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Bewertungen 4,7.

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Rundreise Laos/Kambodscha. Organisation vor Ort sehr gut, Hotelauswahl sehr gut. Nicht gut war die Reisezeit, hätten uns im Vorfeld eine bessere Beratung gewünscht. An 2 Tagen war kalkulierte Fahrzeit bei katastrophalen Straßenverhältnissen um 2-3 Stunden überschritten, jenseits des Zumutbaren. Preis Leistungsverhältnis überhaupt nicht nachvollziehbar. Ca 400€ Kosten pro Tag als Paar in der absoluten Nebensaison war in Anbetracht von Kosten für Mittag von ca 3-7$, Hotelkosten von ca 50-100$ / Nacht definitiv unverschämt.

Datum der Erfahrung : 01. April 2024

Wenig Service für relativ viel Geld

Gefallen hat mir, dass ich den Reiseverlauf zu mindestens grob vorgeben konnte. Bei der Auswahl der Hotels hätte ich mir erhofft, dass mir vielleicht Alternativen gegeben worden wären. Konkret: einen natürlichen Flusslauf als Naturpool zu verkaufen ist dreist. Ich hätte mir auch wenigstens eine Rückfrage während unserer 7 tägigen Rundreise gewünscht. Der erste Eindruck (Abholung vom Flughafen) war verheerend. Die Agentur hätte uns auch darauf aufmerksam machen müssen, dass das letzte Hotel einen kostenlosen Shuttle zum Flughafen anbieten. Statt dessen wurde uns ein kostenbehafteter Transfer verkauft.

Datum der Erfahrung : 26. Februar 2024

Leider nicht empfehlenswert dieser…

Leider nicht empfehlenswert dieser Veranstalter. Bearbeitung von Anfragen dauert sehr lange oder erfolgt überhaupt nicht. Auch nach einer Beschwerde- Email gab es überhaupt keine Rückmeldung mehr. Wer individuell verreisen will, ist hier definitiv nicht gut aufgehoben!!!

Datum der Erfahrung : 04. Juni 2023

Unvergessliche Tage in Costa Rica

Wir haben eine 20tägige Rundreise mit TravelLocal gemacht. Bei der Planung wurden wir von Carla unterstützt und beraten.Wir erhielten viele wertvolle Tipps, sie ging auf unsere Wünsche ein und war immer freundlich und zügig mit ihrern Antworten. Die Auswahl der Unterkünfte und Aktivitäten war sehr gut. Der Transfer klappte gut. Als wir in Tortuguero nach 30 Minuten Verspätung noch keinen Transfer hatten,reagierte Carla sofort auf unsere Email und bot Hilfe an. Zum Glück tauchte der Fahrer aber dann doch auf und entschuldige sich. Gerne hätten wir am letzten Tag aufgrund des Verkehrsaufkommens einen früheren Transfer zum Flughafen gebracht. Die Agentur versuchte einen früheren Transfer, aber der Fahrer steckte im Verkehr fest. Da uns das Risiko zu groß war bestellten wir ein Taxi.Der Fahrer war zum ursprünglich geplanten Zeitpunkt am Hotel. Wahrscheinlich hätten wir auch dann unseren Flug nicht verpasst, aber den Stress hätten wir am letzten Urlaubstag nicht gebraucht. Dies ist aber auch unser einziger Kritikpunkt. Ansonsten hatten wir unvergessliche Tage in Costa Rica.

Datum der Erfahrung : 14. Februar 2024

Sollten professioneller damit umgehen

Sollten professioneller damit umgehen, wenn man sich für ein anderes Angebot entscheidet und keine „Vorwürfe“ machen. Die irritierenden Angaben, wenn auch versehentlich, lagen auf Seiten des Anbieters nicht bei uns.

Datum der Erfahrung : 12. Dezember 2023

Buchung über TravelLocal vormals trip.me

Buchung über trip.me, die mit TravelLocal fusioniert sind, für 2020. Anzahlung 20% Hotel und 100% für Flüge, die sie für uns buchten. Reisesperre Corona. Erstatten wollten sie nicht, daher Gutschein Laufzeit Mai 2022. 2021 Reisesperre. Anfang 2022 noch Sperre und wegen Krankheit keine Buchung möglich. Erstattung Gutschein beantragt. Nach 4 Monaten Erstattung der Hotelanzahlung. Bis heute keine Erstattung der Flüge. Ewiges Hinhalten, dann Schweigen. Firmensitze alle Ausland. Funktioniert nur, solange es keine Probleme gibt. Nachtrag November 2022: Habe freiwillige Erstattung von 80% der Flüge hälftig vom Veranstalter und Vermittler nach Bemühungen des Vermittlers TravelLocal erhalten. Von der Fluggesellschaft haben sie nichts bekommen. Insofern gutes Ergebnis und Verlust verschmerzbar. Man sollte sich des Risikos bewusst sein, wenn der eigentliche Reiseveranstalter im Ausland sitzt. Die Plattform ist nur Vermittler. Nachtrag : Mitte Dez. 2022 hat die Airline die Flüge doch erstattet. Es sollte laut Mail TravelLocal noch 280€ zurück geben. Wurden nur 158€. Begründung 2,5% Servicegebühr. Selbst wenn man 2,5% vom Gesamtreisepreis nimmt, nicht von der geleisteten Zahlung, fehlen über 100€, die zuviel einbehalten wurden. Haben jetzt unterm Strich ohne die Servicegebühr auf die Anzahlung 235€ eingebüßt. Auf Anfrage keine Reaktion mehr.

Datum der Erfahrung : 27. September 2022

Ein Rundum-Sorglos-Paket: Familienreise nach Sri Lanka

Unsere Familienreise nach Sri Lanka war von der lokalen Destinationsexpertin Lea optimal vorbereitet. Sie war sehr gut erreichbar und vor Ort hatten wir eine sehr herzliche und zuverlässige Reisebegleitung. Top!

Datum der Erfahrung : 22. Dezember 2023

Professionell und engagiert

Datum der Erfahrung : 15. Juli 2024

Antwort von TravelLocal

Hallo Georg, vielen Dank für deine positive Bewertung! Viele Grüße TravelLocal Customer Success team

Kuba: Herzlichen Dank an unsere engagierte…

Herzlichen Dank an unsere engagierte Reiseexpertin Nairobis Baldrich! Sie hat uns durch die hervorragende Organisation Kuba mit viel Herzblut näher gebracht. Nach langer Planung und intensivem E -mail Austausch hat Nairobis uns - 2 Ehepaare aus Deutschland und der Schweiz - einen Urlaubsplan nach unseren individuellen Wünschen erstellt. Änderungen wurden zuvorkommend aufgenommen, Ideen ausgetauscht und was machbar erschien, wurde machbar gemacht. Bis zu unserer Abreise blieben noch einige Fragen offen, aber auch die konnten geklärt werden. Die Reise wurde nach der Vorgabe einen finanziellen Budgets erstellt ( Unterkünfte, Aktivitäten, etc.). Voller Vorfreude und Erwartung ging es dann los. Die Transfers zum Hotel, das Briefing über Leidy, der Dame der lokalen Agentur, war der Auftakt für die rundum gelungene Reise. Stadtführungen und Ausflüge in Oldtimern liessen uns das Lebensgefühl einer anderen Zeit nachempfinden. Kubanische Cocktails, Live- Musik von jungen kubanischen Künstlern, ein Abend im Buena Vista Social Club waren unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Im Austausch mit den unterschiedlichen Reiseführern hatten wir viel Gelegenheit etwas über die Geschichte und die jetzige soziale und politische Situation des Landes und der Bevölkerung zu erfahren. Die Schönheit des Landes hat uns begeistert. Tabakplantagen im Vinales Tal, das Treffen lokaler Landwirte, das Community Projekt Las Terrazas, Trinidad und die Zuckerrohrplantagen ( Valle de los Ingenios) im Umland, eine Katamaran Tour, der Aufenthalt in Cayo de las Brujas und Varadero. Wir waren überrascht und sehr erfreut über die Pünktlichkeit der gesamten Programmpunkte. Einige unserer Kontaktpartner haben sehr gut Deutsch gesprochen und erzählten uns über ihre Erfahrungen mit Kontakten nach Deutschland, insbesondere der früheren DDR und waren sehr interessiert an der Welt ausserhalb von Kuba. So ergab sich für uns ein variantenreicher Einblick in die Sichtweise der Kubaner auf Ihr Land und ihre jetzige Situation. Die Unterkünfte waren sehr gut, aber die Casa Particulares haben uns am Besten gefallen, da wir so einen viel tieferen Einblick in die Seele der Kubaner bekamen. Kuba ist ein Land zwischen gestern und heute. Die Geschichte der Revolution wird weiterhin gelebt, die Plakate erinnern an Fidel Castros Zeiten, die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Situation ruft nach Veränderung. Lebensmittelengpässe, Strom- und Internet- Abschaltungen, Importembargos verhindern die Entwicklung und äussern sich in Frust der Jugend. Die Möglichkeit private Unternehmen aufzubauen und die Ideen der Jugend müssen gefördert werden. Der Tourismus unterstützt das Land an Devisen zu kommen. Für den „ organisierten“ Tourist wird gut gesorgt, was ab und zu ein schlechtes Gewissen erzeugt. Aber der Tourist unterstützt auch die lokalen Dienste, angefangen vom Taxifahrern, Türstehern, der Servicekraft oder den Restaurants. Eine geregelte Währungspolitik würden wir sehr schätzen. Offizielle Umtauschkurse und inoffizielle variable Kurse im Alltag sind intransparent und geben einem das Gefühl, über den Tisch gezogen zu werden. Das muss nicht sein!

Datum der Erfahrung : 18. April 2024

Sofort wieder

Es war alles perfekt vorbereitet. Meine Wünsche wurden zu 100% erfüllt. Ich hatte stets Kontakt mit der Dame vor ort.kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

Datum der Erfahrung : 15. Februar 2023

www.travellocal.com/de Bewertungen :

45   bewertungen in den letzten 12 monaten 1.201   bewertungen insgesamt  .

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Bewertungen für www.travellocal.com/de

Super reiseplanung, wieder ein perfekter urlaub in namibia, absolut positive erfahrung, tolle rundreise durch sri lanka mit eigenem fahrer, absolut tolle und individuell gestaltete indochinareise, jederzeit wieder - traumurlaub in costa rica, sehr zu empfehlen, erste buchung -top, ägypten - 2 schwestern, immer wieder gerne, engagiert professionelle reiseplanung, besonders gut gefallen hat mir, tolle kurz reise in einem einmaligen land, ein urlaub an den man sich gerne erinnert.

www.travellocal.com/en Reviews :

158   reviews in the last 12 months 1,651   total reviews  .

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Reviews for www.travellocal.com/en

Many unique and special trips over 6 years., great tour organisation, awesome portugal, bouncing around brazil, the best holiday we’ve ever been on, great bespoke tour agency, travel local is great, amazing trip, beautiful time in sri lanka….

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Unparalleled Vacation

From the unparalleled views at Punta Marenco, the immersive tours through 2 national parks and Caño Island, to the perfect beach spot in Manuel Antonio, Roberto hit it on the head. We wanted to explore and push some of our personal boundaries, but we also wanted to relax. We loved this vacation! One unexpected gem was the drivers we had transporting us around the beautiful countryside. They were friendly and took time to answer our questions. We were really at ease with all of them.

