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Do you need updated hospital photography or a hospital virtual tour for your facility? Our professional photographers are experts at getting the perfect photos every time. Request a quote today and let us showcase your hospital in its best light.

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Why Hospital Photography & Virtual Tours?

Just about every business or service provider can benefit from high quality professional photography and a virtual tour of their facilities. This includes hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, and other health service organizations. Whether you’re a health care service provider interested in the benefits of a virtual tour, or a virtual tour provider looking to offer your services to hospitals, these tips will help you create successful virtual tours.

Why Professional Hospital Photography?

A great hospital virtual tour provides an interactive look at the environment of your hospital or health care facility. You can use hospital virtual tours to help patients feel more comfortable and secure with their surroundings before they arrive at your facility, or to introduce your programs and services to potential new patients. Health care provider virtual tours are also a wonderful way to help new staff familiarize themselves with your facility, especially for large or complex hospital buildings and grounds. Virtual tours allow incoming staff to tour the grounds at their own pace and gain a better understanding of the layout and the vital areas of the hospital. In addition to hospitals, virtual tours can benefit:

1. Private practices 2. Health care clinics 3. Dentists and dental care facilities 4. Mental health Children’s hospitals and health care centers 5. Universities and teaching hospitals


The purpose of a virtual tour is to help your patients or staff become familiar and comfortable with your facility. It’s a good idea to include patient rooms on your virtual tour, including both private and semi-private rooms as well as standard ward rooms. If you have different room types, such as adult rooms, children’s rooms, consulting rooms, and ICU rooms, you should show at least one of each type.

The lobbies, waiting areas, and play areas of your hospital or health care facility should also be included in your virtual tour. If you have a large facility with a dining room or cafeteria, this can also be shown. You may also want to show examples of your corridors, elevators, reception areas, and operating theaters (for the benefit of surgical patients and new doctors). If you have any questions about hospital virtual tours, or would like to engage a virtual tour service provider for your health care facility, please feel free to contact RTV at any time. We look forward to helping you create stunning virtual tours that will put your patients and new staff at ease.

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26 eerie photos of abandoned hospitals that will give you the chills

  • Some hospitals that date back centuries have fallen into disrepair.
  • Among them, some former psychiatric hospitals are shrouded in controversy over patient mistreatment.
  • Others, like Beelitz-Heilstätten hospital in Germany , are popular destinations for urban explorers.

Renwick Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island in New York City was built in the 1850s.

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According to Atlas Obscura , the hospital operated between 1856 until 1875 as a primary treatment center for smallpox, a deadly disease that, prior to the invention of a vaccine in 1796, killed more than 400,000 people in Europe alone per year.

The hospital was later converted to a nurses' dormitory before being abandoned completely in the 1950s.

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The building fell into disrepair and is now a shell of the grand structure it once was — today, only the outer walls and the foundation remain. In 1975, the dilapidated hospital was declared a city landmark.

Ellis Island in New York is home to two abandoned hospitals.

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In the early 20th century, immigrants would pass through the island to be checked for any contagious diseases. If they were deemed healthy, they would be granted passage into the United States. However, they could also end up at one of the island's two hospitals — one a more general hospital and one set aside for contagious and infectious diseases.

According to a previous article by Business Insider , the hospital organized people into groups by disease — common ailments included measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mumps, and whooping cough.

Those who were sent to the general hospital were more likely to be cured and gain passage into the US, according to Insider . However, those who were sent to the second hospital were drastically less likely to.

The hospitals reportedly practiced some questionable medical tactics at the time.

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Some doctors poured chloric acid on patients' scalps to treat ringworm and pulled back eyelids with button hooks to check for trachoma, according to Business Insider . Throughout the years of the hospital's operation, 3,500 patients in total reportedly died.

In 1924, the complex was converted into a psychiatric hospital for soldiers.

Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane in Ovid, New York, is one of the creepiest abandoned hospitals in the country.

