• Airport Transfer

Things to Do

From airport, to area, address, building, pick-up date, jackal holidays.

Jackal Holidays offers shuttle services between Soekarno-Hatta International Airport and Bandung that departs hourly. With Traveloka, now you can book their services easily to make your trip from and to the airport as convenient as possible.

About Jackal Holidays

Jackal holidays services and facilities.

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

Why Use Jackal Holidays?

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

More affordable prices.

Scheduled departure times to match your flight time.

Strategic routes along key pick-up and drop-off points.

Flexible drop-off points.

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

How to Use Your Jackal Holidays Voucher

  • Once payment is confirmed, your Traveloka voucher will be sent via email. You can also see it via My Booking .
  • On the departure date, go to your boarding location and show the voucher to the Jackal Holidays Shuttle staff.
  • Get off at your flight’s departure terminal at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
  • When you arrive at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, go to the Jackal Holidays Shuttle counter at the arrival terminal.
  • Show the voucher to the Jackal Holidays Shuttle staff to board the shuttle bus.
  • Get off at your preferred drop-off point.

Jackal Holidays Schedule

Route 1: soekarno-hatta international airport to bandung, route 2: bandung to soekarno-hatta international airport, airport transfer partners.

We team up with top domestic and foreign transportation companies to give you a comfortable ride from and to the airport.

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

Contact Jackal Holidays

0815 8448 9000

[email protected]

Kantor Pusat Jackal Holidays Jalan Dipatiukur nomor 26, Lebakgede, Coblong Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

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6 Travel Bandung Jatiwaringin PP: Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas

travel bandung jatiwaringin

Solotravel.id – Jika ingin melakukan perjalanan dari Bandung menuju Bekasi, saat ini sudah ada berbagai jenis transportasi bisa dipilih. Salah satunya adalah travel Bandung Jatiwaringin dan Bekasi sekitarnya. Dengan berbagai jenis armada, siap mengantarkan Anda sampai ke alamat tujuan tepat waktu dan aman.

Bekasi memang menjadi salah satu kota yang banyak dikunjungi, apalagi sejak perkembangan di sektor bisnis membuat daerah tersebut menjadi salah satu pusat bisnis di luar Jakarta. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang rela bolak balik dari Bandung kesana hanya untuk melakukan aktivitas tertentu setiap hari. Kalau Anda salah satunya dan tidak mau capek, naik travel bisa dijadikan solusi utama.

6 Travel Bandung Jatiwaringin

Perjalanan dari Bandung ke Bekasi dapat ditempuh dengan travel selama sekitar dua sampai tiga jam. Memilih Travel Bandung Bekasi yang memiliki shuttle di Jatiwaringin tentu harus pintar, supaya bisa mendapatkan armada nyaman, perjalanan aman, dan fasilitasnya lengkap.

Seperti enam pilihan berikut ini, yang paling dicari dan sudah banyak penumpang yang repeat order karena pelayanan yang diberikan.

Satu hal yang bisa dijamin dari penyedia travel ini adalah on time, jadi bagi penumpang yang memang ingin pergi tanpa harus menunggu lama maka Xtrans adalah pilihan tepat. penyedia travel ini memiliki jadwal setiap hari hampir setiap jam.

Kalau tidak mau terlambat kerja di Bekasi, maka Anda bisa memilih jadwal paling pagi yaitu pukul 06.05 WIB. Lalu pilih lagi jam keberangkatan dari Bekasi pada sore hari, jika ingin PP setiap harinya.

