han Solo won the Falcon from Lando Calrissian via a game of sabbac, the galaxy's favorite way to gamble. "Solo" let us see that fateful game play out for the first time.

What many don't realize is that Lando really should have known better than to offer up his beloved ship. Years before crossing paths with Han, Lando had the opportunity to play a game of sabbac for a chance to win a freighter registered as YT 492727ZED. Lando came out on top, as he often does, and after working on that freighter to make it into the souped-up spaceship of his dreams, Lando renamed it the Millennium Falcon.

In an alternate timeline, Lando won the Falcon back

The Millennium Falcon might have fallen into Han Solo's hands, but it didn't stay there forever. Of course, Lando always wanted his ship back, and in the original "Star Wars" trilogy he at least gets to spend a bit of time piloting it again while Han is frozen in carbonite. The movies weren't the place where their back and forth was finally settled.

In the novel, "Dark Apprentice," by Kevin J. Anderson, Lando and Han fought over who should really get to own the Falcon. They decide to settle the matter in the only way that makes sense to them: another game of sabbac. That's not the end of the discussion for them, though. Over the course of the book, they end up playing sabbac three times, constantly trading the ship back and forth. Eventually, Lando gives the Falcon up because he thinks that handing it over to Han willingly will help him impress a woman.

Of course, "Dark Apprentice" was published in 1994, which means the events of the story aren't "Star Wars" canon anymore. After Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012, the company got to work establishing its own version of "Star Wars" history. Essentially, anything published before 2014 has been relegated to an alternate universe — the "Legends" timeline. There's always a chance that Lando and Han's ongoing battle for the Falcon gets rebooted in the current canon sometime in the future.

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Millennium Falcon

Millennium Falcon

An extensively modified Corellian light freighter, the Millennium Falcon is a legend in smuggler circles and is coveted by many for being the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Despite her humble origins and shabby exterior, the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs has played a role in some of the greatest victories of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. The Falcon looks like a worn-out junker, but beneath her hull she’s full of surprises. A succession of owners, including Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, have made special modifications that boosted the freighter’s speed, shielding and firepower to impressive – and downright illegal – levels. The price of such tinkering? The Falcon can be unpredictable, with her hyperdrive particularly balky. Despite her flaws, she’s beloved by her owners – Han Solo and Chewbacca spent years searching the galaxy for the ship they once called home, rejoicing when they finally reclaimed her.

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  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI)
  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX)
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story
  • Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV)
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V)
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII)
  • Rebel Alliance
  • The Resistance
  • Length: 34.75m

The Millennium Falcon during Lando's ownership

The Millennium Falcon was Lando Calrissian’s pride and joy. After he acquired the Corellian freighter, Lando spared no expense remodeling it according to his discerning tastes. Extensive modifications made the Falcon an ideal home base for a sophisticated “sportsman” like Lando, who traveled the galaxy with pilot droid L3-37 .

The Millennium Falcon raids Kessel

The promise of a hefty percentage persuaded Lando to hire out his prized ship for a raid on Kessel ’s coaxium supply. It was a decision Lando would come to regret.

The Dilapidated Millennium Falcon

After the mining colony erupted in a mass breakout, Han Solo took the helm to complete the galaxy’s most famous Kessel Run. The glory of the achievement came at a crippling cost. By the time the Falcon touched down on Savareen , it was in worse shape than when Lando had first found the crude freighter. The journey had stripped away the immaculate streamlined plating, the auxiliary craft had been lost, and Lando soon retreated, limping away in what remained of his crowning achievement.

But Han tracked Lando down on Numidian Prime , where he won the ship in a game of sabacc. For many years, the freighter served as home base as Han and Chewbacca began their smuggling careers.

The Millennium Falcon impounded in a Death Star hangar bay

When Obi-Wan Kenobi hired Han Solo and Chewbacca for a charter to Alderaan , the Jedi specified that he needed a fast ship. Han assured him he’d found one -- hadn’t the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs? When Luke Skywalker first saw the battered freighter, he was convinced they’d been hoodwinked -- the Falcon looked like she might fall apart in her docking bay. But the Falcon lived up to her captain’s boasts, escaping the Imperial warships guarding Tatooine and proving maneuverable and tough in a firefight with TIE fighters patrolling space around the Death Star . Han and Chewie were at the Falcon ’s controls when they blasted Darth Vader and his TIE wingmen off Luke’s tail, giving the young Rebel the chance to make the million-to-one shot that destroyed the Death Star. 

The Millennium Falcon on Bespin

Han decided to leave his friends with the Rebel Alliance and pay off his debt to Jabba the Hutt , but the Falcon wouldn’t cooperate -- he and Chewbacca spent hours in Echo Base ’s hangar trying to get the balky freighter back in flying shape. Han barely got the Falcon off the ground, escaping Hoth just ahead of Darth Vader’s shock troops, but her hyperdrive failed with Star Destroyers and TIE fighters in hot pursuit. Unable to go into lightspeed, Han sought refuge in an asteroid field, where he made frantic repairs -- but the hyperdrive failed again. Han used every trick known to Corellians to escape and limp to the nearby star system of Bespin , where Lando’s techs fixed the Falcon . Lando didn’t know the Imperials -- who encased Han in carbonite in Cloud City -- had deactivated her hyperdrive as a safeguard against escape attempts, but fortunately R2-D2 discovered the sabotage. The little droid reactivated the hyperdrive, allowing the freighter and her crew to escape. 

The Millennium Falcon escaping the Death Star II's destruction

Lando and Chewbacca discovered Boba Fett had taken Han to Tatooine, and hid the Falcon while they infiltrated Jabba the Hutt’s palace to rescue their friend. Han then lent his beloved ship to Lando for the Rebel attack on the second Death Star at Endor . The Falcon maneuvered like a fighter in the chaotic battle, diving into the battle station’s labyrinthine superstructure. Lando fired concussion missiles into the Death Star’s main reactor and raced for the surface, escaping just as the station exploded. The lowly freighter, once derided as a piece of junk, had destroyed the Empire’s greatest weapon.

The Millennium Falcon dogfighting with TIE Fighters on Jakku

After her star turn at the Battle of Endor , the Millennium Falcon was part of several key New Republic victories over the Empire’s remnants – and further semi-legal adventures pursued by Han and Chewie. But the duo lost their beloved freighter to Gannis Ducain, and spent years trying to find her again. Meanwhile, the Falcon kept changing hands, going from Ducain to the Irving Boys before winding up under a tarp on Jakku .

