travel agencies in vilnius

Lithuania Travel Agency

At Exploring Tourism, the leading Lithuania travel agency, we outdo at helping you get your trip planned. Not just trip, but exceptional trips filled with exciting and life-enriching experiences. Our travel agents are experts at handcrafting and coordinating complex itineraries to Lithuania



Classical Baltics Plus Tour

Lithuania Travel Agent

Exploring Tourism is one of the most reliable and experienced travel agency in Lithuania. It helps you plan your trip to Lithuania and helps you gain an enriching life experience. With expert Lithuania travel agent, it offers customized tour packages according to your requirements and budget. Pack your bags and be ready to explore Lithuania with us.

Travel to Lithuania with Exploring Tourism to get the best travelling experience. We have partnered with the best and experienced travel agent to provide you the perfect and specialized tour package. They plan your tour according your budget, duration, and interest. We also help you with your airport transfer, guide, hotel , sightseeing and all kinds of activities in Lithuania .

Planning to spend your holidays in Lithuania? Contact Exploring Tourism to plan the best trip to Lithuania for you. It is one of the well-known and reliable travel agency in Lithuania with association with the best travel agent to plan your dream trip to Lithuania within your budget. Send your travel enquiry with more details to our local Tour Operator.

At Exploring Tourism, our professional Vilnius Travel Agent specialize in organizing and planning trips for individuals or groups visiting Vilnius, Lithuania largest city. Our travel agent in Vilnius has an in-depth knowledge of the attractions, accommodation, transport options and local customs; drawing on this expertise, they create memorable travel experiences for clients.

Vilnius is a vibrant and culturally rich city that offers visitors many tourist attractions ranging from historic monuments to modern wonders. Our travel agent in Vilnius can guide tourists in choosing places to visit according to their interests and preferences.


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Your DMC partner for over 15 years

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Travel trade professionals

AMBER TOURS is one of the TOP 3 incoming tour operators in Lithuania and a leading DMC in the Baltic States. We currently deliver high-quality services in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Russia, and Scandinavia. Our customers include tour operators, travel agencies, meeting and incentive planners, and organizations from more than 25 countries that require customized travel arrangements in the Baltic States and neighboring countries.

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We can help you!

You are really a great incoming agent to work with! I really appreciate the way you are dealing with our  groups! I know you do everything to give them the best! So it’s really great that you value our clients!

Une très bonne organisation des différentes étapes de notre voyage a été effectuée par l‘agence avec d’excellentes guides francophones et des hôtels confortables et bien situés .Nous avions une semaine pour découvrir les 3 capitales des pays baltes et le circuit concocté par l‘agence, était parfait. Vraiment un excellent séjour ! A recommander .

Merci encore pour ce magnifique city trip que tu nous as magnifiquement orchestré dont nous garderons toutes un excellent souvenir ! Tout était parfait: l'hôtel choisi très bien situé, la guide très cultivée parlant bien le français très gentille, le car très confortable, le programme qui fut très apprécié par sa variété.

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Kruizas Baltijos jūros keliais: Talinas - Helsinkis - Stokholmas

Šiaurės Italija (Turinas - Milanas + Gardos, Madžorės ir Komo ežeras) (skrydis iš Vilniaus arba Rygos)

Šiaurės Italija (Turinas - Milanas + Gardos, Madžorės ir Komo ežeras) (skrydis iš Vilniaus arba Rygos)

NEPALAS (skrydis iš Rygos)

NEPALAS (skrydis iš Rygos)

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Kelionės lėktuvu

Jei nesate įpratę gaišti brangaus atostogų laiko ilgoms kelionėms, tai kelionės lėktuvu geriausias pasirinkimas. Vos per kelias valandas atsidursite kitose klimato sąlygose.

Kelionės autobusu

Patogūs mūsų autobusai kursuoja visoje Europoje, nuo Estijos iki Ispanijos. Ekskursijos autobusu leidžia vienos kelionės metu aplankyti maksimalų miestų ir šalių skaičių.

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Kelionės kruiziniais laivais leidžia negaišti laiko – juk kiekviename laive yra daugybė pramogų. Smagiai leiskite laiką viso maršruto metu!

