70+ Survival Danish Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

Basic Danish Phrases for Travellers

Know how to ask for directions to ‘The Little Mermaid’ statue, order a famous salmon-topped smĂžrre­brĂžd, or get tips from the locals with these super useful and basic Danish phrases.

Travellers to Denmark can easily get around without knowing a word of Danish since the Danes are rockstars in English. However, here at The Intrepid Guide, I like to encourage you to learn a few phrases and choice words in the local language. Knowing even a little bit of Danish can go a long way. Your travel experience will be all the richer as you’re greeted with an inviting smile wherever you go and you’ll be more likely to make friends. Who knows, you may even be invited in for some hygge   (See #22 for definition).

To help me create this new  travel phrase guides to my collection, I asked my Danish friend Becci from Becci Abroad to provide accurate Danish translations and pronunciation tips. Tak Becci!

Let’s take a closer look at the Danish language.

Table of Contents

A brief history of danish.

  • Where is Danish Spoken?

Danish Pronunciation

Danish alphabet.

  • Getting Around
  • Emergencies
  • Infographic

Danish (Dansk in Danish) is a Scandinavian language and is part of the North Germanic language group which includes Norwegian , Icelandic , Swedish and Faroese. As such, the written form of Danish is very similar to all these languages.

To give you an idea, the differences between written Danish and Norwegian aren’t any bigger than the differences between British English and American English.  So, if you’re familiar with any of these Scandinavian languages, you’re already halfway there!

The part that needs more attention is spoken Danish since the Danes use different sounds and pronunciation not found anywhere else.

Where is Danish spoken?

Danish is the official language of Denmark. Outside of Denmark, Danish is spoken in Canada, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and the USA. Danish is spoken by 5.4 million people in Denmark. According to Ethnologue , the total number of speakers of Danish worldwide is estimated at around 5.6 million. Between 15–20% of Greenland’s population speak Danish as their first language.

Denmark is made up of the Jutland Peninsula and numerous islands. Even though Denmark is about three times smaller than New York different dialects are spoken from island to island.

To keep things simple, the pronunciation provided in this Danish travel phrase guide uses the form of Danish called Nudansk, which literally means ‘Now Danish’. This form of Danish is spoken in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen and is understood everywhere in Denmark.

Below is the Danish alphabet and pronunciation.

Want to have fun whilst learning Danish? Struggling to find decent Danish language resources? I recommend getting uTalk . Available as a desktop site and app, uTalk is awesome for learning key words and phrases in Danish, especially if you want to use it for travel purposes.  It’s great for beginners getting started in a language and invaluable for intermediates looking to fill in gaps in their vocabulary and pronunciation. 

What I love most about uTalk is that you can jump around their extensive library of topics and choose what you want to learn, when you want, and at your own pace.  Because I believe in uTalk so much, I reached out to them and we’ve teamed up to offer you an exclusive 30% OFF reader discount across all of uTalk’s 140 languages! This offer isn’t available anywhere else! Click here to claim your exclusive 30% discount.

Basic Danish Phrases for Travellers

Basic Danish Phrases for Travellers

Want the infographic to take with you? Scroll to the bottom of the page.

I hope you enjoyed this Danish travel phrase guide as much as I enjoyed bringing it together. If you have any requests for other languages, let me know in the comments section! In the meantime, check out the rest of my collection of free travel phrase guides.

Danish Travel Guide Infographic

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Basic Danish Phrases - Danish Travel Phrase Guide

Sources Lonely Planet Fast Talk Danish |  Becci Abroad

Visiting Denmark?

  • 20 Things to do in Copenhagen

Want to know more about learning languages? Start here!

  • Top Language Learning Resources You Should Use
  • 11 Life-Changing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Language
  • 42 beautiful Inspirational Quotes for Language Learners
  • Language learning tips: 11 Polyglots Reveal The Secrets of Their Success
  • Top 10 Best Ways to Learn a Language Better and Faster

Over to you!

Which of these Danish phrases did you find the most useful? Are you planning a trip to Denmark or have you already been there?  Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. Like what you see? Subscribe using the form below to have all of my posts delivered directly to your email.

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Useful Words and Phrases in Danish

Quick Tips for Travelers to Denmark

Henrik Sorensen / Getty Images

When planning your trip to Denmark, it's important to understand that although many of its citizens speak English, Danish is the official language of the country. As a result, it will greatly improve your trip to learn a few Danish words and phrases to help you get around this foreign land.

If you've traveled in Scandinavia before, it might also be helpful to review all the differences and similarities between the Scandinavian languages to get a sense of how Danish fits in.

Pronunciation Tips

The first step to speaking Danish is getting your accent right. Many Danish letters are similar to the English language, but here are a few exceptions.

  • a sounds are pronounced like the letter e in "egg"
  • i sounds are pronounced like a combination of e in "egg" and i in "ill"
  • o sounds are pronounced like e in "see"
  • ĂŠ is pronounced like a short version of a in "ache"
  • w is pronounced like v in "van"
  • y sounds like ew in "few" but with the lips more rounded
  • r sounds at the beginning of a word or after a consonant, sound like a strong guttural h like the Spanish j in "Jose"
  • r sounds between vowels or before a consonant becomes part of the vowel sound or is lost entirely

Danish Greetings and Basic Expressions

Here are some ways to greet people in Denmark, plus common expressions that may come in handy.

  • Goddag. - Good day.
  • Hej. - Hello.
  • Farvel. - Goodbye.
  • Tak. - Thank you.
  • Undskyld. - Excuse me.
  • Hvad hedder du ? - What's your name?
  • Jeg hedder... - My name is...
  • Hvorfra kommer du ? - Where are you from?
  • Jeg kommer fre de Forenede Stater. - I am from the United States.
  • Hvor gammel er du ? - How old are you?
  • Jeg gammel... - I am .... years old.
  • Jeg leder efter... - I'm looking for...
  • Hvor meget koster ? - How much is it?

Danish Signs and Establishment Names

When you're out in public, you might need to identify these common words and phrases for directions around town. From identifying entrances and exits to knowing what the police station is called, these words can become extremely important in your travels.

  • Indgang - entrance
  • Udgang - exit
  • űen - open
  • Lukket - closed
  • Toiletter - bathroom
  • Herrer - men
  • Damer - women
  • En bank - a bank
  • Centrum - city center
  • Mit hotel - my hotel
  • Den Forenede State Ambassade - The United States Embassy
  • Markedet - the market
  • Museet - the museum
  • Politiet - the police
  • Politistation - police station
  • Postkontoret - the post office
  • Et offentligt toilet - a public toilet
  • Telefoncentralen - telephone center
  • Turist-informationen - tourist office
  • Domkirke - cathedral
  • Kirke - church
  • Torvet - main square
  • Boghandel - bookstore
  • Fotohandel - photo store
  • Delikatesse - delicatessen
  • Vaskeri - laundry
  • Aviskiosk - newspaper stand

Words for Time and Numbers in Danish

Although you might feel like a vacation is the perfect moment to forget about time, chances are you'll have a dinner reservation or play to catch and might need to ask someone to let you know what day or what time it is.

  • I dag/I morgen - tomorrow
  • Tidlig - early
  • Mandag - Monday
  • Tirsdag - Tuesday
  • Onsdag - Wednesday
  • Torsdag - Thursday
  • Fredag - Friday
  • Lordag - Saturday
  • Sondag - Sunday
  • Hvad er klokken? - What time is it?
  • Klockken....er. - It's....o'clock.
  • 11 - elleve

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Danish Basic Phrases: 60 Essential Words to Learn

Danish Basic Phrases

Planning a trip to Denmark? Danish basic phrases are useful to get under your belt. Arriving prepared with some essential words means you’ll be able to communicate, navigate, and organize your trip easier.

Nordic countries are known for their many bilingual speakers, and English is spoken widely across Denmark . But, whether you face language barriers or not, learning basic phrases for the country you are visiting is respectful practice. Plus, learning Danish is a valuable skill! Language learning improves memory, problem-solving, communication, and creative capacity.

There is no better way to immerse yourself in Denmark’s culture than through language. And, even if you only remember a few words, you open yourself up to more meaningful interactions with the people you meet. A linguistic effort is always appreciated. To help you get started, we’ve compiled all the best Danish basic phrases.

Table of Contents

What language is spoken in Denmark?

woman in Denmark

Denmark’s official is the Northern Germanic language, Danish.

Danish is spoken by  over five million people  in Denmark and also has speakers in Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland.

While Danish is an East Scandinavian language, it began evolving into a language in its own right back in AD 1000. There are some similarities between Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish – a Norwegian-speaking individual could even hold a conversation with a Danish-speaking individual. However, the three are separate languages with their own rules, pronunciations, and idioms.  