Han and Chewie reclaimed the Falcon , but Han died shortly after getting to see his beloved ship again. Chewie and the scavenger Rey – who’d stolen the Falcon from Unkar Plutt on Jakku – then piloted the freighter into the Unknown Regions on a quest to find Luke Skywalker. After Rey left Ahch-To , the Falcon – now home to nests of porgs – served as an escape craft for the besieged Resistance on Crait .  

The Millennium Falcon at Exegol

The Falcon encountered some serious scrapes as the fight between the First Order and the Resistance intensified: damage from lightspeed skipping, capture on Pasaana and near-incineration, and a rough landing on Kef Bir . But the battered freighter survived them all, and flew at the head of a citizens’ navy that bolstered the Resistance’s numbers at the climactic Battle of Exegol . 

News + Features

Ships of the Galaxy: The Millennium Falcon


Ships of the galaxy: the millennium falcon.

She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts.

Ode to the Millennium Falcon, a Beloved Hunk of Junk

Ode to the Millennium Falcon, a Beloved Hunk of Junk

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Solo: A Star Wars Story In-Home Trailer (Official)

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Captain of the Millennium Falcon

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Millennium Falcon Biography Gallery

Lando Calrissian acquired the Millennium Falcon and remodeled the Corellian freighter, paying for...

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Han Solo's nothing without his ride. Oh, sure, Han's happy to take all the credit, but it's the Millennium Falcon that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, not its owner. When Luke and Obi-Wan stumbled into the Mos Eisley cantina, they were looking for a ship, not a pilot. When the Falcon laid waste to the second Death Star, Han wasn't even on board. He was busy tangling with Ewoks and Stormtroopers while his ship saved the galaxy.

In fact, by the time Han took control of the Star Wars universe's most famous YT-1300 light freighter, the Falcon was already half a century old, and had survived more adventures than Han could imagine. As far as we can tell, here's the definitive list of everyone who's sat in the Falcon's pilot's seat--for now, anyway. If history is any indication, the ship will change owners many more times before it's done.

1. Corell Industries Limited

1. Corell Industries Limited

60 years before The Millennium Falcon saved the galaxy (the first time), it was just a regular commercial freighter. According to James Luceno's novel, the aptly named Millennium Falcon , the cargo hauler began as just one piece of Corell Industries Limited's sprawling 8,000 ship fleet, and quickly gained a reputation for being both incredibly fast and frustratingly finicky. Different pilots gave it different names based on how much they appreciated it -- or how much they didn't. For example, the fella who named the ship Corell's Pride must've liked it. The ones who called it the Fickle Flyer or Meetyl's Misery? Eh, not so much.

Image: The Essential Guide to Warfare, reference book from Del Rey, 2012

2. Kal and Dova Brigger

2. Kal and Dova Brigger

After the unscrupulous Trade Federation drove Corell Industries out of business, siblings Kal and Dova Brigger picked up the YT-1300, renamed it Hardwired, and used it to take over Corell Industries' shipping routes. As Luceno's tale goes on, Brigger's business quickly took a turn towards the dark side, however, and they'd ran afoul of smugglers. Dova was captured and executed, while Kal fled.

Kal renamed the ship the Wayward Son and tried to go straight, but he just couldn't stay out of trouble. Before long, Kal found himself working with the Stark Commercial Combine, a loose confederation of pirates, bounty hunters, and other ne'er-do-wells. He didn't last. During one mission, the Galactic Republic unleashed hoard of carnivorous insects on the planet where Kal was hiding. The poor man was eaten alive, leaving the Wayward Son adrift and ownerless.

Image: Fly Casual, RPG sourcebook from Fantasy Flight Games

3. Plo Koon

3. Plo Koon

15 years later, the YT-1300 made its way into the hands of a shipping company called the Republic Group that was actually a front for a group of politicians who opposed Chancellor Palpatine's increasingly authoritarian regime. Under the Republic Group's stewardship, the ship was rechristened the Stellar Envoy, flew many clandestine missions to help restore the crumbling Republic, and had a handful of different pilots. In Millennium Falcon , a long lost photograph indicates that no less than Jedi Master Plo Koon himself once sat behind the Envoy's pilot seat.

4. Tobb Jadak

4. Tobb Jadak

Former swoop racer Tobb Jadak never officially owned the Envoy, but he might as well have. For about a decade, the Republic Group paid Jadak and his best friend, Reeze Duurmun, to take care of The Stellar Envoy, maintaining the freighter and flying it on missions as necessary.

After 10 years of service, Jadak and Duurmann hoped to purchase the Envoy for themselves, but they weren't so lucky. While embarking on a top-secret delivery run at the very, very end of the Clone Wars, the Envoy crashed into a ship above the so-called "smuggler's moon," Nar Shaddaa. Duurmun lost his life, Jadak fell into a coma, and the Envoy was abandoned in space (Jadak woke up sixty years later, and went on to serve as Millennium Falcon 's co-lead).

Image: Promo art for Suns of Fortune, RPG sourcebook from Fantasy Flight Games

5. Rej Taunt

5. Rej Taunt

The Stellar Envoy wasn't floating around Nar Shaddaa for long. As Luceno tells the story, Rej Taunt, an up-and-coming crime lord stationed on Nar Shaddaa, hired a mechanic to salvage the vessel and fix it up. Unfortunately, for Taunt, the newly rechristened Second Chance didn't last for more than a single mission. A combination of illegal buzz droids, a surprise Imperial patrol, and a deal gone horribly bad landed Taunt in prison, while the Second Chance was relocated to an Imperial shipyard.

Image: Star Wars #10, Marvel Comics, 2015

6. Zenn Bien

6. Zenn Bien

Years later, a Rebel operative named Quip Fargil hired a Sullstan smuggler named Zenn Bien to help with an important mission: With aid from an Imperial turncoat, Bien helped Fargil steal the impounded YT-1300 cruiser. According to Millennium Falcon , Bien and Fargil were going to dismantle the ship and sell it for parts, but after Bien liberated the freighter, Fargil revealed that he had other goals in mind.

After renaming the ship Gone to Pieces, Fargil used the YT-1300 as bait, launching a mission to steal a hyperdrive from an Imperial cruiser. Bien went along reluctantly, and the heist was successful. Bien received a tidy sum for her efforts, while Fargil took the Gone to Pieces to the Rebels.

