• Télécharger
  • Navigateurs


Présentation de Safari par Telecharger.com

Safari est un navigateur web. Conçue par Apple, la première version du logiciel a été dévoilée en 2003, celui-ci se présente désormais comme le deuxième navigateur le plus utilisé dans le monde après Google Chrome et devant Microsoft Edge. À ce sujet, il a d'ailleurs dépassé le milliard d'utilisateurs au cours de l'été 2022.

Fonctionnement de Safari

En termes de parts de marché, Safari rafle plus de 15 % des parts en 2022, ce qui le positionne au rang de numéro 2 dans le monde. En comparaison, Google Chrome est premier avec 66 % face à Microsoft Edge et ses 5,3 % puis Mozilla Firefox avec 3,1 % cette année.

Télécharger Safari est simple, il en va de même pour son utilisation. En effet, on retrouve la fluidité des services et des produits d'Apple dans ce navigateur web, car la marque à la pomme accorde toujours une importance primordiale à l'expérience utilisateur et l'esthétique. Ainsi, on retrouve beaucoup d'outils de personnalisation pour accompagner la barre d'outils et les fonctionnalités classiques comme les favoris et autres. Vous pouvez aussi ajouter des options comme les Onglets iCloud, la Liste de lecture ou encore les Suggestions de Siri en plus des extensions compatibles avec cet outil.

Pour fonctionner, Safari est doté d'un moteur JavaScript qui lui permet d'être rapide, ce qui veut dire que le temps de latence pour le chargement des pages est largement réduit. Selon Apple et ses tests, il se présente comme le navigateur web le plus rapide au monde devant Chrome. Plusieurs tests ont démontré que les deux outils étaient assez équivalents quand il s'agissait d'être rapide.

Grâce à sa vitesse, Safari a un impact négligeable sur la batterie et les performances de vos appareils, que ceux-ci viennent d'Apple ou une autre marque. Néanmoins, cela ne l'empêche pas de prendre en compte la diffusion en 4K HDR dans le navigateur pour les plateformes de streaming comme YouTube, Netflix ou encore Apple TV+.

Avec Safari, Apple met aussi en avant la protection de la vie privée, il s'agit d'un cheval de bataille que la marque à la pomme promeut avec chacun de ses produits et de ses services. Pour ce faire, elle propose plusieurs fonctionnalités sur le navigateur, à l'exemple de la fonctionnalité Prévention intelligente du suivi qui se charge d'identifier les traqueurs pour les empêcher d’établir votre profil publicitaire ou de vous pister quand vous naviguez sur le web. De la même façon, une récente mise à jour permet de vous connecter à différents services directement via votre compte Apple sans que vous ayez à communiquer votre véritable adresse email.

De la même façon, Safari met un rapport de confidentialité à la disposition des utilisateurs, il est possible de le trouver directement depuis le bouton Rapport de confidentialité dans la barre d’outils. Avec celui-ci, vous pouvez voir tous les traqueurs bloqués par le navigateur web.

L'autre point fort de Safari, c'est l'intégration du service Apple Pay. Depuis le navigateur web, vous pouvez faire vos achats en toute simplicité puis utiliser le service de paiement mobile lors du règlement. Pour ce faire, il suffit de s'identifier avec Face ID ou Touch ID sur votre iPhone, votre iPad ou votre Mac. Encore une fois, cette solution s'avère sécurisée, car elle demande toujours une authentification pour que la transaction puisse se faire. De la même façon, vos données bancaires ne sont jamais transmises aux commerçants en ligne ou à Apple.


Il est possible de télécharger Safari sur macOS bien évidemment, comme il s'agit d'un navigateur web conçu par Apple. D'ailleurs, il est pré-installé sur tous les appareils de la marque à la pomme depuis plusieurs années. En parallèle, on le retrouve aussi sur Windows, vous pouvez l'installer et l'utiliser facilement.

Sinon, Safari se dote aussi d'une application mobile qu'il est possible de retrouver sur iOS et Android afin que vous puissiez l'utiliser pour naviguer sur le web depuis un smartphone ou une tablette.

Vous pouvez télécharger Safari gratuitement et l'utiliser sans limite, il n'y a pas besoin d'un abonnement pour profiter de ce navigateur web depuis l'appareil de votre choix.

Alternatives à Safari

Vous l'avez compris, Safari est le deuxième navigateur web le plus populaire au monde derrière Google Chrome. Cela signifie donc qu'il y a d'autres alternatives à l'outil d'Apple sur le marché. La première est justement Google Chrome , ce dernier a été fondé par l'entreprise du même nom en 2008. Il est disponible gratuitement et accessible depuis l'appareil de votre choix, soit Windows, macOS, Android ou encore iOS.

Google Chrome est connu pour être un navigateur web très rapide, c'est pour cela qu'il est prisé par les personnes ne souhaitant pas télécharger Safari. En prenant cette option, vous faites le choix d'un outil efficace et sécurisé, mais aussi facile à utiliser. Comme son homologue, il se dote d'une interface intuitive et personnalisable. Depuis la barre de recherche, vous êtes directement renvoyé vers les résultats du moteur de recherche Google, mais vous pouvez aussi retrouver les pages que vous avez visités dans le passé ou que vous avez ajoutées en favoris. Il est également possible d'activer la synchronisation entre vos appareils pour retrouver vos historiques et vos favoris.

Si vous souhaitez faire le choix d'un navigateur orienté vers la vie privée, vous pouvez opter pour Mozilla Firefox plutôt que Safari ou Google Chrome. Également gratuit, ce logiciel open source a été fondé par la fondation Mozilla il y a plusieurs années, celui-ci est disponible sur Windows, macOS, Android et iOS. Il est tourné vers la protection des données personnelles à plusieurs niveaux. Pour ce faire, il met en place plusieurs options, à l'exemple d'une extension (gratuite) qui évite le suivi de votre navigation par Facebook quand vous n'êtes plus sur le réseau social.

Face à Safari, Mozilla Firefox se dote aussi d'autres outils, à l'exemple d'un outil de remplissage automatique des formulaires, d'alertes en cas de fuite de données sur certains sites, des mises à jour automatiques qui permettent à votre appareil de rester sain et de disposer des dernières versions. On retrouve aussi un gestionnaire de mots de passe qui s'utilise facilement.


Télécharger safari.

Toutes les plateformes compatibles :

Captures d'écran

Safari - Safari

Le navigateur 100% gratuit, rapide, avec VPN intégré

Votre téléchargement est prêt !

Si le téléchargement ne démarre pas automatiquement, cliquez ici

Messageries intégrées

Messenger et Whatsapp accessibles en barre latérale

Respect de la vie privée

VPN gratuit et Adblocker pour une sécurité renforcée

Partage de fichiers

Partager facilement des fichiers entre vos appareils.

Ouvrez le fichier téléchargé

Lancez l'installation et suivez les instructions

Profitez d'Opera

Les alternatives à Safari

Adobe Flash Player

Un plugin qui était indispensable pour consulter les sites en Flash

Opera One

Télécharger Opera One, le navigateur web boosté à l'IA

Brave Browser

Un navigateur open-source qui respecte vos données privées en ligne.

Arc Browser

Arc Browser

Venez tester Arc Browser le tout nouveau navigateur Web

Les autres logiciels de Apple

iTunes 12

Gérez vos sauvegardes et vos contenus vidéo depuis l'interface iTunes.


Indispensable pour profiter pleinement du dernier standard H.264

macOS High Sierra

La version 10.13 de macOS, le système d'exploitation des Mac, par Apple

macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina ou macOS 10.15 est une ancienne version du système d'exploitation…

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Update to the latest version of Safari

If a Safari update is available for your device, you can get it by updating or upgrading macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS.

