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10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey

I've kept 70 pounds off for more than 10 years. Here are 10 key lessons I've learned along the way.

Elizabeth Ward is a registered dietitian and award-winning nutrition communicator and writer. She has authored or co-authored 10 books for consumers about nutrition at all stages of life.

weight loss journey of

  • 1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

2. Never Eliminate Anything Completely

3. you can do anything you set your mind to, 4. your get-moving options are endless, 5. invest in your own personal wellness, 6. reward yourself for the small wins, 7. you will not be perfect, 8. water really is your bff, 9. the mental transformation is just as important as the physical.

  • 10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running laps up and down the field feeling confident and great. Come 17, I didn't make the junior varsity volleyball team because I couldn't run a sub-10:00 mile, and my interests became a lot less active. As I leaned heavily into the arts and a local youth group, the pounds crept on. Despite feeling excited by my extracurricular activities, I began feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own body.

This carried on to college, and like many, I gained the freshman 15—or perhaps the freshman 30 would be more accurate. In the spring of 2007, I was procrastinating studying for a final exam when I decided to step onto a dusty scale I had tucked under my bunk bed. After what felt like an eternity, waiting for the screen to populate, the number that glared back at me from the floor took my breath away. I was forced to come to terms with a harsh reality: I had to change. While I believe that people can find health at different sizes, I was definitely not healthy or more importantly, happy. I knew that making changes wouldn't be easy, but even so, I was ready to start.

Over the next three years, I lost 70 pounds through making healthier eating choices and learning to love running. Today, movement is my medicine, enabling me to better show up both personally and professionally. Now a nine-time marathoner, certified personal trainer and run coach, and wellness coach with her own podcast , I've learned a handful of lessons along my journey that empower me to give back to others and help them determine what wellness looks like for them. Here's what I learned during my personal transformation, plus some insight into why I feel like a forever work in progress.

1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

Especially in the age of social media, it's easy to compare yourself to others. Your journey is just that: Yours. Instead of being made to feel like you're not good enough based on what you see someone else doing, focus on where you are and progress from there. This is important in all aspects of wellness, whether it's trying out a new strength training routine or shifting your eating habits. Just because you can't do a difficult movement like a dumbbell snatch, for example, doesn't mean you won't get there one day. Have some grace, embrace honesty, and the rest will come with time.

Many popular diets advertise cutting things out—at least in small portions—like complex carbs or sugar. When we eliminate things from our diet, it's almost guaranteed that we will crave them more. In my experience, I'd binge the very thing that I told myself I couldn't have. (The restrict/binge/repeat eating cycle has been confirmed in a 2020 Binge Eating article.) Instead of eliminating things from your life, the practice of moderation and portion control is a much safer alternative. It's a practice that truly helped me along my journey.

Instead of nixing my college's famous banana chocolate chip ice cream completely, for example, I let myself have a scoop on Fridays. When it came to indulging in Grandma's Sunday sauce, I made sure to also serve myself a hearty helping of salad in addition to the oh-so-good pasta bowl. By embracing the foods that made me happy in smart amounts, I was able to enjoy the process without feeling like I was missing out.

I really, really wanted to love running. But in the earliest stages, I felt as though I would never. I felt as though because I wasn't "good" at it (see the high school volleyball reference above), it would never be for me. Toward the beginning of my personal weight-loss efforts, I worked at a summer camp, without access to a typical big box gym. This really encouraged me to give running another hard try, as it was one of the few ways I could get active and really break a sweat without any equipment.

The first week of running was awful. I did it for about 15 minutes per day, and ran the exact same route every single time. However, after a week of sticking it out, I slowly got to a place where I realized that it was nowhere as bad as I had been making it out to be. With time, the enjoyment grew. I didn't have to be the best runner. I just had to be me— running. This realization empowered me to try and stick with other things that felt hard in the past.

I went through phases over my three-year journey dabbling in a slew of different fitness modalities. I've done it all, from barre and Spin class to dance cardio and even CrossFit. Some of these love affairs lasted longer than others, but what I most enjoyed about the process was that I had the opportunity to mix up my routine as often as I liked. There was no reason to stick with something that didn't bring me joy or light me up. By diversifying my go-to sweat method, I had a lot more fun, and even made some great friends along the way. Plus, research published in 2020 in Translational Behavioral Medicine has shown that adding variety to an exercise program can increase your physical activity.

During the summer of 15-minute runs, I lived in Hanes white v-neck T-shirts and cotton leggings from Target. Over time, I began to realize that if I wanted to perform better and feel more comfortable, I needed to invest a little bit more in my workout wardrobe. The good news: There are tons of great options out there, from Old Navy to Champion, that have technical gear at lower price points. Rather than buy six-packs of T-shirts every month, I started to accrue a collection of gear that lasted the washing machine test, and also made me feel more confident when the workout began.

When I started my weight-loss journey, I didn't set out and say "I want to lose 70 pounds." Rather, I set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that helped me go in the right direction. For instance, a goal like " I want to drink three bottles of water every day before 6 p.m. "

If I made it through two weeks of this goal, I would take some time to celebrate the positive progress, whether that be with a trip to the local mall or simply setting aside some "me" time to take an extra long walk come the weekend. When the journey is long, the small wins are what keep your tank fueled up and help you stay motivated for more.

How many times have you told yourself "OK, today I'm going to have a good day of eating," and then a few bites of a chocolate bar later, you feel as though you've completely blown it? Listen, we've all been there.

Here's the thing: That all-or-nothing mentality isn't going to do you any good. Have some grace with the idea that from time to time, things aren't going to go as planned. There will be slip-ups. Rather than get angry and throw your hands up in the air, be proud of yourself for prioritizing your own wellness in the first place. Every single second, you have an opportunity to start with a clean slate.

I've never been "good" at drinking water. I don't particularly love the taste of it (which sounds weird, perhaps) and making sure to get enough felt like a total struggle. Alas, H20 accounts for 60 percent of our body—or about 11 gallons or 92 pounds inside a 155-pound person—and is essential to every cell.

When I made getting healthier a priority, I started downing at least six glasses each day. With that, I started to notice a real difference. I felt better, my skin looked better, and I performed well when it came to my regular workouts, staving off that ever-annoying headache that likely was a result of previous dehydration.

Honestly, I'm still working on my inner dialogue and being kinder to myself. When a big transformation happens on the outside, it's important to take the time to really think about who it is that you are, what's important to you and who you want to be going forward. As a self-proclaimed forever work in progress, I find that regular journaling and making time to reflect on my feelings helps me stay grounded. I'll never forget about the teenage girl who had trouble finding jeans that fit standing in her local mall. But I know, now, that she's not who I am anymore.

10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's about Your Lifestyle

This is something I can't stress enough. No amount of exercise will help you against an unhealthy diet. Remember how you feel once you hit your goal weight. Returning to that feeling of pride and happiness will empower you to continue to make healthy decisions going forward. This makes maintenance easier, and helps you keep a level head when it comes to the occasional overindulgent meal or streak of exercise-free days (and those can be important, too!). We want to focus on lasting change and better health for years to come.

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Weight Loss

How to start your journey to lose weight.

  • Published March 22, 2021
  • 10 minute read

How to Start Your Journey to Lose Weight

In This Article

Whether you’re at the very beginning of your  weight-loss journey  or revisiting your game plan after hitting a plateau, a realistic and sustainable strategy is a must for your first 30 days and beyond.

To successfully lose weight and keep it off, it’s important to adopt a nutritious diet and create a calorie deficit (slightly less calories in than out through day-to-day living and exercise), add in regular movement , effectively deal with stress, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, surround yourself with a supportive community and keep your motivation up in the face of inevitable challenges and setbacks.

The good news is you don’t have to completely overhaul your lifestyle to lose weight — a simple back-to-basics plan is the way to go. That’s why we broke it down for you, week by week, for the first 30 days (or whenever you need a healthy reset).


Dedicate your first week to preparing your mind, environment and routine to support healthy living.


“It’s common for motivation to wax and wane during weight-loss efforts, so it is imperative that you establish a clear ‘why’ in terms of the reason you are engaging in the weight-loss effort in the first place,” says Katie Rickel, PhD, a clinical psychologist and CEO of  Structure House , a residential weight-management facility in Durham, North Carolina.

This increases your sense of autonomy or self-control and helps you shift your perspective from “I have to” eat healthier and exercise to “I want to” create new habits to get me closer to the life I desire, thus empowering you to make positive changes, adds Alan Chu , PhD, director of the Motivation and Performance Research Lab and chair of the Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay.


  • Freewrite or make a list of your “whys,” from having the energy to keep up with your children or partner to feeling more comfortable in your body.
  • Create a vision board or collage of your “why.”
  • Write yourself a letter from your future self (after having achieved your weight-loss goals) to your current self, describing all the ways your life has improved as a result of your efforts.
  • Put up notes around your home like on your bathroom mirror or fridge with mantras, photos or reminders of your “why.”


Setting goals and tracking progress is important for any weight-loss plan, but for realistic goals you can actually hit, you need to figure out your baseline first. “Understanding your starting point will make it easier to pinpoint where to make meaningful changes that will get you the results you’re looking for,” confirms Christel Oerum, a certified personal trainer and owner of Diabetes Strong and Diabetic Foodie .

“This is also the beginning of mindful eating, a lifelong practice that can take a lifetime to fully develop but can help you eat less and enjoy what you’re eating more as well as improve your relationship with food,” adds Audra Wilson, RD, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a board-certified specialist in obesity and weight management at the  Northwestern Medicine Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center at Delnor Hospital .

  • Use an  app like MyFitnessPal  and  log everything you eat and drink  for the whole week without judgment.
  • As you go, note your emotions about food and brainstorm other coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, worry or boredom, such as calling a friend or doing deep breathing exercises, suggests Wilson.
  • Track your movement, step count and  workouts with the MyFitnessPal app  as well.


Proper sleep, stress management and hydration are essential for your overall health and weight-loss efforts. If they’re not covered, it’s that much harder to lose weight when you have to battle increased cravings for comfort foods from off-kilter  hunger hormones due to sleep deprivation  and stress or feel hungry and low on energy because you’re not drinking enough water.

  • Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time to ensure you’re getting 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary that’s cool, dark and comfortable.
  • Incorporate a simple morning and evening routine to reduce stress with meditation, gentle stretching or other self-care activities.
  • Keep a water bottle or large glass of water on hand to drink when you first wake up.


Now that you’ve built a springboard, make a nutrition and movement plan and swap perfectionism for self-compassion.


Focusing on progress boosts your drive and self-confidence while only paying attention to the outcome (the number on the scale) can hurt motivation when you don’t get the results you want, says Chu. That’s why progress-based  SMART goals  that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound are your secret weapon for weight loss.

With the information you collected during week 1, take a look at your baseline calorie and macronutrient intake and step count. Then, set a calorie goal for  slow-and-steady weight loss and a step count goal that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Use the MyFitnessPal app to chart your progress so you can notice trends and make healthier choices.


  • Walk an average of  1,000 more steps per day  for one week with a midday walk during my lunch break.
  • Eat within 100–200 calories of my calorie goal each day for one week by reducing portion sizes for snacks and dinner.


To avoid feeling deprived during your weight-loss journey, shift your focus from “giving up” high-calorie processed foods and sugary drinks to “ adding in ” tasty lower-calorie whole foods to your eating plan, suggests Rickel.

  • Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or vegetable this week as a culinary adventure with new recipes and cuisines .
  • Add more vegetables to your lunch and dinner by mixing them into soups, sauces, salads and more. “Any way you slice them, veggies are full of nutrients and will help you cut calories while still feeling satisfied at mealtime,” notes Wilson.
  • Find satisfying swaps for some high-calorie indulgences such as banana berry “nice” cream instead of traditional ice cream or sparkling water for half of your week’s soda intake. If there’s no great substitute for an indulgence, enjoy a smaller portion size or adjust your intake elsewhere to stick with your overall calorie goal.


“For someone who has not practiced healthy habits before, it can be hard and exhausting to maintain them,” says Chu. Worse yet, if you see yourself as “lazy” for eating “bad foods,” this can zap motivation and trigger even worse habits (Think: “I already ate poorly. I might as well eat more junk food.”)

This is where treating yourself like you would a close friend — or adopting a mindset of self-compassion — can help  keep your motivation up  and protect you from negative thought spirals. Throughout this week, make it a point to notice when you’re being hard on yourself and practice self-compassion instead of toxic perfectionism.


  • Be mindful and acknowledge your feelings (“I’m feeling really anxious and upset right now.”)
  • Remind yourself that this is a common, human experience (“Everyone feels like this sometimes.”)
  • Be kind to yourself (“I’m going to be compassionate with myself.”)


Reflect on your first round of SMART goals, set new ones, and recruit friends and family to help you stick it out long-term.


Goal-tracking takes time, so block out 10–20 minutes each week—such as on a Sunday evening or Monday morning—to review your progress and set new goals. Rather than getting down on yourself if you haven’t met goals, use this intel to set  SMARTER  goals (with evaluation and revision), suggests Chu.

  • Evaluate your progress. Did you hit your goals or fall short? How and why?
  • Revise your goals to make them easier if you couldn’t reach them or a notch harder if you were successful.


Whether you met your calorie goal, increased your step count, or just managed to track both for the entire week, that’s progress worth celebrating. To boost your motivation, find ways to acknowledge meaningful wins each week regardless of whether you shed pounds, says Rickel.

  • Put colorful stickers or check marks on your chart or calendar to mark days or weeks when you’ve reached a goal or hit a personal record.
  • Reward yourself with a non-food prize such as new workout gear or a fun weekend activity.

If you had a challenging week, remember to practice self-compassion. Major lifestyle changes take time and research shows speaking to yourself in a positive manner helps you reach your goals faster.


A  regular workout routine not only helps tip the calorie balance in your favor to make maintaining weight loss easier, but it also boosts mood levels and decreases stress. To be consistent, you shouldn’t dread your workout — instead, it should be something you genuinely love and look forward to doing. “Choose a workout that suits your routine and lifestyle, and recruit family or friends to join in,” says Chu.

  • Pick a type of exercise that’s the optimal balance of challenging yet approachable, such as lifting weights once a week with a goal to eventually lift 2–3 times a week or brisk walks to gradually build up to walking or running a 5K .
  • Find someone in your life who values fitness and healthy living as much as you do and agree to regular check-ins if you can’t work out together.
  • On days when you don’t feel like working out, try lowering the difficulty or setting a goal just to start the workout (like giving yourself permission to stop after 15 minutes). “Once you do, you’re likely to feel good and exercise longer than initially expected,” notes Chu.


For the last week of month one, take a look at how far you’ve come and add structure to make healthy lifestyle changes more sustainable.


By now, you should have a good idea of how to set, track and celebrate SMART goals. Like the week before, take some time to assess your progress and setbacks. Then set new, SMARTER goals to tackle this week.

Keep in mind that “every 2–4 weeks, it’s also a good idea to revisit your calorie goal and make adjustments as necessary to combat weight-loss plateaus,” notes Oerum.


When it comes to  healthy eating , planning ahead can help you save calories and money by reducing impromptu drive-thru trips and delivery orders. Beginning this week, designate a day for meal planning.

  • Follow this basic template for the week’s grocery shopping: 4–5 lean protein sources (such as beans  and legumes, tofu, fish, chicken, eggs and turkey), 2–3 complex carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, whole-grain pasta), and 4+ vegetables (mixed greens, kale, broccoli and cauliflower, asparagus, carrots), suggests Wyosnick.
  • Buy pre-cut, washed and frozen produce, so it’s ready to go and easy to use.
  • Use the  plate method  for healthy portion sizes at each meal (fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, a quarter with protein and a quarter with complex carbs).


Losing weight is challenging, and the first month of your weight-loss plan is just the beginning of a lifelong health journey. If you’re struggling to see results, stick with a routine or battling body image issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Depending on your needs, a healthcare provider ,  registered dietitian ,  psychologist  or certified personal trainer could help you address underlying health issues and establish the perfect plan for you.

Originally published March 2016, updated with additional information in March 2021

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Simple 30-Day Plan for Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian

Learn 8 realistic nutrition and fitness tips to lose weight for the long haul.

Cara Rosenbloom RD is a dietitian, journalist, book author, and the founder of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications company in Toronto, ON.

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Melissa Rifkin is a Connecticut-based registered dietitian with over 15 years of experience working in the clinical setting.

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Verywell Fit / Amelia Manley

  • Setting Goals

Creating a Nutrition Plan

Meal planning, physical activity, hydration and sleep, tracking progress, coping with challenges.

Healthy weight loss plans include eating well, being physically active, and getting enough sleep so you feel your best now and for the long term. Health is about more than a number on the scale, so this weight loss advice looks at the bigger picture.

There are no quick fixes or fad diets that are known to sustain weight loss in the long term. These weight loss plans and fad diets are based on restricting calories or removing specific food groups. Most of the time, it's impossible to follow these plans in the long term, so weight loss is not maintained over time. That's why this article offers sensible nutrition, exercise, and sleep goals, that can be sustained for life. A healthy lifestyle can help you feel your best now while preventing chronic diseases in the future.