The basics of pronouncing Danish words

At first glance, English speakers might think the Danish alphabet is the same. While there are many overlaps, especially in written Danish, there are variations and different pronunciations per letter. Plus, while English has 26 letters in its alphabet, Danish has 29. Apart from the 26 same letters, you’ll notice ĂŠ, Ăž, and Ă„ at the end of the Danish alphabet.

To help you verbalize these letters it is best to revise pronunciation – many aren’t pronounced the way you’d expect! You can see the most commonly confused letter pronunciations in the table below:

While many letters are pronounced the same as English (like a, b, g, and k), you can see many letters above that could surprise you! You’ll be well-prepared to avoid any confusion with a little revision beforehand.

The most common and important phrases in Danish

People holding Denmark flags

Since English is quite a strong backup language while traveling, we suggest focusing on learning Danish greetings first. These are easier to remember and regularly practice but also demonstrate immediate effort and respect.

These are a few of the most useful Danish basic phrases to greet someone with:

–          Hej  (high): Hello and goodbye. You can also use hej hej – which is extra fun to say.

–          Goddag  (gu day): Good day.

–          God morgen  (gor morn): Good morning.

–          Godnat  (gu neht): Good night.

After you’ve learned Danish greetings, these phrases will be useful to add to your vocabulary.

–          Ja  (yeah): Yes.

–          Nej  (nigh): No.

–          Tak  (tahk): Thank you.

–          Undskyld  (oonskool): Excuse me.

–          Det var sĂ„ lidt  (de war sa lid): You’re welcome.

–          Jeg hedder  (yie heathar): My name is

–          Hvor er  (vor air deh) :  Where is

–          Hvordan har du det  (vor dahn hah du deh): How are you?

–          Godt, tak  (godt tahk): Good, thanks.

–          Taler du engelsk  (tayler doo engelsk) :  Do you speak English?

Best Danish phrases to sound like a local

Flags in Denmark

Speaking like a local is a common aim and epitome of success when learning a new language. Luckily, once you’ve nailed a few of these idioms and slang words, you’ll feel well on your way.

There is always a difference between a textbook and a spoken version of a language. So, get ahead of the game and begin practicing slang before arriving in Denmark – limiting the local phrases you have to learn while traveling.

This stage of learning Danish should be fun, too, as there are some crazy phrases in the language that should give you a laugh.

–          At gĂ„ agurk (at go agwurk):   To go cucumbers! This phrase might sound strange, but it is actually very similar to the English term going bananas.

–          Ugler i mosen (oogler e mosen): â€˜There are owls in the bog’ means that something is suspicious or wrong.

–          Det blĂŠser en halv pelican (de blayser en halv pelican): ‘It blows half a pelican’ means it is very windy and is often used as an exclamation. 

–          Det er ingen ko pĂ„ isen (de air ing ko po isen): ‘There is no cow on the ice’ is a phrase meaning no problem.

–          Klap lige hasten (klap lee hesten): â€˜Pat the horse’ is used as a phrase to tell someone to relax.

–          Syg (syg):   Like sick is used to exclaim that something is good or cool in English, ‘syg’ is the equivalent in Danish.

–          Hvad sĂ„ (vad so): What’s up? This slang phrase is used as a greeting.

–          Sejt (sackt): Cool! Instead of using sick, you could use cool to emphasize your enthusiasm and admiration of a person, situation, activity, or place.

Best Danish phrases to help you get around, travel, and sightsee

Wanting to take a practical approach to learning Danish words? Learning basic Danish phrases to help you get around, travel, and go sightseeing is a great idea. We’ve found plenty for you to learn or make a note of before you travel to Denmark.

These phrases are most useful when asking for directions:

–          Hvor er (vor air deh): Where is

–          Venstre (benstra): Left

–          HĂžjre (hoy-ra): Right

–          Op:  Up

–          Ned:  Down

–          Øst (ust):   East

–          Vest (west):   West

–          Nord (no-ah):   North

–          Syd (sue): South

–          Udenfor/idenfor:  Outside/inside

–          Overfor:  Opposite

–          Mod:  Toward

–          Lige ud (lee u):   Straight ahead

These phrases are the most useful when navigating transport:

–          Bus (boos):   Bus

–          Tog (toe): Train

–          Fly (flu): Plane

–          Bil (beel):   Car

–          Sporvogn (spor-von):   Tram

–          BanegĂ„rd (bane-o-go):   Train station 

–          Lufthavn (lufthown):   Airport

–          Billet (beel-et):   Ticket

–          Perron:  Platform

–          At stemple (et stempler): To validate

Best Danish phrases for food

Local Danish food

Food in Denmark is delicious! Make sure to sample lots of Danish pastries, hot dogs, and oysters – freshly harvested along Denmark’s coast.

Those with dietary requirements should find plenty of options and alternatives. Vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets are all easily catered to. However, it is also worth learning the Danish translation for your requirements to avoid confusion.

Here are a common few translations:

–          Vegetarisk (vaygar tar isk):   Vegetarian 

–          Vegansk (vegain-sk):   Vegan

–          Pescatarian:  Pescatarian

–          MĂŠlke intolerant (milke intolerant):   Dairy intolerant 

–          Gluten intolerant:  Gluten intolerant

Of course, it is useful to learn the meals of the day. We’ve listed the meal names alongside their pronunciations below:

–          Morgenmad (morn mell):   Breakfast

–          MellemmĂ„ltid (mellem maltwo) :  Snack

–          Frokost (fro kust): Lunch

–          Eftermiddagste (efter mid-e ste): Afternoon tea

–          Middag (mee da):   Dinner

–          Dessert (de-sssert):   Dessert

While for ordering in a restaurant, here are some helpful Danish basic phrases:

–          Jeg ville gerne bastille morgenmad (Yie vill gairn best eel morn mell):   I’d like to order breakfast

–          Jeg ville gerne bastille middag (Yie vill garin best eel mee da): I’d like to order dinner

–          Kan jeg have (kai yah ha): Can I please have

–          Kan jeh fĂ„ regningen tak (kai yah foe rye ning e tak):   Can I have the bill please

Other great Danish language resources

Feeling prepared? Or perhaps you want a little extra help learning some Danish before your trip.

If you would like some more help, congratulations! Practice makes perfect, and consistently seeking new resources and information is the best way to improve with languages. Well done on taking the next step.

To help you on your way, we can recommend some additional helpful language resources to improve your Danish.

Duolingo  is a great way to learn Danish for those who enjoy learning kinetically and through games. You can download the Duolingo app on your phone and access free sessions from anywhere in the world. The best thing about Duolingo is that you can learn Danish on the bus, in bed, or even while waiting at the airport.

Moving up through the levels and unlocking outfits for your digital character is fun and disguises learning as a game. Plus, you get regular notifications to help remind you to keep your language ‘streak’.

Google Translate

When learning a new language, you are often struck by moments of wondering what the translation is for random words. Whether you are suddenly curious about the word sofa, basketball, or even a more practical term like bus timetable, Google Translate is good for immediate answers.

However, make sure to download Danish as a language in the Google Translate  app . Otherwise, you won’t be able to translate and check words when not connected to wi-fi. It is free and well worth the storage space.

Like Duolingo, Babbel is an app that uses a game format to encourage language learners.

However, unlike Duolingo, users also have access to live lessons and podcasts. Babbel does charge a subscription fee, starting at $16.99 a month but reducing if you purchase a package with more months. For example, you can purchase a 12-month subscription for $7.83.

If you want to invest in learning Danish, Babbel has more resources, so it is a good app to purchase. It has more live learning opportunities than self-guided progress like Duolingo, so some may find it easier to stay motivated.

Good luck with your Danish language learning! We hope we’ve given you a taster of how interesting Danish can be and wish you all the best on your travels.

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Reece is the creator and editor of Travel Snippet. He has visited more than 38 countries over a 10-year period. His travels have taken him through the majestic mountains of Italy, into the cities of central Europe, across the islands of Indonesia, and to the beaches of Thailand, where he is currently living. He is passionate about travel and shares his expertise by providing the best travel tips and tricks to help you plan your next adventure.

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21 Common Danish Phrases to Know for Tourists + Pronunciation

hillerĂžd slot in denmark

Learning some common and basic Danish phrases can go a long way in making your trip to Denmark more enjoyable and memorable. In this article, I’ll provide you with 21 of the most common Danish phrases that tourists should know to help you navigate your way through Denmark with ease.

Danes are known for speaking English very well. In fact, 86 percent of Danes speak English according to a study from the University of Copenhagen. While this is true, having these common Danish phrases at hand will help you when this is not the case.

Whether navigating through Denmark’s cities and countryside or simply wanting to immerse yourself in the local language and customs, these phrases will be helpful for any traveler. Alongside these phrases, I’d recommend also seeing this guide on traveling to Denmark on a budget.

