Senior Travel Buddies


Seniors going places together.

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Find a travel companion to accompany you wherever your heart desires.

Why senior travel buddies.

Senior Travel Buddies matches singles and couples, aged 50+, with travel companions, similarly to matchmaking sites. Senior Travel Buddies helps you to:

  • Connect with like-minded travel lovers
  • Continue doing something you love: traveling
  • Stay younger and more vital by being active
  • See the places you dream about
  • Travel in the style you prefer
  • Be safer in your travels by having a buddy along

What services does Senior Travel Buddies provide you?

Once a member, customize your travel profile with preferences, such as travel buddy-gender, desired duration and location of trips, preferred activities while traveling, etc. Then use the Your Travel Buddy Matches option on the My Profile page to get you started finding the perfect travel companion. Also, read articles and blogs about:

  • Traveling to specific locations
  • Traveling safely
  • Great volunteer opportunities
  • Members’ personal travel adventures
  • Inspiring travel experiences
  • Packing for travel

How it Works

1. you register and subscribe ..

In addition to personal information, you provide information we use to find you a suitable travel buddy: where you like to go, what you like to do, the level of activity you’re comfortable with, etc. Be specific and complete the profile.

2. We process your registration.

We process your payment and you’re good to go.

3. You find someone to travel with!

Once you subscribe, you’re free to browse the trips proposed by other members and to get in touch with someone whose trip interests you. And you can post your dream trip request.

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LGBTQ+ Travel for Seniors: A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling is a window‌ to the​ world,​ an opportunity to explore exotic ‍lands and⁤ embrace diverse cultures. But what about our LGBTQ+ seniors? The wanderlust that fuels them doesn’t fade with⁢ age, and their desire to stretch‍ their horizons remains undeterred. Enter “LGBTQ+ Travel for ⁤Seniors: A Comprehensive Guide,” a groundbreaking resource that navigates the kaleidoscope of travel options tailored to the ⁢unique needs and preferences of our⁣ vibrant, seasoned adventurers. From captivating destinations⁣ where open-mindedness flourishes to LGBTQ+-friendly accommodations, dining, and ‌entertainment, this guide unlocks a world of possibilities, ensuring that ⁢our cherished LGBTQ+ seniors can embark on their ​dream journeys with‍ confidence‌ and ⁣pride.

Table of Contents

  • LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations for Senior​ Travelers: ‍Uncover Inclusive Locations
  • Navigating Safe and Supportive Accommodations: Choosing LGBTQ+ Welcoming Hotels and Resorts
  • Exploring ⁢LGBTQ+​ Community ​Centers and Events:‌ Connecting⁤ with local senior groups
  • Understanding LGBTQ+ Travel Resources: Tips and Advice for a Smooth Journey
  • Inclusive⁤ Activities and‌ Experiences: Embracing LGBTQ+ ‌Culture while Traveling
  • Concluding Remarks

LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations for⁤ Senior Travelers:​ Uncover Inclusive Locations

LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations for⁢ Senior Travelers: Uncover⁣ Inclusive Locations

Embarking on a ‌journey ⁣should be a delightful experience, regardless of ⁤age or sexual orientation. ‍Senior travelers ⁤from the LGBTQ+ community deserve​ to explore destinations that not only cater ‌to​ their special needs but also ⁣celebrate their diversity. If you ⁤are a⁤ senior traveler seeking an​ inclusive adventure, we have curated ‍a ​list of destinations‍ that will warmly welcome you:

San Francisco, California

Known for its vibrant LGBTQ+⁣ community, San Francisco tops the list as a friendly destination for senior travelers. The city boasts numerous ⁣LGBTQ+ senior centers, support groups, and⁣ social services, providing a welcoming environment for older adults. Don’t miss out⁣ on exploring the iconic Castro district, famous for its historic significance in the⁣ fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

Amsterdam, ⁣Netherlands

Amsterdam has long been renowned for its progressive ​and accepting atmosphere.⁢ As‍ a top LGBTQ+ friendly destination, it showcases a rich history of inclusivity, making it an excellent choice for senior travelers.‍ Experience the ⁣vibrant nightlife,‍ visit the world-class LGBTQ+ cultural sites, and navigate the picturesque canals of ‌this charming city.

Provincetown, Massachusetts

Nestled‍ on the tip of⁣ Cape Cod, Provincetown has been a haven for the LGBTQ+ community for decades. This idyllic New⁣ England destination offers stunning beaches, art galleries, and a vibrant LGBTQ+​ nightlife scene. Embrace the welcoming spirit of “P-Town” while attending⁣ the renowned Provincetown International Film Festival or simply enjoying ​the beautiful sunsets.

Berlin, Germany

With its‍ vibrant LGBTQ+ scene and rich history, Berlin has become a popular choice for senior travelers in recent years. The city offers an array of LGBTQ+-friendly bars, ‌clubs, and cultural events, making​ it an enticing destination. Explore ⁤the historical sites, indulge in ‍diverse cuisine, and feel the ⁣energy ⁢of this vibrant ​European capital.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney is known for its annual celebration⁤ of LGBTQ+ pride,⁤ the Sydney Gay⁤ and Lesbian Mardi Gras, which attracts people from⁣ around the globe. This cosmopolitan city offers a range of ⁤LGBTQ+-friendly accommodations, attractions, and festivals. Take in ⁢the iconic ‌Sydney Opera House, wander through the bustling neighborhoods, and​ immerse yourself in the vibrant LGBTQ+ culture.

These ⁤incredible LGBTQ+ friendly destinations offer‍ senior travelers the opportunity to explore, connect, and embrace their authentic ⁢selves.‌ Celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity, ‌these‍ locations create memorable experiences for individuals from all walks of life.

