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【Maroon 5 WORLD TOUR 2022 in Japan】 Important Notes to all patrons / Tour Merch, VIP Merch, VIP Lounge & CALIROSA at venue

Pre-sale (additional seats).

International Pre-order Period

Nov. 19th (Sat)12:00pm ~

※No VIP Balcony, GOLD BOX, SILVER BOX seats will be sold. ※Credit card payment only.

Dec. 3rd Tokyo Show (PIA)

Ticket purchase

Dec. 4th Tokyo Show (PIA)

Dec. 6th osaka show (pia), "sugar" vip ss sold out.

¥100,000 JPY(tax incl)

Arena Front Seat (Reserved) / VIP CALIROSA Lounge / VIP Merchandise / VIP Exclusive Entrance

※Limited to 2 tickets for purchase per show per account. ※Merchandise will be handed out upon entrance. ※Merchandise details will be announced on this website at a later date. ※Credit card payment only.


¥38,000 JPY(tax incl)

Arena Seat (Reserved) / VIP Merchandise / VIP Exclusive Entrance

※Limited to 4 tickets for purchase per show per account. ※Merchandise will be handed out upon entrance. ※Merchandise details will be announced on this website at a later date. ※Credit card payment only.


¥15,800 JPY(tax incl)


¥12,800 JPY(tax incl)


¥10,800 JPY(tax incl)


¥9,800 JPY(tax incl)

Restricted View Seat Additional Seats for 12/4 Tokyo & 12/6 Osaka Shows

¥10,500 JPY(tax incl)



¥29,800 JPY(tax incl)

Balcony Seat (Reserved) / VIP Merchandise / Includes 1 Drink & Snack / VIP Restroom / VIP Exclusive Entrance



¥30,000 JPY(tax incl)

Group Seat / Includes 1 drink

■Only sold as group tickets of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10. 【Capacity 10 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 10 tickets 【Capacity 9 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 9 tickets 【Capacity 8 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 8 tickets 【Capacity 7 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 7 tickets 【Capacity 6 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 6 tickets 【Capacity 5 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 5 tickets 【Capacity 4 people】¥30,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Private room for group.

gold box img


¥22,000 JPY(tax incl)

■Only sold as group tickets. 【Capacity 4 people】¥22,000 per ticket x 4 tickets

※Credit card payment only. ※Box seat for group.

silver box img

Please Note

※Children aged 6 and above require a ticket. Children under 6 are not allowed entry. ※Tickets may sell out during pre-order/pre-sale periods. ※Open and start time is subject to change. ※Re-Sale Prohibited.

※View from some seats may be obstructed. ※Tickets will not be reissued for any reason. ※All tickets will be sold as electronic tickets. Please purchase after reading the notes on ticketing page. ※Tickets must be presented by each person to enter the venue. ※In case the show is canceled, please note that we do not compensate travel fee, accommodation fee, or any other costs you may have relating to the show cancellation. ※Please be noted that cancellation / changes / refunds will not be accepted for any reason after ticket orders have been fulfilled.

COVID-19 Guidelines

※ In order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, this event will take thorough measures in accordance with the novel coronavirus disease control guidelines for concerts established by the national government. ※Personal Information we get when you purchase will be submitted to governmental organizations or venues when required relating to COVID-19.

If any of the following conditions relate to you, you will be asked to leave the venue. (1) A fever over 37.5℃. (2) Any symptoms such as coughs, breathing troubles, malaise, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, taste / smell disorder, pain in the eyes, bloodshot eyes, headache, joint ache, sore muscles, diarrhea, vomiting or nausea within 3 days before the show date. (3) A close contact with somebody who has tested positive for COVID-19 or somebody who is suspected to be positive. (4) Visited a country or had a close contact with somebody who had visited a country which the government requires quarantine after coming back to Japan, within 2 weeks before the show. (5) Tested positive for COVID-19 or directed to stay at home.

※Please regularly consult this website as these guidelines are subject to change depending on the latest COVID-19 regulations from the government.

Request for visitors

Please follow the rules below to enter the venue. ※Please wear masks inside the venue. ※Depending on the situation on the show dates, there is a possibility that we open the entrance gates with different times so that visitors can enter the venue avoiding close contacts with others.

※Please disinfect your hands with hand sanitizers and check your body temperature with non-contact thermometers before entering the venue. ※Please cooperate in keeping social distances. ※Re-entry not allowed. ※Please refrain from singing, shouting, cheering, and engaging in conversation with loud voices in the venue. ※The exit gates open with a time difference. Please follow the direction of staff at the venue.



Maroon 5(マルーン・ファイヴ) ワールドツアー 2022

Maroon 5 WORLD TOUR 2022

  • 11/25(金) チケットリセール受付決定! 11/26(土)12:00~
  • 11/18(金) 追加席販売決定! 11/19(土)12:00~受付開始!
  • 7/1(金) 7/1 Maroon 5(マルーン5)来日公演特設ページオープン!

Maroon 5 ワールドツアー2022 公演概要


  • ※アリーナ前方指定席 / VIP CALIROSAラウンジ / グッズ付き / VIP専用入場ゲート
  • ※VIP SS席:お一人様各日2枚まで。
  • ※VIPグッズは入場時にお渡し致します。
  • ※VIPグッズの詳細につきましては後日公演特設サイトにて発表致します。
  • ※クレジット決済のみでの販売になります。
  • ※アリーナ指定席 / グッズ付き / VIP専用入場ゲート
  • ※VIP S席:お一人様各日4枚まで。
  • ※バルコニー指定席 / グッズ付き / 1ドリンク&軽食付き / VIPバルコニー専用トイレ / VIP専用入場ゲート
  • ※VIP バルコニー席:お一人様各日4枚まで。
  • ※定員制グループ観覧席 / お一人様1ドリンクつき ■1組 4枚/5枚/6枚/7枚/8枚/9枚/10枚のセット販売になります。
  • 【10人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 10枚 【9人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 9枚 【8人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 8枚 【7人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 7枚 【6人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 6枚 【5人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 5枚 【4人定員】1人 ¥30,000 x 4枚
  • ※グループでお楽しみ頂ける個室になります。 座席に座ってコンサートを鑑賞される場合、一部見えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。
  • ※定員制グループ観覧席 ■1組 4枚のセット販売になります。 【4⼈定員】1人 ¥22,000 x 4枚
  • ※グループでお楽しみ頂けるボックスシートになります。 座席に座ってコンサートを鑑賞される場合、一部見えにくい場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承の上お買い求めください。