Instead of going "on a diet" which you eventually go "off," this sustainable plan includes realistic goals and small changes that can last a lifetime. It also includes a variety of delicious and nutritious foods, as well as exercise that's fun and enjoyable, and tips on healthy sleep.

Setting Realistic Goals

First, decide if weight loss is the right strategy for your health. It's common to have an unrealistic view of what a healthy weight really is. Use this guide to determine what your ideal weight is so you can set an appropriate goal.

If you need to lose weight, aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week (or 4 to 8 pounds in 30 days). People who lose weight slowly and gradually are more likely to keep the weight off long term compared to those who lose a lot of weight very quickly.

Set SMART goals that are:

  • M easurable
  • A ttainable
  • Ti me-bound

A goal such as "I will lose 10 pounds" is not time-bound (no timeline is set) and may not be attainable, since weight fluctuates based on many factors, such as hydration, hormones, medications, food intake, and activity level.

A SMART goal that contributes to weight loss may be: "I will replace my daily can of sugar-containing soda with water for the next 30 days." It's more important to set goals about sustaining a healthy lifestyle than about reaching a target number on a scale. The goal of reducing sugary drinks is more realistic than "I will lose 10 pounds," which is harder to control or achieve.

Eating well plays an important role in weight loss and maintenance. A winning strategy for weight loss includes both caloric restriction and adequate exercise. While calories are part of weight control, it's too narrow to think that energy-in and energy-out is the only factor to consider in weight loss. These factors are also involved:

  • Medical conditions
  • Physical activity levels
  • Medications
  • Environment
  • Mental health

Your best bet is to work with a health care professional for a personalized weight loss plan. If that is not possible, you can follow the general information in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans about the role of nutrition in weight loss. It recommends a varied diet that includes:

  • Vegetables and fruit
  • Grains (including whole grains)
  • Protein foods

The amount (portion) of food that you should eat is specific to your current weight and your weight loss goals. Learn more about how to set calorie goals here . Even if you cut back on calories, it is important to eat a variety of foods to get all of the protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires. It's also vital to focus on aspects beyond food. Physical activity, hydration, sleep, and other components are all interconnected in your weight loss journey.

Your body requires nutrients every day so it functions properly. The Dietary Guidelines were designed to ensure that nutrient needs are met with a variety of foods including vegetables, fruit, protein, and grains. You can plan meals using the five food groups in the USDA's My Plate model. When you plan meals, consider these plate proportions:

  • Make half your plate vegetables and fruits.
  • Make a quarter of your plate grains. Choose whole grains at least half of the time.
  • Make a quarter of your plate protein from foods such as poultry, fish, eggs, meat, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Have a serving of calcium-rich foods such as milk, soy beverage, or yogurt.

The exact amount of food you will need depends on your goals (see section above). In addition to eating more whole foods like vegetables, you can also cut back on heavily processed foods like fast food, packaged snacks, baked goods, and candy.

A simple meal plan may look like this. You can repeat this 5-day plan 6 times to complete a 30-day plan.

  • Breakfast : Plain Greek yogurt with strawberries and low-sugar (3 grams of sugar or less per serving), oat-based granola
  • Snack : Almonds and grapes
  • Lunch : Tuna melt sandwich with cheese and tomatoes on whole grain bread, served with carrots, red peppers, and an apple on the side
  • Snack : Cucumber and hummus
  • Dinner : Chicken with brown rice and stir-fried vegetables.
  • Breakfast : Chia pudding with Greek yogurt and fruit
  • Snack : Cheddar cheese and an apple
  • Lunch : Poke bowl: fish (or tofu) with brown rice, mixed vegetables, seaweed and sesame seeds
  • Snack : Trail mix
  • Dinner : Pesto shrimp and broccoli served over whole-grain pasta
  • Breakfast : Mashed avocado and ricotta cheese on whole grain toast with a side of berries
  • Snack : Fresh peach, granola, and Greek yogurt
  • Lunch : Turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato and sweet peppers; banana
  • Snack : Plain popcorn
  • Dinner : Chickpea and cauliflower curry with quinoa
  • Breakfast : Oatmeal with banana, peanut butter, and soy or cow's milk
  • Snack : Hummus and carrots
  • Lunch : Black bean and cheddar burrito in whole grain tortilla, with lettuce, tomato, sweet peppers, and avocado
  • Dinner : Stir-fried chicken and mixed vegetables on soba noodles
  • Breakfast : Scrambled eggs, whole grain toast, and tomato
  • Snack : Medjool dates with peanut butter or almond butter
  • Lunch : Chicken Caesar salad with parmesan cheese and croutons plus a pear
  • Snack : Small portion of your favorite ice cream
  • Dinner : Lemon-butter halibut with green beans and potatoes

It's easier to stay on a meal plan if you grocery shop and plan in advance. Learn tips for meal planning here .

Being physically active is associated with weight loss because exercise it burns calories. The CDC suggests 150 minutes per week of physical activity for health benefits. However, this amount may not be enough for weight loss. International guidelines recommend 300 minutes of exercise per week for people trying to lose weight.

Nutrition and exercise are both important factors in weight loss. Studies show that exercise only—without dietary changes — may help with a small amount of weight loss, but is not likely to result in meaningful weight loss. Diet and exercise are both important and should be paired together for the best results.

It's important to choose physical activities that you enjoy so you are more likely to stick to them for the long term. Choose a combination of both aerobic (biking, walking, dancing) and strength-building activities (weight lifting, resistance bands, push-ups) for the best benefits.

As a beginner, start by taking a walk every day and lifting light weights. Walk for longer and do more reps with your weights as the weeks go by. Consider these exercise tips for beginners .

Other factors that affect weight include hydration and sleep. When it comes to fluid and hydration, many Americans rely on sugar-sweetened beverages. However, excess intake of sweet beverages is linked to weight gain.

Water is a better choice than sweet beverages when trying to manage weight since it contains no calories or sugar. Replacing sugary or calorie-rich beverages with water can help with weight loss. Some studies indicate that drinking water before meals may decrease food intake during meals, which may help eaters feel more satisfied with fewer calories. Staying hydrated is important because studies show that consistently being under-hydrated is associated with increased body weight.

Studies also show a connection between sleep patterns and weight. Poor sleep is linked to increased calorie intake, mostly from snacks that are high in fat and refined carbohydrates. Poor sleep also may affect hormones involved in weight, appetite regulation, and metabolism.

Some evidence suggests that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to have obesity. If you don't sleep for at least seven hours per night, consider working with a sleep specialist as part of your weight loss program. Here are some tips to help with better sleep .

If you set measurable goals, it's easier to track your progress. For example, if your goal was to drink water instead of soda at lunch for 30 days, you can mark each day on a calendar to check your progress.

Some people like to keep a food or exercise journal to monitor progress or use a mobile app to count calories or steps. Make sure to celebrate your successes. If you falter, start again as soon as possible.

One caution for tracking progress: try not to gauge your progress based on a number on the scale. Making lifestyle changes such as improving your eating habits or being more active has so many benefits beyond weight control.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize that losing weight is not easy and is best achieved with a commitment to lifestyle change over the long term and with the help of medical professionals.  

You will have a better chance of sustaining long-term weight loss if you make slow, steady progress that includes a combination of nutrition, fitness, sleep, and hydration changes.

In order to see real progress, don't make too many changes at once. Build up slowly instead. Perhaps the first 30 days of the journey may have progress such as:

  • In the first week, you drink water instead of a soda at lunch.
  • In the second week, you have water instead of soda and walk 10 minutes per day.
  • In the third week, you continue the first two activities and add weight training twice a week.

Remember, 30 days is just the start of this journey. Maintaining these new habits lifelong is how you will see real progress.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Losing Weight.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  Setting goals and developing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives .

Damon L. Swift, Joshua E. McGee, Conrad P. Earnest, Erica Carlisle, Madison Nygard, Neil M. Johannsen, The Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Weight Loss and Maintenance . Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, Volume 61, Issue 2, 2018. Pages 206-213, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcad.2018.07.014.

Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, et al. Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline .  CMAJ . 2020;192(31):E875-E891. doi:10.1503/cmaj.191707

 USDA. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020

USDA. My Plate .

USDA My Plate. Protein Foods .

USDA My Plate. Dairy .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How much physical activity do adults need?

O'Donoghue G, Blake C, Cunningham C, Lennon O, Perrotta C. What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis .  Obes Rev . 2021;22(2):e13137. doi:10.1111/obr.13137

Teixeira DS, Rodrigues F, Cid L, Monteiro D. Enjoyment as a Predictor of Exercise Habit, Intention to Continue Exercising, and Exercise Frequency: The Intensity Traits Discrepancy Moderation Role . Front Psychol. 2022 Feb 18;13:780059. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.780059. PMID: 35250719; PMCID: PMC8894246.

Malik VS, Hu FB. The role of sugar-sweetened beverages in the global epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases .  Nat Rev Endocrinol . 2022;18(4):205-218. doi:10.1038/s41574-021-00627-6

Bracamontes-Castelo G, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez Cruz A. Effect of water consumption on weight loss: a systematic review . Nutr Hosp . 2019;36(6):1424-1429. doi:10.20960/nh.02746

Corney RA, Sunderland C, James LJ. Immediate pre-meal water ingestion decreases voluntary food intake in lean young males.   Eur J Nutr . 2016;55(2):815-819. doi:10.1007/s00394-015-0903-4

Kerksick CM, Wilborn CD, Roberts MD, et al.  ISSN exercise & sports nutrition review update: research & recommendations .  Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition . 2018;15(1):38. doi:10.1186/s12970-018-0242-y

Papatriantafyllou E, Efthymiou D, Zoumbaneas E, Popescu CA, Vassilopoulou E. Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance .  Nutrients . 2022;14(8):1549. Published 2022 Apr 8. doi:10.3390/nu14081549

Primack C. Obesity and Sleep .  Nurs Clin North Am . 2021;56(4):565-572. doi:10.1016/j.cnur.2021.07.012

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Changing your habits for better health.

By Cara Rosenbloom, RD  Cara Rosenbloom RD is a dietitian, journalist, book author, and the founder of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications company in Toronto, ON.

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How to start a weight loss journey — and stick with it

Couple  Eating Lunch with Fresh Salad and Appetizers

Ask your friends and family what their goals are for the summer and I’m sure you will hear a lot of this: “I am going to eat healthier,” “I’m going to eat more vegetables,” “I’m going to lose the quarantine 15 .”

It's probably not the first time they've had those goals and, after many attempts at dieting , you’d think it would be easier to get started. In reality, though, the contrary is usually true. Beginning a weight-loss journey, especially when you’ve had multiple failures in the past, can be overwhelming — and even flat-out daunting, but it can be done!

How to start losing weight — even if you've tried before

Here are five tips to help get you eat better this summer and beyond:

1. Look into your past

Most of us have a diet history. We know what works and doesn’t work. Perhaps you jumped on the keto bandwagon in 2019 only to fall off hard. Because, well, you just l-o-v-e your sourdough. You know if you’re a carbs-in-the-morning or a skip-breakfast-altogether person. Don’t attempt to make changes that you know won’t match your lifestyle and preferences. Be realistic about who you are.

In other words, if breakfast is your favorite meal of the day and you know you overeat later in the day when you skip it, intermittent fasting probably isn’t the best way to go for you.

If an afternoon snack is what you need to get you through your evening workout, then trying to stop all snacking isn’t the best route to take. Instead, come up with three or four healthy on-the-go snacks you can put into rotation.

weight loss journey of

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2. don’t give yourself a deadline.

It’s the journey that counts right? I’m all for goals, but when you give yourself a specific date to reach a goal , it often sets you up to fail for a couple of reasons.

One, if you don’t see progress being made fast enough, you may say, “Scrap this plan!” — even though you’ve actually made excellent progress.

Second, the stress of the date may work against you. Setting a deadline may only put extra pressure on you and cause your stress hormones to actually start working against you and your weight-loss goal. Instead, stay calm and healthy on.

Enjoy the life that you’re living and enjoy being in the best health and at the the best weight you can be, even if that means being off a certain weight goal by a couple of pounds. Remember patience and consistency are key, and enjoy the process of reaching better health each day.

weight loss journey of

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3. think about your sleep habits and stress levels.

It’s not all about the food. Even if you're focused and eating “perfectly,” other lifestyle factors may be working against you. Sleep and stress are two pillars of a nutritious life that I discuss regularly.

The good part is that if you’re not managing these well, making a few necessary changes can show up on the scale. Create a new sleep routine and stick to it. It’s just as important as diet!

Look for a daily activity to reduce stress .

weight loss journey of

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4. work on one change at a time.

Think about a not-so-great habit you have, that you do daily. Is it adding sugar to your coffee? Going for afternoon chocolate as a pick me up? Whatever it is, change it up with a new healthier alternative. You don’t necessarily need to start pounding healthy wellness shots that have become quite the rage, sometimes, the smallest changes make the biggest impact.

A change as simple as swapping out the syrup from a daily coffee saves you 80 calories, and 20 grams of sugar, each and every day!

Since it is only one change, it won’t be so overwhelming to adjust, and since it is something you do daily, that one improvement may have a great impact.

5. Reward yourself

Be good to you! Celebrate small goals with small rewards — and they don't have to involve food. Skipped soda all week? Feel good about that and reward yourself with a manicure.

Sometimes these rewards are enough to push us forward and up the motivation.

For more tips on how to live a nutritious life, follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial

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Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, is a renowned nutritionist, healthy cooking expert and wellness thought-leader. She is the founder and CEO of Nutritious Life , a lifestyle and media company devoted to helping individuals discover and live their most nutritious (and happiest!) lives. Follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial .

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12 Women’s Stories of the Most Important Factor in Their Weight-Loss Journeys

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Weight loss doesn't happen just by amping up your cardio and turning down dessert. After deciding to kickstart a weight-loss journey and become healthier than ever before, these women say there was one motivating factor that helped them reach their weight loss goals. Here, each of these women (including "The Biggest Loser" Season 18 trainer Erica Lugo) share their personal weight loss success stories. They also offer the simple changes they made to achieve their long-term health goals. Find weight loss inspiration — and some bigger lessons — in their stories.

Potentially Triggering Language

While the intention of this article is to be a source of inspiration for those who are embarking on or continuing a weight-loss journey, some readers may find the topics discussed and the language used triggering.

Alyssa Greene

The stress of starting college, perpetual late nights and heavy drinking caused Alyssa Greene to develop an unhealthy relationship with her body. Though she exercised, she didn't pay much attention to what she was eating and her overall health until she realized a change had to be made. Over the next 2.5 years, she self-educated about nutrition and learned what and how much to eat to get the results she wanted.

Motivating Factor: Self-Discipline

As a result, Greene lost 25 pounds and relies on self-discipline as her key motivator. "I do what I want for me, no one else," she says. "For people who have a hard time making a lifestyle change because of family or friends or a significant other, it really boils down to discipline. How bad do you really want to make a lifestyle change?"

Tanisha Commodore

For years, Tanisha Commodore left no stone unturned when it came to weight loss tactics. After trying countless workout programs, and weight-loss plans like WW and Medifast, she became desperate. The influencer began entertaining the idea of going to Mexico for weight-loss surgery when her friend happened to recommend the keto diet . Intrigued, she tried it and saw immediate results. Over eight months, Commodore lost 80 pounds and has been able to maintain her weight loss ever since.

Motivating Factor: Be Patient

Tanisha documents her journey on Instagram and uses her platform to provide weight loss inspiration and resources to those looking to try the keto diet themselves. "You didn't put it on overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight," she tells Shape . "Just be patient with yourself."

Maggie Fierro

After having her third child, fitness blogger Maggie Fierro began to feel disconnected from her body. "I was 4 months postpartum and completely frightened to actually look at myself in the mirror," she says.

So, she decided to start Kayla Itsines BBG (Bikini Body Guide) program to help kick-start her weight-loss journey. The convenience of being able to work out at home, combined with following a regimented healthy eating routine, helped Fierro figure out a lifestyle change that worked for her — and she couldn't have done it without the BBG community.

Motivating Factor: Find a Community

"The community made all the difference when I was starting my journey...[it's] been an incredible source of inspiration and support, " she says. "You can't always rely on motivation. You need to develop discipline and commitment for the moments when you don't feel like it."

Cookie Miller

Now a certified personal trainer, Cookie Miller spent years struggling with her weight. At 230 pounds, she was diagnosed with acanthosis nigricans — a skin condition that causes dark, velvety patches to appear in the armpits, groin, and neck of people who are overweight. At that point, she realized her health had to become a priority.

Motivating Factor: Take Progress Photos

Over the course of the next 18 months, Miller lost 100 pounds by following a regimented food and exercise plan. What helped her stay accountable was the progress photos that she shared with her Instagram followers. "I posted my first before-and-after picture on Instagram at the one year mark of my fitness journey," she says. "There was no going back after that picture and it has helped hold me accountable ever since."

At her heaviest, fitness blogger Irvy weighed 310 pounds. In 2015, after yo-yoing with her weight for years, she finally decided to make a change once and for all. That said, it took a while for her to figure out that to make a long-lasting lifestyle change, the desire had to come from within.