Navigating Safe‍ and Supportive​ Accommodations: Choosing LGBTQ+ Welcoming‌ Hotels and ‌Resorts

Navigating Safe and Supportive Accommodations: ​Choosing LGBTQ+ Welcoming Hotels and Resorts

When planning a trip, ​ensuring a safe and ‌inclusive‌ experience is crucial ​for‍ LGBTQ+ ​travelers. Choosing LGBTQ+ welcoming hotels and resorts can make a significant difference⁢ in creating ‍a‍ comfortable⁣ and supportive environment. Here are some key factors to consider when navigating safe and supportive accommodations:

  • Research LGBTQ+ Policies: Before making a reservation, take‌ the time​ to research the hotel or resort’s LGBTQ+ policies. ‌Look for establishments that explicitly state their commitment to inclusivity and equality⁣ on ⁢their ​websites. Look for ⁣mentions ​of LGBTQ+⁣ staff‍ training, non-discrimination policies, and‍ participation in ‌LGBTQ+ events ⁣and initiatives.
  • Reviews and Recommendations: Online reviews and recommendations ‌from⁣ fellow ⁢LGBTQ+ ⁢travelers are an invaluable ⁤resource. Look for feedback ⁢on the hotel or resort’s attitude towards LGBTQ+ guests, their level of comfort ⁢and‌ acceptance, and any specific instances where LGBTQ+ guests were made to feel welcome.
  • Safe and‌ Private Spaces: ‍ Ensure ⁤that the hotel⁢ or ‍resort offers ⁣safe and private spaces for LGBTQ+ guests.​ Look for amenities like LGBTQ+ exclusive areas, gender-neutral bathrooms , or private beach areas⁤ to provide a comfortable, judgment-free experience.
  • Supportive‌ Staff: Friendly and knowledgeable staff can ⁣contribute to the overall LGBTQ+ welcoming atmosphere. Check‍ if the hotel or resort‌ has a diverse workforce⁤ and LGBTQ+⁢ inclusive training programs to ensure a supportive and ​accepting⁣ encounter throughout⁢ your⁣ stay.
  • Inclusive Amenities: Look for hotels and resorts that offer inclusive ‌amenities tailored ⁤to LGBTQ+ guests. These may include LGBTQ+ focused events, LGBTQ+ wellness programs, LGBTQ+‍ history tours, or⁣ LGBTQ+ ​friendly entertainment.

By considering these ‍factors and doing thorough research, LGBTQ+ travelers can create memorable experiences and ⁢feel genuinely welcomed and accepted at their chosen accommodations. Remember, everyone deserves to feel safe and​ respected while⁣ traveling, and⁢ LGBTQ+ welcoming hotels and resorts ‌can ⁤offer just that.

Exploring LGBTQ+ Community Centers and Events:⁤ Connecting with local senior groups

When it comes‍ to fostering inclusivity and support within the LGBTQ+ community, community‌ centers ‍and events ​play a vital role. These spaces are not only safe and empowering for⁣ individuals⁤ of all‍ ages but can also ​provide incredible opportunities for connecting ⁣with ⁤local senior groups. Whether you’re‌ looking to expand your social ​circle, seek​ advice ⁤from ⁣experienced ​individuals, or ⁣simply share ‌stories and create⁢ lasting friendships , LGBTQ+ community ‌centers and⁤ events cater to ‌the needs and interests of seniors.

Attending events organized by community centers can be ‌a fantastic way to meet like-minded individuals who have shared experiences and a wealth of wisdom.⁤ Here are a few reasons why connecting‍ with local senior groups at these centers is ⁣so valuable:

  • Sharing ​life experiences: By engaging with local senior groups, ⁤you’ll have the opportunity to connect with individuals who have navigated the challenges of being LGBTQ+ in different eras and cultural contexts. Their ⁢stories can provide inspiration, guidance, and reassurance.
  • Building supportive networks: LGBTQ+ community centers offer a platform‌ to build strong bonds with seniors who have encountered similar struggles and ​triumphs. These connections ⁤can foster a sense of belonging and provide a supportive network for individuals at⁢ all stages of ‍life.
  • Learning from one another: The exchange of knowledge and ⁤experiences between generations is invaluable. Engaging in conversations with seniors​ can shed light on historical⁣ milestones,⁤ activism, and the progress of LGBTQ+ ⁢rights, fostering ⁢understanding and appreciation for the community’s journey.

Remember, LGBTQ+ ⁤community centers and events are inclusive spaces where individuals⁤ of⁢ all ages are welcome. By actively exploring these ​spaces, you can break through barriers, create meaningful connections, and celebrate the strength⁤ and resilience of the LGBTQ+ senior community.

Understanding LGBTQ+‌ Travel Resources: Tips⁣ and ⁣Advice for ⁢a Smooth Journey

Embarking on a ​journey as a ‌member of the LGBTQ+ community can be an ⁣incredible experience, filled with unforgettable moments and enriching encounters. However, it’s essential to​ ensure⁢ your travels ‍are⁤ both enjoyable and safe. Understanding LGBTQ+ travel resources can provide invaluable support, empowering you to navigate the world with confidence. Here ⁢are‌ some tips and advice​ to help ensure a smooth journey:

  • Research⁤ LGBTQ+-friendly destinations : Before ⁢planning your‍ trip, research destinations known for being LGBTQ+ friendly. This will help you choose locations‍ where acceptance and inclusivity are prevalent, making for a more welcoming experience.
  • Connect with LGBTQ+ travel⁣ communities : Join online LGBTQ+ ‍travel communities or forums to interact with fellow travelers who share similar experiences. ​You can gain insights, advice, and even find potential travel buddies⁢ or local LGBTQ+ guides.
  • Know‍ local laws and customs :⁢ Research the⁤ legal and cultural landscape of your destination’s​ LGBTQ+ rights. Being aware of local ​laws and customs will⁤ help you understand your rights and ensure⁢ your safety ⁤while respecting the local community.
  • Use LGBTQ+-friendly travel resources : Utilize LGBTQ+ travel ‌resources such as⁣ websites, apps, and travel agencies dedicated⁢ to supporting LGBTQ+ travelers. These resources can⁣ provide specialized information ​on‌ LGBTQ+-friendly accommodations, events, ⁢bars, and activities.
  • Carry ‌essential documentation : Ensure you carry‍ essential identification documents, ⁢such as passports, visas, or ​identity cards. ⁣It’s recommended to have copies stored⁤ digitally and share them with ‌a trusted contact in case of emergencies.
  • Be cautious with public displays ​of affection : While it’s important to be yourself, it’s wise to ⁢be mindful of local attitudes toward ‌LGBTQ+ public displays of affection. ​Adjust your behavior ⁢accordingly⁣ to ensure⁢ your safety and comfort.
  • Seek LGBTQ+-inclusive accommodations : Look for LGBTQ+-inclusive accommodations, such as LGBTQ+-owned⁢ hotels or hotels affiliated with LGBTQ+ organizations. These establishments are more likely to provide a safer and ⁢more‌ welcoming environment.
  • Stay connected with LGBTQ+ support ⁢networks : When⁣ traveling, staying⁤ connected with LGBTQ+ support ⁣networks back home can offer reassurance‌ and ‌guidance. They ‌can provide information on LGBTQ+‌ safe spaces or‌ support services at‌ your destination, enhancing your overall travel experience.

