The Real Truth About Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes' Break-Up

Tom Cruise smiling

There's no end to news about Tom Cruise. Some of it's great, like the fact that "Top Gun: Maverick" was his first movie to gross over $100 million on its opening weekend . Nicely done. And some of the news is a little more exciting and sometimes bizarre. Some of the more disturbing things about Cruise's life have to do with his involvement in the Church of Scientology. He's also not a bit shy to take on studio executives if he feels he has a better way of doing things. For example, when Paramount proposed a release plan for "Maverick" that would bring it to a streaming platform after only 45 days in theaters, Cruise allegedly showed up with a lawyer and insisted on a three-month theater showing.

On a more badass level, Cruise can freak out his family and friends with his insistence on doing his own stunts , some of which are outright dangerous. In 2021, when Cruise was filming "Mission: Impossible 8," fans got footage of him strapped to a 1941 Boeing B75N1 Stearman biplane, The Sun reports, and the plane flipped and nosedived while Cruise was on the wing. Clearly, there are no stuntmen required for these projects!

But perhaps most exciting of all is Cruise's relationship history and, as far as we know, no stuntmen were hired for these gigs either. He's certainly made an impression because all of his exes had things to say about time spent dating him. But of all of these exes, Katie Holmes might have the most to say.

The strange selection process for Tom Cruise's girlfriends

Tom Cruise laughing

Before Katie Holmes came onto the scene, Tom Cruise had an unusual way of finding love. As Maureen Orth reported for Vanity Fair in 2012, the Church of Scientology had a way of vetting women to fill the role of Cruise's girlfriend. Apparently, Cruise's adherence to the church was a source of tension in two of his previous relationships with Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman. "There were allegations and counter-allegations about fidelity, but the central problem was Nicole did not want to deal with Scientology," a source told Vanity Fair.

Allegedly, A-listers like Sofia Vergara had been scouted but turned down the offer. Brendan Tighe, a former Scientologist, said on " Megyn Kelly Today " that Scarlet Johansson had apparently tried out for the role, a comment that garnered a response from the actor herself.

"The very idea of any person auditioning to be in a relationship is so demeaning," Johansson said in a statement, per a later publication by Vanity Fair . "I refuse for anyone to spread the idea that I lack the integrity to choose my own relationships. Only a man, a.k.a. Brendan Tighe, would come up with a crazy story like that." Orth reported on the experience of actor and activist Nazanin Boniadi as she was scouted and molded by Scientology, which included the encumbrances of being constantly accompanied by handlers. Boniadi was also never allowed to criticize the church. It didn't last, but it sure gave a heads up for what Katie Holmes was in for.

How an article for Seventeen changed everything

Katie Holmes smiling

Of all things, it was an interview that set things in motion between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. In 2004, Holmes was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, after playing Joey Potter on "Dawson's Creek" and engaged to actor Chris Klein, per HuffPost . She was interviewed by Deb Baer for "Seventeen" magazine and was, naturally, being asked about upcoming wedding plans. Holmes quite innocently said, "I think every little girl dreams about (her wedding). I used to think I was going to marry Tom Cruise," (via The Hollywood Reporter ).

The behind-the-scenes workings of the Church of Scientology are unknown, but sure enough, six months after the article hit the press, Holmes and Klein broke off their engagement. Shortly after, Homes was introduced to Cruise on the pretext that there might be a part for her in "Mission: Impossible 3." However it happened, Holmes' admission of her childhood crush on that fateful day set the wheels in motion.

Baer later lamented her interview with Holmes in an op-ed for HuffPost, where she admitted that Holmes struck her as overly trusting and far too idealistic to see a relationship with Cruise for what it really was. "She was ridiculously easy prey," Baer wrote, noting that Holmes was young enough that she was still easily "starstruck" and lonely. "Once Katie was firmly in Tom's clutches, sometimes I'd lay awake at night, tossing and turning realizing that the quote I'd gotten from her at the first interview probably ruined the poor girl's life," Baer ominously wrote.

The couch-jumping episode

Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise at an event, smiling

It's not every relationship that gets a defining moment that involves Oprah Winfrey. Maybe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are one of the few other couples who can compete with such an illustrious milestone. For Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, it came via the infamous couch episode. It was in 2005 and Cruise was wild in the interview, throwing around power poses, fit pumps, and athletic arm swings. "Something happened to you, something happened to you," Winfrey repeated. "I'm in love," Cruise told the audience with a radiant smile, followed by the actor taking a knee and giving another low fist pump.

"We've never seen you behave this way before," Winfrey said. It was after this comment that Cruise jumped on the couch. Hey, we've always known he's done his own stunts. It was as erratic and enthusiastic as anyone could imagine but Winfrey, being the pro she is, took it in stride. Cruise then ran backstage to get Holmes, who was 26 at the time, and brought her out in front of the audience. She continued to hug Cruise and looked charmingly shy.

Cruise was supposed to be promoting his 2005 film "War of the Worlds," directed by Stephen Spielberg and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Needless to say, the production company wasn't overly pleased,  The New York Times noted, when any talk of the upcoming film was completely derailed by Cruise's antics. No one remembered a movie after that.

Suri Cruise was born in silence

Tom Cruise holding Suri, taking her out of car

Tom Cruise didn't get down on one knee when he proposed to Katie Holmes in Paris in June 2005. The two dined at one of the restaurants in the Eiffel Tower, The Hollywood Reporter notes, and it was here that Cruise asked her. While Holmes didn't get a traditional, kneeling proposal, she did get a five-carat yellow diamond ring by famed jeweler Fred Leighton.

In October 2005, the couple broke the news that they were expecting a baby. In an interview with Barbara Walters for her special "The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2005," he admitted that he made a big, baby-related purchase. "I bought a sonogram machine," Cruise said, (via People). "I am gonna donate it to a hospital when we are done," he added, admitting that he was going to perform the sonograms himself. The news was worrying to many doctors, a later article by NBC News noted, stating that such procedures should be performed by a trained professional.

Thankfully, everything went off without a hitch and daughter Suri was born on April 18, 2006 in Santa Monica, California. But there was one unusual detail. Holmes had to deliver Suri in silence. The unusual requirement hailed from Cruise's belief in Scientology, where founder L. Ron Hubbard stated that words and sounds created by pain were harmful to both the mother and the baby, Today notes. We wonder what Holmes thought of this belief.

Katie's parents were upset about the relationship

Katie Holmes and her parents at an event, smiling

While Tom Cruise was jumping on Oprah Winfrey's couch, Katie Holmes' parents were allegedly a lot more skeptical about the budding relationship. When it came to Holmes and Cruise's 2006 wedding at the Odescalchi Castle in Italy, the Mirror notes, it was rumored that her parents were going to skip the wedding because they were so disappointed in the pending nuptials. They may have been worried about Cruise himself but they were also upset about Holmes' religious shift. She had been Catholic but dipped into the waters of Scientology, since it was a must in becoming Cruise's leading lady. As Catholics, they felt they could not attend a Scientology wedding.

Her father, lawyer Marty Holmes, wasn't one to have his leadership contested. "Marty is very rigid — it's his way or the highway," an insider told People . However, whatever differences her parents felt, they put it aside, at least for her rehearsal dinner. "It didn't take much time before I realized this Tom guy was a special guy — that he loved Katie, that he cared for her and supported her," Holmes' father said in a speech, per People. "Tom expressed his love many different ways — I like that. I respect men who are not afraid to show their feelings. I respect Tom for the commitment he has made to provide happiness and love to Katie." While they might not have loved her choice in partner, they at least stood by their daughter for part of the ostentatious events.

Why there were red flags at their wedding

Tom Cruise looking at Katie Holmes

Despite the fact that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had a $3.5 million dollar wedding at the Odescalchi Castle in Lazio, Italy, there were some unusual moments about their big day. With all of the guests assembled and Cruise waiting at the front, Holmes kept everyone waiting for an uncomfortably long time. Leah Rimini, a Scientologist at the time, later wrote in her book "Troublemaker," that Cruise stood there smiling "for the next twenty minutes (but what seemed like an eternity)." Rimini also wrote that Holmes and Cruise asked her to invite Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony to the wedding, since Rimini was friends with them, per Vulture .

The wedding was, unsurprisingly, a ceremony of Scientology and, as the Mirror reports, some of the vows were a little unusual. "Girls need clothes and food, tender happiness and frills, a pan, a comb, a cat," Cruise allegedly said to Holmes as part of his vows in a way of promising to provide for her during their marriage.

Besides some of the more unusual moments, the wedding was also lavish and magical. Giorgio Armani designed both of Holmes' dresses for the day, as well as Suri's dress, per People . When asked who was responsible for the whimsy of the evening, a guest said, "It was all Katie. It was the wedding every little girl dreams of." It definitely sounds like it was unreal. "It was so beyond what your mind could compute," Remini said.

People noticed that Katie started acting robotic

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, posing togethe

While Katie Holmes looked blissed out at her wedding, people started to notice a change in her during her marriage to Tom Cruise. No doubt, the stringent requirements of a life in Scientology meant that Holmes was constantly monitored. As Maureen Orth reported for Vanity Fair , Cruise and Holmes were always surrounded by handlers, even in their own home. On top of that, Holmes had to re-start her own life so it would fit in Cruise's world. "Holmes disappeared for a couple weeks after she and Cruise met, and she distanced herself from old friends," Orth wrote. Orth also noted that in 2010, she sat with Holmes and Cruise at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, where the couple was bombarded by fans throughout the entire meal. "My goodness," Orth addressed Holmes, "if this is what you go through here, what must it be like when you go outside?" Holmes replied, "Oh, we don't go outside very much."

Deb Baer, who interviewed Holmes for that famous "Seventeen" article that started it all later wrote of what she observed in Holmes throughout her marriage to Cruise. "I'd see her on Letterman or Leno, robotically calling Tom amazing for the 400th time and think, that is NOT the down-to-earth girl I met," Baer wrote for the HuffPost .

Jenna Miscavige Hill, daughter to Scientology powerhouse David Miscavige, later wrote in support of Holmes by sharing her own experience, per The Hollywood Reporter . "My experience in growing up in Scientology is that it is both mentally and at times physically abusive," she wrote.

If you or someone you know is dealing with spiritual abuse , you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website .