Motivating Factor: Do It For Yourself

"You have to be self-motivated; you need to do it for your own reasons and strictly for yourself," she says. Now, she goes to the gym six times a week and meal plans, which has helped her lose 132 pounds.

Denita Elizabeth

At one point, Denita Elizabeth weighed over 250 pounds and couldn't remember what it felt like to be healthy. "I was tired of feeling tired," she tells Shape . "High blood pressure and diabetes run in my family and I knew that if I didn't choose health, I wouldn't make it to 30." Determined to make a change, Elizabeth signed up for a SoulCycle membership and immediately fell in love. "I finally found an exercise program that I loved and I continue to do it today," she says. Today, Elizabeth is not only a personal trainer but is also an instructor at SLT .

Fitness aside, Elizabeth also switched up her food intake. "I stopped eating unfulfilling diet foods and learned to cook more nutritious meals ," she says.

Motivating Factor: Improved Overall Health

Even though she's lost 100 pounds, Elizabeth says the scale is the least of her worries. "Losing weight is great," she shares, "but finding overall health is what really changed my life."

Being a mother comes with a plethora of responsibilities. And Erica Lugo knew something had to change when she couldn't uphold them because of her weight. She could no longer play with her son, because at 322 pounds, she simply didn't have the energy. That's when she decided to lose weight by sticking to a simple plan. She signed up for a Planet Fitness membership and focused on reducing her calorie intake and increasing her activity level. When she began to see results, she realized that her greatest motivator was herself. "The hardest workout you'll ever do is in your head. Not with a trainer or fitness guru," she wrote on Instagram. "It'll be with yourself. It'll be that moment your head and heart say give up and that passion and want inside of you fights back."

In just a year, Lugo had lost 122 pounds , but it took her another two years to reach her 150-pound weight-loss goal. Lugo (a fitness trainer and wellness coach) helped people kickstart their own fitness journeys — following the same back-to-basics approach she used — as a trainer on Season 18 of The Biggest Loser.

Motivating Factor: You're Stronger Than You Think

"Today, working out and eating healthy isn't about how awesome I look," she told Shape. "It's about inspiring people to realize that neither illness nor your weight define you and that you're so much stronger than you think."

Alice Fields

Alice Fields spent years focusing on cardio , thinking it would help her lose weight. She also maintained a strict eating plan, but still wasn't seeing the results she wanted. It wasn't until she switched to powerlifting and started consuming a more wholesome diet that she began losing weight and reaching her goals.

Motivating Factor: How You Feel Is Most Important

She realized that it wasn't the numbers on the scale, but how she felt that truly mattered. "I definitely thought doing only weights would just make me heavier," she says, "but I quickly realized, the more muscle I had, the faster my body burned fat. Not just that, but having more muscle gives you that 'toned look' a lot of women want."

Kassidy Riekens

At age 25, Kassidy Riekens weighed 260 pounds and started to struggle with her self-confidence. While she was determined to take back control of her life, she knew she had to fix her bad habits first. For workouts, she did cardio three to five times and week and it helped to have support from her friends and family.

Motivating Factor: Find Creative Ways to Stay on Track

With time, she's learned to do things in moderation and found creative ways to stay motivated . She also took progress pictures. "I don't think people realize how important it is to take pictures of yourself while you're literally transforming your body," she says. "In doing this I came to the realization that it was the 'old' me motivating the 'new' me."

Katie Bolden

Despite trying multiple diets and exercise programs, Katie Bolden couldn't move the needle on the scale. Even after being diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in 2010, she struggled to make a change. It wasn't until she went partially blind and was diagnosed with early symptoms of multiple sclerosis , a chronic neurological disease, that she was forced to reevaluate her lifestyle. "I wanted to start taking better care of myself once I began getting sick and experiencing neurological symptoms," she tells Shape . "I also wanted to start a family after dealing with PCOS and infertility."

So, Bolden started using the weight-loss app MyFitnessPal to track her nutrition intake and began adopting healthier eating habits. Simultaneously, she started swimming and hiking and eventually felt comfortable running and lifting weights.

Motivating Factor: A Supportive Family

In three and a half years, Bolden lost 150 pounds and credits her family for her weight loss motivation. "My husband and our kids — who didn't even exist at the time — inspired me to change not only my health but my entire life," she shares.

Misty Mitchell

After suffering from a herniated disk in her lower back, Misty Mitchell's life fell apart. She lost her job and home and coped by drinking a lot of alcohol. It wasn't until Mitchell stepped on the scale that she realized how much her health was suffering. "On February 19, 2015, I stepped on the scale and weighed almost 300 pounds, was most likely an alcoholic, and I smoked," she says on her website .

Motivating Factor: Documenting Weight-Loss on Social Media

"I didn't like where my life was going and I was sick of being unhappy so I decided to change everything." Overnight, she quit drinking and traded in junk food for fish and veggies. In just over a year she lost 137 pounds and now weighs a healthy 159 pounds. Documenting her weight-loss on Instagram was her biggest motivator and encouraged her to continue on her journey.

Rebecca Grafton Bardwell

After being overweight her whole life, Rebecca Grafton Bardwell decided to make a change once and for all. Of course, that isn't always as easy as it seems. Over two years, Grafton Bardwell learned how to portion her food and exercise at a gym without caring what others thought of her. Her 100-pound weight loss made her feel healthier and happier than ever.

Motivating Factor: Stick to a Healthy Living Plan

Rebecca explains that there is no secret formula to losing weight. The key is to eat right and exercise. It may not happen super fast, but if consistency is key.

Weight-Loss Resources

Shape is an inclusive community of wellness for all. If you're looking for tips or strategies for exercising or improving motivation for weight loss, you've come to the right place.

  • How to Build Your Own Weight-Loss Workout Plan
  • The 19 Best Weight-Loss Motivation Tips
  • The 7-Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss
  • Why You're Gaining Weight While Working Out and Eating Well
  • Lost All Motivation to Workout? Try These Strategies to Regain Momentum
  • 10 Workout Motivation Tips That Will Get You Off the Couch

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How to Stay Positive Through Every Stage of Your Weight-Loss Journey

Woman eating fresh red strawberries at home on weight-loss journey

Making the choice to commit to a weight-loss journey can be exciting, but it also comes with a fair amount of anxiety. Like with anything, change takes time. Having enough patience and self-confidence to stay the course — even with setbacks and roadblocks along the way — is tough.


But keeping a positive attitude is vital to your success, says certified nutrition specialist and trainer Tara Allen, RN . "When we are feeling good — confident, hopeful, happy and energized — we are able to make the decisions that will serve us and our goals," she says. "These decisions fuel momentum and further success. On the other hand, when we're feeling down, our brain will seek out comfort and pleasure by way of cravings for junk food and excuses to skip your workout and hang on the couch instead."

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No matter the milestone you're at on your own path to improved health, there are always ways to boost your mental energy. Here, health experts share their best advice for shifting your perspective to the brighter side — and keeping it there.

The Very First Day

Maybe it was a recent photo where you didn't even recognize yourself anymore. Or perhaps, you realized you can't keep up with your children and you want to be present for their lives. Whatever the incentive to finally tackle weight loss, be proud of yourself for making the decision to improve your health.

Being overweight could trigger medical problems down the road, such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart disease and stroke, according to John Chuback, MD, board-certified cardiovascular surgeon and author. Committing to losing weight is you taking a step in the right direction, he says.

If you have those first-day jitters, don't give yourself too hard of a time. It's normal to feel nervous. You can begin the process by setting your purpose and goal, right from the start, says Dr. Chuback. This could be a tangible goal about the number of pounds you want to lose, for example.

"Decide right from the beginning that you are not going to play a game of Russian roulette with your life," he says. "Remember, this process all begins in your mind. Make a decision, set smart goals and aim to achieve a normal weight. Don't falter until your goal is accomplished."

The End of the First Week

On Sunday, you meal prepped like a boss. On Monday, you didn't give a second thought to eating an apple instead of a candy bar. By Friday, you can taste the weekend … and it tastes a lot like pizza.

Most people will start to see a bit of change within a week, but come the weekend, you'll likely feel temptation, says Herman Williams, MD , executive coach and author of Clear: Living the Life You Didn't Dream Of . Once you make it through seven consecutive days, Dr. Williams says you're 50 percent more likely to make this new routine a habit.

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Don't diminish your progress by setting yourself back with a binge session or skipping workouts. Individuals who have adopted a healthy lifestyle don't change their eating habits come Saturday, but rather they know the importance of consistency, says personal trainer and nutrition coach Tara Garrison .

"Build self-trust by keeping your weekend on point. Nourish your body with self-love foods, no matter what day it is," she advises. "Take pride in knowing you don't change your internal decisions because of your outside environment, and watch your self-esteem flourish."

At the End of 30 Days

By now, a whole month has come and gone, and you may have even entered a new season. Hitting 30 days of committed efforts to lose weight can evoke different emotions, depending on what the scale says back to you. You may feel motivated to continue or bummed that you're not seeing different results.

At this point, certified personal trainer Jill McKay suggests taking a breath, remembering your larger goal and thinking about other improvements that are worth noting. Ask yourself simple questions: How do your jeans fit? How fast are you climbing stairs? Does carrying groceries feel easier?

"It can be a frustrating time of feeling like you are working hard, but not seeing the results you wish to see. Patience is key here," McKay says. "Change takes time, often far longer than we care to admit, which is why so many people give up. Stay the course, keep going and celebrate the good habits."

When You Hit Your First Goal

When you conquer that first goal — whether it's losing 5 percent of your body weight or fitting in an old pair of jeans — you'll feel empowered, strong and resilient. Make sure you take the time to celebrate, says McKay. Maybe that involves buying a pack of workout classes you've been thinking about or splurging on a new sweatshirt. "The money is worth it," she says. "You're worth it."

A word of caution: Make healthy decisions when you're celebrating, as to not derail all of your hard work. "If you allow yourself to 'slip' more and more frequently, you are more likely to revert to old habits," she says. "Enjoy the success and continue to make good choices."

The Moment You're Tempted to Stray

No one is perfect. If you struggle with moments of indecision, Garrison recommends visualizing yourself 10 minutes into the future. In this moment, you've consumed whatever it was that you were craving . Ask yourself: How do you feel? If you feel fine and like it was worth it, then go ahead and indulge she says. But if you feel disappointed or annoyed — take a deep breath, drink some water and let it pass.

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Remember that you're allowed to eat anything you want to, says Allen. "Remind yourself that you get to choose what you want right now or what you want most. Be gentle with yourself," she continues. "If you're mostly choosing foods that will fuel your body well, with a little wiggle room for foods that will fuel your soul — or taste buds — you will be more likely to keep up this journey for the long haul."

Instead of beating yourself up after polishing off a bag of chips or sleeping in instead of heading to the gym, McKay recommends that you focus on times that you've made positive choices. With her clients, she suggests using an urge jar. Each time you have the desire to give in to a temptation but instead stick to your plan, place something inside the jar like a marble or — better yet — a few quarters. This will serve as a visual reminder of the actual strides you are making toward your goal.

When You Feel Like You’ve Hit a Plateau

Plateaus can be super demotivating, especially when you feel like you're doing everything right. Instead of seeing this as a deal breaker or roadblock, certified fitness coach Sunny Biggy suggests taking the opportunity dig deeper into your routine and habits.

Read more: 10 Tips to Push Past a Weight-Loss Plateau

"Sit down with an expert to evaluate your diet," he suggests, adding that now is a great time to take a look at your exercise, sleep and water consumption habits, too. "They may encourage you to be creative with your carbs and proteins, which can kick or reboot your metabolism into high gear."

McKay also urges anyone in a plateau stage to remember that there is no "normal" when it comes to meeting health goals. "Your genetics, diet history, workout history, body composition and attitude all contribute to weight loss," she says. "This is often when we compare ourselves to others, wondering why they may see success over us. Your body will adjust. Continue with all the good small changes you've made to this point and be patient."

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How I Lost Weight (More Importantly: How I Got Healthier!)

Here are a few things that worked for me!

ree drummond weight loss

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

(Written in June 2021) I've gotten a few questions lately about how I've lost weight over the past few months, so I thought I'd write a post! I'm writing this not as a self-celebration (since it's still very recent, and since I'm still working on it), but (hopefully) as inspiration—because as a 52-year-old lover of food and avoider of exercise, I just really want to share what worked for me.

First, I can't emphasize this enough: Everything I'm about to lay out worked for me, and if any of it helps you or inspires you, that's wonderful. But don't take it as gospel, and definitely talk to your doctor before starting anything new. You know your bod and yourself better than anyone!

Second, "skinny" has not been my primary goal. Though I had gained considerable weight over the past three years and I definitely wanted to slim down for Alex's wedding in May, what motivated me the most was just wanting to feel better and have more energy. In January, just before I bit the bullet and took the leap, I was tired, puffy, and desperate (I will write about my rock bottom sometime; it's quite a story)—and I knew I shouldn't be feeling that way. So while the eighties child in me does not necessarily bristle if someone occasionally says an encouraging "You look thinner!" or "You've lost weight!" I mostly just think about how much better I feel every day and feel grateful that I've made it over the hump.

What I did not do.

To begin, here's what I did NOT do to lose weight. I'm not criticizing any of the following, just listing the methods I didn't employ since they are often used:

I did not do Keto. I've tried it before, and it never worked after the initial 10-15 pounds. Plus, it made me dread avocados, which I always loved.

I did not do Intermittent Fasting. I've tried it before, and it caused me to gorge during my eating window. Since calories matter, this didn't work for me.

I did not buy specialty diet foods. I wanted to eat real food, the food I eat in my household, the food I cook for my family. Packaged foods can really be great in many cases; I just knew it wasn't right for me.

I did not use a trainer. (Unless you count Ladd! More on this below.)

I did not join a weight loss program. Now, I do have friends for whom Weight Watchers, Noom, and other programs have worked amazingly well, with fantastic results—so they are definitely worth looking into! I just know myself and my history, and I know I am not good with programs, logging, checking in, and so forth. I resist meetings as a rule. Ha. (Don't be like me.)

(Updated March 2024) I did not take "weight loss gummies" or other supplements. As many of you know, there were false articles/ads circulated around Facebook that suggested I was selling and using keto gummies, cbd gummies, and/or weight loss gummies. This is part of a "celebrity endorsement fraud" scheme on social media, which uses images of public figures (from Dr. Phil to Trisha Yearwood to Oprah) to scam folks out of money. It's one of the worst things about Facebook (which does not do a very good job of preventing these fraudulent ads) and not only does it rob people of money, it also falsely suggests a gummy/supplement can result in weight loss. These entities are definitely on Santa's naughty list for life.

(Updated March 2024) I did not take Ozempic, Wegovy, or similar medications. I know this has been a big topic in recent years, so I thought I'd add this paragraph. I support anyone who has success using the above medications. I know they have been an absolute godsend for so many people; I have friends who've experienced incredible results. For me, the simple, boring truth is that when I set out to lose weight in January of 2021, I had never heard of that class of drugs. And to be honest, if I had heard of them and had seen all the results that are out there, I might have been tempted to try them. But I simply didn't know those drugs existed then, so I dove in using all the methods below. Today, even though I have gained a few pounds up and down, I still have not chosen that option---for various reasons I'll write about in my upcoming update---but you'll never hear a second of judgment from me about people who choose that direction!

ree drummond weight loss

What I did.

So here's how I did it, and this list is in no particular order. I just wanted to number the items so you'd see that I really tackled this from a bunch of different directions. I knew I had to hit it from all sides, because I didn't want to put all my eggs (egg whites?) in one basket, and I wanted to get this show on the road.

1. I ate fewer calories.

"Calories in, calories out." We've all heard it preached, but I have absolutely seen that science play out in real time during the past few months. I tried to achieve a calorie deficit most days, which means I expended more calories (through exercise and just basic daily activity) than my body required to maintain my then-weight. I used online calculators to get a rough idea of what that weight maintenance calorie count might be, (though it's only a general rule), then I tried to undershoot that number on most days. I counted the calories of the things I ate every day (using websites like FatSecret.com or CalorieKing.com) and wrote each item down to get a daily total.

Counting my calories was nothing short of eye opening, and for me it was essential. I'd completely lost track of the calories I was consuming on a daily basis, so it was very helpful to get a handle on what I was looking at. I could tell if it was working by whether I was losing weight over time, and adjusted up or down naturally as I went.

2. I weighed my food.

In order to be as precise as possible with the calories I was eating, I used a digital food scale to weigh my food. Measuring food in grams was much more effective and eye opening to me than just measuring a cup or a pound. And speaking of eye opening—it really woke me up to the portions I had grown accustomed to eating! As with calories, I had completely lost sight of the volume I was eating—so it was an education in those first few weeks.

Note: I still ate good food. I just ate less of it, and I valued the calories more and made sure I ate things that offered more nutritional bang for the buck. And today, while I still weigh food occasionally if I'm curious or unsure, I'm not as meticulous as I was since I now have an overall sense of portion sizes and corresponding (general) calorie count.