STAGE MAP(ステージマップ) 東京ドーム


STAGE MAP(ステージマップ) 京セラドーム大阪


  • ※大阪公演の追加の予定はございません。
  • ※ステージプランが確定し次第、追加席(機材席や見切れ席など)を若干数販売する可能性がございます。販売が確定いたしましたら、来日公演特設サイトにて発表させていただきます。
  • ※6歳未満入場不可・6歳以上有料
  • ※先行販売で規定枚数に達し次第、受付を終了させて頂きます。その場合、⼀般発売はございませんので予めご了承ください。
  • ※開場・開演時間は変更になる場合がございます。
  • ※第三者への譲渡、営利目的の転売、オークションへの出品は禁止致します。
  • ※演出によっては⼀部ステージが見にくい座席がございます。
  • ※チケットの破損・紛失・公演日当日チケット忘れ等、いかなる理由でもチケットの再発行は行いません。
  • ※チケットは全て電子チケットとなります。チケットのお受け取りには、お手持ちのスマートフォンが必要となります。受付画面に記載の注意事項をよくご確認のうえ、お申し込み下さい。
  • ※電子チケット受取後、同行者様へチケットの分配が必須となります。分配ができない場合は、購入者様と同行者様お揃いの上でご入場ください。別々でのご入場はできません。
  • ※万が⼀本公演が中止や延期となった場合、それに伴う会場までの旅費・宿泊費等(キャンセル料含む)の補償は致しません。
  • ※開催公演に関しては理由の如何を問わず、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しは⼀切できません。予めご了承ください。


  • ※当公演は、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大予防措置を取った上で、公演の実施をいたします。
  • ※購入時にご登録いただいた個人情報は、新型コロナウィルス感染者が発生した場合など、保健所等の公的機関から要請があった場合にのみ、公的機関や会場側へ提供させていただきます。



  • ※当日はマスク着用でご来場いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • ※新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)の事前ダウンロードにご協力をお願い致します。
  • ※入場時の混雑緩和のため、座席ごとに指定入場時間を設定させていただく場合がございます。
  • ※入口にて検温(非接触式)及び手指消毒をいただいた上でのご入場となります。
  • ※お客様同士のソーシャルディスタンスの確保にご協力をお願いいたします。
  • ※会場内では声を出しての応援、大声での会話はお控えください。
  • ※終演時は規制退場になります。係員の誘導に従ってお進みください。


  • (1)発熱があり検温の結果、37.5℃以上の発熱があった場合。
  • (2)過去3日以内に、呼吸困難、全身倦怠感、鼻汁・鼻閉、味覚・嗅覚障害、眼の痛みや結膜の充血、頭痛、関節・筋肉痛、下痢、嘔気・嘔吐の症状がある方。
  • (3)新型コロナウイルス感染症の陽性と判明した方との濃厚接触がある方、同居家族や身近な知人の感染が疑われる方。
  • (4)過去14日以内に政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国・地域等への渡航及び当該国・地域の在住者との濃厚接触がある方。
  • (5)現在新型コロナウイルス感染症の陽性判定を受けている、また医師に自宅待機指示を受けている方。
  • ※開催時の状況や新型コロナウイルス感染防止対策ガイドライン等により、ご案内に変更が出る場合があります。予めご了承の上ご購入下さい。


マルーン5は、米カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスで結成されたバンド。当時中学生だったアダムとジェシーが音楽を一緒に始めたのをきっかけに、1994年から2001年まで4人組バンドとしてカーラズ・フラワーズ名義で活動していたが、新たなメンバーを加え、5人編成となったのを機にマルーン5と改名。 2002年に出したデビュー作『Songs About Jane』は驚異のロング・ヒット・アルバムとなり、2005年のグラミー賞/最優秀新人賞受賞を受賞。日本では「She Will Be Loved」(ノエビアCF)、そして「Sunday Morning」(トヨタ・ビッツCF)の2曲が立て続けにCMで使用され空前のヒットに。2006年グラミー賞では最優秀ポップ・パフォーマンス賞(デュオ/グループ・ヴォォーカル部門)をシングル「This Love」で受賞。 2007年に発表された『It Won’t Be Soon Before Long』も全米アルバム・チャート初登場1位を獲得し、1st シングルの「Makes Me Wonder」は、第50回グラミー賞最優秀ポップ・パフォーマンス賞(デュオ/グループ・ヴォォーカル部門)を受賞。 3rdアルバム『Hands All Over』の発売後、ボーカルのアダム・レヴィーンはUSの大人気プログラム「ザ・ヴォイス」の審査員に抜擢。同時期に審査員を務めていたクリスティーナ・アギレラをフィーチャーした「Moves Like Jagger」が全米シングルチャート4週連続1位を獲得する大ヒットに。 2012年にリリースされたアルバム『Overexposed』からも「Payphone」他、数々のヒットを量産。2013年には、People誌が選ぶ「世界で最もセクシーな男性」にアダム・レヴィーンが選ばれる。 2015年に発表したアルバム『V』も、全米アルバム・チャート1位を獲得。「Sugar」はロングヒットを記録。アダムは2017年2月にはハリウッドの“ウォーク・オブ・フェイム”のスター殿堂入り。 2017年11月には、約3年ぶりとなる6枚目のアルバム『Red Pill Blues』をリリース。世界的なヒットシングル「Girls Like You」は、米ビルボードのシングル・チャートで7週連続で1位を獲得した。同曲はiTunesとSpotifyで1位を獲得し、Spotifyでの再生回数は12億回以上、YouTube/VEVOでの再生回数は30億回を超え、2018年にはVEVsOで最も多く視聴されたビデオとなっている。 2019年には「Memories」を配信しトリプルプラチナを獲得。2021年6月にはメーガン・ジー・スターリオン、ブラックベア、H.E.R.などの豪華アーティストをゲストに迎えた約4年ぶりのアルバム『Jordi』を発売。 名実共に全米のみならず世界トップ・クラスの人気を誇るバンド。



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Maroon 5/ Beautiful Mistakes ft. Megan Thee Stallion

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Maroon 5 is one of the best-known pop rock bands out there. Its musical style vacillates between pop and pop rock with some indie rock and funk influences. The group has also experimented with new wave and disco sounds on several albums.

The band’s general tone and style shifts from one album to the next. Songs from Songs About Jane concentrated on frontman and vocalist Adam Levine’s former girlfriend. The material from It Won’t Be Soon Before Long is less personal and has a more electric sound with an overall synthesized, retro feel. With Hands All Over, the band returned to the theme of lost love from its first album. Regardless of the style it’s drawing on, Maroon 5’s knack for churning out catchy, jammable pop hits keeps it at the top of charts year after year.

The band is largely responsible for its own songwriting, with most of its most popular songs being written by various band members or in collaborative efforts among the members. Michael Jackson, The Police, Stevie Wonder, the Bee Gees, The Beatles, Tonic, Marvin Gaye, and Prince are all cited as significant influences on the band’s sound. Levine personally cites Billy Joel as a major influence, and guitarist James Valentine cites Queens of the Stone Age as his biggest influence.

Formed by high school friends Adam Levine, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden and Ryan Dusick in Los Angeles, California in 1994, the band originally played under the name Kara’s Flowers. It changed its name to Maroon 5 after its musical direction matured while each member attended college and it added guitarist James Valentine.

The new urban edge and pop-soul sound their time at college had lent to the band’s music proved successful, and its 2002 debut album Songs About Jane sold 5 million albums in the US. Singles “Harder to Breathe” and “She Will Be Loved” quickly propelled the band to mega-stardom.

The success of Maroon 5’s debut album in 2002 caught the attention of John Mayer, The Rolling Stones, Sugar Ray, Gavin DeGraw, The Hives, and a number of other top performers, all of whom Maroon 5 has toured alongside. While three years of constant touring did wonders for the band’s popularity and fan base, it took its toll on drummer Ryan Dusick, who was forced to leave the band in 2006 due to an injury.

