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Mo. bis Fr. 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr Sa. 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr Tel.: (0921) 69001

Startseite / Sehenswertes / Bühne frei für Bayreuths Museen / Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt und Bayreuther Katakomben

Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt und Bayreu­ther Katakomben

Historisches Sudhaus

Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

Ob Bierliebhaber, Hobbybrauer oder Museumsfans – bei den Maisel & Friends Erlebnissen & Events ist für jeden das Richtige dabei.


Maisel’s bier­er­leb­nis­welt, bayreu­ther katakomben, öffnungs­zeiten, eintritts­preise, beson­dere schließzeiten.

bayreuther bier tour

In der Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt können Gäste heute auf 4.500 m² den tradi­tio­nellen Teil und die Heimat der frän­ki­schen Brau­kultur im Rahmen einer Besich­ti­gung erleben. Sie streifen vorbei an kraft­strot­zenden Dampf­ma­schinen, glän­zenden Kupfer­kes­seln im Sudhaus , durch die Hopfen­kammer und die alten Kühl­schiffe bis hin zu den großen Samm­lungen inter­na­tio­naler Bier­gläser , histo­ri­scher Krüge und wert­voller Emailleschilder. 

Die Tour spannt den Bogen über die histo­ri­schen Wurzeln hinaus und zeigt, wie sich das Brau­hand­werk im Laufe der vier Gene­ra­tionen weiter­ent­wi­ckelt hat und wie die Maisel-Brau­meister heute in der hoch­mo­dernen Brau­werk­statt die Maisel & Friends Craft­biere voller Leiden­schaft und Ideen­reichtum brauen. Gärkeller und Holz­fass­la­ge­rung zeigen, was hand­werk­li­ches Brauen in der Gegen­wart ausmacht.

Eine Bier-Tour der beson­deren Art können die Besu­cher der Bayreu­ther Kata­komben erleben. Über eine Treppe steigt man hinab in die faszi­nie­rende Welt der Felsenkeller.

Die Erlebnis-Tour gibt den Besu­chern einen faszi­nie­renden Einblick in die Bayreu­ther Stadt- und Bier­ge­schichte und in die viel­sei­tige Nutzung der Keller­an­lagen in den vergan­genen Jahrhunderten.

Gang in den Bayreuther Katakomben

Diese vermut­lich zwischen dem 16. und 19. Jahr­hun­dert in den Sand­stein getrie­benen Gänge bieten den Charme einer schier endlosen Gruft. Unheim­lich ist´s hier. Unheim­lich span­nend und zudem auch skurril. 

Zu bestaunen ist eine Mischung aus Braue­rei­his­torie und Kultur­ge­schichte der Stadt Bayreuth während des Zweiten Welt­krieges. Die Gänge der Bayreu­ther Kata­komben entstanden anfangs durch den Abbau von Erzen , wurden später weiter ausge­baut und dienten dann haupt­säch­lich zur Lage­rung . Wegen der konstant kühlen Tempe­ra­turen waren die Keller im ausge­henden 19. Jahr­hun­dert natür­lich der beste Platz zum Lagern der erst­klas­sigen Bayreu­ther Biere .

In Kriegs­zeiten wurden die Anlagen aber auch als Schutz- und Flucht­an­lagen genutzt. So zog sich die Bevöl­ke­rung während der Bomben­an­griffe auf Bayreuth zur Zeit des Zweiten Welt­krieges im April 1945 in die Kata­komben zurück und lebte dort als Keller­ge­mein­schaft in drang­voller, fürch­ter­li­cher Enge. 

bayreuther bier tour

Über diesen langen Zeit­raum ereig­neten sich einige skur­rile Bege­ben­heiten , die die versierten Tour­guides gerne ihren Gästen erzählen und diesen somit einen Einblick in das unter­ir­di­sche Reich mit seinem spezi­ellen Charme und der geheim­nis­vollen Atmo­sphäre verschaffen. Die Besu­cher erfahren auch, welche Bedeu­tung die Kata­komben in der Geschichte der Bayreu­ther Bier­brauerei und Bayreuths größtem Bier­garten, dem Herzogs­keller, hatten. Die wich­tige Verbin­dung des Herzog­kel­lers zur Brauerei und den unter­ir­di­schen Felsen­kel­lern wird dadurch betont, dass der Start- und Endpunkt der Kata­kom­ben­füh­rung der Bayreu­ther Herzog­keller ist. Hier schließt sich für die Besu­cher der Kreis von der Geschichte des Bier­brauens und sie haben nach der Tour die Möglich­keit, sich von der Qualität der Bayreu­ther Biere zu überzeugen. 

Die Anmel­dung erfolgt über die Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt .

Die aktu­ellen Öffnungs­zeiten und Preise entnehmen Sie bitte der Website .

Hinweis: Vom 08.01.2024 bis voraus­sicht­lich 09.02.2023 ist es wegen Umbau­ar­beiten leider nicht möglich, die Maisel’s Bier-Erleb­nis­welt zu besich­tigen. Alter­nativ empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Führung durch die Bayreu­ther Kata­komben .

Sie sehen gerade einen Platz­hal­ter­in­halt von Google Maps . Um auf den eigent­li­chen Inhalt zuzu­greifen, klicken Sie auf die Schalt­fläche unten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dabei Daten an Dritt­an­bieter weiter­ge­geben werden.

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Mehr erfahren

bayreuther bier tour

Archäo­lo­gi­sches Museum

Im Archäologischen Museum werden Funde von der Altsteinzeit bis zum Mittelalter gezeigt,die der Historische Verein gesammelt hat.

bayreuther bier tour

Trans­port Museum

Auf rund 50 Quadratmetern werden Exponate aus den letzten 100 Jahren Transportgeschichte ausgestellt.

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Experience Bayreuth, Germany’s Big Beer Culture

2016 07 MBEW Ausenaufnahmen Liebesbier und Biererlebniswelt Michael Bauer 2

Bayreuth: The Region of Germany with the World Record Number of Breweries per inhabitant

Bayreuth is located in the heart of Upper Franconia, Germany , a region where there is the highest density of breweries per inhabitant in the world.

Dampfmaschine2 c Brauerei Maisel

Surrounded by beautiful landscapes and sceneries, Bayreuth once counted well over one hundred beer brewers and a high number of breweries. Today, you can experience brewing history and brewing culture in the city in many different ways. Composer Richard Wagner found not only his home but also his love for beer in Bayreuth.