As a local Dane, I know that while most natives speak English fluently, it can still be helpful for tourists to learn some basic Danish phrases. These Danish terms will not only help you communicate effectively but also demonstrate to locals that you’re making an effort to understand their culture.

From greetings and polite expressions to asking for directions and ordering food , these phrases will not only help you communicate effectively but also show the locals that you’re making an effort to understand their culture.

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Common Danish Phrases for Travel and Tourism

Learn key greetings, navigational phrases, and dining essentials to connect with locals and immerse in danish culture., introduction.

Denmark, a picturesque Scandinavian country known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a prime destination for travelers and tourists from around the world. While many Danes speak English fluently, making communication relatively easy for English-speaking visitors, showing an effort to speak the local language can go a long way in enhancing your travel experience. Let's explore some common Danish phrases for travel and tourism, helping you connect with the locals and immerse yourself in Danish culture.

Greetings and Politeness

These phrases will help you in everyday interactions and create a positive impression:

  • Hej - Pronounced as "hey," this is the Danish equivalent of "hello." It's a friendly and casual way to greet someone.
  • God morgen - This means "good morning" and is a polite way to greet someone in the early hours.
  • God dag - "God dag" translates to "good day" and can be used throughout the day.
  • God aften - Use "god aften" for "good evening" when the sun begins to set.
  • Tak - To express gratitude, simply say "tak," which means "thank you."
  • Undskyld - When you need to apologize or say "excuse me," use "undskyld."
  • Ja - "Ja" means "yes," while "nej" is "no." These are fundamental for clear communication.

Basic Phrases

  • Jeg taler ikke dansk - If you're struggling with Danish and want to say, "I don't speak Danish," use this phrase.
  • Engelsk taler du engelsk? - When in doubt about language, ask "Do you speak English?"
  • Hvad koster det? - If you want to know the price of something, say "Hvad koster det?" which means "How much does it cost?"
  • HjĂŠlp! - In case of an emergency or when you need assistance, "hjĂŠlp" is the word for help.


Here are some common Danish phrases related to transportation that can be helpful for travelers:

  • Hvor er togstationen? - This phrase means "Where is the train station?" and is useful if you're looking to catch a train in Denmark.
  • Hvor er busstoppestedet? - If you need to find a bus stop, use this phrase, which translates to "Where is the bus stop?"
  • Jeg vil gerne bestille en taxa, tak. - When you need a taxi, you can say, "I would like to order a taxi, please."
  • Hvad tid gĂ„r bussen/togene? - To ask about the departure time of buses or trains, use this question: "What time does the bus/train leave?"
  • Hvor lang tid tager det at komme til...? - When you want to know how long it takes to get to a specific destination, say, "How long does it take to get to...?"
  • Billet, tak - If you're buying a ticket for public transportation, you can simply say, "Ticket, please."
  • Er der en metrostation i nĂŠrheden? - If you're in a city with a metro system and want to know if there's a nearby metro station, ask, "Is there a metro station nearby?"
  • Hvor er lufthavnen? - To find your way to the airport, ask, "Where is the airport?"
  • Kan du hjĂŠlpe mig med at finde en taxa? - If you need assistance in finding a taxi, say, "Can you help me find a taxi?"
  • Er der en parkeringsplads her? - To inquire about parking availability, use the question, "Is there a parking lot here?"


When traveling in Denmark and looking for accommodation, it's helpful to know some Danish phrases to communicate effectively with hotel staff, hosts, or rental property owners. Here are some common Danish phrases related to accommodation:

  • Jeg har en reservation. - This phrase means "I have a reservation." Use it when you've booked a room in advance.
  • Jeg vil gerne booke et vĂŠrelse. - When you want to make a new reservation, say, "I would like to book a room."
  • Har I ledige vĂŠrelser? - If you're arriving without a reservation and want to check for room availability, ask, "Do you have available rooms?"
  • Hvad er prisen pr. nat? - To inquire about the price per night, say, "What is the price per night?"
  • Kan jeg se vĂŠrelset, fĂžr jeg beslutter mig? - If you want to view the room before making a decision, ask, "Can I see the room before I decide?"
  • Er morgenmad inkluderet? - To find out if breakfast is included in the room rate, ask, "Is breakfast included?"
  • Hvad tid er check-in/check-out? - To know the check-in and check-out times, ask, "What time is check-in/check-out?"
  • Er der Wi-Fi pĂ„ vĂŠrelset? - In this digital age, many travelers want to know if there's Wi-Fi in the room, so you can ask, "Is there Wi-Fi in the room?"
  • Kan jeg fĂ„ et ekstra tĂŠppe/pude/hĂ„ndklĂŠde? - If you need additional bedding, a pillow, or a towel, you can request it by saying, "Can I have an extra blanket/pillow/towel?"
  • Er der en minibar pĂ„ vĂŠrelset? - To inquire about the presence of a minibar in your room, ask, "Is there a minibar in the room?"

Dining and Food

When dining in Denmark or interacting with locals in restaurants and cafes, it's helpful to know some Danish phrases related to food and dining. Here are some common Danish phrases for dining and food:

  • Jeg vil gerne bestille... - This phrase means "I would like to order..." Start with this to indicate you're ready to order.
  • Menukort, tak - To ask for the menu, say "Menu, please."
  • En vand, tak - If you want to order a water, say "A water, please."
  • Jeg vil gerne have... - Use this phrase to specify what you would like to have, followed by the item you want. For example, "Jeg vil gerne have en burger" means "I would like to have a burger."
  • Hvad kan du anbefale? - To ask for a recommendation from the menu, say "What can you recommend?"
  • Er der vegetariske retter? - If you're a vegetarian or looking for vegetarian options, ask, "Are there vegetarian dishes?"
  • Hvordan tilberedes denne ret? - To inquire about how a particular dish is prepared, say "How is this dish cooked?"
  • Kan jeg fĂ„ regningen, tak? - When you're ready to pay and want to request the bill, say "Can I have the bill, please?"
  • Er service inkluderet? - To check if service charge is included in the bill, ask, "Is service included?"
  • Er der en dessertmenu? - If you want to know if there is a dessert menu, ask, "Is there a dessert menu?"

Navigation and Directions

When navigating through Denmark, it's essential to know some common Danish phrases to help you find your way around and ask for directions. Here are some useful Danish phrases for navigation:

  • Hvor er...? - This phrase means "Where is...?" and is essential for asking directions to various places. For example, "Hvor er Tivoli?" means "Where is Tivoli?"
  • GĂ„ ligeud - To be instructed to go straight ahead, you can use this phrase, which means "Go straight."
  • Sving til venstre - If you need to turn left, say "Sving til venstre."
  • Sving til hĂžjre - To indicate a right turn, say "Sving til hĂžjre."
  • Drej om - If you've made a wrong turn and need to turn around, say "Drej om," which means "Turn around."
  • Til hĂžjre pĂ„ nĂŠste gade - To get directions for turning right at the next street, say "Turn right at the next street."
  • Til venstre pĂ„ nĂŠste gade - Similarly, to turn left at the next street, use "Turn left at the next street."
  • Lige overfor - When something is directly across from your location, say "Lige overfor," which means "Right across from."
  • For enden af gaden - To ask about something at the end of the street, use "At the end of the street."
  • Ned ad vejen - To ask about something further down the road, say "Down the road."

Learning a few common Danish phrases for travel and tourism can significantly enhance your experience in Denmark. While many Danes speak English, showing an effort to communicate in their native language can lead to more meaningful interactions and a deeper appreciation of Danish culture. Whether you're navigating the streets of Copenhagen or savoring traditional Danish cuisine, these phrases will help you connect with locals and make your trip to Denmark even more memorable. So, hej og god rejse! (Hello and happy travels!)


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  • 10 Danish Phrases You Need...

The Danish Phrases You Should Know Before Visiting Copenhagen

danish travel phrases

The Danish language is famously difficult to pronounce, and notorious for the mismatch between the way it’s written and spoken. Culture Trip breaks down some of the key phrases you’ll need on a trip to Denmark.

Although Danish belongs to the North Germanic language family – which also includes Swedish, Norwegian, Faroese and Icelandic, all of which sprout from Old Norse – the language spoken in Denmark is unique. Danish is spoken by nearly 6 million people in Denmark, as well as by the Danish minority in Southern Schleswig, in the Faroe Islands and in Greenland – the latter two being self-governing territories of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Danish has 27 different vowel sounds, and is distinctive for the use of stþd – a phonological phenomenon unique to Danish that describes a glottal consonant used in its pronunciation. To further confuse anyone learning Danish, the written language has changed little since the 16th century, meaning there’s a big difference between the language that is commonly spoken and the way in which it is written. Visitors to Denmark who attempt to get to grips with the local language will be greeted with kindness by the Danes, so don’t hesitate to ask for help with pronouncing the language’s many sounds.