With Dusick replaced by Matt Flynn, the band soon released its 2007 album It Won’t Be Soon Before Long, which broke iTunes records by selling over 101,000 albums within the first week of its release. The single “Makes Me Wonder,” a sexy departure from the band’s sweeter tracks on Songs About Jane, took the US by storm, hitting the number one spot on the Billboard charts.

The band’s following albums, Hands All Over (2012) and Overexposed (2012), both performed similarly, with each hitting either the number one or number two spot in the US album chart. The band’s most successful single, though, is the 2011 megahit “Moves Like Jagger,” which featured Christina Aguilera and sold a staggering 15 million copies, making it one of the best-selling singles of all time.

Carmichael left the group in 2012 before rejoining it again in 2014. The same year, the band signed a new recording contract with Interscope Records and Adam Levine’s vanity label 222 Records. The band returned to the studio to record its fifth album, V, which reached number one on the Billboard 200. The single “Sugar” from the album quickly climbed to number two on the Hot 100 chart. The song was immensely popular and was featured in several commercials.

2014 marked one of the most successful and active phases of the band’s career to date. Maroon 5 was highly visible on the music scene that year, performing at several large-scale events and festivals. Early in the year, Maroon 5 was part of the 2014 iTunes Festival at the Roundhouse in London, England. Later that year, the group performed at the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour.

Chasing the success of V, the group released its sixth album, Red Pill Blues, in 2017. The successful single “Girls Like You” skyrocketed to the number one position on the Hot 100 chart.

With the addition of Sam Farrar on bass in 2020, the band’s lineup jumped to seven total members: Adam Levine (lead vocals), Jesse Carmichael (keyboards, lead and rhythm guitar), James Valentine (lead and rhythm guitar), Matt Flynn (drums), PJ Morton (keyboards, backing vocals), and Sam Farrar (bass).

In June 2021, the band’s seventh album, Jordi, was released to mixed critical reviews. Despite the lukewarm critical reception, the album was a commercial success and sold well. The highly popular singles “Memories,” “Beautiful Mistakes” and “Nobody’s Love” featuring Megan Thee Stallion appeared on the album.

Maroon 5 is the recipient of numerous music industry awards and honors. To date, the band has won three Grammy Awards, three American Music Awards, three People’s Choice Awards, and eight Billboard Music Awards.

Maroon 5 embarked on the Maroon 5 World Tour in 2022, and the North American leg of the tour will begin in 2023. Stay tuned to find out when you can catch it live!

Live reviews

Sometimes when you hear a band that you love perform live for the first time, you're a bit disappointed because they do not sound as great as they do in the recordings. Well, that is NOT the case with Maroon 5, what you hear on recording is what you get live.

Adam Levine has an amazing voice. He is super talented, and they made no mistake when they decided to make him a judge on the show, The Voice. I could watch him perform live with his band all day. Some of my very favorite songs by Maroon 5 are their old ones such as “Never Gonna Leave This Bed”, “Harder To Breathe”, and “Misery” but when they start singing “Payphone”, I go crazy. I absolutely love this song performed live!

Perhaps the best song to see them perform live is “Moves Like Jagger”. It makes you move when you hear it on the radio, but when you hear it live, you're dancing non stop. Maroon 5 concerts are mostly upbeat and fun, but there are times when it slows down and they perform those songs that make you want to call your ex. The atmosphere to their concerts is just right. Chill at times, but also upbeat and loud.

Put Maroon 5 on your list of bands to see live because you will not be disappointed.

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Maroon 5 have been constant and consistent in the charts over their long career which now spans almost fifteen years. The band, fronted by Adam Levine has come along way since the immediate success with 'Songs For Jane'. Now working on their sixth album, they obtain a consistency within their live show to match.

Armed with a plethora of hits, the band tear into 'One More Night' from the 2012 album 'Overexposed'. The audience singalong as Levine confidently struts around the stage commanding his loyal followers. A good mixture of material old and new make for a solid setlist where the band are able to show consistency through their recordings as the likes of 'Sunday Morning' and 'Maps' sit well together and achieve an equally positive reaction.

A real track of the 00's, 'She Will Be Loved' makes for perhaps the largest singalong of the evening as the crowd proudly attempt the high, long notes in the same way Adam does during the chorus. Evidently hitting their stride with latest album 'V', Maroon 5 impress crowds by remaining as relevant now as they were during their incarnation back in 2002.

sean-ward’s profile image

This is my second show in the last 2 years and neither time was I disappointed in the least. This time I was fortunate enough to have the money I saved to purchase pretty good seats. I am now spoiled and can no longer sit in the stands. I am already saving my money for the next US tour in hopes to be even closer next show. No matter where your seats though....Adam is all over the stage in high energy, which is very infectious!! Anyone who did not enjoy that show, must not have been paying attention. They sounded awesome live...awesome!! Adam made the audience feel as though they were part of the show and VERY, VERY much appreciated! The lights were perfect, the set list was awesome as well. They played much longer than most people expected and the encore was just as great as the rest of the show, maybe even better. Maybe that is because I am partial to "Moves Like Jagger" and there it was....This was worth every dollar I paid, which was way more than I would pay to see anyone but maroon 5!! If you get a chance to see them sometime....make it a point....you will fall in love!!

laura-shanafelter’s profile image

This is a proposal that will change your life,when i join the Illuminati society 5 months ago,before i was a businessman who was trying to be more successful and I needed a new idea, I was lucky to be chatting with one of the great businesswomen in Finland, Then she introduce me to the Illuminati society, That I should contact Lord Alufa on Whatsapp Number +2349018100439, Which I did, Grand Master Alufa explained everything to me about the society, I understand that it was not evil or satanic, but helping each other and sharing new ideas, I got registered into the society through Lord Alufa, After the registration, the society donates a huge sum of 5 million euros to me, When I was invited to the meeting, then I saw so many great men and woman who I admire. Since I join this society, I enjoy all prosperity and success in my life, join the wise and get wiser, information of Lord Mr. Alufa EMAIL: ([email protected]) or WhatsApp or call +2349018100439....

mikehenry1128’s profile image

This is a proposal that will change your life,when i join the Illuminati society 5 months ago,before i was a businessman who was trying to be more successful and I needed a new idea, I was lucky to be chatting with one of the great businesswomen in Finland, Then she introduce me to the Illuminati society, That I should contact Lord Alufa on Whatsapp Number +2349018100439, Which I did, Grand Master Alufa explained everything to me about the society, I understand that it was not evil or satanic, but helping each other and sharing new ideas, I got registered into the society through Lord Alufa, After the registration, the society donates a huge sum of 5 million euros to me, When I was invited to the meeting, then I saw so many great men and woman who I admire. Since I join this society, I enjoy all prosperity and success in my life, join the wise and get wiser, information of Lord Mr. Alufa EMAIL: ([email protected]) or WhatsApp or call +2349018100439

IT WAS SOOOOOO AMAZING. they played all the songs i grew up listening to so all the memories just came flooding in and it was simply the best experience EVERR! seeing my favs live in concert was so LIT. What Lovers Do, Payphone, Maps, Cold, Sugar, Sunday Morning, Wait, Girls Like You, This Love AND MOVES LIKE JAGGER WOOO these are all my favourites and they played all of them AND MORE!!! i can’t barely describe how amazing this experience was. i was a bit upset that they didn’t perform an encore and some songs from the album that i really thought would be played like Help Me Out and Whiskey. from what my sister told me, Maroon 5 performed an encore last time round so i was quite let down when the concert ended without an one this time. nevertheless, it was a still a fantastic performance and i really hope to see them again soon!!!

jeselle-maegan-somas’s profile image

No food allowed into the event, and the only food available from vendors was junk food (3-4 different pizza vendors, 2-3 sub vendors), not 1 single option for those wishing to eat healthy (not even a freaking salad was available anywhere).