Get Safari updates for Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Vision Pro

The most up-to-date version of Safari is included with the latest version of the operating system for your Apple device.

To update Safari on Mac, update macOS .

To update Safari on iPhone or iPad, update iOS or iPadOS .

To update Safari on Apple Vision Pro, update visionOS .

Get Safari updates for Windows

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows or other PC operating systems. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows, released in 2010 and now outdated, was the last version made for Windows.

If a website says your browser is out of date

If a website says that Safari is out of date even though you're already using the latest version of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, or visionOS, there could be an issue with the website. If you’re sure that you want to use the website, contact the website owner or developer for guidance about how to best use their website.

safari navigateur download

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safari navigateur download

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  • 4,3 • 4,3 k notes

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Surfez sur le Web à une vitesse fulgurante tout en profitant de puissantes fonctionnalités de protection de la confidentialité et d’options de personnalisation poussées. Avec Safari, vous pouvez parcourir des sites, traduire des pages web et accéder à vos onglets sur tous vos appareils iOS, iPadOS et macOS. Fonctionnalités • Les mots de passe, les signets, l’historique, les onglets et plus encore se synchronisent facilement sur les iPhone, iPad et Mac. • Le mode Navigation privée ne conserve pas votre historique, pour garantir la confidentialité de votre navigation. • La prévention intelligente du suivi empêche les traqueurs de vous identifier sur les sites web que vous visitez. • Grâce aux groupes d’onglets, vous pouvez conserver vos onglets, les organiser et y accéder sur tous vos appareils iOS, iPadOS et macOS. •Les profils vous permettent de distinguer votre historique de navigation, les données des sites web et plus encore, en fonction quʼil sʼagisse du domaine professionnel ou personnel. • Les groupes d’onglets partagés vous permettent de partager des onglets et de collaborer avec votre famille et vos amis. • Les extensions intègrent de nouvelles fonctionnalités au navigateur et vous permettent de personnaliser Safari. • Le lecteur met en page les articles afin de simplifier leur lecture, en masquant les publicités, la navigation ou d’autres éléments susceptibles de vous distraire. • Le rapport de confidentialité affiche les traqueurs connus qui n’ont pas été autorisés à suivre votre activité. • La liste de lecture enregistre facilement les articles pour vous permettre de les lire ultérieurement. • Avec la recherche vocale, vous pouvez effectuer une recherche en ligne rien qu’avec votre voix. • Avec la fonctionnalité de traduction, traduisez des pages web entières dans d’autres langues, directement depuis votre navigateur. • Grâce à Handoff, transférez automatiquement la tâche en cours dans Safari depuis un appareil vers un autre. • Lʼoption « Sur lʼécran dʼaccueil » vous permet de lancer rapidement un site ou une app web depuis votre écran dʼaccueil.

Notes et avis

4,3 k notes

MRC pour cette application simple et facile à utiliser qui marche et qui améliore notre richesse d’esprit mais il y a tjr un mais… Je voudrai passer un petit message et des conseilles Alors cette app est dangereuse ⚠️ mais dans l’autre sans sans danger il y a la partie noir des réseaux sociaux et une autre sécurisée car on peut vous faire payer des choses sur des faux sites et c’est dangereux pour les personnes de moins de 15/16 ans pour moi ayant 20 ans j’ai appris à faire attention Mes conseil sont que la première fois qu’on utilise l’application on nous demande notre âge juste notre âge pas plus pour que les informations de plus de l’âge que nous avons donné soit effacer ou plutôt ne pas avoir accès dessus voilà RÉPONSE DU DÉVELOPPEUR merci pour votre commentaire nous allons voir pour mettre ceci en place Cordialement, Une personne qui s’amuse à envoyer des commentaires 😁

Parfait ! Enfin…presque.

Déjà avant de commencer c extrêmement bien tout est simple claire aucun problème à ce propos ce qui me dérange le plus c’est que Apple n’a toujours pas son moteur de recherche dédié. Je veux dire par exemple on va dans safari on marque notre recherche et ça part sur du Google…. Ça me dérange légèrement d’utiliser Google sur safari faudrai que Apple développe pour safarie leur propre moteur de recherche pour plus de sécurité. Je dit tout ça pour la simple et bonne raison que je n’est jamais eu confiance à Google et autre j’ai toujours eu confiance en Apple et ça ne changera jamais c’est donc pour ça que je voudrais bien et je ne pense pas être le seule que Apple crée LEURS propre safarie 100% Apple sans passer a du Google ou autre.

Traduction en mode lecture

A quand la traduction de site dans le mode lecture ? Pourtant la traduction est bien faite avant de l’activer

Confidentialité de l’app

Le développeur Apple a indiqué que le traitement des données tel que décrit ci‑dessous pouvait figurer parmi les pratiques de l’app en matière de confidentialité. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la politique de confidentialité du développeur .

Données établissant un lien avec vous

Les données suivantes peuvent être collectées et liées à votre identité :

  • Contenu utilisateur
  • Identifiants

Données n’établissant aucun lien avec vous

Les données suivantes peuvent être collectées, mais elles ne sont pas liées à votre identité :

  • Localisation
  • Historique de navigation
  • Données d’utilisation

Les pratiques en matière de confidentialité peuvent varier, notamment en fonction des fonctionnalités que vous utilisez ou de votre âge. En savoir plus


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  • Engagement de confidentialité

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Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It

Plus, why you shouldn't do this

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If you use a Mac or an iPhone, it’s hard to pick a different browser over Safari. It’s incredibly fast, uses minimal resources, and respects user privacy. But if you also use a PC, you won’t have the luxury of installing Apple’s flagship browser on Windows since the Cupertino-based tech giant does not develop Safari for the Windows PC. That’s a major issue when your gear consists of cross-platform products.

What you can do is install an older version of Safari on Windows 10 or 11, although we highly advise against that due to compatibility and security-related issues. The best and safest option is to sync your browsing data from Safari to Chrome or Edge on your PC via iCloud for Windows. Setting up macOS on your PC and using Safari that way is another feasible option.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 1

Download and Install Safari on Your Windows PC

Apple halted the development of Safari for Windows in 2012. However, the final version of the browser (Safari v.5.1.7) is freely available on the internet, so you can quickly download and install it on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. The problem? It’s terribly slow and dated, lacks compatibility with most web apps, and poses security risks. You also can’t sync your browsing data, so it’s not a solution if you want to access bookmarks and passwords.

Regardless, the steps below will walk you through downloading and installing Safari on your Windows 10/11 PC. But unless you just want to have a feel of how Safari looked almost a decade earlier, we recommend you stay away from it.

1. Download the Safari installer from a software download portal such as Uptodown , Filehippo , or TechSpot . It weighs in at 36.7MB. Unfortunately, Apple no longer supports Safari for Windows, so you can’t get it from an official source.

2. Double-click the downloaded SafariSetup executable file.

3. Select Next on the Safari Setup’s Welcome screen.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 2

4. Accept the license agreement and select Next .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 3

5. Specify if you want to add Safari as a desktop shortcut or not. Also, decide if you prefer it as the default browser on your computer (we recommend you don’t select this option). Select Next to continue.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 4

6. Pick an install directory (or leave the default folder path) and select Install .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 5

7. Wait for the Safari installer to finish installing Safari on your computer. Then, select Finish .

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 6

After installing Safari, you can choose to open it by double-clicking the Safari icon on the desktop. Or, you can open it by selecting Safari on the Start menu’s programs list.