Maisel’s Beer Adventure

Oak Beer Barrels at Maisel Friends Brewery c Brauerei Maisel

Visitors to Maisel’s Beer Adventure World get to see what makes craft brewing so fascinating: Brewery Maisel’s historic building is home to this 4,500m² gem where you will experience the world of beer – the Bier-Erlebnis-Welt – with all your senses.

\You will gain insights into the traditional Franconian art of brewing and learn why Upper Franconia is called the “Bier- und Genussregion Oberfranken” for its specialty beers and culinary delights.

The Beer Adventure World brings together the tradition of Franconian beer culture and state-of-the-art brewing technology, historical buildings, and modern flair as well as lots of fascinating information and plenty of opportunities to experience and enjoy beer.

Housed in the historic building of the Maisel Brewery, visitors to the Maisel & Friends Brauwerkstatt – a brewing laboratory with a 25 hectoliter brewhouse – can watch master brewers make beer and experience first hand the craft brewing process from the malt mill and brewhouse to the fermenting cellar and wood barrel aging.

Brewery Museum

Maisel and Friends Session cBrauerei Maisel Bayreuth

The Brewery Museum with its historic brick façade provides insight into the history of brewing culture.

Everything still works as if the brewers and coopers had just taken their lunch break: the machine house, brewhouse, hops room, and cool ships.

The Maisel’s Brewery Museum already earned a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for being the most diverse beer museum.

Other highlights include two large cabinet vaults showcasing over 5,500 beer glasses and mugs, the 400 rare enamel signs from different breweries and brands of beer as well as an impressive collection of coasters.

At the end of the roughly 60-minute tour, you can taste Franconian craft brewing at its finest in the adjacent Liebesbier pub and restaurant. Guests are seated right in the heart of the brewery where they can watch the master brewers practice their art. 21 different beers on tap and more than 100 bottled beers testify to the true love for beer as well as the innovation and pioneering spirit of Franconia.


Information about tours:

  • Guided tours of the Maisel’s Beer Adventure World for individual guests daily at 2 pm and 6 pm in German.
  • Daily individual tours with an audioguide.
  • Guided tours for groups in English any time of the day, evenings included.
  • After the 60 minute tour, visitors enjoy a fresh Maisel’s Weisse in the adjoining pub and restaurant.
  • Admission tickets for guided tours € 12.00 for adults and € 9.00 for guests from six to 18 years. Children under the age of six are free.
  • Admission tickets for audioguide tours € 10.00 for adults and € 8.00 for guests from six to 18 years. Children under the age of six are free.
  • Beer connoisseurs will find a big variety of souvenirs and articles in the Maisel’s Shop.
  • The “ Liebesbier ” pub and restaurant offers an extensive selection of beers and a varied menu.

2019 10 31 Liebesbier komprimiert 192

Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1 95445 Bayreuth Phone: +49 (0)921 / 401-234

[email protected]

Bayreuth’s Catacombs

The Bayreuth Catacombs are located only a few steps from Maisel´s Beer Adventure World. Steep steps lead down into cool cellars, which were used between the 16 and 19 centuries in the sandstone under the brewery. Here, beer was stored and matured.

The Catacombs had many other uses over the years.

For example, they were used as shelters or an emergency hospital during the Second World War. Visitors experience a sometimes-bizarre panopticon with a mixture of brewing, culture, and city history in the catacombs. The guided tour ends in the ‘Bräustüberl’ of Bayreuther Bierbrauerei AG with a refreshing ‘Aktien Zwick’l-Beer’.

Maisels Weisse im Biergarten 2 cBrauerei Gebr Maisel

The Bayreuther BierTour offers a summary of Bayreuth Beer History and Franconian culinary delights.

It includes a city tour, a typical Bratwurst meal at ‘Oskar, Wirtshaus am Marktplatz’, entrance fees to the Maisel´s Beer Adventure World and the Catacombs of the Bayreuther Bierbrauerei AG.

The tour ends with a traditional Franconian snack at the Herzogkeller , the town’s largest and probably most beautiful beer garden.

All places are within walking distance and the Bayreuther BierTour can also be done on different days during the summer season.

Further Information :

Tourist Information, Opernstraße 22, 95444 Bayreuth. Tel. +49 (0)921/885 88,

[email protected]

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Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

Arnt J

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

bayreuther bier tour

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Nicoleta C

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Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Sat - Sun 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • (0.01 mi) Liebesbier
  • (0.03 mi) Hotel-Gasthof Spiegelmuhle
  • (0.11 mi) Hotel Rheingold
  • (0.19 mi) H4 Hotel Residenzschloss Bayreuth
  • (0.12 mi) Center Bayreuth: Large balcony apartment S9 (5 ***** stars) balcony, garages,
  • (0.01 mi) Crazy Sheep Kaffeemanufaktur
  • (0.12 mi) Richards
  • (0.13 mi) Enchilada Bayreuth
  • (0.15 mi) Maguro Fine Asian Cuisine

Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

Arnt J

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

bayreuther bier tour

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Also popular with travellers

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MAISEL'S BIER-ERLEBNIS-WELT: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • Mon - Fri 08:30 - 00:00
  • Sat - Sun 09:00 - 00:00
  • (0.01 mi) Liebesbier
  • (0.03 mi) Hotel-Gasthof Spiegelmuhle
  • (0.11 mi) Hotel Rheingold
  • (0.19 mi) H4 Hotel Residenzschloss Bayreuth
  • (0.12 mi) Center Bayreuth: Large balcony apartment S9 (5 ***** stars) balcony, garages,
  • (0.01 mi) Crazy Sheep Kaffeemanufaktur
  • (0.12 mi) Richards
  • (0.13 mi) Enchilada Bayreuth
  • (0.15 mi) Maguro Fine Asian Cuisine

Happy to Wander

A Guide to Bayreuth, Germany: Everything You Need to Know

Last Updated: August 12, 2022

*FYI - this post may contain affiliate links, which means we earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase from them. Also, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Check out our Privacy Policy and Disclosure. for more info.

bayreuther bier tour

This guide to Bayreuth, Germany was written in collaboration with Bayreuth Tourismus and Marketing.

My recent visit to Bayreuth, Germany marked a series of important life lessons.

Firstly, that day drinking is a responsible and noble endeavour when done in the name of culture… and secondly, that the best way to score the castle of your dreams is arson.

… wait. Allow me to explain that one.

Bayreuth, Germany Pinterest graphic featuring the Bayreuth skyline

Save this guide & list of things to do in Bayreuth for later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

Let’s Start This Bayreuth Guide with a Story

You see, once upon a time, a daring young princess named Wilhelmine trotted down from Berlin to Bayreuth to meet her new royal hunk Margrave Friedrich.