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The state-run hospital was opened by New York's Surgeon General Dr. Sylvester D. Willard in 1869, according to Atlas Obscura . The hospital treated patients suffering from everything ranging from nerves to chronic or acute insanity and lunacy.

The campus was divided between men and women. "Violent" and "non-violent" patients were also separated.

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According to Atlas Obscura , patients had access to a range of facilities including a bowling alley, a movie theater, a gymnasium, and a farm with crops grown and tended to by the people who lived there.

However, the hospital still offered treatments for mental illness that were typical, unfortunately, of the time, including ice baths and the use of electro-shock therapy.

The hospital discharged its last patient in 1995 and subsequently closed its doors.

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After the explosive 1972 exposé by Geraldo Rivera of Willowbrook Asylum in Staten Island, New York, hospitalization in other psychiatric facilities had begun to drastically decline . Today, Willard Asylum is abandoned.

In the past, tours allowed visitors to photograph and explore Willard Asylum's abandoned buildings. However, tours have since been discontinued.

Geraldo Rivera's documentary on the horrific conditions of "mental institutions" in America also shone a light on Letchworth Village in Thiells, New York.

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The first patients were admitted to Letchworth Village on July 10, 1911, according to Hudson Valley Magazine . The hospital was designed to care for around 3,000 patients and was one of the biggest employers in the local area — at the hospital's peak capacity, it employed about 10,000 people.

It tested out the first polio vaccines on young patients there during the 1950s. Despite the highly controversial practice, the vaccine was deemed successful.

However, the institution soon surpassed its maximum 3,000-people capacity and became overcrowded and underfunded.

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The institution was accused of abuse and fostering bad conditions for its patients. Following the state's move towards "institutionalization," the number of Letchworth patients dwindled. The hospital closed its doors in 1996.

This hospital in the abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine, was left behind after the Chernobyl disaster.

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In the immediate aftermath of the nuclear disaster, patients were treated for radiation at the facility, known as Pripyat City Hospital No. 126 . However, the hospital and the city soon emptied out as the environment was considered too dangerous and radioactive.

The hospital is still littered with relics from before the 1986 explosion.

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From rusted, abandoned cots to old chairs and broken beds, the hospital is arguably one of the spookiest abandoned places in the world .

Beelitz-Heilstätten is an abandoned military hospital in Germany that once treated Adolf Hitler.

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According to a previous article by Insider, the Nazi leader was treated for a thigh injury he acquired during a WWI battle in late 1916. The hospital was later abandoned during the fall of East Germany, but was used as a filming location for the movie "The Pianist."

This hospital in Italy has been abandoned for years.

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The hospital was built during the end of the 19th century, according to urban explorer and photographer Roman Robroek , as a facility for people with mental illness.

The hospital closed about a century later and is still in excellent condition considering its age.

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However, nature has begun to overtake the decrepit institution.

The hospital is littered with relics from when it was in operation.

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This old, decaying operating chair was found inside the spooky hospital.

The walls and floors are starting to decay at a rapid pace.

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However, much of the original structure is still somewhat intact.

The hospital, though abandoned, is still somewhat grand in its appearance.

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High ceilings, ornate archways, and pillars are reminiscent of another time in history.

The hospital appeared to have religious ties at one point.

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A cross is seen on the wall.

Abandoned beds and other pieces of furniture remain inside the Italian hospital.

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Mattresses have been stripped from the beds, and drawers and shelves now lie completely empty.

The hospital also has abandoned operating rooms seemingly frozen in time.

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The scene looks like something out of a horror movie.

An old archive room is littered with former patients' private documents.

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Abandoned rooms like this make you wonder who was treated in the hospital — and for what — at that point in time.

One of the creepiest rooms one can come across in an abandoned hospital is a morgue.

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This morgue inside an abandoned hospital in Italy is beginning to crumble, though a viewing table and tiled walls remain.

Robroek explains that the abandoned hospital was extremely hard to get to, but it was well worth the trip.