Image: The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, reference book from Del Rey, 2006

7. Quip Fargil

7. Quip Fargil

A full decade before Han joined the Rebel Alliance, his ship was already there. It was Quip Fargil who named the freighter the Millennium Falcon, and he spent 10 months using the modified YT-1300 to give the Empire a bad time. When Rebel command sent Fargil on a suicide mission, however, the pilot couldn't bring himself to follow through. Sacrificing his own life wasn't a problem, of course, but Quip loved the Falcon too much to destroy it. Despite the high stakes, Fargil bailed at the last minute, and spent the rest of his days plagued by guilt. To help ease his conscience, Fargil donated the Falcon to a doctor named Parlay Thorp and retired. By the time that Han Solo tracks him down in Millennium Falcon 's second half, Quip has settled down under an assumed name, although he's never forgotten the ship that ended his Rebel career.

Image: Stay on Target, RPG sourcebook from Fantasy Flight Games

8. Parlay Thorp

8. Parlay Thorp

Under Dr. Parlay Thorp's ownership, the Falcon went from a warship to a medical vessel. While the doctor toured the galaxy helping those in need, Thorp discovered that she suffered from a fatal medical condition that was only kept at bay by the planet Hijadoan's mysterious life-preserving qualities. Thorp decided to stay on Hijadoan until she could discover a cure, and with her options limited, sold the Falcon to a traveling circus.

Image: Star Wars Insider #83

9. Vistal Purn

9. Vistal Purn

Technically, while the Falcon was under the purview of Molpol's Traveling Circus, it was controlled by Molpol's owner, Dax Doogan. For all intents and purposes, Vistal Purn was its real master. According to Luceno, Purn handled all of the ship's repairs (including installing its first dejarik, or holo-chess, table) and served as its pilot, helping shuttle Doogan and various supplies between the circus's gigs. When the circus was attacked by Black Sun pirates, Purn used the Falcon to save the bulk of Molpol's menagerie, winning the heart of the circus's star performer, Sari Danzer, in the process. Purn ended up living in married bliss, but Molpol's Traveling Circus wasn't so lucky. The pirate attack decimated the circus' resources, and Doogan was forced to sell off all of its assets, including the Falcon.

Image: The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, reference book from Chronicle Books, 2001

10. Cix Trouvee

10. Cix Trouvee

Cix Trouvee was an ace gambler but he wasn't much of a mechanic. After buying the Millennium Falcon from Doogan, Trouvee quickly learned that maintaining the 50-year-old ship, which was largely cobbled together from aftermarket parts, cost more than Trouvee could afford. In desperate need of funds to keep the ship running, Trouvee bet everything he had on a Rebel vs. Empire skirmish above the planet Yag'Dhul.

In Millennium Falcon , Han and Leia discover that Trouvee didn't just lose the wager. He almost lost his life. As his creditors grew impatient, Trouvee made one last-ditch effort to raise some cash by entering the Cloud City Sabacc Tournament. There, Trouvee lost both his remaining credits and his ship to one Mr. Lando Calrissian.

Image: Suns of Fortune, RPG sourcebook from Fantasy Flight Games

11. Lando Calrissian

11. Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian was a gambler, a smuggler, and a con man, but he's probably best remembered these days for his impeccable sense of style. No wonder he wanted a ship to match. After winning the Falcon from Trouvee, Lando immediately gave it a much needed makeover, making it fit for a scoundrel of his stature. Sadly, the era of the meticulously maintained Falcon was short-lived. During Solo, Lando loses the ship to a fellow smuggler, the unabashed slob Han Solo, in another high-stakes sabacc game. According to the novel Last Shot, Han quickly went out of his way to ensure that the Falcon looks as shabby as possible.

12. Han Solo

12. Han Solo

It was Han Solo who transformed The Millennium Falcon from a mere ship into a galactic legend. With Han at the helm and Chewbacca in the co-pilot's seat, the Falcon became one of the most notorious smuggling vessels in the galaxy, helped destroy not one but two Death Stars, and played a pivotal role in the Rebel Alliance's triumph over the Galactic Empire. As shown in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, Solo added a kitchen to the ship after the end of the Galactic Civil War, making it a traveling home for himself, his wife Leia Organa, and their son Ben.

13. Gannis Ducain

13. Gannis Ducain

Even Han couldn't hold on to the Falcon forever. Some time after the Empire's collapse, a gunrunner named Gannis Ducain stole the Falcon from the Solo family and immediately started outfitting the ship with new and more deadly weapons. Ducain's modifications would remain part of the ship until after Han Solo's death: while Rey trained with Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, the Last Jedi novelization keeps Chewbacca busy undoing all of Ducain's messy and deadly work.

Image: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game, RPG sourcebook from Fantasy Flight Games

14. The Irving Boys

14. The Irving Boys

We don't know much about Toursant and Vanver Irving, including how they wrested control of the Millennium Falcon from Ducain, but however they managed to do it, it probably wasn't pretty. In the short story collection Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens, one man who owed Irvings money, Rikard Lovas, was so scared of the criminals that he faked a ship heist instead of paying them. The scheme didn't work and Lovas was arrested, although the Irving Boys still wound up empty-handed. After all, it's hard to get your money back when your mark is broke and in prison.

15. Unkar Plutt

15. Unkar Plutt

Eventually, Jakku's junk king Unkar Plutt stole the Falcon from the Irving Boys. He never realized what a prize he had. Under Plutt's ownership, the infamous freighter sat in a scrapyard for years and didn't take to the skies until the First Order attacked Niima Outpost during The Force Awakens. As the First Order pelted Niima with laser blasts, a young scavenger, a former stormtrooper, and a plucky droid snuck aboard the Millennium Falcon and used the aging freighter to escape.

According to The Force Awakens' novelization, Plutt managed to track the thieves to Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana, but by the time that he caught up with the Falcon, it was back in Han Solo's charge. Instead of giving the ship back, Han had Chewbacca tear off one of Plutt's arms and sent him home empty-handed.

16. Rey

Following Han Solo's death at the hands of his son, Kylo Ren, Rey became the Millennium Falcon's owner and primary pilot. In The Last Jedi, Rey took the ship to Ahch-To, where she found Han's brother-in-law Luke Skywalker living in solitude, and later flew the Millennium Falcon to Crait, where she helped the last few members of the Resistance escape the First Order's vengeance.

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REVIEW: 2020 Nissan Navara N-Trek Warrior

Stephen Ottley

What is it?

The modern family performance car. That may sound strange, but in the not too distant past Australian driveways were filled with the likes of HSV-modified Commodores and FPV-tweaked Falcons.