Date of experience : 09 August 2024

Marita in Athens was wonderful and…

Marita in Athens was wonderful and helped me plan an all around great vacation for myself and my teenage daughter. It had a little bit of everything. Every detail of the itinerary was planned and executed with efficiency and professionalism and we had a very special time. She even met us at our hotel in Athens upon our arrival to review everything with us. Overall it was a a very positive experience.

Date of experience : 27 July 2024

2 Week South African Safari was perfect in all aspects

We used TravelLocal to plan a nearly 2 week safari in South Africa at 3 different lodges. Our local expert, Bettina, was extremely patient with our many questions and concerns. She provided valuable feedback on the lodges we were thinking about and booked our stays. She also arranged all ground transportation within South Africa and advice on what local airports to fly to/from Johannesburg where were flew to from the US. The ground transportation was flawless with all drivers always on time and all friendly and interesting to talk to. TravelLocal took all the stress out of traveling to a country we had never been to before and in some pretty remote locations. We could not have been more satisfied.

Vibrant Guatemala, fond memories

We had an amazing time in Guatemala, Terra Guatemala had organised our itinerary perfectly. I would definitely recommend their services. Their WhatsApp emergency number was so handy and Terra Guatemala were quick to respond and so helpful. They even helped reunite my husband with his wallet when he left it behind in Guatemala (we were in Belize by then).

Our tour guides were good and spoke…

Our tour guides were good and spoke good English. They were willing to adjust if we got tired to wanted to change agenda a bit. we were helped on bullet trains on both ends. our bus drivers were courteous. Our Japan Contact was in good communication. All went as planned. Excellent experience.

Date of experience : 02 August 2024

TravelLocal did an excellent job.

TravelLocal did an excellent job all the way from planning the trip to execution. Everything worked out as planned. There were several unplanned incidences that occurred on the trip and the company was able to successfully adopt and make the necessary changes.

Travel experience with Travel Local

The travel itinerary was crafted well. The travel guide at Toshkent was knowledgeable. The transfers from railway station to hotel on the return journey could do with improvement on timing.

Incredible experience, wouldn't change a thing

We had such an amazing time in Kenya and are forever thankful to Alex at Designer Safari for planning such a memorable trip for us! He took the time to get on a call with us, really listened to the type of experience we wanted and took our budget into consideration when proposing all the different camp options. Our driver James was so nice and very knowledgeable. It was really great to have one person with us the entire time that we could build a relationship with and could customize our game drive times to our preferences. We went to Amboseli, Lake Naivasha and Masai Mara. We loved all 3, but it was a lot to fit in for just 5 nights. The drive time between each location was like 5-7 hours and the roads weren't always great, so it got uncomfortable at times. It would have been easier to just have 2 stops, or even 1, for 5 nights just because it's a lot of time in the car. Or we would consider taking flights between instead to visit more parks. Overall it we couldn't have been happier with how unique and exciting the experience was. We are hoping to go to Tanzania next and will definitely be reaching out to Designer Safari to help plan that trip when the time comes.

Date of experience : 11 July 2024

Amazing Experience for Two First Timers to South Africa

My dad & I have never been to South Africa, so we both are utterly ignorant of what traveling there is like, especially how to navigate travel within & around the country. We turned to TravelLocal to get some expert, insider assistance, & Bettina absolutely and perfectly delivered an amazing trip, all across the board! Seriously, she planned all of our flights within South Africa & all of our transfers to/from various safari lodges so well. Everything went super smoothly, safely, & seamlessly, with each of the (numerous) transfers & connections running like clockwork. She was also super organized & available, always going above & beyond to answer our (never-ending) questions, even during the trip itself. Her expertise really helped alleviate any & all concerns we had about & along the trip. I recommend her & TravelLocal in the strongest & highest possible terms, without hesitation or reservation. Thank you, Bettina!

Date of experience : 23 July 2024

Wonderful two-week customized tip to Poland.

The tour company was extremely flexible and adjusted the tour as needed to accommodate all the guests and to make sure that everyone had the best experience they could have. The driver/guide was excellent (knowledgeable, on-time, flexible, and engaging. The tour and the accommodations were as advertised and there were no surprises.

Date of experience : 04 August 2024

TravelLocal connected me to the best tour company!

TravelLocal connected me with the most amazing local tour company (Peruvian Soul). They followed up to make sure we had made contact and to see if there was anything else I needed that Peruvian Soul could not provide. There wasn’t - they were phenomenal through every stage of our trip.

Date of experience : 01 June 2024

Reply from TravelLocal

We love seeing "phenomenal" here! We aspire to connect you with the best and its clear we did. Thank you for sharing such fabulous feedback. Until next time. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Travel Local Recommendation - Travel Local provided excellent service…

Travel Local provided excellent service from our first contact requesting a private tour of Japan through outstanding local guides and drivers. We were delighted with its service and highly recommend it to others.

Date of experience : 29 July 2024

Emily booked us in a few activities we hadn’t specifically asked for, and each one was awesome! The dinner cruise on the Thames, the tour of the Roman Baths and tea at the Pump room, to name a few. She got it just right. She gave us plenty of time to sightsee on our own, or just rest. She helped us out when we were not satisfied with one of our rooms. I am very happy with the whole tour.

Nice Trip Overall, But Some Issues

Overall the trip was nice. I liked the hotels and their locations and the trains worked out well. One issue was the description of what we would be doing with our local guide didn't match what we did. For example, in Milan per the description we were supposed to go inside the church and on the roof. The guide wasn't going to do that until I said something, then she got tickets & we were able to go. The same thing happened in Venice, the description said entrance into the church but the guide didn't have tickets. That guide didn't try to resolve the issue. The itinerary for our 1/2 day in Bologna was totally different than what we did. It was frustrating. Our airport pick up was delayed by 45 minutes, which I had to call the transport company to resolve. Our transportation from the train left before we could meet them, so we had to take a taxi. The itinerary should be more accurate, more details should be given as to where you will be picked up, give more information regarding baggage storage at the train station, tourists are not familiar with the system. The guides themselves were good and the overall trip was nice, there were just some hiccups along the way that I feel like could have been avoided if TravelLocal was more accurate in their itinerary descriptions and gave more detailed information on how to do things.

Date of experience : 22 July 2024

A trip to remember

From my arrival to departure I was given a wonderful experience, both on the mainland (Ecuador) and the Galápagos Islands. My guide Josue could not have been more helpful and dedicated.

Date of experience : 07 July 2024

First of all, I had significant trouble paying for the trip given the German company that runs TravelLocal. It was only due to the tenacity shown by Yulieta that I was finally able to get the payment squared away. Thumbs up to Yulieta. The first two hotels led us to a room with a single bed for two adults. They both fixed it right away but it was an annoyance.

Date of experience : 09 June 2024

Thanks so much for your feedback on your recent trip to Costa Rica. We appreciate you highlighting the payment frustrations. We have recently made some changes to our payment system and hope this will make future bookings smoother and easier. It's great to hear the bed situation was rectified quickly but we understand this is frustrating on arrival. Thank you for trusting us with your amazing itinerary to Costa Rica Best wishes TravelLocal Customer Success team

Were very responsive in answering…

Were very responsive in answering questions and in handling delays and making changes based on delays. Would highly recommend.

Date of experience : 25 July 2024

Monica from Be In Travel Portugal…The best!

Monica from Be In Travel Portugal planned a fabulous trip for me and my sister. We saw so much of the country in 11 days with no worries about anything. Transportation, hotels and tours were set up flawlessly. We loved every minute of our trip.

Date of experience : 08 June 2024

Thank you so much for your amazing review. You are right, Monica is great. It's so good to hear you loved Portugal and her itinerary. It's an incredible country and has once again provided an amazing holiday. We hope to hear from you soon and help with your next adventure. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer success team

It keeps getting better and better

This was my fourth TravelLocal trip. Elena from Greece Insiders ensured I was completely satisfied with my itinerary. She set up a videoconference prior to trip initiation to ensure I understood everything. There was a welcome gift waiting at the first hotel. She debriefed after trip completion. TravelLocal makes customized travel affordable and convenient. I will continue to use this company and recommend to others.

Date of experience : 26 May 2024

Thank you so much for you outstanding review. It is so good to hear you felt the value from start to finish. We are very thankful for your returning business and continued trust, it really does mean a lot. We look forward to hearing what the next adventure will be. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Scandinavia trip…

Except for our fjord trip in Bergen Julia gave an itinerary that was wonderful. Lots of activity and nature plus getting to know Norway.

Date of experience : 03 June 2024

Wow! We can only imagine the picturesque experience you have recently enjoyed. It's great to hear it was wonderful. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

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Reviews 4.7.

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Knew what I wanted

Monika was easy to work with, flexible with my changes, found uniquely qualified guides for my purposes and emailed reminders and check-ins nightly!

Date of experience : July 29, 2024

Reply from TravelLocal

This is great to hear. Monika is a true asset and we are happy that you felt so cared for. Thank you for taking the time to feedback and for booking with TravelLocal Best wishes TravelLocal Customer Success team

excellent apart from one blip

The initial contact from the agent in Cairo was excellent and thorough. Once we paid she was not so easy to contact and a hotel l queried at Giza was well below our expectations. Apart from that and some time l spent rectifying things our 9 day trip more than met our expectations with excellent accommodation, guides and drivers. We felt safe and very well looked after.

Date of experience : June 08, 2024

Thank you for the honest feedback. While it is frustrating that you encountered this blip, we are happy to hear it was resolved. Egypt is a remarkable country with the most amazing history, we are so happy to hear you found your 9 days their excellent and above all you felt safe and looked after. Best wishes TravelLocal Customer Success team

We had an amazing trip and we…

We had an amazing trip and we experienced zero issues. Fanny was extremely accommodating and planned every last detail exactly the way we wanted it!

Date of experience : June 06, 2024

This is just great to see. We are so happy to hear that it was the perfect trip and tailored to your needs. Amazing We hope to help again very soon Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Our guide, Emad, went out of his way on several occasions to help us have a better experience. He took us to local places that we would not have found on our own.

Our guide, Emad, was wonderful. He came up with lots of ideas to fill our time and helped me retrieve AirPods that had been left under a pillow in Wad Rumi.

Thank you so much for sharing this. The beauty of local experts is most definitely finding the hidden gems of experience, it's great to hear Emad shared these with you. We look forward to welcoming you in the future for the next unique experience. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

A terrific holiday organised by an excellent team.

Everything went like clockwork. We were picked up from the airport and delivered, driven between various locations with pleasant drivers and the hotels chosen were excellent. We couldn't fault the company. It was a great holiday and we would recommend it to any other travellers heading to Costa Rica.

Thank you both for your excellent review. It's so great to hear you could not fault us and our experience. This truly means a lots. We hope to help again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

18 Days in Greece

Hotel selection was greet. Drivers were dependable and knowledgeable. Our local agent allowed us to make a serious logistical mistake which cost us a day. He agreed we could take a ferry when it did not run between the islands in question. We spent a day in airplanes when if we had known earlier, we would have changed itinerates. I will use them again but be much more careful in doing my homework.