Tom Cruise didn't see their divorce coming

Tom Cruise looking away

On June 29, 2012, Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise after five years of marriage, a move that allegedly blindsided Cruise, according to The Hollywood Reporter . "I didn't expect it," Cruise admitted to the German network ProSieben (via CBS News ). "Life is a tragicomedy. You need to have a sense of humor," he added. News of the divorce landed right before Cruise's 50th birthday. "To be 50 and to have experiences and to think, you have a grip on everything, and then it hits you: This is it, what life can do to you," Cruise added.

Despite Cruise's brave attitude, TMZ reported that both Cruise and Holmes were seen wearing their wedding rings after the divorce filing. Allegedly, Cruise's two children, whom he adopted with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, Connor Cruise and Isabella Cruise, stayed close by his side during the experience. "Kate has filed for divorce and Tom is deeply saddened and is concentrating on his three children. Please allow them their privacy to work this out," a rep for Cruise stated.

Meanwhile, Holmes' attorney, Jonathan Wolfe, released a statement as well, according to People . "This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family," Wolfe said. "Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter's best interest." Despite the big changes to come to both of their lives, reports aired that Holmes was photographed in New York looking happy and relieved.

Why Scientology factored into their split

Katie Holmes carrying Suri outside

After the news broke about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's divorce, Cruise admitted that a major reason for their divorce was Scientology. Radar  got access to Cruise's deposition, which was eye opening when it came to the actor's religion and the impact it had. Lawyers asked Cruise if Holmes left in order to protect their daughter, Suri, from Scientology. "Listen, I find that question offensive," Cruise heatedly responded. "I find it, those statements offensive. Like with any relationship, there are many different levels to it. You know, I, I find it very offensive. There is no need to protect my daughter from my religion."

Cruise relinquished a little during the deposition. A lawyer asked him, "And Ms. Holmes has never indicated in any way that was one of the reasons she left you? ...To protect Suri from Scientology?" Cruise replied, "Did she say that? That was one of the assertions, yes." When asked if Suri was currently practicing Scientology, Cruise said that she wasn't.

Jenna Miscavige Hill, a former Scientologist, told The Hollywood Reporter that she understood Holmes' decision to protect Suri. "As a mother myself, I offer my support to Katie and wish for her all the strength she will need to do what is best for her and her daughter," Miscavige Hill said in a statement. Holmes asked for sole custody of their daughter, so clearly she wanted to make sure that she was in charge of parenting.

Finances after their divorce

Katie Holmes and Suri smiling together

It was very advantageous for Katie Holmes that her father, Marty Holmes, was a lawyer and one who really went to bat for his daughter when she divorced Tom Cruise. Marty, of course, wasn't the only lawyer on Holmes' side, but he was a key one. In fact, he had brought his legal talent to his daughter's aid even before her wedding. He had negotiated her prenup with Cruise, a document that "reportedly filled five bankers' boxes," Vanity Fair notes. It was shrewd planning on his part. "Because of it, when Katie Holmes made her bombshell announcement late last June that she was divorcing Tom Cruise, the case was able to be resolved in a mere 11 days," the outlet noted.

Interestingly though, Holmes didn't make out with as much money as one might have expected, considering Cruise's net worth of $600 million, per Celebrity Net Worth . Cruise only gave Homes $400,000 a year for child support, which will end when Suri turns 18, according to TMZ , totaling $4.8 million. Cruise was also made responsible for any other expenses, including medical costs, related to Suri.

There was considerable speculation as to why Holmes settled for so little. As CafeMom hypothesized, Holmes was able to maintain more autonomy in how she chose to raise Suri, including schools, because it would give Cruise less control over. Had Holmes gotten more money from Cruise, he would have had more say, which might have included an education in Scientology for Suri.

How Katie started to thrive after her divorce

Katie Holmes smiling

There was something remarkable about watching Katie Holmes after her divorce from Tom Cruise. She moved to New York City with her daughter, Suri, and friends told InStyle that Holmes was a resurrected woman, up for all that the city had to offer and eager for new adventures. "I feel like I can be more creative and have more time, have my voice," Holmes told InStyle. "It's sort of, like, just put your stuff out there and be yourself. It takes a while to be comfortable, though." Holmes admitted that she's never felt so creative and so peaceful at the same time. "You can get consumed by what people think, but suddenly you just decide to do things on your own terms," Holmes added. "I feel like I'm finally figuring that out. I'm getting the projects I want made and just relaxing a little."

Holmes found love again too with actor Jamie Foxx. The only problem was that Holmes had, as Radar  reported, signed an agreement in her divorce settlement that she wouldn't date anyone publicly for five years after her split from Cruise. On top of that, Holmes was forbidden to introduce any new love interests to Suri. Foxx and Holmes began dating in 2013 but ended up splitting after six years, People notes. However, the relationship was an emotional breakthrough for Holmes. "I don't have any fear now, I don't have a lot of rules for myself, and I don't take myself that seriously," she told People in 2014.

Tom Cruise's relationship with his children today

Connor and Tom Cruise at a sports event, seated

Tom Cruise shares two children with ex Nicole Kidman. The couple adopted Connor and Isabella Cruise, whom he remains connected to still. Isabella, who goes by Bella, is an artist and social media shy, though she does have an Instagram account where she showcases her art. Bella is still a member of Scientology and married Max Parker in London, according to the Daily Mail . Neither Cruise nor Kidman attended her wedding, which naturally led to speculation that her relationship had frayed with her parents. But she later cleared the air. "Of course [we talk], they're my parents," Bella told the Daily Mail. "Anyone who says otherwise is full of s**t."

Conner, who was born in 1995, has a few film credits under his belt and works as a DJ but, like his sister, he's media shy and rarely posts photos with his parents. However, in 2019, Conner and Cruise were photographed together in London, according to People , where they bonded over a private helicopter. Cruise learned how to fly choppers for "Mission: Impossible" because... of course he did.

As far as Cruise's relationship goes with daughter Suri, whom he shares with Katie Holmes, there's less evidence of a bond. In fact, as Hollywood Life notes, Cruise and Suri haven't been photographed together since 2012. "As challenging as things have become for him and his daughter, he still loves her," a source told the outlet in 2019 and added that Cruise hopes to rekindle the relationship.

Who else they've dated since their divorce

Katie Holmes and Bobby Wooten III smiling together

Tom Cruise started dating British actor Hayley Atwell in 2020 when they met on the set of "Mission: Impossible 7," where they filmed together in London and Rome. An insider on production told The Sun that they were a great pair. "Tom and Hayley hit it off from day one," the source said. "They've been meeting up after hours, and she's been to his London pad. They get on brilliantly, and both seem very happy." Atwell was even at the premiere for Cruise's next film, "Top Gun: Maverick."

However, things got rocky between the two and they split once, reconciled, got back together, and split again. In June 2022, they had called it quits, a later publication by The Sun reports. There was no evidence that Scientology was a factor in their breakup.

Meanwhile, Katie Holmes found love after Jamie Foxx with chef Emilio Vitolo but after eight months, they split in May 2021, per Us Weekly . Holmes then began dating musician Bobby Wooten III, who is ten years her junior, Page Six notes. They seem to have quite the New York romance and have been photographed smooching in Central Park and walked the red carpet at the Tribeca Film Festival in June 2022 for Holme's film "Alone Together." Their relationship continues to be a delightful hit and Holmes looks happy. She's come a long way since that Seventeen article.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's Relationship Timeline: A Look Back

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were married for nearly six years before they called it quits.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Krista Carter is a writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience working in beauty and fashion.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Has anyone ever been more in love than couch-jumping Tom Cruise and  Katie Holmes ? We'll wait. Beginning in 2005, the actress and  fashion icon  (not just anyone can  pull off socks over sweatpants , alright?) engaged in a whirlwind romance with PDA-filled red carpet appearances that solidified their public image as TomKat. Within a year of meeting, they were engaged and welcomed a child together. A few months later, they tied the knot (Holmes's first marriage and Cruise's third). While many believed that the union wouldn't last — and it ultimately didn't — the pair still went on to share nearly six years together as husband and wife.

Since their 2012 divorce, we're remembering the Hollywood couple that once gave every teenager a glimmer of hope that it was possible — although highly unlikely — that maybe, just maybe, the dream of marrying their celebrity crush could become a reality.

Here's a look back at Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's relationship.

April 2005: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes first meet and are spotted together

As the story goes, after Cruise divorced  Nicole Kidman  and subsequently  split from then-girlfriend Penelope Cruz , the  Mission: Impossible  actor's beloved Church of Scientology set out to find him a worthy (and malleable) wife. After reportedly courting (and ultimately scaring off) famous women like  Sofía Vergara  and  Scarlett Johansson , the task proved more difficult than expected.

Eventually, church officials' prayers were answered through a  Seventeen  article,  per HuffPost . In October 2004, Holmes (then  engaged to Chris Klein ) told the teen magazine, "I used to think that I was going to marry Tom Cruise." 

Six months later, Klein and Holmes announced their breakup, and on April 27, 2005, Cruise and Holmes were first spotted together in Rome. TomKat made their red carpet debut as a couple two days later on April 29 at the David di Donatello Awards. Coincidence? We may never truly know.

"When I met Tom, I was completely in love, and, yes, I admired him growing up — he's Tom Cruise!" she reportedly told  T: The New York Times Style Magazine  ( via  People ).

May 23, 2005: Tom Cruise declares his love for Katie Holmes on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Cruise jolted daytime television when he appeared on  The Oprah Winfrey Show  and ecstatically jumped on her couch while professing love for his new girlfriend (who he subsequently brought out from backstage). The appearance went viral, with many questioning Cruise's sanity, as well as the relationship's authenticity.

June 16, 2005: Tom Cruise announces engagement to Katie Holmes

Gregg DeGuire / WireImage / Getty Images

Shortly after going public with their relationship, Cruise announced at a press conference for  War of the Worlds  that he and Holmes were engaged. According to  The Hollywood Reporter , Cruise, then 43, proposed to Holmes, then 26, with a five-carat yellow diamond ring at a restaurant atop the Eiffel Tower.

"Today is a magnificent day for me; I'm engaged to a magnificent woman," he said, per  People . 