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"The building has been sealed pretty well and entering was only possible by going through a very dark tunnel system in the cellar of the building," the photographer and urban explorer wrote in a blog post about the experience. "We had to use our flashlights to see and we were not able to stand straight up. We also had to crawl over various objects to finally reach our destination; a staircase leading upwards. You could easily get lost down there and it was quite scary here and there."

"This place was on top of my 'wish-to-see' list for a very long time. It's my favorite abandoned place that I've been to, yet," he continued.

This abandoned hospital in Germany still has a net set up for an indoor tennis match.

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Cobwebs now line the walls and the floor is caked in dust.

The remnants of old operating equipment can be seen inside this abandoned hospital in Poland.

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Roman Robroek has visited abandoned locations all around the world but is always careful not to reveal too much about the history and precise location of each place in order to prevent vandals or graffiti artists from going there and potentially causing damage.

Each abandoned hospital has its own history, some more morose than others.

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When looking at photographs of abandoned, crumbling hospitals, it's natural to wonder and pay respect to the patients who were once treated there.

Some, like the patients of abandoned psychiatric hospitals across the world, were mistreated and, just like the buildings themselves, abandoned by society. Other hospital patients were admitted for common or rare ailments but sadly passed away. 

As these abandoned hospitals continue to crumble, so does the chance of reviving them.

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The Day I Decided to Walk Into a Psych Ward

I didn’t expect what i’d find inside..

“I need your shoes,” the nurse said.

I looked at my blue Converse sneakers, and back at him. “What?”

“Your shoes,” he repeated, more firmly this time. “You can’t have them here.”

I almost protested: I know what you’re thinking, but the laces are just decorative. I don’t even know how to remove them. Instead, I took off my shoes and handed them to the nurse, who put them in a clear plastic bag. I started to wonder when I’d get them back, but then realized that I couldn’t think too deeply about that, because I felt so fr­agile that any stray thought could crack me like an egg. That was when I realized that I’d made the right decision to check myself into the psych ward.

“Thank you,” the nurse said, handing me a pair of socks. After I put them on, he escorted me to my room. “Someone will open that door every 15 minutes to check on you,” he said, the fluorescent lights above us glinting off his glasses. He handed me a pair of dark blue pants and a shirt and suggested that I change. I went into the bathroom and took off the hospital gown I’d been given in the emergency room and put on these new clothes, which looked like a cross between surgical scrubs and pajamas.

The bathroom had towels, shampoo, body lotion, a plastic-wrapped toothbrush, and a travel-size tube of toothpaste stacked on the sink. There wasn’t a wall hook to hang a towel on; there was no mirror. I was in a place of smooth surfaces and rounded edges, a place where shoelaces could become weapons and doors were never completely closed.

When I came out, the nurse gave me a tour of the ward. It was nighttime, and the wide, clean halls were empty. We walked past a large day room with a television, a couch, and small tables and chairs, and into the therapy room, which was dominated by four long tables pushed into a rectangle.

“And this is the library,” the nurse said, showing me a well-stocked bookcase. I hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything outside of my own despairing and anxious thoughts for weeks, but before then, reading had been one of my greatest pleasures. Now I looked at the shelves with cautious interest. I had checked myself into the psych ward because I urgently needed to be under a psychiatrist’s care, but maybe now I would be calm enough to try reading again. After studying all the titles closely while the nurse stood patiently by my side, I selected Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher and My Story by Sarah Ferguson.

Then the nurse led me back to my room, my sock-clad feet moving softly over the linoleum floor, quiet as a whisper.

The next morning, I saw the psychiatrist, who was accompanied by several medical students and a resident, who spoke first.

“You were admitted through our emergency department?” he asked.

“I wasn’t sure where else to go,” I said, a little defensively. “I’d been trying to find a psychiatrist, but every place I called was full. Some of them had waitlists but they were long … ”

“The psychiatrist I saw in the ER yesterday said that I met the criteria for admission,” I added, scared they would tell me I didn’t really belong here, and then I’d have to start looking for help all over again.