Hi Bill, Thank you for your honest feedback. We really appreciate you feeding back and hope the plane journeys did not interrupt the trip too much. I have taken a look at your itinerary and wow you visited some true highlights of Greece and the islands. It is great to hear you would use us again and we are thankful for this. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Wandering on our own

1. Hotel in Yarmouth was very old and tired with active construction going on. 2. Trip information was very disorganized. Points of interest we were told to see on our way to PEI were actually on our return to Yarmouth. I was never told to purchase a ferry ticket from Cape Breton to PEI. Our lodging in Cape Breton was very remote with poor internet access and cellular connection. Even though requested, we were never advised of a coastal route….we drove for miles looking at trees! This was our first trip to this area and we had no idea how to proceed. We were given very little guidance.

Joyce, Thank you so much for taking the time to feed back on your recent experience. We really appreciate it. I am unsure if you have shared this feedback with your local expert, so I will pass this on to them and we will reach out to you directly to discuss in more detail. If you have any further feedback or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected] Thank you again and we truly hope you enjoyed the remainder of the trip. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

We went in June 2024 and experienced…

We went in June 2024 and experienced much cold and rainy weather. Our first day arrival at Iceland was really bad. Blue Lagoon was closed but do take note that our tickets to go to Blue Lagoon was at 10am. We would not be able to arrive at Blue Lagoon on time as our flight check out and heading to Blue rental cars would need an hour or two to settle matters. It could have been at noon and that was the day Blue Lagoon’s opening hours. So that was our first disappointment. Due to the weather our subsequent cruise booking to glaciers was also cancelled even though we were there early to have our lunch. At the eleventh hour we received a message stating it was cancelled. Even our snow mobiles had been rescheduled, thus our route around Iceland had to be adjusted. My cousin n I met with an accident coz the snow mobile was too huge for us to manevour n we were too fearful of the strong winds n black n slippery mountain road conditions. We crashed n fell from the snow mobile. Thank goodness our coaches were good n they took us with them as pillions. We could still enjoy the sights. Despite all these we still enjoyed ourselves coz it was our first holiday in Iceland n for the price we paid we tried to enjoy as much as we could.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review your recent trip to the fabulous Iceland. We are so sorry to hear about the weather and cancellations, this can be very common in Iceland with the unpredictable weather and I can personally relate as it happened to me also. These cancellations can be very last minute and feel unorganized, though this is often due to monitoring conditions closely in the hope they will improve. We are also sorry to hear the snowmobile was a challenge but happy to hear you were assisted on this. Finally I have no addressed the Blue Lagoon trip as I can see your local expert as kindly assisted with this already. Iceland is a truly beautiful country and we are happy you made the most of this trip. We take on board your feedback and thank you. Best wishes, Customer Success team

Trustworthy advice and great service

Our trip to Barcelona and Andalusia was well planned to our needs by Giulia of Genuine Spain, who was very responsive and only a text away throughout our time in Spain when any questions or the inevitable hiccup arose. In the planning stage, we explained what we wanted to see, our priorities, and our budget. She found hotels we enjoyed, arranged our train travel and top-notch private tours with guides who had the kind of deep knowledge that brought history to life for us. She also suggested and booked additional activities like cooking classes and food tours that we probably would never have known about that were just delightful. There were also lots of good restaurant and other recommendations. We will definitely use Travel Local again and we’ve already recommended it to friends and family.

Date of experience : June 19, 2024

Thank you so much for the excellent review. It is so good to hear all your requested needs were met and some exciting new suggestions were had too. Food tours in Spain are amazing and cooking classes are the so much fun. We hope you have managed to recreate some dishes while home. We look forward to welcoming you again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great visit to Kyoto and Hakone!

Really impressed with the service and the results. Everything went like clockwork from train tickets to meeting guides. Guide you chose for Kyoto was great. We were connecting before meeting and then had some flexibility built in to enjoy our experience and not feel like we are rushing point to point. We loved the experience.

Date of experience : June 04, 2024

This sounds like the perfect balance of location visiting and relaxing. We are happy you achieved this. What fabulous places you visited. We hope the memories last a life time. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great experience with Travel Local!

Travel Local put me together with a great tour company in Egypt. Leading up to the trip, my Travel Local rep answered all my questions and handled everything I asked for.

Date of experience : June 11, 2024

Thank you for the review. It's great to hear how efficient and wonderful your trip was. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Private road trip in Kyrgyzstan

I did an 8 day road trip through Kyrgyzstan by private 4WD in May 2024. It was superb! Well organised, stunning scenery & acceptable accommodation. Im so glad I did this... Kyrgyzstan is stunning but quite difficult and impossible to do in certain areas.

Date of experience : May 17, 2024

Thanks so much for your review, we really appreciate it. It is a truly stunning destination and we are happy you got to embrace it. We look forward to welcoming you again in the future. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team


I paid for a TravelLocal guide in Tunisia for 17 days. The guide spoke very limited English, so limited in fact that it was very difficult to engage in normal conversation. Even worse, he brought along his domineering girlfriend, who took over every situation, ordering around my guide, Ali. He jumped at her every command, ignoring me in order to keep her happy. The two of them even left me sitting in the car while they went grocery shopping. I was a mere afterthought to my guide, who twice erupted in anger over minor matters. I quickly learned not to trust him, and I pulled the plug on the trip after three days. I sought a partial refund from TravelLocal but was denied. I have traveled to 82 countries and hired many private guides all over the world. Never have I had such a bad experience as I had with TravelLocal.

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. As you are aware we actively investigating your comments and have been in regular contact with you since you made us aware after abandoning the trip. Again, we would like to stress what you have expressed is not common to TravelLocal nor something we wish for any traveler to experience and we are taking this very seriously as well as having to abide but contractual agreements. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Best wishes Monique, Customer Success Lead

Wonderful italian experience

Jean-Pierre and his colleagues did a great job. Our hotels were great, our guides were very knowledgeable and friendly, all our train rides were very well organised. Every time we needed to get in touch with them, there was someone to answer us. We highly recommend this agency. Finaly we would like to mention that since we are French speaking, the fact that Jean-Pierre also spoke French was a real bonus. Merci à vous Jean-Pierre et à votre équipe.

Date of experience : May 23, 2024

Thank you so much for your review. It's great to hear wjhat a personal experience Jean-Pierre offered. Merci! Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

An ideal private Egypt tour for a senior couple.

As a senior couple we needed private tours to suit our capacity. Amira patiently amended plans as we sought to create an ideal tailored itinerary. It worked extremely well and met almost all our best expectations. Being met IN the airport and whisked by limo to our excellent Kempinski Hotel (where the Club room provided all meals) was a pressure free beginning. Having professional guides and chauffeur driven A/C limos for each tour made everything adjustable, comfortable and easy. Cairo guides were OK but not excellent. Tips of US$5 for the driver plus US$10 per half day were unexpected (to tip free Australians) and excessive in our view. By contrast our guide George Atef from Luxor onwards was outstanding and we happily paid more than was expected. The Historia River boat exceeded our best expectations for comfort, service and food. This tailored private tour met or exceeded all our best expectations. Great value for money. An experience that will please us for a lifetime.

We really enjoyed reading this review. It is just amazing to hear how well looked after you were. Beautiful hotel choices as well! The Historia River Boat is a remarkable service and its great to know you appreciated it also. We hope to help you plan another magical trip again. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

the trip was very well organised and we…

the trip was very well organised and we have no complaints at all. Very good driver and tour guides made our trip a lot of fun

Date of experience : July 23, 2024

It was an easy experience to work…

It was an easy experience to work through TravelLocal to communicate with our travel agent in France. Payment process was simple and access to our itinerary was convenient. Our trip was nothing like we would have planned for ourselves, and having all the leg work done for us was a super bonus! I would go through TravelLocal again for future travel out of the country!

Date of experience : June 01, 2024

Thank you so much. We truly value your kind words. We hope you do return soon and we love to hear that you were given an itinerary that was unique. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Your selection of tours was phenomenal

Your selection of tours was phenomenal. The balance of free time, tours and length of stay at each location was perfect. The instructions and itinerary were perfect. The entire trip though expensive was well worth it. We had a fabulous time

Date of experience : June 09, 2024

Thank you for feeding this back. It is so great to hear that you felt there was a a fair balance on your trip. It is very important that our clients travel at their pace and enjoy it. We hope to help again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Complicated trips are easy to plan with Travel Local

This is the third time I have used Travel Local. Having a travel agent in the country one is visiting is extremely helpful. The initial questionnaire helped both parties whittle down options relatively quickly, and the agent was excellent at suggesting excursions and guides, giving public transportation options, modifying the itinerary, and, most important, being on call if big or small problems arose. The Travel Local app (called Trip Plans in Norway) was invaluable. Having all the trip's information (daily schedule, hotels, tickets, etc.) in one place is fabulous.

Thank you so much for your review. It is so good to hear that you have returned to TravelLocal and used our services, thank you. We agree having an expert in destination is invaluable. We hope to hear from you soon with the next great adventure. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great Travel Agent!

Great Travel Agent! Our travel Agent Monica was local to Lisbon and gave us a wonderful itinerary customized to our needs. She was in constant contact with us throughout the trip to answer our questions and give us information. It was a perfect trip because of our outstanding travel agent!

Monica is a true asset and we are happy you also felt this. Portugal is a stunning destination and it is great to hear you found it outstanding. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

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Knew what I wanted

Monika was easy to work with, flexible with my changes, found uniquely qualified guides for my purposes and emailed reminders and check-ins nightly!

Date of experience : 29 July 2024

Reply from TravelLocal

This is great to hear. Monika is a true asset and we are happy that you felt so cared for. Thank you for taking the time to feedback and for booking with TravelLocal Best wishes TravelLocal Customer Success team

excellent apart from one blip

The initial contact from the agent in Cairo was excellent and thorough. Once we paid she was not so easy to contact and a hotel l queried at Giza was well below our expectations. Apart from that and some time l spent rectifying things our 9 day trip more than met our expectations with excellent accommodation, guides and drivers. We felt safe and very well looked after.

Date of experience : 08 June 2024

Thank you for the honest feedback. While it is frustrating that you encountered this blip, we are happy to hear it was resolved. Egypt is a remarkable country with the most amazing history, we are so happy to hear you found your 9 days their excellent and above all you felt safe and looked after. Best wishes TravelLocal Customer Success team

We had an amazing trip and we…

We had an amazing trip and we experienced zero issues. Fanny was extremely accommodating and planned every last detail exactly the way we wanted it!

Date of experience : 06 June 2024

This is just great to see. We are so happy to hear that it was the perfect trip and tailored to your needs. Amazing We hope to help again very soon Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Our guide, Emad, went out of his way on several occasions to help us have a better experience. He took us to local places that we would not have found on our own.

Our guide, Emad, was wonderful. He came up with lots of ideas to fill our time and helped me retrieve AirPods that had been left under a pillow in Wad Rumi.

Thank you so much for sharing this. The beauty of local experts is most definitely finding the hidden gems of experience, it's great to hear Emad shared these with you. We look forward to welcoming you in the future for the next unique experience. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

A terrific holiday organised by an excellent team.

Everything went like clockwork. We were picked up from the airport and delivered, driven between various locations with pleasant drivers and the hotels chosen were excellent. We couldn't fault the company. It was a great holiday and we would recommend it to any other travellers heading to Costa Rica.