April 18, 2006: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes welcome their first child together

Holmes gave birth to a baby girl, Suri, in Santa Monica, California, in April 2006. Their newborn daughter made her public debut on the October 2006 cover of  Vanity Fair. 

The  Dawson's Creek  alum  told the magazine , " The moment the doctor handed me Suri, I was just ready. The feeling is indescribable. All I can say is the moment I looked in her eyes, I felt like ... Mom." 

Since then, the celeb offspring and fashionista has inspired one of our favorite pop culture artifacts of all time:  Suri's Burn Book . 

November 18, 2006: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes get married

Robert Evans / Handout via Getty Images

In November 2006, the  Batman Begins  actress's schoolgirl fantasy of marrying Cruise came true. Their wedding was marked by an extravagant ceremony and reception at an Italian castle that cost more than $3 million, according to E! Online .

The star-studded guest list included couples  Jennifer Lopez  and Marc Anthony, John Travolta and the late Kelly Preston, and  David Beckham  and  Victoria Beckham , among others. As for the bridal party, Holmes had her sister Nancy Blaylock as maid of honor, while Cruise chose Scientology leader David Miscavige as his best man.

June 2012: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce

John Shearer / WireImage / Getty Images

Interestingly, after Cruise gave a  Playboy  interview in which he praised Holmes, she filed for divorce. Although the  Top Gun  star admitted that he "didn't expect" the divorce —  per CBS News  — the legal proceedings ran smoothly, and a settlement was reached in just 11 days.

Cruise and Holmes have rarely spoken on the record in regard to their split, but it's rumored that Holmes's motivation was to free her daughter from the unique constraints of Scientology. During his deposition against Bauer Media Cruise (whose tabloids claimed he'd abandoned Suri), Cruise was asked if Holmes left him "in part to protect Suri from Scientology." 

Insulted, he said, "There is no need to protect my daughter from my religion." 

However,  according to ABC News , when prodded again, specifically as to whether Holmes had mentioned that she was leaving in an effort to protect Suri from Scientology, Cruise responded, "Did she say that? That was one of the assertions, yes."

Holmes was granted primary custody of Suri in their divorce. Though Cruise was afforded ample visitation, it was widely reported that he rarely saw his daughter. In 2016,  InTouch Weekly  asserted  that the actor hadn't seen or spoken to his youngest child in over 1,000 days (or two-and-a-half years).

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Katie Holmes Reveals New Details About Her Divorce From Tom Cruise

Profile picture of Elyssa Kostopoulos

One of Hollywood’s most-followed couples, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s divorce was far from private. Since the famous couple split in 2012 after six years of marriage, Holmes chose to take a step out of the spotlight, moving from Los Angeles to New York to raise her daughter, Suri.

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In a shift from her usual, under-the-radar behaviour, Holmes has candidly opened up about her fame and the stress of her divorce from Cruise in a brand-new interview. In the April issue of InStyle US , the 41-year-old actress made rare comments about her divorce from her ex-husband, revealing, “That time was intense. It was a lot of attention, and I had a little child on top of it.”

“We had some funny moments out and about in public. So many people I didn’t know became my friends and helped us out, and that’s what I love about the city.”

The Dawson’s Creek veteran then continued, recalling a story about a cab driver who helped her during a particularly difficult evening soon after the couple split.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

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“There was one incredible moment when I think I actually cried. Suri was 6 or 7, and she was spending the night at a friend’s house while I was seeing the ballet at Lincoln Center. At 10 o’clock I got a call: ‘Mommy, can you come get me?’” began Holmes.

“I got a cab and went down to Battery Park to pick her up. She was exhausted. She fell asleep on the way home, and when we pulled up to our building, the cab driver opened the door and helped me not wake her. He helped carry her to the building. He was so kind.”


Katie’s bond with her daughter Suri, now 14-years-old, is clearly unbreakable. The actress certainly didn’t hold back when discussing her love for her daughter, sharing;

“I love her so much. My biggest goal has always been to nurture her into her individuality,” she said.

“To make sure she is 100 percent herself and strong, confident, and able. And to know it. She came out very strong — she’s always been a strong personality. She’ll pick an activity and work her butt off until she’s really good at it. Then she’s like, ‘OK, I’m going to try the next thing.’

“She’s pretty special.”

Elyssa Kostopoulos is a freelance writer.

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Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were together for almost a decade — here's a timeline of their relationship

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were once one of Hollywood's most iconic couples. The pair's relationship was a bit of whirlwind, from a quick engagement to a seemingly shocking divorce. 

Here's a timeline of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's relationship. 

2001: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman got divorced.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

After almost a decade, the couple divorced . The pair had previously adopted two children, Connor and Isabella, who later joined the church of Scientology . 

Read More: Nicole Kidman opens up about loving her adopted children with ex-husband Tom Cruise despite them not talking to her

July 2004: Katie Holmes told a Seventeen reporter about her crush on Tom Cruise.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

"I used to think that I was going to marry Tom Cruise," Holmes told a reporter for Seventeen magazine, who later wrote about the interview  and its possible significance in a Huffington Post op-ed. 

During this time, Katie Holmes was engaged to actor Chris Klein. 

March 2005: Holmes and Klein split.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

According to People, Holmes and her then-fiancé Chris Klein ended their five-year relationship in 2005. 

April 2005: Holmes and Cruise stepped out as a couple for the first time.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

A month after Holmes and Klein split, Holmes and Cruise make their first public appearance as a couple.

The two were photographed together in Rome where Cruise was receiving a David di Donatello Award for lifetime achievement. A source told People the pair had "been dating a couple of weeks." 

May 23, 2005: Cruise declared his love for Holmes during an appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

About a month after the two started dating, Cruise filmed one of his most well-known interviews ever. While on "Oprah,"  he jumped on the set's couch  to gush about Holmes.

Cruise said, "I'm in love. I'm in love and it's one of those things where you want to be cool, like, ‘Yeah I like her' … that's not how I feel." He added, "I wanted to meet this person and I met her and she's extraordinary."

June 13, 2005: Holmes said she's converting to Scientology.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

At the "Batman Begins" premiere, Holmes told reporters that she was going to convert to Scientology .

In a separate interview with "W," she spoke a bit  about the process , saying, "You know, it's really exciting. I just started auditing and I'm taking some courses and I really like it. I feel like it's really helping."

June 16, 2005: Holmes and Cruise announced their engagement.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

A few months after they began dating, the two got engaged . Cruise said he proposed with a teardrop-shaped ring at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. He announced their engagement the next day at a press conference for "War of the Worlds."

At the conference, a fairly quiet Holmes said the two planned to have children. 

October 6, 2005: The couple announced they were expecting.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

A spokesperson for Cruise told People that Holmes was pregnant with the couple's first child together and the couple was "very excited."

April 18, 2006: Holmes gave birth to a baby girl.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Cruise's spokesperson announced that Holmes had given birth to a baby girl named Suri who was seven pounds and 20 inches long.

October 2006: Suri made her public debut.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Cruise and Holmes showed Suri off to the world on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. The couple also shared details about their daughter's name. 

"We had the name before we found out [the gender of the baby] because we both thought the baby would be a girl," Cruise told Vanity Fair. He  said their daughter's name meant "red rose."

November 18, 2006: The couple got married in Italy.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Holmes and Cruise sealed the deal with a very lavish wedding in the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, Italy. Holmes wore a Giorgio Armani gown and the two had a "double ring" Scientology wedding , as per People's report. 

January 2008: Cruise's Scientology indoctrination video went viral.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

According to Gawker, a  Scientology indoctrination video featuring Cruise had leaked and spread across media outlets. The outlet described the video as "scary." 

He said, among other things, "When you're a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one who can really help … We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures."

May 2010: Holmes put on a show for Cruise at a Hollywood benefit.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

During the benefit, Holmes performed a seductive dance to the song "Whatever Lola Wants" from the musical "Damn Yankees." She danced around her husband while he did some of his own moves.

September 2010: Holmes gushed about Cruise in an interview and talked about future children.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

In an interview with Marie Claire, Holmes described being married to Cruise as "really fun," saying, "It's an amazing life, but we always remind ourselves of how incredibly lucky we are."

When asked about the possibility of having more kids, she said "maybe in a couple of years," adding that she really just wanted to focus on Suri at the moment.

May 2012: Cruise raved about Holmes in an interview with Playboy.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

In a "Playboy" interview, Cruise called Holmes "an extraordinary person," saying "if you spent five minutes with her, you'd see it." He added, "I'm just happy, and I have been since the moment I met her. What we have is very special."

June 2012: Cruise promoted "Rock of Ages" without Holmes by his side.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Many noticed when Holmes didn't appear next to her husband on the red carpet while he promoted his new film.

June 29, 2012: Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

In June, Holmes' team made a statement to People about how she was divorcing Cruise , who said he wasn't expecting it at all.

Holmes' attorney said, "This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family. Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter's best interest."

Cruise's rep said, "Kate has filed for divorce and Tom is deeply saddened and is concentrating on his three children. Please allow them their privacy."

Holmes reportedly made calls about the divorce on a disposable cellphone and hired three law firms in three states, according to the Los Angeles Times. 

July 11, 2012: Lawyers for Cruise and Holmes announced they had reached a settlement on custody of Suri.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

According to People, lawyers reached a very quick settlement only 11 days after the divorce was filed.  Holmes received primary custody of 6-year-old Suri and Cruise was granted visitation rights.

April 2013: Cruise admitted he had never expected the divorce.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

During an interview with German TV network ProSieben, Cruise said he didn't expect Holmes to divorce him .

He described that time of his life as a "tragicomedy," and said, "To be 50 and to have experiences and to think you have a grip on everything ... and then it hits you: This is it, what life can do to you."

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  • Main content

Katie Holmes Talks Tom Cruise Split and Moving to New York with Suri

"That time was intense. It was a lot of attention..."

  • Following her divorce from Cruise, Holmes dated Jamie Foxx until 2019.
  • In a new interview, Holmes has opened up about life following her split from the Mission Impossible star.

Katie Holmes is currently enjoying a prolific period of work, with the release of movies Brahms: The Boy II and The Secret: Dare to Dream , and as she prepares to direct Rare Objects .