Paid over $300 for "zone 1 seating", which was PACKED and there really was no "seating" as it was on the beach and turned into a free for all battle for a spot.

Lines into and out of "seating zones" were HORRIBLE throughout the ENTIRE event! The shitty food vendors were located past "zone 3" which meant that getting a bite to eat was about an hour process for those of us in zone 1!

Absolutely the last time I'm ever attending a concert at this venue!

As for the show itself, Maroon V was good, but for some reason decided to only play 3-4 songs from their new album.. Go figure.

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I've been waiting to see Maroon 5 for 6 years and I'm so glad I finally did it.

I love that they didn't lose the essence of them as a pop rock band and a as a collective of musicians rather than just Adam Levine, especially since that's what it seems like in recent albums V and Red Pill Blues.

They started the show with videos and interacted a lot with the audience which made it a memorable show!

That said, Adam Levines voice was a little off... most of the time. He can't hit high notes and instead of really singing the lyrics sometimes it seemed like he was talking.

Still enjoyed the solos and appreciate that they played more "rock" songs like Harder To Breathe as well as their very recent pop music.

colomba-klenner’s profile image

The band was really good at times, but Adam Levine did not seem to be at his best. Entire show including encore was 1:20. No real effects, which is ok, if the music is great, but no one was super impressed with the performance. Maybe an off day. If you are thinking about getting the VIP package- DON'T! Complete rip off and Maroon 5 and VIP Nations EU should be ashamed. Grocery bag with Maroon 5 on it, a lanyard, a silk screen pillow (seriously), and cheap sunglasses. No band photos, certainly no pictures with you and the band, no autographed anything. Complete and utter SH*T for your extra money. They also made us wait outside for 35 minutes, 28 degree heat, beyond their published entrance opening, no apology. Awful!

bear-2’s profile image

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Maroon 5 is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 16 concerts across 2 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.

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Maroon 5 Extend 2022-2023 Tour Dates: Ticket Presale Code & On-Sale Info

Francesco Marano

by Francesco Marano

Published september 27, 2022.

maroon 5 japan tour 2023

Maroon 5 have added 2023 tour dates to their schedule.

Billed as M5LV The Residency , newly planned shows are set at Dolby Live at Park MGM in Las Vegas from March into August. At this time, 16 Vegas concerts are scheduled.

In November, Maroon 5 have an Asian tour through Singapore, Korea, Japan, Philippines, and Thailand before celebrating New Years Eve at the Acrisure Arena in Southern California.

When do Maroon 5 2022-2023 tour tickets go on sale and what is the presale code?

For the new dates, the general public on-sale begins October 3. Presales for fan club members begin September 28. SiriusXM, Ticketmaster, Live Nation, LN Mobile App., and local venue / radio presales will follow. Tickets for the previously announced shows are now on sale. Keep in mind, each date is different and details are subject to change.

The Live Nation presale password is VENUE , and the LN Mobile App code is COVERT . Click through the individual concert links for more information about the show you're interested in.

Maroon 5 Tour Dates and Tickets Near You

Maroon 5 all tour dates and tickets.

We recommend following Maroon 5 on their social media accounts, in addition to signing up for your local venue's email newsletter, to get the most up-to-date information.

Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine landed in hot water recently after he was called out on social media for allegedly cheating on his pregnant wife. He claims that he did not cheat, although he admitted that the flirtatious sexual messages "crossed the line during a regrettable period in [his] life." Since then, other women have come forward with similar allegations.

Maroon 5's most recent album is 2021's Jordi — titled in tribute to their manager who passed away in 2017. For more, check out Maroon 5's Zumic artist page .

image for artist Maroon 5

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Maroon 5 tour 2023: Venues, dates and how to get tickets

2 December 2022, 08:43 | Updated: 15 December 2022, 14:20

Maroon 5 is back with a brand new tour

Here's how you can get tickets to Maroon 5's brand new 2023 tour...

Maroon 5 fans rejoice because the Grammy Award-winning band have announced headline dates and festivals across the UK and Europe.

The tour includes seven headline shows and various festivals, starting at Lisbon’s Passeio Maritimo De Alges, and wrapping up at London’s The O2.

And now another date has been added, with Maroon 5 also playing at Birmingham Resorts World Arena.

Kicking off on Tuesday 13th June at Lisbon’s Passeio Maritimo De Alges, ot then heads to Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, and France, before wrapping up at The O2 in London, UK on Monday 3rd July.

Maroon 5 is heading on tour this summer

The tour announcement also features multiple festival appearances in Europe including Prague Rocks in Czech Republic, Tinderbox in Denmark, and Main Square Festival in France.

Fans can expect songs from Maroon 5's latest album which was in the summer of 2021, JORDI (222/ Interscope), featuring hit single Beautiful Mistakes with Megan Thee Stallion.

JORDI also includes the band's recent hits Nobody's Love and Memories which has surpassed a groundbreaking 1 Billion Spotify streams and amassed over 700 million YouTube views.

Lucky ticket holders can also expect to sing along to tracks such as One More Night , as well Sugar and Girls Like You.

Maroon 5 is one of pop music’s most iconic artists

Maroon 5 2023 tour dates

  • 13 June 2023 - Lisbon, Portugal - Passeio Maritimo De Alges
  • 15 June 2023 - Madrid, Spain - Wizink Center
  • 16 June 2023 - Barcelona, Spain - Palau Sant Jordi
  • 21 June 2023 - Prague, Czech Republic - Prague Rocks
  • 23 June 2023 - Odense, Denmark - Tinderbox
  • 25 June 2023 - Nijmegen, Netherlands - Goffertpark
  • 27 June 2023 - Berlin, Germany - Waldbühne
  • 29 June 2023 - Paris, France - Paris La Défense Arena
  • 30 June 2023 - Arras, France - Main Square Festival
  • 03 July 2023 - London, UK - The O2
  • 04 July 2023 - Birmingham - Birmingham Resorts World Arena

How to buy tickets

Tickets go on sale starting on Friday, 18th November at 10am local time on Ticketmaster

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Average setlist for year: 2023

Note: only considered 35 of 37 setlists (ignored empty and strikingly short setlists)

  • Moves Like Jagger Play Video
  • This Love Play Video
  • One More Night Play Video
  • Animals Play Video
  • Stereo Hearts ( Gym Class Heroes  cover) Play Video
  • Harder to Breathe Play Video
  • Sunday Morning Play Video
  • Payphone Play Video
  • What Lovers Do Play Video
  • Makes Me Wonder Play Video
  • Love Somebody Play Video
  • I Wanna Be Your Lover ( Prince  cover) Play Video
  • Heavy ( PJ Morton  song) Play Video
  • Maps Play Video
  • Memories Play Video
  • Don't Wanna Know Play Video
  • Girls Like You Play Video
  • She Will Be Loved Play Video
  • Sugar Play Video

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maroon 5 japan tour 2023

Maroon 5 Tour 2023 : Where to buy tickets and More

maroon 5 japan tour 2023

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maroon 5 japan tour 2023

Including both headlining performances and festival appearances, Maroon 5 have announced a series of tour dates for the United Kingdom and Europe in 2023.