Thank you both for your excellent review. It's so great to hear you could not fault us and our experience. This truly means a lots. We hope to help again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

18 Days in Greece

Hotel selection was greet. Drivers were dependable and knowledgeable. Our local agent allowed us to make a serious logistical mistake which cost us a day. He agreed we could take a ferry when it did not run between the islands in question. We spent a day in airplanes when if we had known earlier, we would have changed itinerates. I will use them again but be much more careful in doing my homework.

Hi Bill, Thank you for your honest feedback. We really appreciate you feeding back and hope the plane journeys did not interrupt the trip too much. I have taken a look at your itinerary and wow you visited some true highlights of Greece and the islands. It is great to hear you would use us again and we are thankful for this. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Wandering on our own

1. Hotel in Yarmouth was very old and tired with active construction going on. 2. Trip information was very disorganized. Points of interest we were told to see on our way to PEI were actually on our return to Yarmouth. I was never told to purchase a ferry ticket from Cape Breton to PEI. Our lodging in Cape Breton was very remote with poor internet access and cellular connection. Even though requested, we were never advised of a coastal route….we drove for miles looking at trees! This was our first trip to this area and we had no idea how to proceed. We were given very little guidance.

Joyce, Thank you so much for taking the time to feed back on your recent experience. We really appreciate it. I am unsure if you have shared this feedback with your local expert, so I will pass this on to them and we will reach out to you directly to discuss in more detail. If you have any further feedback or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected] Thank you again and we truly hope you enjoyed the remainder of the trip. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

We went in June 2024 and experienced…

We went in June 2024 and experienced much cold and rainy weather. Our first day arrival at Iceland was really bad. Blue Lagoon was closed but do take note that our tickets to go to Blue Lagoon was at 10am. We would not be able to arrive at Blue Lagoon on time as our flight check out and heading to Blue rental cars would need an hour or two to settle matters. It could have been at noon and that was the day Blue Lagoon’s opening hours. So that was our first disappointment. Due to the weather our subsequent cruise booking to glaciers was also cancelled even though we were there early to have our lunch. At the eleventh hour we received a message stating it was cancelled. Even our snow mobiles had been rescheduled, thus our route around Iceland had to be adjusted. My cousin n I met with an accident coz the snow mobile was too huge for us to manevour n we were too fearful of the strong winds n black n slippery mountain road conditions. We crashed n fell from the snow mobile. Thank goodness our coaches were good n they took us with them as pillions. We could still enjoy the sights. Despite all these we still enjoyed ourselves coz it was our first holiday in Iceland n for the price we paid we tried to enjoy as much as we could.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review your recent trip to the fabulous Iceland. We are so sorry to hear about the weather and cancellations, this can be very common in Iceland with the unpredictable weather and I can personally relate as it happened to me also. These cancellations can be very last minute and feel unorganized, though this is often due to monitoring conditions closely in the hope they will improve. We are also sorry to hear the snowmobile was a challenge but happy to hear you were assisted on this. Finally I have no addressed the Blue Lagoon trip as I can see your local expert as kindly assisted with this already. Iceland is a truly beautiful country and we are happy you made the most of this trip. We take on board your feedback and thank you. Best wishes, Customer Success team

Trustworthy advice and great service

Our trip to Barcelona and Andalusia was well planned to our needs by Giulia of Genuine Spain, who was very responsive and only a text away throughout our time in Spain when any questions or the inevitable hiccup arose. In the planning stage, we explained what we wanted to see, our priorities, and our budget. She found hotels we enjoyed, arranged our train travel and top-notch private tours with guides who had the kind of deep knowledge that brought history to life for us. She also suggested and booked additional activities like cooking classes and food tours that we probably would never have known about that were just delightful. There were also lots of good restaurant and other recommendations. We will definitely use Travel Local again and we’ve already recommended it to friends and family.

Date of experience : 19 June 2024

Thank you so much for the excellent review. It is so good to hear all your requested needs were met and some exciting new suggestions were had too. Food tours in Spain are amazing and cooking classes are the so much fun. We hope you have managed to recreate some dishes while home. We look forward to welcoming you again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great visit to Kyoto and Hakone!

Really impressed with the service and the results. Everything went like clockwork from train tickets to meeting guides. Guide you chose for Kyoto was great. We were connecting before meeting and then had some flexibility built in to enjoy our experience and not feel like we are rushing point to point. We loved the experience.

Date of experience : 04 June 2024

This sounds like the perfect balance of location visiting and relaxing. We are happy you achieved this. What fabulous places you visited. We hope the memories last a life time. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great experience with Travel Local!

Travel Local put me together with a great tour company in Egypt. Leading up to the trip, my Travel Local rep answered all my questions and handled everything I asked for.

Date of experience : 11 June 2024

Thank you for the review. It's great to hear how efficient and wonderful your trip was. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Private road trip in Kyrgyzstan

I did an 8 day road trip through Kyrgyzstan by private 4WD in May 2024. It was superb! Well organised, stunning scenery & acceptable accommodation. Im so glad I did this... Kyrgyzstan is stunning but quite difficult and impossible to do in certain areas.

Date of experience : 17 May 2024

Thanks so much for your review, we really appreciate it. It is a truly stunning destination and we are happy you got to embrace it. We look forward to welcoming you again in the future. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team


I paid for a TravelLocal guide in Tunisia for 17 days. The guide spoke very limited English, so limited in fact that it was very difficult to engage in normal conversation. Even worse, he brought along his domineering girlfriend, who took over every situation, ordering around my guide, Ali. He jumped at her every command, ignoring me in order to keep her happy. The two of them even left me sitting in the car while they went grocery shopping. I was a mere afterthought to my guide, who twice erupted in anger over minor matters. I quickly learned not to trust him, and I pulled the plug on the trip after three days. I sought a partial refund from TravelLocal but was denied. I have traveled to 82 countries and hired many private guides all over the world. Never have I had such a bad experience as I had with TravelLocal.

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. As you are aware we actively investigating your comments and have been in regular contact with you since you made us aware after abandoning the trip. Again, we would like to stress what you have expressed is not common to TravelLocal nor something we wish for any traveler to experience and we are taking this very seriously as well as having to abide but contractual agreements. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Best wishes Monique, Customer Success Lead

Wonderful italian experience

Jean-Pierre and his colleagues did a great job. Our hotels were great, our guides were very knowledgeable and friendly, all our train rides were very well organised. Every time we needed to get in touch with them, there was someone to answer us. We highly recommend this agency. Finaly we would like to mention that since we are French speaking, the fact that Jean-Pierre also spoke French was a real bonus. Merci à vous Jean-Pierre et à votre équipe.

Date of experience : 23 May 2024

Thank you so much for your review. It's great to hear wjhat a personal experience Jean-Pierre offered. Merci! Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

An ideal private Egypt tour for a senior couple.

As a senior couple we needed private tours to suit our capacity. Amira patiently amended plans as we sought to create an ideal tailored itinerary. It worked extremely well and met almost all our best expectations. Being met IN the airport and whisked by limo to our excellent Kempinski Hotel (where the Club room provided all meals) was a pressure free beginning. Having professional guides and chauffeur driven A/C limos for each tour made everything adjustable, comfortable and easy. Cairo guides were OK but not excellent. Tips of US$5 for the driver plus US$10 per half day were unexpected (to tip free Australians) and excessive in our view. By contrast our guide George Atef from Luxor onwards was outstanding and we happily paid more than was expected. The Historia River boat exceeded our best expectations for comfort, service and food. This tailored private tour met or exceeded all our best expectations. Great value for money. An experience that will please us for a lifetime.

We really enjoyed reading this review. It is just amazing to hear how well looked after you were. Beautiful hotel choices as well! The Historia River Boat is a remarkable service and its great to know you appreciated it also. We hope to help you plan another magical trip again. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

the trip was very well organised and we…

the trip was very well organised and we have no complaints at all. Very good driver and tour guides made our trip a lot of fun

Date of experience : 23 July 2024

It was an easy experience to work…

It was an easy experience to work through TravelLocal to communicate with our travel agent in France. Payment process was simple and access to our itinerary was convenient. Our trip was nothing like we would have planned for ourselves, and having all the leg work done for us was a super bonus! I would go through TravelLocal again for future travel out of the country!

Date of experience : 01 June 2024

Thank you so much. We truly value your kind words. We hope you do return soon and we love to hear that you were given an itinerary that was unique. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Your selection of tours was phenomenal

Your selection of tours was phenomenal. The balance of free time, tours and length of stay at each location was perfect. The instructions and itinerary were perfect. The entire trip though expensive was well worth it. We had a fabulous time

Date of experience : 09 June 2024

Thank you for feeding this back. It is so great to hear that you felt there was a a fair balance on your trip. It is very important that our clients travel at their pace and enjoy it. We hope to help again soon. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Complicated trips are easy to plan with Travel Local

This is the third time I have used Travel Local. Having a travel agent in the country one is visiting is extremely helpful. The initial questionnaire helped both parties whittle down options relatively quickly, and the agent was excellent at suggesting excursions and guides, giving public transportation options, modifying the itinerary, and, most important, being on call if big or small problems arose. The Travel Local app (called Trip Plans in Norway) was invaluable. Having all the trip's information (daily schedule, hotels, tickets, etc.) in one place is fabulous.

Thank you so much for your review. It is so good to hear that you have returned to TravelLocal and used our services, thank you. We agree having an expert in destination is invaluable. We hope to hear from you soon with the next great adventure. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team

Great Travel Agent!

Great Travel Agent! Our travel Agent Monica was local to Lisbon and gave us a wonderful itinerary customized to our needs. She was in constant contact with us throughout the trip to answer our questions and give us information. It was a perfect trip because of our outstanding travel agent!

Monica is a true asset and we are happy you also felt this. Portugal is a stunning destination and it is great to hear you found it outstanding. Best wishes, TravelLocal Customer Success team


Travellocal Review

Write a review, i had a wonderful trip with travellocal. the websi....

I had a wonderful trip with Travellocal. The website was easy to use and I found a fantastic tour. The customer service was excellent, and they were very responsive to all of my questions. I would highly recommend Travellocal for anyone looking to have a unique travel experience.

Start collecting reviews today

Claim your business to immediately update business information, respond to reviews, and more, my recent trip with travellocal was absolutely ama....

My recent trip with Travellocal was absolutely amazing! The website was user-friendly and I found a perfect tour for my needs. The customer service was outstanding and the staff went above and beyond to ensure that I had a great experience. I highly recommend Travellocal for personalized travel.

👍 I had an amazing experience with Travellocal. Th...

👍 I had an amazing experience with Travellocal. The website was easy to navigate and I found a perfect tour for my vacation. The customer service was top-notch and the staff was very helpful throughout the process. I would definitely recommend Travellocal for a unique and personalized travel experience.

My recent travel experience with Travellocal was u...

My recent travel experience with Travellocal was unforgettable. The website provided a wide range of options to choose from, and the tour I selected exceeded all expectations. The customer service was exceptional and the staff was very knowledgeable. I will definitely use Travellocal again for my future travel plans.

I had a great experience with Travellocal. The web...

I had a great experience with Travellocal. The website was easy to use and I found a variety of unique tours to choose from. The customer service was excellent and they were quick to respond to my inquiries. I highly recommend Travellocal to anyone looking for a personalized travel experience.