Amid her recent success, Holmes reflected on past challenges during a new interview with InStyle . In particular, the former Dawson's Creek star spoke about what it was like moving to New York with daughter Suri in 2012, right around the time she also filed for divorce from Tom Cruise. Holmes explained, "That time was intense. It was a lot of attention, and I had a little child on top of it. We had some funny moments out and about in public."

But as she's gotten older, the actress has come to terms with life in the public eye, and sounds more at peace with herself than ever.

She told InStyle , "Obviously, as a public person, I've gotten a lot of attention at different periods in my life. And when you have a lot of attention, sometimes you don't want to leave the house because it's just too much."

She continued, "You can get consumed by what people think, but suddenly you just decide to do things on your own terms. I feel like I'm finally figuring that out. I'm getting the projects I want made and just relaxing a little. I've been around for a long time, and I'm still here! I can't believe it."

But we can believe it, and we can't wait to see what Katie does next.

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Amy Mackelden is a freelance writer, editor, and disability activist. Her bylines include Harper's BAZAAR, Nicki Swift, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, ELLE, The Independent, Bustle, Healthline, and HelloGiggles. She co-edited The Emma Press Anthology of Illness , and previously spent all of her money on Kylie Cosmetics.

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All three of Tom Cruise's marriages ended when wife was 33

Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes and Mimi Rogers were all 33 when their marriages to Cruise ended.

Soon after news broke about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' plans to divorce , fans noted a weird coincidence. All of Cruise's three marriages broke up when his wife at the time was 33, and ended when she was 34.

Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes and Mimi Rogers were all 33 when their marriages to Cruise ended.

Cruise's first wife was Mimi Rogers, who was 31 when she wed 24-year-old Cruise in May 1987 and 33 when they broke up in 1990.

Cruise then married Nicole Kidman, 23, in December of 1990, and then separated in 2001, when Kidman was 33.

Holmes, 28, and Cruise wed in 2006, seven months after daughter Suri was born. And when word came Friday that Holmes had filed for divorce, those with a sense of Cruise history noted that Holmes was also 33.

Divorces, in each case, came when the woman in question had turned 34 (or so we assume with Holmes, who will turn 34 in December).

The coincidence didn't go unnoticed on social media, where no weird fact is too small to escape notice.

"How weird is it that Tom Cruise's three failed marriages have all ended while the women were 34?" tweeted Karen D'Souza. Others tried to find a connection between the number 33 and Cruise's well-publicized Scientology faith.

And others had fun with a different numerical aspect of the Cruise-Holmes marriage. Wrote Adolf McGough, "Shoutout to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Your marriage lasted 28.47 Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries marriages."

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Tom Cruise’s Ex-Wives: Everything To Know About His 3 Marriages To Katie, Nicole, & Mimi

The 'Mission: Impossible' star has been married thrice throughout his career. Find out everything you need to know about his ex-wives.

tom cruise

  • Tom Cruise remains one of Hollywood’s biggest movie stars
  • The actor has been linked with several high-profile actresses throughout his career and married three of them
  • He shares three children with two of his ex-wives

Tom Cruise   has been a popular actor for decades. He’s appeared in classics like  Top Gun and  Jerry Maguire,  but he’s also been a part of the massively popular  Mission: Impossible  film franchise. While he got famous through his many movie appearances, Tom’s personal life has long been a public interest , from his relationships to his family. Throughout his life, the 59-year-old actor has been married to three different women and welcomed three children with two of them.  Find out more about who his exes are and what his relationships with them were like!

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Mimi Rogers

Tom’s first marriage was to  Mimi Rogers  in 1987. The actor had experienced early success in his career with  Risky Business  and  Top Gun , before he married the actress. Mimi, 66, has starred in a number of beloved movies like Lost In Space  or the first  Austin Powers  film. While the marriage was short-lived, Mimi did have a major impact on Tom, being the one who introduced him to Scientology, according to the book The Passion of Tom Cruise , via  Radar .  Her dad had been an original member of the church, via  The Hollywood Reporter .

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Tom had said that the pair met at a dinner party in a 1986 profile by  Rolling Stone . In another profile , he later gushed about Mimi. “I care about my wife more than anything in the world. She’s my best friend. I just really like being with her, you know? I love her,” he said.

Unfortunately, the couple later split and broke up in 1990. In the years since the divorce, Mimi has said that she regularly gets questioned about her marriage to the  Top Gun  star, but she doesn’t really comment much. ““Any time anything happens with him I get a call: ’What do you think of Katie? What do think about this?’ … ’Yeah, he’s having a kid. Of course I think it’s great. What do you want me to say?’ ’Do you think he’ll be a good father?’ ’How do I know any more than I would know what kind of parent you would be,” she explained to  Today  in 2006.

Meanwhile, Mimi keeps her fans up to date on her latest moves via Instagram . Her last post celebrated another season of working on the hit TV show Bosch Legacy.

Nicole Kidman

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

After the split from Mimi, Tom starred alongside his future wife  Nicole Kidman in  Days of Thunder,  and the pair got married in December 1990. The couple adopted two kids: a daughter Isabella,   29, and a son Connor,  27, in the 90s. During their 11-year marriage, Tom and Nicole also starred in the 1999 film  Eyes Wide Shut  together, which Nicole, 54, looked back on fondly in a 2020 New York Times   interview. “We were happily married through that. We would go go-kart racing after those scenes. We’d rent out a place and go racing at 3 in the morning,” she said.

After 11 years together, the couple broke up, and Tom filed for divorce in February 2001. In the years after the split, Nicole said the breakup was a “major shock” in a 2006 interview with  Ladies Home Journal,  per  Today .  “I knew I was going to get hit with something. But I think a divorce, and the demise of what your family is, is a little death in itself,” she said. Shortly after the split, there had been reports that Nicole had suffered a miscarriage at the end of their relationship, but she set the record straight in a 2007 interview with  Marie Claire . She said that it was “wrongly reported,” and clarified, “I had an ectopic pregnancy at the beginning of [my marriage].”

Nicole went on to marry country music singer Keith Urban in 2006. The gorgeous actress shares hilarious videos of their daily life together in Australia via her Instagram . Check out the cute couple hilariously chasing a native brush tail possum away from their deck here !

Katie Holmes

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Tom’s third and most recent marriage was to actress Katie Holmes .  The pair started dating in 2005, and they were quickly nicknamed “TomKat.” The actor famously declared his love for Katie in a viral interview with  Oprah Winfrey,  where he jumped on the couch on her talk show. A year after going public with their romance, Katie, 43, had their first daughter   Suri ,  16, together in April 2006. The couple got married that November. The wedding was an extravagant affair, with tons of high profile guests like  Jada Pinkett-Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Jim Carrey,  and many more, per  USA Today.   Tom’s best man was the head of the Church of Scientology  David Miscavige,  according to the   BBC .

After six years of marriage, the couple divorced in 2012. Katie announced that she was filing for divorce, and the split was quickly resolved due to a prenup arranged by the actress’s dad, according to  Vanity Fair . After the split, Katie moved to New York with Suri. Although she doesn’t often share snaps of her mini-me daughter to her Instagram , Katie does give fans a peek at her life in the Big Apple.

She reflected on the time after the divorce in an April 2020 interview with   InStyle . “That time was intense. It was a lot of attention, and I had a little child on top of it. We had some funny moments out and about in public. So many people I didn’t know became my friends and helped us out, and that’s what I love about the city,” she said.

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What Happened to Katie Holmes After Her Divorce From Tom Cruise?

What Happened to Katie Holmes After Her Divorce From Tom Cruise?

Katie holmes' life after her highly publicized divorce from tom cruise has been led in the shadows but the mother has been making a steady comeback..

The story of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise is a tale of romance, intrigue, rumor and scandal—in a league of its own, really—which is saying a lot when it comes to the lives of celebrities.  

Imagine being a regular young girl-next-door type (from Ohio no less) with a crush on Tom Cruise and having the posters on your wall to prove it.

You fantasize about one day marrying him, and then, boom, one day you become famous yourself and your Tom Cruise fantasy becomes a reality. Doesn’t sound all that plausible, but that was the reality that set the tone for Katie and Tom’s relationship. In 2005, they fell head-over-heels in love with each other and the rest, as they say, is history--especially now that their relationship actually is history.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

The curious inception of a Hollywood romance

Back in the early 2000s, Katie Holmes was known for her role in the iconic television series Dawson's Creek . She was in a relationship with actor Chris Klein, with whom she got engaged in 2003. A year later, she revealed her long-harbored crush on Tom Cruise in an interview for Seventeen magazine.

"I used to think that I was going to marry Tom Cruise," Katie revealed . Her Dawson's Creek co-star, Mary Beth Peil, even revealed the extent of Katie's crush in an interview with The Daily Beast .

"She knew everything about him. She said, ‘I have had a crush on him since I was 15, and his posters were on the walls of my bedroom.’ She could not stop talking about Tom Cruise. This was way before they got together, but she was certainly ready for him.”

It is no wonder that their relationship had a sort of mystical--dare we say Hollywoodian?--aura surrounding it. Not long after her 2004 interview, Katie broke off the engagement with Chris Klein. Only a month later, she and Tom Cruise made their debut as a couple on the red carpet.

It only took two months of dating before they got engaged to each other. The speed at which their relationship progressed raised many a question, not to mention Tom's infamous interview with Oprah where he jumped on her couch and screamed "I’m in love!" with the excitement of his newfound love for Katie Holmes.

They married in a Scientologist ceremony on November 18 2006. On June 29th 2012, 5 years and a half after the marriage, Holmes was filing for divorce, shocking the whole world.

Losing oneself…or switching priorities?

Over the first year of their relationship, during which Holmes got pregnant with their daughter Suri, unusual rumors were already flying. For one, talk of Cruise’s controlling behavior abounded.

For instance, he apparently insisted on always being there when she shot a film, and took issue with her shooting sexy or nude scenes. She happened to do very little acting work of note during their marriage, and rather inexplicably  walked away from her Batman sequel , due to "scheduling conflicts.”

Although she  admitted to being more interested in being a hands-on mom than anything else, she did make her Broadway debut during this time (fulfilling a lifelong dream), and she also launched a fashion line.  