The Adam Levine-fronted band will spend nearly a month on the continent, beginning in Lisbon on June 13 and making stops in most major cities. The tour is in support of their most recent album, JORDI. The tour will begin at Prague Rocks Festival, continue to Denmark’s Tinderbox Festival, and conclude at France’s Main Square Festival before finishing at London’s The O2.

Hit hits “Nobody’s Love,” “Memories,” and “Beautiful Mistakes” can be found on the band’s newest album, JORDI (2021). The latter, which features Megan Thee Stallion, was the most added track to the Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts and reached the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 upon its radio impact.

In this article

Touring With Maroon 5

The band Maroon 5 has a busy touring schedule. See below for a rundown of some of the band’s most recent tours.

· 2018-2019: Red Pill Blues Tour

· 2015-2018: Maroon V Tour

· 2012-2014: Overexposed Tour

· 2011-2012: Hands All Over Tour

· 2010: Palm Trees & Power Lines Tour

Maroon 5 Setlist

While setlists for Maroon 5 performances may change significantly from show to show, they typically feature fan favorites such as:

· Beautiful Mistakes

· She Will Be Loved

· This Love

· Moves Like Jaggar

· One More Night

When can I expect to hear from Maroon 5?

Three hours is typical for these concerts, and the crowd always chants for more.

Where can I purchase tickets?

Tickets for the tour’s main events went on sale Friday at 10 a.m. local time (November 18).

The best places to buy Maroon 5 tickets are on secondary ticket markets, including StubHub, SeatGeek, Viagigo, Vividseats, Livenation, Ticketmaster, and Ticketnetwork.

Maroon 5 2023 Tour Dates

13 – Lisbon, Portugal Passeio Maritimo De Alges

15 – Madrid, Spain Wizink Center

16 – Barcelona, Spain Palau Sant Jordi

21 – Prague, Czech Republic Prague Rocks

23 – Odense, Denmark Tinderbox

25 – Nijmegen, Netherlands Goffertpark

27 – Berlin, Germany Waldbühne

29 – Paris, France Paris La Défense Arena

30 – Arras, France Main Square Festival

03 – London, UK The O2

Maroon 5 is a Los Angeles-based pop-rock band including Adam Levine, Jesse Carmichael, James Valentine, Matt Flynn, PJ Morton, and Sam Farrar.

They formed in high school in 1994 and have released seven albums. They’ve been nominated for three Grammys and four BRITs, and ‘Jordi’ is their most recent full-length album.

The pop-rock band Maroon 5 has sold 20 million albums and 70 million singles worldwide. The trio still plays to sold-out crowds across the world. Hits include “She Will Be Loved,” “Sunday Morning,” and “Sugar.” The band began in 1994 as Kara’s Flowers and reformed in 2001 as Maroon 5. The band’s 2004 album Songs About Jane debuted at No. 6 on the Billboard list. This album produced “Harder to Breathe” and “This Love.” Adam Levine is the group’s lead vocalist, a former judge on The Voice, and star of Begin Again.

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Maroon 5 tour 2023

maroon 5 japan tour 2023

Written by Emil Hasibul

Emil Hasibul is the writer and founder of Vocal Bop, a website that provides news and concert tour related info, tickets guide & more. He is passionate about entertainment and culture, and loves to share his insights with his audience & now full-time, with a team of talented writers and editors who help him create engaging and informative articles.

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Maroon 5 announce tour dates and festivals for 2023

Maroon 5

GRAMMY® Award-winning multi-platinum powerhouse Maroon 5 , have announced their UK/European headline and festival run for 2023. The European stretch, produced by Live Nation, kicks off on Tuesday 13th June at Lisbon’s Passeio Maritimo De Alges, before heading to Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, and France, before wrapping up at The O2 in London, UK on Monday 3rd July.

The tour announcement also features multiple festival appearances in Europe including Prague Rocks in the Czech Republic, Tinderbox in Denmark, and Main Square Festival in France.

Maroon 5 stands out as not only one of pop music’s most enduring artists, but also one of the 21st century’s biggest acts. The band won over fans and critics alike with the hybrid rock/R&B sound they introduced on their debut album, Songs About Jane. To date, the universally renowned Los Angeles band have achieved three GRAMMY® Awards, over 90 million in album sales, 550 million singles worldwide and earned gold and platinum certifications in more than 35 countries.

Tickets go on sale at Friday 18th November at 10am from the official Ticketmaster page , with presales starting Wednesday 16th November.

Released in the summer of 2021, Maroon 5 ’s current studio album, JORDI (222/ Interscope), features the band’s latest hit single “Beautiful Mistakes” featuring Megan Thee Stallion. “Beautiful Mistakes” was #1 most added at Top 40 and Hot AC when it impacted radio, and charted in the Top 20 on the HOT 100, Top 40 and Hot AC charts. JORDI also includes the band’s recent hits “Nobody’s Love” and “Memories,” which has surpassed a groundbreaking 1 billion Spotify streams and amassed over 700 million YouTube views.

Maroon 5 ’s last studio album, Red Pill Blues featured the global hit single “Girls Like You” which reached #1 at Top 40, #1 at Adult Pop, #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for seven consecutive weeks. The track accumulated over 1.2 billion Spotify streams and almost 3 billion YouTube/ VEVO views; notably becoming the most-watched video on VEVO in 2018. Most recently, the music video for the band’s hit “One More Night” became Maroon 5’s third visual to surpass 1 billion views on YouTube, alongside “Sugar” and “Girls Like You.”

Maroon 5 has over 45 million monthly Spotify listeners and have played over 120 concerts in 30+ countries selling over 7,500,000 tickets worldwide.

Maroon 5 announce tour dates and festivals for 2023 1

Maroon 5 tour dates 2023:

  • 13 June 2023    Lisbon, Portugal                        Passeio Maritimo De Alges
  • 15 June 2023    Madrid, Spain                            Wizink Center
  • 16 June 2023    Barcelona, Spain                       Palau Sant Jordi
  • 21 June 2023    Prague, Czech Republic             Prague Rocks
  • 23 June 2023    Odense, Denmark                     Tinderbox
  • 25 June 2023    Nijmegen, Netherlands              Goffertpark
  • 27 June 2023    Berlin, Germany                        Waldbühne
  • 29 June 2023    Paris, France                            Paris La Défense Arena
  • 30 June 2023    Arras, France                            Main Square Festival
  • 03 July 2023     London, UK                               The O2

About Maroon 5

Maroon 5 stands out as not only one of pop music’s most enduring artists, but also one of the 21st century’s biggest acts. Since they released their debut album, Songs About Jane, to date, the universally renowned Los Angeles band have achieved three GRAMMY® Awards and sold over 90 million in album sales and 550 million singles worldwide. Maroon 5 currently has the most Billion plus streamed songs by a group on Spotify, with 7, and have achieved 3 Diamond RIAA Certified records. Most recently, the music video for the band’s hit “One More Night” became Maroon 5’s third visual to surpass 1 billion views on YouTube, alongside “Sugar” and “Girls Like You.” Maroon 5 have sold over 7,500,000 tickets worldwide and next up, the band will close out their massive 2022 World Tour in Asia, notably selling out all three of their Dome Tour dates in Japan, totalling 120,000 tickets sold.