“Why don’t you tell us what brought you here?” the resident suggested.

I closed my eyes, trying to organize my thoughts. I told him about how I’d been diagnosed with breast cancer the year before, and my bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, and radiation. I swallowed and then continued, aware that I sounded like I was reciting from a script: “I have chronic pain in my nerves and joints, and the mastectomy was my 11 th surgery. I thought I knew what to expect, pain-wise, but recovering from that operation was excruciating. Both the physical pain, and it also messed with me mentally.”

“How so?” he asked, running a hand through his curly, dark blond hair.

I told him I had been waking up every day feeling completely sad and hopeless, like I didn’t know how I’d make it through the day. I hurt a lot . I swallowed, remembering the sharp pain; it had felt like the underwire of a bra was under my skin, cupping my implants. I told him I couldn’t focus on anything. It was a major accomplishment if I had made it out of bed before my daughter got home from school.

“Had you felt that way before?” he asked, and I shook my head. I told him I was diagnosed with anxiety years ago and took medication for it, but the mastectomy and reconstruction were totally different.

“How were you during radiation?”

Better. It was grueling, but not as painful, and I didn’t have that same feeling of despair.

The resident nodded, clasping his hands in front of him. I saw the glint of his gold wedding band and began crying. “I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s just that today’s my 14 th wedding anniversary.”

“It’s OK,” he said.

I wiped my cheeks with the backs of my hands. I brought my hand to my neck and lightly touched the 2-inch scar on the left side, and told him about the other surgery I had a few weeks ago, to replace a degenerating disc in my cervical spine with an artificial one. Within a couple of days, I had the same feelings as after the mastectomy—anxious and hopeless and depressed, but all the time.

“Were you able to talk to anyone about how you were feeling?” the resident asked.

Yes. My husband and close friends were supportive, and sometimes I’d feel better for a little while, but those feelings always came back. I lost my appetite and started waking up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. My mind would go in circles, thinking about stupid things I said years ago or a job I didn’t get. It was like I was stuck in this cycle where all I could think about was either how I’d already screwed up or how I was going to screw up, and I didn’t have energy for anything else.

The attending psychiatrist stepped forward, closer to my bed. “What do you think will help you feel better?” she asked.

My primary care doctor can’t diagnose mental problems, I explained. I keep coming back to the idea that maybe a different medication would help now. “But the waiting list for every psychiatrist office I called was so long,” I said, starting to explain myself again, “that I came in here.”

“That sounds reasonable,” she said, her dark eyes kind and tired. “We can help you find a psychiatrist you can see as an outpatient, and we’ll increase the dose of your anti-anxiety medication. I also want to start you on an antidepressant. How does that sound?”

“It sounds great,” I said, so relieved that I almost started crying again. “It sounds amazing.”

“Good,” she said. “If you tolerate the medications well, you can likely go home tomorrow.” She smiled and said, “We’ll be back to check on you later.”

After the team left, I picked up a folder that had been in my room the night before. Among other papers there was a self-assessment for patients to complete. I didn’t know if someone would come back and ask for it, so I decided to fill it out.

The top half was labeled “Strengths,” the bottom half “Weaknesses,” and the patient was supposed to check a box next to the ones that applied to them. I assumed I would tick all the “weakness” boxes—after all, I’d checked myself into a locked psych ward. But as I read it, I realized that I actually had almost all of the “strengths” listed: I was educated, with a fixed address and supportive family. I was financially stable and could communicate well, had a strong social network, and could afford to be employed part time. The only box in the “strengths” section that I didn’t check was for religion, because I only go to synagogue on the high holidays.