I recently traveled with Travellocal and the entir...

I recently traveled with Travellocal and the entire experience was fantastic. The website was user-friendly, and I found a tour that was perfect for me. The customer service team was very helpful and responsive to my inquiries. I highly recommend Travellocal for a personalized travel experience.

I recently booked a trip with Travellocal and was ...

I recently booked a trip with Travellocal and was pleasantly surprised by their service. The website was user-friendly and the booking process was smooth. The prices were reasonable and the tour I chose exceeded my expectations. I will definitely book with them again in the future.

🌟 I had an excellent experience with Travellocal. ...

🌟 I had an excellent experience with Travellocal. The website provided a wide range of options and the booking process was smooth. The customer service team was very helpful and assisted me throughout the entire journey. I would definitely choose Travellocal for my future vacations.

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About travellocal.

Travellocal: Your Ultimate Guide to Tailor-Made Tours Traveling is one of the most exciting and enriching experiences that anyone can have. It allows you to explore new cultures, meet new people, and create unforgettable memories. However, planning a trip can be overwhelming, especially if you're not familiar with the destination. That's where Travellocal comes in. Travellocal is a travel company that connects travelers with local experts who can help them plan their dream vacation. With over 100 destinations worldwide, Travellocal offers tailor-made tours that are 100% customizable to suit your preferences and budget. What sets Travellocal apart from other travel companies is its commitment to providing personalized service. When you book a tour with Travellocal, you'll work directly with a local expert who knows the destination inside out. They'll help you create an itinerary that's tailored to your interests and needs, whether it's exploring ancient ruins or sampling local cuisine. One of the best things about booking a tour with Travellocal is its Best Price Guarantee. You won't find lower prices anywhere else for the same itinerary and quality of service. Plus, if you find a better deal within 48 hours of booking your tour, Travellocal will match it. Another advantage of booking with Travelocal is its high customer satisfaction rate - 98% of travelers are satisfied with their experience! This speaks volumes about the quality of service provided by local experts who go above and beyond to ensure that every traveler has an unforgettable experience. If you're worried about committing to a trip before knowing all the details or costs involved - don't be! With Trip.me's customizable trips without obligation to book feature - Handcrafted travel by trip.me ✓ 100% Personalized Offers ✓ Customize -you can get personalized offers without any obligation until everything meets your expectations! In conclusion, if you're looking for an authentic travel experience that's tailored specifically for you by locals who know the destination inside out, Travellocal is the perfect choice. With its 100% customizable tours, Best Price Guarantee, and high customer satisfaction rate, you can rest assured that your trip will be unforgettable. Book your tour today and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime!

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I'm a travel planner. These 5 US destinations are my top recommendations right now.

  • I'm a travel planner , and there are so many US destinations my clients are loving right now.
  • Milkwakee is one of my favorite spots in the Midwest , and Newport is a great East Coast trip.
  • Out West, there's the stunning Sedona, and Savannah is an underrated Southern town .

Insider Today

As a travel planner, I book my fair share of national-park stays and Disney vacations , but my clients have also been loving some less advertised US destinations.

If you're looking for a more under-the-radar spot for a family trip or romantic getaway, the States has plenty of low-key cities to choose from.

Here are some of my favorites right now.

Milwaukee is a Midwest gem.

travel local bewertung

The Wisconsin city is located on Lake Michigan's western shore , less than two hours from Chicago.

For outdoorsy types, you can hit up Bradford Beach or hike and bike at Lakeshore State Park. If you like beer, tour some local breweries — Urban Harvest, Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee Brewing Co. — and taste their offerings.

Baseball fans can even spend a day tailgating and catch a Brewers game at American Family Field .

Milwaukee has an expansive art museum and a spectacular zoo. The greenhouses at Mitchell Park Domes also showcase beautiful flowers and plants.

Head west to experience the glorious Sedona.

travel local bewertung

Located about two hours from Phoenix, Sedona is a nature-lover's paradise.

The area's gorgeous red-colored rocks offer countless hiking opportunities , including braving Bell Rock butte. For more active adventures, there are great places to kayak and mountain bike, or you can head to one of the supernatural vortexes (energy hot spots) Sedona is known for.

The natural water slide at Slide Rock State Park is a unique Arizona attraction, and Oak Creek is a gorgeous place to swim . If you're really brave, you can book a Pink Jeep Tour to see more of the nearby jaw-dropping sights while basically hanging off the cliffs.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross is always at the top of my list, followed by an Old West chuckwagon dinner at Blazin' M Ranch. Downtown Sedona also has a plethora of retail and restaurant options, including the famous Cowboy Club.

San Juan is a tropical destination that doesn't require a passport.

travel local bewertung

San Juan is a great mix of beach fun and historical sightseeing. Plus, since Puerto Rico is a US territory, US citizens don't need a passport to visit.

Visiting Old San Juan feels like taking a trip back in time. I suggest booking a tour that takes you to Capilla del Cristo, Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery, and the San Juan Cathedral.

Stay at one of the premier beach spots, like Hilton's El Conquistador Resort. And if you're looking for a thrill, book a snorkeling excursion at Icacos Island, hike through rainforests to search for waterfalls, or find a spot to go ziplining.

My favorite experience, which cannot be missed, is kayaking to Laguna Grande at night to see spectacular bioluminescent water.

Savannah has endless opportunities for fun, food, and relaxation.

travel local bewertung

The best time to visit Savannah, Georgia , is in the spring or fall when the weather is milder.

Take some time to stroll the shops of River Street or hop on one of the city's famous ghost tours — Savannah is considered one of the most haunted cities in America . One of my favorite ways to see the city is by riverboat cruise, and if you have time, take a day trip to the lovely Tybee Island.

History and architecture buffs should also explore the Olde Pink House, Forsyth Park, and the gorgeous homes on Jones Street.

Mrs. Wilkes' Dining Room, which serves up southern delicacies, is the best place to grab lunch. Then, you can stroll the riverfront to grab a treat or drink.

Newport is an East Coast delight.

travel local bewertung

Newport, Rhode Island , is a mix of natural beauty, history, and stunning architecture — b e sure to visit some of the town's historic mansions.

I highly recommend renting a car and driving down the gorgeous Ocean Drive coastal road. But the city also offers Trolley Tours if you want to stick to the inland sights.

You can also take in the views from the 3.5-mile Newport Cliff Walk or book a thrilling rail-bike tour.

The town has many great restaurants, including The Mooring and Bar 'Cino. But if you can't choose, just book a food tour. There are also a number of nearby wineries and breweries, including Newport Vineyard and Greenvale, to check out.

travel local bewertung

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  • Senior Travel

14 Best Senior-friendly Travel Groups

Joining a tour can take the guesswork out of planning, making adventures safer, more affordable, and fun.

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Whether you’re ready to take the trip of a lifetime after retirement or just want to make new friends on a relaxed walking vacation, there are many reasons to book with a specialist travel company. Senior-friendly travel groups take the time-consuming research and guesswork out of planning, especially if you want to go to multiple destinations or experience a place from a local perspective. Group travel is safer for mature adventurers, and options are often categorized by activity level, so you can be sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew. There are also trips specially designed for singles.

These travel companies offer a range of tours for every budget and mode of transportation, from bikes to cruises. Some are specifically aimed at seniors, while others feature experiences that are flexible enough to accommodate a variety of travelers.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Road Scholar emphasizes the value of "lifelong learning" with affordable, educational journeys.
  • Choose an "easygoing" Dolce Tempo walking tour or a more challenging adventure with Backroads.
  • With expertise in more than 100 destinations worldwide, Kensington Tours can craft the perfect itinerary for your group.
  • Senior Cycling offers intermediate and advanced bike tours for active over-50s, which are always accompanied by a "sag wagon."
  • Despite the name, the AARP-approved Grand European Travel extends beyond the continent with a wide range of destinations, budget options, and modes of transportation.

Road Scholar

Originally launched as Elderhostel in 1975, this nonprofit organization rebranded in 2010 as Road Scholar , recognizing the values and interests of "lifelong learners" who have participated in their lectures, tours, field trips, and immersive educational experiences over the years. Participants are typically over the age of 50 and ready to learn from travel or focus on a specific subject. Trip themes such as grandparent adventures (special types of trips you can take with your grandchild), cruises, urban exploration, art and history, historical sites, and academic topics can be browsed by destination, activity level, and interest to help clients select their ideal itinerary.

Seniors interested in active vacations should check out Backroads , based out of Berkeley, California. Tours typically include participants in a variety of age groups, with an average age of 55. The company offers guided biking, walking, and "multi-adventure" tours to destinations across the globe, including Antarctica. There are women-only trips and options for families traveling with "teens and kids," "older teens and 20s," and those in their "20s and beyond." The company's Dolce Tempo tours offer a more relaxed pace, and include an Easygoing E-bike Tour in California wine country and Easygoing Multi-adventure Tour in New Zealand.

Kensington Tours

If you're looking to create a fully customized, privately guided trip based on your group's specific needs and travel preferences, look no further than Kensington Tours . Their expertise in more than 100 destinations worldwide makes planning easy, whether the goal is a culturally immersive experience, enjoying fine wine and dining, discovering the history of a place, or relaxation. While these arrangements are ideal for mature travelers who appreciate ease and luxury, the company also provides family trips to countries like Thailand, Japan, Iceland, and South Africa that come with private vehicles, local guides, and kid-friendly dining options.

Senior Cycling

Specializing in bicycle tours for active adults ages 50 and up, Senior Cycling typically limits groups to 13 participants. And they are always accompanied by the "sag wagon" in case someone needs a break from riding. Trips are rated at two levels: intermediate (for the occasional rider who prefers bike paths and flat terrain for 20–35 miles per day) and advanced (for those who are at ease with up to 50 miles per day, hills, and traffic). Custom tours can also be arranged for families or groups of friends.

Grand European Travel

Grand European Travel is an AARP-preferred travel provider (check the website for members-only discounts) that promotes itself as a one-stop shop to help clients plan their desired travel experiences. The company is part of The Travel Corporation , which represents more than 40 brands, including the likes of Trafalgar and Insight Tours. Despite the name, offerings extend far beyond the continent and range from budget to luxury getaways, and everything from cruises to land tours. The company also creates itineraries specifically for women over 55 so solo travelers can feel secure in far-flung destinations (or those closer to home).

Walking the World

Operating out of Grand Junction, Colorado, Walking the World offers walking and hiking tours mainly for travelers over the age of 50 who want to be immersed in the destinations they choose. Experienced hikers will enjoy its Rocky Mountain National Park tour , for example, with treks of up to 10 miles on some days during the eight-day itinerary. Meanwhile, the Ireland trip covers 11 days of exploring fishing villages, rolling green hills, the stunning Cliffs of Moher, the Dingle Peninsula, and Killarney National Park. Daily walks range from five to eight miles and are described as easy to moderate.

Ariel Skelley / Getty Images

Adventures Abroad

While Adventures Abroad largely caters to travelers over 50, tours are open to adults of all ages, and operate on every continent except for Antarctica. The company's "soft adventure" trips, which focus on the culture and history of a destination, don't include strenuous activities, though a reasonable degree of fitness and the ability to walk are required. Trips are rated from one to three based on physical activity, with the first level featuring only leisurely walks and level two meaning more time on your feet each day. Level-three trips might include walks or hikes on uneven ground for three to seven hours, though at a leisurely pace. Specific trips are suggested for each activity level for easy planning.