Upon arrival, she was disappointed. Not by Friedrich (I assume he was adequately hunky), but rather, she was dismayed by the lack of royal pizazz in her new home.

Where was the grandeur?! Where was the opulence?! The champagne showers and the Versailles glam she had probably saved on 18th century Pinterest?

Eventually, she did what any reasonable woman would do – she set her crappy castle on fire, in favour of a shiny new castle that she’d get to design herself…

Adding on to her already extensive list of ‘projects’ around Bayreuth, like building one of the world’s most stunning opera houses, redesigning the decadent Ermitage gardens (which she, duh, received as a birthday gift) and adding all sorts of splendid & impressive buildings to the Bayreuth cityscape.

bayreuther bier tour

In doing this, she successfully turned the city into the Baroque powerhouse that it is today.

And sure, while this story might have been embellished by my guide for a laugh or two (there’s no official documentation of Wilhelmine being the actual cause of the fire, though anecdotal evidence is compelling), one thing remains crystal clear: Bayreuth is one very good looking city… and much of that is thanks to Wilhelmine.

But first – some context. Not to be confused for the Lebanese capital of Beirut (which is, supposedly a too-common mistake), Bayreuth is a city in Germany’s Upper Franconia.

bayreuther bier tour

You might recognize the name for its Richard Wagner Festival , a month-long summer spectacle that attracts culture vultures like hipsters to avocado toast, turning Bayreuth into THE place to be for a few weeks of the year.

And while Bayreuth often refers to itself as a city of Ws: w heat beer, W agner, W ilhelmine, I’d like to propose a new addition, which is  w oah , why have you not heard of this place before?

… That, my friends, is an excellent question.

So, if I’ve piqued your curiosity with my tales of arson and royal drama, read on for a detailed guide to Bayreuth, Germany, including why you should visit, things to do and where to stay.

Amazing views over Bayreuth, Germany

Why Visit Bayreuth, Germany?

The first time I ever heard of Bayreuth, Germany, it was gazing at me from the label of a delicious, cold beer – one of the best beers I’d ever tried actually.

It would therefore be tempting to say that the key reason to visit Bayreuth is for beer.

And yes, that’s a big draw.

But beyond that, Bayreuth encompasses many of the things that make Germany such an amazing travel destination.

bayreuther bier tour

It has all the charm of the Romantic Road, but romantically without all the bus tours.

It’s a small city easily navigable by foot but one that offers enough activities, sights and things to do to fill up a weekend (and a beer glass) to the brim.

Over 200 breweries and 1000+ types of beer occupy the small sliver of Germany that Bayreuth is located in, which means you’re guaranteed to have a great, if not slightly blurry time 😉

After all, beloved writer Jean Paul, a key figure of the city, used to purportedly get so drunk at a pub just outside town that he would literally roll home (yes, down a hill). If that’s not #goals, I don’t know what is.

bayreuther bier tour

10 Things to do in Bayreuth, Germany

As I mentioned before, Bayreuth is a city of Ws: Wheat beer, Wagner, Wilhelmine &  w fun things to do.

[Pause for laughter]

Now that you’re done laughing at my joke, here are some of the best things to do in Bayreuth, from mandatory beer stops to stunning opera houses.

bayreuther bier tour

1. Drink your weight in Bayreuther bier

Duh. Sorry. Had to get this one out of the way.

The reason I keep talking about beer is simple.

Beer is Bayreuth, Bayreuth is beer.

Beer is such a big part of the culture here, I’m quite certain the babies here are bon with tiny glasses in their hands, exiting the womb while slurring the chorus to Sweet Caroline.

But seriously though – you know how people often say that Germany has the best beer in the world?

Well others often say that Bavaria has the best beer in Germany… and some might even add that Bayreuth has the best beer in Bavaria.

So amidst all those layers of “best”, you’re guaranteed a tasty brew or two.

Long story short: Bayreuther bier is a must try when in Bayreuth.

Bayreuther bier assortment in Bayreuth, Germany

2. Visit Maisel’s Beer Adventure World

Once the world’s most extensive beer museum (as certified by the folks at Guinness World Records), this museum is far too cool to be called a museum, hence the aggressive name “BEER ADVENTURE WORLD”.

It truly is an adventure though, if you’re a beer nerd like me.

Here, you can marvel at giant rooms filled with gorgeous displays of beer glasses, galleries packed wall to wall with vintage beer signs/posters and of course, end your visit at Liebesbier , the in-house restaurant which has delicious food and generous beer samplers.

Important visitor info:

Address: Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1

Cost: Adults € 8.00, children (6-18 years) € 5.00

Website :

The collection room at Maisel's Beer Adventure World

3. Take a walk through the Bayreuther Catacombs

Just down the street from Maisel’s Beer Adventure World is another one of the city’s starring beer attractions: the city catacombs.

And while these catacombs never housed skeletons or dead bodies like their catacomb-y counterparts in Paris, this network of tunnels had even more precious cargo: BEER!

The chilly underground tour offers welcome refuge from the scorching heat (if you’re visiting in the summer) and provides insight into these historic underground parts of the city, which even once served as makeshift bomb shelters during World War II.

Address: Kulmbacherstr. 60

Catacombs of Bayreuth, Germany

4. Enjoy the quirky Bayreuth museum scene

For a small city, Bayreuth has a surprising number and variety of museums.

Whether you’re interested in art, music, or… um… tobacco history, there’s something to satisfy your whims between beer breaks.

But besides the usual cultural experiences like art museums, they also have a series of quirky museums unique to the city.

Here are a few:

  • The German Typewriter Museum: A museum dedicated to typewriters, with over 360 historic typewriters on display. Admission is free too!
  • The Small Poster Museum: A Museum dedicated to contemporary poster art.
  • The Other Museum: A museum housing cultural artifacts that you’re free to browse, read and touch. NOTE: Visitors are advised to call in advance to double check operating hours.

5. Visit the Eremitage Bayreuth

Located on the outskirts of Bayreuth is a beautiful Baroque complex filled with ornate buildings, opulent gardens, elegant fountains and cool little grottos.

Yes, this was the complex once gifted to Wilhelmine for her birthday, a complex she immediately got to work on “improving”.

Fair enough though, she did an incredible job, and today the Bayreuth Eremitage is a historic fairytale setting with plenty to fawn over, especially the incredible Sun Temple which is literally studded with gleaming details.