Image credits: Livenation Disclosures: TheFestivals is funded through advertising and sometimes earns a commission on purchases made through links on this website, including in this article : Ticketmaster

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Maroon 5 Tour 2024/2025

Check out the tour dates of the Maroon 5 concerts and buy tickets and VIP packages at the lowest price. Buy tickets and VIP Packages for the upcoming Maroon 5 concert near you. Don’t miss out on your chance to watch the beautiful show and hear Maroon 5 amazing songs. The Maroon 5 Las Vegas residency kicks off on May 17 and runs through Oct. 12, 2024. Venue: Dolby Live at Park MGM . Concert tickets to these great shows currently commence at a modest $77, with the median ticket trading at around $168. These mesmerizing concerts will leave you breathless and provide great memories for years.


Upcoming Concerts & Tickets

  • Jun 21 2024 7:30 PM Fri Maroon 5 Pine Knob Music Theatre 48348, Clarkston, MI, US Prices from $51 Tickets
  • Jun 21 2024 8:00 PM Fri Maroon 5 Pine Knob Music Theatre 48348, Clarkston, MI, US Prices from $60 Tickets
  • Jun 22 2024 8:00 PM Sat Maroon 5 Ruoff Music Center 46060, Noblesville, Indiana, US Prices from $32 Tickets
  • Jun 25 2024 7:30 PM Tue Maroon 5 Budweiser Stage at Ontario Place - Complex M6K 3L3, Toronto, Ontario, CA Prices from $71 Tickets
  • Jun 25 2024 8:00 PM Tue Maroon 5 Budweiser Stage at Ontario Place - Complex M6K 3L3, Toronto, Ontario, CA Prices from $70 Tickets
  • Jun 27 2024 8:00 PM Thu Maroon 5 PNC Music Pavilion Charlotte 28262, Charlotte, NC, US Prices from $31 Tickets
  • Jun 29 2024 8:00 PM Sat Maroon 5 PNC Bank Arts Center 07733, Holmdel, NJ, US Prices from $62 Tickets
  • Jul 01 2024 8:00 PM Mon Maroon 5 MassMutual Center 01103, Springfield, MA, US Prices from $160 Tickets
  • Jul 03 2024 8:00 PM Wed Maroon 5 Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater 11793, Wantagh, NY, US Prices from $82 Tickets
  • Jul 05 2024 7:30 PM Fri Summerfest 2024 – Maroon 5 American Family Insurance Amphitheater 53202, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US Prices from $65 Tickets
  • Jul 07 2024 5:00 PM Sun Ottawa Bluesfest with Maroon 5 , Chelsea Cutler , Future Islands , and more – Sunday Only LeBreton Flats Park K1R, Ottawa, ON, CA Prices from $105 Tickets
  • Sep 27 2024 8:00 PM Fri Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $80 Tickets
  • Sep 28 2024 8:00 PM Sat Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $95 Tickets
  • Oct 02 2024 8:00 PM Wed Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $79 Tickets
  • Oct 04 2024 8:00 PM Fri Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $74 Tickets
  • Oct 05 2024 8:00 PM Sat Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $70 Tickets
  • Oct 09 2024 8:00 PM Wed Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $75 Tickets
  • Oct 11 2024 8:00 PM Fri Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $66 Tickets
  • Oct 12 2024 8:00 PM Sat Maroon 5 Dolby Live at Park MGM 89109, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Prices from $102 Tickets

Maroon 5 Concert Tickets

Maroon 5: the las vegas residency.

The Maroon 5 Las Vegas Residency kicks off on March 24 and runs through Aug. 12, 2023. Dolby Live at Park MGM .

Maroon 5 tickets are going to be in high demand. Therefore, tickets will be pricey and sell out fast. Purchase your tickets, and see this Adam Levine-fronted outfit and all its electrifying energy on stage in Las Vegas.

  • Currently, Maroon 5 tickets start at $121.

About Maroon 5

Maroon 5 is an American pop-rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1994. The band’s lineup consists of lead vocalist Adam Levine, keyboardist and rhythm guitarist Jesse Carmichael, bassist Mickey Madden, lead guitarist James Valentine, drummer Matt Flynn, and keyboardist PJ Morton. Maroon 5 has released several popular albums throughout their career, including “Songs About Jane” (2002), “It Won’t Be Soon Before Long” (2007), and “Overexposed” (2012), which featured hit songs like “Harder to Breathe,” “Makes Me Wonder,” “Payphone,” and “Girls Like You.” The band has won several awards, including three Grammy Awards, and has become one of the most successful pop-rock acts of the 21st century.


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Over a year into Taylor Swift’s Eras tour , she has found ways to keep the show fresh and new for those who have been waiting since she opened in Phoenix, Arizona in March 2023 to see her. Since the tour began in the United States last year, Swift has released two rerecorded albums —  Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)  and  1989 (Taylor’s Version)  in addition to a brand-new double album,  The Tortured Poets Department. 

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Taylor Swift: Which Eras Tour Songs Didn’t Make Concert Film & Which Surprise Songs Got In

Every show on the Eras Tour involves an acoustic set where Swift performs at least two songs custom to that night’s show. At first, she wouldn’t allow herself repeats unless she messed up the lyrics to a song, but now, she has done away with that rule and gotten more creative by combining songs in mashups and playing up to four in a segment. The first song or three take place on guitar, and then she shifts to piano for the second half before diving beneath the stage to resume the setlist – which has since contracted and expanded to include a  Tortured Poets Department  era and set .

Below you’ll find Taylor Swift’s surprise songs that she has played most recently in Europe as well as a record of all those she has played on the entire tour so far.