An adventure travel company designed for people ages 50 and over, ElderTreks offers small-group adventures — think wildlife safaris, hiking trips, cultural journeys, and other unique expeditions — in more than 100 countries. The tours are rated by activity level, ranging from one to five. At level one, travelers should be able to walk for one to two hours, whereas at level five, they'll need to be capable of hiking for more than five hours.

Firebird Tours

Firebird Tours offers small group trips to destinations in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East that deliver value, comfort, and quality. Themes for guided tours include gastronomy, history, architecture, and the northern lights , as well as theater and opera. Seniors might want to check out a sightseeing highlights tour of Italy , or a two-week rail journey across Scandinavia with guided tours in cities like Copenhagen and Stockholm and an overnight in a scenic Norwegian fjord town.

Overseas Adventure Travel

With a variety of trips available to destinations on every continent, Overseas Adventure Travel makes a great choice if you're interested in seeing the world via small-ship cruises. In addition to guided land tours for groups of eight to 16, OAT offers sailings through the Norwegian fjords, along West Africa's coast, and throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. Mature travelers are often attracted to the flexibility of the trips and the ability to personalize activities. Recognizing that many of its customers travel alone (half are solo women), O.A.T. has created getaways with single travelers in mind, whether they're first-timers or experienced adventurers.

EF Go Ahead Tours

Operating out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, EF Go Ahead Tours offers a selection of small group tours for 10 to 22 guests. The senior-friendly trips focus on interests such as food and wine, adventure, and safaris, as well as specific destinations and seasonal events (think Oktoberfest in Germany, holiday markets in Europe , or St. Patrick's Day in Ireland). Looking for travel groups geared toward singles? The company's solo tours provide private rooms, social events, and personalized experiences like yoga and cooking classes. Clients can also gather their own group and take advantage of the services of EF's professional coordinators.

Intrepid Travel

A leading adventure tour operator known for its efforts to make travel accessible to all, Intrepid Travel offers a good mix of bespoke and ready-made options, from walking tours in U.S. national parks to Galápagos Islands cruises . Seniors might want to check out the Premium or Comfort trips, which offer more upscale accommodations and private transportation. Each trip is given a physical rating between one and five to help you determine its strenuousness, and consultants can help travelers with disabilities choose the perfect itinerary.

YMT Vacations

In business since 1967, YMT Vacations designs all-inclusive trips with mature travelers in mind. Prices cover hotel accommodations, guided sightseeing tours, baggage handling, and the expertise of tour directors and driver guides. Destinations are scattered around the world, with a particularly wide choice in the U.S. and Europe, including a variety of cruise options. The company also arranges travel for popular events such as the Rose Parade in California.

Country Walkers

Country Walkers aims to introduce travelers to new landscapes and cultures around the world by traveling on foot. Established in 1979, the Vermont-based operator offers walking tours in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. Tour types include guided (in a small group of up to 18) and self-guided (in a private group of up to 12), providing a great option for independent exploration. Travelers can choose from five levels, starting at "easy walking," which includes a daily distance of two to six miles for up to four hours per day. "Moderate walking," the mid-range option, typically entails four to 10 miles and up to six hours of walking per day. Trips at the "challenging walking" level might go up to seven hours a day on foot, covering anywhere from six to 14 miles. Guests of all ages should be able to find a destination and tour that's best suited for their interests and fitness level.

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The bourgeois charm of Siberia's oil capital

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If you’re driving west across Russia from the Pacific Ocean, the first thing that you notice upon entering the city of Tyumen is the McDonalds. Tyumen has long been one of the only Siberian cities with a McDonalds restaurant. Although the fast-food giant has plans to open locations in nearby Novosibirsk and other regional cities, Siberia still contains one of the longest distances on earth outside of Africa where you can remain on a major highway and not see a McDonalds. Until you reach Tyumen, that is.

A stop in Tyumen provides an interesting glimpse into how modern Russia’s oil revenue has influenced Siberia’s oldest Russian city. Tyumen is a great stopover point on the Trans-Siberian Railroad and a short ride from Yekaterinburg (five hours) or Tobolsk (four hours).

In the 16th century, Russia started expanding eastward into parts of Central Asia ruled by the Tatars, an Islamic people who still live thoughout Russia. A band of Cossacks wrested control of Tyumen from the Tatars in 1580. Six years later, Russians established a fort in Tyumen on the Tura River.

For centuries, Tyumen vied with the nearby city of Tobolsk—once the official capital of Siberia—for the prestige of the region’s most important city. Tyumen won in the end, when the Trans-Siberian Railroad bypassed Tobolsk and was routed through this now oil-rich city.

Tyumen played an important role in Russian history during times of war. At the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik Red Army slowly pushed the White Army, commanded by Admiral Alexander Kolchak, into Siberia. Kolchak and his anti-Bolshevik forces holed up in Tyumen until the Red Army overtook them in January of 1918.

During the Second World War, many Russian industries were moved away from the front to Siberian cities. Tyumen had already become an industrial capital during the early Soviet era, and the city became an ideal spot to relocate Russia’s western factories. As Nazi forces approached Russia in 1941, the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin was sent from the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square by train to the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy for safekeeping. In 1945, Lenin’s body was shipped back to Moscow.

Some of the factories relocated to Tyumen during wartime remained in the city. The discovery of oil in the region catapulted Siberia’s oldest Russian settlement to further prosperity. Modern Tyumen is a vibrant city with a number of universities and a revamped center well-suited for exploration by foot.

Start your walking tour around central Tyumen on Ulitsa Respubliki. The city’s main drag has fine pedestrian walkways and leads wanderers past an impressive collection of tsarist-era buildings that recall Tyumen’s importance in the beginning of Russia’s colonization of Siberia.

From the southeastern end of Ul. Respubliki, head north toward the Tura River and take a brief side trip onto Ul. Ordzhonikidze to visit the Fine Arts Museum (47 Ul. Ordzhonikidze) which houses exhibits of classical Russian and Soviet art as well as traditional bone carving and works produced by the native people who live in the far north of Tyumen Oblast.

Back on Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon see the city’s requisite Lenin statue by the local government buildings. A block away, opposite Lenin, is Tyumen’s city park, a delightful place to walk or hop on one of its amusement rides.

Most Siberian cities developed under the watchful eyes of the atheist Soviet regime and churches are usually not Siberia’s strongpoint. But this isn’t true in four-centuries-old Tyumen. Strolling up Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon come to the Church of the Saviour (41 Ul. Lenina) and the Znamensky Cathedral (13 Ul. Semakova). Each of these stunning Baroque-influenced churches are located right off Ul. Respubliki and were built in the late 18th century.

Tyumen is also famous for its historic wooden houses. Heading further up Ul. Respubliki, stop to wander around some of the side streets and snap photos of these ornate wooden structures which provide a glimpse back in time. Near the Tura River, you’ll pass a civil war monument in remembrance of the Tyumen natives who died fighting the White Army and the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (7 Ul. Respubliki) an impressive building in its own right where Lenin was stored during the Second World War.

Near the end of Ul. Respubliki, take a walk over the Tura River on the Lover’s Bridge, a suspension bridge open to foot traffic only that has become one of Tyumen’s iconic sights. The other side of the river is a great place to see more of Tyumen’s signature wooden houses as well as take in the churches scattered around the city center.

Save the best for last and visit the Trinity Monastery (10 Ul. Kommunisticheskaya) at the end of Ul. Respubliki. A white wall surrounds the monastery, giving it the appearance of a mini-kremlin, and the golden onion domes of the 18th century churches within should not be missed.

Although navigating Tyumen is straightforward enough, the St. Petersburg-based travel company OSTWEST can arrange a city tour in Tyumen and the surrounding countryside.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Severe storms west of Boston caused significant flight delays and cancellations at Logan Airport on Friday night, stranding many travelers.

"I think the plane is still at the gate," said Greg Groover, whose flight from Boston to Baltimore was canceled.

Groover and his family were on their way to a family reunion in Baltimore, but the flight never got off the ground due to the storms.

Many tired travelers were hoping for hotel vouchers, but most just want to leave Boston.

"We have to get our car in New Jersey," said Colleen Seacom, whose flight from Europe was rerouted to Boston due to the storm.

There are a lot of travel plans up in the air as planes stay grounded, including Richard Henderson, who is trying to get home to Memphis.

"It's canceled for today and I kind of have my doubts for tomorrow, but maybe they will have room on the flight," Henderson said.

Rainfall totals from Tropical Storm Debby for South Carolina as of Friday morning, Aug. 9

Portrait of Todd Runkle

Former Tropical Storm Debby has sped out of the Carolinas Friday, Aug. 9, but it left behind a soggy and in some places flooded South Carolina.

Here are the rainfall totals through Friday morning as reported by National Weather Service offices in Greer and Charleston, as well as Wilmington in North Carolina.

The NWS notes that observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. Not all data listed is considered official.

Allendale County

  • Allendale Cnty Aprt 4.14 inches

Anderson County

  • Powdersville 0.34 inches
  • Easley 0.22

Beaufort County

  • Beaufort 14.30 inches
  • Bluffton 10.95
  • Walling Grove 10.71
  • Hilton Head Island 10.36
  • Okatie 9.92

Berkeley County

  • Moncks Corner 22.02 inches
  • Summerville 18.66
  • Huger 16.81
  • Hanahan 14.38
  • Witherbee 14.35
  • Goose Creek 12.96
  • Daniel Island 12.90
  • Bonneau 2.8 11.48

Charleston County

  • Mount Pleasant 16.91 inches
  • Charleston 15.82
  • Mcclellanville 15.40
  • Edisto Beach 14.98
  • North Charleston 14.56
  • Hollywood 12.65
  • Charleston Intl Airport 12.56
  • Wadmalaw Island 12.14
  • Meggett 12.03
  • Johns Island 12.01
  • Folly Beach 11.53
  • Wambaw 11.18
  • Edisto Island 10.87
  • Ace Basin 10.77
  • Seabrook Island 9.34
  • Isle of Palms 8.82
  • Kiawah Island 8.67

Cherokee County

  • Kings Mountain 3.36 inches
  • Ninety-Nine Islands Hydro 3.17

Colleton County

  • Green Pond 17.57
  • Walterboro 15.43
  • Cottageville 14.85
  • Bennetts Point 13.32

Darlington County

  • Darlington 6.11 inches
  • Darlington County 5.83
  • Dillon County
  • Latta 7.03 inches

Dorchester County

  • Ridgeville 18.86 inches
  • Summerville 18.38
  • Harleyville 16.93
  • Reevesville 12.15

Florence County

  • Lynches River Lake 12.28 inches
  • Florence 6.76
  • Olanta 6.55
  • Black Creek at Quinb 5.80

Greenville County

  • Greenville 0.75 inches
  • Simpsonville 0.71
  • Mauldin 0.65
  • Travelers Rest 0.65
  • Marietta 0.63
  • Spring 0.62
  • Landrum 0.56
  • Furman Univ 0.54
  • Taylors 0.52