By utilizing LGBTQ+ travel resources and implementing these tips, you’ll embark on a smooth journey where you can celebrate‍ your identity while​ exploring the world.

Inclusive Activities and Experiences: Embracing LGBTQ+ Culture while Traveling

When it comes to exploring new destinations, embracing‌ LGBTQ+ culture can add an extra layer of richness and ⁣diversity to your travel experience. From vibrant ‌pride parades ‌to inclusive ‍events and venues, there are countless activities and ⁣experiences that celebrate the LGBTQ+ community all around the world. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+⁢ or an ally, immersing yourself in these inclusive activities can foster​ a sense of belonging and⁢ broaden your understanding of different‍ cultures.

One⁤ of ‍the best ways‍ to truly​ embrace LGBTQ+ culture⁤ while ‌traveling is by ⁢attending⁤ pride ⁢festivals and parades. These colorful ‍and energetic events bring together‌ the local ⁣LGBTQ+ community and their allies in a⁣ celebration of love, acceptance, and ⁤equality. Join in ‍the festivities, dance to the rhythm ⁢of ⁤vibrant music, and witness the incredible ‌display of diversity. Pride parades are not only about celebrating‌ inclusivity, but ‌also serve ‍as an⁣ important platform for advocating equal rights ⁤and social justice.

Additionally,‍ seeking ⁣out​ LGBTQ+ friendly venues and events is a great way to immerse yourself in ‌the local ⁣LGBTQ+ culture. Many cities​ have dedicated LGBTQ+ neighborhoods or districts where you can find a plethora of LGBTQ+-owned businesses, including bars, cafes, boutiques, and art galleries. These spaces often host various events such as drag shows, live performances, ‍or educational workshops, providing opportunities ‌to learn, connect, and support the LGBTQ+ ⁤community. Don’t ⁤be afraid ​to⁤ explore these⁤ spaces, engage with the local community, and learn more about their ⁢stories, ⁣struggles, and triumphs.

  • Attend pride festivals and parades to witness the celebration of ‍love and ⁣equality.
  • Explore LGBTQ+ neighborhoods to find inclusive venues and support local businesses .
  • Engage in LGBTQ+ events ‌and connect with ​the community ‍to learn and​ share⁢ experiences.

Remember, travel is not just about ​visiting landmarks; it’s about immersing yourself in the local culture‍ and​ embracing diversity. By seeking out inclusive ​activities ‌and ⁣experiences that celebrate LGBTQ+ culture, ‌you can create memories and connections that will last a lifetime. No matter where you go, there is always something beautiful and ‌unique to⁣ discover within⁤ the LGBTQ+ community.

What⁣ is LGBTQ+ travel for seniors?

LGBTQ+⁣ travel for​ seniors refers to travel experiences tailored⁢ to the⁣ needs and interests of older adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,​ transgender, queer, ⁣or ‌other diverse sexual orientations and gender⁤ identities.

Why is LGBTQ+ travel for seniors important?

LGBTQ+ travel for seniors is important because it recognizes and caters to the unique needs and ⁤concerns ⁣faced by older LGBTQ+ individuals. It promotes inclusivity, safe environments, ⁤and⁢ a⁢ sense of⁣ community, ​allowing seniors to explore the world without fear of discrimination.

Are there specific ⁤travel‌ destinations recommended for LGBTQ+ seniors?

There are no specific destinations solely⁤ recommended for LGBTQ+ seniors, as preferences ​vary. However, certain cities, ‍like San‍ Francisco, New York,⁣ Berlin, and ⁣Sydney, are renowned for their LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere,​ making them popular ‍choices.

What should ⁤LGBTQ+ seniors‌ consider when ⁤planning their travel⁣ arrangements?

LGBTQ+⁢ seniors should consider factors ⁤such as local laws and attitudes towards ⁤LGBTQ+ individuals, healthcare accessibility, LGBTQ+ community support, ⁤and inclusive accommodation options. Thorough research ⁣and⁤ choosing LGBTQ+-friendly travel agencies ⁤or tour operators ⁣can greatly enhance their travel experience.

Can LGBTQ+ seniors find LGBTQ+-specific tours or⁣ groups to join?

Yes, ‌there are⁢ LGBTQ+ ‌specific tours and travel groups designed for seniors.‍ These​ tours offer an inclusive environment where older LGBTQ+ individuals ⁢can connect ​with like-minded travelers, exploring the world together, and fostering a sense of community.

How⁢ can LGBTQ+‌ seniors ⁤ensure‌ their safety while travelling?

To ensure safety while ⁢traveling, it is ‌crucial for LGBTQ+⁢ seniors to research the local laws,​ cultural norms, ⁤and LGBTQ+ rights in their chosen destination. Traveling with trusted ​companions, sharing travel plans with loved ones, and staying in LGBTQ+-friendly accommodations can also enhance safety and peace of mind.

Are there resources ⁤available to help LGBTQ+ seniors with their ⁢travel plans?

Indeed, there are resources available ⁣to assist LGBTQ+ seniors in their travel plans. LGBTQ+-focused‍ travel websites, social media‌ groups , and LGBTQ+-affirming travel agencies ‌provide valuable information on LGBTQ+-friendly destinations, accommodations, tours,⁣ and tips for a smooth and ‍enjoyable journey.

Is it ever too late for LGBTQ+ seniors to embark on travel ⁢adventures?

Absolutely not! It is never‍ too late for LGBTQ+ seniors to embark on⁤ travel‌ adventures. Traveling is a wonderful way to explore new horizons, connect with others, and create lifelong memories regardless ⁣of age or ⁢stage in life. Everyone deserves the opportunity to seek new experiences!

Concluding⁢ Remarks

As ⁤we reach ‌the end of our comprehensive guide on LGBTQ+ Travel for Seniors, we hope that we have provided you with a valuable resource to embark on your next adventure with confidence and⁤ excitement. Traveling⁤ is not limited by age nor by‌ one’s identity, and this guide aimed⁤ to break down barriers and stereotypes that may hinder⁤ our vibrant community from exploring ‌the amazing destinations that await.

The LGBTQ+ travel landscape is evolving, and so are the needs and desires of every generation within our community. Our goal was to create ​a nurturing space for senior⁢ LGBTQ+ travelers, where their‍ unique ⁣concerns and experiences can be ⁣addressed. By highlighting LGBTQ+ friendly⁣ destinations, accommodations, and events, we have ‌strived to ensure that ⁢your journeys will be‍ filled with acceptance, respect, and⁢ celebration of ⁣who ⁢you⁢ are.