Whether the Danish hej (pronounced ‘hey’) originates from the Swedish hej or the English ‘hi’ isn’t all that clear, but this simple word is conveniently straightforward to say. The informal greeting is widely used, especially among young people – not just among friends and family, but also to say hello when entering, for example, a restaurant or a shop. The more formal version of hello in Danish is goddag , which means ‘good day’. This more official version is also widely used, and it’s not unlikely that a waiter, bus driver or bartender will greet customers with goddag as an expression of politeness. But, while historically the use of these two phrases depended on factors such as social status and age, they are now used interchangeably. Most young people, though, simply go with the informal hej .

danish travel phrases

Hej hej (Bye)

If you want to say goodbye in Denmark in a less formal way than the proper goodbye (which is farvel in Danish), just add another hej to hej . This, hej hej , is the informal Danish phrase to use for saying goodbye.

Tak (Thank you)

Though the Danish expression of gratitude originates from the funny-looking Old Norse word ĂŸĂ¶kk and the Old English ĂŸanc , tak (tag) is more straightforward. Phonetically, the k is pronounced more like a g, but the short and sharp word is easy for non-Danish speakers to wrap their heads round.

Ja/Nej (Yes/No)

While the Danish yes, ja (pronounced ‘yeh’), might be a close relative of the English yes, this tiny yet important word originates from the Old Norse já and Old English gea . Be aware that the Danish j sound is different to that used in English or even German, and sounds more similar to the y in ‘Yamaha’.

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Its opposite, nej (naj), is just like the word used for ‘no’ in neighbouring Sweden. However, it’s also speculated that Denmark’s nej derives from the Old Norse nĂ©eigi , which literally means ‘not in anyone’s time’.

Det var sĂ„ lidt (You’re welcome)

Literally, det var sĂ„ lidt means ‘that was so little’. Somewhat poetic in meaning, it can also be tricky for visitors to pronounce. The word det (the English ‘that’) has no t sound at all. Phonetically, the word is simply pronounced ‘de’, as in ‘deliberate’.

The next challenge, then, would be the word var , which means ‘was’ or ‘were’. This deep sound, similar to the German war (and with the same meaning), is pronounced in the throat rather than up in the mouth.

Then, there’s the little funny-looking sĂ„ . For a vowel that is already foreign to most, it doesn’t help that its phonetics are complicated, too. The Danish vowel Ă„ is pronounced differently depending on the context. In this example, it would be ‘sa’.

The last word, lidt (a little) derives from the older Danish adjectives liden and lidet , which are no longer in use today. Don’t let the dt sound confuse you – if you aim for the English word ‘lid’, you are well on your way.

Vi ses (See you soon)

Vi ses literally means ‘we will see one another’. And though the phrase looks simple enough to read from the point of view of an English speaker, it’s not straightforward. The i in vi is nothing like the English i. Rather, it’s pronounced more like the English ee sound. However, don’t linger on the final vowel – this is a snappy little word that comes to a rapid halt.

The second half of the phrase, ses , which comes from the Danish se , meaning ‘to see’, is a bit simpler to pronounce. It originates from the Old Norse sjá and the Gothic saihwan , which merged to take the meaning of the word Danes now understand as ‘noticing’ and ‘seeing’.

danish travel phrases

SkÄl (Cheers)

The Danish word skĂ„l literally translates as ‘bowl’ and originates from a time when Danes would raise the bowl from which they drank as a way to salute one another. The word itself originates from the Old Norse skĂĄl and the German Schale . It’s pronounced to rhyme with ‘hole’. Given the impressive drinking habits of Danes, you will soon familiarise yourself with this word when visiting Denmark.

Jeg hedder
 (My name is

Jeg (pronounced with a y sound, to rhyme with ‘pie’) originates from the Old Norse ek and the Old English ic with the Latin influence of ego , all of which contribute to its meaning of ‘I’ in Danish. These roots combined to create the old Danish forms of ‘I’, iak and ék , and the modern version, jeg , derives from the former.

The Danish hedder (pronounced like a soft ‘heather’) is the equivalent of the transitive English verb of being called or named. The double d in hedder – like all other double d sounds in Danish – sounds almost like the English th – that is, soft and gentle.

Hvor er
? (Where is

This is a particularly useful phrase for visitors to Denmark, who are likely to need to ask “Where is the museum/the station/the restaurant?” Danish has a whole plethora of words starting with hv, but in all such formations, the h is fully silent.

Many Danish words starting with hv are interrogative words, used to ask questions, and thus quite central to the language. Other important hv words to know are hvem (who), hvad (what) and hvornÄr (when).

Jeg er fra
 (I am from

It’s the inevitable question when travelling. You strike up a conversation with someone, and if you don’t ask first, the other person will: “Where are you from?” This is Hvor er du fra ? in Danish. The correct answer to that question would be Jeg er fra 
 (I am from
). Jeg is pronounced as in the phrase Jeg hedder , and er as it looks. Fra is a spoken from the throat rather than whirled off the tongue as in the English from, and is of Old Norse and Gothic origin.

Det er fedt (It is awesome/cool)

Fedt usually means ‘fat’ in Danish, but det er fedt or just fedt is a slang phrase used quite often by Danes when they want to point out that something is cool or great.

Det var rigtigt hyggeligt (It was very hygge)

For those who’ve never heard of the Danish term hygge, this expression is used by Danes in order to describe a cosy evening, often spent with friends.

danish travel phrases

MĂ„ jeg bede om en Ăžl?/Jeg vil gerne bede om en Ăžl (Could I have a beer?/I would like to have a beer)

MĂ„ jeg bede om en Ăžl? and the more polite version of the same phrase, Jeg vil gerne bede om en Ăžl , are the most commons expressions used in Danish to order a beer. In fact, just saying en Ăžl is also fine, especially in the late hours when not even Danes bother using formalities.

Don’t worry about verbs changing according to person and number as they do in so many languages, including Spanish and English. In Danish, whoever eats or walks or watches – I or you or she or we – the verb stays the same. For example, jeg hedder (my name is), hun hedder (her name is) or vi hedder (our names are).

This article is an updated version of a story originally created by Aliki Seferou .

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Useful Danish Words and Phrases

Danish Phrases

Most Danes do have some English understanding, and the majority have a very good understanding. However, as in any country it's always polite to have a few words in Danish in order to communicate. Anyone who has visited a foreign language country knows the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing how to say sorry to somebody because you bumped into them.

In Denmark in particular, don't fear that saying "hello" in Danish will result in someone believing you speak Danish. Your average Dane will immediately recognize your English accent and be delighted to practice their English skills, yet your use of a few words of Danish will mark you as an experienced traveler.

There are a multitude of other situations where knowing a little bit of the language would be helpful. Knowing a handful of Danish words can also help you translate some of the Danish signs and text you will encounter while you are in Denmark. Any attempt a foreigner makes at speaking Danish will be greatly appreciated.

Her are a few helpful words and phrases in order to get you started:

More about Learning Danish and the unique Danish Alphabet .

  • Words and Phrases: Food and Drink

LastUpdate: 2020-05-15 18:54:39

Useful travel phrases in Danish

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Danish phrasebook

danish travel phrases

  • 1.1 Alphabet
  • 1.3 Consonants
  • 2.2 Problems
  • 2.3 Numbers
  • 2.4.1 Clock time
  • 2.4.2 Duration
  • 2.4.4 Months
  • 2.4.5 Writing time and date
  • 2.6.1 Bus and train
  • 2.6.2 Directions
  • 2.7 Lodging
  • 2.11 Shopping
  • 2.12 Driving
  • 2.13 Authority

Danish ( dansk ) is a Scandinavian language spoken in Denmark , some areas of Greenland and the northern parts of Schleswig-Holstein (Southern Schleswig). It is closely related to Norwegian and Swedish , and most speakers of one of the three languages can understand the others to a certain extent. In writing, the differences between the Danish and Norwegian languages are not bigger than the difference between British and American English, though it will often be harder in oral conversations. The Scanian dialect can also be considered as East-Danish as well as South-Swedish. Danish is also related to Faroese and Icelandic , but has diverged significantly and is not mutually intelligible with them, though many cognates will still be recognisable, particularly in written form. These Scandinavian languages are North Germanic, strongly influenced by Low Saxon .

As Danish is a Germanic language, speakers of other Germanic languages like German , Dutch or even English will be able to recognise many cognates.

Most younger adult Danes are able to speak English, so learning Danish is generally not necessary to get by. Nevertheless, you may occasionally find the odd person who does not speak English, especially when dealing with young children and the elderly, so some knowledge of Danish would be useful in such situations.

Pronunciation guide [ edit ]

Alphabet [ edit ].

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V (W) X Y Z Æ Ø Å a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v (w) x y z ĂŠ Ăž Ă„

Acute accent may be used in some words (eg fĂłr ), for ease of reading, but it's always optional. C, Q, W, X and Z are only used in loanwords. V and W are treated the same, and W is sometimes left out of the alphabet.