INTERLUX TRAVEL savo veiklą Lietuvoje pradėjo 2015 metais, kuomet Vilniuje atidarė savo biurą. Tarptautinio kelionių organizatoriaus pagrindinis biuras yra įsikūręs Latvijoje. Plėsdami veiklą INTERLUX TRAVEL savo atstovybes atidarė ir kitose šalyse. Lietuva – viena pirmųjų. Taip pat mus galite rasti Vokietijoje, Estijoje ir Ukrainoje. Pagrindinis mūsų kompanijos tikslas – pasiūlyti aukštos kokybės keliones už prieinamas kainas. Per ilgus mūsų darbo bei bendradarbiavimo metus susikūrėme puikius santykius su partneriais, kas mums leidžia pasiūlyti kokybiškas keliones už patrauklias kainas. Mes – tolimas ir, regis, nepasiekiamas kryptis padarome prieinamas kiekvienam! Mūsų tikslas - laužyti stereotipus, jog keliavimas yra prabanga! Keliauk ir pažink pasaulį su INTERLUX TRAVEL!

Mūsų partneriai


(+372) 6 266 266


Estravel Vilnius – The leading corporate travel agency in Lithuania


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  • Visit Lithuania
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  • Visit Estonia
  • MICE Services We Provide
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  • +370 5 212 5805


About Estravel Vilnius

The leading corporate travel agency in lithuania .

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More information and contacts of Estravel Vilnius departments – click here.

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Along with the importance of travel, the geography of travel has grown very strongly. Travelers have many questions: how, where, when to plan a trip, what travel services need to be booked in advance, and when the prices are best? We believe that having a professional travel consultant is no less important than having a doctor, lawyer, or banker. 

The goal of the Business Travel Team is to help every traveler achieve their business goals at the best value for money. It doesn‘t matter at all if you travel once a month or 50 times; it doesn‘t matter how many of your colleagues travel daily. With more than 20 years of travel experience, we have developed travel organization tools that meet the travel needs of both the individual and the global corporation.

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Travel agency "Zigzag Travel"

Baltic Travel Service

Lufthansa City Center Baltic Travel Service

About lcc baltic travel service.

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We will take care of all the details such as to ensure the complete success of your meeting! From accommodation to audiovisual and technical support, logistics to micro-event planning, our team takes care of all the details and provide the cost-effective solutions that your meeting or conference needs. Through our relationships and partnerships with airlines, hotels, transport companies, and regional authorities, we can provide logistics, travel, and entertainment at leading rates. We start by understanding your corporate objectives, including the needs and interests of your audience, and how your event can help you to fulfill those needs. Working to your specific objectives, we create your tailor-made event from the ground up.

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Travel agencies Vilnius, Lithuania

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Informative materials - Vilnius

  • Prices, Cost Of Living Vilnius
  • Current local time in Vilnius
  • Time zone - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Weather - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Map of Vilnius
  • National flag Lithuania
  • Vilnius - phone code, how to call Vilnius
  • Pictures of Vilnius
  • Distances from Vilnius, Lithuania

Informative materials - Lithuania

  • Currency Lithuania, Lithuanian Litas
  • Currency calculator Lithuanian Litas
  • Holidays Lithuania
  • Embassies Lithuania
  • Map of Lithuania
  • List of airports Lithuania

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“Travel Solutions” Ltd. is a Tour Operator based in Vilnius and operating in The Baltics States.

Founded in 2012, we‘ve been successfully working since that time, offering a wide range of inbound tourism services throughout Lithuania and its neighboring countries: Latvia, Estonia; as well as full travel agency services throughout the Europe.

What we do

We organize bespoken and highly Tailor-made tours, specializing in travel-themed activities, tasting escapes, remarkable journeys, as well as educational and business trips or events. We listen to our clients needs and build a special travel product around that.

Our client portfolio is very broad and includes:

  • Individual Travelers;
  • Groups (kids, students, sportsmen, athletes, pilgrims);
  • Company’s employees (bank, aviation, insurance) & Government Officials.

During challenging times as the pandemic struck the world we decided that it was time to rethink travelling and bring more innovative products, services and solutions to the traveler. So we set out to create a multifunctional platform that will make travel booking easier.