A dozen years earlier, I’d worked for a reproductive rights organization. One of my colleagues was fond of using the phrase “interlocking systems of oppression” for how what looked on the surface like a minor inconvenience could have far-reaching disruptions. For example, taking off work multiple days for required doctor’s appointments could lead to a woman losing her job. This checklist seemed less a way of assessing someone’s mental health and more a way of assessing their socioeconomic status. Except that the two were so closely connected: not having a stable home life, or supportive relationships, or reliable employment can all contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

And I thought about how the “strengths” that I possessed were also linked. If I hadn’t gone to college, I wouldn’t have had the level of professional stability where I could check into a psych ward on short notice and not worry about losing my job. I met my husband through college friends; our combined incomes enabled us to buy a house in a safe neighborhood. The self-assessment brought home that while mental health problems can affect anyone, recovery hinges on a number of factors, not all of which are within the patient’s control.

I blinked, realizing just how long it had been since I’d been able to focus on an idea that took me outside of myself and made me think more deeply about an issue. It felt good, like the relentless cycle of despair and anxiety had slowed down enough to let me breathe and rediscover my ability to think and concentrate.

Later, a social worker in a pale pink sweater came in, and we chatted about setting up an outpatient psychiatry appointment. She asked if I could pay the cost of the appointments out of pocket, because if I could, that greatly increased my options. When I said I could, her eyebrows shot up before her face resumed its expression of pleasant neutrality. An hour later, I had an appointment for the following week.

By nighttime, I had finished both books and received assurances from the doctor, resident, and nurses that I would be discharged the next day. I took my first antidepressant before bed, the small pill sliding easily down my throat, and then turned off the light.

I didn’t fall asleep, though. Instead, I thought about how much calmer I felt knowing that I had a psychiatrist now, and medications and a treatment plan. The relief was dazzling, and I wanted to stay awake as long as I could to bask in it.

But then I thought about what I’d had to do to get that relief. I’d always assumed that being admitted to a psychiatric ward was something that only happened when you were suicidal or had a mental breakdown; even at my worst, my depression and anxiety hadn’t risen to those levels. I wasn’t ashamed of being in a psych ward, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that I’d had to step out of my life in order to get help. I had to “other” myself in a way that I’d never had to do to get help for my chronic pain or cancer: I’d had to deliberately leave my family and home to get treatment as quickly as possible. I’d had to accept that I didn’t know how long I’d be away, and I’d had to agree to be treated as someone whose mental health could cause her to harm herself or someone else. Checking into the ward had felt like crossing a line: On one side, I was a person who could be trusted with shoelaces, and on the other, I wasn’t. And it was on that side that I was beginning to come back to myself.

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Iquitos Medical Team tours local hospital during Resolute Sentinel 2024

Iquitos Medical Team tours local hospital during Resolute Sentinel 2024


Photo by master sgt. jeff stsauveur  , 12th air force (air forces southern).

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Peruvian Air Force Capt. Fap Luis Miguel Bernal Segura discusses medical treatment for families with U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Lanette Walker during Resolute Sentinel 2024 in Iquitos, Peru, May 31, 2024. During the hospital visit, U.S. service members were able to gain insight of the hospital’s operations and protocols. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Jeffrey K. St. Sauveur)


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This work, Iquitos Medical Team tours local hospital during Resolute Sentinel 2024 , by MSgt Jeff StSauveur , identified by DVIDS , must comply with the restrictions shown on https://www.dvidshub.net/about/copyright .


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Johnny Wactor, 'General Hospital' actor, fatally shot at 37 during suspected theft attempt

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Johnny Wactor , best known for his role as Brando Corbin in " General Hospital ," was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles. He was 37.

Wactor was shot dead early Saturday morning during an attempted catalytic converter theft in the downtown area, per a news release from the Los Angeles Police Department.

Officers responded to a radio call of an assault with a deadly weapon and shooting in the 1200 block of Hope Street in Los Angeles around 3:25 a.m. local time. Upon arriving at the scene, LAPD "discovered the victim, identified as John William Wactor, suffering from an apparent gunshot wound," the news release read.

Wactor was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead by Los Angeles Fire Department personnel.