PS: This is where they host the Summer Night’s Festival every summer. Yes, there are fireworks 😉

Don’t miss the waterworks here! The fountains are turned on once an hour from May to October every hour, at the New Palace from 10am-6pm and at the Lower Grotto from 10:15am – 5:15pm.

  • Address:  Eremitagestraße 6
  • Cost:  The court gardens are free to explore; Admission to the Old Palace is 4.50 euros regular, 3.50 euros reduced
  • Website :

bayreuther bier tour

6. Visit the Bayreuth Festspielhaus

As I previously mentioned, every year, Bayreuth makes headlines for its Richard Wagner Festival in August, which is when Bayreuth becomes THE hotspot for culture conoisseurs.

With a star-studded audience packed with swishy VIPs (Angela Merkel is a frequently spotted in the audience), getting a ticket is no easy feat, but taking a tour around the theatre is!

Perched on top of a green hill over Bayreuth, this opera house is one of the largest in the world, and a worthy must-see.

Wagner Festspielhaus in Bayreuth, Germany

  • Address: Festspielhügel 1-2
  • Cost:  The outside is free to explore, but the guided tour costs 7.00 € per person, 5.00 € reduced (students, etc)

7. Gawk at the Bayreuth Opera House (AKA the Margravial Opera House)

Speaking of opera houses, this Baroque masterpiece of an opera house is so opulent and wonderful that it is now a world heritage site recognized by UNESCO… and for you hipsters out there, it only recently re-opened in 2018 after years and years of renovation, so now’s the time to see it before most do.

And seriously, this stunner is a real must-see.

Modelled after some of the finest opera houses in Europe, it oozes in SO MUCH DETAIL, made impressively primarily of wood and canvas.

A dramatic 3D effect is accomplished through Baroque illusionist art and really, your head will hurt a little from looking up so eagerly.

Fun fact: this opera house was once home to a blue velvet curtain so luxurious that Napoleon straight up just took it as his own.

  • Address: Opernstraße 14
  • Cost:  Seeing the inside is only possible with a tour, which costs 8 euros regular, 7 euros reduced
  • Website :

bayreuther bier tour

8. Enjoy the view from the Bayreuth City Church (Stadtkirche)

Hands down, the most stunning view you can get in Bayreuth is from the City Church (Stadtkirche).

Thanks to its central location in town, the church offers the perfect opportunity to perch like a gargoyle and gawk at the beautiful orange rooftops of the city center.

Best of all, they offer guided tours to the public on a donation basis.

For more information on when you can tour the towers, visit the official church website here.

FUN FACT: It used to be a guy’s job to live up here (with his whole family) and spot fires/alert the town when they came up. While this already sounds truly insane, they actually bring you into his living quarters as part of the tour, and it’s only then that you appreciate how insane it all  really  was.


  • Address: Kirchplatz 1
  • Cost:  Tours are on a donation basis, but check the website for a tour schedule as they aren’t daily
  • Website :

bayreuther bier tour

9. Trace the footsteps of Richard Wagner

Besides our favourite little badass, Wilhelmine, Bayreuth is perhaps most commonly linked to one man: Richard Wagner, German composer extraordinaire, known best for his operas (and for being a bit of an egomaniac).

It therefore makes sense that you’d like to retrace his footsteps, or at least visit some of the most significant spots of his career.

Richard Wagner statue in Bayreuth, Germany

Besides Wagner’s Festspielhaus (that opera house he had specifically built for HIS operas), there is also a Richard Wagner Museum located close to the New Palace.

Here, you can even visit Wagner’s unmarked gravestone, intentionally left that way because he declared “those who come here will know who they’re looking at”.

Last but not least, keep an eye out for funny little statues of Wagner that mark different pieces of the city’s “Walk of Wagner”, which marks significant spots that pertain to Wagner’s life, starting with his former family home, Haus Wahnfried and ending at the Festspielhaus, naturally.

10. Visit the New Palace and Hofgarten

Commissioned by Wilhelmine, and with some rooms designed by her as well, Bayreuth’s New Palace is a delightfully pretty rococco gem in the city center that’s well worth a visit.

The star of the show here of course is the court garden, which will give you some serious Sound of Music vibes.

  • Address: Ludwigstraße 21
  • Cost:  Exploring the garden is free, but a tour of the New Palace costs 5.50 euros regular, 4.50 euros reduced
  • Website :

The New Palace in Bayreuth, Germany

Bayreuth Festival Line-Up: Events to Keep in Mind

Now, despite being a small city, the Bayreuth festival calendar is jam-packed with awesome events throughout the year.

I got to be in town for the Bürgerfest, which to my dismay had zero to do with eating hamburgers and more to do with having a bumpin’ party for its citizens (AKA burgers in German). Still, it was fun.

Bayreuth Bürgerfest 2018 in Bayreuth, Germany

If you can plan your trip around attending one of the city’s festivals, that would be a great way to see the city at its most vibrant.

Maisel’s Beer Festival – May: A big beer festival welcoming thousands of eager beer drinkers every year on the Maisel Brewery Grounds.

Bayreuth’s Citizen’s Festival (AKA Bürgerfest) – July: A big street party that overtakes the main city center with countless stalls, parties and booths.

Bayreuth Summer Night’s Festival – August: A beautiful summer festival set at the Eremitage with concerts, musical performances and of course, dazzling fireworks.

Richard-Wagner-Festival – August: The most famous festival in Bayreuth, and the reason why thousands flock to the city in August. Scoring a ticket to the festival is no easy feat, but it’s THE biggest event of the year.

Bayreuth’s Jazz-November: Jazz concerts spread out over multiple venues across the city.

Bayreuth Christmas Market – End of November to December 23:  Time to swap the beer for sweet gluhwein! Christmas time is a magical period to enjoy Germany, and Bayreuth is no exception, providing a glorious Baroque backdrop for traditional German Christmas charm.

How to Get to Bayreuth, Germany

If coming from within Europe, I recommend using the free website Omio to compare the different transportation options for arriving in Bayreuth.

Bayreuth is conveniently located in Upper Franconia (in the northern tip of Bavaria, Germany). It’s an easy city to reach, and here are some of the options:

COMING TO BAYREUTH BY PLANE: The closest international airport is in Nuremburg. From there, there are quick trains that leave hourly towards Bayreuth.

COMING TO BAYREUTH BY TRAIN: Bayreuth’s central train station is conveniently located in the center of town and train access is easy via nearby hubs like Nuremburg. Again I would use Omio to check out the different options or the official Deutsche Bahn website.