When asked if she ever felt consumed by Cruise's shadow, Holmes told  Glamour , "From an early age I knew that I wanted to be in this business. So I did everything I could to get here, and when I met Tom, I knew in an instant that we were going to be together, that we were going to get married. He does have a very big life. And you know, we just do it. And, as a woman, you make that transition from being single to [being] a partner. I have a teammate, and it's like, we're going to make this work.”

Scientology: the forever elephant in the room

Rewinding back to 2005, Holmes told reporters at her "Batman Begins" premiere that she was  converting to Scientology , a questionable religious choice of Cruise’s since 1990.

As mentioned before, the pair did end up having a  Scientology wedding . Some of the most controversial tenets of Scientology —and there are many—include the idea that children are small adults who should not be comforted or nurtured, and that women in labour should have drug-free and 'silent' births. Critics and former members of the religion have described it as a cult. 

Futhermore, Vanity Fair 's revealing inquiry into the involvement of Scientology in Tom Cruise's romantic relationships suggest curious recurring patterns from girlfriend to girlfriend. Before Katie Holmes was Nazanin Boniadi, a fellow member of the Scientology Church who had had to audition to become Tom's next mate.

Much like Boniadi, Katie had "distanced herself from old friends," during her relationship with Cruise. She even admitted that [she and Tom] didn't go outside very much. There seemed to be a factor of isolation in her relationship with the famous actor.

After Star circulated rumors that Holmes had a drug problem in 2011, which, along with the Scientology factor, was preventing her from leaving Cruise, she decided to sue.

Though they’d likely missed the mark and had no right to violate Holmes’ private life, Holmes’ marriage was in fact beginning to break down. To date, Holmes still hasn't addressed what, exactly, led to the split—and neither has Cruise, though naturally there have been plenty of assumptions based on the facts.

The split and the rebirth

In 2012, Holmes finally  filed for divorce  after close to 6 years together, reportedly making calls about said divorce on a disposable cellphone, and  hiring three law firms in three states , all to avoid Cruise and his staff knowing about her plans. While the Church of Scientology insists on divorces being handled internally, Katie blindsided them by handling it all outside of their jurisdiction.

Following her divorce announcement, those close to Holmes shared that she believed Cruise might abduct Suri, and also feared intimidation by the Church of Scientology. While nothing has been confirmed, the rumors implied that Cruise "was planning to ship their daughter Suri off to Sea Org."

Ultimately, Holmes received primary custody of her then 6-year-old daughter Suri, and Cruise was granted visitation rights. Oddly, however, in her divorce agreement with Cruise she promised not to date anyone else publicly for 5 years, which may explain why she kept her relationship with actor Jamie Foxx quiet for so long.

Post divorce, Katie started over from a new home in New York with her daughter set her first priority, and began the beautifully rewarding experience of reinventing herself. Her life had become almost solely centered on being married to Tom Cruise, and she didn’t want to re-create such a reality ever again. 

Reinvention: the spice of life 

Not long after Holmes’ divorce, Judy Greer, one of her co-stars in the Theresa Rebeck broadway play Dead Accounts , witnessed Katie's new energy as a single mother.

"I’ve just been impressed by her work ethic, honestly, and her ability as a single mom, to juggle being an awesome mom," Greer testified . "She's like got a kid, she works out every day, she's cooking dinner at night for her daughter, she manages to go and get her a new dress if she has a special thing, going to her lessons after's pretty impressive. "

After Cruise, Katie made her return to the film world with a new roster of movies, including  The Giver ,  Woman in Gold  and  Miss Meadows . Most recently, she has returned in the movie Brahms: The Boy II . For Holmes the process has been both about reinvention as well as a return to where she left off before getting married.

In 2014 she  hit pause on her clothing line , stating, "I am now concentrating on acting and motherhood, which did not leave the label the time and attention it deserved.” Out with the old, out with that which no longer serves us all, am I right?

"I don't have any fear now, I don't have a lot of rules for myself, and I don't take myself that seriously," Holmes  told  People  in 2014.

I don't want [her marriage to Tom Cruise] to define me, to be who I am. I don't want that to be what I'm known as. I was an actor before, an actor during and an actor now. Katie Holmes to People

Paparazzi be damned, today Holmes goes out and does as she pleases, living life with her daughter like any other self-respecting New Yorker.

The strength of a mother

"I feel ready for new challenges,” Katie said. Evidently, after overcoming the whirlwind of a public relationship and divorce, and coming out relatively unscathed, who can doubt Katie's resilience?

While we may never truly know the reality of her relationship with Tom Cruise and the hardships she may have faced throughout it all, there is no denying that she has done everything to prioritize her daughter's wellbeing.

Years later, Katie has finally been able to return to her love of acting, showing us that it is never too late to reconnect with who we were before the hard times we went through.

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Mom Asks Woman To Give Up Her First-Class Seat For Her Child - People Are Applauding Her Response

Woman Refuses to Give Her First Class Seat to Mom and Child

Flying first-class is a luxury most of us will never get to experience. So when a woman's boyfriend surprised her with a ticket on a long-haul flight she was thrilled.

Legroom for days, next-level service, snuggling under a complimentary duvet with a down pillow on your LIE-FLAT seat, AND sipping champagne? Seriously, what's not to love?

Needless to say, it didn't disappoint. What did disappoint, however, was a mother and plane staff asking the woman to switch seats with a child in ECONOMY shortly before take-off. She politely declined. But now she's wondering, AITAH? The internet has thoughts.

Woman Takes To Reddit After Refusing to Give Up Seat to a Child

In a post on Reddit's popular AITAH (am I the a--hole) forum, the user, 21, shared that her boyfriend, 27, had been "doing well in his career" and surprised her with first-class tickets on two connecting 12-hour flights.

It was a dream come true for the woman who "grew up lower middle class" and "had never ever flown higher than the cheapest seats on a plane before."

However, her dream quickly turned into a nightmare when a flight attendant put her in the highly awkward position of requesting she switch to economy class so a mother and child could sit together.

"About 20 minutes before takeoff, a flight attendant approached me with a woman and a young kid (maybe around 6 years old)," the Redditor wrote.

"The woman explained that she had booked a first-class ticket for herself and her son, but due to a booking error, he ended up in economy. She asked if I would be willing to switch seats with her son so he could experience first class as well."

She "politely declined" the request explaining that it was a gift from her boyfriend and her first time in first class and she really wanted to experience it.

"The woman seemed pretty upset and tried to argue that her son would appreciate it more than me, and that it was unfair because I didn't even pay for the ticket myself," she wrote, adding, "The flight attendant seemed to be on the woman's side, subtly implying that I should consider being more understanding."

After an uncomfortable minute or so, the woman's boyfriend came to her defense, telling the flight attendant that "he had bought the tickets, that he was a platinum member of the airline, and that he tends to book all of his company's business trip flights with the airline, and if she booted me to the economy, he would take his business elsewhere."

Eventually, the mother and son "went back to business class." But it was too late, the magic was lost. The Redditor claimed that for the duration of the flight, she could "feel the flight attendant glaring at me every time she passed by."

Response To The Reddit Post

Despite her boyfriend's reassurance that she "did nothing wrong" and "it was disrespectful for her to even ask" for her seat in the first place, the woman still couldn't shake it off.

It didn't help that some of her friends questioned her choice "saying that it would have been the kind thing to do." Hence, going to the masses for popular opinion. The consensus was overwhelmingly in her favor.

" Nta. The mom can sit in the back and her kid can sit upfront. Problem solved. No one should ever ever be allowed to ask to switch seats."

"NTA?? I have no idea why they were so adamant about you moving, it was not YOUR fault that they had a BOOKING ERROR. Your boyfriend paid for that service for you to enjoy and you have every right to. That woman did not pay for your seat so if she has an issue, she needs to take it up to the airline instead of trying to guilt trip you into giving up your seat for a kid that is not your issue."

"NTA...I don't believe for one second there was a booking error. She was trying to scam a free 1st class flight. Also if it was so important for her kid to experience 1st class, she could switch seats with him."

"NTA. The flight attendant had no right insisting that you should switch seats if you don’t want to. They could have picked anyone else in first class to request a switch for, but they chose you. Why? Because you’re young and could be intimidated into doing it? Clearly not because you were traveling alone because you weren’t. I would have told them no too. That’s a good boyfriend you have there."

And this brings up an interesting point. According to the OP (original poster), there were eight seats in first class. Besides the woman and her boyfriend, there were "three guys in suits," "an older, married couple," and the mother. So why was the young woman targeted?

The Importance of Advocating For Yourself

If there was, in fact, a booking error it should have been the airline's responsibility to handle it. It should not have been placed on a fellow passenger to rectify the situation and she shouldn't have been made to feel guilty about saying no.

No one likes being put in the position of the "bad guy." But as popular opinion proves, standing up for yourself, especially in a situation where you have rightfully earned a privilege doesn't make you a bad guy. It makes you someone who understands that you are entitled to what you paid for and personal boundaries are a good thing.

The woman's experience serves as a good reminder that while kindness and empathy are vital, so too are personal rights.

*Featured image contains photos by RDNE Stock project and Oleksandr P

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Miss Kansas Publicly Calls Out Her Abuser In The Audience

25-year-old Alexis Smith was officially crowned Miss Kansas earlier this month. She beat out 25 contestants to become the third Black woman to ever win the title.

And while these accomplishments are to be admired, it's her empowering message to her abusive ex who had the gall to sit in the audience that makes her the real winner.

Beauty Pageant Participant Takes Down Her Abuser In Epic On-Stage Declaration

As a victim of domestic abuse, Alexis knows first-hand the devastating impact it can have on someone's life. Too often shrouded in secrecy and shame, the pageant contestant decided to use her platform to bring awareness to domestic violence.

Dubbing it her "Reclaimed Respect Initiative," she spoke about it during the interview phase of the competition.

It didn't go down as she expected.

Because as it turns out, the literal face of her trauma was sitting in the audience, obviously trying to intimidate her and cow her into silence.

But instead of letting her abusive ex silence her, she spoke out. And in doing so, reclaimed her voice and power in an incredible display of courage that has the world applauding.

"My vision as the next Miss Kansas is to eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships," Smith boldly declared.

"Matter of fact, some of you out in this audience saw me very emotional because my abuser is here today, but that's not going to stop me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and from representing as the next Miss Kansas because I and my community deserve healthy relationships."