Fasilitas armadanya tergolong lengkap, dengan armada ELF yang memiliki bagasi luas. Kemudian air mineral untuk penumpang, dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya

  • Alamat: Jalan Dr. Djunjunan Nomor 35, Cicendo, Bandung/www.booking.xtrams.co.id
  • Hubungi: 022-82062555
  • Armada: ELF
  • Fasilitas: Reclining seat, air mineral, kabin luas, AC, dan musik.
  • Layanan: Hubungi operator yang bertugas
  • Rute: Bandung-Jatiwaringin PP
  • Jadwal: Setiap hari dari 06.05 WIB

2. Cititrans

Selanjutnya ada travel Bandung Jatiwaringin yang juga menyediakan pengiriman barang dan layanan sewa kendaraan ELF untuk berbagai kebutuhan penumpang. Hadir dengan mengusung jargon kenyamanan penumpang adalah yang terbaik, membuat semakin banyak yang memilih Cititrans untuk berbagai rute perjalanan.

Anda juga akan dimanjakan oleh berbagai fasilitas mumpuni dari penyedia travel. Mulai dari AV, musik, sampai bangku personal yang memberikan privasi tersendiri bagi penumpang.

Untuk jadwalnya, dimulai dari siang sampai malam hari. Jadi Anda tinggal mencari jadwal yang sesuai lalu pesan tiketnya.

  • Alamat: Jalan Dr. Djunjunan Nomor 153, Bandung/www.cititrans.co.id
  • Hubungi: 08041111000/021-79171717
  • Fasilitas: Bagasi luas, personal seat, full AC, audio,kabin juga luas
  • Layanan: 24 jam, bisa pesan tiket kapan saja
  • Jadwal: 7 kali sehari, 13.00 WIB, 14.00 WIB, 15.00 WIB, 16.00 WIB, 17.00 WIB, 18.00 WIB, 19.00 WIB, dan 20.00 WIB

3. Daytrans

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Daytrans yang sudah lama eksis sebagai penyedia moda transportasi berupa travel dengan jenis armada Hiace Commuter dengan kapasitas penumpang belasan orang.

Jika Anda memilih travel dari Bandung ke Bekasi ini,akan banyak keunggulan fasilitas didapatkan. Membuat penumpang tidak mau pindah ke jasa travel lainnya. ada lampu baca untuk penumpang yang memilih perjalanan malam, kebersihan armada, bagasi lengkap, sistem GPS, dan banyak lagi.

Soal harga juga terjangkau dan bersaing dengan penyedia travel lainnya, namun bisa dipastikan Anda akan mendapatkan pelayanan terbaik.

  • Alamat: Jalan Cihampelas Nomor 64 C, Taman Sari, Bandung
  • Hubungi: 08551356767
  • Armada: Hiace Commuter
  • Fasilitas: GPS tracking system, AC,reclining seat, kabin dan bagasi luas, musik. Armada Hiace Commuter
  • Layanan: Hubungi langsung operator yang bertugas
  • Jadwal: Setiap hari mulai pukul 05.00 WIB

4. Jackal Holidays

Merupakan salah satu jasa travel Bandung Jatiwaringin yang sudah senior, punya banyak rute perjalanan yang mencakup wilayah Jawa Barat dan Jakarta sekitarnya. Saat ini, sudah banyak lokasi shuttle bisa dipilih tentunya dengan fasilitas yang tak kalah dengan penyedia travel lainnya.

Anda juga bisa memesan tiketnya secara online melalui berbagai platform penyedia tiket travel sesuai rute yang dipilih

  • Alamat: Dipatiukur, Bandung/ Marga Raya, Bekasi
  • Hubungi: 021-50600678
  • Fasilitas: Reclining seat, kabin dan bagasi luas, musik
  • Layanan: 24 jam
  • Jadwal: Silahkan hubungi operator yang bertugas

5. Baraya Travel

Esksis sejak 2006, membuat Baraya Travel sudah semakin dikenal banyak orang. Apalagi dengan update armada, fasilitas, hingga layanan yang dilakukan secara kontinu. Membuat penumpang bisa mendapatkan kepuasan saat menggunakan jasa Baraya.

Bahkan saat ini sudah ada sistem travel Bandung Jatiwaringin booking online, membuat Anda lebih mudah melakukan reservasi jarak jauh tanpa harus datang langsung ke shuttle Baraya yang ada di Bandung atau Bekasi.