Vowels [ edit ]

a as in c a t e as in s i n, but also as ĂŠ and m u rder i as in s ee , only shorter o as in n o , but also as Ă„ u as in s oo n, but also as Ă„ y as in f e w, but also as Ăž ĂŠ as in e gg, only shorter Ăž as may o r, but also as in b i rd Ă„ as in o ld, but also c au ght; sometimes written aa

Consonants [ edit ]

b as in b ed, and w ick between vowels and at the end of words c as k, but s ing before e or i

d as in d ead, th e after vowels, silent after l, n or r and before t or s f as in f erry g as in ­ g one, but like y as in y et after a vowel h as in h ope, hv = v, hj = j j as in y es k as in k i ck , and g o between vowels and at the end of a syllable l as in l ake m as in m any n as in n ear p as in p arry, b it between vowels and at the end of a syllable qu like English r is a rolling sound at the back of the throat, silent after vowels and before consonants s as in s mell t as in t rou t and d og between vowels, at the end of a syllable and at the end of a word v as in v iking, and h oo t at the end of words

Phrase list [ edit ]

Basics [ edit ], problems [ edit ], numbers [ edit ], time [ edit ], clock time [ edit ], duration [ edit ], days [ edit ], months [ edit ], writing time and date [ edit ].

Please note that when saying what the clock is, one would normally only use one to twelve, unless having to make sure there's no doubt as to whether it's past or before noon, in which case the twenty-four hour system is used.

Colors [ edit ]

Transportation [ edit ], bus and train [ edit ], directions [ edit ], taxi [ edit ], lodging [ edit ], money [ edit ], eating [ edit ], bars [ edit ], shopping [ edit ], driving [ edit ], authority [ edit ].

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Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Danish phrases . This page will include greetings , questions , emergency and survival expressions , asking for direction , language practice , introducing yourself , holiday wishes , and finally some travel phrases .

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8 danish phrases to know before going to denmark.

Useful Danish Phrases

Illustration by Olivia Holden .

1. Hyggeligt at mĂžde dig.

Meaning: “nice (lit. comfortable) to meet you.”.

Mark this down as your typical Danish greeting. For example, if you meet friends of friends, colleagues from a different department or your friend’s new partner, it’s appropriate to greet them with the informal  H ej ! and add  that you’re pleased to meet them. Hyggeligt  would be translated literally as “comfortable,” but of course only means comfort in the figurative sense. Here it’s used to mean that it’s a pleasant encounter.

2. Jeg vil gerne have

Meaning: “i would like to have

 en ristet hotdog (a roasted hotdog), 
 en is med lakrids (an ice cream with licorice), 
 en kop kaffe (a cup of coffee). With this phrase, you can basically order anything anywhere in Denmark. Pretty convenient, right?

3. Hvor lang tid tager det pÄ cykel?

Meaning: “how long does it take by bike”.

Copenhagen is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world. This means that the hierarchy of traffic is a bit different than in other places: There are actually more bicycles in the Copenhagen city center than residents! In fact, half of all Copenhageners cycle to work every day. This isn’t only a benefit in terms of health and the environment — it also saves you quite a lot of money. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the common Copenhagener tends to ask how far something is by bike, rather than by car or train.

Meaning: “Oh” / “So”

This little word has more meanings than letters. Depending on the intonation, it can be either positive or negative, a confirmation or a rejection. It’s one of the most Danish expressions of all and is used in every situation: NĂ„! Hvad sĂ„? (So, what’s up?). For German speakers and learners, this NĂ„  corresponds well to the popular   Na ).

Just to give you a few popular examples:  NĂ„ ja, det havde jeg glemt! (Oh yeah, I forgot!), NĂ„Ă„! (Oh, I see!), NĂ„! Det er jeg ked af at hĂžre. (Oh, I’m sorry to hear that!). These are just some of its many uses. On your next trip to Denmark, you’ll probably notice how often this little word is used. 

5. Vil du have bonen med?

Meaning: “would you like the receipt”.

You’re probably familiar with the following situation: You’re in a different country at the cash register of a supermarket, and you successfully master your first contact. You manage a “Hello,” then spot the amount you have to pay and proudly hand over the largest bill you have (because you’re still not familiar with the local currency). You get your change and then you’re hit with the unexpected question: “Vil du have bonnen med?”  You suddenly feel nervous and your cover is blown: You’re back to being a tourist. So the next time you’re in Denmark, you’ll be prepared and can simply answer ja  (pronounced like the [ye] in “yes”) or nej  (like the [ni] in “nice”).

Meaning: “Cheers!”

In Denmark, people like to celebrate: Birthdays, weddings, the beginning of summer, New Year’s Eve, all the kinds of celebrations we have in the English-speaking world. The julefrokost , the Danish Christmas dinner, is when many toasts happen. This is done either with a drink — whatever you have in your hands — or often with some schnapps . It also helps digestion, especially after you’ve had some of the famous Danish roast pork ( flĂŠskesteg ), herring in curry sauce ( karrysild ), red cabbage ( rĂždkĂ„l ) or the traditional dessert, risalamande (almond milk rice).

7. Hvor ligger Den lille Havfrue?

Meaning: “where is the little mermaid”.

During my first visit to Copenhagen, I decided that the Little Mermaid statue wasn’t worth getting excited about and I put her in the “overrated landmark” category. For this article, I’ll make an exception. The bronze sculpture in Copenhagen harbor was created by sculptor Edvard Eriksen. The head was inspired by the ballet dancer, Ellen Price, and the (life-sized) body was based on Eriksen’s wife. Unsurprisingly, she represents the fairytale character of the same name written by Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen. But i f you’re expecting something big and exciting, you’ll be disappointed.

This is the Danish phrase that you’ll need to locate her. (Or from a boat, you can spot her first and foremost by the crowd on the shore.) 

8. Tak for i dag.

Meaning: “thank you for today.”.

There are no Danish phrases for “please” as in “Could you please help me?” In compensation, the Danes are grateful for everything: Tak for i dag (Thank you for today), Tak for sidst (Thank you for the other day),  Tak for maden (Thank you for the meal). If you’re invited to dinner, it’s polite to thank the host after the meal. In the same way, after a successful trip or even after a long day of work, you can say Tak for i dag . It’s also common to say Tak for sidst when you want to thank them for the last time you met if you see each other a few days later.

Likewise, I’d like to say: Tak for din opmérksomhed! (Thank you for your attention!)

15+ Basic Danish Phrases That Will Be Useful In Denmark

Picture of Dorcas Famoriyo

  • , October 10, 2023

Danish Phrases

Are you planning to travel to Denmark soon? Then knowing the basic Danish phrases is important. Denmark is a beautiful country with warm people. To make your stay more enjoyable, we suggest you equip yourself with the basic Danish words and phrases to help you navigate your way around and even start meaningful conversations with the locals.

So, if you are ready to learn the common Danish phrases, let’s get started.

What Is The Danish Language?

To start off, let’s take a look at the Danish Language. For starters, the Danish language is part of the Scandinavian languages, also known as the North Germanic language. It is widely spoken in Denmark, with over six million speakers worldwide. The Danish language also serves as the official language of Greenland.

Are you learning this as a foreign language? One thing to take note of if you are planning to learn the Danish language is the vowels. The Danish language has nine vowels that are divided into up to 12 vowel phonemes, which may be confusing for initial language learners but is easy to master. Although Danish is not a phonetic language, it emphasizes stress in some specific words.

Overall, if you are thinking of learning the Danish language, you have nothing to worry about. Danish is one of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers, thanks to its simple alphabetical structures, grammatical rules, and easy pronunciation. Getting the right resources guarantees that you will learn Danish in no time. One app we’ve found very useful for learning Danish is the Ling app , and we will talk about this application later in the article.

Basic Danish Phrases To Know

Basic Danish Phrases To Know

Now let’s take a look at the basic Danish phrases you should know when you are traveling or relocating to Denmark. They are simple and short, and every native speaker understands these phrases.

What Is A Typical Danish Greeting?

Hej is acceptable during any hour of the day as its English equivalent is Hello. It is used by a lot of Danes to greet each other, especially the young generation. However, if you want to sound formal, you can greet them depending on the time of the day.

Good morning – God morn

The Danish phrase for good morning is god morn, and it can be used to greet a stranger in the early hours of the morning, but you can also use Hej in informal situations.

Good afternoon – God eftermiddag

The sun is out? Then feel free to use god eftermiddag or god dag.

Good day – Goddag

Goddag fit into any time of the day, especially afternoon time. So, if you can’t remember any of the greetings. You can easily say goddag which sounds similar to the English language anyway.

Goodbye – Farvel/Hej

In Denmark, Hej can also be used for goodbye. Alternatively, saying Farvel is also acceptable in almost all parts of Denmark.