On our platform we aim to list online great deals and offers, as well as quality listings for every part of your travel, holiday and vacation. We want you to be able to book everything in one place: hotels, flights, tours, activities, sightseeing, cars, transfers. You can book travel services around the world, shop travel products, and find out about the latest travel developments in the world, including travel restrictions and updates. We also offer our own special packages or bundle bookings that include limited time offers and special deals.

And , thereby was born. This project has been funded by the MITA Lithuania (Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology).

What matters to us


We understand that every client is unique and we aim to deliver a highly personalized experience for every one of you. Be it a tour, an activity, a holiday on the beach or a city break! We want our clients to have comfortable stays and memorable experiences. Quality matters to us and we only work with the best travel partners and services providers.

We are extremely proud of our guides, group leaders, partners! Their skills and travel knowledge are different and very individual themselves, but they all share a passion for travel and a desire to tailor their travel services to the individual needs of our customers.

We believe that the best thing about memories is making them! Our mission is to help you create it most incredible.  That’s why, we take extra care with every single client and every single booking.

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Popular Destinations

Spectacular lithuania, wonderful latvia, inspiring estonia, best value trips, medieval lithuania.

Day 1: Upon arrival at Vilnius airport / bus or train station, you will be met by your professional driver for a private transfer to your hotel. Check in at a hotel and enjoy a …

Picturesquare Vilnius City Tour with Traditional Lithuanian Lunch

If you're visiting Vilnius for the first time with a few days of vacation, we suggest you to take our guided walking tour followed by sightseeing by bus/minibus. During city tour, you will get to …

Discover The Baltic States 7d/ 6n.

Discover the culture and landscape of the Baltic States. Our comprehensive seven-day package will take you around the splendid Baltic capitals, Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, along with other highlights of the region.DAY 1: ARRIVAL VILNIUS  Arrival …

National Dinner with Folk Show

Are you curious about traditional dishes in Lithuania? We offer you an exceptional opportunity to experience Lithuanian culture during 2-hour national dinner with folk show in the heart of Vilnius old town. Outline of the program:3 meals of …

Baltic Tour & Travel

Experience The Beautiful Baltic Tours With Pleasure !Fantasying about the paradise and really visiting in such location are two different things but we at Norlendatrip can make it happen with our Baltic Tours. Reaching the …

The Perfect Advantages of Bus Travel These Days The bursting bills of travelling can make any trip terrifying. Being the indispensable part of trips and tours, one cannot compromise on the travel part and can either …

Bird’s Eye Views of Lithuania

Description:  Fly in a hot air balloon for a truly unforgettable experience. Being on the ground and relying on the weather to move you forward is a magnificent experience. Enjoy breath-taking views, wonder of nature …

Best of Lithuania and Riga 8d/ 7n.

Day 1: ARRIVE IN VILNIUS Arrival to Vilnius City, transfer to the hotel, check-in and welcome meeting. Meals included:   Dinner Day 2: VILNIUS - TRAKAI - VILNIUS Following a hearty breakfast at the hotel, we are headed for Vilnius sightseeing …

Why Makes Us So Special?

Handipicked hotels.

We have first-hand knowledge of the best places to stay, and we truly believe that quality accommodation is often the key to an unforgettable adventure. Our customers can rest assured that every hotel is handpicked to ensure the best location, facilities, and services in every destination.

Custom-made Baltic Travel Itineraries

Tired of conventional tours and mundane itineraries? We pay careful attention to specific needs in each circumstance and then use our local expertise to create a fully customized travel experience for every individual.


Forget third parties, commissions, and substandard service. We facilitate your journey with an impressive fleet, professional drivers, and friendly guides. Furthermore, you have direct access to our customer service at anytime, anywhere.

Articles & Tips

Christmas in lithuania, festival “the greater lanterns of china” in pakruojis manor, christopher festival in lithuania, vilnius.

When it comes to day tours, weekend escapes, reliable arrangements and carefully designed travel itineraries in the Baltic region – NORLENDATRIP has you covered!

Contact Info

UAB Norlenda / NorlendaTrip Address: Smolensko str. 1, LT-03202 Vilnius Phone: +37067645548 [email protected]

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Vilnius Reviews & Ratings

Great holiday.