But in 2020 the Aussie family prefers a different kind of performance, and the dual-cab ute has become a popular choice for families. The combination of practicality that a ute brings along with the ability to get off the beaten path have made vehicles like the Nissan Navara, Toyota HiLux and Ford Ranger some of the best-selling vehicles in the country.

The success of the Ford Ranger Raptor program, with its high-speed off-road performance and premium price tag, were enough to convince Nissan Australia to create its own slightly different version – the Navara N-Trek Warrior.

As Nissan Australia managing director Stephen Lester said at its launch: “The market has shifted considerably in the last two years with ute sales leading the way, but ute buyers are looking for a higher level of specification that deliver both capable and functional improvements, while making their vehicle stand out.

“The Nissan Navara N-Trek Warrior is locally designed and engineered for Australian conditions. We expect this to be a popular variant.”

Does it have any racing pedigree?

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The Warrior doesn’t have any motorsport heritage as such, but it does have plenty of local performance engineering knowledge behind it. That’s because it has been developed and is actually built (using the Navara N-Trek as the starting point) by Premcar.

That’s the Melbourne-based engineering firm that was formerly known as Prodrive Australia that was responsible for the majority of the development work on the Ford Performance Vehicles Falcons. In addition to producing the awesome ‘Holy Grail’ Falcon upgrade package we’ve tested previously, Premcar works with a range of manufacturers on a huge array of engineering projects.

While the Navara N-Trek Warrior is very different to a GT Falcon, Premcar knows Australian conditions and buyer expectations well, which makes them the ideal partner for Nissan.

What’s under the bonnet?

Premcar opted against touching the engine, instead focusing its efforts on other areas of the car. That means it has the same 2.3-litre four-cylinder twin-turbo diesel as the rest of the high-grade Navara.

It makes 140kW of power and 450Nm of torque, which is respectable but isn’t class-leading. In fact, it feels a little weak at times, because peak torque is only available between 1500-2500rpm which means it has a small window of optimisation. Hopefully future Warrior projects allow Premcar to work its magic to extract more grunt because the Navara feels like it can handle it.

It’s paired with the choice of a six-speed manual or seven-speed automatic transmission, so you can take your pick whether you prefer the control of a manual for when you head off-road or the convenience of an auto for chauffeuring the family around.

How does it handle?

n trek falcon

Upgrading the Navara’s ride and handling was the primary object of Premcar’s work, with a complete overhaul of the suspension.

Crucially, Nissan Australia and Premcar worked to ensure all these upgrades were within Nissan’s global parameters so reliability and warranty are unaffected.

The big ticket items underneath are new, longer Tenneco dampers coupled with Monroe springs. Premcar tuned the dampers further with unique internal valve code to ensure it met its standards for Australian conditions.

The engineers also tuned the springs for a softer primary rate to enhance both ride comfort and off-road articulation, while also tuning a higher and more progressive spring rate to maintain performance when towing or carrying a heavy load in the tray.

Another new addition for the Warrior are 17-inch alloy wheels fitted with massive 32-inch Cooper all-terrain tyres, for better off-road performance. All told the ride height of the Warrior is 40mm greater than the standard N-Trek.

The net result of all these changes to ensure the Warrior is better off-road is also a ute that’s nicer to drive on sealed surfaces. Like the Ranger Raptor, which is the most comfortable composed ute on the road, the Warrior is elevated above its less variants as a daily driver because of its re-worked suspension.

While not quite a match for the Ford, this is certainly the pick of the Navara range if on-road comfort and driveability is your priority.

Where would you most like to drive it?

There’s no question the best place to take the Warrior is off-road, this isn’t a show pony – it’s been built to get muddy.

Premcar’s other modifications include redesigned front and rear bumpers. At the pointy end you’ll find a more aggressive looking bar with an LED light bar integrated into the design, and a 3mm stainless steel skid plate underneath for off-road protection.

At the back there’s a unique towbar cross member that was designed to allow for a full-size spare to be fit underneath the tray (because a full-size spare is vital when heading bush) and accommodate the increased ride height.

What’s the interior like?

n trek falcon

The cabin is largely untouched, so it’s what you find in the standard N-Trek; aside from some orange accented floor mats. The N-Trek already includes orange stitching on the seats and steering wheel, so there’s a cohesive look to the cabin.

But aside from the colour co-ordination the Warrior is your fairly typical modern ute – hard plastics to better resist wear and tear, a lack of reach adjustment for the steering column and flat seats front and rear.

This is by no means a Navara-specific problem but it demonstrates that the ute is still, at its core, a workhorse despite the increasing popularity with families.

Is it good value for money?

Not long ago a ute starting at $63,490 (plus on-road costs), as the Warrior does, would have been considered outrageously expensive. These days it’s in the middle of the market, with utes now extending beyond the $100k mark.

More importantly for potential buyers the Warrior stacks up well against its most direct competitors – the Ranger Raptor starts at $77,190, the Ranger Wildtrak at $62,090 and the Toyota HiLux Rugged X is priced from $62,490.

Would I buy one?

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There’s a lot to like about the Navara N-Trek Warrior and both Nissan Australia and Premcar should be commended on the work they’ve done. Certainly I can see the appeal of a ute such as this as both a family hauler and weekend adventure machine.

However, its modest engine performance and workman-like cabin let it down. While it’s a significant stretch in terms of money, the Ranger Raptor would still be my choice to park in my driveway if I was in the market for a modern ute.

2020 Nissan Navara N-Trek Warrior price and specifications

Stephen Ottley

Editor Stephen Ottley is an award-winning journalist who has written about cars and motor racing for all of Australia’s leading publications.

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The new game pass price increases are downright nefarious, riot has reportedly cancelled a league of legends platform fighter.

One of the oldest debates in nerd culture is Star Trek vs. Star Wars. Both are huge franchises with tons of ancillary material and deep lore. The most clear form this age-old debate has taken is comparing the two franchises' most iconic spaceships. The Starship Enterprise and the Millennium Falcon. From the outset, this doesn't really seem like much of a contest. After all, the Enterprise is a state of the art military research vessel and the Falcon is a hunk of junk that barely holds together while flying. But like Han Solo said, "she may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."

Yes, the Millennium Falcon may be smaller and less well-equipped (or maintained) as the Enterprise, but she outclasses the Federation ship in many different ways. Mostly it comes down to her flexibility. The Falcon is a ship for daredevils and improvisers. It's at its best when it's getting into crazy situations and then finding ways out of them. The Falcon just has a lot more options for dealing with unexpected trouble than the larger, slower Enterprise does. Even if most of the time Han, Chewie, and Lando just decide to run away from whatever the trouble is.