How are you – Hvordan har du det ?

The next popular greeting is to ask if the person is doing well. This is a way to show that you care about their day and want to know if they are really fine. Well, not to worry, Danes won’t sit you down to tell you about everything they are facing except you are a close friend.

 Good, thanks – Godt, tak

You will often hear Godt, tak as the response to Hvordan har du det? and this means Good, thanks. So, when a stranger asks if you are doing fine, you can reply with a simple “good, thanks.”

What is your name? – Hvad hedder du ?

Let’s say you meet a new friend in Denmark, and you want them to introduce themselves . Then you can start by asking their names. Hvad hedder du means “What is your name?,” and they will likely tell you. Keep this phrase in mind in case someone asks you.

My name is… – Jeg hedder…

While some Danes will just mention their name directly without saying Jeg hedder, some may respond with my name is… Jeg hedder means my name is, and you can easily use that if you want to tell someone else your name.

Danish Phrases Hvor er du fra

Where are you from? – Hvor er du fra?

If you are a foreigner, of course, Danes will want to know where you are from, especially if you can’t speak Danish or your accent is different. Not to worry, it is a polite question, and you can feel free to answer. Hvor er du fra means where are you from.

I am from… – Jeg er fra…

Jeg er fra America means I am from America, so an ideal reply to the above phrases is Jeg er Fra.

Thank you – Tak

Did you just receive a kind gesture from a Dane (they are naturally warm people anyway)? You can express your gratitude by saying tak.

You are welcome – Selv tak

If someone is thanking you, you can say Selv tak to show that you appreciate their gratitude.

Excuse me – Undskyld mig 

If you need to get someone’s attention, maybe in a restaurant or market, saying undskyld mig is a great way to let them know you want to speak to them.

Do you speak English? – Taler du engelsk?

If you can’t speak so much Danish and you want to find out if someone speaks English, you can say Taler du engelk, and the person may reply with Ja or Naj, meaning yes or no, respectively.

I don’t understand that – Det forstĂ„r jeg ikke

Imagine a stranger coming up to you and speaking Danish right away (we have been guilty of that before). You can’t blame them. They are warm people and may believe you also speak Danish, especially if you look like a Dane. You can easily say det forstĂ„r jeg ikke to let them know that you don’t have a clue of what they are saying.

Where is… – Hvor er …

If you are looking for a place, you can start your sentence with Hvor er. Let’s say you are looking for the restroom. What you will say is hvor er toilette.

Danish Phrases Hvor meget er det

How much is this? – Hvor meget er det ?

Vacation is not complete without shopping! Whenever you want to know how much a thing costs, you can say Hvor meget er det or Hvor meget koster det, which means how much does it cost?

Can I have the bill please? – Kan jeh fĂ„ regningen tak ?

Just finished eating in a restaurant or shopping and you want to know your bill, Kan jeh fÄ regningen tak is the right phrase.

Yes – Ja

A way to show your consent is to say Ja, which means yes

No – Nej

A way to show your disagreement is Nej, which means NO

Days Of The Week

We’ve explored some common words that you should keep close to. Let’s also look at the basic words for the days of the week in Danish. Knowing the days of the week can be helpful during your travel, especially if you want to make an appointment. Let’s take a look!

Danish Phrases numbers 1 to 10

What Are The Danish Numbers From 1 To 10?

There are times when we want to buy more than one piece or order more than one thing. Knowing the Danish numbers can come in handy.

 Other Useful Danish Phrases You Should Learn

 did you learn more danish phrases.

With these basic phrases, you can have an enjoyable vacation in Denmark! Ensure you have fun while you’re on the go, at your hotel, or with Danish friends. If you are interested in taking your Danish learning journey a step higher, then there is a great language-learning app that you will find useful!

Keep Learning Danish With The Ling App

The Ling app comes with loads of effective features targeted at teaching Danish language learners core skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. With just 10 minutes per day, you can move from a beginner to a fluent speaker in a short period.

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So, what are you waiting for? Download the Ling app from Google Play or Apple Store today!

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Common Danish phrases

77 Common Danish Phrases To Survive Your First Conversation With A Native

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A few minutes from now Danish learner , you will be ready to handle a simple but rewarding conversation with any Dane.

This guide to common Danish phrases will gently take you from the initial greetings, through the typical situations during your day, to the final long goodbye.

Whether you’re planning a trip to Denmark, or want to exchange pleasantries with the drummer of Metallica, these common Danish phrases will come in handy!

As you’ll see, I have added a pronunciation guide. This may not make you sound exactly like a native, but it should do the trick.

Danes will be delighted, even flattered, by the slightest effort a foreigner makes to speak their language. By all means try it. All you risk is a warm smile!

By the way, if you want to learn Danish fast and have fun, my top recommendation is  Danish Uncovered  which teaches you through StoryLearningŸ. 

With  Danish Uncovered   you’ll use my unique StoryLearning¼ method to learn Danish through story
not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective. If you’re ready to get started,  click here for a 7-day FREE trial .

Greetings In Danish

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This is where all the magic begins. A greeting in Danish will make a good, lasting first impression. They will quickly become almost automatic, as you’ll use them each time you meet someone.

  • (Hi) Just like the English greeting, informal but suitable for most occasions. 
  • (Goh-dai) Slightly more formal.
  • (Goh-mourn) Used when you meet people in the morning.
  • (Goh-afdun) Used when you meet people in the evening.
  • (goh-nat) When you or the person you’re talking to goes to bed.
  • (vel-common) Used when your guest sarrive
  • (tack four-dee vee maudde commuh) Used when your hosts have welcomed you.

Danish Small Talk And Pleasantries

danish travel phrases

After the first greeting, this will allow you to briefly introduce yourself, as well as show an interest in your new friend.

It's nice to have established a common ground and a positive connection, don’t you find? With these Danish phrases, you’ll be there in no time. 

  • (vor-dan gaurh-de) Asking someone how they feel is always a polite way of showing interest.
  • (de gauhr got, tack) The standard reply to the above. Like in English, it's not really an invitation to pour your heart out.
  • (yai hether) To properly introduce yourself
  • (vath hether doo)
  • (vor commuh doo fra) This works whether you are asking about a country or a town.
  • (yai commuh fra) So here you can answer with a country or a town, depending on what seems most appropriate.
  • (dai-lit ver i-dai) Yes the Danes like to talk about the weather too. Superficial perhaps, but it sends an honest signal that you would like to talk. It works even if there is a storm – you’re just being ironic, and Danes love that!

Being Polite In Danish

danish travel phrases

Danish, like most other languages, has a pretty fixed set of phrases that mark the standard of politeness.

If you know the most important of these, you're well protected from those awkward situations when you don’t know what to say. Consider this your bulletproof politeness armour!

  • (tack). This can be extended to mange tak (mungeh tack), if you want to say ”thanks a lot”.
  • (de vahr suh lit) A polite way to respond when somebody thanks you.
  • (tack for maath) You should say this immediately after you have finished eating, not at the end of the evening.
  • (vers-co) Used when handing someone something, including food and drink.
  • (vel-beh-commuh) Use this when you serve food for someone.
  • (unn-skyll) Actually this word covers both ”pardon” and ”I’m sorry”, as well as ”excuse me”. Like the latter, it can also function as a polite way of getting someone’s attention.
  • (de geur ickuh know it) For example when someone apologises for stepping on your toes.
  • (Oye-blick) Can be used to indicate that someone has your attention, you have heard them, but need a moment to take some action – like finding an expression on this list!
  • (Te-leukkeh) Used for anything from a passed exam to a birthday or a wedding.
  • (de vahr paint a dai) Used to express appreciation.
  • (vehnlist) Danish does not really have a word like ”please”. But if you can't shake your nice English manners, starting a sentence with this is like saying ”please”. Note though, it's not used often in spoken language.

Danish Question Words

danish travel phrases

Knowing these simple question words will help you gather information about the new world around you. I promise, they are not hard to say, yet incredibly useful.

  • (voar-naugh)
  • (vilkuhn/vilkuht) Depending on the gender of the noun.

And here are some examples of questions that you are likely to hear in casual conversations, and might want to use:

  • (vad coster den he-er)
  • (voar-naugh keurah towet)
  • (voar ere to-i let it)
  • (moh yai be uhm ehn til) Very useful in the bar!
  • (voar-dan skal yai geuhre)
  • (vath ere klockehn)
  • (veth doo voar yai cahn finneh et apoteque)
  • (voar gammuhl ere hoon) You might not want to ask people their age before you are fairly acquainted.
  • (ere biblio-te-keht sta-thee aubehnt)

Common Danish Phrases: Answers

danish travel phrases

When you find yourself at the receiving end of questions – and you will – don’t panic, these simple terms will get you through. And impress the natives no end!