Really interesting trip made extra special by our guide Melia, whose knowledge was incredible. We were really lucky with the weather and had a really good group o...

Explore and discover the Baltics

I enjoyed discovering an area of Europe I knew little about. Visiting many areas of all 3 countries. Guide well organized and itinerary good. Only problems were T...

Three small countries with a lot of character

The Baltic countries are interesting and the old towns are charming. They have suffered a lot under various foreign rulers and are proud of their independence. The...

Travels in the Baltics

A bit of a whirlwind tour although the three Baltic States relatively small, green and flat. I knew virtually nothing about them before I went but learned a lot ...

Brilliant Trip

This is a well designed trip giving an excellent overview of all three Baltic states. This not only included the capital cities but other towns and much countrysid...

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Trip planning

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Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Lithuania 2024/2025

Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Lithuania. Below you will find 10 of the best tour operators and travel agencies in Lithuania offering in total 24 tours and holidays through-out Lithuania. Combined they have received 172 customer reviews and an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The top tour activities offered in Lithuania are: Sightseeing, attractions, culture and history, Food, wine, events and nightlife & Adventure and sport.

  • Tours in Lithuania
  • Lithuania Travel Guide

10 Tour Operators in Lithuania with 172 Reviews

Exodus Travels

Exodus Travels

  • Address Grange Mills, Weir Road, London, England
  • Response Rate 85%
  • Response Time 3 hours

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  • Best-in-Class Top 5% of companies
  • Excellent Service Top 10% of companies
  • Superior Service Top 15% of companies

G Adventures

G Adventures

  • Address G Adventures Ltd, 60 Bastwick Street, London, England
  • Response Rate 90%
  • Response Time 1 hour


  • Address Nelson House, 55-59 Victoria Rd, Farnborough, England
  • Response Rate 94%
  • Response Time 2 hours

On The Go Tours

On The Go Tours

  • Address 3 Shortlands, 4th floor, Office 19, Hammersmith, England
  • Response Rate 88%

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

  • Address 380 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Australia

Travel Addicts Club

Travel Addicts Club

  • Address Paupio str. 31A, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Response Rate 81%


  • Address 1B Osiers Road, Wandsworth, London, England


  • Address 38-51 Bedford Way, London, England

Indus Travels

Indus Travels

  • Address 233, 11951 Hammersmith Way, Richmond, Canada
  • Response Rate 98%



  • Address c/ Garcia de Paredes Nº 55 1ª Planta, Madrid, Spain
  • Response Rate 97%

Lithuania Tour Reviews

  • Lithuania budget tours
  • Eco tours in Lithuania
  • Lithuania guided tours
  • Lithuania family tour packages
  • Lithuania group tours
  • Lithuania last minute deals
  • Lithuania small group tours
  • Lithuania solo trips
  • Lithuania tours for senior citizens
  • Lithuania tours for young adults
  • Lithuania travel deals

Upcoming Departures

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The land of surprises

Travel with us, about this destination, lithuania-inspiration of outstanding holidays package tours for groups & fit's.

Do you consider yourself a passionate travel agency, travel company, or wholesaler? Are you searching for a local inbound tour operator for tours in Lithuania, and other Nordic countries? Then you are at the right place!  We can help you with our inspirational holiday tours. Our tours are perfect for holidays, and they offer you unforgettable experiences of incredible Lithuania and the capital city Vilnius as well as other Nordic regions.  Please see the images below for inspirations for the composition of unique package tours. If you have questions or any requests, then please click on contact.

Lithuania is a beautiful Baltic state with many surprises from having a long list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, historical Jewish heritages and pilgrimages to having the world fastest internet. The country is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, to the east of Sweden and Denmark. It is bordered by Latvia to the north, Belarus to the east and south and Poland to the south/southwest. Lithuania is a flat country and offers many places for nature outings.

Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is very atmospheric and has a special charm. The city contains one of the largest surviving medieval buildings and various attractions such as museums and castles. Furthermore, the town is home of the Soviet Union’s old KGB building which has now been converted into a museum. Vilnius is an excellent gastronomic destination as well. You can find a wide variety of restaurants – from Lithuania cuisines to international cuisines.