In a statement to Variety Sunday, Wactor's talent agent, David Shaul, called the actor a "spectacular human being" who was a "real moral example to everyone who knew him."

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"Standing for hard work, tenacity and a never give up attitude. In the highs and lows of a challenging profession he always kept his chin up and kept striving for the best he could be," Shaul said in a statement. "Our time with Johnny was a privilege we would wish on everyone. He would literally give you the shirt off his back. After over a decade together, he will leave a hole in our hearts forever."

TMZ was first to report Wactor's death.

'Such a bright soul': Johnny Wactor's ex tells killer 'you shot the wrong guy' in emotional video

Johnny Wactor was shot 'without provocation' as suspects stole his car's catalytic converter: LAPD

According to local TV station KTLA , LAPD said Wactor saw three individuals stealing the catalytic converter from his vehicle and that when he confronted them, they turned around and shot him.

The actor's mother, Scarlett, told ABC7 on Sunday that her son was leaving work at a downtown rooftop bar when the incident happened and that Wactor initially thought his car was being towed, so he approached the person to ask if that was the case. When the masked suspect looked up, however, the suspect opened fire at her son, she said.

In the news release from LAPD Tuesday, officers add that Wactor's vehicle was raised up with a floor jack as the three individuals attempted to steal the catalytic converter. "Without provocation, the victim was shot by one of the individuals," LAPD said. "The three suspects involved were wearing all dark clothing and driving a dark colored sedan."

The suspects are still at large, police say. Central Bureau Homicide is investigating Wactor's case.

Wactor's mother, Scarlett, told Fox News Digital in an interview that authorities are planning an autopsy and the actor's family will bring him back to South Carolina for funeral services.

"What I'd like for everybody to know is that they took a great human being. It is leaving a very large hole in me and his brother's lives," Scarlett said of her son. "We just buried my husband, their dad, four years ago. And he was very loved by his friends, his families. He lived life to the fullest, he chased his dreams, (and was) a very optimistic, positive person."

She concluded: "I hope they catch them, and I hope there’s justice for Johnny. That’s all I can hope and pray for. I will see him again. But down here on earth, it’s going to be a very, very long road without him for me and his brothers."

Johnny Wactor played Brando Corbin on 'General Hospital', made his debut in 'Army Wives'

Wactor appeared in the ABC daytime soap as Brando Corbin between 2020 and 2022. But he made his acting debut on television in the Lifetime drama series "Army Wives" (2007).

His other television roles include "Hollywood Girl" (2010), Siberia" (2013), "Agent X" (2015), "Vantastic" (2016), "Animal Kingdom" (2016), "Criminal Minds" (2017), "NCIS" (2019), "The OA" (2019), "Westworld" (2020), "The Passenger" (2020) and "Station 19" (2023).

The actor also worked on several short films including "The Grass Is Never Greener" (2010), "GoldenBox" (2011), "Anything for You, Abby" (2019) and "We Won't Forget" (2021).

He also appeared in feature films, most notably 2016's "USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage," starring Nicolas Cage, Tom Sizemore and Thomas Jane. Wactor was also credited in films such as "Menthol" (2014), "Trapper's Edge" (2023) and "Supercell" (2023).

Wactor is survived by his mother, Scarlett, and brothers, Lance and Grant.

What is ‘All eyes on Rafah’? Decoding a viral social trend on Israel’s war

An AI generated image with the text ‘All eyes on Rafah’ has been re-shared over 46 million times amid Israel’s attacks on Gaza’s Rafah.

A student holds a placard as she chants slogans during a protest inside the American University of Beirut to show support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

An image with the text “All eyes on Rafah” is on every other Instagram story, dominating social media discourse on Israel’s war on Gaza.

Here’s more about the trend and the image, which has been re-shared on more than 46 million Instagram stories since Monday, a day after Israel’s deadly offensive on Gaza’s Rafah .