Not only did the cardiothoracic ICU nurse NOT let it stop her, but she WON! And she will be representing the sunflower state at next year's Miss America pageant.

Literal QUEEN.

Her Empowering Message Goes Viral

@lexlex_smith Respect Reclaimed is about reclaiming your power and standing firmly in it. On the night of Miss Kansas, my journey took an unexpected turn when someone I have been healing from tried to disrupt my peace. Instead of falling into silence, I chose to live out my vision for a better world. I took back my power—not just for myself, but for my dreams and everyone watching and listening. This isn't about shunning others; it's about turning our pain into purpose and channeling it in a way that unifies and uplifts. I'm ready to use my story, tools, and resources to end unhealthy relationships in all forms. My voice and advocacy will empower everyone to reclaim their own power in their own unique way. I might be small in stature, but I stand tall in strength, purpose, and power with hopes of inspiring others to do the same. #fyp #abuse #miss #misskansas #missamerica #pageant #awareness #me #relationship #respect #tiktok

Smith shared a video clip of her message across her social media channels where it has gone viral, gaining widespread support.

"On the night of Miss Kansas, my journey took an unexpected turn when someone I have been healing from tried to disrupt my peace," Smith wrote in the caption.

"Instead of falling into silence, I chose to live out my vision for a better world. I took back my power — not just for myself, but for my dreams and everyone watching and listening."

And while she didn't directly name her abuser, she did provide some insight into who it is in an interview with CBS affiliate, KSNW .

“My family, every single woman in my family, was impacted by domestic violence,” she said. “At the age of 14, I got in my first relationship, but it was also an abusive relationship that I was in until about 2018, 2019."

"It’s something that I’m still experiencing and dealing with today.”

Her journey with domestic violence has run the full gamut; from being a bystander, a victim, a survivor, and now an advocate who is "ready to use my story, tools, and resources to end unhealthy relationships in all forms."

"This isn't about shunning others; it's about turning our pain into purpose and channeling it in a way that unifies and uplifts," Smith continued. "I might be small in stature, but I stand tall in strength, purpose, and power with hopes of inspiring others to do the same."

She already is.

" As a survivor, this moved me. thank you for using your voice. you just gave strength to many you'll never meet 💜 ," wrote one commenter.

"YAS GIRL! As a fellow survivor, you are an inspiration and I’m so proud of you for using your voice and showing your strength," wrote another.

A third shared, "As a victim of domestic violence I applaud you for speaking out!! I watched this 10 times!! I'm still getting bullied by his parents even with a no contact order. I plan on helping women like us as well."

The Importance of Speaking Out Against Abuse

Domestic violence is shockingly prevalent. According to a report by the CDC , "about 41% of women and 26% of men experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime and reported a related impact."

Additionally, "over 61 million women and 53 million men have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime."

Speaking out against domestic abuse is a critical step in breaking the cycle of violence. By giving voice to their experiences, survivors not only reclaim their own power but also pave the way for other victims to stand up and do the same.

If you need help or need help supporting someone else, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text START to 88788 or chat online at

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Katie Holmes Reacts to Suri Cruise Going Off to College: 'I'm Proud of My Daughter'

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Katie Holmes ' daughter is leaving the nest!

The 45-year-old actress opens up about how she's feeling about her 18-year-old daughter, Suri Cruise , whom she shares with ex-husband Tom Cruise , going off to college in an interview with Town & Country published on Tuesday.

"I'm proud of my daughter," Holmes tells the outlet. "Of course, I will miss the close proximity, but I'm really proud of her and I'm happy."

Back in the day, Holmes attended Columbia University. She reflects on her own college years when imagining her daughter's future.

"I remember being this age, this time of beginnings. It's exciting to learn about yourself, and I loved that time, so it makes me happy to think about it like that," the Dawson's Creek alum adds.

In May, Suri gave an unintentional hint at where she's attending college when she was spotted wearing a Carnegie Mellon University sweatshirt in a now-unavailable "decision day" TikTok posted by a classmate.

Holmes has kept her family life relatively private over the years and is seemingly continuing to keep Suri's life out of the spotlight, as the outlet noted that's all Holmes will say on the subject. 

"What has been really important for me with my daughter, because she was so visible at a young age, is I really like to protect her," Holmes explained to Glamour magazine in April 2023. "I'm very grateful to be a parent, to be her parent. She's an incredible person."

But when Holmes has made rare comments about Suri, they've been sweet.

"She's the greatest; my heart is her. ... She's definitely my favorite thing about life," Holmes gushed of her daughter in April 2023 to Haute Living New York .

In her new interview, Holmes would not confirm the speculation that Suri is interested in music, fashion and acting. But Suri did sing and do background vocals on Holmes' recent projects, 2022's Alone Together and 2023's Rare Objects .

Tom, 62, who also shares daughter Isabella, 31, and son Connor, 29, with ex Nicole Kidman , has not publicly commented on Suri's college plans. At her high school graduation in June, Suri reportedly ditched her surname, opting to go by "Suri Noelle" instead of "Suri Cruise," with Noelle being the middle name of her mother. Tom was not at the graduation. Instead, he was spotted at Taylor Swift 's Eras Tour  stop in London, England.

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Katie Holmes Says Suri Cruise Is Her 'Favorite Thing About Life'

Katie Holmes Reveals Daughter Suri Cruise Has Seen 'Dawson's Creek'

Katie Holmes Reveals Daughter Suri Cruise Has Seen 'Dawson's Creek'

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Katie Holmes Shares Sweet Message for Daughter Suri Cruise on Her 14th Birthday

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Katie Holmes Says She and Daughter Suri Cruise 'Grew Up Together'

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

  • Katie Holmes
  • Suri Cruise

Katie Holmes in a black skirt and shirt with Tom Cruise

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's strict divorce rules for daughter Suri

The dawson's creek star and the mission impossible actor split in 2012.

Nichola Murphy

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were once considered one of Hollywood's It-couples, so news of their split in 2012 came as a shock to fans.

The couple tied the knot in November 2006 in Odescalchi Castle near Rome, Italy, and during their six-year marriage, they welcomed their daughter Suri .

Dawson's Creek star Katie is often seen spending time in New York City with the 18-year-old after she was granted full custody of her daughter in the divorce settlement. See the other divorce rules Tom and Katie agreed to follow to prioritise her well-being. 

Katie and Tom's split

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding in Italy

Suri was born in April 2006, with doting father Tom later gushing to  ABC News : "It was everything that we wanted it to be... It was spiritual. It was powerful. It was indescribable."

She was just six years old when Katie filed for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences."

Tom confessed to German TV network ProSieben: "I didn't expect it," adding: "Life is a tragicomedy. You need to have a sense of humor."

katie holmes tom cruise with daughter suri as a baby

Katie and Tom released a joint statement that read: "We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri's best interests.

"We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other's commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other's roles as parents."

Divorce terms 

Katie reportedly deliberately filed for divorce in New York, where family law judges tend not to grant joint custody to fighting parents to prevent conflicts for the children.

She was granted sole custody and Tom agreed to several financial obligations, including paying Katie $400,000 a month until Suri turned 18 years old, according to the  Daily Mail . The Mission Impossible actor also agreed to shoulder "medical, dental, insurance, education, college and other extracurricular costs".

Aside from finances, the pair also set out boundaries when it came to religion. Tom is a devout Scientologist, and when he split from his first wife Nicole Kidman in 2001, their two adopted children Isabella and Connor continued to be Scientologists and drifted apart from their mother.

Catholic-raised Katie was supposedly afraid of history repeating itself with Suri, which is why she sought sole custody. This allowed her to remove her daughter from any Scientology-influenced schools, like the Delphian School in Oregon where Tom's older children attended.

Suri Cruise wore a Carnegie Mellon sweater

Instead, Suri attended LaGuardia High School and has hinted she is planning to study at Carnegie Mellon University .

According to TMZ, Katie and Tom's divorce agreement also included restrictions on what they could tell Suri regarding religion. The little girl supposedly couldn't be exposed to anything Scientology-related.

Tom and Suri's relationship

Tom holding hands with ex-wife katie holmes and daughter Suri

Tom was very excited to become a father to Suri, even controversially buying a medical-grade sonogram machine in order to see her throughout Katie's pregnancy.

Throughout Suri's childhood, the father-daughter duo were often pictured on public outings before Tom and Katie divorced.

However, the Top Gun actor spent less and less time with his daughter following the split.  Lindsay George , BACP-registered counsellor and psychotherapist, told HELLO! that this may have had  an impact on Suri's attachment , which was likely secure until her father left.

"Suri may well have felt quite confused at the time as to why her dad left," she began.

"We can speculate that he was present and an emotionally available dad. Obviously, she's got her mum too, so potentially, Suri's attachment style is secure because she's had two parents emotionally and physically available in those early years of her life, which is super important."

Former Scientologist Samantha Domingo told  Us Weekly that Tom was "not allowed" to have a relationship with Suri as she was not a Scientologist.

Samantha explained the Church's belief in reincarnation means they would not view Suri as Tom's daughter, but as a "spiritual being in Tom's daughter's body."

Tom has denied these claims, stating his busy work schedule has prevented them from spending time together. The physical distance also doesn't help, since Suri lives in New York City and Tom has made London his primary base.

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Tom Cruise Has A Bigger Age Gap With Ex-Wife Katie Holmes Than We Realized

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise

In Hollywood relationships, differences in age are more common than not. Leonardo DiCaprio has been dating women under 25 for the past 25 years, and Blake Lively's age gap with Ryan Reynolds is surprising — she was just 22 when she started going out with the 33-year-old actor. What's more, Sofia Richie was still a few years under the legal drinking age when she and 34-year-old Scott Disick became an item.

Katie Holmes might be a few inches taller than her ex-husband Tom Cruise, but she's quite a bit younger — 16 years, to be exact. In 2005, Tom Cruise expressed his love for the "Batman Begins" star on "Oprah,"  jumping on the host's couch and alluding to an upcoming engagement. Cruise, who was in his early 40s at the time, had already been married twice: First to Mimi Rogers, and the second time to Oscar-winning actor Nicole Kidman.