Greenwood County

  • Dyson 0.40 inches

Georgetown County

  • Spring Gully Georget 15.02 inches
  • DeBordieu Georgetown 7.09

Hampton County

  • Hampton 11.32 inches
  • Brunson 10.57

Horry County

  • Waccamaw River 19.03
  • North Myrtle Beach 17.42
  • Loris 17.04
  • Little River 15.61
  • Bucksport 15.11
  • Finklea Fire Station 13.90
  • Horry County Police 13.85
  • Garden City 12.97
  • Aynor 12.72
  • Briarcliffe Acre 11.96
  • Conway 11.24
  • Red Hill 10.65
  • Myrtle Beach 8.99
  • Surfside Beach 8.65
  • Socastee 8.37
  • Nichols 8.30
  • Central Horry County 8.28

Jasper County

  • Bluffton 11.90 inches
  • Savannah 9.85
  • Limehouse 9.35
  • Ridgeland 6.59

Laurens County

  • Durbin Creek 1.09 inches
  • Mountville 0.95
  • 2.2 NE Fountain Inn 0.80

Marion County

  • Marion Government 8.75 inches

Marlboro County

  • Bennettsville 4.41 inches
  • Oconee County
  • Long Creek 0.51 inches

Pickens County

  • Dacusville 0.27
  • Liberty 0.24

Spartanburg County

  • Chesnee 4.49 inches
  • Spartanburg 2.30
  • Duncan 0.83
  • GSP Airport 0.58

Union County

  • Santuck 4.65 inches
  • Whitmire 3.39
  • Union Co Airport 2.68

Williamsburg County

  • Bridge Kingstree 5.71 inches
  • Kingstree Raws 14.93
  • Lake City 8.12

York County

  • Rock Hill 7.52 inches
  • Lake Wylie 5.98
  • Rock Hill Airport 4.28
  • Tega Cay 4.11
  • Pineville 3.80
  • Fort Mill 3.70

Todd Runkle is the Carolinas Connect editor and also a content coach at the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network. Reach him at [email protected].

My bags were packed, then I got COVID. What should I do? Travel options to weigh.

I just tested positive for COVID-19. Should I travel anyway?

Variations of that question are spiking on Google Search ( as we experience a significant surge in both summer travel and new coronavirus cases.

If you travel for work or pleasure and haven’t yet dealt with the question of whether to fly with COVID-19, chances are at some point you will. 

President Joe Biden just tested positive while campaigning in Las Vegas. Several Tour de France riders are also dealing with the latest bout of COVID-19. And I picked it up earlier this month during a recent cross-country trip, testing positive just two days before I was supposed to fly to Alaska to help my parents − ages 79 and 85 − move out of their recently sold family home. 

Ethically, I didn’t feel right about getting on a plane knowing I had COVID-19 and certainly couldn’t show up to my parent's house with the virus. But the last-second scramble to rebook the trip, with our dog, my husband, and my parents still needing my help, was super-stressful. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Should I fly if I just tested positive for COVID? 

Technically, you can fly sick − no one is going to stop you at the gate and swab your nose − but you shouldn’t. 

Just because the airlines no longer require you to show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test ahead of your international flight, as they sometimes did during the earlier years of the pandemic, doesn’t mean travel should be a germ free-for-all. 

“I suggest that you not fly,” Vicki Sowards, director of nursing resources at Passport Health, wrote via email. “You can expose the other travelers on your flight, and the process of traveling can contribute to fatigue and an increase in symptoms.”

If you know you have COVID-19, or think you might, you should not get on a plane, according to health experts, the CDC , and everyone who weighed in on my social media pages this past week. 

“Should you travel if you have COVID? Absolutely not. Other people are immunocompromised, so essentially, you could kill innocent people,” says 56-year-old Nick Longo from Corpus Christi, Texas. Longo travels outside America “at least once a year” and flies within the U.S. frequently. “Do I think a lot of people are flying with it right now? Yes. People who don't care about others are (flying).That's why it spread.” 

Mike Hensley, 54, of Northern California, agrees.

“It's a simple answer,'' he wrote. "No. You should not travel. That's how viruses spread quickly. But yes, I am sure people are traveling while positive because they think it's a seasonal allergy or cold, have convinced themselves they don't feel that bad, or are already on the upswing (and don't know/care about how viruses work) or are simply just selfish and don't care about the people they are exposing.”

I’ve been on a dozen planes over the past few months, and anecdotally, it’s true that a lot of people are sniffling, sneezing and coughing − with nary a mask in sight. 

Another traveler told me she knew three people who flew to Europe from California even though they had COVID-19. She and her parents, on the other hand, changed their travel plans last month when they came down with the virus, delaying their flight until they had tested negative for three days.

Should I wear a mask on the plane? 

The CDC , World Health Organization , Mayo Clinic and many other medical professionals agree masks help lower the risk of respiratory virus transmission, especially in tight quarters, like planes, trains, buses and automobiles.  Officials say N95 masks are the most effective. 

Anecdotally, there seems to be a lot of people choosing to fly unmasked − either knowing they have COVID-19 or not testing to find out when they have symptoms. There’s no doubt people are tired of masks and the pandemic, and many are likely treating COVID-19 like the seasonal flu or a cold − something they’ll just have to deal with when they get it. 

Some people even wrote on my social media pages that when it comes to travel, they are not concerned about passing the virus on to others because they feel it's a risk people knowingly take when they get on a plane these days. 

That last sentiment struck a nerve with me because I suspect that's how I contracted COVID-19 two Julys in a row, right after cross-country work trips that coincided with peak summer travel and virus spikes. 

What should you do if you are COVID-positive right before a planned trip? 

Even though I’m vaccinated and received my last booster in December 2023, I have some risk factors and got so sick from COVID-19 last summer that I couldn’t do much of anything for about two weeks.

I initially thought I was experiencing seasonal allergies and waited a few days before testing. By the time I did, I was already pretty sick. I had extreme headaches, head and chest congestion, muscle aches and fatigue, and I lost my sense of taste and smell for almost two months.

This summer was different. Even though I barely had a tickle in the back of my throat, I was tired and achy and knew something was off, so I took a test right away. When it came back positive, I started on Paxlovid immediately and pushed the trip to Alaska back. 

I didn’t fly until my test was negative, and I still wore a mask the entire time I was on the plane. (I didn’t eat or drink the entire flight.) I will continue to wear one indoors until every last symptom (I still have slight sniffles) goes away, even though I’ve now met the latest guidelines of having two negative tests 48 hours apart. It’s not worth the risk of getting my parents − or anyone else − sick. 

I admit, I’ve gotten much more lax about masking up on planes this past year. I often feel a little self-conscious being one of the only people wearing one, but getting sick isn’t worth it. I plan to wear one on all upcoming flights. 

What are the latest CDC guidelines? 

I have several friends who, as long as they are feeling well enough, are expected to put on a mask and go back into the office for work, even with COVID-19. What exactly are the rules now?

The latest CDC guidelines , updated in March, say you can go  back to your normal activities if you meet two requirements:

  • You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) .
  • Your symptoms are improving overall.

You might still be contagious, however, and the CDC recommends that for at least five days after resuming your routine, you:  

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Practice physical distancing (especially from people with risk factors from respiratory illness).
  • Take additional steps for cleaner air .

In addition to the CDC guidelines,  the FDA recommends “2 negative antigen tests for individuals with symptoms or three antigen tests for those without symptoms, performed 48 hours apart” before you go back to being around people. 

Travel insurance: What are the most affordable options?

What if I can’t afford to quarantine or be sick away from home? 

The costs of flight changes, extended stays, and even additional time away from work add up. Does that mean you should stop traveling? No, but you should have a COVID-19 plan that protects others, Richard Martinello , medical director of infection prevention at Yale New Haven Health in Connecticut, told Outside Magazine recently. 

Martinello urges people to consider the moral and ethical ramifications of putting other people in harm’s way, “like not drunk driving,” he said. “Putting yourself in prolonged close contact with fellow travelers when you are knowingly sick, whether with COVID or any other contagious virus, is irresponsible. You never know who you’re sitting next to on a plane. If they’re immune-compromised, even a cold could push them over the edge to serious illness.”

Be sure to check your airline’s COVID-19 policies before you buy your ticket. Many still waive change fees for travelers who need to reschedule because they have the virus. For even more protection, book a ticket that can be changed or credited if you have to cancel your flight, and look into travel insurance . 

I almost always fly Alaska Airlines and usually pay a little extra to make my trip 100% refundable, no matter what. I didn’t do that for this latest flight (to save $280 for my husband and me) and ended up paying one $37 change fee for the difference in ticket prices between the day I was supposed to fly and the day I did. Many airlines will also give you full credit for a future flight if you have to cancel because of illness. 

How can I stay safe while traveling?

Passport Health’s Vicki Sowards says being prepared is vital. She urges travelers to get vaccinations like COVID-19 boosters before travel and pack a first aid kit, including any medications they use when they’re ill. 

“You want optimal health when going on the ‘trip of a lifetime,’” she said. Because COVID-19 spreads through airborne particles and droplets, “take a mask and sanitizer on the plane, just in case you have a seatmate or other traveler close by who is coughing and appears to be ill. Use hand sanitizer before eating or when you know you will be touching your face.”

Jennifer Jolly is an Emmy Award-winning consumer tech columnist and on-air correspondent. The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY. Contact her at [email protected]

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Here’s a look at questions about Tim Walz’s military record

Walz’s military record under scrutiny as Vance, GOP question his service


FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the running mate of Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, is pictured at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

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CINCINNATI (AP) — Republicans are questioning Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s military record after Vice President Kamala Harris named him as her running mate this week.

Here’s a look at the issue:

He retired before his unit’s deployment to Iraq

Walz served a total of 24 years in various units and jobs in the Army National Guard. But it’s his retirement in 2005 that’s prompting criticism from some Republicans who are suggesting he abandoned his team to pursue a campaign for Congress.

As he ramped up for a congressional bid in 2005, Walz’s campaign in March issued a statement saying he still planned to run despite a possible mobilization of Minnesota National Guard soldiers to Iraq. According to the Guard, Walz retired from service in May of that year.

In August 2005, the Department of the Army issued a mobilization order for Walz’s unit. The unit mobilized in October of that year before it deployed to Iraq in March 2006 .

There is no evidence that Walz timed his departure with the intent of avoiding deployment. But the fact remains that he left ahead of his unit’s departure. In a statement, the Harris campaign pushed back on GOP characterizations of Walz’s service, and also noted that he advocated for veterans once he was elected to the U.S. House.


“After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families,” the campaign said.

Before leaving Detroit, where she and Walz played up their support for organized labor , Harris on Thursday responded to a question about the criticism of her running mate’s record.

“Listen, I praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country,” she said. “And I think that we all should.”

Walz didn’t serve in a combat zone

Earlier this week Harris’ campaign circulated on X a 2018 clip of Walz speaking out against gun violence, and saying, “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” That comment suggests that Walz portrayed himself as someone who spent time in a combat zone.

According to the Nebraska Army National Guard, Walz enlisted in April 1981 — just two days after his 17th birthday — and entered service as an infantryman, completing a 12-week Army infantry basic training course before graduating from high school.

While attending the University of Houston in 1985, he was reclassified as a field artillery cannoneer as a member of the Texas Army National Guard, later serving as an instructor with the Arkansas Army National Guard.