Remember, ⁢true empowerment comes not only from educating⁣ ourselves, but also‍ from embracing the company of like-minded individuals. So, on⁤ your travels, seek out LGBTQ+ community centers, support​ groups, or even connect with fellow travelers through online forums. ⁣In doing⁢ so, you will forge new friendships, build bridges across generations, and‌ create⁣ memories that will last a⁤ lifetime.

It is crucial to note that while we ⁢have endeavored⁤ to make this guide as comprehensive as possible, ‌the LGBTQ+⁤ travel landscape⁣ is ever-changing. We encourage you⁢ to do further research and engage with local LGBTQ+ communities during your trip, as‍ they are often the best sources of up-to-date information and hidden⁢ treasures in a foreign land.

Whether ⁣you are looking to bask ‌under ‍the sun⁢ on a ⁣tropical beach,⁣ explore the vibrant ⁣nightlife of a metropolitan city, or immerse yourself in the rich‌ history and culture of a faraway land, this guide⁤ aimed to provide you⁤ with the​ tools ⁢to make your dreams a reality. ⁢Remember that‍ this is your journey, and you have ⁣the power‍ to shape it according to your desires ⁣and aspirations.

As you ‍embark on ‌your ​next adventure, we wish you safe travels, incredible⁣ experiences, and countless ⁤opportunities to celebrate ⁢the beauty and diversity of ⁣our LGBTQ+​ community worldwide. May the roads you traverse be paved with joy, acceptance, and​ a sense⁤ of‍ belonging, for we all deserve to explore the world⁣ on our terms,​ regardless of age⁢ or identity.

Happy‍ travels, and may your journey be as extraordinary as you ⁢are!

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Over 50 and tired of travelling solo? Find holiday companions

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Sometimes, a holiday can be a wonderful chance to escape alone with your own thoughts, dreams and desires. Other times, there’s nothing better than sharing your experiences with a friend or new acquaintance.

If you’re fed up with travelling solo and you’d like to meet other like minded people, check out some great online resources for finding travelling companions. Get ready to start your next holiday adventure with a new friend in tow.

Finding someone to share your travels with

Lonely is the last way you want to feel on your holiday, and luckily there are plenty of ways to make sure that you don’t have to. Delve into a few great websites that are dedicated to helping you get in touch with the perfect travelling companion and look forward to your next trip.

You could sign up to social networking sites such as Travel Buddies , although you’ll find a much higher proportion of young travellers looking for friends there. Another resource that’s worth a look is Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree Forum , where you’ll find a wide variety of different individuals posting their holiday plans and looking to see if anyone would like to join them.

A travelling companion can be a wonderful thing but if you’d also love the chance to meet someone who’d like a little more than simple friendship, Silverfriends could help you find your perfect match. Simply fill in a profile for yourself – don’t forget to mention how much you enjoy travelling – and start searching through the many potential new friends and companions already on the site.

Making the most of your holidays

There are some types of holidays that are also particularly good for offering you opportunities to meet new people – perfect if you’re not able to find a suitable companion before you go. Take a look at Solos  and also Just You  who both specialise in holidays for anyone who wants to travel solo.

Before you set out on your holiday, you’ll also want to make sure you have the best possible over 50s travel insurance in place. Have a look at our guide to finding the right travel insurance and be sure you’re covered no matter where your travels take you.

Enjoy holidays you’ll never forget – find a new friend to share them with you.


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The MeetMeOnBoard app is now available to download in the Apple App Store for iOS devices and on Google Play for android devices. The MeetMeOnBoard app is the ultimate LGBTQ+ cruise app that makes it easier than ever for queer travelers to book cruises and connect with each other. Cruisers can now effortlessly discover fellow LGBTQ+ companions aboard their chosen cruise, fostering connections long before setting sail and empowering users to navigate the seas of queer travel with confidence and community.

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There is something great about meeting other LGBTQ+ people on board a cruise ship, enjoying a great meal together, connecting for that daily happy hour martini or sharing an experience in port. Please join us on one of our upcoming LGBTQ+ group cruises or choose one of the many options available on our calendar. There's so much to see & explore in this world. We hope to meet you onboard soon!

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LGBTQ+ Cruise Calendar

We know you love to cruise and the LGBTQ+ travel community has many options for you. Check out our list of group cruises and full ship charters. Whether you prefer large ships, small ships, or river boats we're sure you'll find a cruise vacation that meets your individual needs.  

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A New Captain at MeetMeOnboard

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Debuting on Norwegian Prima: "Summer: The Donna Summer Musical"

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Celebrity Cruises Pride Party at Sea 2023

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Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog)

Finding Your Tribe: How to meet other LGBTQ travelers

Posted on Last updated: 26 August 2019

Home » Gay Travel » Finding Your Tribe: How to meet other LGBTQ travelers

Whether backpacking in Southeast Asia, solo traveling in South America, or just on a city break in Europe, you’re a part of a community of travelers. And as an LGBTQ traveler , there’s an instant connection and sense of camaraderie. Traveling while gay (or queer, or LGBTQ, or…) instantly makes you part of a community.

“Community” is a word often used when talking about LGBT issues, but, at a broad stroke, the LGBTQ community is made up of a mix of genders and sexualities. We all end up lumped together with an all-encompassing acronym despite a diversity of people and ideas.

Thankfully, the LGBTQ community is increasingly accepting and diverse. But it can still be a challenge to meet other LGBTQ travelers and make gay friends whether at home or when traveling.

How to meet LGBTQ Travelers

5 ways to connect with LGBTQ travelers

1. connect on lgbtq facebook groups.

Our world is increasingly more connected on social media networks, and Facebook is pretty much the biggest. One of the best ways to meet other LGBTQ travelers is to look for and join various Facebook networking groups.

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Many groups exist specifically for certain regions and cities. And while there are many that are specifically for the LGBTQ community, some of the larger city-wide groups can be equally useful. For example, there are huge groups for some cities, such as “Secret Tel Aviv” and “Free Advice Berlin” run by volunteer moderators.

Joining one of those city-specific Facebook groups can be really useful to get local tips for your next travel, or there are global Facebook groups just for LGBTQ travelers, such as the  LGBTQ Travelers group which I set up last year as a way to connect.

How do you find useful Facebook groups? It can take some digging, but many travel guides are increasingly mentioning them as well. Use the  Facebook search  feature to look for groups based in the city you plan to visit with popular terms like gay, LGBT or queer + the city you plan to visit.

Join my LGBTQ Travelers Facebook group here.