Despite being almost ten years old, Safari for Windows doesn’t look too out of place. To the top, you have the familiar URL bar (you can’t use it to perform searches, however), a Bookmarks strip underneath, and a dedicated Search bar on the left corner. By default, new tabs display frequently visiting sites in thumbnail format—you can use the Top Sites and History tabs to switch them and your browsing history.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 7

Selecting the cog-shaped icon at the right corner of the screen reveals the Safari menu, where you can choose to customize the toolbar, access your browsing history, launch a private browsing window, and so on.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 8

Selecting Preferences opens the Preferences pane, which provides options to modify the homepage, pick a default search engine, adjust privacy settings, manage extensions (although extensions support is non-existent), etc.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 9

What the browser does not allow is to sign in with an Apple ID. That makes it impossible to sync your browsing data from an iPhone or Mac. Even if the functionality were present previously, Apple probably would’ve stopped you from signing in to it by now.

During our Safari tests on Windows, the browser started showing its age. Most websites took a long time to load, while web apps (such as YouTube and Google Maps) simply failed or prompted us to switch to a compatible browser. Other than for basic web browsing, it was practically useless.

Safari for Windows also hasn’t received security updates in almost a decade, so we recommend that you don’t attempt to use it for any sensitive activities such as banking or shopping.

Sync Safari Browsing Data via iCloud for Windows

If your gear consists of a PC and iPhone or Mac, you can sync your passwords and bookmarks from Safari with Google Chrome and vice-versa by installing iCloud for Windows. That’s the most convenient method for accessing your browsing data on each platform.

iCloud for Windows also offers password syncing for Microsoft Edge and bookmarks syncing for Mozilla Firefox. However, only Chrome receives support for both.

If you don’t have iCloud for Windows on your PC, you can get it via the Microsoft Store or the Apple website . If you already have it, make sure to upgrade it to at least version 12.5 or later (you can do that via the Microsoft Store’s Downloads and updates screen or by running the Apple Software Update applet).

With iCloud for Windows up and running, open the iCloud app and check the boxes next to Passwords and Bookmarks . You can also activate additional iCloud services such as Photos and Drive if you want.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 10

Follow that by installing the iCloud Passwords on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The former lets you insert and save passwords to the iCloud Keychain. You can also use the iCloud Passwords app (which installs automatically alongside iCloud for Windows) to manage your passwords in Windows. On the other hand, the iCloud Bookmarks extension syncs passwords between Chrome/Firefox and Safari.

Download: iCloud Passwords (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Chrome)

Download: iCloud Passwords (Edge)

Download: iCloud Bookmarks (Firefox)

Run Safari via a macOS Virtual Machine

If you want to use the most recent version of Safari on your PC (perhaps to test a feature or extension), the only way you can do that is by running macOS via virtualization software. However, the procedure is not convenient. For starters, Mac’s operating system is not natively supported by most VM software, so installation generally relies on workarounds relying on additional software. Also, it requires lots of free disk space and uses up system resources, not to mention that virtual machine guests generally run sluggishly compared to the host operating system.

If you still want to go ahead and install macOS, the easiest way to do that is by following the instructions within this macOS Virtualbox project on GitHub. It lets you install macOS Catalina as a virtual machine via a Bash script. We’ve condensed it into the following steps:

1. Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your PC (it’s free).

2. Download and install Cygwin with the following dependencies (you can select them during installation).

3. Download the macos-guest-virtualbox.sh bash script from GitHub.

4. Open the Cygwin Terminal. Then, drag and drop the bash script and press Enter .

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It image 11

After the setup procedure, you can open and use Safari by selecting the Safari icon on the Mac’s Dock. Before you do that, however, it’s a good idea to update macOS and Safari. To do that, open the Apple menu and select System Preferences > Software Update > Update Now .

iCloud for Windows Is the Most Convenient

Although it’s possible to download and install Safari on your Windows 10/11 computer, we recommend you stray away from it. The security risks alone make it impractical, and it’s not like you can use it for any serious web browsing anyway due to compatibility issues.

Since the most likely reason you would want to install Safari involves syncing your passwords and bookmarks, using iCloud for Windows is the only viable alternative. But if you do have the time and just want to try out the latest version of Safari, your best option is to set up macOS as a virtual machine on your PC.

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Dilum Senevirathne is a freelance tech writer and blogger with three years of experience writing for online technology publications. He specializes in topics related to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Google web apps. When he isn't hammering away at his Magic Keyboard, you can catch him binge-watching productivity hacks on YouTube. Read Dilum's Full Bio

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Where to Find Downloaded Files in Safari on a Mac and How to Manage Them

After downloading a file, it's not always easy to find where it saved. Here's how to find and manage Safari downloads on your Mac.

While browsing the web in Safari, it’s common to need to download files from different websites. But sometimes it can be a challenge to find where these Safari downloads are saved.

Below are several ways to find and manage Safari downloads on your Mac.

How to Download Files Using Safari

There are different ways to save items from Safari to your Mac , depending on the type of item you want to save. While some items in webpages can’t be downloaded, files, images, software, and apps often come with a dedicated download button. Otherwise, Control-click or two-finger tap an item to save or download it.

It’s best not to download software or apps if they aren’t from a trusted source.

Where to Find Safari Downloads on a Mac

Unless you’ve chosen otherwise, items that you’ve downloaded from Safari automatically go to your Downloads folder. To find this, open Finder and click Downloads from the sidebar or press Cmd + Option + L .

You can change where your downloaded files save, if you want:

  • Head to Safari > Preferences .
  • Click the General tab. Go to File download location , then choose from the popup. Select Ask for each download if you want to be in more control of each download.
  • If you want to select a specific destination, click Other and select your desired folder.

Use the Downloads Button in Safari

Quickly access your downloads in Safari by clicking the Downloads button, a downward arrow enclosed in a circle icon on the top-right of the Safari window. Note that this won’t appear unless you’ve recently downloaded an item.

Open the Downloads Stack in the Dock

Another way to immediately access your downloaded files is through the Dock. Your recent downloads are often found on the right side of the Dock in a stack. Hover over it to preview the contents or click to expand it.

Open the Downloads Folder in Finder

As we already mentioned, you can also find your Safari downloads using Finder. This is a valuable utility to locate items on our Mac. Simply click the magnifying button on your menu bar and type "downloads," or go to your Dock and click Finder to open the Finder window.

You can usually find the Downloads folder in the sidebar, under Favorites.

How to Manage Your Safari Downloads

There are several ways to manage your in-progress or completed downloads in Safari. To perform these actions, open the Downloads menu in Safari itself. Here’s what you can do:

  • Pause Downloads: If you’re currently downloading, click the stop button beside the file name to pause the download, then click the resume button to resume it again.
  • Remove a downloaded item: If you want to remove a single item from the list, Control-click the item and select Remove from List . You can also remove all your recently downloaded items by clicking Clear in the top right of the popup.

By default, Safari automatically deletes downloaded items after a day. If you want to change this:

  • Go to Safari > Preferences .
  • Click General , then go to Remove download list items . Choose from After one day , When Safari quits , Upon successful download , or Manually .

Manage Your Safari Downloads

There is a lot of content you can download on the web, and simply knowing how to download it is usually half the battle. But once you’ve done that, you can use the tips in this guide to find and manage your Safari downloads with ease, even customizing your download preferences to get fuller control over where your files save and when they get deleted.

  • Télécharger
  • Navigateurs web


Mise à jour : 04/10/2019

Le navigateur Web d'Apple pour Windows en version 5.1.7 !

avec Safari 5, Apple prouve sa ténacité avec un navigateur qui entend bien se faire sa place parmi les ténors du marché que sont , Firefox et Opera.

  • Dossier Clubic : Dix extensions Safari à découvrir !


Safari : également disponible sur....

Safari pour macOS

Les rubriques liées à Safari

Furieusement vite. Sérieusement privé.