Beside the pilgrimage experience for your soul, Lithuania also offers you a wide range of beauty, aesthetic and wellness services with rich mineral waters, healing mud, herbs and amber. You can visit charming spa towns such as Druskininkai and Birštonas which are surrounded by endless green areas, countless lakes and rivers.

Facts and figures

Capital city, 2,794 million (2020), official language(s), description, a unitary semi-presidential representative democratic republic. eu member state., about travel dot. nordic.

We offer a wide variety of tours to Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and Iceland by designing an itinerary, arrange hotels, transportation, restaurants, entrances, activities, tour guides and more - from the beginning to the end.

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Lithuania Tour Operators

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Travel Agents In Vilnius

Vilnius in love Travels

Vilnius , Vilnius , Lithuania

Services : Tour Operators

We are Dealing in Tour & Travels Services.

Baltic Idea Generator 5 / 5 - 1 Reviews

J.Savicki0 4 , Vilnius , Lithuania

Themes : Religious & Pilgrimage, Religious & Pilgrimage, , Beaches and Islands

Enthusiastic tour operator offering best travel ideas to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia! Wide tour choices for individuals and groups. ...more

Baltic Idea Generator

Lithuanian Holidays Ltd.

Šeimyniškiu St. 1a, Lt , Vilnius , Lithuania - 09312

Services : Hotel Booking Agents, Tour Operators

We Offer Hotel Bookings, City Short Breaks, Weekend Trips, Creative and Well Planned Sightseeing Programs for Individual and Group ...more

Eura Tour Operator

Ozo g. 20-18 , Vilnius , Lithuania

Services : Airline Ticketing Agents, Hotel Booking Agents, Car & Coach Rental, Travel Insurance Agents, Tour Operators, Bus Ticketing Services

Expertise : Religious & Pilgrimage, Hill Stations & Valleys, , Monuments & Historical Places, , , Architecture & Gardens, , Architecture & Gardens, Beaches and Islands, Beaches and Island s, Beaches and Islands, ...more

Tour Operator EURA specializes in tourism business since 1991. With years of experience we are able to show the most impressive sc ...more

  • Amber Trace (3 Days 2 Nights)

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Gedimino 9 , Vilnius , Lithuania - 01103

We have been the best tourism service provider for a long time giving various services to our customers at competitive prices.

Vilnius with Locals Travels

Gaono g. 1 , Vilnius , Lithuania - 01131

Lithuanian Tours

Seimyniskiu Str. 18 Lt-09312 , Vilnius , Lithuania

We are Offering incentive, cultural heritage, nature lovers, bird watchers tours, visits to artists studios, folklore evenings, an ...more

Discover Lithuania

Pylimo Str. 50, 01307 , Vilnius , Lithuania

Norlenda Trip

Mokyklos str.7 , Vilnius , Lithuania

Themes : Beaches and Islands, , , Monuments & Historical Places, , , Architecture & Gardens

Briefly about NorlendaTrip: Our main activities revolve around group trips by bus in the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). ...more

Norlenda Trip

Travel Agency In Vilnius is the right place to get in touch with tour operators in Vilnius, who can customize tour packages for you as per your requirements. Travel agents in Vilnius can facilitate your trip to the city by also providing effective local advice at reasonable charges. We have a strong network of travel agency in Vilnius that you can easily connect with, and plan your trip for a hassle-free experience. These tour operators in Vilnius have a long-standing in the travel industry, and they are known for providing Vilnius tour package that is comprehensive, professional, and affordable. Simply send your requirement to Vilnius travel agents for getting the best quote.

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Travel Agency in Vilnius, LT

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Vilnius Tours & Trips

158 vilnius tour packages with 483 reviews.