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2. Use Instagram to make friends

Even if Facebook groups are a a great way to connect and collect travel tips , Instagram is great for making friends and meeting new people. The information you might get from a Facebook group will be useful for planning a trip, but if you’re looking to make friends or meet new people, then Instagram will be more useful. That’s probably why Instagram is also one of the best dating apps!

There’s also an under-utilized search feature on Instagram, which can be helpful for making gay friends. If you search certain hashtags or locations, you’ll often stumble on cool spots to check out.

Follow @travelsofadam on Instagram

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3. Get travel inspiration from Reddit

The “front page of the internet,” Reddit has always been a favorite spot to connect online. It’s also often cited as a social media network because of the Reddit community, though most people don’t necessarily think of it as a network. But gay and lesbian people have been using Reddit for a long time to connect and share important information, tips, and advice for the community.

There are a number of different Reddit groups (subreddits) which are useful for the community. Again, like the Facebook groups, there are many subreddits dedicated exclusively to certain cities—and many of those actually arrange Reddit meetups. There are other, more specific subreddits to just gay life in many of the biggest cities around the world, too, but you’ll find the best Reddit meetups in the non-LGBTQ-specific groups.

Looking to meet LGBTQ travelers? Join my group, Queer Travel Social , to meet local LGBTQ travelers here in New York City.

Lear more about our Queer Travel Social events here.

To connect with other LGBTQ travelers and the larger LGBTQ community, though, there are some great places on Reddit to find information, ask questions, and get advice. One of the biggest LGBTQ subbreddits is /r/ainbow , but for LGBTQ travelers, you can also join my brand new /r/gaytravel subreddit.

Join the LGBTQ Travelers subreddit group here.

queer magazines - indie publishing

4. Read and follow LGBTQ media

Despite an increasingly segmented world, many niche media outlets have had to shut down. GayStarNews was the latest LGBTQ publication to stop publishing—a big surprise for the LGBTQ community. But more local LGBTQ publications still exist around the world.

Gay bars and clubs are often the “go-to” spot as makeshift LGBTQ community centers (though those also exist) and you’ll often find printed weekly & monthly guides or magazines available in those spots. LGBTQ-owned and LGBTQ-friendly venues often connect and work together to provide a community space for the locals, and as a traveler, if you can tap into the local scene, you’ll be privy to all the best local travel tips.

From the  Philadelphia Gay News  to Siegessäule in Berlin, there are still at least 100+ independent LGBT publications from around the world. This website maintains a global directory of LGBTQ media outlets. For places where LGBTQ resources may be more limited, these kinds of local publications and guides are often online-only, such as Element Mag which serves Singapore. These digital magazines often provide weekly or monthly event calendars, plus interviews and stories from the local community.

For any LGBTQ traveler, finding these locally published magazines should be at the top of the to do list if you’re looking for the most recent travel information.

Brooklyn Crown Heights

5. Get out there and make new friends!

Of course, the best way to make gay friends (at home or abroad), is to simply put yourself out there and be willing to talk to strangers. Hang out in the gay bars, meet new people at the gay clubs, and attend LGBTQ community events and festivals.

Go to drag shows (often a great way to meet people because they’re so social), and visit LGBTQ community centers (where you can often find pamphlets and flyers for LGBTQ events and LGBTQ-owned businesses).

The best gay travel experiences come from connecting with other LGBTQ travelers and locals, so you just have to make sure you get out there to make new friends and meet new people—as much as you can digitally on social media as in the real world.

For more gay travel stories, follow me on Instagram .

Looking for a travel companion, hopefully gay like me ????

Travel Forums Travel Companions Looking for a travel companion, hopefully gay like me ????

[ Edit: Sorry, no promos please. Link to Forum Rules added. ]

As this isn't a dating site, could you keep pickups (of whatever orientation) to private messaging please.

Hi there I’m just looking for a travel companion or group, not really looking for someone to date but have like minded ppl to have adventures together. Thank you for your support!

Sorry brother but I'm not gay. I wish i had but don't know whether my likings are the same as yours.

Travel Companions Threads

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Thousands of Workaway members are looking for a travel partner. New travel-mates added daily. Lots of opportunities to find exactly the right travel buddy for you. Choose the places you want to visit, write a quick note explaining the type of person you'd like to travel with or what you are intending to do while away. You'll then appear on the list. Other travellers can find you, get in contact and discuss plans.

Sign up to put yourself on this list and find a travel buddy.

People on this list are looking for someone to travel with, you can join them. Send messages to other travelling members and be contacted yourself.

Perfect if you're going to an unfamiliar destination or just fancy some company on a trip.

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Workaway has committed over $20,000 USD from the Workaway foundation to help refugees from Ukraine.

Upon request all workawayers based in Ukraine will have their accounts extended for free until further notice.

Hosts in Ukraine have been temporarily disabled for safety reasons.

If you are a host and are able to take in refugees please add the information in your account and you will be added to our last minute host list .

Should you wish to donate and help please click here .

gay senior travel companion wanted

Gay Tours and Travel

Detours is a laid-back approach to gay group travel with flexible and fun-filled itineraries in diverse destinations around the world. Our less-structured, small-group trips ensure social opportunities, unique experiences, and unforgettable adventures across each of our 8 to 13-day trips.

Why Detours

Smaller group sizes, most groups have a maximum of 16 people - keeps things intimate and low impact, guaranteed departures, over 60 trips each year - and they're all guaranteed departures with no minimum travelers required, structured spontaneity, flexible, less-structured itineraries leave plenty of room for unique experiences.

gay senior travel companion wanted

12 Days in Peru

Starting at $4,060 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

8 Days in Peru

Starting at $3,690 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

12 Days in Spain

Starting at $3,860 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

10 Days in Europe

Starting at $3,540 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 Days in New Zealand

Starting at $3,830 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 Days in Scandinavia

Starting at $4,280 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

10 Days in Egypt

Starting at $4,470 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 Days in Costa Rica

Starting at $3,870 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 days in South Africa

Starting at $4,380 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 Days in Greece

Starting at $3,840 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

11 Days in Portugal & Morocco

Starting at $4,370 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

8 Days in Italy

Starting at $3,320 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

10 Days in Japan

Starting at $4,130 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

10 Days in Australia

Starting at $4,240 usd.

gay senior travel companion wanted

13 Days in Thailand & Cambodia

Starting at $3,890 usd, rick w. - usa, june 2, 2023.