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Rien de mieux que Safari pour profiter d’Internet sur tous vos appareils Apple. Surfez en toute liberté avec de solides options de personnalisation, de puissantes protections de la vie privée et une autonomie imbattable. Et filez à vitesse grand V sur le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1 .


Ménage la batterie. et votre patience..

Avec son moteur JavaScript vif comme l’éclair, Safari est le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1 . Comme il est développé exprès pour les appareils Apple, il sait tirer le maximum de la batterie et offre une autonomie longue durée.

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Performances accrues

Nous cherchons constamment à aiguiser la rapidité du navigateur le plus vite au monde.

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Efficacité énergétique améliorée

Safari vous permet d’en faire plus avec une seule charge.

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Jusqu’à 4 heures de lecture vidéo en continu de plus que dans Chrome 3

safari navigateur download

Jusqu’à 17 heures de lecture vidéo en continu 3

Navigation hors pair

Safari éclipse ses concurrents test après test, tant sous macOS que sous Windows 4 .

  • JetStream /
  • MotionMark /
  • Speedometer /

Performances JavaScript dans des applications web avancées 4 .

Safari vs autres navigateurs sur Mac

Safari sous macOS

Chrome sous macOS

Edge sous macOS

Firefox sous macOS

Safari vs autres navigateurs sous Windows 11

Chrome sous Windows 11

Edge sous Windows 11

Firefox sous Windows 11

Performance pour le rendu de contenu animé 4 .

Réactivité des applications web 4 .

Lecture vidéo 4K en continu

Voyez vos séries et films fétiches sous leur meilleur jour. Safari prend désormais en charge la lecture vidéo 4K HDR sur YouTube, Netflix et Apple TV+ 5 . Et il roule en toute efficacité, pour une autonomie prolongée.

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Confidentialité intégrée..

Le respect de votre vie privée en ligne devrait être une promesse tenue, et non une promesse en l’air. C’est pourquoi Safari intègre des technologies de protection inégalées, comme la prévention intelligente du suivi, qui détecte les traqueurs pour les empêcher d’établir votre profil ou de vous suivre sur le web. Passez à iCloud+ pour accéder à encore plus de mesures de confidentialité, comme la possibilité de vous inscrire à des services et sites web sans avoir à donner votre adresse courriel personnelle.

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Prévention intelligente du suivi

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Safari fait la chasse aux traqueurs.

Un historique de navigation, c’est privé. Voilà pourquoi Safari offre des mesures de protection intégrées qui empêchent les sites web et les entreprises de collecte de données de vous surveiller et d’établir votre profil à partir de votre activité en ligne. La prévention intelligente du suivi fait appel aux capacités d’analyse de votre appareil pour prévenir ce type de suivi et éviter que les traqueurs utilisent votre adresse IP. Il devient alors extrêmement difficile de découvrir qui vous êtes et ce qui vous intéresse.

Rapport de confidentialité

Avec Safari, vous pouvez facilement voir comment votre vie privée est protégée au fil de votre navigation. Cliquez sur Rapport de confidentialité dans le menu de la barre d’adresse pour un aperçu des tentatives de suivi intersite bloquées sur la page web où vous êtes. Ou jetez un coup d’œil au rapport de confidentialité hebdomadaire pour un bilan des sept derniers jours.

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Prenez la barre..

Safari est plus personnalisable que jamais. Classez vos onglets par groupes et survolez-les facilement selon ce que vous cherchez. Ou choisissez une image d’arrière-plan et ajoutez vos fonctionnalités préférées – par exemple Liste de lecture, Favoris, Onglets iCloud et Suggestions de Siri – à votre fenêtre de navigation. Et comme l’utilisation des extensions tierces est optimisée sur iPhone, iPad et Mac, vous pouvez surfer sur un appareil et passer à l’autre à votre guise.

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Safari vous permet de créer des profils de navigation avec historique, extensions, groupes d’onglets, témoins et favoris distincts. Passez rapidement d’un profil à l’autre – comme Travail ou Personnel – au gré de vos activités.

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Vous pouvez transformer vos sites préférés en apps web. Accédez-y ensuite comme vous le feriez avec n’importe quelle app, via le Dock de votre Mac et l’écran d’accueil de votre iPhone ou iPad. Et retrouvez-vous facilement grâce à leur barre d’outils simplifiée et leurs réglages distincts.

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Parcourez le web à votre façon grâce aux extensions Safari, qui ajoutent aux capacités de votre navigateur. Et pour en trouver et en installer de nouvelles, rendez-vous à la section de l’App Store consacrée à Safari.

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Groupes d’onglets

Enregistrez et organisez vos onglets comme bon vous semble. Nommez vos groupes, modifiez-les et consultez-les sur l’appareil de votre choix. Vous pouvez aussi les partager pour faciliter la collaboration, par exemple si vous travaillez sur un projet d’équipe ou planifiez votre prochain voyage en famille.

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Outils intelligents

Le don de vous simplifier la tâche..

Les outils intégrés rendent l’expérience de navigation nettement plus immersive, intuitive et réactive. Cliquez pour obtenir de l’info détaillée sur le sujet d’une photo, sélectionnez du texte dans n’importe quelle image, traduisez une page web complète en moins de deux, prenez des notes rapides où que vous soyez sur un site. Sans jamais changer d’app.

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Note rapide

Notes est l’app par excellence pour consigner vos idées. Et avec la nouvelle fonction Note rapide, griffonnez ce qui vous trotte dans la tête au fil de votre navigation, sans quitter Safari.

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D’un simple clic dans Safari, traduisez des pages web entières. Vous pouvez même traduire le texte dans les images et les vidéos en pause – sans fermer votre navigateur.

Texte en direct

Interagissez avec le texte dans les images en utilisant des fonctions comme copier-coller, rechercher et traduire 6 .

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Recherche visuelle

Apprenez-en plus sur une attraction touristique, une œuvre d’art ou une race de chiens à partir d’une photo ou d’une image trouvée en ligne 7 . Et découpez facilement le sujet d’un cliché dans Safari, supprimez l’arrière-plan, puis collez le résultat dans des apps comme Notes ou Messages.

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Surfez sans souci.

Safari déploie des mesures robustes pour vous protéger. Les clés d’identification vous offrent un moyen plus sûr de vous connecter. Le trousseau iCloud garde vos mots de passe et clés d’identification à l’abri et les saisit automatiquement sur tous vos appareils. Si jamais un site suspect est détecté, Safari vous avise et en bloque aussitôt l’ouverture. Comme chaque page est chargée dans un processus distinct, le code malveillant est confiné à un seul onglet, ce qui l’empêche de faire planter l’application ou d’accéder à vos données. Et quand c’est possible, Safari utilise d’emblée le protocole HTTPS sécurisé au lieu du HTTP.

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Clés d’identification

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Les clés d’identification, un moyen plus sûr et plus simple de vous connecter. Sans mot de passe.

Chiffrées de bout en bout et protégées contre l’hameçonnage et les fuites de données, les clés d’identification sont plus sûres que les procédés classiques d’authentification à deux facteurs. Grâce au trousseau iCloud, elles fonctionnent sur tous vos appareils Apple, et même sur les modèles d’autres fabricants.

En savoir plus sur les clés d’identification

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Payer avec Portefeuille et Apple Pay. La carte de la simplicité.

Apple Pay est la façon la plus simple et sûre de payer dans Safari. Réglez vos achats avec Face ID ou Touch ID sur votre iPhone ou iPad, avec Touch ID sur votre MacBook Pro ou MacBook Air, ou en appuyant deux fois sur le bouton latéral de votre Apple Watch.

En savoir plus sur Apple Pay

Si vous avez enregistré une carte de crédit dans l’app Portefeuille, le remplissage automatique peut insérer l’information pertinente pour vous quand vous passez à la caisse. Les données de votre carte ne sont jamais divulguées. Et vos transactions sont sécurisées par un des protocoles les plus stricts de l’industrie.