The Best of Baltic Highlights in 8 days, 4* hotels (Guaranteed departure) Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer Coach / Bus Sightseeing Historical +4

The Best of Baltic Highlights in 8 days, 4* hotels (Guaranteed departure)

"It's worth the money. We have a knowledgeable and friendly tour guide." Quang, traveled in October 2022

Highlights of Baltic States in 8 Days (Guaranteed Departure) Tour

In-depth Cultural Sightseeing

Highlights of Baltic States in 8 Days (Guaranteed Departure)

"The lodging was wonderful, and the tour group was very good, although we were English, German and Spanish speakers." James, traveled in May 2024
  • €100 deposit on some dates

Highlights of the Baltics - 8 days Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer Historical +2

Highlights of the Baltics - 8 days

"Blue skies the whole time. Very professional." THOMAS, traveled in April 2024

Baltic Highlights Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Sightseeing +1

Baltic Highlights

"Baltic Nature Tours team was a pleasure to work with. The tours were very informative and always had a quirky fun edge." Snehal, traveled in April 2019

Stunning Baltics Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Family Explorer +2

Stunning Baltics

Classic Baltics Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Explorer +1

Classic Baltics

"Well organized. Good travel program. Comfortable well localized Hotels. Comfortable private Transport Vans." Marc, traveled in May 2019

Tour of The Baltic Capitals Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer +1

Tour of The Baltic Capitals

Stunning Baltics End Warsaw Tour

Explorer Family Historical

Stunning Baltics End Warsaw

"These tours are like a multi-country hop on hop off bus. You can customize your countries 100%." Leona, traveled in November 2023

Small Group Baltic Highlights and Sea Visit in 10 Days (Guaranteed Departure) Tour

Explorer Historical

Small Group Baltic Highlights and Sea Visit in 10 Days (Guaranteed Departure)

"Great holiday with all must see destinations in the Baltic states including some i did not realise existed before the trip." Anne, traveled in July 2023

Baltic Capital Cities Tour

In-depth Cultural Explorer

Baltic Capital Cities

"Pakruojis Manor was a quirky and unexpected experience! Tallin was the best of all, so visiting their last meant the trip got better and better as the week progressed!" Paul, traveled in October 2023
  • 10% deposit on some dates

The Baltics in 7 days from Tallinn to Riga end in Vilnius Tour

Explorer Family

The Baltics in 7 days from Tallinn to Riga end in Vilnius

Walk Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Tour

Hiking & Trekking Walking Adventure Mountain Hikes Explorer +3

Walk Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

"The Curonian peninsula was beautiful and a delight. Our forest/river walk and cable car ride were great." Fiona, traveled in September 2023

Absolute Baltic - 8 Days Tour

In-depth Cultural Family

Absolute Baltic - 8 Days

The Best of The Baltics + Helsinki in 10 days (Guaranteed departure) Tour

The Best of The Baltics + Helsinki in 10 days (Guaranteed departure)

"The people in the major cities speak english very well and are really friendly. The cities have something special about them." Dovila, traveled in July 2017

Baltic Classical Tour

Baltic Classical

"The countries have survived despite their difficult history. It is a wonder part of the world to visit!" LornaTaylor, traveled in September 2019

What people love about Vilnius Tours

Tour was fantastic. ILONA did a great job at keeping everyone together. He knowledge of history was outstanding. Hotels were perfect and all in or close to the city center. This was a great value foe the money. Lots of optional tours that you could or did not have to do, which I like.
Many thanks and best wishes
Our guide Valdis Ceics was brilliant - sharing his local knowledge and fun facts, telling stories about the history of the Baltic States and how it affected the people. Not only did Valdis speak good English he also had to speak German. In fact on one occasion Valdis was only going to do the german tour, so several of us “jumped ship” and joined him.

Tours starting from Vilnius

  • for 10 Days (39)
  • for 2 Weeks (12)
  • for 7 Days (7)
  • to Europe (59)
  • to Lithuania (6)

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  2. Special Offer for Travel Professionals

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  3. Vilnius Tourist Information Centre

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  4. Vilnius, Lithuania: For Digital Nomads and Travel

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  5. Vilnius Lithuania Travel Guide, Tips, and Free Tours!

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  6. Tips for traveling in Vilnius, Lithuania

    travel agencies in vilnius


  1. Travel Agency in Vilnius

    As a leading travel agency in Vilnius, Exploring Tourism aims to make your visit truly unforgettable. Our expert Vilnius travel agent know all about its vibrant culture, history, and hidden gems, ensuring that you experience all it has to offer during your stay here. When you choose us as your travel agency in Vilnius, you gain access to our ...