  • Alamat: Jalan Soekarno Hatta Nomor 482, Bandung/baraya-travel.com
  • Hubungi: 022-2533456
  • Armada: Isuzu ELF
  • Fasilitas: Reclining seat, AC, door to door service, AC, dan musik.
  • Layanan: Setiap hari mulai pukul 05.00 WIB – 22.00 WIB
  • Jadwal: Tersedia setiap hari mulai pukul 05.30 WIB

6. Kencana Trans Travel

Bedanya dari beberapa travel sebelumnya adalah, jadwal keberangkatan yang disediakan mulai tengah malam. Bagi Anda yang ingin tiba di kawasan Jatiwaringin Bekasi sebelum pukul 08.00 WIB pagi, bisa memilih perjalanan malam ini.

Fasilitas setiap armada yang disediakan juga sangat lengkap, begitu juga dengan driver yang dipilih sudah punya pengalaman maksimal sehingga dijamin memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman sepanjang perjalanan.

  • Alamat: Jalan Sukamenak Nomor 128, Margahayu, Bandung
  • Hubungi: 08113336996/082121396168
  • Armada: Hiace dan ELF
  • Fasilitas: Reclining seat, AC, kabin luas, bagasi luas, musik, dan charger port
  • Layanan: 24 jam siap melayani pemesanan tiket
  • Rute: Bandung-Jatiwaringin
  • Jadwal: Mulai pukul 02.00 WIB

Tidak usah susah payah lagi mencari travel Bandung Jatiwaringin yang cocok. Daftar di atas mulai dari Xtrans, Cititrans, Daytrans, sampai Kencana Trans sudah lebih dari cukup memberikan pilihan terbaik bagi Anda, mulai dari yang punya armada paling baru, sampai jadwal paling pagi untuk para pekerja yang menetap di Bandung dan berkantor di Bekasi.

Anda bisa pesan tiketnya langsung melalui operator atau via online, harganya terjangkau mulai dari Rp100 ribuan saja. Memudahkan untuk memilih jadwal dan mencari rute terbaik dengan harga paling murah. Mau pesan tiketnya sekarang?

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Ayo Naik Bis

Travel Jackal Holidays – Jadwal & Harga Tiket Terupdate, Buktikan!

Kemudahan dan kenyamanan melakukan perjalanan keluar kota untuk berbagai urusan / kegiatan dengan menaiki transportasi Jackal Holidays yang melayani secara profesional dan sepenuh hati.

Aplikasi Penghasil Uang

Jackal Holiday Paket

Jadwal keberangkatan bandung – depok, telepon jackal holiday / call center, sekilas tentang jackal holidays, jackal holidays luxury shuttle.

Interior Armada Travel Jackal Holidays

  • GPS tracking
  • Captain seat
  • Leg rest dan arm rest
  • Tanda / nomor kursi

Jackal Holidays Pariwisata

  • Audio & video
  • Reclining seat
  • Port USB charger
  • Dan fasilitas lainnya

Jackal Holiday Inbound Tour

Rute perjalanan shuttle.

  • Bandung – Bekasi (PP)
  • Bandung – Depok (PP)
  • Bandung – Jakarta (PP)
  • Bandung – Tangerang (PP)
  • Bandung – Bandara Soekarno Hatta (PP)

Jadwal Travel Jackal Holidays

Jadwal jackal holidays travel jakarta bandung, jadwal keberangkatan bandung – tangerang, jadwal keberangkatan bandung – bekasi, harga tiket jackal holidays, agen tiket shuttle jackal holidays.