Safari voyage sur tous vos appareils.

Safari synchronise parfaitement vos mots de passe, vos favoris, vos onglets et votre historique sur Mac, iPad, iPhone et Apple Watch. Quand vos appareils sous macOS, iOS ou iPadOS sont à proximité les uns des autres, ils s’envoient automatiquement votre activité dans Safari via Handoff. Vous pouvez même copier une image, une vidéo ou une phrase dans Safari sur votre iPhone ou iPad, puis la coller dans une autre app sur votre Mac à proximité, et vice versa.

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Quand vous utilisez Safari sur plusieurs appareils Apple, vos onglets s’actualisent partout. Vous pouvez donc faire des recherches, magasiner, travailler ou naviguer sur votre téléphone, puis poursuivre du même souffle sur iPad ou Mac.

Vous voulez enregistrer une page web pour la lire plus tard? Ajoutez-la à votre liste de lecture. Vous pourrez ensuite l’ouvrir sur n’importe lequel de vos appareils connectés à iCloud, même hors ligne.

Le trousseau iCloud stocke en lieu sûr vos identifiants, mots de passe et numéros de carte de crédit, et les garde à jour sur vos appareils autorisés. Vous pouvez ainsi vous connecter vite fait à vos sites web favoris ou aux apps sous iOS et iPadOS, et régler vos achats en un clin d’œil.

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Pensé pour développer.

Grâce à l’intégration étroite de macOS et des composants matériels de Mac avec WebKit, Safari est plus performant et moins énergivore que tout autre navigateur sur la plateforme. Il prend aussi en charge les normes web en vigueur, pour une expérience enrichie. Sous macOS Sonoma, les optimisations de WebKit bonifient encore davantage l’expérience, en plus d’offrir de meilleurs outils de style et de mise en page pour la création de contenus engageants.

En savoir plus

Définir Safari comme navigateur par défaut

Personnaliser la page d’accueil, afficher le rapport de confidentialité, surveiller les mots de passe enregistrés, utiliser apple pay dans safari, afficher les onglets sur tous les appareils, lire le guide de l’utilisateur de safari, obtenir de l’assistance pour safari.

Tech Viral

How to Download & Install Safari Browser on Windows

Install & Run Safari web browser on Windows 10!

How to Download & Install Safari Browser on Windows 10

There are hundreds of web browsers available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Each of the operating systems has its browsers, like Apple has Safari, Windows has Edge browser, etc., that allow users to experience the internet on all Apple devices.

Safari web browser brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and many other web browsing-related features. Safari is designed to be used only on Apple devices, and it’s the default web browser for all Apple devices.

Apple Safari for Windows

Although Google Chrome is the best web browser right now, many users want to use Safari on Windows 10. So, the main question is, can you install the Safari browser on Windows 10? You can technically download & install the Safari web browser on Windows, but you need to adjust to an outdated version.

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows, which means that the Safari web browser’s latest version is not made for the Windows operating system. You can run the older version of Safari that was released a few years ago.

If you want to download & install Safari on Windows, you must install the older Safari version 5.1.7. The older version of the Safari web browser is fully compatible with Windows 10, and it runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Also Read:  How to Download & Install Android 11 on Windows 10 PC

Download & Install Safari Browser on Windows

In this article, we will share a step-by-step guide on how to download and install the Safari web browser on Windows 10 computer. Let’s check out.

1. First of all, click on this link to download Safari Browser  on your computer.

2. Once downloaded, double-click on the installer file to install the browser.

3. On the main page, click on the Next button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Safari installer

4. Wait until the web browser installs on your system.

Safari installing

5. Once installed, open the Safari web browser and use it.

Safari web browser

6. You can now use the Safari web browser on Windows to access your favorite sites.

Safari web browser on Windows

That’s it! You are done. This is how you can download & install the Safari web browser on Windows.

This article is all about how to download & install the Safari web browser on Windows. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts about this, let us know in the comment box below.


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Home » Windows » Safari Browser for Windows 10/11 — How to Download and Install

Safari Browser for Windows 10/11 — How to Download and Install

Safari for Windows 10

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Safari, the default web browser on all Apple devices, retains popularity among iOS and macOS users. Despite this, the option to use Safari on Windows platforms is limited due to Apple’s discontinuation of Windows-specific development. The last available version for Windows is Safari 5.1.7 , which was released on May 9, 2012. The utility of this old version of Safari on Windows is limited and usually relevant for advanced users like developers, designers, and compatibility testers. It can be used for cross-browser compatibility testing or to support specific client requirements. However, due to its outdated status and security concerns, it’s not recommended for general browsing or handling sensitive information.

Moreover, you may find the need to open files with the .webarchive extension, which are saved web pages from Safari. If you’re facing such a scenario on a Windows PC, this old version of Safari could be a useful solution.

Security Considerations

Although it’s possible to install this outdated version of Safari on Windows 10 or 11, we advise against it due to the lack of security features present in more recent browser versions. For the most secure browsing experience, we recommend using the latest versions of Chrome , Edge , or Firefox .

If you still wish to use Safari on Windows, follow the steps below.

Expert Tip: For smoother PC performance, consider using a PC optimization tool . It handles junk files, incorrect settings, and harmful apps. Make sure it's right for your system, and always check the EULA and Privacy Policy.

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Installing Safari on Windows

In the absence of an official download link, users need to find a trustworthy source to download Safari 5.1.7. The installation process includes accepting the license agreement, choosing installation options, selecting the installation folder, and initiating the install. The browser can be set to open immediately after installation.

  • Download the Safari 5.1.7 setup file. The setup supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 11/10/8/7 systems.
  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

Limitations of Safari on Windows

The outdated Safari version available for Windows is slow, incompatible with many web apps, and lacks data syncing, making it ineffective for managing bookmarks and passwords.

Accessing Latest Safari Version on Windows

However, if you wish to use the latest version of Safari, you’d need to install the newest version of macOS on Windows 10/11 using virtual machine software like VirtualBox . Remember, we do not recommend installing or running outdated software due to potential security risks. Consider using alternatives like Chrome and Edge for a safer browsing experience.

Safer Alternatives: iCloud for Windows

The safer alternative to using Safari on a Windows PC is to sync your Safari browsing data to Chrome or Edge via iCloud for Windows. iCloud for Windows can be obtained from the Microsoft Store or the Apple website, and it supports password syncing for Microsoft Edge and bookmarks syncing for Mozilla Firefox. iCloud also enables you to manage your passwords in Windows and syncs passwords between Chrome/Firefox and Safari.

In conclusion, while there may be niche cases where Safari for Windows is necessary, in most instances, current Windows users are better served by using a modern and supported web browser. While some users and companies may still find a use for Safari on Windows, it is generally advised to use more updated and secure web browsers such as Edge, Chrome, or Firefox. These are continuously maintained, unlike the Safari for Windows version, which ensures a safer and more feature-rich browsing experience.

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Can You Install the Safari Browser on Android?

There's no official Safari app for Android, but there are copycats

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There is no official Safari for Android app, but there are lots of knockoffs in the wild, many of which are scamware. We don't recommend downloading any app that's masquerading as Safari for Android because there are plenty of other well-rated mobile browsers available.

Should You Install Safari on an Android?

The Safari web browser offers tons of features that make surfing the web easier, and it's usually considered superior to other browsers in terms of security, unfortunately, you're not going to find a version of Safari for Android that's sanctioned by Apple. That's because while there are plenty of 'Safari' browsers out there, none of them were created by Apple.