  2. Lithuania Travel Agency

    Vilnius TRAVEL AGENT At Exploring Tourism, our professional Vilnius Travel Agent specialize in organizing and planning trips for individuals or groups visiting Vilnius, Lithuania largest city. Our travel agent in Vilnius has an in-depth knowledge of the attractions, accommodation, transport options and local customs; drawing on this expertise, they create memorable travel experiences for clients.

  3. Home

    Travel trade professionals ... Our customers include tour operators, travel agencies, meeting and incentive planners, and organizations from more than 25 countries that require customized travel arrangements in the Baltic States and neighboring countries. ... LT-08240 Vilnius, Lithuania +370 5 2756985 [email protected] ...

  4. Travel agencies, tour organisers Vilnius

    Travel agency in Vilnius, travel agencies, tourism agency, travel organisation, group travels, travels for schoolchildren, tourism, travel, ... Website. Get directions Google Maps Waze Atsidarys rytoj 8.30 (+370) 52751446. Website. Get directions Google Maps Waze Kalvarijų g. 14 (Šnipiškės), Vilnius ...

  5. Kelionių agentūra Vilniuje ⭐️ Pigios kelionės ⭐️ InterLux

    INTERLUX TRAVEL - tai tarptautinė pigių kelionių agentūra, įsikūrusi Vilniuje. Mūsų svetainėje rasite gerų ir nebrangių kelionių pasiūlymų ☑️ ... LT-09308 Vilnius, Lietuva. Darbo dienomis: 09:00 - 18:00. KLIENTAMS (+370) 527 86 835 (+370) 650 51 568 [email protected]. AGENTŪROMS (+370) 678 78 618 agenturos@interluxtravel ...


    Estravel Vilnius UAB is wholly owned subsidiary company in Lithuania. Two sales offices opened in Vilnius in 2008 and 2009. ... Estravel Vilnius - The leading corporate travel agency in Lithuania. Company name: Estravel Vilnius UAB: Registration code: 110781452: Established: 1997: HQ address: Konstitucijos pr. 26, (Forum Palace), LT-08105 ...

  7. About Estravel Vilnius

    The Leading Corporate Travel Agency in Lithuania Home; About Estravel Vilnius; Company name: Estravel Vilnius UAB Registration Code: 110781452 Established: 1997 HQ Address: Konstitucijos avenue 26 (Forum Palace Building), LT-08105 Vilnius, Lithuania Shareholders: Estravel AS (100%)

  8. About travel agency "Zigzag Travel". Travel services in Lithuania

    Travel agency ZIGZAG TRAVEL was established in 1992 and now it is one of the largest travel companies in Lithuania. Being market leaders we have more than 20 years of experience in tourism. Now our company is official member of IATA, representative of Voyages SNCF (RailEurope), ISIC, ITIC, European Youth Card in Lithuania, agency of popular ...

  9. Travel agency Baltic Travel Service in Vilnius

    Subačiaus str. 2 and Konstitucijos ave. 23B 1302 Vilnius Lithuania ... It is the only travel agency in Lithuania, which has a partnership with Lufthansa City Center in the global network. This circumstance ensures and guarantees our customers high quality services. During more than 20 years its activities have gained considerable experience in ...

  10. Vilnius, travel agencies, Lithuania, weather Vilnius, phone code, photo

    Toggle navigation. Search. Lithuania. more about this country

  11. About Us

    "Travel Solutions" Ltd. is a Tour Operator based in Vilnius and operating in The Baltics States. Founded in 2012, we've been successfully working since that time, offering a wide range of inbound tourism services throughout Lithuania and its neighboring countries: Latvia, Estonia; as well as full travel agency services throughout the Europe.

  12. Kelionių agentūra Zip Travel

    Didžiuojamės, jog mūsų kelionių agentūros biurus galite rasti ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir Rytų, Centrinėje Europoje bei Azijoje. „ZIP Travel" kelionių agentūros biurai Lietuvoje: Klaipėdos g. 7 B-12, Vilniuje bei Kęstučio g. 57 -1, Kaune. Kelionių pasiūlymai, pažintinės pigios kelionės autobusu ir lėktuvu.

  13. Baltic States Tours

    Travel Addicts Club is an incoming tour operator and DMC in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We provide Small Group Trips and Custom Trips - Baltic States Highlights, Nature and Outdoors and Exclusive Experiences. ... Paupio g 31A, Vilnius, Lithuania. Phone: +370 614 99817. E-mail: [email protected] . Company code: 304428389.