  • Jackal Holidays Dipatiukur Bandung
  • Jackal Holidays Bekasi
  • Jackal Holidays Depok
  • Jackal Holiday Cawang
  • Jackal Holidays Jatiwaringin
  • Jackal Holidays Fatmawati
  • Jackal Holidays Central Park
  • Jackal Holidays Blora Menteng
  • Jackal Holidays Pancoran
  • Jackal Holidays Karawaci
  • Jackal Holidays BSD
  • Dan masih banyak lagi

Pesan Tiket Online Jackal Holidays

Voucher jackal holiday, booking tiket jackal holidays traveloka.

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What's New Bandung

Best Shuttle Services for Jakarta - Bandung

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

Experience a hassle-free journey between Jakarta and Bandung by opting for these highly recommended shuttle services. Whether you prioritize punctuality, luxurious amenities, affordable prices, or a combination of these factors, this list will help you make an informed decision and choose the perfect shuttle service for your Jakarta-Bandung travel needs.

Best Shuttle Services for Jakarta - Bandung / Travel Jakarta - Bandung Terbaik 

1. Cititrans


Established in 2005, Cititrans has successfully expanded its network of shuttle service establishments. With over 20 pick-up and drop-off points available for travel between Jakarta and Bandung, customers have numerous options. The route options are diverse and include Blok M, Fatmawati, SCBD, Bintaro, Central Park, and more. Cititrans provides three types of services: their shuttle service, Citiflyer, which offers transportation directly to the airport, and private drop service.

Cititrans Jl. Dipati Ukur No.53, Bandung P:  (021) 79171717 Instagram Website

2. Jackal Holiday

Jackal Holiday

Jackal Holiday provides a comfortable and safe travel experience. Each unit is equipped with excellent facilities, including CCTV monitoring, a captain seat for every passenger, USB slots, and assigned seating. The available routes include Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Central Park, Fatmawati, Grogol, Jatiwaringin, and more. With a hassle-free booking process, you have the option to reserve your seat through their website, app, or directly at their outlets.

Jackal Holiday Jl. Dipati Ukur No.26F, Bandung P:  (021) 5060078 Instagram Website

3. Lintas Shuttle

Lintas Shuttle

Lintas Shuttle offers excellent facilities on each vehicle, ensuring a pleasant trip experience. Moreover, they provide charging stations at their seats, so you don't have to worry about your phone's battery running out during the journey. They offer a variety of route options, including Blok M, Pancoran, Rawamangun, Slipi, Fatmawati, and more. Another great aspect is that Lintas Shuttle provides an affordable yet highly valuable service.

Lintas Shuttle Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.170, Bandung P:  0855-1500-646 Instagram Website

Also read: 

Best Hotels around Asia Africa Street Bandung

travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

Staying in Bandung is never complete without a visit to Asia Africa Street, the city's most historically rich area.

4. Bhinneka Shuttle

Bhinneka Shuttle

Bhinneka Shuttle provides comfortable and excellent service at an affordable price. If you are heading to Cikini or Cawang, Bhinneka can be a great choice for your shuttle. Bhinneka Shuttle is an ideal option for those seeking an economical yet comfortable trip between Jakarta and Bandung.

Bhinneka Shuttle Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.135, Bandung P:  0804 140 1201 Instagram Website

5. Daytrans


Daytrans provide a comfortable and safe journey with a range of accommodating features. With a variety of vehicle options available, including the Hi Ace Commuter and Hi Ace Premio with 8 seats and exclusive facilities, as well as larger buses, they cater to different travel needs. Daytrans offers various drop-off points in Jakarta, including ITC Serpong, Atrium Plaza, Jatiwaringin, FX Plaza, Slipi, Binus, and more.

Daytrans Jl. Dipati Ukur No.107, Bandung P:  0815-8400-6767 Instagram Website


As a pioneer of pool-to-pool shuttles, X Trans continues to develop its service. With up to 700 departures each day, X Trans has proven its dependability in shuttle services. Drop-off points are available in Pancoran, Jatiwaringin, Semanggi, Kelapa Gading, and Blora. Book your seat efficiently through their website.