  • (de veth yai icke)
  • (nouehn gungeh)

Common Danish Phrases To Use When Out And About

danish travel phrases

Here you’ll find some phrases that are good to be familiar with, especially as a non-native.

You will be ready to order both in the restaurant and at the bar (did you know that food is a reason to learn Danish? ), and really show off your Danish skills.

  • (yai can icke taleh dansk) An honest admission. And people will appreciate the attempt.
  • (tailer doo enguhlsk)
  • (yai fohr-stohr)
  • (yai fohr-stohr icke)
  • (yai can taleh lit dansk) After all, you shouldn’t hide your light under a bushel, right?
  • (mou yai be ahm en cup caffe, tak) Of course you can change en kop kaffe into whatever you feel like.
  • (voar can yai finneh en khi-nehsisque restorang)
  • (vath can doo uhnbefahleh)
  • (ser-veruh ih fiskuh-raddeh) fiskeretter can be replaced with what you might fancy.
  • (lath us foh en earl)

Common Danish Phrases For Emergencies

danish travel phrases

And in the unlikely case that something goes wrong:

  • (yai haar broo foh yelp)
  • (yelp) Say this if you need help with something, and shout it out loud in case of urgent emergency.
  • (rengh efteh en arm-bulahnse)
  • (reng te poh-lee-tee-uht)
  • (voar legguh den breetee-squeh armbassadeh) Of course, you can change ”britiske” to the country that is relevant for you.

Time To Say Goodbye In Danish

danish travel phrases

It needn’t be all boo-hooh, if you know what I mean?

These phrases for departure are useful both for ending a joyful day or evening, and for the longer goodbye after your trip to a Danish-speaking country.

You just pick the ones that suits your situation best.

  • (far-vel) English speakers might recognise a ”farewell” in there, and though this is formal in Danish, it’s not THAT formal.
  • (hi) This informal bye is just like the greeting, but usually pronounced shorter, and sometimes said twice, ”hi hi”.
  • (vii sehs) Informal.
  • (poh ghensyhn) This is the formal version.
  • (tack foh ih dai) Used when you leave the person/people you have spent the day with.
  • (tack foh ih ufden) Used when you leave the person/people you have spent the evening with.
  • (hauv de got) Especially used when you’re not sure you’ll meet again.
  • (hils dihn fah-milieh frah mai) Should only be used if you actually know the family in question.

A Few Additional Common Danish Phrases

Here you’ll find a few miscellaneous common Danish phrases that will hopefully serve as an inspiration.

These are a bit beyond your standard phrasebook repertoire, and guaranteed to leave ”your” Danes awestruck. 

  • (lath us taye ih bee-o-graph-uhn) 
  • (de vah en feth film)
  • (vath can doo lee at laveh)
  • (de ere smocht)
  • (yai ehl-skuh dai)

Common Danish Phrases To Start Speaking Danish Today

So there you have it, 77 common Danish phrases to start chatting to the locals!

At this point, you can start juggling the words you know, add new ones, and play about with your new language. Don’t worry about grammar, no-one expects perfection, just have fun!

And if you're looking for the best way to learn these common Danish phrases, follow the rules of StoryLearning and read short stories in Danish .

As you read, you'll come across the phrases from this post (and more!). And before you know it, they'll roll off your tongue!

What's more, Danish is one of the easier language for English speakers to learn. Check out this post: is Danish hard to learn? to discover more.

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Useful Danish phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Danish, a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Denmark, with recordings for most of them.

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder . If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me .

Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal.

Hear some Danish phrases

Notes (by Henrik Dalsager)

Please as a polite way of requesting assistance, or as a polite way of ending a sentence, that may have started neutrally, to provide a cultural gesture, does not exist in Danish.

Please used as a translated phrase ( Vær så venlig ), and applied seemingly at random as a formal phrase, is considered snobbish, and is typically used as a way of hurrying people in a passive aggresive way.

There is no cultural need for such a word. Instead the Danes have specific polite opening phrases, and gestures, such as Hvis du vil være så venlig at ... (If you’ll be so kind, as to ...).

It is polite simply to state the request, and then say tak (thanks).

Recordings of Danish phrases provided by: Voice Crafters Audio production and voice over agency specializing in multi-lingual voice over and translation services for e-learning, audiobooks, and more.

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 940K)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me .

Information about Danish | Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Colours | Family words | Time | Terms of endearment | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials

Other collections of Danish phrases (some with audio) http://linguanaut.com/english_danish.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/other/quickfix/danish.shtml http://www.speakdanish.dk/html/t_phrasebook.htm http://www.transparent.com/languagepages/Danish/DnPhrases.htm http://goscandinavia.about.com/od/knowledgesafety/a/danphrases.htm http://www.101languages.net/danish/basics.html http://www.denmarkfacts.com/learn_danish_online.html

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Danish Language Basics: Useful Danish Phrases For Beginners And Travelers

Danish is a language spoken in Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. It is a North Germanic language descended from Old Norse. Danish is closely related to Swedish and Norwegian, and although the languages aren’t mutually intelligible, much of the vocabulary is shared between them.

If you’re considering a visit to Denmark – or you’re simply interested in seeing how the Danish language operates – you’ll find that learning a few basic phrases will come in handy. Although most people in Denmark speak very good English, it’s always nice to be able to show off your language skills (and impress the natives).

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In this article, you’ll find 42 commonly-used Danish words and phrases that all beginners and travelers should know. To help you navigate to the words that interest you most, we’ve organized the phrases into categories.

A note before you start:

We haven’t included greetings here because we have a separate post dedicated entirely to them: Greetings and Salutations in Danish .

LH Pleasantries


This section focuses on words and phrases that you use with people out of politeness or when celebrating something.

How do you say “please” in Danish?

Danish doesn’t have a direct translation for the word ‘please’. Instead, where you would ask for something politely in English using ‘please’, you might say ‘thanks’, which is “tak” in Danish.

Example: A glass of wine, please = “Et glas vin, tak.”

There are, however, other phrases Danes use to make a sentence more polite. You could use “vĂŠr venlig at” , which means ‘be kind to’, or “vĂŠr sĂ„ venlig at” , which means ‘please be so kind as to’, then add the verb you’re asking someone to do.

There’s also “bede om” , which can be inserted before a verb to make it more polite.

How do you say “thank you” in Danish?

It’s easy to say ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’ in Danish, just use “tak” .

You can make your gratitude more emphatic by adding “mange tak” (many thanks), or even “tusind tak” (a thousand thanks). These are both used regularly.

How do you say “excuse me / sorry” in Danish?

“Undskyld” means both ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ in Danish. You can also use “beklager” to say ‘sorry’.

How do you say “congratulations!” in Danish?

When you want to congratulate someone in Danish, say “Tillykke!”

How do you say “good luck” in Danish?

The Danish phrase for ‘good luck’ or ‘best of luck’ is “held og lykke” .

How do you say “happy birthday” in Danish?

When you want to wish someone a happy birthday in Danish, say “Tillykke med fþdselsdagen!” . This literally translates to ‘congratulations on your birthday’.

How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Danish?

When wishing someone a happy or merry Christmas, you can say “Glédelig Jul!”.

You might also see or hear “God Jul!” , which has the same meaning.

How do you say “Happy New Year” in Danish?

To wish someone a happy new year, use “Godt nytĂ„r!”.

How do you say “I love you” in Danish?

“Jeg elsker dig!” is how you say ‘I love you’ in Danish.

Questions and Answers

In this section, you’ll learn the most commonly-asked questions in Danish, along with their answers.

What is “yes” in Danish?

The Danish word for ‘yes’ is “ja” .

There’s also the contradictory “yes”, which you’d use if the question is phrased in the negative. This is “jo” .

What is “no” in Danish?

The Danish word for ‘no’ is “nej” .

How do you say “how?” in Danish?

The word for ‘how’ in Danish is “hvordan” .

How do you say “why?” in Danish?

You use “hvorfor” to ask ‘why’ in Danish.

How do you say “who?” in Danish?

“Hvem” is the Danish word for ‘who’.

How do you say “when?” in Danish?

If you want to say ‘when’, you would use “hvornĂ„r” .

How do you say “where?” in Danish?

The Danish word for ‘where’ is “hvor” .

How do you say “what?” in Danish?

The word for ‘what’ in Danish is “hvad” .

How to say “what’s your name?” in Danish?

In Danish, you would say “Hvad hedder du?” to ask someone (a single person) what their name is. You might also hear “Hvad er dit navn?”

How to say “my name is” in Danish?

The Danish phrase for ‘my name is’ is “Jeg hedder ______” , filling in the blank with your name.

How to say “how much is this?” in Danish?

The Danish translation for ‘how much is this?’ or “how much does this cost?’ would be “Hvor meget koster det (her)?” .

How to say “where am I?” in Danish?

If you get lost in Denmark, you’ll want to know where you are, in which case you’d ask a passerby, “Hvor er jeg?” .