3. I exercised.

This was all about "calories out" but it was also about just wanting to move my bod more and not feel so out of shape. I made exercise a regular part of my day, whether I walked with the dogs or did the rowing machine (which is in our living room!). I learned that making time each day to exercise simply had to be done—because, just like having a baby, there's never a good time. I'd gotten so accustomed to excusing myself from working out because of my work schedule or travel schedule...but during the past few months, I just chose to be late on a deadline or put off work until the next day so that exercise could happen. It was a simple shift in mindset, but it was important!

ree drummond and dogs

As for what exercise I did: I walked 2 to 3 miles, or did the rowing machine, or did Pilates—but not with traditional Pilates machines! I used to do a floor version of Pilates (Winsor Pilates from the early 2000's, can I get an amen?) and I still remember the exercises, crazy enough. So for the rower and Pilates, I was able to do it in the house, usually while Ladd and I were watching a spy thriller or some other weird movie. Whatever exercise I do has to happen on the ranch, because I don't like to go places. I exercised 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day (morning walk, evening rowing machine), sometimes just once.

4. I built muscle.

So here was the kicker: I asked Ladd, "How do I build more muscle, anyway?" I assumed it was just a matter of doing more repetitions with my hand weights to make my biceps and triceps stronger. But Ladd responded, "If you really want to build more muscle in order to burn calories, you need to build them in your legs and your butt—since those muscles are much bigger than your arm muscles." It made perfect sense. I was 52 years old and had never once considered that concept.

Also, I had no idea how to build muscle in my legs and my butt! So Ladd, while stuck in his neck brace, by the way, showed me how to do lunges, squats, straight-leg deadlifts, and calf raises. And guess what? I was absolutely pitiful when I started. I am a former ballerina but literally could not do a proper lunge without toppling over. I had zero strength in my lower body and my legs trembled and gave out. But I still did it, about four days a week to start, and laughed at my uncoordinated clumsiness every time. And I couldn't walk for the first few days! I wailed and complained, but since I had a husband with a broken neck, I mostly kept it to myself.

Today, a few months later, I am just now able to do a real lunge all the way to the ground. I can do squats! (And I'm not talking lots of weight, either. I usually use either 5 pound or 8 pound hand weights. And started using 5 pound ankle weights when I do Pilates.) It's exciting! And most importantly, I now have palpable muscles in my legs and my butt. It feels good (as someone who isn't a spring chicken) to actually see and feel new muscles in my bod. I thought I was washed up and on the road to nowhere, muscle tone wise. But now, poor Ladd is actually tired of me asking him to squeeze my thighs and comment on their current firmness and taking his hand and putting it on my glute so he can feel me flex it.

Actually, I don't think he's tired of it.

5. I ate more protein.

Another piece of information I gleaned during my weight loss plateau research was that many people successfully push through by upping the daily percentage of protein they consume. It made sense, though admittedly, I'd never thought to track my protein consumption before. Since I was already tracking my calories, it wasn't a stretch to also make note of the protein of the things I was eating on a daily basis. Turns out that on a typical day, I had been landing at around 15% to 20% of my calories from protein...so I pivoted and steered my eating so that I was around 30% to 40% protein. It worked!

Long story short: Between the muscle building and the protein increase, I pushed through my plateau just a few days later (and another plateau a few weeks later)...and those two factors alone really changed the game for me going forward. Eating more protein also made me feel more satisfied (and gave me more energy), so it was a good move for many reasons.

My favorite high-protein foods that got me through: Low fat plain Greek yogurt (add a little sugar free vanilla syrup for a sweet snack, or use it as the basis for veggie dips), low fat cottage cheese, lean beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, cod, egg whites (I'm obsessed), raw almonds, 1% milk, Swiss cheese, homemade protein balls (recipe coming soon)...I love it all! Then to fill in the blanks, lots of spinach (raw or cooked), an apple a day, kale, carrots...the good stuff!

6. I ate less sugar.

This is a no-brainer, but it all boiled down to the eternal calorie-counting question: "If I am eating X calories today, do I want to blow 300 of those calories on a doughnut? Or do I instead want to spend 50 of them on a piece of good dark chocolate to get my fix, then keep eating things with more nutritive content?" (This is basically how Weight Watchers works, but in a points system.) So most days, I made choices that didn't involve a lot of sugar. Over time, it really resulted in quite a reduction of wasted calories.


All of that said, were there days I gave in and had a piece of cake? Yes! I'm The Pioneer Woman and I love food! Ha. But the piece of cake was the size of Rhode Island instead of Texas, and it wasn't an everyday thing.

7. I drank no alcohol.

This was multi-faceted. First, alcohol has calories. Second, I wanted to give my body a rest from booze as I moved into incorporating more exercise in my daily life. Third (this was handy!), Lent happened to fall during this time period, and since alcohol is usually the thing I give up, I got to have an added motivation there. Bottom line, I didn't drink a sip of alcohol for over four months.

fourth of july cocktail party menu

I'm back to having an occasional grown-up beverage again, but instead of two glasses of very caloric red wine or a sugary frozen cocktail, I'm opting for a Ranch Water, which my good friend Eddie Jackson taught me about: A little clear Casamigos tequila, fresh squeezed lime (I do like half a lime!), and cold Topo Chico sparkling mineral water, which is super carbonated. All over ice! Tequila has the least amount of calories of any booze, and the mineral water allows me to tell myself I'm hydrating. Ha.

8. I used an app called Happy Scale.

As I said above, I am not into logging things and having to participate too much in programs. I spend enough time texting with my kids and posting on social media (and writing on my computer) to have to spend even more time tracking my eating and exercising. But I somehow happened upon the Happy Scale app , and let me tell you that it was a GAME CHANGER in terms of motivating me to keep going. I will write a whole post about Happy Scale soon, but all it is is a weight loss tracker. It doesn't tell you how to lose weight, and it doesn't track calories, exercise, or anything other than your daily weigh-in.

happy scale app

But what it does, after just a few days of daily weight logs, is keep you posted on your progress: your current rate of weight loss, your overall rate of weight loss, and how that trend will play out over time. It is amazing in its simplicity, but it was the magic bullet for me because it takes away the occasional frustration of natural ebbs and flows of weight loss by giving you your moving average weight along with your literal weight. So if I had a day where I was up half a pound or had a couple of days where the scale didn't budge, it helped me visualize that the overall trend was still moving in the right direction.

I'm a huge Happy Scale fan! It's not ideal if you just want to lose five or ten pounds, but since I had a larger target to hit, it was the right kind of tool for me. And guess what? The weight Happy Scale told me I'd weigh on the wedding date of May 1 (back in January when it started calculating my daily weights) was exactly— exactly —what I weighed on May 1. Not magic, because it involved commitment and work on my part...but a celebration of what happens when you stick to a good, steady, sensible plan. And again—it wasn't about the exact number. But since my weight loss was a reflection of my body feeling better and better, it was one of the gauges I used.

9. I switched to a standing desk.

I was writing a cookbook during this timeframe, and the sheer amount of time I had to be on the computer at my desk was shocking. I knew that would translate to a lot of sitting, so I dragged an old standing desk out of our mud room and stuck it squarely in our living room. It made a huge difference, and what I found more than anything was that when you are working in a standing position, you are a lot more mobile and prone to step away and take breaks—since you don't have the hurdle of having to grunt and stand up from a seated position, haha. So if I'd been standing and working awhile and I felt like moving around, I'd just leave my desk and go outside, go get water, go take a short walk. It helped shave off the cumulative sedentary nature of a desk job, and just helped my overall motivation and movement. (Just tell your boss you're on a wellness journey! That's why you weren't at your desk when your computer chimed! Ha)

(Note: You don't have to buy a standing desk. There are tutorials online for transforming a regular desk or table, or you can always use the kitchen counter!

ree drummond weight loss

10. I'm still working on it!

As of today, I've lost 43 pounds. (Update March 2024: I went on to lose over 50 pounds total; will write about that this week too, as I've gained a few back!) I hesitate to even say that number, because for me, the way I feel today, it isn't about the weight loss. I definitely needed to lose weight for my own preference based on where I thought I should be, but it's more about how I feel after a few months of regular exercise, more moving, and more mindful eating. Feeling good is really all that matters, and because of that, the weigh-ins are becoming less and less important to me. I'll keep weighing in every day to have all the information I need going forward, but the number isn't what I'm paying attention to now.

ree drummond weight loss

I still love food, I still cook the same food for my family and me, and I'm a real person who realizes I'm always going to be prone to weigh-in ups and downs. But my experiences over the past few months have equipped me with real, doable tools that I feel like I'll be able to whip out whenever things get off track in the coming months and years.

ree drummond weight loss before

It only took me 52 years to figure it out, but that's okay! (Update March 2024: I'm 55 now! Ha! Update coming soon...)

I hope this helps you, whether in big ways or small. Remember that feeling good, realistic goals, being healthy, and having fun is the way to go!

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Wunder Under High-Rise Tight

Lululemon Wunder Under High-Rise Tight

Color Coated Hex Dumbbell, 5-Pound

CAP Barbell Color Coated Hex Dumbbell, 5-Pound

Color Coated Hex Dumbbell, 8-Pound

CAP Barbell Color Coated Hex Dumbbell, 8-Pound

Cloud Trainers

ON Cloud Trainers

Headshot of Ree Drummond

I’m a desperate housewife, I live in the country, and I’m obsessed with butter, Basset Hounds, and Ethel Merman. Welcome to my frontier! 

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Ree's Fun Girls' Trip!

ree drummond, paige drummond, and alex scott attend friends' wedding

Ree's Four Wedding Dates!

ree drummond family holidays 2023

Ree and the Kids in Colorado

fred at ree drummond's hot tub

Ree and Ladd Got a Hot Tub!

ree and ladd drummond

What's Ree Getting Ladd for Christmas?

mauricio scott and george

Ree Drummond's Thanksgiving Guest List for 2023

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My New Cookbook Launches Today!

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Here's Ree's Cookbook Tour Schedule!

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Ree Reflects On Her Now Empty Nest

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Ree and Ladd Drop Todd at College

todd drummond ree drummond

Ree Has an Empty Nest Question

50 Weight Loss Journey Quotes To Inspire Transformation

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 2 june 2023 2 june 2023.

Weight loss journey quotes can help inspire the process of transformation. Whether someone’s striving to shed a few pounds or completely transform their lifestyle, it’s not something that happens overnight. And there will be moments along the way when people need a little extra motivation to keep going.

In this article – we’ve curated 50 inspirational weight loss journey quotes that you can use to motivate yourself or your coaching clients.

They can be used as positive mantras about losing weight and sources of self-motivation. Or be shared on your social media platforms to inspire others who are on a similar path.

Gym Quotes for Instagram Tile

Weight Loss Journey & Transformation Quotes

Here are 50 of the best weight loss journey and transformation quotes…

  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “Progress, not perfection.”
  • “It’s never too late to become what you might have been.” – George Eliot
  • “A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today.”
  • “Never say the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”
  • “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” – Mark Twain.
  • “Change your body by changing your thoughts.”
  • “The best project you will ever work on is you.”
  • “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.”
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
  • “The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.” – Tim Ferris.
  • “Be motivated by what you can do, not defeated by what you can’t”.
  • “You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go”.
  • “Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.”
  • “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”
  • “Fitness is not about being better than someone else; it’s about being better than you used to be.” – Khloe Kardashian
  • “Your body can do anything; it’s your mind you need to convince.”
  • “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”
  • “Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.”
  • “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Rikki Rogers
  • “Sweat is just fat crying.”
  • “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” – Les Brown
  • “You are stronger than you think.”
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar
  • “Take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
  • “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain
  • “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer
  • “I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.”
  • “The difference between your body this week and next week is what you do for the next seven days to achieve your goals.”
  • “Don’t wait for the perfect moment; take the moment and make it perfect.”
  • “It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.”
  • “Make yourself a priority. At the end of the day, you’re your longest commitment.”
  • “A little progress each day adds up to big results”.
  • “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort
  • “You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
  • “The body achieves what the mind believes.”
  • “Set a fitness goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning”.
  • “The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.”
  • “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
  • “Don’t wish for a good body; work for it.”
  • “The only limit is the one you set yourself.”
  • “Your health is your wealth.”
  • “It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.”
  • “The pain of today is the strength of tomorrow.”
  • “The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” – Joel Brown
  • “Your body hears everything your mind says. Keep going; you’re doing great.”


These quotes can serve as motivation and inspiration on someone’s weight loss journey and health transformation. Powerful words of wisdom have the ability to ignite an inner fire, encouraging people to reach their goals.

Why Use Inspirational Quotes?

There are a number of reasons that inspirational quotes continue to be popular…

Instant Motivation

Inspirational quotes are like a shot of motivation into your arm. If you’re feeling tired or demotivated, a well-chosen quote can immediately resonate and reignite a passion for your fitness goals.

Positive Mindset

Repeating mantras and sayings can help people maintain a positive mindset, whic is crucial for success in any weight loss journey. They can help reprogram negative thoughts and self-talk, replacing self-doubt with self-belief.

Example Fitness Social Media Posts

Connect With Others

Sharing quotes on your social media profiles can be motivational for others and also create a sense of community. Funny quotes about losing weight or working out can entertain people and connect people through shared humour. Others who are striving for similar goals can draw strength or reassurance from your shared experiences. You might even bond with a new gym partner over quotes !

Weight Loss Transformation Posts

Inspirational quotes can serve as valuable companions on the path to weight loss. They offer guidance, encouragement, and a reminder that people aren’t alone in their quests to be healthier and happier.

Social Media Engagement Guide Contents

Social Media Engagement Guide

A downloadable guide to boosting social media engagement for health and fitness businesses.

Whether you use these quotes for your social media posts or to fuel your own daily motivation, remember that success is not about being perfect. Losing weight, like any goal in life, is about progress, perseverance, and believing in yourself.

Downloadable Health & Weight Loss Posts

If you don’t have time to create funny quotes for Instagram, then our  social media kits  can help. They make it easy to  drive leads, engagement, and loyalty  for your business.

Ideal for busy studio owners and fitness bloggers, you can benefit from our marketing agency expertise for a  fraction of the usual cost . The ready-made social posts save you time and effort.

Inspiring Empowering Weight Loss Journey Quotes Pinterest

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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So Very Blessed

My Weight Loss Journey {How I Lost 100 Pounds}

Today, I’m 100 pounds lighter than I was when I started my weight loss journey.

My successful weight loss story is not one of overnight success. I didn’t take a magic pill. My results were not from a fad diet or a product from an infomercial. My healthy weight loss journey has been more like a roller coaster ride of trials, many errors, and a collection of small milestones along the way, eventually leading to more than I ever expected to gain.

I was an unhappy girl with no self-esteem, trapped beneath baggy t-shirt and stretchy jeans and desperate to lose weight to just be normal. I had no idea that it would turn into a journey of self-discovery, freedom , and finding joy .

Oh yeah, and 100-pound weight loss. A fat loss journey I’ll forever treasure! Because not only did it change me from the outside, it transformed me from the inside out.

A little more confession with a spoiler alert before we check out my photos: Little did I know, that it would evolve into a lifestyle change, guided by intermittent fasting , regular physical activity, and a commitment to incorporating healthy foods. Through strength training and exercise programs, I’ve witnessed long-term weight loss results that have positively impacted my overall health and quality of life. This journey has taught me that the best way to achieve lasting success is through realistic goals and sustainable eating patterns, tailored to fit my entire life. As I continue on this path, I’m reminded that it’s not just about the number on the scale; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that supports my well-being for the rest of my life.

At the end of the day, whenever I reflect on my weight-loss journey (oh those weight loss efforts too), and the grace of God that has accompanied me every step of the way, I realize that I’ve learned so many important things that extend far beyond mere weight goals. My next step is to support women who are struggling to develop weight-loss plans and are prepared to make one of the best decisions of their adult life, resulting in better health conditions.

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Diets I Tried On My Weight Loss Journey

Over many years of trying to lose weight, I tried a lot of different weight loss diets, programs, and even some gimmicks.

I wish I had been blogging while I’d been on all of them, but I tried many of them when I was quite young, so there is no written record of my experience (fortunately, I never considered weight loss surgery).

Here are just a few of the many things I tried:

  • The Whole 30
  • weight loss pills
  • Weight Watchers
  • stomach shrinking wraps
  • calorie counting
  • skipping meals

One Small Change

I lost 100 pounds one small change at a time. Yes, it wasn’t like a rapid weight loss thing.

My food intake and eating habits were completely unmanageable! There was so much trial and error (a LOT of error).

I loved junk food, watching TV, and being as lazy as possible, so as appealing as the extreme diets were, they never stuck.

For me, the key to success was one small change at a time.

A significant behavior change occurred as I transitioned from soda to lemonade, then it progressed to light lemonade, flavored water, fruit-infused water, and finally plain water.

I stayed on track, moving in the right direction. Going from no vegetables to hiding vegetables to a few microwaved frozen vegetables then learning to cook fresh vegetables and now I pack my meals full of vegetables.

I could give you hundreds of examples of one small change at work in my life.

Every diet I tried or exercise program I joined, I learned something from it that I carried on with me to create a healthy lifestyle I genuinely love living.

Read more about the life-changing power of one small change .