Choosing Detours Travel was the best decision I have very made seriously, without a doubt the best vacation I have ever had!!!!! I have never traveled with a group of 16 Gay Men of various backgrounds, interests; to be very honest this was an "out of the box" moment for me which caused much anxiety going in. From the moment I arrived in Athens a day early I reached out via What's App to see who was in town, hooked up with 3 guys in a few hours and the adventure began. Our Leader Brandon who was in contact with us as soon as we began the adventure and continued to check on all the group several times either in person or on line, everyday this man is on top of everything! He instantly wins everyone over with his amazing energetic, positive, humorous, welcoming, kind, warm, personality he knows his business inside and out nothing stumps him he always comes thru even after hours. What a beyond excellent representative for Detours Travel Bravo Brandon!!!!! The trip every detail looked after amazing transfers, hotels, restaurants, scheduled and extra tours offered ( no hard sell just suggestions you may want to pursue or not ) Any of my friends knows I am a tough demanding customer with high standards. I can honestly say all were met no complaints whatsoever ever I would go on another Detours adventure for sure maybe only travel this way from now on Two more things I will share: 1/ I had a little incident with an ATV vehicle no injury to me whatsoever Brandon managed me and was the go between with vendor keeping me informed with calming grace and figuring all out. 2/ before reaching our last destination Brandon shared there was problem with my room but assured me it would be handled as it was; when we reached hotel the management was amazing laid out the options which I agreed to - Amazing Property & Service. That is it...... having a tough time..... without Detours & Brandon getting thru may days without their guidance Cheers to you all,

John D - Australia

August 7, 2023.

As a solo traveller I was a little worried about going on a group trip.  I saw all the other positive reviews and booked. Well there is a reason why the reviews are all 5 stars, I had the most amazing trip to Greece. I felt so relaxed right from the start after meeting all the other guys and our tour guide Oliver. The next 12 days was like having a holiday with all your friends and as a group we got to see and do so many fabulous things together. Oliver was our guide and how lucky were we to have him. He just did everything for us from booking taxis, restaurants, tours and putting information into our group chat so we always new exactly what was happening. He would even put a link in there to find our way back to our hotel after a couple to many drinks which was needed a few times. Detours is 5 star from the moment you make contact with them and continue even after your tour is finished. I just recommend them so much if you are looking to have that trip of a lifetime that you will never forget. I can’t wait for my next adventure with them.

Brian M. - USA

January 19, 2023.

A Detours travel experience is like no other and I simply cannot recommend them more highly. If you enjoy well-planned, yet flexible itineraries, experienced trip leaders, knowledgeable local guides, high-quality accommodations, and small groups that breed new friendships, then you'll love Detours. We've taken 2 trips with Detours. One to Egypt and one to Thailand & Cambodia. In both cases, our trip leader, Shane, was the ultimate host. We've loved every minute of these trips and will go on another as soon as we can. Detours was started ten years ago (we got to celebrate their birthday in Cambodia!) by guys who are passionate about travel and wanted to build a brand that could extend that passion to their guests. They've cracked that code and we are thrilled to have been referred to them by friends. Detours balances hundreds of factors to build amazing travel experiences that are affordable yet lean into higher quality. This is no budget vacation package but it's also not a luxury package. And speaking of packages, while there is a framework of itinerary and pre-booked activities, there is also a lot of flexibility built-in. With small groups up to about 15 guests, this allows time to go off on your own or in small groups with newly-minted Detourse friends to explore your location. That's perfect for seasoned travelers as well as those who are just beginning to experience international travel. Happy 10th Birthday, Detours! We are so thrilled to have found you and highly recommend that readers of this review visit your website and find their next trip of a lifetime!

T.J. M. - USA

January 29, 2023.

It’s hard to find almost any business that “gets you” these days. Travel has changed so much in the past few years so it’s a big investment of time, money and expectation when you book a trip. I’ve just completed my 5th tour with Detours and I can’t say enough great things about them. This is a business built from the ground up with a passion for fun, adventure, comfort and value foremost in mind. All the tour leaders with Detours are reflections of the qualities the owner envisions. They’re all about YOU! They know what they’re doing and have never let me down or fallen short of providing an unforgettable experience. If you haven’t yet, book a tour with them and be ready to be amazed at what they do.

Brooks B. - USA

March 28, 2024.

Just finished up my 9th trip with Detours Travel and it was yet again another incredible trip! My first trip was in Costa Rica in 2015. Since then I have traveled with Detours to Peru, Thailand, South Africa, Croatia, Israel/Jordan, Italy, Scandinavia and New Zealand. If you are looking for a memorable trip with amazing adventures, I highly recommend you book with Detours! I am less than a week from returning from New Zealand and already thinking about my next trip.

Stephen D. USA

November 20, 2023.

I took my first and certainly not the last Detours trip. It was to Portugal and Morocco, in October. My tour Guides Ollie and Shane were awesome. They helped with any questions and looked into any additional activities that you might want to do. I specifically asked about a balloon ride in Morocco that was one of my highlights. The accommodations were all great. This trip exceeded all my expectations. I have always been a solo traveler and it was nice to share this with fellow travelers. I found I did activities I most likely would have not done on my own. Taking a Tajine cooking class, gone on a camel ride, private dinner for the group at someone's home. This gave me the opportunity to explore and understand the culture and perspective of life that I would have missed otherwise. There were many planned activities but also plenty of down time, to do your own thing. I look forward to many more Detours adventures.

Brian K. - USA

June 27, 2023.

We are so grateful that we found Detours online when looking for travel options. We recently took a tour through Italy and it felt like first class all the way but for a very reasonable price. Everyone from the initial communication with Maurice in the office who handled our bookings and questions to our interactions with our tour leaders Scott and Miles was top notch. They even helped arrange a last minute cooking class for us which was above and beyond. We look forward to a future trip with Detours as it was not only the best service ever but felt like it was with family the whole time.

Victor C. - USA

October 24, 2023.

My husband & I recently returned from the October 2023 Spain trip. We really loved our Detour Tours travel experience. Our trip was made up of 16 fellow travelers - 4 couples & 8 singles who were all personable and easy going. We had a wonderful Tour Leader, Scott, who was very knowledgeable, experienced, approachable and looked out for all of us.  He went out of his way to be inclusive and was a great source of information on the local sites and activities.  Detours arranged the hotel accommodations, the airport transfers, and the travel between the 4 amazing cities of Barcelona, Granada, Seville, and Madrid. The tour included walking tours and a major attraction at the start of each destination city, but the rest of the time we were free to explore, join a group activity, or just chill in our hotel room or a nearby cafe. Our favorite experiences were the walking tours because the local gay tour guides were so knowledgeable, informative and personable. We learned a lot about the rich local history and culture of the Spanish cities we visited.  Our second favorite experiences were the fun group dinners and pre-and post dinner drinks that Scott organized and which most of us joined in. Although there was no pressure to join in other optional activities, we ended up signing up for a number of them such as cooking class, watching a flamenco show, and seeing the Prado Museum. They were all memorable and fun. Thank you Scott & Detours. If you are looking for a well run LGBT group travel experience, we strongly recommend Detours Travel. Victor and Jim from Palm Springs CA.