In 1987, Walz returned to Nebraska’s Guard detachment, continuing field artillery assignments while he completed a college degree. By 1996, he transferred to the Minnesota Army National Guard. In 2003, he deployed to Italy in a support position of active military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he was not in a combat zone himself.

“Do not pretend to be something that you’re not,” Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance said Wednesday as he campaigned in Michigan. “I’d be ashamed if I was saying that I lied about my military service like you did.”

Vance enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating high school, serving four years as a combat correspondent, a type of military journalist, and deploying to Iraq in that capacity in 2005.

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Neither Trump nor Harris has served in the U.S. military. Trump received a series of deferments during Vietnam, including one attained with a physician’s letter stating that he suffered from bone spurs in his feet.

The Harris campaign statement said Walz “would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country” and “thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

By marshrutka

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Tyumen has many unique statues and monuments.

  • Monument to the Homeless Dog
  • Monument to students from Tyumen Schools Who Did Not Come Back From The War
  • Monument to Conductor
  • Lenin Statue
  • Monument to Machine Tool Builders
  • Sculpture Harp
  • Father Statue
  • Happiness Tree Sculpture
  • Sculpture of Street Cleaner
  • Monument of Mother
  • Monument to the Janitor
  • Monument to Yuri Hervieu
  • Monument to Liquidators
  • Fountain-Monument to Tyumen Oblast
  • Monument to Afghan Soldiers
  • City Garden Monument
  • Monument to Country Doctor
  • Monument to the Postman
  • Monument to Workers in Rear Area
  • Monument to Grigoriy Rasputin
  • Globe Monument

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Live updates in NY: Tropical Storm Debby reaches Southern Tier

The Southern Tier of New York is facing possible flash flooding Friday and potential river flooding this weekend as tropical storm Debby moves through the region.

The National Weather Service Office in Binghamton said remnants of the tropical storm will track over the region Friday, and the forecast is trending toward a fast-moving system that brings rain showers, occasional thunderstorms and possible flooding.

Here's the latest news and information related to the storm.

Flood cleanup begins in Steuben County

Saturday was a day of recovery as the Southern Tier caught its breath following dramatic flash flooding in the area .

Steuben County Commissioner of Public Works Eric Rose was on scene in Woodhull Saturday as crews, homeowners and volunteers began cleaning up from the damage . Many roads remained closed in the southern part of the county.

Steuben County officials began detailing ways homeowners can get help with damage, and how people interested in donating can assist with recovery efforts . Details of rescue efforts during the worst of the storm began to emerge, as did data about just how high local rivers and streams rose during the flash flood event.

Shelters set up in Corning, Hornell for displaced residents

A Red Cross shelter is being established at the Corning-Painted Post High School Fieldhouse to aid people displaced by flash flooding. Addison Central School District buses were transporting impacted residents to the shelter Friday. The shelter will be open until Monday.

Another shelter "open to all individuals and families in need of essential services" was established Friday at Hornell High School located at 134 Seneca St. in Hornell. The shelter closed Saturday.

These Steuben County roads closed under emergency order

Portions of many roads in southern Steuben County have been closed under an emergency order following extensive flash flooding in the southern part of the county .

The county issued the following update to road closures Saturday evening:

  • County Route 14 – From Cochrane Road to Turnpike Road (Town of Bath) and from County Route 69 to County Route 119 (Towns of Howard, Canisteo)
  • County Route 119 – From County Route 10 to County Route 27 (Towns of Cameron, Canisteo) and from County Route 128 to State Route 36 (Town of Canisteo)
  • County Route 31 – From State Route 36 (northern intersection) to County Route 63 (Towns of Canisteo, Jasper)
  • County Route 71 – All (Town of Jasper)
  • County Route 28 – From State Route 248 to County Route 64 (Towns of Canisteo, Hartsville)
  • County Route 84 – From Hillard Road to Tombs Road (Town of Troupsburg)
  • County Route 129 – County Route 82 to Washington Street (Town of Woodhull)
  • County Route 21 – From County Route 102 to Hubbard Road (Towns of Rathbone, Woodhull)
  • County Route 126 – From State Route 417 to Reiman Road (Town of Greenwood)
  • State Route 248 – From Slate Creek Rd to Fall Creek Rd (Town of Canisteo)
  • State Route 36 – From Canisteo (Willow Bend) South to Gravel Run (Town of Canisteo)

A travel advisory remains in place for the towns of Canisteo, Jasper, Greenwood, Woodhull and Cameron. Residents must avoid unnecessary travel in these towns, the county said.

Emergency responders, public works, and cleanup crews are actively working in these areas.

Widespread power outages continue Friday afternoon

Thousands of Southern Tier residents are still without power Friday afternoon and more customers have reported outages as the remnants of Tropical Storm Debby sweep through the region. As of 4:20 p.m.,  NYSEG reported  the largest outages were in the following counties:

  • Broome County: 4,360 customers without power
  • Chenango County: 1,272 customers without power
  • Delaware County: 6,100 customers without power
  • Steuben County: 3,556 customers without power
  • Tioga County: 2,418 customers without power

Choconut Creek reaches major flood stage

Choconut Creek has approached major flood stage. Broome County Office of Emergency Services said the creek, from Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania to Vestal, will crest between 10 and 11 feet.

Flooding will occur along low-lying areas along the creek.

The National Weather Service's measured impacts at that level include flooding of properties and homes on Richards Avenue, Kintner Estates, Glenwood Road, Coleman Street, West Hill Road, Grand Avenue, Sunset Avenue, Kellum Road and West Hill Road. Evacuations and water rescues have occurred in the past above this level.

NWS Radar in Southern Tier, NY

Power outages across southern tier.

Thousands of Southern Tier residents are without power Friday afternoon as the remnants of Tropical Storm Debby sweep through the region. As of 2 p.m., NYSEG reported the largest outages were in the following counties:

  • Broome County: 3,090 customers without power
  • Chenango County: 3,829 customers without power
  • Steuben County: 3,337 customers without power

Steuben County declares state of emergency, orders evacuations

Steuben County declared a state of emergency Friday afternoon as persistent rainfall from Tropical Storm Debby  triggered widespread flash flooding  and dangerous road conditions.

The county also issued emergency orders for evacuations of the hamlet of Woodhull along the Tuscarora Creek, as well as the hamlet of Jasper due to leaking propane storage tanks. All residents in the hamlet of Jasper and within a half mile of the hamlet should evacuate the area immediately.

Residents on the southside of the Village of Addison along the Tuscarora Creek were also ordered to evacuate. All residents along the Tuscarora Creek between Woodhull and Addison should head to higher ground immediately, according to the county.

A Red Cross shelter is being established at the Corning-Painted Post High School Fieldhouse.

As part of the county-wide state of emergency, residents were asked to avoid unnecessary travel until further notice.

In Greenwood, officials declared a local state of emergency, prohibiting all travel in the town.

Hickories Park in Owego closed

Hickories Park will close at 2 p.m. Friday "due to the impending flooding," Town of Owego Supervisor Donald Castellucci said in a statement.

The campground and dog park will also be closed.

Flood warnings for Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Yates counties

At 9:30 a.m., the Binghamton-based National Weather Service Office issued a flash flood warning for western Chemung and Schuyler counties, along with all of Steuben and Yates counties. The warning, which is in place until 3:30 p.m., said heavy rain will fall across the impacted area, where up to one inch has already fallen. This could lead to flooding of small creeks, streams, highways, streets and underpasses.

Flood warning for Allegany County with flooding an imminent threat

The National Weather Service issued a flood warning for Allegany County, including the towns of Angelica, Belfast, Wellsville, Andover and Alfred.

The flood warning is in place until 6:45 p.m. Friday. The warning says to expect "excessive rainfall" to cause flooding, with rivers, creeks, streams and other low-lying and flood-prone locations facing an imminent threat.

Southern Tier counties under Friday flood watch

Friday morning, the National Weather Service issued a flash flood warning for southwestern Broom County and central Susquehanna County in northeastern Pennsylvania until 1:45 p.m. today.

In its latest briefing, the Weather Service said along with flash flooding, there remains the continued potential for strong wind gusts and isolated tornadoes within storm cells.

The Weather Service said the potential for main stem river flooding has lessened somewhat.

A flood watch from Friday morning until early Saturday morning is in effect over a wide swath of New York state. The watch includes parts of central New York and more than a dozen counties in the Southern Tier including Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Yates and Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties in northeast Pennsylvania.

Two to three inches of rain expected in Hornell, Corning, Elmira

The most intense rainfall from the system is expected Friday, especially in the afternoon through the evening, as low pressure from Debby passes through the region, the Weather Service said.

The Weather Service still has some uncertainty where the heaviest rain axis will be, but the system will be moving through quickly, trackers predict.

The Weather Service said there is a "moderate risk" of flash flooding Friday during the day and Friday night.

River flooding is also possible Friday night and into the weekend, as creeks and streams drain into main-stem rivers, forecasters said. Flooding could persist even after the rainfall stops, the Weather Service cautioned.

The chance of precipitation in the Binghamton area Friday is near 100%, with the latest forecast calling for new rainfall amounts of between 1 and 2 inches on Friday.

The Weather Service said Friday night showers could bring thunderstorms, mainly before 2 a.m., to Broome County and to the surrounding areas.

The chance of rain was 100% for Friday in Elmira, Corning and Hornell, with two or three inches expected and localized flooding possible for all three, according to forecasts.

Wellsville in Allegany County has 100% chance of rain on Friday with a thunderstorm possible in the morning, according to the Weather Service. Wellsville, which is under a flood watch until later Friday, is due to receive one to two inches of rain, the Buffalo-based National Weather Service office said.

The rain could disappear as quickly as it came. Saturday is expected to be dry with temperatures in the 70s throughout much of the state.

More: COVID cases expected to surge in NY: What to expect this August and back-to-school season

Southern Tier flood stage forecasts

Click here for a complete map of National Weather Service river gauges in the region.

  • Susquehanna River at Vestal
  • Susquehanna River at Binghamton
  • Susquehanna River at Conklin
  • Susquehanna River at Windsor
  • Susquehanna River at Owego
  • Susquehanna River near Waverly
  • Susquehanna River at Unadilla
  • Susquehanna River at Bainbridge
  • Chenango River near Chenango Forks
  • Chenango River at Greene
  • Canisteo River near Arkport
  • Canisteo River at Hornell
  • Canisteo River at West Cameron
  • Chemung River at Elmira
  • Chemung River at Corning
  • Cohocton River near Campbell
  • Cohocton River at Bath
  • Cohocton River at Avoca
  • Tioga River at Lindley
  • Genesee River at Wellsville
  • Tioughnioga River at Lisle
  • Cayuga Lake at Ithaca
  • Fall Creek at Ithaca


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    10. Travel back in time with a visit to Burkov's Manor House ; 11. Tour Ioanno-Vvedensky Nunnery; 12. Rest and rejuvenate at Hot Springs Avan; 13. Browse through the exhibits at City Council Local History Museum; 14. Be awed by one of the largest statues of Lenin in Russia; 15. Have a splashing good time at Water Park Leto Leto ; 16.

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  28. Tyumen

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  29. Tropical Storm Debby reaches Southern Tier NY, live blog

    A travel advisory remains in place for the towns of Canisteo, Jasper, Greenwood, Woodhull and Cameron. Residents must avoid unnecessary travel in these towns, the county said.

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