Growing Up As The Fat Kid

I was a cute kid.  A really, really cute kid (that’s me being cute in between my two older sisters in the picture below)….until 1st grade.

  That’s when I started to become the chubby kid.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

And then I became the fat kid (that’s me on the bottom right in the huge blue poncho).

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

I don’t really know why I started overeating in the first place.

  • Maybe because I was a daddy’s girl and I wanted to keep up with his portion sizes to be just like him.
  • Possibly because I was stubborn and knew my mother wanted to eat healthily, so I rebelled by sneaking junk food, resulting to much weight.
  • Perhaps I just really loved food (and still do!). On the day after I was born, my mom wrote, “It seems like you just want to eat ALL the time!” <- Yup.

Whatever the reason, I started overeating and just couldn’t stop.

I remember my grandmother making a comment once about how shocked she was that I could eat so many slices of pizza.

And I remember feeling proud of being able to do so.

I loved junk food and would sneak into the kitchen late at night and find the unhealthiest food my mom had hiding in the kitchen… and I’d eat it all in one sitting.

Whether it was a box of Nutty Bars, a bag of chips, or some really delicious leftovers, I’d devour them, not caring about my body weight or caloric intake at all.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Food (more specifically,  junk  food) was a precious commodity to me. When it was there, I felt like it was a resource that could run out at any given time, so I had to eat it all as fast as possible before someone else dared to try it themselves and leave less for me.

I was pretty much like Joey from Friends . “Becky does not share food! “

Confession – sometimes I still feel like that.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

It’s not like I was ever deprived.

My mother was (and still is) a fantastic cook.  She always made a ton of flavorful, healthy, homemade meals, but I never appreciated them.

I was always begging for processed foods, prepackaged foods, and fast food.

I would have taken a Lunchable over a sandwich any day and wished I could live off of donuts, tater tots, and cupcakes.

I vividly remember wishing someone would replace all water fountains with Kool-Aid fountains (fun fact – I didn’t start liking plain water until I was 27 years old).

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Bullying As An Overweight Kid

In middle school, I was teased.

  • I was called fat in the hallways.
  • I was called fat by random strangers who saw me helping my best friend deliver her paper route.
  • I was called fat by so-called friends not-so behind my back.

It hurt. A lot.

And I retreated inside myself even more, thinking if I was quiet and just flew under the radar, then I wouldn’t draw attention to myself and nobody would notice that I was fat. I ate in secret.

Then I beat myself up for overeating, which drove me to eat even more. It’s really a vicious cycle that keeps you spiraling downward.

I was never able to wear any of the same clothes that my friends wore because I couldn’t fit into girls’, or even teen, clothing.  I remember wearing a 24W as a 14-year-old. So, I dressed in the ever-so-fashionable stretchy jeans and super baggy t-shirt, believing that all of that excess fabric would hide all of my body fat or belly rolls.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

I Really Hated Exercise

In middle school, I played volleyball, which helped me with weight management at least a little bit.

I loved the actual game and even made the A team, but I hated the running.

I was always the slowest, I always finished last, huffing and puffing, needing tons of walk breaks, even just during the warm-up laps.  I could block, bump, and spike like nobody’s business, but I remember always feeling second best because I was the girl who had to take the highest number of uniform because the numbers correlated to the size.

High number = big uniform.

It was like my weight was being announced to everyone, wearing my shame on the outside.

I played tennis from my freshman through junior year of high school and, again, really enjoyed the sport, but  abhorred  the running.  Our coach was a middle-aged guy who could run circles around me.  The entire team would have finished their laps around the field, while I was still stumbling along next to the (also middle-aged) assistant coach, who I’m quite sure they sent in as an attempt to get me to run faster.

It was ineffective.

But because of the regular exercise, I did start losing some weight.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

The Dreaded Yo-Yo Dieting

In high school, the teasing had pretty much stopped, but I still felt as big as ever. It seemed like everyone around me was dating and I was convinced that if I just lost the weight, then guys would start to notice me.

So, I was constantly trying to diet.

Emphasis on the  trying .

I’d skip breakfast (always the brilliant way to lose weight – NOT), I’d make sure everyone could see that I was only eating bell pepper strips or half of a Slim Fast for lunch instead of the pizza offered at Key Club meetings, and I’d applaud myself when my stomach was rumbling in hunger, because, obviously, starvation=weight loss (face-palm). 

But, those efforts were quite temporary, and the next day, I’d be with my friends at the food court eating a massive burrito for lunch (and sneaking cookies into my bedroom at night).

  The Freshman 15 In Reverse

When I went off to college in 2004, I was actually able to reverse the freshman 15.

Because the rec center was just across a field from my dorm, there was a time that I was going over there twice a day to swim or lift weights or hop on the elliptical and I was taking full advantage of the salad bar in the cafeteria.

I probably could have dropped a lot more weight, but I was still ordering late-night pizza with my dorm-mates and keeping our room’s mini-fridge stocked with cookie dough and soda.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

When I moved out of the dorms and off campus (away from the rec center) the next year, my weight gain began to slowly creep back.

I’d exercise occasionally and kind of try to watch what I ate, but I didn’t really know how to cook, so I mostly stuck with boxed options.

Macaroni and cheese and Hamburger Helper are not the ideal meals for weight loss and after I’d regained those pounds, they stayed.

And stayed.

Until late 2007.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

The Opposite Extreme

That year, I fell in love.

We dated, we got engaged, and then he was deployed, and I lived in a constant state of stress .

I drifted to the other extreme of unhealthy weight loss.

I was miserable. I thought worrying was the only thing I could offer at that point and since I couldn’t control what was going on overseas, I decided to control my eating.  I was living alone and, for most that year, I probably ate between 500-800 calories a day.

I was hungry a lot, not exercising at all, had no energy, and my stomach was constantly in knots, but I lost 40 pounds, bringing me down to 160. That was the lightest I’d been since I could remember (literally.  I obviously had to have been 160 pounds at some point in my life as I was gaining the weight, but I have no idea when that was).

I thought skinny meant healthy, but even though I was finally a normal weight, I was FAR from healthy at that point.

I started buying smaller clothes and noticing that things fit me so much better, but it was short-lived.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Unhealthy Relationship, Unhealthy Body

The deployment ended, he came home, and we got married. I was ready for a blissful honeymoon stage, but it was not a happy or a healthy marriage.

I didn’t know it at the time, but my deep insecurities from being the fat kid mixed with that desperation for attention from guys had led me into an emotionally abusive marriage .

My weight loss journey spiraled down and my weight shot up once again.

We a lot of fast food, rarely exercised because we were glued to our TV and computer screens, and the stress of the constant conflict between us was nearly unbearable (especially for this people-pleasing, peace-loving girl!), so I started gaining the weight back quickly.

And then I kept gaining.

And gaining.

Until January 2012.  I was 194 pounds and was terrified of creeping back up into the 200’s.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

I’ll Exercise…In Secret.

So, talks about an exercise plan, I joined a gym.

I was really only comfortable using the elliptical. I was too scared to try any of the classes offered and the weight machines were just intimidating. Gym people always seem to know what they’re doing and I just…didn’t.

I didn’t feel like I fit anywhere and I especially didn’t want people to see my gym inadequacy, so I spent a lot of time in the cardio movie room, where all of the lights are dimmed and they projected movies onto a screen in front of the cardio equipment.

I tried a personal trainer for awhile and hated it.

A person watching me exercise was. the. worst.

Mostly because I was so weak that I struggled with a lot of the exercises she gave me and as sweet as this girl was, she continuously expressed how surprised she was at how little I could lift/push/squat/whatever else. Even though I was still 55 pounds less than my heaviest, I felt completely inadequate and just wanted to hide.

So, I ditched the gym and the trainer for workouts that I could do myself at home (these are some of my favorite home workouts ).

That’s when I decided to start running.

Yes, running .

Running for Weight Loss

You know, that thing I told you I hated with a passion?  The bane of my existence?  The killer of my self-esteem?  That .  I looked it in the metaphorical face and embraced it (sticking to side streets with few spectators, mind you).

One step at a time. One gasping breath at a time.

Running was SO hard for me.

In June 2012, I ran my first 5k (even though my mother beat me. Totally embarrassing.).

If you want to run for weight loss, check out this beginner’s guide to running .

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

The Year Everything Changed

After a rough start to the year with a devastating divorce , 2014 became one of the most influential years of my life (and my weight loss journey).

That was the year that all of the pieces of healthy habits that I had been building over the years finally fell into place.

Running had started to give me confidence.

I didn’t feel like hiding anymore. I still didn’t want all of the attention drawn to me, but I dabbled in a variety of exercises that year and was always working on something to keep myself healthy. Not just prioritizing my physical health but also attending to my mental health, as part of the long sustainable weight loss journey.

I tried Zumba and cardio kickboxing classes, which majorly pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I enjoyed immensely!

An instructor talked to me after class and asked me my story and recommended I look into teaching fitness. I was so flattered, but just put that into the back of my mind.

I did some yoga, some pilates, and some Jillian Michaels videos.

I used my Fitbit all year, which really motivated me to move more throughout the day.

I took my border collie, Boots, for more walks, I parked farther away from stores, I walked the long way around whenever I could – anything to get up to my 10,000 steps!

I ran off and on when I felt like it (and often when I didn’t) and ended up running six 5ks.

Outside of exercise, my confidence was building, too.

Instead of just helping out with slides in our church services, I joined the worship team and started singing in front of our congregation every week.

I dated. I left my teeny tiny comfort zone and went on adventures. I started striking up conversations with neighbors and people in the grocery store.

I was officially done hiding from people, and I was finally, after 27 years, for the first time I can say with confidence, starting to believe my worth as a child of God.

Until that year, I had no idea that God would care about my weight loss journey .

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Oh, How I Love Food (Apparently Healthy Food, Too! Who Knew?)

The other thing that happened in 2014 is that my tastes started to change. Those small changes had added up!

I have always been a lover of all things fried and junk food-like. As a single person, I had the freedom to stock my cabinets and fridge with whatever foods I wanted.

I started the year buying all of the chocolate and chips and frozen prepared foods that I love and I quickly found that those weren’t the foods I wanted anymore .

I still kept a wide variety of chocolate in the house but ate it sparingly ( self-control like that still feels weird to me!).

Surprisingly, I wanted spaghetti squash, Greek yogurt, zucchini, baby spinach, quinoa , and fish .

I slowly warmed up to fish in my mid-20’s, but that year, I craved it and ate it often!

And, unless I was meeting friends, I didn’t eat out.

I was focused on achieving a better health.

The funny thing is, I used to dream about Big Macs and Sonic’s tater tots and Freddy’s french fries and then when I actually had the freedom to go to those places whenever I wanted to, it turned out I really didn’t want to.

I still eat Life Saver Gummies, chocolate, and french fries when I want to, but now, instead of a box of Nutty Bars (oh, how I love them!) disappearing in one night, they were lasting me a month or more.

Nothing was off limits to me and that actually was the key for me to eat everything in moderation.

I don’t believe in forbidden foods in my diet anymore.

As a result of all of those small changes in my healthy eating and exercise, I dropped 30 pounds that year.

And I’ve kept it off ever since.

No more dieting.

No more forcing myself to go through the motions.

I had worked my way, one step at a time, to food freedom .

Now, those healthy habits I developed in my weight loss journey are just my normal, a normal I happen to absolutely love living . I eat what I love, I have the energy and stamina to do the things I enjoy, and I just feel good.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Even Though It’s About The Weight, It’s Not Really About The Weight

It’s really not even about my goal weight anymore.

It’s about freedom .

I’m doing things I never thought I was capable of. It’s about being healthy and active and taking care of myself so that I can build the life I want to live. It’s about chasing my niece and nephew and running 5ks with my friends.

It’s about seizing the day, instead of trying to hide, hoping no one will notice me.

It’s about being confident in who I’ve become and embracing both my strengths and my weaknesses.

Instead of being scared to try new things, I’m eager to take advantage of new experiences. It’s about making good choices most of the time when it comes to both movement and nutrition, but not being a slave to counting calories or forbidding foods from my diet.

I would never have believed it if you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be the girl choosing salmon and barley over a burger and french fries, but I did just that the other night.

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

Breaking Free

I ran my first half marathon in 2015, and that was when I decided that I wanted to somehow share the tools and lessons (and many, many mistakes) that I have learned through my own journey, so I earned my personal trainer’s certification and my health coaching certification (through ACE – the American Council on Exercise ).

I now run a Christian weight loss program called Faithful Finish Lines 2.0 (along with my partner Sara from The Holy Mess who has also lost 100 pounds!) that lays out a step-by-step, grace-based way to lose weight for women stuck in their own weight loss journey, in that cycle of yo-yo dieting and emotional eating, find freedom in Christ by building a healthy lifestyle, one small change at a time.

My weight loss journey has been so much bigger than 100 pounds.

  • It gave me freedom and such a deep joy.
  • I learned to trade my guilt for God’s grace.
  • It improved my relationships.
  • I feel so much better.
  • It boosted my confidence .
  • I learned how to find joy and satisfaction in self-control.
  • I improved my relationship with God and others.
  • It changed my life into one that I am madly in love with living.

And now, I want to pass that on to others. I want you to know that, no matter what your starting place is, you can find that freedom, too.

As a follower of Christ, you have the power of God on your side, so no matter how impossible or hopeless your situation seems, I can assure you there is a world of hope and possibility waiting for you.

Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you and help you take the first step.

You can lose the weight and live a healthier life, no matter how far away you feel from that goal right now. One step, one small change at a time, transform your life.

You can do this!

Start right now .

My Weight Loss Journey: So Very Blessed - The story of how I lost 100 pounds, kept it off, and fell madly in love with my life.

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Elizabeth Rampaul

Wednesday 21st of February 2024

Where do access your most current meal plan?

Thursday 29th of February 2024

Hi Elizabeth, I don't have my current meal plans posted right now. They are always changing for me since I love trying new recipes. I rarely make the same recipe twice! My breakfasts are often eggs and veggies, my lunches are usually leftovers, and my dinners are full of proteins and veggies and have recently had less meat and more veggies/plant proteins.

Friday 24th of November 2023

Your blog, your life story and you as a person is so inspirational to me. I’ve been trying to find blogs like yours to help me get ideas for how to start a blog. I have not lost 100 or even 10 pounds yet. I have made a commitment to lose the weight and get healthy. I liked your comment about being skinny is not healthy. I know that but like you I need to start small with the exercise part of all of this. I started a blog to hold me accountable because I never tell anyone around me that I’m trying to lose weight. I’ve had so many diet and weight loss failures in my adult life. I would love some pointers for my blog and I will continue to read yours for your thought and ideas for losing weight and becoming healthy. I love your blog name. I choose Transforming my health and happiness. You are truly a blessing to me and I know others. Thank you for sharing your life with us and how God used you to show us how to get healthy.

Friday 8th of December 2023

Hi Amanda! Thank you so much for your kind words. That commitment is such an important part of the journey. Most people think the hardest part about losing weight is finding the "right" program or diet, but, really, he biggest battle you'll fight in weight loss is against discouragement. You will be so tempted to give up when you gain after trying hard or "only" lost .2 pounds. My 100-pound weight loss journey was FULL of .2 pound-loss weeks! They are important. They matter. Don't give up. <3

Tracey McCoy

Thursday 2nd of November 2023

I was looking for encouraging scriptures for a card my husband and I are giving out as part of our prayer ministry we're starting in our neighborhood, and I happened upon your blog! It's funny.. I just canceled my Weight Watchers subscription this morning in frustration.. I was always around 110 lbs until I got pregnant at 28 years old and gained 100 lbs. Then 2 more pregnancies later (back to back) I was officially obese. Throw in a divorce with 3 small children and complete devastation in my life, I began to gain even more weight. I got remarried and we both love food, so it was just inevitable.. I ended up weighing 298 lbs at 5'2". Then my knees went out and I had to have them replaced, but needed to lose some weight first. I went on a strictly cabbage diet and lost weight. Two years later, I am currently 230.8 lbs as of this morning. In the past year, I've done all the diets with Weight Watchers being the most recent. But I'm frustrated with the constant tracking and shameful public weigh-ins. I tried it without the meetings, but it just didn't work. Last night, after talking to my new pastor (not about weight) I realized that I was once again out of control earing, hiding wrappers from my husband, etc bc I was not relying on God. I was relying on me or Weight Watchers, but never really inviting God into my mess.. so, this morning I quit WW and then happened upon your blog. And I am so grateful. I know I hate exercise, but it's gotta be included. I cannot run - wish I could - but it is in fact painful just to walk with my knee replacements. But I will find something. I look forward to diving deeper into your blog, your resources, and anything else I can find on your site that will help me.. thanks so much for being a light in my darkness..

Friday 3rd of November 2023

Hi Tracey, thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with me. It's such a difficult road and fighting shame while fighting food cravings is such a tough battle! You can absolutely do this. As a side note, exercise is great for your overall health, but not necessary for weight loss, so don't feel like that needs to be your top priority. And I'm a big fan of chair workouts!


Tuesday 25th of July 2023

What a beautiful blog! Just looking for motivation today, 'cos I lost 60 lbs a few years ago, and now my job is to keep it off.