International Leg 2024

  • February 6 — “Holy Ground” and “Dear Reader”
  • February 7 — “Eyes Open” and “Electric Touch”
  • February 8 — “Superman” and “The Outside”
  • February 9 — “Come In With the Rain” and “You’re On Your Own Kid”
  • February 16 in — “Red” and “You’re Losing Me”
  • February 17 — Mashup of “Getaway Car”/”August”/”The Other Side of the Door” and “This Is Me Trying”
  • February 18 — Mashup of “Come Back… Be Here”/”Daylight” and “Teardrops on My Guitar”February 23 in Sydney, Australia – “How You Get the Girl” and Mashup of “White Horse/Coney Island” with Sabrina Carpenter
  • February 24 — “Should’ve Said No (Naur)” and Mashup of “New Year’s Day/Peace”
  • February 25 — Mashup of “Is It Over Now/I Wish You Would” and Mashup of “Haunted/Exile”
  • February 26 — Mashup of “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve/Ivy” and Mashup of “Forever & Always/Maroon”
  • March 2  — Mashup of “long story short/The Story of Us” and Mashup of “Clean/evermore”
  • March 3 — Mashup of “Mine/Starlight” and Mashup of “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever/Dress”
  • March 4 — Mashup of “Foolish One/Tell Me Why” and Mashup of “This Love/Call It What You Want”
  • March 7 — Mashup of “Death by a Thousand Cuts/Babe” and Mashup of “Fifteen/You’re On Your Own Kid”
  • March 8 — Mashup of “Sparks Fly/gold rush” and “False God/Slut!”
  • March 9 — Mashup of “Tim McGraw/Cowboy Like Me” and “Mirrorball/Epiphany”

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April 19 –  The Tortured Poets Department  release day

*Resuming her European tour in 2024 involved an additional set for the record-breaking   The Tortured Poets Department  complete with 7 staple songs. Most — “Fortnight (feat. Post Malone),” “Down Bad,” “But Daddy I Love Him,” “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?” “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart,” “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” from the first half and “So High School” from the second half. 

  • May 9 — “Paris” and “loml”
  • May 10 — Mashup of “Is It Over Now/Out of the Woods” and “My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys”
  • May 11 — “Hey Stephen” and “Maroon”
  • May 12 — Mashup of “The Alchemy/Treacherous” and “Begin Again/Paris”
  • May 17 — Mashup of “I Think He Knows/Gorgeous” and “Peter”
  • May 18 — “Guilty as Sin” and Mashup of “Say Don’t Go/Welcome to New York/Clean”
  • May 19 — Mashup of “Message in a Bottle/How You Get the Girl/New Romantics” and “How Did It End?”
  • May 24 — Mashup of “Come Back…Be Here/The Way I Loved You/The Other Side of the Door” and Mashup of “Fresh Out the Slammer/High Infidelity”
  • May 25 — Mashup of “Now That We Don’t Talk/The Tortured Poets Department” and Mashup of “You’re On Your Own Kid/Long Live”
  • May 29 — Mashup of “Sparks Fly/I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)” and Mashup of “I Look in People’s Windows/Snow on the Beach”
  • May 30 – Mashup of “Our Song/Jump Then Fall” and “King of My Heart”
  • June 2 – Mashup of “The Prophecy/Long Story Short” and Mashup of “Fifteen/You’re On Your Own Kid”
  • June 3 – Mashup of “Glitch/Everything Has Changed” and “Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus”
  • June 7 – Mashup of “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve/I Know Places” and Mashup of “‘Tis the Damn Season/Daylight”
  • June 8 – Mashup of “The Bolter/Getaway Car” and Mashup of “All of the Girls You’ve Loved Before/Crazier”
  • June 9 – Mashup of “It’s Nice to Have a Friend/Dorothea” and Mashup of “Haunted/Exile”

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  • March 17 — Mirrorball” and “Tim McGraw”
  • March 18— “State of Grace” and “This Is Me Trying”
  • March 24 — “Our Song” and “Snow on the Beach” 
  • March 25 — “Cowboy Like Me” with Marcus Mumford and “White Horse”
  • March 31 — “Sad Beautiful Tragic” and “Ours”
  • April 1 — “Death by a Thousand Cuts” and “Clean”
  • April 2 — “Jump Then Fall” and “The Lucky One”
  • April 13 — “Speak Now” and “Treacherous”
  • April 14 — “The Great War” with Aaron Dessner and “You’re on Your Own, Kid”
  • April 15— “Mad Woman” with Aaron Dessner and “Mean”
  • April 21 — “Wonderland” and “You’re Not Sorry”
  • April 22— “A Place in This World” and “Today Was a Fairytale” 
  • April 23 — “Begin Again” and “Cold as You”
  • April 28 — “The Other Side of the Door” and “Coney Island”
  • April 29 — “High Infidelity” and “Gorgeous”
  • April 30— “I Bet You Think About Me” and “How You Get the Girl”
  • May 5 in — “Sparks Fly” +  Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) Album Announcement  and “Teardrops on My Guitar”
  • May 6 — “Out of the Woods” and “Fifteen”
  • May 7— “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” with Aaron Dessner and “Mine”
  • May 12 — “Gold Rush” and “Come Back…Be Here”
  • May 13 — “Forever & Always” and “This Love”
  • May 14 — “Hey Stephen” and “The Best Day”
  • May 19  — “Should’ve Said No” and “Better Man” 
  • May 20 — “Question…?” and “Invisible” 
  • May 21 — “I Think He Knows” and “Red”
  • May 26 — “Getaway Car” with Jack Antonoff and “Maroon” 
  • May 27 — “Holy Ground” and “False God”
  • May 28 — “Welcome to New York” and “Clean”
  • June 2 in “I Wish You Would” and “The Lakes”
  • June 3 in — “You All Over Me” with Maren Morris and “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever”
  • June 4 Chicago, Ill. — “Hits Different” and “The Moment I Knew”
  • June 9 — “Haunted” and “I Almost Do”
  • June 10 — “All You Had to Do Was Stay” and “Breathe”
  • June 16 — “Mr. Perfectly Fine” and “The Last Time”
  • June 17 — “Seven” with Aaron Dessner and “The Story of Us”
  • June 23 — “Paper Rings” and “If This Was a Movie”
  • June 24 — “Dear John” and “Daylight”
  • June 30 — “I’m Only Me When I’m With You” and “Evermore”
  • July 1— “Ivy” with Aaron Dessner, “I Miss You, I’m Sorry” with Gracie Abrams and “Call It What You Want”
  • July 7 — “Never Grow Up” and “When Emma Falls in Love”
  • July 8  — “Last Kiss” and “Dorothea”
  • July 14 — “Picture to Burn” and “Timeless”
  • July 15 — “Starlight” and “Back to December”
  • July 22 in — “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” and “Everything Has Changed”
  • July 23 — “Message in a Bottle” and “Tied Together With a Smile”
  • July 28 — “Right Where You Left Me” and “Castles Crumbling”
  • July 29 — “Stay Stay Stay” and “All of the Girls You Loved Before”
  • August 3 – “I Can See You” and “Maroon”
  • August 4 — “Our Song” and “You Are in Love”
  • August 5 — “Death By a Thousand Cuts” and “You’re On Your Own Kid”
  • August 7 —“Exile” and “Dress”
  • August 8 —“I Know Places” and “King of My Heart”
  • August 9 — “New Romantics”  + “1989 (Taylor’s Version)”Album Announcement  and “New Year’s Day”

RELATED: Taylor Swift Breaks Yet Another Record In The UK, After A Historical Week On Spotify