How to say “where is/are?” in Danish?

When asking where something is, for both singular and plural, you’d use “Hvor er _____?” . Fill in the blank with what you’re looking for.

How to say “how do I get to?” in Danish?

In Danish, you would use “Hvordan kommer jeg til _____?” to ask how to get somewhere.

How to say “can you repeat that, please?” in Danish?

If you didn’t catch what someone said, or want them to repeat themselves, you’d say “Kan du gentage det, tak” .

How to say “do you speak English?” in Danish?

The Danish phrase for ‘do you speak English?’ is “Taler du engelsk?” .

How to say “I don’t speak Danish” in Danish?

If you don’t speak Danish, you would say to someone “Jeg taler ikke dansk” .

How to say “do you speak Danish?” in Danish?

If you want to ask someone if they speak Danish, you would say “Taler du dansk?” .

In this section, you’ll find some words and phrases that are useful for describing how you’re feeling, your state of mind, etc.

How do you say “I like it” in Danish?

In Danish, you say “jeg kan lide det” to express that you like something.

How do you say “I don’t like” in Danish?

The Danish phrase for ‘I don’t like’ is “jeg kan ikke lide” .

How do you say “I would like to” in Danish?

The Danish translation for ‘I would like to’ is “jeg vil gerne” .

How do you say “I don’t understand” in Danish?

You say “jeg forstĂ„r ikke” in Danish when you don’t understand something.

How do you say “I don’t know” in Danish?

In Danish, “jeg ved ikke” or “det ved jeg ikke” is used to express not knowing something.

How do you say “I’m happy” in Danish?

“Jeg er glad!” is how you declare your happiness in Danish.

How do you say “I’m hot” in Danish?

The Danish phrase for ‘I’m hot’ is “jeg har det varmt” .

How do you say “I’m cold” in Danish?

If you want to say that you’re cold, you’d use “jeg fryser” .

How do you say “I’m hungry” in Danish?

The phrase ‘I’m hungry’ in Danish is “jeg er sulten” .

How do you say “I’m thirsty” in Danish?

In Danish, “jeg er tþrstig” is used to say that you’re thirsty.

How do you say “I’m tired” in Danish?

The translation for ‘I’m tired’ in Danish is “jeg er trét” .

How do you say “I’m lost” in Danish?

You’ll probably want to know how to say ‘I’m lost’ in Danish if you find yourself without your bearings at any point during your travels. The phrase “jeg er faret vild” should be used in this case.

How to say “help!” in Danish?

If you need help, “hjélp!” should do the trick in Denmark. If you want to go a step further and ask someone if they can help you, you’d say, “Kan du hjélpe mig?” .

How to say “stop!” in Danish?

To say ‘stop!’ in Danish, use “stop!” or “hold op!” .

Danish Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook

That’s all we’ve got for you today, folks! We hope this guide was helpful in getting you started with the Danish language.

Read them as many times as you need to, practice them, and before you know it, you’ll be spouting Danish phrases like a pro!

If you want to learn some more useful Danish vocabulary, do check out Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons, Weather, and Time in Danish . Or maybe you’d like to learn Numbers and Counting in Danish .

Danish pronouns made simple

Danish Pronouns Made Simple

Funny Danish jokes for language learners

30 Funny Danish-Language Jokes For Learners (With English Translations)

Alice in Wonderland in Danish

Alice i Eventyrland Dansk (Alice in Wonderland in Danish)

Study Guide

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  1. 70+ Survival Danish Travel Phrase Guide with Pronunciation

    Danish is spoken by 5.4 million people in Denmark. According to Ethnologue, the total number of speakers of Danish worldwide is estimated at around 5.6 million. Between 15-20% of Greenland's population speak Danish as their first language. Danish Pronunciation. Denmark is made up of the Jutland Peninsula and numerous islands.

  2. 80 useful Danish phrases you should know (by a Dane)

    How to pronounce Danish. The Danish alphabet. Numbers in Danish. đŸ‡©đŸ‡° Basic Danish phrases for travelers. đŸ‘‹đŸ» Greetings. đŸ™đŸ» Essentials. đŸœïž Eating and ordering food. đŸ‘ˆđŸ» Directions. đŸ—ș Getting around.

  3. DanishClass101's Essential Danish Travel Phrase Guide

    November 21, 2019. DanishClass101's Essential Danish Travel Phrase Guide. Traveling to foreign countries is nearly always an exciting, enriching, and beneficial experience. Yet, some things can be real downers, such as boredom on a lengthy flight to Denmark. Really, binge-watching onboard movies can only be interesting for so long!

  4. Useful Words and Phrases in Danish

    From identifying entrances and exits to knowing what the police station is called, these words can become extremely important in your travels. Indgang - entrance. Udgang - exit. űen - open. Lukket - closed. Toiletter - bathroom. Herrer - men. Damer - women. En bank - a bank.

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    These are easier to remember and regularly practice but also demonstrate immediate effort and respect. These are a few of the most useful Danish basic phrases to greet someone with: - Hej (high): Hello and goodbye. You can also use hej hej - which is extra fun to say. - Goddag (gu day): Good day. - God morgen (gor morn): Good morning.

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    Whether navigating through Denmark's cities and countryside or simply wanting to immerse yourself in the local language and customs, these phrases will be helpful for any traveler. Alongside these phrases, I'd recommend also seeing this guide on traveling to Denmark on a budget. English. Danish. Pronunciation. Hello. Hej.

  7. Common Danish Phrases for Travel and Tourism

    Let's explore some common Danish phrases for travel and tourism, helping you connect with the locals and immerse yourself in Danish culture. Greetings and Politeness. These phrases will help you in everyday interactions and create a positive impression: Hej - Pronounced as "hey," this is the Danish equivalent of "hello." It's a friendly and ...

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    10+ Basic Danish Phrases For Travelers. Let's take a look at the common danish phrases that you should know when traveling to Denmark. Hej - Hello . Play. The first thing to learn when traveling to danish is the greeting words because that is what you will use most of the time to start a conversation. In Danish, Hello means Hej, and it is a ...

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    The phrases have been grouped in relation to specific situations that might occur when you travel. As you'll see, all the phrases have been translated into different languages, along with the transcripts and corresponding pronunciations.

  15. Danish phrasebook

    Danish phrasebook. Pronunciation guide. Phrase list. Danish ( dansk) is a Scandinavian language spoken in Denmark, some areas of Greenland and the northern parts of Schleswig-Holstein (Southern Schleswig). It is closely related to Norwegian and Swedish, and most speakers of one of the three languages can understand the others to a certain extent.

  16. Danish Phrases

    Danish Phrases. Welcome to our seventh lesson about popular Danish phrases.This page will include greetings, questions, emergency and survival expressions, asking for direction, language practice, introducing yourself, holiday wishes, and finally some travel phrases.

  17. 8 Danish Phrases To Know Before Going To Denmark

    Illustration by Olivia Holden.. 1. Hyggeligt at mĂžde dig. Meaning: "Nice (lit. comfortable) to meet you." Mark this down as your typical Danish greeting. For example, if you meet friends of friends, colleagues from a different department or your friend's new partner, it's appropriate to greet them with the informal H ej! and add that you're pleased to meet them.

  18. 15+ Basic Danish Phrases That Will Be Useful In Denmark

    Keep this phrase in mind in case someone asks you. My name is
. - Jeg hedder
. While some Danes will just mention their name directly without saying Jeg hedder, some may respond with my name is
. Jeg hedder means my name is, and you can easily use that if you want to tell someone else your name.

  19. 77 Common Danish Phrases To Start Speaking

    A greeting in Danish will make a good, lasting first impression. They will quickly become almost automatic, as you'll use them each time you meet someone. #1 Hej: Hi/Hello. (Hi) Just like the English greeting, informal but suitable for most occasions. #2 Goddag: Good day. (Goh-dai) Slightly more formal.

  20. Learn Travel phrases in Danish

    If you like to travel, learn that first. If you need it to further your career, learn phrases that's useful there instead. When you focus on material that excites you, you'll be more motivated to practice regularly and immerse yourself in the language. Soon enough, you'll be chatting away in your new language like a native speaker.

  21. Useful Danish phrases

    Useful Danish phrases. A collection of useful phrases in Danish, a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Denmark, with recordings for most of them. Jump to phrases. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

  22. Danish Language Basics: Useful Danish Phrases For Beginners And Travelers

    Instead, where you would ask for something politely in English using 'please', you might say 'thanks', which is "tak" in Danish. Example: A glass of wine, please = "Et glas vin, tak.". There are, however, other phrases Danes use to make a sentence more polite. You could use "vĂŠr venlig at", which means 'be kind to', or ...

  23. Danish Travel Phrases

    Learn essential words and phrases for over 30 of the world's most popular languages. Danish Guide. About; Feedback;