COMING TO BAYREUTH BY BUS : Flixbus has many routes that pass through here, making it a quick and convenient option within Germany provided that there are no delays. You can read my full Flixbus review here.

COMING TO BAYREUTH BY CAR: Bayreuth can be easily reached by car on either the A9 or A70 Express Ways.

bayreuther bier tour

Where to Stay in Bayreuth, Germany

So, if you do plan on visiting, you might be wondering where to stay in Bayreuth. Here are a few recommendations for you! No fires though, please.

Bayreuth Hotel Recommendations

There are plenty of hotels in Bayreuth to choose from. I stayed at the Hotel Rheingold , which was very nice, comfortable and well-located.

It definitely has a more business-y feel rather than a cozy/homey one, but the breakfast was great and we were only a 10 minute walk from any point of interest.  Click here to browse availability and prices.

Curious to browse your other options? Click here to check out dozens of other hotels in Bayreuth.

The sunrise view from Hotel Rheingold, Bayreuth Germany

And so, I hope you found that (insanely long) travel guide to Bayreuth, Germany helpful! Let me know in the comments if you have any more questions.

Tell me in the comments: have you ever visited Bayreuth, Germany?

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20 thoughts on “A Guide to Bayreuth, Germany: Everything You Need to Know”

You and your travel guides are so amazing! I love how thorough you are! 🙂 – Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

This sounds like my kind of destination! The view from the Bayreuth City Church looks magnificent, and as I’ve gotten really into beer lately, I would love to check out the Bayreuther beer scene.

You are right, why haven’t I heard about Bayreuth before? It is now firmly on my list for my next trip to Germany, and I think even hubby will approve thanks to the beer!

Lol, I love the arson story. I don’t think it would go over as well today!

This is so amazing! This is the type of vacation that I like. Germany is one of the places I can’t wait to visit, mostly for the beer!

OMGeee Bayreuth is the most adorable place I’ve ever seen. I’ve said a thousand times in a not-so-jokingly-manner that I’m moving to Germany one day, maybe now? That opera house is STUNNING and all the beer! We’re headed to Germany for Oktoberfest and will definitely try to check out this stunning beauty

Wow this is such a detailed guide. Loved it. Inspires me to explore Bayreuth.i never heard about it before.

This looks so amazing! Your photography is fab and now I’ve added this to my Germany bucket list!!

OMG I think I got a little tipsy just reading it!! I’ve never heard of Bayreuth before, so I’m happy my first introduction was fun and exciting – I NEED TO GO NOW! Is it far away from the other major German towns? In any case, Bayreuth is definitely added to my Eurotrip agenda!

This town looks so cute! And I would have loved to have met Wilhelmine, she sounds so interesting!

This is such a wonderful post! The town looks magical and I can’t wait to visit!

Great post as always! I love being introduced to less-known places like this one, and I share your love for beer, so I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy visiting Bayreuth 🙂

What a conincidence I found your lovely article. I am from Munich and am planning a trip to Bayreuth, which I only visited as a child with my parents. Your article with really beautiful photos helps a lot to plan the trip. Thanks for sharing.

My boyfriend and I love Germany, and we’re always looking for new parts to explore – thanks for the tip-off! He’d definitely enjoy the beer! 😉

Definitely learned something new today AND will be visiting this charming city soon! How have I not heard of this?? I loved your historical factoids to the locations – super funny! Bucket listed for sure! Great piece!

Great guide Christina! We really love Germany – Make sure you visit Zugspitze land Eibsee lake – stunning!

I really enjoyed your writing style and the content you provided. We will spend a day in Bayreuth and much of what we will see and do will be credited to you. Thank you!

I love your guide. I am from Bayreuth and have to agree with you but don’t forget to also visit the surrounding areas like Fränkische Schweiz and Fichtelgebirge.

Bayreuth is my favorite place EVER! I visit every year

Yay – always happy to hear from a fellow Bayreuth fan! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

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Experience Bayreuth

A franconian world cultural heritage.

The so-called "Eremitage", just outside Bayreuth, ranks as one of the most important parks of the 18th century and will enthuse you with its Baroque design and the water games and trick fountains. Bayreuth's  UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Margravial Opera House  is the only surviving original Baroque theater in Europe and is located at the heart of the town. The Neue Schloss (New Castle) with its  Hofgarten (Court Gardens) are just a stone's throw away and great for a discovery tour. On a visit of the living spaces and the grand reception areas of the castle, which once was the Margrave's residence, decors made of mirror shards, stucco and floral spandrels bring the unique  Bayreuth Rococo  style back to live.


Bayreuth – Richard Wagner town

Bayreuth is closely linked to the name of Richard Wagner and his life and works. The Richard Wagner Opera Festival , staged in the "Festival Hall on the green hill" , which was built from 1872 to 1875 specifically and exclusively for Wagner's compositions, attracts a top-class audience every year – international Wagner lovers as well as Germany's political elite enjoy Wagner's world-renowned operas here. Richard Wagner's former home  Haus Wahnfried  next to the Court Gardens, were he lived and worked for many years, has been home to the  Richard-Wagner-Museum since 1972.


The Eremitage – Bayreuths Baroque gem

The Eremitage Park was Markgrave Friedrich's birthday present to his wife  Wilhelmine in 1735. Margrave Wilhelmine attracted a lot of attention at other courts when she made arrangements for various renovation and conversion works at the park showing a lot of expertise in landscape gardening . Wilhelmine integrated several elements of the English style of landscape gardening but also valued traditional Baroque elements . Arcades, hedged quarters and water games and fountains  as well as some artificial ruins are some of the characteristic elements of the park. That's why Bayreuth's Eremitage enjoys reputation as a perfect example of 18th century landscape gardening.


Exceptional buildings, gardens &  UNESCO World Cultural Heritage

Bayreuth is home to the Margraves Opera House, ranking as  UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, as well as additional Baroque highlights like Neues Schloss, Hofgarten and Eremitage. All of them are worth a visit – inquire about infos and guided tours at the Liebesbier reception.

An annual cultural highlight: The Wagner Festival

For the time of the festival, Wagner fans and political elite meet at Bayreuth's so-called "Green Hill" to enjoy live performances of Wagner's operas like The Rhine Gold, The Ring ofthe Niberlung, Parsifal or Tannhäuser in the Festival Hall famed for its unique acoustics.

Located at the heart of the Gourmet Region Franconia 

Experience Franconian food and the whole variety of Franconian beer culture at Liebesbier, where modern architecture meets cosy beer house ambiance.