So, the question becomes, should you install one of these Safari files and hope for the best? Probably not, and there are a few reasons for that:

  • Many of the apps that are calling themselves 'Safari for Android' are nothing more than scamware—bits of high-demand software designed to deliver viruses and malware to unsuspecting users.
  • Even 'Safari' apps that are generally considered safe are not from Apple, therefore can have different features and capabilities than the Safari browser you may be used to using on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

It's because of this Lifewire recommends you don't download 'Safari for Android.' At best, you're likely to be disappointed by the browser you download, at worse, it could deliver malware to your device that requires loads of time to repair, or worse, it turns your phone into a useless brick.

There are many YouTube videos available that include links to a 'Safari' download file for iOS. There are even versions of Safari APKs available. None of these files are to be trusted. To be clear, there is no official version of Safari Browser for Android . And you should not download Android apps from sites that are unfamiliar. Google Play is always the safest resource for apps.

Alternatives to Safari for Android

So, since there is no Safari for Android, what are your options? There are plenty of Safari-like browsers available. For example, some of the highest rated options include:

  • Opera Browser : Opera is another super fast browser, but it also includes a free VPN that users find useful for getting around geofenced content. It also has a pop-up blocker, but does lack some importing and searching capabilities of other browsers.
  • DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser : Targeting users who are tired of their every move being tracked online, the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser offers all the features you would expect from a Safari-like browser: speed, security, and privacy. However, customization seems limited, so if you're looking for something that's highly customizable, this might not be the right browser for you.

Although none of these offers all the features of a Safari browser, each has its own strengths, and if you're ready to move away from Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge, then they're worth your time to try them out. And since they're all free, you're not going to spend anything but time trying to find a Safari-like browser that suits you.

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Here is how you can install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (if you really want to)

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Safari is a web browser developed by Apple that is known for its fast performance, elegant design, and privacy features. Safari is the default browser on all Apple devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads. But what if you want to use Safari on a Windows PC?

In this article, we will explore the history of Safari for Windows, the reasons why Apple discontinued it, and the possible ways to install and run it on Windows 10 or Windows 11. We will also discuss the pros and cons of using Safari for Windows, and some alternatives that you may want to consider.

Table of Contents

The history of Safari on Windows

Safari was first introduced in 2003 as part of Mac OS X Panther, and it was based on the open-source WebKit engine. Safari quickly became one of the most popular browsers on the Mac, and it was also ported to iOS devices when the iPhone was launched in 2007.

In the same year, Apple announced Safari for Windows, a version of the browser that was compatible with Windows XP and Vista. Steve Jobs, the then-CEO of Apple, claimed that Safari for Windows was faster and more secure than other browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox. Safari for Windows was also intended to attract more developers to create web applications for the iPhone, which did not support Adobe Flash at the time.

Apple continued to update Safari for Windows along with the Mac version, adding features such as a reader mode, extensions, and developer tools. However, Safari for Windows never gained much traction among Windows users, who preferred other browsers that had more market share and compatibility. According to StatCounter, Safari for Windows had less than 1% of the global browser market share in 2012.

The last version of Safari for Windows was 5.1.7, released in May 2012. Apple did not release Safari 6 for Windows, which was launched for Mac OS X Mountain Lion in July 2012. Apple also quietly removed the download links for Safari for Windows from its website, effectively ending the support and development of the browser for the Windows platform.

The reasons why Apple discontinued Safari for Windows

Apple never officially explained why it stopped making Safari for Windows, but there are several possible reasons. One reason is that Safari for Windows was not very profitable for Apple, as it did not generate any revenue from advertising or services, unlike Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Apple also did not have a strong incentive to promote its browser on Windows, as it did not have any other products or services that could benefit from it, unlike Google or Microsoft.

Another reason is that Safari for Windows was not very popular among Windows users, as it faced stiff competition from other browsers that had more features, extensions, and compatibility. Safari for Windows also had some technical issues, such as security vulnerabilities, performance problems, and a user interface that did not match the Windows design. Safari for Windows also did not support some web standards and technologies that were widely used by other browsers, such as HTML5 video, WebGL, and WebRTC.

A third reason is that Safari for Windows was not very important for Apple’s strategy, as it focused more on its own platforms and devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads. Apple also invested more in developing its own web technologies and innovations, such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Safari App Extensions, and Web Inspector. Apple also wanted to differentiate its browser from other browsers that were based on the Chromium engine, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.

The possible ways to install and run Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11

If you still want to use Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, there are some possible ways to do so, but they are not recommended or supported by Apple. Here are some of them:

Download and install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows from a third-party website

Safari for Windows (Installer)

This is the easiest and most straightforward way to get Safari for Windows, but it is also the most risky and unreliable. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows is an outdated and unsupported browser that may have security flaws, compatibility issues, and performance problems. It may also not work properly on Windows 10 or Windows 11, as it was designed for Windows XP and Vista. You may also encounter some malware or viruses when downloading the installer from an untrusted source. Therefore, we do not recommend this method, and if you decide to try it, do so at your own risk and discretion.

Safari running on Windows 11

Install and run Safari for Windows using a virtual machine software

This is a more complex and resource-intensive way to get Safari for Windows, but it may offer a better and safer experience. A virtual machine software, such as VirtualBox or VMware , allows you to create and run a virtual computer within your Windows PC, where you can install and run another operating system, such as macOS or Windows XP.

You can then download and install Safari for Windows on the virtual computer, and use it as if you were using a real Mac or Windows XP PC. However, this method requires a lot of disk space, memory, and CPU power, and it may affect the performance and battery life of your Windows PC. You also need to have a valid license and installation media for the operating system that you want to run on the virtual machine. Moreover, you still need to deal with the limitations and drawbacks of Safari for Windows, such as the lack of updates and features.

Install and run the latest version of Safari using a virtual machine software

This is the most advanced and expensive way to get Safari for Windows, but it may offer the best and most up-to-date experience. This method involves installing and running the latest version of macOS on a virtual machine on your Windows PC, and then using the latest version of Safari that is available for macOS. iboysoft has a great guide that will provide you step by step instructions.

This way, you can enjoy all the features and benefits of Safari, such as the fast performance, elegant design, and privacy protections.

Depending on if you are willing or not willing to sail to the seven seas, You also need to have a compatible Mac computer that can run the latest version of macOS, and a valid Apple ID that can access the Mac App Store.

You need to note that Apple does not allow installing macOS on non-Apple hardware, and it may violate the terms and conditions of the software license agreement, so keep thatn in mind before you go hunting for an ISO.

Why you may want to install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC?

I will say this again: installing Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 is not a good idea (will be discussing why not in just a minute) but there are some legit reasons you may want to run Safari on your Windows PC:

  • You can test and debug your web applications and websites on Safari, which may be useful for web developers and designers who want to ensure cross-browser compatibility and functionality.
  • You can sync your bookmarks, history, passwords, and tabs with your other Apple devices, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads, if you use iCloud and sign in with your Apple ID.
  • You can experience the look and feel of Safari, which may be appealing to some users who like the minimalist and elegant design of the browser.
  • You can use some of the features and innovations that are unique to Safari, such as the reader mode, the Safari App Extensions, and the Web Inspector.

And before you go ahead and install a virtual machine in your PC or install an unsupported version on your computer, please understand that:

  • You may expose yourself to security risks and threats, as Safari for Windows is an outdated and unsupported browser that may have unpatched vulnerabilities and bugs.
  • You may encounter compatibility issues and errors, as Safari for Windows may not support some web standards and technologies that are widely used by other browsers and websites.
  • You may experience performance problems and crashes, as Safari for Windows may not run smoothly or efficiently on Windows 10 or Windows 11, especially on newer hardware and software configurations.
  • You may miss out on many features and improvements that are available on the latest version of Safari, such as the Intelligent Tracking Prevention, the customisable start page, and the tab groups.