X Trans Jl. Cihampelas No.112, Bandung P:  (022) 2039692 Instagram Website

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Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

  • Train Times
  • Seasonality
  • Accommodations

Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


Anything we can improve?

Frequently Asked Questions

Go local from moscow, trending routes, weekend getaways from moscow, international routes from moscow and nearby areas, other destinations from moscow, other popular routes.


  1. Interior Armada Travel Jackal Holidays

    travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

  2. Jackal Holiday Luxury Shuttle (Pasteur)

    travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

  3. 5 Keuntungan Jackal Holidays

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    travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin

  5. Jackal Holiday Luxury Shuttle (Pasteur)

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    travel jackal holiday jatiwaringin


  1. Jackal Holidays Shuttle: Tiket Travel Bandung Jakarta

    Jackal Holidays solusi travel Bandung ke Jakarta - Depok - Tangerang - Bekasi • Luxury Shuttle dengan fasilitas lengkap • Reservasi online disini! Blog ; ... Belum punya aplikasi Jackal Holidays ? unduh sekarang juga. App Store Google Play. Kantor & Call Center. Bandung. Jl. Dipatiukur No.26, Lebakgede, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat ...

  2. Bus Pariwisata Bandung

    Jackal Holidays Luxury Shuttle. Travel pilihan terbaik dan ternyaman dengan jadwal keberangkatan setiap jam untuk rute Bandung, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi. Click More. Jackal Holidays Bus Pariwisata. Memiliki berbagai pilihan armada mulai dari mini bus, medium bus, dan big bus untuk kebutuhan business trip, pariwisata dalam kota & luar kota.

  3. Jackal Holidays

    Jackal Holidays telah dikenal sebagai salah satu penyedia layanan tur pariwisata dan transportasi sejak 1988. Layanan yang ditawarkan sangat bervariasi dan telah menjangkau sejumlah lokasi di Jakarta dan Bandung. Saat ini, kantor pusat Jackal Holidays berlokasi di Bandung, tepatnya di Jalan Dipatiukur No. 26, Lebakgede, Coblong, Bandung.

  4. Jackal Holidays Tours & Travel

    Jackal Holidays Tours & Travel, Bandung. 2,561 likes · 13 talking about this · 2,393 were here. The best in traveling service

  5. Kontak Jackal Holidays Shuttle

    Jatiwaringin (SPBU Pertamina Jatiwaringin SPBU 34.13603, Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin No. 4 Cipinang Melayu, Kec. Makasar, Kota Jakarta Timur) ... Area Travel) Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 1, RT 004/001, Bekasi Selatan, Marga Jaya, Kota Bekasi ... Jackal Holidays Pariwisata yang terpercaya karena kualitas memiliki ratusan armanda kendaraan yang siap ...

  6. Jackal Holidays Shuttle

    Jackal Holidays Shuttle. 640 likes · 1 talking about this. Jackal Holidays Shuttle menyediakan layanan travel Jakarta, Bandung, Bandara & Tangerang yang nyaman

  7. Jackal Holidays

    Nama Jackal Holidays sudah dikenal sebagai salah satu penyedia layanan bus pariwisata dan shuttle (travel) di Kota Bandung. Berdiri sejak 1988, Jackal Holidays selalu mengutamakan kenyamanan penumpang sehingga berhasil meraih penghargaan sebagai perusahaan angkutan umum pariwisata dengan pelayanan terbaik se-Indonesia pada 2010 dan 2012.

  8. Paket

    Jackal Holidays Paket merupakan jasa pengiriman paket khusus rute antar ke Bandung, Jakarta, Tangerang, dan Bekasi dengan sistem pool to pool. Jackal Paket menjamin barang Anda sampai dengan aman dengan asuransi, cepat dengan pelayanan Regular dan Same-Day service, juga harga pengiriman yang terjangkau mulai dari Rp15.000/Kg. Pelayanan 24/7.