So consider this a consumer report, of sorts. Next time you find yourself in the starship dealership having to choose between the shiny Federation ship and the beaten-up Corellian freighter, keep this list in mind. These are 30 Things the Millennium Falcon Can Do That The Starship Enterprise Can't.

30 Exceed Lightspeed

When Luke Skywalker first saw the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo proudly told him, "It can make .5 past lightspeed." Now all Star Wars ships can go lightspeed, but the Falcon can go even faster. The ship is so fast because Han installed a hyperdrive usually built for Star Destroyers.

That's a lot of horsepower for a tiny ship like the Falcon.

Granted, that's when you can get to the hyperdrive to work. Over in Star Trek though, they've got trouble going past Warp 10. As the Voyager episode "Threshold" showed us, any faster than that and you transform into a lizard.

29 The Millenium Falcon Can Outrun A Black Hole

For a ship built to explore the unknown, the Enterprise is oddly unprepared for space phenomena. Granted they never get too close to the anomalies they study but they're still in space. Stuff is bound to happen. It happens a lot when you're a devil-may-care smuggler like Han Solo. Good thing the Millennium Falcon can escape the gravity well of a black hole. The ship got caught in one during Han's famous Kessel Run. They did need some coaxium hyperfuel to escape, but the Falcon was fast enough to keep from crossing the event horizon. And that was without lightspeed.

28 You Can Find It On Google Maps

It's not every fictional spaceship you can find in real life. While the Starship Enterprise only exists in models and a series of Southern California soundstages, the Millennium Falcon has a full-scale set. Prop makers constructed one back in the day for the original trilogy and once again for the new sequel trilogy. And some eagle-eyed fans have stumbled upon it. Back during the production of The Last Jedi, the model was moved outside the London studio with cargo containers were put around it to disguise it. But fans searching on Google Maps spotted it from the air.

27 It Actually Has A Bathroom

There's a long-standing joke among Trekkies about the Enterprise's lack of facilities. Either nobody ever has to relieve themselves in Star Trek or they're just really good at holding it in. Even some of the technical manuals don't point out where the bathroom is. The characters in Star Wars may be similarly shy about their, uh, habits but we do have confirmation that the Millennium Falcon does indeed have a bathroom. The Incredible Cross-Sections book shows it's in the captain's quarters. That book doesn't show any shower though, and the Enterprise does have those. Guess it's a trade-off.

26 The Millenium Falcon Actually Lands On Other Planets

One of the Enterprise's big drawbacks is the fact that it can't land on the planets it visits. That's why it has to have shuttles and transporters to get people planetside. The Enterprise itself has to stay up in space. That's just way too complicated.

You know what's easier? Just landing on the Planet.

Like the Millennium Falcon does. Again, this is the value in having a smaller ship. It actually increases the number of places you can go. Want to stop into a port for a quick nip at the cantina? No problem, and no beaming necessary.

25 You Can Fly The Falcon Blind

You know that big display on the Enterprise bridge, the one they make phone calls on? You know that's not a window, right? It's a big flatscreen monitor. That starfield they see is just a camera feed. Cool, but it's not going to be very useful if all your instruments fail and you can't see where you're going. The Millennium Falcon, on the other hand, has an actual windshield in its cockpit. If its instruments go down, you'd still to be able to fly it (somewhat). And in space, being able to tell where you're going is kinda important.

24 It Can Jump To Lightspeed In Atmosphere

When you're a rugged space hero, being able to get out of a tight jam is imperative. After all, it's not very heroic to get blasted by the henchmen in the middle of your daring escape. Luckily for Han Solo, the Millennium Falcon is always ready to jump to lightspeed no matter the location. It can make the jump from inside a planet's atmosphere, or like in The Force Awakens , from the hangar of another ship. Doing this is incredibly dangerous though. If Han makes the jump at the wrong moment, he'll only escape into a wall smear.

23 Land At Lightspeed

Just because there are things the Millennium Falcon can do, that doesn't mean they are things it should do. Chief among those things is come out of Lightspeed inside a planet's atmosphere and then try to land. There's a reason you're supposed to enter and exit lightspeed while in space. It's because once you come out of lightspeed, you're still going ridiculously fast. A ship needs time to slow down before entering atmosphere and landing, if only so it doesn't turn into a fireball. In fairness, Han Solo only did this once, while infiltrating Starkiller Base to avoid detection.

22 The Falcon Has A Better Wardrobe Than The Enterprise

Star Trek is known for many things. Fashion sense is not one of them. Living in the Federation, you seem to either have the choice of monocular Starfleet uniform or garishly patterned jumpsuit. Or a sweater.

The two owners of the Millennium Falcon, contrarily, both had amazing personal styles.

Han Solo really pulls off his cowboy gunslinger look with his black vest. And Lando Calrissian would be nothing without his fabulous capes. He even had an entire closet full of them on the Falcon while he owned it. For the discerning space fashionista, the choice of ships is obvious.

21 It Can Escape From Space Monsters

Why space is full of giant monsters is unclear, but our heroes keep running into them. Good thing the Falcon has made a habit of escaping from their clutches. The moment from Empire Strikes Back  is probably the most famous. Han flying the Falcon out of the space slug's mouth before it could eat them.

But he managed it during his Kessel Run in Solo   too.

There he evaded the tentacles of a massive creature trying to crush them, leading it into a black hole. Meanwhile, this is something the Enterprise often has trouble with. Apollo's giant green hand anybody?

20 You Can Walk Around It In Real Life

Or at least you will be able to. Yes, a real-life version of the Millennium Falcon is currently under construction. As part of the new Star Wars Galaxy's Edge park at Disneyland, the Imagineers are building one for fans and parkgoers alike. You'll be able to sit in Han's seat and make the jump to lightspeed. The line will probably be three hours long but it will be worth it. Meanwhile, the closest fans can get to being on the Enterprise was the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas. But that was only the Enterprise bridge and it closed in 2008.

19 Maneuver Through Asteroids (Cause What Good Is A Ship That Can't)

Flying through an asteroid field is nearly impossible. C-3PO says so in  Empire Strikes Back.  Too many big rocks that can crush you moving in too many directions. Trying to weave and bob around them would make any pilot's head spin.

That's probably why the Enterprise doesn't even try.

They'll just throw up maximum shields and either go around or plow through. Not the Millennium Falcon though. It's small enough and its pilot is crazy enough to actually attempt maneuvering through an asteroid field. And he pulled it off! Han and the Falcon beat 3,720 to 1 0dds.