Paul B. - USA

September 26, 2023.

I rarely write reviews but I simply had to write one for Detours after returning from their Italy trip. Honestly, the way I found Detours is that I searched for “Gay tour Italy”. And while there were a number of tour groups offering trips to Italy, Detours had a trip that was closest to the dates I wanted to travel. So I booked the trip and hoped for the best! But I didn’t need to worry, and you won’t need to worry either if you book with them. My trip leaders ended up being Miles & Ollie and they were both knowledgeable, professional, helpful, friendly, entertaining, and adorable. They thought of every detail and even included some surprises along the way. I met some great people and made memories that will last a lifetime. I was genuinely sad when it was over. This trip actually meant a lot to me and thanks to Detours, it was everything I had hoped for and more. I can’t imagine booking with anyone else in the future. Now I just need to decide where to go next!

Efren E. - USA

March 11, 2024.

As we wrap up our trip to Egypt, I thank Detours for a second amazing trip, having gone to South Africa last year. Once again, the tour was well-organized from beginning to end. Maurice was fully available in the months leading up to the trip. Once on the ground, Darren was my tour leader for a second year in a row. He is an enthusiastic, organized, kind and true leader. He created a fun and friendly atmosphere while also providing daily guidance and updates on when and where to eat, what to bring, what to wear and great tips based on previous trips. He is always willing to help or trouble-shoot on any questions. He really looks out for his guests. Hend was our local Egyptian content expert and educator and provided tremendous insights on all our sites and Egyptian history. She is a lovely person who was also instrumental in helping the group seamlessly navigate every city we visited, providing best recommendations on where and what to eat, how much to tip, and much more. She is open to sharing what life is like in Egypt and providing insights on topics including Islam. We kept thinking: I would not have wanted to wing this trip on my own. We felt extremely welcome and safe on this trip. The actual experiences and sites are breath-taking. Loved everything about this trip. I would go as far as to say that it was the best trip of my entire life.

Only the best people to make your trip amazing.

Miles Mitchinson

Miles Mitchinson

My job isn't done until my group members are having the time of their lives and return home raving...

Shane Bingham

Shane Bingham

General Manager

Every day I’m grateful for being able to experience new adventures in this exciting and inspiring world we live in...

Brandon Folkes

  • Brandon Folkes

Brand & Marketing Manager, Leader Development & Trip Leader

I want to ensure you get that same feeling of thrill and excitement that I get when I travel.

Maurice Van Veen Vazquez

Maurice Van Veen Vazquez

Guest Experience Manager

My outlook on life changed tremendously through immersing myself into cultures and vast scenery...

Dan Clarke

Trip Leader

Those who know me best will attest that I revel in unconventional exploration...

Casey Miller

Casey Miller

When not traveling and leading tours, I managed to (barely) graduate from Harvard with two masters degrees...

Darren Frances

Darren Frances

I’m passionate about learning the stories and histories that make up the identity of every new destination I visit...

Oliver Armstrong

Oliver Armstrong

My ultimate goal is to inspire others to explore the world with an open mind, curiosity, and making a positive impact.

Thaddeus Eng

Thaddeus Eng

I hope whatever Cliff's Notes I accrue on my way will help you on yours!

Chase Bovet

Chase Bovet

I can't wait to see you out there and look forward to sharing the trip of a lifetime with you.

Clayton Inglis

Clayton Inglis

To be able to share the world I've come to know and love with my fellow LGBTQ+ community members is a dream come true.

gay senior travel companion wanted

Is Japan the next big gay destination?

  • Jun 6, 2024

Japan. Known for its mesmerizing blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge modernity, it is also a growing and enticing ‘bucket list’ destination for those in our community. With its warm hospit…

gay senior travel companion wanted

How Gay Travel is Making a Positive Impact on the World

  • May 22, 2024

In recent years, the visibility and acceptance of our community has grown significantly around the globe. This is not only reflected in social policies and cultural norms but also in our ever gr…

gay senior travel companion wanted

A Detours Guide to Our 'Must Try' Trip Activities: Part 2

  • Oct 12, 2023

A Detours trip wouldn't be complete without a little adventure... And our groups LOVE adventure. While we all like a little poolside relaxation or spa moment, it just feels good to do something a little mo…

gay senior travel companion wanted

A Detours Guide to Our ‘Must Try’ Trip Activities: Part 1

  • Aug 25, 2023

When it comes to travelling around the world one thing is for sure, there is so much to do on this beautiful blue planet that we call home. Even though we are always fans of sitting on a beach sipping a c…

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  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Saturn Stadium

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Senior old age people care of Elektrostal (Moscow Oblast), Russia

Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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Reporting by Nathan Layne and Gabriella Borter in Bethel Park, Jasper Ward and Kanishka Singh in Washington; Additional reporting by Aaron Josefczyk in Bethel Park, Brendan O'Brien in Chicago, Tyler Clifford in New York, and Daniel Trotta in Carlsbad, California; Editing by Paul Thomasch, Lisa Shumaker and Lincoln Feast.

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

gay senior travel companion wanted

Thomson Reuters

Gabriella Borter is a reporter on the U.S. National Affairs team, covering cultural and political issues as well as breaking news. She has won two Front Page Awards from the Newswomen’s Club of New York - in 2020 for her beat reporting on healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2019 for her spot story on the firing of the police officer who killed Eric Garner. The latter was also a Deadline Club Awards finalist. She holds a B.A. in English from Yale University and joined Reuters in 2017.

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A U.S. plan to use Japanese factories to boost production of Patriot air defence missiles - used by Ukraine to defend against Russian attacks - is being delayed by a shortage of a critical component manufactured by Boeing, four sources said.

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  5. Gay Seniors Dating App

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  6. Where Are The Best Locations For Senior Gay Travel?

    gay senior travel companion wanted


  1. Service Dogs: Senior Citizens' Best Companions In The World

  2. 𝟖𝟎𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐬


  1. Home

    Senior Travel Buddies matches singles and couples, aged 50+, with travel companions, similarly to matchmaking sites. Senior Travel Buddies helps you to: Connect with like-minded travel lovers. Continue doing something you love: traveling. Stay younger and more vital by being active. See the places you dream about. Travel in the style you prefer.