  9. Jackal Holidays

    For the tour and travel services, Jackal Holidays offers travel assistance services both for individuals and group, to various attractive destinations in Java, Bali, Lombok, and Sumatra. In providing this service, Jackal Holidays uses various types of vehicles, ranging from luxury coaches that can accommodate up to 6 passengers to big buses ...

  10. Jackal Holidays Travel Bandung

    Keberangkatan DIPATIUKUR PUSAT - JATIWARINGIN. 04:15 05:00 05:15 05:45 06:15 07:15 08:15 09:15 10:15 ... Sosial Media Jackal Holidays Shuttle ...

  11. 6 Travel Bandung Jatiwaringin PP: Jadwal, Harga, Fasilitas

    Jackal Holidays Merupakan salah satu jasa travel Bandung Jatiwaringin yang sudah senior, punya banyak rute perjalanan yang mencakup wilayah Jawa Barat dan Jakarta sekitarnya. Saat ini, sudah banyak lokasi shuttle bisa dipilih tentunya dengan fasilitas yang tak kalah dengan penyedia travel lainnya.

  12. Travel Jackal Holidays

    Sekilas Tentang Jackal Holidays. Jackal Holidays menjadi salah satu perusahaan jasa transportasi yang ada di Indonesia dengan lokasinya berada di Kota Bandung. Perusahaan ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1988 serta sangat berpengalaman akan dunia pariwisata dan transportasi darat dengan motto andalan yang berbunyi "The Best in Traveling Services".

  13. Shuttle Terbaik! Fasilitas Lengkap

    Jatiwaringin, SPBU Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin No. 4 ... Keywords: Luxury Shuttle, Pilihan Travel Terbaik, Sewa Armada Bagus, Jackal Holidays Pariwisata, Jackal Holidays Shuttle, Shuttle Bandung Jakarta, Shuttle Mewah, Shuttle Murah, Liburan Seru, Rekomendasi Tempat Liburan, Pool Shuttle Online, Travel Bandung Jakarta, Shuttle Cepat, Shuttle ...

  14. Best Shuttle Services for Jakarta

    2. Jackal Holiday. Jackal Holiday provides a comfortable and safe travel experience. Each unit is equipped with excellent facilities, including CCTV monitoring, a captain seat for every passenger, USB slots, and assigned seating. The available routes include Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Central Park, Fatmawati, Grogol, Jatiwaringin, and more.


    Things to Do Restaurants Flights Travel Stories Cruises Rental Cars. Add a Place Airlines Travelers' Choice Help Center. Europe. Russia. Central Russia. Moscow Oblast. Elektrostal. Elektrostal Hotels. Apelsin Hotel. ... As far as i know the breakfast is far above-average for russian standards however on weekends and holidays serving starts at ...

  16. Jackal Holidays Travel Bandung

    Keberangkatan KIARACONDONG - JATIWARINGIN. 09:30 Keberangkatan KIARACONDONG - KUNINGAN. 10:00 10:15 11:30 12:30 Keberangkatan KIARACONDONG - VIRTUAL POOL RAMAYANA CIREBON SQUARE. 04:00 ... Sosial Media Jackal Holidays Shuttle ...

  17. <%if ($Tourid !="") {echo $TourName;}%>

    RUSSIA TRAVEL PACKAGES A selection of Russian tours to take as they are or adjust to your needs. THE GOLDEN RING Visit the heart of ancient Russia. What is the Golden Ring? MOSCOW TOURS What you can see in Moscow. MOSCOW DAY TRIPS Get out of Moscow and take a relaxing trip to some of these places.

  18. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  19. Jackal Holidays Travel Bandung

    jl. dr. djunjunan no.87, pajajaran, kec. cicendo, kota bandung, jawa barat 40173n( seberang grand aquila hotel / holiday in, sejajaran toko oleh oleh, sebelum rumah sakit hermina ) keberangkatan pasteur - alam sutera. 03:00 ... jatiwaringin. 04:15 ... sosial media jackal holidays shuttle ...

  20. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.