18 Fly Through Other Ships In A Pinch

The Millennium Falcon's small size is among its greatest assets. The ship wouldn't be nearly as maneuverable if it were any bigger and it wouldn't be anywhere as fast. Its stature is what makes it perfect for flying through other, bigger ships.

Ships even bigger than the Enterprise.

Think of that time in  The Force Awakens  when Rey and Finn were chased by TIE Fighters into that crashed Star Destroyer. Or heck, remember that Lando and the Falcon lead the assault into the second Death Star's innards in  Return of the Jedi.  The Falcon is like the tick of spaceships.

17 It Can Also Hide From Bigger Ships

Han Solo is, essentially, a space pirate. He's moving goods through space. Given his profession then, it's important that his ship is able to hide from authorities. Though it may be too small for a cloaking device, the Millennium Falcon can hide very well. One trick Han pulled in Empire Strikes Back  was attaching himself to a star destroyer's back. By being in their blind spot, nobody on the Imperial ship could find them. Meanwhile, the Enterprise needs a convenient nebula if it wants to hide from anybody. Because the Federation are too goody-goody to develop cloaking technology.

16 Its Computer Has A Mind Of Its Own

The Enterprise's computer is not particularly reliable. It seems like every week it's either getting a virus installed, being affected by strange radiation, or turning of the holodeck safeties. It's somewhat lacking in personality too. Not the Millennium Falcon's computer though. It has personality to spare. That's because its computer was made from three cobbled together droid brains, including Lando's former co-pilot L3-37. L3's personality overwrote the basic functions of the computer, meaning she basically lived on after her destruction as the ship's computer. She even argues with C-3PO. L3 may be ornery, but at least she always pulls through.

15 You Can Throw A Party On It (Sorry, Trekkies)

Parties on the Enterprise tend to be rather dull affairs. Boring music, some hors-d'oeuvres, and synthetic booze. Not exactly the makings of a raucous good time, but it is primarily a diplomatic ship. No, if you want to have a good party then the Millennium Falcon is your ship.

Especially back when Lando owned it.

He tricked his ride out with only the best for entertaining. It had a wet bar, comfy couches, and a kicking sound system. No wonder the ladies loved him. And I think I know what kind of spirits he kept stocked back there too.

14 The Falcon Can Take Significant Damage

The reason the Millennium Falcon looks so beat up is because it has been beat up. Both Han and Lando (Mostly Han) have put it through some pretty heavy abuse. During the Kessel Run alone, it lost its radar dish and escape pod, got one landing pad knocked off, and had its engine flooded. But the Falcon is a tough little ship and it just keeps going. All the dings, dents, and scorch marks just give it character. The Enterprise, on the other hand, is infamous for how fragile it is. Some slight jostling and half the screens explode.

13 Fight Off Smaller Ships

It may not look it, but the Millennium Falcon is technically a pirate ship. As such, it's well-armed to take on any smaller vessels trying to attack it. Usually, its two quad-laser cannons take care of the problem. Han and Luke used them against TIE Fighters in A New Hope  and Finn did the same in  The Force Awakens . The Enterprise is really only built to fight ships the same size as it. For smaller enemies, it can only trap them in a tractor beam. Though to be fair, that is how the Death Star captured the Falcon.

12 Still Works When Its Broken

This entry feels like a cheat because the Millennium Falcon is always kind of broken. If one system is online, there's usually two that aren't. Nevertheless, it is something the smaller ship has over the Enterprise and shows the difference between the two universes. The Enterprise's problem is that its engine is also its main source of power. If that goes down, then everything on the ship stops working. But if the Falcon's hyperdrive stops working, the ship still has power. The crew can still do other things. Heck, the Falcon spends most of  Empire Strikes Back  in that condition.

11 The Falcon Was Built To Last

Say what you will about its looks, but the Millennium Falcon has almost every spaceship beat when it comes to longevity. That thing was already outdated when Luke Skywalker first saw it in  A New Hope , being built at least 50 years before that film's events. Rey and Finn finding it in good working condition 30 years after that is nothing short of remarkable. Especially when you remember how much stuff that ship has been through. The Enterprise, meanwhile, has even harsher planned obsolescence than Apple. The longest any of them has lasted is 40 years and it had to be rebuilt twice.

Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The First Contact Fleet

3. a star wars story.

Star Trek 10 Secrets of the First Contact Fleet

This is probably one of the most famous easter eggs in all of Star Trek, so we'll make it quick: Star Wars' Millennium Falcon appears in the Battle of Sector 001, an in-joke inserted into the film by Industrial Light & Magic's John Knoll. Then recently rendered in CGI for the Special Edition release of the Star Wars Trilogy, the ship is nearly unrecognizable in its brief appearance (much like R2-D2's cameos in both of JJ Abrams' Kelvin Timeline films), but, like it or not, it's there.

For those of us who might chafe at those two fictional worlds colliding, Star Trek: Online designer and YouTuber EC Henry recently used his not inconsiderable talents to reconstruct the Falcon in First Contact as a proper Federation vessel, which you can view here:

And since we're on the subject of ships that may or may not belong in the battle with the Borg, Star Trek: First Contact's theatrical trailer actually featured footage of the USS Voyager firing phasers at the Borg Cube. Of course, canonically Voyager was nowhere near the battle at the time of Star Trek: First Contact and this footage was not included in the finished movie, likely simply created to fill out the trailer before ILM's work was completed on the film.

I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).

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Nissan X-Trail range expands with N-Trek special edition

Alvin Lee November 11, 2019 New Car Price , News 748 Views

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Following the footsteps of the Navara Trek , Nissan has added an N-Trek variant to the X-Trail line-up. Based on the mid-spec X-Trail ST-L trim, the limited edition model features larger 19-inch alloy wheels, a Bose   8-speaker premium audio system plus a range of Nissan genuine accessories offering greater styling and value.

Limited to just 500 units, the X-Trail N-Trek includes a smoked colour bonnet protector, slim line front and rear weather shields, front and rear kick plates and carpet mats to protect the rear of the vehicle (for five seat configurations) all as standard equipment.

Priced from $38,700 plus on-road costs the N-Trek variant is available in both front-wheel drive and four-wheel drive forms.

Building on the popularity of last year’s limited run X-Trail ST-L N-Sport , Nissan expects this new special edition to resonate just as strongly with SUV buyers.

The Nissan X-Trail N-Trek features a 2.5-litre petrol 2WD or 4WD engine with Xtronic CVT engine that outputs 126kW of power and 226Nm of torque.