I grew up heavy and spent my young adulthood that way except for some on-and-off periods when I managed to lose, but never kept it off. Of course, my life changed radically depending on what my weight was, with all the misery that comes from being "fat" and then all the positive attention when I was "pretty."

I lost and gained 40 lbs (180's to 140's), maybe 5-6 times in my lifetime. This last time, with the help of an understanding doctor (and yes, medication, but that's what I needed), I lost 45 lbs, gained back 10, but this time, went back to the doctor and lost that and then on my own, 15 more, for a total of 60 lbs, which I've kept off for a few years now (from 189 to 129...current range past few years 126--131, which feels like a miracle.)

One of the things I do when tempted to eat when I don't really need to, is look for blogs like yours to read -- to remind myself that I can do what people like YOU have.

So thank you for helping me with motivation today. And thank you for sharing your beautiful journey! (Thanks to all the commenters, too.) Bless to all!

Saturday 29th of July 2023

What a great idea to look up blogs when you're needing some extra motivation! I used to do the same thing. Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. That's amazing that you've continued to choose to get back on track and find the support you need. That takes a lot of strength!

Dan Delaney

Thursday 6th of July 2023

Great work Becky. I lost 40 lbs and felt like that was huge, but what you have done here is amazing! I hope this motivates others to start the journey!

Friday 7th of July 2023

Thank you so much!

200 Journaling for health & weight loss Real Health and Weight Loss Podcast

Weight loss is an inside job. Real health and lasting weight loss requires self-understanding. Your journey of self-discovery can be a lot of fun. In this episode, Dr Lucy and Dr Mary discuss the power of journaling as a tool to rewire your brain and harness the power of neuroplasticity. Any old piece of paper and any old pen will do. Journaling is a free, accessible and powerful tool that can have immense rewards for your brain and body.  For more information about Real Life Medicine and our programs and special offers: https://www.rlmedicine.com/ Episode, show notes & transcript: https://www.rlmedicine.com/journaling-for-health-and-weight-loss  See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Tammy Slaton Opens Up About Her Weight Loss: All About The '1,000-Lb. Sisters' Star's Health Journey

The Kentucky native has lost over 400 pounds.

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Tammy Slaton is earning a lot of praise for her weight loss journey.

“Girl you look GREAT!” one person wrote. “Good job on your weight loss. Proud of you,” another said. Even Tammy’s doctor, Kentucky-based bariatric surgeon Eric Smith , MD, chimed in with, “You are killing it!”

Tammy has made a lot of lifestyle changes to get to this point. Here’s what she’s shared about her journey so far.

Tammy has lost over 400 pounds on her journey.

Since her series premiered in 2020, Tammy has lost over half her prior body weight. She has dropped 440 pounds, which is down from her highest weight of 725 pounds, she told People last year.

After making some major changes to her diet, undergoing bariatric surgery in July 2022, and subsequently checking into a 14-month weight loss rehab, she currently weighs 285 pounds, per People .

In a since-deleted comment, Tammy shared that she now practices eating "proteins, low carbs, no sugars, no pop, portion control," according to Us Weekly .

Tammy regularly shows off her progress on social media, including a recent TikTok that breaks down how far she’s come.

She’s now able to walk without a walker.

At the start of her journey, Tammy had difficulty with mobility and needed to rely on a walker or wheelchair. But now, she can move around without aid, and no longer needs an oxygen tube to breathe.

“One of the big changes that I have gone through this past year is probably small to most people, but for me it was huge,” Tammy told People . “Just being able to walk without a walker or be pushed in a wheelchair, and no oxygen. I don't even sleep with it at night anymore.”

Tammy also said that she’s now able to sit in the front seat of a regular vehicle and can fasten the seat belt without using an extender. “What seems minor to some people is giant for me,” she said.

She’s grateful for her new “quality of life.”

Tammy is happy with how her life has changed. “My quality of life has changed so much,” she said in a February TikTok . “Before I went to rehab, I was bitter, unhappy, very super suicidal, depressed, and just mean. Everybody hated me…and they still do…I had this I don’t care attitude back then. I still do, but it’s not as bad. I’m working on myself still.”

Tammy also said that she’s able to appreciate life more, and is now treating herself and others better in the process. “I have personally seen a lot of growth in how I treat people and my family,” she said. “Just my attitude and how happier I seem. I smile a lot more.”

Tammy also revealed in that video that she was able to enjoy a recent trip to Disney World. “I actually got on rides, and I rode in a hot air balloon,” she said. “I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this two years ago…I’m just giving myself a pat on the back for achieving something. Getting the weight off and living."

She plans on getting skin removal surgery, but doesn’t have a timeline.

In another video from the same month, Tammy shared that she’s planning to get skin removal surgery at some point, but doesn't know exactly when. “My ‘chin flap’ is not a chin flap. It’s literally excess skin and yes, it will go away when I get skin removal surgery,” she said in a February TikTok . “I cannot answer, before anybody asks, when I’m getting skin removal because I don’t know.”

She encourages kindness online.

In that same video, Tammy called out people for making mean comments about her. “Can’t I live my life without y’all judging me, making fun of me for every little freaking thing?” she said. “I can’t duet a friend without y’all thinking I’m trying to bang them. I can’t be happy and smile without y’all judging me because my teeth are missing.”

Tammy then encouraged people to be kinder to others. “You don’t understand what people are going through,” she said. “I’m very insecure. I hide it because I don’t want people to think I’m weak and I truly am weak. And calling me a turkey or talking about my face and my teeth it bothers me. I’m human.”

She added, “I just want people to realize that hating is not okay.”

Headshot of Korin Miller

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  • Weight loss journey: I lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without stepping into the gym!

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Weight loss journey: “I lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without st...

Weight loss journey: “i lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without stepping into the gym”, timesofindia.com | last updated on - oct 1, 2020, 07:00 ist share fbshare twshare pinshare comments ( 0 ), 01 /6 ​weight loss journey: “i lost 23 kilos in just 5 months without stepping into the gym”.

Being a doctor, when 24-year-old Suparna Suthesh saw firsthand how difficult life gets when you pile on excess kilos, she decided there and then to lose all the extra kilos. Without taking any help of fancy gymming equipment or fad diets, she lost a whopping 23 kilos in a span of just 5 months. Here is her immensely inspiring weight loss journey. Read on.

Name: Suparna Suthesh

Occupation: Doctor

Age: 24 years

Height: 5 feet 2 inches

Highest weight recorded: 90 kg

Weight lost: 23 kg

Duration it took me to lose weight: 5 months

02 /6 ​The turning point

weight loss journey of

I was attending to a patient in the Emergency Department of my hospital. The patient was a young, obese female. Seeing the team struggling even to secure the cannula, I realised the people who suffer the most when you gain an excessive amount of weight is your healthcare team. That’s when things changed and I decided to shed all the extra kilos and get back in shape. The journey from 90 kilos to 63 kilos wasn’t an easy one, but it was definitely worth it.

03 /6 My meal plan

My meal plan

My breakfast: A cup of black tea, 5 almonds soaked overnight in water and one fruit. My lunch: Grilled fish or omelette with loads of green vegetables. My dinner: Grilled chicken, unflavored yoghurt and a bowl of green salad. Pre-workout meal: A cup of black coffee Post-workout meal : My post-workout meal was my dinner I indulge in: Rice and roasted chicken Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Definitely a bowl of green salad

04 /6 ​My workout

​My workout

I didn’t step into the gym at all during my weight loss journey. I did all my work out within the comfort of my hostel room. Each of my workout session burned 800 kcal roughly. I did two 15-minute sessions of jumping ropes regularly. I also included strength training and a little bit of weight training in my workout regime.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Weight loss is simple mathematics. Calculate your BMR and adjust your calorie intake and workout sessions accordingly. How do I stay motivated? I always make it a point to click pictures every time I reach a milestone. My phone wallpaper is of the time when I used to weigh 90 kilos. Seeing how far I have come definitely keeps me motivated. How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? Knowing that I should treat myself with love and respect doesn’t allow me to let my body, mind and soul go through any sort of stress--be it unhealthy food or unwanted worries.

05 /6 ​What’s the most difficult part of being overweight?

​What’s the most difficult part of being overweight?

When you put on a lot of extra kilos, your ageing process starts accelerating when compared to others your age. What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I am not yet done with my weight loss journey as I want to lose a few kilos more. After which, I will focus on toning and strengthening my body and maintaining that weight. What are the lifestyle changes you made? The biggest lifestyle change I have made is to not give in to any cravings. Now, I think twice before putting anything into my mouth. What was the lowest point for you? When I had sat down to prepare for my final year university exam last year, all I could focus on was on the fat rolls on my tummy and back. That was undoubtedly the worst feeling ever.

06 /6 ​Lessons learnt from weight loss

​Lessons learnt from weight loss

I have realised that people don’t show as much interest in your weight loss journey if you do not show a significant difference in your weight. When I had decided to lose roughly 20 kilos, even my closest friends used to mock and asked me not to expect more than 5-6 kilos of weight loss. Hence, make sure that you do not pay attention to any negativity and keep going on. Let people think and say, whatever they wish to, you should stay determined to your weight loss journey.


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Find Surgical & Non Surgical Weight Loss – JourneyLite

Find Surgical & Non Surgical Weight Loss - JourneyLite

The trusted team for all your weight loss, body contouring, and spine surgery needs! Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, gastric balloon, appetite suppressants and more!

Weight Loss Surgery: Gastric Sleeve/VSG, Gastric Bypass, Lap Band and more!

Embark on a journey to a healthier you with the weight loss experts at JourneyLite. Our state-of-the-art surgical options, including the Gastric Sleeve/VSG, Gastric Bypass, and Lap Band procedures, provide you with safe and effective solutions for long-term weight management.

Weight Loss Solutions: Surgical, Non-Surgical & Medication

JourneyLite Physicians know that there is no singular weight loss program that will work for every patient out there. That’s why we offer tailored care including surgical, non-surgical, and weight loss medication plans. With locations in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, our team of experienced surgeons and dietary specialists will create a plan that aligns with your goals.

surgical weight loss

Bariatric Surgery Options

Our surgical weight loss solutions include:

Gastric Sleeve (VSG) Surgery , Lap Band Surgery , Gastric Bypass , SADI Surgery , Gastric Band Revision , and Gastric Sleeve Revision . The ideal candidate for each surgery varies. Our experienced team can guide you through the decision-making process and answer questions along the way.

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Weight Loss Centers in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky

JourneyLite extends its care across multiple locations. We have three Ohio locations including Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton. Additionally, you can find us in Indianapolis and in Northern Kentucky. Browse JourneyLite locations here to find the right center for you.

Your Experienced Weight Loss Surgeons

JourneyLite is home to experts in the field of weight management, including our accomplished physicians Dr. Trace W. Curry and Dr. James Augusta.

Dr. Curry, a board-certified general surgeon and Cincinnati native, is the medical director of bariatric surgery at JourneyLite Surgery Center. With over two decades of experience, he has performed thousands of advanced laparoscopic surgeries and is recognized for introducing innovative non-surgical obesity treatments in Ohio.

Dr. Augusta specializes in gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and revisional weight loss surgery. As a minimally invasive weight loss surgeon, he brings a wealth of expertise from his comprehensive training and residency in Ohio.

Together, Dr. Curry and Dr. Augusta combine their knowledge and compassion to offer the best in weight loss surgery and non-surgical procedures with the tailored that JourneyLite is known for.

Dr. Curry

Weight Loss Specials

Save $1000-$5000, journeylite accepts most insurance plans for weight loss surgery, self-pay gastric sleeve only $10000, new semaglutide/glp-1 pricing, tirzepatide pricing, testimonials.

I had surgery on June 7, 2022 and I have lost 92 pounds so far. I am now walking over 10,000 steps a day as well as working with 3 pound weights and leg bands. I am off of two of my medications so far. I am a 60 year old woman and I feel… Read more “Surgery”

All I Wanted and Needed

The team at Journeylite has been amazing. I have never had to wait for an appointment. The process was efficient, and my surgery went great. I was nervous about surgery being outpatient, but I am so glad it was. I went home and relaxed comfortably in my own space. The staff gave very detailed directions… Read more “All I Wanted and Needed”

Great Results

At 40 years old I had tried multiple diets and exercise programs I was 407lbs. I had the gastric sleeve surgery and lost 180lbs. Great… Read more “Great Results”

I had the best experience

I had the best experience with JourneyLite. All of the nurses and Dr. Curry were so kind and explained everything. They truly helped to ease any nervousness I had. They were very supportive throughout everything. I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life thanks to the crew at… Read more “I had the best experience”

Finally Living Again

My journey began in July of 2021. I had the sleeve done Dec 2021. I had thought about having the procedure for several years. I finally took back control of my health. Which gave me back a life worth living. When I tipped the scale at 344lbs I knew I had to do something. I… Read more “Finally Living Again”

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Emily, ‘Em, is the best.

You all have a gem in Em. Not only is she very personable but she’s so easy to talk to. She’s always been a great resource for me and has even gone way out of her way to find items my sensitive digestive system can tolerate. I really enjoy working with her and I know… Read more “Emily, ‘Em, is the best.”

I was referred by a friend back is April and the staff at Journey Lite was all so nice and welcoming. They made the process so smooth. I learned a lot along the way. Dr. Augusta is amazing! I highly recommend this team to anybody looking for weight loss services. Thank you for helping me… Read more “My Journey”

A new outlook on life

Hi! My name is Katlyn and I had gastric sleeve surgery a year ago by Dr Curry. I am currently 31 years old, and my highest weight was 258# I started my weightloss journey April of 2021 with a local doctor in Columbus. I tried multiple non surgical weightloss medications with little success. I found… Read more “A new outlook on life”

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A Dream Come True

I have started my journey for weight loss with JourneyLite in October 2022. I was uncertain as to whether I’d be brave enough to go through the actual surgery, so Dr. Augusta and I decided to start the plan with weight loss medicine while proceeding with the (potential) goal of surgery. I informed Dr. Augusta… Read more “A Dream Come True”

New Year, New Me.

Today marks my 1 year VSG anniversary. At my highest weight I was over 300 lbs, but the time I got through pre-op I was close to 280, currently I am 175. In 1 year Dr. Curry and his team at JourneyLite physicians have given me the tools and support I needed to get back… Read more “New Year, New Me.”

Dr. Curry and his whole team were amazing!

Dr. Curry and his whole team were amazing. From start to finish I felt informed and very comfortable. I followed all of their instructions and had the absolute best outcome. My recovery was beyond easy. I had very little pain, zero nausea, and was not even that weak after my procedure. I am a month… Read more “Dr. Curry and his whole team were amazing!”

Outstanding service

Everyone was extremely nice and helpful with all my questions. I had many virtual appointments which made things much easier for me since I lived over 3hrs away. I wish I had done this sooner. Highly recommend… Read more “Outstanding service”

Best Decision of my Life

I started this journey on March 18 2022 when I had my sleeve. A starting weight of 272.8 pounds and following the pre diet i was 254 day of surgery. I could not walk for a mile and my knees would be killing me. The tool that was given to me has made me change… Read more “Best Decision of my Life”

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Quality Care!

Hands down the best care! All the nurses, staff and doctors were so caring and thorough. Preparing for a surgery can be very stressful and cause anxiety, but they put my mind at ease and made me feel very… Read more “Quality Care!”

Let me start by saying that weight lost surgery is more about being mentally ready for the changes you are making to your life Your brain will lie to you, listen to your body. Your body will tell you are full. It was hard at 1st to listen to my body. All the foods I… Read more “My Journey”

weight loss journey of

Very Pleased with JourneyLite

I had put off addressing my weight for years and finally had the courage to schedule an appointment with JourneyLite. The experience from start to present has been nothing but spectacular. The pre surgical, surgical, and post surgical processes were well explained. The staff from scheduling, billing, nursing, dietary and physician have been totally professional,… Read more “Very Pleased with JourneyLite”

I’m SHOCKED everyday!

Hello my name is penny I’m 61 years old I decided to do the journey light program back in December of 2021 After Getting all the required things done prior to the procedure April 12th of 2022 The journey lite team was great through the entire process. Before and after. On January 3 rd 2023.… Read more “I’m SHOCKED everyday!”

Weight loss

I had lots of aches and pains along with lack of confidence before surgery. I can say I feel so much better physically and mentally. Thanks you so much to… Read more “Weight loss”


I just want to say from day 1 of starting my Gastric Sleeve journey it’s been a very smooth process. Who doesn’t want a smooth process? There were no bumps in the road. My first visit with Journeylite was 9/27/23, I had my gastric sleeve surgery on 12/28/23. I’m very happy with the care I… Read more “JOURNEYLITE IS WONDERFUL!”

Exceptional Care

Dr. Curry and Dr. Augusta ame amazing!!! All the staff are caring and knowledgeable in this field. I highly recommend this… Read more “Exceptional Care”

You are worth it!!

I had a gastric sleeve in November 2023. I am down 50 pounds so far. I have never felt better! I’m so glad that I found JourneyLite! We were so impressed with the whole process. The communication is amazing! I was provided with great information for my journey. The surgery staff was top notch. The… Read more “You are worth it!!”