The alternatives to Safari for Windows

If you are looking for a web browser that can offer a similar or better experience than Safari for Windows, you may want to consider some of the alternatives that are available for Windows 10 or Windows 11. Here are some of them:

  • Microsoft Edge: This is the default and recommended browser for Windows 10 and Windows 11, and it is based on the Chromium engine, which powers Google Chrome and other browsers. Edge offers a fast and secure browsing experience, with features such as Collections, Vertical Tabs, Immersive Reader, and Password Monitor. Edge also supports extensions from the Microsoft Store and the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Microsoft account and other devices. Edge also has a built-in tracking prevention feature, which can block trackers and ads from websites, and a Kids Mode, which can provide a safe and fun browsing environment for children.
  • Google Chrome: This is the most popular and widely used browser in the world, and it is also based on the Chromium engine. Chrome offers a reliable and versatile browsing experience, with features such as Google Translate, Chrome Remote Desktop, and Chrome OS. Chrome also supports thousands of extensions from the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Google account and other devices. Chrome also has a built-in malware and phishing protection feature, which can warn you of dangerous websites and downloads, and a Incognito Mode, which can prevent your browsing history and cookies from being saved.
  • Mozilla Firefox: This is one of the oldest and most respected browsers in the world, and it is based on the Gecko engine, which is developed by Mozilla. Firefox offers a fast and private browsing experience, with features such as Firefox Monitor, Firefox Send, and Firefox Lockwise. Firefox also supports extensions from the Firefox Add-ons Store, and it can sync your data with your Firefox account and other devices. Firefox also has a built-in Enhanced Tracking Protection feature, which can block trackers, ads, and fingerprinters from websites, and a Private Browsing Mode, which can erase your browsing history and cookies after you close the window.
  • Opera : This is a browser that is known for its innovative and unique features, and it is also based on the Chromium engine. Opera offers a smooth and convenient browsing experience, with features such as Opera Turbo, Opera Flow, and Opera GX. Opera also supports extensions from the Opera Add-ons Store and the Chrome Web Store, and it can sync your data with your Opera account and other devices. Opera also has a built-in ad blocker and VPN feature, which can block ads and trackers from websites, and hide your IP address and location from prying eyes, and a Snapshot Mode, which can capture and edit screenshots of web pages.

The conclusion

Safari for Windows was a web browser that was developed by Apple and released in 2007, but it was discontinued in 2012. Safari for Windows was not very successful or popular among Windows users, as it faced many challenges and limitations, such as security risks, compatibility issues, and performance problems. Safari for Windows was also not very relevant or important for Apple’s strategy, as it focused more on its own platforms and devices, and its own web technologies and innovations.

If you want to use Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, there are some possible ways to do so, but they are not recommended or supported by Apple.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11, and what are the pros and cons of using it. Thank you for reading, and happy browsing! 

Tags: apple mac safari windows

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Saurabh Tripathi

Saurabh is Founder of Getting Geek and is an all around computer nerd. Currently Saurabh is at his home messing up with some ugly looking code. Send him your Questions, Suggestions and Pizzas at [email protected]

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The browser built to be f a s t s a f e y o u r s Pause animation Play animation

For Windows 10 32-bit.

For Windows 11/10 64-bit.

For Windows 11 ARM.

For Windows XP/Vista.

This device won’t receive updates because Google Chrome no longer supports your operating system.

For Windows 8.1/8/7 32-bit.

For Windows 8.1/8/7 64-bit.

For macOS 10.15 or later.

This computer will no longer receive Google Chrome updates because macOS 10.6 - 10.12 are no longer supported.

For macOS 10.13/10.14


By downloading Chrome, you agree to the Google Terms of Service  and Chrome and ChromeOS Additional Terms of Service

A browser is able to save up to 148 MB of memory thanks to Memory Saver mode.

The f a s t way to do things online

Prioritize performance.

Chrome is built for performance. Optimize your experience with features like Energy Saver and Memory Saver.

A cursor has clicked on the Energy Saver icon, which explains background activity and some visual effects have been limited to save memory.

Stay on top of tabs

Chrome has tools to help you manage the tabs you’re not quite ready to close. Group, label, and color code your tabs to stay organized and work faster.

A browser UI features three groups of tabs: Personal, Trip to Arches, and Work.

Optimized for your device

Chrome is built to work with your device across platforms. That means a smooth experience on whatever you’re working with.

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Scan for the Chrome app

A mobile device and a desktop computer both show the Google homepage on Chrome.

Automatic updates

There’s a new Chrome update every four weeks, making it easy to have the newest features and a faster, safer browser.

A browser UI features a green Update pill which tells the user it’s ready to be restarted for an automatic update.

Supercharge your browser with A I built right in

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Generative themes

Create a theme that’s uniquely yours..

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Bring your imagination to life with a Chrome theme that’s unmistakably you. The power of AI lets you play with subject, color, art style, and mood for a one-of-a-kind browsing experience.

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Help me write

Spark your creativity..

An image of a web form displays the suggestion of length and tone on the text provided by the user.

Whether you want to leave a well-written review for a restaurant or make a formal inquiry about an apartment rental, Chrome's AI-powered writing tool can help you write with more confidence on the web.

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Search Generative Experience

Learn as you browse with generative ai..

An image shows Gen AI-powered key points from a web page about Route 66.

Get to the core of what you’re looking for. Quickly find and understand key points of a page, get questions answered as you read, and easily jump to relevant sections.

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Tab organizer

Let chrome help organize your tabs so you can keep browsing..

An image displays three tabs about Japan in the Chrome browser with a suggestion to group the tabs.

More open tabs than you can manage? AI-powered grouping suggestions help you sort and organize your tabs, so you can stay focused on your browsing flow. It even suggests group names and emojis. 💡

Stay s a f e while you browse

Password manager, use strong passwords on every site..

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Chrome has Google Password Manager built in, which makes it simple to save, manage, and protect your passwords online. It also helps you create stronger passwords for every account you use.


Browse with the confidence that you're staying safer online..

A red alert warns the user that a site they are trying to visit contains malware.

Chrome's Safe Browsing warns you about malware or phishing attacks. Turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing for even more safety protections.


Check your safety level in real time with just one click..

An alert shows that Chrome’s safety check has been completed and the browser is up to date.

Chrome's Safety Check confirms the overall security and privacy of your browsing experience, including your saved passwords, extensions, and settings. If something needs attention, Chrome will help you fix it.


Keep your privacy under your control with easy-to-use settings..

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Chrome makes it easy to understand exactly what you’re sharing online and who you’re sharing it with. Simply use the Privacy Guide, a step-by-step tour of your privacy settings.

Make it y o u r s and take it with you

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Customize your Chrome

Personalize your web browser with themes, dark mode and other options built just for you.

Browse across devices

Sign in to Chrome on any device to access your bookmarks, saved passwords, and more.

Save time with autofill

Use Chrome to save addresses, passwords, and more to quickly autofill your details.

Icons display nine different themes. If the user clicks the theme the background image will change.

Extend your experience

From shopping and entertainment to productivity, find extensions to improve your experience in the Chrome Web Store.

The browser b u i l t by Google

Google search, the search bar you love, built right in..

Access a world of knowledge at your fingertips. Check the weather, solve math equations, and get instant search results, all contained inside your browser's address bar .

A user typed

Pay for things as quick as you click.

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Google Pay makes it easy to pay online. When you securely store your payment info in your Google Account, you can stop typing your credit card and check out faster.


Get things done, with or without wi-fi..

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Get things done in Gmail, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Translate and Google Drive, even without an internet connection.

Frequently asked questions

How do i install chrome.