Before Cruise connected with Katie Holmes in the early 2000s, he was known for starring in high-budget action franchises like "Top Gun" and "Mission Impossible." Holmes, meanwhile, was fresh off of the teen series "Dawson's Creek" — she'd idolized Cruise for years. "When I met Tom, I was completely in love, and, yes, I admired him growing up — he's Tom Cruise!" she told T: The New York Times Style Magazine, according to People . Encouraged by The Church of Scientology (allegedly), the pair got engaged after just a few months of dating, welcomed their daughter Suri within the year, and got married shortly after that.

Katie Holmes was best known for playing a high-schooler when she met Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes began starring in "Dawson's Creek" in 1998. She played Joey Potter, the girl next door in love with her childhood best friend, Dawson. The series ran until 2003, depicting Joey (a.k.a., Holmes) graduating high school and venturing off to college. By 1998, Tom Cruise had already been nominated for two Best Actor Academy Awards and was Hollywood's go-to leading man. Not only was there an age difference when Holmes and Cruise first connected, but there was also a fame disparity. 

Growing up in Toledo, Ohio, Katie Holmes had posters of Tom Cruise — she even fantasized about marrying him one day. "I think every little girl dreams about her wedding," she told Seventeen Magazine in 2004, just a year before she and the "Mission Impossible" lead became official. "I used to think I was going to marry Tom Cruise," she specified (via Vogue ).

Meanwhile, Cruise split from Nicole Kidman in 2001. Between his divorce and third marriage, Cruise allegedly "auditioned" several women to be his wife ... All with the help of Scientology (via The Independent ). Katie Holmes converted to the controversial religion in 2005 ... She was 27 and Cruise was 44 when they tied the knot. In the immediate aftermath of their 2012 divorce, she struggled with public scrutiny. "Sometimes you don't want to leave the house because it's just too much," the "Dawson's Creek" alum remembered in a 2022 conversation with InStyle .

Katie Holmes wasn't Tom Cruise's first age gap relationship

Tom Cruise and Cher

Before meeting and marrying Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise had already had quite a few age-gap relationships. The actor dated Cher, who was 16 years his senior, in 1985 — they reportedly bonded at Madonna's wedding to Sean Penn. "It was pretty hot and heavy for a little minute," Cher revealed to Andy Cohen on "Watch What Happens Live, per InStyle . According to the "If I Could Turn Back Time" singer, Cruise ranks in her top five lovers ... Her other partners have included the likes of Val Kilmer and Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi fame.

In 1986, Tom Cruise met Mimi Rogers — she was six years older. According to Rogers, known for her starring role in "Austin Powers," the public's fascination with their age gap always bothered her. "What did annoy me was the age thing," she told The Telegraph  in a 2001 interview, adding, "Every six months, [the press] seemed to add another year to my age. If we were still married, the press would have me in my 60s by now." They finalized their divorce in 1990, and Cruise moved on to Nicole Kidman (five years his junior). Looking back, Kidman can't believe she married Tom Cruise so young — she was 23 and he was 28. "I was so young when I got married. I look back now and I'm like, 'What?'" she told Red  in 2017.


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Inside Tom Cruise's Private Pain

The heartbroken star struggles with what went so wrong as he charts his new life as a single dad

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

This was not how Tom Cruise expected his life to be.

The 50-year-old megastar, who was blindsided when his wife of five years, Katie Holmes , filed for divorce on June 28, “was thinking, ‘What did I not see?’ ” a source who knows the former couple tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story.

Especially tough: His month-long separation from 6-year-old daughter Suri, which finally ended when the pair reunited on July 17 in New York City.

What took so long?

PHOTOS: The Holmes-Cruise Family in Happier Times

“He’s wanted to see her as fast as possible since this started,” says a source, who cites Cruise’s obligation to his sci-fi thriller Oblivion as the main obstacle. “He couldn’t shut down production, cost people their jobs. People count on him.”

In agreeing to a divorce settlement in a mere 11 days, “Tom tried his best to do what’s right for Suri,” according to his longtime friend and lawyer Bert Fields, who says the star is “sad” but not “bitter” about the situation.

Cruise has been leaning on his older children, Connor, 17, and Isabella, 19, his three sisters and his mother – all of whom share his Scientology religion. Several members of his family joined him for support as he filmed his final scenes for Oblivion .

“Tom is not ashamed of his beliefs,” says the source, who knows the former couple, “and won t hide them from his daughter.”

For much more on this story, including details on Tom’s trusted inner circle, how he s coping and Holmes’s new life, pick up the new issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday

Tom & Katie’s 1st Year of Marriage

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Tom cruise lands helicopter in london as katie holmes returns home from dropping daughter suri off at college.

Tom Cruise spent some time cruising the wide-open skies of London while his ex-wife Katie Holmes returned home from dropping their daughter, Suri Cruise, off at college.

After pulling off an epic stunt to help close out the 2024 Paris Olympics , Tom spent a week vacationing around the Mediterranean.

Page Six obtained photos of the actor, 62, landing a helicopter at London Battersea Heliport on Sunday following his getaway.

For the solo arrival, Tom sported a white golf shirt, black jeans and white sneakers, completing his outfit with a black baseball cap and matching sunglasses hung from his collar.

Tom Cruise landing a helicopter in London in August 2024

The “Mission: Impossible” star flashed a smile from the cockpit while wearing a headset to land the chopper.

Once on the ground, he was seen walking off the tarmac with a black backpack in tow.

Meanwhile, across the pond, Holmes spent the weekend moving Suri into her dorm at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

The 18-year-old will begin classes next Monday,  according to the school’s website .

Suri Cruise showing off a college sweatshirt

We obtained pictures of Holmes, 45, arriving back to her New York City residence on Monday with a large travel tote and a smaller shopping bag in hand.

The new empty nester wore gray sweatpants, a cream-colored sweatshirt, a black baseball cap and matching flats.

While Suri is estranged from her Scientologist father , she is extremely close to her mother.

Though Holmes admittedly will miss her baby girl, she said in an interview last week that she is beaming with pride.

Suri Cruise in NYC in August 2024

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“Of course, I will miss the close proximity, but I’m really proud of her, and I’m happy,” she told Town & Country.

The actress went on to reflect on her own experience of attending Columbia University and how transformative it was for her, noting that she wishes the same for Suri.

“I remember being this age, this time of beginnings,” she explained. “It’s exciting to learn about yourself, and I loved that time, so it makes me happy to think about it like that.”

The “Dawson’s Creek” alum admitted that she has thrown herself into creative pursuits to keep busy now that her daughter is starting college.

Suri Cruise and Tom Cruise in 2009

“The members of my book club are going to get annoyed hearing from me,” she said with a laugh. “I’ll be like, ‘Let’s meet once a week.'”

As for Tom, he has missed the majority of his youngest child’s milestones.

In fact, in June, the Golden Globe winner was seen deplaning a helicopter alongside his son, Connor Cruise , 29, in London after  skipping Suri’s graduation from LaGuardia High School in NYC.

Tom shares Connor and daughter Isabella “Bella” Cruise, 31, with his second wife, Nicole Kidman. He was previously married to Mimi Rogers.

Tom Cruise landing a helicopter in London in August 2024


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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s Relationship Timeline: The Way They Were

Out of the spotlight. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' marriage — and subsequent split — has been a major topic of conversation over the years. The couple first sparked dating speculation after they were seen on a trip to Europe together in 2005. Following a whirlwind romance, Cruise and Holmes got engaged later that year before welcoming their daughter in 2006. During their courtship, the Abandon star confirmed that she was going to convert to Scientology. "You know, it's really exciting," Holmes told W Magazine in 2005 about the controversial religion. "I just started auditing and I'm taking some courses and I really like it. I feel like it's really helping." The Dawson's Creek alum exchanged vows with the Top Gun: Maverick star in 2006, shortly after they expanded their family. Cruise and Holmes shocked fans when they announced their separation in June 2012 after five years of marriage. At the time, a source exclusively told Us Weekly that the Batman Begins actress was "very happy" that she could "move on and finally live her life." Less than one year later, the Oscar nominee noted in an interview that that he "didn't expect" his ex to file for divorce in 2012. Holmes, for her part, opened up about making plans to return to her acting career. "Even early on, when I was a young actor and all of a sudden people knew who I was, my dad told me, 'Don't let that change how you live your life.' I've always sort of approached it that way," she detailed to DuJour magazine in 2014. "You have to continue to do the things you want to do and not let outside forces dictate." The New York native continued: "I think I've gotten more comfortable with acting over time. Early on, I could never get out of my head. I'd be thinking, 'I have to get the job.' And even when I had the job, I was afraid that I was going to get fired, or I just had the mentality of, 'I need to be good enough.'" Holmes said she was looked forward to getting to explore her passion again, saying, "But the more projects you do, the older you get, the more life experience you get, you start to understand storytelling better. So you're a little bit more confident going in. You're not afraid of getting fired: You just want to contribute." The Miss Meadows star clarified that she didn't blame her marriage for her career hiatus. "It's the life of an actor. We don't really have a lot of choice in the matter. You have dry spells, and then you have times when there is a lot of opportunity," she concluded. Nearly a decade after ending her marriage, Holmes opened up about the challenges of being a single mother. "That time was intense," she recalled to InStyle in April 2020. "It was a lot of attention, and I had a little child on top of it. [We] had some funny moments out and about in public. ... I feel like I can be more creative and have more time, have my voice." Holmes dated Jamie Foxx from 2013 to 2019. She was later linked to chef Emilio Vitolo and Bobby Wooten III. Cruise, for his part, previously sparked romance rumors with Hayley Atwell but has remained tight-lipped about his personal life.Sign up for Us Weekly's free, daily newsletter and never miss breaking news or exclusive stories about your favorite celebrities, TV shows and more! Scroll down to relive Cruise and Holmes' relationship:

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tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

Tom Cruise Jets Off To London As Ex-Wife Katie Holmes Drops Daughter Suri At College

Published By : Dishya Sharma

Trending Desk

Last Updated: August 21, 2024, 12:35 IST

Mumbai, India

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter started her college life.  (Photo Credits: X)

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter started her college life. (Photo Credits: X)

Although Suri is said to have distanced herself from her father, she continues to maintain a strong bond with her mother.