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  • “All eyes on Rafah” is an artificial intelligence (AI) generated image with a slogan calling attention to the situation in Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip near the border with Egypt.
  • After the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza, Israel began bombing it from the north and moved down, displacing Palestinians from their homes as they fled south to seek shelter.
  • By February, about half of Gaza’s 2.3 million population had been pushed into Rafah when Israel said it planned to launch a ground operation on Rafah, claiming Hamas four brigades, the Palestinian group that governs the Strip, were there.
  • The announcement was condemned worldwide. In February, Richard “Rik” Peeperkorn, WHO representative for Gaza and the occupied West Bank, said “all eyes” are on the impending Rafah offensive. Ameera Kawash, a UK-based Palestinian-Iraqi-American artist and researcher, whose work explores the effect of AI on Palestinian lives and narratives, told Al Jazeera that “All eyes on Rafah” likely originated from his statement.
  • Since then, the slogan has appeared on protest posters and other social media posts.

What’s happening in Rafah?

On Sunday, two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to halt its offensive on Rafah, Israeli bombardment killed at least 45 people in al-Mawasi in western Rafah, which was previously declared a safe zone.

Another Israeli attack  killed 21 in a displacement camp west of Rafah on Tuesday, at least 12 of those killed were women. Air attacks were reported on Wednesday morning.

Israel has killed at least 36,171 people in Gaza since October 7 , according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

What does the ‘All eyes on Rafah’ image look like?

  • The AI-generated image shows an aerial view of a camp set out in orderly rows of tents, nestled between what look like snowy peaks. In the middle, some lighter-coloured tents are arranged to spell out “ All eyes on Rafah” . A clear blue sky with cotton-ball clouds is in the background.
All eyes on #Rafah 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/bg3bAtl3dQ — The Palestinian (@InsiderWorld_1) May 27, 2024
  • Rafah looks nothing like that: Its skies are grey with smoke from Israeli bombs and there are no orderly rows of tents – many are smouldering after being bombed with their occupants still inside, and debris is scattered between them.
  • Rafah is also far more crowded – with an estimated 1.4 million people seeking refuge there from Israel’s bombs in February, according to the United Nations.
  • Al Jazeera’s Sanad fact-checking agency confirmed that the image was generated using an artificial intelligence (AI) tool.
  • There are tell-tale signs of AI, including repetition, the symmetrical alignment of the tents, the lack of detail, and the absence of shadows. You can read more on how to spot AI-generated images here .

Here’s what Rafah looked like on Monday:

Palestinians look at the destruction after an Israeli strike where displaced people were staying in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Monday, May 27, 2024. Palestinian health workers said Israeli airstrikes killed at least 35 people in the area. Israel's army confirmed Sunday's strike and said it hit a Hamas installation and killed two senior Hamas members.

Here’s an image of Rafah from Tuesday:

A man looks on as Palestinians inspect a tent camp damaged in an Israeli strike during an Israeli military operation, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip

Who has shared the ‘All eyes on Rafah’ AI-generated image?

The image is being reposted on Instagram stories by users globally.

As of 11:30 GMT on Thursday, it has been reposted on 46.6 million Instagram stories. These include the accounts of:

  • American supermodel Bella Hadid , whose father is Palestinian.
  • Irish actress Nicola Coughlan from the Netflix show Bridgerton.
  • American comedian and writer Hasan Minhaj, as well as American actor Aaron Paul.
  • British actor and activist Jameela Jameel and British singer Dua Lipa.
  • Famous Indian actors, including Varun Dhawan, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor Khan.

The first Instagram story using it was posted on Monday by user @shahv4012. Al Jazeera could not confirm whether this user created the image. But the user has commented on their Instagram stories “that they apologise if many people were not ‘satisfied’ with the picture and to keep urgently spreading the word to stop what is happening in Rafah,” Kawash said.

Besides Instagram, the image has also been re-shared on X.

Why is ‘All eyes on Rafah’ so viral?

The image has caught more attention than many photos of Rafah or Gaza.