  2. Gay Travel Buddy

    Gay Travel Buddy. Public group. ·. 4.3K members. Join group. This Group is Paused. An admin paused this group on August 1, 2023. Are you looking for someone to travel with, or to share a room/cabin on a gay tour or cruise. Post your request here.

  3. Gay Senions' Travel Club

    Welcome to the world of the Gay Senior Travel Club! This group caters to Gay Seniors who love to travel and explore new places. Our community offers a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share travel experiences and create friendships that span across the world. We understand the unique needs and concerns of gay seniors when it ...

  4. Interested In Traveling Companionship Gay Matured Men Only

    Many of my friends who have no interests in traveling, only locally. I am restless, and to explore the adventures our mother lands have offered us to opening our eyes. I like to go by means of transportations. I love to do the RVings, Autos, Traveling Vans, Boating, or Planes. I love nature, oceans, beaches, hiking, biking, campgrounds, gay ...


    Your global gay travel companion. Let them know when you're visiting and ask locals for tips. Publish your travel agenda on your profile, letting locals in your destination city know that you'll be there soon. Chat with travelers and locals at your destination before you arrive.

  6. GAFFL Home

    Plan together, meet up with your travel companion at a pre-decided public place and travel together. GAFFL is a matchmaker site for travelers to find a travel buddy, travel partner or a travel companion. Connect with travelers & locals, plan your trip, meet up and travel together.

  7. Single Senior gay man looking for vacation I the USA

    Long retired, recently single, trim 69 year old senior gay male -- a lifetime traveler -- also seeking a compatible non-smoking companion to share the cost of cruises, tours and various travel events near and far. I prefer higher end cruise lines and travel experiences but I'm open to other levels as well.

  8. LGBTQ+ Travel for Seniors: A Comprehensive Guide

    LGBTQ+⁣ travel for seniors refers to travel experiences tailored⁢ to the⁣ needs and interests of older adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, ⁣or ‌other diverse sexual orientations and gender⁤ identities. ... Traveling with trusted companions, sharing travel plans with loved ones, and staying in LGBTQ+ ...

  9. Single Senior gay man looking for vacation I the USA

    6. Re: Single Senior gay man looking for vacation I the USA. 7 years ago. Both Atlantis and RSVP gay cruises match singles in double cabins at no additional cost. They will match you by smoking preference and cabin category. You will be asked to sign a share agreement which attempts to lay down some ground rules for everyone's satisfaction.

  10. Gays On Travel

    Exploring many aspects of travel for the gay community. Planning future group travel - will help you find compatible travel companions for small groups) Sharing our past travels (see below for links to past presentations) Sharing our tips and travel related resources; Nude lodging and socialization options when traveling for those that seek this

  11. Finding Travel Companions for Over 50s

    Before you set out on your holiday, you'll also want to make sure you have the best possible over 50s travel insurance in place. Have a look at our guide to finding the right travel insurance and be sure you're covered no matter where your travels take you. Enjoy holidays you'll never forget - find a new friend to share them with you.

  12. MeetMeOnboard Gay Group Cruises

    The MeetMeOnBoard app is the ultimate LGBTQ+ cruise app that makes it easier than ever for queer travelers to book cruises and connect with each other. Cruisers can now effortlessly discover fellow LGBTQ+ companions aboard their chosen cruise, fostering connections long before setting sail and empowering users to navigate the seas of queer ...

  13. Outside the Square travel adventures for the "almost independent" Gay

    Unlike more structured tours with detailed itineraries, OTS allows more freedom and flexibility, with longer stays at each hotel, giving travellers time to explore their interests at their own pace. The target audience includes independent Gay and Gay friendly travellers age 45+ seeking adventure and meaningful connections with others.

  14. Finding Your Tribe: How to meet other LGBTQ travelers

    5 ways to connect with LGBTQ travelers. 1. Connect on LGBTQ Facebook groups. Our world is increasingly more connected on social media networks, and Facebook is pretty much the biggest. One of the best ways to meet other LGBTQ travelers is to look for and join various Facebook networking groups. Many groups exist specifically for certain regions ...

  15. Looking for a travel companion, hopefully gay like me

    Travel Companions Threads. Billionaires family KENYA+27695222391 666JOIN ILLUMINATI CL; QA99 APPROVED Gold Nuggets For Sale +27695222391 in London S; 75International SSD TECHNICIANS +27695222391 POLAND SSD (DO.JO effective ssd solution SERVICES+27695222391,South afr; Would love to hear about the Hawaiian Lei tradition

  16. Find Travelbuddy

    Find a travel buddy. Thousands of Workaway members are looking for a travel partner. New travel-mates added daily. Lots of opportunities to find exactly the right travel buddy for you. Choose the places you want to visit, write a quick note explaining the type of person you'd like to travel with or what you are intending to do while away.

  17. Gay Travel Tours Around The World

    Gay Tours and Travel. Detours is a laid-back approach to gay group travel with flexible and fun-filled itineraries in diverse destinations around the world. Our less-structured, small-group trips ensure social opportunities, unique experiences, and unforgettable adventures across each of our 8 to 13-day trips. Our Travel Concept.

  18. Gay Travel Companion

    Denver, Colorado. 2 posts. Gay Travel Companion. 10 years ago. Save. I'm looking to find one or two travel companions in the UK and Ireland. The idea is to visit a few weeks during the year and travel by car throughout the UK and Ireland. Additionally, my home is Denver and could reciprocate with travels through out the US and Canada.

  19. Out Of Office

    Our team focuses on exclusivity and is here to help curate the perfect itinerary for you and your travel companions." ... As the world's leading inclusive luxury gay travel agency, we craft unforgettable journeys, tailor-made to suit your distinct preferences. Our dedicated team of LGBTQ+ travel agents take pride in curating one-of-a-kind ...

  20. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Jun 15 - Jun 16. Tonight. Jun 15 - Jun 16. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Jun 16 - Jun 17. Tomorrow night.

  21. Old Age Homes in Elektrostal

    For the elderly & senior people this is very important issue because you need utmost medical care & look after when you grow old whether you are in Elektrostal or anywhere in the world. There are many reasons for looking for old age homes / retirement care homes in Elektrostal such as migration or location of children due to their work / lack ...

  22. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  23. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  24. Suspect came within inches of killing Trump, but left few clues as to

    The portrait pieced together so far of the 20-year-old nursing home aide who allegedly tried to assassinate Donald Trump at an election rally reveals frustratingly little about why he would make ...