To install Chrome, simply download the installation file, then look for it in your downloads folder. Open the file and follow the instructions. Once Chrome is installed, you can delete the install file. Learn more about downloading Chrome here .

Does Chrome work on my operating system?

Chrome is compatible with devices that run Windows and Mac operating systems, provided they meet the minimum system requirements. In order to install Chrome and receive adequate support, you must meet the system requirements. Learn more about using Chrome on your device .

How do I make Chrome my default browser?

You can set Chrome as your default browser on Windows or Mac operating systems as well as your iPhone, iPad or Android device. When you set Chrome as your default browser, any link you click will automatically open in Chrome. Find specific instructions for your device here .

What are Chrome's safety settings?

Chrome uses cutting-edge safety and security features to help you manage your safety. Use Safety Check to instantly audit for compromised passwords, safe browsing status and any available Chrome updates. Learn more about safety and security on Chrome .

Take your browser with you

Download Chrome on your mobile device or tablet and sign into your account for the same browser experience, everywhere.

QR code to download chrome browser in mobile devices

Get Chrome for Windows

Get chrome for mac, get chrome for linux.

Please select your download package:

Not Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora/openSUSE? There may be a community-supported version for your distribution. See Linux Chromium packages

Get Chrome for iOS

Get chrome for chromeos, get chrome for android.

Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date. If you don’t want Google's repository, do “sudo touch /etc/default/google-chrome” before installing the package.

Download for phone or tablet

Download for another desktop OS

  • Windows 11/10 64-bit
  • Windows 10 32-bit
  • Windows 11 ARM
  • macOS 10.15 or later

Frozen versions

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 8.1/8/7 32-bit
  • Windows 8.1/8/7 64-bit
  • Mac 10.6 - 10.8
  • Mac 10.11 - 10.12
  • Mac 10.13 - 10.14

Looks like you’re already using Chrome browser. Nice!

The device you have runs on ChromeOS, which already has Chrome browser built-in. No need to manually install or update it — with automatic updates, you’ll always get the latest version. Learn more about automatic updates.

Looking for Chrome for a different operating system?

See the full list of supported operating systems .


  1. Safari Browser (2022 Latest) Download for PC Windows 10/8/7/XP

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  2. Comment télécharger et installer Safari sur Windows 10

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  1. Safari

    Safari. Blazing fast. Incredibly private. Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and optimizes battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it's the world's fastest browser. 1.

  2. Safari

    Safari est le plus rapide des navigateurs, avec de nombreuses extensions tierces, une forte protection de la vie privée et une autonomie inégalée. Apple; ... Safari est le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1. Conçu spécialement pour être utilisé sur les appareils Apple, il optimise la consom­­mation d'énergie et vous offre une ...

  3. Télécharger Safari pour Windows, Mac

    Vous pouvez télécharger Safari gratuitement et l'utiliser sans limite, il n'y a pas besoin d'un abonnement pour profiter de ce navigateur web depuis l'appareil de votre choix.

  4. Safari

    Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and industry-leading battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it's the world's fastest browser. 1. Learn how to make Safari your default browser.

  5. Safari Browser for macOS Download Free

    Download Safari Browser for Mac - Experience the web, Apple style, with Safari: the fastest, easiest-to-use web browser in the world.

  6. Update to the latest version of Safari

    The most up-to-date version of Safari is included with the latest version of the operating system for your Apple device. To update Safari on Mac, update macOS. To update Safari on iPhone or iPad, update iOS or iPadOS. To update Safari on Apple Vision Pro, update visionOS .

  7. ‎Safari on the App Store

    Download Safari and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ‎Explore the web with lightning-fast speed, powerful privacy protections and robust customization options. With Safari you can browse sites, translate web pages, and access your tabs across iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

  8. ‎Safari dans l'App Store

    Avec Safari, vous pouvez parcourir des sites, traduire des pages web et accéder à vos onglets sur tous vos appareils iOS, iPadOS et macOS. Fonctionnalités. • Les mots de passe, les signets, l'historique, les onglets et plus encore se synchronisent facilement sur les iPhone, iPad et Mac.

  9. Safari for Windows 10: How To Get and Install It

    5. Specify if you want to add Safari as a desktop shortcut or not. Also, decide if you prefer it as the default browser on your computer (we recommend you don't select this option). Select Next to continue. 6. Pick an install directory (or leave the default folder path) and select Install. 7.

  10. How To Install Safari Browser On Windows 10/11

    Installing Safari on Windows 11/10 or earlier versions of the Windows operating system is as easy as installing any other web browser. Here is how to do just that. Step 1: Click here to download Safari 5.1.7 setup file from Apple. The setup supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 11/10/8/7 systems. Step 2: Run the installer and then follow the ...

  11. Where to Find Downloaded Files in Safari on a Mac and How to ...

    To perform these actions, open the Downloads menu in Safari itself. Here's what you can do: Here's what you can do: Pause Downloads: If you're currently downloading, click the stop button beside the file name to pause the download, then click the resume button to resume it again.

  12. Télécharger Safari (gratuit) Windows, Mac

    Télécharger pour Windows. avec Safari 5, Apple prouve sa ténacité avec un navigateur qui entend bien se faire sa place parmi les ténors du marché que sont , Firefox et Opera. Intégré ...

  13. Safari

    Comment définir Safari comme navigateur par défaut. Performance Ménage la batterie. Et votre patience. Avec son moteur JavaScript vif comme l'éclair, Safari est le navigateur le plus rapide au monde 1. Comme il est développé exprès pour les appareils Apple, il sait tirer le maximum de la batterie et offre une autonomie longue durée.

  14. How to Download and Install Safari on Windows 11

    1. Download Safari. Open the Safari download page. Click the Download button to download Safari for Windows 11. If your browser isn't configured to automatically download to the user Downloads folder, you'll need to select a directory to save the file in. Then press the Save button.

  15. How to Download & Install Safari Browser on Windows

    First of all, click on this link to download Safari Browser on your computer. 2. Once downloaded, double-click on the installer file to install the browser. 3. On the main page, click on the Next button and follow the on-screen instructions. 4. Wait until the web browser installs on your system. 5. Once installed, open the Safari web browser ...

  16. Arc from The Browser Company

    Join Windows Waitlist Download Arc. More Details. A browser that doesn't just meet your needs — it anticipates them. Clean and calm, Arc shapes itself to how you use the internet. Space for the different sides of you. Effortlessly organize everything you do online — work, study, hobbies — all in one window with Spaces and Profiles.

  17. Télécharger Safari gratuit pour PC

    Safari, le navigateur Web d'Apple, est à la fois moderne, puissant, rapide, simple d'emploi et riche en fonctions. Et s'il est installé en standard sur Mac, iPhone et iPad, il est également ...

  18. Safari Browser for Windows 10/11: How to Download and Install

    The installation process includes accepting the license agreement, choosing installation options, selecting the installation folder, and initiating the install. The browser can be set to open immediately after installation. Download the Safari 5.1.7 setup file. The setup supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 11/10/8/7 systems.

  19. Can You Install the Safari Browser on Android?

    There's no official Safari app for Android, but there are copycats. By. Jerri Ledford. Updated on February 15, 2021. Reviewed by. Jerrick Leger. There is no official Safari for Android app, but there are lots of knockoffs in the wild, many of which are scamware. We don't recommend downloading any app that's masquerading as Safari for Android ...

  20. Here is how you can install Safari on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (if you

    Download and install Safari 5.1.7 for Windows from a third-party website. This is the easiest and most straightforward way to get Safari for Windows, but it is also the most risky and unreliable. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows is an outdated and unsupported browser that may have security flaws, compatibility issues, and performance problems.

  21. Google Chrome

    Chrome is Google's fast, secure, and customizable web browser. Download it and enjoy features like dark mode, password check, and sync.