  14. NorlendaTrip: Baltic Tours & Travel Agency

    Discover The Baltic States 7d/ 6n. Discover the culture and landscape of the Baltic States. Our comprehensive seven-day package will take you around the splendid Baltic capitals, Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, along with other highlights of the region.DAY 1: ARRIVAL VILNIUS Arrival …. 7 days.

  15. Lithuanian Tours

    Incoming travel services in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Helsinki area including group and individual tours. EN; IT; ES; FR; DE; [email protected] +370 5 2724163. ... Weekend in Vilnius Find more Weekend in Tallinn Find more Weekend in Riga Find more Trip to Soviet missile base in Plokstine

  16. Lithuania. Co-create Experiences

    Vilnius TV Tower Sausio 13-osios St. 10, Vilnius I-VII: 11:00-21:00 Patinka Skaityti daugiau White bridge square ... From travel requirements to tips and tricks to get the most out of your trip to Lithuania More about trips in Lithuania june 13,2024 ...

  17. 10 Best Vilnius Tour Companies & Reviews

    Expert & traveler reviews, photos, videos, itineraries. Find the best Vilnius tour company for your style and budget: 50 Degrees North, Explore!,... Search Search Tours. Design custom trip. ... Search 26 Vilnius tour operators and travel companies, with 312 reviews. # 1. of 26. matches. none. 50 Degrees North. 5. 53 reviews. 2 trips to Vilnius .

  18. 10 Best Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Lithuania

    of 310 reviews. Address Nelson House, 55-59 Victoria Rd, Farnborough, England. Response Rate 94%. Response Time 3 hours. Certificate of Best-in-Class. Explore is one of the world's most trusted adventure travel companies with over 500 trips to more than 120 countries.

  19. Lithuania and Vilnius Holidays package tours. Travel agency

    Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is very atmospheric and has a special charm. The city contains one of the largest surviving medieval buildings and various attractions such as museums and castles. Furthermore, the town is home of the Soviet Union's old KGB building which has now been converted into a museum.

  20. Travel Agents In Vilnius

    Vilnius with Locals Travels. Gaono g. 1, Vilnius, Lithuania - 01131. Services : Tour Operators. We are Dealing in Tour & Travels Services. Get Quote View Details. View Contact 370-XXXXXX9365.

  21. Travel Agency in Vilnius, LT

    Categories related to Travel Agency in Vilnius. Hotel in Vilnius (1796) Estate Agency in Vilnius (1019) Clothing Store in Vilnius (1005) Sport & Entertainment in Vilnius (168) Fitness - Gym in Vilnius (161) Art Gallery - Museum in Vilnius (122) Sport & Entertainment - Sport Articles in Vilnius (34)

  22. 10 Best Vilnius Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Tanzania Safari. Inca Trail. Leadership Team: Bios & Roles. Mt Kilimanjaro Northern Circuit Route (with Reviews) A Letter to our Community. Awaken to Peru. Browse the best tours in Vilnius with 480 reviews visiting places like Vilnius and Riga. All Major Brands. Biggest selection.

  23. Plan Your Trip

    Plan Your Trip. Located along the Neris and Vilnelė rivers is the beautiful and bustling City of Vilnius, with its unique Old Town that combines the heritage of many cultures.The centuries-old architecture, the modern buildings and untouched nature right in the city that makes Vilnius one of the greenest capitals in Europe create a unique harmony.

  24. Vilnius

    Vilnius has long history, a prosperous feel, and a very cool vibe. Vilnius may not be the first city many Americans think of when they think of Europe, but it truly is a special place. Vilnius is located in Southeastern Lithuania, about 25 miles from the border with Belarus, at the confluence of the Neris and Vilnia rivers. Vilnius, located at ...

  25. Cheap Flights from Vilnius to Toraja

    From Delta Air Lines to international carriers like Emirates, we compare all major airlines along with the most popular online travel agents to find the cheapest plane tickets from Vilnius to Toraja. And with us, there are no hidden fees - what you see is what you pay. Compare flight deals to Toraja from Vilnius from over 1,000 providers.