International Leg 2023

  • August 24 — “I Forgot That You Existed” and “Sweet Nothing”
  • August 25 — “Tell Me Why” and “Snow on the Beach”
  • August 26 — “Cornelia Street” and “You’re on Your Own, Kid”
  • August 27 —“Afterglow” and “Maroon”
  • November 9 —“The Very First Night” and “Labyrinth”
  • November 10 — Cancelled Due to Rain
  • November 11 — “End Game” and Mash-Up of “Out of the Woods” & “Is It Over Now?”
  • November 12 — “Better Than Revenge” and “Slut!”
  • November 17 — “Stay Beautiful” and “Suburban Legends”
  • November 19 — “Dancing. With Our Hands Tied” and “Bigger Than the Whole Sky”
  • November 20 — “Me!” and “So It Goes”
  • Nov. 24 — “Now That We Don’t Talk” and “Innocent”
  • Nov. 25— “Safe and Sound” and “Untouchable” 
  • Nov. 25 — “Say Don’t Go” and “It’s Time to Go”

RELATED: Matty Healy Reacts To Taylor Swift’s “Diss Track” From ‘The Tortured Poets Department’

Songs That Haven’t Been Played Yet:

From Taylor Swift (her debut album):

  • “Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)”
  • “A Perfectly Good Heart”

Fearless (Taylor’s Version)

  • “Change”
  • “Superstar”
  • “We Were Happy”
  • “That’s When (feat. Keith Urban)”
  • “Don’t You”
  • “Bye Bye Baby”

Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)

  • “Foolish One”

Red (Taylor’s Version)

  • “Girl at Home”
  • “Forever Winter”
  • “Run (feat. Ed Sheeran)”

1989 (Taylor’s Version)   –  All songs have been played at least once [except for “Sweeter Than Fiction (Taylor’s Version)]

Reputation  – One of two rerecorded albums awaiting release.

  • “I Did Something Bad”
  • “London Boy”
  • “Soon You’ll Get Better (feat. The Chicks)”
  • “It’s Nice to Have a Friend”
  • “Epiphany”
  • “Hoax”
  • “Happiness”
  • “Long Story Short”
  • “Closure”

Midnights All songs have been played at least once.

The Tortured Poets Department

  • “So Long London”
  • “Florida!!!”
  • “I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)”
  • “Clara Bow”
  • “The Black Dog”
  • “imgonnagetyouback”
  • The Albatross
  • “I Hate It Here”
  • “thanK you aIMee”
  • “The Prophecy”
  • “Cassandra”
  • “Peter”
  • “Robin”
  • “The Manuscript”

Grab-bag (songs not attached to specific albums):

  • “I Heart ?”
  • “Ronan”
  • “Only the Young”
  • “Renegade”
  • “The Alcott”
  • “Gasoline”
  • “Beautiful Eyes”
  • “Beautiful Ghosts”
  • “Sweeter Than Fiction”
  • “Carolina”

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Maroon 5's Adam Levine (L) and Kelly Clarkson are headlining the 2023 'We Can Survive' concert at Newark, NJ's Prudential Center.

The tenth annual ‘We Can Survive’ concert is coming to the Garden State.

On Saturday, Oct. 14, Audacy’s one-night-only event featuring megastars like Maroon 5 , ONEREPUBLIC , Kelly Clarkson , David Kushner and opening act winner Izza drops in to Newark’s Prudential Center .

This isn’t just a star–studded show, though.

“We Can Survive” is part of Audacy’s “I’m Listening” mental health initiative and the concert will “celebrate music’s power to unite people, strengthening mental health in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).”

“It’s time we take the next step to help those who are struggling get the help they need,” said AFSP’s said CEO Robert Gebbia.

“AFSP’s new Talk Away the Dark campaign is a powerful reminder that learning the warning signs and having real conversations can make all the difference. We can all help.”

As of now, tickets are still available for the Saturday night concert.

At the time of publication, our team found some going for as low as $83 before fees on Vivid Seats.

Floor seats start at $240 before fees .

A donation to the AFSP will be made for each ticket sold.

All information regarding tickets, artists and more about ‘We Can Survive’ can be found below.

All prices listed above are subject to fluctuation.

‘We Can Survive’ ticket prices

Our team broke down of all the best ticket prices by section for ‘We Can Survive’ here:

(Note: The New York Post confirmed all above prices at the publication time. All prices are in US dollars, subject to fluctuation and include additional fees at checkout .)

Vivid Seats is a verified secondary market ticketing platform, and prices may be higher or lower than face value, depending on demand. 

They offer a 100% buyer guarantee that states your transaction will be safe and secure and your tickets will be delivered prior to the event.

‘We Can Survive’ lineup

If you’re planning on attending “We Can Survive” but aren’t familiar with all the artists on the bill, you’re in the right place.

Our team went ahead and found each act’s most-streamed song on Spotify so you’ll be able to sing along at the show.

Maroon 5: “Memories”

Kelly Clarkson: “Since U Been Gone”

ONEREPUBLIC: “Counting Stars”

David Kushner: “Daylight”

Izza: “Going Rogue”

Huge concerts coming to New York and New Jersey

Can’t make it to ‘We Can Survive’ this weekend?

No problem.

Here are just five shows you can check out these next few months.

•  Olivia Rodrigo

•  Zach Bryan

•  Madonna

•  Jonas Brothers

•  Kane Brown

Need more options? Check out our list of the 52 biggest concert tours in 2023 here to find the show for you.

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  11. Maroon 5 tour 2023: Venues, dates and how to get tickets

    23 June 2023 - Odense, Denmark - Tinderbox. 25 June 2023 - Nijmegen, Netherlands - Goffertpark. 27 June 2023 - Berlin, Germany - Waldbühne. 29 June 2023 - Paris, France - Paris La Défense Arena ...

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    Concert. Fri Jun 21 2024. Maroon 5 with Maren Morris Pine Knob Music Theatre · Clarkston, MI, US. >. Sat Jun 22 2024. Maroon 5 with Maren Morris Ruoff Music Center · Noblesville, IN, US. >. Tue Jun 25 2024. Maroon 5 with Maren Morris Budweiser Stage · Toronto, Canada.

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    When is the Maroon 5 2023 Tour commencing? A. According to Maroon 5's official website, the 2023 tour will kick off on March 25, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada and conclude on September 7, 2023 in Sao ...

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    Tickets for the tour's main events went on sale Friday at 10 a.m. local time (November 18). The best places to buy Maroon 5 tickets are on secondary ticket markets, including StubHub, SeatGeek, Viagigo, Vividseats, Livenation, Ticketmaster, and Ticketnetwork.

  17. Tour

    Official online store of Maroon 5. Fans can purchase exclusive merchandise including t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and more.

  18. Maroon 5 (@maroon5) • Instagram photos and videos

    9M Followers, 21 Following, 1,524 Posts - Maroon 5 (@maroon5) on Instagram: "M5LV 2024 - On Sale Now Middle Ground Ft. Mickey Guyton - Out Now 曆"

  19. Maroon 5 announce tour dates and festivals for 2023

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    Maroon 5 Tour 2023Live in London, UK📍The O2 Arena#maroon5 #maroon5inlondon#london https://youtu.be/kQoEDKIxq9MHIT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE

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    tickets. 10/10/23. We found tickets to the tenth annual 'We Can Survive' concert at Newark, NJ's Prudential Center on Saturday, Oct. 14. Headliners include Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, ONEREPUBLIC ...

  25. GIANT Center

    Buy GIANT Center tickets at Ticketmaster.com. Find GIANT Center venue concert and event schedules, venue information, directions, and seating charts.