Liebesbier Restaurant & Bar and our Urban Art Hotel

Get ready for the particular style and unique atmosphere at Liebesbier: Historic walls from the 19th century meet modern industrial design, collector's items join modern urban art and cosy corners contrast with spacious brew house ambiance.  At our modern Smart Hotel every room has its own unique street artwork, created and designed by international artists exclusively for our Liebesbier Urban Art Hotel.

Restaurant & Bar

Liebesbier Restaurant & Bar

Smart- & Art-Hotel

Maisel & Friends

Our recommendation: bayreuth guided tours by maisel & friends.

Booking and further information directly at the Liebesbier reception.


Drayman's tour

Opernhaus meets Brauhaus

Opera House meets Brew House

Bayreuther Biertour

Bayreuth beer tour


ProBier Tour / Beer tasting tour

Bayreuther Katakomben

Bayreuth's catacombs


Beer adventure tour

Book a room now.

Conference weekend, sightseeing tour through Bayreuth – including a visit to Maisel & Friends, of course – or accommodation for your wedding guests: Our Smart-Hotel with its individual street art rooms and fashionable ambiance will definitely be an exciting experience.  

Beers worth the walk

compass with hops in center


bayreuther bier tour

Bayreuther Hell

golden beer with big head in glass with bottle

Brewery: Bayreuther Bierbrauerei Town: Bay reuth Style: Helles Color: light golden Head: white , rocky Nose: grainy, mown grass Body: medium Palate: malty, grainy, underlying hops Finish: lingering, semi-dry

Served: from a bottle bought in Munich Impression: This is one of the more common Franconian beers you’ll find in Munich and no surprise that it’s a traditional Helles. It’s a style you see more and more in Franconia and this is certainly a decent example. The nose has some mown grass in the otherwise grainy nose. It’s balanced with a nice grainy element and a clean semi-dry finish with just enough bitterness. Certainly a fair session beer at 4.9%. Next beer or b ack to the beer list.

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Published by beerwanderers

I'm an American living in Munich. Why? Well, I came for the beer but stayed for the girl. I'm very happily married to a German woman. Of course, the bonus of great beer certainly doesn't hurt. An avid love of hiking and finding new beers has led me to found beerwanderers, an information resource on beer hiking trails in Franconia with an emphasis on Franconian food specialties and the endless variety of amazing beer the region is renowned for. I also just published my first book Beer Hiking Bavaria which features 50 beer hikes in Bavaria. View all posts by beerwanderers

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Maisel’s Weisse

The fresh bavarian weissbier.

True fans know that genuine weissbier can only come from Bavaria. No other kind of beer embodies the Bavarian way of life, the white and blue sky and summer refreshment like weissbier. Beer lovers the world over (even north and south of the weisswurst equator!) associate friendly get-togethers, enjoyable beer garden outings and happy hour(s) with Bavaria’s favorite beverage.

As a family-owned company with deep roots, Brauerei Gebr. Maisel stands for premium quality brewing using only the finest ingredients from trusted sources. The family-owned brewery from Bayreuth, Germany has been brewing specialty beers for four generations together with employees who love their product. Brauerei Gebr. Maisel is a wheat beer innovator and the maker of Maisel’s Weisse – the fresh Bavarian weissbier. 

The right specialty wheat beer for every taste

Maisel's Weisse Original Glas und Flasche

A true Bavarian specialty wheat beer

The finest wheat and barley malts and our own pure culture yeast give Maisel’s Weisse ORIGINAL its one-of-a-kind character with a fruity, yet complex aroma and bright reddish-amber hue.

Maisel's Weisse Alkoholfrei Glas und Flasche

Isotonic NA weissbier rich in vitamins and flavor

Maisel’s Weisse ALKOHOLFREI is the perfect isotonic beverage for active and health-conscious individuals who care about what they drink. Made using only the purest natural ingredients, rich in vitamins, isotonic and 33% fewer calories.*

Maisel's Weisse Leicht Glas und Flasche

Enjoy the lighter side of wheat beer

38% less alcohol, 25% fewer calories and all the taste of Maisel’s Weisse ORIGINAL – that’s Maisel’s Weisse LEICHT for you. A great choice in many situations for weissbier connoisseurs who like to switch things up.

Maisel's Weisse Kristall Glas und Flasche

Sparkling refreshment at its finest

Crystal-clear brilliance and sparkling-fresh carbonation are what make Maisel’s Weisse KRISTALL so unique. Special wheat beer yeast creates balanced, fruity notes of banana and citrus. Experience sparkling refreshment at its finest!

Maisel's Weisse Dunkel Glas und Flasche

The original dark – brewed according to time-honored traditions

A carefully selected blend of wheat malt and gently roasted, caramelized specialty malts give Maisel’s Weisse DUNKEL its dark-red mahogany color and malt-forward taste. You will notice hints of fruit and clove from the Maisel’s Weisse wheat beer yeast in this full-bodied, very drinkable weissbier.

Experience Maisel’s Weisse

Gebäude der Maisel's Weisse Erlebniswelt

Maisel´s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

Visitors to Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt (“Maisel’s Beer World”) get to see what makes craft brewing so fascinating: Brauerei Gebr. Maisel’s historic main building is home to this 4,500 sqm gem where you can experience the world of beer with all your senses as you gain insight into the traditional Franconian art of brewing and learn why Upper Franconia is called the “Bier- und Genussregion Oberfranken” for its specialty beers and culinary delights.

Maisel's Weissbierfest

Maisel´s Weissbierfest

Brauerei Gebr. Maisel’s Weissbierfest is without a doubt one of the annual highlights in the event calendar for Upper Franconia. The “Wheat Beer Festival” is free and traditionally held the weekend before Ascension Day on the company premises in Bayreuth. It offers a mix of world-famous music acts, culinary delights, a fun run and lots of other exciting activities for the whole family to enjoy.

18. Maisel's Funrun

Maisel´s FunRun

On the Sunday of Maisel’s Weissbierfest, Bayreuth is transformed into a running metropolis when up to 4,000 runners start through the festival city. The Maisel’s FunRun is a very popular 10K and half-marathon run featuring an exciting, relatively flat course that is ideal for both hobby and ambitious runners alike. Registration always starts on 11th November.

The Maisel Family

Wheat beer tradition with a future.

Jeff Maisel heads the brewery as part of the fourth generation of brewers – and he follows the same tradition as his forefathers. The brewery of today is still characterized by its utmost passion for the product, superior craftsmanship and the outstanding quality of its specialty beers.