Packed with Nissan Intelligent Mobility and other active safety features, it includes a 360 degree Intelligent Around-View Monitor with Moving Object Detection, Blind Spot Warning, Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Intelligent Emergency Braking and Forward Collision Warning, plus a rear view camera with predictive path technology.

Inside, the X-Trail N-Trek includes a 7-inch touch screen display, Bluetooth audio streaming and hands-free phone system, digital radio (DAB+) and heated front seats. It also has black leather-accented seat trim and leather-accented steering wheel, satellite navigation with traffic monitoring, cruise control and dual-zone climate control.

  • READ MORE: Nissan X-Trail Review

2020 Nissan X-Trail Pricing (excluding on-roads)

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Starfield Just Got A Whole Lot Better For Xbox Players

Starfield quietly made a huge change to melee combat, just in time for shattered space, massive starfield mod completely overhauls (and improves) every part of combat.

In Starfield , players have already begun building their favorite ships from across many different pop culture icons, including the Millennium Falcon . For those playing as a suave smuggler, getting the best ship to match will truly make the experience all the better, and even more so when it’s a functional ship. However, it may take a lot of patience (and credits) to make the fastest hunk-of-junk in the galaxy.

There are a lot of ships in Starfield without taking the initiative to fully build and customize a new one from scratch. However, many creators across the globe are already imitating ships from Star Wars , Mass Effect , and Star Trek, among others. There are quite a few people who have posted their versions of the Millennium Falcon already, but YouTuber SwanyPlaysGames has included the parts used to make this version.

Building the Millennium Falcon In Starfield

To build the Millennium Falcon in Starfield , players are going to first need to make sure their Perks will allow them to do so, as this build will require both Piloting (Rank 3) and Starship Design (Rank 3) . Players will also need a lot of credits for this build, as the total value for this ship is 31,805 . The last main thing to consider is getting the ship modules which are how players will build the ship and will need to be acquired from different vendors around the galaxy.

Ship Modules are not to be confused with Ship Parts , as modules are used to build ships, and ship parts repair ships when damaged.

The following tables list all the modules needed, their value and mass, what manufacturer they come from, and if anything special is required to get them. Tables can be read as if the ship is facing the player directly head-on in the build menu with the modules required listed front to back.

Those listed in the tables with "Generic Manufacturer" can be found scattered across the galaxy with no particular location guaranteed to have them.

Ship (Far Right)

The far right of the ship will be where the landing bay and shield generator are located for this version of the ship, as well as a fair amount of living space.

Ship (Center)

The center of this ship is going to be the piece that everything else attaches to when the ship is completed, but the main feature is a decorative porthole upgrade for this ship that truly makes it look like the Millennium Falcon when you look out the front.

Ship (Left Side)

This is not the furthest left, as there will be one small piece to add onto the very far left, but this is the direct opposite of the construction on the far right. However, as ships only need one landing bay and shield generator, this will require a slightly different build than the one on the far right.

Ship (Far Left Attachment)

On the furthest left is a small construction that attaches to give the Millennium Falcon the closest equivalent to its iconic cockpit and connect it to the rest of the ship.

Ship (Upper Center)

On top of the center construction is the last few pieces needed to complete the Millennium Falcon. This will include the Docker, the Grav Drive, a turret, and a few fuel tanks to give this ship the added boost to make it across the galaxy.

Related: 10 Coolest Ship Designs Created In Starfield

SwanyPlaysGames has done a magnificent job with this build, and the added Porthole to the front really puts the cherry on top. However, if players truly want to fulfill their smuggling dreams, they might consider swapping out a Cargo Hold or a storeroom for a shielded version, which will allow them to transport contraband on their ship . This would make Han Solo proud. It might also be worth modifying the ship to allow more than 4 crew members to fly in it if you plan to have a bigger crew.

Either way, once the Millennium Falcon has been completed, you only have one thing left to do - rename your ship to make sure everyone else knows it. Enjoy taking this ship for a joyride through the galaxy, complete a smuggling or bounty hunter mission, and live out your best space smuggler dreams. Then, if you have any credits left, consider building a whole fleet of Star Wars- themed ships, as this is just one of the many possibilities of custom ships in Starfield .

How To Build The Borg Cube in Starfield

Starfield guides (tips, ships, weapons, & more), how to build the x-wing in starfield.

Star Trek: First Contact - Millennium Falcon


The Falcon is in the far left-center.

In Star Trek: First Contact , the visual effects supervisor inserted the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars into a space battle. The ship is quite small and is flying typically above and behind the Borg cube in several shots of the battle. If you can zoom and slow motion your DVD image, you can make out the shape of Han Solo's ship.

Explanation [ ]

John Knoll, ILM visual effects supervisor, worked on the effects for Star Trek First Contact and the Star Wars special editions. He slipped the newly made digital model of the Millennium Falcon into the Borg/Starfleet space battle. This was reported in several Star Trek fan magazines and can be seen if you have a DVD player with zoom and slow motion features.

n trek falcon

The Millennium Falcon in Star Trek: First Contact

A somewhat tenuous post even by my standards. 🙂

Apparently, the Millennium Falcon appears in the space battle aove earth in Star Trek: First contact. Ha, those wild and crazy guys at ILM, Huh. Here’s a photo if you don’t believe me.

n trek falcon

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3 responses to the millennium falcon in star trek: first contact.

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Is the photo legit or has someone shooped it?

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I believe that it’s legit. I’ve never seen it in the film, but then i only saw it once.

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Having personally freeze-framed my Blue-Ray, I can confirm that the shot is indeed legit. It occurs right the instant before the Defiant makes its strafing run on the cube (9:48). It passes beneath the large Akira-class ship on the left side of the screen just before it explodes. However, even on Blue-Ray the thing is very blurred and could easily be something else…

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Guided Alaska Hiking and Backpacking Adventures - McCarthy Alaska

Why trek with us….

Trips range from 3-9 days and from easier to very challenging.

We offer trips in Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park , Lake Clark N.P ., Gates of the Arctic N.P ., the Talkeetna Mts  and other regions.

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There is a lot of flexibility with this route. We fly into Wolverine Mountain and spend a day checking out all the fossilts up the ridge before heading out to the Grotto Creek area. From there we can base camp and explore the region or continue on and do a circumnavigation of the mesa. Either way we end up back at Wolverine for the pickup. Your guide will work out the final itinerary with the group.