This could be because the image is being shared using Instagram’s “Add Yours” feature, which allows users to repost it in seconds without having to search for images.

Precisely because the image is AI-generated, it appears to have escaped any censorship based on keywords, helping with its explosive spread. “The AI-generated template seems to have passed keyword detection or text-based censorship,” Kawash said.

It is also an easy way for celebrities and influencers to talk about a war many of them have not spoken about previously, she said.

But there could be another reason, too, some experts said: The AI image might be more palatable to some viewers than real photos of Gaza, which are graphic and often show blood, dead bodies and violence.

“I believe the virality of this image is largely due to its stark contrast with the predominant visual imagery of the war … To humanise the victims in Gaza and Rafah, social media users often share vivid images of casualties and mourning family members,” Eddy Borges-Rey, associate professor in residence at Northwestern University in Qatar, told Al Jazeera.

“This might explain why algorithms on platforms like Meta [Facebook and Instagram], designed to filter graphic violence, did not flag this image. Unlike real, graphic images of the war, which might be restricted or removed due to content policies, this AI-generated image could spread more freely, contributing to its rapid virality,” said Borges-Rey.

How have people reacted to ‘All eyes on Rafah’?

While several social media users have celebrated the virality of the image, many others have been angered by it.

Those critical of the post deem re-sharing it as performative activism that distracts from real images and important updates from Rafah.

“The image undermines Palestinian testimony and lived experience. It portrays an AI-generated scene with digital tents arranged into readable text across a vast expanse with snow-covered mountains in the background — a far cry from Gaza,” said Kawash.

“This AI-generated image has caused controversy because Palestinians have for decades asked the world to see them and believe them. Palestinian lived experiences and testimony have been systematically undermined and gas-lit by Israeli hasbara,” she said, referring to Israel’s public diplomacy efforts that use carefully crafted propaganda narratives.

“With so many Palestinian citizen journalists in Gaza risking their lives to document their realities on the ground, the AI-generated image can seem like another form of digital erasure.”

palestinian journalists have been risking their lives for months to document every single massacre and instead people are reposting an ai-generated “art” that says “all eyes on rafah” and tells us nothing about what is actually happening on the ground or gives us any action items — maryam مريم🇵🇸🍁 (@bluepashminas) May 28, 2024
All eyes on Rafah on your story and it’s posted by someone who hasn’t mentioned the genocide since October — haaniyah angus (@_haaniyah_) May 28, 2024

Some have suggested what else to post instead of re-sharing the AI-generated image.

Here’s a real image to use to call awareness for ALL EYES ON RAFAH and the ongoing genocide happening in Gaza and across Palestine pic.twitter.com/XZ0ZloFAGt — 𝓵𝓫🍉 (@indiespicee) May 28, 2024
People start speaking up by reposting this image saying “ALL EYES ON RAFAH”, I hope people know that this is a long term movement, not just reposting a single no context AI image & call it done PLEASE ALSO SHARE CONTEXT ABOUT RAFAH. u can start by reposting useful infographics🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/TCISebaJ7T — Ida 🗝️ commissions open! (@sulkycatz) May 29, 2024

What’s next after ‘All eyes on Rafah’?

That, said Kawash, is the big question, as Israel’s assaults on Rafah intensify. On the one hand, she said, the virality of the AI image helps shine a global light on the crisis in the southern Gaza city.

“However, this messaging falls short — as many Palestinians and advocates have noted, ‘All eyes are on Rafah – and now what?’” she said. “The messaging should include calls for an immediate ceasefire, yet that has not worked so far, so it should also include demands for governments to sanction Israel now.”

More broadly, she said, the explosive spread of the image points both to how AI can help spread the Palestinian narrative — by evading some censorship efforts — and its limitations.

“I would encourage users and consumers of AI-generated images, to consider how these AI-generated images are aestheticising and normalising scenes of horrific violence against Palestinians, and rendering them more digestible and safe,” Kawash said.


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