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The wonders of Moscow metro

bayreuther bier tour

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Day trips out of Moscow

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Moscow Metro Tour

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Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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Moscow Metro 2019

bayreuther bier tour

Will it be easy to find my way in the Moscow Metro? It is a question many visitors ask themselves before hitting the streets of the Russian capital. As metro is the main means of transport in Moscow – fast, reliable and safe – having some skills in using it will help make your visit more successful and smooth. On top of this, it is the most beautiful metro in the world !

. There are over 220 stations and 15 lines in the Moscow Metro. It is open from 6 am to 1 am. Trains come very frequently: during the rush hour you won't wait for more than 90 seconds! Distances between stations are quite long – 1,5 to 2 or even 3 kilometers. Metro runs inside the city borders only. To get to the airport you will need to take an onground train - Aeroexpress.


Paper ticket A fee is fixed and does not depend on how far you go. There are tickets for a number of trips: 1, 2 or 60 trips; or for a number of days: 1, 3 days or a month. Your trips are recorded on a paper ticket. Ifyou buy a ticket for several trips you can share it with your traveling partner passing it from one to the other at the turnstile.

bayreuther bier tour

On every station there is cashier and machines (you can switch it to English). Cards and cash are accepted. 1 trip - 55 RUB 2 trips - 110 RUB

Tickets for 60 trips and day passes are available only at the cashier's.

60 rides - 1900 RUB

1 day - 230 RUB 3 days - 438 RUB 30 days - 2170 RUB.

The cheapest way to travel is buying Troyka card . It is a plastic card you can top up for any amount at the machine or at the ticket office. With it every trip costs 38 RUB in the metro and 21 RUB in a bus. You can get the card in any ticket office. Be prepared to leave a deposit of 50 RUB. You can get it back returning the card to the cashier.

bayreuther bier tour

SamsungPay, ApplePay and PayPass cards.

One turnstile at every station accept PayPass and payments with phones. It has a sticker with the logos and located next to the security's cabin.


At the platfrom you will see one of these signs.

It indicates the line you are at now (line 6), shows the direction train run and the final stations. Numbers below there are of those lines you can change from this line.

bayreuther bier tour

In trains, stations are announced in Russian and English. In newer trains there are also visual indication of there you are on the line.

To change lines look for these signs. This one shows the way to line 2.

bayreuther bier tour

There are also signs on the platfrom. They will help you to havigate yourself. (To the lines 3 and 5 in this case). 

bayreuther bier tour

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Maisel's Beer Experience World

bayreuther bier tour

Bayreuth's Catacombs

Tours for the general public (only with online ticket) Current dates are listet in our ticketshop

Audioguide Maisel's World of Beer Experience

bayreuther bier tour

Drayman's tour

For groups up to 20 people individual tours are available by arrangement.

Tours for the general public (only with online ticket) Current dates are listed in our ticketshop

bayreuther bier tour

Beer tasting tour

bayreuther bier tour

Bayreuth beer tour

bayreuther bier tour

Opera House meets Brew House

bayreuther bier tour

Conference center & event venues

bayreuther bier tour

Liebesbier Restaurant & Bar

bayreuther bier tour

Liebesbier Urban Art Hotel

bayreuther bier tour

Crazy Sheep CoffeeManufactory

Maisel & friends , brauerei gebr. maisel gmbh & co. kg , your way to us, by bus/train:.

Take any bus to ZOH (central bus station). Change to bus lines 306 or 325 and get off at the stop called „Bier-Erlebniswelt“.

Freeway A9 coming from Hof/Berlin:

Leave freeway A9 at exit 41 Bayreuth-Nord to B2, take direction Bayreuth-Nord / Flughafen / Warmensteinach / Weidenberg / Bindlach, follow signs direction B2 / Bayreuth / Weiden i.d.OPf.. Turn right to Hohenzollernring / B22. Past Rotmain-Center – after about 150 m turn right to Kulmbacher Straße. Turn right after the bridge to Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1.

Freeway A9 coming from Nuremberg

Leave freeway A9 at exit 42 Bayreuth-Süd, take direction Bayreuth-Süd Bayreuth-Süd / Kemnath / Speichersdorf – turn right to B2 / B22 / B85. Straight ahead on Dr.-Konrad-Pöhner-Straße, then turn right to Universitätsstraße. Along Wittelsbacherring and Hohenzollernring – at the town center turn left towards Rathaus 2 to Kulmbacher Straße. Turn right after the bridge to Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1.

Via highway B85

Coming from B85 Kulmbach / Bamberg go towards town center. Turn right at Rotmain-Center to B22 – after about 150 m turn right to Kulmbacher Straße. Turn right after the bridge to Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1.


  1. Das Bayreuther Bier

    bayreuther bier tour

  2. Bayreuther-BierTour2

    bayreuther bier tour

  3. A Guide to Bayreuth, Germany: Everything You Need to Know

    bayreuther bier tour

  4. Bayreuther-BierTour_artikelbild

    bayreuther bier tour

  5. Bayreuther Bierbrauerei AG

    bayreuther bier tour

  6. Der Bayreuther Genießer-Pass

    bayreuther bier tour


  1. So kommt das neue Bier der Maisel-Azubis an

  2. Bayreuth spaziert und demonstriert am 3. Juli 2023 für Frieden und Freiheit


  4. Ist das das Beste Bier der Welt??🍺🚴‍♂️. Bike Bier Tour von München zum Kloster Andechs

  5. Bayreuth Bayern läuft und demonstriert am 31.Oktober 2022

  6. Unantastbar


  1. Maisel's Beer Experience World

    Experience brewing history at Maisel & Friends in Bayreuth. Take a tour with our audio guide through the historic brewery of the Maisel brewery and learn how we have been brewing our beer for four generations out of love for craftsmanship, tradition and endless passion.

  2. Maisel's Beer Experience World & Bayreuth´s Catacombs

    The adven­ture tour gives visi­tors a fasci­na­ting insight into Bayreuth's city and beer history and into the versa­tile use of the cellar faci­li­ties in past centuries. These corri­dors, probably driven into the sand­stone between the 16th and 19th centu­ries, offer the charm of an almost endless tomb.

  3. Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt und Bayreuther Katakomben

    Gärkeller und Holz­fass­la­ge­rung zeigen, was hand­werk­li­ches Brauen in der Gegen­wart ausmacht. Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt. Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1. 95445 Bayreuth. Tel.: +49 921 401-234. [email protected]. Mehr zur Maisel's Biererlebniswelt.