Tom Cruise arrived in London in style, piloting a helicopter himself. Meanwhile, his ex-wife Katie Holmes was seen returning home after dropping their daughter, Suri, off at college. Following his impressive stunt at the 2024 Paris Olympics closing ceremony, Tom Cruise reportedly enjoyed a week-long Mediterranean vacation. For his solo arrival, Tom kept it casual in a white golf shirt, black jeans and white sneakers, complemented by a black baseball cap. He had sunglasses hanging from his collar and wore a headset while manoeuvring the helicopter. After landing, Tom was seen with a black backpack as he made his way off the tarmac.

Across the Atlantic, Katie Holmes was occupied with moving their daughter Suri into her dorm at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. The 18-year-old is scheduled to begin classes next Monday, as noted on the university’s website. Holmes, 45, was photographed returning to her New York City home on Monday, carrying a large travel tote and a smaller shopping bag. She was dressed comfortably in gray sweatpants, a cream-coloured sweatshirt, a black baseball cap and matching flats, informs Page Six.

Suri Cruise,the 18-year-old daughter of actress Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise,  moved into her Carnegie Mellon dorm with help from her actress mom. Congratulations Suri 🎊 — Entertainment Hub (@Entertain85512) August 20, 2024

While Suri has reportedly distanced herself from her father, she remains very close to her mother. In an interview last week, Holmes expressed how proud she is of her daughter, even though she will miss having her nearby. “Of course, I will miss the close proximity, but I’m really proud of her, and I’m happy,” she told Town & Country.

Holmes also discussed her own college experience at Columbia University, describing it as a transformative period in her life. She hopes Suri has a similarly positive experience.

“I remember being this age, this time of beginnings. It’s exciting to learn about yourself, and I loved that time, so it makes me happy to think about it like that,” she explained.

With Suri starting college, Holmes shared that she’s been engaging in creative projects to keep herself occupied. “The members of my book club are going to get annoyed hearing from me. Let’s meet once a week,” she added.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s daughter Suri Cruise had also recently revealed that she is going to drop her dad’s name and instead use Suri Noelle (an homage to her mom’s middle name), reports Entertainment Tonight.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes separated in 2012 after being together for six years.

tom cruise ex wife katie holmes

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How Katie Holmes and Daughter Suri, 18, Just Cruised Into a Major Life Milestone

Suri Cruise may have two uber-famous parents in Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, but when it comes to moving into college, she's just like a normal teen.

Photos obtained by The Daily Mail show the Dawson's Creek alum, 45, and the college student arriving on the Carnegie Mellon campus on Sunday, August 18. In the pictures, Suri, 18, and Holmes were spotted carrying bags and unpacking together as Suri moved into her dorm.

Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes

The proud mom was seen sharing smiles with her daughter on the school's Pittsburgh campus, where Suri is starting as a freshman. The mother-daughter duo carried suitcases and wore complimentary outfits. Suri was looking breezy and stylish in an off-the shoulder white top, baggy denim capris, and practical white sneakers. She accessorized with a floral statement necklace. Holmes also got the white and denim memo, opting for a cream and gray striped button-down shirt, loose-fitting jeans, layered necklaces, and black flats.

Carnegie Mellon, which U.S. News ranks as #24 in its list of National Universities, hosts a week of first year orientation programming before classes begin on Monday, August 26, according to their academic calendar . Sources also told The Daily Mail that Suri will have a roommate for the semester.

Suri turned 18 this April and graduated from high school in New York City in June. In her high school graduation pamphlet, she was listed as " Suri Noel ," opting to use her mother's middle name as a surname instead of being associated with her father.

While Holmes and Suri share a close bond, Cruise allegedly has a completely estranged relationship with his daughter and ex-wife. According to Page Six , Tom and Suri have not seen each other since 2012, and sources told the site that the actress, writer, and director was determined to protect their daughter from being indoctrinated into Scientology. Holmes has allegedly signed NDAs that prevent her from speaking about her relationship with her ex-husband. Cruise, who carried the torch at the Olympics earlier this month, is currently filming the latest Mission Impossible installment in London.

About the writer

Sophie Hessekiel is a contributing Entertainment Writer for Newsweek. She has written about culture, dating, and celebrity news for a variety of publications, including Mashable and The Los Angeles Times . Her writing can also be seen in the book  Squishmallows: Radiate Positivity and on the Fox drama series  The Cleaning Lady.  Her work can be viewed at

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Tom Cruise rushes out of London in helicopter as daughter Suri drops his last name and is ready for…

Tom cruise departed london in his personal helicopter as his estranged daughter suri began college at carnegie mellon university..

Tom Cruise made a hasty departure from London on Monday, leaving the city in his personal helicopter. The actor’s abrupt exit comes as his estranged daughter, Suri, embarks on a new chapter of her life.

Tom Cruise’s daughter, Suri Cruise went viral as she stepped out in her cool outfit.(@TomCruise/X, Twitter (X))

The 18-year-old, who is making heads turn with her style statements, has enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University and chosen to distance herself from the public eye by dropping the famous Cruise surname. The pair haven't been seen together publicly in over a decade.

Tom Cruise rushes to helicopter as Suri stars new chapter

Page Six, citing unnamed sources, has reported that Cruise has had minimal involvement in Suri's life, absent from key moments like her prom and recent public attention on her relationship with high school sweetheart. While the action star buzzed through London skies, likely focused on his next "Mission Impossible" instalment, ex-wife Katie Holmes was spotted returning after dropping her little kiddo to the college.

Fresh off a week-long Mediterranean getaway following his show-stopping performance at the Paris Olympics, the 62-year-old action star was spotted at Battersea Heliport in typical Cruise fashion by Page Six. Sporting a casual look of a white golf shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers, topped off with a black cap and sunglasses he exuded his signature cool vibes.

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Cruise and Holmes went their separate ways in 2012 after being together for six years. After they split up, the All We Had actress got out of Cruise's life and also cut ties with the Church of Scientology, which the actor continues to be deeply involved with. As part of their divorce agreement, the Hollywood A-lister committed to paying Holmes $400,000 annually until Suri turned 18 and agreed to cover her college expenses.

Suri Cruise Drops Dad’s Name for Mom Katie Holmes’s

Following in the trend of other celebrity offspring like Brad Pitt's children, Suri Cruise has decided to distance herself from her famous father. The 18-year-old adopted her mother Katie Holmes' middle name, Noelle, before enlisting in college.

While Cruise has mostly supported her financially, Suri is said not to be very close to her father, unlike her relationship with her mother. Holmes, who will undoubtedly miss her daughter, expressed immense pride in Suri's accomplishments in a recent interview with Town & Country.

Also read: Tom Cruise is very ‘irritated’ by Nicole Kidman's constant ranting about their…

“Of course, I will miss the close proximity, but I’m really proud of her, and I’m happy,” the actress said per Page Six. “I remember being this age, this time of beginnings,” she recalled her own time. “It’s exciting to learn about yourself, and I loved that time, so it makes me happy to think about it like that,” the Dawson’s Creek alum noted.

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Tom cruise’s olympics closing ceremony stunt wasn’t applauded by everyone on social media.

Kristyn Burtt

by Kristyn Burtt

Kristyn Burtt

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Actor Tom Cruise jumps from the roof of the Stade de France during the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Stade de France on August 11, 2024 in Paris, France.

Still, Cruise was a huge presence during the two weeks of the Paris Games. He was seen at gymnastics events and taking selfies with fans — Cruise was doing what he does best, being a movie star. The tousle of the hair, the hop on the motorcycle with the Olympics flag — that’s all Cruise . And that moment became about him, not the athletes who spent the last two weeks competing their hearts out on the field or in the swimming pool. They didn’t seem to mind as they hugged him, grabbed video, and screamed at the mere sight of him. 

And the warning was there all along. Le Parisien noted that the Church of Scientology was “more visible than ever” at the games. They built a new headquarters in April very close to the State de France and “deployed a major communication campaign during the Olympics.” The move makes Cruise’s presence seem a little more sinister because, as TMZ reported, the Closing Ceremony stunt was his idea. But we have to ask: Was it really the Church of Scientology’s idea? It makes you wonder.

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's daughter Suri embarks on university life as she moves into dorm

Tom Cruise's daughter Suri has started her freshman year at the private Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was helped to move in by her mum Katie Holmes

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's daughter Suri embarks on university life as she moves into dorm

  • 21:44, 19 Aug 2024

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's daughter Suri Cruise has taken the leap into university life with the teen settling into her dorm.

The 18-year-old newbie was seen getting comfy at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a bit of assistance from her 45-year-old 'Dawson's Creek' star mum, Katie. While Suri is settling into campus life, her 62-year-old Hollywood megastar father is caught up filming the action-packed 'Mission: Impossible 8', fresh off his stunt-filled finale for the Olympic Games in Paris just the previous week.

An insider disclosed to MailOnline, which shared snaps of Suri and her mum during the move-in: "Suri wants the full college experience so she is giving the dorm rooms a try and she will have a roommate. She is excited for a new chapter in her life."

This dorm adventure is a far cry from the plush three-bed high-rise digs Suri used to call home alongside her mother. According to The Mail, the largest dorm on the Carnegie grounds is Donner House, geared towards first-year students. Comprising four floors, it hosts approximately 250 freshers.

Then there's also Scobell House, a smaller, women-only residence that houses no more than 88 young academics. Despite some spartan living conditions, the university boasts numerous eateries and a wellness hub. Following in showbiz footsteps, Suri featured on 'Blue Moon' during the titles of Katie's 2022 movie 'Alone Together', with her mum expressing hopes for her to carve out a career in entertainment.

The actress opened up to Glamour magazine, revealing her close ties with production teams: "I hope she always does something on my films. I always ask her... you have these projects and you become a family with people." She described the working environment as, "And it's this safe, beautiful, creative space."

She voiced concerns recently about reviving 'Dawson's Creek' in the modern era fearing it could "tarnish" the legacy of the show. Famous for her role as Joey Potter in the iconic Massachusetts-based teen drama from 1998 to 2003, she acknowledged ongoing discussions over the years about a potential comeback of the beloved series.

During the Kering Women in Motion talks at the Cannes Film Festival, Katie expressed her nostalgia, saying: "The show was a time capsule. To put it into today's world might tarnish it a little bit."

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