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8 Types of Falcons in North America

n trek falcon

Falcons are small, fast birds of prey with long, pointed wings. They’re speed and ferocity have made them popular birds, both with bird-watchers and falconers- people who train birds-of-prey professionally. Falcons live all over the world, and there are as many as 35 species of true falcons in the genus falco of the family Falconidae (which includes hawks and other birds of prey), according to Britannica.com. This article however will focus on 8 types of falcons in North America specifically.

We’ll look at some pictures and learn some fun facts about each one. Let’s have a look!

Photo collage types of falcons in North America

8 types of falcons in North America

The 8 species of falcons in North America are the American kestrel, merlin, peregrine falcon, prairie falcon, gyrfalcon, aplomado falcon, crested caracara, and the collared forest falcon. 

1. American kestrel

n trek falcon

  • Scientific name: Falco sparverius
  • Length: 8.7-12.2 in
  • Weight: 2.8-5.8 oz
  • Wingspan: 20.1-24.0 in

The kestrel is one of the most common predatory birds in North America. Kestrels are the smallest type of falcons in North America. It lives throughout the continental U.S. and much of South America year-round, with migratory populations in Canada and Central America. Their spots and vibrant colors really set them apart from the other falcons on this list.

I mentioned that American Kestrels are the smallest falcons, but they’re also actually the smallest birds of prey in North America. Their small size means they hunt mostly small creatures like grasshoppers, lizards, mice, and sometimes small birds. Kestrels can live in a wide variety of environments, including urban settings, which means they’re frequently sighted by people in large cities.

n trek falcon

  • Scientific name: Falco columbarius
  • Length: 9.4-11.8 in
  • Weight: 5.6-8.5 oz
  • Wingspan: 20.9-26.8 in

Merlins live all over the northern hemisphere, with populations in North America, Europe, and Asia. There are 9 different subspecies, with 3 of those being found in found in North America. According to allaboutbirds.org , those 3 subspecies are:

  • Black merlins of the Pacific Northwest with dark plumage
  • Prairie merlins of northern prairies and aspen parkland with pale plumage
  • Boreal (taiga) merlins of northern forests, which have intermediate plumage

When hunting, they fly fast and low, often just 3 feet or less above the ground. Birds are a common prey, and the merlin’s remarkable speed and agility enable them to capture other birds mid-flight. They’re known to shadow larger birds of prey; they wait for species like the sharp-shinned hawk to scare birds into the open. When these birds escape from the larger, slower hawks, the merlin often captures them for itself.

3. Peregrine falcon

n trek falcon

  • Scientific name: Falco peregrinus
  • Length: 14.2-19.3 in
  • Weight: 18.7-56.4 oz
  • Wingspan: 39.4-43.3 in

Quite possibly the most famous of all types of falcons, the peregrine has earned its fame by being the fasted bird in the world. In fact, it’s not just the fastest bird- it’s the fastest animal of any kind in the world. When hunting, the peregrine spots its prey from high in the air and dives to attack. It’s during this dive that they achieve their top speed of over 200 miles per hour. The impact alone is usually enough to kill their prey.

Peregrine falcons can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and they’re migratory birds in most places. Like kestrels, peregrine falcons have adapted remarkably well to urban environments. In the wild they prefer to perch and nest on high cliff faces, however tall buildings are also a ideal habitat since cities are full of the peregrine’s favorite meal… pigeons.

4. Gyrfalcon

n trek falcon

  • Scientific name: Falco rusticolus
  • Length: 19-25.5 in
  • Weight: 28.5-74 oz
  • Wingspan: 43-63 in

Gyrfalcons are among the largest types of falcons in North America, often reaching sizes greater than most hawks. They like cold, northern habitats and breed in the open tundra above the Arctic Circle. Still, like most birds, they prefer to avoid the harsh winters there. They’re not warm-weather birds by any means.

During the winter, you’ll find them in the river valleys, grasslands, and farmlands across their range. They like wide open habitat with high bird populations for them to prey on. They’re somewhat unique in that they often prefer to perch on the ground, so don’t just scan the skies for them.

5. Prairie falcon

n trek falcon

  • Length : 14.6-18.5 in
  • Weight : 14.8-38.8 oz
  • Wingspan : 35.4-44.5 in

Prairie Falcons prefer wide open spaces like grasslands and fields where they soar high overhead looking for their next meal which is usually small mammals or other birds. They are found throughout much of the western half of the United States.

Prairie falcons, like peregrines, are one of the most popular birds for falconry and hunting. Look for them soaring overhead with a pair of binoculars , or even perched along fence posts or on cliffs. Their brown colors do make them somewhat camouflaged and difficult to spot sometimes. Prairie falcons are larger than a merlin, but slightly smaller than a peregrine falcon.

6. Crested Caracara

n trek falcon

  • Length : 19.3-22.8 in
  • Weight : 37.0-45.9 oz
  • Wingspan : 48.0-49.2 in

The crested caracara looks unlike any of the other species of falcons in North America. They are most common in Central America but are found in a few spotty areas of the Southern U.S. in states like Arizona and Texas. They look like a combination of a hawk and a vulture with their large, sharp talons and their orange faces. In size they are a bit larger than peregrine falcons.

Crested caracaras are omnivores but are though to feed mainly on carrion. They are commonly perched high up on tree branches, however they are also commonly seen on the ground and may be spotted eating roadkill and other dead animals. This would explain the vulture-like face that they have.

7. Aplomado falcon

n trek falcon

  • Length : 15.0-16.9 in
  • Weight : 7.3-17.6 oz
  • Wingspan : 35.0 in

In the United States, the aplomado falcon is only found in Texas and New Mexico. They are still quite uncommon in these states, and have a sparse year-round population in just a few areas near the Mexico border. In many cases these raptors can look like a larger version of the American Kestrel with the streaks on the side of their heads and their colorful plumage.

Aplomados are not only rare in the United States, but also on the endangered species list in both the U.S. and Mexico. However, there are currently efforts to reintroduce them to Southern Texas and the United States that you can learn more about here .

8. Collared forest falcon

n trek falcon

  • Scientific name : Micrastur semitorquatus
  • Length : 18-23 in
  • Weight : 20-30 oz
  • Wingspan : 28-34 in

While these large falcons may occasionally be rarely spotted in Mexico and even the far southern U.S. at times, they are more common in Central and South America. As the name suggests, collared forest falcons live in rainforests and swampy forests where they hunt for their prey that consists of small rodents and other such prey.

Forest falcons are typically considered uncommon, however they are more widespread in some areas like northern South America. Not as much is known about this species as the other types of falcons on this list. The collared forest falcon is a true falcon nonetheless.

n trek falcon

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