  4. Maisel´s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

    BIER-ERLEBNIS-WELT Over 4,500 sqm to experience Bayreuth craft brewing at its finest. Experience four generations of brewing tradition in the Maisel brewery's oldest building from 1887, witness modern craft brewing at its finest and feel the passion for extraordinary specialty beers. ... 95445 Bayreuth Germany E-Mail: [email protected] ...

  5. Experience Bayreuth, Germany's Big Beer Culture

    The guided tour ends in the 'Bräustüberl' of Bayreuther Bierbrauerei AG with a refreshing 'Aktien Zwick'l-Beer'. Beer gardens are a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike in Bayreuth. The Bayreuther BierTour offers a summary of Bayreuth Beer History and Franconian culinary delights.

  6. Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

    Maisel's is famous for it's wheat beer. This museum has plenty of old machines that still works. Intersting to see how beer was produced in the old days, and after the tour you get to sample Maisel's collection of beers in a nice bar. There is also a little shop where you can buy glasses, towels, coasters, umbrellas, pictures, beer and more.

  7. Bayreuth's catacombs tour

    Our catacomb tours. The discovery tours to Bayreuth's Catacombs start at Bayreuth's biggest beer garden, called "Herzogkeller". Our tour guides will lead you down into the historic rock cellars of the 'Bayreuther Bierbrauerei' and will inform you about the colorful history of this extended sandstone labyrinth. Get your online ticket now!

  8. Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

    Top ways to experience nearby attractions. Private Guided Walking Tour of Bayreuth With A Professional Guide. 1. Walking Tours. from. £162.80. per group (up to 15) LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. Nuremberg World War II.

  9. Maisel´s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt

    Bayreuther Braukunst auf über 4500 m². Im ältesten Gebäude der Maisel-Brauerei aus dem Jahr 1887 erlebst Du vier Generationen Brautradition, modernes Brauhandwerk und die Leidenschaft zu außergewöhnlichen Bierspezialitäten. In Maisel's Bier-Erlebnis-Welt kannst Du Bier sehen, riechen, hören und natürlich schmecken.

  10. Maisel & Friends/Liebesbier

    Maisel's Bier Erlebniswelt (tour with audio guide): Daily 11:00-17:00. The Maisel family's brewing heritage traces back to Obernsees where the start up existed in the mid-1800s for about thirty years. The sons founded the offshoot in Bayreuth in 1887, dubbing it appropriated Brauerei Geb. Maisel (Maisel Brothers Brewery).

  11. Maisel´s Weissbierfest

    The "Wheat Beer Festival" is free and traditionally held the weekend before Ascension Day on the company premises in Bayreuth. It offers a mix of world-famous music acts, culinary delights, a fun run and lots of other exciting activities for the whole family to enjoy. The 34th Maisel's Weissbierfest will take place from May 2 to 5, 2024.

  12. A Guide to Bayreuth, Germany: Everything You Need to Know

    Long story short: Bayreuther bier is a must try when in Bayreuth. 2. Visit Maisel's Beer Adventure World. Once the world's most extensive beer museum (as certified by the folks at Guinness World Records), this museum is far too cool to be called a museum, hence the aggressive name "BEER ADVENTURE WORLD".

  13. Maisel & Friends

    Maisel & Friends in Bayreuth is the place to go for beer-related experiences. You can explore the wide range of beers from Maisel & Friends in the online shop, in the beer shop on site in Bayreuth and in the Liebesbier restaurant. Get to know and buy special beers from Maisel & Friends. Experience Bayreuth from a different perspective on our adventure tours.

  14. Experience Bayreuth

    Bayreuth is not only Wagner's city - there is also a lot to discover, explore and experience besides the famous festival once a year. Bayreuth is located directly on the Beer & Castle Road. Here Franconian beer specialties and art & culture are combined. Right next to the beautiful pedestrian zone is the UNESCO World Heritage Site Margravial Opera House, in the city center the New Palace and ...

  15. Bayreuther Hell

    Bayreuther Hell. Brewery: Bayreuther Bierbrauerei Town: Bay reuth Style: Helles Color: light golden Head: white, rocky Nose: grainy, mown grass Body: medium Palate: malty, grainy, underlying hops Finish: lingering, semi-dry. Served: from a bottle bought in Munich Impression: This is one of the more common Franconian beers you'll find in Munich and no surprise that it's a traditional Helles.

  16. Maisel's Weisse

    Maisel´s FunRun. On the Sunday of Maisel's Weissbierfest, Bayreuth is transformed into a running metropolis when up to 4,000 runners start through the festival city. The Maisel's FunRun is a very popular 10K and half-marathon run featuring an exciting, relatively flat course that is ideal for both hobby and ambitious runners alike.

  17. The wonders of Moscow metro

    Tour cost: 1000 RUB per person (metro fare is not included) Request form. Your name * Your family name * E-mail * Phone number * Number of travellers: Other special request * required field . Top Moscow and Russia tours. Customized tours. Golden Ring tours. St Petersburg tours. Day trips out of Moscow. Moscow in 1 day.

  18. Bayreuther Biertour

    Entdecke diese oberfränkischen Genüsse im Rahmen unseres Gruppenprogramms: „Bayreuther BierTour". Freue Dich auf interessante Geschichten, frisches Bier und eine zünftig Brotzeit. Genieße die fränkische Gastlichkeit und erlebe Bayreuth auf einzigartige Weise. Das Programm startet vormittags mit einer Tour zusammen mit dem Bayreuther ...

  19. Moscow Metro Tour with Friendly Local Guides

    Moscow Metro private tours. 2-hour tour $87: 10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off. 3-hour tour $137: 20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

  20. Private Guided Moscow Underground Palaces Metro Tour

    Private and Luxury in Moscow: Check out 17 reviews and photos of Viator's Private Guided Moscow Underground Palaces Metro Tour

  21. Moscow Metro 2019

    Customized tours; St. Petersburg; SMS: +7 (906) 077-08-68 [email protected]. Moscow Metro 2019. Will it be easy to find my way in the Moscow Metro? It is a question many visitors ask themselves before hitting the streets of the Russian capital. As metro is the main means of transport in Moscow - fast, reliable and safe - having some ...

  22. Opening hours

    Bayreuth beer tour Tourist Information Bayreuth Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Opernstraße 22 95445 Bayreuth Tel.: +49 921 885 88 book now. Opera House meets Brew House Tourist Information Bayreuth Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat 9:00 am - 4:00 pm