Life changing!

Dr. Curry and staff are nothing short of amazing! From the front desk(s) all the way back to the surgical center! I am always treated with kindness and compassion at the offices. Since my surgery on 8/15, I’ve been in great hands! I’m down 60 lbs and off of 4 diabetes meds. All because of… Read more “Life changing!”

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One year after

I had the sleeve surgery one year ago. I have lost 109 pounds. I went from 290 pounds to 181 pounds. I am 61 years old and I am now walking 12,000 steps a day. When I had the surgery I was on five medication‘s. I am now on one medication. I am very happy… Read more “One year after”

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I wish I did it sooner

Having battled weight issues most of my life. Playing the game of yo yo dieting really does take its toll on your body. I wish I had just gone years ago and gotten the surgery and saved my body the years of abuse of yo yo dieting. Dr.Curry and his whole team are excellent, from… Read more “I wish I did it sooner”

My next chapter

I was sleeved on 3/24/22 I’m down a total of 93.8 pounds from my highest weight which was 248.8 Starting weight was 220.8 surgery weight was 209.8 Current weight “155” This surgery saved me literally I was so depressed an wanted to just give up all hope I’d ever lose this weight I also was… Read more “My next chapter”

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My dietician is THE BEST!

So I had my 2nd Televisit with Jaclyn (dietician) and I was really nervous about how to properly eat to stabilize my diabetes without sabotaging my weight loss. When I voiced this concern to Jaclyn, making her aware of how badly I bottom out during the night, she was so sweet and understanding. She actually… Read more “My dietician is THE BEST!”

My journey with journey light

Even though I live in the deep part South of Kentucky journey light was there for every question was there for anything I needed and helped me through this process I would like to thank them for all their politeness their caring and they’re helped through this whole thing Thank you journey light you are… Read more “My journey with journey light”

Best decision I’ve ever made

I could not have picked a better doctor/facility to have my VSG surgery at. Everyone that works at JourneyLite is super friendly and helpful. Dr Curry gave me the tool I needed to succeed in my weight loss and I am forever… Read more “Best decision I’ve ever made”

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Wonderful experience with a wonderful team

When I first embarked on this journey, I was a little apprehensive. The struggle between finding a dedicated team of doctors and nurses and navigating the cost associated with having bariatric surgery can be overwhelming. I was going to have this procedure done in Tijuana but my family and friends persuaded me to stay local… Read more “Wonderful experience with a wonderful team”

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I’ve had a wonderful experience

I’ve had a wonderful experience with Dr Curry and all of his staff. Today makes 1 year since my surgery and I’m 110 pounds down. I’m now down to my goal weight and I feel fantastic! This was the best decision ive ever made! Being able to have my life back and fully enjoy my… Read more “I’ve had a wonderful experience”

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Best thing I could have done for myself!

I was 46 years old and weighed 372 lbs. diabetic hypertension high cholesterol anxiety and had not felt myself for many years. I had gastric sleeve surgery 7-7-22 and to date I’ve lost over 140 lbs. If you do what your team tells you you will be successful! It’s so nice to go shopping and… Read more “Best thing I could have done for myself!”

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Life Changing!

I was completely unhealthy. Headed towards heart disease and diabetes. My entire body hurt due to the excess weight. I had to make a change. Dr. Curry and his staff made the process so simple! I am halfway to my goal weight and just a few months. I’m now feeling so much better. My labs… Read more “Life Changing!”

Amazing-start to (ongoing) finish

JLP has been amazing from my first visit all the way through post surgery. They made sure I understood every step of the way and why each step was so important. From front desk staff, dietitians and medical providers. They worked with me and insurance to make sure we had completed everything we needed before… Read more “Amazing-start to (ongoing) finish”

The Biggest Thank You!!!

I want to take a minute out of my day, to thank JourneyLite and Dr. Augusta for working with me to get my life back. I can do so many things I have not been able to do in years. I am truly grateful. I am down 114 pounds in a year thanks to JourneyLite.… Read more “The Biggest Thank You!!!”

Fantastic experience!

I have had a fantastic experience with the Journeylite team. From my first meeting with Dr. Curry, through pre-op, surgery day and follow up care, I have received incredible support from the entire team. My VSG was virtually pain-free and recovery has been a smooth ride! By following the guidance provided, I have seen consistent… Read more “Fantastic experience!”

New Lease On Life

Starting my journey was extremely intimidating for me. I wasn’t sure if surgery was right for me but I knew that I had been down every weight loss avenue available over about a 20 year span. I had been fighting with my weight since my early 20s. I started talking to my family doctor about… Read more “New Lease On Life”

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I couldn’t be happier

I had been considering bariatric surgery for years. Looking into different hospitals in my area (Columbus). I kept going back and forth in my head asking if I really needed this, and thinking I could lose the weight on my own. Then realizing I’ve had 35+ years of trying to work on myself to no… Read more “I couldn’t be happier”

weight loss journey of

I had the gastric sleeve done in 2014, I had nothing but pain, heartburn and chronic constipation and pain after I ate. I had gained a little of my original weight back so I decided to look into a revision (sleeve to bypass), this process was so seamless with my insurance and their surgery center… Read more “Best decision I’ve ever made”

Exceeded my Expectations

9 months ago today I got the gastric sleeve. I found JourneyLite on google because my insurance wouldn’t cover the surgery and JourneyLite made it an affordable option for me. I drive 2 hours just to come here and it is worth it. JourneyLite and Dr. Curry have been amazing through this process and has… Read more “Exceeded my Expectations”

Wonderful Experience

I found myself having difficulty drinking water after my Gastric Bypass. I have painful reactions to artificial sweeteners, Stevia, Monk Fruit Blend, Fruit sugar etc. I spoke with my dietitian, Em, about this and what a struggle I was having to stay hydrated. She searched high and low to find something for me to drink.… Read more “Wonderful Experience”

Great Decision

I just got the bariatric sleeve three weeks ago. I was really unsure of my decision initially. Since I started the pre operation diet I have lost 34 pounds. The surgery with Dr. Curry went very well. I haven’t had any problems. I haven’t had any nausea. I got off my pot operation medicines in… Read more “Great Decision”

6 month post op sleeve

I had my sleeve in July 2022 by Dr Curry and have had great success so far. I am currently down to 169 lbs from my pre surgery weight of 235. I no longer have sleep apnea and my blood work looks great! The team at Journey have all been… Read more “6 month post op sleeve”

I had surgery about 6

I had surgery about 6 months ago and I was scared & nervous. Everyone exceeded my expectations from day 1 and I would recommend Dr. Curry and his staff to… Read more “I had surgery about 6”

Free at last

Had sleeve gastrectomy 2 months ago and I feel on top of the world! I have lost 24 lbs so far and I am so happy that I cannot contain it. Getting this surgery is already feeling like a permanent fix to what was a never-ending battle. Before surgery I did not want to go… Read more “Free at last”

The Extra Services Are My Key To Success!

My experience has been wonderful! The nurse practitioners are very helpful and the included services make all the difference in the world. When I first began my weight loss journey with JourneyLite, I questioned the necessity of monthly meetings with a dietitian. However, each month I encounter a new issue that they work through with… Read more “The Extra Services Are My Key To Success!”

Feeling great

I had this sleeve done by Dr. Curry. So far I’ve lost 110 pounds and I feel great. Dr. Curry was so helpful going over the different weight loss surgeries and different types of things you can do and gave me great hints and help to maintain my weight his whole crew is wonderful to… Read more “Feeling great”

Great Care!!

My entire process thru journey lite was amazing. The care I received from the team at the doctors office and the surgery site was EXCELLENT!! I’m so blessed to have connected with journey lite. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to get a gastric sleeve done from Dr. Augusta!! My life is changing… Read more “Great Care!!”

New Beginnings

I found JourneyLite after a 20 year struggle of losing some and gaining more for over 20 years. The process from beginning to now has been flawless. I started my journey in September at 224 pounds, had surgery in October and now, 3 months later, am down 55+ pounds!! I have gone from a size… Read more “New Beginnings”

Gastric sleeve

I had the gastric sleeve done by Dr Augusta on 3/28/2024. He was precise, quick, knowledgeable & had great bedside manner. The entire staff from check in, pre op nurse, anesthesiologist, post op nurse were friendly & put my nerves at ease. I am two days post op & feeling almost back to myself –… Read more “Gastric sleeve”

Reaching weight loss goals

JourneyLite has continued to provide me with the tools and support I need on my weight loss journey. I had the gastric sleeve procedure and am 9 months post-op. I had heard positive reviews from others that had been patients, so once I met with the team, I knew I was in the right spot.… Read more “Reaching weight loss goals”

Wonderful experience

I contacted Journeylite mid-October. I was scheduled an appointment right away. I wasn’t expecting to be seen so quickly. The entire journey has been beyond my expectations. The staff is amazing, very supportive and helpful. I would recommend… Read more “Wonderful experience”

Such an amazing experience

My experience with Journey Lite was so wonderful . The team of Dr Curry and his staff were excellent, they were all so friendly , and very helpful in my weight loss journey. They are always there . I liked that They text and check in on you right out of the blue . They… Read more “Such an amazing experience”

Losing weight! Gaining confidence!

I have had a great experience with JourneyLite! From the first appointment to my monthly follow up appointments, I have had nothing but great interactions with all the nurses, doctors, and office staff. The surgery was a huge success for me with little to no side effects! I am three months post-op gastric sleeve and… Read more “Losing weight! Gaining confidence!”

This team of staff members from clerical to physician are excellent in giving personal, clinical and professional care. They introduced themselves, explained their part in my care and exactly what they were to going to do. They showed empathy but were persistent with their clinical care. Through the years with different surgeries I would say… Read more “Excellent”

I can not believe how much better I feel

I want to share my incredible journey after undergoing weight loss surgery with Dr. Trace Curry. In just the first 5 months following the procedure, I managed to shed over 100 pounds, and the positive changes in my life have been nothing short of remarkable. Before the surgery, I suffered from sleep apnea, struggling to… Read more “I can not believe how much better I feel”

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Great experience with my gastric sleeve.

The team at journeylite is fantastic. Everyone is super friendly. My nurse Beth was great I couldn’t even feel my IV. I could also tell by my level of comfort immediately after surgery the Dr. Curry is an expert surgeon no excessive bruising or… Read more “Great experience with my gastric sleeve.”

Amazingly friendly staff

All of the staff are super friendly and make you feel as they have known you your entire life. Dr Augusta was my surgeon and he was very informative and helpful with trying to make a decision that was best for me! I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done and for being… Read more “Amazingly friendly staff”

Healthier & Happier!

My lap and surgery was. 6 months ago, I’ve lost 35 lbs. and have another 30 to go. I am so happy with my progress! I am healthier and happier! I wish I would have had the procedure 10 years… Read more “Healthier & Happier!”

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A Journey To WLS Success

I started my journey with JourneyLite in April 2023. My starting weight, 254 lbs, was the heaviest I’d ever been. My experience with JourneyLite was excellent. I live outside of the immediate Dayton, Cols, Cincinnati areas, so their virtual visits were a lifesaver. The staff communicates well with the patient to assure you don’t miss… Read more “A Journey To WLS Success”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 star experience

I discovered JourneyLite by a google search. I thoroughly reviewed the doctors and reviews and didn’t hesitate booking a consultation for a gastric sleeve. Dr. Curry answered all my questions and his staff was available every step of the way. You are given a personal telephone number so you are able to contact someone with… Read more “⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 star experience”

Beyond grateful

I’ve had the best experience with Journeylite. I’ve been through the process to have surgery 3x before and always talked myself out of it . The first time I spoke with someone at the office I knew I was going through with it this time. From receptionist to surgeon everyone was very helpful and very… Read more “Beyond grateful”

Life Changing

I had the best experience having VSG with Dr. Curry! I was walked through every step of preparation, I was able to see Melissa in Columbus instead of having to drive twice the distance to Cincinnati for appointments. The surgery center in Cincinnati was amazing and my surgery went off without a hitch! No pain… Read more “Life Changing”

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Journey Lite has made my entire experience a breeze! My surgery went smooth and recovery had been great. I will recommend them to literally anyone considering this surgery they have been there to answer any questions I had along the way. I’ve had the best care and I’m very grateful for everyone on this… Read more “Gastric Sleeve Surgery”

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  • Appointment Request
  • Gastric Sleeve
  • Gastric Bypass
  • SADI Surgery (Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch)
  • Gastric Band Revision
  • Gastric Sleeve Revision
  • Orbera Gastric Balloon
  • Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon
  • Oral Medications
  • Injectable Medications
  • Combination Therapy
  • Pricing & Financing
  • Surgical Pre-op Class
  • Surgical Post-op Diet Phases
  • Gastric Balloon Pre & Post Procedure Instructions
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Screen Rant

1000-lb sisters: misty slaton wentworth's best tiktoks since weight-loss surgery (she's looking slimmer than ever).

Misty Slaton Wentworth had bariatric surgery and has been looking slimmer than ever. Scroll down for dramatic before and after photos and TikToks.

  • Misty Slaton Wentworth underwent bariatric surgery, just like her famous sisters, to reach weight-loss goals in relative privacy.
  • Having lost enough weight to stop taking diabetes medication, Misty is determined to shed more weight post-surgery.
  • Misty shared a close bond with sister Amanda Halterman, and is almost unrecognizable after significant weight loss.

After getting weight-loss surgery and shedding many pounds, 1000-lb Sisters star Misty Slaton Wentworth has reached incredible weight-loss milestones. The series, which premiered in 2020, centers around the weight-loss journeys of sisters Amy Slaton and Tammy Slaton. However, other members of the Slaton family have joined in with their own body makeovers, including their stepsister, Misty. She grew up with Tammy, Amy Slaton, and their other siblings in Shawneetown, Illinois. They were raised by a single mother.

Misty developed an unhealthy relationship with food at an early age, just like her two famous sisters. Their mother worked a lot, so the children had to fend for themselves. They ate lots of junk food because it was cheaper and easier to prepare. As Misty grew up, she gained more weight, especially after having four kids. Watching her sisters lose hundreds of pounds since the series premiered has likely been motivational for Misty. During 1000-lb Sisters season 5 , Misty expressed serious interest in having bariatric surgery to lose weight.

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Photos of misty before weight loss surgery, family album.

Misty's Facebook account features family photos taken before and during her weight-loss journey. In 2008, Misty posted a family photo with her husband and four sons. In the photo, she's wearing a black shirt, and her size has changed significantly compared to her more recent appearances on 1000-lb Sisters. In 2017, Misty posted a more recent photo where she's standing alongside her husband. Here, she's wearing a tank top that highlights her silhouette.

At this size, Misty struggled with diabetes and limited mobility for most of her adult life.

It's unknown exactly how much weight Misty lost or how she went about losing it, aside from bariatric surgery. Unlike her famous sisters, Misty has pursued her weight-loss goals in relative privacy . Regardless of how much weight Misty lost or how she lost it, it's clear that she is determined. She wants to shed even more weight.

One thing that is known about Misty's weight-loss journey is that she recently had bariatric surgery.

Misty's Weight Loss Journey

She had bariatric surgery.

In January 2024, Dr. Eric Smith posted an Instagram clip of Misty Slaton going in for bariatric surgery , though it's unclear when the footage was actually filmed. The caption reads, in part, " Did you know that bariatric surgery can cause remission of type 2 diabetes in patients? " In the footage, Chris's there with Misty in the hospital, until the moment she's wheeled into the procedure. It is unclear if this was Misty's first surgery. Though it's not uncommon for some people to have revision weight loss surgery, there's a higher risk of complications for the patient the second time around .

As Amy and Tammy's older sister, Misty has been guiding her sisters over the years.

She has been by their sides as they embarked on their weight-loss journeys, while also pursuing her own weight-loss goals. Before losing weight, Misty was taking multiple diabetes medications to keep her blood sugar in a healthy range. Since Misty had bariatric surgery, she lost enough weight to stop needing the medication . Being healthy enough to regulate her blood sugar levels without medicine is a huge milestone that Misty deserves to be proud of.

Misty Looking Slimmer Than Ever On TikTok

She looks like a different person.

Since receiving weight loss surgery, it's unclear how much weight Misty has lost, but she looked like a different person in a December 2023 TikTok post. Though this was posted before Dr. Smith's surgery footage, it's clear that this clip came after the surgery . In the looped image, Misty's face is slimmer than it used to be and she is almost unrecognizable.

In response to the post, her sister, Amanda Halterman, wrote, " Big sis is the littlest sis now. I am so proud of you @Doll1976 always have been. You are my goals. There are no words to express how thankful I am to call you my big sis. Love you. "

1000-Lb. Sisters Season 5 features a scene in which Amanda Halterman and Misty Wentworth speak to Tammy, Amy and their brother, Chris Combs, about potentially undergoing bariatric surgery . During the discussion, the Slatons get into their fears about the procedure. Since Tammy, Amy, and Chris have all had the surgery, they understand the risks. “ Hearing Amanda and Misty get worked up about the surgery and them not making it out, it’s scary, ” Amy said.

“ One slip and, oop, Amanda’s gone, or, oop, Misty’s gone. I need my sisters, not only because they’re my support system, but it’s family. ”

Misty & Amanda's Sister Time

They're bffs.

Misty and Amanda are more than just sisters, they're best friends who spend a lot of time together outside the show . In October 2023, Misty posted a TikTok clip of herself hanging out with Amanda, which she captioned, in part, " #self care weekly meeting with @Amanda Halterman. " The two-minute video features Misty talking directly to the camera, with her face looking slimmer than before she had bariatric surgery. The audio is of Misty and Amy talking about their relationship as Amanda does Misty's nails. The clip ends with Misty showing off her Halloween-themed acrylic nails.

Like her siblings, Amanda has gotten in on the weight-loss action.

Amanda has lost over 300 pounds over the years through diet, exercise, and bariatric surgery. She intends to lose more weight , and is even contemplating a second bariatric surgery. Perhaps more of Amanda's weight-loss journey will be featured in 1000-lb Sisters season 6.

1000-lb Sisters seasons 1-5 can be streamed on Discovery +.

Sources: Misty Wentworth /Facebook, Misty Wentworth /Facebook, Dr. Eric Smith /Instagram, Misty Wentworth /TikTok, Misty Wentworth /TikTok

1000-LB Sisters


Where Is Charles Bridgeman From 'My 600-lb Life' Now? He's Lost a Significant Amount of Weight

While Charles qualified for weight loss surgery, he declined the offer, claiming he didn't want to move to Houston and leave his family.

Kelly Corbett - Author

Apr. 17 2024, Published 8:01 p.m. ET

TLC's My 600-lb Life highlights the weight loss attempts of severely obese individuals across the country as they work with esteemed bariatric surgeon Dr. Now .

The individuals the show features all have one thing in common: They're addicted to food and the feeling it gives them.

During the Season 12 finale, we meet Charles Bridgeman from Everett, Wash., who knows all about grappling with a life-threatening addiction. While food was always a comfort for him, he was addicted to meth for a decade. His addiction prompted his mom and grandma to kick him out, leaving him homeless for quite some time and even resulting in him getting arrested.

Fortunately, Charles went to rehab and got clean a few years back. But this shining achievement was eclipsed by the fact that he seemed to have replaced drugs with food.

When we meet Charles, who is in his early 30s, he is living with his brother, Brad, and sister, Cheyana. Brad's full-time job has become taking care of Charles, who cannot make himself food and can only walk a few steps at a time before needing to rest.

Charles's journey on My 600-lb Life was an interesting one. He and Dr. Now butted heads several times and Charles often didn't follow Dr. Now's directions. Usually, when this happens on the show, the individual ends up gaining weight and getting farther away from their goal.

However, Charles did lose weight, and Dr. Now did end up approving him for weight loss surgery. But Charles had seemingly gotten so comfortable at home with Brad, who kept him on track, that he declined the offer. He said didn't want to move to Houston for the surgery and leave his family, even if it was only temporary.

At the end of the episode, Charles said he wanted to continue his weight loss efforts in Everett and possibly reconsider surgery in the future. That said, where is Charles now? Did he ever get bariatric surgery, and was he able to continue losing weight on his own?

Charles and his brother Brad in Dr. Now's office in Houston, Texas

Where is Charles Bridgeman from 'My 600-lb Life' now?

Since his time on My 600-lb Life , Charles appears to be doing very well. According to his Facebook profile , he is still living in Everett, Wash., and has continued to lose weight.

Charles has been spending time with his dogs and recently took them to the dog park, illustrating that he's still making an effort to go outside and do more activities.

However, the biggest update is Charles's current weight. At the beginning of his episode, he was believed to be over 700 pounds. After adopting Dr. Now's diet plan and developing an exercise routine, he was down to 604 pounds by the end of the episode, losing well over 100 pounds on his journey.

Omg down to 385 Posted by Charles Bridgeman on  Wednesday, September 27, 2023

That being said, in September 2023, Charles revealed some exciting news: "Omg down to 385," he wrote on Facebook.

It's unclear if this substantial weight loss was strictly from dieting or if Charles did get bariatric surgery, which would likely expedite his weight loss. However, we are glad to hear that Charles hasn't given up and is continuing to lose weight.

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A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

  • Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds by walking and eating healthy in a calorie deficit.
  • She then used the appetite-suppressing weight-loss drug Wegovy to shed another 50 pounds.
  • Tjelle, who has PCOS, has also regained regular periods for the first time in years.

Insider Today

Megan Tjelle was tired of missing out on life.

As her weight crept up over her 20s , she found herself declining social events because she felt self-conscious and noticed her health suffering, too.

She skipped pool parties because she didn't want to wear a swimsuit, broke a sweat curling her hair, and struggled to put on her socks.

Tjelle had been an athletic kid, but she started gaining weight as she became less active after joining nursing school.

"That coupled with the stress of nursing school, I coped by overeating," Tjelle, a 29-year-old from Chicago, told Business Insider.

While studying, Tjelle was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome , which is linked to irregular periods and weight gain, and experienced plantar fasciitis, which can cause stabbing pains around the heel and arch of the foot.

After she graduated, things got worse. Tjelle had started a demanding career, and working night shifts as a nurse made it hard to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

"It was getting to the point where I didn't even want to look at myself in pictures," she said. "I didn't want to be in pictures."

Tjelle tried fad diets , but they only made her weight fluctuate, leading her to gain back what she'd lost and more.

In October 2022, weighing 246 pounds, she decided enough was enough. Starting a new job with regular hours felt like the perfect opportunity to commit to getting healthier.

Tjelle made two changes to make the weight loss easier and more sustainable: She stopped relying on takeout, started eating a balanced diet in a calorie deficit , and gradually began moving more.

"That change had a huge impact on me, and I feel like that's the biggest thing that started my weight-loss journey, just because it allowed me finally to have normal eating hours, normal sleeping hours, and to sleep eight hours a night," she said.

Research has found that sleeping enough is key for weight loss , with one study finding that participants who were well rested tended to eat about 270 fewer calories a day.

The change also reflects the reality that the weight-loss mantra "eat less and move more" — a pillar of the $90 billion weight-loss industry — is easier said than done if a person isn't in the right circumstances.

Over six months, through diet and walking alone, Tjelle lost 55 pounds, and her health started to improve. Her plantar fasciitis , which she initially put down to her work, eased when she lost weight.

Next, she went on to lose another 50 pounds on the weight-loss drug Wegovy and got regular periods back for the first time in years.

While Wegovy and other drugs in the same class, known as GLP-1 agonists, haven't been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for PCOS, some women have reported their symptoms improving on the drugs, including their periods coming back. About half of American women with PCOS have obesity , so it's a topic of interest for doctors.

Tjelle started small by just walking

Tjelle wasn't in the right mindset when she tried to lose weight in the past, she said.

"What was different this time was I was completely fed up, and I knew that it was kind of now or never, and it was time to fully commit to that change," she said.

Tjelle wanted her new lifestyle to be sustainable, so she started small. She committed to going to the gym every day but started out by just walking on the treadmill for half an hour.

She'd heard of the "12-3-30" workout trend, which involves walking on a treadmill at a 12% incline at 3 mph for 30 minutes. That was too challenging at first, so she started at a 2% incline and built up.

As Tjelle lost weight, she gained confidence and could feel herself getting fitter as she was able to exercise more.

"Looking back, it was really hard for me to walk into the weight section," she said. "I was so nervous, scared that everyone would be looking at me."

Over time, Tjelle moved on to resistance machines and running — she's now run a half-marathon and can do unassisted pull-ups.

Tjelle swapped takeout for healthy prepped meals

When Tjelle ditched takeout, she turned to a local meal-delivery service called Seattle Sutton, which provided three nutritionally balanced meals every day that put her in a gentle calorie deficit, which is required for fat loss .

It wasn't cheap, but Tjelle said she had been spending so much on takeout that she thought she still saved money.

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"I just wanted something that would make it easy for me," Tjelle said.

Tjelle also stopped eating late at night and started having plain coffee with some milk, instead of the creamy, sugary versions.

"Cutting out the sugary drinks was huge for me," she said. "I didn't really realize how many calories I was consuming."

It wasn't easy to develop new habits, but she was so determined to lose weight, regain her confidence, and improve her health that she stuck with it.

'Food noise' saw her turn to Wegovy

But Tjelle still struggled with " food noise ," meaning she was always thinking about eating — a common complaint of people who turn to appetite-suppressing GLP-1s.

"It's very hard to stick to a calorie deficit when you have cravings that are almost uncontrollable, and the food noise is constant in your head," Tjelle said.

It was that voice in her head that made her worry she wouldn't be able to keep losing weight naturally, would plateau, and eventually put the weight back on. After all, research has found that people who lose weight struggle to keep it off long term.

Tjelle heard that the weight-loss drug Wegovy , which contains the same ingredient as Ozempic, tended to silence food noise and had been linked to reducing symptoms of PCOS . Her doctor agreed that she should try it.

The food noise disappeared immediately, Tjelle said.

She started with a low dose and built up slowly. She experienced nausea — a common side effect — over the first couple of months, which faded over time.

While her appetite dropped, she continued eating healthy meals and ensured she was consuming enough protein to help her hold on to muscle while losing fat. GLP-1 patients are required to eat healthy and exercise when taking these drugs.

In the first six months of her weight-loss journey, Tjelle's rare and irregular periods became more frequent, and with Wegovy, they became regular.

People with PCOS can have insulin resistance, and GLP-1s can boost the production of and sensitivity to that hormone. Weight loss is also thought to help with symptoms such as irregular periods.

"When I started the Wegovy, that was the first time in my life that I started getting a regular menstrual period every month," she said. "Before, I had gone years without getting one."

105 pounds down, Tjelle takes a Wegovy maintenance dose

Fifty pounds and eight months down, Tjelle decided to move to a maintenance dose of Wegovy. She still takes a weekly injection but at a low dose and plans to keep doing so as long as her insurance covers it.

"I feel like a different person on it," Tjelle said.

Tjelle no longer has meals delivered but aims to eat the right amount to maintain her weight.

"I've continued all of the healthy habits," she said. "I don't count my calories, but I eat healthy most of the time. I still allow myself to have some different foods in moderation if I'm going out to dinner or if there's a dessert. So I don't restrict myself because I've done that in the past, and I still want to enjoy life, too."

People treat her differently now

Tjelle has been shocked — and saddened — that people treat her better now she's slimmer.

"People are nicer to you when you're in a smaller body," she said. "I just feel like people offer to do things for me more. People will hold the door, offer to carry things for me."

This is " thin privilege " and often remarked upon by people who lose weight.

Tjelle is also getting more attention from men, including ones who previously weren't interested.

"Guys that I have gone on dates with in the past, when I was more overweight, have reached back out to me," she said. "People that have ghosted me or didn't want to go on a second date, all of a sudden they're trying to talk to me."

But Tjelle's main takeaway is that she is more capable than she thought.

"I think I always knew that I had it in me, but I never truly believed in myself," she said. "I can't put limits on myself because I feel like now that I've lost that 100 pounds, I'm able to accomplish anything that I set my mind to."

She added: "I want to live to my full potential and be the healthiest and the happiest I can be."

Do you have a health story to share? Contact Rachel Hosie: [email protected] .

Watch: Ozempic explained: how a miracle diabetes drug became the center of a weight loss craze

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Woman celebrates weight loss journey at annual ‘Race for the Planet’

KURE BEACH, N.C. (WECT) - On Sunday hundreds of runners came out for the annual Race for the Planet at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher.

Race for the Planet is held every year in honor of Earth Day. Casey Radley, the Family Programs coordinator at the aquarium, says the event is the greenest race in the Cape Fear area.

“We are encouraging everyone to keep the plastic water bottles at home and bring your reusable, we have water here, and we have compostable cups. We’re trying to walk the walk and talk the talk and so that is a big aspect of this race, making it the greenest race around,” said Radley.

She says the race is all about promoting sustainability for the planet. Proceeds from the race go towards the Aquarium Society, which helps educate the community on ways they can help the earth.

Over 400 people registered to race. Sharon Hill came from Ohio, and says she is a part of the Facebook group No Finish Line Nation . Members of the group traveled from outside of the state to meet in North Carolina for Race for the Planet.

Hill says through the group’s support, she has lost over 160 pounds in a year.

“It’s been hard. If I didn’t have the group to lean on, I would not have been able to make changes. You know, a year ago I couldn’t even walk into the office,” said Hill.

She said running in her first 5K was one of the most rewarding moments of her life. Hill and her No Finish Line Nation friends called themselves the “Pink Flamingos.” The group wore pink tutus as they cheered each other to the finish line.

“It has been amazing, I have run before but nothing like today. Today was probably my best race just to be with the tribe and to see her making this accomplishment it brought me back to my first race, it was amazing, she did so good,” said Hill’s friend Valarie Timm.

Hill says she is amazed by the support of the group and thankful to celebrate her first 5K finish.

“The whole support of the group, we’re all a big family,” said Hill

Copyright 2024 WECT. All rights reserved.

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Billy Gardell Opens Up About His Amazing Weight Loss Journey (VIDEO)

Billy Gardell for 'Live with Mark and Kelly'

Bob Hearts Abishola

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  • Billy Gardell Talks ‘Bob Hearts Abishola’ Finale & Friendship With Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù

Billy Gardell got candid about his weight loss journey during an appearance on ABC ‘s Live with Kelly and Mark as the Bob Hearts Abishola star dropped by the talk show.

When Gardell sat down for the interview, Mark Consuelos noted, “Billy, you look great!” That prompted to comedian and actor to say, “Yeah, I went from a young Jackie Gleason to an old Paul Newman .” The comment elicited laughter from both the hosts and the audience.

But Kelly Ripa continued with the topic, prompting that Gardell has been on a health journey for a while. He confirmed as such as he said, “Yeah, like the last three years. I’ve had to make some changes because when Covid hit in the words of Richard Pryor , ‘I went in the house .'”

Gardell went on to mention how he “had a lot of the dangerous” conditions that could cause bigger problems if he caught Covid. “When they made that list of, you know, ‘overweight, Type 2 diabetes, smoker, asthma,’ I’m like ‘check, check, bingo,'” Gardell recalled.

When Consuelos pointed out that it must have been a wake-up call, Gardell confirmed, “I said to my wife, I said, ‘If they just find some medicine where this thing won’t kill us, I’m going to change everything.’ And as soon as they did, I went and got that bariatric surgery, and then I just follow a routine every day and I got free.”

Billy Gardell Talks ‘Bob Hearts Abishola’ Finale, Weight Loss & Off-Screen Friendship With Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù

Billy Gardell Talks ‘Bob Hearts Abishola’ Finale, Weight Loss & Off-Screen Friendship With Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù

This led to applause from the audience as the footage revealed a side-by-side image of Gardell now alongside an older photo before his weight loss. When Ripa asked about the recovery process from the surgery, Gardell said, “Well, you wake up from the surgery and you’re like, ‘Oh God, what have I done?’ But then as you start to see the progress and you start to see your body change and get healthier, and your blood numbers come down… I’m not on any medicine, my diabetes is gone. It’s all good stuff.”

And now, “I get to annoy my wife for a little longer,” Gardell teased. See Gardell’s full commentary on his journey in the video, above, and don’t miss him in the final season of Bob Hearts Abishola as it airs on CBS this spring.

Bob Hearts Abishola - CBS

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Billy Gardell

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    Call Us if You Prefer. (877) 442-2263. Discover weight loss surgery options at JourneyLite. We are a leader in weight loss for patients in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana for gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, medications and more. Find out more information about our surgical and non-surgical weight loss options at JourneyLite today.

  22. 1000-Lb Sisters: Misty Slaton Wentworth's Best TikToks Since Weight

    Misty's Facebook account features family photos taken before and during her weight-loss journey. In 2008, Misty posted a family photo with her husband and four sons. In the photo, she's wearing a black shirt, and her size has changed significantly compared to her more recent appearances on 1000-lb Sisters.In 2017, Misty posted a more recent photo where she's standing alongside her husband.

  23. My 600-lb Life Season 12: Where Is Charles Bridgeman Now?

    TLC's My 600-lb Life highlights the weight loss attempts of severely obese individuals across the country as they work with esteemed bariatric surgeon Dr. Now.. The individuals the show features all have one thing in common: They're addicted to food and the feeling it gives them.

  24. Woman Lost 105 Pounds Through Walking and Diet, Then Wegovy

    In the first six months of her weight-loss journey, Tjelle's rare and irregular periods became more frequent, and with Wegovy, they became regular. ... Weight loss is also thought to help with ...

  25. Woman celebrates weight loss journey at annual 'Race for the Planet'

    Over 400 people registered to race. Sharon Hill came from Ohio. She says she is a part of the Facebook group No Finish Line Nation, members of the group traveled from outside of the state to meet in North Carolina for Race for the Planet.. Hill says through the support of the group, she has lost over 160 pounds in a year.

  26. Billy Gardell Opens Up About His Amazing Weight Loss Journey (VIDEO)

    Billy Gardell got candid about his weight loss journey during an appearance on ABC's Live with Kelly and Mark as the Bob Hearts Abishola star dropped by the talk show. When Gardell sat down for ...